April 4th Edition

Page 1

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Nobby’s Gawler goal By GRAHAM FISCHER



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AFTER a 38-year involvement with Australian Rules football, Robin ‘Nobby’ Symes is seeking a new challenge. Symes, 57, has taken the first step and nominated for one of the two vacancies which have been created on the Town of Gawler Council. Currently president of the Barossa, Light and Gawler Football Association - a role he has filled for the past 13 years - Symes is excited about the prospect of seeking the position of a councillor. “I am a passionate Gawler person and have lived in the area pretty much all of my life,” Mr Symes said. “I work here and believe I have something to offer the community after being involved in local sport for so many years. “Being involved in committees and on boards is something I like and I really want to see Gawler grow. “Now is a critical time for the area with developments planned and the need to take the town forward.” Mr Symes said after his football playing career finished he joined the board of the BL&GFA as a director 20 years ago, and after seven years became the president. Under his presidency the association has become a leader in the country football. “I had been thinking about seeking a spot on council for a while,” Mr Symes said. “One of my intentions, if elected, would be support the service and sporting clubs and the business community.” Mr Symes said he would see out his 2012 term as president of the BL&GFA before standing down to give his full attention to the council if successful at the election. “It would be impossible to do both jobs properly and I know the football association is in very good hands.”


8566 2779

GREEN THUMBS: Barossa Bushgardens volunteers and committee members Sandie Simons, Arthur Mousamas and Bill Simons at the Barossa Bushgardens open day on Sunday, April 1. More than 400 people attended the open day, with organisers pleased to see many new faces out and about to take advantage of the entertaining and informative day. The open day included workshops on garden design, sustainable garden practice, solar home energy systems and pruning native plants. Not only could those attending get plenty of advice on what to plant and what not to plant, they could also purchase local native plants from just $3.

FOOTBALL season is here once again, and for any Central District supporter, barossaherald.com.au is the place to go for match reports. Herald journalist Robert Laidlaw is writing a weekly column on the Bulldogs’ matches throughout the SANFL season. With all the stats that matter and his expert analysis, Robert will be bringing you all the results and information from the weekend via barossaherald.com.au every Monday after the Doggies play. On the news front, wind farms are continuing to attract plenty of attention in the region. This week’s edition of the Herald has an article on page 5 about wind farms and the advice from Independent Senator Nick Xenophon for people to apply “serious pressure” to their councils. Extended coverage of this issue is available at barossaherald.com.au. Wind farms often provoke reactions from the community, and the website is the ideal place to get your opinion heard by leaving a reply in the comment’s box. The summer sports are starting to wrap up for the season, and our photographers have caught all the action from the tennis and midweek bowls finals, so be sure to have a look at barossaherald.com.au.

Footy Tipping

d r a o B p i P h s r Le a d e


Leadership Position

MAGIC: Nuriootpa Division One tennis player Nathan Pope appears to have the ball levitating before he returns it to his opponent in his match on Saturday. More photos at barossaherald.com.au


1 2

Dawn Couzner Gordon Williams

8 7

3 4

Graham Hill Maria Norris

7 7

5 6 7 8

Marianne Stokes Kristal Nole Damien Brown Rachel Bond

6 6 6 6

9 10

Ann Hemmerline June Tidswell

6 6


Telephone: (08) 8563 2041 Fax: (08) 8563 3655 Advertising: sales.barossaherald@ruralpress.com Editorial: editor.barossaherald@ruralpress.com Website: www.barossaherald.com.au Manager/Sales Manager: Clayton Bester Editor: Graham Fischer Editorial: Michelle O’Rielly, John Crawford, Mike Teakle, Ben Mallett, Robert Laidlaw, Anne Hopton. Photography: Kirsty Hosking, Shaun Kowald. Sales: Glenys Brooks, Jordan Stollznow, Jodie Coventry, Linda Goldfinch. Administration: Cheryl Lange, Roxanne Mathew


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erhaps ESTA Utilities could employ the services of Edward Scissorhands to assist with tree trimming in the Barossa. The 1990s movie character played by Johnny Depp showed a character that had scissors for hands and in no time he could sculpture arts of work in trees. At the moment our trees are looking more like something from a horror movie. Many of the trees in Tanunda have now been left looking unsightly and the tree trimming has created plenty of comments from the community. This is not a good image for a tourist town which relies heavily on both Australian and overseas visitors. And to the Tianjin Commission of Commerce from China who visited the area earlier this week to gain an understanding of our wines and our culture for export reasons (see page 3). According to ETSA Utilities their legislation prevents them from trimming trees outside a two-metre buffer zone of powerlines. This means the job is done exactly to specification regardless if a limb or two is still left sitting or a tree is missing a huge chunk (see page 10 for full story and photo). While it is important to ensure safety for people and property when power is concerned we also have an obligation to retain the natural beauty of the Barossa and see those trees nicely shaped. Yes, ETSA Utilities and the Barossa Council do say they have an excellent relationship. Unfortunately this time repeated requests by the council to work closely to avoid this mess were not answered.


Incorporating The Barossa News, Kapunda Herald and Eudunda Courier.

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Wednesday, April 4, 2012 - Page 2 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Visit our showroom 132 Murray Street GAWLER or call 8522 4670 admin.barossaherald@ruralpress.com

Horse history goes under the hammer

SOLD: One of the vehicles for auction with the Lindsay Park logo, left, while above, the crowd gathers as the auction heats up. A STRONG crowd of about 350 attended Lindsay Park on Thursday as an auction cleared the historic horse training complex of its remaining goods. Lots up for auction included various harness, furniture, tools and farm equipment, along with an array of vehicles including a 2006 BMW X5 and a firetruck. The highest priced lot was the BMW, which went for $27,000, while a large New Holland front-end loader attracted $22,000.

A four-wheeled circa 1900 wagon was sold for $4500, a baby grand piano went for $3000, and a nonoperating jet ski was sold for $3500. All 600 lots were sold and co-ordinator Andrew Robinson from auctioneer Mason Gray Strange said it was a good turn out. “The auction was extremely well attended,” he said. “There were 240 registered bidders on site and that does not include the online bidding. Everyone was happy and it was beautiful weather.”

Chinese talk and taste wine Tianjin Commission of Commerce is an integral part of Tianjin Municipal Government which is in charge of internal and external trade and external economic cooperation in Tianjin. Barossa Grape and Wine association chief executive officer Sam Holmes said the group is looking to sell more wines as Tianjin is home to about 12million people.

Council consider new officer A NEW chief executive officer for the Barossa Council is likely to begin work in May. The council will be meeting in confidence tonight (Wednesday) to consider a recommendation for

appointment of the position. The council’s acting chief executive officer Ian Baldwin is optimistic a decision will be made at the meeting and an offer is made to the successful applicant.

“It may be a week or so after this meeting before a public announcement can be made in relation to the new appointee,” Mr Baldwin said. The new person will replace David Morcom.

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The Tianjin Commission of Commerce visited the Barossa earlier this week to support our wine industry. Their visit included a conference at the Weintal and a visit to Lambert Estate Wines with organised tastings by Lambert Estate Wines, Gomeral Wines, Liebich Wines, Whistler Wines and Veritas Wines.

16 Bernard Court, Industrial Park, Gawler Belt

Wednesday, April 4, 2012 - Page 3 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


Internet coverage tops list for Wasleys progress A GROUP of dedicated Wasleys residents is leading the push to assist growth in the township. The group has not yet finalised its name, but it has already trying to improve services in the area. It is working with Telstra to investigate how the town can receive better mobile phone and internet coverage. John Tonkin, area general manager for Telstra Countrywide, was invited to attend the March meeting and is working to find out if Telstra can provide ADSL (asymmetric digital subscriber line) internet services to the town. “I welcome their enthusiasm and their input, I think it is great,” Mr Tonkin said. “They’re a robust group that wasn’t backward in putting their view forward, which is great, as I was allowed to do the same.” The group has also put out a survey at the pub and the post office

to gauge interest in who would subscribe to ADSL services if they were to become available. Mr Tonkin said Telstra will soon be completing a technical feasibility study, which would work out if it is possible and financially viable to provide ADSL services in Wasleys. While phone and internet coverage is one issue the group is tackling, members already have a range of ideas about what else they want to get done in the growing town. “We are open for anyone to come and sit in and help us,” said Lynette Marker, a spokesperson for the group. The group has members from various sectors of the community, including residents, business owners and people from the school. Its next meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 11 at 7pm at the Wasleys Institute Hall and anyone interested is welcome to attend.

Students get into the comunity spirit

BUDDING BUILDERS:Wasleys Primary School students (from left) Tayla Bliss, Patch Barzen, Tannah Murphy and Robbie Smith work with principal Deb Fairey on the school’s new cubby house.

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STUDENTS at Wasleys Primary School are jumping on board the growth of their town, taking part in activities to improve the school. A cubby house built by students with the help of some community members is almost complete, while students have also worked with volunteers to build planter boxes near the school’s entrance. The school is now looking at painting a mural on one of the walls near the entrance, as well as possibly planting a ‘bush tucker’ garden. This year, Wasleys Primary has expanded from two to three classes, with a total of 44 students now attending the school.

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Wednesday, April 4, 2012 - Page 4 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


People urged to apply pressure over wind farm developments

COVER MODEL: Kevin ‘Billy’ Boyle checks out his freshly delivered copy of the White and Yellow Pages at his Lyndoch home.

wind farms with everyone given the chance to have their say. Senator Xenophon, who was joined by senators John Madigan and Alex Gallacher and other dignitaries, explained councils need to get “top shelf ” legal advice because many people are talking of class actions and damages claims against councils, wind farm companies and neighbours who host wind farms on their properties.

He also explained that councils are playing victims by sitting on their hands over this issue and that they must fight for the people they represent. Senator Xenophon and Senator Madigan who will host more wind farm forums in Victoria and New South Wales said a moratorium on wind farms needs to be underway now. To read more of this story, visit barossaherald.com and click on the story link.


COMMUNITIES fighting against wind farm developments have been urged to apply “serious pressure” to their councils, it was heard during a special forum at Burra on Thursday night. The advice was given by Independent Senator Nick Xenophon who addressed a large crowd, including members fighting against the proposed Keyneton wind farm. The people gathered to discuss their concerns over

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Got it covered LYNDOCH firefighter Kevin ‘Billy’ Boyle works hard to put a smile back on the face of people affected by fire, and now we will see his smiling face every time we look up a phone number. Billy has been chosen for the front cover of the 2012/13 Barossa Valley White and Yellow Pages. Based at the Elizabeth station of the Metropolitan Fire Service, Billy is also the assistant secretary of the Australian Professional Firefighters Foundation (APFF). He co-ordinates the foundation’s two major annual fundraisers - the Firefighters Charity Ball and Shake the Boot. Money raised from these events goes towards burns prevention campaigns and assisting fire victims, particularly children and those in immediate need. The foundation also funds Camp Smokey, an annual children’s burns survivor camp.

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“A majority of money goes to the Women’s and Children’s burns service for whatever they want, but for country towns, like any money collected in Tanunda or Kapunda, it can go to a local project and it stays there,” said Billy. The foundation also prints and distributes burns prevention pamphlets and posters across the community. “Even though we are professional firefighters, we do this foundation work voluntarily,” said Billy. Having lived in the Barossa for the past 25 years, Billy said the community is always generous. “When we run the ball, I get the auction items, and the Barossa businesses are amazing, in particular Langmeil and Teusner Wines,” he said. “All the businesses I approach in the Barossa are extremely supportive.” This year’s Firefighters Charity Ball is on May 26.

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SKILLS FOR LIFE Wednesday, April 4, 2012 - Page 5 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


Dramatic union of two companies SPONSORED: A scene from Kapunda Musical Society’s 2011 production Gypsy with president Jennette Mickan (centre). The Herald is pleased to become a sponsor of the group.

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TUCKED away in the back streets of Kapunda is a quaint 1850s chapel, which is home to a lively bunch that has been entertaining people since 1962. It’s the Kapunda Musical Society a renowned drama group that has supported thousands of people, young and old, from the Chapel Street Theatre. To recognise this truly unique society, the Herald is pleased to announce its association with the group as a sponsor. The union will mean the society’s latest theatre plays and pantomimes will be promoted through the paper and via the Herald website barossaherald.com.au. It also means the Herald will have performance tickets to give away to lucky readers. The Herald is also keen to support the society behind the scenes by way of urging the community to also become a sponsor. Kapunda Musical Society president Jennette Mickan said the not-for-profit group relies heavily on funds made through organised events such as the Girl’s Night In held on Friday, garage sales and their performances. She explained how money stretched to cover general costs of electricity, public insurances, rights to shows and other incidentals. However, the group is keen to upgrade their ageing facilities with a shed for storage, new carpet for their green room and comfortable seating for their patrons. “We would also love to be able to hold performances all year round by way of installing reverse-cycle airconditioning,” Jennette said. Currently performances are held out of winter. Jennette and her crew encourage anyone wishing to support them, either big or small, to contact her. The upgrades would also complement the Kapunda Choral Group who also use the chapel for

musical afternoons and the Young People’s Drama Workshops run by Jennette and open to young children. To date the Kapunda Musical Society is polishing their mid year show ‘Two Weeks With the Queen’, to be performed later this month. The first part of the show is set in Australia and centres on a 12-yearold boy Colin, played by Ashley McFadden, a drama student from Adelaide. His character reveals a child living with his parents and younger brother, Luke. On Christmas Day, Luke becomes seriously ill and is diagnosed with cancer. In an attempt to spare Colin the pain, he is sent to stay with relatives in England. Colin is determined and optimistic and decides he will enlist the help of the Queen of England. “The performance is beautiful and is tastefully done, and is directed by David Underwood,” Jennette said. “The play was written in the 70s and focuses on themes of cancer, homosexuality and aids, and has been set in present day.” Jennette said the play will touch audiences through many emotions and should not be missed. Performance dates are April 27 and 28 at 8pm and May 4 and 5 at 8pm. Details of tickets will be announced in the Herald in the following weeks. In addition, the society is already planning their end of year pantomime, The Snow Queen. Performances will be held in November and the pantomime is targeted at young and old, with more details to come. They will also host a special Christmas service at Whistler Wines, near Tanunda. The theatre is located at 3 Chapel Street, Kapunda and to help support the Kapunda Musical Society or to join them, contact Jennette Mickan on 8566 2282 or visit kms.asn.au.


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Wednesday, April 4, 2012 - Page 6 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

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Wednesday, April 4, 2012 - Page 8 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


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Homemade smells return to bake house FLAVOURSOME beef chunks wrapped in delicious golden pastry will help launch the re-opening of Seppeltsfield Winery’s historic bake house. The Barossa beef pies are the works of onsite caterer and chef Owen Andrews, who will now work inside the bake house, which was built in the 1890s. The public has the opportunity to be part of the pie launch on Easter Sunday by ordering the dish, complemented with sides, in the winery cellar door. According to sales and marketing manager Chad Elson, as part of the greater vision to recreate Seppeltsfield into a working artisan village, the bake house will be used to supply homemade fare to the winery cellar door café and also through the Seppeltsfield function menus. For Owen the chance to be part of reinventing a bygone lifestyle is a privilege. He looks forward to returning the passion and traditional technique by beginning with artisan Barossa pies.

TRADITIONAL: Chad Elson (left) and Owen Andrews in front of the bake house.

“We will also soon introduce rustic baked breads to the offering.” The bake house is one of a handful of buildings brought to life on site with the opening of the stables, which is now home to the cooperage, the kiosk and the gravity vintage cellar. In the pipeline are more artisans to join the stables, and further changes included a new range of premium wines including an Eden Valley Riesling. Seppeltsfield managing director Warren Randall is excited to bring yet another element to the Seppeltsfield lifestyle experience. “Village visitors can now experience the iconic Seppeltsfield wines alongside a working cooperage, locally brewed beer, a barista and chocolatier and now, locally prepared goods from our bake house,” he said. Winery staff are optimistic large crowds will visit the winery over the Easter weekend so bookings are recommended for the launch of the baked Barossa beef pies for Sunday, April 8.

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AUTHENTIC: Supporting the Barossa Indian Cuisine restaurant in Nuriootpa are (from left) Tammy Mortyn, Sasmi, Vamsi, Arminder, Sanjeev, Dilbaag, Dr Neni with Kaali Connors and Danielle Farrell (front).



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Wednesday, April 4, 2012 - Page 9 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

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A GENUINE taste of India is being embraced by the Barossa community. It comes in the form of great food and hospitality at Nuriootpa’s newest restaurant Barossa Indian Cuisine. The restaurant is housed in the revamped bank along Murray Street, which was also home to The Branch and Cucina Banco. Manager Vasmi Koganti said he looks forward to meeting the Barossa community. He explained how the Barossa is one of the best welcoming communities of other cultures within Australia. “I am from India and came to Australia 10 years ago, and lived in Adelaide for eight years,” Mr Koganti said. “I look forward to building a strong relationship with the Barossa community.” On Saturday, March 24 an official opening of the restaurant was held with more than 250 invited guests enjoying an array of Indian cuisine. The restaurant was open to the public on Wednesday, March 28. The restaurant provides typical Indian style foods with dishes of Panner Tikka Masala and Malai Kofta and changes regularly to suit a variety of palates. Mr Koganti added he plans to create special offers and activities with more details to come. Barossa Indian Cuisine is open every evening from 6pm and also for lunches on Saturday and Sunday from 11.30pm to 2.30pm. The building, which is owned by The Co-op is leased by Mr Koganti and a couple of silent partners. Mr Koganti said he is also involved in other Indian restaurants within the state.



Action needed

Trees cop the chop

By ROBERT LAIDLAW THE notorious Calton Road and Murray Street intersection in Gawler remains a problem. At one stage a roundabout had been mooted but was squashed because of the perceived traffic snarls it would create. Currently, traffic lights are the most popular ‘theory’ to alleviate drivers’ concerns at the intersection. But Trevor Bellchambers, Gawler East Neighbourhood Watch area co-ordinator said it is time for action, not just ‘action plans.’ “Our main concern for traffic is when motorists turn right into Murray Street from Calton Road - especially larger vehicles - as they can obscure vision for drivers turning left, which can create risk-taking manoeuvres,” Mr Bellchambers said. “I’ve seen numerous drivers getting frustrated at that corner because they seem to wait ages when traffic is busy, then decide to push through. “The intersection is a mess and interim measures to alleviate unsafe conditions must be incorporated, as the prime concern is the safety of everyone, drivers and pedestrians.” Several concerns have been voiced by members of Neighbourhood Watch in regards to alternatives.

CONCERNED: Trevor Bellchambers at the intersection. A roundabout is deemed unsuitable as it would create a build-up of traffic along Murray Street in both directions, which would see a chaotic situation. Plus, with the roundabout on High Street, it could prove to be more of a road block than assisting traffic. Lights seem to be the shortsighted solution to many traffic problems in the metropolitan area, but with road designs from 150-yearsago dominating the Gawler thoroughfares, it would prove unsuitable in helping with the flow through Murray Street. “A no-right turn sign on Calton Road would help, but drivers who chose to disobey the sign would continue the

frustration,” Mr Bellchambers said. “Another suggestion is for a medium strip at the end of Carlton Road, which could be curved to force drivers to turn left only, and in the short term would solve the problem. “Traffic could divert down High Street and turn left at Lyndoch Road, or follow Murray Street around to the lights at Whitelaw Terrace and turn there.” Since the road between Gawler and Williamstown has been sealed, the traffic has considerably increased, which has contributed to the escalation of frustration in drivers at the Calton Road/Murray Street intersection.

CONTINUAL forward planning and reinforcing of specifications will help avoid harsh tree trimming in the Barossa in the future, according to the Barossa Council. This comes after ETSA Utilities recently trimmed trees near power lines in the Barossa, including this Claret Ash (pictured) along Basedow Road in Tanunda. While both the council and ETSA Utilities agree they have an excellent relationship, this time a break down in communication meant the trees were not properly shaped. Barossa Council’s Director of works and engineering Michael Lange said generally extra funds are

provided to ETSA Utilities to allow for the trees to be shaped during their visit to the Barossa. “While it’s disappointing, we do continually reinforce this is what we require,” Mr Lange said. Mr Lange said the funds are budgeted by the council for council kept roads and by the state department for roads like Barossa Valley Way. ETSA Utilities is required under legislation to trim trees around power lines to ensure safety for people and property,” Paul Roberts, a spokesperson for ETSA Utilities said. “That legislation prevents us from touching trees outside a two metre buffer zone,” he said.

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Wednesday, April 4, 2012 - Page 11 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


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Windfarm opposition THERE has been much discussion in the Herald in recent weeks concerning “wind farms” which as usual, has its proponents and its opponents. I have refrained from entering into this argument since I feel that the protagonists are either those in favour, generally those who are going to make money, such as the companies involved and the politicians/councillors who will receive “gratuities” of some form or another or those who will be affected adversely by the erection of those abominations that generate power. I could add my “two-penn’orth” in a long discourse but will merely suggest that those who are really interested stop listening to those whose interest is limited to financial gain. A good example of the harm both to the environment and the population can be seen by anyone who can connect to the Internet. A search for Hawaiian wind farms on the internet or You Tube: Seehttp://www.youtube.com/watc h?v=VjtQVe7l6ts will certainly open the eyes of those not wholly aware of the damage caused by the usage of this method of power generation. This could be Australia in the future. The fallacious argument that the

use of “wind farms” (which I always thought was another name for Parliament) would result in cheaper electricity, has the same truth as the privatisation of ETSA as promised so long ago. I am still waiting for that wondrous day. Robert H Mercer Mt Pleasant More turbine opposition A petition has been presented to the Goyder Council listing 277 genuine local names and signatures from the immediate area of Waterloo wind farm and the adjacent proposed Robertstown and Stony Gap wind farms. These residents are clearly saying that they do not want any more wind farms to be built in the area between Burra and Eudunda because of the real impacts of the turbines on themselves, their friends, family and neighbours. These people have not been surveyed by TRUenergy or the Clean Energy Council or the CSIRO since the Waterloo wind farm began operating. Many of these people were in favour of the wind farm until they had to live with it. The collection of signatures is ongoing and at least 40 more will soon be presented to the council . In July 2011, after the Waterloo

wind farm had been operating for about eight months, an Adelaide University survey sent to 75 households within 5km of the Waterloo wind farm had 48 respondents, an extremely high response rate. Seventy per cent were moderately to severely affected by the wind turbine noise. Four households who lived between 3-4.5km from the turbines have had to leave their home in order to get enough sleep. Two of these have bought houses in other towns. Two other households who cannot afford to buy another home are living in a shed and in a caravan. Other families remain sleep deprived and sick in their own homes, waiting for the EPA to act. Noise pollution governance and the EPA are failing the people of Waterloo and Hallett. What does Mr Garnsworthy say to the residents at Waterloo who have been advised by their doctors never to go back to their home when the turbines are turning? How is he and his company “engaging” with them? How is he “engaging” with the children who are getting headaches, earaches, and cannot sleep? And they are planning to do it all again at Stony Gap, and Robertstown adversely affecting

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CHURCH SERVICES GOOD FRIDAY (GF), APRIL 6 & EASTER SUNDAY, APRIL 8 LUTHERAN CHURCH PARISHES Angaston Parish: Angaston: (GF-9am HC), 6.30am @ reserve, 8.45am HC @ church; Penrice: (GF-10.30am HC), 10.30am; Keyneton: 10.30am; Eden Valley: (GF-9am HC), 6.30am Dawn Service on Burkes Hill (bring chair). If inclement at EV Institute; Springton: (GF-10.30am HC), 9am. Bethany-Tabor Parish: Bethany: (GF-10am Comb @ Faith Chapel), 10am HC Faith Chapel; Tabor: (GF-10am Comb @ Faith Chapel), 6.30am HC. Cambrai Parish: Cambrai: (GF-11am P), at Sedan; Sedan: (GF-at Cambrai), 6.30am HC; Stonefield: (GF-9am P), 9am HC. Eudunda Parish: Eudunda: (GF-10.30am), 7am HC; Peep Hill: (GF-9am); Bower: (GF-5pm HC); Neales Flat: 9am HC. Freeling Parish: St Mark’s, Freeling: (GF-8.45am), 10am; Trinity, Rosedale: (GF-10.45am), 8am; Wheatfields: 2pm. Gawler: Zion, Pr Geoff Havelberg, Ph 8523 1929. 22B Cowan St, Gawler. Gawler Immanuel: Cnr Second & Seventh Sts, Gawler.Ph: 8522 6000.Sunday 8.45am, 10.45am. 1st Sunday of month 9.30am. Share-a-meal every 1st & 3rd Wed 11.45am. Greenock: Gnadenfrei: (GF-9am HC), 9am Pr + ‘Shoebox’ chat; Nain: (GF-9am LR), 10.30am Pr; Greenock: (GF-10.30am HC), 6.30am Pr + Breakfast. Kapunda Parish: Allen’s Creek: (GF-9am HC); Bethel: (GF-10.30am R), 10am Parish Service; Kapunda: (GF-10.30am HC). Langmeil Parish: (GF-8.45am Trad, 10.30am Cont), 6.45am Trad HC, 8.45am Cont HC. Light Pass Immanuel Parish: Light Pass: (GF-9am Pr @ Dutton), 6.30am HC; Stockwell: (GF-10.30am Pr), 8.30am HC; Dutton: (GF-9am Pr), 10.30am HC Light Pass Strait Gate: Light Pass: (GF-9am), 10.30am HC Choir; Gruenberg: 6.30am; Truro: (GF-10.30am), 9am HC. Lyndoch Parish: Lyndoch: 10.30am HC Modern Liturgy; Rowland Flat: (GF-9am Parish Worship), 9am HC Easter Liturgy.


Nuriootpa: St Petri: (GF-9.30am W, Pr A Kitson), 8.30am HC, Pr A Kitson, 10.30am HC, Pr A Kitson; Holy Trinity: (GF-8.30am), 8.30am HC; Ebenezer: (GF 10am at Neukirch), 10am HC; Neukirch: (GF10am), 6.30am HC. Robertstown Parish: 6.15am Dawn Community Gathering at Inspiration Point; Point Pass: 8am HC; Robertstown: 9.30am HC, pooled morning tea. St John’s Parish: St J: (GF-3pm), 6am cemetery, 6.30am HC Combined Svc; Sch: (GF-10.30am HC), 9am HC. St Paul’s Parish: St P:(GF-9am T); Gdb: (GF10.30am HC), 6.30am HC Combined at St John’s. Tanunda Lutheran Home: (GF-10.30am), 10.30am. Pastor John Thiel. Peace Evangelical Lutheran Church: 10.30am Fortnightly Services, at Nuri Senior Citizen’s Centre. Pastor M Rosenzweig. Ph: 8563 1310. ANGLICAN CHURCH Anglican Parish of Barossa: Angaston: (GF9am Liturgies SdK), 6.30am Svc @ Memorial Pk, Angaston, 3pm HC @ Keyneton Chapel SdK; Nuriootpa: (GF-9.30am Liturgies LB), 10am HC MM; Tanunda: 10am HC SdK; Williamstown: (GF-10am Liturgies MM), 10am HC AD. Kapunda Anglican Parish:Christ Church, Kapunda: 9.15am HC; St Mary’s, Point Pass: 11.15am HC. Mt Pleasant: 1st Sunday 8.30am, all other Sundays 9am. Enquiries to Hazel Wilton, Warden on 8568 2042. UNITING CHURCH Barossa Congregations: Nuriootpa: (GF-9am Chapman), 6.30am HC Bush Chapel, Plush, 9am HC Chapman; Tanunda: (GF-11am Chapman), 11am HC Chapman; Angaston: (GF-9am @ St Hugh’s), 6.30am Ecumenical Dawn Service, 9.30am Angaston WC. Gawler Parish: Gawler: (GF-9.30am Littleford), 9.30am HC Littleford; Sandy Creek: (GF-@ W/town), 6.15am, 9.30am van Dyk; Williamstown: (GF-10am Edwards), 10am Graetz. Kersbrook: 10am. Enquiries: 8389 3114. Light Parish: Kapunda: (GF-8.30am, Mr G Hawke), 9.15am Mr G Hawke; Eudunda: 10am Hostel Service, Mr A Partington. BAPTIST CHURCH Barossa Community Church: 10am Barossa Junction Motel/Conference Centre, Barossa Valley Way, Tan, Pastor Richard Ansoul. Ph: 8563 2158. Lyndoch Baptist Church: Kauffman Ave, Lyndoch: 10am. All welcome. Enquiries to Pastor Tony Edwards on 8564 3001. CATHOLIC CHURCH PARISHES Northern Light Catholic Parish: Nuri: 1st & 3rd Sat 6.30pm, 2nd & 5th Sun 10.30am, 4th Sun 9am; Kapunda: 4th Sat 6.30pm, 1st & 3rd Sun 10.30am, 2nd & 5th Sun 9am; Freeling: 1st Sun 9am, 4th Sun

CHC 52054-08/11

10.30am, 5th Sun 5pm; Tarlee: 3rd Sun 9am. Parish Office: Ph 8566 2064. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST Barossa: 1 Old Kapunda Rd, Nuri; Sat 9.30am Family Bible Study, 11am Family Worship. ASSEMBLIES OF GOD Barossa New Life Centre: Sunday 10am at the roundabout, cnr Barossa Valley Way & Siegersdorf Road, Dorrien. 4pm at Mt Pleasant Anglican Church Hall, Melrose St. All welcome. Pastor Diane Pope, Pastor Trevor Auricht. Ph: 8562 3844. Kapunda: 10am Sunday, Light Community Church, Main St, Kapunda. Pastor Paul Smith. All welcome. Ph: 8566 2864. CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP Tanunda, McDonnell Street opp former Tanunda Primary School: Saturdays 2.30pm, Worship, Open Bible Study. CHRISTIAN FAMILY CENTRE Barossa: 10.30am Sundays. 16 Scholz Ave, Nuri. Pastor Alan Matson. Ph: 0404 846 274. Murray Flats: 5pm alternate Sundays. Pastor Alan Matson. Ph: 0404 846 274. Cambrai Uniting Church 5pm. SALT CHURCH 25 Northside Crt, Evanston Gdns: Sunday Service 10am & 5pm. Offices, b/shop open 9.30am-4pm. Ph: 8522 0000. THE CHRISTADELPHIANS Sunday school, Greenock Institute Hall, 9.30am. Memorial meetings 11am Sunday. Bible Studies 8pm Tuesday. All welcome. Phone 8524 4196. CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Main North Rd, Evanston Park. Worship Service Sunday 10.30am. All welcome. Pastor Douglas Carolisen. Ph: 8523 1706. INTERDENOMINATIONAL CHURCH Birdwood United Church. 10am Pr Brian Teakle. Ph: 8568 5540. All welcome. HEWETT COMMUNITY CHURCH OF CHRIST Kingfisher Dr, Hewett. 10am, Sunday inspiring worship service. Young generation and creche avail.Youth, women and men’s programs. Ph: 8522 4938. GAWLER FULL GOSPEL OUTREACH MINISTRIES Family Worship Svc. 10am Sun, stone pavilion, Sport & Community Cent, Nixon Tce, Gaw. Pastor Shirley Coe. Ph: 0401 065 748. KAPUNDA EVANGELICAL CHURCH (GF-5pm), 10.30am (only). Both at Fusion Hall, 4 Jeff Street. LYNDOCH FULL GOSPEL FELLOWSHIP MINISTRY Lyndoch Institute each Sunday, 11.30am-1.30pm Pastor Ken East . Ph: 8524 4787.

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even more rural residents. Re - Pygmy Blue Tongue lizards at the Stony Gap Wind Farm site. The PBT are listed as endangered under the EPBC Act and the NPW Act. This should trigger an EPBC referral which should result in an in-depth survey being done. Not only did TRUenergy not do this, they did not notify and inform the PBT recovery team of their discoveries or proposed wind farm development or consult with them about how to proceed. At the time of writing this letter, the PBT Recovery Team, having been alerted by the community, is still waiting on a response from TRUenergy. Mary Morris Eudunda Mid North Wind Farm Awareness Labor advice The decimation of Labor at recent times is not due to broken promises and stupid policies, they are to be expected. It is due to the antiquated structure of the Party. The broad electorate today is better educated and more sophisticated than past times. Grown men and women don’t need a few faceless men telling them when they can and cannot shop. Local branches of the Labor party have almost no say in who will represent them and what policies should be adopted. The Registered Clubs and the Hotel Association and other lobbyists can get their desires met because they only have to deal with a few party officials. They don’t need to worry about local branches. It is already too late for the present state and federal governments. Tony Beales Gawler East Carbon complaint The facts are that our current government, of dubious credentials and intentions are going to ‘slam’ us all with a Carbon Tax. Which is supposed to, what? Lower our emissions on our planet? So why then do


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these bureaucrats ‘continue to ignore the most basic of facts? It is totally hypocritical for this government to, on the one hand, slam a tax for carbon emissions in this country to protect the planet, while at the same time, selling billions of dollars of our coal and gas to overseas companies to burn, and for a fraction of the price that we pay for it and tax free. Untenable, beyond hypocrisy, pure corruption. All of our ecosystems are now extremely fragile. However, in all this talk about the carbon tax, has there been any discussion regarding how to make real and enduring changes to the way we all need to think about our energy needs, and preserving the natural environments and resources of the earth? Creating a balance between commerce and the preservation of natural places, which is what we all long for, essentially? No. This tax is an illusion, like the brainwashing of a dumbed down society. To take more money from the average, honest worker, who can least afford it. And yet, no real discussion on how this tax will benefit the world environment, or anyone for that matter. Let’s all understand that it is the ‘natural environment’ that has ‘everything’ to do with the ‘climate’. Why has there been zero dialogue on the fact that the planet has been seriously deforested, and with only 10 per cent of original forest left? Our government has become corrupt, because they no longer serve the people, who vote them into office but, tow the party/corporate line and pander to overseas interests for the Money. How long must we wait for a new leader/government in politics who is fearless and actually serves the people and in this case the planet? We are being hoodwinked. Wake up and reclaim your democracy. Bring it on. C Connors Angaston

Twoway Crossword No 088

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For your chance to win a bottle of Langmeil wine, complete the crossword only and drop the entry form into The Herald office Monday by 4.30pm. Winners need to collect their wine within the week. Last week’s winner was Glenn Lambert of Angaston.

Views expressed in the Letters to the editor are not those of the Herald. We welcome topical letters, with preference to letters of no more than 200 words. All letters are checked for authenticity. Pseudonyms are not acceptable. Mail your letters to: The editor, PO Box 43, Tanunda, SA, 5352. Fax: 8563 3655. E-mail: editor.barossaherald@ruralpress.com

Name:................................................................. Town:...........................................

Wednesday, April 4, 2012 - Page 12 - The Herald, Barossa Valley



Wednesday, April 4, 2012 - Page 13 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


Barossa incident round-up ARRESTS • A Nuriootpa male youth was arrested on March 29 by the Nuriootpa Police for sell and supply of cannabis on school grounds. • A Para Vista man in his 30s was arrested on April 1 by the Nuriootpa Police for carrying an offensive weapon. • A Freeling woman in her 40s was arrested on April 1 by the Nuriootpa Police for property damage. REPORTS • A Mt Crawford man in his 30s was reported on March 26 by the Williamstown Police for prescribed concentration of alcohol with a reading of 0.112, following a vehicle accident on 28 January 2012. An instant loss of licence was issued. • A Freeling man in his 40s was reported on March 29 by the Freeling Police for cultivating cannabis. • An Angaston male youth was reported on March 29 by the Nuriootpa Police for possess cannabis. • A Springton male youth was reported on March 29 by the Nuriootpa Police for possess cannabis. • A Craigmore youth was reported on March 29 by the Nuriootpa Police for possess cannabis. • A Templers man in his 50s was reported on March 30 by the Freeling Police for cultivate cannabis with intent to supply and possessing prescribed equipment. • A 15-year-old Nuriootpa male was reported on March 30 by the Nuriootpa Police for being a minor in possession of liquor. • A Nuriootpa man in his 30s was reported on

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LAUNCHED: Sixty people showed their support for the launch of the tourism enhancements at the Doddridge Blacksmith Shop in Angaston on Friday night. According to Dr Bill Gransbury member of the Angaston & Penrice Historical Society, a highlight of the evening was the screening of the film, on the shop, which was created by Ash Starkey. The public can view this via YouTube by typing in Doddridge Blacksmith Shop, Angaston. “Another highlight was the presentation of the Premier’s Award for Volunteering which went to Ron Schilling,” Dr Gransbury said. “Ron has been associated with the preservation of the Blacksmith Shop since 1982 when he was one of the members of the Barossa machinery Preservation Society who led the buy back of the equipment when it was being sold after the death of Hardy Doddridge.” To view the tourism enhancements and check out the 140year-old blacksmith shop, head to 19 Murray Street, Angaston. Dr Gransbury (right) is pictured with Des Mumme who is a blacksmith and a member of Artist Blacksmiths Association of South Australia. Mr Mumme helped repair the forge that Hardy Doddridge once used. PIC: Shaun Kowald.

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March 31 by the Nuriootpa Police for PCA with a reading of 0.107 and breach of probationary licence conditions. An instant loss of licence was issued and the vehicle impounded. • An 18-year-old Nuriootpa woman was reported on April 1 by the Nuriootpa Police for four counts of deception. THEFT • A wallet was stolen from a vehicle parked on Laucke Road, Stockwell after a window was smashed, between March 25 and 26. • A mobile phone stolen was stolen from a vehicle parked on Cricks Mill Road, Mt Pleasant on March 25. The window to the vehicle was slightly down. PROPERTY DAMAGE • Graffiti was marked to Kapunda Kindergarten between March 23 and 26. DANGEROUS DRIVING • An 18-year-old Nuriootpa man was reported on March 31 by the Nuriootpa Police for misuse of a motor vehicle after a vehicle was reported doing burnouts. The vehicle was impounded. BANKNOTES • Investigations by Nuriootpa Police over the weekend of March 31 and April 1 have shown a number banknotes suspected of being counterfeit are in fact legitimate. Police advises all traders in the Barossa that the Reserve Bank of Australia has a website to assist in the detection of counterfeit banknotes rba.gov.au/banknotes/counterfeit/security.html.

13 Gawler Street Nuriootpa SA 5355

ARRESTS • A 40-year-old Elizabeth East man was arrested on March 28 by the Barossa CIB for aggravated serious criminal trespass and theft. • A 31-year-old Elizabeth Park man was arrested on March 28 by Barossa CIB and the Gawler Patrols for theft. • An Evanston male youth was arrested on March 29 by the Gawler Police for a warrant by the Gawler Police. • A 37-year-old Hewett woman was arrested on March 30 for a first instance warrant. • An 18-year-old Elizabeth East woman was arrested on March 30 by the Gawler Police for providing false details and driving contrary to a defect notice. • A 44-year-old Gawler West man was arrested on March 31 by the Gawler Police for a first instance warrant for driving while disqualified. REPORTS • A Sandy Creek man was reported on March 27 by the Gawler Police for PCA with a reading of 0.124. • A 29-year-old Gawler West man was reported on March 27 by the Gawler Police for driving while unlicensed. • A 32-year-old Gawler West man was reported on March 28 by the Gawler Police for urinating in a public place.

• A 23-year-old Hewett man was reported on March 29 by the Gawler Police for PCA with a reading of 0.094. • A 31-year-old male from Gawler East was reported on March 30 by Gawler Police for driving while disqualified. As a result he had his vehicle seized. • A 33-year-old Gawler South man was reported on March 31 by Gawler Police for driving while disqualified and for driving with a PCA of 0.162. • A 16-year-old Willaston male was reported on April 1 by Gawler Police for assault causing harm. • A Gawler East male youth was reported on April 1 by the Gawler Police for aggravated serious criminal trespass. TRESPASS • A lap top and cash were stolen after unknown person entered a home on Hillier Road, Hillier, by smashing a window. • A Gawler East youth has been reported and investigations continue after a number of fire extinguishers were activated at a Gawler East school on March 31. PROPERTY DAMAGE • Rear windows to an Adelaide Road, Gawler business were shattered by rocks,, between March 26 and 27. THEFT • An IPod was stolen from a vehicle parked on Gartrell Street,

Roseworthy, between March 25 and 26. • Investigations continue after a person was viewed on CCTV stealing items form a the rear of a shop on Reid Street, Gawler ,on March 24. • A male filled a jerry can with $7 worth of fuel and failed to pay at a business on Main North Road, Evanston on March 27. • Four drive offs have occurred between the March 28 and 30 at three different service stations in the Gawler and Evanston areas. • A supply of prescription medicine was taken from a property on Fifth Street, Gawler South, between March 29 and 30. • A vehicle was stolen from Falcon Drive, Hewett and later discovered burnt out near Freeling on March 31. ARSON • A small grass fire was started on a reserve on Congdon Street, Gawler East. BUSINESS SECURITY • There has been a spate of business trespass offences where offenders have stolen cash from drawers, registers and safes. Store owners are urged not to keep cash on the premises and to display signage indicating no cash left on premises. Stickers are available from local police stations. Use of monitored alarms and CCTV is also a recommended.

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PHONE 8562 3441

Wednesday, April 4, 2012 - Page 14 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


Assist police POLICE ask the public for help following a recent spate of grass fires at Gawler. The fires, which have occurred in the vicinity of Gawler East Primary School have been deliberately lit. If the public witnesses anything suspicious, then please contact the 131 444 number or if you have any further information in regards to these fires, contact the Gawler Police on 8522 0400.


Fabulous fuchsias

of gorgeous hanging basket fuchsias, also in flower. On Saturday, April 7, the Nursery is privileged to have fuchsia experts Roger and Chris Serace, and on Sunday, April 8, Don Serace, in

attendance, to advise customers and answer any questions. They can help select fuchsias for most situations in your gardens. The Plants Plus autumn catalgue is now out and

AUTUMN is an excellent time to have a look around the Barossa Nursery. Apart from the fabulous fuchsias, there are roses, dahlias, pansies, snapdragons, salvias, dianthus and more - a kaleidoscope of colour. Take a relaxing walk around the beautiful garden, listen to the music, take the time to smell the roses and maybe have a cappuccino with a friend. The friendly staff at Barossa Nursery on Barossa Valley Way, Nuriootpa, looking forward to welcoming you.

If it’s in good condition donate it to a local charity otherwise place in your WASTE BIN.

FLOWERING: The fuchsias are coming into bloom at Barossa Nursery, admired by Daniel Bartsch. FUCHIAS are among the most rewarding of plants producing dozens of pretty flowers in colours of red, purple, white and pink. Barossa Nursery, on Barossa Valley Way at Nuriootpa, is full

Kaleidoscope of colour

Barossa Nursery is loaded with wonderful, well-priced plants. Head on in to Barossa Nursery, the best large garden centre in South Australia and make your Easter an enjoyable gardening weekend.

For a RECYCLE RIGHT fact sheet visit zerowaste.sa.gov.au or call 1300 137 118.


‘Fuchsia Festival’ THIS SATURDAY, APRIL 7th & SUNDAY, APRIL 8th

Fuschia Experts 140mm Fuchsias From $


Barossa Nursery WINNER Best Large Garden Centre in SA 2012

Great Range of Flowering Fuschia Baskets

47 187083

on hand to help you


Barossa Valley Way, Nuriootpa

8562 2288 bar_nurs@bigpond.net.au


Wednesday, April 4, 2012 - Page 15 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


Ollie Knauerhase, of Nuriootpa, was one on April 3.

Eloise Thomson, of Moculta, will be three on April 14.

Elyssa Thomson, of Moculta, was four on April 1.

Vanessa Mardle, of Nuriootpa, was six on March 30.

Mikaela Bailey-Hann, of Nuriootpa, was six on March 25.

Abby Whitford, of Tanunda, will be five on April 6.

Jace Craig Wedding, son of Lisa and Damien, of Tanunda, was born on March 22 at Lyell McEwin Hospital, weighing 8lb 4oz (3755g). He is a brother for Thomas, Liam and Kaeden and a grandchild for Leon and Pam Booth of Robertstown and Jeffrey and Christine Wedding of Booborowie.

With access to over 20 lenders, including HomeStart Finance, we work hard to find you a better deal!



Call us today... Kerrie Dellar 0408 845 154 Australian Credit Licence #389548


Blair Boehm, of Light Pass, was six on April 1.

Elyse Cartwright, of Nuriootpa, was three on March 30.

Owen William Dean, son of David Dean and Sellena Reed, of Kapunda, was born on March 23 at Kapunda Hospital, weighing 8lb 13oz (3985g). He is a brother for Zachary and Tyson and a grandchild for Cathy and Grant Markos of Kapunda the late Jillian Vangelder and the late Gary Reed, and Mick and Carol Dean of Elizabeth Vale.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012 - Page 16 - The Herald, Barossa Valley



Wednesday, April 4, 2012 - Page 17 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


SodaStream packs up for grabs DO YOU want a constant stream of soft drink at home that never runs out? With SodaStream it can happen. Just carbonate tap water, add your favourite flavoured syrup and there you have an instant and delicious soft drink. Making your favourite fizzy drinks at home is easy and fun, and it’s also good for our environment. Having a SodaStream

in your kitchen helps the planet by reducing the pollution created by the transportation and disposal of millions of plastic bottles each year. Also, one CO2 cylinder fizzes 40 litres of over 40 flavours of refreshing soft drink to choose from. Win a pack The Herald in conjunction with SodaStream is giving three readers the chance to win a pack (pictured)

valued at $120. The starter pack consists of one limited edition ‘Karim Rashid’ drinks maker, one CO2 Cylinder, one 1L PET Bottle, one lemonade syrup, one cream soda syrup and one cola syrup valued at $120. To enter, write your name, address and daytime telephone number on the back of an envelope addressed to: Herald’s SodaStream competition, PO Box 43, Tanunda SA 5352.

GIVEAWAY: Enter for your chance to win one of three SodaStream packs.

Entries need to be received no later than 5pm Thursday, April 26, and winners will be announced by telephone. Prizes must be collected from the Herald office, Murray Street, Tanunda, opposite the rotunda. In addition, you can also win a year’s supply of SodaStream syrups by registering at sodastream.com.au/com petition and enter the competition code 207404.

Be part of Riverdance

33 main north road willaston t: 08 8522 1021 f: 08 8522 1629 e: willaston.hotel@alhgroup.com.au

FOR the first time in nine years, the pounding feet and swirling music of Riverdance returns to Adelaide. It will be performed for the first time in an intimate theatre setting and the Herald is giving away two double passes to opening night, Wednesday, May 16. Of all the performances to emerge from Ireland - in rock, music, theatre and film nothing has rivalled the energy, the sensuality and the spectacle of Riverdance. With its fusion of Irish and international music and dance, the show received unanimous critical acclaim and broke all box office records during



its world premiere run in Dublin in early 1995. When it transferred to London in June that year, the audience’s response was so overwhelming that the original 10 performances had to be increased to 151 shows. Since then, it has packed theatres throughout North America, Oceania, Asia and Europe. Riverdance focuses on the evolution of Irish dance, which has captured the imagination of audiences across all ages and cultures. It draws on Irish traditions and combines the richness of the music with the magic and sensuality of the dance.

Greenock Creek Tavern


Mon - Fri 11am till LATE Sunday 11am till 8


HAPPY HOUR Sun -Thurs 5 - 6pm $1.00 off wines and pints + spirits



Chicken or Beef Schnitzel, with your choice of sauce and a FREE schooner of draught, Coopers or blonde or glass of house wine

12pm - 5pm



E FRE LIVE BAND RY Roots Music with T N E




‘LAURA HILL & The Tuesday Bandits’ on their Guava Tree Tour



Ravioli or Penne with Carbonara or Neopolitan sauce and a FREE schooner of draught, coopers or blonde or glass of house wine

Baked Potatoes & Cheese Platters



Pool Table, Pokies, Jukebox, Beer Garden & Function Room available. Great Food and Fantastic Local Beers on Tap.

A range of GIBSON wines on sale 1808764


T Bone or Scotch Fillet, Chips, Salad and your choice of sauce/gravy and a FREE schooner of draught, Coopers or blonde or glass of house wine



Performance dates are May 16 to 20 and shows will be held inside the Festival Theatre, Adelaide. Tickets are on sale now through BASS. To win one of two double passes up for grabs - write your name, address and daytime telephone number on the back of an envelope addressed to: Herald’s Riverdance competition, PO Box 43, Tanunda SA 5352. Entries need to be received no later than 5pm Thursday, April 26, and winners will be announced by telephone. Tickets must be collected from the Herald office, located in Murray Street, Tanunda, opposite the rotunda.

Phone 8562 8136

Marquee - rain, hail or shine! Kick back, relax and enjoy!


2 Murray Street, Greenock

85614299 Faith Lutheran College Magnolia Rd Tanunda


Up Coming events... Puttin’ on the Ritz – Tues, 29th May 11am WH1808353

April’s Fool – Wed 30th May 7.30pm TaikOz Shifting Sand – Sat 2nd June 7.30pm





Come and experience a little magic as Faith Lutheran College presents Disney’s ‘Aladdin Jr’. You’ll instantly recall the wonderful songs from the classic Disney film and bask in the rollicking adventure filled with laughter, romance and danger. ‘Aladdin Jr’ is a timeless tale for all ages that will fill your senses and your heart.

With more front than Myer, our bosom-buddies return in their own laugh-out-loud and totally liberating show as they unleash their playful puppies and walk abreast down mammary lane. It's an uplifting celebration.

Andrew Horabin uses comedy, song and storytelling to explore some of the issues of masculinity – sex, work, marriage, mateship, intimacy, fathering, feelings, booze, homophobia and attachments to motor vehicles. At the end of the night, women will want him over for dinner and men will want to have a beer with him.

Matinee 2nd & 3rd May @ 10.30am Evening 2nd, 4th & 5th May @ 8pm Adult: $29.50 Conc: $24.50 YP(U17): $17.00 Family: $85.00

Wednesday, 9th May 8pm Adult: $49.20, Conc: $44.30 Group (6+): $43.20

Wednesday, April 4, 2012 - Page 18 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Friday, 11th May 8pm Adult: $25.00, Conc: 20.00 admin.barossaherald@ruralpress.com

Real Estate Liftout

Feel of a luxury hotel Features for a relaxing lifestyle with a spectacular entrance hall. See Domain P3. THURSDAY 5TH APRIL


Assoc. Aust. Inst. of Conveyancers Registered Conveyancer

Beckwith Park Commercial Precinct 30-38 Barossa Valley Way, Nuriootpa

Ph: (08) 8562 3355 | Fax: (08) 8562 3282




NURIOOTPA 13 Falkenberg Road ................10:30am - 11:00am

EUDUNDA 54 Barwell Street ................................1:00 - 1:45pm

Wishing all Herald readers a happy & safe Easter

• House & Land Settlements • Mortgages • Leases • Business Settlements • Subdivisions Arranged • Strata Titles • Power of Attorney ALL REAL PROPERTY ACT DOCUMENTS

CONVEYANCER? MAKE THE RIGHT CHOICE www.barossaherald.com.au

Wednesday, April 4, 2012 - Domain Page 1 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


Real Estate Liftout

Location, views and space

APPEALING: The Lyndoch house is left and at right the undercover entertaining area.



The Vendor’s statement relating to matters affecting the advertised properties in this publication may be inspected at the agents office three business days prior to the auction or at the place of auction thirty minutes before sale.


ITS POSITION on the high side of Rushall Road in Lyndoch gives this home an appealing outlook over stately gums. Set on a block of about 1005 square metres allows plenty of outside space while the inside is equally spacious with three good sized bedrooms, the main having an ensuite and walk-in robe. There is also a convenient three-way bathroom that includes a linen cupboard. At the front of the house is a separate lounge perfect for


your very own home theatre room or a private space to get away from the day-to-day activity of family living which will no doubt be all happening in the great open-plan kitchen, family, dining room. The kitchen is a good size with plenty of cupboard space, gas cooktop, electric oven and of course what every family needs - a dishwasher. The family room is the perfect spot for family meals, relaxed television viewing and overseeing children’s homework while preparing

the evening meal. Polished timber floors throughout are low maintenance and add to the warm and welcoming feel of the home. Step outside the back door of this great home into an attractive gabled patio perfect for entertaining friends and family on those balmy summers nights with a barbecue and one of the Barossa’s famous bottles of Shiraz. There are some very desirable extras including

timber flooring throughout the living areas, evaporative cooling, gas heating a double garage under the main roof and there is definitely plenty of room for a caravan or boat.

At a glance... Where: 11 Rushall Road, Lyndoch. Price: $325,000. Agent: Barossa Real Estate. Contact: Peter Fairweather on 0415 825 420. RLA:1997.




LYNDOCH $325 - $335K


EBENEZER $630-$650K

152B Murray St

42 Gilbert Street

42 Angas Street

Lot 102 Belvedere Rd

INVEST, RETIRE OR RELAX A brand new courtyard home with all of the “I wants”. Appealing front elevation and quality fittings throughout. Double garage and paved front yard. Ensuite and walk-in robe to master bedroom. Fully fenced and planted rear garden. Close to main street. Investors note, first tenancy establishment is FREE! Call to inspect. Peter Fairweather 0415 825 420

GREAT LOCATION, IDEAL FAMILY HOME Separate entry, lge lnge, 3 brms, Ensuite, walk in & BI Rs. Huge open plan meals & family, kitchen with walk in pantry, split system a/c, comb heating, neutral décor. Full length rear verandah, double carport with roller doors, 8 panel solar electricity, Rain water tanks. BBQ Area, Established gardens. Walking distance to local schools and shopping. Be quick for this one. Sue Schugmann 0419 850 408

CEDAR COTTAGE This western red cedar cottage is set on a large block of over 1600m2. Stylishly presented as an open plan, 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom home with beautiful indoor/outdoor flow. Combustion heat/bread oven, evap cooling, fruit trees and veggie patch in beautiful cottage garden, rain water tanks. Very affordable living or holiday home! Sue Schugmann 0419 850 408

GREAT HORSE PROPERTY SET ON 26.7 ACRES. Three bedrooms ensuite & WIR, lnge/formal dine. Near new wood kitchen gas cook top & Ubench oven, meals + family room. 3 way bathroom. Combustion heating & ducted cooling. Verandah, dble carport, 6x9.2 mtr gge, 4 bay in house horse complex, tack & feed areas, massive 15mtr x 15mtr Implement shed, approx one acre licensed vineyard. Pergola, winter dam, 100,000 r/ water plumbed to home. Only minutes’ to Nuriootpa. Sue Schugmann 0419 850 408



GAWLER EAST $439,950


12 Rounsevell Crt

7 Robert Ross Dr

22 McGahan Court

34 Hoffmann Ave

GORGEOUS OUTLOOK! 4 brm brick veneer home set on a large 5150m2 (approx) block. Separate lounge room, kitchen/ family/meals area, bedrooms 1, 2, and 3 all with built-in robes, three way bathroom, slate flooring, outdoor entertaining area, 3 garden sheds and ample rainwater. Peter Fairweather 0415 825 420

SPACIOUS FOUR BEDROOM HOME Spacious sep lnge, incl flat screen TV & entertainment unit, lge kitchen with lots of bench space & access to gge, open plan family & meals, 4 brms, ensuite and built in walk in robes. Ducted R/C A/C, Extra large double garage with rear access, Rear veranda, Established gardens & fruit trees, Rain water tank, 772m2 block. Sue Schugmann 0419 850 408

TWO STORY BEAUTY You couldn’t build it for this price. Sep entry, fml lnge, up to the minute kitchen, stainless steel appliances, rumpus room, meals/ family room, fml dining, 4 brms, ensuite & WIR, BIRs, upstairs lounge area, 3 bthrms, ducted air & gas heat, 914m2 allot, fantastic views, walking distance to Gawler main street. Call Sue for a private inspection. Sue Schugmann 0419 850 408

FAMILY LIVING, AS GOOD AS IT GETS This meticulously presented large portico family home has 3 lge living areas, 4 brms and 2 bthrms. Generous proportions enhanced by 9 ft. vaulted ceilings. Whether you`re into a contemp or classic décor the delicate colour scheme will suit every style. Shed in the back gdn is fully lined & insulated. Perfect as home office, art studio or wine storage. Sue Schugmann 0419 850 408


www.barossarealestate.com.au F: 8563 0105 E: bvrealestate@ozemail.com.au www.barossaherald.com.au

Peter Fairweather 0415 825 420

Sue Schugmann 0419 850 408

Sue Fechner 8563 3511

Elle Moreton 0488 996 566

Property Manager Anne Johansson 8563 3511

RLA 1997

Wednesday, April 4, 2012 - Domain Page 2 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


8563 3511


Real Estate Liftout PROPERTY OF THE WEEK

EXCEPTIONAL: The superb kitchen area of the Gawler East house.

A place to call home THIS is the home that you hope will some day be yours. Contemporary in style, and situated in Gawler East, with all of the features that make for a relaxing lifestyle and with the feel of a luxury hotel. The spectacular entrance hall with staircase to the upstairs’ living is a fitting introduction to what lies within. Thoughtfully designed to provide spacious rooms but with a welcoming feel that belies its generous proportions. The master suite is exactly that, spacious with an ensuite that not only has a beautiful vanity with granite top but also a separate shower and bidet. The second bathroom, which services the three other bedrooms, features a double vanity also with granite top, a toilet and bidet and shower. All three bedrooms are doubles with built-in robes. Upstairs there is another sitting area with fantastic views over Clonlea Park. There were no cutting corners when the current owners built this house. Apart from the four bedrooms there is a lovely formal lounge and a formal dining room, but without doubt the most eye-catching feature of this home is the fabulous kitchen, meals and casual living area, the heart of any home. The kitchen offers generous bench space, a gas 900mm stove and rangehood plus a twin-drawer stainless-steel dishwasher. Large tiles are used throughout the downstairs rooms except the formal

At a glance... Where: 22 McGahan Court, Gawler East.

Private and peaceful location MAGNOLIA Park Estate in Tanunda offers private, secluded and sheltered cul-desac living on the town’s rural edge yet still right within the heart of it all. A different choice to the living style offered by the larger subdivisions, here is a small protected enclave in a pretty and peaceful position, with no through traffic. Regular shaped allotments feature in this small estate. Trees frame the perimeter of the estate and the entrance with its rendered wall and generous shady reserve gives an impression of restricted access, adding to the secure and private atmosphere of this subdivision. The location is ideal for families and through to those downsizing, only steps to the new Rex fitness

centre to keep you young, walking distance for the kids to Tanunda Primary and Faith Schools and just round the corner from Tanunda Bakery to collect your freshly baked bread on your morning stroll. Behind the Estate the railway line adds to the charm of town edge living with an almost unnoticeable passing of the morning and afternoon train, just a quiet reminder of country life ticking along around you. P r i v a t e l y p o s i t i o n e d , picturesque, and peaceful. For further details, please contact David Braunack on 0418 841 349 or Sandie Raggio on 0407 308 855 of Homburg Real Estate RLA 219152.

Features: Feel of a luxury hotel. Open: By appointment.

Check out our properties on the Net! www.kapundaprofessionals.com.au

Price: $439,950. Agent: Barossa Real Estate. Contact: Sue Schugmann on 0419 850 408.



lounge room. Off of the kitchen there is a good sized laundry with stainless-steel sink and bench. There is also a third toilet plus a large rumpus room with glass doors that lead outside to the patio area. The home is light and airy throughout and has been beautifully decorated with style and flair to create a serene and calming environment. Of course a home of this calibre has ducted air conditioning and gas heating and has been maintained to the highest standards. For anyone looking for a quality built home, completed to the highest standards with exciting lifestyle features throughout, this is one not to be missed. Set on a generous 914 square metre block there is plenty of room for the children to play. Set within walking distance to the main street of Gawler and great access to Clonlea Park walking trails this home is a must for inspection.

EUDUNDA 54 Barwell St


AUCTION Sat 5 May 3pm on premises

EUDUNDA 23 Michael Street REDUCED TO $290,000

DOUBLE BRICK home on near level corner allotment approx 1200m2, 3 spacious bedrooms, eat in kitchen, bathroom with shower and vanity, timber floors, shedding.

EUDUNDA 12 Laurence Street ASKING $219,000

Well presented 3 bedroom b/v home on approx 1000m2 well cared for gardens, master with ensuite and robes, huge kitchen/family room with tiled floors, formal dine with split system air, carport umr plus workshop.

ROBERTSON Section 441 Government Road ASKING $175,000

Very nicely presented double brick home on approx 900m2, 2 large bedrooms, small 3rd b/r or office, large country kitchen, w.i. pantry, formal sitting room with split system air, 20 x 20 gge, rainwater, Inspection by appointment please!

NEW RELEASE KAPUNDA 42 Coghill Street ASKING $195,000 "Acting under instructions from the Public Trustee" Have a bo peep at this "Storybook Stone Cottage", built in the 1870s & still going strong, offering 2 brms, dining/3rd brm, eat in country kitch, lnge, updated wet areas, heat/cool, shady vdahs, estab grds with shedding, well fenced pvt cnr allot. Contact Steve Mann to arrange your inspection.

Well maintained 14 acre olive plantation with room to build, mains water and power connected, full dripper system, ideal income producing property!

KAPUNDA Lot 91 Clifford Street REDUCED TO $64,950


Situated in an elevated part of the Kapunda township this serviced allot measuring approx 18.3m across the front & 32m deep (around 585sqm) is all ready for you to build your new home. It fronts a quiet road with min. surrounding development & could offer views from an elev deck at the rear of your new home. Is priced to sell & with services is excellent value. Contact Steve on 0417 811 348 for more details.

All properties can be viewed at www.realestate.com.au

Professionals Kapunda Charles 0417 823 065

8566 2127

Real People in Real Property!

RELAX: A living area in the Gawler East home with lovely views. 1808356


Wednesday, April 4, 2012 - Domain Page 3 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Steve 0417 811 348 RLA 163708


Real Estate Liftout

Perfectly practical ONE of an ideal pair, this condensed Tanunda home in its private and easy-care surrounds is the answer to all of life’s practical necessities coupled with the luxury of cosmopolitan living right on its doorstep. Among homes of character and just steps away from the main street shops, cafes and medical services, location really doesn’t get better than this. Securely situated behind a brick fence with a quaint picket gate, hedged boundary and paved pathway, this duplex has a welcoming yet private feel, its front porch discreet from the street. A sense of spaciousness greets one upon entry, the generous layout is light filled and inviting, a place where friends and family are sure to feel at home. This home unit certainly feels substantial and features a north-facing open-living plan with a large lounge, well equipped kitchen with walk-in pantry and dining zone. There are two bedrooms with builtin robes, a bathroom in timeless cream tones, separate toilet and good sized laundry. A long hallway allows nice separation of the individual spaces within and features generous linen storage. To the rear and through the laundry door, there’s easy and secure access to the fully enclosed garage featuring a concrete floor, power, light and a handy additional section for a workshop. A paved courtyard edged in brush fencing, bougainvillea and with a fold-out clothesline, is a private and sheltered garden nook to place your outdoor setting and enjoy an alfresco cuppa. Through a second picket gate, the front yard is accessed and is a space that may suit you to park the caravan off-street; add a carport or a verandah (both subject to all necessary consents); or where you’ll simply add a fast growing garden of screening plants to create a larger courtyard for your outdoor entertaining. Practical, secure, spacious and incredibly well maintained, this compact home is all about easy living on every level. In its premium location, this property offers the full range of services and attractions to perfectly meet the needs of the very young as well as the very grown up.

At a glance... Where: 1/10 Kook Street, Tanunda. Feature: Private and easy-care surrounds. Price: $249,500. Open: Call agent to view. Agent: Homburg Real Estate 8563 2599. RLA:219152. Contact: David Braunack 0418 841 349.

The‘PARAVILLE’ 4 x 12 ad WH1806802 for Elders LtdSALE named "WH1806802.PDF" is missing CLEARING

TOP: The outside of the Tanunda property featuring a private unit and above the spacious open living area.

Eden Valley/Craneford - C. Rogers Road

Allotment 12 St Kitts Road, St Kitts

(follow signs from Eden Valley/Angaston main Rd.)

Saturday 21st April 2012 at 10am MACHINERY David Brown 885 Tractor P/steer/dodger/ROPS, Massey Ferguson 124 square baler, 26ft x 5” grain auger, Vennings 130 bag grain silo, 3pl 16 plate disc, 3pl 13 spring tyne cultivator, Silvan 3pl air blast sprayer u/s, PTO driven 150 amp DC welder, Inter A-45 sickle mower, Pasture harrows, Fuel bowser 700 lt, Union bale loader, Wooden land roller.

ANTIQUE MACHINERY Mc Cormick Deering hay mower, Stick Rake, Mitchell 13hoe drill, 8 ft Shearer stripper, Mod A Ford truck rear axle/trailer, Pioneer chainsaw, Buggy shaft, Horse drawn scoop, Petter stat. engines, hand greenfeed cutter

Terms: Payment on sale day, Number system applies, ID required GST of 10% will be added to applicable items

Contact Vendor: Tim Rogers 0427 034 652 | 8564 1015 or Agent Bruce Cameron 0429 471 966 Elders Roseworthy: 8524 8333. www.barossaherald.com.au

42.3ha- 104.5 acres

• • • • • • •

Gently undulating farming & grazing land 490mm rainfall area plus 2 dams Mature trees and planted shelter belts Sound stock fencing Sown pastures of Sceptre lucerne Power passes over property Excellent location just 5kms from Truro & 15km Barossa Valley


2 frame honey extractor, Drag saw blade, 300gal water tank, Circ saw blade, Mobile petrol crutching plant & h/piece, Sheep feeding troughs, 8 lengths 2” pipe, 11 lengths 3” irrig fluming, 20ft & 30ft w/mill towers, Assort sawn redgum slabs and posts, Wine press, s/h PVC and poly pipe, rolls smooth wire, Assort elect mtrs/generators, Old wooden & metal gates, Blacksmiths lathe(unassembled),forge blower, old hand & garden tools, Assorted timber, Scrap Iron, Fencing materials,troughs, coppers, Antique furniture and wares, Sundries Household white goods/furniture, Large amount Bric-a-brac.



AUCTION 2PM - 26TH APRIL 2012 TRURO TOWN HALL Geoff Schell 0418 842 421 or Daniel Schell 0415 436 379

Wednesday, April 4, 2012 - Domain Page 4 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

RLA 205501


Real Estate Liftout

QUIET: The three-bedroom, solid, double-brick Tanunda house.

Solid investment IN A quiet tree lined street in Tanunda is this lovely solid, doublebrick home. It is nestled on a generous corner allotment of about 780 square metres. Inside features comprise three bedrooms, two double and one single room, a large and bright formal lounge room with ceiling fan, spacious kitchen with pantry and electric appliances adjoining the dining room. The neat bathroom has a bathtub, vanity and shower cubicle, and the toilet is separate. There is heating and cooling in this home. The oil heater that doubles up through to the kitchen makes the whole home warm and comfortable throughout the winter and the ducted evaporative air conditioning keeps it nice and cool in summer. Outside features include a rainwater tank plumbed to the kitchen and laundry, double garage with power and concrete, two garden sheds, and shadecloth carpark. The beautiful established rear garden has various fruit trees and a vegetable patch. The secure backyard is safe for the children and pets. The property is suitable for first home buyers, investors or retirees. Don’t miss this opportunity - take time out to have a look for yourself.


... where people matter

At a glance...

Happy Easter!

Where: 15 Coronation Avenue, Tanunda. Features: Corner block.

Julie and staff wish everyone a happy & safe Easter

Price: $277,000. Inspection: Contact agent. Agent: Julie Toth Real Estate. RLA:198199. Contact: Julie Toth on 0418 853 134 or 8562 46540.


$360,000 ANGASTON


$235,000 NURIOOTPA

4 Collins Street

14 Kirchner Street


4C The Crescent



THE CORRUGATED IRON COTTAGE LARGE FAMILY HOME GREAT INVESTMENT 4 brms, 2 bathrooms, study, lounge, family room, open 3 brm cottage, polished timber floors throughout, Dble brick, 3 brm home, lrg lounge with French doors, plan kitchen, air cond, double garage, entertaining kitchen with dw, lounge with heating & cooling, timber kitchen with elec stove & pantry, polished flr brds deck with views, few minutes’ walk to all amenities. t/out, htg & cooling, dble gge. 697m2 allot (approx) area, large shed, room for boat & caravan.

NURIOOTPA $310-$330,000 NURIOOTPA 4B The Crescent

$285,000 TANUNDA


15 Coronation Avenue

73 Greenock Road


Julie Toth

Australians love property


amount of tax withheld to reflect set deductions like depreciation on a rental property. In essence, it is a way of decreasing the amount of tax paid by the investor each pay period. Submitting the PAYG variation does not replace a normal tax return. A tax return still needs to be filed at the end of the year to calculate the actual amount of tax liability. The PAYG instalments for the year are credited against an investment property owner’s assessment. There are lots of deductions that the PAYG variation will take into account including interest, rates, management fees, maintenance and depreciation. A quantity surveyor can provide all current and future depreciation values for investment properties in a detailed tax depreciation report. Obtaining the report immediately after the purchase of a property will allow the maximum return from a PAYG variation, as the precise figures will make the instalments accurate.

QUIET TREE LINED STREET BRAND NEW HOME MODERN STYLISH LIVING 3 brms, ensuite, walk-in robe, formal lounge, Brand new 3 Brms with carpet, master with Dble brick 3 brm home on a 780m2 cnr block. Large family/games room, large modern kitchen, ensuite & walk-in robe, spacious kitchen lounge, kitchen with pantry, heating & cooling. Dble double garage, quiet location, low maintenance. with dw, open plan living with timber floors. gge, estab rear garden with fruit trees & more.



Lot 8 Sedan - Angaston Road

1390m2 BLOCK – GREAT VALUE Large flat land with no encumbrances put on this property by the council with over 30m frontage and over 45m in depth you could dream up your own design (STCC.) Water and power available.



We have three excellent tenants whose rental properties are being sold and we would love to find them good homes! If you have a property that you would like to rent out please do not hesitate to call us.

8562 4650

Call for your free market appraisal

8562 4650 0418 853 134

Wednesday, April 4, 2012 - Domain Page 5 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


14 Egerton Street NEW

GREAT GETAWAY Fully fenced flat land on main drag so close to River Murray & all facilities. Mains water connected & power in front of the block. suitable for residential or commercial use.

2/7 Gawler Street, Nuriootpa www.julietothrealestate.com.au


A TOTAL of 2.3 million Australians own investment properties. Despite current economic conditions, Australians are continuing to purchase property as a long term investment. Currently less than one per cent of Australians are using our PAYG system, which generates higher cash flow throughout the financial year. Consider a Pay As You Go (PAYG) variation to increase cash flow now. An increased cash flow may allow individuals to save on interest costs by paying a current mortgage off faster, save more quickly for an investment property deposit, go on a holiday; there are so many possibilities. Often overlooked by property investors, the PAYG system is a great way to increase fortnightly cash flow throughout the year. The system gives the option of claiming back tax regularly, rather than in one lump sum at the end of the financial year. A PAYG variation means that the property owner’s employer will reduce the



Wednesday, April 4, 2012 - Domain Page 6 - The Herald, Barossa Valley



Wednesday, April 4, 2012 - Domain Page 7 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


Real Estate Liftout Stunning Fairmont home THIS stunning Fairmont home ‘Wrenhaven’ is set on over one and a half acres in Lyndoch. It offers park-like grounds with established trees and abundant bird life. There are four large bedrooms plus study (or fifth bedroom if required), the main with an ensuite, walkin robe and built-in robe. The formal lounge is spacious and light with a bay window overlooking the front gardens. The hub of the home is the huge family area combined with kitchen and dining. The property has been beautifully established and superbly maintained. The house boasts ducted evaporative airconditioning, slow combustion heating and superior fixtures and quality fittings throughout. With full verandahs side and back there is ample outdoor entertaining together with 5000l rainwater storage pumped throughout the home. Another feature is the 1.7kw solar system complete with an import/export meter. Sundry tool sheds,a dog pen and even one for the chooks are other features. This is the perfect country home in the idyllic location. Priced at $449,950. Call Kies Real Estate on 8523 3777 to arrange an inspection or for more information. RLA:61382.

ABOVE: The Fairmont-built house called ‘Wrenhaven’ at Lyndoch, set on one and a half acres with established trees and abundant bird life. BELOW: The dining and kitchen areas of ‘Wrenhaven’ all benefiting from large windows allowing for plenty of natural light.

Make the most of investment dollars


Ring me for an appraisal 7 days a week on

0427 233 319

Julie Thring Owner

28A Adelaide Road, Gawler 8523 3319 www.gawlerpm.brockharcourts.com.au www.barossaherald.com.au


Looking for a Change?

KNOWING your limits and the market will help to expand your property portfolio. Why do some people struggle to buy one investment property and yet others manage to own five or six? The answer isn't simply that they have more money. Investors who are creative in their approach to financing and who thoroughly research the important real estate indicators routinely achieve their goals faster and with less hassle. There are several well-known ways to increase a property portfolio. You can take out an interest-only loan, buy with partners as ‘tenants in common’ or tap into your home equity But savvy investors take their strategies to the next level. Let’s look at some of the lesstraditional approaches to more profitable property investing.

Varying your income tax

Targeting distressed vendors

If you’re negatively geared, a good way to improve immediate cash flow is to ask your accountant to submit an income tax variation form to your payroll office. This reduces the tax rate charged on your wages by estimating your total end-offinancial-year tax position in advance. Rather than receiving a lump sum tax refund, you receive money evenly throughout the year. Line of credit with a global limit This is a line of credit home loan with a ‘global’ or ‘umbrella’ limit and several sub-accounts. It gives you maximum access to your equity to optimise your investment opportunities. The loan can be operated with multiple accounts under one global limit.

Successful investors don't appraise the properties on the market in an area, they try to work out why they are for sale. A secondary dwelling as an investment Building second dwellings, such as granny flats, on the land held by either an owneroccupied or an investment property has become a growing trend. These dwellings can generate extra rental income and increase the property's future value.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012 - Domain Page 8 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Choose a loan tailored to your needs Depending on your finances, lifestyle and investment portfolio, there are a range of property loans to consider. Check the health of your home loan at least once a year. admin.barossaherald@ruralpress.com

Guaranteed Risk Free Selling! Many more properties for sale, call in to inspect our full range Land Release Lot 42 Lot 43 Lot 44 Lot 45 Lot 46 Lot 47 Lot 48 Lot 49 Lot 50 Lot 51 Lot 52 Lot 53 Lot 54 Lot 55




$549,950 2


This stunning home set on 1.6 Hectares (approx 4 Acres) offers 360 degrees of rural views - rolling hills on the horizon, the lovely Barossa vineyards & grazing land. The home offers 3 brms, main with WIR, ensuite & glass doors leading outside with views simply to die for & brm 2 has a WIR. Ducted r/cycle heating & cooling throughout & a 1.5Kw Solar system which feeds back to the grid. Spacious o/plan living with a stylish kitchen which opens out onto the family room & dine area which overlooks the rolling hills & vineyards. The formal lnge has an open fire place. This property is complete with a small boutique vineyard of 80 year old Dry Grown Grenache maintained by neighbouring vineyard owners, large shed, 3 phase power to the property & the home, Enviro Cycle septic system which drip feeds the garden, dble gge & a wonderful entertaining area, perfect for having a BBQ & enjoying the majestic views. # 3015 RLA 61382


$329,950 2







Price $149,950 $159,950 $139,950 $134,950 $169,950 $189,950 $139,950 $189,950 $149,950 $149,950 $139,950 $159,950 $174,950 $199,950

$490,000 2

Available 7 Days



$399,950 1




$329,950 2


1920 Cottage on 1/2 Acre

Seeing is Believing

“Merriwood Farm & Guest House”

Stunning 4 Bedroom Home

Opportunity knocks with potential plus! With over a 30m frontage this half acre allotment offers a whole array of possibilities. Together with a 1910 original cottage, which although requiring considerable work, has been partially restored. As a project this property would certainly reap rewards for anyone willing to put in the hard yards. Invest and prosper with this wonderful package.

This quality Homestead built home situated on a 1372m2 allotment offers large formal entry, formal lounge and dining with bay window, master bedroom with built-in robe, large ensuite with spa and double shower, bedrooms 2, 3 and 4 are extra large and have built-in robes and ceiling fans, all bedrooms also have Austar connected. 3-way bathroom and generous size laundry. Open plan kitchen, dining and family room leading through to the games room which has glass doors leading out onto the salt water solar heated pool. 3 car garage under the main roof, approx 32,000L rainwater storage, two 3phs reverse cycle split system air-conditioners, large entertainment area complete with bar and wood fire pizza oven, large lawn area and side access for trailers/caravans with a high clearance lean-to off the shed.

Set on over 5 acres this stunning circa 1890 cottage offers 360° panoramic views, offering 3 bedrooms, master with open fire place, family/ dining & formal lounge, country style Oak kitchen and stylish bthrm with spa, slow combustion heating & r/cycle air-conditioning. The separate guest house features open plan living, master brm, kitchen, lounge/dining & bathroom. The property has 4 paddocks, some with horse shelters, 9.3x10.3 shed with workshop, large aviaries, kangaroo enclosure, shared bore, 55000L approx rainwater storage and stunning cottage gardens. All this situated approximately 10km out of Kapunda.

This stunning quality home built in 2004 is a massive 249m2. Set on a 920m2 allot this lovely Distinctive built home offers 4 lge brms, main with ens & WIR, brms 2, 3 & 4 with BIRs, good size office, fml entry & fml dining, generous size kitchen complete with quality appliances, plenty of storage & a lge b/fast bar overlooking the spac o/plan living meals & family room. The home is fully insulated, has r/c heating & cooling, rainwater tank, dbl c/pt with remote roller doors, 12m x 6m galvanized shed with built in mezzanine storage area. The front gdn has established plants and pop-up sprinklers and the back garden has a large entertaining area with the gardens yet to be completed. This stunning property is within walking distance to the main street and local schools.

# 5044

# 3022

# 3027

# 3020

RLA 61382


$329,950 1

RLA 61382



$399,950 1

RLA 61382




$499,950 2

RLA 61382





$399,950 2

Perfect Position

Convenient & Tranquil

A Great Investment

The Best of Both Worlds

Stunning 4 Bedroom

This wonderful three bedroom home offers ensuite and walk-in robe to the main bedroom, formal lounge with bay window, formal dining room or study plus family/dine area which is over looked by the Blackwood timber kitchen with walk-in pantry. Complete with heating and cooling, superbly established gardens, return verandahs, great outdoor entertaining and fantastic 20x30 shed, all on an 832m2 corner allotment opposite a huge recreational area close to amenities - this property truly offers it all!!

Set on over a quarter of an acre (1104m2) this much loved family home offers 3 bedrooms, main with walk-in robe and bedrooms 2 and 3 with built-in robes, open living family, dining and kitchen together with a large formal lounge. The home is serviced by a 3.5hp split system and also slow combustion heating. Outside, the property boasts unbroken views over the Barossa Ranges and beautifully established gardens just perfect for entertaining. Also with a 20x20 shed with cement floor and power, double carport, rear access and 6500L of rainwater storage fed to the laundry and kitchen. A lovely property offering privacy and seclusion yet walking distance to all of Lyndoch’s amenities. A “must inspect” for anyone looking in the Barossa, convenience and tranquillity found. # 5020 RLA 61382

As rare as hens teeth! A half acre allotment with over 100 metres of road frontage. Currently on two titles with a circa 1890 Stone Cottage, originally the Headmasters residence for the Lyndoch Public School - opened in 1879. The potential of this superb opportunity is obvious, to renovate the Cottage and sub-divide the remaining land (subject to Council consent). With 3 bedrooms, formal lounge, kitchen/dine and large cellar the property is deserving of restoration and would certainly reap rewards for its lucky new owner, together with the development of the remaining land. Within walking distance to all of Lyndoch's amenities - local schools, shops, restaurants and wineries. A project worthy of the investment, inspection by appointment call to arrange a time to suit.

Offering two residences on over one and a half acres, this is both a unique and idyllic property. Set in a very quiet court, it boasts stunning views to the Barossa Ranges framed by it's very own vines. Built in 1982 this solid brick home consists of one dwelling featuring 3 bedrooms with formal lounge/dining, superb timber kitchen, full bathroom with separate toilet and laundry adjoined to another 2 bedroom residence with kitchen, open family/dining, bathroom with shower and separate toilet plus laundry also. Both serviced by ducted evaporative air-conditioning and reverse cycle split systems. The property offers superbly established mature gardens, a huge pergola outdoor entertaining area with a 30 x 20 shed with power and cement floor. This is a truly rare offering which would accommodate a whole range of requirements. # 5021 RLA 61382

Looking for the WOW factor? This property definitely has it. Set on a large corner allotment (842m2) this beautiful home offers 4 bedrooms, main with ensuite and walk-in robe, remaining 3 brms all with matching built-in robes, formal lounge, open kitchen/family/dine combined plus games room. With superb fittings throughout the home oozes quality. Serviced by ducted air-conditioning, gas heating and split system reverse cycle. The gardens are fully established and easily maintained with drippers and sub-surface irrigation. Together with full length pergola, 20x20 shed/workshop, rainwater storage and side access. This wonderful home is sure to tick all the boxes without doubt a “Dream Property”.

# 5016

RLA 61382

# 5040

RLA 61382

# 5054

RLA 61382

3A Adelaide Road, Gawler (08) 8523 3777 www.barossaherald.com.au

Wednesday, April 4, 2012 - Domain Page 9 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


We’ll get you where you want to go! www.kies.com.au


Real Estate Liftout

Freedom living FEEL free, enjoy the space and savour the views onto nearby ranges here at this property at Altona. It is situated on a country acre and created for family life with its almost new, four-bedroom Fairmont-built home. There is storage for up to five vehicles, an undercover outdoor entertaining area and room to add further shedding, subject to council consent and your own little farmyard family. Light, bright and airy, this lovely home offers an openliving plan, ideal for everyday family life, with sliding glass that connects the space directly with the paved undercover entertaining area. The home’s central kitchen looks onto both indoor and outdoor living areas and a huge wide bench area creates a gathering point for friends and family. The main living areas to the home feature hardwearing tiling to suit busy traffic and a separate living room situated in the front of the home is carpeted for home theatre lounging comfort. All four bedrooms are of healthy proportions, the principal suite is equipped with an ensuite and walk-in robe and two of the other three bedrooms


feature walk-in or built-in storage, all serviced by the family bathroom in their own separate wing. Easy all-season comfort is achieved with ducted reversecycle air conditioning and the home achieves simplicity in its timeless, mostly white theme throughout. Outdoors, the luxury of space provides you with so many options to suit your family dream, with room for a pool, a tennis court or additional shedding, subject to council consent. The property already boasts an existing double Colorbond garage and attached double carport plus there’s single car storage under the home’s main roof. Securely fenced with kids and pets in mind, the property has double gates to allow the movement of vehicles to the rear, a dividing fence separates the chook run and native woodlot from the main area and there’s a separate dog run. A young orchard in the woodlot ‘paddock’ is irrigated automatically and frequently via a dripper system connected to the property’s enviro-cycle and the succulent selection of orchard fruits on offer include plums, blood and navel oranges, lemons, limes,

alberta peaches, apricots, pink lady apples and mandarins. Handily positioned just down from the school bus stop and with a great choice of both private and public, primary and secondary schools virtually on the property’s doorstep, this little farmlet is centrally located on the edge of Lyndoch and within easy reach of the Barossa’s main hub. It is also close to Gawler’s diverse shopping, cinemas, restaurants and pubs plus close to Williamstown and the Adelaide Hills belt. Here you’ll have the freedom to enjoy all that this region offers.

ABOVE: The almost new, four-bedroom house at Altona. BELOW: The open-plan living and kitchen area of the home.

At a glance... Where: Lot 9 Barossa Valley Highway, Altona. Feature: Freedom to enjoy all that this region offers. Price: $420,000. Open: Call agent to view. Agent: Homburg Real Estate. Ph: 8563 2599. RLA:219152. Contact: Felicity Cock on 0411 456 266. Web ID: HRE498





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Wednesday, April 4, 2012 - Domain Page 10 - The Herald, Barossa Valley



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Maximise your potential audience By promoting your business through the Herald’s Dial-A-Service Serving your community section, you will be appearing in South Australia’s largest circulating since 1908. country newspaper with 21,300 weekly copies (Bunyip 9,700 Leader 7,700) Phone Roxanne on 8563 2041 or email admin2.barossaherald@ruralpress.com www.barossaherald.com.au

Wednesday, April 4, 2012 - Domain Page 12 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


Taste the good life. Jacob’s Creek Visitor Centre invites you to experience the best that S.A. has to offer during Tasting Australia.

DINNER WITH THE WINEMAKER & PETE EVANS Join celebrity chef Pete Evans and Jacob’s Creek winemaker Rebekah Richardson for an exclusive dinner at the award winning Jacob’s Creek Visitor Centre. Cost: $140pp / Time: 7pm / Date: Sat 28 April Buy a table of 10 for the price of 9 tickets.

JACOB’S CREEK FOOD & WINE SENSORY EXPERIENCE Develop your skills and learn how sensory analysis can improve your knowledge of food and wine matching. Includes an Essential Tasting Guide to continue the journey of discovery at home. Cost: $30pp / Time: 10:30am-12noon / Date: Thurs 26 April


Enjoy a two course platter lunch featuring Barossa Valley and South Australian produce matched to our Jacob’s Creek Regional Reserve wines. Cost: $80 for 2 people / Time: 12pm-3pm Date: Thurs 26 April to Tues 3 May Available daily.

To book please phone 08 8521 3000.

Jacob’s Creek Visitor Centre Barossa Valley Way, Rowland Flat, South Australia P: (08) 8521 3000 E: visitorcentre@jacobscreek.com.au W: www.jacobscreek.com www.facebook.com/jacobscreek Bookings are required for workshops, tours, lunches and group tastings - charges apply. See website for details.


Wednesday, April 4, 2012 - Page 19 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


H IRE DEAL r e t s a E

Book in for Easter

Hire for 4 days pay the weekend rate & get your home & yard ready for winter Closed Good Friday | Open Easter Saturday 7am-5pm Closed Easter Sunday | Open Monday 9.30am-2pm

Speak to our friendly staff for further details. Bookings essential Conditions apply.


59 Tanunda Rd, Nuriootpa. P: 8562 3399

Serving the community for over 20 years E: sales@baorssavalleyhire.com.au www.barossavalleyhire.com.au

Quality Equipment at Competitive Prices

MAKE SURE: Easter is always an ideal time to clean up around the home or property and Barossa Valley Hire in Nuriootpa has everything you need to get the job done properly. They offer a wide variety of tools and equipment, which are for hire over the Easter long weekend. Stocking everything from bobcats to hand-held power tools, they have got it all at Barossa Valley Hire. Call in and have a look, and take advantage of the Easter special rates. Pictured here is Travis Burton (right) checking out a bobcat while general hire manager Tony Diotallevi looks on. Barossa Valley Hire is located at 59 Tanunda Road, Nuriootpa, or you can contact the team on 8562 3399.

Lots of Yummy Bunnies for Little Tummies Give them something special this Easter from Tanunda Bakery... • Chocolate Bunnies made from Belgium Coverture • Traditional German Butter Toffee Rabbits • Strawberry sugar candy Rabbits

emises! r P e h t n o afted All Handcr


Don’t forget about our mouth watering Hot Cross Buns Traditional, Currant and Chocolate Chip

OPEN Easter Saturday from 7:30am to 3pm


Phone: 8563 0096 181 Murray Street, Tanunda www.barossaherald.com.au

Good Friday, Easter Monday & Anzac Day Wednesday, April 4, 2012 - Page 20 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


Easter Checklist Easter preparation

Pet care important

Two days before: • Make sure all food for Easter has been purchased. • If you are making Easter baskets for the kids, make sure baskets, candy, and treats have been bought and well hidden until you need them. • Prepare any food that can be prepared now (chop any vegetables and put in crisper).

THERE are a couple of important things to remember at Easter. Firstly - dogs and chocolate don’t mix. In fact chocolate can cause heart problems for your dog, and even kill your pooch if it eats too much. So keep the dog away from the Easter egg hunt in the backyard. If your dog does eat chocolate - contact your vet straight away.

The night before: • Make sure your green centrepieces or other Easter plants are watered, if you have any. • Make sure all areas of the house that your

Motion sickness affects onein-four dogs and can make for an uncomfortable trip for the whole family. But there is a product that allows your dog to travel without car sickness. Cerenia tablets are available from veterinary clinics. Importantly,don’t forget to stop every couple of hours to give your pet a drink and a toilet break .

Easter is coming.... If your kerbside waste and/or recycling collections are due on Good Friday they will be collected on Easter Saturday 7th April. There will be no changes to your Garden Organics collections

guests will see are clean. Don’t forget the guest bathroom, especially if that is also a kids’ bathroom. Do touch-ups on Easter morning. • Set out tablecloth, napkins, placemats, silverware, and china,in stacks. • Prepare any Easter baskets for the next day. • Hide eggs, you sneaky thing, you.

Easter morning: • Enjoy watching your kids open their Easter baskets. • Go to church, if you are planning to. • Come home and let the kids look for eggs while you take pictures. • Prepare what is left on your menu. • Light candles. • Enjoy with your guests. Happy Easter.

All contents of the yellow lidded recycle bin are sorted by hand so please keep them clean Please try to keep a metre clear around your bins. 1806789

The day before: • Make any fruit or salads on your menu and refrigerate. • Prepare your banana pudding or other dessert. • Help your children set out their dress clothes for church and check to make sure you have everything you need, too. • Defrost large cuts of meat such as leg of lamb now.

Secondly - make sure you look after your pets if you are travelling. This could be as simple as popping a slow-release food block in the tank for your goldfish. However, if your pet dog is heading away for an Easter break with you, then it’s time to think about seatbelts and perhaps motion sickness tablets.

Always make sure your bins are on the kerb before 6 am

There is no change to Easter Monday kerbside collections

For all enquiries ring NAWMA on free-cal 1800 111 004 Northern Adelaide Waste Management proudly serving The Barossa Council.

Tanunda Cellars has an extensive range to suit everyone’s taste

Large range of Beers and Ciders

Open Everyday over Easter 9am - 8pm (Only closed Good Friday)

Great range of Champagnes and Sparking Wines

nience inconve y n a r o look! f our new advance e n t i a e e r s c apologi lst we ual whi s... we s s u e r s g a o r p trading ions in ill be w Renovat e w s a y cause this ma

Choose from our great selection of spirits

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14 Murray Street, Tanunda S.A. tanundacellars@ozemail.com.au Ph: 08 856 335 44 Fax: 08 856 304 01

Wednesday, April 4, 2012 - Page 21 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


• Champagne • Red Wines • White Wines • Sparkling


Wishing all Herald readers a safe and Happy Easter

Trinity College Chapel, Evanston South (parking behind Starplex)

Rev. Tony Nicholls 0419 282 638

Join us for Holy Week worship

Passover Supper 5.30pm, Holy Communion 7.30pm St Boniface, Nuriootpa

Thurs April 5th Maundy Thursday

Good Friday April 6

6.30 pm Sandy Creek UC meal then service 7.00 pm Gawler UC

Good Friday Liturgies 9.00am Angaston 9.30am St Boniface, Nuriootpa 10.00am St Peter’s, Williamstown All services followed by hot cross buns

Good Friday 8.45am Traditional 10.30am Contemporary

Easter Day Breakfast buns and coffee at 8am


Maundy Thursday April 5

Maundy Thursday 7.30pm Tenebrae with HC

Easter Day 6.45am HC Traditional 8.45am HC Contemporary


Anglican Church of Barossa

Fri April 6th Good Friday 9.30 am Gawler UC with Hot Cross buns 10 am Williamstown UC

Holy Saturday April 7

Sun April 8th Easter Sunday

8.30pm HC Holy Trinity Church, Lyndoch Easter Craft Stall, Angaston

Easter Sunday April 8 6.30am Memorial Park, Angaston 10.00am HC St Boniface, Nuriootpa 10.00am HC St Aiden’s, Tanunda 10.00am HC St Peter’s, Williamstown 3.00pm HC Keyneton Independent Chapel


Good Friday 9am Easter Sunday 10am

7 Maria Street Tanunda Phone 8563 2657


Anglican Church



St Francis

6.15 am Dawn Service with breakfast at Sandy Creek UC 9.30 am Gawler UC with Easter Egg Hunt & Communion 9.30 am Sandy Creek UC 10.00 am Williamstown UC Parish Office: 8522 5269


HOLY THURSDAY APRIL 5th Mass of the Last Supper 7.30pm GOOD FRIDAY APRIL 6th Stations of the Cross 10am Liturgy of the Passion 3pm

Maundy Thursday 7.30pm at St John’s Lutheran Church, 5 Margaret Street, Lyndoch

Good Friday

HOLY SATURDAY APRIL 7th Easter Vigil Mass 7.30pm


Wednesday, April 4, 2012 - Page 22 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Contact: Pastor Paul 8524 5100


Easter Sunday (Theme - “It’s empty!”) 10.30am at St John’s Lutheran Church, 5 Margaret Street, Lyndoch 9.00am at Trinity Lutheran Church, Barossa Valley Way, Rowland Flat 1806739

EASTER SUNDAY APRIL 8th MASSES 8.00am & 10.00am Sts Peter & Paul Church Corner Porter & Parnell Street, Gawler T: 8522 1089

(Theme - “It had to be this way”) 9.00am at Trinity Lutheran Church, Barossa Valley Way, Rowland Flat


Easter story By PASTOR PAUL NEWSHAM SALT CHURCH AS THE sky darkened and the thunder rolled a woman stood sobbing, gazing upon the execution of the young rabbi. Thirty-three years had passed since she had held him as a little baby in her arms, comforting him in the unsanitary surrounds of a cattle stall. What joy there had been. She began to recall all the moments of pride she had experienced: Jesus turning the water into wine, healing people, changing the lives of so many. How could it be that such a good man was being crushed and so cruelly abused? Weeping, she remembered the words spoken over her eight day old infant when she presenting him to the elderly priest.


Simeon had said a sword will pierce through your own soul. (Luke 2 35). “This must be what he meant,” she thought. Deeper and deeper into her heart the sword pierced. “Father, forgive them for they don’t know what they are doing,” he said. A shudder of pride coursed through her body as she comprehended the depth of character of a man that could totally forgive his murderers. Her mind and heart continued to search for a fragment of sense in this terrible scene and back came the memory of the visit of the angel who instructed them to call him Jesus. “….for he shall save his people from their sins” the angel had declared. (Matt 1:21). At last it started to make sense. He wasn’t dying because of His own sins but for those of everyone else. ……and that’s the Easter story. Jesus dying for you.


“Lord, give us a listening heart”



† 7.00pm Maundy Thursday


Easter Reflections & Meditations

“From Upper Room to Garden” 7.30pm Worship with Holy Communion

† 9.30am Good Friday Service Stations of the Cross

GOOD FRIDAY “Seven Words of Jesus from the Cross” 9.30am

† 10.00am Easter Sunday Victory Celebration


EASTER SUNDAY Sunrise Service Barossa Valley Combined Churches 6.00am Mengler’s Hill Lookout

Maundy Thursday 7.30pm

Good Friday

Maundy Thursday 5 April 7.30pm Christ Church, Kapunda

Easter Sunday

Good Friday 6 April 9.15am Christ Church, Kapunda 11.00am St. Hilda’s, Eudunda



Good Friday 3.00pm Stations of the Cross

Easter Sunday

Pastor Dan Rooney Ph 8522 3336 Cnr Seventh & Second St, Gawler South

F Freedom

it was for


Easter Day 8 April 9.15am Christ Church, Kapunda 11.15am St. Mary’s, Point Pass



Easter Eve 7 April 9.00pm St. Matthew’s, Hamilton Paster Geoff Havelberg 22 Cowan St, Gawler Ph: 8523 1929

Good Friday Service



Ph: 8523 4844 150 Murray St, Gawler

8.45am Traditional 10.45am contemporary 6.30am contemporary 8.45am Traditional





Service HC 7.30pm


Guest Leaders: Majors Allan & Lorraine Daddow

The Anglican Parish of Kapunda



Maundy Thursday

9.30am Worship with HC

‘The Church with a difference’

Corner of First & Second Streets, Nuriootpa


† 5.00pm Eden Valley ALL WELCOME

8.30am Worship with Holy Communion 10.30am Worship with Holy Communion




Wednesday, April 4, 2012 - Page 23 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

This Easter Good Friday 9am Easter Sunday 10am and 5pm Northside Crt, Evanston Gdns easter egg www.saltchurch.com.au hunt Phone: 8522 0000 Email: admin@saltchurch.com.au




Mighty Mini v Simpson Desert By TOBY HAGON


IT HAS conquered Monte Carlo and Bathurst, but the Simpson Desert is arguably the iconic Mini's biggest challenge yet. Perched on the top of a sand dune with the bonnet up, I'm beginning to think our little Mini won't make it through one of Australia's — and the world's — most arduous off-road treks. It will not be the last time that thought crosses my mind. But peering into the by-now reddishbrown engine bay of the Countryman, which moments before had thrown up an overheating engine warning light, is not filling me with confidence. I'm stuck on top of the 400th-odd peak in the middle of the world's longest parallel sand dunes — the Simpson Desert — almost smackbang in the centre of Australia. Of course, the Countryman is not exactly designed for such harsh conditions. Based loosely on the cityfriendly Mini, the chunkier-looking fourdoor wagon rides higher and drives all four wheels. But it's still intended more for snow or big speed humps, not sand dunes. And certainly not ones towering nearly 50 metres and covering some 500

kilometres. It's all part of a wild idea to experience a genuine outback challenge. Fifty years ago, a geologist named Reg Sprigg packed his family into a Nissan Patrol for what was to become the first vehicle crossing of the Simpson. It was an epic adventure across largely unknown land, and one that is these days traversed by hundreds of travellers each year thanks to welldefined tracks, maps, support and better cars. My thinking is to create our own challenge. Getting across the Simpson is something any serious offroader can do. But our Countryman is as it left the production line. Adding to the challenge, we're also heading from east to west, regarded as the more challenging direction owing to the formation of the dune peaks. Even reaching the Simpson — let alone crossing it — has challenged the Mini. The sea of gibber rocks, washouts and creek crossings that make up the aptly named Sturt Stony Desert has ruined many tyres, including one of ours. It's nothing to be ashamed of; the Mini's are the same low-profile hoops that are fitted to the car from the factory, which would perform well on a racetrack. Fortunately, we're carrying three spares.

A day-and-a-half earlier, we roll into Birdsville late in the afternoon, something that seems at the time like an impressive achievement. It's amazing how a town of 100 or so people can feel like a major centre — but that's the nature of outback travel. These are the first dunes our Mini and probably any Mini - has experienced. And they cause a hiccup: the light-duty plastic protection designed to better divert air underneath the car is snagging on sand. Clearance was always going to be the main issue but I hadn't expected to leave bits behind this early. Worse, the rear bumper is threatening to pull off as it catches the sand. After a quick inspection, our crack support crew removes the lower bumper to save it from being ripped off less elegantly. We are five dunes in. If the car keeps shedding bits at this rate, there will not be much of it left after the 1100 dunes we have to cross. The Countryman still sits fairly low, with only an extra few centimetres of clearance over a regular Cooper. The road has defined wheel tracks with a peak in between, created by and for cars with much taller clearance. Shallower wheel ruts aren't an issue and neither are deeper ones where I

HOW DO I ENTER? For your chance to WIN a Tyre & Wheel Package Voucher worth $1000, thanks to Bridgestone Select Nuriootpa & the Herald, get your hands on an entry form & keep an eye out for the 12 scrambled words in our fortnightly Drive (Motoring Section) over the coming weeks.



can ride the peaks for maybe 100 metres or so. But longer, more challenging inclines soon present a bigger obstacle. Riding the peaks works to an extent and I make sure the Countryman is carrying enough momentum to hold pace up the longer dunes. But often it is a matter of time until the track narrows and I am forced into the ruts. With its belly on the ground, progress is immediately halted. The Countryman's 4WD system does an impressive job clawing through soft red sand, with the electronics working overtime but managing to feed drive to the wheels with some semblance of traction. The next day, though, we are unsubtly reminded there are plenty of big dunes to go. Pounding up lofty hills again tests the Mini. Again it responds, with the occasional helping hand. Finally, though, the dunes turn to oversized speed humps as the road begins to flatten. The last run into Oodnadatta is a cruisy, almost freeway-like stretch of wide dirt that allows me to (finally) relax and think of the achievement. A standard Mini has just crossed the Simpson Desert, albeit with a helping hand here and there.


The next 3 scrambled words are: 7. KNEEI 8. GNOKI 9. NATVDIA

_____ _____ _______

HINT - Wheel Brands

EITHER: 1. Scan QR Code with smartphone 2. Collect from Bridgestone Select Nuriootpa 3. Go to barossaherald.com.au


Wednesday, April 4, 2012 - Page 24 - The Herald, Barossa Valley






Bike bonanza



V6, a/c, p/steer, luxury at an affordable price, alloys, silver in colour. S/N 073

All reasonable offers considered

NOW in its fourth year, the annual Honda Broadford Bike Bonanza in Victoria will kick off with a “Golden Era” exhibition honouring Honda’s dedication to Australian Motocross. The Honda Broadford Bike Bonanza which is a two day festival held on April 7-8, draws riders, spectators and enthusiasts from all over Australia and gives punters the remarkable opportunity to dust off their old bikes and take to the track at the State Motorcycle Complex in Broadford. The Honda-dedicated “Golden Era” exhibition will be a celebration of 70s 80s Australian motocross and will boast the actual Hondas the Australian motocross pioneer Jeff Leisk rode as well as a rare assembly of Motocross models from this Golden Era. Special guests at the event will include eight-time Isle of Man TT

winner Charlie Williams, World Speedway and Long Track legend Ivan Mauger as well as World Motocross star Jeff Leisk. Other highlights of the festival include a gala dinner, a grand parade, movie night, evening speedway meeting, motorcycle displays, special guests and bikes from Australia and overseas. Having been associated with the Honda Broadford Bike Bonanza since its inception in 2009, Honda is proud to recognise that the Honda Broadford Bike Bonanza has established itself as a unique event in the motorcycle world. Honda is confident the 2012 Honda Broadford Bike Bonanza will be bigger and better than ever. For more information, entry forms and tickets visit Motorcycling Australia at: www.ma.org.au/hbbb.

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Smart Key Dual zone air Xenon headlights Reversing camera Bluetooth Leather Interior



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SUPPORTER: Honda supports Broadford Bike Bonanza.


ALL VEHICLES ARE AVAILABLE WITH AN AUSTRALIA-WIDE WARRANTY FOR PEACE OF MIND TOYOTA HILUX DUAL CAB 3.0l diesel, manual, A/C, pwr steering, diff-locker, air compressor, dual batteries, steel bull bar, spotlights, electric winch, UHF, centre roof console, alloy fully lockable canopy, reverse camera, towbar, Sunraysia steel wheels, jerry can holder WJM464 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $16,990* HOLDEN ASTRA TS CONVERTIBLE Automatic, pwr steer, ivory leather interior, stunning blue, dual front & curtain airbags, alloys, full electric roof. Enjoy topless driving this autumn. XOE238 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $12,990 SUBARU FORRESTER XS AWD, manual, a/c, pwr steer, pwr windows, alloy wheels, in stunning silver XHJ135. . . . $12,990* TOYOTA LANDCRUISER PRADO 4x4, V6, Auto, 8 seater, A/C, pwr steer, pwr windows, alloy bullbar, towbar, sidesteps, silver over grey, new chrome wheels, very affordable XRF888 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $11,990* FORD BA FALCON MKII XR6 Madarin, good tyres, a/c, TIPTRONIC auto, p/steer, immaculate XTM204 . . REDUCED $10,990* HYUNDAI TUCSON CITY 4x2 Automatic, A/C, pwr steer, alloy wheels, keyless entry, cruise control, good high driving position, easy to get in and out, books, good service history XPP022 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10,990* FORD FALCON XH S UTE Mk II, V8, auto, a/c, pwr steer, factory alloy wheels, navy blue in colour XAX264 . . . . . . . . . . $8,990* VT COMMODORE EXEC SEDAN Genuine 98,000kms, white, a/c, p/steer, drivers airbag, very clean & tidy car. WFC231 $7,990* NISSAN PULSAR ST N16 A/C, Pwr steering, Alloy wheels, keyless entry, local car, lady owner WWJ987 . . . . . . . . . . . $6,990* SUBARU LIBERTY GX AWD Manual, a/c, pwr steer, pwr windows, tidy interior, excellent tyres, very tidy car WBE316 . $6,990* HYUNDAI ACCENT 3 Door update, a/c, p/steer, p/windows, manual, celadon blue, books WZO133 . . . . . . . REDUCED $6,990* HOLDEN BARINA SXI 3 door hatch, 5 speed manual, A/C, pwr steer S/N123 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . REDUCED $6,990* MERCEDES C240 CLASSIC SEDAN Auto, white in colour, a.c, p/steer, passenger, drivers & side airbags, luxury at affordable price. WBV-880 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . REDUCED $6,990* HOLDEN VX COMMODORE Series 2, executive, white in colour, a/c, p/steer, alloy wheels. XAV791 . . . . . . . . REDUCED $6,990* TOYOTA CAMRY CSI SEDAN Auto, burgundy in colour, a/c, pwr steering, keyless entry WSA132 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,990* HYUNDAI ACCENT 3 Door, factory bodykit, spoiler, alloys, CD player with aux, 5 spd man, window tint, red XCA865 . . $5,990* MITSUBISHI TS MAGNA. Dual fuel, V6, automatic, a/c, p.steer, Low KMS, clean and tidy throughout BYC270 . . . . . . . $4,990* BMW E34 525i 4 Door sedan, 5 speed auto, white in colour, a/c, p/steering, very tidy for its age WPE978 . . . . . . . . . . . $4,990* HYUNDAI ACCENT 3 door, manual, 14” alloys, spoiler, Red in colour, A/C, pwr steer. WNB314 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,990* HYUNDAI LANTRA SEDAN Manual, a/c, pwr steer, pwr windows, keyless entry, alloys, spoiler, silver in colour WPP641 . $4,990* HYUNDAI EXCEL LX 5 door, automatic, air conditioning, p/steering VRH052 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . REDUCED $3,990* FORD FESTIVA TRIO Manual, a/c, very economical, great first car WLL055 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,990* DAEWOO LANOS 3 door hatch, manual, air con, low km’s, with books S/N 4099 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,990* HOLDEN JK APOLLO SL Automatic, excellent first car, white VEM707 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,990* NISSAN PULSAR N13 SEDAN Automatic, a/c, pwr steering, cloth trim, great first car VAK609 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,990* HYUNDAI EXCEL 3 door, Cape blue in colour, 5 speed manual, CD player XML064 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,990*

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Bluetooth Alloy Wheels 6 Stacker CD Auto

Wednesday, April 4, 2012 - Page 25 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

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Years of Community Broadcasting

Drive the ‘bus’ Listen up TRIPLE Bfm is a community radio station based at Tanunda in the Barossa Valley. The station provides a large range of listening choices to facilitate all music and lifestyle tastes. The weekly schedule is packed full of culturally-diverse shows that contain a broad range of genres. A gaggle of wonderful sponsors help Triple Bfm run but there is always room for more. Listeners and community groups are urged to use the power of radio through the Triple Bfm’s Community Announcements segment, which are aired throughout the day. They offer the opportunity to let

the community know about any events that are coming up. Triple Bfm is always looking for people to become involved in the station in any way, from learning how to become a presenter to the administrative work that gets done behind the scenes. Triple Bfm commenced broadcasting with its first trial broadcast on December 14, 1996 with regular broadcasts commencing on each Saturday from January 25, 1997 and weekend broadcasts commencing on March 29, 1997. The station now operates seven days a week.

ANNOUNCER: The view of the operating panel at Triple Bfm. The station is always on the lookout for new presenters. Contact them if you would like to have a try as an announcer.

Outside football broadcasts

Kuchel Contractors PTY LTD

are proud to be associated with Triple B FM

Siegersdorf Road, Nuriootpa. (08) 8562 2177


Call in and see our full range of landscape supplies

Jamieson said. The proposed schedule is: • April 28 - Barossa District v Angaston at Lyndoch. • May 12 - Nuriootpa v Tanunda (George Heath Cup). • May 26 - Gawler Central v South Gawler (Tom Symes Cup). • June 9 - Tanunda v Angaston (Heidenreich Cup/Kleinig Medal). • June 16 - Gawler Central v Willaston. • August 4 - Angaston v Nuriootpa. • August 18 - Freeling v Kapunda (Mickan/Shanahan Cup, Pitman Medal). • August 25 - Round 18 (last round) BL&G match of the day. • September 1 - First semi-final at Freeling. • September 8 - Second semi-final at Willaston. • September 15 - Preliminary final at Tanunda. • September 22 - Grand final hosted by Barossa District. Four only sponsor positions will be available over each broadcast. Only one company from any industry type to be included. The broadcast schedule will be from 2pm to 5pm for all games. There will be a minimum 10 mentions/live reads per-game. If available, appropriate signage can be displayed at broadcast point on match day plus an on air mention during Saturday morning’s Grant Burge Wines Footy Show. Mr Jamieson said reasonable sponsorship packages were available and for more information contact him on 0414 714 074. ON AIR: Robin Sharee Eastick, Peter Cellier and Claudia Cellier at the station.


Whistler celebrates Triple B’s 15th Birthday Seppelstfield Road, Marananga, Barossa Valley. E A S T E R S U N DAY

FAMILY FUN DAY (Sunday 8th April 11am – 5pm)

Proud supporters of Triple B FM

Live music from local bands Lily & The Drum, The Valley Cats


• Stationery • Office Furniture • Office Equipment • Business Machines • Computers 9 Railway Tce, Nuriootpa 8562 1200


Office National Barossa Your one stop shop

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Craft tent for the kids, Easter Egg Hunts & Easter Bunny, Egg and spoon races etc. PLUS Bouncing castle, Horse and cart rides, Market stalls, Delicious local food & produce No BYO alcohol

ENTRY by gold coin donation for CAMP QUALITY For further information contact Whistler Wines 8562 4942 Wednesday, April 4, 2012 - Page 26 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


Flushed by the success of the live coverage of the 2011 Barossa, Light and Gawler football finals, Triple Bfm’s team is looking to expand the coverage this year. Keith Jamieson, marketing co-ordinator at Triple Bfm and renowned sporting authority and caller wants to broadcast several minor round games this year as well as the finals. “How many we do will come down to costs,” Mr

“Proud Supporters of TRIPLE B FM”

Restorations Carports Verandahs Re-Roofing


20 Main Street, Kapunda Phone: 8566 2922

1300 367 070 admin.barossaherald@ruralpress.com




ASBROEK, Henk. Passed away 5th April, 2007. 5 years have passed by so quickly but you are still sadly missed by your loving wife Siny and your children Annette, Wilma, Mary, Gerald, Rob and their families. Always in our thoughts.

2 BLACK FACE Suffolk Wethers 3 - 4 years old $50 each. 85641330

LEADLIGHT - Local, professional affordable leadlight. I'll come to you, or call at Gawler Glass Design studio, 58 Yettie Rd, Williamstown. Weekly classes. Bob Pirch 85247241

ANNIVERSARIES 60TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY SCHUTZ - ZWAR - 30/4/52 Myra and Ross, congratulations on your 60th Wedding Anniversary and to Mum on her 80TH BIRTHDAY - 14/4/32 From Ross, Christine, Adrian, Sheryl, Jonathon & Leon and families. We invite family and friends to join us in celebrating on Sunday 29th April at the Eudunda Club. 2 - 5. Please no gifts.

ENGAGEMENTS PRATT - SCHULZ, John and Vicki Pratt of Kapunda and Daryl and Jackquie Shulz of Nuriootpa are thrilled to announce the engagement of Amy and Craig on 31st March 2012. Love from both families.











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XPV148 2007 RANGER XL SUPER CAB 4X4, 3.0L T/DIESEL, 5SPD, CANOPY, 97000KMS $ 25990 XOI876 2007 RODEO 4X4 D/CAB, 3.0L, 5SPD MANUAL, ONE OWNER, 95000KMS $23990 S695ALP 2011 NISSAN ST-R D22 D/CAB 2.5L T/DIESEL, 5 SPD, ALLOYS , 20000KMS $29990 XDH054 2000 VT COMMODORE OLYMPIC EDITION 3.8L V6, AUTO, ALLOYS, CRUISE, 184715KMS $6990 S743ACH 2009 VE SSV COMMODORE UTE 6.0L V8, 6SPD MAN, 1 OWNER 45700KMS $35990

Murray St, TANUNDA & NURIOOTPA 8563 2045 | 8562 2944 www.lynasvalleyford.com.au Prices exclude onroad costs


BABY COT white drop side, new plus mattress and child bed, mattress fits both $150; Repco exercise bike good condition $50; bedroom suite 3 wardrobes, tallboy, dressing table, bedhead and 2 bedside cupboards, good quality solid construction $500 ono. 85246861 or 0427246861 Barossa New Life Church TREASURE CHEST - FURNITURE MART 10 Murray St, Nuriootpa Tel. 85622988 Monday - Friday 9am - 4pm Saturday 9am - 12pm All donations of furniture, clothing, bric-a-brac enable us to assist our Community BAROSSA VALLEY Country Furniture Paint Stripping Furniture Restoration Custom Made. David Bush 0419628222 CASH FOR BOTTLES & CANS. Wine bottles, batteries, phone Lange's Can & Bottle Depot on 85642292 for trading hours, 20 Newcastle St, Angaston. COUNTRY STITCHERS fundraisers for CARERS LINK BAROSSA & DISTRICTS INC. will be at the EASTER CRAFT FAIR ON Saturday 7th April 2012 in the ANGASTON TOWN HALL. We will have plenty of winter warmers for the coming cold weather. Check out our littlies retro PJ's and retro pinny sets for girls. COUNTRY STITCHERS fundraisers for CARERS LINK BAROSSA & DISTRICTS INC. will be in the BAROSSA MALL on 11th, 12th & 13th April, 2012. We will have plenty of winter warmers for the coming cold weather, eg. bed socks, hat/caps, knee warmers, rugs, quilts, cot quilts, h /water bottle covers, knitwear, littlies retro PJ's wheat heat bags, gloves, mittens, fingerless gloves, Crows and Pt Power caps, tea cosies (lined) girls retro pinny sets, ironing board covers (standard 15" x 48" Large 15 1â „2" x 53") crocheted top t /towels, casserole carriers & cushions. Times: 11th April 10 a.m.- 5.30 p.m. 12th & 13th April 9 a.m. - 5.30 p.m. DODGE 500, 1975, 15ft Timber Tray Top Truck with Tailgate. Only 51213km on Odometer. Not registered, good condition. Runs well $3500. 85645118 DRY GROWN OLD BLOCK GRENACHE 25 tonne. Ring 85632130 ENGEL & WAECO 12/24/240 volt fridge /freezers. All models. Best prices in the State. Gawler Fishing & Outdoors 85226200 FIREWOOD Quality seasoned. Split red. blue, sugar gum, mallee stumps sawn mallee & bags of kindling. Weighbridge docket supplied. Pickup or deliver AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY. Matthew Reimann, Firewood Supplies. 0413089743. Delivery available 7 days by appointment. Credit Cards now accepted. FRUIT TREES Order now for winter. Some native tubes and trees available now. Lifetime Nursery, Judd Rd, Lewiston. Ph: 85243172 - Closed Wednesdays & Good Friday. "GYPSUM FOR SALE" S.A. Agri Gypsum incorporating Mills Freightlines Pty. Ltd. "Gypsum" for sale ex Morgan. 15.34% Sulphur, Calcium 23.4% Cart self or transport available. Contact: Gavin Mills 0428462001 Jayne Mills 0428462010 HAY OATEN WHEATEN Hay from $35 roll Phone Peter & Bev Grocke 0429 694 058 or 8563 2113

MAINS pressure blue line poly from $37 roll. Gawler Irrigation, Lot 11, Paxton Street, Willaston. Ph: 85232350

SLUSHIE/FROZEN Cocktail Machine HOT CHOCOLATE Cocktail Machine PUCKER POWDER . FAIRY FLOSS Slush-a-Licous Phone Pina 0434141097 www.slush-a-licous.com.au Family owned, locally operated.


NEED A PUMP? For all your needs, Gawler Irrigation, Lot 11, Paxton Street, WILLASTON. Ph: 85232350

ANY SCRAP METAL Will pay cash for the removal of yours. Ph: 0412259039

OATEN & LUCERNE HAY Smalll squares. $6/bale. Ph: 0427485217

ANYTHING WITH METAL Cash 4 cars, free collection. HAPPY SCRAPPY recycle it! 85630213 or 0406411117

PEA STRAW for sale $4 per bale delivered. Ph: 85663916


PLANTS - Natives, perennials, tube stock, water wise etc. MORNING STAR NURSERY Lot 1 Cossins St., Kapunda. Ph: 85663952. Open Thursday to Sunday 9am- 5pm.


SELLING, BUYING .......? Advertise in the Herald classifieds, and get results! Giveaway ads are run for 1 week, FREE. You can now place your classified ad at Kapunda Newsagency, deadline is Monday 5.00p.m. Classified deadline 5.00pm Monday. (Maybe subject to change) Ph: 85632041, Fax: 85633655 or email admin.barossaherald@ruralpress.com

TO GIVEAWAY ONE GORGEOUS BLACK KITTEN female, 6 weeks old. Ph: 0458765257

GARAGE SALES 7TH, 8TH & 9TH APRIL 10am - 4pm. Old Bower Post office and Store. Some furniture including Colonial style round table with 4 matching chairs, DVD's, books & general household items. HAVING A GARAGE SALE? Advertise in The Herald classifieds, and get results! All Garage Sale ads MUST be prepaid. You can now place your classified ad at Kapunda Newsagency, deadline is Monday 4.30 pm. Classified deadline 5.00pm Monday (Maybe subject to change) Ph: 85632041 Fax: 85633655 or email admin.barossaherald@ruralpress.com TANUNDA Sat 7/4, 8am to 1pm, 1/7 Edward St (cnr Fiedler). Moving overseas; children's furniture, cot, beds, bikes & trikes, swings, chairs, dining table, shelves, outdoor furniture, household good and more.

Community Helpers Inc DONATIONS

Of clothing & bric-a-brac For our Tanunda Shop 121 Murray Street Phone 8563 1105 Furniture Welcome Nuriootpa Warehouse 8562 2786


MARTINELLI, John (Marty) 31.12.1939 - 5.4.2011 Kept within our hearts by loving memories of one we love and miss so much. Marg, Kathy, Shane, Grace, Mason and Paula.

AWA LCD flat panel TV 95cm perfect cond. $295 - 8563 2223


Working for Carers Link and other charities


NURIOOTPA, Lot 902 Third St, 672m2 block (rear land), power & water connected, fenced, no time limits or restrictions on building type. $85,000. Vicki Chamings 0417 812 254 RLA223600

ACCOMODATION WANTED LOOKING for house to rent in Kapunda 2 /3 bedroom. Ring 0422098953

FOR RENT KAPUNDA $160 per week Neat, 1 bedroom unit in Kapunda. Good size living/dining area with kitchen and new AC unit. A good size bedroom with new carpet. Decent sized, tiled bathroom and laundry combined. Just a 2 minute walk out of the historic town of Kapunda. Private rear yard area. Brock Harcourt Gawler Property Management. Ph: 8523 3319

LIVESTOCK J.W. SMART WOOLBUYERS PTY LTD. Will buy all types. Flexible hours. Ph: 0417878486 - jwsmartbigpond.com

LOST & FOUND LOST Black Karate Gi Miranda Kai near Williamstown on 30/3 85222218 0408157622

PETS BELINDA'S PAMPERED PETS NURIOOTPA Professional dog grooming by an animal lover. EFTPOS now available. Ph: 0418810323 HOOTZ DOG GROOMING Mobile. Qualified groomer. Nuriootpa Ph: Justin 0406840020 HYDROPAWS 4pawfectpaws. Mobile nose to tail pet care. Heated hydrobath, blowdry, nails & clipping. Ph: Bridget 0488444542

MISCELLANEOUS BIBLEHELP Answers About Life and God - as you need him. Ph. 85623945 POSTIE FASHIONS - CLEARANCE SALE, 50% off - Cash Only - Thursday 12th April, 12noon to 6pm. CWA HALL, Murray Street, TANUNDA. Autumn/Winter garments also on display. Postie Fashions - Sizes 6-28.

CASH FOR CARS and scrap metal. Ph: 0404856309 MAZDA 3 SP23. Late 2005. Black, luxury pack, Bose sound system, leather seats, 17" mags, new tyres, tinted windows. Full service history. Lady owner. Manual. XPC-142 $15,500 ono. Ph: 0434068659

BOATS & MARINE ZODIAC DINGHY, 2 person inflatable, 2 oars.With 4HP Yamaha Outboard Motor, only 20hrs use. $1500 - 85645118

Wednesday, April 4, 2012 - Page 27 - The Herald, Barossa Valley




MASSAGE Therapeutic, Aromatherapy, Pregnancy Massage, Aromatherapy Pamper Packages, Myofacial Release, Reiki. 7 years professional experience. Gift vouchers & Pensioner discounts available. Consulting in Kapunda. Liz Ronan. Ph:85663125 or 0400760010

Food Safety When Travelling

REMEDIAL MASSAGE Trigger Point, Deep Tissue, Myo-Fascial, Lymphatic. Wed, Fri - 1A Bilyara Rd, Tanunda. Ph. 0409631553 Thurs - Petite Pear Shop 3 Gilbert St, Lyndoch. Ph. 85245156. Health Rebates.

• • • •







PUBLIC NOTICES CHILD SAFE ENVIRONMENTS (Mandated Notification) Training Course in Nuriootpa. 7 Hour Full Course on Fri 13 April. Enrol at www.safeplacetraining.com or M: 0412 758 005 Light Regional Council


Light Regional Council Audit Committee Meeting for April 2012 Rescheduled

When you place a display classified ad you can have a full colour logo or key parts of the text for only $55 on top of the price of the ad.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Light Regional Council Audit Committee meeting, following consultation with members of the Audit Committee, has been rescheduled to the second week in April, Tuesday, 10 April 2012 to commence at 5.00pm.

Stand out from the crowd! 1807658

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Light Regional Council Infrastructure & Regulatory Services Committee meetings, scheduled the first Wednesday of each calendar month, will commence at 4.00pm indefinitely.

Phone 8563 2041 or email: manager.barossaherald@ruralpress.com

The next scheduled meeting of the Light Regional Council Infrastructure & Regulatory Services Committee is to be held on Wednesday, 2 May 2012 to commence at 4.00pm.

Richard Michael General Manager, Business & Governance

Round One, Top Tipsters thus far . . . P. Daly ......................8

S. Adams .................8

K. Mattner ................7

M. Williams...............8

N. Hampel ................8

J. Harris....................7

J. Harris....................8

S. Dorrian.................8

M. Krause.................7

G. Bittner..................8

A. Nicolai..................8

L. Mostyn .................7

T. Schmidt ................8

C. Hill .......................8

C. Neldner................7

A. Jaensch ...............8

S. Linke ....................7

R. Baker ...................7

M. Menz ...................8

B. Rochford ..............7

No Winner Round 1, weekly prize jackpots for round 2

For full results go to www.barossaherald.com.au

VENUE: Nuriootpa Senior Citizens Club 24A Murray St Bookings Phone 0408 103 791


CPR Ref done on the day 10am start 1809550



ROMAN SHADES We e Aust xceed standralian ards

• Hinged & Sliding Security Doors • Security Window Screens • Safe-S-Cape Keyless Fire Exits • Patio Enclosures • Commercial Security Screening • Cyclone Screening • Tamper Resistant Fasteners

Vertical screening ideal for outdoor restaurants, patios, verandahs, corporate signage. For sun and UV protection choose the fabric that suitsyour needs from hi-tech solar fabrics from France - PVC tinted or clear, blackout fabrics or stylish acrylic. The Ziptrak guide system has no ropes, no zips, no straps, no buckles.

Barossa Window Fashions


The application may be examined at The Barossa Council Office, 43-51 Tanunda Road, Nuriootpa during business hours. Any person or body affected may make relevant representations in writing concerning this application, to be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, The Barossa Council, PO Box 867, Nuriootpa SA 5355 or email barossa@barossa.sa.gov.au, and received not later than 5:00pm, 20/04/2012. Each person making a submission should indicate whether they wish to appear personally or be represented before Council’s Development Assessment Panel in support of their submission. A copy of each representation received will be forwarded to the applicant to respond.

1800 447 499 Box 46, Tanunda SA 5352 www.barossawindowfashions.com.au

1. Only one entry per person 2. Emailed, photocopied and faxed entries permitted. Phone entries NOT accepted. 3. Tips must be submitted to a designated drop off point by 5pm Friday - except from Round 2: 5pm Thursday April 5, Round 5: 5pm Tuesday April 24, Round 12: 5pm Thursday June 14. 4. The weekly winner will win a $50 Barossa Betta Electrical Gift Card. 5. The weekly winner will be the one who tips 9 correct winners for that round and has the closest margin. The margin is always from the first-named game. 6. In the event of two or more tipsters selecting the same 9 winners, the winning margin indicated will be used as a tie-breaker. If this still cannot separate the tipsters then a draw shall take place. 7. If no tipster selects 9 winners the weekly prize will jackpot each week until won. 8. If, at the end of the season, two or more tipsters have equal points that will qualify for a prize, the winner will be decided by the margain score. If a tie still exists, a draw will be used to determine a result. 9. Tipping runs for the minor rounds only. 10. When tips not submitted, tipsters who have previously lodged entries will automatically receive the away teams for the round. 11. After missing three consecutive rounds, tipsters will be eliminated. 12. The Barossa & Light Herald will not accept responsibility for late entries received. 13. Designated drop off points are: Nuriootpa - Harvey World Travel Vine Inn Kapunda - KBL Security Angaston - Angaston Hardware Gawler - Harvey World Travel Tanunda - The Herald Office 14. Fax entry number 8563 3655 email entry: manager.barossaherald@ruralpress.com or sales.barossaherald@ruralpress.com. Post to the Herald P.O. Box 43, Tanunda SA 5352

EASTER DEADLINES As our publication for April 11 is preceded by Good Friday (April 6), Easter Monday (April 9) the following advertising deadlines will be applicable: DISPLAY ADVERTISING: 5pm Wednesday 4 April CLASSIFIED, EMPLOYMENT & PUBLIC NOTICE ADVERTISING: 5pm Thursday 5 April



1 day course with work book and manual & SENIOR FIRST AID REFRESHER PUBLIC COURSE Tuesday June 12th 2012 9AM Start

All courses nationally accredited

616 Balmoral Road, COCKATOO VALLEY

FOOTY TIPPING 2012 1809500

Richard Michael General Manager, Business & Governance


Applicable to display: Positions Vacant, Coming Events, Public Notices and other boxed classifieds.

Change of Commencement Time Infrastructure & Regulatory Services Meetings

NATURE OF THE DEVELOPMENT: Demolish and Replace Dormitory Accommodation and update existing Dining Hall (Non-Complying)


ZUMBA at Greenock Institute. Wednesdays 10.15am. & 6.30pm. Instructor Sue Evans. Ph: 85628184

A Food Safety Message from Light Regional Council Development and Regulatory Services Team Wishing you a Safe and Happy Easter



Wednesday, April 4, 2012 - Page 28 - The Herald, Barossa Valley



Call to discuss (08) 8562 2122

A fully accredited, not for profit boutique age care facility and provider of retirement living accommodation and services

FINANCE OFFICER minimum 16 hours per week As a member of the administration team this role covers a range of tasks which includes: • maintaining compliance with mandatory legislation • accounts receivable and accounts payable • bank reconciliations • preparation of client agreements • business activity statements • end of year adjustments and reconciliations • payroll [relieving] and employee entitlements • assisting with client enquiries and problem solving The ideal candidate will have: • proven experience in finance roles in a small to medium sized business environment • experience with MYOB Accounting Software • accounting qualifications highly desirable Enquiries General Manager, phone 8524 6396 Please send applications including 2 professional referees to: General Manager, Abbeyfield Retirement Living PO Box 512 Williamstown SA 5351 Email: elaine@abbeyfield-barossa.org.au By close of business, Monday, 16 April 2012

Barossa Cellar Door Sales Position CASUAL

Applications to: Executive Chef Nuriootpa Vine Inn Hotel-Motel PO Box 32 NURIOOTPA SA 5355 Email: execchef@vineinn.com.au Fax: 08 8562 3236

I can tackle large projects that make the best use of my skills to motivate me. The sheer complexity of the issues I face ensures I’m always fascinated. At SA Health, how my career develops is up to me. With diverse career pathways and lots of opportunities to shine, there’s no limit to what I can achieve.

Applications close on Monday 16th April 2012

Enjoy helping others learn?

Day Care Assistant Eudunda Hospital Job Ref: 501520

Please forward applications to:

www.health.sa.gov.au/careers 1300 882 992

Cyra Treloar Tasting Bar Supervisor Penfolds Cellar Door cyra.treloar@penfolds.com PO Box 21, Nuriootpa 5355

Could “training” be a potential career pathway, or an adjunct to a consulting business? Due to increasing demand for training in: • Agriculture • Production Horticulture & Viticulture • Food Processing, Food Safety, Warehousing • Management at qualification levels 3, 4 and higher, RIVER MURRAY TRAINING is interested in hearing from you. Vocational/tertiary qualifications are highly desirable, but not essential. Contact Manager, at rmt@r-m-t.com.au or 08 8582 3658 for an obligation free, confidential discussion

...do something more meaningful

An exciting opportunity exists at Penfolds Barossa Cellar Door for a Casual Sales person working across a 7 day roster. We require a motivated person with a passion for wine and who genuinely enjoys talking to customers in a busy retail environment. Wine knowledge is preferred Must be available for weekend work.

Previous applicants need not apply


$4000 Government Training Incen ves are available for *eligible par cipants making the course cost neutral!

Penfolds Cellar Door


CARERS WANTED Are you interested in caring for a child or young person with a disability in your own home?

Full-time, Respite & Shared care



For all enquiries or a no obligation Carer Information Pack please call Gay Cleary, Team Manager, Homelink for Children (an initiative of UnitingCare Wesley Adelaide Inc)

on (08) 8202 5067


CASUAL POSITIONS A New Barossa Heritage… Murray Street Vineyards are seeking experienced cellar door sales staff to join our Tasting Room team. Reporting to the Tasting Room Manager, this challenging role encompasses involvement in all aspects of the Tasting Room operations. Our Tasting Room is open from 10am to 6pm, 7 days a week, so you need to be able to work weekdays and /or weekends on a roster. As a Tasting Room team member with MSV, you will possess an ability to perform unsupervised, laced with a sense of fun & energy as you communicate the MSV story whilst displaying a highly professional work ethic. A current RSA badge and strong Microsoft computer skills are essential. Knowledge of the MYOB Retail Manager suite of products and YouGrow marketing software would be an advantage. Applications should be emailed to: wine@murraystreet.com.au or mailed to: MSV Business Manager Murray Street Vineyards, PO Box 278, GREENOCK SA 5360. Confidential Enquiries can be directed to Anthony Grundel on 08 8562 8373 during business hours. Applications must be received by Sunday 15th April 2012.

• We are looking for families, couples or individuals who are able to provide paid overnight care in their own home to children and young people aged 5-17years of age with disabilities. • Previous experience supporting children with special needs is preferred. Carer assessments and training are provided and regular Information Sessions are available. • You will have on-going support from Families SA for children who are under the guardianship of the Minister. All children have ongoing specialist support from Disability Services and Homelink SA including 24 hour emergency support. • Payments vary according to individual situations. Children who are not under the guardianship of the Minister are placed through contracted arrangements.




Enquiries can also be directed via email Applications close Friday 13th April 2012



CHEF A casual position has become available in our highly organised kitchen at the Vine Inn Hotel. Experience in a la carte, function and bistro style work required. Successful applicant will be required for flexible hours including night & weekend work on a rotating roster.


SALES PROFESSIONAL Global Company. Motivated, sales professionals, work outside an office, work your own schedule, phone Chrissy 1800735559. www.besteverhomebusiness

MOTOR MECHANIC - Full Time Full time motor mechanic is required for a busy workshop located close to the Barossa Valley. This is an established business of over 25 years and is requiring an experienced Motor Mechanic With Diesel Mechanic experience being an advantage. Servicing and repairs to motor vehicles, Trucks, farm machinery and more. Please send resume including at least 3 referees to: johartne@bigpond.net.au or addressed ‘Motor Mechanic Position Vacant, PO Box 201 FREELING SA 5372. 1809010

2 CLEANERS required (couple or individuals) to clean a busy leisure centre in Tanunda. MUST have own ABN and have experience using an auto scrubber. Good hourly rate. Ph. 0451371105


Wednesday, April 4, 2012 - Page 29 - The Herald, Barossa Valley





Leditschke Transport

CHIMNEY CLEANING Local Barossa Service Phone: David 0407189215


Experienced Truck Drivers Required

CHIROPRACTOR. Dr Kana Nathan 39 Murray St, Angaston. Consulting Saturdays Ph. 85642882


Enquiries contact Cirsten - 0439 711 538 Resumes can be sent via Email - Jamesandcirsten@activ8.net.au Fax – 8581 1538 Post - Leditschke Transport P.O.Box 17, Point Pass SA 5374

CIVIL CELEBRANT - Angela Nielsen Ceremonies designed for you. Marriages, namings, committment and renewal of vows. Ph: 0408107940 or 85642773 LEADLIGHT STUDIO make new, repair old, traditional to contemporary. For quality & competitive prices contact Tracy 85246959 Willliamstown

Friday 6th to Monday 10th April @ Gumeracha next to The Toy Factory



The Barossa Council is committed to EEO Principles, workplace diversity and professional development

High quality school holiday program for 5 -13 yrs. Activities include movie making, excursions and much more. Children can come just for fun. 7am - 6 pm 10 - 20th April 2012 $38 per child per session. Enrolments required. CCB available Phone 0432 731 450 for bookings




ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Need Help? Contact 83463255 Meeting: Friday's - C.W.A. Building Kapunda - 8pm.

KAPUNDA MARKET Come for a browse April - Easter Weekend 6th Good Friday 7th Saturday & 8th Sunday CWA Hall - Main Street 9.00 - 3.00 - FREE ENTRY Stall holders welcome (Public Risk Insurance essential) www.kapundacommunitycraftshop.org.au Phone 85662241 or 85663913 Next Market CWA Hall 21st April - Sat of Farm Fair MARKETS Easter Sun. Kies Winery, Lyndoch. Easter Mon Weighbridge Motel Truro. 10am - 3pm. Many variety of stalls. Sites available $10. Glenda 85633181



Dress up as a story-book character and WIN! Great prizes for primary school age story writing competition and family races and dress-up competition thanks to the generosity of major sponsors Vinpac international. Tickets $10 per family (2 adults, 2children) A Barossa Library event for the National Year of Reading.

Child’s Name: Age: ______________________________ __________

Guy Ewing

orchard lane



Entry forms are available from Barossa Mall businesses or via the Herald website at


Happy Easter from our family to yours!


Hillclimb Road, Mount McKenzie (near Angaston)

Barossa Area Fundraisers for Cancer



until Easter


Peter Horan Date: Friday 1st June 2012


ERECTION & PREMATURE PROBLEMS? Help for $30. Money back g'tee. Free sample. 0424 452 329.

Time: 8pm-sharp

Phone 8563 0198

the Barossa Herald


Price: $20 per person No concession

For Real Introductions are looking for possible matches for our many genuine clients. All age groups, areas and occupations. For Free Compatibility Match call (0266) 724960 or log on www.for-real.com.a u

MT. PLEASANT area. Unrushed & personal 4 gents who prefer private. 0466964374

Venue: Vine Inn Hotel-Nuriootpa For tickets contact: Margit on: 08 8562 4807 or 0438 628 418 Tickets selling Fast

proudly sponsored by

Skin analysis & Recovery facial

$80 (Usually $100) BONUS

10% Discount on skin care purchased with facial



complimentary with purchase of facial & min. of 2 products

ONLY AT Strathlyn Skin & Health Clinic Located at Strathlyn B&B - Angaston Road, Angaston (Next to Saltram Winery)

PHONE: 8564 2430 By appointment only


Wednesday, April 4, 2012 - Page 30 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


PAINTER Local experience. Quality work. Free quote. Ph: Peter 0417805982 Lic. No. BLD48086


of the Barossa Mall and



HOME CLEANING & IRONING - $15 off first reg. service so you try us out. Ph: Carolyn or Nat till 8pm daily incl. w/ends. 0409691576

ROLLER shutter repairs 08 85662922

Simply colour in the above image and enter at the Co-Op Member’s Desk PO Box 43 Tanunda 5352 or post to before 5pm April 10 2012 for the chance to win! Parents Name ________ ________________________ ________ Phone _________ __________ Address _________________ _________________ Email _________________________ _______ A joint initiative Ice Creamery

H i s t o r i c H i l l cl i m b




Great day of family fun with entertainment from Cool4Kids, story-reading, old-fashioned family races, clowns, face-painting, craft stalls.

FREE ADMISSION Cars on the track at 11 AM Bring your children and a picnic. (no dogs)

CLEANERS needing extra work in school hours. Honest & reliable in your home. Ph: 0429007863


Sunday 15th April 11.30 am to 4.30 pm at Seppeltsfield Winery

Easter Monday April 9th




EASTER CRAFT FAIR & MONSTER BBQ Saturday 7th April Angaston Town Hall 10am - 4.00pm. 47 stalls - Free Admission



HANDS ON DOGS Providing services for your dogs. Grooming, massage, convalescence care. Call Jenny on 85232452 Gawler or 0423 474 287


Enquiries 0438 855 159

Lyndoch and Districts Vacation Care

WILLIAMSTOWN QUEEN VICTORIA JUBILEEE PARK COMPLEX (1 Year Contract with option to extend) The picturesque Williamstown Queen Victoria Jubilee Park, situated at the southern gateway of the Barossa Valley, encompasses a Caravan Park, Oval, Swimming Pool with Kiosk and Park Shop. There is also a pavilion for hire, tennis courts, electric barbeques, playground, public telephone and gas refill service. Under the administration of the Williamstown QVJ Park Committee, Council is inviting applications for management and maintenance of the Park facilities in line with the terms and conditions specified in the Memorandum of Agreement (which are subject to negotiation as required). The nature of the role requires flexible work practices with extensive after hours and/or on-call arrangements. A 3 bedroom home is supplied and an attractive package including incentives will be offered to the successful applicant/s. Successful applicant/s will have a minimum of 3 years experience in the operation of a business or recreational facility and demonstrate a high level of maintenance and repair skills relative to Park and Swimming Pool operation, with high level customer service, communication and IT skills. A copy of the base Management Agreement (subject to negotiation) and further information is available from Council on 85638453 or Council’s website www.barossa.sa.gov.au Written applications marked “Confidential – Manager Williamstown Queen Victoria Jubilee Park” should be sent to: The Barossa Council, PO Box 867, Nuriootpa SA 5355 or emailed to arandall@barossa.sa.gov.au by 5.00pm on Monday 16 April 2012.

GUTTERS CLEANED Call 85247021 or 0401752406

Easter weekend 1809005

Leditschke Transport is currently seeking experienced tipper operators. Must be well presented, able to work alone and also in a team environment, will include some overnights. MC License would be an advantage. Full Time position available. Based from the Eudunda area.

Plant People are having a plant sale on



Tennis results Barossa Light & Gawler Seniors

Division One Kapunda 11 sets 88 games def Nuriootpa 5 sets 64 games. Men's singles: Michael Matters v Alex Reincke 6-3, David Matters v Tim Grace 6-0, Michael Loeser v Nathan Pope 7-5, Neville Hines v Dillon Campbell 1-6. Men's doubles: Michael Matters, David Matters v Grant Daniel, Alex Reincke 4-9, Michael Loeser, Neville Hines v Tim Grace, Nathan Pope 1-9. Men's reverse doubles: Michael Matters, Michael Loeser v Grant Daniel, Tim Grace 4-6, David Matters, Neville Hines v Alex Reincke, Dillon Campbell 4-6. Ladies singles: Karen Daniel v Annie Crowhurst 6-2, Anne Marie Brown v Melissa Skipworth 6-0, Mandy Gerhardy v Gabrielle Marschall 6-0, Sarah Johnson v Jayne Discombe 61. Ladies doubles: Karen Daniel, Anne Marie Brown v Annie Crowhurst, Melissa Skipworth 9-3, Mandy Gerhardy, Michelle Hanlon v Gabrielle Marschall, Jayne Discombe 9-5. Ladies reverse doubles: Karen Daniel, Michelle Hanlon v Annie Crowhurst, Gabrielle Marschall 6-4, Mandy Gerhardy, Sarah Johnson v Melissa Skipworth, Jayne Discombe 7-5. Division Two Lyndoch 9 sets 82 games def Willaston 7 sets 67 games. Men's singles: Logan Earl v Lucas Baker 6-0, Andrew Lane v Paul Butterworth 6-0, Zak Pretlove v Scott Baker 3-6, Angus Magarey v Darren Pettrey 6-2. Men's doubles: Logan Earl, Andrew Lane v Lucas Baker, Carl Nas 9-2, Zak Pretlove, Angus Magarey v Paul Butterworth, Scott Baker 5-9. Men's reverse doubles/mixed doubles: Logan Earl, Morgan Earl v Lucas Baker, Angela Edwards 6-2, Andrew Lane, Ayla Plowman v Paul Butterworth, Tanya Pettrey 6-2. Ladies singles: Morgan Earl v Angela Edwards 0-6, Ayla Plowman v Tanya Pettrey 6-3, Kylie Tekell v Nicole Stojko 3-6, Lil Plowman v Christina Lim 6-3. Ladies doubles: Morgan Earl, Ayla Plowman v Angela Edwards, Tanya Pettrey 8-9, Kylie Tekell, Lil Plowman v Nicole Stojko, Christina Lim 9-5. Ladies reverse doubles/mixed doubles: Zak Pretlove, Kylie Tekell v Scott Baker, Jodie Chester 3-6, P Carmody, Lil Plowman v Carl Nas, Christina Lim 0-6. (Using 5th player rule). Division Three Willaston Blue 9 sets 75 games def Virginia Green 7 sets 73 games. Men's singles: Travis Koch v Jason Rozman 0-6, Tim Dawson v Stewart Baum 6-7, Barry Wallis v Andrew Styles 1-6, Peter-George Dawson v Jason Whitfield 6-3. Men's doubles: Travis Koch, Tim Dawson v Jason Rozman/Stewart Baum 3-6, Peter-George Dawson, D Tobiasen v Andrew Styles, Jason Whitfield 5-7. Mixed reverse doubles: Travis Koch, Natalie Couzner v Jason Rozman/Alanna Mitchell 4-6, Tim Dawson, Claire Mitchell v Stewart Baum, Nicole Rozman 6-1. Ladies singles: Natalie Couzner v Alanna Mitchell 6-4, Claire Mitchell v Nicole Rozman 6-2, Miranda Dawson v Charlea Taylor 5-7, Alex Dawson v Louise Taylor 6-1. Ladies doubles: Natalie Couzner, Claire Mitchell v Alanna Mitchell, Nicole Rozman 6-1, Miranda and Alex Dawson v Charlea Taylor, Louise Taylor 7-6. Mixed reverse doubles: Barry Wallis, Miranda Dawson v Andrew Styles, Charlea Taylor 2-6, D Tobiasen, Alex Dawson v Jason Whitfield, Louise Taylor 4-6. Barossa & Light Tennis Association Junior grand finals.

Division Three Nuriootpa 4-4-32 def Angaston 2-224. admin.barossaherald@ruralpress.com

FOREHAND: Kapunda’s Michael Loeser during his hard-fought singles win over Nathan Pope in Division One. Singles: Falkenberg, Dexter (N) 2 v Discombe, Michael (A) 6; Zimmermann, Stefan (N) 6 v Keys, Sam (A) 2; Dahms, Cooper (N) 6 v Hobbs, Lucas (A) 3; Hodges, Alex (N) 6 v Wilson, Mitch (A) 3. Doubles: Falkenberg, Dexter, Zimmermann, Stefan (N) 6 v Discombe, Michael, Keys, Sam (A) 7; Dahms, Cooper, Hodges, Alex (N) 6 v Wilson, Mitch, Saegenschnitter, Aaron (A) 3.

Division Four Nuriootpa 4-4-24 def Tanunda Silver 2-2-20. Singles: Schultz, Matthew (N) 6 v Mann, Jack (TS) 0; Hegarty, Madeline (N) 6 v Wholers-Reichel, Robin (TS) 3; Kurtz, Benjamin (N) 0 v Schmidt, Tyson (TS) 6; Hegarty, William (N) 6 v Clasohm, Dylan (TS) 3. Doubles: Schultz, Matthew, Hegarty, Madeline (N) 6 v Mann, Jack, Schmidt, Tyson (TS) 2; Kurtz, Benjamin, Hegarty, William (N) 0 v Clasohm, Dylan, Hayes, Jacob (TS) 6.

Doubles: Docherty, Erin, Downey, Kayla (WU) 5 v Sonntag, Bianca, Sonntag, Kristie (M) 9; Launer, Dayna, Leadbeater, Kate (WU) 9 v Hage, Lydia, Roocke, Fallon (M) 0. Singles: Docherty, Erin (WU) 4 v Sonntag, Bianca (M) 6; Downey, Kayla (W) 3 v Sonntag, Kristie (M) 6; Launer, Dayna (WU) 6 v Hage, Lydia (M) 2; Dawson, Miranda (WU) 6 v Roocke, Fallon (M) 1.

Division Two Boys Xavier Saints 4-4-39 def Vine Vale 2-2-22. Doubles: Leahy, Rory, O'Reilly, Sam (XS) 5 v Hage, Jayden, Hunt, Dakota (VV) 9; Coleman, Corey, Graham, Jonathan (XS) 9; Heidenreich, Alex, Heidenreich, Luke (VV) 1. Singles: Leahy, Rory (XS) 7 v Hage, Jayden (VV) 5; O'Reilly, Sam (XS) 6 v Hunt, Dakota (VV) 7; Coleman, Corey (XS) 6 v Heidenreich, Alex (VV) 0; Graham, Jonathan (XS) 6 v Heidenreich, Luke (VV) 0. Division Two Girls Results not received.

Division Five Angaston 4-4-32 def Lyndoch 2-2-23. Singles: Schulz, Nicholas A (A) 6 v Collins, Meg (L) 4; Eberhard, Toni (A) 6 v Lange, Emma (L) 3; Goodwin, Rosie (A) 6 v Arnold, Daniel (L) 2; Hackett, Jarrod (A) 4 v Kazla, Matthew (L) 6. Doubles: Schulz, Nicholas A, Goodwin, Rosie (A) 4 v Collins, Meg, Lange, Emma (L) 6; Hackett, Jarrod, Fairey, Rachael (A) 6 v Arnold, Daniel, Mackenzie, Flora (L) 2. Division Six Freeling 2-2-24 def by Kapunda Red 4-4-33. Singles: Bubner, Chloe (F) 2 v Wuttke, Harry (KR) 6; Read, Joshua (F) 6 v Letson, Luke (KR) 5; Tucker, John R (F) 4 v Smith, Letitia (KR) 6; Blows, Tayla (F) 6 v Wall, Corey (KR) 4. Doubles: Bubner, Chloe, Read Joshua (F) 5 v Wuttke, Harry, Smith, Letitia (KR) 6; Tucker, John R, Blows, Tayla (F) 1 v Letson, Luke, Wall, Corey (KR) 6.

By ROBERT LAIDLAW THERE was something old and something new about Kangas Softball Club’s results from Saturday’s Gawler & Districts Softball Association grand finals, with the A side winning for the ninth consecutive year and further success in every grade. The Barossa-based club has fielded the dominant A grade team over the past decade but has struggled to match that success with its B grade team, with many grand final losses, while the juniors have only enjoyed the occasional premiership. But on Saturday it all came together, with the under 15 and 17 teams beating Trinity in grand finals, while the second senior side mirrored the A grade triumph by beating Two Wells. For the number one side it was a dominant display against Two Wells, with a 10-0 lead after two innings turning into a 12-2 victory. The only player to have been a member of all nine straight flags is Jo Altus, who was the winning pitcher on Saturday, throwing six innings for five hits, one walk and one K2, as well as featuring in another five outs. Kangas scored three runs in the first frame, Jenny Freeman’s long two-run home run the big blow, and laid the foundation of the premiership with another seven A Grade Two Wells 0 0 0 0 1 1 - 2 Kangas 3 7 0 2 0 x - 12 Hits: Kangas - Jackie Schutz 2, Steph Stewart 2 (hr), Monica Roach 2, Jenny Freeman 2 (hr), Jo Altus, Laura Helbig, Christy Nordin, Amanda Unger, Emma Perry; Two Wells - Linda Farrugia, Patti Green, Jen Gursansky, Steph Agnello (hr), Sharon Tavener. WP: Jo Altus; LP: Sally Green. C Grade Kangas 4 2 7 2 - 15 Two Wells 0 0 0 x -0 Hits: Kangas - Shannon Havis 3, Jess Wheatley 2, Laura Helbig 2, Ellen Fryar 2 (hr), Paula Weckert 2, Emma Perry, Briellen Dunn, Mandy Schutz, Chevy Havis; Two Wells - Franca Carbone,

Monday White - grand final Peckers 9-64 def Maranock 3-37. Monday Blue - grand final Freeling Extras 9-63 def The Whackits 3-37.

Wednesday White - preliminary final Match Fixers 8-60 def Hermansberg 4-51. Wednesday Blue - preliminary final Manooknas 5-46 def by Nuri Tiggers 7-52.

Division One Boys Xavier Saints 4-4-40 def Roseworthy 2-2-26. Doubles: Dare, Jordan, Bain, Bradley (XS) 9 v Ruediger, Jayden, Oxenham, Rhys (R) 2; Liveley, Royce, Nottage, Michael (XS) 9 v Mckinnon, Tom, Ashenden, Jake (R) 8. Singles: Dare, Jordan (XS) 6 v Ruediger, Jayden (R) 7; Liveley, Royce (XS) 4 v Ashenden, Jake (R) 6; Bain, Bradley (XS) 6 v Mckinnon, Tom (R) 0; Nottage, Michael (XS) 6 v Oxenham, Rhys (R) 3.

When: Friday nights 6.30 pm.

KANGAS UNDER 17: Back, from left, Chevy Havis (coach), Sue Schiller (trainer), Rhianna Havis, Nikki Schiller, Ellen Fryar, Sophie Helton, Bev Ashmead, Lizzie Hempo, Anna Helbig, Aisha Kruger, Shannon Havis (assistant coach), front, Becky Havis, Laura Helbig.

Cost: $100-per-player. Format: Teams of two (singles and doubles). Entries: No later than Thursday, April 12. Players: Must be 17 and under as at December 31, 2012. Season: Starts Friday, April 27. Nominations to: Jess Broadhead 0401 675 551, Sharon Jenner 0428 631 454 or Sam Murch 0450

Jamie Dinham, Lizzy Hempo. WP: Jess Wheatley; LP: Megan Kleeman. Under 17 Kangas 2 0 7 5 - 14 Trinity 6 0 0 x -6 Hits: Kangas - Rhianna Havis, Ellen Fryar, Bec Ashmead; Trinity - Amelia Benn, Courtney Broughton. WP: Amelia Benn; LP: Amelia Benn. Under 15 Kangas 7 7 6 4 - 24 Trinity 7 2 7 x - 16 Hits: Kangas - Bec Ashmead 3 (hr), Nikki Schiller 2, Becky Havis, Aisha Kruger, Anna Helbig; Trinity - Amelia Rootsey-Gratton 2, Hanna Kingsmill, Darcie Murphy, Lauren Brander, Mollie Wilson. WP: Becky Havis; LP: Mollie Wilson.

KANGAS C GRADE: Back, from left, Monica Roach (assistant coach), Mandy Schutz, Paula Weckert, Jess Wheatley, Briellen Dunn, Jenny Freeman (coach), front, Chevy Havis, Ellen Fryar, Laura Helbig, Emma Perry, Shannon Havis.

Barossa, Light & Gawler Junior Winter Tennis

Barossa, Light & Gawler Combined Junior Competition

runs in the second frame. With a 12-0 lead after four innings, Kangas remained in control over the final two frames, although Two Wells fought back with a pair of runs, Steph Agnello’s long home run the highlight. The Kangas B grade team had an even more convincing victory over Two Wells in the C grade grand final, winning 15-0. Jess Wheatley pitched a shutout, surrendering just three hits and two walks for three K2s, while in Kangas break-out seven-run third inning, Ellen Fryar belted a long home run, which was followed by Mandy Schutz triple. In the under 17 premiership decider, Kangas took advantage of 11 errors and eight walks to beat Trinity 14-6, after trailing 2-6 half way through. Amelia Benn put in a solid pitching performance for the victors, while big doubles from Ellen Fryar and Bec Ashmead were the key hits. Consistent batting proved the major difference in the under 15 grand final, with Kangas scoring 20 of a possible 21 runs in the first three innings on the way to a 24-16 victory over Trinity. Bec Ashmead led the way for Kangas with three hits, including a long home run, while Shiana Semmler made the play of the day for the victors at second base, with a great catch. Results below.

KANGAS A GRADE: Back, from left, Jo Altus, Monica Roach, Jackie Schutz, Laura Helbig, Nikki Schiller, Jenny Freeman, Christy Nordin, front, Rhianna Havis, Steph Stewart, Emma Perry, Amanda Unger (coach), Kareena Donnan.

Monday Red - grand final Freeling Outsiders 7-57 def Can’a’balls 5-51.

Where: Gawler Association Courts.

Division One Girls Willaston United 3-3-33 def Marananga 3-3-24.

Kangas full house

Night tennis

Wednesday Red - preliminary final Gibson Wines 7-64 def Angaston Panthers 5-51.


KANGAS UNDER 15: Back, from left, Chevy Havis (coach), Anna Helbig, Aisha Kruger, Bec Ashmead, Sue Schiller (trainer), Kyla Whiting (scorer), Shannon Havis (assistant coach), front, Shiana Semmler, Nikki Schiller, Becky Havis, Maddie Lesley.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012 - Page 31 - The Herald, Barossa Valley



GAWLER Thursday; John Baum managed a fantastic win in Thursday’s Stableford competition scoring 42 points. Rob Roy was a close contender coming runner up with 41points and Mark Dawes also had 40 points. Ball winners; G

7 Tod St, Gawler

MT PLEASANT Saturday stableford 4BBB competition: J James/E Bishop 49, P Sando/J Richards 47, S Tregenza/P Turvey 44, P Boucher/G Elliott 44, R Jackson/C Noble 42, R Elliott/D McQueen 41. Midweek stableford competition: A grade - R Elliott 42, T Lehman 38, T Mitchell 34; B grade - R Hargrave 37, E Bishop 36, D

SUCCESS: Ian Baldwin putts well during a round at the Barossa course on Saturday. Wilson 34. TANUNDA Saturday Aon Risk Services stableford competition winner J Phillips 40. A grade J Phillips 40, r/u P Stacey 39; B grade G Lamshed 39, r/u J Urlwin 36; C grade M Schulz 39, r/u P Othams 38 c/b; Ladies C Hongell 33. Long drives: A grade B Grocke; C grade D Tuk; Ladies F Blackwell. NTP 6th N O'Brien (Peter Lehmann); 8th M Schulz (TPGB); 11th J Phillips (Langmeil); 16th S Hallett (Rusden); 7th hole 2nd shot P Stacey (Kalleske). Rundown: D Newstead 38, W Bailey 38, B Veevers 37, D Tuk 35,

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BAROSSA Saturday Blue Course stableford competition. A grade D Batterbury 42, r/u S Miller 39; B grade P Pavlovich 38, r/u K Farley 38; C grade J Ortlieb 43, r/u R May 40. A grade (42 players): M Schilling 39, D McDonnell 38, G Ewing, D Brook, P Hefferan, R Whisson, T Turnbull all 37, J Mosey 36. B grade (41 players): D Oats 37, P Baldwin 37, J Chinner, M Perks, A Prior all 36, R Hampel 35, P Graetz 35. C grade (16 players): K Bockmann 36, C Buckley 36, E Allanson 35. Ladies competition winner J Lythgoe 38, J Bird, H Sandow, B Baird all 38. NTP 3rd S Eygenraam; 4th 2nd shot T Turnbull; 6th P Twelftree; 10th 2nd shot J Chinner; 12th J Perkins; 17th R May. Long drives: A grade J O'Connell; B grade D Oats; C grade J Ortlieb. Ladies novelty, NTP 15th hole 2nd shot: P May. Midweek Blue Course stroke competition winner A Graham 66, r/u I Wigley 68. Ball winners: J Raynor 70, L Williams 70, P Frazer 71, K Bockmann 71, M O'Brien 72, L Hampel, C Buckley, G McDonald all 73. NTP 6th P Nash; 15th C Hughes. 4BBB: A Graham, M O'Brien 46.

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A Coutie 35, D Cock 34, T Pengilly 34. Sunday Aon Risk Services stableford competition: B Burns 35. Men's Midweek Aon Risk Services stableford competition. A grade: S Fechner 40, N Giles 39, J Blechynden 38, B Veevers 36, P Giersch 34. NTP: J Gooden. LD: B Veevers. B grade: R Wallace 41, J Denley 39, B Eckermann 38, B Andrews 36. LD: B Eckermann. NTP: R Haynes. Ladies Midweek Aon Risk Services stableford competition: C Lynas 37, A Myatt 36, C Lienert 34. NTP: C Lynas. LD: A Myatt.


*Pics for illustration purposes only. Product may vary.



Sunday ; A huge scoring competition saw Laurie Chiappetta win on a countback from John Fowler, both with 33 points. Craig Swinstead also received a ball for his 33 point effort. Unfortunately the superb weather left nothing else to blame but the person on the end of the clubs. Birdies: C Swinstead. NTPS: 4th: C Swinstead, 6th: D Nguyen.

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Scotland, J Martin, C Scott, J Assender, S Jeffery, G Jewell, G Barber, N Orr. NTPS: Elders 4th; N Orr, Spencer Flooring 6th; A Preston, Elders 11th; R Polito. Birdie balls; N Heinrich, N Nguyen, R Clarke, J Wozniak, H Jeske, D Gifford, G Jewell, H Smits, G Gray, N Orr, J Martin, N Orr, G Barber. Eagles: Cameron Scott eagled the 9th. Mid week; Les Kemp had a cracker of a game on Tuesday morning scoring 38 points and winning the midweek competition. Runner up was Steve Byrnes with 36. Ball winners; R Crockart, J Martin. Birdies: S Byrnes, H Smits. Saturday; One of the last cards to come in, Dougy Stewart was sitting on the edge of his seat waiting to hear the results. With a fantastic 42 points, he won the overall Stableford competition on a countback from Dave Birss, also with 42. Since they marked each other’s cards, who would’ve thought they wouldn’t just “draw” and split the winnings. A grade; D Stewart 42, L Chiappetta 40, C Lowe 38. B grade; D Birss 42, S Morey 41, N Orr 40. C grade; R Flett 40, M Grohs 38, T Milics 38. Ladies; L Jeffery 37, K Korber 31. NTPS and Long Drives - Uleybury Wines 2nd; S Voigt, St Kilda Hotel 3rd long drive, B Hall, Giannitto Hotel Group 4th; P Heffernan, Kingsford Hotel 6th; C McKenzie, Roseworthy Hotel 3rd shot 9th; C Thornton, Fasta Pasta long drive 10th; T Milics, Hi Beam Car/Dog wash 11th; R Polito, Bushmans Hotel 14th; G Barber, Willaston Hotel 16th; C Thornton. Ball winners; T Bow, S Spencer, T Davies, J Wozniak, R Hartwell, K McLean, J Holmes, A Jeffery, G James, M Grohs, T Milics, C Thornton, G Page, R Malone, D Terrell, B Ashton. Birdies; P Heffernan, D Shepherdson, C Bartholomew, T Bow, K Dredge, D Hodby, T Cassar, S Sounes, P Poysden, M Beck, G Page, S Voigt, C McKenzie, M Grohs, R Polito, R Malone, K McLean, M Baker, G James. Eagles; C Thornton 9th.


KAPUNDA AS I mentioned last week Mrs Murray’s son Harv put up a prize worth shooting for and the 50-plus field certainly put in some excellent golf in their quest to get their hands on it. The perfect conditions also had a hand in a good number of players with 40 or more points. The best on the day was newcomer Simon Keane who shot the lights out with 46 points. I haven’t caught up with him yet to confirm it but I think it would be a safe bet to say it was a ‘pb’ at Kapunda and possibly the first time he has broken 80 here. Great effort. In the B grade there were a handful of players who thought they might have been in with a chance. At the top Joe Ryan and Geej Prior both had 44 points with the former taking the countback. I believe they will both be back in A grade for this week’s round. Ben Dibb also lost a shot on his handicap after shooting 42 points as did Paul O’Reilley on 41. Veteran Jimmy Wilson also had a great day with 40 points. The A grade was won by big hitting Troy Sires who is a step closer to that elusive single figure handicap after his 41 points. Simon Byrne was next best on 38. The C grade resulted in a three way countback and big Al Sherrah must also be pretty close to climbing a grade, winning again with 37 points. Graeme Smith and Denis “Collingwood” White were the unlucky losers in the countback. I guess that was the story of Denis’s weekend, running second. D Howard was just a shot behind on 36. Jenny Menzel was the best of a good field of fillies with 31 points. She had a couple up on both Inge Smith and Vicki Wilson. It sounds like Joe Ryan could do no wrong as every tree he hit spat the ball back onto the fairway and every putt that looked like slipping by caught the edge and dropped. His luck also carried to the clubhouse when he won the last

member’s draw and a handy $50, that’s Scottie’s version of events anyway. In a couple of weeks time, on Anzac Day, the club is running a mixed four ball ambrose comp. It is planned to have a chicken and champers “brunch” around 11am then tee off about noon. It should be a bit of a fun social day so if you are interested please contact either Chris Pfitz or Wendy Wilson to assist with catering. In the meantime Easter is upon us and the first comp of the 2012/13 season will be a Par comp for the Sskids Tyres trophy. It will also be the first round of the Theodore Hayward Memorial trophy. The following week is the decider for the Paul McCarthy Gold Cup and names of those who are competing are posted in the clubhouse. I will endeavour to have these names in the column next week for all to see. Also a reminder that subs are now overdue. I can say that because mine are now paid. Happy golfing. Harvey Murray Trophy stableford competition. A grade: S Keane 46, T Sires 41, S Byrne 38, I Clark 37, A Hayter 36, W Strangward 35, G Tilbrook, T Scheer, J Lindeblad, D Carson all 34, G Hambour 33. B grade: J Ryan 44, G Prior 44, B Dibb 42, P O'Reilly 41, J Wilson 40, H Murray 38, D Crockett, G Patterson, D Burgess all 36, R Lambert 34, S Earle 32. C grade: A Sherrah, G Smith, D White all 37, D Howard 36, G Jones 34, I Gawley 32, G Akkerman 31, J Kerrigan 31, T Symons 30, R Mclean 30, M Reynolds 29. CCR 72. Ladies: J Menzel 31, I Smith 29, V Wilson 29, C Molloy 28, K Masters 27, J Morrison 23, C Perry 21. AWCR: 74.









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Wednesday, April 4, 2012 - Page 32 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


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SQUASH Barossa Valley Squash Association. Round: 7 results. Division One - played March 27. Apples d Mangoes, 2-9-207 to 2-7186. (M Tully lt P Thornton 2-3, D Maher d I Elsworthy 3-1, A Blackwell lt R Fullgrabe 1-3, J Harris d J Nagel 3-0). Pawpaws d Plums, 2-8-185 to 2-6177. (A Birchard lt T Talbot 2-3, P Leadbeater lt G Ward 0-3, A Darling d D Standish 3-0, K Ward d J Ide 30). Oranges d Grapes, 2-7-185 to 2-7178. (K Kulak d R Klemm 3-0, P Howe lt G Alderslade 1-3, N Ridley d M Langan 3-1, S Rohrlach lt R Dadds 0-3). Division Two - played March 29. Fiano d Zibbobo, 3-10-188 to 1-3143. (R Lieschke d A Grundel 3-0, M Witcomb d N Falkenberg 3-0, T Sloper lt N Sloper 1-3, S Cook d D Molineux 3-0). Dolcetto d Bombino, 2-7-161 to 26-152. (G Nitschke lt T Noack 1-3, N Bauer lt A Cunningham 0-3, P Gerhardy d E Boland 3-0, C Zadow d A Bryce 3-0). Sagrantino d Robosa, 3-9-168 to 1-3-118. (S O'Loughlin lt S Carroll 03, S Wendt d T Kroehn 3-0, D Altus d K Jermey 3-0, B Waters d J Wilson 3-0). Premierships Division One Team Apples Oranges Plums Pawpaws Mangoes Grapes

Pts 142 109 102 98 70 67

Division Two Team Bombino Dolcetto Fiano Sagrantino Zibbobo Robosa

Pts 137 114 113 105 68 51


Christian Fletcher bowled well last Thursday night, March 29, with three frames of 60 points and one frame of 72, all helping to bowl a total of 500 points and win the night's game and get on the 500 Club board. Scott Virgo bowled the highest frame score of 78 to put in a good challenge to Christian. Kyran dropped back a little in the second game while Rick improved by one point. Results of play: Christian Fletcher 271/229 500, Scott Virgo 247/196 443, Kyran Gardner 216/199 415, Rick Loan 159/160 319. 24s: S Virgo 7, C Fletcher 7, K Gardner 4, R Loan 2. 30s: C Fletcher 4, S Virgo 1. Pudels: C Fletcher 2, S Virgo 1, R Loan 1. Terry Malone and Steve Mewett both played well after a slow start to get their names on the 500 Club board last Friday night, March 30. It was Terry's first time on the 500 Club board. Terry and Steve also bowled the highest frame score of 72 for the night. Even with two pudels Terry won the night's play. Results of play: T Malone 223/294 517, S Mewett 225/286 511, G Nicolai 171/138 309. 24s: T Malone 8, S Mewett 7. 30s: T Malone 2, S Mewett 1. Pudels: T Malone 2. Members are reminded there will be no kegelling on Good Friday.

RIFLE SHOOTING Kapunda Rifle Club Results of the March 31 Light Agg 600 yard. Fullbore: J Hoerisch was handicap winner (51.61%) top off rifle and sniper (19). In F Class A Kerin was handicap winner and sniper (23.2) for F Class with T Otto top off rifle (114.11). Fullbore Simon Barrie 38.1, 45.3, 83.4, 14.50, 14. Tony Helbig 42.2, 43.0, 85.2, 8.25, 11. John Hoerisch 47.1, 49.5, 96.6, 7.75, 19. Bob Ireland 44.0, 45.2, 89.2, 4.75, 17. David Lindner 48.7, 43.1, 91.8, 5.50.

Barossa Bowland League results, points to date. Morning Stars: Bowled Out 50, Two Of Us 39, C D Players 37, Sparestrikers 28, Lucky Ducks 22, Dynamic Duo 16. Star bowler: Sue Roehr 37 POA (pins over average). Valleyites: Tripod 118, WAFWOTEAM 113.5, Zodiac 104, Ten Pinners 100, The Drifters 78.5, W.M.D. 72.5. Star bowlers: Karen Norton 13 POA, Ken White 37 POA. Grapevines: Strike Outs 42, What Evers 40, Strikers 34, Pinsetters 28, Double Trouble 26, Pin Killers 24, Pin Magic 22, Go Getters 20, Pinheads 18, Two Wonders 14. Star bowlers: Ben Chopping 37 POA, Venessa Wade 12 POA. Have A Ball: Creepshow 46, Balls Of Fury 46, Old Farts 41, Triple XXXX 36, Gutter Trash 30, Aint No Turkey 28, Speed Demons 24, Here4dabeer 19. Star bowlers: Brad Stevens 63 POA, Shana Green 86 POA. Barossa Juniors: Annihilators 38, Pinkillers 34, The Strikers 28, Little Devils 24, The Triple M's 22, Pinheads 16. Star bowlers: Dana Hyland 30 POA, Ryan Graetz 48 POA.

BRIDGE BAROSSA Last Monday Bridge Barossa played a five table Howell movement, and first were Max Jahn and Evan Allanson with 61.3%, followed by Adelaide Abbott and Miles White 56.2%, Rhonda Wallace and Jill Allanson 54.6%, Ken Farley and Peter Clark 54%, Toni Harvey and Hans Haan 49.2%, Pam Jahn and Mary Clerk 45.6%, Joan Lee and Kevin Jones 44.7%, Eunice Kampman and Jim Hayes 40.6%, Joan and Howard Haese 40.1%. On Wednesday again at five tables first were Peter Clark and Evan Allanson with 67.6%, followed by Annie Hatcher and Judy Fechner 62.5%, Helen Farrelly and Toni Harvey 56.9%, Fran Hannan and Ron Male 54.2%, Elaine and Michael Kenny 52.3%, Joan and Howard Haese 50.5%, Marg Long and Trish Page 49.5%, Joan Lee and Kevin Jones 44.4%, Helen Sandow and Ziggy Mentz 40.1%, Peta Conor and Chris Stutley 40%.


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Chris Linden, Manager, Vine Inn


Brisbane 32 Essendon Sydney Melbourne Collingwood Adelaide Nth Melbourne St Kilda Hawthorn


THE Gawler & Barossa Jockey Club (GBJC) is looking ahead to a prosperous and vibrant future following settlement on the sale of its land on Adelaide Road. The 4.3 hectares of land has been purchased by South Australian company Leedwell Property, which will act as development manager on behalf of a joint venture of local investors with plans to create a retail precinct. The settlement has allowed the GBJC to retire debt incurred with redevelopment of its racecourse and to secure its financial future. Judith Jones, chair of the GBJC, said the settlement had brought a successful end to a long and often challenging period of change for the club. “Wind the clock back a few years, and we were struggling with an ageing and underperforming facility that wasn’t allowing us to grow with the Gawler community or capitalise on the opportunities in the racing industry,” she said. “We were facing a very uncertain future and, as a club, we had to make a series of tough decisions and take a few calculated risks to turn things around. “Thanks to a lot of hard work and also some critical support from the state government and Thoroughbred Racing SA, we have emerged much stronger with fantastic facilities, a calendar full of activities and a healthy balance sheet.” Through the $13 million project $6 million of which was provided by the state government with the balance facilitated by Thoroughbred Racing SA - Gawler now boasts a fully redeveloped racecourse,

Judith Jones manicured gardens, new jockey and stewards rooms plus a multi-use function centre that is already generating strong bookings within the local community. The 4.3 hectares of surplus land was released by the club to help fund the project. “With the settlement of the sale, the Gawler & Barossa Jockey Club and its members can now look to the future with real confidence, secure in the knowledge that they now have a fantastic foundation from which to build,” said Jim Watters, chief executive of Thoroughbred Racing SA. “The club should be proud, the people of Gawler should be proud and the South Australian racing industry should be proud of what has been achieved.” Patrons can look at the new complex on Wednesday (today) with the club staging an eight-race program starting at 12.33pm with the final event at 4.50pm.


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Wednesday, April 4, 2012 - Page 33 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


Brisbane 24 Pt Adelaide Sydney West Coast Collingwood Adelaide Nth Melbourne St Kilda Hawthorn www.barossaherald.com.au

Central District Football Club supports


Gawler and Kapunda Sportsperson of the week Craig Mullins - Gilbert Valley

Sports with Graham Fischer and Mike Teakle

Craig Mullins plays cricket for Gilbert Valley. Where have you played your cricket? Started at Riverton/Tarlee and now with Gilbert Valley Bulls.

Who are key players at your club? The Vandeleurs and Vaters. What is your most important attribute? Line and length on the field, karaoke off the field, Kingsford Hotel with ‘knighty’ and ‘doof’. Who is a character at the club and why? Ryan Vandeleur, prankster, pest, smart mouth, the works. Who is the best player you have played with and against? With I’d say Mark Bramley, James Vandeleur; against J L Mosey, Aaron King and Craig Riemann. Major influence in your cricket: Terry McKeough, Wayne Molineux and Kym Vandeleur. Who are your sporting idols? Sachin Tendulkar and Jonathon Brown. Any superstitions? Never wear a thigh pad and shoes always double knotted. What event has inspired or amazed you? Jimmy Stynes, his career and life. If you were Prime Minister what issue would you address? All pubs and clubs being licensed for 24 hours and free taxi services. Pet hates on the cricket court? Blokes who sledge the good old giant bat. Favourite actor and movie? Adam Sandler and Billy Madison.

If someone had to play you in a movie who would it be? Samuel L Jackson. Greatest moment and disappointment? 2012 Barossa and Light premiers and against, getting out to Aaron King (again). Hate giving the great man ammo. How would you spend a million dollars? Cricket trip to Vegas, all expenses covered. What other sport would you love to be the best in the world at and why? NBA, entertaining and very decent coin. If you could have any four people stranded on a deserted island with you who would they be and why? Ruby, Indy, April and Charlie from Home and Away. Why? I just reckon they seem really nice women.


> BL&G

CENTRAL District’s new era of night footy may have started badly with losses in all four grades but the journey is just beginning for a pair of players recruited from Barossa, Light and Gawler clubs. Matt Prior (Tanunda) who came to the club as a mature-age player looks to have a long term future with the Dogs. South Gawler’s Paul Marschall was one of the few highlights on the night, handling the kick in duties with ease and will be a real chance to hold down a spot in the back six for much of the season. Devout Central supporter Robert Laidlaw’s report on the league game can be viewed on the net at barossaherald.com.au

WITH footy season just around the corner, talk on everyone’s lips is about which players teams have picked up during the off season. We can give you the inside tip, Freeling coach Mark Tylor has brought in a monster full forward by the name of Dan Horsnell from Division One club Gaza. Even though trial game form is not always the perfect gauge, his efforts in the Redlegs’ comfortable win over Virginia indicate he could pose a threat to Heath Commane’s grip on the leading goal-kicking trophy. Meanwhile, reigning premier Tanunda fought their way to a narrow win over Southern football


Relationship and employment status: Girlfriend Tammi Klaebe of four years and Scholle Industries, six years and counting.

Your Guide to the Tides

> State footy TWO BL&G players, Angaston defender Phil Bennett and Tanunda ruckman Luke Wells will again represent their state this weekend. They will contest the 2012 MAC Cup between the South Australian Amateur Football League (SAAFL) and the State Country side at AAMI Stadium this Easter Saturday, April 7.


The clash will kick off at 4.20pm as the curtain raiser to the Adelaide v Western Bulldogs match at 710pm. The Crows will be looking for another win following an excellent first-up success against the Gold Coast Suns. This will be the sixth match between SAAFL and State Country, with the latter taking out victory in 2011 by 25 points.

> Lawn Bowls KAPUNDA Black claimed the final prize on offer in Barossa and Light lawn bowls last Thursday as they defeated Nuri Green 71-52 in the midweek grand final. Ron Rogers, Jack Trotta and Andre Reinders were the catalyst for the win thanks to their 31-10 victory over Rodney Garrett’s rink. Despite strong showings earning them a place in five grand finals, the Tigers would be ruing missed opportunities after winning just one flag with the Nuri ladies defeating Kapunda. Proudly brought to you by: BAROSSA



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league champions Brighton thanks to two good quarters of footy . Coach Ben Britton would have been more concerned with the other two periods when the Magpies were disappointing. South Gawler showed signs of improvement in easily accounting for Ardrossan. Scott Lee’s charges have been put through an intense pre-season and look capable of climbing a couple of spots this year. Willaston had a great hit out against Goodwood, Div One heavyweights, and left no doubts they will be in the top three in 2012.

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8522 6200 Tide Times for Port Adelaide (Outer Harbour) and Wallaroo for the week to come

Pt Adelaide APR 2012

4 WE

0346 1004 1623 2217

2.02 0.47 2.08 0.62


0418 1025 1637 2243

2.17 0.39 2.27 0.41

0444 1042 1651 2308

2.20 0.39 2.41 0.29

0506 1057 1707 2334

2.15 0.41 2.53 0.24

0526 1110 1727

2.05 0.44 2.62

0002 0547 1124 1749

0.26 1.92 0.47 2.66


6 FR

7 SA

8 SU

9 MO

Wallaroo APR 2012

4 WE

0323 1037 1716 2239

1.24 0.52 1.16 0.81


0414 1052 1705 2311

1.26 0.54 1.29 0.63

0454 1107 1715 2346

1.24 0.57 1.44 0.50

0527 1117 1733

1.16 0.60 1.58

0021 0555 1122 1753

0.44 1.03 0.61 1.68

0058 0612 1116 1814

0.45 0.87 0.59 1.75


6 FR

7 SA

8 SU

9 MO

0139 0.51 0029 0.34 0616 0.74 0605 1.79 1136 0.50 TU 1108 0.53 1837 1.77 1812 2.63 *Please note - Add 1 hour for daylight savings ‘Tidal predictions supplied by the National Tide Facility. The Flinders University of South Australia, Copyright Reserved’

10 TU



Wednesday, April 4, 2012 - Page 34 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

TROPHY: Colin Angas presents the first prize.

By LUBIN PFEIFFER THE first round of the South Australian fly fishing championship was held on private water in the Barossa Valley last weekend. This trout-only competition requires anglers to catch as many salmonoids as they can on fly for the allotted three hour session time. Having four sessions over two days means that the most consistent angler will win the title. Like golf you’re aiming for the lowest score from each session ie; a first place in each session from catching the most fish will give you a score at the end of the comp of four. There was some stiff competition from fly fishing experts from around the

state with scores going in to day two very close. It really came down to the wire with first and second tied at the end of the competition so a count back on fish was needed. Having scored a lot of fish on day one served me well as I was able to secure the first place position on fish points. Final positions were Lubin Pfeiffer 1st , Alistair Kerr 2nd, Steve Varga 3rd. For round two it is up to the Clare Valley and we’re fishing the Broughton River. For anyone who is interested in attending next year’s Barossa Valley Championship or attending one of the other rounds here or interstate please visit the website: www.flyfishaustralia.com.au Tight lines until next week.




Ella closes in on national selection AWARD: Popular JT Surf has been named Surf Retailer of the Year for the South Australian/Northern Territory region. The award was announced at the Australian Surf Industry Awards in Manly, New South Wales. Pictured with the award and certificate are right, Michael Zorich (JT Surf general manager) and Matthew Hawkes (JT Surf regional manager). Tyson Zorich, marketing manager for the Zorich Group said the award was decided by votes from Surf Retail Federation sponsors (80 per cent) and the general public (20 per cent).

Midweek bowls Barossa and Light Bowling Association Results for Thursday midweek grand final - March 29.

Kapunda Black 71 v Nuriootpa Green 52. T Rae 20 v I Klaebe 20; R Rogers 31 v R Garrett 10; G Redden 20 v J Bell 22.

RUNNING HARD: Ella Holmes during the run leg of the Championship run in Mooloolaba. ELLA Holmes, from Gawler,has all but secured a place in the Australian triathlon team to compete in the World Championships in New Zealand later this year. Holmes, on the comeback trail after a year off studies, turned in a solid performance in the 2012 Australian Age Group Olympic Distance Championships held in Mooloolaba, Queensland. The event was the sixth leg of the National qualifying series and attracted about 9000 competitors. In threatening conditions, Holmes finished fourth in the very competitive 20-24 age group category. Holmes exited the 1.5km surf swim in sixth position, less than a minute behind eventual race winner Courtney Dutton of Queensland. By the completion of the 40km out-and-back bike leg, the triathlete had moved up into

fifth place, but had conceded time to the former U19 Australian team member, Dutton, before beginning the chase during the 10km two-lap run. Dutton defended her lead well, and although Holmes was able to reduce the gap, it wasn’t enough and Dutton went on to win in a time of 2:14:10, with Holmes finishing in 2:16:32. The first five athletes all finished within three minutes of winner Dutton. Holmes said she was happy with her swim performance, and felt strong throughout the bike leg. “Although the run time wasn’t as quick as we had planned, we learnt a lot about racing this course, and we can factor that into our planning for next year’s race,” Holmes said. “So we can certainly take a lot of positives from this event.” This was Holmes’s first time at the Mooloolaba race.

Coach Steve O’Brien said that Ella’s performance was solid. “This event was a focus for us so it’s good to be able to walk away with good points from this race,” O’Brien said. “Ella sets a very high standard for herself - and there are areas where we know we can improve we will address those during our preparation for the World Championships in October.” Holmes now prepares for the Luke Harrop Memorial triathlon in Queensland in April, where she will compete in the Open category in her last race of the season before taking a short break from training. She will then begin preparation for the World Championships with fellow Fuse Multisport Racing Team athletes Sam Tebeck and Ben Tripodi - who also look likely to make the Australian team. “It’s going to be pretty intense over winter,” Holmes said.

ON A ROLL: Winning Kapunda skipper Ron Rogers in action while his Nuriootpa opponent Rodney Garrett can only contemplate the game.

When your mate turns into someone who speeds, it’s up to you to tell them. Prevent Matemorphosis.

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Wednesday, April 4, 2012 - Page 35 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


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Hoops hero or footy fan By ROBERT LAIDLAW WHETHER it’s shooting hoops or kicking goals, Kapunda almost-16-yearold Joel Foster is a talented sportsman with a great pedigree and a bright future. Dad Dave played junior football and reserves with Central District, while mum Floss was a rep basketballer and a fourtime national champion Irish dancer - she is also the younger sister of footballing great John Platten. Recently the Kapunda year 11 student was selected in the state country basketball squad for the fifth consecutive season, and will soon be travelling to Perth for the under 18 national championships. “The best thing about playing in the team is we are up against the best kids in the country, which includes the metro sides, and I always enjoy the experience,” Joel said. “I broke my ankle two weeks before the under 16s last year and missed going to Melbourne, so I’m pleased to be back, and although I’m a bottom age under 18, I’ll be giving it my best shot.” Unfortunately for the twosport star, the ankle injury

also cost him a spot in the Bombers under 15 footy grand final, although he managed to recover in time for a trip of a lifetime to America with the state country basketball high performance squad late last year. There were four teams invited to play in the USA, with Joel part of the junior varsity side, which played games in North Carolina. “We saw a few college games as well, which are huge over there, and the main court at North Carolina Uni, which is where Michael Jordan played, seats 50,000 spectators,” Joel said. “It was an incredible trip, and after the tour finished we stayed on for a family holiday. Disneyland in LA was cool, and watching an NBA game between the Bulls and Lakers was unbelievable, the best game of basketball I have ever seen. “We went to Buffalo and Niagara Falls as well as Vegas, and also to Argentina, where we visited Martin Kirjner, who was an exchange student at Kapunda High four years ago. It was an experience I will never forget.” Joel started his basketball career in under 12s locally, where he has won four

DECISION: Joel Foster, the Kapunda Kid, has proved himself a star at basketball and Aussie Rules football. association medals as the best player, and was identified as having potential in the sport and invited to play with the Central Districts Lions. The youngster has been picked in numerous basketball development squads and state teams, with his highlight a silver medal in the under 15


Zerella Academy. “I know I’ll have to make a decision between the two sports but I want to play basketball in the under 18s again next year before deciding,” Joel said. “As a point guard in basketball I’m in a leadership role, which is enjoyable, as leaders always stand up when

needed, and that is what I try to do. I also play basketball like footy, aggressively, although sometimes struggle to avoid fouls. “With footy I want to play under 16s with Central District, as well as train with the under 18s, while at Kapunda I’d love to get an A grade game.”

Has you covered





nationals, after South Australia beat the top team NSW 96-94 to win a place in the final, which it lost to Victoria. In football the ‘Kapunda Kid’ has also played with distinction, making the SAPSASA state team in 2008, and in the past two seasons has been involved in Central District’s Robert

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Wednesday, April 4, 2012 - Page 36 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


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