Barnabas Prayer March April 2017

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barnabasprayer To help you pray for the persecuted Church


Thank you for your prayers for our persecuted brothers and sisters in Christ, which make such a difference to them. We sometimes have to change or omit their names for security reasons, and we have only limited space to share their stories. But the Lord knows the people and places we are praying about. Thank you for your understanding. Please do not feel limited by the specific prayer requests, but pray as you feel led.

and that attempts to strengthen the political power of Islam will be thwarted. Give thanks for those Christians, especially believers from Muslim backgrounds, who have held fast to their faith in the midst of trial and tribulation. Ask God to comfort the families of those who have lost loved ones; may they know that they are not alone.

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March WEDNESDAY 1 Pray for embattled Afghan Christians, that they will know the Father as their hiding place and deliverance (Psalm 32:7), and be protected from hostility and violence. Pray that they will be encouraged by Christian radio and internet ministries reaching Afghanistan. Ask the Lord to provide for Afghan Christians who have left the country and now live as refugees. THURSDAY 2 Pray that Algerian believers will boldly share their faith with their Muslim neighbours, despite the possibility of imprisonment. Pray that the provisions already existing in the Algerian constitution that assert religious freedom will be observed and that Algerians will be free to choose their own faith without experiencing harassment or persecution from their neighbours. Ask that the government will allow Christians to meet together freely for worship anywhere without the need to register. FRIDAY 3 Pray that God will watch over and protect believers in Bangladesh

Christian children in Bangladesh at a preschool supported by Barnabas Fund SATURDAY 4 Give thanks that the implementation of the second phase of sharia (Islamic law) in Brunei has been delayed. Pray that continued international pressure will lead Sultan Hassanal to reverse the introduction of sharia – which treats Christians and other non-Muslims as inferior to Muslims – and to allow religious freedom for all citizens and expatriates in Brunei. Lift up believers as they seek to remain true to the Lord with all their hearts (Acts 11:23) in the face of the current repressive laws. Pray also for children in Christian families, as they grow up being persecuted; pray that, despite the tight restrictions on teaching Christianity, they will develop and mature in their faith.

SUNDAY 5 Lift up Christians whose lives have been torn apart by violence. Ask the Lord to bring peace to the hearts of those who have endured or witnessed violent attacks. Ask also that He will meet the material needs of those who have been left destitute after being forced to flee their homes or losing the breadwinner of the family. Pray that vulnerable Christian communities will find in the Lord a mighty rock and refuge (Psalm 62:7) when they have no earthly havens left, and ask Him to give them the courage they need to maintain a loving witness to Him in the face of violence.

TUESDAY 7 The majority of the population of the Central African Republic (CAR) are Christians. Nevertheless the violent Islamist group Seleka controls large swathes of the country. Pray for an end to the violence in CAR and the establishment of a stable government under FaustinArchange Touadéra’s leadership. Lift up the many Christians who have been internally displaced by the violence, as well as those who live in fear of attack; may they know and abide in the perfect love of God which drives out all fear. After a period of deep despair

WEDNESDAY 8 Pray for the needy children of Christian families around the world. Ask Him to be their Comforter and Protector at times of violence and their Provider when families have to flee in the face of danger. Pray for those who have no access to education for a release from the cycle of poverty, and for those for whom the classroom is a place of trauma and danger, that He will make a way for them to study in a safe and nurturing environment. Ask the Lord to guide persecuted children and enable them to grow up to be faithful men and women of God.

The Egyptian army repairing the church building in Cairo damaged in a bomb attack on 11 December, which killed 27 worshippers THURSDAY 9 Praise God that the government of Egyptian President al-Sisi continues to support and protect Christians. Pray that local authorities will implement the new laws governing church building and will deal favourably with believers looking to establish places of worship. Ask for God’s comfort for the grieving

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MONDAY 6 Pray that God will bring peace and stability to northern Cameroon. Pray that the violence against Christians perpetrated by Boko Haram will not spread and that those who have been displaced from the poorer northern regions of the country will be welcomed as they seek to rebuild their lives. Ask that widows who have lost loved ones will know the comfort and presence of the Holy Spirit; may they be held in the Father’s everlasting arms (Deuteronomy 33:27).

in 2015, when many pastors fled their posts, give thanks that efforts to rebuild the church across the CAR are beginning to bear fruit; lift up church leaders, that they will be strengthened in the knowledge that the Lord is the God of the nations.

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relatives of 27 Christians, mainly women and girls, who died in a bomb attack on a large church in Cairo on Sunday 11 December 2016. Christians were very encouraged by the public sympathy and support of many Muslims from all levels of society who offered their condolences. President al-Sisi affirmed that the Christians who had died were martyrs (a highly honoured status in Egypt) and ordered the army to repair the damaged building within three weeks. FRIDAY 10 Cry out to the Lord on behalf of our brothers and sisters held in Eritrean prisons, who face abuse and torture, with no recourse to proper justice; may they know the presence of the Lord who will never leave them or forsake them (Deuteronomy 31:6). Pray that repressive power structures will be replaced by a government for justice and truth. Pray that believers who have fled will be protected as they travel and that they will find safe places to rebuild their lives. Ask the Lord to provide especially for some 40,000 Eritreans (95% Christians) who have sought refuge in Israel but find themselves

marginalised and harassed by the authorities there. Around 3,000 of the Eritrean men are in a harsh detention centre in the Negev Desert. Thank the Lord for the compassion and kindness of many ordinary Israelis who donate food and clothes to help the Eritrean refugees, and pray for a Christian ministry supported by Barnabas Fund which seeks to meet the needs of the women in particular. SATURDAY 11 Pray for all Ethiopians who have been affected by the most serious famine for decades. Give thanks that Barnabas Fund, through its Project Joseph, has been able to work with local churches in Ethiopia to help some of the neediest. The seasonal rainfall from October to December 2016 in the south and south-east began late and was well below average. At the time of writing, livestock are in a poor state, crop production has been badly affected, and it was predicted that the March to May 2017 rains would also be poor. Ask that God will send rain in due season and that the land will again yield crops (Leviticus 26:4). Pray that attempts to Islamise the country will be thwarted and that the church in Ethiopia will unite and stand up for righteousness and truth in the face of threats from Islamic extremists. SUNDAY 12 Pray for the needy children

An English class in progress at the Eritrean Women’s Community Center in Tel Aviv

of Christian families around the world. Ask Him to be their Comforter and Protector at all times of violence and their Provider when families have to flee in the face of danger. Pray for those who have no access to education for a release from the cycle of illiteracy and poverty that may have beset their

families for generations. Pray for those for whom the classroom is a place of trauma and danger, that the Lord will provide a way for them to study in a safe and nurturing environment. Ask the Lord to guide persecuted children and enable them to grow up to be faithful men and women of God.

TUESDAY 14 Praise God for the growth of His Church in India. Pray that the Indian government will make a stand for the right of the Christian minority in India to worship and share their faith freely without the harassment and violence that they often face from Hindu extremists. Pray that Indian believers will continue to witness boldly that in Christ all are equal children of God, loved by Him, regardless of their status in society. WEDNESDAY 15 Pray for Christians in Aceh, Indonesia, who live under sharia (Islamic law). Ask that they will have peace and boldness to stand strong in

THURSDAY 16 Iranian Christians report that the persecution they endure worsened in 2016, with a steep rise in organised, government-sponsored anti-Christian campaigns on radio and television, as well as cases of deliberate defamation of well-known Iranian Christians, seemingly intended to portray them as morally and financially corrupt. There was also a crackdown on Farsi-speaking (Muslim-background) congregations; dozens of such house churches were closed and their members harassed, imprisoned and interrogated. Lift up to the Lord our Christian brothers and sisters in Iran, especially those who are converts from Islam. Ask that God will watch over and protect the dozens of church leaders and other believers who have been imprisoned for their faith and face the prospect of torture and long periods in prison without recourse to proper justice. Give thanks that the Church in Iran is growing despite every effort by authorities to stop the spread of the Gospel. FRIDAY 17 Lift up in prayer the thousands of Iraqi Christians who have been internally displaced by Islamist violence, as well as the many who have been forced to flee the country. Pray that they will know that they have a sure

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MONDAY 13 Pray for Jesus’ followers in the land of His birth; ask that God will give boldness to Christians who face opposition for their faith, especially Messianic believers. Pray for Palestinian Christians in the West Bank facing discrimination and pressure in their daily lives, that they will not be discouraged but that the joy of the Lord will be their strength. Ask that attempts by Hamas to sow fear among the tiny remaining Christian community in Gaza will fail and that they will not let their hearts be troubled (John 14:27). Pray that God will rein back those who plan violence and bring peace to a region that has experienced so much conflict.

the Lord and in His power (Ephesians 6:10). Give thanks that Indonesia’s Home Affairs Minister has stated that the government will consider revisions to the 2006 building regulations; pray that new legislation protecting Christians’ right to worship will be enacted speedily. Pray that the plans of those seeking to Islamise the country and murder Christians will come to nothing.

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and certain hope (Hebrews 6:19). Pray especially for those who remain, facing an uncertain future, having experienced and witnessed terrible things; ask that God will provide for their needs and that they will be able to maintain a Christian presence and witness without fear of persecution.

A Christian men’s choir in Kazakhstan SATURDAY 18 Lift up Christians in Kazakhstan who have faced an increase in restrictions over recent years. Pray that they will not be discouraged but will remain strong in the Lord. Ask the Lord to grant Christians wisdom, discernment and boldness as they seek to share their faith with others. Pray that the authorities will view Christians not with suspicion but with respect and appreciation, and that restrictions on them will ease dramatically. SUNDAY 19 Lift up to the Lord the many thousands of Christians in various countries who have fled their homes, and often their homelands, to escape the perils of persecution, violence or genocide. Ask that the Holy Spirit will be their Comforter and that God will be their refuge and strength, their ever-

present help in trouble (Psalm 46:1). Pray too that they will know God’s peace in their lives, whether He leads them eventually to return to their homes or to make a new life in their place of refuge. MONDAY 20 Pray for Christians in Kenya, that the Lord will protect believers living in areas vulnerable to attack by al-Shabaab Islamist militants. Pray that al-Shabaab will be defeated and that the spread of Islamist ideology in Kenya will be halted. Give thanks that the Kenyan government reversed its decision to implement tight restrictions on churches; pray that there will be no further attempts to curtail religious freedoms. TUESDAY 21 Lift up in prayer believers in Kyrgyzstan as they seek to live out their faith under pressure from restrictive government regulations; give thanks that plans to further tighten restrictions on churches – which would have required them to provide 500 members to register – appear to have been shelved. Pray that believers, especially Kyrgyz converts, will know God’s strength and peace (Psalm 29:11). WEDNESDAY 22 Pray that the law of the land will be upheld in Laos and that all Christians will be granted the right to practise their faith and worship together freely. Pray that those in prison will not be mistreated and will be able to witness boldly, despite their “chains”. Ask that God will provide for those Christians who have been forced from their homes and villages; may they look forward to being welcomed to new homes in a city whose architect and builder is God (Hebrews 11:10).

THURSDAY 23 Pray protection over Libyan Christians who live in grave danger because they have chosen to follow Christ; may the bravery of those who share their faith with friends and family draw others to the Lord Jesus. Raise up in prayer the many Christians among the migrants and refugees who have already left their own families, homes and countries, and now face the threat of violence in Libya because of their faith. Pray that God will give them the perseverance to stand firm.

SATURDAY 25 Praise God that Christians from minority ethnic groups in Myanmar (Burma) have secured representation and significant positions in the new government. Pray that God will give those Christians in leadership the wisdom to use their positions for good and to guide their country into ways of greater peace and equality. Ask that God will comfort those who have been the victims of violence at the hands of the military; may they know the Lord as their strength, stronghold and refuge (Jeremiah 16:19). SUNDAY 26 Pray for protection for Christian women, and especially those who have to go out to work in

MONDAY 27 Pray that Nepal’s parliament will change the law, so that Christians will be free to share their faith without risk of prosecution. Give thanks that the Church is growing despite believers facing discrimination and violence; ask that they will know the Holy Spirit as their Comforter and Counsellor (John 14:26). Pray that the plans of Hindu extremists to hurt or harm Christians will be disrupted and that Nepalese Christians will be able to live in peace and freedom. TUESDAY 28 Pray for the hundreds of thousands of Nigerian Christians who have been forced from their homes by anti-Christian violence whether from Boko Haram Islamist militants or ethnic Fulani Muslims. Ask that God will be their comfort and strength in the midst of great uncertainty. Give thanks that some of the schoolgirls

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FRIDAY 24 Praise God that Moroccan Muslims continue to come to Christ, despite the opposition and dangers they face. Pray that God will sustain and guide the small communities of Moroccan Christians who are forced to meet in secret for fear of persecution. Ask that the process of political reforms will be expanded into the religious sphere, so that Christians will be able to meet together openly and to share their faith freely without punishment.

dangerous contexts, for example in the homes of families from the majority community. Ask that the Holy Spirit will enable persecuted women to be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power (Ephesians 6:10) despite their vulnerability to abuse. On 24 November 2016, the Provincial Assembly of Sindh, Pakistan, unanimously approved a law to punish false conversions with up to life imprisonment. Praise God for this momentous decision which will help protect Christian and Hindu women and girls from being kidnapped by Muslims, forced to convert to Islam and then forced to marry a Muslim, often the very man who kidnapped them. Pray that the other four provinces of Pakistan will follow suit, and also Egypt where Christian women suffer in the same way.

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kidnapped from Chibok in 2014 have been freed, although many others remain in forced marriages to Boko Haram fighters; ask that God will give them hope and that those released will be welcomed back by their Christian communities, and will be healed from physical and psychological trauma. WEDNESDAY 29 A major statue is to be erected to Kim Jong-Un, the ruler of North Korea, on the country’s highest mountain; this is considered to be a sign that he is intent on building his own personality cult, like those of his father and grandfather, whose statues will also be included in the monument. The more the president’s cult develops, the more other religions, such as Christianity, will be seen as a threat. Pray for all the oppressed people of North Korea and especially for Christians enduring beatings and abuse in labour camps; may they know that their suffering will bring an eternal weight of glory (2 Corinthians 4:17). Pray for protection over believers as they meet in utmost secrecy. Ask that they will know peace and unity as they risk their lives to follow Christ. THURSDAY 30 Pray that Pakistan’s notorious “blasphemy laws” will be amended or repealed so that they can no longer be misused to settle personal grudges, especially against Christians and other non-Muslims. Pray that Christians currently accused under the laws – including Aasia Bibi, whose appeal against her death sentence due to be heard at the Supreme Court in October 2016 was postponed – will be exonerated. Ask for God’s protection over Christians in Pakistan. Pray that those trapped in gruelling low-paid

jobs as “bonded labourers” will be enabled to free themselves. FRIDAY 31 Pray that the drastic new restrictions on religious liberty in Russia, signed into law by President Putin in July 2016, will be rescinded and that Christian believers who have been charged under the new law will find favour with local judges. Russian Christians were shocked when, on 20 December 2016, a court in Vladivostok ordered the destruction of nearly 200 Christian books, including about 40 Bibles, under the new law. Pray that no further Christian literature will be destroyed by the Russian authorities.

April SATURDAY 1 Pray that the suppression of religious freedom in Saudi Arabia will end and that Christians will be able to worship openly. Pray that the Holy Spirit will guide, encourage and comfort believers from Muslim backgrounds as they seek to grow in their faith despite the threat of violent persecution and possible execution; ask that they will be protected from harm and know His presence even in the shadow of death (Psalm 23). Pray that the brutal and biased judicial system based on sharia will be overturned and replaced by a system that is humane and treats all citizens equally. SUNDAY 2 Give thanks for those who have left other religions to take up their cross and follow Christ (Luke 14:27), often enduring great loss and suffering. Pray that God will strengthen, encourage and protect

them in their faith, and that they will be equipped with all that they need to grow in the Lord. Pray that those who are rejected by their families will be comforted by the knowledge that their place in God’s family can never be taken away from them. Pray that the testimonies and transformed lives of new converts will be used powerfully by God to draw others to Jesus.

TUESDAY 4 Pray that Christians in Sri Lanka will have strength and courage in the face of persecution from Buddhist extremists, and that political pressure from the country’s powerful Buddhist Sinhalese lobby will not succeed in restricting Christians’ freedom of worship. The church building in Karuwalagaswewa, a rural and strongly Buddhist area, was attacked and destroyed by a mob of Buddhists on the night of 5 January. Earlier the same day the local police inspector had had a meeting with the pastor, who had already been threatened and intimidated, and a Buddhist monk, and had promised to maintain peace, law and order. Ask

WEDNESDAY 5 Lift up in prayer believers in Sudan, who face imprisonment and intimidation and who are forced to live under sharia law. Pray that, in the midst of an uncertain future, they will be able to trust in Him who is unchanging, and continue to stand firm through the power of the Holy Spirit. Pray that the government’s efforts to eradicate Christian influence in Sudan, including destroying churches and Christian centres such as Bible colleges, will be thwarted and that regulations against the building of new churches will be overturned. Praise God that Rev. Kuwa Shamal Abazmam Kurri was released from prison on 2 January and charges against him were dropped due to insufficient evidence. He had been detained for more than a year. Pray for three other Christians still in prison at the time of writing, facing charges which could result in life imprisonment or the death penalty. THURSDAY 6 Cry out to God on behalf of the people of Syria, who are suffering in the midst of conflict. Pray especially for Syrian Christians, facing not only war but also violent antiChristian persecution from groups like Islamic State. Pray that they will dwell in the shelter of the Most High and that the Lord will be their refuge and fortress (Psalm 91). Pray for the safe release of those who have been kidnapped by Islamic militants and for the international community to come to the aid of those who have been forced to flee their homes.

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MONDAY 3 Lift up in prayer Somali Christians, who, according to their own government, are not supposed to exist. May they trust and not be afraid, knowing that the Lord God is their strength, song and salvation (Isaiah 12:2). Ask that they will be protected by the blood of Jesus. Pray that President Hassan Sheikh Mohammad will allow true freedom of religion in Somalia and that the country’s constitution will be re-written. Pray also that the al-Shabaab Islamist militant group will be driven out from the regions it currently controls.

that the Lord will be a shield around His people in Karuwalagaswewa, who are continuing to gather for worship in the open air.

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FRIDAY 7 Ask the Lord to guide and protect Christians in Tajikistan as they seek to live and share the Christian faith whilst facing many restrictions. Pray that the country’s highly repressive laws will ease dramatically. Pray that Tajikistan’s Christian

perpetrators. Pray for protection and strength for believers in Zanzibar, especially converts from Islam, who live in great danger in this 98% Muslim part of Tanzania.

A Bible school in Tajikistan. Barnabas Fund helped to pay for renovation work after it was damaged by fire

MONDAY 10 A European Commission report on Turkey last year states that “Hate speech and hate crimes against Christians and Jews continued to be repeatedly reported.” Typical incidents include Islamic anti-Christian posters and graffiti near church buildings, anonymous threats sent by text and email to church pastors, as well as physical attacks. Several foreign missionaries have had their residence permits rescinded. Pray for an end to this harassment and also that Christians will no longer be portrayed negatively in the media and school text-books. Pray that Turkish President Erdogan’s programme of Islamisation, which is particularly focused on the young, will be restrained.

children will grow in their faith despite the government restrictions on their involvement in Christian activities. Pray also that the Lord will lead believers to jobs and ways to support themselves economically in their homeland so that they do not have to emigrate in search of work, and that a Christian witness may be sustained in this desperately poor country. SATURDAY 8 Give thanks that efforts to formally introduce khadi (Islamic) courts in mainland Tanzania have stalled. Pray that violence against Christians will diminish and that the families of those who have been attacked and killed in Islamic violence will be able to forgive the

SUNDAY 9 Pray for the older generation

of Christians where they suffer poverty and endure persecution because of their faith. Ask God to bless them in their perseverance, meet their needs and make His power perfect in their weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9). Pray that they might know His peace and joy in their remaining years. Pray too that the care homes and other support that Barnabas Fund has provided will be a blessing to hard-pressed Christian communities, ensuring that their elderly loved ones are properly cared for.

TUESDAY 11 Lift up in prayer all Christians in Turkmenistan, many of them facing challenges rarely heard

of outside their country. Ask God to meet the needs of all His children, and that they will be comforted by the knowledge that God sees and rewards their faithfulness to Him. Pray that restrictive laws on Christians will ease, and that opportunities will be given for all Christians to meet together and share their faith freely and without reprisals.

THURSDAY 13 Lift up in prayer Vietnamese believers who live daily with the possibility of arrest, detention and torture at the hands of their own government. Pray that they will know that the Lord upholds the righteous (Psalm 37:17). Ask for God’s special protection for church pastors and for ethnic Montagnard Christians, who have been particularly persecuted. Pray that efforts to persuade the Vietnamese government to increase religious freedom will be successful and that Christians detained in prison will be released. GOOD FRIDAY Give thanks to God for the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and for His gift of eternal life to all who believe. Praise Him for

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WEDNESDAY 12 Lift up in prayer Christians in Uzbekistan who must tread very carefully because of their faith. Ask the Lord to provide abundantly for all those who have been issued with heavy fines. Pray for church leaders whose health suffers because of the pressures they face. Pray that President Mirziyoyev (elected in December 2016) will take steps towards easing restrictions on Christians and other religious groups in Uzbekistan.

believers who, trusting God, have persevered in faith and did not cling to life in the face of death (Revelation 12:11). Pray that their sacrifice will inspire their brothers and sisters to endure whatever sufferings befall them and will also convince their persecutors of the truth and power of the Gospel. Pray too that their bereaved families and churches will not grieve without hope (1 Thessalonians 4:13) but be comforted by the knowledge that their loved ones died for Christ.

Violet, mother of five: “Zimbabwe it is so hard, we have got nowhere to look, but God has provided for us. Now we have seen God’s hand through our brothers … helping us provide for our main meal” SATURDAY 15 Praise God for answered prayer for rain to fall in Zimbabwe starting in November. Pray for favourable weather while farmers harvest their maize this month and for good yields. But famine-affected communities will not recover from the worst drought in living memory in a single good season, so please keep praying

for them, as well as for Barnabas Fund’s Project Joseph, working through the churches to provide maize meal to eat and maize seed to sow. Pray that the calls for justice continue as Christians unite in their increasingly bold demands for the reestablishment of the rule of law.

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EASTER DAY Give thanks to God for

the living hope that He has given us in the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Pray that Christians who suffer for His Name’s sake will be encouraged by the promise of an eternal inheritance and so stand firm in their faith. Pray that His joy and resurrection power will be their strength, today and every day. Pray too that, in our own sufferings, we will be sustained by this hope, joy and power.

MONDAY 17 The Christian-majority village of Thlulaimakalama is 15km from the town of Chibok, northern Nigeria, from which more than 200 schoolgirls were kidnapped by Boko Haram Islamist militants three years ago. Back in 2014 all the church buildings in Thlulaimakalama had been destroyed by Boko Haram, and the village was attacked again on 25 November 2016. With no churches left to target this time, Boko Haram set fire to 70 Christian homes and four Muslim homes, and also attacked shops and food stores. The villagers escaped into the bush and no one was killed, although six with injuries were hospitalised. “Pray for the brethren for God’s provision and His grace,” wrote a Chibok Christian to Barnabas Fund.

TUESDAY 18 The population of Cote d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast) in West Africa is estimated at 10 million Ivorians (mainly Christian) and 20 million immigrants, most of them from neighbouring Muslim-majority countries. The immigrants have been given Ivorian citizenship, thus creating a substantial Muslim majority in Cote d’Ivoire. This has been facilitated by the systematic destruction of official records, mostly by setting fire to government registry offices, which began during a Muslim rebellion in 2000. With the old records gone, anyone can make a false declaration and register themselves as an Ivorian citizen. Pray to the God who “catches the wise in their own craftiness” that His will and purposes for Cote d’Ivoire will prevail (Job 5:13). WEDNESDAY 19 A group of around 20 carol singers, including women and children, had just finished singing at a private home in Tikirya village, Rajasthan state, India, in December 2016, and were walking back to their parked vehicle, when a mob of between 20 to 30 people attacked them with clubs and sticks. Five of the group were injured so severely that they had to stay in hospital for treatment. The mob accused the carol singers of conversion activity and during the attack shouted, “Bharat Mata ki Jai” (Victory to Mother India). Pray for these Christians, especially the children, that they will not become discouraged or fearful, but will count it pure joy to suffer such trials and testing of their faith (James 1:2). THURSDAY 20 Pakistani Christians were greatly encouraged by the

FRIDAY 21 An illiterate Pakistani evangelist with a flourishing healing ministry has been falsely accused of desecrating the Quran (a crime which carries a mandatory life sentence in Pakistan). Many Muslims were coming to the Christian healing prayer meetings which Babu Shahbaz Masih held in his home in Lahore, and turning away from the Muslim

pir (spiritual guide) to whom they had previously gone. Shahbaz was arrested on 30 December 2016 when Muslims reported to the police that they had found 100 pages torn from the Quran with his name written on them in blue marker, scattered in the street where the pir lived. The chief complainant was a Muslim shopkeeper, known to be jealous of the shop run by Shahbaz’s brother George. Ask the Judge of all the earth for justice for our falsely accused brother (Genesis 18:25). SATURDAY 22 On the night of New Year’s Eve, a group of at least 30 armed men attacked a Christian neighbourhood in Sukkur, Pakistan, targeting men, women, children and elderly alike. They tried to force the Christian families to vacate their homes by 6.00 a.m. on New Year’s Day. Some of the attackers were dressed as police, and all had covered their faces. Ten Christians were injured. Pray for their healing and that they may be allowed to live in peace in their church-owned homes. SUNDAY 23 Christian parents in Tajikistan are greatly troubled by the 2011 law on parental responsibility which forbids anyone under the age of 18 from engaging in religious activity. At first the law was mainly applied to Muslims, but in February 2015 a new chairman was appointed to the Committee for Religious Affairs. Immediately after this the police began to turn their attention to evangelical Christians, making it clear that under18s were not even allowed to attend Sunday worship. Some churches are keeping this law, but others are trying to find ways around it so that the children

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“Christmas Peace Train”, organised in December with government support by Pakistan Railways, the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan and the Pakistan Tourism Development Corporation. The train journeyed across Pakistan for ten days, its festive decorations including a nativity scene and a cross. The carriages were painted with excerpts from a speech by Pakistan’s founding father, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, when Pakistan gained independence in 1947, in which he highlighted the importance of all religions being treated equally. The train was launched by Saad Rafique, Pakistan’s Minister for Railways, who paid tribute to the role nonMuslim minority groups play in society, especially Christians. “The white colour [a white strip beside the green background] of our national flag denotes minority groups, and it is incomplete without them,” he said, adding, “Our constitution guarantees the equal rights to all citizens living in this country. We need to hold the hands of each other to touch prosperity and success.” Praise God for this affirmation of Christians and other minorities in Pakistan and pray that the lead set by the government may be followed throughout society.

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and young people may still be taught their faith. Ask for wisdom for Church leaders in this matter. Pray for strong Christian homes and that parents will be enabled by the Holy Spirit to do all that is necessary to bring up their children in the training and instruction of the Lord (Ephesians 6:4). MONDAY 24 Kyrgyz Christians from a Muslim background in the Batken region of Kyrgyzstan find it very difficult to get work. Many are migrating to the capital, Bishkek, leaving the Batken churches depleted. There is a general lack of employment opportunities in the region, but funds from abroad are coming in to create small businesses for Muslims. Employers are pressuring their workers to attend mosque with them and do Muslim prayers together. Pray that Jehovah Jireh will provide a means for these believers to support themselves economically.

Kyrgyz Christians meet to worship in a home TUESDAY 25 Christians in Kyrgyzstan report increasing pressure on new converts from Islam, both from their families and in the workplace.

Many are thrown out of their homes, insulted, beaten and threatened with divorce or losing their children. Employers try to fire them from their jobs. But typically the pressure drops off again after about four to six months. Pray that these brothers and sisters, so young in the Lord, may hold fast to the Name of Jesus and not deny their faith in Him (Revelation 2:13). WEDNESDAY 26 On 18 November the National Assembly of Vietnam passed a new law on Belief and Religion. The law starts from the assumption that religion is a threat to national security and social order. Although it guarantees religious freedom it bans religious activities that could (amongst other things) damage social order and/or national unity, prevent the performance of civil rights and duties, or offend anyone’s honour. Such vague and broad parameters give plenty of scope for the Communist authorities in Vietnam to harass and persecute religious believers, should they choose to do so. Pray that the law will not be misused against innocent people. THURSDAY 27 “God teaches us to forgive and not to have revenge,� said the parents of Trinity Hutahacan, a four-year-old girl who was severely burned when a bomb was thrown into a church compound in Samarinda, East Kalimantan, Indonesia, in November. As well as Trinity, two other small children were seriously injured and one was killed. The bomber is reportedly linked to Islamic State (IS). Pray that the Christian attitude of forgiveness will amaze Muslims in Samarinda, soften their hearts and cause them to follow Him.

the Lord with us for the generosity of Barnabas Fund supporters, which enables us to send this help. Pray for peace, harmony and stability in Homs and throughout Syria.

SATURDAY 29 A Syrian Christian wrote to Barnabas Fund from Homs in Syria explaining the situation in his city, which was the first to begin to be re-settled after the civil war fighting had passed through it. Muslims are getting a lot of support from each other and plentiful funds are flowing to them from external sources such as Saudi Arabia. But Christians are having a tough time and their areas of the city are the weakest economically. “I would like to thank every one of you for what you have done for my people,” he said, referring to the aid that Barnabas Fund is giving to Christians in Homs, both food and repair of wardamaged Christian homes. Thank

Christian community in Tunisia faces many pressures and difficulties, despite that fact that the law says an individual is free to choose and practise their own religion provided it does not cause a disturbance to society. It is a Church of converts from Islam and their children and therefore many of its members have experienced rejection by family and loved ones, physical, verbal and mental abuse. They are also vulnerable to dismissal from their jobs. Pray that their heavenly Father will provide all their needs, that His Son Jesus will touch and heal them; and that the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, will restore them from their emotional and mental wounds.

“What you are doing is so great,” wrote a Syrian Christian from Homs to Barnabas Fund SUNDAY 30 The small but growing

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FRIDAY 28 The Egyptian village of al-Naghameesh in Sohag has around 2,000 Christian inhabitants who have erected a building to serve as a community centre, pre-school nursery and elderly care home. As the nearest church is five miles away, they also gather in the community centre to pray and had put in an application to gain legal approval for the building to be used as a church. When rumours started that the Christians were opening a church, a mob of Muslim extremists attacked Christian property in the village on 25 November. They damaged ten Christian houses and a shop, and set fire to a Christian-owned guesthouse. They also cut off the water and power supply and prevented the fire engine from entering the village. Pray for a change of heart for the many Egyptian Muslims who are so opposed to Christian places of worship in their country.

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Front cover: Holot detention centre in the Negev Desert of Israel: an Eritrean Christian asylum seeker considers his future

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