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Life is a cabaret By MICHELLE O’RIELLY
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SHE may have left Tanunda to pursue a career as an entertainer, however Ruth Blythman says the Barossa will always remain with her. Now the 24-year-old (pictured) heads back to SA from Melbourne to perform in A Broad Casting Shadows at the Fringe Festival early in March. Ruth describes the cabaret as exciting, especially since this will be the first time it is shown in its entirety to an audience. “The show is actually produced by myself and friend Sally Bourne and we have it in the pipeline to perform in Sydney, Brisbane and New York,” she said. Ruth has come a long way after graduating as captain from Faith College, Tanunda, in 2005. Like her performing family - which includes older sisters Eleanor, who currently heads Phantom of the Opera in London and Kirilie, accepted into a masters course with Victorian Opera Company - she agrees Faith College strongly influenced their decisions to become entertainers. “I trained with Barossa Dance Company under Miss Kim Whitelum and was supported by Graeme Tyler (director of performance) at Faith. I still get them to look over my work because I see them as my mentors,” she said. Ruth’s role in the Fringe Festival has meant plenty of research, considering she plays a part in an era more than 60 years before her birth and she also juggles the role of two people. Ruth becomes Grace an intelligent journalist of the 1920s. Uninspired as a newsreader on community radio, she creates an alias ‘Ava Carnell’. As Ava, her career shoots to success while Grace is left in her shadow. Ruth said she spent time preparing for the part including workshops in Hong Kong. She learnt the slang of the era and created maps of her characters to clearly define each part. The cabaret involves plenty of jazz numbers and her pianist is Josh Mollart, a former Faith College student, who is training at the Adelaide Conservatorium of Music. Her visit to Adelaide will also mean catching up with her parents Sandy and Margit of Tanunda. “I love the Barossa, the wines and especially going to Vintners where you know it’s always going to be amazing. However, I also love the cultural richness that Melbourne has to offer,” she said. Ruth encourages the public to see her show this Friday, March 2 and Saturday, March 3 at the Cuckoo Bar at 137 Hindley Street, Adelaide. The show starts at 8pm and tickets are $20 for adults and $16 for concessions. Pic: Dean Elliott
3 First Street, Nuriootpa
Ph: 8562 3077
Herald honours Editorial Wednesday 20 Apr il 2011
Remembering those who served
LIKE our Barossa wines and people, sport also play an integral part of the Barossa’s makeup. Thanks to barossaherald.com the community doesn’t have to wait until Wednesday’s edition of the Herald to check out a variety of sports information. Each Monday evening the public can click onto barossaherald.com and access the sports gallery where all the weekends photos are displayed. Also, bowls club notes are available at the same time for the public to check out. This week the Herald was thrilled to chat with former Tanunda girl Ruth Blythman, who stars in a cabaret as part of the Fringe Festival, and MasterChef runner up Callum Hann who will soon share is new cookbook The Starter Kitchen with Barossa residents. Herald columnist and fisherman Lubin Pfeiffer also spoke of his recent success at the Comonwealth Fly Fishing Championships in Tasmania. In addition, like Peter Lehmann Wines, Grant Burge also flew the Barossa flag for wines after scooping success at the Sydney Royal Wine Show for his 20-year-old tawny.
Private Norman Edwin Fisher (Fischer) 1895 – 1947, Kapunda 27th Battalion, Australian Imperial Force Wounded In Action, November 1916
THIRD: The Herald front page.
THE Herald was recognised in three categories at the annual Country Press SA awards on Friday. A second place was awarded in the Best Sports Story award, a third place in the Best Front Page and an honourable mention in the Best News Photo award. Mike Teakle and Graham Fischer’s exclusive story of racial abuse on the football field was voted second with judge David Burtenshaw praising the pair for making the effort to talk to a range of association and club members. Judge Graham Greenwood said the Herald’s front page highlighting Anzac Day was “up there with the very best. It was simple but impressive”. Michelle O’Rielly’s front page photo of a cheeky cockatoo, to promote the 2011 Tanunda Show, was commended by judge Barry O’Brien.
o doubt everyone is sick of the Gillard Rudd slanging match to decide who leads the Australian Labor Party. But it is important to realise the process which allowed it to happen - democracy. We should take time to acknowledge that our system, while it may have flaws, is certainly the best in the world. It is a democracy which allows people to complain and fight against a wind farm being built at Keyneton, or a phone tower being built in Tanunda. Just as with the Gillard - Rudd result, there are those who might not like the result, but at least the public has a chance to speak out about issues without fear of being shot or thrown in jail. Even in America, with their democracy, it is a person with the biggest campaign fund, who stands the best chance of becoming President. So let’s be happy with our democracy, and use it as we can to arrive at the best result possible on passionate issues.
CLOWNING ABOUT: This clown attracted plenty of attention at the Angaston Show held on the weekend. To check out more photos of the show, head to page 4 and also visit barossaherald.com and click on the photo gallery. PICS: Kirsty Hosking.
Incorporating The Barossa News, Kapunda Herald and Eudunda Courier.
1/119 Murray Street, Tanunda Postal: PO Box 43, Tanunda, 5352 Telephone: (08) 8563 2041 Fax: (08) 8563 3655 Advertising: sales.barossaherald@ruralpress.com Editorial: editor.barossaherald@ruralpress.com Website: www.barossaherald.com.au Acting Manager: Clayton Bester Editor: Graham Fischer Editorial: Michelle O’Rielly, John Crawford, Mike Teakle, Ben Mallett, Robert Laidlaw, Anne Hopton. Photography: Kirsty Hosking, Shaun Kowald. Sales: Clayton Bester, Glenys Brooks, Jordan Stollznow, Jodie Coventry, Linda Goldfinch. Administration: Cheryl Lange, Roxanne Mathew
Bushfires can happen anytime so it’s important that you know your risk and make a plan. Understand the Fire Danger Ratings, know your local conditions and listen to your local radio station to keep updated.
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Published by The Barossa News Pty. Ltd. ABN 14 007 869 874
Original works are subject to copyright and shall not be reproduced without authority. Where no charge is made for the preparation of advertising material, The Herald will remain owner of copyright for the advertising material. Such material may be reproduced only with the consent of The Herald and upon payment of such fee as The Herald may require. In lodging an advertisement with us you agree that we may publish the advertisement on our website. The general terms and conditions that apply to publication of classified advertisements in our publications apply also to publication on our website.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012 - Page 2 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Come meet the chef CALLUM Hann has whipped up his first recipe book certain to inspire the cook in us. And the community has the chance to meet him early next month to celebrate the launch. His idea for the publication came about when he entered university, while studying an engineering degree. “I couldn’t find cookbooks to fit my needs this is why I have created The Starter Kitchen,” he said. The young man, who hovers between the Barossa and Adelaide, was the runner up in the television series MasterChef in 2010. His journey has meant regular appearances on television including The Circle and travelling around Australia to inspire healthy cooking for students. The cookbook features over 60 simple and casual recipes, using ingredients readily available at the supermarket. It is designed with young palates, low budgets and inspiration in mind, and is ideal for students and younger cooks starting out in the kitchen. However, its also perfect for anyone interested in learning the basics of setting up a well-equipped, useful kitchen. He has cleverly plotted chapters to involve a variety of creations including ‘the quick and the fed’. Callum provides suggestions for menu ideas for occasions such as entertaining friends while watching footy on the television, hosting a first dinner party and cooking to impress. He believes The Starter Kitchen will be an indispensable tool in the kitchen by providing answers to common questions including why do you need to rest meat after cooking? Why do you add salt to the water when cooking vegetables? And why do you cook potatoes starting from cold water but green vegetables from boiling water? The community has a chance to meet with Callum as he
Focused on Wakefield MEMBER for Wakefield Nick Champion says he has moved on from Monday’s Labor leadership ballot. Julia Gillard won the ballot 71-31 to remain Australian Prime Minister. Mr Champion threw his support behind Kevin Rudd on Friday, but says he will now be heading back to look after his electorate. “Back to the Barossa, back to Gawler and back to Elizabeth to help look after Holden worker’s jobs,” he said. “That (Wakefield electorate) is really, at the end of the day, more important to me than anything else.” Mr Champion said his support of Kevin Rudd would not affect his work with Ms Gillard. “I don’t think there are any problems with our professional relationship, she is the leader of the country and we move on,” he said.
In brief...
BACK TO BASICS: Celebrity chef Callum Hann shares his first cookbook, The Starter Kitchen. showcases his cookbook in Tanunda and Nuriootpa early next month. This Saturday, March 3, Callum has cleared his busy schedule to chat with people at Villa, Murray Street Tanunda, from 10.30am to 11am and 1pm to 1.30pm. The following Saturday, March 10, Callum will be available for book signing at the Nuriootpa Foodland mall at the same times.
In addition, Callum will be part of the Jamie Oliver experience when the renowned chef and businessman heads to Sydney next month. Also, Callum will continue his passion for all things food and said more cookbooks are a possibility. The Starter Kitchen, produced through Murdoch Books, is available at all major bookshops and in the Barossa, and retails for about $25.
BAROSSA Council has pulled out of the fight against a phone tower proposed for the edge of Tanunda. The tower has been given development consent, but council will not exercise its right of appeal. The 28-metre tower will be built by Vodafone on a Smythe Road property, west of Tanunda and located in Light Regional Council.
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phone towers in visually sensitive areas be addressed. Barossa Council will also put to the Local Government Association general meeting that laws regarding the disclosure of reasons for a company declining a request to co-locate need to be changed. Barossa Council had argued that colocation of facilities on an existing tower instead of building a new tower was the best option.
Barossa & Surrounding Areas • • • • • • •
A group of Tanunda residents and the Tanunda Town Committee, which also made submissions against the proposal, are already exploring options to have the approval overturned. One of which is appealing to the Environment, Resources and Development court. Barossa elected members have decided to request that state government planning policies relating to the site and design aspects of
NO O S G N I N E P O -
“Julia Gillard is a good and admirable person and her strengths of getting legislation through Parliament and getting things done is an argument that holds a great deal of public resonance, and I know it held a great deal of resonance with the caucus.” Mr Champion resigned from his position as caucus secretary upon declaring his support for Mr Rudd, and said he would not be taking up the position again. “The caucus secretary is a party position, it is unpaid, but it is a consensus position, the person in it should be able to represent a consensus of party opinion,” he said. “I don’t think I am probably best placed to do that at the moment, so it is not a position I will seeking back. “I have enjoyed doing it, it was a great honour to do it, but I wouldn’t see me returning to that role.”
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PHONE ORDERS WELCOME 278 Penrice Road, Angaston
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Wednesday, February 29, 2012 - Page 3 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
(Next to Penrice Quarry)
Angaston Show 2012
AMAZED: Katrina Toune, 5, from Nuriootpa looks on in awe of the clown at the Angaston Show on Saturday.
LEAP:Showjumping provided plenty of action for the spectators at the 2012 Angaston Show on Saturday.
FUNKY:Corbin Schubert, 9, Liam Sibley, 7, Nathan Lawson, 8, all of Angaston, enjoying the 2012 Angaston Show.
HOT WORK:Contestants in the woodchopping competition were not deterred by the warm weather at the Angaston Show.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012 - Page 4 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
YOU BEAUTY: Lubin Pfeiffer with a brown trout caught during the World Fly Fishing Championships in Tasmania.
In brief... THE Justice of the Peace (JP) service currently available in Gawler on Thursday mornings has been extended to Saturdays. From March 3, a JP will be on duty for members of the public to consult every Saturday between 10.30am and 12.30pm at the main Gawler Public Library.
especially on the bank”. For those unaware, fly fishing is an angling method in which an artificial fly is used to catch fish. The fly is cast using a fly rod, reel and specialised weighted line. Lubin added, all the fish caught during competitions are released back into the water once they are measured and weighed.
The Thursday service between 10.30am and 12.30pm will continue unchanged and no appointments are necessary for either day. David Lillecrapp from the Barossa & District Justices Association said that as the regional population grew, it was important to offer an ‘out of working hours’ time slot as well. “The need for witnessed documents is still a necessity in everyone’s lives. In some cases it is increasing as rules change,” he said.
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Co-written with David Mitchell of Dusty and Shout! musical fame, Doris is Schneider’s homage to the US star of song and screen. Schneider tells the story of Day’s life through such popular standards as Sentimental Journey, Que Sera Sera, Everybody Loves a Lover, Secret Love and a whole slew of hits from Calamity Jane, The Pyjama Game and Love Me or Leave Me. The show features two male singer-dancers, the swinging eight-piece Doris Big Band and lavish wardrobe changes.
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“It was looking bad for me but I just kept on persevering and managed to catch a brown trout,” he said. The recent competition included anglers fishing from a bank and on a boat. While most people assume fishermen stand still, Lubin said it’s important to keep hydrated and fit. “You are constantly moving about,
Lyndoch at the southern end of the Barossa, and this 20-year-old Tawny is a blend of the oldest and rarest parcels of these stocks. “When we come to blending these wines each year there are plenty of volunteers amongst the winemaking team that want to join us as we taste through the barrels. It’s a pretty special process.” Grant also celebrated another victory at the wine show, with his pre-release 2010 Reserve Eden Valley Riesling, which won a gold medal. “When we came to blend the 2010 Thorn Eden Valley Riesling two small batches stood out as quite remarkable,” he said. “The elegance and length of the wines made them obvious choices for bottle aging, rather than for immediate consumption.” The limited production wine will be released exclusively through the Grant Burge Cellar Door in the Barossa. Grant Burge’s 20-Year-Old Tawny retails for about $65.
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Wednesday, February 29, 2012 - Page 5 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
MOCULTA’S Lubin Pfeiffer has returned from the Commonwealth Fly Fishing Championships in flying form. The keen fisherman, who is also a columnist for the Herald, ranked fifth out of 80-plus competitors from around the world while in Tasmania. He said his efforts now mean attending the World Fly Fishing Championships in Slovenia in June. “You set yourself a realistic goal, not expecting a gold medal, and work to fish well,” he said. Lubin will now compete among about 13,000 anglers from around the world in beautiful rivers and lakes located in the heart of Europe. Lubin describes fly fishing in Australia as “tough” when compared with overseas. “There’s the heat factor and a limited season with only having the cooler months to rely on.” However, Lubin believes these factors help give him an advantage over his competitors who are used to near-perfect conditions. He stressed it’s important to remain patient when fly-fishing and to always give 100 per cent concentration. While attending the Commonwealth championships he did encounter almost an hour-and-a-half of no bites during one competition.
BAROSSA winemaker Grant Burge has again proved he’s a gun when it comes to fortifieds. At the recent Sydney Royal Wine Show he was crowned King of the Fortifieds for his 20-year-old Tawny. The Tawny was awarded the Journalists’ Club Trophy for the best port in show. The win consolidates Grant Burge’s premier fortified winemaker status on a global scale, following trophy wins with the same wine three years in a row at the prestigious Decanter World Wine Awards in London. Following the recent award’s event, Grant acknowledged the vision shown by his father and grandfather in putting aside special parcels of wine from each vintage to assemble into great Barossa fortified wines. “I’ve been lucky to inherit some of the finest parcels of fortified wines in Australia,” he said. “Every drop has been meticulously kept and cared for at my family’s Wilsford Winery in
What a catch
A top drop tawny
Dominic saddles up Water sport in racing industry pushes on THE push to bring recreation to the Warren Reservoir continues. Barossa Council has given its director of works and engineering the go-ahead to prepare a paper on the opportunities for the region should the reservoir opened to passive recreational activities. Council decided in September last year to investigate the possibility of permitting passive recreation on Warren Reservoir in the hope of making it a hot-spot for visitors and tourists. The plan has suffered a recent set-back with water minister Paul Caica and SA Water declaring the need to protect the drinking water supply outweighed the need for allowing recreation on the water body. Council has also decided to seek a meeting with Mr Caica to discuss why he does not support the proposal.
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Food For Thought
PHONE 8563 3400 Barossa Valley Way, Tanunda
A workshop for people wanting to improve their health by reducing weight, cholesterol or blood pressure. The local Country Health SA Dietitian regularly runs the FREE Food For Thought workshop in Nuriootpa and Gawler. Explore the ideal eating pattern, learn healthy eating tips and tricks, and deal with non-hungry eating. To attend this session: Register with Healthlink on 1800 003 307. You will then be contacted with the dates and details of upcoming sessions. A separate session is also available for people with Type 2 Diabetes. Phone the above number to register your interest for this session. HEALTH012600
APPOINTED: Dominic Shepley settles in to his new job.
By GRAHAM FISCHER FORMER football administrator Dominic Shepley is the new chief executive officer of the Gawler and Barossa Jockey Club. Mr Shepley’s appointment was announced by club chairperson Judith Jones. “I believe Dominic has the expertise to take the club forward and look forward to development of the club, both on the racing front and through our function centre,” Mrs Jones said. Mr Shepley, who lives at Freeling, worked for the Norwood Football Club for eight years before resigning in September last year. He was chief executive officer for the last five years before deciding to take make a career change. “I loved every second of my time with Norwood but it was time to put my family first,” Mr Shepley said. “My children are Ella, nine, Sophie, seven and Tom, five, and I was looking forward to getting a few weekends back and spending time with them.
“My wife Melissa had done enough as a ‘football widow’ and it was time to do different things. “I was taking a break when the job opportunity came up at the Gawler and Barossa Jockey Club and it had great appeal.” Mr Shepley said after driving to and from the city for work for 20 years he was looking forward to working close to home. “The Gawler and Barossa Jockey Club is steeped in history and I feel humbled to be able to join the list of outstanding administrators involved with the club,” he said. “The club is beautifully set up, both as a racing venue and function centre, and it will be my job to build these areas. “I have some knowledge of the racing industry but my work will be in the administration area, not telling jockeys how to ride or trainers how to train. It was the same as Norwood, it was not my role to play or coach. “One of the areas I will be looking to improve is communication with club members,” he said.
Welcome back Raychelle
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KATE Milne and the staff at Angaston Countrywide Physiotherapy Clinic would like to welcome Raychelle Small back to their practice after three years of working overseas. Raychelle has moved permanently to Australia from the United Kingdom and is enjoying being back at the clinic. The clinic is now able to offer appointments between the hours of 8am and 6pm and emergency appointments will be available daily. Raychelle will be running Clinical Pilates classes weekly at both a beginners and intermediate level at the Zion church in Angaston. Pilates is a mind and body conditioning exercise that targets the deep postural muscles of the abdomen and spine to improve overall core stability, strength and posture. The sessions include a whole body work out including stretching, toning, balance and co-ordination, with the overall focus on core strengthening. The beginner’s class is appropriate for all levels of ability and the small class sizes will allow for plenty of hands on feedback to ensure the perfect technique is reached. This will ensure that all participants get the most out of the course. Angaston Countrywide Physiotherapy also offers treatment specialising in hydrotherapy, complex neck and shoulder pain, chronic lower back pain, advanced acupuncture, sports injuries, joint replacement, headaches, sinus problems and pelvic dysfunction. The clinic also owns the only Power Plates in South Australia which is fantastic for lower and upper limb rehabilitation, improving bone density for osteoporosis and circulation.
WELCOME BACK: Kate Milne (right) with Raychelle Small who is back at the Angaston Countrwide Physiotherapy Clinic.
Conditions that can benefit from Pilates
• Low back pain • Neck/shoulder pain • Antenatal and pre natal • Instability/Hyper mobility syndrome • Incontinence • Post Knee/hip replacement • Fibromyalgia • Sports men/women wanting to improve their balance , co-ordination or flexibility.
For details regarding appointments and/or Pilates classes please contact Angaston Countrywide Physiotherapy Clinic on 8564 3399.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012 - Page 6 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
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HERALD OFFICE 8563 2041 admin.barossaherald@ruralpress.com
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Wednesday, February 29, 2012 - Page 7 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
SIMPLY THE BEST TAKEAWAY 8563 3442 www.barossaherald.com.au
Barossa’s best vie for top tourism spot
For the latest in news and sport
FOUR renowned Barossa tourism businesses know how to best promote the area. The group will now represent the state in Cairns for the chance to be named Australia’s best at the 2011 Qantas Australian Tourism Awards this Friday, March 2. Getaways Reservation Service; Tour Barossa; Jacob’s Creek Visitor Centre and Seppeltsfield Vineyard Cottage will compete in their respective categories at the national awards. Jacob’s Creek Visitor Centre will be competing in two categories for its restaurant and its cellar door and
Registration Day 8th March - 4.00pm—7.00pm
Gawler & District Netball Association Courts, Hallam Drive, Gawler Our Club currently requires players, coaches & umpires for: Junior Teams: Modified (10 & Under), Under 11, 12, 13, 15 & 17 Senior Teams: A Grade, B Grade & C Grade Trials will be held on 15th, 22nd & 29th March Modified-Under 13 4.00pm-5.00pm Under 15-Under 17 5.00pm-6.00pm All Seniors 6.30pm-8.00pm For further information please contact Club Secretary Kathryn Lloyd-Jones 0417 613 649
It is often said a man’s shed is his sanctuary, and that is certainly becoming the case for these blokes. The Langmeil Lutheran Church held its first Shed Men event on February 24, with 24 men attending Chris Steinert's shed. It’s a place where men can learn to connect with other men, where they help and encourage each other to become 'The Real Deal'. The aim of Langmeil’s Shed Men is fellowship - with a beer and a barbecue to enjoy. It is also encouraged for the host to share a testimony about his life, for example his family, work, hobbies, dislikes, likes and big moments. The first Langmeil’s shed meet was a huge success, and the next is scheduled for March 23. All are blokes are welcome. For details visit www.langmeil.blogspot.com.au or phone the church office on 8563 2657.
Happy birthday to...
Priya Rathjen, of Angaston, will be one on March 3.
Samantha Wutke, of Tanunda, will be two on March 4.
Charlotte Shannon, of Tanunda, was four on February 8.
Harrison Schultz, of Angaston, was four on February 25.
Taya Holgersson, of Angaston, will be nine on March 1.
Fletcher Smith, of Keyneton, was four on February 26.
Kai Hicks, of Lyndoch, was one on February 27. WH1796335
Herald birthday photographs are taken inside The Co-op’s Toyworld section, Nuriootpa, each Saturday. Parents are asked to line up from 10am. For more details, contact the Herald on 8563 2041.
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Seppeltsfield Vineyard Cottage is vying for a back-to-back national win as the best Hosted Accommodation in the country. The Qantas Australian Tourism Awards recognise and promote excellence in tourism, and are the pinnacle of achievement for the tourism industry in Australia. Finalists are drawn from the state and territory Tourism Awards winners across 26 categories. More than 50 representative from the state’s tourism industry will shine a spotlight on South Australia.
Health - E - Advice Chemist Woolworths Complex, Shop 1 Commercial Lane Gawler Phone 8522 1932
Wednesday, February 29, 2012 - Page 8 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
PLAYTIME: The 47 students at Light Pass Primary School, including (front) Hayden Sparks, Brooke Klose and Charlotte Boehm, are thrilled with their new play areas thanks to funds passed on by the Federal Government’s Building Education Revolution and through funds raised by the school. On Tuesday, the unique Covered Outdoor Learning Area (COLA) and upgrades to the playground were officially opened with support shown by (back from left) Barossa mayor Brian Hurn, Regional director for Barossa Kathryn Bruggemann, school Governing Council chairperson Cheree Boehm, executive director for the Council of Education Associations of SA Phil Callen and school principal Jenny Pike.
CAMRY Hunt still on DEMONSTRATOR for new home 2011 ALTISE AUTO REPRESENTATIVES from Barossa Archery Club and council staff will meet this week to continue the hunt for a new base for the club. Barossa Council has prepared a shortlist of 12 sites it believes may be suitable for archery, which require less civil work than the most recent proposed site at Bethany Reserve. The Barossa Archery Club is seeking to move from its current location to improve its facilities and membership, flagging Bethany Reserve as the ideal location. A council report into the earthworks required at Bethany revealed initial works could cost up to $155,000, prompting council to explore more options. Acting chief executive officer for Barossa Council, Ian Baldwin, said club representatives and council staff would work through the list to try and find an alternate, and more cost effective, location for the archery club. “Bethany, in some respects, is a fairly costly exercise, (in) the amount of civil work that has to be undertaken there,” he said. “What we are inclined to do is have a look at other sites that might be suitable for the purpose which don’t involve the same degree of civil works. “We will continue to work with the archery club to see if we can find a reasonable solution.” Mr Baldwin said that once a thorough assessment had been made of possible sites, they would be referred to council for further consideration.
ALL SET: Lyndoch’s Tim Atkinson (pictured left) has been given a major boost to help him complete his university studies at Adelaide University.The 18-year-old, who attended Trinity College at Gawler, received $56,000 after recently winning the 2012 Andy Thomas Scholarship. The funds will cover his expenses to study an Engineering Mechatronics degree, which he begins in March. Pleased with the support, Tim said his degree will allow him to consider careers in the automotive or defence industries.
Reverse camera, air conditioning, alloy wheels, travelled 3,000kms. S785-AMX
Auto, leather interior, alloy wheels, climate controls, airbags, roof racks. UGC-652
$41,990 2005 HOLDEN ASTRA CDX WAGON 5 speed manual, power windows, CD player, electric windows. XIE-702
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Turbo diesel, automatic, cruise control, power windows, canopy. S508-AEX
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2007 TOYOTA AURION TOURING Climate control, A/C, multi disc CD, front & back parking sensors, low kms. XPT287.
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Barossa Valley Toyota 175 Murray St, Tanunda. 8563 2188
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Phone Brian on 0419 838 861 www.regtraining.com.au rtts@adam.com.au Wednesday, February 29, 2012 - Page 9 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
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Views expressed in the Letters to the editor are not those of the Herald. We welcome topical letters, with preference to letters of no more than 200 words. All letters are checked for authenticity. Pseudonyms are not acceptable. Mail your letters to: The editor, PO Box 43, Tanunda, SA, 5352. Fax: 8563 3655. E-mail: editor.barossaherald@ruralpress.com
School thanks We would love to take this opportunity to thank the teachers and staff at the Nuriootpa High School. Our youngest son has obtained a full-time automotive apprenticeship so our season associated with the school has come to an end. We have been very happy with the school, the teaching and the family/student care has been great. Especially the year 12 teachers who went above and beyond their duty- their support was amazing. Be encouraged you are doing a great job influencing the next generation - keep up the good work. It is worth it and it is appreciated. Many thanks. Mike and Helen Leske Nuriootpa More thanks Earlier this month on a Friday evening I was walking my dog past the Greenock pub when he was attacked by a staffie female dog, brindle in colour. She bit into his neck and locked on. The Greenock community was in full swing of its monthly market and five people came to my aid - to get this bitch off my dog. The attack continued for four minutes, it stopped the event. The only sounds were from the dogs, my dog was crying out loud. Murray had bites and many bruises to his neck. My main reason for this letter is to thank all the people who helped me. What would I have done without you?
The owners were given their dog back at the weekend from the council and I hope that they keep their dog more secure in their own back garden, there are no excuses. The next dog she attacks might not be able to walk away. J Irving Greenock World day of prayer Each year, on the first Friday of March, Christian people around the world gather to pray for a designated country, its people and its government. This year, for the World Day of Prayer, the focus country is Malaysia, considered under the title “Let Justice Prevail”. With these prayers being offered throughout the world this means a focus for 24 hours on Malaysia. And of course, thousands of people are joined together by prayer and concern for this country. This year, if you wish to be a part of this worldwide prayer group, please meet at Tabor Church, Murray Street, Tanunda, at 7.30 pm this Friday, March 2. Everyone is welcome to come. Raelene Falland c/- Tabor Church Tanunda Wind Turbines My sympathy goes to all those people of Tanunda who will be affected by the 28-metre communication tower, a visual impact on their landscape. You buy a property in a pretty location only for someone to put a monstrosity in front of you, which
Blackmores Flexagil® pain relief cream. A new clinically proven, natural* pain relief cream Always Al ways read the label. label. Use only only as directed. If symp symptoms ptoms persist see your healthcare professional professional. *Na *Natural tural active ingredient ingredient derived derivved from comfre comfreyy root extract. Relieves acute muscle and joint pain.
LUTHERAN CHURCH PARISHES Angaston Parish: Angaston: 8.45am HC, 10.30am; Penrice: 9am HC; Keyneton: 11am HC; Eden Valley: 9am HC. Bethany-Tabor Parish: 8.30am T; 11am M; 9.45am. Cambrai Parish: Cambrai: 10am HC; Sedan: 6pm HC; Stonefield: 9.30am R. Eudunda Parish:Eudunda: 10am LR; Neales Flat: 9am LR; Peep Hill: 9am LR. Freeling Parish: St Marks, Freeling: 10.45am; Trinity, Rosedale: 8.45am. Gawler: Zion, Pr Geoff Havelberg, Ph 8523 1929. 22B Cowan St, Gawler. 8.45am Trad W HC, 10.45am Cont W. Gawler Immanuel: Cnr Second & Seventh Sts, Gawler.Ph: 8522 6000.Sunday 8.45am, 10.45am. 1st Sunday of month 9.30am. Share-a-meal every 1st & 3rd Wed 11.45am. Greenock: Nain: 9am HC; Greenock: 9am LR, 9.45am JAM; Gnadenfrei: 10.30am HC + ChATS, 7.30pm Lent Service. Kapunda Parish: Allen’s Creek: 9am Pr; Bethel: 10.30am R; Kapunda: 10.30am HC. Langmeil Parish: 8.45am Trad HC; 10.30am C. Light Pass Immanuel Parish: Light Pass: 9am HC; Stockwell: 10.30am HC; Dutton: No Service. Light Pass Strait Gate: Light Pass: 9am; Gruenberg: 10.30am HC Thanksgiving; Truro: 10am R. Lyndoch Parish: Lyndoch: 9am Trad HC; Rowland Flat: 10.30am Trad HC. Nuriootpa: St Petri: 8.30am HC, Pr A Kitson, 10.30am W, Pr A Kitson; Holy Trinity: 11am Trad; Ebenezer/Neukirch: 9.30am HC at Ebenezer. Robertstown Parish: Point Pass: 8.30am HC followed by AGM; Robertstown: 10am LR. St John’s Parish: St J: 9am HC; Sch: 9am LR. St Paul’s Parish: St P:8.45am T; Gdb:10.30am T. www.barossaherald.com.au
Tanunda Lutheran Home: Worship 10.30am Pastor John Thiel. Lenten Services, Wed 10.30am from February 22 to March 28. Peace Evangelical Lutheran Church: Worship service 10am at the Nuri Senior Citizen’s Centre Pr Mr Rosenzweig. Ph: 8563 1310.
ANGLICAN CHURCH Anglican Parish of Barossa: Angaston: 10am HC MM; Nuriootpa: 9.30am MP; Tanunda: 8.30am HC MM; Lyndoch: 10am MP; Williamstown: 8.30am HC SdK. Kapunda Anglican Parish: St Hilda’s, Eudunda: 9am HC; Christ Church, Kapunda: 9.15am HC with Reserved Sacrament; St Matthew’s, Hamilton: 11am HC. Mt Pleasant: 1st Sunday 8.30am, all other Sundays 9am. Enquiries to Hazel Wilton, Warden on 8568 2042. UNITING CHURCH Barossa Congregations: Nuriootpa: 11am Harris; Tanunda: 9am Harris; Angaston: 5pm AWC HT Sibley’s. Gawler Parish: Not supplied. Kersbrook: 10am. Enquiries: 8389 3114. Light Parish: Not supplied. BAPTIST CHURCH Barossa Community Church: 10am Barossa Junction Motel/Conference Centre, Barossa Valley Way, Tan, Pastor Richard Ansoul. Ph: 8563 2158. Lyndoch Baptist Church: Kauffman Ave, Lyndoch: 10am. All welcome. Enquiries to Pastor Tony Edwards on 8564 3001. CATHOLIC CHURCH PARISHES Northern Light Catholic Parish: Nuri: 1st & 3rd Sat 6.30pm, 2nd & 5th Sun 10.30am, 4th Sun 9am; Kapunda: 4th Sat 6.30pm, 1st & 3rd Sun 10.30am, 2nd & 5th Sun 9am; Freeling: 1st Sun 9am, 4th Sun 10.30am, 5th Sun 5pm; Tarlee: 3rd Sun 9am. Parish Office: Ph 8566 2064. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST Barossa: 1 Old Kapunda Rd, Nuri; Sat 9.30am Family Bible Study, 11am Family Worship. ASSEMBLIES OF GOD Barossa New Life Centre: Sunday 10am at the roundabout, cnr Barossa Valley Way & Siegersdorf Road, Dorrien. 4pm at Mt Pleasant Anglican
CHC 52054-08/11
Church Hall, Melrose St. All welcome. Pastor Diane Pope, Pastor Trevor Auricht. Ph: 8562 3844. Kapunda: 10am Sunday, Light Community Church, Main St, Kapunda. Pastor Paul Smith. All welcome. Ph: 8566 2864. CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP Tanunda, McDonnell Street opp former Tanunda Primary School: Saturdays 2.30pm, Worship, Open Bible Study. CHRISTIAN FAMILY CENTRE Barossa: 10.30am Sundays. 16 Scholz Ave, Nuri. Pastor Alan Matson. Ph: 0404 846 274. Murray Flats: 5pm alternate Sundays. Pastor Alan Matson. Ph: 0404 846 274. Cambrai Uniting Church 5pm. SALT CHURCH 25 Northside Crt, Evanston Gdns: Sunday Service 10am & 5pm. Offices, b/shop open 9.30am-4pm. Ph: 8522 0000. THE CHRISTADELPHIANS Sunday school, Greenock Institute Hall, 9.30am. Memorial meetings 11am Sunday. Bible Studies 8pm Tuesday. All welcome. Phone 8524 4196. CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Main North Rd, Evanston Park. Worship Service Sunday 10.30am. All welcome. Pastor Douglas Carolisen. Ph: 8523 1706. INTERDENOMINATIONAL CHURCH Birdwood United Church. 10am Pr Brian Teakle. Ph: 8568 5540. All welcome. HEWETT COMMUNITY CHURCH OF CHRIST Kingfisher Dr, Hewett. 10am, Sunday inspiring worship service. Young generation and creche avail.Youth, women and men’s programs. Ph: 8522 4938. GAWLER FULL GOSPEL OUTREACH MINISTRIES Family Worship Svc. 10am Sun, stone pavilion, Sport & Community Cent, Nixon Tce, Gaw. Pastor Shirley Coe. Ph: 0401 065 748. KAPUNDA EVANGELICAL CHURCH Sundays 5pm, CWA Hall. Pastor Andrew Amos. Ph: 8566 2148. LYNDOCH FULL GOSPEL FELLOWSHIP MINISTRY Lyndoch Institute each Sunday, 11.30am1.30pm Pastor Ken East ph: 8524 4787.
not only ruins your pretty location but potentially devalues your property. Spare a thought also then for the communities of Keyneton, Eden Valley, Sedan and Cambrai who will not only see but hear a proposed 42 wind turbines, 146 metres high (equivalent to a 40-storey high-rise building) along with two noisy and floodlit substations. These will be seen from far and wide blighting the beauty of our majestic hills. We will lose our magnificent birds of prey, wedge-tail eagles, peregrine falcons and more. Our beautiful wildlife slaughtered by 200km/h spinning blades. We have been told the flying zones around the turbines have been extended. I hope they’ve also informed the eagles. If these people truly believe that there are not problems with these turbines then why have 16 turbines out of 34 at Hallett been required to switch off between 7pm and 7am every night? Since this requirement was met residents have indicated that they sleep better than they have in two years. Why are some of the community at Waterloo abandoning their homes? People don’t leave their homes empty for no reason, there are problems. Many people in rural areas thought that wind farms would be the way to green energy and welcomed them, only to regret it. You be the judge about these green projects. Visit these towns like we have. Hear their stories. They are shocking. I, like many people, am all for renewable energy but not at this terrible price. They are placed near people’s homes; their lives have been terribly affected. All this just so developers and a handful of farmers can profit at the expense of rural communities. Wayne Gibbins Keyneton
Twoway Crossword No 0083
Alarming articles I get very annoyed when I read alarming articles in the mainstream media about the problem of “feeding the world”. What people don’t realise is that there is more than enough food to feed everyone on the planet. It is the unfair distribution and profiteering in relation to the food supply that is the problem. Billions of dollars of food is discarded every year while millions of people go hungry. “Best by” and “use by” dates are contributing to perfectly good food being thrown away, meaning, of course, that we buy more than we probably need to and increase corporate profits. Many of us are well aware of certain giant biotech companies that see genetically modified and therefore patentable food staples as an endless line of mega-profits, which will only worsen world hunger problems due to the cost of patented seeds. Soy and corn have already been tampered with, and even wheat is “under attack”. How many people have heard about the “Codex Alimentarius”, a World Trade Organisation agenda to control the growing and distribution of food? The “devil in the detail” is horrific and could take away your choices of growing and selling clean, green, organic produce. How many people know that the federal government is currently working on a National Food Plan? What in heaven’s name does that mean? It seems that the giant corporate agribusinesses are not happy about the popularity of farmers’ markets, and are out to get rid of them with the full assistance of the government. This agenda is becoming a matter of national sovereignty. If people want to be able to source traditional non-GM food, saving heirloom seeds and growing your own is now an urgent priority. Alex Hodges Birdwood Proudly brought to you by
For your chance to win a bottle of Langmeil wine, complete the crossword only and drop the entry form into The Herald office Monday by 4.30pm. Winners need to collect their wine within the week. Last week’s winner was Alan Gray, Gawler.
Roads reply PENRICE Soda Holdings thanks Mr Bob Mee for his letter regarding the management of stone deliveries from its Angaston mine to its chemical plant at Osborne, during the temporary closure of the Barossa Valley rail line due to an extensive upgrade of the Mawson Lakes to Gawler section. Trucks contracted by Penrice to transfer the stone from the mine to Osborne are using Stockwell Road to Carrara Hill Road, then Sturt Highway, as Mr Mee correctly pointed out. This is the same route we originally advised the Barossa community we would use, and we have not altered that direction in any way. Penrice has also recently supplied its quarry products to a local project in the Magnolia Road-Angas Street area of Tanunda. As soon as we are able, Penrice intends to re-introduce our daily rail delivery of stone to our Osborne plant following the completion of the rail works upgrade between Mawson Lakes and Gawler. The most recent advice from the Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure is that rail services will be able to recommence at the end of March. Penrice appreciates the support we have received from the Barossa community during the Gawler line closure. Andrew Cannon General Manager, Supply Chain Penrice Soda Holdings
Name:................................................................. Town:...........................................
Wednesday, February 29, 2012 - Page 10 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
All pop, low km, Holden Barina, 3 door hatch, 5 spd manual 1.6L engine, 4 airbags ABS, alloy wheels in stunning blue duco. S488AAW
Sports Pack SR-i Astra, 1 local owner from new, 5-dr hatch, lot's of feats incl. fog lights, heated leather seats, cruise control, ABS, ESP, in stunning white duco. S119ACA
Power windows, cruise control, versatile dual fuel, ABS brakes. 2420166
2010 SV6 SEDAN
Popular turbo diesel, top of the range dual cab, 5 speed auto, nudge bar, side steps and towbar. Well worth a drive. S053AGA
6 speed auto with active select, 18" alloys, sports body kit, bluetooth. 0880022
6 spd semi auto, fuel efficient 1.8L engine, alloys, 5 star ancap safety rating, in stunning pewter grey duco. S910AJH
8522 4222
Great value turbo diesel dual cab with Just traded, 1 owner, current model with Aluminium tray & towbar. Ready for any auto, IQ touchscreen technology, only work env. Well worth inspection. UNO811 21,000kms. Great Value. BTB253
2.0 T/Diesel Engine 17" Alloys, Active Select Auto, Cruise Control. B290066
Prime example of 7 seater turbo diesel wagon with bull bar, side steps, alloys & tinted windows. Great family getaway vehicle. S014AKM
Turbo diesel, automatic transmission, loads of extras, including nudge bar, side steps & a heavy duty towbar. XPR347
Ex GMH company vehicle, top of the range turbo diesel with Bluetooth, cruise control, side steps, alloys. S122AJB
Stunning example with all the right feats, turbo diesel, auto, rev camera, dual zoned air con, plus much more. Well worth the trip. 676AOK
$56,990 494 Main North Rd
Cnr Bridge & Murray St
8522 6900 GAWLER
Brilliant example of a well maintained vehicle, 1 owner, low 49,000km, 5 speed manual, a/c, pwr steering & tinted windows
Fantastic value family sedan, one owner, excellent history, stunning Wildfire Mica, economical & reliable 2.4L motor
Excellent condition, stylish 18” alloys, cruisecontrol, ABS, Dual airbags, tinted windows, well worth a drive
Only 21,000kms, this is like a new car, aircond, pwr steering, cruise control, cargo barrier, CD player, a great family wagon.
Great value, top condition, pwr windows, cruise ctrl, ABS, airbags, a/c well worth a test drive
One owner, factory leather, Bluetooth, climate control, a/c, 6 airbags, fantastic condition
Automatic, only 36,000kms, 1 owner history, immaculate, well worth a test drive
Factory fitted dual fuel with current V6 technology. One owner, fully maintained, great family value
Last of an era, auto, a/c, pwr steering, cruise control, pwr windows, cargo barrier & window tint. All the family requirements
This wagon is in excellent cond and a top service history with a 5 star ANCAP safety rating, alloy wheels, cruise ctrl & rear park assist. A must to inspect
steinbornerholden.com.au IT’S WELL WORTH THE TRIP! admin.barossaherald@ruralpress.com
DISCLAIMER: Prices are exclusive of registration and stamp duty payable to road transport. *To approved purchases through St George Bank, Adelaide. Some photos for illustrational purposes only. LMVD2833.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012 - Page 11 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
man was arrested on February 22 by the Gawler Police for disorderly behaviour. During the same incident a 38year-old woman was arrested for hindering police. • A 27-year-old Evanston Gardens man was arrested on February 25 by the Gawler Police for aggravated assault and property damage. Reports • Three Willaston youths were reported on February 20 by the Gawler Police for aggravated assault. • A Gawler West man was reported on February 22 by the Gawler Police for aggravated assault. • A 25-year-old Gawler East man was reported on February 22 by the Gawler Police for driving while disqualified. • A 45-year-old Gawler East man was reported on February 23 by the Gawler Police for driving while disqualified. • A 26-year-old Evanston Park man was reported on February 24 by the Gawler Police for pca with a reading of 0.104. Serious criminal trespass • Cash and a laptop were stolen after unknown person manipulated the rear door of a house on Creek Road, Cockatoo
Police honour DO YOU know a police officer who deserves recognition for service to the community during 2011? Now is your chance to say thanks for a job well done. The Police Officer of the Year award is the Rotary Club of Unley’s way of highlighting on behalf of the wider community police officers’ special qualities. In 2011, Nuriootpa’s Senior Constable First Class Ian Skewes accepted a joint award for services made in 2010. Nominations are now open with submissions to be made by Friday, March 30. Download the nomination form by visiting rotaryclub.org.au with written submissions, detailing the reasons for the nomination forwarded: be forwarded to: ‘The Police Officer of the Year’, c/o Rotary Club of Unley, PO Box 18, Unley SA 5061 or email pooty@rotaryclub.org.au The 2011 winner will be announced at a ceremony in Rundle Mall at 12.30pm, Tuesday, May 15.
HealthChat Tuesday 6 March 2012 5pm - 7pm The Minister for Health and Ageing and the SA Health leadership team are interested to know what you think about our state’s public health care system, including your ideas, comments, issues and/or concerns.
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local experience insight support Wednesday, February 29, 2012 - Page 12 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
*Mobile and STD calls will be charged at the rate of a local landline call. Local landline calls to the line are free.
PROTEST: Residents from the Keyneton and Eden Valley area concerned about wind farms staged a peaceful protest at the main crossroads at Keyneton on Thursday. The protest aimed to reinforce their commitment to informing the community of their concerns regarding the proposed wind farm in the region. The ‘Stop the Keyneton Wind Farm’ will be at Foodland at Nuriootpa on March 14 and 15 to provide its views and information on wind farms and their effects on communities.
Freecall* 1800 175 399 between 5pm and 7pm on the evening of Tuesday 6 March 2012 to chat to the Minister or other SA Health executive staff about the state’s health care system.
Valley on February 23. • An engagement ring, passport and other documents were stolen after entry was gained through a window of a house on Finniss Street, Gawler, on February 26. On the same day, medication was stolen from a premise on High Street, Gawler East, after entry was gained through a kitchen window. Property damage • A customer punched an internal door causing it to shatter at a business on High Street, Gawler on February 23. A man was reported for the incident. • Two vehicles, parked in separate car parks in Gawler, were scratched on February 25. Thefts • Investigtions continue after two incidents occurred at a Gawler service station where unknown persons filled their vehicles and left without paying. • Five cameras were stolen from a Gawler business between February 12 and 20. • The front number plate of a vehicle was stolen while the vehicle was parked in front yard on Thompson Circuit, Evanston Park, between February 19 and 20. • A Gawler victim had a purse stolen at a shop on February 23.
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IF YOU love your food then you’re in luck in March. The clever committee of the Tanunda Show have organised a feast for the senses and it involves Barossa’s finest foods. On show day, Saturday March 10, children have the opportunity to show off their culinary talents to former MasterChef contestant and Tanunda man John Hughes. In addition the public has the opportunity to enter the cookery section showcased in the show hall and those keen to sample Barossa food, don’t forget to check out the popular Magpie Café. For children aged eight to 10 and 11 to 13, you have until 6pm tonight (Wednesday) to tell the show committee in 25 words or less why you would like to show John your cooking skills, plus your list of ingredients you would use to create the ‘Best Barossa Gourmet BBQ Dish’. Those chosen will have 30 minutes each to prepare and cook a dish to impress him. To be one of three children selected in each of the two age categories, send your words to deby00@bigpond.net.au. The email must include your name, age, a parent’s name and contact number. Entries close at 6pm, February 29, so hurry, and winners will be notified by March 3. For those also keen to express their cooking skills, why not use your scone and enter the scone making competition. Convenor of the section Lyn Brew can also help those wanting to make perfect scones when she shares her scones for tasting and techniques at Tanunda Foodland on Thursday morning. Lyn says the best way to make scones is by using the CWA Laucke Scone Mix, found at supermarkets. She will be at the Foodland from 9.30am and will provide the public with entry forms. This year people are encourage to make a best sweet scones. Entries for this competition are free and close Thursday, March 8 at 7pm. Grab a copy of the show book, found at local newsagents, and turn to page 64 for more details. If all this talk about food has you salivating then, fear not, the Magpie Café tradition continues. Located in the football clubrooms is a place where you can sit back and relax with Barossa food and wine. All the produce is donated from local businesses and individuals with the menu including meats, smallgoods, cheese, bread, chutneys and mustards, picked vegetables and salad greens. The Magpie Café is kindly sponsored by Dandelion Vineyards. The show office is open from Monday, March 5 to Friday, March 9 from 9.30am to 7pm and on show day from 7am to 5pm. The office is located in the show hall, off Elizabeth Street, Tanunda.
Reports • An Angaston man in his 20s was reported on February 23 by the Nuriootpa Police for breach of his bail conditions. • An 18 year-old Nuriootpa man was reported on February 23 by the Nuriootpa Police for failing to truthfully answer questions regarding the identity of the driver of a vehicle. • A Mt Pleasant man in his 30s was reported on February 23 by the Mt Pleasant Police for theft. • A Kapunda youth was reported on February 26 by the Freeling Police for property damage to the Freeling Bowling Club, which occurred in 2011. • A Freeling woman in her 20s was reported on February 25 by the Barossa Highway Patrol for three counts of driving, contrary to learners permit and prescribed concentration of alcohol with a reading of 0.085. A loss of licence was issued and the vehicle was seized for 28 days. GAWLER Arrests • A 26-year-old Willaston man was arrested on February 21 by the Gawler Police for two counts of aggravated assault, unlawful threats and for failing to pay for a taxi fare. • An 18-year-old Gawler South
BE QUICK: Children are encouraged to share their cooking skills with former MasterChef contestant John Hughes.
Arrests • A Williamstown man in his 20s was arrested on February 20 by the Williamstown Police for a first instance warrant. • A Nuriootpa man in his 20s was arrested on February 23 by the Nuriootpa Police for assault, unlawful threats and for carrying an offensive weapon. • A man in his 30s, of no fixed place address, was arrested on February 23 by the Nuriootpa Police for aggravated assault, carrying an offensive weapon and assaulting police. • A Penrice man in his 50s was arrested by the Nuriootpa Police on February 26 for driving while unlicensed and for failing to produce identification. The vehicle was subsequently impounded. • A man in his 20s, of no fixed place of address, was arrested on February 25 by the Nuriootpa Police for prescribed concentration of alcohol with a reading of 0.129. Driver tests • Police detected 19 drink drivers in the past week throughout the Barossa local service area. Police say it’s still disappointing motorists continue to drink and drive.
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94 Murray Street, GAWLER. Phone: 8522 1077 Open Monday to Friday 8.30am - 8.30pm Saturdays and Public Holidays 8.30am - 5.00pm admin.barossaherald@ruralpress.com
Wednesday, February 29, 2012 - Page 13 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
In brief... AN INITIATIVE to support children living with a disability in regional areas is being carried out. The plan, to involve the National Broadband Network, is aimed at putting children in touch
with specialists in the city. Applications are open for organisations to deliver the $4.9million Remote Hearing and Vision Services for Children program. The offer ends Tuesday, March 13. Organisations interested in delivering the support should visit fahcsia.gov.au/funding.
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Rates meeting to draw a crowd A LARGE turnout is expected at Gawler Council chambers on Tuesday night (March 6) with a special meeting being held to discuss proposed rate changes. Gawler Council’s rating review discussion paper has recommended that differential rates be introduced for commercial and industrial land use. The paper recommends a 60 per cent loading above the general rate apply for businesses in the “Town Centre Historic (Conservation) Zone”. It also recommends that the carpark separate rate, which currently raises funds for the multi-level carpark, be scrapped. The open meeting will allow those people who have made submissions on the proposed rate changes to address council with their concerns. Gawler Council chief executive officer Stephen Kerrigan said councillors welcomed the chance to respond to submissions and debate the proposed rating strategy.
“The council will listen to the statements being made as well as the content of the submissions and then council will then consider ‘what is our rating strategy going to look like?’,” Mr Kerrigan said. “The community has in front of them a draft strategy and a draft policy, and we are looking for feedback, and Paul (Horwood, finance manager) has been getting some.” Mr Kerrigan said council is proposing differential rate loadings to ensure there are appropriate contributions from each sector of the community. “Anybody that is being told they are going to face a 60 per cent increase in their rates would be concerned,” Mr Kerrigan said. “What council is trying to do is balance that and saying, ‘we believe that as other councils are doing, the commercial properties need to pay a little bit more than the residential properties and this is how we are going to introduce that’.”
The special council meeting will be held on Tuesday from 6.30pm, with a decision on the ratings policy is expected to be made at the ordinary council meeting on March 27. Member for Light Tony Piccolo, who is also a former mayor of Gawler, has urged council to be cautious about introducing the differential rate for businesses. Mr Piccolo said using capital values to determine rates tended to automatically differentiate, without needing a range of differential rates. “While a case for the use of a differential rate can be made to lessen the rates burden where clearly a particular sector is disadvantaged, it is not advisable to introduce it as a back door method of furthering a user pay principle,” he said. “A general rating policy acknowledges that we all use different services provided by the council, and the extensive use of user pay policies hit those users who may need them the most.”
Gawler to master sports A MASTER plan will help map out the future of sport and recreation in Gawler. The Recreation Master Plan will ensure facilities are provided for the community and that they are being utilised to their full extent. Gawler Council decided the plan needed to be made when making an application for funding to upgrade the Gawler Sport and Community Centre. Elected members found they required a more in-
depth understanding of current and future recreation requirements in the Gawler community. Council chief executive officer Stephen Kerrigan said council decided it was more prudent to withdraw the funding application, with the proposed master plan to ensure investment in community facilities had a long-term impact for the town. “What the staff are doing is putting up a budget before the 2012-13 financial year
for the development of a recreation master plan,” Mr Kerrigan said. “We (Gawler) have been identified as a sporting hub in the 30-year plan, what we didn’t want to do is limit our opportunities by being too hasty.” Mr Kerrigan said having a master plan in place would make Gawler Council more attractive to receive grants. “It will more clearly identify what the needs of the community are, and take into account the impacts of
population growth as well,” he said. Gawler mayor Brian Sambell said the master plan would give people the chance to hay a say on what facilities Gawler needs. “The most important thing in this day and age is to be prepared and make sure you have got all plans in place,” he said. “We have got to make sure council’s property and facilities are utilised to the full extent what they are there for.”
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Wednesday, February 29, 2012 - Page 14 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
21 Murray St, NURIOOTPA admin.barossaherald@ruralpress.com
Real Estate Liftout
Blickinstal - a lifestyle vision Thriving business with possibilities for further options. See Domain P3. SATURDAY 3RD MARCH
BAROSSA REAL ESTATE SPRINGTON 42 Angas Street...........................12:00 – 12:30pm
Assoc. Aust. Inst. of Conveyancers Registered Conveyancer
Beckwith Park Commercial Precinct 30-38 Barossa Valley Way, Nuriootpa
Ph: (08) 8562 3355 | Fax: (08) 8562 3282 • House & Land Settlements • Mortgages • Leases • Business Settlements • Subdivisions Arranged • Strata Titles • Power of Attorney ALL REAL PROPERTY ACT DOCUMENTS
CONVEYANCER? MAKE THE RIGHT CHOICE www.barossaherald.com.au
HOMBURG REAL ESTATE TANUNDA 66 Basedow Road ...............................1:45 – 2:15pm SUNDAY 4TH MARCH
ADELAIDE REAL ESTATE KAPUNDA 43 Mildred Street................................1:30 – 2:15pm EUDUNDA 4 South Terrace ..................................2:45 – 3:15pm BAROSSA REAL ESTATE TANUNDA 14 Angas Street ..............................11:45 – 12:15pm WILLIAMSTOWN 12 Rounsevell Court .....................1:30 – 2pm PENRICE 100 Penrice Road .................................2:00 – 2:30pm ANGASTON 7 Anton Street ..................................3:45 – 4:15pm WILLIAMSTOWN 9 Charles Fry Court..................4:00 – 4:30pm NURIOOTPA 3 Kindler Avenue .............................4:30 – 5:00pm
HOMBURG REAL ESTATE TANUNDA 42A Maria Street .................................1:00 – 1:30pm TANUNDA 18 Rosalie Avenue ..............................1:00 – 1:30pm NURIOOTPA 19 Oxley Street................................1:30 – 2:00pm TANUNDA Lot 201 Smyth Road...........................1:40 – 2:10pm TANUNDA 16 Homburg Street .............................1:45 – 2:15pm NURIOOTPA 6 Flinders Street ..............................2:15 – 2:45pm GREENOCK 8 Vintage Way...................................2:30 – 3:00pm NURIOOTPA 3 Below Street .................................3:00 – 3:30pm NURIOOTPA 22 Gothic Avenue ............................3:45 – 4:15pm NURIOOTPA 16 Para Avenue ...............................4:30 – 5:00pm RAY WHITE CLARE VALLEY KAPUNDA Lot 1 Hawkers Road ...........................1:00 – 1:45pm
JULIE TOTH REAL ESTATE EBENEZER Lot 102 Belvidere Road..................12:00 – 12:30pm KEYNETON Lot 202 Sedan-Angaston Road .........1:00 – 1:30pm TANUNDA 15 Coronation Avenue.........................2:00 – 2:30pm NURIOOTPA 73 Greenock Road...........................2:45 – 3:15pm
Wednesday, February 29, 2012 - Domain Page 1 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Real Estate Liftout
ABOVE RIGHT: The four-bedroom Williamstown home set on a large corner allotment with a definite ‘wow’ factor. BELOW RIGHT: The kitchen area of the house is open with quality appliances ready for the chef to cook up a tasty offering.
LOOKING for the ‘wow’ factor? This Williamstown property definitely has it. Set on a large corner allotment of 842 square metres, this beautiful house offers four bedrooms, the main with an ensuite and walk-in robe. The remaining three bedrooms all with matching built-in robes. Be impressed by the formal lounge, open kitchen/family/dine area combined plus games room. With superb fittings throughout, the home oozes quality. Temperature control is serviced by ducted airconditioning, gas heating and split- system reverse cycle. The gardens are fully established and easily maintained with drippers and sub-surface irrigation. Together with a fulllength pergola, a 20x20 shed/workshop, rainwater storage and side access. This wonderful home is sure to tick all the boxes without doubt a ‘dream property’. Priced at $399,950, call Kies Real Estate on 8523 3777 to arrange an inspection.
48 Park Way, Mawson Lakes DREAM FAMILY ENTERTAINER ON GENEROUS ALLOTMENT Ideal for the growing or extended family. Offering fml lounge, study, large o/plan kitchen/meals/family + games room. Huge all weather pergola. Upstairs offers 4 generous brms, all with BIR’s & main with ensuite. Ducted r/c air-con, dble gge + 3rd driveway with access to single gge. Inspection won’t disappoint. $630,000 - $680,000 WH1796967
Contact: Sherrie Harrison 0401 515 710 or Judith McKay 0413 606 114
PUBLIC NOTICE Re: Section 7 The Vendor’s statement relating to matters affecting the advertised properties in this publication may be inspected at the agents office three business days prior to the auction or at the place of auction thirty minutes before sale. WH1780969
PENRICE $397,500
OPEN 100 Penrice Road
NURIOOTPA $315K - $320K
Open Sun 2-2.30pm
14 Angas Street Open Sun 11.45-12.15pm
42 Angas Street
MODERN BLUE STONE COTTAGE Bluestone frontage with quoins, 4 brms, ensuite & WIR, BIRs, sep lnge room, Kitchen, gas cooking, dishwasher,o/plan dining & family, ducted R/C Air, plus comb heat, c/pt with roller door, Full length vdah, 10x4m shed, rainwater tank. The list goes on. Within walking distance to Angaston. Sue Schugmann 0419 850 408
DUAL INCOME PROPERTY! Great investment property with potential rental income from storage to help pay off the mortgage! This 3 brm, 1 bath corner block solid brick home could be a lovely home for first home buyers. The huge shed approx. 108m2 (13.5 x 8) will store up to 7 cars or boat & cvan. A must to inspect. Myriam Bultsma 0427 392 819
ROMANTIC HIDEAWAY! Less than 65km from Adelaide CBD this romantic western red cedar cottage set on a lge blk over 1600m2 will surely steal your heart. Stylishly presented as an o/p 2 brm, 1 bthrm home with beautiful indoor/outdoor flow. Comb heat/bread oven, evap. cooling, fruit trees & veggie patch in beautiful cottage gdn, rainwater tanks. V.affordable living or holiday home! Myriam Bultsma 0427 392 819
OPEN 12 Rounsevell Crt
Open Sun 1.30-2pm
GORGEOUS OUTLOOK! 4 brm brick veneer home set on a large 5150m2 (approx) block. Separate lounge room, kitchen/ family/meals area, bedrooms 1, 2, and 3 all with built-in robes, three way bathroom, slate flooring, outdoor entertaining area, 3 garden sheds and ample rainwater. Peter Fairweather 0415 825 420
Open Sat 12-12.30pm
OPEN 3 Kindler Avenue
86 Reusch Drive Contemporary flair is show cased throughout this 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom home, with artistic light fittings & large slate grey tiles. The kitchen is complemented by s/s appliances & overlooks the family/meals area. Sep lnge. R/C ducted heating & cooling, dbl gge & landscaped front garden with irrigation system. Peter Fairweather 0415 825 420
Open Sun 4.30-5pm
9 Charles Fry Court Open Sun 4-4.30pm
7 Anton Street
Don’t over look this great opportunity, nearly 400m2 of quality home built to the owners exacting standards, quality throughout, 4 spac brms & 3 living areas, solid brick construction, ducted A/C, vacuum maid, 3m ceilings, quality timber features t/out, drops & pelmets, floor coverings, all amongst the best you could wish for- 975m2 Block- LOOK AT THE VALUE!!!! Peter Fairweather 0415 825 420
CATHEDRAL CEILINGS Located in a quiet court and set on 682m2 allotment this home is sure to impress. With 3 brms, ensuite,built in robes, polished floor, 3-way bathroom, kitchen & electric appliances, lots of cupboard space, split system a/c, open plan lounge, family & dining, Carport, Double Garage & double attached Carport. Sue Schugmann 0419 850 408
FANTASTIC 1ST HOME WITH BREATHTAKING VIEWS Great for the entertainer & with plenty of room for the children to play. Lounge, formal dine, blackwood kitchen with under bench oven and gas cook top. 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom plus a sleepout. Ducted a/c & gas heating, rear vdah, gazebo, gas heated spa, dbl gge, room for the caravan. A must for inspection. Myriam Bultsma 0427 392 819
Open Sun 3.45-4.15pm
www.barossarealestate.com.au F: 8563 0105 E: bvrealestate@ozemail.com.au www.barossaherald.com.au
Peter Fairweather 0415 825 420
Sue Schugmann 0419 850 408
Sue Fechner 8563 3511
Myriam Bultsma 0427 392 819
Elle Moreton 0488 996 566
Property Manager Anne Johansson 8563 3511
RLA 1997
Wednesday, February 29, 2012 - Domain Page 2 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
8563 3511
Real Estate Liftout
RELAXING: Just part of the sensational grounds of Blickinstal.
Blickinstal ‘BLICKINSTAL’ is a lifestyle vision. From this heavenly homestead nestled in the foothills of the Barossa Ranges, you can enjoy an idyllic lifestyle and run your thriving business from home, accompanied by breathtaking and endless views across the valley floor and beyond. This diverse 6.76ha property provides multiple sources of income with its hugely successful longterm established bed and breakfast operation comprising six selfcontained accommodation sites, 10 acres of super premium dry grown vineyard, fantastic shedding, stables and unlimited scope to add to the business here in this stunning, elevated and leafy setting. ‘Blickinstal’ translates to ‘view into the valley’ and is the perfect base from which to enjoy the Barossa, offering secluded tranquillity that is just a country walk from the acclaimed Krondorf Road wineries and Bethany settlement, where local history and old stone farmhouses make this location an authentic Barossa experience. With the ‘Heysen Trail’ and the ‘Kaiser Stuhl Conservation Park’ located just behind the property, ‘Blickinstal’ is an idyllic health retreat. Set among the wonder of nature, surrounded by tall gums and native birdsong, the property’s four units are beautifully upgraded with sparkling new bathrooms, luxurious kitchenettes with solid marble bench-tops, quality coordinated furnishings, air-conditioning and new flat screen televisions. A full-length slated verandah provides the perfect vantage point for guests to sit back and enjoy a glass of wine while revelling in a slow sunset and in the everchanging rural scene below. Adjacent, a gazebo with barbecue facilities allows the pleasure of outdoor dining through all seasons. Further up the hillside and ideally equipped for longer stays, the two light-filled split-level lodges provide more expansive living space and have the added luxury of spa bathrooms and the ambience of wood-fuelled fires. To ensure smooth housekeeping, two easily accessible laundry and storage rooms service both the lodge pair and the unit group. Established perimeter gardens, tall trees and lush lawns create a park-like setting around the www.barossaherald.com.au
At a glance... What: Blickinstal. Where: Lot 1, Rifle Range Road, Tanunda. Features: Hugely successful long term established bed and breakfast. Open: By appointment. Price: On application. Agent: Homburg Real Estate. Contact: David Braunack on 0418 841 349 or 8563 2599. RLA 219152.
accommodation and homestead with quality bore water allowing irrigation throughout summer. Famous for its hosted farmhouse breakfasts, guests wander down the stone path, through the garden, to the main dining room of the ‘Blickinstal’ homestead to indulge in local produce and fresh farm eggs. Glass slides to take guests out onto the homestead’s front verandah to appreciate the stunning scenery in alfresco style. The farmhouse features high raked ceilings; spacious open-plan living; new ‘Alby Turner’ kitchen with 900mm commercial cooker, dishwasher, island bench and striking glass splash-backs; refurbished family bathroom; huge laundry and storage-room newly outfitted with abundant cupboard and bench space; three queen bedrooms with built-in robes and an office. Beyond the homestead, a freestanding rumpus room with paved shaded area is ideal for teens; a modern barn with stables and newly concreted floor provides numerous options for adding other facets to the business; a huge shed provides storage, workshop facilities and shelter for multiple cars. The chicken coop, with its two dozen birds, provides generous supplies daily. The rare dry grown vineyard of about 4.44ha of Shiraz and Cabernet Sauvignon continuously produces exceptional fruit due to its unique aspect and fertile soils, the high quality crop is always in demand and provides an outstanding income for the acreage. Although already very complete, this profitable property may represent an opportunity to take things further again. There’s scope for horse riding, additional catering in the commercial style kitchen and adaptation of the barn to suit a functions room for small weddings and business conventions.
Rarely available
LOOKING for an ideal country spot to bring up a family or just simply get away from the hustle of city life? This tranquil spot at Hansborough, about 21km north of Kapunda, ticks all the boxes. The 44-year-old threebedroom house (pictured above) on about five acres has been meticulously maintained to a high standard and has many wonderful memories for its current owners. A highlight is the extensive use of natural timbers, and features slate and timber floors, an open-plan kitchen/dining area, modern kitchen and a
combustion heater. There is ample shedding to cater for various pursuits along with established gardens. Fenced into four paddocks, the property allows rotation for horses, ponies or sheep. Just a short drive down an allweather road, there is easy commuting to Kapunda, the Barossa Valley and Gawler. Change in an employment situation brings about reason for sale. Set ups like this are often sought after but rarely available. Just imagine sitting back on the rear verandah surrounded by many mature trees and well
established gardens and enjoy the bird life that comes to visit. Plenty of creek spots for the kids or grandkids to enjoy is another bonus. For the handyman there is a workshop and plenty of sheds to cater for most interests. If the time is right for a country life but still within reach of essential facilities - consider this one. Priced at a realistic $299,000, agent David Mosley from Hambours Real Estate expects this one to be snapped up. For more information or to arrange a viewing contact David on 8566 2209. RLA150685.
Hambours R E A L E S TAT E
Asking - $172,000 for No.3; $169,000 for No.7
ENJOY THE COUNTRY LIFE. Neat country cottage located on quiet street close to Primary School (circa 1880). This quaint cottage has some original features including a good sized dry cellar. Currently configured as 2 brms + separate teenagers retreat. Established gdns, boys bar-room, rumpus room, upgraded bthrm, dining room, plenty of shedding, chook yards, etc. Ideal for someone on a budget who enjoys the country life - worth inspection.
Asking $155,500
RLA 150685
HORSE FRIENDLY PROPERTY- On 18 acres (7.28Ha) with 3 bedroom timber framed home and good shedding, just 7kms from Eudunda. Home features kitchen/dining, good sized lounge, combustion heater and ducted evap air con. Outside features include front and rear verandah, 40x25 shed with concrete floor, 60x30 machinery shed, 3 rainwater tanks, mains water connected. Needs TLC but has possibilities. RLA 150685
No. 3 & No.7 Harriet St, Kapunda. Modern 2 bedroom open plan b/v homes approx. 3 years old. No. 3 is on approx. 390m2 and No. 7 is on approx. 265m2. Both are available vacant possession. Contact David now! RLA 150685.
Asking $210,000
STATION MASTER’S HOUSE. Opportunity for self sufficiency on flat manageable 2 acre well fenced block.Well maintained 3 bedroom home features lounge with built in combustion heater, kitchen with original wood stove and cellar, fully enclosed rear verandah and ample shedding.Looking for a country escape fully established and well cared for, check this one out! Contact David now! RLA 150685
Asking $220,000 will look at serious offers
Mark Hambour Lic Agents. 65 Main Street, Kapunda. RLA150685
Phone David on 8566 2209 all hours
email: hambours@bigpond.com | www.hamboursrealestate.com.au | mobile: 041 491 7474
Urgently Required:
• Character stone homes • Vacant acreage (large or small) • Hobby or income producing farms
Wednesday, February 29, 2012 - Domain Page 3 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Real Estate Liftout
Opportunity knocks once
HOW often have you heard someone say; “If only I had known then what I know now, I would have bought that property. It has tripled in value over the past 10 years”. If we could turn back time we would all make the most of opportunities that have passed us by. If you are hoping to buy land and build sometime in the future now may be the perfect time to take advantage of a lull in the market and buy at prices that will not be repeated. Foresight can also be a great
way to take advantage of opportunities that come our way. Prices at The Boulevard on Schaedel Street, Nuriootpa have always been competitive but for a short time two of the blocks in particular are being offered at amazing prices. Lot 548 (721 square metres) and Lot 549 (750 square metres) are now available for $104,500 each. These are excellent value for money now but will be looked back on as unbelievable. Don’t be saying “If only” when now is the perfect time to take advantage of these prices.
Hambours R E A L E S TAT E
RARE OPPORTUNITY CRAWLEYS NORTH & SOUTH Expressions of Interest, closing 4pm, 30th March 2012
The offering of Crawleys presents an outstanding opportunity for farm build in a highly regarded agricultural area renowned for reliably producing high yielding crops. An easily managed parcel of land suited to a variety of cropping enterprises including hay growing, mixed cereals, legumes and various livestock options to capture the strength of the sheep and lamb markets. Crawleys is a well located property with a history of reliable returns. This is a rare opportunity to purchase land that has been held by the same family for over 50 years. Hambours Real Estate are privileged to sell the parcel of land in a tightly held area of good country.
Contact David Mosley on 8566 2209 or 0414 917 474
Hambours Real Estate. 65 Main Street, Kapunda
Phone David on 8566 2209 all hours email: hambours@bigpond.com | www.hamboursrealestate.com.au | mobile: 041 491 7474 RLA150685
As well as exceptional prices The Boulevard offers the backdrop of a lovely tree lined reserve and a great location close to schools and shopping. With an exemption from council rates until 2013 this is a wonderful opportunity to secure your family’s financial future. Your dream family home and lifestyle can at last become a reality at The Boulevard. Contact Peter Fairweather from Barossa Real Estate on 0415 825 420 or at the office on 8563 3511 for more details. RLA 1997.
Essential DIY painting guide IT’S one of the quickest ways to give a home a facelift, but painting like the pros requires patience, attention to detail, a steady hand and yes, tedious preparation. It’s a messy business, with lots of bending, twisting and negotiating ladders, and inevitable dithering over the crucial colour scheme. Decide up front who lands the back-breaking tasks of heavy sanding and painting the ceilings. Painting is not just about getting the paint onto surfaces successfully. There's an awful lot of work involved in not getting paint where it shouldn't be. Choosing paint colours can be daunting. Try collecting pictures of potential colour schemes from magazines or the internet. To start Start your painting project with some measurements. You will need to know how many square metres you will be painting. Assess the surface you want to paint, is it fresh plaster or cement, is it old flaky paint or wallpaper, is it a relatively new finish? Tools of the trade. A wall scraper and painter's tape. What's the quality of the surface? Is it a nice smooth surface or is it a bit rough? If you can't decide on a colour scheme, get some sample pots and experiment. Surface prep is time consuming but will give the end result a more professional look.
Remember, colours can look quite different in different lighting conditions, don't just rely on looking at the paper samples in the shop. Paint comes in a number of finishes from matt to gloss and are either acrylic or enamel or oilbased. Flat paint hides flaws in old walls. A semi- or high-gloss paint works best on woodwork, such as door and window frames, and skirtings. Low-sheen is the most popular finish for walls. Wear and tear is another point to consider. For example, high traffic areas or walls subjected to small sticky fingers will call for a tough, easy maintenance finish. Most surfaces require two coats of paint, and if you're painting over a dark colour or a new wall, you'll probably need an undercoat. Preparation You might be a whiz with a paint brush and roller, but all your efforts will be in vain if you haven't meticulously prepared the surfaces.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012 - Domain Page 4 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Cover the floor Be generous with the drop sheets, taping them to the walls so they don't slide around. Make sure the drop sheets are tough enough to resist tearing if you're going to be moving a ladder around. Good lighting is essential to ensure even coats of paint. Light and ventilation Make sure you've got good even lighting where you're working so you see what you're doing clearly. Wall surfaces and paint colours will look different in different lighting conditions, especially if it's daylight coming from a single window. Use a good bright portable light for best results. And check what you're doing from different angles in the room. Whenever using chemicals and stirring up dust make sure you have plenty of fresh air. Move the ladder, don't risk a fall or back strain by reaching too far. Surfaces Older walls will need any loose paint scraped off. Holes and cracks need to be scraped out to remove loose material and then patched with a suitable filler. Blade scrapers are great for tidying up old paint jobs that left paint on window glass. There are a lot more tips for painting. Go to Domain.com.au and look for the ‘painter’s checklist’ to read the complete list and obtain your best result. admin.barossaherald@ruralpress.com
Real Estate Liftout
Fantastic family space
UPGRADED: The three-bedroom Nuriootpa house which is big on space.
THIS nicely upgraded 1950s Nuriootpa home is big on space for young families and the young at heart. It has a trio of large living spaces within, three generous bedrooms, great storage throughout and sliding glass that opens the house up to freedom, fresh air, the slated rear verandah and fabulous backyard for kids and fun on this massive 1247 square metre allotment. Discreet from the street and hidden by solid garden walls and mature trees, this home offers so much more than first meets the eye. Enter and be surprised to discover a super-sized lounge room with stunning original sandstone feature wall and slow combustion fire built within. This space of relaxed comfort is linked by an archway to the extensive tuscan tiled casual
living domain, where an attractive modern kitchen and dining room are open-plan to one another and double glass doors lead to the rumpus room in the rear. It is here that a wall of sliding glass unites the inside with the outside, allowing the home to be opened up to the great outdoors. A slated rear verandah and alfresco zone promotes easy migration outdoors for both playtime and entertaining. The expansive backyard beyond is playground heaven for kids with a huge old shade tree to picnic under. Access to the attached garage and its rear workshop area is provided off the rear verandah and two small sheds shelter the kids’ bikes, outdoor toys and the mower. Indoors, the bedrooms are all of healthy old-fashioned proportions and the home has
Take advantage TAKE a look at this half-acre block with a three-bedroom home and two large sheds in Keyneton that would suit a handyman. The comfortable three-bedroom fibro home has been designed to maximise all the available space, doing away with passage ways and hide-away doors to get the full benefit of the home. On entering visitors are able to see through the entire house providing an immediate feeling of space and depth to the design. All three bedrooms have carpet. The lounge room/dining/kitchen area is open-plan. There is a two-way bathroom and separate toilet. Heating and cooling is provided to keep the home comfortable. Outdoors is the side and rear verandah, a timber cubby house, a 40x20 shed with concrete floor and three-phase power, a 30x15 shed with a concrete floor and partly insulated. The large backyard is enclosed with a large fenced run for the chooks or for a pet lamb.. This property suits a handyman or self-sufficient people with the food prices as there are. Grow your own vegies and have a few chooks for meat and eggs. All this on a large size allotment of 2168 square metres.
At a glance... Where: Lot 202 Sedan-Angaston Road, Keyneton. Features: Large allotment of 2168 square metres.
abundant built-in storage right throughout. Downlights, ceiling fans and air conditioning are all additional recent modern improvements. This property is packed with space and opportunity for family to get the most out of both everyday life and occasional celebrations, there’s room for everyone to do their thing and scope to add your own ideas on this plentiful patch on Nuri’s edge.
At a glance... Where: 6 Neil Avenue, Nuriootpa. Features: A trio of large living spaces. Open: By appointment. Price: Contact agent. Agent: Homburg Real Estate. Contact: David Braunack on 0418 841 349. RLA 219152.
... where people matter FREELING
$360,000 KEYNETON
14 Kirchner Street NEW
$210,000 ANGASTON
Lot 202 Sedan-Angaston Road OPEN Sunday 4th March, 1.00-1.30pm NEW
4 Collins Street NEW
Price: $210,000. Open: Sunday, March 4. When: 1pm -1.30pm. Agent: Julie Toth Real Estate. RLA198199. Contact: Julie Toth (pictured) on 0418 853 134 or office on 8562 4650.
LARGE FAMILY HOME 4 brms, 2 bathrooms, study, lounge, family room, open plan kitchen, air cond, double garage, entertaining area, large shed, room for boat & caravan.
LARGE 2168m2 BLOCK 2 lge sheds, suit handyman. 3 brms, open plan kitchen/dine/lnge area, a/c, 40x20 shed concreted & 3 phase pwr plus 30x15 shed, enclosed lge backyard & lge fenced yard for animals.
THE CORRUGATED IRON COTTAGE 3 brm cottage, polished timber floors throughout, kitchen with dw, lounge with heating & cooling, timber deck with views, few minutes’ walk to all amenities.
$277,000 NURIOOTPA $310-$330,000 NURIOOTPA 4B The Crescent
15 Coronation Avenue OPEN Sunday 4th Feb, 2.00-2.30pm
4C The Crescent NEW
BRAND NEW HOME GREAT INVESTMENT QUIET TREE LINED STREET Dble brick 3 brm home on a 780m2 cnr block. Large 3 brms, ensuite, walk-in robe, formal lounge, Dble brick, 3 brm home, lrg lounge with French doors, lounge, kitchen with pantry, heating & cooling. Dble family/games room, large modern kitchen, kitchen with elec stove & pantry, polished flr brds t/out, double garage, quiet location, low maintenance. htg & cooling, dble gge. 697m2 allot (approx) gge, estab rear garden with fruit trees & more.
ANGASTON $199-$229,000 NURIOOTPA 36 Penrice Road
$285,000 DUTTON
OPEN Sunday 4th March 2.45-3.15pm 73 Greenock Road
42 Truro / Eudunda Road
WOULD-BE RENOVATORS - LOOK AT THIS! RESTORED MINERS COTTAGE MODERN STYLISH LIVING Great starter, dble brick home, 2 brms + 1 brm, lounge can be 2nd brm, kitchen/family Brand new 3 Brms with carpet, master with sunroom, lounge & family living. Needs rm, front & rear v/dah, s/s a/c, gdn shed, r/wtr TLC. Split level residential block of 805m2. ensuite & walk-in robe, spacious kitchen with dw, open plan living with timber floors. plumbed to house, 3000m2 allot.
$680,000 KEYNETON
Lot 102 Belvidere Road OPEN Sunday 4th March, 12-12.30pm
$73,000 EUDUNDA
Lot 8 Sedan - Angaston Road
9 Kapunda Street
1390m2 BLOCK – GREAT VALUE WOW SO CLOSE TO TOWN! Large flat land with no encumbrances put on this property by the council with over 30m frontage 1930 Villa in a good condition, 3 brms, and over 45m in depth you could dream up your lovely upgraded kitchen, sunroom, ducted own design (STCC.) Water and power available. A/C, double & single garage, cnr block.
$285-$295,000 EUDUNDA
2 Michael Street
INTERESTING: The three-bedroom house at Keyneton which really is open-plan and is on a property where the owner could be self-sufficent. www.barossaherald.com.au
8562 4650 0418 853 134
Wednesday, February 29, 2012 - Domain Page 5 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
2/7 Gawler Street, Nuriootpa www.julietothrealestate.com.au
16 Railway Parade BEAUTIFULLY RESTORED 1910 VILLA GOOD SHEDDING – LARGE LAND TWO LARGE BLOCKS 50x50 shed, suit earth moving business, Two titles, lovely upgraded 4 brm stone home on 12 ft ceilings, picture rails in every room. 3-4 mechanics or carpenters. 3 brms, 2 1 title 1012m2 & established garden on the other brms, 2 living areas, country kitchen, new bthrm 2 bthrms, brick home, & more, on 25 acres. title 1150m2. Keep it as a whole or sell one off. with spa, front & rear access, 1000m allot. Call for your free market appraisal
Wednesday, February 29, 2012 - Domain Page 6 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Wednesday, February 29, 2012 - Domain Page 7 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Real Estate Liftout
Entertainer’s delight WHERE: 48 Park Way, Mawson Lakes. WHAT: Quality-built in 2006 by Homestead Homes (pictured left) and designed to meet the current owners exacting standards.
Commercial Lease
Elevated residential allotment with main road frontage. Huge allotment of 956 square metres
Adjoins rural living – lovely rural feel. Lots of room for the boat and caravan or just enjoy the space. A very affordable price $145,000.00
MOBILE 0419 623 510
Excellent exposure – located on Tanunda Road Nuriootpa.
INSIDE: Four generous bedrooms, the master is complete with large walk-in robe and en suite. The second bedroom offers a walk-in robe while bedrooms three and four have built-in robes. The neutral three-way main bathroom is perfectly located to serve the bedroom wing. The spacious central living area is the hub of the home. It offers a large kitchen with neutral décor, walk-in pantry, stainless-steel appliances including dishwasher and ample bench space. Currently set up as kitchen, dining and family room this light-filled room has French doors opening onto the huge all-weather gabled pergola. The formal lounge at the front of the home would also make an ideal home theatre room. The study with built-in cupboards is adjacent the formal lounge and could also be utilised as a formal dining room.
OUTSIDE: A double garage under the main roof has direct internal access, as well as a third driveway ideal for getting a trailer or boat off street. A large single garage in the rear is perfect for storage or as a workshop. Situated on established grounds and complete with ducted reverse-cycle heating/cooling, solar panels and security. WOW FACTOR: An entertainer’s delight the indoor and outdoor aspect of the home works well and the large games room is ideal for casual entertaining or a pool table. High vaulted ceilings, rustic timber floors and flexible floor plan. PRICE: $650,000 guide. AGENT: LJ Hooker Walkerville - Sherrie Harrison on 0401 515 710 or Judith McKay on 0413 606 114 or 8269 7711 (office). RLA 200591.
Air conditioned building consisting of four individual offices and a large reception area including display window.
Provision for adequate parking.
Allotment of 1Ha. Situated in the quality rural living area on the Northern edge of Angaston. Create your own home amongst the rolling hills with room to live and enjoy. Fully fenced and serviced. Want the space – close to town – lovely rural setting. You can have it all. Price $270,000.00 Contact Ian Mob 0419 623510 to arrange an on site inspection.
Negotiable lease term available. Is there a better place to put your business. Contact
Ian Mader 0419 623 510 to arrange your confidential inspection.
“FORDS” - 78.8Ha - 194 Acres
AUCTION 2pm Thursday 8th March 2012 in Kapunda Football Club (INSP)
Web ID: 7397646
Rare opportunity to purchase high quality farming land • Gently undulating red brown clay soils • 1 main paddock, fencing comprising mainly cyclone, barb wire and pine posts • Watered by permanent springs, generally regarded as 450500mm rainfall area • Well located approx 7kms south of Kapunda just off Thiele Hwy
Daniel Schell 0415 436 379 or Geoff Schell 0418 842 421
AUCTION 11am Thursday 29th March 2012
Lot 1 Hawkers Road, Kapunda
ON-SITE (INSP) Web ID: Open Inspection: Sun 1-1.45pm Attractive modern family home on 18 acres with quality improvements in a wonderful elev position providing fantastic rural views to enjoy the country lifestyle. 4 brms with ensuite to master brm & BIR’s in all brms. Western red cedar kitch/meals, spac living areas, kid’s sunroom & sep office. Main bthrm with sep vanity room & gd size lndry. Lge paved u/c ent area overlooking the rural vista. Low maint native gdn & small lawn area surrounds the home. The property is very well fenced & would be ideal for horses or other stock. This is a quality home in a highly sought after loc. Peaceful & private yet within mins to all township facilities in Kapunda & just 20 mins drive to Gawler.
Daniel Schell 0415 436 379 or Geoff Schell 0418 842 421 www.barossaherald.com.au
RLA 205501
TOP: Spacious and functional describes the kitchen of the Mawson Lakes house which has a walk-in pantry and stainless-steel appliances. MIDDLE: Room to move and entertain in the games room with doors opening to the outside. ABOVE: The formal lounge which could be converted into a home theatre room with high vaulted ceilings and rustic timber floors.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012 - Domain Page 8 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Guaranteed Risk Free Selling! Many more properties for sale, call in to inspect our full range
Available 7 Days
$459,950 1
$399,950 1
$349,950 2
$449,950 2
Unrivalled Quality & Privacy
“Merriwood Farm & Guest House”
Stunning 4 Bedroom Home
1½ Ac, 4 Bms + Study - “Wrenhaven”
Convenient & Tranquil
This beautiful tree studded allotment offers over an acre of tranquillity with stunning views. The 2 storey residence comprises of 3 large bedrooms upstairs, 2 with balconies, and a main bathroom. Downstairs there is a huge open living area overlooked by the amazing timber kitchen, superb appliances and slate flooring, large laundry and 2nd toilet facilities. The enclosed verandah is a 2nd entertaining area with spa. Park-like grounds, fully established and easily maintained. There is also a 40x30x15 shed/workshop and another 20x20 lined shed/children’s retreat. No expense has been spared. Inspection is a must - A great find nestled in the heart of the Barossa.
Set on over 5 acres this stunning circa 1890 cottage offers 360° panoramic views, offering 3 bedrooms, master with open fire place, family/ dining & formal lounge, country style Oak kitchen and stylish bthrm with spa, slow combustion heating & r/cycle air-conditioning. The separate guest house features open plan living, master brm, kitchen, lounge/dining & bathroom. The property has 4 paddocks, some with horse shelters, 9.3x10.3 shed with workshop, large aviaries, kangaroo enclosure, shared bore, 55000L approx rainwater storage and stunning cottage gardens. All this situated approximately 10km out of Kapunda.
This stunning quality home built in 2004 is a massive 249m2. Set on a 920m2 allot this lovely Distinctive built home offers 4 lge brms, main with ens & WIR, brms 2, 3 & 4 with BIRs, good size office, fml entry & fml dining, generous size kitchen complete with quality appliances, plenty of storage & a lge b/fast bar overlooking the spac o/plan living meals & family room. The home is fully insulated, has r/c heating & cooling, rainwater tank, dbl c/pt with remote roller doors, 12m x 6m galvanized shed with built in mezzanine storage area. The front gdn has established plants and pop-up sprinklers and the back garden has a large entertaining area with the gardens yet to be completed. This stunning property is within walking distance to the main street and local schools.
This stunning Fairmont home is set on over 1½ acres of park-like grounds with established trees and abundant bird life. Offering 4 large brms plus study (or 5th brm if required), main with ensuite, walk-in robe and BIR. The formal lounge is spacious and light with a bay window overlooking the front gardens. The hub of the home is the huge family area combined with kitchen and dining. The property has been beautifully established and superbly maintained, boasting ducted evaporative a/c, slow combustion heating and superior fixtures and fittings throughout. With full verandahs side and back there is ample outdoor entertaining together with 5000L rainwater storage pumped throughout the home, a 1.7kw solar system complete with import/export meter and sundry tool sheds, dog pen and even one for the chooks. The perfect country home in the idyllic location.
Set on over a quarter of an acre (1104m2) this much loved family home offers 3 bedrooms, main with walk-in robe and bedrooms 2 and 3 with built-in robes, open living family, dining and kitchen together with a large formal lounge. The home is serviced by a 3.5hp split system and also slow combustion heating. Outside, the property boasts unbroken views over the Barossa Ranges and beautifully established gardens just perfect for entertaining. Also with a 20x20 shed with cement floor and power, double carport, rear access and 6500L of rainwater storage fed to the laundry and kitchen. A lovely property offering privacy and seclusion yet walking distance to all of Lyndoch’s amenities. A “must inspect” for anyone looking in the Barossa, convenience and tranquillity found.
# 5031
# 3027
# 3020
# 5039
# 5020
RLA 61382
$445,000 2
RLA 61382
$499,950 2
RLA 61382
$329,950 2
RLA 61382
$449,950 2
RLA 61382
$255,000 1
Quality Home, Stunning Views
The Best of Both Worlds
Perfect Position
Barossa Beauty
Charming 1890’s Stone Home
This fabulous 2003 built home is set on 996m2 with majestic views. The home offers master bedroom with bay window, ensuite, walk-in robe and ceiling fan, bedrooms 2, 3 & 4 have built-ins and ceiling fans, formal entry, stunning formal dining and lounge with vaulted ceilings, open plan family/meals and kitchen with a central servery/breakfast bar, large split system heating and cooling and slow combustion heater the home is complete with quality appliances, fixtures and fittings. Outside boasts a stunning entertainment area with views you could look at all day long, it has a superb salt water pool, manicured gardens, large shed, double carport under the main roof, all the fruit trees you could ever need, all located in the picturesque town of Lyndoch - just walking distance to schools, shops, cafés and wineries.
Offering 2 residences on over 1½ acres, this is both a unique & idyllic property. Set in a v.quiet court amongst other quality homes it boasts stunning views to the Barossa Ranges framed by it's very own vines. Built in 1982 this solid brick home consists of one dwelling featuring 3 brms with fml lnge/dining, superb timber kitch, full bthrm with sep toilet & lndry adj to another 2 brm residence with kitchen, open family/ dining, bthrm with shwr & sep toilet + lndry. Perfect for the extended family, privacy for the children or possible income producing opp. Serviced by ducted evap a/c & r/c split systems. Outside the property offers superbly estab mature gdns, a huge pgla outdoor ent area together with 30 x 20 shed with pwr & cement flr. A truly rare offering which would accommodate a range of requirements, as 2 very sep homes or a single 5 brm residence.
This wonderful 3 bedroom home offers ensuite and walk-in robe to the main bedroom, formal lounge with bay window, formal dining room or study plus family/dining area which is over looked by the Blackwood timber kitchen with walkin pantry. Complete with heating and cooling, superbly established gardens, return verandahs, great outdoor entertaining and fantastic 20x30 shed, all on an 832m2 corner allotment opposite a huge recreational area close to amenities - this property truly offers it all!
Constructed by Galaxy Homes in 2002 this spacious 4 brm home has all the extras that you would expect in a build of this calibre. Main bedroom features WIR & ensuite with dbl vanity & spa. With BIRs throughout the other brms all dbls with the 2nd being as large as the main. Boasting sunken formal lnge/formal dining & a huge family with meals area off the kitchen this home delivers quality and quantity with 30 squares of luxurious living, high ceilings throughout, Actron reverse cycle ducted heating and air-conditioning. Together with great outdoor entertaining accessed via French doors from the family area all set on a large 760m2 allotment, which although large is easy to maintain. Barossa bound? This property is a “must see” - call today to arrange a private inspection to suit you.
This stunning 1890 stone home is the original Bank House Building. This stunning beauty is set on approximately 1185m2 and offers the charm of the old but the convenience of the new with 10 foot ceilings and the renovating done. This home is ready to move into and offers 3 very spacious bedrooms with original ceilings, lounge with open fire place and original mantel piece, country style kitchen and dining with new stylish bathroom, new carpets, floating floors with the original timber floor waiting to be brought to life. Outside improvements include double garage, lean-to for a boat or trailer, small shed, fish pond, rainwater tank, bird aviaries, lovely grape vines, veggie patch and a stunning verandah overlooking the backyard.
# 5021
# 5016
# 5018
# 3019
# 3021
RLA 61382
RLA 61382
RLA 61382
RLA 61382
RLA 61382
3A Adelaide Road, Gawler (08) 8523 3777 www.barossaherald.com.au
Wednesday, February 29, 2012 - Domain Page 9 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
We’ll get you where you want to go! www.kies.com.au
Real Estate Liftout
Outstanding investment opportunity Spring Gully, Kybunga By auction, March 22
FARMING OPPORTUNITY: At left is one of the sheds on ‘Spring Gully’ and at right is one of the fertile paddocks. 1797296
Colin Schwartz trading as RLA216875
Adelaide Rural Real Estate RENTALS KAPUNDA
LYNDOCH $190pw
Fiebig Court Inspection by Appointment
very neat 1 bedroom stone home, large lounge room, country kitchen, bathroom with separate toilet, enclosed backyard. Available mid March.
Neat 2 bedroom unit. Open plan living, neat bathroom with separate bath and shower, R/C A/C, carport, rainwater tank, garden shed, low maintenance yard. Only 2 in the group, in a quiet location. Avail Now!
Timber frame home on spacious 2823m2 allot, close to main street and schools, 3 bdrms, open plan lounge/dining, family room, galley style kitchen. Requiring some maintenance the home provides the opportunity for a home on a large allotment, investment or possible sub-division (STCC) Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942
KAPUNDA Way Street Inspection by Appointment
3 separately designed 3 br homes, community titled allots from 300m2-312m2. Rendered hebel walls, floor coverings, quality interior fittings r/c a/c, gas h.w.s., paved drive, landscaped front yd, fencing, Ideal first home/retirees/investors. Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942
EUDUNDA 4 South Terrace OPEN - Sunday 2.45-3.15pm
Well maintained stone home on approx 817m2, main road frontage, close to Main Street, 3 good sized brms, roomy lounge, country style kitchen, and renovated bathroom. Features include high ceilings, ceiling rose, combustion heater, pergola, workshop and shed, nice family home. Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942
48 Basedow Road Inspection by Appointment
Sunday 2.45-3.15pm
13 Fuller Street Inspection by Appointment
Neat b/v home on lge 1950m2 allot with rural views. 4 brs, main ens & WIR, br 2 & 3 BIR, kitchen has gas stove, pantry, plenty cpds, dine, family, fml lnge, comb heat, ducted a/c, dble c/pt UMR, vdahs, pergola, 30x20 gge. Currently tenanted. WEB ID: 106770196 Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942
KAPUNDA $269,950
Neat t/f home on 746m2 allot. 3 bdrms, lge lnge, spac kitchen/ dine w elec apps, plenty cpd space, WIP, cellar. Heat & cool by r/c a/c on 3 ph pwr, solar heat, polished wood flrs, plumbing & elec renewed. Front & rear vdahs & c/pt. Shed w 3 ph pwr. Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942
8 Canala Court Inspection by Appointment
EUDUNDA - 4 South Terrace
KAPUNDA $225,000
TWO WELLS $189,950
OPENS Sunday 1.30-2.15pm
KAPUNDA 43 Mildred Street OPEN - Sunday 1.30-2.15pm
KAPUNDA - 43 Mildred Street
Well maintained 2 bedroom stone home, neat kitchen and bathroom, cosy lounge room. Evap A/C, carport, enclosed yard. Avail end Feb!
1 John Street Inspection by Appointment
Neat solid home on 11,000m2 allot, having 3 titles, possible subdiv STCC. 3 brs, office, kitchen w elec apps & d/w, fml dine, lge lounge, r/c a/c, gas htg. Paved gable pergola, 40x20 shed, caravan shed, 30x20 shed. Rear access. Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942
TANUNDA $439,950
1/10 Kook Street Inspection by Appointment
STED I L T S JU Residential allotment of approximately 1690m2, having 2 titles, water connected, common effluent runs past, close to sporting facilities and trotting track. Reasonably level allots provide opportunity for investor to build 2 homes or family wanting to build on large allotment. To be sold as a whole. Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942
KAPUNDA/BAROSSA www.barossaherald.com.au
Nicely presented 5 bedroom home, main has e/s, WIR, BI Robes to others, formal lounge, open plan kitchen, dining, family, duct evap a/c, garage UMR, shed, large entertaining area, within walking distance to main street and sporting facilities, currently tenanted. Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942
92 MAIN ST • T: 8566 3399 sales@adelaideruralrealestate.com.au
THE offering of ‘Spring Gully’ in the Kybunga area presents an outstanding opportunity for an investment in a first class cropping and grazing property of considerable size and scale of operation or farm build up opportunity for nearby farming businesses. The Ray White rural team of Daniel and Geoff Schell are delighted to present the property for sale by auction either as a whole being 964.18 hectares (about 2382 acres) or in four lots. On 15 titles, ‘Spring Gully’ is about 8km south east of Blyth and 12km south-west of Clare. Mr Schell describes ‘Spring Gully’ as a five-star cropping property but also with a superb grazing parcel in the mix. The cropping areas comprise flat to gently undulating fertile cropping soils which have been well managed with advanced cropping practices adopted over a long period of time. The fertile Kybunga soils offers a wide range of enterprise options including cereals, legumes, oilseeds and hay growing as well as the excellent hills grazing block to capture the strength of the sheep and wool markets. The vendor has also operated a very successful cattle enterprise. The soil types across the property are mostly darker chocolate loam soils with some areas of redbrown clays. An average rainfall of 450-500mm ensures reliable crop yields. The main improvements are to be found on lot one ‘The homestead block’. The character stone homestead has been tastefully renovated in recent years to provide a wonderful modern family home in a delightful garden setting. Lot one also has extensive farm shedding comprising two large implement sheds, ( A - 18.5m x 9.2m), (B - 37m x 20m), a further workshop or implement shed (27.7m x 12.3m), a raised barn, four stand shearing shed with steel sheep yards, steel cattle yards with crush and loading ramp, hay shed (49.2m x 20m), steel 50 tonne bulk super shed, transportable building (office) with three rooms including kitchen and bathroom plus additional sundry farm shedding . The ‘homestead block’ also has about 80,000 litres of rainwater storage. There are two superb hills grazing blocks watered by dams and springs. Mr Schell describing them as quality higher rainfall hills grazing land with black clay soils, winter creeks and gullies. There is excellent sheltered grazing throughout the hills blocks which are interspersed with Blue Gums and the pasture species are mainly native clovers and grasses including spear grass, bunch grass and sub clovers. While the hills are well watered by dams and natural springs the arable land has a range of bores with good quality underground water. ‘Spring Gully’ is well located with good access from the Blyth to Balaklava Road providing ease of transport access to grain terminals and livestock markets. Mr Schell believes that with other investment areas experiencing various levels of uncertainty, quality agricultural properties like ‘Spring Gully’ present a great opportunity for future investment in one of the premier farming areas of South Australia. To be offered by auction on Thursday, March 22, 2012. Full details are available by contacting the sole selling agents, Geoff Schell (0418 842 421) or Daniel Schell(0415 436 379) at Ray White Clare Valley on 8842 3099.
Close to main street, doctors surgery & hospital. Nice unit amongst group of 4, 2 bedrooms, kitchen/dining, electric appliances, reverse cycle air conditioning separate garage and store room, manageable garden, Strata title. Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942
Wednesday, February 29, 2012 - Domain Page 10 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
WELL WATERED: One of the ‘Spring Gully’ dams. admin.barossaherald@ruralpress.com
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Wednesday, February 29, 2012 - Domain Page 12 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
s Adult Zumba Fitnes
Help raise $20,000 for research Now hundreds of entrants take part and he’s thrilled the committee kept on with the idea. The 6th Testi-Cool Cancer Research Run is on again, hosted for Sunday, March 11, and this time the committee aims to raise $20,000. The members encourage those interested, to join them at St Agnes Shopping Centre, on the corner of North East Road and Hancock Road, to register from 9.30am. The run leaves at 10.30am sharp. Cost is $15 per entrant, which includes being part of a family fun day at Freeling oval. The run will travel through the Chain of Ponds to Gumeracha, then through to the old black
Monster of a fair hosted in Gawler IF YOU seek family fun and entertainment and you like to support others, then mark Saturday, March 17 on your calendar. A Monster Fair has been organised with proceeds to support the Gawler Relay For Life. The free entry event will be held at the Gawler High School grounds on Barnet Road, Evanston. About 50 stalls will be set up inside and
outside the venue and will involve temporary tattoos, nail art, hair jewellery, biscuit decorating, a treasure trail, a reptile display and a Cat and Dog Rescue stall. There will be plenty of food and refreshments available, including a sausage sizzle, plus live entertainment to keep you on your toes. For more details, contact 0408 814 954.
Mt McKenzie to host The Wonderers NEW life is continually being breathed into the Mt McKenzie Hall. It’s all thanks to the hall committee who host a variety of fundraisers including the annual country and rock ‘n’ roll night on February 4. According to the committee, the hall grounds, near Angaston, were alive with the sound of music and the smell of steaks and sausages sizzling on the barbecue. Every dollar made from the event, supported renovations to the historic building. So far painting has started and most of the plumbing has been done. However the biggest job is the upgrading of the hall’s iron roof. If you would like to support the committee’s efforts then be part of the annual Sherry Party hosted on July 28. The Wanderers band will play at the hall and the evening includes dancing, wine and supper in the one ticket price.
Greenock Creek Tavern
HAPPY HOUR Sun – Thur 5pm – 6pm $1.00 off wines and pints + spirits
Art on show MAKE March the month to enjoy a variety of artwork at the Gawler Community Gallery. From today (Wednesday) until April 8 a three generation exhibition will feature works by Joanne Hughes, grandmother, Lee Eiffe, mother and Elise Eiffe, granddaughter. Works involve mixed media creations of textiles created by Joanne, paintings by Lee and abstract paintings and photographs by Elise. The official opening will take place this Saturday, from 1.30pm. Take time to view artworks by Marilyn Tucker and Annette McRae. Marilyn will exhibit French inspired quilting work, while Annette, will showcase her textile and photographic works. This display is a stepping-stone for the artists’ part in an exhibition in France in April. On Sunday, at 2pm four artists will exhibit a collection of paintings, primarily in watercolour. One of the paintings will be part of a silent auction on the day with proceeds to be donated to Diabetes Australia. The gallery is located at the Station Master’s House, Gawler Railway Station, Twenty Third Street, Gawler South. For more details, contact 8523 5995.
Zumbatomic Zumba Fitness desig ned especially for kids aged 4 to 12 ye ars. Call Sue to organise a class. $6 per child, minimum 10 children .
G et a gro up an d have a GO!
es Zumbatomic Bir thday Parti
Not ready to step into a Zumba n ($5 every $100 for 1 hour for 10 childre Fitness Class just yet. Want to n a dance extra child). Children will lear test the water first, maybe with games and routine, play non competitive a group of friends or ic workmates. Give Sue a call and have fun with the fantastic mus she can tailor make a class just Zumba Gold for you. Either a little bit laid back with time to show you the Designed for the over 55’s or those steps or high energy, the choice beginnin g their exer cise journey is yours. Sue can even come to all th . Still with e great latin music that g you or organise hire of the Zumba Fitn oes with a es s Class. Call Greenock Institute (hire fees Sue to orga class. $10 p nise a er person, m apply). $10 per person, inimum of 8 people. minimum of 10 people. 1796354
33 main north road willaston t: 08 8522 1021 f: 08 8522 1629 e: willaston.hotel@alhgroup.com.au
Kids Eat Free Lunch & dinner Schnitzel Night Family Meal Night *2 adults & 3 kids Steak Night
Kids’ Entertainment
Roast Day
TERMS AND CONDITIONS Family Meal Deal only available Wednesday nights. Adult’s meals must be ordered off the Family Meal Deal Menu 1 meal per child. Extra kid’s meals charged at $7.50. All Meal Deals not valid with any other food promotion or offer WH1796059
Mon - Fri 11am till LATE Sunday 11am till 8
train at Nuriootpa where there will be a chance to refuel both bike and rider. Following the short break, the montage of bikes head to Freeling oval, via Kapunda, at about 1pm. At the oval the public have the opportunity to be part of the event, which involves a show and shine of bikes, special music guests The Giants and plenty of fun. Cost is $15-per-person and $25-per-family. This allows free entertainment and ride for the children. Loads of food and beverages will be on hand. For more details visit crabblueys.com and phone Neil on 0407 974 535 or Darryl on 0449 660 119.
every Wednesday Greenock Institute uired. m. No bookings req 10.15am and 6.30p n. e. $12 per perso Every 10th class is fre
ONE charity group now reaps the rewards of their patience when they host their popular annual fundraiser. Crabblueys SA president Neil Paltridge said in 2010 the committee raised $14,000 as part of the fifth Testi-Cool Cancer Research Run. The event helps support prostrate cancer research by providing funds for the Cancer Foundation Hanson Institute. However, Neil said it hasn’t all been smooth sailing for the committee. When the motorbike run kicked off in 2006, the group only managed to raise about $6000 in the first few years. Neil explained it took time for the run to catch on.
0410 183 215
SCHNITZEL NIGHT Chicken or Beef Schnitzel With your choice of sauce and a Free schooner of draught, coopers or blonde or glass of house wine $14.00
STEAK NIGHT T Bone or Scotch Fillet Chips, Salad and your choice of sauce/gravy Free schooner of draught, coopers or blonde or glass of house wine $18.00
PASTA NIGHT Ravioli, Penne or Spaghetti With Cabonara or Neopolitan sauce Free schooner of draught, coopers or blonde or glass of house wine $15.00 Pool Table, Pokies, Jukebox, Beer Garden & Function Room available. Great Food and Fantastic Local Beers on Tap. admin.barossaherald@ruralpress.com
Wednesday, February 29, 2012 - Page 15 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Got a budding artist in the family?
Your Dream,
Or just want to relax & dabble with a bit of painting? With the latest range of oils and watercolours, pastels & acrylics from Art Spectrum. Come in & checkout our range in store. Also stocking affordable, quality brushes including sable & watercolour paper.
> Custom built homes > Quoting on your plan > Building quality single & multi storey homes > Investment properties
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BLAKES CROSSING SHOWHOMES 127 Hayfield Avenue, Blakes Crossing
Ph 8523 2299
Ph 1300 631 838 55 Murray Street, GAWLER SA 5118
E: hangabout@adam.com.au www.totallyframed.com.au Off street parking at rear, Easy parking out front.
ABN16 126 066 617 | BLD 207495
(Just before McDonalds coming into Gawler) WH1795289
44A Adelaide Road, Gawler
BIG IN WORKWEAR No need to drive to town!
Special offer* on selected models $
250 *
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Valid until 31/3/1 2
8523 3000
92 MURRAY STREET GAWLER P. 8522 1239 www.barossaherald.com.au
31 Adelaide Road, Gawler South (opposite McDonald’s Gawler)
Wednesday, February 29, 2012 - Page 16 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
We have everything you need for ST PATRICKS DAY Saturday, March 17th
$10 on to spend tation of this coup
on presen 2) t (Valid until 10/3/1 si vi xt ne ur yo on
$54.95 $15
Shoes $49.95
The Party Starts Here
Scarves from $10. See the range in store.
Shop 7, The Gawler Arcade, 126 Murray Street, Gawler
50 Adelaide Road, Gawler South (next to the car wash) Phone 8523 3800 E: parties@heliumhouse.com.au Web: www.heliumhouse.com.au
Phone 8523 0918
Balloons, Streamers Sashes, Hats Badges, Socks Tiaras & Heaps more costume accessories!
If you can’t find your new home below, call into our office for a listing of our other properties available or visit our website at www.gawlerpm.brockharcourts.com.au
22 Mount Crawford Road
53 Mitchell Drive
Looking for a home to rent?
Kids Gear Just in! Sparkles
3 Brdm Villa, BIRs to 2 bdrms, 3 way bathroom, formal lounge, large meals/dine area combined, gas heating, evap cooling, large storage shed, enclosed rear yard, gge UMR. Easy to maintain. Pets Neg. Avail 05/03/12. $290pw
Stunning 4 Bdrm home has it all. Main bedroom with WIR ensuite. Other 3 bdrms are double size and all have BIR. Kitchen boasts both gas cook and elec cooking. Formal dining and formal lounge rooms as well as O/P. R/C ducted air conditioning, double lock-up garage and entertainment area. Low maintenance. Pets Neg. Avail Now. $400pw
Lot 107 Hillier Road
30 Longford Street
SweetKisses Babydoll Chic
28A Adelaide Road, Gawler www.gawlerpm.brockharcourts.com.au
Brick veneer semi detached home features O/P kitchen and dining, sep living area with split system a/c. 3 decent sized bedrooms, floating floorboards in all 3 rooms and lounge room. Main bath with shower and bath, sep toilet and sep laundry. Located on a large block, easily to maintain front and back yards. Pets neg, Avail 13/03/12 $220pw WH1796908
Lovely 2 or 3 bedroom home is set in the quiet location of Hillier - just 10 minutes from Gawler Town Centre. All bedrooms are double in size, main bedroom has BIR, Kitchen has elect cooker and a breakfast bar. 2 separate living areas, large shed as well as large front and rear verandahs and carport. Back yard is separately fenced, high ceiling fans keeping the home cool and combustion heater for winter. $300pw Pets are a must! Avail Now.
Urban Traffic
70 Murray Street, Gawler 8523 4464
Wednesday, February 29, 2012 - Page 17 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Looking for something different? We have something for everyone! Christmas Birthdays Anniversaries Engagements Weddings & more Unique Gifts & Cards
And all here in Gawler WATCHES
Giant ceramic moneyboxes
Lifelike miniature instruments
Range of solid figurines
Adina Cobb & Co Visit us to view our range - We have so much to offer you
Gorgeous musical rotating carousel
Wrapped in Style
Your personal Jeweller
116 Murray St, Gawler
ph 8522 2826
Expert help to transform your home
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Curtains Blinds Swags Pelmets
Award Winning Home & Commercial Makeovers
T: 8523 4866 M: 0413 141 541
See how easy it is to fall in love with a new Kubota
Call today for a complete fresh look or helpful advice on finishing touches No job too small
Walther - glass Willow Tree Figurines Country Artist Figurines John Beswick Figurines
Wednesday, February 29, 2012 - Page 18 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Barossa Valley Way (Lyndoch Rd) Gawler East P: (08) 85222188 a.h. Darren: 0409 577811 Email: tundarri@internode.on.net admin.barossaherald@ruralpress.com
Beloved son of Melva and Frank Rothe (both deceased).
LANE (nee Liebelt) Andrew, Diana, Jennifer and Samantha announce the safe arrival of Benjamin Jacob born February 14th, weighing 3600 gm (7lb 15oz). Our special gift from God has arrived with angel Isabel by your side. Proud grandparents are Irene Liebelt of Lyndoch, Jan & Jeff Tapscott of Leawood Gardens and Dallas & Maria Lane of Gawler. Big thank you to the staff of the Lyell McEwin Hospital.
GRAPEPICKING BUCKETS & SNIPS Available. Snips $6.95, 18L Grape Picking buckets $15.95, Sauce tomatoes - 2 boxes for $10 Lyndoch IGA & True Value Hardware. Phone: 85244217
NIEMZ (nee Gill) Belinda and Aaron are thrilled to announce the arrival of Harry James on 24/2 /12 at Ashford Hospital. A grogeous grandson for Diana & Roger, Belinda & Peter.
His memory will live on in our hearts. Now in God's care
God has him in His keeping We have him in our hearts
ROTHE, Ian. Passed away peacefully on February 24, 2012 Aged 71 years Much loved and sadly missed son-in-law of Thelma and Lou (deceased), fond brother-in-law of Peter and Gaynor, Don and Kerry. Loved uncle of Tamasyn and Josh, Michael and Rebecca; Lucas, Timothy and Katie, Verity and Tom, loved great-uncle of Jethro and Evie. Now at rest in God's care Forever in our hearts
ROTHE, Ian A very dear friend and my Australian Brother. We watched you battle for a long time. You will be sadly missed and our family will always remember you. Our deepest sympathy to Marie, Urschi, Christian, Carmen and families. Joe & Chris Rufenacht, Annelise, Marianne & families.
THE RELATIVES and FRIENDS of the late Mr. IAN ROTHE are respectfully invited to attend a Service of Thanksgiving for his Life, to be celebrated in its entirety at St. John's Lutheran Church, Jane Place, Tanunda, TODAY, WEDNESDAY February 29, commencing at 2 p.m. Flowers to the Church please, or if preferred a memorial donation posted directly to the Gramp Chapel Building Fund, Tanunda Lutheran Home, 27 Bridge Street, Tanunda SA 5352 would be appreciated.
Barossa Valley 8562 1169 Accredited Member Australian Funeral Directors Association admin.barossaherald@ruralpress.com
HAY OATEN WHEATEN Hay from $35 roll Phone Peter & Bev Grocke 0429 694 058 or 8563 2113
LAYER CHICKS Isa Browns, whites and blacks Mareks and I.B. vaccinated, hatching on Tuesday 6th March, $3.80 each. Hillier Poultry 85230950
FOR SALE ALL SUMMER CLOTHING $1 - At Freeling Community Op Shop. ANTIQUE look display cabinet /entertainment unit with 2 leadlight doors. 1800w x 1300h x 50d. T.V. & set top box incl. $490 ono. Delivery 50 kms. French Provincial style T.V. or storage unit in cream with 2 lattice doors. 250mm cab /legs. 1350h x 900w x 600d. $85 ono. Ph: 0416106689 BABY CAR SEAT $90, travel cot (fold up) $80, Maclaren double stroller $60, Maclaren single stroller $40 Tanunda 0449669034 Barossa New Life Church TREASURE CHEST - FURNITURE MART 10 Murray St, Nuriootpa Tel. 85622988 Monday - Friday 9am - 4pm Saturday 9am - 12pm
BBQ (gas) $50, outdoor folding wooden chairs $20 each, outdoor lounge $50, electric oil heaters $30 each, Inversion table (back stretching) $50 Tanunda 0449669034 BIG SQUARE SILA FARM quality bale twine. Extra strength - Extra length. 2,550 metres per pack $88. Available now at Landmark Gawler - Ph: 85222266 CASH FOR BOTTLES & CANS. Wine bottles, batteries, phone Lange's Can & Bottle Depot on 85642292 for trading hours, 20 Newcastle St, Angaston. CLARE VALLEY SHIRAZ, Grenache, Cabernet, Semillon. Dry grown. Contact Mike 0409300354 or 88434079 DOG KENNEL - colourbond & steel (suit small dog) . Great condition. $50 ROLA RACKS suit tradesman $50 Ph:85642874 DOMESTIC farm, pool and spa pump repairs. Complete workshop facilities also for electric fence energisers. New units, conversions to solar, tapes and insulators. Qualified tradesman. Ag Power Williamstown Road, Cockatoo Valley. 0408820024 FIREWOOD 85681979
LEADLIGHT - Local, professional affordable leadlight. I'll come to you, or call at Gawler Glass Design studio, 58 Yettie Rd, Williamstown. Weekly classes. Bob Pirch 85247241 LOUNGE SUITE 21⁄2 seat couch plus 2 armchairs. Hunter green micro-suede fabric. Very good condition. $250 Ph: 0412810410 MAINS pressure blue line poly from $37 roll. Gawler Irrigation, Lot 11, Paxton Street, Willaston. Ph: 85232350 MOVING SALE - Aquarium 110w x 52h. Solid wood cabinet plus accessories. Cane table with chairs, solid redgum wine rack 125cm h x 193cm w, wood whiz, lathe, powered leather recliner chair, under warranty until Oct. 2013. All excellent condition, all reasonable offers considered. Will sell separately. Ph: 85244393 NEED A PUMP? For all your needs, Gawler Irrigation, Lot 11, Paxton Street, WILLASTON. Ph: 85232350
All donations of furniture, clothing, bric-a-brac enable us to assist our Community
CHEST FREEZER for sale. Ph: 85632457 ROTHE. -
HALF PRICE SALE - Great Revival Shop, Kavel Arcade, Tanunda. Monday 5th March to Sunday 24th March. Open Mon Sat 9.30am-4.00pm. Sundays 1.00pm-4.00pm. All profits from sale of pre-loved clothng suport local services.
HONDA Generator. EU20i. 6 months old. $1,700 Ph: 85249210 or 0409696945
ROTHE, Ian. Passed away peacefully February 24, 2012. Aged 71 years Treasured brother and brother-in-law of Carmen and Mark Seeliger, dear uncle of Michael and Christina, and Ann; loving great-uncle of Rachael and Oliver.
GUN SALES. Ammo, repairs, safes, accessories & service. Gawler Fishing & Outdoors, 48 Murray St, Gawler 85226200
TANK SPECIALS Team Corr Tank 1000L rivergum was $515 - NOW $270 - 1 only Team Corr Tank 3000L beige Was $894 NOW $680 - 1 only. Team Water Diverter beige Was$198 NOW $150 - 1 only. Team Water Diverter merino Was $198 NOW $150 - 1 only. Team Corr Tank 9000L mist green squat Was $1,578 NOW $1,329 - 1 only. Team Corr tank 900L heritage green Was $486 NOW $370 - 1 only. Team Corr tank 1000L birch grey Was $515 NOW $390 - 1 only. Vrot Tank 5000L green Was $1,650 NOW $1,200 - 1 only. Vrot Tank 5000L beige Was $1,650 NOW $1,200 - 1 only. Landmark - Gawler 85222266 Landmark Kapunda - 85662865
He will be deeply missed by his loving family, wife Marie, daughter Ursula, son Christian, daughter-in-law Veronica, and grandson Jake.
FIREWOOD Quality seasoned. Split red. blue, sugar gum, mallee stumps sawn mallee & bags of kindling. Weighbridge docket supplied. Pickup or deliver AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY. Matthew Reimann, Firewood Supplies. 0413089743. Delivery available 7 days by appointment. Credit Cards now accepted. FRIDGE Hoover, frost free, 505 Lt. $100. Dog kennel, treated pine, insulated roof. 1m x 1.2m x 1.2m $90 Ph: 0414395047
PEACHES Kirkman, Ian Schwarz Bethany 85632047 PLANTS - Natives, perennials, tube stock, water wise etc. MORNING STAR NURSERY Lot 1 Cossins St., Kapunda. Ph: 85663952. Open Thursday to Sunday 9am- 5pm. RAINWATER TANK Plastic, 22,500 litres. V.g.c. $1,250 Ph: 0417812244 SELLING, BUYING .......? Advertise in the Herald classifieds, and get results! Giveaway ads are run for 1 week, FREE. You can now place your classified ad at Kapunda Newsagency, deadline is Monday 5.00p.m. Classified deadline 5.00pm Monday. (Maybe subject to change) Ph: 85632041, Fax: 85633655 or email admin.barossaherald@ruralpress.com
Ford Falcon EL Sedan 4 Litre motor and auto transmission, 145,000km,roof rack, most parts available. Ford Falcon BF XR6 Sedan 4 Litre motor, 73,000 km, most parts available. Ford Falcon BF III Stationwagon 4 Litre LPG only motor and auto transmission, 56,000km, most parts available. Holden Commodore VS Utility Good Tailgate, tail lights and diff. Holden Commodore VX Sedan 3.8 Litre motor and auto transmission, 115,000 km, Berlina factory mags. Holden Commodore VZ Lumina Sedan 3.6 Litre motor and auto transmission, 76,000 km Holden Commodore VZ Stationwagon 3.6 Litre motor and auto transmission, roof rack, most parts available. Holden Commodore VY Sedan 3.8 Litre motor and auto transmission, most parts available Holden Commodore VE 60th Anniversary Sedan 3.6 Litre motor and auto transmission, factory alloys.
GAWLER MOTOR WRECKING 3 Prescott Crescent, Gawler Belt 8522 5677 or 0416 081 109
Jacqueline Coates
PAINTING SALE Till Wednesday March 7 Great chance to collect Massive reductions on oil impasto paintings. Call for an emailable SALE PDF or visit www.jacquelinecoates.com newspage and click on the sale. Salon Rouge Gallery 19 Carrington Street, Kapunda Weds-Sun 12-4. M. 0412 587 438
After a long battle with cancer, passed away peacefully at Tanunda War Memorial Hospital, in the presence of his family on February 24, 2012. Aged 71 years
Barossa Super Snaps
shop 35a Murray Street Nuriootpa 5255 www.wix.com/barossasupersnaps/framing P. 8562 1130
Metallic Print 16 x 20”
$5 OFF! Expires March 31st 2012
One voucher per person Expires March 31st 2012
Canvas Prints
5x7” Receive 10% OFF Enlargements any order over $100
20 or more 50c ea Digital Kiosks only
Expires March 31st 2012
Expires March 31st 2012
Wednesday, February 29, 2012 - Page 19 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
ROTHE, Ian. -
Expires March 31st 2012
$12 Oneonlyset
One voucher per order Expires March 31st 2012
Expires March 16th 2012
$8.00 Digital Only
Expires March 31st 2012
GIVE AWAY KITTENS - 8 mixed colours, Light Pass, Please phone 0425 399 828 before 8pm.
CASH FOR CARS and scrap metal. Ph: 0404856309
IMPROVE YOUR HEALTH, DE-STRESS YOUR LIFE Join a Meditation Class or Group Class - Tuesdays 1.15pm to 2.45pm Gawler Group - 1st & 3rd Thursday of month 7pm Kapunda NOT SURE WHICH? Phone Jy 0409131038
BELINDA'S PAMPERED PETS NURIOOTPA Professional dog clipping, heated hydrobathing, blowdrying & nails for all breeds. LARGE & SMALL by an animal lover. Ph: 0418810323 HOOTZ DOG GROOMING Mobile. Qualified groomer. Nuriootpa Ph: Justin 0406840020
CARAVANS, TRAILERS & CARAVAN WANTED private buyer, poptop or standard van ok. 83893293
HYDROPAWS 4pawfectpaws. Mobile nose to tail pet care. Heated hydrobath, blowdry, nails & clipping. Ph: Bridget 0488444542
2006 OLYMPIC CHAMPION 18'6", Tandem, Shower, toilet, A/C, M/W, Q/B, T.V. DVD, Radio-CD, 3 way fridge. Gas cook top & grill, roll out awning and annexe. Excellent condition. $35,250 ono. Ph: 0410782123 or 85631367
J.W. SMART WOOLBUYERS PTY LTD. Will buy all types. Flexible hours. Ph: 0417878486 - jwsmartbigpond.com
LOST & FOUND LOST - Black pencil case with notes & coins. Murray St. Tanunda, Fri 24/02 about 5pm. Phone Nick 0422570735 thankyou.
FOR HIRE SLUSHIE/FROZEN Cocktail Machine HOT CHOCOLATE Cocktail Machine PUCKER POWDER . FAIRY FLOSS Slush-a-Licous Phone Pina 0434141097 www.slush-a-licous.com.au Family owned, locally operated.
LOST Toy Story Cowboy doll in Tanunda. Ph. 0402857147
2 BEDROOM UNIT for rent. $150 per week at Point Pass. Ph: 0427817139
GARAGE SALE, 58 Melrose St.Mt Pleasant. Sat 3rd March. 8am onwards HAVING A GARAGE SALE? Advertise in The Herald classifieds, and get results! All Garage Sale ads MUST be prepaid. You can now place your classified ad at Kapunda Newsagency, deadline is Monday 4.30 pm. Classified deadline 5.00pm Monday (Maybe subject to change) Ph: 85632041 Fax: 85633655 or email admin.barossaherald@ruralpress.com
NAILS, makeup & spray tanning. FULL SET ACRYLIC NAILS $45 Phone Lisa 0417658188 Williamstown
WANTED TO BUY 1950s, 60s, 70s retro, anything considered. Phone 85631060 or 0400284624 ACCORDION - Piano, small, condition. Ph: 0418825115
WANTED ANY SCRAP METAL Will pay cash for the removal of yours. Ph: 0412259039 ANYTHING WITH METAL Cash 4 cars, free collection. HAPPY SCRAPPY recycle it! 85630213 or 0406411117 CASH FOR SCRAP METAL I AM LOCAL. Ph: 0411165694 WANTED motorcycles in any condition. Two, three or four wheelers. Road or trail to sell, repair or wreck. Anything considered. Spot cash paid. We can come to you. Call Lee's Spot On Motorcycles, on 8568 2266. Also service and repairs to all makes and models. Quality Guaranteed.
8566 3125 or 0400 7600 10
Seven Years Professional Experience Gift Vouchers Available Pensioner Discounts Available
REAL ESTATE MINGE WAY, NURIOOTPA PRICE ON APPLICATION Luxurious, 3 year old home on 700m2 block in a quiet, friendly estate within walking distance to school, child care centre and shops. Four bedroom, Master with huge ensuite/WIR. Stunning Gallery entrance, family room, rumpus room, huge formal lounge/dining, spacious kitchen with extended bench space and raised breakfast bar, quality stainless steel electric wall oven/ceramic cook top, dishwasher provision. Extensive storage space throughout home. Ducted reverse cycle heating/cooling throughout. Quality floor coverings and fixtures. Mains gas hot water. Double garage UMR with electric roller door. Large undercover outdoor paved entertaining area. Fully landscaped front garden. ENQUIRIES PHONE - 0410 340 925
Avoid internet and church confusion Understand your calling and purpose Straight talk from the Bible Knowledge with understanding Qualified teacher - Non denominational No sectarian or cult pursuasion All sincere Bible Truth seekers encouraged no questions avoided - learn more church-hurt casualties and non-conformists very welcome Disillusioned, lonely, confused - no answers? Don’t lose hope, come, restore your faith! (Saturday evening at Nuriootpa, or will come to you)
Enquiries: Norm 8562 3945 ‘Biblical Integerity for Spiritual Maturity’
PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CHIMNEY CLEANING Local Barossa Service Phone: David 0407189215 CHIROPRACTOR. Dr Kana Nathan 39 Murray St, Angaston. Consulting Saturdays Ph. 85642882
LEADLIGHT STUDIO make new, repair old, traditional to contemporary. For quality & competitive prices contact Tracy 85246959 Willliamstown
Do you like driving trucks & working with livestock. Business operating for 30 yrs. Good clients. Regular work. Phone 85285241
U9/U11/U13 Player Registration Night Thursday 8th March 5.00 – 6.30 pm at Nuriootpa Football Clubrooms If unable to attend please notify Stuart Roennfeldt Ph. 0429956837 Please bring proof of age for new players Subs are due and to be paid on the night. Family service deposit: $50 per family which will be refunded upon completion of a shift in the canteen or the BBQ Children: $60. Discounts apply for 3 or more children in a family. Family Membership: $125 (for two non-playing Adults and two playing children aged below 17.5 years – includes passes to home games.) Childrens club shirts available for fitting and ordering at the registration night. $30 per shirt payable with the order. The footy boot box will be open. Please bring any unwanted footy boots and feel free to take any boots that may fit your children. No charge for any boots taken. 1st aid volunteers are required. Training can be provided.
PARTNERSHIP for Mossy Rock Sales my farm 85681979
PROFESSIONAL NOTICES Anne Hamilton R.N. Professional Counsellor Ph 85235235 : Mobile 0416060835 Confidential Personal Counselling and relationship therapist for adults. All ages. Home visits can be arranged for up to 50 Km radius. Small call-out fee. Gawler, Barossa and Northern suburbs etc Health fund accredited.
WORK WANTED HOME CLEANING & IRONING - $15 off first reg. service so you try us out. Ph: Carolyn or Nat till 8pm daily incl. w/ends. 0409691576 PAINTER Local experience. Quality work. Free quote. Ph: Peter 0417805982 Lic. No. BLD48086 ROLLER shutter repairs 08 85662922
Training dates will be advised upon registration.
Phone 8563 0198 PERSONAL
General Towing, breakdowns, caravans, boats, farm machinery
NORMANVILLE Jetty Caravan Park Travel Auction Package. Unable to use by 30th June 2012 but will sell for the price we paid. Holiday is not usable for public or school holidays.Holiday includes 10 nights stay.Can be split in 2x5 nights or 10 nights straight or shared with freinds.Powered Caravan site. For more info phone 0413482732. Cost$200
43 Y.O. MALE with extra Friday Clipsal Corporate ticket, looking for female V8 fan to come along. Text 0408620477
ZUMBA at Greenock Institute. Wednesdays 10.15am. & 6.30pm. Instructor Sue Evans. Ph: 85628184
For non church going Christians & lapsed believers struggling with faith & belonging
it Keepal! loc
0404 856 309
Nuriootpa Rover Football Club
Therapeutic Massage Aromatherapy Massage Aromatherapy Pamper Packages Pregnancy Massage Myofascial Release Reiki & Energy Healing
Bible help and Spiritual guideance
CIVIL CELEBRANT - Angela Nielsen Ceremonies designed for you. Marriages, namings, committment and renewal of vows. Ph: 0408107940 or 85642773
WORLD DAY OF PRAYER WHEN: Friday March 2 at 7.30 pm WHERE: TABOR CHURCH, Murray Street, Tanunda EVERYONE WELCOME Supper to follow
8am Court,
WILLIAMSTOWN - Saturday March 3 from 8:30 a.m. Furniture, aquariums, large variety household items. Yettie Road near Whispering Wall
MARKETS Barossa Junction Motel, this Saturday 3rd. 9.30am - 2.30pm. Fresh fruit/veg, variety stalls. Sites $10 Glenda 85633181
SATURDAY 3RD MARCH 12.30pm, 15 Cabernet Nuriootpa.Toys, printer, clothes.
KAPUNDA Indoor Market "Clean up Australia Day" 4th March 2012 CWA Hall - Main Street Come for a browse 9.00 - 3.00 - FREE ENTRY Stall holders welcome (Public Risk Insurance essential Phone 85662241 or 85663913 www.kapundacommunitycraftshop.org.au 2012 Markets - CWA Hall 6, 7, 8th April Easter Weekend 21st April Sat of Farm Fair 27th May - Sunday 22nd July - Sunday 9th September - Sunday 20th & 21st October Celtic Weekend ~~~ 10th Anniversary Xmas Tree Festival Insitute 7th - 14th December
SUZUKI GRAND VITARA Auto, station wagon, 4WD., A/C, P/S, Electric windows, black/grey trim etc. 144,000 Kls. Reg. XIJ-740. $10,990 Ph: 85623636
MT. PLEASANT area. Unrushed & personal 4 gents who prefer private. 0466964374
Wednesday, February 29, 2012 - Page 20 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
WORKER required for building business. Qualified carpenter or builders labourer. Experience essential. Barossa and surrounding areas. Full time work. Call Matthew on 0417 773430
Call to discuss (08) 8562 2122
Peter Lehmann Wines is one of Australia’s most respected, energetic and innovative wine producers. We have an exciting opportunity for someone to join our operations team in the role of Warehouse Manager.
We are seeking dynamic, conscientious, suitably qualified and experienced LTS Instructors to form part of our Swim School Team
Responsibilities include • Change management – transition the warehouse function to incorporate changing customer requirements • Develop KPI’s for the warehouse function • Make appropriate changes to the warehouse operations to increase productivity and efficiency • Daily coordination of warehouse and hand labelling duties • Develop and maintain warehouse procedures • Reconciliation of stock holdings via a monthly stock take • Ensure full compliance with OH&S regulations
Applications should be addressed to “The Swim School Coordinator� Barossa Aquatic Fitness, PO Box 149, Tanunda SA 5352 or emailed to barossarec@belgravialeisure.com.au
Due to the rapid growth of our business we are seeking applica ons from suitably experienced and qualiďŹ ed persons for the above posi ons.
Experienced Sales Consultant
All applications in writing please to the Manager Clewers of Clare 216 Main North Road. Clare 5453 Applications close Fri 9th March.
Recruitment Resourcer / Administor Barossa Valley Location | National Organisation | Opportunity For Development
CozWine provides innovative recruitment solutions to the wine industry Australia wide. We now have a fantastic opportunity for an experienced administrator to join our vibrant Barossa team. Reporting to the Branch Manager, you’ll be actively involved in all aspects of administration, payroll and accounts while providing support to the team. Your responsibilities will include:
Ensuring accurate and timely data entry of client and candidate information into the database including payroll. Arranging interviews, client meetings, conducting reference checks and other recruitment functions as necessary. Ensuring candidate background information, including qualifications, licences, visa documentation and work history, is thoroughly checked and meets legislative and statutory guidelines. Processing relevant documentation, correspondence and forms to comply with recruitment procedures.
This is an opportunity to grow within a strong and competitive brand, which places emphasis on integrity, teamwork and professionalism. Jump straight in and progress your career with CozWine! To submit your application in strict confidence or for further information, please contact Ryan Dahlitz: E: rdahlitz@cozwine.com.au T: 08 8562 4892
With the focus on: mul skilling, having the ability to get the job done, being a self starter, able to read shop drawings, to work with minimal supervision. White card, High Risk EWP ckets and a current Australian driver’s licence are essen al. Par cipa on in further training is a must. Please send your resume to: Ul mate Engineering & Maintenance Services Po Box 659, Tanunda SA 5352 Or by Email to admin@uems.com.au
Applications to be forwarded by 14 March 2012 to Operations Manager Peter Lehmann Wines Limited PO Box 315, Tanunda SA 5352 tania.brown@peterlehmannwines.com
A copy of the complete Job Description can be sourced via an e-mail request to the address below.
Clewers Interiors is based in Clare. We require an experienced curtain and blind consultant to compliment out team. Measuring and quoting ability essential. Full time position.
These posi ons are for workshop and on site projects, with the ability to work over me a prerequisite.
Experience within the wine industry would be highly regarded, however it is not essential. We are looking for someone who has the ability to embrace the complexities of this role and the enthusiasm and motivation to grow with our business.
If you want to join one of the fastest growing Engineering companies, then this is your opportunity, we are interested in hearing from you.
Barossa Valley Estate, a premium producer of quality wines readily recognised through its major brands of E & E, Ebenezer, E Bass and E Minor, is located on Seppeltsfield Road at Marananga. We require a highly motivated and outgoing person with exceptional people skills to fill a casual position within our Cellar Door. The successful applicant should have a genuine interest and knowledge in both wine and food. Previous experience in a Cellar Door environment would be preferred. A flexible approach to working hours is required including weekend work. Written applications, including a resume, should be forwarded to:Executive Assistant Cellar Door Position Barossa Valley Estate Ltd PO Box 177 TANUNDA SA 5352 Email: bve@bve.com.au Applications close at 5pm on Friday, 9th March 2012
ACCOUNTING SUPPORT OFFICER (70% FTE CONTRACT POSITION TO 30 JUNE 2012) The Town of Gawler is a community of over 20,000 people located 42km north of Adelaide and adjacent to the Barossa 9DOOH\ *DZOHU SURYLGHV LWV UHVLGHQWV ZLWK WKH EHQH¿WV RI FRXQWU\ living, town services and easy access to large city facilities while residing in an area combining heritage and modern amenities. Council seeks an enthusiastic and motivated person to join our Finance team. Reporting to the Finance Manager, the position is offered on a part time contract basis until 30 June 2012, and may become a permanent position subject to future funding from the Council. The proposed span of hours can be suited to someone with school aged children, but will be subject to negotiation with the successful candidate. Key activities of this new position include: ‡ 3URFHVVLQJ $FFRXQWV 5HFHLYDEOH WUDQVDFWLRQV ‡ 3URYLGLQJ JHQHUDO GDWD HQWU\ VXSSRUW WR WKH )LQDQFH 7HDP ‡ $VVLVWLQJ ZLWK WKH XSGDWH RI ¿[HG DVVHW UHJLVWHUV ‡ 3URYLGLQJ DGPLQLVWUDWLYH VXSSRUW WR WKH )LQDQFH 0DQDJHU An attractive salary, based on 70% of Level 2 of Council’s Enterprise Bargaining Agreement (ranging from $34,273 to $37,053 per annum) will be negotiated with the successful candidate. As part of the small but dynamic Finance team, it is critical WKDW \RX DUH D WHDP IRFXVVHG LQGLYLGXDO ZLWK H[FHOOHQW WLPH management skills to facilitate the achievement of individual and team goals. Whilst accounting quDOL¿FDWLRQV DUH QRW HVVHQWLDO WR WKH SRVLWLRQ FDQGLGDWHV ZLWK D &HUWL¿FDWH ,,, LQ )LQDQFLDO 6HUYLFHV RU equivalent are encouraged to consider the opportunity of joining this progressive Council. A copy of the job description for the position can be downloaded from Council’s website at www.gawler.sa.gov.au. For further information regarding the position, contact Paul Horwood (Finance Manager) at the Council on 85229211. Applications close 5pm Friday 9 March 2012 and need to be IRUZDUGHG WR 3DXO +RUZRRG )LQDQFH 0DQDJHU 7RZQ RI *DZOHU 32 %R[ *DZOHU 6$ or employment@gawler.sa.gov.au.
“Best of Town & Country�
Casual Tipper Operators Linke Contracting Pty. Ltd. is a family owned business that specialises in bulk transport, civil construction and mining and is a Trucksafe accredited company. We are currently looking to employ casual drivers available for ongoing shift work commitments, starting from approximately late February 2012 for HC licensed tipper operators. Experienced Semi, truck & dog/quad drivers preferred. MSIC clearance is mandatory and current MSIC card holders would be an advantage. The casual positions are for local shift work for our shipping operations, operating the above combination vehicles. Penalty rates will apply for night shift & week end work. EBA conditions apply. A licence history check, BFM certificate and a current medical is required. If you work well in a team environment, and enjoy working in a progressive company, then apply via email to: Operations Supervisor Linke Contracting Pty Ltd PO Box 187 NURIOOTPA SA 5355 Email: linkecon@linkecontracting.com.au
To be successful in this role you must have the following • Superior communication and people management skills • Excellent time management • Excellent computer skills • Problem solving ability • Ability to work under pressure • Attention to detail and tenacity to follow through
Learn to Swim Instructors
We are looking for a person who will thrive on the opportunity to introduce change, to optimise warehouse performance and deliver superior customer service.
$4000 Government Training Incen ves are available for *eligible par cipants making the course cost neutral!
www.cozwine.com.au Wednesday, February 29, 2012 - Page 21 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Community News
AGM of the Tanunda Kegel Club Inc., Monday 5th March 7.30pm at the alley.
Barossa Valley Solace
KAPUNDA COMMUNITY CRAFT SHOP INC. A.G.M. 19th March 2011 CWA Hall at 9.30am
Renaming of Road Council at its meeting held on 21 February 2012 resolved to rename Wilton Road (from Eden Valley Road to Heggies Range Road) to be known as Flaxmans Valley Road.
4.5 TONNE LOAD LIMIT SALEYARDS ROAD Pursuant to the provisions of Section 359 of the Local Government Act 1934, and pursuant to rule 104 of the Australian Road Rules 1999, Council resolves to implement a 4.5 tonne local load limit on Saleyards Road from Stockwell Road to Light Pass Road and Stockwell Road to Penrice Road to limit truck access. Ian Baldwin Acting Chief Executive Officer
Ian Baldwin Acting Chief Executive Officer
Notice Under Section 5.6.3 Industry Code C564:2004 for
Deployment of Mobile Phone Network Infrastructure Telstra proposes to undertake an upgrade at the following existing telecommunications base station: Monopole: Allotment 101 DP 19387 Basedow Road, Tanunda SA 5352 (214036) Proposed works: Install a new triangular headframe at a height of 30m; install 9 new panel antennas onto new headframe at a height of 30m with 3 new remote radio units; relocate 6 existing panel antennas to a height of 30.8m and 27.7m. Associated telecommunications equipment is to be located within the existing equipment shelter. Telstra regards the proposed installation as a Low-impact Facility under the Telecommunications (Low-impact Facilities) Determination 1997 based on the description above. Further information can be obtained from Adam Pfitzner (on behalf of Telstra) 8237 9989 or adam.pfitzner@aurecongroup.com. Written submissions should be sent to Adam Pfitzner at Aurecon, 55 Grenfell St, Adelaide SA 5000 by Monday 12th March 2012.
Light Regional Council Change of Commencement Time Infrastructure & Regulatory Services Meeting 7 March 2012 & 4 April 2012 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Light Regional Council Infrastructure & Regulatory Services Committee meetings, scheduled for Wednesday, 7 March 2012 and Wednesday, 4 April 2012, following consultation with Committee members, will commence at 4.00pm.
Richard Michael General Manager, Business & Governance
The next scheduled meeting of the Light Regional Council Infrastructure & Regulatory Services Committee is to be held on Wednesday, 7 March 2012 to commence at 4.00pm.
SATURDAY February 11 was a chilly day, but that didn’t deter 26 Solace members from visiting Kroemer’s Park for a barbecue lunch of sausages which was complemented with marinated chicken wings. Members brought along pooled salads. Watermelon, rock melon and grapes were served for dessert. It is always lovely to see new faces, as two new members were welcomed to the group. After the meal, a ‘guessing the lollies in the jar’ competition was handed around, with Pam Schulz guessing the closest amount, and winning the jar. All joined in on a game of quoits which was finally won by Mavis Schrapel, who also received a small gift. Solace shared the park with another group who were from Melbourne and Sri Lanka. Several from that group also had a try at quoits ‘just for fun’. Birthday wishes for the month were given to Daphne Hage, Bernice Falkenberg, Grace Beckmann and Audrey Lange. Winners of the popular raffle were Frieda Atze, Val Graetz, Mavis Eckert, Cindy Harris, Bernice Falkenberg, Barbara McRostie, Grace Beckmann, Pauline Henke, Doris Doecke and Fay Randall. A pooled afternoon tea along with a hot cuppa was enjoyed by all. This concluded a great day of fellowship among friends. The next meeting will be on March 10 at The Joy Rice Centre, starting at 1.30pm. Nuriootpa, when members are asked to bring along wedding memorabilia, be it old or new, from their own wedding or any other wedding. Widowed people may phone 8563 3084 for more information.
on Tuesday, March 6 at the newly-built Hewett Centre, 28 Kingfisher Drive commencing at 7.30pm. The first topic, “Celebrating My God Given Potential” will be introduced by our guest speaker, Sharon Raymond. She will share her story through word and song. Sharon comes with a Salvation Army background and the love of music and singing. She has directed the very successful “Soul Factor Choir” for over 20 years. Each year the Women of Strength group supports a project outside of themselves. Last year they raised $1000 to support women in Rwanda to set up a business making sanitary pads. This year we are investigating the possibility of working together with Zonta to help young teenage girls in our region to understand what pressures are placed on them by media and society to be a particular body image with the hope that the girls will celebrate their own potential rather than be swayed by these pressures. Every woman who attends the meetings comes away feeling special in knowing that they are supported in their life’s journey. Each meeting finishes with a superb supper and a time to chat to other women. The cost of the first meeting is $6. The program for the year is available by contacting 0413 476 557.
Nuri Senior Citizens
The committee of the Barossa Band Festival is responsible for organising the annual festival, which is held in Tanunda, usually in October. The festival has been held annually for over 100 years in various styles. The present festival features brass and concert bands playing entertainment music in a local venue, school bands entertaining the public from the rotunda in Tanunda main street and the SA Pipe Bands Association holding their festival in the southern end of Tanunda main street. The present committee is small in number, but very enthusiastic and friendly.
On February 21, a lovely summer morning with autumnal crispness and freshness in the air, Nuriootpa Senior Citizens Friendship Club Inc president Ingeborg Fimmel welcomed 26 members to the monthly meeting. It was tinged with sadness because, as is the custom, a minute’s silence was observed in memory of recently departed member Laurel Argent, a highly respected and much-loved lady, missed by all who had the privilege of knowing her. With the official part of the meeting concluded, members were treated with a very interesting and fascinating talk, which was also educational. Guest speaker Ted Stoll not only spoke about his childhood in Palestine, but followed it up with a description of a visit there in 1990 when in a group of people experienced, mentally, history, the Biblical times, so to speak, re-lived. Afternoon tea then concluded another pleasant day in congenial company. Dates to remember next month are March 6 Social Day; March 15 MCM and March 20 Club Day.
Women of Strength
Barossa Fibromyalgia
The theme for Women of Strength for 2012 will be based around the life cycle of the butterfly. Like the caterpillar, humans undergo many life changes that have the potential to strengthen us or destroy us. Each of the five meetings held during the year will explore these various changes with the purpose of strengthening the spirit of the women who attend in order to maintain some equilibrium as they walk through these changes. The first meeting to be held
Meetings of the Barossa Fibromyalgia / Arthritis Support Group are usually held on the first Wednesday of each month in the Holy Trinity Lutheran Church Hall, corner of Penrice Road and Park Tce, Nuriootpa (opposite the High School) at 2pm. These meetings may be helpful to anyone who has recently been diagnosed and needs friendly understanding and support from people who share their condition. Anyone interested is welcome to attend these meetings.
Barossa Band Festival
Wednesday, February 29, 2012 - Page 22 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
However numbers attending these meetings have dwindled over recent years, even when there have been excellent guest speakers, and a very few members met in February for the first meeting of 2012 and therefore felt unable to plan for future meetings. Members are hesitant to invite guest speakers to give up their time, especially if they need to travel, if only three or four people are present. Therefore anyone interested is asked to attend the next meeting on March 7 to discuss the future prospects of the group. Anyone needing information and support will still be able to do so through Barossa Community Health Service. For further information, please phone Ros at 8562 1105.
Williamstown Uniting Williamstown Uniting Church Garden Club’s AGM was held on February 6, where Sue Anderson and Bill Hodgson were returned as secretary and treasurer. New chairperson Jean Randall joins new committee members Joan Reilly, Trish Sloper, Audrey Cleggett and Connie Hodgson. The outgoing committee have arranged an interesting program, and next meeting (March 5), will leave the Uniting Church, Williamstown, at 1pm, to visit two gardens in the Birdwood area. Afternoon tea provided, cost $5. Birthday greetings are extended to Audrey Cleggett, Allan Streames and Bill Day. Flower competitions are held every “home” month, and recent winners were Eve Searle, Kathy Tregeagle and Audrey Cleggett. Questions and answer time each month, so bring queries along for some clever person to answer.
Langmeil Women The first meeting for 2012 of the Langmeil Women’s was held at the Langmeil Centre on February 8 commencing at 1pm. Opening devotion was given by Doreen Noack and hymn 812 was sung with Esma Hein playing the piano. Pastor Julian Bayha lead Bible Study from the Lutheran Women, prayers and a blessing was given. The guest speakers were Reverend Gordon and Mrs Joan Ruwoldt who inspired and gave some smiles to those at the meeting as they told their story of their life and work. Irene Schubert moved a vote of thanks and presented the Ruwoldt’s with a gift. Information was given that World Day of Prayer service will be held at Tabor Lutheran Church Murray Street Tanunda on March 2 commencing at 7.30pm. Afternoon tea concluded the meeting. An interesting program for year has been planned by the executive namely Irene Schubert President , Colleen Bryan Vice President, Wendy Rochow Secretary, Irene Ross Assistant Secretary, Mary Hentschke Treasurer executive members Gladys Schild and Fay Zimmermann. Langmeil Women’s Fellowship meets the second Wednesday of each month. Everyone is welcome, bring a friend to the meeting on March 14.
Rangers finish on a high
KEY: Rick Leonard pitching against Woodville.
By ROBERT LAIDLAW GAWLER Rangers completed a successful second half of the season in division three baseball with a 62 victory over Woodville. The result enabled Rangers to finish sixth, for an eight-win, one-draw, nine-loss record. After losing its first four games, Gawler has played catch-up baseball but with five wins from the final seven games, demonstrated its true worth - if only several earlier heart-breaking losses had gone the Rangers’ way. Against Woodville, in 38-degree heat, Gawler laid the foundation of its victory with a four-run first inning, after retiring the visitors for no score in their first at bat. With two out, James Parker started the rally with a single, which was followed by walks to Ricky Clark and Rick Leonard, Shaun Clark’s big two-run hit and Dylan Winning’s run-scoring infield hit. Single runs in the second and third frames saw Woodville cut the advantage to two runs, with the Rangers regaining the edge with a pair of runs in the bottom of the third dig, on Paul Skelton’s basesloaded walk and Andre Benjamin’s infield hit. Pitching was the key to Gawler’s success, with Leonard throwing a composed three innings and Sam Murphy mopping up in relief with two solid frames striking out the side in the fourth inning. Because of the heat the game only lasted 90 minutes (instead of two hours), but the quality of the Rangers play was first class, with every player contributing in an all-round good team effort. In its fifth year, Gawler had its most successful A grade campaign, which should help lay a springboard into finals action next season. The division five side went down 2-8 to Goodwood. With three first gamers and a solid debut pitching performance by Trevor Norley, the Rangers division seven team fought hard before going down 3-11 to Port Adelaide, in a heat-shortened game. Norley came onto the mound in the first inning with none out and after the first four batters had reached base, and pitched through to the fifth and final inning, collecting two strikeouts while only surrendering seven hits. All three first gamers made a contribution, Pip Allen executing the first out of the game from second base, while Simon Ewen and Toby Ryan collected hits. Because of Sunday’s 37-degree heat, all junior games were cancelled, which leaves Gawler’s under 14 team in third place, earning the right to host GGCD Dodgers in the first semi-final this Sunday. In Gawler Slow Pitch, SA Nomads and TGI Friday made sure of top two positions after beating Gawler Rangers and White Pointers respectively, while Giants won for the first time this season with a victory over Gawler Rangers.
Division Three Woodville 0 1 1 0 0 -2 Gawler Rangers 4 0 2 0 x -6 Hits: James Parker, Shaun Clark, Dylan Winning, Rick Leonard, Andre Benjamin.
Division Five Goodwood 8 d Gawler Rangers 2. Hits: No stats given.
Division Seven Port Adelaide 11 d Gawler Rangers 3. Hits: Simon Ewen, Trevor Norley, Toby Ryan, Thomas Norley, Graham Fischer.
Next games: Sunday - Under 14 Gawler v GGCD Dodgers at home, (TBA, probably 12.30pm); LL Majors v Woodville at home, 10am; LL Minors v Port Adelaide at home, 10am.
Slow pitch: Results: Giants 1.36 d Gawler Rangers 0.89; TGI Friday 2.33 d White Pointers 1.33; SA Nomads 2.11 d Gawler Rangers 0.63. Points: TGI Friday 8, SA Nomads 8, White Pointers 4, Gawler Rangers 2, Giants 2. This Friday: 7.15pm - Giants v White Pointers and TGI Friday v Gawler Rangers; 8pm - White Pointers v SA Nomads. Games are played at Elliott Goodger Memorial Park, and follow the tee-ball and rookie ball games, which start at 6pm.For details on Slow Pitch, contact Rob on 0407 979 163. admin.barossaherald@ruralpress.com
Swim team praised STARPLEX Swim Club sent five swimmers to the recent New South Wales swimming championships. Head coach Steve Garner accompanied Shay Middlemiss, Mikayla Ailemore, Kate Edwards, Kya Grech, and James McKechnie on their maiden Starplex team trip. Coach Garner, who recently came over from NSW, organised the trip so the swimmers could experience the excitement and involvement in a big championship. The meet was important to all Australian swimmers as it was just one month out from the Olympic trials. Garner was full of praise for the forward-thinking Starplex Swim Club committee who agreed to largely fund the trip. “All five swimmers acquitted themselves really well with several personal bests being swum,” Garner said. “Sixteen-year-old James McKechnie made the finals session in the 200m breastroke, but had to withdraw as the team had to fly home on Sunday evening. It was a great effort and augers well for the upcoming National Age Championships. “We are in the process of team building and reorganising our squads, so trips such as these are a fantastic reward for the swimmers,” he said.
ACHIEVERS: From left, Starplex swim coach Steve Garner, Mikayla Ailemore, Shay Middlemiss, James McKechnie, Kya Grech and Kate Edwards. Coach Garner said observing the best swimmers in Australia in their preparation, their concentration and their professionalism was the first step in achieving that status. “In this regard we, as an ambitious club, have moved forward and these five swimmers have brought this information back to the rest of our club members.
“The swimmers enjoyed meeting and spending time with other club members from the various states and came away with a sense of belonging in that environment and geniune camaraderie.” The club is already planning other trips and camps for the younger swimmers based on the excitement and sense of achievement related by the squad.
Barossa, Light and Gawler tennis Senior results
Night Tennis
Tennis called off because of heat.
Monday Night Red/White Freeling Outsiders 11-72 d Cana’balls 1-32; Gully Breezes 11-71 d Via Allendale 1-30; Woodies 10-65 d Maranock 2-36; Kapunda 9-66 d Barossa Blues 336; Angaston All Stars 9-66 d Peckers 3-46.
For all things tennis in Gawler go to www.gawlertennis.com.au. G&DTA Junior Results Boys Division Three: Riverton 227 d Lutheran St George’s 4-31; Trinity College Blue 6-36 d Lutheran St George’s Black 0-8; Xavier Saints 4-31 def Trinity College Gold 2-16. Girls Division Three: Riverton 533 d Trinity College 1-23; Lutheran St George’s 4-32 d Xavier Saints 2-21. Boys Division Four: Willaston 4-33 d Xavier Saints Black 2-29; Roseworthy 5-37 d Xavier Saints Rust 1-29. Girls Division Four: Trinity College Red 0-0 drew Trinity College Blue 0-0 (drawn: 6-0); Lutheran St George’s 3-29 d Willaston 3-22; Xavier Saints 4-26 d Trinity College Gold 2-24. Boys Division Five: Trinity College Gold 3-26 d Trinity College White 3-23; Trinity College Blue 6-37 d Willaston 0-12
Monday Night Blue The Whackits 9-61 d Whose Fault 3-51; Freeling Extras 10-66 d Kick Ace 2-43. Wednesday Night Red Lyndoch Leftovers 7-58 d Toyota Cruisers 5-62; Tanunda Down Under 9-65 d Nuri Chasers 3-34; Gibson Wines 11-70 d VVTC Bottles 1-38; Angaston Panthers 9-62 d The Bye 3-39. Wednesday Night White Team Racket 8-56 d Stablemates 4-52; Mixers 10-64 d What a Racquet 2-31; Match Fixers 11-73 d Rebels 1-26; Hermansberg 1066 d Loose Cannons 2-37.
Gawler & District Tennis Association Boys Division 3 R Team P Bye W D L SF 1 Xavier Saints 10 2 9 0 1 47.5 2 Luth St George’s 11 1 8 1 2 50.5 3 Riverton 9 2 5 2 2 28.5 4 Trinity College B 10 2 3 1 6 27 5 Willaston 10 2 3 0 7 19 6 Trinity College G 10 1 2 1 7 22.5 7 Luth St George’s B 10 2 2 1 7 15 Girls Division 3 R Team P Bye W D L SF 1 Riverton 9 2 7 1 1 33 2 Luth St George’s 9 3 6 2 1 38 3 Xavier Saints 9 2 4 0 5 25 4 Trinity College 10 2 2 1 7 22 5 Tod Street 9 3 2 0 7 20 Girls Division 4 R Team P W D L SF SA 1 Xavier Saints 12 9 0 3 52.5 19 2Trinity College R 12 6 1 5 34.5 34 3Trinity College B 12 5 2 5 41 27 4Trinity College G 12 6 0 6 41.5 30 5Luth St George’s 12 5 1 6 27 44 6 Willaston 12 3 0 9 19.5 52 Boys Division 4 R Team P W D L SF SA 1 Roseworthy 12 10 2 0 51 18 2 Xavier Saints Rust 12 7 1 4 44 28 3 Willaston 12 3 1 8 23 46 4 Xavier Saints B 12 2 0 10 26 46 Boys Division 5 R Team P Bye W D L SF 1 Trinity College B 8 3 8 0 0 37.5 2 Trinity College G 10 2 6 0 4 31.5 3 Trinity College W 8 2 5 0 3 32 4 Trinity College R 9 3 2 1 6 19 5 Willaston 9 2 0 1 8 12
SA 12 14 21 29 41 34 41
GF 321 337 207 195 220 203 166
GA 175 194 203 228 309 263 277
Pts 18 17 12 7 6 5 5
SA 20 12 29 35 34
GF 233 246 229 205 199
GA 181 159 234 275 263
Pts 15 14 8 5 4
GF 354 258 285 333 251 194
GA 228 282 224 276 318 347
Pts 18 13 12 12 11 6
GF 349 354 217 279
GA 208 272 351 368
Pts 22 15 7 4
SA 10 28 16 34 41
GF 262 261 234 183 153
GA 129 255 167 251 291
Pts 16 12 10 5 1
Wednesday Night Blue Parrots 12-72 d Tiggers 0-0; Manooknas 10-69 d Making a Racquet 2-37; Angaston Blues 759 d Havin a Ball 5-41. Thursday ladies Nuriootpa 3-29 d Angaston 3-21;
Vine Vale Viognier 5-31 d Tanunda Grenache 1-19; Freeling 6-36 d Marananga Marvels 0-13; Tanunda Shiraz 4-27 d Marananga Movers 2-24; Vine Vale White had the bye.
Barossa and Light Tennis Association night premierships Monday Night Red/White R Team P Bye W 1 Freeling Outsiders 15 0 12 2 Cana’balls 15 0 13 3 Peckers 15 0 10 4 Woodies 15 0 9 5 Gully Breezes 15 0 10 6 Angaston All Stars15 0 6 7 Maranock 15 0 5 8 Via Allendale 15 0 3 9 Kapunda 15 0 2 10 Barossa Blues 15 0 1 Monday Night Blue R Team P Bye W 1 Freeling Extras 13 2 8 2 The Whackits 12 2 7 3 Whose Fault 13 2 7 4 Nuts 4 Tennis 10 2 7 5 Kick Ace 13 2 5 6 Keyneton 11 2 3 7 Jacobs Creek 10 3 2 Wednesday Night Red R Team P Bye W 1 Tanunda Down Under14 0 12 2 Gibson Wines 14 0 11 3 Lyndoch Leftovers 14 0 9 4 Angaston Panthers14 0 7 5 Nuri Chasers 14 0 5 6 Toyota Cruisers 14 0 5 7 The Bye 14 0 5 8 VVTC Bottles 14 0 2 Wednesday Night White R Team P Bye W 1 Match Fixers 14 0 12 2 Team Racket 14 0 12 3 Hermansberg 14 0 10 4 Rebels 14 0 9 5 Stablemates 14 0 6 6 What a Racquet 14 0 3 7 Mixers 14 0 3 8 Loose Cannons 14 0 0 Wednesday Night Blue R Team P Bye W 1 Manooknas 14 0 10 2 Angaston Blues 14 0 11 3 Tiggers 14 0 9 4 Havin a Ball 14 0 6 5 Parrots 14 0 3 6 Making a Racquet 14 0 2 Ladies Thursday Team Pts Vine Vale White 72 Freeling 63 Marananga Movers 60 Vine Vale Viognier 53 Angaston 53 Tanunda Shiraz 45 Nuriootpa 35 Tanunda Grenache 28 Marananga Marvels 8
Wednesday, February 29, 2012 - Page 23 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
D 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1
L 2 1 4 5 4 8 9 12 13 13
SF SA 139.5 35 135.5 39 115 61 114 60 104 70 76 100 69 105 55 125 42 138 50 124
GF 896 900 859 803 801 661 648 606 517 497
GA 420 517 615 598 635 831 821 911 959 881
Pts 184 182 149 144 140 98 79 63 50 48
D 1 1 1 0 1 0 0
L 4 4 5 3 7 8 8
SF 91 85 81 66 74 56 39
SA 59 55 69 54 72 76 75
GF 630 651 634 521 556 518 291
GA 538 539 596 457 585 548 538
Pts 117 107 105 94 78 52 33
D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
L 2 3 5 7 9 9 9 12
SF 133 100 94 94 77 72 55 47
SA 35 68 74 74 91 96 113 121
GF 870 814 813 719 725 692 607 578
GA 417 709 715 665 780 772 867 893
Pts 181 144 130 116 91 90 73 53
D 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
L 1 1 4 5 8 11 11 14
SF 131 118 104 97 82 55 54 31
SA 37 50 64 71 86 113 114 137
GF 923 855 817 780 725 572 611 462
GA 527 583 623 671 766 823 832 920
Pts 177 166 144 131 98 67 66 29
D 0 0 1 0 1 0
L 4 3 4 8 10 12
SF 109 96 104 75 70 50
SA 59 66 58 93 86 118
GF 847 734 723 618 583 539
GA 621 610 565 747 614 887
Pts 149 134 134 97 70 54
Total 542 562 620 616 613 577 537 612 585
% 62.36 59.25 58.39 53.73 49.76 49.57 42.27 44.44 30.43
W 338 333 362 33 305 286 227 272 178
L 204 229 258 1285 308 291 310 340 407
Barossa and Light cricket By MIKE TEAKLE A FIVE wicket haul by Willy Searle helped Gawler Central rattle through Angaston’s once-again fragile batting line (116) up to claim the win and leapfrog the Blues into second place on the premiership ladder. Kapunda maintained the rage as they picked up outright points against a Tanunda side that seems destined for relegation next season. The Bombers, returning to A1 competition this season, look set to play finals to complement their win of the one day trophy. Steve Hands’ best figures of the season (5/27 from 12 overs) helped Sandy Creek (6/266 and 4/89) complete a comprehensive victory over Nuri (161). Last placed South Gawler (205) scored a rare victory over top side Gilbert Valley (192). In the A1 reserves, Ben Parish completed an outstanding all-round effort (3/35 and 114 runs) to help Freeling (248) overcome Light Pass (9/222). In the A2s, Angaston completed their rout of Gawler Central. After scoring a mammoth 5/344 last week, the Blues dismissed the Tigers for just 147 with Michael Pech taking 5/36 from 11 overs. Greenock’s Dan Schilling (52 and 5/95) couldn’t prevent his team (165) from losing to South Gawler (6/252. In A3 action it was all about the centurions with Sandy Creek Yellow’s (9/241) Matt Donohoe smashing 159 yet being unable to get his team the win over Freeling (4/257) who were bolstered by an impressive 117 not out from Pierre Gaertner. Kapunda wicketkeeper Matt Good came in at number eight and hammered 108 not out against Truro (78) to help the Bombers to 5/146. Good’s effort was all the better as it meant that Kym Jarman didn’t have to taint his good match (4/35 with the ball) by getting out for his third duck of the season. Sandy Creek Green batted first in their clash with Nuri, registering 9/311 with Ricky Thomas hitting 105 before the Cockatoos rolled the Tigers for just 155 despite Cliff Bartels 85 not out effort.
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A1 Gawler Cental 180 (J McCafferty 56*, WK Searle 53, TT Stock 33, MJ Blenkiron 4/30, S Rathjen 3/60, BA Byster 2/28) and 8/188 (AJ King 63, MB Ness 53, MJ Blenkiron 2/13, B Burgess 2/27) def Angaston 116 (KJ Vivian 42, SJ Woodards 29, WK Serle 5/59, PJ Thomas 3/30, AJ King 2/26). Tanunda 49 (S Ryan 5/22, J Brown 2/6, M Goldsmith 2/15) and 100 (T Schwartzkopff 43, M Goldsmith 6/22, M Ryan 2/4) def by Kapunda 4/83(dec) (M Hartigan 3/28) and 1/69 (S Ryan 29*, M Johnson 27). Nuriootpa 161 (BP Lydeamore 38, M George 29, S Hands 5/27, C Roberts 3/51) def by Sandy Creek 6/266 (LJ Ratcliffe 122, BN Fuller 67, C Roberts 38*, J Schmidt 3/73, A Prior 2/68) and 4/89 (MG Burden 58*, J Gerhardy 2/44). South Gawler 205 (NP Bartsch 35,D Kaye 34, BN Barker 29, RT Barker 27, J Vater 4/63, M Crawford 3/41, J Molineux 2/9) def Gilbert Valley 192 (M Hosking 64, K Vandeleur 38, Z Hier 33*, T Smith 25, DJ Golder 5/53, M Sims 3/47, PG White 2/38) and 6/147 (Z Hier 70, D Busch 44, S O’Donoghue 3/10, DJ Golder 2/36).. A1 Reserves Truro 71 (S Fowler 4/8, Z Dahms 2/16, B Verne 2/17) and 7/136 (B Fairey 48, JJ Krzoska 35, C Dahlenberg 2/18, G Loffler 2/30, G Stevens 2/61) def by Greenock 121 (G Stevens 66, T Eggleton 3/19, JJ Krzoska 3/33) and 98 (G Stevens 27, G Loffler 26, T Eggleton 5/24, SW Lord 2/29). Freeling 248 (BM Parish 114, BW Montgomery 37*, A Clay 28, C Todd 3/34, S Camilleri 3/63, W Gripton 3/69) def Light Pass 9/222 (S Camilleri 42, S Hill 41, N Koch 25, BM Parish 3/35, J Hirst 2/37, J Robinson 2/51). Eudunda-Robertstown 128 (JR Mosey 54, E Giedel 5/42, A Jeffery 2/7) def by Lyndoch 6/131 (A Jeffery 47,B Williams 38, JV Wickman 30*, D Cluse 2/25, M Wilksch 2/35). A2 Sandy Creek 281 (ST Koch 54, N Goodman 48, J Hartwell 44, L Kent 28, JC Lienert 4/80, GB Swyghuizen 2/20) and 4/91 (NA Gum 59*, G Henschke 3/23) def Nuriootpa 153 (K Siegele 43, R Worrall 43, L Kent 3/41, R Muirhead 2/5). Greenock 165 (D Schilling 52, J Schultz 27, DP Smith 5/20) and 0/32 def by South Gawler 6/252(dec) (A Mackay 36*, D Schilling 5/95). Angaston 5/344 (D Schmidt 117*, N Pech 111, A Murphy 46, B Brook 37, DJ Miller 2/59, J King 2/66) and 4/101 (K Hewitt 44, T Carnelly 30*, B Thom 3/33) def Gawler Central 147 (DJ Miller 45, R Harris 33, AK Ness 28, M Pech 5/36, N Pech 4/26). Light Pass 128 (S Davies 78, P Healy 3/27, P Mernagh 3/45, M Wegener 2/25) def by Tanunda 162 (T Swan 32, P Healy 30*, B Boehm 3/24, B Hunter 3/54, M Baumann 2/24). A3
GUILE: Sandy Creek’s Corey Roberts in action against Nuriootpa in A1. He took 3/51. Sandy Creek Yellow 9/241 (M Donohoe 159, P Dehaan 25, B McDonald 4/74, KA Wright 2/30, T Barnes 2/39) def by Freeling 4/257 (PJ Gaertner 117*, MC Skeen 66). Kapunda 5/246 (M Good 108*, L Hoffman 47, TJ Williams 44*, S Murphy 3/17) def Truro 78 (R Westover 29, K Jarman 4/35, MM Good 3/11, J Zanandrea 2/11) and 6/58 (J Zanandrea 2/2, A Nitschke 2/8). Lyndoch 142 (R Koch 59*, S Goodfellow 4/19, M Kooyman 2/33, L Slok 2/37) def by Gilbert Valley 162 (R Schwartz 55, AE Callery 26, S Matz 5/11, JM Steinborner 2/20). Tanunda 8/207 (J Roehr 43*, S Dswonitzky 34, S Lewis 30) def by Gawler Central 8/265 (S Dawe 87*, CL Chester 53, N Heinze 53, B Skuse 25, M Hoklas 3/48, W Akkerman 2/57, J Ellis 2/72). Nuriootpa 155 (CB Bartel 85*, J Hicks 2/8, MP Cotton 2/23, G Hinderwell 2/28, DR Ireland 2/30) def by Sandy Creek Green 9/311 (R Thomas 105, J Power 93, B Silvy 39, R Schultz 3/76, RJ Heinze 2/18, CB Bartel 2/68). A4 Tanunda 138 (D Wallace 53, D Hean 31, S Hanisch 3/17, HM Moss 2/13, G Rooney 2/30) def by Freeling 5/139 (B Heinrich 38, S Hanisch 35, HM Moss 25*, C Murphy 3/41). Kapunda 8/167 (M Hoffman 46, D Trotta 41, D Nayda 2/23, Z Fuss 2/29, B Giles 2/35) def Nuriootpa 7/165 (B Giles 43, J Heinze 37, A Reusch 27, D Nayda 26*, J Bampton 2/36). Gawler Central 40 (M Ferrier 4/12, K Hampel 2/1) def by Greenock 0/45 (D Lloyd 38*). Mallala 90 (D Cawrse 35, K Dahlitz 5/14, JC Schloithe 3/19, S Scally 2/15) def by Lyndoch 146 (A Berndt 45, P Brook 26, T Cawrse 3/30, M Linn 2/1). A5 Light Pass 9/136 (S Rudiger 51, K Nitschke 40, G Murphy 2/8, P Blackburn 2/13, C Heneker 2/21, P Clancey 2/21) def South Gawler 130 (S Broad 36*, D Hausler 4/20, A Hoffmann 2/29, M Laubsch 2/30). Gilbert Valley 135 (CM Schultz 2/17, T Herrmann 2/17, R Walker 2/27, D Carnelly 2/28), GG Strathearn 2/29) def by Angaston 1/149 (CM Schultz 56, D Clarke 44*, AF Plush 35*). Greenock 8/179 (J Robertson 103*, M Ward 5/34) def Eudunda-Robertstown 8/172 (T Grosser 75, M Verner 4/31, D Rosenzweig 2/24) Under 16 Freeling 6/146 (B Heinrich 35*, A Haseldine 34, J Robertston 2/10) def Greenock 24 (HM Moss 4/6, B Jericho 2/0). Gawler Central Gold 7/102 (A Hilliard 32*) v Nuriootpa/Light Pass 8/180 (B Swan 3/24). Kapunda 9/172 (TJ Williams 43, H Smith 34*, MJ Slade 3/23, RC Bielby 2/21) def Sandy Creek Gold 7/133 (B Dew 52*, J Brown 3/27 (inc hat-trick). Mallala/Lyndoch v bye. Sandy Creek Green 97 (BM Irvine 29) def Gawler Central Black 53 (MJ Kickel 2/9, J Wallace 2/12, BM Irvine 2/14, D Wells-Sidler 2/15). South Gawler 6/226 (T Panagiotou 70, B Bain 43, BJ Washington 36*, D Judd Smith 30, B Fairey 2/41) def Angaston 5/221 (BW Homes 73*, DC Habermann 27, B Torkington 2/28). Under 14 Angaston 9/180 (B Antonie 51*, J Antonie 38*, R Kuhn 35, M Quinn 2/9, J Hassold 2/19) def Lyndoch 85 (B Antonie 2/15). Eudunda-Robertstown 2/179 (B Biscan-Launer 38*) def South Gawler 30 (C Reese 3/2, J Leditschke 2/3). Gilbert Valley 7/175 (ZR Kreutner 3/15) def Sandy Creek 4/171 (R Robinson 50*, ZR Kreutner 36). Tanunda 55 def by Gawler Central 118 (J Kroon 25, A Pomeroy 2/5, E Matte 2/9, N Judd 2/20). Nuriootpa 5/162 (M Norton 47*, N Lange 44, J Hopkins 2/16) def Freeling 39 (N Lange 4/2). Kapunda had a bye.
GOLF GAWLER Wednesday - Ladies; Gloria Potter was the winner of the Bushmans Hotel stableford event in division one with 34 pts. R/up was Lesley Pyke with 33 pts. In division two, Les Milner won on a c/b from Beth White with 31pts. NTPS: 2nd shot on 2nd: G.Potter. Best front 9; G Potter. Raffle winner; K Korber. Thursday - Bob Barltrop got the putter working and carded 41pts to win from Alan Yule on 40. 2nd r/up was Tanunda visitor Neville O’Brien on 39pts. Ball winners; B Marsh, G Oates, B Moreau 39, G Gray, R Sawyer, I George, H Jeske, D Dare 38, K Smith, S Burne, L J Taylor, H McKerney, B Pipe 37 . NTPS: Elders 4th; R Taverner, Spencer Flooring 6th; M Dawes, Elders 11th; G Barber. Birdie balls; D Nguyen, G Gray, D Hurley, W J Martin, R Polito, R Malone, R Taverner, I Cameron, G Barber, B Moreau. Mid Week end - Brett Johns straightened his driving to win with 42pts from Steve Byrne on 41. Ball winners; G Barber 39, H Brown 38, H Smits 37. Birdies: C Swinstead, S Byrne, L Kemp, G Barber, C Bartholomew. Saturday - Neil Heinrich beat the chooks out of bed as always and was first off. This week beating the heat paid dividends. Neil won the Par competition with plus 3, on a countback from Craig Lowe and Carey Noack. A grade: C Lowe (+3), C Thornton (+2), G Page (+2). B grade: N Heinrich (+3), C Noack (+3), G Caldwell (+2). C grade: T Milics (+2), B Portlock (+2), D Honen (-1). Ladies: K Korber (-4). NTPS and long drives - Uleybury Wines 2nd; M Beck, St Kilda Hotel 3rd long drive, G Caldwell, Giannitto Hotel Group 4th; G Caldwell, Kingsford Hotel 6th; J Wozniak, Roseworthy Hotel 3rd shot 9th; G Chillingworth, Fasta Pasta long drive 10th; C Lowe, Hi Beam Car/ Dog wash 11th; I Laurence, Bushmans Hotel 14th; P Smith, Willaston Hotel 16th; G Barber. Ball winners; R Sawyer, M Williams, G James, B Pipe, G Gray, T Clarkson, D Edwards. Birdie balls; I Laurence, J Wozniak, P Warburton, R Polito, K Korber. Eagle; Garry Chillingworth managed to eagle the 9th. Next week’s event is the Dale Wood monthly medal, a Stroke competition. Sunday - The blowy weather and threatening rain kept competition entries to a minimum and hence the few that played were placed in the Midweek competition. No Sunday competition this week. TANUNDA Saturday Novotel Barossa Valley Resort stableford winner P Lawrie 44. A grade P Denley 40 c/b, r/u P Stacey 40; B grade P Lawrie 44, r/u L Sauer 42; C grade G Thomson 42, r/u C Bell 41; Ladies D Reichelt 36. Long drives: A grade B Hage; B grade S Blackwell; C grade J Denley; Ladies J Jeffries. NTP 6th S Rawlinson (Peter Lehmann); 8th S Rawlinson (TPGB); 11th N O'Brien (Langmeil) 7th hole 2nd shot L Sauer (Kalleske). Rundown: P Lithgow 40, P Othams 40, S Ward 39, M Schulz 39, A Coutie, S Fechner, S Blackwell all 38, D Cock, D Lane, B Hage all 37. Men's Midweek stableford competition. A grade: J Gooden 38, D Lane 34, N O'Brien 33, S Fechner 31 c/b. NTP S Fechner. LD: P Kopec. B grade: D Hemsley 34, D Forresst 31 c/b. Ladies Midweek stableford competition: F Blackwell 33 c/b, L Montfort 33, D Campbell 30 c/b. LD: D Ahrens. Thursday Twilight stableford, 9 holes. Name Pts Score K Owen 10 20 S Blackwell 7 19 B Andrews 5 18 c/b R Humphris 4 18 c/b BAROSSA Saturday Blue Course stableford competition. A grade R Thiele 40, r/u I Baldwin 40; B grade A Maynard 39, r/u P Laucke 39; C grade D Virgin 41, r/u P Pavlovich 40. A grade (27 players): D Johnson 37, S Eygenraam 36, R Nairn, D Brook, M Nichols all 35. B grade (31 players): D Trinne 37, C Sims 36, B Beattie 36, G Fechner 35, P Baldwin 35. C grade (17 players): S Blackmore 38, I Cartwright 37, R May 36. Ladies winner J Bird 43. S Siviour 37, T Ross 36. NTP 3rd G Hunter; 4th 2nd shot P Pavlovich; 6th P McCarthy; 10th 2nd shot P McCarthy; 12th G Bethune; 17th D Trinne. Long drives: A grade T Cowgill; B grade A Maynard; C grade P Pavlovich. Ladies novelty, 2nd shot on 3: P May. Midweek White Course stableford competition winner A Prior 40, r/u R Thiele 39. Ball winners: C Lowe 38, S Andrews 38, R Perry, T Giles, J Gerhardy, G Johnson, T Aberg, D Venning all 37, M Newcombe 36, Z Fuller 36. NTP 6th Z Fuller; 15th A Edwards. 4BBB: M Newcombe, T Aberg 48. MT PLEASANT Saturday stableford competition: D Higgins 40, N Wilson 39, D Swann 39, A Wake 37, K
Wednesday, February 29, 2012 - Page 24 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Vine 36, J Zerk 35, L Claridge 34. Midweek stableford competition: A grade - E Bishop 37, I Wannan 34, P Flatman 34; B grade - B O'Neil 36, R Jackson 34, P Gladigau 30. Ladies stableford competition: C Zerk 36, L Stephens 33, N Horsnell 33, B Wright 32.
STARPLEX Basketball Monday juniors 12 and under: Division One - Storm d Undertakers 29-10; Warriors d Sandy Creek 32-10; Jets d Little Lions 39-13. Division Two - T-Legends d Celtics 27-5; Central Little Lions d Red Devils 25-2; Brookers d All Stars 11-9; Starplex Hawks d Barossa Bulldogs 22-14. 14 and under: Brookers d Lakers 23-16; Sharks d Craigmore Flight 25-20. 16 and under: Swishes d Red Dragons 3629; Barossa Blues d Craigmore Thunder 2524; Barossa Reds d Craigmore Flash 33-8. Monday evening men Division One - Shooting Blanks d Blitzers 29-27; Run & Gun d Wolverines 49-40; Crumpet Squad d Flight Team 60-38; Wizards d M&M's 46-44; He Got Game d Beard Of Chuck 30-28. Division Two - Muffin Stuffers d Black Knights 50-42; Shakers d Kings 42-29; Orlago Bujic d Turbos 57-46; Hurricanes d Flames 42-33; Dilligaf d Off In The Shower 48-39. Tuesday daytime ladies Phantoms 29 d Rhondavues 19; Flamin Flamingos 50 d Flukes 45; Cheeky Chicks 30 d Organized Kaos 29.
Monday night ladies Fumble Beez d Meatloaf 41-8; Randoms d The Bitties 21-16; Xavier d Trinity College 21-10; Southies d Wild Turkeys 25-18; Checkmates d Bulldozers 39-27; Purple d Gotacks 35-26; Don't Care d Empire 27-24; Watch Out d Divas 36-29; South d Krazy Kats 30-29; Pythons d Jitterbugs 20-0. Tuesday evening mixed Silent Duck d Dirty Beaches 19-13; Fire Breathing Rubber Duckies d Bright Sparks 27-9; Falcons d Balls Of Steal 14-5. Wednesday juniors 11 and under: Trinity 4 d Trinity 2 13-2; Trinity 3 d Trinity 1 28-9; Trinity 7 d Trinity 5 20-3. 13 and under: Trinity 1 d Trinity 5 20-0; Trinity 2 d Trinity 7 25-8; Trinity 6 d Trinity 3 20-0. 16 and under: Inter One - Trinity 1 d Trinity 4 20-0; Trinity 3 d Trinity 5 33-4. Inter Two Trinity 3 d Trinity 2 17-12; Trinity 4 d Trinity 5 37-6; Trinity 1 d Trinity 6 17-11. Wednesday evening ladies Trinity 2 d Trinity 6 25-19; Mixed Nut d Trinity 4 23-22; Trinity 1 d Mels Army 27-8; Tigers d Trinity 5 21-19; Lollipops d The Fruit Loops 32-27; Mallala d Family Affairs 29-25; Kmp d Dirt Diamonds 31-19; Inxs d Diamonds 3526; Pink Bits d Escapees 24-20; Mamma Bears d Tosnc Blue 26-11; Trinity 3 d Two Wells Roosters 20-0. Friday ladies daytime Wasley d Lady Birds 29-17; Straight Up d Barely There 31-26; Mummas d Skittles 20-0.
PETANQUE Gawler Petanque Club Unfortunately, due to the hot weather the SA Petanque League State Triples Championships scheduled to be held at the Gawler Petanque Club were cancelled and will be held on a date yet to be decided. A few members decided to still turn up and play a couple of games in the morning, and the results are: Rob Mitchell/Cameron Paul (jnr)/Stan Wilson d John Gejas/Harvey Walker/Lilian Elles 13-10; John Gejas/Glenis Head/Cameron Paul d Rob Mitchell/Harvey Walker/Lilian Elles 13-2. Next Sunday is the first Sunday in March so we will meet at Chateau Dorrien, Seppeltsfield Road, starting at 10.30am. Bring lunch, enjoy some wine tasting plus play Petanque. What could be better?
TENPIN BOWLING Barossa Bowland League results, points to date. Morning Stars: Two Of Us 18, Bowled Out 18, C D Players 13, Lucky Ducks 12, Sparestrikes 8, Dynamic Duo 3. Star bowler: Sharon Leske 53 POA (pins over average). Valleyites: Tripod 58, WAFWOTEAM 52.5, Ten Pinners 38.5, Zodiac 34, Valley Virgins 30.5, The Drifters 29, WMD 26. Star bowlers: Edith Unger 37 POA, Ken White 37 POA. Grapevines: What Evers 20, Double Trouble 18, Strike Outs 18, Strikers 16, Pin Magic 14, Pinsetters 12, Two Wonders 8, Pinheads 6, Go Getters 6, Pin Killers 2. Star bowlers: Sarah Mibus 2 POA, Karl Solly 30 POA. Have A Ball: Triple XXXX 22, Creepshow 22, Balls Of Fury 20, Gutter Trash 16, Aint No Turkey 14, Speed Demons 10, Old Farts 9, Here4dabeer 1. Star bowlers: Hazel Hancock 30 POA, Wayne Jones 69 POA. Barossa Juniors: The Strikers 18, The Triple M’s 18, Pinkillers 16, Annihilators 12, Pinheads 6, Little Devils 2. Star bowlers: Josh Hensleigh 45 POA, Danika King 24 POA.
The Herald Bowls Report Barossa and Light results
Eudunda’s Grant Doecke
Division One
Lyndoch 76 v Kapunda 33. P Uranjek 30 v M Dew 2; C Rule 13 v T Rae 13; P Woods 17 v G Redden 12; D Hausler 16 v R Rogers 6. Nuriootpa 73 v Eudunda 37. R Walker 19 v M Schutz 5; R Grope 21 v A Pfitzner 10; S Allen 19 v P Eva 8; W Williams 14 v B Warner 14. Tanunda 51 v Angaston 55. B Pech 11 v B Teakle 11; R Schneider 11 v B Bowden 14; P Rost 19 v D Jaunay 14; C Mahoney 10 v J Standish 16. Freeling had the bye. Division Two
Freeling 40 v Kapunda 34. F Hines 14 v K Matthews 12; G Maynard 12 v J Trotta 12; I McFarlane 14 v B Phillips10. Lyndoch 39 v Angaston Blue 44. R Fillsell 9 v C Reardon 21; B Allen 15 v L Teakle 15; T Noble 15 v E Bond 8. Nuriootpa Black 54 v Angaston White 34. T Elix 21 v C Tabe 8; T Gibbons 17 v B Tuttle 11; N Jaensch 16 v D Armstrong 15. Tanunda Black 36 v Tanunda White 43. D Meertens 15 v M Hurst 11; A Price 7 v T Ratsch 18; D Schiller 14 v E Allanson 14. Nuriootpa Gold had the bye. Division Three
Angaston 42 v Kapunda Red 42. I Philp 13 v B Brearley14; H Schmied 20 v D Franks 17; C Vereyken 9 v B Cummins 11. Eudunda 50 v Nuriootpa Black 33. Geo Schutz 19 v D Quodling 5; R Milde 14 v K Harrison 17; Gor Schutz 17 v P Jones 11. Kapunda Black 49 v Freeling 45. J Baldwin jnr 23 v L Goedecke 7; C Reardon 17 v K Bettens 19; J Baldwin snr 9 v G Holmes 19. Nuriootpa Gold 41 v Lyndoch 34. J Mattner 19 v C Turner 11; M Sims 10 v A Gerrard 11; N Nolan 12 v D Turvey 12. Tanunda had the bye.
Bowls teams EUDUNDA Division One v Freeling at Freeling (cars leave at 12.30pm): J Willoughby, J Milde, B Hnatyszyn, B Warner; W Mader, T Schiller, G Doecke, P Pfitzner; G Mitev, B Marshall, D Kleinig, M Schutz; R Leditschke, J Hanns, G Schmidt, P Eva. Reserves: D Leditschke. Division Three v Angaston at Eudunda: G Goedecke, M Nietschke, R Milde, G G Schutz; C Menz, T Branford, F Schiller, R Hams; G O Schutz, R Regnier, K Laucke, F Schmidt. Umpire: R Milde. Duty rink: R Hams. Eudunda Red v White at Eudunda: K Heinrich, L Marshall, G Zerner, P Obst (Red); G Heinrich, J Pfitzner, M Christie, J Bruhn (White). Midweek Men v Tanunda White at Eudunda: G Minge, K Laucke, J Willoughby; M Christie, C Menz, R Hams; G Mitev, R Regnier, W Mader. Ladies have a bye. Freeling Division One v Eudunda at Freeling: T Johansen, L Mullins, J Brydson, J Morris; N Lee, S Sloan, J Grantham, H Sykes; T Mullins, N Marslen, L Ryan, G Fergusson; K Swanson, T Secomb, T Heinjus, C Kearns. Division Two v Tanunda White at Tanunda: Phil Waldegrave, L Swanson, K Price, G Maynard; O Howson, S Ryan, D Johansen, F Hines; J Fidge, P Flowers, B Schuster, I McFarlane. Division Three v Lyndoch at Freeling: W Pitt, J Wright, D Jamieson, K Bettens; G Thompson, P Erskine, C Trestrail, G Holmes; P Fryer, W Rivett, R Ratsch, L Goedecke. Reserves: A Drury, P Heinjus. Midweek v Nuriootpa Blue at Freeling: B Schuster, T Mullins, C Kearns; L Swanson, T Secomb, I McFarlane; K Bettens, J Grantham, H Sykes. Reserves: W Pitt, Phil Waldegrave. KAPUNDA Division One v Tanunda at Tanunda: M Dew, F Hier, W Reardon, I Otterspoor; B Phillips, J Scholes, B O’Reilly, T Rae; W Beavan, A Reinders, P Voumard, G Redden; C Doecke, G Donovan, R Gill, R Rogers. Cars: T Rae, C Doecke, A Reinders, M Dew. Division Two v Nuriootpa Black at Kapunda: T Scholes, C Otterspoor, S Hart, P Hart; R Perry, R Scoot, L Carter, K Matthews; T Leslie, C Hamper, P Maitland, J Trotta. Duty Rink: K Matthews. Division Three Red has a bye. Division Three Black v Nuriootpa Black at Nuriootpa: S Franks, B Sweet, J Pitman, C Reardon; T Noack, D Parish, J Baldwin jnr, K Dooley; D Sweet, B van Gasteren, E Pitman, J Baldwin snr. Cars: S Franks, K Dooley, D Sweet. Midweek Black v Lyndoch Blue at Lyndoch: P Hart, W Beaven,T Rae; J Scholes, K Matthews, G Redden; G Campbell, A Reinders, R Rogers. Cars: A Reinders, G Campbell. Midweek Red v Tanunda Black at Tanunda: B van Gasteren, T Scoot, F Hier; W Reardon, J Baldwin snr, B O’Reilley; R Parker, P Voumard, T Leslie. Cars: T Scoot, J Baldwin snr. Ladies v Freeling at Kapunda: A Petch, E Pitman, S Franks, R Scoot; D Sweet, P
For all the club reports go to our website:
www.barossaherald.com.au and follow the link in sport. And check out the bowls photos in sports gallery. Results for Midweek Pennants - February 23.
Angaston Blue 51 v Nuriootpa Blue 69. B Teakle 17 v P Rosenberg 24; C Tabe 20 v B Randall 20; M Hurn 14 v P Buckley 25. Angaston White 58 v Kapunda Red 55. D Armstrong 13 v T Leslie 26; T Edwards 21 v B O’Reilly 15; F Thomas 24 v C Sunman 14. Eudunda 51 v Lyndoch Gold 66. J Willoughby 19 v K Boyle 19; R Hams 10 v D Hausler 26; B Mader 22 v J Sharrett 21. Kapunda Black 60 v Freeling 57. T Rae 19 v H Sykes 22; R Rogers 18 v C Kearns 20; G Redden 23 v I McFarlane 15. Nuriootpa Green 63 v Nuriootpa Black 43. W Williams 29 v T Elix 7; I Klaebe 18 v T Billing 19; R Garrett 16 v R Ellis 17. Nuriootpa Gold 80 v Tanunda Black 56. R Chapman 30 v C Mahoney 12; R Walker 31 v D Heidenreich 18; T Gibbons 19 v J Garrett 26. Tanunda White 58 v Lyndoch Blue 58. R Schnieder 15 v T Drummond 17; A Price 23 v D Moncrieff 19; T Ratsch 20 v B Allen 22. Ladies
Angaston 91 v Kapunda 72. G Armstrong 19 v C Holmes 24; E Argent 24 v R Scoot 21; L Lablack 25 v C Reardon 12; E Bond 23 v H Sexton 15. Eudunda 80 v Lyndoch 70. J Milde 21 v D Jones 11; M Nietschke 20 v G McLeod 20; P Dutschke 23 v C Turner 23; B Marshall 16 v V Reeves 16. Freeling 61 v Nuriootpa 89. L Mullins 15 v D Baker 27; K Swanson 10 v G White 26; D Johansen 15 v M Elix 19; J Dunbar 21 v M Nolan 17. Tanunda had the bye.
Dobbin, T Scholes, C Holmes; R Perry, P Ferns, A Thiele, C Reardon; D Huntly, B Hier, H Sexton, C Doecke. Duty Rink: C Reardon. LYNDOCH Division One v Angaston at Angaston: (Cars: Depart 12.30pm): D Wilson, J Sharratt, G Zerk, P Woods; T Teague, T Drummond, K Gavin, C Rule; R Idel, G Reeves, G Ayres, P Uranjek; R Vanstone, T Noble, B Howell, D Hausler. Division Two v Tanunda Black at Lyndoch: R Heidrich, P Handke, B Koch, M Launer; B Day, E Palmer, D Turvey, R Filsell; A Streames, J Turner, A Turvey, B Allen. Duty Rink: B Allan; Bar Rink: R Filsell. Division Three v Freeling at Freeling: (Cars: Depart 12.30pm): N Thompson, J Emerson, J Allwood, M Magee; I Knight, D Boswell, S Drummond, C Turner; M Richards, B Fisher, P Sharratt, A Gerrard. Midweek Gold v Nuriootpa Black at Nuriootpa: (Cars depart 12.30pm): B Day, B Koch, K Boyle; G Schumacher, G Reeves; D Hausler; A Gerrard, R Filsell, J Sharratt. Midweek Blue v Kapunda Black at Lyndoch: D Lindner, T Drummond, M Launer; I Turner, A Turvey, D Moncrieff; R Idel, T Haycock, B Allan. Duty Rink: D Moncrieff. ANGASTON Division One v Lyndoch at Angaston: N Smith, F Thomas, T Edwards, D Jaunay; S Heinze, M Short, K Brook, B Bowden; J Jensen, J Argent, L Buckley, J Standish; M Renshaw, B Hurn, K Sandford, B Teakle. Manager: D Jaunay. Umpires: D Jaunay, J Standish. Duty Rink: J Standish. Division Two Blue has a bye. Pactice at 2pm. Please wear whites and bring afternoon tea. Division Two White v Nuriootpa Gold at Nuriootpa: P Gibbons, W Sibley, L Schulz, D Armstrong; D Tye, M Klingner, B Bullock, B Tuttle; B Copperwhat, T Hopkins, M Hurn, C Tabe. Manager: D Armstrong; Cars: Depart 12.45pm; Drivers: Skippers. Division Three v Eudunda at Eudunda: P Clark, J Carruthers, J Rodgers, I Philp; A Grear, D Copperwheat, S Barnden, H Schmied; R Benjamin, P Kerridge, L Bell, C Vereyken. Manager: S Barnden; Cars: Depart 12.40pm; Drivers: Thirds. Midweek Blue v Angaston White at Angaston: C Vereyken, L Schulz, M Hurn; J Carruthers, M Teakle, B Teakle; K Woodards, A Harvey, C Tabe. Manager: C Tabe; Umpire: B Teakle. Midweek White v Angaston Blue at Angaston: A Grear, J Rodgers, F Thomas; I Philp, P Gibbons, D Armstrong; R Benjamin, A Hall, T Edwards. Manager: A Hall; White is home team. TANUNDA Division One v Kapunda at Tanunda: C Neldner, A Price, J Garrett, C Mahoney; S Pech, D Grear, D Heidenreich, P Rost; R Ellis, D Pech, I Graetz, R Schneider; P Baverstock, I Jaensch, R Mewett, B Pech. Division Two Black v Lyndoch at Lyndoch: W Weinmann, K Schmaal, J Ralston, G Woods; G Farquharson, D Light, K Wallace, D Schiller; G Rainsford, R G Smith, M Meertens, D Meertens. Division Two White v Freeling at Tanunda: M Silvestro, B Williams, B Wallace, E
Allanson; F Altmann, W Noack, D Martin, M Hurst; H Rohrlach, D Koch, I Frick, T Ratsch. Duty Rink: M Hurst. Division Three v Nuriootpa Gold at Tanunda: D Ralston,K Schliebs, B Hoklas, D Goodman; G Meyer, J Farquharson, T Heinrich, J Miegel; M Goodwin, J Stephens, C Graetz, T Leech. Midweek morning v Lyndoch at Lyndoch: M Schmidke, J Farquharson, L Miegel, M Hurst; E Kampann, B Clarke, J Stephens, M Meertens; W Weinmann, M Goodwin, J Ralston, G Woods; J Schultz, J Thompson, D Light, K Wallace. Midweek Black v Kapunda Black at Tanunda: K Schliebs, D Martin, D Heidenreich; H Rohrlach, R Mewett, C Mahoney; B Wallace, B Williams, J Garrett. Duty Rink: D Heidenreich. Midweek White v Eudunda at Eudunda: D Goodwin, J Miegel, T Ratsch; C Graetz, D Schiller, R Schneider; C Traeger, G Farquharson, A Price. NURIOOTPA Division One has a bye. Team practice at 1.30pm, casual clothes. Division Two Gold v Angaston White at Nuriootpa: L Fuss, Pam Jones, D Langley, P Buckley; D Bessell, L Cook, P Fechner, N Collyer; C Allen, R Warnest, P Rosenberg, I Klaebe. Umpire: D Bessell; Duty Rink: I Klaebe. Division Two Black v Kapunda at Kapunda: C Hughes, M Simpkin, L Tscharke, T Elix; C Baker, S Rogers, D Wilson, T Gibbons; A Jones, M Boehm, D Baker, N Jaensch. Cars: Depart 12.45pm; Drivers: M Simpkin, C Baker, N Jaensch. Division Three Gold v Tanunda at Tanunda: C Forbes, G McCormick, K Bullock, J Mattner; K Williamson, B Jones, L Steer, M Sims; John McIntosh, C Reuter, J Chapman, N Nolan. Cars: Depart 12.45pm; Drivers: K Bullock, L Steer, John McIntosh. Division Three Black v Kapunda Black at Nuriootpa: K Steer, J Reusch, C La Nauze, P Collyer; M Graetz, A Klaebe, D Quodling, Phil Jones; M Medlow, R Hahn, K Reichelt, K Harrison. Umpire: P Collyer; Duty Rink: P Collyer. Midweek Gold v Nuriootpa Green at Nuriootpa: John McIntosh, L Cook, T Gibbons; J Reusch, G Langley, R Walker; G McCormick, S Rogers, R Chapman. Red stickers please. Midweek Black v Lyndoch Gold at Nuriootpa: J Bilney, L Tscharke, T Elix; A Jones, K Bullock, G Prior; B Jones, P Fechner, R Ellis. Duty Rink: G Prior. Midweek Green v Nuriootpa Gold at Nuriootpa: A Fyfe, J Bell, W Williams; D Bessell, R Matschoss, R Garrett; N Nolan, R Warnest, I Klaebe. Umpire: R Matschoss. Midweek Blue v Freeling at Freeling: G Krahling, C La Nauze, D Wilson; A Rayner, C Hughes, R Randall; K Harrison, J Mattner, P Rosenberg. Cars: Depart 12.45pm; Drivers: C La Nauze, R Randall, P Rosenberg. Ladies Midweek v Angaston at Nuriootpa: L Wilkinson, L Hahn, N Chapman, M Nolan; H Roberts, H Sandow, G White, P Jones; J Zanetic, M Waples, J McIntosh, D Baker; J Krause, V Bessell, U Boettger, M Elix. Reserves: J Chapman, D Dalton, D Allen. Duty Rink: M Elix; Umpires: U Boettger, M Nolan.
Premiership tables DIVISION ONE Team Nuriootpa Freeling Tanunda Lyndoch Angaston Kapunda Eudunda DIVISION TWO Team Nuriootpa Gold Nuriootpa Black Angaston Blue Tanunda White Tanunda Black Lyndoch Kapunda Angaston White Freeling DIVISION THREE Team Nuriootpa Gold Kapunda Black Kapunda Red Tanunda Eudunda Freeling Nuriootpa Black Lyndoch Angaston MIDWEEK Team Kapunda Black Tanunda Black Nuriootpa Gold Nuriootpa Green Freeling Lyndoch Gold Nuriootpa Black Lyndoch Blue Kapunda Red Nuriootpa Blue Tanunda White Angaston White Angaston Blue Eudunda LADIES Team Nuriootpa Kapunda Eudunda Angaston Tanunda Freeling Lyndoch
P 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
W 11 11 9 9 8 4 4
D 0 1 0 0 1 0 0
L 6 4 7 7 7 12 1
B 2 3 3 3 3 3 3
C 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
F 1536 1546 1577 1451 1444 1328 1343
A 1471 1402 1312 1399 1412 1551 1678
S 65 144 265 52 32 -223 -335
% 51.08 52.44 54.59 50.91 50.56 46.13 44.46
Pts 249 242 215 201 196 114 103
P 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19
W 12 12 10 10 7 6 6 4 4
D 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0
L 3 4 5 7 9 10 10 11 12
B 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
C 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1
F 1200 1168 1174 1156 1045 1087 1048 1013 933
A 879 1002 1038 1102 1139 1168 1056 1106 1238
S 321 167 136 54 -94 -81 -84 -93 -305
% 57.72 53.84 53.07 51.20 47.85 48.20 49.80 47.81 42.97
Pts 225 218 190 180 141 138 133 113 106
P 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19
W 16 11 8 8 7 7 5 6 1
D 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 1 1
L 0 5 6 7 9 10 9 9 14
B 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2
C 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1
F 1230 1117 1107 1010 1080 1139 1096 996 911
A 867 973 1081 1010 1054 1114 1122 1113 1256
S 363 144 26 -1 26 25 -26 -117 -345
% 58.66 53.44 50.59 49.99 50.61 50.56 49.41 47.23 42.04
Pts 263 195 172 168 152 148 138 133 75
P 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17
W 15 12 11 11 10 9 8 7 7 6 7 5 5 1
D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 1 1 2 1 0
L 2 5 6 5 6 8 9 8 9 10 9 10 11 16
B 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
C 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
F 1091 1058 1130 1047 1030 944 991 942 941 1029 957 921 953 755
A 911 870 937 892 845 979 934 1015 1013 988 1061 1090 1069 1185
S 180 188 193 155 185 -35 57 -73 -72 41 -104 -169 -116 -430
% 54.50 54.88 54.67 54.00 54.93 49.09 51.48 48.13 48.16 51.02 47.42 45.80 47.13 38.92
Pts 213 185 181 177 168 142 134 128 119 117 117 98 94 31
P 17 17 17 17 17 17 17
W 10 8 8 7 6 6 5
D 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
L 4 5 7 8 8 9 9
B 2 3 2 2 3 2 3
C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
F 1227 1093 1161 1178 1076 1106 1029
A 1050 1044 1202 1166 1093 1123 1108
S 177 49 -41 12 -17 -17 -79
% 53.89 51.15 49.13 50.26 49.60 49.62 48.15
Pts 247 226 204 190 182 179 166
Proudly supporting lawn bowls “a crackerjack sport”
Wednesday, February 29, 2012 - Page 25 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Office & Chapel 4 New Rd, Nuriootpa Phone 8562 1169
Results for Saturday Pennants - February 25. All Saturday game were only 15 ends due to heat policy.
Central District Football Club supports
Gawler and Kapunda Sportsperson of the week Corey Roberts - Sandy Creek
Sports with Graham Fischer and Mike Teakle
Corey Roberts plays cricket for Sandy Creek. Where have you played your cricket? Sandy Creek.
> BL&G
Who are key players at your club? Every junior cricketer. What is your most important attribute? Competitiveness. Who is a character at the club and why? Jake “Rambo” Smedley always has a laugh at himself. Who is the best player you have played with and against? Jasper and Hudson Roberts. Major influence in your cricket: Brian Grant. Who are your sporting idols? Michael Jordan. Any superstitions? No. What event has inspired or amazed you? Having kids. If you were Prime Minister what issue would you address? Protecting our resources, in particluar food. Pet hates on the cricket oval? Opposition not entering the field to shake hands. Favourite actor and movie? Kurt Roberts in Revenge of the Seagulls. If someone had to play you in a movie who would it be? Tin Tin. Greatest moment and disappointment? My kids being born. Having to play cricket with Lee Ratcliffe.
How would you spend a million dollars? Travel the world to see a test match at each major world venue. What other sport would you love to be the best in the world at and why? Soccer because it’s a global game. If you could have any four people stranded on a deserted island with you who would they be and why? Bear Grylls, to find food and shelter, my wife, to enjoy the holiday, Superman, to take me home and Mike Teakle so I can leave him there.
DO YOU want to get fit? And get paid for it? No this isn’t a dodgy marketing scheme, it is the catch-cry of the BL&G Umpires Association. Regarded by many as the best organised and most professionally run umpires panel in the state, the crew in white are currently flying at training with strong numbers and a couple of exciting new additions. Former South Gawler full forward/Gawler Central coach/player John Robins has joining the panel. Robins has clocked up over 50 games in the AFL NT competition and his experience, combined with local knowledge, will be a huge asset. Former Adelaide
Plains umpire Mike Glanville is another to get on board. With experience at junior level in the SANFL he adds another quality umpire to the group. Gawler’s Duncan Greehalgh has come across from the world of sidecar motorcycle racing and while these additions are great, coach Carl Whitaker is still keen to welcome new umpires. “We need to recruit junior field, senior field and boundary umpires,” Carl said. “Our panel will provide any new umpire with a full uniform and the instruction needed to create a career in umpiring.” With junior umpires coach Kristian Whitaker gone to Darwin to take up a role with the AFL, Adam Hennessey has WH1795028
Relationship and employment status: Married with three boys and partner at Stevens Roberts Financial Planning.
Your Guide to the Tides
stepped into the role while Sarah Jameson will coach the boundary umpires, a job previously held by Hennessy. These appointments further display the development system with both of these coaches being products of the BL&G junior umpires group. Anyone interested in picking up a whistle, and a pay-packet, can head to Willaston Oval on Wednesday nights at 6pm. Front up with a pair of runners, shorts, t-shirt and water bottle.
> Baseball TWO harness racing identities changed sports at the weekend. Trainer and leading veterinary surgeon Toby Ryan and steward Simon Ewen made their baseball debuts on Saturday. Both have children who play for Gawler Rangers and with the division seven side short of players the pair were enticed into taking the field.
After strikeouts at their first time at bat, both showed they were quick learners having a hit next time at bat with Toby (pictured) smashing the ball deep into centre field. Club officials will be keen to sign the pair up for next season.
> Netball GOOD friends Ella Mickan (Kapunda) and Chelsea Modra (Freeling) have decided to play for Hamley Bridge in the Adelaide Plains League in 2012. Both are highly skilled and should prove outstanding additions at Hamley. Proudly brought to you by: BAROSSA
33 Railway Tce, Nuriootpa
8562 4881
Spot on success
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8522 6200 Tide Times for Port Adelaide (Outer Harbour) and Wallaroo for the week to come
Pt Adelaide FEB 2012
29 WE
MAR 2012
• Any quality or quantity • Private sales of bags, butts, single bales & small lots • Payment within 48 hours of processing at Gillman Wool Store
The new service will mean deliveries of any amount or quality of wool can be accepted at Landmark Gawler during the business hours of Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5pm and Saturday morning from 8.30am to 11am. For more information please contact Jed Puckridge on 0457 524 959, or Branch Manager Karyn Reynolds on 08 8522 2266. 1785287
5 MO 6 TU
0138 0719 1311 1944
0.48 1.89 0.34 2.37
FEB 2012
29 WE
0203 0737 1326 2007
0.60 1.75 0.46 2.23
MAR 2012
0233 0749 1333 2031
0.81 1.53 0.67 1.98
0317 0717 1250 2035
1.11 1.26 0.89 1.65
1040 1732 2155
0.79 1.54 1.27
0340 1031 1659 2214
1.85 0.50 1.75 0.93
0309 0719 1309 2041
0.72 0.82 0.49 1.47
INFO NIGHT: A great turnout at Spot on.
1248 2119
0.52 1.44
1136 2213
0.49 1.40
0003 1113
1.35 0.38
0214 1119
1.35 0.36
5 MO 6
0413 2.13 0339 1.41 1047 0.31 1127 0.35 1703 1.94 TU 1831 0.99 2237 0.67 2227 0.86 *Please note - Add 1 hour for daylight savings ‘Tidal predictions supplied by the National Tide Facility. The Flinders University of South Australia, Copyright Reserved’
Wednesday, February 29, 2012 - Page 26 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
SPOT On tackle store in Nuriootpa and myself held a lure night covering techniques and the gear used to target our local callop and redfin. It was a great success with about 40 people attending the night. There were loads of great questions which is the difference, in my opinion, of a good night and an excellent one. Asking questions is the quickest way to find out what you need. There were some very lucky raffle winners with Nuriootpa resident Graeme Lawrie taking out the first prize of a stunning rod and reel from Rapala Tackle. Spot On are looking to
hold a night on shallow water snapper fishing sometime in March so keep an eye out if you like your snapper fishing or have always wanted to catch one. Snapper are the major fish in our state next to whiting and there are heaps of them in our gulfs close to home. Many thanks must go out to Ian and John from Spot On tackle store for holding the night and Sani Pfeiffer for sorting out raffle tickets. I would also like to thank Steve Palin from Rapala Tackle Australia and Luke from Chamos lures for providing raffle prizes. Luke makes some very impressive handmade lures locally in Cockatoo Valley and they are available at the Nuriootpa shop. Tight lines until next week.
Baseball’s move By ROBERT LAIDLAW BASEBALL in Gawler is set to return to Karbeethan Reserve next season. For the past two seasons, the Gawler Rangers Baseball Club has played and trained at Elliott Goodger Memorial Park, Willaston. The club started five years ago at Evanston Garden’s Karbeethan Reserve, but after the first three seasons looked for a more compatible fit, as fundraising issues and the need for a stable home base was sought. But with Willaston Football Club’s pre-season training and the baseball club’s normal summer activities clashing, the Rangers were asked to seek alternative arrangements. After fruitful discussions between the Gawler & District Softball Association and the baseball club, negotiations to accommodate baseball at Karbeethan have been escalated, with an agreement set to be cemented soon. “With successful Tee Ball and Rookie Ball leagues (catering for children under the age of 10), four junior sides, three senior teams and our Slow Pitch competition, the Rangers have a lot to offer the sporting community,” club vice-president Mary O’Connor said. “Karbeethan already is home to cricket, soccer, hockey and softball, so, with baseball coming back it enhances
Top four battle By MIKE TEAKLE WITH just one round to play in Barossa and Light bowls, the top four still isn’t locked in for Division One. Lyndoch and Angaston are battling for fourth spot so it was imperative for both teams to win on Saturday. With the heat policy restricting Saturday’s matches to just 15 ends, a fast start was imperative. Lyndoch had the slightly easier task as they hosted Kapunda while Angaston headed to Tanunda. The Dockers annihilated Kapunda 76-33 thanks largely to one of the most remarkable scores seen as Paul Uranjek’s rink beat
Martin Dew’s four 30-2. Angaston won a low-scoring contest on the carpet, beating Tanunda 55-21 setting up a mini elimination final against Lyndoch at Angaston next week. The picture is much clearer in Division Two with the top four safely locked away. Nuriootpa are guaranteed a place in the grand final with their Gold and Black teams filling the top two spots while Angaston Blue and Tanunda White will contest the first semi-final. In Division Three Nuriootpa Gold sit atop the ladder awaiting challenges from Kapunda Red, Kapunda Black and Tanunda to decide the title.
TOP TEAM: Gawler Rangers A grade team, back from left, Andre Benjamin, Ryan O'Handley, Rick Leonard, James Parker, Dave O'Brien, Mike McClarty (coach), front, Sam Murphy, Ricky Clark, Shain Clark, and Mark Amphlett. Next season they will be playing at Karbeethan Reserve. opportunities for sporting development at the location in regards to grants and funding. “And there are increased opportunities for softballers and baseballers to join forces in fundraising and development partnerships, so it is a win-win scenario.” Gawler and District Softball Association president Amanda Unger sees the junior aspects supported by baseball’s programs as an advantage for her sport.
“The big thing for us is the ability to do more recruiting into our junior ranks, which Tee Ball offers,” she said. “And the sports (baseball and softball) compliment each other. “Another big appeal is with five regular sports and three in summer, it enhances Karbeethan as one of the biggest sporting hubs in Gawler, which will allow people to float around and view different sports at the same location.”
SMOOTH: Nuriootpa’s Matthew Jones bowls in Division One.
Brave Jimando’s new feature goal By GRAHAM FISCHER
ABOVE: Aurumcert dashes to victory in the Tattsbet.com Adelaide Plains Cup at Balaklava. BELOW: Football’s back. Former Tanunda junior Justin Westhoff was in the thick of the action for Port Adelaide in the NAB Cup clash against Carlton at AAMI Stadium on Sunday. PIC: PLA Media
RACEHORSE trainer Tony McEvoy was “incredibly proud” of Jimando’s fourth in last Saturday’s Group One Blue Diamond Stakes at Caulfield. Starting from the extreme outside draw of 16, Jimando, a $12 chance, raced three wide outside the lead and battled on strongly to finish fourth to Samaready in the $1million 1200 metre race for twoyear-olds. “I always thought he was the best of the colts in the race and he proved that,” McEvoy said. “Jimando began very well and tended to overrace which meant jockey Blake Shinn had little option that to go forward. “Because of his draw, there was no chance to get cover but he was very courageous and did an excellent job to finish fourth.” McEvoy, who trains at Kildalton Park, Angaston, said Jimando would remain in Melbourne. The colt’s next run will be the $250,000 Henry Bucks Sires’ Produce Stakes (1400m) at Flemington on Saturday, March 10. “I put winkers on him in the Blue Diamond but will remove them for his next start,” McEvoy said. “With that extra 200 metres in the Sires, the early pressure shouldn’t be as great and hopefully he can settle and be strong at the finish.” McEvoy said Nash Rawiller, who rode Jimando in his debut win at Caulfield in October, would regain the mount in the Sires. A start in the world’s richest twoyear-old race the Golden Slipper at Rosehill also has not been ruled out.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012 - Page 27 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
“I will see what happens after the Sires,” McEvoy said. The trainer was also pleased by Assertive Eagle’s seventh in the Typhoon Tracy Stakes (1200m) at Moonee Valley last Friday night. “She wasn’t all that comfortable around the tight track and was held up early in the home straight.” Assertive Eagle will now start in the Group 2 $300,000 TAB Sportsbet Kewney Stakes (1400m) at Flemington on March 10. Last start Adelaide winner Pilot’s Lane will head to Moonee Valley this Friday to contest the $80,000 0-89 Premium Handicap (1514m). McEvoy reported imported galloper Sysmo jarred up on the hard track at Morphettville on Saturday.
BRIDGE BAROSSA Lessons in Bridge Barossa will start today (Wednesday) with, at this stage, six participants. Last Monday at a four-table Howell movement first were Toni Harvey and Evan Allanson with 62,5%, followed by Eunice Kampman and Jim Hayes 61.9%, Rhonda Wallace and Jill Allanson 57.1%, Ken Farley and Peter Clerk 56.5%, Joan Lee and Kevin Jones 48.2%, Joan and Howard Haese 41.1%, Adelaide Abbott and Miles White 40.5%, Pam Jahn and Mary Clerk 40. On Wednesday again at four-tables first were Jill and Evan Allanson 55.4%, Hellen Farrelly and Toni Harvey 54.2%, Marg Long and Trish Page 53%, Joan and Howard Haese 50.6%, Fran Hannan and Ron Male 45.8%, Joan Lee and Kevin Jones 44.6%, Helen Sandow and Ziggy Mentz 40.1% For information contact 8563 3204. www.barossaherald.com.au
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TROT: Herecomes The Cat, driven by Matthew Jacques, win the Triple T Lodge Trotters Marathon at Kapunda on Sunday. KAPUNDA Harness Racing Club president, Marcus Hearl and club secretary/treasurer Rod Whenan celebrated a big race victory on their home track on Sunday. The pair, with Alicia Jones and Elizabeth Whenan are the owners of Herecomes The Cat, winner of the Triple T Lodge Trotters Marathon over 3430 metres. Driven by Matthew Jacques, Herecomes The Cat, started $2.80 favourite and defeated Biggies by two metres with Sonny Sulibop a head away third. Trainer Aaron Brown and driver Ryan Hryhorec, who were associated with Biggies, went one better in the Tiles For Life Kapunda Cup with Fourmoore ($2.60 favourite) making a brilliant start off his 20 metre handicap to land victory. He won running away from Jacobs Well ($6.40) with early leader Conte Del Forno ($17.30) third. - Graham Fischer
By GRAHAM FISCHER NETBALL is growing in the Barossa, Light and Gawler Association. In 2012, there will be seven senior grades - an increase from the six of recent years. The management committee of the Barossa, Light and Gawler Netball Association on Monday night passed a resolution to include a Division Seven this year. The recommendation will now be passed on for the next club delegates meeting on March 19 for a changing of start times to accomodate all grades. Bridey Lewis, president of the BL&G Netball Association said she was very pleased. “So far we’ve had up to eight of the nine clubs express their interest, with only Kapunda indicating they may not have the numbers,” Ms Lewis said. “Feedback from the clubs has been great as it has meant many clubs have been able to cater for increasing numbers without knocking people back from playing.” The Division Seven games are expected to start at noon which will mean some of the junior grades may have to change start times. Ms Lewis said the extra grade would be run as a trial this year. “However, given the interest we anticipate it will continue to grow support as the earlier timeslot may attract players who perhaps have children playing junior footy or netball.” Barossa District, which traditionally has struggled to field six senior sides, this year has had an influx of players and intends having teams in all seven grades.
won’t be beaten on Price & Service Gawler Park Homemaker Centre CUP: Kapunda president Marcus Hearl speaking at the presentation of the Tiles For Life Kapunda Cup won by Fourmoore. From left, Hearl, driver Ryan Hryhorec, owner Cathy Cross, trainer Aaron Brown, Sam Pansini (Tiles For Life) and Rod Whenan, Kapunda secretary/treasurer.
Hometown hero
Netball growing
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2007 VOLKSWAGON JETTA 1 Owner, Auto, Full Service History, Reverse Sensors S694-AOP $20,250 2008 HONDA CIVIC SPORT 2.0L, 5 spd man, Immaculate throughout S416-ANX $20,200 2007 FORD XL RANGER Crew Cab 4X4, 3.0L Turbo Diesel, Canopy, Tradesman Draws & much more S693-AOP $26,990
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1 Owner, 5 speed manual, CD, air conditioning, power steering, tint, great service history, TOP LITTLE CAR, XUG-370.
2008 VOLKSWAGON CADDY VAN 1.9L Diesel, Manual, Air Conditioning S197-AOD $18,662
8563 2045 Murray Sts, Tanunda & Nuriootpa
Justin Wood Brand Manager 0414 643 405
Greg Mundy Brand Manager Honda
Wednesday, February 29, 2012 - Page 28 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Ashley Matthews Brand Manager VW 0432 982 610
Gerard Daff Brand Manager Kia
0427 844 699
Fab Di Biase Sales Consultant 0407 792 290
Andrew Peel Finance 8563 2045