Request for quotation
Barka Foundation for Mutual Help Ul. Św. Wincentego 6 61-003 Poznań KRS 0000137089 NIP 782-11-46-599 REGON 001415387
You are kindly requested to tender your offers for organization foreign study visit in the offer contest guided on article 70 – Civil Code – we are looking for offers that provide services as: training and education (learning about social economy, social enterprises, social cooperatives etc in Germany), accommodation service, catering and bus transport during the implementation of foreign study visit in the ministerial project „Integrated support system for the social economy” co-founded by European Social Fund. Offers provide espacially: 1. Training and education: learning about social economy in Germany: information about technical and practical side of leading social economy in Germany examples of social economy: social cooperatives, social enterprises, social support centers, professional support centers etc. 2. Accomodation service, catering and bus transport during the implementation of the foreign study visit. Place: Germany Date: 27-31.08.2012 Number of people: 15
Fundacja Pomocy Wzajemnej Barka 61-003 Poznań, ul. św. Wincentego 6 | Tel: +48 61 668 23 00, Fax: +48 61 668 24 16 | e-mail:,
Accomodation service: Accommodation service must be provided by the social economy entity. Double/single rooms, with bathroom and single beds. Parking place for the bus, price should be included in the price of accommodation. Catering: Service must be implemented by the social entity. For each day of the study visit
Contractor shall provide: Breakfast Lunch Dinner Coffe, Tea, Water, Cold Drinks
Client stipulate the right to the final selection of menu proposal. Catering must be pursued in the same building as accommodation service (at least breakfast) . Service – bus transport (In case study visit group will not have their own transport) The couch must fulfill all technical requirements The coach should have a min. 16 seats. Training: Presentation of the structure and activities of social economy entities in Germany (6-8 selected examples of social enterprises operating not only for profits, implementation of social reintegration project). Presenting a program of social and professional reintegration, visiting social economy entities: social cooperatives, social enterprises, social support centers, professional support centers etc. Presentation of the German legal system concerning the appointment of social enterprises, legal forms, financing, market orders, social clauses, cooperation with local communities, local social enterprises and commercial enterprises/business. Activities carried out by the executor should provide 8 hours of social economy training each day of study visit. Executor of study visit shall provide a training room for the duration of the study visit with necessary equipment: wireless Internet access, screen, flipchart, flipchart paper, markers.
Fundacja Pomocy Wzajemnej Barka 61-003 Poznań, ul. św. Wincentego 6 | Tel: +48 61 668 23 00, Fax: +48 61 668 24 16 | e-mail:,
Client is required to submit a detailed program of the whole substance of the study visit. The study visit should enable participants to learn about the culture and customs prevailing in Germany. General remarks: Service must be booked 7 days before the study visit. Client will inform the executor about final number of participants in the study visit. 7 days before the study visit, executor shall provide the client a detailed program of the visit, indicating meal times. The executor is obligated to provide the settled program. The term of the service: 27-31.08.2012 The offer should provide: 1. Client’s statement: Accepts all the terms of the contract referred in this inquiry, has adequate technical facilities, which will allow implementation of the contract. Accepts the model contract. 2. Cost estimate – valuation of individual elements of the contract (gross amounts) :
the cost of accommodation per person per day the cost of educational service per person catering cost per person costs of transport per km.
3. Presentation of the object in the form of description (description should contain location of the object, surroundings, endowment). Tender selection criteria: 1. Most advantageous price for the client. 2. Accommodation and catering service shall be provide by entity of social economy.
Fundacja Pomocy Wzajemnej Barka 61-003 Poznań, ul. św. Wincentego 6 | Tel: +48 61 668 23 00, Fax: +48 61 668 24 16 | e-mail:,
Please send offers to the email address or send to the to the Client office (Barka Foundation for Mutual Help, Ul. Św. Wincentego 61-003 Poznań) in the time limit: 30.07.2012 Bids submitted after deadline will be not considered. Client reserves the tender conditions may be amended or revoked (bidders will be notified). The offers competition can be closed without selecting any tender. Client enclose a model contract.
Fundacja Pomocy Wzajemnej Barka 61-003 Poznań, ul. św. Wincentego 6 | Tel: +48 61 668 23 00, Fax: +48 61 668 24 16 | e-mail:,