February 8th Edition

Page 1

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barossaherald.com.au Wednesday, February 8, 2012

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44 pages


End of long haul By MICHELLE O’RIELLY HEAVY vehicles continue to flood Barossa’s main streets, but hopefully not for long. Strong lobbying by the Barossa Council to the state government for the past 10 years has recently resulted in a signage plan to place heavy vehicle restrictions on these roads. According to the Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure (DPTI), this signage is yet to be finalised, but is expected to be similar to that recently installed around Angaston. A spokesperson for the department said, they are working with council to determine appropriate locations and nature of the restrictions to ensure safe movement of heavy vehicles around Nuriootpa and Tanunda. “The timing of the signage will be subject to the completion of this work,” the spokesperson said. The council’s acting chief executive officer Ian Baldwin said, “Until such time as these restrictions have been approved and implemented there is not much that can be done to prevent this type of movement through the townships”. However, Mr Baldwin said DPTI has been requested to attend to this issue as a matter of urgency and council will continue to liaise with them. The general access trucks and semi trailers, which are not banned from using the busy stretches such as Murray Streets at Tanunda and Nuriootpa, are criticised for their noise, speed and for their general nuisance to traders who rely on patrons. Continued concerns have been raised by main street traders who in the past have highlighted they struggle to offer comfortable outdoor dining experiences for their customers because of noise. DPTI said the South Australian Police or departmental traffic inspectors could enforce the restrictions if required. It is understood the restrictions installed in Angaston are generally being observed by heavy vehicle operators. In 2011 council announced they were keen to see restrictions of these heavy vehicles along Murray Street, Nuriootpa, from New Road, near BP, to the Sturt Highway and Tanunda’s main street, from Gomersal Road to Barossa Valley Way near Kroemer Crossing. The Barossa freight route, installed in the mid 2000s, restricts b-doubles from entering main streets.

In excess of 100 tanks


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CHANGES: New signage is being planned to restrict general access trucks and semi trailers within Barossa’s main streets.

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Public pounce on produce A healthy crowd of 2000 people turned up to purchase their share of regional produce at the inaugural Mt Pleasant Market on Saturday. According to organisers, several stallholders had to restock during the morning due to the rush. One stallholder’s products sold out twice. LEFT: Celebrity chef Simon Bryant dazzled the public with his cooking techniques. BELOW: The market was bumper to bumper with people before 9.30am.






hen you go out driving, don’t motorists look for the shortest and easiest roads for their travels? Spacious, well kept roads make for more comfortable driving so why do truck drivers persist in travelling down the main streets of Nuriootpa and Tanunda on their travels? Wouldn’t it be best to take a more direct route to reach the Sturt Highway? It cannot be argued that heavy vehicles heading down the main streets of our towns is not dangerous. With the Barossa developing the idea that the area is cycle-friendly more and more cyclists are going to be touring the area and that is going to add to the danger. The state government and councils have no problems changing the speed limits which can cause confusion for motorists - so how hard is it to stop trucks from travelling through the towns in the best interest of everyone?

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IN SPORT: The results of the weekend’s Barossa and Light bowls titles are available for viewing online at barossaherald.com and for photos click onto the gallery. Nuriootpa’s Division 2 Gold bowler Peter Buckley (above) takes it nice and easy.


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Incorporating The Barossa News, Kapunda Herald and Eudunda Courier.

1/119 Murray Street, Tanunda Postal: PO Box 43, Tanunda, 5352 Telephone: (08) 8563 2041 Fax: (08) 8563 3655 Advertising: sales.barossaherald@ruralpress.com Editorial: editor.barossaherald@ruralpress.com Website: www.barossaherald.com.au Acting Manager: Clayton Bester Editor: Graham Fischer Editorial: Michelle O’Rielly, John Crawford, Mike Teakle, Ben Mallett, Robert Laidlaw, Anne Hopton. Photography: Kirsty Hosking, Shaun Kowald. Sales: Clayton Bester, Glenys Brooks, Jordan Stollznow, Jodie Coventry, Linda Goldfinch. Administration: Cheryl Lange, Roxanne Mathew

Published by The Barossa News Pty. Ltd. ABN 14 007 869 874



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CHANGES in business have occurred over the past week and the Herald was there to highlight them. On Thursday barossaherald.com focused on the arrival of The Co-op’s new chief executive office Graeme Longmuir. He is super keen to build on the strengths that have already been established by the Nuriootpa retail co-operative. More details on page 6 of today’s (Wednesday) edition. The Herald also welcomes new managers, the Keogh family, to the Greenock Creek Tavern. In their full page advert in today’s edition on page 8, check out what they have in store including their signature dish, the Greenock burger, which comes complete with fries, for just $15. And why not drop in and say ‘G’day’. On the food front, look out in the following days as barossaherald.com investigates reports about a new Barossa business opening soon. Also, well done to wine company Orlando Wines for convincing a national committee to host a Sensory Symposium here in the Barossa starting today. The 6th annual event will be held at the Jacob’s Creek Visitor Centre and involves 30 professionals and students from Australia and New Zealand who are looking for new ideas and knowledge to use in their research which involves, wine, food, beer or cosmetics. Read the full story online at barossaherald.com.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012 - Page 2 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Visit our showroom 132 Murray Street GAWLER or call 8522 4670 admin.barossaherald@ruralpress.com

Tower approved Battle may continue in court

In brief... THE murder case involving Jason Alexander Downie, 19, was again heard in the

happened’,” she said. “In response to double the number of objections - you don’t move it closer to Tanunda - that is ridiculous.” When Vodafone first applied to build the tower on the Smyth Road property, the application received 62 submissions, with 61 of those being against the development. The applicant subsequently amended the plan of the proposal, which received almost double the feedback of the original, with 116 submissions received by council, and 112 of those against the proposal. Despite the community’s feedback, in December the DAP gave the proposed tower approval subject to the concurrence of the DAC. A Vodafone spokesperson said the company is working to improve the quality of the mobile services it provides to the Tanunda area. “Vodafone has undertaken a detailed assessment over more than 12 months to evaluate the merits of numerous proposed sites in the area to ensure it balances the needs of the local community for improved mobile services, while also selecting an appropriate site and facility design that is as unobtrusive as possible,” the spokesperson said. “Vodafone has also engaged in detailed consultation with residents, businesspeople and councillors to arrive at a proposal that is consistent with all regulations and ensures the best possible outcome for all interested parties.”

Supreme Court on Tuesday (yesterday). The court heard that, Downie, who is charged with triple murders in Kapunda in November 2010, be made to re-enter his guilty pleas to allegations he murdered

TICKET holders of Barossa’s day on the green can rejoice as warm weather conditions are predicted for this Saturday. This comes after the New South Wales concert, also featuring Daryl Hall and John Oats and Icehouse, was cancelled on the weekend due

to extreme wet weather. The Barossa event will be held at Peter Lehmann Wines, Tanunda, with gates to open at 3.30pm. Thousands are expected to show up and the public is reminded that the event is fully licensed with strictly no bring your own alcohol.

Food will be available for sale on site and the public is invited to bring their own picnic, however no glass is allowed. Rugs and deck chairs are recommended. For full details of acts and times, visit adayonthegreen.com.au and click on Peter Lehmann Wines icon.






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the Rowe family of Andrew and Rose and their daughter Chantelle. In November 2011 Downie entered guilty pleas to these murders. He has been remanded in custody until March.


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THE Vodafone tower proposed for the outskirts of Tanunda has been approved, but the fight against it could go to court. The state government’s Development Assessment Commission (DAC) has concurred with Light Regional Council’s decision to approve the 28-metre phone tower, enabling council to grant the tower development plan consent. Patsy Biscoe, co-chair of the Tanunda Town Committee, said the decision is disappointing. “It is an extremely difficult situation because how do you actually decide where these towers go?” she said. “If you don’t consult with the community, actually sit down and talk to them, they can put them anywhere.” A statement from the Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure (DPTI) said that as a Category 3 application, members of the public who made representations to council on the proposal have the right of appeal in the Environment, Resources and Development Court. Ms Biscoe said they could take the matter to court or go through the Australian Communications and Media Authority. “There are still a few avenues left to us, we can go to the ERD Court, and we can also go to ACMA (Australian Communications and Media Authority) and say ‘we just don’t believe consultation

Good weather for a day on the green


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Wednesday, February 8, 2012 - Page 3 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

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The sponsors: All Type Paints Salisbury, MC Windscreens, Beaurepaires Elizabeth, Active Motor Wreckers, Commodore Spares Kilkenny, Autopro Gawler, Garry’s Air Cool, Bursons Spares Salisbury, Kapunda & Barossa Mechanical Spares, Chris Woodward Motor Trimmers, Gawler Auto Wreckers, This N That Kapunda, Little Mo’s Bakery Kapunda, Menzels Butchers Kapunda, Kapunda IGA, Kapunda FoodWorks, Wayne and Hanna’s Fibreglass Supplies, Roger and Tracey Kalleske, SA Paint Supplies and Dunlop Super Dealer Kapunda. The volunteers: Matt Sims, James Cook, Kris Whitworth, Ty Morrison, Wayne Mitchell, Derek Smethurst, Steve Moores and the ‘Two Dougies”.

BE! TO D T SSE NOMI Country Music Star Melinda Schneider Nutcr On Ice,acker 1pm Extra T

for safer, greener, more active travel

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The Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure is offering grants for groups and organisations to deliver small scale projects that promote safer, greener and more active travel choices. Projects can focus on improving road safety, getting people cycling, walking or catching public transport; replacing car journeys with technology, doing things locally; or using the car smarter. For further information and grant criteria or to apply, visit www.dpti.sa.gov.au/communityprograms or phone 8402 1913.

Pimp My Ride – just without the massive budget. The team worked the entire week repairing the vehicle before surprising Gavin and Lee with it on Sunday, February 5. “It is like a brand new car now, and they have done the whole lot, it is just amazing,” Lee said. “I couldn’t believe it when I saw it. “It was my car and I loved it, but this is as good as getting a brand new car, because that is what they have done to it.” Lee said the gesture really highlighted how the Kapunda community could draw together to help people when needed. “They are amazing people and to just come in and offer their time, and spend hours like they did, it is something you never expect happen to you in your life,” she said. Gavin said he is truly thankful to everyone who donated parts or materials for the car and especially the people who gave their time to do the work. “A majority of them haven’t worked on vehicles, but they have all pulled together and just did it,” he said. “I still didn’t know why, but Tony explained why, and I am just so grateful.”





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LIKE NEW: Tony Giakos shows the restored car to Lee and Gavin Koch.

TRUE Australian mateship is clearly alive and well in Kapunda, with businesses and community members banding together to help a family in their time in need. When Gavin and Lee Koch were knocked back by the banks for a loan to buy a new car, they did not know what they were going to do with their old Commodore, which was falling apart and on its last ‘tyres’. Only two of the windows would wind down, the air conditioning was broken and the brakes needed work, not to mention all the other problems requiring attention to keep it on the road. Family friend Tony Giakos from Mid North Customz soon found out about the Koch’s car, decided he needed step in and lend them a hand, offering to spend the next week repairing the air-conditioner at his Kapunda workshop. Little did Gavin and Lee know, but Tony had some greater plans in mind. In just a couple days, Tony contacted many of his trade supply friends for donations and recruited a gang of dedicated volunteers. Tony finally had a team and all the materials he needed to fix the car in the same vein as popular series

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Wednesday, February 8, 2012 - Page 4 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


Trust sticks on with Seppeltsfield plan THE group behind the plan to rejuvenate Seppeltsfield has vowed it will continue to work with the community to turn the vision into reality. Seppeltsfield Estate Trust had submitted a statement of intent for the rejuvenation project with LRC, but council said more needed to be done in the way of community consultation before it could sign off on sending the document to the minister for approval. Since then, Bruce Baudinet from the trust has reaffirmed the group’s commitment to working with LRC and the community to make sure the plan comes to fruition. “We have got a vision for one of the great wine estates of the world, and it doesn’t happen overnight,” Mr Baudinet said. “The message is fairly strong that we are in for the long haul and we have a very high level of commitment to the Barossa and a very high level of commitment to quality, and if we do anything that diminishes the value of what we have, we are just completely shooting ourselves in the foot. “Everything we do there will be of the highest quality and we will be preserving and enhancing the character of Seppeltsfield and we

will do it with the best possible designers and the best consultation with government and community.” Mr Baudinet said the trust was already working closely with council and the community, and said councils decision would just be bringing the more detailed community consultation to an earlier stage in the planning process. “We are very happy to be working with council in that regard, so it is just a matter of working through the DPA process that we are in,” he said. LRC has also decided to defer considering any of the Seppeltsfield plan until after a public meeting in Nuriootpa on March 20 about the Barossa Protection Legislation. Mr Baudinet said the trust had made submissions to the state government on the protection plan. “What we are very keen to see is whatever happens in the Barossa, for it to go back to the roots of the principles of the legislation, which we very strongly support – which is protecting and enhancing the character of the Barossa,” he said. “What we are looking for is to protect what we have and enhance it going forward, because you have got to have a future, we just can’t live in the past.”

Farm fair entries open PLANS for the 2012 Kapunda Farm Fair are well underway and exhibitor entries are now open. The dates for this year’s event are Friday, April 20 and Saturday, April 21. Mayor of Light Regional Council, Bill O’Brien said it is one of the biggest events held in Kapunda and has a great following. “The Kapunda Farm Fair is renowned as a great meeting place for rural and regional people and businesses to connect and offers businesses an excellent opportunity to showcase their products and services,” he said. A highlight for 2012 will be the presentations from South Australian gardening expert, Sophie Thomson, a presenter on Gardening Australia, while the Australian Year of the Farmer 2012 Road Show will

READY: Light mayor Bill O’Brien and 2012 Kapunda Farm Fair organiser Bill Adams. also be in attendance. Bill Adams, organiser for the 2012 Kapunda Farm Fair, said the district had enjoyed one of its best ever seasons in 2010 and all points to another above average harvest for 2011.

Anyone interested in exhibiting their business at the 2012 Kapunda Farm Fair, or require further information about the up-coming event, contact Bill Adams on 0408 811 840 or see kapundafarmfair.com for a prospectus.

“Entries we have received at this early stage suggest that sites will be filling fast and early application for sites is recommended,” he said. Exhibitor entries close on Tuesday, February 28.



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8561 2510 admin.barossaherald@ruralpress.com

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Wednesday, February 8, 2012 - Page 5 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

65 Tanunda Rd, Nuriootpa nurinew@barossahm.com.au


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In brief... THE Barossa is a step closer to finding a new chief executive officer (CEO) for the council with applications to close this coming Monday, February 13.

Council is seeking someone who is an inclusive leader with sound management and communications skills and has a commitment to good governance. The person will replace David Morcom who resigned to become CEO of the Wellington Shire Council in Victoria. Ian Baldwin is currently acting as CEO.

Welcome to the Barossa

NEW: Graeme Longmuir heads The Co-op.

MEET Barossa Co-op’s new chief executive officer Graeme Longmuir. The Melbourne man, who began with the Nuriootpa-based retail co-operative last Wednesday, said he looks forward to being part of the rural community. He said he wants to build on the strengths that have already been established at The Co-op, enhance its reputation and drive the community side of the company. “Retail margins are under pressure all over the world as multi-national corporations dominate supply and distribution. It is up to us to be smarter in our buying

while never forgetting the value of customer service,” he said. Mr Longmuir explained he was attracted to the role because of his strong background in co-operatives. The senior commercial retail manager has more than 20 years’ experience with national co-operatives, franchises and corporate enterprises after working for companies such as Total Tools, Mitre 10 and FoodWorks. “I understand co-operatives and the way co-operatives work, their varying needs and demands,” he said. “The Co-op has a fantastic reputation and is one of the leading cooperatives within Australia”.

Mr Longmuir and The Co-op board of directors plan to continue this trend by networking with its members and suppliers to ensure positive feedback is returned. He also pointed out this is the International Year of the Co-operative, which is fitting for his arrival. Mr Longmuir, who currently calls Tanunda home, will soon be joined by his wife Julia. They have three teenage daughters. He is the fourth chief executive officer to be part of The Co-op, which has run for the past 68 years. He replaces David McArthur, who held the position for almost 30 years and announced his retirement in September 2011.









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Proposed masterplan for illustrative purposes only and subject to change.


Wednesday, February 8, 2012 - Page 6 - The Herald, Barossa Valley




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Wednesday, February 8, 2012 - Page 7 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


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Meals every day

BEEFY: The mouth-watering Greenock burger served with a hearty helping of golden chips.

THE Greenock Creek Tavern is now serving meals seven days a week. While they are still maintaining the country Tavern everybody has come to know and love, they are now serving lunch every day between midday and 2pm and dinner from Monday to Saturday between 6pm and 8pm. Even better for those who like a drink, the bar is now open from 11am until late. From the friendly staff and locals to the fresh Barossa air, the Greenock Creek Tavern is a wonderful spot to head for a drink or meal. The best thing about the food and drink is that most of it is fresh from right here in the Barossa Valley. From all the fresh produce in the delicious meals, to the Barossa-made beers, the local flavour runs right through the Tavern. Talking about local beers, one of the favourites at Greenock is the Victorville Ale, which is on tap and is hugely popular. Fans of good beer should also keep in mind that Greenock Dark Ale will soon be available, another great beer perfect for any occasion. On the food front, the signature dish a Greenock Creek Tavern is the famous Greenock burger. It comes stacked higher than you can fit your mouth around with meat, cheese, lettuce, tomato, onion, beetroot, pineapple, egg, bacon and sauce. Served with a helping of golden chips, the Greenock burger will get your mouth watering and fill you up, all for only $15. With fresh menus every three months, you can keep coming back to the Tavern and always have something new and delicious every time. The T-bone steaks, scotch fillets and schnitzels are always popular and quite regularly on special.

TASTY: Victorville Ale is perfect to wash down any of the delightful meals available at Greenock Creek Tavern.

A true family pub ONE of the best ways to keep in touch with the Greenock Creek Tavern is through its Facebook page. Here you can find out the latest beer arrivals, what meal specials are available and anything else exciting happening around the place. A great example of this was the yabbie races held there on Australia Day, where there was plenty of action, excitement and laughs for everyone. Under the new management of the Keogh family, the Greenock Creek Tavern has everything to offer. Restaurant manager Bec Keogh will

make sure you are well looked after and satisfied with your meal while Aaron Keogh, the bar manager, will be able to recommend a drink to wash it all down with. Not only are the meals and drinks great, the Greenock tavern is also a great place to relax, catch up with friends, have fun and party. A room is available for hire if you are planning a birthday party or celebration and there are even six pokie machines if you feel like having a flutter. Featuring a pool table, jukebox and beer garden, there is always something to do at the Greenock Creek Tavern.

CHEESY: One of the delicious pizzas.

FAMILY: Bec, Jim, Lynn and Aaron Keogh behind the bar at the Greenock Creek Tavern.

Greenock Creek Tavern, Kapunda Road, Greenock www.barossaherald.com.au

Wednesday, February 8, 2012 - Page 8 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Ph: 8562 8136 admin.barossaherald@ruralpress.com

Recording history


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HISTORY: Brian Thom is working on ‘Flickr’.



THE Electoral Commission SA will be arranging the supplementary election to fill two vacancies of area councillor for the Town of Gawler. The vacancies were created by the resignation of Karen Carmody and David Strauss. All those residents listed on the House of

Assembly voters roll and the supplementary roll of Gawler council will be eligible to nominate as a candidate and to also vote. It is important to check that your name is listed on these rolls for you to nominate and to vote. The supplementary election will be conducted by postal ballot.


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AN EXCITING development in recording Gawler history will be launched on May 27, when the Gawler History team present its work on ‘Flickr’ an internet vehicle for storing photographs, documents and various other articles of interest. Brian Thom initiated the project last year, and after learning of how the town of Mallala used ‘Flickr’ to make its history available, contacted a group of people he identified as interested in Gawler history. “It started at an Australian Day address regarding educating children on history and how to communicate it through avenues such as social network pages,” Mr Thom said. “I wanted to find a way to make Gawler history accessible, not only to school children but everyone, and spoke with my close friends Michael Hemphill and Dr David Tucker, then found out about how the Mallala group used Flickr. “In September last year I called a meeting and had a good response, and started working on various areas with volunteers helping with different aspects for the project, which became ‘Gawler Now and Then.’” Areas of interest ranged from Church Hill, Murray Street, the rivers and bridges, heritage buildings, sport, local association and groups of Gawler. With monthly meetings, held on the first Thursday of each month and chaired by Mr Thom, the group was able to focus on various areas, with targets set, resulting in thousand of photographs being uploaded and prepared for the launch. The goal of the team is to have Gawler history available and accessible to all, with avenues for anyone interested to contribute. Gawler will celebrate history month through May, with the final event on the 27th, in the Gawler Institute, which will feature the library’s guest speaker Dean Jaensch at 1pm, followed at 2.15pm with the Flickr launch. The beauty of the initiative is it is an on-going project, which can be added to and modified as needed to create and maintain the best record of history in Gawler, from the 19th and 20th centuries through to the current time. “For me the most important thing is we will be preserving history and making it accessible for today’s youth and future generations,” Mr Thom said. Respected former Gawler Mayor and MP Bruce Eastick AM will give an address at the launch and officially open the ‘Gawler Now and Then’ project.


Tim Kroehn A/h 0439 702 210

Wednesday, February 8, 2012 - Page 9 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

ph 8568 6021 1 Murray St, NURIOOTPA www.barossaherald.com.au

Happy birthday to... Breanna Stagg, of Stockwell, was two on December 28.

Michael Scanlon, of Angaston, was four on February 8.

Blake Szabadics, of Kapunda, was seven on February 8.

Alana Linke, of Angaston, will be three on February 13.

Jack Linke, of Angaston, was one on February 8.

Wilbur Gladigau, of Stockwell, was one on January 10.

Oscar Gladigau, of Stockwell, was one on January 10.



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Paige Schulz, of Nuriootpa, will be four on February 14.

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Nikia Arnold, of Lyndoch, was nine on January 29.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012 - Page 10 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Hayden Braunack, of Nuriootpa, will be one on February 11.

Herald birthday photographs are taken inside The Co-op’s Toyworld section, Nuriootpa, each Saturday. Parents are asked to line up from 10am.


Bicker over buses Tax support LIBERAL figures have refuted claims they will scrap Gawler’s bus services, but they have now been asked them to “put their money where their mouth is”. In last week’s edition of the Herald, the member for Light Mr Tony Piccolo said in his Lights On newsletter that the Liberals could axe the Gawler bus service. Mr Piccolo had said two press releases from Gawler-based MLC Dawkins suggested the Liberals were planning to axe the bus services, but the Liberals have hit back and said they want to improve buses. Shadow Transport minister Vickie Chapman and Gawler-based MLC John Dawkins have labelled the claims as “bizarre”. “The Liberal Party totally supports Gawler having a bus service – in fact we want a service which is better than the one Mr Piccolo is defending,” said Ms Chapman. “Empty buses demonstrate the service is not running as it should and we need to look at how we can change that.

“That is why we are calling on Mr Piccolo to listen to people using the service, speak to the Minister for Transport Services and get this sorted out.” Mr Piccolo has now challenged the Liberals to “put your money where your mouth is” and commit to Gawler’s buses. “Vickie Chapman has said the Liberals have no plans to axe the service. She said she wants an even better service than we have now,” Mr Piccolo said. “But she has made no commitment to a better service: no money, no dates, no timetables, no routes, just vague statements which are easily forgotten. “I want her to put her money where her mouth is. I want the Liberals to tell the people of Gawler about their plans for a ‘better service’. “I understand that it is the job of the Opposition to criticise the Government, but the public would really like to see some sort of alternative suggested.”

PARENTS are reminded to keep their receipts for their children’s school supplies so they can claim the money back at tax time. Items of clothing, including hats, footwear and sports uniforms, approved by a school as its uniform, may be claimed from 1 July 2012. Other eligible items include home computers and laptops, computer-related equipment such as printers, USB flash drives, and disability aids to assist in the use of computer equipment for students with special needs. Plus computer repairs, home internet connections, computer software for educational use, school textbooks, study guides and stationery, and prescribed trade tools for secondary school trade courses. More further details on the refund, visit educationtaxrefund.gov.au.

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Cash for sport groups SPORTS groups in the region are the first to get funding from a state government sports program. The largest grant of $160,000 went to Gawler Council to start work on the new skate park. Gawler and District Tennis Association (GDTA) received $40,000 to resurface the hard courts at Essex Park and upgrade its clubrooms. GDTA president Wayne Butcher said the grant would make the complex one of the most modern, attractive tennis facilities in SA. “This will guarantee many more national tennis tournaments and will be a great boost for the local


community ensuring much greater participation,” Mr Butcher said. Wasleys Bowling Club also received $25,000 to replace overhead lighting. The funding comes as part of the $6.5million Community Recreation and Sport Facilities Program, where the state government will match money raised by sport and recreation clubs dollar-for-dollar. Member for Light Mr Tony Piccolo said the grants are an excellent outcome for the groups, and while some others had missed out, he was looking forward to working with them in the future to help secure funding.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012 - Page 11 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


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Final reply I HAVE read with interest the views of a succession of correspondents in the Herald and I thank them for putting their views to your readership. However, they have by degrees moved away from my topic “samesex marriage”, which I would like to briefly redress. The New Testament teaching on human relationships is abundant and unequivocal. I do not purpose to quote it here. I do suggest, however, that concerned Christians exercise a zeal equal to that of the proponents of this topic and raise the matter with their Federal representatives. Once it is legislated, it is unlikely to be challenged again. Do not be shy or lazy; that is the same as voting for it. B S (Joe) Wilkes Eudunda Religious comment I am very concerned when I hear and read so much religious ‘bickering’ to and fro regarding the interpretation of the Bible (Herald, January 25). The many unhappy divisions in the Christian Church today plainly attest to a sad lack of wisdom among its genuine adherents. I too am for ‘obedience rather than tolerance’, but through grace not legalism. There are better ways to resolve differences than through defensive ‘hot potato’ arguments. Confrontational apologetics is rarely conducive to positive witness. Why can’t we be more

open to the whole Truth and simply agree to disagree on difficult theological and cultural interpretations of Scripture? Any person with specific biblical insight should be willing to openly submit their individual views to scrutiny for discernment without feeling, or being, threatened. Truth will stand any test. Personal opinion however, expressed through demand or denominational bias, results in nothing but confusion, doubt, mistrust and dissension. The world around us too often views this platform of discussion very negatively - “like children openly squabbling (taunting one another overtly) in the town square”, said Jesus (Matt 11:1617). The Bible is difficult to translate accurately and even harder to interpret truthfully. Great integrity is required as we partner with the Holy Spirit to reveal God’s Truth through His written word. Christians (with Jews and Israelites) bear a responsibility to handle such sacred literature rightly and sincerely. It must be expounded with wisdom and understanding for what it actually is (the progressive revelation of God’s will, and the record of His gracious continual spiritual encounter with mankind). There should be greater respect for the message it ‘speaks’, and the Person it reveals. Healthy debate must by all means continue so as to be able to discern Truth and expose

counterfeit and deception. But this should never be at the cost of disunity through constant ‘circular arguments’ from narrow scholarship or biased opinion. This only serves to discredit the very Truth it genuinely seeks to establish. There are ample non contradictory answers to the many difficult questions of the Bible, but they will never be realised while we stand in opposition to one another and bicker. We should not only agree to disagree on difficult matters, but also be prepared to swallow a little pride and admit that sometimes “we just don’t know.” Such humility will often reveal the truths we seek by ‘lifting the scales’ from our too-often biased religious eyes and clouded minds. Apparent difficult scriptural interpretation issues, such as Sabbath observance, for instance, can be very easily understood and settled by any sincere open mind which resolves to seek Truth over and above the bias of denominational limitations and restrictions. Those who are so unsettled and confused that they must always ‘argue the toss’ should know that there are conclusive answers to most biblical issues if only they would be willing to ‘look outside the box’ for fuller understanding. Finally, on the matter of integrity and discretion; Christians should be confident to engage the help of their respective Church minister for learned debate over such issues first in the arena of Church faith,

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SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 12 LUTHERAN CHURCH PARISHES Angaston Parish: Angaston: 9am Harvest Thanks, AGM; Penrice: 9.30am LR; Keyneton: 11am; Eden Valley: 9am HC. Bethany-Tabor Parish: Bethany: 8.30am T HC, 11am M HC; Tabor: 9.45am HC Band. Cambrai Parish: Cambrai: 9.30am R; Sedan: 9am HC AGM; Stonefield: 9.30am R. Eudunda Parish: Eudunda: 10.30am Bible Presentation to Yr 4 students & Sausage Sizzle; Peep Hill: 9am HC Harvest Thanksgiving. Freeling Parish: Freeling: 8.45am Parish Service. Gawler: Zion, Pr Geoff Havelberg, Ph 8523 1929. 22B Cowan St, Gawler. 10am W, HC at Zion, followed by shared picnic at Clonlea Park. Gawler Immanuel: Cnr Second & Seventh Sts, Gawler.Ph: 8522 6000.Sunday 8.45am, 10.45am. 1st Sunday of month 9.30am. Share-a-meal every 1st & 3rd Wed 11.45am. Greenock: Nain: 9am HC, Harvest Thanks; Greenock: 9am LR, 9.45am JAM; Gnadenfrei: 10.30am HC + ChATS. 7.30pm Parish AGM at Greenock Lutheran Hall. Kapunda Parish: Bethel: 10am Parish Service/Confirmation. Langmeil Parish:8.45am Trad,10.30am Cont HC Light Pass Immanuel Parish: Light Pass: 9am H/Festival + AGM; Stockwell: 10am LR; Dutton: 10.30am H/Festival, 2pm AGM. Light Pass Strait Gate: Light Pass: 10.30am HC; Gruenberg: 10am R; Truro: 10am Thanksgiving Anniversary Service. Lyndoch Parish: Not supplied. Nuriootpa: St Petri: 8.30am W, Pr A Kitson, 10.30am HC, Pr A Kitson; Holy Trinity: 8.30am Mod; Ebenezer: 10am Harvest Thanksgiving; Neukirch: 10am LR. Robertstown Parish: Robertstown: 8.30am HC


Harvest Thanks; Point Pass: 10.30am HC Harvest Thanks; Geranium Plain: 3pm HC Harvest Thanks. St John’s Parish: St J: 9am; Sch: 10.30am HC. St Paul’s Parish:St P: 10.30am C; Gdb: 8.45am C Tanunda Lutheran Home: Worship 10.30am. Peace Evangelical Lutheran Church: Worship service 10am at the Nuri Senior Citizen’s Centre Pr Mr Rosenzweig. Ph: 8563 1310. ANGLICAN CHURCH Anglican Parish of Barossa: Angaston: 10am MP; Nuriootpa: 9.30am HC LB; Tanunda: 10am HC GH; Lyndoch: 8.30am HC SdK; Williamstown: 10am HC SdK. Kapunda Anglican Parish: Kapunda: 9.15am HC; Point Pass: 11.15am HC. Mt Pleasant: 1st Sunday 8.30am, all other Sundays 9am. Enquiries to Hazel Wilton, Warden on 8568 2042. UNITING CHURCH Barossa Congregations: Nuriootpa: 9am McClimont; Tanunda: 11am McClimont; Angaston: 11am HC Plush; Truro: 9am HC Plush. Gawler Parish: Gawler: 9.30am LR Littleford, 5pm LR Littleford; Sandy Creek: 9.30am LR van Dyk; Williamstown:10am LR/HC Richardson. Kersbrook: 10am. Enquiries: 8389 3114. Light Parish: Kapunda: 9.15am Mr Peter Webb; Eudunda: 9.30am Mr Gary Hawke. BAPTIST CHURCH Barossa Community Church: 10am Barossa Junction Motel/Conference Centre, Barossa Valley Way, Tan, Pastor Richard Ansoul. Ph: 8563 2158. Lyndoch Baptist Church: Kauffman Ave, Lyndoch: 10am. All welcome. Enquiries to Pastor Tony Edwards on 8564 3001. CATHOLIC CHURCH PARISHES Northern Light Catholic Parish: Nuri: 1st & 3rd Sat 6.30pm, 2nd & 5th Sun 10.30am, 4th Sun 9am; Kapunda: 4th Sat 6.30pm, 1st & 3rd Sun 10.30am, 2nd & 5th Sun 9am; Freeling: 1st Sun 9am, 4th Sun 10.30am, 5th Sun 5pm; Tarlee: 3rd Sun 9am. Parish Office: Ph 8566 2064. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST Barossa: 1 Old Kapunda Rd, Nuri; Sat 9.30am Family Bible Study, 11am Family Worship. ASSEMBLIES OF GOD Barossa New Life Centre: Sunday 10am at the roundabout, cnr Barossa Valley Way & Siegersdorf Road, Dorrien. 4pm at Mt Pleasant Anglican

CHC 52054-08/11

Church Hall, Melrose St. All welcome. Pastor Diane Pope, Pastor Trevor Auricht. Ph: 8562 3844. Kapunda: 10am Sunday, Light Community Church, Main St, Kapunda. Pastor Paul Smith. All welcome. Ph: 8566 2864. CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP Tanunda, McDonnell Street opp former Tanunda Primary School: Saturdays 2.30pm, Worship, Open Bible Study. CHRISTIAN FAMILY CENTRE Barossa: 10.30am Sundays. 16 Scholz Ave, Nuri. Pastor Alan Matson. Ph: 0404 846 274. Murray Flats: 5pm alternate Sundays. Pastor Alan Matson. Ph: 0404 846 274. Cambrai Uniting Church 5pm. SALT CHURCH 25 Northside Crt, Evanston Gdns: Sunday Service 10am & 5pm. Offices, b/shop open 9.30am-4pm. Ph: 8522 0000. THE CHRISTADELPHIANS Sunday school, Greenock Institute Hall, 9.30am. Memorial meetings 11am Sunday. Bible Studies 8pm Tuesday. All welcome. Phone 8524 4196. CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Main North Rd, Evanston Park. Worship Service Sunday 10.30am. All welcome. Pastor Douglas Carolisen. Ph: 8523 1706. INTERDENOMINATIONAL CHURCH Birdwood United Church. 10am Pr Brian Teakle. Ph: 8568 5540. All welcome. HEWETT COMMUNITY CHURCH OF CHRIST Kingfisher Dr, Hewett. 10am, Sunday inspiring worship service. Young generation and creche avail.Youth, women and men’s programs. Ph: 8522 4938. GAWLER FULL GOSPEL OUTREACH MINISTRIES Family Worship Svc. 10am Sun, stone pavilion, Sport & Community Cent, Nixon Tce, Gaw. Pastor Shirley Coe. Ph: 0401 065 748. KAPUNDA EVANGELICAL CHURCH Sundays 5pm, 1st Sunday 10.30am, CWA Hall. Pastor Andrew Amos. Ph: 8566 2148. LYNDOCH FULL GOSPEL FELLOWSHIP MINISTRY Lyndoch Institute each Sunday, 11.30am1.30pm Pastor Ken East ph: 8524 4787.

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rather than ‘airing their arguments’ in the public arena (see principle involved re 1 Corinthians 6:1-5). Should such an opportunity however not be made available, nor found conducive to the circumstance of any individual or group, I am open and willing to continue this conversation further with them, and offer Bible Help to any who wish to contact me. “Pursue peace with all, and holiness, apart from which no one shall be seeing the Lord.” (Hebrews 12:14). Rev Norm Goddard Nuriootpa Vodafone tower In response to the letter by Nick Wagner, I would like to clarify the concern of many Tanunda residents to the Vodafone telecommunications tower proposed to be located on the western ridge above Tanunda. We have objected to the proposed tower because it will be an extremely unsightly and inappropriate “industrial” visual intrusion on the picturesque rural western ridgeline above the township of Tanunda, which is an historic and significant landscape, and will have a high visual impact on adjoining and adjacent properties, on our local neighbourhood amenity, on the Tanunda township and on the broader Barossa viticultural and agricultural landscape and environment. I would like to advise, we are not opposed to the construction of telecommunication towers within the Barossa region and we understand the demand and need to use and embrace the technology provided, but we do object to the siting of a tower on a community sensitive site which is a regional icon. Vodafone has been provided with a number of less sensitive sites as alternative locations for the proposed tower which could satisfy their needs and not deface a much valued rural landscape. In addition, Vodafone has not adequately consulted our community or fully investigated their obligation to colocate on or replace an existing telecommunications tower, as is required by the Telecommunications Act. To conclude, we appeal to Vodafone to actively consult with the local community, Light Regional Council and

the Barossa Council to find a more appropriate, less sensitive location for the proposed tower. Michael Brooksby Langmeil Road resident on behalf of concerned Tanunda residents Scurrilous I have to say, I was very disturbed by the heading and the article appearing in the Herald last week, stating, the Liberals want to cut Gawler buses. In my view, this is nothing more than scurrilous scaremongering and political campaigning. I think it important to state that I am a strong advocate for public transport and the Gawler buses. In fact, as a candidate, I was very pleased to support the Liberal policy to introduce a bus service to Gawler before the 2010 election. This was actually announced a few weeks before Mr Rann and Mr Conlon released their Gawler bus policy. I am astounded that Mr Piccolo seems happy and satisfied with the 20,000 completed bus trips over the six months the Gawler buses have been operating. In real terms this equates to an average of approximately three passengers-perbus. If the average fare per-trip is $5 then each bus is returning $15 per-trip. In most businesses, you need to run efficient and effective operations. I suggest that this is neither effective, nor efficient. Mr Piccolo creates the illusion of action by conducting surveys and hiding behind the smokescreen that they create. He is obviously very sensitive and vocal when it comes to the Gawler buses. I wish he was as sensitive a few months back when local bus companies were decimated by him and his government’s letting of local bus services to a Victorian company, causing local people to lose their jobs and long serving local businesses to close, not to mention the extreme difficulties some of our elderly now have to endure with restricted and sometimes no access to transport. He was very quiet then. Cosie Costa Evanston Park


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Wednesday, February 8, 2012 - Page 12 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

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Views expressed in the Letters to the editor are not those of the Herald. We welcome topical letters, with preference to letters of no more than 200 words. All letters are checked for authenticity. Pseudonyms are not acceptable. Mail your letters to: The editor, PO Box 43, Tanunda, SA, 5352. Fax: 8563 3655. E-mail: editor.barossaherald@ruralpress.com




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Wednesday, February 8, 2012 - Page 13 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


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IF YOU love the sweet, crunchy taste associated with dill cucumbers, then why not make your own and enter them into the Tanunda Show in March. Barossa’s Steven Zimmermann convenes this year’s dill cucumber section and he will kindly provide free gherkins to those who enter. Zimmy’s keen eye and taste for the cucumbers means the prizes of $50 for first, $30 for second and $15 for third will be fairly awarded. He says dill cucumbers are a great accompaniment to any cheese platter, but are still perfect on their own. Exhibitors of the section are allowed one entryper-person for each type of cucumber, such as white or green, with the quantity fixed at eight cucumbers per entry. Exhibitors are also asked to leave the dill cucumbers in their natural state, uncut, with standards platters to be provided. For more details on the section or for free gherkins contact Zimmy on 8563 2477. Entries to this section close Friday, March 9 at 6pm. Meanwhile, the Tanunda Show committee is working hard behind the scenes to prepare for the 2012 event, hosted for Saturday, March 10. Young and old are invited to share in an array of activities and amusements - from viewing horses on show on the oval to sitting with friends and enjoying Barossa produce. For the children there will be the usual rides, sideshow alley and face painting. Also, don’t forget to view the many pets and animals on show For the family, take time to check out the hundreds of entries of produce, handiwork and more in the show hall, following judging from 9am to 11.30am. There’s always a chance to treat the family to show foods or join the crowds to watch a variety of competitions including log chopping. Those people entering in the different show sections are encouraged to view closing details in the show book, made available at newsagents. To be part of the show scene, contact 8563 3360 or visit tanundashow.org.au.


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a padlock to a shed on Seventh Street, Gawler South, between February 3 and 4. Property damage • About five vehicles had windows smashed in the vicinity of Willaston on January 30. A business was tagged with black texta on Main North Road, Evanston, between January 28 and 30. Theft • A vehicle was stolen from driveway on Greening Drive, Evanston Park on January. 30 An unknown offender drove off without paying for about $110 worth of fuel on February 1.

Crime does pay DID you know money confiscated from criminals is used to support worthwhile programs? Now regional councils can share in the funds by applying for up to $150,000 in grants to help clean up and prevent graffiti. To date $3 million has been allocated by the Federal Government from the Proceeds of Crime Fund. According to Barossa Council, the rate of graffiti is fairly consistent and may increase marginally over school holidays. However, over the past 12 months, they council said graffiti vandalism has declined. Mayor Brian Hurn said council receives notification of graffiti from ratepayers, town committees and council staff and the council also conducts monitoring of known tagged areas. “Council acts as quickly as possible to remove the graffiti once it’s reported and from time to time uses a contractor depending on resource availability and the surface that has been tagged,” Mayor Hurn said. Grants of $50,000to $150,000 will be offered to local governments, partnering with community organisations, to invest in measures including cleaning up graffiti, reducing graffiti, including improved lighting and CCT in graffiti hotspots; preventing graffiti, including through better education. Applications for funding close March 16.

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TASTY: Dill cucumbers entries continue to be a tradition at the annual Tanunda Show.

REPORTING lost property has now been made easy. Thanks to South Australia Police, they have introduced an online lost property reporting system, designed specifically for lost items below the value of $3000. The new service allows people to file lost property reports from their home or office through a dedicated website, so there’s no need to attend a police station. The public can report the loss of items (not stolen goods) such as jewellery, wallets and key. The new lost property reporting website can be accessed by visiting repotlostproprty.polic e.sa.gov.au.

GAWLER POLICE Arrests • A 47-year-old Gawler Belt man was arrested on February 1 by the Gawler Police for disturbing the peace. • A Gawler West male youth was arrested on February 2 by the Gawler Police for a warrant. • An 18-year-old Gawler West was arrested on February 3 by the Gawler Police for a warrant. • A 25-year-old from Gawler West was arrested on February 4 by the Gawler Police for aggravated serious criminal trespass and property damage. • A 20-year-old Cockatoo Valley man was arrested on February 4 by the Gawler Police for a warrant. • A 46-year-old Parafield Gardens man was arrested on February 6 for driving while disqualified, providing a false name and for prescribed concentration of alcohol with a reading of (0.98). The vehicle was impounded and licence disqualification given to male. Reports • A 50-year-old Gawler South woman was reported for breach of bail on February 2 by the Gawler Police. • A 29-year-old Evanston man was reported on February 3 by the Gawler Police for property damage, use of carrier service and for a stalking caution. • A 19-year-old Gawler East man was reported on February 4 by the Gawler Police for driving while disqualified. • A 41-year-old Evanston man was reported on February 4 by the Barossa CIB for cultivating cannabis and prescribed equipment. • Two male youths from Gawler East and Gawler South were reported on February 4 by the Gawler Police for lighting a fire in fire danger. • A Hewett man was reported on February 5 for property damage by the Gawler Police. • A 20-year-old Evanston Park man was reported on February 5 for pca with a reading of 0.105. The vehicle was seized for 28 days and a six-month licence disqualification was given to male. Serious criminal trespass • A battery charger was stolen after unknown offenders cut

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Close of Roll for Supplementary Election

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Town of Gawler Due to one existing vacancy and a second vacancy created by the resignation of Councillor David Strauss, it will be necessary to fill two Area Councillor vacancies. The voters roll for this supplementary election will close at 5.00pm on Wednesday 29 February 2012.

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You are entitled to vote in the election if you are on the State electoral roll. If you have recently turned 18 or changed your residential or postal address you must complete an electoral enrolment form, available from post offices or online at www.ecsa.sa.gov.au

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Wednesday, February 8, 2012 - Page 14 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

If you are not eligible to enrol on the State electoral roll you may still be entitled to enrol to vote if you own or occupy a property. Contact the Council to find out how. Nominations to fill the vacancy will open on Thursday 22 March 2012 and will be received until 12 noon on Thursday 5 April 2012. The election will be conducted entirely by post with the return of ballot material to reach the Returning Officer no later than 12 noon on Monday 7 May 2012. K Mousley Returning Officer





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Wednesday, February 8, 2012 - Page 15 - The Herald, Barossa Valley



Wednesday, February 8, 2012 - Page 16 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


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CONVEYANCER? MAKE THE RIGHT CHOICE www.barossaherald.com.au

THURSDAY 9TH FEBRUARY BAROSSA REAL ESTATE SPRINGTON 42 Angas Street...............................3:00 – 3:30pm HOMBURG REAL ESTATE NURIOOTPA 11 Schaedel Street ..........................5:00 – 5:30pm NURIOOTPA 43 Fifth Street..................................5:30 – 6:00pm NURIOOTPA 79A Murray Street ...........................6:10 – 6:40pm FRIDAY 10TH FEBRUARY BAROSSA REAL ESTATE LYNDOCH 7 Robert Ross Drive............................4:45 – 5:15pm SATURDAY 11TH FEBRUARY BAROSSA REAL ESTATE TANUNDA 5/1 College Street ...........................11:45 – 12:15pm WILLIAMSTOWN 9 Charles Fry Court..................3:15 – 3:45pm SUNDAY 12TH FEBRUARY ADELAIDE RURAL REAL ESTATE TWO WELLS 8 Canala Court ............................12:00 – 12:45pm KAPUNDA 43 Mildred Street................................2:00 – 2:45pm BAROSSA REAL ESTATE NURIOOTPA 8 New Road.................................12:00 – 12:30pm WILLIAMSTOWN 12 Rounsevell Road.............12:15 – 12:45pm NURIOOTPA 2 Harper Street..............................12:45 – 1:15pm NURIOOTPA 3 Kindler Avenue .............................3:00 – 3:30pm PROFESSIONALS KAPUNDA KAPUNDA 80 Mildred Street............................12:00 – 12:45pm SUTHERLANDS Section 417 Railway Avenue ......2:30 – 3:15pm

HOMBURG REAL ESTATE TANUNDA 42A Maria Street .............................12:00 – 12:30pm TANUNDA 5 Carl Drive .....................................12:00 – 12:30pm TANUNDA 2/1 College Street .............................12:30 – 1:00pm TANUNDA 9 Paradale Drive................................12:40 – 1:10pm TANUNDA 34 Lehmann Road...............................1:10 – 1:40pm TANUNDA 16 Homburg Street .............................1:15 – 1:45pm TANUNDA 6 Julius Street.....................................1:30 – 2:00pm TANUNDA Lot 1003 Stonewell Road....................1:50 – 2:20pm GREENOCK 10A Murray Street ............................2:30 – 3:00pm MARANANGA Lot 203 Neldner Road ...................2:45 – 3:15pm NURIOOTPA 13 Kranz Street................................2:45 – 3:15pm GREENOCK 8 Vintage Way...................................3:00 – 3:30pm GREENOCK 2 Victor Road....................................3:30 – 4:00pm KAPUNDA 27 Hancock Road ...............................3:45 – 4:15pm NURIOOTPA 26 Staehr Street ..............................4:15 – 4:45pm HAMBOURS REAL ESTATE KAPUNDA 94 Mildred Street................................1:00 – 1:45pm JULIE TOTH REAL ESTATE TANUNDA 15 Coronation Avenue.....................11:45 – 12:15pm NURIOOTPA 4C The Crescent ............................12:30 – 1:00pm NURIOOTPA 4B The Crescent ..............................1:00 – 1:30pm NURIOOTPA 73 Greenock Road...........................1:45 – 2:15pm FREELING 14 Kirchner Street ..............................3:45 – 4:15pm

Wednesday, February 8, 2012 - Domain Page 1 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


Real Estate Liftout

Picture perfect


YOUR LOCAL LENDER With access to over 20 lenders, including HomeStart Finance, we work hard to find you a better deal!

Call us today...


Kerrie Dellar 0408 845 154


LEFT: The scenic driveway up to the Cockatoo Valley house and at right the fruit trees, part of the outdoor highlights.

Re: Section 7 The Vendor’s statement relating to matters affecting the advertised properties in this publication may be inspected at the agents office three business days prior to the auction or at the place of auction thirty minutes before sale.

double garage. A highlight is the 4x3m cellar plus others features are a barbecue area, numerous established fruit trees and grapevines, a bore, a 45,000l rainwater tank, plenty of other shedding, stables with a yard, large paddock as well as rear entry off a private access road to the property. This property is not only fully

bathroom and two separate toilets. Slow combustion heating and reverse-cycle ducted heating and cooling takes care of the indoor temperature all-yearlong. There is a satellite dish for internet connection, a large 20x30 shed with nine-foot clearance, cement floor and power, a single carport and

THIS stunning 3.6 acre property at Cockatoo Valley offers country atmosphere and tranquillity at its best. There is a scenic driveway entrance to the idyllic gardens surrounding the quality-built solid-brick home. This stunning house offers three good-size bedrooms, a lounge room, dining area, new Tasmanian Oak kitchen, a


established and ready to go - it is a testament to the owners. The property, priced at $469,000, offers ample opportunities to expand and make your own or simply just move in - with a location like this the opportunities are endless. For more information contact Kies Real Estate, Gawler on 8523 3777.



Home & PropertyGuide “The best people in local real estate”


turday Open Sa

Call Sue

NURIOOTPA - $370,000-$385,000


5-3.4 11/2 3.1

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Call Elle

9 Charles Fry Court CATHEDRAL CEILINGS Located in a quiet court and set on 682m2 allotment this home is sure to impress. With 3 Bedrooms, Ensuite, Built in robes, Polished floor,Three way bathroom, Kitchen & Electric appliances, lots of cupboard space, Split system Air conditioning, Open plan lounge, fam & Dining, Carport, Double Garage & double attached Carport.The list goes on.

Sue Schugmann 0419 850 408



Call Myriam

2 Harper Street LIVE WITHIN A GREAT COMMUNITY! This contemporary 4 brm, 2 bathroom home has been recently updated. Lots of family living space both inside & out, with a block size of 1175m2. The open reserves across from this property are the hub of gatherings between neighbours & a great space for children to play. Master with ensuite & WIR, separate lounge, kitchen, family, dining, large gazebo & a great shed. Elle Moreton 0488 996 566

LYNDOCH - $380,000

SPRINGTON - $219,000

NURIOOTPA - $500,000

rsday 9/2

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Call Elle


.45-5.1 y 10/2 4

Call Sue

y 12/2

Call Peter

12 Rounsevell Road GORGEOUS OUTLOOK!

Less than 65 km away from Adelaide CBD this romantic western red cedar cottage set on a large block over 1600m2 will surely steal your heart. Stylishly presented as an open plan 2 brm, 1 bathroom home with beautiful indoor/outdoor flow. Combustion heater/bread oven, evap. cooling, many fruit trees and veggie patch in beautiful cottage garden, rainwater tanks.Very affordable living or holiday home!

4 brm brick veneer home set on a large 5150m2 (approx) block. Separate lounge room, kitchen/ family/ meals area, bedrooms 1, 2, and 3 all with BIR, three way bathroom, slate flooring, outdoor entertaining area, 3 garden sheds and ample r/w. Elle Moreton 0488 996 566

Myriam Bultsma 0427 392 819




3 Kindler Avenue

7 Robert Ross Drive SPACIOUS FOUR BEDROOM HOME Spacious separate lounge, which also includes a Flat screen TV & Entertainment unit, lrg kitchen with lots of bench space & access to the umr garage, o/plan family/meals, 4 brms, ensuite & built in walk in robes. Ducted R/C A/C, extra lrg dble gge umr with rear access, Rear verandah, estab gdns & fruit trees, R/wtr tank. Set in a great location on a 772m2 block. Sue Schugmann 0419 850 408

nda Open Su

Don’t over look this great opportunity, nearly 400m2 of quality home built to the owners exacting standards, quality throughout, 4 spacious bedrooms & 3 living areas, solid brick construction, ducted A/C, vacuum maid, 3m ceilings, quality timber features throughout, drops and pelmets, floor coverings, all amongst the best you could wish for- 975m2 Block- LOOK AT THE VALUE!!!! Peter Fairweather 0415 825 420



29 Road 42Stockwell Angas Street ROMANTIC HIDEAWAY!

TANUNDA - $242,000

Unless sold beforehand, 24 February 2012

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Call Myriam

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8 New Road

5/1 College Street


FANTASTIC INVESTMENT PLUS GREAT LOCATION 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, Walking distance to town, very low maintenance, bedrooms have built in robes, good size lounge with feature bay window, kitchen includes a host of cupboard space and pantry with the island bar separating the kitchen from the dining area. Heating and cooling. Garage under the main roof and paved courtyard. Sue Schugmann 0419 850 408

A truly delightful property offering privacy, space and convenience. A family bungalow with 2 living areas, 4 double bedrooms & 2 bathrooms on a generous block of approx. 1278m2, has been fully renovated and restored. Lofty ornate ceilings, original architraves and skirtings, sash windows, fire places and polished floorboards, new wiring and roofing, solar power.

Myriam Bultsma 0427 392 819

“The best people in local real estate” Consultant Peter Fairweather 0415 825 420

Consultant Sue Schugmann 0419 850 408


Consultant Sue Fechner 8563 3511

Consultant Myriam Bultsma 0427 392 819

Consultant Elle Moreton 0488 996 566

Property Manager Anne Johansson 8563 3511

8563 3511

Wednesday, February 8, 2012 - Domain Page 2 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

104 Murray St, Tanunda www.barossarealestate.com.au RLA 1997



Real Estate Liftout PROPERTY OF THE WEEK

SPACIOUS: This light and modern kitchen, with dishwasher and stainless-steel cook top and oven is certain to take the stress out of preparing meals.

Modern house to suit the growing family THIS beautifully presented brick veneer home, built in Kapunda in 2006, is set on an easy to maintain allotment of 560m2. It will impress the growing family with its four double bedrooms, plus office, with ensuite and walk-in robe to the master bedroom. Bedrooms two and three have built-in robes and a separate office features built in shelves. The large and well-appointed kitchen and dine area boasts plenty of built in cupboards, dishwasher, stainless-steel electric cook top and oven. Adjoining the kitchen is a spacious rumpus/games room, which is ideal for either the table tennis or pool table. If you’re looking for an area to entertain guests indoors or a parent’s retreat, you’ll be impressed with the large formal sitting room. This delightful house also has floating floors, which makes for easy cleaning.

At a glance...

Station master’s house

SPACIOUS: Outside the front of the former station master’s house in Point Pass with room to move. THE train has long gone but the station master’s house in Point Pass has stood the test of time for more than 100 years. The house is situated on a quiet terrace, less than 450 metres to the local hotel and the main bitumen highway. A school bus picks up at the corner of the terrace. The house has been very well maintained and has a Colorbond roof in excellent condition. It is with regret that the current owners are leaving their little patch of paradise with magnificent rural views. Imagine tending to the established gardens, putting in

vegies of your choice or sitting back on the bullnose verandah listening to the birdlife that visits this tranquil spot as the sun sets. There’s even room for a pony or two if that is your interest. The house features three goodsized bedrooms. Winter temperatures are taken care of by the built-in combustion heater in the lounge room while there is a window air conditioner for the summer months. It is a case of the old and the new in the kitchen with the original wood stove as well as a modern electric stove. A cellar under the kitchen has

power and light. The fully-enclosed rear verandah is perfect and secure for house pets or a quiet spot to read a good book. Ample shedding at the side and rear of the house allows for wood storage, tools and a ride-on mower and there is a fox-proof chook run. For anyone looking for a country escape that is fullyestablished and well cared for, check this property out. Priced at $225,000, consideration will be given to near offers. Homes on acres like this do not usually sit on the market for long. Call David from Hambours Real Estate on 8566 2209 for a private inspection. RLA150685.


Where: 4 Rowett Street, Kapunda Features: Modern brick veneer Open: This Satruday, February 12 Agent: Professionals Kapunda Contact: Charlie on 0417 823 065


There’s fully ducted reversecycle air conditioning, and insulation in walls and ceiling to allow for comfort living all year. The house features a heritage roof pitch, a paved driveway, easy care gardens with paved outdoor entertainment area and so much more. First open inspection is this Sunday, February 12 from 1pm to 1.45pm. Please make the time to come for a look or for more details or for a private inspection, contact Charlie at Professionals Kapunda on 0417 823 065. To view online visit realestate.com.au id:109415011.





GREAT OPPORTUNITY. Here is a great opportunity for a handyman/builder. This 3 brm stonemason-built home on about 180 acres located 5 min. drive from the Sutherlands Hotel on a quiet country road. Craftsman-built with very special features. Mains electricity & water, r/wtr tanks, gas hot wtr & cooking. Still needs some finishing touches but someone willing to do the work will reap the rewards. Further details available to genuine clients. RLA150685 Asking $370,000


TYPICAL KAPUNDA COTTAGE. 3 bedroom freestone cottage, circa 1880 with modern brick additions to rear section and within walking distance of most facilities. Established easy care gardens, bullnosed verandah, open-plan kitchen/dining room, separate toilet and a neat and tidy bathroom.

Asking $182,750

RLA 150685


Open Sunday 12th February 1.00-1.45 ENJOY THE COUNTRY LIFE. Neat country cottage located on quiet street close to Primary School (circa 1880). This quaint cottage has some original features including a good sized dry cellar. Currently configured as 2 brms + separate teenagers retreat. Established gdns, boys bar-room, rumpus room, upgraded bathroom, dining room, plenty of shedding, chook yards, etc. Ideal for someone on a budget who enjoys the country life - worth inspection. RLA 150685

SOLID BRICK VENEER HOME | 94 Mildred Street Situated on edge of Kapunda on a 2252m2 block over two titles. Fully established gardens lead to very well presented 3 bedroom home with c/h, split system a/c and evap. Other features include extensive shedding, outdoor courtyard area, ceiling fans, fully tiled bathroom. Near offers will be considered. RLA150685

Asking $289,500

Asking $155,500

Mark Hambour Lic Agents. 65 Main Street, Kapunda. RLA150685

RELAX: The sitting room could easily double as a parent’s retreat. www.barossaherald.com.au


Phone David on 8566 2209 all hours

email: hambours@bigpond.com | www.hamboursrealestate.com.au | mobile: 041 491 7474

Urgently Required:

• Character stone homes • Vacant acreage (large or small) • Hobby or income producing farms

Wednesday, February 8, 2012 - Domain Page 3 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


Real Estate Liftout

Classic, solid, stylish

ABOVE: The Nuriootpa bungalow with four double-sized bedrooms, close to the city centre. BELOW: Relax after a hard day’s work in the undercover entertaining area.

ORIGINALLY built in 1938, this traditional solid bungalow with lofty and ornate ceilings is immaculately presented and impresses as soon as you step into the wide entrance hall. It is conveniently located near the town centre of Nuriootpa on a generously-sized allotment of some 1278 square metres and is partly secluded behind leafy gardens. The stylish family home is only a couple of minutes walking from the shopping centre. Linear Park, Nuriootpa High and the primary school are a stone’s throw away. The entire home has undergone extensive renovations including new roofing and electrical wiring as well as a 1.7kw solar power system which will reduce your power bill dramatically. All rooms have been restored to their past glory featuring lofty ornate and panelled ceilings, original architraves and skirtings, sash windows and fireplaces in all rooms as well as polished floorboards. This exceptional property features four double-sized bedrooms and a large lounge with huge combustion heater to comfortably heat the whole house during the winter months. A second living area with French doors opens out both to the kitchen and the huge entertainment area with additional gas heating. The central, provincial eat-in kitchen has been fully renovated with ample storage space, work benches, walk-in pantry and a small cellar to store your wines. The 900mm free-standing gas stove

makes cooking and entertaining a delight. Three large rainwater tanks service the whole house and of course the property is connected to the township’s mains water supply. The two spacious bathrooms are fully renovated and the utility room offers plenty of that much needed extra storage space. The entertainment area with gabled roof and flag stone paving adds value to the property and makes entertaining a large crowed a breeze. The lawn, surrounded by various fruit trees and (boxed) vegie patches perfectly enhances the established gardens surrounding the property. A fully fenced back yard provides a safe haven for your children to play. There is a garage that will park two cars and a separate garden shed for extra storage as well as a double carport accommodating two cars or a caravan. The owners have enjoyed living and are reluctantly selling due to an employment opportunity interstate.

At a glance... Where: 8 New Road Nuriootpa. Price: Expression of interest, unless sold beforehand, February 24, 2012. Open: Sunday, February 12. When: Noon - 12.30pm. Agent: Barossa Real Estate. RLA1997. Contact: Myriam Bultsma 0427 392 819.

Potential plus

Check out our properties on the Net! www.kapundaprofessionals.com.au NATIONAL BREAST CANCER FOUNDATION PLATINUM SPONSOR

SUTHERLANDS Section 417 Railway Avenue $210-$230,000 NEG OPEN SUNDAY 2.30-3.15PM

KAPUNDA $219,950

80 Mildred Street "OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS" Open Sunday 2.30-3.15pm OPEN SUNDAY 12.00 – 12.45PM Pick up the phone and be the first to view this 1985 year built brick veneer home, offering 3 brms, updated kitchen & bthrm, o/p lnge/ dine, year round climate control, full lgth paved vdah, attached c/pt, estab grounds, fenced large side yard with toolshed ideal for the kids and dog to run around, total land over 1000 sqm, whether looking for your 1st home, investment property or place to retire with room for the cvan, this one suits many options! See you Sunday.

STONE COTTAGE ON APPROX 14 ACRES 2 spacious bedrooms, sitting room with combustion heating& split system air, eat in kitchen, good bathroom with sep shower shedding, mains water horse yards asking $210-$230,000 by neg.

EUDUNDA 12 Laurence Street ASKING $219,000


KAPUNDA Lot 2 Blackwell Street $49,950 CHEAP, CHEAP, CHEAP!

WELL PRESENTED D/BRICK HOUSE built in 1968, level allotment, 2 large bedrooms plus small office/3rd bedroom, spacious eat in kitchen, sitting room with split system air, bathroom & sep shower in laundry, rear lobby, 20x30 gge rain water to house.

KAPUNDA 5 Quintrell Court REDUCED TO $160,000

Yes, the asking price is correct! This regular shaped vacant serviced residential building allot of approx 410m2 could be the budget priced allot you’ve been searching for. Situated 500m from Kapunda’s CBD, mains water & CWMS connected, fencing to rear and side boundaries.

KAPUNDA Lot 91 Smedley Street $79,950 "CONVENIENCE & SPACE"

STONE MINERS COTTAGE c1866 3 bedrooms, sep dine, sitting room with open fire, cottage kitchen, timber floors, cellar, new single garage, bbq area, plenty of possibilities here!

Stone’s throw from main street this building allotment of just over 1000 sqm is now available, approx 32m x 32m, easily accommodate a single or double dwelling subject to all necessary consents & approvals). Water and effluent on. Walk to shops, bowls, hotels etc, new residential development has taken place across the road. For more details. Steve 0417 811 348

All properties can be viewed at www.realestate.com.au

Professionals Kapunda Charles 0417 823 065 1790231


ABOVE AND BELOW: Part of the about 104 acres at Two Wells.

8566 2127

Real People in Real Property!

Steve 0417 811 348 RLA 163708

IF YOU are looking for vacant land to start your own farm and start a market garden, then here is the ideal opportunity. Situated at Lot 13 on the corner of Port Gawler and Port Wakefield roads at Two Wells is this prominent highway location. It crys ‘potential plus’ and is one of the last big blocks available in the area. About 104 acres of vacant land. Just perfect for plastic houses, subject to council consent. There is plenty of water available. Call now to take hold of this great opportunity. For further details ring Shari Olsson ffrom RE/MAX Living Real Estate on 0413 883 920.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012 - Domain Page 4 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Shari Olsson admin.barossaherald@ruralpress.com

Real Estate Liftout

Value for money THIS large Freeling property, situated on a corner block, can store the caravan, the boat and cars with plenty of room to spare. It’s located ten minutes from Gawler, making it the perfect place to be if you’re looking for a rural lifestyle. The established family house has four good-sized bedrooms, each featuring floating timber floors. The master has an ensuite and walk-in robe, while bedrooms one, two and three have built-in robes. And for extra storage space there’s the cloak room. There’s a comfortable formal lounge with timber floorboards, a large office or fifth bedroom and a neat three-way bathroom with linen cupboard. The kitchen offers plenty of appeal with the near new Blackwood timber, a bay window, a breakfast bar, walk-in pantry, dishwasher, wall oven and electric cook top, all which looks onto the meals/family room. These main areas are tiled which presents an open-plan feel and allows the chef to make the meals

and continue to be involved with family or friends. Ducted evaporative air conditioning provides the cool, while the combustion fire serves up the heat. Outside features include a large enclosed backyard, with room for another large shed, a double carport under the main roof fitted with roller doors, and roller shutters on the windows. The large gabled roof provides shelter over the entertaining area, which features a fernery, a garden shed with concrete floor and a 30x20 Colorbond shed. There are also two double gate accesses to the backyard, making them ideal for the boat, caravan and cars or any other big toys. The current owners have worked to create a stunning manicured front garden with easy care designs. The property, located in a modern street, certainly provides that spacious feel as it’s situated on 1257m2. For further information or inspection by appointment, contact Julie Toth on 8562 4650 or 0418 853 134.

Hambours R E A L E S TAT E


LARGE ALLOTMENT: This Freeling property features space for the growing family and for room for entertaining or storing the boat and caravan.


... where people matter FREELING $360,000 14 Kirchner Street OPEN Sunday 12th Feb, 3.45-4.15pm

NURIOOTPA $310-$330,000 DUTTON 4B The Crescent OPEN Sunday 12th Feb, 1-1.30pm


42 Truro / Eudunda Road



SATURDAY, 11th FEBRUARY (Put this date in your diary now)

24 Hancock Road, Kapunda - 9.30am Start

Daimler Mercedes Truck 1989 – no rego, Wertheim Sewing Machine Table, assorted tool kits, portable drills, foundation wax for bee hives, 10x50 staples, set A/F spanners, wooden box carpenters tools – complete set, truck trolley jack, pipe cutters, trans arc tradesman stick welder, Uni MIG 225T, portable alternator 8.5kw, Hyd Pipe bender set, assorted drills, Sidchrome socket set assorted, tandem trailer 17x5, single axle trailer 8x5, tool kit metric spanners (ring & open enders), angle grinders, bee keeping equip & a whole workshop full of tools.

Photo ID required. Cheques & Cash ONLY (NO EFTPOS)

RESTORED MINERS COTTAGE BRAND NEW HOME LARGE FAMILY HOME 4 brms, 2 bathrooms, study, lounge, family room, open 3 brms, ensuite, walk-in robe, formal lounge, 1 brm, lounge can be 2nd brm, kitchen/family plan kitchen, air cond, double garage, entertaining family/games room, large modern kitchen, rm, front & rear v/dah, s/s a/c, gdn shed, r/wtr area, large shed, room for boat & caravan. double garage, quiet location, low maintenance. plumbed to house, 3000m2 allot.


$275,000 TANUNDA

4C The Crescent OPEN Sunday 12th Feb, 12.30-1pm

$277,000 ANGASTON $199-$229,000

15 Coronation Avenue OPEN Sunday 12th Feb, 11.45-12.15pm

36 Penrice Road


Hambours Real Estate. 65 Main Street, Kapunda WH1790617

Phone David on 8566 2209 all hours email: hambours@bigpond.com | www.hamboursrealestate.com.au | mobile: 041 491 7474 RLA150685

GREAT INVESTMENT Double brick, 3 brm home, large lounge with French doors, kitchen with electric stove & pantry, polished floorboards throughout, heating & cooling, double garage. 697m2 allot (approx)


QUIET TREE LINED STREET WOULD-BE RENOVATORS - LOOK AT THIS! Dble brick 3 brm home on a 780m2 cnr block. Large Great starter, dble brick home, 2 brms + lounge, kitchen with pantry, heating & cooling. Dble sunroom, lounge & family living. Needs gge, estab rear garden with fruit trees & more. TLC. Split level residential block of 805m2.

$285,000 EUDUNDA

73 Greenock Road OPEN Sunday 12th Feb, 1.45-2.15pm

$200-$210,000 EUDUNDA

9 Kapunda Street


2 Michael Street

WOW SO CLOSE TO TOWN! BRAND NEW HOME - FINISH TO YOUR STYLE TWO LARGE BLOCKS Just built, convenient location, walk to shops and 1930 Villa in a good condition, 3 brms, Two titles, lovely upgraded 4 brm stone home on main street. Choose your floor coverings and lovely upgraded kitchen, sunroom, ducted 1 title 1012m2 & established garden on the other landscape to finish off this modern 3 bedroom home. A/C, double & single garage, cnr block. title 1150m2. Keep it as a whole or sell one off.


$295,000 EBENEZER

16 Railway Parade

$680,000 KEYNETON


Lot 8 Angaston Swan Reach Rd

Lot 102 Belvidere Road


GOOD SHEDDING – LARGE LAND 50x50 shed, suit earth moving business, mechanics or carpenters. 3 brms, 2 bthrms, brick home, & more, on 25 acres.

Call for your free market appraisal

8562 4650 0418 853 134 www.barossaherald.com.au

Wednesday, February 8, 2012 - Domain Page 5 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

1390M2 BLOCK UNDER $90,000 Large flat land with no encumbrances put on this property by the council with over 30m frontage and over 45m in depth you could dream up your own design (STCC.) Water and power available.

2/7 Gawler Street, Nuriootpa www.julietothrealestate.com.au


BEAUTIFULLY RESTORED 1910 VILLA 12 ft ceilings, picture rails in every room. 3-4 brms, 2 living areas, country kitchen, new bthrm with spa, front & rear access, 1000m2 allot.


homburg.com.au Greenock





2 Victor Road

$339,000 - $369,000

Escape to the Country • A lovely property on the outskirts of town with delightful rural views. • 4349 sq. Metres with lots of room to move. • Modern home with 3 bedrooms and 2 living areas. • Ducted air, comb heating and quality fittings. • Extensive outdoor patio. • Sparkling clean in ground pool in delightful setting. • 2 Double garages, orchard, garden shed and lots more. • Great location only a minute from the local. Inspect: Sunday 3:30 - 4pm Web: HRE529 RLA: 219152 Guy Draper: 0417 810 828 Michael Bogan: 0416 586 897

$8,000 off






2 Ellen Place

$720,000 - $750,000

Tanunda´s Best Address! - Ellen Place Locals know all too well that properties in this highly sought-after location are very rarely offered for sale, so don´t miss this opportunity. An architecturally designed home that looks as good today as the day it was built, situated on a gently undulating, tree studded ¾ acre (approx.) block that is like a private rural retreat, just a short stroll to the heart of town. Features include large light filled formal and casual living areas, high raked ceilings, picture windows, cellar room, 4 b/rooms (or 3 and study), main with ens and wir, a/c, sch, garaging, carport, masses of rainwater all on this stunning, beautifully established allotment. A must to inspect. Inspect: Call Agent to View Web: HRE516 RLA: 219152 Guy Draper: 0417 810 828

Eden Valley






Lot 1 Keyneton Road


2 Nuriootpa

$875,000 6 Julius Street

Undulating & picturesque 108.9ha parcel of prime grazing land just 2kms Nth of historic Eden Valley township offers an enviable income producing country lifestyle. Modest 4 bed home, self contained quarters, machinery shed, workshop, cattle yards & crush. Cleared & approx 70% arable with most fencing & water infrastructure upgraded recently (new pipes, troughs & 21600 gallon tank) plus 2 dams (1 spring fed). Enjoy a grazier´s life, horse keeping or follow your own dream amongst ancient gums. Inspect: Call Agent to View Web: HRE161 RLA: 219152 David Braunack: 0418 841 349



2 Greenock







13 Kranz Street

$270,000 - $275,000

The Beauty of the Bungalow Undeniably charming & individual, this 1920´s character home has a lovely deep verandah, extravagantly wide hallway, fretwork, large light airy rooms, high detailed ceilings, timeless Baltic floors, original fireplaces, sash windows & cellar. Harmoniously extended, the vast casual living opens to huge decked rear verandah. Unbeatable location for family life.

Enter the market here!... This very well maintained 3 bdrm home sits on a huge allotment of around 1181 sqm. Built in 1984 the home would suit the growing family in need of space in the yard for the kids to run. With side access gates and a double iron garage there is no shortage of undercover parking for the car or boat. The property represents fantastic value, don´t miss this one.

Web: HRE508 RLA: 219152 & 222770 David Braunack: 0418 841 349 Grant Fielke: 0427 300 049

Inspect: Sunday 2:45 - 3:15pm Web: HRE527 RLA: 219152 Felicity Cock: 0411 456 266

1 Kapunda


$229,000 - $249,000 8 Vintage Way




Lifestyle, Acres & Ancient Gums

10a Murray Street




2 Tanunda


$329,000 - $359,000 27 Hancock Road





$245,000 42a Maria Street

$450,000 - $470,000

Occupy, Rent or Run a Business! Situated in quaint country town, character filled C1860´s building has covered all these things & more over it´s colourful past. Now it´s time for you to put it to a use that suits you (sub to consents). W/- stone construction, lge rooms, high ceilings & loads of charm, all it needs now is you. Located in heart of town on 568m2 cnr lot w/- town oval at rear.

Quiet Cul-De-Sac Affordable, feature packed mod home, sit in elevated position in popular country town, 4 b’rooms along w/- 2 living areas & fab o/door, covered ent. area, making it an ideal family home. Generous 747m2 fully fenced lot w/- lge garage/workshop, carport, established gardens, rainwater and much more.

Little Native Wilderness On 1800sqm, surrounded by a sanctuary-like setting attracting wildlife, this neat 10yo home has an airy feel with timber style floating floors, an open-plan & sliding glass to an immense rear decked verandah, idyllically overlooking bush-like surrounds. Huge shed, pergola, chook run, R/W. Secluded yet close to services. (Option of 2 extra 900sqm lots).

Quality, Style and Location More here than meets the eye. Sit. in heart of town, within easy walk of shops, restaurants, oval etc, Bartsch built home exudes quality, character & charm, w/- all mod cons. 3 b’room, 2 bath, formal & casual living, store room, timber kit., ducted r/c a/c, piped music, dbl gge umr w/- direct home access, 2 c/yards, fully enc. ent. area, u/g r/water t/out & much more.

Inspect: Sunday 2:30 - 3pm Web: HRE522 RLA: 219152 Guy Draper: 0417 810 828

Inspect: Sunday 3 - 3:30pm

Inspect: Sunday 3:45 - 4:15pm Web: HRE509 RLA: 219152 Felicity Cock: 0411 456 266

Inspect: Sunday 12 - 12:30pm Web: HRE507 RLA: 219152 Guy Draper: 0417 810 828

Web: HRE523 RLA: 219152 Guy Draper: 0417 810 828


David Braunack 0418 841 349 www.barossaherald.com.au

Guy Draper 0417 810 828

Felicity Cock 0411 456 266

Mike Bogan 0416 586 897

Cindy Taylor 0408 086 119

Wednesday, February 8, 2012 - Domain Page 6- The Herald, Barossa Valley

Ann Braunack 0438 633 582 Commercial Leasing Manager

TANUNDA 8563 2599 NURIOOTPA 8562 2600


homburg.com.au Tanunda



4 Nuriootpa



5 Angaston



5 Nuriootpa



Lot 1003 Stonewell Road


$490,000 - $515,000 43 Fifth Street


$199,000 - $217,000 2 Sarah Street


$375,000 - $395,000 4 Lots on Samuel Road

From $195,000

Rural Living - Close to Town Small acreage (approx.1.5ha) a private sanctuary w/- native vegetation & stunning views. Small oil producing olive grove, ideal for the hobbyist, w/- balance of land lightly wooded, offering lots of potential. Comfortable 3 b’room home has formal & casual living, mod. kit., w.i. & bir´s to b’rooms, 3 way bathroom, enc. outdoor ent. area, ducted cooling & more.

Excellent Value Home, Plus a Great Shed Affordable & comfortable 3 bdrm home is situated just around the cornerfrom the 7 day supermarket, & a short stroll to the main street shops & local schools. A fabulous 40’ x 20’ shed occupies the back section o the generous 840m2 allotment. 3 bedrooms, open plan ktichen lounge dining, separate toilet, laundry and bathrooms, plus a partially enclosed rear verandah.

Stunning Cottage Renovated cottage w/- charm & character, updated kit., bathroom & laundry facs. Features incl. polished timber floors, solid construction, casement windows, lge cellar, mod. kit. w/new appliances, s.s. r/c a/c, s.c. heating, sunroom w/- lge picture window to o/door ent area & est garden, 20 x 30 gge, c/port + more. Suit wide range of uses, incl. B&B (sub to consents).

• 4 vacant industrial land allotments from 2,500m² to 8,207m² approx • Positioned on BW Truck route close to Sturt Highway giving easy access to Northern Expressway, Port Adelaide, Adelaide & Interstate destinations • All services available. • Shed packages an option

Inspect: Sunday 1:50 - 2:20pm Web: HRE505 RLA: 219152 Guy Draper: 0417 810 828

Inspect: Thursday 5:30 - 6pm Web: HRE468 RLA: 219152 Guy Draper: 0417 810 828

Inspect: Call Agent to View Web: HRE513 RLA: 219152 Guy Draper: 0417 810 828

Inspect: Call Agent to View Web: HRECS486 RLA: 219152 David Braunack: 0418 841 349




4 Tanunda


5 Carl Drive



1 Tanunda



$375,000 - $385,000 2/1 College Street


2 Tanunda


$249,500 34 Lehmann Road





$395,000 - $415,000 16 Homburg Street


Summer Fun for Families Spend time in your own resort with sparkling pool, spa bath & fabulous u/c entertaining area surrounded by tall palms. A lovely home has natural accents of stone, slate & timber, openplan layout, abundant storage, ducted cooling & fabulously equipped kitchen. Featuring caravan & car storage, situated perfectly, opposite the Langmeil Reserve.

Prime Location Well presented 2 bedroom Torrens Title unit with garage umr with auto roller door, spacious lounge, dining & kitchen areas, r/ c a/c, lots of storage, quality furnishings plus neat backyard with paving & garden shed. Ideal location in this quiet tree lined street in sought after area. A great opportunity for retiree or investor.

On With the Boardies and Bikini´s! Modern & affordable 4 b’room home has the bonus of i.g. pool, ready for the family to enjoy. Offering both formal & casual living areas, main b/room w/- ens & wir, heating via sch & ducted evap cooling, dble c/port extending into covered ent area, garden shed & more. Situated in popular Langmeil Est., this prop is definitely one to call home.

There´s No Place Like Home A lovely balance of indoors & out on this 750sqm allotment with pretty perimeter gardens & screening trees that promote privacy. Spacious bedrooms with built-ins & the 2 living areas connect with the outdoors thru floor-to-ceiling glass. Outside a full length verandah sees dining spill out under cover plus double garage, carport & space to add a caravan shelter (stcc).

Inspect: Sunday 12 - 12:30pm Web: HRE471 RLA: 219152 David Braunack: 0418 841 349

Inspect: Sunday 12:30 - 1pm Web: HRE132 RLA: 219152 David Braunack: 0418 841349

Inspect: Sunday 1:10 - 1:40pm Web: HRE483 RLA: 219152 Guy Draper: 0417 810 828

Inspect: Sunday 1:15 - 1:45pm Web: HRE443 RLA: 219152 David Braunack: 0418 841 349




1 Nuriootpa



1 Tanunda



4 Nuriootpa







11 Schaedel Street


$229,000 - $249,000 26 Staehr Street


$395,000 - $430,000 9 Paradale Drive


$455,000 - $475,000 79a Murray Street

$229,000 - $249,000

Affordable First Home/Investment This comfortable 4 bedroom home situated on a 729m2 allotment is conveniently located close to a primary school and 7 day shopping. Generously sized lounge, kitchen/meals, bathroom with spa bath, fully enclosed rear yard, entertainment area and much more. Will suit first home owners, investors, small family, retirees and more.

Character, charm and desirability C1890 home oozes character, charm & desirability. Stunning entrance with polished timber floors, ornate plaster ceilings, formal dining with French doors leading into spacious lge. Renovated bthrm & lndry. 3 bedrooms (2 dbl) all with built-in robes Country kitchen, dishwasher and cellar. Lined dbl gge with sep. office, c/port, paved o/door area, landscaped grounds.

Features to Impress Executive prop., sit in Langmeil Est. Wide front of this prop easily caters for dble gge umr, + additional d/way w/- access to rear yard & 7.5m x 6m shed, suit vans, boats & trailers. Quality home offers up to 4 b’rooms, or 3 & study, lge main w/- ens & wir. 3 Spac living areas, feature packed kit. w/- huge pantry, ducted r/c a/c, covered outdoor ent area & more.

Location and Affordability! Brand new home,adj to High School & close to main street, tucked away on very manageable, low maint. allotment, making it ideal for those wanting a central location w/- privacy. Spac open plan kit & living, 3 b’rooms (2 w/- birs), s.s. r/c a/c, decking area, 3 bay gge & much more. Suit investors, 1st home owners, retirees or small family. A must to see!

Inspect: Thursday 5 - 5:30pm Web: HRE441 RLA: 219152 Guy Draper: 0417 810 828

Inspect: Sunday 4:15 - 4:45pm Web: HRE465 RLA: 219152 Guy Draper: 0417 810 828

Inspect: Sunday 12:40 - 1:10pm Web: HRE460 RLA: 219152 Guy Draper: 0417 810 828

Inspect: Thursday 6:10 - 6:40pm Web: HRE473 RLA: 219152 Guy Draper: 0417 810 828




1 Shea-oak Log


Lot 203 Neldner Road



3 Angaston



2 Stockwell





$300,000 - $320,000 10 Linda Street

$459,000 94 Murray Street

$445,000 is EXCLUSIVE of GST Lot 393 Stockwell Road

$279,000 - $299,000

Step Back in Time On just over an acre (4421sqm), this Bungalow is almost secluded by the old tall trees in its sleepy village setting. The large rooms, floorboards, leadlight, fretwork, high ceilings, sash windows, original doors, skirtings & architraves will steal the heart of the period home decorator. Peace & space accompanied by birdsong & the laughter of kookaburras.

Relaxed semi -rural living environment Impressive 4 bdrms, 3 living areas, 2 bthrms on 5078sqm (approx. 1¼ acres) of well maintained grounds. Ducted evap a/ c/ & s.c. heating. Lovely outdoor areas, rainwater & good shedding. An ideal property for the family & hobbies, plenty of room for vehicles, pets & leisure activities . Well located in close commuting distance to Gawler & the Barossa Valley.

History and Charm Located at the entrance of the delightful Barossa township of Angaston, Stoneleigh Cottage is rich in history & offers two fully self contained B&B´s. The business offers good occupancy rates & repeat business. Being sold as a Going Concern, fully furnished & with full rights to all intellectual property such as the business name, website & all future bookings.

Affordable & Versatile Offering almost an acre of land, a neat, practical 3 bedroom home, with fabulous outdoor entertainment area, a 6 x 9m garage, double carport, fully fenced rear yard plus extra land for a variety of pursuits, all situated in the small country township of Stockwell, only a short stroll to the general store, town ovals and Hotel. A must to inspect.

Inspect: Sunday 2:45 - 3:15pm Web: HRE399 RLA: 219152 David Braunack: 0418 841 349

Inspect: Call Agent to view Web: HRE265 RLA: 219152 David Braunack: 0418 841 349

Inspect: Call Agent to View Web: HRE234 RLA: 219152 Felicity Cock: 0411 456 266

Inspect: Call Agent to View Web: HRE376 RLA: 219152 Guy Draper: 0417 810 828


TANUNDA 88 MURRAY STREET 8563 2599 | NURIOOTPA 15 GAWLER STREET 8562 2600 www.barossaherald.com.au

Wednesday, February 8, 2012 - Domain Page 7 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


Real Estate Liftout

Designer touch pays off DESIGN touches every aspect of our lives. From cities, with the public spaces where we work, shop and dine, through to our private spaces, design plays an integral part. When it comes to selling a house, this is especially true of interior design. Interior designers work with how a space both functions and feels. The latter is what connects with buyers, says agent Miriam Carraro. ‘’When people are buying a home it’s all about the feelings, about the energy and whether they can envisage themselves living there,’’ she says. Interior designers, who are frequently engaged by real estate agents on behalf of vendors to

style properties for sale, are the best ones to ‘’bring that whole package together’’ she says. At the best of times, professional styling (including decorative to more substantial changes) is always important but even more so in the current climate when properties are sitting on the market longer than normal. ‘’Traditionally houses would sell within 30 days, now they’re selling within 60 days,’’ says Ms Carraro. ‘’Having the interior perfectly designed and the right balance of furniture makes the job easier to sell and therefore the house will sell quicker.’’ Tara Smith, who provides a styling service for properties for sale through her business Tara Louise Interior Decoration &

Design, agrees that these first impressions strongly influence buyers. ‘’If the home is out of date or looks worn and tattered, it can turn potential buyers off by making them worry about the amount of work they have to do to ‘fix it up’. They don’t see the potential the property has to be ‘their’ home and find it hard to imagine themselves living in it,’’ she says. Not only will a styled home sell faster, it can also sell for more. While Ms Carraro points out there’s no hard and fast rules, if a house has been well maintained then ‘’you’re definitely looking at tens of thousands of dollars that you’ll get on top of the price that you’d get if there wasn’t an

interior designer who had gone through it and staged it’’. Vendors, of course, can opt to style their property themselves but a working knowledge of interior design principles will save a lot of time, and needless spending, which is where training comes into it. Interior design courses exist for dabblers right through to degree-level professionals. Students range from young school-leavers to adults looking for a change in career or a new hobby. “We also have plenty of students wanting to expand their knowledge and skills to use on their own dream home designs and renovations,’’ says Lisa Schydlo of the Interior Design

Institute, which offers diploma courses online so students can study at home at their own pace. The Sydney-based International School of Colour and Design also offers distance education. Their Foundation Course is a Certificate IV in Design which leads into a specialised diploma, and they also offer iStyle-Colour Leisure Course, which looks specifically at colour palettes and how they can be used to create mood and style within your own home. Ms Carraro, who engages property stylists for vendors primarily on the basis of the quality of their work and previous client satisfaction. ‘’I think the results speak louder than the certificate,’’ she says.


Colin Schwartz trading as RLA216875


Adelaide Rural Real Estate RENTALS KAPUNDA

LYNDOCH $190pw

Well maintained 2 bedroom stone home, neat kitchen and bathroom, cosy lounge room. Evap A/C, carport, enclosed yard. Avail end Feb!



Neat 2 bedroom unit. Open plan living, neat bathroom with separate bath and shower, R/C A/C, carport, rainwater tank, garden shed, low maintenance yard. Only 2 in the group, in a quiet location. Avail Now!


KAPUNDA - 43 Mildred Street Sunday 2-2.45pm 3 separately designed 3 br homes, community titled allots from 300m2-312m2. Rendered hebel walls, floor coverings, quality interior fittings r/c a/c, gas h.w.s., paved drive, landscaped front yd, fencing, Ideal first home/retirees/investors. Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942

EUDUNDA 4 South Terrace Inspection by Appointment

TWO WELLS - 8 Canala Court Sunday 12-12.45pm

THOROUGH: Interior designers work with how a space functions and feels and this connects with buyers.

KAPUNDA $225,000

Well maintained stone home on approx 817m2, main road frontage, close to Main Street, 3 good sized brms, roomy lounge, country style kitchen, and renovated bathroom. Features include high ceilings, ceiling rose, combustion heater, pergola, workshop and shed, nice family home. Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942



Timber frame home on spacious 2823m2 allot, close to main street and schools, 3 bdrms, open plan lounge/dining, family room, galley style kitchen. Requiring some maintenance the home provides the opportunity for a home on a large allotment, investment or possible sub-division (STCC) Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942

KAPUNDA Way Street Inspection by Appointment


13 Fuller Street Inspection by Appointment



Nicely presented brick veneer home, 5 bedrooms, main has ensuite and walk in robe, built in robes to other bedrooms. Formal lounge, open plan kitchen/ dining/ family room. Kitchen has electric appliances and walk in pantry. Ducted Evap A/C. Double garage, shed and entertaining area. Avail Early February.

43 Mildred Street OPEN - Sunday 2.00-2.45pm




3 Good sized bedrooms,Master bedroom and bedroom 3 has Built in Robes. Kitchen with gas cook top, breakfast bar, Open plan meals area, Lounge room.Neat bathroom & separate toilet, Large laundry. Ducted evaporative A/C, Wood Combustion Heater. Carport, Garden shed, Rain water tanks on Large block. Great location and walking distance to the main. Avail Now!


Fiebig Court Inspection by Appointment


48 Basedow Road Inspection by Appointment

KAPUNDA $269,950

Neat t/f home on 746m2 allot. 3 bdrms, lge lnge, spac kitchen/ dine w elec apps, plenty cpd space, WIP, cellar. Heat & cool by r/c a/c on 3 ph pwr, solar heat, polished wood flrs, plumbing & elec renewed. Front & rear vdahs & c/pt. Shed w 3 ph pwr. Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942

TWO WELLS $189,950

8 Canala Court OPEN - Sunday 12.00-12.45pm

Neat b/v home on lge 1950m2 allot with rural views. 4 brs, main ens & WIR, br 2 & 3 BIR, kitchen has gas stove, pantry, plenty cpds, dine, family, fml lnge, comb heat, ducted a/c, dble c/pt UMR, vdahs, pergola, 30x20 gge. Currently tenanted. WEB ID: 106770196 Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942

1 John Street Inspection by Appointment


Neat solid home on 11,000m2 allot, having 3 titles, possible subdiv STCC. 3 brs, office, kitchen w elec apps & d/w, fml dine, lge lounge, r/c a/c, gas htg. Paved gable pergola, 40x20 shed, caravan shed, 30x20 shed. Rear access. Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942

TANUNDA $439,950

1/10 Kook Street Inspection by Appointment


STED I L T S JU Residential allotment of approximately 1690m2, having 2 titles, water connected, common effluent runs past, close to sporting facilities and trotting track. Reasonably level allots provide opportunity for investor to build 2 homes or family wanting to build on large allotment. To be sold as a whole. Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942

KAPUNDA/BAROSSA www.barossaherald.com.au

SA new home sales end 2011 on brighter note

Nicely presented 5 bedroom home, main has e/s, WIR, BI Robes to others, formal lounge, open plan kitchen, dining, family, duct evap a/c, garage UMR, shed, large entertaining area, within walking distance to main street and sporting facilities, currently tenanted. Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942

92 MAIN ST • T: 8566 3399 sales@adelaideruralrealestate.com.au

Close to main street, doctors surgery & hospital. Nice unit amongst group of 4, 2 bedrooms, kitchen/dining, electric appliances, reverse cycle air conditioning separate garage and store room, manageable garden, Strata title. Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942


Wednesday, February 8, 2012 - Domain Page 8 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

NATIONAL new home sales missed out on any Christmas cheer last year, but there were some presents for South Australia, said the Housing Industry Association, the voice of Australia’s residential building industry. The HIA - JELD-WEN New Home Sales Report, based on a survey of Australia’s 100 largest builders, showed a decline of 4.9 per cent in total seasonally adjusted new home sales in December 2011, driven by a fall of 7.7 per cent in detached houses. “South Australia bucked this result with a rise of 12.0 per cent in detached house sales in December last year,” Mr Robert Harding, HIA executive director, SA, said. “That’s a pleasing note to end last year on. However, the overall volume of sales in 2011 was extremely weak in South Australia, dropping by 29 per cent compared to 2010,” said Mr Harding. “Building approvals will be down by a similar magnitude.” “Short term monetary and fiscal policy stimulus together with a revitalised program of longer term structural reform is required in early 2012,” Mr Harding added. “The SA government needs to be front and centre as part of this policy drive.” admin.barossaherald@ruralpress.com

Guaranteed Risk Free Selling! Many more properties for sale, call in to inspect our full range

Available 7 Days



$459,950 1



Unrivalled Quality & Privacy This beautiful tree studded allotment offers over an acre of tranquillity with stunning views. The 2 storey residence comprises of 3 large bedrooms upstairs, 2 with balconies, and a main bathroom. Downstairs there is a huge open living area overlooked by the amazing timber kitchen, superb appliances and slate flooring, large laundry and 2nd toilet facilities. The enclosed verandah is a 2nd entertaining area with spa. Park-like grounds, fully established and easily maintained. There is also a 40x30x15 shed/workshop and another 20x20 lined shed/children’s retreat. No expense has been spared. Inspection is a must - A great find nestled in the heart of the Barossa.

# 5031

RLA 61382


$214,973 1


# 3015

# 3002


RLA 61382


RLA 61382


$499,950 2



This stunning home set on 1.6 Hectares (approx 4 Acres) offers 360 degrees of rural views - rolling hills on the horizon, the lovely Barossa vineyards and grazing land. You would be hard pressed to find majestic views like this. With the home offering 3 bedrooms, main with walk-in robe, ensuite and glass doors leading outside with views simply to die for and bedroom 2 has a walk-in robe. This property also features ducted reverse cycle heating and cooling throughout and a 1.5Kw Solar system which feeds back to the grid. This spectacular home offers spacious open plan living with a stylish kitchen which opens out onto the family room and dining area which overlooks the rolling hills and vineyards. The formal lounge has an open fire place, and in spring the beautiful smell of roses comes through the windows. This property is complete with a small boutique vineyard of 80 year old Dry Grown Grenache maintained by neighbouring vineyard owners, large shed, 3 phase power to the property and the home, Enviro Cycle septic system which drip feeds the garden, double garage and a wonderful entertaining area, perfect for having a BBQ and enjoying the majestic views.


In the quiet Barossa town of Lyndoch this 2 bedroom unit is ideally located with a large back yard, modern bathroom, carport with a roller door and new floor coverings throughout. This would make a great investment or retirement home. Call 8523 3777 to inspect at a time that suits you.



$399,950 1



$349,950 2




$445,000 2


“Merriwood Farm & Guest House”

Stunning 4 Bedroom Home

Quality Home, Stunning Views

Set on over 5 acres this stunning circa 1890 cottage offers 360° panoramic views, offering 3 bedrooms, master with open fire place, family/ dining & formal lounge, country style Oak kitchen and stylish bthrm with spa, slow combustion heating & r/cycle air-conditioning. The separate guest house features open plan living, master brm, kitchen, lounge/dining & bathroom. The property has 4 paddocks, some with horse shelters, 9.3x10.3 shed with workshop, large aviaries, kangaroo enclosure, shared bore, 55000L approx rainwater storage and stunning cottage gardens. All this situated approximately 10km out of Kapunda.

This stunning quality home built in 2004 is a massive 249m2. Set on a 920m2 allot this lovely Distinctive built home offers 4 lge brms, main with ens & WIR, brms 2, 3 & 4 with BIRs, good size office, fml entry & fml dining, generous size kitchen complete with quality appliances, plenty of storage & a lge b/fast bar overlooking the spac o/plan living meals & family room. The home is fully insulated, has r/c heating & cooling, rainwater tank, dbl c/pt with remote roller doors, 12m x 6m galvanized shed with built in mezzanine storage area. The front gdn has established plants and pop-up sprinklers and the back garden has a large entertaining area with the gardens yet to be completed. This stunning property is within walking distance to the main street and local schools.

This fabulous 2003 built home is set on 996m2 with majestic views. The home offers master bedroom with bay window, ensuite, walk-in robe and ceiling fan, bedrooms 2, 3 & 4 have built-ins and ceiling fans, formal entry, stunning formal dining and lounge with vaulted ceilings, open plan family/meals and kitchen with a central servery/breakfast bar, large split system heating and cooling and slow combustion heater the home is complete with quality appliances, fixtures and fittings. Outside boasts a stunning entertainment area with views you could look at all day long, it has a superb salt water pool, manicured gardens, large shed, double carport under the main roof, all the fruit trees you could ever need, all located in the picturesque town of Lyndoch - just walking distance to schools, shops, cafés and wineries.

# 3027

# 3020

# 3021

RLA 61382




$329,950 2

RLA 61382



$449,950 2

RLA 61382




$255,000 1


The Best of Both Worlds

Perfect Position

Barossa Beauty

Offering 2 residences on over 1½ acres, this is both a unique & idyllic property. Set in a v.quiet court amongst other quality homes it boasts stunning views to the Barossa Ranges framed by it's very own vines. Built in 1982 this solid brick home consists of one dwelling featuring 3 brms with fml lnge/dining, superb timber kitch, full bthrm with sep toilet & lndry adj to another 2 brm residence with kitchen, open family/ dining, bthrm with shwr & sep toilet + lndry. Perfect for the extended family, privacy for the children or possible income producing opp. Serviced by ducted evap a/c & r/c split systems. Outside the property offers superbly estab mature gdns, a huge pgla outdoor ent area together with 30 x 20 shed with pwr & cement flr. A truly rare offering which would accommodate a range of requirements, as 2 very sep homes or a single 5 brm residence.

This wonderful 3 bedroom home offers ensuite and walk-in robe to the main bedroom, formal lounge with bay window, formal dining room or study plus family/dining area which is over looked by the Blackwood timber kitchen with walkin pantry. Complete with heating and cooling, superbly established gardens, return verandahs, great outdoor entertaining and fantastic 20x30 shed, all on an 832m2 corner allotment opposite a huge recreational area close to amenities - this property truly offers it all!

Constructed by Galaxy Homes in 2002 this spacious 4 brm home has all the extras that you would expect in a build of this calibre. Main bedroom features WIR & ensuite with dbl vanity & spa. With BIRs throughout the other brms all dbls with the 2nd being as large as the main. Boasting sunken formal lnge/formal dining & a huge family with meals area off the kitchen this home delivers quality and quantity with 30 squares of luxurious living, high ceilings throughout, Actron reverse cycle ducted heating and air-conditioning. Together with great outdoor entertaining accessed via French doors from the family area all set on a large 760m2 allotment, which although large is easy to maintain. Barossa bound? This property is a “must see” - call today to arrange a private inspection to suit you.

This stunning 1890 stone home is the original Bank House Building. This stunning beauty is set on approximately 1185m2 and offers the charm of the old but the convenience of the new with 10 foot ceilings and the renovating done. This home is ready to move into and offers 3 very spacious bedrooms with original ceilings, lounge with open fire place and original mantel piece, country style kitchen and dining with new stylish bathroom, new carpets, floating floors with the original timber floor waiting to be brought to life. Outside improvements include double garage, lean-to for a boat or trailer, small shed, fish pond, rainwater tank, bird aviaries, lovely grape vines, veggie patch and a stunning verandah overlooking the backyard.

# 5021

# 5016

# 5018

# 3019

RLA 61382

RLA 61382

RLA 61382

RLA 61382

3A Adelaide Road, Gawler (08) 8523 3777 www.barossaherald.com.au

Wednesday, February 8, 2012 - Domain Page 9 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


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Real Estate Liftout

Leafy, green setting THERE’S a nice balance of space for indoors and out at this Tanunda property. The house, located on a 750sqm allotment has been kept in the same manicured condition for the past 30 years. Outside it features neat perimeter gardens and screening trees, which provide natural privacy around the home. Inside, floor-to-ceiling glass in every room ensures this home is light-filled with each window looking onto the colourful garden and well kept lawn. Three bedrooms feature built-in robes and along with the house’s two living areas, all connect with the outdoors through their picture windows. The spacious lounge is divided from the dining zone via a pair of internal sliding timber and glass doors, allowing the space to convert for each occasion, cosy and separate in winter months or open for the warmer days.

To advertise, call (08) 8563 2041 / Fax (08) 8563 3655 | Email: admin2.barossaherald@ruralpress.com




Glass slides across at the edge of the open-plan kitchen and dining zone to allow living to spill out under the full-length rear verandah. To the side of the home, the perfect space exists for a sun-drenched vegie patch, the rainwater storage tank located alongside. Beside the double garage and single carport, there is plenty of room on the allotment to add a caravan shelter or further shedding (stcc), nicely set back from the street. Here’s a property that is wonderfully preserved and with space to place your own modernising stamp, a property that is just lovely as it is, yet with scope to easily take up a level or two and add value. With a great sized living floor plan, fantastic shedding and lush surrounds, this property will see many of your boxes ticked. For further details, contact David Braunack of Homburg Real Estate on 0418 841 349.


WELL KEPT: Large windows bring natural light and welcoming views into this Tanunda house.


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Wednesday, February 8, 2012 - Domain Page 12 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


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Be My Valentine The perfect proposal same time, all the way until I asked to marry her,” Joel said. The extra lengths Joel went to included flying to Sydney from Mudgee to receive the custom made 1.01 carat diamond ring at the airport. “Affinity Diamonds had made the ring but the only chance to give it to me was at the airport in between me leaving my Mudgee-Sydney flight and boarding my Syd-Adelaide flight with a window of 30 minutes. “The owner of Affinity actually parked in a no parking zone and explained to the security that if they moved his vehicle along I would not receive my engagement ring before my anniversary...so they let him park until I raced over to him to receive the ring, view it and pay for it.” The couple then continued celebrations by staying for three days at Stonewell Cottages in Tanunda and dining at Appellations. Joel explained that Holly had no idea about anything leading up to the event. “The idea was created to ensure that we could remember this moment forever, and what better way than to capture it on film,” he said. While the proposal went off without a hitch, the couple is yet to decide a date for their wedding. “We have a lot to arrange as my family is from Tully in far north Queensland, where cyclone Yasi struck, and Holly’s family is from Port Lincoln - so a destination will have to be selected,” Joel said.

ENGAGED: Holly Hicks, who runs a remedial massage business in Tanunda said “yes” after her partner Joel Nielson proposed. Joel, who went the extra mile said her response included lots of tears, a “yes” and of course she stuck her finger out to receive a custom-made ring.

Give her a gift she’ll treasure.. Valentine’s Day at the Greenock Tavern

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ATTENTION men. If you’re looking for inspiration in arranging a unique marriage proposal this Valentine’s Day, then read on. Late last month Holly Hicks, who runs a remedial massage business at the Hub in Tanunda, cried yes after her fiancé Joel Nielson popped the question. Not content with the normal bended knee proposal, Joel, who works in the mines, spent time planning the perfect proposal which involved a three minute film and booking a cinema. “I organised a film, which showed me throwing a frisbee but it just landing on the ground, reaching out to hold someone’s hand but I reached into thin air, kicking a soccer ball into the distance but it just lands with no one around and scrabble which spelled out a message to Holly and finally a picnic. “This shot was the one in which I did my proposal. I had two glasses of champagne, two plates with bread rolls but only me there. A shot came up of ‘something is missing’ and then I told Holly how I loved her and wanted her to complete this picture. It was amazing and Holly was completely surprised.” The film was delivered to the South Australian Film Corporation and was screened for them in Adelaide. To get Holly to the cinema, she was contacted by the company that she had won exclusive tickets to an upcoming movie. “The film started and Holly’s tears of confusion started at pretty much the

or Ice Cream and Fruit Salad

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DON’T FORGET: Now is the time to let the team at Gawler Flower Gallery help make this Valentine’s Day one to be remembered. Choose from either a simple selection of freshly cut flowers to a gift basket full of goodies for that someone special. Pictured is Margaret Coppen inside the Gawler Flower Gallery, located at Murray Street, Gawler.

All you need for

Valentines Day

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Gawler Flower Gallery P: 8523 0500 www.gawlerflowergallery.com.au The Clocktower, 61 Murray St, Gawler admin.barossaherald@ruralpress.com

Order your flowers for Valentine’s Day NOW on 0431 812 962 ALL PRE ORDERS WILL RECEIVE DISCOUNTED DELIVERY

Wednesday, February 8, 2012 - Page 17 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


Delivering All Day


Everything African EDEN Valley residents know how to throw their support behind worthwhile projects. In October the town hosted a successful wine auction and in December a Christmas walk through the town was organised. This time the Eden Valley Congregational Community Centre committee takes on their biggest fundraiser challenge as they present A Big Cat Walk for Eden Valley on March 3. According to resident and committee member Virginia Arnold, the unique twilight event, with its African flavour, has come about for two reasons. She explained the Barossa Council has kindly gifted them the Eden Valley Congregational Community Centre at Lillefield Gallery, “it’s important we use this building to its potential”. Secondly, the community felt it was an opportunity to highlight the cultural changes happening

to Australia including the migration of Africans to South Australia including Elizabeth. The public will be treated to a variety of events such as entertainment by Inner Vision Singers and Little Black Dress. There will be a recycled fashion parade thanks to support by Danielle from Tanunda’s Salvation Army opportunity shop, and these clothes will be made for sale. Sesank dancers and African drumming will provide further entertainment. Virginia added, “It’s a huge thing for these people to come out and be part of strictly AngloSaxon community event so we are very mindful and thankful of their presence”. Guest speaker will be Mandy Brown an Aboriginal elder from the Peramangk tribe, and fashion show emcees are Barossa Council’s community and cultural development

co-ordinator and former television newsreader and Eden Valley resident Marina Teusner. Both Australian and African food will be available for purchase, which includes the Lutheran Ladies Guild providing casserole style dishes customary to Africa such as couscous and African dumplings. There will be African made cakes for sale and other stallholders, including the Eden Valley Hotel and social club who will use their imagination to turn ordinary barbecue meat and condiments into African names such as Monkey Gland sauce for example. The event runs from 5pm to 8pm and part proceeds will go to the Salvation Army medical centre project in Monrovia, Liberia. There are only 250 tickets available for the event and at prices of $5 per person or $10 per family - get in quick by contacting Virginia on 8564 1087.

CULTURAL CONNECTION: Barossa Council’s community and cultural development co-ordinator Maz McGann (above) with Virginia Arnold from Eden Valley.

33 main north road willaston t: 08 8522 1021 f: 08 8522 1629 e: willaston.hotel@alhgroup.com.au

Who’s eating at your house tonight?

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Phone: 8522 3131 Mobile: 0407 909 927

Enjoy an evening of open air cinema with fun, themed menus and delicious wines every Friday night in January and February, 2012.

10th FEB


17th FEB


24th FEB

EAT PRAY LOVE (M) Entry including a glass of wine $15. Meals available from $15. No BYO food or drink. Doors open 7pm. Movies commence after sunset. Please bring deck chairs or picnic rugs. In the event of inclement weather movies will be cancelled.




Kids Eat Free Lunch & dinner Schnitzel Night Family Meal Night *2 adults & 3 kids Steak Night

Kids’ Entertainment

Roast Day

Terms and Conditions Family Meal Deal only available Wednesday nights. Adult’s meals must be ordered off the Family Meal Deal Menu 1 meal per child. Extra kid’s meals charged at $7.50. All Meal Deals not valid with any other food promotion or offer

A personal fair IMMERSE yourself into a weekend devoted to your body, mind and spirit in Angaston this month. This Saturday, February 11 and Sunday, February 12 the public can meet with eight different readers, view eight gift stalls and chat with five healing practitioners organised through the

Body, Mind and Spirit Fair. In addition, free talks by guest speakers will be run. The event will be held at the Angaston Town Hall from 10am to 5pm both days and entry is $5. Full catering facilities will be available and for more details, contact Jan on 0408 819 826.

Ballerinas head tutu Tanunda THE new and hilarious Australian World Premiere production of Men In Pink Tights has included the Barossa in its list of performance stopovers. This production is the ultimate send up of both classical and contemporary ballet. From the thrilling pirouettes of the male dancers in drag, with brilliant and innovative choreography to the side splitting humour, the show is presented in beautiful costumes worth $3million. The production promises a combination of brilliant dancing techniques, tongue in cheek and blatant humour, with international foibles, dancing mishaps and of course hissy fits by men playing both male and female roles. The production involves 50 classical ballets in its repertoire and 20 of the best international male dancers from 13 countries. The men and soloists have performed with renowned ballet companies such as Houston Ballet, San Francisco Ballet, Royal Danish Ballet, Incoballet and more. Men in Pink Tights is sure to excite, entertain and amuse audiences with burly men transforming into dainty, slightly hairy swans. For more details or ticket prices, contact Barossa Arts and Convention Centre, Tanunda, on 8561 4299.


Jacob’s Creek Visitor Centre Barossa Valley Way, Rowland Flat www.jacobscreek.com Bookings: (08) 8521 3000.

True Character drinks responsibly. www.barossaherald.com.au

TANUNDA SHOW SATURDAY MARCH 10TH 2012, 8AM-4.30PM FOR DETAILS & PROGRAMME SEE WWW.TANUNDASHOW.ORG.AU Wednesday, February 8, 2012 - Page 18 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


Join the club Enjoy great music, food and wines at Murray Street Vineyards Anything, Boom Crash Opera and John Swan. In addition, for those who enjoy warmth and playfulness in songs, don’t miss Laura Hill. There’s also an Aussie flavour to her music which moves from thoughtful, beautiful acoustic tunes to fun, high-spirited blues and reggae numbers. With her distinctive angelic voice and engaging stage presence she was dubbed as a definite songwriter to watch out for in 2010. Laura is currently receiving airplay in Australia and abroad on commercial and community stations. The artists will perform in one hour sets from 2pm to 6pm. To be part of this unique musical experience, tickets can be purchased for $35 through the MSV Tasting Room. Costs include grazing on Barossa MSV platters, and strictly no bring your own food or alcohol. For more details, phone staff on 8562 8373 or email tastingroom@murraystreet.com.au

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Winery’s summery Cinema continues IF YOU want to take advantage of the current balmy evenings, then get in quick to view popular Movies at Jacob’s Creek. The Friday night movies are a chance for the public to sit back and relax on the Jacob’s Creek Visitor Centre lawns, Rowland Flat. For $15, guests receive entry to watch a movie as well as a complimentary glass of wine for adults or soft drink. Jacob’s Creek Visitor Centre manager, Elaine Ratcliffe, said the award-winning JCVC offers guests a quick escape from the hustle and bustle of the city to unwind after a long week or to kick start a relaxing weekend in the picturesque Barossa Valley. A selection of delicious food, wine and soft drinks will be available before the screening, and a nature walk, as well as expansive gardens and grounds


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MURRAY Street Vineyards will throw open the doors to their atmospheric barrel room this Saturday, February 11, as they host two South Australian artists. The Greenock winery will resound to the tunes of Barossa’s Sam Brittain and SA’s Laura Hill as part of the winery’s Treble and Oats sessions. At just 21, Sam Brittain is an acoustic musician and fronts band Stones Throw. He has been performing all over SA for the past five years with the enigmatic rock band, which is known for its hard work ethic and on stage chemistry. His acoustic music is known to emanate artists such as Crowded House, John Farnham, Sting, BB King, Robert Cray, Jeff Buckley, The Rolling Stones, Pearl Jam, Cold Chisel, Neil Young, The Beatles, Cream, Damien Rice, The Huckleberry Swedes and more. Stones Throw has supported big band names such as The Screaming Jets, You Am I’s Davey Lane. Sam also fronts band - The Pictures, which has supported Mental As

TO PERFROM: Laura Hill and (inset) Sam Brittain.

THE Barossa Film Club has finalised its 2012 program and everyone is invited to join. The club has involved foreign-language, musicals and comedies into their viewing night involving many aspects and many interpretations. Films are screened at the Wine Education Centre at Faith Lutheran College, Tanunda, with a short film at 7.30pm, followed by the main feature, after a break for a cuppa or a glass of wine at the club’s first and last show. The club encourages the public to join at a cost of $35 per year, casual visitors are always welcome with a donation of $6 asked to support cost of film hire and supper. The launch of the club’s 2012 program will be Friday, February 17 with wine and cheese served. The Irish film Jelly Baby will feature as the short film, running for 11 minutes and the main film Million Dollar Baby from the USA will run for 132 minutes. More details, visit barossa.filmclub.org.au

PHONE 8563 3400 Barossa Valley Way, Tanunda

offer a great distraction for the kids or just a gentle stroll while waiting for the sun to set and the movie to start. This Friday night, February 10, the JCVC crew has organised an Italian-themed menu complemented with a free glass of wine for those aged over 18 years. WHAT: Movies at the Jacob’s Creek Visitor Centre. WHERE: Jacob’s Creek Visitor Centre, Barossa Valley Way, Rowland Flat. WHEN: Doors open at 7pm. Movie screens after sunset approx 8.15pm - 8.45pm and weather permitting. DATES: The remainder of movies fall Friday, February 10 with Romeo & Juliet, Friday February 17 - He’s Just Not That Into You and Friday, February 24 - Eat, Pray, Love.

85614299 Faith Lutheran School Magnolia Rd Tanunda


Up Coming events... Elton John Tribute – Sat, 17th March 7pm


Busting Out! – Wed, 9th May 8pm What a Man’s Gotta Do – Fri, 11th May 8pm


KEVIN BLOODY WILSON “GOIN’ BUSH” Special Guest Jenny Talia from Australia Kevin Bloody Wilson has become an integral part of Australian culture. Here is your chance to see our most unique international comedy legend as he returns to Australia for his “Goin’ Bush” Tour – not just a concert, it’s a full on event. Nobody tells Australian stories better than Kevin Bloody Wilson!

Wednesday, 7th March 8pm Tickets: $58.30

ROSS NOBLE Nonsensory Overload

THE ‘M’ GIRL Matinee

Nonsensory Overload is Noble back fresh from his travels, not to mention his own TV show, doing what he does best; spinning forth hilarious nonsense for your amusement. Now is your chance to see one of the best live comics working internationally today. Prepare your brain for a Nonsensory Overload!

The story of Marilyn Monroe from her highlights to her darkest last days. This is a journey of how the M Girl became a star, exploring Marilyn’s frustrations of not being taken seriously as an actor and her determination to achieve perfection. Featuring authentic copies of Marilyn’s most famous gowns along with archival footage.

Thursday, 8th March 8.00pm Adult $48.20 Conc $43.20 Child $43.20 Group (10+) $43.20

Wednesday, 14th March 11am Tickets $22.50 (Includes Morning Tea at 10.30am)

Wednesday, February 8, 2012 - Page 19 - The Herald, Barossa Valley





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Wednesday, February 8, 2012 - Page 20 - The Herald, Barossa Valley



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Kornacraft has it sewn up

FABRICS: Kornacraft employee Deb Stephan with just a small section of the colourful fabrics available at the new store in Murray Street.

Kornacraft history THE new Kornacraft Sewing Centre was officially opened by local State Member of Parliament, Tony Piccolo, who has a complete knowledge of the company. “My family has been a customer for about 40 years,” Mr Piccolo said. He said from humble beginnings in 1973, to today’s new premises and new name, the history of the Kornacraft Sewing Centre traversed a number of families and several businesses. The late Barry Lewis ran the Kornacraft business in Murray Street from the late ‘70s having taken over the business from his father who opened a store on Adelaide Road in 1973. In addition to craft supplies Barry also ran his framing business from the site. In 1970, Merle and Max Rodgers started the Gawler Singer Shop in what is now the Telstra Shop. While Max undertook repairs to sewing machines, Merle concentrated on the sale of fashion fabrics and accessories.

CRAFT and sewing enthusiasts have a new place to go to in Gawler to source all their supplies with the opening of the Kornacraft Sewing Centre at 108 Murray Street. Owner Kim Peake said the Kornacraft Sewing Centre, is at the junction of country and city, the gateway to the famous Barossa and Clare Valley wine regions. “The locals know, and tourists agree, that we are your one stop shop for art, craft, framing, haberdashery, machine embroidery software, threads and stabilisers, needlework, sewing machines, quilting fabric, patterns, tools, and much, much more,” Kim said. The Kornacraft Sewing Centre’s new, and permanent home, is in one of historic Gawler's oldest buildings, dated to 1868. Kim is excited about the latest Janome sewing machine. “Expand your sewing, quilting and embroidery to new horizons,” Kim said. “Your creative journey starts here.” “Kornacraft is offering a great introductory price and huge trade-in offers on any old machine for a limited time to celebrate our new store.” Kim said the staff at the Kornacraft Sewing Centre are confident customers will think the Janome MC12000 is the easiest to use machine of its type ever made.

ARRIVED: Kim Peake with the new Janome Memory Craft 12000.

Opening hours

Monday to Friday: 9am - 5pm Thursday: 9am - 7.30pm Saturday: 9am - 4pm

Mr Piccolo said he remembers going to the Singer Shop with his mother when he was a boy. “In those days mum had limited English skills and I would interpret for her,” Mr Piccolo said. The Singer Sewing Shop became the Gawler and Barossa Sewing Centre in 1994 when Marie Argent purchased it. They ran a second store in Tanunda with the help of Max and Merle’s daughter, Jenni Fenton, who currently works in the new Kornacraft Sewing Centre. In late 1990, the two businesses joined and began trading from 144 Murray Street and was purchased by current owners Kim and Chris Peake in 2005. “In recognition and acknowledgment of the history of the business, Kim and Chris have decided to pay their respects by renaming the business the Kornacraft Sewing Centre,” Mr Piccolo said.




ARTS: What might not be known about Kornacraft is that the store stocks the latest in art supplies. The store has everything an artist requires to complete their masterpiece from canvas, brushes, paints and finishing glazes to clay. Drop in and have a look at the wide range.

So Many Machines



Come in and view our huge range in our new store Machines starting from $199

Congratulations to Kim & the team at Kornacraft Sewing Centre on their move to 108 Murray Street, Gawler.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012 - Page 22 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


• Teak & Beech colours only • Sales end February 29th 2012 • Further Specials available in store


Ezy-Sew $499 normally $599

Ph: 8522 3246

108 Murray Street, Gawler www.kornacraft.com.au admin.barossaherald@ruralpress.com





RANDALL (née Schutz) Conrad Dylan Randall - A beautiful son born to Brad and Julie on 31 January 2012 at Gawler Health Service weighing 8lb 15oz. A baby brother for Keisha and precious grandson for Ian and Lyn and Kathy and Trevor

CASH FOR BOTTLES & CANS. Wine bottles, batteries, phone Lange's Can & Bottle Depot on 85642292 for trading hours, 20 Newcastle St, Angaston.

WHITE SHOP COUNTER damaged slightly by flood water, up on 2 sides about 30cm. Otherwise in perfect condition. Has one shelf, suit storage for shed/garage etc. Ph: 0422250725

J.W. SMART WOOLBUYERS PTY LTD. Will buy all types. Flexible hours. Ph: 0417878486 - jwsmartbigpond.com

Now at peace and in God's hands. Forever in our thoughts. Audrey's Funeral Service was conducted on MONDAY February 6, 2012, and was kindly officiated by Pastor Anthony Fox.

Barossa Valley 8562 1169 Accredited Member Australian Funeral Directors Association KERNICH, Audrey Irene. Sister to Pat & Hans Rath and Auntie to Robert, Christine & David. Sister to Ivy Bullard and Auntie to Graham & Gillian and all families. Now with her Lord. With wonderful memories.

IN MEMORIAM RANDALL Dylan Charles 23/01/87 - 11/02/09 We hold you close within our hearts We often speak your name So walk with us throughout our lives Until we meet again So dearly loved, so sadly missed Love Mum & Dad, Sarah, Sam & Doshie, Brad, Julie, Keisha & Conrad and Granny xxx

FOR SALE Barossa New Life Church TREASURE CHEST - FURNITURE MART 10 Murray St, Nuriootpa Tel. 85622988 Monday - Friday 9am - 4pm Saturday 9am - 12pm All donations of furniture, clothing, bric-a-brac enable us to assist our Community BAROSSA VALLEY Country Furniture Paint Stripping Furniture Restoration Custom Made. David Bush 0419628222 BOAT 4.57m f/blass Swiftcraft Runabout fwd controls, 70HP Johnson motor, on trailer, inlcudes safety gear $3000. Phone 85662425 BUILT TOUGH Camper van, off road. Smev kitchen on tailgate, 60 litre water tank, 3 jerry can holder & 12v. power. $9,500 Ph:85246892 admin.barossaherald@ruralpress.com

FISHER & PAYKEL 216 litre chest freezer $230. Excellent condition. INFINITI WALKER with incline. Near brand new. $300 Ph: 85624250 FOR URGENT SALE 3 seater lounge, royal blue, 21⁄2 years old, as new, $550 ono. Ph: 0428269981 HAY OATEN WHEATEN Hay from $35 roll Phone Peter & Bev Grocke 0429 694 058 or 8563 2113 INVACARE PEGASUS Mobility Scooter exc. cond. includes shopping basket, charger, oxygen carrier, for size C cylinder, flag, all instructions plus cover $2,750. Call 0447334898 LEADLIGHT - Local, professional affordable leadlight. I'll come to you, or call at Gawler Glass Design studio, 58 Yettie Rd, Williamstown. Weekly classes. Bob Pirch 85247241 MAINS pressure blue line poly from $37 roll. Gawler Irrigation, Lot 11, Paxton Street, Willaston. Ph: 85232350

BELINDA'S PAMPERED PETS NURIOOTPA Professional dog clipping, heated hydrobathing, blowdrying & nails for all breeds. LARGE & SMALL by an animal lover. Ph: 0418810323 HOOTZ DOG GROOMING Mobile. Qualified groomer. Nuriootpa Ph: Justin 0406840020


HYDROPAWS 4pawfectpaws. Mobile nose to tail pet care. Heated hydrobath, blowdry, nails & clipping. Ph: Bridget 0488444542

GARAGE SALES 8 CABERNET COURT, Nuriootpa. Saturday 11th February. 8.30 am - 2.00 pm. GARAGE SALE 11th February 2012, 9am-2pm, 14 Garrett Court Tanunda HAVING A GARAGE SALE? Advertise in The Herald classifieds, and get results! All Garage Sale ads MUST be prepaid. You can now place your classified ad at Kapunda Newsagency, deadline is Monday 4.30 pm. Classified deadline 5.00pm Monday (Maybe subject to change) Ph: 85632041 Fax: 85633655 or email admin.barossaherald@ruralpress.com NURAIP ROAD Nuriootpa. 60's & 70's wardrobes, TV's. washing machine, brica-brac, mag wheels suit Kingswood, '89 Mitsubishi Colt. Saturday 11/2/12 8am 4pm.

Community Helpers Inc DONATIONS

NEED A PUMP? For all your needs, Gawler Irrigation, Lot 11, Paxton Street, WILLASTON. Ph: 85232350

Of clothing & bric-a-brac

PLANTS - Natives, perennials, tube stock, water wise etc. MORNING STAR NURSERY Lot 1 Cossins St., Kapunda. Ph: 85663952. Open Thursday to Sunday 9am- 5pm.

For our Tanunda Shop 119 Murray Street Phone 8563 1105 Furniture Welcome Nuriootpa Warehouse 8562 2786

RECYCLED, RESTORED treasures of yesteryears. GERMAN MINI ALARM 100mm x 80mm stainless steel/pewter circa 1970s as new condition $66; SEIKO CORONA "triple dial" alarm 110mm diameter circa 1970s as new rare white /maroon model $88; SMITHS CERAMIC WALL CLOCK rare jewelled movement. Mid 1900s $125. Serious collectors! Enquiries always welcome. Free quotes to restore your clock or watch. Phone Ted on 8562 2384 RED 125CC V Moto Scooter only 700kms on clock, in good cond. $1500 ono. Contact Mick 85662985 SELLING, BUYING .......? Advertise in the Herald classifieds, and get results! Giveaway ads are run for 1 week, FREE. You can now place your classified ad at Kapunda Newsagency, deadline is Monday 5.00p.m. Classified deadline 5.00pm Monday. (Maybe subject to change) Ph: 85632041, Fax: 85633655 or email admin.barossaherald@ruralpress.com

TO GIVEAWAY GINGER KITTENS 1 male, 1 female, 7 weeks old. Light Pass 85622663 GIVE AWAY: 1 x Fuji Xerox Docuprint C2428 Series Colour Printer. With spare Drum Cartridge, Yellow toner, Magenta toner, Black toner and waste toner bottle. Must be able to pick up from Rowland Flat. 0417022648 GIVE AWAY 2 silky roosters 0423713636

SLUSHIE/FROZEN Cocktail Machine HOT CHOCOLATE Cocktail Machine PUCKER POWDER . FAIRY FLOSS Slush-a-Licous Phone Pina 0434141097 www.slush-a-licous.com.au Family owned, locally operated.

1/3 YOUNG STREET. Neat, 1 bedroom unit in Kapunda. Freshly painted. Good size living/dining area with kitchen and new AC unit. A good size bedroom with new carpet. Private rear yard area. No pets $160 per week. Avail now. Contact Brock Harcourt Gawler Property Management on 8523 3319 4/3 YOUNG STREET. Easy to maintain, 2 bedroom unit in Kapunda. Open plan kitchen, living and dining area. A/C unit in lounge. 2 decent size bedrooms. Easy to look after front garden. Private rear yard area. No pets. $160 pw avail 26.2.12 Contact Brock Harcourt Gawler Property Management on 8523 3319 KAPUNDA RENTAL - Brand new 3 bed, Master with walk through robe to 2 way bathroom, bed 2 & 3 with WIR. Well appointed kitchen with dishwasher, spacious open plan living and ducted R/C. Single lock up carport, fully enclosed low maintenance backyard, garden shed and rainwater. $290.00 pw, Available now. No pets. Ph: 0427605059 MARRABEL $240 p/w, large 4 br home, rural setting, lounge, dine, 2nd toilet, office. New carpet/paint. R/C ducted A/C. Adjoining 2 acres avail for additional rent. Avail. now. Landmark Redden 8847 2209 ROOM TO RENT, Brooklyn Park, quiet location, close to bus and shops. Large bedroom with BIR. Share with 3 country lads. Phone 0408817030.


Working for Carers Link and other charities

ROOMS FOR RENT En-suite from $175 p.w. Suit vintage workers. Ph: 85640400



ANY SCRAP METAL Will pay cash for the removal of yours. Ph: 0412259039 ANYTHING WITH METAL Cash 4 cars, free collection. HAPPY SCRAPPY recycle it! 85630213 or 0406411117 ANYTHING WITH METAL Cash 4 cars, free collection. HAPPY SCRAPPY recycle it! 85630213 or 0406411117 CASH FOR SCRAP METAL I AM LOCAL. Ph: 0411165694


it Keepal! loc

CIVIL CELEBRANT - Angela Nielsen Ceremonies designed for you. Marriages, namings, committment and renewal of vows. Ph: 0408107940 or 85642773 INDULGE MAKEUP & GLAMOUR Need your makeup done for weddings or special occasions?. Or maybe you just want to be pampered for a day with a free trial. Then contact me on 0478089616 for more information and pricing. Certificate II qualified in Makeup and Beauty Services Find me on Facebook: www.facebook.com /pages/Indulge-Make-Up-and-Glamour /155208387914786 LEADLIGHT STUDIO make new, repair old, traditional to contemporary. For quality & competitive prices contact Tracy 85246959 Willliamstown

General Towing, breakdowns, caravans, boats, farm machinery

0404 856 309

CHIROPRACTOR. Dr Kana Nathan 39 Murray St, Angaston. Consulting Saturdays Ph. 85642882


KERNICH, Audrey Irene. Passed away peacefully on January 31, 2012, at Tanunda War Memorial Hospital. Aged 83 years. Devoted wife to the late Aubrey Kernich Loving mother, mother-in-law, grandmother, great grandmother, sister and friend.

FIREWOOD Quality seasoned. Split red. blue, sugar gum, mallee stumps sawn mallee & bags of kindling. Weighbridge docket supplied. Pickup or deliver AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY. Matthew Reimann, Firewood Supplies. 0413089743. Delivery available 7 days by appointment. Credit Cards now accepted.




ENGEL & WAECO 12/24/240 volt fridge /freezers. All models. Best prices in the State. Gawler Fishing & Outdoors 85226200



ROGERS (nee Curtis): Sharyn and Peter welcome with love their first precious grandchild, Isabelle Margaret, born to Tom and Michelle on 1/2/12 at Calvary Hospital, weighing 7lb 5oz. All doing well!

ELBERTA PEACHES Ian Schwarz. Bethany 85632047

CASH FOR CARS and scrap metal. Ph: 0404856309 DAEWOO Musso Diesel. 4 x 4 manual, alloys, bull bar, tow bar. WTJ-095 $3,500 Ph: 0411475151

Wednesday, February 8, 2012 - Page 23 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

HANDS ON DOGS Providing services for your dogs. Grooming, massage, convalescence care. Call Jenny on 85232452 Gawler or 0423 474 287 www.barossaherald.com.au



• Tanunda Town Band •



An evening of classical music, featuring the beautiful music of Mozart, Vivaldi and Wagner.

Request for applications for the allocation of Child Care Benefit Approved Occasional Care and In Home Care Places

Saturday, 25 February 2012 Torbreck Vintners Cnr Stonewell & Roennfeldt Roads, Marananga.

The Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR) is seeking applications from operators of In Home Care and Occasional Care services or persons applying for approval of such services, interested in receiving an allocation of Occasional Care or In Home Care places, or an additional allocation of

Pre concert drinks served from 7.15pm, Concert commences 8.00pm. Tickets $30.00

such places. Further information, including the applicant guidelines and application forms, is available online at www.deewr.gov.au/earlychildhood. If you do not have internet access please contact 1300 363 079.

(Includes complimentary wine on arrival, Cheese platters at interval and Tea, coffee, cake at conclusion of concert)

Applicants will be required to make an objective assessment of their operational requirements, demonstrate their capacity to deliver quality child care and meet allocation criteria. Places are limited and there is no guarantee that all applicants will be allocated places. It is preferred that

Tickets/enquiries: On-line at www.tanundatownband.com TTB Secretary 8563 0406 a/h or 0407 971 003

applications are submitted electronically and must be received by Friday 9 March 2012.


NAILS, makeup & spray tanning. FULL SET ACRYLIC NAILS $45 Phone Lisa 0417658188 Williamstown

Applicable to display: Positions Vacant, Coming Events, Public Notices and other boxed classifieds.

Phone 8563 2041 or email: manager.barossaherald@ruralpress.com

Barossa Council Chambers ~All welcome~

Barossa United Junior Soccer Club




U15’s, U13’s, U11’s and U9’s Thursday 9th February 2012 5.00pm – 7.00pm

SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 19TH 11am – 1pm U6 – U8 $135, U9 – U17 $160 Fees to be paid on the day CLUBROOMS AT BAROSSA TOURIST PARK, ENTER AT GATE BEHIND NURIOOTPA HIGH SCHOOL OFF PENRICE RD Info: Grant Bell 85663668 (0488 963668), Suzanne Halman 85633640 (0427 633640) Online Registration at www.barossaunited.com.au (Registration not accepted until all fees are paid and subject to team requirements)


Cost: $36 WH1791330

Everything provided including personalised tuition, full notes and afternoon tea. For information, contact Evan or Jill on 8563 3204

The Barossa council is seeking expressions of interest from a third party supplier to provide bike hire through the Visitor Centre in Tanunda on a daily basis to service visitors coming into the centre. The supplier would work in partnership with the Centre and provide a small number of bikes to hire at an agreed rate to the public. The Centre would take full payment for hire and complete a return to the supplier twice monthly less an agreed commission rate. An expression of interest form with all the details is available by contacting Joanne Seabrook, Coordinator - Barossa Visitor Centre on 8563 0600 or jseabrook@barossa.sa.gov.au Submissions must be recieved by 5.00pm, Friday 17 February 2012 and should be addressed to: Director Corporate & Community Services, The Barossa Council, PO Box 867, Nuriootpa SA 5355 or alternatively can be emailed to barossa@barossa.sa.gov.au. Ian Bladwin Acting Chief Executive Officer

VENUE: Nuriootpa Senior Citizens Club 24A Murray St Bookings Phone 0408 103 791 CPR Ref done on the day 10am start All courses nationally accredited

Barossa Band Festival AW N I N G S

ROMAN SHADES We e Aust xceed standralian ards

• Hinged & Sliding Security Doors • Security Window Screens • Safe-S-Cape Keyless Fire Exits • Patio Enclosures • Commercial Security Screening • Cyclone Screening • Tamper Resistant Fasteners

Vertical screening ideal for outdoor restaurants, patios, verandahs, corporate signage. For sun and UV protection choose the fabric that suitsyour needs from hi-tech solar fabrics from France - PVC tinted or clear, blackout fabrics or stylish acrylic. The Ziptrak guide system has no ropes, no zips, no straps, no buckles.

Barossa Window Fashions



1 day course with work book and manual & SENIOR FIRST AID REFRESHER PUBLIC COURSE Wednesday March 6th 2012 9AM Start



(Bilyara Street entrance to the Tanunda Oval)




Commencing Monday 20th February, at 7pm or Wednesday 22nd February at 1pm Tanunda RSL Hall

To be held Thursday 1st March 2012 7.30pm in the Light Regional Council Committee Room 93 Main Street Kapunda ALL WELCOME For further details please contact Andrew Philpott 0417 817 566


Registration forms can be viewed at www.tanundafc.com or completed on the night. Payment may be made by direct credit (details on registration form), or by cash or cheque on the night. New players to bring proof of age please. All enquires to Dan Eggleton 0438824493 after hrs

Wednesday 8th February 6pm-10pm


Stand out from the crowd!

Tanunda Football Clubrooms


A three day celebration of our Celtic music and dance traditions.


QUILT SHOW February 17th - 18th. Tanunda C.W.A. Hall - 9am-4pm. Come & see Wendy Whellum & Elizabeth Camping work plus many other quilts. Bolts of fabric, Fat 1⁄4, B.O.M., Sweet Sixteen & many more. Come & say hello to;Jenny from Craft in the Vale Ph: 0439505550 Margaret from Country Fabric & Things Ph: 8581163 EFTPOS available. Gold coin donation towards Biggest Morning Tea.

REMEDIAL MASSAGE Trigger Point, Deep Tissue, Relaxation, Myo-fascial, Lymphatics. Health rebates. Acia Health / Physiotherapy, 1A Bilyara Road, Tanunda. Call Lynette Roesler 0409631553

When you place a display classified ad you can have a full colour logo or key parts of the text for only $55 on top of the price of the ad.

1800 447 499 Box 46, Tanunda SA 5352 www.barossawindowfashions.com.au

Wednesday, February 8, 2012 - Page 24 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Local community members are invited to be part of the Festival team to ensure the tradition of Band competitions continue in the Barossa. Notice of

Annual General Meeting Wednesday, 15 February 2012 7.30pm Marananga Band Hall, Seppeltsfield Road


GOSPEL MEETINGS every Sunday from 7pm - 8pm and Wednesdays 7.45pm 8.45pm. Gawler Sport & Community Centre, Nixon Tce., GAWLER. No collections, no literature distributed. EVERYONE WELCOME.

MASSAGE Therapeutic, Aromatherapy, Pregnancy Massage, Aromatherapy Pamper Packages, Myofacial Release, Reiki. 7 years professional experience. Gift vouchers & Pensioner discounts available. Consulting in Kapunda. Liz Ronan. Ph:85663125 or 0400760010


ARTISANS AT GREENOCK MARKET Greenock Town Square Friday Evenings 5.30pm - 8.30pm Live music, food, wine, unique stalls. Oct 14th, Nov.11th, Dec. 9th, Jan.13th, Feb. 10th, March 9th.

COLOUR 1790616



ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Need Help? Contact 83463255 Meeting: Friday's - C.W.A. Building Kapunda - 8pm.



Followed by refreshments. For further information please contact: Committee Chairman – Bevan Roennfeldt 0419 854 098 Secretary – Gwen Sando 0407 971 003


Send resumes to taniaa@gawlerpharmaciesptyltd.com.au Tania 94 Murray Street GAWLER SA 5118

Call to discuss (08) 8562 2122

Production Supervisor • •

Career opportunity Positive & proactive environment

Adelaide Brighton Cement, a top 200 ASX company, is a leading manufacturer of cement, lime and pre-packaged dry-blended products. Their cement plant at Angaston is an iconic and significant employer in the Barossa Valley for over half a century. As Production Supervisor your prime responsibility will be to Lead and coordinate a shift Operations Team ensuring OH&S, environmental, quality and production targets are met. Additionally you will provide management representation on back shifts.


The successful candidate will possess the following qualities: • The ability to Lead and work effectively with individuals and a team • Great interpersonal skills • Communicate and network effectively • The ability to work in a high pressure environment and adapt well to change • Can lead a team to work safely and maintain high quality standards • Positive “Can Do” attitude Applications from candidates with recent experience in the manufacturing or similar industries will be preferred.


This position will lead one of four production shift teams which operate the site 24/7 - 365 days a year. This position will require shift work on two 12 hour days; followed by two 12 hours night roster.

Applications close Monday 20th February


To register your interest in this role please forward your cover letter and resume to Helen Wearing-Smith via email hwearingsmith@coruspeoplesolutions.com.au Confidential enquiries can be made to Helen on 08 82217111.


(Tourism/Administration) This is a fantastic opportunity for a highly motivated individual to enter the tourism industry. Placed at the Barossa Visitor Centre you will undertake a twelve month traineeship which will include mandatory off-the-job training. The primary objective of your role will be to assist the Visitor Information Centre team by providing a friendly, efficient and effective information service to visitors, local tourism operators and the community. To be successful within this role you will require: • Completion of SACE Stage 2 (or equivalent) • Sound knowledge of quality customer service principles • Good interpersonal and communication skills • Organisational and time management skills • Sound literacy and numeracy skills • Computer literacy, particularly Microsoft Office Whilst not essential, previous experience in tourism, retail or a related field is advantageous, as is a strong interest in working within the tourism sector. For further information please refer to www.barossa.sa.gov.au or contact Human Resources on 8563 8444. To apply please forward your application addressing the qualifications, specialist knowledge and skills required to The Barossa Council, PO Box 867, Nuriootpa SA 5355 or email hr@barossa.sa.gov.au, by Wednesday 15th Feburary 2012. The Barossa Council is committed to EEO principles, workplace diversity and professional development.


Applicants will need to hold, or have the ability to acquire, an MR or HR licence and LP accreditation with DFC approval. Current drivers are encouraged to apply. Apply with details of previous experience to: LinkSA Cnr Stockwell Rd & Heuritsch Lane or PO Box 676 Angaston SA 5353 operations.angaston@linksa.com.au

Successful applicant will be required for flexible hours including night & weekend work on a rotating roster. Applications to: Executive Chef Nuriootpa Vine Inn Hotel-Motel PO Box 32 NURIOOTPA SA 5355 Email: execchef@vineinn.com.au Fax: 08 8562 3236

0438 630 075 for a interview

The Barossa – committed to excellence in Local Government

Gallery Project Officer Part time (12 hours per week) 1 Year Fixed Term Contract The Barossa Regional Gallery is a vibrant, high quality art space displaying arts and crafts from local Barossa artists as well as temporary and touring exhibitions including paintings and sculptures. This newly created position works closely with the Barossa Regional Gallery Committee to assist with the management of the efficient day-to-day operation of the Gallery and assisting with the provision of arts and cultural programs and services to the Barossa community and its visitors. To be successful within this role you will require; • Previous experience working within a community sector environment, preferably not-for-profit • Previous experience working within the retail sector • Excellent customer service skills and ability to deliver high quality service • Excellent communication skills, research and report writing skills • A keen interest in the arts, particularly visual arts Whilst not essential, previous experience managing and training volunteers will provide you with a distinct advantage as will previous experience working with local arts and culture programs. This is a unique opportunity to become involved in further developing a very successful community arts venue supported by a great team of volunteers and the Barossa Regional Gallery Committee. For further information please refer to www.barossa.sa.gov.au or contact Human Resources on 8563 8444. To apply please forward your application addressing the qualifications, specialist knowledge and skills required to The Barossa Council, PO Box 867, Nuriootpa SA 5355 or email hr@barossa.sa.gov.au, by Monday 20th February 2012. The Barossa Council is committed to EEO principles, workplace diversity and professional development.


12 Month contract

A casual position has become available in our highly organised kitchen at the Vine Inn Hotel. Experience in a la carte, function and bistro style work required.

Please phone





The Barossa - committed to excellence in Local Government

Join our rapidly expanding team Bus drivers required to undertake daily school service work for Nuriootpa High School. Commencing on 23rd April 2012.

Looking for a self-motivated, energetic person with a passion for food. WH1791160


$4000 Government Training Incen ves are available for *eligible par cipants making the course cost neutral!

Angas Park Fruit Company Pty Ltd has been established in the Barossa Valley for 100 years. We are seeking a self motivated and reliable tradesperson to work within a small team environment at Angaston. The successful applicant will be involved in all facets of maintenance on a variety of food processing and packaging equipment. Formal qualifications within the metal fabrication or fitting and turning trades is essential along with experience in the following areas. • Stainless steel welding and fabrication. • Problem and fault finding. • Haccp and food safety principles. • Preventative maintenance and condition monitoring systems. • Pneumatic control systems • Machine installation. The ability to work in a safe and environmentally responsible manner in compliance with all procedures is essential. Previous experience within the food industry while not essential will be highly regarded. The successful tradesperson may be expected to work afternoon shift to cover extended production requirements and some intrastate travel to other Angas Park sites may also be required. If you believe that you can successfully fulfil this role and posses a high level of integrity, communication skills and initiative, we would very much like to hear from you. Applications should be addressed to:Strictly Private and confidential Human Resource Department Angas Park Fruit Company Pty Ltd P.O Box 62 Angaston South Australia 5353 Or by Email to cwalters@angaspark.com.au Applications close 17th February 2012


Experienced, highly motivated cosmetic consultant required to join a team in busy modern pharmacy. PPT up to 30hrs/wk.





Engineering Tradesperson Mechanical

Cosmetic Consultant Vacancy

Applications close on Monday 20th Feb 2012


Negociants International is one of Australia’s leading exporters of premium wine, representing World class brands such as Yalumba, Heggies, Jim Barry, Henschke, Redbank and Vasse Felix. With marketing offices and distribution centres in New Zealand, the USA and UK, the Negociants International head office is located within the Yalumba Wine Company at Angaston, in the heartland of the Barossa Valley.

Export Sales & Marketing Assistant Negociants International is Yalumba’s export division and right now, we have an exciting position available for a talented professional to join our dynamic team. If you are enthusiastic about supporting the interesting and diverse processes involved in successfully marketing our brands to more than 50 international markets, we’d love to hear from you. You would be providing marketing updates, product information requests, coordination of manufactured brand information, tailored presentation coordination, sample requests and working closely with the sales team to monitor, analyse and report on brand sales information. Naturally, you will have highly-developed computing skills, including with the standard Microsoft suite of products and most importantly, outstanding communication and organisational skills. Initiative, attention to detail and a sense of humour are all highly valued in our team too. Ideally, you will have experience working in export and a work history in the wine industry will be a real advantage.

Faith Lutheran College is committed to providing a complete and distinctive secondary education in a caring Christian environment. Set on picturesque grounds at the foothills of the Barossa Valley in Tanunda, this co-ed school has a record of excellence catering for more than 680 students. This is a permanent part-time position of 35 hours per week for 42 weeks per year, for a person with excellent customer service and ICT skills with experience in Publishing being an advantage. Applicants must be supportive of the School’s Christian ethos. For more information, please visit the school’s website www.faith.sa.edu.au or contact Robyn Sloane, Principal’s Personal Assistant. Applications close on Friday 17th February, addressed to:

A competitive salary package will be negotiated with the successful candidate. Applications closing Friday 17 February will be treated in strict confidence and should be addressed to: Scott Washington Negociants International PO Box 10, Angaston SA 5353 Email: swashington@negociants.com For a confidential chat about the role, please call Scott on 0402 413 125.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012 - Page 25 - The Herald, Barossa Valley




WORK WANTED AWESOME PAVING all types of paving and retaining walls. Barossa Valley areas. Free quotes. Ph. Robert 0430447159 GUTTERS & combustion heater flues cleaned, odd jobs. Call Rob on 85247021 or 0401752406 HOME CLEANING & IRONING - $15 off first reg. service so you try us out. Ph: Carolyn or Nat till 8pm daily incl. w/ends. 0409691576 JOB WELL DONE! Do you need your home cleaned. Please phone Margaret on 0418940202 References available.


Forward resumes to taniaa@gawlerpharmaciesptyltd.com.au Tania 94 Murray Street GAWLER SA 5118


An opportunity exists in Gawler for a permanent part time qualified pharmacy dispensary technician. Experience in a medication packing role preferred. Applications close Friday 17 Feb 2012.

PAINTER Local experience. Quality work. Free quote. Ph: Peter 0417805982 Lic. No. BLD48086 ROLLER shutter repairs 08 85662922


Phone 8563 0198 I can work closely with my clients to find the level of treatment, care and team involvement they need to improve their health. With so many opportunities to experience new situations, learn new skills and master new models of care, every day is different. At SA Health, I can finish my shift feeling satisfied my career is on track and I have made an impact in someone’s life.

LAWN BOWLS Robertstown results for February 4. Division One at Spalding. Robertstown 84 v Spalding 58. B Friebel - 21, G Blaser - 22, N Eberhard - 35, J Sommerville - 22, M Colbey - 28, G Trengrove - 14. Division Two at Robertstown. Robertstown 46 v Clare Blue 58. D Niemz - 12, J Salter - 17, M Lehmann - 18, D Moulds - 16, A Menzel - 16, P Stopp - 25. Division Two has 15 teams in the competition and as all teams have now played each other, they are split into two sections with one section being Red which consists of eight teams being Clare Green 114 points, Hallett 133, Watervale 114, Blyth 114, Auburn 111, Clare Blue 92, and Saddleworth Gold 82. The other section White consists of the other seven teams being Burra Green 75 points, Booborowie 73, Burra Gold 69, Robertstown 59, Saddleworth Blue 56, Spalding 32 and Mintaro 23. All teams will play another three games with the finals for Division One and Two commencing on March 17 and the Division Two White grand final being played on March 24 and the Division One and Division Two Red being played on March 31. The Association Championships are being played on Sunday, February 26 with Division One Pairs being played at Auburn and Fours at Mintaro, Division Two Pairs are being played at Booborowie and the Fours are being played at Burra. The Champion of Champions Singles are being played at Blyth.

Clinical Nurse Child & Family Health Service Nuriootpa Job Ref: 499049

Teams for February 11. Division One v Clare Red (1.30pm start): J Stacey, Joanne Kotz, L Booth, B Friebel; G Rooke, S Schulz, N Nicholson, M Colbey; C Heinrich, A Kotz, R Kotz, G Kotz. Hostess: Ros Schulz. Duty rink: G Kotz. Bar: D Niemz.

Day Care Coordinator Eudunda Hospital Job Ref: 500265


Division Two v Mintaro (2pm start): M Launer, R Schutz, R Wilksch, D Niemz; D Ruediger, T Rule, R Coe, M Lehmann; S Wilksch, R Dunsdon, A Menzel, A Cox. Hostess: Lyn Kirk. Duty rink: M Lehmann. Bar: M Lehmann.

SA Pathology, Kapunda Job Ref: 500029 www.health.sa.gov.au/careers 1300 882 992

RIFLE SHOOTING Kapunda Rifle Club Results of the February 4 contest for the D and J Pumpa Trophy over 500 yards with 13 members competing. D Lindner took the trophy using 48.48% of handicap and was top off rifle for Fullbore. T Otto was top off rifle for F Class. Sniper was A Helbig with 19.2 Scores Fullbore Barrie S: 38, 48.5, 86.5, 14.75, 100, 10 Davies G: 43.1, 45.1, 88.2, 13.75, 100, 15 Helbig T: 46.1, 46.2, 92.3, 6.5, 98, 19.2 Hoerisch J: 47.1, 47.3, 94.3, 6, 100, 18 Ireland R: 47.4, 48.2, 95.6, 7, 100, 19.1 Klose T: 47.4, 45, 92.4, 7.25, 99, 13 Lindner D: 49.3, 47.3, 96.6, 8.25, 100, 17 Williams L: 45.4, 48.2, 93.6, 4, 97, 18.1 F Class: Kerin A: 51, 56.5, 107.5, 13.5, 120, 22 Larsen P: 51, 51, 102.1, 15, 117, 16 Larsen S: 53.1, 49.1, 102.2, 19 Otto T: 56.4, 58.2, 114.6, 9.5, 120, 21.1 Smithson S: 49.2, 47, 96.2, 17 Next week - 700 yards T and S Klose Trophy 2nd stage. Members are asked to urgently contact the captain or secretary if available for the Country Teams match, Sunday, March 18.

BRIDGE BAROSSA Last Wednesday week Fran Hannan and Ron Male were first with 59.9%, followed by Trish Male and Jill Allanson 59.3%, and third were Joan Lee and Kevin Jones 57.4%. Last Monday first were Eunice Kampman and Jim Hayes with 63.1%, followed by Rhonda Wallace and Jill Allanson 54.8%, Toni Harvey and Hans Haan 51.8%, Joan and Howard Haese with Joan Lee and Kevin Jones all on 46.4%, Pam and Max Jahn 44.6%, Mary Clerk and Evan Allanson 41.4%. On Wednesday at five tables first were Joan and Howard Haese with a lovely 65%, followed by Helen Farrelly and Toni Harvey 60.9%, Elaine Kenny and Alec Harris 56.7%, Jill and Evan Allanson 53.5%, Fran Hannan and Ron Male 51.2%, Marg Long and Trish Male 47.2%, Hans Haan and Kevin Jones 41.2% Peta Connor and Chris Stutley with Annie Harris and Judy Fechner all on 40%.

Twoway Crossword No 0080

Bridge lessons start, at the RSL Hall Tanunda Oval, on Monday evening. February 20. The course is for six weeks is is a sound introductory course with follow up lessons and practice.

PETANQUE Gawler Petanque Club presentation and AGM 2012 on Sunday, February 5. The members met at noon for a light lunch. Trophy winners were as follows; Highest aggregate: 1st John Gejas 809 points; 2nd Glenis Head 652; 3rd Stan Wilson 632. Best improved: 1st Les Roud 35.12%; 2nd Cameron Paul (junior) 24.57%; 3rd Allan Harris 10.03%. Medal was presented to Brian Harris on behalf of his late father Allan. Jim Steel challenge - Intra club competition (doubles). Winners: Rose Parman and Alan Parman; Runner-up: Iris Stephenson and Glenis Head. Roy Bristow Commemorative Award: Highest Under-18 aggregate - 1st Luke Randall 457 points; 2nd Cameron Paul 396; 3rd Harvey Walker 304. After the presentation of the trophies the AGM was held. The new committee is: President Glenis Head; Secretary Stan Wilson; Committee: Rob Mitchell, Margaret Randall and Rogers Davis Gawler Petanque Club usually meets at 1.30pm on Sundays at Essex Park,Victoria Terrace, Gawler (next to tennis courts), unless the forecast temperature on the preceding Thursday evening is for 30°C or above play will start at 9.30am. The first Sunday of each month games are played at Chateau Dorrien, Tanunda. Everyone, from eight years upwards, is welcome to come along and enjoy a game of petanque. The first three visits are free. Experience is not necessary, boules and training are available. For more information contact Margaret Randall on 8563 1323 or 0427 631 323. Proudly brought to you by

For your chance to win a bottle of Langmeil wine, complete the crossword only and drop the entry form into The Herald office Monday by 4.30pm. Winners need to collect their wine within the week. Last week’s winner was Ron Carr of Tanunda.

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Wednesday, February 8, 2012 - Page 26 - The Herald, Barossa Valley




Rangers again Barossa and Light cricket By MIKE TEAKLE By ROBERT LAIDLAW GAWLER Rangers won back-toback games for the first time this season with a 6-2 victory over second-placed Sturt Saints in division three baseball. It was their third win in four weeks with the foundation laid in the first inning, as the Rangers scored four runs, Sam Murphy’s huge three-run home run doing most of the damage. In fact it could have been even better, as the first five Gawler hitters of the game reached first base. Dylan Winning leading off with a single, followed by Andre Benjamin’s safe bunt, Murphy’s big blow, Ricky Clark’s walk and Rick Leonard’s hit. A double play halted the push, and over the next three innings Sturt was able to restrict the damage. But Gawler kept the Saints at bay, as starting pitcher Benjamin (pictured) was on fire from the mound, throwing five shut-out innings to keep the Rangers in control. The combination of Benjamin and Murphy manufactured another Gawler run in the bottom of the fifth frame for a 5-0 lead. With two out in the sixth dig, Sturt started a rally after an infield hit, scoring twice and loading the bases before Benjamin struck out his 12th batter of the game, and the Rangers added one further tally in the bottom of the inning on hits to Leonard and Ryan O’Handley. Benjamin was magnificent on the mound, giving up just four hits three in the final inning, while walking six batters. From the first four innings, he had recorded 10 K2s from the first 12 outs, as well as assisting in one of the other two. It was the club’s best senior round for the season, as all three teams won on the same day for the first time, with the Division Five side beating Southern Districts 11-3 and Division Seven winning 9-1 against Northern Districts. Scoring consistently, the Division Five boys built a solid 11-0 lead before South managed three runs at the death knell, with Liam Holland pitching well and Dean Richards collecting three hits.

The Division Seven team pulled off an unexpected victory, beating the top side, with a seven-run final inning after leading 2-1 in a tight game. Wayne Jenkins pitched a magnificent game and collected two hits, while the father and son Trevor and Thomas Norley picked up important hits. Gawler Rangers under 14 came from behind to beat Kensington 1918. Hamish Nemeth-Webb and Callam Borchard collecting RBI hits in the final inning to get the side home. Tailing 6-7 going into its last turn at bat, Gawler’s other under 14 team scored five times to beat Adelaide 117. Six errors in the first two innings gifted the opposition six runs, with good pitching from Ben Mayfield keeping the home side in the game. Gawler’s Little League Majors kept on the winning track with a hardfought 10-9 victory over Henley and Grange, led by good batting from Zakeray Heintze-Unger and Jack Jenkins. Little League Minors fought hard against Woodville but went down 912, the highlight a big home run by Hunter Power. In Gawler Slow Pitch, SA Nomads and TGI Friday started the new season off with victories, with Gawler Rangers having a bye.

Division Three Sturt 0 0 0 0 0 2 -2 Gawler Rangers 4 0 0 0 1 1 -6 Hits: Andre Benjamin 3, Sam Murphy 2 (hr), Rick Leonard 2, Dylan Winning, Ryan O’Handley.

Division Five Gawler Rangers 11 d Southern Districts 3. Hits: Dean Richards 3, Liam Holland 2, James Sheekey, Dylan Winning, Paul Skelton, Aaron Jerram, Mark Amphlett.

Division Seven Gawler Rangers 9 d Northern Districts 1. Hits: Wayne Jenkins 2, Glen Holland, Trevor Norley, Darren Unger, Thomas Norley.

Under 14 Gawler 11 d Adelaide 7. Hits: Zac Allen 3, Chris Mayfield 2, Jake Jarvis 2, Ben Mayfield, Ethan Ly, Mark Bergen. Gawler Rangers 19 d Kensington 18. Hits: Hamish Nemeth-Webb 2, Michael Walton 2, Josh Young, Thomas Norley, Dylan Allan, James Gillard-Martin.

Little League Majors Gawler Rangers 10 d Henley & Grange 9. Hits: Zakeray Heintze-Unger 2, Jack Jenkins 2, Declan Gillard-Martin, Matthew Young, Sebastian Heintze-Unger, Alex Smethurst.

Little League Minors Woodville 12 d Gawler Rangers 9. Hits: Trent O’Brien, Hunter Power (hr), Jacob Carson, Bailey Smith, Wyatt Ryan, Cameron Keon.

Next games: Wednesday: Under 14 A v GGCD Dodgers away, 6.15pm; Under 14 B v GGCD at home, 6.15pm. Saturday: Division Three v Glenelg away, 3pm; Division Five v Henley & Grange away, 11am; Division Seven v Playford City at home, 3pm. Sunday: Under 14 A v West Torrens at home, 3pm; Under 14 B v Kensington at home, 12.30pm; LL Majors v GGCD at home, 10am; LL Minors v East Torrens away, noon.

Slow pitch: Results: TGI Friday 2.44 d Giants 1.07; SA Nomads 3.14 d White Pointers 0.50. Points: SA Nomads 2, TGI Friday 2, White Pointers 0, Giants 0, Gawler Rangers 0. This Friday’s games: 7.15pm - Gawler Rangers v SA Nomads and White Points v TBA; 8pm - Giants v TGI Friday. Games are played at Elliott Goodger Memorial Park, and follow the tee-ball and rookie ball games, which start at 6pm. For details on Slow Pitch, contact Rob on 0407 979 163. admin.barossaherald@ruralpress.com

GAWLER Central’s late season surge saw them post a formidable target (8/291) on day one of their clash with Tanunda. The Tigers new-look top order has been stellar of late and delivered again as Ben Tobitt (39), Jamie McCafferty (34) and Aaron King (150 not out) all got among the runs. At the other end of the scale Angaston’s batting has been anything but consistent as the Blues crashed to just 111 on the first day of the fixture against Kapunda. No batsman could make it to 30 for the home side as Robbie Johnson produced the stunning figures of 6/31 from 15.2 overs. In reply Kapunda, 1/92, have the game all but sewn up as Sam Ryan (29 not out) and Mark Johnson (46) set the tone. Gilbert Valley are in a strong position after hammering the Sandy Creek attack to the tune of 263 runs thanks to knocks from Craig Mullins (67) and James Vandeleur (63). South Gawler’s 165 shouldn’t be enough to stop a Nuri side keen to get back on the winners’ list. Riley Barker carried his bat for the Lions (105 not out) and the Tigers finished day one on 3/98. In A1 reserves, Greenock are well placed in the clash with Freeling thanks to a brilliant 140 by their captain Gary ‘Cat’ Stevens. The Schlungers finished the day on 194. A century from Light Pass batsman Steven Hill (101) and strong support from Sean Schrapel (69) and Wade Gripton (56) put the Lights on top (290) in the game against Lyndoch. In the A3s Sandy Creek bowler Matt Cotton (6/27 from 15.1) eventually dismissed Freeling opener Jarred Brennan (71) to claim scalp number six and leave the Redlegs on 121. The Cockatoos are currently 2/32, with Brian Silvy not out on 30 in reply. Gilbert Valley batted first against Nuri and were helped to 218 by Sam Goodfellow’s 101 while the Tigers sit poised on a knife edge at 2/39 in reply. In the A5 game between South Gawler and Eudunda/Robertstown, 14-year-old Cody Reese from Eudunda took a hat-trick in senior cricket by dismissing the last three opposition batsmen. His bowling figures were 4/12. A1 South Gawler 165 (R T Barker 105*, J C Lienert 3/63, D S Doecke 2/3, A Prior 2/19, D Schiller 2/36) v Nuriootpa 3/98 (M George 29, M Sims 2/10). Gilbert Valley 263 (C A Mullins 67, J M Vandeleur 63, R Vandeleur 38, M G Burden 3/35, C Roberts 3/63, L Hill 2/60, S Hands 2/61) v Sandy Creek. Gawler Central 8/291 (A J King 150*, B P Tobitt 39, J Mccafferty 34, S Akkerman 4/68) v Tanunda. Angaston 111 (B D Kurtz 29, R Johnson 6/31) v Kapunda 1/92 (M Johnson 46, S Ryan 29*). A1 Reserves Greenock 194 (G Stevens 140, R J Montgomery 7/103, C Hirst 2/20) v Freeling 0/2. Eudunda-Robertstown 8/197 (D Cluse 41, T Baker 39*, S R Nietschke 29, K Nietschke 29, L Eberhard 26) v Truro. Lyndoch v Light Pass 290 (S Hill 101, S Schrapel 64, W Gripton 56, N Goulding 3/65, S Scally 2/28, M J Robinson 2/66, B R Tanti 2/74). A2 Light Pass 4/16 (M Pech 2/8) v Angaston 142 (D Schmidt 40, B Brook 27, G Miller 5/36, P Braunack 2/16, M Baumann 2/36). Sandy Creek 2/127 (R C Handtke 65*, A J Wallwork 48*) v Greenock 98 (P Verne 40, D Schilling 32, G L Davis 6/46, M Darlington 3/4). Nuriootpa 5/61 v South Gawler 115. Tanunda 179 (T Swan 53, P Graetz 47, J King 3/25, D J Miller 3/41, A K Ness 2/16) v Gawler Central. A3 Freeling 121 (J Brennan 71, M P Cotton 6/27, J Power 3/31) v Sandy Creek Green 2/32 (P Silvy 30*). Gilbert Valley 218 (S Goodfellow 110, M Day 42, M Hammerling 3/43, D Moore 2/22, R Schultz 2/59) v Nuriootpa 2/39 (J Molineux 2/8). Truro 105 (K Hoffmann 40, W Roberts 7/24) v Lyndoch 2/33 (S Murphy 2/10). Sandy Creek Yellow 2/8 (B Hornhardt 2/5) v Gawler Central 224 (J Bernardo 91, S Dawe 39, B Hornhardt 26, S D Sefton 3/32, R Muirhead 2/41, K Rule 2/42). Kapunda 209 (M M Good 58, M Good 37*, L Hoffman 28, D Eggleton 4/44, J Ellis 3/50, B Miegel 2/25) v Tanunda. A4 Nuriootpa 8/233 (D James 58, R Moore 29, B Giles 28, C Longo 2/21, C Malsom 2/41, D Boyle 2/45) def Lyndoch 5/183 (D Boyle 62*, A Melville 36, B Giles 2/26). Kapunda 175 (C Ryan 59, J Van Dissel 27) def by Mallala 4/178 (W Farrelly 88, T Cawrse 37*, N Work 29, M Van Dissel 2/39).

One day semi-finals REIGNING champions Angaston will take on Kapunda at Sandy Creek in the one day grand final from 1pm on Sunday. In the semi-finals, Angaston (2/97) defeated Gawler Central (92) thanks to a man of the match performance from opening batsman Scott Rathjen (42 not out) and 2/14 with his off-spinners including the crucial wicket of Ty Stock with just the ninth ball of the innings. Kapunda (5/85) comfortably accounted for Gilbert Valley (82) in their semi final. A1 One day semi final round. Gawler Central 93 def by Angaston 2/97. Gilbert Valley 82 def by Kapunda 5/85.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012 - Page 27 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

HOW’S THAT?: Kapunda wicketkeeper Kieran Chappell attempts a stumping of Angaston batsman Brandon Kurtz. Greenock 3/134 (D Lloyd 84, B Smart 2/10) def Tanunda 129 (M Hoklas 34, P Nitschke 3/17, K Hampel 3/26, R Lieschke 2/35). Gawler Central 81 (M James 38, G Rooney 2/15, J Watts 2/18, G Shaw 2/19, J Meaney 2/25) def by Freeling 5/86 (M Goodwin 27, B Hughes 2/15). A5 Angaston 125 (D Carnelly 41, T Taylor 4/26, B Matthews 4/28) def Light Pass 109 (A Hoffmann 25, M J Lightburn 4/13, T Richardson 3/37). South Gawler 184 (J Quast 44*, G Murphy 44, P Blackburn 26, C Reese 4/12, R Partington 4/28) def Eudunda-Robertstown 10/151 (T Grosser 48, J Molenaar 3/14, J Benson 3/35, M J Oxley 2/25). Gilbert Valley 3/314 (L Molineux 108, T Reichelt 99, C S Busch 70*, C Shaw 2/50) def Greenock 8/161 (D Rosenzweig 47, K Fuller 46, A Busch 2/15, M Busch 2/20, P Callery 2/26). Under 16 Angaston 0/42 v Sandy Creek Green 68 (S T Buckley 4/5, B W Homes 3/9, A J Dutschke 2/9). Gawler Central Black v Greenock 155 (S Keller 80*, J Robertson 43, J Harvey 3/27, J Urquhart 2/20). Gawler Central Gold had a bye. Mallala/Lyndoch v Freeling. Sandy Creek Gold 124 (C Robinson 41, J Millar 3/3, D Judd Smith 2/13) v South Gawler. Nuriootpa/Light Pass 9/75 (H Smith 2/4, T Hunt 2/13, J Brown 2/14) v Kapunda. Under 14 Freeling 65 (B Biagi 2/12) v Tanunda. Gawler Central v Lyndoch 7/135 (M Quinn 26*). Kapunda 8/230 (D Grosser 5/33) v EudundaRobertstown. Sandy Creek 90 (D Atherton 2/6) v Nuriootpa. South Gawler v Gilbert Valley 7/218 (C L Barker 2/34). Angaston had a bye. Under 12 Eudunda-Robertstown 6/47 def by South Gawler 8/67 (K Hayter 2/3, R McMullen 2/4). Sandy Creek v Tanunda Black. Gilbert Valley Blue v Nuriootpa. Gawler Central 4/116 def Mallala 9/74. Tanunda White v Light Pass. Gilbert Valley Maroon had a bye. Greenock v Angaston. Lyndoch def by Gilbert Valley Red. Under 10 Light Pass had a bye. Kapunda v Sandy Creek. Lyndoch 43 def by Truro 3/53. Greenock Green 8/58 def by Greenock Gold 0/72. Freeling v Tanunda.



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SPORTS STARPLEX STARPLEX Swimming Club finished seventh at the 2012 SA State Open and Multi-Class Long Course Championships held at the SA aquatic and leisure centre from January 27-29 The team of nine swimmers competed in 28 events taking home one gold, one silver and four bronze medals. The swimmers who qualified to compete for STARplex were Makayla Ailmore, Kate Edwards, Ben Jackson, James McKechnie, Shay Middlemiss, Luke Sugrue, Gavin Wall, and Tyler Zecchini. Day One saw James McKechnie qualify second in the 200m breaststroke and finish with gold in the final. James continued to swim well adding a silver medal to his tally in the 200m individual medley final. The day concluded with Makayla Ailmore swimming a PB in the final of the 50m backstroke while Shay Middlemiss took half a second off her time from the morning preliminary in the 100m breaststroke final. Day Two continued well with James adding a bronze medal in the male 50m breaststroke, Shay Middlemiss narrowly missed out on a medal, finishing fourth in the 50m breaststroke. Makayla Ailmore, Tyler Zecchini and Luke Sugrue all qualified for finals but did not add to the medal tally however Tyler swam a nine-second PB for the 400m IM qualifying for the 2012 Australian Age Championships. Day Three concluded the meet with James and Makayla both qualifying for finals. Makayla finished sixth in the 50m butterfly finals and James finished with bronze in the 100m breaststroke. The girls relay team consisting of Shay, Kya, Makayla and Kate also picked up bronze in both the 4x100m medley and 4x100m freestyle relays. As part of the lead up to the Australian Age Championships to held in Brisbane in April, head coach Steve Garner will be taking a team of five swimmers; James, Shay, Makayla, Kya and Kate to compete at the NSW State Age Championships from February 10-12.

Basketball Monday juniors: 12 and under - Division One - Barossa d Warriors 33-23; Storm d Jets 28-15; Undertakers d Sandy Creek 50-17. Division Two - All Stars d Barossa Bulldogs 24-18; Brookers d T-Legends 22-8; Barossa d Red Devils 26-8; Starplex Hawks d Celtics 16-6. 14 and under - Sharks d Lakers 28-5; Hawks d Brookers 16-13. 16 and under - Barossa Blue d Red Dragons 22-15. Monday evening men Division One - M&M’s d Flight Team 42-37; He Got Game d Blitzers 41-33; Crumpet Squad d By The Beard Of Chuck 40-29; Run & Gun d Wizards 55-42; Shooting Blanks d Wolverines 42-24. Division Two - Kings d Orlago Bujic 5653; Muffin Stuffers d Flames 53-26; Dilligaf d Black Knights 35-20; Shakers d Wreckless 34-21; Off In The Shower d Turbos 35-31. Tuesday daytime ladies Phantoms d Flamin ‘Flamingos 59-34; Cheeky Chicks d Rhondauves 63-35.

Netball Monday night ladies Checkmates d Purple 26-24; Wild Turkeys d Barossa High 5s 43-18; Gotacks d Bulldozers 39-34; South Gawler d Divas 24-22; Jitterbugs d Xavier 23-8; Watch Out d Pythons 31-16; Don’t Care d Trinity College 20-16; Fumble Beez d Krazy Kats 33-12; South d Randoms 27-25; Meatloaf d The Bitties 26-25. Tuesday evening mixed Whateva Treva d Balls Of Steal 43-13; Pink Paws d Black Thunders 30 -15; Dirty Beaches d Power Rangers 27-20; Can’t Touch This d That’s What She Said 33-24. Wednesday junior 11 and under - Trinity 7 d Trinity 2 20-11; Trinity 1 d South Gawler 16-6; Trinity 3 d Trinity 5 27-10. 13 and under - Trinity 1 d Trinity 3 22-20; Trinity 6 d Trinity 7 14-11; Trinity 2 def Trinity 4 24-17. 16 and under - Inter One - Trinity 2 d Trinity 5 49-6; Trinity 3 d Trinity 1 49-3. Inter Two - Trinity 4 d Trinity 6 31-8; Trinity 2 d Trinity 5 24-10; Trinity 1 d Trinity 3 29-2. Wednesday evening ladies Tigers d Trinity 6 22-0; Trinity 2 d KMP 17-14; The Fruit Loop d Dirt Diamonds 34-24; Mels Army d Mamma Bears 40-12; Lollipops d Trinity 5 35-23; Mallala d Mixed Nuts 3013; Bits & Pieces d Escapees 24-20; Trinity 4 d Family Affairs 43-15; Pink Bits d Trinity 1 37-16; INXS d Trinity 3 20-0; Diamonds d Two Wells roosters 37-25. Wednesday evening mixed Rascals d All Blacks 36-24; Skalliwags d Sparkle Motion 39-4; The Fat Pack d Lucky Lemons 16-14. Friday ladies daytime Barely There d Lady Birds 31-25; Wasleys d Skittles 5819; Straight up d Mummas 20-0.




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Barossa, Light and Gawler tennis Senior results Division One: Xavier Saints 6-6-73 def by 10-10-87 Tanunda; Nuriootpa 9-9-78 def 7-7-75 Kapunda; Roseworthy 10-10-95 def 6-6-73 Vine Vale. Nuriootpa secured a finals position and moved into second position on the ladder with a tight 9 sets to 7 win over an undermanned Kapunda. Nuriootpa loom as the wild card in the finals and have strong and consistent ladies and mens teams that have only lost two matches this season. Roseworthy returned to form with a good 10 sets to 6 win over Vine Vale at Roseworthy. The win consolidates Roseworthy’s third spot but with Lyndoch and Vine Vale breathing down their necks for a finals’ spot Saturday’s win was vital. Roseworthy are the reigning premiers and will be right in the finals action in March. In the top ladies single Roseworthy’s Mel Leeflang won 6-3 over the consistent Megan Samain and in the mens Roseworthy’s Jayden Ruediger defeated Wade Dahlitz 64. In the last match Tanunda outlasted Xavier Saints 10 sets to 6 at Essex Park in Gawler. With key players unable to play it was pleasing to see many younger players take the court. In the top ladies single Tanunda’s Sharon Jenner defeated Erin Butcher 6-2 while in the mens, Xavier’s Wayne Butcher defeated Justin Menzel 61. Tanunda was too good in the doubles to secure its third win for the season.

Division Two: Tod Street 3-3-64 def by 13-13-95 Lyndoch; South Gawler White 5-5-65 def by 11-1192 Tanunda White; Nuriootpa 4-465 def by 12-12-93 Willaston; Tanunda Black 0-0-38 def by 1616-108 South Gawler Blue. The Division Two competition is red hot with six points separating first and third. Willaston hold the top position by one point over South Gawler Blue in what is shaping as a replay of last year’s grand final. However, Lyndoch will be right in the mix and will be keen to upset the Gawler teams.

Division Three: Willaston United 77-69 def by 9-9-81 Cockatoo Valley; Keyneton 5-5-50 def by 1111-81 Virginia Green; Vine Vale 6-6-58 def by 10-10-66 Willaston Blue. It was a warm and cloudy afternoon that saw Cockatoo Valley defeat Willaston United. The day began with the playing of the straight doubles and saw Cockatoo Valley gain a handy lead winning three of the four doubles. Cockatoo Valley then consolidated their lead by winning four of the eight singles. It was then down to the mixed doubles to decide the day, where Cockatoo Valley managed to maintain their lead by winning two of the four mixed doubles played. Valiant 7-6 wins were had by Cockatoo Valley’s doubles combination of Bev Walters and Jane Sanders. For all things tennis in Gawler go to www.gawlertennis.com.au. Barossa, Light & Gawler Combined

Division One Boys: Lyndoch 4-27 def Angaston 2-29; Freeling / Tanunda 6-42 def Roseworthy 0-0. Division Two Boys: Vine Vale 4-32 def Trinity College 2-24; Xavier Saints 6-42 def Lyndoch Blue 0-9 Division One Girls: Marananga 336 def Lyndoch 3-31; Xavier Saints 4-30 def Kapunda 2-28. Division Two Girls: Lyndoch 6-42 def Angaston 0-20; Freeling/Tod Street 3-32 def Tanunda 3-29; Kapunda 3-39 def Xavier Saints 332.

Barossa and Light Tennis Association Junior Matches

Division Three: Tanunda White 636 def Tanunda Black 0-15; Moculta 3-27 def Lyndoch 3-21; Angaston 4-33 def Nuriootpa 2-23; Tanunda Silver 5-35 def Kapunda 1-19. Division Four: Tanunda Black 4-31 def Tanunda Silver 2-27; Nuriootpa 6-36 def Angaston 0-15; Tanunda White 4-29 def Vine Vale 2-23. Division Five: Freeling 5-35 def Keyneton 1-10; Lyndoch 5-35 def Marananga 1-14 Division Six: Nuriootpa 4-29 def Tanunda Black 2-28; Vine Vale Green 3-27 drew Freeling 3-27; Angaston 5-34 def Vine Vale White 1-17; Kapunda Red 5-34 def Tanunda White 1-18. Division Seven (green ball): Tanunda White 6-36 def Angaston White 0-19; Vine Vale Green 5-34 def Kapunda 1-20; Tanunda Black 3-30 def Angaston Blue 3-26; Vine Vale Black 4-31 def Vine Vale White 2-26; Nuriootpa 6-36 def Keyneton 0-10; Freeling 6-36 def Tanunda Silver 0-11. G&DTA Junior Results Girls Division Three: Trinity 4-37 d Xavier Saints 2-31; Lutheran St Georges 6-37 d Tod Street 0-14. Division Four: Trinity Gold 6-37 d Lutheran St Georges 0-18; Xavier Saints 4-27 d Trinity Blue 2-16. Boys Division Three: Xavier Saints 6-37 d Lutheran St Georges Black 0-19; Lutheran St Georges 6-36 d Willaston 0-11; Riverton 4-29 d Trinity Gold 2-28. Division Four: Roseworthy 3-24 d Xavier Saints 3-23; Willaston 4-29 d Xavier Saints Black 2-24. Division Five: Trinity Blue 5-33 d Trinity Red 1-17; Trinity White 4-29 d Willaston 2-19 Players and parents are reminded that matches are to begin at 8.30am and players should arrive at courts by 8.15am. If anyone has left messages on Heather Szulc’s home phone and the call has not been returned please call again as homeline was out of order and messagebank lost. Everything is now working. Hotshots for Juniors under 12 begins on Friday or Sunday. Details on website Gawlertennis.com.au Night Tennis

Monday Night Red/White Gully Breezes 8-59 def Freeling Outsiders 4-45; Peckers 10-66 def Barossa Blues 2-34; Maranock 860 def Via Allendale 4-41; Cana’balls 12-74 def Kapunda 026; Woodies 10-68 def Angaston All Stars 2-28. Monday Night Blue Freeling Extras 9-62 def Keyneton 3-37; Kick Ace 6-51 def Whose Fault 6-43. Wednesday Night Red Tanunda Down Under 9-66 def Gibson Wines 3-44; Angaston Panthers 9-64 def Nuri Chasers 336; Lyndoch Leftovers 9-63 def VVTC Bottles 3-47; Toyota Cruisers 8-69 def The Bye 4-45. Wednesday Night White Rebels 6-49 def What a Racquet 642; Mixers 8-65 def Loose Cannons 4-50; Match Fixers 9-61 def Team Racket 3-37; Hermansberg 11-71 def Stablemates 1-27. Wednesday Night Blue Angaston Blues 8-63 def Manooknas 4-45; Tiggers 9-61 def Making a Racquet 3-32; Havin a Ball 10-67 def Parrots 2-42. Thursday ladies Vine Vale White 4-29 def Vine Vale Viognier 2-26; Angaston 5-35 def Freeling 1-21; Marananga Movers 6-36 def Marananga Marvels 0-16; Tanunda Shiraz 3-28 def Tanunda Grenache 3-23; Nuriootpa bye.

BACKHAND: Nuriootpa’s Dillon Campbell in Senior One.

Barossa and Light Tennis Association premierships Seniors Division One R Team P 1 Kapunda 11 2 Nuriootpa 10 3 Roseworthy 10 4 Lyndoch 11 5 Vine Vale 11 6 Tanunda 10 7 Xavier Saints 11 Seniors Division Two R Team P 1 Willaston 12 2 South Gawler Blue 13 3 Lyndoch 13 4 Tanunda White 13 5 Nuriootpa 13 6 Tod Street 13 7 South Gawler White 13 8 Tanunda Black 12 Seniors Division Three R Team P 1 Virginia Green 11 2 Willaston Blue 12 3 Willaston United 13 4 Cockatoo Valley 10 5 Vine Vale 12 6 Willaston Red 12 7 Virginia White 8 8 Keyneton 12 Juniors Division Three R Team P 1 Angaston 10 2 Nuriootpa 10 3 Moculta 9 4 Tanunda White 9 5 Tanunda Silver 7 6 Kapunda 10 7 Lyndoch 9 8 Tanunda Black 10 Juniors Division Four R Team P 1 Tanunda Black 10 2 Nuriootpa 10 3 Lyndoch 9 4 Tanunda Silver 10 5 Kapunda 9 6 Angaston 10 7 Tanunda White 10 8 Vine Vale 10 Juniors Division Five R Team P 1 Angaston 7 2 Lyndoch 8 3 Freeling 9 4 Kapunda 8 5 Marananga 9 6 Tanunda 8 7 Keyneton 9 Juniors Division Six R Team P 1 Kapunda Red 9 2 Freeling 9 3 Vine Vale Green 9 4 Tanunda Black 9 5 Angaston 9 6 Nuriootpa 9 7 Vine Vale White 9 8 Tanunda White 9 9 Kapunda Black 8 Ladies Thursday Team Vine Vale White Marananga Movers Freeling Angaston Tanunda Shiraz Vine Vale Viognier Tanunda Grenache Nuriootpa Marananga Marvels

Wednesday, February 8, 2012 - Page 28 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Bye 2 3 3 2 2 3 2

W 9 8 6 5 4 3 1

D 0 0 0 1 1 0 0

L 2 2 4 5 6 7 10

SF 107 98 84 90 87 68 58

SA 69 62 76 78 81 92 118

GF 972 842 763 769 790 707 700

GA Pts 737 143 704 130 742 108 714 104 763 97 859 80 1024 62

Bye 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

W 11 9 8 9 5 4 2 1

D 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1

L 1 3 4 3 8 9 11 10

SF 121 134 133 113 111.5 81 63.5 59

SA 71 66 67 87 95 127 143 125

GF 1080 1073 1068 979 998 909 759 632

GA Pts 815 165 797 164 806 159 899 143 891 130 1119 97 1163 70 1008 57

Bye 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0

W 11 9 5 6 5 2 4 2

D 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1

L 0 3 8 4 6 10 4 9

SF 113.5 118 99 86.5 95.5 79 68 60.5

SA 62 74 109 73 89 113 60 124

GF 853 889 856 720 746 711 576 491

GA 588 734 944 627 735 854 485 875

Pts 157 154 119 110 110 87 84 63

Bye 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0

W 8 7 5 5 3 2 1 0

D 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 2

L 0 1 3 3 3 6 7 8

SF 48.5 40.5 31 29.5 23.5 23.5 16 9.5

SA 7 15 21 21 15 31 36 45

GF 293 271 242 218 175 192 165 126

GA 130 196 206 198 149 248 269 286

Pts 80 68 51 48 34 30 20 8

Bye 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

W 7 7 5 4 3 3 1 0

D 2 2 3 2 3 1 3 2

L 1 1 1 4 3 6 6 8

SF 42 41 29 34 29 24 24 11

SA 11 13 17 19 17 33 29 45

GF 247 248 190 214 171 194 185 139

GA 144 153 163 183 161 256 236 292

Pts 67 67 47 47 39 35 27 11

Bye 2 2 1 2 1 1 1

W 6 4 3 4 3 1 1

D 1 0 3 2 2 3 3

L 0 4 3 2 4 4 5

SF 29 25 28 22 26 23 21

SA 10 23 20 21 22 19 29

GF 183 205 198 167 173 144 177

GA 121 197 184 174 173 167 231

Pts 52 41 40 37 36 27 27

Bye 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2

W 6 6 4 4 3 4 3 1 0

D 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 1 2

L 1 1 3 2 4 3 4 7 6

SF 38 34.5 30 32 27 22.5 24 16 16

SA 10 16 21 14 23 26 26 35 26

GF 229 230 207 196 191 166 201 169 132

GA 115 172 194 151 213 210 232 247 187

Pts 60 59 47 46 39 37 36 19 14

Total 449 467 457 473 473 463 471 384 441

% 63.25 62.10 57.11 49.89 51.16 52.70 44.16 36.98 29.93

Pts 61 52 47 40 39 37 20 18 6

W 284 290 261 236 242 244 208 142 132

L 165 177 196 237 231 219 263 242 309


The Herald Bowls Report Barossa and Light results Results for Saturday Pennants - February 4. Division One

Eudunda 76 v Lyndoch 105. P Eva 22 v D Hausler 20; J Hanns 18 v C Rule 31; B Warner 29 v P Woods 14; M Schutz 7 v P Uranjek 40. Freeling 92 v Nuriootpa 74. G Fergusson 23 v R Grope 18; C Kearns 18 v W Williams 18; H Sykes 23 v R Walker 24; J Morris 28 v S Allen 14. Kapunda 87 v Angaston 74. G Redden 28 v J Standish 21; M Dew 16 v D Jaunay 19; R Rogers 22 v B Bowden 16; T Rae 21 v B Teakle 18. Tanunda had the bye. Division Two

Angaston White 60 v Tanunda White 76. B Tuttle 15 v M Hurst 30; C Tabe 21 v T Ratsch 23; D Armstrong 24 v E Allanson 23. Kapunda 69 v Lyndoch 66. K Matthews 18 v B Allen 19; P Hart 29 v M Launer 21; J Trotta 22 v R Fillsell 26. Nuriootpa Gold 123 v Freeling 39. P Buckley 38 v F Hines 15; N Collyer 35 v I McFarlane 14; I Klaebe 50 v G Maynard 10. Tanunda Black 84 v Angaston Blue 56. D Meertens 27 v I Langley 11; A Price 25 v L Teakle 27; D Schiller 32 v E Bond 18. Nuriootpa Black had the bye. Division Three

Angaston 58 v Nuriootpa Gold 81. I Philp 12 v M Sims 28; C Vereyken 16 v J Mattner 29; J Rodgers 30 v N Nolan 24. Kapunda Red 56 v Kapunda Black 76. D Franks 19 v J Baldwin snr 27; B Cummins 18 v C Reardon 25; T Scoot 19 v K Dooley 24. Nuriootpa Black 70 v Freeling 68. P Collyer 25 v L Goedecke 14; K Harrison 23 v G Holmes 30; A Shoesmith 22 v D Jamieson 24. Tanunda 53 v Eudunda 88. J Miegel 16 v G Schutz 30; D Goodwin 21 v F Schmidt 33; C Graetz 16 v R Hams 25. Lyndoch had the bye.

EUDUNDA Division One v Kapunda at Eudunda: R Hnatyszyn, J Willoughby, A Pfitzner, B Warner; W Mader, B Marshall, G Doecke, J Hanns; R Leditschke, M Geister, G Schmidt, P Eva; G Mitev, P Voigt, D Kleinig, M Schutz. Division Three v Lyndoch at Lyndoch (cars to leave at noon): C Menz, M Nietschke, R Milde, G G Schutz; G Goedecke, T Branford, F Schiller, R Hams; G O Schutz, D Pope, R Regnier, F Schmidt. Duty rink: B Warner. Eudunda Red v White: G Heinrich, M Christie, K Heinrich, P Obst; G Minge, R Schultz, J Pfitzner, L Marshall. Ladies v Angaston at Eudunda: A Brook, H Jenke, D Leditschke, J Milde; L Mosey, M Weymouth, B Pfitzner, B Marshall; D Mader, J Bruhn, J Johnston, M Nietschke; S Schutz, J Hams, P Gordge, P Dutschke. Reserves: J Pfitzner. FREELING Division One v Lyndoch at Lyndoch: T Johansen, L Mullins, J Brydson, J Morris; N Lee, L Ryan, J Grantham, H Sykes; N Marslen, D Johansen, T Mullins, G Fergusson; K Swanson, T Secomb, T Heinjus, C Kearns. Division Two v Tanunda Black at Freeling: A Drury, S Ryan, R Ratsch, F Hines; J Fidge, P Flowers, B Schuster, I McFarlane; Phil Waldegrave, L Swanson, G Holmes, G Maynard. Division Three - bye. Midweek - Country Carnival. KAPUNDA Division One v Eudunda at Eudunda: R Scoot, J Scholes, I Otterspoor, M Dew; C Doecke, G Donovan, W Reardon, R Rogers; W Beavan, T Scholes, A Reinders, G Redden; R Gill, T Leslie, B O’Reilly, P Voumard. Cars: G Donovan, R Gill, I Otterspoor, T Scholes. Division Two v Nuriootpa Gold at Kapunda: F Hier, C Otterspoor, B Phillips, P Hart; R Perry, R Doecke, L Carter, K Matthews; C Hamper, T Waterman, P Maitland, J Trotta. Duty Rink: P Hart. Division Three Red v Nuriootpa Gold at Nuriootpa: B Adams, B Goodfellow, A Thiele, B Cummins; P Sando, P Dobbin, G Campbell, T Scoot; T Leslie, K Robinson, B Carrick, D Franks. Cars: B Goodfellow, G Campbell, D Franks. Division Three Black v Tanunda at Kapunda: S Franks, B Sweet, J Pitman, C Reardon; T Noack, D Parish, J Baldwin jnr, K Dooley; D Sweet, A Wilson, E Pitman, J Baldwin snr. Duty Rink: K Dooley. Midweek no games. Ladies have a bye. LYNDOCH Division One v Freeling at Lyndoch: J Sharratt, T Noble, G Zerk, P Woods; Di Jones, T Drummond, G Ayres, C Rule; G Reeves, W Southern, K Gavin, P Uranjek; R Vanstone, D Green, D Hausler, B Howell. Duty Rink: C Rule; Bar Rink: B Howell. Division Two v Angaston White at Lyndoch: D Wilson, B Day, T Teague, R Filsell; A Streames, R Idel, A Turvey, B Allen; R Heidrich, P Handke, B Koch, M Launer. Duty Rink: B Allen. Division Three v Eudunda at Lyndoch: M Richards, J Emerson, J Allwood, D


www.barossaherald.com.au and follow the link in sport. And check out the bowls photos in sports gallery. Results for Thursday Pennants - February 2.

Freeling 78 v Kapunda Red 47. C Kearns 24 v C Sunman 21; H Sykes 37 v P Voumard 10; I McFarlane 17 v B O’Reilly 16. Kapunda Black 72 v Angaston White 42. T Rae 26 v F Thomas 16; R Rogers 22 v I Langley 14; G Redden 24 v D Armstrong 12. Lyndoch Blue 57 v Angaston Blue 74. B Allen 27 v M Hurn 23; B Howell 20 v C Tabe 24; M Launer 10 v B Teakle 27. Lyndoch Gold 64 v Tanunda Black 62. K Boyle 16 v J Garrett 21; J Sharrett 15 v C Mahoney 25; D Hausler 33 v D Heidenreich 16. Nuriootpa Black 70 v Eudunda 35. T Elix 26 v J Willoughby 15; P Fechner 21 v R Hams 15; R Ellis 23 v B Mader 10. Nuriootpa Blue 57 v Nuriootpa Gold 58. B Randall 15 v R Chapman 25; P Buckley 18 v R Walker 23; D Wilson 24 v T Gibbons 10. Nuriootpa Green 74 v Tanunda White 41. W Williams 26 v A Price 13; R Garrett 27 v R Schnieder 13; J Bell 21 v T Ratsch 15. Ladies

Angaston 72 v Freeling 69. E Argent 13 v D Johansen 18; L Lablack 26 v J Dunbar 13; L Teakle 19 v K Swanson 13; E Bond 14 v L Mullins 25. Nuriootpa 58 v Kapunda 89. D Baker 17 v H Sexton 25; P Jones 9 v C Reardon 24; M Elix 19 v R Scoot 20; M Nolan 13 v C Holmes 20. Tanunda 85 v Eudunda 84. M Hurst 18 v B Marshall 23; M Meertens 21 v J Milde 24; G Woods 20 v P Dutschke 23; K Wallace 26 v M Nietschke 14. Lyndoch had the bye.

Turvey; I Knight, D Boswell, S Drummond, C Turner; K Brown, E Smith, E Palmer, A Gerrard. Midweek no games. ANGASTON Division One has a bye. Practice at 2pm, whites required. Please bring afternoon tea. Division Two Blue v Nuriootpa Black at Nuriootpa: A Hall, J Heinze, M Johnston, E Bond; M Storton, W Newell, E Argent, I Langley; D Tye, J Harris, M Teakle, L Teakle. Manager: M Storton; Cars: Depart 12.45pm; Drivers: Seconds. Division Two White v Lyndoch at Lyndoch: P Gibbons, W Sibley, L Schulz, D Armstrong; F Booth, M Klingner, B Bullock, B Tuttle; P Pech, T Hopkins, M Hurn, C Tabe. Manager: D Armstrong; Cars: Depart 12.40pm; Drivers: Seconds. Division Three v Nuriootpa Black at Angaston: P Clark, J Carruthers, L Bell, I Philp; A Grear, B Agars, S Barnden, J Rodgers; D Copperwheat, G Schmied, H Schmied, C Vereyken. Manager: S Barnden; Umpire: S Barnden. Duty Rink: Division Three. Midweek no games. TANUNDA Division One v Nuriootpa at Nuriootpa: C Neldner, J Garrett, S Mewett, C Mahoney; S Pech, D Grear, D Heidenreich, P Rost; R Ellis, K Bartsch, I Graetz, R Schneider; P Baverstock, I Jaensch, R Mewett, B Pech. Duty Rink: B Pech. Division Two Black v Freeling at Freeling: J Ralston, K Schmaal, M Silvestro, G Woods; G Farquharson, T Heinrich, K Wallace, D Schiller; G Rainsford, D Pech, M Meertens, D Meertens. Division Two White has a bye. Division Three v Kapunda Black at Kapunda: A Schmidt, G Ahrens, D Light, D Goodwin; G Meyer, K Schliebs, B Hoklas, J Miegel; M Goodwin, J Stevens, C Graetz, T Leech. Midweek morning v Freeling at Freeling: M Schmidtke, J Farquharson, L Miegel, M Hurst; E Kampmann, B Clarke, J

Stephens, M Meertens; W Weinmann, M Goodwin, J Ralston, G Woods; J Schultz, C Altus, D Light, K Wallace. Midweek has a bye. NURIOOTPA Division One v Tanunda at Nuriootpa: L Fuss, G Prior, C Jones, R Grope; M Jones, P Fechner, R Ellis, R Walker; R Garrett, R Mattschoss, G Langley, W Williams; S Ryan, R Randall, T Billing, S Allen. Umpire: R Ellis; Duty Rink: W Williams. Division Two Gold v Kapunda at Kapunda: H Roberts, Pam Jones, D Langley, P Buckley; D Bessell, L Cook, N Christopherson, N Collyer; C Allen, R Warnest, P Rosenberg, I Klaebe. Cars: Depart 12.45pm; Drivers: Pam Jones, N Christpherson, P Rosenberg. Division Two Black v Angaston Blue at Nuriootpa: C Hughes, M Simpkin, L Tscharke, T Elix; C Baker, S Rogers, D Wilson, T Gibbons; A Jones, M Boehm, D Baker, N Jaensch. Duty Rink: N Jaensch. Division Three Gold v Kapunda Red at Nuriootpa: C Forbes, G McCormick, K Bullock, J Mattner; K Williamson, B Jones, L Steer, M Sims; J Chapman, V Bessell, M Nolan, N Nolan. Umpire: M Nolan. Division Three Black v Angaston at Angaston: G Krahling, J Reusch,D Quodling, P Collyer; M Graetz, R Waples, Aird Shoesmith, Phil Jones; M Medlow, A Klaebe, K Reichelt, K Harrison. Cars: Depart 12.45pm; Drivers: P Collyer, Aird Shoesmith, K Reichelt. Midweek has a bye. Ladies Midweek v Lyndoch at Lyndoch: L Wilkinson, A Shoesmith, N Chapman, M Nolan; J Chapman, H Sandow, G White, P Jones; M Waples, D Dalton, J McIntosh, D Baker; D Allen, J Krause, U Boettger, M Elix. Reserves: L Hahn, H Roberts, J Zanetic. Cars: Pick up 8.15pm; Drivers: L Wilkinson, G White, J McIntosh, J Krause.

Premiership tables DIVISION ONE Team Freeling Tanunda Nuriootpa Lyndoch Angaston Kapunda Eudunda DIVISION TWO Team Nuriootpa Gold Nuriootpa Black Angaston Blue Tanunda White Tanunda Black Kapunda Lyndoch Angaston White Freeling DIVISION THREE Team Nuriootpa Gold Kapunda Red Kapunda Black Tanunda Eudunda Nuriootpa Black Freeling Lyndoch Angaston MIDWEEK Team Kapunda Black Tanunda Black Freeling Nuriootpa Gold Nuriootpa Green Nuriootpa Black Lyndoch Blue Lyndoch Gold Kapunda Red Nuriootpa Blue Tanunda White Angaston Blue Angaston White Eudunda LADIES Team Nuriootpa Kapunda Eudunda Angaston Tanunda Lyndoch Freeling

P 17 17 17 17 17 17 17

W 9 8 8 8 7 4 3

D 1 0 0 0 1 0 0

L 4 5 6 6 6 9 11

B 2 3 2 2 2 3 3

C 1 1 1 1 1 1 0

F 1337 1313 1242 1289 1287 1131 1139

A 1214 1088 1269 1260 1258 1256 1393

S 123 225 -27 29 29 -125 -254

% 52.41 54.69 49.46 50.57 50.57 47.38 44.98

Pts 203 188 186 178 174 109 84

P 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16

W 10 9 8 9 7 6 6 3 1

D 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0

L 3 4 4 6 6 7 8 9 12

B 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 2

C 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1

F 1043 963 983 1061 896 924 993 829 735

A 789 852 875 993 942 858 1046 924 1067

S 254 112 108 68 -46 66 -53 -95 -332

% 56.93 53.07 52.91 51.66 48.75 51.84 48.70 47.29 40.78

Pts 183 170 161 153 137 132 122 96 62

P 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16

W 14 8 8 7 6 4 6 4 1

D 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 1 0

L 0 4 5 6 7 7 9 8 12

B 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2

C 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1

F 1104 961 933 865 919 897 981 810 781

A 781 887 806 873 876 943 1026 971 1008

S 323 74 127 -9 43 -46 -45 -161 -227

% 58.57 52.00 53.65 49.76 51.20 48.75 48.89 45.49 43.66

Pts 222 161 157 137 134 121 116 102 66

P 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15

W 13 11 10 9 9 8 7 7 6 5 6 5 4 1

D 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 2 0

L 2 4 4 6 5 7 7 8 8 9 9 9 9 14

B 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

C 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

F 960 931 926 976 904 899 828 810 826 898 839 854 805 668

A 806 743 714 845 793 811 877 866 906 869 945 929 975 1045

S 154 188 212 131 111 88 -49 -56 -80 29 -106 -75 -170 -377

% 54.36 55.62 56.46 53.60 53.27 52.57 48.56 48.33 47.69 50.82 47.03 47.90 45.22 39.00

Pts 187 167 164 151 151 128 117 115 103 100 98 91 80 28

P 15 15 15 15 15 15 15

W 8 8 6 6 6 5 5

D 1 1 0 0 0 0 0

L 4 4 7 7 7 7 8

B 2 2 2 2 2 3 2

C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

F 1059 1016 1001 1021 1006 892 963

A 922 953 1066 1014 1011 949 969

S 137 63 -65 7 -5 -57 -6

% 53.46 51.60 48.43 50.17 49.87 48.45 49.84

Pts 209 208 167 166 164 159 157

Proudly supporting lawn bowls “a crackerjack sport” 16 Mildred St, Kapunda Phone 8566 2013 CONCENTRATION: Nuriootpa’s Damian Langley in Division Two. Wednesday, February 8, 2012 - Page 29 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


Bowls teams

For all the club reports go to our website:

HAT OFF: Freeling Division Two skipper Fred Hines acknowledges the bowls of a teammate by taking off his hat. His rival Nuriootpa skipper Peter Buckley can only watch on. But it was Peter and his rink who had the last laugh as they won 38-15 and the team had a massive win 123-39.


Central District Football Club supports


> Football

Gawler and Kapunda Sportsperson of the week

Sports Sports

Mitch Milne - Nuriootpa

with Graham Fischer and Mike Teakle

Mitch Milne plays cricket for Nuriootpa. Where have you played your cricket? Nuriootpa Cricket Club.

> Lawn Bowls

Who are key players at your club? Every player in their own way but Steiny’s cricket mind is second to none. What is your most important attribute? Luck, I seem to get dropped a lot. Who is a character at the club and why? Reece Worroll. He likes to play a few inappropriate games every Saturday morning. Who is the best player you have played with and against? With Brett Lydeamore and against probably Boh Wall. Major influence in your cricket: Definitely my dad, he pretty much taught me everything I know and my cousin Graham for playing hours of backyard cricket with me. Who are your sporting idols? Sachin Tendulker, Roger Federer and Lyoto Machida. Any superstitions? A lot more than I should. What event has inspired or amazed you? Spiros George’s four centuries in four innings. If you were Prime Minister what issue would you address? I would make it illegal to steal an innocent man’s air. Zak Pretlove is a main offender for this. Pet hates on the cricket oval? Poor umpiring decisions. Favourite actor and movie? Liam Neeson and Star Wars.

If someone had to play you in a movie who would it be? Ewan McGregor. Greatest moment and disappointment? Winning the 2009/10 A1 premiership and never performing to my own standards. How would you spend a million dollars? Get Jarrod Schiller a voice transplant somehow. What other sport would you love to be the best in the world at and why? Tennis, make plenty of money and play around the world. If you could have any four people stranded on a deserted island with you who would they be and why? Reece Worroll and his lovely fiancé Jemma then Reece would have to invite me to his wedding. Jarrod Schiller and Sam Carter along with Reece means three other redheads so maybe for once I might not get the most sunburnt.

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Fabulous February

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FREELING’S Division One bowlers seized the chance to get one up on two rivals last Saturday. The Redlegs not only conquered secondplaced Nuriootpa 92-74 but leapt above both the Tigers and former first-placed Tanunda who had the bye. Angaston tumbled out of the four courtesy of their 74-87 loss at Kapunda, replaced by Lyndoch who beat Eudunda by 29 shots. In Division Two, backto-back lossses has seen Angaston Blue tumble from first to third in a forthnight and in desperate need of a win against secondplaced Nuri Black this week. It is certainly tight at the top in the Barossa and Light Association.

Meanwhile, on Sunday the Association singles and fours championships were staged at Nuri with Angaston skipper Brian Bowden winning the mens singles and Nuri’s Denise Baker taking out the ladies title. Freeling was successful in winning the mens fours with Lyndoch took home the honours for the ladies. Former Nuri skipper (and greenkeeper) Scott Thalbourne is enjoying a phenomenal season playing top grade bowls for the Adelaide Bowling Club. Scott won the state singles title, also the pairs (with another former Nuri skipper in Adam Forbes, now playing at Marion) and triples titles to emphasize his remarkable rise as the best player in the state. 1789589

Relationship and employment status: Single and second year uni student studying education.

RUMOURS aplenty have been flying around in regards to the mass exodus from Gawler Central footy club in 2012. New Tiger coach Damien Herzick explains. “It’s well know we’ve lost a lot of senior players, 13 who played A grade last year plus two or three resrves players and we’re very aware of the difficult position that’s left us in,” Damien said. “The club, by its own admission, has possibly neglected its juniors. We’ve had a lot of success in under 17s and 15s but keeping those players in the club has been an issue. “Some high quality veterans have moved on but in reality what we’ve had hasn’t been enough to get to a flag.” Damien said

Central’s consistent winning record works against the club as it only has six points to recruit with and Jason Blakemore (originally three points but down to two after playing with the Tigers last season) is back so they have four to use. “It’s very hard to turn a team around if you can recruit just one player so it’s going to be a tough season and I wont back away from that,” Damien said. “I’ve sat down with the committee and we’re looking at a three year plan to rebuild by promoting the young talent we have.” Damien said Luke Howard was staying on despite rumours he was leaving. He believes Paul Bova, Aaron King, Clint Hill and Matt Gibson will be vital in helping the young guys adjust to the rigors of senior football.

FEB 2012

8 WE

0511 1231 1826 2332

1.64 0.26 1.00 0.66


0543 1247 1840

1.61 0.29 1.09

0009 0610 1301 1859

0.59 1.51 0.33 1.17

0045 0633 1311 1920

0.58 1.36 0.38 1.26

0123 0650 1316 1944

0.61 1.17 0.42 1.35

0208 0659 1312 2013

0.68 0.98 0.44 1.43





0139 0.53 0315 0.75 0714 1.84 0650 0.80 1305 0.30 TU 1300 0.42 1946 2.35 2049 1.48 *Please note - Add 1 hour for daylight savings ‘Tidal predictions supplied by the National Tide Facility. The Flinders University of South Australia, Copyright Reserved’

14 TU


Wednesday, February 8, 2012 - Page 30 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

THIS summer, much like last summer, has been one of many thunderstorms. Unlike the storms of the drought years, recent storms have dumped bucket loads of rain in just a short period of time. This rain is great for cooling down but it also gives a magic window of opportunity to hit our local rivers and creeks to have a fish. Fishing the Light River or the North Para during the hot summer is not much fun but when a thunderstorm wets things down it’s a fantastic place to be. Big trout and redfin love storms and a massive dump of rain can trigger a very hot bite. The key success in these situations is fishing big. Use bigger lures and flies than you normally would as this is often when you will score a trophy size specimen. Other factors to keep in

mind are that these heavy rain events can flood the river making the water dirty and unfishable. Sometimes hitting the water while the rain is happening and beating the floodwater is the only option. The fishing can be amazing when the dirty water is flowing in to a pool. Cast on the edge of the dirty water bring your lure in to the clean water. You’ll need to keep on the move as the dirty water can push through pools fairly quickly. There will be no mistaking when a big trout or redfin races out of the dirty water and smashes your offering. Spot On tackle store and myself are holding a redfin and callop lure night on February 22. Learn about using lures in your area. All enquiries to the Nuriootpa Spot On tackle store, bookings essential as places are limited. Phone 8562 4881. Tight lines until next week.




GAWLER Wednesday - Ladies; A brisk morning for a change saw the ladies have an extra long warm-up before hitting off. Barossa’s Marg Dunn managed a win with -2 in the Par competition, followed by R Sullivan and G Potter, both with 3. 4th Hhle NTP was taken by N Stuart and the 11th by M Bow. Thursday; Eric Richardson fleeced the youngsters in his group with an outstanding score of 43pts to take out the Jeff Williams-sponsored event. Terry Byrnes’ hot form continued and he was runner up on a count back from the unlucky John Martin on 41pts. Ball winners; D Dare 40, J Maguire, C McKenzie 39, B Marsh, I George, B Pipe, H Jeske, L Gross 38, R Barltrop, T Bow, N Orr, C Scott 37 on c/b. NTPS: Elders 4th; B Pipe, Spencer Flooring 6th;J Williams, Elders 11th; T Byrnes. Birdie balls; R Roy x 2, J Martin X 2, J Griffiths, L Gross, G Barber, T Byrnes, K Songer, while Steve Jeffery eagled the first hole. Midweek end; Michael Richers’ 44 pts blew every one away to easily win the midweek comp. His group is glad he didn’t get his clubs regripped earlier as it has given them a chance to save up for their own. Jimmy Martin was r/up with 38 pts. Ball winners; J Dahl, L Kemp, R McNamara. Birdies: John Martin, G Barber, R Polito, S Coombs. Saturday; David Hartes’ grand final disappointment was finally washed away when he cleaned up in the Dale Wood Monthly Medal. ‘Mapies’ 66 earnt him the coverted yellow shirt. Boris Sankey, Steve Porter and Phil Dowling were next best on 68. A grade; B Sankey (68), S Porter (68), G Page (69). B grade; D Harte (66), P Dowling, (68), D Edwards (69). C grade; T Milics (71), G Jeffery (71), R Morris (72). Ladues; K Barr (76). NTPS and long drives - Uleybury Wines 2nd; R Sawyer; St Kilda Hotel 3rd long drive, S Spencer; Giannitto Hotel Group 4th; R Brady; Kingsford Hotel 6th; P Roach; Roseworthy Hotel 3rd shot 9th; C Commins; Fasta Pasta long drive 10th; D Nguyen; Hi Beam Car/ Dog wash 11th; H Smits; Bushmans Hotel 14th; P Dowling, Willaston Hotel 16th; C Bartholomew. Ball winners; D Buss, D Goodwin 70, B Verhoef, C Bartholomew 71, M Cogan, B Portlock, A Bartlett, C Gill, J Holmes, B Dempster, H McKerney, N Carlisle, G Long, H Smits, C McKenzie. Birdie balls; D Nguyen, I Monro, D Gregory, A Paul, D Shepherdson, C Campbell, H McErney, G Jeffery, P Dowling, C Swinstead, B Pipe, R Taverner, R Sawyer, P Roach, R Roy, G James. Sunday; Rob Malone fresh from his Malcolm Blight (15) on Saturday

turned up with his new A game but alas with the wind and rain there was only Henke, Heff and Morrie to keep him company for the day. TANUNDA Saturday O’Brien Transport Monthly Medal stroke competition winner P Jeffries 70. A grade P Kopec 72 c/b, r/u B Grocke 72; B grade P Jeffries 70, r/u N Giles 74; C grade N O’Brien 71, r/u J Sonntag 72; Ladies C Lienert 76, r/u J MacPhail 80. Long drives: A grade L MacKenzie; B grade N Giles; C grade I Handley; Ladies D Reichelt. NTP 6th P Stacey (Peter Lehmann); 8th D Newstead (TPGB); 11th I Handley (Langmeil); 16th P Denley (Rusden); 7th hole 2nd shot D Cock (Kalleske). Rundown: J Hongell 72, M Schulz, A Ayres, D Hemsley, P Denley all 73, P Stacey, L MacKenzie, D Newstead all 74. Men’s Midweek stableford competition: R Wallace 41, F Altmann 37, D Forrest 36, D Hemsley 33, B Sims 32. NTP D Hemsley. Ladies Midweek par competition: D Ahrens 0, H Peter -3, L Semmler -4, D Campbell -4. LD: D Ahrens. Thursday Twilight stableford, 9 holes. Name Pts Score D MacPhail 10 22 F Altmann 7 19 c/b B Ronan 5 19 J MacPhail 4 18 c/b BAROSSA Blue Course stroke competition results. A grade R Perry 71, r/u P Alderson 71; B grade T Chiverton 67, r/u B Lythgoe 67; C grade I Cartwright 69, r/u P Butler 70. A grade (40 players): M Schilling, I

Baldwin, G Wellman all 72, D McDonnell, P Hefferan, D Venning, C Berndt all 73, G Wills 74. B grade (47 players): N Sutherland snr 67, B Weedon 68, P Sellar 68, N Sutherland jnr 69, A Smith 70, S Richards, G Laucke, D Wall all 71, I Walker 72. C grade (19 players): A Steinert 72, G Maxted 72, D Raethel 73, P Kurtz 74. Ladies competition winner M Dunn 68. P Homburg 70, M MacGillivray 70, C Farley 71. NTP 3rd G Bethune; 4th 2nd shot R Kerrison; 6th P Nash; 10th 2nd shot J Kurtz; 12th G Laucke; Chicken Nest I Baldwin; 17th G Laucke. Long drives: A grade P Laucke; B grade P Sellar; C grade P Pavlovich. Putting competition: S Richards 22 putts. Ladies novelty, putting: G MacGillivray 28 putts. White Course stableford competition winner P Nash 41, r/u M Newcombe 41. Ball winners: G McDonald 41, K Robinson 39, J Kurtz 39, D Venning, P Frazer, D Jaensch, C Linden, A Strawbridge, Z Fuller all 38, M George 37. NTP 6th Z Fuller; 15th G Neilson. 4BBB: M Newcombe/D Quodling 46. MT PLEASANT Saturday stroke Roesler Cup competition: A Wake 64, E Bishop 66, L Claridge 69, G Hutchison 71, J James 72, J Zerk 72, R Hargraves 74. Midweek stableford competition: A grade - R Howie 34, C Noble 33, K Franklin 32; B grade - B O’Neill 34, P Boucher 33, K Reichstein 32. Ladies stableford competition: L Stephens 33, K Franklin 33, C Zerk 32.

GAWLER 8-BALL Results from February 2. Overway Whos Ya Momma d Roseworthy Shooters 12-3; Smithfield Outsiders d Smithfield What The’s 11-4; XChanged d Soccer Club Kruisers 8-7; Roseworthy Blue d Exchange Hotel 10-5; Willaston Warriors d Two Wells Commercial 10-5; Two Wells No Fear.Comm d Willaston Farcues 12-3; Soccer Club Eagles d Lyndoch Hotel 10-5 Premiership Team P W L F A S Roseworthy Blue 12 11 1 112 68 22 Two Wells No Fear.Comm 12 10 2 118 62 20 Overway Whos Ya Momma 12 10 2 114 66 20 Smithfield Outsiders 12 9 3 115 65 18 Smithfield What The’s 12 8 4 105 75 16 XChanged 12 7 5 101 79 14 Soccer Club Eagles 12 6 6 98 82 12 Soccer Club Kruisers 12 6 6 91 99 12 Willaston Farcues 12 4 8 66 114 8 Two Wells Commercial 12 3 9 68 112 6 Willaston Warriors 12 3 9 71 109 6 Lyndoch Hotel 12 3 9 70 110 6 Roseworthy Shooters 12 2 10 66 114 4 Exchange Hotel 12 2 10 65 115 4

The New Rio Reborn



Results from the Association Championship Singles and Fours for both men and women held at Nurioopta Bowling Club. All Association Champions will go forward to the Regional Champion of Champions on April 14 and 15 in the Mid Murray with the venue still to be decided. 2012 Ross Hurn Memorial Singles results Section 1 - Round 1: Lyndoch 18 v Freeling 11; Eudunda 4 v Kaunda 18. Round 2: Freeling 11 v Eudunda 18; Kapunda 15 v Lyndoch 18; Round 3: Kapunda 11 v Freeling 18; Eudunda 18 v Lyndoch 16. Section 2 - Round 1: Angaston 18 v Nuriootpa 13; Tanunda - bye. Round 2: Tanunda 4 v Nuriootpa 18; Angaston - bye. Round 3: Tanunda 11 v Angaston 18; Nuriootpa - bye. Section 1 P W L D B For Ag GD Pts Lyndoch 3 2 1 0 0 52 44 +8 4 Eudunda 3 2 1 0 0 40 45 -5 4 Kapunda 3 1 2 0 0 44 40 +4 2 Freeling 3 1 2 0 0 40 47 -7 2 Section 2 P W L D B For Ag GD Pts Angaston 2 2 0 0 1 36 24 +12 4 Nuriootpa 2 1 1 0 1 31 22 +9 2 Tanunda 2 0 2 0 1 15 36 -21 0 Grand final: Lyndoch (Chris Rule) 13 v Angaston (Brian Bowden) 21. 2012 Jack Dermody Memorial Fours results Section 1 - Round 1: Angaston 11 v Tanunda 9; Kapunda 14 v Freeling 16. Round 2: Tanunda 8 v Kapunda 11; Freeling 14 v Angaston 8. Round 3: Freeling 10 v Tanunda 17; Kapunda 8 v Angaston 12. Section 2 - Round 1: Lyndoch 16 v Eudunda 20; Nuriootpa - bye. Round 2: Nuriootpa 13 v Lyndoch 6; Eudunda - bye. Round 3: Nuriootpa 10 v Eudunda 9; Lyndoch - bye. Section 1 P W L D B For Ag GD Pts Freeling 3 2 1 0 0 40 39 +1 4 Angaston 3 2 1 0 0 31 31 0 4 Tanunda 3 1 2 0 0 34 32 +2 2 Kapunda 3 1 2 0 0 33 36 -3 2 Section 2 P W L D B For Ag GD Pts Nuriootpa 2 2 0 0 1 23 15 +8 4 Eudunda 2 1 1 0 1 29 26 +3 2 Lyndoch 2 0 2 0 1 22 33 -11 0 Grand final - Freeling (T Mullins, T Johansson, J Morris, C Kearns) 15 v Nuriootpa (R Mattschoss, R Chapman, B Randell and R Walker) 6. 2012 Ladies Singles results Section 1 - Round 1: Lyndoch 18 v Freeling 17; Eudunda 8 v Kapunda 18. Round 2 Freeling 18 v Eudunda 10; Kapunda 18 v Lyndoch 10. Round 3 - Kapunda 18 v Freeling 15; Eudunda 18 v Lyndoch 6. Section 2 - Round 1: Angaston 4 v Nuriootpa 18; Tanunda - bye. Round 2 - Tanunda 18 v Angaston 14; Nuriootpa - bye. Round 3 - Tanunda 10 v Nuriootpa 18; Angaston - bye. Section 1 P W L D B For Ag GD Pts Kapunda 3 3 0 0 0 54 33 +21 6 Freeling 3 1 2 0 0 50 46 +4 2 Eudunda 3 1 2 0 0 36 42 -6 2 Lyndoch 3 1 2 0 0 34 53 -19 2 Section 2 P W L D B For Ag GD Pts Nuriootpa 2 2 0 0 1 36 14 +22 4 Tanunda 2 1 1 0 1 28 32 -4 2 Angaston 2 0 2 0 1 18 36 -18 0 Grand final - Kapunda (Christine Doecke) 19 v Nuriootpa (Denise Baker) 21. 2012 Ladies Fours results Section 1 - Round 1: Angaston 6 v Tanunda 17; Kapunda 13 v Freeling 8. Round 2 Tanunda 5 v Kapunda 15; Freeling 5 v Angaston 9. Round 3 - Freeling 7 v Tanunda 10; Kapunda 17 v Angaston 9. Section 2 - Round 1: Lyndoch 10 v Eudunda 9; Nuriootpa - bye. Round 2 - Nuriootpa 11 v Eudunda 9; Lyndoch - bye. Round 3 - Nuriootpa 7 v Lyndoch 14; Eudunda- bye. Section 1 P W L D B For Ag GD Pts Kapunda 3 3 0 0 0 45 22 +23 6 Tanunda 3 2 1 0 0 32 28 +4 4 Angaston 3 1 2 0 0 24 39 -15 2 Freeling 3 0 3 0 0 20 32 -12 0 Section 2 P W L D B For Ag GD Pts Lyndoch 2 2 0 0 1 24 16 +8 4 Nuriootpa 2 1 1 0 1 18 23 -5 2 Eudunda 2 0 2 0 1 18 21 -3 0 Grand final - Kapunda (S Franks, R Scoot, C Reardon, C Holmes) 9 v Lyndoch (S Drummond, N Allison, R Allen, G McLeod) 15.

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Wednesday, February 8, 2012 - Page 31 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

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Jim can do By GRAHAM FISCHER DON’T drop off Jimando in the $1million Patinack Farm Blue Diamond Stakes (1200m) at Caulfield on Saturday, February 25. That’s the advice of Kildalton Park trainer Tony McEvoy. Jimando, a winner of the Debutants Stakes (1000m) at Caulfield on October 12 on debut made a return to racing at the track on Saturday in the $100,000 Emirates Chairman’s Stakes (1100m). Sent out an easing $2.40 favourite, Jimando led early and battled on well but could only finish third to Mama’s Choice ($31) and Formidable ($6) beaten a half-length and a short half head. “Sure I thought he would win but the way things worked out I’m not disappointed and still confident he can prove a top chance in the Blue Diamond,” McEvoy said. The trainer said jockey Blake Shinn had said the two-year-old had “switched off” when able to lead and not be challenged. “It was only when the winner and runner-up raced past him that Jimando decided he would switch on and race his rivals but it was too late. “The trio still beat the rest of the rivals by about three lengths and I still believe that is the right form going into the Blue Diamond.” McEvoy said lead on the rails had not been the best place to be at Caulfield on Saturday.

“Swoopers, horses finishing on out wide, had a good day at Caulfield.” Bookmakers eased Jimando from $5 favourite to $9 after Saturday but McEvoy remains upbeat about the colt’s chances. “He was back home at Angaston on Sunday at 11am and over the next three weeks I’ll tinker about with winkers and blinkers and maybe make a gear change for the Blue Diamond. “Hopefully he draws towards the middle of the field and we will definitely ride him back in the field rather than leading like we did on Saturday.” McEvoy said the stable was likely to have six runners at Morphettville this Saturday. Two, Glacial Miss and Sysmo, will be having their first starts for Kildalton Park. “Glacial Miss comes from Queensland where she had good form and won a trial at Murray Bridge last week,” McEvoy said. “Sysmo is an imported French galloper who trialled okay at Murray Bridge and will step out over 1400 metres in a three-year-old race. It will give us a chance to see how he measures up in Australia.” Other runners will be Protector, Eramor, Pilot’s Lane and Grand Ginger. McEvoy said in-form Assertive Eagle, which had been due to run at Caulfield this Saturday, had suffered slight “ankle strain” which would hinder her preparation slightly.


THIRD: Jimando (right), ridden by Blake Shinn battles on strongly to finish third at Caulfield. PIC: Courtesy Sportpix










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Wednesday, February 8, 2012 - Page 32 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

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