3 minute read
Foundation’s Message
from The Barker #134
Celebrating 40 Years
2022 marks the 40th anniversary of the Barker College Foundation. Incorporated in 1981, the first meeting of the Foundation was held on 23 March 1982. In a letter sent to the parent community in June that year, the Foundation’s aims were outlined: “The Foundation aims to endow and strengthen the School by encouraging the gift of funds and by stimulating people to use their talent and experience for the welfare of Barker.” Whilst the purpose of the Foundation has not changed over the past four decades, its role and how it can continue to actively support a now fully coed School, both philanthropically and in kind, is something that the Directors of the Foundation have recently discussed at length through a series of workshops. The Directors of the Foundation represent a diverse group of talented current and past parents, some of whom are also old boys and girls of the School, who generously provide their time, skills and knowledge, to assist Barker. The 2022 – 2024 Strategic Plan for the Foundation has as its focus, five pillars, namely: • Indigenous Education - continue to grow and develop the model of learning ‘on country’. • Partners for the Future program – building on the goodwill and relationships the School has with its community. • Named Scholarships – introducing new Named
Scholarship for our students through the support of the Barker community. • Fundraising and Financial Endowment – engaging the community on the journey to provide students with opportunities that realise their dream of a
Barker education. • Community – bringing together our Alumni, current and past parents, grandparents, staff and friends to support the School’s Vision to inspire every learner, every experience, every day. To all our Alumni, our current Barker families and the many families who have joined Barker this year, I invite you to keep up to date and to learn more about the work of the Foundation at https://www. barker.college/community/foundation or contact foundation@barker.nsw.edu.au to see how you can become involved.
John Slack-Smith Foundation Chair
Inside this issue 43 OBA President 44 Life Beyond Barker 46 46 Our newest Alumni 48 OBA Groups 52 Community Events 54 Personal Notes 57 Obituaries
Old Barker Association Contacts email: oba@barker.nsw.edu.au (Please note that the number in brackets after a name is the graduating year) President Angus Abadee (07) 0433 108 525
Honorary Vice-President Emily Tutt (09) 0426 751 165
Honorary Treasurer Andrew Hassall (86) 0412 610 434
Assistant Honorary Treasurer Benjamin Ho (09) Honorary Secretary Josh Grace (90) Assistant Honorary Secretary Anna Sutton (05) General Committee Vanessa Bennett (91) Georgia Breckenridge (18) Gemma Dywer (Davies 09) Declan Flaherty (16) Anthony Hearne (90) Jenny Kalaf (Melville 78) Lachie Lloyd (18) Nominees to School Council David Trayner (84) OBA Ambassador Chris Russell (70) OBA Annual Patron Sandy Hollway (64) OBA Seniors Contact Ian Pont (63) oba@barker.nsw.edu.au
OBA Support for Life https://landing.mymirror.com.au/old-barkerassociation
Talk to an online psychologist today
Old Barker Association is supporting you with 3 sessions with My Mirror online psychologist. School Contacts Director of Alumni and Community Relations Karina Drummond (02) 8438 7283 kdrummond@barker.nsw.edu.au Archives Rachel Byrne (02) 8438 7290 archives@barker.nsw.edu.au Events Manager Julie Fitzpatrick (02) 8438 7240 events@barker.nsw.edu.au
Interstate and International Barker Contacts Adelaide Lane Hinchcliffe (00) 0412 130 935 (m) lane@lkggroup.com.au Brisbane Andrew Wilkie (01) 0412 779 383 (m) andrew.wilkie@morgans.com.au Canberra Andrew McColl (74) 0422 985 281(m) as.mccoll@icloud.com Melbourne Murray Anderson (65) 0457 000 407 (m) murray@capricorngroup.net.au Newcastle Nicholas Bedggood (88) 0410 565 101 (m) nickbedggood@yahoo.com.au Northern Rivers Jim Poulos (61) 0413 087 412 pamio@bigpond.net.au Perth Gus Elliot (92) 0416 298 774 (m) gus.elliot14@gmail.com
Contributions Welcome Please send contributions to Karina Drummond, Director of Alumni and Community Relations, 91 Pacific Highway, Hornsby NSW 2077 or kdrummond@barker.nsw.edu.au.
For further information please contact Karina Drummond on 8438 7283. Personal notes are published in good faith, as a service to the Barker Community.
Sunshine Coast Phil Benjamin (61) pandj.benjamin@bigpond.com Upper Hunter Charles Cooke (65) (02) 6545 8141 (w) charles_cooke@esat.net.au Canada, Ontario George Darling (70) gdarling@sandstormgold.com Hong Kong Vacant
Japan Carl Bastian (93) carl@rwo.okinawa Middle East David Baker (85) +965 9950 1657 drwbaker2002@yahoo.co.uk New Zealand Michelle McLachlan (Dooley 96) +64 27 838 7838 mmclachlan@trustwave.com Oceania (Fiji) Neil Underhill (75) (679) 336 3968 (w) neilunderhill@connect.com.fj Papua New Guinea Johnson Kalo (83) (675) 305 6703 (w) jhnsnka03@gmail.com Philippines Steven Robinson (77) steve.robinson@dfat.gov.au Singapore Carly Switzer (94) carlyswitzer@yahoo.com.au UK, London Annette French (Slattery 88) (44) 1732 382 281 (h) annette.e.french@sky.com USA, East Coast New York Alex Skellet (94) (917) 251 3361 (h) alexandraskellet@gmail.com USA, West Coast Phoenix, Arizona Digby Cook (56) (623) 523 4321 (h) digbyhcook@gmail.com