Best Books for Everyone on Your Holiday Shopping List By Roxane Carre
peeding past midterm season, swerving next to the early November slump, looking ahead with excitement and glee at Thanksgiving break, and rejoicing in the upcoming holiday season, it is time to think about the holiday gifts that will bring smiles to the faces of your friends and family. Available in both budget-friendly or one-time splurge options, books––while a great gift idea for any season or occasion yearround––make exceptionally thoughtful presents for the holidays. To save you some possible holiday shopping stress, read on for our literary recommendations based on relationship ties, personality type, genre, and the occasional, specific, and random description. Best Book for Someone Who Does Not Read The Art of Thinking Clearly (AudioBook) by Rolf Dobelli An inventive alternative to books for that reading-averse or busy special someone in your life, audiobooks are a great sub-
stitute for reading on paper. With its musicality of emotions and liveliness of descriptions, listening to a book being read aloud is a real auditory treat. Available at just the touch of an airpod or Bluetooth speaker, audiobooks make for a great on-the-go listening option. You can browse books on platforms like Audible or on your Kindle. The Art of Thinking Clearly by Rolf Dobelli is a great audio book start. A real mind-transporter and neuron-twister, it is guaranteed to captivate the attention of even your most reading-revulsed friend or family member; with its explorations of everyday existential questions, like Why do we continue to do something if we know it is bad for us? or Why do we take credit for success but blame failure on external circumstances? this gift will please and enlighten this holiday season. Best Book to Read Cozied-up Next to a Fire ica’s National Parks by Dave and Ilyssa Kyu
40 - nov/dec 2021
Photos by Roxane Carre
Have you ever wondered about the stories behind America’s famous national parks, like the Rockies, or Yosemite? Are you keen to discover tales from pioneer diaries or familiarize yourself with explorations passed down through generations of indigenous peoples? Delving into the history of these six famous parks, Acadia, Great Smoky Mountains, Rocky Mountain, Yellowstone, Yosemite, and Zion, America’s National Parks by Dave and Ilyssa Kyu offers enthralling insight and a fascinating deep