March 28th Edition

Page 1

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GAWLER 8522 3222


Pre Purchase Inspections Termites • Bees • Ants Rats • Mice • Possums Millipedes Tanunda Phone 8563 0430


Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Phone: (08) 8563 2041

48 pages

Eggstra eggciting Easter

DELICIOUS: Lucky Rex the rabbit will enjoy nothing but cuddles this Easter from his owner Jake Riebke who tucks into a chocolate treat. PIC: Michelle O’Rielly

CHILDREN like Jake Riebke, from Ebenezer, can’t wait for the Easter holidays to arrive. The almost three-year-old is among the hundreds of children who look forward to spending time with their family, being part of religious ceremonies and activities, and of course, eating Easter treats. Jake is also one of many children encouraged to be part of a colouring in competition promoted by the Herald and Barossa Mall business owners and operators at Nuriootpa. The competition will mean a variety of great prizes up for grabs and for children to have works placed on the Herald website for others to view. From today (Wednesday) parents can grab the colouring in form found at all Barossa Mall businesses and via the Herald website or the QR code (above) by simply scanning with your smartphone. The competition is a chance for young ones to show off their creative talents, with prizes awarded in two age groups of pre-schoolers and school aged up to 12. Prizes include a selection of Easter goodies supplied by Nuriootpa Newsagency and saving’s starter accounts thanks to People’s Choice Credit Union. The Herald encourages children to use crayons, textas, pencils, pens and paints or whatever it takes to brighten up the Easter image.

Parents are asked to place their child’s details, including contact details, at the bottom of the colouring in competition form. These details will then be folded under the picture for privacy reasons. Entries must be completed by 5pm, Tuesday, April 10 for judging and need to be submitted to The Co-op Member’s desk in the Barossa Mall or posted to the Herald, Box 43, Tanunda SA 5352. The top five entries in both age groups will be on display at the Barossa Mall from April 11 to April 18 as part of the school holidays. Winners will be announced on Thursday, April 19 and will be contacted for a photo to appear in the Herald on Wednesday, April 25. So now is the time for children to get busy and enter.

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Wednesday, March 28, 2012 - Barossa Mall Wrap 1 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

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Colouring In Competition entry forms are available from Barossa Mall businesses *

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8562 1905 *Conditions apply. See for details

Selected Ladies




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8568 6028

Child’s Name: Age:

______________ ______________ __


Simply colour in the above image and enter at the PO Box 43 Tanun Co-Op da 5352 before 5pm April 10 2012 Member’s Desk or post to for the chance Parents Name to win! __________________ __________________ ____ Phone ______ Address _______ _____________ __________________ _________ Email __________________ A joint initiative ______________ of the Barossa Mall and the Barossa Herald



Ice Creamery



Wednesday, March 28, 2012 - Barossa Mall Wrap 2 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Guy Ewing

Ice Creamery

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Guy Ewing

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Wednesday, March 28, 2012 - Barossa Mall Wrap 3 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Support Rachael’s creative cause

SO PROUD: Rachael Doecke (centre) with Leanne Fechner (left) and Sue Garrett.

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THIS sweet 17-year-old’s magnetic personality isn’t the only thing that’s catching people’s attentions in the Barossa. Rachael Doecke’s creative flair is rapidly being known, along with her generous nature, to raise funds for charity. The Angaston girl, who completed her schooling at Faith Lutheran College in 2011, was born with WolfHirschhorn Syndrome (WHS). The syndrome causes delayed growth, weak muscle tone and intellectual disabilities. However that hasn’t stopped Rachael from pursing her passion for arts and crafts. It was Mother’s Day last year when Rachael made her first tissue box cover for her mum Chris as part of a special school project. Chris said, “The tissue box was so unique and special”. The project was begun with Faith’s learning support assistant Sue Garrett. Sue explained how she worked with Rachael when she was in Year 2 at Good Shepherd Lutheran School. Coincidentally in 2009 when Rachael stated at Faith, Sue was also appointed in the role at the secondary school. This meant she again worked closely with Rachael. “The project was to help Rachael to meet people and initiate conversation,” Sue said. The tissue boxes’ popularity grew within the school grounds and soon Rachael was making staff boxes suited to their individual tastes, including one for her principal Gavan Cramer in the AFL Collingwood team colours. “They are fun to make,” Rachael said.

The tissue box idea soon snowballed outside the school according to her aunty and carer Leanne Fechner. Since mid last year Leanne and Rachael have worked on making the boxes and currently they spend two afternoons together per week. They have also branched out to include pencil and letter holders. “Rachael selects the materials for the wooden boxes and does all the gluing,” Leanne said. In some sessions Rachael and Leanne create up to six tissues boxes. Rachael’s family said they are so proud of what Rachael has achieved. “It’s something she has done away from the family,” Chris said. Proceeds from the sale of Rachael’s work now support 4P Aussie Kidz, a charity that provides financial assistance and support to families of children living with WHS. So far she has raised about $1000. While the costs of materials add up, it is the generosity of Barossa groups and individuals that keeps her work ongoing. On Monday, the Angaston Lions Club handed over $100 to Rachael to cover material costs, and other Barossa people can do the same. To make a donation or to check out her handiwork, then visit Cottage Industries in Angaston or see Rachael at the Easter Craft Fair in Angaston over the long weekend. Also, her older sister Sarah has set up a Facebook page ‘Rachael’s Creations’ for online orders. To date 40 children within Australia and New Zealand live with WHS. A WHS conference is held biennially allowing the Doecke family to meets with other families.

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Wednesday, March 28, 2012 - Page 1 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Right plant advice KEEP this Sunday, April 1 free because it’s your chance to purchase Barossa native plants as part of the Barossa Bushgardens’ Open Day. As well as offering thousands of local native plants for sale from $3, the day promotes sustainable living with workshops made available on a range of activities, plus stalls exhibiting and selling Barossa produce. Open Day is a free family event, with lots of craft activities for children including making art with native seeds. Bushgardens’ volunteers say if you’re planning a garden makeover, it’s good to know first whether your garden is on sand or clay soil. Some Barossa plants thrive only on one or the other, but not on both.


1/119 Murray Street, Tanunda Postal: PO Box 43, Tanunda, 5352 Telephone: (08) 8563 2041 Fax: (08) 8563 3655 Advertising: Editorial: Website: Manager/Sales Manager: Clayton Bester Editor: Graham Fischer Editorial: Michelle O’Rielly, John Crawford, Mike Teakle, Ben Mallett, Robert Laidlaw, Anne Hopton. Photography: Kirsty Hosking, Shaun Kowald. Sales: Glenys Brooks, Jordan Stollznow, Jodie Coventry, Linda Goldfinch. Administration: Cheryl Lange, Roxanne Mathew


Original works are subject to copyright and shall not be reproduced without authority. Where no charge is made for the preparation of advertising material, The Herald will remain owner of copyright for the advertising material. Such material may be reproduced only with the consent of The Herald and upon payment of such fee as The Herald may require. In lodging an advertisement with us you agree that we may publish the advertisement on our website. The general terms and conditions that apply to publication of classified advertisements in our publications apply also to publication on our website.

Camping gear UHF Radios GPS navigation Guns & ammo Binoculars & scopes Flares & EPIRB’s


Gawler Fishing & Outdoors OPEN 7 DAYS 48 Murray St, Gawler PHONE 8522 6200 EASTER TRADING HOURS Wed 4 9.00am-6.00pm Sat 7 9.00am-4.00pm Thurs 5 9.00am-7.00pm Sun 8 Closed Good Friday Closed Mon 9 Closed


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Email your health questions to: Sporting injuries are on the increase with the football and netball season upon us...... These injuries are usually caused by direct impact, overuse or force to the area that is greater than that body part can withstand. These injuries usually involve damage to the muscles, tendons or ligaments and are often referred to as soft tissue injuries. Prevention is always the best way to minimise the chance of injury. Tips for prevention include: o Wearing appropriate footwear, clothing and safety equipment (e.g. mouth guards, pads etc) o Warming up and stretching prior to sport or vigorous activities making sure to focus on the joints and muscles that will be used o Cooling down after exercise/sport by gradually reducing intensity of exercise and stretching afterwards o Tape, Strap or use braces (Pharmacy staff can help to measure the joint, to provide optimum compression) for any vulnerable joints o Maintain good form and technique o Keep to a healthy weight and fitness level If a soft tissue injury occurs, it is vital that in the first 48 to 72 hours the RICER protocol is followed. R – Rest and support injured part to protect it from any further damage I – Icing the area reduces pain, inflammation and bruising. The area should be iced for 15-20 minutes every 2 hours C – Compression via an elastic (heavy weight) bandage to reduce the swelling, bleeding and to provide extra support for the area. E – Elevating the injured part above the level of the heart to reduce any swelling and bleeding. R – Referral to doctor or physiotherapist It is also important in the first 48 – 72 hours while the injury is very painful and swollen to avoid the following, known as the No HARM protocol. No Heat as it increases bleeding No Alcohol as it can increase swelling and bleeding No Running or exercise as it can injure the part even further No Massage as it can increase swelling and bleeding. It is often difficult to know the extent of the injury, therefore if any of the following presents, it is important to have it checked by a doctor immediately. o Numbness o Immediate swelling and severe pain o Injured area is unable to support any weight o Range of movement is significantly compromised o Pain and swelling does not reduce after 2 to 3 days o Injury involves a child under 12 years or an elderly person Speak to our friendly staff, who can assist you with all the items you need, along with any suitable medications to help with the pain.

Shop 1 Commercial Lane Gawler Phone 8522 1932 Wednesday, March 28, 2012 - Page 2 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Editorial W

hat fantastic news to hear that Holden’s future in South Australia is secure for another decade. The South Australian and Victorian state governments along with the feds have put in $275million to ensure the American-owned company continues to keep the Elizabeth plant going. Holden is an iconic brand and it cannot be argued that the company’s presence is vital for our economy. Perhaps what can be questioned is the government involvement. Is there any other company where state and/or federal governments would contribute to keep it operational in Australia? And should they? Let’s be realistic, companies start up to provide a service with the idea of making money. With good management they may grow and the profits increase, as do the number of people employed making the company an important contributor to the economy of the area. Unfortunately, for many different reasons, companies can fail, leaving people out of jobs and investors out of money. Good Aussie people who took a gamble and failed. Who do they turn to ?


Health - E - Advice Chemist Woolworths Complex,

COME ALONG: Bushgardens’ volunteers preparing for the open day are (from left) Luciano Consalvi, Jeanette Kennedy, Arthur Mousamas and Pam Payne.


Incorporating The Barossa News, Kapunda Herald and Eudunda Courier.

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THIS week the Herald highlights an amazing Barossa charity group which grants wishes to children living with a life-threatening medical condition. It’s the Make-A-Wish Australia Barossa Valley branch and on the weekend the crew along with shearer Mark Steinborner raised $25,000. For several months the committee have been working tirelessly to stage Shear Wishes - a 24 hour shearing fundraiser, and their efforts paid off. Visit or turn to page 8 of this edition for more details. The Herald is also keen to see the community back Angaston teenager Rachael Doecke who is using her talents to make products to raise funds for 4P Aussie Kidz Inc, which provides financial assistance to families of children who live with WolfHirschhorn. If you would like to support Rachael and her endeavours then check out her story by visiting To celebrate Easter, children are encouraged to participate in a colouring in competition organised by the Herald and supported by business owners and operators of the Barossa Mall, Nuriootpa. The image is available from participating stores in the Barossa Mall, the Herald website or by scanning the QR code on the front page with your smart phone. Have fun and good luck!

ABN 14 007 869 874

Open Day Workshops • Garden design with Ted from 10am • ‘Sustainable garden practice’ with Erica Bartsch from Plants Plus, 11am • ZEN Home Energy Systems information session, noon • Prune Australian native plants, 1pm • Ongoing guided tours of the gardens and display gardens on the hour from 10am-2pm. The Open Day will be held from 10am to 3pm and a barbecue lunch will be made available. The Barossa Bushgardens is located off Penrice Road, Nuriootpa, with car parking available via Research Road, just north of Penrice Road. For more details, contact Pam Payne on 0448 676 348.


SUPPORTIVE: Former Adelaide Crows player Rodney Maynard, who officially opened the Make A Wish event, with Shear Wishes committee members Natalie Scholz and Darlene Jenke.

Published by The Barossa News Pty. Ltd.

They say while most of the valley is clay soil, parts of the Barossa are ancient dunes - sandy soil - such as the area around The Rex and north to Nuraip Road, Altona, parts of Nuriootpa near Redeemer school and The Moppa. Bushgardens volunteers are happy to advise you which plants grow best on your soil, whether it is clay or sandy soil, so that you get the best possible results. Knowing your soil pH or acidity/alkalinity is also worthwhile and an indicator of what plants will grow best where. For example, most Eremophilas prefer neutral to alkaline soils. Volunteers encourage you to bring along a teaspoon or small plastic bag of your soil and have it tested on the spot by Australian Plants Society.

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La Nova Canned Tomatoes 400g


c ea



Nestle Condensed Milk 395g (full cream only)






Nescafe Blend 43 Coffee 500g

1399 ea




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Potatoes 5kg












Carrots 1kg


c bag


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Raguletto Pasta Sauce 500g





Cadbury Chocolate Blocks 175/220g






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1279 ea




Maclean’s Toothpaste Protect 90g


c ea



Dove Shampoo or Conditioner 300ml






Bega Cheese Block 750g






119 Murray Street Tanunda | Phone 8563 0550 Wednesday, March 28, 2012 - Page 3 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


Video game update GAWLER South’s Jack Hudson did not have much luck at the Adelaide qualifiers of the FIFA Interactive World Cup in Adelaide on Thursday night. Featured in last week’s Herald, Jack played as Arsenal against an opponent using Spain in the first round, but was defeated 4-2 and forced to exit the tournament.

Who’s eating at your house tonight?

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FIRED UP: Female Muay Thai fighters Jacinda Claridge, Lisa Burgess and Elyse Bell train at Barossa Muay Thai.

Women who can pack a punch By JOHN CRAWFORD MUAY Thai is generally considered a sport for the men, but a group of Barossa women are kicking the trend – literally. Commonly known in the western world as Thai Boxing, Muay Thai sees fighters battle it out in a ring similar to boxing, but with the addition of kicks, knees and elbows. Elyse Bell, a 23-year-old from Tanunda, is one of the women leading the female charge. In her first contest, she won her fight at Whyalla on Saturday. “I was really, really nervous, but the best way to describe it is completely


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exhausted the whole time,” she laughed. “I’m just really glad I got to give it a go.” Elyse has been training at Barossa Muay Thai for the past year, moving onto the sport after being involved in other martial arts when she was younger. “I was sick of breaking boards and was looking for something a bit more physical and where I could compete,” she said. Participants fight in either three or five two-minute rounds, with the winner being determined by points, knock-out, or technical knock-out. While she is currently taking part in modified fights where elbows are banned, it is still an extremely physical


sport, often leaving competitors with bruises, black eyes and blood noses. Fellow female fighter Jacinda Claridge, from Tanunda, also tasted victory in her fight at Whyalla on Saturday. Both women got into the sport after seeing their friend, 19-year-old Lisa Burgess from Angaston, in action in the ring a couple years ago. Josh Graetz from Barossa Muay Thai in Tanunda, where the women train, said Muay Thai is growing in popularity, but it is still not a mainstream sport. He said there are probably less than 10 female Muay Thai fighters in South Australia, and he has five of those at his gym.

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Wednesday, March 28, 2012 - Page 4 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Unique history lesson MORE than 40 vehicles dating back 108 years will visit the Barossa next month. The vehicles will be on display at different venues around the Barossa over the weekend of April 14 and 15. A feature of the rally will be a rare “gaslight” run from Nuriootpa to Angaston on the Saturday night. Staged rarely, these nighttime runs are a unique opportunity for people to see antique vehicles running after dark with carbide headlights and kerosene side-lamps and tail lights operating. Less than a century ago, petrol-driven vehicles were outnumbered by horse and carts. Cars and motorbikes were so rare and so expensive they became cherished possessions, attracting their own names and often being treated more like a beloved pet than a simple mode of transport. This “emotional attachment” to cars and motorbikes has faded over the decades and now, in an era of mass produced plastic and alloy machines with little unique personality, has largely vanished. However a group of Out of School Hours Care (BOSHC) program participants in the Barossa are set to find out first-hand what it was like back in the “old days” when they get the chance to travel in vehicles dating from their great-great grandparents’ days. At 2pm on Friday, April 13, a collection of some of Australia’s oldest motor

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HISTORIC: Neil Francis with his 1914 Napier which is coming to the Barossa. vehicles will visit the main town oval on Penrice Road in Nuriootpa to provide these students with a unique, mobile “history lesson”. As part of the lead-up to the Veteran Car Club of South Australia’s (VCCSA) weekend rally in the Barossa, rally entrants have arranged to visit the oval and give the BOSHC children and educators the rare opportunity to actually go for a drive in cars built prior to the First World War. One of the cars taking part in this visit is Neil Francis’

1914 Napier which won the award for best vehicle at the 2010 Bay to Birdwood Run one of the largest one-day historic vehicle events in the world. Neil said he was keen to have children see a broad selection of these veteran vehicles together in one place. “I think it is important for our younger generations to experience and help understand the transition time just 100 years ago when cars started to replace the horse and cart,” Neil said. “A ride around the oval

grounds may surprise them in two aspects; how comfortable some of these vehicles are and how exposed passengers are to the elements.” Di Halse, BOSHC director, said children and educators were really looking forward to the afternoon and having a ride around the oval as it fits in perfectly with their studies. “Leading up to the event children will be looking at modern day ranges of transport,” Di said. “So they will then be able to compare them with those of yesterday.”

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Wednesday, March 28, 2012 - Page 5 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Leaving his mark on wish charity

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SHEARER Mark Steinborner from Neales Flat did it. In 24 hours he shore 327 sheep, helping to raise more than $25,000 for the MakeA-Wish Australia Barossa Valley branch. He pulled off the shearing marathon at the Eudunda oval on the weekend, which drew a crowd of more than 1000 visitors. Proceeds will help the Barossa branch grant cherished wishes to children under 18 with a life-threatening medical condition. Branch president Vickie Lester said it was the “biggest and most unusual” fundraiser the branch has ever attempted. “Mark was hoping to shear 300 sheep - he started quickly and we thought he’d slow down, but he kept up the pace throughout the night and finished with an incredible tally of 327,” she said. “Mark’s determination, stamina and mental focus was a credit to him, and we know he’ll be sleeping well after this.” With larger-than-life auctioneer Budgie Schiller working the crowd, the auction

SHEAR DETERMINATION: Mark Steinborner in action on the weekend in Eudunda. alone raised $10,000, including a signed Crows guernsey which went to an enthusiastic bidder for $1100. Amid the festivities, local teenagers who have been granted wishes by Make-AWish Australia shared their heartfelt stories to lend a personal touch to the event. Barossa branch volunteers Rachael

Dittrich and Natalie Scholz thanked the community for their overwhelming support of the event. “We are amazed and humbled by the amount we have managed to raise, and we thank Mark, our sponsors, committee members and the community from the bottom of our hearts,” Rachael said.




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Wednesday, March 28, 2012 - Page 6 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

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c ea.











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berry, Blackberry, Raspberry





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99 kg.


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00 kg.


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99 kg.



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Specials available Friday 9th March, 2012, while stocks last. Photographs for illustration purposes only. Personal shoppers only.

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Wednesday, March 28, 2012 - Page 7 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

James is awarded MT PLEASANT’S James Mangnoson is a Channel 9 Young Achiever. The Faith Lutheran College Year 12 student was awarded for his community leadership on Saturday in Adelaide. James was highlighted for his continuous voluntary work within his community having worked for the past six years in a voluntary capacity for the Mt Pleasant and District Kindergarten, Mt Pleasant Community Catering committee and Christmas Street Party committee, the Williamstown CFS as a cadet, the Gawler Community House, the Conversation Café and with the SA Pedders Suspension team at the Clipsal 500 V8 event. He has supported the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, raising funds and community awareness for Type 1 Diabetes for the past two years, and was also a Peer Support Leader at the Faith Lutheran College in 2011 helping the Year 8 students settle into life at Secondary School. James aims to gain an ATAR to apply to University in 2013 to undertake a Bachelor of Social Work.


LINED UP: Jasper Nielsen and Ross Kuhn have a game of eight-ball at the Barossa Brauhaus.

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TEENAGE pool players Jasper Nielsen and Ross Kuhn are hoping they can pick up a few tips and tricks next Wednesday night. The duo will be front and centre to witness the performance of 2010 World Champion pool player Mick ‘The Machine’ Hill. Hill is regarded as the best eight-ball player in the world and will be making an appearance at the Barossa Brauhaus at Angaston on Wednesday, April 4. He was crowned World Champion in 2010, World Masters Champion in 2008 and 2010, has been named player of the

year seven times, and has won 41 major tournaments. Jasper Nielsen, who has been playing pool since he was just three years old, said all players should be going along to witness a true professional in action. Both Jasper and Ross have been playing competition pool since they were nine years old, and were part of the Brauhaus side that won the Barossa Valley Eight-Ball Association summer season final this year. Those attending the Brauhaus to see Hill and his skills will also have the chance of getting to have a game with

Wednesday, March 28, 2012 - Page 8 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

the champ, with names to be drawn out of a hat to decide who will take him on. Hill will also be performing trick shots throughout the evening. The Barossa Valley Eight-Ball Association is running a raffle, with the major prize an hour-long coaching clinic with Mick Hill before the event. Tickets for the raffle are available at pubs throughout the Barossa. Entry to the Barossa Brauhaus to see Mick Hill on April 4 is free, with the show beginning at 6.30pm.





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Auto,1.6 efi, only 68000 original kms with air cond, power steering and a credit to its previous owner. a great car for all the family.







ONLY 21,000KMS, automatic, air conditioned, power steering, cruise control, abs and srs, great family wagon. WELL WORTH THE TRIP



One of the most popular small cars in Australia. 2008 model, only 69000kms, black paint work, a/c, pwr steer, pwr windows, BALANCE NEW CAR WARRANTY. excellent value









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Books, automatic, air cond, power steering, cruise control, factory alloys, 6 stacker cd, only covered 60,000 kms





Last of the model comes complete with air cond, power steering, cruise control, abs, airbags, cargo barier and tint, ready for the family.





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Very popular SUV, auto, pwr steering, pwr windows, cruise ctrl, remote entry, 2005 model, silver. WELL WORTH THE TRIP.








Finished in phantom body work with sunroof, auto, a/c, power steering, cruise control, sports styling and factory alloys looks amazing.







DISCLAIMER: Prices are exclusive of registration and stamp duty payable to road transport. *To approved purchases through St George Bank, Adelaide. Some photos for illustrational purposes only. LMVD2833.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012 - Page 9 - The Herald, Barossa Valley





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Wednesday, March 28, 2012 - Page 10 - The Herald, Barossa Valley



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Wednesday, March 28, 2012 - Page 11 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


Views expressed in the Letters to the editor are not those of the Herald. We welcome topical letters, with preference to letters of no more than 200 words. All letters are checked for authenticity. Pseudonyms are not acceptable. Mail your letters to: The editor, PO Box 43, Tanunda, SA, 5352. Fax: 8563 3655. E-mail:

Josie Manera via e-mail More thanks I would like to say a big thank you to Dr Scott Watkin and all the day surgery staff at the Gawler Health Service, as well as the Healthy Eating Café staff for their excellent work, as well as their kindness and consideration. Also, I would like to thank the downstairs cookery staff for the lovely sandwiches as well as the Gawler Health Foundation for donating the lovely warm dressing gowns for the patients to wear. Linda Emery Kangaroo Flat Deep despair Once again my heart has sunk into my boots. The former government dairy research farm near Kyabram in Victoria has been sold, not to the

neighbouring dairy farmer who had plans to turn part of it into a much-needed retirement village, but to a Chinese consortium. which just outbid the locals. How can this continue to happen? It is just outrageous. Is this the true, ugly face of “globalisation”? Why is the silence from both state and federal governments so deafening? To add insult to injury, it has also been revealed that former members of parliament such as Mark Vaile and Nick Sherry have been involved in actively spruiking the sell-off of our country to wealthy Arab interests. Does the word “traitor” spring to mind? Thank goodness for such MPs as Bill Heffernan, Nick Xenophon and Kelvin Thompson who continue to voice their deep concerns for the future of this country in relation to food production, sustainable population and national sovereignty. No wonder so many Australians, particularly farmers of many generations, are in such deep despair.

the men of the South Australian 2/27th Battalion involved in the Battle of Brigade Hill during the Kokoda Track Campaign in September, 1942, and later action at Gona on the north coast of Papua New Guinea during the Battle of the Beachheads. Any information, whether it is from surviving former battalion members or their families, including copies of memoirs, letters or photos, would be greatly appreciated. It will be considered for use in the compilation of a book on the World War II experiences of the 2/27th Battalion, which at the time was comprised solely of young South Australian men, many from rural regions. I can be contacted by email at or by letter at the following address: Kokoda 2/27th Box 431 Hove 5048 Adelaide South Australia. Any assistance in creating a record for future generations of the young men who served their country in the 2/27th Battalion during World War II is greatly appreciated. Vincent Ross Somerton Park

Alex Hodges Birdwood Seeking help I am compiling information on

Business complaint Julia Gillard’s Labor Party and the Greens are going to take us

Blackmores Flexagil® pain relief cream. A new clinically proven, natural* pain relief cream Always Al ways read the label. label. Use only only as directed. If symp symptoms ptoms persist see your healthcare professional professional. *Na *Natural tural active ing ingredient redient derived derivved from comfre comfreyy root extract. Relieves acute muscle and joint pain.

CHURCH SERVICES SUNDAY, APRIL 1 LUTHERAN CHURCH PARISHES Angaston Parish: 8.45am HC, 10.30am; Penrice: 9am HC; Keyneton: 9am HC; Eden Valley: 10am LR; Springton: 11am HC. Bethany-Tabor Parish: Bethany: 8.30am T, 11am M; Tabor: 9.45am Band. Cambrai Parish: Cambrai: 9.30am R; Sedan: 5pm P Adelaide Symphony Orchestra; Stonefield: 9.30am R. Eudunda Parish: Eudunda: 10am HC Parish Service. Freeling Parish: St Mark’s, Freeling: 10.45am; Trinity, Rosedale: 8.45am. Gawler: Zion, Pr Geoff Havelberg, Ph 8523 1929. 22B Cowan St, Gawler. Gawler Immanuel: Cnr Second & Seventh Sts, Gawler.Ph: 8522 6000.Sunday 8.45am, 10.45am. 1st Sunday of month 9.30am. Share-a-meal every 1st & 3rd Wed 11.45am. Greenock: 10.15am Palm Procession from Greenock Town Square to St Peter’s Lutheran Church, Bevan St. 10.30am Parish Service at St Peter’s Greenock. Pooled lunch in hall. 9.45am JAM in the hall. Pastor W George. Kapunda Parish: Allen’s Creek: 9am Pr; Bethel: 10.30am R; Kapunda: 10.30am HC. Langmeil Parish: 8.45am Trad HC; 10.30am Cont Light Pass Immanuel Parish: Light Pass: 9am HC; Stockwell: 10.30am Pr; Dutton: No Service. Light Pass Strait Gate: 10am Strait Gate Light Pass, Parish Confirmation Service with HC B. Lyndoch Parish: Lyndoch: 9am Trad HC; Rowland Flat: 10.30am Trad HC. Nuriootpa: St Petri: 8.30am HC, Pr A Kitson, 10.30am W, Pr A Kitson; Holy Trinity: 11am Trad; Ebenezer/Neukirch: 9.30am Combined at Neukirch. Robertstown Parish: Wed, March 28, 7.30pm Parish Service at Robertstown.

St John’s Parish: St J: 9am HC; Sch: 10.30am. St Paul’s Parish: St P: 8.45am T; Gdb: 10.30am T. Tanunda Lutheran Home: Worship 10.30am Pastor John Thiel. Lenten Services, Wed 1.30pm from February 22 to March 28. Peace Evangelical Lutheran Church: 10.30am Fortnightly Services, at Nuri Senior Citizen’s Centre. Pastor M Rosenzweig. Ph: 8563 1310. ANGLICAN CHURCH Anglican Parish of Barossa: Angaston: 10am HC SdK; Nuriootpa: 8.30am HC SdK; Tanunda: 8.30am HC MM; Lyndoch: 10am HC MM; Williamstown: 10am MP PB*. Kapunda Anglican Parish:St Hilda’s, Eudunda: 9am HC; Christ Church, Kapunda: 9.15am HC, 6pm Family Service; St Matthew’s, Hamilton: 11am HC. Mt Pleasant: 1st Sunday 8.30am, all other Sundays 9am. Enquiries to Hazel Wilton, Warden on 8568 2042. UNITING CHURCH Barossa Congregations: Nuriootpa: 9am Tanunda W C; Tanunda: 11am Tanunda W C; Angaston: 9am HC Plush. Gawler Parish: Gawler: 9.30am Littleford, KidZone Service, 5pm Littleford; Sandy Creek: 9.30am Taplin; Williamstown 10am Argent. Kersbrook: 10am. Enquiries: 8389 3114. Light Parish: Kapunda: 9.15am KC Mrs J Mickan; Robertstown: 9.30am Mr K Edwards. BAPTIST CHURCH Barossa Community Church: 10am Barossa Junction Motel/Conference Centre, Barossa Valley Way, Tan, Pastor Richard Ansoul. Ph: 8563 2158. Lyndoch Baptist Church: Kauffman Ave, Lyndoch: 10am. All welcome. Enquiries to Pastor Tony Edwards on 8564 3001. CATHOLIC CHURCH PARISHES Northern Light Catholic Parish: Nuri: 1st & 3rd Sat 6.30pm, 2nd & 5th Sun 10.30am, 4th Sun 9am; Kapunda: 4th Sat 6.30pm, 1st & 3rd Sun 10.30am, 2nd & 5th Sun 9am; Freeling: 1st Sun 9am, 4th Sun 10.30am, 5th Sun 5pm; Tarlee: 3rd Sun 9am. Parish Office: Ph 8566 2064. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST Barossa: 1 Old Kapunda Rd, Nuri; Sat 9.30am Family Bible Study, 11am Family Worship. ASSEMBLIES OF GOD Barossa New Life Centre: Sunday 10am at the roundabout, cnr Barossa Valley Way & Siegersdorf

CHC 52054-08/11

Road, Dorrien. 4pm at Mt Pleasant Anglican Church Hall, Melrose St. All welcome. Pastor Diane Pope, Pastor Trevor Auricht. Ph: 8562 3844. Kapunda: 10am Sunday, Light Community Church, Main St, Kapunda. Pastor Paul Smith. All welcome. Ph: 8566 2864. CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP Tanunda, McDonnell Street opp former Tanunda Primary School: Saturdays 2.30pm, Worship, Open Bible Study. CHRISTIAN FAMILY CENTRE Barossa: 10.30am Sundays. 16 Scholz Ave, Nuri. Pastor Alan Matson. Ph: 0404 846 274. Murray Flats: 5pm alternate Sundays. Pastor Alan Matson. Ph: 0404 846 274. Cambrai Uniting Church 5pm. SALT CHURCH 25 Northside Crt, Evanston Gdns: Sunday Service 10am & 5pm. Offices, b/shop open 9.30am-4pm. Ph: 8522 0000. THE CHRISTADELPHIANS Sunday school, Greenock Institute Hall, 9.30am. Memorial meetings 11am Sunday. Bible Studies 8pm Tuesday. All welcome. Phone 8524 4196. CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Main North Rd, Evanston Park. Worship Service Sunday 10.30am. All welcome. Pastor Douglas Carolisen. Ph: 8523 1706. INTERDENOMINATIONAL CHURCH Birdwood United Church. 10am Pr Brian Teakle. Ph: 8568 5540. All welcome. HEWETT COMMUNITY CHURCH OF CHRIST Kingfisher Dr, Hewett. 10am, Sunday inspiring worship service. Young generation and creche avail.Youth, women and men’s programs. Ph: 8522 4938. GAWLER FULL GOSPEL OUTREACH MINISTRIES Family Worship Svc. 10am Sun, stone pavilion, Sport & Community Cent, Nixon Tce, Gaw. Pastor Shirley Coe. Ph: 0401 065 748. KAPUNDA EVANGELICAL CHURCH Sundays 5pm, CWA Hall. Pastor Andrew Amos. Ph: 8566 2148. LYNDOCH FULL GOSPEL FELLOWSHIP MINISTRY Lyndoch Institute each Sunday, 11.30am-1.30pm Pastor Ken East . Ph: 8524 4787.

all down with this carbon tax. We, as Australians, should protest and protest until we cannot protest any more. This is a real scenario brought on by Gillard. Nolan’s Transport, which operates out of Gatton in Queensland, has been earmarked as one of Gillard’s 500. This company has been going for 102 years and is still run by the family, operates 126 transports and employs 265 people. Gillard has targeted this company as one of her 500 ‘guests’ to pay carbon tax. Just imagine. Last year, this company was told it put out 144,700 tonnes of carbon gas. So, 144,700 tonnes x $23 = $3,328,100. Yes, that is correct - $3.3 million. Where is Australia headed if companies like this one, (and there are several much bigger than Nolan’s - Linfox comes to mind) are put out of business? Our Prime Minister said there would be no extra charges on transport or fuel. What do you call $3.3million on just one operator? Any transport company producing less than 25,000 tonnes of carbon tax pays nothing. If Nolan’s goes broke or shuts down operations and another 126 replacement transports are put on the road by smaller companies under the 25,000 tonne limit to take up the slack, then exactly the same amount of carbon gas will be produced, illustrating the futility of the whole exercise. Mr Nolan said in an interview that if he put what the company was worth into a bank account, he would make 10 times as much in interest as he makes now, throwing 265 people out of work.

We must, as citizens of Australia and tax payers - not to mention consumers of goods - somehow force Gillard and her Green and Independent cronies to an election on the issue of carbon tax before July this year to keep this nation going. If we don’t, this country will be ruined. This is just one scenario. What about the other 499 companies that will also be hit by this ridiculous tax? Additionally, we must not forget the other smaller companies which will fail because they depend on these larger companies which are doomed to either fold or cut back on their workforce. Come on Australia, this is your responsibility. Bring this government to the polls to save our country from going into poverty. Enough is enough. These costs will be passed on to us, the end user, and we are going to be paying for not just transport but for every item in manufacture as well with no measurable improvement in the reduction of carbon emissions. This carbon tax is a money grab with no measureable improvement in carbon emissions. Why can’t we be like Germany, who now power most of their needs with solar panels? They are now exporting solar produced power to Poland and France. We are the sunny country, not Germany. Out with the carbon tax and in with solar panels. Germany can even power peak load with solar panels.

Twoway Crossword No 087

Barbie Brown via email Proudly brought to you by

For your chance to win a bottle of Langmeil wine, complete the crossword only and drop the entry form into The Herald office Monday by 4.30pm. Winners need to collect their wine within the week. Last week’s winner was Keith Frank of Nuriootpa.

Many thanks I AM the local eight-year-old girl who was selling fruit to raise money for the Women’s and Children’s Hospital. I would just like to thank everybody for their donations of fruit and donations of money. So far I have raised a total of $406 and my brother Charlie has raised a total of $70. Thank you to everybody who helped me achieve my target.

Name:................................................................. Town:...........................................

Wednesday, March 28, 2012 - Page 12 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Band hits the road Grants for sports SPORTING groups are being encouraged to apply for upcoming rounds of state government funding. Applications for round 33 of the Active Club Program and 2012-13 round of Community and Recreation and Sports Facilities program are now open. Member for Schubert Ivan Venning said sporting groups from his electorate had great success in gaining grant monies from the previous funding rounds. “I encourage all clubs to submit an application for funds – a detailed and rationale based

IN TUNE: Trinity College senior band members Elaine Garrett, Thomas Tryfopoulos and Emily Otterspoor squeeze in some practice ahead of next month’s competition.

AUTHORISED AGENT FOR ONGA & DAVEY PUMPS All Pump Repairs - Any Make and Model school’s music ensembles had travelled like this to enter a major competition. “These are talented young musicians from right across the college who meet once a week to perform music which really challenges them,” he said. “The test music that will be played will be pushing them.” Each band at the championships will play four major pieces, a test piece, a

chosen piece, a march and a hymn. Mr Raymond said it was going to be a great experience for the students. “The thing I want to get through is that these trips are really important for camaraderie,” he said. “They will have a wonderful experience, enjoy the sights of Melbourne and hopefully come home with a trophy.”




$310 inc





THE Trinity College Senior Band will be heading to Melbourne next month to compete in the 2012 Australian National Band Championships. A group of 40 students and teachers will be making the trek to Victoria on the Overland train for the competition, which runs from April 6 to 9. Trinity College music director Bruce Raymond said this was the first time any of the

submission will give you a good chance of sharing in the funds on offer,” he said. “Many clubs from within the region have also been successful gaining funds through the Active Club Program to run training initiatives and purchase equipment.” Applications close for both programs on Monday, April 30. Information is available from the Schubert electorate office on 8563 3636 or via

8524 4217

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DON’T MISS OUT ON THESE SUPER HOT BARGAINS! 11 Wash programs, 850RPM Spin Speed, WELS 4 Star/80L, Per Wash



54cm Electric Upright Cooker Conventional Oven, Grill in Oven, Solid Element Hob.



WE NEED YOUR HELP! Times are tough in the retail sector. There is no doubt about it. Everywhere you turn, television, newspapers are all telling you how tough it is for retailers. Well it’s true! That’s why we need your help. While we appreciate your purchases of batteries and globes, unfortunately it’s not enough to keep this Gawler institution in the main street.

4kg Clothes Dryer Rotary Controls, Painted Enamel Drum, Large EZI Loading Door



So, when making your next purchase of an air conditioner, washing machine, dryer, oven, dishwasher or TV, please consider purchasing from us. Not only will you be supporting a local family business, but you will receive a fabulous price, backed up with friendly, ongoing, after-sales service... and we’ll still be here then for your batteries and globes when you need us.

60cm Freestanding Dishwasher Rotary Program Selector, 12 place Settings, 5 Wash Programs, WELS 2 Star/ 17.8L Per Wash




5.5kg EZI Sensor Front Load Washer


Ph 8522 1111 Appliances Audio Visual Air Condi oners

Shop 4/41 Murray St, Gawler (opposite Kingsford Hotel) Wednesday, March 28, 2012 - Page 13 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Tourist operators provided business training support BAROSSA’S tourism business operators will soon receive a boost by way of training. The support comes after a survey, organised through the South Australian Tourism Industry Council (SATIC), identified areas of training the tourism industry requires. Courses will cover Chinese cultural awareness, fundamentals of running a small

business, detailed business planning and building a tourism website that works. The SA tourism commission is working with Regional Development Australia - Barossa to coordinate the training program. Regional Development Australia chief executive Anne Moroney said in the region every small business owner is probably in the tourism business.

What’s on: • Business Planning , Barossa Council chambers on April 10 • Building and Managing a Tourism Website that works, Yalumba, June 5. • The Business of Running a Small Business, Jacob’s Creek Visitor Centre, July 18. • Chinese Cultural Awareness, JCVC, October 11. For more details, visit

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man was reported on March 23 by the Gawler Police for theft. • An 18-year-old Gawler West man was reported on March 24 by the Gawler Police for driving while disqualified and unregistered. SERIOUS CRIMINAL TRESPASS Between March 23 and 24 cash was stolen after three businesses, one on Krieg Road, Evanston Park, two on Main North Road, Evanston Park were entered after the front doors were jemmied open. PROPERTY DAMAGE • Rocks and a brick were thrown through a window at a Gawler shop on March 22. • Rocks were thrown at victim’s bedroom window at Lynch Avenue, Gawler South on March 21. • Unknown offenders damaged a corrugated iron roof at a Lyndoch school between March 14 and 22. • A vehicle’s windscreen, driver’s side headlight and wipers were damaged while parked outside a house on Evans Crescent, Evanston Gardens on March 24.

ARRESTS • A Tanunda woman in her 30s was arrested on March 20 by the Nuriootpa Police for aggravated assault, assault and throw missile. • A Keyneton woman in her 20s was arrested on March 23 by the Nuriootpa Police for four counts of deception after using a stolen credit card to purchase goods. During the arrest the woman was reported by police for a separate matter of illegal use. • A Nuriootpa man in his 20s was arrested on March 23 by the Nuriootpa Police for three counts of breach of bail. • A 17-year-old Nuriootpa female was arrested on March 25 by the Nuriootpa Police for aggravated serious criminal trespass and theft. • An Aberfoyle Park man in his 30s was arrested on March 25 by the Nuriootpa Police for 10 counts of deception and 17 counts of dishonestly dealing with documents. REPORTS • An Elizabeth Grove man in his 30s was reported on March 19 by the Nuriootpa Police following a theft of liquor from a licensed premise in Tanunda. A Tanunda man in his 30s was also reported in relation to the same incident. • A Kapunda woman in her 20s was reported on March 21 by the Nuriootpa Police for carrying an offensive weapon. • A Freeling woman in her 40s was reported on March 22 by the Freeling Police for assault and

13 Gawler Street Nuriootpa SA 5355

8562 1100

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of the kitchen bench and he had been ‘stabbed, slashed and cut’ 29 times. Rose Rowe was found in the living room, stabbed at least 50 times in two separate attacks. While Downie has pleaded guilty, at no time has he told police in which order the deaths occurred or how long any of the Rowes had suffered.

THEFT • Number plates were stolen from a vehicle parked on Thompson Circuit, Evanston Park, between March 11 and 19. • Thieves emptied contents of glove box onto floor and stole number plates from a soft-top jeep on Greaves Court, Evanston Park, between March 4 and 19. • Gawler police reported a woman on March 20 for theft after a security officer detected her leaving the store without paying for goods. • A GPS and wallet stolen were stolen after a vehicle was entered on Gum Crescent, Gawler West on March 24. • A woman was reported for theft by the Gawler Police after she was seen taking dresses from a rack out front of a Murray Street, Gawler business on March 23. ARSON • A small scrub fire was deliberately set alight at Congdon Street, Gawler East at about 6pm on March 25.

property damage. • A 17-year-old Nuriootpa female was reported on March 24 by the Nuriootpa Police for theft of cash while working at a business premises in Nuriootpa. • A Stockwell man in his 50s was reported on March 24 by the Nuriootpa Police for PCA with a reading of 0.173. An instant loss of licence was issued and the vehicle impounded. OPERATION WARREN RUN • Of the 30 heavy vehicles inspected during a truck stop this month, 19 trucks and trailers were defected mainly for defective brake systems. The vehicles were detected as part of Operation Warren Run held at Warren Road, Mt Crawford, on Monday, March 19.One heavy vehicle was grounded as the permit it had was voided due to an incorrect vehicle being used. Two drivers were reported for serious breach of load restraint regulations. A 12 tonne excavator was being held down with 2.5 tonne sash cord and a 49 tonne excavator held down with 10 tonne chains. A Walkleys Heights company was reported by the Barossa Highway Patrol for two counts of severe risk breach relating to those same two offences. Four expiation notices were issued for breaching load restraints. Three cautions were issued for minor breaches. These included worn and fraying lashings and number plate obscured. In addition, 22 alcohol tests and four drug swipes were conducted, with no positives recorded.



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that fateful night. Downie climbed into the Rowe’s home through a bathroom window and then attacked Chantelle in her bedroom, stabbing her at least 33 times while sexually assaulting her. He then stripped Chantelle of her torn, blood-stained clothing and re-dressed her. Andrew Rowe’s body was found at the end

Barossa incident round-up


Lawyers Barristers Solicitors

Courts: Elizabeth Adelaide Tanunda Clare Berri Waikerie Kadina Pirie Murray Bridge

ARRESTS • A 52-year-old Evanston Park man was arrested on March 22 by the Gawler Police for a warrant. • A 51-year-old Gawler South woman was arrested on March 23 by the Gawler Police for a warrant. REPORTS • An 18-year-old Gawler East man was reported on March 19 by the Gawler Police for misuse of a motor vehicle. The vehicle was impounded for 28 days and defected. • A 48-year-old Hewett woman was reported on March 20 by the Gawler Police for theft. • A 27-year-old Willaston man was reported on March 21 by the Gawler Police for driving while disqualified. The vehicle was defected and impounded for 28 days. • An 18-year-old Evanston man was reported on March 22 by the Gawler Police for driving while unlicensed, unregistered and uninsured. • A 41-year-old Gawler West

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will automatically incur a life sentence, what Justice John Sulan must decide is the non-parole period. The Director of Public Prosecutions Stephen Pallaras QC has asked for the nonparole period to be “well in excess” of the 20-year minimum. In court, the public heard for the first time of the carnage that took place on




“We have also branched out into areas such as bushwalking, Council of the Ageing sessions on various health issues, cardmaking, writing, astronomy, Tai Chi, French, basic Japanese, Bonsai, 20th Century Australian history, computing for beginners and advanced, solving cryptic crosswords, tours of local sites, vegetarian cookery, armchair travel talks, the history of Gawler and Kapunda, card and board games and learning to read music. It costs just $25 per year to join and members receive two newsletters in the year indicating which courses are on offer. “Nearly all of our members are retirees as courses are run during the day. We meet in various members’ homes, the Light Council Offices and the CWA Hall,” she said. Course organisers and teachers are all volunteers. The next newsletter will be available in the middle of the year and potential members can still join in the semester 1 courses. Newsletters can be found at the Kapunda library or by mailing Margaret Stephenson, PO Box 104, Kapunda SA 5373.

Do you feel safe at night ? Protect your family with

MURDERER Jason Alexander Downie will be sentenced next month over the horrific slaughter of Andrew, Rose and Chantelle Rowe in Kapunda. On Monday, Downie, 20, pleaded guilty in Adelaide’s Supreme Court to the deaths of the family on November 8 in 2010. As a confessed triple murderer, Downie

Gawler weekly report

Check out adult university HAVE you heard about U3A? It’s University of the Third Age, which allows older, retired, but still active adults to further their education experiences. The movement started in France in the 1960s and spread to the UK and later to New Zealand and Australia. Now every Australian state has a U3A, with South Australia boasting 19 individual groups including one at Kapunda introduced in 2007. According to Kapunda U3A president Margaret Stephenson and committee member Keith Ellis U3A has meant mental stimulation and friendship. To date 60 members are part of the Kapunda U3A supported by an active committee of 10. Although the word ‘university’ falls in the title, Margaret said there are no tests or exams and many of the courses offered are more about enjoyment and lifestyle than academics. “Our first term offered courses have included book club, patchwork and quilting, looking at history, antiques, introduction to cross-stitch, walking for fun and fitness, introduction to lawn bowls.

Downie to be sentenced

Wills • Estates • Powers of Attorney & Guardianship Family Law • Commercial & Corporate • Liquor Business Succession Planning • Leasing • Property

Food For Thought A workshop for people wanting to improve their health by reducing weight, cholesterol or blood pressure. The local Country Health SA Dietitian regularly runs the FREE Food For Thought workshop in Nuriootpa and Gawler. Explore the ideal eating pattern, learn healthy eating tips and tricks, and deal with non-hungry eating. To attend this session: Register with Healthlink on 1800 003 307. You will then be contacted with the dates and details of upcoming sessions.

Pensioner Discounts • Legal Aid • After Hours Appts t: (08) 8523 4205 Shop 3A, 1-3 Kingfisher Drive, Hewett w:

A separate session is also available for people with Type 2 Diabetes. Phone the above number to register your interest for this session.

local experience insight support


Wednesday, March 28, 2012 - Page 14 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Safety support Melanie Beck and Lauren Ruediger, from Freeling Primary School, were presented with Safe Communities Australia awards at a special ceremony held at Government House this month. The Year 7 students received outstanding achievement awards from His Excellency Rear Admiral Kevin Scarce for their commitment to school safety as School Safety Ambassadors.

BAROSSA BUSHGARDENS Open Day Promoting sustainable living FREE FAMILY EVENT! Sunday 1 April - 10am-3pm Local Barossa native plants from $3 Free craft activities for kids Workshops on solar energy, garden design, pruning Australian plants, guided tours of the Bushgardens every hour

Happy birthday to... Ethan Homer, of Kapunda, was one on March 23.

Alannah Surace, of Penrice, was four on March 24.

Ella Rothe, of Light Pass, will be nine on March 30.

Soil testing by Aust. Plants Society– bring a teaspoon of soil and have it tested! BBQ lunch

Herald birthday photographs are taken inside The Co-op’s Toyworld section, Nuriootpa, each Saturday. Parents are asked to line up from 10am.

Isabelle Schubert, of Nuriootpa, was five on March 22.

Matilda Jenke, of Rowland Flat, was three on March 20.

Car parking via Research Rd NURIOOTPA (just north of Penrice Rd) Enquiries Pam Payne 0448 676 348

An A5 copy of the photo is available to the parents for $5.50. For more details, contact the Herald office on 8563 2041 or visit Shop 1, 119 Murray Street, Tanunda, opposite the rotunda.

New Seasons Collection Out Now! $
















K. BRERETON JEWELLERS Your personal Jeweller




phone 8552 1586 74-76 murray street, gawler

Wednesday, March 28, 2012 - Page 15 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Wednesday, March 28, 2012 - Page 16 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Real Estate Liftout

Your own piece of paradise Character, charm and modern day conveniences with serene outlooks. See Domain P3. WEDNESDAY 28TH MARCH BAROSSA REAL ESTATE


NURIOOTPA 6 Prider Street .................................4:15 – 4:45pm

ANGASTON 4 Collins Street ...............................12:30 – 1:00pm TANUNDA 15 Coronation Avenue.........................1:15 – 1:45pm



Assoc. Aust. Inst. of Conveyancers Registered Conveyancer

Beckwith Park Commercial Precinct 30-38 Barossa Valley Way, Nuriootpa

Ph: (08) 8562 3355 | Fax: (08) 8562 3282 • House & Land Settlements • Mortgages • Leases • Business Settlements • Subdivisions Arranged • Strata Titles • Power of Attorney ALL REAL PROPERTY ACT DOCUMENTS


NURIOOTPA 73 Greenock Road...........................2:00 – 2:30pm

BAROSSA REAL ESTATE NURIOOTPA 6 Prider Street .............................10:30 – 11:00am

HOMBURG REAL ESTATE TANUNDA 15 Elizabeth Street ..........................12:00 – 12:30pm


TANUNDA 16 Homburg Street .........................12:15 – 12:45pm


FREELING 12 Mattiske Street ............................12:30 – 1:00pm

EUDUNDA 4 South Terrace ................................12:30 – 1:15pm

TANUNDA 18 Doering Street................................1:15 – 1:45pm

BLANCHETOWN 11 Acland Street........................2:30 – 3:15pm

NURIOOTPA 6 Neil Avenue ..................................1:30 – 2:00pm TANUNDA 9 George Street...................................1:45 – 2:15pm


NURIOOTPA 2 Cartwright Street ..........................2:00 – 2:30pm

EBENEZER Lot 102 Belvidere Road..................12:00 – 12:30pm

NURIOOTPA 19 Oxley Street................................2:15 – 2:45pm

WILLIAMSTOWN 12 Rounsevell Court ............12:00 – 12:30pm

NURIOOTPA Lot 93 Pinot Crescent......................2:40 – 3:10pm

TANUNDA 34 Hoffmann Avenue ..........................1:30 – 2:00pm

TANUNDA 18 Rosalie Avenue ..............................3:15 – 3:45pm

TANUNDA 152A Murray Street.............................1:45 – 2:15pm

NURIOOTPA 27 Zimmerman Street .....................3:20 – 3:50pm

TANUNDA 49 Langmeil Road...............................2:15 – 2:45pm

NURIOOTPA 13 Falkenberg Road ........................4:00 – 4:45pm

LYNDOCH 7 Robert Ross Drive............................3:15 – 3:45pm

LIGHT PASS Lot 508 Light Pass Road.................4:00 – 4:30pm

SPRINGTON 42 Angas Street...............................4:15 – 4:45pm

Wednesday, March 28, 2012 - Domain Page 1 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Real Estate Liftout Did you read about the girls who are hitting out? John Crawford tangled with them - see page 4.

Low maintenance, running costs

ENERGY EFFICIENT: At left is the three double-bedroom Kudla house and right is part of the outdoor area.


PUBLIC NOTICE Re: Section 7 The Vendor’s statement relating to matters affecting the advertised properties in this publication may be inspected at the agents office three business days prior to the auction or at the place of auction thirty minutes before sale. WH1780969

HERE are five lovinglyestablished acres in Kudla which may be subdivided should the lucky purchaser choose that option. On the property is a steelframed quality Weeks Peacock home offering three double bedrooms, all with walk-in robes. There is a huge family, dining area, an office or formal lounge together with an enormous laundry, a wellappointed kitchen, the main bathroom and two separate


toilets. This energy-efficient home runs at the fraction of the cost of a typical home, with grid connected solar power, 27 panels with 2200w inverter producing 10/11 kwhr/day in summer. There is solar hot water, insulation throughout, a septic aerobic sand filter septic system and no water bills with the existing 237,600 litre rainwater storage capacity. This north-facing home also offers reverse-cycle air

conditioning, parking for four vehicles under the main roof and front and rear verandahs - minimal maintenance at minimal cost. This phenomenal set up is further enhanced by these exterior improvements irrigated orchard and vegetable garden, park-like grounds which are fully fenced with many local native trees and vegetation. The shedding really is the ‘piece de resistance’, comprising a 6m x 9m shed, a

6m x 12m shed with cement flooring and power and open 12m x 15m shed and other sundry shedding. Whether you’re looking for a large family home or home/business premise or need space for your collectables. This property, priced at $625,000, will fit the bill without the bills. Call Kies Real Estate on 8523 377 to arrange an inspection or for more information. RLA: 61382.






OPEN 152A Murray St

Open Sun 1.45-2.15pm

INVEST, RETIRE OR RELAX A brand new courtyard home with all of the “I wants”. Appealing front elevation and quality fittings throughout. Double garage and paved front yard. Ensuite and walk-in robe to master bedroom. Fully fenced and planted rear garden. Close to main street. Investors note, first tenancy establishment is FREE! Call to inspect. Peter Fairweather 0415 825 420


OPEN 49 Langmeil Rd


Open Sun 4.15-4.45pm

Lot 102 Belvedere Rd Open Sun 12-12.30pm

ROMANTIC HIDEAWAY! Less than 65km from Adelaide CBD this romantic western red cedar cottage set on a lge blk over 1600m2 will surely steal your heart. Stylishly presented as an o/p 2 brm, 1 bthrm home with beautiful indoor/outdoor flow. Comb heat/bread oven, evap. cooling, fruit trees & veggie patch in beautiful cottage gdn, rainwater tanks. V.affordable living or holiday home! Sue Schugmann 0419 850 408

GREAT HORSE PROPERTY SET ON 26.7 ACRES. Three bedrooms ensuite & WIR, lnge/formal dine. Near new wood kitchen gas cook top & Ubench oven, meals + family room. 3 way bathroom. Combustion heating & ducted cooling. Verandah, dble carport, 6x9.2 mtr gge, 4 bay in house horse complex, tack & feed areas, massive 15mtr x 15mtr Implement shed, approx one acre licensed vineyard. Pergola, winter dam, 100,000 r/ water plumbed to home. Only minutes’ to Nuriootpa. Sue Schugmann 0419 850 408

42 Angas Street

Open Sun 2.15-2.45pm




12 Rounsevell Crt Open Sun 12-12.30pm

7 Robert Ross Dr

GORGEOUS OUTLOOK! 4 brm brick veneer home set on a large 5150m2 (approx) block. Separate lounge room, kitchen/ family/meals area, bedrooms 1, 2, and 3 all with built-in robes, three way bathroom, slate flooring, outdoor entertaining area, 3 garden sheds and ample rainwater. Peter Fairweather 0415 825 420

SPACIOUS FOUR BEDROOM HOME Spacious sep lnge, incl flat screen TV & entertainment unit, lge kitchen with lots of bench space & access to gge, open plan family & meals, 4 brms, ensuite and built in walk in robes. Ducted R/C A/C, Extra large double garage with rear access, Rear veranda, Established gardens & fruit trees, Rain water tank, 772m2 block. Sue Schugmann 0419 850 408



CONTEMPORY FUTURE! This value packed 70’s style solid brick home offers lots of extras that can easily over looked from the road, closer inspection reveals quality construction, 4 bedrooms, very spacious lounge, wine cellar or office. Garage and workshop for at least 6 vehicles, established gardens, fruit trees & shaded areas. A contemporary touch of furniture & colors will do wonders to this excellent home. Peter Fairweather 0415 825 420


EBENEZER $630-$650K

Open Sun3.15-3.45pm


OPEN 6 Prider St

Open Wed 28th 4.15-4.45pm Sat 10.30-11am

SECURE LIVING IN PICTURE PERFECT POSITION. 4 Bdrm, 2 Bthrms, 2 Car. When wanting a great place to raise a family at an affordable price, this home is definitely what you are after. Master with ensuite & WIR, 3-way bathroom centrally located to brms 2, 3 & 4. Separate lounge, good size o/plan kitchen, family, dining. Ducted Evap cooling, gas & slow comb. htg, alarm system to keep your new home secure. Elle Moreton 0488 996 566

34 Hoffmann Ave

Open Sun 1.30-2pm

FAMILY LIVING, AS GOOD AS IT GETS This meticulously presented large portico family home has 3 lge living areas, 4 brms and 2 bthrms. Generous proportions enhanced by 9 ft. vaulted ceilings. Whether you`re into a contemp or classic décor the delicate colour scheme will suit every style. Shed in the back gdn is fully lined & insulated. Perfect as home office, art studio or wine storage. Sue Schugmann 0419 850 408

8563 3511 F: 8563 0105 E:

Peter Fairweather 0415 825 420

Sue Schugmann 0419 850 408

Sue Fechner 8563 3511

Elle Moreton 0488 996 566

Property Manager Anne Johansson 8563 3511

RLA 1997

Wednesday, March 28, 2012 - Domain Page 2 - The Herald, Barossa Valley



Real Estate Liftout PROPERTY OF THE WEEK

Great value block

STUNNING: The well-lit open-plan area of the Light Pass house.

Don’t let this one get away At a glance... Where: Lot 508 Light Pass Road, Light Pass. Features: Character charm with modern day conveniences. Open: Sunday, April 1.

KEYNETON is located on the edge of the internationally famous wine growing region of Barossa Valley. This lovely flat allotment, of 1390 square metres, has peaceful country views, set amid big gum country on the road to the River Murray. Keyneton is a pretty country village of just a dozen or so buildings. Most of them date from the mid-late 1800s. The town was named after English pastoralist, Joseph Keynes, who had taken up the land in the early 1840s. His

descendants still continue to live and farm in the area. The small, rural community of Keyneton maintains a strong sense of pride, care and ownership with the beautiful Barossa Valley, just 10km from Angaston. The block is also just a few minutes’ walk to the Keyneton primary school. The good thing is there are no building encumbrances put on this property by the council with over 30m frontage and over 45m in depth you could dream up your own design, subject to

At a glance... Where: Lot 8 Sedan-Angaston Road, Keyneton. Features: Large flat block. Price: $73,000. Open: By appointment. Agent: Julie Toth Real Estate. RLA:198199. Contact: Julie Toth on 0418 853 134 or 8562 4650.

Time: 4pm - 4.30pm. Price: $695,000 - $760,000. Agent: Homburg. Contact: Guy Draper on 0417 810 828.


... where people matter


imagine this is the heart of the home. Comforts inside include combustion heating and ducted air conditioning to part of the home, while outside offers plenty of off street parking for all your vehicles as well as a double carport with roller doors. Some smaller tool sheds and a wood store keep everything in its place around the gardens. Fruit trees aplenty including figs, citrus and apples. A self-contained guest suite attached to the main home by covered walkway is ideally set; overlooking the gorgeous grounds, adjacent to the main house and offering a vast range of uses. Teenagers would love to have their own space. You could set it up as a home office or, with the ensuite opening directly to the yard providing easy access from the inground pool with wet feet; this would make a fabulous summer house. Superbly set behind a rose-studded fence, this symmetrical cottage is a world away from its humble beginnings. Only a short drive from the commercial hubs of the Barossa Valley, the peaceful hamlet of Light Pass offers a soothing retreat. Ensure you don’t miss this rare opportunity to own a little piece of paradise.


$285,000 TANUNDA

73 Greenock Road OPEN Sunday 1st April, 2-2.30pm


4 Collins Street OPEN Sunday 1st April, 12.30-1pm

THE CORRUGATED IRON COTTAGE QUIET TREE LINED STREET MODERN STYLISH LIVING 3 brm cottage, polished timber floors throughout, Dble brick 3 brm home on a 780m2 cnr block. Large Brand new 3 Brms with carpet, master with ensuite & walk-in robe, spacious kitchen lounge, kitchen with pantry, heating & cooling. Dble kitchen with dw, lounge with heating & cooling, timber deck with views, few minutes’ walk to all amenities. with dw, open plan living with timber floors. gge, estab rear garden with fruit trees & more.


$360,000 NURIOOTPA



4C The Crescent

14 Kirchner Street



Lot 8 Sedan - Angaston Road


LARGE FAMILY HOME GREAT INVESTMENT 4 brms, 2 bathrooms, study, lounge, family room, open Dble brick, 3 brm home, lrg lounge with French doors, plan kitchen, air cond, double garage, entertaining kitchen with elec stove & pantry, polished flr brds area, large shed, room for boat & caravan. t/out, htg & cooling, dble gge. 697m2 allot (approx)

1390m2 BLOCK – GREAT VALUE Large flat land with no encumbrances put on this property by the council with over 30m frontage and over 45m in depth you could dream up your own design (STCC.) Water and power available.

NURIOOTPA $310-$330,000


4B The Crescent



9 Kapunda Street

We have three excellent tenants whose rental properties are being sold and we would love to find them good homes!

BRAND NEW HOME 3 brms, ensuite, walk-in robe, formal lounge, family/games room, large modern kitchen, double garage, quiet location, low maintenance.

If you have a property that you would like to rent out, please do not hesitate to call us.

8562 4650

Call for your free market appraisal

POOL: Part of the backyard of the Light Pass house with a pool.

$277,000 ANGASTON

15 Coronation Avenue OPEN Sunday 1st April, 1.15-1.45pm



council consent. Water and power available. All offers considered - make an offer.

8562 4650 0418 853 134

Wednesday, March 28, 2012 - Domain Page 3 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

WOW SO CLOSE TO TOWN! 1930 Villa in a good condition, 3 brms, lovely upgraded kitchen, sunroom, ducted A/C, double & single garage, cnr block.

2/7 Gawler Street, Nuriootpa


WHAT an opportunity. Perfectly combined character, charm and modern-day conveniences, lush surrounds, serene outlooks, even a self-contained guest suite - this property has it all. Originally the old Light Pass Manse built 1904. Grandeur and style walk hand-in-hand through every aspect of this stunning home. Framing the extensive open-plan living area in a recent extension are walls of glass offering uninterrupted views over the grounds and the vines beyond. Seamlessly combining inside with the outdoors, several glass doors across the rear of the home provide the perfect gateway to the paved patio, which is nestled under a shady walnut tree and beside the sparkling pool. An idyllic setting for entertaining family and friends; this is your own personal paradise. Character abounds with four large bedrooms to choose from, all with ceiling fans, high ceilings, sash windows, fireplaces, under-floor heating, heated towel rails and exposed timber floors only adding to the charm. This spaciousness is carried through to the modern extension. Two living areas can easily be transformed into one, with the option of opening up glass bi-fold doors which separate them to create a massive space which would cater for the largest of get-togethers and major celebrations. There is a separate office, extensive storage and a wine room to store your collection. Entertaining friends and family will be a breeze in the sensational kitchen. Picture windows dot the splashback to inspire your evening meal by the vegies and herbs you see growing in your very own garden. With stainless-steel work surfaces, an abundance of storage and a granite island bench with breakfast bar that invites everyone to linger that little bit longer, it’s easy to

READY: The block of land at Keyneton with the opportunity for a dream design.

Real Estate Liftout

Fantastic racehorse property plus stables SET back from the road this Ebenezer property offers privacy and peaceful living. The home is ideal for the larger family, and although the current owners have made many improvements there is still plenty of scope to add your own touches. There is a separate entry that leads into the lounge and formal dining which is separated with a balustrade. The large combustion heater will definitely keep you toasty warm through the winter months and ducted air conditioning will keep you cool in summer. The heart of the home is always going to be the kitchen and this one will not disappoint, with solid wood cupboards and gas cooktop, plus underbench gas oven and separate electric grill and rangehood. There is also a food preparation trolley to make life just that bit easier in the kitchen. All overlook the meals and family area, with glass sliding doors that lead out to the large rear verandah which is a great spot to just chill out in the evening with friends and family and a cold drink. There are three good-sized bedrooms, the main also has an ensuite and walk-in robe. Bedrooms two and three are ideally located close to the three-way main bathroom and laundry. Outside improvements include a double carport adjacent to which is a 6m x 9.2m double garage with

electric roller door and concrete flooring. For horse lovers there is a 10.4m x 10.8m stable complex, which will tick all the boxes with four in-house stables, room for tack and feed and two roller doors either end of the barn. This property has endless potential for whatever your work or hobbies may be. You could never say you needed more shedding as this property also has a massive 15.0m x 15m implement shed with a door height of about 4.9m and two large roller doors. If you ever had a dream of making your own wine then there is about one acre licenced vineyard of Shiraz grapes for you to play with, all located next to a winter dam. Water will never be a problem with this property as there is mains water plus 100,000 litres of rainwater storage connected to the home. This 26.7 acre property is studded with a variety of native trees and shrubs and is divided into paddocks making it ideal for horses, or to run a few sheep. The school bus stops just outside to make things even easier. With its location close to Nuriootpa and the new Northern Expressway you can enjoy country living within easy commuting distance of the city allowing you the best of both worlds.

At a glance... Where: Lot 102 Belvidere Road, Ebenezer. Price: $630,000 to $650,000. Open: Sunday, April 1. When: Noon - 12.30pm. Agent: Barossa Real Estate.

TOP: The kitchen with solid timber cupboards in the Ebenezer house.

Contact: Sue Schugmann (pictured) 0419 850 408 or 8563 3511.

MOBILE: 0419 623510

ABOVE: Relax in the open lounge area with the giant flat screen television. BELOW: For the horse lover, an excellent set of stables is on the property.




TWO NEW HOMES NEARING COMPLETION Located in the most convenient position in Nuriootpa, and set among other quality homes these homes are just a few minute’s walk to the Barossa Regional Shopping Centre, post office, restaurants and hotels but enjoy the serenity of the adjacent linear park with its beautiful gums and abundant bird life. The four bedroom homes (or 3 bed + study) have been designed as open living plans and include an under roof alfresco area adjacent to the dining/family room. Floor coverings to be included throughout and so much more. Phone Ian Mader Mob 0419 623510 for further details.


PROFESSIONAL OFFICE BUILDING FOR LEASE Excellent exposure – located on Tanunda Road Nuriootpa. Air conditioned building including security system - consisting of four individual offices and a large reception area including display window. Provision for adequate parking. Negotiable lease term available. Is there a better place for your business?

Contact Ian


RLA: 1997.

Allotment of 1Ha. Situated in the quality rural living area on the Northern edge of Angaston. Create your own home amongst the rolling hills with room to live and enjoy. Fully fenced and serviced. Want the space – close to town – lovely rural setting? You can have it all. Price $270,000.00. Contact Ian Mader Mob 0419 623510 to arrange an on site inspection. ON THE RISE – ELEVATED RESIDENTIAL ALLOTMENT Main road frontage – huge allotment of 956 square metres. Adjoins rural living – lovely rural feel. Lots of room for the boat and caravan or just enjoy the space. A very affordable price $145,000.00.

Mader 0419 623 510 to arrange your confidential inspection.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012 - Domain Page 4 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Real Estate Liftout

Domain apps leading way FAIRFAX Media owned Domain continues to lead the way in the mobile arena after securing two top accolades recently, one from the Australian Interactive Media Industry Association (AIMIA) and the second from Apple. Domain’s iPad app won in the Best Classifieds category at the AIMIA awards on Friday, March 16, while Apple listed the app in the company’s ‘Top 25 Free Australian iPad Apps of All Time’ as part of its celebration in achieving 25 billion app downloads. Tony Blamey, general manager Real Estate, Fairfax Marketplaces said, “The accolades given for the Domain iPad app are significant achievements and support our continued investment in mobile platforms. “Considerable effort has been placed on creating a highly visual interactive experience that gives real estate agents and consumers all the latest real estate information in the palm of their hand. “Domain is leading the Australian property market in the mobile app arena and is fast approaching the one million download mark for its mobile apps. The latest accolades are further recognition of Domain’s mobile innovation, particularly on the iPad.” Mr Blamey said mobile has become the third major advertising platform in addition to print and online mediums for property marketing campaigns. “We intend to continue to be at the forefront of this flourishing technology trend. More than one in four of all real estate agent leads are now coming from mobile devices,” he added. In February the inspection planner section of the iPad app received five times more usage compared to January, highlighting that the property market is on the rise again and house hunters are using the app for their property searching. Usage on Saturday is also much higher when compared to other days during the week. Ewan Morton, managing director of real estate agency Morton & Morton said, “The iPad app has become an invaluable tool for my business. “Every time I’m looking to sell a property for a client I turn to the app to see what properties are on the market and what has recently sold in the area I’m investigating. It is easy to navigate and gives a comprehensive overview of a particular area. “Property purchasers are also regularly turning up at open for inspections with their iPad which is used to help with property inspection details. The app is the perfect real estate tool as it allows you to understand a market segment very quickly and is visually interactive at the same time.” Key features of the Domain iPad app include allowing users to synchronise shortlisted property information from any device, whether it’s a PC, laptop, smartphone or tablet. The interactive map allows all properties to be viewed in a location and the “around me” GPS feature enables users to view detailed property information in an area, including the sale price for recently sold properties and other property listings in the vicinity.


Colin Schwartz trading as RLA216875

Adelaide Rural Real Estate RENTALS KAPUNDA



Well maintained 2 bedroom stone home, neat kitchen and bathroom, cosy lounge room. Evap A/C, carport, enclosed yard. Avail end Feb!



very neat 1 bedroom stone home, large lounge room, country kitchen, bathroom with separate toilet, enclosed backyard. Available mid March.


11 Acland Street OPEN - Sunday 2.30-3.15pm



OPENS Sunday 2.30-3.15pm

Nicely presented 4yr old t/f home, large 1011m2 allot, 2 bdrms, roomy lounge/dining, kitchen has elec appiliances, dishwasher, plenty cpds, r/c a/c, front & rear v/dah, carport, short walk to river and shops. Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942

4 South Terrace OPEN - Sunday 12.30-1.15pm

BLANCHETOWN - 11 Acland Street




EUDUNDA - 4 South Terrace Sunday 12.30-1.15pm


13 Fuller Street Inspection by Appointment



8566 3399

Well maintained stone home on approx 817m2, main road frontage, close to Main Street, 3 good sized brms, roomy lounge, country style kitchen, and renovated bathroom. Features include high ceilings, ceiling rose, combustion heater, pergola, workshop and shed, nice family home. Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942

SAMANTHA 0417 022 061 HOLLY 0437 528 022


43 Mildred Street



48 Basedow Road Inspection by Appointment


Neat b/v home on lge 1950m2 allot with rural views. 4 brs, main ens & WIR, br 2 & 3 BIR, kitchen has gas stove, pantry, plenty cpds, dine, family, fml lnge, comb heat, ducted a/c, dble c/pt UMR, vdahs, pergola, 30x20 gge. Currently tenanted. WEB ID: 106770196 Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942


1 John Street Inspection by Appointment


Bathroom blitz IS YOUR bathroom trapped in a time warp? "Your bathroom shouldn't be some dingy space - it should feel as nice to go into as your bedroom or living room," says interior decorating consultant Mia Asker, of White Design. No matter what era it's stuck in, there are some inexpensive pick-me-ups for your bathroom. You hate the colour "Pick a colour that is in the bathroom already and go for accessories in the darkest shade of it - so in an art-deco green bathroom opt for dark green or black towels, or in a tired white bathroom, choose chocolate brown or a deep charcoal grey," Asker says. Matching accessories such as towels, bath mat and shower curtain will help lift the space. If the paint on the walls is ghastly, Asker says, "even if you're renting, if this is somewhere you'll be for a few years, then it's worth repainting the bathroom yourself with a long-wearing enamel paint". Your tiles are ugly Disguise them with White Knight tile paint (from $42.95 a litre at hardware stores) and that unsightly avocado green will disappear. The paint should last for several years. Asker also suggests that a bathroom can be transformed simply by re-grouting: "It is a time-consuming job but it's worth it, especially in a bathroom that's got grotty grouting but doesn't need a re-do. Take a very fine chisel to remove the old grout and give it an easy once-over with fresh grout."

Timber frame home on spacious 2823m2 allot, close to main street and schools, 3 bdrms, open plan lounge/dining, family room, galley style kitchen. Requiring some maintenance the home provides the opportunity for a home on a large allotment, investment or possible sub-division (STCC) Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942


Way Street Inspection by Appointment


Residential allotment of approximately 1690m2, having 2 titles, water connected, common effluent runs past, close to sporting facilities and trotting track. Reasonably level allots provide opportunity for investor to build 2 homes or family wanting to build on large allotment. To be sold as a whole. Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942


Neat t/f home on 746m2 allot. 3 bdrms, lge lnge, spac kitchen/ dine w elec apps, plenty cpd space, WIP, cellar. Heat & cool by r/c a/c on 3 ph pwr, solar heat, polished wood flrs, plumbing & elec renewed. Front & rear vdahs & c/pt. Shed w 3 ph pwr. Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942


Lot 66 Christchurch Street Inspection by Appointment


Wednesday, March 28, 2012 - Domain Page 5 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


Inspection by Appointment



Residential allotment of 560m2 in new subdivision. All services underground, water connected and CED point. Bitumen road frontage. Not far from Kapunda main street & primary school. No encumbrances, build your family or retirement home. Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942

92 MAIN ST • T: 8566 3399

Neat solid home on 11,000m2 allot, having 3 titles, possible subdiv STCC. 3 brs, office, kitchen w elec apps & d/w, fml dine, lge lounge, r/c a/c, gas htg. Paved gable pergola, 40x20 shed, caravan shed, 30x20 shed. Rear access. Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942

Neat B/V Home, 3 bdrms, main has WIR, access to bathroom, formal lounge, kitchen/meals/family, r/c a/c, pergola, carport, currently tenanted, ideal family home or investment. Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942


Wednesday, March 28, 2012 - Domain Page 6 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Wednesday, March 28, 2012 - Domain Page 7 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Real Estate Liftout

Adaptable living, accessible block New l isting

Dianne Fraser 0421 759 300

PLANNED for adaptability and practicality inside and out is this low maintenance property in Nuriootpa. It has four bedrooms and two living areas and is designed to fit your unique and changing circumstances. Situated on a corner site with rear yard access, there is space for the caravan, secure shelter for two vehicles,

an undercover entertaining area, a lovely yard with raised vegie plots, fruit trees and an easycare cottage garden. This property has lots to match your needs and pleasures. Ideal for the smaller to midsized family and for couples that have family that come to stay, the layout of this home provides the number of rooms and

living spaces to aid flexibility and is still sized for cosiness and comfort within its open-plan design. The home’s light and bright lounge faces the east to take in winter’s morning sun and attached to this, a tiled zone makes the ideal dining space, connecting with the kitchen through a sliding door. Central in its layout

LANDLORDS Are you getting what you paid for?


$290,000 - $300,000


0427 233 319

Feature: Corner site with rear yard access.

Julie Thring Owner

Price: $330,000 - $340,000.




David Strawbridge




0407 189 215


Open: Call agent to view. Agent: Homburg Real Estate 8563 2599. RLA:219152. Contact: David Braunack 0418 841 349.



Phone Andy on 0430

710 424

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EFTPOS & Credit facilities available

Mobile: 0402 554 594

Australian Government Endorsed Antenna Installer

Set up to consider the environment, the property’s multiple rainwater storage tanks supply ‘eco’ friendly irrigation to vegie plots and fruit trees while the interior of the home is equipped with the more ‘eco’minded choices of evaporative cooling and mains gas heating with the option of using ducted electric heating should the need arise. Security shutters to the home’s front windows also add to peace of mind. This property is an ideal investor’s choice with a long term tenant, its easy-care ‘eco’ surrounds to suit busy folk and a midsized floor plan that offers lots of living options for the price. For further information contact David Braunack of Homburg Real Estate on 0418 841 349.

At a glance...

28A Adelaide Road, Gawler 8523 3319



and overlooking the tiled casual living space, the kitchen’s bar bench creates a space for friends to gather and gives a screening effect to privatise kitchen activity while remaining linked to living. Here, north facing glass opens the home up to the shelter of the rear paved verandah and encourages easy migration outdoors for relaxing, dining and conversation immersed in the cottage garden setting. To the front of the home a wide driveway and double gates allow a boat or caravan to be securely stored off street beside the undermain-roof carport and, due to its corner position, double gates in the rear provide access to the shed out back with still plenty of scope to adapt this yard space further.

Where: 51 Golden Way, Nuriootpa.


Classic Country Cottage This circa 1880's stone cottage is set on a big 1010m2 (1/4 acre) allotment. There are 3 good size bedrooms, (2 with timber floors & one with a fireplace), a blackwood timber kitchen with dishwasher & stainless steel appliances, large dining room & lounge with combustion heater. The bathroom has been beautifully renovated with olde world charm & the central hallway leads to the bull nose front verandah. There are cottage gardens & a big well fenced backyard with shed, double carport and big cellar. Jeff Lind 0413 186 214 Elders Real Estate Gawler RLA 64256

Ring me for an appraisal 7 days a week on



WELL PLANNED: The open kitchen area of the Nuriootpa house is pictured left, and at right, the front garden allows for a degree of privacy.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012 - Domain Page 8 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

We fix leaking showers!

Ph Mark: 0401 186 784 BLD 225357

Guaranteed Risk Free Selling! Many more properties for sale, call in to inspect our full range Land Release Lot 42 Lot 43 Lot 44 Lot 45 Lot 46 Lot 47 Lot 48 Lot 49 Lot 50 Lot 51 Lot 52 Lot 53 Lot 54 Lot 55




$448,950 3


Picture Perfect - Idyllic Location This stunning 3.6ac property offers country atmosphere & tranquillity at its best, with a scenic driveway entrance to idyllic gdns surrounding the quality built solid brick home. This stunning home offers 3 good size brms, lnge, dining, new Tasmanian Oak kitchen, bthrm & 2 separate toilets, slow comb heating, r/c ducted heating & cooling, satellite dish for internet, lge 25x30m shed with 9” clearance, cement floor & pwr, sgl c/pt & dbl gge, 4x3m cellar, BBQ area, numerous est fruit trees & grape vines, bore, 45000L rainwater tank, plenty of other shedding, stables with yard, large paddock as well as rear entry off a private access road to the property. This property is not only fully estab and ready to go - it is a testament to the owners. The property offers ample opportunities to expand and make your own or simply just move in - with a location like this the opportunities are endless.

# 3031

RLA 61382


$399,950 1


$549,950 2


This stunning home set on 1.6 Hectares (approx 4 Acres) offers 360 degrees of rural views - rolling hills on the horizon, the lovely Barossa vineyards & grazing land. The home offers 3 brms, main with WIR, ensuite & glass doors leading outside with views simply to die for & brm 2 has a WIR. Ducted r/cycle heating & cooling throughout & a 1.5Kw Solar system which feeds back to the grid. Spacious o/plan living with a stylish kitchen which opens out onto the family room & dine area which overlooks the rolling hills & vineyards. The formal lnge has an open fire place. This property is complete with a small boutique vineyard of 80 year old Dry Grown Grenache maintained by neighbouring vineyard owners, large shed, 3 phase power to the property & the home, Enviro Cycle septic system which drip feeds the garden, dble gge & a wonderful entertaining area, perfect for having a BBQ & enjoying the majestic views. # 3015 RLA 61382




$329,950 2



Price $149,950 $159,950 $139,950 $134,950 $169,950 $189,950 $139,950 $189,950 $149,950 $149,950 $139,950 $159,950 $174,950 $199,950

$289,000 1

Available 7 Days







$490,000 2


Low Maintenance, Superb Quality

1920 Cottage on 1/2 Acre

Seeing is Believing

This truly stunning home on a very private community titled allotment in Evanston offers 3 good size bedrooms - main with walk-in robe and luxurious 3-way bathroom with separate toilet, modern kitchen, large family and dining and lovely back yard. This property also offers reverse cycle ducted heating and cooling, mains gas and approx 1000L rain water tank plumbed to house. This truly stunning home built in 2009 would be a fantastic investment or for someone just starting out. With current rent return of $290 per week and so close to schools and all amenities this home is a must see.

Opportunity knocks with potential plus! With over a 30m frontage this half acre allotment offers a whole array of possibilities. Together with a 1910 original cottage, which although requiring considerable work, has been partially restored. As a project this property would certainly reap rewards for anyone willing to put in the hard yards. Invest and prosper with this wonderful package.

This quality Homestead built home situated on a 1372m2 allotment offers large formal entry, formal lounge and dining with bay window, master bedroom with built-in robe, large ensuite with spa and double shower, bedrooms 2, 3 and 4 are extra large and have built-in robes and ceiling fans, all bedrooms also have Austar connected. 3-way bathroom and generous size laundry. Open plan kitchen, dining and family room leading through to the games room which has glass doors leading out onto the salt water solar heated pool. 3 car garage under the main roof, approx 32,000L rainwater storage, two 3phs reverse cycle split system air-conditioners, large entertainment area complete with bar and wood fire pizza oven, large lawn area and side access for trailers/caravans with a high clearance lean-to off the shed.

# 3003

# 5044

# 3022

RLA 61382


$329,950 1

RLA 61382



$399,950 1

RLA 61382





$399,950 2

“Merriwood Farm & Guest House”

Stunning 4 Bedroom Home

Convenient & Tranquil

A Great Investment

Stunning 4 Bedroom

Set on over 5 acres this stunning circa 1890 cottage offers 360° panoramic views, offering 3 bedrooms, master with open fire place, family/ dining & formal lounge, country style Oak kitchen and stylish bthrm with spa, slow combustion heating & r/cycle air-conditioning. The separate guest house features open plan living, master brm, kitchen, lounge/dining & bathroom. The property has 4 paddocks, some with horse shelters, 9.3x10.3 shed with workshop, large aviaries, kangaroo enclosure, shared bore, 55000L approx rainwater storage and stunning cottage gardens. All this situated approximately 10km out of Kapunda.

This stunning quality home built in 2004 is a massive 249m2. Set on a 920m2 allot this lovely Distinctive built home offers 4 lge brms, main with ens & WIR, brms 2, 3 & 4 with BIRs, good size office, fml entry & fml dining, generous size kitchen complete with quality appliances, plenty of storage & a lge b/fast bar overlooking the spac o/plan living meals & family room. The home is fully insulated, has r/c heating & cooling, rainwater tank, dbl c/pt with remote roller doors, 12m x 6m galvanized shed with built in mezzanine storage area. The front gdn has established plants and pop-up sprinklers and the back garden has a large entertaining area with the gardens yet to be completed. This stunning property is within walking distance to the main street and local schools.

As rare as hens teeth! A half acre allotment with over 100 metres of road frontage. Currently on two titles with a circa 1890 Stone Cottage, originally the Headmasters residence for the Lyndoch Public School - opened in 1879. The potential of this superb opportunity is obvious, to renovate the Cottage and sub-divide the remaining land (subject to Council consent). With 3 bedrooms, formal lounge, kitchen/dine and large cellar the property is deserving of restoration and would certainly reap rewards for its lucky new owner, together with the development of the remaining land. Within walking distance to all of Lyndoch's amenities - local schools, shops, restaurants and wineries. A project worthy of the investment, inspection by appointment call to arrange a time to suit.

Looking for the WOW factor? This property definitely has it. Set on a large corner allotment (842m2) this beautiful home offers 4 bedrooms, main with ensuite and walk-in robe, remaining 3 brms all with matching built-in robes, formal lounge, open kitchen/family/dine combined plus games room. With superb fittings throughout the home oozes quality. Serviced by ducted air-conditioning, gas heating and split system reverse cycle. The gardens are fully established and easily maintained with drippers and sub-surface irrigation. Together with full length pergola, 20x20 shed/workshop, rainwater storage and side access. This wonderful home is sure to tick all the boxes without doubt a “Dream Property”.

# 3027

# 3020

Set on over a quarter of an acre (1104m2) this much loved family home offers 3 bedrooms, main with walk-in robe and bedrooms 2 and 3 with built-in robes, open living family, dining and kitchen together with a large formal lounge. The home is serviced by a 3.5hp split system and also slow combustion heating. Outside, the property boasts unbroken views over the Barossa Ranges and beautifully established gardens just perfect for entertaining. Also with a 20x20 shed with cement floor and power, double carport, rear access and 6500L of rainwater storage fed to the laundry and kitchen. A lovely property offering privacy and seclusion yet walking distance to all of Lyndoch’s amenities. A “must inspect” for anyone looking in the Barossa, convenience and tranquillity found. # 5020 RLA 61382

# 5040

# 5054

RLA 61382

RLA 61382

RLA 61382

RLA 61382

3A Adelaide Road, Gawler (08) 8523 3777

Wednesday, March 28, 2012 - Domain Page 9 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


We’ll get you where you want to go!










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Wednesday, March 28, 2012 - Domain Page 10 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

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Maximise your potential audience By promoting your business through the Herald’s Dial-A-Service Serving your community section, you will be appearing in South Australia’s largest circulating since 1908. country newspaper with 21,400 weekly copies (Bunyip 9,700 Leader 8,100) Phone Roxanne on 8563 2041 or email

Wednesday, March 28, 2012 - Domain Page 11 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Changes are happening at Landmark Kapunda...

Aaron’s back in Kapunda AARON Nitschke is the new agronomist at Landmark Kapunda. He brings with him a wealth of farming experience and invaluable local knowledge from growing up on his family’s Greenock farm. After completing a Bachelor in Agriculture at Adelaide University’s Roseworthy Campus, Aaron has spent the past five and a half years working at Murray Bridge and pounced at the opportunity to get back to his hometown. While he has still been playing football and cricket for Kapunda, he said he was glad to

be back living and working in the area. Aaron said his job is to help farmers get the most out of their land and crops by identifying needs and issues, helping with crop rotation and farm plans, and providing sound advice. “Every farm is unique, so I identify their issues and what they want to achieve, and make them more productive and get them where they want to be. “I already have a strong understanding of what happens around in this area after growing up here, so I have got that instant connection.”

The relationship between agronomist and farmer is a hugely important one, and Aaron is clearly a person who prides himself on those connections. One of his previous clients even dropped into Kapunda recently to catch up with him at the pub. Aaron is available to work with farmers right across the district, who are welcome to drop into landmark Kapunda to catch up with him. From April 14, Landmark Kapunda will be open on Saturday mornings.

Heiniger in stock LANDMARK Kapunda is now stocking the Heiniger range of shearing equipment. Heiniger is regarded as one of the world’s leading brands, and shearers can now get the best equipment close to home. Kapunda farmer Keith Hampel has three Heiniger EVO Shearing Plants at his farm and said he would certainly recommend them to others looking to upgrade. “They are very light, you can shift them around pretty easily actually,” he said. EVO plants operate smooth and quietly, with the soft-start mechanism also increasing the life of the handpiece. The entire Heiniger range is available from Landmark Kapunda, including shearing plants, clippers, blades, combs and all other accessories you could possibly need from Heiniger.

HEAVY: Aaron Nitchske (right) and Kapunda farmer Keith Hampel get to work loading canola seed at Landmark Kapunda.

‘Maverick’ launched

TOP QUALITY: Kapunda farmer and professional wool-classer Jeff Brennan (left), with Landmark Kapunda agronomist Aaron Nitschke and merchandise manager Anne-Marie Brown, checking out a Heiniger handpiece.


A NEW product from Coopers promises to give sheep producers the same benefits cattle producers are accustomed to in treating both internal and external parasites. Coopers has now released its latest lice control product – Coopers Maverick. Maverick is the first off-shears pour-on that contains an ML (mectin) and the first and only offshears pour-on to control lice and worms. Utilising an aqueous micellar formulation, Coopers Maverick contains 6g/L Abamectin, a macrocyclic lactone (ML), which controls both sheep lice and worms in a single pour-on application. It allows the active ingredient to enter the bloodstream and control internal parasites (sensitive to abamectin), while simultaneously traveling around the surface area of the sheep to control body lice. With a dose-rate of 10ml per 10kg, Maverick is a high-volume

backline that is applied as two adjacent bands, either side of the backbone from poll to tail on each sheep. Being a water-based formulation, it is also easy to clean up following application. Maverick provides the added benefit of allowing producers to access available markets, with a meat withholding period of 21 days and an Export Slaughter Interval (ESI) of only 28 days. It is also Eco-Wool compliant for producers looking to sell into the European Union Eco-Wool market. More information on Coopers Maverick will be available at its launch at the Landmark Kapunda Animal and Plant Nutrition Day, to be held on March 30 at Kapunda Golf Club. The day starts at 10.30am and will include a talk from Daniel Schuppan, Landmark animal production specialist.

Utilising Coopers® Aqueous Micellar Formulation

You can’t spend over a decade to develop a product just for our sheep farmers; Australian Y ou can’t improve on current lice products; Y ou can’t control lice and worms with a single pour-on application...

YES WE CAN! ® Registered trademark

Landmark Gawler Landmark Kapunda

1 Bernard Court 3 Mildred Street

T: 08 8522 2266 T: 08 8566 2865

Wednesday, March 28, 2012 - Domain Page 12 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

ulation, Country South Australians make up 30% of the pop ts. yet we account for 60% of people killed in road acciden Sobering statistic isn’t it? ths Even more sobering is the fact that many of these dea d. are caused when our mates turn into idiots on the roa But what if we had the power to prevent that? It’s true ind the that in the country we have to spend more time beh we wheel, we travel greater distances at higher speeds and live drive on more challenging roads. That’s just where we and where we drive. And we can’t change that. But we can change how people drive. don’t So when our mates turn into people who speed, or wear a seatbelt or drink and drive, just tell them they’re acting like a real

MAC0 MA MAC04 MAC049 M AC049 A AC04 C04 C04 C049 49 4 91 1_A _A _A

Wednesday, March 28, 2012 - Page 17 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Penrice changes THE former head of National Mergers and Acquisitions for finance company KPMG will advise the Penrice board. Trevor Allen has been announced as an advisor and is to also consider joining the board as a non-executive director. Penrice chairman David Trebeck said the company was fortunate Mr Allen had agreed to assist the board and that his skills and expertise in all aspects of corporate finance and strategy would be highly valuable. Meanwhile, it has been announced that David Groves had resigned from the Penrice board. Mr Trebeck said Mr Groves made a substantial contribution to board debate, especially in relation to the strategic review of the company, which is now well advanced. He also thanked Mr Groves for his involvement with the company. Penrice Soda Holdings is Australia’s leading supplier of soda ash, sodium bicarbonate and limestone, and operates a mine at Angaston.


Victoria’s Beautiful Mornington Peninsula (9 Days) Monday 24th September - Tuesday 2nd October 2012

DAY 1 - Home/Ballarat through Tailem Bend for Morning Tea. Arrive Ballarat late afternoon. DAY 2 - Ballarat/Hastings Visit the famous Queen Victoria Market, dedicated to fresh produce & clothes, shoes, jewellery, giftware, home wares & more. Visit Port Phillip Bay, pass through Mordialloc, Edithvale, Carrum, Frankston & Mornington, then ‘The Briars Park’. A beautiful example of 'Cultural Landscape', represented today by a complex of heritage listed farm buildings & gardens. DAY 3 - Mornington Peninsula Visit Hastings, Balnaring, Merrick’s, guided tour with lunch at Ashcombe Maze, Shoreham - Australia's oldest & most famous Hedge Maze. Visit popular beach resort of Flinders, then Cape Schanck – a scenic coastal area overlooking Bass Strait, Lighthouse Museum, and Portsea – holiday destination of Melbourne’s rich & famous. Return to Tyabb via Sorrento, Rye, Rosebud & visit Charlie’s Auto Museum in Dromana. A 1940s style garage housing unique vehicles & motoring memorabilia. Arthur’s Seat - Towering 300 metres, the best place to view Port Phillip & the Mornington Peninsula. DAY 4 - Hastings/Phillip Bay Travel around Western Port Bay to Phillip Island, stop at San Remo. Visit Rhyll & see unusual bird species, continue on to Cowes, the “capital” of Phillip Island. Travel to ‘Nobbies’ for breathtaking coastal scenery then visit the world-renowned Penguin Parade. DAY 5 - Hastings/Mornington Peninsula Morning tea, a guided tour & lunch at Beleura House and Garden (an Italianate villa erected in 1863), visit The Garden Vineyard at Moorooduc, named one of the 10 Best Gardens in Australia. DAY 6 - Hastings/French Island A short cruise to French Island, Bus tour of Island, stopping for wild Koala spotting & Island sights. DAY 7 - Hastings/Geelong Visit Sorrento, catch the ferry to Queenscliff & visit Queenscliff Maritime Museum, guided tour of Fort Queenscliff, visit a 19th century Coastal Artillery Fort. DAY 8 - Geelong/Ballarat Visit Eastern Beach & the waterfront precinct, stroll along the foreshore, follow the bollard trail, or wander to the Botanical Gardens. Visit Ford Discovery Centre - a showcase of automotive technology, 90 minute scenic lunch cruise on Coria Bay. DAY 9 Ballarat/Home PRICE ON APPLICATION


8562 8092 ABN 43 056 104 187 # Triple R Travel Lic No. 31486


VE health & fitness ACHIE AVOID preven table illness & injury

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VILLAGE PEOPLE: Dave Young, Lisa Docking, Donna Hugo, Carolyn Mundie and Brian McGaughay channel their inner disco for the Relay for Life in Gawler on Saturday.


WHICH WITCH: Tracy Starr and Leigh Mcardle are still brusting with energy at the Gawler Relay for Life at Princess Park on Saturday.

‘CELEBRATION WINES’ Seppeltsfield Estate is home to the world’s longest lineage of single vintage wines in barrel. For that special celebration, available now 1912, 1922, 1932 1942, 1952, 1962 or 1972 in either 100ml or 375ml.


Wednesday, March 28, 2012 - Page 18 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Roads on video QUAD bikes and vans equipped with cameras will be hitting roads, bike tracks and footpaths in the coming weeks as Barossa Council undertakes an audit of its road infrastructure. The detailed video imaging is being carried out by council’s pavement inspection contractor, Infrastructure Management Group, to provide a snapshot of the condition of footpath and road assets across the council district. “The data we gain from this exercise will enable us to better manage, maintain and replace these important community assets,” said council’s director of works and engineering, Bim Lange. “We appreciate people’s patience while we conduct this exercise and

CAPED CRUSADERS: Sam McHugh, Hannah Impett and Cassie Riggs were just some of the superheroes taking part in the Relay For Life on Saturday.

POPS PETS Huge range of Pets & Accessories

Wheels & Tyres Great Value From $65

SPECIAL 3 Turtle Dinners

Free local delivery (including Gawler) Pensioner Discounts

8254 1123

BUBBLES: Emma Tucker and Rebecca Riggs bring fun to the Relay for Life at Princess Park on Saturday afternoon.

P | (08) 8568 6217

Shop 68 Munno Para Shopping City

F | (08) 8562 8333


for $10

175/70 R13


235/45 R17


175/65 R14


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185/65 R14


245/45 R18


195/50 R15


245/35 R19


205/65 R15


L/T185 R14


215/60 R16


L/T195 R14


8523 51 10 Lot 17 Little Paxton St WILLASTON


2012 Gawler Relay for Life

ask them to show increased caution while the vehicles are in operation.” Mr Lange said no image recordings are taken of commercial, residential or private properties. “We understand the community’s concerns for privacy in an increasingly digital age and can assure residents all imaging is focused on the footpath and road surface structure,” he said. Certified inspectors with audible warning devices will be travelling at a brisk walking pace in clearly identifiable vehicles or on quad bikes, and wherever possible will accommodate pedestrian traffic. For more information contact Barossa Council on 8563 8444.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012 - Page 19 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Ho lidayActivities No shortage of activities at Gawler day program I’m bored - is that a phrase you hear a lot during the holidays? Fun is not far away in the Gawler Sport and Community Centre’s Vacation Care located at Nixon Terrace Gawler. Why not enrol your child where they won’t have time to be bored doing fun activities every day of the holidays? The centre is open from 7.30am to 6pm. During this vacation care, Tuesday, April 10 to Friday, April 20, management has planned excursions including movie days and a visit to the

Adelaide Crows Football Club. Other activities include a rock climbing wall, Zumba workshop, roller hockey clinic, skating, cooking, art and crafts plus plenty of other activities every day. Not only great fun for children aged 5-12 years but parents will be pleased with the great competitive pricing. The option to claim the child care benefit and rebate is available too. So why not enrol into the fun today by calling the centre on 8522 9208 or 0437 321 637?

Skating better than ever THE highly popular school holiday skating sessions are back these holidays at the Gawler Sport and Community Centre. On Wednesday, April 11 and 18 and Monday, April 16, the fun starts on the rink from noon- 3pm. With regular Wednesday, Friday and Saturday skating sessions running during the holidays (excluding public

holidays), skating will keep you and the whole family entertained. The centre has the latest music and great games such as the famous “red rover” and “musical corners”, not to mention the fantastic lolly prizes up for grabs. Come with a group of friends and enjoy a great skating experience that keeps everyone entertained for hours.

Brilliant birthday idea CRICKET: Children enjoy a game of cricket outdoors during a day at Gawler’s vacation care.

LOOKING for somewhere to have a birthday party? Why don’t you enquire about booking a skate party at the

Wednesday, March 28, 2012 - Page 20 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Gawler Sport and Community Centre on Nixon Terrace? Parties can be booked during skating sessions or you can

book out the entire stadium. For more information give the friendly staff a call at the centre on 8522 9203.

Stand behind the Open Mic

INVITING: Thursday’s at Bibu Barossa. PIC: Michael Mullan.

TANUNDA based VJ Entertainment have lined up an accomplished artist as part of their ongoing night of music on Saturday, March 31. Their Candlelight Concert series features front man for 90s group Weddings Parties Anything Mick Thomas. The solo musician is keen to promote his latest album ‘The Last Of The Tourists’. Mick is renowned as a great storyteller and is known for having a knack for nailing the minutiae of Australian life without resorting to clichés within his works. The Last Of The Tourists is his fourteenth studio album of his career. The album is the sound of a man taking a long, hard look at love, life and loss in the face of losing both parents in recent years, embodied most evidently on the pensive farewell song ‘Goodbye Slowly’. “All of a sudden, you’re the oldest person in your life,” Mick reveals candidly.

“For a long time, age doesn’t worry you, turning 30 or 40 or whatever, you just keep batting away but now I often find myself as the oldest person in the room.” Mick Thomas performs at the Barossa Regional Gallery, Basedow Road, Tanunda on Saturday evening of March 31. Tickets are $30 and bring along a basket supper. Tables can be reserved by request, with wine by Whistler Wines and warm beverages and dessert by Ai Made It. Tickets can be purchased from Barossa Music Centre or phone Vicki on 0417 084 191. The Herald has one of Mick’s new CDs to give away. To win just email your name and daytime telephone number to michelle.orielly@rural Remember to put Mick Thomas in the subject header. Entries close Monday, April 2, 5pm. You must collect the prize from the Herald office, Murray Street, Tanunda.



33 main north road willaston t: 08 8522 1021 f: 08 8522 1629 e:


Proudly presented by the Tri-Five Classics Association


All GM vehicles past & present on display. Food & Drinks available

PUBLIC WELCOME FROM 10am Adults $5, Conc. $3, Family $10 For more info contact Rocco at


See Mick Thomas and win a CD

Let him know you are keen to perform and he’ll indicate a time. Depending on how many acts, each performer will have the opportunity to play three songs. Supplied are a microphone, an amplifier and a piano. Musicians only need to bring their voice or instruments. Bibu Barossa is located in the former town library, Murray Street, Tanunda. For more details, give Kate a call on 8563 0524 or ‘like’ VJ Entertainment’s facebook page.


popular winter Jam Sessions at the Tanunda Club, said the style of music for Open Mic is not relevant but leans towards acoustic or unplugged style, and it’s certainly not karaoke. The event has also attracted many regulars who get to sit back and unwind with freshly prepared food, Barossa wines and a variety of live music until about 11.30pm. How it works Jamie says just rock up to Bibu Barossa on a Thursday evening from 8.30ish.

Greenock Creek Tavern

Mon - Fri 11am till LATE Sunday 11am till 8 HAPPY HOUR Sun -Thurs 5 - 6pm $1.00 off wines and pints + spirits



Chicken or Beef Schnitzel, with your choice of sauce and a FREE schooner of draught, Coopers or blonde or glass of house wine



T Bone or Scotch Fillet, Chips, Salad and your choice of sauce/gravy and a FREE schooner of draught, Coopers or blonde or glass of house wine







Ravioli or Penne with Carbonara or Neopolitan sauce and a FREE schooner of draught, coopers or blonde or glass of house wine



Pool Table, Pokies, Jukebox, Beer Garden & Function Room available. Great Food and Fantastic Local Beers on Tap.


THERE’S an open microphone in Tanunda, which is attracting some amazing local talent. The mic is featured in the town’s newest boutique wine bar and restaurant - Bibu Barossa. Promoters Jamie Blechyden from VJ Entertainment and Bibu owner Kate Milroy say the Thursday Open Mic sessions are a chance for people to share their talents in a warm environment. “What we’ve found is it’s great for younger people to start off here before playing in front of a large crowd,” Kate said. For Jamie the event means great networking opportunities. “It’s a great catch up and allows like minded people either amateurs or professionals to perform their music in the one area,” he said. Since its inception four months ago, Open Mic has supported people as young as 15 and as old as 70. As a result acts have been booked for Friday and Saturday evening entertainment at Bibu. Jamie, who instigated the

Phone 8562 8136 2 Murray Street, Greenock

Wednesday, March 28, 2012 - Page 21 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Barossa Valley Toyota cleans up at awards Barossa Valley Toyota won four prizes at the 2011 Toyota Australian Excellence awards. The gala evening was held on Saturday, March 17 and the team at Barossa Valley Toyota were delighted with their recognition. Their awards were:

• Bronze for Customer First Excellence • Bronze for Parts Excellence • Silver for Service Excellence • Silver for Business Management Excellence. The Silver award denotes BV Toyota was top in South Australia and the Northern Territory

Community cash WINNING TEAM: The Barossa Valley Toyota team, from left Gordon Alderslade (dealer principal), Ann Alderslade (business management), Andy Ey (parts manager) and Tavis Reynolds (service manager).

Drop in for a bite to eat! Light meals from 8am-5pm daily Or join us for Dinner! Enjoy a meal or quick coffee and cake with friends while your children play in our special Caboose Play Room. Sit and relax in the dining room while you still have an eye on the little ones.


KIDS CABOOSE We are Kid Friendly!!


PHONE 8563 3400 Barossa Valley Way, Tanunda

WHAT’S the easiest way to give back to the community as well as being in with a chance to win a new Hyundai ix35, Jurgen Sungazer caravan or even a $40,000 Harvey Norman shopping spree? The answer is to purchase a $2 People’s Choice Community Lottery ticket. The Community Lottery kicked off on Thursday, March 1 and participating Barossa groups will now be selling their selected allocation of 10,410 tickets in the hope of raising some much needed funds for their club – that’s $20,820 going back to the Barossa community. At just $2 a ticket, no participation cost and 100 per cent of all ticket sales returned, there’s no wonder these community groups are getting involved. The Community Lottery, which was created in 1984, is an exciting initiative that has seen more than $6 million given back to not-for-profit charities, community groups, sporting clubs and schools in the last five years. This year’s Community Lottery is shaping up as the biggest ever with one million tickets distributed , potential returns of up to $2 million back to the community and more than $400,000 worth of prizes on offer. Additionally,

all prize and marketing costs are met by People’s Choice Credit Union and its business and media partners so there is no reason for groups not to participate. To participate, not-for-profit groups apply for an allocation of tickets which they then sell for $2 each throughout their network of members or supporters. The Gawler and Barossa groups involved this year are: • Angas Valley Tennis Club • Angaston Tennis Club • Barossa Bird Club • Gawler Masters Softball Club • Light Pass Cricket Club • Make a Wish Foundation of Australia – Barossa Branch • Nuriootpa Hockey Club • Nuriootpa Rover Football Club • Sedan Cambrai Football Netball Club • Tanunda Lutheran Home • Tanunda Lutheran School Parents and Friends • Tanunda Tennis Club • Truro Primary School Council • Zion Preschool. The 2012 People’s Choice Credit Union Community Lottery will run from March to July with the prize draw taking place in September.

JOIN J OIN IIN N THE THE G GAME! AME! . . . a att S STARplex TARplex

STARplex S TARplex court co urt sports sports are are a about... bo ut...

67$<,1* $&7,9( +$9,1* )81 )5,(1'/< &203(7,7,21 1(7%$//


Mixed (14yrs +)

Ladies (15yrs +)

Tue & Wed evenings

Wed evenings

NOMINATIONS NOW OPEN 18-20 Alexander Ave Evanston Park SA 5116

Ph 8 8522 0657

Wednesday, March 28, 2012 - Page 22 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


John and Kathy Scobie of Kapunda together with Ken & Sandra White of Balaklava are proud to announce the engagement of Clarissa & Benjamin. Congratulations and best wishes from both families.

IN MEMORIAM KOHLHAGEN, Velma Florence 1921 - 2010 2 years on and we still miss your presence in our lives. You'll always be thought of with much love & appreciation. Love Les, Chris, Kathy & Helen. NOACK, Leslie (Les). Formerly L.G.Noack Auto Repairs. Called home 2nd April, 2002. Loved and missed by so many. Family, extended family, friends and customers. "Not how did he die, but how did he live. Not what did he gain, but what did he give. These are the units of a man as a man, to mesure the worth, regardless of birth. Not what was his station, but had he a heart and how did he play his own special part. Was he ever ready with a word of good cheer to bring back a smile, to banish a tear. Not what was his Church nor what was his creed, but had he desended those really in need. Not what did the sketch in the Newspapers say, but how many were sorry when he passed away." We thank Our Lord for allowing Leslie to be with us for several years until we could cope. Fot it's times like this that we are helpless. It is only God who can speak to ease the pain. So lean on him, ask for help and you will never walk alone. Forever in our hearts. Wife Cecilie, families, Linda, Neale, Chelsea, Ariel, Eleanore and Olivia. Richard, Debbie and Bejamin. Gordon, Wendy, Rachelle, Russell and Jack.

FOR SALE Barossa New Life Church TREASURE CHEST - FURNITURE MART 10 Murray St, Nuriootpa Tel. 85622988 Monday - Friday 9am - 4pm Saturday 9am - 12pm All donations of furniture, clothing, bric-a-brac enable us to assist our Community



CASH FOR BOTTLES & CANS. Wine bottles, batteries, phone Lange's Can & Bottle Depot on 85642292 for trading hours, 20 Newcastle St, Angaston.

KAPUNDA $160 per week Neat, 1 bedroom unit in Kapunda. Good size living/dining area with kitchen and new AC unit. A good size bedroom with new carpet. Decent sized, tiled bathroom and laundry combined. Just a 2 minute walk out of the historic town of Kapunda. Private rear yard area. Brock Harcourt Gawler Property Management. Ph: 8523 3319

8AM - 1PM 31st March. 6 Anton St, Angaston. Furniture, household goods, shed items, plants, linen. Ford 1988 laser. Registered till Dec 2012 UZT-256 $850 ono Ph. 0417851061 9 DRINKWATER CRESCENT Nuriootpa. Household, furniture and sundries. 8 - 12 ANGASTON 31 March, 8:00am; China, toys, sporting equipment, books, bric-abrac etc. All excellent condition. Moculta Rd FREELING GARAGE SALE day Saturday 31st March, 8.00am start. Sales all over town. Gold coin for sale map. HAVING A GARAGE SALE? Advertise in The Herald classifieds, and get results! All Garage Sale ads MUST be prepaid. You can now place your classified ad at Kapunda Newsagency, deadline is Monday 4.30 pm. Classified deadline 5.00pm Monday (Maybe subject to change) Ph: 85632041 Fax: 85633655 or email

COUNTRY STITCHERS fundraisers for CARERS LINK BAROSSA & DISTRICTS INC. will be at the EASTER CRAFT FAIR ON Saturday 7th April 2012 in the ANGASTON TOWN HALL. We will have plenty of winter warmers for the coming cold weather. Check out our littlies retro PJ's and retro pinny sets for girls. CRUISE Craft 4.3m fibreglass runabout with bimini on double axle trailer. Full reconditioned 60hp oil injected Mercury. Min 10-12hrs operation since recon. Des Young Outboard to confirm repair. $7,600 ono. Contact 0417846711 DOMESTIC farm, pool and spa pump repairs. Complete workshop facilities also for electric fence energisers. New units, conversions to solar, tapes and insulators. Qualified tradesman. Ag Power Williamstown Road, Cockatoo Valley. 0408820024 FIREWOOD 6 x 4 trailer load $70 85681979 FIREWOOD Quality seasoned. Split red. blue, sugar gum, mallee stumps sawn mallee & bags of kindling. Weighbridge docket supplied. Pickup or deliver AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY. Matthew Reimann, Firewood Supplies. 0413089743. Delivery available 7 days by appointment. Credit Cards now accepted. FRUIT TREES Order now for winter. Some native tubes and trees available now. Lifetime Nursery, Judd Rd, Lewiston. Ph: 85243172 - Closed Wednesdays & Good Friday.

GENERATORS AUSSIE BRAND EASTER SALE ON NOW!!! SAVE $$$ 8KVA Diesel elec start $1449 10KVA Petrol/LPG elec/remote start $1669 Low speed super silenced diesel from $4999 0432 636 678

GUINEA FOWL chicks, 10 + 1 adopted mother hen. $100 Ph: 82847245 GUN SALES. Ammo, repairs, safes, accessories & service. Gawler Fishing & Outdoors, 48 Murray St, Gawler 85226200 HAY OATEN WHEATEN Hay from $35 roll Phone Peter & Bev Grocke 0429 694 058 or 8563 2113 LEADLIGHT - Local, professional affordable leadlight. I'll come to you, or call at Gawler Glass Design studio, 58 Yettie Rd, Williamstown. Weekly classes. Bob Pirch 85247241


MAINS pressure blue line poly from $37 roll. Gawler Irrigation, Lot 11, Paxton Street, Willaston. Ph: 85232350 MULCH STRAW from $2.50 per small bale. Roseworthy area. Ph. 0408856092 NEED A PUMP? For all your needs, Gawler Irrigation, Lot 11, Paxton Street, WILLASTON. Ph: 85232350


Ford Falcon EL Sedan 4 Litre motor, 145,000 km, roof rack, most parts available. Falcon BA Sedan 4 Litre motor and auto transmission, 144,000 km, good panels, most parts available. Ford Falcon BF III Stationwagon 4 Litre LPG only motor and auto transmission, 56,000 km, most parts available. Ford NA Fairlane most parts available. Holden Commodore VX Sedan 3.8 Litre motor and auto transmission, 115,000 km, Berlina factory mags. Holden Commodore VZ Stationwagon 3.6 Litre motor and auto transmission, roof rack, most parts available. Holden Commodore VY Sedan 3.8 Litre motor and auto transmission, most parts available Holden Commodore VE 60th Anniversary Sedan 3.6 Litre motor and auto transmission, factory alloys

GAWLER MOTOR WRECKING 3 Prescott Crescent, Gawler Belt 8522 5677 or 0416 081 109

PLANTS - Natives, perennials, tube stock, water wise etc. MORNING STAR NURSERY Lot 1 Cossins St., Kapunda. Ph: 85663952. Open Thursday to Sunday 9am- 5pm. RAG DOLL and Birman X kittens. House trained, $270 each. Ph: 85694044

NURIOOTPA 3 b.r. villa, polished floors, low maintenance, close to town $240 p.w. + bond. 0409674726

FOR HIRE SLUSHIE/FROZEN Cocktail Machine HOT CHOCOLATE Cocktail Machine PUCKER POWDER . FAIRY FLOSS Slush-a-Licous Phone Pina 0434141097 Family owned, locally operated.

TO GIVEAWAY GIVE AWAY old pallets good for firewood. Pickup Nuriootpa Foodland backdock between 6.30am - 5pm.

PETS BELINDA'S PAMPERED PETS NURIOOTPA Professional dog grooming by an animal lover. EFTPOS now available. Ph: 0418810323 FIT N FURRY Personal pet walking, activities, homecare. Aged & Disability concessions available. Nuriootpa surrounds Ph: 0433925964 or 85657169 HOOTZ DOG GROOMING Mobile. Qualified groomer. Nuriootpa Ph: Justin 0406840020 HYDROPAWS 4pawfectpaws. Mobile nose to tail pet care. Heated hydrobath, blowdry, nails & clipping. Ph: Bridget 0488444542

HEALTH & BEAUTY REMEDIAL MASSAGE Trigger Point, Deep Tissue, Myo-Fascial, Lymphatic. Wed, Fri - 1A Bilyara Rd, Tanunda. Ph. 0409631553 Thurs - Petite Pear Shop 3 Gilbert St, Lyndoch. Ph. 85245156. Health Rebates.



8566 3125 or 0400 7600 10 Therapeutic Massage Aromatherapy Massage Aromatherapy Pamper Packages Pregnancy Massage Myofascial Release Reiki & Energy Healing

LIVESTOCK J.W. SMART WOOLBUYERS PTY LTD. Will buy all types. Flexible hours. Ph: 0417878486 -


Seven Years Professional Experience Gift Vouchers Available Pensioner Discounts Available

CASH FOR CARS and scrap metal. Ph: 0404856309



COCKATIEL Grey and white, tame, lost from Murray Street, Tanunda. Ph: 0415825420 LOST Small black and white female dog (mini fox terrier) blue collar and registration disc. Missing from Point Pass Wednesday night. 14 years old. Ph: 85811585 or 0438811351

CARAVAN WANTED Older style pop-top or standard van OK. Pay up to $6,000 Ph: 83893293

WANTED ANY SCRAP METAL Will pay cash for the removal of yours. Ph: 0412259039


ANYTHING WITH METAL Cash 4 cars, free collection. HAPPY SCRAPPY recycle it! 85630213 or 0406411117

BIBLICAL INTEGRITY FOR SPIRITUAL MATURITY. Qualified Bible teacher, non denominational no fees. Individuals or groups. Phone: 85623945 ZUMBA at Greenock Institute. Wednesdays 10.15am. & 6.30pm. Instructor Sue Evans. Ph: 85628184



it Keepal! loc

SCREEN/SHADE HOUSE Steel tube frame. 2.4m long x 1.6m wide x 2.2m high. Lockable doors front & back. Adjustable shelves. Covered with 50% shade cloth. $500 Ph: Des 85633729 SELLING, BUYING .......? Advertise in the Herald classifieds, and get results! Giveaway ads are run for 1 week, FREE. You can now place your classified ad at Kapunda Newsagency, deadline is Monday 5.00p.m. Classified deadline 5.00pm Monday. (Maybe subject to change) Ph: 85632041, Fax: 85633655 or email

MANY and varied items, ring for details 85681979. Saturday/Sunday. SATURDAY 31st. 9am - 4pm & Sunday 1st April, 9am - 1pm. 12 Armstrong Ave., Nuriootpa. Moving sale. Furniture, household & shed items. SATURDAY 31st March. 8am - 1pm. Drinks fridge, children's toys and clothes, shed & house items. 26 Julius Street, Tanunda.




General Towing, breakdowns, caravans, boats, farm machinery

0404 856 309

Wednesday, March 28, 2012 - Page 23 - The Herald, Barossa Valley




ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Need Help? Contact 83463255 Meeting: Friday's - C.W.A. Building Kapunda - 8pm.


PUBLIC NOTICES CHILD SAFE ENVIRONMENTS (Mandated Notification) Training Course in Nuriootpa. 7 Hour Full Course on Fri 13 April. Enrol at or M: 0412 758 005

(An Outreach of the Uniting Church in Nuriootpa) (Corner of Memorial Avenue and Murray Street)

Saturday Market

KAPUNDA MARKET Come for a browse April - Easter Weekend 6th Good Friday 7th Saturday & 8th Sunday CWA Hall - Main Street 9.00 - 3.00 - FREE ENTRY Stall holders welcome (Public Risk Insurance essential) Phone 85662241 or 85663913 Next Market CWA Hall 21st April - Sat of Farm Fair

31st of March 2012


• Furniture • Manchester • Men’s, Ladies’, Children’s Clothing • Shoes • Crockery • Records • Toys • Books • Assorted Bric-a-Brac

• Bacon & Egg Sandwiches • Sausage Sizzle • Coffee or Tea 8.30am START


EASTER CRAFT FAIR & MONSTER BBQ Saturday 7th April Angaston Town Hall 10am - 4.00pm. 47 stalls - Free Admission


As our publication for April 11 is preceded by Good Friday (April 6), Easter Monday (April 9) the following advertising deadlines will be applicable: DISPLAY ADVERTISING: 5pm Wednesday 4 April CLASSIFIED, EMPLOYMENT & PUBLIC NOTICE ADVERTISING: 5pm Thursday 5 April

Anglican Parish of the Barossa


Lyndoch and Districts Vacation Care

Summer Sale

High quality school holiday program for 5 -13 yrs. Activities include movie making, excursions and much more.

All the clothes and shoes you can fit in a designated shopping bag

Children can come just for fun. 7am - 6 pm 10 - 20th April 2012 $38 per child per session. Enrolments required. CCB available Phone 0432 731 450 for bookings


APRIL 2-28




Don Piro Cancer survivor and counsellor

Living a positive life while on the emotional Roller Coaster ride of Cancer Coffee and cake available $5 All welcome

Proudly Supported by the


Open: Mon - Sat, 11am-3.30pm

Barossa Area Fundraisers for Cancer

Coffee morning at Greenock connections café Friday 30th March at 10am.


for $6.00 All other stocks of toys, books, bric-a-brac, etc

HERALD FOOTY TIPPING 2012 - TERMS & CONDITIONS 1. Only one entry per person 2. Emailed, photocopied and faxed entries permitted. Phone entries NOT accepted. 3. Tips must be submitted to a designated drop off point by 5pm Friday - except from Round 2: 5pm Thursday April 5, Round 5: 5pm Tuesday April 24, Round 12: 5pm Thursday June 14. 4. The weekly winner will win a $50 Barossa Betta Electrical Gift Card. 5. The weekly winner will be the one who tips 9 correct winners for that round and has the closest margin. The margin is always from the first-named game. 6. In the event of two or more tipsters selecting the same 9 winners, the winning margin indicated will be used as a tie-breaker. If this still cannot separate the tipsters then a draw shall take place. 7. If no tipster selects 9 winners the weekly prize will jackpot each week until won. 8. If, at the end of the season, two or more tipsters have equal points that will qualify for a prize, the winner will be decided by the margain score. If a tie still exists, a draw will be used to determine a result. 9. Tipping runs for the minor rounds only. 10. When tips not submitted, tipsters who have previously lodged entries will automatically receive the away teams for the round. 11. After missing three consecutive rounds, tipsters will be eliminated. 12. The Barossa & Light Herald will not accept responsibility for late entries received. 13. Designated drop off points are: Nuriootpa - Harvey World Travel Vine Inn Kapunda - KBL Security Angaston - Angaston Hardware Gawler - Harvey World Travel Tanunda - The Herald Office 14. Fax entry number 8563 3655 email entry: or Post to the Herald P.O. Box 43, Tanunda SA 5352 WH1804883

Wednesday, March 28, 2012 - Page 24 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


LIGHT REGIONAL COUNCIL NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR CATEGORY 3 DEVELOPMENT Pursuant to Section 38 (5) of the Development Act, 1993 Notice is hereby given that an application comprising a CATEGORY 3 DEVELOPMENT has been lodged with the Council for a development assessment. Details of the application are as follows: DEVELOPMENT NO.313/58/2012 APPLICANT D J Hancock & S G Hancock ADDRESS PO Box 1690 GAWLER SA 5118 NATURE OF THE Single storey detached DEVELOPMENT dwelling with alfresco and garage under main roof and landscaping in association with the agricultural use of the land (Non-Complying) SUBJECT OF LAND Killarney Road, ST JOHNS, PCE: 12 DP: 68391 CERTIFICATE OF Volume 5957 Folio 991 TITLE The application may be examined at the Offices of the Council located at 93 Main Street, Kapunda and 12 Hanson Street, Freeling, during normal business hours and any person or body affected may make relevant representations in writing concerning this application to reach the General Manager Development and Regulatory Services at PO Box 72, Kapunda SA 5373 not later than 5.00pm on Thursday 12 April 2012. Each person making a submission should indicate whether that person wishes to appear personally or be represented by another party before the Council in support of that submission. Please note that, pursuant to Section 38 (8) of the Development Act, a copy of each representation received will be forwarded to the applicant for a written response. AUTHORISED Karen Mitrovic OFFICER DATE 28 March 2012 THIS IS THE FIRST AND ONLY PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE



WORK WANTED CLEANERS needing extra work in school hours. Honest & reliable in your home. Ph: 0429007863 HOME CLEANING & IRONING - $15 off first reg. service so you try us out. Ph: Carolyn or Nat till 8pm daily incl. w/ends. 0409691576 PAINTER Local experience. Quality work. Free quote. Ph: Peter 0417805982 Lic. No. BLD48086 ROLLER shutter repairs 08 85662922


Phone 8563 0198


TANUNDA CAFE has part time, weekend position for junior. Phone 0410 664 610

Tanunda Caravan & Tourist Park

Cleaner - Casual position This position requires a person with a friendly, cheerful manner to join our team. Applicants must be self-motivated, have strong problem solving & communication skills & be able to work independently. This position requires cleaning of various styles of accommodation and facilites, some washing and ironing also required.


I can tackle large projects that make the best use of my skills to motivate me. The sheer complexity of the issues I face ensures I’m always fascinated. At SA Health, how my career develops is up to me. With diverse career pathways and lots of opportunities to shine, there’s no limit to what I can achieve.


Call to discuss (08) 8562 2122

Casual Client Service Officer Child & Family Health Service various locations Job Ref: 497186 1300 882 992

IT Network Assistant – Level 1


Barossa Bottling Services Pty Ltd, an independent contract wine bottling business based in the Barossa Valley is seeking a Full Time bottling line Maintenance Person. The successful applicants duties will include:• Monitoring machine performance and maintaining and servicing the bottling line machinery and associated plant and equipment as part of a team of maintenance fitters to ensure scheduled production rates and quality specifications are met. • Undertaking morning pre production ‘start ups’ including sterilisation of the bottling line and generally ensure that the bottling line is ready for the days productions. • Operating the businesses labelling machine to ensure that labels are applied accurately and efficiently. • Implementing operating and maintenance SOP’s and preventative maintenance schedules. The successful applicant will need to have the following attributes:• Experience with the maintenance of bottling plant and equipment. • An absolute quality focus and commitment to ensuring 100% quality control. • The ability to work under minimal supervision and be highly motivated and a self starter. • The ability to problem solve and undertake root cause analysis. • An understanding of and commitment to OH&S requirements. Applications in writing and marked confidential should be fowarded to PO Box 769 Nuriootpa SA 5355 or vai email to Applications close Friday 6 April 2012. something more meaningful



Applications close Friday 6/4/12


This is a casual position and alternate weekend work is essential. Approximately 3 shifts per week available & own transport is necessary. Please address applications to: The Manager, Tanunda Caravan & Tourist Park, Barossa Valley Way, Tanunda, SA 5352

$4000 Government Training Incen ves are available for *eligible par cipants making the course cost neutral!

The Barossa - committed to excellence in Local Government

Traineeship - Library Services 12 Month Contract This is a fantastic opportunity for a motivated and committed individual to join our Library Services Team. Placed predominately at the Nuriootpa Public Library you will undertake a twelve month traineeship which will include mandatory off-the-job training. The primary objective of your role will be to provide high quality, efficient and effective Library and Administrative Services to the Community. To be successful within this role you will require: • Completion to SACE Stage 2 (or equivalent) • Sound knowledge of quality customer service principles • Good interpersonal and communication skills • Organisational and time management skills • Sound literacy and numeracy skills • Computer literacy, particularly Microsoft Office • A current Drivers licence This position will also ideally suit an individual who has a basic understanding of the principles and practices of public library functions and philosophies, as well as someone who has a keen desire to work within this field. Flexibility is also required to occasionally work weekends. For further information please refer to or contact Human Resources on 8563 8444. To apply please forward your application addressing the qualifications, specialist knowledge and skills required to The Barossa Council, PO Box 867, Nuriootpa SA 5355 or email by Wednesday 11th April 2012.

The Barossa Council is committed to EEO principles, workplace diversity and professional development.

Faith Lutheran College is commi ed to providing a complete and dis nc ve secondary educa on in a caring Chris an environment. Set on picturesque grounds at the foothills of the Barossa Valley in Tanunda, this co-ed secondary school has a record of excellence catering for more than 680 students. This technical support role to the Network Systems Manager is a full- me contract posi on for the remainder of 2012 with the possibility of becoming permanent in 2013. It would be an advantage for applicants to have a working knowledge of both desktop based Microso or Apple networks and a wireless notebook and iPad environment. Applicants must be suppor ve of the school’s Chris an ethos. For more informa on visit the school’s website or contact Robyn Sloane, the Principal’s Personal Assistant. Applica ons close on Wednesday, 4th April addressed to:


SALES PROFESSIONAL Global Company. Motivated, sales professionals, work outside an office, work your own schedule, phone Chrissy 1800735559. www.besteverhomebusiness




PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CHIMNEY CLEANING Local Barossa Service Phone: David 0407189215 CHIROPRACTOR. Dr Kana Nathan 39 Murray St, Angaston. Consulting Saturdays Ph. 85642882


CIVIL CELEBRANT - Angela Nielsen Ceremonies designed for you. Marriages, namings, committment and renewal of vows. Ph: 0408107940 or 85642773

ERECTION & PREMATURE PROBLEMS? Help for $30. Money back g'tee. Free sample. 0424 452 329.

LEADLIGHT STUDIO make new, repair old, traditional to contemporary. For quality & competitive prices contact Tracy 85246959 Willliamstown

MT. PLEASANT area. Unrushed & personal 4 gents who prefer private. 0466964374

PROFESSIONAL NOTICES Anne Hamilton R.N. Professional Counsellor Ph 85235235 : Mobile 0416060835 Confidential Personal Counselling and relationship therapist for adults. All ages. Home visits can be arranged for up to 50 Km radius. Small call-out fee. Gawler, Barossa and Northern suburbs etc Health fund accredited.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012 - Page 25 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Community News Barossa Valley Solace TWENTY-seven Barossa Solace members were welcomed to The Joy Rice Centre, Nuriootpa, on Saturday, March 10. It was a beautiful day weather-wise, with the theme being, “Wedding Memorabilia.” Almost everyone brought something along, and explained why their things were sentimental to them. Items included many photos and albums, wedding gowns, cake top decoration, wedding tokens, bouquets, and even a negligee. Members listened to the history of weddings dating back to Adam and Eve. Information included wedding flowers through the centuries, the wedding party, the Bachelor party (which originated in the fifth century), the Best Man, the Bouquet, giving away the Bride, shoes tied to the car bumper, colours of the wedding dress, something old, new, borrowed, blue and a silver sixpence in the Bride’s shoe. It was very interesting to hear the different customs through the years. Dulcie Hage won the door prize, and birthday wishes for March were given to Val Grartz, Elaine Stoll, Pat Hentschke and Marion Davis. Raffle winners were Joyce Saegenschnitter, Dulcie Appleton, Val Schultz, Mavis Eckert, Bernice Falkenberg, Grace Beckmann, Frieda Atze, Pat Hentschke, Ted Stoll, Joyce Stevens and Dulcie Hage. President Barbara McRostie informed members about the bus trip to Virginia Nursery on Saturday, April 14. Please phone 8563 3084 to book a seat. Friends are welcome to join the group on the trip as well but must book a seat.

Barossa Fibromyalgia Despite only a few members attending the March meeting of the Barossa Fibromyalgia / Arthritis Support Group, it was decided to continue meeting together informally to share information and to keep in contact. Meetings are usually held on the first Wednesday of each month in the Holy Trinity Lutheran Church Hall, corner of Penrice Road and Park Tce, Nuriootpa (opposite the High School) at 2pm. These meetings may be helpful to anyone who has recently been diagnosed and needs friendly understanding and support from people who share their condition. Anyone interested is welcome to attend these meetings. However, instead of a meeting on April 4, members will visit the home of a member of the community, who suffers from psoriatic arthritis and who uses mosaic art as therapy to manage pain and cope with her condition. She has decorated a wall of her house with mosaic artwork and has

generously invited the group to view this work. Members are asked to meet as usual at the Church Hall at 2pm, from where they will move to her home. Please bring a plate of afternoon tea; a cuppa will be provided. For further information, please phone Ros at 8562 1105.

Gawler Garden Club The February meeting of the Gawler Garden Club welcomed as guest speaker Sonya Post of the South Australian CFS whose role is to take the bushfire awareness message to the public. Club members divided into groups according to where they lived. Questions from Sonya had each group writing answers on a huge ‘post-it’ note. The result was very stimulating. If you had a bushfire plan, the discussion filled in gaps with knowledge; if you didn’t have a plan, it helped build one. For your home, the workplace, where you shop, even where you go to holiday or travel - know the fire risk area. Do you know where the bushfire safer precinct is if you decide to go? Prepare. Act. Survive. is the bushfire safety message from the CFS. The more you are prepared and ready, the less risks the volunteers of the CFS are exposed to if a fire breaks out. To all the CFS volunteers and their supporters you do a wonderful job. Thank you.

Williamstown Garden Club Two gardens in Birdwood were visited by the Williamstown Uniting Church Garden Club at their recent meeting, attended by 30 members, four visitors, and with seven apologies. The first garden was Jane and Tony Hanna’s, where the roses are all named as Tony grows, shows and judges roses. There were masses of other plants in the well-tended garden, with some under the patio, which is a credit to both as last July a massive pine fell across the house and garden causing huge damage. Then it was on to the garden of Alex, Neil and Christine Kowald (Alex is Jane and Tony’s daughter) where roses are again a feature at the Frosty Flats garden. Interspersed among the sedums, irises, daffodils, tulips and other climbing plants, are old pieces of farm machinery and wheels. Over the years cow manure has been added and is watered by a bore. The vegetable garden is managed by daughter Christine. The meeting was held under the pergola built from recycled timber and iron and has added bits of farm relics, a very modern “shed”. Birthday greetings were extended to Connie Hodgson, Janet Cummings, Kate Postill and Ron Burgess. On April 2 we meet again at the Uniting Church to visit two gardens at

Kersbrook and Gumeracha and visit a leadlight studio. Afternoon tea supplied. Day cost $5 and visitors always welcome. Leaving at 1pm sharp.

Tanunda WAB Tanunda branch of Women in Agriculture and Business were privileged to have Mrs Elizabeth Eckermann speak to the members about Japan, the WAB country of study. Elizabeth is very conversant on the subject, having studied the language and taught it in school for many years, as well as taking students to Japan for study tours. Members were interested to learn about sushi, sake and spas, the common things of the ordinary people. A report from the regional councillor informed members that the newly formed Kapunda branch will hold a regional LowerNorth conference on April 1. A number of Tanunda ladies indicated they would attend. The program they have arranged sounded most interesting. The April meeting will feature the “year of the farmer” and will be held at the Holmes Farm, Gomersal.

Nuriootpa Seniors On a very warm autumn day a rather diminished gathering of members attended the Nuriootpa Senior Citizens Friendship Club Inc monthly meeting, welcomed by president Ingeborg Fimmel. There followed a minute’s silence in respect of the departed Dorothy (Dot) Nitschke who was involved with the Senior Citizens for many years in various capacities, including convenor of the Opportunity Shop for seven years. She was a hardworking member and well liked. Birthdays were (and are) celebrated in March by Cynthia Venables, Dulcie Hanckel, Maria Sich, Emmie Siegler, Hilda Rodda, Margaret Cooper and Corrie Klimovicz. This month Nuriootpa Friendship Club once again opened its “purse strings” and made the following donations: $3000 to MakeA-Wish, $2000 to Variety Bash, $2000 to Truro CFS, $1000 to Blind and Deaf Children, $1000 to Guide Dogs and $500 to Nuriootpa Chaplaincy. On April 3 Nuriootpa Senior Citizens will have the privilege to see and hear well-known entertainers Annie and Dean Smith, who give free concerts just for the love of music/singing and bringing pleasure to residents of nursing homes etc. Something to look forward to.

members busy sorting out the many donated items such as timber in which timber storage racks have been made by members. An air-conditioner has been donated to the shed and the committee has been very grateful for the work and services provided by local electrician Paul Towner who has been involved in installing equipment at the shed. Co-ordinator Tim Harris and treasurer John Huntley have extended an invitation to all men in the Kapunda district to come along each Wednesday to check out their facilities and simply enjoy the company and fellowship of fellow members. Last week the shed had a visitor from the Barmera Men’s Shed in Tony Daelman, who was guest speaker at the lunchtime barbecue and spoke about his involvement with Barmera, which now has 100 members and still growing. Members were encouraged by Tony’s address and accepted his invitation to visit the Barmera Men’s Shed in the future. So come on all you Kapunda and district men, get in your car, wheelchair, gopher or just walk up and check up on the Kapunda Men’s Shed. Details from Tim Harris on 0412 085 011.

Barossa Film Club The Barossa Film Club opened its 2012 Season by screening a classic Academy Award winning film, “Million Dollar Baby” directed by Clint Eastwood. Starring Eastwood as a tough boxing trainer, costar Hilary Swank showed the depth of her acting ability and gained an Academy Award for her portrayal of Maggie, a waitress from the wrong side of the tracks, who battles Eastwood’s cynicism and doubts about her inexperience, her age and her sex, to overcome all these obstacles to reach the championships. Morgan Freeman also gives an excellent performance as Scraps, an ex-boxer, who assists Maggie in realising her dreams. This film was made in 2004 and firmly established Eastwood as a fine director,

able to elicit the best performance from his actors - including himself. The Film Club has a full program of films for each month of 2012, with a broad range to suit every taste, from musicals such as the Fred Astaire classic “The Band Wagon”, to Japanese comedy/martial arts “Zatoichi”, to Stanley Kubrick’s under-rated “Barry Lyndon”. Screenings are open to nonmembers and members. For more information, ring Imelda Carson on 8564 8225 or visit the Barossa Film Club website.

Angaston Lions To help raise funds for the national Childhood Cancer Research Foundation, Angaston Lions will be participating in Australia’s Biggest barbecue next month. The club will be conducting this event in conjunction with its annual Easter Craft Fair at the Angaston Town Hall on Saturday, April 7 commencing around 11am. The club has received a record number of applications from vendors for the Craft Fair and it is now fully subscribed. Among the 47 stalls will be several new additions such as handmade leather shoes and accessories, 3D butterflies, chocolatedipped fruit, mosaic pictures and a spinning demonstration. Among the regulars will be a wide selection of traditional and contemporary wares such as embroidery, quilting, needlework, beading and jewellery, greeting cards, soaps, wooden toys, decorated eggs, ribbons and scrapbooking. For the garden enthusiast, there will also be succulents, bromeliads, cacti and ferns available indoors and a comprehensive selection of native plants outdoors. The Lions Club will once again be conducting its ever-popular second-hand book stall with a huge supply of paperback and hard-cover novels in a variety of genre, including children’s books and large print, plus special interest topics ranging from cooking, craft and gardening to Australiana, sport and biographies.

There will also be something out of the ordinary for collectors, both in books and bric-a-brac, such as stamps, coins, novelties and memorabilia. Apart from the barbecue there will be light refreshments in the annex. Entry to the Craft Fair and Biggest barbecue is free.

St Paul’s Women The 90th anniversary of St Paul’s Women’s Fellowship Tanunda was celebrated with a special service on February 26 in St Paul’s Lutheran Church. The service of praise and thanks to God for 90 years of blessings was led by a former minister of the parish, Pastor Neil Stiller, who also gave the address. Organist for the occasion was Ken Schuster with Mrs Karen Dutschke (guitar) and Mrs Kirsten Schiller (clavinova) also providing accompaniment for the service. The floral arrangements were prepared by Mrs Irene Joppich and Mrs Pam Schulz. Women’s Fellowship president Mrs Margaret Georg welcomed everyone including former pastors, members and friends. Mrs Marina Fielke, president of Lutheran Women of South Australia, gave a brief overview of the activities of LWSA which help to support the mission work in Australia and overseas. She also spoke of revitalising fellowships by mentoring younger women within their local congregations. The special anniversary cake made and donated by Mrs Jeanette Marschall, was a highlight of the afternoon’s proceedings. Mrs Clair Altus who has been an active member of the fellowship for 59 years, was invited to light the candles which were fanned out by Mrs Lois Miegel, a member for 55 years. Mrs Lorna Giersch, a member for 54 years, then cut the cake and thanked the fellowship for this honour. Over the years these ladies have held various positions on the executive committee. Greetings were received from former ministers and local women’s fellowships. The president thanked everyone for their attendance and to those who helped in any way to make it memorable.

Kapunda Mens Shed After the launch of the newly formed Kapunda Men’s Shed in December 2011, the shed is now fully functional with equipment now installed in the former council sheds in Hare Street, Kapunda and the 30

ELATION: Gawler Central players celebrate Peter Thomas’ catch and bowl of Gilbert Valley’s Kym Vandeleur. But it was the boys from the valley who celebrated the premiership.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012 - Page 26 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


Barossa and Gawler tennis roundup To be completed Monday at Lyndoch.

Division Six Kapunda Red 4-28 def Tanunda Black 2-21. Singles: Wuttke, Harry (KR) 6 v Vivian, Edward (TB) 3; Letson, Luke (KR) 6 v Liebelt, Dylan (TB) 0; Smith, Letitia (KR) 6 v Cowhan, Max (TB) 4; Wall, Corey (KR) 1 v Whyatt, Thomas (TB) 6. Doubles: Wuttke, Harry, Smith, Letitia (KR) 6 v Cowhan, Max, Liebelt, Dylan (TB) 2; Letson, Luke, Wall, Corey (KR) 3 v Vivian, Oscar, Whyatt, Thomas (TB) 6.


Murray’s a marvel

Grand Finals All matches to be played at Nuriootpa Division 3: Nuriootpa v Angaston Division 4: Nuriootpa v Tanunda White or Tanunda Silver Division 5: Angaston v Lyndoch or Freeling Division 6 :Freeling v Kapunda Red.

FOREHAND: Lyndoch’s Carlene Fromm won her singles in Saturday’s preliminary final but her team lost to Nuriootpa. Division One - Preliminary final Nuriootpa 9-93 def Lyndoch 7-81. Doubles: Reincke, Alex, Daniel, Grant (N) 9 v Liebelt, Edward, Carmody, Alan (L) 6; Grace, Tim, Pope, Nathan (N) 6 v Powell, Sam, Williams, Dave (L) 9; Crowhurst, Annie, Skipworth, Melissa (N) 9 v Koch, Emily, Fromm, Carlene (L) 5; Marschall, Gabrielle, Discombe, Jayne (N) 9 v Scally, Megan, Sumpton, Julie (L) 4. Singles: Reincke, Alex (N) v Liebelt, Edward (L) 7; Grace, Tim (N) 6 v Powell, Sam (L) 3; Pope, Nathan (N) 6 v Carmody, Alan (L) 4; Campbell, Dillon (N) 4 v Williams, Dave (L) 6; Crowhurst, Annie (N) 6 v Koch, Emily (L) 3; Skipworth, Melissa (N) 6 v Scally, Megan (L) 3; Marschall, Gabrielle (N) 4 v Fromm, Carlene (L) 6; Discombe, Jayne (N) 2 v Fromm, Jessica (L) 6. Reverse doubles: Grace, Tim, Daniel, Grant (N) 6 v Liebelt, Edward, Powell, Sam (L) 3; Reincke, Alex, Campbell, Dillon (N) 3 v Carmody, Alan, Williams, Dave (L) 6; Crowhurst, Annie, Marschall, Gabrielle (N) 6 v Koch, Emily, Sumpton, Julie (L) 3; Skipworth, Melissa, Discombe, Jayne (N) 5 v Scally, Megan, Fromm, Jessica (L) 7. Division Two - Preliminary final South Gawler Blue 6-67 def by Lyndoch 10-83. Doubles: Lowe, Dion, Griffiths, Toby (SGB) 9 v Earl, Logan, Lane, Andrew (L) 7; Stockdale, Luke, Weatherley, Keith (SGB) 3 v Pretlove, Zak, Magarey, Angus (L) 9; Lowe, Sallyanne, Cousins, Lisa (SGB) 9 v Earl, Morghan, Plowman, Ayla (L) 3; Ruciack, Sue, Griffiths, Naomi (SGB) 5 v Tekell, Kylie, Plowman, Lil (L) 9. Singles: Lowe, Dion (SGB) 1 v Earl, Logan (L) 6; Griffiths, Toby (SGB) 2 v Lane, Andrew (L) 6; Stockdale, Luke (SGB) 6 v Pretlove, Zak (L) 2; Weatherley, Keith (SGB) 0 v Magarey, Angus (L) 6; Lowe, Sallyanne (SGB) 6 v Earl, Morghan (L) 1; Cousins, Lisa (SGB) 6 v Plowman, Ayla (L) 1; Ruciack, Sue (SGB) 2 v Tekell, Kylie (L) 6; Griffiths, Naomi (SGB) 1 v Plowman, Lil (L) 6. Mixed doubles: Lowe, Dion, Lowe, Sallyanne (SGB) 6 v Earl, Logan, Earl, Morghan (L) 3; Griffiths, Toby, Cousins, Lisa (SGB) 3 v Lane, Andrew, Plowman, Ayla (L) 6; Stockdale, Luke, Ruciack, Sue (SGB) 4 v Pretlove, Zak, Tekell, Kylie (L) 6; Weatherley, Keith, Griffiths, Naomi

Vine Vale White 3-30 d Freeling 3-25; Tanunda Shiraz 5-33 d Nuriootpa 1-23; Tanunda Grenache 4-30 d Marananga Marvels 2-24; Angaston 5-31 d Vine Vale Viognier 1-19. Marananga Movers had the bye. Just a reminder that following the matches this week we have our presentation dinner at the Tanunda Club from 12.30pm for 1pm lunch, hope to see you all there. Premiership Table Pts 97 75 73 72 67 62 51 38 10

Won 471 432 448 413 381 404 339 363 230

Lost 288 351 336 369 383 366 415 464 509

Total 759 783 784 782 764 770 754 827 739

Division 3 - Preliminary final Cockatoo Valley 5-55 def by Willaston Blue 11-77. Doubles: Minge, Leroy, Bellchambers, Allan (CV) 5 v Rozman, Jason, Baum, Stewart (WB) 7; Hinderwell, Robert, Hemmerling, Paul (CV) 6 v Styles, Andrew, Whitfield, Jason (WB) 3; Hinderwell, Vicki, Hemmerling, S (CV) 6 v Mitchell, Alanna, Rozman, Nicole (WB) 1; Waters, Bev, Nelson, Helen (CV) 2 v Taylor, Charlea, Taylor, Louise l (WB) 6. Singles: Minge, Leroy (CV) 2 v Rozman, Jason (WB) 6; Bellchambers, Allan (CV) 4 v Baum, Stewart (WB) 6; Hinderwell, Robert (CV) 0 v Styles, Andrew (WB) 6; Hemmerling, Paul (CV) 6 v Whitfield, Jason (WB) 2; Hinderwell, Vicki (CV) 6 v Mitchell, Alanna (WB) 3; Hemmerling, S (CV) 1 v Rozman, Nicole (WB) 6; Waters, Bev (CV) 0 v Taylor, Charlea (WB) 6; Nelson, Helen (CV) 1 v Taylor, Louise l (WB) 6. Mixed Doubles: Minge, Leroy, Hinderwell, Vicki (CV) 6 v Rozman, Jason, Mitchell, Alanna (WB) 0; Bellchambers, Allan, Hemmerling, S (CV) 3 v Baum, Stewart, Rozman, Nicole (WB) 6; Hinderwell, Robert, Waters, Bev (CV) 5 v Styles, Andrew, Taylor, Charlea (WB) 7; Hemmerling, Paul, Nelson, Helen (CV) 2 v Whitfield, Jason, Taylor, Louise l (WB) 6. Grand finals Saturday, March 31. All matches at Gawler Association Courts Division 1: Kapunda v Nuriootpa Division 2: Willaston v Lyndoch Division 3 Virginia Green v Willaston Blue. Reminder : Matches commence 1pm. Each team to supply a tin of balls for all finals matches. Completion of ccoresheet before commencement time. The captain shall, before commencement time, fill in the authorised match scoresheet with the names of all players on both teams in order of merit. No alteration shall be made without the consent of the opposing captain. All scoresheets must be forwarded to the senior recorder by 6pm Sunday following the match. Scan and email to Barossa & Light Tennis Junior preliminary final results.

Thursday morning ladies tennis summer season

Team Vine Vale White Freeling Marananga Movers Tanunda Shiraz Angaston Vine Vale Viognier Nuriootpa Tanunda Grenache Marananga Marvels

(SGB) 4 v Carmody, Patrick, Plowman, Lil (L) 6.

% 62.06 55.17 57.14 52.81 49.87 52.47 44.96 43.89 31.12

Division Three Angaston 6-36 def Tanunda White 0-8. Singles: Discombe, Michael (A) 6 v Henschke, Darcy (TW) 4; Keys, Sam (A) 6 v Smart, Hugh (TW) 0; Hobbs, Lucas (A) 6 v Kleeman, Joshua (TW) 0; Wilson, Mitch (A) 6 v Clark, Max (TW) 1. Doubles: Discombe, Michael, Keys, Sam (A) 6 v Henschke, Darcy, Smart, Hugh (TW) 2; Saegenschnitter, Aaron, Wilson, Mitch (A) 6 v Hage, Alexander, Clark, Max (TW) 1. Division Four Tanunda White v Tanunda Silver. Not played due to rain. Match will be played 4.30pm Thursday at Tanunda. Division Five Lyndoch v Freeling. Match not completed due to rain.

Barossa, Light & Gawler Combined junior competition Division One Boys Roseworthy 4-40 def Freeling/Tanunda 232. Doubles: Ruediger, Jayden, Cormack, Brodie (R) 9 v Moore, Ethan, Beckmann, Mitchell (FT) 7; Ashenden, Jake, Mckinnon, Tom (R) 9 v Broadhead, Joel, Jericho, Bryce (FT) 3. Singles: Ruediger, Jayden (R) 6 v Moore, Ethan (FT) 4; Ashenden, Jake (R) 6 v Jericho, Bryce (FT) 4; Mckinnon, Tom (R) 5 v Broadhead, Joel (FT) 7; Cormack, Brodie (R) 5 v Beckmann, Mitchell (FT 7.

Division Two Boys Vine Vale 6-42 def Lyndoch Blue 0-12. Doubles: Hage, Jayden, Hunt, Dakota (VV) 9 v Lane, Jake, Perdon, Jake (LB) 0; deRuiter, Jett, Heidenreich, Alex (VV) 9 v Carr, Sam, Liebelt, Tyson (LB) 1. Singles: Hage, Jayden (VV) 6 v Lane, Jake (LB) 1; Hunt, Dakota (VV) 6 v Perdon, Jake (LB) 3; deRuiter, Jett (VV) 6 v Carr, Sam (LB) 3; Heidenreich, Alex (VV) 6 v Liebelt, Tyson (LB).4. Division One Girls Kapunda 2-24 def by Marananga 4-33. Doubles: Mckinnon, Jessica, Cobbledick, Ellen (K) 3 v Sonntag, Kristie, Sonntag, Bianca (M) 9; Sharpe, Kaitlyn, Higgins, Jessica (K) 9 v Hage, Lydia, Roocke, Fallon (M) 3. Singles: Mckinnon, Jessica (K) 1 v Sonntag, Bianca (M) 6; Sharpe, Kaitlyn (K) 0 v Sonntag, Kristie (M) 6; Cobbledick, Ellen (K) 6 v Hage, Lydia (M) 2; Higgins, Jessica (K) 5 v Roocke, Fallon (M) 7. Division Two Girls Tanunda 1-31 def by Freeling/Tod Street 534. Doubles: Moore, Abby Scott, Caitlin (T) 8 v Szulc, Jessica, Broadhead, Kayla (FTS) 9; Jaensch, Jena, Marschall, Karina (T) 9 v Webster, Laura, Woidt, Eliza (FTS) 0. Singles: Moore, Abby (T) 3 v Szulc, Jessica (FTS) 6; Jaensch, Jena (T) 4 v Broadhead, Kayla (FTS) 6; Scott, Caitlin (T) 2 v Webster, Laura (FTS) 6; Marschall, Karina (T) 5 v Impett, Hannah (FTS) 7. Grand finals. All matches will be played at Gawler Association courts. Division 1 Boys: Xavier Saints v Roseworthy. Division 2 Boys: Xavier Saints v Vine Vale. Division 1 Girls: Willaston United v Marananga. Division 2 Girls: Lyndoch v Freeling/Tod Street. Gawler and District juniors. Some matches were postponed due to the rain on Saturday morning. Division Three Boys: Xavier Saints 5-33 d Trinity Blue 1-11. Division Three Girls: Trinity College 4-27 d Lutheran St Georges 2-23. Div Four Girls: Trinity Gold 5-33 d Lutheran St Georges 1-17. Grand final matches will all be played at the association courts on Saturday with presentations at completion of all matches. Any junior interested in playing in a winter competition should check website or contact Sam Murch 0450 308 330. Nomination close by Thursday, April 5. Night tennis Monday Red - preliminary final Cana’balls 8-60 def Gully Breezes 4-50. Monday White - preliminary final Maranock 6-58 def Angaston All Stars 6-48. Monday Blue - preliminary final The Whackits 8-64 def Nuts 4 Tennis 4-56. Wednesday Red - semi finals Tanunda Down Under 10-71 def Gibson Wines 2-48; Angaston Panthers 8-64 def Lyndoch Leftovers 4-50. Wednesday White - semi finals Team Racket 7-57 def Match Fixers 5-61; Hermansberg 6-64 def Rebels 6-56. Wednesday Blue - semi finals Angaston Blues 6-59 def Manooknas 6-55; Tiggers 12-72 def Havin a Ball 0-0.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012 - Page 27 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

UNSUNG: Murray Lydeamore works hard to help others.

By ROBERT LAIDLAW MURRAY Lydeamore has been involved in elite sport for almost 30 years, and was awarded the Medal of the Order of Australia in 2004, because of his work as a sports chaplain. The 70-year-old former church pastor has an important role as a welfare co-ordinator, and is one of the unsung heroes behind the scenes helping young Australians on their pathway to success. Through his involvement with the national Paralympic athletic team, Murray had a strong association with Trinity College student Paul Benz, and sports administrator Neil Fuller. “When Paul started he was an emerging talent who was motivated while Neil was a multiple medal winner, and between them the contrast made them a good pair experience plus a a talented athlete on the rise,” Mr Lydeamore said. “Both were hard-working athletes at training and did their nation proud in competition. “Another Gawler Paralympian who performed well was Malcolm Bennett, while local athletic coach Richard Bednall also was a part of the team. “Being involved with the Olympic and Paralympic programs, I’ve seen the highs and lows of elite sport. “The highlight is seeing the elation on the faces of athletes and coaches at successful competitions, while the lows are seeing the agony of family and friends after the loss of a loved one in a sporting accident.” Besides his work with the national Paralympic team, Murray is involved with the AIS high performance cycling program, where he provides ‘in confidence, welfare guidance counselling’ to Australia’s elite cyclists and staff. Gawler’s most successful cyclist Jack Bobridge is one of the young men who has formed a bond with Murray, who thinks the local rider is one of the best he has ever seen. “I’ve known Jack since he came into the high performance team as a junior, and we have developed a relationship that continues to this day,” the grandfather of six said. “He is a unique athlete with a God-given talent, who has sought to maximise and use it to the fullest.” In his younger years Murray was a handy runner before taking up cycling, which opened the door to his current role. And ever since the first Tour Down Under in 1999, he has been involved in an official capacity every year except in 2009, when with the Australian track cycling team at the World Cup in Beijing. “Without a doubt the one stage of the TDU that is a highlight, for riders and staff, is the stage through the Barossa, because of the enthusiastic welcome throughout, and the tourist attractions of the region,” Mr Lydeamore said. “The underlining motivation for my involvement in sport is that I might share with athletes and staff - with the success of an elite performance - there is more to life, a spiritual dimension, and recognition the unique talent an athlete possesses brings a responsibility to acknowledge it.” Murray will soon head to London for his fourth Paralympics, where he will wear two hats, as manager of the cycling team and as the sports chaplain.

PREMIERS: Tanunda under 14s. Back row, from left, Craig Fielke, Aden Radzevicius, Nic Burton, James Madden, Sam Dunn (captain), Liam Birchard, Jackson Notes, Hamish Fielke (vice captain) and Andrew Pomeroy. Front, Ethan Matte, Clint Hean, Ben Biagi, Craig Simpson and Nick Judd.


7 Tod St, Gawler

TENPIN BOWLING Barossa Bowland League results, points to date. Morning Stars: Bowled Out 44, C D Players 35, Two Of Us 33, Lucky Ducks 20, Sparestrikers 20, Dynamic Duo 16. Star bowler: Sue Sims 31 POA (pins over average). Valleyites: Tripod 107, WAFWOTEAM 102.5, Zodiac 91, Ten Pinners 82, The Drifters 72.5, W.M.D. 68.5, Valley Virgins

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MT PLEASANT Saturday stableford competition: J James 38, P Turvey 36, S Tregenza 35, L Claridge 31, D Swann 30. TANUNDA Saturday Apex Bakery par competition winner A Coutie +3. A grade M Patton +2, r/u R O'Callaghan +2; B grade A Coutie +3, r/u J Gooden 0; C grade M Schulz 0, r/u B Lees -2; Ladies Deb Reichelt -4, r/u C Lienert -5. Long drives: A grade B Hage; B grade P Lawrie; C grade D Tuk; Ladies P Henschke. NTP 8th S Coombs (TPGB); 11th J Gooden (Langmeil); 16th T Pengilly (Rusden); 7th hole 2nd shot J Phillips (Kalleske). Rundown: C Othams 0, A Ayres 0, W Bailey -1, T Jenkins, T George, J Blechynden, D Newstead, S Fechner, G Lamshed all -2. Sunday Apex Bakery stableford competition: R Casey 35. Men's Midweek Apex Bakery stroke competition. A grade: J Gooden 71, R Homburg 73, B Veevers 76, J Blechynden 77, D Kraehenbuhl 78 c/b. LD: J Blechynden. B grade: W Fechner 75, R Wallace 76, D Hemsley 77 c/b. LD: B Andrews. NTP: W Fechner. Ladies Midweek Apex Bakery stroke competition: A Wells 75, L Montfort 77 c/b, C Hongell 77, R Duncan 78. NTP: F Blackwell. LD: A Myatt.


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Gawler Petanque Club. Results of games played on Sunday, March 25 are: Rob Mitchell/Lilian Elles d John Gejas/Harvey Walker 13-10; Glenis Head/Alan Collinson d Joan Steel/Stan Wilson 13-11; John Gejas/Harvey Walker d Glenis Head/Alan Collinson 133; Joan Steel/Stan Wilson d Rob Mitchell/Lilian Elles 13-5; Rob Mitchell/Glenis Head/Stan Wilson d John Gejas/Lilian Elles/Harvey Walker 13-5. On Sunday, March 18, four club members competed in the SA Petanque League Doubles Championship. After four games Glenis Head and Stan Wilson were placed 10th of 16 teams, and Rob Mitchell and Harvey Walker were placed 13th. Rob and Harvey were eliminated in the quarter-finals of the Consolant and Glenis and Stan were eliminated in the semifinals of the Consolant. Next Sunday is the first Sunday in April so we will meet at Chateau Dorrien, Seppeltsfield Road, starting at 10.30am.

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44.5. Star bowlers: Karen Norton 58 POA, Barry Norton 72 POA. Grapevines: What Evers 40, Strike Outs 36, Pin Setters 28, Strikers 28, Double Trouble 26, Go Getters 20, Pin Killers 18, Pin Magic 16, Go Getters 14, Two Wonders 12, Pinheads 12. Star bowlers: Craig LeCornu 48 POA. Have A Ball: Balls Of Fury 40, Old Farts 39, Creepshow 38, Triple XXXX, Gutter Trash 28, Aint No Turkey 26, Speed Demons 18, Here4dabeer 13. Star bowlers: Daniel Roberts 95 POA, Sue Roehr 31 POA. Barossa Juniors: Pinkillers 34, Annihilators 32, The Strikers 24, Little Devils 22, The Triple M's 20, Pinheads 12. Star bowlers: Katherine White 15 POA, Scott Habermann 29 POA.


*Pics for illustration purposes only. Product may vary.



Verhoef, R Taverner, P Dowling, C Lowe, G Page, R Polito, G Barber, J Agar, C Thornton, J Williams, R Flett, D Agar, D Poysden. Sunday; A fantastic afternoon saw a fantastic field at the golf club. Grant Long came out on top winning the Stroke competition with nett 72. Runner up was Craig Swinstead on a countback from Nathan Mitchell, both with 73. Ball winners: N Mitchell 73, L Fechner 73. Birdies: D Stewart, C Swinstead, G Long. NTPS: 4th: D Terrell 6th: G Barber. BAROSSA Saturday Blue Course par competition. A grade J Mosey +4, r/u G Johnson +4; B grade G Scotland +7, r/u M Nichols +4; C grade R Wood +1, r/u P Butler +1. A grade (38 players): G Wills +1, M Pix +1, R Thiele 0, P Hefferan 0, K Winton, M Schilling, I Baldwin all -1. B grade (38 players): S Miller +3, P Rice +2, R Harcourt, D Batterbury, M Perks all +1, D Virgin 0, G Johnson 0. C grade (20 players): T Schiller +1, P Kurtz, C Sonntag, G Dungey all -1. Ladies competition winner M Newcombe +2, M Dunn 0, S Siviour 0. NTP 3rd G Johnson; 4th 2nd shot C Berndt; 6th I Baldwin; 10th 2nd shot D Johnson; 12th S Miller; 15th R Thiele; 17th N Ward. Long drives: A grade T Turnbull; B grade S Miller; C grade R Wood. Ladies NTP 17th 2nd shot S Siviour. Midweek White Course stableford competition winner B Milne 45, r/u J Chinner 40. Ball winners: D Raethel 40, G Patrick, M O’Brien, K Robinson all 38, P Nash 37, A Strawbridge 37, P Cox 36, L Williams 36. NTP 6th M George; 15th M O’Brien. 4BBB: B Milne, K Robinson 50.

Home Theatre Pack* from



reckons he doesn’t need any practice to get his mates’ money each week.Then came social golfer Glen Jewell on 40 pts. Ball winners; D Paterson, D Dare 39, B Moreau, I George, J Maguire, R Roy 38pts, S Byrnes, P Robinson, K Morse, P Heffernan, R Hartwell, W J Martin, L J Taylor, A Jeffery, E Richardson 37. NTPS: Elders 4th; J Maguire, Spencer Flooring 6th; S Byrnes, Elders 11th; A Jeffery. Birdie balls; R Roy, J Jordan, R Polito, B Kite, G Barber, I George, J Maguire, P Heffernan, J Assender, S Byrnes, A Jeffery, B Dempster. Midweek; M Richer cleaned up with 39 pts from a fast-finishing G Slade. Ball winners; R Milner 35. Birdies: N O’Brien, R Malone, I Chaplin, R Milner. Saturday; Ken McLean had a good win again for the second Saturday in a row, winning the Vets Trophy with nett 76. The overall Saturday stableford competition winner though was Phil Dowling, with a cracking 42 points. A grade; M Williams 38, G Long 37, C Thornton 37. B grade; P Dowling 42, P Poysden 35, G Caldwell 35. C grade; S Sandercock 41, D Honen 34, R Kilmier 34. Ladies; P Poysden 31, B White 31. NTPS and Long Drives Uleybury Wines 2nd; A Jeffery, St Kilda Hotel 3rd long drive, R Flett, Giannitto Hotel Group 4th; G Page, Kingsford Hotel 6th; G Barber, Roseworthy Hotel 3rd shot 9th; D Nguyen, Fasta Pasta long drive 10th; C McKenzie, Hi Beam Car/ Dog Wash 11th; R Flett, Bushmans Hotel 14th; C Thornton, Willaston Hotel 16th; D Nguyen. Ball winners; R Taverner, B Sankey, C Lowe, R Richardson, R Roy, K McLean, I Monro. Birdies; P Marsden, P Robinson, M Collier, S Morey, P Burge, J Assender, K Morse, A Jeffery, B


KAPUNDA Last week’s pairs ambrose comp was generously sponsored by Blackie and Kylie from the Sir John Franklin Hotel in Kapunda and there was once again an array of prizes up for grabs. The weather was a bit iffy but only a couple of light showers didn’t make it too uncomfortable for the 50 players who teed off, morning and afternoon. There were some very good scores with a reasonable number of sub-par gross scores recorded on the day. The “Maccas” Paul and Mick McCarthy shot a 67 as did the first time pairing of Ian “Poppa” Watson and Mark “Pegs” Pettigrew. With a combined adjusted handicap of just one and a quarter, it was always going to be difficult for the Maccas and they had to settle for seventh place. As for Watto and Pegs, their nett score of 62.5 was good enough to take home first prize one full shot ahead of John Shephard and Chris Doyle with 71/63.5. They were assisted by some good putts dropping and Watto chipping in on the 15th. Third place went to “Archy”, Daniel Arch and Eddie Sangster on 70/63.75. The playing partners of the eventual winners managed to have a pretty good day themselves and the “winemakers” Roger Mottau and Mrs Murray’s son Harv were fourth with 72/64.25, including a chip in of their own on the 11th. It was great to see Bart Cummins out again for a rare hit and he teamed up with another chalkie, Ben Dibb, to secure fifth spot on 72/64.5. Last Wednesday night saw the final twilight comp of the season and another good field rounded off a very successful season. I think a score of 21 points won the night which was a little low

compared to most weeks of the comp. Thanks must go to the fillies for organising and running the comp throughout the summer and for Geezer’s culinary barbecue delights which kept everyone fed each week. There were a myriad of visitors who came to the course for a very enjoyable and social nine holes of golf in the most successful twilight comp in the area. I’m sure they will get the word out there about the quality of our course. Well done once again to all involved. A reminder that subs for the new “season” are due at the end of this week. You won’t get better value anywhere around the place for the excellent course presented to play on. The final round of the 2011/12 season will be a stableford and members will be playing for the Harvey Murray Trophy. Having played with Mrs Murray’s son last week I know he can get his hands on some excellent red wine which may even find its way to the prize table. Whatever the prize, it will certainly be worth shooting for. Results Sir John Franklin Hotel Publican’s Day Pairs Ambrose: I Watson/M Pettigrew 67/62-1/2, J Shephard/C Doyle 71/63-1/2, D Arch/E Sangster 70/63-3/4, R Mottau/H Murray 72/64-1/4, B Cummins/B Dibb 72/64-1/2, W Strangward/M Martin 71/64-1/2, T Scheer/D Howard 75/65-3/4, P and M McCarthy 67/65-3/4, B Williams/D Carson 70/65-3/4, R Bak/S Keane 70/66-1/4. GAWLER Wednesday - Ladies; Val Blows was the winner of The Cheesecake Shop sponsored day with 34 pts. R/up G Potter 32, 2nd r/up B White on 31pts. Thursday; Bob Clarke shot the round of the week and the round of his life to break 80 and shoot 45 pts to easily win from Mr America Bill Johnson on 42 who








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Wednesday, March 28, 2012 - Page 28 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


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20 Main St, Kapunda



Racing into the future By GRAHAM FISCHER KEN Fowler of Bethany is 85years-old and is keen to chalk up at least another 15. Not just to reach 100, but to see his orchard of macadamia trees reach maturity. In the meantime, with his family’s blessing, Ken can pursue his passion of thoroughbred racing. Last Sunday at Gawler, the octogenarian, and his doctor brother Clive, celebrated a win with Power To Possess. A four-year-old, the gelding took 18 starts to break his maiden status, not that Ken was too worried. “Bill (trainer Bill Bogarts) said he was close to a win and he was right,” Ken said. But the star of the Fowler team is a three-year-old called Fear the Faith which has won two of his only three starts. “He had a bit of an injury and is the paddock recovering but he’ll come back,” Ken said. “I bought him as a yearling and have had some offers for him but he’s not for sale. “My horses are all to race then be given away when their racing days are over. It’s a hobby for me, not a business.” Fowler has certainly lived an interesting life. He grew grapes on the family properties for many years but sold most of the land when made an offer too good to refuse.

“I’m not sure about the future for the individual grape growers, the corporates are taking over. So I put in about 200 macadamia trees on my land at Bethany. “I planted one many years ago as an experiment and it has grown tremendously so decided to plant an orchard of them,” he said. “But they take about 15 years to reach maturity so that is my now my goal.” So to pass the time Ken is pursuing his racing passion. “I’m not sure how many horses I have but I love the sport. It really is an industry as it gives employment to so many people - trainers, jockeys, farriers, stablehands and so many others.” Although he is a religious man, Ken has no reason to Fear the Faith - instead, cheer him home.

ABOVE: Power To Possess (second from right) races to victory at Gawler. BELOW: Celebrating the win are from left, part-owner Dr Clive Fowler, jockey Ben Claridge, trainer Bill Bogarts and part-owner Ken Fowler.


GAWLER Rangers Baseball Club held a successful junior presentation night last Friday, the final event of the 2011/12 season. Recently crowned league medallist Thomas Norley won the club’s under 14 MVP and batting trophy, with Dillon Allen taking home the best team man award and Callum Borchard was named the most improved. In the other under 14 team, Ben Mayfield was the MVP, Jake Jarvis won the batting trophy, James Bergan was most improved and Riley Holland won best team man honours. The Barry O’Brien Player of the Future is Jake Jarvis, while the Derek Slater Rookie of the Year went to Callum Borchard. At the league’s senior Capps Medal presentation, Gawler Rangers’ Andre Benjamin was runner-up for the Division Three medal. On Tuesday, May 1 the club will hold its annual general meeting at the Karbeethan clubrooms, Angle Vale Road, Evanston Gardens, from 7pm. - Robert Laidlaw

RIFLE SHOOTING Kapunda Rifle Club Results of the March 24 2nd stage of the D&J Lindner Trophy, contested at 1000 yards. S Barrie won on handicap and was fullbore sniper. Top off rifle for fullbore was D Lindner with 87.4. T Otto was top off rifle for F Class with 104.4 and T Andrews was F Class sniper with 21.

Fullbore Simon Barrie Tony Helbig John Hoerisch Bob Ireland David Lindner

44.3 40.3 36.0 43.0 42.2

37.1 43.3 42.0 41.1 45.2

81.4 83.6 78.0 84.1 87.4

14.50 8.25 7.75 4.75 5.50

13 12 11 12 12

F Class Tim Andrews Clancy Helbig Alex Kerin Geoff Neldner Trevor Otto James Taylor

52.1 47.0 47.1 44.0 49.0 51.1

44.0 40.2 50.1 41.0 55.4 40.2

96.1 87.2 97.2 85.0 104.4 91.3

18.00 25.00 12.75 24.75 5.00 10.00

19 6 15 11 18 17

Next week: 600yards Light Agg Stage.


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Sun, April 1

Mike Teakle, Herald Sports Writer


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Wednesday, March 28, 2012 - Page 29 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


Richmond Hawthorn Melbourne Adelaide Fremantle Essendon West Coast Pt Adelaide

Central District Football Club supports


Gawler and Kapunda Sportsperson of the week


David Matters - Kapunda

with Graham Fischer and Mike Teakle

David Matters plays tennis for Kapunda. Where have you played your tennis? Kapunda Tennis Club for 28 years.


Who are key players at your club? Karen Daniel, Anne-Marie Brown. What is your most important attribute? My forehand and I hate losing. Who is a character at the club and why? Everyone’s a character, all for different reasons. Who is the best player you have played with and against? With - Michael Matters; against - Craig Heidenreich. Major influence in your tennis: My Dad. Who are your sporting idols? Roger Federer and John McEnroe. Any superstitions? Have to wear the same cap and have lemon cordial in my drink bottle. What event has inspired or amazed you? Amazed I got married, inspired by my three children. If you were Prime Minister what issue would you address? A fairer tax system and the Murray River debacle. Pet hates on the tennis court? Players not dressed properly for tennis. Favourite actor and movie? Chevy Chase, Caddyshack. If someone had to play you in a movie who would it be? Steve Martin.

Greatest moment and disappointment? Winning the first A grade tennis premiership. Disappointment, losing the 1987 A grade football grand final for Kapunda. How would you spend a million dollars? Lots of family holidays. What other sport would you love to be the best in the world at and why? Darts because you get to drink beer while playing. If you could have any four people stranded on a deserted island with you who would they be and why? Mostyn Daniel- he never runs out of stories; Elle McPherson - you can only listen to Mostyn’s stories for so long; Miranda Kerr - someone for me while Mostyn is talking to Elle; Jennifer Hawkins - for Mostyn, I always look after my mates.

Lawn Bowls

WITH teams in all five lawn bowls grand finals, Nuriootpa is undoubtedly the strongest club in theBarossa and Light competition. Unfortunately for the Tigers, last Saturday’s three grand finals slipped from their grasp. Freeling secured the Division One title 9580 with three rinks up. Harry Sykes was the biggest winner for the Redlegs with his 33-16 victory against Wayne Williams. The is the fifth flag for Freeling in the top grade and unlikely to be the last. “Despite losing the second semi to Nuri, we didn’t feel like underdogs coming in to the game,’ George Fergusson, Freeling skipper said.

“We felt we were good enough to win and I am really proud of our team. “I think we may be even stronger next year.” Fergusson’s rink lost 20-28 to Russell Walker. In Division Two it was definitely an upset as Angaston Blue came from third place to beat Nuri Black, 79-61. The Blues hadn’t come close to beating the Blacks all year but did in the game that matters most. Conditions were tough for both teams playing on the synthetic surface at Tanunda, which in cold and wet conditions, runs lightning fast and can test the nerves of even the best bowlers. Angaston settled well early and built a strong lead but were never safe until two ends from the finish. WH1805046

Relationship and employment status: Married to Kendra, three kids, Cameron, Bradley and Olivia.

Your Guide to the Tides


> SANFL CENTRAL District make no secret that the BL&G is crucial to their success as a club. That relationship is highlighted with the naming of the Bulldogs underage captains. Leading the under 18s will be Gawler Central product Cooper Stoll, supported by vice-captain Tom Ryan (Angaston) and deputy vice-captain Ben Cummings (Barossa District). In the under 16s there is a strong Kapunda flavour with young dynamo Reece Hocking named captain along with Joseph Brown as vice-captain and Angaston’s Callan Lowke deputy vice captain.

> Tennis NURIOOTPA proved too strong for Lyndoch in the Division One preliminary final winning nine sets to seven at Essex Park. Last year’s runner up Kapunda look to be firm favourites to take the title but Nuriootpa can’t be ruled out in a year where they have blooded many young players. Proudly brought to you by: BAROSSA


FISHING Snapper time

33 Railway Tce, Nuriootpa

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8562 4881

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Chris Reardon’s rink continued their great recent form, winning 28-14. Trevor Gibbons’ rink won 26-23 against Eileen Bond but it wasn’t enough to prevent Angaston from claiming their first Division Two title in seven years. In Division Three it was Tanunda’s turn to spoil the Nuri party as they toppled Gold 7752. This was probably the closest of the three games with Tanunda winning two rinks to Nuri’s one but it was the margin in one rink that resulted in the final margin looking comfortable as Dean Geyer beat Margaret Sims 33-10. The Tigers did have cause to celebrate during the week as they won the ladies grand final on Thursday 86-62 over Kapunda with Denise Baker’s 26-9 win over Christine Doecke the biggest margin of the day. Nuri Green booked their place in this Thursday’s midweek grand final by knocking Tanunda Black out 7934. They take on Kapunda Black at Tanunda at 1.30pm.

• Fishing • Camping • Guns • Marine 48 Murray Street, Gawler

8522 6200 Tide Times for Port Adelaide (Outer Harbour) and Wallaroo for the week to come

Pt Adelaide MAR 2012

28 WE 29 TH

30 FR

31 SA

APR 2012



2 MO 3 TU

0658 0643 1226 1854

0.39 1.94 0.40 2.51

0118 0700 1243 1914

0.46 1.86 0.45 2.45

0141 0720 1300 1937

0.55 1.77 0.55 2.33

0210 0742 1316 2004

0.72 1.59 0.74 2.09

0254 0756 1302 2027

0.98 1.33 1.00 1.73

0941 1654 2126

0.98 1.55 1.32

Wallaroo MAR 2012

28 WE

0202 0659 1227 1932

0.59 0.89 0.53 1.60

0253 0722 1229 2001

0.64 0.78 0.57 1.57

0532 0732 1207 2032

0.65 0.67 0.61 1.51

0948 2101

0.57 1.43


0947 2143

0.51 1.32

2 MO

1006 2050 2127

0.49 1.18 1.18

29 TH

30 FR

31 SA

APR 2012



0118 0.23 0300 1.73 1022 0.50 0942 0.68 1613 1.83 TU 1823 1.11 2207 1.01 2149 0.93 *Please note - Add 1 hour for daylight savings ‘Tidal predictions supplied by the National Tide Facility. The Flinders University of South Australia, Copyright Reserved’

Wednesday, March 28, 2012 - Page 30 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

HAPPY SNAPS: Lubin with an impressive catch.

By LUBIN PFEIFFER IT SEEMS I can’t get the snapper off the brain at the moment - and with good reason. There are some thumping great fish on the bite out in the gulfs at the present time with some fish around the magical 10kg mark. I’m holding a talk on the finer points of snapper fishing at the Nuriootpa Spot On on Thursday night, so today and tomorrow are the last chances for people to register. I’ll be covering all aspects of snapper fishing with an emphasis on big shallow water snapper. The techniques are not hard to

learn and could result in your fish of a lifetime. Snapper are such a prolific fish in our state and a resource more of us should be tapping in to. Seats are limited to 50 but at this stage there are still a few places left but get in quick. There is nothing quite like feeling the tap tap through the braid and sinking the hooks in to a fish that tears off with incredible speed. Snapper are really the fish for everyone. I’ll also be appearing at the Nuriootpa Foodland from 3pm Friday for their market day and cooking up some of our favourite fish for people to try. Tight lines until next week.

The Herald Bowls Report Barossa and Light results Results for Saturday grand finals - March 24.

For all the club reports go to our website:

Division One Freeling 95 v Nuriootpa 80. G Fergusson 20 v R Walker 28; C Kearns 24 v R Grope 21; J Morris 18 v S Allen 15; H Sykes 33 v W Williams 16. and follow the link in sport. And check out the bowls photos in sports gallery. Results for Thursday games - March 22. Midweek - preliminary final.

Nuriootpa Green 79 v Tanunda Black 34. W Williams 23 v J Garrett 17; I Klaebe 26 v C Mahoney 7; R Garrett 30 v D Heidenreich 10. Ladies - grand final.

Kapunda 62 v Nuriootpa 86. C Holmes 21 v M Elix 19; C Doecke 9 v D Baker 26; R Scoot 14 v M Nolan 21; C Reardon 18 v P Jones 20.

THIS MUCH: Freeling skipper Justin Morris indicating a distance to his teammates. Nuriootpa skipper Stewart Allen looks pensive. Division Two Angaston Blue 79 v Nuriootpa Black 61. L Teakle 28 v T Elix 26; C Reardon 28 v N Jaensch 14; E Bond 23 v T Gibbons 26.

STARPLEX Basketball Monday juniors 12 and under: Division One Barossa d Little Lions 39-28; Jets d Warriors 40-17; Storm d Sandy Creek 47-21. Division Two - TLegends d Barossa Bulldogs 35-0; Barossa d Central Little Lions 19-10; Brookers d Starplex Hawks 43-10; All Stars d Celtics 36-4. 14 and under: Sharks d Hawks 3612; Lakers d Craigmore Flight 29-28. 16 and under: Craigmore Thunder d Red Dragons 38-12; Barossa Blues d Hoops I Did It Again 26-18; Barossa Reds d Swishes 40-15. Monday evening men Division One - Wizards d He Got Game 48-33; Beard Of Chuck d Shooting Blanks 35-22; Run & Gun d M&M’s 58-47; Crumpet Squad d Wolverines 44-36; Flight Team d Blitzers 65-31. Division Two - Kings d Flames 5430; Off In The Shower d Shakers 3634; Black Knights d Wreckless 4830; Dilligaf d Muffin Stuffers 34-33; Hurricanes d Turbos 47-32. Tuesday daytime ladies Organized Kaos d Rhondauves 2917; Cheeky Chicks d Flukes 43-36; Phantoms d Flamin Flamingos 4226. Tuesday juniors Under 8s: Williamstown B d Junior 5 Stars 6-2; Williamstown A d Dragons 8-0. 10 and under As: Brookers d New Stars 14-2; Run & Gun d Sudden Impact 26-14. 10 and under Bs: Sean’s Lions d Kangaroos 6-2; All Stars d Lightning 17-0; Barossa d Williamstown 20-5; Wild Lions d Shooting Stars 6-4; Redbacks d Rockstars 15-6. Tuesday night men Grand finals: Division Three Outlaws d O2 Tha Fn 44-24. Division Four - Clumsy Ninjas d Taipans 35-29. Wednesday evening ladies Pink Panthers d Roseworthy Black 19-14; T/Birds d Shooting Stars 4023; Jug-O-Norks d Brookers 42-29. Thursday night mixed Black Magic d Spurtics 75-73; Tba d Ultim8s 56-46; Steelers d 5 Stars 33-21; Beamers d Its Only Social 45-43; Comets d More Effort 58-38.

Netball Monday night ladies Jitterbugs d Don’t Care 26-24; Fumble Beez d South 45-10; Krazy Kats d The Bitties 20-18; Meatloaf d Randoms 35-13; South Gawler d Pythons 33-8; Watch Out d Trinity College 30-14; Purple d Barossa High 5s 29-21; Southies d Bulldozers 34-9; Xavier d Empire

CONCENTRATION: Nuriootpa’s Mossie Boehm in action in Division Two. His club eventually went down to Angaston Blue.

35-20; Checkmates drew with Gotacks 29-29. Tuesday evening mixed Balls Of Steal d Fire Breathing Rubber Duckies 16-14; Pink Paws d Tropicals 36-11; Bright Sparks d Falcons 22-19; Tba d Watermelons 26-5; Black Thunder d Dirty Beaches 37-30. Wednesday evening ladies Mamma Bears d Bits & Pices 30-15; Family Affairs d Tosnc Blue 45-14; Lollipops d Zuly Warriors 38-12; Escapees d Wild Flamingos 25-18; Menapoise d Mels Army 27-15. Wednesday evening mixed Muffin Slammers d Gen-Y 23-9; Cherry Poppers d Whatever 21-12; Try Hards d Blue Zinc 28-9. Friday ladies daytime East Side Mums d Straight Up 20-0; Mummas d Skittles 38-7; Wasley d Lady Birds 24-22.

216 (P Leadbeater d R Lieschke 32, N Bauer lt M Witcomb 2-3, P Gerhardy d T Sloper 3-0, C Zadow lt S Cook 1-3). Premierships Division One Team Pts Apples 124 Oranges 93 Plums 92 Pawpaws 80 Mangoes 60 Grapes 55 Division Two Team Pts Bombino 126 Dolcetto 97 Fiano 90 Sagrantino 83 Zibbobo 63 Robosa 45


Futsul Soccer Under 8s: Warriors d Superstars 4-3. Under 10s: Break Aways d Black Magic 4-2; The Strikers d Red Eagles 11-1. Under 12s - semi-finals: Pink Panthers d Big Warriors 6-4; Mighty Reds d South Lions 5-2. Under 14s - semi-finals: Team America d Blazin Blues 3-1.

Volleyball Rogue Crew d Multiple Scoregasms 3-2; Khs d Lifesavers 5-0.

SQUASH Barossa Valley Squash Round: 6 Division One Apples d Oranges, 3-9-175 to 1-4139 (M Tully lt K Kulak 0-3, D Maher d P Howe 3-0, R Fullgrabe d N Ridley 3-0, J Harris d S Rohrlach 31). Pawpaws d Grapes, 3-9-170 to 13-92 (A Birchard by default, D Preuss d G Alderslade 3-0, A Darling lt M Langan 0-3, K Ward d R Dadds 3-0). Plums d Mangoes, 3-10-203 to 15-165 (T Talbot lt M Rosiak 1-3, G Ward d I Elsworthy 3-2, A Blackwell d A Smith 3-0, K Jermney d J Nagel 3-0). Division Two Sagrantino d Zibbobo, 3-9-204 to 1-6-182 (S O’Loughlin d A Grundel 3-1, S Wendt d N Falkenberg 3-1, D Altus d N Sloper 3-1, B Waters lt D Molineux 0-3). Bombino d Robosa, 3-11-205 to 13-142 (T Noack lt S Carroll 2-3, A Cunningham d R Harbord 3-0, W Marschall d T Kroehn 3-0, A Bryce d J Wilson 3-0). Dolcetto d Fiano, 2-9-228 to 2-8-

On Thursday, March 22, Kyran Gardner started off well and resulted with a good score at the end of the first game and kept up the momentum and won the night’s play. The highest frame score for the night was 60 points bowled by Kyran and Dave. Results of play: K Gardner 229/242 471, S Virgo 223/182 405, M Orvad 224/170 294, J Fechner 196/180 376, C Fletcher 188/182 370, R Loan 208/129 337, D Lehmann 121/147 268. 15s: R Loan 1. 24s: K Gardner 7, S Virgo 4, J Fechner, M Orvad, D Lehmann all 3, R Loan 2, C Fletcher 1. 30s: C Fletcher 2, M Orvad 1, S Virgo 1. Pudels: C Fletcher 2, S Virgo 1, D Lehmann 1. Last Friday night, March 23, the club had a number of guests play with the members of the club. The highest frame score for our guests was 54 points bowled by Heath Duncan and Tim Smith while Steve Mewett and Geoff Nicolai bowled frames of 60. Results of play: S Mewett 283, G Nicolai 265, Heath Duncan 204, Tim Smith 192, Garry Wharton 187, Brent Bennett 154, Shane Sreiver 121. 15s: G Nicolai 1. 24s: T Smith, G Nicolai, S Mewett all 3, H Duncan 1. Pudels: H Duncan, S Sreiver, T Smith all 4, B Bennett 2. Ladies Ruth is on top of the April Trophy, but Maureen won the week’s play. Results of play: Maureen 139/173 312, Ruth 115/180 295, Audrey 164/109 273, Betty 138/118 256. 15s: R Bell 1. 24s: Audrey 3, Ruth 2, Maureen 2.

ROUND OF APPLAUSE: Tanunda skipper Dean Goodwin could be asking for cheers during Saturday’s Division Three grand final. Nuriootpa skipper Mike Sims is not so happy - and with good reason, the Magpies won.

Midweek grand final bowls teams NURIOOTPA Midweek Green v Kapunda Black at Kapunda: D Bessell, J Bell, W Williams; A Fyfe, R Mattschoss, R Garrett; N Nolan, R Warnest, I Klaebe. Cars leave at 12.45pm. Drivers: W Williams, R Garrett, R Warnest.

KAPUNDA Midweek Black v Nuriootpa Green at Tanunda: J Scholes, K Matthews, G Redden; P Hart, W Beaven,T Rae; A Reinders, J Trotta, R Rogers. Cars depart at noon. Drivers: R Rogers and G Redden. Reserve: G Campbell.

Proudly supporting lawn bowls “a crackerjack sport”

Wednesday, March 28, 2012 - Page 31 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Office & Chapel 4 New Rd, Nuriootpa Phone 8562 1169


Division Three Tanunda 77 v Nuriootpa Gold 52. T Leech 24 v N Nolan 20; T Heinrich 20 v J Mattner 22; D Goodwin 33 v M Sims 10.

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Bulls roar By MIKE TEAKLE THE Gilbert Valley Bulls are the toast of Barossa and Light cricket after they toppled minor premier Gawler Central by 36 runs. Played on Saturday and Sunday on a Sandy Creek pitch that held up very well despite overnight rain, Bulls were able to defend their first innings total. Gilbert Valley forged a defendable total of 123 on Saturday thanks to some late innings fireworks from Justin Schahinger (26). Craig Mullins’ knock of 20 was significant as he came in at number three when there was some good movement off the seam for the bowlers. “There was some assistance for the bowlers early in both innings but the pitch was pretty good considering the weather,” Mullins said. They (the Tigers bowlers) bowled really well. Kingy (Aaron King) and Willy Serle hit the right areas and put us under pressure. “Tommy Vater’s innings of 13 late was crucial as he held up an end while Schahinger slapped a few sixes at the other end,” he said. Late on the first day Gilbert Valley were in a strong position when James Vandeleur captured the prize wicket of Tiger opener Ty

Stock for a duck leaving the pre-game favourites sitting one down overnight and still needing to score over 100 against a quality bowling attack. On Sunday Vater’s time arrived as he collected three of the first four scalps of the day, including the pivotal wickets of Aaron King and Pete Thomas. Vater’s haul of 3/13 from seven overs was enough to secure his place as man of the match. “We had some key goals we wanted to achieve with the ball,” Mullins said. “Naturally the wickets of Stock, McCafferty, Thomas and King are always important when you play Central along with making sure we bowled just short of a length to ensure we got value for any movement off the deck.” The plan led to a pair of catches by Mullins at short cover. The win gave him another premiership as he was a member of the Bulls’ 2007/08 winning team. The win completes a year of domination by teams from Light as Kapunda captured the one-day competition. The A1 reserves final at Tanunda was shortened to a one day game on Sunday where Freeling claimed the title and the right to return to the competition’s top tier.

DEFENCE: Kym Vandeleur, of Gilbert Valley, plays a straight bat watched Gawler Central keeper Jamie McCafferty.

Cricket grand final results A1 Gawler Central 87 (J McCafferty 28, TW Vater 3/13, CA Mullins 2/7, R Vandeleur 2/10) def by Gilbert Valley 123 (J Shahinger 26, WK Serle 4/23, AJ King 4/29, PJ Thomas 2/30). A1 Reserves Light Pass 113 (R Mattner 33, C Todd 26, BM Parish 3/25, J Robinson 2/19, RJ Montgomery 2/20, BW Montgomery 2/22) def by Freeling 6/154 (A Read 52*, BM Parish 30, A Clay 25*, C Todd 3/33). A2 Sandy Creek 133 def by Nuriootpa 149. A3 Sandy Creek Green 134 (B Silvy 48, J Power 31, D Menzel 3/12, K Jarman 3/17, J Zanandrea 2/47)

def Kapunda 123 (T Sires 27, MP Cotton 4/16, J Power 3/20). A4 Freeling 3/120 (SS Carmichael 60*, M Goodwin 27) def Nuriootpa 115 (G Shaw 3/18, J Young 3/39). A5 Angaston 115 (D Carnelly 30, M Busch 3/17, J Wright 2/19) def by Gilbert Valley 160 (T Reichelt 45, J Owens 35, CM Schultz 4/32, T Richardson 3/16, R Walker 3/27). Under 16 Kapunda 0/57 (TJ Williams 26*) def South Gawler 53 (J Brown 4/15, C McLean 2/4, J Connell 2/11). Under 14 Angaston 47 (C Simpson 3/4, A Radzevicius 2/13) def by Tanunda 5/49 (B Antonie 2/4, J Antonie 2/7).

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Inside Sport Local sport

> Tennis......27 > Golf........28 > Bowls......31 > Kegel...... 31

BACKHAND: David Williams, of Lyndoch, stretches for a backhand during Saturday’s preliminary final. Tennis is on page 27.

Tennis The weather cleared for the afternoon preliminary final matches. Who won through to this week’s grand finals? Find out on page 27.

Golf The weather improved as the day went on so the later starters appreciated the better conditions on Saturday. All the scores are on page 28.

Bowls Grand final Saturday had some interesting results. See on page 31. Club notes and photos are on the Herald website at:

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