Barnabas Aid March April 2012

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IN THIS ISSUE Equipping and resourcing leadership for the persecuted Church The Arab Spring one year on: Islamism in the ascendant Jesus Christ: the divine Son of God



In this issue, we feature our latest book, which uncovers the truth about the real Jesus, and also Rosemary Sookhdeo’s most recent book on how to reach Muslims for Christ. sometimes from within the churches, by those who claim that Jesus was just a good man. And Muslims, while they acknowledge Him as a prophet, also deny that He is God.

Coming soon...

Wh is the Real Jesus? Who Uncoveri ring ng the Truth H. Dermot McDonald The New Testament testifies that the Lord Jesus Christ is both human and divine. His identity as the Word of God who became flesh is at the very foundation of our Christian faith, and without it that faith is in vain. Yet it is often called into question, even


Understanding Shari‘a Financce Patr tric ick k So ookhdeo ok The glo The obal econ no y is experiencing nomy a prolon onge ged pe eriiod of tu urrm moi oill an a d upheaval al, an nd in i som o e co oun u tr trie iess th ie the e euro has alll but col o laps p ed.

This new edition of H. Dermot McDonald’s compelling book clearly presents the Biblical teaching on the humanity and deity of Christ. The h aauthor first sets out the evidence ffor Jesus’ human nature, traces itts development and explains its ssignificance. Then he puts the case for Christ’s deity and expounds it using the titles that the Bible gives to Him. He also provides a brief analysis of Christ’s saving work and His exaltation at God’s right hand. This robust and rigorous introduction uncovers the truth about the real Jesus, and will strengthen and deepen your faith in Him. Isaac Publishing, paperback, 120 pp, price to be confirmed

A distinctively Islamic financial system has become a major player on the world economic stage in the last 20 years. Muslim scholars, clerics and financial organisations have generated a wide range of alternative economic products, initially in the Muslim world and more recently in the West. These aare developing into an increasingly llucrative market. IIn thi h s si sign g ificant st study of sharia fina nanc nce, e Pat atri rick ck Soo okh khde deo o di d sccus usses the th e pr prob oblems ms and nd dan ange gers pre ese sent nted ed by the Isl slam amicc econo nomy my and hig igh hlightts t e impliccatio th ons for globa bal ec eco onomics and d po politics,, whilile e also so looking at th he natture na e and d imp mplicaati tion onss of sha h ri riaa it itself. Issaacc Publis ishing g, pa pape p rb rback, 114 pp,, offe off er pr pric ice e £6 £6.9 .9 99 in nclud udin ud ing ng po p stag ge (RRP P £6. 6.99 99))


Breaking through the Bar arriers: Leading Muslims to Chrris istt Rosemary Sookhdeo How can we understand our Muslim friends and neighbours so that we can share the Gospel effectively with them? In her latest book, Rosemary Sookhdeo lifts the veil on Muslim religion, culture and practices to find the points of contact that will help Muslims respond to the Christian Gospel. This accessible guide deals with the crucial differences between Islam and Christianityy and answers important questions, such as as:: Is the God of the Bible the same as Allah? Is the Muslim Jesus, Isa, the same as the Jes esu us we know from the Gospels? How do Mus uslilms view heaven and hell? What par artt do does es the h second coming of Jesus play in Musslilim m thinking? This book will help yo you u th thro roug ugh th the challenges of Mu uslim m eva vang gel elis ism and d en enab able you to be a go good od wit itn ness for Chrisst. Isaa aacc Publishing, pape p rb rbac a k, 160 pp, offer pricce £6.99 including g po post stag age e (R RRP £8.99 99))

To order these books, please visit Alternatively, please contact your nearest Barnabas Fund office (addresses on back cover). Cheques for the UK should be made payable to “Barnabas Fund”.


Speaking Out

for Persecuted Christians


his 1986 collection of essays The Drowned and the Saved, Italian chemist and writer Primo Levi described a recurring nightmare that he experienced after his liberation from Auschwitz. In the dream, Levi returns from the Second World War concentration camp and recounts its full horror to his remaining family and friends, only to see them turn away disbelieving or – worse still – uninterested. For those who suffer and tell their experience to others, it can be excruciating to encounter a reaction of embarrassment, disbelief, apathy or even denial of what they have endured. On 22 December the British Daily Telegraph published an article headed “How can we remain silent while Christians are being persecuted?” This was followed on 31 December by an article in the prestigious Economist magazine on “Christians and lions: the world’s most widely followed faith is gathering persecutors”. These were for me among the greatest encouragements of 2011, signalling that the persecution of Christians is being recognised as an urgent issue, no longer to be swept under the carpet. I believe that this change is due at least in part, under God, to the efforts of grass-roots Christians over many years who have signed petitions, written letters, campaigned and prayed for persecuted Christians. As Christians we are familiar with suffering. Our Saviour is “a man of suffering, and familiar with pain” (Isaiah 53:3). Our God is a suffering God, one whose heart of love can be broken. Such thoughts will be uppermost in our minds as we approach Good Friday, and remember the suffering and death of Christ on the cross for our sins. We glory in His cross as well as in His resurrection on the first Easter Day, and accept the call to share in His sufferings.

So we must not deny, dismiss or minimise the suffering of our persecuted brothers and sisters. Is such silent indifference really so far from Pilate’s hand-washing? Pilate tried to distance himself from the crucifixion of Jesus by refusing responsibility, and thus salving his conscience. Tragically his example is followed by many governments and even Christians today. A small community of Afghan Christians is living in Delhi. As converts from Islam, they are in severe danger in their home country. But India does not allow them to settle permanently, and Western governments, who are quick to condemn non-Western countries for human rights abuses, will not accept them. One New Zealand diplomat even said that the converts brought their predicament on themselves by choosing to leave Islam. Even more disturbing, in this and many other cases, is the failure of Christians in positions of political power to use their influence on behalf of their suffering brothers and sisters. The leadership of the Church is often little different. To be silent in the face of an abuse is to condone it and share the guilt. When the British House of Lords debated the position of Christians in the Middle East on 9 December 2011, Lord (Dolar) Popat, a Hindu who fled Uganda when Idi Amin persecuted the Indians in 1971, spoke of the enormity of this sin: “to witness persecution, then sit back and do nothing to stop it”. As we reflect on the suffering of our Lord this Good Friday, let us take every opportunity to speak up for suffering Christians where they cannot speak for themselves. Let us also remember that although Pilate washed his hands, our Father God did not wash His hands, but rather raised up Jesus from the dead, vindicated and victorious.

Contents 4 Compassion in Action

Flood relief in South Asia, winter warmth in Armenia 8 Newsdesk The “Arab Spring”: Islamists take control 10 Campaign Speaking out for persecuted and vulnerable Christians PULL-OUT Equipping the Church What does the Bible say about the Lord Jesus Christ? 11 Barnabas Partners

Can you help us make known the needs of the suffering Church? 12 Spotlight

Equipping and resourcing Christian leaders 14 Learning from the Persecuted Church Protection and guidance through faith in Christ 16 Biblical Reflection Present suffering and glorious hope

Dr Patrick Sookhdeo International Director

18 In Touch New Barnabas offices in Scotland and Northern Ireland

To guard the safety of Christians in hostile environments, names may have been changed or omitted. Thank you for your understanding. Front cover: Pastor Y put aside the possibility of leading an affluent urban church in order to pastor a small poor church in rural Java, Indonesia. He also serves in a wider ministry and is very much on fire for the Lord. Last year, while on a ministry trip, he broke his leg in a motorcycle accident where he ended up in a canal and his helmet broke in two. Funds from Barnabas covered his surgery, treatment and rehabilitation costs. Unless otherwise stated, Scripture quotations are taken from the New International Version®. Every effort has been made to trace copyright holders and obtain permission for stories and images used in this publication. Barnabas Fund apologises for any errors or omissions and will be grateful for any further information regarding copyright. © Barnabas Fund 2012 BARNABAS AID MARCH/APRIL 2012 3


how barnabas £68,064 for support of Christian school

(US$104,705; €82,441)

£9,980 for seed distribution

(US$15,360; €12,090)

Brimming with children: Christian school in Bethlehem

£7,000 for Christian children’s magazine

(US$10,700; €8,400)

Famine prevention in Uganda

Arab World: children enthusiastic about Christian magazine

Christian children in the Bethlehem area feel safe at this Christian school

“Every inch” of the school building is full of children. This was the delighted comment to Barnabas from the head teacher of a Christian school we support in Bethlehem. The school always accepts the maximum number of students it can accommodate, and the total in this academic year is 280 (aged 3-11). But even after building an extension last year, which was also funded by Barnabas, they still have to turn down many children because of lack of space.


“As we distributed the seed packs, we were struck by how many vulnerable people were being reached. A blind woman was led by a small girl, some disabled folk were helped by friends and many old or poor folk thanked us profusely.”

Discussing a popular Christian children’s magazine in the Arab world


The recipients also received instructions on how best to plant the seeds, and during the growing season the organisers visited them to advise them on the growing.

Project reference 25-359

Each household received three bags with seed of sorghum, rice and soy bean. These are quick-growing plants that are ready for harvesting within 90 days.

Barnabas’ latest grant helps pay for the salary of three members of staff as well as printing and distribution costs. Competition prizes such as books or other gifts are also bought with the grant. Thanks to this support the copies can be given away free or for a tiny sum.

Project reference XX-207

An Arabic Christian children’s magazine is full of Bible stories, colourful cartoons with contemporary Christian messages, attractive images and crosswords. Many of the readers, aged 7 to 15, send in their solutions to the quizzes and provide their photos to be published as friends of the magazine. Not only do they learn more about their faith, but also they gain greater confidence in their Christian identity. This is important in a context where Christians are despised by society at large.

Barnabas Fund not only provided emergency relief for hungry Christians during the East Africa drought but also helped with longerterm solutions. About 3,000 highly vulnerable Ugandan Christians received seed for harvesting their own crops.

Project reference 65-420

What makes the school so attractive is its positive Christian atmosphere in a town where many of the Christians are leaving because of the many pressures they face. The good quality of the education, the clean and cheerful surroundings and the strong commitment and loving care of the teachers add to its appeal. Many Christian families in Bethlehem are very poor and needy, but with Barnabas Fund helping to cover the running costs, the school charges only minimal fees. The neediest children of all are allowed to attend for free.

Ugandan Christians hr hristia on their way home with tth ba bags of seed for planting their heir o own crops

is helping


The Bible encourages us to love our brothers and sisters in Christ (1 Peter 1:22). Thank you for making this love practical and enabling us to help our persecuted Christian brothers and sisters around the globe. On these pages is a selection of reports about some of the many people we have supported recently, thanks to your gifts. Please pray as you read. £5,000 for orphan and widow support

(US$7,700; €6,000)

Kenya: caring for orphans and widows

£2,913 for evangelist couple’s upkeep

(US$4,486; €3,529)

Tajikistan: former drug addicts become Christ’s ambassadors

(US$760; €600)

Pakistan: help for Aasia Bibi’s family

Orphans in rural Kenya are fed a healthy meal of maize, beans and rice

“You have put a lot of smiles on the needy, vulnerable widows and orphans in this ministry.” A group of Christians in Kenya, supported by Barnabas, are feeding 31 orphans and providing for their healthcare and school fees. With our help they are also creating opportunities for Christian widows to generate their own income.

Baptism of one of the first believers from a dark region of Tajikistan

“Farkhod” and “Zukhra”, who received support from Barnabas for their upkeep, recently moved to a city in Tajikistan close to the border of Afghanistan to share the Gospel with anyone who is willing to listen to them. Almost everyone living there is Muslim.

Because of his wife’s situation it is now too dangerous for Aasia’s husband, Ashiq, to go out to work, and the family have been left without any income. The Christian community where they live is trying to help them but are too poor to cover all their needs. Our most recent grant provided urgent needs such as winter bedding and warm clothing. We also provide them with a monthly food parcel.

Project reference 00-345

Barnabas Fund is helping to support the family of Aasia Bibi, a Christian mother who has been in jail for almost three years. She was falsely accused of “defiling the name of Muhammad” in June 2009 and sentenced to death.

The city is a dangerous and spiritually dark place, notorious for its drugs and arms. Large numbers are unemployed, and many people either end up working in illegal trades or addicted to drugs. A shockingly high number of people overdose on drugs or commit suicide. The couple are in a good position to bring the Gospel there. Before finding freedom in Christ, both were drug addicts for many years. Farkhod converted from Islam and Zukhra’s father is a Muslim.

The ministry is working in a rural area where Islam is growing rapidly. They feel called to provide hope and practical help “to His children who suffer the discrimination that results from their faith in Him”.

Project reference 50-957

Aasia Bibi’s husband Ashiq with daughters Eisham (12), Sidra (18) and Esha (13)

Last year’s severe East African drought caused them to step up their feeding programme. This was quite a challenge, because the cost of food had become extremely high. They told us that they “work hard day and night to order and bargain for the best prices”.

Project reference 25-1019

£500 winter needs for persecuted Christian family

With the latest grant from Barnabas the ministry bought and installed a maize mill. This enables Christian widows, who work together in a shop, to earn a small income.



bringing hope,

Keeping warm in Armenia Barnabas Fund helped 200 Christian families in north-west Armenia stay warm during the freezing winter months. Winters are extremely harsh from November to late May in this high-altitude region. Temperatures can drop to a staggering minus 35-40°C. Piled-up snow blocks the roads for two months, making some villages completely inaccessible. Ever since an earthquake destroyed many of their houses in 1988, they have been living in “domings”, shacks made out of scrap metal which are very badly insulated (see photo). These huts were meant to be only temporary homes, but because the Christians are so poor they cannot afford new houses. Many do not have gas or electricity connections in their homes and Barnabas gave them stocks of wood for fuel. Those few with connections received a small grant to cover the utility

expenses. The average cost per family was £136 (US$210; €165).

Many Christians in north-western Armenia live in “domings”, draughty shacks in which they cannot stay warm during the winter months

Barnabas Fund provided Christian families with wood and grants for gas to keep them warm during the freezing winter

£27,283 for fuel during winter (US$40,000; €33,000)

Project reference 79-719

Central Asia: leadership and Bible training “In a short period we received so much knowledge about God’s Word which we can apply to our Christian life and church ministry.” Christian couple in Kazakhstan

Barnabas Fund recently supported two Christian training initiatives in Tajikistan and Kazakhstan. Forty church leaders, many from distant, isolated parts of Tajikistan, met together for a three-day study programme. All of them are converts from Islam. “Salman” (see photo) testified, “I believed in Jesus two years ago and after that my wife came to Jesus too. We are from a very difficult region for sharing the Gospel. This seminar encouraged us in our ministry and helped us to be strong in faith. I had many questions when I read the Bible and I have received answers to my questions.” A grant from Barnabas paid for the students’ transport costs and stationery, as well as utilities and food for the three days.



Several churches in a city in Kazakhstan joined forces to provide a one-year Bible school. It was designed to be intensive but also to fit into busy family, ministry and work schedules and so was held on three evenings in the week. Last year 23 students graduated from the programme. Barnabas paid for transport costs for teachers, books and teaching materials. One student writes, “During all the period of study I was thanking God for this school, for teachers, for His love to us. Study time flew by as if it was just one day. It was very valuable for me that teachers shared their own experience and feelings. I felt very close presence of God during my study.”

Project references 24-925 (Kazakhstan Bible school) 50-1003 (Tajikistan leadership training)

“Salman” and his wife were greatly encouraged by the three-day leadership training programme in Tajikistan

• £4,345 for leadership training in Tajikistan (US$6,709; €5,255) • £843 for Bible school in Kazakhstan (US$1,302; €920)


transforming lives

Relief and joy in Bangladesh at receiving emergency flood relief

Helping Asian Christians survive the floods “Our Saviour God has protected us and now he has sent people with food.” Pastor Roghu Nath Sarker, Bangladesh

Last year saw exceptional flooding in many countries across Asia. Barnabas sent emergency relief to Christians in Bangladesh, Burma (Myanmar), Cambodia, Pakistan, Philippines and Thailand. The packages contained items such as food staples, clean drinking water, cooking utensils, mosquito nets and anti-bacterial wash. In Pakistan Barnabas provided emergency aid to 886 Christian families affected by the 2011 floods. One church in Hyderabad relayed to us the great difficulties they had in bringing emergency packages to Christians in three areas near to them. When their trucks were fully loaded and ready to go, the team prayed for a safe journey before departing. In many places the water had not yet fully receded and the roads were still submerged up to 45cm: “Everywhere there was stagnant water. Our truck wheel got stuck in the mud. We hired a tractor and loaded 50 relief bags. After a great struggle our truck came out from mud and we thanked God and again started our journey to Khipro.”

Emergency flood relief: In Bangladesh Barnabas Fund sent relief to 935 Christian families. The organisers bought goods locally and church members volunteered to distribute the emergency packages. One of the recipients of the relief packages, Pastor Roghu Nath Sarker, who ministers to the 50 Christian families living in a large village, told us, “Our village was under water for one month. I was visiting all of the families. Many had become sick and I was praying for them and sometimes I myself became sick. We were praying for help and in fact we needed food.” He then thanked Barnabas and added, “We believe that the Lord himself has sent this relief through Barnabas Fund. Even though we do not know them and they are far away from Bangladesh.”

• £11,195 in Bangladesh (US$17,236, €13,561)

• £11,688 in Burma (Myanmar) (US$17,995, €14,158)

• £7,490 in Cambodia (US$11,530, €9,073)

• £80,525 in Pakistan (includes long-term food support and house rebuilding) (US$123,976, €97,546)

• £8,968 in Philippines (US$13,808, €10,864)

Lakhhi Sarker, a widow with four young children in a village in Bangladesh, lost her family’s source of food when her small rice field flooded before harvest-time. For 15 long days they had only one meal per day. Our project partner writes that “when she received the flood aid relief, she began to cry and cry. She gave thanks to God and was so much grateful to Barnabas Fund.” Project references 00-634 (Disaster Relief Fund) 75-745 (Burma disaster relief) 41-919 (Pakistan floods feeding)

• £5,399 in Thailand (US$8,310, €6,539)

Christians in Burma greet the truck as it arrives with emergency relief




WORLD: “The Islamists didn’t go out with us on January 14th but then they took the revolution for themselves.” This analysis by Tunisian demonstrator Maryam Hamim, who, like thousands of her compatriots, took to the streets in early 2011 to call for a more secular, liberal state, has been echoed by many participants and observers of the “Arab Spring”.

That extraordinary movement, which is still reverberating across North Africa and the Middle East, was initially heralded with optimism in the West as a new dawn of freedom and democracy for peoples who had long suffered oppression and injustice at the hands of autocratic rulers. One by one dictators were toppled – President Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali in Tunisia, Egypt’s President Hosni Mubarak,

Colonel Muammar Gaddafi in Libya and Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh – while, at the time of writing, others such as President Bashar alAssad of Syria remain vulnerable. Over a year on from the start of the Arab Spring, democracy is indeed being established in Tunisia and Egypt, where voters have been to the polls to elect new parliaments. Libya and Yemen are staging elections this

year, and pro-democracy protests in Morocco have led to some political reforms. Democracy in these Muslimmajority countries has not, however, delivered electoral success for those secular and liberal voices that hailed the revolutions. Islamist parties, who were long-established and therefore better organised, have instead emerged with the largest share of the

Sce Sce enes nes ne s frrom om the the th he ““A Arrab ab ab Sprin Sprin Sp ring”. in ng g”. ””.. L Le eft ft to to rrig riig ght: ht: ht h t E Eg gy ypt yp pt ((So pt (S So S u urc ur rc rce e:: mo mon m on o naso asso a sosh ssh, h, Fl h, F ick i r.c r. om m ), Tu Tunis un nis sia (So Sourc urce: urc e: Hab Habib ib b M’h M enn nn ni,, Wik i ipedia.orrg )), Lib L ibya ib a (So So ou urrc urc rce: ce: e: VO VOA V O OA A - E. E. Arr Arrott Ar rrro ott t Wi Wikkip kiiip ped edi diia d a..o a.o o org rg g ), ), Sy Syria r ((S ri (So Sour urce urc e:: SyriaSy Syr S yria yr iiaa a--Fr Fra F ra ames me mes es-Of O -Fr Freed ee om, Fl Flick ickr.c r com) om m

ANTI-CHRISTIAN VIOLENCE RAGES ON NIGERIA: Boko Haram, a militant Islamist group in Nigeria, have intensified their campaign of anti-Christian killing. Violent attacks at Christmas 2011 were followed by an ultimatum for all Christians to leave the North. Hundreds of Christians fled as a result. The violence, which continued into the new year, has raised fears that an Islamist terrorist alliance in Africa is taking shape, as Boko Haram strengthens its links with both al-Qaeda in the Sahara region north of Nigeria and al-Shabaab in Somalia. The terrorist group executed a coordinated series of bomb and gun attacks on churches and the security services that killed more than 40



people in five states on Christmas Day, 25 December 2011. The majority of the fatalities occurred at a church in Madalla, near the capital, Abuja;

On New Year’s Day the group gave all Christians three days to leave the mainly Muslim North of Nigeria. Soon after the expiry of the ultimatum,

“I was leading the congregation in prayers. Our eyes were closed when some gunmen stormed the church and opened fire on the congregation...”

around 35 worshippers were killed as explosives were hurled at the congregation as they left the service. The violence prompted President Goodluck Jonathan to declare a state of emergency in the most troubled areas.

gunmen stormed a church in Gombe, capital of Gombe State, on 5 January 2012, during a prayer meeting, killing at least eight Christians. Pastor Johnson Jauro, whose wife was shot dead in the attack, said:

“I was leading the congregation in prayers. Our eyes were closed when some gunmen stormed the church and opened fire on the congregation. The attackers started shooting sporadically. They shot through the window of the church, and many people were killed including my wife.” The following day (6 January), around 20 Christians were gunned down in Mubi, Adamawa state, as they gathered to mourn the death of another Christian who had been killed the night before. The assailants chanted “god is great” as they fired Kalashnikov rifles. They were also carrying knives and machetes. A Boko Haram spokesman has claimed responsibility for some attacks.


vote in Tunisia, Egypt and Morocco. Ennahda, the main Islamist group in Tunisia, insists that its approach to sharia is consistent with the country’s progressive traditions, but deputy leader Hamadi Jebali sparked alarm in November when he referred to the country’s future in terms of a “Caliphate”, historically a single transnational Islamic state based on sharia. In Egypt, the Muslim Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party (FJP) has been promoting itself as a moderate Islamic group, but the Salafist party al-Nur is much more explicit about its intentions to impose a strict interpretation of Islam. The Islamist Islah Party is expected to be the main

force in post-Saleh Yemen, while the Libyan National Transitional Council has stated that sharia will be the principal source of law in the country’s new constitution. This new Islamic political order can lead only to a worsening of conditions for Christian minorities in the region; they suffered decades of discrimination and restrictions, even persecution, under the old regimes, but the fallen dictators did at least keep Islamist extremists in check. There has been a surge of antiChristian violence since the ousting of Mubarak in Egypt, prompting an exodus of an estimated 100,000 Christian families. Meanwhile, Syrian

Christians are fearful that they could suffer a repeat of what happened to their Iraqi counterparts in postSaddam Hussein Iraq if Assad falls; Islamist extremists were free to wreak havoc on the Christian community in Iraq, and hundreds of thousands were forced to flee their homes as a result. Many went to Syria, which was one of the last bastions of peace and equality for Christians in the Arab world. As the Arab Spring spread through the region around this time last year, Barnabas Fund sounded one of the early warning sirens that it could lead to a Christian Autumn; sadly, this prediction is increasingly becoming a reality.

CHRISTIAN LEADERS IN WOODEN STOCKS FOR 16 DAYS LAOS: Eight church leaders were arrested in December 2011 for holding a Christmas celebration in Boukham village. Initially four were placed in handcuffs and wooden stocks. One of the detainees was set free, but the other seven were asked to admit to flouting the village’s law by conducting a Christmas worship service. The Christians declared their innocence, citing the Lao constitution that guarantees freedom of religion. On 27 December all seven were clamped to one long wooden plank. They were each fined a large sum and a cow on 30 December for violating the traditional cult of the village, but they still denied the charges and refused to pay. After the intervention of higher authorities the fine was reduced, and the leaders were finally set free on 12 January 2012.

ACID ATTACK ON CONVERT PASTOR UGANDA: Pastor Umar Mulinde he poured acid which burnt part of had acid thrown in his face and on his back outside his church in Kampala on 24 December 2011. The substance caused burns to the right side of his face, neck and arms, and partially blinded his right eye. It is believed that he was targeted because of his conversion from Islam to Christianity and strong critique of Islam. The attack occurred at around 9pm in the church car park, shortly after the conclusion of a seven-day evangelistic campaign. Pastor Umar later testified: “I was attacked by a man who claimed to be a Christian. He called out to me shouting ‘pastor, pastor’, and as I turned to see who he was,

my face. As I turned away from the attacker, another man poured the liquid on my back and ran away shouting ‘Allah Akbar [god is great].’” The pastor was quickly rushed to a hospital in Kampala by church members. Pastor Umar came from a strict Muslim family and his father was an imam. He was a sheikh (Muslim teacher) before turning to Christianity, a decision that caused a strong reaction in the Muslim community. He revealed that he had been receiving threats for some time but says he did not take them seriously until now. He had also been a key opponent of Muslim plans to introduce Kadhi

courts (sharia courts) in Uganda. Specialists in the hospital in Kampala had been struggling to restore the sight in his right eye. Pastor Umar was moved to a medical

centre in Israel on 5 January, after it was decided that he needed more advanced treatment. Barnabas Fund is assisting with the costs of surgery.

Pastor Pas tor orr Um mar a Mul Mu ind inde e afte afte te er a c cid id d wa w s thro own n ove o r his s fac ce a and nd bac ck (Sou So ourc ou rc rce ce: Visi Visi ision on Gro Group up p / New ew Vis V ion ion P Prrint nttiing in n an nd Publ ublish ub ishing ish ing ng Com mp pan any) a y



“How can we remain silent while Christians are being persecuted?” This was the headline of an article published in British newspaper The Daily Telegraph days before Christians throughout the world celebrated Christmas.1 The article was also printed in The Spectator. The Economist has also recently reported on the growing levels of persecution experienced by Christians around the world. In his New Year address at the beginning of 2011 France’s President Sarkozy condemned “the perverse plan of religious cleansing in the Middle East” that targets Christians.

“If you believe in the cause of freedom, then proclaim it, live it and protect it, for humanity’s future depends on it.” Henry M. “Scoop” Jackson (1912 – 1983) US Congressman and Senator The emerging dominance of Islamists following the “Arab Spring” is unlikely to result in any improvement in human rights for religious minorities in Tunisia, Libya, Egypt or elsewhere in the Arab world. The situation is just as serious for Christians in many other parts of the globe. Last year Islamist groups in Ethiopia, Uganda, Kenya and Somalia, for example, also carried out attacks against Christians. In Nigeria, the President declared a state of emergency on 1 January 2012 in response to a spate of Islamist attacks against Christians. In Central Asia a number of legislative restrictions on freedom of religion have

been imposed in several countries. Converts from Islam in countries such as Afghanistan and Iran can face the death penalty. Aasia Bibi, a Christian mother, remains on death row in Pakistan after being convicted under the notorious blasphemy laws. In North Korea, China, Vietnam, Indonesia, Burma (Myanmar), Sri Lanka and parts of India, life has been getting worse for many Christians, to mention but a few contexts.

Barnabas Fund’s Proclaim Freedom campaign will run to the end of 2012 and will seek to raise the profile of the persecuted Church around the world. It will have two specific aims: • to press governments to be active in promoting human rights in other countries for all minorities, but especially religious freedom for the roughly 200 million Christians living under the shadow of persecution, discrimination and disadvantage • to press governments to work to ensure that other countries bring to justice citizens who either incite anti-Christian hatred or engage in anti-Christian violence

Christians are one of the largest and most persecuted groups in the world.2 Yet they often appear to be the most neglected group in Western governments’ foreign policy. There is little concrete engagement with the issues, even though governments may recognise that respect for minorities and human rights is a foundation stone for national and international peace and security.

A copy of the Proclaim Freedom petition is enclosed with this magazine. It provides us all with an opportunity to inform our governments that the time for words is over and that decisive policies should be followed, aimed at putting pressure on states that persecute or condone the persecution of Christians and assisting other countries to improve the lot of minority groups within their borders.

Governments have significant potential influence with other countries. Massive amounts of foreign aid are given to poorer countries; this aid can be well directed or unwisely directed. States maintain diplomatic relations, bilateral ties and security arrangements and cooperate in many fields. Most countries have signed up to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other conventions, some of which have specific legal mechanisms for dealing with countries who do not meet their responsibilities. There is plenty of scope for positive influence.

Please sign this petition and promote it within your church and community. You can help us influence government policy, which in turn could bring greater hope and freedom to our brothers and sisters throughout the world. You can obtain additional copies of the petition sheet by contacting your local Barnabas office (addresses on back cover), or by downloading them from You are also welcome to photocopy the sheet yourself.

1 “How can we remain silent while Christians are being persecuted?”, The Daily Telegraph, 22 December 2011 2 “Christians and Lions”, The Economist, 31 December 2011. 3 As cited by the OSCE Chair on Combating Racism, Xenophobia and Discrimination, also Focusing on Intolerance and Discrimination against Christians and Members of Other Religions. 10 BARNABAS AID MARCH/APRIL 2012


We continue our series on some of the key teachings of the Christian faith by focussing on the Person of our Lord Jesus Christ.

What does the Bible say about Jesus Christ? Introduction


how this relates to and challenges Muslim (and other) views of His Person. The NT writers paint their picture of Christ like a group of skilled workers putting up a magnificent building. Matthew, Mark and Luke lay a solid and extensive foundation; Paul raises a beautiful and complex structure; and John adds the roof with its soaring pinnacles. Other authors add various rich adornments. As we shall see, their completed work reveals the majestic glory of the Son of God, who is both fully God and fully human.

he Lord Jesus Christ is the heart and soul of the Christian faith. Without Him every one of its distinctive claims about God and His relation to us falls to the ground in ruins. Only because He is the Word of God made flesh (John 1:1, 14), the One who was in the form of God but was made in human likeness (Philippians 2:6-7), can He reveal God perfectly to us and open for us the way back to Him. So any attack on the Person of Christ is an attack on the integrity of Christianity itself. The Person of Christ in the Bible But for Christians, Jesus Christ is not just the Lord but our Lord, not just the Saviour but our Saviour. With God the The Synoptic Gospels and Acts Father and the Holy Spirit, He is the most important Person The accounts in the first three Gospels of Jesus’ public in our lives, the One who makes us what we most truly are, and (at least ideally) our closest friend. So those who call His ministry present Him as a prophet, someone who declares identity into question are challenging not only the content of an authoritative message from God in the power of the Holy our faith, but also our most vital and significant relationship. Spirit. The title is found once on His own lips (Luke 4:24 and The New Testament (NT) paints a series of very rich parallel passages), and He is also hailed as a prophet by others and varied portraits of Jesus Christ, which together make up a (e.g. Matthew 21:11; Luke 24:19). His ministry is empowered powerful and coherent picture. But the principal non-Christian by the Spirit (Luke 4:14); and He proclaims a Gospel from religions all deny some of its central elements. They do this God (Mark 1:14-15). either by putting other human beings or gods on the same or But although the title of prophet is an accurate descripa higher level with Christ (such as the many gods of Hindu- tion of Jesus, it is not a sufficient one. When He asks His ism) or by rejecting key Biblical statements about Him (such disciples who people say that He is, their list of suggestions as those relating to His deity and includes various prophetic figures divine Sonship). Any attack on the Person of Christ (Mark 8:28). But when Jesus asks Islam does both of these is an attack on the integrity of who they say that He is, Peter replies things. It places many other prophChristianity itself. “You are the Christ” (“Messiah” in ets on a level with Jesus (whom Hebrew) (Mark 8:29). Jesus is not Muslims call Isa), and it elevates the prophet of Islam, Mu- only a prophetic figure, but also a royal one; He is the Christ, hammad, to a vastly higher place. It also declares that Jesus God’s anointed King of His people Israel. Jesus’ identity as the Christ is revealed at various places was just a human being and not God; that someone else was crucified in His place; and that He did not rise from the dead. in these Gospels, including His baptism when He is anointed Yet because the Muslim Isa seems to resemble the Christian by the Spirit (Matthew 3:16) and His triumphal procession Jesus in some other ways, many people, even some Christians, to Jerusalem when the crowds acclaim Him as Son of David believe that the two figures are essentially the same. (Matthew 21:9). As Messiah, Jesus brings in the Kingdom of How are we to respond to these claims and witness God, His saving rule, through His preaching and powerful effectively to our Lord? The first step must be to understand works (Matthew 4:23; Luke 11:20). In His Person and minclearly what the NT has to say about Him. In this paper we istry the great Old Testament (OT) promises of salvation and will look briefly1 at its teaching in four main sections: the first restoration begin to be fulfilled (Matthew 1:21-23; 4:15-16). three Gospels and Acts; the letters of Paul; the Gospel and But the three Gospels also show us that Jesus’ role as letters of John; and the rest of the NT. We will then look at Messiah can be fully understood only in terms of His suffer-




What does the Bible say about Jesus Christ? ing and death. The Christ is also the Servant of the Lord who 2 Corinthians 5:10) to gather them to Himself (1 Thessalosuffers for the sins of His people (Matthew 12:15-21; Mark nians 4:16-18). These really amazing claims indicate that Christ is a 10:43-45). Immediately after Peter’s confession of Jesus as the Christ, He says that He must suffer, be rejected and killed unique human being, far greater than any other. But the let(and also rise again) (Mark 8:31); it is this way that He fulfils ters also show that He has a heavenly origin and that He is His special calling from God and enters into the glory of His Himself divine. Philippians 2:6-7 indicates that Jesus was kingship (Luke 24:26). At several points in the story of Jesus’ pre-existent; that is, He existed before the world was created; death the Gospel writers draw our attention to that kingship, and that He was also equal with God, but chose not to use his to emphasise that His reign is put into effect through His suf- divine status and qualities for His own advantage, but set them aside to become a human being. In obedience to God He then fering (e.g. Mark 15:26, 32). Then in His resurrection and exaltation Jesus is given humbled Himself still further to die on the cross. universal authority as Lord at the right hand of God (Matthew Paul also applies the title “Son of God” to Jesus. As 28:18; Acts 2:32-36). From there He continues to exercise in the Gospels and Acts, this is used to mean “Messiah” or to His rule as King, as the Kingdom of God comes with power indicate Jesus’ special or unique relationship to God, but in at (Luke 9:1; 24:49-51); from there He provides forgiveness least some cases it appears to mean much more. God “sent” his (Acts 5:31). He will also judge the world on the day God has Son (Galatians 4:4) to be a sin offering (Romans 8:3), which appointed (Acts 17:31). indicates His pre-existence. In Romans 1:3 Paul places side In these three Gospels and Acts Jesus is also called by side Jesus’ status as a descendant of David “according to “Son of God” (Mark 1:1; Luke 3:22; Acts 9:20). Here this the flesh” and His standing as Son of God “according to the term means the same as “Messiah” or “King”, but the idea of Spirit”, indicating that He is both human and divine. divine Sonship also carries the sense of a special or unique Paul identifies the Holy Spirit as “the Spirit of [God’s] relationship to God (Matthew 11:27; Mark 12:6; Luke 22:42). Son”, implying that the Spirit is related to Christ and to God As Son of God Jesus has authority over evil (Mark 3:11), but in a similar way. To be “in Christ” is apparently equivalent again that authority is expressed principally on the cross (Mat- to being “in the Spirit” (compare for example Romans 14:17 thew 27:54). with Philippians 4:4). Paul also says, Jesus’ preferred title for Him- Christ is divine as well as human. It however, that it is God who gives self is Son of Man. It is especially is for this reason that He is able to Christ authority over all things, and fulfil His role as the one Mediator that He will be made subject to God associated with His authority to forgive sins and re-state the Sabbath between God and humanity. (1 Corinthians 15:28). law (Mark 2:10; Matthew 12:8), but The letter to the Colossians like the other titles, its primary reference is to His death (Mat- contains an extended statement about the Person and work of thew 20:18, 28). It may also point back to the “son of man” in Christ (Colossians 1:15-20). He reflects the very image of God; Daniel 7, suggesting that while Jesus takes a place of humility He was God’s agent in the creation of the world; and He is and humiliation in His earthly ministry, He will also be exalted now also God’s agent in the reconciliation of all things to God. to the place of authority. Some of the key terms in this statement were used in Jewish writings to refer to God’s pre-existent Wisdom, which is the Paul’s writings means He used to make the world and the goal of all things Paul teaches that Jesus is a human being, a representa- (see Proverbs 8:22-31). Colossians tells us that this Wisdom tive both of the whole human race and of God’s own people has become a human being in Christ (Colossians 2:3), and that Israel (Galatians 4:4). He has a real human nature (Romans in Him all the fullness of deity dwells bodily (Colossians 2:9). 8:3), although He is without sin (2 Corinthians 5:21), and Christ may even be explicitly called “God” in the Paulexperienced not only a human birth but also a human death ine letters (Romans 9:5 and Titus 2:13). In any case, the texts (1 Corinthians 15:3). Paul calls Him the last Adam (1 Corin- reviewed above strongly indicate that He is divine as well as thians 15:45), who undoes the effects of Adam’s sin (Romans human. It is for this reason that He is able to fulfil His role as 5:18) and is the first fruits of a new humanity (1 Corinthians the one Mediator between God and humanity (1 Timothy 2:5). 15:48-49). Like the Gospel writers, Paul presents Jesus as the The Gospel and Letters of John2 Christ/Messiah of Israel (Romans 9:5) who is sent by God In John’s Gospel the teaching of the NT on the Person to set His people free (Galatians 4:4). He is a crucified Mes- of Christ reaches new heights. The picture of Him that we find siah (1 Corinthians 1:23) who died for the ungodly and for here is in some ways very like that in the other three Gospels. sinners (Romans 5:6, 8), but God has also raised Him from In particular, Jesus fulfils several of the same roles, although the dead (1 Corinthians 15:5) and exalted Him to heaven to John develops our understanding of these in new directions. In John, as in the other Gospels, Jesus is seen as a share God’s own authority (Philippians 2:9-11). According to Paul, at God’s right hand Christ takes prophet by Himself and others (John 4:44; 9:17). But here on many of the roles fulfilled by God Himself, along with He is also identified with the prophet, the figure like Moses Him. Thus, like God, Christ is the object of His people’s faith whose coming was foretold by him in Deuteronomy 18:15. (Galatians 2:20); He gives divine blessings to them, notably So Jesus is not only commissioned by God and given by Him salvation (1 Thessalonians 5:9) and eternal life (Romans 6:23); an authoritative message to proclaim, like the other Biblical and He will come as Lord and Judge (1 Corinthians 15:24; prophets; He is also the final bringer of God’s revelation. Af-




What does the Bible say about Jesus Christ? ter Him God has nothing more to add to what he has spoken. sin (Hebrews 4:15). It spells out His superiority both to the angels (Hebrews 1:5-14) and to Moses (Hebrews 3:1-6). Once again Jesus is presented as the Messiah, the one anointed by God as the vice-regent of His kingdom (John 1:41; He is an everlasting high priest in an order greater than that of the OT priests (Hebrews 7). He is also the mediator of a 4:42; 11:27). The idea is sometimes present even where the better covenant than theirs, established by his death, which title is not mentioned, in places where John emphasises the is a better and permanent sacrifice for sin (Hebrews 8 – 10). kingship of Jesus (e.g. John 6:15; 18:33-37). The title “Son of God” is again used in some places with the same kingly sense (e.g. John 1:49; 20:31). But in • The first letter of Peter associates Jesus with the John’s Gospel “the Son” means much more than “the king”. Spirit of God as the inspirer of the OT prophets As Son of God, Jesus is very closely connected to God the (1 Peter 1:11). The same reverence is to be shown to Father, who is His Father in a unique sense (John 1:18; 20:17). Him as to God (1 Peter 3:14-15), and His exaltation to He knows and reveals the Father (John 17:25-26), speaks His heaven is above all other heavenly beings (1 Peter 3:22). words (John 14:10) and performs His deeds (John 10:25). And “Son of Man” continues to be heard in John as a • The book of Revelation asserts that worship is to be offered title used by Jesus for Himself, even though it is less dominant to God alone (Revelation 19:10; 22:9), but the exalted Christ than in the other Gospels. As before, it is especially connected receives worship along with God, implying that He is Himwith His death and exaltation to heaven (John 3:14; 12:23), self divine (Revelation 5:8-14). Nothing higher could be said about Him than that He is the proper object of worship. and here also with His role as the meeting-point of heaven and earth (John 1:51; 6:27). But John has much greater things to say about Jesus The Person of Christ and Christian mission even than these. In the prologue to the Gospel he identifies What does this NT understanding of the Lord Jesus Him with someone called “the Word”, whom He both distinguishes from God (He “was with God”) and identifies with Christ mean for our mission to Muslims and others? In parGod (He “was God”) (John 1:1). This Word was with God ticular, how does it address the claims made by Islam about Him? In this section we will look in the beginning (John 1:2); He is As the incarnate Word, Jesus at the two areas outlined above: the both God’s agent in creation (John is the supreme and final Muslim downgrading of Jesus rela1:3) and the way in which God expresses Himself and makes Himself revelation of God the Father. tive to Muhammad, and the Muslim known (John 1:4-5). Astonishingly, denial of His nature and work. He has also become flesh (incarnate) and made His dwelling Jesus – more than a prophet among us (John 1:14). So as the incarnate Word, Jesus is the supreme and According to the Quran, Jesus was just one prophet final revelation of God the Father. So close is the relationship in a long line, all of whom had equal status as prophets of between them that anyone who sees or knows or honours or Islam. The list includes Abraham, Ishmael, Jacob and Moses. denies Jesus can be said to see and know and honour and not His main message was submission to the god of Islam. Islam have the Father (John 5:23; 14:7, 9; 1 John 2:23). He is also teaches that Jesus was given a book, called the Injil or Gospel, God’s principal agent on earth: He performs the full range of as a revelation and law for His time, but this has now been divine tasks, those that only God is supposed to do, includ- corrupted by Christians and needs to be superseded and coring working on the Sabbath (John 5:17), raising the dead and rected by the more perfect revelation given by the god of Islam exercising judgment (John 5:27-29). He brings God’s salva- to Muhammad, the last and best of the prophets. For Muslims Muhammad is vastly superior to Isa, and tion to others (John 3:17; 1 John 3:5), and because He shares in God’s eternal life, He is able to reveal that life to them and in Islamic practice the veneration of Muhammad is widespread. In fact, they believe that he has some of the qualities and fulfils pass it on to them too (John 17:2; 1 John 1:1-2). The author of 1 John identifies Jesus with “the true God” some of the roles that the NT ascribes either to Jesus or to the (1 John 5:20), and the letter also emphasises the humanity Holy Spirit. Islamic tradition has made him an eternal figure, of Jesus. It identifies the human Jesus very clearly with the for whose sake the god of Islam created the world, and the divine Son (1 John 3:8; 5:20), and says that the divine Spirit only real mediator between that god and the world. The fake confesses that “Jesus Christ has come in the flesh” (1 John 4:2). 15th century Gospel of Barnabas also ascribes to him the role of the Parakletos (the Spirit) described in John 14 – 16. The rest of the NT We have seen above that the NT affirms that Jesus is The other NT writings play a set of variations indeed a prophet. All four Gospels record His claiming the title on these great themes from the first three Gospels and for Himself and others applying it to Him, and their accounts Acts, Paul and John, developing them in different ways of His ministry show Him commissioned with an authoritaand occasionally adding some new ideas. For example: tive message from God, which He proclaims in word and deed and in the power of the Holy Spirit. But various aspects of the • The letter to the Hebrews presents Christ as both the exalted picture we have sketched contradict the Muslim view of Him and unique divine Son, the supreme revelation of God ful- as just one prophet among equals. filling all that went before (Hebrews 1:1-4), and one who First, the Gospels all agree that the title is not adequate shares our human nature (Hebrews 2:14-18), yet without for Jesus. His use of it is sparing, certainly when compared



1: A comprehensive treatment of everything that the NT says about Jesus Christ would require a large volume! We will focus here on its most important affirmations about Him, especially those that are particularly relevant to mission among Muslims and others. 2: 2 and 3 John contribute little to our understanding of the Person of Christ, so only the first letter is mentioned here.

What does the Bible say about Jesus Christ? with Son of Man, and although He accepts it from others the strong sense maintained by Paul and (especially) John; it He seemingly does not encourage it either. This seems to be makes Him only a created being, formed from the dust of the because He wants people to recognise that He is more than a earth. It also flatly denies the death of Jesus on the cross; most prophet, specifically that He is also a royal figure – God’s own Muslim commentators interpret the relevant passage to mean anointed King. The Bible teaches that Jesus’ role as a prophet that a substitute was made to look like Jesus and was crucified is not the limit of His significance; it is just the starting-point in His place while He was taken straight up to heaven. And because Jesus does not die, His death cannot be a sacrifice for of a vastly greater story. Secondly, John’s Gospel clearly marks out Jesus’ pro- sin, and He cannot rise from the dead. These denials, if well founded, would do far more than phetic ministry from that of former prophets by identifying Him with the prophet like Moses promised in the OT (Deuter- trim a few edges or corners from the NT portraits of Jesus; they onomy 18:15-19). For John this makes Him God’s last word to would punch huge holes in the centre. Christ’s deity is stated the world; there will be no new revelation to add to, supersede explicitly and unambiguously in several places, and these exor correct what has been spoken in Him. So the Muslim claim press a conclusion that is quite unavoidable from a wealth of that Muhammad has provided in the Quran a fuller and better other NT evidence, much of which is mentioned above. The revelation than that of Jesus, or even just an extra one, can- same is true of Jesus’ divine Sonship, which follows naturally not be accepted without doing violence to Biblical teaching. from His deity and His unique relationship to God. And thirdly, the NT portraits of Jesus make Him far There is also excellent reason to believe that the death greater even than the figure of Muhammad in Islam. He ex- and resurrection of Jesus were fundamental to the Gospel ceeds the prophet of Islam in every place: whether in the from the earliest days. Certainly they are found in every maGospels’ picture of Him as the regal Messiah and Son of jor strand of NT teaching, and they are essential to many of God, in Paul’s teaching about His its affirmations about Jesus, such as pre-existence and heavenly origin, There can be no compromise with the Gospel titles of Messiah, Son of the Muslim denials about Jesus, in John’s description of Him as the God and Son of Man, Paul’s teachand no reducing Him to a purely divine Word made flesh, or in the ing on Christ’s humbling Himself human and uncrucified prophet. worship offered to Him, with God, even to death and then being exalted in the book of Revelation. These to heaven, and the picture in Heare not a few insignificant details that can be easily set aside, brews of Jesus as the eternal high priest of a new and better leaving us with a mere prophet like the Muslims’ Isa. They covenant. This last theme (which is found in other forms in are fundamental to NT teaching, and without them the whole Paul and the Gospels) also indicates the importance of Jesus’ death as a sacrifice. The authority of Jesus as Lord, which edifice of NT Christianity comes crashing to the ground. is the earliest and most basic Christian confession, is firmly Jesus – more than a man grounded in His resurrection. Islam gives many titles to Jesus that are also found in the So there can be no compromise with the Muslim deniNT. In addition to “prophet”, these include “messiah”, “serv- als about Jesus, and no reducing Him to a purely human and ant” and “word of God”. It also affirms various Gospel events, uncrucified prophet. After that hatchet work is done, little including Jesus’ sinless life, His ascension and His return. It is is left not only of the NT pictures of Jesus, but of Biblical for this reason that the Muslim Isa is often mistakenly thought Christianity itself. to be virtually equivalent to the NT figure of Jesus. Conclusion But this impression is seriously misleading, even leaving aside for a moment Islam’s explicit denials of many BibliWe have seen that the Muslim view of Jesus is fundacal teachings about Christ. The titles used in the Quran are no more than names for Jesus, much the same as Isa (the origin mentally inconsistent with the New Testament, and that to and meaning of this Quranic name are obscure); the Quran accept it is to reject the authentic Christian faith. It is vital does not give them anything approaching their NT meaning. to understand this if we are to share our faith with Muslims And Muslims understand the Gospel events in quite different without compromising its integrity. But as we suggested in the introduction, there is even ways: for example, when Jesus returns, He is expected to do so as a Muslim who will destroy Christianity and make Islam more at stake: our relationship with our Saviour, Lord and Friend. We owe it to the one who loved us and freed us from the only religion in the world! In any case, what Islam denies from the NT portraits our sins by His blood to uphold the honour of His great Name, of Jesus is much more significant than what it affirms. The by thinking Biblically about who He is and confessing it boldly Quran firmly denies His deity, and also His divine Sonship in in the face of challenge. To Him be the glory for ever!

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Barnabas Partners “I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now.” Philippians 1:3-5 Chr Ch h isttian an ns pra ra ray ay yin ing ng n g in in Zi Zim mb mba ba ab abwe bwe bw we we

At Barnabas Fund we are very grateful for the prayers and generosity of our supporters, which enable us, with the help of our Lord, to transform the lives of so many Christians who suffer for their faith. But the needs are immense, and we want to share them with as many people as possible. The Apostle Paul rejoiced that his readers in Philippi were partners with him in his ministry of proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ. And we too recognise our need for partners in our ministry of making known the plight of the persecuted churches. Our partners include the numerous Christian individuals, churches and organisations through whom we channel our aid to the persecuted Church in many countries. They also include the voluntary representatives who give selflessly of their time and energy to support what we do in many churches

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“You made it possible for us to remain in the Lord’s service when every reason urged us to retreat from discouragement, retreat from lack of sufficient funds and retire from insufficient know-how. You have encouraged us, funded us and educated us when we so much needed it. If we are a kite the Lord is flying, you are the string in his hands.” Francis Omondi, senior ministry leader, Kenya


Barnabas Partnership with Persecuted Leaders

priority in Barnabas Fund’s ministry is to strengthen, equip and encourage Christian leaders who are serving the Lord in contexts of pressure or hostility. From senior leaders who head up large organisations to simple pastors caring for their flock, Barnabas Fund partners with them to enable them in their ministry.

“Barnabas Fund has been a real source of inspiration and encouragement to us … strengthening our hands in ministry over the past seven years. They have not only made us strong, bold and courageous but have given to us through their financial support the will and resolve to take the message of the Gospel across Guyana and the Caribbean” Paul Mursalin heads up a ministry in Guyana, South America, that is reaching Muslims with the message of the Gospel via television.

I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now (Philippians 1:4-5).



Partnering with Bible and Theological Colleges “This study is blessing of God for me. It is an answer to my prayer.” This was the testimony of a church leader in Uzbekistan who attended training sponsored by Barnabas. The 60 leaders who completed the course are serving God in a situation of great persecution. They bore witness to the way their studies had given them vision, purpose and strategies for ministry, and encouraged them in teamwork. In situations of hostility or pressure from other religions, Christians need to be well grounded in their faith and need a thorough understanding of why they believe in Christ. For this purpose effective leadership is vital. Whilst we profoundly believe that it is the Holy Spirit who guides, encourages and supports His people, particularly those in leadership positions, it can also be very helpful for them to be equipped and resourced. But in some countries, many dedicated and hard-working church leaders have not had the opportunity of training to equip them for their ministry. In the last two years, Barnabas Fund has supported 10,240 Christians who are equipping themselves for service by studying. We support theological colleges, Bible colleges, and other Christian training institutes in 26 countries, including Algeria, China, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Tajikistan. A Bible school in Kyrgyzstan is equipping men and women to become pastors and missionaries in their own country. One graduate said, “Knowledge that I get here helps me very much in ministry… It is especially important because we live in Islam majority country. Therefore we need to know Christian dogmatic questions to talk about Jesus and to explain many problems.”

We also fund specialised training to equip leaders with particular skills needed in their own ministry contexts and to help them face persecution. Workshops, Bible courses and conferences help individuals to develop ministry skills and bring leaders together for teaching, encouragement and to share about the challenges they face, seek solutions and develop strategies to respond. Barnabas also invests in the church leaders of the future through seminars for Christian students. For example, in Bangladesh young people are the key to the health of a Christian minority that is despised and marginalised. We funded 73% of the costs of four regional conferences, attended by 320 students in total. The conference theme was Hebrews 10:22-24, and there were workshops on mission, culture, and dealing with the frustrations of life as a Christian student or seeking work in a country where Christians are discriminated against.

During 2010 and 2011 Barnabas provided 1,480,834 pieces of Christian literature, including Bibles and other items, in 14 languages and 24 countries. Many Christian leaders are desperately short of the ministry resources that we take for granted in the West. Christian books and study materials are especially important. Barnabas Fund provides for the translation, printing and distribution of Bibles and other Christian books, booklets and magazines in various languages. For example, in Pakistan an Urdu study Bible and a synopsis of the four Gospels have been produced for the first time.

Partnering with Pastors and Evangelists 9 yea 92 years rs old old,, a st an and still illl ch churc urchurc h hplanti pla nting nti ng amo amongs am ngs gst Musslims Muslim Mus lim im ms i n Indone Ind ndone on nesia n sia, i , with su por sup port ffrom rom om Barnab Bar ab bas

Partnering through Resources

Pasto Pas Pasto tor or Kh Khok ok oka o k r (front nt lef l ft) t) recceiv t) ivving g hi hiss Urdu Urdu rd du Stu udyy Bib B le e from the h Pak akkistan n Bib B le Soc S iet So ietty

“It was my great desire to get this Bible… The whole congregation will be blessed through this book.” Pastor Sharif Khokhar received an Urdu Study Bible from Barnabas Fund to help him in understanding the Bible and preparing sermons for his church members. Discrimination and fear of violence are part of daily life for many pastors in Pakistan. Many also live in deep poverty.

“I thank you and the brothers and sisters in Barnabas Fund organisation who are a great blessing to me and my family, as you have been my partners in the work which the Lord has accomplished through me. I am truly very encouraged and relieved on the issue of finance for my needs and the needs of my family.” Pastor H. in Algeria Courageous and faithful, enduring hardship and persecution, hundreds of evangelists, church-planters and pastors are faithfully serving the Lord in their own homelands with support from Barnabas Fund. In the last two years, our assistance, together with local donations or small income-generation projects, has enabled 573 full-time Christian workers to continue serving the Lord in 33 countries.

Spiritual hunger fed by Bible training in the Democratic Republic of the Congo Wracked by bloody conflict for many years, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) is also a desperately poor country. Many trained pastors have been killed in the violence and churches are being led by those who have had no opportunity to train. Some do not even own a copy of the Bible.

“The atmosphere throughout the week was vibrant and there was an air of expectation and excitement... These pastors are hungry for teaching,” reported one

of the organisers about a leadership training event funded by Barnabas in DRC.

One hundred senior pastors and 20 leading women workers from all over the DRC attended the training and each received a copy of the Africa Bible Commentary. Another 40 were so eager to learn that they “attached” themselves unofficially to the session, sitting at the back, listening and taking notes.

Reference numbers: 00-430 Leadership Training Fund 00-360 Christian Literature 00-362 Bibles and Scriptures 00-477 Pastors’ Support Fund 00-478 Evangelists’ Support Fund



Leaning on the


a story of persecution

“Debbie” came from a strict Muslim family in a Muslim-majority country. Her father was an influential businessman with contacts in the government. Here is her testimony. Trying to fill an empty heart Debbie says, “Growing up I had everything I wanted. I always felt the need of being close to the creator, I did all my Islamic requirements to be a good servant to Allah; I also followed and obeyed my father’s rules… But I was angry and lonely growing up. When I was 17 I wanted to run away from my life. Of course that was not possible … so I came up with a plan of going out of the country to study. I expected that my father would not easily accept this plan, because I am a girl and girls should stay home, but surprisingly he agreed to send me to England to study.


“I moved to England in 1998 and found that it was very different from my country. I started my studies and … after a while I started making friends and learning the life that was offered to many young people in England: parties, alcohol and even drugs. “I was so lost in my heart and felt so lonely and rejected for my whole life that new friendships were a way to fill my empty heart. It did not take me long to understand that nothing was filling that emptiness… I felt like I was so far from the creator and as a Muslim girl I was not doing the right

things by drinking and going to parties. This made me feel even more depressed and lost. The last straw in my life happened when I found out that my fiancé was cheating on me.”

Love and hope at church Late one Saturday night Debbie found herself at a small church. She was met by the church leader, who gave her some leaflets and prayed for her. “Please come again tomorrow morning for the Sunday service,” he asked. In shock, Debbie ran and told her aunt what had happened. When asked if she was going to go back to the

LEARNING FROM THE PERSECUTED CHURCH church, she replied, “That it is not ever possible. I am a Muslim girl and I know that Christianity is corrupted; why would I go to listen to lies of the people when I knew that Islam is the final religion on earth?” But the next morning, Debbie was at church! How had she ended up back there, and why did all the people there look happy and act like they loved each other when they were not even related? Every Sunday for two months, Debbie went to church to try to understand what they were saying and how they were so full of love and hope. She decided Christianity was a “happy loving religion” and thought, “I should just become a Christian and maybe that is the way I will be like them; happy, joyful and loving. I could still believe in Allah.” Happy with her decision and thinking this would not be a problem for anyone, she called her father to tell him that she had become a Christian. To her surprise, he did not like it, and she found herself out on the streets within two weeks. Debbie says “I was rejected by all of my friends, my aunt and everyone I knew. They were all against me just because I said I had become a Christian. As I was

“Shortly after I moved into their house they got me a Bible in my own language. I started reading and fell in love with the Word of God. It was so deep but also so easy to read and understand. It was so touching and full of love that I was weeping and laughing; all of my emotions were upside down and I could not understand why or how this book was touching my heart so much. I would read and take notes and ask a lot of questions every day. I came to an understanding of who Jesus really is, why He died on the cross and what salvation means. In April 2000, I was baptised.”

Kidnapped Shortly after her baptism, Debbie was kidnapped outside her home. Her abductors said they would kill her unless she returned to her country as a Muslim. Refusing, she started to sing her favourite worship song. Debbie recalls, “I was a believer and a follower of Jesus with my full heart and not even death could separate me from Him. I was not scared nor did I feel pain from the cuts on my neck. After all that they had done and said to me, I was still peaceful and could sing a song. That was not what they

“My Jesus, My Saviour, Lord, there is none like you; all of my days I want to praise the wonders of your mighty love.” Debbie’s favourite worship song, which she sang to her captors

thinking that this is the worst thing to happen to me I realised my father was sending his friends to take me back to my home town. If I went back, many bad things could happen to me, including death. “It was a cold rainy day and I was wet and hungry. I was fighting with God saying, ‘just because I said I will believe you and be a Christian look at what is happening to me’. I cried out asking for my life back even if I hated it; then I said, “Give me a family and friends, make me happy and feel like I belong, I can trust again, then I will give you my whole life and will serve you until the last day of my life.” Nothing happened. No angels came down from heaven, nor did I hear a sound, but a peace took over my mind.”

A new family A few minutes later, Debbie’s phone rang. A couple from the church (S and B) wanted to meet her for lunch. When they found out she no longer had a place to live, they gave her a room in their house.

were expecting.” Confused, her captors let her go, and after a short stay in hospital Debbie returned to S and B.

Seeking God’s path Debbie had applied for asylum in the UK, but one day she learned that her father’s contacts had taken her passport and identification documents and sabotaged her application. The Home Office said that her case was missing. “I prayed and asked God to show me a way. I was alone and had no family, no money, no ID and no passport. I was not going to go back to my father or to my religion; I have Jesus and I am not leaving Him no matter what but what do I do, where do I go, how could I stand against the people who want to kill me? I knew they were not done with me yet and the only way to protect myself was to run away, to hide.”

to trust Him and follow Him no matter how difficult it seemed. He said he would lead me and I was to follow Him. In the morning I knew He wanted me to go back to my home country, where there was a secret Bible school that would take me and hide me. I could learn and study the Bible in my own language and share the Gospel with my people.” But going back could mean possible death, because her father could easily find her. Debbie declares, “When faith rises up, nothing can stop God from what he has planned. I had faith and trusted him to take care of the details.” Despite her lack of paperwork, passport or ID, she managed to leave Britain. When she arrived in her home country, the computers were not working, the customs officers were unable to check her name against their records, and she passed through without difficulty. She says, “It was like I did not exist. I was not in England and nobody knew that I was in my home country. I could be free to study the Word of God.”

Bible school blessing Debbie met her husband at Bible school, and they were married in 2001. Despite her husband being arrested and tortured by the government countless times, they served the Lord and preached the Gospel together for eight years and started a number of churches in their country. However, they were forced to flee in 2009. Debbie and her husband are now in a country where they are free to worship and to share the Gospel with local Muslims. Debbie says, “Ministry is our life, not our job. Our desire is to help and awaken Christians. His immeasurable and everlasting love is for all of us.” Give thanks for the way the Lord has brought Debbie through her trials over the years. Pray for those with whom she comes into contact, that they may see the love of the Lord through her words and her actions. Pray for her and her family, that the Lord will bless and guide them in the years ahead. Barnabas Fund has assisted Debbie.

After a time of prayer, Debbie decided she wanted to go to Bible school and study the Word, but without a passport doors would be closed in the UK. She says, “I prayed and cried out to God and that night, I had a dream where Jesus asked me



Suffering and Glory Romans 8:12-30 For Christians Eritrea is one of the most repressive countries in the world. Many of its church leaders and members have been imprisoned in atrocious conditions for years on end, where they are subject to hard labour, starvation and torture. Even those who stay out of jail may lose their jobs or be forbidden to leave the country.


ritrea is an extreme example, but only because persecution there is so severe. In this and every issue of Barnabas Aid we tell the story of Christians in many parts of the world who suffer because of their faith in Christ. For many thousands of our brothers and sisters, discrimination, oppression and persecution are part of their daily experience. Even for Christians in the supposedly more tolerant West, the insidious and relentless pressure of mockery and marginalisation can often be hard to bear. How are these sufferings for Christ to be endured? In other words, how can we stay faithful to our Lord in the face of them, continuing to confess His Name and maintaining a consistent Christian lifestyle? This is one of the questions that our passage, from Paul’s letter to the Romans, is intended to answer.

The pain and the gain All over the world athletes are preparing vigorously for the Olympic Games to be held in London later this year. They have to take on a strict training schedule that includes diet, exercise and frequent practice, and that generates varying levels of physical and mental pain. But they are able to endure this demanding challenge in the hope of attaining a reward in a few months’ time: a place in the Olympic squad, a medal, a new world record. For them the future gain is worth the present pain. Paul uses the picture of the athlete in his writings to refer to the discipline and effort


required for Christian discipleship (1 Corinthians 9:24-27; 2 Timothy 2:5).

the sake of their Lord. The passage falls naturally into two sections: verses 12-17 and verses 18-30.

On a much greater and vastly more important scale, this is also the message of our passage. Paul says to his readers, “I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in [or to] us” (verse 18). He acknowledges that suffering is an inescapable part of authentic Christian living here and now: in the verse just before he has said that our status as “co-heirs with Christ” is conditional on our suffering with Him (verse 17). But this anguish flies upwards on the scales when weighed against what we will receive later, because those who suffer with Christ will also have the amazing privilege of being glorified with Him. For us too, the future gain is most definitely worth the present pain.

Life in the Spirit (8:12-17)

The immediate context of Paul’s argument is his teaching in 8:1-11. Here he explains how God, through Christ and the Spirit, has set believers free from the flesh (which is the sinful state of human beings), from sin and from death. In doing this God has made it possible for us to fulfil His law; so if we live our lives according to the Spirit’s promptings and in the Spirit’s power, He will bring us life and peace, and in the end God will raise us from the dead. In light of this great act of God, Paul goes on to explain how Christians are to endure suffering for

Paul says that because of what God has done for us, we are in debt to Him, and we pay that debt by living our lives not according to the flesh but according to the Spirit. The whole of Romans is about how God has acted to make us righteous: first by sending His Son to deal with our sin, and then by sending His Spirit to enable us to live for Him. So if we persist in living by the flesh, we will die; but if we put the misdeeds of the body to death by the Spirit, we will receive God’s gift of life. In fact, it is as we are led by the Spirit that we enjoy the great privilege, and fulfil the high calling, of being God’s children. The Spirit adopts us into God’s family, and puts on our lips the cry to God that Jesus Himself used: “Abba, Father”. The Spirit gives us the inner conviction that we are God’s children, and therefore also His heirs. But we will enjoy these blessings – we will share in the glory of the exalted Christ – only if we also suffer with Him. So Christians must not expect to be able to fulfil our obligation to live a righteous life in a cosy and supportive environment! This responsibility must be worked out in the heat of suffering for the sake of our Lord, and the process is difficult and painful, especially for those brothers and


sisters who suffer acute forms of persecution. But the past action of God on our behalf urges us on from behind; the future promise of God about our glory draws us on from in front; and the present enabling of the Spirit empowers us from within.

Hope of glory (8:18-30) In this second section Paul encourages his readers in the midst of their present sufferings, on the basis of their future glory. He does so with reference to the coming new creation (verses 18-25), the prayer of the Spirit (verses 26-27) and their adoption as God’s children (verses 28-30). The overarching reason why our present sufferings as Christians are not worth comparing with the coming glory is that the whole of creation is going to be liberated by God. In a cosmic reenactment of the great exodus of God’s people from Egypt, and of the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, the created order will be set free from its slavery to decay and its inability to fulfil God’s intention for it, to reflect His glory

as it should. As part of this great deliverance, the bodies of believers will also be redeemed, as we rise to share Christ’s resurrection glory and His rule over the renewed and redeemed creation.

We do not fully understand how the distress of the persecuted churches, or even our own, is used by God for our good, but we know that the end result is greater blessing than we can imagine. Life for Christians is not easy in the meantime! Although we hope confidently for these great blessings, we do not possess them yet, and are still bound up with the pain of the unredeemed creation. But even though we do not even know what is right to pray, God’s Spirit within us intercedes on our behalf. In the midst of our sufferings we have someone to stand with us before God, whose groaning, too deep for words, expresses what we long to say but cannot.

And God works everything together for good for His people, those whom He has called to Himself and who love Him. Even the most extreme sufferings that we may have to endure for Him are worked into His purpose to transform us into the image of His Son, a process that ends in our being glorified with Him. We do not fully understand how the distress of the persecuted churches, or even our own, is used by God for our good, but we know that the end result is greater blessing than we can imagine. When the gain of our glorious hope is unpacked in this way, we realise that it really is more than worth the pain of our present sufferings. Not only are we promised a share in Christ’s resurrection and reign in a world made new; we also have the Spirit to lead us there through His intercession, and God’s promise to use even our trials to fulfil His wonderful purpose for us. These convictions, sealed on our hearts by that same Spirit, enable us to stand firm in the face of persecution.

QUESTIONS FOR PERSONAL STUDY OR GROUP DISCUSSION 1. How do you react when you face criticism or hostility because of your love for Christ? What methods do you use to sustain your faith in such conditions?

5. What promise about the creation does Paul provide in verses 19-25 to sustain us in our sufferings? What will these involve for us individually?

2. How important to you is the promise of “the glory to be revealed” (v. 18) as an encouragement in the midst of “present sufferings”?

6. How have you experienced the Spirit interceding for and in you (vv. 26-27)? What results have you seen from such prayer?

3. What do you think it means to be led by the Spirit (vv. 13-14)? How in practice do we “put to death the deeds of the body”?

7. How have you seen God working “for good” in the negative circumstances and events of your life (v. 28)? What will be the end result of this process (v. 30)?

4. What condition does Paul lay down for our being children and heirs of God (v. 17)? How ready are you to face this?

8. How can you use the great promises in this passage to help yourself stand firm when your faith is under pressure? How can you use them to help others?



bas Baking for Barnab

Barnabas Fund would like to give a special thank you to Josiah Davis, age 6, from London for raising money to help Christians in Pakistan. Josiah writes, “Dear Barnabas Fund, I sold my chocolate tiffin at our church toddler group. I collected £26. This money is for the Christians in Pakistan who are living under tarpaulin because of the floods in 2010. From Josiah Davis.”

Introducing Barnabas offices in Scotland and N. Ireland

W are pleased to announce that we now have regional offices in Scotland We aand Northern Ireland. We are thankful to the Lord for the great interest shown in these posts and have been able to appoint outstanding individuals with relevant previous experience. Robbie Toop is our new Barnabas Fund Scotland Coordinator. He can be contacted by email on or by phone on 07798627376. Kris Baraniuk will be the Coordinator for Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. He can be contacted by email on or or by phone on 07867854604.

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for Barnabas Fund

Did you know if you are selling an item via eBay, you can no between 10% and w donate 100% of the sale pr oceeds to Barnabas Fund? First, visit our eBay charity “About us” pa ge. To find this, go to k and go to the “Sell ” m enu. Select the “Sell option and then “Bro for Charity” wse our charities” in the right hand colum n. Next, click on “sell now”. You can then list your item/s in th specify the amount e usual way and of the sale that you wish Barnabas Fund addition, if you are to receive. In a UK tax payer, jus t select Gift Aid and to your donation at 25% will be added no cost to yourself.

n Christian Resources Exhibition Barnabas Fund will have a stand at the International Christian Resources Exhibition, which is to be held from 8-11 May 2012 at Sandown Park, Esher. Our staff and volunteers will be happy to welcome you at Stand S70, so please come by and see what Barnabas Fund is doing in 2012. We will be delighted to meet you. For more information, visit

B nabas Fund website in Bar d different languages Barnabas has been working hard to prepare different versions of our website Ba for our supporters in various parts of the world. In addition to those for Australia, New Zealand and the USA, we now have sections for supporters who speak Russian, German, Spanish and Chinese. To view these sites, go to and click on the relevant flag in the top righthand corner. Please note that these websites are still under construction and they contain different amounts of translated content.

Praying for the persecuted Church in Lent

The weeks leading up to Easter provide a good opportunity for us to focus on the needs of the persecuted Church, in both prayer and practical giving.

We are pleased to include with this magazine a copy of our 2012 Lent prayer booklet. We hope you find this a useful tool to inspire and assist your prayers for Christians around the world in the weeks before Easter. Further copies are available to order from your nearest Barnabas office (addresses on back cover) or from our website (www. Please would you also consider making a donation or asking your church to take up an Easter offering to help our Christian brothers and sisters who are suffering for their faith at this time? Thank you for your faithful support for persecuted Christians.


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Supporters in Germany: please turn to back cover for how to send gifts to Barnabas Fund.

Mag 03/12

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Mag 03/12

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Tackling Islam’s Apostasy Law The British signatures, numbering 55,976 including electronic as well as paper, were delivered on 21 July 2011 to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, where the petition was accepted by the Human Rights and Democracy Department.

Petition Delivered to UK Foreign Office Barnabas Fund would like to express our gratitude to 69,013 people from a variety of countries who signed our Apostasy Petition in 2009-10. The petition called on national governments to support all efforts by Muslims to have the Islamic apostasy law abolished, so that Muslims who choose to leave their faith are no longer liable to any penalty but are free to follow their new convictions without fear, in accordance with Article 18 of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Abolishing the Law of Apostasy – future action Barnabas Fund will continue to press in 2012 for the abolition of this iniquitous law. According to all schools of sharia (Islamic law), an adult male Muslim who chooses to leave his faith should be killed. The punishment for a Muslim woman who apostatises is either imprisonment (with or without beatings) or death, according to the school of sharia. The sharia laws were codified by Islamic scholars in the 8th and 9th centuries. They interpreted two basic sources – the Quran and the hadith (traditions recording what Muhammad said and

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did) – to create the laws, which have remained unchanged ever since. But the medieval interpretations are being challenged by a number of courageous Muslim scholars of the 21st century. Some of these scholars point out that the death penalty for apostasy is not clearly sanctioned anywhere in the Quran. They also argue that the examples in the hadith of executing apostates were really punishments for treachery against the Islamic community. Others hold that Muhammad’s commands to kill apostates were only applicable to the time and place that he issued them, and should not have been made into a universal law by later Muslims. Barnabas Fund is in discussion with some of these Muslim scholars to see how we can help them to achieve our shared goal of abolishing all penalties for Muslims who choose to leave Islam. Please pray with us and for us in this new venture.

Jersey Le Jardin, La Rue A Don, Grouville, Jersey, Channel Islands JE3 9GB Telephone 700600 Fax 700601 Email

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barnabasaid the magazine of Barnabas Fund Executive Editor Steve Carter Published by Barnabas Fund The Old Rectory, River Street, Pewsey, Wiltshire SN9 5DB, UK Telephone 01672 564938 Fax 01672 565030 From outside UK: Telephone +44 1672 564938 Fax +44 1672 565030 Email © Barnabas Fund 2012. For permission to reproduce articles from this magazine, please contact the International Headquarters address above. The paper used is produced using wood fibre at a mill that has been awarded the ISO14001 certificate for environmental management. 20 BARNABAS AID MARCH/APRIL 2012

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