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NEW CONNECTION: A group of Faith College Year 11 history students were invited by Tanunda RSL members to help place crosses at the Remembrance Gardens at Tanunda on Tuesday. Tanunda RSL vice president Trevor Whitehead said this is the first time the school has been part of the routine and will continue to help each year. The crosses honour 25 soldiers killed during action, 74 World War I soldiers, 166 World War II soldiers and two postwar soldiers from Tanunda. According to student Madi Savage, it’s a privilege to be part of the set up and she is grateful to be able to contribute towards ANZAC Day in her community. Pictured placing crosses at the gardens are (from left) Kyle Hammerling, Tom Busch, Trevor Whitehead, Madi Savage and Georgia Rosenzweig.
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Wednesday, April 25, 2012 - Anzac Day Wrap 2 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
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Wednesday, April 25, 2012
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Watts up By GRAHAM FISCHER PART-time farrier Harley Watts will be looking to nail his opponents in the World Croquet Championships in Adelaide next week. Watts, 37, is already guaranteed a spot in the 80 players from around the world who will attempt to take the title. His performances in recent state and national titles ensured Harley a start against the world’s best. “I’m taking a week off work this week to practice and give myself the best chance,” Watts said. “I’ve been pretty happy with my form but want to make sure I give myself the best opportunity in the worlds.” The world’s number one croquet player and reigning world champion, Africanborn Reg Bamford, heads an international line-up for the 13th World Croquet Federation (WCF) Association Croquet Championship. The titles begin on Saturday, April 28 and conclude on Sunday, May 6. The World Championship will be contested across 10 venues around Adelaide with competitors from 11 other countries in the running for the title. “It is not an immediate knockout tournament so I get to play matches on the first few days and hopefully I do well enough to move through to the knockout phase,” he said. But it will be a tough contest with Robert Fletcher, 18, from Lismore being the first Australian to be ranked number one in the world not to mention the youngest player to hold the ranking. He is the current Australian Open
WORLD TITLE: Harley Watts, from Lewiston, who is contesting the World Croquet Championships, shows a trick shot during practice. champion and was runner up in his first appearance in the New Zealand Open in 2011. More importantly, Robert has held or holds every other major Australian title and was runner up to Bamford in his first appearance in the British Open, then aged 17. There will also be a strong contingent from England including 35-year old Rob Fulford, five-time world champion. Watts was raised at Drouin in Victoria. “We lived next door to a croquet rink and when I was 10 I started playing and love the game,” Watts said. “We moved to Lewiston in 1995 and when I arrived I was quick to join up with the Gawler club. “We could do with a few more members in Gawler and I invite people to give it a try - it is a fun sport and there is a skill required.”
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Australian triathlon selection
THE Herald’s roving Gawler reporter Rob Laidlaw was on hand at the Gawler ANZAC March on Sunday morning to capture the scene as Gawler honoured its veterans. His story is on the page opposite and a gallery of all his photos is available online at The photos have been coming through thick and fast this week, with other galleries from the Kapunda Musical Society and the Kapunda Farm Fair. The first round of football and netball was also held last weekend, with Herald photographers attending three of the four games. As the winter sport season swings into action, more and more sports are trying to get their results published in the Herald, so these extra sport results are going online at The colouring in competition run in conjunction by the Herald and the Barossa Mall has been a huge success. In March, we encouraged people to download a picture from our website, then have children colour in the picture and send it in. More than 100 entries were received and the winners have been given their prizes (see story to right).
Sweet success WINNERS:Oakley McNally, 6, of Nuriootpa and Helena Radocaj, 11, of Tanunda, are the winners of the Herald and Barossa Mall’s Easter colouring competition. Oakley (middle left) and Helena (middle right), are picutred here with Leah Mills from Nuriootpa Newsagency and Clayton Bester, the Herald manager/sales manager. The winners each receive a gift basket packed with goodies including a range of toys and chocolates. The Herald and the Barossa Mall would like to thank all the children who entered the colouring competition and commend everyone on their fantastic artwork. Good luck for next year!
SELECTED: Ella Holmes’ successful comeback has earned an Australian selection.
Footy Tipping
Incorporating The Barossa News, Kapunda Herald and Eudunda Courier.
1/119 Murray Street, Tanunda Postal: PO Box 43, Tanunda, 5352
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Mark Wilton
Christine Lange
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Dawn Couzner
Hayden Schugmann 22
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Robert Dawber
Maria Norris
Wayne Angus
Bob Matthews
Evelyn Angus
Di Stock
Kayne Schugmann 22
Wayne Angus
June Tidswell
Alison Angus
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10 Bob Hennig
Original works are subject to copyright and shall not be reproduced without authority. Where no charge is made for the preparation of advertising material, The Herald will remain owner of copyright for the advertising material. Such material may be reproduced only with the consent of The Herald and upon payment of such fee as The Herald may require. In lodging an advertisement with us you agree that we may publish the advertisement on our website. The general terms and conditions that apply to publication of classified advertisements in our publications apply also to publication on our website.
Telephone: (08) 8563 2041 Fax: (08) 8563 3655 Advertising: Editorial: Website: Manager/Sales Manager: Clayton Bester Editor: Graham Fischer Editorial: Michelle O’Rielly, John Crawford, Mike Teakle, Ben Mallett, Robert Laidlaw, Anne Hopton. Photography: Kirsty Hosking, Shaun Kowald. Sales: Glenys Brooks, Jordan Stollznow, Jodie Coventry, Linda Goldfinch, Renee Day. Administration: Cheryl Lange, Roxanne Mathew
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Who’s eating at your house tonight?
HELD HIGH: Flag bearers at Gawler’s ANZAC March on Sunday morning. For more photos from the march, visit
Published by The Barossa News Pty. Ltd.
STAR triathletes, Ella Holmes from Evanston Park and Sam Tebeck of Williamstown have gained Australian selection The pair, along with Ben Tripodi of Flagstaff Hills are members of the Fuse Multisport Racing Team who have secured spots in the Australian team to compete in the 2012 Triathlon AG World Championships. The event, to be held in Auckland in October, will be run in conjunction with the grand final of the 2012 ITU World Championship Series. Holmes’s return to the Australian team comes after an 18-month lay off to complete university commitments and winning the 2009 World U19AG Championships. For Tebeck and Tripodi their selection is a first, a remarkable achievement for Tebeck in his first full season of competition. Holmes and Tebeck were the best placed South Australian athletes in the competitive AG 20-24 and U19 categories respectively, with Holmes qualifying third in the AG 20-24 category. The announcement capped off a stellar inaugural season for the Fuse Multisport Racing Team with Tebeck earning his spot in the Australian team after an outstanding performance in the New South Wales round of the national selection qualification series held last weekend. Fuse Multisport Racing Team coach Steve O’Brien said that the team’s focus would now shift to preparing for the rigors of the Auckland course and the likely conditions. “Ben, Ella, and Sam have been very clear that this season was all about preparing for the World Championships”, he said. “We learnt a lot this year, and now that they have made the Australian team we can work on a few areas that we didn’t get to during the season”.
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Wednesday, April 25, 2012 - Page 2 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Gawler diggers march
PROUD: The march heads down Murray Street on Sunday morning.
THE annual Gawler ANZAC March, held the Sunday before April 25 each year, attracted one of the best turnouts in recent years. With Murray Street lined by enthusiastic supporters, the March started next to the BP garage, before making its way through Gawler’s main street, turning down Lyndoch road and finishing in Pioneer Park, where a service was held. Led by the Mt Barker Pipe Band and the colour guard, a good turnout of veterans proudly upheld the traditions of the Gawler ANZAC Day March. The service included the hymn ‘Eternal Father’, the Lord’s Prayer and a scripture reading by Pastor Dan Rooney, and the president’s address, by Gawler RSL president Hanno Kohn, as well as a bugler playing the ‘Last Post’ before the ode and the national anthem. Mr Kohn, who has been a member of the local branch for five years and served in the Australian Army Reserves, said, “It was a good
turnout, larger than in recent times, which bodes well for the Dawn Service.” “The traditions of the ANZAC Dawn Service started in Albany, Western Australia on April 25, 1923, on the cliffs overhanging where the troops headed overseas - and was their last sight of Australia, which was the first observance of a Dawn parade on ANZAC Day. “It has developed in to what we see today, and is very important to so many people, including myself, because of my service in the Australian Army. “I wasn’t born in Australian and my dad was at the Russian Front in WWII. Many people from foreign countries, who have made Australia home, are respectful of the traditions of ANZAC Day.” Gawler also hosts a Dawn Service on ANZAC Day, which also allows diggers and their families and friends to head into Adelaide for the March. Visit for more photos from the Gawler ANZAC March.
THE Barossa Council has sought further legal and professional advice regarding the impact of the revised Character Preservation Legislation introduced into Parliament on April 5. Minister for Planning John Rau introduced two Bills including, the Character Preservation (Barossa Valley), also he announced a new Development Plan Amendment (DPA) for interim operation in response to community feedback on the original (September 2011) amendment. Mr Rau has indicated the revised legislation will ease the unintended impact of limitations on development activities proposed in the 2011 amendments while still protecting the two districts from urban sprawl and inappropriate development and preserving their special character. Barossa Mayor Brian Hurn has reiterated council’s
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minister to amend and administer the legislation, which appear to lessen council’s influence and control; and interim DPA controls applying to new dwellings in rural areas. Council will also seek further consultation with the state government in relation to its control over new dwelling approvals as they apply to vacant allotments in the Primary Production, Rural Landscape and Watershed Protection zones identified within the interim DPA. The community can review the Minister’s Interim DPA by visiting the Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure website at The interim DPA is under consultation until Wednesday, June 27, 2012. Two public meetings are to be held in August and organise by the Department of Planning in the Barossa in August.
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support for the intent of the state government’s legislation but said the revised Bill and interim DPA have not addressed all the concerns previously raised with the state government. “Council is relieved that the Bill and interim DPA’s control over future development have been diluted, applying mainly to development in the rural areas, rather than townships,” Mr Hurn said. He said power to approve development involving shops in town centres and farm buildings, including hay and implement sheds, will be restored, allowing merit and consent-based assessments to be undertaken by council planners; this will negate the need for costly, time consuming public notification and third party representation. However Mr Hurn explained major issues still need review, including the powers now provided to the governor and
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Wednesday, April 25, 2012 - Page 3 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Get your tickets TICKETS to see Two Weeks With The Queen are on sale now through the Kapunda Tourism Centre, Main Street, Kapunda and Australia Wide Badges Murray Street, Nuriootpa. Prices are adults $20, concession $15 and children $12. Performance dates are Friday, April 27 and Saturday, April 28 and Friday, May 4 and Saturday, May 5 at 8pm. To view photos of the first act of the play, visit
However if tins contain paint, dispose of at the Household Hazardous Waste Depot, or at a Household Hazardous Waste Collection near you. For more information visit or call 1300 137 118.
Ready to perform THIS Friday marks opening night for Kapunda Musical Society’s latest play Two Weeks With The Queen. And the cast and crew of about 15 look forward to your attendance. The play originally set in the 1970s has been brought up to today’s standards, says director David Underwood. This is David’s first play directed with the society, however he has directed many plays outside the region and plenty of musicals as part of the Kapunda Musical Society family, including Gypsy. “I first saw Two Weeks With The Queen performed by the State Theatre Company at the Dunstan Playhouse in 1981,” he said. “The play so impressed me that I immediately purchased the script of the play in the theatre’s foyer.” “As a director, I put the play on my ‘to do’ list. The problem I faced was to have two actors capable of carrying off the demanding roles of pre-teens, Colin and Luke/Alistair, roles played by adult actors in the version I saw.” Thirty years on and David is living out his original plan. It was while directing Gypsy in 2011 he became convinced that Ashleigh McFadden, an Adelaide student, could play the lead role of Colin. “Earlier this year I discovered Lindsay Smith (musical director of Gypsy) had the acting talent to play Luke/Alistair. “I have been fortunate to have a very cohesive and strong cast, Jennette
Just a taste THE Barossa’s best food and wine will be showcased to celebrity chefs and visiting media as part of Tasting Australia. Tasting Australia runs from April 26 to May 3 and Tourism minister Gail Gago said the media familiarisation event allowed the group to experience the best food and wine and engage with locals. “We target these key food and wine
IN CHARACTER: Ashleigh McFadden, who plays Colin and Jennette Mickan as his mother. Mickan, David Wilson, Adel Keirl, Martin Bailey, Nicolaas Voorendt, Britany Mickan and Geoff Sclare and previously mentioned, Ashleigh McFadden and Lindsay Smith. “Maurie Dow is the consummate stage manager, Steve is a fast learning back stage crew member and Peter Murphy is the ‘go to man’ behind the scenes whenever the impossible has be done. Two Weeks With The Queen is a beautiful play. It’s very funny in many scenes and very moving in others.
“My Brisbane grandchildren aged five, seven and nine saw a dress rehearsal a few weeks ago and couldn’t stop talking about for days,” David said. “At the same time, adults who have seen our rehearsals have reacted just as enthusiastically. The play confronts the issues of cancer and AIDS through the innocent eyes of a 12-year-old without the preconceptions of the adult world. “And yet it is a play that doesn’t preach or come up with a solution. I hope you like it.”
media and attract them to South Australia using Tasting Australia as the experience to develop editorial opportunities across all media,” Ms Gago said. Barossa Valley Cheese Company cheesemaker Victoria McClurg said Tasting Australia’s regional touring program was a great opportunity to promote both key tourism locations and local produce. “Taking part in the Tasting Australia regional touring program is an exciting
chance for us to tell the Barossa’ story and share our love of fine fare,” she said. Celebrity chefs Mark Hix, Richard Fox and Martin Bosley will be part of the international media group to spend two days in the Barossa. The group will stay at the Novotel Barossa Valley Resort and visit various locations including Seppeltsfield, Maggie Beer’s Farm Shop, the Barossa Valley Cheese Company, Jacob’s Creek Visitor Centre and Chateau Tanunda.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012 - Page 4 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Lindy has plenty of drive at 105 LINDY Kaesler was aged nine when ANZAC Day was declared a national holiday. Today (Wednesday) the Barossa Valley Nursing Home resident, at Nuriootpa, will honour the special occasion while celebrating her 105th birthday. On Friday Barossa’s oldest resident and perhaps cheekiest lady said all she wanted for her birthday was “a bottle of rainwater straight from heaven”. She is also keen to spend the day with her son Leo. And while she may be over 100, she can still manage to show off her dance moves. Lindy has only been a resident in the homes since October 2010. Prior to this it was Leo who cared for her in their Nuriootpa home. To date she boasts nine children, 24 grandchildren, 42 great grandchildren and three great, great grandchildren with another one on the way. Mother and son are shown with her first 105th homemade card and a recent photo taken of five generations.
SPECIAL DAY: Lindy Kaesler with her son Leo Lindholm in Nuriootpa.
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These items should be wrapped and placed in your WASTE BIN.
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Wednesday, April 25, 2012 - Page 5 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
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Best of luck John
RETIRING: John Keil with manager Martin Beales (left) and postal services officer Jennifer Kerr.
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LONG time customers of John Keil at Tanunda Post Office now have only until Friday to wish him all the best. The Tanunda man is retiring after 53 years with Australia Post. John says it’s time to move on as he’s not so keen to take on the new technology. “With all that we do and see, I find it difficult at times to keep up with new technology,” John said. His introduction in postal services began on his fifteenth birthday, January 8, 1959 by starting as a postal master general. “The local paper advertised a vacancy at Tanunda, I applied, passed the aptitude test by coming second and they offered me a job at Kapunda.” John who was born in Tanunda, lodged in Kapunda where he took on the roles of delivering telegrams, parcels and picking up mail from letter receivers sending mail to Adelaide. On alternative weeks he would operate the switchboard at from 10pm to 7am. A job John said he enjoyed. After 15 months with Kapunda, a Tanunda position was made available and he was offered the job. “The post office site then was on the corner of Murray and Mill streets. “My job was to also polish the private box numbers with Brasso,” he said. John soon became a postie. “I liked delivering everyone’s mail on bike for about three years.” He explained how the mail would come by train from Adelaide twice a day. Later he was offered a promotion serving on the counter mainly selling stamps, letters and money orders.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012 - Page 6 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
“In the early 1960s I attended a course in Adelaide to learn to send and receive telegrams and travelled to Adelaide twice a week for six months. “The supervisor asked where I came from and as I was the only country lad there, I think he felt sorry for me.” After passing the exam, John was offered a position with the Nuriootpa teleprinter station, but this was short lived as it was closed down within four months. After a three year stint at Nuriootpa Post Office John returned to Tanunda and has been there ever since. John said, “I have also been lucky with all the people that I have worked with and how we have worked together”. This camaraderie was highlighted when the Tanunda staff received special commendation in the 2009 Australia Post National Excellence awards. The outlet was chosen from 267 other post office sites in Australia. The Port Power fan and life member of Tanunda Football Club said he will also miss the people and the social interaction of working from behind a counter. According to Tanunda postal manager Martin Beales the shop would always be busy during football season when the hecklers came in to taunt John. During his retirement, John - a husband, father of two and grandfather - looks forward to a few overseas trips and spending time with his family. He is also considering becoming involved in volunteer work, and certainly plans to spend plenty of time watching local and Australian football.
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119 Murray Street Tanunda | Phone 8563 0550 Wednesday, April 25, 2012 - Page 7 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Improved Kapunda health services
TEST: Pathologist Cath Wright shows Member for Wakefield Nick Champion how she would take a blood test at the new allied health centre while practice manager Sandra Merkx looks on. RESIDENTS of Kapunda and the surrounding areas have better access to medical services with the opening of an allied health centre in Kapunda. Run by the Kapunda and Eudunda Medical Practice, the centre will facilitate two physiotherapists, a massage therapist, an audiologist and a pathologist. There is also scope to facilitate more medical professionals in the future. Located next door to the current medical practice, the centre is a residential building which has been renovated to cater for the medical services. The redevelopment of the building was partially funded with a $500,000 grant from the Federal Government. Practice manager Sandra Merkx said the new allied health centre would allow patients to receive vital services close to home. “It prevents people having to go
Wednesday, April 25, 2012 - Page 8 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
outside of the community to access these services and allows doctors to interact with service providers more closely,” she said. The medical practice had previously housed some allied health services, but the opening of the new building has now freed up more space at the practice to allow it to take on two medical students instead of one. Member for Wakefield Nick Champion said the grant to help establish the allied health facility was an important investment. “Every dollar we put in here in prevention saves money in the long run,” he said. “These sorts of funding for primary health care are particularly important and we know from when we did the Medicare review, the further we go out from the GPO, the more important primary health care is because people are further away from major hospitals and further from major treatment centres.”
Wednesday, April 25, 2012 - Page 9 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Akers Of Lawn are now offering FREE irrigation** to the Gawler region!!!
We currently are offering a SPECIAL - AS SEEN ON TV - for a limited time only. We are offering FREE* irrigation installation with premium preparation lawn installation of new Instant lawns**! We supply and install either pop ups or Subsurface irrigation with your new lawn installation, depending on which is suitable for your situation and which you require. Call us now for a FREE NO OBLIGATION assessment and quotation or check out and fill in a form on our website Other services we offer include landscaping, paving, paved edges, garden beds and some retaining walls as well as preparation and installation of Artificial Turf. We
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Akers of lawn is a family owned and operated business with loyal employees who are dedicated to making sure our clients are happy and satisfied. We have been in business for many years and until now, were unable to offer our services to the Gawler region due to rising fuel costs but since the expansion of the Northern and Port River Expressways and the Southern Expressway, we find we can now offer most of our services further north.
DO IT RIGHT THE FIRST TIME: PREPARATION IS THE KEY! Brad Akers: Turf Consultant Mobile: 0403 601 190 Office: 8326 3255 Fax: 8326 4784 578-580 States Road, Onkaparinga Hills SA 5163
Wednesday, April 25, 2012 - Page 10 12 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
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Popular small auto with air cond and power steering, central locking, even has cruise control. agreat little car
2007 model, automatic, air cond, power steering, cruise ctrl, pwr windows, abs, srs , remote central locking & finished in ego
2.0 ltr EFi motor, sports body kit, sports exhaust, alloys, dual air bags, great looking car and drives well. WELL WORTH THE TRIP!
Economical 1.8L auto, remote central locking,aircon, and a cool shade tinted windows. Ask about our comptetitve finance and insurance options.
Factory vapour injected gas, cruise ctrl, pwr windows, 8 airbags, air cond, pwr windows, factory security, only 52000 kms WELL WORTH THE TRIP
Great looking car in seduce duco with sports styling t/out. auto, air cond, pwr steering, cruise ctrl, factory alloys, rear spoiler and more
Finished in hot house green with sporty alloys and spoiler, sports trim, automatic, air cond, pwr windows, cruise ctrl and more
Automatic with air cond & pwr steering. Room for the whole family with other features inc. pwr windows, cruise ctrl, abs, remote central locking & more.
6 speed man, air cond, pwr steer, cruise ctrl, factory alloys, remote entry, sports styling t/out. WELL WORTH THE TRIP
Finished in morpheous paint work with 6 ltr v8, 6 spd manual, air cond, pwr steering, cruise ctrl, front & side airbags, pwr windows, only 66,000km and WELL WORTH THE TRIP.
DISCLAIMER: Prices are exclusive of registration and stamp duty payable to road transport. *To approved purchases through St George Bank, Adelaide. Some photos for illustrational purposes only. LMVD2833.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012 - Page 11 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Views expressed in the Letters to the editor are not those of the Herald. We welcome topical letters, with preference to letters of no more than 200 words. All letters are checked for authenticity. Pseudonyms are not acceptable. Mail your letters to: The editor, PO Box 43, Tanunda, SA, 5352. Fax: 8563 3655. E-mail: Governments are also dismissive of country and rural areas, and services are lacking compared to the city and suburbs. We are leading to a contempt by governments towards the people. Politicians would like us to be half asleep; they don’t want us to question them too deeply as to what they are doing or proposing to do, and that’s how they get their own way. Also, with WTO we have an international financial dictative.
My husband and I chatted with a few young people and listened to the great music and enjoyed ourselves. Thanks for having us and congratulations on being such a “great Barossa bunch”. Thanks to the organisers and keep up the worthwhile work for the well deserving young people in the area.
M Williams Riverton
Turbine torment Being Barossa born and having lived and worked here for most of my life, I am greatly concerned and have a number of questions, moral and practical, concerning the proposed building of wind turbines in our area. Is it more important to ensure the government appears green, than it is to preserve the peace, tranquillity, beauty and lifestyle we currently enjoy in our region, and which it is our responsibility to preserve and pass on to our children and grandchildren and all future generations? With the current changes made to planning laws, what is to stop turbines being built all along the Barossa ranges and around Menglers’ Hill? How will this affect business in our area, what about tourism? If some in the Hallett area where turbines are operating can no longer get TV reception and can listen to only a few radio stations, will we be affected in the same way? If people are being adversely affected up to 10km from operating turbines, why are they being planned for 3km from the Keyneton township?
Great Barossa bunch Last Friday week evening the skate park at Nuriootpa was lit up and alive with young teenage people out enjoying the park, music and each other. Our four-year-old often enjoys the skate park and we always find the young people friendly and encouraging of our little fellow. Friday afternoon while driving by the skate park and seeing a crowd on the ramps, our little boy, very excitedly, asked if he could “have a turn with the big boys”. We had his scooter in the car so much to our four-year-old’s delight we did just that. Being the smallest person on the scene, in what was a larger crowd than he was usually accustomed, though we wondered if he would have the confidence to join in on the ramps, even with all his enthusiasm. Bless his courageous self, he went for it. The young crew, as always, were kind, considerate, polite and encouraging, he even got a clap and a cheer from some of the girls (if he only knew).
Hiedi, Randall and Fletcher Smith Keyneton
Blackmores Flexagil® pain relief cream. A new clinically proven, natural* pain relief cream Always Al ways read the label. label. Use only only as directed. If symp symptoms ptoms persist see your healthcare professional professional. *Na *Natural tural active ing ingredient redient derived derivved from comfre comfreyy root extract. Relieves acute muscle and joint pain.
CHURCH SERVICES SUNDAY, APRIL 29 LUTHERAN CHURCH PARISHES Angaston Parish: Angaston: 9am HC; Penrice: 10.30am; Keyneton: 9am HC; Eden Valley: 10am LR; Springton: 11am. Bethany-Tabor Parish: Bethany: 8.30am T, 11am M; Tabor: 9.45am. Cambrai Parish: 10.30am HC at Cambrai. Eudunda Parish: Eudunda: 10am LR, 10.15am Kids Praise; Neales Flat: 9am LR; Peep Hill: 9am LR. Freeling Parish: St Mark’s, Freeling: 8.45am; Trinity, Rosedale: 8.45am. Gawler: Zion, Pr G Havelberg, 8523 1929. 22B Cowan St, Gawler. 8.45am Morning Praise Matins, 10.45am Cont W. Gawler Immanuel: Cnr Second & Seventh Sts, Gawler.Ph: 8522 6000.Sunday 8.45am, 10.45am. 1st Sunday of month 9.30am. Share-a-meal every 1st & 3rd Wed 11.45am. Greenock: Gnadenfrei: 9am LR; Greenock: 9am LR, 9.45am JAM; Nain: 9am LR. Kapunda Parish: Allen’s Creek: 10am LR; Kapunda: 10.30am LR; Bethel: 10.30am LR. Langmeil Parish: 8.45am T; 10.30am C HC. Light Pass Immanuel Parish: 10am Community & Parish Service Seed/Soil at Baldon Station + Share Lunch at Noon. Light Pass Strait Gate: 10am Immanuel Truro Parish Service - Good Shepherd Sunday. Lyndoch Parish: Lyndoch: 9am LR; Rowland Flat: 10.30am LR. Nuriootpa: St Petri: 9.30am Combined W; Holy Trinity: 11am Mod LR; Ebenezer: 9am; Neukirch: 10am Picnic. Robertstown Parish: Point Pass: 10am LR; Robertstown: 10am LR. St John’s Parish: St J: 10.30am Combined Parish Service.
St Paul’s Parish: St P: 8.45am C HC; Gdb: 10.30am C HC. Tanunda Lutheran Home: Worship 10.30am . Peace Evangelical Lutheran Church: 10.30am Fortnightly Services, at Nuri Senior Citizen’s Centre. Pastor M Rosenzweig. Ph: 8563 1310. ANGLICAN CHURCH Anglican Parish of Barossa: Angaston: 10am HC MM, SS; Nuriootpa: 8.30am MM; Tanunda: 10am HC GH; Lyndoch: 10am MP; Williamstown: 8.30am HC PB. Kapunda Anglican Parish: St Hilda’s, Eudunda: 10.30am Combined Parish Service followed by a shared lunch. Speaker:Vivien Bleby. Mt Pleasant: 1st Sunday 8.30am, all other Sundays 9am. Enquiries to Hazel Wilton, Warden on 8568 2042. UNITING CHURCH Barossa Congregations: Angaston: 10.30am Parish Service + Lunch, Rev Dr Dean Brookes. Gawler Parish: Gawler: 9.30am Taplin, 5pm Doody; Sandy Creek: 9.30am HC Littleford; Williamstown: 10am Webb. Kersbrook: 10am. Enquiries: 8389 3114. Light Parish: Kapunda: 9.15am Mr Jim Cawrse; Robertstown: 9.30am Rev Tony Chapman. BAPTIST CHURCH Barossa Community Church: 10am Barossa Junction Motel/Conference Centre, Barossa Valley Way, Tan, Pastor Richard Ansoul. Ph: 8563 2158. Lyndoch Baptist Church: Kauffman Ave, Lyndoch: 10am. All welcome. Enquiries to Pastor Tony Edwards on 8564 3001. CATHOLIC CHURCH PARISHES Northern Light Catholic Parish: Nuri: 1st & 3rd Sat 6.30pm, 2nd & 5th Sun 10.30am, 4th Sun 9am; Kapunda: 4th Sat 6.30pm, 1st & 3rd Sun 10.30am, 2nd & 5th Sun 9am; Freeling: 1st Sun 9am, 4th Sun 10.30am, 5th Sun 5pm; Tarlee: 3rd Sun 9am. Parish Office: Ph 8566 2064. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST Barossa: 1 Old Kapunda Rd, Nuri; Sat 9.30am Family Bible Study, 11am Family Worship. ASSEMBLIES OF GOD Barossa New Life Centre: Sunday 10am at the roundabout, cnr Barossa Valley Way & Siegersdorf Road, Dorrien. 4pm at Mt Pleasant Anglican Church Hall, Melrose St. All welcome. Pastor Diane Pope, Pastor Trevor
CHC 52054-08/11
If each turbine uses 2000 tonnes of cement (equalling 70 plus truckloads of concrete taking vast amounts of petroleum to mine/kiln the limestone, grind the aggregate, mix, truck and pour), and 600 tonnes of steel (needing 3000 tons of coal for production) at its base, stands 145.4m high - taller than the height of Adelaide’s tallest building (132m), with a head 101m in diameter, costs $5 million to build, more millions to set up infrastructure plus ongoing maintenance, and then is not able to either store the power that is produced or to cover peak needs, so that secondary production of coal or gas power must continually operate to back them up, how can this be economically or environmentally viable? If some families, including generational farming families have abandoned their homes or had to move away from their land to live, returning only to work the property, how severely must they have been affected by turbine operation? I don’t know of any farmer who would move from their land for trivial reasons, or any person who would leave their home with no possible compensation, or even understanding, from the government or the general population. What happens to community life when neighbours are forever divided over this wind farm issue? How do we repair the fabric of our community spirit? How can those hosting wind turbines ever voice their concerns when there are legal “gag” clauses in place as soon as they have signed up? If healthy average people begin to suffer from migraines, sleeplessness, dizziness and tinnitus when exposed to wind turbine operation, what about those of us who have had these disorders in the past or currently in mild forms? If blade flicker causes disorientation and dizziness in some average healthy people, how will it affect my friends who suffer from epilepsy - even though they feel turbines are a positive thing?
If the eagles and other wildlife “disappear” from our hills as they have in the mid north and Tasmania due to turbine operation, where do they go? If the wind farm push is finally exposed as an inefficient government image boost as it appears to be - will it be too late and too costly to explore other green technology and will we be forced to go nuclear to meet power needs? If anyone can honestly ease my mind on all these points, it would be greatly appreciated. V Placzek-Prettejohn Keyneton Thoroughbred thoughts First there was Phar Lap, then such names as Tulloch, Without Fear and Makybe Diva. Now it’s Black Caviar which has captured the public’s attention and heart. This iconic mare is about to take part in its 20th race having won the last 19, amassing a very large amount of prizemoney for her connections. Sadly though, this beautiful, courageous animal is part of an industry which discards thousands of thoroughbred horses every year, not only the ones that are ‘too slow’ but also winners which reach their ‘use by’ date. I have only one question for trainer Peter Moody. Why are you putting this amazing, much-loved and admired horse, through gruelling return air flights to the United Kingdom and back? Will she have to be tranquillized and how will this effect her present amazing form? Is this just the nature of the business and Black Caviar is just as expendable as any other horse? I truly hope she comes out of the trip unscathed and gets to enjoy a peaceful, if not mostly pregnant retirement, because she has certainly earned it.
Twoway Crossword No 091
Auricht. Ph: 8562 3844. Kapunda: 10am Sunday, Light Community Church, Main St, Kapunda. Pastor Paul Smith. All welcome. Ph: 8566 2864. CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP Tanunda, McDonnell Street opp former Tanunda Primary School: Saturdays 2.30pm, Worship, Open Bible Study. CHRISTIAN FAMILY CENTRE Barossa: 10.30am Sundays. 16 Scholz Ave, Nuri. Pastor Alan Matson. Ph: 0404 846 274. Murray Flats: 5pm alternate Sundays. Pastor Alan Matson. Ph: 0404 846 274. Cambrai Uniting Church 5pm. SALT CHURCH 25 Northside Crt, Evanston Gdns: Sunday Service 10am & 5pm. Offices, b/shop open 9.30am-4pm. Ph: 8522 0000. THE CHRISTADELPHIANS Sunday school, Greenock Institute Hall, 9.30am. Memorial meetings 11am Sunday. Bible Studies 8pm Tuesday. All welcome. Phone 8524 4196. CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Main North Rd, Evanston Park. Worship Service Sunday 10.30am. All welcome. Pastor Douglas Carolisen. Ph: 8523 1706. INTERDENOMINATIONAL CHURCH Birdwood United Church. 10am Pr Brian Teakle. Ph: 8568 5540. All welcome. HEWETT COMMUNITY CHURCH OF CHRIST Kingfisher Dr, Hewett. 10am, Sunday inspiring worship service. Young generation and creche avail.Youth, women and men’s programs. Ph: 8522 4938. GAWLER FULL GOSPEL OUTREACH MINISTRIES Family Worship Svc. 10am Sun, stone pavilion, Sport & Community Cent, Nixon Tce, Gaw. Pastor Shirley Coe. Ph: 0401 065 748. KAPUNDA EVANGELICAL CHURCH Sundays 5pm, CWA Hall. Pastor Andrew Amos. Ph: 8566 2148. LYNDOCH FULL GOSPEL FELLOWSHIP MINISTRY Lyndoch Institute each Sunday, 11.30am-1.30pm Pastor Ken East . Ph: 8524 4787.
Ms A Hodges Birdwood
Proudly brought to you by
For your chance to win a bottle of Langmeil wine, complete the crossword only and drop the entry form into The Herald office Monday by 4.30pm. Winners need to collect their wine within the week. Last week’s winner was Brian Habel of Angaston.
Government anger A COUPLE of letters retained my attention in recent weeks, ‘Deep despair’ and ‘Carbon complaint’, as well as a couple of others. With globalisation and selling of our assets to foreign countries, on TV recently Dick Smith was giving away tins of Australian produced beetroot. Apparently he could not sell them to a chain of supermarkets because he wanted 90 cents a tin, and they were selling imported products of their own brand for 20 cents cheaper. It seems they are not even prepared to give their customers a choice. Manufacturers of local brands here can not compete with cheaper products from China, which are of dubious quality, while their executives are being paid too much for doing too little, or unwilling to act. We have a federal government that has been spending recklessly in the past few years on various schemes, and now that they have promised a budget back in the black by 2013, there is a massive squeeze on spending and services, and once again the economy and taxpayers will suffer the most. As for the carbon tax, who would believe a government with so much spin and after telling many lies in the past. Even if there is compensation, it would never be enough to make up for that tax, with very little result at the end, if any. We have government excesses or gross stupidity, fundamental lack of logic and morality in relation to expenses. Too many issues are ignored and there is arrogance in power and lack of accountability. Power corrupts.
Name:................................................................. Town:...........................................
Wednesday, April 25, 2012 - Page 12 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Wednesday, April 25, 2012 - Page 13 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Ph 1300 85 25 27
A MAN died at Kapunda on Saturday night after the vehicle he was travelling in burst into flames. The 17-year-old Windsor Gardens man was driving along the Thiele Highway, Kapunda, at about 10pm when his vehicle left the road and hit a tree. Three other occupants managed to escape the burning vehicle, however the 17-year-old died before emergency crews could get to him.
Gawler - Barossa
Work place accident SAFEWORK SA is investigating an incident which involved two workers who fell through a roof in Nuriootpa. On Tuesday, April
17, at about 5pm two persons were working to remove iron roofing sheets at the old Tolley site, Barossa Valley Way, when they fell
GAWLER POLICE Arrests • A 42-year-old Gawler West man was arrested on April 19 by the Gawler Police for property damage, unlawfully on premises, theft and interference with a motor vehicle. • A 43-year-old Gawler South man was arrested on April 16 by the Gawler Police for a warrant. • A 23-year-old Evanston man was arrested on April 18 by the Gawler Police for illegal interference and for carrying an offensive weapon. • A 38-year-old Evanston woman was arrested on April 19 by the Gawler Police for a warrant. • An 18-year-old Gawler West man was arrested on April 20 by the Gawler Police for property damage and theft. • A 40-year-old Evanston man was arrested on April 22 by the Gawler Police for aggravated assault. • A 13-year-old Gawler female was arrested on April 20 for assault and breach of bail. Reports • A 36-year-old Kersbrook woman was reported on April 16 by the Gawler Police for driving while unregistered and driving while unlicensed. Her vehicle was also impounded for 28 days. • A 36-year-old Evanston woman was reported on April 19 by the Gawler Police for theft and for failing to wear a helmet. • A 68-year-old Evanston Gardens man was reported on April 19 for prescribed concentration of alcohol, with a reading of 0.085, and suspended his license for six months. • An 18-year-old Gawler West man was reported on April 19 by the Gawler Police for driving while disqualified and unregistered. • A 20-year-old Gawler West man was reported on April 22 for riding while disqualified, unregistered and uninsured, for not wearing a helmet and for no lights. • A 32-year-old Willaston man was reported on April 21 for possession of a firearm and insecure ammunition, and for being unlicensed. Property damage • Two paint bombs were thrown over a fence causing damage to a shed on Mueller Drive, Evanston Park on April 21. • Unknown persons caused damage to a vehicle, parked on Fourteenth Street, Gawler, when they jumped on the roof on April 21.
You don’t need super powers to be a hero.
Theft • An Ipad was stolen from a display area of a business in Murray Street, Gawler on April 20. • A couple were seen driving off without payment of 45 litres of fuel at a service station on Main North Road, Evanston on April 20. Also a male was seen driving off with payment of a full jerry can of fuel on April 21 at a service station on Adelaide Road, Evanston. • Items were stolen from a caravan in the rear yard of the premises on Marchant Court, Gawler West on April 20. BAROSSA POLICE Arrest • A 29-year-old Tanunda man was arrested on April 17 by Barossa Police for driving while disqualified. Reports • A 27-year-old Angaston man was reported on April 16 by Nuriootpa Police for deception. • A 43-year-old Nuriootpa man was reported on April 16 for possessing cannabis, equipment in relation to cannabis use and having a cannabis plant. • A 48-year-old Freeling woman was reported on April 19 for two counts of driving without due care, driving under the influence and PCA with a reading of 0.220. • A 26-year-old Kapunda man was reported on April 20 by Freeling Police for breaching the conditions of his probationary licence and PCA, with a reading of 0.0195. • A 28-year-old Nuriootpa man was reported on April 20 for driving without due care following a vehicle accident. Serious criminal trespass • Equipment was damaged and money was stolen after offenders broke into a business on Main Street, Kapunda, between April 17 and 18. Theft • A gate and some copper electrical wiring were stolen form a Murray Street, Nuriootpa business, between April 21 and 22. Dangerous driving • A 26-year-old Kapunda man lost his licence and had his vehicle impounded as a result of driving without due care and misuse of a motor vehicle on April 16. Vehicle accident • A motorcyclist, who hit the rear of a utility on Barossa Valley Way, Concordia, was taken to hospital and treated for minor injuries on April 18.
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through the roof onto concrete. They were injured and taken to the Royal Adelaide Hospital for treatment.
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Man dies in crash
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Wednesday, April 25, 2012 - Page 14 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Real Estate Liftout
Scan with your smartphone to view this property on
Escape to an amazing lifestyle Magnificent property professionally renovated inside and out. See Domain P3. SATURDAY 28TH APRIL RAINE & HORNE TWO WELLS PORT PARHAM 17 Driscoll Terrace ......11:00 – 11:45am
Assoc. Aust. Inst. of Conveyancers Registered Conveyancer
Beckwith Park Commercial Precinct 30-38 Barossa Valley Way, Nuriootpa
Ph: (08) 8562 3355 | Fax: (08) 8562 3282 • House & Land Settlements • Mortgages • Leases • Business Settlements • Subdivisions Arranged • Strata Titles • Power of Attorney ALL REAL PROPERTY ACT DOCUMENTS
SUNDAY 29TH APRIL ADELAIDE RURAL REAL ESTATE KAPUNDA 1 John Street .......................11:30 – 12:15pm BLANCHETOWN 11 Acland Street.............1:15 – 2:00pm BAROSSA REAL ESTATE LYNDOCH 42 Gilbert Street...................11:30 – 12:00pm LYNDOCH 11 Rushall Road...................11:00 – 11:30am LYNDOCH 7 Robert Ross Drive.............12:15 – 12:45pm TANUNDA 49 Langmeil Road................12:15 – 12:45pm GAWLER EAST 22 McGahan Court ................1:15 – 1:45 EBENEZER Lot 102 Belvedere Road..........2:15 – 2:45pm SPRINGTON 42 Angas Street ...................3:15 – 3:45pm
PROFESSIONALS KAPUNDA EUDUNDA 54 Barwell Street .....................1:00 – 1:45pm HOMBURG REAL ESTATE LYNDOCH 58 Rushall Road ..................11:45 – 12:15pm TANUNDA 38 Elizabeth Street ...............12:00 – 12:30pm TANUNDA 1/10 Kook Street....................12:30 – 1:00pm TANUNDA 18 Doering Street...................12:40 – 1:10pm TANUNDA 9 George Street........................1:15 – 1:45pm NURIOOTPA 7 Below Street......................1:30 – 2:00pm NURIOOTPA 6 Hearl Street .......................1:30 – 2:00pm TANUNDA 26 College Street .....................2:00 – 2:30pm NURIOOTPA 2 Cartwright Street ...............2:00 – 2:30pm NURIOOTPA 36 Penrice Road ..................2:15 – 2:45pm NURIOOTPA 8 Cabernet Court....................2:40 -3:10pm TANUNDA 18 Rosalie Avenue ...................2:45 – 3:15pm NURIOOTPA 17 Traminer Way ..................3:10 – 3:40pm NURIOOTPA 11 Second Street..................3:30 – 4:00pm NURIOOTPA 20 Reusch Drive...................3:45 – 4:15pm LIGHT PASS Lot 508 Light Pass Road......4:30 – 5:00pm
Wednesday, April 25, 2012 - Domain Page 1 - - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Real Estate Liftout
Absolute beauty
Retire To The Barossa Valley
*towards the cost of selling your home – conditions apply
Call 1300 308 141 or visit
0 $10,U0S0 *
ABOVE: The stunning four-bedroom Evanston Park home. ABOVE LEFT: The fantastic kitchen area with quality appliances. BELOW: The undercover entertaining area extending onto a small raised lawn.
PUBLIC NOTICE Re: Section 7 The Vendor’s statement relating to matters affecting the advertised properties in this publication may be inspected at the agents office three business days prior to the auction or at the place of auction thirty minutes before sale. WH1780969
THIS stunning home, built in 2006, is set on about 480 square metres on a low maintenance allotment in Evanston Park. Exceptionally well-presented, the four-bedroom house comprises of a total 222 square metres of living. A beautiful modern home, it offers everything one needs with a large formal entrance and a home theatre room. There is a spacious master bedroom with ensuite and walk-in robe while there are built-in robes in bedrooms two and three. Other features include a three-way main bathroom with floor-to-ceiling tiles and the ensuite also features floor-to-ceiling tiles. Fantastic describes the open-plan kitchen, dining and family room plus quality appliances throughout and a sliding door from the dining room onto the undercover entertaining area which extends onto a small raised lawn area. The home has a king-size double garage with two remote doors and reverse-cycle ducted heating and cooling. All of this situated close to Trinity College, a retirement village and all amenities. Not only would this make a lovely home, it would also make a great investment, priced at $369,950. Call Kies Real Estate on 8523 3777 to arrange a private inspection to suit.
LYNDOCH $325K- $335K
SPRINGTON $216,500
OPEN 8/6 Jarvis Street
42 Gilbert St
GOOD THINGS COME IN SMALL PACKAGES Three bedrooms, two way bathroom, open plan kitchen, dining and lounge area, glass sliding doors open out to a paved verandah area, gas heating and ducted air conditioning, laundry and second toilet. Landscaped grounds with dripper system. Just move in the work is done. Sue Schugmann 0419 850 408
GREAT LOCATION, IDEAL FAMILY HOME Separate entry, lge lnge, 3 brms, Ensuite, walk in & BI Rs. Huge open plan meals & family, kitchen with walk in pantry, split system a/c, comb heating, neutral décor. Full length rear v/dah, dbl c/port with roller drs, 8 panel solar electricity, r/wtr tanks. BBQ Area, Established gdns. Walk to local schools & shopping. Sue Schugmann 0419 850 408
Open Sun 11.30-12.00
GAWLER EAST $439,950
EBENEZER $630-$650K
42 Angas Street
Open Sun 3.15 to 3.45
CEDAR COTTAGE This western red cedar cottage is set on a large block of over 1600m2. Stylishly presented as an open plan, 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom home with beautiful indoor/outdoor flow. Combustion heat/bread oven, evap cooling, fruit trees and veggie patch in beautiful cottage garden, rain water tanks. Very affordable living or holiday home! Sue Schugmann 0419 850 408
OPEN Lot 102 Belvedere Rd
Open Sun 2.15-2.45
GREAT HORSE PROPERTY SET ON 26.7 ACRES. 3 bedrooms ensuite & WIR, lnge/formal dine. Near new wood kitchen gas cook top & Ubench oven, meals + family room. 3 way bathroom. Combustion heating & ducted cooling. Verandah, dble carport, 6x9.2 mtr gge, 4 bay in house horse complex, tack & feed areas, massive 15mtr x 15mtr Implement shed, approx one acre licensed vineyard. Pergola, winter dam, 100,000 r/ water plumbed to home. Only minutes’ to Nuriootpa. Sue Schugmann 0419 850 408
22 McGahan Ct Open Sun 1.15 to 1.45
7 Robert Ross Dr Open Sun12.15-12.45
49 Langmeil Rd Open Sun 12.15-12.45
11 Rushall Road
TWO STOREY BEAUTY You couldn't build it for this price. Separate entry, formal lounge, up to the minute kitchen, stainless steel appliances, rumpus room, meals/family room, formal dining, 4 brms, ducted air and gas heat, 914m2 allotment, fantastic views, walking distance to Gawler main street. Sue Schugmann 0419 850 408
SPACIOUS FOUR BEDROOM HOME Spacious sep lounge, incl flat screen TV & entertainment unit, lge kitchen with lots of bench space & access to gge, o/plan family/meals, 4 brms, ensuite & built in walk in robes. Ducted R/C A/C, extra lrg dble gge with rear access, Rear v/dah, established gdns & fruit trees, r/wtr tank, 772m2 block. Sue Schugmann 0419 850 408
CONTEMPORY FUTURE! This value packed 70’s style solid brick home offers lots of extras that can easily over looked from the road, closer inspection reveals quality construction, 4 brms, v.spacious lnge, wine cellar or office. Gge & wkshp for 6+ vehicles, estab gdns, fruit trees & shaded areas. A touch of contemp furniture & colours will do wonders to this home. Peter Fairweather 0415 825 420
On an elevated (approx) 1005m2 block this 3 bedroom 2 bathroom home gives you plenty of room to move. 2 separate living areas both of good size. Good family kitchen with plenty of cupboard space, gas cook top, electric oven and dishwasher. Outside is a gabled patio perfect for entertaining friends. Evaporative cooling, gas heating, a double garage under the main roof and plenty of room for a caravan or boat. Peter Fairweather 0415 825 420
Open Sun 11-11.30
104 MURRAY ST, TANUNDA F: 8563 0105 E:
Peter Fairweather 0415 825 420
Sue Schugmann 0419 850 408
Sue Fechner 8563 3511
Elle Moreton 0488 996 566
Property Manager Anne Johansson 8563 3511
RLA 1997
Wednesday, April 25, 2012 - Domain Page 2 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
8563 3511
Real Estate Liftout PROPERTY OF THE WEEK
Best of both worlds
CHARMING: The three-bedroom home on an acre at Greenock.
Amazing lifestyle
DEFINITELY worth a look is this character classic bluestone villa in Kapunda. It features a modern kitchen and wet areas on a well established allotment of about 656 square metres. The floorplan comprises a huge master bedroom, spacious formal sitting room and entry hall, all with polished floors. This portion is the original section of the home and has retained the high lofty ceilings, open fireplaces, large decorative cornices and lovely timber work. The modern extension contains the second double
At a glance...
bedroom with built-in robes, a spacious updated open-plan kitchen with stacks of built-in cupboards which overlooks the family/dining area. There is a large bathroom with a spa bath and separate shower, separate toilet and laundry. The home has year-round climate control with gas heating and split-system reverse-cycle air conditioning. Attractive low maintenance gardens are already in place and an all-weather entertainment area with paved slate floor, ideal for barbecues, is directly accessed from the
kitchen. There is an underground rainwater tank, workshop with attached carport, front and side verandahs and more. This classic turn of the century dwelling offers the best of both old world charm and modern living, and is located within easy walking distance to Kapunda’s main street facilities. Contact Charlie or Steve from the Professionals Kapunda to arrange your private viewing on either 0417 823 065 or 0417 811 348. The asking price is a very realistic $240,000. RLA 163708.
Where: 12 Victor Road, Greenock. Features: Solar power and rainwater tanks.
Price: $525,000. Open: By appointment. Agent: Julie Toth Real Estate, ph: 8562 4650.
Contact: Julie Toth on mobile 0418 853 134.
short stroll to the post office, hotel, gallery, library, general store, oval and primary school and only a few minute drive to Nuriootpa or 10 minute drive to Gawler. For anyone who seeks a property that will provide savings on living expenses then this is the one. This is the perfect place to escape from the noise and the hustle and bustle but still have easy access to the city. The asking price for this outstanding home is only $525,000.
2200m2 block (on 2 allots) in a quiet street in Robertstown. Added features including front & rear verandahs, combustion heater, air conditioning and second outside toilet. There is ample shedding to cater for most hobbies including wash room facilities in one shed. RLA150685 Asking $190,000
WONDERFUL RURAL VIEWS. 3 brm timber-framed home on a large 1858m2 block. Inside features lounge, kitchen/meals area with floating floorboards, WI pantry, lrg laundry, 2 toilets & updated bathroom. Large front & rear v/dah, entertainment area, gdn shed, mature trees, on low maintenance block. New Colourbond fence is to be put up on the south-west boundary before settlement. RLA 150685 Asking $220,000
7 Halkett St. Pristine 3 bedroom Hardiplex t/fr home on
Colonial Style Cottage. Ideal country spot to bring up a family or simply a getaway - this tranquil spot ticks all the boxes. 3 brm home on approx. 5 acres meticulously maintained with extensive use of natural timbers, slate & timber flrs, o/p kitchen/dining area, mod kitchen & comb heat. Ample shedding, estab gdns, fenced into 4 paddocks. RLA 150685. Asking $290,000
TYPICAL KAPUNDA COTTAGE. 3 bedroom freestone cottage, circa 1880 with modern brick additions to rear section and within walking distance of most facilities. Established easy care gardens, bullnosed verandah, open-plan kitchen/dining room, separate toilet and a neat and tidy bathroom.
Asking $182,750
RLA 150685
Mark Hambour Lic Agents. 65 Main Street, Kapunda. RLA150685
Phone David on 8566 2209 all hours
email: | | mobile: 041 491 7474 1814116
GREENOCK is a delightful small town on the north-west edge of the beautiful Barossa Valley, located an easy 66km from Adelaide via the Sturt Highway and Northern Expressway. This charming home is magnificently renovated inside and outside by a professional owner/builder. It is like a brand new home on over one glorious acre or about .4440 of a hectare, featuring rural living with privacy and views. Inside features comprise three bedrooms and three beautifully tiled bathrooms, which are on the right when entering the front door through the wide hall. They start with the master bedroom with a walk-in robe and ensuite, while bedroom two has a built-in robe and ensuite and bedroom three is with a built-in robe and has access to the two-way bathroom and laundry. To the left at the entrance is the bright formal lounge room, with access to the magnificent large new kitchen with a beautifully tiled floor, wide breakfast bar, stainless-steel fan forced wall oven, rangehood and electric glass cooktop, following through to the dining area and then the large games/rumpus room. All this with the comfort of heating and cooling. All three bathrooms are modern and easy-clean with tiles from the floor to the ceiling, and the whole house inside is freshly painted with neutral colours. There is nothing to do, just move in and enjoy. Outdoor features include the gabled roof paved entertaining area, and lined double garage under the main roof with electric roller doors. There is a huge saving on electricity with 16 solar panels, each 3kw, which can be increased to 4kw. Also outside is a large 12x9x2.7m shed with roof blanket insulation, power and concrete, a large garden shed (concreted), and a large shadehouse. There is also a huge saving on rainwater with four tanks, each 22,000 litres with filtered water, an enclosed chook run, over 30 various fruit trees and a raised vegie garden. The property is situated only a
CHARACTER: The bluestone Kapunda villa (left) and at right, the open-plan living area.
Urgently Required:
• Character stone homes • Vacant acreage (large or small) • Hobby or income producing farms
Wednesday, April 25, 2012 - Domain Page 3 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Real Estate Liftout
Escape the frantic pace of life ABOVE: An aerial view of the Shea-Oak Log property, ideal for families. A FANTASTIC opportunity to live the good life, but not too far away from shopping, schools and medical facilities with this impressive fourbedroom residence at Shea-Oak Log. It features three living areas disposed as a formal lounge and dining plus family and rumpus room with glass sliding doors to the outdoor entertaining areas. The master bedroom includes a bay window, ensuite and walk-in robe plus there is a three-way bathroom to service the minor bedrooms. The kitchen is well appointed and includes a flat servery, dishwasher, walk-in pantry, rangehood, under bench oven and cook top. Slow combustion heating in the family area and ducted evaporative air conditioning are included to keep the house at a comfortable temperature all-year round. There are lovely outdoor areas with native and succulent water-wise gardens designed for easy maintenance plus there is rain water and watering systems. An ideal property for the family and hobbies with plenty of room for vehicles, pets and leisure activities
BELOW: The kitchen area of the house which has three living areas.
HERE IS YORU CHANCE! Beautifully presented 2 bedroom stone villa approx 650m2 manageable allot, polished floors, high ceilings, spa bathroom, modern eat in kitchen close to all facils, entertainment area and garage/carport.
KAPUNDA Shops 41-43 Main Street ASKING $250,000 + GST
B/V home built 1991 on approx 820m2 corner allot, 3 good sized bedrooms, master with bi robe, spacious sitting room with split system air with tiled floor, family room/dine, bathroom with sep shower, bath, sep w.c. estab gardens.
EUDUNDA 54 Barwell St
AUCTION Sat 19 May 3pm on property
SHOPS Spacious well maintained freehold shops with w.c. & handbasin, r/c aircond, 3 phase power, could be 2 shops, rear access & parking, close to Bank SA & bakery.
EUDUNDA Ex Masons Lodge: $120,000 24 Barwell Street
KAPUNDA 14 Bagot Street REDUCED $269,950
1994 Built Steel framed fully lined, Ladies & Gents w.c.’s, small kitchen, 2 large rooms, shed, mains water & power, opportunity knocks!
Lot 102 Main Street
All properties can be viewed at
8566 2127
Real People in Real Property!
Feature: Ideal property for the family and hobbies. Price: $459,000. Open: Call agent to view. Web ID: HRE265. Agent: Homburg Real Estate 8563 2599. RLA219152. Contact: Sandie Raggio 0407 308 855 or David Braunack 0418 841 349.
A. There is no point in paying off the mortgage as you would lose the small amount of tax benefits available on that property. The key to success in investing is diversification, so talk to an adviser about investing surplus funds into a quality share trust. This will give you experience in another asset class and you can start small. Advice is general; readers should seek their own professional advice. Contact noel.whittaker@whittaker Follow him on Twitter: @noelwhittaker.
Ring me for an appraisal 7 days a week on
0427 233 319
Professionals Kapunda Charles 0417 823 065
Q. I took a package from my last job and now only owe $20,000 on my mortgage. I'm currently renting at $1500 a month. I'm receiving about $1300 from my rental property after costs. I have $40,000 in the bank and am looking to buy another property to live in. With today's market, I will need to borrow about $400,000 and would struggle paying a mortgage on my salary of $60,000 a year. What is the best way to go about investing this $40,000 as I would rather pay my own mortgage than pay rent.
Attractive Triangular shaped allotment of approx 1600m2, mains water and power at front, great opportunity to acquire affordable block, here is your chance!
Where: 10 Linda Street, Shea-Oak Log.
Noel’s investment advice
DOUBLE BRICK home on near level corner allotment approx 1200m2, 3 spacious bedrooms, eat in kitchen, bathroom with shower and vanity, timber floors, shedding.
POINT PASS $30,000
At a glance...
KAPUNDA 7 Branson Crescent REDUCED $240,000
as there is a double garage with power and cement floor, a carport, two storage sheds plus fowl run and vegetable patch on the well maintained 5078 square metre allotment. Well located for a leisurely lifestyle in a quiet and secluded area, but in close commuting distance to Gawler and the Barossa Valley with easy access to the dual highway.
Julie Thring Owner
28A Adelaide Road, Gawler 8523 3319
Steve 0417 811 348 RLA 163708
Wednesday, April 25, 2012 - Domain Page 4 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Real Estate Liftout
Built with care and attention
ABOVE: Relax in the spacious lounge with a combustion heater. BELOW: Cook to your heart’s delight in the country kitchen.
BUILT for the owners some 45 years ago, this lovely family home (pictured) reflects the love, care and attention given by the custodians and now it is time for a new family to enjoy. This is a new listing in a tightly-held area with the original solid-brick house on 2.5 acres. It is fully established with a country outlook but closed to a bitumen road for an easy drive to the town of Eudunda. The original six-roomed residence is still standing with stone walls, matchwood ceilings and the original doors. Later renovations to the house are in brick veneer and were completed by a local master builder. The family home, of generous proportions, features three good-sized bedrooms, the main with built-in robes.
Large describes the open-plan lounge/dining/kitchen area, ideal for large family gatherings. There is a skylight in the dining area. The original wood stove is still in good working order and is supplemented by a Simpson 2000 stove. There is also a double bowl sink. Relax and read a book in the spacious sunroom, fully enclosed to the rear of the home. An LG air-conditioner is in the lounge while there are ceiling fans in the main bedroom and kitchen. Combustion heaters in the lounge and dining rooms ensure warmth during the winter months. Safety shutters have been installed to the western side of the home while vertical blinds are on all other windows. Storage is no problem with an
extensive linen press and cupboards in the laundry. Outside is a double garage and a 60’x40’ main galvanised iron shed with concrete floor and three-phase power plus a pit. There is also a garden/tool shed and an good-size vegie patch. Extensive rainwater storage to the house and garden is a feature plus mains water is connected. The house has 1.5kw solar panels. There is a stable yard that could easily be adapted to suit a pony, subject to council consent. The property has good fencing and yearly pest inspections have been carried out. Priced at $320,00, this is a quality home on 2.5 acres with easy commuting to town so call David from Hambours now on 0414 917 474, but don’t procrastinate. RLA150685.
... where people matter KEYNETON
$285,000 GREENOCK
$210,000 NURIOOTPA
Lot 202 Sedan-Angaston Road
12 Victor Road
73 Greenock Road NEW
LARGE 2168m2 BLOCK ESCAPE TO AN AMAZING LIFESTYLE! 2 lge sheds, suit handyman. 3 brms, o/plan MODERN STYLISH LIVING kitchen/dine/lnge area, a/c, 40x20 shed concreted Brand new 3 Brms with carpet, master with Magnificent home, 3 brms & 3 bthrms, renovated & 3 phase pwr plus 30x15 shed, enclosed lge ensuite & walk-in robe, spacious kitchen inside & out. 16.3kW solar panels, 88,000L rainwater backyard & lge fenced yard for animals. with dw, open plan living with timber floors. plus mains. Over 1 ac of land, fruit trees & veggie gdn.
$73,000 ANGASTON
Lot 8 Angaston-Swan Reach Road
$235,000 TANUNDA
4 Collins Street
15 Coronation Avenue
Port Parham
17 Driscoll Terrace 1390m2 BLOCK – GREAT VALUE THE CORRUGATED IRON COTTAGE Large flat land with no encumbrances put on this property by the council with over 30m frontage 3 brm cottage, polished timber floors throughout, and over 45m in depth you could dream up your kitchen with dw, lounge with heating & cooling, timber own design (STCC.) Water and power available. deck with views, few minutes’ walk to all amenities.
$275,000 EUDUNDA
4C The Crescent
Great holiday home at South Australia’s premier crabbing beach. Neat as a pin 3 bedroom home, open plan living/dine, gallery kitchen, bathroom with shower and toilet, store-room, rear pergola, shed. Fully fenced allotment, mains water. The good quality clean furniture is negotioble, so you can pick up the keys, move in at settlement and enjoy without the hassles of furniture moving. $210-220,000 104 Old Port Wakefield Road, Two Wells Phone 8520 3111
We’ll look after you
Mobile 0407 396 840
4B The Crescent
2 Michael Street TWO LARGE BLOCKS 2 titles, lovely upgraded 4 brm stone home on 1 title 1012m2, establ. gdn on other title 1150m2. GREAT INVESTMENT
9 Kapunda Street
Dble brick, 3 brm home, lrg lounge with French doors, WOW SO CLOSE TO TOWN! kitchen with elec stove & pantry, polished flr brds 1930 Villa, good cond, 3 brms, upgraded kitch, t/out, htg & cooling, dble gge. 697m2 allot (approx) sunroom, duct A/C, dble+sgle gge, cnr block.
Call for your free market appraisal
RLA 173455
$285,000 NURIOOTPA $310-$330,000
16 Railway parade BEAUTIFULLY RESTORED 1910 VILLA 12ft ceil, 3-4 brms, 2 liv areas, country kitchen, new bthrm w. spa, fr & rear access, 1000m2 allot.
8562 4650 0418 853 134
Wednesday, April 25, 2012 - Domain Page 5 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
NEAR NEW HOME 3 brms, ensuite, walk-in robe, formal lounge, family/games room, large modern kitchen, double garage, quiet location, low maintenance.
2/7 Gawler Street, Nuriootpa
OPEN Sat 11 to 11.45 or by appointment for private viewing.
QUIET TREE LINED STREET Dble brick 3 brm home on a 780m2 cnr block. Large lounge, kitchen with pantry, heating & cooling. Dble gge, estab rear garden with fruit trees & more.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012 - Domain Page 6 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Plan your trip to a Gawler and Barossa Jockey Club Meeting in 2012 Wednesday April 25 Wednesday June 13 Thursday August 2 Sunday September 23 Wednesday October 10
Wednesday May 16 Wednesday July 11 Thursday August 23 - GAWLER CUP Thursday November 8
E ALL YEAR ROUND. MEMBERSHIPS AVAILABLcou rse and special member benefits.
Only $70 which includes admission
Gawler Racecourse Phone: 08 8522 1801
Barnet Road EVANSTON
HOPING: Rosedale’s Kerri McAnulty and her training partner Clint Binnie will be hoping promising staying filly Just Push on can do exactly that in today’s Tobruk Handicap over 1700 metres at the Gawler and Barossa Jockey Club Anzac Day meeting. Just Push On won her first race over 1500 metres at Gawler on March 25. Read the fields and form in today’s special Herald race liftout.
GAWLER GA AW WLER AND AN ND BAROSSA BAR ROSSA O A JOCKEY JOCKE EY CLUB CL LUB U G ates open 11am 1 General admission $12 2 | Concession $8 $ Gates | General F ull T A AB, catering catterring i and bar facilities f Meals available avvailable a th he Terrace Teerrace Function Funcction Centre Centrre | Bookings B essenttial Full TAB, | Meals in the essential F or more morre information info forrmation m and b bookings phonee 8522 1801 orr visit gawlerjock c u For
Wednesday, April 25, 2012 - Gawler Race Liftout Page 1 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
600 Main North Road Smithfield
8284 2888
Munno Para Salisbury Hallet Cove
Corner of John Street & Commercial Road
8281 1200 246 Lonsdale Road
8381 1899 Call us Mon - Fri 9.00am - 5.30pm
Saturday 9.00am - 5.30pm
Sunday 12.00pm - 4.00pm
GAWLER gallops WEDNESDAY (ANZAC DAY) SA TAB MULTIPLES Daily Double: 8, 9 Extra Double: 4, 5 Treble: 7, 8, 9 Quadrella: 6, 7, 8, 9 First Four: All Races Fixed Odds: All Races
GRAHAM FISCHER (Barossa Herald)
12.25 Returned Serv. League Hurdle 3358m (Eligible riders can claim) Rating 120 Hurdle $12,000
1 5s075 Sallum (6) R Molloy 2 4s653 Its The Truth (5) T Ryan 3 2L876 Lord De Veer (2) L Miller 4 53865 Fraughtwith Danger (3) T Logan 5 PPP8s Rommels Gold dw (1) P Hamblin 6 s5748 Cluso h (4) M Kelly (clm3)
68 66 66 65.5 65 64.5
3.50 1.50 6.50 5.00 51.00 16.00
Long Tan Plate
(Apprentices can claim) 3yo & up Maiden SW $10,000
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
395s3 Bargain Buy (10) C Lever 30s3s Boltin’ Henry (2) Ms A Herrmann 26930 Golden Lion (18) D Evans 336s5 King Rodney bh (8) S Cahill 56484 Shark Eye (4) M Pegus 34s Checote (13) L Cribbin Money Bags (9) A Patterson 324 Valik (7) Ms Jemma Frew (a4) 5s7s Wicked Romeo (17) J Potter 2 Danish Spy (3) J Frew (a) 0882 Ebony Diva (14) J Holder 7s33s Full Of Cache (15) P Gatt s5002 La Caramba h (1) D Tourneur 326 Natural Disaster (16) SCRATCHED EMERGENCIES 940 Kungka Can Run (5) B Claridge 9 Pepponi (11) T Pannell 06s Lady Phoenix (12) Ms K Bishop (a3) 078s Blevic Lad (6) C Lever
58 58 58 58 58 57 57 57 57 55 55 55 55
15.00 11.00 31.00 13.00 21.00 21.00 5.00 3.50 15.00 3.00 21.00 9.00 15.00
55 55 55 57
31.00 16.00 51.00 51.00
Kapyong Plate
(Apprentices can claim) 2yo & up Maiden SW $10,000
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
0s7s3 Apostle (5) D Evans 52352 Mystic Morn (10) M Pegus 64646 Prayer Academy h (3) T Pannell 05s30 Sting Like A Bee h (8) Ms L Hopwood 55693 Bossed (15) J Frew (a) 67s76 Fireweed h (13) Ms M Tyndall (a3) 800s0 Pell Mell (12) Ms L Stojakovic (a1.5) 50900 Illyakha h (9) Ms K Bishop (a3) 44s00 Regal Jasmine (11) C Lever 5s09 California Babe h (6) A Patterson 077 Creativeperception (4) J Potter Lady Geegee (14) B Claridge 79229 Rock Star Baby (1) S Cahill 406s4 Spirit Line (2) D Tourneur EMERGENCY 15 0s06 Tantara (7)
58 58 58 58 57 57 57 56 56 55 55 55 55 55
11.00 2.50 7.50 21.00 9.00 26.00 7.50 51.00 51.00 21.00 26.00 21.00 5.00 4.20
T – Won at track. C – Won at this distance on this course. D – Won at this distance on another course. W – Won in slow or heavy going. B – Beaten favourite at last start. H – Trained on track. N – Won at night. S – Spell of three months. F – Fell. P – Pulled up. L – Lost rider.
Best Bets
ANDRONICA Southern Fortune Rikbat
KING’S SPEECH Julie Marie Bellunese
HOT DIAMOND Ambush Al Lady Akatak
Mystic Morn Pell Mell
DRAFTED Just Push On Eureka Reign
Lord de Veer Rommel’s Gold
DANISH SPY King Rodney Valik
Dubai Me Diamonds
Canny Prevail Under the Radar
ITS THE TRUTH Sallum Fraughtwith Danger
DANISH SPY King Rodney Valik
MYSTIC MORN Rock Star Baby Bossed
DRAFTED Tasteofenergy
ANDRONICA Rikbat Clearly Passionate
ROYAL STORMY Julie Marie King’s Speech
RAKS MCLAREN Grand Zee Meadows Cat
Environment Patron
DELTA RHO SAM Juliet’s Princess Rub Doubt
Rail: Is out 4m from the 800m to 400m, true the remainder. Track: Slow (6). Weather: Overcast.
Tobruk Handicap
07013 Tasteofenergy cdw (6) D Tootell 64s16 Drafted (2) S Cahill 6s100 Eureka Reign (5) Ms L Hopwood 936s8 Environment Patron w (3) B Claridge 14305 Rescued (1) P Gatt s7007 Massiah (7) L Cribbin 47710 Just Push On th (4) T Pannell 53303 The Catcher ch (8) J Toeroek (a3) 6s999 Afrisky Business w (9) Ms T Zanker s4200 Quench The Thirst (10) M Pegus 20s75 Strangmead (13) A Patterson s9549 Selbourne Road (12) Ms M Tyndall (a3) EMERGENCY 13 955s8 Wirribanta (11) SCRATCHED
Leading Edge Telecoms
60 59 58.5 56.5 56.5 55.5 55 55 54.5 54.5 54 54
3.80 3.00 7.00 8.00 15.00 31.00 9.00 13.00 21.00 4.20 21.00 31.00
(Apprentices can claim) Rating 71 $10,000
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
01s05 Belle Addiction wh (6) J Toeroek (a3) s0409 Willego cw (3) J Potter 55721 Andronica tw (8) J Holder 40711 Rikbat cw (11) D Evans 44423 Musty Springs (13) 53313 Power To Possess c (2) B Claridge 27444 Clearly Passionate twh (9) A Patterson s6935 Southern Fortune w (5) M Pegus 67100 Call Me Biscuit (12) D Tourneur 00s45 Slacksmith w (4) Ms A Herrmann 94622 Goldstinger w (1) D Tootell s7794 Target Explorer tcw (10) Ms M Tyndall (a3) 28363 Sultan Of Speed (7) Ms C Lindop
59 58.5 58 58 56.5 56.5 56 55.5 54 54 54 54 54
Kokoda Handicap
You Dee Cee Silent Attitude You Dee Cee
(Apprentices can claim) Rating 62 $10,000
(Apprentices can claim) Rating 68 $10,000
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
21.00 31.00 2.35 3.80 7.50 11.00 6.50 11.00 8.50 15.00 26.00 51.00 51.00
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
s2s31 Royal Stormy (15) P Gatt 23344 Master Pickles d (5) Ms K Bishop (a3) 318s8 Independent Air c (2) C Lever 3s169 Frankie Sea dh (6) S Cahill s44s1 Exotic Girl c (9) D Tourneur 0428s Bellunese cw (3) S Cahill 0s521 Julie Marie d (10) J Potter 1s762 King’s Speech d (13) J Holder 37s60 Goodnight Joss (11) B Claridge 33812 Sierra Skies c (16) E Boyd (a4) 12560 Our Belvoir c (4) Ms C Lindop 5475s Set To Talk b (12) M Pegus 61700 You Are So Vain d (1) J Kah (a4) 09379 Teen Spirit dh (14) Ms M Tyndall (a3) EMERGENCIES 15 63755 Park Ranger dw (7) Ms Jemma Frew (a4) 16 64969 Handsome As tw (8)
59.5 59 58.5 58 57.5 57 56.5 56.5 56 56 55.5 55.5 55 54.5
3.80 26.00 5.00 13.00 7.50 11.00 7.00 4.20 21.00 11.00 17.00 17.00 15.00 26.00
54 54
51.00 51.00
Leading Edge Telecoms
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
5122s Bacchus Eagle b (13) SCRATCHED 17169 Little Akie w (3) J Potter 12923 Scouse (8) A Patterson 121s7 Let Go Johnny (17) J Frew (a) 87823 Merlot Now (5) D Evans 22221 Silent Attitude c (16) S Cahill 64s86 Manganese tw (6) P Gatt 15042 World Ruler w (9) D Tourneur 6s387 You Dee Cee (10) M Pegus 6s252 Dubai Me Diamonds (2) T Pannell 71732 Star Topaze cw (1) Ms C Lindop 11528 Delicious Belle tc (11) Ms L Hopwood 25670 Faldane w (7) W Kerford 42s82 Ballypatrick (12) Ms L Stojakovic (a1.5) EMERGENCIES 15 57511 Umaluka t (15) 16 39334 Dark Knight (4) 17 255s0 Cadasha w (14)
(Apprentices can claim) 3yo Rating 75 $10,000
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
23265 Hot Diamond w (10) Ms L Stojakovic (a1.5) 51825 Ambush Al th (12) A Patterson 6s177 Nehru t (13) J Frew (a) 31s Grand Zee (2) M Pegus 1 Raks McLaren (6) J Potter 3 Rip Apart (11) Ms A Herrmann 7 Here’s Archie h (9) J Holder 21582 Lady Akatak (1) Ms C Lindop s1823 Meadows Cat (5) P Gatt 13s Sweet Never (4) D Tourneur 1s68 Nelcitus d (8) B Claridge 22100 De Kaap Valley (3) C Lever EMERGENCY 13 87467 Magical Ruby (7) Ms L Hopwood
Gallipoli Handicap (Apprentices can claim) Rating 86 $12,000
58 58 57.5 56.5 56 55.5 55.5 55 54.5 54 54 54 54
6.0 11.0 51.0 17.0 2.6 17.0 13.0 13.0 3.0 6.0 26.0 51.0 31.0
54 54 54
17.0 26.0 51.0
Hamel Handicap (Apprentices can claim) Rating 62 $10,000
59 58.5 58 57 57 57 56.5 56.5 56.5 56.5 56 56
6.50 11.00 15.00 3.00 5.50 13.00 31.00 26.00 6.50 4.20 13.00 31.00
This publication takes all care in compiling the TAB details but cannot accept any responsibility for any errors. Readers are urged to check TAB information with the official lists before placing their bets.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
9192s Delta Rho Sam c (2) M Pegus 12s04 Canny Prevail th (11) J Toeroek (a3) 100s6 Zaazip d (3) D A Evans 62637 Under The Radar tdw (5) Ms A Herrmann 219s6 Hotdeal tdw (6) J Frew (a) 31s85 Rose Of Nirvana d (16) Ms K Bishop (a3) 673s7 Juliet’s Princess b (1) Ms C Lindop 5170s Attitude Problem (7) T Pannell s5702 Kooda Wonder dw (15) SCRATCHED 7107s Perfect Crown (8) P Gatt 24035 Rub Doubt (9) J Holder 8s544 Angel Of Hope dw (13) Ms M Neve (a1.5) s7420 Alice Longing (10) B Claridge 1500s Flower Force d (12) Ms M Tyndall (a3) EMERGENCIES 15 s608s Pas De Poet (14) Ms L Stojakovic (a1.5) 16 0s558 Tops ‘n’ Tails d (4)
59 58.5 58.5 58 57.5 57 56.5 56
6.0 9.0 7.0 7.0 21.0 6.0 3.0 26.0
55.5 55.5 55 54.5 54
31.0 7.0 11.0 21.0 51.0
54 54
51.0 51.0
GEAR CHANGES RACE 2: (3) Golden Lion winkers off first time; (5) Shark Eye near-side blinker on first time; (7) Money Bags tongue-control bit on first time; (10) Danish Spy cheekers on first time, lugging bit off firs time; (12) Full Of Cache blinkers off first time, lugging bit on first time; (16) Pepponi bar plates on first time; (17) Lady Phoenix blinkers on first time RACE 3: (2) Mystic Morn blinkers on again, wink ers off first time; (3) Prayer Academy blinkers off again; (5) Bossed tongue-control bit on first time; (7) Pell Mell lugging bit off first time, norton bit on first time; (11) Creativeperception tongue-tie on first time RACE 5: (6) Power To Possess lugging bit on again, standard bit off first time; (10) Slacksmith lugging bit on first time, tongue-control bit off first time RACE 6: (6) Bellunese tongue-contro bit on first time; (9) Goodnight Joss cross-over noseband on first time; lugging bit off again, noseroll off first time, tail chain on first time, tongue-tie on first time, winkers off again; (14) Teen Spiri blinkers off first time, tongue-tie off again; (16) Handsome As blinkers on again, cross-over noseband off first time, winkers off first time RACE 7: (1) Hot Diamond blinkers off first time; (10) Swee Never cross-over noseband on first time; (12) De Kaap Valley blinkers on first time, tongue-tie on first time; (13) Magical Ruby blinkers off first time RACE 8: (1) Bacchus Eagle tongue-tie on again; (13 Faldane blinkers off again, winkers on again RACE 9: (7) Juliet’s Princess blinkers on first time; (14) Flower Force norton bit on first time, winkers off first time; (15) Pas De Poet tongue-tie off first tim
GAWLER comment Race one SALLUM (J A O’Connor) 8g By Giant’s Causeway - Emblazoned (91:4-9-11): Beat six home when 11-1/2 len 7th (54.0) Rikbat 2100m Gawler (62) April 4 then struck interference at the start before finishing 5-3/4 len 5th (54.0) Penn Station 2050m Strathalbyn (62) dead trk April 18. Fitter for three runs on the flat and this looks a pretty thin affair. Hard to beat. ITS THE TRUTH (J A O’Connor) 8g By Genuine - Sister Georgina (70:3-5-8): Jumped awkwardly before running 4-3/4 len 5th (54.5) Nothin Leica Flash 1700m Penola (65) April 8 then again jumped awkwardly when 1-1/4 len, 1/2 len 3rd (54.0) Penn Station, Murtagh 2050m Strathalbyn (62) dead trk April 18. Making debut over the jumps here but recent flat form has been OK and he can be prominent here. LORD DE VEER (K & H Frew) 5g By Galileo Kisseemmee (17:1-1-0): After 7-1/4 len 7th (54.5) Rikbat 2100m Gawler (68) dead trk Mar 25 was tightened for room when 8-1/2 len 6th (55.0) Andronica 2200m Balaklava (68) April 11. Making jumps debut after an inauspicious career on the flat. Did run in a G3 race three starts back so can’t be totally ignored. FRAUGHTWITH DANGER (K & H Frew) 7g By Towkay - Sahalee (24:1-2-4): Pulled hard then was blocked for a run when 6-1/4 len 6th (56.0) Leaping Leroy 1800m Mildura (62) dead trk April 16 then finished 5-1/4 len 5th (56.5) Half Moon Rising 2000m Naracoorte (59) April 22. He’s been thereabouts on the flat of late and this is not a deep race. Worth consideration. ROMMELS GOLD (J A O’Connor) 9g By Desert Fox - Suzy O’Neill (60:4-0-5): Failed to finish (65.0) Yesquire 3500m Morphettville Parks Stpl Sept 3 then ran 18-1/4 len 8th (64.0) Half Moon Rising 3200m M’ville Hrdl Sept 17. Resumes here after a 7-month layoff and hasn’t been seen in any official hurdle trials leading into this. Has won two of 23 starts over the jumps and could sneak a place. CLUSO (B W Searle) 6g By Tobougg Nikoletta (36:1-2-4): Following 12-3/4 len 4th (54.0) Young Tearaway 2200m Broken Hill (Bm60) Mar 17 ran 20-3/4 len last (65.0) Goldtown 2900m Oakbank Rst Hrdl dead trk April 7. Made an inauspicious debut over the jumps and hard to make a case for him here.
Race two BARGAIN BUY (K M Sweeney) 4g By Viscount - Freydis (17:0-0-4): Pulled hard in the run when 3-1/2 len 5th (56.5) Quick ‘n’ Slick 1950m Morphettville Parks 2yo+ Mdn dead trk June 8 then resumed with sht nk, 2-1/4 len 3rd (58.0) Exotic Girl, Presidium 1200m Gawler Mdn April 4. Defied a betting drift first-up to run a bottler. May be looking for further now but can’t be ignored on that run. BOLTIN’ HENRY (Ms J Banks) 5g By Delago Brom - Estusa (3:0-0-2): Ran 8-3/4 len 11th (57.0) Clearly Passionate 1200m Gawler Mdn Feb 9 (2011) then struck interference near the 800m and was vetted after 1-3/4 len, 1-1/2 len 3rd (57.0) Delta Rho Sam, King Rodney 1200m Gawler Mdn June 15. Sparingly-raced 5yo with plenty of ability. Can figure here if right.
GOLDEN LION (K D Buick) 4g By Lion Heart - Zarlie (5:0-1-1): Raced greenly before finishing 1/2 nk, sht hd 3rd (58.0) Nehru, Can He Be Beaten 1200m Gawler Mdn Jan 25 then was vetted after 11-3/4 len 12th (58.0) Rescued 1400m Murray Bridge Mdn Feb 15. Scored lg nk win Puff, Duplicitous 1000m Morphettville Parks barrier trial (Mdn) April 16. Coming off a let-up and he generally goes OK here. Wide draw is a turn-off and will need some luck. KING RODNEY (R & B Campbell) 5g By Carbon Prince - Tina (10:0-3-3): Was spelled after 3-3/4 len 6th (57.0) Owdatay 1214m Gawler Mdn dead trk Aug 4 and resumed with 3-1/4 len 5th (58.0) Raks McLaren 1050m Balaklava Mdn April 11. Fitter for one run back and has good form here on his home track. Key player. SHARK EYE (K D Buick) 4g By Mutahassin - Go Babe (8:0-0-0): Beat three home when 7-3/4 len 8th (54.0) Cute To Boot 1050m M’ville (75) Mar 31 then made the pace before weakening to run 4-1/4 len 4th (54.5) Granulator 1400m Balaklava (62) April 11. Mixes his form and he’s still yet to place in eight runs. Take on trust. CHECOTE (J G Bugg) 3g By Alannan Zyheera (2:0-0-1): Debuted with 2-3/4 len, 2-1/4 len 3rd (56.5) Jimmy The Butch, Uno Whats 1211m Gawler 3yo Mdn Dec 7 then was disappointed for a run when 2-1/4 len 4th (55.5) Where’s My Wagon 1511m Gawler Mdn Dec 21. Scored 1/2 nk win Money Bags, Jeune Esprit 1000m Morphettville Parks barrier trial (Mdn) April 16. Did a good job in first campaign and is clearly ready to fire first-up if his recent trial is any gauge. Awkwardly drawn but must go in. MONEY BAGS (P Stokes) 3g: First start. By Dash For Cash - Folly Doll. Brought $40,000 at the yearling sales and he’s a full brother to Dashing Doll (7 wins). Finished 1/2 nk 2nd Checote 1000m Morphettville Parks barrier trial (Mdn) April 16. Bred for speed and showed good ability in a trial last week. Forward showing expected. VALIK (S G Padman) 3g By Dash For Cash - Lapsha (3:0-1-1): After lg nk 2nd (57.0) Raise A Heart 1006m Murray Bridge Mdn dead trk Mar 28 finished 2-1/4 len 4th (57.0) Noir Rasoir 1050m Oakbank 3yo (75) dead trk April 9. Top run in higher grade last time and he’s ready to break through. The one to beat. WICKED ROMEO (D R Jolly) 3g By Econsul - Mylelu (2:0-0-0): Was slowly away and struck interference at the start when 4-3/4 len 5th (53.5) Real Fantasy 1000m Morphettville Parks 2yo (75) April 9 (2011) then jumped awkwardly and raced greenly before finishing 12-1/2 len 7th (56.5) Riziz 1050m Balaklava 3yo Mdn dead trk Sept 28. Sparing-raced 3yo who has clearly had issues. Resumes here after a 7-month break and will need luck to figure from the horror alley. Wait till later. DANISH SPY (D R Jolly) 3f By Dane Shadow - Super Snooper (1:0-1-0): At only start ran 1/2 len 2nd (55.0) Raks McLaren 1050m Balaklava Mdn April 11. Easy in the market on debut and only just missed. Will have derived plenty from that outing and will be hard to toss from her good draw here. EBONY DIVA (C D Baker) 3f By Black Hawk - Jaz Bree (4:0-1-0): Only beat two home when 10-1/2 len 8th (55.0) Windermere Road 1200m Strathalbyn Mdn dead trk Mar 14 then made good improvement to run 1/2 len 2nd (56.5) Magic Tigress 1200m Clare F&M Mdn April 7. Harder here and wide draw is no plus. Perhaps a place.
FULL OF CACHE (P Stokes) 3f By Blevic Keytocache (3:0-0-2): Finished 2 len, 3/4 len 3rd (56.5) Imperial Fury, Bella Dolce 1109m Gawler 3yoF Mdn slow trk Sept 11 then jumped awkwardly when 6 len, 1-1/4 len 3rd (54.0) Jestquill, Granulator 1350m Strathalbyn 3yo (68) Oct 19. Ran 1-1/2 len 2nd Golden Monarch 1000m Morphettville Parks barrier trial (Mdn) April 16. Showed plenty in her last campaign and she’s fresh for this. Blinkers come off but her major hurdle here is the barrier. Each-way chance. LA CARAMBA (K M McAnulty & C Binnie) 3f By Niello - Flying Foxtrot (7:0-1-1): Was slowly away before finishing 7 len last (56.0) Noir Rasoir 1050m Oakbank 3yo (75) dead trk April 9 then ran 6-1/2 len 2nd (56.5) Ilsede 1200m Strathalbyn F&M Mdn dead trk April 18. Safely held by the winner last time but drawn to get a lovely run here. Place chance again. NATURAL DISASTER (Alex Stra) 3f By Danerich - Tycoon Sheila (3:0-1-1): Ran lg nk 2nd (56.5) Tayla Lee 1200m Balaklava F&M Mdn dead trk Mar 21 then jumped awkwardly and was checked near the 800m when 3-1/2 len 6th (54.0) Petman 1200m M’ville 3yo Hcp April 14. Scratched. KUNGKA CAN RUN (D G Balfour) 3f By Real Jester - Kilanje (3:0-0-0): Was slowly away when 3-1/4 len 4th (55.0) Raise A Heart 1006m Murray Bridge Mdn dead trk Mar 28 then struck interference near the 1000m before finishing 6-1/4 len 10th (55.0) Exotic Girl 1200m Gawler Mdn April 4. Found some trouble in the run last time and go on previous run in a strong maiden. Can improve without surprising. PEPPONI (T M Snelling) 3f By Golden Lake - Merry Margy (1:0-0-0): Was found to be lame after finishing 6-1/2 len 9th (55.0) Raks McLaren 1050m Balaklava Mdn April 11. Showed early pace on debut and pulled up sore. Tougher here and faces a task. LADY PHOENIX (F W Meuring) 3f By Bellotto - Jazzijo (2:0-0-0): Was slowly away on debut before finishing 8-1/4 len 11th (54.5) Roses For Ava 1000m Morphettville Parks F&M Mdn Jan 4 then was slowly away and raced greenly when 5-1/2 len last (54.0) Ambush Al 1200m Gawler 3yo (64) Jan 18. Blinkers go on for her return to racing but she needs to improve considerably on her first campaign. Looking to others. BLEVIC LAD (R R Jolly) 3g By Blevic Laudation (3:0-0-0): Finished 9-1/2 len 7th (54.5) Perfect Crown 1600m M’ville Mdn Nov 1 then was spelled after 16 len 8th (55.5) Aussie Blue 2050m Strathalbyn Mdn Nov 20. Ran 4th Golden Monarch 1000m Morphettville Parks barrier trial (Mdn) April 16. Failed to flatter in three runs in his first campaign. Needs to lift.
Race three APOSTLE (J A O’Connor) 5g By Galileo Chacony (12:0-2-1): Was spelled after 4-1/2 len 7th (55.0) Electric Circus 1400m Murray Bridge E&G Mdn Sept 14 then was blocked for a run before finishing 1/2 len, 2-3/4 len 3rd (58.0) Magic Pulse, Backett 1400m Penola 2yo+ Mdn April 8. Made good late ground first-up but this is a tougher race. Has claims. MYSTIC MORN (G P Moody) 4g By Blevic Antonelli (12:0-4-2): Only beat three home when 4-1/4 len 5th (55.0) Hong Kong Missy 1800m Clare 2yo+ Mdn April 7 then ran on strongly for 1/2 len 2nd (58.0) Velocidade 1600m M’ville 2yo+ Mdn April 19. Blinkers go back on here and he’s overdue for a win. Hard to beat.
PRAYER ACADEMY (G R Searle) 4g By Royal Academy - Lung Tah (10:0-2-0): After 2-1/4 len 4th (55.0) Umaluka 1700m Gawler Mdn dead trk Mar 25 was slowly away when 5-1/2 len 6th (55.0) Grey Mustang 1500m Gawler 2yo+ Mdn April 4. He’s rarely far away and gets a nice run here. In the mix. STING LIKE A BEE (A B Beswick) 5g By Danasinga - Karadeniz (23:0-4-3): Ran len, 1-1/4 len 3rd (57.0) Striker McLaren, Ilsede 1100m Clare Mdn April 7 then was vetted after 11-1/4 len 11th (58.0) Proctorville 1200m Strathalbyn E&G Mdn dead trk April 18. He’s had plenty of chances. Take on trust here. BOSSED (B J Dunn) 3g By Bianconi Ellexcell (8:0-0-1): Finished 9-1/4 len 9th (57.0) Exalted Value 1600m Strathalbyn Mdn dead trk Mar 14 then was blocked for a run before finishing 2-1/4 len, nose 3rd (57.0) High Value, Sir Giles 1600m Balaklava Mdn April 11. Improved effort last time but did only beat three home. More depth here and rough place hope looks best from the wide barrier. FIREWEED (G D Searle) 3g By Manton Honey Moss (6:0-0-0): Jumped awkwardly when 6-1/2 len 7th (54.5) Wise And Happy 1100m Gawler 3yo Mdn April 4 then beat three home when 8-1/4 len 6th (54.0) Proctorville 1200m Strathalbyn E&G Mdn dead trk April 18. Made up late ground last time and might be looking for this trip now. Could put value into trifectas. PELL MELL (D J Clarken) 3g By Charge Forward - Flion Fenena (9:0-1-0): Had to be vetted after 6-1/4 len 10th (56.0) Vin De Vie 1600m Nowra Mdn Hcp slow trk Dec 9 then ran 4-3/4 len last (53.5) Petman 1200m M’ville 3yo Hcp April 14. Wasn’t totally disgraced at first run for new stable as finished less than five lengths from the winner in a much tougher race. Has been placed over 1600 metres so extra trip suits and he’s not the worst here. ILLYAKHA (G D Fryer) 4m By Akhadan - Hilley’s Daughter (9:0-0-0): Jumped awkwardly when 11-1/4 len last (56.0) Tayla Lee 1200m Balaklava F&M Mdn dead trk Mar 21 then beat three home when 6-1/4 len 11th (55.5) Magic Tigress 1200m Clare F&M Mdn April 7. Hasn’t placed in nine starts and unlikely to improve on that record here. Looking to others. REGAL JASMINE (C J Graves) 4m By His Royal Highness - Jasmond (10:0-0-0): Resumed racing with 10-1/4 len 12th (56.0) Exotic Girl 1200m Gawler Mdn April 4 then was slowly away before running 12-3/4 len last (57.5) Ilsede 1200m Strathalbyn F&M Mdn dead trk April 18. Hasn’t got warm in two runs back from a spell. Extra distance suits but needs to improve. CALIFORNIA BABE (J Vandermyle) 3f By California Dane - Hearwhatisay (3:0-0-0): Returned from a break with 8-1/2 len 11th (53.5) Tayla Lee 1200m Balaklava F&M Mdn dead trk Mar 21 then beat five home when 5-1/2 len 9th (55.0) Exotic Girl 1200m Gawler Mdn April 4. Yet to set the world on fire and hard to get enthusiastic here. Looking elsewhere. CREATIVEPERCEPTION (Jonathon Maddigan) 3f By Desert Sun - De La Cielo (3:0-0-0): Was slowly away when 6-3/4 len 7th (55.0) Grey Mustang 1500m Gawler 2yo+ Mdn April 4 then ran 10-1/4 len 7th (55.0) Velocidade 1600m M’ville 2yo+ Mdn April 19. Safely held last time but tongue tie goes on here and she should get a nice run from the draw. Perhaps a place.
LADY GEEGEE (Kirsten McGowan) 3f: First start. By Al Samer - Condor Lady. Finished last Hollywood Gothic 1000m Morphettville Parks barrier trial (Mdn) Mar 26. First foal of the dam to get to the races and faces a decent task over this trip on debut. Prefer to see. ROCK STAR BABY (M S Minervini) 3f By Face Value - Lucky Lucaya (7:0-2-0): Ran 1-3/4 len 2nd (55.0) Grey Mustang 1500m Gawler 2yo+ Mdn April 4 then finished 12-1/4 len 9th (55.0) Velocidade 1600m M’ville 2yo+ Mdn April 19. Big disappointment last time but go on her previous run over this track/distance. Gets the gun draw here and can improve sharply. SPIRIT LINE (P Stokes) 3f By Artie Schiller - Umaline (5:0-0-0): Was slowly away when 17-3/4 len 6th (54.0) Meshmaker 1800m M’ville 3yo (75) dead trk Dec 10 then resumed racing with 2-3/4 len 4th (55.0) Raks McLaren 1050m Balaklava Mdn April 11. Had strong support first-up and finished stoutly. Shapes as if this trip will suit and comes into calculations here. TANTARA (Ms L Mattschoss) 4g By Devaraja - Pontifical (3:0-0-0): Resumed racing with 9-1/4 len 10th (58.0) Disco Tillate 1200m Mt Gambier Mdn Feb 23 then beat four home when 6-1/4 len 6th (54.0) Magic Pulse 1400m Penola 2yo+ Mdn April 8. Three runs to date have been moderate. Cannot recommend.
Race four TASTEOFENERGY (J R Croucher) 5g By Niello - Sardana (31:6-2-3): Scored 1-1/2 len win (56.5) Goldstinger, Murtagh 1800m Clare (72) April 7 then finished 1/2 len, 1-1/2 len 3rd (54.0) My Ex Mate, Musty Springs 1900m Oakbank (86) dead trk April 9. Racing well in tougher grade and looks suited here despite the rise in weight. One of the chances. DRAFTED (M S Minervini) 4g By Commands - Diplome (15:2-2-3): Resumed racing with 3/4 len win (59.0) Julie Marie, Lethal Gal 1200m Balaklava (62) dead trk Mar 21 then beat eight home when 4-1/4 len 6th (58.0) Regal Hero 1400m Oakbank (71) dead trk April 7. Fitter for two runs back and can handle the step-up in trip. Must go in. EUREKA REIGN (Simon Casey) 6m By Jeune King Prawn - Citi Skyline (28:6-3-4): Rider lost his whip when 9-3/4 len 10th (51.0) Detox 1406m Murray Bridge (81) Mar 28 then jumped awkwardly before finishing 5-1/4 len 10th (54.0) Sea Coral 1400m Balaklava (81) April 11. Last couple have been in stronger company but she is yet to win past 1400 metres so last bit will be the test. Take on trust. ENVIRONMENT PATRON (Kirsten McGowan) 7g By Montjeu - Nikki’s Bride (32:3-4-6): Finished 3-3/4 len 6th (56.5) Half Cut 1800m Mildura (68) dead trk July 4 before running 5 len 8th (55.5) Regal Hero 1400m Oakbank (71) dead trk April 7. He’ll be better for one run back from a decent break. Drawn to get a lovely run and extra trip suits. Not the worst. RESCUED (K M Sweeney) 4g By Savoire Vivre - Priya (24:1-4-3): Jumped awkwardly when 6-3/4 len 10th (58.0) Call Me Biscuit 1600m Balaklava (62) dead trk Mar 21 then finished 4-3/4 len 5th (57.5) Granulator 1400m Balaklava (62) April 11. Doesn’t win out of turn and this is the first time she’s been out to this trip. Place at best.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012 - Gawler Race Liftout Page 2 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
MASSIAH (Pat Violi) 7g By Twining Cossack Miss (52:11-5-8): Jumped aw wardly when 4-1/2 len 10th (59.0) Reg Hero 1406m Murray Bridge (62) Mar 28 the ran 6-1/2 len 7th (58.5) Granulator 1400 Balaklava (62) April 11. Recent efforts mo erate and he hasn’t raced beyond 160 metres. Looks tested. JUST PUSH ON (K M McAnulty & C Binni 3f By Barely A Moment - Sheen Falls (7:11): After nose win (55.5) High Value, Cares 1500m Gawler 3yo Mdn dead trk Mar 2 ran 23-3/4 len 13th (55.5) Cornell 1800 M’ville Adelaide Gneas April 14. Outclasse last time and beaten a long way. Place hop only in this grade. THE CATCHER (Lisa Ryan) 4g By Falvelo - Chasing Butterflys (22:2-2-5): Drew wid when 8-1/4 len 12th (56.0) Call Me Biscu 1600m Balaklava (62) dead trk Mar 21 the improved effort when 1/2 len, lg hd 3 (57.0) Grand Group, Sullenberger 1700 Clare (59) April 7. Goes well here and th is his right trip. Could be the value runner. AFRISKY BUSINESS (Ms E Faust) 6g B Commands - Super Trend (42:3-3-6 Finished 3-1/2 len 9th (55.0) Le Columb 1400m Balaklava E&G (68) Feb 26 befo running 5-1/4 len 9th (54.0) Regal He 1400m Oakbank (71) dead trk April 7. Ext trip suits but he may be a run short. Wa till later. QUENCH THE THIRST (M A Kavanagh) By Encosta De Lago - Monsoon Weddin (11:0-3-1): After 4-1/2 len 10th (54.0) Ro Culture 1600m M’ville 3yo Hcp Mar 31 ra 10 len 15th (54.0) Crucial 1800m M’vi Schweppes Stks April 14. Still a maide and remains a query at the trip. Look for market lead. STRANGMEAD (D K Carrison) 5m B Alannan - Rocky Moon (10:1-1-1): Got tigh ened for room when 2-3/4 len 7th (57. Kooda Surprise 1200m Port Lincoln (6 Mar 18 then finished 6-1/4 len 5th (57. Notforgiven 1200m Port Augusta (59) Ap 15. Up in grade and distance and looks o of her depth here. SELBOURNE ROAD (Ms K Faulds) 7g B Alannan - Sans Pari (29:2-3-2): Beat nin others home when 1-3/4 len 4th (55. Regal Hero 1406m Murray Bridge (62) M 28 then finished 4-3/4 len 9th (53.0) Gran Group 1700m Clare (59) April 7. Will be be ter for one run over this trip but his strik rate doesn’t inspire enthusiasm. Lookin elsewhere. WIRRIBANTA (Graeme Barry) 6g By Bellot - Bell’s Spirit (18:1-0-0): Was slowly aw before finishing 17-3/4 len 5th (53.0) Mi Halliday 1850m Port Augusta (61) dea trk Aug 18 then ran 24-1/2 len last (55. Andronica 2200m Balaklava (68) April 1 Didn’t flatter at first run back and loo safely held here.
Race five BELLE ADDICTION (T R Saltmarsh) 6m B Blevic - Keltrita (34:6-3-7): Struck interfe ence near the 1200m when 12-1/2 len la (55.5) Oui Si Attitude 1500m Gawler (7 dead trk Mar 25 then ran 5-3/4 len 5 (58.0) Tasteofenergy 1800m Clare (72) Ap 7. Trained locally and she’ll be fitter f two runs back from a decent break. Jum sharply up to this trip and place is best.
GAWLER comment continued
Race six ROYAL STORMY (D M Koch) 5g By Royal Academy - Sundiva (9:1-2-2): Resumed racing with lg nk, lg nk 3rd (58.0) Belleap, Kangaroo Jack 1200m Strathalbyn Mdn dead trk Feb 22 before scoring nk win (58.0) Exalted Duke, King Roseland 1406m Murray Bridge Mdn dead trk Mar 28. Broke through for overdue win last time but wide draw is a big hurdle here. Each-way chance. MASTER PICKLES (M A White) 8g By Staaraq - Gherkin (50:4-5-9): Followed 3-3/4 len last (61.5) Black Barra 1000m Streaky Bay (64) Mar 24 with 4-3/4 len 4th (59.5) The Snitch 1200m Penong (68) Mar 31. Consistent in lesser company but tougher here. Place looks best. INDEPENDENT AIR (Simon Casey) 4g By Kurt - Dicey Reilly (5:1-0-1): Jumped awkwardly and struck interference near the 1000m when 6-1/2 len 8th (58.5) Bigbadbarry 1250m Morphettville Parks E&G Hcp-62 Dec 16 then resumed with 4-3/4 len 8th (57.0) Windermere Road 1200m Balaklava C2 April 11. Fitter now and his only win was this track/distance. Nicely drawn and warrants respect.
FRANKIE SEA (R & B Campbell) 7g By Carbon Prince - Harem Wish (38:5-5-7): Got tightened for room when 4-1/2 len 6th (54.0) Azarax 1100m Broken Hill Outback Sprint Mar 17 then finished 1-3/4 len 9th (57.0) Slippery Ninja 1200m Gawler (68) April 4. Ran 2-1/2 len, 2-1/4 len 3rd Harmonic, Sweet Never 1000m Morphettville Parks barrier trial April 16. Not disgraced last time when drew the outside (of 13) and finished less than two lengths from the winner. Could be a blowout chance here. EXOTIC GIRL (P Stokes) 4m By Oratorio - Our Geisha Girl (11:1-10): Was spelled after 2-1/2 len 4th (56.5) Riviera Queen 1400m Murray Bridge F&M Mdn Sept 14 then was blocked for a run before scoring sht nk win (56.0) Presidium, Bargain Buy 1200m Gawler Mdn April 4. Scored overdue win last time and should be even fitter now. Strong claims here. BELLUNESE (D J Stone) 4g By Testa Rossa - Bella Bionda (12:2-1-0): Followed 1-1/4 len 2nd (56.0) Dubai Vengeance 1700m Gawler (68) Nov 16 with 7 len 8th (58.0) Beautiful Soul 1600m Balaklava (62) Nov 23. Finished last Stirling Grove 1000m Morphettville Parks barrier trial April 16. Having first run for five months and worth noting he is a winner this track/distance. Well drawn and market could provide a lead. JULIE MARIE (T T Oxlade) 4m By Dubai Destination - Kiseki Angel (17:2-6-0): Finished 3/4 len 2nd (54.0) Drafted 1200m Balaklava (62) dead trk Mar 21 before scoring lg nk win (54.5) Friendsinthefield, Hasta La Shamer 1200m Naracoorte C2 April 1. Racing well and should be competitive here. In the mix. KING’S SPEECH (R R Jolly) 3g By Excites - Rhodanthe (5:1-1-0): Raced greenly when 3-1/4 len 6th (55.5) Just Discreet 1250m Morphettville Parks 3yo (75) Mar 24 then was blocked for a run before finishing 3/4 len 2nd (54.0) Windermere Road 1200m Balaklava C2 April 11. Fitter for three runs back and on the improve. Don’t dismiss. GOODNIGHT JOSS (J D Smith) 4g By Encosta De Lago - Bonasera (9:1-02): After 4-1/2 len 6th (58.5) Detox 1200m Murray Bridge (62) dead trk Mar 4 was injured during the run when 32-1/4 len last (54.5) Lady Lightfoot 1400m Balaklava (71) dead trk Mar 21. Ran 5th Conservatorium 1000m Morphettville Parks barrier trial Mar 26. Forget he went around last time and go on previous effort behind in-form galloper. Tongue tie goes on here and he can figure. SIERRA SKIES (Ms P Trenwith) 4m By Blevic - Haunting Chant (23:2-25): Scored lg hd win (59.0) Hendon, Troben 1750m Kingscote (61) Jan 21 before finishing 3/4 len 2nd (51.0) Nevele Tol 2122m Gawler C2 Feb 8. Finished 2-1/4 len, nk 3rd Celtic Ghost, Rubinator 1000m Morphettville Parks barrier trial April 16. Yet to place in four previous firstup runs and 4kg claiming apprentice faces a tough challenge fronm the horror draw. Looking to others. OUR BELVOIR (K M Sweeney) 4m By Bianconi - Classy Looker (19:2-2-1): Jumped awkwardly when 3-1/4 len 6th (55.0) Drafted 1200m Balaklava (62) dead trk Mar 21 then finished 7-1/2 len 10th (54.0) Kelly Royale 1100m Oakbank F&M Hcp-75 dead trk April 9. Back to a more suitable grade here and she is a winner this track/distance. Has claims. SET TO TALK (M A Kavanagh) 5m By Reset - Nothings Secret (22:26-0): Followed 4-1/2 len 7th (53.0) Euphoric Realm 1700m F’ton (89) dead trk June 11 with 3-3/4 len 5th (55.0) Dublin Darlin 2100m Echuca (62) dead trk June 27. Hasn’t raced for 10 months and all her form is over longer trips. From top stable so market moves are worth noting. YOU ARE SO VAIN (F W Meuring) 5m By Noverre - Pretty Pinay (14:20-1): Following 6-1/2 len 10th (56.5) Darakan 1200m Gawler (62) Jan 18 ran 5-3/4 len 10th (54.5) Little House 1250m Morphettville Parks F&M (75) Feb 11. Fresh for this and can run a race early in her campaign. Nicely drawn and young rider is in form. Could be the surprise packet here. TEEN SPIRIT (Darren Egan) 6m By Jeune - Street Princess (41:3-4-4): Beat four home when 4-3/4 len 7th (53.0) Kelly Royale 1100m Oakbank F&M Hcp-75 dead trk April 9 then was checked near the 1000m when 7-1/4 len 9th (53.0) Silver Raven 1200m M’ville F&M (68) April 19. Blinkers and tongue tie come off here but she’ll need some luck from wide draw. Perhaps a place. PARK RANGER (K & H Frew) 8g By Lion Hunter - Tree Fairy (59:77-8): Followed 2-1/2 len 5th (55.0) Drafted 1200m Balaklava (62) dead trk Mar 21 with 5-3/4 len 5th (53.0) Arthurian Legend 1100m Clare (59) April 7. Doesn’t win out of turn these days but capable of filling a place in this grade. HANDSOME AS (Will Clarken) 4g By Akhadan - It’s Raining Mares (20:11-3): Following 1-3/4 len 6th (54.0) Master Robbie 2200m Murray Bridge (62) Jan 26 ran 11-1/4 len 9th (54.0) Nevele Tol 2122m Gawler C2 Feb 8. All his best form is over longer trips and likely to find these too nippy at this stage.
Race seven HOT DIAMOND (M S Minervini) 3f By Hussonet - Made Of Diamonds (8:1-3-2): After 3-1/4 len 6th (56.5) Leoncita 1000m F’ton 3yoF (72) Jan 14 ran 3-1/2 len 5th (57.0) Niconoise 1100m M’ville 3yo (68) Feb 4. Blinkers come off here for her return to racing. Flies fresh and this grade suits. The one to beat. AMBUSH AL (G D Searle) 3g By Al Maher - Tropical Splendour (5:1-10): Following 2-1/2 len 2nd (58.0) Doohan 1350m Strathalbyn 3yo (68) dead trk Feb 1 was injured during the race when 3/4 len 5th (57.0) Slippery Ninja 1200m Gawler (68) April 4. Had excuses last time and he is a winner here. Can improve without surprising. NEHRU (K & H Frew) 3g By Nadeem - She’s Discreet (4:1-0-0): Beat six home when 3-3/4 len 7th (56.0) Sysmo 1400m Morphettville Parks 3yo Hcp Feb 11 then finished 4-1/4 len 7th (56.5) Exalted Moment 1400m Oakbank 3yo (75) dead trk Mar 17. Freshened for this and has ability. Winner here and worth consideration. GRAND ZEE (M A Kavanagh) 3f By Danzero - Grand Estime (2:1-0-1): Debuted with 2-1/4 len, lg nk 3rd (54.5) Slippery Ninja, Super Silks 1111m Gawler 3yo Mdn Dec 21 then was spelled after 1-3/4 len win (55.5) Meadows Macks, Miss Satchmo 1250m Morphettville Parks 3yo Mdn Jan 4. Looked the goods in her first campaign and resumes here from a lovely barrier. Strong claims. RAKS MCLAREN (D R Jolly) 3f By Secret Savings - Raks Belaadi (1:10-0): At only start scored 1/2 len win (55.0) Danish Spy, Rip Apart 1050m Balaklava Mdn April 11. Made impressive debut and sure to have benefited from the experience. Right in this. RIP APART (W A Bogarts) 3g By Gallo Di Ferro - Astar (1:0-0-1): Had to be vetted after 1/2 len, 1-3/4 len 3rd (57.0) Raks McLaren, Danish Spy 1050m Balaklava Mdn April 11. Far from disgraced on debut but more depth here. Place looks best again. HERE’S ARCHIE (K M McAnulty & C Binnie) 3g By Spinning World Ettu Blu (1:0-0-0): Lost a plate when 4-1/2 len 7th (57.0) Nadaka 1211m Gawler E&G Mdn Mar 7. Beat half the field home on debut but that was in maiden grade. Prefer back in that class at this stage. LADY AKATAK (Ms K Brynes) 3f By Akhadan - Dangerous Mission (7:12-1): Got checked near the 1200m when 6-1/2 len 8th (55.5) Magic Milady 1250m Morphettville Parks 3yoF (75) Mar 10 then beaten a long way when 8-1/4 len 2nd (55.0) Classy Chloe 1206m Murray Bridge F&M (68) Mar 28. Well drawn and competitive in this grade. Each-way chance. MEADOWS CAT (J W Cornell) 3f By Flying Pegasus - Catriona (5:1-1-1): Following 2-1/4 len 2nd (54.5) Flying Merkel 906m Murray Bridge (68) dead trk Mar 28 ran 3/4 len, 1-1/4 len 3rd (56.5) Noir Rasoir, Rough Deal 1050m Oakbank 3yo (75) dead trk April 9. Consistent filly and can figure here. One of the chances. SWEET NEVER (Will Clarken) 3f By Alannan - Fingeal (2:1-0-1): Debuted with 5-3/4 len win (53.5) Serengeti Miss, Flight To Paris 900m Mt Gambier Mdn dead trk Dec 2 then raced greenly before finishing sht 1/2 hd, 2 len 3rd (53.5) Alpha Man, Counter Sign 1050m M’ville 3yo (75) Dec 31. Ran 2-1/2 len 2nd Harmonic 1000m Morphettville Parks barrier trial April 16. Created a huge impression in only campaign to date and trialled well last week in preparation for this. Genuine threat. NELCITUS (B C Mueller) 3f By Adam - Double Spirits (3:1-0-0): Following 6-1/2 len 6th (56.5) Sarcasm 1200m Gawler C1 dead trk Mar 25 jumped awkwardly before finishing 4-1/4 len 8th (56.5) Noir Rasoir 1050m Oakbank 3yo (75) dead trk April 9. Fitter for two runs back but may be looking for further now. Place only. DE KAAP VALLEY (Sam Kavanagh) 3f By General Nediym - Barberton (8:1-2-0): Struck interference near the 100m when 4-3/4 len 13th (54.5) Babel 1300m Sandown-Lakeside 3yoF (72) Feb 8 then ran 10-1/4 len 10th (57.0) Sweet Ella 1400m Sandown-Hillside 3yoF (72) Feb 22. Blinkers and tongue tie go on here for her return to racing. Has ability and market could provide a lead. MAGICAL RUBY (J D Smith) 3f By Magic Albert - Gifting (9:0-0-1): Finished 4-1/2 len 6th (55.0) Raise A Heart 1006m Murray Bridge Mdn dead trk Mar 28 before running 3-3/4 len 7th (55.0) Raks McLaren 1050m Balaklava Mdn April 11. Placed just once in nine starts and looks out of her depth in this.
Race eight BACCHUS EAGLE (Tony McEvoy) 5g By Galileo - Wedgetail Eagle (17:3-3-4): Finished 3/4 len 2nd (54.0) Daydream Charlie 1950m Morphettville Parks (94) Mar 12 (2011) before running sht 1/2 hd 2nd (55.0) Instructor 2150m Oakbank Open dead trk April 2 (2011). Finished 7th Sea Coral 1000m Morphettville Parks barrier trial Mar 26. Handy galloper resuming here. Best form is over more ground but stable must be respected. Look for a market lead. LITTLE AKIE (B C Mueller) 4g By Akhadan - Double Spirits (16:6-1-2): Had a let-up after 4-1/4 len 6th (55.0) Pilot’s Lane 1400m Morphettville Parks (68+) Feb 11 and resumed with 5-1/4 len 9th (57.0) Glacial Miss 1200m M’ville (86) April 14. Fitter for one run back but this is as far as he wants. Place is best.
SCOUSE (S R Turner) 6g By Fraar Young Beauty (36:7-5-7): After 3/4 len 2nd (56.5) Vinard 1100m Penola Flying Hcp April 8 jumped awkwardly before finishing 2-1/2 len, 1/2 len 3rd (60.0) Aurumcert, Ballypatrick 1350m Strathalbyn (81) dead trk April 18. Finished strongly last time and he could be looking for this trip now. Has claims. LET GO JOHNNY (J E Hickmott) 6g By Bellotto - Gold Desiderio (54:9-77): Was spelled after lg nk win (61.0) Wyreema, Tequila Midnight 1600m Fannie Bay (Bm72) Sept 24 then resumed with 13-1/4 len last (54.5) Cellarmaster 1400m Oakbank (68+) dead trk April 7. Looking elsewhere. MERLOT NOW (D L Hewitt) 11g By Akhadan - Babelle (108:14-12-7): Rider lost his whip when 3 len 2nd (57.5) Detox 1406m Murray Bridge (81) Mar 28 then followed up with 3/4 len, 1/2 len 3rd (55.0) Club Royale, Strike Breaker 1700m Penola Penola Cup April 8. Veteran galloper who continues to race well but dropping back in distance here. Place looks best again. SILENT ATTITUDE (P F Blanch) 4m By Tayasu Tsuyoshi - Landscape’s Gift (9:3-5-0): Made it four seconds in a row with lg hd 2nd (57.5) Oui Si Attitude 1500m Gawler (75) dead trk Mar 25 before scoring 3/4 len win (54.5) Dubai Me Diamonds, Tureen 1400m Oakbank F&M (94) dead trk April 9. Scored overdue win last time and does go well this track/distance. Wide draw is against but she’s too good to leave out. MANGANESE (K M Sweeney) 6g By Fasliyev - Vetorisc (60:10-8-2): Resumed racing with 6-3/4 len 8th (57.5) Detox 1406m Murray Bridge (81) Mar 28 then finished 3-1/4 len 6th (55.5) Sea Coral 1400m Balaklava (81) April 11. Fitter now and he’s generally around the money. One for trifecta players. WORLD RULER (M A White) 9g By A P Ruler - Jonquil Star (49:5-105): After 2-1/2 len 4th (53.0) Street Related 1800m Streaky Bay Cup Mar 24 ran 1-1/2 len 2nd (54.5) Hastein 2038m M’ville (68+) Mar 31. Going well but sharp drop back in distance here. Take on trust. YOU DEE CEE (Jon O’Connor) 5g By More Than Ready - Wishes (29:44-7): Following 1-3/4 len 8th (56.0) Glacial Miss 1200m M’ville (81) Mar 31 ran 4-1/2 len 7th (56.0) Glacial Miss 1200m M’ville (86) April 14. Fitter for three runs back but he hasn’t won past 1200 metres so the last bit will test. Looking elsewhere. DUBAI ME DIAMONDS (Scott Trenowden) 4m By Dubawi - Quantum Leap (13:3-3-1): Set the pace when 3 len 5th (54.5) Protector 1250m Morphettville Parks (86) Mar 24 then just missed when 3/4 len 2nd (54.5) Silent Attitude 1400m Oakbank F&M (94) dead trk April 9. Smart mare drawn to get a lovely run here. Worth consideration.
STAR TOPAZE (L Macdonald & A Gluyas) 4m By Starcraft - Speedy Topaze (16:3-3-2): Followed sht hd, len 3rd (59.5) Jewel Of Johar, Our Iridium 1500m Gawler M (68) dead trk Mar 25 with 2 len 2nd (55.5) Elldami 1500m Gawler (78) April 4. Drawn to get a cushy run. Don’t dismiss. DELICIOUS BELLE (R R Jolly) 4m By Commands - Give To Thee (15:32-1): Jumped awkwardly and lost a plate when 3 len 2nd (54.0) Irish Rhapsody 2057m M’ville (86) Jan 28 then resumed with 4-1/4 len 8th (54.0) Sea Coral 1400m Balaklava (81) April 11. Fitter here and she has won second-up in the past. Two of her three wins have been on this track and she could be the value runner here. FALDANE (B E Woosnam) 7g By Faltaat - Dane Gu Li (32:4-6-2): Covered extra ground but still beat half the field home when 6-3/4 len 7th (58.0) My Ex Mate 1800m M’ville (75) Mar 31 then ran 5-1/4 len 11th (55.5) Sea Coral 1400m Balaklava (81) April 11. Didn’t get warm last time and they’ve taken the blinkers off here. Needs to lift. BALLYPATRICK (S G Padman) 5g By Dash For Cash - Baroness Rose (19:3-4-2): Was slowly away before finishing 1-1/2 len 8th (59.5) Slippery Ninja 1200m Gawler (68) April 4 then ran 2-1/2 len 2nd (54.0) Aurumcert 1350m Strathalbyn (81) dead trk April 18. Looking for this trip now and he’s rarely far away. Each-way chance. UMALUKA (K D Buick) 4g By Umatilla - Miss Maluka (6:2-0-0): Followed 3/4 len win (58.0) Miss Doubtfire, Mystic Morn 1700m Gawler Mdn dead trk Mar 25 with 1-1/2 len win (58.0) Sono Piccolo, Wings On Her Feet 1600m Balaklava (68) April 11. Horror draw is no help and place might be best in this. DARK KNIGHT (J R Croucher) 5g By Galileo - Tornato Lass (42:3-7-10): After 3-1/2 len, len 3rd (55.0) Detox, Oakbank Heights 1350m Strathalbyn (75) dead trk Mar 14 ran 2-1/2 len 4th (57.0) Regal Hero 1400m Oakbank (71) dead trk April 7. Doesn’t win out of turn and rises in grade here. Place looks best. CADASHA (S G Padman) 5g By Dash For Cash - Lapsha (27:3-4-3): Was spelled after 3-3/4 len 5th (57.5) Merlot Now 1600m Murray Bridge (68) Nov 9 and resumed with 6-1/4 len 10th (56.5) Regal Hero 1400m Oakbank (71) dead trk April 7. Extra trip suits but plenty of depth here and he may still be a run short. Looking elsewhere.
Race nine DELTA RHO SAM (M A Kavanagh) 5g By Special Bond - Kingston Macayla (5:1-1-0): Ran 7 len 9th (53.5) Thornburst 1200m M’ville (75) dead trk July 16 then was spelled after 3-1/4 len 2nd (56.0) Raki 1410m Balaklava C1 Aug 3. Finished nk, 3/4 len 3rd Sea Coral, Glaze 1000m Morphettville Parks barrier trial Mar 26. Hasn’t fired fresh in the past but stable commends respect and market could provide a lead.
CANNY PREVAIL (G D Searle) 4g By Canny Lad - Shalaque (9:1-1-0): Reared at the start when 12-1/4 len 13th (55.5) Sarcasm 1200m Gawler C1 dead trk Mar 25 then ran 3/4 len 4th (54.0) Slippery Ninja 1200m Gawler (68) April 4. Fitter for two runs back and this looks a suitable assignment. Hard to beat. ZAAZIP (Garret Lynch) 6g By Zariz Miss Zorro (26:4-3-5): Was injured during the race when 3-3/4 len 12th (57.0) Rose Of Nirvana 1200m Murray Bridge (62) dead trk Feb 16 (2011) then jumped awkwardly before finishing 6-1/2 len 6th (57.5) Flying Merkel 906m Murray Bridge (68) dead trk Mar 28. He’ll be greatly improved by his first-up run and it’s worth noting his impressive secondup record (4:2-0-1). Has claims from his good draw. UNDER THE RADAR (W A Bogarts) 9g By Suresh - Zephyr Love (83:12-8-5): Only beat one home when 1/2 hd, nose 3rd (56.5) Eureka Reign, Silver Raven 1200m Clare (71) Mar 11 then ran 1-1/4 len 7th (57.0) Slippery Ninja 1200m Gawler (68) April 4. Wasn’t far away last time and drops in grade here. Has claims. HOTDEAL (Ms S Nolan) 8g By Bellotto - Linney Head (67:11-4-3): Was spelled after 10-1/2 len 9th (56.5) Dire Warning 1350m Port Lincoln (64) Oct 16 and resumed with 6-1/2 len 6th (60.5) Arthurian Legend 1100m Clare (59) April 7. Fitter now and he has won two races here. Perhaps a place. ROSE OF NIRVANA (Alexander Justice) 6m By Gallo Di Ferro - Lady Roseland (16:3-1-1): Resumed racing with 12-1/4 len 8th (54.5) Classy Chloe 1206m Murray Bridge F&M (68) Mar 28 before finishing 4-1/4 len 5th (53.5) Silver Raven 1200m M’ville F&M (68) April 19. Beat seven home last time and drops in grade here. Barrier is no help but can figure with luck in running. JULIET’S PRINCESS (L Macdonald & A Gluyas) 3f By More Than Ready - Malayan Princess (6:1-0-2): Ran len, sht nk 3rd (53.5) Snip ‘n’ Run, Alchemy’s Eight 1200m M’ville 3yo Hcp dead trk Dec 10 then resumed with 2-3/4 len 7th (56.5) Noir Rasoir 1050m Oakbank 3yo (75) dead trk April 9. Got a long way back first-up and made some late ground. Blinkers go on here and she can improve dramatically. ATTITUDE PROBLEM (Ryan Balfour) 5m By Jetball - Polychrest (19:1-03): Finished 13-3/4 len last (54.0) Lady Dynamo 1400m Morphettville Parks M (86) Dec 17 then was tightened for room and vetted after 14-1/4 len 11th (56.0) Silent Attitude 1518m Gawler (62) Dec 28. Hasn’t fired fresh in the past and may be better for the outing.
KOODA WONDER (J Dunn) 4m B Country Reel - Some Surprise (32: 5-3): Ran 9-1/2 len last (53.5) Cute T Boot 1050m M’ville (75) Mar 31 the jumped awkwardly before finishin 4 len 2nd (56.5) Notforgiven 1200 Port Augusta (59) April 15. Scratche PERFECT CROWN (K M Sweene 5m By Beautiful Crown - Tiffany Roa (41:1-9-4): Finished 11-1/2 len 10 (57.5) Beautiful Soul 1600m Balaklav (62) Nov 23 then was spelled aft 7-1/2 len 7th (55.0) Tureen 1400 Oakbank F&M (68) dead trk Dec Doesn’t win out of turn and is yet place in four previous first-up run Looking elsewhere. RUB DOUBT (K & H Frew) 4m B Not A Single Doubt - Ruby’s O Hope (18:1-3-2): Surprised with 1-3 len, 3/4 len 3rd (54.0) Hillfire, Bluz 1050m Oakbank (68) dead trk Mar 1 then finished in the first half of th field when 3-1/4 len 5th (54.0) Ke Royale 1100m Oakbank F&M Hcp-7 dead trk April 9. Back in grade he and will be finishing strongly. N the worst. ANGEL OF HOPE (K M Sweeney) 5 By Choisir - Amen Ruby (43:23): After 9-3/4 len 4th (54.5) Clas Chloe 1206m Murray Bridge F& (68) Mar 28 ran 2-1/4 len 4th (52. Windermere Road 1200m Balaklav C2 April 11. Improved by three ru back and while she doesn’t win to often, she’s capable of filling a pla in this. ALICE LONGING (Paul Beshara) 4 By Star Cross - River Alice (16:1-3-0 Beaten by subsequent metro winn when 3-1/2 len 2nd (54.0) Sarcas 1200m Gawler C1 dead trk Mar 2 then struck interference at the sta before finishing 4-3/4 len 10th (54. Windermere Road 1200m Balaklav C2 April 11. Can mix her form b worth a place ticket on her run he two starts back. FLOWER FORCE (K M Knowles) 4 By Oamaru Force - Duteous (11:20): Ran 13-1/4 len 11th (56.0) Dale 1200m Naracoorte (59) Nov 24 the was spelled after 6-1/2 len 10th (55. Uli Urs Utz 1100m Bordertown (5 Dec 11. Faces a tough task for h return to racing. Wait till later. PAS DE POET (Graeme Barry) 7 By Perugino - Our Erin (15:10): Followed 4-3/4 len 11th (53. Rain Strategy 1400m Murray Bridg (62) Nov 18 (2009) with 6-1/2 le 8th (53.0) Young Tearaway 1430 Naracoorte (59) dead trk Dec 2 (2009). Ran 13-3/4 len 5th Mounta Climber 1100m Port Augusta ba rier trial April 15. Having first start almost two and a half years. Pref to see. TOPS ‘N’ TAILS (Ms S Kotz) 5g B Delzao - Billie’s Flurry (21:2-0-2): Ra 2-1/4 len 5th (57.0) Kooda Surpri 1200m Port Lincoln (61) Mar 1 before finishing 9-1/4 len 8th (54. Granulator 1400m Balaklava (6 April 11. Done little in three runs ba from a spell and looks tested here.
“ at the going down of the sun and in the morning we will remember them.”
WILLEGO (T T Oxlade) 8g By Blevic - Black Spectre (72:6-8-6): Jumped awkwardly and covered extra ground when 10-3/4 len 11th (58.0) My Ex Mate 1800m M’ville (75) Mar 31 then finished 11-1/2 len last (54.0) Pelicano 2150m Oakbank Onkaparinga Cup dead trk April 9. This is easier and he is a winner this track/distance. Can improve without surprising. ANDRONICA (M S Minervini) 4m By Mujahid - Mycedes (20:4-2-1): Followed 4-1/2 len 2nd (54.0) Raki 2400m Morphettville Parks (94) Mar 24 with 2-1/4 len win (58.5) Goldstinger, Power To Possess 2200m Balaklava (68) April 11. Strong win last time and drops half a kilo here. Hard to beat again. RIKBAT (Garret Lynch) 7g By Tabkir - Island Account (54:8-5-9): Followed 1-1/4 len win (55.5) Chief Red Hawk, Southern Fortune 2100m Gawler (68) dead trk Mar 25 with len win (59.0) Super Silks, Penn Station 2100m Gawler (62) April 4. In super form this track/distance and strikes another winnable race here. Must go in. MUSTY SPRINGS (J E Hickmott) 9g By Taos - Mustin Magic (105:7-1014): Finished 1/2 len 2nd (52.5) My Ex Mate 1900m Oakbank (86) dead trk April 9 then ran 3 len, 3/4 len 3rd (53.0) Tristacat, Faltastic 1800m M’ville (75) April 14. Never far away in this grade and he’s a must for trifectas. POWER TO POSSESS (W A Bogarts) 4g By Refuse To Bend - Amenique (19:1-3-4): Got blocked for a run before scoring lg nk win (58.0) S’amuse, Baklava Boy 2100m Gawler Mdn dead trk Mar 25 then was vetted after 2-1/4 len, 2 len 3rd (59.0) Andronica, Goldstinger 2200m Balaklava (68) April 11. He’s found some form after getting out in distance. Nicely drawn and must be included in the chances. CLEARLY PASSIONATE (G D Searle) 4m By Dubawi - Lindsay’s Ring (19:2-3-3): After 2-3/4 len 4th (55.0) Elldami 1500m Gawler (78) April 4 lost a plate when 4-1/4 len 4th (54.5) Tristacat 1800m M’ville (75) April 14. Consistent but gets out to this distance for the first time. Place is best. SOUTHERN FORTUNE (J E Hickmott) 8g By High Yield - Capital Growth (62:6-5-8): Covered extra ground when 1-1/4 len, 1-1/4 len 3rd (57.0) Rikbat, Chief Red Hawk 2100m Gawler (68) dead trk Mar 25 then finished 5-3/4 len 5th (54.0) Pelicano 2150m Oakbank Onkaparinga Cup dead trk April 9. Improved by four runs back and generally goes well here. Not the worst. CALL ME BISCUIT (S P Gower) 3f By Oratorio - Twiggy Summit (14:21-1): Finished 6-1/2 len 13th (54.0) Rock Culture 1600m M’ville 3yo Hcp Mar 31 before running 14-1/4 len last (54.0) Crucial 1800m M’ville Schweppes Stks April 14. Failed in G3 company last time but steps up to this trip for the first time here. Needs to lift. SLACKSMITH (Ms C Rose) 6g By Zabeel - Eliza Cove (16:2-2-2): After 1-3/4 len 4th (57.5) Call Me Biscuit 1600m Balaklava (62) dead trk Mar 21 was vetted following 5 len 5th (54.0) Tristacat 1800m M’ville (75) April 14. Improved by two runs back but he’s never been out to this trip. Perhaps a place. GOLDSTINGER (K M Sweeney) 6g By Golden Snake - Golden Days (79:69-6): Followed 1-1/2 len 2nd (55.0) Tasteofenergy 1800m Clare (72) April 7 with 2-1/4 len 2nd (55.0) Andronica 2200m Balaklava (68) April 11. Consistent in similar grade and he’s a must for trifecta players. TARGET EXPLORER (J E Hickmott) 7g By Taos - Brightly (41:4-1-2): Following 11-1/2 len 9th (56.5) Rikbat 2100m Gawler (68) dead trk Mar 25 ran 5-3/4 len 4th (56.5) Andronica 2200m Balaklava (68) April 11. Should be nearing his peak after four runs back and he is a winner this track/distance. Could be a blowout chance. SULTAN OF SPEED (Ms K Byrnes) 6g By Dubai Destination - Noble Deed (38:2-7-5): Finished 3-1/4 len 6th (56.0) Five Iron 2200m Balaklava C2 Feb 26 then ran 1-3/4 len, 3 len 3rd (63.0) Racing Green, Deltona 3280m Murray Bridge Hurdle dead trk Mar 4. He’s placed twice over this track/distance in the past and he can be competitive in this grade. Don’t dismiss.
08 8564 2360
Wednesday, April 25, 2012 - Gawler Race Liftout Page 3 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Wednesday, April 25, 2012 - Gawler Race Liftout Page 4 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Wednesday, April 25, 2012 - Domain Page 7 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Real Estate Liftout
Surge in video usage THE use of video as part of property listings on (Domain) has grown by over 50 per cent in the past 12 months, reflecting a rapidly rising acceptance of the use of video in property marketing. Since January, enquiries from real estate agents requesting video as part of their property listing on Domain have tripled. Tony Blamey, general manager real estate, Fairfax Marketplaces said, “Real estate agents are quickly realising that video has the ability to draw crowds”. “Stronger auction numbers and higher sales prices are directly linked to the inclusion of WH1814492
Colin Schwartz trading as RLA216875
Adelaide Rural Real Estate RENTALS KAPUNDA
11 Acland Street OPEN - Sunday 1.15-2.00pm
7 Whittaker Street - Neat 2 could be 3 bedroom cottage. Combined lounge/dining. Kitchen and bathroom with low maintenance yard. 200m from main street. Available late April
21 Hogan Street - Well maintained 3 bedroom brick veneer home. Main bedroom has ensuite and walk-in-robe. Open plan kitchen/dining/living area. Split system ait conditioner, carport. No pets. Available early May.
Executive home, 4 bedrooms, ensuite & WIR, open plan kitchen/dineing/lounge, split system air con, enclosed spa, games room, large garage, low maintenance yard, No pets.
8 Oldham Street Inspection by Appointment
OPENS BLANCHETOWN - 11 Acland Street
Nicely presented 4yr old t/f home, large 1011m2 allot, 2 bdrms, roomy lounge/dining, kitchen has elec appiliances, dishwasher, plenty cpds, r/c a/c, front & rear v/dah, carport, short walk to river and shops. Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942
41 Wild Street Inspection by Appointment
Three bedrooms, one bathroom, formal lounge, neat kitchen and meals, rear and front verandah, shedding, carport, lots of room to move. WEB ID: 106614295 Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942
48 Basedow Road Inspection by Appointment
KAPUNDA - 1 John Street Sunday 11.30-12.15pm
13 Fuller Street Inspection by Appointment
Neat b/v home on lge 1950m2 allot with rural views. 4 brs, main ens & WIR, br 2 & 3 BIR, kitchen has gas stove, pantry, plenty cpds, dine, family, fml lnge, comb heat, ducted a/c, dble c/pt UMR, vdahs, pergola, 30x20 gge. Currently tenanted. WEB ID: 106770196 Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942
1 John Street OPEN - Sunday 11.30-12.15pm
Lovely stone home (circa 1880) within walking distance to main st & schools. Lge approx 1650m2 allot, having 2 allots & one title. The home comprises 2 or 3 bdrms, study, lnge with bay window & R/C A/C, kitch/dining, c/h, high ornate ceilings, polished wood flrs, vdah surrounding home. Outside improvements incl workshed, dbl car shed, both rear & front access. Opportunity to create 2nd title to build a family home or investment property. Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942
Neat t/f home on 746m2 allot. 3 bdrms, lge lnge, spac kitchen/ dine w elec apps, plenty cpd space, WIP, cellar. Heat & cool by r/c a/c on 3 ph pwr, solar heat, polished wood flrs, plumbing & elec renewed. Front & rear vdahs & c/pt. Shed w 3 ph pwr. Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942
Neat solid home on 11,000m2 allot, having 3 titles, possible subdiv STCC. 3 brs, office, kitchen w elec apps & d/w, fml dine, lge lounge, r/c a/c, gas htg. Paved gable pergola, 40x20 shed, caravan shed, 30x20 shed. Rear access. Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942
Way Street Inspection by Appointment
Video is proving to be a highly effective way to highlight the benefits of a property to an overseas audience. Daniel Goldstein, director of Visual Domain, a production company in partnership with Domain added, “Video has the ability to capture emotions and give a home personality”. “It is a much more powerful communication tool when compared with the written word or pictures. Video gives potential purchasers the opportunity to visualise what it would be like to live in a particular dwelling or suburb.” The online video trend is set to continue with YouTube recently reporting 6.7 million Australian visitors interacted with its site while over 1 billion videos are now watched per month in Australia. “In the near future Domain expects to see every well marketed property with a video as part of its website listing because consumers are expecting more from their property experience and video helps achieve this,” Mr Blamey added.
Sunday 1.15-2.00pm
55 Old Adelaide Road - Well maintained 3 bedroom home. Close to main street. Lounge with combustion heating, large family room or 4th bedroom. Offers large verandah with paving and concrete flooring and a 40x20 shed with power. Available late May
video in property listings. “Vendors in increasing numbers are now requesting agents use video as part of their marketing campaigns as a means of promoting their properties in the best possible light, thereby increasing their chances of obtaining a higher price. “Statistics from Domain highlight that property listings featuring a video received a 400 per cent increase in enquiries than listings without video.” Mr Blamey said another significant trend is the use of video across all real estate price brackets. It is not just prestige property listings using video but also homes, land and apartments valued at under $500,000. This sector is one of the fastest growing price brackets in the adoption of video. Real estate agents are also now requesting videos to be produced in different languages, particularly Mandarin, further highlighting the global interest in Australian property.
Lot 66 Christchurch Street Inspection by Appointment
Inspection by Appointment
YOUR LOCAL LENDER With access to over 20 lenders, including HomeStart Finance, we work hard to find you a better deal.
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Residential allotment of 560m2 in new subdivision. All services underground, water connected and CED point. Bitumen road frontage. Not far from Kapunda main street & primary school. No encumbrances, build your family or retirement home. Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942
92 MAIN ST • T: 8566 3399
Neat B/V Home, 3 bdrms, main has WIR, access to bathroom, formal lounge, kitchen/meals/family, r/c a/c, pergola, carport, currently tenanted, ideal family home or investment. Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942
Wednesday, April 25, 2012 - Domain Page 8 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Gaynor Stibbs 0413 674 138 Australian Credit Licence No. 389548
Residential allotment of approximately 1690m2, having 2 titles, water connected, common effluent runs past, close to sporting facilities and trotting track. Reasonably level allots provide opportunity for investor to build 2 homes or family wanting to build on large allotment. To be sold as a whole. Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942
Guaranteed Risk Free Selling! Many more properties for sale, call in to inspect our full range Land Release Lot 42 Lot 43 Lot 44 Lot 45 Lot 46 Lot 47 Lot 48 Lot 49 Lot 50 Lot 51 Lot 52 Lot 53 Lot 54 Lot 55
$459,950 1
Price $149,950 $159,950 $139,950 $134,950 $169,950 $189,950 $139,950 $189,950 $149,950 $149,950 $139,950 $159,950 $174,950 $199,950
$490,000 2
Available 7 Days
$329,950 2
$289,000 1
Unrivalled Quality & Privacy
1920 Cottage on 1/2 Acre
Seeing is Believing
Stunning 4 Bedroom Home
This beautiful tree studded allotment offers over an acre of tranquillity with stunning views of the Barossa. The 2 storey residence comprises of 3 lge brms upstairs, 2 with balconies to enjoy the views, & a main bthrm. Downstairs is a huge open living area overlooked by the amazing timber kitchen with granite bench-tops, superb appliances & slate flooring, together with lge lndry & 2nd toilet. The enclosed vdah is a 2nd entertaining area currently used to accommodate a pool table & spa, with sweeping views of the park-like grounds, fully estab & easily maintained. There is also a 40x30x15 shed/wkshp & another 20x20 lined shed/children’s retreat. No expense has been spared in the establishment of this wonderful home, it is warm, inviting & quality t/out. Inspection is a must to truly appreciate all the qualities that this property has to offer - A great find nestled in the heart of the Barossa. # 5031 RLA 61382
Opportunity knocks with potential plus! With over a 30m frontage this half acre allotment offers a whole array of possibilities. Together with a 1910 original cottage, which although requiring considerable work, has been partially restored. As a project this property would certainly reap rewards for anyone willing to put in the hard yards. Invest and prosper with this wonderful package.
This quality Homestead built home situated on a 1372m2 allotment offers large formal entry, formal lounge and dining with bay window, master bedroom with built-in robe, large ensuite with spa and double shower, bedrooms 2, 3 and 4 are extra large and have built-in robes and ceiling fans, all bedrooms also have Austar connected. 3-way bathroom and generous size laundry. Open plan kitchen, dining and family room leading through to the games room which has glass doors leading out onto the salt water solar heated pool. 3 car garage under the main roof, approx 32,000L rainwater storage, two 3phs reverse cycle split system air-conditioners, large entertainment area complete with bar and wood fire pizza oven, large lawn area and side access for trailers/caravans with a high clearance lean-to off the shed.
This stunning quality home built in 2004 is a massive 249m2. Set on a 920m2 allot this lovely Distinctive built home offers 4 lge brms, main with ens & WIR, brms 2, 3 & 4 with BIRs, good size office, fml entry & fml dining, generous size kitchen complete with quality appliances, plenty of storage & a lge b/fast bar overlooking the spac o/plan living meals & family room. The home is fully insulated, has r/c heating & cooling, rainwater tank, dbl c/pt with remote roller doors, 12m x 6m galvanized shed with built in mezzanine storage area. The front gdn has established plants and pop-up sprinklers and the back garden has a large entertaining area with the gardens yet to be completed. This stunning property is within walking distance to the main street and local schools.
This immaculately presented home is set in the stunning township of Lyndoch in the Barossa Valley - walking distance to schools, shops, wineries, restaurants and only a short drive to Adelaide and Gawler. The home offers 4 good size bedrooms, master with built-in robe. The home is complete with formal entry, large lounge, good size dining off of the kitchen and don't forget plenty of room outside as the home is set on just under 1/4 Acre. This beautiful property has so much potential and has been freshly painted and has new floor coverings, ducted evaporative cooling, gas heating and large shed with fully fenced yard. This is a wonderful opportunity to purchase a lovely piece of the Barossa Valley at an affordable price, so don’t miss out.
# 5044
# 3022
# 3020
# 3009
$399,950 1
RLA 61382
$329,950 1
RLA 61382
$499,950 2
A Great Investment
Convenient & Tranquil
The Best of Both Worlds
Set on over a quarter of an acre (1104m2) this much loved family home offers 3 bedrooms, main with walk-in robe and bedrooms 2 and 3 with built-in robes, open living family, dining and kitchen together with a large formal lounge. The home is serviced by a 3.5hp split system and also slow combustion heating. Outside, the property boasts unbroken views over the Barossa Ranges and beautifully established gardens just perfect for entertaining. Also with a 20x20 shed with cement floor and power, double carport, rear access and 6500L of rainwater storage fed to the laundry and kitchen. A lovely property offering privacy and seclusion yet walking distance to all of Lyndoch’s amenities. A “must inspect” for anyone looking in the Barossa, convenience and tranquillity found. # 5020 RLA 61382
Offering two residences on over one and a half acres, this is both a unique and idyllic property. Set in a very quiet court, it boasts stunning views to the Barossa Ranges framed by it's very own vines. Built in 1982 this solid brick home consists of one dwelling featuring 3 bedrooms with formal lounge/dining, superb timber kitchen, full bathroom with separate toilet and laundry adjoined to another 2 bedroom residence with kitchen, open family/dining, bathroom with shower and separate toilet plus laundry also. Both serviced by ducted evaporative air-conditioning and reverse cycle split systems. The property offers superbly established mature gardens, a huge pergola outdoor entertaining area with a 30 x 20 shed with power and cement floor. This is a truly rare offering which would accommodate a whole range of requirements. # 5021 RLA 61382
# 5040
RLA 61382
As rare as hens teeth! A half acre allotment with over 100 metres of road frontage. Currently on two titles with a circa 1890 Stone Cottage, originally the Headmasters residence for the Lyndoch Public School - opened in 1879. The potential of this superb opportunity is obvious, to renovate the Cottage and sub-divide the remaining land (subject to Council consent). With 3 bedrooms, formal lounge, kitchen/dine and large cellar the property is deserving of restoration and would certainly reap rewards for its lucky new owner, together with the development of the remaining land. Within walking distance to all of Lyndoch's amenities - local schools, shops, restaurants and wineries. A project worthy of the investment, inspection by appointment call to arrange a time to suit.
RLA 61382
$255,000 1
RLA 61382
This stunning 1890 stone home is the original Bank House Building. This stunning beauty is set on approximately 1185m2 and offers the charm of the old but the convenience of the new with 10 foot ceilings and the renovating done. This home is ready to move into and offers 3 very spacious bedrooms with original ceilings, lounge with open fire place and original mantel piece, country style kitchen and dining with new stylish bathroom, new carpets, floating floors with the original timber floor waiting to be brought to life. Outside improvements include double garage, lean-to for a boat or trailer, small shed, fish pond, rainwater tank, bird aviaries, lovely grape vines, veggie patch and a stunning verandah overlooking the backyard.
# 3019
Fantastic Investment/First Home Buyer Opportunity
RLA 61382
$399,950 2
Stunning 4 Bedroom Looking for the WOW factor? This property definitely has it. Set on a large corner allotment (842m2) this beautiful home offers 4 bedrooms, main with ensuite and walk-in robe, remaining 3 brms all with matching built-in robes, formal lounge, open kitchen/family/dine combined plus games room. With superb fittings throughout the home oozes quality. Serviced by ducted air-conditioning, gas heating and split system reverse cycle. The gardens are fully established and easily maintained with drippers and sub-surface irrigation. Together with full length pergola, 20x20 shed/workshop, rainwater storage and side access. This wonderful home is sure to tick all the boxes without doubt a “Dream Property”.
# 5054
RLA 61382
3A Adelaide Road, Gawler (08) 8523 3777
Wednesday, April 25, 2012 - Domain Page 9 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
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Wednesday, April 25, 2012 - Domain Page 10 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
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Talk to about a us fu landsca ll p packag e e!
Wednesday, April 25, 2012 - Domain Page 11 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Crowds flock to Kapunda Farm Fair
THE 2012 Kapunda Farm Fair has been declared a resounding success. More than 7500 people attended over the two days, with about 3100 passing through the gates on Friday and 4500 on Saturday. Organiser Bill Adams said he was pleased with the event. “I am very happy with the overall attendance and with the atmosphere that came with it,” he said. Light Regional Council mayor Bill O’Brien said the Kapunda Farm Fair is a credit to its organisers.
“I am confident the event has met all its objectives and has set the scene and certainly raised the bar for the next Kapunda Farm Fair in 2014,” he said. “I would like to acknowledge Bill Adams and Sonia Fowler, along with the many volunteers and local organisations who gave freely of their time to make the event a great success. Without them the event could not take place.” Mr O’Brien also commended the Kapunda Harness Club on the presentation of the track.
MBA No. 02271
Up ontoRoof 35%Restorations DISCOUNT
*Conditions apply
Builders Lic No. BLD 158849
UPPER LEFT: Schwartz sisters Lydia, 6, and Zoe, 4, of Waterloo focus on painting their pigs at the Australian Year of the Farmer tent at the Kapunda Farm Fair on Friday. UPPER RIGHT: Jonty Schmaal, 8, of Adelaide, puts his driving skills to the test on one of the show rides. LOWER RIGHT: Isabel Emmett, 10, of Eden Valley, looks at the paintable piggy banks at the Australian Year of the Farmer tent with Carol Schofield. LOWER LEFT:Boilerman Darryl Sherwood of Truro (top) and Bob Ahrens keep an eye on the 1911 Davey Paxman portable steam engine on display at the Kapunda Farm Fair on Friday. The machine was previously used to run an eight-stand shearing plant in New South Wales before it was brought to SA and restored.
Re-roofing & Guttering up to 25% off CALL JOHN NOW FOR AN OBLIGATION FREE QUOTE
8566 2925 or 0407 601 845
Summer Specials - Call Now
• Roof Restoration - Re Roofing • Gutters • Carports • Verandahs • Roller Shutters • Canvas and Shade View Awnings • PVC & Ziptrak Blinds
8566 2922
& LIGHT TAXI BAROSSA CAB SERVICE • Restaurant and Airport Transfers • 7 seater available • 7 days HOURS OF OPERATION Sunday-Thursday to Midnight Friday and Saturday till 3am
Contact Greg 8563 3631
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• Treated pine • Oregon • Pinus • Trellis • Poly Carb Sheeting
timber is
We stock all your materials for pergolas, shadehouses & landscaping
Friendly helpful advice available ~ SPECIALISING IN TREATED PINE POSTS & TRELLISING ~
R & M TIMBER SUPPLIES Lot 9, Kelly Road,Willaston, Phone 8522 6504
Tom the Tiler & Son lists Bathroom Renovation Specia All types of wall and floor tiling
Mark: 0418 840 635 or Tom: 0418 829 736 Ph/fax: 8523 3263 Lic No’s: 4844/182449
Wednesday, April 25, 2012 - Domain Page 12 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Enjoy beautiful Irish sounds
LET the events of a hard week wash away by being part of special gathering at Sandy Creek Hotel on Sunday afternoons. Acoustic Music and Spoken Words is the brainchild of renowned Gawler poet Martin Johnson. He explained after a trial run of the event positive responses were received by locals and visitors a like, with a monthly date set. Martin, now the convenor of Acoustic Music and Spoken Words, is keen to see more people show up at the next gathering hosted for Sunday, May 6 from 2pm to 5pm. He said he sees this as being a great opportunity for people who play acoustic instruments such as guitars, mandolins, banjos, harmonicas, even cellos, violins, flutes and trumpets. He also sees it a a great way of people mixing who share a wide range of musical experiences. Along with musicians the afternoon also provides opportunities for established and aspiring poets to perform, and if there are singers out there looking for some musical accompaniment then this could be the place to be. “The afternoon is relaxed and friendly and held in a traditional country-style pub setting,” Martin said. Special guest performers for May are Gawler poet Cathy Young and blues singer/guitarist Kearn Jones from Hope Valley. For your convenience amps, a pa system and microphones are provided. For more details, contact Martin on 8522 4268.
DIRT ACTION: Sheree Habel, from Truro, was among many people who raced at the Truro and Districts Raceway Dirt Circuit on Sunday. The raceway is located off the Dutton Road, near Truro, and events are held once a month. According to organisers the event is growing in numbers and on Sunday the members and spectators also observed a minute’s silence in respect of ANZAC Day. PIC: Helen Aubert.
Have a cuppa and raise funds The Herald staff will among the many businesses, support groups and individuals across Australia who will host a morning tea in support of others in May. That’s because we are keen to raise funds for the Cancer Council as part of the annual Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea. All the information to help you host your own morning tea can be at
Want to highlight your next event?
33 main north road willaston t: 08 8522 1021 f: 08 8522 1629 e:
Visit and enter your details by clicking on the word ‘Community’ and then ‘Events’ and submit your details.
SUNDAY APRIL 29TH Tanunda Oval Food and Drinks available
Sellers 6.30am Site $10 - Admits 2 Buyers 7.30am $3 Admission Enquiries 8563 0864 WH1812236
Proudly Presents “TWO WEEKS WITH THE QUEEN” In Association with HAL Leonard Sydney Directed by David Underwood, Play by Mary Morris, Adapted from the bestselling novel by Morris Gleitzman April 27th & 28th 8pm May 4th & 5th 8pm Chapel Street Theatre, Kapunda
Kids Eat Free Lunch & dinner Schnitzel Night Family Meal Night *2 adults & 3 kids Steak Night
With elegant accompaniment from some of Ireland and Australasia’s top musicians, they will take you on a journey of movement and migration, through leaving and homecoming, sharing with audiences the beauty and a poignancy of nations steeped in love, loss and joy. Celtic Divas comprises the beautiful Irish duo Lumiere, featuring Éilis Kennedy and Pauline Scanlon along with the sublime vocals of Noriana Kennedy and Nicola Joyce (Grada). Tickets are on sale at $79 for adults and $68 for concession. To book contact Bass on 131 246 or visit
Greenock Creek Tavern Mon - Fri 11am till LATE Sunday 11am till 8 HAPPY HOUR Sun -Thurs 5 - 6pm $1.00 off wines and pints + spirits
MONDAY SCHNITZEL NIGHT Chicken or Beef Schnitzel, with your choice of sauce and a FREE schooner of draught, Coopers or blonde or glass of house wine
Alternatively, you can register by phoning 1800 656 585. If you are from the Barossa or Gawler and are keen to highlight your own event then visit Once you are on the home page click on the word ‘Community’ found in the banner and then click on the words ‘Events’. Here you can submit your details for other online viewers to access.
IF YOU enjoy the sounds of Celtic folksingers then secure you tickets to one of Adelaide’s magical shows for 2012 featuring four females. However, if you can wait, the Herald will be giving away a double pass to this show in the coming weeks. Celtic Divas will perform at Her Majesty’s Theatre, Adelaide, on Sunday, June 3 at 5pm as part of an Australia-wide tour. The women are ready to perform a beautiful set of songs that emerge from the timeless and windswept landscapes of an ancient world that still lives on in the modern imagination.
T Bone or Scotch Fillet, Chips, Salad and your choice of sauce/gravy and a FREE schooner of draught, Coopers or blonde or glass of house wine
Pool Table, Pokies, Jukebox, Beer Garden & Function Room available. Great Food and Fantastic Local Beers on Tap.
Join in on Sundays of acoustic music and spoken words
Phone 8562 8136 2 Murray Street, Greenock
Sir John Franklin Hotel Mother’s Day Lunch 13th May
Kids’ Entertainment
Roast Day
TERMS AND CONDITIONS Family Meal Deal only available Wednesday nights. Adult’s meals must be ordered off the Family Meal Deal Menu 1 meal per child. Extra kid’s meals charged at $7.50. All Meal Deals not valid with any other food promotion or offer
Tickets: Adults $20, Concession $15, Children $12, Members $10 Available from Kapunda Visitor Information Centre & Australia Wide Badges – Nuriootpa
$28pp Tea & Coffee provided
Main St, Kapunda Phone 8566 3233 BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL WH1812348
Wednesday, April 25, 2012 - Page 15 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Come and learn how to trace your family tree
ALL YOUR PLUMBING NEEDS AND MORE. Hydrojet Drain Cleaning CCTV Drain Inspections Excavator/Bobcat Hire Backflow Prevention Devices 1814414
Shop 3-1 Tod Street, Gawler
0412 833 694
Who’s new?
THIS Sunday, April 29, the public has the opportunity to learn more about how to trace their family tree. The afternoon event involves Paul Hughes who will give a talk on his family history to the Lyndoch Local Historical Society. Mr Hughes will reveal ancestors as diverse as kings, poets, transported convicts and murderers. It will also provide those considering delving into their family trees with useful advice and starting points on how to get started. The free event is open to both members and non members of the society. It will be held between 2pm and 4pm in the council rooms, behind the Lyndoch library. Orion McLeod Campbell, the first child of Caterina and Shae, of Tanunda, was born on April 9 at the Gawler Health Service and weighing 8lb 71/2oz (3800g). He is a grandchild for Helen and Colin Campbell of Nuriootpa, Karin Koch of Gawler and Michael Mercuri of Truro.
Happy birthday to...
Ebony Noack, of Greenock, was two on April 22.
Tyler Warren, of Nuriootpa, was one on April 8.
Jemima Kubisch, of Greenock, was two on April 24.
Alana Billing, of Nuriootpa, was one on April 23.
Herald birthday photographs are taken inside The Co-op’s Toyworld section, Nuriootpa, each Saturday. Parents are asked to line up from 10am. An A5 copy of the photo is available to the parents for $5.50. To order your photo contact the Herald office on 8563 2041 or visit Shop 1, 119 Murray Street, Tanunda.
POPS PETS Huge range of Pets & Accessories
3 Turtle Dinners
Free local delivery (including Gawler) Pensioner Discounts
for $10
8254 1123
Shop 68 Munno Para Shopping City
Wednesday, April 25, 2012 - Page 16 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
REAL DEALS ON STIHL • 30.1cc • 3.9kg • 1.3kW • 14” (35cm) bar
MS 170 Chain saw
FS 38 Grass Trimmers
RE 108 High Pressure Cleaner
• • • •
• • • •
27.2cc 0.65kW 4.1kg AutoCut cutting head
1595 psi working pressure 1700W 6.3 Lt/min max water flow 18.3kg
BG 56 Blowers
HS 45 Hedge Trimmers
• 27.2cc • 4.2kg • 230km/hr max air speed • 730m3/hr max air flow
27.2cc 0.75kW 4.6kg 450mm blade
• • • •
^Offers apply to HS 45 (450mm) Hedge Trimmer, FS 38 Grass Trimmer and RE 108 High Pressure Cleaner ends 30/04/12, or while stocks last. †Offer applies to BG 56 Blower ends 31/07/12 or while stocks last. *Offer applies to MS 170 Chain saw ends 31/08/12 or while stocks last.
Gawler Power Tools 10 Fifteenth St, Gawler
STIHL THE ONE: Gawler Power Tools at 10 Fifteenth Street, Gawler South, can help with any mechanical problems. So if your power tool is a problem drop in and see the boys or given them a ring on 8523 5862. If you are thinking of upgrading, there is a wide range of lawn mowers in stock.
= (08) 8522 2500
We cater for all your servicing needs
Serving the Community for 20 years
24 Hour Emergency Service • Glass • Shower Screens • Glazing • Manufacturers of Aluminium Shopfronts • Security Doors and Screens
SHOP FRONT WINDOWS • Clear or Patterned Glass • Safety Glass • Replacement or Reglazing of broken or damaged windows
SMASH: Broken windows are part and parcel of owning a house or business. It will happen some time. When security and trust are important, call A&M Glass on 8523 1940. Based at 1 Paxton Street, Willaston, the team will be quick to respond to fix your problem.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012 - Page 17 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
COCK, Janet Josephine We extend our sincere sympathy to Maurice and family on the sudden passing of Janet. Our lives are the richer for having enjoyed her friendship. Rosslyn and Dave Loman. JAESCHKE, Harold Paul.Peacefully at Tanunda Lutheran Home on April 18 2012. Aged 90 years. Loved and loving husband of Jean (deceased). Loving father of Dean and Lorraine, Neville and Elizabeth, Mark and Cheryl. Loved grandpa of nine grandchildren and their partners and eight greatgrandchildren. Treasured memories and in our hearts forever.
JOHNSON THE RELATIVES and FRIENDS of the late Mrs. JEAN KATHLEEN JOHNSON are respectfully invited to attend her Funeral Service which will be conducted on FRIDAY MORNING, April 27, 2012 commencing at 11.00a.m. in the Kapunda Uniting Church, Church Street, Kapunda. Following the Service, Jean's Funeral Cortege will proceed to the Clare Road Cemetery, Kapunda. In lieu of flowers, donations posted directly to the Kapunda Hospital, PO Box 346, Kapunda, SA 5373 would be appreciated by the family.
To our Mum and Nanny Happy 60th old chook! Enjoy your day 1/5/12
Harold's Funeral Service was conducted on Tuesday April 24 at St. John's Lutheran Church followed by the committal at St. John's Cemetery. Pastor Anthony Fox kindly officiated.
Love and hugs from Samantha & Darren, Nicky, Jim & Taylah. xxx
ENGAGEMENTS PFEIFFER - MINERDS, Daphne & Eric of Tanunda together with Leon & Helen of North Haven are thrilled to announce the angagement of Melinda & Paul on 5/4/12. Much love and best wishes from both families. ZEKOV - DOECKE Congratulations Jenny Zekov and Allan Doecke on your engagement on February 29, 2012. Best wishes from both families. Hope you have a bright and happy future together. Love from us all.
Barossa Valley 8562 1169 Accredited Member Australian Funeral Directors Association JOHNSON, Jean Kathleen Passed away peacefully on April 17, 2012. Aged 86 years. Loved and loving wife of Max (deceased)
DEATH NOTICES COCK, Janet Josephine. Passed away suddenly April 19, 2012 Aged 78 years Dearly loved wife of Maurice Adored Mum of Gavin, Philip, Alison, Tim, Felicity and Kylie Loved mother-in-law and friend of Leanne, Amanda, Kym, Chrissy, Robyn and Tait Most adored grandma of twelve grandchildren and great-grandma of five great-grandchildren
Much loved mama of Paul and Vanessa, Gaynor, Robbie and Jade, Mark and Kelly, Nikita, Christine and Hailey.
We express sincere condolences to Lion Maurice and family.
Much loved greatmama of Sasha, Jessica, Alisha, Kayla, Cameron, Jordi, Chloe, Ava, Oliver, Lily, Cody and Kasey. A special person, a special face, a special someone we cannot replace.
I'll get you everytime 1902 267 123 $2.48pm pay/mobex CC: 1300 306 117
FOR SALE 32L PANASONIC inverter M.V. 7 months old $100, cost $199; Cookwell Halogen Convection oven - used twice $20. Books for both - moved into retirement villa. Phone 85623648 ADORABLE Scottie X Schitzu puppies, black and brindle. Ready for new homes. Vaccinated and wormed. Ph: 0438312042 BABY BATH & STAND – NEW “Infa-secure” brand - Maxi Baby Bath large bath with moulded in-built support; and Deluxe Stand - with shelf and towel rail on lockable wheels. Cost $120 - will sell for $80 ono. Call 85623361 or 0439834451.
MAINS pressure blue line poly from $37 roll. Gawler Irrigation, Lot 11, Paxton Street, Willaston. Ph: 85232350
PEA STRAW for sale $4 per bale delivered. Ph: 85663916 PLANTS - Natives, perennials, tube stock, water wise etc. MORNING STAR NURSERY Lot 1 Cossins St., Kapunda. Ph: 85663952. Open Thursday to Sunday 9am- 5pm. SECURITY DOORS - Sliding Screens (as new) colour: “Primrose” (cream) with original keys. 1 x 2060mmH x 1020mmW $250; and 1 x 2060mmH x 915mmW $200; or both for $400. Call 85623361 or 0439834451. SELLING, BUYING .......? Advertise in the Herald classifieds, and get results! Giveaway ads are run for 1 week, FREE. You can now place your classified ad at Kapunda Newsagency, deadline is Monday 5.00p.m. Classified deadline 5.00pm Monday. (Maybe subject to change) Ph: 85632041, Fax: 85633655 or email Thinking about Premium Fleece? then think
BEDROOM SUITE comprising Queen Anne double bed and 1 set side drawers and Cheval mirror. Circa 1950's. Good condition. Rosewood. $60 Ph: 85642874 CASH FOR BOTTLES & CANS. Wine bottles, batteries, phone Lange's Can & Bottle Depot on 85642292 for trading hours, 20 Newcastle St, Angaston. DOMESTIC farm, pool and spa pump repairs. Complete workshop facilities also for electric fence energisers. New units, conversions to solar, tapes and insulators. Qualified tradesman. Ag Power Williamstown Road, Cockatoo Valley. 0408820024
In lieu of flowers donations posted directly to Diabetes S.A., 159 Sir Donald Bradman Drive, Hilton 5033 would be appreciated by the family.
FIREWOOD Mallee Gum $260 tonne, delivered in Barossa & surrounding areas. 0413636454
LEADLIGHT - Local, professional affordable leadlight. I'll come to you, or call at Gawler Glass Design studio, 58 Yettie Rd, Williamstown. Weekly classes. Bob Pirch 85247241
All donations of furniture, clothing, bric-a-brac enable us to assist our Community
COCK.THE RELATIVES and FRIENDS of the late Mrs. JANET JOSEPHINE COCK are respectfully invited to attend her Funeral Mass which will be celebrated on THURSDAY, April 26 commencing at 2 p.m. in the St. Rose's Catholic Church, Branson Crescent, Kapunda afterwhich Janet's Funeral Cortege will proceed to the St. John's Catholic Cemetery.
Janet, your willingness and contribution to Lions Club projects along with your friendship, will remain with us.
JACKSON'S FIREWOOD free bag kindling with every order. Dry split redgum mallee pink gum. Weighed delivery only. 0400083852
Monday - Friday 9am - 4pm Saturday 9am - 12pm
Cock, Janet Josephine.
85662013 Accredited Member Australian Funeral Directors Association
Barossa New Life Church TREASURE CHEST - FURNITURE MART 10 Murray St, Nuriootpa Tel. 85622988
A beautiful lady taken too soon
The Lions Club of Kapunda District is saddened by the sudden passing of our member and friend.
BARGE CAPS – Colorbond: Heritage Red – 4 x 3m long. Suitable for shed or similar. $10 each or $30 for all 4. Call 85623361 or 0439834451.
Loving mother and mother-in-law of Jennifer and Jim, Denis and Pam, Jack and Tessie.
HAY OATEN WHEATEN Hay from $35 roll Phone Peter & Bev Grocke 0429 694 058 or 8563 2113
NEED A PUMP? For all your needs, Gawler Irrigation, Lot 11, Paxton Street, WILLASTON. Ph: 85232350
In God's care.
Accredited Member Australian Funeral Directors Association
JEFF ROSENZWEIG Happy birthday darling. Hope your day is as special as you. Love Jenny XX BAROSSA VALLEY COMMUNITY CRECHE To Lorna and the team of dedicated volunteers at the Great Rival Shop We wish to Congratulate you on 20 years, Happy Birthday! Thank you for your support to the Barossa Valley Community Creche, and to the entire community. With love and appreciation, The Committee, Staff and Families xxx
ENTERTAINMENT UNIT solid wood, double leadlight doors, 2 large drawers. Beautiful piece of furniture. $2,000 new. Sell for $400 ono. Ph: 85662726
FIREWOOD Quality seasoned. Split red. blue, sugar gum, mallee stumps sawn mallee & bags of kindling. Weighbridge docket supplied. Pickup or deliver AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY. Matthew Reimann, Firewood Supplies. 0413089743. Delivery available 7 days by appointment. Credit Cards now accepted. GUN SALES. Ammo, repairs, safes, accessories & service. Gawler Fishing & Outdoors, 48 Murray St, Gawler 85226200
Wednesday, April 25, 2012 - Page 18 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
WRECKING Ford Falcon EL Sedan 4 Litre motor, 145,000 km, roof rack, most parts available. Falcon BA Sedan 4 Litre motor and auto transmission, 144,000 km, good panels, most parts available. Ford Falcon BF III Stationwagon 4 Litre LPG only motor and auto transmission, 56,000 km, most parts available. Holden Commodore VX Sedan 3.8 Litre motor and auto transmission, 115,000 km, Berlina factory mags. Holden Commodore VZ Stationwagon 3.6 Litre motor and auto transmission, roof rack, most parts available. Holden Commodore VY Sedan 3.8 Litre motor and auto transmission, most parts available Holden Commodore VE 60th Anniversary Sedan 3.6 Litre motor and auto transmission, factory alloys
GAWLER MOTOR WRECKING 3 Prescott Crescent, Gawler Belt 8522 5677 or 0416 081 109
TO GIVEAWAY 3 x 6 Week Old Staffy Pups. Ring 0408823870 after 3 p.m.
HAVING A GARAGE SALE? Advertise in The Herald classifieds, and get results! All Garage Sale ads MUST be prepaid. You can now place your classified ad at Kapunda Newsagency, deadline is Monday 4.30 pm. Classified deadline 5.00pm Monday (Maybe subject to change) Ph: 85632041 Fax: 85633655 or email
ANY SCRAP METAL Will pay cash for the removal of yours. Ph: 0412259039
SATURDAY 28/4/12 9-2. 6 Foster Street, Lyndoch. Fridge, breadmaker, TV, wood lathe, lawn edger, Air con., generator, etc.
REMEDIAL MASSAGE Trigger Point, Deep Tissue, Myo-Fascial, Lymphatic. Wed, Fri - 1A Bilyara Rd, Tanunda. Ph. 0409631553 Thurs - Petite Pear Shop 3 Gilbert St, Lyndoch. Ph. 85245156. Health Rebates.
SATURDAY 28TH April 8am - 12. 85 Langmeil Road, Tanunda. Sundries and building materials.
MOTOR VEHICLES CASH FOR CARS and scrap metal. Ph: 0404856309 FORD '02 BA Sedan. 197,000 Kms. V.G.C.. $5,500 XGP-381 Ph: 0429678316 FORD 1988 LASER. Manual, air cond., registered til Dec 2012, $800 ono. Lic UZT-256 Ph. 0417851061 FORD EA sedan, auto, good condition, no rust, 3 months rego, good tyres, mechanically sound $950 ono VKD-923 85663954
FOR RENT MODERN 2 b.r. house, open plan kitchen /dine/lounges, s/s r/c air, references required. Charlie Professionals, Kapunda 0417823065 RLA 163708
BIBLEHELP Serious about Christianity but not taken seriously? 85623945
BLG Football live on 8 9 .1 B B B F M
MASSAGE THERAPIST - KAPUNDA Therapeutic Massage Aromatherapy Massage Aromatherapy Pamper Packages Pregnancy Massage Myofascial Release Reiki & Energy Healing
ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Need Help? Contact 83463255 Meeting: Friday's - C.W.A. Building Kapunda - 8pm.
Seven Years Professional Experience Gift Vouchers Available Pensional Discounts Available
Wheatsheaf Pub Annual Wheat Bag Toss And Horse Shoe Throw
CHIROPRACTOR. Dr Kana Nathan 39 Murray St, Angaston. Consulting Saturdays Ph. 85642882
CIVIL CELEBRANT - Angela Nielsen Ceremonies designed for you. Marriages, namings, committment and renewal of vows. Ph: 0408107940 or 85642773 LEADLIGHT STUDIO make new, repair old, traditional to contemporary. For quality & competitive prices contact Tracy 85246959 Willliamstown
3kg Bag Females over 15
2kg Bag mixed under 15s
Call to discuss (08) 8562 2122
EXPERIENCED BOILERMAKER REQUIRED For an engineering workshop in Kapunda, undertaking a wide range of engineering jobs. Must be able to carry out a variety of different tasks. For inquiries please phone Tim on 0429 845 341 or send resumes to the following Email: Fax: 8566 2881
S ANDY C REEK C RICKET C LUB is looking at expressions of interest for a new
SENIOR COACH in it’s 2012/2013 season in the Barossa and Light Cricket Association. A substantial renumeration package will be available and negotiable for the successful applicant. Any coaches or players who are interested, please make all enquiries to Brian Grant on 0419 038 320. 1815237
I can develop the therapeutic environment my clients and colleagues need to thrive. Being able to really listen to and understand my clients’ circumstances, I can make a genuine difference to their lives. At SA Health, I can find the perfect career through rewarding interactions with both clients and colleagues.
J.W. SMART WOOLBUYERS PTY LTD. Will buy all types. Flexible hours. Ph: 0417878486 -
Diversional Therapist
Kapunda Homes Aged Care Job Ref: 501523
BELINDA'S PAMPERED PETS NURIOOTPA Professional dog grooming by an animal lover. EFTPOS now available. Ph: 0418810323
$4000 Government Training Incen ves are available for *eligible par cipants making the course cost neutral!
Allendale North via Kapunda
WANTED GRAZING LAND. Eden Valley /Flaxmans Valley and Barossa Ranges. Sheep only. Hills or vineyard, agistment or lease. Payment in advance. Ph. 0418851483
Wheat Sheaf Pub
CHIMNEY CLEANING Local Barossa Service Phone: David 0407189215
SLUSHIE/FROZEN Cocktail Machine HOT CHOCOLATE Cocktail Machine PUCKER POWDER . FAIRY FLOSS Slush-a-Licous Phone Pina 0434141097 Family owned, locally operated.
TRAILER 6 x 4 with rego. After 5 p.m. 0457585350
Sunday the 29th April from 12 Noon
ZUMBA at Greenock Institute. Wednesdays 10.15am. & 6.30pm. Instructor Sue Evans. Ph: 85628184
Hear it on BBB, read about it in The Herald
TANUNDA modern 3 bedroom home with shed, heating, and air conditioning. Bond and references required $320 p.w. 85633037 - 0411790513
HYDROPAWS 4pawfectpaws. Mobile nose to tail pet care. Heated hydrobath, blowdry, nails & clipping. Ph: Bridget 0488444542
MATHS TUTOR Many years experience. Patient & encouraging. Great results so far. Grades 3 - 9. Steve 0414965029
Barossa Districts v Angaston from the Lyndoch Oval Including scores from around the grounds.
PASADENA 2 bedroom unit. Modern kitchen. Covered off road parking. Opposite reserve. Close to Flinders Uni. Near Pasadena Shopping Centre. $250 per week. Phone 84681000
HOOTZ DOG GROOMING Mobile. Qualified groomer. Nuriootpa Ph: Justin 0406840020
SEE AN amazing work of art 180 feet long by local artist Tony Haines on the walls of the indoor spa and pool at the Junction Motel, depicting marine fish, turtles, whales, dolphins, sea bed and crustaceans, penguins and seals on ice and more. Ideal for children and adults.
8566 3125 or 0400 7600 10
SATURDAY 28TH 8.30am strictly, 10 Blaxland St, Nuriootpa. Electric keyboard, office chairs, old writing desk & other desks, hooded bbq, linen, avel welder, rack & pinion press, sundries & large tasteful collection of pre loved craft includes stunning cloth dolls & home decor. All excellent quality.
CASH FOR UNWANTED CARS and scrap metal. Ph: 0404856309
SATURDAY 28th 8.30 - 2.00 Angas Street, Tanunda. Roller door, kitchen dresser, furniture, tools, kitchenware, freezer, PS2 with games, clothesline.
GARAGE SALES 1300 882 992
Electrical & Plumbing Contractor Friday, 27 April at 10:00am Onsite: 122 Greenock Road, Nuriootpa SA Under Instructions from A Class Perry Electrical Pty Ltd
17 x VEHICLES: inc. 05 Mazda E2000 Van (S468AFM), 02 Ford BA Ute (XTZ315); 40’ Container; Rigid SR20 Line Locator & Sea Snake Micro; Asstd Cased Digital Minometers, RCD Testers & Gas Detectors; Fluke Model TI32 Thermal Imager; Cased Rehau Rautool Pipe Fitters; Lge Qty of Ladders; Power Feed 80 Drain Cleaner; Lge Qty of Asstd Power Tools & Hand Tools; M&T Enclosed Trailer; Rigid ST510 Seek Teek Line Transmitter & Clamps; Approx $50,000 of new electrical and plumbing stock; Komatsu FG10 Forklift; Asstd Office Furniture Plus Much More.
...really connect with my clients
Inspection: Thursday, 26 April from 12:00pm – 4:00pm & from 9:00am morning of sale Contact: Gavin Dempsey 0418 816 173 or Please Note: Conditions & processing fees apply, see website for details. Wednesday, April 25, 2012 - Page 19 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
BOARD OF DIRECTORS The following Members of the Board of Directors of The Community Cooperative Store (Nuriootpa) Limited retire and are eligible and offer themselves for re-election at the Annual General Meeting to be held on 20th June 2012 at the Barossa Mall, 1 Murray Street , Nuriootpa at 7.30pm. PETER ALLEN FULLER Thiele Road BETHANY SA 5352
Company Director
Company Director
REBECCA TOLHURST Lot 8 , Waechters Road LIGHT PASS SA 5355
Company Director
Members are hereby invited to nominate as allowed by the Rules of the Co-operative (Rule 39) for election as Directors. Nominations close 9th May, 2012. Enquiries to the Secretary
By Order of the Board of Directors
Left school recently? Want to stay within the Barossa region?
HOME CLEANING & IRONING - $15 off first reg. service so you try us out. Ph: Carolyn or Nat till 8pm daily incl. w/ends. 0409691576
ADMINISTRATION TRAINEESHIP Are you a good communicator, enthusiastic and motivated? Do you have a good understanding of social media? Would you like to learn and earn with a professional organisation during a 12 month contract? If this sensational opportunity interests you please obtain an Application Kit from: Ashleigh Fox on 8563 3603 or or our website: Applications must address Selection Criteria Recent school leavers are encouraged to reply Applications close noon Monday 7th May 2012.
Are you passionate about the Barossa? Would you like to be an ambassador?
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If you are young Barossa person interested in extending your professional networks and learning more about the region you love, please visit to access the application forms. Employers, friends and family are encouraged to nominate young people. For more information please contact Sarah (2011 Barossa Young Ambassador) on
The position provides opportunity for ongoing training, certificates and permanency with competitive pay rates.
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Successful candidates must comply with the following; - Ability to pass pre-employment medical including drug and alcohol screening - Strong safety awareness - Physical aptitude - Experience or willingness to work in remote areas - HR license or willingness to obtain - Able to work well in a team environment - Senior First Aid Certificate - Mechanical knowledge will be looked upon favourably
Enquiries to
The Barossa Young Ambassador Program is seeking a dozen young people (aged 18-25) to be Barossa Young Ambassadors at the 2013 Vintage Festival. Successful applicants will need to be available for regular sessions from June this year until the festival concludes in 2013.
DRILLERS OFFSIDER needed for reputable and well established mineral exploration company, based in South Australia but with a work history nationwide.
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Come along to a free training day on the use of Gudair®, Australia’s only vaccine for the control of Ovine Johne’s Disease. This training session is specifically for those who are considering utilising Gudair® in their flocks. Pfizer guest, Alice Mabin, will also present a session on other routine vaccinations.
When and where: 9am Thursday 10th May @ Mt. Pleasant Showgrounds, Sheep Pavilion
Places are limited, so please contact Chris van-Dissel to register your interest by Thursday 3rd May on 0427 183 165
Wednesday, April 25, 2012 - Page 20 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Morning tea will be provided, thanks to Landmark.
Community News Barossa Fibromyalgia A SMALL number of members of the Barossa Fibromyalgia / Arthritis Support Group enjoyed a delightful afternoon on April 4. They visited the home of a member of the community, who suffers from psoriatic arthritis and who uses mosaic art as therapy to manage pain and cope with her condition. She has decorated one external wall of her house with mosaic artwork depicting an ocean theme using a variety of materials old plates and tiles, glasswork, shells, mirrors, plaster figures, etc. She began this project as a way of re-focussing during a bad flare-up of pain and with the support of family and friends it grew, taking a year to complete. She has now begun work on another wall which has an Australian bush theme, which may be photographed for a children’s picture book when finished. Members had great fun discovering all sorts of plants and animals in the murals and marvelled at the time and work involved. She was presented with a small gift of flowers as a thank you and members shared afternoon tea with her. Meetings are usually held on the first Wednesday of each month in the Holy Trinity Lutheran Church Hall, corner of Penrice Road and Park Tce, Nuriootpa (opposite the High School) at 2pm. These meetings may be helpful to anyone who has recently been diagnosed and needs friendly understanding and support from people who share their condition. Anyone interested is welcome to attend. The next meeting on May 2 will be a Q and A meeting for anyone interested in finding out more information about Fibromyalgia. May 12 is International Fi b r o m y a l g i a Awareness Day, an initiative begun in the USA, where a large amount of information is more readily available. For further information, please phone Ros at 8562 1105.
Women of Strength Nourishing My Soul. To continue with the theme of understanding our spiritual journey through the eyes of the life cycle of a butterfly, the second meeting of the year for Women of Strength will focus on the caterpillar and its need to eat incessantly to nourish itself enough to be ready for its next
stage of its life’s journey. Val Debrenni will share with the women her wisdom gained from her experience as consultant in religious education with Catholic Education and as a renowned spiritual director developing the topic for the night “Nourishing My Soul”. She will explore the question “What is it that will nourish my soul enough to be sustained in my own life’s journey?” The meeting begins at 7.30pm at the Hewett Centre, 28 Kingfisher Drive, Hewett on Tuesday May 1, followed by supper. A donation of $3 is requested. For further details contact 0413 476 557.
Kapunda CWA On Friday, April 13, Kapunda CWA branch celebrated their 75th birthday with a luncheon in their rooms on Main Street, Kapunda. They were joined by Member for the federal seat of Stuart, Dan van Holst Pellekaan, Peter Kennelly representing the Light Regional Council, state president of SACWA Julia Materne and her daughter Ruth. Also present were members from Moonta, Kapunda’s link branch. Kapunda president Judith Ostermaier’s welcome to everyone was followed by an excellent lunch provided by the members, after which the male guests spoke on the importance of SACWA’s presence in the community. Julia Materne then told of her interesting journey to the position of state president after which she presented 20-year service bars to president Judith and vice president Maria Ooyendyke. Birthday greetings were read by secretary/treasurer Josie Kennelly and door prizes distributed. Maria gave an expression of thanks. Later in lieu of a birthday cake, fairy cakes were served for afternoon tea.
Barossa Solace The weather was perfect on Saturday April 14 when 36 Solace members and friends travelled to Virginia Nursery for the day. Some started the day with a cuppa, while others took to the trolly’s for some serious shopping. Four friends from Elizabeth joined the group, and all enjoyed lunch in the cafeteria. Judging by the storage compartment in the bus, everyone must have had a great
Sport day out. It was a wonderful day for those people who wouldn’t normally have the opportunity to visit the nursery. Thanks went to Greenock Creek Charter and Peter the driver, for a safe trip. Birthday greetings for the Month of April were given to Eileen Laubsch, Marlene Davies, Cora Hyde, Kay Smith, Melva Vogelsang and Bridgette Egan. A reminder was given of the Cancer luncheon fundraiser on Saturday May 12 to be held at 2 McPherson Court, Nuriootpa with orange being the colour theme. Friends are welcome to come along and raise funds for the local fundraiser group, and are asked to phone 8563 3084 or 8562 3858 for catering purposes.
STARPLEX Basketball Monday evening men Division One: Wizards d Flight Team 61-39; M&M’s d Gang Green 55-47; He Got Game d Run & Gun 60-55; Crumpet Squad d Shooting Blanks 58-39. Division Two: Turbos d Snakes 45-43; Kings d Muffin Stuffers 20-0; Beard Of Chuck d Orlago Bujic 50-18; Tune Squad d Flames 20-0; Wolverines d Black Knights 51-31; Wreckless d Shakers 31-30. Tuesday night men Division Three: O2 Tha Fn d Clumsy Ninjas 58-46; Lj Hookers d Hawks 38-21; Outlaws d Spartans 48-38; Gang Green d Gbs 38-26; Gawler Gunners d Has Beens 36-34;
Google It d Stormtroopers 39-22; Division Four: Roseworthy d Jets 50-15; Tanks d Beam Team 20-19; Red Lions d Donkeys 44-25. Wednesday evening ladies Brookers d Tangos 44-26; T/Birds d Roseworthy Black 63-16; Jug-ONorks d Pink Panthers 30-14. Thursday night mixed Steelers d More Effort 66-24; Tba d Ultim8s 56-51; Fruit Hoops d Hungry Hippos 64-55; Black Magic d 5 Stars 62-54; Comets d Spurtics 86-59; Its Only Social d Beamers 53-52.
Netball Monday night ladies South Gawler 17 d Empire 14; Watch Out 36 d Don’t Care 21; The Bitties 31 d South 22; Xavier 27 d Pythons 20; Bulldozers 21 d Wild Turkeys 17; Jitterbugs 21 d Divas 13; Checkmates 32 d Barossa High
5s; Fumble Beez 26 d Randoms 9; Southies 31 d Gotacks 15; Krazy Kats d Meatloaf.
Tuesday evening mixed Silent Duck d Balls Of Steal 30-5; Black Thunder d Bright Sparks 37-9; Dirty Beaches d Pink Paws 23-21; Fire Breathing Rubber Duckies d Watermelons 20-0; Tba d Tropicals 16-7. Wednesday evening ladies Mels Army 21 d Escapees 18; Lollipops 38 d Away T 23; Diamonds 38 d Wild Flamingos 35; Fruit Loops 44 d Trinity 1 7; Menapoise 30 d Trinity 2 6; Tba 42 d Zulu Warriors 7; Diggidy Dogs 29 d Tosnc Blue 22; Bits & Pieces 30 d Family Affairs 27. Wednesday evening mixed Cherry Poppers 26 d Blue Zinc 20; Try Hards 21 d Muffin Slammers 20; Gen-Y 17 d Whatever 16.
Lyndoch Historical Society At the recent meeting of the Lyndoch Historical Society, president Ivan Randall read the newspaper account of the unveiling of the WWI memorial on January 7, 1922, by William Gilbert. To mark the 90th anniversary, those present assembled at the memorial, where June Filsell placed a bouquet of rosemary on the memorial in memory of those from the area who made the supreme sacrifice. Quentin Nuske then showed a power point display covering the Lyndoch Institute history, to celebrate the centenary of the laying of the foundation stone on January 29, 1912 by William Gilbert. The display included the many changes that had occurred to the building over the years, and also some of the many occasions and events held in the building. The next meeting will take place on April 29 at 2pm, in the meeting room at the rear of the Lyndoch Library. Paul Hughes will give a talk on his family research and history.
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Wednesday, April 25, 2012 - Page 21 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
SPORTS KAPUNDA Members played a stableford comp last week competing for the Devlin Golf trophies. Many thanks to Ian for his generous sponsorship and for the assistance he provides to some of the Kapunda junior members. Your support is greatly appreciated. Numbers were again around the 50 mark which was pleasing with the Farm Fair in full swing next door. Conditions were ideal in the morning and a little drizzly later on but overall pretty good for golfing. Putting was a little tricky after the greens were cored earlier in the week and I must thank the ten or so volunteers who assisted Joe in completing the task. The greens will be spot on for the Open in two weeks time.
The best score of the day came from M Pratt who notched up a pretty impressive 44 points to win the C grade convincingly. Ian Gawley was next best with 39 followed by Greg Jones and R McLean on 38. Pete Morrison just snuck in the A grade with an equally impressive 40 points just one ahead of John Shephard who had breathing space ahead of Simon Byrne and Jamie Lindeblad on 36. The B grade came down to a countback with P O’Reilley and Jim Wilson both finishing with 40 points with ‘Os’ claiming the prize. Apparently he was hitting the ball as well as his playing partners could remember him ever hitting it with some booming straight drives making the game easier. Retiring captain Scottie Earle was close behind with 37. Despite having one of his shots
lodge half way up a tree, Bob Lambert still managed 36 points. Janet Morrison topped off the day for the family with a win in the fillies group with 38 points well ahead of Tine Perry on 33. Birthday boy Bazz Williams thought he would help Bob Lambert out when he saw the ball land up the tree by taking a photo of it on his phone and showing Bob on the way past. I am sure it saved a bit of time searching for it. For all of Scottie Earle’s great drives during the round the tee shot on the 14th was probably his best trick shot after he skimmed a low cut off the dam water. Martin Dew wasn’t so lucky as he took the lofted approach which finished up on the muddy bank with no safe stance to make the shot. Yours truly had a bit of luck on the same hole with a shocking shank only
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Saturday Patron's Trophy par competition: K Vine +4, P Sando +2, J James square, A Wake, P Turvey, D Higgins all -1. Ladies: C Zerk 73, G Ludlow 74, K Franklin 78. • Continued on page 23
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Sunday; Some more wild and woolly weather to continue in Saturday’s fashion saw a low-scoring Sunday comp, but Craig Bartholomew had no trouble scoring 37 points and managing an eagle on the 9th. Runner up was Russell McNamara. Birdies: R Polito, C Swinstead. NTPS: 4th: C Bartholomew 6th: H Smits.
*Pics for illustration purposes only. Product may vary.
GAWLER Wednesday - Ladies; A better scoring competition this week from the ladies, with the winner being Kath Barr on a countback from Nicki Stuart, both with +1. M Bow won NTP on the 6th, and N Stuart won NTP 3rd shot on the 11th. K Korber won the raffle, M Bow and L Milner had Gobblers and G Potter had a birdie on the 6th. Thursday; The Pogas family had good rounds on Thursday this week, I wonder who marked their cards. Paul Pogas won the competition with 42 points, and runner
up was his son Ben Pogas with 41pts. Ball winners; H McKerney, D Turley, T Byrnes, E Higgins, R Volraat, S Byrnes, S Jeffery, I George, R Hartwell, T Dowling. NTPS: Elders 4th; R Hall, Spencer Flooring 6th; C Commins, Elders 11th; T Byrnes. Birdie balls; S Noack, M Dawes, S Noack, R Hall, T Bow, C Bartholomew, S Jeffery, P Pogas, D Steele, R Clarke, T Byrnes, G Gray, C Swinstead, G Donaldson. Mid week end; Skye Jeffery had a good round on Thursday and managed to win the midweek competition on a countback from H Smits and N Orr, all with 37 points. Ball winners; N Orr. Birdies: A Yule, B Kite, D Nguyen. Saturday; The wet, wild and woolly weather on Saturday made for some interesting scoring, with Tony Pipicella scoring a killer 43 point to win the competition. NTPS and Long Drives - Uleybury Wines 2nd; S Noack, St Kilda Hotel 3rd long drive, S Noack, Giannitto Hotel Group 4th; W J Martin, Kingsford Hotel 6th; D Sobey, Roseworthy Hotel 3rd shot 9th; C Thornton, Fasta Pasta long drive 10th; J Badenhorst, Hi Beam Car/ Dog Wash 11th; J Wozniak, Bushmans Hotel 14th; J Fowler, Willaston Hotel 16th; D Stewart. Ball winners; D Birss, G Donaldson, P Roach, P Trenorden, R Polito, J Fowler, T Jensen, S Sandercock, D Shepherdson, H McKerney.
Home Theatre Pack* from
saved from going onto the road by a star dropper. If you get this paper early enough, you may still be able to make the 4 ball ambrose comp today at Kapunda. The fillies have arranged a chicken and champagne brunch at about 11am prior to a fun 18 holes of golf. A reminder for all golfers in the region the Kapunda Open is on again on May 5 teeing off from 8am. As always you will be well catered for in the belly region and the course will be looking a treat. I would like to take this early opportunity to thank Scottie Earle for his dedicated hard work for the Club over a number of years and wish both him and Maggie all the best in their new endeavours once things have been tidied up in Kapunda. I would also like to congratulate Al Hayter who is taking on the captain’s job and Shane Fiddes who is the new vice captain again. Results Devlin Golf trophy stableford competition. A grade: P Morrison 40, J Shephard 39, S Byrne 36, J Lindeblad 36, M Pettigrew 35, T Sires 34, J Ryan 34, B Williams, M Orvad, R Mottau all 33, A Hayter 31. B grade: P O'Reilly 40, J Wilson 40, S Earle 37, R Lambert 36, M Menzel 36, G Brushe 35, M Hennessy 34, D White, H Murray, C Doyle, D White all 33. C grade: M Pratt 44, I Gawley 39, G Jones 38, R McLean 38, K Alexander 35, T Symons 35, T Moritz, D Perry, R Hill all 34, A Sherrah 32, G Akkerman 27. Kapunda Golf Club stableford competition: A grade - J Morrison 38, C Perry 33, C Molloy 32, J Menzel 29. AWCR: 74.
60-64 Murray St, Nuriootpa
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Wednesday, April 25, 2012 - Page 22 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
8568 6028
Shop 7 Barossa Mall 1 Murray St, NURIOOTPA
20 Main St, Kapunda
SHOWCASING OUR LOCAL HEROES • Continued from page 22
TANUNDA Saturday Langmeil Winery stableford competition and Seven Under Shield overall winner L Hein 38. A grade T Jenkins 32, r/u B Veevers 31; B grade D Lane 33 c/b, r/u J Farley 33; C grade L Hein 38, r/u K Owen 37; Ladies C Hongell 36, r/u R Newstead 29. Long drives: A grade B Veevers; B grade G Lamshed; C grade D MacPhail; Ladies J MacPhail. NTP 6th R Newstead (Peter
SUCCESSFUL:Cameron Othams won the third Tanunda Ten Club event held on Sunday. Cameron scored 37 points to win from Lachlan Mackenzie and Sam Fechner on 33 points. The Tanunda Ten Club event is to pay tribute to Tanunda Pines Golf Club members who have supported the club for at least 10 years.
The Herald now is listing more sport results and stories online. Apart from the regular sport gallery photographs online readers will see: • Robert Laidlaw’s match report of Central District and Port Adelaide. • Barossa squash results • Baross tenpin bowling • Kapunda rifle shooting • Tanunda’s Magpie chatter • Freeling netball • Kegel • Petanque • Gawler 8-ball.
BAROSSA Ambrose competition men's winner A Tagg, A Maynard, K Obst, A Steinert 54.875, r/u T Morphett, M George, J Ortlieb, C Buckley 55; mixed winner T Slavin, P May, R May, S Turnbull 56.625; ladies winner P Johnson, P Seigele, T Ross 61.666. NTP 3rd J Kurtz; 4th P Baldwin; 6th A Tagg; 10th T Turnbull; 12th A Tagg; 17th A Wigan; 3rd ladies P May, M Elix. Long drives: A grade K Winton; B grade G Johnston; C grade K Obst. Midweek stableford competition winner G Wills 42, r/u D Raethel 41. Ball winners: J Clark 41, G MacGillivray 40, A Graham 40,
Lehmann); 8th P Roberts (TPGC); 11th N Giles (Yalumba); 16th J Farley (Rusden); 7th hole 2nd shot P Roberts (Langmeil). Rundown: N Harris 35, J Denley, D MacPhail, G Kruger, B Andrews, D Cock all 32. Tanunda Ten Club stableford competition: C Othams 37, L Mackenzie 33 c/b, S Fechner 33, B Hage 32 c/b, J Denley 32. Men's Midweek Langmeil Winery stableford competition: A grade - J Farley 39, P Kopec 36, S Fechner 35, R Homburg 32; B grade - R Haynes 35, T Garamy 34, D Hemsley 33 c/b, B Andrews 33. Ladies Midweek Langmeil Winery stroke competition: A Myatt 74, C Hongell 76, L Montfort 78, H Peter 79. NTP: H Peter. LD: D Ahrens.
R Thiele 39, M O'Brien, A Prior, M Bogan all 38, R Lambert 37, L Williams 37, C Campbell 36, G Patrick 36. NTP 6th D Johnson; 15th R Perry. 4BBB: A Strawbridge, A Graham 46.
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Wednesday, April 25, 2012 - Page 23 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Essendon Carlton Bulldogs Nth Melbourne St Kilda Geelong Hawthorn West Coast Pt Adelaide
Freeling hold on By ROBERT LAIDLAW AFTER establishing an early lead, Freeling managed to withstand a Gawler Central fightback at Gawler Oval last Saturday, to record a 14point victory. The going was tough in consistent drizzling rain, with both sides suffering crucial injuries. Losing key big-man Luke Howard early in the game depleted the Tigers’ ruck stocks, with the likes of Todd Lamont thrust into the fray, while key Freeling play-maker Mal Greenwood was knocked
CHEST MARK: Freeling’s Travis Barnes jumps to take a chest mark watched by Central’s Matt Gibson and umpire Rob Polito.
out and stretchered from the field early in the last term. Central coach Damien Herzick, after losing experienced players from 2011, is attempting to reinvent his Tiger troops into a defensive unit, which flies in the face of the side’s renown all-out attack trademark game. “While we have been an attacking team in the past, our focus is now on defence and being accountable,” Herzick said. “I was happy with our effort, and if we give that effort all year and lose 16 games, so be it, as we are on
the right track with our developing talent, although the way we played I’m sure we will give a good account of ourselves through the season.” The game, as expected, started as a slog, with Freeling posting the only two goals of the first term, before working to a 6-4 to 2-0 lead at half time. Central dominated in defence through the third quarter and went forward to kick 2-3 to a single point, to be 14 points down at ‘lemons’, then closed to within two points through the final stanza before Freeling pulled away for
2012 BL&G premiership tables A Grade 1 Tanunda 2 Barossa District 3 Nuriootpa 4 Freeling 5 Gawler Central 6 Kapunda 7 South Gawler 8 Willaston 9 Angaston Reserves 1 Gawler Central 2 Nuriootpa Rover 3 South Gawler 4 Willaston 5 Tanunda 6 Barossa District 7 Kapunda 8 Freeling 9 Angaston
P 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 P 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
W 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 W 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
L 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 L 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
B 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 B 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
For 104 105 86 61 47 47 55 35 0 For 85 71 68 82 51 31 19 21 0
Agst 35 55 47 47 61 86 105 104 0 Agst 21 19 31 51 82 68 71 85 0
% 74.82 65.62 64.66 56.48 43.52 35.34 34.38 25.18 0.00 % 80.19 78.89 68.69 61.65 38.35 31.31 21.11 19.81 0.00
Pts 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 Pts 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0
Senior Colts 1 Nuriootpa Rover 2 Tanunda 3 South Gawler 4 Gawler Central 5 Freeling 6 Barossa District 7 Willaston 8 Angaston 9 Kapunda Junior Colts 1 Nuriootpa Rover 2 Gawler Central 3 Willaston 4 South Gawler 5 Barossa District 6 Tanunda 7 Freeling 8 Kapunda 9 Angaston
P 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 P 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
W 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 W 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
L 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 L 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
B 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 B 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
For 180 114 98 68 40 50 52 0 0 For 90 86 64 65 48 27 25 18 0
Agst 0 52 50 40 68 98 114 0 180 Agst 18 25 27 48 65 64 86 90 0
% 100.00 68.67 66.22 62.96 37.04 33.78 31.33 0.00 0.00 % 83.33 77.48 70.33 57.52 42.48 29.67 22.52 16.67 0.00
Pts 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 Pts 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0
Barossa, Light and Gawler Football Association - Played April 21 A GRADE
Barossa District 4.1 9.1 13.2 16.9(105) South Gawler 4.2 4.3 6.6 8.7(55)
South Gawler 4.0 6.2 10.2 11.2(68) Barossa District 1.0 2.2 2.3 4.7(31)
South Gawler 4.2 8.4 12.4 15.8(98) Barossa District 2.1 3.4 4.5 7.8(50)
South Gawler 1.1 5.7 6.9 9.11(65) Barossa District 2.2 2.4 4.5 7.6(48)
Best: Bar - M Stelzer, R Christie, P Stelzer, R James, M Taylor, J Aish; South - M Foldesdy, J Dare, D Goulding, D Lee, A Gerardis, P Wharton.
Best: South - L Officer, B Barker, A Costa, D Schwerdt, T Lee, C Cameron; Bar - D Pfeiffer, S Vanstone, B O’Driscoll, B Bussell, J Rider, J Wicker.
Goals: Bar - R James 6, H Commane 4, M Stelzer, S Wills, J Cameron, P Stelzer, D Sharp, J Aish 1 ea; South - A Gerardis 4, J Trewren 3, M Foldesdy 1.
Goals: South - B Barker 3, D Schwerdt 2, A Parsons 2, D Musolino 2, N O’Reilly 1, J McVicar 1; Bar - J Berrett, S Vanstone, J Wicker, J Rider 1 ea.
Tanunda Willaston
Willaston Tanunda
6.3 6.7 11.11 15.14(104) 1.3 2.6 2.8 4.11(35)
Best: Tan - D Seiber, L Boehm, C Bevan, T Schiller, L Wells, S Agars; Will - J Jones, S Walton, J Taylor, M Brooks, S Baker, A Jones. Goals: Tan - S Agars 5, T Schiller 2, S Rogasch 2, B Kaesler 2, R Bignell, B Schiller, M Grocke, L Westhoff 1 ea; Will - C McLean, J Williams, B Gordon, S Baker 1 ea.
Freeling 2.1 6.4 6.5 Gawler Central 0.0 2.0 4.3
9.7(61) 7.5(47)
Best: Free - J Wright, S Schubert, D Leske, L Heinrich, R Clinton; Cent - J Asher, A King, S Souter, A Cox, M Cluse, S Gladigau. Goals: Free - R Clinton 2, T Ruediger 2, M Greenwood, L Heinrich, T Muster, J Robinson, D Francis 1 ea; Cent - P Bova 2, L Edwards 2, A Cox, J Blakemore, M Gibson 1 ea.
Nuriootpa Kapunda
2.0 0.2
5.0 2.2
9.0 5.5
14.2(86) 7.5(47)
3.1 2.0
6.6 3.0
8.9 12.10(82) 4.2 8.3(51)
Best: South - J Chapman, J Lavia, M Cash, S Ireland, R Head, J Naumann; Bar - J Conway, T Gant, T Cameron, R Watson, W Roberts, J Stanbury. Goals: South - M Cash 2, D Judd Smith 2, J Chapman 2, R Head 2, J Naumann, B Torkington, T Cheer, B Lehman, J Millar, A Maggs, T Ahl 1 ea; Bar - W Roberts 2, J Conway, , K Lynas, H Irvine, A Traynor, J Flitter 1 ea. Tanunda 5.2 12.6 13.7 17.12(114) Willaston 5.2 6.4 6.9 7.10(52)
Goals: South - J Martin 4, T Panagiotou 2, M Warner, J Stansborough, D Dankiewicz 1 ea; Bar - R Hage 3, C Robinson 2, B Ratcliff 1, D Nangle 1. Willaston Tanunda
2.4 1.1
3.8 2.4
5.10 8.16(64) 2.8 3.9(27)
Best: Will - J Farrow, J Carter, D Brooks, M Chomik, R Boswell, J Goodfellow; Tan - D Wallace, R Ferrett, C Gattermayr, C Samain, K Falkenberg, L Neldner.
Best: Tan - T Goers, D Hamon, J Marshall, W Mudge, N Geue; Will - B Pasin, B Phillips, J Day, J Hurst, I Shillabeer, B Coombs.
Best: Will - D Pope, J Taylor, L Mells, K Ackland, J Walsh, R Tyrrell; Tan - B Dalby, P Gursansky, B Biagi, J Kleemann, E Laucke, A May.
Goals: Will - S White 3, J Farrow 2, A Parsloe 2, D Brooks 2, J Carter, R Boswell, J McGuire 1 ea; Tan - K Falkenberg 3, D Abinett, S Pech, C Gattermayr, L Hamra, J Chapman 1 ea.
Goals: Tan - T Goers 6, D Hamon 5, W Mudge 3, R Owen, M Fox, S Linton 1 ea; Will - B Coombs 5, L Elliott 1, T Stansborough 1.
Goals: Will - J Taylor 4, R Tyrrell 2, L Mells 1, B Parsloe 1; Tan - W Loffler, J Madden, B Biagi 1 ea.
Gawler Central 2.5 8.8 10.11 12.13(85) Freeling 1.1 2.1 3.2 3.3(21)
Gawler Central 3.2 5.3 8.8 Freeling 0.2 1.7 2.8
Gawler Central 2.3 8.3 10.7 13.8(86) Freeling 0.2 2.3 2.5 3.7(25)
Best: Cent - R Kalic, B Tobitt, G Meulendyks, M Davis, J Hallion, J Drew; Free - A Langford, J Ashenden, T Barnes, B Ryan, N Fenwick, K Johnson.
Best: Cent - K Wurst, J Ashton, D Harding, J Neat, C Reynolds, T Mercer; Free - A Langford, J Ashenden, T Barnes, B Ryan, N Fenwick, K Johnson.
Best: Cent - H Schugmann, P Searle, H Hutton, B Mathews, B Devries; Free - A Haseldine, A Pelonio, D Whimpress, J Bracegirdle.
Goals: Cent - J Hallion 3, R Kalic 2, S Burchell, B Ward, S Malycha, M Davis, L Stockdale, J Drew 1 ea; Free - H Moss 2, M Ortlepp, B Ryan, N Coleman 1 ea.
Goals: Cent - V Kroon 3, S Hutchison 2, J Neat 2, J Ashton, M Knight, K Wurst 1 ea; Free - H Moss 2, M Ortlepp, B Ryan, N Coleman 1 ea.
Goals: Cent - H Hutton 4, P Searle 3, L Hill, M Stewart, H Schugmann, B Clark, B Acton, B Hope 1 ea; Free - A Byster 2, J Hopkins 1.
Nuriootpa Kapunda
Nuriootpa 8.3 14.9 21.13 27.18(180) Kapunda 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0(0)
Nuriootpa Kapunda
Best: Nuri - N Lange, B Hoepner, H Jaunay, R Haynes; Kap - Z Merkx, H Smith, J Freeman, M Holthouse, C White.
2.1 0.4
6.5 0.5
8.9 0.6
10.11(71) 2.7(19)
10.8(68) 5.10(40)
Best: Nuri - D Cragg-Sapsford, W Nicholls, C Ellison, J Scholz, N Salter, S Collins; Kap - J Zanandrea, C McKinnon, S McKinnon, B Taylor, S Ryan, C Prior.
Best: Nuri - L Sich, A Hall, L Steinborner, T John, B Hollitt, T Honner; Kap - J Cobiac, A May, K Chappell, T Kerr, D Ryan, C Browne.
Best: Nuri - L Bevan, L Franz, J Robertson, T Laverty, J Graetz, S Schrapel; Kap - D Collins, T Matthews-Brown, T Hunt, R Johnston, K Muir, N Modra.
Goals: Nuri - W Nicholls 3, J Scholz 2, A Edwards 2, J Rodda 2, N Salter 2, Z Dahms, A Modistach, R Byrne 1 ea; Kap - J Zanandrea 4, N Brady, D Leslie, B Taylor 1 ea.
Goals: Nuri - T Honner 2, T John, J Gerhardy, J Dahms, J Smith, L Sich, A Hall, A Fiegert, L Steinborner 1 ea; Kap - C Browne 1, T Kerr 1.
Goals: Nuri - S Schrapel 4, D Douglas 3, N Doecke 3, J Braunack 3, J Graetz 2, T Laverty 2, C Ireland 2, M Thiele 2, L Bevan 2, T Watson, Z Fuss, L Franz, J Robertson 1 ea.
Best: South - S Trenorden, T Panagiotou, D Dankiewicz, M Warner, J Martin, A Veale; Bar - C Robinson, D Nangle, S Baron, R Allington, M Quinn.
5.3 0.0
7.4 11.8 13.12(90) 3.0 3.0 3.0(18)
Goals: Nuri - N Lange 7, S Higgs 2, W Byrum, H Stolz, B Hoepner, M Kitson 1 ea; Kap - W Brett, J Freeman, Z Merkx 1 ea.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012 - Page 24 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
its first win at the ground in five years. “The game was set up for us in the first half, when the weather wasn’t as wet,” new Freeling mentor Mark Tylor said. “Our run and carry and quick movement was good, as was our tackling when they had it. “In the second half the ground was heavier, which suited them, as they worked hard to get back into the game, bullocking forward.” Jacob Wright was the Redlegs’ best, working hard in defence, Shane Schubert held the backline together from centre half back with his voice and leadership, while Heinrich was also a key out of defence, and Darren Leske was solid at the stoppages. For Central, Jake Asher played a defensive role on highly-touted Freeling forward Dan Horsnell and did a great job blanketing him to be Central’s best. Aaron King revelled in the conditions to play his typical game around the stoppages, while Adam Cox did a good job shadowing Greenwood, and would have learnt plenty about playing the game.
Leading goalkickers A grade R James (BD) 6 S Agars (T) 5 J Zanandrea (K) 4 A Gerardis (SG) 4 H Commane (BD) 4 W Nicholls (N) 3 J Trewren (SG) 3 R Clinton (F) 2 A Edwards (N) 2 B Kaesler (T) 2 T Schiller (T) 2 P Bova (GC) 2 J Scholz (N) 2 L Edwards (GC) 2 S Rogasch (T) 2 T Ruediger (F) 2 J Rodda (N) 2 N Salter (N) 2 Reserves J Hallion (GC) 3 B Barker (SG) 3 K Falkenberg (T) 3 S White (W) 3 A Parsons (SG) 2 J Farrow (W) 2 D Musolino (T) 2 A Parsloe (W) 2 T Honner (N) 2 D Schwerdt (SG) 2 D Brooks (W) 2 R Kalic (GC) 2 Senior Colts T Goers (T) 6 D Hamon (T) 5 B Coombs (W) 5 S Schrapel (N) 4 N Doecke (N) 3 J Braunack (N) 3 D Douglas (N) 3 W Mudge (T) 3 M Thiele (N) 2 D Judd Smith (SG) 2 C Ireland (N) 2 H Moss (F) 2 J Graetz (N) 2 R Head (SG) 2 M Cash (SG) 2 J Chapman (SG) 2 T Laverty (N) 2 W Roberts (BD) 2 L Bevan (N) 2 Junior Colts N Lange (N) 7 H Hutton (GC) 4 J Taylor (W) 4 J Martin (SG) 4 P Searle (GC) 3 R Hage (BD) 3 A Byster (F) 2 R Tyrrell (W) 2 S Higgs (N) 2 T Panagiotou (SG) 2 C Robinson (BD) 2
6 5 4 4 4 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 6 5 5 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 7 4 4 4 3 3 2 2 2 2 2
Nuriootpa’s impressive start B u l l d o g s b a r k i n g By ROBERT LAIDLAW
UNDER PRESSURE: Kapunda’s Chris Smith applies a tackle to Nuriootpa’s Jack Scholz who is sending the Tigers into attack watched by teammates Jason Rodda and Brett Thiele.
tiger tales IT WAS great to see the season started with a home game first up thanks to the big crowd who attended to show their support to the Tigers. Awesome effort. Thanks too, to the many who helped out in the canteen, on the barbecue and then also assisting with teas on Saturday night at the clubrooms - a very big day for some, culminating in a big night at the club for the Hawaiian cocktail night. Thanks to Renee and Maryann for their involvement in the organisation and running of the night. We have the full complement of 18 teams playing for the Tiger gals this season, and it was great to see them out enjoying their netball on Saturday. From the gorgeous little gals playing for their first time, to some not so little but returning to wear the Tiger colours - great to see and welcome to all. The little gals were very excited to score their first goal while of the remaining junior teams, some had very nice wins, with one drawn game too. Well done. In the seniors our new super 7s took to the court for the very first time coming up against a more experienced Freeling side. Other senior sides settled nicely playing
some fab netball - just lovely to watch. Full results and coaches’ comment on all the games played are listed below. The Kingsford Hotel clubperson of the week is awarded to Grant Oxenham for his efforts in arranging the recent court line marking - a job well done. Much appreciated. We all look forward to game two and settling into the season - all supporters most welcome to venture to Kapunda next week to cheer on the Tiger gals. Courtside action begins at 8.30am with our littlest of Tiger Gals - they’re so cute to watch. Also a reminder that Chanelle is still looking for assistance to run NetSet-Go in term two. Please give her a call if you’re interested on 0401 870 452. Thanks to our many weekly award supporters for their generosity with the incentive awards provided :Wasleys Hotel, Chemplus - Gawler, Lisa at LKFS Finance, Video Ezy, Eagle Boys Pizza, Fasta Pasta, Gawler South Bakery and Supercuts. Senior One: Gawler Central 69 defeated Freeling 42. Great effort by all eight players to grab a win for the first game. Defenders applied fantastic pressure, awesome feeding and amazing movement and shooting by the goalers. Award recipient: Krystal Butler. Senior Two: Gawler Central 44 defeated Freeling 32. Great first game. Excellent to the get the win.
Buyers Marketers Exporters
Everyone playing well in a great team effort. Award: Tegan Couzner. Senior Three: Gawler Central 54 defeated Freeling 10. Great first game. Outstanding effort. Dominated all over the court. Well done, keep up the hard work. Award recipient: Rhiannon Norton. Senior Four: Gawler Central 58 defeated Freeling 29. Great game girls. Nice way to start the season and a good guide on what to work on. Award: Tahlia Hogarth. Senior Five: Gawler Central 43 to Freeling 48. Good first game. Started off well but couldn’t finish it off. Well done for first game together - we have room for improvement. Award: Hayley Brooks. Senior Six: Gawler Central 43 defeated Freeling 22. Awesome start to 2012 girls. All did the big things plus the little things right. Award: Justine Farragia-Gay. Senior Seven: Gawler Central 13 to Freeling 31. Fantastic first game by all the girls. Great to see all girls come out and with 100 per cent commitment to the game. Looking forward to what the season brings. Award recipient: Vanessa Simpson. Intermediate One: Gawler Central 25 to Freeling 54. Great effort by the girls. There were some nice passages of play. Just need to be more careful with decision making. Award recipient: Alana Knott. Intermediate Two: Gawler Central 68 defeated Freeling 41. Great first game. Girls were competitive across all positions with goalies on fire.
Award recipient: Chloe Dyker. Junior One: Gawler Central 36 to Freeling 45. Good game girls. A few things to work on. Award recipient: Abbey Scheer. Junior Two: Gawler Central 59 defeated Freeling 4. Great start to the season. Awesome game by all 10 girls. Well done and keep up the hard work. Award recipient: Rachel Bailey. Sub Junior One: Gawler Central 28 defeated Freeling 10. Great start to the season. All girls played amazing for the first game together, all working well as a team. Award recipient: Sophie Warland. Sub Junior Two: Gawler Central 21 defeated Freeling 4. Awesome game girls. Gave 100 per cent the whole game, working well down the court and defence pressure on the ball was a stand out. Award recipient: Sinead Kemp. Primary One: 14 great goals. Great first game. The girls fought hard all game to come from behind with a draw - well done. Award recipient: Hannah Bowden. Primary Two: A lovely first game nice to watch. Well done everyone. Netta One: Great game girls. All the girls did an awesome job, worked well together to score a well deserved first goal. Award recipient: Brianna Testagrossa. Netta Two: A wonderful game by all the girls. They all tried hard and gave their best for their first ever game. Keep smiling. Award recipient: Thinuri Lankathiliaka.
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Adrian Hackworth: 0417 084 489
Wednesday, April 25, 2012 - Page 25 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
A SURGING 39-point win at home against Kapunda was just what the doctor ordered to start the 2012 season for Nuriootpa. The Tigers defied the greasy conditions caused by persistent light rain to dismantle the Bombers using their superior skill and higher work rate to have twice as many entries into their forward 50m area. “We were able to move the ball forward quickly and caught them out on a number of occasions,” Nat Salter, Nuri playing coach said. “Duncan Cragg-Sapsford was fantastic in the ruck for us. His effort level when the ball was on the deck was a massive factor in us getting clearances.” Salter’s team has taken on a very different look from previous incarnations, the addition of the Byrne brothers (Ryan and Jarrad) along with Sam Haniford allowing the coach to set up his team with a balance previously lacking. One beneficiary of this balance was Cale Ellison who, after playing most of 2011 at centre half forward was moved into defence where he delivered a best on ground performance cutting off Kapunda’s forward thrusts and using his massive kick to clear the area. Nuri also took advantage of having their shots on goal from good positions, kicking nine goals and no behinds up to three quarter time. After winning the first three quarters Nuri really took the game away from the visitors in the final term and according to Salter the Tigers knew they would get control eventually. “We knew if we kept our pressure at a constant level they’d crack at some stage, whether it would be early in the game or late, our goal was to play the whole game at our level and force the issue.” The Tigers resembled an under 17 team at times in 2011 and will be better with natural progression in 2012. Jack Scholz, playing on the wing is bigger and stronger than last year’s model and had a definite impact on proceedings while the return of veteran Shayne Collins after a stint at Birdwood added some grunt to the Tigers. 2011 was a tale of injury woe for Nuri and the Tigers have been dealt a major blow already with Chad Obst suffering a season ending knee injury for the second year in a row. For Kapunda it was a disappointing way to welcome Jason Mackenzie back into the fold. “I thought “Buckets” was very good for us, he’s moving okay and as his fitness picks up he’ll be very important for us,” Rodney Brown, Kapunda coach said. “He did probably 40 per cent of the ruckwork changing with Toby Johnson and we’re pretty happy with his progress at this stage.” Kapunda was within reach at three quarter time before Nuri captain Billy Nichols sparked the Tigers with three goals in the fourth quarter. Kapunda captain Brad Taylor was frank when asked about the loss. “To be honest the wet conditions really don’t suit us as we’ve got a pretty tall forward line this year,”
Taylor said. “In the end it was a case of they just wanted it more than we did.” It’s not all gloomy for the Bombers. Justin Zanandrea’s best player performance that yielded four goals shows the benefits of a big preseason with Central District plus with Freddy Agius, David Giles and Matt Koenig set to return for next week’s first home game against Gawler Central while Nuri have the bye to negotiate as they prepare for their round three clash with the Gawler Central Tigers.
WITH an explosive five-goal second quarter, Barossa District broke open its BL&GFA clash with South Gawler at Lyndoch, on the way to a 50-point victory. The first quarter saw both sides test each other, as proceedings started fairly fumbly, with goals hard to come by before the floodgates opened and they traded majors, with the Lions holding a 4-2 to 4-1 lead at the first change. But then the Bulldogs took control with the only five goals of the second term, Barossa coach Roger James striking a purple patch with four majors, which at the end of the day proved the main difference between the sides. Ross Christie was starting to get on top in ruck for the home team against a taller opponent in South’s Mark Paget, as the Bulldogs gritty on-ball brigade, led by the Stelzer twins Matt and Paul, and tough-asnails Michael Taylor. With momentum on its side, Barossa forged further ahead in the third term to lead by 38 points, with an incredible accuracy rate of 13 goals and only two points - to 6-6. But blotted its copybook with a return of 3-7 in the final stanza. “In the second term they started getting first use at the stoppages and moved the ball quickly forward, where Roger (James) carved us up,” South coach Scott Lee said. “We started to work harder but their movement forward proved too good, as they were too quick and continued to get their hands on the ball first. We were exposed by their speed and workrate and were shown up by a quality side.”
Matt Foldesdy was the Lions’ best, starting in the backlines before going into the middle to lift his side, while Jackson Dare did a good job on the dangerous Heath Commane, conceding four goals, although a couple were in junk time. Youngster Daniel Goulding did a solid job putting pressure through the forward area and when in the midfield, while Anton Gerardis worked hard for his four goals and Chris Musolino was conspicuous in his first game with the club. “The Stelzer boys were awesome all game with their in-and-under efforts, while they don’t get much tougher than ‘Scrubber’ (Taylor), and Christie was great in ruck all game,” James said. “Lyndoch Oval is a good place to play footy, and the ground held up well. We are still waiting for the league’s decision on its suitability for this year’s grand final, but I cannot see why not, there is plenty of time to get it perfect for the big game.” Barossa host its second consecutive game at Lyndoch this Saturday when Angaston open its season after a first round bye, while South Gawler will travel across the river in a local derby against Willaston. “We need to improve in several areas and be more accountable around the stoppages against Willaston,” Lee said. “We need to be cleaner with our hands and use of the ball.” James may have a few injury concerns leading into the Angaston game, with James Angus doing a hamstring early last Saturday, and will be out for a few weeks, while Adam Spencer could be missing for up to six weeks after hurting his knee in the third term.
8524 4217
Central District Football Club supports
Gawler and Kapunda Sportsperson of the week
Josh Gerhardy - Angaston
with Graham Fischer and Mike Teakle
Josh Gerhardy plays golf at Barossa.
Relationship and employment status: Single and Baker at Linkes Bakery. Who are key players at your club? Aaron Southern, Zac Fuller. What is your most important attribute? My short game. wedges and chipping. Who is a character at the club and why? Jeff Chinner. Always got a story to tell on the course, some that can’t be repeated here. Who is the best player you have played with and against? Ian Devlin, Club Pro at Barossa.
Any superstitions? None.
Greatest moment and disappointment? Coming runner-up club champion a few years ago. Losing most of the sight in my left eye four years ago.
What event has inspired or amazed you? The Masters at Augusta. Every year it always provides a wonderful finish.
How would you spend a million dollars? Family, house, charity and if money left over a trip to the Masters at Augusta.
If you were Prime Minister what issue would you address? Pulling soliders out of wars and trying diplomatic means to end conflicts.
What other sport would you love to be the best in the world at and why? Win the gold medal for 100m sprint just so I could say I was the fastest man on the planet.
Who are your sporting idols? Rory McIlroy and Louis Oosthuizen.
Pet hates on the golf course? Players not knowing the rules and not taking care of the course they are playing. Favourite actor and movie? Bill Murray and Fight Club. If someone had to play you in a movie who would it be? Matt Damon.
If you could have any four people stranded on a deserted island with you who would they be and why? Bear Gylls, so we would have a chance at survival; Bill Murray, I lIke his type of comedy and make the time pass faster; Megan Fox for obvious reasons; Jennifer Hawkins, just in case Megan is boring to talk to.
Rugby Union
THE Barossa Rams kicked off the 2012 season in style with a dominant 34-3 win over Adelaide University. The game was a dangerous test first up for the Rams with Uni having dropped down from the premier grade. However, an intense pre-season combined with good structures saw the Rams concede just a single penalty. Man of the match James Warner was at his unstoppable best crossing for three tries along with completing all four conversions and kicking two penalties. The Rams division four side went down 848 despite performing well against the reigning premiers and look set to improve with more players becoming available in coming weeks.
THE Barossa Valley Hockey Association followed up last week’s impressive results at the state hockey champs by thrashing Riverland on Saturday. It was the annual team of the year clash that pitts the teams selected at the end of the previous season against each other. Despite winning 6-2 the BV boys lacked some of the intensity of a week earlier in the extended format game which was played over four 20-minute quarters instead of two 35-minute halves. Tom Gregory (Trinity) and Jason Seabrook (AMU) were among the best along with veteran goalkeeper Marty Gallasch (Nuri) who made some key saves before his 34th birthday celebrations.
> Netball DISAPPOINTING that only the clubs knew Saturday’s TanundaWillaston was to be played at Angaston. Speaking of Angaston, it will be interesting to see who lines up in senior one on Saturday. Expect a different line up to the Wohler’s Cup squad. Proudly brought to you by: BAROSSA
33 Railway Tce, Nuriootpa
8562 4881
How’s fishing?
Where have you played your golf? Been a member at Barossa Golf Club for 11 years currently off a five handicap. Also travelled to Gold Coast, Perth and Mornington Peninsula for golfing holidays.
WITH just a few weeks left in their ludicrously short season, Central District’s under 16 team is just starting to gel. The young Bulldogs surged from 23 points down at three-quarter time to defeat Port Adelaide by two points at Playford Alive oval. Angaston’s Callan Lowke was best afield for the Dogs and Tanunda ruckman David Trotta playued well enough to be named fifth best. Kapunda gun Joe Brown kicked three of his team’s nine goals to help the Dogs taste success. The SANFL’s under 16 competition is played over just the first six weeks of the season giving young players just a small bite
of being involved in SANFL footy before being sent back to their local clubs. The under 17 competition was a pivotal to player development and it’s disappointing the clubs can’t agree to run a fully-fledged season for these kids to teach them about the discipline and rigours of committing to play at the highest level available.
Your Guide to the Tides brought to you by
Gawler Fishing and Outdoors Mon-Fri 9am - 5.30pm Thurs 9am - 8.00pm Sat 9.00am - 4.00pm Sun 11am - 3.00pm
• Fishing • Camping • Guns • Marine 48 Murray Street, Gawler
8522 6200
ANSWERED: The fishing has been good.
Tide Times for Port Adelaide (Outer Harbour) and Wallaroo for the week to come
Pt Adelaide APR 2012
25 WE
0127 0636 1135 1838
0.55 0.90 0.63 1.74
0.42 1.90 0.57 2.57
0205 0706 1146 1906
0.58 0.84 0.66 1.70
0111 0657 1229 1900
0.48 1.85 0.62 2.50
0257 0753 1148 1934
0.60 0.77 0.71 1.65
0136 0723 1254 1928
0.55 1.79 0.71 2.38
0435 2002
0.60 1.57
0210 0758 1324 2004
0.67 1.68 0.89 2.15
0600 2026
0.60 1.45
30 MO
0303 0905 1401 2105
0.87 1.50 1.17 1.82
30 MO
0717 2028
0.61 1.31
0536 1353 1927
1.04 1.53 1.35
0824 1748
0.64 1.21
25 WE
0024 0613 1149 1816
0.35 1.96 0.53 2.63
0048 0636 1209 1838
27 FR
• Any quality or quantity • Private sales of bags, butts, single bales & small lots • Payment within 48 hours of processing at Gillman Wool Store
28 SA
The new service will mean deliveries of any amount or quality of wool can be accepted at Landmark Gawler during the business hours of Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5pm and Saturday morning from 8.30am to 11am. For more information please contact Jed Puckridge on 0457 524 959, or Branch Manager Karyn Reynolds on 08 8522 2266. 1812299
29 SU
MAY 2012 TU
APR 2012
MAY 2012 TU
*Please note - Add 1 hour for daylight savings ‘Tidal predictions supplied by the National Tide Facility. The Flinders University of South Australia, Copyright Reserved’
Wednesday, April 25, 2012 - Page 26 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
AS A tradesperson, I travel around the Barossa a lot, seeing and talking to heaps of different people. One of the most asked questions without a doubt is “how’s the fishing?” Fishing for me, is an escape. I find it challenging, rewarding and it has taken me to so many fantastic locations. Far from soaking baits on the banks of the Murray River, my fishing of late has taken me to a Commonwealth Championship in Tasmania and the high country in Victoria where three good friends and I caught 280plus trout for two days’ fishing. The water was gin-clear, fast-flowing and the high rolling hills were blanketed with gum trees and lush green grass. Fishing has taken me many places in between. Fishing has also made me lifelong friends and also taken me to some
beautiful locations across our state that I would’ve never imagined existed. Fishing has let me see some of the most incredible sunsets, some when the sea is like glass and the sky is full of bright purple, orange and golden yellow hues, as if it were a painting in a frame on someone’s wall. My fishing has let me greet many frosty mornings from a warm swag by a river as the camp fire still burns from the night before. Fishing has let me see football field sized schools of 20kg kingfish turn the shallow water to foam and also big brown trout gently sipping hopper flies off the surface. Fishing is not just the fish on the end of the line it encompasses, I believe, all the great things in life. When I was asked “How’s the fishing?” just recently it made me think, and I replied as I always do, the fishing has been good. Tight lines until next
For 67 55 69 53 39 42 33 31 0 For 50 45 44 53 40 32 27 26 0 For 54 63 51 49 26 18 14 10 0 For 63 58 43 44 33 31 29 26 0 For 57 49 37 48 43 33 30 17 0 For 69 53 43 50 33 22 15 8 0 For 31 39 37 13 0 0 0 0 For 54 54 53 49 34 27 25 12 0 For 67 52 54 68 41 15 10 12 0 For 61 50 37 45 36 17 19 22 0 For 59 61 54 20 13 4 0 0 0 For 39 28 24 11 10 11 10 0 0 For 21 26 24 20 18 16 7 4 0 For 33 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Agst 31 33 42 39 53 69 55 67 0 Agst 26 27 32 40 53 44 45 50 0 Agst 10 14 18 26 49 51 63 54 0 Agst 23 29 31 33 44 43 58 63 0 Agst 17 30 33 43 48 37 49 57 0 Agst 8 15 22 33 50 43 53 69 0 Agst 13 37 39 31 0 0 0 0 Agst 12 25 27 34 49 53 54 54 0 Agst 12 10 15 41 68 54 52 67 0 Agst 22 19 17 36 45 37 50 61 0 Agst 4 13 20 54 61 59 0 0 0 Agst 0 10 11 10 11 24 28 39 0 Agst 4 7 16 18 20 24 26 21 0 Agst 4 33 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
% 68.37 62.50 62.16 57.61 42.39 37.84 37.50 31.63 0 % 65.79 62.50 57.89 56.99 43.01 42.11 37.50 34.21 0 % 84.38 81.82 73.91 65.33 34.67 26.09 18.18 15.63 0 % 73.26 66.67 58.11 57.14 42.86 41.89 33.33 29.21 0 % 77.03 62.03 52.86 52.75 47.25 47.14 37.97 22.97 0 % 89.61 77.94 66.15 60.24 39.76 33.85 22.06 10.39 0 % 70.45 51.32 48.68 29.55 0 0 0 0 % 81.82 68.35 66.25 59.04 40.96 33.75 31.65 18.18 0 % 84.81 83.87 78.26 62.39 37.61 21.74 16.13 15.19 0 % 73.49 72.46 68.52 55.56 44.44 31.48 27.54 26.51 0 % 93.65 82.43 72.97 27.03 17.57 6.35 0 0 0 % 100.00 73.68 68.57 52.38 47.62 31.43 26.32 0.00 0 % 84.00 78.79 60.00 52.63 47.37 40.00 21.21 16.00 0 % 89.19 10.81 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Barossa, Light and Gawler Netball Association results from Round 1, April 21.
Senior One: South Gawler 55 d Barossa District 33; Willaston 67 d Tanunda 31; Gawler Central 69 d Freeling 42; Kapunda 53 d Nuriootpa 39. Senior Two: South Gawler 50 d Barossa District 26; Willaston 53 d Tanunda 40; Gawler Central 44 d Freeling 32; Kapunda 45 d Nuriootpa 27. Senior Three: South Gawler 49 d Barossa District 26; Willaston 51 d Tanunda 18; Gawler Central 54 d Freeling 10; Nuriootpa 63 d Kapunda 14. Senior Four: South Gawler 63 d Barossa District 26; Tanunda 44 d Willaston 33; Gawler Central 58 d Freeling 29; Nuriootpa 43 d Kapunda 31. Senior Five: South Gawler 57 d Barossa District 17; Willaston 49 d Tanunda 30; Freeling 48 d Gawler Central 43; Kapunda 37 d Nuriootpa 33. Senior Six: South Gawler 50 d Barossa District 33; Willaston 69 d Tanunda 8; Gawler Central 43 d Freeling 22; Nuriootpa 53 d Kapunda 15. Senior Seven: South Gawler 39 d Barossa District 37; Freeling 31 d Gawler Central 13. Intermediate One: South Gawler 53 d Barossa District 27; Willaston 54 d Tanunda 12; Freeling 54 d Gawler Central 25; Nuriootpa 49 d Kapunda 34. Intermediate Two: South Gawler 67 d Barossa District 12; Willaston 52 d Tanunda 10; Gawler Central 68 d Freeling 41; Kapunda 54 d Nuriootpa 15. Junior One: South Gawler 50 d Barossa District 19; Willaston 37 d Tanunda 17; Freeling 45 d Gawler Central 36; Nuriootpa 61 d Kapunda 22. Junior Two: South Gawler 61 d Barossa District 13; Willaston 54 d Tanunda 20; Gawler Central 59 d Freeling 4. Sub Junior One: Barossa District 39 d South Gawler 0; Tanunda 11 d Willaston 10; Gawler Central 28 d Freeling 10; Kapunda 24 d Nuriootpa 11. Sub Junior Two: Barossa District 26 d South Gawler 7; Willaston 24 d Tanunda 16; Gawler Central 21 d Freeling 4; Nuriootpa 20 d Kapunda 18. Sub Junior Three: Nuriootpa 33 d Kapunda
Herald Club of the Year Votes for round one of the Barossa, Light and Gawler Netball Association 2012 season, the Herald Netball Club of the Year Award. South Gawler 22; Willaston 20; Gawler Central 18; Nuriootpa 14; Kapunda 10; Freeling 8; Barossa District 4; Tanunda 4; Angaston bye.
Willaston easily despite weather Willaston 67 Tanunda 31 REIGNING premier Willaston had an impressive 36goal win over Tanunda which had been tipped to be an improver this year. Coach Mel Tump said the team knew they had to play a short, steady game given the wet, slippery conditions and were able to do so consistently for the four quarters. “A solid first quarter under tough weather conditions helped us gain a six-goal lead by the first break,” Mel said. “We were able to extend this lead in the second quarter with a high rate of turnovers from our defensive end which were finished off with accurate shooting. “New player to the club Sarah Wilton took the court for her first game for the Donnybrooks in the third quarter at goal keeper which added height to the defensive end. Our attack end continued to dominate in the final quarter with goal attack Bronwyn Heap feeding the ball accurately to goal shooter Lisa Wilson who added 19 goals to her tally.” Willaston’s best were Lisa Wilson (goal shooter) Jess Wilson (wing attack) and Jasmin Hoffrichter (goal keeper). Tanunda coach Maria Fraser said Willaston adapted to the conditions better than her side. “We found it hard to stop their drive,” Maria said. “We had some good passage of play but that was not enough. We need to focus on four quarters of netball and go hard at the ball. “We have some areas we need to improve on so we are going to focus on these this week at training.” Tanunda’s best was Nicole Crouch at centre.
South Gawler 55 Barossa District 33 SOUTH Gawler, seeking its first senior one premiership, had a strong 22-goal win over Barossa District at Lyndoch. South coach Lynette Hutton said it had been a good game in pretty tough conditions. “Since it hasn’t rained for some time the dirt turned to mud on the already slippery green surface and became a bit of a slip and slide show,” Lynette said. “Luckily there were no casualties and we were able to finish the game.” “It was a hard-fought contest for four quarters and Barossa kept us under pressure all day. I think experience won out for us. “I felt all seven of my players contributed all day and worked hard for the win but I would make Bec (Brading) and Karina (Cook) our best but only by a whisker.” Barossa coach Leanne Nelson said even though her side lost, she was really pleased with the effort. “We have definitely improved from last season,” Leanne said. “Our second quarter was an even quarter and our last down by three, which is a fantastic effort against last week’s Wohlers Cup winners. “We worked really hard and played some really good netball. It was a real team effort and Stacey Nelson played a fantastic game in the mid court. We just need to minimise our errors and I believe we will make some teams stand up and take notice of us this year.” Best players were Stacey Nelson and Jeanette Bates.
Gawler Central 69 Freeling 42 A CONSISTENT Gawler Central won all four quarters in an impressive 27-goal win over Freeling. “The girls had a great first game with all three areas of the court working well together,”Leigh Waddington coach said. “We have been working hard on having more structure and set plays and I believe that this helped us a lot on Saturday as all players stuck to the game plan. “All eight players contributed so much to the win but Renee (Schumacher) had a fantastic game at goal
PASS: Renee Schumacher, Gawler Central’s best player, looking to pass with teammate Kelly Rowe offering an option. shooter, finding the space and shooting at a high percentage. This couldn’t have been done without good feeds from the midcourters though and the defenders bringing the ball out of defence smoothly like they did.” Freeling captain Joy Leske said she was pleased with her side considering they did not have the full senior team and coach Lynette Carmichael was absent. “I thought the attack line was good against a strong Central defence,” Joy said. “Our defenders persisted the duration of the game but need to work on keeping up with a speedy team. “The girls rewarded each other’s hard work and intercepts with goals which we struggled to do last year. Our fitness is a lot better than last year as the second half was the best half of the game so all our hard work has paid off. “Thanks to Cathy Modra our fill in coach plus, Rachel, Laura and Britta for playing and benching.” Freeling’s best were Jess Schirmer (goal shooter) and Rachel Maynard (wing attack).
Kapunda 53 Nuriootpa 39 KAPUNDA set up a 14-goal win over Nuriootpa with an impressive first quarter. Kapunda coach Paul McGrath said after the first six goals were scored on the opponent’s centre pass, the Bombers had settled into a good rhythm. “We created turnovers giving us greater scoring opportunities and the quarter finished 18- 9,” Paul said. “The drizzle got a little heavier for the rest of the match, which just made things a little more congested and as a result we didn’t get out of second gear. “We extended the margin each quarter. “Nuri had a crack early in the last. This was on the back of some poorly executed decisions in our midcourt and a diminishing conversion rate in our circle.” Paul said goal keeper Hannah Thomas had been simply brilliant with great rebound which continued to give Kapunda use of the ball. Kim Creber (wing defence) had an awesome threequarter performance, which stunted many of Nuri’s attacks and forced poor decision making. Nuriootpa coach Robyn March was pleased with her side’s effort. “We started very strongly, displaying runs of excellent play but unfortunately, when faced with quality sides, minute patches of inconsistent work and immature decision making processes was heightened by very accurate Kapunda shooting,” Robyn said. “Although Kapunda had doubled our score at the end of the first quarter, we ran out the last quarter, winning by two goals. We will have an opportunity to work on turning those negatives into positives.” Nuriootpa’s best were Lizzie Cane and Charlotte Williams.
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Wednesday, April 25, 2012 - Page 27 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
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Senior One Willaston South Gawler Gawler Central Kapunda Nuriootpa Freeling Barossa District Tanunda Angaston Senior Two South Gawler Kapunda Gawler Central Willaston Tanunda Freeling Nuriootpa Barossa District Angaston Senior Three Gawler Central Nuriootpa Willaston South Gawler Barossa District Tanunda Kapunda Freeling Angaston Senior Four South Gawler Gawler Central Nuriootpa Tanunda Willaston Kapunda Freeling Barossa District Angaston Senior Five South Gawler Willaston Kapunda Freeling Gawler Central Nuriootpa Tanunda Barossa District Angaston Senior Six Willaston Nuriootpa Gawler Central South Gawler Barossa District Freeling Kapunda Tanunda Angaston Senior Seven Freeling South Gawler Barossa District Gawler Central Nuriootpa Tanunda Willaston Angaston Intermediate One Willaston Freeling South Gawler Nuriootpa Kapunda Barossa District Gawler Central Tanunda Angaston Intermediate Two South Gawler Willaston Kapunda Gawler Central Freeling Nuriootpa Tanunda Barossa District Angaston Junior One Nuriootpa South Gawler Willaston Freeling Gawler Central Tanunda Barossa District Kapunda Angaston Junior Two Gawler Central South Gawler Willaston Tanunda Barossa District Freeling Kapunda Nuriootpa Angaston Sub Junior One Barossa District Gawler Central Kapunda Tanunda Willaston Nuriootpa Freeling South Gawler Angaston Sub Junior Two Gawler Central Barossa District Willaston Nuriootpa Kapunda Tanunda South Gawler Freeling Angaston Sub Junior Three Nuriootpa Kapunda Angaston Barossa District Freeling Gawler Central South Gawler Tanunda Willaston
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New season, same old
FLYING: Tanunda’s Aron Fechner is airborne during Saturday’s game watched by Willaston’s Michael McLean and his own teammate Ben Schiller.
IT SEEMS rumours of Tanunda’s possible demise have been greatly exaggerated. The Magpies started their premiership defence and campaign for a fifth straight premiership in their usual emphatic style, smashing Willaston by 69 points at home in greasy conditions. It was an unfamiliar looking Magpie side with cocaptain Ben Newberry and Matt Godfrey both sidelined with hamstring injuries and centre half back Lachie Agars missing with a broken scapula.It opened up room for rookies Sam Toole and Parker Neldner to enter the fray. Tanunda playing coach Ben Britton lined up in defence and the move paid dividends with the coach turning in what many observers felt was a best on ground performance. While the Pies had many winners on the day, their half back line of Luke Boehm, Nick Schmidt and Dan Sieber was as dominant as any. Willaston led just once in the game after Jamie Williams kicked the first goal of the match from a free kick 35 metres out directly in front but Tanunda replied soon after with Sam Agars kicking the first of his five goals. From there it was all Tanunda as they went about doing what they do best, getting first to the contest and putting their heads over the ball, making smart play after smart play to control the tempo of the game. Tanunda’s midfield completely shut their Willaston counterparts out of the contest as Craig Bevan ran with reigning Schluter medallist Sam Walton curtailing his impact while Joel Campbell, Jarred McDonald and Shaun Baker were totally overshadowed by the Schiller brothers (Tom and Ben) and Ryan Bignell. With the Pies in control through the middle of the ground their forwards took full advantage with Barry Kaesler and Agars starting deep in attack and Kaesler’s hard leads creating space for Agars to operate in creating a great one-on-one battle with Shaun Childs. “Shaun’s a great defender plus he’s quick and I’m slow, it always makes for a really tough contest,” Agars said.
The move of Andrew Prior to centre half forward looks likely to remain permanent. His defensive pressure when Willaston did manage to interrupt Tanunda’s flow was tremendous and will add a new prong to an already formidable attack. Britton tempered talk of Tanunda being favourites for the flag but admitted he was very happy with the first up effort. “There were a lot of good signs,” Britton said. “Kane Irvine’s return was good as he fitted in nicely. Our midfield was accountable running both ways and Leigh Westhoff ’s first half was superb even after copping a couple of big hits.” Key forward Agars was pleased with his output in round one but was quick to heap praise on his teammates. “Dan Sieber was awesome, that’s the best I’ve seen him play,” Agars said. “If he can do that regularly we can go to another level, Ben Schiller’s tackling really set the tone while Matthias Grocke, Sammy Toole and Parker Neldner all contributed when they got their chances and while ‘Baz’ (Kaesler) only finished with two goals he’s on the verge of a monster game just as he showed last year.” “It was a game we want to forget in a hurry, we were completely smashed in the midfield, everything went south after that,” Justin Irving, Willaston coach said. Donnybrook captain Sam Walton remains confident his team can improve. “It was pretty disappointing but we know we’re better than we showed,” Walton said. “The only good thing about that loss is it’s behind us now and we can get back on course.”
won’t be beaten on Price & Service Gawler Park Homemaker Centre
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Rooms renovated A $250,000 upgrade of Vine Court promises to not only add value to the community, but also bring growth to the area. The refurbishment of the Vine Court accommodation was recently completed and the rooms feature new gyprock, carpet, lights, cabinets, and paint, so it has been a complete transformation. Bathrooms in each room have also been completely renovated. Vine Inn Hotel general manager Chris Linden said the redevelopment has not only improved the accommodation facilities, it was also giving numerous local businesses a
PERFECT: The bathrooms are new at Vine Court.
welcome boost. “Every single cent that was spent in this job was spent locally,” he said. “We are a community hotel and our memorandum of association says we will give back to the community. “What better way can we give back to the community than not just the sponsorships and donations we do, than by actually supporting the businesses of the community.” Mr Linden said the core business for the Vine Inn is retail, gaming, food and dining and the bars, but the rejuvenation of the hotel rooms would attract more corporate clients. “Our basic core business is supported by the locals and we appreciate we can’t do it without the support of our local people,” he said. “The growth in our business is going to come by trying to attract the corporate market – particularly with conferences, conventions, seminars, meetings and things along those lines. Mr Linden said the rooms would also be ideal for people utilising golf tours through the Vine Inn. “We are also very strong in golf tourism,” he said. “We do packages where people use the facilities of Barossa Valley Golf Club and Tanunda Pines and a lot of our golf groups want to go to a room that is comfortable where they can get together to have few drinks, and it is not over the top, but still comfortable.”
FRESH: One of the newly renovated rooms at Vine Court.
See the changes at Vine Court BAROSSA residents are being given the chance to have a sneak peak at the recently refurbished Vine Court this Sunday. From 2pm and 4pm on April 29, Vine Inn Hotel general manager Chris Linden will be opening two of the new rooms for inspection.
Some of the more luxurious apartments will also be available for viewing, with both a one and two bedroom suite open. “Come and have a look at what Vine Court has got,” Mr Linden said. “This gives members and residents the opportunity to really view their assets.”
Wednesday, April 25, 2012 - Page 28 The Herald, Barossa Valley
Visitors will be able to walk through a selection of the rooms and will be treated to a free barbecue, while the kids can look forward to free soft drinks. There will also be a selection of wines available for tasting for the over-18s from the Vine Inn Wines range, by Yalumba Wines.
Australia Wide honour NURIOOTPA-based Australia Wide Badges has proudly helped preserve the history of the Cooke Plains RSL. Owner John Baxter said Norm Paterson from Cooke Plains, a tiny township on the Dukes Highway, south of Tailem Bend, approached him last year about supplying a bronze plaque for a cairn and shelter area they were building near the RSL Hall. “The hall had been sold as a private residence, so the RSL had to relocate the two timber honour boards, among other things, to a new RSL museum being set up at the Murray Bridge RSL,” John said. “We felt very privileged to be given the task of preserving part of the history of this small rural community. “Going from photos that Norm had taken of the original handpainted boards and discussions with him about trying to keep the same look and layout, we set out to recreate them with cast bronze in mind. “The result was a 900mm square, 60kg honour roll, with bas relief modelling and hand painted flags. “This was set atop a cairn built from the stones of demolished Cooke Plains railway cottages and we also supplied a smaller 300mm round plaque that would seal a time capsule that was set into the cairn.”
Ivan Venning Member for Schubert 129A Murray Street, TANUNDA SA 5352
Ph: 8563 3636 | Fax: 8563 0190
8524 8785
Mon-Fri 7.30am-4pm 45 LEITCH ROAD, ROSEWORTHY
GIBSON WINES T. 8562 4224
WILLOWS ROAD, LIGHT PASS RECREATED: Norm Paterson (left) and John Baxter with the new honour boards.
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8522 1712
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Getta Bargain
30 Adelaide Rd, Gawler Ph 8522 2398
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Ph 8523 1043
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Lot 10A Kelly Rd, Willaston
“Proud to honour our forefathers & their service to Australia”
We s h o u l d n e v e r f o r g e t
Matthew & Skye Reimann
Wednesday, April 25, 2012 - Anzac Day Wrap - 3 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
0415 600 442
| Ph:
8563 3818 |
Family honoured on the wall FOUR photos of servicemen and their medals hang on the wall in the front room of Dorothy Miller’s Williamstown home. They are of her father, grandfather, uncle and brother. All of them answered the call to protect Australia. Ms Miller’s father, Tom Epps (pictured on the Herald’s front page), was South Australia’s last surviving Gallipoli veteran. Epps had lied and raised his age to join the army in World War I. He landed in Gallipoli on September 13 as a fresh-faced 17year-old. Five days later he turned 18 in the trenches. While serving at Gallipoli, he was injured by shrapnel and sent to the beach for recovery for a week, before he was sent back to the front line. Upon the evacuation of Gallipoli in December 1915, Private Epps was so weak with sickness he had to be pulled aboard the ship. He was then posted to fight at the Western Front, before joining the ANZAC Cyclists Battalion, of which his father Henry was also a member. Private Epps remained on the Western Front until the war ended on November 11, 1918 and returned to Australia in early 1919. The Epps family has made a strong contribution to keeping Australia safe. Tom’s brother Cecil fought in World War I and World War II. Tom’s son Charlie died in aircraft training in Sale, Victoria during World War II.
NICK CHAMPION MP Federal Member for Wakefield
Phone 8284 2422 Shop 89, 600 Main North Rd, Smithfield
Office & Chapel - 4 New Road, Nuriootpa Phone 8562 1169
MEMORIES: Dorothy Miller holds a photo of her father Tom Epps. Tom Epps was born on September 18, 1897 and died on February 26, 1997 at 99 years of age. Even on his final ANZAC Day in 1996, Tom was determined to not miss the march, defying orders from his nursing home to brave the wet and chilly weather to honour the ANZACs.
“He just felt that he was one of the last and he had to do his thing,” said his daughter Dorothy. “ANZAC Day was just very, very important to him. “I feel I can’t miss an ANZAC Day service because I feel I would be letting him down to be truthful.”
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Wednesday, April 25, 2012 - Anzac Day Wrap 4 - The Herald, Barossa Valley