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Wednesday, June 27, 2012
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Showground showpiece By GRAHAM FISCHER A NEW multi-million dollar facility will be built at the Gawler Oval. The size of the facility will depend on the available finance but already $2.75 million has been guaranteed for the project. Hopefully, federal funding will see the eventual kitty swell to close to $5 million to enable the top of the range facility to be built. The Gawler Central Sporting Club, a key stakeholder at the oval and the Town of Gawler Council, owners of the property, are excited about the proposed redevelopment. In its 20212 strategic plan, Greyhound Racing South Australia has committed to build a new kennel house and viewing area facility at the Gawler Oval. Chief executive of Greyhound Racing South Australia Matt Corby said his board was committed to renewing and replacing industry assets. “The kennel house and viewing area at the Gawler oval has served the industry well over a long period of time but it is now time to upgrade,” Mr Corby said. “Rather than just do it ourselves, the board believes it makes common sense for the oval stakeholders and the council to become involved to achieve the best outcome for everyone.” President of the Gawler Central Sporting Club Kingsley Songer said the announcement was fantastic news for the community. “The Sporting Club has welcomed the offer by Greyhound Racing SA to become involved in the project,” Mr Songer said. “Our change room and clubroom facilities are old and the opportunity to move across to this facility is so exciting.” Already Greyhound Racing SA is working with the Gawler Central Sporting Club and the council to develop an application for federal funding. Regional Development Australia Fund applications close in October and a decision should be known by December. If the application is successful, work would begin as early as February 2013 with completion before the end of the year. Mr Corby said three design options had been formed for the facility. “We have called the basic design, the hamburger, which allows for a new kennel
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will the room area on top of the complex. “It only allowed for about 100 people but ideally for our club we need seating for around 160-180 so the plans will be redesigned.” Mr Songer said it was important to get the right dimensions for the community. “We have one chance here to build a facility which will last for some time so we need to get it right. It will be brilliant. “Apart from the room on top, there will be a viewing platform at the front so people can come out onto the verandah and watch the sport being played or in the case of the
Gawler Show, the events taking place on the oval.” Mr Corby took the opportunity to discuss Greyhound Racing SA’s plans with the Premier Jay Weatherill and the member for Light Tony Piccolo when they were at Gawler Oval on Saturday, June 16. Mr Piccolo said he was delighted with the propsects for the community. “One new large facility will incorporate the smaller buildings currently in use reducing maintenance costs and hopefully the new building would also help generate more income.”
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house and office space with a viewing platform on top. “Then there is hamburger with salad, which includes change rooms and a bigger viewing area. “Finally, the hamburger with the lot which is the complete facility plan plus resurfacing the surrounds.” Mr Songer went to the offices of Greyhound Racing SA last week to have a look at the design concept with the change rooms. “The area allowed for the change rooms was too small so it will now be increased as
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ENTHUSIASTIC: Talking about the proposed new facility at Gawler Oval were (from left) President of the Gawler Central Sporting Club Kingsley Songer, Chief executive of Greyhound Racing South Australia Matt Corby, Member for Light Tony Piccolo and SA Premier Jay Weatherill.
Herald Sun face very different challenges to smaller, local newspapers. A much larger proportion of the population reads the regional newspapers published by Fairfax, the owner of the Barossa Herald. Between 70 and 80 per cent of a typical regional community, like ours, reads the paper whereas in the metropolitan areas that figure would be lucky to nudge 20 per cent. Regional newspapers have retained, or increased, their market share while their larger, city-based broadsheet cousins have watched it wane. That is not to say that regional newspapers can rest on their laurels and assume that nothing will change. Like the rest of the world, readers in regional Australia are changing their
n a week where the media itself was the big story, readers could be forgiven for thinking that the sky had fallen in on the newspaper industry. Indeed so much has been written about Australia's two biggest media companies, Fairfax Media and News Ltd., over the past few days that there is very little left to say. However, what has been left unsaid is how these tumultuous changes will affect regional Australia. The answer is, not much. Metropolitan newspapers like The Age, The Sydney Morning Herald and the
Footy Tipping
In brief... CARÊME Pastry in Tanunda, Barossa Farm Produce in Nuriootpa and The Barossa Valley Cheese Co. in Angaston have been nominated as finalists in the 2012 delicious. Produce awards this year.
Leadership Board SUCCESS: Kellermeister’s chief executive officer Mark Pearce (left) with senior winemaker Matt Reynolds.
IF ANYONE needed proof of the value on the Herald website barossaherald.com.au for the latest breaking news the past week is the perfect example. On Thursday, the state government announced a range of ammendments for bills designed to prevent urban sprawl. The story was on the Herald website within hours to ensure our readers had the most upto-date information. While others may only read the story today, Herald readers have already been informed. Then later in the exciting news broke of the gold medal wins for Kellermeister Wines at the prestigious International Wine Challenge in London. Again, Herald readers were informed on our website. To read more about Kellermeister, turn to page 6 or visit barossaherald.com.au to read more about the wine’s background. So remember, news doesn’t just happen on a Wednesday as you will find with other regional newspapers. At the Herald we bring you up-to-date stories via our website barossaherald.com.au. In addition, the Herald is proud to promote two fundraisers held on Saturday night. Thousand of dollars will now go to charities thanks to the Petticoat Parade and the Game Keeper’s Ball. Turn to page 6 to learn more about these Barossa events. You can also find the Herald by visiting Facebook.
Leadership Position
Total Points
Melissa Daly
13 Michael Angus
June Tidswell
14 Gordon Williams
Maria Norris
15 Bob Hennig
Graham Hill
16 Kylee Wilton
Mark Wilton
17 Wayne Angus
Kayne Schugmann 106
18 Darren Billinger
Hayden Schugmann106
19 Brenton Lange
Darryl Matthews
20 Chris Daly
Evelyn Angus
21 Meagan Wilson
10 Christine Lange
22 Di Stock
11 Bart Ryan
23 Stephen Williams
12 Alison Agnus
24 Tim Slate
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Telephone: (08) 8563 2041 Fax: (08) 8563 3655 Advertising: sales.barossaherald@ruralpress.com Editorial: editor.barossaherald@ruralpress.com Website: www.barossaherald.com.au Manager/Sales Manager: Clayton Bester Editor: Graham Fischer Editorial: Michelle O’Rielly, Mike Teakle, Ben Mallett, Robert Laidlaw, Anne Hopton. Photography: Kirsty Hosking, Shaun Kowald. Sales: Glenys Brooks, Jordan Stollznow, Jodie Coventry, Linda Goldfinch, Renee Day. Administration: Cheryl Lange, Roxanne Mathew
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Incorporating The Barossa News, Kapunda Herald and Eudunda Courier.
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Almost 2000 nominations were received this year. Products were judged by a panel of leading chefs in each state. The winners of the 2012 delicious. Produce awards will be announced in the August issue of Delicious magazine, released on July 18.
Editorial I
reading habits, opting to consume news and information on mobile phones, through social media or other online media. The Herald distributes 21,400 copies weekly but it is also being read by a rapidly increasing online audience. The number of people accessing the paper online has more than doubled in a year. We will be introducing an iphone app this year, hot on the heels of our new social media site for women ConnectPink. The intention is to be strong in print and also in the new, digitally-obsessed media landscape. No one should have any doubt about online being the way of the future for newspapers, but online only? That is a long way off in regional areas.
Wednesday, June 27, 2012 - Page 2 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Visit our showroom 132 Murray Street GAWLER or call 8522 4670 admin.barossaherald@ruralpress.com
Job losses hit rural South Australia OVER the past two months, 5800 jobs have been lost in regional South Australia. According to ABS statistics, there were 2200 jobs lost in April and another 3600 in May. And youth jobs have also taken a huge hit, with
1500 fewer young people employed in regional areas from May alone. “If jobs for young people continue to decline at this rate, there would be no youths employed in regional SA by the end of September,” Shadow Minister for Regional
Development Dan van Holst Pellekaan said. “Poor regional employment figures are the result of a Labor Government that has abandoned i ts support for regional South Australia.” WH1824207
MESSAGE DELIVERED: Willaston A grade football team runner Andre Boers (left) requested SA Premier Jay Weatherill reconsider the state government decision to close the Cadell ferry across the River Murray when the pair crossed paths at Gawler Oval earlier this month. Andre’s message, plus many complaints from other people worked as the government has reversed its original decision.
Changes to Barossa Protection Bill the Barossa and McLaren Vale communities,” Mr Rau said. “While the supporting Development Plan Amendment is still out for consultation, I am happy to amend the legislation in response to talks with the local communities.” Key changes proposed include a new requirement for the Minister to consult with councils: • When the Acts are reviewed after five years of operation • When the township boundaries are reviewed after five years • Before making any alterations to the Planning Strategy arising from the operation of the Acts • Before making any regulation under the Acts. As a result of council feedback, the Government also proposes to make a technical change to the role of the Development Assessment Commission (DAC). The change will mean councils will continue to make the first assessment of certain development applications, but the DAC will still need to concur with a council decision for it to be approved. The government’s amendments will also clarify a number of definitions in the Bill, among other minor changes based on community feedback. The Bills are likely to be debated in the Legislative Council next week.
END OF FINANCIAL YEAR STOCK CLEARANCE SALE Diagonal Road, Tanunda Friday 29th June 2012 Inspec on from 10am, Auc on starts 11am The following stock is offered (if not sold prior) • NEW ADDITIONS: 2000 Lamborghini 684-85 tractor, 2004 Kubota M8200 tractor, 1996 Case 4230 tractor, 2004 Croplands 4000L twin row sprayer, Interlink 2000L weedicide sprayer, Hardi 3PL weedicide sprayer, 2006 Ben Wye 6 Slasher, Yamaha 350 quad bike with Enviromist unit, 2 ne fer lizer deep ripper, Hesco vine trimmer HMD54, Ditchwitch 3210 trencher.
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• TRACTORS: 1995 NH5640 FWA, 90hp 7200 hours (VTZ0330); 1994 Kubota L4200 FWA, 45hp 2121 hours, A/C cab; Fordson Super Major with FEL, diesel, power steer. • BOOM SPRAYS: 1998 Hardi 4224 tandem axle; 1996 Hardi 4228; 2006 Hardi 5030; 2002 sonic 5030 gooseneck converted to tractor pull, tandem axle. • HAY: 2006 NH BR750A round baler w/rotor cu er, 20000 bales; 2005 Taarup 2424 mower 3PL hitch; 2006 Taarup 4032 mower condi oner 2PL hitch • MISC AG: John Shearer 12 ne 3PL cul vator; Smart 7 ne 3PL cul vator; 2 x Kanga 3 ne 3PL rippers (new); New Landaco LS2000 3PL spreader; Burder 3PL trencher PTO hydraulic drive, New 230cm Brevi rotary hoe • VEHICLES: 1990 Toyota Hilux petrol 4WD traytop (XSU-245), 2009 Ford Ranger turbo diesel traytop (S688-ABV), 1998 Ditchwitch 3700DD trencher (AVP-019). • MISC: Fork frame w/hay and pallet forks, Overhead diesel tank w/ meter and nozzle. • IRRIGATION & WATER SUPPLY: Assorted brass fi ngs, copper fi ngs, poly fi ngs, PVC fi ngs, Camlocks, Drip irriga on, Sprinklers, E/F fi ngs, pump parts, clamps, valves, controllers, galv fi ngs, stainless bolts & nuts, sundry fi ngs and irriga on components & more.
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RE O T S N I R 0pm BRA FITTE 0 . 3 m a 0 10.0 , 8 2 e n u J y cessar y e n t o n t Thursda u b ome ts welc
PLANNING minister John Rau has announced the state government would introduce a range of amendments to Bills designed to protect the Barossa and McLaren Vale regions from urban sprawl. The Bills have already passed the House of Assembly, but Mr Rau said he had decided to introduce amendments in the Legislative Council following further feedback from affected councils and members of the community. The Barossa Council welcomed the government’s approach working with councils to reach a satisfactory conclusion. “While we haven’t seen the ammendments, council is pleased the government put together a taskforce to look into the issue and listened to what we had to say,” Martin McCarthy, Barossa chief executive officer said. Mr Rau has also agreed to shift the eastern boundary of the Barossa protection district, following concern about the Henschke winery and cellar door being excluded. The eastern boundary of the protection district is now proposed to follow the boundary of the Eden Valley wine region. Mr Rau said developing the Bills has been a long and exhaustive process. “But it has needed to be given the effect this legislation will have on
orchard lane 8568 6022
1 Murray Street, Nuriootpa Wednesday, June 27, 2012 - Page 3 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
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PERSONAL travel manager Mel Taylor has the experience of more than two dozen overseas trips, and is keen to help others have their dream holiday. Whether it’s a cruise around the Pacific Islands, a tour through Europe, or even a back-packers delight around the United States of America, Mel is the perfect person to help plan the holiday, no matter if it’s the first or 10th overseas adventure. Just in the past two years the Tanunda personal travel manager has been overseas five times, so has up-to-date information for anyone contemplating their ‘holiday of a lifetime.’ “Travelling overseas is something everyone needs to experience at least once in their life,” Mel said. “There are different cultures, different eating delights, and a whole new world out there. Travel teaches us fantastic life lessons.” Mel is a travel professional. She has travelled off the beaten track to a huge number of national and international destinations during her life, including working and living abroad. She has worked on board long distance trains in Queensland, spent two years as a tour guide/driver in the Red Centre, and worked on board Royal Caribbean Cruises in Alaska and Mexico. “I love my career and I love researching in response to my clients’ special interests or unique reasons for travel,” Mel said. “Putting together honeymoon packages is something I find most rewarding, and as someone who enjoys the outdoors, I certainly love nature and cultural experiences, which I am looking forward to sharing with my clients.” Mel has worked much of her time in the Barossa as a chef in a number
TRAVEL: Mel Taylor can help plan your perfect holiday. of local restaurants before deciding on a career in travel. And as locals love their food and wine, she is well versed in helping anyone or group interested in an overseas ‘foodies tour.’ What makes Mel’s role as a personal travel manager extremely unique, is that her business is mobile – she can visit a client at their home, work or perhaps over a cup of coffee. And her hours aren’t 9-5, but
Wednesday, June 27, 2012 - Page 4 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
flexible, like travel should be. Anything a retail travel agent can offer, Mel can match. “I’m contactable before, during and after your holiday,” Mel said. “And I’d love to share your experiences over a cuppa on your return.” Mel can be contacted on 0402 196 556 or on the internet at: melt@travelmanagers.com.au – perhaps join the mailing list, for latest travel specials.
Lubin ‘lured’ to world titles
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BACK HOME: Lubin Pfeiffer with some of his mementos from his Slovenia experience. While the experience of representing Australia has been the pinnacle in Lubin’s lifetime joy of fishing, he has many stories of the ‘one that got away’, as well as ‘the one’ that didn’t. “After almost two years of trying to catch a big Kingfish, which has taken on almost mythical proportions, I had a day to remember,” Mr Pfeiffer said. “We had been fishing for seven days without luck. “Then on the seventh day a group of Kingfish came up and devoured all our bait, and I got one. “It was a metre-anda-half long and it sent chills up my spine. It was surreal,” he said.
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amazingly, when looking at cruise ships there was a yacht from Port Adelaide.” Lubin’s next big aim is the 2014 ‘Worlds’, which will be held in Belgium. He has several events coming up, including at Moculta, Spalding and Lake Fyans in Victoria, near the Grampians, where SA takes on the Vics for the ‘Ashes.’ The ‘Ashes’ is arguably the most sought after ‘trophy’ between the states, a tradition that started a decade ago, when Nuriootpa man Graeme Lawrie burned a cane rod and placed the ashes in an urn – similar to the ‘Ashes’, which are fought between England and Australian cricketers.
FROM wading in fastrunning rivers, to casting from a boat in a lake, Lubin Pfeiffer experienced it all while representing Australia at the World FlyFishing Championships in Slovenia recently. It was a trip of a lifetime for the 26year-old Moculta electrician, who is also the reigning state fly fishing champion. “The competition was made up of five days of fishing, with each session lasting three hours,” Mr Pfeiffer said. “Four of the days were in rivers of various sizes and a lake, which saw us challenged through the whole spectrum of the sport. “Your catch had to be at least 20cm to count, and from 138 people in the competition, there were 5660 fish measured.” There were 28 countries competing, with the Czech Republic winning – with 300 fish – while Italy was second and Spain finished third. A 21-year-old Spaniard took out the individual honours. Australia’s team was made up of five fishermen, a reserve and a captain (manager), with the team total reaching 147 fish. Lubin’s contribution was 23 fish; his best day was a catch of 14. “The day before catching the 14, I watched a Frenchman in the same river, and he caught 76 fish,” the Herald fishing columnist said. “I studied his technique with how he used his rod and net, which was different to how I normally do it, and it paid dividends. That day was my ‘saving grace.’ “Most of our time was spent in Slovenia but I did get a couple of days in Venice, and,
Wednesday, June 27, 2012 - Page 5 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
21 Murray St, NURIOOTPA
Ph 8568 6008
Worth their wine in gold HERALD readers who viewed barossaherald.com.au on Thursday morning would already know Kellermeister’s chief executive officer Mark Pearce and senior winemaker Matt Reynolds have swapped a taste of wine for a taste of gold. Their flagship Wild Witch Shiraz has won Best Barossa Shiraz trophy, Best Australian Shiraz Trophy and Best International Shiraz Trophy in London. London’s International Wine Challenge, the world’s largest wine competition, is often referred to as ‘the Oscars of the Wine World’ and in 2012 accepted more than 12,000 wines from every major wine producing country and region. Trophies were announced Wednesday night at the ‘Taste of Gold’ event at the Lord’s Cricket ground in London. Mark said, “This win is incredibly exciting for Kellermeister and our
winemaking team, but this is also a wonderful win for Barossa Shiraz”. “This result simply demonstrates the wisdom in staying true to who we are, and what we do best in the Barossa making Shiraz in a traditional style that is faithful to the strengths of the Barossa” Mark said. “We have some of the oldest vines, soils and unbroken family viticultural heritages in the world, and our wines should proudly show that,” Mark said. Matt said, “It has been an honour to have made Wild Witch Shiraz since 2005”. “I believe Wild Witch is one of the most consistent and yet underrated Shiraz in Australia, so it is thrilling to see the wine recognised in this way.” Matt, who left the boutique winery for a period after the 2008 vintage but returned on the appointment of Mark from Wirra Wirra as chief executive
officer in 2010 said, “I returned to Kellermeister to head-up the wine making team in time to allow me to put the final blend of Wild Witch together and complete the crafting of the wine”. All wines submitted to the judging panel of 400 judges are assessed in blind tastings, where the identity of the producer of the wine is not revealed until after the wines are scored. This ensures that bias for certain producers is removed and only the best wines are awarded. Kellermeister, located on Barossa Valley Way, near Lyndoch, was established by Ralph and Val Jones and has been ranked in the top 3.8 per cent of Australia’s wineries by James Halliday in his 2012 Australian Wine Companion. To read more about the wines’ description, visit barossaherald.com.au and click on the story link.
Fun and food equalled funds
WELL DONE: Members of the Petticoat Parade who raised funds for the SA Cancer Council. TWO separate fundraisers hosted in the Barossa on Saturday night has helped to raise thousands of dollars for charity. The Beer family staged another successful Game Keepers’ Ball - raising $18,000, while the Petticoat Parade raised over $4000 for the SA Cancer Council as part of Relay for Life. Funds from the Game Keeper’s Ball will now support Carers’ Link new Carer Support Centre , Second Street, Nuriootpa. About 120 people dressed in their finery to suit the occasion, and the Barossa Function Centre, off Samuel Road Nuriootpa. A four-course meal was served, complemented with superb Barossa wines donated by Artisans of the Barossa. The popular KGB band’s brilliant music made for a great evening of dancing to top it all off. Chief executive officer of Carers’ Link Gary Vogt said, “It was a fantastic night - everyone enjoyed themselves thoroughly and we must sincerely thank Colin, Maggie, Elli and Saskia Beer for their huge input into the night’s event. Meanwhile, the Petticoat Parade, made up of 12 Barossa women and men, held a girl’s night out fundraiser at Seppeltsfield Winery dining hall. More than 100 women were treated to food by Owen Andrews and music by Little Black Dress and Slick Arnold. Petticoat Parade member Wendy Johnston, who described the night as fantastic, said the event saw every woman on the dance floor.
EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST UNDERGROUND WATER ALLOCATIONS IN MARNE SAUNDERS PWRA The Department for Water is seeking expressions of interest from parties interested in acquiring underground water allocations in the Marne Saunders Prescribed Water Resources Area.
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Wednesday, June 27, 2012 - Page 6 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Underground water allocations are available within these management zones: Confined Management Zone B Unconfined Management Zone 2 Unconfined Management Zone 3 Unconfined Management Zone 4 Unconfined Management Zone 5 Unconfined Management Zone 6 Renmark Group Aquifer Management Zone (plains region) Fractured Rock Aquifer Management Zone (hills region) The guidelines for the use, allocation and management of the water resources in these management zones can be found in the Marne Saunders Prescribed Water Resources Area Water Allocation Plan. The Plan includes maps of each zone and can be accessed on the South Australian Murray-Darling Basin Natural Resources Management Board’s website www.samdbnrm.sa.gov.au Expression of interest forms are available from the Department for Water Murraylands regional office at 28 Vaughan Terrace, Berri, or by calling the Murraylands Project Team on 8595 2203 or 8595 2138. Completed forms must be returned via email to DFWWatertrade@sa.gov.au or via post to the Department for Water, Murraylands Office, PO Box 240, Berri SA 5343 in a sealed envelope marked ‘confidential’ by COB, 16 July 2012. The Department for Water will then collate the submissions and the Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation will determine the potential for a release of water for sale via a process to be determined.
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Wednesday, June 27, 2012 - Page 8 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Rosenzweig named number one
JUST a fortnight after the Gawler History Group’s ‘now and then wiki’ site was launched, it was viewed 972 times.
This includes ‘hits’ from the USA, Canada, Italy, Switzerland, France and Singapore and around Australia. The site has historic photographs of Gawler people, events and buildings. Visit gawler.nowandthen.net.au to find out more.
HURRY! Must end June 30
TOP SPOT: Ken Rosenzweig is amazed his family name is number one in the Barossa. Barossa probably come from the same original family. “In 1850 two brothers and their parents came here from Prussia and settled at Moculta, and I’d suggest all the Rosenzweigs in the Barossa are related to them,” Ken said.
“To be honest I’m amazed our name has taken over from Smith as number one. “I would have expected something like Schultz, Schmidt or Scholz. “Perhaps the seeds do not drop to far from the tree,” he said.
Kapunda’s new president IAN Todd will lead the Rotary Club of Kapunda as president for 2012-13. The owner and manager of Kapunda Post Office, and wife Sue, have been involved in the club for more than 20 years. He began his membership with the Rotary Club of Whyalla Norrie. Outgoing president Mrs Pat Dobbin was pleased to induct Ian as the club’s new president. In her annual report Pat commended all members on their work during the year, in particular the fundraising activities such as the Kidman Art Show Over the past 12 months the club has supported a variety of local projects including many which involve local youth. Support had been given to Kapunda and
Freeling primary schools, with the continuation of the Rotary Achiever Awards, now in their seventh year, and a donation of an iPad for the Special Education program at Kapunda Primary School. Students of Kapunda High School had been supported in their involvement in Australian Business Week, Siemens Summer Science Experience, Annual Writing Awards, the Rotary Youth Driver Awareness seminar, Annual Speech Night Service to School Awards, Rotary Program of Enrichment Camp, Rotary Adventure in Citizenship Seminar in Canberra, and the Kapunda High School’s Christian Pastoral Support Worker group.
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Barossa Valley Toyota
THE uniqueness of the Barossa Valley has been highlighted in the latest White Pages surnames’ list. Rosenzweig has overtaken Smith, but only just. In a breakdown of five Barossa towns, Rosenzweig features 30 times in the White Pages to 29 for Smith. Tanunda and Nuriootpa have 11 Rosenzweig entries each, Angaston six, while Greenock and Lyndoch feature just once. Smith, which was topranked last year, has fallen to third, with 11 entries in Nuriootpa, nine in Angaston, four in Lyndoch, three in Tanunda and two in Greenock. Schmidt is second. Last year Rosenzweig was fourth, while in 2012, Linke has climbed to fourth, and a new entry, Falkenberg makes up the top five. Gawler has retained Smith at number one, followed by Wilson, Brown and Jones, while throughout South Australia, the big three remain – Smith, Williams and Jones. Ken Rosenzweig from Barossa Pressure Cleaning said most of the Rosenzweigs in the
In brief...
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*2.9% comparison rate available to approved personal applicants & a 2.9% annual percentage rate is available to approved Bronze Fleet & Primary Producer applicants of Toyota Finance for the financing of Yaris hatch range, Yaris YRS sedan, Corolla Ascent, Corolla Ascent Sport, RAV4 CV 4CYL and 2011 build new genera on Camry Atara and Al se grades only. Excludes demos. Finance applica ons must be received and approved between 1/5/2012 and 30/6/2012 and vehicles registered and delivered by 30/6/2012 (subject to dealer stock availability). Maximum finance term of 48 months applies. Condi ons, fees & charges apply. Comparison rate based on a 5 year secured consumer fixed rate loan of $30,000. WARNING: This comparison rate is true only for the examples given and may not include all fees and charges. Different terms, fees or other loan amounts might result in a dif erent comparison rate. Toyota Finance is a division of Toyota Finance Australia Limited ABN 48 002 435 181, Australian Credit Licence 392536. ^2.9% comparison rate offer excludes all-new Aurion V6. #A free 1 year Toyota Insurance Comprehensive motor vehicle policy will be offered to all Private & Bronze Fleet customers who purchase and take delivery of any new 2011 build New Genera on Camry Atara or Al se model at par cipa ng Toyota Dealers between 1 May-30 June 2012. Excludes Demos. Terms & condi ons apply. Please refer to the Product Disclosure Statement at toyotainsurance.com.au or call 137 200 before making a decision about this product. The saving of $883 is based on the na onal average premium price for Toyota Comprehensive Car Insurance on 2011 Camry between March 2011 and March 2012. Toyota Insurance is a division of Aioi Nissay Dowa Insurance Co. Ltd; ABN 39 096 302 466, AFSL no. 254489 (Andia). The Insurer is Andia. †Maximum payable for standard scheduled servicing (normal opera ng condi ons) for a nominated number of months/kilometres (whichever occurs fi rst). Refer to toyota.com.au/advantage for full details. Excludes Government & Rental vehicles. Contact your Toyota Dealer or go to toyota.com.au/advantage for other exclusions and eligibility. Valid X3498 TOY09571/FP
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Things to know: Interest rate current as at 18 June 2012 but subject to change. The introductory NetBank Saver variable rate of 5.20% p.a. includes a fixed bonus margin of 1.70% p.a. above the NetBank Saver standard variable rate of 3.50% p.a. At the end of the introductory rate period and for balances greater than $5 million, the NetBank Saver standard variable rate applicable at that time will apply. A linked transaction account is required. Terms and conditions issued by Commonwealth Bank of Australia ABN 48 123 123 124 are available on request. You should consider whether this product is appropriate for you. CB0180
Wednesday, June 27, 2012 - Page 9 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Rob can crow about Barossa
WELCOME: Incoming Rob Chapman (left) with outgoing David Klingberg. HIGH profile South Australian business executive Rob Chapman, chairman of the Adelaide Crows, has been appointed director and chairman-elect of Barossa Infrastructure Limited (BIL). His appointment has been announced by David Klingberg AO, retiring chairman of BIL. “Rob Chapman has had an outstanding career and is widely regarded as one of the state’s most successful businessmen,” Mr Klingberg said.’ “He will bring a wealth of experience and expertise to BIL, a company which supplies supplementary irrigation water to its shareholders, Barossa vignerons and winemakers.” Mr Chapman recently returned to Adelaide after a two year stint as chief executive of St George Bank, prior to which he was managing director of BankSA. He is chairman-elect of BankSA’s Advisory Board, chairman of lawfirm Kelly & Co’s Advisory Panel, chairman of the Adelaide Crows Football Club, chairman-elect of accounting and financial services firm Perks and has been a member of the South Australian Economic Development Board since 2008. Mr Chapman said as a ‘wine-lover and people person’ he was delighted to have been given the opportunity to join the BIL Board and is looking forward to forging a strong connection with the Barossa grape-growing community and a ‘locally owned, locally managed business that is an important contributor to the SA economy’.
Wednesday, June 27, 2012 - Page 10 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Having a great performing network is central to keeping you connected with the people and content you love when on the move. Maybe that’s why customers rated Telstra as ‘Highest in Wireless Network Quality Performance’ nationally in the prestigious J.D. Power and Associates study. We have the best coverage and now this study has found that compared to most other networks, we also have fewer dropped calls and more reliable data services on the move.
Disclaimer: Telstra received the highest numerical score among wireless network providers in the proprietary J.D. Power Asia Pacific 2012 Australian Wireless Network Quality Performance Study. Study based on 1,938 total responses measuring 4 providers and measures opinions of wireless users about the quality of their service. Proprietary study results are based on experiences and perceptions of consumers surveyed February – March 2012. Your experiences may vary.
Wednesday, June 27, 2012 - Page 11 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Windfarm worry MY PLEA is simple. Please halt all proposed construction of wind turbine clusters, including Pacific Hydro, until there is an acceptable to all concerned, outcome. The continuing mounting of anecdotal evidence of the ill health effects and deaths caused by turbines, warrants an immediate halt before the authorities, who are obliged by statutory obligation to protect citizens, are facing injunctions. Apart from the noise and flicker damage, fire safety and access issues, the visual blight, the severing of relationships with friends, family and community, the alteration of micro climates, and many life destroying health impacts, there is a cunningly concealed amount of evidence that wildlife is being killed outright, or driven away from their territories, many subsequently killed on roads. Birds who keep predatory insect pests in check, stop breeding. I don’t know how the offending sound waves affect lizards, frogs, spiders, snails, insects etc but I am sure it must be distressful and disturbing to them also. Can field test results be tabled? Can we please, this time, apply well considered caution until the “penny drops”? No number of billions of dollars or the contrived hocus pocus of carbon trading can ever retrieve the beauty of the landscape and lifestyles lost. Large wind turbine generators are
not financially or environmentally viable. Cradle-to-grave costs will assure you of this. Turbine businesses cannot stand on their own business feet, so if given consent to continue to devastate lives and landscapes, it will be left to the already wrung out public to “bail out” another big money laundering scam. Merle Clarke Cambrai More windfarm On Thursday, May 17 I attended a community information evening presented by Tru-Energy in Marrabel, regarding the extension of the Waterloo industrial wind turbine site. Many people from the surrounding area were in attendance - most appeared unhappy about the proliferation of these installations in our region. A petition signed by nearly 300 locals was refused by Michael Head of Tru-Energy, until the cameras rolled at which point he grudgingly accepted it. Many issues were raised by local people. The company cited an ‘independent’ survey done on the east coast of Australia by CSIRO in 2008 as proof of wide community acceptance of wind turbines. They continue to deny the existence of peer reviewed studies into the impacts on human health and the problems with noise, despite the growing body of evidence to the contrary.
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The dismissal of Johannes Marciniak, a turbine refugee, was morally reprehensible, as was the dismissal of another Waterloo resident who is out of pocket due to having to rent accommodation for his family away from the family property in Waterloo, where they are unable to sleep. The problems with drainage and landslide were dismissed as something that was not considered in the original application, as that is Roaring 40s fault. They admitted to bird strikes but joked that most of it is sparrows and they are vermin anyway. The thousands of green jobs have not materialised either, with nine being created by the Waterloo installation (five local) and ‘maybe’ two more from the expansion. The highlight however came when a local mentioned the terrible division the turbines have caused among the local community. In response Michael Head said, “It’s been a divided community for 35 years”. Mr Head has lived in Clare for nine years. With a government mandate to destroy lives with these abominations, the company does not care for consultation, and merely pointed out the community have to accept them and ‘would we like a swimming pool with that?’ Tania Neville Eudunda
Piccolo’s point I was disheartened to read in the Herald last week that the local Liberal Party spokesperson was having a go at me through your paper. He wasn’t attacking me on policy or politics, mind you, but on a point of grammar. Not what I or the state government as a whole have done for the community, but on whether I use the word “I” or “we”. He says I am part of this government and a part of every decision, good or bad. I suppose, then, there are a few other things I should confess to being responsible for. New schools - Roseworthy, John Hartley School, Mark Oliphant College and, most recently, the $12m redevelopment of Gawler High into the B-12 Gawler and Districts College; this government wants every chance for every child. Grants for Gawler and District Tennis clubs, Wasleys Bowling Club, Gawler Skate Park, Gawler and Willaston Sports Clubs and Gawler RSL so they can attract new events and make our communities safer and healthier. Upgrades to the Sturt Highway, a new roundabout for Willaston and much-needed upgrades to main roads around our neighbourhoods, including signalling at Tiver Road and pedestrian crossings in Hewett.
Views expressed in the Letters to the editor are not those of the Herald. We welcome topical letters, with preference to letters of no more than 200 words. All letters are checked for authenticity. Pseudonyms are not acceptable. Mail your letters to: The editor, PO Box 43, Tanunda, SA, 5352. Fax: 8563 3655. E-mail: editor.barossaherald@ruralpress.com
Insurance Advice Investment Advice Superannuation Retirement Advice Allocated Pensions Financial Planning
A brand-new train station at Munno Para, upgrades to Gawler and Evanston stations and improvements at level crossings along the way. Major line repairs and improvements, and more services for commuters. Then there are the billiondollar Playford Alive development and the $564m Northern Expressway - Light is a growth area and this government is focused on seeing it thrive and grow into the future. I believe in giving credit where it is due, but if the Liberal spokesperson up here thinks that I should be responsible for all of these projects, who am I to argue? Let’s turn to what the Liberal Party has offered the people of Light during this time: attacking the Gawler Racecourse development. That court case cost Gawler ratepayers $500,000, and I have no doubt that that cost will be passed directly onto ratepayers. Our rates will rise by 8 per cent this coming year already. If the Liberal spokesperson would like to help do beneficial things in the community instead of attacking me for my choice of words, then I’d welcome him aboard any time. Tony Piccolo Member for Light
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Tanunda Lutheran Home: Worship 10.30am . Peace Evangelical Lutheran Church: 10.30am Fortnightly Services, at Nuri Senior Citizen’s Centre. Pastor M Rosenzweig. Ph: 8563 1310.
ANGLICAN CHURCH Anglican Parish of Barossa: Angaston: 10am HC MM; Nuriootpa: 9.30am MP; Tanunda: 10am HC GH; Lyndoch: 10am HC LB; Williamstown: 10am HC PB. Kapunda Anglican Parish:St Hilda’s, Eudunda: 9am LUTHERAN CHURCH PARISHES Angaston Parish: Angaston: 8.45am HC, HC; Christ Church, Kapunda: 9.15am HC; St 10.30am; Penrice: 9am HC; Keyneton: 11am; Matthew’s, Hamilton: 11am HC. Mt Pleasant: 1st Sunday 8.30am, all other Eden Valley: 9am HC. Bethany-Tabor Parish: Bethany: 8.30am T HC, Sundays 9am. Enquiries to Hazel Wilton, Warden on 8568 2042. 11am M HC; Tabor: 9.45am HC. Cambrai Parish: Cambrai: 9am HC; Sedan: UNITING CHURCH 9.30am R; Stonefield: 11am P. Eudunda Parish: Eudunda: 10am LR; Neales Flat: Barossa Congregations: Nuriootpa: 11am Mrs J Mickan; Tanunda: 9am Mrs J Mickan; Angaston: 9am LR; Peep Hill: 9am LR. Freeling Parish: St Marks, Freeling: 8.45am; Trinity, 9am Mrs J Harris. Gawler Parish: Gawler: 9.30am HC Littleford, Rosedale: 10.45am; Wheatfields: 1.45pm. Gawler: Zion, Pr G Havelberg, 8523 1929. 22B 5pm Littleford; Sandy Creek: 9.30am van Dyk; Cowan St, Gawler. 8.45am Trad W, HC, 10.45am Williamstown: 10am Taplin. Kersbrook: 10am. Enquiries: 8389 3114. Family Service. Gawler Immanuel: Cnr Second & Seventh Sts, Light Parish: Kapunda: 9.15am Mrs Ro Olafsen; Gawler.Ph: 8522 6000.Sunday 8.45am, 10.45am. Eudunda: 10am Hostel Service, Mr A Partington. 1st Sunday of month 9.30am. Share-a-meal every Tarlee: 9.15am. 1st & 3rd Wed 11.45am. Greenock: Gnadenfrei: 9am HC + Shoebox Chat; BAPTIST CHURCH Greenock: 9am LR, no JAM; Nain: 10.30am with Barossa Community Church: 10am Barossa Junction Motel/Conference Centre, Barossa Valley Pastor. Kapunda Parish: Allen’s Creek: 9am Pr; Bethel: Way, Tan, Pastor Richard Ansoul. Ph: 8563 2158. Lyndoch Baptist Church: Kauffman Ave, Lyndoch: 10.30am LR; Kapunda: 10.30am HC. Langmeil Parish: 8.45am Trad HC; 10.30am Cont 10am. All welcome. Enquiries to Pastor Tony Edwards on 8564 3001. HC. Light Pass Immanuel Parish: Light Pass: 10.30am CATHOLIC CHURCH PARISHES Northern Light Catholic Parish: Nuri: 1st & 3rd Sat HC; Stockwell: 10am LR; Dutton: 9am HC. Light Pass Strait Gate: Light Pass: 9am; 6.30pm, 2nd & 5th Sun 10.30am, 4th Sun 9am; Kapunda: 4th Sat 6.30pm, 1st & 3rd Sun 10.30am, Gruenberg: 10.30am HC; Truro: 10am R. Lyndoch Parish: Lyndoch: 9am Trad HC; 2nd & 5th Sun 9am; Freeling: 1st Sun 9am, 4th Sun 10.30am, 5th Sun 5pm; Tarlee: 3rd Sun 9am. Rowland Flat: 10.30am Trad HC. Nuriootpa: St Petri: 8.30am HC, 10.30am W; Holy Parish Office: Ph 8566 2064. Trinity: 11am Trad; Ebenezer/Neukirch: 9.30am SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST Barossa: 1 Old Kapunda Rd, Nuri; Sat 9.30am Combined at Ebenezer. Robertstown Parish: Robertstown: 8.30am HC; Family Bible Study, 11am Family Worship. ASSEMBLIES OF GOD Geranium Plain: 10am LR; Point Pass: 10.30am HC. Barossa New Life Centre: Sunday 10am at the St John’s Parish: St J: 9am HC; Sch: 9am LR. St Paul’s Parish: St P: 8.45am T; Gdb: 10.30am T. roundabout, cnr Barossa Valley Way & Siegersdorf Road, Dorrien.
Wednesday, June 27, 2012 - Page 12 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
CHC 52054-08/11
4pm at Mt Pleasant Anglican Church Hall, Melrose St. All welcome. Pastor Diane Pope, Pastor Trevor Auricht. Ph: 8562 3844. Kapunda: 10am Sunday, Light Community Church, Main St, Kapunda. Pastor Paul Smith. All welcome. Ph: 8566 2864. CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP Tanunda, McDonnell Street opp former Tanunda Primary School: Saturdays 2.30pm, Worship, Open Bible Study. CHRISTIAN FAMILY CENTRE Barossa: 10.30am Sundays. 16 Scholz Ave, Nuri. Pastor Alan Matson. Ph: 0404 846 274. Murray Flats: 5pm alternate Sundays. Pastor Alan Matson. Ph: 0404 846 274. Cambrai Uniting Church 5pm. SALT CHURCH 25 Northside Crt, Evanston Gdns: Sunday Service 10am & 5pm. Offices, b/shop open 9.30am-4pm. Ph: 8522 0000. THE CHRISTADELPHIANS Sunday school, Greenock Institute Hall, 9.30am. Memorial meetings 11am Sunday. Bible Studies 8pm Tuesday. All welcome. Phone 8524 4196. CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Main North Rd, Evanston Park. Worship Service Sunday 10.30am. All welcome. Pastor Douglas Carolisen. Ph: 8523 1706. INTERDENOMINATIONAL CHURCH Birdwood United Church. 10am Pr Brian Teakle. Ph: 8568 5540. All welcome. HEWETT COMMUNITY CHURCH OF CHRIST Kingfisher Dr, Hewett. 10am, Sunday inspiring worship service. Young generation and creche avail.Youth, women and men’s programs. Ph: 8522 4938. GAWLER FULL GOSPEL OUTREACH MINISTRIES Family Worship Svc. 10am Sun, stone pavilion, Sport & Community Cent, Nixon Tce, Gaw. Pastor Shirley Coe. Ph: 0401 065 748. KAPUNDA EVANGELICAL CHURCH Sundays 5pm, CWA Hall. Pastor Andrew Amos. Ph: 8566 2148. LYNDOCH FULL GOSPEL FELLOWSHIP MINISTRY Lyndoch Institute each Sunday, 11.30am-1.30pm Pastor Ken East . Ph: 8524 4787.
59 59
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Wednesday, June 27, 2012 - Page 13 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
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GAWLER police are investigating a report of indecent behaviour that occurred on Friday, June 22. A member of the public saw a man acting in an indecent manner in the public toilets of Dead Man’s Pass Reserve in Gawler South, and reported the matter to police. The man is described as being of Caucasian appearance, about 40 years old, 172 centimetres tall, shaved hair, solid build, wearing dark-coloured shorts and long-sleeved top. Police want to ensure members of the community have a safe environment in which to enjoy the area. Police say they will continue to conduct foot patrols of the reserve. Anyone who may have witnessed this incident, or similar behaviour in the park is asked to call BankSA Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000, or online at www.sa.crimestoppers.com.au
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WILLO’S Men’s Shed has officially started its new life - by signing the lease on its new property. The one plus one plus one year lease will ensure the shed is able to both continue supporting the men who make up its membership, and providing valuable health, outreach and construction services to the community. Public officer Chris Hanley signed the lease during International Men’s Health Week, at a celebratory community barbecue, sponsored by Drakes Supermarket’s Gawler Foodland and Coles Gawler. There also was a free community raffle, with prizes donated by many of the local fitness centres, including FitFix, Starplex and Dowden Personal Fitness Studio. Hyde and Partners generously offered to provide bulk-billed checkups to men during the week an offer they will repeat near Father’s Day.
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for this competition, must incorporate the theme of ‘Look After Your Mind’ include: Look After Your Mates, Alcohol and the Law and Party Safe. Download the entry form (with terms and conditions) and the participant consent form by visiting sapolice.com.au. For more details on Drug Action Week, visit drugactionweek.org.au.
SEVERAL fines were issued by the Barossa Highway Patrol and Transport SA inspectors on the Sturt Highway following a heavy vehicle stop on June 19. As a result, five drivers and companies were reported for offences involving over dimensional loads and lack of load restraints. Eight expiation notices were issued, six defects were issued for brakes, suspension and structural cracks and four trucks were grounded for non-compliance.
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Drug Action Teams are working in the metropolitan and local service areas. The competition is free for young people to enter, with great prizes are up for grabs, including $500 for ‘best in competition’. Entries close on Friday, August 24, with winners to be announced shortly thereafter. The three categories
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SA Police call on young designers TO HIGHLIGHT Drug Action Week, the South Australia Police is hosting a graphic design competition and young people are encouraged to enter. The artistic event will provide young people with an opportunity to create a prize-winning image that will encourage people of all ages to party safely.
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Assault • A minor assault occurred on Eighteenth Street, Gawler on June 21 with no injuries sustained. • A victim was assaulted by two people at a Gawler hotel on June 23. Enquiries are continuing. Barossa Police Arrest • A 19-year-old man and an 18-year-old woman, both from Nuriootpa, were arrested for theft on June 22. • A 27-year-old Tanunda man was reported on June 23 for PCA, with a reading of 0.108. As a result he received an instant licence disqualification and had his vehicle seized. Reports • A man in his 50s from Stockwell was reported on June 20 by the Nuriootpa Police for PCA with a reading of 0.124. • An Angaston man in his 30s was reported by the Nuriootpa Police on June 20 for assault. • A Kapunda female youth was reported by the Kapunda Police on June 21 for property damage. Property damage • A vehicle parked on Railway Terrace, Kapunda, had its front and rear windows smashed, between June 17 and 18. Trespass • Attempts were made to gain entry to a business premises in Nuriootpa on June 21. • Jewellery was stolen after entry was gained to a residential premise on Hearles Road, Eden Valley on June 21. Theft • A hot water service and pump from a water tank were stolen from a residence on Stollberg Road, Freeling, between June 10 and 18.
• Spiders • Flies & Ants
GAWLER POLICE Reports • A 52-year-old Kalbeeba man was reported on June 20 by the Barossa Highway Patrols for prescribed concentration of alcohol with a reading of 0.117. • A 22-year-old Shea-Oak Log woman was reported on June 21 by Barossa Highway Patrols for due care. • A 27-year-old Gawler South man was reported on June 21 by Barossa Highway Patrols for driving while under the influence, driving while unlicensed and for PCA, with a reading of 0.223. • A 36-year-old Willaston man was reported on June 23 by the Gawler Police for PCA with a reading of 0.201. Trespass • Items were stolen after thieves broke a shed door handle on a property on God’s Hill Road, Lyndoch on June 16. • A GPS was stolen after an offender ram raided a roller door on Colville Drive, Willaston on June 24. Property damage • A bedroom window was smashed on Longford Street, Evanston on June 24. Theft • A ride on mower was stolen from yard at Tingara Road, Evanston Park on June 16. • A person discovered his mobile phone was missing at the end of his work shift on Hutchinson Road, Gawler East on June 16. • A mobile phone was stolen from a handbag, which was left unattended, at a Gawler hotel on June 20. • A blower vac was stolen from a truck, which was parked in yard on Tingara Road, Evanston Park, between June 16 and 18.
Who’s eating at your house tonight?
Police continue investigations into indecent behaviour
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Wednesday, June 27, 2012 - Page 14 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
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VY SS CREWMAN Redhot, Powerful 5.7 Litre V8 Alloy Wheels, Leather Trim, Tonneau Cover. This is the perfect Tradies Vehicle.
Only 8,000kms, full leather, GM SV6 alloys, rear park assist, fantastic value. S307AJA
Last of the dual fuel options. Low kms, latest IQ technology, dual zone climate control, Bluetooth, huge savings off new replacement. S515AKL
Factory body kit and alloy wheels, cruise control, rear park assist & Bluetooth. SA’s best price. S261AOJ
Only 7,000kms, with factory sunroof, direct from GMH executive fleet, front & rea park assist, alloy wheels, cargo blind and climate control a/c. YQJ293
Cnr Bridge & Murray St
8522 4222
139,000KMS, Dual Fuel, 7 Seats, 6 Speed Manual Transmission, Alloy Sidesteps, Bullbar and Immaculate inside Wheels, Tonneau Cover and V6 Fuel and out you don't want to miss this one so Economy at only. What a bargain. XRF690 enquire today. WGR813
Series II, only 14,000kms, direct from the GM executive fleet, 6 speed manual, reverse camera, satellite navigation. YJM001
Petrol Auto, Bullbar, Sidesteps, Towbar, 4X4, 8 Seats and Cruise Control this is a great Vehicle for those Family Adventures.
137,776 KMS, Side Steps, Bullbar, Powerful 3.0 Litre Turbo Diesel Engine to get the job done, a vehicle you do not want to miss.S014AKM
Turbo Diesel, 4X4, Automatic Transmission, 7 Seater, Bullbar, Side Steps, Towbar, and Durable Cargo Bay. Enquire Today. XTD376
Only 17,651KMS , Powerful 6.0 Litre V8, 6 Speed Manual Transmission, Towbar, Tonneau Cover, 18 Inch Alloys plenty of grunt to get the job done. S254AGK
$34,990 494 Main North Rd
8522 6900 GAWLER
Amazing little 3 door hatch with air cond, power steering, remote entry, CD player and srs. economical and great to drive
Powerful, yet economical 2.0L 4 Cylinder Auto. Great history and low Km's Loads of features, including Rear Spoiler, CD/MP3 Audio and Power Windows. It's Well WorthThe Trip!!
Well-presented vehicle with air cond, power steering, power windows, central locking cd player and more
Only 78000 kms and emaculately presented in silver paint work, air cond, 17' alloys, power windows, cruise control 4 air bags, remote keyless entry and more
only 58000 kms, air cond, power steering, power windows, remote entry good service history and more.
Automatic, a/c, power steering cruise control, 20" alloys, premium sound, window tint, power windows, remote entry, Don’t miss this one.
Economical 1.6L 4 cylinder Auto. one owner vehicle, with low kms, and still under new car warranty. Also comes with 3 Yr/175,000km Certified warranty. Plenty of feats, incl alloy wheels, ABS, CD/MP3 & pwr windows
Great service history, automatic, B159903 air cond, power steering, cruise control, abs, srs, cd player, power windows
SIDI engine, a/c, cruise control, power windows, factory alloys rear spoiler and finished in black gives it a stylish look.
2009 VE OMEGA SPORTWAGON Top value, one owner Sportwagon. Powerful 3.6L Alloytec V6 Auto. Perect vehicle for a growing family. Comes standard with 6 Airbags, ESC, Alloy Wheels and Cruise Control and a 3Yr/175,000km Certified Warranty.
steinbornerholden.com.au IT’S WELL WORTH THE TRIP! admin.barossaherald@ruralpress.com
DISCLAIMER: Prices are exclusive of registration and stamp duty payable to road transport. *To approved purchases through St George Bank, Adelaide. Some photos for illustrational purposes only. LMVD2833.
Wednesday, June 27, 2012 - Page 15 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Park the apple of archery club’s eye
Undercover Markets held at the Kapunda Harness Racing Club Complex 41 Hancock Road, Kapunda Most Sundays from 9.00am to 1.00pm Entry: Gold Coin – Plenty of Parking
July 2012 Market Dates: This Sunday, July 1 Sunday, July 8 Sunday, July 22 Sunday, July 29 August 2012 Market Dates: Sunday, August 5 Sunday, August 12 Sunday, August 19 • fresh fruit, vegetables & fish • biscuits • cakes • flowers • herbal tea • honey • olive oil • produce • handmade products • new clothing/shoes • homewares • books • fabrics/quilts and plenty more... *Cash out facilities will be available on site on market days* Strictly NO dogs or skateboards in the complex Contact Sonia Fowler on mobile 0438 185 385 or email kapundasundaymarket@bigpond.com
BULLSEYE: Martin Stuart-Skinner is looking to hit the target with council. IN A long-running saga, Barossa Archery Club is close to finding a home at Heinemann Park, Tanunda. Although the club is still waiting to hear on any possible financial assistance from the Barossa Council, to help move from its current location on Archery Road. But the time-frame may have been extended, depending on how much funding Barossa Council allocate in its 2012/13 budget, which was discussed last night (Tuesday) by council. “Unfortunately because we are not expecting the full $10,000 from council, it may prolong the time needed to achieve the development,” project manager, Barossa Archery Club, Martin StuartSkinner said. “And it may compromise the standard we are able to develop the facility, to be a focal point in Tanunda.” One avenue the club is exploring through council is to apply for a minor community award, which does not exceed $2000. Ironically the archery club used Heinemann Park before shifting to its current location, where floods in the early 1980s destroyed its clubhouse and, because of the slight shifting of the river’s course, it could not build there. “Our main problem is, because we can not built suitable clubrooms and toilets, we can not attract any inter club competition,” Mr Stuart-Skinner said. “All we have is one small single garage, which is a second-hand structure, a tin shed storeroom with a verandah area, and a hole-in-the-ground toilet, with a many-years-ago vandalised tiny tin shelter.”
The club has had talks regarding relocation over the past few years, with 13 possible sites identified by Barossa Council, although all have proved unsuitable. Heinemann Park represented problems because it appeared too small, but earlier this year council said if various conditions were met, including approval from the Native Vegetation Council to remove four gum trees, it would consider a lease for the club. “One of the issues with Heinemann Park was the width for arranging tournaments with other clubs, which is why we have to remove the gum trees, but we have to plant another 20 in a suitable location,” Mr Stuart-Skinner said. “There are adjacent toilets and a derelict building, which we can renovate for storage and a club house. We will still practice at the old site, and use Heinemann Park for Sunday competitions from 10am.” The club also needs to buy 12 new portable target butts, as well as suitable wheeled carts to move them into storage, which is estimated to cost around $10,000, with another $10,000 earmarked for material to reconstruct the adjacent building. Barossa Council Mayor Brian Hurn said, “Council’s support to-date has been on the understanding the relocation will be made on a cost-neutral basis for council.” “Mr Stuart-Skinner made a written application to council as part of the 2012/13 budget public consultation process, which will be considered by council (last night) along with all other applications received.”
Better Start for Children with Disability & Helping Children with Autism Early Intervention Service Provider Panels Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (FaHCSIA) has established panels of early intervention service providers to deliver evidence based services to eligible children as part of the Helping Children with Autism (HCWA) package and the Better Start for Children with Disability (Better Start) initiative. The purpose of the panels is to improve access to targeted and appropriate early intervention services for eligible children. FaHCSIA is now seeking further applications from eligible organisations and sole providers who wish to apply for membership of one or both panels. Allied health professionals who are qualified and experienced in the disciplines of audiology, speech pathology, occupational therapy, orthoptics, physiotherapy or psychology are invited to apply for membership of the Better Start Panel as sole providers. Multidisciplinary early intervention services and consortia which include or can demonstrate a professional relationship with an allied health professional from the listed disciplines are also encouraged to apply. Early intervention providers, speech pathologists, occupational therapists and child psychologists can deliver services as individual practitioners or form consortia to deliver services through membership of the HCWA panel. Applications for membership of the Better Start Early Intervention Service Provider Panel can be submitted online at anytime. For further information go to www.fahcsia.gov.au/betterstart Further information about applying for the HCWA panel and the application package can be found at http://www.fahcsia.gov.au/sa/disability/funding/earlyintervention The application process for both panels is ongoing. AG65353
www.fahcsia.gov.au www.barossaherald.com.au
Wednesday, June 27, 2012 - Page 16 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Wednesday, June 27, 2012 - Page 17 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Vietnam walkers return A CALL is being made for the last time for regional Vietnam Veterans and those in armed forces to support the Vietnam Veterans’ Walk for Charity. The popular walk in August, which spans six days beginning at Port Augusta, will again involve Kapunda as it has done so in 2005, 2007 and 2009. Kapunda residents Pat Hayward and Pam Laver, who have hosted the Vietnam walkers over the years, look forward to their return. The women’s enthusiasm for the event has seen them organise a march along Kapunda Main
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owner and Light Regional Council mayor Bill O’Brien at his supermarket, Main Street, Kapunda on the Friday morning. All funds will be passed on to the Vietnam Veterans. Prior to the event, Pat and Pam will be shaking donation tins, with some placed in Kapunda businesses. Following the walk the public is invited to a special service, held in honour of the Vietnam Veterans. It will be officiated by Father Mark Sexton with support by naval personnel Matthew Scholes. To read more about the walk, visit barossaherald.com.au.
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HIGH FIVE: A 2009 Vietnam Veteran walker met with Kapunda Primary School students.
Street, a special service at the memorial gardens at Dutton Park, followed by fellowship and a three course meal at the football club rooms. The same format will run again on Friday, August 17, with the march to begin at the Kapunda Primary School from 2pm and students encouraged to cheer the walkers on. Other regional Vietnam Veterans and those in armed forces are also invited to march the main street, with the public encouraged to line the streets and show their support. In addition a special sausage sizzle has been organised by IGA
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Wednesday, June 27, 2012 - Page 18 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
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Wednesday, June 27, 2012 - Page 19 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Gawler girls selected
FORCE: Gawler girls Leigh Waddington (left) and Chelsea Lemke.
By ROBERT LAIDLAW GAWLER girls Leigh Waddington and Chelsea Lemke have been selected for South Australia in the second-level Australian Netball League. The SA team has a new brand name – the Southern Force. Since the inception of the competition in 2008, the state side has played under South Australia or simply SA. Now it has a recognisable name that will hold it in good stead against the Victorian Fury, NSW Waratahs, NSW Blues, Western Sting, Queensland Fusion, Tassie Spirit, Canberra Darters, and Territory Storm. The AIS will also return to the competition with a team made up of scholarship holders from across the country. Due to begin competitive games in August, the Southern Force squad has started training under SASI coach and Adelaide Thunderbirds assistant coach Tania Obst.
Wednesday, June 27, 2012 - Page 20 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Chelsea currently plays with state league side Contax, while Leigh is captain of Cougars, and has sat on the bench for the Thunderbirds this season. “While my focus is on the state under 21s, I’m excited about being in the senior squad,” Chelsea said. “It is another stepping stone on my career path in netball. I still have plenty of years ahead.” The 17-year-old is a Year 12 Xavier College student. Leigh played two games for the Thunderbirds five years ago, before a knee reconstruction cost her a couple of seasons. This year she has suited up four times to sit on the bench, but has not tasted court time yet. “The standard of the ANL is harder than state league, with no easy games, and it is very physical,” Leigh said. “Last season it was tougher, as you played state league Friday nights then rushed to the airport to play ANL interstate on Saturdays and Sundays. This year only the local grand final clashes.”
Real Estate Liftout
Scan with your smartphone to view this property on domain.com.au
Stunning 360 degree views An amazing quality home on two hectares. See Domain P3. SUNDAY 1ST JULY
BAROSSA REAL ESTATE LYNDOCH 15 Finnis Court ....................11:30 – 12:00pm
NURIOOTPA Lot 102 Belvidere Road ....12:00 – 12:30pm
NURIOOTPA 11 First Street ....................12:30 – 1:00pm
TANUNDA 3 Mill Street .........................12:15 – 12:45pm
NURIOOTPA 51 Golden Way...................12:45 – 1:15pm
TANUNDA 36 Hoffmann Avenue ...............2:00 – 2:30pm
NURIOOTPA 6 Hearl Street .......................1:10 – 1:40pm NURIOOTPA 25 Hearl Street .....................1:40 – 2:10pm
Assoc. Aust. Inst. of Conveyancers Registered Conveyancer
Beckwith Park Commercial Precinct 30-38 Barossa Valley Way, Nuriootpa
TANUNDA 10 Hoffman Avenue .................1:45 – 2:15pm
LYNDOCH 42 Gilbert Street.......................2:45 – 3:15pm NURIOOTPA 21 Zimmerman Street ..........4:00 – 4:30pm
BETHANY Allotment 102 Light Pass Rd....1:45 – 2:30pm TANUNDA 38 Elizabeth Street ...................2:30 – 3:00pm
Ph: (08) 8562 3355 | Fax: (08) 8562 3282 • House & Land Settlements • Mortgages • Leases • Business Settlements • Subdivisions Arranged • Strata Titles • Power of Attorney ALL REAL PROPERTY ACT DOCUMENTS
NURIOOTPA 27 Zimmermann Street ........2:30 – 3:00pm TANUNDA 13 John Street .........................2:45 – 3:15pm ALTONA Lot 1 Quarry Road ......................3:30 – 4:00pm TANUNDA 17 Young Street .......................3:30 – 4:00pm
Australia’s fastest growing property website List your property with an agent who uploads to Domain
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Wednesday, June 27, 2012 - Domain Page 1 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Real Estate Liftout
Relax in peace
PICTURED RIGHT: The superbly renovated Lyndoch cottage (left) and the lounge room.
With access to over 20 lenders, including HomeStart Finance, we work hard to find you a better deal!
Call us today... Kerrie Dellar 0408 845 154 Australian Credit Licence #389548
PUBLIC NOTICE Re: Section 7 The Vendor’s statement relating to matters affecting the advertised properties in this publication may be inspected at the agents office three business days prior to the auction or at the place of auction thirty minutes before sale. WH1780969
THIS superbly-renovated 1880s Lyndoch cottage is situated on a 913 square metre allotment located on the fringe of the popular Barossa Valley. The cottage is currently running as a ‘bed and breakfast’ but would make for a lovely home with all the luxuries of modern living. This little oasis offers tranquillity and convenience with shops, schools and
wineries all within walking distance and it’s only a 10 minute drive to Gawler or Tanunda. The house boasts two good size bedrooms, fully carpeted with doors to the outside. There is a galley-style kitchen with quality appliances and glass splashbacks. Traditional country-style dining is provided with the original wood stove and stunning timber floors.
Keep warm with the open fireplace in the lounge plus there is split-system heating and cooling for temperature control at all times. The house is eco-friendly with a 1.5kw solar system. Established gardens are a feature with the house set well back on the block. Stylish describes the bathroom with a spa and separate toilet plus the house also has a good size laundry.
New plumbing, wiring and a new roof have added value to the property. There is plenty of parking with the foundation already done for a carport. This is a superb location and the property is AAAT rated 4.5 stars. Priced at $299,999, this property needs to be seen to be believed. Call Kies Real Estate on 8523 3777 now to book a time that’s right for you to have a look.
NEW 694 Eden Valley Rd
157 ACRES AND TWO HOMES, TO BE SOLD AS A WHOLE OR CAN BE SEPARATED. Originally part of the renown land holding known as Collingrove’ on 63.3 hectares has been held by 1 owner for many years. Magnificent 4 bedroom home, architecturally designed to harmonise with the landscape, stunning formal and informal living areas. Also stone settler’s cottage on separate title. Expressions of interest to be received by 5pm on Monday 15th July, 2012. Peter Fairweather 0415 825 420
OPEN 21 Zimmermann St Open Sun 4-4.30pm
LIVE IN ONE OF NURIOOTPAS FINEST ESTATES. Popular Rossdale designed home showcasing 9ft high ceilings, timber balustrades & hall arches. Stylish 4 bedroom home, main with ensuite & wir, bedrooms 2, 3 & 4 incl. bir’s, located centrally to rooms is the neutral toned 3 way bathroom. Spacious formal lounge & open plan family/ dining area with well appointed, functional kitchen. Ducted r/c a/c, paved courtyard & double garage. Elle Moreton 0488 996 566
22 McGahan Ct
15 Finniss Crt Open Sun 11.30am-12pm
42 Gilbert St
This home is looking for the caravan enthusiast or someone with an eye for development (subject to council consent). Reside at or sub-divide this property which features a large 1213m2 (approx) parcel of land with 3 roadside frontages. Comprising 3 bedrooms, master with WIR, separate lounge, open plan kitchen/family/dining, 3 way bathroom and a lovely landscaped yard with, pool and undercover parking for 3 cars. Combustion wood fire and evaporative cooling. Elle Moreton 0488 996 566
GREAT LOCATION, IDEAL FAMILY HOME Separate entry, large lounge, 3 Bedrooms, Ensuite, Walk in & BI Robes. Open plan meals & family, kitchen with walk in pantry, air conditioning, combustion heating, neutral décor. Rear veranda, double carport with roller doors, 8 solar panels, Rain water tanks. BBQ Area, Established gardens. Walking distance to local schools and shopping. Sue Schugmann 0419 850 408
More than meets the eye!
TWO STOREY BEAUTY You couldn't build it for this price. Separate entry, formal lounge, up to the minute kitchen, stainless steel appliances, rumpus room, meals/family room, formal dining, 4 brms, ducted air and gas heat, 914m2 allotment, fantastic views, walking distance to Gawler main street. Sue Schugmann 0419 850 408
NURIOOTPA $349,500
LYNDOCH $325K- $335K
GAWLER EAST $439,950
TANUNDA $365,000
Lot 102 Belvidere Rd Open Sun 12-12.30pm
GREAT HORSE PROPERTYON 26.7 ACRES 3 bed, 2 bath, 20 cars. Lnge & fml dine. Near new wood kitchen with new elec oven , meals/family room. 3 way bthrm, main bed with ens + WIR. Comb heat & ducted cool, vdah, dbl c/pt, 6 x 9.2m gge, 4 bay in house horse complex, tack & feed areas, massive 15m x 15m implement shed, approx 1ac lic vineyard, pgla, winter dam, 100,000 rainwater plumbed to home. School bus stops at gate. Only mins to Nuriootpa. Sue Schugmann 0419 850 408
Open Sun 2.45-3.15pm
OPEN 36 Hoffman Ave
Open Sun 2-2.30pm
ENTERTAINERS DELIGHT! Live the high life in this open plan 4 bedroom home in the popular Langmeil Estate. Master with ensuite and wir, large separate lounge at front of home and an open plan Kitchen/Family/ Dining at rear. Extensive outdoor entertaining area with landscaped yard and small garden shed. Double Carport with rear access. Elle Moreton 0488 996 566
3 Mill Street
Open Sun 12.15-12.45pm
CONVENIENT LOCATION IN THE HEART OF TANUNDA. In a tightly held pocket well positioned to stroll to the main street is this character Bungalow. Offering period features including fireplaces, timber floors and a cellar, 3 double bedrooms, a cosy living area and updated bathroom. Easily maintained with heating and cooling, garage and a paved rear yard, this may be an ideal retirement option or suit B&B operation subject to consents. . Peter Fairweather 0415 825 420
8563 3511
www.barossarealestate.com.au F: 8563 0105 E: bvrealestate@ozemail.com.au www.barossaherald.com.au
Peter Fairweather 0415 825 420
Sue Schugmann 0419 850 408
Sue Fechner 8563 3511
Elle Moreton 0488 996 566
Property Manager Anne Johansson 8563 3511
RLA 1997
Wednesday, June 27, 2012 - Domain Page 2 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Real Estate Liftout
ROOMY: The spacious shed on the amazing Williamstown property.
Little piece of paradise THIS amazing quality home in Williamstown, built in 1995, is situated on an astonishing two hectares (five acres) of superb land and offers 360 degrees of stunning views. This property is fenced into several paddocks and has horse shelters with yards, a good size dam, fully established gardens, plenty of parking and even more room for the kids. The house offers four great size bedrooms plus a study, the master with large built-in robes and an ensuite fit for a queen with double vanity and large corner spa. Bedrooms two and three have good size mirrored built-in robes. There is a great open-plan family/lounge/kitchen with quality appliances throughout. The large family home also offers a formal dining/lounge for the adults, three-way main bathroom, large laundry, ducted reverse-cycle heating and cooling, quality slate floors in the high traffic areas and carpet in the bedrooms and formal areas. The home is connected to 29,000
At a glance...
Magnificent and delightful
LOOK no further - this Eudunda property (pictured) deserves your consideration. On offer is a gorgeous solid stone 1910 villa from the bygone era which has been fully restored with tender loving care by the owner, a professional builder. This charming home has 12-foot ceilings and picture rails in every room. There are three large bedrooms with new carpets, the master with a wall-to-wall mirrored built-in wardrobe and there is an office that can be the fourth bedroom. The eat-in kitchen includes a dishwasher, pantry and lots of cupboard space. Comfortable describes the formal lounge room with the
original fireplace and pressed Charlton metal panels ceiling and then there is the family room with the combustion heater. Beautifully tiled is the bathroom with spa bath and vanity, the toilet is separate. Outside is the full-length rear verandah/entertaining area fully enclosed with a shade cloth. There are also two carports, a workshop and garden sheds, an established backyard with fruit trees and ornamental shrubs, a paved area for caravan and boat plus the bonus of the double gate private access from the rear. All this and more on a lovely large 1000 square metre allotment.
Where: Williamstown. Features: Stunning views. Price: $689,950. Open: Call agent to view.
gallons of rainwater with manual switch to the mains. Worth a look is the double garage or teenager’s retreat with a triple carport as well. There is a large entertaining area with wonderful views, a chook yard and shedding to please the fussiest of men with high clearance roller doors for trucks and two roller doors for cars - this is one massive shed. These properties rarely become available so don’t miss out on the opportunity to purchase a little piece of paradise. Call today to arrange a time to inspect.
$210,000 KEYNETON
Lot 8 Angaston-Swan Reach Road
2 John Road
COUNTRY LIVING On 2 ½ acres, this secluded 2 brm t/f home, decked returned verandah, attached single garage & carport, dble garage with power & concrete, & r/water tanks.
1390m2 BLOCK – GREAT VALUE Large flat land with no encumbrances, over 30m frontage & over 45m in depth. Water and power available.
4B The Crescent
16 Railway Parade
NEAR NEW HOME 3 brms, ensuite, walk-in robe, formal lounge, family/games room, large modern kitchen, double garage, quiet location, low maintenance.
BEAUTIFULLY RESTORED 1910 VILLA 12ft celings, picture rails in every room, 3-4 brms, 2 living areas, country kitchen, new bathroom with spa, front & rear access, 1000m2 land.
37 Tamke Street
42 Truro-Eudunda Road
4C The Crescent
RESTORED MINERS COTTAGE 1 brm, lounge can be 2nd brm, kitchen/family rm, front & rear v/dah, s/s a/c, gdn shed, r/wtr plumbed to house, 3000m2 allot. 73 Greenock Road
MODERN STYLISH LIVING Brand new 3 Brms with carpet, master with ensuite & walk-in robe, spacious kitchen with dw, open plan living with timber floors.
Call for your free market appraisal
Where: 16 Railway Parade, Eudunda. Features: Beautifully restored character residence. Price: $295,000. Open: Contact agent. Agent: Julie Toth Real Estate. Ph: 8562 4650. RLA: 198199. Contact: Julie Toth 0418 853 134.
... where people matter
Original stone bungalow on approx 3120m2 block, 3 dble brms, eat-in country kitchen with large walk-in pantry. Teen retreat - 1 brm, lounge & study.
SPACIOUS: The impressive kitchen area of the Williamstown house.
At a glance...
Agent: Kies Real Estate. RLA: 61382. Contact: Kies Real Estate 8523 3777.
This property is situated only a short stroll to the main street shopping, the hospital, schools, gallery, museum and hotel. The perfect place to escape from the noise, hustle and bustle of the city. The asking price for this outstanding home is $295,000.
GREAT INVESTMENT 3 brms, ensuite, walk-in robe, formal lounge, family/games room, large modern kitchen, double garage, quiet location, low maintenance.
15 Coronation Avenue QUIET TREE LINED STREET
Dble brick 3 brm home on a 780m2 cnr block. Large lounge, kitchen with pantry, heating & cooling. Dble gge, estab rear garden with fruit trees & more.
8562 4650 0418 853 134
Wednesday, June 27, 2012 - Domain Page 3 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
4 Collins Street CUTE COTTAGE OF BYGONE ERA Great for B&B. 2/3 brms, polished tbr floors, kitchen with dw, lounge with heating& cooling, tbr deck with views, few minutes’ walk to all amenities.
2/7 Gawler Street, Nuriootpa www.julietothrealestate.com.au
6 Lucas Street, Kapunda
Lovely presented house in Nuriootpa
Open Sunday 1-1.30pm
“Quality modern home in the best location” • Four bedrooms, 2 with BIR’s • Main bedroom with BIR, WIR & ensuite • Bright open plan kitchen, meals & living area • Formal dining and second living area • Undercover entertaining area • Neat low maintenance gardens • Prime location only stone’s throw to main town facilities WH1830481
Absolutely nothing to do but move in!! Auction 11am Saturday 7th July (if not sold prior) Geoff Schell 0418 842 421 or Daniel Schell 0415 436 379
RLA 205501
Consider Renting
ABOVE: The well-maintained front of the Maple Street, Nuriootpa house.
Ring me for an appraisal 7 days a week on
0427 233 319
House been on the market forever?
BELOW: The larger than normal kitchen comes with plenty of bench space.
Julie Thring Owner
28A Adelaide Road, Gawler 8523 3319 www.gawlerpm.harcourts.com.au
THIS lovely Nuriootpa house has been cleverly planned to give you great quality of lifestyle inside and out. Its main features include neutral décor, generous open-plan living, larger than normal kitchen with meals area. The kitchen features glass sliding doors allowing you to step out onto the pretty, low maintenance rear yard. The larger than normal kitchen is well equipped and features a walk-in pantry, stainless-steel appliances, overhead cupboards and plenty of bench space. The vaulted ceiling in the lounge area is another great feature of this house. There are three bedrooms, master with a walk-in robe and ensuite, ducted reverse-cycle airconditioning, and a double garage under the main roof with front panel lift door and rear roller door for access to the rear yard, this is certainly a well thought out property. Well presented, private, secure and an easy one to maintain best describe this property and will certainly provide those looking for a quality lifestyle. This beautifully presented house is located at 32 Maple Avenue, Nuriootpa, with an asking price of $310,000 to $320,000. Web ID: HRE635. For more details contact Homburg Real Estate on 8563 2599 or agent Felicity Cock on 0411 456 266. www.barossaherald.com.au
Wednesday, June 27, 2012 - Domain Page 4 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
NEAT AND TIDY: The neutral decor of the bathroom gives you scope to add your personal touch. admin.barossaherald@ruralpress.com
Real Estate Liftout
Great home, great block and scope to add real value IF YOU’VE just positioned yourself to purchase your own own home or an investment property, then it’s time to take a look at this well presented home in Nuriootpa. The home is bright, fresh and neutral throughout with spacious light-filled rooms and situated on a good-sized fully-fenced plot with a garage, rear vehicle access and established trees. In well maintained order, this house has good scope for you to add your own decorating ideas if you wish and will dress up easily. The home comprises three bedrooms, a large separate lounge that connects with the open-plan retro kitchen and dining, a family bathroom plus a second toilet off the rear laundry space. Add some real “wow” factor by changing the dining room window zone to sliding or bi-fold doors and add a decked verandah to open the home up to the great outdoors. The home also features the comforts of gas heating, a reversecycle air conditioning unit and ceiling fans to the bedrooms. Outside, there’s a rainwater tank, single iron garage and double gates to the rear. Lovely native perimeter trees
promote privacy both front and back, a simply great backyard for kids, pets and extra vehicles with space for further shedding, subject to council consent. This property has real scope to add further value and represents a great opportunity for first home owners, downsizers seeking access and shelter for their caravan and the investor who is looking to maximise on the current market. Perhaps it’s the perfect time to consider buying.
ABOVE: The bright and fresh Nuriootpa home. BELOW: The open-plan kitchen area.
At a glance... Where: 9 Below Street, Nuriootpa. Feature: For first home owners, investor or downsizers. Price: $235,000. Open: Call agent to view. Web ID: HRE592 Agent: Homburg Real Estate 8563 2599. RLA219152. Contact: Felicity Cock 0411 456 266.
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Offer finishes July 31, 2012.
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Wednesday, June 27, 2012 - Domain Page 5 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Wednesday, June 27, 2012 - Domain Page 6 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Wednesday, June 27, 2012 - Domain Page 7 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Real Estate Liftout
More than meets the eye AN APPEALING rendered finish has given this three bedroom, one bathroom house at Finniss Court, Lyndoch a fresh modern look. The separate lounge, open plan kitchen/family/dining and three-way bathroom make this an ideal house for a young family or energetic retirees. What sets this property apart from others is the size of the land on offer, which is 1213m2, and the fact that it has three road frontages providing the potential to subdivide the block (subject to council consent) and still be left with a sizeable allotment. If a large block is what you require for a caravan, shedding or just to enjoy lots of garden and entertaining space
INVITING: What’s not to like about this Lyndoch property complete with undercover entertaining area and pool.
Colin Schwartz trading as RLA216875 RENTALS
EUDUNDA $240pw 5 Reserve Road – Large 4 bedroom brick home, ensuite, second bathroom, formal lounge, open kitchen area, family room, ducted r/c a/c, fully enclosed yard, close to schools, kindy & shopping. EUDUNDA $220pw 7 Hambour Avenue – Neat 3 bedroom home, Bedroom 1 & 2 have built-in robes, lounge, kitchen/dining, electrical appliances, cool a/c only, shed, neat and tidy yard. Non-smoker. No Pets. Available Now. KAPUNDA $265pw 21 Railway Road- Neatly presented 3 bedroom home, BI Robes, roomy lounge, Kitchen/dining, comb heat, a/c, neat bathroom, sep toliet, carport, manageable garden. TANUNDA $315pw 5 Robert Erwin Court- Lovely 3 Bedroom home, ensuite WIR, formal lounge, open plan kitchen/dining/family/r/c a/c, dble garage, pergola, neat yard. KAPUNDA $220pw 80a High Street. A nice litle package, 3 bedrooms, main with WIR, 2-way bathroom, sep toilet, open plan kitchen/dining/family, formal lounge, fully fenced rear yard, dble oversized carport, ent area.
11 Acland Street Inspection by Appointment
domain.com.au realestate.com.au
Halfway Road Inspection by Appointment
Nicely presented 4yr old t/f home, large 1011m2 allot, 2 bdrms, roomy lounge/dining, kitchen has elec appiliances, dishwasher, plenty cpds, r/c a/c, front & rear v/dah, carport, short walk to river and shops. Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942
41 Wild Street Inspection by Appointment
Three bedrooms, one bathroom, formal lounge, neat kitchen and meals, rear and front verandah, shedding, carport, lots of room to move. WEB ID: 106614295 Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942
EUDUNDA Inspection by Appointment
Neat property close to Truro, Sedan & Blanchetown. 3 brm home on 117ac incl 30ac cropping, lge shed, hayshed, yards with water connected, lovely views, mains & rainwater, quiet loc, provides nice lifestyle Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942
13 Fuller Street Inspection by Appointment
Solid home on 14acres, short drive to Eudunda, 4 bedrooms, large country kitchen, roomy lounge, cellar, mains & r/w, stone barn, shearing shed, hay shed, 3 phase power to work shed, well fenced, lovely views. Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942
Neindorf Road Inspection by Appointment
1 John Street OPEN Sunday 12.30- 1.15pm
Neat solid home on 11,000m2 allot, having 3 titles, possible subdiv STCC. 3 brs, office, kitchen w elec apps & d/w, fml dine, lge lounge, r/c a/c, gas htg. Paved gable pergola, 40x20 shed, caravan shed, 30x20 shed. Rear access. Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942
80A High Street OPEN Sunday 1.30-2.15pm
Close to town, 3 bedroom home, 100acres, suitable for cropping & grazing, well fenced, hay shed, mains water, flat land close to ranges, lifestyle property or add to existing
Neat B/V Home, 3 bdrms, main has WIR, access to bathroom, formal lounge, kitchen/meals/family, r/c a/c, pergola, carport, currently tenanted, ideal family home or investment.
Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942
Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942
92 MAIN ST • T: 8566 3399 sales@adelaideruralrealestate.com.au
Beautiful Bethany property awaits new owner’s touch
Neat b/v home on lge 1950m2 allot with rural views. 4 brs, main ens & WIR, br 2 & 3 BIR, kitchen has gas stove, pantry, plenty cpds, dine, family, fml lnge, comb heat, ducted a/c, dble c/pt UMR, vdahs, pergola, 30x20 gge. Currently tenanted. WEB ID: 106770196 Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942
BELOW: Preparing meals will be easy with this renovated kitchen.
Adelaide Rural Real Estate WILLASTON $280pw 43 Haines Road – Neat timber framed home, 3 bedrooms, main with built-ins, open kitchen overlooking lounge/dining, entertaining area, manageable block.
then this will be perfect. The landscaped gardens, covered barbecue area, pool and decking are already there for your immediate enjoyment. The home is comfortably appointed with a renovated kitchen and cosy lounge with large combustion heater making it particularly appealing at this time of year. Evaporative air-conditioning keeps the home comfortable during the warm months. This home offers a number of options and possibilities making it worth serious consideration. To find out more contact Elle Moreton from Barossa Real Estate for more details on 0488 996 566.
Wednesday, June 27, 2012 - Domain Page 8 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
TAKE A LOOK: The large country kitchen is just one of many attractions of this Bethany Road property. BE THE envy of your family and friends with this unique house and property located on the edge of Tanunda. With the Bethany creek as a backdrop, this enticing five-acre (2ha) property has loads to offer. There’s a three-acre Cabernet vineyard in good heart, a number of sheds including an old thatched roof barn. The two-storey house will appeal to a growing family as it involves either four or five bedrooms. While previous owners believe the house was constructed many years ago, recent owners of the 70s and 80s have added their unique touch to create a substantial house that with some renovation and imagination could become a beautiful family home. The house is located back from Bethany Road and boasts many trees, and together with the vineyards, provides natural screening creating a private haven. There’s certainly scope to develop for cellar door style occupation together with living on site (subject to council consent). A very rare opportunity, so come and have a look. Asking price is $525,000 and to learn more, contact Peter Fairweather from Barossa Real Estate on 0415 825 420. admin.barossaherald@ruralpress.com
Guaranteed Risk Free Selling! Many more properties for sale, call in to inspect our full range Land Release Lot 42 Lot 43 Lot 44 Lot 45 Lot 46 Lot 47 Lot 48 Lot 49 Lot 50 Lot 51 Lot 52 Lot 53 Lot 54 Lot 55
$499,950 2
Price $149,950 $159,950 SOLD $134,950 $169,950 $189,950 $139,950 $189,950 $149,950 $149,950 $139,950 $159,950 $174,950 $199,950
$449,950 2
Available 7 Days
$279,950 1
11 Glorious Acres
Location, Location, Location
Seeing is Believing
Great Location and Value
Solid Brick! Solar Powered Beauty 4.2kw
Walking distance to Trinity College and minutes to all of Gawler's amenities, this lifestyle 11 Acre allotment boasts a 3 bedroom home plus studio/ teenagers retreat. Built in 1977 the home offers raked ceilings, ensuite, formal living and formal dining together with ducted evaporative airconditioning and split-system heating and cooling. Separate to the home is a studio/ teenagers retreat, with tool sheds, workshop and separate garaging this property could be utilised for any number of uses, once used as a horse stud this number of acres, this close to Gawler, bring the children, animals and all your toys!!
Fabulous value on offer with this well presented 3 bedroom home situated in a popular location, close to local shops, schools, parks and public transport. This superbly presented home offers master bedroom with walk-in robe, bay window and 2-way ensuite, bedroom 2 also has a builtin robe. The home is complete with two living areas, bar, dining room and stunning timber kitchen with quality appliances and beautiful views of the entertaining area through the kitchen bay window, 3-way main bathroom, quality brick feature walls, gas heating, evaporative ducted cooling, double carport and fully landscaped gardens. This home has been well thought out and built to a high standard with all bathroom and kitchen cabinets built by locally owned Meznar Furniture. Don't miss out on this wonderful opportunity to buy this quality home with no more to do other than move in. # 3010 RLA 61382
This quality Homestead built home situated on a 1372m2 allotment offers large formal entry, formal lounge and dining with bay window, master bedroom with built-in robe, large ensuite with spa and double shower, bedrooms 2, 3 and 4 are extra large and have built-in robes and ceiling fans, all bedrooms also have Austar connected. It has a lovely 3-way bathroom and generous size laundry, 10 foot ceilings throughout and a fabulous open plan kitchen, dining and family room. The kitchen comprises of quality appliances and a stunning centre bench. The family and dining has double doors leading through to the games room which has glass doors leading out onto the salt water solar heated pool. There is a 3 car garage under the main roof, approximately 32,000L rainwater storage, two 3phs split system air-conditioners, large entertainment area overlooking the pool complete with bar and wood fire pizza oven, side access for trailers or caravans with a high clearance lean-to off the shed.
Set on 610m2 this 3 bedroom home is wonderfully located in the heart of Gawler East with unbroken rural views from the rear of the property. Offering 3 bedrooms with built in robes to bedrooms 2 & 3, spacious formal lounge and combined kitchen/ dining room. The home and block is neat and easily maintained. Serviced by gas hot water together with gas heating and ducted evaporative air conditioning, with single carport and second driveway. The residence would suit a young family or professional couple. Set amongst quality homes in a great area close to amenities but still retaining a rural outlook - Well worth an inspection.
This solid brick home built in 1966 is situated on the perfect size allotment of 840m2. This quality family home has an enormous 4.2kw solar system. The home offers 3/4 bedrooms, all good sizes and master with built-in robes, llavish formal entry flowing into the great open plan lounge, dining and kitchen, French doors opening out from the dining room onto the lovely enclosed patio. The property offers attention to detail from the ornate cornices, stunning ceiling roses, 2.9m ceilings, quality solid timber floors, ducted evaporative cooling, refrigerated wall air-conditioner, enormous amount of natural light in all rooms with skylights in both the kitchen and bathroom and a stunning and stylish retro bathroom. Complete with your own espaliered orchard of fruit trees, 50,000 litres of rain water storage, double carport and garage/possible teenagers retreat. All this within walking distance to shops, transport, schools and parks.
# 5001
# 5020
# 3011
RLA 61382
$299,999 1
Pure Bliss—Relax in Peace This superbly renovated 1880's cottage is situated on a 913m2 allotment located on the fringe of the popular Barossa Valley. The cottage is currently running as a Bed and Breakfast but would make for a lovely home with all the luxuries of modern living. This little oasis offers tranquillity and convenience with shops, schools and wineries all within walking distance and it's only 10 minutes drive to Gawler or Tanunda. The house boasts the following; - 2 good size bedrooms, fully carpeted with doors to outside - Galley Style kitchen with quality appliances and glass splashbacks -Traditional country style dining with original wood stove and stunning timber floors - Lounge with open fire place - Split system heating and cooling - 1.5kw solar Established gardens with the house set well back on the block - Stylish bathroom with spa and separate toilet - Good size laundry - Plenty of parking with foundation already done for carport - Superb location. It needs to be seen to be believed, call now to book a time that's right for you. # 3025 RLA 61382
$324,000 1
# 3022
Unique and Amazing - 1880’s Cottage Truly amazing, this stunning 1880's cottage is set on a generous 850m2 allotment.Currently operating as a local Bed and Breakfast in the Barossa Valley, this cottage is a testament to the owners as the renovations are of such a high quality. What an opportunity, to own a lovely cottage with modern and quality upgrades on the inside, yet keeping great character on the outside. Situated within walking distance to local shops, schools and wineries this is truly a great location. This 1880's cottage offers the following;- 2 bedrooms fully carpeted - Lounge with floating floors and slow combustion heating - Dining room also with slow combustion heating - Modern Galley Style kitchen with quality appliances - Modern bathroom with spa - 2 toilets - Large outdoor cellar/storage room - 1.5kw solar - Front and rear parking for 4 cars - Split system heating and cooling - Fully insulated, new plumbing and wiring to whole house as well as a new roof.This gorgeous cottage has It all so don't miss out on the opportunity to have your own piece of paradise. # 3024 RLA 61382
RLA 61382
$349,950 2
RLA 61382
Family Fortune
A Great Investment
Set on a 1345m2 corner allotment sits this wonderful 2 storey home. Downstairs offers 3 of the 4 bedrooms with main bathroom, laundry, sparkling refurbished kitchen with stainless steel appliances and polished slate flooring. The downstairs living boasts timber floors in an Lshaped lounge/dine combination. Upstairs there is a second huge family area together with the master bedroom, ensuite and built-in robes. Beautifully decorated throughout in neutral tones with new floor coverings to compliment this home is sure to tick the boxes. Outside is a blank canvas for the homes new owners to complete, with ample shedding, front and rear verandahs the spacious block would accommodate may possibilities. With inspection by appointment - call to arrange a time to suit.
As rare as hens teeth! A half acre allotment with over 100 metres of road frontage. Currently on two titles with a circa 1890 Stone Cottage, originally the Headmasters residence for the Lyndoch Public School - opened in 1879. The potential of this superb opportunity is obvious, to renovate the Cottage and sub-divide the remaining land (subject to Council consent). With 3 bedrooms, formal lounge, kitchen/dine and large cellar the property is deserving of restoration and would certainly reap rewards for its lucky new owner, together with the development of the remaining land. Within walking distance to all of Lyndoch's amenities local schools, shops, restaurants and wineries. A project worthy of the investment, inspection by appointment call to arrange a time to suit.
# 5026
# 5040
RLA 61382
RLA 61382
RLA 61382
$424,000 2
Spectacular Basket Range Stone Home This spectacular Basket Range stone home is set on approximately 1 Acre of land with dual access to the property which could make room for subdivision subject to council consent. The home offers 3 bedrooms all of great size, bathroom with separate toilet, storage room, formal entry, lounge and open plan kitchen, dining and family. The home has a new addition including rumpus room, large laundry and bathroom with toilet. Other features include 9 foot ceilings, ornate ceiling roses, ducted reverse cycle heating/cooling, huge entertainment area with gable roof, double brick garage under the main roof, double carport and two large sheds (9.1m x 6m and 5.5m x 4.6m). Over 40 different Fruit trees and 140 Olive trees FS17. This property has it all and is situated in a quiet little community within walking distance to all amenities. Don't miss this great opportunity to purchase this wonderful family home on a great parcel of land. # 3001
RLA 61382
3A Adelaide Road, Gawler (08) 8523 3777 www.barossaherald.com.au
Wednesday, June 27, 2012 - Domain Page 9 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
We’ll get you where you want to go! www.kies.com.au
Real Estate Liftout
Quality modern house in a great location
8563 2855
PGE 233178
KAPUNDA and Eudunda residents are set to have reliable phone coverage thanks to affordable satellite mobile phone technology. The support comes from Indigo Telecom and Australia Post. Indigo Telecom managing director David Ruddiman said, “It has been wonderful to work with Australia Post and observe the difference our
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Wednesday, June 27, 2012 - Domain Page 10 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
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phones will give the user extended coverage across 100 per cent of Australia and out to sea,” he said. “Should you be close to town, the device will connect to the normal GSM network like any other phone, but the difference is when you hit a black spot or there is no coverage at all, the phone lets you roam on satellite.” For further details, visit indigotelecom.com.au.
phones can make in the lives of farmers, truckies, health workers and local businesses,” he said. Mr Ruddiman said Indigo’s state-of-the-art satellite technology would make life easier for residents who would now be able to buy a dual mode phone from their local post office, charge the battery, and instantly make a call. “Indigo dual mode mobile
AUTOMOTIVE = We come to you at MOBILE No Extra Cost! ON-SITE
Your local antenna specialist
or 8565 7236 Nuriootpa
Kapunda and Eudunda voices to be heard
A/H 8251 1636
Phone Rob on 04 888 25653
RIGHT: Modern and picturesque outdoor entertaining area perfect to host family and friends year round.
= 0410 663 026
ARC AU01278
ABOVE RIGHT: The spacious master bedroom complete with walk-in robe and ensuite.
www.re ec.com.au BLD 233177
ABOVE: Up for auction is this beautifully maintained Kapunda property.
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0433 010 934
coverings throughout, monitored security alarm system and quality fixtures and fittings just to name a few. Step outside and continue to be impressed with this property as it offers a fantastic undercover outdoor entertaining area surrounded by neat landscaped garden and lawn areas all connected to automatic reticulated irrigation system. There is a double garage under the main roof with two electric roller doors and drive through for caravan/trailer parking and internal access. This property offers an attractive package that rarely comes on the market; of quality modern home, flexible floor plan, neat garden and in a great location. Your inspection is highly recommended. The auction falls 11am Saturday, July 7 if not sold prior. For more details contact Ray White Clare Valley agents Daniel Schell on 0415 436 379 or Geoff Schell 0418 842 421.
LOCATED at 6 Lucas Street, Kapunda, is this quality modern house on a well landscaped low maintenance block, up for auction. Situated close to the town’s main street facilities, this house boasts plenty of features to attract those wanting it all. The house has four spacious bedrooms with built-in robes in two of the bedrooms. The master bedroom includes a walk-in robe, beautifully decorated ensuite and feature bay window to bring in the natural light. The bright open-plan kitchen/casual meals and living area also has an abundance of natural light radiating through and the homemaker will be impressed by the spacious kitchen. There is plenty of room for the growing family with a formal dining room for entertaining and a family room to relax in. The house has loads of extras; with ducted reverse-cycle air-conditioning (fully zoned), quality tiling and floor
0423 900 904 admin.barossaherald@ruralpress.com
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ARC AU01278
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Shower Screens
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Wednesday, June 27, 2012 - Domain Page 11 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
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• Restaurant and Airport Transfers • 7 seater available • 7 days
•Now selling Concrete •Full range of dolomite products available •Including ballast for septic • Phone us for a free quote
East Tce Kapunda 8566 2302
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Builders Lic No. BLD 158849
Mon-Fri 7.30am - 4pm
Wednesday, June 27, 2012 - Domain Page 12 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
See where advertising can take YOUR business! admin.barossaherald@ruralpress.com
Exciting train travel JULY is a busy month for Pichi Richi Railway as it prepares for the school holiday season and its ever popular Christmas in July train. Regular passenger trains Both the Afghan Express and the Pichi Richi Explorer will operate regularly during the school holidays, with steam trains scheduled daily except Monday and Friday. Passengers will experience train travel as it was 100 years ago. Travelling through deep rock cuttings, over dry stone walls and 19th century bridges, the 40km track weaves through abandoned settlements and intense landscape formations. The Afghan Express (from Port Augusta to Quorn) runs on the middle Saturday of the school holidays (July 14) plus July 21 and 22.
The Pichi Richi Explorer (from Quorn to Woolshed Flat return) operates daily during the school holidays except Monday and Friday and July 14. July 26 - Christmas in July People will gather their families and friends for Pichi Richi Railway’s Christmas in July special winter train. “Traditionally Christmas in December is an extremely busy time of the year,” Lisa Pearson, marketing manager said. “By celebrating in July with a Christmas feast, passengers can really relax and enjoy.” As passengers arrive at Port Augusta railway station they will be greeted by a familiar looking fellow in a red suit. They will embark on carriages resplendent with festive decorations and enjoy nibbles, a
licensed bar and Christmas music on their trip to Pichi Richi Park. Guests will settle around roaring log fires to enjoy a spectacular view of Devil’s Peak and a three-course Christmas feast. The set menu lunch includes traditional roast turkey and suckling pig and of course delicious traditional Christmas pudding. There will be small gifts for the children, and bonbons. The train departs Port Augusta railway station at 10.30am and returns at 4.30pm and is licensed. The fare includes train travel and a three-course Christmas feast. Adults are $120, concession $115, children $47. Bookings are essential for all events, and can be made by calling Pichi Richi Railway reservations on 1800 440 101 or online at www.prr.org.au.
ENJOYABLE: Train travel on the Pichi Richi railway.
CHRISTMAS SPIRIT: Margie Traynor (left) and Karen Pratt from Getta Bargain in Gawler are into the Christmas in July spirit. Getta Bargain, in Tod Street, Gawler, has a wide range of gifts which could be the perfect surprise for family and friends to celebrate the mid year festive spirit.
Bon Bons Stockings Tableware Xmas Lights Christmas Hats Christmas Tins Giftbags and Wrap Range of Tinsel Gifts - Toys Homewares Decorations Decorations for Home & Office We can supply your: Senior Cit’s Lunches • Winery Tours • Small Hotel Functions • Private Functions • Home and Office
GETTA BARGAIN OPEN TIMES Mon 9 Tues 9 Wed 9 Thurs 9 Fri 9 Sat 9 Sun 11 P/Hols 11 -
5.30pm 5.30pm 5.30pm 9pm 5.30pm 5pm 5pm 5pm
Seniors Discounts admin.barossaherald@ruralpress.com
7 Tod St, Gawler Ph 8522 1911
Wednesday, June 27, 2012 - Page 21 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Body, Mind & Spirit Fair -Gawler $
3 Entrance Fee Under 12 Free! FREE OUTING: The crowd which flocked to Funday Sunday at Tanunda in 2011.
Palmistry - Psychometry - Mediumship 7th & 8th July 2012 Bagua Readings - Numerology 10am to 5pm both days Angel & Tarot Card & Psychic Readings Chakra Balancing - Reiki - Attunements Freemasons Hall, Bowen Therapy - Reflexology - Myofascial Release Barossa Valley Way Massage - Natural Health - Shifting Octaves
opposite Fasta Pasta
Indian Head Massage (Sat. only) - Animal Totems Soy Candles, Soaps & Other products Beautiful Silver & Crystal Jewellery - Books - Poetry from the Heart - Unique Hand-Crafted Jewellery Gifts & Much more at reasonable prices
Phone Jan 0408 819 826
Morning/Afternoon tea & lunch available
Keep September 9 free HAVE you been to Tanunda’s Funday Sunday? Do you know that it is a completely funfilled free day - a great day for families, grandparents and everyone in between? Missed it? Well don’t miss this year’s. Mark Sunday, September 9 on your calendar now. This is the fifth year the Tanunda churches have joined to present Funday Sunday. It’s a day where young and old are served a variety of free food, free refreshments and free entertainment. The committee has organised a stack of fun, including musical entertainment, a bouncy castle, a rock climbing wall, crazy hairdos, minute to win it games, story-telling, hip hop by 150 Dance, plaster mould painting, shaped
Proudly brought to you by
For your chance to win a bottle of Langmeil wine, complete the crossword only and drop the entry form into The Herald office Monday by 4.30pm. Winners need to collect their wine within the week. Last week’s winner was M Moliviatis of Angaston.
Twoway Crossword No 100
balloons, wood making, Old MacDonald’s interactive farm, biscuit decorating, sumo suit wrestling, a yellow brick road and old fashioned games of box hockey, lots of food and more. Committee members encourage those with creative talents to come forward and share their skills such as a magician or a juggler. Just contact them as soon as you can to reveal your talents. A stage will be set to host guest artists including Dwayne Hueppauff, a group of musically gifted students from Faith College, and Undead Radio will also be there to provide background musical support and competitions. In the past, food has included pizza, a sausage sizzle, ice cream and drinks, and this
Name:................................................................. Town:........................................... www.barossaherald.com.au
Wednesday, June 27, 2012 - Page 22 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
year the committee has included popcorn to its list. Each year the event has relied on the generosity of individuals, including members of the Tanunda churches and business owners, who dig deep to provide funds or donations of goods. If you’d like to support or be a part of this year’s event, please contact Janelle Miegel. The event is held from 11.30am to 3pm on the grounds of the Tanunda Oval. You are invited to join in the celebration service at 10.45am and then the fun activities which start at 11.30am. Please bring chairs or picnic rugs. For more details or to assist the committee through donations and support, contact Janelle on 8563 3175 or Judy on 8563 3438.
DRAMA: A group of Nuriootpa High Year 12 drama students have been working hard behind the scenes to present Spurboard. Written by Nick Enright, this is a story of selfdiscovery and highlights the choices young people, living in the country area, are forced to make. The production, directed by drama teacher Jennifer Watts, will be shown to the public tonight Wednesday, June 27 and Thursday, June 28 at the school’s Little Theatre. According to Miss Watts several teachers and extra students have worked hard to help make this production possible. She also thanked Cottage Costume in Tanunda for their support. The drama, which lasts about 90 minutes, makes up part of the students’ exam grades. Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for students and are available through the school’s finance department or at the door from 6.30pm. The school’s wine will be sold by the glass along with a selection of food. Pictured are (back) Jonathon Zagler with (front, from left) Chelsea Gosden, Angela Verrall, James Carter and Ripley Scott.
Enter to win a SodaStream pack THERE’S still time to enter the Herald’s SodaStream competition, with three packs up for grabs. The SodaStream starter pack prize consists of one limited edition ‘Karim Rashid’; drinks marker, one CO2 cylinder, one 1 litre PET bottle, one lemonade syrup, one cream soda syrup and one cola syrup - valued at $120. Also, why not register at sodastream.com.au/competition by entering the competition code 207404 for your chance to win a year’s supply of SodaStream syrups. To win Simply put your name, address and daytime telephone numbers on the back of an envelope addressed to: Herald’s SodaStream competition, PO Box 43, Tanunda SA 5352. Only one entry per person, winners will be notified by telephone and prize packs must be collected from the Herald office, Shop 1, 119 Murray Street, Tanunda. Entries must be received by Tuesday, July 3 at 5pm. admin.barossaherald@ruralpress.com
WHAT’S COMING UP WITH THE CIRQUE SWARM IS ON THE WAY! Cirque du Soleil presents ‘Ovo’ Thursday January 3rd 2013 4pm Performance
Up for the challenge
Tickets now Available - Get in quick for the earlybird Price!!
and awareness for Cara. This documentary will be screened twice during prime time on Channel 7 in early 2013. Before it reaches the small screen it will be shown at the Capri Cinema with a red carpet launch for all involved, their families, friends and sponsors. How you can help Rick, who is lead singer of popular band Colonel Mustard, has organised a major fundraiser night with the public invited to join in. Colonel Mustard, a five-piece band, will perform at Peter Lehmann Wines Old
Art exhibition REGIONAL artists have joined to host two exhibitions at the Kapunda Community Gallery in July. Six talented artists from Arts North Elizabeth Society Inc life drawing group will exhibit ‘Life Drawing’, drawings mainly in charcoal and pencil and some watercolour and ink. Gawler textile artists and Kapunda Community Gallery Inc artists are showing an eclectic selection under the title ‘Scratching Around’. With free admission, visitors can view brilliant textile images, and the range of subjects, media and styles in the paintings, drawings and photographs add another life aspect to the main exhibition of Life Drawing. The event will be opened by artist Graham Kenefick on July 1 and will run until July 22. Located above the library on the corner of Main and Hill streets, Kapunda Community Gallery is open daily from 10am to 4pm.
Words and music ACOUSTIC musicians and spoken word enthusiasts are invited to join Gawler poet Martin Johnson and friends at the Sandy Creek Hotel on July 1 from 2pm. The afternoon involves a variety of music and poetry as well as musical stand up, and Marty encourages comedians
and acapella singers and others to join in. Events are relaxed and are held in a friendly wood-heated country pub.Microphone and amplifiers are provided, along with a generous helping of encouragement. For more details, contact Martin on 8522 4268.
Redemption cellar in Tanunda on Saturday, July 14 from 7pm til midnight. There will be beer, wine and soft drink available for purchase with nibbles and plenty of room to dance and socialise provided. An auction will be held with more details to come. Tickets are just $20 and can be purchased through everydayhero.com.au/rick_lane or at the door. For more details on Cara, visit cara.org.au. Those who donate online will automatically receive a taxdeductible receipt.
New Kapunda Sunday Market THE inaugural Kapunda Sunday Market will be launched Sunday, July 1 at the Kapunda Harness Racing Club Complex at 9am. The market is a project undertaken by Kapunda resident Bill Adams, who is also convenor of the recent successful Kapunda Farm Fair. Bill saw the opportunity of launching a regular Sunday market in Kapunda after the strong presence of other successful local markets in various regional areas throughout SA. Bill said, “There are some great producers in our region with plenty to offer market goers”. “The intention is to draw crowds to Kapunda on Sundays to do some shopping, grab a bite to eat and at the same time promote Kapunda as an interesting place to visit,” he said. Visitors can expect plenty of stalls with various goods, produce and products on offer, such as fresh fruit, vegetables, fish, fashion, clothing new and homemade, shoes, woodwork, health products, books, homemade cakes, jams/chutneys, olive oil, honey and much more. The market will be held undercover in the Main Shed of the Kapunda Harness Racing Club. Entry is a gold coin and gates open to the public at 9am. Other markets will fall on Sundays July 1, 8, 22 and 29 and August 5, 12 and 19.
8562 8092
www.greenockcreekcharter.websyte.com.au ABN 43 056 104 187 # Triple R Travel Lic No. 31486
33 main north road willaston t: 08 8522 1021 f: 08 8522 1629 e: willaston.hotel@alhgroup.com.au
www.willastonhotel.com.au a cut above th
WILLIAMSTOWN’S Rick Lane (right) is half way to reaching a fundraising target and you can help him raise the remainder. He’s joined the Cara TV Charity Challenge, which will ultimately support people with multiple and a severe disability to live full and rewarding lives. Rick said he jumped at the chance for several reasons. “For the past five years I have done bits and pieces of fundraising for the Cora Barclay Centre”. Rick’s children Macy, six and Soul, four are both deaf. And apart from being inspired by his mate and liaison of the challenge, Rick said, “I want to help this organisation continue their fantastic work and felt it was a chance to give something back”. The challenge involves a reality style TV documentary, which will feature 12 participants as they are taken on a week long adventure, tackling a variety of surprise challenges while raising funds
A new fantasy world of creepy crawlies is coming to Adelaide next summer! This award winning group is criss-crossing the country with 123 performers and crew with their new show. ”The goal is to show the audience a huge giant sized world of insects held under a microscope”, said Ovo artistic director Marjon Van Grunsven. “It’s just fantastic. Many movies were studied, we went to insectarium, it’s so wonderful to see that world come to life.” OVO - translates to egg in Portugese - had it’s world premiere in Montreal in April, 2009 and is currently touring across the US. Cirque du Soleil’s 25th production is, as always, full of fun, but there is a more serious message for those wanting to listen. “We don’t want it to be political or anything specifically related in one country or continent,” said Ms Grunsven. “However our show is about insects, so now it becomes kind of an environmental show that is trying to bring consciousness to the audience about how to treat insects.
e res t
Kids Eat Free Lunch & dinner FROM
Schnitzel Night
Family $ Meal Night *2 adults & 3 kids
Steak Night
Kids’ Entertainment FROM
Roast Day
TERMS AND CONDITIONS Family Meal Deal only available Wednesday nights. Adult’s meals must be ordered off the Family Meal Deal Menu 1 meal per child. Extra kid’s meals charged at $7.50. All Meal Deals not valid with any other food promotion or offer
85614299 Faith Lutheran College Magnolia Rd Tanunda
Up Coming events... Men In Pink Tights - Tues, 3rd July 8pm WH1826321
Don Giovanni -Thurs, 6th September 7.30pm Ladies Night - Wed, 12th September 8pm
LEIGH WARREN AND DANCERS “Breathe” and “Impulse” – A DOUBLE BILL “Breathe” brings together ancient and modern Australia in a spellbinding performance that draws its audience into a dancework that is by turns ethereal, energetic and strikingly individual. Followed by “Impulse” which combines live movement and music with cutting-edge visual technology to create an unforgettable sensory feast.
Friday, 27th July 7.30pm Adult: $39.90 Conc: $33.00 Student: $19.90
ERTH’S I, BUNYIP From the creators of the “Dinosaur Petting Zoo” “I Bunyip” is a rare chance for you to meet very real characters from Australia’s oldest stories, brought alive by life-like puppets. Get ready to meet new friends from oceans and rivers, bushland and deserts. You won’t believe the kinds of friends that Bunyips have!
Friday, 3rd August 6.00pm All Tickets: $22.00
Wednesday, June 27, 2012 - Page 23 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
DEEPBLUE ORCHESTRA “Deepblue” is an immersive theatre experience infusing rock electronic and orchestral music with plenty of surprises along the way. It’s all about fun with technology, good music and a great night out. This is your chance to see one of the most interesting finalists from “Australia’s Got Talent” perform live!
Monday, 6th August 8.00pm Adult: $51.00 Conc: $41.00 YP(U30): $33.00 YP(U17): $29.00 www.barossaherald.com.au
Transporting the Community
TAXI Greenock Creek Charter stands the test of time
DRIVING TEAM: Greenock Creek Charter’s friendly bus drivers (clockwise from left) Keith Victor, Eric Heintze, Hedley Heintze and Peter Deuter.
CRAIG FENTON CONTRACTING BLD 43872 Earthmoving Rock Breaker Hole Boring Laser Levelling
Site Preparation
THE Greenock Creek Charter bus company has stood the test of time in transporting the community. Now, with three school runs to Nuriootpa High, the company has purchased three brand new buses. “We are now in our 26th year,” said Joy Heintze, Greenock Creek Charter partowner. “We were delighted to get our school bus runs back again and look forward to supplying our quality service - in our new fleet. “The buses seat 57 people and are fitted with seat belts.
“They also have closed circuit cameras, radio and one has a DVD setup which can be used for educational purpose on school outings.” Apart from the school runs, Greenock Creek Charter also successfully run day trips. “Our Mystery Tours are always very popular,” Joy said. “But I can’t tell you where we go or it wouldn’t be a mystery. “That said, we are always open to ideas about where to go so if anyone has an idea for a destination let us know.”
One of the trips was to Cape Jervis which was very popular. “The community should also have a look at our weekly advertisement with the Herald titled ‘What’s coming up with Greenock Creek Charter’ as we have many interesting day trips.” In January, the company is taking a tour to Adelaide for Cirque du Soleil and by booking now customers can secure an earlybird price. So if you have a group which needs to be safely transported give Eric or Joy a call at Greenock Creek Charter on 8562 8092.
PHONE: 0414 607 264
Ninety nine years on and still strong MILTON Transport continues to support the region 99 years on and with the assistance of four generations. George Milton began the Barossa business before the reins were passed down the family to his son Cliff, then grandson Bradley, with great grandson Andrew and wife Tania now running the business.
Located along Research Road, Nuriootpa, Milton’s Transport operates between nine and 10 trucks, which generally carry bulk goods from the Penrice Quarry. According to Tania, the company also works to transport grain during harvest and fertilisers, which she said is critical to keep the farming industry on the move.
“The quarry material helps companies who are building sub divisions, including roadways,” she said. Milton Transport generally operates within a 100km radius, however during harvest they travel further afield. For more details, give Andrew or Tania a call on 8562 1696.
Travel in Comfort with our friendly Barossa Service
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Local Charter Interstate Charter Day Trips Overnight Tours Group Airport Transfers & Conventions Wedding Transfers Concerts Extended Tours School camps & excursions
• 2 x 49 pax coaches with video and restroom • 3 x 57 NEW seat belted Daewoo Available to schools in between school hours or public holidays and weekend. • 23 seater mini coach
PHONE/FAX 8562 8092 www.greenockcreekcharter.websyte.com.au
Cartage Contractors 4th generation family business operating in the Barossa Valley since 1913 Bulk cartage of Quarry Materials - truck & trailer or truck (tandem) or Semi tipper Bulk cartage of fertilisers, Gravels & Grain
• • • • •
ABN: 43 056 104 187
Servicing All Areas
PHONE 8562 1696
Wednesday, June 27, 2012 - Page 24 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Nuriootpa admin.barossaherald@ruralpress.com
KNOW YOUR ROAD SIGNS • There is no such thing as safe speeding • Don’t drink and drive • Always wear a seatbelt
andRoad save lives Sign Awareness Works
• Take regular rest breaks • Don’t ignore the early warning signs of fatigue - yawning, poor concentration, tired eyes, restlessness, drowsiness, slow reactions, boredom and oversteering.
Reasoning, staying alert and Road Signs SAVE LIVES - Don’t laugh, it could be yours!
You must drive in the left lane unless you want to overtake or turn right. When being overtaken you must: • Not increase your speed & keep within your lane • Keep left and allow reasonable space for the overtaking vehicle to pass and move back into the lane • Indicate when moving out into the right lane
Protect yourself from Australia’s harshest weather. Hail or shine we have the darkest legal tinting in Australia with maximum UV coverage.
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You must stop your vehicle at the stop line or, where there is no stop line, as near as practicable to the intersection.
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Remember to drive slowly and be prepared to stop when driving in pedestrian areas. This is particularly important when near schools, when children are arriving or leaving.
At Ultra Tune your safety is our priority.
These signs are used at roadworks. Slow down, look out for any hazards and be prepared to stop. You must obey any signal from a traffic controller and give way to any worker.
End of Financial Year SALE Hurry ends June 30! 24 Murray St, Gawler
Ph 8522 6333
Wednesday, June 27, 2012 - Page 25 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
We go the extra mile for you!
PEDESTRIAN WARNING SIGN used to warn of the likely presence of pedestrians on, or crossing the road in a location where motorists may not be expecting to encounter them.
8523 5755
A bicycle lane is a lane indicated by a bicycle lane sign and lane line for the exclusive use of bicycle riders during the times stated on the signs. If there are no times stated, it applies at all times.
GIVE WAY SIGN - you must slow down and, if necessary, stop your vehicle in order to give way.
Roadside rest areas are places where you can park safely, get out of your car and refresh yourself. DRIVER FATIGUE CAN BE FATAL. STOP-REVIVE-SURVIVE
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The Barossa Herald is proud to promote the importance of road safety in our community
DRIVE SAFELY! www.barossaherald.com.au
Wednesday, June 27, 2012 - Page 26 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
We Built this Shop on Rock n Roll
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You Play - We’ll Deliver Walk in or shop online for the best product, service and purchase satisfaction.
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music centre admin.barossaherald@ruralpress.com
your store
Wednesday, June 27, 2012 - Page 27 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
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MICKAN - JAEGER Sammi & Nathan. Congratulations, Love and best wishes as you plan your future together. Nan & Pops xxoo
MAINS pressure blue line poly from $37 roll. Gawler Irrigation, Lot 11, Paxton Street, Willaston. Ph: 85232350
KAPUNDA 3 b.r. home for rent in quiet area. As new with R/C A/C, garage u.m.r., rainwater tank, established garden with easy maintenance. $220 p.w. Ph: 85662504 after 5 p.m.
CHIMNEY CLEANING Local Barossa Service Phone: David 0407189215
Barossa New Life Church TREASURE CHEST - FURNITURE MART 10 Murray St, Nuriootpa Tel. 85622988 Monday - Friday 9am - 4pm Saturday 9am - 12pm All donations of furniture, clothing, bric-a-brac enable us to assist our Community BAROSSA VALLEY Country Furniture Paint Stripping Furniture Restoration Custom Made. David Bush 0419628222 BUYING SECOND HAND Appliances, Washers, Fridges, Stoves, Dryers etc. Cash Paid. HG Humphrys Betta Ph 85221111
RIDE-ON Lawnmower. White, heavy duty, good condition. $1,500 ono. Ph: 0407907243 SELLING, BUYING .......? Advertise in the Herald classifieds, and get results! Giveaway ads are run for 1 week, FREE. You can now place your classified ad at Kapunda Newsagency, deadline is Monday 5.00p.m. Classified deadline 5.00pm Monday. (Maybe subject to change) Ph: 85632041, Fax: 85633655 or email admin.barossaherald@ruralpress.com STORMWATER 90mm pipe $13 and fittings. Gawler Irrigation Lot 11, Paxton Street, Willaston. 85232350 WHEATEN HAY shedded, $5/bale. About 150 Ph: 85811370
CASH FOR BOTTLES & CANS. Wine bottles, batteries, phone Lange's Can & Bottle Depot on 85642292 for trading hours, 20 Newcastle St, Angaston. ENGEL & WAECO 12/24/240 volt fridge /freezers. All models. Best prices in the State. Gawler Fishing & Outdoors 85226200 FARM GATES - Large or small from $68.00 + portable sheep yard panels and hay rings. Gawler Irrigation, Lot 11 Paxton Street, Willaston. Ph: 85232350 FIREWOOD Quality seasoned. Split red. blue, sugar gum, mallee stumps sawn mallee & bags of kindling. Weighbridge docket supplied. Pickup or deliver AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY. Matthew Reimann, Firewood Supplies. 0413089743. Delivery available 7 days by appointment. Credit Cards now accepted. FISHER & PAYKEL fridge freezer 371L. Very good condition. $250 Hoover washing machine, top load, 5 Kgs. Good condition $100 Ph: 85643180 FOR SALE, Second Hand Appliances, including Washers, Fridges, Dryers, Stoves. All checked and serviced, good prices and Guaranteed. HG Humphrys Betta Ph 85221111 FREE PICK UP of any unwanted Whitegoods - Gawler Area. HG Humphrys Betta 85221111 JACKSON'S FIREWOOD free bag kindling with every order. Dry split redgum mallee pink gum. Weighed delivery only. 0400083852 KINDLING - OAK Hot, clean fire starter for large logs. 10 Kg. bag $8 Tubbies Australia, 45 - 63 Mt. Crawfrod Road, Williamstown. LAYER PULLETS whites, blacks & browns. Mareks and I.B. vaccinated. Day old (on 29/6/12) from $3.80 ea. Older Pullets (P.O.L.) also available. Hillier Poultry Ph: 85230950 LEADLIGHT - Local, professional affordable leadlight. I'll come to you, or call at Gawler Glass Design studio, 58 Yettie Rd, Williamstown. Weekly classes. Bob Pirch 85247241 LOUNGE SUITES 1 x 21â &#x201E;2 seater 2.1mt, 1 x 2 seater 1.8mt, sage green with pattern, excellent condition $190 for both. Ph. 8562 2569 www.barossaherald.com.au
CIVIL CELEBRANT - Angela Nielsen Ceremonies designed for you. Marriages, namings, committment and renewal of vows. Ph: 0408107940 or 85642773 LEADLIGHT STUDIO make new, repair old, traditional to contemporary. For quality & competitive prices contact Tracy 85246959 Willliamstown
RENT-TO-OWN Blakeview Beautiful 4 bedroom home, large block, low deposit.
THE BODY BARN BEAUTY SPA Is Offering for a limited time a 1 hour Whole Body Relaxation or Deep Tissue massage for only $50. Call Mel Today to book your appointment on: 0430900760 or (08) 85663028.
$450 per week No bank required. Phone Keith 0438 869 996
POWER TOOLS. (Woodworking). Sliding compound mitre saw, Jigsaw, Circular saw, Hammer drill, Router, Bench drill, various other tools, all good condition. Phone 8562 4692
TANUNDA - Large 1 b.r. unit, b.i.r., undercover parking, rainwater, airconditioned, centrally located, quiet area. NO PETS. Please phone 0413 308 563 after 5.00 p.m. to arrange for interview and inspection.
CHIROPRACTOR. Dr Kana Nathan 39 Murray St, Angaston. Consulting Saturdays Ph. 85642882
HANDS ON DOGS Providing services for your dogs. Grooming, massage, convalescence care. Call Jenny on 85232452 Gawler or 0423 474 287
SLUSHIE MACHINES HOT CHOCOLATE MACHINES PUCKER POWDER, FAIRY FLOSS POPCORN MACHINES Phone Pina 0434141097 www.slush-a-licous.com.au Family owned, locally operated.
MISCELLANEOUS TAROT with a Clairvoyant, Adele. Spiritual help & guidance on all levels. Ph: 0422135681
MATHS TUTOR Many years experience. Patient & encouraging. Great results so far. Grades 3 - 9. Steve 0414965029
Ford Falcon BF III Stationwagon 4 Litre LPG only motor and auto transmission, 56,000 km.
SOUL 2 SOLE Dance, Belly Dancing & Zumba Fitness(R). Gawler, Evanston Gardens & Tanunda. Ph: Kate 0411384027
J.W. SMART WOOLBUYERS PTY LTD. Will buy all types. Flexible hours. Ph: 0417878486 - jwsmartbigpond.com
Ford Falcon BF Sedan 4 Litre motor, Injected LPG, 101,000 km.
BELINDA'S PAMPERED PETS NURIOOTPA Professional dog grooming by an animal lover. EFTPOS now available. Ph: 0418810323
Holden Commodore VU Utility 5.7 Litre Gen 3 motor and manual transmission.
Holden Commodore VZ Sedan 3.6 Litre motor and auto transmission.
ANY SCRAP METAL Will pay cash for the removal of yours. Ph: 0412259039
Holden Commodore VZ Stationwagon 3.6 Litre motor and auto transmission, roof rack.
ANYTHING WITH METAL Cash 4 cars, free collection. HAPPY SCRAPPY recycle it! 85630213 or 0406411117
HOOTZ DOG GROOMING Mobile. Qualified groomer. Nuriootpa Ph: Justin 0406840020
HYDROPAWS 4pawfectpaws. Mobile nose to tail pet care. Heated hydrobath, blowdry, nails & clipping. Ph: Bridget 0488444542
Holden Commodore VZ Crewman Utility 3.6 Litre motor and auto transmission, 47,000 km, suit repair. Holden Commodore VY Sedan 3.8 Litre motor and auto transmission. Holden Commodore VE 60th Anniversary Sedan 3.6 Litre motor and auto transmission, factory alloys
GAWLER MOTOR WRECKING 3 Prescott Crescent, Gawler Belt 8522 5677 or 0416 081 109
MOTOR VEHICLES 2004 NISSAN NAVARA STR 4 x 4, dual cab, 90,000km, manual, diesel plus gas, silver with back canopy and tow bar, $19,000 rego XDD822 - 0419833631 2012 HOLDEN CRUZE SRI-V, 2500km, black, manual, tinted windows, rego S174APN, $26,000 - 0419810997 CASH FOR CARS and scrap metal. Ph: 0404856309 TOYOTA CAMRY 2006. Very economical family car, neat and tidy throughout. Servicing up to date, Reg. to September XSH-334. 97,000 Kms. $12,500 ono. Ph: 0429029216 or 85628216 TOYOTA Yaris, 3 door hatch, silver, 2006 model. 5 speed manual, great economical small car, clean with lots of features. 3 months Reg. 94,000 Kms. $7,000 ono. XIG-594 Ph: 0406715941
ACCOMODATION VACANT FULLY S/C g/flat. inc all expenses. Suit single lady. $200p/w. Horse agistment also avail. Ph. 85233513
CASH FOR UNWANTED CARS and scrap metal. Ph: 0404856309 PIZZA EQUIPMENT - Pans, spatulas etc. Call William 85642874
WANTED GRAZING LAND. Eden Valley /Flaxmans Valley and Barossa Ranges. Sheep only. Hills or vineyard, agistment or lease. Payment in advance. Ph. 0418851483
A SPOIL YOURSELF Williamstown Traditional Thai Massage Oil Massage $55 Thai Massage $45 1 hour Women Only 0422 677 614
REMEDIAL MASSAGE Trigger Point, Deep Tissue, Myo-Fascial, Lymphatic. Wed, Fri - 1A Bilyara Rd, Tanunda. Ph. 0409631553 Thurs - Petite Pear Shop 3 Gilbert St, Lyndoch. Lynnette Roesler Ph. 85245156. Health Rebates.
HAVING A GARAGE SALE? Advertise in The Herald classifieds, and get results! All Garage Sale ads MUST be prepaid. You can now place your classified ad at Kapunda Newsagency, deadline is Monday 4.30 pm. Classified deadline 5.00pm Monday (Maybe subject to change) Ph: 85632041 Fax: 85633655 or email admin.barossaherald@ruralpress.com VINNIES Garage Sale, 14 Adelaide Road, Gawler. Saturday 30th June. 7.30a.m. 1.30p.m.
PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ALL GAS FITTING Space serviced from $95. Gasglow - 0425148969
AUDIO/MUSIC professional studio/location recordings. Groups/solos. CD design /printing/duplication. Affordable/negotiable rates. 0430026993.
Wednesday, June 27, 2012 - Page 28 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
8566 3125 or 0400 7600 10
SCHMAAL, Mrs. Verna Verna was a kind and caring person. In her well days, brought cheer to many. To me she was a sincere friend. Lovingly remembered by Vi Behn.
PLANTS - Natives, perennials, tube stock, water wise etc. MORNING STAR NURSERY Lot 1 Cossins St., Kapunda. Ph: 85663952. Open Thursday to Sunday 9am- 5pm.
NEED A PUMP? For all your needs, Gawler Irrigation, Lot 11, Paxton Street, WILLASTON. Ph: 85232350
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PERSONAL Active & Playful, lets explore each others body txt LYN to 0427 458 266 $4.25/msg pair Help1300306250 admin.barossaherald@ruralpress.com
Tanunda Primary School - Canteen - 8 Hours per week Wri en expression of interest to be received by Monday 2nd July, 2012. The successful applicant is required to hold or will need to obtain a Food Safety Cer ficate. Send to: The Chairperson, Tanunda Primary School Governing Council, A n: Pricilla Heidenreich Research Road, Tanunda SA 5351 OR info@tanundaps.sa.edu.au A n: Pricilla If you require any further informa on, please contact Tanunda Primary School 08 8563 2318 WH1831572
$4000 Government Training Incen ves are available for *eligible par cipants making the course cost neutral!
Call to discuss (08) 8562 2122
Lynas Auto Group has a vacancy for a fulltime car detailer.
We require a Full Time Supervisor that is able to co-ordinate colleagues and work flow whilst maintaining the highest level of quality control. The suitable person must be able to oversee the work of our welders, spray painter and sheet metal workers. Please send resumes to accounts@builttough.com.au
If you have a genuine interest in cars and a good attention to detail, please apply by email to: info@lynasag.com.au or by post to: The General Manager, 30 Murray St, Tanunda SA 5352
winery electrician
Full-time position Taylors Wines, a family owned and operated wine company is home to some of Australia’s most consistently awarded wine brands. With their head office located in Sydney and sales offices located around the country, Taylors Wines offer a friendly & progressive environment within which your career can flourish. The vineyards & winery is situated in the picturesque Clare Valley, South Australia & has been in operation since 1969. We have a wonderful opportunity for a full time Diesel Mechanic to join our vineyard team. You will partner with the Vineyard Manager and undertake a range of duties which include continuous improvement, breakdown and preventative maintenance. With a positive attitude and a passion for service excellence and safe work practices you will become a valued member of the Taylors winery team. The person we are seeking will be a qualified Diesel Mechanic with proven skills in the service and repair of vineyard/agricultural machinery. If you believe you have the essential qualities listed above, please post or email your application in the strictest confidence to: Taylors Wines Vineyard Maintenance Mechanic PO Box 90, Auburn SA 5451 Or via email to: admin@taylorswines.com.au
Wednesday, June 27, 2012 - Page 29 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Full-time position Taylors Wines, a family owned and operated wine company is home to some of Australia’s most consistently awarded wine brands. With their head office located in Sydney and sales offices located around the country, Taylors Wines offer a friendly & progressive environment within which your career can flourish. The vineyards & winery is situated in the picturesque Clare Valley, South Australia & has been in operation since 1969. You will partner with the Maintenance Manager and undertake a range of duties which include continuous improvement, breakdown and preventive maintenance. The person we are seeking will ideally: • Be trade qualified (A Grade Electrical Trade Certificate) • Have extensive plant operational maintenance experience • Have a sound knowledge of PLC programmes (Allen Bradley) If you believe you have the essential qualities listed above, please post or email your application in the strictest confidence to: Taylors Wines Vineyard Maintenance Mechanic PO Box 90, Auburn SA 5451 Or via email to: admin@taylorswines.com.au
COOK required, casual Eudunda Club Inc. requires a cook for Friday and Saturday evening meals plus some other functions. You will be required to oversee all kitchen duties including preparation, cooking, oversight of table staff, ordering, and cleaning. Remuneration as per reward. For further info. contact Irene on 85811306 or Des 0409811469
Canteen Assistant
CASUAL JUNIOR position for coffee bar in Nuriootpa. Some experience an advantage. Ph: Diana 0439851354
I can work closely with my clients to find the level of treatment, care and team involvement they need to improve their health. With so many opportunities to experience new situations, learn new skills and master new models of care, every day is different. At SA Health, I can finish my shift feeling satisfied my career is on track and I have made an impact in someone’s life.
Clinical Nurse Child & Family Health Service Barossa Valley Job Ref: 502738
KAPUNDA & DISTRICTS WOMEN IN AGRICULTURE AND BUSINESS (WAB) AGM & Planning Meeting Wed 27th June 7:30pm at North Kapunda Hotel All ladies welcome. MARANANGA BRASS BAND "A Night of Music" Saturday, June 30 Tanunda Show Hall, 7.30 pm sharp. Wide range of entertaining music fromthe Band and guest artists. BYO drinks, supper, cup for tea/coffee (self serve). $25pp. Tickets: 8563 1118.
V. Bessell, Nuriootpa receiving $50 Barossa Betta Electrical Gift Card from Roger Ellul of Barossa Betta Electrical
When you place a display classified ad you can have a full colour logo or key parts of the text for only $55 on top of the price of the ad. Applicable to display: Positions Vacant, Coming Events, Public Notices and other boxed classifieds.
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Phone 8563 2041 or email: manager.barossaherald@ruralpress.com
WORK WANTED GARDENING/LANDSCAPING lawnmowing, edging/hedging, weed spraying, rubbish removal, bobcat hire, design, irrigation, mulching, planting, large rocks available. Paul 0417 130 601
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For the full tipster list go to www.barossaherald.com.au
PAINTER Local experience. Quality work. Free quote. Ph: Peter 0417805982 Lic. No. BLD48086
960/503/2012 Detached Dwelling (Non-Complying) Allot 1 Cowell Road, FLAXMAN VALLEY
The application may be examined at The Barossa Council Office, 43-51 Tanunda Road, Nuriootpa during business hours. Any person or body affected may make relevant representations in writing concerning this application, to be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, The Barossa Council, PO Box 867, Nuriootpa SA 5355 or email barossa@barossa.sa.gov.au, and received not later than 5:00pm, 11 July 2012.
ROMAN SHADES We e Aust xceed standralian ards
HOME CLEANING & IRONING - $15 off first reg. service so you try us out. Ph: Carolyn or Nat till 8pm daily incl. w/ends. 0409691576
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Round 7: No Winner Round 8: B. Traeger, Nuriootpa $75 Barossa Betta Electrical Gift Card Round 9: S. Prince, Stockwell $50 Barossa Betta Electrical Gift Card Round 10: No Winner Round 11: C. Spear, Tanunda $75 Barossa Betta Electrical Gift Card. Round 12: J. Johnson, Roseworthy $50 Barossa Betta Electrical Gift Card Round 13: No Winner Round 14: Jackpot $75 Barossa Betta Electrical Gift Card
Top tipsters thus far:
David Kleemann, Tanunda receiving $75 Barossa Betta Electrical Gift Card from Rohan Crockett of Barossa Betta Electrical
Round 6: V. Bessell $50
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Round 5: D. Kleeman $75
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Each person making a submission should indicate whether they wish to appear personally or be represented before Council’s Development Assessment Panel in support of their submission. A copy of each representation received will be forwarded to the applicant to respond.
Wednesday, June 27, 2012 - Page 30 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Collingrove Hillclimb COLLINGROVE Hillclimb track was a picture on Sunday when the second round of the Reynella Mazda Collingrove Challenge Trophy was held in good conditions. The recent soaking rains had freshened up the grass and the newly completed drainage system kept the paddock firm. The competitors enjoyed ideal conditions as long as they stayed on the track. Once they were off the track it was a different
story, and some spectacular ‘farming’ incidents were experienced by those who ventured onto the grass. The next event at Collingrove is a ‘Come and Try’ day on Saturday, July 14 that is open to any person who has not competed at Collingrove before. Sunday, July 15 will feature the third round of the Penrite Winter Cup Hillclimb, where the Alfa Romeo Car Club will be the featured.
Collingrove top 10, Sunday, June 24 Driver Derek Foster Doug Lehmann Andrew Ford David Coombe Tim Laws Peter Altmann David Keen Christopher Weddle Damien Hurst Haydn Clark
Car Suzuki Special Mitsubishi Evo 9 Reynard Nissan Skyline Westfield Clubman Nissan Skyline Mitsubishi Evo 10 Lotus Exige Subaru Sti V5 Datsun 1600
Time 32.05 secs 33.11 secs 33.33 secs 33.67 secs 34.07 secs 34.33 secs 34.85 secs 35.03 secs 35.07 secs 35.20 secs
COMPETITOR: Tanunda’s Stan Ward in his Elfin Clubman. PIC: Bob Taylor.
Bobridge blunder OLYMPIC medal hope Jack Bobridge has escaped exclusion from the cycling team after admitting to a drinkdriving indiscretion last Tuesday in Spain. The Evanston Park Olympian owned up to team boss Nick Green that he, and fellow cyclist Michael Hepburn, were involved in a minor collision in a car park at Loret de Mar, after allegedly drinking. In court Bobridge was fined and lost his licence for eight months. He was also fined $2500 by Cycling Australia and put on a 12-month good behaviour bond. Bobridge is part of Australia’s crack cycling pursuit team, which is favoured to medal at the London Games next month – possibly gold.
Heading to the Barossa JUST a day after the release of their CD, The Seasons, the Grigoryan Brothers perform in the Barossa. Slava and Leonard Grigoryan’s first stop of their national tour is Peter Lehmann Wines, Friday July 7. According to the Australian guitar duo, taking on a Russian piano classic Tchaikovsky’s The Seasons has been on their family ‘to do list’ for the past 15 years. Slava said, “Many years ago I’d performed a few movements from The Seasons which dad had arranged for me but you really need two guitars to cover the full dynamic range and detail. Since then Leonard and I have been planning to record the complete set.” The Seasons, a twelve-movement composition written for solo piano by the iconic Russian composer, has at last been arranged for two guitars by Edward Grigoryan for his sons Slava and Leonard Grigoryan. “For many years Slava and I have wanted to breathe new life into classical guitar repertoire,” Leonard said. “While in the past we’ve performed Spanish and French piano compositions that have been transcribed for two guitars, this arrangement of The Seasons is quite unique.” The new CD includes the complete The Seasons, with its movements characterising the twelve months of the year. On this tour, Slava and Leonard will perform highlights from The Seasons as well as a selection of their favourite pieces. To book to see the Grigoryan brothers visit peterlehmannwines.com/news-events. To win The Herald is giving readers the chance to win one ‘The Seasons’ CD. To enter, send an email to michelle.orielly@ruralpress.com with the subject title ‘Win a CD’. Leave your name, address and daytime telephone numbers. Winners will be notified on Friday, July 7.
GRIGORYAN BROTHER’S: Leonard (left) and Slava to perform at Peter Lehmann winery on Friday, July 7.
Wednesday, June 27, 2012 - Page 31 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Kapunda in driver’s seat By MIKE TEAKLE
CONCENTRATION: Tanunda’s Tom Schiller is a picture of concentration as he prepares to gran the Burley football against Willaston.
IT MAY have been an ugly spectacle but Kapunda’s 21-point win over finals’ aspirant Nuriootpa has put the Bombers in the driver’s seat as they chase the coveted double chance for the 2012 finals. Both teams were missing key players. The Tigers were without Craig Gogoll, Ryan Salter and Darcy O’Neill. The Tiger outs were outweighed by the home side’s absentees with Nathan Brady, Paul Anderson and Joe Brown all critical components in the Bomber arsenal. However the Bombers’ strength lies in their
ability to spread the load and from the moment Justin Zanandrea kicked the first goal of the match Kapunda were never headed. Despite a first half riddled with mistakes from both teams, it was Kapunda who showed glimpses of their class like when David Leslie marked 60 metres from goal and slipped a slick handpass to Sam Ryan who had snuck up field from full back to launch a monster goal. Or Jason ‘Buckets’ Mackenzie drifting into the goal square to take a mark three deep which gave the impression Kapunda had too much in
the tank for Nuri. Adam Turrell on a wing was pivotal with the trimmed down former ruckman working back into defence taking pressure off Cam McKinnon and Brad Valentine by taking timely marks. Turrell’s influence was such that he attracted a tag in the second half with three players including Dean Vickery who Adam had coached at Eudunda / Robertstown three years ago. At the other end Cale Ellison was rock solid for the Tigers repelling repeated Bomber forays but the absence of Gogoll became too much and
2012 BL&G premiership tables A Grade 1 Tanunda 2 Kapunda 3 South Gawler 4 Barossa District 5 Willaston 6 Nuriootpa 7 Freeling 8 Angaston 9 Gawler Central Reserves 1 South Gawler 2 Angaston 3 Barossa District 4 Nuriootpa Rover 5 Willaston 6 Kapunda 7 Gawler Central 8 Freeling 9 Tanunda
P 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 8 9 P 9 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
W 9 7 6 5 4 4 3 1 1 W 9 6 6 5 5 4 3 1 1
L 0 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 8 L 0 2 3 4 4 5 6 8 8
D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
B 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 B 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
For 1056 789 890 870 792 704 615 522 505 For 716 534 627 591 560 524 442 384 314
Agst 486 706 637 777 754 712 812 855 1004 Agst 327 383 457 445 536 541 611 709 683
% 68.48 52.78 58.28 52.82 51.23 49.72 43.10 37.91 33.47 % 68.65 58.23 57.84 57.05 51.09 49.20 41.98 35.13 31.49
Pts 18 14 12 10 8 8 6 2 2 Pts 18 12 12 10 10 8 6 2 2
Senior Colts 1 Tanunda 2 Gawler Central 3 South Gawler 4 Freeling 5 Nuriootpa Rover 6 Barossa District 7 Willaston 8 Kapunda 9 Angaston Junior Colts 1 South Gawler 2 Nuriootpa Rover 3 Barossa District 4 Angaston 5 Gawler Central 6 Kapunda 7 Willaston 8 Freeling 9 Tanunda
P 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 8 P 9 9 9 8 9 9 9 9 9
W 9 8 6 5 4 4 2 1 1 W 8 7 6 6 5 4 2 2 0
L 0 1 3 4 5 5 7 8 7 L 1 2 3 2 4 5 7 7 9
D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
B 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 B 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1
For 1012 860 780 523 687 618 386 427 249 For 766 596 674 438 487 442 334 265 182
Agst 288 342 468 492 521 543 763 1131 994 Agst 290 229 326 375 419 410 621 663 851
% 77.85 71.55 62.50 51.53 56.87 53.23 33.59 27.41 20.03 % 72.54 72.24 67.40 53.87 53.75 51.88 34.97 28.56 17.62
Pts 18 16 12 10 8 8 4 2 2 Pts 16 14 12 12 10 8 4 4 0
Barossa, Light and Gawler Football Association - Played June 23 A GRADE
South Gawler 4.3 7.6 10.7 15.8(98) Barossa District 2.1 5.1 8.4 9.5(59) Best: South - J Dare, A Bayliss, A Gerardis, H Lawry, C Musolino, K Economou; Bar - M Stelzer, D Sharp, J Angus, M Taylor, P Stelzer, N Emes. Goals: South - A Gerardis 8, C Musolino 3, J Dare 2, M Trezeciak 1, A Bevis 1; Bar - M Stelzer 2, H Commane 2, B Wadley, R James, D Sharp, J Aish, B Bussell 1 ea.
South Gawler 2.3 7.6 9.7 10.9(69) Barossa District 1.1 2.1 3.4 3.5(23)
Tanunda Willaston
Willaston Tanunda
1.2 6.6 1.2 3.4
10.9 15.14(104) 6.6 10.9(69)
Best: South - F Moore, A Costa, L McCracken, J Costa, B Craig, J McVicar; Bar - D Rowley, J Rider, H Errock, D Curtis, D Goodfellow, S Scally. Goals: South - B Craig 2, A Costa 2, J McVicar 2, N O’Reilly, F Moore, A Hansen, J Costa 1 ea; Bar - S Robinson 2, J Wicker 1.
2.3 6.6 13.7 14.13(97) 1.0 2.0 3.1 5.4(34)
SENIOR COLTS South Gawler 1.2 2.2 Barossa District 1.3 2.5
2.5 4.6
JUNIOR COLTS 5.6(36) 4.6(30)
Best: South - B Osborne, J Lavia, A Maggs, J Chapman, S Van Poorten, C Rodger; Bar - G O’Driscoll, M Slade, R Watson, A Arthur, N Casboult, L Dobbs. Goals: South - J Charnstrom, J Greatorex, A Maggs, J Lavia, B Dankiewicz 1 ea; Bar - W Roberts, T Fryar, J Rogers, M Slade 1 ea.
Tanunda Willaston
3.3 7.3 9.4 1.4 1.7 1.9
12.6(78) 1.11(17)
South Gawler 2.2 4.5 5.7 7.9(51) Barossa District 1.1 1.2 5.5 6.5(41) Best: South - B Cheer, M Tulk, L Carter, D Dankiewicz, B Mayfield, C Mayfield; Bar - C Robinson, T Baron, S Baron, D Nangle, D Bristow, M Quinn. Goals: South - J Martin 3, M Tulk, J Stansborough, J Sheridan, D Dankiewicz 1 ea; Bar - D Nangle 2, R Allington 2, B Ratcliff 1, S Baron 1. Willaston
4.3 10.4 13.9 14.12(96)
0.2 0.2 0.2 1.3(9)
Best: Tan - N Schmidt, B Newberry, T Schiller, C Bevan, D Seiber, K Irvine; Will - A Fry, J Campbell, S Klenner, S Walton, J Jones, J Williams. Goals: Tan - B Britton 3, B Kaesler 3, T Schiller 2, B Newberry 2, S Agars 2, T Smith, A Fechner, M Grocke 1 ea; Will - A Fry 2, J Cole 2, J Farrow, B Gordon, R Whiston, J McDonald, S Baker, S Walton 1 ea.
Best: Will - M Bornholdt, J Goodfellow, A Barclay, J Carter, M Hollis, M Chomik; Tan - P Neldner, K Fechner, S Toole, J Chapman, D Cameron, D Goern. Goals: Will - M Hollis 5, A Moss 3, M Bornholdt 2, J Carter 2, R Boswell 1, D Matz 1; Tan - P Neldner 2, S Toole, B Noell, J Heidrich 1 ea.
Best: Tan - N Geue, J Marschall, E Moore, R Owen, T Goers, M Fox; Will - J Day, L Elliott, J Smoult, M McAllister, J Hurst, B Phillips.
Best: Will - L Downing, J Walsh, B Parsloe, R Tyrrell, B Williams, L Mells; Tan - D Hunt, J Rohrlach, J Kleemann, R Creece, C Martin, B Dalby.
Goals: Tan - D Hamon 5, T Goers 5, B Lockett 1, E Moore 1; Will - B Coombs 1.
Goals: Will - L Mells 3, B Williams 3, M Spirritt 2, J Taylor 2, K Hammill, R Tyrrell, K Ackland, L Pasin 1 ea; Tan - R Creece 1.
Freeling 5.5 7.9 9.13 14.19(103) Gawler Central 1.3 3.4 5.6 8.8(56)
Gawler Central 5.0 7.2 9.2 13.3(81) Freeling 1.2 1.4 3.6 5.10(40)
Gawler Central 6.3 7.7 7.9 8.10(58) Freeling 0.1 0.1 2.4 3.6(24)
Gawler Central 3.1 5.7 8.7 10.10(70) Freeling 1.1 2.1 4.2 6.3(39)
Best: Free - H Robinson, J Robinson, T Muster, D Leske, L Heinrich; Cent - J Blakemore, K Heintze, L Howard, C Hill, B Hunt, J Harvey. Goals: Free - D Horsnell 4, B Moon 3, B Parish 2, S Carmichael 2, R Clinton, J Robinson, D Francis 1 ea; Cent - J Harvey 3, B Hunt, K Heintze, L Corneliusen, L Edwards, C Hill 1 ea.
Best: Cent - R Kalic, I Naulty, C King, L Cawthorne, L Kemp, S Dawe; Free - J Wagner, P Leske, J Young, J Bernhardt, B Linn, B Cook. Goals: Cent - N Freeman 4, T Phillips 2, R Kalic, J Hallion, C Koen, D Miller, M Neville, S Dawe, M Cluse 1 ea; Free - B Linn 2, T Carmichael 2, J Kerin 1.
Best: Cent - D Bell, M James, S McCulloch, V Kroon, J Hope, K Wurst; Free - K Johnson, T Julyan, H Kirvan, T Barnes, B Haseldine, B Jericho. Goals: Cent - V Kroon 4, S Hutchison 2, K Wurst 1, A Mahoney 1; Free - H Moss 2, B Haseldine 1.
Best: Cent - B Mason, I McKenzie, H Schugmann, B Clark, C Slate, B Hubbard; Free - A Pelonio, P Byrne, J Burgess, J Hopkins, A Haseldine, S Coulthard. Goals: Cent - B Hubbard 2, J Connole, J Kroon, M Stewart, B Mathews, I McKenzie, B Kemp, M Charles, B Acton 1 ea; Free - D Whimpress 3, M McAvoy 2, A Pelonio 1.
Kapunda 3.3 5.6 Nuriootpa 1.1 3.3
Kapunda 3.3 6.4 7.6 Nuriootpa 1.1 5.3 9.5
Nuriootpa 1.3 Kapunda 3.1
Nuriootpa Kapunda
7.12 7.3
11.15(81) 9.6(60)
Best: Kap - A Turrell, B Valentine, B Williams, J Mackenzie, S McKinnon, C Prior; Nuri - C Ellison, J Rodda, S Haniford, Z Dahms, A Modistach, D Vickery. Goals: Kap - S Ryan 3, W Farley 2, J Mackenzie, D Leslie, M Good, J Zanandrea, F Agius, B Taylor 1 ea; Nuri - S Haniford 2, A Edwards 2, D Vickery, B Thiele, T Haniford, A Hall, N Salter 1 ea. www.barossaherald.com.au
11.8(74) 9.6(60)
Best: Kap - C Ryan, T Christley, S Pratt, K Ryan, C Richmond, M May; Nuri - D Vickery, R Skipworth, B Carter, S Butler, L Steinborner, T Honner. Goals: Kap - T Christley 3, M Koenig, M May, S Pratt, T Kerr, C Ryan, K Ryan, C Richmond, J Cobbledick 1 ea; Nuri - M Phelps 3, J Smith 2, L Cook, J Steer, D Romeo, J Dahms 1 ea.
8.5 3.1
13.9 6.5
17.16(118) 8.8(56)
Best: Nuri - R Muirhead, S Schrapel, J Graetz, J Furnell, T Laverty, C Ireland; Kap - M Good, T Williams, T Matthews-Brown, D Collins, J Williams, J Werner. Goals: Nuri - S Schrapel 6, R Muirhead 4, J Robertson 3, C Shaw, T Laverty, D Douglas, J Furnell 1 ea; Kap - T McLennan 3, R Johnston, T Williams, J Williams, M Good, T Matthews-Brown 1 ea.
3.0 3.3 6.4 0.0 1.1 1.1
7.6(48) 2.1(13)
Best: Nuri - R Haynes, H Stolz, B Hoepner, S Higgs, A Duncis, L Altus; Kap - M Holthouse, H Smith, B Hare, P Parks, Z Merkx. Goals: Nuri - S Higgs 3, N Lange, S Dearlove, J Nitschke, B Hoepner 1 ea; Kap - J Freeman 1, S Prior 1.
Wednesday, June 27, 2012 - Page 32 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
even Ellison’s play couldn’t contain Kapunda who spread their 11 goals among eight players. Nuri’s day got worse midway through the third quarter when key forward Ryan Byrne was carried off after knocking himself unconscious by landing on his head in a marking contest. Jason Rodda’s hot form continued with the small Tiger finding plenty of the ball, along with doing the little things like a desperate chase and smother that saved a goal typifying his willingness to sacrifice for the team. The loss puts a serious dent in Nuri’s hopes of returning to finals’ action for the first time since 1999. They need to win five or six of their remaining seven games plus hope one of the teams currently in the four slip up along with Willaston who are in a similar position to the Tigers. Kapunda only need to win three games to cement their place in the four which is very likely. Their focus will turn to finishing second which will be their best chance of making it into a grand final for the first time since 2005. The loss of slick forward Freddie Agius for up to a month with a recurrence of the hamstring injury will hurt but the Bombers have the luxury of not needing to rush him back due to the performances of young guns like Matt Good who kicked an amazing goal in the fourth quarter by crumbing perfectly at the front of the contest before hitting in what would be the final nail in the Tigers’ coffin.
Leading goalkickers A grade H Commane (BD) B Kaesler (T) A Gerardis (SG) R Byrne (N) D Horsnell (F) S Agars (T) B Sugars (A) B Gordon (W) W Farley (K) J Trewren (SG) Reserves A Parsons (SG) J Rosenzweig (A) J Berrett (BD) J McVicar (SG) S Carmichael (F) J Carter (W) C Browne (K) A Moss (W) J Smith (N) N Pech (A) Senior Colts T Goers (T) W Roberts (BD) S Schrapel (N) V Kroon (GC) J Neat (GC) S Mickan (T) D Hamon (T) H Moss (F) K Johnson (F) J Williams (K) J Edwards (GC) K Dallwitz (SG) M Good (K) D Douglas (N) Junior Colts N Lange (N) J Freeman (K) J Martin (SG) B Washington (SG) B Ratcliff (BD) T Panagiotou (SG) S Higgs (N) R Allington (BD) L Cunningham (A) D Nangle (BD)
2 3 8 0 4 2 0 1 2 0
38 36 35 32 31 31 27 26 24 24
0 0 0 2 0 2 0 3 2 0
26 22 18 14 14 14 14 13 12 11
5 1 6 4 0 0 5 2 0 1 0 0 1 1
46 29 22 22 20 18 17 16 14 12 12 12 12 12
1 1 3 0 1 0 3 2 0 2
33 32 30 24 23 22 17 17 15 15
Tanunda tough it out
Redlegs still a chance
WITH its 47-point home win against Gawler Central on Saturday, Freeling is still a slight chance of qualifying for the 2012 Barossa, Light and Gawler Football Association finals. It will need a bit of a miracle, with several other results going its way, but with a touch of luck and a committed effort, finals’ footy could still be on the Redlegs’ agenda. The game against the Tigers was all but over at quarter time, as Freeling dominated all over the ground, to lead 5-5 to 1-3 at the first break. Through the middle terms both sides kicked four majors, while the Redlegs added eight points to three, which kept the scores reasonably close, with Freeling leading by 32points at lemons. And while Central kicked 3-2 for a good finish, the Redlegs again failed to take full toll of its scoring opportunities with a last quarter return of 5-6. “We were good for four quarters and could have put them away, but didn’t,” Freeling coach Mark Tylor said. “The physical contests and running possessions went our way, although they did not transfer into scoreboard pressure. But it’s good to win. “From Thursday training the boys have had the right attitude, and came ready to play. Our goal is to continue to be competitive in all games.” Key forward Dan Horsnell was on fire early with four goals, but after a coming off second best in a clash in the first term, left half way through the second quarter. Best for the victors was Hayden Robinson, who worked hard from the
TANUNDA survived a fiery encounter at Willaston to record a 35-point win in a match that featured more cards than a poker game. Tempers flared in a tight first half with five players being shown cards sending them to the bench. Two, Willaston ruckman Jim Jones and Magpie defender Dan Sieber received red cards that also saw them reported. With the score tied at eight points apiece at quarter time the second quarter saw tempers begin to flare with Tanunda ruckman Luke Wells, Willaston centre half back Adam Pepe and centre half forward Jamie Williams all shown yellow cards in separate incidents. Sieber was reported for striking Williams in retaliation and midway through the term Jones was removed from the game when, after taking a mark he was held up by Tanunda captain Ben Newberry and in trying to shake his opponent off connected him on the chin with an errant elbow which saw Newberry drop like a stone. With Willaston’s structure temporarily compromised Tanunda took the opportunity to put a gap on their rivals kicking a couple of quick goals to earn a 20point lead by half time. “It was pretty disappointing,” Justin Irving, Willaston coach said. “We were in a position to put real pressure on them and then having those guys taken out of the game for a while cost us badly.” Irving who was also left lamenting missed opportunities in the second half that he felt could have seen his team inflict the Magpies’ first loss in over 12 months. Ash Fry and Joel Campbell were Willaston’s two best players as they combined to rotate through the middle and resting on a half back flank. Tanunda was superbly led by ball magnet Nick Schmidt who gave the Pies plenty of drive from half back and Kane Irvine who continues to produce at a high level. Tom Schiller could have made the game his own in the second
CATCH ME IF YOU CAN: Tanunda gun forward Barry Kaesler breaks clear from Willaston’s Mathew Brooks and Scott Klenner. term, but a return of 1-2 allowed Willaston to stay within touch. Tanunda coach Ben Britton showed his willingness to keep tinkering with his team, playing himself as a forward for an entire game for the first time in 2012. The rewards were quickly forthcoming as he snared three goals to equal the match-high haul of Barry Kaesler who was well held by Scott Klenner. “I was really happy with the job Scott did especially considering the form Kaesler’s been in recently,” Irving said. The Donnybrooks were well and truly in the game despite the 27point margin at three quarter time with five golden opportunities going begging and resulting in points as Jarred Farrow, Sam Walton, Williams (two) and Jarryd Cole all missed gettable shots. Coles was the biggest blunder with the Willaston forward marking right on the goal line before trying to play on and snap a
Bomber Blasts
ANOTHER good day for the senior Bombers on Saturday, with two good wins. The juniors were not so lucky but still performed admirably. In the A grade we saw the Bombers winning comfortably by 21 points. A couple of late injuries weren't the best but the week off for the zone championships has come at a good time. Adam Turrell played his best game for the Bombers in a couple of years - dominating on his wing as well as pushing back and helping out the defence, to get the JT Johnson and Ahrens Engineering award. He was well supported by Buckets Mackenzie and Brad Valentine, while Brad Williams did a great job until hurting his shoulder late in the game. The Kapunda Bs played some great footy in the first quarter but went to sleep for the second and third quarters before going into the three quarter time break a couple of goals down. A spirited fight back led by Corey Ryan (WFI best player award) and the new copper Tommy Brinsley (three goals) saw us kick four goals to one point in the last quarter and run away 14 point victors. The U17s knew they had a tough game after going down by 30 goals earlier in the season, against the same opposition. A good start saw the Bombers take a two-goal lead into the quarter time break. However the Nuri side proved to strong winning the game by 10 goals in the end. Matt Good continued his splendid form so far this season taking out the Landmark award. He was well supported by Tommy McLennon with three goals and Tom Williams,
goal, unfortunately he kicked with the outside of his foot, sending the ball so far from its intended target that it only just squeezed in for a point. Newberry admitted the game was far tougher than their round one encounter with Willaston. “They’ve definitely improved since then,” Newberry said. “They were definitely up and about in the fourth. We knew we could respond when we needed to but a few of the boys will be sore this week. “I thought Barry’s (Kaesler) game was really important for us, not in scoring himself but in creating a contest for others to work from.” For Willaston; regardless of the result from the tribunal will need to prepare for playing without Jones for their next two games (South Gawler and Angaston) as the big man is heading overseas to attend a wedding. Tanunda face Freeling after the zone championships.
playing forward and back. The u15s continued their up and down season with a five goal loss against one of the better u15 teams. Michael Holthouse played a ripper of a game to be easily our best player, while Henry Smith and Brenden Hare also toiled manfully. The Baby Bombers played another good game with all putting in a great effort. The Gary and Olivia Waldhuter Mobile Diesel Services awards went to Corey Brook for a good all round effort and progressing each week, Sam Menzel for going hard for the ball and playing well in all positions. The Lil Mos award went to Jake Teasdale for great improvement. Other awards to Finn Tompson who is always on the ball, Zac Teasdale for continually improving, Steven Shearing and Harry Wuttke for some impressive playing, great smothering and all round good game play - Well done Baby Bombers. U11s had another good game but weren't able to capitalise on the opportunities. The Shapes of Green Landscaping awards went to Adam Schmidt who went hard at the footy all night, Ewan Blacker who has good goal sense and great pace. Other awards to Zac Muir who played probably his best game in 3 years, Liam Helmore for going at the footy all night, Lane Curtis who played his fourth game of footy for the day and still provided run and used his monster kick and Cameron Schmidt for providing spark all over the ground. U13s started well in slippery conditions to lead at quarter time. Some basic ball skills let the lads down at times but generally a good all round effort to only go down by 12 points. Awards went to Luke Quinlan for another hard attacking game of footy. Kapunda IGA incentive awards to Conor White, other awards to Cooper White, Curtis Wall and Cody Schupelius. Final scores 2.8.20 to 1.2.8 Remember with the bye this week - we congratulate Rod Brown as being chosen as the Eastern country zone coach, with Justin Zanandrea also making the team for the game up at Berri this weekend. Also big congratulations to Joey Brown and Joel Foster who made the South Australian u16 team which travels to Greater Western Sydney for the national titles. We hope to see you all in a fortnight's time with some important games against Gawler Centrals.
tiger tales THE Tiger gals had a great day on Saturday in the wintry conditions out at Freeling - six strong wins from our senior teams, while our little sub-jnr and junior two gals all had nice wins too. Thanks to all of those players who are filling in for others - winter does take it toll with many absent due to sickness, and it is great to see our players all willing to help out other teams - thanks to all of you. Kingsford Hotel clubperson of the week is awarded this week to Kay Thomas. Kay is another fab tireless and valued club member who just keeps giving and doing all and sundry. Thanks Kay for your enthusiasm and great assistance. Remember to put August 11 in your diary for the chance to see one of the AFL’s greats in Jason Akermanis become a Tiger for a day. Jason will join club footballers to play the full game for the Tigers against Angaston and then participate in a Sportsman’s night to be held at the club later that night. This will be a special day at the club with interest coming from all parts of the state to be part of the day and night. We will have full details about the Sportsman’s night available in the next few weeks. This week it’s just us ‘gals’ playing at home against Barossa, while football have a weekend off - see you all there. Diary dates: Every Sunday 10am - Net-Set-Go eight week introductory netball program for children aged 5-10. Phone Chanelle on 0401 870 452 or Leanne on 0410 495 745 with any queries. June 30: Netball versus Barossa at home, football have a bye. August 11: versus Angaston - Jason Akermanis becomes a Tiger for the day. Check the website www.gcsc.com.au for all the club news and results. Thanks to our many weekly award supporters for their generosity with the incentive awards provided :- Starplex, Fasta Pasta, Lisa at LKFS Finance, Sportspower, Eagle Boys Pizza, Chemplus - Gawler, Gawler South
Wednesday, June 27, 2012 - Page 33 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
wing and at half forward, gaining plenty of possessions and using his leg speed to carry the ball. His brother Josh was also important to the Redlegs cause, as his stoppage work was fantastic. Travis Muster led from the front to play a good captain’s game, while veteran Darren Leske played his best match of the season out of the middle. The Tigers were completely mismatched, with another three players making their debut, and 12 players in the side with less than 40 games between them. “We were way out of our league,” Tiger mentor Damien Herzick said. “With nine guys out, we were really inexperienced. There have been 14 players making debuts this season, and, quite frankly, we have been asking some guys to do jobs they’re just not capable of. “If you had told some of these guys at the start of the year they would play A grade, they probably would have laughed at you. “Every week we have the same six guys busting their guts out, while others are still learning the game.” High up in the Tigers’ best weekly, Jason Blakemore, with 37 possessions, was not only his side’s top contributer against Freeling, he was probably best on ground. Another consistent performer for Central this season, Kalon Heintze, who played the majority of the game on the ball, was again high in the best players’ list, while 15-year-old Jackson Harvey again showcased his potential with three goals as a key forward. After the break, Freeling go from playing the bottom side to the top team, when it travels to Tanunda, while the Tigers host second-placed Kapunda. Bakery and Video Ezy. Senior One: Gawler Central 46 d Freeling 31. Senior Two: Gawler Central 42 d Freeling 32. Senior Three: Gawler Central 59 d Freeling 34. Senior Four: Gawler Central 44 d Freeling 39. Well done girls. Hard fought game from start to finish. Great pressure all the way down the court. Award: Hayley Truscott. Senior Five: Gawler Central 44 d Freeling 41. Great game girls. We had to fight to the end. Excellent defence and goalies worked well together. Welcome to Vanessa. Awards recipient: Sandee Gollagher. Senior Six: Gawler Central 61 d Freeling 34. Senior Seven: Freeling 43 d Gawler Central 30. After only having four of our girls out and having four Inter 2s step up for us everyone did a great job. Thank you to Molly, Tayla, Chloe and Ashleigh, you all did a fantastic job. Award: Genene Gunston. Intermediate One: Freeling 48 d Gawler Central 26. Intermediate Two: Freeling 30 d Gawler Central 28. Junior One: Freeling 41 d Gawler Central 24. Junior Two: Gawler Central 48 d Freeling 10. Well done girls. Bit flat after last week but did what we had to do. Bring it on for next week. Award: Hayley Dissinger. Sub Junior One: Gawler Central 29 d Freeling 22. An excellent game by all girls. Defence did well against strong opposition. Award recipient: Julliet Low. Sub Junior Two: Gawler Central 42 d Freeling 5. Girls played a great game, defence was strong and all girls played hard for all four quarters. Award recipient: Rebekka Bailey. Primary One: Freeling 16 d Gawler Central 7. Primary Two: Gawler Central 6 d Freeling 1. The girls played a great game, defensive game of netball in the freezing weather. Go Tigers. Award recipient: Jessica Bayly. Netta One: Awesome work girls. Even though the score may say different, we definitely improved our play this week. Well done. Award recipient: Brianna Testagrossa. www.barossaherald.com.au
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VETERAN South Australian baseballer Darren Fidge will be leading the Northern Region Sports Academy (NRSA) baseball clinics from this Sunday, July 1. Fidge has been a mainstay for South Australia from the previous ABL (in the 1990s) with the Adelaide Giants, for the state in Claxton Shield matches, and over the past two seasons for Adelaide Bite. The winner of three Capps Medals the South Australian division one baseball’s top award - Fidge has also pitched in the American professional minor leagues with the Minnesota Twins.
A joint initiative between NRSA and Gawler Rangers Baseball Club, the clinic is designed for seniors and juniors, experienced players and beginners, from senior players to juniors. This Sunday, Fidge and club Little League premiership coach Darren Unger will run the clinic between 2pm and 4pm on the basketball courts at Starplex, Evanston Park. Further sessions will be held on July 8 and 29 at Starplex, and another at a venue to be announced in mid-July. For further details, contact Gawler Rangers Baseball Club president Mary O’Connor on 0413 148 321 or Robert Laidlaw on 0407 979 163.
Hockey results A Men Two Wells 4 d AM United 2; Nuriootpa 2 d Tanunda 1; Gawler/Trinity had the bye. A Women Gawler 3 d Trinity 0; Nuriootpa 8 d Tanunda 0; AM United 5 d Two Wells 0.
B Men Tanunda v Nuriootpa; AM United 3 d Two Wells 0; Gawler/Trinity had the bye.
B Women AM United v Two Wells; Nuriootpa 4 d Gawler 0.
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Under 18 Tanunda 1 drew with Nuriootpa 1; AM United v Two Wells; Gawler had the bye. Under 15/16 Tanunda 3 d Gawler 1; AM United 3 d Two Wells 0; Nuriootpa had the bye.
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Under 13/14 Nuriootpa 4 d Trinity College White 0; Trinity College Red 6 d Tanunda 0; Two Wells 5 d Gawler 0; AM United had the bye.
Premierships A Men Team P 1 Nuriootpa 6 2 Tanunda 6 3 AM United 5 4 Gawler/Trinity 5 5 Two Wells 6 A Women Team P 1 AM United 7 2 Gawler 7 3 Nuriootpa 7 4 Two Wells 7 5 Tanunda 7 6 Trinity 7 B Men Team P 1 Tanunda 6 2 AM United 5 3 Nuriootpa 6 4 Gawler/Trinity 5 5 Two Wells 6 B Women Team P 1 AM United 6 2 Nuriootpa 7 3 Gawler 7 4 Two Wells 6 Under 18 Team P 1 Nuriootpa 6 2 Two Wells 5 3 Tanunda 6 4 AM United 4 5 Gawler 5 Under 15/16 Team P 1 Nuriootpa 5 2 AM United 5 3 Two Wells 6 4 Tanunda 6 5 Gawler 6 Under 13/14 1 Two Wells 6 2 AM United 5 3 Nuriootpa 6 4 Trinity College White6 5 Trinity College Red 6 6 Tanunda 6 7 Gawler 7
Home Theatre Pack* from
W 5 4 1 1 1
L 1 1 3 3 4
D 0 1 1 1 1
B 1 1 2 2 1
F 23 13 13 8 6
A 6 6 14 11 26
GD 17 7 -1 -3 -20
Pts 15 13 4 4 4
W 6 6 3 3 1 0
L 0 0 3 3 6 7
D 1 1 1 1 0 0
B 0 0 0 0 0 0
F 23 20 17 12 4 2
A 3 3 7 15 26 24
GD 20 17 10 -3 -22 -22
Pts 19 19 10 10 3 0
W 5 3 3 2 0
L 1 2 2 2 6
D 0 0 1 1 0
B 1 2 1 2 1
F 18 6 12 10 4
A 7 7 7 7 22
GD 11 -1 5 3 -18
Pts 15 9 10 7 0
W 6 3 2 0
L 0 2 4 5
D 0 2 1 1
B 0 0 0 0
F 19 13 2 2
A 0 7 9 20
GD 19 6 -7 -18
Pts 18 11 7 1
W 5 3 2 1 0
L 0 1 2 3 5
D 1 1 2 0 0
B 1 2 1 2 2
F 21 16 22 4 7
A 5 11 11 23 20
GD 16 5 11 -19 -13
Pts 16 10 8 3 0
W 5 3 2 2 0
L 0 1 2 4 5
D 0 1 2 0 1
B 2 2 1 1 1
F 24 13 10 11 2
A 3 7 9 24 17
GD 21 6 1 -13 -15
Pts 15 10 8 6 1
5 3 4 4 2 2 0
0 1 2 2 4 4 7
1 1 0 0 0 0 0
1 2 1 1 1 1 1
25 22 13 10 12 4 0
7 6 7 8 10 18 30
18 16 6 2 2 -14 -30
16 10 12 12 6 6 0
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Wednesday, June 27, 2012 - Page 34 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
33 Main North Rd Willaston 1801870
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20 Main St, Kapunda
Sponsorship celebration WHAT started as a day the Central District Football Club recognised the support of the Barossa, Light and Gawler Football Association, finished with a shock announcement. Robin Symes, president of the BL&GFA told the Vine Inn gathering in Nuriootpa that Grant and Helen Burge of Grant Burge Wines had decided to sponsor the association through to 2020. “It will mean Grant Burge Wines will chalk up 20 years as the association’s major sponsor,” Mr Symes said.
CELEBRATING: From left, Scott Stevens. development manager of Central District Football Club, Helen and Grant Burge, Robin Symes, president of the Barossa, Light and Gawler Football Association and Les Stevens, president/chairman of the Central District Football Club.
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“Sponsorship is tough to obtain and for Grant and Helen to commit through to 2020 is simply incredible and much appreciated. “I cannot think of any football association which has had a major sponsor for 20 years,” Mr Symes said. The Burges were presented with a framed guernsey with the signatures of last year’s BL&G premier Tanunda. Les Stevens, president/chairman of the Central District Football Club, thanked the BL&G for its support of his club.
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Wednesday, June 27, 2012 - Page 35 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
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Willaston warm up WILLASTON had a predictable 30-goal win over Tanunda but there were pleasing points for both teams. Mel Tump, Willlaston coach said her side had a slow start. “We knew that going into the second quarter we needed to increase our defensive pressure and shut down the feed into the Tanunda goalies,” Mel said. “Our defensive unit was able to tighten up their one-on-one defence work creating more turn overs than the first quarter. “In the third quarter Jasmine Hoffrichter was moved into goal keeper and was able to grab valuable rebounds and worked well with Danica Earle to get lots of touches and really put some pressure on the Tanunda attack. “Our goal at three-quarter time was to finish the game off well and not let Tanunda back into the game. The final quarter saw us string some great plays together with Bronwyn Heap in goal attack providing great drive in our attack. All nine players were able to get on the court for a great team win.” Willaston’s best were Danica Earle (goal defence), Bronwyn Heap (goal attack) and Hayley Norris (centre). Tanunda coach Maria Fraser saw positives from the loss. “Despite the scoreboard indicating a one-sided affair we started the game very well and were only one goal down at quarter-time,” Maria said. “The second quarter saw Willaston start to dominate on the scoreboard but the effort of the Tanunda team could not be criticised. “Kate Mader did her utmost to stop the onslaught at goal keeper and Nicole Crouch adjusted her game to play a great role as wing defence. Kate Jolly kept her good form going in the centre. “I was very pleased with the overall team effort. The fact is Willaston are just too strong and they are deservedly the benchmark of the competition. “The Tanunda girls can hold their heads up as the type of effort that is required for our improvement was given all day and we have been shown what level we need to reach to be contenders in this competition.”
Gawler Central 46 Freeling 31 GAWLER Central were able to put on three short bursts to run out 15-goal winners over Freeling. Five minute bursts in the first, second and last quarters were the platform for a Central win. Assistant coach Katie Ash said it had not been Central’s best performance. “I’m not sure if it was a letdown after the draw with Willaston but even with the warm up, the girls weren’t on song,” Katie said. “Fortunately they were able to produce enough good netball to win the game but overall it was disappointing. It is important to refocus and give a better effort against Barossa this week.” Central’s best were goal defender Tracy Patton and Krystal Butler who played at wing defence for three quarters and wing attack for one. Lyn Carmichael, Freeling coach, said the score did not really reflect the closeness of the contest. “We were 13 down at half- time and lost by 15,” Lyn said. “After they scored 60 last week against Willaston, I was very pleased to hold Central to 46 this week. “Admittedly they lost Sally Ann Vivian to an ankle injury in the third quarter which did affect them as she was their best up until that point. Tracy Patton started at goal defence and dominated the first half as well which limited our scoring opportunities while Central were able to convert, this is probably where we lost it. “Megan Heinrich came into the game after half-time and Jess Schirmer also stepped up and we outscored Central by one. My centre court of Katie Clark, Ash Heinrich and Joy Leske matched up well on their opponents to produce a good battle. “Overall a pleasing effort I thought and compared to a 27-goal loss in the first round we are getting somewhere.”
Kapunda 59 Nuriootpa 40 KAPUNDA ran out comfortable 19-goal winners over Nuriootpa in a game where Bomber coach Paul McGrath took the opportunity to make positional changes. Throughout the game Kapunda 10 positional changes from how they have previously lined-up. “We started dominantly and had a lot of the ball in the first, but a lapse in our intensity allowed them to have a mini run,” Paul said. “The quarter finished 18 to 7 which, in effect was the game.
“While we won the next three quarters we only managed to increase the margin by a further eight goals. “We probably worked twice as hard as Nuri and had twice as much ball but this was not reflective in the score line, so conversion of opportunities through intercepts and your opponents’ errors is an area we need to improve in.” Kapunda’s best were Stacey Burgess (goal keeper and centre) winning ‘The Body Barn’ award. Stacka picked off many of their attacks by reading the play and through good positioning and Kristy Humble (wing attack and goal defence) won the ‘Subway’ award. Kristy was dominant at wing attack with speed and drive which set up the winning lead. Robyn March, Nuriootpa coach said it was a disappointing result given the work her side had done over the past two weeks. “Kapunda was always going to come at us hard,” Robyn said. “They needed a good rebounding win and a high margin to help their percentage. They started well and were able to maintain their game plan and intensity until about half way through the third quarter. “We finally started to stick with the pre-match game plan and reaped some rewards for the gallant effort by two of our defenders Lizzie Cane and Jaime McGuirk. “Rachel Gerhardy, up from the twos again this week was consistent and combined well with Kendall Barter and Lana Kaesler. Our goalers are just starting to display some good movement in circle but unforced errors and missing critical momentum shifting shots is a big ask against any side. “I asked the girls to give me 15 goals in the last quarter, which for us, is some times double the amount of goals we usually average and the girls came through.”
South Gawler 59 Barossa District 27 SOUTH Gawler’s march towards the finals continued with an easy 32-goal win over Barossa District. Coach Lynette Hutton is pleased the side has the bye coming up this week. “The first half was close where we had passages of good play and some not so good,” Lynette said. “Good pressure from Barossa and passing errors had scores very even. In the second half we were able to get on top of our errors and increase our work-rate and pulled away. Stacey Dunn worked hard all day and Karina (Cook) was strong in attack. A week off this week will be good timing to rest up a few players, ready to come back and face Willaston.” Leanne Nelson, Barossa coach knew it was going to be a tough match. “Our endeavour to do well was always on our minds,” Leanne said. “We started poorly with a seven to zero lead to South but managed to steady to see us down by six at quarter time. “Once again a slow start but we kept our heads and went goal for goal against a really good experienced side. “The half-time score was 16 to 25 but still really pleasing as we had set our team goals and had achieved them. Once again some positives. Our body language on court was much improved from last week and we were definitely competitive for a half. We have quite a young side and the experience and composure of our opposition showed in the second half.” WH1830464
Willaston 67 Tanunda 37
FRIDAY LADIES NETBALL A social competition held every Friday morning of school term. We currently have teams enjoying the fun, fitness and social competitiveness of the netball game and would love for more ladies to join us. Nominate a team or individually now!! Simply contact the centre 8563 2766 or download a nomination form from www.brfc.com.au
Barossa, Light and Gawler Netball Association results from Round 10 June 23.
Senior One: South Gawler 59 d Barossa District 27; Willaston 67 d Tanunda 37; Gawler Central 46 d Freeling 31; Kapunda 59 d Nuriootpa 40. Senior Two: South Gawler 62 d Barossa District 27; Willaston 65 d Tanunda 44; Gawler Central 42 d Freeling 32; Kapunda 45 d Nuriootpa 32. Senior Three: South Gawler 37 d Barossa District 26; Willaston 49 d Tanunda 32; Gawler Central 59 d Freeling 34; Nuriootpa 56 d Kapunda 29. Senior Four: South Gawler 50 d Barossa District 25; Tanunda 67 d Willaston 33; Gawler Central 44 d Freeling 39; Nuriootpa 46 d Kapunda 39. Senior Five: South Gawler 68 d Barossa District 36; Willaston 59 d Tanunda 45; Gawler Central 44 d Freeling 41; Kapunda 42 d Nuriootpa 37. Senior Six: South Gawler 71 d Barossa District 41; Willaston 67 d Tanunda 19; Gawler Central 61 d Freeling 34; Nuriootpa 37 d Kapunda 24. Senior Seven: Barossa District 48 d South Gawler 35; Freeling 43 d Gawler Central 30. Intermediate One: South Gawler 48 d Barossa District 21; Willaston 62 d Tanunda 24; Freeling 48 d Gawler Central 26; Nuriootpa 49 d Kapunda 33. Intermediate Two: South Gawler 64 d Barossa District 16; Willaston 71 d Tanunda 35; Freeling 30 d Gawler Central 28; Kapunda 48 d Nuriootpa 18. Junior One: South Gawler 55 d Barossa District 10; Willaston 40 d Tanunda 25; Freeling 41 d Gawler Central 24. Junior Two: South Gawler 54 d Barossa District 4; Willaston 49 d Tanunda 25; Gawler Central 48 d Freeling 10; Kapunda 57 d Nuriootpa 14. Sub Junior One: Barossa District 37 d South Gawler 5; Tanunda 12 d Willaston 10; Gawler Central 29 d Freeling 22; Kapunda 23 d Nuriootpa 13. Sub Junior Two: Barossa District 17 d South Gawler 15; Willaston 22 d Tanunda 20; Gawler Central 24 d Freeling 5; Nuriootpa 9 d Kapunda 6. Sub Junior Three: Nuriootpa 36 d Kapunda 2.
Barossa, Light and Gawler Association netball media awards Herald Club of the Year
Nick Hambour Window Fashions Senior One
Tanunda Cellars Senior Two
Barossa Sportspower
Terry White Chemists
Gawler Cinemas
Intermediate One
Junior One
Sub Junior One
Votes for round 10 of the Barossa, Light and Gawler Netball Association 2012 season, the Herald Netball Club of the Year Award. South Gawler 20; Willaston 20; Gawler Central 18; Kapunda 12; Nuriootpa 12; Freeling 8; Barossa District 6; Tanunda 4; Angaston had the bye.
3: Nicole Crouch (T); Rebecca Brading (SG); Ashleigh Heinrich (F); Tracy Patton (GC). 2: Kate Jolly (T); Sam Allan (A); Jodie Kurtz (N); Lisa Wilson (W). 1: Stacey Nelson (BD); Kayla Collins (SG); Katie Clark (F); Jess Wilson (W).
3: Kristal Ruchs (BD); Sarah Kent (SG); Lizzie Cane (N); Leisel Dunstan (W). 2: Tamara Crouch (T); Rebecca Roesler (A); Beck Eales (F); Kirstin Brombal (W). 1: Kristie Fromm (BD); Lisa Bowman (SG); Rachael Gerhardy (N); Tania Knott (GC).
3: Hannah Robinson (BD); Rheanne Mann (SG); Brianna Falland (N); Ashley Verdon (W). 2: Emily Bert (T); Caitlin Arnold (SG); Kayla Broadhead (F); Meara Girvan (W). 1: Claire Slade (BD); Shannon Doecke (A); Maddie Moore (N); Bianca Lane-Sullivan (W).
3: Lily Hoffrichter (T); Lauren Haynes (SG); Emma Hartnett (F); Zoey Elson (W). 2: Lahni Smith (T); Chelsea Brook (A); Tahnee Helbig (N); Tayla Coy (W). 1: Maddie Maitland (T); Taryn Renshaw (SG); Kirstyn Beck (F); Cassie LeBrusque (GC)
3: Alanah Martin (T); Hayley Carter (A); Gab Millar (F); Shantelle Carapetis-Laube (GC). 2: Jessica Appelby (BD); Kelsey Miller (A); Tayla Meaney (F); Morgan Petty (W). 1: Elise Reed (T); Amy Carpenter (SG); Miranda Milton (N); Sophie Warland (GC).
Wednesday, June 27, 2012 - Page 36 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Senior One Willaston South Gawler Kapunda Gawler Central Angaston Freeling Tanunda Nuriootpa Barossa District Senior Two South Gawler Willaston Gawler Central Nuriootpa Kapunda Angaston Freeling Barossa District Tanunda Senior Three South Gawler Willaston Gawler Central Nuriootpa Angaston Barossa District Tanunda Kapunda Freeling Senior Four South Gawler Tanunda Gawler Central Angaston Willaston Nuriootpa Freeling Kapunda Barossa District Senior Five South Gawler Willaston Gawler Central Angaston Tanunda Freeling Barossa District Kapunda Nuriootpa Senior Six Angaston Willaston Gawler Central South Gawler Nuriootpa Freeling Tanunda Barossa District Kapunda Senior Seven Angaston Freeling Willaston Barossa District South Gawler Gawler Central Nuriootpa Intermediate One Willaston Nuriootpa South Gawler Freeling Barossa District Kapunda Gawler Central Tanunda Angaston Intermediate Two South Gawler Willaston Kapunda Freeling Gawler Central Tanunda Angaston Barossa District Nuriootpa Junior One South Gawler Willaston Tanunda Freeling Nuriootpa Angaston Gawler Central Barossa District Kapunda Junior Two Willaston South Gawler Gawler Central Tanunda Angaston Freeling Barossa District Nuriootpa Sub Junior One Gawler Central Angaston Kapunda Freeling Tanunda Nuriootpa Barossa District Willaston South Gawler Sub Junior Two Angaston Nuriootpa Gawler Central Willaston Barossa District Tanunda South Gawler Kapunda Freeling Sub Junior Three Nuriootpa Gawler Central Barossa District Angaston Tanunda Kapunda
Pts 15 15 13 11 6 6 4 2 0 Pts 14 14 10 8 8 8 8 2 0 Pts 15 14 12 12 8 6 2 2 1 Pts 16 14 14 10 6 6 4 2 0 Pts 16 16 10 8 8 6 4 4 0 Pts 14 14 12 12 10 4 4 2 0 Pts 11 10 7 6 4 2 0 Pts 16 14 13 11 8 6 2 2 0 Pts 18 14 12 10 8 4 4 2 0 Pts 16 14 10 9 8 7 2 2 0 Pts 16 14 8 8 6 4 2 0 Pts 16 12 12 10 8 6 4 4 0 Pts 14 12 11 11 10 8 4 2 0 Pts 10 8 6 2 2 0
For 518 505 467 445 328 319 303 278 271 For 468 389 346 294 320 290 268 259 320 For 438 415 397 369 317 270 219 230 237 For 480 394 396 308 327 297 288 256 230 For 488 479 411 372 368 370 266 218 240 For 442 490 395 425 329 284 200 282 172 For 277 271 227 257 263 135 72 For 381 352 438 333 271 321 264 214 186 For 525 430 359 309 308 243 223 147 190 For 405 330 295 253 313 322 300 157 134 For 452 364 308 284 223 169 136 120 For 275 257 168 228 111 95 147 84 31 For 197 124 137 164 106 150 100 97 48 For 153 90 58 40 32 31
Agst 345 339 375 365 355 382 439 406 428 Agst 306 303 347 298 330 311 296 345 418 Agst 295 264 269 273 269 315 359 475 373 Agst 295 261 285 278 371 348 335 399 401 Agst 275 272 349 279 335 373 444 413 472 Agst 194 232 250 326 358 419 391 459 390 Agst 156 208 168 236 253 225 256 Agst 203 239 255 241 284 335 407 423 373 Agst 208 220 221 292 307 361 337 416 372 Agst 201 179 244 251 234 238 355 419 388 Agst 167 165 145 235 212 342 377 404 Agst 83 78 142 115 142 162 174 160 340 Agst 65 101 93 147 122 105 158 142 190 Agst 48 23 37 56 92 148
% 60.02 59.83 55.46 54.94 48.02 45.51 40.84 40.64 38.77 % 60.47 56.21 49.93 49.66 49.23 48.25 47.52 42.88 43.36 % 59.75 61.12 59.61 57.48 51.00 46.15 37.89 32.62 38.85 % 61.94 60.15 58.15 52.56 46.85 46.05 46.23 39.08 36.45 % 63.96 63.78 54.08 57.14 52.35 49.80 37.46 34.55 33.71 % 69.50 67.87 61.24 56.59 47.89 40.40 33.84 38.06 30.60 % 63.97 56.58 57.47 52.13 50.97 37.50 21.95 % 65.24 59.56 63.20 58.01 48.83 48.93 39.34 33.59 33.27 % 71.62 66.15 61.90 51.41 50.08 40.23 39.82 26.11 33.81 % 66.83 64.83 54.73 50.20 57.22 57.50 45.80 27.26 25.67 % 73.02 68.81 67.99 54.72 51.26 33.07 26.51 22.90 % 76.82 76.72 54.19 66.47 43.87 36.96 45.79 34.43 8.36 % 75.19 55.11 59.57 52.73 46.49 58.82 38.76 40.59 20.17 % 76.12 79.65 61.05 41.67 25.81 17.32
GAWLER gallops WEDNESDAY SA TAB MULTIPLES Daily Double: 7, 8 Extra Double: 3, 4 Treble: 6, 7, 8 Quadrella: 5, 6, 7, 8 First Four: All Races Fixed Odds: All Races
GRAHAM FISCHER (Barossa Herald)
Criterion Tavern Plate
(Apprentices can claim) 3yo Maiden SW $10,000
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
s009s Ferrari Red (7) Ms A Herrmann 55582 Grigio Now (1) J Holder King’s Gift (8) J Bowditch 9675s Slash (5) J Toeroek (a3) 96764 Danzeround The Sun (9) B Claridge 363s2 Exalted Filly (6) Ms L Hopwood s4538 Lady Phoenix (2) Ms K Bishop (a3) 23244 Shehara (10) C Lever 9 So Many Pennies (4) T Pannell 6 Wicked Kiss (3) Ms J Kah (a3)
57.5 57.5 57.5 57.5 55.5 55.5 55.5 55.5 55.5 55.5
31.00 3.80 2.25 26.00 13.00 5.50 7.50 6.50 13.00 26.00
12.30 Gawler South Bakery Plate 2122m (Apprentices can claim) 3yo & up Maiden SW $10,000
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
54623 9s600 00 s4523 7037 4s735 06058 65586 543 00s24 00050
Bux The Trend (6) Ms A Herrmann Magical Sun (5) J Potter Mels Last Stand (7) Ms D Stra (a4) Mickiem (11) C Lever Here’s Archie h (9) S Cahill Marlborough (4) M Neilson Swing Along (1) B Claridge The Wild Thing (8) J Holder Fraanikova (2) Ms J Kah (a3) Ms Twentyone h (3) Ms M Tyndall (a3) Regal Jasmine (10) Ms L Hopwood
58 58 58 58 57.5 57.5 57.5 57.5 56 56 56
4.00 17.00 31.00 2.50 7.50 6.50 17.00 7.50 6.50 17.00 26.00
Coopers Dr Tims Plate
(Apprentices can claim) Maiden SW $10,000
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
284s6 Just Ranger b (8) 94598 Ville De Berne (13) 422s Windsor Gardens (11) Barabba Moment (16) Cheltenham Park (6) 60300 Bon Cherie (7) 30s48 Meadows Storm (10) 5053 Uschrike (14) Dynamic Lover (2) 39s Lady Alaska (9) 7348s Meadows Boo (5) Wicked Secrets (15)
Ms J Frew (a4) J Maund J Frew (a) A Patterson M Neilson E Boyd (a4) Ms C Lindop J Bowditch B Hoppo P Gatt Ms L Hopwood J Potter
58 58 58 57.5 57.5 56 56 56 55.5 55.5 55.5 55.5
8.00 17.00 5.50 13.00 8.00 21.00 5.00 8.00 15.00 13.00 21.00 4.00
STEVE DAVISON (Pagemasters)
13 14 15 16
4 7s 6s 0s
Best Bets
EXALTED FILLY Lady Phoenix King’s Gift
BUX THE TREND Mickiem Fraanikova
CAMPASPE COUP Kangaroo Jack Pint Mug
FRENCH ACADEMY Slacksmith Treeovus
FILIAR INVICTUS Barriers Auburn Tiger
TAPEKA POINT Power to Possess Quick ‘n’ Slick
THORNY DEVIL Emmooki’s Dash Little Sip
KING’S GIFT Exalted Filly Shehara
FRAANIKOVA Bux The Trend Mickiem
WICKED SECRETS Cheltenham Park Windsor Gardens
WICKED ROMEO Checote Kangaroo Jack
ROYAL STORMY She’s Bossy French Academy
ZIP IN TIME Filiar Invictus Auburn Tiger
POWER TO POSSESS Foxtrot Novey Tapeka Point
THORNY DEVIL Belsynd Regal Monty
EMERGENCIES Smug (1) Ms J Kah (a3) Natural Hero (3) Reslenda (12) Barjas (4) T Pannell
Gawler Taxi Plate
57.5 57.5 57.5 55.5
31.00 31.00 13.00 51.00
(Apprentices can claim) 2yo & up Maiden SW $10,000
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
24332 33334 54 00s45 20s66 8s072 s0534 44754 s6423 0s323 64005 24359
13 86 14 0s08 15 79765 16 P0006
Fradema (7) T Pannell Kangaroo Jack (14) P Gatt Pint Mug (4) S Cahill Toby’s Statement (2) J Maund Aradanchi (13) B Claridge Blevic Lad (11) M Schrapel (a4) Checote b (10) Ms C Lindop I’m A Menice (3) C Lever Wicked Romeo b (12) J Potter All That And More (1) A Patterson Legal Linda (5) J Bowditch Campaspe Coup (6) Ms A Herrmann EMERGENCIES Mr Schiller (8) J Holder Why Not You (16) One Up One Down (9) Ms J Kah (a3) Doting (15) Ms L Hopwood
58 58 58 58 57.5 57.5 57.5 57.5 57.5 56 56 55.5
6.00 4.60 15.00 26.00 8.00 13.00 7.00 13.00 6.00 6.00 17.00 16.00
57.5 56 57.5 56
13.00 26.00 17.00 26.00
2.15 Kingsford Hotel Handicap 1511m (Apprentices can claim) Rating 62 $10,000
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
31343 s4725 831s 42882 50407 43316 50235 50s00 93430
Royal Stormy (4) J Holder French Academy wb (5) P Gatt Get Around Girl (1) A Patterson Cruz’n Now tw (2) Ms L Hopwood Slacksmith w (9) B Claridge Mime (8) Ms K Dyson She’s Bossy (6) Ms A Herrmann Stylish Spender (3) J Toeroek (a3) Treeovus dw (7) J Potter
59 58 56.5 56 55 54.5 54.5 54.5 54
3.00 6.50 5.50 5.00 9.00 11.00 5.00 17.00 9.00
THE TRACK Rail: Is out 4m for the entire circuit. Track: Slow (6). Weather: Overcast.
(Apprentices can claim) Class 1 $10,000
2.50 Marcellin Technical College 1211m (Apprentice riders only) Rating 62 $10,000
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
80558 96977 36s58 75461 51 73050 s0100 400s0 00646 09s66 37557
Barriers dw (1) S Westover (a1.5) Silver Moment cw (2) M Schrapel (a4) Zip In Time t (5) J Toeroek (a3) Energized tdw (4) Ms D Stra (a4) Filiar Invictus (10) Ms J Kah (a3) Tureen (11) J Frew (a) Auburn Tiger (8) Ms M Tyndall (a3) No Doubtfire (7) E Boyd (a4) You Are So Vain d (3) Ms K Bishop (a3) Wholetthecatout (6) Park Ranger dw (9) Ms J Frew (a4)
Watersearch Handicap
58 57.5 57.5 57 57 56 55.5 55 54 54 54
4.60 5.50 4.00 11.00 4.60 11.00 11.00 11.00 13.00 16.00 11.00
(Apprentices can claim) Rating 68 $10,000
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13744 s0061 62016 9s687 06s80 155s2 34056 86733 05P89 06716 s0s01 54860
4.08 Coopers Pale Ale Handicap 1211m
Power To Possess c (1) Ms A Herrmann Sturgis cw (12) Ms J Kah (a3) Foxtrot Novey w (14) Ms C Lindop Jeune’s Lagoon (11) J Toeroek (a3) King Of Piano tw (8) J Frew (a) Tapeka Point w (10) P Gatt Cool Classic (4) A Patterson Environment Patron w (2) Ms K Bishop (a3) Hurricane Thunder (6) B Claridge Quick ‘n’ Slick (15) Ms M Tyndall (a3) Sovereign Conquest (5) C Lever Blue Simone (7) J Potter EMERGENCIES 13 76009 Kelly’s Gold w (13) Ms L Hopwood 14 s0700 Bellunese tw (3) J Bowditch 15 56489 Dubai Vengeance tw (9)
59 59 58.5 58.5 58 58 57 57 56.5 56 56 55.5
5.00 4.60 3.50 11.00 13.00 7.00 13.00 9.00 51.00 13.00 21.00 17.00
55.5 55.5 55.5
15.00 26.00 21.00
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
1428s 4s21 55s30 434s3 8s3s0 173s8 33127 s5270 648s8 30s46 9098s 54739 69s00 79s64
Fantastic Reign (5) Ms K Bishop (a3) Emmooki’s Dash c (6) S Westover (a1.5) Belsynd (11) J Potter Thorny Devil (2) S Cahill Rainbow Black (12) T Pannell Beearch tw (1) A Patterson Regal Monty (10) C Lever Folau (7) J Toeroek (a3) Alanza w (14) B Claridge Little Sip w (4) Ms J Frew (a4) Lynvan Rose h (3) Ms L Hopwood Gailamour (9) J Maund Mr Renash (13) Ms D Stra (a4) Bar Room Belle h (8) Ms M Tyndall (a3)
59.5 59 58.5 58.5 57 56 55.5 54.5 54 54 54 54 54 54
21.00 2.80 3.80 3.20 13.00 11.00 13.00 21.00 13.00 13.00 31.00 51.00 51.00 51.00
GEAR CHANGES RACE 1: (3) King’s Gift blinkers on first time RACE 2: (5 Here’s Archie bit lifter on first time, norton bit on first time noseroll off first time; (6) Marlborough lugging bit off firs time, norton bit on first time RACE 3: (7) Meadows Storm blinkers on again; (11) Meadows Boo bar plates off firs time, blinkers off first time, lugging tongue-control on first time; (15) Reslenda noseroll on first time RACE 4: (2 Kangaroo Jack cross-over noseband off again; (9) Wicked Romeo blinkers off first time, winkers on first time; (12 Campaspe Coup tongue-control bit on first time RACE 6 (10) Wholetthecatout tongue-tie on first time RACE 7: (5 King Of Piano blinkers on again, tongue-tie on first time winkers off again; (14) Bellunese tongue-control bit on again RACE 8: (3) Belsynd blinkers off first time; (4) Thorny Devil blinkers on first time; (5) Rainbow Black near-side blinker on again, tongue-control bit on first time; (10) Little Sip blinkers on first time, tongue-control bit on first time tongue-tie off again, winkers off first time
GAWLER comment Race one FERRARI RED (W A Bogarts) 3g By Mugharreb - Shalini (4:0-0-0): Only beat one home when 11-3/4 len 11th (55.5) No Doubtfire 1400m Penola Mdn dead trk Nov 13 then was spelled after 7-3/4 len 9th (54.0) Dubai Me Roses 1600m Balaklava Mdn Nov 23. Finished 7th Wicked Secrets 1000m Morphettville Parks barrier trial (Mdn) dead trk June 18. Resumes here but impossible to consider on what he’s done to date. GRIGIO NOW (D L Hewitt) 3g By Gonski - Pinot Now (7:0-2-0): Made a little late ground but well beaten when 12-1/4 len 8th (57.0) Velocidade 1600m M’ville 2yo+ Mdn April 19 then always well placed when 2-3/4 len 2nd (57.5) Rory’s Union 1400m Murray Bridge 2yo+ Mdn dead trk June 11. Drops back another 200 metres here but nicely drawn and must be considered. KING’S GIFT (M A Kavanagh) 3g: First start. By King Cugat - Dana’s Gift. Halfbrother to Ziggy’s Crown (2 wins) and finished 1/2 nk 2nd Wicked Secrets 1000m Morphettville Parks barrier trial (Mdn) dead trk June 18. Blinkers go on for his debut and showed ability in a trial last week. Stable commands respect and look for a market lead. SLASH (Ms C Rose) 3g By Monde Bleu - Unique Edition (5:0-0-0): Was slowly away when 13-3/4 len 7th (55.0) Rich Pride 1400m Oakbank 3yo Mdn dead trk Dec 9 then was spelled after 12-1/4 len 5th (56.5) Essence 1518m Gawler 3yo Mdn Dec 28. Yet to place in five runs and was safely held in two runs for current stable before a break. Cannot recommend. DANZEROUND THE SUN (J Dunn) 3f By Danzero - Soak Up The Sun (5:0-0-0): Beat two home when 7-1/2 len 6th (53.5) Shaabam 1350m Strathalbyn 3yo Mdn slow trk May 27 then was long odds when 1-1/4 len 4th (57.0) Under De Boardwalk 1250m Morphettville Parks F&M Mdn dead trk June 6. Much-improved effort last time and this looks no harder. Can place.
EXALTED FILLY (J W Cornell) 3f By Barely A Moment - Exalted Madam (4:0-1-2): Struck interference at the start before finishing lg nk, 1/2 len 3rd (53.0) Nadahka, Son Of Nala 1400m Balaklava Mdn Oct 26 then jumped awkwardly and struck interference near the 800m when 1-1/4 len 2nd (57.0) Stratum Strikes 1100m Gawler F&M Mdn dead trk June 13. Handy filly who will be fitter for her first run back and gets her chance to break through here. Hard to beat. LADY PHOENIX (F W Meuring) 3f By Bellotto - Jazzijo (6:0-0-1): Safely held when 2-1/4 len, 2-1/2 len 3rd (54.0) Slim Henry, The Pearly Gates 1215m Balaklava 3yo Mdn dead trk May 30 then jumped in grade when 8 len 8th (53.5) Avoid Lightning 1050m M’ville 3yoF (75) dead trk June 9. Better suited here and drawn to get a lovely run. In the mix. SHEHARA (R D Daniel) 3f By Face Value - Shankadi (8:0-2-1): Worked home OK for 1-3/4 len 4th (55.5) Costly Argument 1200m Mt Gambier 2&3yo Mdn slow trk May 20 then held on after racing on the pace for len 4th (58.0) Eudoxia 1400m Hamilton 2yo+ F&M Mdn slow trk June 3. Rarely far away and this doesn’t look a deep race. Must go in. SO MANY PENNIES (Will Clarken) 3f By Akhadan - Currency Stash (1:0-0-0): At only start ran 9-1/4 len 9th (54.0) Slim Henry 1500m Gawler 3yo (68) dead trk June 13. Struck a tough assignment on debut and will find this easier. Drawn to get a nice run and could be an improver. WICKED KISS (Kym Healy) 3f By Keep The Faith - Bitter Victoria (1:0-0-0): Debuted with 3-3/4 len 6th (55.5) Nordet Hero 1100m Port Augusta Mdn June 10. Beat half the field home on debut and should be better for the experience. Perhaps a place.
Race two BUX THE TREND (W A Bogarts) 4g By Yasey - Princess Grace (7:0-1-1): Safely held when 12-1/2 len 2nd (56.5) Cable Bay 2050m Strathalbyn Mdn slow trk May 27 then ran 1-1/4 len, 3/4 len 3rd (58.0) Miss Doubtfire, Apostle 1950m Morphettville Parks 2yo+ Mdn dead trk June 6. Doesn’t look far off a win and this looks a moderate affair. In the mix.
MAGICAL SUN (Kaye Edwards) 6g By Desert Sun - Bunch Of Grapes (8:0-0-1): Beat two home when 7-1/2 len 12th (58.5) Ballybunion 1400m Casterton 2yo+ Mdn dead trk May 27 then was vetted after 25-1/4 len last (56.0) Luckzat 1700m Penola 2yo+ Mdn dead trk May 31. Gets out to this distance range for the first time and impossible to recommend on what he’s done to date. Looking to others. MELS LAST STAND (Scott McIntyre) 10g By Movie Maker - Little Coral (2:0-0-0): Debuted with 11-3/4 len 10th (58.0) Lots Of Dollars 1430m Naracoorte 2yo+ Mdn April 22 then was slowly away when 14-1/4 len 10th (58.0) Bossed 1600m Penola 2yo+ Mdn May 6. Connections have shown a lot of patience with him but suggest it may run out soon. Cannot have. MICKIEM (R D Daniel) 4g By Alannan - Sans Pari (9:0-1-1): Got disappointed for a run when 1/2 len 2nd (68.5) Outlaw Idacash 1600m Hamilton 2yo+ Mdn Hwt heavy trk June 3 then worked home late for 1/2 len, 2 len 3rd (58.5) Maintain, Lokelani 2200m Geelong Synthetic Mdn June 7. Working up to a win and won’t get too many better chances. Take tossing. HERE’S ARCHIE (K M McAnulty & C Binnie) 3g By Spinning World - Ettu Blu (4:0-0-1): Beat nine home when 3/4 len, 5 len 3rd (57.5) Full Of Cache, Sting Like A Bee 1518m Gawler 2yo+ Mdn May 16 then finished 6-3/4 len 7th (57.5) Okaman 1700m Gawler 2yo+ Mdn dead trk June 13. Jumps 422 metres on his last run and place looks best here. MARLBOROUGH (M A Kavanagh) 3g By Savabeel - Trisha’s Belle (8:0-0-1): Nice effort when 2-1/2 len, 1-1/2 len 3rd (57.5) Two Bees, Tommy Two 1415m Balaklava 2yo+ Mdn dead trk May 30 then held on OK for 5-3/4 len 5th (57.5) Okaman 1700m Gawler 2yo+ Mdn dead trk June 13. Fitter for three runs back and the leading rider goes on here. Should be in the finish. SWING ALONG (J Dunn) 3g By Al Maher Twilight Serenade (5:0-0-0): Ran 7 len 5th (57.5) Shaabam 1350m Strathalbyn 3yo Mdn slow trk May 27 then passed a few stragglers in the run home when 7-1/2 len 8th (57.5) Okaman 1700m Gawler 2yo+ Mdn dead trk June 13. Gets out to this distance for the first time here. Hasn’t set the world on fire so far and needs to lift.
THE WILD THING (R D Daniel) 3c By Strada - Oh So Canny (7:0-0-0): Was slowly away when 3-1/2 len 8th (54.5) Puzzleman 1800m Mt Gambier 2yo+ Mdn slow trk May 20 then drew wide when 8-1/2 len 6th (57.5) Miss Doubtfire 1950m Morphettville Parks 2yo+ Mdn dead trk June 6. Should be improved by his past two runs when stretched out in distance. Place hope here. FRAANIKOVA (J F Macmillan) 4m By Fraar - Ramanikov (3:0-0-1): Finished 5-3/4 len 4th (54.5) Ambrosia 1206m Murray Bridge F&M Mdn May 23 then was vetted after 3 len, 3/4 len 3rd (53.0) Okaman, Blevic Lad 1700m Gawler 2yo+ Mdn dead trk June 13. All three runs to date have contained merit and she finished in front of most of her main rivals at her most recent outing. Drawn beautifully and she’s by a Caulfield Cup winner out of a mare who won up to 2000 metres so the trip shouldn’t be a worry at this level. Looks the winner. MS TWENTYONE (Darren Egan) 4m By Golden Lake - Zama Villa (5:0-1-0): Returned from a break with 5-3/4 len 2nd (55.5) Mime 1400m Hawker 2yo+ Mdn May 26 then finished 3-1/2 len 4th (54.5) On The Point 1600m Port Augusta 2yo+ Mdn June 10. Two runs back in weaker grade have been OK but jumps sharply out to this trip and place hope is best. REGAL JASMINE (C J Graves) 4m By His Royal Highness - Jasmond (14:0-0-0): Only beat two home when 19-1/4 len 5th (54.5) Cable Bay 2050m Strathalbyn Mdn slow trk May 27 then finished 23 len 10th (56.0) Miss Doubtfire 1950m Morphettville Parks 2yo+ Mdn dead trk June 6. Has a very poor record and cannot recommend in this company.
Race three JUST RANGER (K & H Frew) 4g By Akhadan - Grandime (5:0-1-1): Was spelled after 4-1/4 len 4th (58.0) Where’s Tim 1600m Strathalbyn Mdn dead trk Feb 22 and resumed with 5-1/4 len 6th (58.0) Eve’s Delight 900m Murray Bridge Mdn dead trk June 11. Beat half the field home first-up over the short course on his home track and extra trip here will suit. Looks a threat.
VILLE DE BERNE (A Muhlethaler) 5g By Alannan - Scenique (13:0-0-0): Finished 8 len 9th (56.5) S’amuse 2100m Gawler Mdn April 4 then beat two home when 6-3/4 len 8th (56.0) Zoom 1250m Morphettville Parks E&G Mdn dead trk June 6. Back in trip here and drawn off the track. Hasn’t placed in 13 starts to date and others have him covered. WINDSOR GARDENS (Ms Rebecca Hodson) 4g By King Of Roses Kensington Palace (3:0-2-0): Ran hd 2nd (57.0) Birdman 1200m Clare Mdn dead trk Nov 27 then was spelled after 4 len 2nd (57.0) American Trilogy 1211m Gawler Mdn Dec 7. Scored nk win Holy Shemoley, Al’s Away 1000m Morphettville Parks barrier trial (Mdn) dead trk June 18. Showed plenty in his first campaign and recent trial win suggests he’s primed for a big run fresh. Hard to hold out. BARABBA MOMENT (D L Baylis) 3g: First start. By Barely A Moment - Prima Donna. Half-brother to seven winners including the G2-placed Barabba Road (8 wins) but hasn’t been seen publicly. Drawn in the car park but any market lead will be significant. CHELTENHAM PARK (D R Jolly) 3c: First start. By Churchill Downs - Queen Emma. Purchased for $10,000 as a yearling and ran 6th Wicked Secrets 1000m Morphettville Parks barrier trial (Mdn) dead trk June 18. He’s a half-brother to Listed-placed Irish Dream (5 wins) and stable commands respect. Market will be a guide. BON CHERIE (M L Mychajlin) 4m By Centre Stalls - Easy Go Indi (10:0-1-1): Followed 12-1/2 len 10th (52.0) Zoom Lad 1350m Strathalbyn 2yo+ Mdn dead trk April 18 with 9-3/4 len 10th (52.0) Eve’s Delight 900m Murray Bridge Mdn dead trk June 11. Should be fitter and extra trips suits but she needs to lift to be competitive in this. MEADOWS STORM (J W Cornell) 4m By Akhadan - Benyang (5:0-1-1): Returned from a break with 3-3/4 len 4th (56.0) Wicked Tycoon 1006m Murray Bridge Mdn May 23 then finished 4-1/4 len 8th (57.5) Under De Boardwalk 1250m Morphettville Parks F&M Mdn dead trk June 6. Fitter for two runs back and they’ve put the blinkers back on here. Has been placed this track/distance and could be the big improver.
USCHRIKE (G L Lesnikowski) 4m B Blevic - Soliciteuse (4:0-0-1): Followe 6-1/2 len 5th (57.5) Ambrosia 1206 Murray Bridge F&M Mdn May 23 with hd, 2-1/2 len 3rd (56.0) Lord Ashfor Khalah Rose 1200m Strathalbyn Mdn slo trk May 27. She’s not far off a win b must overcome a wide alley here. Wort consideration. DYNAMIC LOVER (Philip Cole) 3f: Fir start. By Lord Jim - Dynamic Lad Half-sister to multiple-Listed race win ner Dynamic Hero (10 wins) and ra 4th Wicked Secrets 1000m Morphettvil Parks barrier trial (Mdn) dead trk Jun 18. Well-related filly who will come fro a good draw here and can show up o debut. LADY ALASKA (D R Jolly) 3f By Reset Great Manners (2:0-0-1): Debuted wit 1-3/4 len, hd 3rd (55.0) Tortosa, Ju Ranger 1200m Strathalbyn Mdn dead t Feb 1 then was spelled after 8-1/2 len 9t (55.0) Rescued 1400m Murray Bridg Mdn Feb 15. Finished 5th Fear The Fait 1000m Morphettville Parks barrier tri dead trk June 18. Ran well on deb and can show up here while fresh. Kee in mind. MEADOWS BOO (J W Cornell) 3f B Face Value - Tarnoc (9:0-0-1): Jumpe awkwardly before finishing 4-1/4 len 4t (54.5) Crocodile Tears 2200m Murra Bridge Mdn Jan 11 then was vetted afte 26-1/4 len last (54.5) Rich Pride 1800 M’ville 3yo (75) dead trk Feb 4. Be efforts have been over more ground an she’ll be better for this outing. WICKED SECRETS (D R Jolly) 3f: Fir start. By Keep The Faith - Secret Haz Brought $28,000 at the sales and all thre of the dam’s foals to race so far have bee winners. Finished 1/2 nk win King’s Gif Barjas 1000m Morphettville Parks ba rier trial (Mdn) dead trk June 18. Finishe close-up in a recent trial and warrant consideration. Look for a market lead. SMUG (J F Macmillan) 3g By Mugharre - Showy (1:0-0-0): At only start ran 3-1/ len 4th (53.5) King Rodney 1100m Po Augusta Mdn May 13. Beat eight riva home on debut and should be improve by that experience. Should get a lovely tra here and can run into the placings.
Wednesday, June 27, 2012 - Page 37 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
GAWLER comment continued NATURAL HERO (M J Whittle) 3g By Naturalism - Yahero (1:0-0-0): Debuted with 12-3/4 len 7th (54.5) Thorny Devil 1100m Strathalbyn 3yo Mdn Sept 7. Finished 5th Social Assassin 1000m Morphettville Parks barrier trial (Mdn) dead trk May 14. Comes off a break here after inauspicious debut in the early spring. Prefer to see. RESLENDA (D R Jolly) 3g By Reset Leyenda (1:0-0-0): Beat eight home on debut when 3-1/4 len 6th (55.5) Independent Air 1200m Gawler E&G Mdn Nov 16. Ran 5th Wicked Secrets 1000m Morphettville Parks barrier trial (Mdn) dead trk June 18. Far from disgraced at only racetrack appearance to date and this stable has winning ways. Keep safe. BARJAS (W E Smart) 3f By Hussonet Rezidencia (1:0-0-0): Got tightened for room on debut before finishing 9-3/4 len last (53.5) Vulnerable Moment 1100m Penola Mdn dead trk Nov 13. Ran 1/2 nk, 1-1/2 len 3rd Wicked Secrets, King’s Gift 1000m Morphettville Parks barrier trial (Mdn) dead trk June 18. She’s trialled three times in recent weeks in preparation for her return to the track so should be fit enough for this. Would need some market confidence as a pointer.
Race four FRADEMA (Ms S Jaensch) 4g By Fraar Nadema (7:0-2-2): Worked home nicely for 1/2 len, 3/4 len 3rd (58.0) Rock Star Baby, Most Awesome 1400m Penola 2yo+ Mdn dead trk May 31 then was disappointed for a run when len 2nd (58.5) No Song No Supper 1400m Mildura 2yo+ Mdn dead trk June 18. Doesn’t know how to run a bad race and this trip should suit. Comes into calculations. KANGAROO JACK (K & H Frew) 5g By Alannan - Empress Waltz (7:0-1-5): Jumped awkwardly and was tightened for room when 1-1/4 len, 1-3/4 len 3rd (56.0) Zoom, Big Pond 1250m Morphettville Parks E&G Mdn dead trk June 6 then again jumped awkwardly and was blocked for a run before finishing 3-3/4 len 4th (54.0) Rory’s Union 1400m Murray Bridge 2yo+ Mdn dead trk June 11. His unlucky last-start fourth was the first time he has missed a place in seven starts. This trip should suit and senior rider replaces 4kgclaimer for this. Should be in the finish. PINT MUG (S R Turner) 5g By Fraar Delnik (2:0-0-0): Was slowly away on debut when 7-1/4 len 5th (58.0) Wheely Bin 1200m Mt Gambier Mdn slow trk May 20 then ran strongly for 1-1/2 len 4th (58.0) Rock Star Baby 1400m Penola 2yo+ Mdn dead trk May 31. Getting better with racing and extra trip is in his favour. Drawn well and makes appeal. TOBY’S STATEMENT (R H Wilkinson) 4g By Mugharreb - Big Swampy (4:0-0-0): Struck interference at the start before finishing 6-3/4 len 4th (58.0) Lord Ashford 1200m Strathalbyn Mdn slow trk May 27 then beat eight home when 4-1/2 len 5th (58.0) Rory’s Union 1400m Murray Bridge 2yo+ Mdn dead trk June 11. Both runs back this time in have had merit and he’ll get a lovely run here. Could be the value runner. ARADANCHI (B J Dunn) 3g By Arazi Chile Dancer (4:0-1-0): Was spelled after vetted after 11-1/4 len 6th (57.5) Lord Ashford 1200m Strathalbyn Mdn slow trk May 27 then had support at odds when 5-1/2 len 6th (57.5) Zoom 1250m Morphettville Parks E&G Mdn dead trk June 6. He’ll be fitter for two runs back and is not the worst here. Keep in mind. BLEVIC LAD (R R Jolly) 3g By Blevic Laudation (6:0-1-0): Finished 6-3/4 len 7th (58.5) Cisco Delago 1800m Mildura Mdn May 20 before running 3 len 2nd (57.5) Okaman 1700m Gawler 2yo+ Mdn dead trk June 13. Improved effort last time but drops back in trip here and inexperienced rider goes on. Take on trust. CHECOTE (J G Bugg) 3g By Alannan Zyheera (6:0-0-2): Followed 4-3/4 len, lg hd 3rd (57.5) Filiar Invictus, Rory’s Union 1406m Murray Bridge 2yo+ Mdn May 23 with 5-1/4 len 4th (57.5) Okaman 1700m Gawler 2yo+ Mdn dead trk June 13. Trip may have found him out last time and better suited here. In the mix. I’M A MENICE (R D Daniel) 3g By Minardi - Treatmenice (12:0-0-0): Finished 2-1/4 len 5th (57.5) Costly Argument 1200m Mt Gambier 2&3yo Mdn slow trk May 20 before running 5-1/4 len 4th (57.5) Shaabam 1350m Strathalbyn 3yo Mdn slow trk May 27. Yet to place in 12 starts but his record is better than that suggests. Drawn to get a nice run here and worth consideration.
WICKED ROMEO (D R Jolly) 3g By Econsul - Mylelu (6:0-1-1): Lost on protest when nose 2nd (57.5) Shaabam 1350m Strathalbyn 3yo Mdn slow trk May 27 then finished 2-3/4 len, 1/2 len 3rd (57.5) Rory’s Union, Grigio Now 1400m Murray Bridge 2yo+ Mdn dead trk June 11. Blinkers come off here and he’s not far off a win. Beaten favourite at his past three runs but worth one more chance. ALL THAT AND MORE (Michael Vassallo) 5m By Dieu D’Or - Dancing Wren (4:0-12): Attempted to lead all the way when 2-3/4 len 2nd (57.5) Ambrosia 1206m Murray Bridge F&M Mdn May 23 then finished 2-1/4 len, 2-1/2 len 3rd (56.0) Emmooki’s Dash, Kalo Taxithi 1200m Gawler Mdn dead trk June 13. Should ping straight to the front here but last bit will be the test. Rates an each-way chance. LEGAL LINDA (Kaye Edwards) 4m By Legal Opinion - Loven Girl (5:0-0-0): Jumped awkwardly when 5-1/2 len 12th (56.5) Denim’s Gift 1200m Casterton 2yo+ Mdn dead trk May 27 then finished 1-1/2 len 5th (56.0) Rock Star Baby 1400m Penola 2yo+ Mdn dead trk May 31. Closeup last time but tougher here. Others look better. CAMPASPE COUP (Merissa Moyle) 3f By King Of Roses - Coup De Maitre (5:0-1-1): Was spelled after 3-3/4 len 5th (56.0) Frisky No 1400m Cranbourne Mdn dead trk April 13 then resumed racing with 12-3/4 len 9th (55.5) Emmooki’s Dash 1200m Gawler Mdn dead trk June 13. She’ll be fitter for one run back and this trip will suit better. Worth consideration. MR SCHILLER (W E Smart) 3g By Artie Schiller - Imagine Harmony (2:0-0-0): Debuted with 8-1/2 len 8th (57.5) Slim Henry 1215m Balaklava 3yo Mdn dead trk May 30 then ran on strongly for 5-1/2 len 6th (57.5) Emmooki’s Dash 1200m Gawler Mdn dead trk June 13. Shapes as if this trip will suit and J.Holder sticks with him. Has claims. WHY NOT YOU (G L Lesnikowski) 5m By Bellotto - Caper Caillie (3:0-0-0): Returned from a break with 11-1/4 len 10th (56.0) Ambrosia 1206m Murray Bridge F&M Mdn May 23 then finished 8-1/2 len 8th (54.5) Rory’s Union 1400m Murray Bridge 2yo+ Mdn dead trk June 11. Yet to set the world alight and hard to see her figuring here. ONE UP ONE DOWN (J F Macmillan) 3g By Blevic - Star To Behold (11:0-0-0): Followed 10-3/4 len 6th (54.5) Foxtrot Novey 1600m Strathalbyn 2yo+ Mdn slow trk May 27 with 6-1/4 len 5th (57.5) Miss Doubtfire 1950m Morphettville Parks 2yo+ Mdn dead trk June 6. Drops back sharply in distance here and rough place hope looks best. DOTING (C J Graves) 4m By Howbaddouwantit - Good Thing (16:00-0): Ran 10-1/4 len 10th (54.5) Filiar Invictus 1406m Murray Bridge 2yo+ Mdn May 23 then made some late ground when 4 len 6th (57.5) Under De Boardwalk 1250m Morphettville Parks F&M Mdn dead trk June 6. Hasn’t placed in 16 starts and drawn one from the outside here. Cannot recommend.
CRUZ’N NOW (D L Hewitt) 4g By Street Cry - Just Do It Now (35:2-2-3): Only beat two home when 9-3/4 len 8th (54.5) Goodnight Joss 2215m Balaklava (68) dead trk May 30 then finished stoutly for 2 len 2nd (54.5) Ambush Al 1700m Gawler C2 dead trk June 13. Doesn’t win out of turn but goes well here (3:1-1-0) and drawn to get a cosy run here. Back in distance here but worth a place ticket. SLACKSMITH (Ms C Rose) 6g By Zabeel - Eliza Cove (20:2-2-2): Following 7-1/2 len 11th (54.5) Bell Ringer 2206m Murray Bridge (68) May 23 ran 3-1/4 len 7th (54.5) Ambush Al 1700m Gawler C2 dead trk June 13. Drops back sharply in distance and he’s struggling for form. Looking elsewhere. MIME (D J Halliday) 3g By Real Jester - Carnatic (13:1-0-3): Scored 5-3/4 len win (58.5) Ms Twentyone, Trejuls 1400m Hawker 2yo+ Mdn May 26 then was slowly away when 7 len 6th (58.0) Twostep 1200m Port Augusta 3yo (64) June 10. Not long out of maiden class and needs it weaker. Others preferred. SHE’S BOSSY (W A Bogarts) 6m By Blevic - Ammaretto ‘n’ Ice (46:3-4-9): Finished sht hd, 1/2 len 3rd (54.5) Sono Piccolo, Limbo Queen 1606m Murray Bridge (62) slow trk May 2 then covered extra ground early before finishing 1-3/4 len 5th (55.0) Limbo Queen 1606m Murray Bridge (62) May 23. She’s been close-up at each of her past three runs in this grade and this is not a deep race. Must go in. STYLISH SPENDER (Ms S Murphy) 5g By Dash For Cash - Agalia (15:2-0-1): Was slowly away before finishing 14-1/2 len 10th (57.5) Royals 1400m Mt Gambier (59) slow trk May 20 then ran 4-1/2 len 10th (55.0) Gatalistic 1400m Penola (65) dead trk May 31. Should be improved by two runs back but he needs to lift. Looking to others. TREEOVUS (Kerrie Van Tijn) 6g By Fraar Zerbinetta (48:4-3-6): Followed len, nk 3rd (55.5) Limbo Queen, Coustellet 1606m Murray Bridge (62) May 23 with 12-3/4 len 12th (55.0) Mystic Fox 1600m Murray Bridge (62) dead trk June 11. Form before his last-start effort was consistent at this level so may pay to forgive that effort. Rates an each-way chance.
Race six BARRIERS (Scott Trenowden) 4g By Lonhro - Pacific Joy (17:2-3-1): Returned from a break with 3-1/4 len 5th (56.0) Rub Doubt 1206m Murray Bridge (62) May 23 then struck interference at the start and lost a plate before finishing 3 len 8th (58.5) Double Cream 1400m Morphettville Parks (62) dead trk June 6. Both runs back from a break have contained merit and he draws a better barrier here. Can improve without surprising. SILVER MOMENT (R R Jolly) 4m By Barely A Moment - Silver Medal (18:2-13): Jumped awkwardly when 5-3/4 len 7th (54.5) Hot Diamond 1200m M’ville F&M (75) dead trk June 9 then finished 11-1/4 len 7th (54.5) L’esprit 1600m M’ville (86) dead trk June 16. She’s been competitive in much stronger fields of late and goes well here (2:1-0-1). Right in this. ZIP IN TIME (D R Jolly) 4m By Barely A Moment - Giftenary (19:2-3-2): Resumed racing with 3-1/4 len 5th (56.0) Ilsede 1100m Strathalbyn F&M (68) slow trk May 27 then beat seven home when 6-1/2 len 8th (54.0) Hot Diamond 1200m M’ville F&M (75) dead trk June 9. Drop in grade here suits and she flies around this circuit (3:2-0-1). Hard to beat. ENERGIZED (G P Moody) 7g By Captain Rio - Blusienka (51:3-4-4): Followed 5-1/2 len 6th (55.0) Flashanator 1100m Pioneer Park (64) May 7 with sht 1/2 hd win (51.5) Darakan, Thorny Devil 1100m Gawler (62) dead trk June 13. Scored shock win here last time and repeat of that effort puts him right in the finish again. Don’t ignore. FILIAR INVICTUS (J F Macmillan) 3f By Primus - Ulterior (2:1-0-0): Debuted with 4 len 5th (52.5) Exotic Girl 1200m Gawler Mdn April 4 then resumed racing with 4-3/4 len win (52.5) Rory’s Union, Checote 1406m Murray Bridge 2yo+ Mdn May 23. Strolled in last time and the runner-up has won since. Looks the winner. TUREEN (B D Brook) 4m By Keep The Faith - Cuplet (36:2-3-2): Beat 13 rivals home when 4 len 5th (54.0) Selessi 1200m M’ville (71) dead trk May 19 then passed a few stragglers in the run home when 8-1/4 len 10th (54.0) Handsome As 1400m Morphettville Parks (71) June 2. Has a modest overall strike/rate but gets a massive drop in grade here. Must be included.
Race five ROYAL STORMY (D M Koch) 5g By Royal Academy - Sundiva (12:1-2-4): Was slowly away when 6-1/2 len 4th (59.5) Rough Deal 1406m Murray Bridge C1 May 23 then finished 2 len, nose 3rd (58.0) Ambush Al, Cruz’n Now 1700m Gawler C2 dead trk June 13. Trip may have found him out last time and this suits better. Hard to beat. FRENCH ACADEMY (Scott Trenowden) 6g By Honours List - Spirit Of Paris (47:7-75): Following lg hd 2nd (59.5) Sovereign Conquest 1850m Port Augusta (61) June 10 ran 4-1/2 len 5th (55.0) Stakhanovite 1900m Quorn Cup June 16. Back in distance here but he’s generally competitive at this level. Don’t dismiss. GET AROUND GIRL (Garret Lynch) 4m By Filante - She’s A Card (3:1-0-1): Finished 3/4 len, 1-3/4 len 3rd (55.0) Conciliate, Fantastic Reign 1700m Gawler Mdn Nov 16 then was spelled after 1/2 hd win (55.0) Star On Broadway, Apardee 1800m Clare Mdn dead trk Nov 27. Created a good impression in her only campaign to date. Drawn ideally but market could provide the best lead as she hasn’t raced for seven months.
AUBURN TIGER (B C Mueller) 5m By Tiger Hill - Dieback (21:2-2-5): Was vetted after 6-1/2 len 11th (57.5) Sono Piccolo 1606m Murray Bridge (62) slow trk May 2 then ran 15-1/4 len last (55.0) Moon Devil 1518m Gawler (68) May 16. Has been freshened after two ordinary efforts over longer trips. Take on trust. NO DOUBTFIRE (B J Dunn) 3g By Not A Single Doubt - Rapidfire Lady (12:1-2-1): Was spelled after 24-3/4 len last (54.0) Meshmaker 1800m M’ville (71) Jan 7 then struck interference early on before finishing 8 len 10th (52.5) Maxamug 1200m Murray Bridge C2 dead trk June 11. Didn’t get into it first-up but will be fitter here. Needs to lift. YOU ARE SO VAIN (F W Meuring) 5m By Noverre - Pretty Pinay (17:20-1): Followed 5-1/4 len 4th (52.5) Notonmatchday 1350m Strathalbyn (62) slow trk May 27 with 5-3/4 len 6th (54.0) Elsewhere 1500m Gawler M Hcp-75 dead trk June 13. Drops back a level here but she doesn’t win out of turn. Rough place hope. WHOLETTHECATOUT (Ms S Murphy) 5m By Tale Of The Cat - Different Approach (15:1-0-1): Got checked near the 800m before finishing 2-1/2 len 6th (54.0) Kvinnakel 1200m Mt Gambier F&M (65) slow trk May 20 then only beat two home when 9-1/4 len 6th (54.5) Casino Miss 1300m Penola F&M (65) dead trk May 31. Tongue tie goes on here her record doesn’t instil confidence. Looking to others. PARK RANGER (K & H Frew) 8g By Lion Hunter - Tree Fairy (60:7-7-8): Had a break ater running 5-3/4 len 5th (53.0) Arthurian Legend 1100m Clare (59) April 7 then resumed racing with 3-1/2 len 7th (54.0) Penzevengi 1250m Morphettville Parks (68) dead trk June 6. Wasn’t disgraced in stronger grade last time and he’s not the worst here. Keep safe.
Race seven POWER TO POSSESS (W A Bogarts) 4g By Refuse To Bend - Amenique (22:1-3-4): Finished 1-3/4 len 4th (54.5) Manganese 1600m Strathalbyn (75) slow trk May 27 before running 2-1/4 len 4th (58.0) Ambush Al 1700m Gawler C2 dead trk June 13. Suited back up to this trip and his only win was on this circuit. Drawn to get a lovely run and must be included. STURGIS (G L Lesnikowski) 6g By Generous - Shy Lizzie (18:3-2-1): Followed 4-1/4 len 6th (54.5) Manganese 1600m Strathalbyn (75) slow trk May 27 with 1-3/4 len win (53.0) Bracken Blue, Environment Patron 2100m Gawler (62) dead trk June 13. Returned to his best last time when scored over this track/distance. Not a lot of depth here and he’ll be hard to beat again. FOXTROT NOVEY (L Macdonald & A Gluyas) 3g By Lords A Leaping - Staindrop (9:1-1-0): Following 3-3/4 len win (57.5) Sharpay Magic, Tracy True Blood 1600m Strathalbyn 2yo+ Mdn slow trk May 27 ran 8-1/2 len 6th (55.0) Zerprise Us All 1800m M’ville 3yo (75) dead trk June 16. Handy 3yo but gets out to this trip for the first time here. Keep in mind. JEUNE’S LAGOON (B J Dunn) 7g By Jeune - Round Lake (15:2-2-2): Ran 8-1/2 len 8th (59.0) Star Legion 1400m Hawker (64) May 26 then finished 5-3/4 len 7th (55.5) Mystic Fox 1600m Murray Bridge (62) dead trk June 11. Beat half the field home last time and might be looking for this trip now. Can improve without surprising. KING OF PIANO (K & H Frew) 7g By Cape Cross - Okahu (33:5-4-2): Resumed racing with 18-1/2 len last (55.5) Notonmatchday 1350m Strathalbyn (62) slow trk May 27 then ran 17-1/4 len last (54.5) Mystic Fox 1600m Murray Bridge (62) dead trk June 11. Hasn’t got warm in two runs back this time in and they’ve put the blinkers back on for this. Needs to lift. TAPEKA POINT (Kerrie Van Tijn) 8g By Traditionally - Native Hawk (40:3-5-2): Jumped awkwardly before finishing 14-1/2 len 5th (54.0) Tanah Lot 2013m Mornington (72) dead trk Jan 13 then resumed racing with 1/2 nk 2nd (54.0) Mystic Fox 1600m Murray Bridge (62) dead trk June 11. Finished strongly firstup to just miss over an unsuitable trip. Fitter now and can’t be ignored here. COOL CLASSIC (Darryl Ryan) 5g By Akhadan - Classicalma (28:1-2-5): Jumped awkwardly when 3-3/4 len 5th (55.0) Zerprise Us All 1606m Murray Bridge (62) May 23 then finished 3-3/4 len 6th (57.0) Mystic Fox 1600m Murray Bridge (62) dead trk June 11. Last couple of runs have had merit and his only win was over 2200 metres so the step-up in trip here is ideal. Could be the value runner in this.
ENVIRONMENT PATRON (Kirsten McGowan) 7g By Montjeu - Nikki’s Bride (36:3-4-8): After 1-1/2 len, nk 3rd (53.5) Quick ‘n’ Slick, Jaen 1615m Balaklava (62) dead trk May 30 ran 1-3/4 len, lg hd 3rd (53.5) Sturgis, Bracken Blue 2100m Gawler (62) dead trk June 13. Racing well in similar company and gets a soft run here. In the mix. HURRICANE THUNDER (Ms C Rose) 7g By Planchet - Theatre Talk (30:2-2-6): Finished 60-1/2 len 8th (63.0) Trenchtown 3280m Murray Bridge Hrdl dead trk June 11 then was found to be lame after running 23 len last (54.5) Rikbat 2600m M’ville (94) dead trk June 16. Suited by the drop in grade here and he can improve sharply here on his latest efforts. Rough place chance. QUICK ‘N’ SLICK (Kym Healy) 5m By Blevic - Caddy’s Star (37:2-0-2): Followed 1-1/2 len win (54.0) Jaen, Environment Patron 1615m Balaklava (62) dead trk May 30 with 2-1/2 len 6th (54.5) Ambush Al 1700m Gawler C2 dead trk June 13. Made some ground late last time and wasn’t far away at the finish. This trip has found her out in the past and she’ll need everything to fall her way from the wide alley. Others look better. SOVEREIGN CONQUEST (Ms M Ruberry) 7g By Dexter - Gulab (45:2-1-8): Ran 9-3/4 len 10th (54.0) Rough Deal 1406m Murray Bridge C1 May 23 before scoring lg hd win (55.5) French Academy, Grand Group 1850m Port Augusta (61) June 10. Scored surprise win last time at just his second run in 18 months. Should be even fitter now and can’t be ruled out in this. BLUE SIMONE (D J Halliday) 5m By Dash For Cash - Carnatic (23:1-2-2): Was spelled after 6-1/4 len 6th (55.0) Tasteofenergy 1800m Clare (72) April 7 then resumed racing with 9-3/4 len 10th (54.5) Ambush Al 1700m Gawler C2 dead trk June 13. Should be better for one run back but jumps quickly in distance here. Wait till later. KELLY’S GOLD (Ms P Trenwith) 6g By Danehill Dancer - Full Of Glory (21:3-0-0): Finished 3-1/2 len 10th (57.0) Golden Ella 1800m Mildura (58) May 19 then only beat one home when 10-1/4 len 9th (50.0) Goodnight Joss 2215m Balaklava (68) dead trk May 30. Hasn’t won past 1600 metres and others look better suited in this. BELLUNESE (D J Stone) 4g By Testa Rossa - Bella Bionda (16:2-1-0): Finished 6-1/4 len 11th (56.0) Limbo Queen 1606m Murray Bridge (62) May 23 then was blocked for a run before finishing 12-1/2 len 11th (54.5) Mystic Fox 1600m Murray Bridge (62) dead trk June 11. He is a winner here but that was some time ago and he hasn’t won past 1400 metres. Faces a task. DUBAI VENGEANCE (J Dunn) 4g By Dubai Destination - Vengadame (29:22-5): After 5-3/4 len 8th (54.5) Limbo Queen 1606m Murray Bridge (62) May 23 covered extra ground before finishing 7-1/4 len 9th (54.5) Ambush Al 1700m Gawler C2 dead trk June 13. Recent efforts have been moderate but worth noting he grows another leg here (5:2-1-1). Blowout chance.
Race eight FANTASTIC REIGN (J Dunn) 4g By Fantastic Light - Pray For Reign (21:1-32): Finished 3/4 len 2nd (54.0) Cavalry Black 1800m M’ville (75) Feb 18 then was spelled after 5-1/2 len 8th (55.5) Dirty Ona Drink 1800m M’ville (75) Mar 3. Ran last Kellerman 1100m Strathalbyn barrier trial dead trk June 1. Coming off a break here and he’s better suited over more ground. Wait till later. EMMOOKI’S DASH (M J Whittle) 3g By Dash For Cash - Emmooki (3:1-1-0): Jumped awkwardly before finishing nk 2nd (56.0) Wicked Tycoon 1006m Murray Bridge Mdn May 23 then led all the way to score 2-1/4 len win (57.5) Kalo Taxithi, All That And More 1200m Gawler Mdn dead trk June 13. He’s returned to racing in super form and looks one of the key players again here. BELSYND (D R Jolly) 4g By Bellotto Miss Eucalypt (5:1-0-1): Got tightened for room when 1/2 len, 1/2 len 3rd (58.0) Roll Of The Dice, Droste 1006m Murray Bridge C2 May 23 then jumped in grade when 5-1/2 len 10th (54.0) Light Express 1000m Morphettville Parks (75) June 2. Blinkers come off here and he’s much better suited in this class. Can improve without surprising.
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Wednesday, June 27, 2012 - Page 38 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
175/70 R13
THORNY DEVIL (P F Blanch) 3g By Kin Of Roses - Stretta (7:1-1-2): Jumpe awkwardly then was vetted after 2-1/2 le 4th (57.5) Magic Milady 1600m M’vil (75) dead trk Oct 22 then resumed racin with sht 1/2 hd, nk 3rd (58.5) Energize Darakan 1100m Gawler (62) dead tr June 13. He’ll be fitter for one run bac and the blinkers go on here. Should b in the finish. RAINBOW BLACK (James Gardiner) 6 By Danewin - Chase The Chick (11:1-1-1 At first run for three years finished 3/ len, 1-3/4 len 3rd (59.0) Wyara Miss, Ru Doubt 1100m Bordertown C2 Feb 5 the was found to be lame after running 13-1/ len 17th (55.0) Selessi 1200m M’ville (71 dead trk May 19. Should be improved b two runs back after an extended layoff b awkwardly drawn here. Take on trust. BEEARCH (Ms C Paisley) 4m By Golde Lake - Atomic Miss (5:1-0-1): Was spelle after 5 len, 1/2 hd 3rd (55.5) Monstarh Dubai Vengeance 1500m Gawler C1 No 3 and resumed with 6-1/4 len 8th (56.0 Maxamug 1200m Murray Bridge C2 dea trk June 11. Beat half the field home firs up when drew the outside of 16 runner Gets the pole draw here where he won h only race. Ticks a few boxes and could b the value runner. REGAL MONTY (Kaye Edwards) 5 By Regal Shot - Montenique (7:1-1-2 Following 1/2 len 2nd (56.5) Kvinnak 1200m Mt Gambier F&M (65) slow t May 20 ran 5-1/2 len 7th (56.5) Disc Tillate 1100m Penola C2 dead trk May 3 Disappointed last time but her previou form was consistent. Perhaps a place. FOLAU (Kristi Evans) 6g By Delago Bro - Flamber (33:1-6-2): Followed 7 len 7t (55.0) Sarcasm 1200m Gawler C1 dea trk Mar 25 with 8-1/2 len 11th (54.0 Maxamug 1200m Murray Bridge C2 dea trk June 11. Fitter for one run back an he generally pulls out a run on this trac Blowout chance. ALANZA (B C Mueller) 3f By Husson - Excitant (13:1-0-2): Ran 9-1/2 le last (56.5) Nelson’s Victory 1005m Mornington F&M Hcp-62 dead trk Ja 13 then resumed racing with 6-3/ len 8th (54.0) Sparkling Bella 1000m Morphettville Parks C2 dead trk June 6 Didn’t fire first-up and faces a task fro the wide alley here. Needs luck. LITTLE SIP (K & H Frew) 5m By Succes Express - Golden Apt (21:1-2-5): Returne from a break with 3-1/4 len 4th (50.0) Ru Doubt 1206m Murray Bridge (62) Ma 23 then beat ten rivals home when 5-1/ len 6th (51.0) Maxamug 1200m Murra Bridge C2 dead trk June 11. Both run back this time in have contained mer and she gets in woth 4kgs under the lim Keep safe. LYNVAN ROSE (Ms S Ratsch) 5m B Alannan - Woodbine Rosie (13:1-0-0 Finished 4-1/2 len 9th (53.0) Rock Rapture 2050m Strathalbyn (62) Apr 6 (2011) then ran 10-1/4 len 8th (53.0 Sky Raider 2100m Gawler (68) April 2 (2011). Local who has been out of actio for over a year. Prefer to see. GAILAMOUR (P A Sweeney) 4m B Danbird - My Lady Gaila (19:1-2-2 After lg nk, 1-1/4 len 3rd (54.5) Dancin Hillbilly, No Idols 1200m Wagga C1 heav trk May 26 ran 8-3/4 len 9th (52.0) Pens Material 1400m Wagga C3 heavy trk Jun 3. Can mix his form and rough place hop looks best here. MR RENASH (Pat Violi) 7g By Mutahass - Late Night Movie (16:1-0-3): Finishe 16-3/4 len last (54.5) Ogunde 1100 Naracoorte (65) April 22 then hung o before running 17-1/4 len last (54.5 Bickleigh Vale 1200m Casterton (62) dea trk May 27. Finished last Last Charg 1000m Morphettville Parks barrier tri dead trk June 18. Not going well enoug and looks outclassed here. BAR ROOM BELLE (Ms S Ratsch) 6m B Mutahassin - Taqabar (47:1-3-4): Jumpe awkwardly when 4-3/4 len 6th (54.0) Lad Akatak 1215m Balaklava C1 dead trk Ma 30 then finished 6-1/4 len 4th (51.5) Clu Ha Ha 1200m Quorn (64) June 16. He strike/rate speaks for itself and others a better suited in this.
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Central District Football Club supports
> Rugby Union > Hockey THE Barossa Rams took the first small step in atoning for last year’s grand final loss to Elizabeth by inflicting a 27-12 loss on the 2011 premiers. Matt Muchamore continued his strong form by scoring a pair of tries. Nathan Iley collected ‘man of the match’ honours for the Rams who retained to spot on the ladder and are in good position in the race to the finals.
PREPARATIONS have begun in earnest for the six Barossa players selected in the state country hockey squad. With the trip being entirely self-funded the boys have to raise funds for themselves and what better way than selling some fantastic wine from Yalumba? Each of the players can hook you up with a great deal on your choice of four varieties, 2011 Sauvignon Blanc, Proudly brought to you by: BAROSSA
> BL&G 33 Railway Tce, Nuriootpa
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Ghost of the river
KAPUNDA-based police officer Tom Christly played his first game of Aussie rules on Saturday.
> BL&G WITH their season of redemption purring along nicely under new coach Scott Lee, the South Gawler Lions keep getting better. They have pounced on another boom recruit in Nick White who crossed from Central to North Adelaide at the start of the season. Best known as a key defender White has the flexibility to play forward. How often he plays is to be determined.
Your Guide to the Tides brought to you by
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8522 6200 CAUGHT: A European grayling.
WADING through the crystal clear water I can feel the pressure on my waders as the water rushes past me. The gravel river bed is a maze of different colours, with each and every stone slightly different but all still providing the same safe haven for the river nymphs to grow until they are ready to hatch. The overhanging trees are green with life and shade the sides of the river providing cover for the bigger fish to cruise in. Looking through the glass of my Polaroids I can see a grey shape moving in the shadows right on the edge of the river. Gliding ever so smoothly as it makes it way up the river in search of nymphs and small olive mayflies as they float past. Every now and then it gracefully moves off the bottom, slips an olive from the surface and then stations itself back in a lie
in the shallow water of the clear river. With my fly rod in hand I readied my dry fly a perfect representation of the small olives that are floating down the river. To make sure it floats well I give it a quick rub on my cotton shirt and the CDC fibres puff to life and are ready for action. A short cast is made slightly to the side of the fish for no response; but I let it float well down stream before flicking my rod to recast. The next cast is on the money. The little dry floats perfectly in the line of sight of the fish, right towards its nose as it sits in around half a metre of water. For a second it looks like the fish is going to let it past again. But before the fly passes the fish rises off the bottom focused intensely on the little dry. And as it gently breaks the surface of the water it opens its mouth and sips the fly in. Tight lines until next week.
Tide Times for Port Adelaide (Outer Harbour) and Wallaroo for the week to come
Pt Adelaide JUNE 2012
0.51 0.93 0.85 1.83
0.74 2.09 1.12 1.68
0158 0751 1138 1843
0.52 0.95 0.88 1.76
0352 1113 1901
0.95 2.05 1.15
0222 0849 1221 1909
0.53 0.99 0.94 1.65
0000 0520 1322 2121
1.38 1.17 2.11 0.88
0248 1018 1313 1933
0.56 1.06 1.02 1.51
0340 0801 1454 2221
1.46 1.22 2.30 0.62
0312 1117 1427 1949
0439 0916 1550 2301
1.60 1.14 2.47 0.47
0331 1202
0305 0952 1613 2143
29 FR
30 SA
JULY 2012
0135 0716 1100 1817
0.59 2.11 0.98 1.99
1 SU
2 MO
JUNE 2012
30 SA
Relationship and employment status: Partner Peita and son Connor. Owner CSJ Electrical. Who are key players at your club? Dan Wall and David Jameison. What is your most important attribute? Speed. Who is a character at the club and why? Michael ‘Banga’ Graetz, loves doing push ups when he breaks team rules, and Kim ‘Shooty’ Schutz being a gun at everything. Who is the best player you have played with and against? With Dan Wall. Against Brad Fairey. Major influence in your hockey: Terry Holmes and Paul Blenkiron.
Pet hates on the hockey pitch? Whingers and playing on grass.
Who are your sporting idols? Marcus Ambrose and Craig Lowndes.
Favourite actor and movie? Anchorman, Will Ferrell.
Any superstitions? No. What event has inspired or amazed you? Birth of son was pretty amazing, and looking forward to teaching little CJ everything I know. If you were Prime Minister what issue would you address? Legalise off street drag racing in Adelaide for the public, and get rid of the carbon tax.
Greatest moment and disappointment? Greatest moment, birth of son and winning u16 flag and getting best on ground. Greatest disappointment was losing last year’s grand final in penalty shoot outs. How would you spend a million dollars? Shack on river, with new Malibu and GT Falcon. What other sport would you love to be the best in the world at and why? V8 Supercars.
JULY 2012
1 SU
2 MO 3
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0328 0.75 0512 1.67 1241 1.40 0959 1.04 1628 2.58 TU 2332 0.42 *Please note - Add 1 hour for daylight savings ‘Tidal predictions supplied by the National Tide Facility. The Flinders University of South Australia, Copyright Reserved’
3 TU
Where have you played your hockey? Originally Angaston, now Angaston Moculta United Hockey Club, Enfield Hockey Club.
27 WE
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0229 0855 1453 2043
Craig Johnson plays hockey for AM United.
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Gawler and Kapunda Sportsperson of the week Craig Johnson - AM United
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with Graham Fischer and Mike Teakle
Tom lined up in the Kapunda reserves victory over Nuriootpa. The former rugby union player from the central coast of NSW played as a forward, kicking three goals and was named the Bombers’ best player for his excellent all round effort. Kapunda legend Greg Mickan made light of Tom’s code switch. “In Tom’s first training session on a Tuesday his first kick went so high that it was marked on Thursday night,” Greg said. Tom’s traditional rugby style kick has been refined to become a solid part of his repertoire with the Burley football. “I’m loving it here in Kapunda, I’m very lucky to have received a posting like this,” Tom said.
2011 Chardonnay, 2010 Cabernet Sauvignon and a 2011 Shiraz from the Oxford Landing range at just $80-per dozen. Anyone wanting to take advantage of this great deal can do so by seeing Marty Gallasch, Adam Millar, Zac Giles, Josh Dutschke, Josh Hancock, Will Stapleton or Paul Blenkiron. While we’re on hockey, congratulations to both the boys and girls SAPSA teams for winning the division two title last week. It’s the first time in at least 20 years that Barossa and Light has won both and bodes well for the future of hockey in the region. Congratulations also the BVHA for getting behind the kids and assisting them by providing new uniforms and quality coaches in the form of gun players Renee Bishop (boys coach) and Michael Lubcke (girls coach). With code changing becoming fashionable at the highest level, it’s great to see it happening at a grassroots level.
T: 08 8566 2865 T: 08 8522 2266
Wednesday, June 27, 2012 - Page 39 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
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South look real deal TO BE taken seriously as a Barossa, Light & Gawler Football Association premiership threat, South Gawler needed to make a statement against Barossa District last Saturday. In a home game, the Lions roared loudly with a comprehensive 39-point victory. There is no doubt that South have earned respect with their form this season, but needed a big scalp to make a statement, which it now has. Yes, the Bulldogs are hurting and playing shorthanded, but there are still plenty of experienced personnel and quality players in the Barossa side, which is still in the top four, in spite of the 2012 injury woes. Although kicking against the breeze early South took control in the first quarter, through the dominance in ruck of Mark Paget, with the likes of on-ballers Matt Foldesdy, Aaron Bayliss and Daniel Goulding pushing the ball forward - to lead 4-3 to 2-1 at the first break. With the first three goals of the second term it looked like the Lions by how much, but Barossa steadied for the next three majors to go into half time trailing by 17 points. Returning from injury Dan Pfeiffer struggled in ruck against Paget, which saw Bulldog mentor Roger James throw 6’ 4” James Angus into the mix. It had an effect, with the Stelzer twins - Matt and Paul - and Michael Taylor coming into the game. Riding the momentum built up, Barossa kept working hard early in the third term to close within a kick, before the Lions booted the final two majors of the period for a 15-point advantage at lemons. South kicked the first couple of goals in the final term before the Bulldogs managed one at the 18minute mark to have a ‘silly’ chance to steal the points, but a couple of strong marks and majors by Anton Gerardis sealed the result.
G COMIN N O SO the nd in Live Ba Bar Sports
Spearhead Gerardis was on fire with four majors in the last quarter, and eight for the game, in his best performance of the season. “We controlled play and were on top for the majority of the game, but they have some quality players, and always seemed to be close,” Lions coach Scott Lee said. “Our defence was very good, with Heath Lawry doing a great job on (Heath) Commane, which was crucial, and Kristian Economou matched (Roger) James with his strength and used his height and pace to run off of him. And Matt Foldesdy did a great job in the centre on (Michael) Taylor.” South was also missing a pair of important players, with Justin Trewren resting a sore knee and Brady Scott unavailable because of work, but had a major in with North Adelaide’s Nick White, which helped settle the Lions’ defence. Best for South was Jackson Dare, who relished his role on the wing, and had a good tussle with veteran Bulldog Darren Sharp - after he was moved to the unaccustomed position. The Stelzers and Taylor again were important cogs in the Barossa mid-field ‘machine’, but they need more help. Most importantly, the Bulldogs desperately need Ross Christie back in ruck, and extra on-baller Adam Spencer, both who have missed the majority of the season through injury. “South was too good,” James said. “We are battling at the moment. You need good team structure, South played it, we didn’t. “Going forward we need to sort ourselves out. At the moment we are stale, and too many blokes are passengers. Too many think others will do it. There are not enough people on the train.” This Saturday all teams have the weekend off for the zone championship, while the following week South host Willaston, and Barossa is away to Angaston.
CHASE: South Gawler’s Kristian Economou leads Barossa’s Brent O’Driscoll during Saturday’s win by the Lions.
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Wednesday, June 27, 2012 - Page 40 - The Herald, Barossa Valley