Barnett Football Shoulder Pad Buyers Guide Shoulder Pads Shoulder pads are designed to help you accomplish your job based on your position We do a good job to identify which pad works best for which position. Pads also come in youth and adult sizes so please review the sizing instructions and chart below to help in your selection By Position Quarterback Look for lightweight pads that won't ride up high to limit your head movement or field of vision If your team uses the option and you are part of the running game, you should consider a shoulder pad made for running backs or defensive backs. These pads offer more protection for quarterbacks that are part of the team's running offense. We recommend our products: Mark I, Vision I et Z430 I. Skill positions If you play defensive back, tailback, wide receiver or option quarterback, you want a pad that's lightweight and won't slow you down, while still absorbing the hits that you will take These pads also are designed to provide flexibility and unrestricted movement We recommend our products: VISION I, VISION II, MARK I, MARK II, Z430 I, Z430 II Bigger skill positions Fullbacks, linebackers and tight-ends should consider pads that use a plated front rather than laces Plated fronts do not require as much adjustment after each hit Some pads also come with vinyl buckles instead of elasticized straps to more securely fasten the pad under the arm We recommend our products: VISION III, VISION IV, MARK III, MARK IV, Z430 II, Z430 III Linemen If you play in the trenches, you need a streamlined pad that uses fewer flaps and epaulets (the flaps that extend over the shoulder area) to prevent other players from grabbing and pulling on your pads Linemen pads often use vinyl buckles to keep them more securely fastened As for elastic straps vs. vinyl buckles, consider that elastic needs to be adjusted and replaced after heavy usage. However, elastic may be preferred since it expands and contracts more easily than vinyl buckles when you breathe. We recommend our products: VISION III, VISION IV, MARK III, MARK IV, Z430 III, Z430 IV Kicking game Most punters and place kickers use quarterback pads since these are lighter and offer better movement We recommend our products: VISION I, Mark I, Z430 I
Determining the Proper Size Shoulder Pads • • • •
To determine the size pad that best suits you, stand up straight with your arms at your side Measure across your back from where you feel the shoulder bone on one side to where the bone extends on the opposite side Round up to the next half-inch and refer to the chart below For youth pads you will also need to factor in chest size and weight
Barnett Football Shoulder Pad Buyers Guide ANG - 2010