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barossaherald.com.au Wednesday, Januar y 18, 2012
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48 pages
Reason to ride By MIKE TEAKLE FOUR-time Central District premiership player Scott Dutschke is riding for a reason in Friday’s BUPA Challenge Tour. Scott’s uncle Randall Dutschke has been diagnosed with bowel cancer. The BUPA challenge enables the general public to ride the same route as the Santos Tour Down Under professional cyclists on one stage of the event each year. This year it is Stage Four, a 138 kilometre run from Norwood to Dutschke’s home town, Tanunda. As part of the ride, BUPA cyclists have the opportunity to ‘Ride For A Reason’ and raise money for the Cancer Council. “My uncle has been diagnosed with bowel cancer and my cousin Josh and I decided we’d try to raise some money while showing our support for him,” Scott said. “We’re a pretty tight family. “Josh, Randall’s son, has had to move back to Maitland to help with the family business and this ride is my way of helping out. “I’ve always wanted to try a ride like this, now I’ve got the right motivation.” Riding as the Dutschke Duo, Scott and Josh have already raised about $6000. But typical of his relentless approach that has made him a fan favourite with the Bulldogs, he’s keen to remind people they can still donate by going online to the website rideforareason.com.au. “It’s gonna be a tough ride but we’ve been training pretty hard at places like Norton
Summit and Menglers Hill. “Combined with pre-season training I think I should be okay.” A serious leg injury wrecked Dutschke’s 2011 season and forced him to sit on the sidelines as Central District went down to the Eagles in the South Australian National Football League grand final. He hopes the extra work on the bike will pay off once the 2012 football season starts. “The leg feels really good at the moment,” he said. “At this stage I’ve got footy training Monday, Wednesday, Friday and training on the bike Tuesdays and Thursdays so it’s been pretty full on.” Combined with starting his own business, Dutschke Construction, means the former Tanunda junior’s life is pretty hectic. The Dutschke Duo are looking forward to arriving in Tanunda on Friday morning with the rest of the challenge riders including Eddy Merckx, the man regarded by many as the greatest cyclist of all time. Central District chief executive officer Kris Grant, is very supportive of Dutschke’s committment. “It doesn’t surprise me at all that’s Scott’s doing this,” Mr Grant said. “He’s extremely community minded and a very sincere person and I’m proud of what he is doing.” Bulldog fans can cheer for Scott and Josh on the route and the person with the best ‘Dutschke Duo’ banner will win a Central District merchandise pack. Send pictures of your banner to fundraising@cdfc.com.au to be considered for the prize.
STEEP: Scott Dutschke (front) and his cousin Josh at the top of Menglers Hill during a training ride.
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THE Tour Down Under kicked off in Adelaide on the weekend and the Herald has been right behind the event. • News that Gawler cyclist Jack Bobridge would not be competing after a horror race crash in Victoria last week broke on Thursday and barossaherald.com.au let its readers know as soon as it was announced. We have since found out Jack is on the mend and looking toward the future where he will defend his world titles and compete in other major races around the world • The body of a man discovered bashed to death at Kersbrook was also reported on barossaherald.com.au on Thursday, giving online readers the latest news as it happened, in particular the hunt for a possible witness to the crime (see police news on page 14 of this week’s Herald.) • Tanunda’s main street has been undergoing a gradual transformation over the past week in the lead up to it hosting the finish of Stage 4 of the TDU on Friday. Be sure to visit barossaherald.com.au on Friday afternoon to find out who crossed the line first, and to see all the colour, action and excitement from Stage 4. Until then, jump online and check out our cycling stories from this week’s edition of the Herald, along with a gallery full of cycling photos the Herald has taken over the past fortnight. As always, if news breaks during the week, you can find it online at barossaherald.com.au.
RIDE FOR A CURE: Plenty of riders, including a handful of Barossa residents, took part in the weekend’s Ride to Cure Diabetes. The annual event, organised by the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, kicked off from Jacob’s Creek Visitor Centre, Rowland Flat on Saturday morning. Entrants chose to tackle distances of either 35km, 80km or 160km and to help raise money for Type 1 diabetes research. For more photos, including our Barossa entrants Peter Edwards and Ben Barnes, head to barossaherald.com.au and click on the photo gallery.
New dean appointed Rail closure still THE University of Adelaide has appointed Professor Iain Reid as Executive Dean for the University’s Roseworthy Campus. Professor Reid will commence in the role immediately, with responsibility for the strategic direction at Roseworthy, particularly the School of Animal and Veterinary Sciences, its Veterinary Health Centre and other clinical and commercial activities. He will also lead the campus’s extensive community engagement activities, including the numerous research centres, partners and other key stakeholders. Professor Reid said he was looking forward to a new era at the campus,
home to Australia’s first agricultural college (established in 1883) and acquired by the University of Adelaide in 1991. “I had the privilege of being part of the team involved in the first feasibility study for the Vet School,” he said. “It is a much-needed facility and area of scholarship, and combined with the ongoing animal and agricultural sciences study, it has reinvigorated Roseworthy.” Most recently, Professor Reid has overseen the next stage of development of the School of Animal of Veterinary Sciences, including the plans for a new $10 million Equine Health Centre.
LinkSA advises that there will be a fare increase on most LinkSA country bus services commencing Sunday 22nd January 2012. Details are now available. Contact our friendly Customer Service Officers or visit our website for more information. LinkSA Angaston Depot (08) 8564 3022 LinkSA Murray Bridge Depot (08) 8532 2633 LinkSA Website www.linksa.com.au
RE-CYCLED: Check out this sculpture located on Vine Vale Road, Tanunda.
THE temporary closure of the Gawler train line continues to hurt Penrice. Instead of its daily rail service, the company is forced to use road freight to take limestone from Angaston to Adelaide. To date, chemical production losses stand at $2.5million, with the total cost to Penrice expected to be about $4million. Road freight damages limestone, causing it to burn differently in the chemical production process, but the company has been able to control this damage. Works on the rail line remain on schedule and the Gawler line is expected to re-open at the end of March, allowing Penrice to resume its rail service. Penrice has been in extensive discussions with the state government seeking compensation and support with regard to the financial impacts of this project, but to date these discussions have not been fruitful.
hurts Penrice
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Wednesday, January 18, 2012 - Page 2 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Jack’s cycle track
Work begins on Tanunda to Gawler link
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NAMED: Kahl Bobridge, father and manager of Evanston cycling star Jack, with Member for Wakefield Nick Champion at the turning of the sod for the Jack Bobridge Track. CYCLISTS had better hope the Jack Bobridge Track turns out a bit smoother than Jack’s start to 2012. Bobridge was set to ride in this year’s Tour Down Under, but as reported last Thursday on barossaherald.com.au, the 22-year-old had to withdraw after a crash in the National Road race titles in Victoria last Tuesday. Jack was also unable to attend the sod-turning ceremony of the shared cycling and walking path to link Tanunda and Gawler, which has been named in his honour. Kahl Bobridge, Jack’s father and manager, was at the ceremony and said Jack was extremely honoured and humbled to have the new track named after him. Bobridge said his son had been cleared of any broken bones from the crash, but was still suffering ligament damage and is now focusing on keeping his fitness. “He has got a lot coming up, he has the Australian track titles and within a week of that he has to fly to London for the World Cup, then he will come back and prepare for the world titles in early April, where he will defend his two world titles,” Bobridge snr said. “He is very disappointed he couldn’t ride in the tour and he would have loved to be here today. “This is where he first started training and basically grew up in his older years, so he was a bit disappointed, but he is tough and he will get over it.
“I am sure he will be back for the opening when the track is finished.” From Tanunda, the track goes past Jacobs Creek Visitor Centre, through Rowland Flat and Lyndoch, and from there it follows the rail corridor towards Gawler, before joining up with the Tapa Pariara (Gawler Urban Rivers shared path). The track will cost $5.44million to build, with $4.81million of that coming from the Federal Government. Member for Wakefield Nick Champion said the path would not only be good for local people, but also become another draw card for tourism in the region. “Ultimately, if we can get some big loops around the local area, that will be a big benefit not just to locals getting out on their bikes, but also to regional tourism, which is really a big economic driver,” Mr Champion said. Barossa mayor Brian Hurn said the track will encourage cyclists to visit and stay in Gawler, the Barossa Valley and other places along the extended cycleway. “It will provide a tremendous platform for new investment in experiences including food and wine tourism facilities along the way,” he said. Mr Hurn said the Barossa will soon be recognised as one of Australia’s most cycle friendly regions. The Jack Bobridge Track is set to be completed by December this year.
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Wednesday, January 18, 2012 - Page 3 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
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Road link works begin
OVERGROWN: Nuriootpa High School grew a miniature forrest of Poplar trees during the school break, however the school says their removal is on track. According to principal Ian Tooley, the growth is the result of the removal of 10 large Poplar trees. The school is currently working with a contractor to poison the unwanted plants. He said plans are still on track to replant 10 native trees in honour of the 10 fallen soldiers who attended the school. The tree planting ceremony will take place as part of an official Anzac service in April.
INITIAL works have begun on a road link to cater for expected growth in Gawler East. The works will determine the preferred corridor for the road to be built between Potts Road at Evanston Park and land owned at Gawler East by Lend Lease. Springwood, the Lend Lease development at Gawler East, was officially opened in November last year. It is expected the development will see up to 2500 homes built on 219 hectares over the next ten years. Transport minister Patrick Conlon said the works will include engineering surveys, environmental investigations and geotechnical works that will decide the most feasible route. “Once constructed this road link would greatly assist in catering for expected future housing growth in the booming Gawler East area,” he said. “Officers from the Department for Planning, Transport and Infrastructure, in conjunction with
the Town of Gawler, will carry out the preliminary site investigation works over coming months. “The investigations will occur within State Government-owned land and some privately owned land between Potts Road, and the land currently held by Lend Lease, bordering Calton Road.” Member for Light Tony Piccolo said the link road would not only serve the new Gawler East development, but also help reduce through traffic from the east. “The link road is a critical piece of infrastructure that will help the town manage its growth,” Mr Piccolo said. “After 35 years of talk it is great to see concrete steps taking place to ensure the road is built.” Mr Piccolo had been a strong advocate building the road, successfully lobbying to have built sooner than originally planned in the development plan amendment (DPA). Preliminary site investigations are likely to continue over the next six months.
Signs point to Gawler SIGNAGE on the Northern Expressway (NEXY) will be improved to help drivers find their way to Gawler. New signs will be erected at Gepps Cross indicating Gawler can be reached via both Main North and Port Wakefield Roads, while another ‘assurance’ sign will be installed on Port Wakefield Road to inform drivers they are heading the right way. A reassurance sign will also be placed on the NEXY after the Two Wells Road turnoff, while for drivers that do take the Two Wells Road turnoff will see another sign pointing them towards Gawler. New signs on the NEXY before the Horrocks Highway turnoff at Gawler Belt will also point drivers towards Gawler via Redbanks Road. Member for Light Tony Piccolo said
he had received complaints from residents that new or irregular users of NEXY were confused about where to exit the expressway in order to enter the different parts of Gawler. Mr Piccolo had also received numerous representations from Gawler councillor, Brian Thom on behalf of residents. The issue was then referred to the Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure early last year, which has now decided to make the changes. Mr Piccolo said he hoped that additional signage would help visitors to Gawler take the correct exit and not confuse tourists who may then bypass the town. The signs are expected to be installed at the end of February.
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Wednesday, January 18, 2012 - Page 4 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Mooving message For two of the five girls chosen for the conference, Hollie Coleman and Katelyn Heinrich, they say last year’s experience was rewarding. Hollie explained how her interest in agriculture was low until becoming involved in the program. She now looks forward to speaking at the conference, which she said, “will be good for my confidence”. Katelyn said, “I learned a little bit more about the industry and it’s more than just milking”. While both students live on farms, they agreed the program has opened their eyes to consider careers within agriculture. All five students continue to stand by their message over the current pricing of milk. During their short presentation they use role-playing to highlight low costs in the supermarket mean dairy farmers lose out, which they feel applies pressure to Australia’s dairy industry. Ms Becker said thanks to the generosity of DairySA and Lion, her and the students’ flights and accommodation are now paid for. The students have also organised a barbecue tea preview to screen their work for their teachers and parents and sponsors before heading off on February 21. Cows Create Careers • DairyAustralia says as a result of the program students, teachers and parents are more aware of career opportunities in the dairy industry. • More students enter a dairy education path and dairy career. • Farmers and industry professionals develop their communication and mentoring skills. • The industry builds a network and promotes better career decisionmaking by students.
ACTIVE: Faith Lutheran College students (from left) Rachel Koch, Eleanor Hughes, Hollie Coleman, Katelyn Heinrich and Madeline Geue. Photo courtesy of Tracy Becker.
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THESE girls (right) feel Australian dairy farmers are being milked. The Faith Lutheran College students, who begin Year 9 this year, say cows’ milk should be sold at $3 a litre in supermarkets to support the dairy industry. They will share their message when they head to Victoria in February to participate in the Australian Dairy Conference. With only just a few days before Christmas to prepare for the trip, the students worked in their own time to produce a spiel for 30 seconds to introduce their homemade 60-second video footage to back their claims. Faith agriculture teacher Tracy Becker said the students have shown great enthusiasm willingly attending school in their holiday break. She explained the school is the only one in the state to represent the state at the conference after ranking well in the nationally run Cows Create Careers program. Cows Create Careers is a Dairy Australia and Regional Development Program targeted at secondary students from Years 7 to 11. For the past few years Faith school has involved Year 8 students by way of using terms two and three for students to learn about the dairy industry, which involves caring for calves and working with dairy farmers such as Jamie Nietschke from Koonunga. Students were rostered to help feed four calves, provided to the school by Mr Nietschke, during recess and after school from Monday to Friday. Students then shared their newly learnt experiences and demonstrated what they have learnt by presenting a data show and a research poster.
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Wednesday, January 18, 2012 - Page 5 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
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Training support for our job seekers
BAROSSA job seekers have a chance to secure one of 120 training spots to boost their skills. The training places, worth about $119,000, are the result of a strong response to a call for applications through the final round of the federal government funded Productivity Places Program. The main industry sectors to benefit in the Barossa region through this final round include Business and Financial Services; Wholesale, Retail and Personal Services, and Health and Community Services. This allocation will fund 74 nationally endorsed training places for job seekers at Certificate II level, 48 at Certificate III, and six at Certificate IV in the Barossa region. Training will go towards a range of qualifications that are in demand in the Barossa area including Certificate II in Business and Certificate III courses in Aged Care and Business Administration. The Productivity Places Program aims to help job seekers enter the labour
market with skills and qualifications that are in high demand by industry. The program for job seekers is designed to help people experiencing difficulties entering or staying in the workforce to participate in learning and work. Allocations are guided by the recommendations of the Training and Skills Commission, the Economic Development Board and current labour market circumstances. The Department of Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology (DFEEST) anticipates a list of available courses, eligibility criteria, locations and training providers will be available on www.dfeest.sa.gov.au/ppp mid to late January 2012. DFEEST is taking contact details of job seekers and adding them to their contact list and will notify those on the list when the first available courses appear online. For more details, contact DFEEST on dfeest.jobseekers2012@sa.gov.au or 1800 805 488.
TANUNDA SHOWHALL 8.30am Thursday, 26 January 2012 Tickets for the Australia Day Breakfast will be available for residents of The Barossa Council area from the Council offices at Nuriootpa, Angaston, Tanunda, Lyndoch, or Mt Pleasant, from: Monday 12 December 2011 until Monday 16 January 2012 The breakfast will commence at 8.30am Citizenship Ceremony & presentation of Australia Day Awards from 9.30am
This is a free event A Breakfast Ticket is required to obtain breakfast on the day
Roar of the bikes
FULL LOCK: Tim Bichard and Dale Knights (left) get the first taste of Kapunda’s Dutton Raceway on Saturday. THE South Australian Long Track Championships will bring Kapunda’s Dutton Raceway alive with high-speed motorbike action this Sunday, January 22. Hosted by Northern Track Promotions in co-operation with the Kapunda Harness Racing Club, the event is expected to attract a strong crowd to the town. The championships were not held last year when a venue could not be secured, but organisers are hoping that if 2012 proves to be a success, it could become a regular event in Kapunda. Another drawcard is that several riders from the Australian Solo Speedway Championship, held in Adelaide on Saturday night, who will also be racing at the Kapunda meeting. One of the major highlights is the 1100cc Long Track Sidecar
Championship, which is headlined by two-time world champion Mick Headland, his son Trent Headland, and brothers Mark and Justin Plaisted. Sidecar rider Tim Bichard said riders were reaching speeds of 165km/h at Whyalla at the last championships and with Kapunda being a bigger circuit, spectators can expect to see even higher speeds. “They haven’t held (the championships) for two years so people are itching to get out here,” he said. It is not just about the motorcycles at Kapunda though, with range of classic speedway vehicles that competed at Point Pass in the 1960s and 1970s on display. These include the Three Quarter Midgets (TQs) or Flying Fleas as they were sometimes known, which were
scaled down race cars powered by 500cc motorcycle engines. While the TQs will not be racing at Kapunda, they will provide plenty of good memories for those people who witnessed them in action at the country venues like Point Pass, Renmark, Peterborough, Jamestown and Murray Bridge. Gates open at the Kapunda Harness Racing Club’s Dutton Raceway at 8am, on January 22, with practice to start at 10am and racing to begin straight after practice The meeting will finish by about 5.30pm and is an affordable day out for everyone. Adult entry is $20, concession $15, children aged 5-12 are $10, children under five are free, while a family pass (two adults and two children) is $60. Programmes are available for $5.
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Wednesday, January 18, 2012 - Page 6 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
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BAROSSA BARGAINS 8563 0276, TANUNDA DVD 8563 1222, LUXE HAIR FOR MEN 0467 330 123, CURVES WOMEN’S GYM 8563 0385, COMMUNITY HELPERS 8563 1105, COTTAGE CLEANERS 0402 660 850, HERALD OFFICE 8563 2041, TANUNDA NEWSAGENCY 8563 2005, LAUNDRETTE OPEN 7 DAYS, 7AM-8PM, SEA OF QI (ACUPUNCTURE) 0439 898 349, SIMPLY THE BEST TAKEAWAY 8563 3442 admin.barossaherald@ruralpress.com
Wednesday, January 18, 2012 - Page 7 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
. . . and so will you
• Automotive Repairs • Servicing • Crash Repairs • Paint & Panel
3 Grey Street, Kapunda 8566 2435
For your Friendly, Reliable Automotive Needs
New owners SCASE Automotive is the new car force in Kapunda. After 40 years Pfitzner Motor Company is under new ownership. Jason Grain and Scott Tipler of Scase Automotive officially took over the business from Troy and Kallan Pfitzner on January 1. And look for expansion. While Jason and Scott will be continuing to provide locals with a friendly and reliable service with regards to automotive servicing and repairs they also will re-open the crash repair centre and paint shop. However, the business won’t be completely Pfitzner-free with mechanic Grant Pfitzner starting work on January 23. Grant will be concentrating on the repairs and servicing while Jason and Scott concentrate on the crash repair/paint side of the business. As well as crash repairs to vehicles Jason and Scott are also able to do structural repairs to farm trailers and horse boxes as well as custom paint jobs on pretty much anything - cars, motorbikes, trailers, boats, jet skis - you name it they can do it. While starting their own business, Jason and Scott have a clear understanding of the trust, tradition and esteem the previous owners created and plan to
continue that tradition. “Customers/locals will be looked after,” they pledged. If you are after a particular second hand vehicle, let the guys know and they can find it for you. Both Jason and Scott know their cars. They have a background in the aircraft industry from structural to mechanical to fabrication and understand the desire for efficient working vehicles. The boys have been around cars, buying, selling fixing up
since they were teenagers and first getting their licences. They have an infectious passion and enthusiasm for cars and have a goal to build show cars. Both love muscle cars with ‘67 Shelby Mustang and HQ Monaro personal favourites. Scase Automotive is an MTA approved repairer. So for all you vehicle needs contact Scase Automotive on 8566 2435 or pop into the workshop at 3 Grey Street, Kapunda.
READY TO HELP:The new owners of Scase Automotive (formerly Pftizner Motor Co) of Kapunda, left Scott Tipler and Jason Grain.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012 - Page 8 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Become updated on layout changes THE community is encouraged to view updated layouts of the proposed wind farm at Keyneton. Developer, Pacific Hydro from Victoria will run two information stands later this month. Changes involve the reduction in the number of turbines from 57 to 42. Hydro Pacific general manager Lane Crockett said the company remains committed to working with community members to achieve the best outcomes for the local region. “Our community engagement co-ordinator will be visiting the local area to host an information stand to discuss any issues, concerns or answer queries that people may continue to have about the proposed wind farm,” he said. Information stands will be held on Monday, January 23 at the committee room of the Barossa Council, Nuriootpa, from 12.30pm to 5pm and Wednesday, January 25 at Cambrai Community Library from 9.30am to 2pm. The public is encouraged to visit these locations during those times to discuss any questions that they may have. Changes to the Keyneton wind farm proposal also include changes to the access routes, which involve not using the Angaston to Sedan Road for over dimensional vehicles.
“The changes to the layout, number of turbines, access routes and other factors have all followed community consultation and the issues and concerns for local people,” Mr Crockett said. “We are providing the information stands to keep communication channels open and to ensure that we do cover all issues and where possible alleviate any concerns regarding noise, flora and fauna and the use of local roads. We also want to be able to identify any particular issues that have yet to be raised.” At the information stands, updated visual amenity maps, traffic maps and other information relating to this new layout will be available. If you are unable to make these times due to work or other commitments, Tuesday, January 24, has also been set aside for individual appointments. To make another time phone 03 8621 6428. Meanwhile, Pacific Hydro, which is yet to lodge their development application, explained submissions on the proposed statewide wind farms development plan amendment were heard yesterday (Tuesday) in Adelaide after the Herald went to print. Verbal submissions were also heard from representatives including the Barossa Council who do not support the introduction of the DPA.
Help prevent suicides MAKE a difference and have your say on the new draft Suicide Prevention Strategy. The state government and SA Health have developed the collaborative strategy to encompass different departments, officials, experts, consumers, carers, charities and other non-government organisations to raise awareness of prevention services. The strategy will also outline common risk factors for suicide and focus on training and research as well as the evaluation of existing programs. Executive director of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Derek Wright said, “Suicide is heartbreaking and
complex, not only for families and friends, but for communities too. “We are developing a Suicide Prevention Strategy that will involve communities in creating awareness of risk factors and taking steps for prevention and intervention. The risk factors for suicide are varied and many are outside of the control of the health sector, which is why the strategy also relies on nongovernment organisations and community groups that provide services to vulnerable groups. The strategy also seeks to improve understanding of suicide through research and evaluation of other
prevention programs, and to provide quality training to suicide prevention services. “In the past two decades, the rate of suicide in South Australia has shown an overall downward trend, and this strategy is a way to continue that trend.” Support and information services are available through Beyond Blue 1300 22 4636 and Lifeline 131 114 and the 24-hour Emergency & Crisis Intervention Line 131 465. The draft of the South Australian Suicide Prevention Strategy is available online at www.sahealth.sa.gov.au and is open for public consultation until the end of February.
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Around the world in the Barossa A UNIQUE sport has gained ground in the Barossa Valley this summer, with a group of soaring pilots expected to cover a total flight distance that would reach around the world. The pilots have been based at Stonefield airfield,which is home to a new soaring operation, called Fly Down Under (FDU). It operates from early November to the end of February, and while this is the first season FDU has been in the air, it has already reached lofty heights. This summer, three pilots have flown more than 1000 kilometres on a single flight, spending up to nine hours flying around the state without a motor. Konrad Maierhofer, founder of Fly Down Under, said the group is aiming to reach the milestone of equalling the world’s circumference in the coming weeks. “The aim of soaring a total distance of more than 40,000 kilometres from Stonefield airfield, before the end of February would be a great achievement for Fly Down Under, the Barossa area, and South Australia,” Mr Maierhofer said. These gliders are fully-fledged planes made from fibreglass or carbon fibre
that act just like normal planes, except they don’t have a motor, and they don’t even require wind. Instead, once they have been towed into the air by a powered plane, the pilot finds currents of warm air in updrafts and uses these ‘thermals’ to stay aloft. South Australian skies are perfect for gliding, and gliders can easily reach altitudes of more than 10,000 feet. This weekend FDU is hosting an open day at Stonefield airfield to show the public more about the sport of soaring. People will have the opportunity to get close-up with some of the world’s biggest and best-performing sailplanes and motor gliders. With free entry, they can learn about the soaring technology, the skill of silently soaring in the air for hours, talk to experienced German and Australian pilots, or even let one of the instructors take them for a ride. Visitors can even enjoy a barbecue and try special German delicacies while watching amazing aerobatic gliding displays, and hearing stories about this exciting sport. The soaring open day is free to enter and will be held at Stonefield airfield this Sunday, January 22, from 10am.
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Views expressed in the Letters to the editor are not those of the Herald. We welcome topical letters, with preference to letters of no more than 200 words. All letters are checked for authenticity. Pseudonyms are not acceptable. Mail your letters to: The editor, PO Box 43, Tanunda, SA, 5352. Fax: 8563 3655. E-mail: editor.barossaherald@ruralpress.com
Community concern IT SEEMS to me that a lot of people are suffering with coughs. On looking in Google and asking for what is causing it, I have had my queries satisfied. I have seen for months now, chem trails in the sky coming from planes, and after these trails are up there for half an hour, they are spreading right across the sky in little clouds. Now - on looking into Google, there is a whole segment about these trails. Even photos taken of them. America is being troubled with them too, and England. Who is causing this and why? Everyone I know is suffering from a persistent cough, tiredness and some with skin cancer. It seems they are trails of chemicals, and they are becoming more plentiful. Something must be done, and go into this problem. Americans are trying to stop them. All the coral deep in the ocean is suffering too. I think the PM should look into this problem. Gloria Harcus Sedan Carer thanks AS I write this letter, my colleague is taking down the Christmas decorations that have adorned our office for a month or more. I guess this means that Christmas is over. And what a great Christmas it was in this particular office. I work with young carers in the Barossa and surrounding districts. These young people range in age from five to 25 years and have a caring role within the home. Their
program at Carers Link is largely funded by community donations funds which, late last year, were running low. But then. The management, staff and patrons of the Vine Inn commenced a Christmas wishing tree; the staff at the Nuriootpa branch of NAB donated some gifts; a wonderfully generous family who wish to remain anonymous donated some gifts; the children of Hewett Primary School donated the proceeds from their Enterprise Day; and, two locally based trust funds donated cash amounts. This unsolicited generosity meant that every active young carer registered with Carers Link received a Christmas gift this year. Our youngest young carers will be able to go on camp and we are able to expand our social and recreational program in terms one and two. On behalf of the young carers, our board of management, staff and volunteers, I would like to thank this wonderful community for the recognition and appreciation they have shown for the contribution made by young carers. And thanks for making my Christmas a joyous one. Pam Makin Young Carer Support Worker Carers Link Barossa and Districts Nuriootpa Record crowds As published in the Herald recently, the 2011 Kapunda Christmas Street Party was an overwhelming success. Record crowds attended the event and from the countless positive
reports we have received online and verbally, everyone thoroughly enjoyed the evening and felt the spirit of Christmas in Kapunda. Through the Herald we would like to express an enormous thank you to our valued sponsors (too many to make mention in this letter). Your support has been tremendous and certainly aided the committee in creating the 2011 Kapunda Christmas Street Party into the successful family event that it was. The strength of the support of local Kapunda businesses and the community in general was overwhelming and the generosity second to none. The voluntary committee of the Kapunda Christmas Street Party Incorporated would like to convey our heartfelt thanks to all who contributed to making the 2011 Kapunda Christmas Street Party the success that it was. As we launch into the organisation of the 2012 Kapunda Christmas Street Party plans and preparations, may we take this opportunity of wishing everyone a happy and prosperous 2012. We look forward to seeing you at another fun-filled Kapunda Christmas Street Party in 2012. Linda Smith, Allison Quinlan, Norma McCarthy, Jacki Williams, Jennette Mickan and Sonia Fowler The Kapunda Christmas Street Party Incorporated 2011 Committee Kapunda Interpretation I don’t think Cathy O’Keeffe (Herald, January 11) was at all
Blackmores Flexagil® pain relief cream. A new clinically proven, natural* pain relief cream Always Al ways read the label. label. Use only only as directed. If symp symptoms ptoms persist see your healthcare professional professional. *Na *Natural tural active ingredient ingredient derived derivved from comfre comfreyy root extract. Relieves acute muscle and joint pain.
Tanunda Lutheran Home: Worship 10.30am. Peace Evangelical Lutheran Church: Worship service 10am at the Nuri Senior Citizen’s Centre Pr Mr Rosenzweig. Ph: 8563 1310.
ANGLICAN CHURCH Anglican Parish of Barossa: Angaston: 10am HC SdK; Nuriootpa: 8.30am HC SdK; Tanunda: 10am HC GH; Lyndoch: 8.30am HC MM; Williamstown: 10am HC MM. Kapunda Anglican Parish: Christ Church, LUTHERAN CHURCH PARISHES Angaston Parish: Angaston: 8.45am, 10.30am Kapunda: 9.15am HC; St Mary’s, Point Pass: HC; Penrice: 10.30am LR; Keyneton: 11am HC; 11.15am HC. Mt Pleasant: 1st Sunday 8.30am, all other Eden Valley: 9am HC. Bethany-Tabor Parish: 8.30am T HC, 11am M Sundays 9am. Enquiries to Hazel Wilton, Warden on 8568 2042. HC; Tabor: 9.45am HC. Cambrai Parish: Cambrai: 11am P; Sedan: 9am UNITING CHURCH HC; Stonefield: 9.30am R. Barossa Congregations: Nuriootpa: 9am Eudunda Parish: Eudunda: 9am HC; Neales Flat: Edwards; Tanunda: 11am Edwards; Angaston: 10.30am HC. 11am Angaston WC; Truro: 9am Angaston WC. Freeling Parish: St Marks, Freeling: 8.45am; Gawler Parish: Gawler: 9.30am Baptism, Webb, Trinity, Rosedale: 10.45am. 5pm HC, Summer Style; Sandy Creek: Combined Gawler: Zion, Pr Geoff Havelberg, Ph 8523 1929. with Williamstown; Williamstown:10am Graetz. 22B Cowan St, Gawler. 8.45am Trad W, 10.45am Kersbrook: 10am. Enquiries: 8389 3114. Cont W HC. Light Parish: Kapunda: 9.15am Mr M Wilson; Gawler Immanuel: Cnr Second & Seventh Sts, Robertstown: 9.30am Mr G Fahlbusch. Gawler.Ph: 8522 6000.Sunday 8.45am, 10.45am. 1st Sunday of month 9.30am. Share-a-meal every BAPTIST CHURCH 1st & 3rd Wed 11.45am. Barossa Community Church: 10am Barossa Greenock: Nain: 9am HC; Greenock: 9am LR; Junction Motel/Conference Centre, Barossa Valley Gnadenfrei: 10.30am HC + ‘ChATS’. Way, Tan, Pastor Richard Ansoul. Ph: 8563 2158. Kapunda Parish: Allen’s Creek: 10am Parish Lyndoch Baptist Church: Kauffman Ave, Service HC. Lyndoch: 10am. All welcome. Enquiries to Pastor Langmeil Parish:8.45am Trad HC, 10.30am Tony Edwards on 8564 3001. Cont. Light Pass Immanuel Parish: Not supplied. CATHOLIC CHURCH PARISHES Light Pass Strait Gate: Light Pass: 10.30am B; Northern Light Catholic Parish: Nuri: 1st & 3rd Sat Gruenberg/Truro: 9am Combined at Gruenberg 6.30pm, 2nd & 5th Sun 10.30am, 4th Sun 9am; B. Kapunda: 4th Sat 6.30pm, 1st & 3rd Sun 10.30am, Lyndoch Parish: Not supplied. 2nd & 5th Sun 9am; Freeling: 1st Sun 9am, 4th Sun Nuriootpa: St Petri: 8.30am HC, 10.30am, 2pm 10.30am, 5th Sun 5pm; Tarlee: 3rd Sun 9am. Installation of Pastor Adrian Kitson; Holy Trinity: Parish Office: Ph 8566 2064. 8.30am Trad HC; Ebenezer: 10am LR; Neukirch: SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST 10am HC. Barossa: 1 Old Kapunda Rd, Nuri; Sat 9.30am Robertstown Parish: Robertstown: 8.30am Pr; Family Bible Study, 11am Family Worship. Point Pass: 10.30am HC. ASSEMBLIES OF GOD St John’s Parish: St J: 10.30am; Sch: 9am HC. Barossa New Life Centre: Sunday 10am at the St Paul’s Parish:St P: 10.30am C; Gdb: 8.45am T. roundabout, cnr Barossa Valley Way & Siegersdorf www.barossaherald.com.au
CHC 52054-08/11
Road, Dorrien. 4pm at Mt Pleasant Anglican Church Hall, Melrose St. All welcome. Pastor Diane Pope, Pastor Trevor Auricht. Ph: 8562 3844. Kapunda: 10am Sunday, Light Community Church, Main St, Kapunda. Pastor Paul Smith. All welcome. Ph: 8566 2864. CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP Tanunda, McDonnell Street opp former Tanunda Primary School: Saturdays 2.30pm, Worship, Open Bible Study. CHRISTIAN FAMILY CENTRE Barossa: 10.30am Sundays. 16 Scholz Ave, Nuri. Pastor Alan Matson. Ph: 0404 846 274. Murray Flats: 5pm alternate Sundays. Pastor Alan Matson. Ph: 0404 846 274. Cambrai Uniting Church 5pm. SALT CHURCH 25 Northside Crt, Evanston Gdns: Sunday Service 10am & 5pm. Offices, b/shop open 9.30am-4pm. Ph: 8522 0000. THE CHRISTADELPHIANS Sunday school, Greenock Institute Hall, 9.30am. Memorial meetings 11am Sunday. Bible Studies 8pm Tuesday. All welcome. Phone 8524 4196. CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Main North Rd, Evanston Park. Worship Service Sunday 10.30am. All welcome. Pastor Douglas Carolisen. Ph: 8523 1706. INTERDENOMINATIONAL CHURCH Birdwood United Church. 10am Pr Brian Teakle. Ph: 8568 5540. All welcome. HEWETT COMMUNITY CHURCH OF CHRIST Kingfisher Dr, Hewett. 10am, Sunday inspiring worship service. Young generation and creche avail.Youth, women and men’s programs. Ph: 8522 4938. GAWLER FULL GOSPEL OUTREACH MINISTRIES Family Worship Svc. 10am Sun, stone pavilion, Sport & Community Cent, Nixon Tce, Gaw. Pastor Shirley Coe. Ph: 0401 065 748. KAPUNDA EVANGELICAL CHURCH Sundays 5pm, 1st Sunday 10.30am, CWA Hall. Pastor Andrew Amos. Ph: 8566 2148. LYNDOCH FULL GOSPEL FELLOWSHIP MINISTRY Lyndoch Institute each Sunday, 11.30am1.30pm Pastor Ken East ph: 8524 4787.
biased or anti-religiously bigoted, as I was disappointed to find with Steven Fry in his TV encounter with a Christian fundamentalist recently. But she did embody the surface perusal of much of modern society which often places objectives before obscured truths. True, Mr Wilkes may have used only Old Testament law for his argument which would be wrong of him. And Ms O’Keeffe embellishes, with good reason, the obvious wrongs. But her only problem is that Old Testament law is meant to be wrong. She then trendily inserts today’s favourite sin: slavery. Modern society, because we are largely and even radically indoctrinated, sees slavery as a maligned and dirty word. But if we were to present this a thousand years ago, the listener would look at you blankly and say: “What’s wrong with slavery? Anything?” The modern world really only has an ignorant, surface perception of real life. Especially in the Western world, society sees to it that a downturn on whatever appears bad completely obscures any larger upturn. In ancient times and even in the 19th century, slavery was direly essential for much of the public. Industries and plantations could never have been if unpaid labour didn’t exist. Most slave owners, contradictory to modern and ignorant misleading, were not baddies. The vast majority of plantation owners were good people and kind to their slaves. (As for slave traders, the first of them were Africans themselves). Only a small, condemned minority were cruel to their slaves. The writer them emphasises how the various bible authors are contradictory regarding slavery. But are they really? She will find with perseverance that negative and positive approaches to any bible subject are relative only to context. Isaiah, for example, uses slavery as a curse when symbolising the penalties for unbelievers. In Luke and Exodus, both historic and not law books, slavery is included as a normal way of life. None fundamentally contradict. Perhaps the writer’s largest misunderstanding is that of her using Leviticus to back her argument for the bible’s barbarity. Leviticus is barbaric in modern terms, because, as aforementioned, it is meant to be. Leviticus details fully the old Mosaic Law. It is meant partly as a contrast to show its harshness when compared to the New Law which Christ established after His coming. She is right when she asserts that God didn’t write the bible. And nor did Moses write the first five books. These were written by five different prophets in approximately 700BC just after the reign of Solomon. Nonetheless, the authors were indisputably inspired by God. For upon reading them it is plain to see their divine beauty and truth which no human being could accomplish without divine interception. Jeff Hansen Greenock Arrivals opinion The continuing naïve and impractical views being expressed in the media in relation to unauthorised arrivals into Australia deserve a response. We all know about international refugee conventions but, in my opinion, they are now outdated and in urgent need of revision. In a world where there are over 40 million displaced people and which is, according to demographic experts, already 100 per cent over carrying capacity at the present rate of consumption, no country especially one with a generous, enviable lifestyle like Australia, can afford to have an open border policy when it comes to people supposedly seeking asylum but in my opinion, actually moving between countries and “shopping around” for the best way of life and welfare availability. Why should the population of this country have their peaceful, relatively uncrowded way of life put at risk by thousands of people from countries that have been either unable or unwilling to
Wednesday, January 18, 2012 - Page 12 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
sustain their numbers or improve their way of life? Why should we have to accept abhorrent cultural practices which have no place in a country that champions “easygoingness”, community harmony and equal rights for women? With so-called globalisation undermining our national sovereignty, our food production and manufacturing industries, I shudder to think of the “Lucky Country” ending up in the same chaos as some European countries, battling unemployment, crime and ethnic tensions following the influx of thousands of desperate people from desperate, often corruptly-governed countries, and also from countries that have been turned upside down by the USA and its allies. I have tried to find out whether our government is doing anything about the thousands of visa over-stayers currently in this country, and the silence is deafening. I wonder why? Ms A Hodges Birdwood Wind farm concern This is an open letter to all those farmers and landowners that have made or are contemplating making agreements or contracts with wind farm developers. We understand that the financial arrangements between yourselves and the developers are such that it represents a very tempting investment in the future of what is being promoted as positive sustainable energy. There are however, many drawbacks to this form of electricity generation that should be taken into account. Not the least of these is the effect these wind turbines will have on the natural environment, the “nature” of our countryside and consequently on every living creature within a substantial distance of what many of us regard as alien monstrosities. There is a great deal of evidence from all over the world that shows that the construction and operation of giant turbines causes a great deal of discomfort to those unfortunate enough to be within range which in some cases is as far as 10 kilometres. There will be no hiding away of these huge turbines (up to 145 metres total height) and you will be responsible for permanently changing our hills and dales from a natural vista to a straight out industrial wasteland that so many people over the years will come to hate. It will be a natural progression that many of those people will also come to regard you with an animosity commensurate with their degree of discomfort, welfare and in some cases physical and mental disorders. You may wish to deny that there will be “side effects” and you may also think that your financial gain will somehow make it worth putting up with some discomfort yourselves as well as all the ill feeling from your neighbours. The reality of the situation may well be very different from that which you imagine however and once you have committed to the industrialisation of your land there will be no turning back, you will not be able to change your mind when you see how monstrous these machines really are. There is considerable evidence now that wind turbines are not the answer to global warming etc and that they are just a manifestation of expensive political expediency that are wreaking havoc all over the world and delivering unreliable and very costly power. We would urge you to consider very carefully your commitment to this highly controversial industry and also to consider the other residents of the district whose lives will be severely compromised by your actions. In anticipation you may reconsider your intentions, we remain yours sincerely, David Formby, Tony Walker, Robyn Gilbert, Sue Kennedy, Hiedi Smith, Erwin Thaler, Wolf Bramberger, Geoff Ball, all from Keyneton - Eden Valley district. admin.barossaherald@ruralpress.com
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Wednesday, January 18, 2012 - Page 13 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
1 Murray Street, NURIOOTPA www.barossaherald.com.au
Gawler police incidents ARRESTS • A Gawler man in his 70s was arrested on January 9 by the Gawler Police under the authority of the Public Intoxication Act. • An Elizabeth man in his 20s was arrested on January 10 by the Gawler Police at Gawler South for driving while disqualified and for prescribed concentration of alcohol with a reading of 0.097. An instant loss of licence was issued. • A Gawler South woman in her 20s was arrested on January 11 by the Gawler Police for aggravated assault, assault and property damage. • A Moorook man in his 20s was arrested on January 12 by the Barossa CIB for unlawfully on premises and for property damage. • A Two Wells man in his 30s was arrested on January 12 by the Gawler Police for driving while disqualified. The vehicle was subsequently seized. • A Gawler East man in his 20s was arrested on January 13 by the Gawler Police for driving while unlicensed. • An Elizabeth Vale male teenager was arrested on January 14 by the Gawler Police for being unlawfully on premises. • An Adelaide woman in her 30s was arrested on January 15 by the Gawler Police for being disorderly and failing to leave a licensed premise. REPORTS • A Lyndoch man in his 30s was reported on January 8 by the Gawler Police for breach of a domestic violence restraining order. • A Hewett woman in her 40s was reported on January 10 by the Gawler Police for driving while disqualified and for PCA with a reading of 0.175.An instant loss of licence was issued and the vehicle was impounded. • An Elizabeth East man in his 30s was reported on January 10 by the Barossa Highway Patrol on Port Wakefield Road, Windsor, for driving while disqualified. • A Lyndoch man in his 30s was reported on January 11 by the Barossa CIB for cultivation of cannabis. • A Lewiston woman in her 40s was reported on January 11 by the Gawler Police on Dalkieth Road, Kudla for driving while disqualified. The vehicle was subsequently impounded. • A Gawler woman in her 20s was reported on January 12 by the Gawler Police for breach of bail. • A 17-year-old Evanston Park male was reported on January 12 by the Gawler Police for unlawfully on premises.
Barossa incidents reported on January 13 by the Willamstown Police for a severe breach of heavy transport dimensions. • A 35-year-old Kapunda woman was reported on January 13 for offensive language and for property damage. • A 31-year-old Light Pass man was reported on January 15 by the Nuriootpa Police for driving while under the influence and for a prescribed concentration of alcohol with a reading of 0.253. TRESPASS • Two pumps were stolen after entry was gained to a premise on Nuraip Road, Nuriootpa,
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on January 8. • A chainsaw was stolen from a shed located on a property on Branson Road, Greenock, between December 27 and January 14. THEFT • Items were stolen from the rear of a ute, which was parked on Murray Street, Nuriootpa, between January 4 and 6. • A business on Murray Street, Tanunda had an advertising/sandwich board stolen, between January 13 and 14. PROPERTY DAMAGE • A vehicle parked on John Street, Tanunda, sustained damage to the bonnet, between January 13 and 14.
ARREST • A Tanunda man in his 30s was arrested on January 11 by the Nuriootpa Police for carrying an offensive weapon and for acts to endanger life. • A 47-year-old Harrogate man was arrested on January 13 by the Williamstown Police for assault. REPORTS • A Williamstown man in his 20s was reported on January 12 by the Williamstown Police for property damage. • An Angaston man in his 20s was reported on January 13 by the Nuriootpa Police for driving while suspended. • A 56-year-old Concordia man was
ife is about choice and everyone has the right to enjoy whatever field they choose. But for those who are not interested in sport, how do they get the adrenaline rush which affects players and spectators alike? The adrenaline issue came to mind on Sunday morning during an American football final. For the winner, advance to the next round, for the loser it was the end of the season. After trailing, the home team grabbed the lead with just two
FARMERS and the public are urged to watch out for vehicles towing large trailers following two incidents where thieves stole bales of hay weighing up to 140kg each. Offences have occurred at rural areas including Lewiston. To assist police, contact BankSA Crimestoppers on 1800 333 000. • A 19-year-old Lewiston man was reported on January 13 by the Gawler Police for driving while disqualified and as a result had his vehicle impounded for 28 days. • A 59-year-old Gawler East man was reported on January 14 by the Gawler Police for PCA with a reading of 0.082. • A 38-year-old Elizabeth Grove woman was reported on January 14 by the Gawler Police for exceeding speed and PCA with a reading of 0.147. As a result her vehicle impounded for 28 days. • A 19-year-old Tungkillo was reported on January 15 by the Gawler Police for misuse of a motor vehicle, driving while unlicensed, unregistered and uninsured and for PCA with a reading of 0.051. PROPERTY DAMAGE • A vehicle parked on Berrett Road, Gawler East, had its window smashed on January 8. • A building on Northside Court, Evanston, sustained graffiti and other damage, between January 5 and 12. • A business on Cheek Avenue, Gawler East and High Street, Gawler, sustained graffiti damage between January 13 and 14. THEFT • Various items were stolen and a roof was damaged to a vehicle parked on Gerlach Grove, Evanston Park, between January 13 and 14. • Two side mirrors to a vehicle parked on Hiller Road, Evanston, were stolen between January 12 and 13. • An air hose was stolen from a business on Main North Road, Evanston, on January 12. ILLEGAL USE OF A MOTOR VEHICLE • A vehicle was stolen from a driveway of a residence on Angas Avenue, Evanston Park, between January 13 and 14.
minutes to go, and the cameras panned to the crowd who were united celebrating. Only a minute later, the opposition regained the lead. Talk about going to extremes. But the game wasn’t over, with just 10 seconds left, the home team scored again to grab the lead and win. You guessed it, the fans were back wildly cheering after a minute earlier going from the highest high to the lowest low. Is there anything other than sport which could see emotions fluctuate so wildly? It doesn’t have to be sport at the highest level, it can be kids’ sport on a Saturday or Sunday morning. Yes it is great to take
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Wednesday, January 18, 2012 - Page 14 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
REMINDER: Police urge motorists and other road users to be mindful of cyclists who head to Barossa this Friday during the Tour Down Under. The public is also reminded there are several road closures to be aware of including Murray Street, Tanunda, between Jane and Bridge streets to close from 6am. For more details on where bikes will be, visit tourdownunder.com.au.
Watch for vehicles towing trailers
part and enjoy the sport but rush does come with a win or a loss. On Friday, we will see an adrenaline rush as the world’s best cyclists take part in the Santos Tour Down Under which finishes in Tanunda. Those cyclists will pedal for about three and a half hours before the stage will come down to a sprint over the final few hundred metres. So after riding in a peloton and being involved in team tactics, it really just comes down to the final 20 or 30 seconds of about 210 minutes. For one cyclist, and his team, there will be rush of joy. For the rest, regroup and have another go on Saturday.
Help locate a vehicle THE public is asked to help police locate the driver of a small, white, two-door sports car believed to be involved in the death of Jayson Johnathon Doelz at Kersbrook. The body of the deceased man was found on Wednesday, January 11. Investigators believe the man was assaulted by a number of men at Little South Para Road, Kersbrook, at about 5.45pm on Monday, and died as a result. The vehicle was seen heading north towards Williamstown. To assist, contact BankSA Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000. admin.barossaherald@ruralpress.com
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Wednesday, January 18, 2012 - Page 15 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Wellbeing Back to School
with STARplex Fitness Centre manager Paul Pearce
Something for everyone
FRIENDLY FACES: Owner Karen Harding with Bruce Lad, can help with your back to school needs at Karen’s Clearance Shoes in Kapunda.
ENJOYING LIFE: Ladies taking part in the STARplex aqua fitness class.
Be happy - every day HAPPINESS can be defined in terms of living a good life, or flourishing. A mental state of well-being, happiness can be characterised by positive emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy. A variety of psychological, religious, and philosophical approaches have striven to define happiness. Rather than attempt to define what “happiness” is, we need to be mindful of how we might attain it by following simple basic steps as guidelines: 1. Increase your water intake (dehydrated brains are grumpy). 2. Eat REAL food - nuts, vegies, fruit (remove unprocessed food and your energy levels will soar). 3. Get fit and experience that “puffed” feeling (a fit person at the end of an exercise class does not feel tired at the end. Being happy is easier when you are
fitter). Also, choose an exercise discipline that you would like to master. Do it regularly and improve your ability and skill level eg ballroom dancing or swimming. This will help you develop personally and professionally. Relaxation and resting allows you to enjoy time out by yourself (truly happy people love who they are). 4. Finally, include strength training (a strong body copes with emotional and physical stress much better). It has been said that “variety is the spice of life”. The truth is that variety will keep you interested and more content and therefore more likely to exercise. Changing environment with your exercise (beach runs, cycle trails), including different routines will challenge your body and leave you with an invigorated feeling. The health benefits of a positive mind and body are compelling. Regular exercise aids longevity and improves quality of life, lowering levels of depression by releasing endorphins (natural chemical in the body). Fit, strong people are confident and stand out from the crowd, most of all through their smile.
IT’S ALMOST time again for the kids to head back through the gates for the start of the new school year and now is the time to grab a bargain. Karen’s Clearance Shoes in Kapunda has quality school shoes available that will stand up to the toughest punishment. Karen’s Clearance Shoes specialises in quality discontinued shoes and the prices are below cost to save you money. “We specialise in discounted shoes and they remain at discounted prices until sold out,” Karen Harding, owner, said.
Waltz onto website FOR many families with children who do dancing the costs can seem to spiral out of control.
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“There are a wide range of sizes and styles to suit the whole family. “Having been open for over 18 months, we offer more than just shoes.” The store now carries a range of quality clothing lines, jewellery, handbags, backpacks, football shoes and shorts and much more. With the affordable pricing available throughout the store, there is sure to be something for everyone. Karen’s Clearance Shoes, “We’re on sale every day we are open” - so why not drop in at 27 Main Street, Kapunda or give Karen a call on 8566 3498.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012 - Page 16 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Dance fees, outfits, shoes, costumes....and on it goes. Sound familiar? Kids grow out of their
dance clothes and shoes at an alarming rate, and who knows whether they will be so passionate about their dancing next year - or even next term. So don’t spend a fortune on your dancewear when you don’t need to. Balletstuff offers parents a cost effective alternative for dancewear. Don’t spend hours searching from store to store looking for the most affordable kid’s dancewear. Use our one-stop website for everything you need, from ballet shoes, tights, leotards, and tutus. We also stock loads of girls’ fashionable dancewear accessories, dressups, books, music boxes, DVDs, and much more for all ages. For the boys, we stock black ballet shoes and jazz shoes. If you are just starting out, Balletstuff have put together a great value starter pack which has all four items you’ll need to start dancing - leather ballet shoes, leotard, skirt and tights - for under $50. If you want quality merchandise at an affordable price, whether you’re shopping for a toddler or a teen, you’ll find it at a price that won’t cost a fortune at the website www.balletstuff.com.au
BACK 2 SCHOOL AUSSIE AUSSIE AUSSIE made easy & affordable Oi! Oi! Oi! Select from our huge range for C’mon mate, bring out the Aussie in everything you need to stock up for school at prices you’ll smile at.
you! We’ve got so much gear for you to choose from so you’ll be properly decked out for Australia Day.
7 Tod Street, Gawler
8522 1911
*Pictures for illustration purposes only. Stock may vary from store to store. admin.barossaherald@ruralpress.com
Wednesday, January 18, 2012 - Page 17 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Who’s new?
Happy birthday to.. Lucas Fairey, of Nuriootpa, will be one on January 24.
Noah McDonald, of Greenock, was one on January 7.
Cooper Zimmermann, of Tanunda, was one on December 18.
Lyleea Wake-Dyster, of Gawler, will be two on January 19.
Chloe Rose, of Nuriootpa, was six on January 18.
Evelyn Burzacott, of Nuriootpa, will be one on January 19.
Hayley Whitehorn, of Penrice, was nine on January 7.
Will Whitehorn, of Penrice, was three on January 15.
LEFT: Anika Lece Carlson, daughter of Michelle Hoskin and Mitchell Carlson, was born on January 9 at Tanunda Hospital, weighing 6lb 7oz (2920g). She is a sister for Elisha, Phoenix and Imara and a grandchild for Wendy and Phil Carlson of Nuriootpa, John Hoskin of Henley Beach and Natalie Lehmann of Nuriootpa.
RIGHT: Scarlet Bonny Cartwright, daughter of Luke and Joanne, of Nuriootpa, was born on December 16 at Gawler Health Service, weighing 8lb 1oz (3657g). She is a sister for Rhett and Elyse and a grandchild for Ian and Lyn Cartwright of Nuriootpa and Dianne and the late Dennis Wilksch of Marananga. BARGAIN: Wendy, team leader at Getta Bargain in Tod Street, Gawler, holding a school supplies folder and also wearing her Australia Day tie. Getta Bargain has many ‘back to school’ specials.
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GAWLER residents are now urged to place blood donations at the top of their to do lists for 2012. The Australian Red Cross Blood Service will need 1.4 million donations this year as the nation continues to rely on just three per cent of the population for its blood. With demand for blood and blood products expected to double in the next decade, SA Donor services manager Alex Frolow encourages more residents to give blood. “One in three of us will need blood in our lifetime, yet only one in 30 donates,” he said. “Many Australians treat New Year’s resolutions as a negative they often try to give up something rather than take up a life-changing activity, like donating blood. We know that
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DAY 1 – Greenock Creek to Sydney via plane. Opal Coaches afternoon sightseeing around city. DAY 2 – visit The Rocks, The Rocks Discovery Museum, Susannah Place, a rare surviving example of a simple working-class terrace. After lunch Back on the bus for a ‘scenic route’ back to the hotel via the world famous Bondi Beach. DAY 3 – Circular Quay. A morning coffee cruise on the harbour. Harbour attractions such as the Opera House, the Harbour Bridge and Fort Denison, palatial waterfront homes, parks, beaches and marinas showing Sydney life at its best. After lunch free time to explore, then a Sydney Opera House guided tour. DAY 4 – Brooklyn, launching point for Australia's last riverboat mail and grocery delivery service along the Hawkesbury. Join the Riverboat Postman that provides the daily needs to the population including mail, milk, groceries and newspapers. DAY 5 – On foot for a stroll to the Chinese Garden of Friendship, catch the monorail past famous Sydney attractions, including the Sydney Tower. Final stop at Sydney Aquarium. DAY 6 –Mary MacKillop Place. A museum dedicated to Australia’s first saint, Mary MacKillop, including ‘Alma Cottage’, the house she lived, worked and died in 1909. Back on the bus and past the famous beach Manly, then to Taronga Zoo. DAY 7 – The magnificent Blue Mountains. Visit the Three Sisters, Explorers Tree, Echo Point and the opportunity to travel the Scenic Railway and Skyway (own expense) Stroll through Wentworth Falls, Leura and Katoomba. Enjoy a stop at the Blue Mountains Chocolate Company. Visit the Blue Mountains Botanic Gardens at Mount Tomah. DAY 8 – Visit ANZ Stadium for a guided tour, then shopping at the DFO at Homebush. DAY 9 – Return Home flight to Adelaide.
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Australians will need at least 1.4 million donations in 2012, so we’re urging people who have held off from donating to give it a go this year. “Just an hour of your time will help save three lives and afterwards you can enjoy free refreshments.” Residents can give blood when the mobile unit visits Gawler’s Sport and Community Centre, Nixon Terrace on Friday, January 27, 1pm - 6pm; Monday, January 30, 1pm - 7pm; Tuesday, January 31, 9.30am - 3pm; Wednesday, February 1, 9.30am - 3pm; Thursday, February 2, 1pm - 7pm and Friday, February 3, 9.30am 2.30pm. To become a blood donor contact the Blood Service on 13 14 95 or visit donateblood.com.au.
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Wednesday, January 18, 2012 - Page 18 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Real Estate Liftout
Awesome. Can we buy it? Exceptional property which shouldn’t be overlooked. See Domain P3. SATURDAY 21ST JANUARY HOMBURG REAL ESTATE
HOMBURG REAL ESTATE STOCKWELL Lot 393 Stockwell Road ..12:00 – 12:30pm
SANDY CREEK Lot 5 Williamstown Rd ...12:30 – 1:30pm TANUNDA 16 Homburg Street ................12:30 – 1:00pm TANUNDA 12 Bethany Road .....................2:45 – 3:15pm TANUNDA 18 Rosalie Avenue ...................3:30 – 4:00pm
ANGASTON 8 Sibley Street .....................12:45 – 1:15pm
MARANANGA Lot 203 Neldner Road ........4:15 – 5:00pm TANUNDA 25 Alf Pellegrini Drive ..............1:15 – 1:45pm
ANGASTON 1 Chinner Street ....................2:00 – 2:30pm
BAROSSA REAL ESTATE NURIOOTPA 8 New Road......................12:15 – 12:45pm
richard miller CONVEYANCING
TANUNDA 34 Lehmann Road ...................2:00 – 2:30pm
TANUHDA 34 Hoffmann Avenue ...............1:15 – 1:45pm NURIOOTPA 19 Oxley Street.....................2:00 – 2:30pm Assoc. Aust. Inst. of Conveyancers Registered Conveyancer
Beckwith Park Commercial Precinct 30-38 Barossa Valley Way, Nuriootpa
PENRICE 100 Penrice Road......................2:30 – 3:00pm WILLIAMSTOWN 12 Rounsevell Road .....2:30 – 3:15pm
TANUNDA 42A Maria Street......................2:45 – 3:15pm NURIOOTPA 25 Atze Parade .....................2:45 – 3:15pm
Ph: (08) 8562 3355 | Fax: (08) 8562 3282 • House & Land Settlements • Mortgages • Leases • Business Settlements • Subdivisions Arranged • Strata Titles • Power of Attorney ALL REAL PROPERTY ACT DOCUMENTS
CONVEYANCER? MAKE THE RIGHT CHOICE www.barossaherald.com.au
TANUNDA 8 Lehmann Road .....................1:30 – 2:00pm
JULIE TOTH REAL ESTATE ANGASTON 36 Penrice Road................12:00 – 12:30pm
NURIOOTPA 22 Helene Street...................3:30 – 4:00pm
ANGASTON 21 Jubilee Avenue ...............12:45 – 1:15pm NURIOOTPA 79A Murray Street................3:30 – 4:00pm NURIOOTPA 73 Greenock Road................1:45 – 2:15pm EBENEEZER Lot 102 Belvidere Road ........2:30 – 3:00pm
NURIOOTPA 47 John Harris Drive ............4:15 – 4:45pm
DUTTON 42 Truro/Eudunda Road .............3:30 – 4:00pm NURIOOTPA 11 Second Street..................4:15 – 4:45pm
Wednesday, January 18, 2012 - Domain Page 1 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Real Estate Liftout Modern bluestone cottage WHAT a surprise. This absolute beauty at 100 Penrice Road, Penrice has a few in store for you. Designed to blend in with the surrounding cottages with its bluestone front, traditional bullnose verandah and feature quoins it looks every bit like an original cottage. Walk through the front door and the surprises begin. Open, light and trendy are the words that come to mind to describe the interior. A huge lounge room provides all of the space you could wish for and will accommodate the most generous lounge furniture. The open-plan kitchen / family / meals area provides that day-to-day family living space that is essential for the modern family. What a great space for casual entertaining and with its easy maintenance timber laminate flooring there won’t be any concerns about wear and tear. The kitchen is both functional and beautiful with plenty of storage and bench space and a fabulous central island bench as the focal point – a place to share the news of the day. Appliances are totally up-to-date with a gas cooktop, dishwasher and wall oven. Reverse-cycle air conditioning provides quick and efficient climate control and for a cosy ambience in the cooler months you have the option of slow combustion heating. There are four large bedrooms, the main having an ensuite and walk-in robe and the remaining three
ABOVE: The bluestone-fronted Penrice property with a host of surprises. BELOW: The open-plan kitchen area of the Penrice cottage which is functional and beautiful.
“The best people in local real estate”
PENRICE - $399,000-$415,000
Call Sue 9 Charles Fry Court CATHEDRAL CEILINGS
Located in a quiet court and set on 682m2 allotment this home is sure to impress. With 3 Bedrooms, Ensuite, Built in robes, Polished floor,Three way bathroom, Kitchen & Electric appliances, lots of cupboard space, Split system Air conditioning, Open plan lounge, fam & Dining, Carport, Double Garage & double attached Carport.The list goes on.
Sue Schugmann 0419 850 408
NURIOOTPA - Expressions Of Interest
day 22/1
Call Myriam
n Open Su
nda Open Su
NURIOOTPA - $375-$390,000
y 22/1 2
Call Sue
Sue Schugmann
Home & Property Guide
bedrooms all having built-in robes and easy access to the main bathroom. A full-length rear verandah and extensive paving complement the established, easy care garden. A concrete driveway leads to the carport with roller door and there is a 10 x 4m shed which is great for any extra storage needs. A rainwater tank is an essential addition. Within walking distance to the delightful town of Angaston, with its many specialty shops and cafes, this property provides you with the lifestyle and opportunity you have been waiting for. Priced at $399,000 - $415,000. Call Sue Schugmann from Barossa Real Estate on 0419 850 408.
nday 22/1
Call Elle
Open Su
Call Peter
100 Penrice Road MODERN BLUE STONE COTTAGE Bluestone frontage with quoins, 4 bedrooms, Ensuite & WIR, Built in robes, Separate lounge room, Kitchen, gas cooking, Dishwasher, Open plan Dining and Family, Ducted R/C Air, plus Combustion Heating, Carport with roller door, Full length verandah, 10x4 m Shed, Rain water tank.The list goes on.Within walking distance to Angaston. Sue Schugmann 0419 850 408
29 Road 21Stockwell Kranz Street GOOD FAMILY LIVING! Built in 1984, modern floor plan and neutral tones. Master brm with ens & wir, beds 2 & 3 with BIR’s, 3 way family bathroom, formal lounge and dining room and an open plan kitchen, family, meals area. Centrally located to town amenities and with Nuriootpa only 78.6km (approx) from Adelaide, it could be the country change you are after. Elle Moreton 0488 996 566
4 brm brick veneer home set on a large 5150m2 (approx) block. Separate lounge room, kitchen/ family/ meals area, bedrooms 1, 2, and 3 all with BIR, three way bathroom, slate flooring, outdoor entertaining area, 3 garden sheds and ample r/w.
TANUNDA - $440,000
12 Rounsevell Road GORGEOUS OUTLOOK!
Peter Fairweather 0415 825 420
nday 22/1
Call Sue
Call Peter
8 New Road CLASSIC, SOLID, STYLISH FAMILY HOME! A truly delightful property offering privacy, space and convenience. A family bungalow with 4 bedrooms & 2 bathrooms on a generous block of approx. 1278m2, has been fully renovated and restored. Lofty ornate ceilings, original architraves and skirtings, sash windows, fire places and polished floorboards, new wiring & roofing, and solar power.
Myriam Bultsma 0427 392 819
10 William Gilbert Road ENVIABLE FAMILY LIFESTYLE PROPERTY Set on a gorgeous 5acres (approx) of elevated land surrounded by lush green lawns and towering gums this home has all of the “I wants” a family could ask for – 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, spacious modern living, big boys (proper) shed, spectacular entertaining area with wood fire pizza oven and adjoining in-ground pool perfect for the summer months. Peter Fairweather 0415 825 420
Call Myriam 11 Whittaker Street
Open Su
34 Hoffmann Ave
Spacious 3 bedroom family home with separate lounge room, Kitchen overlooking Dining, walk in Pantry with lots of Cupboard space. Ducted R/C Air Conditioning. Low Maintenance gardens. Garage under main roof with access into the home. Second Driveway for Caravan and within walking distance to Main Street. Be quick for this quality home.
This meticulously presented large portico family home has 3 large living areas, 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. Generous proportions enhanced by 9 ft. vaulted ceilings. Whether you`re into a contemporary or classic décor the delicate colour scheme will suit every style. Shed in the back garden is fully lined & insulated. Perfect as home office, art studio or wine storage.
Sue Schugmann 0419 850 408
Myriam Bultsma 0427 392 819
“The best people in local real estate” Consultant Peter Fairweather 0415 825 420
Consultant Sue Schugmann 0419 850 408
Consultant Sue Fechner 8563 3511
Consultant Myriam Bultsma 0427 392 819
Consultant Elle Moreton 0488 996 566
Property Manager Anne Johansson 8563 3511
8563 3511
Wednesday, January 18, 2012 - Domain Page 2 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
104 Murray St, Tanunda www.barossarealestate.com.au RLA 1997
Real Estate Liftout PROPERTY OF THE WEEK
SPACIOUS: The house at Cockatoo Valley on about five acres.
Exceptional WOW. You’ll remember the drive to this house and the kids in the back seat will be saying, “Mum and Dad, this is awesome, can we buy it?”. Arriving at this lovely modern house in Cockatoo Valley, set on a gorgeous parcel of elevated land of about five acres, you’ll all agree that this is an enviable family property. ‘Whispering Heights’ was designed as a prestigious development with large quality homes on acreage allotments. This property, surrounded by lush green lawns and towering gums, can become your very own peaceful hideaway. For children the freedom to run, play and pursue their favourite outdoor activities is endless. The home offers a versatile floor plan with four large bedrooms, two generous living areas and two bathrooms, one being ensuite to the master bedroom. The open-plan kitchen and family room offers expansive views over the surrounding countryside and opens
onto a fabulous undercover entertaining area and gorgeous swimming pool. A built-in pizza oven provides the ideal alternative to a barbecue either for the family or when feeding a crowd and in winter it would provide a cosy spot for dining. The entire outdoor area has been designed for stylish year-round living and entertaining. Terraced gardens and large expanses of lawn frame the house and are easily maintained with an automated watering system. Large capacity rainwater storage more than covers your water requirements. As well as a double car shed under the main roof , a large Colorbond shed provides room for extra vehicles and all of the other boys’ toys that you may have. For those looking to provide a very special home for their family this exceptional property should not be overlooked.
Living in a tent THIS brilliantly modulated house (pictured) is pitched like a tent among the trees. High amid beautiful bushland and tucked between Dromana on Port Phillip Bay and Shoreham on Western Port, where the elegant hues of the Mornington Peninsula recall an impressionist's palette, is Red Hill in Victoria. This is a place of sanctuary, serenity and soothing sea breezes, a perfect place for a house and haven. This David Luck-designed house at 71 Lookout Road is just that. But it is oh so much more; or is that less? In all its glorious reality, this house is, in fact, a tent. A marvellous, brilliantly conceived and perfectly modulated tent but a tent nonetheless, and it is a joy to behold. OK, so it's forged from black steel panels and angles up and through the bushland so that from one viewpoint, it looks as though a large black truck has come to rest in the middle of the green. Another way of seeing the structure is as a kind of prehistoric, hulking black beetle, making its way, head down, through the undergrowth. This is a remarkable place, not least because it's such an unexpected sight in the middle of the bush but also because it fits here so beautifully. It's a very neat trick to make a series of black metal boxes look as if they belong organically among the gum trees. After parking at the end of a long, open gangplank elevated a few feet from the ground, you head towards a small square of light in the righthand corner of the house.
The idea is that this place is a getaway, so you arrive on Friday night after work, park and move towards the light that orients you to the shape of the house - a beacon if you will. Follow it to your repose. Inside, the wide passage angles up towards the north, a line of floortracking windows allowing a glimpse of the bushland beyond. This is a fine feature as the rest of the house is essentially open to the outside, so the blank west wall provides protection from the sun and a sense of enclosure. Across to the right is where our tent metaphor really comes into its own. A series of platforms accommodates several beds - there are no real internal walls to speak of and, as such, the views of bushland are generous and exquisite, giving the feeling that you really are out there with nature. A gorgeously fitted bathroom makes an excellent concession to luxury comfort, with a water wall that runs onto the tilted pane of glass serving as your basin. Brilliant. Glass on the eastern edge
can be fully opened so you can have your shower with the birds. The terrific kitchen sits centrally, its glass rectangular box projecting into the scenery. This is a seriously handsome area but you won't find too many mod cons here; there's a cool benchtop, storage, a sink and room for a small fridge. There is no oven, so you would have to bring your own. We are camping, remember. The living room at the northern end is spectacularly anchored to the other boxes by long panes of glass. In here, there is an atmospheric old Kelly stove for warmth and the bush lies all around, courtesy of more sliding walls of glass. You can even decide which view you would like by moving the custom-made furniture. There is also a one-room ''shed'' on the 1.17-hectare property, providing more accommodation options. It's not surprising then to note that this place has apparently been voted by a prestigious magazine one of the 100 top houses in the world. Tentwise it would have to be No 1.
At a glance... Where: 10 William Gilbert Avenue, Cockatoo Valley. Price: On application. Inspection: By appointment. Agent: Barossa Real Estate. RLA1997. Contact: Peter Fairweather (pictured) on mobile 0415 825 420.
RELAXING: The undercover entertaining area and swimming pool. www.barossaherald.com.au
New Radar from Domain.com.au is a world-first that will revolutionise your search for property. Radar lets you tailor your property search to match your lifestyle using expanded criteria, including proximity to relevant points of interest and property features. Radar displays your matches on an interactive map and gives each property a star rating based on how well matched it is to your criteria, making the entire search process simple. You’ll never look at property the same way again.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012 - Domain Page 3 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Just what you’re looking for
Real Estate Liftout
Polished performance SEAMLESSLY stylish, this ‘as new’ three-bedroom home displays polished porcelain perfection throughout in tones of milk and coffee. There are beautiful resort-style bathrooms with upmarket fixtures and fittings that add to the sense of luxury and a light-filled north-facing living room with a central designer kitchen that connects life with the outdoor alfresco setting. A home for lovers of relaxing, dining and sharing, a lowmaintenance property that will give you time to enjoy the social things you love. Light echoes exquisitely off the porcelain-rectified tiles that have been selected to consistently complement the entire living space, hallway and wet areas of this modernly minimalistic home of nine foot ceilings. The principal suite is situated to the front of the residence and is king proportioned with a walk-in robe and smartly appointed ensuite featuring a large mirror and elongated bench. Beyond the living zone of the house, two further queen rooms are equipped with built-in robes and share the gleaming three-way family bathroom, where fittings include a frameless glass shower screen, lovely deep bath, Caroma porcelain basin and stunning tapwear. The central island kitchen is perfectly positioned opposite the under roof alfresco, so that as glass slides aside, the indoor and outdoor living spaces become one.
Dining and lounging areas are situated either side of the dramatic kitchen space, the focal point of life here and from where gatherings can slip effortlessly outdoors to sheltered entertaining. Off the sun-drenched lounge zone to the end, another set of sliding doors connects living with the garden itself, lush lovely lawn is framed by a perimeter garden of lilli pilli and ribbon grasses, a small garden shed and rainwater storage tank add to the well finished outdoor display. With lots of lovely upmarket touches and ducted reverse-cycle air conditioning throughout, this so naturally well illuminated home will light up your life with its clean lines, quality appointments and alfresco living style it offers. A property where you can enjoy easy entertaining with family and friends all year through and benefit from the property’s great location, just a short walk from the Rex Centre, Tanunda Primary and Faith School. Contact David Braunack (pictured) of Homburg Real Estate on 0418 841 349 to arrange a viewing.
ABOVE: The open-plan kitchen and living areas of the Tanunda home at 25 Alf Pellegrini Drive Tanunda. Priced at $395,000 - $415,000, the property will be open for inspection on Sunday, January 22 between 1.15pm – 1.45pm. BELOW: The roomy bathroom of the quality house.
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Wednesday, January 18, 2012 - Domain Page 4 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
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Real Estate Liftout
Shedding and stables suit contractor or horse lover THIS property with all its shedding is suitable for a contractor with earth moving equipment or for the horse lover with the modern four-bay horse stable and paddocks. This very convenientlylocated area of magnificent land measures about 25 acres with three fenced pastures. It is on the corner of Belvidere and Ebenezer roads, only five minutes drive to the famous Barossa Valley and is an easy access to the new dual highway to Gawler and Adelaide. This appealing property will suit horse lovers and / or someone who is running a business and needs huge storage sheds. There is one of about 50x50x16 square metres, also a single span implement / storage shed, an American barn-style of about 30x30x10 which has been converted to four-bay horse stable and a 30x20 shed with electric roller door. All sheds concreted and powered underground. There is a 100,000-litre rainwater storage collecting all the rainwater from all the
SPACE: Room to move and plenty of shedding on the Ebenezer land.
Affordable prospect A MODEST three bedroom duplex/semi-detached home is for sale in the beautiful town of Angaston. Located within walking distance of hospital, schools and main street shopping, this solid-brick constructed house is ideal for the budget-conscious home owner who likes tinkering in the shed or the astute investor. All the rooms have ceiling fans and window roller shutters to protect the home from harsh weather or simply to sleep easy. The house comprises three bedrooms, a lounge room with gas heater, a kitchen with gas stove and pantry, a neat and tidy updated bathroom and separate toilet. Outside features include a full length rear verandah with enclosed entertaining area, and to house your vehicle from the elements there is a generous
carport with auto roller door behind protected gates. On entering, drive through to the large 30x20 shed with concrete floor and power and a lined room with ceiling fan. There is also another carport and then there is another large shed 20x20 also with concrete floor and power, plus a large garden shed and tool shed. 25,000 litres of rain water tank is pumped to the house, and the property is securely fenced all around. The established front garden features a lovely new fence. This house is sitting on a generous allotment of 568 square metres and makes this an outstanding opportunity for the astute investor. For further information or inspection by appointment please call Julie Toth on 8562 4650 or 0418 853 134.
sheds and the house piped underground. Also there is mains water connected. The facilities are excellent including a wonderful threebedroom brick-veneer family home with many features with the potential to extend to five or more bedrooms, a beautiful timber kitchen, a large lounge room with combustion heating, a dining room, two bathrooms, ducted evaporative air conditioning and a large outdoor entertaining area with beautiful country views. If you’re a horse lover just bring your horses and if you are looking for large sheds for storage or workshop this property is for you. Enjoy the country lifestyle, escape the stresses of city life and enjoy rural freedom.
Julie Toth
What you need to know at a glance... Where: Lot 102 Belvidere Road, Ebenezer. Features: Sheds and more sheds. Price: $680,000. Open: Sunday, January 22 from 2.30pm to 3pm. Agent: Julie Toth Real Estate (RLA198199), 8562 4650. Contact: Julie Toth, 0418 853 134.
... where people matter TANUNDA
$277,000 EUDUNDA
15 Coronation Avenue NEW
42 Truro / Eudunda Road OPEN Sunday 22nd Jan, 3.30-4pm
QUIET TREE LINED STREET Dble brick 3 brm home on a 780m2 cnr block. Large lounge, kitchen with pantry, heating & cooling. Dble gge, estab rear garden with fruit trees & more.
VALUE: The three-bedroom house in Angaston on a generous allotment.
$200-$210,000 DUTTON
9 Kapunda Street
RESTORED MINERS COTTAGE WOW SO CLOSE TO TOWN! 1930 Villa in a good condition, 3 brms, 1 brm, lounge can be 2nd brm, kitchen/family lovely upgraded kitchen, sunroom, ducted rm, front & rear v/dah, s/s a/c, gdn shed, r/wtr plumbed to house, 3000m2 allot. A/C, double & single garage, cnr block.
$285,000 ANGASTON $199-$229,000 ANGASTON $195-$210,000
73 Greenock Road OPEN Sunday 22nd Jan, 1.45-2.15pm
36 Penrice Road OPEN Sunday 22nd Jan, 12-12.30pm
21 Jubilee Avenue OPEN Sunday 22nd Jan, 12.45-1.15pm
$295,000 EUDUNDA
16 Railway Parade BEAUTIFULLY RESTORED 1910 VILLA 12 ft ceilings, picture rails in every room. 3-4 brms, 2 living areas, country kitchen, new bthrm with spa, front & rear access. 1000m2 allot.
0427 233 319
BRAND NEW HOME - FINISH TO YOUR STYLE WOULD-BE RENOVATORS - LOOK AT THIS! VERY AFFORDABLE PROSPECT! Just built, convenient location, walk to shops and Great starter, dble brick home, 2 brms + 3 brm duplex/sem-detached solid double main street. Choose your floor coverings and sunroom, lounge & family living. Needs brick home, c/port with elec r/door, sheds landscape to finish off this modern 3 bedroom home. TLC. Split level residential block of 805m2. 20x30 and 20x20. Lots of features.
Julie Thring Owner
28A Adelaide Road, Gawler 8523 3319
Lot 102 Belvidere Road OPEN Sunday 22nd Jan, 2.30-3pm
Property $280,000
Stock & imp. $70,000 15 Duckpond Road W.I.W.O. Freehold Business with GOOD SHEDDING – LARGE LAND TWO LARGE BLOCKS Residence For Sale or Lease 50x50 shed, suit earth moving business, Two titles, lovely upgraded 4 brm stone home on General Store, Takeaway & Postal Agency - 2 brms, mechanics or carpenters. 3 brms, 2 sunroom/3rd brm, sleepout, commercial & residential 1 title 1012m2 & established garden on the other kitchen, lounge, study, shed & more. 3 businesses in one! title 1150m2. Keep it as a whole or sell one off. bthrms, brick home, & more, on 25 acres.
Call for your free market appraisal
$285-$295,000 EBENEZER
2 Michael Street
8562 4650 0418 853 134
Wednesday, January 18, 2012 - Domain Page 5- The Herald, Barossa Valley
2/7 Gawler Street, Nuriootpa www.julietothrealestate.com.au
No Vacant Properties
homburg.com.au Nuriootpa
29 Falkenberg Road
¾ Acre Feature Packed Property Situated within the town boundaries, this rare 3000m2 allotment is bound to attract a great deal of interest. With a beautifully maintained and upgraded 3 bedroom residence, offering both casual and formal living, ensuite to main b/room, loads of built in cupboards, r/c a/c, sch, rainwater plumbed t/out, massive covered entertainment area with roll down blinds & bbq rangehood, dbl grge umr plus van port, large shed/workshop, aviaries and much more. Impeccably est and maintained, a must to inspect. Inspect: Call Agent to View Web: HRE506 RLA: 219152 Guy Draper: 0417 810 828
Lot 1003 Stonewell Road
$490,000 - $515,000
Rural Living - Close to Town This small acreage (approx.. 1.5ha) is a private sanctuary with native vegetation and stunning views across gently undulating Barossa countryside. There is a small oil producing olive grove, ideal for the hobbist, with the balance of the land lightly wooded, offering lots of potential for the new owner. The comfortable 3 bedroom home has both formal and casual living areas, modern kitchen, walk in and bir´s to bedrooms, 3 way bathroom, enclosed outdoor entertaining area, ducted cooling and more. Great sheds, rainwater and low care grounds. All within a couple of minutes of the Tanunda township. A must to inspect. Inspect: Call Agent to View Web: HRE505 RLA: 219152 Guy Draper: 0417 810 828
42a Maria Street
There is more here than first meets the eye. Situated in the heart of town, within easy walk of shops, restaurants, oval etc, this Bartsch built home exudes quality, character and charm, with all the mod cons. 3 bed, 2 bath, formal and casual living, store room, fully featured timber kitchen, ducted r/c a/c, piped music, dbl grge umr with direct home access, 2 courtyards, fully encl ent area, u/ ground r/water plumbed t/out and much more. A must for the discerning purchaser to inspect. Inspect: Sunday 2:45 - 3:15pm Web: HRE507 RLA: 219152 Guy Draper: 0417 810 828
Sandy Creek
12 Tanunda
1 Angaston
$450,000 - $470,000 1 Chinner Street
Quality, Style and Location
$260,000 - $280,000 8 Sibley Street
$199,000 - $217,000
Quaint Modern Cottage in Superb Location Highly desirable 2 b’room home is situated opposite town park/ oval complex. Handy corner lot, with lovely grounds, this prop is bound to impress a wide range of purchasers from 1st home owners, investors, retirees or those considering a B&B (sub to consents). Attractively priced for genuine sale, this is one that must be inspected.
More Than Meets the Eye! A quick drive by will not do justice to this beautifully renovated, affordable home. Offering 3 bedrooms, large lounge, eat in kitchen with polished timber floor, fully ducted r/c a/c, neutral tones t/out, large entertainment raised deck, dble garage, manageable fully fenced rear yard and more, A must to inspect. Suit first home owners, investors, retirees or small family.
Inspect: Sunday 2 - 2:30pm Web: HRE501 RLA: 219152 Guy Draper: 0417 810 828 Michael Bogan: 0416 586 897
Inspect: Sunday 12:45 - 1:15pm Web: HRE503 RLA: 219152 Guy Draper: 0417 810 828
2 Nuriootpa
2 Nuriootpa
$410,000 - $430,000 19 Oxley Street
Lot 5 Williamstown Road
34 Lehmann Road
$390,000 - $410,000 25 Atze Parade
$315,000 - $325,000
Country Living Dream Situated on 15.81ha with glorious views, this impressive property features an outstanding ´Distinctive´ family home of luxurious proportions, huge 10 bay shed, abundant r/w, mains, un-equipped bore, electric fencing & 3 phase power. All set up for your rural dream in this picturesque setting with an outlook to savour daily & high quality improvements.
On With the Boardies and Bikini´s! Modern & affordable 4 b’room home has the bonus of i.g. pool, ready for the family to enjoy. Offering both formal & casual living areas, main b/room w/- ens & wir, heating via sch & ducted evap cooling, dble c/port extending into covered ent area, garden shed & more. Situated in popular Langmeil Est., this prop is definitely one to call home.
Shining Space, Peaceful Place Style & class, space & light, privacy & peace are here in this unique park-side position, live, entertain & enjoy freely with neighbours on one side only. Shining porcelain tiling features in this residence of light & living zones include a huge home theatre room & immense open plan lifestyle space with stainless steel gas log fire & stunning designer island kitchen.
A Brand New Classic Clean contemporary lines, high ceilings, timeless tones & layout to suit today´s life style. Three bedrooms, two bathrooms, separate lounge & open plan tiled casual living with well equipped kitchen & sliding glass to take life outdoors. Ducted heating & cooling, double carport with auto door & secure internal access. Carefree living on 459sqm.
Inspect: Saturday 12:30 - 1:30pm Web: HRER387 RLA: 219152 David Braunack: 0418 841 349
Inspect: Sunday 2 - 2:30pm Web: HRE483 RLA: 219152 Guy Draper: 0417 810 828
Inspect: Sunday 2 - 2:30pm Web: HRE493 RLA: 219152 David Braunack: 0418 841 349
Inspect: Sunday 2:45 - 3:15pm Web: HRE347 RLA: 219152 David Braunack: 0418 841 349
David Braunack 0418 841 349 www.barossaherald.com.au
Guy Draper 0417 810 828
Felicity Cock 0411 456 266
Mike Bogan 0416 586 897
Cindy Taylor 0408 086 119
Wednesday, January 18, 2012 - Domain Page 6 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Ann Braunack 0438 633 582 Commercial Leasing Manager
TANUNDA 8563 2599 NURIOOTPA 8562 2600
homburg.com.au Nuriootpa
2 Marananga
47 John Harris Drive
1 Tanunda
$195,000 - $210,000 Lot 203 Neldner Road
2 Nuriootpa
$300,000 - $320,000 8 Lehmann Road
$379,000 - $389,000 22 Helene Street
$300,000 - $320,000
"Taj Mahal"............Not! If you are looking for an affordable challenge, then you´d better come for a look ! 3 B’room brick veneer home has the makings of a good 1st home or rental. Generous 900m2 allotment, offering vineyard & Barossa Ranges views, dble gge & loads of scope to create a great little property. The basic elements are here, just bring your imagination and elbow grease.
Step Back in Time On just over an acre (4421sqm), this Bungalow is almost secluded by the old tall trees in its sleepy village setting. The large rooms, floorboards, leadlight, fretwork, high ceilings, sash windows, original doors, skirtings & architraves will steal the heart of the period home decorator. Peace & space accompanied by birdsong & the laughter of kookaburras.
Situated in Langmeil Estate. 4 B’rooms, main w/- ens & wir. Formal & casual living areas. Great kitchen w/- d/washer, b/bar + pantry. Fully ducted r/c a/c + neutral tones t/out. Covered & paved outdoor ent area. Lge, fenced yard w/- well est. garden + shed. Dble c/port w/- elec. panel lift door + side access for van etc. R/water plumbed.........& much more. Beautifully presented & ready for the new owners to move in and enjoy, don´t wait!
The Corner Advantage With dual driveway access, this lovely home of abundant living space within & easy-care surrounds is ideal for a relaxed existence. Comfortable, inviting & with a central kitchen, fabulous heating/cooling options, excellent storage, courtyard garden, 20x30 garage, garden shed, R/W & triple carport. Park yourself here & enjoy the benefits.
Inspect: Sunday 4:15 - 4:45pm Web: HRE476 RLA: 219152 Guy Draper: 0417 810 828
Inspect: Saturday 4:15 - 5pm Web: HRE399 RLA: 219152 David Braunack: 0418 841 349
Inspect: Sunday 1:30 - 2pm Web: HRE433 RLA: 219152 Guy Draper: 0417 810 828
Inspect: Sunday 3:30 - 4pm Web: HRE348 RLA: 219152 David Braunack: 0418 841 349
3 Stockwell
79a Murray Street
2 Tanunda
$229,000 - $249,000 Lot 393 Stockwell Road
2 Nuriootpa
$279,000 - $299,000 25 Alf Pellegrini Drive
$395,000 - $415,000 11 Second Street
Location and Affordability! Brand new home,adj to High School & close to main street, tucked away on very manageable, low maint. allotment, making it ideal for those wanting a central location w/- privacy. Spac open plan kit & living, 3 b’rooms (2 w/- birs), s.s. r/c a/c, decking area, 3 bay gge & much more. Suit investors, 1st home owners, retirees or small family. A must to see!
Affordable & Versatile Offering almost an acre of land, a neat, practical 3 bedroom home, with fabulous outdoor entertainment area, a 6 x 9m garage, double carport, fully fenced rear yard plus extra land for a variety of pursuits, all situated in the small country township of Stockwell, only a short stroll to the general store, town ovals and Hotel. A must to inspect.
A Polished Performance Seamlessly stylish in tones of milk & coffee, beautiful resort style bathrooms with upmarket fixtures & fittings that add to the sense of luxury. Light filled north facing living room with central designer kitchen connects life with the outdoor alfresco setting. A home for lovers of relaxing, dining & sharing.
Character & Potential Circa 1900 home on 1356sqm holds fabulous possibilities in this ’Town Centre’ zone. Splendid original timber features, floorboards, solid doors, fireplace surrounds, central hallway, 2/ 3 bdrms, separate lounge & huge kitchen. An adaptable backdrop to any new vision. Scope & potential aplenty in this location of elevating values.
Inspect: Sunday 3:30 - 4pm Web: HRE473 RLA: 219152 Guy Draper: 0417 810 828
Inspect: Sunday 12 - 12:30pm Web: HRE376 RLA: 219152 Guy Draper: 0417 810 828
Inspect: Sunday 1:15 - 1:45pm
Inspect: Sunday 4:15 - 4:45pm Web: HRE136 RLA: 219152 David Braunack: 0418 841349
5 Tanunda
Web: HRE435 RLA: 219152 David Braunack: 0418 841 349
18 Rosalie Avenue
3 Tanunda
$445,000 - $455,000 16 Homburg Street
3 Tanunda
$315,000 - $320,000 12 Bethany Road
$396,000 25 Murray Street
$585,000 - $615,000
Resort on Rosalie Packed with holiday features & resort style living at home with extensive u/c entertaining areas, fabulous fully equipped outdoor kitchen with pizza oven & teppanyaki bar, solar heated pool, pool-house & outdoor games room. Immaculate & stylishly updated thru´out. Space for 6 vehicles. For lovers of celebration & outdoor life.
There´s No Place Like Home A lovely balance of indoors & out on this 750sqm allotment with pretty perimeter gardens & screening trees that promote privacy. Spacious bedrooms with built-ins & the 2 living areas connect with the outdoors thru floor-to-ceiling glass. Outside a full length verandah sees dining spill out under cover plus double garage, carport & space to add a caravan shelter (stcc).
Little Bethany Farmhouse Within walking distance of Tanunda´s heart, this quaint & original solid brick residence on almost ¾ of an acre will allow you to live semi-self-sufficiently with its small established fruit & nut orchard, pocket of old vineyard, array of shedding & abundant R/W storage. A little farmlet where you can relish the peace & potter amongst nature in your own private haven.
Versatile Residence/Commercial or Both Character older prop, in heart of main st offers opportunities galore. Currently family home, there is scope for use as business premises or a mixture, lge side room, (cellar beneath) fold back timber & glass doors & kit area at the rear (incl Pizza oven) maybe small eatery, cellar door or party place for family & friends, choice is yours. Loads of features.
Inspect: Saturday 3:30 - 4pm Web: HRE448 RLA: 219152 David Braunack: 0418 841 349
Inspect: Sunday 12:30 - 1pm Web: HRE443 RLA: 219152 David Braunack: 0418 841 349
Inspect: Saturday 2:45 - 3:15pm Web: HRE477 RLA: 219152 David Braunack: 0418 841 349
Inspect: Call Agent to View Web: HRE217 RLA: 219152 Guy Draper: 0417810828
1 Tanunda
4 Nuriootpa
2 Tanunda
Pieces 95 & 96 Krondorf Road
$350,000 - $370,000 9 Paradale Drive
$455,000 - $475,000 28 Buna Terrace
$220,000 - $230,000 72 Murray Street
Versatile 1.5 Ha Property on "Krondorf Road" Just the address will be enough to spark interest. 1.5 Ha (approx 3.5 acres) inc a small v/yard planted 1994 of approx 2000m2 (1/2 acre), 2 b’room home, 20 x 30 gge + winter creek w/- lge gums & loads more room for a variety of pursuits. Whether cellar door, small winery, B&B or weekender, the choice is yours (sub to Council consents). Genuine sale, so be quick!
Features to Impress Executive prop., sit in Langmeil Est. Wide front of this prop easily caters for dble gge umr, + additional d/way w/- access to rear yard & 6m x 6m shed, suit vans, boats & trailers. Quality home offers up to 4 b’rooms, or 3 & study, lge main w/- ens & wir. 3 Spac living areas, feature packed kit. w/- huge pantry, ducted r/c a/c, covered outdoor ent area & more.
Parkside Site Along Nuriootpa´s parkside circuit & continuing around from the leafy dress circle of Kokoda Road, this 711sqm allotment with wide stretch of street frontage & existing 1950’s solid brick home is position perfect & may suit the keen renovator or developer with an eye for a location of desire. Surrounded by quality residences in the town´s most picturesque pocket.
Residence, Shop, Office & more... Positioned within the town´s busiest foot traffic sector, here is a valuable & rare opportunity to purchase a property to cover all your business & lifestyle needs. Quality solid built premises offers over 85sqm of showroom/office space plus a character 3 bedroom residence with extensive storage areas, u/c car shelter, garage & access to public parking on this 900sqm site.
Inspect: Call Agent to View Web: HRE438 RLA: 219152 Guy Draper: 0417 810 828
Inspect: Call Agent to View Web: HRE460 RLA: 219152 Guy Draper: 0417 810 828
Inspect: Call Agent to View Web: HRE363 RLA: 219152 David Braunack: 0418 841 349
Inspect: Call Agent to View Web: HRECS374 RLA: 219152 David Braunack: 0418 841 349
TANUNDA 88 MURRAY STREET 8563 2599 | NURIOOTPA 15 GAWLER STREET 8562 2600 www.barossaherald.com.au
Wednesday, January 18, 2012 - Domain Page 7 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Real Estate Liftout
Better than new How to pay without pain
IMPRESSIVE: The Burton home (above) and the lounge (below).
LOOKING for a family home that has that ‘wow’ factor and is of superb quality? Then look no further than this property at 16 Brookfield Avenue at Burton. Situated on a quiet street and within
walking distance from the local schools and public transport, this beautiful threebedroom family home has many features. The main bedroom has an ensuite and walk-in robe. The main traffic areas
Prime Main Street Location 58 Murray Street, Nuriootpa 200sqm floor space Rear parking Available February 2012
Phone: 0409 696 876
are tiled while the bedrooms have been carpeted. Open-plan describes the kitchen / lounge / dining room and the bathroom has a spa bath. Outside, be impressed by the large outdoor gabled entertaining area and there is also a garden shed. Rarely does a home, so well presented, and well priced at $375,000, come up for sale. Don’t wait another minute, call now. For further details or to arrange an inspection contact Shari Olsson from RE/MAX Living Real Estate on 0413 883 920.
PUBLIC NOTICE Re: Section 7 The Vendor’s statement relating to matters affecting the advertised properties in this publication may be inspected at the agents office three business days prior to the auction or at the place of auction thirty minutes before sale.
Shari Olsson
Comparison Interest Rate Table
FOUND your dream home but yet to sell your current one? Act fast to save money and avoid extra stress. The contract is signed, the champagne drunk, the ‘Sold’ sticker on the board. Now all you have to do is pay. For many buyers, this means selling their home and settling in time to finance their purchase - a stressful but common scenario. And it is one made even more fraught by today's struggling market in which properties are taking longer to sell. Many property pundits have suggested the market will continue to fall - meaning some home owners could do better financially to sell now and buy, say, in a year or two - but home owners who know how hard it is to find their dream home might prefer to sidestep the uncertainty of price rises and falls by buying before they sell but with as little time between the transactions as possible. Such a move requires clever planning and speedy work. And nerves of steel, according to psychologist Meredith Fuller. She says buying and selling houses are times of high emotion for most people but the uncertainty of selling their house and not knowing what they are going to could be emotionally testing for many people because “a home is very important to a lot of people; it is part of you”. “The worst thing is to sell first and not find something you love and have to settle for second best.” And she says holding your nerve is crucial if you begin to ‘catastrophise’. “It is so important to remind yourself there were excellent reasons why you bought before you sold.” It is a situation Laura and Daniel Barallon know well. The couple, both accountants, began house hunting before selling their Hawthorn East flat in Melbourne. “We did not like the idea of, if we sold and could not find something to buy, having to rent for a short period of time and then making a rushed decision because we were in limbo,” Mr Barallon says.
Owner Occupied Home Loan Rates
Basic Variable Annual % rate
Australia First 6.84 Mortgage
While they looked, they decluttered their flat and contacted agent Frank Mlikota of Parkinson, with whom they had dealt previously. And they consulted their bank, calculating the lowest price they could accept. When they bought their Northcote house with a 90day settlement, a ‘mad rush’ had photos of their flat on the Domain website within a week. With numerous potential buyers, they relaxed - then their agent’s phone went quiet and, as auction day approached, the couple's nervousness increased. “Originally, we would have been over the moon with $550,000, then a flat upstairs went for $575,000 and we thought, we would be happy with that,” Ms Barallon says. “We never thought it would not sell - it was about price, how much bigger our mortgage would have to be. So when their flat sold for $598,000 - $48,000 above the reserve - the relief was enormous.” Despite their anxiety, they believe buying first was a practical option. “You have to have an understanding of the place you will be selling and what is happening in that area. Are places selling?,” Mr Barallon says. Agent Shayne Mooney of Nelson Alexander agrees checking the market is vital. “Be aware of the worth of your property and what similar properties are selling for in the market,” he says. “And get the house prepared; for example, painting, maintenance, brickwork repointed, carpet replaced.” Choose your agent in advance preferably a leader in the area with numerous branches, a large, competitive team and a buyer database. “Once your property hits the market, they can get in contact with people before it is advertised and alert them,” Mr Mooney says. “If you are ready for your property to be exposed to the market place, you can do that even before the ads go in the paper or on the internet. You may sell before you even have to commit to advertising or go
Standard Variable Comparison % rate
through the inconvenience of a marketing campaign.” That means having your paperwork - in particular your section 32 vendor statement ready as quickly as possible. Property lawyer Andrew Whitelaw says a section 32 remains valid for about three months. But a lawyer or conveyancing company must attach all necessary certificates. Companies that offer superquick section 32s sometimes do not do this, causing delays at sale. “It is often better to sell first but it really depends on your equity position,” Mr Whitelaw says. Describing high-interest bridging finance as “a potential world of pain”, Mr Whitelaw, of TressCox Lawyers, says substantial equity might make it possible to extend an existing mortgage to pay for the new home. Negotiating an extended settlement might be possible but the vendor does not have to agree. If the vendor doesn't, a defaulting buyer not only loses the deposit but is also liable for the difference between the purchase price and what the property is eventually sold for. “They have to show they made reasonable endeavours but the courts are reasonably lenient to the person who suffers the loss because they are the innocent party,” Mr Whitelaw says. The experts agree that speed and organisation are the keys to selling fast. Ben Allen, of Allen Moving and Storage, says sellers doing an urgent declutter and storing goods should work out in advance what items will go. “Make an inventory, then walk through and check what goes to storage,” he says. “Then get yellow dots and red dots and mark everything. “We get a lot of last-minute calls for declutter and a lot of people don't realise how much gear they have got until they start to move,” Mr Allen says. That sounds stressful but Ms Fuller says reminding yourself this is just for a short time and thinking positively about your house-sale prospects will help. Good luck.
Fixed 3 year
Annual % rate
Comparison % rate
Annual % rate
Fixed 5 years Comparison % rate
Annual % rate
Comparison % rate
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The rate is the Comparison Rate for $150,000 over 25 years. The Comparison Rate applies only to the example given. Different amounts and terms will result in different Comparison Rates. Costs such as redraw fees or early repayment fees and costs savings such as fee waivers are not included in the Comparison Rate but may influence the cost of the loan. Interest rates are current as at 13/01/2012 and are subject to change. Comparison Rate schedules are available from the office of Write One For You Mortgage Specialists. 1783616
Wednesday, January 18, 2012 - Domain Page 8 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Guaranteed Risk Free Selling! Many more properties for sale, call in to inspect our full range
Available 7 Days ALTONA
$459,950 1
$399,950 1
$349,950 2
Stunning 4 Bedroom Home This stunning quality home built in 2004 is a massive 249m2. Set on a 920m2 allot this lovely Distinctive built home offers 4 lge brms, main with ens & WIR, brms 2, 3 & 4 with BIRs, good size office, fml entry & fml dining, generous size kitchen complete with quality appliances, plenty of storage & a lge b/fast bar overlooking the spac o/plan living meals & family room. The home is fully insulated, has r/c heating & cooling, rainwater tank, dbl c/pt with remote roller doors, 12m x 6m galvanized shed with built in mezzanine storage area. The front gdn has established plants and pop-up sprinklers and the back garden has a large entertaining area with the gardens yet to be completed. This stunning property is within walking distance to the main street and local schools.
# 3020
RLA 61382
$445,000 2
$649,950 2
“JARRAWARRA” If you’ve dreamed of owning your own piece of paradise, Jarrawarra could be it. Situated on a bitumen road just outside Kersbrook, the ppty feats 8ha (20ac) of gently sloping land, some native scrub, grazing pddcks & a mature protea plantation (gen over $15K p/yr). The Tony Gasparin home has quality fittings t/out & has been metic maintained. Timber cathedral ceilings & an o/p living area give feeling of space/light. The home is fully ins in the roof + ext/int walls, is north-facing & has wide eaves. Solar panels gen around 1.5 kilowatts, a solar/elec hws, 2 s/s a/c’s & slow comb heat for year-round comfort. Ample firewood available for the cutting. From the lnge & kitch windows, you have a view across the dam, the proteas & hills, & a gdn court in the centre of the house further enhances connection with nature. Water is supplied by a 4.5mgL dam & 90,000L concrete rainwater tank. Other feats incl ample shedding, mature fruit & nut trees, a veg gdn and resilient back lawn. Within commuting distance of the CBD, less than 30mins from major shopping ctrs & on the doorstep of the Barossa. # 7026 RLA 61382
$499,950 2
$329,950 2
# 5016
RLA 61382
$449,950 2
Perfect Position
“Merriwood Farm & Guest House” Set on over 5 acres this stunning circa 1890 cottage offers 360° panoramic views, offering 3 bedrooms, master with open fire place, family/ dining & formal lounge, country style Oak kitchen and stylish bthrm with spa, slow combustion heating & r/cycle air-conditioning. The separate guest house features open plan living, master brm, kitchen, lounge/dining & bathroom. The property has 4 paddocks, some with horse shelters, 9.3x10.3 shed with workshop, large aviaries, kangaroo enclosure, shared bore, 55000L approx rainwater storage and stunning cottage gardens. All this situated approximately 10km out of Kapunda. # 3027 RLA 61382
This wonderful 3 bedroom home offers ensuite and walk-in robe to the main bedroom, formal lounge with bay window, formal dining room or study plus family/dining area which is over looked by the Blackwood timber kitchen with walkin pantry. Complete with heating and cooling, superbly established gardens, return verandahs, great outdoor entertaining and fantastic 20x30 shed, all on an 832m2 corner allotment opposite a huge recreational area close to amenities - this property truly offers it all!
Unrivalled Quality & Privacy This beautiful tree studded allotment offers over an acre of tranquillity with stunning views. The 2 storey residence comprises of 3 large bedrooms upstairs, 2 with balconies, and a main bathroom. Downstairs there is a huge open living area overlooked by the amazing timber kitchen, superb appliances and slate flooring, large laundry and 2nd toilet facilities. The enclosed verandah is a 2nd entertaining area with spa. Park-like grounds, fully established and easily maintained. There is also a 40x30x15 shed/workshop and another 20x20 lined shed/children’s retreat. No expense has been spared. Inspection is a must - A great find nestled in the heart of the Barossa. # 5031 RLA 61382
$399,950 2
Beautifully Established and Meticulously Maintained
$410,000 2
‘Wow - Picture Perfect’
One owner since new, this stunning home offers all a growing family could want: 4 lge brms, main with ens & WIR & BIRs t/out 2, 3 & 4, 3 spac living areas with family/meals, fml lnge & games room, & a sparkling newly appointed kitchen with Patini benchtops, glass splashbacks & s/steel apps. With gas heat, ducted evap A/C & quality soft furnishing t/out the home is absolutely complete. Outside is a further 170m2 (approx) u/c ent, immac presented gdns, 2nd & sep access for cvans or trailers, a 20x30 shed/wkshp, & a glorious heated pool. With extras abundant, this property is the complete package in a wonderful neighbourhood, if you’re looking for the perfect place to raise your family then look no further, inspection is by appointment and will not disappoint.
This immac home built in a picturesque, quiet culde-sac in Lyndoch offers plenty of room to move. This stunning Galaxy home set on 1303m2 with manicured gdns offers 4 brms, main with lux, spac ens, WIR, dressing room (or office), brm 2 + 3 have BIRs, 3 way bthrm with bath & shwr. Kitchen has quality apps & plenty of room with ample storage space, all this overlooking the o/p family & meals area. A fml dining & lnge with high ceilings & exposed beams. The home has ducted evap cool & gas heat. Outside is a stunning ent area & fern gdn at the side of the dbl c/pt & at the rear of the home. Spa with gas heat, glasshouse & lge u/g wine cellar & 3 x 4m gdn shed, 20 x 30 shed with sep dwy, auto watering system in all gdns. 44,000ltr rainwater tank pumped to the house (not toilets) & can be switched to mains. All this only 10-15 mins from Gawler & on the doorstep to the Barossa. Why bother to build when it has all been done!
# 5024
# 3009
RLA 61382
RLA 61382
$359,950 2
Quality Home, Stunning Views
The Best of Both Worlds
Barossa Beauty
Relax in Peace with Rural Views
Picture Perfect
This fabulous 2003 built home is set on 996m2 with majestic views. The home offers master bedroom with bay window, ensuite, walk-in robe and ceiling fan, bedrooms 2, 3 & 4 have built-ins and ceiling fans, formal entry, stunning formal dining and lounge with vaulted ceilings, open plan family/meals and kitchen with a central servery/breakfast bar, large split system heating and cooling and slow combustion heater the home is complete with quality appliances, fixtures and fittings. Outside boasts a stunning entertainment area with views you could look at all day long, it has a superb salt water pool, manicured gardens, large shed, double carport under the main roof, all the fruit trees you could ever need, all located in the picturesque town of Lyndoch - just walking distance to schools, shops, cafés and wineries. # 3021 RLA 61382
Offering 2 residences on over 1½ acres, this is both a unique & idyllic property. Set in a v.quiet court amongst other quality homes it boasts stunning views to the Barossa Ranges framed by it's very own vines. Built in 1982 this solid brick home consists of one dwelling featuring 3 brms with fml lnge/dining, superb timber kitch, full bthrm with sep toilet & lndry adj to another 2 brm residence with kitchen, open family/ dining, bthrm with shwr & sep toilet + lndry. Perfect for the extended family, privacy for the children or possible income producing opp. Serviced by ducted evap a/c & r/c split systems. Outside the property offers superbly estab mature gdns, a huge pgla outdoor ent area together with 30 x 20 shed with pwr & cement flr. A truly rare offering which would accommodate a range of requirements, as 2 very sep homes or a single 5 brm residence.
Constructed by Galaxy Homes in 2002 this spacious 4 brm home has all the extras that you would expect in a build of this calibre. Main bedroom features WIR & ensuite with dbl vanity & spa. With BIRs throughout the other brms all dbls with the 2nd being as large as the main. Boasting sunken formal lnge/formal dining & a huge family with meals area off the kitchen this home delivers quality and quantity with 30 squares of luxurious living, high ceilings throughout, Actron reverse cycle ducted heating and air-conditioning. Together with great outdoor entertaining accessed via French doors from the family area all set on a large 760m2 allotment, which although large is easy to maintain. Barossa bound? This property is a “must see” - call today to arrange a private inspection to suit you.
Immaculately presented home set on approx 1046m2 is right on the doorstep of the Barossa Valley, offering 360˚ views of stunning rural views & tranquillity. This lovely sandstone fronted home offers 4 good sized brms, main with BIR, fml entry, generous lnge/dining with parquetry flrs & slow comb heater, family room, mod kitchen/ meals area & new bathroom. Other features include split system heating and cooling, large double carport with 3 phase power and entertainment area off the rear of the home - somewhere you can sit, unwind and take in the view while you watch the kids play. The property is situated within walking distance of the local, school, bakery, shops, wineries and cellar doors. Don't miss out on this lovely opportunity to acquire a piece of the Barossa.
This stunning home will be a joy to come home to! Built in 2008, this fabulous property features 3 brms, main with WIR & ens, BIRS to brms 2 & 3, together with a spac study which could easily become the 4th brm. Offering 2 sep living areas comp fml lnge with surround sound perfect for movie nights, & the lge light-filled o/p family/dining area with amazing kitchen, complete with s/stee apps, incl canopy rangehood, lge free-standing oven & dishwasher. Plenty of bench space & loads of cupboards. The o/plan area is perfect for ent, & the internal décor, fixtures & fittings are quality t/out with no expense spared. Immac estab gdns & the gorgeous paved rear terrace which overlooks the beautiful tree-studded Victoria Ck Reserve - an idyllic position! Complete with ducted evap A/C, dbl c/pt with auto-roller doors umr & 10,000L rainwater pumped to house all on over 600m². This property is picture perfect & great value!
# 5021
# 5018
# 3025
# 5030
RLA 61382
RLA 61382
RLA 61382
RLA 6138
3A Adelaide Road, Gawler (08) 8523 3777 www.barossaherald.com.au
Wednesday, January 18, 2012 - Domain Page 9- The Herald, Barossa Valley
We’ll get you where you want to go! www.kies.com.au
Real Estate Liftout TOP RIGHT: The covered rear area of the Kapunda home which would make an indeal entertaining area.
Opportunity knocks
BOTTOM RIGHT: Cupboard space is not an issue in the updated kitchen with a ceramic cooktop and an underbench oven.
2012 new year’s resolutions ...
Interest rate es are down!
... what better time to get your finances in order!
Wednesday, January 18, 2012 - Domain Page 10 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
PICK up the phone and be the first to view this brick-veneer Kapunda home built in 1985. It offers three bedrooms, two with ceiling fans. The kitchen has been updated with a ceramic cooktop, underbench oven, rangehood and built-in standard and overhead cupboards. Also updated has been the bathroom. Open-plan describes the lounge / dine area and there is year-round climate control. Outside is a full length paved rear verandah, ideal for entertaining. A two-car length carport is attached and the grounds are established. Another feature is a fenced large side yard with toolshed, ideal for the kids and dog to run around. Total land area is over 1000 square metres. Whether you’re looking for your first home, an investment property or that place to retire with room for the caravan, this one suits many options. Contact Steve Mann from Professionals Kapunda on 0417 811 348 to arrange a private viewing. The asking price is a realistic $219,950.
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Wednesday, January 18, 2012 - Domain Page 11 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
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Wednesday, January 18, 2012 - Domain Page 12 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Candlelight concerts return Australia, Northern Territory and here in South Australia.She was also invited to join Deborah Conway’s 2008 Broad tour. Liz joins the Candlelight Concert bringing her sensational voice, guitar and banjo. The ongoing Candlelight Concerts, run in the Barossa Regional Gallery, are the efforts of VJ Entertainment run by Tanunda couple Vicki and Jamie Blechynden. The public can enjoy a cafÊ style setting and are urged to bring a basket supper. Tea, coffee and dessert by Ai Made It and Teusner Wines will be available. The gallery is located on Basedow Road, Tanunda, and doors open at 7pm with tables reserved on request. Tickets are $30 and available from Barossa Music Centre or by phoning 0417 084 191.
IN TOWN: Why not liven up your Sunday and come see multi-award winning country music performer Adam Harvey (pictured) at the Vine Inn, Nuriootpa, on February 5? Adam has reached another milestone having produced his seventh studio album, Falling Into Place. Doors for his show open 5pm with the show to start from 7pm. Tickets are $30 with no reserved seating, only general admission. For more details phone the Vine Inn on 8562 2133 or visit vineinn.com.au.
Join Maggie and celebrate Australia Day in Gawler COME along and join in Australian celebrations at Gawler’s Australia Day Breakfast, Thursday, January 26. Celebrations will be held at Apex Park, Julian Terrace, Gawler. The morning will also be celebrated with Maggie Beer, the 2012 Australia Day Ambassador and renowned chef. The breakfast starts at 7am and followed by the citizenship ceremony and presentations of awards. A line up of entertainment and fun has been organised for the family, so remember to also bring along your chairs and rugs.
New works GAWLER Community Gallery has already opened to the public for 2012, with the members exhibition continuing. The new artists exhibiting from tomorrow (Thursday) involves Bianca Ottawa from Angaston, with her series of detailed animal pictures, as well as her ‘Whimsical’ collection, for her first solo exhibition, entitled ‘Late Night Tinkerings’. Until six months ago Bianca had never exhibited any of her work.
Amber Hammersmith, a youth from Cudlee Creek has collaborated with her friend and business partner Chani, to exhibit for the first time examples of their portrait and wedding photography. Yvonne Jaunay from Murray Bridge has included various textile techniques in her work. This exhibition runs until February 26. The gallery is located at the Station Master’s House, 23 Third Street, Gawler Railway Station.
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family and are available by phoning Virginia Arnold on 8564 1087. Lillefield Gallery is located on Matthews Road, Eden Valley.
Family Meal Night *2 adults & 3 kids Steak Night
Kids’ Entertainment
Roast Day
Twoway Crossword No 0076
2/ #563&#9 3& #3%* +..'(+'.& #..'39 #55*'84 1#& &'0 "#..'9
Schnitzel Night
Terms and Conditions Family Meal Deal only available Wednesday nights. Adult’s meals must be ordered off the Family Meal Deal Menu 1 meal per child. Extra kid’s meals charged at $7.50. All Meal Deals not valid with any other food promotion or offer
Come check out the catwalk EDEN Valley Congregational Community Centre will shine a spotlight on their town when they present A Big Cat Walk for Eden Valley. Organisers are getting in early to promote the twilight fundraiser event, organised for Saturday, March 3, at Lillefield Gallery. The public will be treated to Inner Vision Singers with guests - Little Black Dress, a recycled fashion parade, recycled fashion sales and entertainment by African choir Peniel Pentecostal singers, Sesank dancers and African drumming. Both African and Australian food will be available and refreshments by the Eden Valley Social Club bar. The event will be held from 5pm to 8pm and part proceeds will go to the Salvation Army medical centre project in Monrovia, Liberia. Tickets are just $5 per person and $10 for a
Kids Eat Free Lunch & dinner
Proudly brought to you by
For your chance to win a bottle of Langmeil wine, complete the crossword only and drop the entry form into The Herald office Monday by 4.30pm. Winners need to collect their wine within the week. Last week’s winner was Ruth Verrall of Nuriootpa.
and new, with a laconic familiarity that speaks to the heart and an intimacy more effortless than contrived. By August of 2010 the latest full-length album Bush League Bard was released to more rave reviews. Underneath the Radar is a compilation of songs from his first five albums. The concert will also feature Liz Stringer who has been described as an old fashioned storyteller with a soulful voice. Liz comes from a musical family, which resulted in her keen ear for music, teaching herself the piano and guitar and developing an early song writing ability. After travelling for several years overseas she moved to Melbourne. In 2008 Liz embarked on her first national tour with great reviews after playing at venues in Victoria, New South Wales, Western
MUSICIAN Van Walker will visit Tanunda as part of his ‘Under the Radar’ tour during the first Candlelight Concert for 2012. He appears at the Barossa Regional Gallery on Saturday, February 5. Born and raised on the northwest coast of Tasmania, Van first heard the music of Bob Dylan around adolescence and began picking guitar and writing songs. Hundreds of songs later he moved to Melbourne to form the rock and roll outfit The Swedish Magazines. The first collection of his songs came out in 2008 entitled The Celestial Railroad and in 2009 three separate sessions were released, The Last Record Store, Greetings from Penguin Tasmania and Love Fate. Drawing on the grand storytelling tradition, Van created a sound both old
33 main north road willaston t: 08 8522 1021 f: 08 8522 1629 e: willaston.hotel@alhgroup.com.au
Name:................................................................. Town:...........................................
Wednesday, January 18, 2012 - Page 19 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Proudly Supporting
The Valley Hot Rodders ‘Cruise On 2012’ ns on your o ti la tu a r g n Co sary 20th Anniver
BUILT BY HAND: Chris with his 1934 Ford Tudor.
His pride and joy
Quality Accommodation
Proud Sponsors of the VALLEY HOT RODDERS for the 20th Annual ‘CRUISE ON’ 2012 (08) 8563 2784 www.tanundacaravantouristpark.com.au
Cruise On 2012 Valley Hot Rodders would sincerely like to thank our sponsors who have given us tremendous support and made Cruise On 2012 possible MAJOR SPONSORS
workshop, which spans 100 feet by 30 feet, is fitted out with all the tools, accessories and even an enclosed paint spraying room necessary for him complete his work. “I’m self taught and I make the entire vehicle - from wiring through to trimming,” he said. In order to get the vehicle Chris desired, he flew to Melbourne on Christmas Eve of 2001. He then travelled by taxi to the seller’s home and then spent about five hours looking over the disused vehicle. After deciding to take the vehicle, Chris then dusted himself off from a New Year’s party at his Roxby Downs home and with his mate travelled the 1400km to Melbourne. Together they loaded the vehicle and by midnight, January 3 were home. Chris said he prefers to strip a
vehicle to bare basics to better access how he can create the perfect hot rod. The ‘34 Coupe features specially designed wheels that are the result of Chris once again travelling, this time overseas in 2004, to work alongside a company which specifically designs parts for vehicles. The hot rod also features a Corvette LS1 300kw motor, a four-speed turbo, air conditioning, central locking, power windows, front seats sourced from a Hyundai Excel and a back seat from a Honda Prelude, which Chris said only need an inch cut either side to fit. The public has the opportunity to check out Chris’ master piece and a whole swag of hot rods that will line Murray Street, Tanunda on Saturday evening.
Celebrate the 20th milestone
Rod Tech, Meguiars, Australian Street Rod Federation, Tanunda Hotel, Shannon’s Insurance, Lynas Auto Group, Cool Trimming, Classic American Restorations, Paint Supplies of South Australia, Aussie Desert Coolers, Heinrich Autobody, Barossa Sound & Vision, DJ’s Sandblasting and Restorations, Barossa Valley Hire, Wayne Marschall Crash, Australia Wide Badges, Advanced Vehicle Specialist, Calderwood Atkinson, Adelaide’s Wanderer Wedding Hire, Elite Kitchen and Cabinets, Valley Hotel, Barossa Real Estate, All Care Concrete Cutting, Beaurepaires, Gulf Western Oils, Tanunda Caravan Park, Resto Rod Race, Barossa Bottling Services, Wohlers, Tanunda Chickens, Metaland - Trinne Engineering, Jenke Vineyards, Barossa Brewery & Brasserie, Aamtech, Marble Spring Barossa Valley Natural Mineral Water, Amanti Pizza & Pasta, The Glassmiths, Street Rod Parts and More, Die Barossa Wurst Haus and Bakery, The Keyshoeman, Kathy’s Old Fashioned Sweets Shop, Tanunda’s Nice Ice, Steiny’s Traditional Mettwurst, Simply Best Take Away and Dine In, Tanunda Caltex
The Barossa Council, National Foods, Lyndoch Motors, Barossa Valley Toyota, Sprint Auto Barossa, Cruizin Magazine, Graffiti Publications, Outlaw Music, Brock Harcourts, Ford Club, Dahlitz Construction, Tanunda Club, Southern Cross Social Motorcycle Club.
CHRIS Horewood knows how to build desirable cars. The Lyndoch man, who works in the Roxby Downs mines, has the skills and an amazing workshop to help him craft from a rusted shell a head-turning hot rod. Chris, the newest member of the Valley Hot Rodders Club, will feature in this weekend’s Cruise On with his rare twilight royal coloured ‘34 Ford Coupe. It took him eight years to complete. “My family call it the Violet Crumble because it’s purple on the outside and tan on the inside,” he said. Chris’ fascination of cars came about at a young age and since then he hasn’t stopped reading vehicle magazines, asking for advice and booking courses to learn all the tricks of the trade. His meticulously kept
THIS weekend marks the 20th anniversary of the Valley Hot Rodders Cruise On and everyone is invited. To commemorate the occasion the Valley Hot Rodders Club will appoint Mark and Trish Burton from Barossa Valley Hire as patrons of the Cruise On and a birthday cake will be cut. And the celebrations continue. On Saturday night from 5pm to 11pm the expectant crowd of about 4500 will be treated to the usual line up of about 500 hot rods from the Seppeltsfield arch to Theodore Street, along Murray Street in Tanunda. This year the committee has organised three bands with the Silverados and Saturday’s Army to play in front of Tanunda Hotel and Phoenix to perform in the rotunda. The Barossa Valley Rock ‘n’ Roll members will also been showing off their moves. New Cruise On t-shirts, which come in sizes kids’ six to XXXL and highlighting the 20th anniversary, will be for sale for $28 along with stubbie holders and key rings. The street will also be jam packed with food and refreshments for the family and a trophy presentation kicks off from about 8.30pm, with the hot rods to cruise the street from about 9.30pm. The weekend begins this Friday evening, January 20, with an invite-only style event, involving about 80 registered entries, held at the Tanunda Caravan Park. Also, as part of the anniversary past members have
Wednesday, January 18, 2012 - Page 20 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
been invited to mix with current members and enjoy the night’s social activities including a sausage sizzle, music by KG Big Band. To support the club’s members, other volunteers have been brought in so the club can unwind and party with the guests. According to Cruise On co-ordinator Trudy Vaughan, the night is a chance to welcome Mark and Trish Burton as patrons to the Cruise On. “They are fantastic sponsors who support us each year with what we need,” Trudy said. On Saturday, January 21, the public has a chance to preview the hot rods after members rise early to cook their guests breakfast before leaving together at about 10.30am for an observation cruise organised by Todd Giles. On Sunday the group will then take on a leisurely cruise of the Barossa and finish at Bethany Reserve where entrants will be treated to Rosie Roasts. A total of six trophies will be awarded this weekend and new this year is the ladies’ choice award. The public is welcome to also come view the vehicles. The organising committee stress entry to Saturday night’s Cruise On is for hot rods, meaning custom pre 1970 vehicles and American Classics pre 1970 only. There is strictly no restored cars or non-custom cars and vehicle entry is just $10. For more details head to the club’s newly created website valleyhotrodders.com.au admin.barossaherald@ruralpress.com
Barina makes impression - page 23.
Your guide to everything automotive - pages 24 & 25.
BAROSSA HOLDEN admin.barossaherald@ruralpress.com
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Wednesday, January 18, 2012 - Page 21 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
In print and on-line
9,990* Accentuate the positive
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Finance across the Micra range.+
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• Low 30,000kms • Leather • 1.8L • CD • Air Conditioning S718-AGY
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NEW PRICE $5,990*
DOING WELL: The Hyundai Accent Elite is proving very popular.
By PAUL BARRETT IF YOU are in any doubt as to the impact Korean cars are having on the Australian market, look no further than Hyundai. More than 87,000 units sold in 2011, market share of 8.6 per cent and fifth biggest seller overall. In the light car segment, Hyundai holds top spot with a combined market share of 17.9 percent (Getz, i20 and Accent models), and fourth in the small car segment (i30 and Elantra models). The new Accent is a perfect example of why Hyundai is doing so well. It slots neatly between the tiny i20 hatch and the larger Elantra and i30 models and takes on the Mazda2, Ford Fiesta and VW Polo. Customers will have a choice of three trim levels in either hatch or four-door sedan. As with all Hyundai models, the Accent has been developed with a particular buyer in mind. It isn’t aimed at the driver whose first concern is sports handling and performance. On the other hand, most buyers will be more than satisfied with the adequate (rather than outstanding) performance and handling that is well up to the task of day to day driving. The 91kW/156Nm 1.6-litre petrol engine delivers everything any reasonable driver could ask, with the added bonus of 6.0 l/100km fuel consumption (6.4 in the auto). The entry level Accent is called the
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Active. At $16,990, it is keenly priced and well-equipped with six airbags, electronic stability control, seatbelt reminders for all five seats and fourspeaker audio system with auxiliary and USB inputs, Bluetooth audio streaming and phone connectivity. It rides on steel wheels with wheel covers. Next model up the scale is the Elite ($18,490) with 16-inch alloy wheels, front fog lights and additional chrome highlights. Inside, the Elite boasts gloss black highlights, premium steering wheel with ample controls, keyless entry, central console and a storage net in the rear. The sound system gains an extra couple of tweeters. Top of the range is the Accent Premium ($20,990) that adds a reversing camera and sensors, electro-chromatic rear vision mirror, push-button start (auto models), climate control and faux leather seats. The only option is metallic paint ($375). The four-speed auto adds $2000. No doubt Hyundai is disappointed that there is no diesel engine on offer but assured us that a 1.6-litre turbodiesel will arrive in the not-toodistant future. Also on the planning board is a more powerful gasoline direct injection engine. On the road, the Accent feels commendably taut and well puttogether, confirming Hyundai’s assurances that the suspension has been tuned in Australia for Australian conditions.
Light & Heavy Truck
Wednesday, January 18, 2012 - Page 22 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
SERVICING ALL AREAS Phone Brian 0419 838 861 or Cameron 0429 838 861 (MR & HR Licenses) rtts@adam.com.au www.regtraining.com.au
FORD TERRITORY TX Tiptronic auto, air conditioning, power steering, cruise control, on steering wheel audio controls, low kms, stunning charcoal grey, roof mounted Alpine DVD player, factory side steps, lady owner. S972ADH . . . . . . $19,990* FORD BA FALCON MKII XR6 Madarin, good tyres, a/c, TIPTRONIC auto, p/steer, immaculate XTM204 . . REDUCED $11,490* HOLDEN VIVA SEDAN. 66,000kms, manual, air conditioning, pwr steering, 1 owner, books. XOI714 . . . . . REDUCED $9,990* TOYOTA COROLLA ASCENT Auto, a/c, very tidy local car, books, good tyres, a great first or second car. WKU482 . . . . $8,999* MITSUBISHI CH LANCER ES. Auto, A/C, pwr steering, tinted windows, spoiler, books, service history. S/N 093 REDUCED $8,990* FORD FALCON XH S UTE Mk II, V8, auto, a/c, pwr steer, factory alloy wheels, navy blue in colour XAX264 . . . . . . . . . . $8,490* HOLDEN COMMODORE VTII ACCLAIM WAGON V6, Auto, low km’s, tint, cargo barrier, very tidy, gd tyres, cruise control XFI174 $7,990* VT COMMODORE EXEC SEDAN Genuine 98,000kms, white, a/c, p/steer, drivers airbag, very clean & tidy car. WFC231 $7,990* VS STATESMAN V6, a/c, p/steer, luxury at an affordable price, alloys, silver in colour. S/N 073 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7,990* HYUNDAI ACCENT. 3 Door update, a/c, p/steer, p/windows, manual, celadon blue, books WZO133 . . . . . . . REDUCED $6,999* HOLDEN BARINA SXI. 3 door hatch, 5 speed manual, A/C, pwr steer S/N123 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . REDUCED $6,999* MERCEDES C240 CLASSIC SEDAN Auto, white in colour, a.c, p/steer, passenger, drivers & side airbags, luxury at affordable price. WBV-880 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . REDUCED $6,990* HOLDEN VX COMMODORE Series 2, executive, white in colour, a/c, p/steer, alloy wheels. XAV791 . . . . . . . . REDUCED $6,990* TOYOTA CAMRY CSI SEDAN Auto, burgundy in colour, a/c, pwr steering, keyless entry WSA132 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,990* HYUNDAI ACCENT 3 Door, factory bodykit, spoiler, alloys, CD player with aux, 5 spd man, window tint, red XCA865 . . $5,990* BMW E34 525i . 4 Door sedan, 5 speed auto, white in colour, a/c, p/steering, very tidy for its age WPE978 . . . . . . . . . . $4,990* HYUNDAI ACCENT. 3 door, manual, 14” alloys, spoiler, Red in colour, A/C, pwr steer. WNB314. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,990* HYUNDAI LANTRA SEDAN. Manual, a/c, pwr steer, pwr windows, keyless entry, alloys, spoiler, silver in colour WPP641 . $4,990* HYUNDAI EXCEL LX. 5 door, automatic, air conditioning, p/steering VRH052 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . REDUCED $3,990* FORD FESTIVA TRIO . Manual, a/c, very economical, great first car WLL055 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,990* DAEWOO LANOS. 3 door hatch, manual, air con, low km’s, with books S/N 4099 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,990* HOLDEN JK APOLLO SL. Automatic, excellent first car, white VEM707 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,990* MAZDA 626 SEDAN . Auto, p/windows, p/steer, a/c, velour trim, great service history with receipts, window tint, very clean & tidy XPN562 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,490* HYUNDAI EXCEL 3 door, Cape blue in colour, 5 speed manual, CD player XML064 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,990*
Small & Large Bus
In print and on-line
Bold Barina HOLDEN’S stylish Barina hatchback is making a bold statement about GM’s small car design philosophy. Why not look for yourself at Steinborner’s Holden four-day sale from Wednesday, January 18. All new 2011 cars and demos reduced with a five-year warranty and five-year roadside assist on all new vehicles during the sale. The Barina’s striking interior and exterior design was led by Holden’s Ondrej Koromhaz while on assignment at General Motors’ South Korea design centre and takes familiar design cues from its Barina Spark and Cruze siblings. Incorporating sporty, sophisticated styling features and clever interior storage ideas, the Barina hatchback’s design is intended to broaden its appeal to a wider range of customers who appreciate style, technology and quality. Holden designer Richard Ferlazzo said the new-generation Barina was a serious small car with a fun and energetic appearance that captures key design elements synonymous with the Holden brand. “Ondrej has done a fantastic job with Barina. It’s a global car but there’s something about Barina’s design that still says Holden,” Mr Ferlazzo said. “Barina is a fun, energetic and aspirational light car. It’s got great compact proportions, great stance and a stable, sporty look and that’s what gives Barina the edge. “Ondrej has imparted a lot of Holden DNA in the surface language and the way it sits on the road. “Barina projects a road presence way beyond its size and, even though it’s small, Barina really looks the part.”
Exterior design Inspired by a four-wheel motorcycle advance concept, Barina boasts a muscular appearance with a wide stance, sculpted body panels and dynamic proportions. Concealed rear door handles and aggressive, steeply raked feature lines give it a three-door, coupe-like profile while the rounded, exposed head and taillights with black bezels and chrome rings add a three-dimensional, sporty element. Barina’s proportions are key to its appearance of sportiness and stability. The wheels have been pushed out to all four corners, helping Barina look well planted on the road. Ten-spoke 15” alloy wheels and an integrated, body-coloured rear spoiler reinforces Barina’s sporty appearance. Interior design Barina’s compact dimensions conceal a spacious and edgy interior – one of the largest in its segment – complete with motorcycle-inspired instrument panel and multiple clever storage pockets. On the driver’s side, the detailed instrument cluster features a large, round analogue tachometer set within an asymmetrical LCD readout alongside an easy-to-read digital speedometer. Ice blue interior illumination and LED backlighting feature throughout, adding to the cabin’s upmarket feel. Thoughtful design solutions have been employed to maximise Barina’s generous cabin dimensions, helping it achieve high levels of driver and passenger comfort in the front and back seats. Have a look at a Barina, you’ll be impressed. See Jarrod, Daryl or Brett at Steinborner Barossa, 157 Murray Street, Nuriootpa - it’s well worth the trip.
DRIVER’S SEAT: Let’s go. The look from the driver’s seat of the popular Holden Barina.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012 - Page 23 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Be safe, be seen...in Paris influences the risk of a road crash. “Improving the visibility of a cyclist is an effective strategy for reducing collisions, including daylight when the majority of cycling crashes have occurred. “Studies have shown that the time to react to a person wearing fluorescent safety clothing is about 40 per cent faster than reacting to a person in darker clothing. “With normal headlights, a driver identifies a person in dark clothing about 55 metres away, but this extends to about 250 metres away if the person is wearing reflective clothing. “The campaign has also been well researched among cyclists, highlighting visibility as a critical tactic for increasing their safety on the road. “Cyclists strongly endorsed Stuart O’Grady to champion the road safety message. Stuart is an accomplished professional cyclist and a proud South Australian,” Mr Ali said. Speaking at the launch, Stuart O’Grady, said that cyclists can increase their visibility through good lighting, fluorescent, reflective and generally light and bright clothing. “Being safe also means being smart. Cyclists should ride in a prominent position on the road and in a predictable manner,” Mr O’Grady said. “The MAC has designed a campaign that is unique in the way it delivers road safety education and aims to promote a safer mind-set among cyclists. “At the end of the day we don’t want anyone seriously hurt or killed on our
SAFETY: Cyclist Stuart O’Grady knows the importance of being seen. roads. We want a safer cycling community,” Mr O’Grady said. Santos Tour Down Under Race Director Mike Turtur praised the MAC’s new campaign ‘Be Safe, Be Seen’ and said it was a great initiative to highlight the importance of rider safety. “It’s fantastic to see so many people getting out on their bikes and being active, especially at this time of the year when the weather is so great in the lead up to the
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Santos Tour Down Under,” he said. “Whether you are Stuart O’Grady or a novice rider taking part in the Bupa Challenge Tour, it is important to remember to take care on the roads, be aware of motorists and make sure you remain visible at all times.” To be in the running to win a VIP trip to Paris to watch the Tour de France go to www.fb.com/WinParisTrip and complete the road safety education.
8563 0808 AH 8563 1352 MOB: 0429202963 178 MURRAY STREET TANUNDA
SOUTH Australian superstar cyclist Stuart O’Grady has teamed-up with the Motor Accident Commission (MAC) to launch a cycling road safety campaign. The launch of the new public education campaign coincided with the MAC announcing its major partnership with the Santos Tour Down Under. The MAC Corporate Communications manager, Jehad Ali, said the popularity of riding is increasing significantly as people become more aware of the health, environmental and financial benefits cycling can provide. “Unfortunately cycling related incidents are an emerging road safety concern. From 2001 to 2010 road crash casualties fell by four per cent, whereas cyclist casualties increased by 47 per cent,” Mr Ali said. “The Santos Tour Down Under is the perfect place to promote a road safety message to cyclists. The message ‘Be Safe, Be Seen’ aims to remind cyclists of the importance of visibility when cycling. “Large blimps will take to the sky during the Santos Tour Down Under to encourage cyclists to participate in road safety education via Facebook. “Cyclists will also have the opportunity to win a VIP trip to the Tour de France. “Cyclists account for about four per cent of Compulsory Third Party (CTP) claims, costing the fund approximately $20 million per-year. “Being seen is a fundamental requirement for the safety of all road users. Visibility is an important factor that
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Wednesday, January 18, 2012 - Page 24 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
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• Plug-in Testing 17 Craker Drive Nuriootpa 8562 1166 Wednesday, January 18, 2012 - Page 25 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Erik Stephen GATES was born to Shona Smithson & Aaron Gates on 6th December, 2011 at Gawler Hospital. We welcome this precious child, Son, Grandson and Great Grandson to our families. Love Louise, Stephen & Sian Smithson.
DOMESTIC farm, pool and spa pump repairs. Complete workshop facilities also for electric fence energisers. New units, conversions to solar, tapes and insulators. Qualified tradesman. Ag Power Williamstown Road, Cockatoo Valley. 0408820024
BELINDA'S PAMPERED PETS NURIOOTPA Professional dog clipping, heated hydrobathing, blowdrying & nails for all breeds. LARGE & SMALL by an animal lover. Ph: 0418810323
DEATH NOTICES SHEPPARD, Gordon Harry.Passed away peacefully on Friday, January 13, 2012. Dearly loved husband of Ruth (deceased). Brother of Marjorie and Beryl (both deceased). Resting peacefully. Private cremation.
GENERATORS NEW Aussie Brand 10KVA 16Hp petrol Key/Remote Start Auto Idle 32Ltr fuel 3 x 15amp, RRP $3500 Sell $1650 DELIVERED DIESEL Super Silent (60db) Low Spd 10kva to 37kva. BEST PRICES. Ph 0423 286 661 www.australiawidegenerators .com.au
GUINEA FOWL chicks 10 + 1 Adopted Mother Hen. $100 Ph: 82847245 or 0402764613 GUN SALES. Ammo, repairs, safes, accessories & service. Gawler Fishing & Outdoors, 48 Murray St, Gawler 85226200 HAY OATEN WHEATEN Hay from $35 roll Phone Peter & Bev Grocke 0429 694 058 or 8563 2113 LEADLIGHT - Local, professional affordable leadlight. I'll come to you, or call at Gawler Glass Design studio, 58 Yettie Rd, Williamstown. Weekly classes. Bob Pirch 85247241
Barossa Valley 8562 1169 Accredited Member Australian Funeral Directors Association
MAINS pressure blue line poly from $37 roll. Gawler Irrigation, Lot 11, Paxton Street, Willaston. Ph: 85232350
NEED A PUMP? For all your needs, Gawler Irrigation, Lot 11, Paxton Street, WILLASTON. Ph: 85232350
SCHUPELIUS Kevin Ross One year ago you passed away. No matter how life changes, no matter what we do, a special place within our hearts is always there for you. Love from Jan and family.
RETURN THANKS GRAUE, Cliff. Hazel, Peter, Colleen and Susan thank everyone who supported us in the loss of our dear Cliff. LEST WE FORGET VATER, John I would like to sincerely thank family & friends for cards, phone calls & personal messages of sympathy on the loss of my husband John. Please accept this as my personal thanks. Helen.
PLANTS - Natives, perennials, tube stock, water wise etc. MORNING STAR NURSERY Lot 1 Cossins St., Kapunda. Ph: 85663952. Open Thursday to Sunday 9am- 5pm. QUALITY lounge bed settee + 2 armchairs, matching dining suite, ext. table, 6 chairs floral design $600 each ono; 2 door buffet $200; ent. unit $200 Kpaunda 0417 856 653 SAUVIGNON BLANC for sale. Approx. 10 tonne. Ph: 85244209 SELLING, BUYING .......? Advertise in the Herald classifieds, and get results! Giveaway ads are run for 1 week, FREE. You can now place your classified ad at Kapunda Newsagency, deadline is Monday 5.00p.m. Classified deadline 5.00pm Monday. (Maybe subject to change) Ph: 85632041, Fax: 85633655 or email admin.barossaherald@ruralpress.com 1782696
COPPERWHEAT, Roy Passed away 22.1.11 The last year has been hard without your loving presence in my life. I miss you so much. If tears could build a stairway and memories a lane, I'd walk right up to heaven & bring you home again. Luv you Hun - Marguerite.
Barossa New Life Church TREASURE CHEST - FURNITURE MART 10 Murray St, Nuriootpa Tel. 85622988 Monday - Friday 9am - 4pm Saturday 9am - 12pm All donations of furniture, clothing, bric-a-brac enable us to assist our Community CASH FOR BOTTLES & CANS. Wine bottles, batteries, phone Lange's Can & Bottle Depot on 85642292 for trading hours, 20 Newcastle St, Angaston. CLUB LOUNGES 2 x 1 seater and 1 x 3 seater Excellent condition $200 the lot 0439815253 www.barossaherald.com.au
General Towing, breakdowns, caravans, boats, farm machinery
HYDROPAWS 4pawfectpaws. Mobile nose to tail pet care. Heated hydrobath, blowdry, nails & clipping. Ph: Bridget 0488444542
WRECKING Ford Falcon AU III Sedan 4 Litre motor and auto transmission, 94,000 km. Ford Falcon BF XR6 Sedan 4 Litre motor, 73,000 km, most parts available. Ford Falcon BF III Stationwagon 4 Litre LPG only motor and auto transmission, 56,000 km, most parts available. Holden Commodore VS Sedan 3.8 Litre ecotech motor and auto transmission, 207,000 km, most parts available. Holden Commodore VZ Lumina Sedan 3.6 Litre motor and auto transmission, 76,000 km.
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J.W. SMART WOOLBUYERS PTY LTD. Will buy all types. Flexible hours. Ph: 0417878486 - jwsmartbigpond.com
2004 HOLDEN ASTRA SEDAN silver, 5 speed manual, P/S, A/C, radio/CD, lady owner, dual airbags, 87,000kms great condition, rego till Oct. XAT-627 $9,200 ono Phone 0403583987
CASH FOR CARS and scrap metal. Ph: 0404856309
25 EVANS STREET Angaston. Sat Jan 21 8am-12pm. Fitness goods, baby goods, QS bed, toys, TV, rabbit hutch, household items.
2 KERRYN DRIVE Tanunda. Saturday 21st January. Strictly 8.30am start. Lots of household items. HAVING A GARAGE SALE? Advertise in The Herald classifieds, and get results! All Garage Sale ads MUST be prepaid. You can now place your classified ad at Kapunda Newsagency, deadline is Monday 4.30 pm. Classified deadline 5.00pm Monday (Maybe subject to change) Ph: 85632041 Fax: 85633655 or email admin.barossaherald@ruralpress.com MOVING SALE 21 Jan 8:30am-12:30pm 26 Lord Lynedoch St Lyndoch. 500L designer fridge (as new), kitchenware, ladies clothing, Treadmill (new), Vibration machine (new), 450 DVDs incl. blockbusters, blower vac, pressure cleaner, petrol w /snipper, lots more. Enquiries: 0421989199 MOVING SALE - Sat. 21 Jan. 8am. 13 Kalleske Court, Tanunda. Kitchen & lounge furniture, household items, rolls of curtain fabric / blinds & much more. SATURDAY 21st Jan, 16A Lyndoch Valley Rd., Lyndoch. Baby Items, household, bric-a-brac. 9am-3pm SATURDAY 21ST January 2012. 8.00am to 2.00pm Elm Court, (off Golden Way) Nuriootpa. Good quality. Everything priced to sell.
SPACELINE CARAVAN Pop-top. 16' x 7'6", 2001. Reg. YDY-707 Ex. cond. inside & out, well looked after. Including roller awning plus full annexe, towing aids, reverse cycle A/C, microwave, new inner spring mattress, 3 way fridge / freezer, electric brakes. $24,000 neg. Private sale - Tanunda. Ph: 0413186217
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ENTERTAINMENT FISHING CHARTERS Yorke Peninsula, from $200 p/p, ph 0417 877 016, charterfishing.com .au
SUPPLIER QUITS STOCK! Never to be repeated prices this Sunday January 22 at 8am sharp Dreamland Gawler near the racecourse
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it Keepal! loc
MARRIAGE CELEBRANT - Margaret Curd - perfect ceremonies designed for you. Please call me 0423205140. www.margaretcurd.com.au
HOOTZ DOG GROOMING Mobile. Qualified groomer. Nuriootpa Ph: Justin 0406840020
FIREWOOD Quality seasoned. Split red. blue, sugar gum, mallee stumps sawn mallee & bags of kindling. Weighbridge docket supplied. Pickup or deliver AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY. Matthew Reimann, Firewood Supplies. 0413089743. Delivery available 7 days by appointment. Credit Cards now accepted.
ANY SCRAP METAL Will pay cash for the removal of yours. Ph: 0412259039 ANYTHING WITH METAL Cash 4 cars, free collection. HAPPY SCRAPPY recycle it! 85630213 or 0406411117 CASH FOR SCRAP METAL I AM LOCAL. Ph: 0411165694 WANTED motorcycles in any condition. Two, three or four wheelers. Road or trail to sell, repair or wreck. Anything considered. Spot cash paid. We can come to you. Call Lee's Spot On Motorcycles, on 8568 2266. Also service and repairs to all makes and models. Quality Guaranteed.
BRAND NEW 3 bed, Master with walk through robe to 2 way bathroom, bed 2 & 3 with WIR. Well appointed kitchen with dishwasher, spacious open plan living and ducted R/C. Single lock up carport, fully enclosed low maintenance backyard, garden shed and rainwater. $290.00 pw, Available now. No pets. Ph: 0427605059 DUTTON - $180 PW Restored miner's cottage, 1-2 brms, open plan kitchen/family room, sep lounge. Heating & cooling. Large b/yard. Pets neg. Avail now. Julie Toth R/E (rla 198199) 85624650 or 0418 853 134 KAPUNDA 3 BR home Ph: 0418836381 KAPUNDA close to main street as new 3 b.r. home, ducted reverse cycle a/c, single lockup garage, with access to house. Extra off street parking, no pets. Available mid February $250 p.w. 0414325045 ROOM for rent at Nuriootpa, quiet location. Furnished or unfurnished, 20 - 35 y/o, non smoker to share with two other. $130 p.w. + exp. Call 0407398481
Holden Commodore VY Sedan 3.8 Litre motor and auto transmission, most parts available. Holden Commodore VE 60th Anniversary Sedan 3.6 Litre motor and auto transmission, factory alloys.
GAWLER MOTOR WRECKING 3 Prescott Crescent, Gawler Belt 8522 5677 or 0416 081 109 Wednesday, January 18, 2012 - Page 26 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
NAILS, makeup & spray tanning. FULL SET ACRYLIC NAILS $45 Phone Lisa 0417658188 Williamstown
ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Need Help? Contact 83463255 Meeting: Friday's - C.W.A. Building Kapunda - 8pm.
MASSAGE Therapeutic, Aromatherapy, Pregnancy Massage, Aromatherapy Pamper Packages, Myofacial Release, Reiki. 7 years professional experience. Gift vouchers & Pensioner discounts available. Consulting in Kapunda. Liz Ronan. Ph:85663125 or 0400760010
LOST & FOUND LOST small doll with black texta on her head left at Eudunda Library Playground. Dearly missed, reward for return. Call 85662512
ARTISANS AT GREENOCK MARKET Greenock Town Square Friday Evenings 5.30pm - 8.30pm Live music, food, wine, unique stalls. Oct 14th, Nov.11th, Dec. 9th, Jan.13th, Feb. 10th, March 9th. GIANT MARKET & Opening Day at Truro Weighbridge Motel. New cafe/ gallery (main street), this Saturday 21st Jan. 10am - 4pm. Fresh fruit/veg, crafts, books, bric-a-brac, furniture, jewellery and more. Stall holders welcome. Sites $10. Glenda 0439845535
REAL ESTATE PRELIMINARY NOTICE FOR PRIVATE SALE/RENT - ANGASTON Semi renovated 3BR Home 5 min walk from Main St. Enquiries 0402762681 SHACK for sale. Absolute riverfront Blanchetown, private sale $350,000 first to see will buy. Open inspection Sunday 22nd January 1 - 4pm. Dawn 0416284478
“TWO WEEKS WITH THE QUEEN” INFORMATION NIGHT Wednesday 25th January 7pm Chapel Theatre, Chapel St, Kapunda For more information contact Director: David Underwood on 8564 2164 www.kms.asn.au
CHIROPRACTOR. Dr Kana Nathan 39 Murray St, Angaston. Consulting Saturdays Ph. 85642882 CIVIL CELEBRANT - Angela Nielsen Ceremonies designed for you. Marriages, namings, committment and renewal of vows. Ph: 0408107940 or 85642773
LEADLIGHT STUDIO make new, repair old, traditional to contemporary. For quality & competitive prices contact Tracy 85246959 Willliamstown
WORK WANTED Lost on 27th of December 2011, Fox Terrier/Chihuahua, white body, brown face and large brown spot near tail. Answers to “Maggie”. Last seen heading north on Bower Boundary Rd near Bower. Much loved family pet.
Relay For Life Fundraiser Din nner Saturday 18th February, 2012 : 7pm - 12am Tickets $80 p.p.
PAINTER Local experience. Quality work. Free quote. Ph: Peter 0417805982 Lic. No. BLD48086
If found please contact Annie on 0408 356 382
6WWHSSLQJ 6WRQH &KLOGFDUH (DUO\ 'HYHORSPH P QW &HHQWUH·V Evvanston and Hewett are holding a fundraiser dinner at the Gawler Arms Hotel. All proceeds are going towards the relaay for liffe. Includes: two course meal, a 4 hour drink pac a kage; 7pm11pm andd lil ve enter tainment.. For all ticket purchases & enquiries ccontact:: Jo or Jess at Evanston (40 Para Road) or phone 85232114. Rac a hel at Hewett (10 Rosella Circuit) or phoone 85231443. Alternatively out of hours purchases can be arrannged. A $30 deposit is required when booking, remai m nder is due by the 4th of February 2012.
One white cat with black ears and a black tail. “Snowy” Tanunda area. Loved companion. REWARD for return.
Please call 8563 0440
HOME CLEANING & IRONING - $15 off first reg. service so you try us out. Ph: Carolyn or Nat till 8pm daily incl. w/ends. 0409691576
ROLLER shutter repairs 08 85662922
PERSONAL Busty Beautiful Brunette seeks discreet gentleman txt Lana to 0400 390 440 $4.25/msg pair Help1300306250 I'll get you everytime 1902 267 123 $2.48pm pay/mobex CC: 1300 306 117
MT. PLEASANT area. Unrushed & personal 4 gents who prefer private. 0466964374
This event has kindly been n sponsored by the Gawleer Arms H tel. Ho
This event is strictly i y 18+ only. y
AUCTION at Lot 56, Craig Street Tarlee on 28th Jan 10am. Household furniture, some antiques and sundries
Hewett Centre ‘Celebrating Community’ INVITATION TO TENDER CATERING SERVICES
Proudly supported by the Herald
Hewett Centre is seeking interested parties to provide a range of catering services. Services will include the provision of catering for a wide variety of events throughout the year.
Tenders document can be obtained by contacting Sue Eldridge on 0428947479 or Email eldridgesg@gmail.com Suitably endorsed tenders addressed to Hewett Centre 28-30 Kingfisher Drive Hewett SA 5118 must be received by 5.00pm 3rd February 2012.
Hewett Centre is a new facility comprising function & training rooms, kitchen, bar, and an alfresco area and is ideally located in Hewett on the doorstep of Gawler and the Barossa Valley.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012 - Page 27 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
OFFICE PERSON required for part time position in lower north family busines. Some flexibility with hours. MYOB accounting package experience preferred. Contact Deb for further details on 0418831054.
Phone 8563 0198 BOSCH Barossa Outside School Hours Care Service Inc Childrens services Employee 1.1 (untrained) Childrens services Employee 4.1 (trained) Is seeking flexible reliable staff to work across our two sites (Nuriootpa and Tanunda) in before and after school care. 1783991
For job specifications Phone Di 08 8562 4387
Barossa Valley Toyota
with ever-increasing popularity of the Toyota product and strong growth occurring within our service department we require an additional qualified
$4000 Government Training Incen ves are available for *eligible par cipants making the course cost neutral!
Call to discuss (08) 8562 2122
Above award wages with performance based incentive available to the right applicant.
Applications to: The Service Manager 175 Murray Streeet, Tanunda 5352 Email: service@barossavalleytoyota.com
Keep the Feeling!
I can tackle large projects that make the best use of my skills to motivate me. The sheer complexity of the issues I face ensures I’m always fascinated. At SA Health, how my career develops is up to me. With diverse career pathways and lots of opportunities to shine, there’s no limit to what I can achieve.
VITICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT OFFICER Reporting to the CEO of the Barossa Grape & Wine Association the peak body representing the grape growers and winemakers of the Barossa, this position offers an exciting opportunity for a person with a passion for viticulture and the Barossa region.
Previous experience requirements This is a casual position requiring previous experience in wine sales. Experience in cellar door, wine selling or restaurants and bar work would be an advantage but is not mandatory. This position also offers scope for further career advancement for the right person. References essential. Please send your application and resume by email to pindarie@bigpond.com by COB Friday 27th January.
www.health.sa.gov.au/careers 1300 882 992
AIR CONDITIONING INSTALLATIONS Reftec are seeking a hardworking, enthusiastic trainee to join our Installation Division. Enjoy an excellent variety of work in the Barossa Valley. Applicants must be self-motivated, have excellent communication skills, be able to work in a team environment & hold a current drivers licence. Resumes to: Reftec Refrigeration Pty Ltd info@reftec.com.au P.O. Box 158 Tanunda SA 5352 Or phone 8563 2855 for application form.
...do something more meaningful 1782186
Applications close Friday, February 10.
Duties include: • Weekend cellar door sales front of house representative • Assistance with Events • Option to work in direct sales to restaurants and fine wine stores in South Australia on weekdays
Personal Skills and Knowledge • High level of oral and written communication skills, including public speaking • High degree of organisational skills • Ability to effectively manage multiple budgets • Ability to work in a team environment with a diverse range of people • Interpersonal skills that foster the trust, cooperation and support of others.
Or email – sam@barossa.com
Pindarie is a family owned premium wine business in the Barossa Valley, seeking an enthusiastic motivated wine sales person to join a dynamic team of people in a growing business.
Formal Qualification and Experience • Tertiary qualification in viticulture would be highly regarded • Practical and technical viticultural experience preferred • Training and/or experience in adult education and information extension would be an advantage
SA Ambulance Service Whyalla or Nuriootpa Job Ref: 499084
Wine Sales person Cellar Door and Off Premises
Key Responsibilities • Act as the primary contact for the BGWA grower member enquiries • Indentify priorities for the region and assist in delivering strategic outcomes • Facilitate, coordinate and deliver key regional projects and initiatives pertaining to viticulture and the environment • Maintain active links on industry bodies and committees • Seek appropriate sources of funding and prepare submissions to achieve key regional priorities
Written Applications should be forwarded to; Sam Holmes – confidential PO Box 420, Tanunda SA 5352
Area Administration Assistant
Applications Close 25/1/2012 BlazeS008956
For more information phone Wendy 0412 258 665 Wednesday, January 18, 2012 - Page 28 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
SALES CONSULTANTS In Review Printing and Promo are looking for Casual Sales consultants to sell Printing and Promotional Products to businesses in the Barossa Valley.
Basketball Monday evening men Division One: Wolverines d Flight Team 61-34; Run & Gun d Beard Of Chuck 53-47; He Got Game d Crumpet Squad 45-37; M&M’s d Blitzers 50-40; Wizards d Shooting Blanks 39-36. Division Two: Wreckless d Dilligaf 52-28; Flames d Off In The Shower 46-35; Hurricanes d Orlago Bujic 49-38; Turbos d Kings 68-44; Muffin Stuffers d Shakers 55-27.
Light Regional Council in conjunction with TAFE SA Is offering a one day nationally accredited.
• Work Own Hours • Full Training given • Generous Commission structure
Food Handler Training Course
Applicants must have good communication skills, be well presented, have own Transport and be able to build relationships with local businesses to achieve results.
When Wednesday 29th February 2012 Where Council Chambers 93 Main Street KAPUNDA Cost $67pp or concession $27
Please forward resume to Justin Goodwin by email justin@inreviewmag.com.au
Any queries please call 85313037 WH1785609
For session time and bookings phone Vanessa Hemsley 85620507 TAFE SA Barossa Valley Campus e-mail vanessa.hemsley@tafesa.edu.au
Light Regional Council Development and Regulatory Services Team Promoting food Safety in our community
This course is open to all food handlers, Community and charitable workers
Casual Cellar Door Sales Assistant
Peter Lehmann Wines is one of Australia’s most respected and energetic winemakers, creating wines that delight wine lovers around the globe.
Murray Street, Tanunda will be closed between Bridge Street and Theodor Street between 3.00pm and 11.00pm
We are seeking a highly energetic and personable individual to join the Peter Lehmann Wines Cellar Door Team as a Casual Cellar Door Sales Assistant. The successful applicant will have: • Previous experience in Cellar Door Sales • A dynamic personality • A sound knowledge of wine and the wine business • Exceptional customer service skills • A sound knowledge of the Barossa
Participants exempt all Australian Road Rules relating to pedestrian behaviour.
Netball Monday night ladies Don’t Care d Xavier 22-17; Meatloaf d South 38-23; Fumble Beez d The Bitties 27-20; Pythons d Divas 28-14; Watch Out d South Gawler 41-14; Wild Turkeys d Purple 30-8; Jitterbugs d Trinity College 27-19; Barossa High 5s d Gotacks 26-16; Krazy Kats d Randoms 20-0; Checkmates d Southies 20-0. Wednesday evening ladies The Fruit Loops d Kmp 20-0; Pink Bits drew with Bits & Pieces 29-29; Mallala d Tosnc Blue 29-28; Mels Army d Family Affairs 28-20; Mamma Bears d Trinity 4 30-28; Trinity 2 drew with Trinity 5 22-22; Escapees d Mixed Nuts 20-0; Lollipops d Tigers 19-16; Inxs d Donnybrooks 45-10; Diamonds d Nite Flyers 29-19; Trinity 3 d Two Wells Roosters 29-23; Dirt Diamonds d Trinity 6 49-8. Wednesday evening mixed Lucky Lemons d All Blacks 26-12; Skalliwags d D.T.F 2117; Sparkle Motion drew with Masterclass 17-17; The Fat Pack d Rascals 30-27.
BRIDGE BAROSSA Bridge Barossa has a few new promotions, Jim Hayes to National Master,Peter Robinson to Club Master, David Barnett and Helen Sandow to Graduate Master. Congratulations to all recipients.
Last Monday a four table Howell movement was played, first were Rhonda Wallace and Jill Allanson with 60.7%, followed by Huong Burgermeister and David Barnett 56.6%, Joan and Howard Haese 53%, Eunice Kampman and Jim Hayes 51.2%, Joan Lee and Kevin Jones 50.6%, Ken Farely and Peter Clerk 47%, Hans Haan and Evan Allanson 44.1%, Mary Clerk and Max Jahn 40%. On Wednesday at five tables first were Hans Haan and Evan Allanson with 62.3%, followed by Joan Lee and Kevin Jones 58.8%, Joan and Howard Haese (third again) 56.9%, Helen Sandow and Ziggy Mentz 53.2%, Elaine Kenny and Alec Harris 51.4%, Fran Hannan and Ron Male 49.1%, Annie Hatcher and Judy Fechner 40.2%, Marg Long and Trish Page 40.1%, Chris Stutley and Jill Allanson 40%.
PETANQUE Gawler Petanque Club Sunday, January 15. Game One: John Gejas / Margaret Randall / Luke Randall (junior) d Iris Stephenson / Stan Wilson / Glenis Head 13-3; Roger Davis / Les Roud / Ben Saunders d Alan Colinson / Lilian Elles / Rob Mitchell 133. Game Two: Alan Collinson / Rob Mitchell Glenis Head d Margaret Randall / Roger Davis / Iris Stephenson 13-7; Stan Wilson / Les Roud / Luke Randall (junior) d John Gejas / Ben Saunders / Lilian Elles 13-0. Game Three: Rob Mitchell / Glenis Head / John Gejas d Iris Stephenson / Alan Colinson / Ben Saunders 133; Luke Randall (junior) / Roger Davis / Margaret Randall d Les Roud / Stan Wilson / Lilian Elles 13-9. Iris Stephenson had an interesting day with some great shots as well as the shot of
the day with her boule landing a couple of feet behind her. Well done Iris. Gawler Petanque Club usually meets at 1.30pm on Sundays at Essex Park,Victoria Terrace, Gawler (next to tennis courts), unless the forecast temperature on the preceding Friday evening is for 35°C or above. The first Sunday of each month games are played at Chateau Dorrien, Tanunda. Everyone, from eight years upwards, is welcome to come along and enjoy a game of petanque. The first three visits are free. Experience is not necessary, boules and training are available. For more information contact Margaret Randall on 8563 1323 or 0427 631 323.
DARTS Gawler Darts results on Jan 13 - by ‘Pegout’ Men’s div. January 9: T & A’s 12 def Raiders 3, Crackers 8 def Enigmas 7, Spot ON 12 def Team Rehab 3, Barflyz Bye. 180s thrown by Terry Murphy x2, Chris Young, Phil Rowland x1. - Six Peg-outs Michael Sardoz HPO 153 Michael Trotter.. Premiership -T&A’s 20-117; Enigmas 18-112; Crackers 16.96; Spot On 10.70; Team Rehab 6-59; Barflys 4-62; Raiders 4-56.. Ladies. January 11: Hepcats 10 def Angels 5; Nashos 9 def Saints 6. HPO - 76 Sue Evans. 6 peg outs Maureen Paterson. Premiership. Nashos 22-131; Hepcats 12-98; Saints 12.93; Angels 10-100. Mixed Div. January 10: Wonderers 7 def. Kookaburras 4; Rebels 8 def Down Under 3; Ravens 7 def B & B’s 4. 180s thrown by Len Harakos and Dennis Schwartz. HPO 128 Michael Trotter. Premiership: Wonderers 1659; Ravens 14-65; Rebels 1255; B & B’s 10.51; Kookaburras 2.31; DownUnder 0.27.
For enquiries please contact The Barossa Council 8563 8444
Whilst not essential, hospitality skills would be highly advantageous.
If you possess the above attributes, please send your letter of application and resume to: Daniel Mattschoss Cellar Door Manager PO Box 315 Tanunda SA 5352 E-mail: cellar.door@peterlehmannwines.com
1st Feb 2012
Applications close Friday 27th January 2012
Please bring your dog’s current vaccination certificate with you.
RSL KAPUNDA SUB-BRANCH: Notice change of meeting time. To all of our members, (past & present). Please be advised that we have changed our monthly meeting time. Beginning 5 Feb 2012, the branch will be meeting the first Sunday of each month at 1200. This will include a BBQ lunch prior to the regular meeting, (gold coin donation optional). For further enquiries, please contact me on (08)85663232. Thankyou. Matthew Scholes. President RSL Kapunda Sub-branch.
Each month is divided into four weekly themes that include Jumps, Play-Training, Graduation and Sausage Sizzle.
Jenny 8562 3199 Mary Anne 8566 2868
Jeanette Alison
8563 3349 8847 2072
Kapunda Christmas Street Party Inc
ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Starts 7pm Prince of Wales Hotel Mildred Street, Kapunda Enquiries telephone 8566 3965 admin.barossaherald@ruralpress.com
Monday February 20th 2012
ROAD TO CLARE: The Tour Down Under peloton leaves the Sturt Highway and heads up the Main North Road on its way to Clare in stage one on Tuesday. Wednesday, January 18, 2012 - Page 29 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Community News Lyndoch Historical Society
Barossa Solace
THE Lyndoch Historical Society held a wellattended annual general meeting at which Quentin Nuske retired from the position of president and Ivan Randall was elected in his place. Kim Michelmore filled the vice president’s position, and Anne Hausler was re-elected as secretary/treasurer. Those elected as committee members were Melinda Melbourne, Paul Hughes, Quentin Nuske, Margaret and Shane Sloan, Jack and June Filsell and Sibohn Merenda. Following the successful meeting, Anne Hausler gave an outline of life in Lyndoch a hundred years ago mentioning social gatherings, humorous events, the commencement of the institute building and the opening of the Gawler-Angaston rail line. This was followed by a power point presentation of the construction and opening of the railway line in 1911. The society has produced calendars for 2012 that feature photographs of the Lyndoch Institute and Post Office, both of which will be celebrating centenaries this year. It will also be the 175th anniversary of the naming of Lynedoch Vale by Colonel Light in December 1837 making it a special year for the town, the oldest in the Barossa. The first meeting for the society in 2012 will be held on February 5 at 2pm in the meeting room at the rear of the Lyndoch Library. The centenary of laying the institute foundation stone will be the topic.
President Barbara McRostie welcomed 31 Solace members, along with four friends from Elizabeth and Pastor Trevor Reu, who is a Support Person to the group, to the annual Christmas luncheon which was held at The Weintal, Tanunda. Pastor Reu preceded the absolutely wonderful meal with Table Grace. Music during the day, and also for the singing of carols, was supplied by the secretary Val Schultz who also presented two humorous readings. Merle Liebig was the winner of the door prize. During the afternoon, a very jolly Father Christmas paid a visit and gave gifts to everyone. Father and Mrs Christmas were given a gift in appreciation of the time spent with the group. Birthday wishes for December were given to Merle Liebig, Jean Diener, Connie Irrgang, Glenys Pitters and Carlene Schmaal. A Christmas raffle was held with winners being Eidith Sillett, Kay Goodman, Marion Davis and Kay Smith, (all from Elizabeth), Frieda Atze, Joyce Saegenschnitter, Barbara McRostie, Neville Schultz, Carlene Schmaal, Val Graetz, Merle Liebig, Pauline Henke, Henk van der Wijngaart and Marlene Davies. For further information about Solace which is a group for widowed people, contact 85633084.
Who’s eating at your house tonight?
Services from $60
• Spiders • Flies & Ants
Phone: 8522 3131 Mobile: 0407 909 927
Tanunda WAB Tanunda branch of Women in Agriculture and Business held their November meeting at Barossa Enterprises on Samuel Road, Nuriootpa. The place was chosen because they work with the disabled, as does the WAB project for the year, Bedford Industries. Members were most impressed by what is being done to help those who are handicapped in many ways. The workshop, community garden and vineyard are indeed a credit to them. Members of the branch again offered to supply the prize money for the rich fruit cake at Tanunda Show. A brief report of the WAB council meeting was given by Margaret Craigie.
Tanunda Hospital Tanunda Hospital Ladies Auxiliary members, together with several singers from St John’s Church Choir and Karen Dutschke playing the guitar, sang carols at the hospital on December 8 followed by a short meeting and supper. The Christmas baskets raffle raised $607 and David Pech and Margaret Matte were the winners. A sincere thank you to all who have supported the hospital through donations and fundraising events during the year. A number of aids and equipment have been purchased for the hospital including an emergency cart, Minuet Hi-Low bed and mattress and the latest purchase of a patient monitor with attachments costing $6000. The next meeting is on February 6.
Strata and Community Title Owners Have your complex professionally managed We are here to assist, call
Williamstown Garden Club
Pauline R Murray Body Corporate Managers 17 Cowan Street, Gawler SA 5118 Ph: 85223800
Williamstown Celebration There was great excitement at Williamstown on Saturday, November 26, when a Celebration Ball was held. Ira Zeunert welcomed the happy crowd of about 80 who came from near and far. She said the money that had been raised would go to support the residents of Abbeyfield to help with extra comforts for their enjoyment. Peter Hutchins supplied the excellent music for the dancers. The hall was decorated for the occasion by the committee, with Bud Abbott and Lou Costello on the bench under the tree. Numerous prizes were won during the evening and a sumptuous supper enjoyed. During the evening a presentation of a cheque was made to Lyn Venning, a staff member of Abbeyfield, by Rae Materne of the funds raised this year as well as a bouquet of flowers. Lyn suitably responded. Sincere thanks go to the business people of Williamstown who sponsor the dance. They are Lubch Wines, Domain Day, Tearo Wines, Williamstown Corner Bakery, Williamstown Hotel, Williamstown Post Office, The Old Bakehouse Tavern, Pure Serenity Hair Studio, Smith Brothers Transport and Potger and Richardson, the Gawler chemist which serves Williamstown. Thanks also to an energetic committee for all their help. The next dance is on Saturday, January 28.
Faith History awards Two committee members of the Friends of the Barossa Library Inc, Mrs Adelaide Abbott and Mr Kevin Platt, spent a full school day at Faith Lutheran School to select the winners of 2011’s Year 9 Local Area Study awards which have now been sponsored by the Friends for 19
years. “This is a challenging but most enjoyable task which never becomes easier,” said Mrs Abbott. “The standard of the work remains so high, that it is very difficult to award only a limited number of prizes.” Last year the History Department’s staff with co-ordinator Mrs Michelle Schwarz and teachers Mrs Barb Garwood, Mr Byron Burns and Mr Ev Leske, presented 12 models and nine essays as finalists out of the work done by the 136 Year 9 students. Mrs Abbott, Mr Platt and Mrs Schwarz commented on the wide variety of subjects chosen for the models and essays submitted. The seven awards presented on December 6 during the End of Year Service for the Year 8 to 10 students, went to Jonathan Markey for his essay “E H Coombe and the E H Coombe Monument” and Lachlan Goss for “Characters of the Barossa A Living History” who shared the first prize and Philip Grace, who received a second prize for his essay “Persecution of German Descendants Living in the Barossa”. In the models section the prizes went to Hudson Schilling for his carving of “Pastor August Ludwig Christian Kavel and His Memorial” (first), Harrison Schuster for a splendid model of a hay baler to illustrate his “History of Hay Production on the Schuster Family Farm” (second) and Fraser Goodwin who built to scale a “Model of Doddridge Blacksmith Shop” (third). An award for innovation went to Brittany Frost for her presentation of the “History of Appelts Soft Drinks”. To appreciate the students’ selection of subjects, it is interesting to see what else was submitted in the essay section: “The Schippan Murder and Houses” by Fiona Zimmermann, “Mt Mary - grandparents’ property” by Jacob Grieger, “The Herbig Family Tree” by Kate Branson, “Nain: a story of Faith, Hope and Division” by Sophie Eather, “Laucke Mills” by Olivia Obst, and “Faith Lutheran Secondary School” by April Zimmermann. The models generated an equally varied approach: Annie Koch learnt to do metal work and made leaves and a hook to demonstrate what used to be done at Doddridge Blacksmith shop, Dinah Swinkels made a model of the Gumeracha Post Office, Casy Ellendon built one of the Nuriootpa Railway Station, Jemma Geyer one of Chateau Yaldara, Deanna Keogh created a Yalumba Winery model entirely out of bottle tops, Alex Mattschoss a William Beavis Randell Kenton Park Homestead model, Meg Bealby a Wohlers’ History model featuring the original pottery shop in Tanunda and Charlotte Warne the Herbig Family Tree.
Western Australian orchids and wildflowers were shown in all their beauty to the Uniting Church Garden Club at Williamstown recently, by means of video by Mr Ian Kilpatrick, who with his wife, also brought a collection of plants from his own garden. They gathered these beautiful photos on various
trips to WA and found you need to leave the car to find them, as some are very tiny. The best place to find them is where the ground has been disturbed eg roadworks, new power lines etc, it seems good soil is not necessary. Without the aid of a camera (in some cases to enlarge) these delicate plants and orchids would be overlooked and their amazing shapes and colours lost. Birthday greetings were extended to Joyce Johncock, Margaret Ochse, Marjorie Green, Kit Wilson, Jean Randall and Tom Lilford. Flower prize winners were Betty, Kim and Kathy. The annual general meeting will be held on February 6, nomination forms available now, and we look forward to greeting new members in 2012.
84 Main North Road, Willaston Phone (08) 8522 2287
Crash Repairs - 24 Hour Towing Service Mechanical Repairs and Servicing
NOW OPEN Friday Saturday nights 9pm Indoor & Alfresco Dining Available
Drop in for a bite to eat! Light meals from 8am-4pm daily Or join us for Dinner!
PHONE 8563 3400 Barossa Valley Way, Tanunda www.barossaherald.com.au
For a free download, search for ‘Smash Assist’ in the iTunes App Store or the Android Market.
EZY: Miranda Thoday was the lucky winner of Video Ezy’s $1000 Christmas cash giveaway. Miranda and her fiancé Daniel will be getting married this year so it was a lovely surprise to win the money which will go towards their wedding. Video Ezy’s owner Piera (left) and manager Maureen are pictured presenting the cheque to Miranda.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012 - Page 30 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Breakthrough win Barossa and Light cricket By MIKE TEAKLE
By ROBERT LAIDLAW IN A season where Gawler Rangers may have underachieved, a slim possibility of making a finals charge was re-ignited by beating West Torrens 8-5 in Division Three baseball last Saturday. The Rangers have capitulated in so many games this season it has become almost habit forming. However on Saturday as Torrens made a late charge, the side showed plenty of character to secure the victory. After two scoreless innings, the Rangers scored four times in the third frame, thanks to three errors and Sam Murphy’s hit - making multiple errors in an inning has usually been Gawler’s undoing. James Parker singled, stole second base and came home on Ryan O’Handley’s hit in the fourth dig to make it 5-0, then a big two-run triple by Rick Leonard in the fifth inning fueled a three-run dig, for an 8-0 advantage. In four solid frames on the mound, Andre Benjamin had thrown shut-out ball, conceding just two hits while striking out six batters, but after loading the bases with none-out in the bottom of the fifth, was relieved of his duties, with Leonard
coming on to pitch. After a shaky start, which resulted in five runs crossing the plate, Leonard settled down to retire Torrens, then had three-up and three-down in the sixth and final inning to make sure of the win. Every player either scored a run or batted a run home in a complete team effort, while the enthusiasm from the side was the best it has been all season, which may just see an improbable run towards the finals. With six games remaining for the season, Gawler is two-and-a-half games behind fourth team Woodville, which it plays in the final minor round. The simple equation is the Rangers have to win two more games than Woodville and West Torrens leading into the final minor round game to have a chance to steal a coveted finals spot tough but not impossible. The Rangers B grade lost at the death knell to West Torrens, when the Eagles scored seven last inning runs to grab a 98 win. Gawler led 6-2 going into the final frame, and after conceding seven runs made a valiant effort to get back but fell short with only two runs. The C grade played well but lost 1-16 to Golden Grove Central Districts Dodgers.
Division Three Gawler Rangers 0 0 4 1 3 0 -8 West Torrens 0 0 0 0 5 0 -6 Hits: James Parker 2, Andre Benjamin, Sam Murphy, Rick Leonard, Ryan O’Handley, Dave O’Brien.
Division Five West Torrens 9 d Gawler Rangers 8. Hits:- Wayne Jenkins 2, Paul Skelton 2, Liam Holland, James Sheekey.
Division Seven GGCD Dodgers 16 d Gawler Rangers 1. Hits:- Glen Holland, Trevor Norley, Adam Soar, Cameron Dawkins, Graham Fischer.
Next games: Saturday - Division Three v East Torrens at home, 4pm; Division Five v Flinders at home, 1.30pm; Division Seven v GGCD at home, 11am. Sunday - Under 14 A v East Torrens at home, 3pm; Under 14 B v Henley & Grange at home, 12.30pm; LL Majors v Redsox at home, 10am; LL Minors v Henley & Grange at home, 10am.
GAWLER 8-BALL Results from matches played on January 12. Smithfield What The’s d Overway Whos Ya Momma 9-6; Roseworthy Blue d Lyndoch Hotel 10-5; XChanged d Two Wells Commercial 13-2; Smithfield Outsiders d Exchange Hotel 10-5; Willaston Warriors d Willaston Farcues 8-7; Two Wells No Fear.Comm d Soccer Club Eagles 10-5; Roseworthy Shooters d Soccer Club Kruisers 8-7. Premiership Team P W L F A S Roseworthy Blue 10 9 1 93 57 18 Two Wells No Fear.Comm 10 8 2 96 54 16 Overway Whos Ya Momma 10 8 2 91 59 16 Smithfield What The’s 10 7 3 90 60 14 Smithfield Outsiders 10 7 3 90 60 14 XChanged 10 5 5 84 66 10 Soccer Club Eagles 10 5 5 82 68 10 Soccer Club Kruisers 10 5 5 76 84 10 Willaston Farcues 10 4 6 62 88 8 Two Wells Commercial 10 3 7 59 91 6 Lyndoch Hotel 10 3 7 58 92 6 Roseworthy Shooters 10 2 8 57 93 4 Willaston Warriors 10 2 8 57 93 4 Exchange Hotel 10 2 8 55 95 4
BAROSSA 8-BALL Team TH Crownies Breakers EV Vipers Wreakers Big Balls Springton Results: Vipers
P W L 5 5 0 5 3 2 5 3 2 5 2 3 5 1 4 5 1 4 d Big Balls 9-6; Crownies d
F Ag 47 28 47 28 38 37 32 43 35 40 26 49 Breakers 8-7; Wreakers d
D Niemz 13, R Ackland 34; M Lehmann 10, T Ackland 25; A Menzel 9, G Jenner 34.
Results for January 14. Division One at Robertstown: Robertstown 62 v Mintaro 75. G Kotz 26, M Young 20; B Friebel 15, R Hudson 29; M Colbey 21, D Short - 26. Division Two at Watervale: Robertstown 32 v Watervale 93.
Teams for Saturday. Division One v Booborowie (1.30pm start): J Stacey, R Coe, L Booth, R Kotz; G Rooke, Jodi Kotz, N Nicholson, M Colbey; C Heinrich, R Wilksch, L Mosey, N Eberhard. Cars leave at 12.10pm.
% 62 62 50 42 46 34 Springton 8-7.
Pts 10 6 6 4 2 2
Drivers: L Booth, N Nicholson, L Mosey. Team manager: M Colbey. Division Two v Hallett (2pm start): S Wilksch, C Stocker, T Rule, D Niemz; K Voigt, R Schutz, A Cox, M Lehmann; D Schmidt, R Dunsdon, D Ruediger, A Menzel. Bar: D Ruediger. Hostess: D Wilksch. Duty rink: D Niemz. Team manager: A Menzel.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012 - Page 31 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
HITTING OUT: Angaston’s Beau Byster on the attack against Nuriootpa. He finished with 54.
Crows star in T20 Big Bash THE Vine-Inn Barossa T20 Big Bash keeps getting bigger with the release of the playing lists this week. The competition, which will take place this Sunday, January 22 at Nuriootpa Oval, will be headlined by Adelaide Crows star Bernie Vince who will be lining up with the Vine-Inn Roar. The JTJ Bombers have also recruited well, including quality grade cricketers Andrew Frick and Michael Cranmer. The Truro Ramblers are fielding a group of locals looking to upset some of the more fancied sides. Perhaps the prize for the best team name may go to the Angaston Strokers who already boasted a formidable batting line up before adding Sandy Creek pair Steve Hogan and Bill Fuller along with globetrotting batsman Greg Bain returning for the day. Another all-local unit is the Gilbert Valley Bulls but the quality of this side should put them in contention for the $1000 prize with the likes of Craig Mullins and James Vandeleur anchoring them. In great news for the Tanunda Magpies, the boys in black and white have managed to lure the best wicketkeeper/batsman in country SA Boh Wall. Back for what could be seen as a testimonial for the ‘old fella’ but the ‘Great Wall’ is a must have for the Pies to be competitive. The Freeling Waterfowls will field a veteran line up including Ian McMillan, Ben Parish and Ashley Read giving them enough firepower to do some damage if the opposition bowlers are off target. Program 9am: Oval 1, Skids Tyres Sloggers v Truro Ramblers; Oval 2, Tanunda Club House Magpies v Angaston Strokers. 11.30am: Oval 1, Vine Inn Roar v Freeling Waterfowls; Oval 2, JTJ Bombers v Gilbert Valley Bulls. 2pm: semi-finals Oval 1; winner game 1 oval 2 v winner game 2 oval 2; Oval 2, winner game 1 oval 1 v winner game 2 oval 1. 4.30pm: Grand final, oval1.
STEAL: Adam Soar (left), from Gawler Rangers, getting ready to steal second base against GGCD Dodgers in Division Seven at Golden Grove.
KAPUNDA, the quiet achievers of the season, had a convincing win over South Gawler which has them within sight of forcing their way into the top four. Good scores by the Lions’ Shaun Lay (55) and Riley Barker (99) on their way to 4/217 weren't enough to stop the Bombers 6/240 from overhauling them on the back of Craig Reimann's impressive 102 not out. He received good support from four teammates who got starts, Sam Ryan 20, Rob Johnson 30, Kieren Chappell 26 and Ben Johnson 24 not out. The Bombers’ finals’ hopes were aided by fourth-placed Nuri (194) failing to chase down Angaston's 9/236 despite the best efforts of James Lienert with the ballas he took 7/35 from his eight overs. Contributions from the Blues’ middle order Beau Byster 54, Ben Burgess 65 and Kym Vivian 34 proved too much for the Tigers. Gawler Central escaped the relegation zone and stormed back into the top three with a dominant win over a floundering Sandy Creek. The Tigers put on 6/255 thanks to Ben Tobitt 64, Jamie Mccafferty 45, Aaron King 56 not out and Andrew Frackowski 34. It was an impressive total that looked in danger as the Cockatoo openers set about their business with Steve Hogan (63) and Michael Burden (108) but sadly for the Cockys once those two departed the rest of the batting looked paper thin as only Matt Donohoe (25) registered double figures. Gilbert Valley easily accounted for a Tanunda side that posted just 80 runs with only Mark Hartigan (37) passing 15 runs and almost scoring half his side’s score which included 10 extras. The Bulls may have been lulled into a false sense of security by the small target as they finished all out for just 82 as George Claridge and Dylan Abinett each took three wickets for the Pies. In A1 reserves Brad Fairey (89) couldn't lead Truro 6/205 to a win over Light Pass 4/223 who were boosted by Richard Mattner's 97 and Sean Schrapel's 78 not out. Freeling, 3/224, comfortably dispatched Lyndoch thanks to a fine all-round performance from Ben Parish (72 runs and 2/19 from five overs) and 59 from Lachie Heinrich. In reply Lyndoch puton 7/190 with Adam Jeffrey hitting 46. Greenock, 4/199, smashed Eudunda Robertstown, 115, after Dave Murray (72), Gary Stevens (40), Greg Loffler (32) and Steve Fowler (28 not out) all chipped in to give the Schlungers a potent score. A1 Angaston 9/236 (B S Burgess 65, B A Byster 54, K J Vivian 34, J C Lienert 7/35) def Nuriootpa 194 (T Jungfer 35, M George 32, A Prior 26, D S Doecke 25, B Burgess 4/33, B P Woodards 2/30, N Pech 2/44). Tanunda 80 (M Hartigan 37, J M Vandeleur 5/12, J Shahinger 4/14) def by Gilbert Valley 82 (T Smith 26, G Clarridge 3/11, D Abinett 3/15, M Boschen 2/16). Gawler Central 6/255 (B P Tobitt 64, A J King 56*, J Mccafferty 45, A M Frackowski 34, N A Gum 3/43) def Sandy Creek 7/227 (M G Burden 108, S L Hogan 63, M Donohoe 25, P J Thomas 4/49, T T Stock 2/32). South Gawler 4/217 (R T Barker 99*, S M Lay 55, D J Butler 31*, S Ryan 2/26) def by Kapunda 6/240 (C Reimann 102*, R Johnson 30, K Chappel 26). A1 Reserves Truro 6/205 (B Fairey 89, J J Krzoska 32*, B Hunter 2/24, A Nash 2/57) def by Light Pass 4/223 (R Mattner 97, S Schrapel 78*). Freeling 3/224 (B M Parish 72*, L K Heinrich 59, R Gorski 30, R J Montgomery 27*, N Goulding 2/38) def Lyndoch 7/190 (A Jeffery 46*, M J Robinson 33, N Goulding 25, B M Parish 2/19, R J Montgomery 2/20, A Papas 2/55). Greenock 4/199 (D Murray 72, G Stevens 40, G Loffler 32, S Fowler 28*) def EudundaRobertstown 115 (G Loffler 2/7). A2 Sandy Creek 9/181 def Gawler Central 9/124. Light Pass 9/159 (S Davies 62, P Braunack 42, J Mackereth 4/27, S O’Donoghue 2/17, L McCracken 2/31) def by South Gawler 9/169 (J Dare 58*, L McCracken 48, G Miller 4/22, T Taylor 3/27). Nuriootpa 156 (J Tregenza 46, D Steinborner 42, S Collings 5/12, T Herrmann 3/23) def Angaston 51 (R Worrall 4/11, J Schmidt 2/12, K Siegele 2/18). Tanunda 6/198 (T Mifflin 61*, T Swan 50, B Verne 2/27) def Greenock 99 (T Mifflin 5/20). A3 Freeling 5/262 (A Clay 70, P J Gaertner 69, A Read 63) def Nuriootpa 9/243 (J Hirst 2/29, C Hirst 2/31). Kapunda def Sandy Creek Yellow. Gilbert Valley 9/134 (K Hoffmann 3/10, R Giles 3/20, S Fettke 2/18) def Truro 84 (S Murphy 27, G Smith 25, S Goodfellow 3/9, M Kooyman 2/23, G Molineux 2/26). Gawler Central 7/189(dec) (L Hughes 54, M Taylor-Mcdonald 42, G Kemp 30, S Scally 3/38, J M Steinborner 2/18) def Lyndoch 111 (S Scally 33, M Taylor-Mcdonald 5/14). Sandy Creek Green 8/235 (M P Cotton 80*, S Doolan 43, M Chomik 31, B Silvy 27, J Ellis 3/42) def Tanunda 118 (J Dswonitzky 57, J Ellis 26, G Hinderwell 4/10, M P Cotton 2/5). A4 Nuriootpa 3/114 (A Reusch 57*, B Giles 25*, D Hean 2/35) def Tanunda 104 (M Hoklas 38, D Hean 31, S Steven 3/12, D James 2/18, D Nayda 2/25). Kapunda 8/211 (R Dippl 62, J Van Dissel 38*, D Georgi 33, J Dawson 3/16, B Thom 2/32) def Gawler Central 130 (P M Penna 47, M Van Dissel 3/31, M Dowling 2/11, J Hodgson 2/14). Lyndoch 7/90 (J C Schloithe 39*, P Nitschke 3/6, D M Nitschke 2/14) def by Greenock 1/99 (D Lloyd 59*). Mallala 6/131 (W S Rudd 32*, A Buckley 29, D Cawrse 25, G Rooney 3/24, A J Wright 3/27) def Freeling 124 (B F Pearce 55, A Buckley 5/22, J Cufone 2/10). A5 Light Pass 145 (M Bartsch 60*, B Nitschke 25, T Reichelt 4/22, L H Reichelt 2/29) def by Gilbert Valley 9/189 (R McInerney 62, C S Busch 59, P J Allchurch 38, B Nitschke 3/16, K Schutz 3/31). Eudunda-Robertstown 85 (T Grosser 32, G G Strathearn 3/12, C M Schultz 3/20, R Walker 2/16) def by Angaston 118 (B Rule 3/19). Greenock 8/145 (J Robertson 25) def South Gawler 9/142 (J Robertson 2/7, D Rosenzweig 2/13, T Bishop 2/29). Under 16 Angaston 7/46 (Z Fuss 4/5) def by Nuriootpa/Light Pass 5/117 (B W Homes 2/20, A J Dutschke 2/25). Gawler Central Gold 5/122 (B Swan 63) def by Kapunda 3/295 (T J Williams 132, M M Good 91*, T Hunt 38, B Swan 2/37). Gawler Central Black had a bye. Greenock 4/95 (J Robertson 30) def by Sandy Creek Gold 5/120 (M J Coldman 43, A Arthur 35, T Fenton 2/23). Sandy Creek Green 8/86 (R Svetec 3/6, J P Dunstan 2/9, B Wilson 2/12) def Mallala/Lyndoch 76 (D Wells-Sidler 2/2, M R Scott 2/6, B M Irvine 2/15). South Gawler 7/143 (T Panagiotou 55, D Judd Smith 33) def Freeling 110 (B Heinrich 32, J White 2/11). Under 14 Freeling v South Gawler 6/72 (J Davies 35*). Eudunda-Robertstown v Gilbert Valley. Kapunda 5/127 (J Rowsell 32*) def Gawler Central 9/121 (A T Smith 2/9, F Smith 2/23). Sandy Creek 115 (B Dowse 4/14, M Dalliston 2/17) def Lyndoch 8/63 (R Robinson 3/9). Tanunda had a bye. Nuriootpa 49 (T Jackaman 2/6, S R Habermann 2/10) v Angaston 3/103.
GREENOCK SOCCER CLUB Season 2012 Registration Day Sunday, 29th January 2012 11:00am at Greenock Oval, Martin Street. ALL NEW PLAYERS WELCOME For more info phone: 0458 044 623 or Email: greenocktownsoccerclub@gmail.com www.barossaherald.com.au
Country carnival success Barossa, Light and Gawler tennis Barossa and Light Tennis Association premierships
SERVE: Erin Roe of Xavier Saints with good racquet speed.
WINNERS: The Gawler 16 Boys Div 1 winners who did not lose a set. From left, Ethan Moore, Nathan Pope, Lucas Baker and Patrick Reincke. The Barossa, Light and Gawler Association entered 18 teams in the 2012 South Australian Country Carnival. It is an opportunity for players to represent their association and participate in a competitive, yet fun and enjoyable environment. Players participate in both teams and tournament events catering for juniors and seniors. The event was held at Memorial Drive in Adelaide from January 7-12. Two Orange Ball teams for players nine and under played in a participation event on Saturday morning. Orange Ball 1: Erin McLaughlin, Nicholas Kelly, Lauren Heinjus and Adam Mills. Orange Ball 2: Sophie Reithmuller, Oliver Beadman, Anika Quinn and Alex Liebelt. The 13 junior teams produced the association’s best results with three teams winning and three teams runner up. 16 Boys Div 1: Winners, did not lose a set. Ethan Moore, Nathan Pope, Lucas Baker and Patrick Reincke. 14 Boys Div 1: Bradley Macgowan, Jayden Hage, Jake Lane and Dakota Hunt. 14 Boys Div 2: 3rd - Stefan Zimmermann, Jett deRuiter, Alex Hodges and Lucas Hobbs. 12 Boys Div 1: Runners up – Joel Broadhead, Brodie Cormack, Johannes Smit and Tyson Liebelt. 12 Boys Div 2: Winners – Jarryd Fisher, Josh Clasohm, Cooper Dahms, Nathan Hatcher and Darcy Henschke. 10 Boys: 3rd – Darcy Henschke, Brayden Doherty, Lawson Hunt, Alex Liebelt and Jack Reithmuller. 16 Girls Div 2: Runners up – Jena Jeansch, Kristie Sonntag, Caitlin Hobbs, Kayla Broadhead and Karina Marschall. 16 Girls Div 2: Courtney Perdon, Deanna Miller, Megan Fairey and Ellen Ingham. 14 Girls Div 1: Winners – Georgia Cowgill, Bianca Sonntag, Jessica Szulc and Abby Moore. 12 Girls Div 1: 3rd – Rebeka Schaefer, Kirrilee Liebelt, Maggie Henschke and Kayleigh Dunkley. 12 Girls Div 2: Runners up - Georgina Milne, Rachel Hobbs, Rosie Goodwin and Christina Tait. 12 Girls Div 2: Leonora Radocaj, Chloe Bubner,
GOLF KAPUNDA It was a welcome return to fine weather for last weekend’s Tim Ellbourn Engineering par comp at Kapunda. A good field enjoyed the magnificently maintained course. I’ve said it many times before but I can’t heap enough praise on our ever growing army of volunteer mower operators who now have even the “rough” areas that well maintained that it is almost impossible to lose a ball within the boundaries of the course. Naturally, if you stray into the water hazards or the PB lake it is not our fault if your ball doesn’t float. Last Saturday I was fortunate enough to play with the eventual winner of the day who I must mention had a personal best round and broke 90 for the first time ever. I would also like to say that Bazz “Willow” Williams and myself sacrificed our own games to ensure we lifted our playing partner to this amazing result. Needless to say Tony Moritz’s plus 10 was that far ahead it was reminiscent of the Aussies against the Indians in the test. There were also a couple of holes where Tony had a shot up his sleeve. His only blemish for the day was the 15th where he duffed a drive into the trees from which he just failed to recover. As for the rest of the field, all grades were won with a score of +3. In the A grade Ian Clarke was just the one shot ahead of Jayden Higgins who is still playing great golf and John Sheppard. Sal Hambour was the best of the B grade also just the one shot ahead of President Craig. Andy Peters was the only other one in the black with +1. The Hill boys cleaned up in the C grade with Ron a couple shots ahead of Peter. There were a couple of
Tily Hadden and Sophie Tait. 12 Girls Div 2: Tahlia Kelly, Ania Swart, Gabriella Barilla and Helena Radocaj. Senior teams. Div 1 Men: 3rd - Dillon Campbell, Brett Jenner, Edward Liebelt, Sam Powell, Dave Williams and Tim Grace. Div 2 Men: Runners up - Steven Draper, Zac Pretlove, Angas Magarey, Sam Powell and Dillon Campbell. Mixed: Winners - Julie Sumpton, Alan Carmody, Sharon Jenner, John Lane and Dave Williams. Div 2 Women: 4th - Holly Broadhead, Emily Koch and Carlene Fromm. Individual events. 12 and under boys singles: Winner - Joel Broadhead (Freeling). 12 and under boys doubles: Winners - Joel Broadhead and Anthony Oliphant (Port Pirie). 16 and under boys: Winner - Ethan Moore (Tanunda), pictured below.
shockers in this grade as well with Tony “Geezer” Stevens on minus 8 and treasurer James K on minus 10. There was a bit of a countback for the encouragement award with Inge Smith suffering the effects of a big day/night on the Friday also finishing on minus 10. Of the fillies who competed Janet Morrison had it all her own way with a very good +1. As I mentioned earlier, it isn’t the club’s fault if a player’s ball finds the water and unfortunately Willow found out the hard way (twice) that the PB lake has no special density properties that will allow you to retrieve a wayward ball from the water. He did however find a spot where it is much easier to scale the fence. There were the usual flocks of galahs out enjoying the pickings of the lush kikuyu grass and it was good to see Greg “Bully” Higgins doing his best to imitate a scare gun when he cannoned his drive on the 11th straight into the rubbish bin in front of the tee block. I must say his playing partners were quick to deny any involvement of themselves in the almighty bang that rang across the course. The reputation of the Kapunda Golf Club friendliness and excellent course is obviously being well spread with several players from the northern suburbs signing up as members last week. Apparently they can play a bit and I will be interested in following their progress over the coming weeks. It was also fantastic to see Dick Nairn back at Kidman links for a hit as it isn’t every day you have a player on a “plus” handicap playing in the comp. I think Dick did have second thoughts on entering when he saw the +10 on the board as the score to beat. For those who enjoy a good news
Senior results Division One: Kapunda 9-9-85 def 7-781 Tanunda; Vine Vale 4-4-66 def by 1212-97 Nuriootpa; Lyndoch 8-8-82 def 8-880 Xavier Saints. In Division One the competition was tight with two close matches on Friday night. Kapunda maintained its winning ways with a close 9-7 win over Tanunda at Kapunda. Nuriootpa also maintained its claim for finals action with an easy 12 sets to four win over Vine Vale. In the final match at Lyndoch it was Lyndoch by two games in a tight tussle in a match played in good spirit. The match of the night was between Edward Liebelt and Damian McGee with Lyndoch’s Liebelt coming through in a tight 6-3 win. In the ladies Xavier’s Jayne Polito won her match against Emily Koch and Xavier’s Erin Roe was impressive coming from 5-1 down to win 7-5. Division Two: Tanunda White 6-6-76 def by 10-10-92 Willaston; South Gawler Blue 5-5-70 def by 11-11-88 Nuriootpa; Lyndoch 14-14-106 def 2-2-52 South Gawler White; Tanunda Black 7-777 def by 9-9-76 Tod Street. Division Three:Virginia White 3-3-63 def by 13-13-91 Willaston United. On the first Friday night match of the season Willaston United scored a convincing win over Virginia White. The match commenced with the straight doubles first which saw Willaston United jump top a handy lead winning all four matches. After the singles Willaston United had only lost two sets and had already secured the win. Willaston United then added another three sets to their total winning three out of the four mixed doubles. Match star for the week was Willaston United’s doubles combination of Matthew Lodge and Garry Townsend winning their straight double game 6-0 with valiant 7-5 wins to Nick Chenoweth, Kylee Carmody and Sean Ellery from Willaston United For all things tennis in Gawler go to www.gawlertennis.com.au.
golf story, my old mate Shaun from the Gawler par three produced the ultimate golf shot at the eighth hole at Balaklava on Sunday when his eight iron took one bounce then rolled in for a hole in one. If you present this article this arvo at the par three at Willaston you might get lucky and get a beer (not necessarily a free one). This week players will need to organise a partner for a 4BBB comp for the Hambours Real Estate trophy and the same will apply the following week for a pairs ambrose comp. I believe Tony Moritz is taking the highest bidder and James Kerrigan is just hopeful that someone will pick him up in the hope he couldn’t play that badly again two weeks in a row. Good luck one and all and congrats again Shaun. Ellbourn Engineering Trophy par competition winner T Moritz +10. A grade: I Clark +3, J Higgins +2, J Shephard +2, M Pettigrew +1, T Sires -1, M Mickan -1. B Grade: G Hambour +3, C Sutherland +2, A Peters +1, M Hennessey -1, M Ryan -1. C grade: R Hill +3, P Hill +1, G Smith, H Murray, D Perry all -1. Ladies: J Morrison +1, J Menzel, M Daniel, C Molloy all -4. BAROSSA Blue Course par competition. A grade J O'Connell +3, r/u G Bethune +3; B grade G Neilson +3, r/u K Hayter +3; C grade A Steinart +5, r/u R Kernick +3. A grade (39 players): M George +3, P Hefferan +2, P Twelftree +2, A Strawbridge, K Winton, S Eygenraam, C Berndt all +1. B grade (39 players): G Johnson +1, D Oats 0, J Harris 0, S Miller, G Mundy, G Young, J Stephen all -1. C grade (22 players): E Planthaber +3, T Bartlett +3, G MacGillivray +2, S Blackmore +2.
Seniors Division One R Team P 1 Kapunda 9 2 Nuriootpa 8 3 Lyndoch 10 4 Roseworthy 8 5 Vine Vale 9 6 Tanunda 9 7 Xavier Saints 9 Seniors Division Two R Team P 1 Lyndoch 11 2 Willaston 10 3 South Gawler Blue11 4 Nuriootpa 11 5 Tanunda White 11 6 Tod Street 11 7 South Gawler White 11 8 Tanunda Black 10 Seniors Division Three R Team P 1 Willaston Blue 9 2 Virginia Green 8 3 Willaston United 11 4 Vine Vale 9 5 Cockatoo Valley 8 6 Willaston Red 10 7 Keyneton 9 8 Virginia White 6 Juniors Division Three R Team P 1 Angaston 9 2 Nuriootpa 9 3 Moculta 8 4 Tanunda White 8 5 Kapunda 9 6 Tanunda Silver 6 7 Lyndoch 8 8 Tanunda Black 9 Juniors Division Four R Team P 1 Tanunda Black 9 2 Nuriootpa 9 3 Lyndoch 9 4 Tanunda Silver 9 5 Kapunda 9 6 Angaston 9 7 Tanunda White 9 8 Vine Vale 9 Juniors Division Five R Team P 1 Angaston 7 2 Kapunda 8 3 Marananga 8 4 Lyndoch 7 5 Freeling 8 6 Tanunda 8 7 Keyneton 8 Juniors Division Six R Team P 1 Freeling 8 2 Kapunda Red 8 3 Tanunda Black 8 4 Vine Vale Green 8 5 Vine Vale White 8 6 Angaston 8 7 Nuriootpa 8 8 Tanunda White 8 9 Kapunda Black 8
Ladies competition winner L Cartwright +6. M Fleer +5, L Roberts +4, B Both +2. NTP 3rd P Twelftree; 4th second shot T Turnbull; 6th K Brewin; 12th A Hayter; 10th second shot M Nichols; 17th D Oats. Long drives: A grade T Turnbull; B grade A Maynard; C grade P Pavlovich. Ladies novelty, NTP 3rd:J McAuley. Midweek White Course stableford competition winner A Wigan 41, r/u R Staehr 38. Ball winners: P McCarthy 38, M Bogan, L Williams, L Hunter, P Frazer, S Blackmore all 37, D Raethel, R Higgins, M Wilson, A Edwards all 36. NTP 6th M O'Brien; 15th P Cox. 4BBB: S Blackmore, R Staehr 51. MT PLEASANT Saturday stableford - Jokers competition. A grade: J James 63, S Tregenza 61, G Hutchison 59, A Kneebone 57, J Zerk 51, L Claridge 51, T Mitchell 48, C Noble 48, R Elliot 47, N Wilson 45. B grade: R Jackson 61, R Hargrave 54, T Lehmann 53, P Guy 53, I Wannan 52, J Richards 50, D McQueen 48. Birdie balls: J Zerk, T Mitchell, A Kneebone, D Elliot. Midweek stableford - Jokers competition. A grade: K Reichstein 65, R Hargraves 61, C Noble 59. B grade: P Boucher 67, P Guy 62, P Flatman 59. Ladies Beth Wright Summer Trophy stroke competition: C Zerk 73, K Franklin 73, F Henschke 78. GAWLER Wednesday - Ladies; Only six shots separated the field in a close contest. Pat James got the chocolates with 34 pts and then came Kath Barr and Beth White with 33 pts on a c/b from two other unlucky girls. Glo Potter
Wednesday, January 18, 2012 - Page 32 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Bye 2 3 1 3 2 2 2
W 8 6 5 5 3 2 1
D 0 0 1 0 1 0 0
L 1 2 4 3 5 7 8
SF 90 78 85 68 73 58 44
SA 54 50 67 60 63 86 100
GF 804 669 700 601 632 620 545
GA 92 560 619 576 586 786 852
Pts 122 102 99 88 79 66 48
Bye W 7 9 7 4 7 4 2 1
D 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1
L 3 1 3 7 3 7 9 8
SF 113 97 104 98.5 91 73 56.5 55
SA 55 63 64 76 77 103 118 97
GF 896 896 865 853 795 775 640 546
GA 660 702 708 721 764 932 971 808
Pts 135 133 126 113 113 89 63 53
Bye 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
W 8 8 5 4 4 1 2 2
D 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0
L 1 0 6 4 4 9 6 4
SF 94 86.5 84 73.5 68.5 63 48.5 42
SA 50 41 92 63 59 97 88 54
GF 694 621 721 541 564 578 384 396
GA 520 402 784 536 491 717 623 426
Pts 126 118 104 84 84 67 51 50
Bye 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0
W 7 7 4 4 2 2 1 0
D 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 2
L 0 0 3 3 5 3 6 7
SF 44.5 38.5 28 23.5 22.5 18.5 13 9.5
SA 5 11 18 21 26 14 33 39
GF 260 248 215 182 173 140 144 111
GA 107 163 185 183 213 130 242 250
Pts 72 66 44 38 29 25 17 8
W 6 6 5 4 3 3 0 0
D 2 2 3 2 3 1 3 2
L 1 1 1 3 3 5 6 7
SF 38 35 29 32 29 24 20 9
SA 9 13 17 15 17 27 27 41
GF 216 212 190 187 171 179 156 116
GA 117 138 163 152 161 220 213 263
Pts 59 57 47 45 39 35 19 9
Bye 2 1 1 2 1 1 1
W 6 4 3 3 2 1 1
D 1 2 2 0 3 3 3
L 0 2 3 4 3 4 4
SF 29 22 25 20 23 23 20
SA 10 21 17 22 19 19 24
GF 183 167 159 170 163 144 167
GA 121 174 138 183 174 167 196
Pts 52 37 35 32 31 27 26
Bye 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
W 6 5 4 4 3 2 3 1 0
D 1 2 3 1 2 2 2 1 2
L 1 1 1 3 3 4 3 6 6
SF 31.5 33 30 27 23 22 18.5 15 16
SA 13 9 10 18 21 22 24 30 26
GF 203 195 168 180 184 157 137 151 132
GA 145 97 122 167 198 196 182 213 187
Pts 54 51 44 42 35 30 29 18 14
birdied the 4th and also knocked off the nearest the pin. Thursday: ‘Mr Mizuno’ Phil Marsden shot 41 pts with his new spanners to win from new member Terry Byrnes on 40. Peter Potter from Grange was third on a c/b with 38 pts. Ball winners; R Tyson 38, H Smits, S Byrnes, K Morse 37, D Whitehill, J Peel, P Roach 36. NTPS: Elders 4th; Spencer Flooring 6th, P Heffernan. Birdie balls; R Polito, S Burne, J Wozniak, P Marsden. Midweek end: Ken Linke doesn’t know how to look up his handicap but boy does he know how to protect it and when to go in the comp. His 39 pts snuck home from Henke Smits 38. Ball winners; L Kemp, W Haynes 38, J Jordan, R McNamara 37. Birdies: P Roach, G Barber. Saturday: John Reany dearly missed his normal companions Chas and Barry and posted a fine 42 pts to win the Adam Kopania Trophy from perennial bridesmaid Col McKenzie and an unlucky Ian Monro on 41 pts. A grade - 1 M Baker (37), 2 B Verhoef (37), 3 S Noack (37). B grade - 1 I Monro (41), 2 B Santini (38), 3 M Barlow (38). C grade - 1 J Reaney (42), 2 C McKenzie (41), 3 R Flett (39). Ladies - S Francas (36). Ntps and Long Drives - Uleybury Wines 2nd; S Morey, St.Kilda Hotel 3rd long drive, M Lukat, Giannitto Hotel Group 4th; B Verhoef, Kingsford Hotel 6th; M Cogan, Roseworthy Hotel 3rd shot 9th; S Noack, Fasta Pasta long drive 10th; K Morse, High Beam Car/ Dog wash 11th; J Reaney, Bushmans Hotel 14th; S Noack, Willaston Hotel 16th I Monro. Ball winners; J Baum 37, D Goodwin, G James, D Vidakovic, R Kilmier 36, C Matcham, P Trenorden, T Cassar, C Thornton, M Williams, J Fowler, P Poysden, R Roy 35 on c/b. Birdie balls; G Long, P Cameron, D Stewart, P Pogas, M Cogan.Eagle; S
Noack. Next week is stroke playing for the Presidents Cup. Sunday: Adam Whitaker managed a win in the Sunday stroke competition with a nett score of 68, followed closely by Greg Barber with nett 71. NTPs: 4th: S Francas. Ball winners: D Stewart, C Swinstead, I Goddard, R McNamara. Birdies: P Heffernan. TANUNDA Saturday stableford/2BBB competition. Stableford winner B Hage 42. A grade B Veevers 38, r/u M Campbell 35; B grade B Hage 42, r/u B Ronan 34; C grade G Kruger 37 c/b, r/u N O’Brien 37; Ladies C Hongell 36, r/u F Blackwell 29. Long drives: A grade B Veevers; B grade P Lithgow; C grade B Elkermann; Ladies J MacPhail. NTP 6th P G (Peter Lehmann); 8th P Lawrie (TPGB); 11th J Denley (Langmeil); 16th C Crichton (Rusden); 7th hole 2nd shot B Grocke (Kalleske). Rundown: B Grocke 35, D MacPhail 35, D Forrest, F McKinley, S Combs all 34, B Andrews, D Lane, S Fechner, R Homburg, B Burns all 33. 2BBB winner N Giles/G Kruger 46, r/u B Veevers/C Crichton 45. Sunday Pro Shop stableford competition: D MacPhail 42, S Fechner 38 c/b, B Burns 38, S Berry 34 c/b. Men’s Midweek stableford competition: S Berry 38, S Ward 37 c/b, F Altmann 37, C McMillan 36, J Gooden 35 c/b, D Forrest 35 c/b, P Denley 35. Ladies’ Midweek stableford competition: L Semmler 35, H Peter 28 c/b. NTP: L Montfort. LD: L Semmler. Thursday Twilight stableford, 9 holes. Name Pts Score M Woodrow 10 23 B Andrews 7 22 D Forrest 5 20 c/b F Altmann 4 20 c/b
The Herald Bowls Report Barossa and Light results Division One
Eudunda 86 v Freeling 94. P Eva 29 v L Ryan 20; J Hanns 27 v C Kearns 17; B Warner 15 v G Fergusson 32; M Schutz 15 v H Sykes 25. Kapunda 105 v Tanunda 81. G Redden 25 v B Pech 26; M Dew 32 v R Schneider 18; R Rogers 26 v P Rost 23; T Rae 22 v C Mahoney 14. Lyndoch 76 v Angaston 96. P Uranjek 30 v B Bowden 20; B Howell 12 v J Standish 28; C Rule 15 v D Jaunay 29; P Woods 19 v B Teakle 19. Nuriootpa had the bye. Division Two
Freeling 44.5 v Nuriootpa Black 99. B Schuster 13.5 v T Gibbons 40; F Hines 14 v T Elix 35; G Maynard 17 v N Jaensch 24. Kapunda 90 v Tanunda Black 49. K Matthews 31 v D Meertens 14; P Hart 24 v D Schiller 17; J Trotta 35 v A Price 18. Nuriootpa Gold 79 v Lyndoch 74. P Buckley 24 v B Allen 30; N Collyer 20 v M Launer 33; I Klaebe 35 v B Prime 11. Tanunda White 70 v Angaston Blue 74. T Ratsch 19 v C Reardon 24; M Hurst 23 v L Teakle 31; E Allanson 28 v E Bond 19. Angaston White had the bye. Division Three
Angaston 65 v Lyndoch 69. I Philp 20 v C Turner 20; C Vereyken 18 v A Gerrard 31; H Schmied 27 v A Jocelyn 18. Eudunda 83 v Kapunda Red 61. R Hams 25 v D Franks 26; F Schmidt 31 v B Carrick 20; G Schutz 27 v B Cummins 15. Nuriootpa Gold 96 v Nuriootpa Black 55. J Mattner 35 v P Collyer 11; M Sims 38 v K Harrison 17; N Nolan 23 v P Jones 27. Tanunda 53 v Freeling 81. T Leech 11 v L Goedecke 32; C Graetz 20 v G Holmes 28; D Goodwin 22 v K Bettens 21. Kapunda Black had the bye.
Bowls teams EUDUNDA Division One v Angaston at Angaston (cars leave at 12.15pm): R Hnatyszyn, J Willoughby, A Pfitzner, B Warner; M Geister, P Voigt, W Mader, J Hanns; R Leditschke, T Schiller, G Schmidt, P Eva; G Doecke, K Laucke, D Kleinig, M Schutz. Division Three v Freeling at Eudunda: T Branford, M Treloar, R Milde, G G Schutz; G Goedecke, M Christie, M Nietschke, R Hams; G O Schutz, D Pope, R Regnier, F Schmidt. Umpire: R Milde. Duty rink: F Schmidt. Special event: Eudunda Red v White at Eudunda: G Zerner, K Heinrich, L Marshall, P Obst; G Minge, R Schultz, M Weymouth, S Schutz. Midweek Men v Angaston White at Eudunda: K Heinrich, K Laucke, J Willoughby; M Christie, C Menz, R Hams; G Minge, R Regnier, W Mader. Ladies v Nuriootpa at Eudunda (start 9.30am): A Brook, H Jenke, D Leditschke, J Milde; B Pfitzner, J Johnston, K Hickey, B Marshall; D Mader, J Bruhn, D Twartz, M Nietschke; J Pfitzner, J Hams, P Gordge, P Dutschke. Reserves: S Schutz, M Weymouth. Hostesses: M Nietschke, P Dutschke. FREELING Division One v Tanunda at Tanunda: T Johansen, L Mullins, J Brydson, J Morris; S Sloan, N Lee, J Grantham, H Sykes; I McFarlane, N Marslen, T Mullins, L Ryan; K Swanson, T Secomb, T Heinjus, C Kearns. Division Three v Eudunda at Eudunda: G Thompson, D Jamieson, W Pitt, K Bettens; A Drury, P Erskine, C Trestrail, G Holmes; P Fryer, W Rivett, D Schirmer, L Goedecke. Reserves: R Ratsch, P Heinjus, P Flowers. Midweek v Nuriootpa Green at Nuriootpa: K Bettens, J Grantham, H Sykes; W Pitt, T Secomb, I McFarlane; B Schuster, T Mullins, C Kearns. KAPUNDA Division One has a bye. Division Two v Tanunda White at Kapunda: C Otterspoor, T Scholes, B Phillips, P Hart; R Scoot, L Carter, T Leslie, K Matthews; C Hamper, S Hart, P Maitland, J Trotta. Duty Rink: K Matthews. Division Three Red v Nuriootpa Black at Nuriootpa: R Matschoss, T Scoot, B Goodfellow, B Cummins; P Sando, P Dobbin, G Campbell, B Brealey; T Leslie, A Thiele, B Carrick, D Franks. Cars: T Scoot, P Dobbin, A Thiele. Division Three Black v Nuriootpa Gold at Kapunda: S Franks, B Sweet, J Pitman, C Reardon; B van Gasteren, J Baldwin snr, D Parrish, K Dooley; T Noack, T Waterman, E Pitman, J Baldwin jnr. Duty Rink: J Baldwin jnr. Midweek Black v Lyndoch Gold at Lyndoch: J Scholes, K Matthews, G Redden; C Hamper, W Beavan, T Rae; P Hart, A Reinders, R Rogers. Cars: K Matthews, W Beavan, A Reinders. Midweek Red v Nuriootpa Blue at Kapunda: G Campbell, R Parker, P Voumard; B van Gasteren, T Scoot, C Sunman; J Baldwin snr, W Reardon, B O’Reilley. Duty Rink: C Sunman. Ladies v Lyndoch at Kapunda: A Petch, E Pitman, S Franks, R Scoot; D Sweet,
MEASURE: Lyndoch’s Ivor Turner and Angaston’s Fereleth Booth.
For all the club reports go to our website:
www.barossaherald.com.au and follow the link in sport. And check out the bowls photos in sports gallery. Results for Thursday Pennants - January 12.
Angaston White 56 v Nuriootpa Gold 65. D Armstrong 23 v R Walker 16; T Edwards 16 v R Chapman 25; F Thomas 17 v T Gibbons 24. Freeling 82 v Angaston Blue 37. C Kearns 29 v C Tabe 10; J Grantham 31 v B Teakle 9; I McFarlane 22 v M Hurn 18. Kapunda Black 46 v Nuriootpa Blue 65. T Rae 15 v B Randall 25; R Rogers 23 v P Buckley 8; G Redden 8 v D Wilson 32. Kapunda Red 47 v Nuriootpa Green 71. C Sunman 17 v I Klaebe 23; P Voumard 18 v R Garrett 25; B O’Reilly 12 v W Williams 23. Nuriootpa Black 54 v Lyndoch Blue 56. C Baker 12 v B Howell 24; T Elix 17 v T Haycock 16; T Billing 25 v M Launer 16. Tanunda Black 74 v Eudunda 43. C Mahoney 31 v J Willoughby 9; D Heidenreich 22 v B Mader 19; D Schiller 21 v R Hams 15. Tanunda White 70 v Lyndoch Gold 59. R Schnieder 20 v K Boyle 16; A Price 34 v J Sharrett 22; T Ratsch 16 v D Hausler 21. Ladies
Freeling 89 v Lyndoch 71. L Mullins 20 v C Turner 18; K Swanson 15 v M Magee 28; D Johansen 29 v V Reeves 9; J Dunbar 25 v G McLeod 16. Kapunda 71 v Eudunda 84. C Reardon 16 v P Dutschke 18; H Sexton 15 v M Nietschke 26; C Doecke 18 v J Milde 25; R Scoot 22 v B Marshall 15. Tanunda 73 v Nuriootpa 75. M Meertens 14 v P Jones 26; G Woods 16 v M Nolan 18; K Wallace 18 v M Elix 12; D Light 25 v D Baker 19. Angaston had the bye.
R Perry,T Scholes, C Holmes; K Rae, P Ferns, A Thiele, C Reardon; D Huntley, B Hier, C Doecke, H Sexton. Duty Rink: C Holmes. LYNDOCH Division One v Nuriootpa at Nuriootpa: Cars depart 12.30pm: T Teague, J Sharratt, G Zerk, P Woods; R Vanstone, T Drummond, G Ayres, C Rule; D Green, W Southern, D Hausler, B Howell; Di Jones, G Reeves, K Gavin, P Uranjek. Division Two v Nuriootpa Black at Nuriootpa: Cars depart 12.30pm: D Wilson, T Noble, E Palmer, R Filsell; R Heidrich, P Handke, B Koch, M Launer; A Streames, B Day, A Turvey, B Allan. Division Three v Tanunda at Lyndoch: L Langer, M Richards, J Allwood, D Turvey; K Brown, J Emerson, I Turner, A Gerrard; I Knight, R Idel, S Drummond, C Turner. Duty Rink: A Gerrard; Bar Rink: D Turvey. Midweek Gold v Kapunda Black at Lyndoch: G Schumacher, G Reeves, D Hausler; N Thompson, B Koch, B Day; A Gerrard, R Filsell, J Sharratt. Duty Rink: B Day. Midweek Blue v Nuriootpa Gold at Nuriootpa. Cars depart 12.30pm. D Moncrieff, T Drummond, TBA; I Turner, A Turvey, M Launer; E Palmer, T Haycock, B Allan. ANGASTON Division One v Eudunda at Angaston: L Schulz, F Thomas, T Edwards, D Jaunay; S Heinze, M Short, K Brook, B Bowden; J Jensen, J Argent, L Buckley, J Standish; M Renshaw, B Hurn, K Sandford, B Teakle. Manager: D Jaunay. Umpires: K Sandford, J Standish. Division Two Blue v Angaston White at Angaston: A Hall, B Copperwheat, M Johnston, E Bond; M Storton, W Newell, I Langley, C Reardon; D Tye, J Harris, M Teakle, L Teakle. Manager: M Storton; Duty Rink: L Teakle. Division Two White v Angaston Blue at Angaston: P Gibbons, W Sibley, M Hurn, D Armstrong; I Philp, M Klingner, B Bullock, B Tuttle; H Schmied, T Hopkins, A Booth, C Tabe. Manager: D Armstrong. Division Three has a bye. Midweek Blue v Nuriootpa Black at Angaston: C Vereyken, L Schulz, M Hurn; J Carruthers, M Teakle, B Teakle; K Woodards, A Harvey, C Tabe. Manager: C Tabe; Umpire: B Teakle. Midweek White v Eudunda at Eudunda: I Philp, P Gibbons, D Armstrong; R Benjamin, A Hall, I Langley; A Grear, J Rodgers, T Edwards. Manager: A Hall. Cars: Depart 12.30pm; Drivers: Seconds. TANUNDA Division One v Freeling at Tanunda: C Neldner, S Mewett, J Garrett, C Mahoney; S Pech, D Grear, D Heidenreich, P Rost; R Ellis, I Graetz, K Bartsch, R Schneider; P Baverstock, M Silvestro, R Mewett, B Pech. Duty Rink: R Schneider. Division Two Black v Nuriootpa Gold at Tanunda: J Ralston, K Schmaal, G Woods, A Price; G Farquharson, P Secker, K Wallace, D Schiller; G Rainsford, D Pech, M Meertens, D Meertens. Division Two White v Kapunda at Kapunda: M Silvestro, B Williams, B Wallace, E Allanson; F Altmann, W Noack, D Martin, M Hurst; H Rohrlach, J Farquharson, D Koch, T Ratsch. Division Three v Lyndoch at Lyndoch: D Ralston, G Ahrens, B Hoklas, D
Goodwin; T Schmidt, R G Smith, R Smith, C Graetz; M Goodwin, J Stevens, J Farquharson, T Leech. Midweek morning v Angaston at Angaston: W Weinmann, M Goodwin, J Ralston, G Woods; E Kampman, B Clarke, J Stephens, M Meertens; L Miegel, M Schmidke, D Light, M Hurst; J Schultz, C Altus, J Farquharson, K Wallace. Midweek Black v Tanunda White at Tanunda: K Schliebs, D Martin, D Heidenreich; H Rohrlach, S Mewett, C Mahoney; B Wallace, B Williams, T Ratsch. Midweek White v Tanunda Black at Tanunda: G Farquharson, P Baverstock, A Price; C Graetz, D Schiller, R Schneider; D Goodwin, P Secker, T Ratsch. Duty Rink: A Price. NURIOOTPA Division One v Lyndoch at Nuriootpa: L Fuss, G Prior, C Jones, R Grope; P Fechner, R Ellis, R Chapman, R Walker; R Mattschoss, R Garrett, G Langley, W Williams; S Ryan, R Randall, T Billing, S Allen. Umpire: G Langley; Duty Rink: S Walker. Division Two Gold v Tanunda Black at Tanunda: M Jones, Pam Jones, D Langley, P Buckley; D Bessell, L Cook, C La Nauze, N Collyer; C Allen, D Quodling, P Rosenberg, I Klaebe. Cars: Depart 12.45pm; Drivers: P Buckley, N Coller, P Rosenberg. Division Two Black v Lyndoch at Nuriootpa: C Hughes, M Simpkin, L Tscharke, T Elix; S Rogers, C Baker, D Wilson, T Gibbons; A Jones, M Boehm, D Baker, N Jaensch. Division Three Gold v Kapunda Black at Kapunda: C Forbes, C Reuter, K Bullock, J Mattner; K Williamson, B Jones, L Steer, M Sims; John McIntosh, M Nolan, J Chapman, N Nolan. Cars: Depart: 12.45pm; Drivers: K Bullock, K Williamson, N Nolan. Division Three Black v Kapunda Red at Nuriootpa: L Wilkinson, A Klaebe, Jean McIntosh, P Collyer; M Graetz, A Shoesmith, Aird Shoesmith, Phil Jones; M Medlow, R Hahn, K Reichelt, K Harrison. Umpire: P Collyer; Duty Rink: Phil Jones. Midweek Gold v Lyndoch Blue at Nuriootpa: C Forbes, L Cook, T Gibbons; G McCormick, S Rogers, R Chapman; John McIntosh, G Langley, R Walker. Umpire: R Chapman. Midweek Black v Amngaston Blue at Angaston: J Bilney, L Tscharke, T Elix; B Jones, K Bullock, T Billing; A Jones, C Baker, R Ellis. Cars: Depart: 12.45pm; Drivers: R Ellis, B Jones, T Elix. Midweek Green v Freeling at Nuriootpa: A Fyfe, J Bell, W Williams; D Bessell, R Mattschoss, R Garrett; N Nolan, R Warnest, I Klaebe. Umpire: R Warnest; Duty Rink: R Garrett. Midweek Blue v Kapunda Red at Kapunda: G Krahling, C La Nauze, D Wilson; B Klaebe, A Rayner, P Rosenberg; C Hughes, L Steer, R Randall. Cars depart 12.45pm; Drivers: D Wilson, P Rosenberg, C Hughes. Ladies Midweek v Eudunda at Eudunda: L Hahn, H Sandow, N Chapman, M Nolan; H Roberts, J Chapman, G White, P Jones; M Waples, D Dalton, J McIntosh, D Baker; J Zanetic, V Bessell, U Boettger, M Elix. Reserves: J Krause, D Allen, A Shoesmith, L Wilkinson. Cars: Pick up 8.15am; Drivers: N Chapman, H Roberts, G White, M Elix.
Premiership tables DIVISION ONE Team Tanunda Nuriootpa Freeling Lyndoch Angaston Kapunda Eudunda DIVISION TWO Team Nuriootpa Gold Angaston Blue Nuriootpa Black Tanunda White Tanunda Black Kapunda Lyndoch Angaston White Freeling DIVISION THREE Team Nuriootpa Gold Kapunda Red Kapunda Black Eudunda Tanunda Nuriootpa Black Lyndoch Freeling Angaston MIDWEEK Team Kapunda Black Tanunda Black Freeling Nuriootpa Green Nuriootpa Gold Lyndoch Blue Kapunda Red Lyndoch Gold Nuriootpa Black Tanunda White Nuriootpa Blue Angaston Blue Angaston White Eudunda LADIES Team Nuriootpa Kapunda Tanunda Eudunda Lyndoch Freeling Angaston
P 14 14 14 14 14 14 14
W 7 7 7 6 5 3 3
D 0 0 1 0 1 0 0
L 4 4 3 5 5 8 9
B 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
C 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
F 1130 978 1051 1002 992 965 981
A 895 995 961 1004 996 1086 1162
S 235 -17 90 -2 -4 -121 -181
% 55.80 49.57 52.24 49.95 49.90 47.05 45.78
Pts 166 161 160 138 134 87 78
P 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13
W 8 7 7 7 5 5 5 3 0
D 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
L 2 2 4 5 5 6 6 6 11
B 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1
C 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1
F 766 775 810 838 685 793 782 653 623
A 618 668 713 800 741 713 832 696 878
S 148 107 98 38 -56 80 -50 -43 -255
% 55.35 53.71 53.20 51.16 48.04 52.65 48.45 48.41 41.50
Pts 149 141 131 121 107 106 104 93 36
P 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13
W 11 7 6 5 5 3 4 4 1
D 0 1 0 0 0 2 1 0 0
L 0 2 4 5 5 6 6 8 10
B 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1
C 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1
F 876 763 717 701 667 744 697 750 672
A 603 638 614 690 685 789 826 833 844
S 273 125 103 11 -19 -45 -129 -83 -172
% 59.23 54.46 53.87 50.40 49.32 48.53 45.77 47.39 44.33
Pts 178 147 125 114 108 95 88 82 51
P 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13
W 11 10 8 8 7 7 6 6 6 6 4 4 3 1
D 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 2 0
L 2 3 4 4 6 5 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 12
B 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
C 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
F 819 807 769 784 838 710 741 686 768 747 774 729 688 577
A 704 628 621 673 727 723 761 735 725 809 773 811 847 900
S 115 179 148 111 111 -13 -20 -49 43 -62 1 -82 -159 -323
% 53.78 56.24 55.32 53.81 53.55 49.55 49.33 48.28 51.44 48.01 50.03 47.34 44.82 39.07
Pts 159 150 134 133 121 115 101 99 98 95 84 75 66 26
P 13 13 13 13 13 13 13
W 8 6 5 5 5 5 4
D 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
L 2 4 6 6 6 7 7
B 2 2 2 2 2 1 2
C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
F 920 841 836 834 828 889 863
A 750 836 841 900 863 897 860
S 170 5 -5 -66 -35 -8 3
% 55.10 50.15 49.84 48.10 48.97 49.78 50.09
Pts 205 166 144 143 141 137 130
Proudly supporting lawn bowls “a crackerjack sport”
Wednesday, January 18, 2012 - Page 33 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Office & Chapel 4 New Rd, Nuriootpa Phone 8562 1169
Results for Saturday Pennants - January 14.
Central District Football Club supports
Gawler and Kapunda Sportsperson of the week
Ben Heinrich - Freeling
with Graham Fischer and Mike Teakle
Ben Heinrich plays cricket for Freeling and the Northern Jets and has. made the state under 15 cricket squad. Where have you played your cricket? Freeling and Northern Jets.
> Netball
Who are key players at your club? Steven Peter and Phil Herd (Jets). What is your most important attribute? Talking in the field. Who is a character at the club and why? Tyson Panagiotou. Has the biggest collection of cricket gear, especially bats, that I’ve ever seen (Jets). Who is the best player you have played with and against? Joseph Brown and Jake Birchmore. Have played with and against both. Major influence in your cricket: My Dad. Who are your sporting idols? Sachin Tendulkar. Any superstitions? Not particularly. What event has inspired or amazed you? When Michael Clarke made three hundred in the recent test and being three up in the test series against India. If you were Prime Minister what issue would you address? Too young to care. Pet hates on the cricket pitch? Terrible umpiring decisions. Favourite actor and movie? Actor - Zach Galifianakis. Movie - Remember the Titans. If someone had to play you in a movie who would it be? Kal Penn. Kumar from Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle.
Greatest moment and disappointment? Greatest moment - winning Country Cup in 2011. Disappointment - not winning a footy match in 2011. How would you spend a million dollars? Buy all the best cricket gear and build a turf pitch in the backyard of my mansion. What other sport would you love to be the best in the world at and why? Basketball - for all the money, and to meet all the big names. If you could have any four people stranded on a deserted island with you who would they be and why? Bear Grylls for ultimate survival tips, Mum to make me food, Sachin Tendulkar for some batting tips and Chris Rock for comical relief.
LEIGH Waddington, 2012 Gawler Central senior coach, has been named as a ‘Thunderbabe’. The Thunderbabes are a group of eight girls who have been training with the Adelaide Thunderbirds since December. “It was a shock when Jane (coach Jane Woodlands-Thompson) rang me and invited me out to training,” Leigh said. “The group have done all the training so far with the Thunderbirds but will revert to our state league clubs around the start of the season. “We will still continue to play trial matches for the Thunderbirds during the year.” Leigh said there had been extra emphasis on the midcourt players
because of the injury to Australian and Thunderbird captain Natalie von Bertouch who plays centre. “Nat has had a foot injury and is making slow progress. “It will be touch and go whether she is right for the start of the season at the end of March,” Leigh said. “There is a pre-season competition in New Zealand earlier in the month and Jane intends taking at least one midcourt player but I am unavailable as it is my sister Jade’s wedding.” Even though she has strong commitments with the Thunderbabes and her state league club Cougars Leigh said she was looking forward to the season with Gawler Central. “We had our trials recently and have a squad of 19 doing preseason training.” 1782718
Relationship and employment status: In a relationship. Will be in Year 10 at Kapunda High in 2012.
Your Guide to the Tides
> Bowls
> Basketball
TANUNDA let slip a golden opportunity to extend their lead in Division One by losing 81-105 to Kapunda who are second to bottom. The loss sees the Magpies leading narrowly from both Nuriootpa and Freeling giving the competition a genuine three-way tussle for the double chance. Lyndoch’s hold on fourth spot looks in jeopardy after the Dockers’ 20-shot loss to Angaston at home. The Blues incredibly are sitting just four points adrift of fourth after a terrible start to the season. Division Two still has a logjam at the top with Angaston pulling off a four-shot win over Tanunda Black to retain second spot. A loss would have seen the Blues tumble out of the four.
MIXED fortunes for the Madgen family on the weekend. Firstly, Ben’s Sydney Kings lost to Townsville 118-114 despite the Williamstown guard knocking in a seasonhigh 24 points. However, sister Tess was instrumental in Bendigo’s 71-70 win in Canberra. Trailing by eight points with under two minutes remaining Tess kick started the Spirit’s revival with a steal and driving all the way for a layup (taking her tally to 14 points. With just seconds left and one point down, Tess received the ball on an inbound pass and moved into the key attracting all of the defensive attention before hitting Kristi Harrower with a perfect pass allowing the feisty guard to hit a game-winning shot.
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FISHING Get on board
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8562 4881
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8522 6200 Tide Times for Port Adelaide (Outer Harbour) and Wallaroo for the week to come
Pt Adelaide JAN 2012
• Any quality or quantity • Private sales of bags, butts, single bales & small lots • Payment within 48 hours of processing at Gillman Wool Store The new service will mean deliveries of any amount or quality of wool can be accepted at Landmark Gawler during the business hours of Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5pm and Saturday morning from 8.30am to 11am. For more information please contact Jed Puckridge on 0457 524 959, or Branch Manager Karyn Reynolds on 08 8522 2266. 1782203
PROMOTER: Lubin says ‘get on board’.
19 TH
0015 1211
1.48 0.27
1.75 0.64 1.41 1.29
20 FR
0118 1219
1.53 0.20
0340 1104 1739 2213
2.01 0.39 1.55 1.05
21 SA
0236 1228
1.57 0.19
22 SU
0423 1124 1740 2241
2.22 0.26 1.66 0.86
22 SU
0346 1236
1.61 0.22
23 MO
0451 1141 1743 2301
2.34 0.22 1.74 0.70
23 MO
0435 1243 2013 2127
1.64 0.27 0.80 0.79
0337 0822 1408 2157
0.98 1.36 0.70 1.89
19 TH
20 FR
0149 1054 1805 2118
21 SA
18 WE
JAN 2012
18 WE
0511 1.63 0512 2.40 1250 0.32 1153 0.23 1.84 1748 TU TU 1838 0.86 2310 0.74 2320 0.56 *Please note - Add 1 hour for daylight savings ‘Tidal predictions supplied by the National Tide Facility. The Flinders University of South Australia, Copyright Reserved’
Wednesday, January 18, 2012 - Page 34 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
IN LATE 2011 I was reelected to represent South Australia on the board of Fly Fish Australia, again taking up the position of media/communications director. Being on a board gives you a voice. In our organisation we provide an outlet for people to show off their fishing skills at a competition level and also go on to represent Australia at international fly fishing events. In mid February, 90 anglers will converge on Tasmania for the biggest Commonwealth championships ever held. Competing against countries like Canada, New Zealand, South Africa, Singapore, Kiribati, Isle of Man, Northern Ireland, England, Scotland and Wales is such a thrill and advances your fishing so much.
And none of this would’ve been possible without the board of Fly Fish Australia and its directors. Being an active part of an organisation is something our younger anglers need to consider. In the Barossa Valley it is unfortunate that we do not have an anglers club or any organisation to represent us. You know what they say about safety in numbers and I’m sure we would have more presence toward opening waters if we had the numbers here. Who would represent us if they wanted to stop all forms of recreational fishing tomorrow? Visit the website of Flyfishaustralia.com.au and if you like what you see become a member. The opportunities it has given me and the skills I have gained you couldn’t put a price on, and I think we should all get on board. Tight lines until next week.
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Wednesday, January 18, 2012 - Page 35 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
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They’re off and racing THE Tour Down Under kicked off on Tuesday with Stage One travelling from Prospect to Clare. Riders took the Northern Expressway to the edge of Gawler before heading towards Kapunda and onto Clare for the finish. A breakaway pack of four riders led the peleton by more than 10 mintues by the time the race had reached Gawler Belt, where hundreds of spectators gathered to watch the race. Tanunda will host the finish to Stage Four of the TDU and the finish of the Bupa Challenge on Friday. TDU riders are expected to finish in Tanunda at around 2.30pm. The Bupa Challenge will attract almost 7000 riders who will ride the same course as the professional riders in the hours before the race.
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Win Adelaide Bite tickets THE Herald has two double passes to give away to Saturday double header Australian Baseball League match between the Adelaide Bite and the Brisbane Bandits at Norwood Oval. Just answer the following question: Where did the Adelaide Bite finish in season 2010/2011? Email your answers to: sales.barossaherald@ruralpress.com Post answers to: Adelaide Bite tickets PO Box 43 TANUNDA SA 5352 Drop in to the Herald office at 1/119 Murray Street, Tanunda with the answers and your contact details on the back of an envelope. Entries close at 10am, Friday, January 20 and winners will be immediately notified by phone.
History in the making
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HISTORY is in the making this weekend when Adelaide Bite host Brisbane Bandits at Norwood Oval in the final round of the Australian Baseball League. The Bite can finish anywhere from second to fifth after the round has been completed, such is the closeness of the competition, with just two games separating Sydney in second to Brisbane in sixth. After losing the series two games to three in Sydney against the Blue Sox, Adelaide is sitting equal third with Melbourne and Canberra, one game behind Sydney and one in front of Brisbane. With all teams playing five more games, there is a real scramble for the remaining three finals spots behind run-a-way leaders Perth, which hosts Sydney this week, while Canberra travel to Melbourne. Adelaide starts its series off against the Bandits with a 7pm game tomorrow (Thursday), another game on Friday (7pm), a double-header on Saturday (3pm and 7pm) and the finale on Sunday (1pm).
485 Main North Road GAWLER CRUISING: The breakaway pack, led by Rohan Dennis of UniSA turns onto Main North Road and heads towards Roseworthy while, left, the pelaton tries to make up valuable ground on the Gawler Bypass
Wednesday, January 18, 2012 - Page 36 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
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