Barnabas Gifts 2016-2017

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s a b a n r ba gifts Sharing God’s love with suffering Christians 2017

ÂŽ hope and relief for the persecuted church


Front Cover: A Syrian Christian in Damascus with her food parcel from Barnabas Aid

Dear Friend, The book of Philippians speaks much of Christians sharing. We share in the Gospel and in God’s grace, but we also share in our Savior’s sufferings. We share in the troubles and distress of our brothers and sisters, and we should also share with them “in the matter of giving and receiving” as the Apostle Paul puts it (Philippians 1:5,7; 3:10; 4:14-16). In this Gift Catalog you will find many ways that you, your small group, or your church can share with Christians facing persecution, discrimination, and poverty because of their love for the Lord Jesus Christ. Our special feature for 2017 (page 5) gives details of our ongoing Operation Safe Havens to rescue Christians whose lives are in danger. The current main focus is on those in Iraq and Syria who want to re-start their lives in a safe country in another part of the world. Please do take a moment to read this update and the other stories on the following pages. Each page of this booklet focuses on a particular area of need and suggests individual gifts, which could make a thoughtful alternative birthday or Christmas gift - and we can also supply an attractive Thank You card to send to the person on whose behalf you have made the donation. For details of the different Thank You cards available, see the pull-out on the center pages.

Growing your gift Regular gifts allow us to plan strategically, respond quickly to urgent situations, and also help to keep our administrative costs low. Our recurring donations form can be found on the center pullout. Please prayerfully consider your response to the needs outlined in the following pages and give as the Lord leads. Pray also for the projects described and those they seek to help. May you be blessed as you stand in the gap for the suffering body of Christ. Yours in the service of the persecuted Church, Caroline Kerslake International Director of Projects


What did your gifts achieve of oppression in the last year?* Inandenvironments persecution‌ ‌Barnabas Aid supported:

29,487 29,487 victims of violence in 22 countries

504 360 pastors and 144 evangelists in 25 countries



498 individuals with training or start-up costs for small businesses in 10 countries

8,282 school children in 8 countries

12 12 medical and care projects in 8 countries

9 converts from other religions in 9 countries



37,089 individuals in 9 countries following natural disasters

37 water projects in 4 countries

‌Barnabas Aid provided:


364,500 150,000 Bibles and Scriptures and 214,500 other pieces of Christian literature printed or distributed in 16 countries

food and basic needs for 203,958 individual in 14 countries


25,074 leadership training for 25,074 individuals in 24 countries

ly 2015 *From Ju

61 churches and associated buildings built or repaired in 19 countries

- June, 30



s n a i t s i r h C g n i Rescu from danger

“You will be secure, because there is hope; you will look about you and take your rest in safety.� (Job 11:18) One of the first group of Iraqi Christians welcomed in Prague, Czech Republic


Special Feature

Operation Safe Havens


ou don’t need to be afraid when walking down the road. In our own country we have never experienced this kind of freedom and security,” said Majid, an Iraqi Christian from a Muslim background who is now settled with his family in the Czech Republic. Hundreds of thousands of Christians have had to flee from Syria, Iraq, and other countries. They are at risk from Islamic extremism and violence from other groups. Our Operation Safe Havens has already rescued over 500 Christians from Syria and Iraq and brought them safely to Poland, the Czech Republic, Turkey, Canada, and Australia. Hundreds more are ready to go, with your help. When visas have been granted, Barnabas Aid helps Christian families move to a safe country, where they are linked to local churches to help them settle in. We pay their airfares and basic living costs for up to a year, unless these are covered by the receiving local churches or government grants. “We need nothing, because [Barnabas Aid] has covered all our expenses. We are very glad,” says Majid.

$52 provides food for a Syrian refugee family in Poland for one week

$461 pays for one Christian to fly from the Middle East to Europe

$660 enables a Christian to fly from the Middle East to Australia

Barnabas has provided vital aid for 1,062 Iraqi and Syrian Christian families living in Turkey.

Reference number: 00-1199


s n a i t s i r h C g Savin dying of hunger “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.� (Matthew 25:40) Food for Christians in Damascus, Syria


Basic Needs


ast year Barnabas helped to feed over 203,000 hungry Christians, including supplying basic provisions for Christians who have fled Islamist violence in Iraq and Syria. Barnabas also supports needy believers in Pakistan and Egypt, where Christians are often discriminated against, so it is difficult for them to find jobs and when they do they are often very poorly paid.

$24 helps feed a Christian family in Pakistan for a month

“Most relief organizations are run by Muslims and they discriminate against us when giving food rations,” explained one Christian refugee in the vast Dadaab camp in Kenya. Barnabas intervened to help the believers in Dadaab by supplying beans, maize flour, and cooking oil. A new Barnabas initiative called Project Joseph provides emergency feeding for Christians in famine situations. Working through local churches, we are currently providing 40 tons of food a month in Zimbabwe, and further food aid in Ethiopia. Both countries are suffering their worst drought in decades. “Thank you for the mealie meal which you donated to us. You saved many lives because there was no rain. All the church members appreciate what you did. God bless you,” said one Zimbabwean Christian.

$33 provides a monthly food parcel for Syrian Christian refugees in Armenia

Barnabas has provided over 1,400 tons of food in Zimbabwe since 2008. Reference number: 00-636 Feeding Fund Project



Giving a cup of cold water “The poor and needy search for water, but there is none; their tongues are parched with thirst. But I the Lord will answer them; I, the God of Israel, will not forsake them.� (Isaiah 41:17) Hand pump in Pakistan provided by Barnabas Aid




arnabas Aid is providing water to nearly 200,000 people in the besieged city of Aleppo, Syria. Access to clean and safe water is easily taken for granted, but for Christians living as a despised minority it can be a daily struggle. In one village in Uzbekistan, the entire Christian community has been refused access to drinking water, while the well owned by a pastor and his family in western Sri Lanka was deliberately poisoned, causing the pastor’s children to become ill. Christians in Pakistan have also been prevented from drawing water from communal pumps, forcing them to try and find alternative sources, which can be a danger to health. Even in communities not threatened by persecution, poorer families may still need to carry water on foot over considerable distances. Barnabas Aid comes to the aid of believers by supplying water pumps and filter systems, covering the cost of digging wells, and other projects which ensure that Christian communities have safe access to their own sources of clean water. Last year we helped 37 water projects. “Today we are with water – water is life and we thank the Lord and you for this,” said one beneficiary of a Barnabas well project in South Sudan.

$152 covers the cost of a hand pump in Pakistan

$6147 provides a bore well for a Christian community in South Sudan

Supporting our water projects provides a more secure way of living and improves the health and quality of life for Christian families living with poverty or persecution, who do not have access to mains water supplies. Reference number: 00-635 Water Projects Fund


a g n i d Provi

p i h s r o w o t e plac

“Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labor in vain.� (Psalm 127:1) A church in Myanmar (Burma) celebrate their new and larger building, which will accommodate the many extra members of their congregation who have joined them after fleeing violence elsewhere


Church Buildings


Sri Lanka, Barnabas Aid is building 100 churches for congregations affected by war, disaster, persecution, and poverty.

In Uzbekistan it is illegal for Christians to pray together in anywhere other than a registered church building. But it is very hard to gain that registration. Even in places where there are registered church buildings, some are too small to enable the whole church to meet together. “Many church members are fined because they hold gatherings in private houses,� explained one pastor. In countries where Christians are already in the minority they can find it extremely difficult to rent premises from hostile landlords and can face violent opposition for attempting to construct churches. In some cases, existing church buildings have been damaged by angry mobs or deliberately destroyed by the authorities. If the congregation is poor then no one has a large house, and believers end up without anywhere to gather for worship or for ministry. Having their own building enables them to worship together and also provides a place of comfort and belonging for beleaguered Christian communities. Barnabas has helped fund church building projects in 19 countries in the last year. As well as construction projects, we also helped cover legal costs for land titles to secure the ownership of properties in countries where congregations face the possibility of losing their buildings by legal challenge.

$66 paid to register the ownership of a church building in Uganda

$963 supplied a heating system for a church hall in Kazakhstan

$6596 could build a church in Sri Lanka, where churches have been destroyed by war or congregations are too poor to build their own

Reference number: 00-637 Church Buildings Fund


e p o h g n Bringi in the midst of fear “The Lord comforts his people and will have compassion on his afflicted ones.� (Isaiah 49:13) Barnabas Aid helped provide assistance for victims of church attacks in Garissa, Kenya


Victims of Violence


ast year, Barnabas Aid assisted 29,487 victims of violence in 22 countries.

“You were the first who contacted us and offered practical help.” – Bishop of Lahore, Pakistan, after the Easter 2016 bombing. When three church pastors in Nagpur, India, were arrested for sharing the Gospel with Hindus they were brutally beaten in their cells. Barnabas provided emergency funds to hire a lawyer and secure their release. “If we had not received this help, we would have [continued to be] tortured physically and mentally,” one of the pastors said. Barnabas was also able to assist the victims of the 2016 Easter Sunday bombing in Lahore, Pakistan, in which 74 believers were killed and 370 injured when a suicide bomber deliberately targeted the Christians celebrating in a park. Barnabas also supports widows in several countries whose husbands have been murdered for their faith, by helping with daily living and housing costs. Violence is an everyday reality for believers in many countries, with converts from Islam especially at risk. Barnabas Aid helps with the day-to-day needs of believers who have suffered persecution by providing emergency aid and legal representation, funding church security measures and safe houses, as well as assisting with trauma counseling, medical care, restoration of livelihoods, and other needs.

$200 provides a metal detector to help secure a church in Cameroon

$508 covers legal fees to secure the release of an Indian church pastor who was wrongfully arrested

Reference number: 00-345 Victims of Violence


“ “

I have followed the work of Barnabas Aid for many years and heartily recommend their vision of bringing hope and practical aid to Christians under persecution around the world.


Baroness Caroline Cox

When I am visiting a country, where Christians are under pressure, quite often a priest, a minister or a lay person will ask quietly whether I know about the Barnabas Aid. When I say, “yes,” their eyes light up and they tell me how Barnabas has encouraged them with a church building, a school, or medical assistance. It is this kind of ministry which needs to be supported by prayers and by generosity so that the situation of our brothers and sisters is eased a little by our love.

“ “

Rt. Rev. Michael Nazir-Ali - UK

Rev. Dr. Michael Green - UK

“ “

“ “

Let us not just thank God for the initiative of the Barnabas Aid, but give to it.

Not only did Jesus say, “Do good to those who persecute you”, he emphasized coming to the aid of our brothers and sisters who are suffering. Barnabas Aid is taking Christ’s command seriously and putting it into practice. It has my wholehearted support.

Professor Graeme Clark, AC - Australia

I heartily commend Barnabas and the energetic way in which it meets so many of the practical needs of so many persecuted Christian communities.

Dr. Don Mathieson Q.C. – New Zealand


Gift Form

To make a Gift of Love for the persecuted Church, please use the following forms.

You can either set up a regular donation, or make a single donation to the General Fund, or to one or more of the projects whose reference numbers are listed throughout the booklet. Simply fill out your contact details below and then fill out page ii for

single donations or page iii for regular donations. If you would like us to send you a gift card(s) following your donation, please also complete page iv with details of the wording required.

I / We would like to help the persecuted Church:

GOL 2017

Mr / Mrs / Miss / Ms / Rev / Dr / Other.................(Please Circle)

Name �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Address ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Zipcode ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Telephone ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Email ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������

® hope and relief for the persecuted church

When complete, please pull the form out of the catalog and send it to your nearest Barnabas Aid office (addresses on the back cover).


For Single Donations

GOL 2017

I / We want to bring hope to the persecuted Church by a single gift, to be used: where it is most needed (General Fund) or for ........................................ (give reference number of project to be supported)*

Here is my single gift of $ ............................................................. I enclose a check payable to “Barnabas Aid” OR Please debit my: Visa


American Express


Card Number CV Number (last 3-4 numbers on back of card) / Signature..................................... Expiration Date I do not require an acknowledgement of this gift

Please supply your address on page i and send us all four pages. Please return this form to your nearest Barnabas Aid office (addresses on the back cover).

Other ways to donate You can now give by a simple text! Text the word “Give” followed by the amount to (703) 810-7681 (example: Give 100 to donate $100 or Give 25 to donate $25). Please note: The first time you do this there is a short registration process to link your payment card to the donation. Support our mission by shopping, saving, or clipping coupons at Giftfluence. Visit our Giftfluence page: ( to learn more about how you can give back through your online activity. AmazonSmile is operated by Amazon. Customers can have the same shopping selection but the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the price of eligible purchases to charitable organizations selected by the customer. The first time a customer logs in, they can select a charity, to donate to Barnabas Aid, search for “Barnabas Fund.” Please log in at: to get started. Credit card donation: Please phone (703) 288-1681 or visit www.

*If the project chosen is already sufficiently funded, we reserve the right to use designated gifts for another project of a similar type.


For Regular Donations

GOL 2017

I / We want to bring hope to the persecuted Church by a regular gift, to be used: where it is most needed (General Fund) or for ................................................ (give reference number of project to be supported)* Regular giving options - Any gift you are able to give will make such a difference to our persecuted brothers and sisters. But if you are able to commit to giving a set amount on a regular basis, this allows us to respond effectively to urgent needs, to plan ahead effectively and to minimize our overhead. Donate by Recurring Gift - Gifts made by Recurring Gift require no ongoing effort on your part. Once your Recurring Gift is set up, a regular amount set by you will be transferred to Barnabas Aid from your US credit card, at an interval of your choice. Recurring Gifts can be set up by filling out a recurring gift form, available from the US Barnabas office by calling (703) 288-1681 or emailing

Please return this form to Barnabas Aid and not to your bank. See back cover of this catalog for address details. Recurring Gift: (for US supporters only) I would like to give a regular gift of $............. (amount in words) .......................... Starting on .........................(day) of (month)................................... and then every month / quarter / year (circle as applicable) until further notice. This Recurring Gift is a new one / in addition to / replaces an earlier Recurring Gift to Barnabas Aid (circle as applicable).

Please debit my



American Express


Card Number CV Number (last 3-4 numbers on back of card) Expiration Date



I do not require an acknowledgement of this gift *If the project chosen is already sufficiently funded, we reserve the right to use designated gifts for another project of a similar type.


A Lasting Legacy to the Persecuted Church


any people have savings and assets that for good practical reasons they cannot share during their lifetime. A bequest to help the persecuted Church in your will enables you to express a desire to be generous that you may not have been able to put into practice in any other way. Please consider remembering Barnabas Aid in your will. A booklet entitled “A Christian Guide to Making and Changing Your Will” is available free of charge. Simply check this box to receive a copy

Gift Cards




If you choose to support a Barnabas Aid project as an alternative gift for a friend or relative, we can supply you with an attractive “Thank you” card, which you can send to the person on whose behalf you have made the donation. Please fill in the details below and please complete your name and address on page i. Please print.

“Dear ....................................................................................................................... A gift of $................................................. has been received on your behalf from ................................................................................................................................ This gift will assist Christians who are persecuted for their faith. With many thanks on behalf of the persecuted Church.” Please state your preferred card choice (see above): ____ Check here if you do want the amount to be stated on the card Check here if you do wish details about the project to be included on the card If you would like more cards, please photocopy this page or attach a separate piece of paper with the details for the extra cards and send it with your donation. You can also call your nearest Barnabas Aid office with the details and pay by credit card over the phone. Please send this pull-out form to your nearest office (addresses on back cover).

If you would like to have the card sent directly to the recipient, or if you would prefer to receive blank cards and fill them out yourself, please contact your national office (address details on back cover).


About Barnabas Aid As part of the family of God, Barnabas Aid stands with our Christian brothers and sisters around the world, including the West, wherever they suffer discrimination, oppression, or persecution as a result of their faith. In this way we witness to the love of Christ and build His Kingdom. 1. We encourage prayer for the persecuted Church by providing comprehensive prayer materials. We believe in the power of prayer to change people’s lives and circumstances, either through grace to endure or through deliverance from suffering. 2. We channel money from Christians through Christians to Christians. Donations from individual Christians and churches are forwarded to local ministries and Christian organizations in contexts of persecution, mainly in Muslim-majority environments, to bring about practical and spiritual transformation in the lives of suffering believers. We fund projects that have been developed by local Christians in their own communities, countries, or regions. Thus we act as equal partners with the persecuted Church, whose leaders often help to shape our overall direction. 3. We tell the untold story about the plight of persecuted Christians and speak out on their behalf, making their needs known to Christians around the world and to governments and international bodies. We seek to tackle persecution at its root by making known the aspects of religious and secular ideologies that result in injustice and oppression of Christians and others. We also equip Christians in the West to meet the challenge that other religions pose to the Church, its mission and society. We believe in the clear Biblical teaching that Christians should treat all people of all religions and none with love and compassion, even those who seek to persecute them. We carry out our vision and purpose accordingly, but we will not compromise what we believe the Word of God teaches.

“As we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.� Galatians 6:10, NIV emphasis added


Encouraging new believers

“Everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life.� (Matthew 19:29) A summer camp for children of converts in Azerbaijan to encourage them in their Christian faith


Convert Care


arnabas Aid have been a father, mother, brother, and sister to me.” – Nissar Hussain, Bradford, UK, badly beaten and hospitalized for being a convert from Islam. Last year we helped more than 2,000 converts from Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism, all in desperate need. Safina’s husband walked out of their home in south-western Uganda when she became a Christian, leaving her as the sole provider for their five children. But her local church was able to offer her vocational training as part of a project funded by Barnabas. “I was given a tailoring machine which I used to start a shop. I now pay [school] fees for my children and from this experience my husband has returned home and accepted Christ and agreed to be baptized,” she explains. Barnabas works to provide practical and spiritual support for converts by assisting local initiatives that provide specialized discipleship training, pastoral care, new livelihoods and safe places for converts to live so they can begin to rebuild their lives. Your gift could provide food for Afghan converts from Islam, pay for convert children to attend a Christian summer camp in Azerbaijan, or fund discipling and vocational training for new believers in Uganda who have been disowned by their Muslim families.

$29 provides a parcel of groceries for an Afghan convert family living in other Asian country

$264 covers the cost of a certificated vocational training course for a Muslim convert in Uganda

Reference number: 00-113 Convert Fund


s n a i t s i r h c g n i l b Ena to be self-sufficient

“Be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded.� (2 Chronicles 15:7) A Christian widow in Sri Lanka with her new flock of goats


Small Businesses


ast year Barnabas helped 498 Christians to become economically selfsufficient with their own small businesses in ten countries. When Muslim neighbors in Burundi seized Jean’s bicycle after he converted to Christianity, he not only lost his sole method of transport, but also his livelihood. The simple gift of a replacement bicycle from Barnabas Aid enabled Jean to carry on running his taxi bike business. “I had no hope of daily survival. I was living in economic trouble because my previous taxi bike was taken back by Muslims because I became a Christian. Now my hope of life is restored,” says Jean. In many countries, Christians trying to work for a living can face discrimination because of their faith. It is hard for them to get jobs, especially if they are a convert from the majority religion. With your help they can acquire the skills and basic materials they need to set up their own small businesses and thus provide for themselves and their families. Your gift could transform a believer’s prospects by providing vocational training to Christian widows in Sri Lanka, funding a catering and hospitality course for a young believer in Myanmar (Burma), or enabling a persecuted Christian family in South-East Asia to start their own mushroom cultivation business.

$92 provides a mushroom incubation house so a Christian family in South-East Asia can start their own mushroom farm

$123 pays for a Christian young person to attend a hospitality training course in Myanmar (Burma)

Reference number: 00-356 Small Business Start-up Fund


e h t g n i p Equip saints

“If you point these things out to the brothers and sisters, you will be a good minister of Christ Jesus, nourished on the truths of faith and of the good teaching that you have followed.� (1 Timothy 4:6) Bible study training in Kyrgyzstan


Leadership Training


ast year Barnabas helped to train 25,074 Christians in 24 countries.

“We are happy to have such possibility to train our local church leaders. All of them lead small village churches (10-15 people) and they don’t have any chance to get needed Biblical knowledge. They work in far regions and they need encouragement very much … Many Christians face persecution from local people and relatives and it affects church leaders. During training they have opportunity to talk about own problems, pray for each other, ask senior pastors advice on how to support other believers.” – local organizer of a leadership training course in Kyrgyzstan. For church leaders in many countries, training and discipleship opportunities are rare. There is an urgent need for pastors to be better equipped to build up and strengthen their congregations, particularly in contexts where Christians face daily harassment and pressure to convert to the majority religion. Specialized leadership training courses, tailored for specific situations, are vital for building the Church. We also support individual church leaders during their studies at Bible school. By supporting local churches with materials and funding, projects such as the “Training of Trainers” program in Mozambique can have a huge impact. The initial goal is to train 150 teachers who will then be able to educate other Christian leaders about the current challenges facing the Church in Africa, which will eventually lead to 7,500 pastors across Mozambique receiving guidance in leading outreach and discipleship.

$26 trains a church leader in Mozambique on the particular challenges facing the Church there

$53 pays the cost of travel so that a small church leader in Kyrgyzstan can attend a Bible training course

Reference number: 00-430 Leadership Training Fund


s r o t s a p g n i t r o p Sup s t s i l e g n a v and e

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters.� (Colossians 3:23) A pastor in Central Asia supported by Barnabas Aid baptizing a new believer


Christian Workers


ast year Barnabas Aid helped to support 504 pastors, church-planters, and evangelists serving the Lord in 25 countries. They are ministering in their own countries or to their own people-groups in Asia, Africa and the Middle East. Many face great hostility and opposition, but by supporting them through Barnabas Aid you can enable them to fulfill their God-given calling in sharing the Gospel and strengthening the faith of God’s people. For one pastor in Central Asia, leading a church means being responsible for 25 groups of believers, most of whom are converts from Islam, spread over a distance of more than 60 miles. Gathering in small groups in homes is the only way to encourage one another, to pray and worship together, and to share fellowship and teaching. Many congregations are too poor to be able to pay a pastor to work full time, so Barnabas Aid steps in to assist with a portion of their living and ministry expenses, enabling church leaders to dedicate their time to the congregations in their care. Freeing church leaders and evangelists from the burden of having to earn a living means they have much more time for ministry.

$32 helps support a pastor in Pakistan for a month

$82 provides monthly support to an evangelist in Tajikistan

Reference numbers: 00-477 Pastors’ Support Fund; 00-478 Evangelists’ Support Fund

f o s d r o w g n i v i G t n e m e g a r u o c n e 24

“Then all the people went away to eat and drink, to send portions of food and to celebrate with great joy, because they now understood the words that had been made known to them.� (Nehemiah 8:12) A pastor in Kazakhstan receives a book to aid in sermon preparation


Christian Literature


ast year Barnabas provided 364,500 items of Christian literature including 150,000 Bibles and Scriptures.

“Freely received and freely given is the gift of God … I am truly grateful for this wonderful and beautiful Bible. Thank you for your love and compassion for us.” – a new believer in Myanmar (Burma) who received a Bible from Barnabas Aid. The availability of the Scriptures is still extremely limited in many countries, where sometimes not even pastors own a complete Bible and many Christians do not have access to the Word of God in their mother tongue. Barnabas supports translation projects across Asia and Africa, as well as the distribution of Bibles and audio recordings as an alternative for Christians who are unable to read. Barnabas has recently helped to provide Bibles and Scriptures in eleven countries. Other Christian literature and resources are also in short supply in many countries where believers suffer persecution, but they can be vital in helping to strengthen the faith of believers under great pressure. For example, Barnabas has recently helped fund the translation of books by John Bunyan and Billy Graham into Kazakh for believers in Central Asia.

$10 provides five Swahili New Testaments in Tanzania

$30 pays for the printing of 100 copies of a Bible study guide for believers in Kazakhstan

Reference numbers: 00-360 Christian Literature Fund; 00-362 Bibles and Scriptures Fund


e h t g n i h c Tea d r o L e h t f ways o

“These words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children.� (Deuteronomy 6:6-7) Christian children in a classroom at one of the 65 schools Barnabas supports in Pakistan


Christian Schools


ast year, Barnabas enabled 8,282 Christian children in eight countries to get an education in a loving, Christian school environment. “If it wasn’t for Calvary school our children would be working with us at the brick kiln,” says Sajad Masih. All four of Sajid and Sumera’s children attend Calvary School in the Punjab province of Pakistan, which, with financial support from Barnabas Aid, provides very low cost education for 360 Christian children, including 200 girls. “They learn Bible verses and songs and sing them to us at home. We feel really blessed that our children are getting education at an ideal place,” Sajad explains. Other children are not so fortunate. In countries where Christians are in the minority, children from Christian families are often victimized in government-run schools, even being given inappropriate lower grades in their work and failed in exams. Barnabas assists 74 Christian schools with funding for teacher salaries, school buildings and learning materials for pupils. Supporting the operating costs means the schools can offer placements at minimal fees so that even the poorest Christian parents can give their children the opportunity of an education.

$8 covers the cost of school textbooks for a child in Pakistan for a whole year

$29 on average per month funds a school place at a Christian school for a needy Christian child* *Supporters who give regularly will receive a card with the name and photograph of one child and a twice-yearly newsletter about the project (Project 00-514 School-Place Sponsorship Fund)

Reference number: 00-794 Christian Schooling for Christian Children

USA 6731 Curran St, McLean, VA 22101 Telephone (703) 288-1681 or toll-free 1 (866) 936-2525 Fax (703) 288-1682 Email

New Zealand PO Box 27 6018, Manukau City, Auckland, 2241 Telephone (09) 280 4385 or 0800 008 805 Email

UK 9 Priory Row, Coventry CV1 5EX Telephone 024 7623 1923 Fax 024 7683 4718 From outside the UK Telephone +44 24 7623 1923 Fax +44 24 7683 4718 Email For a list of all trustees, please contact Barnabas Fund UK at the Coventry address above.

Northern Ireland and Republic of Ireland PO Box 354, Bangor, BT20 9EQ Telephone 028 91 455 246 or 07875 539003 Email

Australia PO BOX 3527, LOGANHOLME, QLD 4129 Telephone (07) 3806 1076 or 1300 365 799 Fax (07) 3806 4076 Email Germany German supporters may send gifts for Barnabas Fund via Hilfe für Brüder who will provide you with a tax-deductible receipt. Please mention that the donation is for “SPC 20 Barnabas Fund”. If you would like your donation to go to a specific project of Barnabas Fund, please inform the Barnabas Fund office in Pewsey, UK. Account holder: Hilfe für Brüder International e.V. Account number: 415 600 Bank: Evang Kreditgenossenschaft Stuttgart IBAN: DE89520604100000415600 BIC: GENODEF1EK1

Singapore Singaporian supporters may send gifts for Barnabas Fund online via Olive Aid Trust: Beneficiary: OLIVE AID TRUST Bank Name: United Overseas Bank (Malaysia) Berhad Swift Code: UOVBMYKL Location: KUALA LUMPUR Account Number: 140-901-654-0 International Headquarters The Old Rectory, River Street, Pewsey, Wiltshire SN9 5DB, UK Telephone 01672 564938 Fax 01672 565030 From outside UK: Telephone +44 1672 564938 Fax +44 1672 565030 Email

® hope and relief for the persecuted church

© Barnabas Aid 2015

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