December 14th Edition

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WH1726455 Wednesday, December 14, 2011

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Netball academy Major boost for junior netball planned for northern areas following report By GRAHAM FISCHER



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EXCITED: Keen to be part of a Northern Academy are Trinity College knockout netballers Lucia Martin-Eastwood (left), Elle Fischer and Emma Girdham (right) with Christine Murray, Trinity sports co-ordinator and netball co-ordinator and Carmen Gaskell, Open A netball coach. “The review of netball in the northern districts, commissioned by Netball SA, has just been released and one of the key recommendations was that a regional academy be established in the northern districts and this academy involve the development of players, coaches and umpires and participate in the Regional Championship with other academies.

“We are in the process of talking with the various stakeholders in the northern areas, including Trinity College and the Playford City Council, about the formation of a netball academy - and we would like to have a decision made to start it up in 2012.� Ms Greene said another review recommendation was that Netball SA ensure there be at least one team from the northern

districts playing in the premier division of the state premier netball competition. “It has been Netball SA’s wish to have an eight-team competition. “Next year it will be seven teams and we are aware that both Tango (Golden Grove) and Harlequin (Elizabeth) netball clubs who were formerly in state league are working hard to seek readmission in 2013.�


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Ms Greene said with the population boom it would not be long before the Barossa Valley was considered outer Adelaide as Gawler is already. “The Barossa, Light and Gawler Netball Association is a strong body with a well-run quality competition and hopefully the establishment of a Northern Academy, will give the talented juniors a pathway to develop their potential.�


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TRINITY College at Gawler could become a centre of netball excellence. Netball SA is currently meeting with stakeholders in the north, including Trinity College, regarding the introduction of a metropolitan academy based in the northern suburbs as soon as 2012. The project is in response to the recently released ‘Review of Netball in the North’ commissioned by Netball SA in conjunction with the Office of Sport and Recreation. The state’s most famous netball name and highly successful coach Marg Angove is currently contracted by Netball SA to create a blueprint plan for the academy, and highly qualified coaches will be a key aspect of that plan. Christine Murray, sport co-ordinator at Trinity College, confirmed the school was keen to link with Netball SA to develop the sport of netball. “We have 51 teams formed from our students currently playing netball and want to give all players the chance to reach the height of their potential should they so desire,� Ms Murray said. Stephanie Greene, chief executive of Netball SA, said Trinity College, with its STARplex facility, was under consideration to become a Regional Netball Academy for the northern areas. “Netball SA has been acutely aware that with the current population growth and further expansion, the northern areas need to be serviced to cater for all levels of netball participation,� Ms Greene said.

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Wednesday, December 14, 2011 - Page 2 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Panel holds tower’s fate HEWETT Community Centre could be a hive of activity this Wednesday afternoon. A Development Assessment Panel (DAP) is expected to make a decision on a proposed phone tower for the outskirts of Tanunda. Vodafone Australia's application to Light Regional Council to build a 28metre communications tower on a Smythe Road property has been met with strong opposition from the community. Public consultation on the proposal attracted 116 responses - 114 against the construction of the tower and four supporting it. The application proposes a 28metre monopole tower be built among a cluster of existing mature trees and includes an equipment shed and associated chain-mesh security fencing. LRC Development and Regulatory Services manager James Miller said staff had taken considerable time in preparing an in-depth report on the application for the DAP to consider. "The development assessment

panel will effectively debate and discuss the merits of the application and hopefully resolve a position one way or another...whether that be approval or refusal," he said. "From staff perspective and my perspective, notwithstanding there has been a number of representations opposed to it, we believe that on balance it does warrant the granting of consent." If the application is given approval by the DAP, it must then go to the Development Assessment Commission, where it is likely to be considered in late January 2012. In the event of the DAP refusing the application, the applicant has no right of appeal as the tower is classified as a non-complying development. The DAP meeting will be held at the Hewett Community Centre at 4pm on Wednesday, December 14.

Court appearance THE man who pleaded guilty to three murders, which occurred in Kapunda in November 2010, attended court on Monday. Jason Alexander Downie appeared for the first time in Adelaide’s Supreme Court.

The 19-year-old is now remanded in custody until February after the prosecution and defence counsel asked for sentencing submissions to be delayed until next year. In November 2011 Downie entered guilty pleas to the murders of the Rowe family of Andrew and Rose and their daughter Chantelle. Downie had appeared in the Elizabeth Magistrates Court at the time.


Visit on Thursday for an update on this story.

No loss from collapse “We put in an arrangement where we bypassed Candettis completely,” he said. “Once they had completed the work, we paid the sub-contractors directly. “We didn’t pay additionally, we just paid instead of.” Mr Morcom said there were no problems or concerns with the construction of The Rex. “The worst case scenario would have been big delays because we would have had to find another builder to carry the job through… we were very, very fortunate,” he said.




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BAROSSA Council has confirmed it has not been left out of pocket after the collapse of the construction company that built The Rex. Candetti Constructions has entered voluntary administration with debts of around $7million, but Barossa Council has avoided any fallout. Council chief executive officer David Morcom said council handled concerns about financial problems with Candetti Constructions by paying sub-contractors directly for their work in the final four weeks of construction on the sports and fitness centre.


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Wednesday, December 14, 2011 - Page 3 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

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Progress decisions y

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Seppeltsfield village vision By MICHELLE O’RIELLY A BOLD vision to breathe new life into the historic Seppeltsfield Winery is being realised and the owners believe the result will be a world class tourism destination. Unique concept plans were lodged with the Light Regional Council in October to re-establish the site as a village to support modern day activities. The company has also bought 2600 acres of prime Barossa vineyard, making Seppeltsfield Winery the largest privately owned grape grower in the Barossa. These decisions were made by Seppeltsfield Estate Trust, who took over the company in 2007 and involve a 50 per cent share by Warren Randall and a 50 per cent share by Clare Valley winery Kilikanoon, headed by Nathan Waks and Bruce Baudinet. According to Mr Baudinet, plans to develop a ‘village’ are about revitalising and rejuvenating a sleepy, yet beautiful iconic site to target tourism and artistic/creative audiences and create educational facilities. The shareholder’s visions seek to re-use about 35 winery buildings to accommodate activities and skills such as coopering, brewing, fine food production,

glass blowing and carpentry/cabinet making. The development highlights educational uses such as residential schools for winemaking, viticulture, cooking, music arts, architecture and sustainable design. Plans also include tourism accommodation and additional residential uses for employees and visitors.

including the 100-year-old range. However, the owners have worked quickly to reopen the site’s two wine making facilities, including the Gravity Vintage Cellar, to produce super premium wines. Managing director Warren Randall said the current transformations complement Seppelsfield’s hard push to produce premium bulk wines to support the Australian “The idea has worked and overseas market. brilliantly and we will “Seppeltsfield has built a seek professional artisans, like Andrew to successful premium bulk further support our wine business supplying vision.” Australia’s prestige - Bruce Baudinet brands,” Mr Randall said. It’s led to the company Mr Baudinet, who securing strong export explained the development markets,HENSON especially to By ELIZABETH has involved wide China and will support community consultation, increasing THISSeppeltsfield’s is what Roseworthy could in 30 years. said the “aim is to createlook a like customer base. Publicly on Thursday, world class wine estate Thereleased latest acquisition of map is just one Shiraz of the here in the Barossa”. this predominantly options forBarossa future He said buildings suchproposed as vineyard from the growth in the town. the old smokehouse, Vines managed As previously in the disused for decades, would investmentreported scheme across Herald, population open to support fine food the the Barossa’s ‘westernof production. Confidence Roseworthy in ranges’is expected will to grow allowto than 60,000to people over the plan is supported the by more Seppeltsfield totally the next three decades under the changes made in the past its fruit quality state control government’s 30-Year Plan 18 months including the from Adelaide. pruning to picking, for Greater introduction of the Mrshows Randall said is Thiswhich drawing the planned Barossa cooper Andrew essentialwill befor the development bordered by Young to create barrelsPerry in production of superRoad to the north, Mudla the concerted stables. Wirrapremium Road tored thewine. west The and “The idea has worked move was intended to Mallala Road to also the south. brilliantly and we will cash flow to fund The improve existing town remains seek professional artisans, the latest developments. unchanged, with a buffer zone separating and Twartz like Andrew, to further Mr Cliff Randall felt roads the from the new development. support our vision,” Mr purchase was a great sign To the east of an Baudinet said. of faith inthe thetownship, Australian expanded Seppeltsfield, established Wineindustrial industry,zone andwill thebe created. in 1851, is synonymous Barossa Valley in UNIQUE CHANGES: Cooper Andrew Young is one of the artisans already acquired by the draft concept plan, the Seppeltsfield Estate Trust to promote the village feel. with fortified wine Under – particular. the town centre, spanning up to 30 hectares (74 acres), will feature civic facilities, a school, shops, a supermarket and restaurants, as well as some residential development. This is where the planned expansion of the town is expected to begin. Two neighbourhood centres, which will be about two to three hectares in size, will include shops and a school. It is anticipated the entire development, once it reaches DEVELOPMENT: A draft concept plan for Roseworthy, publicly released on Thursday. capacity, will be home to up to nine primary schools and four high University of Adelaide, is leading “(This) may take a further 12 schools. the planned expansion of the town months, or more, depending on To preserve some of and will now finalise its progress through the necessary Roseworthy’s history, present concept plan. The final plan will consultation processes as well as farm homesteads and the land likely be presented to Light negotiations with state directly surrounding them will be Regional Council (LRC) for government agencies,” he said. Yellow: Medium density housing. converted into parks. endorsement by the end of the “The first applications for Other maps, which were on year. development of the growth area Orange: Higher-density housing. display at the Roseworthy LRC Acting Strategy, Projects are likely to be submitted to Red: Commercial/industrial development. Soldiers’ Memorial Hall at a and Engineering general council not long after the rezoning public viewing on Thursday night, manager Craig Doyle said if process is completed. Purple: Proposed school locations. have only slight variations. approved, the document may be “It is likely that construction on Green (darker): Parklands. The Roseworthy Alliance, which adopted as the council’s structure the ground will have commenced comprises the Hickinbotham plan, and the rezoning process within two to three years from Green (lighter): Existing township of Roseworthy. Group, Regional Land and the will be progressed. this point.”

Roseworthy: 2040

Roseworthy map key

ABOVE: How the Herald has reported the Seppeltsfield and Roseworthy plans. TWO decisions were to be made Tuesday night regarding growth and rejuvenation in the region. Light Regional Council (LRC) was to again consider the Roseworthy Garden Town plan and decide whether to support the document. The plan would see Roseworthy become one of the largest developments in Australia, with 25,000 homes to be built in the area over the next 30 years. LRC had been expected to support the plan at its November council meeting, but elected members decided they needed more time to consider public submissions. Councillors have since undertaken a workshop and were expected to make a formal decision to support the plan. Light mayor Bill O’Brian said he was confident a decision would be reached. “It is quite a historical decision for council to make and we can then move forward with the structure plan,” he said. LRC elected members were last night also to decide on submitting the Seppeltsfield Village Statement Of Intent (SOI) to Planning Minister John Rau. The SOI details the investigations required, the consultation process and the timeframe of preparing the development plan amendment (DPA) to facilitate the vision. Concept plans lodged with LRC by Seppeltsfield Estate Trust envision up to 35 winery buildings being re-used to accommodate a variety of activities including coopering, brewing, fine food production, glass blowing and educational facilities for winemaking, viticulture, cooking, music, and other educatonal activities. Mr O’Brien said council had seen a presentation from the Trust and he was interested to see how it would deal with the Seppeltsfield SOI. “From a personal perspective, and having been an ex-Seppeltsfield employee many, many years ago, I love the vision,” he said. “I think the proposal in its broader terms is a fantastic thing for this region, we are talking about a world-class facility that is really going to re-invent the Barossa for the next era.” These council decisions were made after the Herald went to print. For the latest update, visit on Thursday.

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Wednesday, December 14, 2011 - Page 4 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Well done Barossa tourism operators A PAT on the back must go to Barossa tourism operators who are weathering the storm caused by the global economic downturn. Figures released this month by Tourism Research Australia reveal a rise in expenditure by international tourists visiting South Australia in the past 12 months. The research shows a 4.7 per cent increase in international visitor expenditure in South Australia up to $756 million, exceeding the national average increase of 3.9 per cent. Since September 2007, overall international visitor expenditure in South Australia has grown significantly by 57 per cent from $482 million to today’s figure of $756 million. While it was reported through the recent release of the Barossa Product

Audit Gap that the Barossa experienced a decline in visitors in recent years, Barossa Tourism chairperson Elaine Ratcliffe said, the high Australian dollar has meant that international travel has become more affordable for Australians in recent years. “This has resulted in a reduction in the number of holidays taken by Australian’s within Australia in recent years. “However, visitation to the Barossa from international visitors is increasing and the average spent by this group of tourists is higher than domestic visitors, so this is positive for the region,” she said. Ms Ratcliffe also said a number of businesses in the region are now actively targeting the growth in interest from Asia, and in particular China, to visit the Barossa.

“We can expect to see more visitors from these countries in the year ahead,” she said. The South Australian Tourism Commission is also working closely with Tourism Barossa, regional stakeholders and the Federal Government in a combined effort to ensure Barossa has the tools and marketing it needs to grow as a tourism destination over the long term, both on a national and international level. Meanwhile, the SATC’s new website, - a virtual one-stopshop for researching, planning and booking a holiday - will launch a Chinese language version this week as part of a push into this exciting growth region. Also, results and figures of the national Tourism Research will be released this week.

Anti wind farmers to Rotary Club rewards head to parliament art gallery’s efforts stakeholder feedback in making adjustments to the proposed layout as well as being informed by formal flora and fauna assessments, landscape visual assessments and cultural heritage surveys. Keyneton resident David Formby said his submission will mainly centre of the environment. He said he couldn’t understand the company’s thoughts on their obligations to reduce the wind turbine’s visual impact with vegetative buffers and suitable screenings. Mr Formby said the average height of a 100 year-old Blue Gum is 25 metres. The wine turbines are 94.5metres high with 50 metres of blade. In addition, the opposing group held another information session during Sedan’s 130th celebrations on Saturday. 1776940

TUESDAY, January 17, is the day the group opposing the wind farm at Keyneton will head to parliament. This is when the state’s Development Assessment Commission committee will hear their submissions which contest the 42-wind turbine farm from being built on the Sedan Ranges, near Keyneton. While it was announced earlier this month the wind farm layout was reduced from an original 60 turbines to 42 in total, the group says they still don’t want it to go ahead. Wind farm developers Victorian based company Hydro Pacific said, the lay out was downsized following consultation with residents at Cambrai, Keyneton and Eden Valley. Pacific Hydro general manager Mr Lane Crockett said the company applied community and other

TWO of Kapunda’s volunteer groups have benefited by combining their time and resources. The Rotary Club of Kapunda, who ran the Kidman Art Show in October and November, were supported by the town’s Community Gallery. The voluntary support resulted in the Rotary Club donating $2000 to the Kapunda Community Gallery. Community Gallery president Maxine Donald accepted the donation on behalf of her committee that had been an essential part of helping set up of the Kidman Art Show. Rotary Club president Pat Dobbin said, “Under the leadership of president

Maxine Donald, the members of the gallery committee were a vital part of the success of the art show with their expertise in receiving, dispatching and hanging the exhibits. “It would not have been possible without them. “This has been an excellent example of two volunteer community groups working together for a successful outcome,” Mrs Dobbin said. Mrs Donald also expressed appreciation for the Rotary Club of Kapunda’s contribution to Gallery funds and thanked all members of the Kidman Art Show committee and the volunteers who had manned the exhibition during its staging.


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Two Barossa Valley icons team up

Party in the street EXCITEMENT is building in Kapunda in anticipation of the town’s Christmas Street Party to be held this Friday, December 16. Organisers say, come rain, hail or shine the party will go on in Main Street from 5.30pm. There is a full program of events planned where everyone can have some fun and feel the spirit of Christmas in Kapunda - no one will miss out. There will be plenty of entertainment, activities, food

and fun that the whole family can enjoy. The Kapunda Christmas Street Party is a free community event run by a local volunteer committee. Activities planned include chalk street art, camel rides, Old McDonald’s Farm, Animals Anonymous, The Gym Bus, mini golf, V8 Sim Car, face painting, games and stalls. In addition, various raffles will run with loads of prizes, hot food, temporary tattoos, fairy floss, a nativity parade,

plenty of free live entertainment on stage, a Yellow Brick Road for the children and pamper bags for the ladies. Everyone’s favourite guest, Father Christmas will arrive on the Kapunda Metropolitan Fire Service fire truck during the evening with giveaways for the children. If you would like further information about the evening, please contact Norma McCarthy, KCSP Inc secretary on telephone 8566 3965 or email

LEASED: Chateau Barrosa to be run by Mark and Mandy Creed.


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THE Chateau Barrosa in Lyndoch has been reunited with Lyndoch Hill. The sale of the iconic building, with its antiques and artwork, was announced at the start of 2011 and will now be leased by Mandy and Mark Creed. “Many months have since passed and it is pleasing to report that some new arrangements have been struck and the property is once again to be joined with Lyndoch Hill, reconnecting the spectacular garden and various other facilities on the site,” Mandy said. Former Governor of South Australia Sir Eric Neal officially opened the Chateau in 2001. This followed with the opening of the garden with a collection of over 30,000 roses, made by HM Queen Elizabeth II in 2002. The Chateau will be re-branded as Barossa Chateau in association with Lyndoch Hill, however a number of individual


businesses will be housed in the facility, most likely involving more than one wine brand. The combined property now covers over 100,000 square metres, more than 25 acres, much of this dedicated to roses. Mandy said, “The plans for business at Barrosa Chateau is broad”. “Building on the beautiful collection of art and antiques, the new plans include the introduction of Creed Wines cellar door, a gift shop featuring all things ‘rosy’ along with other interesting retail sales and plans for musical events and a conferencing and function centre specialising in weddings,” she explained. The luxury residence within the Chateau is to be released as an exclusive self-contained apartment style of accommodation, providing clients with a unique experience in a very special location.



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Wednesday, December 14, 2011 - Page 6 - The Herald, Barossa Valley



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Wednesday, December 14, 2011 - Page 7 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Co-op’s combined service celebrated

CHARITY WINE: Graeme Wellman, Myles Clarke, Steve Hoff and Richard Modra in the garden.

Good wine, great cause “And so this is Christmas and what have you done?” This John Lennon line, year after year asks us to reflect. As the year closes, we can consider our personal impact on others. Barossa Enterprises is a not-forprofit organisation, in Nuriootpa and Clare, which supports people with a disability. This Christmas there is an opportunity, for the local community, to share in this support by becoming involved with the Community Garden. In 2010 Myles Clarke, the Supported Employee Manager, created the garden so that the clients could learn to grow, cook and enjoy fresh fruit, vegetables, and herbs. However, there was a question as to how to fund this garden.

With the help of some kind spirited wine locals, two wines were created to fund the garden with all proceeds going directly into its creation and maintenance. The grapes come from the adjoining vineyard and are picked by the clients. With the assistance of Richard Modra (Linke’s Vineyard Services), Graeme Wellman (Dorrien Estate), Steve Hoff (Heritage Wines), Andrew Holt (Barossa Print Masters) and Ray Todd (Barossa Bottling), the Gratitude Shiraz and the Gardener’s Blend Semillon Sauvignon Blanc were born. “I’ve been happy to give my time to Barossa Enterprises to help get this project up and running,” said Steve Holt, a sixth generation winemaker.

The wines are available for purchase through Barossa Enterprises and available at reception, also a registered cellar door. For a Christmas special the wines are discounted to $10 each bottle or $60 a six pack. There are also custom made wine boxes and cheeseboards to create the perfect gift. Barossa Enterprises’ vision is “a community that values the abilities of all individuals”. Please support this worthwhile project by purchasing the wine or giving your time to the Community Garden. All volunteers are welcome. For more information please call Barossa Enterprises on 8562 4855. Merry Christmas to all.

CHEERS: Toasting their service to The Co-op on Thursday were David McArthur (left) and Bert Schultz (right) with (left, clockwise) John Feltus, Harold Hoffmann, Malcolm Falkenberg, Wilma Walker, Christobel Royal, Maurice Robinson, Mary Hatch and Trevor Schmidt. COLLECTIVELY, this group has easily given about 500 years of service to a Barossa company that began 68 years ago. The former and current Co-op employees joined at the Vine Inn, Nuriootpa, on Thursday to celebrate the departure of its chief executive officer David McArthur. David, who worked for the company for 30 years, was also joined by the former Co-op chief executive officer Bert Schultz. Mr Schultz, now 92, was part of the company for 16 years. According to Mr Schultz the difference between his time with The Co-op and Mr McArthur’s time was the change in technology. He explained part of the reason he left was because everything became computerised and it was also time for a change of hands. As for the continued success of The

Wednesday, December 14, 2011 - Page 8 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Barossa Co-op, with only a couple of co-operatives still run in Australia, Mr Schultz said it comes down to being able to adapt to new ideas and keeping up with the trends. He also said Foodland has helped The Co-op to thrive. Meanwhile, Graeme Longmuir, from Victoria, takes on the new role after two years as chief executive officer of Total Tools, a $100million warehouse tool retailer with stores around Australia. He also held senior management positions with Food Works, the Mitre 10 Group, Bunning’s Hardware, Coles Myer, Kmart and Lockwood Australia. Mr Schultz said Mr Longmuir will fit in to the role well because of his background. “A lot of people nowadays don’t stay in the job for very long. Places need change and new ideas all the time and this will be a good change”.

Don’t end up like this THAT is the message from road safety groups in the lead up to Christmas holidays. This smashed Holden Barina is an initiative of the Barossa Region Road Safety Committee (BRRSC), aimed at reminding drivers of the consequences of unsafe driving. Committee chairperson Bill Geyer said there were plans to have it set up at various locations around the Barossa over the break. “It certainly gets your attention,” he said. “Christmas should be a time for happiness, joy and goodwill… but it is important for us to highlight the potential dark side of Christmas, which is, that unfortunately people still manage to get killed and injured on our roads at this time of year. “It is a tragedy at any time of year, but particularly when people are meant to be happy and festive.” The car was a gift from the RAA after being used in a mock crash at the Street Smart road safety event held at the Entertainment centre in Adelaide. While the battered Barina will be out and about over the Christmas break, many people would have already seen it on display including last week when it was set up at the former Hage’s caryard. “We put it out on the driver reviver roadside stop on the Sturt Highway in the June long weekend and we also set it up in the Co-op mall in Nuriootpa for a few days and invited people to comment on what road safety issues they thought were important,” Mr Geyer said.

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In brief... RAA is urging parents to check their child restraints, following the outcome of the free vehicle checks at Seaford last week.

During the day, RAA child safety experts checked 36 child restraints and found only one that was fitted correctly with no faults. RAA senior manager Mobility & Safety, Wendy Bevan, said a child who is properly secured in an approved child restraint is less likely

to be injured or killed in a car crash than one who is not. “Like seatbelts, child restraints will only provide the maximum safety protection if they are used correctly. “During the first pre-holiday vehicle checking day the most common fault found was child restraints not firmly fitted.”

now open 300 Main North Road, Roseworthy (alongside BP service station) Every Sunday from 8am

MONKEYING AROUND:Barossa mayor Brian Hurn and Senator Anne McEwen play on the new playground equipment with Lyndoch Primary School students Aiden Linke, Olivia Thiele and Anyana Bell.

Get into the swing

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built a facility that enables kids to play sport regardless of the weather, which is fantastic for health and learning outcomes,” she said. “It also means the whole school community has got a space where they can meet and have events together, and every school I go to appreciates that aspect of the BER as well. “What is most important for me is to see how it has energised school communities, given the kids a great space to learn and play in, and given their parents a reason to be proud of the school and their children that are here.” School principal Steven WallaceYarrow said the parents and friends group had been fundraising for various projects around the school, including the new sign, but he had encouraged them to hold off. It was not long before Lyndoch Primary secured BER funding and freed up the parents and friends to fundraise enough money to purchase new play equipment, which was also officially opened on Friday.



STUDENTS at Lyndoch Primary had plenty of reason to celebrate last Friday with the official opening of new facilities at their school. Not only was the newly-built school hall officially opened, the ribbon was cut on some brand new playground equipment. While the hall has been in use this school term, the playground was only installed in late November. Senator Anne McEwen opened the new hall, which was built with $850,000 Building the Education Revolution (BER) funding. Another $75,000 of BER funding was used to install a new sign at the front of the school, purchase interactive whiteboards for classrooms, refurbish the technology room and build a soft-fall area near the front of the school for students to play on. Senator McEwen said it was great to see what the school had done. “It is great to be here at Lyndoch Primary School to see what great value they have got out of the BER money and here, as in so many other schools in smaller communities, they have

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Wednesday, December 14, 2011 - Page 10 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Wednesday, December 14, 2011 - Page 11 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

PETER VIVIAN FINANCIAL SERVICES Insurance Advice Investment Advice Superannuation Retirement Advice Allocated Pensions Financial Planning

Thank you JUST a catch up on the yearly doings for our group, as I have been away and rather lax in reporting. Anyway, we are still a strong group and producing wonderful rugs and quilts. I found a new charity mid year, Aussie Helpers, we started in Queensland after the 2004 droughts then the floods this year, take a look at the website It is truly wonderful to have an Australian charity that we can help. We gave them 134 rugs/quilts and their rep for SA has been twice up to the Barossa to actually collect them, saving us the packing and transport that we usually do. I am just about to send out 89 rugs/quilts to our head office in Sydney (thanks still to Booths). Their depot closed on December 12, so this lot will go to Mongolia. Locally we have given about 250. People often ask what is the one item we are always short of. Well that is yarn to make knitted squares whether it be acrylic/wool/mohair or whatever. So if anyone would like to donate their built up supply we will be only too happy to accept. Thanks. I don’t care what ply it is, it will all get used. Meanwhile we are overwhelmed with fabric of curtain samples and give some to other local groups. Our South African contact is returning with two containers leaving next April 2012, so we will be busy filling that order. Once again our local libraries are a source of drop offs, and

helping us, so thanks to all of them. Also thanks to people I never get to meet who slog away making their lovely rugs and donate to our group, providing their own wool. I think after 18 years I would have exhausted any local supply, but not so, people are always moving on or downsizing, so we are never short of fabrics. Clean flannelette or cotton sheets are always handy for innards, as are clean mattress protectors, old blankets, if you donate old electric blankets could you please take wires out and wash them, they can be very dusty. Thank you. I wish everyone a safe and giving festive season, and remember to give rather than receive, it is so rewarding. Vera Jeffs Kapunda Wrap With Love False immunisation alarm The latest plan by the federal government to “encourage” immunisation of children can only be described as blackmail and unconstitutional in that it will victimise parents financially or otherwise because of their moral beliefs. As for the federal Health Minister Nicola Roxon’s statement that immunisation was “fundamental to a child’s lifelong health”, many medical professionals and well-informed parents from all walks of life hold quite the opposite view based on good scientific evidence. The recent media announcements regarding the loss of the $2100 in tax benefits to those parents who choose not to

immunise their children is quite misleading probably deliberately so. Parents who have made an educated decision not to have their children vaccinated can complete a “Conscientious Objection Form” available from a Medicare Office or website or the government website They are then, under current legislation, fully entitled to all Family Tax Benefits available to eligible parents. This fact has not been made known in any government announcements (why not?) or media releases. Finally, there still remains no evidence that immunisation of children does anything to promote lifelong health. Nor after 60 years of research is there one independent study to verify its efficacy and safety. Perhaps that’s because the evidence does not exist and parents have every right to exercise caution regarding this complex issue. Andrew Webber Hahndorf And more concern I have just heard on the ABC news that the federal government is planning to cut family tax benefits to people who refuse to vaccinate their children. This draconian action is an outrageous and discriminatory attack on financially struggling families who have done all the homework on this thorny issue and decided that there are better and safer ways to keep their children healthy. The fact that the “sickness industry” turns over billions of

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CHURCH SERVICES SUNDAY, DECEMBER 18 LUTHERAN CHURCH PARISHES Angaston Parish: Angaston: 8.45am HC, 10.30am; Penrice: 7pm; Keyneton: 10am LR; Eden Valley: 11am; Springton: 9am HC. Bethany-Tabor Parish: 8.30am T HC, 11am M HC; Tabor: 9.45am HC Band, Family Service. Cambrai Parish: Cambrai: 9.30am R; Sedan: 9am HC; Stonefield: 11am P. Eudunda Parish: Eudunda: 9am; Neales Flat: 9am LR; Peep Hill: 9am LR Freeling Parish: Freeling: 8.45am; Rosedale: 10.45am Confirmation Service; Wheatfields: 2pm. Gawler: Zion, Pr Geoff Havelberg, Ph 8523 1929. 22B Cowan St, Gawler. 10am W HC (Anniversary of Ordination) followed by shared lunch. Gawler Immanuel: Cnr Second & Seventh Sts, Gawler.Ph: 8522 6000.Sunday 8.45am, 10.45am. 1st Sunday of month 9.30am. Share-a-meal every 1st & 3rd Wed 11.45am. Greenock: Gnadenfrei: 9am HC + Baptism; Greenock: 9am LR, 9.45am JAM; Nain: 10.30am Pr. 6pm Marananga Carols at Gnad Church Hall. Kapunda Parish: Kapunda: 9am Pr; Bethel: 10.30am HC; Allen’s Creek: No Service. Langmeil Parish:8.45am T HC, 10.30am Cont. Light Pass Immanuel Parish: Light Pass: 9am HC; Stockwell: 6pm BBQ, 7pm P/P; Dutton: 10.30am. Light Pass Strait Gate: Light Pass: 8pm Candle Light; Gruenberg: 9am; Truro: 10.30am HC. Lyndoch Parish: Lyndoch: 9am Spoken HC; Rowland Flat: 10.30am Spoken HC. Nuriootpa: St Petri: 8.30am HC, Pr R Voigt, 10.30am W, Pr R Voigt; Holy Trinity: 11am Mod HC; Ebenezer: 10am LR; Neukirch: 9.30am Mod. Robertstown Parish: Robertstown: 8.30am Pr; Point Pass: 10am LR; Geranium Plain: 10.30am HC. St John’s Parish: St J: 9am HC; Sch: 10.30am.

St Paul’s Parish:St P: 8.45am T HC; Gdb: 10.30am C. Tanunda Lutheran Home: Worship 10.30am. Peace Evangelical Lutheran Church: Worship service 10am at the Nuri Senior Citizen’s Centre Pr Mr Rosenzweig. Ph: 8563 1310. ANGLICAN CHURCH Anglican Parish of Barossa: Ang: 8.30am HC MM; Nuri: 10am HC MM; Tan: 10am HC GH; Lyn: 10am HC SdK; W/town: 8.30am HC SdK. Kapunda Anglican Parish: Hamilton: 7.45am HC; Kapunda: 9.15am HC; Eudunda: 11am HC. Mt Pleasant: 1st Sunday 8.30am, all other Sundays 9am. Enquiries to Hazel Wilton, Warden on 8568 2042. UNITING CHURCH Barossa Congregations: Nuri: 11am Jewell; Tanunda: 9am Jewell; Angaston: 9am Children’s Service; Truro: 7.30pm Chapman. Gawler Parish: Gawler: 9.30am Littleford, 5pm HC Littleford; Sandy Creek: 9.30am HC van Dyk; Williamstown: 10am HC Graetz. Kersbrook: 10am. Enquiries: 8389 3114. Light Parish: Kapunda: 9.15am Family Svc; Eudunda: 10am A Partington, Hostel. BAPTIST CHURCH Barossa Community Church: 10am Barossa Junction Motel/Conference Centre, Barossa Valley Way, Tan, Pastor Richard Ansoul. Ph: 8563 2158. Lyndoch Baptist Church: Kauffman Ave, Lyndoch: 10am. All welcome. Enquiries to Pastor Tony Edwards on 8564 3001. CATHOLIC CHURCH PARISHES Northern Light Catholic Parish: Nuri: 1st & 3rd Sat 6.30pm, 2nd & 5th Sun 10.30am, 4th Sun 9am; Kapunda: 4th Sat 6.30pm, 1st & 3rd Sun 10.30am, 2nd & 5th Sun 9am; Freeling: 1st Sun 9am, 4th Sun 10.30am, 5th Sun 5pm; Tarlee: 3rd Sun 9am. Parish Office: Ph 8566 2064. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST Barossa: 1 Old Kapunda Rd, Nuri; Sat 9.30am Family Bible Study, 11am Family Worship. ASSEMBLIES OF GOD Barossa New Life Centre: Sunday 10am at the roundabout, cnr Barossa Valley Way & Siegersdorf Road, Dorrien. 4pm at Mt Pleasant Anglican Church Hall, Melrose St. All welcome. Pastor Diane

CHC 52054-08/11

Pope, Pastor Trevor Auricht. Ph: 8562 3844. Kapunda: 10am Sunday, Light Community Church, Main St, Kapunda. Pastor Paul Smith. All welcome. Ph: 8566 2864. CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP Tanunda, McDonnell Street opp former Tanunda Primary School: Saturdays 2.30pm, Worship, Open Bible Study. CHRISTIAN FAMILY CENTRE Barossa: 10.30am Sundays. 16 Scholz Ave, Nuri. Pastor Alan Matson. Ph: 0404 846 274. Murray Flats: 5pm alternate Sundays. Pastor Alan Matson. Ph: 0404 846 274. Cambrai Uniting Church 5pm. SALT CHURCH 25 Northside Crt, Evanston Gdns: Sunday Service 10am & 5pm. Offices, b/shop open 9.30am-4pm. Ph: 8522 0000. THE CHRISTADELPHIANS Sunday school, Greenock Institute Hall, 9.30am. Memorial meetings 11am Sunday. Bible Studies 8pm Tuesday. All welcome. Phone 8524 4196. CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Main North Rd, Evanston Park. Worship Service Sunday 10.30am. All welcome. Pastor Douglas Carolisen. Ph: 8523 1706. INTERDENOMINATIONAL CHURCH Birdwood United Church. 10am Pr Brian Teakle. Ph: 8568 5540. All welcome. HEWETT COMMUNITY CHURCH OF CHRIST Kingfisher Dr, Hewett. 10am, Sunday inspiring worship service. Young generation and creche avail.Youth, women and men’s programs. Ph: 8522 4938. GAWLER FULL GOSPEL OUTREACH MINISTRIES Family Worship Svc. 10am Sun, stone pavilion, Sport & Community Cent, Nixon Tce, Gaw. Pastor Shirley Coe. Ph: 0401 065 748. KAPUNDA EVANGELICAL CHURCH Sundays 5pm, 1st Sunday 10.30am, CWA Hall. Pastor Andrew Amos. Ph: 8566 2148. LYNDOCH FULL GOSPEL FELLOWSHIP MINISTRY Lyndoch Institute each Sunday, 11.30am1.30pm Pastor Ken East ph: 8524 4787.

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dollars, with wellness and preventative health appearing not to be a priority, makes me think that trying to force a 100 per cent vaccination compliance has more to do with guaranteeing a steady stream of sick people visiting the doctor, or ending up in hospital. Has anyone ever done a survey of the health of unvaccinated children as opposed to those who are fully vaccinated? In my experience there is a huge difference with the unvaccinated rarely visiting the doctor. The continual media typecasting of unvaccinated people as somehow being disease-carrying pariahs is a disgrace. I have never had a flu jab and have never had the flu. Two elderly people I know have lost 25 per cent of their heart-muscle function following life-threatening reactions to flu/pneumococcal injections. It is a fact that vaccines do not and can not guarantee immunity, so why risk your long-term health? No government has the right to force an unsafe, ineffective medical procedure onto the population with no damage compensation scheme in place. Most Australians are not aware that the UK and USA governments have paid out millions for serious vaccine damage including deaths, over many decades. Ms A Hodges Birdwood Urgent Response Required The Barossa Valley and McLaren Vale Protection Districts Development Plan Amendment came into force in September. It severely restricts new development in both rural and non-rural areas to “promote the retention of heritage values”. At face value this sounds like a great idea to stop the “urban sprawl”. However, it will essentially prevent any improvement or progress both within townships and more rural areas. It has been enforced with minimal and apparently tokenistic community consultation and the current public consultation ends on December 19, 2011. We bought acreage earlier this year and the new Bill essentially makes any


Views expressed in the Letters to the editor are not those of the Herald. We welcome topical letters, with preference to letters of no more than 200 words. All letters are checked for authenticity. Pseudonyms are not acceptable. Mail your letters to: The editor, PO Box 43, Tanunda, SA, 5352. Fax: 8563 3655. E-mail:

application to build on primary production land “non-complying”. Council and the State Planning departments have advised that while we can technically submit a “noncomplying” application to build there is little merit in doing so. They have advised to “hold off ” and avoid a lengthy, costly and potentially futile process in the hope that the Bill will be amended. Can we afford to take this risk? The DPA restrictions will undoubtedly negatively impact on employment, tourism and small townships that are struggling to maintain essential services. Ironically the Barossa Product Gap Audit (a government initiative) has identified “a range of opportunities and developments” to generate a $100 million increase in tourism. Great idea, but how do they propose to get around the development restrictions that the same government has imposed? A classic case of the left hand not knowing what the right is doing. In addition, you will find that wind farms are exempt from the DPA restrictions. With so much land that cannot be utilised for primary production I think you will find that wind farming is a very attractive option for many. I urge everyone to look at the planning pages on the Barossa Council website regarding the DPA. Consultation closes on December 19. Please act now. Emma and Wayne Thomas Lyndoch No wind farm Just responding to the general manager Pacific Hydro. Well it was to be expected that he would have his say as well on the matter as he is entitled to do. The eastern states farmers who had trouble with these things, as we all saw on some commercial station, of course they offer money for the land they use. Why do they have to destroy the hills outlook with these things? In the desert is where they should go. As Prince Charles once said, “horrendous blot on the landscape”. Outdated technology, as one respondent put it. Dave Mt Pleasant

Bushfires can happen anytime so it’s important that you know your risk and make a plan. Understand the Fire Danger Ratings, know your local conditions and listen to your local radio station to keep updated.

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Wednesday, December 14, 2011 - Page 12 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Barossa radio keeps Lennon’s memory alive

Make Christmas Picture Perfect This Year with photo frames and albums from

GOOD FRIENDS: Ritchie Yorke (right) with John Lennon’s son Sean and partner Minnie Cherry during the Yoko Ono Plastic show in 2010. THE 31st anniversary of the death of peace activist and The Beatles member John Lennon was honoured in the Barossa on Thursday. His thought-provoking lyrics were played through Triple Bfm radio station during Ray Hockey’s afternoon segment. But perhaps the highlight of the afternoon tribute was a call made to Lennon’s friend Ritchie Yorke, a journalist from Brisbane. Ritchie, who visited the Tanunda radio station in March, was again keen to share with listeners about the legendary man’s life. For Ritchie the anniversary means plenty of interviews. “My life changed that particular day (Lennon died). The part of it that astounds me is a peace man was shot down by a nutter,” he said. Ritchie became friends with Lennon in the late 60s when he

arranged for Lennon to meet Pierre Trudeau, then prime minister of Canada and toured the world as International Peace Envoy for Lennon’s The War is Over, If You Want It - peace campaign. “I stumbled into their lives while they were writing their music. I just liked their work and what they were trying to do and that resonates with me,” Ritchie said. In 1975 Lennon disengaged himself from the music business to devote time to his infant son Sean but made a comeback in 1980 with a new album, Double Fantasy. He was murdered three weeks after its release. Ritchie is soon to release a book of his memoirs on John and wife Yoko and their peace campaign. The book, yet to be named, hasn’t made it to shelves yet due to a few legal reasons and Ritchie said it should be ready by early 2012.

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Wednesday, December 14, 2011 - Page 13 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

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Regional police incidents


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1/119 Murray Street, Tanunda Postal: PO Box 43, Tanunda, 5352 Telephone: (08) 8563 2041 Fax: (08) 8563 3655 Advertising: Editorial: Website: Manager: Tony Swan Editor: Graham Fischer Editorial: Michelle O’Rielly, John Crawford, Mike Teakle, Ben Mallett, Robert Laidlaw. Photography: Kirsty Hosking, Shaun Kowald. Sales: Clayton Bester, Glenys Brooks, Jordan Stollznow, Jodie Coventry, Linda Goldfinch. Administration: Cheryl Lange, Roxanne Mathew


Original works are subject to copyright and shall not be reproduced without authority. Where no charge is made for the preparation of advertising material, The Herald will remain owner of copyright for the advertising material. Such material may be reproduced only with the consent of The Herald and upon payment of such fee as The Herald may require. In lodging an advertisement with us you agree that we may publish the advertisement on our website. The general terms and conditions that apply to publication of classified advertisements in our publications apply also to publication on our website. ABN 14 007 869 874

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BAROSSA Arrests • A 31-year-old Evanston Gardens man was arrested on December 6 for breaching bail and breaching a domestic violence restraining order. • An 18-year-old Nuriootpa man was arrested on December 6 for breaching bail conditions. • A 23-year old Nuriootpa man was arrested on December 6 on a first instance warrant. • A 19-year-old man of no fixed address was arrested by Williamstown Police on December 7 for breaching provisional licence conditions and prescribed concentration of alcohol with a reading of 0.104. He attended court later that day and received a substantial fine and licence disqualification for six months. • A 27-year-old Tanunda man was arrested on December 12 for driving while disqualified and as a result had his vehicle impounded. Reports • A 25-year-old Angaston woman was reported on December 6 for theft. • A 53-year-old Nuriootpa woman was reported on December 8 for failing to secure firearms and failing to comply with firearms licence conditions. • A 20-year-old Evanston Park man was reported on December 8 for driving while disqualified, unregistered and uninsured, and as a result he had his vehicle impounded. • An 18-year-old Kapunda woman was reported on December 10 for driving with out due care following a vehicle collision at Ebenezer. Serious Criminal Trespass • Various items were stolen after unknown offenders broke into a Kapunda sporting club between December 4 and 10. • Jewellery items were stolen from a residence on Second Street, Nuriootpa, between December 1 and 10. Property damage • Schools at Nuriootpa and Kapunda sustained damage to property on the grounds between December 2 and 5. Theft • A back-pack was stolen from a bench at an Angaston oval on December 4. • A wallet was stolen from a bag at a Kapunda school on December 9.


GAWLER Arrests • A 44-year-old woman was arrested on December 5 by the Gawler Police for aggravated assault. • A 25-year-old Gawler East man was arrested on December 7 by the Gawler Police for a warrant. • A Gawler South man was arrested on December 9 by the Gawler Police for a warrant. • A 26-year-old Evanston Park man was arrested on December 10 by the Gawler Police for disorderly and offensive behaviour. • A 46-year-old Two Wells man was arrested on December 11 by the Gawler Police for disturbing the peace. • Gawler Police arrested a male youth from Evanston Park for throwing a missile and for aggravated assault on December 11. Reports • A 63-year-old Tea Tree Gully man was reported on December 3 by the Barossa Highway Patrols for breach of conditions for an over sized load. • A female Gawler youth was reported on December 6 by the Gawler Police for breach of bail. • A 21-year-old Hewett man and a 21-year-old Freeling man were both reported this month by the Gawler Police for urinating in a public place. • A male youth from Gawler Belt was reported on December 10 by the Gawler Police for basic assault. • A 54-year-old Willaston man was reported on December 10 for driving while disqualified. Property damage • An Evanston Park victim had her vehicle tyres slashed while parked in driveway on Creedon Close, between December 4 and 5. • Two juveniles were seen smashing vases in a Willaston cemetery on December 5. Theft/Illegal Use • On December 7 an unknown male and an unknown female entered a store in Gawler and filled their trolleys with assorted goods and then left without making payment. • Two females entered a Gawler store and stole a large amount of perfume on November 9.

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BOTH Gawler and Barossa Police remind the public to keep their property secure during the oncoming holiday period. They urge both communities to secure all doors and windows for homes, businesses, sheds and vehicles. The police also ask the public to consider further security measures of sensor lighting, house sitters or neighbours to keep an an eye on their property. In the event an incident or to report a crime, contact police on 131 444.

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print. So here is one case where that certainly applied and it might serve as a warning to others. For those who like to treat themselves to a sweet now and then or who weaken and buy for children take note. In these tight fiscal times, people are looking for bargains and don’t the supermarkets and petrol stations know it. Just go in and look around at the number of specials around

As soon as I handed over the wrapper, the attendant said the free bar competiton had closed on the previous Monday. Sure enough, in the fine print was competition closed on the Monday. Yes I should have checked the fine print before purchase but who does? Not happy Jan. While losing out may have saved additional calories I didn’t need, surely by offering those bars after the competition’s expiry date, even for a cheap price, that was in some ways false advertising. So take the warning. If offers appear too good to be true, they certainly can be. Remember, check the fine print.



ne lesson which is drummed into us is to always check the fine



for chocolate bars and ice creams for example. Two for $3, three for $4, four for $8 - all sort of deals which can be half price or some such figure for the consumer. And one brand of confectionary also tosses in where you buy one item and you have the chance to win another. So imagine the rush when the items were two for $3 and the chance to win as well. Wow - what if I bought two and won two, I could get four for the $3 - and the possible extensions continue. So, treating myself, I bought the two and yes, one came up a winner so the the following day I went back to collect my free bar.

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local experience insight support

Wednesday, December 14, 2011 - Page 14 - The Herald, Barossa Valley







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Wednesday, December 14, 2011 - Page 15 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


Eden Conray, of Nuriootpa, was four on December 14.

Thomas McKinnon, of Angaston, will be nine on December 15.

Ajay Taylor, of Nuriootpa, was one on December 8.

Julian Oxley, of Nuriootpa, will be four on December 17.

Eleanor Oxley, of Nuriootpa, will be two on December 29.

Liam Schiller, of Moculta, was two on December 8.

Kayla Fox, of Lyndoch, was eight on October 25.

Jake Fox, of Lyndoch, was six on December 4.

Lucinda Isaacson, of Tanunda, was four on December 10.

Ella Isaacson, of Tanunda, was six on December 8.

Tom Wohlers, of Tanunda, was one on December 7.

Zachary Gripton, of Stockwell, was five on December 2.

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215/60 R16


L/T195 R14


8523 51 10 Lot 17 Little Paxton St WILLASTON

The last Herald birthday photos for 2011 will be taken this Saturday, from 10am inside The Co-op’s Toyworld section. The photographer will return on January 7.

LEFT: Olivia Muster, of Freeling, will be 10 on December 18.

RIGHT: Thomas Craig, of Koonunga, was 4 on December 13.



Spoil dad this Christmas ...

$ $

















Our special model Family QTM with built-in thermometer, high lid and side tables.




175/70 R13


132 Murray Street, Gawler

Phone 8522 4670

Wednesday, December 14, 2011 - Page 16 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

On the right curve

METALAND NURIOOTPA Xmas Trading Hours Closed from Dec 21 - Jan 3 Closed Reopening

Wed Dec 21st 2011 Wed Jan 4th 2012

TRINNE ENGINEERING Closed from Dec 21 - Jan 8

DONATED: Bob Mitchell, with Albert and Dianne Di Palma test out the curved spike. of different barrels without movement. “I don’t even use the straight spike anymore. It works really well, I am really happy and I’m very excited. “It began as a really simple idea, but now it has become a reality.” Bob Mitchell, agriculture co-ordinator at Faith, said the curved spike would allow students to work more independently. “From my point of view as a teacher, students will be able to take off samples of wine without the need for a forklift to be operating,” he said. “I’d like to thank Albert and Di Di Palma from Villa Tinto for their generous support of education in the Barossa Valley. “It is great that it is giving the young students the opportunity to work with modern equipment as it is evolving and being developed.”

Closed Reopening

Wed Dec 21st 2011 Mon Jan 9th 2012

Wishing everyone a Merry Xmas & a Happy & Safe New Year! Metaland Nuriootpa Trinne Engineering Serving the industry for over 39 years

8562 4100 WH1775826

AGRICULTURE and winemaking students at Faith Lutheran School can now work more independently thanks to a generous donation from a Barossa winemaker. Albert Di Palma from Villa Tinto has donated a curved spike, his own invention, to help the students better access the wine in the barrels. A new take on the conventional straight spike, the curved spike allows the user to take samples from multi-stacked barrels. Mr Di Palma said he had worked as a cellarhand for many years and had always thought there would be a better way to get to the wine without moving the barrels and disturbing the process. “When you don’t disturb the barrel and the lees, you are going to have a better product,” he said. “(With the curved spike) when you do the tasting, you can take samples

Greenock Road, Nuriootpa Fax 8562 3472

CHRISTMAS & NEW YEAR TRADING HOURS Customers please note that as of Thursday 29th December, the Homemakers/Toyworld store will cease late night trading; therefore Thursday hours will be 9am - 5.30pm only

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday

19th Dec 2011 20th Dec 2011 21st Dec 2011 22nd Dec 2011 23rd Dec 2011 24th Dec 2011 25th Dec 2011 26th Dec 2011 27th Dec 2011 28th Dec 2011 29th Dec 2011 30th Dec 2011 31st Dec 2011 1st Jan 2012 2nd Jan 2012 3rd Jan 2012

8am - 7pm 8am - 7pm 8am - 7pm 8am - 9pm 7am - 7pm 7am - 5pm CLOSED CLOSED 10am - 5pm 8am - 7pm 8am - 9pm 8am - 7pm 8am - 7pm CLOSED CLOSED Resume Normal Trading

Barossa Mitre 10 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday

19th Dec 2011 20th Dec 2011 21st Dec 2011 22nd Dec 2011 23rd Dec 2011 24th Dec 2011 25th Dec 2011 26th Dec 2011 27th Dec 2011 28th Dec 2011 29th Dec 2011 30th Dec 2011 31st Dec 2011 1st Jan 2012 2nd Jan 2012 3rd Jan 2012

8.30am – 5.30pm 8.30am – 5.30pm 8.30am – 5.30pm 8.30am - 9pm 8.30am – 5.30pm 8.30am – 5pm CLOSED CLOSED 9am - 5pm 8.30am – 5.30pm 8.30am – 5.30pm 8.30am – 5.30pm 8.30am - 5pm CLOSED 9am – 2pm Resume Normal Trading

Barossa Mitre 10 Trade Centre Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday

19th Dec 2011 20th Dec 2011 21st Dec 2011 22nd Dec 2011 23rd Dec 2011 24th Dec 2011 25th Dec 2011 26th Dec 2011 27th Dec 2011 28th Dec 2011 29th Dec 2011 30th Dec 2011 31st Dec 2011 1st Jan 2012 2nd Jan 2012 3rd Jan 2012

orchard lane Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday

19th Dec 2011 20th Dec 2011 21st Dec 2011 22nd Dec 2011 23rd Dec 2011 24th Dec 2011 25th Dec 2011 26th Dec 2011 27th Dec 2011 28th Dec 2011 29th Dec 2011 30th Dec 2011 31st Dec 2011 1st Jan 2012 2nd Jan 2012 3rd Jan 2012

7.30am – 5.30pm 7.30am – 5.30pm 7.30am – 5.30pm 7.30am – 5.30pm 7.30am – 5.30pm 8.30am – 4pm CLOSED CLOSED 9am - 5pm 7.30am – 5.30pm 7.30am – 5.30pm 7.30am – 5.30pm 8.30am - 4pm CLOSED 9am – 2pm Resume Normal Trading Hours

Appliances Audio Visual Air Condi oners

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday

19th Dec 2011 20th Dec 2011 21st Dec 2011 22nd Dec 2011 23rd Dec 2011 24th Dec 2011 25th Dec 2011 26th Dec 2011 27th Dec 2011 28th Dec 2011 29th Dec 2011 30th Dec 2011 31st Dec 2011 1st Jan 2012 2nd Jan 2012 3rd Jan 2012

Barossa Betta Electrical 9am – 5.30pm 9am – 5.30pm 9am – 5.30pm 9am – 5.30pm 9am – 5.30pm 9am – 4pm CLOSED CLOSED CLOSED 9am – 5.30pm 9am – 5.30pm 9am – 5.30pm 9am - 4pm CLOSED CLOSED Resume Normal Trading Hours

Barossa Sportspower Orchard Lane & Rod & Spur

Barossa Homemakers Centre & Toyworld

9am – 5.30pm 9am – 5.30pm 9am – 5.30pm 9am - 9pm 8.30am – 5.30pm 8.30am – 5.00pm CLOSED CLOSED 10am - 5pm 9am – 5.30pm 9am - 7pm 9am – 5.30pm 9am - 4pm CLOSED CLOSED Resume Normal Trading Hours

Monday 19th Dec 2011 9am – 5.30pm Tuesday 20th Dec 2011 9am – 5.30pm Wednesday 21st Dec 2011 9am – 5.30pm Thursday 22nd Dec 2011 9am – 7pm Friday 23rd Dec 2011 9am – 5.30pm Saturday 24th Dec 2011 9am – 4pm Sunday 25th Dec 2011 CLOSED Monday 26th Dec 2011 CLOSED Tuesday 27th Dec 2011 CLOSED Wednesday 28th Dec 2011 9am – 5.30pm Thursday 29th Dec 2011 9am – 5.30pm Friday 30th Dec 2011 9am – 5.30pm Saturday 31st Dec 2011 9am - 4pm Sunday 1st Jan 2012 CLOSED Monday 2nd Jan 2012 CLOSED Tuesday 3rd Jan 2012 Resume Normal Trading Hours Late trade will cease from 29/12/11 9-5.30pm Mon - Fri. Sat 9-4

Wednesday, December 14, 2011 - Page 17 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


Foodland Barossa Fresh

New cricket era

TRINITY CRICKET: Back row from left, Scott McGregor (cricket coordinator), Nick Hately (Headmaster), Mark Sorrell (head cricket coach), Greg Quinn (coach), Ian Glover (First XI coach), players: middle row from left, Michael Moloney, Ryan Roberts, Mark Williams, Jackson Dearing, Liam Nottle, Jamie Marslen, Daniel Elvin, front from left, Jason Ashton, Declan Stimson, Locky Haynes and Mitchell Dearing.

By ROBERT LAIDLAW TRINITY College was the venue of the Australian Online Cricket Academy launch last Thursday, further demonstrating the school’s excellence in sport philosophy. Developed in South Australia by ‘isourceit’, the online cricket academy represents one of the most comprehensive tracking and development programs ever created. The launch was in conjunction with Trinity College’s own (physical) cricket academy under head coach Mark Sorrell, who has experience at the national level with Australian mens and women’s cricket teams. “It has been great working with all the cricketers at Trinity, and I believe improvement has come because they have worked on doing the basics well over and over,” Sorrell said. “The players approach to training has been exceptional, and we have also focused on making trainings more game like. “By focusing on the basics it has allowed the boys to find their own way of getting a game plan together that they believe will work for them and their skill set, which is no different to any approach I have taken with other teams I’ve been involved with.” A five-times premiership player with

Wednesday, December 14, 2011 - Page 18 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Salisbury (pre-the Jets) in district cricket, Sorrell coached Glenelg (19972003), was head coach of the SA Redbacks (2007-2010) and Australian Women (2005-2007), as well as being an assistant / development coach with the Australian Men (2010). Sorrell is part of Trinity’s cricket program, as well as the online academy. “I see the Trinity academy heading towards becoming the premier school academy/cricket program in Australia, and with the online cricket academy as a support partner, it will be fast tracked for all involved,” Sorrell said. “Besides getting the boys to concentrate on the basics and have a plan, I have also tried to implement enjoyment and fun, which are important aspects of cricket.” The school has left no stone unturned in ensuring all aspects of cricket is being addressed, with well-known Adelaide Oval curator Les Burdett recently handing some words of wisdom on to Trinity groundsman Tim Linke. “Les spoke about the best way to prepare our pitch and timing etc, and there has been obvious improvements seen already in the wicket.” And the results are obvious on the field, with the Trinity College First XI side undefeated through to last week’s game against Westminster, which was a cliffhanging loss.

MOVE TO THE BEST OF TOWN AND COUNTRY Move to Springwood and start living your perfect mix of town and country. Nestled in the hills of Gawler, your new home would be just five minutes from the fabulous Barossa, only two minutes from Gawler’s main street and a short walk to the future Village Centre, community sports oval and Para Woodland Reserve. You’re also close to existing amenities, including shops, schools, business and transport.

LAND NOW SELLING FROM $99,000* Visit our new Sales & Information Suite at the corner of Murray Street & Calton Road. Now open 7 days a week. Meet our sales team Mike Kendall and Nicky Barker who will be able to show you the wide choice of quality housing options available.




























Sales & Information Suite Open 7 days Shop 5, 67–75 Murray Street Gawler Phone 1800 224 551

*Lot 160 Swan Place, Gawler East, is priced at $99,000. Subject to change and availability. Correct at time of printing, December 2011. Lend Lease Realty Pty. Ltd. ACN 007 708 572. RLA1081.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011 - Page 19 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Enjoy Mouthwatering Seafood this Christmas Choose from a fantastic range of Fresh & Frozen Seafood

Whole Cooked Prawns (5 kilo box)

Salt & Pepper Squid Rings


(genuine squid)

Save $19.95

$12.50 kg

Fresh Coffin Bay Oysters

Fresh & Frozen Australian Fish

Whole Pink Snapper

$10.90 doz

whole & filleted available

$17.99 kg

Squid Tubes $9.99 kg (Minimum 1 kg)



8252 3342 or visit our website

100 Phillip Highway, Elizabeth South (Opposite the Rose & Crown Hotel) 1768933

Wednesday, December 14, 2011 - Page 20 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Real Estate Liftout

Impressively stylish Brand new Nuriootpa house with eye to the future. See Domain Page 3. RLA198199



NURIOOTPA 43 Fifth Street ......................5:00 – 5:30pm NURIOOTPA 11 Schaedel Street ...............5:30 – 6:00pm NURIOOTPA 35 Jacobs Street ..................6:10 – 6:40pm

TANUNDA 11 Edinburgh Avenue...............1:00 – 1:30pm TANUNDA 12 Bethany Road .....................1:00 – 1:30pm NURIOOTPA 25 Atze Parade .....................1:00 – 1:30pm NURIOOTPA 11 Second Street..................1:45 – 2:15pm TANUNDA 34 Lehmann Road ...................2:10 – 2:40pm NURIOOTPA 28 Buna Terrace ...................2:30 – 3:00pm GREENOCK 34 Branson Road...................3:00 – 3:30pm STOCKWELL Lot 393 Stockwell Road ......3:50 – 4:20pm STOCKWELL 18 Mattner Road .................4:20 – 4:50pm

LJ HOOKER REAL ESTATE GAWLER EAST 60 Carlton Road ...............7:45 – 8:00pm




TANUNDA 16 Homburg Street ..................2:30 – 3:00pm MARANANGA Lot 203 Neldner Road ........3:15 – 3:45pm

GAWLER EAST 60 Carlton Road ...............1:00 – 1:30pm GAWLER SOUTH 5 Fourteenth Street .......2:00 – 2:30pm WILLASTON 15 Jarvis Street....................3:00 – 3:30pm

LJ HOOKER REAL ESTATE Assoc. Aust. Inst. of Conveyancers Registered Conveyancer

Beckwith Park Commercial Precinct 30-38 Barossa Valley Way, Nuriootpa

Ph: (08) 8562 3355 | Fax: (08) 8562 3282 • House & Land Settlements • Mortgages • Leases • Business Settlements • Subdivisions Arranged • Strata Titles • Power of Attorney ALL REAL PROPERTY ACT DOCUMENTS



WILLIAMSTOWN 7 Charles Fry Court.......4:00 – 4:30pm

SUNDAY 18TH DECEMBER BAROSSA REAL ESTATE WILLIAMSTOWN 12 Rounsevell Road .....1:00 – 1:30pm ANGASTON Lot 429 Penrice Road............2:15 – 2:45pm

JULIE TOTH REAL ESTATE ANGASTON 21 Jubilee Avenue .............11:30 – 12:00pm NURIOOTPA Lot 12 Greenock Road .......12:30 – 1:00pm

Australia’s fastest growing property website List your property with an agent who uploads to Domain

Wednesday, December 14, 2011 - Domain Page 1 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Real Estate Liftout

Fabulous buy Open inspection Sunday

ABOVE: The four-bedroom Williamstown house open for inspection. BELOW: The dining area is part of the family-friendly layout.

THIS modern home sits on a very large allotment of about 5100 square metres (1.25 acres) in Williamstown. It has privacy and views to match. Some ‘TLC’, tender loving care will certainly enhance its appeal but you would have to go a long way to better the price for what is on offer here. Built around 20 years ago, this type of rural development (pictured) is rare today and nearby properties bring much more. Spending your dollars here will certainly see them appreciate. The house has a very practical and family-friendly layout, comprising four bedrooms, three

of which have built-in robes. Hard wearing slate floors throughout the living areas make for easy maintenance and the kitchen/dining area is a good size and has sliding glass doors onto the covered rear patio. The three-way bathroom will cope easily with the early morning rush. Outside, as well as garden sheds there is plenty of room to build a large four-five bay shed and there is ample rainwater storage to see you through the driest summer. Don’t wait until one of your friends tell you that they have bought it - look first and you won’t look back.

Elle Moreton

At a glance... Where: 12 Rounsevell Road, Williamstown. Price: $350,000 - $385,000. Open: Sunday, December 18. Time: 1pm-1.30pm. Agent: Barossa Real Estate. RLA1997. Contact: Elle Morton. Phone: 0488 996 566.


Home & Property Guide “The best people in local real estate”

REAL ESTATE PTY. LTD. WILLIAMSTOWN - $340,000 - $360,000

LYNDOCH - $399,000-$420,000

LYNDOCH - $530,000

WILLIAMSTOWN - $350,000-$385,000


2 1.00-1

nday 18/1

Call Peter

Call Sue

Call Sue 9 Charles Fry Court CATHEDRAL CEILINGS Located in a quiet court and set on 682m2 allotment this home is sure to impress. With 3 Bedrooms, Ensuite, Built in robes, Polished floor,Three way bathroom, Kitchen & Electric appliances, lots of cupboard space, Split system Air conditioning, Open plan lounge, fam & Dining, Carport, Double Garage & double attached Carport.The list goes on.

Sue Schugmann 0419 850 408

ANGASTON (Light Pass) - $740,000

7 Robert Ross Drive LIGHT UP YOUR HOME CHRISTMAS WITH FREE ENERGY 42 Solar Panels, ensuite & wir, Large separate lounge, Flat screen TV & Entertainment, Large kitchen, Spacious open plan family & meals, Ducted R/C A/C, Extra large double garage umr, Rear veranda, Established gardens & fruit trees, Rain water tank, Set in a great location on a 772m2 block. Sue Schugmann 0419 850 408

LYNDOCH - $315,000-$330,000

Open Su

Call Elle 29 StockwellStreet Road 19 Wilhelm

12 Rounsevell Road GORGEOUS OUTLOOK!

Large 4brm family home with formal lounge, separate dining room, timber kitchen. Ducted cooling, gas wood heating + split system a/c. Half-court tennis court on approx. 7890m2 allotment. Extensive shedding and landscaped gardens. Peter Fairweather 0415 825 420

4 brm brick veneer home set on a large 5150m2 (approx) block. Separate lounge room, kitchen/ family/ meals area, bedrooms 1, 2, and 3 all with BIR, three way bathroom, slate flooring, outdoor entertaining area, 3 garden sheds and ample r/w. Elle Moreton 0488 996 566

BLANCHETOWN - $220,000

LAND FOR SALE Angaston 21 John Dallwitz Ave

1911m2 approx


Peter Fairweather

1200m2 approx 1200m2 approx

$115,000 $115,000

Myriam Bultsma Myriam Bultsma

1257m2 approx 1246m2 approx 600m2 approx 505m2 approx 505m2 approx

$199-$215,000 $199-$215,000 $125,000 $119,000 $119,000

Sue Schugmann Sue Schugmann Sue Schugmann Sue Schugmann Sue Schugmann

797m2 approx


Myriam Bultsma

2672m2 approx


Sue Schugmann

500m2 approx


Peter Fairweather

Eden Valley

y 18/12

Call Myriam

nda Open Su

Lot 991 Rogasch Rd Lot 992 Rogash Rd Lyndoch Lot 1 86 Gilbert St Lot 2 86 Gilbert St Lot 1 Margaret St Lot 2 Margaret St Lot 3 Margaret St



Call Peter

Call Peter

Lot 429 Penrice Road RENOVATED SYMMETRICAL COTTAGE ON 10 ACRES Located on the Valley Floor this attractive cottage comprising 4 bedrooms with potential income producing 9 acres of vineyard planted with premium Shiraz. Water licence for 3 mega litres. Large shed. Equipment in excellent condition and negotiable in the sale. Myriam Bultsma 0427 392 8190

11 Rushall Road PRICE REDUCTION - SET TO SELL Set perched up on a (approx) 1005m2 block this 3 brm 2 bathroom home gives you plenty of room to move, and the inside of the home is nothing less. 2 separate living areas both of good size. Good family kitchen with plenty of cupboard space, gas cook top, electric oven and dishwasher. Outside is a gabled patio perfect for entertaining friends. Evaporative cooling, gas heating a double garage under the main roof and plenty of room for a caravan or boat.. Peter Fairweather 0415 825 420

131 Page Lane ENJOY THIS SUMMER River front double story shack is ready for new owners to love it and enjoy it as much as the current owners have in the past. Open plan kitch/fam/dine, separate lounge, updated bathroom, two bedrooms, balcony and split system a/c. Peter Fairweather 0415 825 420

Greenock 2 James Smith Court

Moculta Lot 5 Altman St

Nuriootpa 32 Third Street

“The best people in local real estate” Consultant Peter Fairweather 0415 825 420

Consultant Sue Schugmann 0419 850 408

Consultant Sue Fechner 8563 3511

Consultant Myriam Bultsma 0427 392 819

Consultant Elle Moreton 0488 996 566

Property Manager Anne Johansson 8563 3511

8563 3511

Wednesday, December 14, 2011 - Domain Page 2 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

104 Murray St, Tanunda RLA 1997


Real Estate Liftout PROPERTY OF THE WEEK

Brand new, price right

NEW: The appealing Nuriootpa three-bedroom home with quality fittings.

COMFORTABLE: Relax in the lounge room of the Nuriootpa house.

Eye to the future THIS brand new impressively stylish and modern Nuriootpa house will be completed in the near future, apart from the floor covering and the gardens. The price has been kept down so that the new owner can have choices on what type of floor covering they would want and to do their gardens to their liking. This property has many fine features and will appeal to those requiring a modern stylish threebedroom home. Designed by Mackenzie Quality Homes and planned for the future, this three-bedroom, two-bathroom residence is spacious enough for family living or convenient enough for a single or couple to enjoy a relaxed lifestyle. The single garage with electric

At a glance... Where: Lot 12 Greenock Road, Nuriootpa. Highlight: Stylish modern living. Price: $280,000. Open: Sunday, December 18. Time: 12.30-1pm. Agent: Julie Toth Real Estate. RLA198199. Contact: Julie Toth on 0418 853 134 or office 8562 4650.

roller door has a secure access into the home and the rear alfresco area provides ample room to entertain family and friends. The main bedroom features an ensuite and a walk-through wardrobe, while bedrooms two and three have built-in robes and share the main bathroom. There is plenty of space to accommodate visitors or family. The home is spacious, light and bright, and the open-plan living room leads out to the backyard via sliding doors, creating a wonderful, spacious indoor / outdoor space to relax and entertain. The key element is the kitchen, which is well appointed with new stainless-steel underbench electric oven and gas cooktop and rangehood, stainless-steel dishwasher and overhead cupboards for valuable storage. The modern kitchen adjacent to the open-plan family room makes for a very welcoming space for entertainment. The inside has been painted with fresh crisp neutral colours to enhance the light reflecting around the open-plan living area, adding to its sense of spaciousness. The main bathroom featuring classic tiling, a large shower recess, vanity and a deep bathtub. All this on a very easy care allotment of about 395 square metres.

FIRST home buyers - this is a great chance for you to get out of renting. So if you love to live in the famous Barossa Valley in a beautiful brand new home in Nuriootpa this could be it. Save yourself from the pressures of building your own home as the job has been done for you. There is nothing else to do, just move in and put your feet up. There are three large bedrooms, all with built-in robes and the master bedroom has an ensuite. Quality carpets, fittings and appliances are a highlight. Ducted reverse-cycle air conditioning takes care of summer comfort. Plenty of kitchen and laundry storage also has great appeal. Great open-plan living areas

make a wonderful family atmosphere and there is excellent ceiling height. There is a drive-through carport with front roller door with a remote. Outside, take a look at the stylish gazebo while there is a rainwater tank and low maintenance gardens. Definitely suitable for first

home buyers, investors or retirees. Call Julie Toth Real Estate today and they will be more than happy to organise a time to show you through.

At a glance... Where: 29 First Street, Nuriootpa. Features: Spacious quality new home. Price: $255,000 to $265,000. Open: By appointment. Agent: Julie Toth Real Estate. RLA198199. Contact: Julie Toth on 0418 853 134 or office 8562 4650.

Julie Toth RLA198199


... where people matter EUDUNDA

$295,000 ANGASTON

16 Railway Parade


36 Penrice Road



WOULD-BE RENOVATORS - LOOK AT THIS! Great starter, double brick home, 2 brms plus sunroom, lounge & family BEAUTIFULLY RESORTED 1910 VILLA.12 ft ceilings, picture rails in every room. 3-4 bedrooms, 2 living areas, country kitchen, new bathroom living. Needs TLC or live in while you build your dream home. Split level residential block of 805m2 with spa, front & rear access for boat & caravan. 1000m2 allot.

ANGASTON 21 Jubilee Avenue

$195-$210,000 NURIOOTPA

OPEN Sunday 18th Dec, 11.30-12pm Lot 12 Greenock Road


OPEN Sunday 18th Dec, 12.30-1pm


Brand New Home - Finish to your Style Just built in a convenient location, walking VERY AFFORDABLE PROSPECT! 3 brm duplex/sem-detached solid double brick home, c/port with distance to shops and the main street. Choose your floor coverings and landscaping to finish off this modern 3 bedroom residence and create your perfect lifestyle. elec r/door, sheds 20x30 and 20x20. Lots of features.

STOCKWELL $280,000 Property EBENEZER 15 Duckpond Road $70,000

Stock & imp. Lot 102 Belvidere Road


GOOD SHEDDING – LARGE LAND 50x50 shed, suit earth moving business, mechanics or carpenters. 3 brms, 2 bthrms, brick home. All this & more on 25 acres.



Site 58 Tanunda Tourist Park

BRIGHT: Excellent layout for the kitchen of the Nuriootpa house.

(NEW) CHEAP COMFORTABLE LIVING Large on site caravan & solid annexe, bedroom, neat kitchen, lounge, shower cubicle, r/c air cond, front & rear deck, g/shed. Access to pool, bbq, etc.

8562 4650 0418 853 134

Wednesday, December 14, 2011 - Domain Page 3 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

2/7 Gawler Street, Nuriootpa


W.I.W.O. Freehold Business with Residence For Sale or Lease General Store, Takeaway & Postal Agency - 2 brms, sunroom or 3rd brm, sleepout, commercial & residential kitchen, lounge, s/rm, study, 40x30 approx shed & more. Lots of potential - 3 businesses in one! Call for your free market appraisal

Real Estate Liftout

Brand new classic



5 Railway Parade Well presented Family Home. 3 bdrm timber framed house on approx 1/2 acre built in 1935 comprising eat in kitchen, sitting room w/open fire, spacious master bedroom, updated bathroom with shower over bath, new roof insulation, fully established native gardens with mature trees, 2 car garage with workshop, caravan or boat shed, chook enclosure, short walk to School and facilities!

EUDUNDA Lot 1 Hannan St Building Allotment $69,500 NEG

SUTHERLANDS Section 417,Railway Avenue $210-230,000 BY NEG Well presented stone cottage on 14 acres, 2 spacious bedrooms, sitting room with split system aircond and combustion heating, country eat in kitchen, good bathroom, shedding and horse yards.

MARRABEL $225,000

Robin Lane Tidy Home on 2.79 Acres. Well presented 3 bedroom transportable home in quiet position. Ideal little hobby farm. Offers open plan kitchen/dine/lounge, spacious master bedroom, 10,000 gallons rain water to house, mains water, 30 x20 garage, front and rear verandah, native trees, raised vegie patch, ideal for young growing family with outdoor pursuits!

Spacious building allotment approx 1781m2 with mains water connected, bitumen road frontage, quality new homes adjoining, walking distance to School & Main Street.

Open Sunday 2.30-3.15pm TARNMA MASSIVE REDUCTION NOW ASKING HAPPY CHRISTMAS & NEW YEAR TO $400,000 Large stone church fully ALL OUR CLIENTS PAST AND PRESENT converted to 2 bedroom weekender/ holiday rental, plus new 4 bedroom t/f home with 2 bathrooms, spacious open plan kitchen/sitting/dine in quiet position with mains water, masses of potential.


All properties can be viewed at


8566 2127

Real People in Real Property!

casual lifestyle area, where the kitchen, family living and dining are framed by floor to ceiling glass, two pairs of sliding doors take living and entertaining outside. With a layout to please, the kitchen looks onto the casual family living space with a breakfast bar creating a social gathering point for friends and family to sit and chat. Well equipped with corner pantry, gas cooktop, underbench oven, rangehood, double sink, dishwasher provision and overhead cupboards and provisions of a 9000l rainwater tank with water reticulated through the house. Ducted natural gas heating and evaporative cooling ensures cost effective energy efficiency. Situated around the corner from ‘Barossa Village’ aged care facilities, child minding services and Redeemer School, this location is especially ideal for a small family, those wanting to be close to a loved one residing in the nursing home and couples seeking a low maintenance living arrangement on 459 square metres.

At a glance... Where: Lot 8 Atze Parade, Nuriootpa. Price: $315,000 - $325,000. Open: Sunday, December 18. Time: 1pm-1.30pm. Agent: Homburg. RLA219152. Salesperson: David Braunack. Phone: 0418 841 349.

LANDLORDS Are you getting the best possible return on your property? Call Us Now! PROPERTY MANAGEMENT

Ring me for an appraisal 7 days a week on

0427 233 319

Professionals Kapunda Charles 0417 823 065

FACING a reserve and enjoying views to the Barossa Ranges this contemporary style Nuriootpa home has classic high ceilings and timeless tones, with a layout to suit the living style of today. The attractive rendered façade and distinctive vertical window detail give the property great street appeal and the double carport with auto roller door brings vehicles into secure storage with ease. As you enter the home either from the carport directly into the hallway or from the home’s front portico entrance, you will be met with airiness, light, charcoal-toned tiling and nine-foot ceilings. In the entry area is included a cloak cupboard for additional storage. The master bedroom has a luxurious feel, with sunlight slanting in through its striking window trio, soft neutral carpets underfoot, a classically appointed ensuite and walk-in robe for uncluttered appeal. Off the tiled central hallway space, the separate lounge will suit use as a home theatre, formal sitting room, library or a separate play room for littlies. Here lies a space that can adapt to fit the changes in your lifestyle needs. The three-way family bathroom grants ensuite services to the second bedroom with the third room located on the other side of the hallway, privacy is ensured as no bedroom shares a wall with another. The hallway opens up to the lovely tiled light, bright and open-plan


ABOVE: The brand new Nuriootpa home and below the kitchen area.

Julie Thring Owner

28A Adelaide Road, Gawler 8523 3319

Steve 0417 811 348 RLA 163708

Wednesday, December 14, 2011 - Domain Page 4 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Real Estate Liftout

Adelaide Regent Apartments ADELAIDE Regent Apartments is proud to announce that we have now completed a soft refurbishment and maintenance program of the Grand Apartments, located at 55 Melbourne Street, North Adelaide. The following areas and items have been included in this program: • Repainting of apartments. • Replacement of dining and lounge suites. • Replacement of carpets and flooring. • Bedding and replacement of all bed linen. • Replacement of curtains. The endeavour is to provide valued clients with the best possible product and service and as such the owners place high importance on an ongoing maintenance program. Adelaide Regent Apartments provides an attractive selection of executive studio, one, two and three-bedroom, fully-furnished, selfcontained, serviced apartments. They are centrally located in the prestigious Adelaide city centre, cosmopolitan North Adelaide and Glenelg, Adelaide’s premier seaside destination. Guests are assured secure access to all complexes and can relax in the resort facilities located in the various complexes such as the swimming pool, sauna, spa, gym and full-size tennis court. Select complexes also offer free onsite car parking. Adelaide Regent Apartments have special long term lease rates for guests wishing to stay for three months or more and short stay specials for the leisure traveller wanting a getaway. Check the advertisement today in the Herald on page 16 for the “Flamin’ Hot Deal”. For further information contact: Central Reservations Toll Free Call: 1800 242 503 or 8224 8888 So consider a stay at The Grand Apartments over the Christmas - New Year holiday period.

MORGAN (Idyll Acres)


Colin Schwartz trading as RLA216875

Adelaide Rural Real Estate RENTALS EUDUNDA




Large stone home, close to main street. This home comprises of 4 Good sized bedrooms, Roomy lounge, 2 bathrooms, Kitchen, family/ dining room. Heating is provided by open fire places, Bullnose verandah, double carport, shed and tool shed. Avail Early Dec, Pets Neg !!



LYNDOCH Fiebig Court Inspection by Appointment

A Division of UNIQ Homes Providing quality homes at an affordable price. 3 separately designed 3 br homes, community titled allots from 300m2-312m2. Rendered hebel walls, floor coverings, quality interior fittings r/c a/c, gas h.w.s., paved drive, landscaped front yd, fencing, Ideal first home/retirees/investors. Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942

EUDUNDA 4 South Terrace Inspection by Appointment

9 different plans offer 3 & 4 bedroom homes including floor coverings, concrete paths and driveway, split system a/c. Fixed price quote guaranteed completion within 26 weeks of council approval. All home ideal for family or investment.

KAPUNDA $225,000

13 Fuller Street Inspection by Appointment



Lot 34 Echidna Ave 2 storey home, double block 100m to river and boat ramp, lovely river views, 3 bedroom, updated kitchen and dine, lounge with combustion stove, 2 bathrooms, front stairway inside rear outside, large decking’s front and rear, large games room

8566 3399 SAMANTHA 0417 022 061 HOLLY 0437 528 022




TENNIS: Enjoy a hit of tennis while staying in the Adelaide Regent Apartments.

View on - ID18085671

43 Mildred Street Inspection by Appointment

Phone 85404017 to inspect


Well maintained stone home on approx 817m2, main road frontage, close to Main Street, 3 good sized brms, roomy lounge, country style kitchen, and renovated bathroom. Features include high ceilings, ceiling rose, combustion heater, pergola, workshop and shed, nice family home. Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942

Neat b/v home on lge 1950m2 allot with rural views. 4 brs, main ens & WIR, br 2 & 3 BIR, kitchen has gas stove, pantry, plenty cpds, dine, family, fml lnge, comb heat, ducted a/c, dble c/pt UMR, vdahs, pergola, 30x20 gge. Currently tenanted. WEB ID: 106770196 Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942


BALAKLAVA $269,950

11 Racecourse Road $245,000-$255,000 Inspection by Appointment

Neat t/f home on 746m2 allot. 3 bdrms, lge lnge, spac kitchen/ dine w elec apps, plenty cpd space, WIP, cellar. Heat & cool by r/c a/c on 3 ph pwr, solar heat, polished wood flrs, plumbing & elec renewed. Front & rear vdahs & c/pt. Shed w 3 ph pwr. Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942

Extremely well presented T/F home on 974m2 allotment, 4 brms, 2 bthrms, near new kitchen, electric appliances, WI pantry, dining area, fml lnge. ducted R/C A/C t/out, rainwater to house, solar panels. 30x20 shed, lge pgla/ carport, paved d/way, well fenced. walk to racetrack. Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942

48 Basedow Road Inspection by Appointment

Who’s eating at your house tonight?

Services from $60


• Spiders • Flies & Ants

Phone: 8522 3131 Mobile: 0407 909 927

Timber frame home on spacious 2823m2 allot, close to main street and schools, 3 bdrms, open plan lounge/dining, family room, galley style kitchen. Requiring some maintenance the home provides the opportunity for a home on a large allotment, investment or possible sub-division (STCC) Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942

SANDELTON NEW Inspection by Appointment

TWO WELLS $135,000


1/10 Kook Street Inspection by Appointment



PUBLIC NOTICE Re: Section 7 The Vendor’s statement relating to matters affecting the advertised properties in this publication may be inspected at the agents office three business days prior to the auction or at the place of auction thirty minutes before sale.


Inspection by Appointment

TANUNDA $439,950

Approx 85 acres, close to highway but still private, scrub land, cleared land has olive, fig & pistachio trees, brick building, sep bath & toilet, rainwater tanks, underground creek, generated power, ideal weekender, retreat or living. Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942


Nicely presented 5 bedroom home, main has e/s, WIR, BI Robes to others, formal lounge, open plan kitchen, dining, family, duct evap a/c, garage UMR, shed, large entertaining area, within walking distance to main street and sporting facilities, currently tenanted. Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942

92 MAIN ST • T: 8566 3399

Wednesday, December 14, 2011 - Domain Page 5 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Close to main street, doctors surgery & hospital. Nice unit amongst group of 4, 2 bedrooms, kitchen/dining, electric appliances, reverse cycle air conditioning separate garage and store room, manageable garden, Strata title. Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942




3 Nuriootpa




12 Bethany Road


1 Nuriootpa



$396,000 26 Staehr Street


2 Nuriootpa



$395,000 - $430,000 47 John Harris Drive




$195,000 - $210,000 79a Murray Street

$229,000 - $249,000

Little Bethany Farmhouse Within walking distance of Tanunda´s heart, this quaint & original solid brick residence on almost ¾ of an acre will allow you to live semi-self-sufficiently with its small established fruit & nut orchard, pocket of old vineyard, array of shedding & abundant R/W storage. A little farmlet where you can relish the peace & potter amongst nature in your own private haven.

Character, charm and desirability C1890 home oozes character, charm & desirability. Stunning entrance with polished timber floors, ornate plaster ceilings, formal dining with French doors leading into spacious lge. Renovated bthrm & lndry. 3 bedrooms (2 dbl) all with built-in robes Country kitchen, dishwasher and cellar. Lined dbl gge with sep. office, c/port, paved o/door area, landscaped grounds.

"Taj Mahal"............Not! If you are looking for an affordable challenge, then you´d better come for a look ! 3 B’room brick veneer home has the makings of a good 1st home or rental. Generous 900m2 allotment, offering vineyard & Barossa Ranges views, dble gge & loads of scope to create a great little property. The basic elements are here, just bring your imagination and elbow grease.

Location and Affordability! Brand new home,adj to High School & close to main street, tucked away on very manageable, low maint. allotment, making it ideal for those wanting a central location w/- privacy. Spac open plan kit & living, 3 b’rooms (2 w/- birs), s.s. r/c a/c, decking area, 3 bay gge & much more. Suit investors, 1st home owners, retirees or small family. A must to see!

Inspect: Sunday 1 - 1:30pm Web: HRE477 RLA: 219152 David Braunack: 0418 841 349

Inspect: Call Agent to View Web: HRE465 RLA: 219152 Guy Draper: 0417 810 828

Inspect: Call Agent to View Web: HRE476 RLA: 219152 Guy Draper: 0417 810 828

Inspect: Call Agent to View Web: HRE473 RLA: 219152 Guy Draper: 0417 810 828



2 Nuriootpa




34 Branson Road


2 Nuriootpa


$349,000 - $369,000 25 Atze Parade



2 Nuriootpa


$315,000 - $325,000 35 Jacobs Street





$329,000 43 Fifth Street

$199,000 - $217,000

Modern Home with Rural Outlook Sit. on edge town, w/- views across undulating farmland, mod 4 b’room home has loads of appeal for a variety of buyers. Beautifully presented w/- both formal & casual living, open plan kit. meals & family area, o/looks covered o/door ent. area & est rear yard. Main b’room w/- ens & wir, dble c/port, lge garden shed, room for van/trailer/boat + more. A must to inspect.

A Brand New Classic Clean contemporary lines, high ceilings, timeless tones & layout to suit today´s life style. Three bedrooms, two bathrooms, separate lounge & open plan tiled casual living with well equipped kitchen & sliding glass to take life outdoors. Ducted heating & cooling, double carport with auto door & secure internal access. Carefree living on 459sqm.

Affordable 4 Bedroom Modern Home 4 bedrooms, main incl. ens. and wir, which is situated in the centre of the home, (ideal for shift workers) remaining 3 bedrooms have birs. 2 living areas, with North facing family room at the rear. Ducted r/c a/c, rainwater plumbed t/out, neutral décor, dbl garage umr, fully paved and landscaped, garden shed, irrigation and much more.

Excellent Value Home, Plus a Great Shed Affordable & comfortable 3 bdrm home is situated just around the cornerfrom the 7 day supermarket, & a short stroll to the main street shops & local schools. A fabulous 40’ x 20’ shed occupies the back section o the generous 840m2 allotment. 3 bedrooms, open plan ktichen lounge dining, separate toilet, laundry and bathrooms, plus a partially enclosed rear verandah.

Inspect: Sunday 3 - 3:30pm Web: HRE459 RLA: 219152 Guy Draper: 0417 810 828

Inspect: Sunday 1 - 1:30pm Web: HRE347 RLA: 219152 David Braunack: 0418 841 349

Inspect: Thursday 6:10 - 6:40pm Web: HRE466 RLA: 219152 Guy Draper: 0417 810 828

Inspect: Thursday 5 - 5:30pm Web: HRE468 RLA: 219152 Guy Draper: 0417 810 828


David Braunack 0418 841 349

Guy Draper 0417 810 828

Felicity Cock 0411 456 266

Mike Bogan 0416 586 897

Cindy Taylor 0408 086 119

Wednesday, December 14, 2011 - Domain Page 6 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Ann Braunack 0438 633 582 Commercial Leasing Manager

TANUNDA 8563 2599 NURIOOTPA 8562 2600 Tanunda





11 Edinburgh Avenue



2 Nuriootpa



$225,000 - $240,000 34 Lehmann Road


1 Nuriootpa



$410,000 - $430,000 11 Schaedel Street



$229,000 - $249,000 11 Second Street


Great starter/Investment opportunity This comfortable & affordable 3 bedroom home is situated on an allotment of some 724 m2, and offers loads of potential for those starting out. With a renovated kitchen, cosy lounge, sep bathroom inc bath and shwr, polished floorboards, neutral décor and more. Lge fully fenced rear yard with scope for ent. area, garaging etc.

On With the Boardies and Bikini´s! Modern & affordable 4 b’room home has the bonus of i.g. pool, ready for the family to enjoy. Offering both formal & casual living areas, main b/room w/- ens & wir, heating via sch & ducted evap cooling, dble c/port extending into covered ent area, garden shed & more. Situated in popular Langmeil Est., this prop is definitely one to call home.

Affordable First Home/Investment This comfortable 4 bedroom home situated on a 729m2 allotment is conveniently located close to a primary school and 7 day shopping. Generously sized lounge, kitchen/meals, bathroom with spa bath, fully enclosed rear yard, entertainment area and much more. Will suit first home owners, investors, small family, retirees and more.

Character & Potential Circa 1900 home on 1356sqm holds fabulous possibilities in this ’Town Centre’ zone. Splendid original timber features, floorboards, solid doors, fireplace surrounds, central hallway, 2/ 3 bdrms, separate lounge & huge kitchen. An adaptable backdrop to any new vision. Scope & potential aplenty in this location of elevating values.

Inspect: Sunday 1 - 1:30pm Web: HRE467 RLA: 219152 Guy Draper: 0417 810 828

Inspect: Sunday 2:10 - 2:40pm Web: HRE483 RLA: 219152 Guy Draper: 0417 810 828

Inspect: Thursday 5:30 - 6pm Web: HRE441 RLA: 219152 Guy Draper: 0417 810 828

Inspect: Sunday 1:45 - 2:15pm Web: HRE136 RLA: 219152 David Braunack: 0418 841349




2 Marananga


28 Buna Terrace



1 Stockwell


$220,000 - $230,000 Lot 203 Neldner Road



2 Stockwell



$320,000 - $340,000 18 Mattner Road




$370,000 - $395,000 Lot 393 Stockwell Road

$279,000 - $299,000

Parkside Site Along Nuriootpa´s parkside circuit & continuing around from the leafy dress circle of Kokoda Road, this 711sqm allotment with wide stretch of street frontage & existing 1950’s solid brick home is position perfect & may suit the keen renovator or developer with an eye for a location of desire. Surrounded by quality residences in the town´s most picturesque pocket.

Step Back in Time On just over an acre (4421sqm), this Bungalow is almost secluded by the old tall trees in its sleepy village setting. The large rooms, floorboards, leadlight, fretwork, high ceilings, sash windows, original doors, skirtings & architraves will steal the heart of the period home decorator. Peace & space accompanied by birdsong & the laughter of kookaburras.

Impressive Home, Just Finish The Outside - Your Way ! If a lge mod home on big lot excites you, but the thought of waiting an eternity for it to be built haunts you, then this fab prop could be the answer. 3 Massive living areas, inc theatre room, family room & games room, 4 generous b’rooms, fully featured kit., dble gge umr + more. Outside the prep work for paving, driveway & ent. area has been done.

Affordable & Versatile Offering almost an acre of land, a neat, practical 3 bedroom home, with fabulous outdoor entertainment area, a 6 x 9m garage, double carport, fully fenced rear yard plus extra land for a variety of pursuits, all situated in the small country township of Stockwell, only a short stroll to the general store, town ovals and Hotel. A must to inspect.

Inspect: Sunday 2:30 - 3:00pm Web: HRE363 RLA: 219152 David Braunack: 0418 841 349

Inspect: Saturday 3:15 - 3:45pm Web: HRE399 RLA: 219152 David Braunack: 0418 841 349

Inspect: Sunday 4:20-4:50pm Web: HRE461 RLA: 219152 Guy Draper: 0417 810 828

Inspect: Sunday 3:50 - 4:20pm Web: HRE376 RLA: 219152 Guy Draper: 0417 810 828




3 Tanunda


16 Homburg Street



2 Tanunda


$324,950 10 Arrawarra Place



2 Tanunda


$570,000 25 Murray Street


$585,000 - $615,000 72 Murray Street


There´s No Place Like Home A lovely balance of indoors & out on this 750sqm allotment with pretty perimeter gardens & screening trees that promote privacy. Spacious bedrooms with built-ins & the 2 living areas connect with the outdoors thru floor-to-ceiling glass. Outside a full length verandah sees dining spill out under cover plus double garage, carport & space to add a caravan shelter (stcc).

Enjoy the Time of Your Life With glorious & peaceful lakeside views, classic home of huge proportions features magnificent lifestyle spaces indoors & out, catering for all seasons of living & entertaining. Four grand sized bedrms, two luxurious bathrms, stunning kitchen, gleaming porcelain tiling, abundant storage, 3 phase ducted a/c, shedding, r/w & even access for the caravan.

Versatile Residence/Commercial or Both Character older prop, in heart of main st offers opportunities galore. Currently family home, there is scope for use as business premises or a mixture, lge side room, (cellar beneath) fold back timber & glass doors & kit area at the rear (incl Pizza oven) maybe small eatery, cellar door or party place for family & friends, choice is yours. Loads of features.

Residence, Shop, Office & more... Positioned within the town´s busiest foot traffic sector, here is a valuable & rare opportunity to purchase a property to cover all your business & lifestyle needs. Quality solid built premises offers over 85sqm of showroom/office space plus a character 3 bedroom residence with extensive storage areas, u/c car shelter, garage & access to public parking on this 900sqm site.

Inspect: Saturday 2:30 - 3pm Web: HRE443 RLA: 219152 David Braunack: 0418 841 349

Inspect: Call Agent to View Web: HRE114 RLA: 219152 David Braunack: 0418 841349

Inspect: Call Agent to View Web: HRE217 RLA: 219152 Guy Draper: 0417810828

Inspect: Call Agent to View Web: HRECS374 RLA: 219152 David Braunack: 0418 841 349



Pieces 95 & 96 Krondorf Road


1 Tanunda

$379,000 - $399,000 2 Rothe Way



2 Tanunda

$450,000 13 Kalleske Court



1 Tanunda

$299,000 - $319,000 8 Lehmann Road




$395,000 - $430,000

Versatile 1.5 Ha Property on "Krondorf Road" Just the address will be enough to spark interest. 1.5 Ha (approx 3.5 acres) inc a small v/yard planted 1994 of approx 2000m2 (1/2 acre), 2 b’room home, 20 x 30 gge + winter creek w/- lge gums & loads more room for a variety of pursuits. Whether cellar door, small winery, B&B or weekender, the choice is yours (sub to Council consents). Genuine sale, so be quick!

A Haven for Easy Living & Entertaining Linen & parchment tones feature in this elegant home of space & light, a crisp white kitchen with wide island bar & scullery at its centre. A trio of living spaces provides ease of lifestyle plus floating floors & a mix of lighting effects add to the atmosphere of this air conditioned home. Immense paved verandah surrounded by luxury of space on 806sqm.

Town Centre Location Attractive & well featured mod courtyard home offers all the convenience of a central location, offering leafy elevated position with a pleasant outlook. 3 b’rooms, main w/- ens & wir, open plan kit, family & meals room w/- loads of natural light. Gge umr, manageable est allot, no through street & lots more. Suit retirees, singles, couples or investors.

Situated in Langmeil Estate. 4 B’rooms, main w/- ens & wir. Formal & casual living areas. Great kitchen w/- d/washer, b/bar + pantry. Fully ducted r/c a/c + neutral tones t/out. Covered & paved outdoor ent area. Lge, fenced yard w/- well est. garden + shed. Dble c/port w/- elec. panel lift door + side access for van etc. R/water plumbed.........& much more. Beautifully presented & ready for the new owners to move in and enjoy, don´t wait!

Inspect: Call Agent to View Web: HRE438 RLA: 219152 Guy Draper: 0417 810 828

Inspect: Call Agent to View Web: HRE339 RLA: 219152 David Braunack: 0418 841 349

Inspect: Call Agent to View Web: HRE293 RLA: 219152 Guy Draper: 0417 810 828

Inspect: Call Agent to View Web: HRE433 RLA: 219152 Guy Draper: 0417 810 828



Wednesday, December 14, 2011 - Domain Page 7 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Real Estate Liftout

Live by the sea SITUATED in a highly-desirable location with the beach directly across the road is this unit which is tailormade for the person/s looking for that first property or an astute investor. Feel like you are holidaying all-year-round in this unit located right on the beach in beautiful Semaphore. Experience all that the local shops, cinema, library, cafÊs, hotels and restaurants have to offer with a 10 minute stroll to the main shopping centre. There is plenty of public transport and only a 20minute drive to the city. The unit offers off-street parking for the owner/tenant and plenty of parking on the esplanade to cater for all your visitors. Can you think of a better way to end the day than enjoying a relaxing walk along the beach or sitting on your balcony on a hot summer’s night sipping wine and experiencing that cool sea breeze? It is currently leased to an excellent long term tenant until October 12, 2012. Features include two good-sized bedrooms plus an open-plan kitchen / lounge / meals area. Split-system heating and cooling takes care of the inside temperature control and there is also a bathroom, laundry and a balcony. For more details or to arrange a viewing contact Shari Olsson (pictured) from RE/MAX Living on 0413 883 920.

ABOVE LEFT: The kitchen area of the appealing unit at Semaphore. ABOVE: The view onto the beach from the unit. LEFT: The balcony area of the Semaphore unit.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011 - Domain Page 8- The Herald, Barossa Valley

Real Estate Liftout

Pleasure palace

ABOVE: The open living section of the Tanunda home and below the outside entertaining area.

Williamstown 7 Charles Fry Court

$295,000 Open Saturday 4-4.30


GAWLER EAST - 60 Carlton Road

LIVE, relax, entertain and enjoy, a Tanunda property that cleverly encapsulates it all on 710 square metres in the Langmeil Estate. Immaculately finished off to the very last stylish detail, this ‘Rossdale’ home boasts three living spaces, five super-sized bedrooms, a fabulous modern French provincial style kitchen and extensive undercover shelter that allows living, entertaining and kids to spill outdoors, paved to perfection and with access to the rear for the caravan. With nine-foot ceilings, ivory tiling to the main living spaces, superb custom-made roman blinds and atmospheric lighting throughout, the home has huge appeal. The beautiful master suite and separate formal lounge are situated to the front of the home, as is the generous fifth bedroom with double sliding entrance doors and floor-toceiling robes, making it an ideal sewing room, office or playroom. Three additional bedrooms, a three-way-family bathroom and well-equipped laundry are situated in their own private wing. The home’s central living room adds to the luxury of space here providing the room needed for an immense dining table, the light bright casual lounge and stunning chef’s kitchen are located either side. Central to these three zones, glass slides across to allow living to migrate out under the gabled


ENJOY A LIFESTYLE ENVIED BY MANY! Open Thu 7.45-8.30pm & Sun 1-1.30pm

GAWLER BELT - Lot 14 Krause Drive



View by appointment • 4 spacious bedrooms, plus study • Master brm w.his/hers WIR’S, huge ensuite • Brms 2, 3 & 4 all have BIRs & ceiling fans • Fml lnge w.vaulted ceiling & feature pillars • Open plan tiled kitch/meals/family • Lrg rumpus, duct cool, comb heat & 2 x S/S R/C wall units • 2 fabulous ent areas, htd i/g pool • Approx 20 x 30 shed Contact Brendan 0416 054 731 ID: D5XG54

MASSIVE $20,000 PRICE REDUCTION!!! Open Saturday 4-4.30pm

View by appointment

• Master bedroom with walk in robe and ensuite with spa & separate toilet • Bedrooms 2 & 3 both with built in robes. Bedroom 4 or study. • Spacious formal lounge room and dining • Tiled open plan kitchen and family/meals area with feature Atrium • Big rumpus room with arched French doors Contact Brendan 0416 054 731 ID: DFV654

Contact Brendan 0416 054 731 ID: DKV654

KAPUNDA - 12 Quintrell Street



• Wow! Approx 264 sqm Rendition home on big 1174 sqm block • 4 brms, master with bay window, wir & ensuite with spa • Lge fml lnge. Huge o/plan kitch/meals/family • Approx 160 sqm u/c ent area, 13m x 2.5m lap pool w.side pool (total cap. 70,000 lts) • Walk to everything - Main Street, Schools, Bus stops, Reserves


verandah that stretches round two sides of the home. The essential entertaining wing is expertly paved right to the fence and is conveniently positioned beside the kitchen. A second yard with lawn, perimeter grasses and a garden shed leaves oodles of room for kids and their things. Fully retractable custom-made block-out blinds installed on the verandah’s western side create a heat shield in summer and is another valuable detail in this very complete lifestyle package. Well planned with ease in mind, the fully enclosed double garage grants access directly into the kitchen itself, ideal for unloading shopping and kids. The home has fully ducted reverse cycle air conditioning throughout. Spacious, stylish, streamlined, comfortable, designed to provide the best in living and entertaining throughout the seasons, this home is purposely set up for ease of maintenance and to see you with more time to take on the pleasures in life. Contact David Braunack of Homburg Real Estate on 0418 841 349 to experience what this property, priced at $420,000 - $435,000 can do for your family. Situated on Lehmann Road, the house is open for inspection on Sunday, December 18 from 3.15pm 3.45pm.

GAWLER SOUTH - 5 Fourteenth Street


ENTERTAINERS DELIGHT! Restored Circa 1870’s Colonial Cottage

• 3 brms, master with BIRs, ceiling fan, bay window • Lnge w. polished floor, fireplace w. combustion heater, ceiling rose & ornate cornice • Dining room w. open fireplace & feature beams • New solid blackwood timber kitchen with Essa stone benchtops, dwshr & quality s/steel apps • Lge family/meals area has r/c wall unit, timber french doors and ceiling fan • Expansive 11.5m x 5m paved, peaked, pgla area with bonus 6 person hydro spa • 6m x 6m shed w. concrete flr & pwr connected Contact Brendan 0416 054 731 ID: DHZG54


WILLASTON - 15 Jarvis Street




23 Tod Street

View by appointment



5 Hogan Street

View by appointment


What a great price! Set in a quiet cul-de-sac this neat and tidy home would suit a variety of buyers including first home owners, investors, retirees and also families. On a low maintenance approx 703 sqm allotment the property features:• Three bedrooms, master with ensuite and walk in robe • Large L-shaped lounge & dining with down lights • Timber kitchen with pantry overlooks tiled dining room • Ducted evaporative cooling & two gas heaters • Big paved peaked undercover entertaining area • Large garden shed with concrete floor

• 3 big brms + study, set on an approximately 1005sqm

2 Year Young Rossdale Home

Only Approximately 18 Months Old

corner allotment with 9m x 6m shed, v/dah & ent area • Feature tiled Atrium with peaked ceiling and direct access outdoors • Huge lounge adjoins good size dining room with views to gardens • Functional kitchen, ducted cooling and mains gas htg

• • • •

Absolutely immaculate 3 bedroom home Master with ensuite & WIR, brm 2 with BIR & ceiling fan Big kitchen/meals/family area, heat/cool, 3-way main bthrm Great undercover entertaining area, lots of rainwater, veggie garden & fruit trees • Ample secure off street parking. Not a thing to do here!

• • • • •

Contact Brendan 0416 054 731

Contact Brendan 0416 054 731 ID: DENG54

Contact Brendan 0416 054 731

Contact Brendan 0416 054 731




Open Sunday 2-2.30pm

3 bedrooms, master with ensuite and walk in robe Bedrooms two and three both with built in robes Fml lnge, o/plan kitch/meals/family area w. down lights Kitchen w. dishwasher, WIP & feature built in wine rack Garage with auto roller door, paved gabled U/C ent area, shed plus side access ID: DHPG54

RLA 1679

Wednesday, December 14, 2011 - Domain Page 9 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Real Estate Liftout

Everything points to better times in the year ahead By MARK ARMSTRONG THE property market will be drawing a collective sigh of relief as the year comes to a close. As we look back on how the market performed in 2011, we may well see an overall correction of up to 10 per cent a significant drop for the property market but a fraction of the sharemarket correction of 2008. As we gaze into the crystal

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We fix leaking showers!






We know air conditioning

making substantial excess principal repayments in recent years and this will increase their equity and cash flow positions. All markets are cyclical and often the greatest period of growth comes directly after the biggest falls. I think when we look back on 2012 in years to come these factors will likely result in a bounce in median values, and the market will be back to where it started before 2011 hit.

of the property market. The effect is increased demand for rental property and a lowering of supply. As a result, we are likely to see rental yields lift next year. According to the Reserve Bank, household savings rates are at their highest levels since the mid-1980s. They have been moving up since the mid-2000s, reaching 10.5 per cent of disposable income in the June quarter. Many borrowers have been

Ph: 0419 821 923 HS1003

YOUR TRADES & SERVICES GUIDE Deadline for advertisements is 5pm Thursdays


market. Buyers rushed back in 2001 and 2009 mainly due to falling interest rates. The main difference next year is that it is unlikely to come packaged with increased first home buyer incentives. Web statistics show that, although competition for property was soft in 2011, web browsing continues to be very high. Nielsen's online analysis of real estate portals suggests more than three million

ball and wonder what 2012 has in store for home owners and property investors, there are a few indicators that suggest we are entering calmer waters. With Europe in crisis, the US economy anaemic and China cooling, interest rates are on the way down. Experts predict the Reserve Bank will have a further reduction of up to 100 basis points throughout 2012. Falling interest rates instantly increase affordability and entice people back to the



No time limit on bags

2 / 3 / 4 / 6 & 8 Cubic Metre Skips ASBESTOS SKIPS AVAILABLE

Locally Owned & Operated

0433 010 934 =


Troy Hutchinson Mob: 0407 673 233 A/H: (08) 8525 2828 PO Box 7, Freeling 5372


BLD 171252

Fencing Post rail & Good Neighbour Security chainwire fencing Trench digging Stormwater & electrical Post hole boring 200, 300 & 450mm Retaining walls - concrete sleeper Light earthworks & Laser leveling 3 tonne Tip truck available Bobcat Hire available



KEN OLDFIELD of Kapunda Lic. Reg BLD 176107





Phone Andy on 0430

710 424

Lic. Tec. ABN 746 180 50 866

Domestic & Industrial bins 4, 6 & 9 cubic metre bins Perfect for tidying up around the yard

Wednesday, December 14, 2011 - Domain Page 10 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Ph 8566 3778 or 0419 806 112



Mark: 0417 810 940 • Kym: 0488 478 345 BLD197938








AGS Computer Maintenance

Home Renovations and Alterations

We offer complete computer support in the comfort of your home, or a convenient pickup and return service, with no call out fee:


Tiling, Plastering, Masonary, Concreting, Gyprock fixing All types of repair work

• Microsoft Windows support • Virus detection & removal • Software installation and upgrades • Data recovery • Home networking • Hard disk optimisation and much, much more

Mob: 0417 850 352

Lawn mowing - ride-on mower for large blocks Hedge Trimming - Pruning - General tidy ups Landscaping - Mulching - No job too small

Office : 8524 7074 Andrea : 0405195739 Garry : 0405195738

BLD 173912




Renova ons and Altera ons Over 25 years experience



Matthew Bishop 0417 773 430

E: Web: Lic No BLD 193159


No job too small

New Homes Renovations Extensions Bathrooms Pergolas Decking Carports

Local Builder Free No Obligation Quotes


04022 15031 =


131 546



Save your back and call Traff Carter 0421 219 214





BLD 198620


Servicing the Barossa • Carpentry Valley • Paving



8563 2855

For Prompt Reliable Service

Pensioner Discount - Free Quotes - Fully Insured

Ph Chris Hall 8562 8216 or 0429 029 216

BLD 233177


PGE 233178

PH Keith on 0402 108 153 0r 8523 1124

ARC AU01278




• Sheds • Patios • Carports • Workshops • Barns • Commercial • Industrial • Rural

• Domestic, Commercial & Rural Sheds • House Additions & Renovations • Home Improvements • Concrete Cut, Grind & Core • Tipper Hire & Excavation

“we go out on a limb for you” Tree Removal, Shaping, Pruning, Hedging & Stump Removal


• Renovations & Maintenance Work • Welding & Gates • Polesaw & • Render, Plaster & Brick Repairs Brushcutting

Fast, friendly service Windows


• • • •

41 Tanunda Road, Nuriootpa


CARPORTS/VERANDAHS Looking for a cost effective yet practical solution for your outside project?


1800 427 193





Rewires Sheds Extensions Upgrades to Switchboards

• Light/Power/Fans • Safety Switches • Domestic & Light Commercial • Smoke Alarms

& More

ABN 11064451100

GLASS/GLAZING = 24 Hour Emergency Service Serving the Community for 20 years


• Glass • Shower Screens • Glazing • Manufacturers of Aluminium Shopfronts • Security Doors and Screens

Call Keith 0413 733 098

8523 1940

Lic No PGE 129399



BLD 157495

Grants Glass & Glazing Grant McDonald Mob. 0409 248 234 Fax. (08) 8523 3227

Shower Screens





Phone 8562 2629






• For all your confined space requirements • Machine less then 800mm wide • Trenching, post holes, rock breaker • For the least impact on work area

Nuriootpa House & Grounds Maintenance


Call your Local Jim for more than just mowing



• • • • • • •

• Lawn Mowing • Gutter Cleaning • Yard Clean Ups • Pruning • Rubbish Removal • Gardening • Weed Control

I Driveways Sheds I Patios Paths

PO Box 264 Freeling SA 5372 Fax: 8525 2432

Builders Licence: BLD185222

Talk to your “Local Jim” today about

Lic. BLD39093

Terry Cur s 0417 889 778

• Gyprock & Cornices • Concrete work • Brick Work • Paving



Specialist in restora on to stone dwellings • Internal/external plaster • Texture coa ngs • Quoins & Bands • Tiling





For a Free no obligation quote

Call Mark 0434 031 962



Locally owned and operated





Trenching - Elec/Water Post Holes (200/300/450) Site Preps - sheds & tanks Retaining Walls With operator or DIY

Tristan Kerr Lic No. GL/SGL218100 Email: Fax: 08 8566 3828 Web:


COMPUTER PROBLEMS? 7 days a week rapid response!

1300 65 25 19 No call out costs








This space is only $44.80 per edition (GST inclusive)


Wednesday, December 14, 2011 - Domain Page 11 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


Gawler Irriga on



Trenching Service Servicing Gawler & Barossa Area

Call 0450 217 439 for a Quote = • • • • •




Call now on

0433 103 500

Lic: PGE 22 66 33 ABN: 53 343 366 380


“Crushed & Tested Under Specifications�


•Now selling Concrete •Full range of dolomite products available •Including ballast for septic • Phone us for a free quote

Ask for Rino or Margaret Mobile 0407 601 116

Phone 0403 007 863 or 8563 0217 (Tanunda)



Finn’s Paving


15 years experience

Phone Paul 0422 064 717

Ph: 8565

Lic. No. 186093 ABN 54 758 773 783




lists Bathroom Renovation Specia FREE QUOTES

All types of wall and floor tiling

TIMBER SUPPLIES • Treated pine • Oregon • Pinus • Trellis • Poly Carb Sheeting

We stock all your materials for pergolas, shadehouses & landscaping

Friendly helpful advice available

023 206



R & M TIMBER SUPPLIES Lot 9, Kelly Road,Willaston, Phone 8522 6504





Stash ‘n’ Store Units Tanunda

85 632 599 1776624



MBA No. 02271


Up to 35% DISCOUNT on Roof Restorations


*Conditions apply


8566 2925 or 0407 601 845

SA owned & operated. All technicians fully licenced.






BAROSSA VALLEY & SURROUNDING AREAS Phone: 8563 0430 or Callum: 0412 460 165

Mobile: 0401

0400 631 631

timber is

GRAY’S PEST CONTROL SPECIALISING IN Prior to purchase inspections Termites - Bees - Ants - Rats - Mice Possums - Spiders, etc. 50 yea combin rs Pest Co ed experie ntrol nce


Contact Greg 8563 3631


Local - City - Interstate 24 HOUR SERVICE Jeremy & Kylie

HOURS OF OPERATION Sunday-Thursday to Midnight Friday and Saturday till 3am


Quality Service Guaranteed Nowing offeruse Ho ning Clea

• Restaurant and Airport Transfers • 7 seater available • 7 days



Driveways Paths Patios


Mark: 0418 840 635 or Tom: 0418 829 736 Ph/fax: 8523 3263 Lic No’s: 4844/182449




Head Office, Pooraka (08) 8260 6266 Ask for Rino, Mobile 0407 601 116

East Tce Kapunda 8566 2302


Tom the Tiler & Son


Lic. No. BLD53282




PAINTER & DECORATOR 25 years experience Interior • Exterior Decorative Finishes Roof Restoration Colour Consultation

f All plumbing maintenance f Gas appliance maintenance f Renovations f Hot water systems f Emergencies f Solar & heat pump f Blocked drains f Competitive rates f Servicing Lyndoch, Gawler and surrounding districts

Builders Lic No. BLD 158849






On Site Weighbridge Brass, Copper etc weighed in full view

For all your upholstery needs

Chris Kemp ~ 0408 833640 Any Area | Free Quote | Free pick up and delivery



ALL TYPES OF BLOCKED DRAINS • Septic Tank Cleaning • Soakage Wells • Winery Waste • Electric drain cleaning equipment

All Local & Surrounding Areas

45 Leitch Road Roseworthy

PH: 8524 8785

Mon-Fri 7.30am - 4pm

Chris and Rob Falkenberg AH (08) 8564 2124, Mobile 0428 811 044 ABN 42093097315 Email:

Maximise your potential audience By promoting your business through the Herald’s Dial-A-Service Serving your community section, you will be appearing in South Australia’s largest circulating since 1908. country newspaper with 21,400 weekly copies (Bunyip 9,700 Leader 8,100) Phone Roxanne on 8563 2041 or email

Wednesday, December 14, 2011 - Domain Page 12 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

2 11


ing gs eason’s G reet

POPULAR: Norm and his Coolies were again welcomed along Murray Street on Friday, December 2. HAPPY: Five-year-old Poppy Ruwoldt, from Tanunda, attended the Barossa Christmas Parade in Tanunda with her grandmother Julie Coombe, from Nuriootpa.

Wishing to thank all clients for their patronage during 2011 and wishing all a

Larry, Kaye and staff at

Barossa Bobcat & Backhoe Lot 100 Penrice Road - Angaston

Phone 8564 2721


Nuriootpa Library Closed from Friday 23 December 2011 at 1:00pm and reopens as normal on Wednesday 28 December 2011 with further closures on Sunday 1 January 2012 and Monday 2 January 2012.


Phone/Fax 08 8564 2269 CLOSED PUBLIC HOLIDAYS


Service & Repairs to Trucks & Heavy Vehicles

Leon, Janice & Staff of ANGASTON CONSTRUCTIONS Would like to thank everyone for their continued support & wish customers & friends a wonderful safe Christmas and a fantastic New Year Stockwell Rd, Angaston

to our loyal customers. 1776752

We wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a safe and prosperous New Year.

Phone 8564 2245 Mobile 0427 811 054

64 Murray Street, ANGASTON SA 5353 Email

Seasons Greetings

After Hours Emergencies For all after hours emergencies please telephone 8563 8444

B.C. Habel


Jenny’s Sewing Centre

Refuse Depot The Springton Waste Transfer Station will continue to operate from 9am to 3pm on the second Saturday of each month, provided a total fire ban has not been declared in the Mount Lofty Ranges fire ban district.

Visitor Information Centre Closed on 25 December 2011.


Wishing all clients & friends a Blessed Christmas & Happy New Year

Branch Offices/Libraries at Angaston, Tanunda, Lyndoch and Mt Pleasant Closed from Friday 23 December 2011 at 1:00pm and reopen on Tuesday 3 January 2012.

Refuse/Recyclables/Green Waste Collection As Christmas falls on a Sunday there will be no change to collection days for refuse and recycling.


Main Administration Office – Nuriootpa Closed from Friday 23 December 2011 at 1:00pm and reopens on Tuesday 3 January 2012.

Happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year


Wish customers and friends a Blessed Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year. Thank you for your patronage during 2011!


8564 2579

We wish all a Safe & Happy New Year


Mobile 0417 808 623 WH1772024


Phone: 8564 2470 Lot 55, Stockwell Rd, Angaston

Craig, Kristi and staff wish their customers a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year.


Closing Friday December 16 Re-opening Monday January 30

Closed Friday 23rd December from 2pm Closed Saturday 24th - Tuesday 27th December Closed Saturday 31st - Monday 2nd January Open Tuesday 3rd January

Specialising in kitchens, bars, vanities & robes. Commercial or domestic.

Penrice Quarry Management and staff wish you all a safe a prosperous festive season. 1774709

Wednesday, December 14, 2011 - Page 21 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

3 Sturt Street Angaston SA 5353 Ph: 8564 3000 Fax: 8564 2213

reet ing gs e ason’s G S

Shane’s Garden Service Shane and Nick thank their valued customers for 2011 and we wish everyone a Merry Christmas and look forward to being of service in 2012 Complete Lawn Care & Garden Maintenance PH: 8563 3476 or 0417 811 840 Shane Davenport

2 11

FESTIVE: This mum dressed her daughter as an angel to take part in the Barossa Christmas Parade.



Elke and staff would like to thank their customers for all their support which they have shown throughout 2011. We wish you all a Blessed Christmas and a prosperous New Year.

Only Closed Public Holidays Closed 26-27th December Reopen 28th December

Darryl thanks all of his customers for the support over the past 12 months WH1765018


• Fruit mince tarts • Gingerbread men, houses & biscuits • Christmas Stollen • Traditional Fruitcake • Gourmet Cookies and much more

A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all

Ph: 0412 252 705

Phone 8563 0096 181 Murray St Tanunda

- Valmai & Trevor Auricht


Compliments of the season

Valmai’s Window Furnishings

Management and Staff of the Barossa Arts & Convention Centre wish all of our customers and patrons a Happy Christmas and best wishes for the New Year. We thank you for your patronage during 2011.

Phone 8563 2396 71 Langmeil Road, Tanunda


K.H. & M.G.

Business Hours: Monday to Friday 9am-5pm Note: Office closed for Christmas Break from 12 noon Tuesday 20th December 2011 and will re-open at 9am Tuesday 3rd January 2012

ROEHR Builder

Kevin, Marie & Mick would like to thank all of their customers for their patronage during 2011 and wish them a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.


Ph 8563 2964 Mobile 0407 397 414 5 535 176


08 8563 3357

P.O. Box 58 Tanunda SA 5352 Email: Web:

We thank everyone who has made 2011 a successful one for us and look forward again to your support in 2012

Wishes everyone a Happpy and Safe Festive Season and a prosperous New Year

‫ﱛﱜﱛﱜﱛﱜﱛﱜﱛﱜﱛﱜﱛﱜﱛﱜﱛﱜﱛﱜﱛﱜﱛﱜﱛﱜﱛ‬ 1767087


Brad, Nicki & Gill extend their thanks for the continued support of friends and clients and their best wishes for a happy and prosperous festive season.

Ph: 8563 2620


Wishing all our clients a very Merry Xmas and Happy New Year






Phone: 8561 4299

Barossa Valley Way, Tanunda & Eden Valley Wednesday, December 14, 2011 - Page 22 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

2 11

E.B. MARSCHALL & SONS Light Pass Road, TANUNDA Phone 8563 2287


• Earthmoving • Transport • Demolition Kingsley, David and Kathryn wish you all well for Christmas. Thank you for your past support. We look forward to working with you in the future. Merry Christmas and all the best for the New Year!

89 Murray St, Tanunda (next to the traffic lights)


Phone 8563 2527 Thank you to all our customers and friends for your support over the past 12 months. Have a happy Christmas and a safe, healthy and prosperous New Year.



gs eason’sG reeting


We wish all our valued customers A Merry Christmas


Open throughout the festive season Normal trading hours except Public Holidays



Warmest Season Greetings to all our clients WH1775175



Phone: 8563 3913 Fax: 8563 1294 Email:


For appointments please contact us on Phone 8563 0235 or email us at

Interior and exterior

Craig would like to thank all his valued customers for 2011 and wish them a merry Christmas and happy new year

Box 46, Tanunda SA 5352

Phone 0403 007 863

Over 20 years


Lic. No. BLD53282



Mob: 0408 811 172

Phone 8563 3259


Closing 22nd December 2011 Reopening 9th January 2012


T: 08 8563 3313 M: 0408 890 986

0407 811 378

To all our Valued Clients, wishing you and your families a Happy & Safe Festive Season & Best wishes for the New Year. Thank you for your support in 2011.


Erich & Kathy May 1765071


May Love, Joy, Peace and Hope light up your Christmas.

We also wish to thank our ever-growing number of customers who have helped a very large number of people in our community.

We know how to look after your vehicle


8563 0502

16 Walden Street, Tanunda Fax: 8563 1306

Nigel, Lisa and team wish all their customers and friends a Merry Christmas and a safe and Happy New Year


We will be closed from Thursday, 22nd December 2011 and re-open on Tuesday, 3rd January 2012.

The Partners & Staff would like to thank all clients for the past year and wish them all a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011 - Page 23 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


Trevor & Jeanette Roesler


wish to thank all who have made donations to our organisation. Many charities and individuals have benefitted from your generosity.

Thank you also to our faithful volunteers, without whose consistent service, little would be accomplished.

We wish you all a Happy and Blessed Christmas and a fulfilling and safe 2012. HOLIDAY OPEN TIMES: Furniture Warehouse closed Dec 24-Jan 3 Tanunda shop closed Dec 25, 26, 27 and Jan 1. (Foodland Precinct) “Jesus is the reason for the season”



We thank you for your patronage and we’ll see you in 2012

4 Mueller Court, Tanunda 5352

LOOK: Nuriootpa’s Rhett Cartwright, aged five, was one of the first to point out Father Christmas’ arrival to the Barossa.

Grant & Janice wish everyone a fantastic Christmas and a wonderful New Year


Andrew, Tania and staff wish customers and friends a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

reet ing gs e ason’s G S

2 11

FOCUSSED: This child and his motorbike display impressed the hundreds of children who lined Murray Street during the annual parade.

And many thanks for your business in the past year!

Ph:8562 1696 1765110

Helbig Memorials and Helbig Marble & Granite David and his family wish to thank all our clients & friends for their support and wish them a Safe and Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Closed 19th December Re-open9th January 2012 Barossa Valley Way, Nuriootpa Ph: 08 8562 2203 Fax: 08 8562 2247 Mob: 0429 929 141

Christmas trivia

Seasons Greetings Wishing our customers and friends a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year!

Which Christmas Carol composed in 1818 was written for guitar? Answer: Silent Night

To clients and associates from the Partners & Staff of

PUBLIC HOLIDAYS OPEN every day 8am-8pm


47 Old Kapunda Rd, Nuriootpa Ph: 8562 2317

Barossa Accounting & Tax Services Office closed from 23rd Dec 2011 Open Monday 9th January 2012 Accountants & Advisors 23 Gawler Street - NURIOOTPA

8562 2777

Office National Barossa


OPEN 8am-12 noon sharp

We wish our customers a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Thankyou for your support in 2011 and we look forward to serving you in 2012 OPEN EVERY DAY EXCEPT PUBLIC HOLIDAYS




from Peter, Sue & staff

The day before Christmas an Austrian priest was informed that the church organ was broken. He was also told that it would not be fixed in time for Christmas day services. Unhappy about the fact that there would not be any music on Christmas day he sat down and composed the song Stille Nacht on his guitar. And on Christmas day 1818, Silent Night was sung accompanied by a guitar and choir for the first time.

PH: 8562 3552 FAX: 8562 3557

9 Railway Terrace, Nuriootpa SA 5355

Phone 8562 1200

• Custom Embroidery

• Souvenirs

• Engraving

• Clothing

• Glass Engraving

• Silver & Pewterware

• Badges

• Trophies


Would like to extend to all our customers best wishes for Christmas and may you have a safe and Happy New Year. Closing Friday 23rd December @ 4pm Re-opening Monday Jan 16th 2012 @ 9am.

JUNCKEN HOME TIMBER & HARDWARE Open all days except December 25th & 26th and January 1st

• Air Conditioning • Auto Electrical • 4x4 / caravan

CO JUNCKEN BUILDERS PTY LTD & JUNCKEN JOINERY Office & Joinery closing 22 Dec 11 and reopening 3 Jan 12. OFFICE PHONE: 8562 1933 JOINERY PHONE: 8562 2983


Nuriootpa, incorporating Juncken Joinery & Juncken HoME Timber & Hardware extend to their clients the compliments of the Season

• Audio / UHF / GPS

50 Murray Street, Nuriootpa 5355


Justins Auto Electrics

• Giftware



23 DEC 2011 from 12.00. Reopening 3rd Jan 2012

• Reverse Cameras

We wish all a safe and Merry Christmas Thank you for your support during 2011 17 Craker Drive Nuriootpa

85 621 166

Wednesday, December 14, 2011 - Page 24 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Season’sG reetings2 11

T.V. & B.D. ATZE PAINTER Lic No R13579

Domestic • Commercial • Industrial email:

To all our clients & friends, we hope you have a very Merry Christmas and an exceptionally Happy New Year! Trevor & Barbara



Phone 8562 2378 - Nuriootpa Mob: 0411 122 940


ELECTRICIAN PGE E/C Lic. No. 141437 ABN 69318920846


We will be closed from Thursday Dec 22nd & will re-open on Tuesday Jan 3rd 2012

Wishing all my valued customers a Blessed Christmas and a Happy and Healthy 2012 Ph: 8562 2587 Mob: 0429 475897

Closed from 23rd December 2011. Reopening 3rd January 2012. 43 Murray Street Nuriootpa




COLOURFUL: There were big waves to the crowds from these children and their parents.

John and Ian would like to extend to all our customers and friends best wishes for the festive season. May you have a happy and safe Christmas, New Year Break and we look forward to being of service to you in 2012.

8562 1863 0412 502 146


Chris, Matt and staff wish all our clients & friends a Merry Christmas and a safe and Prosperous New Year

24 Gawler Street, Nuriootpa 8562 4332.

CHRISTMAS TRADING HOURS CLOSED Sat 24th, Sun 25th, Mon 26th, Tues 27th December 2011 OPEN Wed 28th Normal Trading Hours CLOSED Sun 1st, Mon 2nd Jan OPEN Tues 3rd January 2012 Normal Trading Hours

PHONE 8562 3399


Thank you for entrusting your Hire requirements with us and we look forward to your continued trading in 2012. Wishing all our valued customers a safe and Happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011 - Page 25 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

reet ing gs e ason’s G S

2 11

GAWLER CANVAS Have a Merry Christmas from James, Marian & Britt


We will be finishing December 23, 2011 and re-opening January 4, 2012.

HEATING & COOLING We wish to extend to all our customers our best wishes for a very Merry Christmas & a Safe & prosperous New Year.


See you in the New Year.

Ph: 8523 1317 10 Main North Road, Willaston

8523 3000 31 Adelaide Road, Gawler WH1765929



All the staff at R & M Timber Supplies wish our clients a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Closed December 24 from 2pm to December 28 and also closed on January 2 LOT 9 KELLY ROAD, WILLASTON

PH 8522 6504 FAX 8523 2009



PHONE 8524 6050 Specialising in: • Handbook Service • Service & tune-ups to petrol & LPG & 4WD vehicles • Wheel Alignments • Tyres & Batteries • Clutch and Brake Machining • Radiators • Chainsaw Repairs

NEVER TOO YOUNG: Emma Shobbrook introduces her newborn daughter to her first Christmas parade.


would like to extend seasons greetings to all

Wishing all my customers a Merry Christmas and a safe and prosperous New Year

Save your back and call Traff Carter 0421 219 214

Julian Terrace

Phone 8524 9082

Ph: 8523 1811 The Management and Staff of Ultra Tune Gawler thank their customers for their patronage over the last 12 months


• Glass • Glazing • Mirrors • Shop Fronts • Shower Cubicles

PH: 8523 1940


We look forward to serving you in 2012 WH1765035

1 Paxton Street, Willaston

CHRISTMAS & HOLIDAY HOURS Friday 23 December 9am-7pm (closed 1-2pm)


Merry Christmas and a safe and Happy New Year

Phone 8522 1712

We extend to all our customers from Gawler and surrounding areas best wishes for a Happy and Safe Christmas and a successful New Year.

Closed Public Holidays

Saturday 24 December Sunday 25 December Monday 26 December Tuesday 27 December Wednesday 28 December 9am-5.30pm Thursday 29 December 9am-5.30pm Friday 30 December 9am-7pm (closed 1-2pm) Saturday 31 December 9am-1pm Sunday 1 January 2012 Monday 2 January 9am-7pm

Thank you for your support in 2011 See you in the New Year

OPEN EVERY DAY We wish everyone a joyous Christmas & happy new year. • Marine, tropical & cold water fish • Frozen & live fish food • Hermit crabs • Large range of accessories • Aquariums & cabinets (ready made or made to order) • Frogs & turtles when available • Live plants

We would like to wish all our customers a safe, happy & fun holiday season.

CLOSED: Tuesdays, 25th, 26th & 27th Dec, 1st January 2012


WE WILL THEN BE CLOSED UNTIL MONDAY 23RD JANUARY # Please Note # COSTUMES NEEDED DURING OUR HOLIDAY should be collected on Monday 2nd January and returned on Monday 23rd January when normal hours return

Closing 23rd December Re-Opening 3rd January


the reason for the season

PH: 8523 3833

Wishing our clients a Happy & Safe Christmas. 1774110


8 Mt. Crawford Road, Williamstown A/H 8524 6826; Mobile 0409 671 531 CLOSED PUBLIC HOLIDAYS





Season’s Greetings to all our customers and friends. Wishing them all well for the New Year. Closed between Christmas & New Year

ph: 8523 5377 7 Walker Palce, Gawler




Wednesday, December 14, 2011 - Page 26 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

gs2 11 Season’sG reeting

D & AP Haseldine Automotive & Diesel Repairs

Beaton Agencies

ABN 36 513 690 355


10 Gray Street, Freeling Ph: 8525 2200 Mob: 0432 652 707


David, Ann and staff wish all our customers and friends a Very Merry Christmas and a Safe and Happy New Year.


LTD B MLIVESTOCK PTY We Buy & Sell all livestock Clearing sales Furniture sales Thanks to our valued clients for their support in 2011 far and wide.

Bev & Peter wish all their valued clients a very Merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous New Year.

Kapunda Laundromat Open Mon - Fir 7.00am - 8.00pm Public Holidays Sat & Sun 8.00am - 8.00pm


70 Main Street, Kapunda



Phone 8566 2573 Mob 0417 662 579

We wish you a great Christmas and a better 2012.

Budgie: 0437 795 190

The Directors, Management and Staff thank all customers for their patronage during 2011 and look forward to their support again in 2012. Closed 23rd Dec 2011. Reopening 9th Jan 2012.


Wishing all customers a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.



1 CAMERON STREET, KAPUNDA 5373 PH 8566 2573 MOBILE 0408 844 606 FAX 8566 3848 (Includes A/H)

Giftware & electrical Robert, Karen & staff wish all our customers a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


74 Main Street, Kapunda Phone 8566 2188 Closed 25, 26, 27 Dec 2011 Closed 1, 2 Jan 2012



Kapunda Newsagency


(Livestock, Wool & Bulk Carrier) Front End Loader Hire

Ph: 8581 1795 Mobile: 0428 833 946

Doctors and staff wish all a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Safe New Year 25a Bruce Street, 32 Hill Street, EUDUNDA KAPUNDA 8581 1309 8566 2900

Thankyou to all of my clients for your support in 2011 My Office will be closed from 22nd Dec to 8th Jan and open Tuesdays & Thursdays from 9th Jan to 27th Jan

Servicing Barossa, Mid North & Surrounding Areas

BDL 158924 RL 54838 ABN 69 470 461 964



SPECIALISING IN COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL & RESIDENTIAL • Carports & Verandahs • Sheds • Fencing • Quality Materials • Obligation Free Quote • Experienced, Licensed & Insured Tradespeople • 10 Year Workmanship Guarantee

Call Mick Ph: 0427 200 684 or Ph: 85663752 Fax: 8566 3722 P.O. Box 86 Kapunda SA 5373 email:

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our loyal Customers, Contractors, Builders, Suppliers and to everyone that is or has been associated with our company. Your support is truly appreciated. We would like to wish you a Happy & Safe Christmas with a prosperous New Year ahead.

Peter & Bev wish all their valued clients a very Merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous New Year. Thankyou all for your patronage during 2011.


We talk roof pitch, Not sales pitch! YOUR LOCAL BUILDER’S CHOICE IN ROOFING & CLADDING

• Re-Roofing & New Roofing • Heritage Roofing • Guttering • Insulation • Skylights • Cladding Internal & External • Bullnose & Concaved Verandahs • General Repairs

GENERAL BUILDER Lic No. BLD 151205 New Buildings & Houses, Renovations & Repairs, Additions, Alterations and concrete work Closed from December 23rd 2011 to January 15th 2012

Wednesday, December 14, 2011 - Page 27 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Wishing all a safe, happy festive season and a bright, prosperous New Year

8562 8222 GREENOCK


East Terrace, Kapunda Ah: 0407 601 116


Merry Christmas to all our customers Have a great New Year!



Thank you all for your patronage during 2011.


HERE YE: Town Crier Tom Benney, from Angaston, proudly greets the public.

Proprietors: G.E. & G.K. Beaton Pty. Ltd. Ph: 8566 2004; A/H 8528 2233 We wish all a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year



Mount Pleasant Phone 8568 2239 Hartley and Marilyn wish customers a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

ing gs eason’s G reet

2 11

RIGHT: A group of children dressed to promote the story of Christmas wait patiently before the start of the parade.

Jennings Bros. Quarry


ROSEDALE 0415 499 327



Wishing all cliental & friends a happy Christmas & New Year.

Painters & Decorators

Closed from Dec. 22nd - Jan. 4th

Phone 8564 0315 Mobile 0418 811 180

Makers of Customised Quality Furniture Specialising in: • Wood Turning • Wood Carving • Polishing • Upholstery • Restorations • Reproduction of Old Furniture • Boardroom & Dining Tables a Specialty GREENOCK PH: 0418 192 113 AH: 8562 2927 Managing Director and staff of Nitschke Furniture wish all their customers a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.



Ken, Maxine, Pat, Dim & Nat wish all their friends and customers a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Thankyou for your patronage over the past 12 months.

Nitschke Furniture


The Mayor, Councillors and staff wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Mark Wandel Peter Barnes

Wishing all customers and friends a Merry Christmas and all the best for the New Year. PH: (08) 8569 1979


Fax: (08) 8569 2879 Mobile: 0408 855 510 Email: 58 Adelaide Road, Mannum SA 5238


Wishing you a very Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year. We appreciate your support throughout the past year & look forward to working with you in the New Year. Joyce & Robert Leigh and Sharon & staff.

John Leigh & Son Transport Pty Ltd 63 Stockwell 1948 - 2011

PO Box 17, Stockwell 20 Duckponds Road, Stockwell Barossa Valley SA 5355 Mobile: 0412 372 840 Fax 8562 2050 Email:

ANTICIPATION: Spectators who were keen to watch the festive and colourful parade floats pass by culminating with the arrival of Father Christmas.

Seasons Greetings Management & Staff of Employment Directions wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year in 2012 Please not that Employment Directions will be CLOSED for the Christmas period from

The Central District Football Club wishes everyone in the Barossa and Light region a Merry Christmas and Happy and Prosperous 2012.

2:00pm 23 December and will re-open 8:30am 3 January 2012 Nuriootpa Ph: 0438 837 857

Nuriootpa Second Street Ph: 0408 295 566

2012 MEMBERSHIPS ARE NOW ON SALE. “Peace on Earth”

Master carriers of the Barossa Valley since 1948. 1777090


(emergency contact number only)

Visit and click on Membership 2012 in the menu list, or contact the Club on 8255 2555 to have a 2012 membership brochure posted out to you. 1777476

Wednesday, December 14, 2011 - Page 28 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

SANTA’S HELIPAD: The family at 5 Musgrave Court, Evanston Gardens, are taking part in the Herald’s Chrsitmas Lights Competition and have the whole street lit up.

CLOSED: Christmas Day Dec 25th Boxing Day December 26th New Year’s Day January 1st

9 Railway Tce, Nuriootpa 8562 1200

Have your complex professionally managed We are here to assist, call Pauline R Murray Body Corporate Managers 17 Cowan Street, Gawler SA 5118 Ph: 85223800


Open everyday over the Holiday Season Except Sundays and Public Holidays

Strata and Community Title Owners wh1772122

BRIGHT: This display at 22 Walter Grove, Gawler East, is one of the competitors in the Herald’s Christmas Lights Competition.

Proud to Support the Barossa and Light Herald Christmas Lights Competition

SEEING STARS: A decorated home in Hewett.

It’s the “Silly Season” Need to look your best “Magic Style” can help! • Acrylic Nails • Waxing • Spray Tanning •Makeup Application • Manicures

Ph 0401 40 69 69

56 Dawkins Ave, Willaston

Flexible hours to suit all busy lifestyles

Wednesday, December 14, 2011 - Page 29 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Last chance to enter Chocolate competition Summery cinema HERALD readers have until tomorrow (Thursday) to enter to win a box of Fardoulis Chocolates. Celebrating their first Christmas in Big W stores nationally, Fardoulis will be showcasing their gift-boxed range of melt in the mouth chocolates. With praline and cream filled chocolates including cookies and cream, tiramisu truffle, passionfruit crème and raspberry mousse, how can you resist? The beautifully designed quality

Christmas themed gift boxes also take the cost out of wrapping. Anna Fardoulis of Fardoulis Chocolates said, “We absolutely love chocolate and pride ourselves on quality for our customers with the finest in pure chocolate. Gifting is a joy and taken into consideration when designing the exquisite packaging.” To win The Herald, with Fardoulis Chocolates, is giving away 10 boxes of chocolates. For your chance to win, place your

name, address and daytime telephone number on the back of an envelope addressed to: Herald’s Christmas Chocolate Competition, PO Box 43, Tanunda SA 5352 or drop off an entry at the Herald office, Shop 1, 119 Murray Street, Tanunda. Remember, only one entry person and the winner is announced by telephone. Prizes must be collected from the Herald office Tanunda. Entries finish at the close of business, Thursday, December 15.

under the stars

Seppeltsfield Road Business Alliance


“Shakespeare in the Vines”

UNWIND: Enjoying time together before a movie at Jacob’s Creek were (from left) Bec Murphy, Natalie Allen, Elaine Ratcliffe, Paul Gaster, Annie Rapley and Max Allen. Picture courtesy of Dragan.

IF YOU’RE looking for events to keep you entertained this holiday season then be part of the popular Movies at Jacob’s Creek. The event is a chance to sit back and relax and enjoy films on the Jacob’s Creek Visitor Centre lawns on each Friday night during January and February. For $15, guests receive entry to watch a movie as well as a complimentary glass of wine for adults or soft drink. Jacob’s Creek Visitor Centre manager, Elaine Ratcliffe, said the award-winning JCVC offers guests a quick escape from the hustle and bustle of the city to unwind after a long week or to kick start a relaxing weekend in the picturesque Barossa Valley. “The opening of the Northern Expressway offers a quick way to get out of the city and into open spaces to enjoy balmy summer evenings,” she said. It’s also perfect for locals wanting to do something different in the valley during summer and on a Friday night. “Our selection of movies includes some perennial favourites and a number of popular recentlyreleased movies set in destinations all over the world.

Saturday 28th January, 2012 Seppeltsfield Winery Adult ticket $45 Children under 18 years $20 under 12 years Free

Tickets available from: Tanunda & Kapunda Visitor Centres, Seppeltsfield Winery, Whistler Wines, Barossa Valley Estate, Rolf Binder & Hentley Farm

BE QUICK numbers are limited NO BYO Alcohol or deck chairs please

or Phone Craig: (08) 8564 3443

Food & Wine available from 5pm for a 6.30pm performance. Pre-entertainment by ‘Cloudy’


Wednesday, December 14, 2011 - Page 30 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

“Plus each week we will have some special food on offer, including American, Italian and even French cuisine, inspired by the movie’s theme that evening. “There are so many options and something to suit everyone,” Elaine said. A selection of delicious food, wine and soft drinks will be available before the screening, and a nature walk, as well as expansive gardens and grounds offer a great distraction for the kids or just a gentle stroll while waiting for the sun to set and the movie to start. WHAT: Movies at the Jacob’s Creek Visitor Centre. WHERE: Jacob’s Creek Visitor Centre, Barossa Valley Way, Rowland Flat. WHEN: Doors open at 7pm. Movie screens after sunset about 8.15pm - 8.45pm and weather permitting. DATES: Friday January 6 Gulliver’s Travels, January 13 - The Social Network, January 20 - The Tourist, January 27 - Jaws, Friday, February 3 - The Day of the Jackal, February 10 - Romeo & Juliet, February 17 - He’s Just Not That Into You and February 24 - Eat, Pray, Love.

Play and sing in the park

Proudly brought to you by

COME ALONG: Members of the Gawler Town Band who appeared in the 2010 Carols in the Park. animals, magicians and jugglers. There will be a new ride for the older children called surf rider. All children’s entertainment is free. Father Christmas will make an appearance from about 5.30pm and hopes to pass out small gifts. The traditional carols will take place from 7.15pm to 9.45pm and will feature musician and entertainer Peter Combe. On top of that there will be plenty of food and drinks available, with the public asked to bring their rugs and chairs. The committee is optimistic

For your chance to win a bottle of Langmeil wine, complete the crossword only and drop the entry form into The Herald office Monday by 4.30pm. Winners need to collect their wine within the week. Last week’s winner was Pam Zeunert of Tanunda.

A HOST of festive activities awaits visitors to the Gawler Carols in the Park this Sunday. This is the first year Gawler Council, the Gawler Apex Club, Gawler Band, Country Women’s Association and the Rotary Club of Gawler will support the new format of Carols at Pioneer Park. Previously, the Gawler Christmas Carols have been run on a tight budget, however, thanks to the generous support from the Town of Gawler, the organising committee have been able to expand the program to attract new performances in addition to providing a new family fun show to start at 5pm. What to expect Children will appreciate entertainers - Ticklish Allsorts appearing live on stage and ventriloquist Lindi Jane, plus amusements of a jumping castle, face painting, balloon

Twoway Crossword No 0073

that the new location at Pioneer Park is the best site for local families who want to walk to the event, in addition to providing a central, main street location with plenty of parking and facilities for everyone. Also, not wanting to disappoint adults and children with possible bad weather, the committee has developed a contingency plan and will relocate the carols and family entertainment to the Gawler Sports and Community Centre. The public is encouraged to keep an eye on changes via

Come a carolling to Kapunda SINGING voices will be requested during the Kapunda Christmas Carols hosted for this Sunday, December 18 from 7.30pm. The event, organised by the Kapunda Musical Society, will be held in the town’s institute, Hill Street. Local artists including Jennette Mickan will lead singers through a variety of well-known festive carols such as Silent Night, Away in a Manger and Hark the Herald Angels. Martin Wright will again treat everyone this year reciting, ‘Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus’ and ‘Albert’s Carol’. Others guest artists to feature are Kapunda

Choral Group, Phil Lamb, Rev Barbara Messener, ‘Elipses’, Chris Starkey and a special Christmas Message from Pastor Paul Smith. Also, a bright idea for the carols evening is visitors can purchase glow sticks for $3 instead of candles and donation bowls will be handed around on the night with proceeds to go to Kapunda Hospital. In addition, Father Christmas has been booked to come and meet young and old. So if you are looking for a family night of Christmas entertainment, be part of the Kapunda Christmas Carols.

Name:................................................................. Town:...........................................


Kids Eat Free Lunch & Dinner

Schnitzel Night

Family Meal Night *2 adults & 3 kids

Steak Night

Kids’ Entertainment

Roast Day

Wednesday, December 14, 2011 - Page 31 - The Herald, Barossa Valley





GOODWIN - CRAILL, Miriam, Wayne, Carol and Alistair are pleased to announce the engagement of Rebecca and Evan on November 30, 2011. With our love and best wishes.

GARAGE 6 x 6 metre, 3 x 3 metre toolshed, 3 x 3 metre carport all together, roller door, entry door, 2 sliding doors all steel construction $900 ono. Buyer to remove 0432579347

GIVE AWAY to good homes 2m x 2f cute & cuddly kittens, 8 weeks old, weaned, wormed & house trained. Phone 85662882 - 0439875009


THANKYOU KAPUNDA PIZZA BAR To all our valued customers, thankyou for all your support throughout our first year. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas & a wonderful New Year. Thankyou. We sincerely thank the local and surrounding CFS units, the St John ambulance and the local people who acted so promptly to control the recent fire at our home. Their quick thinking and action averted a disaster for which we are most grateful. Our thanks also go to those offering assistance since the fire. Also to the Tarlee CFS, Riverton ambulance and Robin & Coral, thank you for your response and invaluable assistance with Phillip's accident 4 days later. With our sincere appreciation. Gavin & Rosemary Dunn - Tarlee

FOR SALE Barossa New Life Church TREASURE CHEST - FURNITURE MART 10 Murray St, Nuriootpa Tel. 85622988 Monday - Friday 9am - 4pm Saturday 9am - 12pm All donations of furniture, clothing, bric-a-brac enable us to assist our Community BAROSSA VALLEY Country Furniture Paint Stripping Furniture Restoration Custom Made. David Bush 0419628222 CASH FOR BOTTLES & CANS. Wine bottles, batteries, phone Lange's Can & Bottle Depot on 85642292 for trading hours, 20 Newcastle St, Angaston. CLEARANCE SALE - Native tube stock & trees 1/2 price. Figs, Pomegranates $5, White Mulberrys $10. Lots more. Closed Wedesdays. Lifetime Nursery, Judd Road Lewiston. Ph: 85243172 DOMESTIC farm, pool and spa pump repairs. Complete workshop facilities also for electric fence energisers. New units, conversions to solar, tapes and insulators. Qualified tradesman. Ag Power Williamstown Road, Cockatoo Valley. 0408820024 DRUM KIT plus Zildjian symbols $400; Xylophone $70; Yamaha Electone Keyboard $150; white homework/writing desk $50; jumbo trampoline with safety nets $150; all exc. cond. Ring 0407570473 ENGEL & WAECO 12/24/240 volt fridge /freezers. All models. Best prices in the State. Gawler Fishing & Outdoors 85226200 FIREWOOD Quality seasoned. Split red. blue, sugar gum, mallee stumps sawn mallee & bags of kindling. Weighbridge docket supplied. Pickup or deliver AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY. Matthew Reimann, Firewood Supplies. 0413089743. Delivery available 7 days by appointment. Credit Cards now accepted. FISH/TURTLE tank on trolley with all accessories. $250 ono. Ph: 0411475151

GOSLINGS for sale approx. 2 months old $15 each. Ring after 5pm on 85811585 or 0438811351 HAY OATEN WHEATEN Hay from $35 roll Phone Peter & Bev Grocke 0429 694 058 or 8563 2113 HEELER PUPS 9 weeks old. 6 Male 3 Female. $150 Ph: 85252489 LEADLIGHT - Local, professional affordable leadlight. I'll come to you, or call at Gawler Glass Design studio, 58 Yettie Rd, Williamstown. Weekly classes. Bob Pirch 85247241 LEITZ MONOCULAR MICROSCOPE (Biological) 1880's, in excellent mechanical condition. PENTAX Monocular 7 x 21 with microscope attachment (near new). REMINGTON Electronic Air Purifier Ionizer (negative ion generator) as new (with instruction leaflet). OFFERS - Phone 85622384 LOUNGE for sale. One 2 seater & one 3 seater lounge matching in hard wearing material, charcoal in colour. Scotch guarded. Not very old. Ex cond. $500 ono Ph 0405307002 MAINS pressure blue line poly from $37 roll. Gawler Irrigation, Lot 11, Paxton Street, Willaston. Ph: 85232350 NEED A PUMP? For all your needs, Gawler Irrigation, Lot 11, Paxton Street, WILLASTON. Ph: 85232350 PLANTS - Natives, perennials, tube stock, water wise etc. MORNING STAR NURSERY Lot 1 Cossins St., Kapunda. Ph: 85663952. Open Thursday to Sunday 9am- 5pm. SELLING, BUYING .......? Advertise in the Herald classifieds, and get results! Giveaway ads are run for 1 week, FREE. You can now place your classified ad at Kapunda Newsagency, deadline is Monday 5.00p.m. Classified deadline 5.00pm Monday. (Maybe subject to change) Ph: 85632041, Fax: 85633655 or email STORMWATER 90mm pipe $13 and fittings. Gawler Irrigation Lot 11, Paxton Street, Willaston. 85232350 TOYS Just in time for Christmas. Sing Star electronic game. Kareoke for kids! Plugs into the TV. Complete with two cartridges. Batteries not included. $20 Leapster electronic game. Not old enough for a Nintendo? This suits ages 3-8. Complete with 8 games. Batteries not included. $100 o.n.o.V Smile game console. Plugs into the TV. Complete with 4 games. Batteries not included. Suits ages 3-8. $50 Call Tracey 0417 081 678

PERSONAL I am cheeky & I know I will make you very happy txt Sunny to 0400 390 440 $4.25/msg pair Help1300306250 I'll get you everytime 1902 267 123 $2.48pm pay/mobex CC: 1300 306 117

MT. PLEASANT area. Unrushed & personal 4 gents who prefer private. 0466964374 LOCAL CLEANER wanted for Barossa B&B apartments. Casual weekday /weekend work. ABN required. Call 85633511 for enquiries.

it Keepal! loc

PETS BELINDA'S PAMPERED PETS NURIOOTPA Professional dog clipping, heated hydrobathing, blowdrying & nails for all breeds. LARGE & SMALL by an animal lover. Ph: 0418810323

General Towing, breakdowns, caravans, boats, farm machinery

HOOTZ DOG GROOMING Mobile. Qualified groomer. Nuriootpa Ph: Justin 0406840020


HYDROPAWS 4pawfectpaws. Mobile nose to tail pet care. Heated hydrobath, blowdry, nails & clipping. Ph: Bridget 0488444542 VALLEY AQUARIUMS All Your Aquarium Needs •Tropical•Cold Water•Turtles •Axolotls•Live & Frozen Food •Filters/Pumps•Tanks & Stands Eftpos available Weekly Specials in Store 48b Murray Street Nuriootpa Open Hours Wednesday to Friday12pm til 5pm Saturdays & Sunday 11am til 3pm Ph: Richi 0425826464

LIVESTOCK J.W. SMART WOOLBUYERS PTY LTD. Will buy all types. Flexible hours. Ph: 0417878486 -

0404 856 309

CASH FOR CARS and scrap metal. Ph: 0404856309 NISSAN E20 Van. 5 seater, clean and tidy, A/C, LPG, new tyres. UCB-502 $3,000 ono. Ph: 0411475151

CARAVANS, TRAILERS & LA VISTA 18 FOOT TANDEM AXLE DELUXE 2011 AS NEW Air conditioning, Wineguard TV Ariel, 150Lt 3 way fridge, 3.5kg f/loader w/s machine, Queen bed, lead light cupboard doors, shower, toilet, outside fold down table, gas/electric hot water service, TV/DVD player and radio, roll out awning, 2x9kg Gas cylinders, S791TBK - Only $47,500 0429 665583


GARAGE SALES BARGAINS GALORE! - Furniture, bric-abrac, material & more. 32 Sturt Street, Angaston. Saturday 17th Dec. 8am - 4pm. BOWER SCHOOL HOUSE, Thiele Highway 8.00am. Sat & Sun Timber tables, new elec. Appliances, new glass ware, sm. Elec. Whipper snipper. Sm. Elec lawn mower. Queen, double, single beds, coffee tables and dining chairs, tables and garden table “all above furniture is ex recent display homes”. Kids car safety seats, office desks and drawers, trampoline (kit form), carpet, old cupboards, old trains' wall panels, olde world bits and pieces, old school desks with ink wells, cast iron fire place, some old bottles. HAVING A GARAGE SALE? Advertise in The Herald classifieds, and get results! All Garage Sale ads MUST be prepaid. You can now place your classified ad at Kapunda Newsagency, deadline is Monday 4.30 pm. Classified deadline 5.00pm Monday (Maybe subject to change) Ph: 85632041 Fax: 85633655 or email SAT 17TH 8.00am - 12 noon. 7A Third St, Nuriootpa, opp Mitre 10. Pre loved plants, new pictures and digital photo albums. SATURDAY 17th December. Handcrafted redgum furniture, craft supplies household items, collectables, kids motorbike & toys,curtain & quilt sets, retro cupboard, clothing & much more. 8am - 4pm. Angaston to Eden Valley Main Road. Look for white airplane & signs. SATURDAY 17th Nov. Open 7am - 12 pm. 24 Corella St., Nuriootpa. Just in time for Xmas! Kids toys, kitchenware, shed stuff, furniture & more. Come grab a coffee & a bargain! Follow the signs from Murray Street.



HAYMES - BOWEN Chris & Graeme of Blenheim, NZ., together with Chris & Tony of Nuriootpa, have great pleasure in announcing the marriage of Courtney & Sam on December 10, 2011, at Yalumba Winery at 3.00 p.m. Wishing you every happiness from family & friends.

GENERATORS NEW Aussie Brand 10KVA 16Hp petrol Key/Remote Start Auto Idle 32Ltr fuel 3 x 15amp, RRP $3500 Sell $1650 DELIVERED DIESEL Super Silent (60db) Low Spd 10kva to 37kva. BEST PRICES. Ph 0423 286 661 www.australiawidegenerators

SLUSHIE/FROZEN Cocktail Machine HOT CHOCOLATE Cocktail Machine PUCKER POWDER . FAIRY FLOSS Slush-a-Licous Phone Pina 0434141097 Family owned, locally operated.

FOR RENT TANUNDA - Large 1 b.r. unit, b.i.r., undercover parking, rainwater, airconditioned, centrally located, quiet area. NO PETS. Please phone 0413 308 563 after 5.00 p.m. to arrange for interview and inspection.

LOST & FOUND 1776559



LARGE dressing table with 3 drawers and mirror; lockable wooden storage cabinet 85663420

AJAX & STAMP 2 Jack Russell-X

Missing 19/7/11, Salisbury North, picked up by a car. Wh/tan dsx-m 9yo chipped. Shy, epilepsy - need vet Petsearch 1300 309 004 or family 8250 9910, 0401 848 928. Big Reward. Grieving widow, Help them return home for Xmas call with ANY info.

MISCELLANEOUS HERALD CHRISTMAS TRADING HOURS The Herald will be closed over the Christmas / New Year period from 12 Noon Tuesday 21 December, 2011 and will re-open from 8.30a.m. Wednesday 5 January, 2012. Our last edition published in 2011 will be on Wednesday 21 December and the first edition for 2012 will be Wednesday 11 January.

ANY SCRAP METAL Will pay cash for the removal of yours. Ph: 0412259039


ANYTHING WITH METAL Cash 4 cars, free collection. HAPPY SCRAPPY recycle it! 85630213 or 0406411117

HORSE AJISTMENT Nuriootpa Rd, Greenock. Good pasture, fences and shelter shed. Ph. 0417858211

Wednesday, December 14, 2011 - Page 32 - The Herald, Barossa Valley




ENTERTAINMENT FISHING CHARTERS Yorke Peninsula, from $200 p/p, ph 0417 877 016, .au

COMING EVENTS ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Need Help? Contact 83463255 Meeting: Friday's - C.W.A. Building Kapunda - 8pm.



The Herald will be closed over the Christmas/New Year period from 12 noon, Wednesday, December 21 and will reopen from 8.30am Wednesday, January 4, 2012.

Prepared by The Minister Confirmation of Public Meeting On 28 September 2011, the Barossa Valley and McLaren Vale Protection Districts Development Plan Amendment (DPA) was released for consultation to amend the following Development Plans: • Adelaide Hills Council Development Plan • Burnside (City) Development Plan • Light Regional Council Development Plan • Mid Murray Council Development Plan • Mitcham (City) Development Plan • The Barossa Council Development Plan • Onkaparinga (City) Development Plan.

Our last edition published in 2011 will be on Wednesday, December 21 and the first edition for 2012 will be Wednesday, January 11. WH1774170

ARTISANS AT GREENOCK MARKET Greenock Town Square Friday Evenings 5.30pm - 8.30pm Live music, food, wine, unique stalls. Oct 14th, Nov.11th, Dec. 9th, Jan.13th, Feb. 10th, March 9th. CASH AUCTION At Mount Pleasant Showgrounds Tuesday 20th December Start 9.30am - GOODS WANTED Contact Peter 85811752


The DPA proposes to support the intention of draft legislation for the Barossa Valley and McLaren Vale districts by introducing restrictions on the types of development expected in rural and non-rural areas, and promoting the retention of heritage values. Written submissions should be submitted no later than 19 December 2011 and be addressed to: The Presiding Member, Development Policy Advisory Committee Barossa Valley & McLaren Vale Protection Districts Development Plan Amendment • c/o Department of Planning and Local Government • Post: GPO Box 1815, Adelaide, SA 5001 • or by Email to:

When you place a display classified ad you can have a full colour logo or key parts of the text for only $55 on top of the price of the ad. Applicable to display: Positions Vacant, Coming Events, Public Notices and other boxed classifieds.

Your submission should clearly indicate whether you wish to be heard at the public meeting.

Stand out from the crowd! WH1778189

MEDITATION CLASSES KAPUNDA Starting 17 January 2012 Register your interest now! 0409-131038

Phone 8563 2041 or email:

TRURO new market starting 17th December held 3rd Saturday every month Weighbridge Motel Main Street, Truro 10am - 4pm. Variety stalls, hamburgers and devonshire teas. Glenda 0439845535


Registration Day for 2012 Season SUNDAY 15TH JANUARY, 2012 Nuriootpa Sports Centre Netta to Junior 1 11.00 to 12.30 Inter’s to Senior 1 12.30 – 2.00 Net-Set-Go (5 – 7 years) Can Register Name and details

New players welcome Uniform ordering available on the day. Sausage Sizzle for a gold donation If unable to attend Registration Day please advise the Secretary before 31st December 2011 to receive a Registration Pack. Payment and Registration completed by 13th January 2012



Pursuant to section 38 (5) of the Development Act, 1993 Notice is hereby given that an application comprising a CATEGORY 3 DEVELOPMENT has been lodged with the Council for a development assesment.

Details of the public meeting have now been finalised, and will be held at the following locations, at which time interested persons may appear to be heard in relation to the DPA and the submissions: • 7pm on Tuesday 13th March 2012 in the McLarens Room, Serafino McLaren Vale, Kangarilla Road, McLaren Vale • 7pm on Tuesday 20th March 2012 in the Chardonnay Room, Barossa Weintal Hotel/Motel, 235 Murray Street, Tanunda

If you would like more information about the DPA, please contact Steven Copus on telephone number 8303 0659 or via email at SECRETARY DEVELOPMENT POLICY ADVISORY COMMITTEE


Details of the application are as follows:DEVELOPMENT NO. 313/454/2011 APPLICANT ADDRESS Wasleys Bowling Club Inc The Secretary Care Post Office WASLEYS SA 5400 NATURE OF THE DEVELOPMENT Upgrading of lighting to the existing bowling club to include 4x12m high lighting towers SUBJECT LAND 19-23 Annie Terrace WASLEYS, Lot 56 DP 352, Lot 57 DP 352, Lot 58 DP 352, Hd Mudla Wirra CERTIFICATE OF TITLE Volume 5711 Folio 51



Liquor Licensing Act 1997 Notice of application

Liquor Licensing Act 1997 Gaming Machines Act 1992 Notice of Application

AAPC Properties Pty Ltd of c/- Foreman Legal, 69 Mount Barker Road, Stirling SA 5152 has applied to the Licensing Authority for Redefinition of Licensed Area, Variation to Extended Trading Authorisation and Variation to Entertainment Consent in respect of the premises situated at Golf Links Road Tanunda 5352 and known as the Novotel Barossa Valley Resort.

The application may be examined at the Offices of the Council located at 93 Main Street, Kapunda and 12 Hanson Street, Freeling, during normal business hours and any person or body affected may make relevant representations in writing concerning this application to reach the General Manager Development and Regulatory Services at PO Box 72, Kapunda SA 5373 not later than 5.00p.m. on Thursday, 5 January 2012. Each person making a submission should indicate whether that person wishes to appear personally or be represented by another party before the Council in support of that submission. Please note that, pursuant to Section 38 (8) of the Development Act, a copy of each representation received will be forwarded to the applicant for a written response. SIGNED: Lisa Sapio - Authorised Officer DATE: 14 December 2011

Copies of all public submissions will be available for inspection by interested persons at the Department of Planning and Local Government, Level 5, 136 North Terrace, from Tuesday 20 December 2011 until the conclusion of the public meeting, and will also be available for viewing on

The public meeting may not be held if no submissions are received or if no-one requests to be heard. Please check the Department of Planning and Local Government’s website before the scheduled date of the meeting to find out whether it is being held.



THE FUN OF THE FAIR for hire or percentage for any event. Kiddy rides, bouncers, games, thrill rides & food vans. Ph: 0408810202 or 0437810200

The Secretary Nuriootpa Netball Club P.O. Box 987, NURIOOTPA 5355 Email:



The following is sought in the application: • Redefinition of licensed area as per plans lodged • Variation to existing Extended Trading Authorisation to include the abovementioned area • Variation to existing Entertainment Consent to include the abovementioned area The application has been set down for hearing on 11/01/2012 at 11.00am. Any person may object to the application by lodging a notice of objection in the prescribed form with the Liquor and Gambling Commissioner, (and serving a copy of the notice on the applicant) at least 7 days before the hearing date (viz 04/01/2012). The applicant's address for service is C/- Foreman Legal, 69 Mount Barker Road, Stirling SA 5152. The application and certain documents and material (including plans) relevant to the application may be inspected without fee at a place and during a period specified by the Liquor and Gambling Commissioner, Chesser House, Level 3, 91-97 Grenfell Street Adelaide SA 5000 Ph 8226 8655 Fax 8226 8512 Email DATED: 06/12/2011. APPLICANT: AAPC Properties Pty Ltd. This Notice is advertised by:

Keogh Family Investments Pty. Ltd. ACN 154 080 458 of C/- Foreman Legal, 69 Mount Barker Road, Stirling SA 5152 has applied to the licensing authority for a Transfer of Hotel & Gaming Machine Licence in respect of premises situated at Murray Street, Greenock SA 5360 and known as the Greenock Creek Tavern. The application has been set down for hearing on 05/01/2012 at 10.30am. Any person may object to the application by lodging a notice of objection in the prescribed form with the Liquor and Gambling Commissioner, (and serving a copy of the notice on the applicant) at least 7 days before the hearing date (viz 04/01/2012). The applicant’s address for service is C/- Foreman Legal, 69 Mount Barker Road, Stirling SA 5152. The application and certain documents and material (including plans) relevant to the application may be inspected without fee at a place and during a period specified by the Liquor and Gambling Commissioner, Chesser House, Level 3, 91-97 Grenfell Street, Adelaide SA 5000. Ph: 8226 8655, Fax: 8226 8512, Email: DATED: 06/12/2011. APPLICANT: Keogh Family Investments Pty. Ltd. BIRNIE SANDERS HOTEL BROKERS 3 Wood Grove, Hazelwood SA 5066 Attention: Mary Birnie, ph: 8338 7381 this Notice is advertised by FOREMAN LEGAL 69 Mount Barker Road, Stirling SA 5152 Solicitor for the Applicant Attention: Philip Foreman, ph: 8370 8500


MASSAGE Therapeutic, Aromatherapy, Pregnancy Massage, Aromatherapy Pamper Packages, Myofacial Release, Reiki. 7 years professional experience. Gift vouchers & Pensioner discounts available. Consulting in Kapunda. Liz Ronan. Ph:85663125 or 0400760010


NAILS, makeup & spray tanning. FULL SET ACRYLIC NAILS $45 Phone Lisa 0417658188 Williamstown


FOREMAN LEGAL 69 Mount Barker Road, Stirling SA 5152 Solicitor for the Applicant Attention: Philip Foreman Tel: 8370 8500

Wednesday, December 14, 2011 - Page 33 - The Herald, Barossa Valley



Agricultural Technical Officers - Piggery We are seeking suitably qualified staff for our Piggery operations in South Australia, based at regional sites near Wasleys, Sheaoak Log, Murray Bridge and Tailem Bend. Formal qualifications in Agriculture to at least Diploma level and previous piggery experience are essential. Applicants with Cert 3 in Agriculture or Piggery management and at least 18 months experience will also be considered. Knowledge and experience in workplace health and safety, and piggery quality assurance and food safety will be an advantage.

Applicants for the Cellarhand positions should be highly motivated with good interpersonal skills. Previous winery experience would be an advantage but is not essential as on the job training will be provided.

• Supervision and implementation of methods, techniques and procedures , relating to efficient and budgeted production of breeding, farrowing and/or growing pig areas of piggery management • Daily monitoring and treatment of animal health - including the administration of vaccines and medications when required • Keeping accurate and comprehensive records including livestock movements, inventories, reproductive records and stock weights • Assisting in controlled breeding and/or growing pig trials and experiments • Training piggery staff according to Standard Operating procedures and Quality Management standards • Understanding and assistance in facility and equipment maintenance programs would be an advantage

It is anticipated that Induction and Training for these positions will take place towards the end of January or early February 2012 with a view to covering the peak Vintage period until April 2012. It is essential that applicants be able to work shift-work. Hours of work will be dependent on placement, however overtime and some weekend work may be required.

Applications close at 5pm Friday 23 December 2011


$4000 Government Training Incen ves are available for *eligible par cipants making the course cost neutral!

Call to discuss (08) 8562 2122

Community Centre Manager

I can develop the therapeutic environment my clients and colleagues need to thrive. Being able to really listen to and understand my clients’ circumstances, I can make a genuine difference to their lives. At SA Health, I can find the perfect career through rewarding interactions with both clients and colleagues.

Diversional Therapist Eudunda Hospital Job Ref: 499188



The Herald is the largest circulating country newspaper in South Australia with an audited weekly distribution of 21,400 copies. We require the services of at least one person for the inserting of catalogues and folding of 1000 papers in preparation for household distribution in Hewett & Gawler East on Tuesday evenings.

For further information please contact the Hewett Centre - 28 Kingfisher Drive, Hewett S.A. 5118 8522 4938 (during office hours)

Functions Coordinator HEWETT CENTRE A new community complex in Hewett S.A, is seeking applications for a Permanent part-time Functions Coordinator. The role will require the successful applicant to be responsible for liaison with Caterers promoting and organising conferences, functions and events at the Centre. Applicants need to be experienced in Corporate Functions, Volunteer Coordination, OHS&E, Promotion and Marketing, Business and Financial Administration with Reporting and Computer experience. Out of Hours and weekend work is a requirement of this role.

...really connect with my clients

Phone enquiries to the Manager, Tony Swan, on 8563 2041


For further information please contact the Hewett Centre - 28 Kingfisher Drive, Hewett S.A. 5118 8522 4938 (during office hours)

Roof Seal Rural 20 Main Street Kapunda SA 5373

Tel: (08) 8566 2922 Fax: (08) 8566 2321

ATTENTION - Closing date for both applications is 19th December 2011

requires an

ABN 57 008 156 769 Startech Pty Ltd

to commence 30th January 2012 For further details regarding job specifications for the above postion please contact: The Principal Darren Stevenson Tanunda lutheran School 16 Maria Street TANUNDA SA 5352

Fantastic opportunity to join the lucrative home improvement industry. Roof Seal Rural has a position available for the right person to join the well established roofing company operating from Kapunda. This is to purchase a franchise to do the roof restoration. All work is supplied in the purchase price. You receive training, all the equipment you require to perform the work, including trailer, high pressure cleaner, spray machine and hand tools. All you need is a reliable car.

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Self Emploment Opportunity



TANUNDA LUTHERAN SCHOOL Early Learning Centre Educator (0.4)

Tanunda Lutheran Home

HEWETT CENTRE A new community complex in Hewett S.A, is seeking applications for a Permanent part-time Community Centre Manager. The role will require the successful applicant to be responsible for the day to day needs of the Centre while organising the community programmes and events. Applicants need to be experienced in community based organisations competent in Grant Application, Volunteer Coordination, OHS&W, Promotion and Marketing, Business and Financial Administration with Reporting and Computer experience. Some weekend and out of hours work will be required.




Sue Caloghiris Bibber International PO Box 146 Glenelg SA 5045

Applications should be forwarded for the attention of: The Winery Manager Penfolds Wines P.O. Box 21, NURIOOTPA SA 5355 Applications close 21st December 2011


Please provide a current CV outlining qualifications experience and Australian resident status (if applicable) to:

MAINTENANCE WORKER Temporary position TLH is a large aged care residential facility with a Christian philosophy of care. Fixed contract position of approximately six months commencing early January. The applicant is to be available for after hour’s rostered on-call duties, empathy with the aged and experienced in a wide range of maintenance tasks to repair buildings, plant and equipment. A trade qualification would be highly regarded. Excellent conditions, award rates and salary sacrifice benefits. Contact Allan Smith, Maintenance Manager on 8563 7720 for a job specification or email Applications to Allan Smith, Tanunda Lutheran Home, 27 Bridge Street, Tanunda 5352 by 21st December. WH1778468


APPRENTICESHIP ELECTRICAL Reftec are seeking a hardworking, enthusiastic apprentice to join our Electrical Division. Enjoy an excellent variety of work in the Barossa Valley. Applicants must be self-motivated, have excellent communication skills, be able to work in a team environment & hold a current drivers licence. Resumes to: Reftec Refrigeration Pty Ltd P.O. Box 158 Tanunda SA 5352 Or phone 8563 2855 for application form.


Some shift and weekend work will be required.

Phone 08 8563 2456 Email: Applications close Friday, 16th December 2011

CELLARS We are seeking applications for casual positions for the 2012 Vintage period in the Cellars at our Nuriootpa winery.


The position will involve (but is not limited to):



Applications Close 21/12/2011

The purchase price is $35K with the potential to earn $1,000 to $3,000 per week. Roof Seal Rural has been established in the rural area for the past 23 years. We service from Gawler to Whyalla, Yorke Peninsula and the Riverland. The right person would be fit, enthusiastic with a good work ethic. If this sounds like you contact our office on 8566 2922.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011 - Page 34 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


GOLF Mid North Golf Association A Grade Pennant Last Saturday the Mid North Golf Association held their season ending pennant finals for 2011 with Barossa Valley playing against their arch rival Tanunda Pines for bragging rights and glory in the A grade. After the round robin minor rounds Barossa Valley were top of the table after winning two and halving another match out of their three played matches. Tanunda Pines finished second with two out of three wins followed closely by Clare who could only manage one win for their three matches. Finishing in fourth spot was Gawler who managed a tie in their three matches. With no home ground advantage allowed the finals were set to be at Gawler Golf Club which has tight fairways, and fast greens. Noon came around on Saturday and opponents cast against each other in groups of two. Could Barossa claim their third Pennant title in three years or would the underdog jump up and snatch glory for themselves? Peter Alderson from Barossa Valley (BVGC) was first to hit off against Lachlan Mackenzie of Tanunda Pines (TPGC) followed by Paul McCarthy (BVGC) versus Bill Bailey (TPGC). Ty Turnbull (BVGC) was then paired with Brett Grocke (TPGC). Richard Nairn (BVGC) was set to face off against Jamie Blechynden (TPGC) with the final pairing of Zak Fuller (BVGC) and Dylan Goers (TPGC) hitting off in the last match. Match play Pennants is a simple game where all you


have to do is beat your opponent in more holes than they beat you. Club stalwart and now three- time pennant winner Peter Alderson was the first person back in the clubhouse with a convincing win of 5/4 (5 holes up with 4 to play). 2011 BVGC Club Champion Richard Nairn was next back in the clubhouse with a similar result winning 5/4 also. This gave BVGC a 2-0 lead with three matches still in the balance. After 16 holes all three of these matches were all square and could have gone either way depending on the nerves, bounce of the ball or roll of the green. Flexing his powerful muscles was Ty Turnbull who finished strongly to record a win of 2/1 over Brett Grocke. This was enough for Barossa Valley to take out the Pennant final leading 3-0 with only two matches left to complete. Enter Paul McCarthy (BVGC and Kapunda) Club Champion more times than Port Power lost last year (that’s a lot by the way) who had the closest battle of the day finishing all square with Bill Bailey after neither player could break away going down the tough 18th. Zak Fuller was the last player to complete his match eventually taking the honours as he won 2/1 over Dylan Goers giving Barossa Valley a 4 ½ - ½ victory over Tanunda Pines. The group at Barossa Valley Golf Club is now as strong as ever with four players having participated in all 3 of the 2009/2010/2011 finals. They are Peter Alderson, Paul McCarthy, Ty Turnbull and Zak Fuller. Other players who have played in 1 winning final are Richard Nairn (2011), Jason Alderson (2010) and Craig Berndt (2009). Other members of Barossa

WORK WANTED GARDEN & YARD Maintenance; General Domestic - Rubbish Removal; Small Trees Trimmed; General Tidy Up; And much more all at affordable rates Pensioner Rates from $19p/hr All Enquiries KAVERIEK ENTERPRISES Ph: 0432579347 HOME CLEANING & IRONING - $15 off first reg. service so you try us out. Ph: Carolyn or Nat till 8pm daily incl. w/ends. 0409691576

Casual Vineyard Hand – Barossa Valley Start on a career path with Treasury Wine Estates Several opportunities exist for an enthusiastic and self-motivated Casual Vineyard Hand to join our team at our Barossa Valley Vineyards. Our site's emphasis is on quality, safety and operational efficiency through the application of best practise techniques. This role is ideal for an enthusiastic person keen to start in the industry. We will provide all training to get you started and skilled up for vintage operations, there is scope for the right candidate to become a permanent part of our team. Reporting to the Vineyard Supervisor, you will be responsible for carrying out a broad range of day-to-day viticultural activities. Get hands on with machine operations, pest and disease control, pruning, harvesting, record keeping and HSE practices. Enthusiasm, self drive, confidence, flexibility and great interpersonal skills will see you succeed and quickly become a part of the Barossa Valley vineyards team. You hold a current driver's license and are able to undertake shift work and overtime as necessary. Remuneration is comparable to the highest in the industry.

PAINTER Local experience. Quality work. Free quote. Ph: Peter 0417805982 Lic. No. BLD48086 ROLLER shutter repairs 08 85662922

PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CHIROPRACTOR. Dr Kana Nathan 39 Murray St, Angaston. Consulting Saturdays Ph. 85642882 CIVIL CELEBRANT - Angela Nielsen Ceremonies designed for you. Marriages, namings, committment and renewal of vows. Ph: 0408107940 or 85642773 LEADLIGHT STUDIO make new, repair old, traditional to contemporary. For quality & competitive prices contact Tracy 85246959 Willliamstown

Applications to: Attention Vineyard Manager, PO Box 283 Nuriootpa SA 5355. Additional information including a position description can be obtained from calling the Vineyard Office; (08) 8568 8200 Applications close: 23rd December 2011.


Start your career in viticulture! Apply today.

HANDS ON DOGS Providing services for your dogs. Grooming, massage, convalescence care. Call Jenny on 85232452 Gawler or 0423 474 287

Valley Golf Club who have represented us over these years are Josh Gerhardy, Bob Perry, Steve Eygenraam, Jamie Clarbull, Andrew Oats, Graham Bethune, and Graham Hill.

RIFLE SHOOTING KAPUNDA J & D Hoerisch trophy contested at 700 yards on Saturday, December 3 at the Kapunda Rifle Club. A full and grey overcast day with a variable and swinging right side SW breeze greeted 15 shooters at the 700 yards mound to contest the J & D Hoerisch trophy. The light was ideal enabling everyone to sight the mirage flowing across the targets thereby giving shooters the choice of flags movement and the mirage to determine their calculations of sights adjustments for hopefully a good score. The fluctuations in wind strength and direction gave cause for many shooters to log a less than ordinary score for their first of the 2 rounds match at this distance. As the afternoon proceeded so did the weather improve with clearing scattered light cloud and a strengthening wind still swinging 30 - 40 degrees and varying from 4 - 12mph at times. The last round was an exercise of frustration with the quick changes in unsettled conditions, very unforgiving. This change in conditions created some havoc among the club’s competitive shooters of many years’ experience. The end of match scores showed just how difficult the day had been with only one shooter - Graham Davies, reaching his handicap limit to win the match trophy and Bob Ireland taking the honours of Top Off Rifle and Sniper, both shooters in the Target Rifle class. In F Class ( scoped rifle ) again it wasn’t easy even with a scope to sight through as their scores too were very ordinary but Peter Larsen came through as winner of the Handicap trophy followed by Lynn Otto and husband Trevor taking out the Top Off Rifle and Sniper respectively. Junior shooter Scott Larsen shot an excellent 57.4 /60.10 to win in round 1 against some very experienced competition, well done Scott. Scott is the son of Handicap winner Peter. Scores Fullbore (TR): B Ireland - R1: 46.3, R2: 44.1 - 90.4, H/c 4.25; G Davies - 43.0, 46.2 - 89.2, 13; T Klose 46.3, 41.1 - 87.4, 7.25; J Hoerisch - 45.1, 42.1 87.2, 5.25; B Kaueske - 45.2, 42.0 - 87.2; B Lindner 44.1, 42.1 - 86.2, 6.5; S Barrie - 39.0, 43.1 - 82.1, 14.5. F Class: L Otto - R1: 55.4, R2: 52.0 - 107.4, H/c 4.75; S Larsen - 57.4, 47.3 - 104.7; J Taylor - 50.0, 54.2 104.2, 10.25; T Otto - 54.1, 50.1 - 104.2, 5.5; S Smithson - 53.3, 48.0 - 101.3; P Larsen - 53.0, 48.1 - 101.1, 16.25; G Neldmer - 49.1, 46.1 - 95.2, 14.25; A Kerrin - 48.0, 46.0 - 94.0, 12.5. Next Saturday, December 17, is the club’s Christmas match at 700 yards with a fun, relaxed one round only ‘take a prize-win a prize’ event. Please bring your your own meat for the barbecue and contribution of salads and sweets and also assistance with the range setup for a 1:15pm start - thanks.

STARPLEX Basketball Monday juniors 12 and under/semi-finals: Division One - Storm d Jets 25-16; Barossa d Little Lions 27-18. Division Two - Undertakers d Barossa Bulldogs 48-14; Craigmore Big-Birds d Brookers 1 12-2. 14 and under/semi-finals: Craigmore Flight d Hawks 40-3; Sharks d Raiders 23-22. 16 and under/semi-finals: Craigmore Thunder d Barossa Red 21-15; Red Dragons d Barossa Bulldogs 31-21. Monday evening men Division One: He Got Game d Flight Team 53-29; Crumpet Squad d Wizards 46-42; Run & Gun d Shooting Blanks 53-40; By The Beard Of Chuck d Blitzers 50-42; M & M’s d Wolverines 40-37. Division Two: Shakers d Dilligaf 41-38; Wreckless d Turbos 37-20; Black Knights d Flames 31-21; Orlango Bujic d Kings 46-41; Hurricanes d Off In The Shower 36-21.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011 - Page 35 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

SPORTS Tuesday daytime ladies Phantoms 37 d Rhondauves 22; Flukes 35 d Organized Kaos 19; Flamin Flamingos 28 d Cheeky Chicks 21. Tuesday juniors Under 8s: Central Little Lions 8 d Williamstown Giants 2; Rockstars 4 d Redbacks 0; Lightning 8 d Angle Vale Foxes 0; Tigers 28 d Dragons 4. 10 and under: Run N Gun 18 d Barossa 2 12; Red Devils 14 drew with Brookers 14; Central Lions 8 d Barossa 1 6; Celtics 14 d Allstars 10; Starplex Hawks 20 d Sudden Impact 10; Badge Roos 12 d Wild Lions 4. Thursday night mixed Spurtics 61 d Ultim8’s 47; Black Magic 52 d It’s Only Social 49; Chicken 73 d Beamers 16; Comets 49 d Steelers 31; 69ers 60 d 5 Stars 50. Netball Monday night ladies Pythons 39 d South 16; Purple 34 d Don’t Care 7; South Gawler 41 d Krazy Kats 8; Trinity College 23 d Fumble Beez 7; Jitterbugs 35 d Randoms 13; Meatloaf 32 d The Bitties 16; Southies 35 d Gotacks 25; Wild Turkeys 46 d Watch Out 26; Checkmates 39 d Bulldozers 21; Barossa High 5’s 31 d Xavier 29. Tuesday evening mixed Lol 23 d The Destroyers 4; Whateva Treva 24 d Power Rangers 17; That’s What She Said 23 d Hi Viz Heros 17; Dirty Beaches 27 d Demdem 8; Cant Touch This 36 d S Club 7 16; Balls Of Steal 19 d Team Phat 16; Black Thunders 39 d Bitty 7’s 12. Wednesday junior netball 11 and under: Trinity 4 11 d Trinity 5 6; Trinity 3 23 d South Gawler 4; Trinity 2 20 d Trinity 1 5; 13 and under: Trinity 2 13 d Trinity 7 11; Trinity 3 53 d Trinity 5 5; Trinity 1 16 d Trinity 4 11. 16 and under: Inter 1 - Trinity 4 35 d Trinity 1 7; Trinity 3 42 d Trinity 5 4; Trinity 1 20 d Trinity 6 18. Inter 2 - Trinity 2 22 d Trinity 3 8; Trinity 4 44 d Trinity 5 6. Wednesday evening ladies Mels Army 36 d Mixed Nuts 21; Bits & Pieces 37 d Tosnc Blue 32; Mallala 30 d Family Affairs 13; Pink Bits 37 d Mamma Bears 22; Escapees 33 d Trinity 1 16; Nite Flyers 27 d Trinity 3 19; Triple S 25 d Donnybrooks 24; Diamonds 35 d Two Wells Roosters 20; Dirt Diamonds 28 d Trinity 2 13; Lollipops 37 d Trinity 6 4; The Fruit Loops 24 d Trinity 5 21; Tigers 23 d Kmp 21. Wednesday evening mixed Skalliwags 18 d All Blacks 8; Rasclas 32 d Sparkle Motion 12; Masterclass 22 d The Fat Pack 6. Friday ladies daytime Barely There 30 d Skittles 8; Mummas 26 d Teals 21; Lady Birds 28 d Straight Up 25. The November competition results were interesting, and the Monday first were Adelaide Abbott and Miles White with 76 Master Points, followed by Hans Haan 54, and third was Jim Hayes 43. On Wednesdays first were Peter Robinson and Evan Allanson with 98, followed by Joan Lee and Kevin Jones 52. Third were Elaine Kenny, Toni Harvey and Hans Haan all on 33.

BRIDGE BAROSSA On Monday night, at four tables first were Mary Clerk and Evan Allanson with 60.7%, followed by Pam and Max Jahn 54.5%, Adelaide Abbott and Miles White 53.6%, Eunice Kampman and Jim Hayes 53.3%, Rhonda Wallace and Jill Allanson 52.7%, Joan Lee and Kevin Jones, Joan and Howard Haese all on 40%. On Wednesday at five tables first were Hans Haan and Jim Hayes 64.8%, followed by Joan and Howard Haese 57.4%, Joan Lee and Kevin Jones 56.5%, Elaine Kenny and Alec Harris 55.6%, Fran Hannan and Ron Male 52.8%, Toni Harvey and Helen Farrelly 48.5%, Trish Page and Ziggy Mentz 45.8%, Chris Stutley and Peta Connor 40.7%, Annie Hatcher and Judy Fechner, Peter Robinson and Evan Allanson all on 40%. Today is another fantastic afternoon of food and bridge at Hans Haan winery. This will be our last Wednesday event for the year so all welcome. Monday, December 19 will be our last game for 2011 So Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all.


Homers help


Barossa, Light and Gawler tennis Senior results

Division One: Kapunda 8-8-73 def by 8-875 Lyndoch; Xavier Saints 5-5-65 def by 11-11-101 Roseworthy; Tanunda 0-0-0 def by 16-16-108 Vine Vale. Lyndoch secured an excellent two-game victory over Kapunda. The close matches have tilted in Kapunda’s favour this year, however, Lyndoch was determined not to be another statistic. Lyndoch’s men led by the experienced Edward Liebelt and Alan Carmody secured the tight win in winning their singles matches. In other matches Roseworthy secured a 11 sets to 5 win over a determined Xavier Saints team at Essex Park. Despite good singles win by Xavier’s Damian McGee over Jayden Ruediger (7-5) and Robert Polito over Robert Janssen (6-4) Roseworthy were too strong on the day. In the ladies Xavier’s Jayne Polito scored a good 6-4 win over Mel Leeflang however Roseworthy’s Coreena Brighton, Melissa and Courtney Ruciack all won their singles matches to give Roseworthy the edge.

Division Two: Lyndoch 8-8-74 def by 8-8-76 Willaston; South Gawler White 9-9-85 def 7-7-66 Tanunda Black; Nuriootpa 12-1299 def 4-4-41 Tod Street; Tanunda White 99-81 def 7-7-79 South Gawler Blue.

INFLUENCE: Jimmy Hope had a good game for Rangers in Division Three with three hits, one pictured, and inset, a catch at left field.

By ROBERT LAIDLAW BACK-to-back home runs fueled a runscoring assault by Gawler Rangers in their 6-3 baseball win over fourthplaced Woodville on Saturday. The victory means Rangers stay in the fight for a top four berth in Division Three. Leading 2-1 going into the third inning, with two out, Andre Benjamin became the first Gawler player this season to hit a home run. One pitch later Sam Murphy became the second. After giving up a run in the first frame, the Rangers hit the lead in the second inning when Rick Leonard and Shaun Clark singled, both runners circling the bases after a wild throw. The big blows from the ‘bash brothers’ in the third extended the advantage to 4-1, with Woodville pulling one run back in the fourth inning. Gawler made the game safe in the sixth frame when Benjamin ran out a bunt down the third-base line and Ricky Clark singled, both runners scoring on Leonard's triple to make it 6-2. Benjamin had pitched well for the first six frames, giving up five hits and striking out eight batters, with Leonard finishing the game on the mound in the seventh inning, restricting the damage to one run, although leaving the bases loaded. It was a good team effort by the Rangers, with batters from one to eight collecting hits. Other highlights included two fine catches by shortstop Murphy - one a

diving stop and the other an over-theshoulder back-to-the-plate gem. In a controversial finish, the Rangers B grade lost 7-8 to Goodwood but may yet be awarded the game depending on a protest lodged at league headquarters. After six innings of the game had been completed Gawler led 5-4, with the umpire announcing the end of the contest, but Goodwood appealed there was still several minutes left and another inning was played. Gawler coach Mark Amphlett announced to the umpire he would play the inning under protest, with Goodwood adding another four runs and holding the Rangers to just two in reply. In Division Seven, Gawler lost 317 to Playford City. For the first time this season, all four of the club’s junior teams tasted success. Gawler Rangers under 14s finally cracked a win after playing competitive baseball over the past month, beating Henley & Grange 12-7, with Thomas Norley leading the way with a good pitching effort. With a five-run final inning, Gawler’s second under 14 team beat Southern Districts 12-7, with Ethan Ly collecting three hits, while Jake Jarvis and Ben Mayfield shared pitching duties. Little League Majors held on in an exciting contest to beat East Torrens 11-9 after restricting the opposition to just one run in the final inning. The Little League Minors broke open a10-10 tied ball-game in the final inning when Pike Cooper scored on Kale White’s ground out.

Division Three Gawler Rangers 0 2 2 0 0 2 0 -6 Woodville 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 -3 Hits: Andre Benjamin 2 (hr), Rick Leonard 2, Dylan Winning, Sam Murphy (hr), Ricky Clark, Shaun Clark, James Parker, Liam Holland. Division Five Goodwood 8 d Gawler Rangers 7. Hits: Jimmy Hope 3, Tyson Bowden 2, Steve Allen 2, James Sheekey 2, Mark Amphlett, Steve Van Poorten, Ben Grima, Craig Percy, Trevor Norley. Division Seven Playford City 17 d Gawler Rangers 3. Hits: James Harkness, Adam Soar, Graham Fischer, Trevor Norley. Under 14 Gawler Rangers 12 d Henley & Grange 7. Hits: - Sebastian Benn 2, James Gillard-Martin 2, Thomas Norley 2, Michael Walton 2, Callum Borchard, Jordan Holmes, Hamish Nemeth-Webb, Josh Young. Gawler B 12 d Southern Districts 7. Hits: Ethan Ly 3, Ben Mayfield 2, Jake Jarvis. Little League Majors Gawler Rangers 11 d East Torrens 9. Hits: Jack Jenkins 2, Zakeray Heintze-Unger, Declan Gillard-Martin, Brodie Ewen, Cooper Amphlett, Matthew Young. Little League Minors Gawler Rangers 11 d Redsox 10. Hits: Kale White, Hunter Powell, Wyatt Ryan, Bailey Smith. This week: Saturday - Division Three v Kensington at home, 4pm; Division Five v East Torrens at home, 1.30pm; Division Seven v East Torrens at home 11am. Sunday - Under 14 A v GGCD away, 10am; Under 14 B v West Torrens at home, 12.30pm; LL Majors v Woodville away, 10am; LL Minors v Port Adelaide away, 10am.

PETANQUE Sunday was a great day as the club celebrated its Christmas lunch. The club members played a game before lunch and a game after lunch. A big thank you to Shauna Gejas and all who helped with the lunch. Game 1: Ben Saunders / Harvey Walker (junior) d Roland Pye (visitor) / Les Roud 13-0; Alan Colinson / Cameron Paul (junior) d Iris Stephenson / Luke Randall (junior) 13-7; Jeff Watson / John Rex (visitor) / Lauchlan Paul (junior) d John Gejas / Rob Mitchell / Bailey Hanberger (junior,visitor) 13-12.

Game 2: Ben Saunders / John Rex (visitor) d Roland Pye (visitor) / Rob Mitchell 13-1; Margaret Randall / John Gegas / Cameron Paul (junior) d Roud / Lauchlan Paul (junior) 13-8; Luke Randall (junior) / Jeff Watson d Alan Colinson / Bailey Hanberger (junior,visitor) 13-8. NOTE: Sunday, December 18 will be the last get together for the year. Meeting at 1.30pm at Gawler. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all members and their families. Gawler Petanque Club usually meets at 1.30pm on Sundays at Essex Park,Victoria Terrace, Gawler. For more information contact Margaret Randall on 8563 1323 or 042 631 323.

Division Three: Willaston Blue 9-9-65 def 7-7-67 Cockatoo Valley; Viringia White v Keyneton; Vine Vale 10-10-79 def 6-6-58 Willaston United; Virginia Green 11-11-75 def 5-5-46 Willaston Red. After some discussion regarding the playing format, games commenced with the mixed doubles between Willaston United and Vine Vale. Vine Vale obtained a handy lead after the mixed and kept this lead all day. Willaston United mounted a small come back in the singles winning 5 of the 8 singles. Losing 10 sets to 6. Strong performances were put in by the doubles combination of Nathan Radley and Alex Heidenreich from Vine Vale. All junior players are reminded about the successful Gawler Junior Tournament to be played January 2-4 at Essex Park, Gawler. Download an entry form at A reminder about bringing alcohol into the Essex Park courts. A condition of the liquor licence rules prohibits alcohol to be brought into the courts. Thank you for your co-operation and a good supply of beer, wine, and spirits is available at the bar at reasonable prices. Barossa, Light and Gawler junior combined Division One Boys: Freeling 5-37 def Angaston 1-18; Xavier Saints 6-42 def Freeling /Tanunda 0-13. Division Two Boys: Vine Vale 5-39 def Lyndoch Red 1-20; Xavier Saints 6-44 def Trinity College 0-14. Division One Girls: Willaston United 3-31 def Marananga 3-26; Kapunda 4-38 def Lyndoch 2-33; Xavier Saints 5-37 def Trinity College 1-27. Division Two Girls: Tanunda 4-29 def Angaston 2-26; Lyndoch 5-43 def Kapunda 1-28. Barossa and Light juniors Division Three: Tanunda White 5-34 def Lyndoch 1-21; Nuriootpa 6-36 def Tanunda Black 0-12; Angaston 5-31 def Kapunda 110; Moculta 4-30 def Tanunda Silver 2-24. Division Four: Tanunda Silver 3-29 def Nuriootpa 3-26; Tanunda Black 6-36 def Vine Vale 0-5; Lyndoch 4-33 def Tanunda White 2-23; Kapunda 5-33 def Angaston 111. Division Five: Keyneton 3-31 def Tanunda 327; Lyndoch 3-27 def Freeling 3-23; Marananga 5-34 def Kapunda 1-13. Division Six: Nuriootpa 4-31 def Tanunda White 2-27; Tanunda Black 5-34 def Vine Vale White 1-25; Angaston 4-28 def Kapunda Red 2-28; Freeling 4-31 def Kapunda Black 2-20. Division Seven (Green Ball): Freeling 4-29 def Tanunda Black 2-28; Keyneton 3-25 def Vine Vale White 3-23; Angaston Blue 2-24 def Vine Vale Black 4-33; Kapunda 4-34 def Angaston White 2-21; Nuriootpa 4-30 def Vine Vale Green 2-26; Tanunda White 4-30 def Tanunda Silver 2-24. Orange Ball: Freeling Red 0-20 def Tanunda 0-10 (drawn: 6-0); Angaston 0-19 def Kapunda 0-15 (drawn: 6-6-0); Freeling Blue 0-14 drew Nuriootpa 0-14 (drawn: 6-0). Reminder: Results and premiership tables can be accessed on the web GDTA juniors Junior Tournament entries close Saturday, December 17 at noon. Entry forms online or at Association courts.

Division Three Boys: Round 7 - Lutheran St Georges 6-36 def Lutheran St Georges Black 0-12; Xavier Saints 4-32 def Riverton 2-17; Willaston 4-31 def Trinity College Blue 2-25. Division Three Girls: Round 7 - Lutheran St Georges 4-30 def Xavier Saints 2-26; Riverton 3-27 def Trinity College 3-21. Division Four Boys: Round 7 - Xavier Saints Rust 5-33 def Willaston 1-17; Roseworthy 6-37 def Xavier Saints Black 0-11. Division Four Girls: Round 7 - Lutheran St Georges 6-36 def Willaston 0-13; Trinity College Red 4-27 def Trinity College Blue 2-24; Trinity College Gold 3-27 def Xavier Saints 3-22.

FOREHAND: Anne-Marie Brown of Kapunda prepares to return in her singles match against Lyndoch on Saturday. Division Five Boys: Round 7 - Trinity College Blue 6-37 def Willaston 0-14; Trinity College Gold 4-31 def Trinity College White 2-20. Night tennis Monday Night Red/White: Peckers 7-54 def Freeling Outsiders 5-48; Cana’balls 862 def Gully Breezes 4-43; Woodies 9-68 def Via Allendale 3-39; Maranock 8-64 def Kapunda 4-45; Angaston All Stars 6-56 def Barossa Blues 6-55. Monday Night Blue: Whose Fault 7-55 def The Whackits 5-49; Nuts 4 Tennis 8-61 def Keyneton 4-33.

Wednesday Night Red: Tanunda Down Under 10-67 def Lyndoch Leftovers 2-37; Toyota Cruisers 6-52 def Nuri Chasers 649; The Bye 10-72 def VVTC Bottles 2-44; Gibson Wines 7-59 def Angaston Panthers 5-46. Wednesday Night White: Team Racket 1272 def What a Racquet 0-18; Stablemates 8-63 def Mixers 4-43; Hermansberg 6-51 def Match Fixers 6-49; Rebels 10-66 def Loose Cannons 2-26. Wednesday Night Blue: Tiggers 6-60 def Angaston Blues 6-57; Making a Racquet 758 def Parrots 5-56; Havin a Ball 6-59 def Manooknas 6-55.

Barossa and Light Tennis Association premierships Seniors Division One R Team P 1 Kapunda 8 2 Roseworthy 8 3 Nuriootpa 7 4 Lyndoch 8 5 Vine Vale 7 6 Tanunda 8 7 Xavier Saints 8 Seniors Division Two R Team P 1 Sth Gawler Blue 9 2 Lyndoch 9 3 Willaston 8 4 Tanunda White 9 5 Nuriootpa 9 6 Tod Street 9 7 Sth Gawler White 9 8 Tanunda Black 8 Seniors Division Three R Team P 1 Virginia Green 8 2 Willaston Blue 8 3 Vine Vale 8 4 Willaston United 9 5 Cockatoo Valley 7 6 Willaston Red 9 7 Keyneton 8 8 Virginia White 5 Juniors Division Three R Team P 1 Angaston 8 2 Nuriootpa 8 3 Moculta 7 4 Tanunda White 7 5 Kapunda 8 6 Tanunda Silver 5 7 Lyndoch 7 8 Tanunda Black 8 Juniors Division Four R Team P 1 Tanunda Black 8 2 Nuriootpa 8 3 Lyndoch 8 4 Tanunda Silver 8 5 Kapunda 8 6 Angaston 8 7 Tanunda White 8 8 Vine Vale 8 Juniors Division Five R Team P 1 Angaston 6 2 Kapunda 7 3 Marananga 7 4 Lyndoch 7 5 Freeling 7 6 Tanunda 7 7 Keyneton 7 Juniors Division Six R Team P 1 Freeling 7 2 Kapunda Red 7 3 Tanunda Black 7 4 Vine Vale Green 7 5 Vine Vale White 7 6 Angaston 7 7 Nuriootpa 7 8 Tanunda White 8 9 Kapunda Black 7

Wednesday, December 14, 2011 - Page 36 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Bye W 7 5 5 4 3 2 1

D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

L 1 3 2 4 4 6 7





Pts 109 88 86 85 73 59 40

Bye W 7 6 7 7 3 3 1 1

D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

L 2 3 1 2 6 6 8 7





Pts 119 115 106 105 92 69 50 44

Bye 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1

W 8 7 4 4 3 1 2 2

D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

L 0 1 4 5 4 8 6 3





Pts 118 114 81 79 67 64 49 47

Bye 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0

W 7 7 4 4 2 2 1 0

D 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1

L 0 0 3 3 5 3 6 7

SF 41.5 35.5 24 20.5 18.5 15.5 11 7.5

SA 5 11 18 21 26 14 31 37

GF 260 248 203 182 160 140 135 105

GA 107 163 179 183 204 130 229 238

Pts 70 64 40 36 25 23 15 6

W 6 6 5 4 3 3 0 0

D 1 1 2 1 2 0 2 1

L 1 1 1 3 3 5 6 7

SF 35 32 26 29 26 21 17 6

SA 9 13 17 15 17 27 27 41

GF 216 212 190 187 171 179 156 116

GA 117 138 163 152 161 220 213 263

Pts 57 55 45 43 37 33 17 7

Bye 2 1 1 1 1 1 1

W 6 4 3 3 2 1 1

D 0 1 1 0 2 2 2

L 0 2 3 4 3 4 4

SF 26 19 22 20 20 20 17

SA 10 21 17 22 19 19 24

GF 183 167 156 170 163 144 166

GA 121 174 137 183 174 167 193

Pts 50 35 33 32 29 25 24

Bye 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1

W 6 5 4 4 3 2 3 1 0

D 0 1 2 0 1 1 1 1 1

L 1 1 1 3 3 4 3 6 6

SF 28.5 30 27 24 20 19 15.5 15 13

SA 13 9 10 18 21 22 24 30 26

GF 203 195 168 180 184 157 137 151 132

GA 145 97 122 167 198 196 182 213 187

Pts 52 49 42 40 33 28 27 18 12

The Herald Bowls Report Barossa and Light results Division One Kapunda 100 v Eudunda 78. I Otterspoor 22 v M Schutz 23; G Redden 28 v B Warner 18; M Dew 23 v J Hanns 19; R Rogers 27 v P Eva 18. Lyndoch 78 v Freeling 110. T Noble 14 v G Fergusson 35; P Uranjek 25 v C Kearns 24; B Howell 17 v H Sykes 28; C Rule 22 v L Ryan 23. Tanunda 123 v Nuriootpa 64. B Pech 31 v R Grope 17; R Schneider 22 v T Billing 20; P Rost 28 v G Langley 14; J Garrett 42 v R Walker 13. Angaston had the bye. Division Two Angaston Blue 94 v Lyndoch 59. K Renshaw 23 v K North 33; L Teakle 34 v R Fillsell 11; C Reardon 37 v B Allan 15. Angaston White 39 v Nuriootpa Black 95. B.Tuttle 9 v T Elix 36; C Tabe 11 v N Jaensch 37; D Armstrong 19 v T Gibbons 22. Kapunda 93 v Freeling 46.25. K Matthews 27 v B Schuster 18; P Maitland 31 v G Maynard 11; T Leslie 35 v F Hines 17.25. Tanunda White 81 v Tanunda Black 48. T Ratsch 23 v A Price 14; M Hurst 30 v D Schiller 15; E Allanson 28 v D Meertens 19. Nuriootpa Gold had the bye. Division Three Freeling 65 v Kapunda Black 78. L Goedecke 20 v J Baldwin snr 18; K Bettens 21 v K Dooley 32; G Holmes 24 v C Reardon 28. Kapunda Red 75 v Angaston 71. B Phillips 33 v I Philp 26; D Franks 22 v C Vereyken 18; B Cummins 20 v B Agars 27. Lyndoch 64 v Nuriootpa Gold 65. D Turvey 26 v N Nolan 23; C Turner 16 v J Mattner 22; J Allwood 22 v M Sims 20. Nuriootpa Black 77 v Eudunda 58. P Collyer 21 v G Schutz 24; K Harrison 25 v R Hams 18; P Jones 31 v F Schmidt 16. Tanunda had the bye.

Bowls teams EUDUNDA Division One v Tanunda at Tanunda (cars to leave at 12.15pm): R Hnatyszyn, J Willoughby, A Pfitzner, B Warner; M Geister, T Schiller, W Mader, J Hanns; G Mitev, K Laucke, G Schmidt, P Eva; R Leditschke, G Doecke, D Kleinig, M Schutz. Division Three v Angaston at Angaston (cars to leave at 12.15pm): T Brandford, K Hines, M Nietschke, G G Schutz; G Zerner, C Menz, F Schiller, R Hams; G O Schutz, D Pope, R Regnier, F Schmidt. Midweek Men v Freeling at Eudunda: M Christie, W Mader, J Willoughby; K Heinrich, C Menz, R Hams; G Mitev, R Regnier, K Laucke. Ladies - bye. FREELING Division One v Angaston at Freeling: T Johansen, L Mullins, J Morris, G Fergusson; I McFarlane, N Marslen, T Mullins, L Ryan; J Brydson, N Lee, J Grantham, H Sykes; K Swanson, T Secomb, T Heinjus, C Kearns. Division Two v Tanunda White at Freeling: Phil Waldegrave, D Johansen, L Swanson, G Maynard; J Fidge, S Ryan, J Wright, R Ratsch; Pam Waldegrave, P Flowers, K Price, B Schuster. Division Three v Lyndoch at Lyndoch: O Howson, C Trestrail, D Jamieson, K Bettens; A Drury, P Erskine, L Woods, W Pitt; P Fryer, W Rivett, D Schirmer, L Goedecke. Midweek v Eudunda at Eudunda: K Bettens, L Swanson, J Grantham; W Pitt, T Secomb, I McFarlane; Phil Waldegrave, B Schuster, C Kearns. Reserves: J Fidge. Note: Early start next week 1pm. KAPUNDA Division One v Nuriootpa at Nuriootpa: R Gill, R Scoot, B O’Reilly, I Otterspoor; C Doecke, G Donovan, W Reardon, R Rogers; W Beavan, A Reinders, P Voumard, G Redden; C Otterspoor, F Hier, J Scholes, M Dew. Game starts 1pm. Cars depart noon; Drivers: G Donovan, R Scoot, G Redden, J Scholes. Division Two v Nuriootpa Black at Nuriootpa: T Noack, R Doecke, P Hart, T Leslie; G Campbell, T Scholes, B Phillips, K Matthews; C Hamper, S Hart, J Trotta, P Maitland. Game starts at 1pm; Cars depart noon; Drivers: Skippers. Division Three Red has a bye. Division Three Black v Nuriootpa Black at Kapunda: J Pitman, B Sweet, L Carter, C Reardon; B van Gasteren, A Wilson, D Parish, K Dooley; D Sweet, T Waterman, J Baldwin jnr, J Baldwin snr. Duty Rink: C Reardon. Midweek Black v Nuriootpa Gold at Nuriootpa: J Scholes, K Matthews, G Redden; C Hamper, W Beavan, T Rae; T Leslie, A Reinders, R Rogers. Cars: G Redden, R Rogers. Midweek Red v Angaston Blue at Angaston: B van Gasteren, T Scoot, C Sunman; J Baldwin snr, W Reardon, B O’Reilley; G Campbell, R Parker, P Voumard. Cars: P Voumard, J Baldwin snr. Ladies v Freeling at Kapunda: K Rae, E Pitman, R Scoot, S Franks; D Sweet, P Dobbin, T Scholes, C Holmes; M Atkins, R Perry, P Ferns, C Reardon; D Huntley,

For all the club reports go to our website: and follow the link in sport. And check out the bowls photos in sports gallery. Results for Thursday Pennants - December 8. Angaston White 57 v Nuriootpa Black 66. D Armstrong 11 v C Baker 31; F Thomas 27 v T Billing 11; J Rodgers 19 v T Elix 24. Eudunda 44 v Angaston Blue 93. J Willoughby 15 v C Tabe 36; R Hams 8 v M Hurn 44; K Laucke 21 v B Teakle 13. Kapunda Black 61 v Nuriootpa Green 48. R Rogers 12 v R Garrett 17; G Redden 26 v I Klaebe 13; J Scholes 23 v W Williams 18. Lyndoch Blue 51 v Tanunda Black 68. B Allen 17 v S Mewett 23; D Moncrieff 13 v D Heidenreich 22; M Launer 21 v J Garrett 23. Lyndoch Gold 59 v Freeling 74. K Boyle 20 v J Brydson 15; J Sharrett 14 v I MacFarlane 35; D Hausler 25 v J Grantham 24. Nuriootpa Gold 56 v Kapunda Red 62. R Chapman 8 v C Sunman 27; G Langley 21 v P Voumard 23; T Gibbons 27 v B O’Reilly 12. Tanunda White 46 v Nuriootpa Blue 68. A Price 12 v P Buckley 23; T Ratsch 23 v D Wilson 20; P Secker 11 v P Rosenberg 25. Ladies Angaston 73 v Kapunda 87. G Armstrong 15 v S Franks 25; E Argent 22 v C Holmes 15; L Lablack 17 v C Reardon 19; B Philp 19 v C Doecke 28. Eudunda 74 v Lyndoch 78. D Leditschke 17 v P Sharrett 17; J Milde 16 v G McLeod 24; M Nietschke 20 v D Jones 17; B Marshall 21 v V Reeves 20. Nuriootpa 81 v Freeling 58.75. D Baker 23 v L Mullins 15.75; P Jones 24 v D Johansen10; M Elix 20 v J Dunbar 16; M Nolan 14 v K Swanson 17. Tanunda had the bye.

B Hier, A Thiele, C Doecke. Duty Rink: C Doecke. LYNDOCH Division One has a bye. Division Two v Tanunda Black at Lyndoch. 1pm start: B Day, P Handke, E Palmer, B Allen; A Streames, B Koch, R Filsell, M Launer; R Heidrich, B Prime, A Turvey, K North. Duty Rink: K North. Division Three v Freeling at Lyndoch, 1pm start: B Fisher, R Idel, B Smith, J Allwood; K Brown, J Emerson, I Turner, D Turvey; I Knight, N Thompson, A Gerrard, C Turner. Bar Rink: J Allwood. Reserves: Division Two - D Wilson; Division Three - S Drummond. Midweek Gold v Lyndoch Blue at Lyndoch: G Schumacher, G Reeves, D Hausler; B Day, B Koch, K Boyle; A Gerrard, R Filsell, J Sharratt. Duty Rink: D Hausler. Tea provided after match. Midweek Blue v Lyndoch Gold at Lyndoch: I Turner, T Drummond, D Moncrieff; D Lindner, A Turvey, M Launer; E Palmer, T Haycock, B Allan. Duty rink: M Launer. Tea provided after match. ANGASTON Division One v Freeling at Freeling: F Thomas, N Smith, T Edwards, D Jaunay; M Short, M Hurn, K Brook, B Bowden; J Jensen, J Argent, L Buckley, J Standish; M Renshaw, B Hurn, K Sandford, B Teakle. Manager: D Jaunay. Cars: Skippers leaving at 12.10pm. Please note 1pm start. Division Two Blue has a bye. Division Two White v Nuriootpa Gold at Angaston: P Gibbons, W Sibley, L Schulz, D Armstrong; W Newell, S Heinze, B Bullock, B Tuttle; P Pech, D Tye, A Booth, C Tabe. Manager: D Armstrong. Duty Rink: C Tabe. Please note 1pm start. Division Three v Eudunda at Angaston: A Hall, P Clark, S Barnden, I Philp; R Benjamin, J Carruthers, B Agars, H Schmied; A Grear, D Copperwheat, F Booth, C Vereyken. Manager: S Barnden; Umpire: S Barnden. Midweek Blue v Kapunda at Angaston: C Vereyken, K Renshaw, M Hurn; G Shilton, M Teakle, B Teakle; K Woodards, A Harvey, C Tabe. Manager: C Tabe. Midweek White v Nuriootpa Green at Angaston. Note change of venue: L Schulz, P Gibbons, D Armstrong; R Benjamin, A Hall, F Thomas; A Grear, J Rodgers, T Edwards. Manager: A Hall. Umpire: F Thomas. TANUNDA Division One v Eudunda at Tanunda: C Neldner, S Mewett, J Garrett, C Mahoney; M Silvestro, D Grear, D Heidenreich, P Rost; R Ellis, I Graetz, K Bartsch, R Schneider; P Baverstock, I Jaensch, R Mewett, B Pech. Duty Rink: P Rost. Division Two Black v Lyndoch at Lyndoch. 1pm start: J Ralston, K Schmaal, G Woods, A Price; G Rainsford, G Farquharson, I Frick, P Secker; K Schliebs, D Pech, M Meertens, D Meertens. Division Two White v Freeling at Freeling. 1pm start: G Meyer, B Williams, B Wallace, E Allanson; F Altmann, W Noack, D Martin, M Hurst; H Rohrlach, N Hurst, D Koch, T Ratsch. Division Three v Nuriootpa Gold at Nuriootpa. 1pm start: D Ralston, S Pech, A Prior, D Goodwin; C Traeger, M Goodwin, D Light, J Miegel; W

Weinmann, P Schultz, R Bartsch, C Graetz. Midweek morning v Lyndoch at Lyndoch: W Weinmann, M Goodwin, J Ralston, G Woods; E Kampman, B Clarke, J Stephens, M Meertens; D Semmler, M Schmidke, L Miegel, M Hurst; J Schultz, C Altus, J Farquhaqrson, D Light. Midweek Black v Nuriootpa Green at Tanunda: K Schliebs, D Martin, D Heidenreich; H Rohrlach, S Mewett, C Mahoney; B Wallace, B Williams, J Garrett. Duty Rink: C Mahoney. Midweek White v Nuriootpa Gold at Nuriootpa: C Graetz, T Ratsch, R Schneider; C Traeger, P Baverstock, A Price; D Goodwin, G Farquharson, P Secker. NURIOOTPA Note all matches start at 1pm. Division One v Kapunda at Nuriootpa: R Mattschoss, C Jones, W Williams, G Langley; P Fechner, D Wilson, R Chapman, R Walker; L Fuss, R Garrett, G Prior, R Grope; S Ryan, R Randall, S Allen, T Billing. Umpire: R Chapman; Duty Rink: R Walker. Division Two Gold v Angaston White at Angaston: M Jones, Pam Jones, D Langley, P Buckley; D Bessell, L Cook, N Christopherson, N Collyer; C Allen, R Warnest, P Rosenberg, I Klaebe. Cars: Depart 12.30pm; Drivers: D Langley, D Bessell, R Warnest. Division Two Black v Kapunda at Nuriootpa: C Hughes, M Simpkin, L Tscharke, T Elix; K Bullock, S Rogers, R Ellis, C Baker; A Jones, M Boehm, D Baker, T Gibbons. Umpire: R Ellis; Duty Rink: C Baker. Division Three Gold v Tanunda at Tanunda: C Forbes, G McCormick, S Jones, J Mattner; G Krahling, K Williamson, L Steer, M Sims; L Hahn, John McIntosh, D Quodling, N Nolan. Cars depart 12.30pm. Drivers: S Jones, K Williamson, D Quodling. Division Three Black v Kapunda Black at Kapunda: K Steer, J Reusch, C La Nauze, P Collyer; M Graetz, R Hahn, Aird Shoesmith, Phil Jones; M Medlow, A Klaebe, K Reichelt, K Harrison. Cars: Depart noon; Drivers: C La Nauze, R Hahn, M Medlow. Midweek Gold v Kapunda Black at Nuriootpa: C Reuter, C Allen, T Gibbons; John McIntosh, S Rogers, R Chapman; J Reusch, Aird Shoesmith, R Walker. Umpire: R Chapman; Duty Rink: R Walker. Midweek Black v Tanunda White at Nuriootpa: A Jones, L Tscharke, T Elix; J Bilney, S Jones, T Billing; K Bullock, R Ellis, C Baker. Umpire: R Ellis. Midweek Green v Angaston White at Angaston: D Bessell, J Bell, W Williams; A Fyfe, R Mattschoss, R Garrett; N Nolan, R Warnest, I Klaebe. Cars depart 12.45pm; Drivers: D Bessell, I Klaebe. Midweek Blue v Tanunda Black at Tanunda: C Hughes, C La Nauze, P Buckley; K Harrison, J Mattner, P Rosenberg; B Klaebe, D Wilson, R Randall. Cars depart 12.45pm; Drivers: P Buckley, P Rosenberg, R Randall. Ladies Midweek v Angaston at Nuriootpa: L Wilkinson, A Shoesmith, N Chapman, M Nolan; J Chapman, H Sandow, G White, P Jones; J Zanetic, D Dalton, J McIntosh, D Baker; D Allen, J Krause, U Boettger, M Elix. Reserves: L Hahn, H Roberts, M Waples, V Bessell. Duty Rink: M Elix; Umpire: U Boettger.

Premiership tables DIVISION ONE Team











Nuriootpa Freeling Tanunda Lyndoch Angaston Kapunda Eudunda

11 11 11 11 11 11 11

6 6 5 5 3 2 2

0 1 0 0 1 0 0

3 2 3 4 4 6 7

1 1 2 1 2 2 2

1 1 1 1 1 1 0

813 881 856 832 711 685 775

832 779 659 818 753 817 895

-19 102 197 14 -42 -132 -120

49.42 53.07 56.50 50.42 48.57 45.61 46.41

139 138 125 118 93 60 53












Angaston Blue Nuriootpa Gold Nuriootpa Black Tanunda Black Tanunda White Kapunda Lyndoch Angaston White Freeling

10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

6 5 5 5 5 4 3 2 0

1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0

1 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 8

1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1

636 545 558 567 629 597 555 521 458

525 424 538 565 597 513 629 578 646

111 121 20 2 32 84 -74 -57 -188

54.78 56.24 50.91 50.09 51.31 53.77 46.88 47.41 41.50

113 109 97 93 91 90 72 63 32












Nuriootpa Gold Kapunda Red Tanunda Kapunda Black Nuriootpa Black Eudunda Lyndoch Freeling Angaston

10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

8 6 5 4 3 3 3 2 1

0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0

0 1 2 4 4 5 5 7 7

1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1

642 617 514 577 567 538 494 553 488

451 504 470 505 562 564 626 629 629

191 113 44 72 5 -26 -132 -76 -141

58.74 55.04 52.21 53.33 50.22 48.82 44.12 46.80 43.69

136 117 102 84 83 74 66 54 44












Kapunda Black Tanunda Black Nuriootpa Gold Nuriootpa Green Kapunda Red Freeling Lyndoch Gold Nuriootpa Black Lyndoch Blue Tanunda White Angaston Blue Nuriootpa Blue Angaston White Eudunda

10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

9 7 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 2 2 1

0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0

1 3 4 3 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 7 7 9

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

638 602 656 584 581 517 517 606 531 596 579 571 513 437

531 476 545 509 565 510 544 559 560 600 593 602 665 669

107 126 111 75 16 7 -27 47 -29 -4 -14 -31 -152 -232

54.58 55.84 54.62 53.43 50.70 50.34 48.73 52.02 48.67 49.83 49.40 48.68 43.55 39.51

130 106 101 99 86 86 83 80 80 79 71 50 43 26












Nuriootpa Kapunda Tanunda Lyndoch Eudunda Angaston Freeling

10 10 10 10 10 10 10

6 5 4 4 4 3 3

1 1 0 0 0 0 0

1 2 2 2 1 1 1

0 0 0 0 0 0 0

738 622 605 616 677 697 631

610 604 596 609 721 706 691

130 18 9 7 -44 -9 -60

54.76 50.72 50.36 50.29 48.43 49.68 47.74

151 143 119 117 107 92 91

2 2 4 4 5 6 6

Proudly supporting lawn bowls “a crackerjack sport” 16 Mildred St, Kapunda Phone 8566 2013

Wednesday, December 14, 2011 - Page 37 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


Results for Saturday Pennants - December 10

BOWLING: Angaston’s Pat Kerridge in Division Three against Kapunda Red. While her rink won, Pat’s team lost.

Central District Football Club supports


Gawler and Kapunda Sportsperson of the week


Kelly Muster - Freeling

with Graham Fischer and Mike Teakle

Kelly Muster plays tennis for Freeling. Where have you played your tennis? Always played for the Freeling club.

> Lawn Bowls

Who are key players at your club? All the Freeling Extras team. What is your most important attribute? I’m always available to play. Who is a character at the club and why? Shane Feast always has something to say. Who is the best player you have played with and against? Holly and Joel Broadhead and Laura Anders are good team players. Major influence in your tennis: Jess Broadhead has always supported me. Who are your sporting idols? Justin Westhoff because he plays for Port. Any superstitions? No, but I hate spiders.

Greatest moment and disappointment? Visiting Las Vegas, New York and Africa. Missed seeing Celine Dion in Vegas because of ticket mix up.

What event has inspired or amazed you? Draw in AFL grand final, didn’t think that would happen.

How would you spend a million dollars? Build a tennis court and go on more holidays overseas.

If you were Prime Minister what issue would you address? More help for the farmers.

What other sport would you love to be the best in the world at and why? Would liked to have played football or soccer, because I like watching the matches.

Pet hates on the tennis court? Incorrect line calls. Favourite actor and movie? Loved the movie ‘Red Dog’ and best actor was the red dog. If someone had to play you in a movie who would it be? Jessie from Toy Story.

If you could have any four people stranded on a deserted island with you who would they be and why? Cousin Narkia because she’s a good talker, Maggie Beer to cook for me, my dog Mia to protect me, and Georgina Hillier so I have someone to play tennis with (and she’s a vet so that might help).

THE Division one bowls competition in the Barossa and Light Association is really heating up. This follows Tanunda inflicting Nuriootpa’s third consecutive loss, leaving the Tigers now just a single point above a resurgent Freeling side. Jeff Garrett’s 42-13 win over Russell Walker’s rink highlighted the difference between the two sides perhaps exposing the Tigers’ lack of comfort on Tanunda’s synthetic green. Nuri’s seemingly unstoppable start to the season has come to a sudden halt. The loss is bad enough but such a miserable showing against a fellow contender is a genuine wakeup call. Tanunda’s 59-shot win sees them vault into third position over Lyndoch courtesy of the Dockers 32-shot loss to Freeling.

At the other end of the ladder Kapunda (100) easily accounted for Eudunda (78). The battle in Division Two is equally tight with just 23 points covering the top six teams. Angaston Blue are clinging to top spot by a small margin ahead of Nuri Gold but with a bye this Saturday the Blues will be under fire from several teams eyeing off top spot at the midway point of the season.

> Football THE annual general meeting of the Barossa, Light and Gawler Folotball Association was held on December 7. Nobby Symes was elected unopposed as president while Len Warren and Mick Brien were elected unopposed as directors. Dr C Berndt, Nick Hambour, Brian Menzel, John and Elva Falland were re-elected as patrons. WH1775281

Employment status: Work at the Barossa Nursery.

Your Guide to the Tides

Brian Teakle, Ian Carmichael, Ken Dadds, Chris Gill, Paul Little and Peter Whimpress were re-elected as members of the BL&G Independent Tribunal Commission. Carl Whitaker is the senior umpires coach and Kristian Whitaker the junior umpires coach. The 2012 match program will begin on April 21. The Country Zone Championships will be held on the weekend of June 30 at Berri and there will be a compulsory bye for all clubs. There will be no Inter Association matches played on the June long weekend. Club delegates voted against proposals put forward to amend the constitution relating to transfers from one club to another club within the BL&G

> Netball LEANNE Chenoweth has been elected as an extra member of the


Barossa, Light and Gawler Netball Association management committeee. President Bridey Lewis said she looked forward to Leanne’s input with the umpiring pool and structure. Katrina Frederick from Willaston was elected as assistant secretary as Natasha Koch from Angaston didn’t seek reappointment. Anne Muster was reelected as country champs co-ordinator and this year a country champs sub-committee comprising Anne, Bridey and Maree Applekamp has been formed. They will also be inviting interested parents and players to join that sub-committee. Deb Miles was reelected as secretary, Trish Helbig as treasurer, Tania Knott as records officer and Bridey Lewis remains president for a further term. Vice president Julie Graetz recently resigned and the committee unanimously agreed to appoint Maree Applekamp to that position. Proudly brought to you by: BAROSSA



33 Railway Tce, Nuriootpa

8562 4881

The Fishing Year

brought to you by

Gawler Fishing and Outdoors Mon-Fri 9am - 5.30pm Thurs 9am - 8.00pm Sat 9.00am - 4.00pm Sun 11am - 3.00pm

• Fishing • Camping • Guns • Marine 48 Murray Street, Gawler

8522 6200 Tide Times for Port Adelaide (Outer Harbour) and Wallaroo for the week to come

Pt Adelaide DEC 2011

2011: What a great fishing year.


Wallaroo DEC 2011

14 WE

0615 1358 2004 2340

1.67 0.35 0.84 0.77

0.59 2.44 0.29 1.86


0643 1427 2114

1.58 0.38 0.87

0047 0702 1338 1944

0.64 2.32 0.36 1.86


0020 0711 1455 2247

0.83 1.45 0.43 0.95

0124 0733 1406 2022

0.71 2.15 0.45 1.87


0121 0733 1519 2348

0.92 1.28 0.50 1.05

0211 0810 1437 2114

0.82 1.92 0.58 1.85


0314 0735 1530

1.00 1.08 0.59

19 MO

0321 0859 1516 2229

0.97 1.62 0.77 1.82

19 MO

0030 1446

1.17 0.64

20 TU

0543 1033 1616

1.07 1.28 1.01

20 TU

0106 1207

1.30 0.55

14 WE

0605 1246 1843

2.53 0.24 1.85


0015 0633 1313 1911


16 FR

17 SA

18 SU





*Please note - Add 1 hour for daylight savings ‘Tidal predictions supplied by the National Tide Facility. The Flinders University of South Australia, Copyright Reserved’

Wednesday, December 14, 2011 - Page 38 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

WITH the New Year fast approaching it gave me a little time to reflect on what a fantastic fishing year it has been. The return of good rainfall has seen the mighty Murray in flood and water back in to many of the smaller catchments around the valley. The dams are full, there is water back in to the North Para River along with some thumping-sized redfin and best of all a lot of people have picked up a fishing rod for the first time and have yet to put it down again. The Barossa and district have two great tackle shops that seem to be getting stronger with the recent up sizing of the Spot On at Nuriootpa along with some great customer feedback. My fishing year has been a year of achievements, having set some pretty out there goals and working hard to get them, but also having some luck on my side. Providing a fishing column for the Barossa has always been a goal of mine and as I write this we are up to 50 columns now.

The release of a fly tying video was my second main objective which has been available to the public for many months now. In April I was selected in the Australia fly fishing team for the 2012 Commonwealth championship. Then there was a dream of a mega kingfish on fly and I managed to land one 131cm long (after quite a few tries I might add) and snapper have always been a favoured fish in SA but I much wanted to land a big one on the fly rod, having the chance after winter to get a shot I was lucky enough to pull a 72cm snapper from the upper Spencer Gulf. A fat Murray cod that took a stickbait off the surface was an exciting capture during daylight hours this year. And last month I was asked to join the Australian fly fishing team at the 2012 World Championships in Slovenia. Following this was an individual fourth placing at the Australia national fly fishing championship at Falls Creek in Victoria and the realisation that 2011 is almost gone. Tight lines until next week.



Barossa and Light cricket Angaston started the one day portion of the season with a convincing win at home against Gawler Central. Batting first, the Blues tallied 9/212 thanks to 41 runs from opener Scott Rathjen and a timely 64 from former Tiger Kym Vivian. For Central, Ty Stock continued his remarkable season with the bat, scoring 55 to give him the astronomical average of 131.5 after just three innings. Jamie McCafferty (23), Aaron King (45) and Willy Serle (29) were unable to get the Tigers over the line. In A1 reserves, Brad Hunter’s 5/15 from eight overs was enough to get Light Pass ( 7/139) over the line against Greenock (79). A1 Sandy Creek 6/149 (M Donohoe 34, G Werner 34*, C Roberts 33; D Schiller 2/15) def by Nuriootpa 8/165 (L A Steinborner 51, D S Doecke 29*; C Roberts 3/27). Gilbert Valley 7/185 (R Vandeluer 42, J M Vandeleur 39, D C Busch 34*, C A Mullins 29; A Sampson 3/25, D J Golder 2/40) def South Gawler 157 (S M Lay 64; J M Vandeluer 3/38, C A Mullins 2/22, J Vater 2/37). Angaston 9/212 dec (K J Vivian 64, S Rathjen 41; T T Stock 4/33, B Ward 2/33) def Gawler Central 199 (T T Stock 55, A J King 45*, W K Serle 29; B J Klemm 3/23, B A Byster 2/44, B Burgress 2/46). Kapunda drew with Tanunda. A1 Reserves Light Pass 7/139 (S Hill 31; G Stevens 2/17) def Greenock 79 (C Hoffman 25; B Hunter 5/15, W Gripton 4/14). Eudunda - Robertstown 78 (B W Montgomery 4/20, R J Montgomery 2/14, J Robinson 2/20, A Papas 2/21) def by Freeling 9/224 (R J Montgomery 51, B M Parish 41, J Wright 36, H Robinson 28; L R Ireland 2/8, T Baker 2/49). Lyndoch 5/214 (M J Robinson 72, C Kinlock 45, A Berndt 29*; M Fagen 2/10) def Truro 111 (T Eggleton 70; M J Robinson 3/19, K Dahlitz 2/16, B R Tanti 2/20, E Giedel 2/25). A2 Gawler Central 7/220 (B P Tobbitt 62, S J Cordwell 62, D R Pfitzner 33; M Pech

3/28, C Doecke 2/46) def Angaston 170 (A Peel 32, M Pech 29; A K Ness 3/19, M S Perry 2/16, R Harris 2/18). Tanunda drew with Light Pass. Nuriootpa 99 (G B Swyghuizen 25; M Darlington 6/39, G L Davis 2/11) def Sandy Creek 90 (G Henschke 3/7, J Schmidt 3/37). South Gawler 6/223 (A Mackay 84, K Antoney 32, N O’Reilly 30; D Goern 2/43) def Greenock 128 (B Usher 32; L McCracken 4/17, G Roberts 2/17, J Mackereth 2/30). A3 Sandy Creek Green 9/174 (B Nottle 64, M P Cotton 28; L Slok 4/21, A E Callary 2/31, J Connell 2/32) def Gilbert Valley 167 (A E Callery 54, S Goodfellow 34, J Connell 27*; L G Bennie 6/48). Kapunda 159 (A Schmidt 51, T J Williams 43, C Darke 27; D Moore 4/16, C B Bartel 2/31) def Nuriootpa 99 (D Menzel 3/11, A May 3/12). Truro 5/158 (D Diener 76*, G Smith 27) def Sandy Creek Yellow 143 (N A Gum 64, D Tavener 28; G Smith 3/7, B Fairey 2/26, N Murphy 2/39, J Lewis 2/47). Freeling 117 (J Brennan 55, N East 29; N Heinze 3/18, A Vivian 2/14) def by Gawler Central 6/145 (G Kemp 34, M Hermann 26, K Heberle 25; B Ryan 3/25). Tanunda 8/162 (W Akkerman 36, T Brooks 27; T C Marshall 2/25, T Dickson 2/35) def Lyndoch 131 (J R Stanbury 63; J Ellis 3/11, W Akkerman 2/14, S Dswonitzky 2/17). A4 Gawler Central 8/184 (P Cameron 67, B Hornhardt 31*; A K Geidel 2/18, R Koch 2/54) def Lyndoch 9/163 (C Malsom 39, D Marshall 35; P Cameron 3/42, H Ingram 2/18, B Hornhardt 2/29). Greenock 7/130 (P Nitschke 45*; J Bampton 2/19, J Hodgson 2/24, M Hoffman 2/43) def by Kapunda 9/139 (D Georgi 35; C Shaw 4/35, M Obst 2/18, D M Nitschke 2/28). Nuriootpa 9/110 (C Linke 36; G McDonald 33; A J Wright 5/8, G Rooney 2/20) def by Freeling 4/113 (P J Gaertner 68*; B Atherton 2/14). Mallala 4/214 (W S Rudd 84*, A Buckley 59; M Hoklas 2/31, C Hart 2/33) def Tanunda 136 (D Hean 45, S Leske 28; A Fischer 3/24, W Farrelly 2/19).

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A5 Light Pass 7/196 (B Nitschke 83, S Rudiger 47, J Gore 34*; M J Lightburn 2/33, C M Schultz 2/40) def Angaston 7/163 (T Richardson 58, A F Plush 26; K Schulz 4/27, M Bartsch 2/28). South Gawler 134 (A Borgas 56; B Rule 3/27, N Coombes 2/14, J Lee 2/16, J Dunstan 2/28) def by Eudunda Robertstown 4/140 (T Grosser 77*; D B Washington 2/28). Greenock 6/131 (J Haese 43*, P Haese 26) def by Gilbert Valley 5/138. Under 16 Angaston 34 (J Harvey 4/8, T Stansborough 4/10) v Gawler Central Black 1/96 (J Grindley 32*, T Stansborough 25*). Gawler Central Gold 89 v Freeling. Sandy Creek Gold has a bye. Greenock 88 (K Hammerling 33; C Ireland 3/13, D Moore 2/21) v Nuriootpa/Light Pass. Sandy Creek Green v Kapunda. South Gawler 165 (T Panagiotou 69, J Millar 28; R Konzag 2/22, N Goudie 2/27, B Wilson 2/34) v Mallala/Lyndoch. Under 14. Freeling 6/88 v Gawler Central. Euduunda-Robertstown v Angaston 97 (S Morris 3/5, D Grosser 2/6, A Nietschke 2/8, B Launder 2/8). Kapunda 3/237 v Sandy Creek. Lyndoch 5/117 (M Dalliston 25*) v South Gawler. Tanunda 1/27 v Gilbert Valley 59 (A Radzevicius 4/4, B Biagi 2/2, N Burton 2/7, A Pomeroy 2/17). Nuriootpa has a bye. Under 12. Sandy Creek v Gilbert Valley Maroon. Lyndoch 4/94 (N Leditschke 2/5) def Eudunda-Robertstown 6/50 (S Bussenschutt 2/2). Gilbert Valley Red v Tanunda Black. Light Pass v Angaston. Gawler Central 9/86 def by Gilbert Valley Blue 5/143. Tanunda White v Nuriootpa. Mallala 25 def by Greenock 3/126 (J L Cufone 2/4). South Gawler had a bye. Under 10. Tanunda v Sandy Creek. Greenock Green v Light Pass. Truro 3/48 def by Lyndoch 3/49. Freeling v Greenock Gold


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KAPUNDA A good field turned out for the Shane Fiddessponsored stableford round last Saturday. The projected showers didn’t eventuate and the day turned out a bit warm and humid. The course seems to get better and better each week with the chances of having to spend too much time looking for golf balls being minimised due to the fantastic work done on the mowers by the army of volunteers. The greens have come back magnificently from the renovations and once all have been double “groomed” there will be no excuses on the putting green. Regular early starter Graeme Smith had one of those days where everything he did seemed to turn to gold. I believe he cracked the ton for the first time on his way to 50 stableford points which was more than enough to beat his nearest rivals by plenty. Several other fantastic scores won players the grade prizes. Bazz Williams was back with 43 points in the A grade just ahead of Pete Morrison on 41 followed by Joe Ryan and in form Jayden Higgins on 40. Jayden’s score might even be enough to get him down to a single figure handicap. The B grade was won by late comer Craig Kupke in a four-way countback with trophy donor Shane Fiddes, captain Scottie Earle and leftie Milton Martin. Despite encountering many trees in his round Mick Hennessey had 36 points. The C grade was also a very good score from Davy Crockett on 43 just ahead of Eudunda visitor Gary Patterson on 42. Tony “Geezer” Stevens and Al Sherrah had 39 points each. There was a good turnout of fillies and Vicki Wilson also joined the “43” club. Carole Molloy was a long way back in second on 32. Well done Vicki and don’t forget to return the glass. Bit rough that Keith had such a bad day that he couldn’t wait for his good lady to finish her drink. Not sure what the ex-Pres was thinking after he arrived at the 7th tee and asked his playing partners if they had seen his glove. Half way back to the previous tee he realised it was already on his left hand. The twilight field was down a little due to the hot conditions but it didn’t stop Kip Dunstan from having a magnificent 25 points. I think the handicapper will knock him around a bit for this week. It may have been a blessing in disguise that Geezer over ordered for last week’s meals as we will be able to get the cheese Kranskys again tonight. Great effort on the barbecue Tony and I am glad you have perfected the cooking of my onions. You wait and see, they will take off and you won’t be able to keep up. This week we are up for another stableford round, this time sponsored by Ron Turnbull’s Foodworks. Don’t forget Milton’s and Greg’s ham and turkey day on the 22nd. Happy golfing. Shane Fiddes Trophy stableford competition winner G Smith 50. A grade: B Williams 43, P Morrison 41, J Ryan 40, J Higgins 40, S Byrne 39, M Pettigrew 38, I Watson 37. B grade: C Kupke, S Fiddes, S Earle, M Martin all 37, M Hennessey 36, B Menzel 35, G Brushe 35. C grade: D Crockett 43, G Patterson 42, T Stevens 39, A Sherrah 39, J Kerrigan 38, D Kaesler 38. Ladies: V Wilson 43, C Molloy 32, J Morrison 30, I Smith 30. GAWLER Thursday 8/12. Trevor Dowling had a cracking round with a +5 in the par competition, winning on a countback from Ron Hartwell and Steve Jeffery. A close competition for 1st, 2nd and 3rd. Ball winners: B Verhoef, J Jordan, J Baum, R Polito, R Roy, D Wyer, J Maguire, D Butler, D Dare, G James, J Peel, J Assender. NTPS: Elders 4th; J Assender, Spencer Flooring 6th, B Verhoef, Elders 11th; R Clarke. Birdie balls; H McKerney, R Hall, C Swinstead, P Robinson, S Noack, R Roy, M Dawes, J Assender, J Cook. Mid Week end 9/12. Greg Barber found some form with a good 39 points to win the midweek comp, while Gary McCollum showed up Rob Fraser with a runner up 38 points. Ball winners; J Jordan, B Kite, H Brown. Birdies: G.Barber (4th). Saturday 10/12: As always the annual Christmas Ambrose event was a cracking day and saw a great field . The weather held off as well and only got better as the afternoon went on. The winners for the day were B Paul, M Lukat, G Jeffery and T Tarsoly with a nett score of 53-1/4. Runner up; R

Morris, G Chillingworth, P Smith, J Gill with nett 54 and Skye Jeffery, L Jeffery, S Noack, M Dawes came in 3rd with a nett 54-1/4. Those receiving a ball for their efforts were: K Korber, K Bilney, J Fowler, E Schwerdt, R Clarke, P Bowling, S Nyskohus, D Edwards, R Roy, G James, G Donaldson, R Polito, I Monro, J Wozniak, E Richardson, H McKerney. NTPS and Long Drives - Uleybury wines 2nd; P Heffernan , St Kilda Hotel 3rd long drive, B Coombs, Giannitto Hotel Group 4th; B Dempster, Kingsford Hotel 6th; S Voigt, Roseworthy Hotel 3rd shot 9th; A Paul, G Donaldson, Fasta Pasta long drive 10th; N O’Born, Hi Beam Car/ Dog wash 11th; S Winder, Bushmans Hotel 14th; A Kopania, Willaston Hotel 16th; I Monro. A well done and congratulations to all the winners for the day. Special thanks to Phil in the proshop who organised and co-ordinated the golf event, and a well done to Megan, Marina, Rose and their helpers who put on a great feed for the players after their round. Well done to everybody. A reminder that next week’s competition is stableford playing for the Gregory/Barlow trophy. Sunday 11/12: Good weather for golf again saw Brett Santini win with a nett score of 72. Some question whether his sidekick Steve Brown had anything to do with that score. Runner up was Greg Barber with a nett 73. Ball winners: R Polito (74) Birdies: D Brook (6th). NTPs: 4th J Rowe, 6th L Chiappetta. BAROSSA Blue Course stableford competition. A grade D Geyer 41, r/u I Baldwin 41; B grade R Staehr 41, r/u P Baldwin 40; C grade R Hampel 42, r/u G Maxted 38. A grade (44 players): G Johnson 41, M O’Brien 40, G Ewing 40, T Giles 39, G Hunter, G Casson, D Nathan, R Thiele all 36. B grade (39 players): R Doecke 40, C Campbell 38, D Batterbury 38, D Quodling, P Twelftree, P Temme all 37, S Miller 36. C grade (25 players): J Harris 38, T Bartlett 36, D Horne 35, K Richards 35, G MacGillivray 34. Ladies competition winner J Kay 45. P May 42, P Chiverton 38, G Potter 36. NTP 3rd G Johnson; 4th second shot G McDonald; 6th G Johnson; 12th D McDonnell; 10th second shot R Thiele; Chicken Nest J Biggins; 17th R Thiele. Long drives: A grade A Oats; B grade A Maynard; C grade G Maxted. Ladies novelty: M Fleer. Midweek White Course stableford competition winner M O’Brien 44, r/u J Clark 42. Ball winners: G McDonald 41, L Williams 40, D Oats 39, Z Fuller 39, T Turnbull, J Ortlieb, R Staehr, R Kernick all 38. NTP 6th M O’Brien; 15th J Mosey. 4BBB: L Williams, J Clark 49. MT PLEASANT Saturday H & T stableford competition. A grade: M Watkins 39, P Sando 37, R Elliott 35, D Higgins 35. B grade: A Wake 42, S Tregenza 38, J Weaver 37, D Swann 36. C grade: R Jackson 43, I Wannan 39, P Guy 35, D Dowsett 35. Ladies A grade: C Zerk 38, B Wright 34. Midweek stableford competition. A grade: J Zerk 46, I Wannan 39, D Searl 35, C Noble 35. B grade: K Franklin 38, P Flatman 38, G Benier 35, N Wilson 35. Ladies par 3 day competition: L Stephens 453/4, C Zerk 463/4, B Wright 483/4. TANUNDA Saturday par competition winner P Denley +4. A grade P Denley +4, r/u C Othams +2; B grade N Norman +1, r/u P Lithgow +1; C grade P Giersch +3, r/u D Kraehenbuhl +3; Ladies C Lienert +3, r/u R Duncan +3. Long drives: A grade P Stacey; B grade S Blackwell; C grade T Yap; Ladies R Duncan. NTP 6th P Stacey (Peter Lehmann); 8th A Coutie (TPGB); 11th P Lithgow (Langmeil); 16th D Goers (Rusden); 7th hole 2nd shot P Lawrie (Kalleske). Rundown: P Henschke +1, P Stacey, C Hongell, J Jeffries all 0. Sunday Pro Shop stableford competition: B Burns 36, B Veevers 35. Men’s Midweek stableford competition: J Gooden 40, P Giersch 39 c/b, D Kraehenbuhl 39, S Fechner 37, B Veevers 36. NTP C McMillan. Ladies Midweek stableford competition: L Semmler 35, L Montfort 34, C Hongell 29 c/b. LD: C Lynas. Thursday Twilight stableford 9 holes competition: P Othams 10, P Giersch 7, J Hongell 5, B Ronan and J Jeffries 4.




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or to view our facilities Team P W L F Ag Breakers 2 2 0 25 5 T.h Crownies 2 2 0 19 11 EV Vipers 2 1 1 13 17 Springton 2 1 1 11 19 Big balls 2 0 2 13 17 Wreakers 2 0 2 9 21 Results: Breakers d Wreakers 13 -2; Crownies d Vipers 10-5; Springton

% 83.00 63.00 43.00 36.00 43.00 30.00 d Big Balls 8-7.

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Wednesday, December 14, 2011 - Page 39 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

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Catching up with Lisa

Win Adelaide Bite tickets


Which team did the Adelaide Bite beat last weekend? Email your answers to: Post answers to: Adelaide Bite tickets PO Box 43 TANUNDA SA 5352 Drop in to the Herald office at 1/119 Murray Street, Tanunda with the answers and your contact details on the back of an envelope. Entries close at 10am, Friday, December 16 and winners will be notified by phone.

Excitement builds ADELAIDE Bite was sitting bottom of the Australian Baseball League after winning just two of their first seven games, but have rebounded to be 11-9 (win-loss) after winning four of five games in Canberra on the weekend, and are now a clear second. And from December 29, the Bite take on ladder-leaders Perth Heat at Norwood Oval, in what could be the decider for the minor premiership, and the right to host the grand final. There will be five games, including two on New Year’s Eve, at noon and 3pm, leading into a big night. In the most recent series at Norwood Oval, Adelaide split its four-game series with Melbourne Aces, Denny Almonte belting walk-off home runs in both of the Bite’s victories. Against Canberra, the eighth inning proved a charm in three of the victories, coming from 1-2 behind in game two with four runs on the way to a 7-2 win, then capping a 7-2 victory in game three with three runs, and in the final contest, turned around a 6-7 deficit with six runs. Before taking on the Heat, Adelaide will be away against the Brisbane Bandits from tomorrow.

WINNERS: From left, Paul Bruggemann, Andrew and Sandra Jeffrey, Allan ‘Benny’ Ball, Lisa Ryan with The Catcher, jockey Matthew Neilson, Andrew Griffiths and Peter Dunstan. But it is four-year-old thoroughbred The Catcher which is likely to keep Lisa’s name in the winning list over the next few months. “He has always shown a bit of promise but really is still a big baby,” Lisa said. “I intend to keep him at the provincials for the present there is a 2100 metre race at

Gawler in a fortnight. “It is such a big class jump going to town but if he keeps stepping up at the provincials then I’ll have a look for a suitable race.” The Catcher is owned by Mallala policeman Paul Bruggemann, Andrew Jeffrey, former Director of Nursing at Gawler’s Trevu Nursing Home,

and his wife Sandra, Gawler policeman Allan ‘Benny’ Ball, Peter Dunstan, a school principal and Barossa, Light and Gawler football umpire, Mallala farmer Andrew Griffiths, Two Wells mechanic Doug Richardson along with Glen Hamlyn (stock agent) and Jim Munro (farmer), both from the South-East.



BUSY is the only way to describe the lifestyle of Roseworthy’s Lisa Ryan. So it was possibly apt that Lisa had a winner at last Wednesday’s Gawler race meeting called The Catcher because it is hard to catch Lisa for a chat. A $2.50 favourite, The Catcher had two lengths to spare in winning the Peter Murray Handicap (1716m). It was a just reward for the 43-year-old horsewoman whose days start at 6am. Lisa trains four thoroughbreds which she tends to before helping out husband Toby, a veterinary surgeon and harness racing trainer who has about 20 horses in work. And that is apart from running the Ryan household which also includes two boys Wyatt, 9, and Link, 8. “The boys are really busy with their own sport as well,” Lisa said. “They are right into cricket and baseball so there is training and games.” And in her ‘spare’ time, Lisa enjoys driving at the harness racing. “I really love driving but at 43 might have left it a bit late to do it full time,” she said. Each year she sets herself to have a ride in a race called The Monte at Globe Derby Park in July where drivers ride harness horses under saddle. In 2010 Lisa was victorious on Saw Foot and this year finished third on the same horse.

THE Herald has two double passes to give away to the Australian Baseball League match between the Adelaide Bite and Perth Heat at Norwood Oval on Saturday, December 31 . Just answer the following question:

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Wednesday, December 14, 2011 - Page 40 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

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