The BAR - Spring 2018

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The Free Magazine From The Barnsley Branch Of The Campaign For Real Ale

Full Details Page 3

Full Beer Festival Section inside this Festival Edition of the Barnsley CAMRA Magazine. See Pages: 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 & 18 Dates: 4th to 7th May Venue: Elsecar Heritage Railway

Birdwell This year’s Barnsley CAMRA Spring Pub of the Season award goes to the Cock Inn, Birdwell. Regulars to the pub will now it’s been through some ups and downs but this time last year Craig and Julie Marshall came back to the pub after a spell away. Craig loves his cask ales and offers up to four. Tetley is always available and there is always a LocAle beer from the Chantry Brewery along with two other changing ales. There is also the Old Rosie cider which is also on hand pump. This stone built pub is well set back from the road that passes the back of the village but the Cock Inn is truly worth finding. It offers a warm welcome, the lounge larger is to the right when you enter, here you will be welcomed, if the cold weather keeps on, by an open coal and wood fire with seating down the sides. A wood and York stone flooring, wood beams with just a few pieces of horse brasses are in this section. Move towards the plush seating area is surrounded by large windows with views over the vast beer garden outside. To the left on entry is a smaller room which is often used for small private functions and ideal for meetings. This reminds me of the old snug rooms pubs had that were always popular. Home cooked food is served here (not Mondays) and is very popular. Various specials are on offer and Sunday Lunch is extremely popular so advance booking is recommended. Barnsley CAMRA will be heading out to the Cock Inn on Friday 8th June to make the presentation to everyone at the Cock Inn. Come along and join us and congratulate the team at the pub. We will be making the presentation at around 9pm. Opening & Food Times: Mon 4-10 (Food closed); Tue & Wed 12 -11 (Food 12-2, 5-8); Thu-Sat 12-midnight (Food Thu & Fri 12-2, 5-8; Sat 12-8); Sun 12-10.30 (Food 12-3).

Margaret Croft and Nigel Croft Welcome Inside Barnsley CAMRA’s BAR - Page 3

It’s been a little quiet over winter but some changes are afoot and it’s good news for real ale fans. Higham Cricket Club has built a new clubhouse. The clubhouse offers real ales alongside other drinks. The real ales on offer on opening night were from two very local breweries, Two Roses of Darton and Jolly Boys from Redbrook. The clubhouse is open at weekends and the odd weekday but check out their Facebook page at: A new micro pub is set to open as we go to print in Barnsley town centre. The Tipsy Cow is located at the Gateway Plaza complex and will offer a range of cask ales, Craft beers and a gin bar. For full info check out their Facebook page at: A new micro pub opened in Oxspring in the last two weeks of 2017. The Smithy Arms on Bower Hill offers a range of cask ales along with a warming fire. The owner was finding it hard to call at his local to just have a beer and a chat, so sought planning permission and converted his garage into the real ale micro pub it is today. Again, for more information on opening times, find all the information on their Facebook page at: Penistone Paramount Cinema offers real ale, in my recent visit to see Journeys’ End I had the pleasure of drinking Acorn Yorkshire Pride before the film and in the 20 mins intermission. All films here have an intermission. A group of like-minded individuals from Penistone

have been busy, looking at opening a micro-pub in the town. However, this would be very different. This would be a social enterprise - a pub which is owned and run by the community, to benefit the Penistone community and support community services. The idea has come from Marc Cooling, who lives in Penistone, and we asked Marc what was behind the idea: “I moved to Penistone last year, and wanted to bring a real alehouse to the town. Penistone is a proud market town, which is passionate about supporting the community and local business. Both communityowned pubs and micro pubs are on the rise, so I thought it would be great to combine the two! We've been working hard and learning lots about community business and social enterprise. There’s still a lot of work to do, but we’re very excited about making this happen." A Facebook group has now developed into community meetings and while they are still looking for the right building, the Penistone Community Alehouse project has its objectives set and will shortly be registered as a Community Benefit Society. The pub will offer real ales and craft beers, and will create a hub for supporting community services. This includes employing staff on the Living Wage, having a zero tolerance policy to prejudice of any sort, making the venue available for community use and giving back any profits to Penistone area community projects.

They will combine crowd funding, community share offer and social enterprise funding, to pave the way to finding a venue and funding the project. If you want to get involved, please head to our Facebook page at:

Acorn Brewery The brewery was started up in Wombwell 15 years ago this year, Dave Hughes recently did a radio interview for a US business radio show talking about the history of the brewery. You can listen to this online now at: Brewing didn’t stop over the

Easter weekend at Acorn Brewery, they have been brewing non-stop to keep up with demand - Pictured here is Christy pouring hops into the copper for the newest Signature ale, Saint George! A couple of seasonal beers from the brewery should still be around while reading this, these are Black Oak and White Oak, both 4.5% Worth tracking down.

2 Roses The latest brews from 2 Roses that have been hitting the pubs in the area are: Belma 3.8% pale ale; Jester 4% pale ale; Marynka 4% pale ale and Black Beauty 5% Stout.

Phil Gregg & Nigel Croft

Welcome Inside Barnsley CAMRA’s BAR - Page 4

Tel. 07532086900

Victuallers Since 1377 The White Heart Bridge St, Penistone

Are proud to announce we are brewing premium craft beers in our new Micro Brewery



Tel 01226 762843.

This year’s Barnsley CAMRA Pub of the Year is again awarded to the Arcade Alehouse in the Victorian Arcade, Barnsley. The micro pub opened in July 2016 and has been a favoured real ale pub for drinkers and shoppers in town. Since opening it has gained lots of high praise amongst cask ale enthusiasts. In its first year the pub won awards from Barnsley CAMRA of Spring Pub of The Season, Pub of the Year and Cider Pub of the Year. It’s run by James and Sue Taylor and the manager Laura and her staff. Laura has brought a wealth of knowledge and experience in keeping real ale which is the main focus of the pub. The Arcade Alehouse transformed from a cake shop into this micro pub you see today, now a show case for Two Roses Brewery beers and other real ales from other micro breweries including Geeves. In line with the micro pub definition it is ‘a small free house which listens to its customers, mainly serves cask ales, promotes conversation and shuns all forms of electronic entertainment . The pub is open Thursday to Sunday but it has also proved popular with football supporters on mid-week match nights when it can open at 5pm till 7.45 (Kick off). The Arcade Alehouse has six hand pumps serving a variety of cask ales alongside four real ciders, two craft lagers and a fruit beer, bottled and canned craft beers, wine, prosecco and soft drinks. Presentation takes place on Friday 1st June at around 9pm. Nigel Croft This year’s Barnsley CAMRA Club of the Year has once again been awarded to The Wortley Men’s Club. The club has been a firm favourite with Barnsley CAMRA members for a number of years and during that time has won awards at branch, regional and national levels, a fantastic achievement. The club was originally the estate library of the nearby Wortley Hall. The club is situated in the heart of the pretty village of Wortley, The interior has ornate ceilings, a small bar area, and snug, plush lounge and large games room. Over recent years the club has held a hugely successful beer festival featuring music and food stalls and a huge selection of cask ales from around the region. This year it’s on 6th, 7th & 8th July. The three cask ales in the club are often sourced from local and regional breweries and a guest draught cider is always available. Wortley Men’s Club has been Barnsley branch Club of the Year since 2013, making 2018 its sixth consecutive win. And in that time the club has also been winner of Yorkshire Club of the Year and National Club of the Year. All this success is down to the fantastic stewards Nigel and Teresa Pickering who along with the great bar staff and with support from the passionate committee have put the club on the map as one of the finest cask ale clubs in the country! So if you are in the area and fancy a pint of superb cask ale give the Wortley Men’s Club a visit you won’t be disappointed.. The presentation for Club of the Year will take place on Saturday 19th May at around 9pm. Barnsley CAMRA members can take advantage of a return bus which leaves the Old No7 at 7pm, returning back at 10pm. Contact Margaret to book your seat. See page 22 for contact details. Nigel Croft With a much improved cider choice over the last 12 months, and a good balance of sweet and dry options I am pleased to announce that the Old No7 is this years winner of Barnsley CAMRA Cider Pub of the Year. One cider is always on a handpump while the others are cooled to serve them at a consistent cellar temperature. Congratulations go to Stuart and Carol and all the team at the Old No7, the pub is going from strength to strength. The presentation to the Old No7 will take place on Wednesday 23rd May during an interval in the quiz which starts at 8pm. It’s thanks to places like the Old No7, Arcade Alehouse and Maison du Biere (Elsecar) that the days of sticking a box of Old Rosie on the back bar and expecting to win accolades are over in this town. Andrew Hamilton - Barnsley CAMRA Apple Representative

Welcome Inside Barnsley CAMRA’s BAR - Page 7


Too many twists. Beer gravy & mash. point of sale and are produced at breweries that appear to be artisan but can actually I am feeling grumpy about pub food be owned by industrial scale brewers. I involving silly gimmicks. Don’t get me wrong, I love to try different foods but hate want to know what I am buying and how it was made whether it be food or drink. strange combinations, unconventionally presented. I am with Mary I enjoy using beer, cider or There is a parallel Berry, promoting simple wine in recipes but they dishes, quality ingredients here with real ale, we need to justify their and good cooking. She has inclusion on flavour and can be seduced by criticised plates zigzagged cost grounds. My favourite new flavours and with sauce and droplets of recipes only use a small forget the quality beer amount, leaving cook’s jus. Gravy is a meat juice thickened with flour and jus that has been around perks. is a meat juice for decades. This recipe for cauliflower concentrated by heating. and bean mash with beer Gravy is English and jus is gravy is quick to make and avoids the French. Let’s not have any more menus chore of peeling potatoes and is not a twist advertising roast beef, Yorkshire pudding on mashed potatoes! It can also be part of and jus. It is gravy! I also want my meal vegan meal but I used pork sausages. I served as one layer not pyramid that has roasted the vegetables around the been erected by someone who has sausages. touched and rearranged everything only for me to pick it apart before I can get started. Bean and cauliflower mash. (Serves 4) Roast 2 onions and 8 cloves of garlic avoid Any delay at this point is a no no. Then there are plates or the lack of them. There burning. Break them up with a masher/ is a campaign promoting plates rather than blender Steam/boil cauliflower florets until they are slates and slices of wood. Hear, hear. just cooked There is a parallel here with real ale, we can be seduced by new flavours and forget Drain & rinse 2 x 400g of cannellini/ flageolet beans the quality beer that has been around for Put all the ingredients in a saucepan and decades. I am thinking of beers such as add seasoning, chopped parsley and those from Fullers or Batemans or Theakston to name but three. There are a sausage juices or stock. Heat & mix until soft adding extra stock as needed. mass of new breweries, a lot of choice at Beer gravy. the bar for draft real ales and bottleLightly brown 2 finely chopped onions in oil conditioned craft ales. I have difficulty Remove from heat and stir in 1 tbs flour building a loyalty for a beer. I am Carefully add 100ml of dark ale (not stout) I overwhelmed by the choice and rate of change, having difficulty remembering the recommend Acorn Old Moor Porter. brewery never mind the actual beer. Worse Simmer for 5 mins then add 250 ml of still I cannot recall those that I disliked. As a stock. Simmer for 30 mins & season to taste. consumer committed to real ale and smaller scale production, I am being misled by craft beers that are not live/real at the

Hannah Lucas

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Thank You

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Real Lager Brewers need to take their time when creating traditional lager In the spring, the beer-loving people of Munich gather in the famous beer hall, the Hofbräuhaus, to witness the ceremonial tapping of a cask of a local speciality known as Maibock. Munich is renowned for its bock beers. They are strong lagers, aged for several months and are enjoyed at key moments of the year, including the world’s best-known beer jamboree, the Oktoberfest. The Maibock supped at the Hofbräuhaus is 7.2 per cent ABV and stronger versions of the style, known as Doppelbock, weigh in at 8 per cent or more. But the long ageing of the beers means they are smooth and juicy, a superb combination of ripe malt and spicy hops. They are dangerously drinkable and an infinite delight. Lagerun is a German word meaning ‘store’. Beers are aged in the lager keller and it’s the long, slow ageing process that gives the finished beers their character. The Hofbräuhaus Maibock is lagered for three months. That’s quick by Bavarian standards. One of Munich’s most celebrated bock beers, Salvator (7.9 per cent) from the Paulaner brewery, is also lagered for 10 to 12 weeks. But another Munich speciality called Märzen is brewed in March – hence the name – and matured until the autumn when it’s tapped at the Oktoberfest. Paulaner is a commercial brewery today, but it was founded by monks early in the 17th century. They brewed for their own consumption and called beer ‘liquid bread’, as it sustained them during the Lent period with its strictly observed fasting. Long before refrigeration came into use, brewing was impossible during the summer months as wild yeasts infected fermenting beer.

In common with other monasteries in Bavaria, the monks at Paulaner found that if they brewed in the early spring and aged their beers in icy caves in the mountains, something truly miraculous happened. Yeast sank gradually to the bottom of the vessels, while a long, slow secondary fermentation took place. The finished result was a beer rich in malt and hop flavours, clean and quenching.

Traditional lager brewers have remained faithful to slow fermentation. This is not true of global producers. It’s now the norm to make so-called lagers in just 21 days – a period that covers the start of the brewing process to the beer leaving the factory. Do these beers deserve the name lager? Last autumn I joined a group of beer writers who had been invited to celebrate 170 years of brewing at Carlsberg in ‘Lagerun is a German word Copenhagen. During the meaning “store”. Beers are aged course of a discussion about new malts and hops, a in the lager keller and it’s the senior brewer startled the long, slow ageing process that visitors by saying: gives the finished beers their “Carlsberg has taken the lagering out of lager.” character’ He paused and added: “Don’t quote me – I may get the Centuries later, with the invention sack.” When I asked his opinion of of ice-making machines and the 90-day lagering regime at refrigeration, it was possible to Budweiser Budvar in the Czech produce lager beer on a vast Republic, he scoffed: “They’re commercial scale. In the 19th wasting their time.” century, a clear divide in the beer When I put this to Budvar MD Petr world developed between ale, Dvorak, he was equally dismissive. produced by warm or top He puts great store – if you’ll fermentation, and cold-fermented lager made with bottom-fermenting pardon the pun – in the slow maturation of his beers. As well as yeasts. Budvar Original (5 per cent), lagered for 90 days, his other beers include Czech Imperial (7.5 per cent), which is aged for a formidable 220 days. Visiting the icy lager cellars at Budvar is a remarkable experience. Brewers will tap beers from tanks at one, two and three months and allow you to see just how the beer improves over that time. Whether it’s ale or lager, passion and commitment produce the best. The Italians have a slow food movement and true lager drinkers deserve something similar. Roger Protz is one of the world’s top beer writers, travelling the globe searching out new brews, and edits CAMRA’s Good Beer Guide. Read more of Roger’s writing at or follow him @rogerprotzbeer

From Spring 2018 BEER by CAMRA

Poster Design by O Edwards / EHR

Welcome Inside Barnsley CAMRA’s BAR - Page 13

A Warm Welcome to the Beer Festival and Elsecar Heritage Railway Welcome, to this unusual beer festival and BAR magazine. I would like to say welcome to the festival, if you aren’t at it why not? The festival in partnership with Elsecar Heritage Railway, helps raise funds to keep the railway on track, pun intended, so if you would like to keep it going for the future please donate some loose change, your contributions really do matter. The festival which is held/been held at the station yard, is purely built and run by unpaid volunteers, they work tirelessly to put on this showcase, working into the nights, months before the festival to make sure you all have a great time and sample some of the best real ales and ciders the UK has to offer. While at the festival please #thankavolunter. If you like what we do and you can spare a hour or two, we will love for you to join us, pull a pint and make great new friends, and looks great on your CV too, details at the bottom of the page how to volunteer. As always we cannot do this festival without the support of local businesses that helps us, from the fantastic Masion du biere, that put on some fantastic bottles and real ale in a Key Cask. Acorn Brewery, Henry Boots, and Field Design for giving our 7th year a new look design logo. If you would like to volunteer, please visit our website or fill in the form on page 10 of this BAR. Please enjoy the festival and tweet us using @beerbarnsley we love seeing your comments and photos.

LiveBar: Live Beer List

Andrew Festival Director

LiveBar will show you what beers are available while we are open. There is also a static cider and perries list. This site will go live on Friday 4th May and be updated during the festival. Use the QR code or go direct to our page at: Thanks go to Backstagecrew Internet Services for this service.

Beer List in the Programme The Real Ales, Craft Beers, Cider and Perrys listed in pages here are what we had confirmed and nearly confirmed by breweries and suppliers on the order when we went to print. An up to date list can be found at our website: nearer the date.

READING THIS WILL INCREASE YOUR ENJOYMENT! Health and Safety! As I write this I can already hear your cries, but please don’t stop reading; an unfortunate mishap would really spoil your enjoyment, wouldn’t it? Please do not stay in the entrance of the marquees causing congestion. Be careful when walking up and down the steps, especially if wet; as well as spilling your drink you could break your neck if you slip or fall! If you break or drop your glass don’t try and pick up the pieces yourself; instead inform the nearest volunteer who will be able to get this sorted. If you have brought children to the festival please keep them with a responsible adult at all times. We know it’s a beer and cider festival but still please be careful with the amount you drink. Beers are available in the 1/3 pint measure so you can try more without the quantity. And you can always obtain a soft drink from the station buffet or bars as well as remembering to eat something from the stalls, food helps soak up the alcohol. Water is also available from the cider bar. In the unlikely event that you do have an injury please contact the nearest volunteer member of staff – we have first aiders on site to assist.

THE REAL ALE LIST Acorn - (Wombwell) Barnsley Bitter 3.8% abv Chestnut colour, smooth rich flavour, bitter finish. Barnsley Gold 4.3% abv Good bitterness with citrus, hop aroma. Darkness 4.5% abv Red mild with roasted malts, Fuggles hops. Alechemy - (Edinburgh) Ritual 4.1% abv IPA with a floral aroma and lingering citrus. Anarchy - (Morpeth) Exile 4.9% abv Gluten free pale ale. American hops. Bank Top - (Bolton) Flat Cap 4% abv Pale bitter, hoppy with citrus finish. Pavilion Pale Ale 4.5% abv Peppery hoppiness, bitter yet fruity finish. Beartown - (Congleton) Bearskinful 4.2% abv Malt & fruit in the taste, bitter hop finish. Black Sheep - (Masham) Velo 4.2% abv Intense fruit character, orange & coriander. Blackjack - (Manchester) Bramling Cross 4% abv English bitter single hopped Bramling Cross. Milk Stout 4.5% abv Milk Stout, hops, Bravo, Cluster, Willamette. Schafkopf 5% abv Wheat beer but with ginger and lemongrass. Bollington - (Bollington) White Nancy 3.6% abv Lots of body and good fruit an hop taste. Dinner Ale 4.3% abv Slightly fruity nose, a traditional style bitter. Burton Town - (Burton-on-Trent) Scorned Woman 4.9% abv An IPA, lightly hopped and a bit malty Black As Your Hat 6.2% abv Liquorice black IPA. Dark & triple hopped. Castle Rock - (Nottingham) Songbird 4% abv Pale amber. Citra, Mosaic and Simcoe hops Brian Clough 4.2% abv Pilsner style pale ale. Elsie Mo 4.7% abv Pale amber ale. Chin Chin - (South Elmsall) Northern Skies 4.8% abv Dark, easy drinking stout, mildly bitter. Quantum Shift 5.1% Light, hoppy PA with 5 US hop varieties, fruity Clarks - (Wakefield) Classic Blonde 3.9% abv Refreshing, brewed with Cascade hops. Cwrw ial - (Eryrys, Mold, Denbighshire) Kia Kaha! 4.3% abv

Hop bomb, Tropical fruit & lime peel aroma. Derventio - (Derby) Et Tu Brutus 4.5% A malty ruby bitter. Cleopatra 5% abv Amber ale with First Gold hops and apricot. Fernandes - (Wakefield) Mr Bumble 4.3% abv Golden beer brewed with honey Fuggle Bunny - (Sheffield) La La Land 3.9% abv Tropical APA with citrus and passion fruit. Jammy Dodger 4.5% abv Ruby red - blackcurrant, liquorice and caramel. Orchard Gold 5% abv Spice and honey with an earthy undertone. Geeves - (Stairfoot) Renaissance 4.1% abv Sweet malts and American Willamette hops. Mandarina 4.5% abv IPA Mandarina Bavaria hops, tangerine notes. Smokey Joe 5% abv Notes of coffee, dark chocolate and smokiness. Golden Duck - (Appleby Magna, Leicestershire) Tommo's Mild 3.4% abv 3 malt for a smooth chocolate, caramel flavour. Hayle's Ale 3.8% abv Light golden ale with a citrusy palate Wristy Fitzy 4.6% abv 2 types of malt, smooth richness & creamy. Lunny's Number 8 4.8% abv IPA, all American hops, crisp, hoppy taste. Bodies Bottom Lip 5.2% Porter with 3 types of malt and strong hops. Great Heck - (Great Heck, Selby) Dave 3.8% abv Dark, silky smooth session bitter. Black Jesus 6.5% abv Black IPA with American hops. Half Moon - (Ellerton, York) Casablanca - ?.? Abv No information on this beer as we go to print. Amarillo 4.2% abv Amarillo and Cascade hops, citrus and fruity. Port Out 4.4% abv Porter with coffee, liquorice & chocolate notes. Hopcraft - (Pontyclun, Cardiff) We Come In Peace 4.6% abv American amber, malt with juicy, resinous hops. Imperial - (Mexborough) Classical Bitter 3.9% abv Traditional bitter Five Dollar Shake 5% abv Milk chocolate porter. More Real Ales, Craft Beers, Cider and Perries â–ş

Jolly Boys - (Redbrook) Jolly Blonde 4% abv Challenger and East Kent Goldings hops. Jolly Yorkshire Pale Ale 4.8% abv Hopped with Cascade and Chinook hops. Jolly Collier Porter 5% abv Superb complexities of malts and Fuggle hops. Leatherbritches - (Ashby De La Zouch) Lemongrass & Ginger 3.8% abv Pale, hoppy ale infused with lemongrass & ginger. Mad Ruby 4.4% abv Brown ale packed with malt flavour. Hairy Helmet 4.7% abv Crisp PA with citrus tones and dry bitter finish. Leeds - (Leeds) Midnight Bell 4.8% abv Premium dark mild. Crystal & chocolate malts. Lenton Lane - (Nottingham) Goldrush 4% abv Zesty. A refreshing & easy drinking pale ale. Little Critters - (Sheffield) Malty Python 4.8% abv English IPA, caramel aroma of berry fruits. Nutty Ambassador 6% abv Hazelnut, coffee, chocolate. Contains lactose. Lost Industry - (Sheffield) 9th Shade of Pale 4.6% abv Pineapple pale Off Your Coconut 9.3% abv Imperial white stout with coconut cake. Lytham - (Lytham St Annes) Golden Mild 4.3% abv Golden ale with dark chocolate for sweetness. Royal 4.4% abv English ruby ale with a crisp fruity aroma. Merrie City - (Wakefield) Crystal Gold 4.2% abv Tangy, orange aroma, full bodied, fruity taste. Nook - (Holmfirth) Pennine Light 3.5% abv A straw coloured, modern light mild Best 4.2% abv Best bitter, floral aroma, well balanced flavour. Rhubarb IPA 5.2% abv Caramel flavour, sharp, crisp rhubarb finish. Oakham - (Oakham) Scarlet Macaw 4.4% abv Gooseberries fruit taste, intense bitterness. Ossett - (Ossett) Big Red 4% abv Citrus, fruit and spice aromas dominate. Penistone - (Penistone) Raspberry Blonde 4.7% abv Fruity Blonde Beer. Back Oil Tap 4.9% abv Robust porter. Penistone Punk IPA 5.4% abv IPA from Penistone brewery at the White Hart. Penpont - (Launceston, Cornwall) Cornish Arvor 4% abv Hop flavour and a rounded malt complexity. Quantock - (Bishops Lydeard, Taunton)

Sunraker 4.2% abv Hopped blonde ale. Clean grassy aroma. Red Cat - (Winchester, Hampshire) Grapefruit Crush 4.5% abv Pink Grapefruit Milkshake IPA Redemption - (Tottenham, North London) Big Chief IPA 5.5% abv Kiwi hops with hints of honey and nectar. 46 Degrees North 6% abv An India Pale Ale Revolutions - (Castleford) Switch 4.5 abv Pale hopped with Motueka and Rakau hops. Death Valley IPA 6.9% abv Unfined US IPA, the breweries 600th brew. Riverhead - (Marsden, Huddersfield) Sherbert Lemon 4% abv Wheat beer, lemon grass, Lime leaves. Roosters - (Knaresborough) Cream 4.7% abv Pale bitter with soft bitterness, apricot aroma. Scarborough - (Scarborough) Ship Of Fools 4.5% abv Golden pale ale with pineapple and grapefruit. Shardlow - (Cavendish Bridge, Derby) Golden Hop 4.1% abv Dry hopped for aroma, golden sweet tasting. Reverend Eaton 4.5% abv Complex malt & hop, a long sweet finish. Tiny Rebel - (Cardiff) Stay Puft 5.2% abv Marshmallow porter with Marshmallow. Titanic - (Stoke-on-Trent) Cherry Dark 4.4% abv American & Slovenian hops, infused with cherries. Plum Porter 4.9% abv Goldings hops and natural plum flavouring. Tower - (Burton-on-Trent) Gone for a Burton 4.6% abv Amber beer with a malt hop aroma Imperial IPA 5% abv Premium IPA, citrus fruity flavour, hop aroma. Twisted Brewing - (Westbury, Wiltshire) Pirate 4.2% abv Smooth with undertones of nutty fruitcake. Two Roses - (Darton) Sprocket 4.2% abv Fruity with hints of apricot. Nailmaker 4.3% abv Porter with chocolate and hints of vanilla. Black Beauty 5% abv Aromas of dark chocolate and burnt toast. Upham - (Bishops Waltham, Southampton) Punter 4% abv Best bitter with Maris Otter pale malt. Vocation - (Cragg Vale, Hebden Bridge) Heart and Soul 4.4% abv Fruity IPA notes of tropical fruits. Wild Beer - (Shepton Mallet, Somerset) Bibble 4.2% abv Malt base. Unfined, so naturally hazy. Craft Beers, Cider and Perries â–ş

THE CIDER & PERRY LIST Black Rat Cider D 6.0 Perry Perry 7.5 Broadoak Moonshine M 7.5 Perry Perry 7.5 Celtic Marches Ruby Tuesday Fruit 4.0 Nell Gwynne Fruit 4.0 Circle Cider Butchers Boy S 5.5 Cotswold Cider Yellowhammer Carnival M/S 6.0 Dorset Nectar Passion Fruit Fruit 4.0 Dudda's Tun Salted Caramel Fruit 4.0 Gwatkin No Bull M/S 4.5 Game Cock S 4.5 Gwynt Y Ddraig Happy Daze M 4.5 Two Trees Perry Perry 4.5

Harry's Cider No. 8 Hogan's Hazy Rays Harvest Press Hunts Hazy Dazy Kentish Pip Vintage Orchard Pig Navelgazer Hogfather Perry's Grey Heron Pilton Pilton Keeved Purbeck Cheeky Cherry Purbeck Muddy Scamp Ross-On-Wye Suzie Wong Sanford Orchard Fannys Bramble

S M/S M S M/S D D S M/D Fruit M/D M/S Fruit

Devon Mist M/S 4.5 M 6.0 6.2 Devon Scrumpy Saxby's 3.9 Cloudy Rhubarb Fruit 3.5 5.3 Seacider Cherry Bakewell Fruit 4.0 4.5 Side-R Fruit Burst Fruit 6.0 6.5 Snails Bank Fruit Bat Fruit 4.0 6.0 Elderflower Gin & Tonic Fruit 4.0 7.4 Strawberry & Lime Fruit 4.0 Rhubarb Fruit 4.0 5.5 Raspberry Ripple Fruit 4.0 Tiny Rebel 5.5 Peariscope Perry Perry 4.8 Protanopia M 6.0 4.0 Tutt's Clump Blackberry Fruit 4.0 6.9 Mango Fruit 4.0 Westcroft 5.5 Janet's Jungle Juice M/D 6.0 Wharf Brewery 4.0 Black Cherry Fruit 4.0

KEY CASK & BOTTLED BEER LIST At the time of going to print, only a few craft beers had been confirmed at the extended deadline. Sorry for the inconvenience this may cause. A full list will be available on the branch website as soon as it becomes available, and a printed copy will be available at the beer festival. On Tap - Key Cask, the following will be available: Timmermans - Kriek 4% abv A Timmerman’s fruit lambic, this time cherry-flavoured! Timmermans - Peche 4% abv This beer is a lambic with 100% natural peach flavouring. Flensburger - Pilsner No tasting notes available.

4.8% abv

North Brewing Co - Imperial Stout 8% abv Stout bursting with coffee and chocolate. Magic Rock - Mind Control 8% abv An 8% double IPA using Golden Promise Shindigger - Everything Peachy A session IPA with peach!

4.2% abv

Verdant - Bloom A strong IPA

6.5% abv

Wiper & True - Kaleidoscope 4.2% abv Depending on which batch number we get depends on the hops used. NOTE: All the Real Ales, Ciders & Perries & Craft Key Cask beers are subject to availability. Any changes to this list will be made on the website.

Welcome Inside Barnsley CAMRA’s BAR - Page 17

Saturday - 5th May 2:00 - Wilde Sammon @WildeSammon

3:00 - Michael Dugher (tbc) 4:00 - Graham Lindley 5:00 - Emily Worton 6:00 - Orange Vaudeville Society @OrangeVaudevilleSociety

7:00 - A Joker Among Thieves @a_joker_among_thieves (Instagram)

Sunday - 6th May 2:00 - Harriet Grant @HarrietRoseGrantMusic

3:00 - Darren Batty 4:00 - Beth Newton @BethNewtonMusic

5:00 - Scott Wainwright @ScottWainwrightMusician

6:00 - The Soars @the_soars_ (Instagram)

7:00 - Good Nothings @goodnothingsband

Monday - 7th May 1:00 - Tom Sealey @TomSealeyMusic

2:00 - Stephen Mone @themoneandonly

3:00 - Brad & Co. @bradandco

4:00 - Scott Wainwright @ScottWainwrightMusician Welcome Inside Barnsley CAMRA’s BAR - Page 18

Congratulations go to Tina Wood from Elsecar who correctly identified the pub in the Winter edition as the Cross Keys at Stairfoot. Tina will be enjoying a tenner’s worth of beer at the Crown Inn, Elsecar. So it’s your turn to try and win some beer. Simply name the pub in the picture. This pub has been demolished. To enter, simply send: (1) Your answer, (2) name and address, (3) name of a pub/club where you will drink your tenner’s worth of beer, and (4) state that you are 18 or over (people do still miss this out and we simply cannot accept their entry). Please submit your answers by text, email or post to the Editor Nigel Croft. Details are on the branch officers’ page 24. Closing date is the same as “Copy Deadline” date also on page 22, and you will be entered into a draw to take place within a week of the closing date. Good Luck… By entering this competition we will assume that you have agreed to our T’s & C’s at - Information sent is deleted after the draw.

Arcade Alehouse

The Cock Inn

The Keys

Barnsley Pub of the Year 2018

Birdwell Spring Pub of the Season 2018

Hoyland Common Autumn Pub of the Season 2017

Wortley Men’s Club

Old No 7

The Crystal Palace

Wortley Club of the Year 2018

Barnsley Winter Pub of the Season 2017/18

Thurlstone Summer Pub of the Season 2017

Arcade Alehouse Barnsley Spring Pub of the Season 2017

The Huntsman Thurlstone Winter Pub of the Season 2016/17

Thanks go to: The White Hart Penistone; Silkstone Inn, Old No7, Conservative Club and The Longcar Barnsley; The Knave & Kestrel, Hoyland; Tap & Brew Hoyland Common for hosting recent CAMRA meetings and events.

Welcome Inside Barnsley CAMRA’s BAR - Page 19

CAMRA LocAle - the accreditation scheme to promote pubs and clubs that sell locally-brewed real ale, reducing the number of ‘beer miles’ and supporting your local breweries. Listed below are pubs and clubs in the Barnsley area. These outlets should regularly serve at least one real ale that is 20 miles or less from the brewery to the bar. Anglers Rest - Wombwell Arcade Alehouse - Barnsley Ardsley Oaks Club - Ardsley Blacksmiths Arms - Millhouse Green Bridge Inn - Thurgoland Cawthorne Club - Cawthorne Cherry Tree - High Hoyland Cock Inn - Birdwell Commercial - Barnsley Comrades Club - Cawthorne Conservative Club - Barnsley Conservative Club - Darfield Crystal Palace - Thurlstone Crown & Anchor - Barugh Green Crown Inn - Elsecar Dearne Tap - Bolton on Dearne Dog and Partridge - Hazlehead Fitzwilliam Arms - Elsecar Furnace Inn - Hoyland Fox and Hounds - Shafton Fox House Inn - Carlecotes Horseshoe - Wombwell Houghton Arms - Great Houghton Huntsman - Thurlstone Joseph Bramah - Barnsley Keel Inn - Barnsley

Keys - Hoyland Common Knave & Kestrel - Hoyland Longcar - Barnsley Lundhill Tavern - Wombwell Maison Du Biere - Elsecar Market - Elsecar Miners Rest - Old Town Old Coop Alehouse - Darton Old Bakery - Mapplewell Old Moor Tavern - Broomhill Old Number 7 - Barnsley Old Post Office - Haigh Penistone Church FC - Penistone Penistone Cinema - Penistone Picture House Tap - Goldthorpe Queen Victoria - Darfield Redfearn’s Bar - Barnsley FC Royal - Barugh Green Rose & Crown - Hoylandswaine Saville Square - Hoyland Common Shakespeare - Barnsley Shaw Lane Club - Barnsley Silkstone Golf Club - Silkstone Silkstone Inn - Barnsley Smithy Arms - Oxspring Spencer Arms - Cawthorne

Sports/Social Club - Hoylandswaine Star - Hoyland Common Talbot Inn - Mapplewell Tap & Brew - Hoyland Common Travellers Inn - Dodworth Waggon & Horses - Langsett Wentworth - Tankersley Wentworth Arms - Mapplewell White Heart - Penistone Wortley Arms - Wortley Wortley Hall - Wortley Wortley Men’s Club - Wortley Updated April 2018


How can you help? Watch out for pubs displaying the up -to-date LocAle sign. Order a LocAle beer. This may be highlighted with the LocAle Crown on the pump. Enjoy the quality local real ale Ask your local if they can stock a LocAle real ale or contact Barnsley CAMRA if you would like us to speak to a licensee about LocAle on your behalf.

LocAle Pub Sudoku Sudoku rules are easy: Fill all empty squares so that the letters (Upper and Lower Case) from ‘LocAle Pub’ appear once in each row, column and 3x3 box.

Welcome Inside Barnsley CAMRA’s BAR - Page 20

Barnsley CAMRA Raise £2k For Barnsley War Memorials Project Barnsley CAMRA formally handed the sum of £2131.47 to Barnsley War Memorials Project at a presentation under the shadow of the main War Memorial at Barnsley Town Hall in March. The local branch of the Campaign for Real Ale adopted the BWMP as their good cause for 2017/18. Money was raised at Beer Festivals in May and early September by raffles and by asking customers to donate their glass deposits. There was a well supported sponsored walk in late September from the Wath Tap, Wath upon Dearne to the Arcade Alehouse, Barnsley, two of South Yorkshire's new crop of Micro Pubs, and additional money was raised at numerous social events throughout the year. A special mention must go to young member Alex Forrest who sold over £400 worth of raffle tickets in September. While Alex was chatting to the BWMP member on their display at the Beer Festival at Milton Hall he was surprised to discover that there was no Barnsley Borough First World War Roll of Honour despite similar documents existing in Sheffield and other towns around the UK. "It is one of those things you just assume must exist", said Alex. The cheque was presented to Councillor Ken Richardson, (left) chair of the BWMP, by Margaret Croft (right) of Barnsley CAMRA in the presence of other members of both organisations. The Centenary of the Armistice, on 11 November 2018, marks the cessation of hostilities after four long years in which nearly four thousand Barnsley men and women laid down their lives. They will all be named and Remembered in Barnsley Borough's long awaited Roll of Honour, produced by the volunteers of the BWMP, which is to be presented to the Mayor in November. The BWMP expressed their gratitude for this generous contribution to the costs of the RoH and thanked Barnsley CAMRA for all their hard work.

Linda Hutton

Welcome Inside Barnsley CAMRA’s BAR - Page 21

Advertising by Matelot Marketing Ltd Neil Richards MBE - 01536 358670 or 07710 281381 - Chair, Festival Organiser Andrew Taylor Branch Contact Linda Hutton Pass it to a friend, take 01226 719450 it to work or leave it for others to read Social Secretary: Margaret Croft - 01226 714492, when you have 07734155792 finished! Membership Secretary: David Walker Magazine Editor & Pubs Protection Officer: Paul Ainsworth Website Editor & Acorn Brewery Liaison Officer: Phil Gregg 07498749178 Treasurer: Laurence Mace 07752 399182 - Young Persons Coordinator & Geeves Brewery Liaison Officer (tbc): Alex Forrest Cider Officer: Andrew Hamilton The Deadline for News Advertising by Matelot Marketing Ltd and Articles for Neil Richards MBE - 01536 358670 or Consideration and 07710 281381 - Competitions is: Jolly Boys Brewery Liaison Officer (tbc): Carole Conway - 8th June 2018 Proof Reader: Linda Hutton - Thank you! These should be sent to the Editor at the This Editions Editor - Nigel Croft address on the left. We have roles within the branch that need filling. If you are a Barnsley CAMRA member and feel you can offer the branch your time and joining the committee, please contact the Chair, Andrew Taylor.

3000 Copies Seasonally

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Follow us on Twitter! @barnsleycamra & @beerbarnsley

CAMRA Ltd 230 Hatfield Rd St Albans AL1 4LW 01727 867201

Welcome Inside Barnsley CAMRA’s BAR - Page 22

Barnsley CAMRA Pub of the Season Spring 2018 Presentation made on Friday 8th June At 9pm

Proud Sponsor of the Beer Festival

Tue 24th April: Branch Meeting Branch meeting and social at the Joseph Bramah, Barnsley. The meeting will take place upstairs starting at 8pm.

4th - 7th May: Beer Festival

Thu 31st May: Tasting Panel Tasting Acorn beers at the Old No7, Barnsley, from 8pm. Up to four Acorn core beers available and seasonal to taste. Fri 1st June: Pub of the Year Award Presentation evening to the Arcade Alehouse, Victoria Arcade, Barnsley. See page 7. Presentation is around 9pm. Fri 8th June: Pub of the Season Presentation to be made to the Cock Inn, Birdwell at about 9pm. Catch Bus 66 at 7.35pm. See page 3 Wed 13th June: Tasting Panel Out to taste Two Roses Brewery Beers in Mapplewell. Starting at the Wentworth Arms in Mapplewell at 8pm. Catch the 7.30pm number 1 bus from Barnsley.

The festival runs from Friday 4th May (11am) till Monday 7th May (6pm) The venue: Elsecar Heritage Railway Yard FREE Admission Live Entertainment (not Friday) Train Rides, Tombola Over a Hundred Drinks on offer. Hot and Cold Food, Soft Drinks For information on Real Ales, Craft Beers, Cider & Perries look inside this magazine. For all other information and volunteering please visit Sat 19th May: Club of the Year Award Presentation evening to the Wortley Men’s Club, Wortley Village, Barnsley. Contact Margaret for a seat on the bus. Presentation is around 9pm. See page 7 for full details. Wed 23 May: Cider Pub of the Year Award Presentation evening, during an interval in the quiz (8pm start) to the Old No 7, Barnsley. We aim to have made the presentation by 9pm. Page 7 for full details. Tue 29th May: Branch Meeting Branch meeting and social at the Anglers Rest, Wombwell. The meeting starts at 8pm. Catch the number 222 bus from Barnsley at 7.20pm

Wed 27th June: Branch Meeting (Note Wednesday) Branch meeting and social at Maison Du Biere, in the Elsecar Heritage Centre, Wath Road, Elsecar. The meeting will start at 8.15pm for passengers arriving on the 7.35pm 66 bus from Barnsley. Alternatively there is the 7.24pm train from Barnsley to Elsecar. Tue 10th July: Tasting Panel Out to taste Geeves Brewery Beers at the Anglers Rest, Wombwell. (Quiz Night), Meet up at 8pm. Catch the 7.20pm number 222 bus from Barnsley.

Join the Free Text Update Just send a text with your CAMRA number and name to the secretary's mobile (07736288072) requesting “CAMRA TEXT” Updates. These can be stopped by texting “STOP CAMRA TEXT” at anytime.

Details correct at time of going to print Opinions expressed in this magazine are those of the individual author and may not represent those of the editor and CAMRA as a whole, both locally or nationally.


Welcome Inside Barnsley CAMRA’s BAR - Page 25

Margaret Croft

Welcome Inside Barnsley CAMRA’s BAR - Page 26

31 The Arcade, S75 2QP In the Heart of Barnsley, 2 minutes walk from the bus/rail station Barnsley CAMRA Spring Pub of the Season 2017 Pub of the Year and Cider Pub of the Year 2017 Barnsley CAMRA Pub of the Year 2018 Opening times: Thurs, Fri and Sat 12noon – 10pm Sun 12noon – 8pm 6 hand pumps serving great quality cask ales craft beer in bottles and cans 4 real ciders



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