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The Rick Pinsky Brunch Speaker Series
Sponsored by Men’s Club Sundays • $7 • RSVP to 937-293-9520
Feb. 5, 10 a.m.: Marshall Weiss Editor & Publisher, The Dayton Jewish Observer, Jewish Connections to the Titanic In partnership with Miami Valley Jewish Genealogy & History Feb. 19, 10 a.m.: Larry Burick Attorney

Religious Freedom in the Roberts CourtGood or Bad for Jews?
Feb. 26, 9:45 a.m.: Renate Frydman, Ph.D. Chair, Dayton Holocaust Committee A Reason for SurvivalTo Understand, To Educate, To Heal at Temple Israel, 130 Riverside Dr., Dayton, part of Ryterband Lecture Series

Beth Abraham, Dayton’s only Conservative synagogue, is enthusiastically egalitarian and is affiliated with the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism. For our complete program schedule, go to bethabrahamdayton.org.

305 Sugar Camp Circle • Dayton, Ohio 45409 937•293•9520 • www.bethabrahamdayton.org
Pasch said. “And that inevitably leads to the growth of all hate. What starts with Jews never ends with Jews.”
A major benefit of the survey is now ADL offices across the country can use it as a guide to determine what is driving the growth of antisemitism and design interventions as a response, Pasch said.
“Once we have a key sense of what drives antisemitism, we can better target interventions towards those specific drivers,” he said. “It’s going to take a whole-of-society approach to combat the rise in antisemitic beliefs, attitudes and incidents. Every single one of us has a role to play, and what this study shows is we can’t wait any longer for everyone to get involved.”
And while organizations play a large part in advocating on the statewide and national level, Pasch said the role individuals play in their communities is just as important.
“Whether it is uncomfortable conversations with friends, colleagues, neighbors or elected officials, we can no longer let antisemitic comments get by,” he said. “We can’t ignore it anymore. Those uncomfortable conversations are necessary to stop this in its tracks. We can all do our part in our communities.”