June 13th Edition

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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

48 pages


A natural connection By MICHELLE O’RIELLY EXCITEMENT builds as Fairfax Regional Media launches its brand new social media site Connectpink.com.au this Friday. The site will allow the 400 million regional women across Australia to extend their social networks, communities and friendship groups. Connect Pink also means women can access a huge range of relevant information including news stories such as community midwife and antenatal educator Rosie Reynolds. The Barossa health professional is proving women can balance family, work after being named in the top three of her category in 2012 South Australian Nursing and Midwifery Excellence awards. Nominated by a mum and occupational therapist Ali Murch, Rosie said the award’s mountain of paper work and interview process now acts as an evaluation tool for her to further support parents with babies. “My job is autonomous so it’s nice to have great feedback from the mums and dads and that they support what I do,” she said. Ali explained Rosie is passionate about what she does. “When my child came six-and-ahalf-weeks early and we had to leave her at hospital, Rosie visited us when we came home at 8pm to give us support,” Ali said. “She goes out of her way and she is wonderful to work with,” Ali added.

Rosie’s position means she assists mothers during pregnancy, through antenatal classes, their labour and when at home. She also supports breastfeeding mums as a lactation consultant. She said women benefit from having the same carer through their baby journey. After working in a Sydney-based hospital before moving to Angaston in 2003, Rosie said, “The level of care given here and the close networks created is something you don’t see in city hospitals”. Everyone deserves the best for their baby and if you get it right from the beginning then a long term relationship is built between baby and parent.” Her role has also meant leaving her family. “I’m lucky I have a fantastic husband, Chris. I could not do it without him,” she said. While Rosie’s job is demanding with about 140 babies delivered at Tanunda Hospital each year, she is further supported by Barossa health professionals, including Jo Liersch, former clinical services co-ordinator and Sally McKenzie, associate clinical services co-ordinator. Away from work, Rosie is a mother to Olivia, aged 16, Will 14 and Eloise 11. She added, her children don’t know any different, this is their lifestyle. To celebrate and learn more about Connectpink.com.au, visit the Herald office, Murray Street, Tanunda, anytime this Friday where the pink theme will be flowing with cupcakes and giveaways.

What is Connect Pink? BEAUTIFUL BOND: Community midwife and antenatal educator Rosie Reynolds (right) supports Nuriootpa mother of three Joanne Cartwright with daughter Scarlet.

• Connectpink.com.au is resourceful, community-focused, fun site which connects women with their friends, family and clients. • It is run by Fairfax Media, which is a parent company to over 200 regional sites in Australia, including the Barossa Herald newspaper. • Connect Pink identifies the region women live in feeding them news, information and shopping offers. • There will be chat rooms and online connection and a swap section. • The site will provide unique

opportunities for local businesses to set up their own mini websites within connectpink.com.au. • Those who join Connect Pink can sign up to make a donation with 100 per cent of funds to go to the McGrath Foundation to assist its goal of placing a Breast Care nurse in every regional town in Australia. • Connect Pink has its own editor and journalists to keep the site up-to-date. • It will be officially launched this Friday at 12.30pm by Governor General Quentin Bryce, Canberra.


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Speed changes geared to safety TIGHTER margins and higher demerit point losses are the main changes for new speeding penalty rules, to be adopted from September 1. Instead of less than 15km/h and between 1530km/h, margins for speeding over the limit will now be less than 10km/h, 10-20 and 20-30, while the 30-45 and over 45km/h remain. Demerit points have increased across the board (except 15-20 remain the same), while all fines have decreased at the lower scale of speeding, but risen significantly for anything over 30km/h.

The current penalties that will apply to offences committed until August 31. Exceeding the speed limit Demerit Pts Expiation Fee Expiation Fee Road Trains By less than 15km/h 1 $260 $413 By 15km/h but less than 30km/h 3 $383 $517 By 30km/h but less than 45km/h 4 $550 $671 By 45km/h or more (excessive speed) 6 $671 $775 The penalties that will apply to offences committed from September 1. Exceeding the speed limit Demerit Pts Expiation Fee Expiation Fee Road Trains By less than 10km/h 2 $150 $400 By 10km/h but less than 20km/h 3 $330 $500 By 20km/h but less than 30km/h 5 $670 $770 By 30km/h but less than 45km/h 7 $800 $900 By 45km/h or more (excessive speed) 9 $900 $1000 (1) Demerit points are incurred in addition to the expiation fee or court fine and remain on a driver’s licence for three years with disqualification occurring at 12 points for a full licence, 4 points for a learner’s permit or provisional licence and 2 points for a licence with good behaviour or probationary conditions. (2) $60 victims of crime levy also applies. Road train expiation fee applies to road trains exceeding the prescribed speed limit (road train).

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Melissa Daly


13 Alison Angus



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14 Michael Angus



Maria Norris


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Graham Hill


16 Darren Billinger



Darryl Matthews


17 Kylee Wilton



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18 Wayne Angus



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22 Di Stock


11 Wayne Angus


23 Chris Daly


12 Bob Hennig


24 Brenton Lange


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Telephone: (08) 8563 2041 Fax: (08) 8563 3655 Advertising: sales.barossaherald@ruralpress.com Editorial: editor.barossaherald@ruralpress.com Website: www.barossaherald.com.au Manager/Sales Manager: Clayton Bester Editor: Graham Fischer Editorial: Michelle O’Rielly, Mike Teakle, Ben Mallett, Robert Laidlaw, Anne Hopton. Photography: Kirsty Hosking, Shaun Kowald. Sales: Glenys Brooks, Jordan Stollznow, Jodie Coventry, Linda Goldfinch, Renee Day. Administration: Cheryl Lange, Roxanne Mathew




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Incorporating The Barossa News, Kapunda Herald and Eudunda Courier.

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TODAY the Herald is excited to highlight Fairfax Regional Media’s new website Connectpink.com.au, which targets regional women. The website’s arrival means the 400 million women across rural Australia can extend their social networks, communities and friendship groups. To further highlight the new site, the Herald invites the public to drop into the office at Shop 1, 119 Murray Street, Tanunda on Friday to learn more about Connectpink.com.au. In other news Gawler and Barossa players ventured to Playford Alive Oval to try their luck with Central District in the South Australian National Football League. Journalist Robert Laidlaw is the club’s historian and each week writes a review on the league game. It is a job he has enjoyed for much of the past decade. Herald readers have the opportunity to read Laidlaw’s review of each week’s game by going online to barossaherald.com.au on Monday evening. Also, news doesn’t just happen on a Wednesday, the Herald publication day, so our team is always updating the website with the latest breaking stories. Read more stories by visiting barossaherald.com.au or find us on Facebook.


STAR: Former Gawler Central junior Brad Symes has been in sparkling form for Central District this season. For more sports results and photos, visit barosaherald.com.au.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012 - Page 2 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Visit our showroom 132 Murray Street GAWLER or call 8522 4670 admin.barossaherald@ruralpress.com

World heritage listing Squash tournament a success considered for Barossa PARTS of the Barossa Valley could be world heritage listed, if a study by the University of Adelaide on the Mount Lofty Ranges is accepted. According to the study’s authors, world heritage listing would protect the unique qualities of the Mount Lofty Ranges as a working agricultural region, and the region’s food, wine and tourism industries could be globally branded accordingly. Besides the Barossa Valley, other areas included in the study were Adelaide Hills, Mount Barker and McLaren Vale. Researchers from the University of Adelaide recommended four councils Barossa, City of Onkaparinga, District Council of Mount Barker and the Adelaide Hills should jointly pursue a bid for UNESCO World Heritage listing of the region. Each of the council areas funded the study, with Barossa Council contributing $15,000. “The report will be tabled at our next council meeting,” Barossa Council Mayor Brian Hurn said. “I’m in favour of the world heritage listing, as it fits hand in glove with the members bill on the character preservation of the Barossa. “It’s about good clean presentable food and wine, and we are going to produce that. It’s an opportunity for clean air, soil and water, which we can brand from the Adelaide Hills or

Concerns THE legislation for the proposed Barossa and McLaren Vale Agricultural preserve is starting to come into its time in parliament. Due to concerns raised, Sam Holmes and Linda Bowes (on behalf of Barossa Grape and Wine Association members) met with Minister Rau to clarify key points to ensure transparency and clarity could be offered to Barossa residents in regards to the reforms put

Barossa – it’s a great benefit.” Mayor Hurn added the council did not want to direct the outcomes of the study, as it would just have been ‘lip service’ where it came up with answers to suit. And that it was important to give the professors and the committee the authority to go away and determine what was best. Barossa identities were part of the committee, which came up with the report, with recommendations for councils to consider. “I think there is a lot going for it (the report), and it will fit in with the characterisation of the area,” Mayor Hurn said. “After the report is tabled, we will look at taking the next steps as a result of the report.” If the 18 month study gains support from councils, the Mount Lofty Ranges will join other working agricultural sites in Italy, Portugal, Hungary and Mexico in being recognised this way. Being World Heritage (and national heritage) listed will not affect ordinary planning processes for the majority of development applications in the region. The value of heritage listing is in the motivation and coordinated action of local stakeholders and the integration of systems of governance, and includes ‘intangibles’ with real consequences, such as sustainability, climate change mitigation, biodiversity conservation and ethics, as well as senses of place, identity and community.

forward for the ‘preserve’. They also met with Barossa Council and understand an amended bill addresses many of their concerns. It is critical the community is aware of the legislation, to ensure they see what it will do. The main aim is to ensure the preservation of agricultural lands from urban sprawl and internal town enlargement. What this will also guarantee is a strong foundation for the Barossa to continue to grow its quality produce in all agricultural pursuits, from

grape to grain, cropping land, grazing land, land for orchards, land for produce and help to further enhance its reputation for excellence in all agricultural pursuits. The chance to build a community around sustainable food and wine supply, to build a foundation on educating the community with food, wine and tourism, is at the its core. An opportunity to show support is available from 9am this Saturday (June 16) at the Barossa Farmers Market, Angaston.

feedback was very positive. Players from Egypt, Korea, The Netherlands, Scotland, Cayman Islands, Korea, Iraq, Canada, New Zealand, England, France and Malaysia competed making it a worldclass event in the Barossa. In an all-Australian affair Mike Corren

turned in a vintage effort against top seed Rex Hendrick to claim the men's final in three straight games: 11-8, 117, 11-7. The woman's event was won by Melody Francis (Aus) who came from two games down to defeat Amanda Landers-Murphy (NZ): 6-11, 8-11, 11-8, 11-6, 11-8.


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Wednesday, June 13, 2012 - Page 3 - The Herald, Barossa Valley



The international squash tournament held at the ‘The Rex’ fitness centre in Tanunda on the weekend may became an annual event. It was the first time that the new squash courts have been showcased to such a large group of international players, and the



Wednesday, June 13, 2012 - Page 4 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


Brownlow medallist Chance to lead Gawler to visit Gawler THE Town of Gawler Council has decided to open applications for its position of chief executive officer. Current chief executive officer Stephen Kerrigan was informed of the decision last week. Gawler mayor Brian Sambell said a recommendation of council’s Performance Management Review committee was accepted to call for applicants for the position. “Stephen’s five-year contract with council finishes at the end of the year,” Mr Sambell said. “As part of the process, there was a review six months out and

council had decided to open the position to applicants. “That should not be seen as a negative on Stephen’s performance but rather it is a position a number of councils have taken around South Australia. “Stephen has done an excellent job under difficult circumstances and I personally hope he decides to apply. “Gawler faces a number of challenges going forward and this gives council the opportunity to seek the best candidate to lead us forward,” Mayor Sambell said.

Mr Kerrigan said he had indicated to council he would like to continue in the role but understood the chosen process. “It is too early to make a call on what I will do regarding the position, I have a lot of work to do for council before the completion of my contract,” Mr Kerrigan said. “I have enjoyed my time with council and would like to stay in Gawler.” Mr Kerrigan moved to the Gawler in 2007 after having been chief executive officer of the Regional Council of Goyder for 16 years.

LION TO A TIGER: Controversial Jason Akermanis who will play for Gawler Central.

By MIKE TEAKLE GAWLER Central Football Club has pulled off a major marketing coup, securing the services outspoken footballer Jason Akermanis. The 2001 Brownlow Medallist and three-time AFL premiership players will don the Tiger colours in their home game against Angaston on Saturday, August 11. Tiger coach Damien Herzick described the buzz that had been created by the move. “Within 24 hours, the amount of excitement it’s generated has been terrific,” Herzick said. “It’s going to be massive, not just for our club but the whole league. “We’re having a pretty tough season and being in a rebuilding mode this is something that will spark the kids to have them up and about leading up to the event.” ‘Aker’ will also talk at a Gawler Central function in the evening, allowing fans to gain an insight into one of the most colourful personalities in Australian sport. After retiring from the AFL at the end of the 2010 season ‘Aker’ has embarked on a season of guest appearances across the country in a bid to give something back to the game at a grass roots level.

Aker facts • 325 AFL games (248 with Brisbane, 77 with Western Bulldogs). • 421 goals. • 2001 Brownlow medal. • Premiership player 2001, 02, 03. • Four times All-Australian (1999, 2001, 2002, and 2004).

Aged just 35 and having kept himself in good shape ‘Aker’ won’t be likely to to coast in the game. “After regular conversations with Jason’s manager I’m convinced he’s going to be ready to play a serious game for us,” Herzick said. “He’s been averaging 25-30 touches most weeks.There’s about a thousand positives for us in having him play for us, it’s going to be a highlight not only of our season but for some of the players probably a highlight of their career.” Having recently starred in Channel Nine’s The Celebrity Apprentice, ‘Aker’ is sure to attract plenty of attention from non-football followers as well as those who loved the way he played the game and his natural tendency to say whatever is on his mind.



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Wednesday, June 13, 2012 - Page 5 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


Historic Kingsford’s new chapter By ROBERT LAIDLAW

LAUNCH: Celebrating the new Kingsford are from left, owners Leanne and Stefan Ahrens, Tourism Minister Gail Gago, managers Pat and Sally Kent, and former resident Tony Fotheringham.

KINGSFORD is a historic famous name in Gawler – and as Drovers Run internationally. Last Friday state Tourism Minister Gail Gago officially opened Kingsford Homestead after its reinvention as a luxury retreat in the Barossa, a day after the announcement of $300,000 grants for infrastructure and experience development. The property has a long and interesting history, which includes association with explorers, bushrangers, farming, the television show McLeod’s Daughters, and now as a luxury retreat. Kingsford has been transformed through the dreams and hard work of new owners and local business identities Stefan and Leanne Ahrens. Ms Gago acknowledged the work done to turn Kingsford into an exciting tourism location, which is set to attract visitors to stay longer in the region, rather than heading back into Adelaide. “It’s an exciting time for tourism with the Barossa plan, which includes 200 four-five star accommodations, with Kingsford an important part in helping attract high yield visitors to the area,” Ms Gago said. “It is a great fit with local food and wine, and will inject more tourism dollars here. It’s a


treasure trove, especially with the chef Stuart Oldfield’s modern take on 1800s’ fare.” Pastoralist and entrepreneur Stephen King arrived in the colony from England in 1839, and acquired a parcel of land north of Gawler, on the Para River. He built the first steam-powered flour mill in the town and ran 3250 sheep. The first house on the property was Mincalta, which still exists to the west, and in 1856 a two-storey home was built – Kingsford. Before Kingsford was built, in 1840, three bushrangers – George Hughes, Henry Curran and James Fox – embarked on a reign of terror in Gawler, and “stuck the place up”, before bailing up an overseer at Mount Crawford, eventually being apprehended, drunk, at the Sawyers’ Arms at Crafers. At times Kingsford was a watering point for coach companies, drovers and bullock teams, and in 1861 John McDouall Stuart went through the property on his third and final expedition to cross the continent. In the 1860s Kingsford was acquired by John Howard Angas, who raised Hereford cattle, and after several changes of ownership, was taken over by the Fotheringhams before being sold to the State Government, then Channel Nine (for McLeod’s Daughters), with the Ahrens purchasing the property in 2009. Stefan Ahrens, a fourth generation Gawler businessman, fondly remembers growing up and spending time at Kingsford. “As kids we used to ride motorbikes through the property, and we held 21st birthday parties in the shearing sheds,” Stefan said. “There are some wonderful memories here, and when it came on the market again, we jumped at the chance to purchase it. “We are turning it into a luxurious B&B, and wanted to ‘do it well’, Ahrens’ style – something we could be proud of. It is truly a passion of ours. To me, we (South Australians) under-sell our great state, and this is a chance for us to promote it.”

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Wednesday, June 13, 2012 - Page 6 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

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Wednesday, June 13, 2012 - Page 7 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

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LUNCH TIME: Meals on Wheels volunteers (back left) Marg Schmidt and Ruth Jaeschke with Kapunda residents Marj and Max Kelsh.

New name, same warming service Census data is on its way to you.

THERE were laughs all round on Friday in Kapunda when Meals on Wheels visited Marj and Max Kelsh. It’s the same thing each time volunteers visit Mrs Kelsh aged 90 and Mr Kelsh aged 99. The couple have been receiving hot meals for about the past five years from the Kapunda Hospital kitchen. However, it has only been this month since The Inner North Country Health Service home delivered meals service became known as the Meals on Wheels Kapunda Branch. The service began in the town on January 4, 1977 covering Kapunda and surrounding districts, which now delivers meals to 19 clients. The original service began in the Catholic Convent and ran from 1967 to 1977. Marg Schmidt and Ruth Jaeschke are just two of 40 volunteers from the Kapunda branch who support the vital service. The women, who were college friends, volunteer once a month and say they enjoy helping others. “When we deliver food the clients are so appreciative and it makes you feel connected with your community,” Marg said. For the Kelsh couple, they love the social interaction.

During Friday’s delivery, Mr Kelsh was in his usual cheeky mood providing plenty of laughter. According to Mrs Kelsh, just one meal is enough to provide them with their midday meal. “I don’t like wasting food,” she said. “I was brought up by this as it was a crime to waste food.” Mrs Kelsh said, “I also like the fact I don’t have to make the meals”. This comes after living on a farm and raising five children. Meals on Wheels is a community based, not-for-profit, volunteer organisation and works by: • Delivering meals to clients across five days, with frozen meals for weekends, public holidays and for days when clients might be away from home. • There is no means test and no waiting lists. • The service is available for clients who cannot shop or cook for themselves and their loved ones. • It offers a delicious, hot, nutritious, three-course meal, fivedays-a-week. • Meals are freshly prepared and frozen to lock in the flavour and ready to heat and eat. If you would like to know more about Meals on Wheels for deliveries and to become a volunteer visit mealsonwheels.org.au.

Reward our helpers It’s been a long journey, but 2011 Census data is here. On June 21, the first Census results will be released, shedding some light on Australia and how we live. Census data will be used to shape Australia over the next five years, and it all adds up to a brighter future. For more information visit abs.gov.au/census


RECOGNISE the efforts of people who work to improve the lives of people living with a disability by way of an award. Nominations are now open for the National Disability Awards, which are part of the Australian Government’s celebration of International Day of People with Disability. People can nominate a person or organisation they know in one of the following categories: Wednesday, June 13, 2012 - Page 8 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

• The Minister’s Award for Excellence in Disability Reform. • Emerging Leaders Award • Excellence in Accessible Communities Award. • Excellence in Improving Social Participation Award. • Excellence in Advocacy and Rights Promotion Award. • Excellence in Improving Employment Opportunities Award.

• Excellence in Improving Personal and Community Support Award. • Excellence in Improving Education Outcomes Award. • Excellence in Improving Health Outcomes Award. Nominations close on Friday, July 20. Award recipients will be announced in Canberra on November 28. To nominate, visit idpwd.com.au or call 1800 440 385.


Barossa’s big heart

SUPPORTIVE: Founding members of HeartKids Roger and Barbara Greenhalgh with son Ducan and their niece - Barossa’s new regional support volunteer Belinda Anderson, and her daughter Maddison. living with a heart disease, including informative advice through a closed Facebook page, fundraising programs and social gatherings. “It’s all new at the moment but down the track I plan to do fundraising events to help support HeartKids,” she said. Belinda explained having an organisation like HeartKids helps parents by connecting them with other parents who are in a similar situation. “The medical problem for each child might not be the same but the journey is.” “Also, to raise awareness as with a lot of these children you don’t necessarily see them unwell or their scars but the medical condition remains.” To get in contact with Belinda, to donate or to learn more about HeartKids, visit heartkidssa.org.au.

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BAROSSA’S long list of volunteer networks continues to grow with the addition of Belinda Anderson as new regional support volunteer for HeartKids SA. The Truro mother of one recently joined the not-for-profit Australia wide organisation, which provides a variety of support for families of children with heart disease. Belinda explained her connection to HeartKids is family orientated. “My cousin Duncan, now 25, was born with a heart condition and my uncle and aunty became founding members of HeartKids SA. Also, Belinda said taking on the role felt natural after her daughter, Maddison, almost two, was born with severe feeding and breathing complications and complications of the heart. Belinda’s commitment means providing support to about 10 Barossa families, with children


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Piccolo outside boundary MOOTED electorate boundary changes for the next state election, would result in sitting Labor MP Tony Piccolo living outside of his Light electorate. The proposed changes are currently only in draft form, and were compiled by an independent body – the Electorate Districts Boundaries Commission. Areas on the southern boundary are expected to be relocated to neighbouring Napier, with Mr Piccolo’s Kudla home 900m away from the proposed new boundary. “If adopted the changes will not come in until the next election, which is due in March, 2014, Mr Piccolo said. “Boundaries may change, but my heart will always be in representing local people to the best of my ability.” Labor strongholds, Smithfield Plains, Munno Para and Munno Para West will be excised from Light, while Angle Vale will be reinstated, if the commission’s recommendations are accepted. Gawler identity Bruce Eastick held the seat from 1970 to 1993, as a Liberal, with

another Liberal Malcolm Buckby spending the following 13 years as the member for Light. After boundary redistributions in 2002 saw Labor-favouring booths attached to Light, Mr Piccolo unseated Mr Buckby – who had been widely criticised for moving outside of the district, to south of Adelaide – at the 2006 State election, to be only the second Labor member to hold the seat. Mr Piccolo has lived in Gawler since 1963, and while serving in local government, also was involved in a switch, when he left Munno Para Council to join Gawler Council after a boundary change in 1985. There are 47 single-member districts in South Australia, which are evenly balanced to hold an equal number of voters, within 10 per cent, which is why there are regular boundary redistributions – in response to changing demographics. The new proposed boundaries will reduce the margins of Labor-held

neighbouring seats Napier and Taylor, as well as Light, which will be cut from 5.4 to 4.2 per cent. Mr Piccolo said boundary redistributions are carried out on the principle that the number of electors within each House of Assembly district is about the same. “As populations in areas rise and fall, the electorate boundaries must periodically be altered, which ensures one person’s vote is, in relative terms, worth no less or more than that of another’s, embodying the principle of ‘one vote one value’,” Mr Piccolo said. “While the commission’s redistribution determination is to be made primarily upon that principle, it must also ensure, as far as is practicable, the electoral redistribution is fair to prospective candidates and groups of candidates. “This means if candidates of a particular group attract more than 50 per cent of the popular vote, including preferences, they will be elected in sufficient numbers to enable a government to be formed.”

Have your say on Gawler’s framework THE Town of Gawler is undertaking a review of the planning and development policies contained within its development plan, to ensure it is consistent with the South Australian planning strategy and council’s strategic plan. This process is known as a ‘Section 30 Review’ and will result in the preparation of a strategic directions report for Gawler council. The report outlines a strategic vision for growth in the council area by means of a program of Development Plan Amendments (DPAs), which translates this strategic vision into development plan content. Council’s development plans is the document that outlines a framework of policies to control development across the district, by offering guidance to what development can and cannot be done on a piece of land within the council district. All South Australian councils must align development plans with the state planning strategy. This is done through the development plan amendment (DPA) process. In this way the government’s broad directions are translated to local plans and can guide local development outcomes. As part of this process, the Gawler council invites submissions from members of the public to assist council in the preparation of a draft strategic directions report. To assist the community, council has prepared a paper to generate informed discussion about how the council area could be developed in order to achieve the aims, objectives and targets identified in both the State planning strategy (30 year plan for greater Adelaide) and the Town of Gawler strategic plan 2010-2018. A copy of this discussion paper can be found on the council website: www.gawler.sa.gov.au. Submissions must be addressed to the Chief executive officer, Town of Gawler, PO Box 130, Gawler SA 5118, 4.30pm on Friday, July 6 at 4.30pm.

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Wednesday, June 13, 2012 - Page 10 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


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Wednesday, June 13, 2012 - Page 11 - The Herald, Barossa Valley




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Wind farm concern I AM becoming very tired of certain people’s letters to the editor who have totally uninformed and misinformed views in regard to the installation of the proposed wind factory by Pacific Hydro on the Keyneton ridge top. These people seem to completely disregard the deep importance of the landscape to the many people who feel that the landscape is of primary importance and a deeply spiritual part of their lives. These wind factories have shattered many people’s lives worldwide and this is documented in grim detail on the internet for all to see. Here in our own state a significant number of people have had to endure the noise and ruination of their beloved environment already, with some having to vacate their homes. These huge monstrosities belong away from communities. Our government has a responsibility to the people of South Australia to do the right thing and work with these companies and place these enormous structures and the additional sub-stations well away from human dwellings and take a stand for the well being of all. The only place to put them is in the outback, and that is not to say that they should be plonked

on top of the Aboriginal and other inhabitants in these areas who have even less ability to fight for their rights than we do. It seems that these companies take advantage of people living in remote areas because they find it hard to put up a fight when they are so few, but of course no less important than the rest of us. A wind installation south of Adelaide was stopped due to a relentless public campaign against it. Pacific Hydro have an opportunity to lead the way in this form of energy generation and do what is the only right thing to do for all concerned and find a more appropriate position for their wind factories. So come on Pacific Hydro, please do the right thing. Miss Carmel Connors Angaston Cricket opinion The SACA has done it again. I can't work out,however,if it’s simply ‘spin’ or a ‘wrong-un’. The appointment of Dean Woodford to the role of ‘strength and conditioning co-ordinator’ for the Redbacks, at first, reads well. Victorian strength and fitness co-ordinator for three years, before taking up the role in 2002 as ‘fitness advisor for Bangladesh cricket’. Then moving on to be the

‘fitness advisor for Zimbabwe’ for three years from 2004-2007. Sounds great. Actually, Bangladesh demoted him from the national team to their under 19s in February, 2004. Interestingly, neither Bangladesh or Zimbabwe spring to mind as groups of physically-elite athletes. Currently, Woodford is living on the Gold Coast and working at a private school. That, I guess, accounts for the last five years. I simply can't believe that there were not any younger, tuned to the minute, applicants for the position. Or is it that nobody really wants the job?

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Thanks to the privatisation of essential utilities, like water, electricity and phones, the people are now being “screwed”; the sky’s the limit and it’s all about shareholder profits. By the way, with so many people giving up landlines, has anyone else noticed the huge increase in their phone bills because of the number of mobiles one now has to call? Ours has gone up $45 a month. We refuse to have a mobile and we are fed up with being held to ransom by these multi-billion dollar corporations. With hundreds of people being cut off from essential services every week, and 300,000 people waiting for public housing, it really illustrates what an uncaring corporatocracy we now live in. Alex Hodges Birdwood

Rick Drewer Gawler East Water worry Could someone please explain to us why households that use more water are going to receive a larger government rebate than the ones who try very hard to use less water? After all, haven’t we been encouraged for years to use less water? In our opinion, SA Water seems to want more water usage in order to make more money. At our business we reduced our water usage by 20 per cent last quarter, yet our account went up $20.

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Study volunteers Are you a lesbian or same-sexattracted woman? I am looking for women who are interested in taking part in research into same-sex relationships and lesbian families since 1945. If you are a woman of any age who is or has been attracted to other women and would be willing to take part in an interview about your ideas and experience of same-sex relationships, families and/or lesbian parenting, please contact Rebecca Jennings (ARC Research Fellow in the Department of Modern History, Macquarie University) at Rebecca.Jennings@mq.edu.au or on 0403 811 885. Participation in this research is entirely voluntary and there will be no financial remuneration to participants. Rebecca Jennings Sydney

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CHURCH SERVICES SUNDAY, JUNE 17 LUTHERAN CHURCH PARISHES Angaston Parish: Angaston: 8.45am HC, 10.30am; Penrice: 11.45am HC; Keyneton: 9am HC; Eden Valley: 10am LR; Springton: 11am. Bethany-Tabor Parish: Bethany: 8.30am T HC, 11am M HC; Tabor: 9.45am HC. Cambrai Parish: Cambrai: 10am P; Sedan: 5pm HC; Stonefield: 9.30am R. Eudunda Parish: Eudunda: 10.30am HC; Peep Hill: 9am HC. Freeling Parish: St Marks, Freeling: 8.45am; Trinity, Rosedale: 10.45am; Wheatfields: 1.45pm. Gawler: Zion, Pr G Havelberg, 8523 1929. 22B Cowan St, Gawler. 8.45am Worship Today, HC, 10.45am Family Worship. Gawler Immanuel: Cnr Second & Seventh Sts, Gawler.Ph: 8522 6000.Sunday 8.45am, 10.45am. 1st Sunday of month 9.30am. Share-a-meal every 1st & 3rd Wed 11.45am. Greenock: Nain: 9am HC + Retiring Offering for Redeemer, Confirmation; Gnadenfrei: 9am LR; Greenock: 10.30am HC, 9.45am JAM. Kapunda Parish: Bethel: 9am Pr; Kapunda: 10.30am LR; Allen’s Creek: 10.30am HC. Langmeil Parish: 8.45am Trad HC; 10.30am Cont Light Pass Immanuel Parish: Light Pass: 10.30am HC; Stockwell: 7pm P/P; Dutton: 9am HC. Light Pass Strait Gate: Light Pass: 10am R; Gruenberg: 9am; Truro: 10.30am HC. Lyndoch Parish: Lyndoch: 9am Spoken HC; Rowland Flat: 10.30am Spoken HC. Nuriootpa: St Petri: 8.30am HC, 10.30am W; Holy Trinity: 11am Mod HC; Ebenezer: 10am LR; Neukirch: 9.30am Mod HC. Robertstown Parish: Robertstown: 8.30am LR; Point Pass: 10.30am LR. St John’s Parish: St J: 9am HC; Sch: 10.30am. St Paul’s Parish: St P: 8.45am C HC; Gdb: 10.30am C HC.

Tanunda Lutheran Home: Worship 10.30am . Peace Evangelical Lutheran Church: 10.30am Fortnightly Services, at Nuri Senior Citizen’s Centre. Pastor M Rosenzweig. Ph: 8563 1310.

ANGLICAN CHURCH Anglican Parish of Barossa: Angaston: 10am HC SdK; Nuriootpa: 8.30am HC SdK; Tanunda: 10am HC MM; Lyndoch: 10am MP; Williamstown: 10am HC PB. Kapunda Anglican Parish: Christ Church, Kapunda: 9.15am HC; St Hilda’s, Eudunda: 11am HC; St Matthew’s, Hamilton: 6pm Evensong/Communion followed by supper. Mt Pleasant: 1st Sunday 8.30am, all other Sundays 9am. Enquiries to Hazel Wilton, Warden on 8568 2042. UNITING CHURCH Barossa Congregations: Nuriootpa: 11am Webb; Tanunda: 9am Webb; Angaston: 9am Harris. Gawler Parish: Gawler: 9.30am Littleford, 5pm HC Littleford; Sandy Creek: 9.30am HC van Dyk; Williamstown: 10am Richardson. Kersbrook: 10am. Enquiries: 8389 3114. Light Parish: Kapunda: 9.15am Baptism, Mrs J Mickan; Eudunda: 2pm ‘Closing Service’. Tarlee: 9.15am HC Teresa Peters. BAPTIST CHURCH Barossa Community Church: 10am Barossa Junction Motel/Conference Centre, Barossa Valley Way, Tan, Pastor Richard Ansoul. Ph: 8563 2158. Lyndoch Baptist Church: Kauffman Ave, Lyndoch: 10am. All welcome. Enquiries to Pastor Tony Edwards on 8564 3001. CATHOLIC CHURCH PARISHES Northern Light Catholic Parish: Nuri: 1st & 3rd Sat 6.30pm, 2nd & 5th Sun 10.30am, 4th Sun 9am; Kapunda: 4th Sat 6.30pm, 1st & 3rd Sun 10.30am, 2nd & 5th Sun 9am; Freeling: 1st Sun 9am, 4th Sun 10.30am, 5th Sun 5pm; Tarlee: 3rd Sun 9am. Parish Office: Ph 8566 2064. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST Barossa: 1 Old Kapunda Rd, Nuri; Sat 9.30am Family Bible Study, 11am Family Worship. ASSEMBLIES OF GOD Barossa New Life Centre: Sunday 10am at the roundabout, cnr Barossa Valley Way & Siegersdorf

CHC 52054-08/11

Road, Dorrien. 4pm at Mt Pleasant Anglican Church Hall, Melrose St. All welcome. Pastor Diane Pope, Pastor Trevor Auricht. Ph: 8562 3844. Kapunda: 10am Sunday, Light Community Church, Main St, Kapunda. Pastor Paul Smith. All welcome. Ph: 8566 2864. CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP Tanunda, McDonnell Street opp former Tanunda Primary School: Saturdays 2.30pm, Worship, Open Bible Study. CHRISTIAN FAMILY CENTRE Barossa: 10.30am Sundays. 16 Scholz Ave, Nuri. Pastor Alan Matson. Ph: 0404 846 274. Murray Flats: 5pm alternate Sundays. Pastor Alan Matson. Ph: 0404 846 274. Cambrai Uniting Church 5pm. SALT CHURCH 25 Northside Crt, Evanston Gdns: Sunday Service 10am & 5pm. Offices, b/shop open 9.30am-4pm. Ph: 8522 0000. THE CHRISTADELPHIANS Sunday school, Greenock Institute Hall, 9.30am. Memorial meetings 11am Sunday. Bible Studies 8pm Tuesday. All welcome. Phone 8524 4196. CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Main North Rd, Evanston Park. Worship Service Sunday 10.30am. All welcome. Pastor Douglas Carolisen. Ph: 8523 1706. INTERDENOMINATIONAL CHURCH Birdwood United Church. 10am Pr Brian Teakle. Ph: 8568 5540. All welcome. HEWETT COMMUNITY CHURCH OF CHRIST Kingfisher Dr, Hewett. 10am, Sunday inspiring worship service. Young generation and creche avail.Youth, women and men’s programs. Ph: 8522 4938. GAWLER FULL GOSPEL OUTREACH MINISTRIES Family Worship Svc. 10am Sun, stone pavilion, Sport & Community Cent, Nixon Tce, Gaw. Pastor Shirley Coe. Ph: 0401 065 748. KAPUNDA EVANGELICAL CHURCH Sundays 5pm, CWA Hall. Pastor Andrew Amos. Ph: 8566 2148. LYNDOCH FULL GOSPEL FELLOWSHIP MINISTRY Lyndoch Institute each Sunday, 11.30am-1.30pm Pastor Ken East . Ph: 8524 4787.


Views expressed in the Letters to the editor are not those of the Herald. We welcome topical letters, with preference to letters of no more than 200 words. All letters are checked for authenticity. Pseudonyms are not acceptable. Mail your letters to: The editor, PO Box 43, Tanunda, SA, 5352. Fax: 8563 3655. E-mail: editor.barossaherald@ruralpress.com

Plant invitation This is an invitation to the Herald readers to be involved in a project to return some local native plants to their garden or farm. The ‘Understorey Project’ is selling containers of 20 local native plants for $20 plus information about why the plants are important and how to grow them. A mix of lilies, daisies, grasses and other herbs and shrubs is available to suit each of the original native vegetation areas on the northern Adelaide Plains and foothills including Barossa foothills. A plant collection day is occurring at the Gawler NRM/NRC area at 8

Adelaide Road, Gawler this Sunday June 17 between 10am and 2pm. In addition there will be a number of stalls and displays including ‘Animals Anonymous’ (interactive display to feature snakes, a tawny frogmouth and bandicoot among others), natural resource property planning, weed identification and control and backyards for wildlife plus a barbecue. Please contact me on 8523 7700 or 0408 537 650 to book some plants or get information. Vanessa Freebairn Gawler Regional Natural Resource Centre co-ordinator Doing It Tough appeal As we approach the end of the financial year I would like to remind everyone that June is our last chance to help those doing it tough at the moment, and also get a tax deduction for this financial year. Every local community has someone who is doing it tough every day. We invite you to support our Doing It Tough appeal, which will raise much-needed funds so we can continue our everyday work providing vital services and programs for vulnerable people. Donations to Red Cross are currently 20 per cent lower than expected this financial year and we’re facing a shortfall of almost $8 million in public funding for our day to day work. We are asking the Australian public to dig deep at this critical time. Red Cross needs your support, not just in times of disaster but throughout the year for our ongoing, everyday work with people and local communities right around Australia. When you make a tax-deductible gift to the Red Cross Doing It Tough Appeal before June 30 you can be confident your donation will make a real difference to someone near you. Whether it’s serving breakfast to children who would otherwise go to school hungry, making sure elderly and frail Australians have regular visits or daily phone calls so they can continue to live independently, or helping young people or families who are at risk of homelessness, Red Cross is there. For more information about how to make a fully tax deductible donation by June 30 call 1800 811 700 or visit redcross.org.au Kerry Symons Executive Director SA Australian Red Cross

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Wednesday, June 13, 2012 - Page 12 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


Basketball globetrotters By ROBERT LAIDLAW IN YEARS past an American group of basketballers called the Harlem Globetrotters would travel the world to play exhibition games. Nowadays, Gawler may be able to use the moniker ‘Globetrotters’, with many Northern Regional Sports Academy basketball graduates improving their game through overseas experiences. Last week five of the academy’s ‘products’ were training together at home, and shared some of their experiences. One of the first graduates was Jacob Templeton, who has switched sports and currently plays league football with Central District. “Originally I went to North Iowa Area Community College in the USA, where everything is so different,” Templeton said. “They had a good college program and great training facilities, and it was a great life experience. I’ve been using a lot of what I learned there to help Ricky (Simpson) train the current group at NRSA.” The first female to attend a USA college was Rosalie Cutri, who spent two years at Casper College and is going back to attend Boise State University. In the overseas environment, Rosalie has excelled and is determined to get the best out of herself.

“After the first year I was still nervous when I went back, and I was still fighting for my spot, but at least I knew what they wanted,” Cutri said. “When I’m over there I miss the old lifestyle, family and friends, and the food, not everything here is processed and fried.” Jordan Centenera has just returned from a year playing for an under 19 team in Germany, which was associated with a professional league and had ‘amazing’ facilities. He is undecided if he will attend college in the USA this year, while his advice to others is to take advantage of opportunities. A three-year ‘veteran’ of playing in the USA, Andrew Bolton is set to again return soon. “I hardly played the first two years but last year I was in a good spot, playing at Sonoma Uni in California,” Bolton said. “The coach is great and it is a brilliant professional program. I do miss my friends but get by with Skype, and of course the food is always great when I come home. “Playing in the States, my game has improved 100 per cent, and the best advice I can give anyone considering going overseas to play, persevere - do not give up.” Leaving soon for his first overseas adventure, David Humphries is heading for North Iowa in August, and is looking forward to the experience of a lifetime.

WORLDLY: Basketballers, top from left, Jacob Templeton, Rosalie Cutri and Jordan Centenera. Bottom, David Humphries, and Andrew Bolton.

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Wednesday, June 13, 2012 - Page 13 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


Gawler Road at Kangaroo Flat when he was stuck by a truck travelling in the same direction. The man died at the scene. Major Crash Investigators attended the scene and are examining the circumstance surrounding the crash.

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MINIMAL damage was recorded after a vehicle caught alight while parked in a shed in Kapunda on Friday. MFS along with Barossa Police attended the fire, which occurred at about 8.30am at Kapunda Street, Kapunda. Police say the fire is being treated as non-suspicious.

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ONE man’s death at Kangaroo Flat, near Gawler, ended police hopes of seeing the Queen’s Birthday long weekend remain fatality free. At about 5pm on Saturday a 68year-old cyclist, believed to be from Gawler, was riding west on the

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by the Barossa Highway Patrol for driving while suspended. • A Nuriootpa man in his 20s was reported on June 7 by the Nuriootpa Police for misuse of a vehicle and driving on an expired licence. • An Eden Valley man was reported on June 8 by the Barossa Highway Patrol for driving exceeding the prescribed concentration of alcohol. • A Wasleys man was reported on June 10 for driving while exceeding the prescribed concentration of alcohol. • For police assistance contact them on 131 444.

Gawler Police roundup Arrest • A 31-year-old Evanston Park man was arrested on June 4 by the Gawler Police for assault and for breach of an intervention order. Reports • A 41-year-old Kangaroo Flat woman was reported on June 6 by the Gawler Highway Patrols for aggravated assault. • A 19-year-old Gawler West man was reported on June 7 by the Gawler Police for breach of bail. • A 24-year-old Two Wells man was reported on June 7 by the Gawler Police for exceeding the speed limit and driving while disqualified. • A 31-year-old Evanston man was reported on June 7 by the Gawler Police for prescribed concentration of alcohol with a reading of .0128. A licence disqualification was given and the vehicle was impounded for 28 days. Serious Criminal Trespass •Unknown persons attempted to break into

a business on Adelaide Road, Gawler, between June 3 and 4. • A glass door was smashed to the rear of a business on Adelaide Road, Gawler South, between June 1 and 4. No entry was gained. • Unknown offenders stole a laptop and a cigarette by opening a roller door and as a homeowner was asleep in a Quarton Street, Gawler East house, between June 3 and 4. • Alcohol was stolen after a door was smashed to a business on Williamstown Road, Sandy Creek on June 9. • Containers of oil, lubricant and a box of chocolates were stolen after offenders broke into a Two Well service station on June 10. Property damage • Unknown persons used silver spray paint to mark the side of a building on Murray Street, Gawler, between June 6 and 7. • A patron of a Gawler hotel broke a glass window by punching it on June 9.

Theft • Cash and a mobile phone were stolen from a handbag which was left on a kitchen table, at a house on Longford Street, Evanston on June 7. Investigations continue. • A male driver filled his vehicle with petrol and drove off without paying at a Gawler service station on June 6. • Another similar incident occurred on the following day by a different motorist. Motor vehicle theft • A socket set, mags and tyres were stolen from two vehicles, which were parked in driveways on Riverbanks Road, Hillier on June 10. • A work van, which was parked on lawn outside a residence on Dawson Road, Evanston, was entered through the driver’s side door and a drill, electrical test kit and briefcase were stolen. The incident occurred between June 10 and 11.

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Arrests • A Smithfield man in his 30s was arrested on June 4 by the Barossa CIB for breach of bail, going equipped and unlawfully on premises. • A Freeling man in his 20s was arrested on June 6 by the Kapunda Police for assault and serious criminal trespass. • An Angaston man in his 30s was arrested on June 10 by the Nuriootpa Police for theft, unlawful possession and for illegal use of a motor vehicle. Reports • A Marion male in his 20s was reported

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Wednesday, June 13, 2012 - Page 14 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


New age stats are fun ADELAIDE AIRPORT # Fares from $80 # Keswick Rail on request 7 DAY SERVICE

Generous discounts for couples and families ADELAIDE AIRPORT FLYER 1300 856 444

EXPLANATION: Kym Koster and Dan Eggleton, with Tanunda juniors Quinn Gladigau, Bailey Smith and Tom Eggleton. FORMER Adelaide Crow and dual AFL premiership player Kym Koster has developed a fun initiative with business partner Jason Chadwick, which has been embraced by juniors at the Tanunda Football Club. StatsAmazing is a phone application (app), which will revolutionise how parents and children can interact with their chosen sport, whether it’s Aussie Rules, netball, soccer, basketball, hockey, baseball, tennis and a range of others. “We developed the concept over the past 11 months, changing aspects as we explored the possibilities, before we settled on our final product,” Mr Koster said. “Hopefully it encourages more family time, and helps with issues such as obesity, as kids will be encouraged to be more active.” Parents can sit on the sidelines and with a simple click can keep track of their children’s statistics – with Aussie Rules for example, marks, kicks and tackles are complemented with a


Bus from your door

voiceover-like commentary by former SANFL-great Tim Ginever. And children can watch their favourite player and keep stats to compare to theirs over a season, and even develop a ‘Dream Team.’ “It’s a great tool to help kids go to the next level, and we are hoping it will go global,” Mr Koster said. “A bonus is it’s also a way to put something back into the community, as all proceeds go to the Hutt Street Centre and the Little Heroes Foundation. And at just $2.99, it is affordable, with chances for kids to win prizes on Facebook.” Tanunda junior Bailey Smith has explored the possibilities of the app and can see multiple uses for it. “It’s smart the way you can record your stats,” Bailey said. “It would be good for dad to see what I did for the year.” The app can be used on iPhones and Androids, and available to download on the iTunes store or Google Play.

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Wednesday, June 13, 2012 - Page 15 - The Herald, Barossa Valley



Wednesday, June 13, 2012 - Page 16 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


Amazing Specials at Barossa Valley Toyota HiLux WorkMate 4x2 Single Cab Chassis SPECIAL OFFER

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Petrol manual


2012 Prius V 7 Seater Hybrid A contemporary style vehicle for the modern family. This 7 seater premium wagon combines the agility of a passanger car with plenty of space for the growing family. 16” alloy wheels, Smart entry and Smart Start, cruise control, Head up Display, touch screen audio, reverse camera & 7 SRS airbags. That’s performance, innova on & safety all in one!

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Wednesday, June 13, 2012 - Page 17 - The Herald, Barossa Valley




Great 4 Door Sedan, very tidy inside & out with power windows, CD Player and central locking, WTZ621

Vespers Blue with 18” alloys, local car with good kms for age, bargain Don’t miss Out S538AAN




$35 WK






How cheap is this? Dark Blue with Slate trim, alloy wheels, cruise control, & power windows, CW2837



Unbeatable value, very popular hatch in Bronze with power steering and air conditioning, WMM237






$49 WK

A brand new 5 door hatch with 3 year New Car Warranty, alloys, a/c, power steer & pwr windows, plus 4cyl EFI motor CW2897







2008 HOLDEN VE COMMODORE Unbeatable ValueRegency in colour with grey interior, 16” alloys, locks great and has local history, S922ADH

$70 WK




So much car for so little money! Gunmetal Grey with alloys, stunning sports interior, great car to drive. S039APX




NEED A ? R A C NEW 11,990




$84 WK




A fantastic example. Presented in Polar White with tinted windows, power windows, CD layer, cruise control S655AEF








Well presented family 4-door sedan in white with power windows, central lock, air bags & ABS brakes. WUR495

$49 WK TAP*



2003 ASTRA SRi

5.7L V8 Genuine “SS” with HSV Enhancements, Plus GTO bonnet all packaged in stunning Blue with only 144,000kms. S772AEA

How low is this! Sports XR6 Sedan in Mercury Silver, sports interior, drives awesome, at such a low price. XRA854




2005 BA MKII XR6



2000 VT ‘SS’

Very sport hatchback, locally owned, with powerful 2.2L 4 Cyl, power windows, alloys, all with low kms, XBS765




$77 WK





Don’t miss this in Acid Rush & XR6 strips, alloys, sports interior,- Don’t buy plain: when you can afford sports. WWN487





2005 ASTRA WAGON Unbeatable value presented in Mid Blue with alloys. Features air con, power steer and low kms. A real looker. CW3003




2005 PEUGEOT 307 HDI Popular 5 door hatchdiesel in silver with leather seats, all the safety incorporated. Just the best to drive. CW3001

$77 WK TAP*


2003 WK STATESMAN Best of both worlds V8 power with LPG economy plus luxury everywhere with leather seats, sunroof and stunning colour. WXG211





CAR WORLD 8284 0300 Lot 84, Main North Road, EVANSTON SOUTH

Finished in Slate Grey this luxury diesel sedan with 6 speed auto has fantastic economy. Drive today S030AGL

$91 WK






www.gawlercarworld.com.au 1826088

Stunning in Burnt Orange with alloys & sport accents, luxury dark interior, finish off this great car! CW23995










$40, $50, $60 A WEEK? (CONDITIONS APPLY)





This Crewman is in white with alloys, Hard lid, sports interior- Ready for work or play XPE298

Styled by Bertoneready For You- stunning silver convertible with leather heated seats and black roof. XBH049




2000 VX “SS” Rare 6 Speed manual VX “SS” in silver with sports seats, CD player, tinted windows, and cruise ctrl- Locally owned. XPM940



$42 WK

$46 WK



That’s Right- Diesel Van with side & rear access in white duco ready for your courier work!! XAP479

2003 NISSAN PULSAR Q Very popular hatch with 1.8L EFI motor finished in silver with tinted windows and new BIG alloys. CC008R

Here’s one for the tradies silver in colour with big aluminium tray, air cond, & power steer. XLI334





This 4x4 is immaculate inside & out, finished in Tungsten with alloys the best value for money around. WKS497






Tungsten Gold with luxury leather seats and V8 motor, plus all the luxury extras you come to expect- Take it home tonight!! WPZ497



Locally owned, zippy Barina Hatch- Immac inside & out in Silver Mica and finished off with alloys, only 50,000kms. XMB362



2000 VX BERLINA Luxury Sedan with 4 Airbags, ABS brakes, power windows, curies control and climate air-conditioning. Too good to pass up.WXT665





Wednesday, June 13, 2012 - Page 18 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


Real Estate Liftout

Scan with your smartphone to view this property on domain.com.au

Bird watcher’s dream Perfect for the nature lover and bonus of six rainwater tanks. See Domain P3. FRIDAY 15TH JUNE BAROSSA REAL ESTATE LYNDOCH 9B Fergusson Court .................4:00 – 4:30pm


BAROSSA REAL ESTATE LYNDOCH 9B Fergusson Court ...............12:30 – 1:00pm

SUNDAY 17TH JUNE Assoc. Aust. Inst. of Conveyancers Registered Conveyancer

BAROSSA REAL ESTATE NURIOOTPA 21 Zimmerman Street ..........1:00 – 1:30pm TANUNDA 3 Mill Street .............................4:00 – 4:30pm

Beckwith Park Commercial Precinct 30-38 Barossa Valley Way, Nuriootpa

Ph: (08) 8562 3355 | Fax: (08) 8562 3282 • House & Land Settlements • Mortgages • Leases • Business Settlements • Subdivisions Arranged • Strata Titles • Power of Attorney ALL REAL PROPERTY ACT DOCUMENTS

CONVEYANCER? MAKE THE RIGHT CHOICE www.barossaherald.com.au


JULIE TOTH REAL ESTATE ANGASTON 4 Collins Street..................12:00 – 12:30pm TANUNDA 15 Coronation Avenue .............1:00 – 1:30pm NURIOOTPA 4C The Crescent ...................1:45 – 2:15pm NURIOOTPA 4B The Crescent ...................2:15 – 2:45pm DUTTON 2 John Road...............................3:15 – 3:45pm

HOMBURG REAL ESTATE NURIOOTPA 32 Maple Avenue..............11:30 – 12:00pm NURIOOTPA 19 Traminer Way ..............12:00 – 12.30pm ANGASTON 6 Anton Street .....................12:30 – 1:00pm GREENOCK 18 Flora Street .................... 12:45 – 1:15pm MARANANGA Lot 519 Seppeltsfield Rd....1:00 – 1:30pm NURIOOTPA 16 Para Road .......................1:00 – 1:30pm TANUNDA 38 Elizabeth Street ...................1:15 – 1:45pm TANUNDA 5/213 Murray Street.................1:30 – 2:00pm TANUNDA Lot 201 Smyth Road................1:50 – 2:20pm BETHANY Allotment 102 Light Pass Rd .. 1:45 – 2:30pm NURIOOTPA 6 Hearl Street .......................2:40 – 3:20pm NURIOOTPA 25 Hearl Street .....................3:20 – 3:50pm GREENOCK 64 Bevan Street .....................4:00 – 4:30pm RAY WHITE REAL ESTATE KAPUNDA 6 Lucas Street .....................12:00 – 12:30pm

Wednesday, June 13, 2012 - Domain Page 1 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


Real Estate Liftout OUTSTANDING: Pictured right are the fabulous Rossdale home (left) and the functional kitchen.

Rossdale quality and beauty



With access to over 20 lenders, including HomeStart Finance, we work hard to find you a better deal!

Call us today... THIS very popular Rossdaledesigned home is only fiveyears-old and showcases their finest traditional features of nine-foot high ceilings, timber balustrades and hall arches. Located in one of Nuriootpa’s finest estates, this stylish four-bedroom home is surrounded by other quality residences and is just a short distance to local shopping and a selection of schools. Freshly painted throughout in neutral tones, the décor will appeal to all tastes, with tiling in the main traffic and living areas affording easycare living. The spacious main bedroom with grand bay window also

Kerrie Dellar 0408 845 154 Australian Credit Licence #389548


PUBLIC NOTICE Re: Section 7 The Vendor’s statement relating to matters affecting the advertised properties in this publication may be inspected at the agents office three business days prior to the auction or at the place of auction thirty minutes before sale.

has an ensuite bathroom and a walk-in robe. Other bedrooms also have built-in robes and the generously proportioned three-way bathroom is centrally located for use by the rest of the family. With a spacious formal lounge room and large family room, there is plenty of space for a family to enjoy some quiet time in one room and play time in the other. The well-appointed and functional kitchen has loads of bench space with a breakfast bar and a walk-in pantry. There is even room for a family dining table in the adjacent dining area. Quality fixtures and fittings are also displayed throughout

the home including three and four tier shades, frosted oyster shades and downlights throughout the kitchen and family dining room and vertical and venetian blinds. Ducted reverse-cycle air conditioning ensures yearround comfort and entertaining will be a breeze with an outdoor setting and barbecue on the paved courtyard. A double lock-up garage with remote access provides safe and secure parking for vehicles, or providing extra storage if needed. With a low maintenance yard, this impressive and stylish home will be a perfect base for your family to enjoy the lifestyle of your

neighbourhood, whether it is exploring local wineries, enjoying the café scene or participating in local sports. You will be amazed at the quality and value this home offers.

At a glance... Where: 21 Zimmermann Street, Nuriootpa. Feature: Live in one of Nuriootpa’s finest estates. Price: $349,500. Open: Sunday, June 17. When: Noon - 12.30pm. Agent: Barossa Real Estate. RLA 1997. Contact: Elle Moreton on 0488 996 566.





TANUNDA $278K-$295K

LYNDOCH $325K- $335K




28 Rosalie Ave ABOVE AVERAGE RENTAL RETURN! This 3 bedroom, 1 bathroom home at end of a cul-desac on a 737m2 allotment with a lot of bonuses that you won’t find in a unit or retirement village. Separate L shaped lounge with r/c a/c. The kitchen is functional with a good size open plan dining. This property has been exceptionally well maintained both inside and out. There is a sgl c/pt adjoining the home, a dbl shed, rain water tank, and plenty of room for a caravan. Peter Fairweather 0415 825 420

GAWLER EAST $439,950

42 Gilbert St

ATTENTION DEVELOPERS, COMMUNITY GROUPS Open Sun 12-12.30pm AND INVESTORS! Today it’s an opportunity for development on 4 separate titles with 5 allotments covering an area of more than 2.5 acres (1.07 hectare). Existing buildings inc. original stone schoolhouse, a large transportable, brick dwelling. Truro Rd frntge to each allotment. Township zoning offers potential for numerous uses subject to consents.

GREAT LOCATION, IDEAL FAMILY HOME Separate entry, large lounge, 3 Bedrooms, Ensuite, Walk in & BI Robes. Open plan meals & family, kitchen with walk in pantry, air conditioning, combustion heating, neutral décor. Rear veranda, double carport with roller doors, 8 solar panels, Rain water tanks. BBQ Area, Established gardens. Walking distance to local schools and shopping. Sue Schugmann 0419 850 408




Peter Fairweather 0415 825 420

NURIOOTPA $349,500


22 McGahan Ct

9B Fergusson Ct

TWO STOREY BEAUTY You couldn't build it for this price. Separate entry, formal lounge, up to the minute kitchen, stainless steel appliances, rumpus room, meals/family room, formal dining, 4 brms, ducted air and gas heat, 914m2 allotment, fantastic views, walking distance to Gawler main street. Sue Schugmann 0419 850 408

Open Fri 4-4.30pm & Sat 12.30-1pm

THE COMPLETE PACKAGE ON 1006m2 3 brm Marshall Thompson home in quiet court & walk to Lyndoch Primary. Master bed has ensuite & WIR. Spac lnge & fml dine. Ducted a/c & combustion heater. Central kitchen with walk-in pantry & lge breakfast bar. Vdah, dbl c/pt, ample rainwater storage & 6 solar panels. Sue Schugmann 0419 850 408

NEW 694 Eden Valley Rd 157 ACRES AND TWO HOMES, TO BE SOLD AS A WHOLE OR CAN BE SEPARATED. Originally part of the renown land holding known as Collingrove’ on 63.3 hectares has been held by 1 owner for many years. Magnificent 4 bedroom home, architecturally designed to harmonise with the landscape, stunning formal and informal living areas. Also stone settler’s cottage on separate title. Expressions of interest to be received by 5pm on Monday 15th July, 2012. Peter Fairweather 0415 825 420


OPEN 21 Zimmermann St Open Sun 1-1.30pm LIVE IN ONE OF NURIOOTPAS FINEST ESTATES. Popular Rossdale designed home showcasing 9ft high ceilings, timber balustrades & hall arches. Stylish 4 bedroom home, main with ensuite & wir, bedrooms 2, 3 & 4 incl. bir’s, located centrally to rooms is the neutral toned 3 way bathroom. Spacious formal lounge & open plan family/ dining area with well appointed, functional kitchen. Ducted r/c a/c, paved courtyard & double garage. Elle Moreton 0488 996 566

3 Mill Street

Open Sun 4-4.30pm

CONVENIENT LOCATION IN THE HEART OF TANUNDA. In a tightly held pocket well positioned to stroll to the main street is this character Bungalow. Offering period features including fireplaces, timber floors and a cellar, 3 double bedrooms, a cosy living area and updated bathroom. Easily maintained with heating and cooling, garage and a paved rear yard, this may be an ideal retirement option or suit B&B operation subject to consents. . Elle Moreton 0488 996 566

8563 3511

www.barossarealestate.com.au F: 8563 0105 E: bvrealestate@ozemail.com.au www.barossaherald.com.au

Peter Fairweather 0415 825 420

Sue Schugmann 0419 850 408

Sue Fechner 8563 3511

Elle Moreton 0488 996 566

Property Manager Anne Johansson 8563 3511

RLA 1997

Wednesday, June 13, 2012 - Domain Page 2 - The Herald, Barossa Valley




Real Estate Liftout PROPERTY OF THE WEEK

Great value

FIELD OF DREAMS: Let your imagination do the design in Keyneton, subject to council consent. BACK: The verandah area at the rear of the Dutton home.

Secluded country living THIS timber-framed house in Dutton is set on over two and a half acres of beautifully undulated land - a nature lover and bird watcher’s dream come true. The home consists of two bedrooms, a dining room that can be converted to another bedroom and a large country eat-in kitchen with gas stove and pantry. There is a comfortable lounge room with walk-in bar facilities plus heating and cooling. Small but functional describes the bathroom with a hand basin and shower over the bath, and toilet. Outside features start with the private and secure backyard. Worth a look is the decked return verandah with attached undercover large store room that can be converted into a boy’s room and then there is the double carport plus the 20x20ft double garage with power and concrete. There is also a chook house. There are six rainwater tanks which hold about 50,000 litres and which is plumbed throughout the house. There is huge savings on water bills, with the way the water prices are rising these days.

At a glance...

KEYNETON is located on the edge of the internationally famous wine growing region of the Barossa Valley. This lovely flat allotment, of 1390 square metres, has peaceful country views. Set amid big gum country on the road to the River Murray, Keyneton is a pretty country village of just a dozen or so buildings. Most of them date from the mid-late 1800s. The town was named after English pastoralist, Joseph Keynes, who had taken up the land in the early 1840s. His

descendants still continue to live and farm in the area. The small, rural community of Keyneton maintains a strong sense of pride, care and ownership with the beautiful Barossa Valley, just 10km from Angaston. It is also just a few minutes’ walk to the Keyneton Primary School. The good thing is there are no building encumbrances put on this property by the council with over 30m frontage and over 45m in depth you could dream up your own design, subject to council consent.

Water and power are available. All offers considered - make an offer.

At a glance... Where: Lot 8 Sedan-Angaston Road, Keyneton. Features: Large flat block. Price: $73,000. Inspection: Contact agent . Agent: Julie Toth Real Estate. RLA 198199. Contact: Julie Toth on 8562 4650 or mobile 0418 853 134.

Where: 2 John Road, Dutton. Features: Birdwatcher’s paradise. Price: $210,000. Open: Sunday, June 17. RLA198199

When: 3.15pm - 3.34pm.

... where people matter

Agent: Julie Toth Real Estate. RLA: 198199. Contact: Julie Toth on 8562 4650 or mobile 0418 853 134.

DUTTON 2 John Road

$210,000 SEDAN

OPEN Sun 3.15-3.45pm 37 Tamke Street

$149,500 NURIOOTPA 4C The Crescent


OPEN Sun 1.45-2.15


SOLD GREAT INVESTMENT VIEWS & PEACEFUL SETTING COUNTRY LIVING On 2 ½ acres, this secluded 2 brm t/f home, decked Original stone bungalow on approx 3120m2 block, 3 Dble brick, 3 brm home, lrg lounge with French doors, returned verandah, attached single garage & carport, dble brms, eat-in country kitchen with large walk-in kitchen with elec stove & pantry, polished flr brds t/out, htg & cooling, dble gge. 697m2 allot (approx) dble garage with power & concrete, & r/water tanks. pantry. Teen retreat - 1 brm, lounge & study.


$235,000 TANUNDA

$277,000 NURIOOTPA


4 Collins Street OPEN Sun 12-12.30pm 15 Coronation Ave OPEN Sun 1-1.30pm 4B The Crescent OPEN Sun 2.15-2.45

Julie Toth

NEAR NEW HOME QUIET TREE LINED STREET CUTE COTTAGE OF BYGONE ERA Great for B&B. 2/3 brms, polished tbr floors throughout, Dble brick 3 brm home on a 780m2 cnr block. Large 3 brms, ensuite, walk-in robe, formal lounge, kitchen with dw, lounge with heating & cooling, timber lounge, kitchen with pantry, heating & cooling. Dble family/games room, large modern kitchen, deck with views, few minutes’ walk to all amenities. double garage, quiet location, low maintenance. gge, estab rear garden with fruit trees & more.


$350,000 EUDUNDA

14 Kirchner Street

$175-$190,000 KEYNETON

9 Kapunda Street


Lot 8 Angaston-Swan Reach Road


Call for your free market appraisal

FLOOR PLAN: The Dutton home which offers good country living. www.barossaherald.com.au

8562 4650 0418 853 134

Wednesday, June 13, 2012 - Domain Page 3 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

2/7 Gawler Street, Nuriootpa www.julietothrealestate.com.au


WOW SO CLOSE TO TOWN! 1390m2 BLOCK – GREAT VALUE LARGE FAMILY HOME - 1257m2 LAND 4 brms, 2 bathrooms, study, lounge, family room, 1930 Villa in a good condition, 3 brms, Large flat land with no encumbrances, over 30m open plan kitchen, air cond, double garage, lovely upgraded kitchen, sunroom, ducted frontage & over 45m in depth. Water and power available. entertaining area, large shed, room for boat & caravan. A/C, double & single garage, cnr block.


Real Estate Liftout

Convenient and tranquil

6 Lucas Street, Kapunda

Sunday 12-12:30pm

“Quality modern home in the best location” • Four bedrooms, 2 with BIR’s • Main bedroom with BIR, WIR & ensuite • Bright open plan kitchen, meals & living area • Formal dining and second living area • Undercover entertaining area • Neat low maintenance gardens • Prime location only stone’s throw to main town facilities WH1826251

Absolutely nothing to do but move in!! Auction 11am Saturday 7th July (if not sold prior) Geoff Schell 0418 842 421 or Daniel Schell 0415 436 379

DELIGHTFUL: The Lyndoch home is pictured above and top left, part of the backyard.

RLA 205501

SET on over a quarter of an acre (1104 square metres) is this much-loved family home in Lyndoch. It offers three bedrooms, the main with a walk-in robe. Bedrooms two and three have built-in robes. Open living describes the family, dining and kitchen together with the large formal lounge. The home is serviced by a

3.5hp split-system air conditioner and also slow combustion heating. Outside, the property boasts unbroken views over the Barossa Ranges and beautifully established gardens just perfect for entertaining. There is a 20x20 shed with cement floor and power, double carport, rear access and 6500 litres of rainwater storage fed to

the laundry and kitchen. A lovely property offering privacy and seclusion yet walking distance to all of Lyndoch’s amenities. Priced at $349,950, this property is a ‘must inspect’ for anyone looking in the Barossa, convenience and tranquillity found. For more information or to arrange that viewing contact Kies Real Estate on 8523 3777.

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Contact us during the month of June in regards to building a new home and you will be entitled to a bonus home theatre or whitegoods package valued at $10,000 upon a contract being signed!

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Wednesday, June 13, 2012 - Domain Page 4 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


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> Custom built homes > Quoting on your plan > Building quality single & multi storey homes > Investment properties > Helping you to design your own plan > Small commercial developments


Real Estate Liftout LANDLORDS



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28A Adelaide Road, Gawler 8523 3319 IMPRESSIVE: The kitchen area with loads of cupboard space and a walk-in pantry.

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Colin Schwartz trading as RLA216875


Adelaide Rural Real Estate EUDUNDA



9 Hambour Avenue – Neat timber framed home, 3 good sized bedrooms, large lounge with split system a/c, kitchen with electric appliances, laundry with access to outside, carport. Pets neg.


OUTSTANDING: Views from the Lyndoch home.

It’s auction day BUILT by Marshall Thompson, this quality Lyndoch home offers great value at a good price. Its location in a quiet court adds to its appeal as a safe and convenient family location. With an allotment of about 1020 square metres, there is plenty of room for the children to play. The three bedrooms are all a good size with the master having an ensuite bathroom and walk-in robe while a second bedroom also has built-in robes. The separate entry leads to a spacious lounge and formal dining room. Heating and cooling isn’t a problem with ducted air conditioning and a combustion heater to keep the family cosy in winter. Central to all family activities is the kitchen and family room which will not disappoint with its abundance of cupboard and benchspace, plus a walk-in pantry. A large breakfast bar is the ideal spot for a quick snack or lunch and there is an electric wall oven and cooktop to make it all happen. The main bathroom and laundry are located at the rear of the home for convenient access to the large back verandah and garden. Needless to say the large allotment means there is plenty of room to move. Outside improvements include a large carport, big enough for two cars, and rainwater storage. Also, to keep those energy costs down, the six solar panels are sure to help. The property is within walking distance to the Lyndoch Primary School and local shopping, located in a quiet court, you could not ask for a better location. This home offers a package that is hard to beat.

What you need to know Where: 9B Fergusson Court, Lyndoch. Price: Auction. Open: Friday, June 15, 4pm - 4. 30pm. Auction Day: Saturday, June 16 at 1.30pm. Agent: Barossa Real Estate. RLA: 1997. Contact: Sue Schugmann 0419 850 408. www.barossaherald.com.au


5 Reserve Road – Large 4 bedroom brick home, ensuite, second bathroom, formal lounge, open kitchen area, family room, ducted r/c a/c, fully enclosed yard, close to schools, kindy & shopping.





Halfway Road Inspection by Appointment




43 Haines Road – Neat timber framed home, 3 bedrooms, main with built-ins, open kitchen overlooking lounge/dining, entertaining area, manageable block.



11 Acland Street Inspection by Appointment


Nicely presented 4yr old t/f home, large 1011m2 allot, 2 bdrms, roomy lounge/dining, kitchen has elec appiliances, dishwasher, plenty cpds, r/c a/c, front & rear v/dah, carport, short walk to river and shops. Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942


41 Wild Street Inspection by Appointment


Neat property close to Truro, Sedan & Blanchetown. 3 brm home on 117ac incl 30ac cropping, lge shed, hayshed, yards with water connected, lovely views, mains & rainwater, quiet loc, provides nice lifestyle Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942


13 Fuller Street Inspection by Appointment



41 Wild Street – Roomy timber framed home, large allotment, 3 bedrooms, separate lounge, kitchen/dining area, r/c a/c, shed, carport, pets neg.



Unit 4, 158 Murray Street – 2 bedroom unit with open kitchen & lounge, split system a/c, fully enclosed yard, single carport, close to main street. No Pets.



Executive home, 4 bedrooms, ensuite & WIR, open plan kitchen/dineing/lounge, split system air con, enclosed spa, games room, large garage, low maintenance yard, No pets.



7 Hambour Avenue – Neat 3 bedroom home, bedroom 1 & 2 have built-in robes, lounge, kitchen/dining, electrical appliances, cool a/c only, shed, neat and tidy yard. Nonsmoker. No Pets. Available Now.



4 Hambour Avenue – Neat 3 bedroom home, kitchen/dining, lounge, new kitchen cupboards, electrical appliances, bathroom has shower only, oil heater, ducted evap a/c, roller shutters to every window, shed, tool shed, carport. Pets neg. Available Now.



43 High Street – Near new 3 bedroom home, walk in robe and ensuite to main bedroom, built-ins to bedroom 2 & 3, large bathroom, open plan kitchen/dining, large lounge, high ceilings, extended hallway, enclosed back yard, manageable block/garden. Available Mid June.


Three bedrooms, one bathroom, formal lounge, neat kitchen and meals, rear and front verandah, shedding, carport, lots of room to move. WEB ID: 106614295 Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942

EUDUNDA Inspection by Appointment





1 John Street



Solid home on 14acres, short drive to Eudunda, 4 bedrooms, large country kitchen, roomy lounge, cellar, mains & r/w, stone barn, shearing shed, hay shed, 3 phase power to work shed, well fenced, lovely views. Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942


Neindorf Road Inspection by Appointment



Neat solid home on 11,000m2 allot, having 3 titles, possible subdiv STCC. 3 brs, office, kitchen w elec apps & d/w, fml dine, lge lounge, r/c a/c, gas htg. Paved gable pergola, 40x20 shed, caravan shed, 30x20 shed. Rear access. Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942


80A High Street




17 Katoomba Tce - Charming 2 bedroom home, 2 large bedrooms, open plan living area, roomy bathroom, single carport that is concreted with power. Quiet area close to beach. Available June 22.

Neat b/v home on lge 1950m2 allot with rural views. 4 brs, main ens & WIR, br 2 & 3 BIR, kitchen has gas stove, pantry, plenty cpds, dine, family, fml lnge, comb heat, ducted a/c, dble c/pt UMR, vdahs, pergola, 30x20 gge. Currently tenanted. WEB ID: 106770196 Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942

Close to town, 3 bedroom home, 100acres, suitable for cropping & grazing, well fenced, hay shed, mains water, flat land close to ranges, lifestyle property or add to existing

Neat B/V Home, 3 bdrms, main has WIR, access to bathroom, formal lounge, kitchen/meals/family, r/c a/c, pergola, carport, currently tenanted, ideal family home or investment.

Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942

Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942

92 MAIN ST • T: 8566 3399 sales@adelaideruralrealestate.com.au

Wednesday, June 13, 2012 - Domain Page 5 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

GAWLER/TWO WELLS admin.barossaherald@ruralpress.com


Wednesday, June 13, 2012 - Domain Page 6 - The Herald, Barossa Valley



Wednesday, June 13, 2012 - Domain Page 7 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


Real Estate Liftout

Twin homes of character on two self-sufficient hectares NESTLED above Bethany township on 2.5 hectares with blissful views across the valley and beyond, this pristine historic property has been nurtured for generations, evolving into the authentic selfsufficient estate it is today. Magnificently restored and extended by ‘Bartsch Builders’, the original homestead now provides the benefits of two linked, yet individual, residences with heritage and industrial shedding, immense rainwater storage, huge underground cellar and botanical surrounds that yield abundantly throughout the seasons. This property will see you achieving the ‘eco’ existence your soul has searched for. With a history dating back to 1902, the original solid-stone homestead is rich in original character and features matchboard ceilings, Baltic pine architraves, double sash windows, an open fireplace, large rooms typical of the era and a front verandah on which to relax and watch the world pass by. The restoration and first extension to the home was undertaken by the acclaimed ‘Bartsch Builders’ in 1997 and saw the cottage cleverly transformed into an expansive four-bedroom residence with a separate lounge room, stunning ‘Alby Turner’ Tasmanian Oak country kitchen, new family bathroom, well equipped laundry, full length breezeway with natural slate floors, exposed stone walls and numerous skylights that magically links the new with the original. A slow combustion woodfire effectively warms the entire home and just outside the kitchen, an eroded red brick on the doorway’s quoin tells of where Great Oma sharpened her kitchen knives in the days long gone. The breezeway extends into the more recent 2010 addition and second residence where a lobby provides a practical buffer between the two individual homes. Sympathetic to the original building, the second


‘Bartsch’-built residence has been married beautifully to the first, unified by the front verandah that continues right around. The home has been designed for easy comfort and comprises three bedrooms, a sunshine-filled modern country kitchen with stainless-steel appliances, generous open living plan, separate rumpus room, well equipped laundry, family bathroom with ensuite services, plentiful storage, ducted reversecycle air conditioning, fully enclosed garage with auto roller door and direct internal entry. The layout has been planned to suit wheelchair access and a north-facing pergola off the living space connects life with the rural surrounds and views to be savoured daily. An independent driveway lined with young capital pear trees will evolve into a picturesque entrance to the property’s second home. The combined layout of the two homes allows you great flexibility for extended family to live independently, provides an opportunity to lease out the second residence and achieve an income stream plus potential tax benefits or is the perfect base in which to create a unique ‘bed & breakfast’ holiday destination, subject to council consent, where guests can enjoy the history, location, amazing views and produce from your land.

Important information Where: Allotment 102, Light Pass Road, Bethany. Feature: Authentic self-sufficient estate magnificently restored and extended. Price: Auction, July 6 at 11am on site unless sold prior. Open: Sunday, June 17. When: 1.45pm - 2.30pm. Web ID: HRER643. Agent: Homburg Real Estate 8563 2599 or 8562 2600. RLA 219152. Contact: David Braunack 0418 841 349 or Michael Bogan 0416 586 897.

TOP: The magnificently restored and extended original homestead. CENTRE: The slate-floored breezeway with classic architecture. ABOVE: The wonderful second residence at Bethany.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012 - Domain Page 8 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


Guaranteed Risk Free Selling! Many more properties for sale, call in to inspect our full range Land Release Lot 42 Lot 43 Lot 44 Lot 45 Lot 46 Lot 47 Lot 48 Lot 49 Lot 50 Lot 51 Lot 52 Lot 53 Lot 54 Lot 55







$469,950 2



Price $149,950 $159,950 SOLD $134,950 $169,950 $189,950 $139,950 $189,950 $149,950 $149,950 $139,950 $159,950 $174,950 $199,950




Available 7 Days




$279,950 1







Location, Location, Location

Seeing is Believing

Quaint Cottage

Great Location and Value

Family Living in a Superb Location

Fabulous value on offer with this well presented 3 bedroom home situated in a popular location, close to local shops, schools, parks and public transport. This superbly presented home offers master bedroom with walk-in robe, bay window and 2-way ensuite, bedroom 2 also has a builtin robe. The home is complete with two living areas, bar, dining room and stunning timber kitchen with quality appliances and beautiful views of the entertaining area through the kitchen bay window, 3-way main bathroom, quality brick feature walls, gas heating, evaporative ducted cooling, double carport and fully landscaped gardens. This home has been well thought out and built to a high standard with all bathroom and kitchen cabinets built by locally owned Meznar Furniture. Don't miss out on this wonderful opportunity to buy this quality home with no more to do other than move in. # 3010 RLA 61382

This quality Homestead built home situated on a 1372m2 allotment offers large formal entry, formal lounge and dining with bay window, master bedroom with built-in robe, large ensuite with spa and double shower, bedrooms 2, 3 and 4 are extra large and have built-in robes and ceiling fans, all bedrooms also have Austar connected. It has a lovely 3-way bathroom and generous size laundry, 10 foot ceilings throughout and a fabulous open plan kitchen, dining and family room. The kitchen comprises of quality appliances and a stunning centre bench. The family and dining has double doors leading through to the games room which has glass doors leading out onto the salt water solar heated pool. There is a 3 car garage under the main roof, approximately 32,000L rainwater storage, two 3phs split system air-conditioners, large entertainment area overlooking the pool complete with bar and wood fire pizza oven, side access for trailers or caravans with a high clearance lean-to off the shed.

Built in 1870 this quaint little cottage offers so many options, from a low maintenance home to a fabulous B&B with the right consent. Situated in the heart of Gawler this stunning cottage is walking distance to everything you could want, from public transport, to shops, schools, cafés and more. The cottage is situated on a 270m2 allotment and currently offers one bedroom with a second easily possible, good size kitchen, dining and formal lounge, stunning sunroom/studio at the back of the house, low maintenance cottage garden, carport, reverse cycle wall unit for heating and cooling and an open fireplace in the formal lounge. Don't miss the opportunity to purchase this spectacular home in a spectacular location.

Set on 610m2 this 3 bedroom home is wonderfully located in the heart of Gawler East with unbroken rural views from the rear of the property. Offering 3 bedrooms with built in robes to bedrooms 2 & 3, spacious formal lounge and combined kitchen/ dining room. The home and block is neat and easily maintained. Serviced by gas hot water together with gas heating and ducted evaporative air conditioning, with single carport and second driveway. The residence would suit a young family or professional couple. Set amongst quality homes in a great area close to amenities but still retaining a rural outlook - Well worth an inspection.

This quality home built in 06 offers great family living on the doorstep to the Barossa Valley. The home offers 3 double bedrooms, master with walk-in robe, ensuite and stunning bay window, large 3-way bathroom and luxury spa, spacious formal living area, kitchen with quality appliances and breakfast bar overlooking the open plan family/living/meals area, family room with sliding doors to outside for that great indoor-outdoor living and entertaining, great gable roof entertaining area fully concreted. The home is complete with ducted reverse cycle heating and cooling, double garage under the main roof with panel lift door and is situated on a 585m2 allotment. Don't miss the opportunity to buy your first, second or third investment home or even your next family home. Call and book your appointment to view and buy a beautiful piece of the Barossa Valley.

# 3022

# 3021

# 5001


$339,000 1



Unique and Amazing - 1880’s Cottage Truly amazing, this stunning 1880's cottage is set on a generous 850m2 allotment.Currently operating as a local Bed and Breakfast in the Barossa Valley, this cottage is a testament to the owners as the renovations are of such a high quality. What an opportunity, to own a lovely cottage with modern and quality upgrades on the inside, yet keeping great character on the outside. Situated within walking distance to local shops, schools and wineries this is truly a great location. This 1880's cottage offers the following;- 2 bedrooms fully carpeted - Lounge with floating floors and slow combustion heating - Dining room also with slow combustion heating - Modern Galley Style kitchen with quality appliances - Modern bathroom with spa - 2 toilets - Large outdoor cellar/storage room - 1.5kw solar - Front and rear parking for 4 cars - Split system heating and cooling - Fully insulated, new plumbing and wiring to whole house as well as a new roof.This gorgeous cottage has It all so don't miss out on the opportunity to have your own piece of paradise. # 3024 RLA 61382

RLA 61382


$349,950 2

RLA 61382



$319,000 1

RLA 61382




$499,950 2

Family Fortune

Pure Bliss—Relax in Peace

The Best of Both Worlds

This superbly renovated 1880's cottage is situated on a 913m2 allotment located on the fringe of the popular Barossa Valley. The cottage is currently running as a Bed and Breakfast but would make for a lovely home with all the luxuries of modern living. This little oasis offers tranquillity and convenience with shops, schools and wineries all within walking distance and it's only 10 minutes drive to Gawler or Tanunda. The house boasts the following; - 2 good size bedrooms, fully carpeted with doors to outside - Galley Style kitchen with quality appliances and glass splashbacks -Traditional country style dining with original wood stove and stunning timber floors - Lounge with open fire place - Split system heating and cooling - 1.5kw solar Established gardens with the house set well back on the block - Stylish bathroom with spa and separate toilet - Good size laundry - Plenty of parking with foundation already done for carport - Superb location. It needs to be seen to be believed, call now to book a time that's right for you. # 3025 RLA 61382

Offering 2 residences on over one and a half acres, this is both a unique and idyllic property. Set in a very quiet court it boasts stunning views to the Barossa Ranges framed by it's very own vines. Built in 1982 this solid brick home consists of one dwelling featuring 3 bedrooms with formal lounge/dining, superb timber kitchen, full bathroom with separate toilet and laundry adjoined to another 2 bedroom residence with kitchen, open family/dining, bathroom with shower and separate toilet plus laundry also. Both serviced by ducted evaporative air-conditioning and reverse cycle split systems. Outside the property offers superbly established mature gardens, a huge pergola outdoor entertaining area together with a 30 x 20 shed with power and cement floor. # 5021 RLA 61382

RLA 61382

RLA 61382



Set on a 1345m2 corner allotment sits this wonderful 2 storey home. Downstairs offers 3 of the 4 bedrooms with main bathroom, laundry, sparkling refurbished kitchen with stainless steel appliances and polished slate flooring. The downstairs living boasts timber floors in an Lshaped lounge/dine combination. Upstairs there is a second huge family area together with the master bedroom, ensuite and built-in robes. Beautifully decorated throughout in neutral tones with new floor coverings to compliment this home is sure to tick the boxes. Outside is a blank canvas for the homes new owners to complete, with ample shedding, front and rear verandahs the spacious block would accommodate may possibilities. With inspection by appointment - call to arrange a time to suit.

# 5026

# 3027


$259,950 1


Presentation Perfect WOW! This immaculate steel-framed home is set on over 700m2. Offering two large bedrooms each with built-in robes, an L-shaped lounge/dine with built-in bar, sparkling kitchen and enormous main bathroom. Extras are abundant with shutters throughout, two spit system providing heating and cooling, double garage, separate access for boats/caravans or trailers, great outdoor entertaining and stunning park-like grounds. A fantastic property that will accommodate the fussiest of buyers - at a very affordable price.

# 5038

RLA 61382

3A Adelaide Road, Gawler (08) 8523 3777 www.barossaherald.com.au

Wednesday, June 13, 2012 - Domain Page 9 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


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Wednesday, June 13, 2012 - Domain Page 10 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


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Wednesday, June 13, 2012 - Domain Page 11- The Herald, Barossa Valley


Want to own a SodaStream?

Proudly brought to you by

For your chance to win a bottle of Langmeil wine, complete the crossword only and drop the entry form into The Herald office Monday by 4.30pm. Winners need to collect their wine within the week. Last week’s winner was Lil Hassan of Evanston.

Twoway Crossword No 098

THE Herald in conjunction with SodaStream is again giving readers the chance to win one of three SodaStream packs in July. Each time the competition has run in the Herald over 100 entries have been received, proving the popular soft drink system is a favourite product to own. With SodaStream all you need to do is carbonate tap or rainwater, add your favourite flavoured syrup and there you have your own soft drink. Making your favourite sparkling drinks at home aren’t only fun but they are also good for the environment. Having a SodaStream in your kitchen helps the planet by reducing the pollution created by transportation and disposal of millions of plastic bottles each year. One CO2 cylinder fizzes 40 litres of over 40 flavours of refreshing soft drink available. SodaStream also provides reusable BPA-free bottles that last for more than 1000 uses so you have 1000 less empty bottles to throw away. With SodaStream the more you use the more you save the environment and save money. The SodaStream starter packs up for grabs consist of one limited edition ‘Karim Rashid’ drinks maker, one CO2

ENTER: Herald readers can win one of three SodaStream prize packs up for grabs.

cylinder, one 1 litre PET bottle, one lemonade syrup, one cream soda syrup and one cola syrup valued at $120. Also, why not register at sodastream.com.au/competition by entering the competition code 207404 for your chance to win a year’s supply of SodaStream syrups. To win Simply put your name, address, and daytime telephone number(s) on the

back of an envelope addressed to: Herald SodaStream competition, PO Box 43, Tanunda SA 5352. Conditions to enter include only one entry per person, winners will be notified by telephone and prize packs must be collected from the Herald office at Shop 1, 119 Murray Street, Tanunda. Entries also need to be received by Tuesday, July 3 at 5pm. Good luck.

Let your kids be creative with an interactive camp DO YOU have a creative youngster who could benefit from some interactive lessons in music? Then consider the unique Junior Creative Music and Video Holiday Camp hosted by Christian Teusner. Formerly of Tanunda, Christian has returned to the area after working in the music industry and pursing education in Dublin, Ireland for the past 19 years. Now he brings a five-day camp, under the company name ‘The EMU Tree’, to be hosted at the Barossa Arts and Convention Centre, Tanunda, during these coming school holidays. Open to eight to 12-year-olds, Christian says the camp will allow participants to develop their music skills in a fun and interactive environment. “They will explore instruments and their sounds; learning the process of song composition and the recording process, scripting and creating music videos, and will showcase their produced work at the finale concert,” he said. All participants will receive a DVD of all works produced during the camp and a certificate of participation.

He said “The EMU Tree workshops are great fun and experience for students to develop self confidence and expression, sense of achievement and ownership, interpersonal skills collaboration and skill sharing, song writing and recording skills, performance skills, musicality, creative melody, and are non exclusive”. “I have been delivering workshops in Europe for the past 10 years as co-director and tutor of the highly successful and regarded music educator provider Songschool,” Christian added. All equipment is supplied, students are required to bring a notebook and pen and if desired preferred instrument they play. The ability to play an instrument is not a pre-requisite. Numbers are strictly limited and the cost is $190. The camp dates are Monday, July 2 to Friday, July 6 from 10am to 2pm. Application forms are available by emailing theemutree@gmail.com, online at theemutree.com or from the Barossa Arts and Convention Centre, Magnolia Road, Tanunda. For further details, contact Christian on 0408 364 900.

Name:................................................................. Town:...........................................


Wednesday, June 13, 2012 - Domain Page 12 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


Celebrate Concordia Cemetery restoration anniversary

Liven up your month in the Reading Room

33 main north road willaston t: 08 8522 1021 f: 08 8522 1629 e: willaston.hotel@alhgroup.com.au


MEET: Rosanne Hawke (above left) and the cover of her latest book Mountain Wolf.

See Kapunda Choral Group in action DON’T forget to mark Sunday, June 24 on your calendar. The Kapunda Choral Group is hosting a concert in the town’s Christchurch Anglican Church, which involves singing of excerpts from Handel’s Messiah. Conductors Nikki Birrell and Maureen Kerrigan will lead the group. Musical accompaniment will be by pianists Robin Wittwer and Gwenda Rees. Together the group has been practising behind the scenes to present Mendelssohn’s ‘Hear My Prayer’ including ‘Oh for the wings of a dove’.

This year the choral group will be supported by soloists, including Norma Knight. The group involves both men and women singers in four parts of soprano, alto, tenor and baritone and together their voices know just how to soothe one’s soul. Member Margaret Stephenson, who enjoys the social interaction, said “The Messiah is fairly ambitious for us”. “Some of the works are demanding so it’s a terrific sense of achievement to be able to present this to the public.”

Watch a film THE Barossa Film Club will screen Stanley Kubrick’s 1975 Barry Lyndon this Friday, June 15 at the Faith College Wine Centre. Starring Ryan O’Neal, Marisa Berenson and Patrick Magee, this film is an adaptation of Thackeray’s picaresque novel. The film is noted as being a different interpretation of Thackeray’s moralistic tale, with stunning costumes and sets that immerse the viewer in the 18th century as surely

obtained possessory title. Named graves include Bottcher, Dohse, Eggers, Eime, Gebert, Gneil, Knozag, Luck, Modra, Oehm, Scharnberg, and von Boeckmann. According to the trust, the group of volunteers will continue to maintain and keep the cemetery in good condition. On July 15 at 11am the public can help highlight 30 years since the trust was formed and restoration work began. Pastor R Voigt will officiate a service at the cemetery at Teusner Road, Concordia. This will be followed by a pooled lunch at the Rosedale Lutheran Church hall at noon. To attend, contact M Whiting on 8261 1049.

a cut above th


COME along to ‘Saturday in the Reading Room’ at Gawler Public Library this month to meet Kapunda author Rosanne Hawke. Rosanne, who has published 19 books in her writing career, will speak to the public about her journey as a reader and writer, plus she will talk about her latest publication ‘Mountain Wolf ’. She will also be available to answer questions, in what is planned to be a friendly discussion in the town’s historic reading room. ‘Saturday in the Reading Room - Meet the Author’ events are organised each month until October. The sessions allow the public to interact with published authors, publishers and illustrators. Rosanne Hawke will be at the Gawler Public Library on Saturday, June 23 from 11am. For further information on other 2012 events for the National Year of Reading at Gawler Public Library, visit gawlerlibrary.sa.gov.au.

HISTORY enthusiasts and descendants of those buried at Concordia Cemetery are invited to share in anniversary celebrations in July. It was 1982 when a handful of descendants of those buried at the cemetery were concerned about the derelict state of the site and the Concordia Pioneer Lutheran Cemetery Trust Inc was formed. Over the past 30 years the trust, descendants and volunteers have turned the neglected cemetery into a well-kept and maintained site. Graves have been restored along with families placing plaques on graves of loved ones, and the Lutheran Church has recently

Margaret also said you don’t have to be the greatest singer or be able to read music to join. She encourages others to join by showing up to rehearsals at the Chapel Theatre, Chapel Street, Kapunda, each Monday from 7.30pm. Each year the Kapunda Choral Group presents two major concerts, with one held at the Riverton Uniting Church, the other in Kapunda. Entry to the June 24 concert is $5, with proceeds to support the church and charities.

as Kubrick’s other masterpieces 2001 and Clockwork Orange are of the future. It follows the fortunes of Redmond Barry in Ireland, with the British Army in America, and in Europe, until his spendthrift ways, foolhardy pursuit of social advancement and unwise treatment of his new family lead to several disasters. It climaxes in an horrific, yet farcical, duel similar to the one at the start of the film. This movie runs for 187 minutes, so this time there will be no short film to precede it. Screening begins at 7.30pm. Everybody is welcome, with free membership for members and non-members asked to donate $6 towards costs.


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Up Coming events... Men In Pink Tights - Tues, 3rd July 8pm WH1826321

Don Giovanni -Thurs, 6th September 7.30pm Ladies Night - Wed, 12th September 8pm


“BREATHE” AND “IMPULSE” – A DOUBLE BILL Leigh Warren & Dancers “Breathe” brings together ancient and modern Australia in a spellbinding performance that draws its audience into a dancework that is by turns ethereal, energetic and strikingly individual. Followed by “Impulse” which combines live movement and music with cutting-edge visual technology to create an unforgettable sensory feast.

Friday, 27th July 7.30pm Adult: $39.90 Conc: $33.00 Student: $19.90

ERTH’S I, BUNYIP From the creators of the “Dinosaur Petting Zoo” “I Bunyip” is a rare chance for you to meet very real characters from Australia’s oldest stories, brought alive by life-like puppets. Get ready to meet new friends from oceans and rivers, bushland and deserts. You won’t believe the kinds of friends that Bunyips have!

Friday, 3rd August 6.00pm All Tickets: $22.00

Wednesday, June 13, 2012 - Page 19 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

DEEPBLUE ORCHESTRA “Deepblue” is an immersive theatre experience infusing rock electronic and orchestral music with plenty of surprises along the way. It’s all about fun with technology, good music and a great night out. This is your chance to see one of the most interesting finalists from “Australia’s Got Talent” perform live!

Monday, 6th August 8.00pm Adult: $51.00 Conc: $41.00 YP(U30): $33.00 YP(U17): $29.00 www.barossaherald.com.au

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SELECTED: Hockey mates Patrick Hoff (left) and Cameron Lowe.



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CAMERON Lowe and Patrick Hoff are off to Hobart in early August to represent the South Australian under 16 schoolboys hockey side. The boys have been playing the sport for more than half their lives, and are pleased to be selected together for the state team. “I represented the state in indoor hockey, where we play on a basketball court, in 2010,” Cameron, from Wasleys, said. “But this is the first time I have made a team for the outside game. “For the past two seasons I played in the Barossa/Riverland zone championship teams, with this being a step up. “The best part of the game for me is stick skills and hitting the ball with power and feeling in control.” Cameron used to play with Gawler but was looking at a bigger challenge


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so joined Grange Royals in the city competition, and plays metro one, while also representing his school Prince Alfred College. A Faith student, Patrick also plays with Grand Royals in metro three, as well as locally with Tanunda. “Hockey is a great sport and I love going one on one and winning, as well as scoring goals,” Patrick said. “I’ve worked hard on my fitness level over the past 12 months, which has helped me gain selection in the team. “The good thing about both of us being selected in the state side is we will now be on the radar and benefit from extra coaching.” Both boys are aiming to be the best they can be, and are hoping the sport can take them as far as possible, even onto the world stage one day. Previously Cameron and Patrick were part of the Northern Region Sports Academy.

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Record entries

POTGER AND RICHARDSON CHEMMART® Your local community pharmacy “I have been going to Potger and Richardson Pharmacy for years. The team are lovely, they know my name. I always get great advice from the Pharmacists, Kim and Phil. I wouldn’t go anywhere else.” Natasha from Gawler PHARMACIST OWNERS: Kim Potger and Phil Richardson

6 Reasons To Shop At Potger and Richardson Chemmart®: Friendly service and health advice from the Pharmacists Kim and Phil and the team. We reward you for shopping with us with our Chemmart® Rewards loyalty card! Value Promise Price Match Guarantee* Na onal Diabetes Services Scheme (NDSS) Sub-Agent Open 7 Days A Week, 9am-8pm Health Partners Available - Health Partners members receive 20% off


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$5 GIFT VOUCHER Offer valid ll 30 June 2012. Not valid on prescrip ons or with any other offer.

Potger and Richardson Chemmart® Pharmacy Kim Potger and Phil Richardson 114 Murray Street, Gawler PHONE: 8522 1712

A RECORD number of 70 riders from all round South Australia competed at the annual Grade Five one day event held by the Barossa Valley Pony Club earlier this month. Two classes were held, a Pony Club class for riders under 17 years of age and an Adult class for riders 17 years and older. With the large number of entries and very generous sponsorship from local businesses, two divisions of each class were conducted. Eventing is one of the few sports in which males and females compete on a level basis and riders on the day ranged in age from nine to 62, demonstrating its wide ranging appeal. Combinations are required to complete three phases; dressage, show jumping and cross country. The dressage phase requires a set of movements to be accurately executed within an arena, with judges giving scores on calmness, obedience, balance and quality of movement. Show jumping tests control and agility while the cross country phase requires boldness and confidence to negotiate a variety of approximately 20 solid obstacles. A water jump was included for the first time this year and gave riders the opportunity to test their skills at a water obstacle of a relatively easy level which is an ideal introduction to an element they will encounter on other cross country courses as they go up in grade. The upcoming Zone Championships to be held at Mt Pleasant in August is now the main focus for the Barossa Valley club. Results: Pony Club - Division 1: 1st, Alix Bell (Gawler River PC) on Wanggandi Etching; 2nd Alix Bell on Wanggandi Athena; 3rd, Phoebe Judd (Strathalbyn) on Captain Speedy, 4th, Alisha Burns (Strathalbyn PC) on Beau Espirit, 5th, Mitchell Dollard (Mountain PC) on Carmara; 6th, Shiana Semmler (Williamstown) on Wynkie Sweet Abbey. Pony Club - Division 2: 1st, Mieke Page (Gawler River); 2nd, Sophie Compton (Mylor Valley PC); 3rd, Ruby Allen (Mountain PC,) on Fairlight Acres Romance; 4th, Kimberley Yates (Renmark PC) on Chalani Elegance; 5th, Jessica Hill (Strathalbyn PC) on Twilight Zone; 6th, Alison Southby (Strathalbyn) on Amazing Grace.

WATER JUMP: Alisha Burns on Beau Espirit takes the new water jump. Although one of the smaller clubs within the Lower North Zone, Barossa acquits itself well at this competition each year and once again looks forward to a strong representation and the chance to go on to the State Championships in October. The next competition to be hosted by the club will be the annual Show Jumping Day in October. Over the past twelve months, the Barossa Valley Pony Club has enjoyed significant growth in membership and always welcomes new members, regardless of age or level of experience. For more information please contact Helen Giersch on 8564 2813 or Carol Lehmann on 8564 0363. Adult - Division 1: 1st, Barb Henderson (Mt. Pleasant) on Patchwork Cool Clyde; 2nd, Kate Maynard (Barossa) on Ultimate Wicked; 3rd, Yvette Lethbridge on Pure Venom; 4th, Candice Loughhead (Sunnybrae) on Derceto, 5th, Jessica Neindorf (Pegasus PC) on Belron Proud N Precious; 6th Kate Horstmenn on Smack That. Adult - Division 2: 1st Renai Burchell on Kenlock Super Elusive; 2nd, Chloe Marks (Waikerie) on Vatican Express; 3rd, Helen Kerr (Northern Hills) on Delshe Ruanita Chex; 4th, Catherine Hilton (Northern Hills) on Donegal Do Bla Da; 5th, Amanda Usher (Pegasus) on Sydcrome Toolbox; 6th Caitlin Chellew on Mithril Vincent.





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Wednesday, June 13, 2012 - Page 22 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


Happy birthday to..

Brianna Short-I’Anson, of Stockwell, was seven on June 3.

Lexi Harrip, of Kalbeeba, was six on June 12.

Zac Heinrich, of Nuriootpa, will be four on June 17.

Hagan Lehmann, of Freeling, will be three on June 15.


Caleb Barrett, of Gawler West, will be two on July 1.

Aiden Georgeff, of Nuriootpa, was one on May 31.

A brand new Chiropractic clinic has just opened in Gawler. Come and experience the warm, caring and friendly atmosphere at Riverview Chiropractic. We use a variety of techniques, old and new, to suit your individual care needs in a safe, accredited environment. With opening hours to suit your busy lifestyle, come in and allow us the privilege of looking after you and your family’s Chiropractic needs.

Monday to Friday, 7am - 6pm Saturday, 9am - 12pm Make an appointment with Dr. Bradley Wytkin (Chiropractor), today!

Healthy Spine, Healthy Mind Kaleb White, of Nuriootpa, was five on June 7.

Amber Matthews, of Nuriootpa, will be two on June 18.

Sienna Sargeant, of Nuriootpa, was two on June 2.

Herald birthday photographs are taken inside The Co-op’s Toyworld section, Nuriootpa, each Saturday from 10am. Parents are asked to line up from 10am.

OPENING SPECIAL Complimentary Foot function assessment & spinal muscle EMG scan with initial visit

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An A5 copy of the photograph is available to the parents for $5.50. For more details, contact the Herald on 8563 2041 or visit Shop 1, 110 Murray Street, Tanunda.

Former Head of The Ku Klux Klan visits Gawler

Health-E-Advice for the community with William Khuoc

Email your health questions to: healtheadvice.chemist@gmail.com


Common signs and symptoms of depression include: • A loss of interest or pleasure in normal activities • Feeling sad, hopeless, helpless or depressed • Appetite or weight changes • Trouble sleeping (insomnia or waking early) • Feeling exhausted all the time • Difficulty concentrating • Feeling agitated, worthless, restless, or guilty • Suicidal thoughts • Increase use of alcohol or drugs Depression can be caused by many factors, both physical and psychological and often involve a combination of factors which can cause chemical imbalances in the brain. Every case is different and careful analysis is required for accurate diagnosis. Possible causes include: • Chemical or Hormonal changes (due to

• • • • • • •

medications, alcohol or drug abuse, menopause, or after childbirth) Family history of depression Emotional stresses (e.g. a relationship breakdown, loss of a loved one, other life stresses) Loneliness Unemployment Pain Disability or poor physical health Other mental illnesses (such as schizophrenia, anxiety or dementia)

People who are depressed need professional help, and the possibility of medications to change the chemical imbalance in the brain. Therefore if you or someone you know experience symptoms of depression it is crucial to seek help immediately! There are many organisations that not only provide help and support for people with depression, but can also help their families and friends to deal with the situation appropriately. A few of these organisations are listed below: Beyondblue - Ph: 1300 224636 www.beyondblue.org.au Kids Help Line - Ph: 1800 55 1800 www.kidshelp.com.au Lifeline- Ph: 13 11 44 www.lifeline.org.au

Health - E - Advice Chemist Woolworths Complex, Shop 1 Commercial Lane Gawler Phone 8522 1932 admin.barossaherald@ruralpress.com


Depression is a common illness that can affect about 1 in 5 people at some time in their life. Depression is more than just a low mood or sadness and can be partly due to chemical imbalances in the brain. It is a serious illness that can affect how the person thinks, feels and behaves which is why it is very important for parents, family members and friends to identify symptoms.

+ 8523 0400

Raised in a family filled with racism, anger, and bigotry Johnny Lee Clary learned to hate at a very young age. As a young teenager, after his father committed suicide and his mother abandoned him, Johnny found himself alone and looking for someplace to belong. At 14 he was seduced into joining the Ku Klux Klan. As an impressionable young man, Johnny became so enthralled with the sense of belonging and need for “family” that he participated in KKK events as a security enforcer and bodyguard to the notorious David Duke. By the 1980's, Johnny had advanced to National Klan leader. He also gained national publicity as the Arkansas State pro-wrestling champion for the NWF, known by the moniker of “Johnny Angel.” As the Klan’s national leader, it was hoped by the KKK that Johnny could change the image of the Klan, by attracting new members through his many appearances on such television programs as The Oprah Winfrey Show, the Morton Downey, Jr. Show, and others, where Johnny advocated, supported, and defended racism. But then, the destructive mindset and lifestyle he had lived for so many years began to take its toll. Johnny began to struggle with the beliefs of the Klan, such as their praise of the Holocaust and the fact that Nazis and Skinheads were now associating with the KKK committing all sorts of Civil Rights violations including murder. Riddled with torment and anger Johnny Lee left the

Johnny Lee Clary comes to Salt Church.

Klan. Over the next year he found himself derailed by many personal issues. These challenges, combined with his feelings of guilt over his previous life led Johnny to near depression. He entered a drug education and rehabilitation program. In the early 90's Johnny developed Operation

Wednesday, June 13, 2012 - Page 23 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Colorblind, Inc., delivering highly acclaimed motivational talks that give young people the skills they need to avoid involvement in racism, drugs, gangs, and violence. In 1995 Johnny was appointed to serve in the Congress Of Racial Equality, and is now a lifetime member of C.O.R.E. He regularly speaks in Universities,

High Schools and churches, and has been a featured speaker for the U.S. Armed Forces, The N.A.A.C.P, Youth Alive and Teen Challenge. He lectures for the FBI and other law enforcement agencies, educating officers on the mindset of white supremacists and how to best fight against domestic terrorism. He is also an ordained Elder in America's largest African American denomination with over 6 million members. Johnny Lee Clary stresses the need for adults from all walks of life to set the proper example of promoting racial unity for the children by not only promoting racial integration in public places such as schools and the workplace, but also in churches, civic organizations as well as in their homes when gathering with friends for social functions. "If you want to play beautiful music, you have to learn to mix the black and white keys together on the piano!" he says. Johnny Lee Clary is married to his wife Melissa, who managed him in pro wrestling. He has appeared on numerous radio, TV, magazine and newspaper outlets from around the world, including FOX NEWS, Oprah, The 700 Club, Queen Latifah, Charisma Magazine, Guidepost, Christianity Today and the L.A. Times just to name a few.

You can hear his amazing story at Salt Church Northside Court, Evanston Gardens on Sunday June 17th at 5:00pm. For more details 8522 0000 or saltchurch.com.au www.barossaherald.com.au

AHRENS, Gilbert Norman Our dearly loved husband, loved and respected Father and Father-in-Law, and treasured and adored Poppa passed away peacefully 5/6/2012 aged 76 years. There are things we don't want to happen but have to accept Things we don't want to know but have to learn and people we can't live without but have to let go. Sadly missed but forever in our hearts. Margaret, Wayne & Suzi, Craig & Jo, Zac, Stella, Haydon & Ryan Also fondly remembered by Mother-in-Law, Doris

FUNERAL NOTICES AHRENS The family of the late GILBERT AHRENS would like to invite all Relatives and Friends to attend a Celebration of his Life to be held at the Tanunda Bowling Club FRIDAY AFTERNOOON June 15, commencing at 2.00p.m. No flowers please. In lieu, a donation to Barossa Palliative Care would be most appreciated. Envelopes will be available at the Bowling Club.

Barossa Valley 8562 1169 Accredited Member Australian Funeral Directors Association





VZ COMMODORE Sedan. 263,700 Km, Reg. XMA-888 $6,000 ono. Ph: 0427645095

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MASSIVE garage sale. 16th June. Gray Street, Freeling. Rain or shine. 7.30 a.m. start.

PIANO LESSONS in the Kapunda area. I am an experienced piano teacher with 29 years private experience and for the past 6 years, as music director at a secondary college. Learn piano for fun or prepare for piano & theory examinations. Students of all ages from beginners to advanced are most welcome. Please contact Anne Perkins 0428103223




End of Financial Year SALE ON NOW!!

JACKSON'S FIREWOOD free bag kindling with every order. Dry split redgum mallee pink gum. Weighed delivery only. 0400083852 KINDLING - OAK Hot, clean fire starter for large logs. 10 Kg. bag $8 Tubbies Australia, 45 - 63 Mt. Crawfrod Road, Williamstown. LEADLIGHT - Local, professional affordable leadlight. I'll come to you, or call at Gawler Glass Design studio, 58 Yettie Rd, Williamstown. Weekly classes. Bob Pirch 85247241 MAINS pressure blue line poly from $37 roll. Gawler Irrigation, Lot 11, Paxton Street, Willaston. Ph: 85232350 NEED A PUMP? For all your needs, Gawler Irrigation, Lot 11, Paxton Street, WILLASTON. Ph: 85232350 PLANTS - Natives, perennials, tube stock, water wise etc. MORNING STAR NURSERY Lot 1 Cossins St., Kapunda. Ph: 85663952. Open Thursday to Sunday 9am- 5pm. SEDAN AUTO Swap Meet, Sunday 17th June. Sellers 7am $12. Buyers 8am $3.00 Camping, bonfire and catering Saturday evening and Sunday. Info 85652126 SELLING, BUYING .......? Advertise in the Herald classifieds, and get results! Giveaway ads are run for 1 week, FREE. You can now place your classified ad at Kapunda Newsagency, deadline is Monday 5.00p.m. Classified deadline 5.00pm Monday. (Maybe subject to change) Ph: 85632041, Fax: 85633655 or email admin.barossaherald@ruralpress.com

GARAGE SALES HAVING A GARAGE SALE? Advertise in The Herald classifieds, and get results! All Garage Sale ads MUST be prepaid. You can now place your classified ad at Kapunda Newsagency, deadline is Monday 4.30 pm. Classified deadline 5.00pm Monday (Maybe subject to change) Ph: 85632041 Fax: 85633655 or email admin.barossaherald@ruralpress.com MOVING - 16/17 June. 10am-4pm. 10 Arrawarra Place Tanunda. New 7mx5 sheets colourbond, bedroom suites, computer desk, lounge (all recliner) sofa bed, garage tools & general household goods, electrical & bric-a-brac.

LIVESTOCK J.W. SMART WOOLBUYERS PTY LTD. Will buy all types. Flexible hours. Ph: 0417878486 - jwsmartbigpond.com

PETS BELINDA'S PAMPERED PETS NURIOOTPA Professional dog grooming by an animal lover. EFTPOS now available. Ph: 0418810323 HOOTZ DOG GROOMING Mobile. Qualified groomer. Nuriootpa Ph: Justin 0406840020 HYDROPAWS 4pawfectpaws. Mobile nose to tail pet care. Heated hydrobath, blowdry, nails & clipping. Ph: Bridget 0488444542



MURRAY Carol. 6/6/59 - 14/6/2011. One year has gone by. Silently remembered by her loving husband Keith, also remembered by Shirley, Murray & Harvey. Looking Forward - Looking Back

702 Stockwell Road, Angaston Open:Mon-Fri 9am-5pm Sat 9am - 12 noon Timber, steel, bricks, stone, s/w pipes, gates, windows, louvre glass, doors, reo, formply, iron, galv & colorbond. Always buying and selling quality second hand building materials. PHONE 8564 2900

ANY SCRAP METAL Will pay cash for the removal of yours. Ph: 0412259039





Barossa New Life Church TREASURE CHEST - FURNITURE MART 10 Murray St, Nuriootpa Tel. 85622988 Monday - Friday 9am - 4pm Saturday 9am - 12pm All donations of furniture, clothing, bric-a-brac enable us to assist our Community BAROSSA VALLEY Country Furniture Paint Stripping Furniture Restoration Custom Made. David Bush 0419628222 CASH FOR BOTTLES & CANS. Wine bottles, batteries, phone Lange's Can & Bottle Depot on 85642292 for trading hours, 20 Newcastle St, Angaston. ENGEL & WAECO 12/24/240 volt fridge /freezers. All models. Best prices in the State. Gawler Fishing & Outdoors 85226200


NISSAN navara str 3ltr turbo diesel 2006 dual cab 104000kms. XLP-357 $20,500 0407728313 Roseworthy.


WANTED GRAZING LAND. Eden Valley /Flaxmans Valley and Barossa Ranges. Sheep only. Hills or vineyard, agistment or lease. Payment in advance. Ph. 0418851483


Auth. representative of Synchron. AFS Lic. no. 243313

GENERATOR 10 kva petrol Aussie brand elec/remote start. End of financial year clearance 3x 15 amp outlets brand new good quality unit $1649 delivered 0419979663

PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ALL GAS FITTING Space serviced from $95. Gasglow - 0425148969


AUDIO/MUSIC professional studio/location recordings. Groups/solos. CD design /printing/duplication. Affordable/negotiable rates. 0430026993. CHIMNEY CLEANING Local Barossa Service Phone: David 0407189215 CHIROPRACTOR. Dr Kana Nathan 39 Murray St, Angaston. Consulting Saturdays Ph. 85642882 CIVIL CELEBRANT - Angela Nielsen Ceremonies designed for you. Marriages, namings, committment and renewal of vows. Ph: 0408107940 or 85642773 LEADLIGHT STUDIO make new, repair old, traditional to contemporary. For quality & competitive prices contact Tracy 85246959 Willliamstown

CASH FOR UNWANTED CARS and scrap metal. Ph: 0404856309

GAWLER MOTOR WRECKING 3 Prescott Crescent, Gawler Belt 8522 5677 or 0416 081 109

CASH FOR CARS and scrap metal. Ph: 0404856309

REMEDIAL MASSAGE Trigger Point, Deep Tissue, Myo-Fascial, Lymphatic. Wed, Fri - 1A Bilyara Rd, Tanunda. Ph. 0409631553 Thurs - Petite Pear Shop 3 Gilbert St, Lyndoch. Lynnette Roesler Ph. 85245156. Health Rebates.




MASSAGE Therapeutic, Aromatherapy, Pregnancy Massage, Aromatherapy Pamper Packages, Myofacial Release, Reiki. 7 years professional experience. Gift vouchers & Pensioner discounts available. Consulting in Kapunda. Liz Ronan. Ph:85663125 or 0400760010

ANYTHING WITH METAL Cash 4 cars, free collection. HAPPY SCRAPPY recycle it! 85630213 or 0406411117

Ford Falcon AU Sedan 4 Litre motor and auto transmission, 125,000 km Ford Falcon BA Sedan 4 Litre motor, 144,000 km, good panels. Ford Falcon BF III Stationwagon 4 Litre LPG only motor and auto transmission, 56,000 km. Ford Falcon BF Sedan 4 Litre motor and auto transmission, Injected LPG, 101,000 km. Holden Commodore VZ Sedan 3.6 Litre motor and auto transmission. Holden Commodore VZ Stationwagon 3.6 Litre motor and auto transmission, roof rack. Holden Commodore VZ Crewman Utility 3.6 Litre motor and auto transmission, 47,000 km Holden Commodore VY Sedan 3.8 Litre motor and auto transmission. Holden Commodore VE 60th Anniversary Sedan 3.6 Litre motor and auto transmission, factory alloys

FIREWOOD Quality seasoned. Split red. blue, sugar gum, mallee stumps sawn mallee & bags of kindling. Weighbridge docket supplied. Pickup or deliver AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY. Matthew Reimann, Firewood Supplies. 0413089743. Delivery available 7 days by appointment. Credit Cards now accepted.




SLUSHIE MACHINES HOT CHOCOLATE MACHINES PUCKER POWDER, FAIRY FLOSS POPCORN MACHINES Phone Pina 0434141097 www.slush-a-licous.com.au Family owned, locally operated.



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Wednesday, June 13, 2012 - Page 24 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

HANDS ON DOGS Providing services for your dogs. Grooming, massage, convalescence care. Call Jenny on 85232452 Gawler or 0423 474 287

COMING EVENTS BAROSSA FILM CLUB presents Stanley Kubrick's sumptuous 1975 adaptation of Thackeray's 18th century novel "Barry Lyndon" starring Ryan O'Neal and Marisa Berenson. Tragic-comic story of an Irishman's rise through fights and seductions and ultimate fall.. 7.30 start (no short) Faith Wine Centre, Friday 15th June, free members, donation nonmembers. Enquiries 8564 8225. CASH AUCTION At Mount Pleasant Showgrounds Tuesday 19th June-Starting 9.30am . Bring your unwantd goods & turn them into cash. Contact Peter 85811752 / 0412910803 MARANANGA BRASS BAND "A Night of Music" Saturday, June 30 Tanunda Show Hall, 7.30 pm sharp. Wide range of entertaining music fromthe Band and guest artists. BYO drinks, supper, cup for tea/coffee (self serve). $25pp. Tickets: 8563 1118.




Barossa Valley Prostate Cancer support Welcome men travelling Group

GARDENING/LANDSCAPING lawnmowing, edging/hedging, weed spraying, rubbish removal, bobcat hire, design, irrigation, mulching, planting, large rocks available. Paul 0417 130 601

Meets 3rd Tuesday monthly 2-4pm.

HOME CLEANING & IRONING - $15 off first reg. service so you try us out. Ph: Carolyn or Nat till 8pm daily incl. w/ends. 0409691576


with all types of cancer.

Further information call Don 8562 3359

PAINTER Local experience. Quality work. Free quote. Ph: Peter 0417805982 Lic. No. BLD48086

REAL ESTATE RIVERTON - 55 Torrens Road (51 Kms from Gawler) 1870's stone cottage with fireplaces, 2-3 bedrooms, near new large kitchen and big renovated bathroom on just over 1,000 square metres with fruit trees, veg./chook area. Walk to all facilities. Best offer $210,000 Ph: 0448497788

ROLLER shutter repairs 08 85662922



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Qualified Child Care Professional

Team Leader Kapunda Child Care and Early Learning Centre are looking for a highly motivated and inspirational leader for their over twos room.

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Wednesday, June 13, 2012 - Page 25 - The Herald, Barossa Valley







Wednesday, June 13, 2012 - Page 26 - The Herald, Barossa Valley




GOLF KAPUNDA John Owen par competition winner Wayne Skinner +10. A grade: C Sutherland +4, T Sires +3, B Williams +3. B grade: B Lambert +5, D Burgess +3, L Bagshaw +3, G Ralph +3. C grade: M Martin +7, B Mclean +5. Ladies Kapunda ladies played the Shylie Rymill Foursomes this week. The winners were Helen Sexton and Jan Owen with net 75.5. Runners up were Gail Ryan and Carolyn Koch. The winners will be presented with a badge at our presentation as this event is a Womens Golf Association event in honour of Ms Shylie Rymill a stalwart in golf from many years ago. Congratulations to Margy and Ian Watson on the arrival of their second grandson Jake. We helped Margy celebrate with a glass of champange. TANUNDA Rusden Saturday stableford competition winner B Chipman 38. A grade B Grocke 37 c/b, r/u S Fechner 37; B grade N O’Brien 36, r/u A Coutie 35; C grade B Chipman 38, r/u R Haynes 37. Long drives: A grade B Grocke; B grade P Lawrie. NTP 8th K Owen (TPGC); 11th P Lithgow (Yalumba); 16th J Hoffman (Rusden); 7th hole 2nd shot J Farley (Langmeil). Rundown: J Hongell 34, F Contestabile 34, B Hage, J Kent, J Urlwin, B Ronan all 33. Rusden Sunday Pro Shop stableford competition: C Othams 35, B Burns 34. Rusden Men’s Midweek stableford competition. A grade: C Schubert 34, C McMillan 34, F Altmann 31, N Giles 30. LD: C Schubert. B grade: B Andrews 37, R Haynes 36, D Forrest 32 c/b, D Cock 32 c/b, W Fechner 32. NTP: R Haynes. LD: D Cock. Rusden Ladies Midweek stroke competition: L Montfort 76 c/b, J MacPhail 76, F Blackwell, C Lienert, R Newstead all 80 c/b. BAROSSA Saturday Blue Course stableford competition: A grade T Turnbull 40, r/u S Eygenraam 39; B grade D Wall 43, r/u M Siv 39; C grade G Neilson 35, r/u J Harris 34. A grade (27 players): K Winton 38, T Giles 38, R Whisson 37, G Bethune 36, A Oats 34. B grade (29 players): G Young 38, P Baldwin 37, R Harcourt 37, P Hockings 36, C Campbell 35. C grade (30 players): C Sims 34, D Raethel 33, G McDonald, S Blackmore, P Butler, R Kernick all 32. Ladies competition winner P Homburg 40; M MacGillivray 36, H Sandow 34, L Roberts 34. NTP 3rd R Whisson; 4th 2nd shot T Bartlett; 6th A Smith; 10th 2nd shot T Turnbull; 12th M Nichols; 17th P Alderson. Long drives: A grade C Berndt; B grade S Miller; C grade P Graetz. Ladies novelty, best back nine: H Sandow 20 points. Midweek White Course stableford competition winner I Wigley 40, r/u M George 38. Ball winners: J Gerhardy 38, Z Fuller 37, J Miles 36, D Raethel 36, A Strawbridge 35, K Turnbull, G Neilson, S Kurtz all 34, P Hockings 33. NTP 6th Z Fuller; 15th J Alderson. 4BBB: Z Fuller, K Turnbull 43 c/b. MT PLEASANT Saturday stableford competition - President’s Trophy: D Swann 37, J James 33, J Richards 33, K Vine 32, N Wilson 32, P Guy 30, J Zerk 30. Midweek stableford competition: Division One - K Franklin 30, R Hargrave 30, D Dowsett 29; Division Two P Boucher 29, M Watkins 28, D Flatman 27. Ladies stableford competition: B Wright 28, R Vincent 26, C Zerk 26. GAWLER Wednesday - Ladies; Giannitto Hotels/Gawler Car Pet Wash were the sponsors of the stroke event. In Division One - G Potter 93 gross won from L Jeffery 95 gross. In Division Two - D Agar 108 gross won from L Polito 111 gross. Fasta Pasta NTPS 4th - B White, 11th - M Bow. Gobblers; L Milner, B White, L Polito, V Blows, L Jeffery. Birdies; G Potter, L Jeffery 7 and 13, B White. Thursday - Scott Spencer took out the Kim Bilney/ Country Kitchens sponsored day easily with 40pts. In second spot was Rob Roy 36 then came Ben Pogas 35. NTPS: Elders 4th; H McKerney, Spencer Flooring 6Th, C


McKenzie Elders 11th;J Peel, Criterion Hotel 2nd shot on the 18th: N Nguyen. Ball winners; P Trenorden, M Dawes, D Nguyen, C Scott, A Jewell, S Jeffery.Birdie balls; I George, H Smits, C Scott, B Dempster, J Peel. Mid week end - Steve Byrnes with 38 won from Graeme Brown on 37pts. Ball winners; R Fraser 36, R McNamara 35, S Jeffery 33. Birdie balls; S Byrnes 6 and11, A Hann, D Hurley, G Brown, D Honen. Saturday - Mick Barlow enjoyed not having to listen to Dave’s incessant chatter for a change and his 40pts won the Phil Heffernan-sponsored event. The four-ball aggregate was won by the bookends, Rob Roy and Gary James with 74 pts athough they were heard arguing long into the night whose 37pts was the most important. A grade: C Commins 39, K Jarvis 38, M Dawes 38. B grade: M Barlow 40, R Roy 37, K McLean. C grade: K Bilney 36, I Chaplin 34, C Matcham 33. NTPS and Long Drives - Uleybury Wines 2nd; S Spencer, St Kilda Hotel 3rd long drive, K Bilney, Giannitto Hotel Group 4th; G Potter, Kingsford Hotel 6th K Jarvis,Roseworthy Hotel 3rd shot 9th; B Pipe, Fasta Pasta long drive 10th; S Spencer, Hi Beam Car/Dog Wash 11th; C Campbell, Pizza Works Pizza 14th; R Minett, Willaston Hotel 16th; S Purdie. Ball winners; G James 37, K Morse, S Voigt, J Williams 36, C Bartholomew, I Monro, D Butler, M Yardley 35, H.McKerney, G Page, T Carter, D Birss. Birdie balls; K Jarvis 2, 4 and 6, T Jensen, K Murdey, H McKerney, C Campbell, D Birss, K McLean, S Spencer, P Pogas. Eagle to Brian Pipe on the 9th. Next weeks event is the Steve Lishman-sponsored Par event.. Sunday - Phil Heffernan with 36pts was good enough to win from Rhys Lyons on 35pts. Ball winners: D Stewart 34, J Agar 33. NTPS: Pro Shop 4th: D Stewart Spencer Floor 6th: A Wellington. The first round of the mixed foursomes was held with the scratch leaders; Lesley Jeffery and Shawn Noack 84 and the nett leaders; Skye Jeffery and Mark Dawes 71.5. The second round will conclude next Sunday.

Netball teams successful

PASS: Jess Wilson, captain of the senior Barossa, Light and Gawler team, in action during a minor round game at the State Country Championships. PIC: PLA Media. TEAMS representing the Barossa, Light and Gawler Netball Association performed creditably at the weekend’s State Country Championships. Played at the Netball SA courts at Mile End, the under 13, 15 and 17 sides made their grand finals with the 13s winning their division. Coach Lynette Hutton said she was very pleased with the effort of the BL&G’s senior side which finished third. The team went through the minor round losing just one

game to a strong Western Border team. In the semi-finals, the girls found the River Murray side too strong. “They were just too good for us,” Lynette said. “We were able to beat them in the minor round but in the final we just could not create a turnover. “Credit to every girl who represented the association through all grades for their efforts. I know with the senior squad everyone gave their all.”

Lynette said the squad was very competitive. “The grand final was between the River Murray and Western Border teams and they were level at half time, full time and the first period of extra time. “Just one turnover was enough for the River Murray girls to claim victory.” Willaston’s goal attack Bronwyn Heaps, last season’s best and fairest winner in the BL&G, was honoured to be chosen in the top 10 players of the carnival.

Barossa, Light and Gawler Association netball media awards Nick Hambour Window Fashions Senior One

Tanunda Cellars Senior Two

Barossa Sportspower

Terry White Chemists

Intermediate One

Junior One

3: Sallyann Vivian (GC); Jodie Kurtz (N); Bec Brading (SG); Bronwyn Heap (W).

3: Rebecca Roesler (A); Jasmine Kurtz (N); Erin Leahy (SG); Jess Earle (W).

3: Carly Monaghan (A); Regan Lambert (N); Nikki Dowden (SG).

2: Tamara Rowe (A); Jamie McGuirk (N); Kayla Collins (SG); Jessica Wilson (W).

2: Sophie Harlis (GC); Kristal Ruchs (BD); Emma Dekort (SG); Liesel Dunstan (W).

3: Ainslee Knight (GC); Hannah Robinson (BD); Laura Dawes (SG); Meara Girvan (W). 2: Chelsea Welsh (GC); Brianna Falland (N); Caitlin Arnold (SG); Hayley Higgins (K).

1: Carly Clarke (A); Kylie Falkenberg (N); Toni Martin (T); Holly Diekman (K).

1: Kaylah Jones (A); Stacey Guoldford (BD); Mikaela Marshall (T); Ashleigh Verdon (W).

1: Abbey Scheer (GC); Morgan Earl (BD); Amy Mickan (T).

1: Krystal Butler (GC); Stacey Nelson (BD); Jess Liddiard (T); Lana Bagshaw (K).

Wednesday, June 13, 2012 - Page 27 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

2: Nicole Carter (A); Marissa Graham (N); Lauren Haynes (SG).

Gawler Cinemas Sub Junior One 3: Shantelle CarapetisLaube (GC); Imogen Pfeiffer (N); Beth Rodgers (SG); Dusty Mickan (K). 2: Mikayla Blenkiron (A); Daisy Evans (N); Jordan Turley (T); Kaitlin Viceban (W). 1: Lucy Williams (A); Kirrilee Liebelt (BD); Elise Reed (T); Hannah Heintze (K).


Barossa’s fir st half enough But Tiger coach Damien Herzick changed things up a bit at the long break and fired his charges up, as they matched the visitors for most of the second half. “It was a game of two halves,” Herzick said. “They were dominant in the first half, so I had a quiet chat at the break, and we did a really good job afterwards and outscored them in the third term with a much better effort. “Some kids got a bit lost, like Peter Bradtke on (Roger) James. He was good with the one-on-ones but got lost in traffic. “Brad Hunt did a great job on (Michael) Taylor,


MARK: Star Barossa forward Heath Commane grabs a goalsquare mark watched by coach Roger James (partially obscured) and Central pair Luke Howard (No 6) and Peter Bradtke (No 40).

BAROSSA District rode the success of a good first half to beat Gawler Central by 70 points at Gawler Oval in Saturday’s Barossa, Light and Gawler football clash. Credit to the Tigers, they fought back hard. Big man Luke Howard returned to Central’s lineup and won the rucks but it wasn’t enough, as the Bulldogs won the clearances. A disciplined Barossa side looked like a welloiled machine in the first half, as it found space and had a functioning forward line, which looked dangerous.

and did not leave his side, which is what we like to teach the kids. “And Jake Asher, although giving away height, did a great job on (Heath) Commane. We haven’t got any big backs.” After playing round one, Howard had been missing overseas with work until returning for this game, and proved to be ‘just what the doctor ordered’ for the undersized Tigers. But Barossa’s on-ball brigade proved too good, highlighted by Matthew Stelzer’s solid work at the stoppages - and when going forward. Darren Sharp again gave a good target at centre half forward and

2012 BL&G premiership tables A Grade 1 Tanunda 2 Kapunda 3 Barossa District 4 South Gawler 5 Willaston 6 Nuriootpa 7 Freeling 8 Angaston 9 Gawler Central Reserves 1 South Gawler 2 Angaston 3 Barossa District 4 Nuriootpa Rover 5 Kapunda 6 Willaston 7 Gawler Central 8 Freeling 9 Tanunda

P 7 8 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 P 7 7 7 7 8 7 7 7 7

W 7 6 5 4 3 3 2 1 1 W 7 6 5 4 3 3 2 1 1

L 0 2 2 3 4 4 5 6 6 L 0 1 2 3 5 4 5 6 6

D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

B 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 B 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1

For 787 708 737 672 629 569 465 459 417 For 590 489 529 425 450 369 296 316 239

Agst 343 646 514 515 618 584 681 735 807 Agst 259 326 347 343 481 437 477 522 511

% 69.65 52.29 58.91 56.61 50.44 49.35 40.58 38.44 34.07 % 69.49 60.00 60.39 55.34 48.34 45.78 38.29 37.71 31.87

Pts 14 12 10 8 6 6 4 2 2 Pts 14 12 10 8 6 6 4 2 2

Senior Colts 1 Tanunda 2 Gawler Central 3 Barossa District 4 South Gawler 5 Freeling 6 Nuriootpa Rover 7 Willaston 8 Kapunda 9 Angaston Junior Colts 1 South Gawler 2 Nuriootpa Rover 3 Barossa District 4 Angaston 5 Kapunda 6 Gawler Central 7 Freeling 8 Willaston 9 Tanunda

P 7 7 7 7 7 6 7 8 7 P 7 7 7 7 8 7 7 7 7

W 7 6 4 4 4 3 2 1 1 W 7 5 5 5 4 3 2 1 0

L 0 1 3 3 3 3 5 7 6 L 0 2 2 2 4 4 5 6 7

D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

B 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 B 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1

For 833 719 551 561 445 500 345 371 236 For 651 459 484 372 429 348 222 192 172

Agst 234 294 406 425 392 369 575 1013 811 Agst 183 212 274 311 362 334 504 543 606

% 78.07 70.98 57.58 56.90 53.17 57.54 37.50 26.81 22.54 % 78.06 68.41 63.85 54.47 54.24 51.03 30.58 26.12 22.11

Pts 14 12 8 8 8 6 4 2 2 Pts 14 10 10 10 8 6 4 2 0

Barossa, Light and Gawler Football Association - Played June 9 A GRADE


Tanunda 5.2 15.8 20.13 24.18(162) Angaston 2.2 3.3 5.4 8.6(54)

Angaston Tanunda

3.3 0.2

4.9 7.15 13.18(96) 0.2 1.4 1.4(10)

Best: Tan - S Agars, B Kaesler, K Irvine, L Wells, S Rogasch, B Schiller; Ang - B Henderson, M Ruwoldt, M Doecke, J Roesler, M Head, J Ryan. Goals: Tan - B Kaesler 9, S Agars 7, S Rogasch 2, T Schiller, M Godfrey, A Fechner, L Wells, B Newberry, D Hamon 1 ea; Ang - B Sugars 3, J Roesler 2, J Fosdike 2, D Fisher 1.

Best: Ang - B Byster, C Jasper, S Woodards, C Nagel, J Koch, J Carter; Tan - S Tscharke, D Abinett, D Cameron, L Neldner, K Fechner, C Samain. Goals: Ang - N Pech 4, J Carter 2, J Rosenzweig 2, T Talbot, T Feist, A Small, M Pech, B Byster 1 ea; Tan - C Samain 1.

Barossa District 5.3 11.6 14.11 18.16(124) Gawler Central 1.3 2.7 6.9 7.12(54)

SENIOR COLTS Tanunda Angaston

9.3 15.5 19.14 25.15(165) 1.0 2.0 2.1 2.1(13)

Best: Tan - T Goers, K Noell, J Marschall, D Hamon, S Mickan, E Moore; Ang - M Makris, L T Jones, B Fairey, J Wheeler, S Egert, C Relquyst.

JUNIOR COLTS Angaston Tanunda

1.1 6.3 8.4 12.8(80) 1.6 2.6 2.8 2.8(20)

Best: Ang - R Kuhn, B Homes, R Eberhard, L Cunningham, B Antonie, J Desira; Tan - C Martin, R Creece, D Hunt, J Clarke, H Bosward, B Dalby.

Goals: Tan - T Goers 10, D Hamon 5, S Linton 2, K Noell 2, E Moore, R Liddell, A Hutchinson, J Marschall, S Mickan, J Marshall 1 ea; Ang L T Jones 1, J Fairey 1.

Goals: Ang - R Eberhard 4, B Homes 4, B Antonie 2, R Kuhn 1, J Antonie 1; Tan - L Birchard 1, J Rohrlach 1.

Barossa District 4.1 6.4 11.4 14.7(91) Gawler Central 0.2 1.2 2.3 4.5(29)

Gawler Central 5.2 8.2 10.7 Barossa District 1.2 2.6 5.7

12.10(82) 5.9(39)

Gawler Central 4.3 6.3 7.3 11.8(74) Barossa District 0.0 2.2 4.7 5.7(37)

Best: Bar - M Stelzer, D Sharp, S Jenkins, B O’Driscoll, M Taylor, J Aish; Cent - B Hunt, K Heintze, J Blakemore, T Foreman, S Gladigau.

Best: Bar - B Traynor, S Scally, A Stone, W Roberts, A Elix-Berndt, J Woods; Cent - M Cluse, S Dawe, A Fox, L Cawthorne.

Goals: Bar - R James 4, M Stelzer 3, H Commane 3, P Stelzer 2, D Sharp 2, A McAlpine 2, J Moore 1, J Aish 1; Cent - R Wenham 2, A King, T Lamont, L Edwards, S Souter, I Naulty 1 ea.

Goals: Bar - D Curtis 3, W Roberts 3, A ElixBerndt 2, B Wadley, S Scally, H Errock, J Wicker, J Berrett, J Woods 1 ea; Cent - S Malycha, J Hallion, M Neville, J Neat 1 ea.

Best: Cent - A Wolters, C Reynolds, D Bell, J Neat, J Hope, J Needham; Bar - R Rowe, N Casboult, T Fryar, W Roberts, J Stanbury, M Slade. Goals: Cent - J Neat 4, L Neville 2, K Wurst, T Duffield, R Jennings, J Ashton, M Knight, D Bell 1 ea; Bar - W Roberts 2, A Traynor, B Irvine, M Slade 1 ea.

Best: Cent - M Stewart, B Mason, I McKenzie, B Clark, P Barns-Tripp, L Hill; Bar - C Robinson, H Tuck, L Stansborough, R Allington, D Mitchell, C Randall. Goals: Cent - M Stewart 3, I McKenzie 3, J Rathman 2, J Kroon, B Mathews, M Brooks 1 ea; Bar - B Ratcliff, O Watson, R Hage, L Jones, R Allington 1 ea.

Willaston Nuriootpa

Nuriootpa Willaston

Willaston 3.0 Nuriootpa 3.1

Nuriootpa Willaston

4.5 6.5 10.9 15.12(102) 4.2 7.4 9.10 11.13(79)

Best: Will - J Scott, A Pepe, A Fry, M Brooks, S Baker, J Jones; Nuri - S Haniford, C Gogoll, J Byrne, C Ellison, D Cragg-Sapsford, J Rodda. Goals: Will - J Scott 5, B Gordon 3, S Baker 3, J Williams 2, S Walton 2; Nuri - R Byrne 4, S Haniford 3, A Edwards, J Rodda, J Byrne, N Salter 1 ea. Kapunda Freeling

3.3 10.7 12.14 16.17(113) 2.4 6.6 9.7 11.9(75)

Best: Kap - S McKinnon, J Mackenzie, Andrew Turrell, C Prior, P Anderson, Adam Turrell; Free - B Parish, D Horsnell, T Muster, S Schubert, M Greenwood. Goals: Kap - J Mackenzie 3, W Farley 3, P Anderson 2, C Browne 2, S McKinnon 2, F Agius 2, J Zanandrea 1, B Taylor 1; Free - D Horsnell 5, B Parish 3, M Greenwood, A Kemp, J Ashenden 1 ea. www.barossaherald.com.au

2.2 4.6 5.7 11.8(74) 2.2 3.3 3.3 4.6(30)

Best: Nuri - B Home, A Hall, S Butler, T Haniford, J Steer, B Carter; Will - J Dieckmann, J Stephens, M Chomik, Z Cavanagh, J Carter, M Bornholdt. Goals: Nuri - S Butler 2, T Jungfer 2, J Steer 2, A Fiegert 2, L Cook, B Carter, B Home 1 ea; Will - R Boers 2, B Case 1, J Carter 1. Kapunda Freeling

3.4 4.7 4.12 6.16(52) 3.1 5.3 6.4 7.6(48)

Best: Kap - S Pratt, T Kerr, T McKinnon, M Koenig, C Ryan, A May; Free - T Haseldine, J Kerin, S Schuster, D Shaw, B Linn, J Bernhardt. Goals: Kap - T Kerr, C Ryan, N Close, T McKinnon, J Cobbledick, K Pfitzner 1 ea; Free - D Shaw 2, S Carmichael 2, B Copperwheat, J Bernhardt, P Erskine 1 ea.

4.2 3.1

5.5 4.2

6.6(42) 4.3(27)

4.0 7.1 8.5 9.6(60) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0(0)

Best: Will - J Smoult, T Heintzberger, B Rendell, C Hoppo, C Young, M McAllister; Nuri - L Bevan, J Graetz, T Laverty, Z O’Toole, A Linden, H Stolz. Goals: Will - T Stansborough 3, J Hurst, J Smoult, T Heintzberger 1 ea; Nuri - L Franz, D Schulz, C Shaw, T Laverty 1 ea.

Best: Nuri - W Hayes, A Laverty, H Stolz, S Higgs, N Lange, B Hoepner; Will - R Tyrrell, B Parsloe, T Macdonald, J Walsh, K Ackland, L Pasin.

Freeling Kapunda

Kapunda Freeling

5.3 2.1

6.5 3.8

11.5 5.11

15.8(98) 8.12(60)

Goals: Nuri - N Lange 4, S Higgs 3, R Haynes 1, H Stolz 1.

4.3 8.7 11.9 16.12(108) 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1(1)

Best: Free - K Johnson, M Ortlepp, T Julyan, J Slater, J Ashenden, T Barnes; Kap - T Matthews-Brown, T Williams, J Prior, B Sinclair, M Good, N Modra.

Best: Kap - Z Merkx, J Freeman, M Holthouse, K Muir, D Richardson; Free - C Coleman, M McAvoy, D Robertson, M Read, J Brighurst.

Goals: Free - M Ortlepp 5, K Johnson 5, B Ryan 3, D Hamlyn 1, J Ashenden 1; Kap - T McLennan 2, T Matthews-Brown 2, J Williams, M Good, J Higgins, C Mclean 1 ea.

Goals: Kap - J Freeman 7, K Muir 2, J Higgins 2, P Parks, L Sherwood, C Schupelius 1 ea.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012 - Page 28 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

controlled much of the Bulldogs’ fortunes when the ball went into attack, while Scott Jenkins read the ball perfectly from half back. “It was a bit frustrating, although you should be happy to win by 10 goals, but we did not play how we wanted,” Barossa coach Roger James said. “We did not play that well, although the first half was okay, but we crowded forward after half time and did not stick to structures. Gawler Central kept at it. They have a bunch of kids who try hard. “Howard gave them first look, and (Jason) Blakemore and (Aaron) King were good at the stoppages for them. “There is plenty of room for improvement for us. We need to keep to our structures and stay disciplined if we want to get better.” This week Barossa has a big game against Tanunda - a match-up many are predicting will be a preview of the 2012 grand final. With a number of players still on the sidelines, the Bulldogs will struggle to match the top team, but if they can play their best footy for four quarters, it could be close. Likewise Gawler Central will start underdogs when it hosts Willaston this week, but again, a four-quarter effort from the Tigers could see an upset. Key Tiger forward Paul Bova (strained knee) was missing against Barossa and is unlikely to be available this week, while Matt Gibson (back) is a chance to return.

Leading goalkickers A grade H Commane (BD) 3 R Byrne (N) 4 D Horsnell (F) 5 B Kaesler (T) 9 A Gerardis (SG) 0 B Sugars (A) 3 J Trewren (SG) 0 W Farley (K) 3 S Agars (T) 7 P Bova (GC) 0 R James (BD) 4 Reserves A Parsons (SG) 0 J Rosenzweig (A) 2 J Berrett (BD) 1 C Browne (K) 0 S Carmichael (F) 2 N Pech (A) 4 J McVicar (SG) 0 J Carter (W) 1 J Carter (A) 2 J Smith (NR) 0 Senior Colts T Goers (T) 10 W Roberts (BD) 2 J Neat (GC) 4 V Kroon (GC) 0 S Schrapel (N) 0 K Johnson (F) 5 S Mickan (T) 1 H Moss (F) 0 D Hamon (T) 5 M Good (K) 1 K Dallwitz (SG) 0 J Williams (K) 1 Junior Colts J Freeman (K) 7 J Martin (SG) 0 N Lange (NR) 4 B Washington (SG) 0 T Panagiotou (SG) 0 B Ratcliff (BD) 1 L Cunningham (A) 0 R Allington (BD) 1 D Nangle (BD) 0 B Homes (A) 4 S Higgs (NR) 3

35 29 26 25 25 24 22 22 20 17 17 26 20 15 14 14 11 11 10 9 9 37 26 20 18 15 14 14 12 12 11 11 11 31 25 24 23 17 14 13 13 13 12 12


Willaston’s important win


By MIKE TEAKLE WILLASTON snapped their losing streak with what may turn out to be their most important win of the season. After trailing early, the Donnybrooks finished 23-point victors over rival finals’ aspirant Nuriootpa on the Tigers’ home ground. What began as a shootout in the first term became a tight struggle throughout the remaining three quarters as Willaston enjoyed the input from new recruit Ashley Fry who started the game on the ball in place of Jarrad McDonald. “Ash was great first up for us,” Sam Walton, Willaston captain said. “Before the game I told him not to worry too much about anything else around him and just to hunt the footy.” The Donnybrooks enjoyed their most even spread of goal kickers for the season with dynamic small forward Jamie Scott kicking five while being well supported by Ben Gordon and Shaun Baker with three each along with a pair from both Walton and Jamie Williams. “It was great to see Scotty kick a bag, especially with a big game against his old club coming up next week,” Walton added. The Tigers got a good return from their key forwards with Ryan Byrne kicking four goals and Sam Haniford three but no other Tiger could manage more than a single goal. Adam Pepe delivered his best game in the Donnybrook colours at centre half back where he provided a strong physical presence crunching the packs and generating plenty of rebound. After being down by five points at half time Willaston dug deep to produce a strong effort in the second half when the game and perhaps their season was on the line. “We knew it was a must-win game and that was definitely something we emphasised at half time,” Walton said. “If we wanted to play finals this year we had to fight out a win.” Walton led by example in the second half turning in a true captain’s effort. Having gained a five-point lead by the end of the third term Willaston rammed home their

INSPIRATIONAL: Willaston captain Sam Walton drives his side into attack watched by new recruit Ashley Fry from Central District. advantage with a five-goal final quarter with Walton adding the final touch late in the game. Nuriootpa was penalised for a deliberate out-of-bounds right alongside the point post. Walton took the ensuing free kick and kicked the goal before delivering a big fist pump to the crowd Steve Johnson-style. For the Tigers, the loss cost them an opportunity to get some separation between themselves and Willaston in the race for a finals’ berth whereas the Donnybrooks have closed to within a game of fourth place and visit crosstown rival Gawler Central in what looms as a massive game for the Donnybrooks who need to find some consistency if they want to

Bomber Blasts

LET’S not get too far ahead of ourselves, but the As are probably only a couple of wins away from securing a finals’ berth. A great day by the Bombers on Saturday winning three of the four games for points. The As, although starting slowly, got on top during the second quarter and were never headed after. Sam McKinnon continued his stellar start to the season getting our best player again (thanks to JT Johnson and Ahrens Engineering). Other players to do well included Buckets Mackenzie , who also kicked three goals, and both Turrell boys played their best games for the season. The only sour note was the calf injury to veteran Nathan Brady – who the club will need to look after to keep him fit for the business end of the season. The Bs, after a great win the previous week, lost a few players through injury and the flu, were expected to come out and win convincingly over the bottom-placed Freeling. However Freeling had different ideas and a tight struggle was on for the entire game. Corey Ryan broke the deadlock in the dying minutes to get the Bombers a less than convincing win. Best players were the B grade’s spiritual leader Sam Pratt (thanks to Hambours Real Estate), Tristan Kerr and Tom McKinnon continued his good form. The u17s had a grudge match against many of their high school mates and while we were competitive were just a little undermanned. The score board was close all day with Freeling getting up by 38 points. Best players included captain Tyler Matthews-Brown (thanks to Foodworks and Landmark), Tom Williams also played a good game.


Kapunda’s five straight

be considered serious contenders in 2012. “It’s a massive game for us this week, we really need to apply ourselves to the task ahead of us,” Walton said. Things don’t get any easier for Nuri this week with a tough clash at Freeling. The Tigers are now faced with the prospect of hovering between two groups of teams, those genuinely seeking to play finals and those for whom the season is all about developing for the future. A loss at Freeling will almost certainly consign the Tigers to the latter but a win could see Nat Salter’s team head into the second half of the season with some momentum and looking to spoil the party for a few other teams.

Probably the game of the day from the Bombers’ perspective was the great win by Dave Leslie’s u15 squadron. K 16.12 (108) – F 0.1 (1). Zyden Merkx played another great game for the Bombers (thanks to Shapes Of Green Landscaping). He was well supported by Joshy Freeman with seven goals and a host of other players. A good effort from all the baby Bombers resulted in a close game on Friday night. The Gary and Olivia Waldhuter Mobile Diesel Service awards went to Riley Menzel who kicked three goals in one quarter and Blake Gill who was involved in some excellent play making. The Litl Mo's award went to James Waldhuter for a great game all round. Other awards to Sammy Menzel for showing some great skills, Noah Blacker, Callum Blaikie and Kane Incoll for going hard at the footy and playing a good game all night. A great four quarters from our u11s saw eight players kick 10 unanswered goals in the team’s first win for the season. Coach Mick Woods congratulated the boys who trained hard and did all he asked of them during his stint as coach. The Shapes of Green Landscaping awards went to Lane Curtis and Dekota Merkx who moved all over the ground in ripper games. Other awards to Jordan Reid who was flattened and came back to kick two goals, Dylan Robinson, Aaron Marshall and Jalen Zivic who worked hard and showed good attack on the ball all game. Well done boys. The under 13s had to knock the ice off the oval before putting in a good solid effort against Freeling on Saturday morning. Some ball handling skills let the boys down in the slippery conditions. Cody Dew showed what footy is all about, in and under the packs all day, Conor White, Jayden Good amd Luke Quinlan were again consistent. The Bomber towel (thanks to Rosie Wendt and Mantina Quarries) went to Cody Dew. Other awards to Conor White, Jacob Barron, Chae Jarvis (Kapunda Family IGA donated by Bill and Marilyn O'Brien) and Ben Williams. Freeling 5.4.34 def Kapunda 2.0.12. Saturday also saw our sponsors and life members gather in a marquee on the wing and enjoy some hospitality, as well as watch some good games of footy. Thanks very much to the sponsors who continue to support the club and hope they can continue this support as we go forward. Thanks must also go to Helen Sexton for catering for the show. Reminder that we have a bye next week, but will be returning to Dutton Park in a fortnight to take on Nuri in a very important game.

KAPUNDA beat Freeling by 38 points at home for its fifth consecutive victory, to cement second position on the Barossa, Light & Gawler Football Association premiership ladder. The Bombers have not won five straight games since 2005 - their most recent premiership year. After an even first quarter, Kapunda took the initiative early in the second term to build a handy lead, which it managed to use to control the rest of the game, although the Redlegs always seemed to hang in there. There seems to be a perfect mix of youth and experience at Kapunda, with enough depth to cover almost all situations, as the Bombers quietly go about making a case for finals action. Early in the season it was about covering for veteran Jason Mackenzie, who has been finding form over the past fortnight, and came into his own on Saturday. Also, for the Freeling game, two young stars, Joey Brown and Joel Foster were missing, as they had State under 16 commitments - and up stepped another teenager, Matt Good, who filled in after playing senior colts when Brad Williams pulled out. “Buckets (Jason Mackenzie) is starting to become dangerous, especially when he is resting forward, as it is hard for the opposition to match up on him,” Kapunda coach Rod Brown said. “And we are trying to give as many young kids an opportunity as we can. I’m happy where we are now, at 6-2 (wins-losses), but we still have a lot to work on, as we have patches in games where we let sides back.” Mackenzie was important at crucial times, especially in the second term when he kicked two

goals to help Kapunda lay the foundation of its win. Fred Agius supplied the spark for the Bombers early in the second quarter, when he booted a brilliant major from the scoreboard pocket tight on the boundary. Kapunda led by 25 points at half time, and again at lemons, before pulling away late, as it covered everything Freeling threw at it. While the Bombers won the midfield tussle, Freeling did well with its forward set-up. Ben Parish worked hard to give the Redlegs a target and had a good duel with reliable Kapunda defender Cam McKinnon, while Dan Horsnell did a good job to kick five goals on veteran backman Sam Ryan. In-form Sam McKinnon again led the way for the Bombers, with his hardness around the footy and strength at the contests, while Kapunda’s two wily veterans, Mackenzie and Andrew Turrell, continuously had telling touches. “Their body strength and clean skills allowed them to kick away whenever we threatened,” said Freeling coach Mark Tylor. “Their experience and bigger bodies, especially Mackenzie and (Andrew) Turrell, hurt us big time, as they cleaned up at the clearances. “Every game is really important, it’s the nature of the competition, and that loss hurts us a bit. We just have to be positive and aim to win more games than we lose the rest of the way. “Parish worked up and down the ground, while Horsnell worked hard when the ball was on the ground, to be our best players, while (Shane) Shubert tried hard down back and Jake Ashenden had a good last quarter.” This week marks the half way point of the season, with Kapunda enjoying the bye, while Freeling can all but count itself out of finals’ action if it goes down to Nuriootpa at home.

RECRUIT: Willaston’s latest recruit Ash Fry kicks the ball out of defence despite the efforts of Nuriootpa’s Zac Dahms to spoil.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012 - Page 29 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


SPORTS STARPLEX Basketball Monday juniors 12 and under: Division One - Trinity Triumph 36 d Warriors 13. Division Two - All Stars 15 d T-Legends 5; Starplex Hawks 11 d Barossa Bulldogs 8; Centrals Little Lions 34 d Trinity Force 0; Celtics 8 d Trinity Wild Lions 6; Sandy Creek 38 d Red Devils 4; Brookers 40 d Trinity Magic 0. 14 and under: Ccs Flight 17 d Undertakers 7; Sharks 18 d Hawks 15. 16 and under: The Crusaders 44 d Ccs Thundering Herd 10; Swishes 36 d Red Dragons 24; Barossa Reds 30 d Ccs Crimson Tide 26. Monday evening men Division One - Wolverines d Crumpet Squad 57-54; Flight Team d Shooting Blanks 40-38; Run & Gun d Wizards

59-47; He Got Game d Gang Green 46-40. Division Two - Tune Squad d Wreckless 40-31; The Unknown d Kings 39-33; Orlago Bujic d Flames 66-46; Turbos d Beard Of Chuck 68-52; Black Knights d Snakes 40-23; Hurricanes drew with Shakers 35-35. Tuesday daytime ladies Red & Blue Fairies 54 d Flamin Flamingos 25; Flukes 47 d Rhondavues 23; Cheeky Chicks 50 d Organized Kaos 25. Tuesday juniors Under 8s: Williamstown Giants 6 d Trinity Taipans 4; Roar 4 d Junior 5 Stars 0; Trinity Hornets 10 d Lyndoch Dragons 1; Trinity Titans 1 d Trinity Tigers 0; Trinity Scorpions 6 d Lyndoch Tigers 4. 10as: Sudden Impact 16 d New Stars 6; Brookers 14 d Run & Gun 12. 10bs: Redbacks 12 d Barossa 3; Williamstown A 20 d All Stars 4; Rockstars 10 d Trinity Red Devils 4;

SHOWCASING OUR LOCAL HEROES Roar 31 d Trinity Avatars 6. Tuesday night men Roseworthy 46 d Clumsy Ninjas 32; Hawks 29 d Stormtroopers 22; Gang Green 57 d Beam Team 33; Tanks 48 d Swarrens 19; Jets 32 d Donkeys 29; O2 Tha Fn 43 d Spartans 30; Google It 40 d Gbs 25; Red Lions 50 d Steelers 29; Lj Hookers 34 drew with Outlaws 34. Wednesday evening ladies Jug-O-Norks d Brookers 44-18; Pink Panthers d Roseworthy Black 41-27; T-Birds d Shooting Stars 34-16. Thursday night mixed Tba 54 d Its Only Social 50; Bommas 52 d Black Magic 45; Steelers 56 d Ultim8’s 41; More Effort 64 d Hungry Hippos 50; Fruit Hoops 78 d Beamers 73.

Netball Monday night ladies Trinity Scholars 48 d The College 17; Dash 24 d Pretzel Ninjas 10; Krazy



Come with mates, stand on the hill and enjoy SA footy ‘the way it’s meant to be’ this long weekend

Kats d Hot Shots; Divas d Yummy Mummys; Wild Turkeys 30 d Trinity Blue 15; Trinity Red 41 d Checkmate Masters 25; Lutheran 35 d Purple 26; Jitterbugs 22 d Ladybirds 14; Harlis 32 d Trinity Yellow 27. Tuesday evening mixed Fire Breathing Rubber Duckies 25 d Tropicals 7; Balls Of Steal 22 d Frilly Knickers 13; Pink Paws 31 d Falcons 14; Tba 18 d Bright Sparks 12; Silent Duck 30 d Black Thunder 13. Wednesday juniors 11 and under: Net Jets 14 d Trinity Light Blue 0; Trinity Green 14 d Trinity Orange 13; Trinity Blue 29 d Evanston Tigers 11; Rockabirdies 23 d Trinity Light Orange 7. 13 and under: Trinity Blue 13 d Trinity Yellow 11; Trinity Orange 31 d Trinity Red 14; Trinity Light Blue 12 d Trinity White 3. 16 and under: Inter 1 - Harlequins 52 d Trinity Blue 21; Trinity Green 27 d Trinity Dark Red 26. Inter 2 - Trinity Yellow 21 d Craigmore 4; Trinity Blue 22 drew with Trinity Pink 22; Trinity Light Blue 25 d Trinity Red 22. Wednesday evening ladies Div 1 and 2: Tba 32 d Lollipops 17; Diamonds 37 d Mels Army 25; Trinity Red 32 d Escapees 20; Menaposie 35 d Family Affairs 24. Div 3: Tosnc Blue 36 d Bits & Pieces; Away T d Diggidy Dogs; Trinity 2 33 d Mamma Bears 22; Trinity 1 10 d Zulu Warriors 7. Wednesday evening mixed Lucky Lemons 28 d Whatever 19; Try Hards d Gen-Y; Muffin Slammers 26 d Cherry


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WINTER TENNIS Despite the very cold weather on Thursday, June 7, the 32 players in the Thursday ladies’ winter tennis competition thoroughly enjoyed their matches at Vine Vale Tennis Club. Results were: Magnolias 6 (36) d Golden Elms 0 (14); Jacarandas 5 (35) d Silky Oaks 1 (16); Wattles 4 (28) d Blue Gums 2 (30); Willows 4 (25) d Lilly Pillies 2 (26). It was interesting that in two of the matches the game was won on sets but not games. Premiership table: Team Pts % Wattles 38 60.19 Jacarandas 37 59.87 Magnolias 28 53.50 Blue Gums 22 51.94 Willows 21 45.71 Golden Elms 20 44.92 Silky Oaks 17 44.69 Lilly Pillies 9 38.98 Mary Connell, on her first game back, was the most successful player on the court this week, winning 81.82% of her games. Evelyn Nicholls scored 78.26% to come second, while Bec Bolton took third spot with a score of 75.00%. Congratulations girls.



...Be part of it!

Poppers 14. Friday ladies daytime Straight Up 32 d East Side Mums 16; Wasleys 28 d Mummas 9; Lady Birds 24 d Barely There 21.

Results from June 7. Division One: No Fear.Comm d Overway WYM 8-7; Commercial Taverners d Two Wells Tavern 12-3; Xchanged d Two Wells Clueless 9-6; Willaston Warriors d Soccer Club Kruisers 10-5; Exchange Hotel d Soccer Club Eagles 8-7; Smithfield Filthy Fockers d Roseworthy Blue 9-6. Premiership Team P W L F A S Two Wells No Fear.Comm 9 8 1 86 49 16 Two Wells Tavern 9 7 2 93 42 14 Two Wells Commercial Taverners 9 7 2 89 46 14 Overway WYM 9 7 2 79 56 14 Smithfield Filthy Fockers 9 6 3 76 59 12 Xchanged 9 5 4 56 79 10 Soccer Club Eagles 9 3 6 59 74 6 Willaston Warriors 9 3 6 59 76 6 Exchange Hotel 9 3 6 49 86 6 Soccer Club Kruisers 9 2 7 62 73 4 Roseworthy Blue 9 2 7 62 73 4 Two Wells Clueless 9 1 8 45 88 2 Division Two: Bye for all teams.

Home Theatre Pack* from

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Wednesday, June 13, 2012 - Page 30 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


8568 6028




Shop 7 Barossa Mall 1 Murray St, NURIOOTPA

20 Main St, Kapunda


Premiership Team

Barossa Valley Squash Association 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

6 6 5 4 3 3 3 2 2 1 1 0

0 0 1 2 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 6

66 60 60 48 48 39 34 38 32 40 33 0

AG % 24 30 30 35 35 51 49 45 51 43 57 48


73 66 66 57 57 43 40 45 38 48 36 0

Division One semi-finals Matches played June 5. Pawpaws d Plums, 3-9-184 to 1-5-160. (A Birchard d T Talbot 3-2, D Preuss lt G Ward 0-3, G Hobbs d D Standish 3-0, K Ward d K Jermey 3-0). Apples d Oranges, 2-10-204 to 2-7-214. (M Tully lt K Kulak 2-3, D Maher d P Howe 3-0, A Blackwell lt N Ridley 2-3, J Harris d R Adamson 3-1).

12 12 10 8 6 6 6 4 4 2 2 0

Division Two semi-finals Matches played June 7. Fiano d Sagrantino, 2-10-234 to 2-8-224. (R Lieschke d S O’Loughlin 3-2, M Witcomb lt S Wendt 2-3, T Sloper lt T Kroehn 2-3, S Cook d B Waters 3-0). Dolcetto d Bombino, 3-10-222 to 1-7-215. (G Nitschke d T Noack 3-0, N Bauer lt A Cunningham 13, P Gerhardy d W Marschall 3-2, C Zadow d A Bryce 32).

Results: TH Supers d Ango 11-4; EV Vipers d Valley Locals 12-3; Bustarnados d Clubhouse 8-0; Smokin Vines d Greenock 10-5; Breakers d AP Dodgies 12-3; Stocky Flagons d Springton Ballbearings 10-5.



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PHONE 8563 3400 Barossa Valley Way, Tanunda

Plums and Sagrantino are now out of the finals. Spectators are welcome at the Barossa Recreation Centre for the finals series from 6.30pm. New and returning players are welcome to come along, especially if they are interested in playing in the

squash season beginning in late July 2012. Please email: barossasquash@gmail.com with your name and contact details. The excellent squash courts at ‘The Rex’ are now some of the best in the state.

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TH Supers Stocky Flagons Breakers Smokin Vines EV Vipers Valley Locals AP Dodgies Springton Ballbearings Greenock Bustarnados Ango Clubhouse


In Division One, Apples will now play in the grand final on Thursday, June 21 at 6.30pm. Oranges will play Pawpaws in the preliminary final on Thursday, June 14 to decide the other team in the grand final. In Division Two, Dolcetto will now play in the grand final on Thursday, June 21 at 7pm. Bombino will play Fiano on Thursday, June 14, to decide the other team in the grand final.




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Thurs, June 14

West Coast

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West Coast 23 Adelaide Richmond Nth Melbourne Hawthorn Bulldogs

Adelaide Sat, June 16

GWS Giants


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________________________ Phone: __________________ proudly sponsored by:

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v Nth Melbourne


Matthew Bouveng, KBL Security

Sun, June 17

Adam Hunt, Harvey World Travel


West Coast 24 Adelaide Richmond Nth Melbourne Hawthorn Bulldogs

Chris Linden, Manager, Vine Inn


West Coast 24 Adelaide Richmond Gold Coast Hawthorn Bulldogs



v Brisbane

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Byes: Collingwood, Essendon, Fremantle, Geelong, Melbourne, Sydney

Mike Teakle, Herald Sports Writer


5.1 Home Theatre System & TV 2nd PRIZE $1000 CASH


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Plus $50 weekly for the person who selects all 9 winners and is closest to the margin*


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Wednesday, June 13, 2012 - Page 31 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


Central District Football Club supports


Gawler and Kapunda Sportsperson of the week


Heidi Gogoll - Nuriootpa

with Graham Fischer and Mike Teakle

Heidi Gogoll plays netball for Nuriootpa.

Relationship and employment status: Married to Craig Gogoll. I manage a program for Children Under the Guardianship of the Minister through the Salvation Army. Who are key players at your club? Obviously Jodie Kurtz - she is amazing. What is your most important attribute? Kindness. Who is a character at the club and why? Lana Kaesler definitely - she is hilarious. Who is the best player you have played with and against? With: Shana Hinderwell. Against: Lisa Wilson - I have never directly stood her but she is brilliant. Major influence in your netball: The coach I had playing representative netball for Adelaide Metro - Betty. She taught me so much about playing defence. Who are your sporting idols? Probably my sister Shana Hinderwell and my Mum. Any superstitions? Nope, I’m pretty laid back. What event has inspired or amazed you? Where I work. The kids and the staff inspire and amaze me every day. If you were Prime Minister what issue would you address? Mental health - it needs so much more attention and funding. Pet hates on the netball court? I don’t love losing.

Favourite actor and movie? Tom Hanks and fav movie is The Matrix, but a good ole classic would be The Sound of Music. If someone had to play you in a movie who would it be? Apparently Katherine Heigl. Greatest moment and disappointment? Greatest moment: Marrying Craig. Disappointment: I am an optimist so no real disappointments, there is a positive to find in everything. How would you spend a million dollars? Share it with my family and also donate to charity. I would definitely buy a big house in the Barossa though. What other sport would you love to be the best in the world at and why? Tennis. I would definitely need some serious sunscreen but what’s to dislike? All year round summer, travel the world, keep fit and huge prizemoney. It’s a great sport too. If you could have any four people stranded on a deserted island with you who would they be and why? Craig, my best friend Danielle Symes and her husband Brad Symes. They are lots of fun and what’s better than being stranded with your best friends. The fourth would maybe be MacGyver so he could figure out a way to get us off the island.

> Harness C H A M P I O N horseman Fred Kersley will be the guest speaker at a function on Sunday, July 1. The South Australian Breeders Owners

Your Guide to the Tides


4 year warranty on Grundfos pump

Trainers Reinspersons Association has booked Kersley for their annual ‘Christmas in July’ day at Globe Derby Park. Kersley, from Western Australia, has been an outstanding trainerdriver in harness racing as well as proving himself a top thoroughbred trainer with the recently deceased champion Northerly.


The function starts at 12.30pm with a cost of $40 for adults, children six to 12 $20 and under six free. Father Christmas will be in attendance for the children and there will be a colouring competition for the various ages. Bookings can be made through either the Botra office at Globe any race night or via Lois on 0402 978 424. Proudly brought to you by: BAROSSA


FISHING Higher power

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8562 4881

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Tide Times for Port Adelaide (Outer Harbour) and Wallaroo for the week to come

Pt Adelaide JUNE 2012

0343 1319

0.71 1.37

0.92 2.00 1.23 1.51


0338 1358

0.75 1.48

0551 1322 2048

1.07 2.12 0.98


0110 1434

0.74 1.57

0224 0750 1439 2143

1.57 1.06 2.31 0.74


0019 1507

0.66 1.65

0338 1855 1528 2222

1.73 0.98 2.48 0.57


0017 1539

0.59 1.72

0420 0938 1605 2254

1.84 0.90 2.59 0.47

18 MO

0023 1613

0.55 1.79

0256 0952 1555 2136

0.74 2.01 1.20 1.71


0358 1128 1843 2351

15 FR

16 SA

17 SU

18 MO


13 WE

13 WE TH

PAYOFF: A nice kingfish.

Wallaroo JUNE 2012





0034 0.52 0451 1.90 1646 1.84 1009 0.83 1635 2.67 TU 2320 0.42 *Please note - Add 1 hour for daylight savings ‘Tidal predictions supplied by the National Tide Facility. The Flinders University of South Australia, Copyright Reserved’

19 TU




DEBUT: Richard Hayman (Barossa District) left, and Luke Howard (Gawler Central) contest a ball up by debut umpire Tim Asher. Tim had a late call up on Saturday to umpire his first A grade match.

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SOMETIMES you just know it’s going to be your day. In the second quarter at Tanunda on Saturday as the Magpies piled on 10 goals to Angaston’s one, in the middle of this rampage Tanunda forward Scott Rogasch kicked a goal and on turning around found a $5 note on the ground. Ever the opportunist, ‘Gerbil’ slipped the fiver into his sock. “That’s the biggest match payment I’ve ever received,” Scott said.

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22,500L TANK

1 Bernard Court 3 Mildred Street

CENTRAL District young gun Sam Colquhoun is in top form. Contesting the u18 national champs on Sunday at Coopers Stadium (Norwood Oval) the rebounding half back racked up 36 possessions and a goal in the Croweaters’ 29point victory over the Northern Territory. Colquhoun’s Bulldog teammate Troy Menzel (brother of injured Geelong forward Daniel) kicked six goals in the win. His effort will place him in the sights of the AFL recruiters while Sam’s back-to-back best on ground efforts will see him also attracting plenty of attention. There is no doubt Sam’s stocks are on the rise.

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Where have you played your netball? Juniors: Gumnuts (Gawler Netball Association), Jaguars and Contax (Adelaide Metro). Shana and I would play two games every Saturday. Seniors: I have played in several different associations, levels and teams and now eventually moved to Nuriootpa with my husband as it’s his family club.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012 - Page 32 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

FISH gods do exist. Love the fish gods and they will love you back. It may seem strange but this really is true. The fish gods work in mysterious ways and over my fishing life I have noticed this many times. You must believe in what you’re fishing and what you’re fishing is right, the fish gods can somehow pick up on negative vibes and they respond accordingly. The fish gods don’t like gestures of money. A guy I used to fish with would often pull a few dollars out of his pocket, flicking it in to the water as he said “that is for the fish gods, bring me a fish” and they never did. The fish gods don’t like litterers. If a food wrapper or drink can flies out of your boat and you don’t pick it up, be sure the fish gods won’t let you catch a

fish for the rest of the day. Be nice to the fish gods and they will be nice to you. If you’re heading out on the water and someone is in need of assistance, lend them a hand, as the small amount of time helping will be matched with outstanding fishing for the rest of the day. If there is rubbish floating by or on the jetty near to where you are sitting, put it in the bin and watch the fish come on the bite. Fish gods like those that love the water, and those just happy to be out there. Fishing is not meant to be a chore. There’s an old saying treat others how you would like to be treated, whether it is fish, friend or foe and the fish gods agree strongly. Next time I’m out on the water I’ll be doing my best to keep them happy. Tight lines until next week.


GAWLER gallops WEDNESDAY SA TAB MULTIPLES Daily Double: 7, 8 Extra Double: 3, 4 Treble: 6, 7, 8 Quadrella: 5, 6, 7, 8 First Four: All Races Fixed Odds: All Races


GRAHAM FISCHER (Barossa Herald)

11.53 Coopers Pale Ale Handicap 1500m (Apprentices can claim) 4yo & up Mares Rating 75 $10,000

1 2 3 4 5 6 7


30386 72195 21721 16207 27007 70064 80686

Exalted Lady d (7) J Kah (a3) Twilight Dancer (3) B Claridge Julie Marie (6) J Potter Epochal d (5) D Tourneur Elsewhere (2) M Neilson You Are So Vain (4) Ms L Stojakovic (a1.5) Lucenup tw (1) Ms D Stra (a4)


59 57.5 57 55.5 55 55 55

9.00 6.00 2.00 4.60 4.00 8.50 31.00


Coopers Lager Plate

(Apprentices can claim) 3yo & up F&M Maiden SW $10,000

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

s3773 Bianca Marie (6) J Frew (a) 86702 Khalah Rose (9) J Kah (a3) Teenage Queen (10) S Cahill 363s Exalted Filly (7) Ms L Hopwood Frilly Skurt (3) T Pannell Heart To Heart (8) J Maund s4538 Lady Phoenix (5) Ms K Bishop (a3) Maple Lane (4) Ms T Zanker 9s2 Morchowie Miss (15) SCRATCHED My Chantilly (2) D Tourneur 43696 Sheshootsshescores (1) J Holder 853s Stratum Strikes (13) M Pegus EMERGENCIES 13 300s7 Shadow Judgement (11) A Patterson 14 5 Pebble Rock (14) D Evans 15 7687 Delicious Shot (12) Ms L Hopwood


57.5 57.5 57.5 57 57 57 57 57

26.00 6.50 13.00 5.50 13.00 15.00 15.00 21.00

57 57 57

13.00 21.00 2.80

57.5 57 57.5

15.00 9.00 51.00

1.05 Gawler South Bakery Plate 1700m

STEVE DAVISON (Pagemasters)

33386 30202 4s053 703 64s73 92974 90 0605 38444 s0364 54 40s7

Okaman (3) D Tourneur Sting Like A Bee h (2) Ms L Hopwood Checote (7) Ms C Lindop Here’s Archie h (6) S Cahill Marlborough (5) M Pegus Sir Giles (12) SCRATCHED Sun Cents (8) J Frew (a) Swing Along (13) B Claridge Token One b (11) Ms A Herrmann Day Diva (10) T Pannell Fraanikova (1) J Kah (a3) Coogee Coozifa b (14) M Neilson EMERGENCIES 13 78s07 Blevic Lad (9) J Holder 14 68653 Fireweed bh (4) Ms M Tyndall (a3)









Best Bets

ELSEWHERE Julie Marie Exalted Lady



Exalted Filly Stratum Strikes

STING LIKE A BEE Marlborough Day Diva

Emmooki’s Dash Campaspe Coup

LIMBO QUEEN Cruz’n Now Slacksmith

TARGET EXPLORER Sturgis Spirit Line

BACK ON TRACK Money Bags Just Push On

KUIPTO DANCER Thorny Devil Canny Prevail


JULIE MARIE Twilight Dancer You Are So Vain

STRATUM STRIKES Frilly Skurt Bianca Marie

CHECOTE Sting Like A Bee Token One

EMMOOKI’S DASH Full Bore All That And More

ROYAL STORMY Power To Possess Limbo Queen

BRACKEN BLUE Bell Ringer Goodnight Joss

ZOOM LAD Back On Track Slim Henry

THORNY DEVIL Where’s Tim Stella Jeune






Criterion Tavern Plate


(Apprentices can claim) 3yo & up Maiden SW $10,000

1 9s Bad Boy Toby (17) B Claridge 2 0s Duplicitous (7) J Potter 3 0s0 Free For All (2) Ms L Hopwood 4 s323s Full Bore (1) T Pannell 5 Kalo Taxithi (15) S Cahill 6 4646s Zakynthos Empire (16) A Patterson 7 4s2 Emmooki’s Dash (8) D Tourneur 8 Great Memories (5) Ms L Stojakovic (a1.5) 9 4 Jimmy’s Eye (6) D Tootell 10 8 Mr Schiller (12) J Holder 11 0s32 All That And More (13) 12 90s Crystal Gazer (3) D Evans 13 2435 Campaspe Coup b (14) Ms A Herrmann 14 037s5 Our Lago h (10) J Maund EMERGENCIES 15 9s9s8 Amici Miei (11) M Neilson 16 869s Frontandcentre (4) M Pegus 17 9675s Slash (9)



Tarrawatta Handicap

58 58 58 58 58 58 57.5

51.00 16.00 51.00 6.50 13.00 26.00 2.60

57.5 57.5 57.5 56 56 55.5 55.5

9.00 9.00 26.00 3.80 51.00 6.50 11.00

55.5 58 57.5

26.00 51.00 51.00


(Apprentices can claim) Class 2 $10,000

58 58 57.5 57.5 57.5

15.00 6.50 3.80 11.00 5.00

57.5 57.5 57.5 56 56 55.5

51.00 21.00 6.00 9.00 8.00 11.00

57.5 57.5

21.00 26.00

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

s6201 s6621 54089 31374 s3134 84119 25740 44800 80671 25486 84288 45040

Foxtrot Novey w (14) Ms C Lindop Limbo Queen (9) Ms L Stojakovic (a1.5) Monstarhit t (11) S Cahill Power To Possess t (6) B Claridge Royal Stormy (2) J Holder Star Legion (5) D Evans Ambush Al th (1) A Patterson Beckenbauer (3) M Pegus Quick ‘n’ Slick (8) Ms T O’Donnell (a3) Blue Simone (4) T Pannell Cruz’n Now cw (12) Ms L Hopwood Slacksmith w (7) Ms A Herrmann EMERGENCIES 13 8s070 Bellunese tw (13) SCRATCHED 14 05648 Dubai Vengeance tcw (10) J Potter

2.50 Coopers Dr Tims Handicap 2100m



(Apprentices can claim) Rating 62 $10,000

Rail: Is in the true position. Track: Dead (4). Weather: Fine.

(Apprentices can claim) 2yo & up Maiden SW $10,000

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


58 58 58 58 58 57 56.5 55 55 54.5 54.5 54.5

5.00 2.90 6.00 9.00 6.50 9.00 6.00 17.00 13.00 51.00 51.00 21.00



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

8s721 66461 6780s 13592 08851 58s04 s2065 s8673

9 10 11 12 13 14

44416 2s006 44024 83565 40833 99885

15 25595

Cable Bay dwh (4) SCRATCHED Bell Ringer cw (14) J Frew (a) Zabdued (9) Ms A Herrmann Bracken Blue (3) S Cahill Goodnight Joss (6) Ms C Lindop Athena Pegasus cwh (15) J Maund Dictatorial w (13) T Pannell Environment Patron w (5) Ms K Bishop (a3) Spirit Line c (11) A Patterson Sturgis dw (2) J Kah (a3) Target Explorer tcw (1) M Pegus Crocodile Tears (10) D Tourneur Curaca Hill (12) B Claridge Afrisky Business w (7) Ms T Zanker EMERGENCY Stratocruiser (8) J Potter


Watersearch Handicap

(Apprentices can claim) 3yo Rating 68 $10,000

58.5 58 57.5 57.5 56.5 56.5

5.50 26.00 6.00 3.00 7.00 13.00

56.5 56.5 56 56 55.5 55.5 54.5

11.00 16.00 31.00 21.00 17.00 9.00 51.00



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14


46413 92167 95s41 4s8s1 512 52210 71010 20041 69310 724 01870 27

Back On Track d (5) J Potter Zen tw (2) Ms A Herrmann Shaabam w (13) T Pannell Slim Henry (3) J Maund Zoom Lad b (12) J Holder Serbian Crown t (6) M Neilson Just Push On tch (1) S Cahill Quench The Thirst (7) M Pegus Bossed (14) B Claridge Money Bags (11) A Patterson Granulator tw (9) Ms C Lindop Pierremont Rocks h (10) Ms L Hopwood So Many Pennies (4) 65s04 Donna Cecilia (8) J Kah (a3)

59.5 58.5 58 58 58 57.5 57 56.5 56 56 55.5 54 54 54

3.50 8.00 9.00 6.50 4.60 21.00 15.00 8.00 31.00 6.50 21.00 21.00 11.00 26.00

4.04 Kingsford Hotel Handicap 1100m (Apprentices can claim) Rating 62 $10,000

GEAR CHANGES RACE 2: (1) Bianca Marie, (3) Teenage Queen lugging-bit on first time; (13) Shadow Judgement tongue-tie off first time; (14) Pebble Rock winkers on first time; (15) Delicious Shot blinkers on first time RACE 3: (1) Okaman tail chain off first time; (9) Token One near-side bubble cheeker on again; (12) Coogee Coozifa blinkers off first time; (13) Blevic Lad blinkers on again RACE 4: (1) Bad Boy Toby blinkers off first time, tongue-tie on first time; (2) Duplicitous blinkers on first time, off-side bubble cheeker on first time, noseroll on first time, pacifiers off first time, tongue-tie on first time; (9) Jimmy’s Eye gelded; (10) Mr Schiller, (14) Our Lago blinkers on first time; (12) Crystal Gazer bit lifter off first time, cheekers off first time RACE 6: (2) Bell Ringer lugging-bit on again, norton bit off first time; (3) Zabdued blinkers off again, lugging-bit off first time; (7) Dictatorial blinkers off again RACE 7: (2) Zen blinkers off first time; (9) Bossed tongue-control bit off first time RACE 8: (1) Bet The Farm bandages off first time, tongue-tie off first time; (5) Thorny Devil tongue-tie on first time; (8) Kooda Wonder blinkers on again, tongue-tie on first time; (10) Arctic Cash tongue-control bit off first time, tongue-tie on first time; (13) Red Waratah blinkers off first time, lugging-bit off first time; (14) Folau bar plates on first time

1 2 3 4

1700s s231s 199s8 35158

5 6 7 8 9 10 11

1434s 4954s 04536 02157 78s36 5180s 8s070

12 9s750 13 14 15 16

0700s 4s527 27546 s800s

Bet The Farm (10) Where’s Tim (4) Darakan tcd (3) He’s A Houndog cdw (15)

59.5 J Potter 59.5 M Neilson 58.5

SCRATCHED Thorny Devil d (1) D Tourneur Wanaka Gold (6) J Holder Canny Prevail ch (9) Ms M Tyndall (a3) Kooda Wonder dw (13) B Claridge Stella Jeune dh (16) Ms C Lindop Arctic Cash (7) S Westover (a1.5) Mean Jean cdw (14) Ms L Stojakovic (a1.5) Kuitpo Dancer t (12) J Maund EMERGENCIES Red Waratah w (2) Ms T Zanker Folau (8) SCRATCHED Energized w (5) I’lltestya (11) B Claridge

5.00 7.00 8.50

58.5 58.5 57.5 57.5 56.5 55.5

4.60 6.00 11.00 13.00 9.00 17.00

55.5 54.5

21.00 11.00



54.5 54.5

21.00 26.00


T – Won at track. C – Won at this distance on this course. D – Won at thi distance on another course. W – Won in slow or heavy going. B – Beate favourite at last start. H – Trained on track. N – Won at night. S – Spe of three months. F – Fell. P – Pulled up. L – Lost rider.

GAWLER comment Race one EXALTED LADY (J W Cornell) 5m By Blevic - Alleged Lady (28:2-5-3): Could only manage 12-3/4 len 8th (54.0) Keep Cool 2019m M’ville (86) dead trk May 19 then 9 len 6th (54.0) Langridge Street 1950m Morphettville Parks (94) dead trk June 2. Back in class but lift needed. TWILIGHT DANCER (W A Bogarts) 4m By Real Jester - Cross Me Not (25:3-5-1): Won Strathalbyn 1200m R68 before 5-1/2 len 9th (58.5) Grand Zee 1310m Balaklava F&M (68) May 9 then even 5-1/2 len 5th (56.0) Final Command 1200m Strathalbyn (71) slow trk May 27. Chance in multiples. JULIE MARIE (T T Oxlade) 4m By Dubai Destination - Kiseki Angel (20:3-7-0): Raced handy and battled on for 2 len 2nd (55.5) Cadasha 1400m Penola (65) May 6 then posted 1/2 hd win (55.5) Our Blue Ribbon, Chilli Deva 1415m Balaklava F&M (68) dead trk May 30. Take beating again. EPOCHAL (M J Whittle) 5m By Pentire Biennale (25:3-4-0): Slow away off wide gate 6-1/4 len 12th (56.5) Grand Zee 1310m Balaklava F&M (68) May 9 then 6-1/2 len 7th (53.5) Young Tearaway 1800m Hawker Open Hcp May 26. Look for improvement here. ELSEWHERE (K M Sweeney) 4m By Lonhro - Hosiery (22:1-5-4): Got back and safely held 12-1/4 len 11th (57.0) Zen 1410m Balaklava (62) May 9 then 2-3/4 len 7th (56.0) Double Cream 1400m Morphettville Parks (62) dead trk June 6. Latest looks good enough. Major threat. YOU ARE SO VAIN (F W Meuring) 5m By Noverre - Pretty Pinay (16:2-0-1): Similarly placed throughout 7-1/4 len 6th (52.0) Teen Spirit 1209m Gawler (62) dead trk April 25 then similar 5-1/4 len 4th (52.5) Notonmatchday 1350m Strathalbyn (62) slow trk May 27. Chance in multiples. LUCENUP (C J Graves) 8m By Magic Of Money - Luce Royale (64:3-4-2): Always in back half of pack 6-1/4 len 8th (54.0) Jewel Of Johar 1500m Gawler M (68) dead trk Mar 25 then beat one home 7 len 6th (53.0) Julie Marie 1415m Balaklava F&M (68) dead trk May 30. Outsider.

Race two BIANCA MARIE (K & H Frew) 4m By Desert Sun - Common Spirit (11:0-0-2): Beat only a couple home and vetted following 12-3/4 len 7th (56.5) Kidancho’s Rogue 1200m Geelong Synthetic Mdn April 25. Much better effort when closing 1-1/2 len, 1/2 len 3rd (52.0) King Rodney, Mrs Wolfe 1100m Port Augusta Mdn May 13. Stiffer test here. KHALAH ROSE (G P Moody) 4m By Denon Ningana (10:0-2-0): Always rearward 11-1/4 len 10th (55.0) Flashanator 1200m Pioneer Park (58) April 28 then came from midfield on bend to just miss lg hd 2nd (53.0) Lord Ashford 1200m Strathalbyn Mdn slow trk May 27. Chance if able to reproduce that run. TEENAGE QUEEN (R H Wilkinson) 4m: First start. By Akhadan - Confident Miss. Betting holds the key. EXALTED FILLY (J W Cornell) 3f By Barely A Moment - Exalted Madam (3:0-0-2): Disputed lead when 2-3/4 len 6th (53.5) Zerprise Us All 1400m Murray Bridge Mdn Oct 12. Sent to paddock after lg nk, 1/2 len 3rd (53.0) Nadahka, Son Of Nala 1400m Balaklava Mdn Oct 26. Showed early promise. Forward showing would not surprise in this. FRILLY SKURT (S Burford) 3f: First start. By Kurt - Rural Lover. Betting holds te key. HEART TO HEART (Ms R Day) 3f: First start. By Tale Of The Cat - Angel Heart. Makes debut after 4th Imperial Fury 1000m Strathalbyn barrier trial dead trk June 1. Market watch advised. LADY PHOENIX (F W Meuring) 3f By Bellotto - Jazzijo (6:0-0-1): Best effort to date when 2-1/4 len, 2-1/2 len 3rd (54.0) Slim Henry, The Pearly Gates 1215m Balaklava 3yo Mdn dead trk May 30 then in harder event on Saturday 8 len 8th (53.5) Avoid Lightning 1050m M’ville 3yoF (75) dead trk June 9. Should improve in this company. MAPLE LANE (Deane Pannell) 3f: First start. By Citizen Kane - Honour The Star. Was 4th Alanza 1000m Strathalbyn barrier trial dead trk June 1. Betting watch advised.


MORCHOWIE MISS (D M Koch) 3f By Niello - Regal Lagoon (2:0-1-0): Initial outing 4 len 9th (54.5) Just Diamond 1100m Strathalbyn F&M Mdn Oct 19. Was vetted following improved 3-1/4 len 2nd (55.5) Silent Stash 1058m Balaklava Mdn dead trk May 30. Can progress further. MY CHANTILLY (D B Aldridge) 3f: First start. By Blevic - My Annie. Betting best guide. SHESHOOTSSHESCORES (T M Snelling) 3f By Golden Lake - Gala Double (6:0-01): Unwanted in betting when faded off pace 8 len 9th (55.5) Magic Milady 1250m Morphettville Parks 3yoF (75) Mar 10 then had late support when made minor ground 4 len 6th (55.5) Just Push On 1500m Gawler 3yo Mdn dead trk Mar 25. Could improve into the placings at fair odds here. STRATUM STRIKES (M A Kavanagh) 3f By Stratum - Bukhoor (3:0-0-1): Beat a couple home after a poor beginning 4-1/2 len 5th (54.5) Zippa The Rippa 1000m Morphettville Parks 3yoF (75) Dec 3 then rested after another solid performance in town nose, 3/4 len 3rd (56.5) Al Juman, Essence 1250m Morphettville Parks 3yoF Mdn Dec 16. Set to give this a shake. SHADOW JUDGEMENT (C D Baker) 4m By Dane Shadow - Auspicious Day (9:0-1-2): Failed to flatter in 10-1/4 len last (57.5) Meadows Magic 1400m Murray Bridge F&M Mdn Jan 1 then rested before 4-3/4 len 7th (56.0) Wicked Tycoon 1006m Murray Bridge Mdn May 23. Could sneak a place. PEBBLE ROCK (K D Buick) 3f By Real Jester - See More Roses (1:0-0-0): Inexperience showed at debut when raced greenly but held position and ordered back to trials following 4-1/2 len 5th (55.5) Wicked Tycoon 1006m Murray Bridge Mdn May 23. Finished 2-1/4 len 2nd Imperial Fury 1000m Strathalbyn barrier trial dead trk June 1. Has scope to improve. DELICIOUS SHOT (Danny Penna) 4m By Regal Shot - Lady Delamere (4:0-0-0): Hard to get excited over 12-1/4 len 8th (56.5) Larch 1200m Hamilton Mdn dead trk Mar 19 and first-up fading 12-3/4 len last (58.0) Soul Mama 1000m Sale F&M Mdn slow trk May 6. Having first run for new stable. Happy to risk.

Race three OKAMAN (Danny Penna) 5g By Okawango - Brumaire (13:0-0-3): Back from let-up. Had a string of placings before 8-1/4 len 8th (54.0) Half Moon Rising 2000m Naracoorte (59) April 22 then 6-3/4 len 6th (58.0) King Roseland 2206m Murray Bridge Mdn slow trk May 2. Needs to find form. STING LIKE A BEE (A B Beswick) 5g By Danasinga - Karadeniz (26:0-6-3): Runnerup in 1500m mdn here before 7-1/4 len 11th (58.0) Quench The Thirst 1610m Balaklava 2yo+ Mdn May 9 and vetted. Back home for 3/4 len 2nd (58.0) Full Of Cache 1518m Gawler 2yo+ Mdn May 16. Long time in the maiden ranks but can’t dismiss after latest. CHECOTE (J G Bugg) 3g By Alannan Zyheera (5:0-0-2): Second run back from break when finished 4-1/2 len 5th (57.5) Selessi 1210m Balaklava Mdn May 9. No match for winner but stuck on out wide for 4-3/4 len, lg hd 3rd (57.5) Filiar Invictus, Rory’s Union 1406m Murray Bridge 2yo+ Mdn May 23. Can break through here. HERE’S ARCHIE (K M McAnulty & C Binnie) 3g By Spinning World - Ettu Blu (3:0-0-1): Failed to flatter in 6-3/4 len last (56.5) Raks McLaren 1109m Gawler 3yo (75) dead trk April 25. Better effort without threatening first two 3/4 len, 5 len 3rd (57.5) Full Of Cache, Sting Like A Bee 1518m Gawler 2yo+ Mdn May 16. Can progress further. Each-way. MARLBOROUGH (M A Kavanagh) 3g By Savabeel - Trisha’s Belle (7:0-0-1): One paced closing stages 4-1/4 len 7th (57.5) Rip Apart 1210m Balaklava Mdn May 9 then produced a career-best result 2-1/2 len, 1-1/2 len 3rd (57.5) Two Bees, Tommy Two 1415m Balaklava 2yo+ Mdn dead trk May 30. In a leading yard and worth thought after latest. SIR GILES (B D Brook) 3g By Akhadan Little Sis (12:0-1-0): Made steady ground for 4 len 7th (54.5) Quench The Thirst 1610m Balaklava 2yo+ Mdn May 9. Was tightened for room when 3-1/2 len 4th (53.5) Zerprise Us All 1606m Murray Bridge (62) May 23. Limited but could sneak into the minors.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012 - Page 33- The Herald, Barossa Valley

SUN CENTS (J F Macmillan) 3g By Dash For Cash - Sunturwasi (2:0-0-0): Ordinary debut 9-3/4 len 9th (53.0) Proctorville 1200m Strathalbyn E&G Mdn dead trk April 18. Again did nothing 11-1/2 len 13th (57.5) Filiar Invictus 1406m Murray Bridge 2yo+ Mdn May 23. Likely to need more time and racing. SWING ALONG (J Dunn) 3g By Al Maher Twilight Serenade (4:0-0-0): Off two month break when 6 len 11th (57.5) Serbian Crown 1215m Gawler 3yo Mdn May 16 then 7 len 5th (57.5) Shaabam 1350m Strathalbyn 3yo Mdn slow trk May 27. Needs to find a few lengths. TOKEN ONE (W A Bogarts) 3g By Real Jester - Lenketa (13:0-1-2): Came from midfield on bend for 6 len 4th (57.5) Full Of Cache 1518m Gawler 2yo+ Mdn May 16 prior to 8-3/4 len 4th (57.5) Foxtrot Novey 1600m Strathalbyn 2yo+ Mdn slow trk May 27 after leading as fav. Can take a hand in this. DAY DIVA (W J Smart) 4m By Undoubtedly - Midnight Diva (7:0-0-1): Third run back when finished 2-1/2 len 6th (56.0) Rip Apart 1210m Balaklava Mdn May 9 then appeared to have every chance when 4-1/2 len 4th (56.0) Two Bees 1415m Balaklava 2yo+ Mdn dead trk May 30. Hasn’t been far away. Chance in multiples. FRAANIKOVA (J F Macmillan) 4m By Fraar Ramanikov (2:0-0-0): First time in competition when 7-3/4 len 5th (53.5) Ilsede 1200m Strathalbyn F&M Mdn dead trk April 18 then came from back half of field for 5-3/4 len 4th (54.5) Ambrosia 1206m Murray Bridge F&M Mdn May 23. Has scope to improve further. COOGEE COOZIFA (Tony McEvoy) 3f By Danzero - Mer Du Sud (3:0-0-0): Had two runs in Sydney incl 11-1/2 len last (54.5) Ziprossa 1550m C’bury Mdn Plate Nov 16. First run for Tony McEvoy fav when jumped awkwardly and well back throughout 7-1/4 len 7th (55.5) Two Bees 1415m Balaklava 2yo+ Mdn dead trk May 30. In leading stable but will need to improve somewhat. BLEVIC LAD (R R Jolly) 3g By Blevic Laudation (5:0-0-0): Unwanted in betting when resumed for 12-1/4 len 13th (54.0) Handsome As 1410m Balaklava (62) May 9 then even 6-3/4 len 7th (58.5) Cisco Delago 1800m Mildura Mdn May 20. Hasn’t done enough.

FIREWEED (G D Searle) 3g By Manton Honey Moss (10:0-0-1): Appeared to hav every chance when 8-3/4 len 6th (57.5) Filia Invictus 1406m Murray Bridge 2yo+ Md May 23 then battled away for 4-1/2 len 5t (57.5) Two Bees 1415m Balaklava 2yo+ Md dead trk May 30. Backs-up after 3/4 len, 1/ len 3rd (57.5) On The Point, Doodles 1600 Port Augusta 2yo+ Mdn June 10. Not rough est after Port Augusta placing on Sunday.

Race four BAD BOY TOBY (D E Magro) 4g By Bellott - Madaam Tori (1:0-0-0): Not raced sinc debut 13-1/2 len 9th (58.0) Robbers Roo 1400m Cranbourne Mdn Dec 17 at 16Back for second campaign. Happy to risk. DUPLICITOUS (K D Buick) 4g By Fac Value - Two Faced (1:0-0-0): Ordina debut 10-3/4 len 12th (58.0) Meadows C 1000m Murray Bridge Mdn Feb 15 the rested. Indicated improvement when 3/ len win Nordet Hero, Shaherazade 1000 Strathalbyn barrier trial (Mdn) dead trk Jun 1. Market watch advised after trial win. FREE FOR ALL (J D Smith) 4g By Alanna - Freelance (2:0-0-0): Did plenty wrong debut 13-1/4 len last (56.5) Sticks Mage 1215m Balaklava Mdn dead trk June 2 Again safely held when off long break fo 23 len last (58.0) Lord Ashford 1200 Strathalbyn Mdn slow trk May 27. Can enthuse. FULL BORE (S Burford) 4g By Gallo D Ferro - Full Gauge (4:0-1-2): Resumes new stable. Second-up when 2-1/2 len 2n (58.0) Digby Road 1400m Warrnambo Mdn Nov 28 then in the market when1-1/ len, 1-3/4 len 3rd (58.0) Gauss, Hobbscotc 1400m Horsham Mdn heavy trk Dec 1 Should make his presence felt from th perfect draw. KALO TAXITHI (Bill Papazaharoudakis) 4 First start. By Good Journey - Romandram City-trained 4yo making debut after 4t Kings And Jacks 1000m Morphettville Park barrier trial (Mdn) Jan 9. Has a horror dra for debut but market watch advised.


GAWLER comment continued ZAKYNTHOS EMPIRE (A Kalivas) 5g By Fubu - Zakynthos Lodge (6:0-0-0): Similarly placed throughout 2-1/2 len 4th (58.0) Coongoola 1400m Wagga Mdn Plate dead trk Dec 3 then rested after 4 len 6th (58.0) Taminga 1200m Wagga Mdn Plate Dec 23. Resumes in new state/stable. Check markets. EMMOOKI’S DASH (M J Whittle) 3g By Dash For Cash - Emmooki (2:0-1-0): Did a few things wrong at debut and ordered back to the trials after 2-3/4 len 4th (55.0) God’s Way 1200m Strathalbyn Mdn dead trk Dec 14 then rested before going down narrowly nk 2nd (56.0) Wicked Tycoon 1006m Murray Bridge Mdn May 23. Terrific effort first run back. Fitter. Top chance. GREAT MEMORIES (S G Padman) 3g: First start. By Akhadan - At A Party. Trialled twice for debut, latest when 3/4 len 2nd Alanza 1000m Strathalbyn barrier trial dead trk June 1. Trials have been okay. Watch betting moves. JIMMY’S EYE (L A Jarvis) 3g By Bianconi China Spice (1:0-0-0): Jumped awkwardly and came from back half of field when debut 5-3/4 len 4th (57.5) Slim Henry 1215m Balaklava 3yo Mdn dead trk May 30 at 100-1. Fair effort at long odds on debut. Likely improver. MR SCHILLER (W E Smart) 3g By Artie Schiller - Imagine Harmony (1:0-0-0): Rather inauspicious debut 8-1/2 len 8th (57.5) Slim Henry 1215m Balaklava 3yo Mdn dead trk May 30. May take time. ALL THAT AND MORE (Michael Vassallo) 5m By Dieu D’Or - Dancing Wren (3:0-1-1): Off nearly a two year break when 3/4 len, 1-1/4 len 3rd (56.0) Rip Apart, Sookie Stackhouse 1210m Balaklava Mdn May 9 then made the running when 2-3/4 len 2nd (57.5) Ambrosia 1206m Murray Bridge F&M Mdn May 23. Progressing well this campaign. Major threat. CRYSTAL GAZER (I J Boess) 5m By Steady Eddy - Magic Dane (2:0-0-0): Unwanted in betting when debut 5-3/4 len 9th (55.0) Sounds Like Leon 1000m Murray Bridge Mdn Nov 9 then led, folded 14-1/2 len 10th (55.0) Birdman 1200m Clare Mdn dead trk Nov 27 and spelled. Since finished 8th Duplicitous 1000m Strathalbyn barrier trial (Mdn) dead trk June 1. Back for second campaign. Would need to have improved. CAMPASPE COUP (Merissa Moyle) 3f By King Of Roses - Coup De Maitre (4:0-1-1): Resumes in new yard. Off two month break when 1-1/2 len, sht nk 3rd (56.0) Bickleigh Vale, Sunderaad 1200m Warrnambool Mdn dead trk April 2 then fav when 3-3/4 len 5th (56.0) Frisky No More 1400m Cranbourne Mdn dead trk April 13. Changed stables. Has ability, just needs some luck from out there. OUR LAGO (G D Searle) 3f By Lago Delight - Our St. Covet (4:0-0-1): Beat one home 12-1/2 len 7th (54.5) Esprit Rossa 1100m Sale Mdn heavy trk Nov 16 then rested before 5-3/4 len 5th (55.5) Silent Stash 1058m Balaklava Mdn dead trk May 30. Battled away at Balaklava first-up. Fitter. First run on home track. Can progress further. AMICI MIEI (Simon Casey) 3f By Bellotto Swepton (3:0-0-0): Resuming when 13-1/4 len 9th (55.5) Our Snippy 1000m Murray Bridge 3yo Mdn Jan 1 and again first-up when fading 7-3/4 len 8th (55.5) Silent Stash 1058m Balaklava Mdn dead trk May 30. Needs to find a few lengths. FRONTANDCENTRE (Ms S Nolan) 6g By Centre Stalls - Dance Front (3:0-0-0): Back for second campaign. Was vetted following 11-3/4 len last (56.5) A Rocking Good Way 1250m Morphettville Parks Mdn Jan 4 then 80-1 when 8-1/2 len 9th (58.0) Super Silks 1500m Gawler Mdn Jan 18. Since finished 5th Duplicitous 1000m Strathalbyn barrier trial (Mdn) dead trk June 1. Looking elsewhere. SLASH (Ms C Rose) 3g By Monde Bleu - Unique Edition (5:0-0-0): Raced handy before fading to wire 13-3/4 len 7th (55.0) Rich Pride 1400m Oakbank 3yo Mdn dead trk Dec 9 then rested after 12-1/4 len 5th (56.5) Essence 1518m Gawler 3yo Mdn Dec 28. Yet to show any competitive form.

TENPIN BOWLING Barossa Bowland League results, points to date. Morning Stars: Bowled Out 90, C D Players 85, Two Of Us 77, Lucky Ducks 66. Star bowler: Nancy Anderson 73 POA (pins over average). Valleyites: Zodiac 229, Tripod 208.5, Ten Pinners 204.5, WAFWOTEAM 197, The Drifters 185.5, W.M.D. 162. Star bowlers: Edith Unger 32 POA, Sean White 65 POA. Grapevines: What Evers 61,

BELLUNESE (D J Stone) 4g (15:2-1-0): Second run back from break when finished 5-1/4 len 7th (56.0) Zen 1410m Balaklava (62) May 9 then at same level 6-1/4 len 11th (56.0) Limbo Queen 1606m Murray Bridge (62) May 23. Others with more appeal. DUBAI VENGEANCE (J Dunn) 4g (28:22-5): Finished 6-1/4 len 4th (57.0) Team Lago 1600m Port Augusta (59) May 13 always same in 5-3/4 len 8th (54.5) Limbo Queen 1606m Murray Bridge (62) May 23. Outsider.

Race five FOXTROT NOVEY (L Macdonald & A Gluyas) 3g (8:1-1-0): Faded from midfield on bend 8-1/4 len 12th (57.5) Quench The Thirst 1610m Balaklava 2yo+ Mdn May 9. Improved sharply for breakthrough 3-3/4 len win (57.5) Sharpay Magic, Tracy True Blood 1600m Strathalbyn 2yo+ Mdn slow trk May 27. Drawn deep but could go on with it now. LIMBO QUEEN (S G Padman) 4m (14:23-2): Issued strong challenge sht hd 2nd (56.5) Sono Piccolo 1606m Murray Bridge (62) slow trk May 2 then over same route posted len win (56.0) Coustellet, Treeovus 1606m Murray Bridge (62) May 23. Racing in peak form and prospects appear very bright again in this company. Top chance. MONSTARHIT (Will Clarken) 4g (16:2-12): Beaten favourite when 7-1/2 len 8th (59.0) Auburn Tiger 1350m Strathalbyn C2 dead trk April 18 then made the running when 5-1/4 len 9th (54.5) Tabulated 1400m Morphettville Parks (75) dead trk May 26. Capable of much better in this grade. POWER TO POSSESS (W A Bogarts) 4g (21:1-3-4): Shared lead in 4-1/2 len 7th (56.5) Andronica 2109m Gawler (71) dead trk April 25 then up further in class for closing 1-3/4 len 4th (54.5) Manganese 1600m Strathalbyn (75) slow trk May 27. Worth an eachway ticket after latest. ROYAL STORMY (D M Koch) 5g (11:1-2-3): Broke his maiden at Muray Bridge before 2 len, 3/4 len 3rd (59.5) Cadasha, Julie Marie 1400m Penola (65) May 6 then made steady ground for 6-1/2 len 4th (59.5) Rough Deal 1406m Murray Bridge C1 May 23. Each-way appeal. STAR LEGION (M A White) 4g (19:2-1-2): Was shooting for hattrick now after all-theway 4 len win (58.0) Doodles, Mime 1400m Port Augusta 2yo+ Mdn May 13 and sht hd win (58.0) Perfect Beau, Owdatay 1400m Hawker (64) May 26 but didn’t see the trip out on Sunday when 6-3/4 len 9th (60.0) Sovereign Conquest 1850m Port Augusta (61) June 10. Facing a quick back-up but prefer over something shorter. AMBUSH AL (G D Searle) 3g (8:1-10): Tracked pace in 4-1/4 len 4th (58.5) Handsome As 1410m Balaklava (62) May 9 then off outside gate when 8-3/4 len 10th (57.0) Gold Frenzy 1550m Morphettville Parks 3yo Hcp slow trk May 26. Should find some improvement in this. BECKENBAUER (M A Kavanagh) 4g (13:12-0): Eq fav when 9-1/4 len 10th (58.0) Handsome As 1410m Balaklava (62) May 9 then at same level 7-1/4 len 12th (57.5) Limbo Queen 1606m Murray Bridge (62) May 23. Not racing well enough. QUICK ‘N’ SLICK (Kym Healy) 5m (36:2-0-2): Led but weakened under pressure 6-1/2 len 7th (54.5) Southern Fortune 2126m Gawler (68) May 16. Dropped in grade and ridden quieter before closing powerfully for surprise 1-1/2 len win (54.0) Jaen, Environment Patron 1615m Balaklava (62) dead trk May 30 at 40-1. Found form last time but hard to see her stringing two wins together here. BLUE SIMONE (D J Halliday) 5m (22:1-2-2): 40-1 when safely held throughout 14-1/4 len 8th (54.0) Cape Silver 2150m Oakbank (86) dead trk Mar 17 then down in class for 6-1/4 len 6th (55.0) Tasteofenergy 1800m Clare (72) April 7. Not fancied. CRUZ’N NOW (D L Hewitt) 4g (34:2-13): Resuming after a two month lay-off. Commenced badly when 3 len 8th (58.5) Golden Ella 1800m Mildura (58) May 19 prior to 9-3/4 len 8th (54.5) Goodnight Joss 2215m Balaklava (68) dead trk May 30. Looking elsewhere. SLACKSMITH (Ms C Rose) 6g (19:2-2-2): Ran on fairly from midfield for 2-1/4 len 4th (55.5) Southern Fortune 2126m Gawler (68) May 16 then safely held 7-1/2 len 11th (54.5) Bell Ringer 2206m Murray Bridge (68) May 23. On a drop back here.

Race six CABLE BAY (B W Searle) 3g (6:1-1-0): Ran on well for 3/4 len 2nd (57.5) Spirit Line 2126m Gawler Mdn May 16 then demolished rivals in 12-1/2 len win (57.5) Bux The Trend, Haraka Zulu 2050m Strathalbyn Mdn slow trk May 27. Won by a massive space at Strathalbyn. Up a few notches in class but again the one to beat. BELL RINGER (J E Hickmott) 7g (58:5-45): Moderate display 5-1/4 len 6th (57.0) Southern Fortune 2126m Gawler (68) May 16 before landing lg nk win (55.0) Meadows Power, Major De 2206m Murray Bridge (68) May 23. Drops in grade/up in weight after saluting at Murray Bridge. Stays under strong notice. ZABDUED (Roma Williams) 7g (28:2-4-4): No match 22-1/2 len last (51.0) Mateo 2500m M Valley (82) dead trk Feb 18 (2011). Rider lost whip and again beaten out of sight 30-1/4 len 13th (53.0) Skybee 2100m Stony Creek (68) dead trk Mar 13 (2011) then spelled. Prepared for return with 3-1/2 len win Its The Truth, Crocodile Tears 2200m Murray Bridge barrier trial (Hrdl) slow trk June 4. Having first run for new stable. Looks set for a jumps career. Prefer to see. BRACKEN BLUE (Angela Forster) 7g (63:64-9): Failed to jump on equal terms when 14-1/2 len 9th (56.5) Musty Springs 1850m Port Augusta (68) May 13. Again sluggishly away but rallied well for len 2nd (55.5) Goodnight Joss 2215m Balaklava (68) dead trk May 30. Knocking on the door again and sure to have supporters. GOODNIGHT JOSS (J D Smith) 4g (13:2-02): Comes into this after 3-1/4 len 5th (52.0) Southern Fortune 2126m Gawler (68) May 16 and strong len win (54.0) Bracken Blue, Curaca Hill 2215m Balaklava (68) dead trk May 30. In peak form and prospects appear very bright again. ATHENA PEGASUS (G D Searle) 5m (23:32-3): Improvement noted on 12-3/4 len 11th (56.5) Moon Devil 1518m Gawler (68) May 16 when dropped in class for 2-1/2 len 4th (54.0) Quick ‘n’ Slick 1615m Balaklava (62) dead trk May 30. Fitter now. Drawn deep but generally gets back anyway. Each-way appeal. DICTATORIAL (J R Croucher) 7g (46:4-86): Battled away for 3-3/4 len 6th (58.0) Zerprise Us All 1606m Murray Bridge (62) May 23. Covered extra ground when 2-3/4 len 5th (55.5) Nothin Leica Flash 1700m Penola (68) dead trk May 31. Battled away after racing deep at Penola. Perhaps a place. ENVIRONMENT PATRON (Kirsten McGowan) 7g (35:3-4-7): Third run back when finished 10-1/4 len 7th (56.0) Moon Devil 1518m Gawler (68) May 16 then fared better when down in grade for 1-1/2 len, nk 3rd (53.5) Quick ‘n’ Slick, Jaen 1615m Balaklava (62) dead trk May 30. Showed improvement last time. Chance again in multiples. SPIRIT LINE (P Stokes) 3f (9:1-0-0): Broke through here two back when overcame a poor start 3/4 len win (55.5) Cable Bay, Wagen 2126m Gawler Mdn May 16. Again poorly away when 5-1/2 len 6th (55.5) Goodnight Joss 2215m Balaklava (68) dead trk May 30. Smart mdn win over this t.d two back then battled away at Balaklava. Both totes.

45, Pinkillers 44. Star bowlers: Dana Hyland and Katherine White 23 POA, Mitchell Gebert 63 POA.

Pinsetters 58, Strikers 56, Strike Outs 55, Double Trouble 48, Pin Killers 46, Pin Magic 42, Go Getters 40, Pinheads 36, Two Wonders 28. Star bowlers: Alison Munzberg 41 POA, Shane Waechter 43 POA. Have A Ball: Old Farts 97, Creepshow 94, Speed Demons 80, Gutter Trash 76, Triple XXXX 67, Balls Of Fury 66, Aint No Turkey 49. Star bowlers: Ken Thomas 69 POA, Cat Thomas 33 POA. Barossa Juniors: The Strikers 52, Little Devils 51, Annihilators 50, Pinheads 46, The Triple M’s

KEGEL A large gathering of keen kegellers last Thursday night, June 7 saw Christian Fletcher win the night’s play just as he did when he last played in March of this year. Although not reaching the 500 mark he came awfully close. Christian also bowled the highest frame score for the night with 66 points.

JUST PUSH ON (K M McAnulty & C Binnie) 3f (9:2-0-1): Scraped home for hd win (55.0) Rescued, The Catcher 1709m Gawler (68) dead trk April 25. Jumped awkwardly and safely held at much stronger level 13-3/4 len last (54.5) Lucky Penny 1600m M’ville Laelia Stakes May 12. Freshened. Won twice here this campaign. Back from Listed company and drawn to effect. Value hope. QUENCH THE THIRST (M A Kavanagh) 3f (13:1-3-1): Well bred filly who was vetted following 1-1/4 len 4th (54.5) Just Push On 1709m Gawler (68) dead trk April 25 then posted breakthrough 1/2 len win (55.5) Miss Doubtfire, Wagen 1610m Balaklava 2yo+ Mdn May 9. Gutsy effort when overcame a wide run at Balaklava. Stays under notice. BOSSED (B J Dunn) 3g (10:1-0-1): Scored breakthrough lg nk win (57.5) O’Jay, Puzzleman 1600m Penola 2yo+ Mdn May 6 but safely held in latest 8-3/4 len 10th (58.5) Zerprise Us All 1606m Murray Bridge (62) May 23. Hard to see improving enough from out there. MONEY BAGS (P Stokes) 3g (3:0-1-0): Bailed up at vital stage and vetted following 1-3/4 len 2nd (57.5) Selessi 1210m Balaklava Mdn May 9 then in stronger affair 2-1/2 len 4th (55.0) Karacatis 1300m Morphettville Parks 3yo (75) June 2. Has been competitive in stronger races at last few starts. Winning hope. GRANULATOR (Ms R Day) 3g (12:2-2-0): Ran 7 len 7th (58.5) Handsome As 1410m Balaklava (62) May 9. No match in latest 11 len 12th (56.5) Gold Frenzy 1550m Morphettville Parks 3yo Hcp slow trk May 26. Needs to recapture form. PIERREMONT ROCKS (G D Searle) 3f (2:01-0): Gave good sight in debut 2-3/4 len 2nd (55.5) Serbian Crown 1215m Gawler 3yo Mdn May 16 then 6-1/2 len 7th (55.5) Slim Henry 1215m Balaklava 3yo Mdn dead trk May 30. Will need to improve from Balaklava. Prefer in a maiden. SO MANY PENNIES (Will Clarken) 3f: First start. By Akhadan - Currency Stash. Well drawn but betting holds the key. DONNA CECILIA (P Stokes) 3f (8:1-0-0): Could only manage 14-1/2 len 12th (55.5) Rough Deal 1406m Murray Bridge C1 May 23. Commenced badly but improved noticeably for 2-1/2 len 4th (52.0) Julie Marie 1415m Balaklava F&M (68) dead trk May 30. Fitter for two runs back but further improvement required.

Race seven BACK ON TRACK (D R Jolly) 3g (7:2-0-1): Posted 1/2 len win (57.0) Sister Swift, Dulcie Dee 1540m M’ville 3yo (68) April 19 then up in grade and acquitted self well in 1-1/4 len, len 3rd (57.0) Karacatis, Harmonic 1300m Morphettville Parks 3yo (75) June 2. Take beating back at this level from the handy draw. ZEN (G V Richards) 3g (21:3-2-3): Saddle slipped in 1-3/4 len 6th (55.5) Sea Tryst 1200m M’ville 3yo Hcp dead trk May 19 then 4-1/4 len 7th (57.0) Karacatis 1300m Morphettville Parks 3yo (75) June 2. Can play a major role back in this company. SHAABAM (Ryan Balfour) 3g (6:1-1-0): Just behind placegetters when 2-1/4 len 4th (57.5) Rip Apart 1210m Balaklava Mdn May 9. Struck interference in straight and awarded race on protest nose win (57.5) Wicked Romeo, Magical Ruby 1350m Strathalbyn 3yo Mdn slow trk May 27. Up in grade and drawn deep but stays under notice on an eachway basis. SLIM HENRY (Will Clarken) 3g (3:1-0-0): Was 6-1/4 len 8th (57.5) Lady Akatak 1200m Murray Bridge 3yo Mdn Jan 26. Showed his true colours when resumed for 2-1/4 len win (57.5) The Pearly Gates, Lady Phoenix 1215m Balaklava 3yo Mdn dead trk May 30. Smart maiden winner first-up. Could go on with it. ZOOM LAD (D R Jolly) 3g (3:1-1-0): Made light work of 2-1/4 len win (57.0) Foxtrot Novey, Madam Kafoops 1350m Strathalbyn 2yo+ Mdn dead trk April 18. Jumped awkwardly and vetted after 1/2 len 2nd (56.0) Notonmatchday 1350m Strathalbyn (62) slow trk May 27 as fav. Speedy 3yo who should again play a major role. SERBIAN CROWN (K M Sweeney) 3g (8:12-1): Scored with something in hand 2-3/4 len win (57.5) Pierremont Rocks, I Like Ike 1215m Gawler 3yo Mdn May 16 then 6-1/2 len 10th (56.5) Karacatis 1300m Morphettville Parks 3yo (75) June 2. Can be forgiven for latest. Form solid prior. Both totes.

Adam, James and Dragan all improved in the second game with Dragan putting in a real challenge to Christian and coming second for the night. James also had a very good second game. Results ; C Fletcher 226, 248 T 472 D Radocaj 191, 270, T 461 J Lindner 178, 223, T 401 R Loan 184, 170, T 354 J Fechner 184, 169, T 353 M Orvad 203, 149, T 352 K Gardner 192, 157, T 349 A McLean 169, 178, T 347

Race eight BET THE FARM (K D Buick) 4g (5:1-1-0): Was vetted following 10-3/4 len 10th (53.0) Belfast Boy 1200m F’ton 3yo Hcp dead trk July 9. In early bother when 14-1/4 len last (58.0) Kulgrinda 1050m M’ville Lightning Stks dead trk July 30 then spelled. Since finished 4th Tapeka Point 1000m Strathalbyn barrier trial dead trk June 1. Hits his straps quickly. Must respect. WHERE’S TIM (D M Koch) 4g (5:1-1-3): Right in the firing line with hd, sht 1/2 hd 3rd (58.0) Rescued, Halos Little Hussy 1400m Murray Bridge Mdn Feb 15 before landing a well deserved 1-1/4 len win (58.0) Maid Of Finniss, Power To Possess 1600m Strathalbyn Mdn dead trk Feb 22. Resumes. Hasn’t put a foot wrong. Respect fresh from the perfect draw. DARAKAN (M J Seyers) 7g (33:5-5-2): Moderate display 4-3/4 len 9th (59.5) Uma Wave 1200m Murray Bridge (62) Feb 15. Off spell when 4-3/4 len 8th (56.5) Kiaola 1200m Mildura (68) May 20. Just plugged home off a wide draw first-up. Can improve sharply second-up and proven this t.d. HE’S A HOUNDOG (B D Brook) 6g (59:3-86): Ran on ok in the wet 3-1/2 len 5th (57.5) Gold Zero 1100m Penola (65) May 6 before 4-1/2 len 8th (56.0) Final Command 1115m Gawler (62) May 16. Oakbank winner three back. Drawn deep but not hopeless.

S Virgo 175, 131, T 306 S Klose 164, 125, T 289 24s; J Lindner 6, A McLean 5, D Radocaj 4, J Fechner 4, R Loan 3, M Orvad 3, C Fletcher 3, K Gardner 2, S Virgo 2, S Klose 2. 30s; M Orvad 1, C Fletcher 1. Pudels; S Virgo 3, S Klose 2, C Fletcher 1. Last Friday night, June 8 saw three members play on quite a cool night with Ben winning the night’s play.

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Wednesday, June 13, 2012 - Page 34 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

All players improved on their first game score with Terry again contributing to his tally of Pudels. Ben bowled the highest frame score of 50. Results ; B Saunders 214, 254, T 468 R Langridge 195, 205, T 400 T Malone 140, 204, T 344 24s; B Saunders 6, T Malone 2, R Langridge 1. 30s; R Langridge 1, B Saunders 1. Pudels ; T Malone 2.

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THORNY DEVIL (P F Blanch) 3g (6:1-1-1 Resuming in new stable. Not seen in com petition since 3/4 len, 1-3/4 len 3rd (56.0 Petman, Jessica Rose 1200m M’ville 3y Hcp Oct 8 and 2-1/2 len 4th (57.5) Mag Milady 1600m M’ville (75) dead trk Oct 2 when vetted. City form sound before spe Has the inside draw for return. Must respec WANAKA GOLD (R F Moore) 5g (34:3-8-3 Resumes. Should have finished closer whe 4-1/4 len 5th (57.0) Master Beckett 1550 Morphettville Parks (68) Oct 3 then reste after 1-1/2 len 4th (58.0) Meadows Da 1400m Murray Bridge (62) Oct 12. Poor w rate but can run a bold race fresh. CANNY PREVAIL (G D Searle) 4g (12:1-1-1 Jumped awkwardly and had a checkered ru to line when sht 1/2 hd, 2-1/4 len 3rd (54.5 Kosciuszko’s Side, Real Fantasy 1210 Balaklava E&G (68) May 9 then 7-1/2 len 6t (58.0) Rough Deal 1406m Murray Bridge C May 23. Chance in multiples. KOODA WONDER (J Dunn) 4m (35:6-5-3 Fair effort 3-1/2 len 5th (53.5) Maktuu 1200m Port Augusta (60+) May 13. Up class for 3-3/4 len 7th (55.0) Ilsede 1100 Strathalbyn F&M (68) slow trk May 27. Sinc finished last Tapeka Point 1000m Strathalby barrier trial dead trk June 1. Has an awkwar gate this time and minor claims appear bes STELLA JEUNE (P A Jones) 5m (30:3-4-3 Gave good sight here first-up nk, 2-1/4 le 3rd (57.0) Final Command, Katunga 1115 Gawler (62) May 16 then 3-1/4 len 6th (57.0 Ilsede 1100m Strathalbyn F&M (68) slow t May 27. Drawn wide but with a touch of luc can sneak into the placings. ARCTIC CASH (Ms G Henderson) 5m (20:2-3 5): Battled on oin the ruck 2-3/4 len 8th (54.5 Star Topaze 1400m Murray Bridge C2 Feb 1 then rested after 6 len 10th (56.0) Wings O Her Feet 1400m Balaklava F&M (68) Feb 2 Resumes. Fresh form fair without winnin Regular claimer engaged. Check markets. MEAN JEAN (F W Meuring) 7m (49:4-7-6 Moderate display 3-3/4 len 7th (55.0) Ru Doubt 1206m Murray Bridge (62) May 2 then 8-1/4 len 13th (54.0) Light Expres 1000m Morphettville Parks (75) June Back down in grade but needs to find form KUITPO DANCER (Will Clarken) 4m (9:1-0 0): Battled away in town for 3-1/2 len 5t (54.0) Beldara 1050m M’ville (94) dead t May 5 then on same track 6-3/4 len 13t (54.0) Selessi 1200m M’ville (71) dead t May 19. Could find some improvement bac at this level but place best. RED WARATAH (Roma Williams) 6g (21:3 1-1): Resuming in new state/stable. Not see in competition since 19-1/4 len 12th (58.0 Fer De Lance 2025m Cranbourne (62) heav trk May 29 (2011) and another ploddin 27-1/4 len 12th (57.0) Rhiannon’s Joy 2025 Cranbourne (62) slow trk June 12 (2011 Since finished last Its The Truth 2200 Oakbank barrier trial (Hrdl) dead trk May 1 Looks set for a jumps career. Prefer to see. FOLAU (Kristi Evans) 6g (32:1-6-2): Trie hard 2-1/4 len 2nd (56.5) Detox 1200 Murray Bridge (62) dead trk Mar 4. Reste after 7 len 7th (55.0) Sarcasm 1200 Gawler C1 dead trk Mar 25. Since finishe 4th Kellerman 1000m Strathalbyn barri trial dead trk June 1. Has a shocking w rate but placed three from 6 over this t/ Roughie for exotics. ENERGIZED (G P Moody) 7g (50:2-4-4 Gave good account 2-3/4 len 4th (55.0 Sunday Psalm 1100m Pioneer Park (70) Ma 5 prior to 5-1/2 len 6th (55.0) Flashanato 1100m Pioneer Park (64) May 7. Alic Springs form only moderate. Changed sta bles. Looking elsewhere. I’LLTESTYA (Errol Johnson) 7g (23:3-0-2 Failed to jump on equal terms when 8 le 12th (53.5) Magic Me 1200m M’ville E& Hcp-68 Oct 15. Sent to paddock after 9 le 14th (55.0) Final Command 1400m Murra Bridge (62) Nov 9. Struggled when last work. Happy to risk.

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STURGIS (G L Lesnikowski) 6g (17:2-2-1): Didn’t fire a shot when 16-1/2 len 12th (57.0) Delphere 1606m Murray Bridge (62) slow trk May 2 then in small field faded 4-1/4 len 6th (54.5) Manganese 1600m Strathalbyn (75) slow trk May 27. Lift needed. TARGET EXPLORER (J E Hickmott) 7g (45:4-22): Bailed up at vital stage here two back 1-3/4 len 2nd (53.5) Southern Fortune 2126m Gawler (68) May 16. On quick back-up when faded late 3-3/4 len 4th (53.5) Bell Ringer 2206m Murray Bridge (68) May 23. Last couple solid and he’s proven over this t/d. Keep safe. CROCODILE TEARS (Kirsten McGowan) 4g (19:1-0-1): Appeared to have every chance when 4-3/4 len 6th (55.0) Bell Ringer 2206m Murray Bridge (68) May 23 then 3-1/4 len 5th (54.5) Goodnight Joss 2215m Balaklava (68) dead trk May 30. Since finished 3-1/2 len, hd 3rd Zabdued, Its The Truth 2200m Murray Bridge barrier trial (Hrdl) slow trk June 4. Rarely figures but hasn’t been far of late. Chance in multiples. CURACA HILL (Ms G Davey) 5g (28:1-3-6): Covered extra ground before boxing on for 1-3/4 len, 1/2 nk 3rd (52.0) Southern Fortune, Target Explorer 2126m Gawler (68) May 16 then len, 1-1/4 len 3rd (54.0) Goodnight Joss, Bracken Blue 2215m Balaklava (68) dead trk May 30. Working into form but strike rate an obvious concern. Each-way. AFRISKY BUSINESS (Ms E Faust) 6g (45:33-6): Could only manage 8-1/4 len 8th (54.0) Willego 2206m Murray Bridge (68) slow trk May 2. Again did little 14-3/4 len 5th (55.5) Waratone 2210m Balaklava (75) May 9. Looking elsewhere. STRATOCRUISER (D J Halliday) 6g (44:2-51): Was 12-1/4 len 9th (55.0) Rikbat 2100m Gawler (62) April 4. Off let-up when 3-1/2 len 5th (55.5) Star Legion 1400m Hawker (64) May 26 at 30-1. Others with more appeal.

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Tanunda’s Cup REIGNING four-time premier Tanunda handed Angaston the mother of all reality checks on Saturday retaining the Heidenreich cup with an emphatic 108-point victory. Magpie full forward Barry Kaesler (nine goals) kicked more goals than the Angaston side which only notched eight. Tanunda took control of the game from the outset, driving the ball forward where their two key forwards Kaesler and Sam Agars were marking everything that came their way, each kicking a pair of goals in the first term. Brad Sugars managed to stem the flow for the visitors with an unlikely goal kicked on the outside of his left foot while deep in the left forward pocket and bouncing awkwardly through for Angaston’s first goal. Despite the Panthers being just 18 points down at quarter time the game wasn’t as close as the score suggests with Tanunda displaying a more certain approach when going forward and Angaston continued to be plagued by poor skills and lacklustre decision making. Things got ugly for the undermanned Panthers in the second quarter as Tanunda went on a nine-goal rampage with Kaesler pushing his tally to six by half time. Scott Rogasch put on a near perfect display of how an opportunist forward should attack the game, always looking dangerous at the feet of his tall forwards. Leigh Westhoff ’s work rate has risen to a level that is unparalleled in the league with the Pies’ wingman often being involved at both ends of the field in the same passage of play. Although it seemed as though Tanunda were in full flight there were signs that they hadn’t moved out of first gear. Super smooth half back Nick Schmidt was playing a shutdown role on Sugars deep in defence robbing the Pies of the run he usually generates also the one take play wasn’t quite there for a few of the Magpies

G COMIN N O SO the nd in Live Ba Bar Sports

indicating they still have room for improvement. As horrific as the second term was for the Panthers on the scoreboard, it got even worse with injuries to two of their most important players with Phil Bennet straining a hamstring and classy defender Brandon Kurtz suffering a bruised kidney. “We were struggling by half time and at the break we spoke about restoring some pride and lifting ourselves up off the deck,” Craig Hadden, Angaston coach said. “As he has done so many times before Matt Doecke responded by leading the way in the second half for us. “In reality it was one bad quarter that made it look so bad for us. I felt we played reasonably well in the other three.” Craig Hadden was pleased with the play of a number of his younger players like Jack Ryan in defence and John Roesler (two goals) on a wing. The Panthers actually lifted to the point where they were matching the home side for intensity even though the game was gone. Angaston’s best was Brad Henderson who worked hard to compete with Tanunda’s tall timber on a day where the Pies aerial dominance was absolute. Luke Wells and Agars highlighted this with each taking over 15 marks, Agars in particular has hit a rare vein of form and is imposing himself on every contest he goes to. Magpies’ assistant coach Troy Bonner was quick to acknowledge a wide range of players. “I thought the guys in our midfield rotation were really good,” Bonner said. “Aron Fechner gave everything he had in his bursts on the field so much so that he was spent every time he came back to the bench. “I thought our defence were solid all day and didn’t give them a sniff. We’re not at 100 per cent yet but there are a few things we’re still tinkering with.” Tanunda face a much tougher challenge this week at Barossa District while Angaston are facing another tough opponent when South Gawler come to town.


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DESTROYER: Tanunda forward Barry Kaesler can even mark with his eyes closed. Here he takes a grab in front of Angaston’s Lachie Baker.

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Wednesday, June 13, 2012 - Page 36 - The Herald, Barossa Valley




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