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Teaching and Learning
from The Barker #134
Business Accelerated
This year, a small group of Year 10 Barker College students have had the opportunity to study an accelerated course in HSC Business Studies.

The Accelerated Business Studies course is an advanced learning pathway for high-potential and gifted students who have demonstrated an ability to work to a high academic level and at a faster pace. The classes operate outside the normal timetable and students are required to manage their time with their other co-curricular commitments. The course follows the HSC Business Studies syllabus but is designed to suit the needs of advanced learners. This allows for some curriculum compaction to allow time to focus on more complex aspects of the course. Year 10 students Hannah Angus and Orlando Springer, have started the accelerated course this year and are happy with the flexibility and ability to be able to carry out the work for the course when it fits in to their day-to-day schedule. “I have appreciated the flexibility and feel very supported by my teachers and peers because everyone has the same goal. It’s nice to be part of it,” said Hannah. “It has felt like an extended learning opportunity which has personally driven me a lot and has already challenged me academically,” Orlando added. Both students expressed advice for Year 9 students considering the course. “I think it’s a really good course, even if you’re not necessarily going into business. It’s valuable to learn real life lessons. We are listening to real life experiences and being part of that accelerated community it’s helping me stay motivated and improve in all of my classes,” said Hannah. “It’s an opportunity to push yourself, motivation is a key aspect and I found it’s helped with my schedule because a lot of the work is your responsibility,” said Orlando.

Hannah McGrory Social Media Coordinator
Greg Longney Director of Teaching & Learning

Music Camp

It was initially a bit touch and go for Music Camp 2022, but the heroes of the day were the Barker Covid Safety Team whose diligence and careful consideration allowed hundreds of happy campers to restart the Barker Music Program with energy and excitement.

Administering and checking 389 RAHT results thanks to the patience and understanding of our music parents, allowed the camp to safely proceed. For our new students there were no strangers, just friends they had not yet met, and many new acquaintances were formed on the coach trip to Stanwell Tops. On arrival, the students launched into their first rehearsals for many months with spirit and commitment. The traditional whole camp trivia night and two student evening concerts allowed everyone to let their hair down after the days of disciplined rehearsal. Activities such as abseiling, archery, giant swing and the leap of faith are always very popular and provide physical challenges that create a well-rounded camp experience for the students. The Music staff were delighted to spend four days together with such enthusiastic Music students and it was truly inspiring to see how a shared love of music can rebuild a sense of community so quickly. It was such a great way to reboot Barker Music.
Simon Smith Head of Music
Musical Boot Camp
In mid-January, the Beauty and the Beast cast gathered for five crazy days of Musical Boot Camp!
We danced, sang and worked really hard to pull the ensemble pieces together for our long-awaited Musical, after we had missed six weeks of rehearsal due to the COVID-19 restrictions. The first few days were focused on choreography as we learned the major ensemble numbers. All the dances are choreographed by Claire Yeomans, so they are hugely energetic and heaps of fun. Directors, Simon Thompson and Simon Smith make sure that each student gets to have their moment to shine. They do an amazing job of developing our acting skills and combining them with the dances to create animated and engaging scenes. It was inspiring to see the Musical gradually come together and watch how the ensemble worked with the leads to create magical theatre. One day of rehearsal consisted of a rough run of Act One and Two, this was amazing to watch because even though it was a work in progress, we could see the flow of the Musical and watch it come together. It also gave most of the ensemble a chance to see the amazing leads work as they performed their scene. On the last two days we had the privilege of working with Sean Peter to record our ensemble parts. It was a professional studio set up in the Music Centre to help us record each chorus part. It was such an incredible experience. We sang for four hours to record each of our parts, with some people even doubling up and doing eight hours!!

Overall, Musical Boot Camp was such a rewarding experience as we learned so much and saw the Musical coming to life! It was also a great bonding experience for the whole cast, and we strengthened our friendships both within and across year groups. I would encourage all Barker students to get involved in the Musical and all the amazing Drama and Music opportunities Barker has to offer. We have all had an amazing experience and this has strengthened our performance skills, ensemble skills and friendships!
Emily Whiting Year 12 I had the privilege of working with Dr Alison Gates to organise the costumes. We have had the amazing opportunity to hire professional costumes for most of the cast which look stunning on stage. During the rehearsals, we had to take measurements of each person in the cast to make sure they all have the costumes they needed for each scene and that they fitted! I also worked on some of the costumes for a large ensemble moment and helped Dr Gates sew them together and make adjustments. It has been such a rewarding experience so far as I can use my textiles skills to make my contribution to the Musical. Beauty and the Beast is a fabulous Musical and gave us the chance to be extremely creative in developing unique costumes.
Lisa Miller Year 12