Barnabas Gifts Catalogue 2019-2020

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barnabas gifts

Dear Friend, Twice in the New Testament Jesus used the phrase “a cup of cold water,” which in Jewish culture suggested the most basic form of hospitality. In Matthew’s Gospel, Christ draws our attention to this humblest of gifts and raises it up before us as being of great value because it is offered to one of Christ’s “little ones” in need (Matthew 10:42). Jesus’ admonition about giving “a cup of water in My name” (Mark 9:41) has been misunderstood as simply applying to anyone in need. But, if we closely examine our Lord’s words, this is about serving those who belong to Him, our fellow believers. By showing practical love and care for our Christian brothers and sisters, we are demonstrating our love of Christ through our love for them. First of all, by noticing and feeling concern for their suffering and then, by prayer or gift, helping to meet their need – whether great or small. Our suffering family around the world faces discrimination, oppression and persecution every day because of their faith. They are Christ’s suffering Church, who endure poverty, marginalization, violence and even death for the sake of His Name. Although far away in distance, through prayer and by practical support, we can stand right alongside them in their hour of need. Supporting Barnabas Aid through your gifts and prayers for the projects you will read about in the following pages is a powerful way that you can relief fellow believers. Barnabas provides wonderful opportunities for committed giving through Living Streams (p.12), where a regular gift of any amount can help to transform lives. If you choose to sustain a family or sponsor a child we will send you a prayer card with a photograph and details of the brothers and sisters you are supporting, as well as regular news updates.

In this Barnabas Gifts catalog you will find many ways that you, your small group or your church can give a gift to Christians facing persecution, discrimination and poverty for owning the name of the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior. By donating to a project you can make a lasting, often life changing, difference to the lives of our Christian brothers and sisters who are standing firm in their faith in the midst of great adversity. On each page of this catalog you will find a particular area of need in focus and suggested individual gifts that could make a thoughtful alternative birthday or Christmas gift. We can also supply an attractive gift card to send to the person on whose behalf you have made the donation. For details of the different gift cards available, see page 14. Growing your gift Regular gifts allow us to plan strategically, respond quickly to urgent situations, and also help to keep our administrative costs low. Our regular donations form can be found on page 14. Please prayerfully consider your response to the needs outlined in the following pages and give as the Lord leads. Pray also for the projects described and those they seek to help. May you be blessed as you stand in the gap for the suffering Body of Christ.

What did your gifts achieve in the last year?* 11,270


79,959 Food and basic needs to over 79,959 Christians


School places for 15,200 Christian children


Leadership training for 11,270 Christian leaders in 20 countries


Small business start-up projects for 7,527 Christians

Care for 13,919 victims of violence in 14 countries




Aid for 24,666 victims of natural disasters

51 churches and other Christian buildings

Care for 969 persecuted converts in 12 countries

Support for 462 pastors and evangelists

172 172 wells and water filter systems


Yours in Christ’s service,

JOHN MARSH Interim Chairman, Barnabas Aid Board of Directors

270,318 pieces of Christian literature, including 235,594 Bibles and New Testaments

8 medical projects to help about 5,200 people in 6 countries

Join Living Streams to give regularly any amount, large or small … see page 12. THE RT REV. AND RT HON. THE LORD CAREY OF CLIFTON Patron of Barnabas Aid

August 2019

Please note that suggested donation figures or other amounts in this Barnabas Gifts catalogue are based on typical costs or previous project costs. * When the “last year” is mentioned in the text throughout this catalog it refers to May 1, 2018 to April 30, 2019.

Set the captives free Pakistani brick-kiln workers

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” (Philippians 4:13, NKJV) “You are like Moses, leading us out from slavery!” said Jamila, a bonded brick-kiln worker set free when Barnabas paid off her debt. Brick-kiln families in Pakistan are bonded laborers, tied to their brick-kiln by a debt they owe its owner. Many Christian families are basically “enslaved” in this way. The debts – incurred at times of family illness etc. – can be passed down from generation to generation. He borrowed to feed his children Amanat worked seven days a week in a brick-kiln, making 1,000 bricks a day which earned him 800 rupees (approximately $5.30). But Amanat never took any wages home because every rupee went straight back to the brick-kiln owner to pay interest on a loan taken at the time of a family crisis. He even had to borrow money to buy food for his children. “My Lord has sent me good news through Barnabas Aid. Now I enjoy freedom from debt!” exclaimed Amanat. After paying off their debts, brick-kiln workers can spend all their income on raising their families. Barnabas also helps them stay out of debt by providing them with food packages so that they can put some money aside to pay for future family emergencies or other outgoings such as school fees. Just $24 can provide a monthly food parcel, while $31 could enable one adult from a brick-kiln community to learn to read, write and add up at an adult literacy class. And $54 provides one year of schooling for a child. Barnabas has paid off the debts, which can range from $300 to $3,000 of hundreds of families, but many more are in need. Barnabas Aid will provide a photo, with names and ages, of the family you have helped to set free, if requested. REFERENCE NUMBER:

41-1356 TO FREE FROM DEBT A PAKISTANI CHRISTIAN BRICK-KILN FAMILY Amanat, his wife, Rehana, and one of their four children, who are finally able to go to school. Their lives were transformed when Barnabas supporters paid off a debt that consumed all they earned

We also welcome donations for food parcels, schools or adult literacy classes to help Christian brick-kiln workers. Your local Barnabas Aid office will be able to assign the reference number for such donations.



Delivering clean, safe water to Christians Saving from thirst

“I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint.” (Jeremiah 31:25)

Christian children in a slum area of the Pakistan capital, Islamabad, have been provided with clean drinking water after Barnabas Aid supplied two schools with water filter systems. The continuous supply of fresh water cuts the risk of the children contracting waterborne diseases and it also means the schools no longer have to purchase bottled water and can redirect funds previously spent on that to other priorities. “Clean drinking water facilities are blessings and lovely gifts of Barnabas Aid for our school,” a pre-school teacher at one of the schools told Barnabas Aid in July 2019. In other areas of the world where Christians are a persecuted minority they are sometimes denied access to water as a form of discrimination. Their water source, for example, could be poisoned or access could be cut off. Women walking long distances to fetch water may also risk harassment or violence. Natural disasters can also seriously damage water supplies. After heavy rains in March 2019 caused landslips and flooding in Papua, a poor and mainly Christian province where the Indonesian government has been advancing Islam, more than 113 people died and 11,000 had to be evacuated from their villages. Barnabas sent water filter machines to Christian communities here after the lake they relied upon for drinking water was contaminated by seawater and mud.

Saul enjoys a refreshing drink of clean water beside his family’s new Nadi water filter in the Sindh province of Pakistan. Barnabas funded the installation of ten hand water pumps and 150 low-cost Nadi water filters in 15 Christian villages in that province

In total, we provided 22 wells and 150 filter systems in six countries over the last year*: Bangladesh, Cameroon, Guinea, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and Uzbekistan.



could provide a Nadi water filter in Pakistan



could provide a tube well in Bangladesh



provided one 100-foot well for a persecuted convert community in Uzbekistan

Children from very poor Christian families in Islamabad stand next to a water dispenser at their school. Barnabas provided water filters for two schools in the Pakistani capital REFERENCE NUMBER:


Feeding hungry Christians Food and basic needs


is a typical cost to provide 22lbs of mealie maize to a family in Zimbabwe

(Psalm 107:5-6)

“Sometimes I have lived without meals. The little I could get would be given to me by my neighbors if they had any,” said Edina, a blind Christian refugee from South Sudan at Camp Rhino in Uganda. “Thanks to Barnabas Aid I can now live longer … Glory be to God. If this program was to end today, people like me definitely will die,” Edina told us after receiving food through a Barnabas project in April 2019. Barnabas Aid feeds Christians around the world who are hungry because they are poor, and they are poor because of anti-Christian discrimination. In total, over the last year* about 80,000 people in twelve countries were helped with regular food and other basic needs by Barnabas, including Armenia, Cameroon, Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, Myanmar, Pakistan, Syria, Uganda, and Zimbabwe.

South Sudanese refugees await food supplies in Uganda, where Barnabas Aid has been providing relief


“They were hungry and thirsty, and their lives ebbed away. Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble, and He delivered them from their distress.”

Christian families in Pakistan may be sponsored by our supporters and sent a monthly food package. This enables the families to regularly put aside a little bit of money for medical or other family emergencies.




could provide a monthly food parcel to a poor Pakistani Christian family



could provide food and basic needs (such as fuel), as winter relief over a four-month period for a poor Christian family in Armenia You will receive a photo of the family you are providing for and a newsletter with updates on the food project you are involved in.



00-1500 FAMILY FEEDING SPONSORSHIP FUND (for committed regular giving) 00-636 FEEDING FUND (for one-off gifts)



Enabling Christians to become self-sufficient Small businesses

“And let the beauty of the LORD our God be upon us, And establish the work of our hands for us; Yes, establish the work of our hands.”

could provide a piglet for a Christian family in south-east Asia

(Psalm 90:17, NKJV)

In Kyrgyzstan, many businesses employ only Muslims, which forces Christian men to travel in search of work, leaving wives and children behind. In one remote Kyrgyz community, we provided money for five of these struggling Christian families, who have converted from Islam, to buy cattle. The cows produce milk and manure, a very valuable commodity in the region, to sell. This new business start-up enables these brothers in Christ to remain with their families and continue to play important roles in their local churches. “When we brought one of the brothers five cattle, his children couldn’t sleep because they were looking at cows all night! All the family was very happy,” said one of the Christians. Anti-Christian discrimination in employment occurs in many countries. Animals are a great gift to help persecuted Christians start their own businesses so they can strive to become self-sufficient economically.

A goat distribution project aims to help 2,400 South Sudanese Christian families, including these women, all refugees in Uganda. They in turn will help others by giving away their goat’s first female kid



A simple but effective goat distribution project paid for by Barnabas Aid is helping South Sudanese refugee Christians in Uganda support themselves. A female goat is given to a Christian family who must then give away its firstborn female kid to another Christian refugee family. Selling a well-grown kid can raise enough money to cover the cost of schooling for two children for an entire year. In the last year* 7,527 Christians in 15 countries were helped with starting up small businesses as a way for individuals to earn a living and support their families.



could provide a goat in Uganda to generate income for a South Sudanese refugee family



could provide one month’s food and accommodation to a Christian in Myanmar participating in hospitality vocational training



could help train and equip a Christian woman in Sri Lanka to earn a livelihood in a small tailoring business



could employ and sustain a tribal and Dalit Christian family through a palm jaggery business in India



Blessed with a good education

Schools for the persecuted and poor

“Hold on to instruction, do not let it go; guard it well, for it is your life.” (Proverbs 4:13) Where Christians are a minority, their children are often persecuted when they go to school, so Christian schools for Christian children is one of Barnabas Aid’s priorities. In the last year*, we have helped 15,200 Christian children gain a highquality education at a total of 135 Christian schools and other educational projects in eleven countries. In Bangladesh, where just 1% of the population are Christians, Barnabas is supporting schools in desperately poor communities where Christianity is flourishing. “I received all books, bag, notebook, and pencil and did not have to pay for them,” said Mukta, who is in a pre-school class. “Please pray for me that I may know more about Jesus and study hard.” Hope for the next generation Massah Shahid (pictured right) is from an impoverished family in Faisalabad, Pakistan, but thanks to gifts from Barnabas supporters, she can attend a Barnabassupported Christian school where she is doing brilliantly. She wants to be a doctor and her favorite Bible verse learned at school is Matthew 7:7, “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.” (NKJV)




could provide a set of schoolbooks and materials for a Christian child




is the average cost of sponsoring a school place for a Christian child for one month



could cover the monthly salary of a Christian teacher in Pakistan

Nine-year-old Massah Shahid is doing brilliantly at school in Pakistan, but she wouldn’t be there without Barnabas supporters’ help REFERENCE NUMBER:

Children at a Christian school supported by Barnabas Aid in Bangladesh

1 A Barnabas supporter who sponsors a child receives a photo of the child and a newsletter detailing updates on our school projects.

00-514 SCHOOL-PLACE SPONSORSHIP FUND (for committed regular giving) 00-794 CHRISTIAN SCHOOLING FOR CHRISTIAN CHILDREN (for one-off gifts)


Standing alongside Christians facing terror and injustice Victims of violence

Barnabas Aid helped 5,400 mainly Christian Kachin people who fled the Myanmar army’s genocidal campaign, supplying them with rice, tarpaulins, and medicine

“Though an army may encamp against me, My heart shall not fear; Though war may rise against me, In this I will be confident.” (Psalm 27:3, NKJV)

A total of 13,919 victims of violence were aided in 14 countries by Barnabas Aid over the last year*. Help was given to victims of terrorist attacks including medical care for the injured and funeral costs for those killed in the Sri Lanka Easter Sunday 2019 bombings, help for refugees fleeing from violence in the Middle East, and victims of “legal persecution” – such as Aasia Bibi in Pakistan. Women’s prison ministry Sudan is one of the most hostile places for Christians in the world, with the Islamist government actively trying to eliminate any shred of Christianity from the nation. Christian women are locked up in prison with their children for infringing Islamic sharia law. Barnabas has funded a prison ministry to support more than 1,200 jailed women and including about 150 children in just one year. We pay the women’s fines so they can be released and, in the prison, the chaplains provide three Christian services every week. We also provide medicine, blankets, clothes and Bibles to these women.



could provide clothes, a sleeping mat and a blanket for a displaced Kachin Christian



could pay the fine of a Christian woman jailed in Sudan for infringing sharia law



could pay for legal support for one month for a Nepali pastor or church worker unjustly detained

Precious, a widow, and her two children were left homeless and traumatized after their village in Benue State, central Nigeria was attacked by militant Fulani herdsmen. She was brought to a Barnabas-supported Christian ministry in Nigeria where the family receive shelter and food, and the children a good education REFERENCE NUMBER:


Strengthening through the Word of God

Scriptures and Christian literature

“Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock.” (Matthew 7:24, NKJV) For 40 of the 46 years of Pastor “John’s” ministry in a south-east Asian country, he had no Bible. He saved up money for seven years and was finally able to buy a Bible for about $22 – at least two months’ average wages in the region – before Barnabas became involved. It was the only Bible in his village. John’s congregation is now growing spiritually in the Lord with free Bibles provided by Barnabas Aid. We have so far distributed 32,485 Bibles to Christians in isolated and impoverished hill tribes in a south-east Asian region, which would enable every family to have one if they were precisely distributed. These Christians must carefully conceal their precious Bibles because if discovered, the Scriptures are burned by the military or government officials. In some countries and regions where Christians are persecuted, believers only have verses painstakingly handwritten or learned by heart. Having a Bible in their own language helps believers grow in the Lord and strengthens them to face the pressures of injustice, poverty, and persecution.

These Christian women were thrilled to receive Bibles through Barnabas Aid at this south-east Asian location where many Christians, even pastors, wait decades for a Bible of their own

Last year* Barnabas Aid helped to provide 270,318 items of Christian literature, including 60,594 Bibles, 175,000 New Testaments and 34,724 other books in 23 countries. (In the image, left, the words on the Bible have been concealed for security reasons)



could provide an Indonesian Bible for impoverished Papuan Christians whose Bibles were destroyed in floods



could provide a Bible in the Uzbek language for Muslimbackground Christians



could provide 10 copies of a discipleship book in the Kazakh language



a month

could provide 12 Bibles a year to strengthen and offer hope to Christians living under oppression and persecution Turn to page 12 to read how your committed regular giving to our Bibles and Scriptures Fund can get a Bible to a hard-pressed believer every month of the year.





Sheltering Christians from the storm Disaster relief

“They were glad when it grew calm, and He guided them to their desired haven.” (Psalm 107:30) In this world, natural disasters seem to strike one after another without remorse, and when Christian survivors ask us for help, we deliver it as quickly as possible through local Christian organizations or churches. The relief we send to Christians is often crucial, especially in regions where Christian minorities are discriminated against when local government aid is distributed. On May 2, 2019, Cyclone Fani devastated India’s Odisha state, where Christians have faced severe and violent persecution from extremists. A Barnabas Aid staff worker who was in the area said, “Their simple homes and their few possessions were at the mercy of the destructive winds and rain. But their faith and hope in the Lord remain unshaken.” Rebuilding out of the rubble Barnabas sent relief to around 20,000 of our brothers and sisters in Odisha, mainly to repair or rebuild flimsy homes badly damaged or destroyed. We also sent vital relief to Christian survivors of the earthquake followed by a tsunami that struck the Indonesian island of Sulawesi in September 2018, killing at least 2,256 people and wrecking 70,000 homes.

When flash floods ripped through several Papuan villages, Barnabas provided Christian communities with clean water, water purification systems and 3,000 Indonesian Bibles. These children show their gratitude, wearing new school uniforms also provided by Barnabas



provided clean water for a family of six in Papua, Indonesia, after flooding



repaired a family’s house in flood-ravaged Kerala, India



built a multi-purpose hall to replace a destroyed church after an earthquake and tsunami in Sulawesi, Indonesia

One of our local partners said, “It is important for the recipients to find out that fellow believers have gone at great length to buy, transport and distribute the relief goods and to know that God is looking after them.” We sent disaster relief to about 24,666 people in nine countries over the last year*.



Strengthening pastors and evangelists Christian workers

“You show that you are a letter from Christ, the result of our ministry, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts.” (2 Corinthians 3:3) Pastor Yosua, 58, is a church planter who bravely operates a small house church in the midst of a community of fanatical Muslims in Indonesia. Yosua, who was recently widowed, said he is sustained and empowered by the relief sent by Barnabas Aid and adds it is so uplifting to know Christians “far away care about you and pray for you.” A blessing that multiplies The Christian love from Barnabas supporters is “like the five loaves and two fishes, the kind of blessing that multiplies,” said a Barnabas Aid partner who visited Yosua and the other church planters in Java in 2019. In the last year*, we have supported 388 pastors and 74 evangelists in 15 countries, including 40 church planters like Pastor Yosua in Indonesia, serving God in their own country or their own people-group, many in very hostile environments. Gifts from you enable them to devote their entire time to ministry. Bible, theological and ministry training Another way to help those in ministry is to provide appropriate training. Many serving the Lord faithfully, bravely and diligently have had little or no opportunity to study and acquire knowledge and skills to equip them for service. Over the last year*, Barnabas has helped 11,270 students in 20 countries with theological and other Christian leadership training.

Pastors and evangelists at a training conference in Central Asia




could provide support for a church planter in Indonesia for one month



could provide a threeday training course for a pastor in Central Asia



could help support an evangelist in rural Kenya for one month



could provide one year’s theology training for a trainee pastor from a Boko Haramaffected community in Cameroon




From an infinite reservoir of Christian love flows … Living Streams: committed giving to persecuted Christians


“Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”


a month could provide 12 Bibles a year to guide and strengthen the faith of persecuted Christians2 00-362 BIBLES AND SCRIPTURES FUND

(Luke 6:38) Around the world, Christian minorities are suffering, whether it is facing daily discrimination, or the possibility of violence and even death. Many are killed every year, all because of their love of our Lord Jesus Christ. This persecution continues year after year, but through Living Streams you can stand with these Christians by offering them hope and encouragement through your direct help through Barnabas Aid.



a month could sponsor a schoolchild to grow in body, mind and spirit through a Christian education2 00-514 SCHOOL-PLACE SPONSORSHIP FUND

One of the most powerful encouragements for them is discovering they have a Christian family around the world – far away in miles but close to them in spirit – who cares about them and is sending help. Remember Pastor Yosua on page 11. He was devastated by the loss of his wife, Rahel, who was his partner in his Christian ministry. But he was uplifted and empowered to continue his ministry by knowing Barnabas supporters far away were simply thinking about him, praying for him and acting to sustain him.



a month could provide a food parcel to help sustain a Christian family2

Through Living Streams, you can take action by committing on a regular basis to sustaining and strengthening persecuted Christians. You can become part of an essential, continuous outpouring of Christian love to your brothers and sisters around the world who are in need.

You can join Living Streams by giving any regular amount, large or small. You can sponsor a child (p.7) through their school years and see them grow in the Lord, sustain a family (p.5) living in poverty with monthly food parcels, support evangelists and pastors (p.11) in their ministry, and strengthen suffering Christians in their faith through the Word of God’s grace by investing in the gift of a Bible each month (p.9).

The Barnabas-supported Divya Shanthi children’s home and school ministry started when babies were saved from being sacrificed to “sea gods” and “river gods.” Now children like these from very poor Christian families in Bangalore, India are gaining an education in a Christian environment. Through Living Streams you can sponsor a child’s education to change their future

You can join Living Streams or find out more by visiting our website: or contact us on or 703-288-1681. Barnabas will give regular news updates to all those who give regular support by joining Living Streams. If you choose to sponsor a child or sustain a family, we will send you a prayer card with a photograph and details of the suffering believers you are helping.1




a month could support an evangelist or pastor in their ministry2 00-477 PASTORS’ SUPPORT FUND 00-478 EVANGELISTS’ SUPPORT FUND

Please note that we cannot normally arrange for the exchange of letters between a donor and those they are sponsoring. This is because of security issues in areas of persecution and to keep down administration costs, so that we can maximize the help given to the needy Christians. 2 Suggested amounts are based on typical costs. But you can join Living Streams by giving any regular amount, large or small. 1


Gift Form

To make a Gift of Love for the persecuted Church, please use the following forms.

You can either set up a regular donation, or make a single donation. You can give to the General Fund or to one or more of the projects whose reference numbers are listed throughout the booklet. Simply fill out your contact details below and then fill out the section for either single donations (this page) or regular donations (next page). If you would like us to send you a gift card(s) following your donation, please also complete the section on page 14 with details of the wording required.

I / We would like to help the persecuted Church: Mr / Mrs / Miss / Ms / Rev / Dr / Other

(circle as applicable)

For Single Donations

I / We want to bring hope to the persecuted Church by a single gift, to be used: where it is most needed (General Fund) or for ............................. (give reference number of project to be supported)*

Here is my single gift of $ ...................................... I enclose a check payable to “Barnabas Aid” OR Please debit my Visa Mastercard American Express

Name ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ Address ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������

Other ways to donate

������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ Zipcode �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Telephone �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������


Card Number CV Number (last 3-4 numbers on back of card) / Expiration Date Signature..................................................................... I do not require an acknowledgement of this gift


GOL 2019

You can now give by a simple text! Text the word “Give” followed by the amount to (703) 810-7681 (example: Give 100 to donate $100 or Give 25 to donate $25). Please note: The first time you do this there is a short registration process to link your payment card to the donation. Support our mission by shopping, saving, or clipping coupons at Giftfluence. Visit our Giftfluence page to learn more about how you can give back through your online activity.

Email ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� *If the project chosen is already sufficiently funded, we reserve the right to use designated gifts for another project of a similar type.

Please supply your address on this page and send the completed form to your nearest Barnabas Aid office (addresses on the inside back cover).

AmazonSmile is operated by Amazon. Customers can have the same shopping selection but the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the price of eligible purchases to charitable organizations selected by the customer. The first time a customer logs in, they can select a charity, to donate to Barnabas Aid, search for “Barnabas Fund.” Please log in here: to get started.


For Regular Donations

GOL 2019

I / We want to bring hope to the persecuted Church by a regular gift, to be used: where it is most needed (General Fund) or for ................................... (give reference number of project to be supported)*

Mr / Mrs / Miss / Ms / Rev / Dr / Other (circle as applicable) Name ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Address ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ............................................................ Zipcode ������������������������������������������������������

A Lasting Legacy to the Persecuted Church Many people have savings and assets that for good practical reasons they cannot share during their lifetime. A bequest to help the persecuted Church in your will enables you to express a desire to be generous that you may not have been able to put into practice in any other way. Please consider remembering Barnabas Aid in your will. A booklet entitled A Christian Guide to Making and Changing Your Will is available free of charge. Simply check this box to receive a copy

Gift Cards If you choose to support a Barnabas Aid project as an alternative gift for a friend or relative, we can supply you with an attractive “Thank you” card, which you can send to the person on whose behalf you have made the donation.

Telephone ............................. Email ������������������������������������������������������������������������

Please fill in the details below and please complete your name and address on page 13. Please print clearly.

Recurring Gift: (for US supporters only)

“Dear ...........................................................................

I would like to give a regular gift of $............. (amount in words) ................................ Starting on .........................(day) of (month)................................... and then every month/ quarter/year (circle as applicable) until further notice. This Recurring Gift is a new one/in addition to/replaces an earlier Recurring Gift to Barnabas Aid (circle as applicable). Please debit my



American Express


Card Number CV Number (last 3-4 numbers on back of card) Expiration Date


Signature...................................................................................................... I do not require an acknowledgement of this gift

Please return this form to Barnabas Aid and not to your bank. See inside back cover of this catalog for address details. *If the project chosen is already sufficiently funded, we reserve the right to use designated gifts for another project of a similar type.

A gift of $......................... has been received on your



behalf from ................................................................ This gift will assist Christians who are persecuted for their faith. With many thanks on behalf of the persecuted Church” Please state your preferred card choice (see right): ............ Check here if you do want the amount to be stated on the card Check here if you do wish details about the project to be included on the card If you would like more cards, please photocopy this page or attach a separate piece of paper with the details for the extra cards and send it with your donation. You can also call your nearest Barnabas Aid office with the details and pay by credit card over the phone. If you would like to have the card sent directly to the recipient, or if you would prefer to receive blank cards and fill them out yourself, please contact your national office (address details on inside back cover).



About Barnabas Aid As part of the family of God, Barnabas Aid stands with our Christian brothers and sisters around the world, including the West, wherever they suffer discrimination, oppression or persecution as a result of their faith. In this way we witness to the love of Christ and build His Kingdom. 1. We encourage prayer for the persecuted Church by providing comprehensive prayer materials. We believe in the power of prayer to change people’s lives and circumstances, either through grace to endure or through deliverance from suffering. 2. We channel money from Christians through Christians to Christians. Donations from individual Christians and churches are forwarded to local ministries and Christian organizations in contexts of persecution, mainly in Muslimmajority environments, to bring about practical and spiritual transformation in the lives of suffering believers. We fund projects that have been developed by local Christians in their own communities, countries or regions. Thus we act as equal partners with the persecuted Church, whose leaders often help to shape our overall direction. 3. We tell the untold story about the plight of persecuted Christians and speak out on their behalf, making their needs known to Christians around the world and to governments and international bodies. We seek to tackle persecution at its root by making known the aspects of religious and secular ideologies that result in injustice and oppression of Christians and others. We also equip Christians in the West to meet the challenge that other religions pose to the Church, its mission and society. We believe in the clear Biblical teaching that Christians should treat all people of all religions and none with love and compassion, even those who seek to persecute them. We carry out our vision and purpose accordingly, but we will not compromise what we believe the Word of God teaches.

“As we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.” Galatians 6:10, NIV emphasis added

International Headquarters The Old Rectory, River Street, Pewsey, Wiltshire SN9 5DB, UK Telephone 01672 564938 Fax 01672 565030 From outside UK: Telephone +44 1672 564938 Fax +44 1672 565030 Email USA 80 Abbeyville Road, Lancaster PA 17603 Telephone (703) 288-1681 or toll-free 1-866-936-2525 Fax (703) 288-1682 Email

Northern Ireland and Republic of Ireland Office 113 Russell Business Centre 40-42 Lisburn Road, Belfast BT9 6AA Please send post to our UK office address. Telephone 07875 539003 Email New Zealand PO Box 276018, Manukau City, Auckland 2241 Telephone (09) 280 4385 or 0800 008 805 Email

UK 9 Priory Row, Coventry CV1 5EX Telephone 024 7623 1923 Fax 024 7683 4718 From outside the UK Telephone +44 24 7623 1923 Fax +44 24 7683 4718 Email

Singapore Cheques in Singapore dollars payable to “Olive Aid Trust” may be sent to:Olives Aid Sdn Bhd, P.O. Box 03124Subang Jaya, 47507 Selangor, MALAYSIA Singaporean supporters may send gifts for Barnabas Fund online via Olive Aid Trust: Beneficiary: OLIVE AID TRUST Bank Name: United Overseas Bank (Malaysia) Berhad Swift Code: UOVBMYKL Location: KUALA LUMPUR Account Number: 140-901-654-0

Australia PO BOX 3527, LOGANHOLME, QLD 4129 Telephone (07) 3806 1076 or 1300 365 799 Fax (07) 3806 4076 Email

South Africa Office 301, 3rd Floor, Eikestad Mall, 43 Andringa Street, Stellenbosch 7599 Telephone +27 21 808 1668 Email

Germany German supporters may send gifts for Barnabas Fund via Hilfe für Brüder who will provide you with a tax-deductible receipt. Please mention that the donation is for “SPC 20 Barnabas Fund”. If you would like your donation to go to a specific project of Barnabas Fund, please inform the Barnabas Fund office in Pewsey, UK. Account holder: Hilfe für Brüder International e.V. Account number: 415 600 Bank: Evang Kreditgenossenschaft Stuttgart IBAN: DE89520604100000415600 BIC: GENODEF1EK1

Published by Barnabas Aid Inc. 1934 Old Gallows Road, Suite 350, Vienna, VA 22182

We channel relief

from Christians

through Christians

to Christians

In the last year*

462 payments were made to 392 projects in 66 countries


Our commitment to you is that every $1 of your donation will go to the project(s) you have chosen to help our suffering family. *May 2018 – April 2019

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