Crystal Palace Thurlstone This year’s Barnsley CAMRA Summer Pub of the Season award has been awarded to The Crystal Palace in Thurlstone. Situated in a lovely rural village in the West of our branch area, this is the first time this fantastic community pub has won a branch award and I’m sure it won’t be the last. Three years ago the pub was saved from closure after being purchased from the then Pub Company. Following the purchase the management decided to introduce Cask ale sourced from local breweries. Over the following three years the pub has gained high accolades amongst cask ale connoisseurs. The pub now offers the cask ale lover a choice of three cask ales from local breweries. On my recent visit Acorn Barnsley Bitter, Jolly Boys Blonde & Jolly Boys IPA were available and in superb condition. The recent success of the Crystal Palace is down to the hard work of licensees Keith and Julie Riggett. Both Julie and Keith work tirelessly to ensure that their pub is warm and welcoming and the beer is always in tip top condition. On hearing the good news both Keith and Julie were delighted and a little surprised. The pub hosts regular charity events and good fun bingo every Tuesday. One Sunday each month the pub hosts a Soul Sunday with live music which proves very popular. The pub also caters for parties and events. Barnsley CAMRA will be holding a presentation evening starting at around 8pm on Friday July 14th. So why not come along and celebrate this fantastic community pub.
The Cross Keys at Darfield has reopened and Cask ale is available. Recent beers have included Hobgoblin and Black Sheep Bitter. The Queen Victoria at 'DUILHOG QRZ KDV &DVN $OH locally sourced beers have included Bradfield Blonde, Stancill Barnsley Bitter & Acorn Yorkshire Pride. Also in the Darfield Cricket Club is offering cask ale for the duration of the Cricket season. The East Dene Club, Barnsley is offering its members a selection of bottled beers, not real ale but it’s a step in the right direction on choice. One of Barnsley’s oldest pubs the Black Bull at Stairfoot has recently closed and is up for sale by owners Enterprise. The Old Bakery Mapplewell recently opened. This is a micro pub proving very popular with the locals and visitors, offering 6 real ales and cider. Meanwhile, also in Mapplewell the Wentworth Arms (Barnbrooks) reopened following a substantial refurbishment. The pub is owned by the same people as the nearby Talbot Inn. The pub has 4 real ales and will trade as a traditional community pub. The Knave & Kestrel micro pub in Hoyland is open and selling a selection of cask ales. The pub also has a small room at the back that could be used for meetings. At Hoyland Common The Tap & Brew will be opening as the BAR is due into pubs. Plans have been submitted for a micro pub in Darton in the old Co-op building. The Dearne Tap in Bolton on
Dearne is now selling Cask ale. Recent beers include Bradfield Farmers Blonde. While in Goldthorpe the Picture House Tap continues to offer a great range of cask ales and has a quiz night every Thursday. There are new local licensees at The Crown Inn, Elsecar. It was great to know that the new team here aren’t making too many changes. The Foxhouse at Carlecoates has reopened following a major refurb. The Government announced measures to close a planning loophole in England which has allowed pubs to be demolished or converted to a wide range of retail uses without any planning application. This has not only denied local communities a say in their beloved locals' futures, but also made pubs a ‘soft target' for developers. This will bring a halt to developers exploiting loopholes and will give communities the right to have a say in the future of their pubs. It won’t prevent the development of pubs, but will require developers to apply for planning permission to convert or demolish a pub, allowing the local community to express their opinions as part of that process. We would still encourage local communities to apply for an Asset of Community Value (ACV) to their pub as this is the first line of defence, and could put off developers looking at these protected pubs as sites. An ACV on a pub shows them that people don’t want to lose their local pub and will oppose planning permission.
Acorn - New beer Scarlet Oak 4.5% is out as we go to print, while British Oak 4.5% will be out as we get the BAR. Steph Woods (landlady of the New Barrack Tavern Hillsborough) is now going to head up the day to day sales aspects of the brewery. Also making a brief reappearance in a few selected bars and pubs was Freebird the 5.7% American Pale Ale. Jolly Boys - The recent IPA (5.5%) officially launched at Barnsley Beer Festival by the Jolly Boys team is a great addition to their range of beers. The Brewery, as we go to press, are about to open a brewery tap in Wakefield. Penistone - Is up and running and registered with HMRC etc. They're selling their beers mainly via the White Heart up to present but are looking to sell to a wider audience, they’re also looking to increase output with some additional kit, now they have the consistency right. They have three brews at the moment, Back Oil Tap, a porter, Ambers Brew, a Gluten free beer & Bombshell, a Blonde beer. A new blonde beer with Honey is on its way which will be called "Queen Bee". Maison Du Brasserie (Brewery) The Maison Du Bière shop at Elsecar Heritage Centre has expanded into 3 units now. It includes the shop, tap and offsales tap hatch. Now the kit has been bought for the brewery and is at Elsecar, they hope to be up and running in around three months.
Shaw Lane Sports Club Situated amongst the urban sprawl on the fringe of Barnsley Town Centre just off Shaw Lane is The Shaw Lane Sports Club. Occupying an 18 acre site that brings a touch of greenery and peace to the hustle and bustle of town life, the club is also an excellent venue for a great pint of cask ale. The club has won numerous CAMRA awards including in the past Club of the Year. The branch has also previously held a beer festival here. The clubhouse bar is warm and welcoming with views over the cricket field. The decor is modern and clean and there is always a buzz about the place. The cask ale lover will find up to three Cask Ales on offer sourced mainly from local breweries. On my recent visit I enjoyed a great pint of Acorn Barnsley Bitter and Ossett Blonde and Acorn Yorkshire Pride were also available. The club is home to a plethora of sports teams such as Archery, Bowls, Football, Rugby Union, Cricket, Squash and Athletics. With this much sport going off it’s a hive of activity. As well as fantastic sports facilities, the sports club also offers superb conference, wedding ceremonies, and event facilities. The conference rooms can accommodate all sizes of gatherings. So if you fancy watching a bit of sport whilst enjoying a great pint of cask ale give the Shaw Lane Sports Club a try, you won’t be disappointed. Opening Times 5-11 Mon-)UL - 6DW -11 Sun Meal Times 5-8 Mon-)UL - 6DW -3 Sun
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:HOFRPH ,QVLGH %DUQVOH\ &$05$·V %$5 3DJH Welcome Inside Barnsley CAMRA’s BAR - Page 7
This year’s Pub of the Year award has been awarded to The Arcade Alehouse in the Victorian Arcade, Barnsley. The Alehouse is an ideal stopping point whilst out shopping or just in and around town. This micro pub is one of Barnsley’s newest real ale outlets. Since opening last year it has gained lots of high praise amongst cask ale enthusiasts. In its first year the pub won Spring Pub of The Season. It’s run by James and Sue Taylor and the manager Laura and her staff. Laura has brought a wealth of knowledge and experience in keeping real ale which is the main focus of the pub. The Arcade Alehouse micro pub was originally conceived as a show case for Two Roses Brewery beer alongside real ales from other micro breweries. After looking round for suitable premises, it was decided that a former cake decorating shop was the ideal location for the town’s first micro pub. Not long after the work had started James became seriously ill and was admitted to hospital.
The project nearly came to a standstill but the family with the help of friends managed to continue with the plans that were in place and the Arcade Alehouse opened a couple of months later than planned on July 15th 2016. In line with the micro pub definition it is ‘a small free house which listens to its customers, mainly serves cask ales, promotes conversation, shuns all forms of electronic entertainment and dabbles in traditional pub snacks’. It is open Thursday to Sunday but it has also proved popular with football supporters on mid-week match nights. The pub also hosts a regular Acoustic music session featuring local artists. The Arcade Alehouse has 6 hand pumps serving a continuous variety of cask ales alongside 3 to 4 real ciders, 2 craft lagers and a fruit beer, wine, prosecco and soft drinks. Phil Gregg (Pubs Officer) & Sue & Jim Taylor Since opening in July last year
the Arcade Alehouse, Victoria Arcade, Barnsley has been a welcome addition to the Barnsley real ale and cider scene. They have shown a dedication to real cider and perry from the outset with ciders sourced from local, traditional West Country, Welsh and even Irish producers. The four regular changing ciders offer a wide variety of styles so there's usually something to suit all tastes. This year marked the first time in Barnsley that picking the Cider Pub of the Year has been a REALLY TOUGH DECISION and it's set to be even harder next year with more real cider venues to consider, that said we feel the Arcade Alehouse truly deserves the accolade this year and we wish them all success in the future. Andrew Hamilton - Apple Representative Presentations take place on Sunday 2nd July at 2pm
All this success is down to the fantastic stewards Nigel and Teresa Pickering who along with the great bar staff and with support from the passionate This year’s Barnsley CAMRA small bar area, and snug, plush committee have put the club on Club of the Year has once again lounge and large games room. the map as one of the finest cask been awarded to The Wortley Over recent years the club has ale clubs in the country! Men’s Club. The club has been a held a hugely successful beer So if you are in the area and firm favourite with Barnsley festival in July featuring music fancy a pint of superb cask ale CAMRA members for a number and food stalls and a huge give the Wortley Men’s Club a of years and during that time has selection of cask ales from visit you won’t be disappointed.. won awards at branch, regional around the region. The presentation for Club of and national levels, a fantastic The three cask ales in the club the Year will take place on achievement. are often sourced from local and Sunday 9th July at around The club was originally the estate regional breweries and a guest 2.30pm. library of the nearby Wortley Hall. draught cider is always available. Barnsley CAMRA members can The club is situated in the heart The club also offers CAMRA take advantage of a free return of the pretty village of Wortley, members a discount on Cask Ale bus which leaves the Old No7 at surrounded by open countryside Branch Club of the Year 2013, 1pm, returning back at 5pm. and close to the local amenities 2014, 2015 & 2016, also winner (Contact Margaret to book your and attractions. The opulent of Yorkshire Club of the Year and seat) interior has ornate ceilings, a National Club of the Year. Phil Gregg - Clubs Officer
GAET GRIP Our most popular and famous beer. JW Lees Bitter is an all-malt brew that sets the standard for all ales. For more info on all our beers visit us at www.jwlees.co.uk/beers For more info on all our beers visit us at www.jwlees.co.uk or follow us on
Barnsley CAMRA Presents
BEER FESTIVAL 31st August to 2nd September 2017 Milton Hall, Elsecar 30 + Real Ales 7 Key Cask Craft Beers 20 + Ciders, Perrys & Fruit Ciders Admission is Free on Thursday for everyone Friday & Saturday CAMRA Members £1 Non members £2 Glass deposit = 50p
Thursday 31st Aug open 5pm till 10pm Friday & Saturday 1st & 2nd Sept 12pm till 10.30pm www.barnsleycamra.org.uk/festivals facebook.com/barnsleycamra.org.uk @BeerBarnsley @BarnsleyCAMRA
Festival Roundup Over the May Day Bank Holiday Weekend, Barnsley CAMRA in partnership with the Elsecar Heritage Railway, held the 6th Annual Beer, Cider and Music Festival. This 4 day event, is going from strength to strength, bigger marquee, two in fact, more food stalls, and more music & with a record numbers of attendees. Enjoying the festival you lot supped a whopping 6,700 pints of real ale, added to that 1500 pints of Cider and 850 pints of Craft beer and to top all that a load of bottles that needed a skip to remove the empties. You lot are a thirsty bunch!
Elsecar Heritage Railway, supports this event, to help fund its work, keeping the current line open, maintain the current rolling stock and develop the future of the coalfield line, with its development plan to keep extending the line (150 tons of ballast arrived the day we packed up the festival) and putting in a platform at Hemingfield Colliery & Cortonwood. If you would like more information please log onto www.elsecarrailway.co.uk Other supporters of this event are local and national businesses like Acorn Brewery, NPS Group, Hauge and Maison du Bière and to all those who supported the event in the programme, I would like to give my personal thanks to you all.
tireless work this festival would just not happen, and I would encourage anyone who has a spare few hours to come and join us, we are a friendly bunch, and we will also let you try some beer for Free!! As a thank you. So although this festival is done for another year it's not the last festival we will do, yep that's right we are back in August/September, at Milton Hall in Elsecar, more details in the advert above, once this festival organiser finishes his holiday, (Back at work for a rest) I will start to offer more details so please look out for our posts on social media and our website www.barnsleycamra.org.uk @barnsleycamra & @beerbarnsley
Why we do this? Well ... we are a bunch of people who love great beer and cider in all its forms (and Facebook.com/barnsleycamra.org.uk dispense methods) and we love to I also would like to give my talk about and showcase some of Regards dearest thank you to the unpaid the best styles and flavors around Andrew committee and Volunteers that today, we also do it because it's Tired Festival Organiser come year on year to set up and :HOFRPH ,QVLGH %DUQVOH\ &$05$·V %$5 3DJH fun! run this event. Without their
Thanks to the following outlets for offering discounts to members
Wortley Men’s Club - Wortley The Keys - Hoyland Common The Market - Elsecar Joseph Bramah - Barnsley Silkstone Inn - Barnsley Horseshoe - Wombwell Maison Du Bière - Elsecar (Heritage Centre) For details of discounts visit the pub/club/shop or www.barnsleycamra.org.uk/local-discounts Subject to change and cancellation at any time
Dear Barnsley CAMRA. Thanks very much to you and your colleagues for calling in last night and presenting our award for commitment to cask ale. We were very proud to receive it. We have really enjoyed the last 5 years at The Crown Inn. Owning our freehold pub has been brilliant and meant we have been able to develop the premises as well as growing the business. We introduced cask ales at the outset and the demand has just continued to grow. We are proud to have been recognised by Barnsley CAMRA as Pub of the Year 2016. We're now set to take some time out by way of retirement and Sarah and Mathew are moving on with their family and work commitments. We would all like to say a huge thank you to our staff team and all of our customers for helping make the Crown Inn the huge success it is today. Regards Tina, Stuart, Sarah and Mathew
CAMRA LocAle - the accreditation scheme to promote pubs and clubs that sell locally-brewed real ale, reducing the number of ‘beer miles’ and supporting your local breweries. Listed below are pubs and clubs in the Barnsley area. These outlets should regularly serve at least one real ale that is 20 miles or less from the brewery to the bar. Anglers Rest - Wombwell Arcade Alehouse - Barnsley Ardsley Oaks Club - Ardsley Blacksmiths Arms - Millhouse Green Bridge Inn - Thurgoland Cawthorne Club - Cawthorne Cherry Tree - High Hoyland Cock Inn - Birdwell Commercial - Barnsley Comrades Club - Cawthorne Conservative Club - Barnsley Crystal Palace - Thurlstone Crown & Anchor - Barugh Green Crown Inn - Elsecar Dearne Tap - Bolton on Dearne Dog and Partridge - Hazlehead Fitzwilliam Arms - Elsecar Furnace Inn - Hoyland Fox and Hounds - Shafton Fox House Inn - Carlecotes Horseshoe - Wombwell Houghton Arms - Great Houghton Huntsman - Thurlstone
Joseph Bramah - Barnsley Keel Inn - Barnsley Keys - Hoyland Common Knave & Kestrel - Hoyland Longcar - Barnsley Lundhill Tavern - Wombwell Maison Du Biere - Elsecar Market - Elsecar Miners Rest - Old Town Old Bakery - Mapplewell Old Moor Tavern - Broomhill Old Number 7 - Barnsley Old Post Office - Haigh Penistone Church FC - Penistone Picture House Tap - Goldthorpe Redfearn’s Bar - Barnsley FC Royal - Barugh Green Rose & Crown - Hoylandswaine Saville Square - Hoyland Common Shaw Lane Club - Barnsley Silkstone Golf Club - Silkstone Silkstone Inn - Barnsley Spencer Arms - Cawthorne
Sports/Social Club - Hoylandswaine Staincross Club - Staincross Talbot Inn - Mapplewell Tap & Brew - Hoyland Common Waggon & Horses - Langsett Wentworth - Tankersley Wentworth Arms - Mapplewell White Heart - Penistone Wortley Arms - Wortley Wortley Hall - Wortley Wortley Men’s Club - Wortley Updated June 2017 Should your local be on this list? Contact Phil Gregg on page 24
How can you help? • • • •
Watch out for pubs displaying the up-to-date LocAle sign Order a LocAle beer. This may be highlighted with the LocAle Crown on the pump Enjoy the quality local real ale Ask your local if they can stock a LocAle real ale or contact Barnsley CAMRA if you would like us to speak to a licensee about LocAle on your behalf
LocAle Pub Sudoku Sudoku rules are easy: Fill all empty squares so that the letters (Upper and Lower Case) from ‘LocAle Pub’ appear once in each row, column and 3x3 box.
As briefly mentioned in the last BAR, Barnsley Council has granted planning permission for the conversion of the Three Horseshoes, Brierley to housing, despite it being the only pub in the village. The planning application attracted 13 objections, including one from CAMRA. Objectors noted that the pub was an important part of the history and character of the village and should be retained as somewhere for local people to socialise and enjoy. Although it had been poorly run in its final days, it had until then been a popular, thriving pub and could be so again in the right hands.
goes on to ignore it. There is no consideration of whether valued community facilities and services would be lost nor of whether the business could be viable if properly run. Instead the report gets hung up on the pub's ACV status (not really a planning issue) and the fact that when it was first listed, no community group came forward to make a bid for it. On these grounds, along with the fact that the pub had been closed a while and had a troubled recent history, it was concluded that a refusal under CSP43 'could not be substantiated'. None of these grounds are relevant to that policy (or the national one). The question which should have been put to Councillors but wasn't is – has this pub the potential to be a viable and valuable community facility?
CAMRA pointed out that loss of the pub would contravene local planning policy CSP43 and paragraph 70 of the National Planning Policy Framework, both of which say that community facilities like pubs Reading the report, you can't help but should be retained unless they are no conclude that the greatest weight was longer required for that use. attached to the scheme providing seven apartments and two detached houses, The pub had recently been re-registered thus contributing to the Council's housing as an Asset of Community Value and targets. Sadly, the occupants of those there was interest within the village in new properties will have no local pub to mounting a community buy-out if the visit. With a name like the Three premises came on the market (which was Horseshoes, you'd hope the pub would be likely to happen if the application failed) lucky, but unfortunately for this one it found itself in the Barnsley MBC area. The officer report to the Planning Regulatory Board is, frankly, a disgrace. It Paul Ainsworth notes that policy CSP43 applies but then Pub Protection Officer :HOFRPH ,QVLGH %DUQVOH\ &$05$¡V %$5 3DJH
WUDGLWLRQ Farmers Ales from Bradfield Brewery
On-Site Brewery Shop open Monday – Saturday 10am until 4pm. Visit our page on Facebook or follow us
info@bradfieldbrewery.com • 0114 2851118 • www.bradfieldbrewery.com Bradfield Brewery Limited.Watt House Farm, High Bradfield, Sheffield, S6 6LG
So it’s now the summer so time to get out and enjoy the pubs. I continue my bus journeys, this time covering Monk Bretton and Royston. The bus route today is the 57 and 59. The operator is Stagecoach Yorkshire and a day ticket to jump on and off their buses is £4.20 So lets hop on a bus and pop to the pub. Catch either the 57 or 59 bus, these depart Barnsley Interchange from stand 13 and through the day depart about every 10 mins. This changes to one an hour from 6.40pm both weekdays and Saturday while Sunday has a half hour service throughout the day until again hourly at 6.40pm Catch the bus and around 6 minutes into the journey alight at either Tennyson Road or Thoresby Avenue at Monk Bretton. Walk up Rothetham Road (A633) for 2 or 3 minutes and on the left you will see The Full House. The Full House is a popular community local with a large open plan lounge, sports bar split over two levels and now dining and main bar area after the pubs recent refurbishment. It is comfortably furnished with curved soft bench seating around the walls and high back chairs scattered around the many tables. The pub was built in the 1950s and opened with the decor of a steam ship. The pull handles on the main side entrance of the pub still have the boat brass moulding, though until its refurbishment these were on many internal doors. The cask ales here are from Theakston’s Brewery, Best Bitter and Full House Blonde (Lightfoot). The outside seating area is a great addition for the summer. OK. Now you can walk to the next pub if you wish, this is back to Thoresby Avenue bus stop and walk up Burton Road, or catch the bus to the next stop on Cross Street, at the Church. The Norman Inn had a refurbishment back in 2015, this reintroduced real ales, and more recently real cider to the bar. The pub is popular with all age groups and has a large open plan layout over one level. A large area is designed for dining and is indicated by the signage over the entrance doors. Don’t worry either door gets you straight to the large bar. The drinking area has a mix of pillar tables and hi-back chairs, and back rest seating. The outside drinking area is popular in summer and warm evenings. The real ales
are from the Marston’s portfolio while the cider is from the Weston’s selection. Once you have had your beer it’s time to hop back onto the bus. Back to the bus stop you alighted from near the church. Catch the bus to Royston and the Church Hill bus stop opposite the petrol station. Walk round the corner keeping the church on your right across the road and the Pack Horse on Church Lane is a 2 minute walk. The Pack Horse is again a large open plan pub with a raised seating area and a games area with pool table. To the rear of the pub is the restaurant area but food can be eaten as bar meals within the pub. The bar offers up to two changing guest beers. There is an outside seating area to the rear and a few benches at the front of the pub for the sunworshippers. OK, finished? You now have the choice to walk to the next pub or back to the bus stop at the petrol station. Walking? Turn left and walk up to the Wells cross roads and turn left, follow High Street for about ¼ mile and turn right onto Summer Lane, the pub is on the left. Taking the bus? Catch the bus, at this stage you don’t want the 59 (Wakefield), the 57, 59 (Royston) is OK. The bus takes 6 mins (57) or 9 mins (59). You alight on High Street just after the Weldricks Pharmacy. Cross the road onto Summer Lane and the Cross is on your left up the road. The Cross is a multi-roomed community pub with small bar serving the lounge and the bar drinking area. Large TV shows most live sports. Two other small rooms have, after a refurbishment, become just one and are away from the bar and can be a little quieter but they do have TV. The refurbishment has improved the pub look and it has increased the footfall. The Cross has now added a beer garden with lots of seating, this area was once the car park. The pub is offers up to 3 real ales, Timothy Taylor’s Landlord is a regular beer while up to 2 guest beers can be available. The Cross is open from 4pm Mon-Thu and from 12 Fri, Sat & Sun while the other pubs mentioned are advertised as open from 12noon each day. OK, that’s it for this time. Must hop...
:HOFRPH ,QVLGH %DUQVOH\ &$05$·V %$5 3DJH Welcome Inside Barnsley CAMRA’s BAR - Page 15
In April, Barnsley CAMRA made its Spring Pub of the Season to the Arcade Alehouse on Victoria Arcade, Barnsley. The turnout for the presentation was fantastic. Thank you. The presentation was made by our new chairman, Andrew Taylor (left) to Sarah, Sue, James, Andy and Laura. We had six real ales to chose from as well as four ciders. To top off the presentation, Andrew also added the fantastic news that the Arcade Alehouse had picked up a couple more awards. The pub is also the winner of Barnsley CAMRA Cider Pub of the Year 2017 and Pub of the Year 2017. See more of this in this edition, and please turn up for what will be a fantastic presentation event. Congratulations once again.
Barnsley, unlike many other towns and cities across the UK, has no single Roll of Honour to remember the fallen of the First World War, and no names are listed on the main memorial in front of Barnsley Town Hall. Barnsley War Memorials Project was therefore formed to remedy this omission. The project members have worked long and hard to record and research the men on 649 memorials in Barnsley’s many parishes, villages and townships, as well as Working Men’s Clubs, workplaces, schools and many other places. They have researched newspapers and local records to unearth a further 720 men who are not on any memorial at all. We have been well supported in this by Barnsley Archives and The Barnsley Chronicle. In total there are currently 3,761 names on our records, all of whom should be honoured by inclusion in a formal Roll of Honour. Some individual memorials have been well researched by others, and information is lodged in Barnsley Archives, published in book form, and recorded on the Imperial War Museum’s War Memorial Register. For the past three years the War Memorials Project has provided a hub of information fed by these sources. The Project hopes to produce the Roll of Honour in the form of a book by November 2018, the centenary of the end of the First World War. A name will be included if the person was born in Barnsley, lived in Barnsley at the time of enlistment or is on any memorial in Barnsley. Following this, files will be placed in Barnsley Archives with further information and a website produced. Barnsley War Memorials Project is extremely grateful to Barnsley CAMRA for being made its local good cause of 2017/18, and thank you to everyone who donated at the Beer Festival at Elsecar, where £170 was raised. www.barnsleywarmemorials.org.uk Contact: bwmp2015@gmail.com Facebook: Barnsley War Memorials Project Twitter: @BnslyWarMems :HOFRPH ,QVLGH %DUQVOH\ &$05$·V %$5 3DJH
Arcade Alehouse, Barnsley Finish here about 5pm
Dove Inn, Barnsley Arrive approx. 4.30pm (15 mins) Depart approx. 4.45pm
The Barnsley War Memorials Project was formed over three years ago to record and research all war memorials in the Barnsley area with the aim of producing a WW1 Roll of Honour by November 2018, the 100th anniversary of the end of the war. Barnsley CAMRA have adopted us as their 2017/18 Local Good Cause.
Barnsley CAMRA 7½ Mile Sponsored Walk
Sunday 24th September In aid of
Barnsley War Memorials Project Fancy joining Barnsley CAMRA on this years Sponsored Walk? You can register and get a sponsor sheet from www.barnsleycamra.org.uk/walk Catch the 11.30am 22X (Correct when going to print) Stagecoach Bus to Wath On Dearne. The Wath Tap is at 49 High Street. We depart here at 12.30pm. On route we stop at The Anglers Rest, Park St, Wombwell “Geeves Brewery Tap” If you have a packed lunch you can eat it here in the pub. Then The Horseshoe, Wombwell. Then it’s 4½ miles to Barnsley and call in at the Dove Inn on Doncaster Rd. Then we finish at The Arcade Alehouse on Victoria Arcade. If you can’t join us, please consider a donation via the website above using PayPal.
Horseshoe, Wombwell Arrive approx. 2.25pm (35 mins) Depart approx. 3pm
In the process many more memorials have been discovered around the borough than we ever suspected existed. Some are obvious, like the Cortonwood Memorial on the edge of our area which lists 673 men, 84 of whom did not return. Others, like the stunning oak memorial in Stairfoot Wesleyan Church, listing 140 men with details of rank and service are hidden, but can be viewed on request.
Anglers Rest, Wombwell Arrive approx. 1.45pm (30 mins) Depart approx. 2.15pm
In Barnsley Cemetery alone there are 57 war memorial gravestones, where families recorded the names of sons and brothers who did not come home. There are also 130 servicemen buried in CWGC commemorated graves. In the course of this walk you will pass memorials commemorating over 2000 servicemen in churches, in parks and cemeteries, in clubs and on a pub!
Wath Tap, Wath On Dearne Arrive at 12noon for a 12.45pm departure.
Beer and Bread
which is a modern version of a charcoal combined grill& oven. Times have changed Summer is approaching & I am thinking with AGAs too, I was shocked to read that DERXW WKH JRRG WKLQJV LQ OLIH WKH ZDUPWK RI the electric AGAs with remote access the sun, good company, quality food & controls are targets for hackers. drink. The good things of life are also basics human rights & not a luxury. I am There is also an interesting trend for specifically thinking about bread, clean outdoor, home cooking using relatively water and being part of a community. The expensive equipment from brick pizza heart of communities are bakers, brewers, ovens to giant barbecues, bigger than the millers, farmers and family cooks. In the kitchen cooker. days of contaminated drinking water, beer was the safer drink hence the importance Thinking about bread baking & brewing, of the brewer. both bread & beer are powered by yeast and it is thought that the original beer I cook on old AGA but I have let it go out happened by accident when an ancient for the summer. This means that my way of Egyptian dropped some bread into water. cooking immediately changes, I no longer The importance of beer & the importance of have an oven that is always hot & ready to bread in the European diet is indicated by go. The availability of fuel & the ability to the degree of regulation, long before the build an oven has influenced family eating days of the EU. across the world & across generations. Traditionally, in arid North African women Examples including the Bavarian would cook flat breads on heated flat Reinheitsgebot beer purity law 1516, stones but Greek women would use stone/ French bread regulations from the C18 brick ovens fuelled with olive or vine twigs. Revolution & the UK C13 Assize of Bread The village baker would probably have had and Ale regulation. the only oven. This would remain hot long after the bread was cooked so the local Greek Garlic Sauce. (Vegan) Serve with women would take their meat & vegetables salad & BBQ vegetables, fish or meat. to the baker for cooking. I have seen this happen in modern Greece but is probably A lovely holiday memory. Uses leftovers about wanting a roast meal without the too. discomfort of a hot domestic oven. In the early C20 villages, like Mapplewell, had 1 thick piece of white bread with crust bakers’ ovens which were also used by the removed and soaked in water with a few poorest residents. Other villagers would drops of lemon juice. Hand squeezed dry. have had a pit cottage with an open fire Add 4 garlic cloves, crushed. 50g ground plus a side oven. These metal ovens and walnuts or almonds (optional) Salt to taste. ranges developed as a result of Stir together until smooth then add enough industrialisation, a transport network & olive oil to make a smooth sauce. (Approx. coal. Pubs including the Strafford Arms at 4 tbs) Garnish - chopped parsley & lemon Stainborough and the Cock at Birdwell still zest. have ranges used to warm & welcome winter drinkers. The Strafford Arms is interesting because it uses a Josper Grill
:HOFRPH ,QVLGH %DUQVOH\ &$05$·V %$5 3DJH Welcome Inside Barnsley CAMRA’s BAR - Page 20
Booze on the Ouse
St Neots 2016
Congratulations go to Michael Boyle from Barnsley who correctly identified the pub in the Spring edition as the Porters (or Oliver's Ale House or The Ball) Michael will be enjoying a tenner’s worth of beer on us. So it’s your turn to try and win some beer. Simply name the pub in the picture, which today isn’t a pub but is still there. To enter, send your answer, name and address, and the name of a pub/club where you will drink your tenner’s worth of beer. You MUST be and state that you are 18 or over (people do still miss this out and we simply cannot accept their entry). Please submit your answers by text, email or post to the Editor Nigel Croft. Details are on the branch officers’ page 24. Closing date is the same as “Deadline” date also on page 24, and you will be entered into a draw to take place within a week of the closing date. Good Luck… By entering this competition we will assume that you have agreed to our T’s & C’s at www.barnsleycamra.org.uk/TsandCs
Arcade Alehouse
The Crystal Palace
Barnsley Pub of the Year 2017
Thurlstone Summer Pub of the Season 2017
Wortley Men’s Club
Arcade Alehouse
Wortley Club of the Year 2017
Barnsley Spring Pub of the Season 2017
The Huntsman The White Heart Thurlstone Winter Pub of the Season 2016
Silkstone Inn Barnsley Autumn Pub of the Season 2016
Penistone Summer Pub of the Season 2016
Hoylandswaine Sports & Social Club Spring Pub of the Season 2016
Thanks go to the Silkstone Inn, Old No7 and Joseph Bramah in %DUQVOH\ the Horseshoe :RPEZHOO Hoylandswaine Sports Club the Keys, Hoyland Common and the Picture House Tap, Goldthorpe for hosting recent CAMRA Meetings. :HOFRPH ,QVLGH %DUQVOH\ &$05$·V %$5 3DJH
Advertising by Matelot Marketing Ltd Neil Richards MBE - 01536 358670 or 07710 281381 - N.Richards@btinternet.com
Chair, Festival Organiser, Two Roses Brewery Liaison Officer: Andrew Taylor andrewtaylor@barnsleycamra.org.uk Branch Contact, Social Secretary: Margaret Croft 01226 714492, 07734155792, socials@barnsleycamra.org.uk Membership Secretary: David Walker membership@barnsleycamra.org.uk Pubs Protection Officer: Paul Ainsworth paul.ainsworth@camra.org.uk Treasurer: Laurence Mace 07752 399182 - treasurer@barnsleycamra.org.uk 4 Darley Cliff Cottages, Worsbrough, Barnsley, S70 4AJ Cider Officer: Andrew Hamilton cider@barnsleycamra.org.uk Young Persons Coordinator: Elizabeth Askam theyoungones@barnsleycamra.org.uk Pubs & Clubs Officer, Acorn Brewery Liaison Officer: Phil Gregg pubsofficer@barnsleycamra.org.uk, 07983 010843 Advertising by Matelot Marketing Ltd Neil Richards MBE - 01536 358670 or 07710 281381 - N.Richards@btinternet.com Editor (Magazine & Website) Secretary & Jolly Boys Brewery Liaison Officer: Nigel Croft - 01226 719450 or 07736288072, camra@barnsleycamra.org.uk 188 Barnsley Road, Cudworth S72 8UJ Geeves Brewery Liaison Officer: Les Key GeevesBLO@barnsleycamra.org.uk Proof Reader: Linda Hutton - Thank you!
Like us on Facebook! www.facebook.com/barnsleycamra.org.uk
Follow us on Twitter! @barnsleycamra & @beerbarnsley
Pass it to a friend, take it to work or leave it for others to read when you have finished!
The deadline for news and articles to be considered for publication is:
18th August 2017 These should be sent to the Editor at the address on the left.
4000 Copies Seasonally CAMRA Ltd 230 Hatfield Rd St Albans AL1 4LW 01727 867201 camra@camra.org.uk www.camra.org.uk
Welcome Inside Barnsley CAMRA’s BAR - Page 27 :HOFRPH ,QVLGH %DUQVOH\ &$05$·V %$5 3DJH
Wednesday 20th September: Thank You Tuesday 27th June: Branch Meeting Evening Branch meeting and social Hoylandswaine Have you helped at our beer festivals this Sports and Social Club. Free minibus dep Old year? Have you delivered BAR magazines to No7 at 7.15pm (Contact Margaret to book a any pubs in the area? Have you been in any place). Starts 8pm, bus returns to town 10pm. way active in the branch in the last 12 months? 30th June to 2nd July: Wortley Men’s Club Then “Thank You!” We have arranged an Real Ale and Music Festival evening to say thank you to all the volunteers A minibus to the festival on Saturday 1st July. who have helped out at our events and Limited seats. Return cost £5 per person dep campaigning. If you would like more Old No7 at 12.30pm. Returns at 5.30pm. information, and to register your attendance Sunday 2nd July: Pub of the Year, Cider contact Margaret by 16th Sept or visit Pub of the Year www.barnsleycamra.org.uk/volunteer Presentation afternoon to the Arcade Sunday 24th Alehouse. Presentation September: Sponsored of both Cider Pub of the #ElsecarByTheSea Walk Year and Pub of the This year we are raising Year. Starts at 2pm. funds for Barnsley War Wednesday 5th July: Milton Hall, Elsecar Memorials Project (see Survey Social 31st August to 2nd September page 17 and 19). Tonight we walk around Free admission Thur 31st Aug - 5 till 10.30pm The walk starts outside the pubs and clubs of £2 - Fri 1st & Sat 2nd Sept - 12 till 10.30pm our branch area at the Elsecar. We start at the (CAMRA Members £1) excellent Wath Tap, Wath Market and walk uphill On Dearne. We then, via VOLUNTEERS NEEDED, PLEASE VOLUNTEER visiting all open Clubs www.barnsleycamra.org.uk/festivals a pub or four, walk the and Pubs. Catch the @BeerBarnsley @BarnsleyCAMRA 7.66 (7½) Miles, 12.33 7.35pm 66 bus from kilometres to the Arcade Barnsley for a 8pm start. Alehouse where we finish at about 5pm. Sunday 9th July: Club of the Year www.barnsleycamra.org.uk/walk Presentation afternoon to the Wortley Men’s Tuesday 26th September: Branch Meeting Club. Presentation starts at 2pm. A free bus Branch meeting and social at the Dove Inn, from the Old No7, Barnsley departs at 1pm. Doncaster Road, Barnsley. Meeting starts at Please inform Margaret if you need a seat. 8pm and there are many buses to this pub Tuesday 25th July: Branch Meeting from the interchange. Branch meeting and social at the Longcar, Wednesday 4th October: Survey Social Racecommon Road, Barnsley. Meeting starts Tonight we walk around the pubs and clubs of at 8pm. Sorry, no direct bus. Best bus is the 43 Hoyland. We start at the Furnace Inn, Milton and alight at Town End then walk up to the Rd at 7.45pm. Catch the 67a bus at 7.15pm. pub. Best walk is on Pitt St to Racecommon Rd. Meeting starts at 8pm. Join the Free Text Update Tuesday 22nd August: Branch Meeting Just send a text with your CAMRA number and Branch meeting and social at the Anglers Rest, name to the secretary's mobile (07736288072) Park Street, Wombwell, Geeves Brewery Tap. requesting “CAMRA TEXT” Updates. These can Meeting starts at 8.15pm. Catch the 226 bus at be stopped by texting “STOP CAMRA TEXT” at 7.30pm or the X20 at 7.45pm. anytime. 28th Aug to 3rd Sept - Beer Festival Details correct at time of going to print Set-up, Run and Take down the Beer Festival at Milton Hall, Elsecar. See adverts in the BAR. Opinions expressed are those of the author and may not represent those of the editor and Wednesday 6th September: Survey Social CAMRA, both locally or nationally. Tonight we walk around the pubs and clubs of Goldthorpe. We start at the Picture House Tap The BAR is © CAMRA Ltd at 7.30pm. Catch the X19 bus at 7pm. Margaret Croft
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A warm welcome awaits at the Dog and Partridge, an ancient Inn with a history that can be traced back to the Elizabethan period. Relax in front of the roaring open fire on those cold winter months or enjoy the stunning Moorland views from the beer garden during the long summer days, whilst sampling the selection of beers, lagers and wines which are available. A CAMRA multiple awarded winner, the Dog & Partridge is proud to include a good choice of cask conditioned beers, some locally sourced and others from around the country. Traditional country cooking the way it used to be, featuring many old favourites is complimented by modern cuisine. x Four Real Ales x Fresh Home Cooked Food x Families Welcome x 10 En-Suite Bedrooms x Open Log Fire
Open 12-11 Daily BORD HILL - FLOUCH - BARNSLEY - S36 4HH Tel. 01226 763173 email info@dogandpartridgeinn.co.uk :HOFRPH ,QVLGH %DUQVOH\ &$05$¡V %$5 3DJH