May 16th Edition

Page 1

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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

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52 pages

Cone of silence

By JOHN CRAWFORD THE debate over how best to protect the Barossa from an urban sprawl has taken another turn. Discussions are again underway between the State Government and Barossa Council. Since exchanging fire over their respective stances on the Barossa protection zone, both parties have now gone quiet preferring to let their private negotiations do the talking. Last week the Herald reported how temperatures were at boiling point between the two parties as they could not agree on how the Barossa should be protected.

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protect the Barossa and McLaren Vale from urban sprawl.” Barossa mayor Brian Hurn, who last week criticised the State Government’s engagement and consultative process, has since met with Mr Rau and said more meetings had been scheduled. “Following a meeting with Minister Rau last week he has agreed to have further consultation with the affected councils - Barossa, Light and Onkaparinga over the next two weeks to further review the provisions of the Character Preservation Bill,” Mayor Hurn said. “Any further action in relation to the Bill will be put on hold pending the outcome of this further consultation.”


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Barossa Council is concerned the Barossa Character Preservation Bill takes away its planning power, while Planning Minister John Rau says it has been clear from the start that was the idea of the legislation - to override council decisions contributing to urban sprawl. Now, both bodies have gone into a cone of silence as they wait to further discuss the protection legislation. A spokesperson for the minister said Minister Rau is happy to be involved in ongoing discussions with relevant councils. “As he believes that dialogue should be carried out directly between the parties rather than via the public arena, he won’t be commenting further at this stage,” the spokesperson said. “The minister remains committed to legislation to

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here is no doubt about the folk in the Herald circulation area The Barossa Valley, once best known solely as one of the world’s major wine producing regions, a reputation still in tact, also produces people who can compete at world level in their chosen endeavour. Later in the year we will be cheering for Evanston Park’s Jack Bobridge who hopefully can land at gold medal at the London Olympic Games in the men’s cycling team pursuit.

Reel deal

But more immediately, we will be barracking for the Herald’s own Lubin Pfeiffer who is heading off to Slovenia for the Fly Fishing World championships. Lubin’s weekly ‘Hooked on Fishing’ column is one of the Herald’s most popular reads with the author more than happy to give advice on how to be successful, and enjoy, one of the nation’s favourite hobbies. The local tradesman is another example of someone with a passion who is prepared to work hard and is reaping the rewards with the contest of lifetime.

PROUD: Lubin Pfeiffer wears his Australian uniform. PIC: David Wright, Northern Argus.

Come on Lubin, come on.

Footy Tipping

Leadership Board 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Total Points

Melissa Daly Maria Norris Gordon Williams Mark Wilton June Tidswell Bob Hennig Evelyn Angus Kylee Wilton Bart Ryan Darryl Matthews Alison Angus Wayne Angus

13 14 15 16

Michael Angus Hayden Schugmann Graham Hill Kayne Schugmann

57 57 56 56

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

Christine Lange Marianne Stokes Di Stock Meagan Wilson Sue Lewis Tim Slate Chris Daly Darren Billinger

54 54 54 54 53 53 52 52


1/119 Murray Street, Tanunda Postal: PO Box 43, Tanunda, 5352 Telephone: (08) 8563 2041 Fax: (08) 8563 3655 Advertising: Editorial: Website: Manager/Sales Manager: Clayton Bester Editor: Graham Fischer Editorial: Michelle O’Rielly, John Crawford, Mike Teakle, Ben Mallett, Robert Laidlaw, Anne Hopton. Photography: Kirsty Hosking, Shaun Kowald. Sales: Glenys Brooks, Jordan Stollznow, Jodie Coventry, Linda Goldfinch, Renee Day. Administration: Cheryl Lange, Roxanne Mathew



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62 60 60 60 59 59 59 59 58 58 58 58

Total Points

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Incorporating The Barossa News, Kapunda Herald and Eudunda Courier.

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Leadership Position


MIGHTY POPULAR: Brad and Lara from Channel Nine’s The Block were in town last week and the Herald was there to capture all the action. See the story on page 6 and then hop online to to see if you got snapped for our online gallery. IT IS clear Brad and Lara have proven a huge hit with The Block fans and home renovators. Not only did they draw good crowds to Nuriootpa and Gawler last week, they also drew plenty of people to because news and pictures of their adventures were online on Thursday and Friday. It is nice to know the pair will be taking a little taste of the Barossa home with them (see story page 6) to New South Wales. The early sports updates are also proving hugely popular at We all know sport is held on the weekend so why do we have to wait until Wednesday to find out what happened? If you play a sport like golf, squash, kegal or tenpin bowling, your results are often online by Monday evening. That is the beauty of our website Weekly Central District articles from our resident Bulldog expert Robert Laidlaw are also online most Mondays, so head to the website for the full wrap up on how the boys are going - especially this week with a solid win over Glenelg. Your first source for local news has to be


Leadership Position

THE Herald's fishing writer Lubin Pfeiffer is off to the Olympics - the Olympics of fly-fishing that is. The popular and widely-read angler will leave for Slovenia on Saturday to compete in the FlyFishing World Championships. The prestigious event pits competitors against one another in a real-life fish-off to determine the world champion fly-fisher. Lubin is currently in top form having won his second consecutive state fly-fishing championship last weekend. He caught four fish in the Broughton River at Spalding, including a 60-centimetre ‘cracker’ brown trout. “You don't get too many that big in the Broughton,” he said. “The lure which caught it was one of my own special patterns.” The large fish, estimated to be around five years old, was tagged and released. Lubin said he was looking forward to the Slovenia trip and would take the extra confidence boost from his success at the state championships with him to international competition. “It should be fantastic,” he said. “There will be 30 countries attending the event, with teams of six people representing each country.” Lubin is South Australia's only representative in the Australian team. He said the championships involve competitions in four different rivers and one lake and would mean fishing in ‘fast water’. Fishers will be judged on the size of fish caught, with any trout over 20cm being eligible for measurement. The 32nd World Fly-Fishing Championships will take place in Slovenia from June 6 to 9. To follow the championships and monitor Lubin's progress visit the website: The Lubin Pfeiffer ‘Hooked on Fishing’ column appears in the sports section of the Herald each week.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012 - Page 2 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Visit our showroom 132 Murray Street GAWLER or call 8522 4670

PEDAL PUSH: A focus on cycle tourism is one of the key actions in the plan. Pictured enjoying the scenery at Novotel Barossa Valley is, from left: Karen den Berger, owner of Barossa Bike and Barossa Bike Hire; Tourism Barossa chair Elaine Ratcliffe; Novotel director of sales and marketing Troy Dowd and Barossa regional tourism manager Nathan Gogoll.

Feel the vibe Looking for someone to go or a concert to attend. Always check out the Herald’s Vibe page each edition. Today, the Herald reports on several events certain to prove popular. Turn to page 27.


and Regional Development Australia Barossa. Barossa Regional Tourism manager Nathan Gogoll said over the past decade total visitation numbers had dropped consistently. “It is time to do something about it and hopefully some of the actions in this plan will help with that,” he said. “The way domestic tourists look now at travelling inside their own country is a lot about switching off, taking it slow and unwinding, so that will be a key task. “We want people to come here, slow down and enjoy the pace of life on holidays and be catered for with some great food and great wine.” Mr Gogoll said the first action to be completed would be the refreshment of the website in June, which combined the drive for the Barossa’s food, wine and tourism. “If (visitors) have got one little avenue of interest, hopefully they will see this bigger picture and say ‘we do need to get back to the Barossa and spend a couple days there’,” he said. The destination action plans are being released for each of South Australia’s 11 regions, but Barossa’s is one of the first. Stakeholders will meet every six months to track its progress and add new items to the list as goals are achieved.


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Actively Engaged in Ageing

PUBLIC INFORMATION AFTERNOON Aged Care - What are my options? The Barossa’s leading Aged-Care Providers, Barossa Village and Tanunda Lutheran Home, have again combined, together with Genesys Wealth Advisors to offer the Community a free information afternoon for potential clients of aged-care services and their families. Topics to be covered include: • Independent Retirement Living • Care at Home • Adjusting to Change/Respite Services • Residential Care Services • Financial Implications & Financial Planning Date: Time: Venue:


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TOURISM in the Barossa Valley is set to be rejuvenated with the announcement of an action plan. The Destination Action Plan (DAP) names 22 actions that will make the Barossa region more appealing to visitors. Tourism Barossa chair Elaine Ratcliffe said the action plan will ensure the resources of the South Australian Tourism Commission (SATC) and Tourism Barossa are put to work on positive outcomes for the region. “There are real targets built into this plan and we (stakeholders) are looking forward to working together to achieve all the goals and milestones,” Ms Ratcliffe said. “Key initiatives in the plan include a refreshment of the Butcher Baker Winemaker Trail; a focus on cycle tourism; the development of a Barossa events strategy; increased digital marketing of the region as well as improving the online capability of tourism operators; and encouraging industry to upgrade and add to the experiences and accommodation on offer for visitors.” The action plan was produced by the SATC and Tourism Barossa, with engagement from the Barossa and Light councils, and representatives from Barossa Grape and Wine Association, Food Barossa


Tourism action


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16 Bernard Court, Industrial Park, Gawler Belt WH1819577

Wednesday, May 16, 2012 - Page 3 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Lyndoch’s generous schoolgirl A LYNDOCH schoolgirl has shown generosity is still alive and well in the Barossa. Sami Dutschke spent Sunday morning at the Kies market at Lyndoch selling some of her toys to fundraise for the Cambodian Children’s Fund. The eight-year-old said she chose to raise money for the cause after watching an episode of Australian Story about the fund. “They showed kids digging through the garbage dumps looking for food and water to help feed their families,” she said. “These kids would love to have the food that we eat every day. They should not have to be digging through the rubbish to find food.” She also asked her friends if they had old toys to sell to raise money for the fund. Sami and her mother Brenda spent the morning at the market selling goods, while people also made donations, raising a total of $101.40. For more information on the fund or to donate, visit

RACING: The start of the 2011 Jacob’s Creek Barossa Half Marathon. FUNDRAISING: Sami Dutschke at the market on Sunday.


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Inaugural Barossa marathon popular PLANS are well underway for the Jacob's Creek Barossa Marathon Running Festival on Sunday, May, 27. The number of entrants for this year is already significantly higher than last year's record field. A bumper field of more than 1500 are expected to be involved in the different events on the day. One of the reasons for the increase in the number of entrants is that this year sees the introduction of the full marathon (42.2km) distance. Many South Australian runners, as well as entrants from all over Australia, have entered for the honour of participating in the inaugural Barossa Marathon. In addition to the marathon, runners and walkers have the opportunity to participate in the half marathon (21.1km), 10km and 5km distances. All events start and finish at Faith Lutheran College. The half marathon, 10km and 5km are the same out and back courses as last year, taking participants up Research Road and then along the rail trail to Angaston. The marathon course takes participants to Bethany then back through Tanunda to the Richmond

Grove winery and on the bike path towards Nuriootpa before turning back and joining up with the half marathon course. Race director Terry Cleary believes the Jacob’s Creek Barossa Marathon Running Festival has the potential to become one of the great running events in the country. “Clearly there is much interest from runners and walkers from all over Australia,” Mr Cleary said. “They are considering combining participation in the event with the opportunity to visit and stay in the iconic Barossa Valley. “We're hoping that the people of the Barossa Valley community recognise the potential of the event to promote the region by either joining in themselves or by getting out there on the day supporting participants along the course.” Mr Cleary said he is keen to hear from any community groups that are interested in supporting the event as marshals and other help on the day in return for a paid contribution. He can be contacted on 0468 415 765. You can enter online at: up to 5pm on Saturday, May 26. There are no entries on the day. Check out the website too for additional details.

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Wednesday, May 16, 2012 - Page 4 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Wednesday, May 16, 2012 - Page 5 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Block stars


TV STARS: Lara and Brad from The Block with some of their young fans at Barossa Mall.

The National Broadband Network is already helping businesses to grow

BRAD and Lara from Channel Nine’s The Block continued their nation-wide tour with visits to two local Mitre 10 stores late last week. The popular couple dropped in and spoke with customers at the Nuriootpa Mitre 10 store on Thursday afternoon and the Gawler Mitre 10 store on Friday morning. Among those attending to see the television renovators in the flesh was Jackie Markowski of Gawler, who was excited to meet the stars of her favourite show. “I watch the show every time, it's great to get to meet them in person,” Jackie said. Brad and Lara said they enjoyed their first visit to the Barossa and Gawler region. “It's certainly a very beautiful part of Australia,” Lara said. “We'll be taking a few Barossa wines home with us.” Both events attracted good crowds, in particular at Barossa Mall, with schoolchildren clamouring to see their favourite television stars. The team at the Barossa Mall’s Mitre 10 also showed they had plenty of do-it-yourself talent, constructing its own stage and red “The Block” house for the special appearance. For more photos from Brad and Lara’s appearances, visit

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Wednesday, May 16, 2012 - Page 6 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

DIY HEROES: Brad and Lara from 'The Block' pictured with fans and customers of Gawler Mitre 10, Jackie Markowski of Gawler (back,left), Suzie Bartell from Munno Para and Mitre 10 Gawler store owner Brian Mudge.




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Pictures for illustration purposes only. While stocks last.


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Wednesday, May 16, 2012 - Page 7 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


Work begins on new Gawler Village AN OFFICIAL sod-turning ceremony took place on Friday to mark the start of works to construct the brand-new Gawler Village at Bellevue Court, Gawler East. The new development will replace the current Gawler Village with a modern, state of the art 80-bedroom residential care facility. Gawler Village is currently home to 40

Southern Cross Care residents, many of whom were on-hand to celebrate the occasion. Kit Landers, a resident at the village spoke on behalf of all residents when she thanked all involved in the new project. "We are all looking forward tour new home," she said. "Best of luck to the builders and every-

one involved in this wonderful project." The new home has been designed by Southern Cross Care and Architect Vin Keneally. Andrew Larpent, chief executive officer of Southern Cross Care said the new development is all about providing a wonderful new home for residents. "This is a very important investment for the community of Gawler," he said.

GROUND START: Architect Vin Keneally, resident Kit Landers and Vicki Orlando, residential Care Manager at Southern Cross Care, turn a sod together to mark the start of the new building project.

139 Tynte Street North Adelaide SA 5006 Phone 08 8367 0911 Fax 08 8367 0711 email:

Zorich wins BUSINESSMAN Tom Zorich has been pre-selected as the Liberal Party candidate for the Federal electorate of Wakefield. Mr Zorich, a former Central District footballer and former president of the Central District Football Club, received the required support at a meeting of local Liberal Party members on Saturday. He has a strong connection to the Wakefield community. Together with his family, Mr Zorich has operated Sportspower, JT Surf and other retail stores in Elizabeth, Gawler and Munno Para for over 25 years and recently served as a member of the Gawler Council. Mr Zorich wasted no time with a pre-election push. “As a potential member of Tony Abbott’s team, I look forward to continuing to engage with the Wakefield community as we take the fight up to Labor and Nick Champion,” Mr Zorich said. “A vote for Nick Champion will keep this bad Labor Government in office. While the people of Wakefield continue to struggle with the high cost of living the Gillard Government is focussed on their own jobs rather than the jobs of those people they represent.”


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Wednesday, May 16, 2012 - Page 8 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Harley’s impressive champs LEWISTON farrier Harley Watts performed strongly at the recent World Croquet Championships held in Adelaide. Watts finished in 22nd place from a field of 80 world-class competitors, making it through to the second round of the knock out stages. “I was expecting to make it at least that far,” Harley said. “But I was reasonably satisfied with where I finished.” More than half of the championship players were from overseas. “The competition was of a high standard,” he said. Harley’s impressive run was ended by the eventual runner-

up Robert Fletcher from Lismore. But it took someone special to stop Harley going further. Fletcher, 18, is the first Australian and youngest person to be ranked number one in the world. The eventual world champion was Reg Bamford from South Africa. Harley said he enjoyed the chance to compete again at the competitive level. His opportunity to play and/or practice is often limited by work commitments. He trains at the Gawler Central Croquet Club. “I’m often limited to training once or twice a month,” he said.“Fortunately in the lead up to this event I was able to take a week off work and train

lifestyle CONCENTRATION: Harley Watts during the world titles. hard in preparation for the challenge.” Harley said he is considering competing at the next World Championships but in the meantime he’ll be happy to continue juggling his farrier’s tools and his croquet mallett. “Croquet is a great sport and

you can combine it with whatever else you are doing,” he said. Anyone interested in the genteel sport of croquet can contact Croquet South Australia on 8271 6586 or by logging onto the website:

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Wednesday, May 16, 2012 - Page 9 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

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Wednesday, May 16, 2012 - Page 10 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

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Specials available Friday 18th May, 2012, while stocks last. Photographs for illustration purposes only. Personal shoppers only.

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Wednesday, May 16, 2012 - Page 11 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


Bill Adams Convenor of the 2012 Kapunda Farm Fair

Wind farm comment Pacific Hydro would like to take this opportunity to address some of the inaccuracies included in a recent flyer published by the Eastern Mount Lofty Ranges Landscape Guardians and distributed to local community members around Keyneton. Firstly, as a company operating in Australia, Pacific Hydro is bound both by a number of codes of conduct and legally must ensure that all information we provide either publicly or in advertising is factual. As such, we go to great lengths to ensure that we provide ethical, evidence-based information to our communities. We request, in the spirit of promoting a reasoned and sensible debate with the community, that all parties follow a principle of honesty and truth in their communications. Pacific Hydro accepts that some people do not like wind farms and we respect their right to object both publicly and through the formal planning process and we encourage everyone to voice their views. We strongly disagree with many of the statements made the flyer prepared by the Eastern Mount Lofty Ranges Landscape Guardians.

In response we provide the following summary information for which we are happy to provide references to demonstrate its integrity: The Clean Energy Council, as the peak body for renewable energy developers, does promote the interests of wind energy. It is an industry organisation with a transparent governance structure. Although it is an industry lobby group it provides details about renewable energy which are backed up by independent references. With respect to the numerous allegations about dangerous health impacts and the lack of independent scientific studies regarding wind power contained in the flyer we point to 17 peer-reviewed governments, academic and scientific studies which assess the health effects of wind turbines. These studies all agree on the lack of evidence of adverse health effects attributed to wind turbines. There has yet to be a single scientifically sound, peerreviewed study which provides evidence that wind turbines can affect the health of individuals. Pacific Hydro has also gone the extra step of measuring infrasound from existing wind farms and the results indicate that the levels are lower than

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Tanunda Lutheran Home: Worship 10.30am . Peace Evangelical Lutheran Church: 10.30am Fortnightly Services, at Nuri Senior Citizen’s Centre. Pastor M Rosenzweig. Ph: 8563 1310.

ANGLICAN CHURCH Anglican Parish of Barossa: Angaston: 10am HC MM, SS; Nuriootpa: 8.30am HC MM; Tanunda: 8.30am HC SdK; Lyndoch: 10am HC SdK; Williamstown: 10am MP. Kapunda Anglican Parish: St Matthew’s, Hamilton: 7.45am HC; Christ Church, Kapunda: 9.15am HC; St LUTHERAN CHURCH PARISHES Hilda’s, Eudunda: 11am HC. Angaston Parish: Angaston: 8.45am HC, Mt Pleasant: 1st Sunday 8.30am, all other 10.30am; Penrice: 11.45am HC; Keyneton: 11am; Sundays 9am. Enquiries to Hazel Wilton, Warden Eden Valley: 9am HC. on 8568 2042. Bethany-Tabor Parish: Bethany: 8.30am T HC, 11am M HC; Tabor: 9.45am HC. UNITING CHURCH Cambrai Parish: Cambrai: 9am HC; Sedan: Barossa Congregations: Nuriootpa: 11am Ken 9.30am R; Stonefield: 11am P. Edwards; Tanunda: 9am Ken Edwards; Angaston: Eudunda Parish: Eudunda: 10am LR; Neales Flat: 9am Webb. 9am LR; Peep Hill: 9am LR. Gawler Parish: Gawler: 9.30am Richardson, 5pm Freeling Parish: St Marks, Freeling: 8.45am; Trinity, HC McClymont; Sandy Creek: 9.30am Cook; Rosedale: 10.45am; Wheatfields: 1.45pm. Williamstown: 10am HC Littleford. Gawler: Zion, Pr G Havelberg, 8523 1929. 22B Kersbrook: 10am. Enquiries: 8389 3114. Cowan St, Gawler. Light Parish: Kapunda: 9.15am Mr R Prior & Gawler Immanuel: Cnr Second & Seventh Sts, Friends; Eudunda: 9.30am Mrs J Mickan. Gawler.Ph: 8522 6000.Sunday 8.45am, 10.45am. 1st Sunday of month 9.30am. Share-a-meal every BAPTIST CHURCH 1st & 3rd Wed 11.45am. Barossa Community Church: 10am Barossa Greenock: Gnadenfrei & Nain: 10am at Junction Motel/Conference Centre, Barossa Valley Redeemer Lutheran School; Greenock: 9am LR, Way, Tan, Pastor Richard Ansoul. Ph: 8563 2158. 9.45am JAM. Lyndoch Baptist Church: Kauffman Ave, Lyndoch: Kapunda Parish: Bethel: 9am Pr; Kapunda: 10am. All welcome. Enquiries to Pastor Tony 10.30am LR; Allen’s Creek: 10.30am HC. Edwards on 8564 3001. Langmeil Parish: 8.45am Trad HC; 10.30am Cont Light Pass Immanuel Parish: Light Pass: 9am Pr; CATHOLIC CHURCH PARISHES Stockwell: 7pm P/P; Dutton: 10.30am Pr. Northern Light Catholic Parish: Nuri: 1st & 3rd Sat Light Pass Strait Gate: Light Pass: 10am R; 6.30pm, 2nd & 5th Sun 10.30am, 4th Sun 9am; Gruenberg: 9am; Truro: 10.30am HC. Kapunda: 4th Sat 6.30pm, 1st & 3rd Sun 10.30am, Lyndoch Parish: Lyndoch: 9am Spoken HC; 2nd & 5th Sun 9am; Freeling: 1st Sun 9am, 4th Sun Rowland Flat: 10.30am Spoken HC. 10.30am, 5th Sun 5pm; Tarlee: 3rd Sun 9am. Nuriootpa: St Petri: 8.30am HC, Pr A Kitson, Parish Office: Ph 8566 2064. 10.30am W, Pr A Kitson; Holy Trinity: 11am Mod SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST HC Picnic; Ebenezer: 9.30am HC; Neukirch: 10am Barossa: 1 Old Kapunda Rd, Nuri; Sat 9.30am LR. Family Bible Study, 11am Family Worship. Robertstown Parish: Robertstown: 8.30am Pr; Point ASSEMBLIES OF GOD Pass: 10.30am Pr. Barossa New Life Centre: Sunday 10am at the St John’s Parish: St J: 9am HC; Sch: 10.30am. roundabout, cnr Barossa Valley Way & Siegersdorf St Paul’s Parish: St P: 8.45am C HC; Gdb: Road, Dorrien. 10.30am C HC.

08 8523 0230

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that found at the beach or in a city centre. There are many inaccuracies in the flyer, however we suggest that if you are concerned about potential impacts of the wind farm you should either obtain independent information from reputable sources or contact us and we can direct you. At Pacific Hydro we are aware that there are some in the community who are unsure about the impact of the wind farm and many of these individuals have sought out further explanation directly from us or through other avenues such as this newspaper. We hope that we may be able to allay some of these concerns, based on our experience of developing, owning and operating renewable energy projects in Australia over the last 20 years. We welcome all community members with concerns or questions about the proposal who have not spoken to us directly to contact our Community Engagement Coordinator on 03 8621 6428 or Lane Crockett General Manager Australia Accurate reporting I would like to congratulate Graham Fischer on his unbiased and factual report on the hurdle race at Gawler on April 25 and published in the Herald on May 2. The article didn’t try and sensationalise jumps racing and the inherent risks that both jockey and horse face. The letter by L B Loveday in the same edition was also factual and deserves commendation. I trained my first hurdle runner in

1960 and the last in 2002, although my wife and I still own a horse which completed two hurdle races last year, but is now spelling as a result of an injury sustained while resuming training after a paddock spell. It concerns me about the amount of coverage that both print and electronic media give when a horse happens to fall in a jumping race. TV coverage of a fall attracts more airtime than something of a state/national importance. There are many cases of horses being injured or having to be euthanased as a result of paddock incidents. Once again, congratulations to Graham Fischer and L B Loveday. John Schultz Gawler Knit with love With autumn upon us can I urge everyone to start knitting squares again? Wraps With Love has been busy for 19 years in Kapunda. We have donated countless quilts and rugs everywhere, and there is still the need for warmth. If you could make your squares 30cm square using every row plain knitting, and in 8ply or equivalent yarn. Usually it takes about 50 stitches. Please can I ask you to knit your ends in as it takes up ages to sew all the left ends in? Squares can be left at Gawler, Freeling, Nuriootpa, Tanunda and Kapunda libraries where they are collected each week. Any donations of yarn gratefully accepted. Thanks so much for all the help over the years. Vera Jeffs Kapunda

CHC 52054-08/11

4pm at Mt Pleasant Anglican Church Hall, Melrose St. All welcome. Pastor Diane Pope, Pastor Trevor Auricht. Ph: 8562 3844. Kapunda: 10am Sunday, Light Community Church, Main St, Kapunda. Pastor Paul Smith. All welcome. Ph: 8566 2864. CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP Tanunda, McDonnell Street opp former Tanunda Primary School: Saturdays 2.30pm, Worship, Open Bible Study. CHRISTIAN FAMILY CENTRE Barossa: 10.30am Sundays. 16 Scholz Ave, Nuri. Pastor Alan Matson. Ph: 0404 846 274. Murray Flats: 5pm alternate Sundays. Pastor Alan Matson. Ph: 0404 846 274. Cambrai Uniting Church 5pm. SALT CHURCH 25 Northside Crt, Evanston Gdns: Sunday Service 10am & 5pm. Offices, b/shop open 9.30am-4pm. Ph: 8522 0000. THE CHRISTADELPHIANS Sunday school, Greenock Institute Hall, 9.30am. Memorial meetings 11am Sunday. Bible Studies 8pm Tuesday. All welcome. Phone 8524 4196. CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Main North Rd, Evanston Park. Worship Service Sunday 10.30am. All welcome. Pastor Douglas Carolisen. Ph: 8523 1706.

INTERDENOMINATIONAL CHURCH Birdwood United Church. 10am Pr Brian Teakle. Ph: 8568 5540. All welcome. HEWETT COMMUNITY CHURCH OF CHRIST Kingfisher Dr, Hewett. 10am, Sunday inspiring worship service. Young generation and creche avail.Youth, women and men’s programs. Ph: 8522 4938. GAWLER FULL GOSPEL OUTREACH MINISTRIES Family Worship Svc. 10am Sun, stone pavilion, Sport & Community Cent, Nixon Tce, Gaw. Pastor Shirley Coe. Ph: 0401 065 748. KAPUNDA EVANGELICAL CHURCH Sundays 5pm, CWA Hall. Pastor Andrew Amos. Ph: 8566 2148. LYNDOCH FULL GOSPEL FELLOWSHIP MINISTRY Lyndoch Institute each Sunday, 11.30am-1.30pm Pastor Ken East . Ph: 8524 4787.

Twoway Crossword No 094

Proudly brought to you by

For your chance to win a bottle of Langmeil wine, complete the crossword only and drop the entry form into The Herald office Monday by 4.30pm. Winners need to collect their wine within the week. Last week’s winner was Doug Dunbar of Gawler.

Farm Fair thanks AS CONVENOR of the 2012 Kapunda Farm Fair, I would like to take this opportunity through the Herald to formally thank all involved with the farm fair this year. Thanks must go to our many and varied farm fair exhibitors, our valued sponsors, (too many to list individually), Kapunda Farm Fair team members and the very generous public - all who contributed to the great success of our recent event. This year we had over 350 exhibitors on show, including 50 new businesses and this was a Kapunda Farm Fair record. Visitors to the farm fair certainly had plenty of choice in the way of exhibits and displays to view, plus some great entertainment. Some of our exhibitors travelled long distances from interstate to attend this year and many hours were spent by my dedicated team of helpers setting up and managing the event. I sincerely thank one and all for their magnificent efforts in helping make the 2012 Kapunda Farm Fair the success that it was.

To make an appointment for your free consultation please phone WH1818742

Views expressed in the Letters to the editor are not those of the Herald. We welcome topical letters, with preference to letters of no more than 200 words. All letters are checked for authenticity. Pseudonyms are not acceptable. Mail your letters to: The editor, PO Box 43, Tanunda, SA, 5352. Fax: 8563 3655. E-mail:

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Wednesday, May 16, 2012 - Page 12 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Wednesday, May 16, 2012 - Page 13 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

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ARRESTS • A Parafield Gardens man in his 50s was arrested on May 10 by Nuriootpa police for breach of an intervention order. REPORTS • A Nuriootpa man in his 50s was reported on May 10 by Nuriootpa Police for speeding, failing to keep left, driving under the influence and PCA with a reading of 0.121. An instant loss of licence was issued. • A Wasleys man in his 40s was reported on May 11 by Freeling police for possessing prescribed equipment and cultivating cannabis. • A female in her 50s was reported on May 11 by Nuriootpa Police for PCA with a reading of 0.084. An instant loss of licence was issued and the vehicle was impounded. • A Kapunda man in his 20s was reported on May 12 by the Kapunda police for theft. • An Ebenezer man in his 40s was reported on May 13 by Kapunda police for PCA with a reading of 0.108. An instant loss of licence was issued and the vehicle was impounded.

Who’s eating at your house tonight? • Spiders • Flies & Ants

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60, or over 50 if from an indigenous background. Feedback is sought on how older South Australians are faring in their communities and what can be done to assist older people to feel included, take part, and get ‘out and about’. The survey can be completed until July 31, 2012. Copies of the survey can be collected at the main library in Murray Street, the Evanston Gardens branch library or the Elderly Centre. The survey is also online at the Centre for Housing, Urban and Regional Planning (CHURP) section of the University of Adelaide’s w e b s i t e .au/churp/


GAWLER public library is acting as a distribution point for a University of Adelaide and COTA (Council of the Ageing) supported study. They are attempting to gain the views of older South Australians, over

Barossa reports

Phone: 8522 3131 Mobile: 0407 909 927 Apply First Aid Course (formerly known as Senior First Aid)

For further information, please contact First Aid Services, P: 8391 7328, E:

1800 882 661


Could you provide the appropriate care for your family, friends or co-workers if they are injured or taken ill? Registrations now being taken for • Apply First Aid [HLTFA301C] – 1 day course • Perform CPR [HLTCPR201B] – 3 hour course Tuesday 12th June 2012 (9.00am – 5.00pm) – Apply First Aid Barossa Valley Campus Cost: $160.00 Wednesday 13th June 2012 (9.00am – 12.00pm) – Perform CPR Barossa Valley Campus Cost: $50.00 Discount rates for groups.

HealthChat Tuesday 22 May 2012 5pm - 7pm The Minister for Health and Ageing and the SA Health leadership team are interested to know what you think about our state’s public health care system, including your ideas, comments, issues and/or concerns. Freecall* 1800 175 399 between 5pm and 7pm on the evening of Tuesday 22 May 2012 to chat to the Minister or other SA Health executive staff about the state’s health care system. You can also join the conversation via Twitter: @JohnHillMP or @SAHealth *Mobile and STD calls will be charged at the rate of a local landline call. Local landline calls to the line are free.

Gawler incident roundup ARRESTS A male youth was arrested on May 8 by Gawler police for two counts of unlawfully on premises, theft and insecure ammunition. A 21-year old Gawler East man was arrested on May 9 by Barossa CIB and Gawler patrols for aggravated assault and three counts of aggravated assault causing serious bodily harm. A 32-year old Largs Bay woman was arrested on May 12 by Gawler police for theft. A 31-year old Evanston Gardens man was arrested on May 13 for disorderly behaviour. REPORTS A 61-year old Port Wakefield man was reported on May 8 by Barossa Highway Patrols for a Bdouble off route and critical risk breach. Barossa Highway Patrols reported a Strathalbyn man on May 8 for breach of permit and exceeding critical risk driving hours. A 64-year old Morgan man was reported on May 8 by Barossa Highway Patrols for three counts of severe risk breach load restraint. A 40-year old Thompsons Beach woman was reported by Barossa Highway Patrols for PCA (0.088). The vehicle was impounded and a licence disqualification issued. A 51-year old year old Gawler South woman was reported on May 11 for breaching bail and dishonest dealings. A 43-year old Willaston woman was reported on May 12 by Gawler police for driving while disqualified. Her vehicle was impounded for 28 days. SERIOUS CRIMINAL TRESPASS Between May 1 and 6 entry was gained to a business on Lyndoch Road, Gawler. Damage was

caused to a window. Between May 5 and 8 entry was gained to a Gosford Street, Gawler West property. The house was ransacked and items stolen. On May 10 entry was gained to a shed on Prescott Crescent, Gawler Belt. A side wall panel was removed. On May 13 alcohol was stolen from a business on Murray Street, Gawler. Suspects exited via a security door. On May 12 a glass door panel was smashed at a property on Gilberts Road, Gawler. Entry was gained and a laptop computer was stolen. THEFT Between April 3 and May 3 electricity to the value of $3549 was by-passed at a property on Stebonheath Road, Kudla. THEFT FROM A MOTOR VEHICLE On May 9 unknown persons entered an unlocked vehicle on Dawson Road, Evanston. A handbag and contents was stolen from the vehicle. On May 9 a wallet and its contents was stolen from a vehicle parked in a hotel car park on High Street, Gawler. Between the May 11 and 12 three vehicles parked in the front yard of a house on Kemp Road, Kingsford were entered. Three bar fridges and a GPS was stolen. ILLEGAL USE OF A MOTOR VEHICLE On May 13 a vehicle was stolen from a driveway at a property on Peppermint Road, Lewiston. ROBBERY On May 6 a pedestrian was approached by three males on Gosford Street, Gawler. The victim was punched and kicked in the face. A backpack was also stolen.

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Wednesday, May 16, 2012 - Page 14 - The Herald, Barossa Valley





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2000 SUBARU IMPREZA CLUB SPEC 4 WRX AWD Turbo Manual Hatch. This Club Spec WRX is a fantastic and rare vehicle. It has been well maint & is in relatively stock standard cond, apart from some tastefull additions (exhaust Kit, Cheetah immobiliser). It feats the fantastic EJ20 2.0L Turbo Boxer motor



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DISCLAIMER: Prices are exclusive of registration and stamp duty payable to road transport. *To approved purchases through St George Bank, Adelaide. Some photos for illustrational purposes only. LMVD2833.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012 - Page 15 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


Dominant in the dust LOCAL riders dominated the 35th Phillip Haydon Reliability Trial, staged by the Gawler Motorcycle Club at Marrabel earlier this month. Nick Throup of Keyneton Club took out the solo class closely followed by Rowan Pumpa from the Gawler Motorcycle Club. Sean Throup of Keyneton and Shane Diener of Gawler rounded out the top four. The sidecar class was won by Shane Beckmann and Matt Neldner. Riding conditions were close to ideal and riders reported that the rocky and hilly track made for an exciting ride. Dust in the transport sections proved a minor problem and all but 13 of the 130 riders finished the tough course.

The test around the Marrabel Rodeo grounds proved to be very popular with spectators as riders attacked the section at speed. The two log crossings and a jump were the most popular vantage points with spectators. A number of riders had minor crashes while trying to negotiate these tricky obstacles. Gawler Motorcycle Club’s next major event will be a round of the Australian Off Road Championship on August 25 and 26 in the Kapunda area. When GMCC held this event in 2010 it was voted best round of the national series. This event will draw Australia’s top off road riders and factory teams.

HILL: Shane Beckmann and Matt Neldner, winners of the sidecar class during the trial.


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SPONSORSHIP DEAL: The Vine Inn Hotel has signed on as the major sponsor of the Nuriootpa Football Club. Pictured at back are Nuriootpa Football Club committee member Peter Scholz (left) and Vine Inn general manager Chris Linden. Seated are Nuriootpa Football Club president Clayton Scott and Vine Inn board chairman John Feltus signing the official paperwork. Mr Scholz said the club is very fortunate to have the Vine Inn’s support. “I guess we are the biggest sporting club in the town and we put 250 people on the footy field every week and we do rely on sponsors to help out. It costs a lot of money to run a footy club. It is a major sponsorship and hopefully the Vine Inn get their exposure as well from it,” he said.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012 - Page 16 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Swim success

HAPPY: From left, coach Steve Garner, James McKechnie and Sam Branson.

By ROBERT LAIDLAW STARPLEX Swim Club tasted success at the recent national championships, with three members putting in exceptional performances. James McKechnie, who is already on an elite pathway, led from the front with four medals, including a silver in the 200m individual medley, where he broke the state record. He also won three bronze medals, for the 400m individual medley, and the 100m/200m breaststroke double. “A fantastic leader of our club, James has been performing at this level for a number of years,” coach Stephen Garner said. “James is a mentor to the other swimmers, and with his performance, helped give the rest of the team confidence in their events. “To have a regular national medallist as a leader is a real positive. The other two would not have done as well without James paving the way, as his events were early in the week.” In 2011 James won a national gold medal, but this year was more consistent, performing well in all events. Earlier, at the Olympic trials, the decorated swimmer broke another state record in the 16-year-old category of the 100m breaststroke.

“It’s amazing to win four medals at the nationals, and gives me plenty of confidence going forward,” James said. “Overall it was a better meet than last year, and with a bit of tweaking it could have been even better. I’m always looking for small improvements.” Two other Starplex swimmers, although not taking home any medals, swam amazing races, with Sam Branson and Tyler Zecchini smashing personal best times. Tyler went into the nationals ranked 31st in the 13yo 400m IM, and after a 12 second PB, is now 13th in the country, while Sam came from nowhere just to qualify for the 13yo 100m backstroke. Six weeks out from the nationals Sam hadn’t even reached the qualifying mark of the event, achieving the target on the last possible day, with a huge PB, then took another three seconds off to make the top 10 at the Australian Championships. “Sam has raw talent and has only been training as a swimmer for nine months, and we are only scratching the surface, which augurs well, although there is still plenty of work to do,” coach Garner said. “And Tyler is coming along, as he took his PB from 5.59 to 5.11, which is a huge improvement in four months.”

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Wednesday, May 16, 2012 - Page 17 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Wednesday, May 16, 2012 - Page 18 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

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Wednesday, May 16, 2012 - Page 19 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Happy birthday to... Carla Newville, of Eudunda, turned four on May 14.

NEW ARRIVAL: Ruby Kate MacKenzie was born at Kapunda Hospital on May 1, weighing 3805g (8lb 6oz). She is the first child for Tabatha and Jason MacKenzie of Kapunda. Ruby's grandparents are Peter and Gail Ryan of Kapunda, and Rodney and Christine MacKenzie of Clare.

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NEW ARRIVAL: Thomas Willem Cox was born at Tanunda Hospital on May 11, weighing 3345g (7lb 6oz). He is the first child for Shelley and Sam Cox of Tanunda. Grandparents are Barry and Jill Conole of Adelaide and Helen Cox of Adelaide and the late Ronald Cox formerly of Adelaide. Special thanks to Dr Griscti, Tanunda Hospital and Auntie Hayley.

Jett Potter, of Nuriootpa, turned three on May 3.

Noah Fox, of Lyndoch, turned four on May 14.

Milo Spasojevic, of Nuriootpa, turns one on May 17.

Elliot Kurtz, of Nuriootpa, turns one on May 17.

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Herald birthday photographs are taken inside The Co-op’s Toyworld section, Nuriootpa, each Saturday. Parents are asked to line up from 10am. An A5 copy of the photo is available to the parents for $5.50. To order your photo contact the Herald office on 8563 2041 or visit Shop 1, 119 Murray Street, Tanunda.



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Wednesday, May 16, 2012 - Page 20 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

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Ph: (08) 8562 3355 | Fax: (08) 8562 3282 • House & Land Settlements • Mortgages • Leases • Business Settlements • Subdivisions Arranged • Strata Titles • Power of Attorney ALL REAL PROPERTY ACT DOCUMENTS


HOMBURG REAL ESTATE TANUNDA 26 College Street..................10:30 – 11:00am


BROCK HARCOURTS MAGILL AUBURN Lot 9 King William Street.......12:00 – 12:45pm AUBURN 6 Henry Street ...........................1:00 – 1:30pm HOMBURG REAL ESTATE TANUNDA 9 Arrawarra Place ....................1:00 – 1:30pm NURIOOTPA 19 Traminer Way ..................1:45 – 2:15pm TANUNDA 10 Hoffmann Avenue ...............2:30 – 3:00pm GREENOCK 18 Flora Street .......................3:15 – 3:45pm


JULIE TOTH REAL ESTATE ANGASTON 36 Penrice Road................11:30 – 12:00pm ANGASTON 4 Collins Street..................12:15 – 12:45pm TANUNDA 15 Coronation Avenue .............1:00 – 1:30pm

BAROSSA REAL ESTATE LYNDOCH 9B Fergusson Court .............12:00 – 12:30pm NURIOOTPA 38 Gothic Avenue .................1:45 – 2:15pm ROSEWORTHY Lot 53 Jemalong Cres......2:15 – 2:45pm TANUNDA 10 Magnolia Road....................2:30 – 3:00pm SPRINGTON 42 Angas Street ...................3:45 – 4:15pm HOMBURG REAL ESTATE KAPUNDA 65 High Street .....................11:30 – 12:00pm TANUNDA 1/10 Kook Street....................12:30 – 1:00pm NURIOOTPA 27 Zimmermann Street ......12:30 – 1:00pm NURIOOTPA 17 Traminer Way ..................1:10 – 1:40pm NURIOOTPA 6 Hearl Street .......................1:50 – 2:20pm TANUNDA Lot 201 Smyth Road................2:40 – 3:10pm NURIOOTPA 51 Golden Way.....................2:45 – 3:15pm TANUNDA 2 Ellen Place ............................3:20 – 3:50pm TANUNDA 6/24 Elizabeth Street................3:30 – 4:00pm TANUNDA 38 Elizabeth Street ...................3:50 – 4:20pm GREENOCK 2 Victor Road.........................4:30 – 5:00pm

Wednesday, May 16, 2012 - Domain Page 1 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Real Estate Liftout IMPRESSIVE: At right, the 1800s Lyndoch cottage and one of the modern rooms.






Extremely well maintained and presented home superbly located within a quiet culde-sac in the central township. This brick veneer home comprises 3 bedrooms, master with built-ins, eat-in kitchen with walk-in pantry, new S/S oven and ceramic cooktop, formal dining and lounge areas, large family room opening onto outdoor patio, main bathroom with bath and separate shower recess, separate toilet and laundry areas. Features carpet and tiled floor coverings, split system heating and cooling, window treatments and security shutters to all windows. Situated on fully landscaped and paved low maintenance allotment with garage UMR and additional garage/workshop, citrus trees and rain water storage plumbed to laundry. This property is ideally suited for first home buyers, retirement living or rent return investment. AVAILABLE NOW For further details and inspection contact, Daryl Hombsch phone 08 7509 0931 - mobile 0427 758 364 email



The Vendor’s statement relating to matters affecting the advertised properties in this publication may be inspected at the agents office three business days prior to the auction or at the place of auction thirty minutes before sale.


Unique and amazing TRULY amazing, this stunning 1880s cottage in Lyndoch is set on a generous 850 square metre allotment. Currently operating as a ‘bed and breakfast’ in the Barossa Valley, this cottage is a testament to the owners as the renovations are of such a high quality. What an opportunity, to own a lovely cottage with modern and quality upgrades on the


inside, yet keeping great character on the outside. Situated within walking distance to shops, schools and wineries this is truly a great location. This 1880s cottage offers two bedrooms, fully carpeted, a lounge with floating floors and slow combustion heating. The dining room has an open fireplace plus there is a modern galley-style kitchen

with quality appliances. There is a spa bath in the modern bathroom plus two toilets. Take a look at the large outdoor cellar/storage room while there is a 1.5kw solar system. Front and rear parking for four cars is another feature. Temperature control is perfect with split-system heating and cooling plus the

house is fully insulated with new plumbing and wiring to the whole house as well as a new roof. This gorgeous cottage has it all so don’t miss out on the opportunity to have your own piece of paradise, priced at $339,000. Call Kies Real Estate today on 8523 3777 to book your private viewing or for more information.RLA61382.




LYNDOCH $325K- $335K

SPRINGTON $216,500

TANUNDA $335K - $350K


OPEN 38 Gothic Ave Open Sun 20th 1.45-2.15 WARM AND WELCOMING With separate entry, large lounge plus a rumpus room, Three bedrooms ensuite and walk in robe, built in robes to bed 2 & 3, spacious kitchen with gas cook top, wall oven dishwasher, walk-in pantry and feature bay window, open plan dining/family area. Ducted gas heating and cooling, pitched pergola, double garage, carport, rain water tanks. Sue Schugmann 0419 850 408

GAWLER EAST $439,950

42 Gilbert St

Open Fri 18th 4-4.30pm

42 Angas St Open Sun 20th 3.45-4.15pm

10 Magnolia Rd Open Sun 20th 2.30-3.00

GREAT LOCATION, IDEAL FAMILY HOME Separate entry, large lounge, 3 Bedrooms, Ensuite, Walk in & BI Robes. Open plan meals & family, kitchen with walk in pantry, air conditioning, combustion heating, neutral décor. Rear veranda, double carport with roller doors, 8 solar panels, Rain water tanks. BBQ Area, Established gardens. Walking distance to local schools and shopping. Sue Schugmann 0419 850 408

CEDAR COTTAGE Western red cedar cottage on a large block of over 1600m2. Stylishly presented as an open plan, 2 brm, 1 bthrm home with beautiful indoor/ outdoor flow. Combustion heat/bread oven, evap. cooling, fruit trees and veggie patch in beautiful cottage garden, rain water tanks. Very affordable living or holiday home! Sue Schugmann 0419 850 408

MAGNOLIA COTTAGE Set on approx. 1240m2 allotment, a great three bedroom family home including a separate entry, large lounge, jarrah kitchen with dishwasher, dining, computer area, rumpus or 4th bedroom, 2 toilets, & central bathroom, combustion heating & air con, 2 large garden sheds, carport, room for caravan. Close to Faith school & Tanunda primary. Sue Schugmann 0419 850 408



OPEN 22 McGahan Ct TWO STOREY BEAUTY You couldn't build it for this price. Separate entry, formal lounge, up to the minute kitchen, stainless steel appliances, rumpus room, meals/family room, formal dining, 4 brms, ducted air and gas heat, 914m2 allotment, fantastic views, walking distance to Gawler main street. Sue Schugmann 0419 850 408

9B Fergusson Ct Open Sun 20th 12-12.30 AUCTION Sat 16th at 1.30pm THE COMPLETE PACKAGE ON 1006M2 3 bedroom Marshall Thompson home in quiet court & walk to Lyndoch Primary. Master bed has en-suite & walk-in robe. Spacious lounge & formal dine. Ducted a/c & combustion heater. Central kitchen with walk-in pantry & large breakfast bar. Verandah, double carport, ample rainwater storage & 6 solar panels. Sue Schugmann 0419 850 408


OPEN Lot 53 Jemalong Cres

Open Sun 20th 2.15-2.45

FAMILY ENTERTAINER WITH POOL OASIS! Value packed Australian colonial style. 4 bedrooms, master with ensuite & walk-in robe, separate lounge & dining rooms, large country kitchen. Large 1540m2 (approx) landscaped yard with pool, double carport, garden shed & fruit trees. Evaporative cooling, split system & combustion heater. Elle Moreton 0488 996 566

11 Rushall Road LOOK AT ME Elevated (approx) 1005m2 block this 3 bedroom 2 bathroom home offers plenty of room. 2 living areas. Family kitchen with plenty of cupboard space, gas cook top, electric oven & dishwasher. Gabled patio perfect for entertaining friends. Evap cooling, gas heating, a double garage under the main roof. Room for a caravan or boat. Peter Fairweather 0415 825 420

8563 3511 F: 8563 0105 E:

Peter Fairweather 0415 825 420

Sue Schugmann 0419 850 408

Sue Fechner 8563 3511

Elle Moreton 0488 996 566

Property Manager Anne Johansson 8563 3511

RLA 1997

Wednesday, May 16, 2012 - Domain Page 2 - The Herald, Barossa Valley



Real Estate Liftout PROPERTY OF THE WEEK

Hard work’s been done

WELCOME: The best address in Tanunda with a delightful front.

Best address in town IF YOU know Tanunda well, you know Ellen Place. That magic spot down by the North Para river, where a handful of privileged owners get to enjoy the peace and tranquillity of an idyllic semi-rural setting, just a short stroll from the heart of the Tanunda township. The opportunity to join this small group can now be a reality by purchasing 2 Ellen Place, an architecturally designed home that has stood the test of time, situated on an elevated, tree studded allotment of about 2800 square metres. The home is hidden away behind the foliage of the numerous native trees and shrubs, giving it a private retreat feel, while offering picturesque views from many aspects both inside and out. There are a number of cleverly designed levels throughout the home, which add further interest to what is a unique, yet functional layout. Large picture windows and sliding glass doors allow the warming winter light to stream into the family, kitchen and formal living areas, while the vine covered pergolas shield these areas from hot summer sun, and provide great outdoor entertainment areas for family and friends to enjoy. Entering the home through the front door, instantly appreciate the home’s individuality and appeal, with high raked ceilings to the dining area, and the stunning curved roof of the central section of the home, which contains the practical kitchen and very useful

At a glance... Where: 2 Ellen Place, Tanunda. Features: Best address in town. Price: $640,000 - $680,000. Open: Sunday, May 20. When: 3.20pm - 3.50pm. Web ID: HRE516.

THIS pristine three-bedroom home (pictured) could be the best value property currently for sale in the Robertstown area. The presentation is excellent and all the hard work has been done. Located in a quiet street within easy reach of the main business area the house is set on two allotments of about 2200 square metres and has excellent rural views. Not a cent has been spared in the upkeep and maintenance of this excellent property which now has solar hot water. The formal lounge has been equipped with a combustion heater and a split-system air conditioner. Ceiling fans are fitted to the lounge and also the three bedrooms. Spotless describes the

presentation of the bathroom and kitchen which would please the most discerning buyer. Outside, the house has a front and rear verandah, a shadehouse and two large sheds with shower and toilet facilities. Well laid-out garden beds, ample fruit trees and extensive vegetable growing areas plus plenty of wood storage sheds are other features. The list goes on. All this within easy reach of the river and wine-growing areas of the Barossa Valley and Clare. A bitumen road connects all the way to Adelaide. Park the boat or jet ski here, safely stored away in a big shed, only 40 minutes to the river. Well worth thinking about the possibilities that present with

this well-presented property, price reduced to $190,000 with any sensible offer considered. Don’t delay talk to David from Hambours on 8566 2209 or 0414 917 474. RLA150685.

David Mosley


Agent: Homburg Real Estate. RLA 219152. Contact: Guy Draper 0417 810 828.

cellar room, along with the split levels between the entry, study, dining and lounge. The main bedroom, situated off the lounge room boasts a large walk-in robe and ensuite, with the generously proportioned bedrooms two and three located in the top section of the home, close to the three-way bathroom, offering handy storage via built-in robes. All of the creature comforts are here, with ducted evaporative cooling flowing through the main part of the house, a large slow combustion heater takes care of the winter chills, pantry and dishwasher in the kitchen, quality fixtures and fittings throughout and much more. Outside there is a garage for vehicle storage, or a workshop, a carport, beautifully established gardens including flowing lawn areas and loads of native plants and masses of rainwater to help run the entire property year round. This is a very desirable property in an enviable position, so don’t miss your chance.




ORIGINAL SOLID BRICK FAMILY HOME - 2.5 acres, is fully est. with country outlook but close for an easy drive to the town of Eudunda. Features 3 good-sized bdrms, main with builtin robes, large OP lounge/dining/kitchen area, spacious sunroom, fully enclosed to the rear of the home. Outside is a dbl grg and 60'x40' galvanised iron shed with concrete floor and 3-phase power plus a pit. Also garden/tool shed and good-size vegie patch. Extensive rainwater strge plus mains wtr & 1.5kw solar panels. RLA 150685 Asking $320,000

WONDERFUL RURAL VIEWS. 3 brm timber-framed home on a large 1858m2 block. Inside features lounge, kitchen/meals area with floating floorboards, WI pantry, lrg laundry, 2 toilets & updated bathroom. Large front & rear v/dah, entertainment area, gdn shed, mature trees, on low maintenance block. New Colourbond fence is to be put up on the south-west boundary before settlement. RLA 150685 Asking $220,000



GOOD SIZED BLOCK. Good sized block established on the eastern side of town, short distance to Main Street facilities. Situated on a level 835m2 block (18.5m W x 45m D), with near new fencing on two boundaries. Power & water available at the front of the block. Not too many of this type undeveloped in Kapunda.

TYPICAL KAPUNDA COTTAGE. 3 bedroom freestone cottage, circa 1880 with modern brick additions to rear section and within walking distance of most facilities. Established easy care gardens, bullnosed verandah, open-plan kitchen/dining room, separate toilet and a neat and tidy bathroom.


Price Reduced to $80,000

RLA 150685

Asking $182,750

Mark Hambour Lic Agents. 65 Main Street, Kapunda. RLA150685

Phone David on 8566 2209 all hours

OPEN: Room to move in the luxurious Tanunda home.


email: | | mobile: 041 491 7474

Urgently Required:

• Character stone homes • Vacant acreage (large or small) • Hobby or income producing farms

Wednesday, May 16, 2012 - Domain Page 3 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Real Estate Liftout

Osborne House THE historic mining town of Kapunda is home to a number of magnificent older buildings that date back to the late 1800s, when the town’s mine was operating at its peak. Osborne House is one of those grand old estates, where the impressive main home sits proudly overlooking the 1.88ha of land that makes this a very rare find indeed. Standing on the front verandah of this state heritage-listed home, it is not hard to imagine that in days gone by, this country town would have been a hive of activity and this prestigious property would have been bustling with scores of people from all walks of life coming and going, enjoying hospitality in the grand sitting room, or a fine meal in the character dining room. Now, the opportunity exists for the lucky purchaser to restore both the home and grounds to its former glory. The foundations are here. An elegant and truly impressive main home consisting of 10 main rooms, which include four large bedrooms, a lounge/sitting room, formal dining, games room, family room, cellar, dinette and kitchen, all exuding the character and charm you would expect from such a grand old home. Timber flooring, high ceilings, incredibly solid walls, open fireplaces, timber panelling and much more.

Outside, the array of established trees and shrubs form the base of these expansive grounds which with a little tender loving care will reestablish this property into a desirable estate. The 1.88 hectares also include some horse stables, a tennis court, sand volleyball court and a garage/study. The possibility to subdivide a portion of this large property may exist, subject to council and state heritage consent, allowing the new owner to raise some funds to help with any renovation/restoration work that they may choose to undertake, or simply keep the property as a whole and enjoy an enviable lifestyle right in the heart of town. Being offered for genuine sale by public auction on Friday, May 25 on the property at 11am. Terms: 10 per cent deposit on the fall of hammer, settlement June 25, 2012. If not sold beforehand.

SUPERB: Two of the rooms of stately Osborne House, Kapunda, are pictured above and below.

At a glance... Where: Osborne House, 65 High Street, Kapunda. Feature: Steeped in history. Price: Auction, May 25 at 11am on the property. Open: Sunday, May 20, 11.30am noon. Web ID: HRE505. Agent: Homburg Real Estate RLA 219152. Contact: Guy Draper 0417 810 828.


Check out our properties on the Net!

Stone Render on over 1000m2 AUBURN


$209,000 6 Henry Street

Comprising 3 bedrooms plus a study, formal lounge and formal dining, lovely floorboards, open fire, upgraded kitchen, bathroom, detached rumpus with second toilet. All offers presented as must be sold.

EUDUNDA 54 Barwell St


Brock Harcourts Magill RLA 200675

B/V home built 1991 on approx 820m2 corner allot, 3 good sized bedrooms, master with bi robe, spacious sitting room with split system air with tiled floor, family room/dine, bathroom with sep shower, bath, sep w.c. estab gardens.


Very nicely presented double brick home on approx 900m2, 2 large bedrooms, small 3rd b/r or office, large country kitchen, w.i. pantry, formal sitting room with split system air, 20 x 20 gge, rainwater, Inspection by appointment please!

EUDUNDA 15 & 16 Morgan Road REDUCED TO $120,000

EUDUNDA 23 Michael Street REDUCED TO $280,000 Well presented 3 bedroom b/v home on approx 1000m2 well cared for gardens, master with ensuite and robes, huge kitchen/family room with tiled floors, formal dine with split system air, carport umr plus workshop.

Ring me for an appraisal 7 days a week on

EX TELECOM DEP. & YARD - 2 TITLES Used as Bus depot, fully fenced yard, dual access, bitumen base, approx. 1900m2 being 2 allotments on 2 titles, 40x30x12 bus shed, ablution block, workshop with office, eat in kitchen/meal area, bdrm/T.V room, 12x20 steel framed garage, mains water and power. Ideal for small business, strge etc. Easy access from Mn Rd. GST is APPLICABLE on Sale of property.

All properties can be viewed at

Professionals Kapunda

Julie Thring Owner

28A Adelaide Road, Gawler 8523 3319


Timber framed 4 bdrm home with updated kitchen/dine, sitting rm with gas heater, rear verandah ideal for entertaining, approx 1600m2 of land and including fully established 1 bedroom flat with bthrm, kitchen/dine/lnge area ideal for Grannie or teen looking for own space! Virtually 2 houses for the price of one, so here is your chance!


0427 233 319

OPEN SUNDAY 11.00-11.45AM

KAPUNDA 17 Strickland Street EUDUNDA 12 Laurence Street $239,000.00 All Offers Considered ASKING $219,000 All offers considered

LANDLORDS Want a better return on your property?

KAPUNDA 14 Bagot Street REDUCED $250,000

DOUBLE BRICK home on near level corner allotment approx 1200m2, 3 spacious bedrooms, eat in kitchen, bathroom with shower and vanity, timber floors, shedding.

Open Saturday 1.00-1.30pm Vicki Chamings 0417 812 254


AUCTION Sat 2 June 3pm on property

Charles 0417 823 065

8566 2127

Real People in Real Property!


Wednesday, May 16, 2012 - Domain Page 4 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Steve 0417 811 348 RLA 163708

Real Estate Liftout

Only one year old Complete package BUILT by Marshall Thompson, this quality Lyndoch home (pictured) offers great value at a good price. Its location in a quiet court adds to its appeal as a safe and convenient family location. With an allotment of about 1020 square metres, there is plenty of room for the children to play. The three bedrooms are all a good size with the master having an ensuite bathroom and walk-in robe while a second bedroom also has built-in robes. The separate entry leads to a spacious lounge and formal dining room. Heating and cooling isn’t a problem with ducted air conditioning and a combustion heater to keep the family cosy in winter. Central to all family activities is the kitchen and family room which will not disappoint with its abundance of cupboard and benchspace, plus a walk-in pantry. A large breakfast bar is the ideal spot for a quick snack or lunch and there

is an electric wall oven and cooktop to make it all happen. The main bathroom and laundry are located at the rear of the home for convenient access to the large back verandah and garden. Needless to say the large allotment means there is plenty of room to move. Outside improvements include a large carport, big enough for two cars, and rainwater storage. Also, to keep those energy costs down, the six solar panels are sure to help. The property is within walking distance to the Lyndoch Primary School and local shopping, located in a quiet court, you could not ask for a better location. This home offers a package that is hard to beat. At 9 Fergusson Court, the property is going to auction. For more information or to arrange a viewing contact Sue Schugmann from Barossa Real Estate on 0419 850 408. RLA1997.

THIS fantastic modern Nuriootpa home boasts three bedrooms. The large double master bedroom has an ensuite and walk-in wardrobe. Bedrooms two and three both have built-in wardrobes and both share a private hallway with the laundry and the neat three-way bathroom that has a built-in linen cupboard. There is a comfortable nicesized formal lounge. The spacious family/games room has the open-plan feeling adjoining the lovely size gourmet kitchen with a bay window, wide benchtop, stainless-

steel stove and rangehood, walkin pantry which is every cook’s dream. Cooking and socialising is a breeze while the chef of the house is cooking up a storm and still involved with family and friends. There is a double garage under the main roof with double electric roller door in the front and a single roller door at the rear for easy access from the back lane. This conveniently located property is situated very close to the library and within walking distance to the new shopping mall, post office and main street.

This prestigious home is suitable for retirees and people who have little time for outdoor gardening and maintenance.

At a glance... Where: 4B The Crescent, Nuriootpa. Features: Modern spacious home. Price range: $310,000 to $330,000. Open: Contact agent. Agent: Julie Toth Real Estate. RLA198199. Contact: Julie Toth, 8562 4650 or 0418 853 134.

SPACIOUS: The three-bedroom modern Nuriootpa home close to town facilities.


... where people matter SEDAN

$149,500 TANUNDA


15 Coronation Avenue OPEN Sunday 20th May at 1.00 to 1.30pm

37 Tamke Street NEW






VIEWS & PEACEFUL SETTING Original stone bungalow on approx 3120m2 block, high ceilings, 3 dble brms, eatin country kitchen with large walk-in pantry. Teen retreat - 1 brm, lounge & study.

QUIET TREE LINED STREET Dble brick 3 brm home on a 780m2 cnr block. Large lounge, kitchen with pantry, heating & cooling. Dble gge, estab rear garden with fruit trees & more.




36 Penrice Road OPEN Sunday 20th May at 11.30 to12.00pm

WOULD-BE RENOVATORS - LOOK AT THIS! Great starter, dble brick home, 2 brms + sunroom, lounge & family living. Needs TLC. Split level residential block of 805m2.

FREELING 14 Kirchner Street


4 Collins Street OPEN Sunday 20th May at 12.15 to12.45pm

THE CORRUGATED IRON COTTAGE 3 brm cottage, polished timber floors throughout, kitchen with dw, lounge with heating & cooling, timber deck with views, few minutes’ walk to all amenities.

$360,000 NURIOOTPA

$275,000 NURIOOTPA

4C The Crescent

4B The Crescent



GREAT INVESTMENT Dble brick, 3 brm home, lrg lounge with French doors, kitchen with elec stove & pantry, polished flr brds t/out, htg & cooling, dble gge. 697m2 allot (approx)

Call for your free market appraisal

/RW LV 5/$

OPEN Sunday 20th May at 1.45 to 2.15pm OPEN Sunday 20th May at 2.15 to 2.45pm

8562 4650 0418 853 134

Wednesday, May 16, 2012 - Domain Page 5 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

NEAR NEW HOME 3 brms, ensuite, walk-in robe, formal lounge, family/games room, large modern kitchen, double garage, quiet location, low maintenance.

2/7 Gawler Street, Nuriootpa


OPEN Sunday 20th May at 3.00 to 3.30pm

LARGE FAMILY HOME - 1257m2 LAND 4 brms, 2 bathrooms, study, lounge, family room, open plan kitchen, air cond, double garage, entertaining area, large shed, room for boat & caravan. Tanunda








6/24 Elizabeth Street



$275,000 - $285,000 6 Anton Street

$280,000 - $305,000

Enviable Location

Recently Updated

In a small complex of 9 set around an attractive central courtyard this secure unit is conveniently located close to Tanunda´s main

In a quiet pocket of Angaston, offering a large L shaped lounge room with slow combustion heating, split system and boasting a

street and offers a separate lounge room, open plan kitchen dining and built in robes in both bedrooms. Drive through access from

brand new kitchen, this property offers great value. Views stretch out from the sunny undercover entertainment area, past the

the lock up garage leads to a large private courtyard at the rear, paved for the ultimate in low maintenance living.

separate double garage to the paddocks beyond the rear fence providing you with a real sense of rural living within the town limits.

Inspect: Sunday 3:30 - 4pm

Inspect: Call Agent to View

Web: HRE570 RLA: 219152

Web: HRE629 RLA: 219152

Lynne Kennedy: 0405 615 799 Guy Draper: 0417 810 828

Guy Draper: 0417 810 828








64 Bevan Street

If you need space both inside and out, then look no further. With a well-appointed large family home offering 4 bedrooms, 3 living areas, 2 bathrooms, double garage umr, heating and cooling, loads of cupboards, neutral tones, fully featured kitchen incl pantry, dishwasher, large breakfast bar and more. Massive covered and paved entertainment area along with loads of space on this 1640m2 allotment for additional sheds, pool and more. Situated at end of no thru road, close to town conveniences. A must to inspect. Inspect: Call Agent to View

$325,000 - $335,000

Adaptable Living, Accessible Block Planned for practicality inside & out, the layout of this low maintenance property is designed to fit your unique & changing circumstances. The floor plan provides two light & bright living zones that surround a central kitchen & north facing glass opens the home up to the rear paved verandah for outdoor entertaining. Situated on a corner site with rear yard access; space for the caravan; carport UMR; colourbond shed; lovely yard with raised veggie plots, fruit trees & easy-care cottage garden, this property has lots to match your needs & pleasures. ´Eco" features include R/W storage, ducted evap cooling & mains gas. Inspect: Sunday 2:45 - 3:15pm Web: HRE563 RLA: 219152 David Braunack: 0418 841 349

Web: HRE630 RLA: 219152 Guy Draper: 0417 810 828

Sandy Creek



$395,000 - $430,000 51 Golden Way

Big House, Big Block, Small Price










Lot 5 Williamstown Road

$735,000 - $775,000 Lot 92 Menge Rd

Country Living Dream Situated on 15.81ha with glorious sweeping views, this impressive property features an outstanding ´Distinctive´ built family home of luxurious proportions, outdoor living, huge 10 bay shed, abundant r/w, mains, un-equipped bore, electric fencing & 3 phase power. All set up for your rural living dream in this picturesque setting backing onto the Sandy Creek Golf Club & native pine forest, with an outlook to savour daily & high quality improvements. Inspect: Call Agent to View

Inspect: Call Agent to View

Web: HRER387 RLA: 219152 & 222770

Web: HRE567 RLA: 219152

David Braunack: 0418 841 349 Grant Fielke: 0427 300 049

David Braunack: 0418 841 349





$490,000 - $520,000

Savour every day here on 6.09 acres Wake up to incredible views of rural hills & countryside, surrounded by peace & calm. This Spanish style solid brick residence has been designed around its amazing aspect with an outdoor entertaining area that overlooks a solar-heated i/g pool & garden oasis, a setting created for the total enjoyment of the every day. Living spaces flow freely within & open to the covered pergola, the home´s new Tasmanian Oak kitchen within easy entertaining reach. There are 3 paddocks, R/W tanks, solar power, dog kennels & 20x30 shed with attached livestock shelter. A paradise to feed your soul as each day here is one of inspiring beauty.




2 Kapunda



Lot 519 Seppeltsfield Road

$750,000 26 College Street

Surround yourself with Nature & Horses Soul-satisfying rural lifestyle & equine property of 3.5ha is an idyllic environment in which to raise your family. Warm & rustic homestead has sweeping views & endless verandahs, enjoy weekends horse-riding in leafy tranquillity & entertain beside the i/g pool. Large dam; 90000 litres of r/w; 4 paddocks; quality fencing; horse arena; 2 stables; feed shed; dbl garage. In conjunction with Brock Harcourts Mt Barker - contact Dee-Anne Hunt 0411 555 774 - RLA158908 Inspect: Call Agent to View Web: HRER600 RLA: 219152 David Braunack: 0418 841 349



Auction: 11.00am 18th of May 2012 On Site 65 High Street

Auction: 11.00am 25 May 2012 On the Property

Auction Followed By Contents / Furniture Sale A teensy weensy cutie pie, this 1920´s solid rendered cottage in one of Tanunda´s finest streets is in original condition & waiting for new love. Situated on 1048sqm & sitting prettily against a backdrop of tall gums & a creek setting, with a dble bdrm, lounge, eat-in kitchen & rosy bathroom. Original home contents/furniture for sale between 11.30-1.00pm only.

A Piece of History on 1.8Ha., In The Heart of Town Amazing prop., steeped in history, being offered for genuine sale. Imposing 10 main room residence sits proudly in elevated position, o/looking expansive grounds inc. stables, tennis court, est. trees & shrubs. Potential for some sub-division exists subject to council and State Heritage consent. Terms: 10% Dep., S/ment 25-6-12, if not Sold Beforehand.

Inspect: Friday 10:30 - 11am prior to Auction Web: HRE594 RLA: 219152 David Braunack: 0418 841 349

Inspect: Sunday 11:30 - 12pm Web: HRE505 RLA: 219152 Guy Draper: 0417 810 828



Wednesday, May 16, 2012 - Domain Page 6 - The Herald, Barossa Valley Tanunda



2 Nuriootpa


38 Elizabeth Street



2 Nuriootpa


$319,000 - $349,000 17 Traminer Way



2 Tanunda


$349,000 - $369,000 6 Hearl Street





$370,000 - $395,000 2 Ellen Place

$640,000 - $680,000

Solid Home, Great Location, 1400m2 Allotment Situated in a sought-after location in the heart of Tanunda, this solid older style home is ready for you to give it a makeover to create an enviable property in a great location. With high ceilings, timber floors, large north facing picture windows, and loads of room, all the basic ingredients are here, the rest is up to you. A must to inspect.

For Those Who Find Conventional Boring! Attractive, family home offers mod., trendy design w/- décor to match. All the features you love are here, inc. casual, formal & o/door living, functional well-appointed kit., lge b’rooms (w/spac. ens. to main), heating & cooling, dble gge umr, generous 721m2 lot & much more. Realistically priced, this is a great property that you simply must inspect.

Want Style and Quality? Look no Further Fab mod. residence suit those looking for quality prop. w/minimal o/door maint., which allows you to escape w/- peace of mind. The home offers up to 4 b’rooms (main w/- ens & wir), casual, formal & enclosable o/door ent. areas. Elegant tiling & floating timber flooring t/out. Ducted gas heating & evap cooling, neutral tones, dble gge umr + more.

Tanunda´s Best Address! - Ellen Place Situated adj to North Para river, a short stroll into heart of Tanunda township, this truly unique offering deserves your close inspection. Architecturally designed split level home offers up to 4 b’rooms, 2 generous living areas, 2 bathrooms, cellar room, beautiful elevated grounds & much more. A private retreat w/- rural feel, right in town.

Inspect: Sunday 3:50 - 4:20pm Web: HRE605 RLA: 219152 Guy Draper: 0417 810 828

Inspect: Sunday 1:10 - 1:40pm Web: HRE603 RLA: 219152 Guy Draper: 0417 810 828

Inspect: Sunday 1:50 - 2:20pm Web: HRE604 RLA: 219152 Guy Draper: 0417 810 828

Inspect: Sunday 3:20 - 3:50pm Web: HRE516 RLA: 219152 Guy Draper: 0417 810 828




2 Tanunda


19 Traminer Way



2 Greenock



$370,000 - $390,000 9 Arrawarra





$430,000 - $450,000 18 Flora Street




$235,000 - $245,000 Lot 201 Smyth Road

$515,000 - $530,000

Comfort & space for family, fun & the festivities in life With a layout that embraces family needs, from lovely large bedrooms abundant in built-in storage to expansive formal & casual living spaces that spill out to an immense undercover zone for relaxation & alfresco activities; this neutral & stylish home is naturally perfect for a family life of fun. There´s access to the rear for a campervan or boat & easy-care surrounds.

Lakeside Views & Entertaining Excellence Overlooking Langmeil´s lakeside reserve, this light-filled home offers luxury. Gleaming tiles; shades of stone & parchment; striking wall display niches; high quality window effects & lavish use of glass enhance the airy spaces within. Open plan stunning chef´s kitchen all connect with alfresco life thru sliding glass for easy, everyday gourmet celebrations.

On the High Side of the Street With airy open-plan living & views across the tree tops of town, this brick home on an elevated 783sqm with dual driveways, rear shedding plus full length front & rear verandahs is perfectly practical. Ranch style, floating floors, ducted evaporative cooling, gas heating & quaint drought tolerant front cottage garden. Currently tenanted at $240/week.

Rural Setting Close to Town Beautifully renovated solid brick home has lovely mod. feel & sits on elevated 2533m2 lot, sought-after location. Picturesque rural views across gently undulating countryside. Spacious open plan living w/- well-appointed kit., lge windows & glass sliding doors, cozy lounge, 4 b’rooms, 2 bath, store/pantry room. Triple gge, r/water and plenty of space for the whole family.

Inspect: Saturday 1:45 - 2:15pm Web: HRE598 RLA: 219152 David Braunack: 0418 841 349

Inspect: Open Saturday 1:00 - 1:30pm Web: HRE575 RLA: 219152 David Braunack: 0418 841 349

Inspect: Saturday 3:15 - 3:45pm Web: HRE167 RLA: 219152 David Braunack: 0418 841 349

Inspect: Sunday 2:40 - 3:10pm Web: HRE549 RLA: 219152 Guy Draper: 0417 810 828




1 Nuriootpa



1/10 Kook Street


2 Greenock



249,500 27 Zimmermann Street


5 Tanunda



$315,000 - $325,000 2 Victor Road




$339,000 - $369,000 10 Hoffmann Avenue

$350,000 - $365,000

Perfectly Practical The answer to all of life´s practical needs coupled with the luxury of cosmopolitan life, this spacious homette offers open plan living; a well equipped kitchen & dining; neutral bathroom & excellent storage. Outdoors, there´s an enclosed garage; workshop; paved alfresco courtyard & adaptable front yard. Easy living for the very young & the very grown up.

Ready For The Good Life Set in Kalimna Estate, this fab home offers a perfect retreat from the busy lifestyle. low maint gardens front & rear, the easy life is within arm´s reach. Comp. 2 living areas as well as superb o/door ent. area, all the hard work has been done. Superbly set to maximise the use of the 456m2 block, all that´s left for you to do is kick back, relax & enjoy.

Escape to the Country • Prop on outskirts of town w/- rural views. •4349m2 w/- lots of room to move. •Mod. home w/- 3 b’rooms & 2 living areas. •Ducted air, comb heating & quality fittings. •Extensive outdoor patio. •Sparkling clean i.g. pool in delightful setting. •2 Dble gges, orchard, garden shed & lots more. •Great location only a minute from the local.

Space surrounds this home for family & festivities Quality built family home on a generous 1140sqm is privately surrounded by a rich & productive gourmet garden, 3-bay shed & carport. With a well equipped kitchen at its heart & sliding glass off the everyday living zone that opens the home up to the garden & paved u/c entertaining area, this home will suit peaceful pottering & fun times shared with family & friends.

Inspect: Sunday 12:30 - 1pm Web: HRE581 RLA: 219152 David Braunack: 0418 841 349

Inspect: Sunday 12:30 - 1pm Web: HRE568 RLA: 219152 Guy Draper: 0417 810 828

Inspect: Sunday 4:30 - 5pm Web: HRE529 RLA: 219152 Guy Draper: 0417 810 828 Michael Bogan: 0416 586 897

Inspect: Saturday 2:30 - 3:00pm Web: HRE574 RLA: 219152 David Braunack: 0418 841 349

Light Pass



2 Marananga


Lot 508 Light Pass Road



1 Nuriootpa



1 Eden Valley





$630,000 - $680,000 Lot 203 Neldner Road

$280,000 - $300,000 8 Cabernet Court

$319,000 - $339,000 Lot 1 Keyneton Road


Don´t Let This Be The One That Got Away Perfectly blending character charm & mod cons, grandeur & style go hand in hand t/out this stunning home. Views through walls of glass beautifully frame main living areas. Impressive & ext renos set this prop apart from the rest, sep guest suite, sparkling ig pool, lush surrounds, every aspect has been considered. On 2000m2 (approx.) a rare & exciting offering.

Step Back in Time On just over an acre (4421sqm), this Bungalow is almost secluded by the old tall trees in its sleepy village setting. The large rooms, floorboards, leadlight, fretwork, high ceilings, sash windows, original doors, skirtings & architraves will steal the heart of the period home decorator. Peace & space accompanied by birdsong & the laughter of kookaburras.

Affordable Modern Home on 763m2 Allotment This fabulous, feature -packed 4 bedroom home offers so much, at a very realistic price. Both casual and formal living, 2 bathrooms, heating and cooling, outdoor entertainment area, carport, 20´ x 30´ garage with concrete floor, power and lights, low maintenance front yard, fully enclosed rear yard and much more. Suit a wide range of purchasers. Don´t miss this one.

Lifestyle, Acres & Ancient Gums Picturesque 108.9ha of prime grazing land just 2kms north of Eden Valley. Income producing country lifestyle with modest 4 bed home, self contained quarters, sheds, cattle yards & crush. Approx 70% arable, most fencing & water infrastructure upgraded recently plus 2 dams.

Inspect: Call Agent to View Web: HRE572 RLA: 219152 Guy Draper: 0417 810 828

Inspect: Call Agent to View Web: HRE399 RLA: 219152 David Braunack: 0418 841 349

Inspect: Call Agent to View Web: HRE586 RLA: 219152 Guy Draper: 0417 810 828

Inspect: Call Agent to View Web: HRER161 RLA: 219152 David Braunack: 0418 841349



Wednesday, May 16, 2012 - Domain Page 7 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Real Estate Liftout

2010 Fairmont Home

SUBSTANTIAL: The three-bedroom Auburn house is pictured above, and left, a light-filled room.




At the beginning of the Riesling Trail

$259,000 Lot 9 King William Street

As new, 3 bedrooms, main with robe & 2-way bathroom, open plan kitchen, family & meals area with walk-in pantry, 1200m2 block with double carport (roller doors) plus handy third driveway & plenty of room for a huge shed. Extras include ducted cooling, pergola & garden shed.

Open Saturday 19th 12-12.45pm 1819464

Vicki Chamings 0417 812 254

Brock Harcourts Magill RLA 200675

BUILT by Fairmont Homes in 2010, this ‘as new’ Auburn home on a substantial 1200 square metre block is in a quality development of beautiful new homes already built with some land still left for sale. The house comprises three bedrooms, the main with a walkin robe, two-way bathroom access, a lovely bay window and television points to all three. There is a light-filled openplan kitchen living and meals area. The kitchen features a raised servery and breakfast bar, underbench oven and hotplates, corner walk-in pantry and has a dishwasher provision. A sliding glass door leads out to the rear yard while there is a good size laundry with access to

the line, double carport with twin roller doors and ducted evaporative air conditioning. Previously tenanted at $280per-week, there is the option of a quality investment property with good rental return and years of tax benefits, or a property to move into and make your own. The property is priced at $259,000. The owners have recently done some additional external improvements including a patio/entertaining area with shadecloth covered pergola and a 3mx3m gabled roof Colorbond garden shed. There is a handy third driveway and plenty of room on this generous block for a serious shed down the back.

The beauty of this development is there are only ever going to be quality brick homes as per the subdivision regulations. Auburn is a lovely country town, and the gateway to the Clare Valley, the beginning of the Riesling Trail with a number of services to the town including IGA supermarket, post office, roadhouse, awardwinning hotel, coffee shop, restaurant, hairdresser, senior citizens’ accommodation to name a few. There are also four blocks available from $65,000-$75,000, and all are 1200 square metres. Agent: Vicki Chamings 0417 812 254. Brock Harcourts RLA200675.



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Wednesday, May 16, 2012 - Domain Page 8 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

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$479,950 2



Price $149,950 $159,950 $134,950 $169,950 $189,950 $139,950 $189,950 $149,950 $149,950 $139,950 $159,950 $174,950 $199,950

$319,000 1

A Home with the Lot!

Seeing is Believing

Pure Bliss—Relax in Peace

This quality Homestead built home situated on a 1372m2 allotment offers large formal entry, formal lounge and dining with bay window, master bedroom with built-in robe, large ensuite with spa and double shower, bedrooms 2, 3 and 4 are extra large and have built-in robes and ceiling fans, all bedrooms also have Austar connected. 3-way bathroom and generous size laundry. Open plan kitchen, dining and family room leading through to the games room which has glass doors leading out onto the salt water solar heated pool. 3 car garage under the main roof, approx 32,000L rainwater storage, two 3phs reverse cycle split system air-conditioners, large entertainment area complete with bar and wood fire pizza oven, large lawn area and side access for trailers/caravans with a high clearance lean-to off the shed.

# 5048

# 3022

This superbly renovated 1880's cottage is situated on a 913m2 allotment located on the fringe of the popular Barossa Valley. The cottage is currently running as a Bed and Breakfast but would make for a lovely home with all the luxuries of modern living. This little oasis offers tranquillity and convenience with shops, schools and wineries all within walking distance and it's only 10 minutes drive to Gawler or Tanunda. The house boasts the following; - 2 good size bedrooms, fully carpeted with doors to outside - Galley Style kitchen with quality appliances and glass splashbacks -Traditional country style dining with original wood stove and stunning timber floors - Lounge with open fire place - Split system heating and cooling - 1.5kw solar Established gardens with the house set well back on the block - Stylish bathroom with spa and separate toilet - Good size laundry - Plenty of parking with foundation already done for carport - Superb location. It needs to be seen to be believed, call now to book a time that's right for you. # 3025 RLA 61382


$349,950 2

RLA 61382




$399,950 1


Family Fortune

A Great Investment

Set on a 1345m2 corner allotment sits this wonderful 2 storey home. Downstairs offers 3 of the 4 bedrooms with main bathroom, laundry, sparkling refurbished kitchen with stainless steel appliances and polished slate flooring. The downstairs living boasts timber floors in an Lshaped lounge/dine combination. Upstairs there is a second huge family area together with the master bedroom, ensuite and built-in robes. Beautifully decorated throughout in neutral tones with new floor coverings to compliment this home is sure to tick the boxes. Outside is a blank canvas for the homes new owners to complete, with ample shedding, front and rear verandahs the spacious block would accommodate may possibilities. With inspection by appointment - call to arrange a time to suit.

As rare as hens teeth! A half acre allotment with over 100 metres of road frontage. Currently on two titles with a circa 1890 Stone Cottage, originally the Headmasters residence for the Lyndoch Public School - opened in 1879. The potential of this superb opportunity is obvious, to renovate the Cottage and sub-divide the remaining land (subject to Council consent). With 3 bedrooms, formal lounge, kitchen/dine and large cellar the property is deserving of restoration and would certainly reap rewards for its lucky new owner, together with the development of the remaining land. Within walking distance to all of Lyndoch's amenities - local schools, shops, restaurants and wineries. A project worthy of the investment, inspection by appointment call to arrange a time to suit.

# 5026

# 5040

RLA 61382


RLA 61382

$339,000 1



Built in 2002 this 3 bedroom Fairmont home is complete and offers many extras, beautifully landscaped front and back. The quality of this property is obvious even from the road. All bedrooms have timber floating floors, main with ensuite and walk-in robe, 2nd with built-in robe. The rest of the home is tiled including the open living area with combined living/dine and sparkling kitchen with updated appliances and dishwasher. The home is serviced by gas hot water and ducted reverse cycle heating and cooling. Other improvements include security shutters throughout, gutter-guard, monitored Centricom system, workshop and a 1.25kw solar system to ensure energy efficiency. Beautifully established and immaculately maintained this property stands out from the typical offerings, call to arrange an inspection. RLA 61382

Available 7 Days





Fantastic Investment/First Home Buyer Opportunity This immaculately presented home is set in the stunning township of Lyndoch in the Barossa Valley - walking distance to schools, shops, wineries, restaurants and only a short drive to Adelaide and Gawler. The home offers 4 good size bedrooms, master with built-in robe. The home is complete with formal entry, large lounge, good size dining off of the kitchen and don't forget plenty of room outside as the home is set on just under 1/4 Acre. This beautiful property has so much potential and has been freshly painted and has new floor coverings, ducted evaporative cooling, gas heating and large shed with fully fenced yard. This is a wonderful opportunity to purchase a lovely piece of the Barossa Valley at an affordable price, so don’t miss out.

# 3009

RLA 61382



Unique and Amazing - 1880’s Cottage Truly amazing, this stunning 1880's cottage is set on a generous 850m2 allotment.Currently operating as a local Bed and Breakfast in the Barossa Valley, this cottage is a testament to the owners as the renovations are of such a high quality. What an opportunity, to own a lovely cottage with modern and quality upgrades on the inside, yet keeping great character on the outside. Situated within walking distance to local shops, schools and wineries this is truly a great location. This 1880's cottage offers the following;- 2 bedrooms fully carpeted - Lounge with floating floors and slow combustion heating - Dining room also with slow combustion heating - Modern Galley Style kitchen with quality appliances - Modern bathroom with spa - 2 toilets - Large outdoor cellar/storage room - 1.5kw solar - Front and rear parking for 4 cars - Split system heating and cooling - Fully insulated, new plumbing and wiring to whole house as well as a new roof.This gorgeous cottage has It all so don't miss out on the opportunity to have your own piece of paradise. # 3024 RLA 61382



$415,000 2

$329,950 1


Convenient & Tranquil Set on over a quarter of an acre (1104m2) this much loved family home offers 3 bedrooms, main with walk-in robe and bedrooms 2 and 3 with built-in robes, open living family, dining and kitchen together with a large formal lounge. The home is serviced by a 3.5hp split system and also slow combustion heating. Outside, the property boasts unbroken views over the Barossa Ranges and beautifully established gardens just perfect for entertaining. Also with a 20x20 shed with cement floor and power, double carport, rear access and 6500L of rainwater storage fed to the laundry and kitchen. A lovely property offering privacy and seclusion yet walking distance to all of Lyndoch’s amenities. A “must inspect” for anyone looking in the Barossa, convenience and tranquillity found. # 5020 RLA 61382





$399,950 2

Barossa Beauty

Stunning 4 Bedroom

Constructed by Galaxy Homes in 2002 this spacious 4 bedroom home has all the extras that you would expect in a build of this calibre. Main bedroom features walk-in robe and ensuite with double vanity and spa. Built-in robes throughout the other bedrooms all doubles with the second being as large as the main. Sunken formal lounge/dining and a huge family with meals area off the kitchen. This home delivers quality and quantity, 30 squares of luxurious living, high ceilings throughout, Actron r/cycle ducted heating and airconditioning. Great outdoor entertaining via French doors from the family area all set on a large easy to maintain 760m2 allotment. Barossa bound? This property is a “must see” - call today to arrange a private inspection to suit you. # 5018 RLA 61382

Looking for the WOW factor? This property definitely has it. Set on a large corner allotment (842m2) this beautiful home offers 4 bedrooms, main with ensuite and walk-in robe, remaining 3 brms all with matching built-in robes, formal lounge, open kitchen/family/dine combined plus games room. With superb fittings throughout the home oozes quality. Serviced by ducted air-conditioning, gas heating and split system reverse cycle. The gardens are fully established and easily maintained with drippers and sub-surface irrigation. Together with full length pergola, 20x20 shed/workshop, rainwater storage and side access. This wonderful home is sure to tick all the boxes without doubt a “Dream Property”.

# 5054

RLA 61382

3A Adelaide Road, Gawler (08) 8523 3777

Wednesday, May 16, 2012 - Domain Page 9 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


We’ll get you where you want to go!

Real Estate Liftout

Relax in peace




8563 2855



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TRANQUIL: The superbly renovated Lyndoch cottage which has two good-sized bedrooms.



THIS superbly renovated 1880s Lyndoch cottage is situated on a 913 square metre allotment located on the fringe of the popular Barossa Valley. The cottage is currently running as a ‘bed and breakfast’ but would make for a lovely home with all the luxuries of modern living. This little oasis offers tranquillity and convenience with shops, schools and wineries all within walking distance and it’s only a 10 minute drive to Gawler or Tanunda. The house boasts two good-size bedrooms, fully carpeted with doors to outside plus a galley-style kitchen with quality appliances and glass splashbacks. Traditional country-style dining is on offer with the original wood stove and stunning timber floors. Stylish describes the bathroom with a spa and separate toilet and the laundry is a good size. The lounge has an open fireplace plus there is split-system heating and cooling and 1.5kw solar. Established gardens are a feature with the house set well back on the block. Plenty of room for parking with the foundation already done for a carport. This is a superb location and the property, priced at $319,000, needs to be seen to be believed. Call Kies Real Estate now on 8523 3777 to book a time that’s right for you.


Domestic & Industrial bins 4, 6 & 9 cubic metre bins Perfect for tidying up around the yard

Wednesday, May 16, 2012 - Domain Page 10 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

of Kapunda

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Wednesday, May 16, 2012 - Domain Page 11 - The Herald, Barossa Valley



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Maximise your potential audience By promoting your business through the Herald’s Dial-A-Service Serving your community section, you will be appearing in South Australia’s largest circulating since 1908. country newspaper with 21,300 weekly copies (Bunyip 9,700 Leader 7,700) Phone Roxanne on 8563 2041 or email

Wednesday, May 16, 2012 - Domain Page 12 - The Herald, Barossa Valley



Mitsubishi model welcomed back - page 23. Your guide to everything automotive - pages 24 & 25.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012 - Page 21 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


All reasonable offers considered




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Ferrari red-faced after promotional stunt


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BRAND NEW MURANO ST ONLY $49,990 Driveaway* And 2.7% Finance Available! Metallic Paint $495 extra

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A PROMOTIONAL event has backfired as the Chinese blast Ferrari for laying rubber on Nanjing’s ancient city wall. Chinese citizens are up in arms after a Ferrari sports car left tyre tracks atop Nanjing's ancient city wall, possibly permanently damaging the protected landmark. China's outspoken citizens heaped criticism on the Italian automaker after a domestic sales agent allowed the car to be driven on the centuries-old wall in a promotional event, the official Xinhua news agency said. The incident also highlights growing anger over a widening rich-poor divide in China, where brazen displays of extravagance and wealth are attracting more and more criticism. A crane hoisted the car to the top of the wall and video of the event showed the blood-red Ferrari doing 360 degree turns, with cleaners trying in vain to scrub dark black tyre marks from the grey brick the following day. The affected section near the eastern city's Gate of China - a renowned ancient ceremonial gateway - dates back to the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) and is said to be among the best preserved sections of the wall.

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“We cannot tolerate that Ferrari used the ancient city gate to make a show and ruined it. If you do not respect the city, you do not deserve to stay here,” said one Nanjing resident in a microblog posting. Xinhua said the car involved was a special edition Ferrari 458 Italia valued at $526,950 in Australia, and the organisers of the event spent more than $12,000 to hold the ceremony at the site. “A 6 million yuan Ferrari versus a 600-year-old ancient city wall. What are the Nanjing authorities doing? So sad,” said another microblogger who gave the name Baobei Fei. Ferrari apologised in a statement on its website, saying it respected Chinese culture and was working to resolve the problems caused by its distributor Kuaiyi Automobile. The Nanjing government has also “reprimanded” the officials responsible as the event took place without higher authorisation, Xinhua said. But it might be too late to reverse the impact, experts say. “The (structural) damage may be invisible at the moment, but very detrimental,” Yang Guoqing, a preservation expert, was quoted by Xinhua as saying.

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RUBBER: A Ferrari 458 Italia like one which drove on the Nanjing wall. MVD 1433

Wednesday, May 16, 2012 - Page 22 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Mitsubishi’s Pajero Platinum returns MITSUBISHI Motors Australia Limited (MMAL) welcomes back the Pajero Platinum Edition. With a limited release of 2000 units, the Pajero Platinum is based on the GLX with premium styling and specification upgrades. The Pajero Platinum receives stylish exterior updates including privacy glass, chrome exterior door handles and door mirrors, integrated side steps, fog lamps, chrome radiator grille and special edition Platinum badge. To increase functionality within the cabin, the Pajero Platinum includes Mitsubishi’s Multi Communication System (MMCS) with voice command. Also included are steering wheel controls and a reversing camera to provide greater driver visibility and awareness. The Pajero Platinum also gains dusk sensing headlamps and rain sensing wipers to boost convenience. Comfort has been increased with the

inclusion of leather steering wheel and gear shift, rear-zone air-conditioning, Platinum floor mats and an 850 watt Rockford Fosgate 12 speaker premium audio system to provide an enhanced listening experience. Lyndoch Motors dealer principal, Steve Ahrens (pictured) , welcomed the Pajero Platinum back to the Mitsubishi range. “The Pajero Platinum is always popular with four-wheel drive enthusiasts looking for solid on and offroad power combined with stylish and functional extras,” Mr Ahrens said. The Pajero Platinum offers first-class safety with Mitsubishi’s reinforced impact safety evolution body system, ABS braking, electronic stability control and driver and passenger SRS airbags along with Super Select II which offers the drive a range of flexible on and offroad driving modes. Available in warm white, cool silver, black, graphite, ironbark and champagne, the Pajero Platinum is an impressive addition to the legendary Pajero range and is available with a 3.2litre diesel engine coupled with an automatic transmission. Mitsubishi offers a 10 year/160,000 km non-transferrable drive-train warranty, five year/130,000 km new vehicle warranty, five year/130,000 km roadside assist and capped price servicing for the first four years or 60,000 km of ownership* on all new vehicles. * Excludes government, rental, and some fleet buyers.

SCREEN: The view of the rear-reversing camera and satellite navigation screen in a Pajero Platinum.

Holden’s End of Financial Year Countdown is on now, with ‘neverseen-before’ deals on a huge range of new vehicles sold before June 30. For the first time ever we’re giving all eligible vehicles an extra three year’s Roadside Assist for free, an extra two year’s Factory Warranty for free and your first Standard Service for free.



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Wednesday, May 16, 2012 - Page 23 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Tips to save CRAIG Cowan from Barossa Auto Care in Nuriootpa wants motorists to have every advantage in looking after their car. “We know how important a car’s safety and reliability is to the owner and their family,” Craig said. “At Barossa Auto Care, we are locals with the knowledge of the area’s

driving conditions that can impact on a car’s performance and safety. We can provide expert mechanical repairs and servicing on all popular makes and models. “As a service, the team at Barossa Auto Care would like to help reduce your running expenses and have 10 handy hints to save you money.”

Barossa Auto Care’s suggestions for helping save money 1. Use less accelerator and only use enough pedal to maintain a constant speed, this reduces tyre wear and mechanical repairs. 2. Keep the battery fully charged. A constantly discharged battery will not see out its full life. 3. Keep your tyres at the recommended pressure. This can reduce your fuel consumption by 10 per cent or more. 4. Keep your engine clean. It makes servicing easier and reduces the risk of grease and grime build up hampering cables and other moving parts. 5. Fix small mechanical problems before they become larger ones. You can save expensive repairs that way. 6. Run your car air conditioner, even in winter. Just a few minutes will prevent the seals and rubber hoses from drying out. 7. Make sure you check your radiator level regularly and top it up if necessary. Use coolant, not water, as this will retard corrosion and save later repairs. 8. Make sure your fan belt is tensioned correctly. A slipping belt can deteriorate quickly and cause wear to water pump and alternator bearings. 9. Start winter with fresh engine oil. Old oil thickens and imposes extra strains on the engine, particularly on cold morning starts. 10. Service your car regularly. A well-tuned and maintained vehicle will perform better and more economically.

KNOWLEDGEABLE: Justin Edwards, a mechanic at Barossa Auto Care, checking the power steering fluid on a car.



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Wednesday, May 16, 2012 - Page 24 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

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Wheel happy BRIDGESTONE Select Nuriootpa and the Herald recently ran a promotion for a lucky reader to win a $1000 tyre and wheel package voucher. Readers simply had to unscramble the various tyre and wheels words over the two-month competition period. More than 100 entries were received with readers either downloading the entry form via the Herald website or picking up one from Bridgestone Select Nuriootpa. Winner of the promotion was Cecilia Frank of Nuriootpa, pictured right with David Jaensch, manager of Bridgestone Select Nuriootpa. “I am so happy to have won, this is perfect,” Cecilia said. “We needed new tyres for our car and my husband said, go on enter you never know we might win. “And we did, the timing was spot on,” said Cecilia. David said it was a fantastic promotion with many people coming in to enter and it was good to see a happy winner.



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• Plug-in Testing 17 Craker Drive Nuriootpa 8562 1166 Wednesday, May 16, 2012 - Page 25 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Focus on your core Free plants up for grabs

CORE: Personal trainers Ryan, Kylie and Jason demonstrating a hover.

By PAUL PEARCE STARPLEX FITNESS CENTRE MANAGER FOR improved health training focus on your core. Strong core muscles play an important role in injury prevention. The foundation of your core is the spine. Surrounding this are deep “inner unit” muscles which stiffen and support the spine such as the diaphragm and pelvic floor.

These muscles operate at low loads only, creating a cylinder effect to protect the spine. An outer unit of muscles, such as the rectus abdominus (abdominal wall muscles) and back

extensors, play a vital role for our mobility; bending and moving the spine under heavy loads. Getting results from your training where you need it the most requires specific focus on these superficial core muscles on a regular basis. Most people train the core for the cosmetic benefits this type of training provides ie, a “six pack”. The functional benefits of core training are often overlooked. A simple test using a “hover” (supporting own bodyweight on toes and forearms with fists together) is a fantastic indicator of core strength. If an individual is unable to hold this position with a neutral spine for less than a minute they are more likely to experience lower back problems in their life. Hovers are great for increasing functional strength -this trains the muscles we need for daily use, like walking. A workout that targets these “outer unit” core muscles integrating movements such as an overhead squat (using a barbell or heavy medicine ball) has greater functional benefit as opposed to exercises prescribed using equipment found on most gym floors involving benches. Exercise like a leg press supports your body but does little to strengthen your core. Incorporating core exercises that utilise isolation (eg crunches) and integrated movements (eg medicine ball stepping lunge with a twist) will create intensity and variety in your core training.

THE community group Greening Kapunda will be hosting their 13th annual free native plant giveaway on Saturday, May 19. Since 1999 the group has given away on average 3000 plants-per-year or 39,000 plants since they began. Light Regional Council’s Environmental Projects officer, Andrew Philpott praised the energy and contribution of the group. “Greening Kapunda are a wonderful example of a grass roots organisation that is genuinely seeking to improve the natural biodiversity of the council area,” Mr Philpott said. “Not only does this group provide a very popular service for our residents but they also have an encyclopaedic knowledge of the remaining native vegetation systems in the region and work

tirelessly to improve its condition.” Founding member Terri Bateman noted how popular the free tree giveaway was with an orderly queue of residents lining up each year to take advantage of the offer. Residents of the Light Regional Council are entitled to take up to 10 seedlings and generally all of the seedlings are gone by the end of the day. “These types of native plants are very important in enabling residents to create their own wildlife habitat, which all helps to preserve our local native bird, insect and reptile species,” Ms Bateman said. The native plant giveaway will be held in the car park of the council offices, Main Street, Kapunda from 10am on Saturday, May 19.

Learn about Gawler’s history from an expert WELL-KNOWN political analyst and academic Dr Dean Jaensch will present the inaugural Gawler History Lecture later this month. The lecture will form part of the Town of Gawler's contribution to the About Time History Festival. The topic will be "The History of Democracy in South Australia" and will include references to the local area. Dr Jaensch, a retired professor of politics from

Flinders University, has authored or edited 24 books, numerous articles, and a professional journal on Australian politics. He has had a wide-ranging involvement with public political education throughout the last 35 years. Dr Jaensch appears regularly as a political and electoral analyst in the media. In 2003, Dr Jaensch was awarded an Officer of The Order of Australia (AO) for

service to education and the study of Australian politics as an analyst and writer, and to the community through raising public awareness and stimulating debate about the political process. Gawler Public Library will host the Inaugural Gawler History Lecture at 1pm on Sunday, May 27 in the Gawler Institute Hall, 91 Murray Street. Everyone is welcome to come along and be a part of this history-making event.


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Wednesday, May 16, 2012 - Page 26 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

The drums are coming

THE Barossa Film Club will screen a "The Boy In the Striped Pyjamas" this Friday. This film looks at the Holocaust through the eyes of eight-year old Bruno, the son of an SS officer transferred from Berlin to a post in the country. Bruno resents leaving his life in Berlin, and cannot understand why he is forbidden to go near an adjoining farm where all the farmers and their families wear striped pyjamas. The film features some excellent cinematography and some impressive performances,

The Light Regional Public Library Service Invites you to the

Freeling Library Branch Re-Launch on Monday, May 21, 2012 from 5.30pm FREE Community BBQ FREE Activities for children Official Opening at 6pm

e res a cut above th t


It is not just about banging a drum either. All members have prior musical training and are required to spend two years studying the taiko and related art forms like dancing, flute playing and singing, before being invited to give a full main-stage performance. The energetic performers aim to draw the audience into their world and create an atmosphere which radiates energy and serenity at the same time. A TaikOz performance is not just for the ears and eyes, but is felt throughout the entire body it is a truly visceral experience. The local performance will be at the Barossa Arts and Convention Centre on Saturday, June 2 at 7.30pm. Visit or call 8561 4299 for bookings.

Chill with Bill

THIS FRIDAY: Bill Chambers will perform at VJ Entertainment’s Candlelight Concert on Friday, May 18. The renowned performer and father of well-known singer, Kasey Chambers will grace the stage at The Barossa Regional Art Gallery, Basedow Road, Tanunda. Tickets are $30 and available from Barossa Music Centre, Murray Street, Tanunda or phone Vicki at VJ Entertainment on 0417 084 191.

particularly by the two boys and the mother. This is a unique view of a disturbing part of European history and is a powerful and moving affirmation of the strength of the human spirit. Screening will be at the Faith Wine Education Centre on Friday May 18, with Australian short film "Yolk" showing at 7.30pm, followed by the main feature after a short break for supper. Everybody is welcome, with free admission for members and a donation of $6 for non-members. Phone 8564 8225 for enquiries.

33 main north road willaston t: 08 8522 1021 f: 08 8522 1629 e:


TAIKO drumming is coming to the Barossa, and it is important to note that it is more than just two hours of drumming. Originating in Japan where it is used in Shinto shrines, Buddhist temples and classical theatres, Taiko drumming has now spread across the world and TaikOz will be bringing its beat and big sound here soon. Taiko quite literally means “drum” in Japanese. The Taiko performance is physically active, exciting and almost dance-like where the audience cannot separate the movement from the sound. This comes from the story-telling roots of festival drumming and the use of Taiko as a vehicle for celebration and ritual. The Taiko drums have been part of Japanese culture for centuries and aside from their significance as symbolic instruments, they also played a role in traditional warfare. They made sounds big enough to scare the enemy. In ancient Japan, Taiko drums were often used to motivate troops. A loud drummer would help to set a marching pace. Faster drumming meant the troops were to ‘forge ahead’ and on into battle. TaikOz is different to other music ensembles because the instruments are unique in Australia, very beautiful and have a presence all of their own - just walking into the theatre and seeing these hand-crafted instruments on stage creates an atmosphere of expectation. The various drums of Taiko are of Chinese origin and were brought to Japan during what is historically referred to as the Yayoi period, which dates to around 500 years before Christ.

Emotive film screening

STRONG: A Taiko drummer struts his stuff.


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Freeling Library Branch 7 Hanson Street, Freeling For further information contact the Light Regional Public Library Service on 8525 3290

85614299 Faith Lutheran College Magnolia Rd Tanunda

Up Coming events... Syncopation – Tues, 12th June 7.30pm WH1818952

Men In Pink Tights - Tues, 3rd July 8pm I, Bunyip - Fri, 3rd August 6pm

PUTTIN’ ON THE RITZ (Morning Melody) Following the success of “Almost Anything Goes” and “Best of Broadway” John Lidgerwood, introduces another young cast performing some of the greatest composers of the 30’s and 40’s, when songs were memorable and romantic, and the dancing infectious. Includes music of Irving Berlin, Cole Porter, Gershwin Bros and Jerome Kern.

Tuesday, 29th May 11am Tickets: $25.00 Member: $22.50 Includes morning tea at 10.30am



A true story of love, family, strength and the choices we make. Two weeks short of his 19th birthday, Kristjan Terauds died due to illicit drug use. “April’s Fool” promises to be a thoughtprovoking and ultimately optimistic reflection on how we all live our lives.

“Shifting Sand” is a powerful evocation of the ocean’s many faces. TaikOz’s ethereal sounds, thunderous taiko drumming, dynamic movement and dance seeks to capture the beauty, majesty and force of the ocean. From the delicate play of light on the surface of the sea to the raging fury of winter storms.

Wednesday, 30th May 7.30pm Adult: 35.00 Concession: $28.00 YP(U17): $15.00 Family(2+2): $80

Saturday, 2nd June 7.30pm Adult: $55.00 Concession: $49.00 YP(U17): $17.00 Family(2+2): $130

Wednesday, May 16, 2012 - Page 27 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

DEATH NOTICES AURICHT, Teresa Jane. Passed away peacefully at the Angaston Hospital on May 15, 2012. Aged 26 years

AURICHT. THE RELATIVES and FRIENDS of the late Miss TERESA JANE AURICHT are respectfully invited to attend her Funeral Service which wil be conducted on FRIDAY AFTERNOON, May 18 commencing at 2 p.m. in the St. Thomas Lutheran Church, Stockwell Road, Stockwell. Following the Service, Committal prayers will be held in the adjoining Cemetery . Flowers to the Church or donations posted directly to the Barossa Valley Palliative Care, North Street, Angaston SA 5353 would be appreciated by the family.

Dearly loved daughter of Claude & Diann, and special sister of Stuart, Leanne and Nils. Our little angel. Your brave battle has now ended. Your smiling face, your kind heart will always be with us. Our hearts were slowly breaking as you fought so hard to stay. Now you are in your heavenly home, God will hold you in the palm of his hand. Forever in our hearts, love always, Mum and Dad. Your Memory is the greatest treasure. To have and to hold in my heart forever. Love you Cook. Stuart Best sister and best friend I could ever have, if only for a short time. We are going to miss you very much. You put up a good fight Cook. We are looking forward to seeing you again in Heaven.

Barossa Valley 8562 1169 Accredited Member Australian Funeral Directors Association VOGT. THE RELATIVES and FRIENDS of the late Mrs. DOROTHY (DOT) IRIS PRISCILLA VOGT are respectfully invited to attend her Funeral Service which will be conducted on THURSDAY AFTERNOON, May 17, 2012 commencing at 2 p.m. in the St John's Lutheran Church, South Terrace, Kapunda. Following the Service Dot's Funeral Cortege will proceed to the Allens Creek Bethlehem Lutheran Cemetery for private committal. In lieu of flowers donations posted directly to the Kapunda Hospital, Nash Street, Kapunda SA 5373, would be appreciated by the family.

Love you lots and forever, watch over us. Leanne and Nils. xoxo VOGT, Dorothy (Dot) Iris Priscilla -


85662013 Accredited Member Australian Funeral Directors Association

Passed away May 11, 2012

Loving and devoted wife of Howard for 69 years. Loving mother of Rozanne, and Danny Moynihan, Charmaine and Don Hansen (deceased), Jenny and Darryl King. Adored Nana of Justin, Natalie, Jason and Fiona, Aaron and Allison, Loved "Farm Great-nana" to Oliver, Jeremey, Jaxon and Hayden, Oscar, Madison, Jasmin and Will. Thank you for all the years we shared. The love you gave, the way you cared. In our hearts you will always stay, Loved and remembered every day.

IN MEMORIAM GEYER, Fred One year has passed by. Always in our thoughts. Tom, Marj and family.


F O R SA L E 2 x Dexter Cows due to calf ..$800 each 1 x 19 month old heiffer ................$350 1 x Murray Grey bull, very quiet ......$500 Goats..............................................$40 Mount Mary area Phone 0429 671 392


SALVAGE YARD 702 Stockwell Road, Angaston Open:Mon-Fri 9am-5pm Sat 9am - 12 noon Timber, steel, bricks, stone, s/w pipes, gates, windows, louvre glass, doors, reo, formply, iron, galv & colorbond. Always buying and selling quality second hand building materials. PHONE 8564 2900


Aged 88 years.

Barossa New Life Church TREASURE CHEST - FURNITURE MART 10 Murray St, Nuriootpa Tel. 85622988


Falcon BA Sedan 4 Litre motor and auto transmission, 144,000 km, good panels. Ford Falcon BF III Stationwagon 4 Litre LPG only motor and auto transmission, 56,000 km. Ford Falcon BF Sedan 4 Litre motor and auto transmission, Injected LPG, 101,000 km. Holden Commodore VZ Stationwagon 3.6 Litre motor and auto transmission, roof rack. Holden Commodore VZ Crewman Utility 3.6 Litre motor and auto transmission, 47,000 km Holden Commodore VY Sedan 3.8 Litre motor and auto transmission. Holden Commodore VE 60th Anniversary Sedan 3.6 Litre motor and auto transmission, factory alloys NEW ARRIVALS: Holden Commodore VZ Sedan 3.6 Litre motor and auto transmission. Holden Commodore VT Sedan 3.8 Litre motor and auto transmission.

GAWLER MOTOR WRECKING 3 Prescott Crescent, Gawler Belt 8522 5677 or 0416 081 109 BORDER COLLIE x Kelpie pups 9 wks. 3 males 1 female. $60 Ph: 0402142016 BROMELIADS for sale by appointment only. Phone 85628142 weekdays after 5pm.

SELLING, BUYING .......? Advertise in the Herald classifieds, and get results! Giveaway ads are run for 1 week, FREE. You can now place your classified ad at Kapunda Newsagency, deadline is Monday 5.00p.m. Classified deadline 5.00pm Monday. (Maybe subject to change) Ph: 85632041, Fax: 85633655 or email SUZUKI - 2007GS500, 500cc K7 road bike. In excellent condition. 6,960 Kms. Great learners/commuter bike. YZT-005. $4,700 ono. Ph: 0417012732 Greenock. WOHLERS quality furniture. 2 glass china cabinets, kitchen dresser, bedroom corner unit. WHITEHOUSE furniture. Book case, 2 wardrobes with top units. All less than 3 y.o. Ph: 0402308947

Community Helpers Inc DONATIONS

Of clothing & bric-a-brac For our Tanunda Shop 121 Murray Street Phone 8563 1105 Furniture Welcome Nuriootpa Warehouse 8562 2786

Working for Carers Link and other charities


CASH FOR BOTTLES & CANS. Wine bottles, batteries, phone Lange's Can & Bottle Depot on 85642292 for trading hours, 20 Newcastle St, Angaston.

APOLOGY - Sandy Creek Uniting Church apologise for any inconvenience caused by cancellation of Car Boot Sale on Saturday 12th due to forecast adverse weather conditions.

DOMESTIC farm, pool and spa pump repairs. Complete workshop facilities also for electric fence energisers. New units, conversions to solar, tapes and insulators. Qualified tradesman. Ag Power Williamstown Road, Cockatoo Valley. 0408820024

FRIDAY/SATURDAY/SUNDAY 18th/19th /20th. 8am - 4pm. 12 Drinkwater Crescent Nuriootpa (off Old Kapunda Road). Car seat covers, rugs, beanies, scarves, bed socks, pie maker, sewing box, eagle & lots more.

ENGEL & WAECO 12/24/240 volt fridge /freezers. All models. Best prices in the State. Gawler Fishing & Outdoors 85226200

Garage Demolition Sale EVERYTHING MUST GO! Quality goods from 4 families.Church pew, Double laundry trough, Simpson clothes dryer (like new), Venetian blinds (metal & timber), Adults & kids bikes, Retro light fittings, TV antenna, Books, Magazines, Pots, Computer equipment, Lawnmower, Dining Chairs, Toys, Ladies & Children's clothing inc. designer labels, Doors, Windows, Kitchenware, Linen – everything including the kitchen sink! Saturday 26th May. 10 Bethany Road, Tanunda. Strictly 8am start. See https:/

FIREWOOD Mallee Gum $260 tonne, split redgum $280 tonne, delivered in Barossa & surrounding areas. Purchase 2 tonne & receive a discount. Ph: 0413636454 FIREWOOD Quality seasoned. Split red. blue, sugar gum, mallee stumps sawn mallee & bags of kindling. Weighbridge docket supplied. Pickup or deliver AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY. Matthew Reimann, Firewood Supplies. 0413089743. Delivery available 7 days by appointment. Credit Cards now accepted. HAY OATEN WHEATEN Hay from $35 roll Phone Peter & Bev Grocke 0429 694 058 or 8563 2113 JACKSON'S FIREWOOD free bag kindling with every order. Dry split redgum mallee pink gum. Weighed delivery only. 0400083852 KELPIE jet black farm dog to go to farm /farmlet. Entire male, microchipped & vet checked. Ph: 0409671609 LEADLIGHT - Local, professional affordable leadlight. I'll come to you, or call at Gawler Glass Design studio, 58 Yettie Rd, Williamstown. Weekly classes. Bob Pirch 85247241 MAINS pressure blue line poly from $37 roll. Gawler Irrigation, Lot 11, Paxton Street, Willaston. Ph: 85232350

Monday - Friday 9am - 4pm Saturday 9am - 12pm

NEED A PUMP? For all your needs, Gawler Irrigation, Lot 11, Paxton Street, WILLASTON. Ph: 85232350

All donations of furniture, clothing, bric-a-brac enable us to assist our Community

PEA STRAW for sale $4 per bale delivered. Ph: 85663916

BAROSSA VALLEY Country Furniture Paint Stripping Furniture Restoration Custom Made. David Bush 0419628222


FOR SALE 1819154

GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY GEYER - WILSON Tom & Marj, congratulations on your 50th Wedding Anniversary. Married at Kapunda on 12th May, 1962. Love & best wishes from Brenton, Julie, Chris, Dylan, Matthew, Nathan and Hayley.




PLANTS - Natives, perennials, tube stock, water wise etc. MORNING STAR NURSERY Lot 1 Cossins St., Kapunda. Ph: 85663952. Open Thursday to Sunday 9am- 5pm.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012 - Page 28 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

GARAGE SALE household items, toys, ladies clothing all in great condition. Sunday 20th May 8am, 38 Nash Street Kapunda HAVING A GARAGE SALE? Advertise in The Herald classifieds, and get results! All Garage Sale ads MUST be prepaid. You can now place your classified ad at Kapunda Newsagency, deadline is Monday 4.30 pm. Classified deadline 5.00pm Monday (Maybe subject to change) Ph: 85632041 Fax: 85633655 or email SAT 19 May 8am. Sign on side of road 2km South of Robertstown on Worlds End Hwy. Furniture, UHF radios, AU Ford parts inc steering rack (recon still in box), disc pads, air compressors, desks etc. More detail ph: 0417821697 SATURDAY 19 May 2012. 2 Cartwright Street, Nuri (enter via Vine St gates). Downsizing Sale: Tools, Garden Equip; Bikes; Furniture, Child Games + Toys; BBQ; Books etc. 8:30am - 3:30pm SATURDAY 19th and Sunday 20th. Lot 2 Burns Road, Mt. Pleasant. 4.9 Kms. down Burns Road. SATURDAY 19TH Clothes for sale. Suitable for young adults or teens. Mainly smaller sizes. Labels: Portmans, Mink Pink, Ladakah, Koki, Dottie. 62 Angas Street, Tanunda. 8am - 1.30pm.



ADORABLE BLUE AUSTRALIAN cattle dog X. "Zac" needs a large property to enjoy his freedom. Gets on well with other dogs. Microchipped, vaccinated, desexed. Ph: 85244451 or 0421011253

ALL GAS WORK Space heaters serviced from $95. Gawler Hot Water - 75101077

MOTOR VEHICLES 04 HOLDEN ASTRAHatch. 66,000 kms. New tyres, auto, tinted windows, p/w, p/s. $11,500 ono XDD-511 Ph: 85623660 or 0416088735 1985 TOYOTA Corolla SECA CSX Hatch Auto. Reg. Sept. Bodywork,interior, gearbox v.g.Engine blown, good for spares. UNP-861. $350 ono Ph: 85662367

CHIMNEY CLEANING Local Barossa Service Phone: David 0407189215 CHIROPRACTOR. Dr Kana Nathan 39 Murray St, Angaston. Consulting Saturdays Ph. 85642882 CIVIL CELEBRANT - Angela Nielsen Ceremonies designed for you. Marriages, namings, committment and renewal of vows. Ph: 0408107940 or 85642773 LEADLIGHT STUDIO make new, repair old, traditional to contemporary. For quality & competitive prices contact Tracy 85246959 Willliamstown

CASH FOR CARS and scrap metal. Ph: 0404856309

MOTORCYCLES HONDA XR600 exc. cond., new tyres, big night light, road reg., many extras $2,999 THJ-372 - 0423916699

CARAVANS, TRAILERS & FRANKLIN 13', 3 berth. Very good order. Can be towed by smaller vehicle $3,750 TRG-820 Phone 83893293

CARAVANS 1993 SPACELINE 12' Pop-top, rear entry, single beds, aircon. (cool), annexe, 19" H.D. television, DVD/Video player. Reg.Feb. 13 $8,000 TJD403 Ph: 85225690 or 0488683936 POP TOP CARAVAN 18' 1989 in very good condition. Double Island Bed, Front Kitchen, Gas full size oven, Microwave, Annex, 3way fridge. Front storage, new elec brakes, $9,500 ono Ph: 0417821697

WANTED 50 - 60 FIRE BRICKS Contact William 85642874 FEMALE GOAT milker, milking or in kid. Ph: 85811563 WANTED GRAZING LAND. Eden Valley /Flaxmans Valley and Barossa Ranges. Sheep only. Hills or vineyard, agistment or lease. Payment in advance. Ph. 0418851483 ANY SCRAP METAL Will pay cash for the removal of yours. Ph: 0412259039 CASH FOR SCRAP METAL I AM LOCAL. Ph: 0411165694 CASH FOR UNWANTED CARS and scrap metal. Ph: 0404856309


Tickets $35 Information & Bookings Call Ann Alderslade for tickets - 0419 633 018


FORD LASER 1998, 5 speed manual, dark blue, 214,000kms, WGB386, reg to 6 /12. Regularly serviced. Very reliable and runs well $2,950 Ph. 0417088978

Friday May 25 & Saturday May 26 Tanunda Show Hall Elizabeth Street, Tanunda


HANDS ON DOGS Providing services for your dogs. Grooming, massage, convalescence care. Call Jenny on 85232452 Gawler or 0423 474 287

ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Need Help? Contact 83463255 Meeting: Friday's - C.W.A. Building Kapunda - 8pm.



SLUSHIE/FROZEN Cocktail Machine HOT CHOCOLATE Cocktail Machine PUCKER POWDER . FAIRY FLOSS Slush-a-Licous Phone Pina 0434141097 Family owned, locally operated.

HEALTH & BEAUTY MASSAGE Therapeutic, Aromatherapy, Pregnancy Massage, Aromatherapy Pamper Packages, Myofacial Release, Reiki. 7 years professional experience. Gift vouchers & Pensioner discounts available. Consulting in Kapunda. Liz Ronan. Ph:85663125 or 0400760010 REMEDIAL MASSAGE Trigger Point, Deep Tissue, Myo-Fascial, Lymphatic. Wed, Fri - 1A Bilyara Rd, Tanunda. Ph. 0409631553 Thurs - Petite Pear Shop 3 Gilbert St, Lyndoch. Ph. 85245156. Health Rebates.

Trotting Track Hancock Rd, Kapunda Under Cover / Outdoor sites available NO Catering Sites Note: Sellers Buyers Breakfast from

7.00am 8.00am 7.30am

Adults $5.00 - Pens. $3.00 Child U/16 Free Contact Secretary - Kapunda HRC Mob 0428 956 462 Email WH1819578


TUITION MATHS TUTOR Many years experience. Patient & encouraging. Great results so far. Grades 3 - 9. Steve 0414965029 TUTORING English, legal studies, psychology, PE, Studies of Society. $25/hour. Ph: 0487400762 ZUMBA at Greenock Institute. Wednesdays 10.15am. & 6.30pm. Instructor Sue Evans. Ph: 85628184

CLEANERS needing extra work in school hours. Honest & reliable in your home. Ph: 0429007863 HOME CLEANING & IRONING - $15 off first reg. service so you try us out. Ph: Carolyn or Nat till 8pm daily incl. w/ends. 0409691576 PAINTER Local experience. Quality work. Free quote. Ph: Peter 0417805982 Lic. No. BLD48086 ROLLER shutter repairs 08 85662922


VACANT LAND FOR SALE Langmeil Estate. 710 sq. metres, existing 9x5 colourbond shed, power and water already connected. $235,000 ono. Ph: 0417848301 or 0437572972

BELINDA'S PAMPERED PETS NURIOOTPA Professional dog grooming by an animal lover. EFTPOS now available. Ph: 0418810323


HOOTZ DOG GROOMING Mobile. Qualified groomer. Nuriootpa Ph: Justin 0406840020

A RAUNCHY LADY - private, sensual. Barossa. Ph: 0468342723 ERECTION & PREMATURE PROBLEMS? Help for $30. Money back g'tee. Free sample. 0424 452 329.

HYDROPAWS 4pawfectpaws. Mobile nose to tail pet care. Heated hydrobath, blowdry, nails & clipping. Ph: Bridget 0488444542

Satisfy your Desires 1902 267 123 $2.48pm pay/mobex CC: 1300 306 117



WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHER Packages available to suit your occassion Ph: 88922875

Erection Pill - (Blue pill). Ph. Emmanuel 0423 749471

Finance Manager - Part Time


REAL ESTATE J.W. SMART WOOLBUYERS PTY LTD. Will buy all types. Flexible hours. Ph: 0417878486 -



Wednesday, May 16, 2012 - Page 29 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


TO GIVE AWAY - 3 Silky roosters. Ph: 0423713636

Tanunda Town Band presents

Barossa Enterprises is a not for profit charitable organisation that assists people living with disability to achieve their full potential .We are searching for an ethical, honest and respectful person to join our team. The Finance Manager is responsible to the Chief Executive Officer for reporting and sustaining the financial viability of Barossa Enterprises. It is expected that applicants will possess the following: • A tertiary qualification in accountancy. • Ability to work to schedules/deadlines and report accurately. • Knowledge of computer server network environments. • Computer literacy with hands on experience in Excel and Word. • Experience with Payroll systems, MYOB and /or Sybiz The position works 90 hours per month; hours are flexible to suit the successful applicant and agency’s monthly and yearly reporting schedules and requirements. To obtain a Job Description and information pack please contact Elizabeth Wilson – Administration Manager via email on Applications close Friday 1st June 2012. Barossa Enterprises ensures a safe support environment, therefore applicants will be required to undergo a National Police History Check.

SALES & EVENTS COORDINATOR Barossa Valley Estate is searching for a talented person to join their friendly team within Cellar Door. Are you passionate about promoting and selling the finest Barossa wines? Do you thrive on offering excellent service, sales and memorable experiences for your customers?

You will need to show: • Experience, interest and knowledge of wines • Excellent customer service skills • Well developed organisational skills • Proficiency in Microsoft suite • Self starter and highly motivated • Positive ‘can do’ attitude, ready for any challenge • Leadership and or Function and Event experience • Sales or retail experience • To work collaboratively within a team • Flexibility and reliability In return you receive: • Salary position within a growing, exciting company • Opportunity for further advancement • Friendly, encouraging environment and team • World class products and Venue • Opportunity to lead a dedicated team of professionals • Your opportunity to shine! If this sounds like you then we would welcome your application. Please send your application and resume, marked “Private & Confidential”, to:Barossa Valley Estate Brand Ambassador PO Box 177 TANUNDA SA 5352 Email: Applications close on Friday 25 May 2012


LARGE TYRES - Ideal barriers for racing clubs. Ph: 85633967 or 0419632019



Work for yourself but not by yourself

After three years of your cadetship, you will be a qualified journalist - employable anywhere in the English-speaking world, and you have done it all from home.


THE REWARDS As part of a team you will have the opportunity to contribute to the newspaper’s ongoing success. This sought-after opportunity will help you establish the foundations to build a successful career as a journalist. If you feel you are the person to tackle this challenging yet rewarding position, don’t hesitate in sending your application to:

INTERSTATE B DOUBLE OPERATOR And Local Delivery Driver (Min LR Licence) (with view to leading to a Traineeship in Transport & Distribution Cert III) Applications to: Tony Kuchel Kuchel Contractors Pty Ltd PO Box 22 NURIOOTPA SA 5355 Ph: (08) 85622177

08 8566 2922 PUBLIC NOTICES



Roy Morgan Research will be conducting a telephone survey amongst residents of the Light region who are over the age of 18 years.



BOTTLING LINE OPERATOR (12mth Full Time Contract)


Taylors Wines, a family owned and operated wine company is home to some of Australia’s most consistently awarded wine brands. With their head office located in Sydney and sales offices located around the country, Taylors Wines offer a friendly & progressive environment within which your career can flourish. The vineyards & winery is situated in the picturesque Clare Valley, South Australia & has been in operation since 1969. We are seeking applications for the contract position of Bottling Line Operator for a period of 12 months. Reporting to the Production Supervisor, the key objective of this position will be to work in a team environment and competently operate bottling line equipment. Essential qualities • Previous Bottling Line experience • Certificate III in Food Processing (BOTT) • Current Forklift License • Sound knowledge of OH&S Desirable qualities • Labelling & filling operations It is envisaged the successful applicant would be required to work Day/Afternoon shift. Please send your application to: Bottling Line Operator Taylors Wines Pty Ltd PO Box 90, Auburn SA 5451 Or email to:

$4000 Government Training Incen ves are available for *eligible par cipants making the course cost neutral!

It is anticipated that the survey will take approximately 10 to 15 minutes and will be carried out in compliance with the Privacy Act. The information provided will only be used for research purposes and will enable Council to review service and performance. The Council would like to thank those residents contacted for their time and participation in the survey. June Austin Acting General Manager, Business & Governance

Call to discuss (08) 8562 2122


Telephone enquiries can be directed to 8563 2041

All inquiries to Linda or Theo on

2012 Community Survey Commencing 31 May 2012

Clayton Bester Manager The Herald PO Box 43 Tanunda SA 5352 Applications close Friday, May 18 at 5.00pm.

Estimated earnings of between $80,000.00 to $120,000 per year. The harder you work the more you earn. All training is provided. All work is supplied. Very Competitive rates. Must have own car. Roofing experience will be an advantage.


THE PERSON Your highly-motivated and enthusiastic approach will further add to the already eager news team. You will be a talented writer who considers English to have been a strength at school and who is passionate about a career in journalism. With coaching from the editor and the senior journalist, you will develop the nose for a good story and an eye for detail. You will have a strong work ethic and an ability to work under pressure and meet deadlines. Your interest in current affairs will be evidenced through a willingness to immerse yourself in community life. You will need to hold a driver’s licence. Both school leavers and university graduates are encouraged to apply. An adult cadetship (non-graduate) may be considered for the right applicant. No formal qualifications are required training will be provided.

Roof Seal in Kapunda has a position available for a roof restoration trades person/ subcontractor.


THE CAREER The Herald has an exciting opportunity for a cadet journalist to join its enthusiastic, hard-working editorial team. You will be given the chance to report on and photograph the news, views and events of the Barossa area. This is an opportunity to start your journalism career with a newspaper that has been recognised with awards by Country Press SA. By joining Fairfax Media, you will become part of one of Australia’s biggest and most respected media organisations, providing you with seemingly endless scope to advance your career.


It’s your chance to join an award-winning team




Would you like a career in journalism? ...and you don’t have to leave the Barossa.

DEVELOPMENT NO. 960/275/2012 NATURE OF THE DEVELOPMENT: Shop (Cellar Door Sales) Function Room (including the provision of meals associated with a function or conference) associated car parking and part demolition of a local heritage place. (Non-Complying) SUBJECT LAND: 218 Bethany Road, BETHANY The application may be examined at The Barossa Council Office, 43-51 Tanunda Road, Nuriootpa during business hours. Any person or body affected may make relevant representations in writing concerning this application, to be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, The Barossa Council, PO Box 867, Nuriootpa SA 5355 or email, and received not later than 5:00pm, 30/05/2012. Each person making a submission should indicate whether they wish to appear personally or be represented before Council’s Development Assessment Panel in support of their submission. A copy of each representation received will be forwarded to the applicant to respond.

GRANT MONEY AVAILABLE! Every year The Barossa Council allocates grant money to support and build a strong and vibrant community. Funding is currently available for eligible organisations and individuals in the categories of: Community Grants (up to $3000), Youth ($200-$250) & Heritage Grants. Council encourages recreational, cultural, heritage and social initiatives that make a positive contribution to our community. If you need help or have questions, contact 8563 8444 to discuss your application with a Council officer. The next funding round closes on Friday, May 25. To find out more or download an application form visit our website (Click on News and Information, then Community Assistance). Applications are considered quarterly so any late submissions will be considered in the next funding round. The Barossa Council, 43-51 Tanunda Road | PO Box 867, NURIOOTPA SA 5355 T: 08 8563 8444 | F: 08 8563 8461 | | Visit us on Facebook WH1820363

Wednesday, May 16, 2012 - Page 30 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


FOOTY TIPPING 2012 Kym Schroeter, Nuriootpa receiving his $75 gift card from Roger Ellul of Barossa Betta Electrical.

Round 3: A. Worthley $50 Adrian Worthley, Kapunda receiving his $50 gift card from Anthony Mickan of Barossa Betta Electrical.

Round 4: No Winner

Top tipsters thus far: K. Schroeter ....50 G. Markos .......50 P. Prior ............49 M. Martin ........49 C. Neldner .......49 A. Jaensch ......49 J. Aslin ............49 M. Menz ..........49 T. Schmidt.......49

H. Gay .............49 A. Worthley .....49 S. Dorrian........49 L. Blenkiron.....49 M. Williams.....49 C. Hill ..............49 M. Werner .......49 B. Oates ..........49

For the full tipster list go to

Round 5: D. Kleemann, Tanunda $75 Barossa Betta Electrical Gift Card


Round 1: No Winner Round 2: K. Schroeter $75


SALVAGE YARD - NURIOOTPA We advise our new trading hours. Monday - Closed Tuesday - Closed Wednesday - 9am - 5.30pm Thursday - 9am - 5.30pm Friday - 9am - 5.30pm Saturday - 9am - 12 noon Cnr. Murray St & Kalimna Rd Nuriootpa Ph: 0407 600 857




SATURDAY 19th May 10am to 12 noon Council’s Kapunda office Car Park

When you place a display classified ad you can have a full colour logo or key parts of the text for only $55 on top of the price of the ad.

No plants given out before 10am 10 plants per person

Applicable to display: Positions Vacant, Coming Events, Public Notices and other boxed classifieds.

Round 6: V. Bessell, Nuriootpa $50 Barossa Betta Electrical Gift Card



Available only to Light Regional Council Ratepayers

Stand out from the crowd! WH1815567

Round 7: No Winner Round 8: Jackpot $75 Barossa Betta Electrical Gift Card.

Phone 8563 2041 or email:




Barossa & Gawler Businesses

Notice is hereby given that an application comprising a CATEGORY 3 DEVELOPMENT has been lodged with the Council for a development assessment.

For further details and bookings contact: Clayton Bester - Advertising Sales Manager Phone: (08) 8563 2041 Email:

The application may be examined at the Offices of the Council located at 93 Main Street, Kapunda and 12 Hanson Street, Freeling, during normal business hours and any person or body affected may make relevant representations in writing concerning this application to reach the General Manager - Development and Regulatory Services at PO Box 72, Kapunda SA 5373 not later than 5.00 pm on Wednesday, 30 May 2012. Each person making a submission should indicate whether that person wishes to appear personally or be represented by another party before the Council in support of that submission. Please note that, pursuant to Section 38 (8) of the Development Act, a copy of each representation received will be forwarded to the applicant for a written response. AUTHORISED Lisa Sapio DATE 16 May 2012



Details of the application are as follows:DEVELOPMENT NO. 313/109/2012 APPLICANT University of Adelaide ADDRESS Care Hassell Level 5, 70 Hindmarsh Square ADELAIDE SA 5001 NATURE OF THE DEVELOPMENT Equine health centre including equine care and teaching in association with the school of veterinary science - Roseworthy College (Incorporating ICU and Surgery building, stables, feed store, student teaching facility with ancillary office/reception area, lunging areas, evaluation lab and isolation building) with associated carparking and landscaping. SUBJECT LAND Mudia Wirra Road WASLEYS, SEC: 693 HP: 140700 CT: 5517/921


Wednesday, May 16, 2012 - Page 31 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Willaston tame Dogs By ROBERT LAIDLAW

SPECTACULAR: Willaston captain Sam Walton takes a strong mark while Barossa players from left, Gary Koch, Will Aylett and Ash Amber can only admire his skill.

WHEN Willaston met Barossa District in the 2011 Barossa, Light and Gawler football first semifinal, the Donnybrooks managed a controversial victory after the infamous last quarter count. On Saturday, the sides met for the first time since, and Willaston produced a stinging 56point victory over the Bulldogs at Elliott Goodger Memorial Park. The comprehensive display has turned the Donnybrooks’ season around, and they are no longer the struggling unit it appeared after starting the season 0-2.

Willaston was a fearsome side against Barossa - a team many had predicted to give the Tanunda juggernaut a run for its money in 2012. Yes the Doggies were wounded, with big man Ross Christie’s absence reducing their rucking stocks, and a few handy on-ballers sitting on the sidelines, but at the end of the day the home team was focused and committed to the task. “We just had too many players out, and losing Sharpie (Darren Sharp) early proved too hard for us to cover,” Barossa coach Roger James said. The Bulldogs started better than Willaston,

kicking the opening two goals and three of the four first term majors, to lead 3-4 to 1-3 at the break. Heath Commane was threatening to take control of the game for Barossa, while Sharp was dominating in defence. But with Sharp hurting his back late in the quarter and taking no further part and Shaun Childs getting on top of Commane in an important match-up for the Donnybrooks, Willaston came out firing in the second quarter. Shaun Baker, who was sensational the previous week against Angaston, was the home side’s dynamo in the second

2012 BL&G premiership tables A Grade 1 Tanunda 2 Nuriootpa Rover 3 Barossa District 4 South Gawler 5 Willaston 6 Kapunda 7 Freeling 8 Angaston 9 Gawler Central Reserves 1 South Gawler 2 Nuriootpa Rover 3 Angaston 4 Willaston 5 Gawler Central 6 Barossa District 7 Kapunda 8 Freeling 9 Tanunda

P 4 3 3 4 4 4 4 3 3 P 4 3 3 4 3 3 4 4 4

W 4 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 0 W 4 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1

L 0 1 1 2 2 2 3 2 3 L 0 0 1 2 2 2 3 3 3

D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

B 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 B 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0

For 385 243 271 350 346 275 231 179 188 For 312 249 206 240 159 143 171 195 161

Agst 182 191 229 306 318 326 353 283 280 Agst 169 74 163 239 182 181 250 304 274

% 67.90 55.99 54.20 53.35 52.11 45.76 39.55 38.74 40.17 % 64.86 77.09 55.83 50.10 46.63 44.14 40.62 39.08 37.01

Pts 8 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 0 Pts 8 6 4 4 2 2 2 2 2

Senior Colts 1 Tanunda 2 South Gawler 3 Gawler Central 4 Barossa District 5 Nuriootpa Rover 6 Freeling 7 Angaston 8 Willaston 9 Kapunda Junior Colts 1 South Gawler 2 Nuriootpa Rover 3 Barossa District 4 Angaston 5 Kapunda 6 Gawler Central 7 Freeling 8 Willaston 9 Tanunda

P 4 4 3 3 3 4 3 4 4 P 4 3 3 3 4 3 4 4 4

W 4 4 3 2 1 1 1 0 0 W 4 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 0

L 0 0 0 1 2 3 2 4 4 L 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4

D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

B 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 B 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0

For 501 418 338 252 248 196 140 189 107 For 409 282 265 160 171 114 132 138 91

Agst 104 202 107 168 193 247 265 415 688 Agst 90 30 90 149 227 134 317 365 360

% 82.81 67.42 75.96 60.00 56.24 44.24 34.57 31.29 13.46 % 81.96 90.38 74.65 51.78 42.96 45.97 29.40 27.44 20.18

Pts 8 8 6 4 2 2 2 0 0 Pts 8 6 4 4 4 2 2 2 0

Leading goalkickers

Barossa, Light and Gawler Football Association - Played May 12 A GRADE Angaston Freeling

3.3 6.4 8.7 4.2 7.5 9.6

RESERVES 12.10(82) 10.7(67)

Best: Ang - B Sugars, M Doecke, J Rathjen, P Bennett, A Reincke, B Kurtz; Free - R Clinton, T Muster, D Leske, J Robinson, J Ashenden. Goals: Ang - B Sugars 7, B Kurtz 2, C Hadden, N Falland, J Fosdike 1 ea; Free - D Horsnell 5, T Ruediger 2, M Greenwood, B Parish, D Francis 1 ea.

Angaston Freeling

4.0 2.2

8.2 5.3

10.5 7.6

SENIOR COLTS 13.6(84) 8.6(54)

Best: Ang - A Adams, J Koch, J Carter, T Talbot, B Egert, B Burgess; Free - P Erskine, B Copperwheat, J Young, P Leske, T Clayton, J Bartsch. Goals: Ang - J Carter 3, T Talbot 2, N Pech 2, M Pech 2, J Rosenzweig 2, C Jasper 1, J Humphries 1; Free - J Young 3, B Copperwheat 2, J Haseldine, A Lythgoe, T Haseldine 1 ea.

8.7 0.6

10.1313.16(94) 0.7 3.10(28)

Best: Free - J Ashenden, N Fenwick, J Meaney, B Haseldine, H Robinson, K Johnson; Ang - J Parbs, B Cleghorn, T Saegenschnitter, L T Jones, T Fenton. Goals: Free - J Slater 3, J Meaney 2, M Ortlepp 2, K Johnson 2, T Barnes, R Schirmer, T Julyan, J Ashenden 1 ea; Ang - M Williams, L T Jones, T Humphries-Carnelly 1 ea.

Angaston Freeling

3.3 4.4 7.6 10.6(66) 0.0 1.0 3.0 4.0(24)

Best: Ang - B Homes, R Eberhard, B Antonie, J Antonie, R Kuhn, W Richardson; Free - A Pelonio, J Brighurst, A Byster, L Erskine, C Coleman. Goals: Ang - R Kuhn 4, L Cunningham 2, B Homes 2, J Desira 1, B Antonie 1; Free - P Byrne, J Hopkins, A Pelonio, S Coulthard 1 ea. South Gawler 1.2 6.4 10.6 15.8(98) Kapunda 1.2 1.3 1.4 2.4(16)

Goals: South - A Parsons 8, S O’Donoghue 3, P Clancy 2, R Lee 1, J McVicar 1; Kap - A Bray 2, M May, S Pratt, C Browne, T Kerr, D Talanskas 1 ea. Nuriootpa Tanunda

Tanunda 5.5 9.7 Nuriootpa 1.0 2.0

Nuriootpa Tanunda

South Gawler 4.1 7.4 11.8 15.10(100) Kapunda 2.3 3.7 5.9 7.12(54)

Goals: Kap - W Farley 5, F Agius 2, S Ryan 2, B Taylor 2; South - J Trewren 4, A Bevis 2, D Goulding, M Foldesdy, A Gerardis 1 ea.

Tanunda Nuriootpa

10.13(73) 7.7(49)

7.4 0.1


South Gawler 5.3 10.4 14.7 17.9(111) Kapunda 2.1 6.3 7.3 12.4(76) Best: South - B Lehman, S Ireland, D Judd Smith, B Torkington, D Marschall, T McArthur; Kap - J Foster, T Matthews-Brown, B Schiller, D Collins, T Williams. Goals: South - J Chapman 5, T Ahl 4, B Osborne 3, K Dallwitz 2, J Greatorex, D Judd Smith, S Ireland 1 ea; Kap - J Williams 4, M Good 4, J Foster 3, T Matthews-Brown 1.

Kapunda 3.4 3.6 8.8 11.9(75) South Gawler 1.3 4.7 4.9 9.10(64) Best: Kap - S McKinnon, W Farley, B Taylor, C McKinnon, C Prior, S Ryan; South - A Bevis, M Foldesdy, M Naumann, J Trewren, D Goulding, M Paget.

4.2 5.4 8.9 1.1 3.5 4.5

Freeling Angaston

Best: South - A Parsons, R Lee, C Cameron, J McVicar, T Lee, D Schwerdt; Kap - A May, M Prior, T Kerr, M May, C Browne, M Koenig.

2.4 2.2

6.6 2.3

10.8 13.9(87) 3.4 3.5(23)

10.10 13.12(90) 2.1 2.3(15)

Best: Tan - J Marschall, W Mudge, E Moore, K Grocke, S Brooks, J Marshall; Nuri - C Heinrich, L Booth-Naylor, J Furnell, J Graetz, P Reincke, S Byrne.

Best: South - S Blundell, S Trenorden, T Panagiotou, J Horrocks, L Carter, J Stansborough; Kap - Z Merkx, K Brown, H Smith, B Hare, L Sherwood, M Holthouse. Goals: South - J Martin 4, S Trenorden 2, B Washington 2, S Blundell 2, D Dankiewicz 2, B Cheer, J Connelly, T Panagiotou 1 ea; Kap - K Brown 1, J Higgins 1. 4.4 10.8 14.9 20.13(133) 0.0 0.1 1.1 1.1(7)

Best: Tan - L Westhoff, A Prior, N Schmidt, B Kaesler, L Boehm, M Grocke; Nuri - J Byrne, D Cragg-Sapsford, C Ellison, W Nicholls, Z Dahms, C Gogoll. Goals: Tan - B Kaesler 3, D Hamon 2, L Westhoff 2, A Fechner, S Agars, S Rogasch 1 ea; Nuri - R Byrne 2, J Scholz, S Haniford, Z Dahms, W Nicholls, N Salter 1 ea.

Best: Nuri - A Fiegert, T John, A Hall, B Lydeamore, G Taplin, T Honner; Tan - R Ferrett, D Wagner, L Neldner, D Wallace, C Samain, S Toole.

Willaston 1.3 8.6 12.11 17.17(119) Barossa District 3.4 4.7 8.9 9.9(63)

Willaston 3.0 4.2 6.3 11.5(71) Barossa District 3.2 5.3 6.5 7.7(49)

Barossa District 8.2 11.6 13.9 14.11(95) Willaston 1.2 2.2 5.2 6.3(39)

Barossa District 4.7 8.12 13.15 20.18(138) Willaston 0.0 0.1 0.1 1.3(9)

Best: Will - J Taylor, S Baker, J Jones, M Brooks, R Whiston, J Scott; Bar - M Taylor, N Emes, H Commane, M Baraglia, C McAlpine, W Aylett. Goals: Will - J Scott 4, B Gordon 3, S Baker 3, J Taylor 2, J McDonald, Z Hentschke, J Cole, J Campbell, R Rosewall 1 ea; Bar - S Wills 2, R James 2, H Commane 2, W Aylett, A McAlpine, M Taylor 1 ea;.

Best: Will - A Barclay, J Carter; Bar - J Rider, D Rowley, L Plowman, J Woods, S Vanstone, J Wicker.

Best: Bar - T Cameron, R Watson, N Casboult, R Rowe, W Roberts, J Conway; Will - B Coombs, E Fryar, T Heintzberger, C Young, B Phillips, B Rendell.

Best: Bar - R Allington, D Nangle, B Ratcliff, C Robinson, M Quinn, O Watson; Will - B Parsloe, J Walsh, M Stirling, K Ackland, L Buley.

Goals: Bar - W Roberts 6, T Cameron 3, A Traynor 2, A Arthur, T Gant, R Rowe 1 ea; Will - B Coombs 3, B Knox, M McAllister, L Elliott 1 ea.

Goals: Bar - R Allington 8, B Ratcliff 4, B Scott 2, D Nangle 2, T Baron, J Ilesia, M Quinn, J Leondiou 1 ea; Will - K Hammill 1.

Goals: Nuri - T Honner 3, L Cook 2, D Nietschke, A Fiegert, J Smith, A Hall, L Sich, T John, G Taplin, J Weedon 1 ea; Tan - D Abinett, D Wagner, C Gattermayr 1 ea.

Goals: Will - J Carter 4, J Oldfield 2, A Moss 2, J Dieckmann 2, B Hunt 1; Bar - J Berrett 3, S Vanstone, H Errock, J Wicker, J Rider 1 ea.

Goals: Tan - A Hutchinson 3, W Mudge 2, S Mickan 2, M Fox 2, S Linton 2, J Marshall 1, S Hoffrichter 1; Nuri - S Schrapel 1, D Douglas 1.

Best: Nuri - B Hoepner, N Lange, A Laverty, H Stolz, S Higgs, W Byrum; Tan - J Roesler, H Bosward, P Mudge, C Martin, B Biagi. Goals: Nuri - N Lange 5, H Stolz 4, A Laverty 3, W Byrum 2, S Higgs 2, R Haynes, S Dearlove, J Nitschke, B Hoepner 1 ea; Tan - L Birchard 1.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012 - Page 32 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

term, as he grabbed the game by the scruff of the neck and pulled his team back into the match. The double Schluter Medallist was irresistible with his attack on the footy through the period, as he ran, chased, tackled and generally demanded a higher quality from his team-mates by example. In 15 minutes of Bakerinspired footy, Willaston turned a quarter time deficit into a 24-point lead with six goals - three from opportunist forward Jamie Scott, whose first was a goal of the game snap. With the first four goals of the third term, Willaston worked hard to build its match-winning lead, and after absorbing a mini-comeback, still led by 26-point at lemons. The Donnybrooks powered away in the last term for a meritorious 56point victory. Besides Baker, Josh Taylor had a field day running through the centre for the Donnybrooks and creating havoc going forward, while Jimmy Jones was great in ruck. For Barossa, Michael Taylor worked hard at the stoppages all day, Nathan Emes stood tall against a barrage of Willaston forward entries, and Commane helped stem the onslaught when he went onto the ball. “Although our numbers were restricted, Willaston played some good team orientated footy, the best I have seen from them,” James said.

A grade S Agars (T) 1 H Commane (BD) 2 W Farley (K) 5 D Horsnell (F) 5 R James (BD) 2 A Gerardis (SG) 1 B Sugars (A) 7 B Gordon (W) 3 J Zanandrea (K) 0 S Baker (W) 3 Reserves A Parsons (SG) 8 S Carmichael (F) 0 J Carter (W) 4 J McVicar (SG) 1 N Pech (A) 2 T Honner (N) 3 J Smith (N) 1 J Carter (A) 3 S O’Donoghue (SG) 3 T John (N) 1 R Kalic (GC) 0 J Berrett (BD) 3 C Browne (K) 1 J Rosenzweig (A) 2 T Talbot (A) 2 D Abinett (T) 1 Senior Colts T Goers (T) 0 W Roberts (BD) 6 B Coombs (W) 3 J Chapman (SG) 5 M Fox (T) 2 T Ahl (SG) 4 B Osborne (SG) 3 A Hutchinson (T) 3 J Edwards (GC) 0 D Hamon (T) 0 S Mickan (T) 2 Junior Colts J Martin (SG) 4 N Lange (N) 5 J Freeman (K) 0 B Washington (SG) 2 T Panagiotou (SG) 1 L Cunningham (A) 2 R Allington (BD) 8 D Nangle (BD) 2 B Ratcliff (BD) 4 J Taylor (W) 0

11 10 10 9 9 9 9 9 8 8 14 8 8 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 22 12 9 9 8 8 8 7 7 7 7 15 14 13 12 11 10 10 9 7 7

Kapunda prove a final’s hope

Angaston prevail



AS EXPECTED, Kapunda and South Gawler fought out a gripping contest at Kapunda in BL&G footy on Saturday, with a dramatic last quarter the highlight. And it was the Bombers who came out on top. In a tight competition, the game demonstrated the importance of home wins, which will be crucial as most sides remain realistic finals’ contenders. With meritorious victories in the previous fortnight, the Lions were in the box seat to set up their season, while the home side desperately needed the points to remain in the chase. And in a game that could have gone either way, it took the heroic efforts of veteran Sam Ryan to turn the tide for the Bombers with two booming goals - as only Sam Ryan can manufacture with his trusty left boot. After South had whittled down a 23-point three-quarter-time deficit to hit the front late in the game, after an Anton Gerardis snap - his only goal of the match - Kapunda had the resolve to respond with the final two goals to steal the points. The Lions were rampant through the final quarter, playing their best footy of the game, but two crucial moves saved the day for Kapunda. With Mark Paget the best big man on the ground in ruck for South, Bomber coach Rod Brown threw Adam Turrell against him to stem his influence, which had an effect, and shifted Sam Ryan forward. Ryan booted the Bombers’ first goal of the period, with his shot deep in the scoreboard pocket, and the sealer from outside 50m, straight in front, while Turrell managed some influential touches. After the Lions had hit the front, key Kapunda forward Wes Farley kicked the go-ahead goal - his fifth of the game - after given a 50m penalty from a costly Lions’ indiscretion. The first three quarters were a seesawing affair, with the home side winning the first and third terms, while South took the honours in the second, to actually lead by seven points at half time. Just before three-quarter time, a chase and tackle by a Kapunda player caught a South player holding the ball, which ignited a melee, and saw emotions rise to fever pitch, as it set the scene for the

IN perfect football conditions, Angaston scored a 15-point win that was as rewarding for the Panthers as it was damaging to Freeling’s hopes of being a serious player in the race to the finals. Kicking with the aid of the breeze, Angaston landed an early blow when first Brad Sugars and then Jack Fosdike goaled to put the home side on the back foot. The momentum quickly swung back in Freeling’s favour as their beanpole ruckman Rhys Clinton began to deliver the ball cleanly to his midfielders who in turn used fast, pinpoint delivery to Redlegs full forward Dan Horsnell who was finding plenty of space in the Panthers’ defence. Horsnell’s three-goal burst, along with one from centre half forward Ben Parish, gave Freeling a five-point lead at quarter time with only a rare goal from veteran defender Brandon Kurtz keeping Freeling from establishing a firm grasp on the game. Mal Greenwood managed to sneak away from Jarrad Rathjen’s hard tag to kick a long goal from the boundary line early in the second term it looked like Freeling was set to pull away from an Angaston side that had yet to show any fight and determination in 2012. In a game that never reached great heights as a spectacle Angaston then showed they were only too happy to get down and dirty, shutting down the contest until it suited them to explore their attacking options. A pair of goals to an on-fire Sugars who now had four on his way to seven reignited Angaston but Freeling found an answer through Horsnell and Darren Francis before a late goal from Angaston playing coach Craig Hadden (in his 299th A grade game) narrowed the margin to seven points at half time. However, Freeling still looked the more settled and potent side with Angaston having too many players making mistakes and burning the ball at crucial moments. Angaston’s best chance to get right back into the game would be to take advantage of the breeze in the third term. The other thing the Panthers needed was a lift from their midfield, which is what Hadden asked for, in particular from his captain Matt Doecke and to no-one’s surprise ‘Mr Reliable’ delivered yet again turning back the clock once more to be pivotal in his team’s revival as they narrowly outscored the Legs, closing the gap to just five points at the final break. The odds were still in Freeling’s favour as they were kicking with the wind and had a clear advantage in key position personnel. This is when Angaston managed to find that something extra. Mark Ruwoldt, Jack Fosdike and Doecke all

CLOSE UP: Spectators including Harry Wuttke, Michael Holthouse, Darcie Brown, Samuel Woods and Jayden Goods had a close up look as Kapunda’s Brad Williams attempted to keep the ball in play. Boundary umpire Duncan Greenhalgh prepares to adjudicate.

A BETTER day for the Bombers on Saturday against South, at the Bomber headquarters. The As got up in a great game of footy after leading for most of the day. South however came back and hit the lead half way through the last quarter but the Bombers bounced back to snare the points by just under two goals. A great game by Sam McKinnon earned him the JT Johnson / Ahrens Engineering best player award. Others to do well were captain Brad Taylor, Cam McKinnon and Craig Prior who have all started the year in great form. Sam Ryan’s two last quarter bombs from outside 50 lifted the Bomber spirits after South had prematurely taken the lead. The Bs went down to a better side on the day, however they still showed some good signs that will encourage the coaching staff. Andrew May showed some class after coming back from the A grade to put his name up for selection again. Other good players included Mark Prior and Tristan Kerr who were both serviceable. The U17s rebounded from their drubbing last week and took the game up to the unbeaten South side. Coach Ryan Creber would have been happy with the effort, but hoping they can continue the form over the coming fortnight where they have some winnable games. Joel Foster was easily the best for the young Bombers collecting the Foodworks award for the second week in a row, while

Tyler Matthews Brown also played well again. The U15s were bought back to earth after their good early season form, running into a very good South unit. Zyden Merx played another beauty of a game – that has Central District already looking seriously at him, collecting the Shapes Of Green best player award. The Smith boys Austin and Henry, also played some good footy. There was some really good footy from the Bomber U9s boys and girls on Friday night. Award winners were Heather Chapman for really getting in there and going for the ball, Zac Diekman for some good handballs, great mark and his first goal. Aidan Mudge took home the Litl Mo's donut voucher for great goal kicking and fantastic all round game playing, Cody Hallett for good reading of the ball, Noah Blacker played a good all round game and Zac Teasdale also played some really good footy. The U11s played their best game yet with everyone contributing and going in for the ball. Coach Gary Schmidt said the hard work at training is really paying off and we saw the most goals kicked and the closest game all year. The boys were very unlucky to come away without the win - half a dozen posters were the difference. Shapes of Green Landscaping awards went to Corey Wall for an outstanding game and Zane Petney for continued improvement. Other awards went to Adam Cobbledick for his goal kicking, Dylan Robinson for his long kicking, Samuel Woods and Mark Martin for improved, consistent effort and for training well. Special mentions to Liam Helmore and Jordan Harris who both played another good game. Another consistent effort from the U13s on Saturday morning was not quite enough for the win but coach Shane Dew said it was terrific to see the effort over four quarters. With Curtis Wall out with a broken wrist it was great to see his younger brother stepping up, putting his body on the line and head over the ball. "Fantastic Footy" Corey Wall. Kapunda IGA Incentive Award went to Corey Wall,

Fraser Smith, Liam Helmore, Xavier Burley and Ben Williams. Goal kickers were Conor White 3, and Alec Wendt 1. Also a good effort from the social committee for their raising of some good money for the National Breast Cancer Foundation – with their Ladies Day (Pink Day).

RARE GOAL: Angaston defender Brandon Kurtz.

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Wednesday, May 16, 2012 - Page 33 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


Bomber Blasts

was a livewire and Justin Trewren was a productive forward with four goals. “We played some ordinary footy,” South coach Scott Lee said. “They wanted the ball more at the stoppages, and we weren’t accountable enough when they had it. “Our defence was under pressure but we managed to hold them off, before we clawed our way back in the second term, which took a long time, and we had a poor third term, where we seemed to be chasing all the time.” This week Kapunda travel to Angaston, which is looming as another must-win game, while the Lions host Nuriootpa in a defining game. While Kapunda’s victory was welcome news for coach Brown, he has also been announced as the zone coach for the mid-season championships. “I’m pleased with the appointment,” Brown said. “I’ve been involved for a couple of seasons under Craig Griffiths and Steve Lubcke, and really enjoyed it.”


last quarter heroics by both sides. “South had worked back into the game to hit the front in the final quarter, with our guys showing good character to come back and hang on,” Kapunda mentor Rod Brown said. “I thought it was a really good contested game, with two sides fighting for a top-four spot. The response from our guys, not once but more, meant we worked hard for the points.” Best for the Bombers was Sam McKinnon, whose ferocious tackling was a highlight, and led what coach Brown thought was the best team effort in that department for a number of years. Farley played his best game of the season, although a little wayward with 5-5, while Brad Taylor gave his usual high-quality performance in the pivot, and Brad Valentine did a great shut-down job on the dangerous Gerardis. For South, Aaron Bevis was on fire in returning to the line-up, as he worked hard at the stoppages, Matt Foldesdy continued his great season, starting at half back before going on to the ball, Matt Naumann

had important touches to put their team in a good position so Sugars could continue his day out with three goals in the fourth quarter but it was the desperation shown by the Panthers that was most telling. Lightly-built Adam Chambers’ willingness to put himself over the ball despite knowing he would be crunched by Greenwood, just to keep the ball in his forward 50 metre zone was typical of the desperation. “We lack legspeed at the stoppages but the biggest difference was attitude, they wanted to win more than we did,” Freeling coach Mark Tylor said. While this was a battle between two sides unlikely to play finals, the importance of securing early wins can mean the difference between an acceptable season and a miserable one. For Angaston the signs were good. Jack Ryan (after not playing much football in the past two seasons due to injury) showed glimpses of his promise and Sugars’ form finally gives them a target up forward although they still need to find another regular goal kicker. Kurtz’s Shane Ellen impersonation won’t happen every week. For the Redlegs, Ben Parish is a genuine forward threat but needs to spend more time within 50 metres of goal rather than having to come up the field, Horsnell is deadly on the lead but may struggle in wet conditions body on body. Freeling best players are very good but depth will be a major concern for Tylor as the season progresses. Angaston host Kapunda next week and with both teams coming off a win it should be another tight contest while Freeling will come up against an angry Barossa District team that will look to make a statement after losing to Willaston.

PHONE 8563 3400 Barossa Valley Way, Tanunda



Barossa Valley hockey results and tables Premierships

P 2 2 2 2 2 2

W 2 1 1 0 0

L 0 0 1 1 2

W 2 2 1 1 0 0

L 0 0 1 1 2 2

D 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0

B 0 1 0 1 0 B 0 0 0 0 0 0

F 6 4 1 0 0 F 11 7 5 4 1 2

A 0 0 1 1 9

GD 6 4 0 -

A 1 2 3 5 8 11

GD 10 5 2 -1 -7 -9

Pts 6 3 3 0 0 Pts 6 6 3 3 0 0

W 2 1 1 0 0

L 0 0 1 2 1

D 0 0 0 0 0

B 0 1 0 0 1

F 4 1 3 1 0

A 2 0 2 3 2

GD 2 1 1 -2 -2

Pts 6 3 3 0 0

P 2 2 2 2

W 2 1 0 0

L 0 0 1 2

D 0 1 1 0

B 0 0 0 0

F 9 1 0 0

A 0 0 3 7

GD 9 1 -3 -7

Pts 6 4 1 0

P 2 2 2 1 1

W 2 1 0 0 0

L 0 0 1 1 1

D 0 1 1 0 0

B 0 0 0 1 1

F 7 9 3 1 1

A 3 2 5 3 8

GD 4 7 -2 -2 -7

Pts 6 4 1 0 0

Heel Pain?

Under 13/14 Team P 1 Two Wells 1 2 Trinity College White 2 3 Trinity College Red 2 4 Nuriootpa 2 5 Tanunda 2 6 AM United 1 7 Gawler 2

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B 1 0 0 1 0

F 9 4 3 2 1

A 2 9 3 2 3

GD 7 -5 0 0 -2

Pts 3 3 2 1 1

W 1 2 1 1 1 0 0

L 0 0 1 1 1 1 2

D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

B 1 0 0 0 0 1 0

F 3 2 5 4 1 0 0

A 0 0 1 1 4 1 8

GD 3 2 4 3 -3 -1 -8

Pts 3 6 3 3 3 0 0


33 Main North Rd Willaston



Ph: 8522 1021

Gawler Darts results - by ‘Pegout’ Men’s div: May 7 - Enigmas 9 d Wombats 6, T & A’s 12 d Spot On 3, Team Rehab 9 d Raiders 6, Krackers 9 d Barflyz 6. 180 thrown by Steve Thomas and Tyrone Barr. 6 peg outs - Brett Adams, Chris Young and George Orchison. HPO 114 Scott Rider. Premiership: Krackers 1469, Enigmas 12-68, Wombats 10-61, T&A’s 1054, Team Rehab 4-48, Barflyz 4-47, Spot-On 4-37, Raiders 0-25. HP0 170 Gavin Cundy.


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A Men Tanunda 1 d Nuriootpa 0; AM United 4 d Two Wells 0; Gawler/Trinity had the bye. A Women Gawler 5 d Trinity 1; AM United 5 d Two Wells 0; Nuriootpa 4 d Tanunda 1. B Men AM United 1 d Two Wells 0; Tanunda 2 d Nuriootpa 1; Gawler/Trinity had the bye, B Women AM United 3 d Nuriootpa 0; Gawler 1 d Two Wells 0. Under 18 Two Wells 8 d AM United 1; Nuriootpa 4 d Tanunda 2; Gawler had the bye. Under 15/16 Two Wells 2 drew with AM United 2; Tanunda 2 d Gawler 0; Nuriootpa had the bye. Under 13/14 Trinity College White 1 d AM United 0; Trinity College Red 5 d Gawler 0; Nuriootpa 4 d Tanunda 0; Two Wells had the bye.

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Under 15/16 Team 1 Nuriootpa 2 Tanunda 3 Two Wells 4 AM United 5 Gawler


A Women Team 1 AM United 2 Gawler 3 Nuriootpa 4 Two Wells 5 Tanunda 6 Trinity

P 2 1 2 1 2

P 2 1 2 2 1


A Men Team 1 Tanunda 2 AM United 3 Nuriootpa 4 Gawler/Trinity 5 Two Wells

B Men Team 1 Tanunda 2 AM United 3 Nuriootpa 4 Two Wells 5 Gawler/Trinity B Women Team 1 AM United 2 Gawler 3 Nuriootpa 4 Two Wells Under 18 Team 1 Nuriootpa 2 Two Wells 3 Tanunda 4 Gawler 5 AM United





60-64 Murray St, Nuriootpa

8562 1548

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Wednesday, May 16, 2012 - Page 34 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


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Barossa gymnast for nationals BAROSSA Valley Youth Club gymnast Tom Liersch has been selected as one of six gymnasts to represent South Australia. Tom will compete at the level seven open in the 2012 National Gymnastics Championships to be held at the end of May. The competition, which will be held at the Olympic Park in Homebush, Sydney, will last for two weeks. The championships will cover senior elite men and women’s, artistic

PROUD: Tom Liersch displays his state team tracksuit with head coach and state team coach David Rath (left) and senior club coach Barry Falland.

Sports results


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secondly to develop the skills that may even see a podium position. This program has not been an easy one for Tom to adhere to as he has been juggling the demands of year 12 studies with his training requirements. Travelling with Tom will be David Rath, head coach of the Barossa Valley Youth Club who will fill a duel capacity role as one the state coaches as well as judging the various other levels during the stay.


For the following sports results go to the Herald website: www.barossaherald@rur


gymnastics, rhythmic gymnastics and trampoline. The first week will showcase the elite athletes and the second week will cover the level stream. Tom is the only country gymnast to make it into the team. He has been travelling to Adelaide with his coach David Rath several times a week as well as training at the gym at Tanunda. Tom has put a lot of effort into his training firstly to make the team, and

Sunday, May 20

Mike Teakle, Herald Sports Writer


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Wednesday, May 16, 2012 - Page 35 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


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Kapunda in a thriller

Senior One: Angaston 50 d Freeling 44; Kapunda 49 drew with South Gawler 49; Tanunda 41 d Nuriootpa 36; Willaston 70 d Barossa District 39.

Kapunda 49 South Gawler 49 KAPUNDA maintained its unbeaten start to the 2012 season - but only just, with an exciting draw against South Gawler. Paul McGrath, Kapunda coach, said the result left him with a strange feeling. “Like why did we just do what we did for the last 90 minutes? Players, spectators and coaches were frustrated by the umpiring which did not let the game flow and was over whistled,” Paul said. Scores were 14-all at the end of the first quarter. “The start of the second saw us make uncharacteristic mistakes of which South took full advantage gaining a five-goal break mainly through their shooters’ accuracy. “Again the start of each quarter saw us lose possession and drift further on the scoreboard, once again the defence to the rescue saw South lose some ball due to our pressure and we were three down at the final break. “The start of the final term haunted us again and by half way through we were on the wrong side by eight but the game was not lost and the girls, to their credit, fought on with their heads up.” Paul said as well as numerous midcourt turnovers for both sides it came down to shots under pressure in the last seven minutes. “Lana and Candy bagged 10 from their last 12 shots, whereas the South shooters could only manage five from their last 12. The clock ran down with us in possession but we were unable to get a shot away, as the final whistle ran out. Kapunda’s best were Penny Chappell who had a great game at centre and Kim Creber at wing defence, and Lana Bagshaw who had a slow start at goal shooter. South coach Lynette Hutton said there was still work to do with her group. “We struggled to settle in the game and made quite a few passing errors,” Lynette said. “With it being very even all day, we managed to get a lead in the third quarter. “Kapunda increased the pressure in the last quarter and created a lot of turnovers and took control of the last quarter.”

Willaston 70 Barossa District 39 A PREDICTABLE result at Willaston with the home side running out 31-goal winners over Barossa District. Michael Sobieray, Willaston assistant coach said the match proved to be a test of physical and mental toughness. “The Barossa girls came out attacking the ball and sticking to a tight one-on-one game which proved very difficult to combat early with a lot of turnovers going against us,” Michael said. “We tried to implement the same strategy in the second quarter and made a couple of key changes that helped us extend our lead. “Our usual third quarter lapse showed Barossa’s determination on the ball but the quality of our girls proved too much in the end with a 31-goal victory. “Lisa Wilson once again was hard to match up proving too strong in goals with Jasmine Hoffrichter at the other end solidifying the back line.” Barossa coach Leanne Nelson was realistic. “Can’t really say much other than Willaston is a finely tuned, well-drilled side,” Leanne said. “I was really proud of our girls and can definitely see improvement in our overall play. “Vicki Nelson continued her fine form and played a solid game in the midcourt. Kelly Gerschwitz returned to form playing an excellent game in the goal ring. “We’ve had a tough draw playing Gawler South, Angaston and now Willaston. However we have been able to play some excellent netball against quality opposition so I am looking forward to the weeks ahead.”

Tanunda 41 Nuriootpa 36 TANUNDA had a solid test from Nuriootpa before running out five-goal winners for their first win of the season and Maria Fraser, Tanunda coach, said after trailing in the first half it was pleasing to see the team make some necessary improvement in the second half to secure the victory. “Kate Mader withdrew prior to the game with an illness and Lauren Martin stepped up displaying great tenacity and endeavour in her defensive role,” Maria said. “Kate Jolly continued her good form in the centre working hard as did Bec Terwel with her shooting role. “Our early skill errors and poor decision making

Barossa, Light and Gawler Netball Association results from Round 4 May 12.

Senior Two: Angaston 38 d Freeling 33; South Gawler 52 d Kapunda 31; Nuriootpa 50 d Tanunda 38; Willaston 34 d Barossa District 29. Senior Three: Angaston 45 d Freeling 21; South Gawler 77 d Kapunda 14; Nuriootpa 41 d Tanunda 25; Willaston 48 d Barossa District 34.

RACE: Kapunda goalie Lana Bagshaw wins the race to a loose ball ahead of South defender Bec Brading. allowed Nuri to get some confidence and it was great to see the team turn things around in the third quarter playing better quality netball.The effort and work rate of all the girls was pleasing. The group needs to continue working on improvement and building team belief so that victories are achieved more often than not.” Tanunda’s best were Kate Jolly (centre), Bec Terwel (goal shooter) and Lauren Martin (goal defence). Nuriootpa coach Robyn March was disappointed her side couldn’t grab a win but an injury certainly didn’t help. “Our defences were working at a high rate and we were one goal up at the first break,” Robyn said. “We were out to three when we lost defender Lizzie Cane with a bad ankle injury, which if uncomplicated, is likely to see her out for eight weeks and senior two player Jaime McGuirk was thrown into the mix. All teams will capitalise on adverse events and Tanunda turned it around, up by three at the final break. “We continued to make a high percentage of unforced errors and weren’t able to convert reliably in circle. “I introduced one of our emerging inter goalies, Taylor Helbig, 14, who played well against an experienced aggressive defence. I’m very pleased that she didn’t get upset and continued to maintain the game plays.”

Angaston 38 Freeling 33 ANGASTON withstood a third-quarter charge from Freeling to steady and run out five-goal winners and coach Chelsea Duval was pleased to get away with a win. “It was important to bounce back after last week’s loss to Willaston,” Chelsea said. “Freeling has improved but I still thought we played in about third gear. “The girls are still working on team cohesion and I was pleased with the way they responded when Freeling challenged strongly.” Victoria Halls started at goal shooter and the Harlequin player is expected to become a more regular member following last week’s season ending injury to Kelly Tattoli. Best for Angaston were Victoria Halls, Kelly Gloede and Tamara Rowe. Lyn Carmichael, Freeling coach said her side did not get off to a good start despite an impressive warm up “Angaston made us pay for a slow start and led by eight midway through the quarter but to our credit the girls stopped, steadied and valued possession to cut the lead to four at quarter time,” Lyn said. “The second quarter was much the same where Angaston got the jump but we pegged them back to still have a four-goal margin at the long break. “I thought positional changes in the third worked to our favour with Katie Clark and Ash Heinrich switching between centre and wing attack. “Angaston also made changes but we were more efficient with the ball and were only one down at the final change. The team went out confident in the last quarter but let some opportunities slip. “We didn’t play badly but lacked consistency which cost us. Self belief is an issue as we need to learn how to win the close ones are the ones we need.” Freeling’s best was Katie Clark with a special mention to Ash Heinrich. Annie Cadzow had a good first half in a new position and Jacinta Ahrens was serviceable against the dangerous Kim Seelander.

Senior Four: Angaston 44 d Freeling 41; South Gawler 67 d Kapunda 24; Tanunda 51 d Nuriootpa 30; Willaston 59 d Barossa District 40. Senior Five: Angaston 48 d Freeling 36; South Gawler 73 d Kapunda 11; Tanunda 74 d Nuriootpa 31; Willaston 76 d Barossa District 23. Senior Six: Angaston 73 d Freeling 21; South Gawler 48 d Kapunda 20; Nuriootpa 50 d Tanunda 36; Willaston 82 d Barossa District 26. Senior Seven: Angaston 43 d Freeling 30; Willaston 58 d Barossa District 36. Intermediate One: Freeling 57 d Angaston 26; South Gawler 50 d Kapunda 23; Nuriootpa 51 d Tanunda 30; Willaston v Barossa District - postponed due to injury. Intermediate Two: Freeling 58 d Angaston 26; South Gawler 54 d Kapunda 22; Tanunda 45 d Nuriootpa 28; Willaston 91 d Barossa District 15. Junior One: Freeling 29 drew with Angaston 29; South Gawler 75 d Kapunda 20; Tanunda 39 d Nuriootpa 29; Willaston 69 d Barossa District 16. Junior Two: Angaston 42 d Freeling 28; Tanunda 65 d Nuriootpa 23; Willaston 83 d Barossa District 11. Sub Junior One: Angaston 27 d Freeling 24; Kapunda 30 d South Gawler 10; Nuriootpa 12 d Tanunda 10; Willaston 18 d Barossa District 15. Sub Junior Two: Angaston 40 d Freeling 5; South Gawler 14 d Kapunda 12; Nuriootpa 19 d Tanunda 13; Barossa District 12 d Willaston 11. Sub Junior Three: Nuriootpa 29 d Tanunda 5.

Barossa, Light and Gawler Association netball media awards Herald Club of the Year Votes for round 4 of the Barossa, Light and Gawler Netball Association 2012 season, the Herald Netball Club of the Year Award. Willaston 22; Angaston 21; South Gawler 19; Nuriootpa 14; Tanunda 12; Freeling 5; Kapunda 3; Barossa District 2; Gawler Central had the bye.

Nick Hambour Window Fashions Senior One

Tanunda Cellars Senior Two

Barossa Sportspower

Terry White Chemists

Gawler Cinemas

Intermediate One

Junior One

Sub Junior One

Voting withheld for round three

Wednesday, May 16, 2012 - Page 36 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


$ .49

Senior One Willaston Kapunda South Gawler Gawler Central Angaston Tanunda Freeling Nuriootpa Barossa District Senior Two Willaston Gawler Central South Gawler Angaston Kapunda Freeling Nuriootpa Tanunda Barossa District Senior Three South Gawler Nuriootpa Willaston Gawler Central Angaston Tanunda Kapunda Freeling Barossa District Senior Four South Gawler Tanunda Gawler Central Angaston Willaston Nuriootpa Freeling Barossa District Kapunda Senior Five Willaston South Gawler Tanunda Gawler Central Angaston Freeling Kapunda Nuriootpa Barossa District Senior Six Gawler Central Willaston Angaston South Gawler Nuriootpa Freeling Tanunda Barossa District Kapunda Senior Seven Willaston Angaston Freeling Gawler Central South Gawler Barossa District Nuriootpa Intermediate One Freeling Willaston Nuriootpa South Gawler Kapunda Barossa District Gawler Central Tanunda Angaston Intermediate Two South Gawler Willaston Kapunda Gawler Central Freeling Angaston Tanunda Nuriootpa Barossa District Junior One Willaston South Gawler Tanunda Nuriootpa Angaston Freeling Gawler Central Kapunda Barossa District Junior Two Willaston Gawler Central South Gawler Tanunda Angaston Freeling Barossa District Nuriootpa Sub Junior One Gawler Central Angaston Kapunda Freeling Willaston Barossa District Tanunda Nuriootpa South Gawler Sub Junior Two Angaston Gawler Central Barossa District Nuriootpa Willaston South Gawler Tanunda Kapunda Freeling Sub Junior Three Nuriootpa Gawler Central Barossa District Angaston Kapunda

Pts 8 7 5 4 4 2 2 0 0 Pts 8 6 4 4 4 4 2 0 0 Pts 7 6 6 4 4 2 2 1 0 Pts 8 8 6 6 2 2 0 0 0 Pts 8 6 6 4 4 2 2 0 0 Pts 6 6 6 6 4 2 2 0 0 Pts 5 5 4 2 2 0 0 Pts 7 6 6 5 4 2 0 0 0 Pts 8 6 6 4 4 2 2 0 0 Pts 8 6 6 4 3 3 2 0 0 Pts 8 4 4 4 4 0 0 0 Pts 6 6 6 4 4 2 2 2 0 Pts 6 6 4 4 4 4 2 2 0 Pts 4 4 2 0 0

For 263 203 210 167 134 154 161 107 103 For 187 130 178 129 162 140 105 154 86 For 215 146 197 158 130 109 91 100 84 For 243 185 163 131 166 102 123 94 106 For 223 212 201 176 158 153 101 85 63 For 144 247 194 165 126 120 106 77 67 For 140 126 100 47 109 108 14 For 193 142 156 165 161 75 98 105 75 For 215 235 168 142 179 91 112 62 53 For 202 195 153 138 125 115 146 94 54 For 235 129 129 138 108 76 46 30 For 93 112 89 112 52 61 40 29 15 For 109 59 47 48 77 53 63 57 14 For 73 37 9 4 13

Agst 160 182 168 123 149 196 210 147 167 Agst 156 97 143 116 165 150 127 189 128 Agst 117 76 145 82 103 157 238 171 141 Agst 111 114 81 109 189 128 200 164 214 Agst 122 105 141 96 114 190 219 183 202 Agst 52 106 84 141 104 200 184 199 176 Agst 106 100 91 45 123 145 34 Agst 116 64 99 122 169 78 164 203 155 Agst 95 97 124 103 173 145 179 143 198 Agst 101 90 113 102 108 135 124 271 178 Agst 72 11 72 99 111 197 194 135 Agst 26 35 60 63 72 61 76 72 138 Agst 32 24 46 48 81 67 59 68 102 Agst 22 14 4 9 277


Proudly Brought to you by

% 62.17 52.73 55.56 57.59 47.35 44.00 43.40 42.13 38.15 % 54.52 57.27 55.45 52.65 49.54 48.28 45.26 44.90 40.19 % 64.76 65.77 57.60 65.83 55.79 40.98 27.66 36.90 37.33 % 68.64 61.87 66.80 54.58 46.76 44.35 38.08 36.43 33.13 % 64.64 66.88 58.77 64.71 58.09 44.61 31.56 31.72 23.77 % 73.47 69.97 69.78 53.92 54.78 37.50 36.55 27.90 27.57 % 56.91 55.75 52.36 51.09 46.98 42.69 29.17 % 62.46 68.93 61.18 57.49 48.79 49.02 37.40 34.09 32.61 % 69.35 70.78 57.53 57.96 50.85 38.56 38.49 30.24 21.12 % 66.67 68.42 57.52 57.50 53.65 46.00 54.07 25.75 23.28 % 76.55 92.14 64.18 58.23 49.32 27.84 19.17 18.18 % 78.15 76.19 59.73 64.00 41.94 50.00 34.48 28.71 9.80 % 77.30 71.08 50.54 50.00 48.73 44.17 51.64 45.60 12.07 % 76.84 72.55 69.23 30.77 4.48




Criterion Tavern Plate

(Apprentices can claim) 3yo & up Maiden SW $10,000


0054 Bux The Trend (8) Ms L Stojakovic (a1.5) 52432 Haraka Zulu (2) T Baker 008s7 Cable Bay h (1) J Potter 33333 Wagen (7) Ms A Herrmann 04046 Centre Ripple (3) Ms Jemma Frew (a4) s0000 Regal Jasmine (5) Ms M Neve (a1.5) s0809 Argent Sky (6) J Toeroek (a3) 27243 Miss Practicality (4) J Bowditch 6s444 Spirit Line (9) A Patterson

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


58 58 57.5 57.5 56 56 55.5 55.5 55.5

12.40 Coopers Pale Ale Plate

8.00 9.00 21.00 2.00 17.00 31.00 31.00 2.80 6.00


(Apprentices can claim) 2yo Maiden SW $10,000

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

7s Danzing (5) 5s Indubious b (2) 0 Maritime Lad (1) Night Breeze (10) Streetcar Valour (6) 50 Surprise Us (4) 0 Zednick (9) El Mina (7) Leahone h (8) 55s Typhoon Tilly b (3)

J Toeroek (a3) C Lever J Kah (a3) S Cahill J Potter Ms C Lindop J Frew (a) M Pegus Ms K Bishop (a3) M Neilson

57.5 57.5 57.5 57.5 57.5 57.5 57.5 55.5 55.5 55.5

5.50 2.80 15.00 11.00 11.00 8.00 15.00 4.00 15.00 7.00

GEAR CHANGES RACE 1: (8) Miss Practicality blinkers on again RACE 2: (1) Danzing, (7) Zednick gelded; (10) Typhoon Tilly race plates on first time, tongue-tie on first time RACE 3: (1) Do Something norton bit on first time; (2) Hezafraar pacifiers on first time; (5) Estebana tips on first time; (6) Going Concern, (9) Carinya Lodge blinkers on first time; (7) On The Point blinkers on again; (10) Elehni, (11) Magical Ruby tongue-tie on first time RACE 4: (1) Prayer Academy winkers on first time; (2) Sting Like A Bee tail chain on first time; (4) Jestalottery blinkers off first time RACE 5: (7) Geordie’s Lass blinkers off first time, winkers on first time; (12) Pierremont Rocks winkers on first time; (15) Swing Along blinkers on first time, tongue-tie on first time RACE 6: (5) Slacksmith tongue-tie on again; (8) Goodnight Joss boots off first time, winkers on again; (11) Neverin blinkers off again RACE 7: (7) Moon Devil blinkers on first time; (9) Environment Patron blinkers off first time, winkers on again; (14) The Shinboner blinkers off first time RACE 8: (1) Final Command near-side blinker on first time, blinkers off again, lugging bit on first time; (5) Resenda bandages on first time; (9) Academy Belle blinkers on first time; (10) Attitude Problem winkers on first time; (14) For My Poppa cheekers off first time, lugging bit on first time, race plates on first time

GRAHAM FISCHER (Barossa Herald)

STEVE DAVISON (Pagemasters)










Best Bets

WAGEN Miss Practicality Spirit Line


ANY DESTINATION Hezafraar Going Concern

SHARPAY MAGIC Sting Like A Bee Token One

MORE DREAMS Serbian Crown Pell Mell

SOUTHERN FORTUNE Bell Ringer Slacksmith

MOON DEVIL Mount Mee Up Chilli Deva

HE’S A HOUNDOG Angel of Hope Riley’s Luck


WAGEN Miss Practicality Spirit Line

TYPHOON TILLY Indubious El Mina

ANY DESTINATION Elehni Rose Of Lincoln

DAY DIVA Sting Like A Bee Token One

I LIKE IKE Serbian Crown More Dreams

BELL RINGER King Roseland The Catcher

CHILLI DEVA Sono Piccolo Exotic Girl

STELLA JEUNE Teen Spirit He’s A Houndog



Rail: Is out 6m from the 800m to the 400m, then out 4m for the remainder. Track: Good (3). Weather: Fine.


1.15 Aust. Biggest Morning Tea Plate 1115m

Daily Double: 7, 8 Extra Double: 3, 4 Treble: 6, 7, 8 Quadrella: 5, 6, 7, 8 First Four: All Races Fixed Odds: All Races



00sLs Do Something (9) D Tourneur 9s656 Hezafraar h (6) M Neilson 9050s Puff (5) Ms T Zanker 27s8s Angel Eyes (3) Ms K Bishop (a3) 5s656 Estebana (4) J Bowditch 5s3s0 Going Concern (7) S Westover (a1.5) s75s0 On The Point h (1) Ms L Hopwood 46s Any Destination (12) M Pegus 46 Carinya Lodge (10) S Cahill Elehni (2) C Lever 74670 Magical Ruby (8) Ms C Lindop Rose Of Lincoln (11) J Potter


Kingsford Hotel Plate

58 58 58 56 56 56 56 55.5 55.5 55.5 55.5 55.5

17.00 8.00 21.00 9.00 8.00 15.00 21.00 3.50 6.00 7.00 6.00 5.50


(Apprentices can claim) 2yo & up Maiden SW $10,000

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

64669 Prayer Academy h (2) J Maund s3020 Sting Like A Bee h (9) Ms L Hopwood 70 Here’s Archie h (14) J Holder 8s054 Jestalottery h (4) Ms M Tyndall (a3) 65s79 One Up One Down (7) J Potter 0s07 Spurparts (1) J Bowditch 702 Tenepal (11) B Hoppo 83384 Token One (12) Ms A Herrmann 5s036 Day Diva (8) T Pannell s33s8 Full Of Cache (10) M Neilson 0 Lady Geegee (13) B Claridge 75 Sharpay Magic (15) Ms L Stojakovic (a1.5) EMERGENCIES 5s056 Mr Dodd (16) J Frew (a) 070s0 Diagolan (5) 7s875 Twostep (3) Ms T Zanker 7s768 Fireweed h (6)

58 58 57.5 57.5 57.5 57.5 57.5 57.5 56 55.5 55.5



Coopers Plate

7.00 8.00 9.00 17.00 11.00 8.00 31.00 4.00 3.50 13.00 17.00



57.5 58 55.5 57.5

31.00 31.00 26.00 17.00

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

74s34 I Like Ike b (11) J Bowditch 8s930 Motzart (3) J Frew (a) On Strike (7) J Kah (a3) 5s522 Serbian Crown b (14) T Pannell s59s3 The Juddernaut (10) M Pegus Ambrosia (16) SCRATCHED 8s7 Geordie’s Lass (8) J Potter Gold Tillie (15) W Kerford 06s4 Lady Phoenix (4) Ms K Bishop (a3) 5s47s More Dreams (6) M Neilson Paparazzi (5) S Cahill Pierremont Rocks h (1) A Patterson 7s Smeltzie (13) D Tourneur s2485 Wuthering Heights (17) C Lever EMERGENCIES 15 06 Swing Along (2) Ms A Herrmann 16 00s00 Pell Mell (9) Ms L Stojakovic (a1.5) 17 9s68s Tommy Two (12) Ms L Hopwood



57.5 57.5 57.5 57.5 57.5

2.80 31.00 15.00 4.00 15.00

55.5 55.5 55.5 55.5 55.5 55.5 55.5 55.5

31.00 15.00 31.00 4.00 13.00 15.00 17.00 15.00

57.5 57.5 57.5

51.00 15.00 7.00


AHA Handicap (Apprentice riders only) Rating 68 $10,000

1 2

43751 King Roseland w (8) Ms K Bishop (a3) 69359 Southern Fortune w (1) Ms M Neve (a1.5) 3 76664 Bell Ringer cw (4) J Frew (a) 4 30334 The Catcher th (7) Ms Jemma Frew (a4) 5 0s450 Slacksmith w (11) S Westover (a1.5) 6 79440 Target Explorer tcw (5) Ms M Tyndall (a3) 7 s3408 Curaca Hill (2) J Kah (a3) 8 s6088 Goodnight Joss (10) J Toeroek (a3) 9 09806 Quick ‘n’ Slick (3) Ms L Stojakovic (a1.5) 10 46s86 Onya Adam h (9) Ms D Stra (a4) 11 90560 Neverin c (6) Ms E Brooks (a4)



Plush Group Hotels (Apprentices can claim) Rating 68 $10,000

(Apprentices can claim) 3yo Maiden SW $10,000

(Apprentices can claim) 3yo & up Maiden SW $10,000

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12





57.5 57 56 55.5

4.60 7.00 5.00 8.00

55.5 55 55

8.00 13.00 9.00

55 55 55

21.00 26.00 26.00

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

s7012 Gold Vintage h (2) S Cahill 119s9 Major De t (1) T Pannell 07486 Kellerman td (13) T Baker 137s7 Aussie Blue (12) A Patterson 2s443 Chilli Deva d (3) J Holder 82231 Sono Piccolo w (10) Ms M Tyndall (a3) 15s97 Moon Devil (5) M Pegus 1258s Athena Pegasus twh (4) J Bowditch 36s86 Environment Patron w (8) B Claridge 18371 Mount Mee Up (6) J Toeroek (a3) 6s010 Auburn Tiger (11) J Potter 4s130 Exotic Girl tb (9) D Tourneur EMERGENCIES 13 42626 Ferroquest d (14) W Kerford 14 8s509 The Shinboner h (7)



60.5 59.5 59 58.5 57.5 57.5 57 56.5 56 56 55 55

13.0 26.0 11.0 13.0 3.2 4.0 5.5 13.0 11.0 13.0 13.0 9.0

54 54

21.0 26.0


Giannitto Family Hotels (Apprentices can claim) Rating 62 $10,000

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

1630s Final Command c (5) J Kah (a3) s3515 He’s A Houndog cdw (4) Ms K Bishop (a3) 51549 Rileys Luck dw (12) M Pegus 3160 Calypsian (11) C Lever 3109s Resenda (15) S Westover (a1.5) 4678s Stella Jeune dh (3) D Tourneur 9676s Monfils (13) W Kerford 37913 Teen Spirit th (7) Ms M Tyndall (a3) 519s7 Academy Belle cw (6) A Patterson 170s8 Attitude Problem (14) T Pannell 634s4 Katunga (1) J Bowditch 7s315 Rustle d (2) Ms L Hopwood EMERGENCIES 8654s Always Focus (10) J Holder s320s For My Poppa b (16) J Toeroek (a3) s5444 Angel Of Hope w (9) Ms M Neve (a1.5) 25547 Bigbadbarry (8)



59 59 58 57 57 56.5 56.5 55.5 55.5 55.5 55

9.0 6.0 13.0 26.0 9.0 13.0 9.0 21.0 15.0 13.0 9.0

55 54.5 54.5 56.5

4.0 26.0 13.0 11.0

This publication takes all care in compiling the TAB details but cannot accept an responsibility for any errors. Readers are urged to check TAB information with t official lists before placing their bets.

GAWLER comment Race one BUX THE TREND (W A Bogarts) 4g By Yasey - Princess Grace (4:0-0-0): Beat seven home when 7-1/2 len 5th (56.0) Velocidade 1600m M’ville 2yo+ Mdn April 19 then stepped up in trip when 3-1/2 len 4th (58.0) King Roseland 2206m Murray Bridge Mdn slow trk May 2. Improving as he steps up in trip and can get into the placings here. HARAKA ZULU (D K Carrison) 4g By Mugharreb - Icy Gaze (10:0-2-1): Following 2-1/2 len, 1-1/2 len 3rd (58.0) Little Buster, Tracy True Blood 1500m Port Augusta 2yo+ Mdn April 15 was slowly away before finishing 7 len 2nd (58.0) Just Call Me Bob 1600m Port Augusta 2yo+ Mdn April 29. Tends to find one better and he steps up sharply in distance for this. Faces a task and place is best. CABLE BAY (B W Searle) 3g By Istidaad Iced Brandy (4:0-0-0): Struck interference near the 1000m before running 10 len 8th (57.0) So Swift 1300m Hamilton 3yo Mdn dead trk Oct 31 then returned from a break with 8-1/2 len 7th (57.0) Proctorville 1200m Strathalbyn E&G Mdn dead trk April 18. Made some late ground first-up but rises dramatically in distance here. Looks tested. WAGEN (G V Richards) 3g By Volksraad - Minori Express (14:0-3-6): Was blocked for a run when 1/2 len, sht nk 3rd (57.0) Velocidade, Mystic Morn 1600m M’ville 2yo+ Mdn April 19 then ran usual honest race when 1/2 len, 1/2 hd 3rd (57.5) Quench The Thirst, Miss Doubtfire 1610m Balaklava 2yo+ Mdn May 9. May have finally found his race here. Will run the trip out and looks the one. CENTRE RIPPLE (R E Hannigan) 4m By Centre Stalls - Regal Ripple (14:0-0-0): Had to be vetted after 7-1/2 len 4th (52.0) Little Buster 1500m Port Augusta 2yo+ Mdn April 15 then beat four home when 11-3/4 len 6th (52.0) Just Call Me Bob 1600m Port Augusta 2yo+ Mdn April 29. Yet to place in 14 starts and looks safely held again.

REGAL JASMINE (C J Graves) 4m By His Royal Highness - Jasmond (12:0-0-0): Ran 16-3/4 len 12th (56.0) Mystic Morn 1509m Gawler 2yo+ Mdn dead trk April 25 then finished 14-3/4 len last (56.0) Quench The Thirst 1610m Balaklava 2yo+ Mdn May 9. Cannot recommend. ARGENT SKY (J R Searle) 3f By Kempinsky - Kalahalo (7:0-0-0): Following 10 len 10th (55.0) Dreamin’ Nina 1700m Penola 2yo+ Mdn April 8 finished 11-1/4 len 9th (55.5) Bossed 1600m Penola 2yo+ Mdn May 6. Has done little to get enthusiastic about. Looking elsewhere. MISS PRACTICALITY (D R Jolly) 3f By Barely A Moment - Pommery Princess (8:02-1): Struck interference at the start when 2-3/4 len 4th (55.0) Baby Boy 2050m M’ville 2yo+ Mdn April 19 then finished 1/2 len, 2 len 3rd (55.5) King Roseland, Weekend Dazzler 2206m Murray Bridge Mdn slow trk May 2. She’s knocking on the door for a win and should be right in the finish here. SPIRIT LINE (P Stokes) 3f By Artie Schiller - Umaline (7:0-0-0): Was slowly away when 7-1/4 len 4th (55.0) Mystic Morn 1509m Gawler 2yo+ Mdn dead trk April 25 then worked home from well back for 2-1/4 len 4th (55.5) Quench The Thirst 1610m Balaklava 2yo+ Mdn May 9. Shaping as if this trip will suit and must go in.

Race two DANZING (R R Jolly) 2g By Danzero Gin Sling (1:0-0-0): Bucked at the start before finishing 6-3/4 len last (55.5) Dinkum Diamond 1000m Morphettville Parks 2yo Plate Dec 24. Ran 5-1/4 len 2nd Leahone 1000m Gawler barrier trial dead trk April 30. Resuming after debut in strong company when blew it at the start. Went OK in a slowish trial here a fortnight ago and market could be the best lead.

INDUBIOUS (M A Kavanagh) 2c By Undoubtedly - Miss Occy (1:0-0-0): At only start ran 5-3/4 len 5th (55.5) Family Portrait 1000m M’ville 2yo Plate dead trk Dec 10. Showed pace on debut when started favourite in Saturday metropolitan grade. Coming off a 5-month break and won’t need to have improved much to be competitive in this. Hard to beat. MARITIME LAD (L Macdonald & A Gluyas) 2g By Akhadan - Beach Gal (1:0-0-0): Debuted with 12-1/2 len 11th (56.5) Star Of Zena 1050m M’ville 2yo Hcp dead trk May 5. Showed early pace on debut but dropped out quickly. Should be improved by that experience but needs to show more. NIGHT BREEZE (Peter Macdonald) 2g: First start. By Desert Sun - Asper. First foal of the mare to race and hasn’t been seen in public. Market will be a guide. STREETCAR VALOUR (D R Jolly) 2g: First start. By Lion Heart - Stellar Fille. Halfbrother to G3 winner Streetcar Magic (7 wins) and Streetcar Reality (3 wins) but was a long way from the winner when 5th Leahone 1000m Gawler barrier trial dead trk April 30. Bred to be an early comer and best lead will come from the betting ring. Big watch. SURPRISE US (L Macdonald & A Gluyas) 2g By Host - Tylden Lady (2:0-0-0): Jumped awkwardly on debut when 6-3/4 len 5th (58.0) Stella Lante 1050m M’ville 2yo (68) April 14 then always well back when 11-1/2 len 10th (56.0) Star Of Zena 1050m M’ville 2yo Hcp dead trk May 5. This is easier than his first two runs and improved run expected. ZEDNICK (G L Lesnikowski) 2g By Zeditave - Nicety (1:0-0-0): Was found to be lame after the race when 18-1/4 len last (56.0) Southern Strike 1000m Morphettville Parks 2yo (68) Mar 24. Finished 4th Leahone 1000m Gawler barrier trial dead trk April 30. Pay to forget his debut effort when found to be lame. Has since trialled fairly but needs to lift.

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EL MINA (M A Kavanagh) 2f: First start. By Spinning World - Mina. Brought $30,000 at the Scone yearling sale and the dam’s only other runner to race was placed at Listed level before heading to Hong Kong. From top stable and this looks a very thin affair. Treat with respect. LEAHONE (T R Saltmarsh) 2f: First start. By Barely A Moment - Swing Embrace. Halfsister to Cigar Supreme (1 win) and scored 5-1/4 len win Danzing, Flying Club 1000m Gawler barrier trial dead trk April 30. Didn’t run flash time in her trial win but won by plenty and meets many of her rivals from that trial here. Worth consideration. TYPHOON TILLY (Tony McEvoy) 2f By Ferocity - Royal Diploma (2:0-0-0): Debuted with 3 len 5th (55.5) Applegate 1000m F’ton Emirates Plate dead trk Nov 1 then was spelled after 2-1/2 len 5th (56.0) Genteel 1000m Kembla Grange 2yo Mdn Dec 17. Finished 7th Star Of Zena 1000m Gawler barrier trial dead trk April 30. Beat eleven rivals home in Listed company on debut in Melbourne then started favourite last time and was far from disgraced. Resumes here with a tongue tie on and only needs to be close to her top to be the one to beat.

Race three DO SOMETHING (P Stokes) 4g By Falbrav Monkey Business (8:0-1-0): Finished 16-3/4 len last (56.0) Cougar Town 1200m Bunbury Mdn Nov 24 (2010) then was spelled after lost rider (57.5) War Gun 1200m Pinjarra Mdn dead trk June 2. Finished 4 len, 3/4 len 3rd Selessi, Mr Schiller 1000m Gawler barrier trial (Mdn) dead trk April 30. Former WA-trained galloper resuming here for new stable. Hasn’t raced for almost 12 months but he went OK behind a subsequent winner in a trial here recently. Market will be a good lead.

HEZAFRAAR (Lisa Ryan) 5g By Fraar - Street Parlour (5:0-0-0): Ran 4-1/2 len 5th (59.0) Striker McLaren 1100m Clare Mdn April 7 then jumped awkwardly when 5-1/4 len 6th (58.0) Ready To Reel 1050m M’ville Mdn April 19. Three runs back have been moderate but top jockey takes the ride here. Don’t dismiss. PUFF (Ms M Oliver) 4g By Hidden Dragon - Annunaki (10:0-0-0): Beat six home when 2-1/2 len 5th (57.0) Wholetthecatout 1300m Bordertown Mdn Dec 11 then covered extra ground when 13-3/4 len last (53.0) Strum Cha 1400m Morphettville Parks (68) Dec 24. Ran lg nk 2nd Golden Lion 1000m Morphettville Parks barrier trial (Mdn) April 16. Yet to place in 10 starts although trialled OK recently in preparation for his return to racing. Take on trust. ANGEL EYES (K J Matson) 4m By King Ivor - Fuji Lass (6:0-1-0): Finished 14-1/4 len last (54.0) Aetos 1250m Morphettville Parks 3yoF (75) Jan 22 (2011) then was spelled after 6-3/4 len 8th (54.5) Don’s In Charge 1000m Murray Bridge Mdn dead trk May 4 (2011). Coming off a 12-month break here. Has shown ability in the past but would need a positive market lead to be confident about her chances. ESTEBANA (Ms S Nolan) 4m By Universal Prince - She’s In Control (8:0-0-1): After 3-3/4 len 5th (55.0) Raise A Heart 1006m Murray Bridge Mdn dead trk Mar 28 worked home OK for 3-1/2 len 6th (56.0) Raks McLaren 1050m Balaklava Mdn April 11. Good effort last start after going back from a wide draw in what has turned out to be a strong form race. This is much easier and she looks a key player. GOING CONCERN (Ms E Hubbard) 5m By Lord Jim - Belkenna (7:0-3-1): Ran 1/2 len, hd 3rd (56.0) Leonesse, Heuriger 900m Murray Bridge Mdn Jan 1 then was disappointed for a run and struck interference in the straight when 10-1/4 len 10th (56.0) Aregee McLaren 1006m Murray Bridge Mdn slow trk May 2. Fitter for one run back and she can improve dramatically on her first-up effort. Has claims.

ON THE POINT (A B Beswick) 4m By Refu To Bend - Tambalara (7:0-0-0): Was spelle after 4-1/2 len 5th (55.0) Break The D 1211m Gawler Mdn Dec 21 then resume racing with 10-3/4 len last (56.0) Ra McLaren 1050m Balaklava Mdn April 1 Blinkers go back on but she’s yet to set t world on fire. Looking elsewhere. ANY DESTINATION (M A Kavanagh) 3f B Jet Spur - Scattered (2:0-0-0): Jumpe awkwardly on debut when 2-1/4 len 4 (53.5) Tykook 1000m Morphettville Par 3yo Hcp Nov 5 then was tightened for roo when 6-3/4 len 6th (54.5) Assertive Eag 1200m Balaklava 3yo Mdn Plate Nov 2 Resuming here and she did enough in h first campaign to warrant respect in th moderate affair. Keep safe. CARINYA LODGE (S Burford) 3f By Fastn Rock - Quillionaire (2:0-0-0): Debuted wi 3-3/4 len 4th (55.0) Out Of Orbit 1000 Murray Bridge Mdn dead trk Mar 4 then on beat two home when 4-1/4 len 6th (55. Calypsian 1206m Murray Bridge 3yo Md dead trk Mar 28. Two runs to date hav been OK and she gets the blinkers on her Not the worst. ELEHNI (Sam Kavanagh) 3f: First start. B Flying Pegasus - Vista Lady. Half-sister handy WA galloper Gannochy (3 wins) an she ran 1/2 hd, 1/2 hd 3rd Rose Of Lincol Smeltzie 1000m Gawler barrier trial (Md dead trk April 30. Gets a tongue tie on f her debut and she’s drawn to get a nice ru Look for a market lead. MAGICAL RUBY (J D Smith) 3f By Mag Albert - Gifting (10:0-0-1): Ran 3-3/4 len 7 (55.0) Raks McLaren 1050m Balaklava Md April 11 then finished 5-3/4 len 11th (56. Raks McLaren 1109m Gawler 3yo (75) dea trk April 25. Find this easier than her pa couple of runs and they’ve put a tongue t on here. Worth consideration.


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Wednesday, May 16, 2012 - Page 37 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

GAWLER comment continued ROSE OF LINCOLN (D R Jolly) 3f: First start. By Testa Rossa - Magical Forest. Cost $25,000 as a yearling and she’s a half-sister to two winners. Scored 1/2 hd win Smeltzie, Elehni 1000m Gawler barrier trial (Mdn) dead trk April 30. Just got there in one of the slower trials here recently but stable commands respect and she won’t have to be a superstar to be in the finish. Keep in mind.

Race four PRAYER ACADEMY (Darren Egan) 4g By Royal Academy - Lung Tah (12:0-2-0): Beat seven home when 9-1/2 len 6th (58.0) Mystic Morn 1509m Gawler 2yo+ Mdn dead trk April 25 then failed to flatter when 5 len 9th (55.0) Rip Apart 1210m Balaklava Mdn May 9. Dropped back in distance last time and that may have accounted for his lacklustre effort. Better suited this trip and drawn to get a nice run. Worth consideration. STING LIKE A BEE (A B Beswick) 5g By Danasinga - Karadeniz (25:0-5-3): Followed 2-1/4 len 2nd (58.0) Mystic Morn 1509m Gawler 2yo+ Mdn dead trk April 25 with 7-1/4 len 11th (58.0) Quench The Thirst 1610m Balaklava 2yo+ Mdn May 9. Can mix his form and he’s had plenty of tries. Place preferred. HERE’S ARCHIE (K M McAnulty & C Binnie) 3g By Spinning World - Ettu Blu (2:0-0-0): Lost a plate before finishing 4-1/2 len 7th (57.0) Nadaka 1211m Gawler E&G Mdn Mar 7 then again lost a plate when 6-3/4 len last (56.5) Raks McLaren 1109m Gawler 3yo (75) dead trk April 25. Back to his right grade here but wide alley is no help. Rough place hope. JESTALOTTERY (B A Ewen) 3g By Real Jester - Prime Place (7:0-0-0): Finished 8-3/4 len 5th (55.0) Little Buster 1500m Port Augusta 2yo+ Mdn April 15 then safely held when 10-1/2 len 4th (55.0) Just Call Me Bob 1600m Port Augusta 2yo+ Mdn April 29. Hasn’t placed in seven starts and needs it weaker. Looking to others. ONE UP ONE DOWN (D R Jolly) 3g By Blevic - Star To Behold (8:0-0-0): Returned from a break with 6-1/2 len 7th (57.0) Ready To Reel 1050m M’ville Mdn April 19 then drew wide when 10-1/4 len 9th (57.5) The Boilermaker 1406m Murray Bridge 2yo+ Mdn slow trk May 2. Can improve back on top of the ground and rates a place chance in a moderate affair. SPURPARTS (John Hyam) 3g By Jet Spur - Christiana (3:0-0-0): Got blocked for a run when 10-3/4 len 12th (57.0) Glamorous 1200m Gawler Mdn dead trk Mar 25 then was vetted after 5-1/2 len 7th (57.0) Zoom Lad 1350m Strathalbyn 2yo+ Mdn dead trk April 18. Passed a few in the run home last time and shapes as if this trip will suit. Drawn to get a cushy run and could be the big improver. Don’t dismiss. TENEPAL (Philip Cole) 3g By Face Value - La Malinche (3:0-1-0): Finished 11-1/2 len 10th (57.0) Raise A Heart 1006m Murray Bridge Mdn dead trk Mar 28 then ran 2 len 2nd (55.5) Waterstone 1400m Deniliquin Mdn Plate dead trk April 25. Improved effort last time but opposition was moderate. Place looks best here. TOKEN ONE (W A Bogarts) 3g By Real Jester - Lenketa (11:0-1-2): After 8-3/4 len 8th (57.0) Proctorville 1200m Strathalbyn E&G Mdn dead trk April 18 ran 3-1/4 len 4th (57.5) The Boilermaker 1406m Murray Bridge 2yo+ Mdn slow trk May 2. Generally thereabouts and this doesn’t look strong. Each-way chance. DAY DIVA (W J Smart) 4m By Undoubtedly - Midnight Diva (6:0-0-1): Following 6-1/2 len, 1/2 len 3rd (57.5) Ilsede, La Caramba 1200m Strathalbyn F&M Mdn dead trk April 18 ran 2-1/2 len 6th (56.0) Rip Apart 1210m Balaklava Mdn May 9. Kept coming last time and wasn’t far away at the finish. Ready for this trip now after three runs back and should be competitive in this. FULL OF CACHE (P Stokes) 3f By Blevic Keytocache (4:0-0-2): Jumped awkwardly before finishing 6 len, 1-1/4 len 3rd (54.0) Jestquill, Granulator 1350m Strathalbyn 3yo (68) Oct 19 then resumed racing with 8 len 8th (54.0) Classy Chloe 1100m M’ville 3yo Hcp dead trk May 5. Beat five home in a much stronger race at her first run back from a decent break and the winner has since won again in Melbourne. She won’t know herself in this company and should break through. LADY GEEGEE (Kirsten McGowan) 3f By Al Samer - Condor Lady (1:0-0-0): Jumped awkwardly on debut before finishing 22-1/4 len last (55.5) The Boilermaker 1406m Murray Bridge 2yo+ Mdn slow trk May 2. Drawn wide and faces a task here. Looking elsewhere.

SHARPAY MAGIC (D J Clarken) 3f By Magic Albert - Kilspindie (2:0-0-0): Debuted with 4-3/4 len 7th (53.5) Exotic Girl 1200m Gawler Mdn April 4 then held on OK for 2-3/4 len 5th (53.5) Back On Track 1540m M’ville 3yo (68) April 19. Back to her right grade here but will need luck from the draw. Each-way chance. MR DODD (D B Bonetti) 3g By Untouchable Moments I Treasure (5:0-0-0): Ran 9-3/4 len 5th (57.5) Dabamirak 1100m Port Augusta 3yo Mdn April 15 then finished 11 len 6th (54.0) Dabamirak 1200m Port Augusta 3yo (61) April 29. Drawn off the track and not going well enough. Tested in this. DIAGOLAN (K & H Frew) 4g By Golan - Nadia (9:0-0-2): Was spelled after 14-1/2 len 10th (57.0) Martinka 2000m Geelong Synthetic 3yo Mdn June 17 then jumped awkwardly when resuming before finishing 12-1/4 len 10th (58.0) The Boilermaker 1406m Murray Bridge 2yo+ Mdn slow trk May 2. He’ll be better for one run back but is probably looking for further. Others look better. TWOSTEP (D B Bonetti) 3f By Golden Lake - Dancing Dawn (7:0-0-0): Following 10-3/4 len last (55.5) Mustang Schiller 1200m Clare 3yo Mdn Mar 11 ran 10-1/4 len 5th (54.0) Dabamirak 1200m Port Augusta 3yo (61) April 29. Cannot recommend on what she’s done to date. Not likely. FIREWEED (G D Searle) 3g By Manton Honey Moss (7:0-0-0): Beat seven home when 8-1/4 len 6th (54.0) Proctorville 1200m Strathalbyn E&G Mdn dead trk April 18 then made a little late ground before finishing 10-1/2 len 8th (54.0) Mystic Morn 1509m Gawler 2yo+ Mdn dead trk April 25. Wasn’t disgraced from an outside barrier last time and this is not strong. Perhaps a place.

Race five I LIKE IKE (M A Kavanagh) 3g By Flying Spur - Ike’s Dream (4:0-0-1): Hung in before finishing 1/2 nk, len 3rd (58.0) Reel Way, Subtle Charm 1100m Geelong Mdn dead trk Mar 29 then jumped awkwardly when 8-1/4 len 4th (58.0) Northcliffe 1200m Kyneton 3yo Mdn heavy trk April 23. Flopped as a short-priced favourite on the heavy last time but can improve sharply back on a firmer surface here. Strong claims. MOTZART (S G Padman) 3g By Face Value - Baroness Rose (4:0-0-1): Surprised when 2-1/2 len, 2-1/4 len 3rd (57.0) Proctorville, Cotton Road 1200m Strathalbyn E&G Mdn dead trk April 18 then weakened to run 13-1/2 len 11th (57.5) The Boilermaker 1406m Murray Bridge 2yo+ Mdn slow trk May 2. Drawn to get a nice run here and will be suited back on top of the ground. Don’t dismiss. ON STRIKE (J F Macmillan) 3g: First start. By Charge Forward - Sapphire Girl. Purchased for $40,000 as a yearling and he’s a half-brother to Against The Sky (5 wins). Not seen publicly but bred for speed and market could be a guide. SERBIAN CROWN (K M Sweeney) 3g By Beautiful Crown - Lae Lady Lae (6:0-2-1): Followed 1-1/4 len 2nd (57.0) Ready To Reel 1050m M’ville Mdn April 19 with 2-1/2 len 2nd (57.5) Aregee McLaren 1006m Murray Bridge Mdn slow trk May 2. Looks close to a win but wide alley here is no help. Must go in. THE JUDDERNAUT (M A White) 3g By Niello - Danelight (5:0-0-2): Raced greenly and struck interference near the 200m before finishing 8-3/4 len last (55.5) American Dream 1100m Bendigo Mdn dead trk Sept 22 then ran 1-1/2 len, lg nk 3rd (57.0) Novadante, Mrs Wolfe 1100m Port Augusta Mdn April 29. Fitter now and he’s not the worst. Keep in mind. AMBROSIA (D R Jolly) 3f: SCRATCHED. GEORDIE’S LASS (D R Jolly) 3f By Elvstroem - Geordie’s Girl (2:0-0-0): Debuted with 6-1/2 len 8th (55.0) Simply Delightful 1111m Gawler F&M Mdn Dec 7 then struck interference near the 1000m before running 9-1/4 len 7th (56.5) Ilsede 1200m Strathalbyn F&M Mdn dead trk April 18. Had excuses first-up and they’ve taken the blinkers off for this. Can improve without surprising. GOLD TILLIE (David J Hall) 3f: First start. By Promontory Gold - Interforce. Wasn’t offered at the sales and she’s the dam’s first foal to the races. Little known and market is only guide.

LADY PHOENIX (F W Meuring) 3f By Bellotto - Jazzijo (3:0-0-0): Was slowly away and raced greenly when 5-1/2 len last (54.0) Ambush Al 1200m Gawler 3yo (64) Jan 18 then returned from a break with 3-1/2 len 4th (54.0) Aregee McLaren 1006m Murray Bridge Mdn slow trk May 2. Made up plenty of late ground when resuming in her first glimpse of form. Extra 100 metres should suit and she can’t be ignored on that effort. MORE DREAMS (Tony McEvoy) 3f By Stratum - Croisette (4:0-1-0): Had to be vetted after 3-1/2 len 4th (55.0) Simply Delightful 1111m Gawler F&M Mdn Dec 7 then was spelled after 10 len 7th (53.5) Moving Money 1250m Morphettville Parks 3yo (75) Dec 24. Finished 1/2 hd 2nd Tommy Two 1000m Gawler barrier trial (Mdn) dead trk April 30. Has shown ability in both campaigns to date and looks set for a big run fresh. The one to beat. PAPARAZZI (M S Minervini) 3f: First start. By Dehere - Stars Turn Out. First foal of a handy racemare who three of her seven starts. Finished 5th Rose Of Lincoln 1000m Gawler barrier trial (Mdn) dead trk April 30. Bred for speed and look for a lead from the betting ring. PIERREMONT ROCKS (G D Searle) 3f: First start. By Grandera - Candy Dane. First foal of the mare to get to the races. Ran 8th Tommy Two 1000m Gawler barrier trial (Mdn) dead trk April 30. Gets a nice draw for her debut but was safely held in a recent trial. Look for any market confidence. SMELTZIE (Ms R Day) 3f By Gonski - Lady Knight (1:0-0-0): At only start ran 10 len 7th (56.5) Nelcitus 1100m Strathalbyn 3yoF Mdn Nov 20. Ran 1/2 hd 2nd Rose Of Lincoln 1000m Gawler barrier trial (Mdn) dead trk April 30. Fresh for this but she’ll need some luck from the wide draw. Wait till later. WUTHERING HEIGHTS (Simon Casey) 3f By Foreplay - Surprise Bid (7:0-1-0): Finished 11 len 8th (55.0) Zoom Lad 1350m Strathalbyn 2yo+ Mdn dead trk April 18 then beat ten rivals home when 4 len 5th (55.5) The Boilermaker 1406m Murray Bridge 2yo+ Mdn slow trk May 2. Speedy type who can negate his wide draw here. In the mix. SWING ALONG (J Dunn) 3g By Al Maher Twilight Serenade (2:0-0-0): Debuted with 7-1/2 len 11th (54.0) Vintage Belle 1350m Port Lincoln Mdn Feb 29 then was vetted after 33-1/2 len last (57.0) Magarey Miss 1350m Strathalbyn Mdn dead trk Mar 14. Finished 6th Tommy Two 1000m Gawler barrier trial (Mdn) dead trk April 30. Done little in two runs to date and looks safely held here. PELL MELL (D J Clarken) 3g By Charge Forward - Flion Fenena (10:0-1-0): Resumed racing with 4-3/4 len last (53.5) Petman 1200m M’ville 3yo Hcp April 14 then lost a plate when 13-3/4 len 11th (55.5) Mystic Morn 1509m Gawler 2yo+ Mdn dead trk April 25. Impossible to recommend on what he’s shown to date. Not likely. TOMMY TWO (J D Smith) 3g By Snippetson - Kaapriesto (5:0-0-0): Beat five home when 1-1/4 len 6th (54.0) Virenque 1400m Cranbourne (58) Dec 30 then was spelled after 5-3/4 len 8th (54.0) Play Again 1850m Kyneton (58) slow trk Jan 8. Scored 1/2 hd win More Dreams, Danzeround The Sun 1000m Gawler barrier trial (Mdn) dead trk April 30. Former Victorian galloper resuming here for new stable. Trialled OK here a fortnight ago and could show up while fresh. Don’t dismiss.

Race six KING ROSELAND (K J Matson) 4g By King Ivor - Lady Roseland (22:1-1-3): Jumped awkwardly before finishing 6-1/2 len 5th (58.0) Baby Boy 2050m M’ville 2yo+ Mdn April 19 then scored 1/2 len win (58.0) Weekend Dazzler, Miss Practicality 2206m Murray Bridge Mdn slow trk May 2. Scored overdue win last time but more depth here. Can’t be ignored. SOUTHERN FORTUNE (J E Hickmott) 8g By High Yield - Capital Growth (63:6-5-8): Ran 5-3/4 len 5th (54.0) Pelicano 2150m Oakbank Onkaparinga Cup dead trk April 9 then was slowly away before finishing 5-1/2 len 9th (55.5) Andronica 2109m Gawler (71) dead trk April 25. Suited back to this grade and he generally races well here. In the mix. BELL RINGER (J E Hickmott) 7g By Taos Bellawella (56:4-4-5): After 10 len 6th (54.0) Pelicano 2400m Morphettville Parks (94) April 21 ran 5-3/4 len 4th (56.5) Willego 2206m Murray Bridge (68) slow trk May 2. Goes well this track/distance and should get a nice run from the draw. Keep safe.

THE CATCHER (Lisa Ryan) 4g By Falvelon Chasing Butterflys (24:2-2-6): After hd, len 3rd (52.0) Just Push On, Rescued 1709m Gawler (68) dead trk April 25 ran 13-1/4 len 4th (52.5) Waratone 2210m Balaklava (75) May 9. Beaten a long way last time but did beat ten rivals home and he’s back on his home track here. Each-way chance. SLACKSMITH (Ms C Rose) 6g By Zabeel - Eliza Cove (17:2-2-2): Had to be vetted after 5 len 5th (54.0) Tristacat 1800m M’ville (75) April 14 then struck interference in the straight when 18-1/2 len 14th (55.5) Willego 2206m Murray Bridge (68) slow trk May 2. Had good support last time but dropped right out. Take on trust. TARGET EXPLORER (J E Hickmott) 7g By Taos - Brightly (43:4-1-2): Finished 2-3/4 len 4th (53.0) Andronica 2109m Gawler (71) dead trk April 25 then ran 15-1/2 len 12th (55.5) Willego 2206m Murray Bridge (68) slow trk May 2. Can improve back here where he has won two races. Place hope. CURACA HILL (Ms G Davey) 5g By Danbird - Ashtareema (26:1-3-4): Beat four home when 4-3/4 len 10th (56.0) Sono Piccolo 1606m Murray Bridge (62) slow trk May 2 then finished 17-3/4 len 8th (55.5) Waratone 2210m Balaklava (75) May 9. His strike/ rate is poor and rough place hope looks best here. GOODNIGHT JOSS (J D Smith) 4g By Encosta De Lago - Bonasera (11:1-0-2): Struck interference at the start before finishing 7-3/4 len 8th (56.0) Teen Spirit 1209m Gawler (62) dead trk April 25 then ran 8-3/4 len 8th (55.0) Handsome As 1410m Balaklava (62) May 9. Jumps sharply in distance and looks tested in this grade. Looking elsewhere. QUICK ‘N’ SLICK (Kym Healy) 5m By Blevic - Caddy’s Star (34:1-0-2): After 13-1/2 len 11th (54.0) Willego 2206m Murray Bridge (68) slow trk May 2 ran 17-1/4 len 6th (54.0) Waratone 2210m Balaklava (75) May 9. Hasn’t got near them at her past couple of runs and looks safely held here. ONYA ADAM (E J Rayner) 6g By Adam Haruspex (35:2-1-3): Resumed racing with 13-1/4 len 8th (54.0) Gold Vintage 1600m Port Augusta (68) April 15 then finished 10-1/4 len last (54.0) Musty Springs 1850m Port Augusta (68) April 29. Not going well enough to trouble these. Cannot recommend. NEVERIN (F W Meuring) 5g By Redoute’s Choice - Miss Shakira (31:1-3-3): Only beat one honme when 6 len 6th (54.0) Penn Station 2050m Strathalbyn (62) dead trk April 18 then was vetted after 39-1/2 len last (54.0) Willego 2206m Murray Bridge (68) slow trk May 2. Only win was this track/ distance but he needs it weaker. Looking to others.

Race seven GOLD VINTAGE (B A Ewen) 6g By Real Jester - Famous Vintage (63:7-9-10): Scored 1-1/2 len win (56.0) St Ives, Royal Impulse 1600m Port Augusta (68) April 15 before finishing 2-3/4 len 2nd (55.0) Miss Eliza 1200m Port Augusta (74) April 29. More depth here but he’s racing consistently and must be included in the chances. MAJOR DE (Ms E Hubbard) 6g By Encosta De Lago - Major Drama (16:2-3-1): Was spelled after 10-1/4 len 9th (54.5) Fast Frank 2050m Strathalbyn Cup Jan 15 and resumed with 6-1/2 len 9th (56.5) Our Freed Man 1406m Murray Bridge (75) slow trk May 2. Beat seven home when resuming and worth noting his terrific record here (3:2-1-0). Can improve without surprising. KELLERMAN (Ms J Potts) 6g By Brief Truce - Golden Vine (32:4-4-4): Returned from a break with 9 len 8th (54.0) Aurumcert 1350m Strathalbyn (81) dead trk April 18 then finished in the first half of the field when 6-1/4 len 6th (56.0) Drafted 1610m Balaklava (75) May 9. Fitter for two runs back and will be getting home hard. Place chance. AUSSIE BLUE (R H Wilkinson) 5g By Akhadan - Ivy’s Model (18:1-1-1): Was found to be lame after finishing 29-3/4 len last (53.0) Brad Star 2400m Morphettville Parks (94) Dec 17 then resumed racing with 2 len 7th (57.5) Uma Wave 1206m Murray Bridge (71) slow trk May 2. Made a little late ground first-up but will be looking for further now. Rough place chance. CHILLI DEVA (D M Koch) 5m By Akhadan - Twisted Dream (17:2-5-3): Was slowly away before finishing 3-1/4 len 4th (54.5) Sarcasm 1250m Morphettville Parks (75) April 21 then finished strongly for 1/2 len, lg nk 3rd (56.0) Uma Wave, Irish Cheer 1206m Murray Bridge (71) slow trk May 2. Close to a win after three runs back and extra trips suits. Big threat.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012 - Page 38 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

SONO PICCOLO (J E Hickmott) 6g By Genuine - Unhook (50:6-6-6): Followed lg nk, 2-1/2 len 3rd (52.5) Jeunealistic, Our Iridium 1600m M’ville (75) April 19 with sht hd win (54.0) Limbo Queen, She’s Bossy 1606m Murray Bridge (62) slow trk May 2. Consistent galloper but placed just once in seven runs around this circuit. Has claims. MOON DEVIL (M A Kavanagh) 3g By King Cugat - Classy Babe (4:1-0-0): Ran 5-3/4 len 9th (57.0) Secret Status 1100m M’ville 3yo (75) Mar 31 then finished 3-1/2 len 7th (54.0) Petman 1200m M’ville 3yo Hcp April 14. Fitter for two runs back and they’ve put blinkers on him here. Can improve without surprising. ATHENA PEGASUS (G D Searle) 5m By Fusaichi Pegasus - Aldarch (21:3-2-3): Finished 5 len 5th (54.5) Tabulated 1500m Gawler M (81) Nov 3 then struck interference near the turn and was vetted after 9-3/4 len last (57.0) Faineant 2100m Gawler (68) Nov 16. Trained locally and has shown up while fresh in the past. Can throw some value into trifectas. ENVIRONMENT PATRON (Kirsten McGowan) 7g By Montjeu - Nikki’s Bride (33:3-4-6): Resumed racing with 5 len 8th (55.5) Regal Hero 1400m Oakbank (71) dead trk April 7 then beat five home when 5-1/4 len 6th (56.5) Just Push On 1709m Gawler (68) dead trk April 25. Back in trip here and they’ve removed the blinkers. Needs to lift. MOUNT MEE UP (J R Searle) 5g By Alannan - Trist’s Gold (24:3-4-4): Finished 4-3/4 len 7th (54.5) Glenisla Crossing 1800m Mt Gambier (68) Feb 23 then dropped in grade to score 1-1/4 len win (57.0) On The Trail, Norton Belle 1430m Naracoorte (59) April 22. Gets nice weight drop here after the claim and is not the worst. Keep in mind. AUBURN TIGER (B C Mueller) 5m By Tiger Hill - Dieback (20:2-2-5): Scored 1/2 hd win (54.0) Arthurian Legend, Union Rep 1350m Strathalbyn C2 dead trk April 18 then was vetted after 6-1/2 len 11th (57.5) Sono Piccolo 1606m Murray Bridge (62) slow trk May 2. Can mix her form and place hope is best in this. EXOTIC GIRL (P Stokes) 4m By Oratorio Our Geisha Girl (13:1-1-1): Following 1-3/4 len, 1/2 len 3rd (57.5) Teen Spirit, Set To Talk 1209m Gawler (62) dead trk April 25 ran 11-1/4 len 11th (57.5) Handsome As 1410m Balaklava (62) May 9. Didn’t run on last time and rises in grade here. Place chance only. FERROQUEST (David J Hall) 9m By Gallo Di Ferro - Ann’s Quest (57:7-10-3): Returned from a let-up to run 3 len 2nd (59.0) Secret Retreat 1400m Port Augusta (59) April 15 then finished 7-3/4 len 6th (58.0) Out Do Me 1500m Port Augusta (61) April 29. Veteran who needs it weaker these days. Faces a task. THE SHINBONER (E J Rayner) 7g By Indian Danehill - Cool Strike (46:2-2-3): Ran 8-3/4 len 13th (53.5) Grand Group 1700m Clare (59) April 7 then finished 14-3/4 len last (53.0) Gold Vintage 1600m Port Augusta (68) April 15. Impossible to recommend on his recent efforts. Others better.

Race eight FINAL COMMAND (J F Macmillan) 4g By Commands - Final Address (19:4-0-2): Ran lg nk, lg nk 3rd (54.0) Irish Rhapsody, Clearly Passionate 1800m M’ville (75) Dec 26 then finished 16-3/4 len 10th (55.0) Meshmaker 1800m M’ville (71) Jan 7. Coming off a break here and he is yet to place in three previous first-up runs. Well in after the claim but might just need this. HE’S A HOUNDOG (B D Brook) 6g By Foxhound - Snazzy Nazzy (58:3-8-6): Scored 1/2 hd win (53.0) Sarcasm, Shaketheground 1100m Oakbank E&G Hcp-71 dead trk April 9 then beat five home when 3-1/2 len 5th (57.5) Gold Zero 1100m Penola (65) May 6. Suited back to this grade and he’s a winner this track/distance. In the mix. RILEYS LUCK (J E Hickmott) 6g By Royal Academy - Crown Crest (21:3-3-2): Followed 3/4 len 4th (58.5) Shot In Jest 1050m M’ville (68) April 19 with 4-1/4 len 9th (57.0) Uma Wave 1206m Murray Bridge (71) slow trk May 2. Forgive his last start on a slow track. Down a grade in this and can improve sharply. CALYPSIAN (Simon Casey) 3g By Mugharreb - Chavacarno (4:1-0-1): Had to be vetted after 4-1/2 len 6th (57.5) Twilight Dancer 1200m Strathalbyn (68) dead trk April 18 then finished 20 len last (56.0) Uma Wave 1206m Murray Bridge (71) slow trk May 2. Not long out of maiden grade and he’s struggling for form. Looking elsewhere.

RESENDA (Ms C Rose) 5m By Mugharreb Icy Gaze (21:2-0-2): Was slowly away befo finishing 12-1/2 len last (54.5) Fast Fra 1600m M’ville (71) Nov 1 then was foun to be lame after finishing 16-3/4 len la (55.5) Merlot Now 1600m Murray Bridg (68) Nov 9. Generally takes a run and s appears safely held from the wide alley this. Not likely. STELLA JEUNE (P A Jones) 5m By Jeu - La Ponch (28:3-4-2): Finished 3 len 7 (56.0) Pilot’s Lane 1100m M’ville (68) D 26 then was spelled after 6-1/2 len 8 (54.5) Not So Chunky 1200m Gawler F& (68) Jan 25. Can pull out a run fresh an in-form jockey rides from a good alley. Tic a few boxes. MONFILS (J G Bates) 7m By Special Bon - Gift Bouquet (36:3-6-4): Ran 3-1/4 len 7 (53.5) Kate’s Dream 1000m Morphettvi Parks (71) dead trk July 13 then wa spelled after 6-3/4 len 6th (54.5) Starala 1006m Murray Bridge (62) dead trk July 2 Resumes here and her first-up record read OK (7:1-1-2). Worth consideration. TEEN SPIRIT (Darren Egan) 6m By Jeune Street Princess (43:4-4-5): Followed 1-3 len win (53.0) Set To Talk, Exotic Girl 1209 Gawler (62) dead trk April 25 with sht 1 hd, 1-1/4 len 3rd (53.5) Grand Zee, Ilsed 1310m Balaklava F&M (68) May 9. She going well and should be hard to beat on h home track. One of the chances. ACADEMY BELLE (D B Aldridge) 4m B Royal Academy - Category Zero (4:1-0-0 Finished 21-1/2 len last (56.5) Just Te 1200m Strathalbyn (62) heavy trk Oct 1 the jumped awkwardly before running 9 len 7 (55.5) Rileys Luck 1000m Naracoorte (6 April 1. Didn’t fire when resuming but wor noting she win second-up here in her la camapign. Blinkers go on and she could a blowout chance. ATTITUDE PROBLEM (Ryan Balfour) 5m B Jetball - Polychrest (20:1-0-3): Got tightene for room and was vetted after 14-1/4 le 11th (56.0) Silent Attitude 1518m Gawl (62) Dec 28 then resumed racing wi 4-1/2 len 8th (56.0) Juliet’s Princess 1209 Gawler (62) dead trk April 25. Fitter here b faces a task from her wide alley. Lookin to others. KATUNGA (S Burford) 5m By Gallo Di Fer - Marscaville (16:1-3-2): Was spelled aft 2-1/2 len 4th (57.5) Quick Scent 1400 Hamilton C1 Oct 15 then was tightened f room first-up before finishing 1-1/4 le 4th (53.0) Julia Jean 1000m Mildura (6 dead trk April 16. Should be fitter here an is drawn to get a lovely run. Could be th surprise packet. RUSTLE (Scott Trenowden) 3f B Commands - Sinuous (6:1-0-1): Score nose win (55.0) Quench, Valik 1100m Cla Mdn Mar 11 before finishing 7-1/4 len la (56.5) Lionhearted Girl 1100m Naracoor F&M (65) April 1. Big flop last start an needs to lift to be competitive here. ALWAYS FOCUS (B J Dunn) 4m B Consolidator - On Focus (10:1-1-2): G checked near the 100m when 2 len 5 (53.0) Stella Jeune 1100m Strathalbyn C Oct 19 then jumped awkwardly before fi ishing 3-1/4 len 4th (53.0) Miss Explosiv 1050m M’ville C1 Nov 1. Ran 9th Peridu 1000m Morphettville Parks barrier trial M 26. Handy mare who goes well fresh. Ca run a forward race in this. FOR MY POPPA (Lloyd Kennewell) 4m B Half Hennessy - Halloween Mist (8:1-1-1 Finished 5 len 2nd (55.0) Gregory’s Fortre 1200m Goulburn C1 Nov 5 then lost plate and was galloped on when 13-1/4 le 13th (54.5) Universal Joker 1600m Wagg (Bm55) dead trk Dec 3. Ran 5th Saint Des 1000m Gawler barrier trial dead trk April 3 Resuming here for new stable. Market m provide a lead but wide alley is a big minu ANGEL OF HOPE (K M Sweeney) 5m B Choisir - Amen Ruby (44:2-9-3): Finishe 2-1/4 len 4th (52.5) Windermere Roa 1200m Balaklava C2 April 11 before ru ning 2-1/2 len 4th (53.5) Juliet’s Prince 1209m Gawler (62) dead trk April 25. Rare far away but she doesn’t win out of tur Place only. BIGBADBARRY (K M Sweeney) 6g B Stargazer - Hungry Lass (37:5-3-6): Be twelve rivals home when 3-1/2 len 4th (56. Hillfire 1050m Oakbank (68) dead trk Mar 1 then ran 2-3/4 len 7th (54.0) He’s A Houndo 1100m Oakbank E&G Hcp-71 dead trk Ap 9. Down in grade here and can put som value into trifectas. Not the worst.

Central District Football Club supports


with Graham Fischer and Mike Teakle


Rugby Union

THE Barossa Rams blazing form continued with their 36-5 rout of North East Districts at the weekend courtesy of a stunning 31-0 first half performance. Phil ‘Rabbit’ Warren was the standout for the Rams as he crossed over for two tries to reward his hard work. Simon Chapple also grabbed a pair while Seamus O’Reilly and Greg McGill scored tries. The Rams unbeaten


start and ominous form bodes well for their hopes of making an impact in the finals this year after last season’s disappointing exit.

> BL&G Footy THIS Saturday’s fixture between Angaston and Kapunda has taken on added importance with the Panther’s playing coach Craig Hadden set to play his 300th A grade game in the Blue and White. At 41 years of age Hadden is joining a Proudly brought to you by: BAROSSA



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New season Kings

out of the way because this is a really important game for us, we need to build on last week’s effort.”

> Football BRENDAN Dew, a Williamstown-based footballer has been selected in the state under 15 squad to compete in July’s national carnival. Dew previously played in the state under 12 side, and plays with Tea Tree Gully and Central District as a midfielder. He is the son of leading BL&G field umpire Ian Dew and is now clearly in the sights of state officials by making consecutive age-based squads.

> Nicknames WITH sporting clubs being a haven for great nicknames, over the next few weeks we’ll be bringing you some of the best from the BL&G football clubs. Let’s kick off with one of the most heavily nicknamed players, Tanunda’s Daniel Bergen, known to some as Bergs, Bergelicious, Patrick, the portly gentleman, that annoying guy and more that we can’t mention. Guess which of the GT pair carries the nickname of ‘Tess’? WH1819178


very exclusive club and fittingly he’ll be playing alongside Matt Doecke, who will reach 350 towards the end of this season. Doecke is the only Panther to play more games than Hadden. “It’s special to be playing with a somone like Matt, he’s one of those guys who can lift when his team needs him. Last Saturday at Freeling was proof of that. “He’s been the glue that’s kept this team together for a long time.” In another rare twist Kapunda great Sam Ryan, who is set to reach 300 games towards the end of this season, will add to a group of three players in this match with a combined total of about 900 games. Hadden, who played his first game in 1987 against Gawler Central at the Dog track, could have reached the milestone much earlier but for two years working interstate and a shortlived retirement. He doesn’t remember much from that first game. “I vaguely remember that we lost, Paul Pratten was our coach but apart from that it’s a bit of a blur. To be honest my only focus this week is getting it

Your Guide to the Tides brought to you by

Gawler Fishing and Outdoors Mon-Fri 9am - 5.30pm Thurs 9am - 8.00pm Sat 9.00am - 4.00pm Sun 11am - 3.00pm

8522 6200 By LUBIN PFEIFFER THE first sign of winter spells kingfish here in South Australia. With the last couple of weeks of cold weather I thought I’d head out and have a look to see if any were cruising around. The first strike came just after noon in a cracking boof and shower of water. A good fish of around 10kg exploded on the stickbait and, after several violent head shakes, tore off in typical kingfish style ripping the 80lb braid from the reel. The next morning I was back at the warm water outlet and it didn’t take long to get a strike. A long cast across the point of the outlet was absolutely smashed by a good fish and the braid started utterly smoking off the reel. I had to think fast and hit the outboard full stream in reverse to stop the fish

making its way to the base of the outlet wall. Several helpful comments from other boats in the area of “Get in to him” were flying as I made a little head way on the very strong fish. It really is amazing just how hard kingfish fight. After getting my arms absolutely stretched, much to the delight of several onlooking fishers I eventually got the better of the king. I was lucky enough to have the president of the Adelaide Game Fishing Club, Brad Smith watching this all unfold in a boat nearby as when I asked whether he could jump aboard and take some photos he was more than happy to oblige. After taking photos and quickly and skilfully unhooking the lure for me I speared the king back into water. Tight lines until next week.

Tom Carmichael - Freeling Tom Carmichael plays football for Freeling. Where have you played your football? Have played all my footy at Freeling since about age seven. Relationship and employment status: Single. Accountant at Symes Accountants. Who are key players at your club? There are a few. Darren Leske (has won about 300 B & Fs), Trav Muster new A grade captain, Mal Greenwood co-captain and Ben Paro a bit of a useless kick but goes alright. What is your most important attribute? Skills and reading the play. Definitely not speed or endurance. Who is a character at the club and why? There are a fair few as we all don’t mind a drink or two. Probably have to go with Shane Schubert, his display at the mid South Eastern football league grand final last year was nothing short of hilarious. Who is the best player you have played with and against? Remember playing against Shannon Hurn in juniors to say he dominated is an understatement. With, there have been a heap of good footballers at Freeling but obviously only playing B grade makes the list a bit shorter, but have to say Paul Leske, to be 37 I think he is now, and keep fronting up and getting kicks week in week out is amazing. Major influence in your football: The old man for sure. He played about 200 games through some good and hard times at Freeling, still there every week, lets you know how you’re going simply by nodding. Who are your sporting idols? Jonathon Brown, Gary Ablett snr and jnr. Any superstitions? Changes pretty regularly. Ones that usually stay are Pasta the night before, bacon and eggs in the morning, orange powerade and do my own strapping. What event has inspired or amazed you? Seeing my uncle Andy beat cancer was pretty inspirational, just seeing the treatment nearly kill him before the cancer did. To recover and come out on the other side was pretty amazing. If you were Prime Minister what issue would you address? Getting money into sporting clubs as they are the lifeblood of a lot of

Pt Adelaide

Wallaroo 0621 1528

0.79 1.36

1.60 0.96 2.15 0.80


0654 1538 2346

0.84 1.47 0.74

2 x bags of DIGGER 20kg

0314 0855 1521 2202

1.79 0.83 2.39 0.58


0440 0758 1553 2345

0.88 0.86 1.58 0.65



0354 0930 1552 2231

1.92 0.74 2.55 0.45


0514 0848 1613 2357

0.90 0.86 1.68 0.58



0425 0957 1619 2257

1.98 0.70 2.65 0.38


0532 0925 1636

0.92 0.83 1.76

21 MO

0451 1021 1644 2323

1.99 0.67 2.71 0.36

21 MO

0016 0548 0954 1702

0.54 0.92 0.80 1.82

1.09 1.85 1.11


0203 0802 1441 2127






MAY 2012





0040 0.52 0517 1.99 0606 0.92 1045 0.65 2.74 1710 TU TU 1019 0.77 1729 1.84 2350 0.36 *Please note - Add 1 hour for daylight savings ‘Tidal predictions supplied by the National Tide Facility. The Flinders University of South Australia, Copyright Reserved’


Favourite actor and movie? Actor Will Ferrell and movie, The Hangover. If someone had to play you in a movie who would it be? Zach Galifianakis (Alan from the Hangover) minus the beard because I cannot grow one to save myself. Greatest moment and disappointment? Disappointments, well there have been plenty playing at Freeling that’s for sure. Probably not winning a game last year. And seeing the A grade lose three GFs in a row was pretty heart breaking. The greatest moment, although a bit petty, is the win the other week against Tanunda, after playing against them for a while now you have to love the games you beat them. How would you spend a million dollars? Should say house and whatever, but would blow it all in heartbeat. What other sport would you love to be the best in the world at and why? Golf, the cash mostly and to live the life of Tiger Woods would have some perks. If you could have any four people stranded on a deserted island with you who would they be and why? Miranda Kerr and Jennifer Hawkins, for no other reason than that I am sure they would be great cooks. Bear Grylls so I would actually survive. Carl Barron cause he is a funny little bugger.

For one month only

16 WE

16 WE

0608 1335 2041

Pet hates on the football oval? Inconsistent umpires and cocky players.


Tide Times for Port Adelaide (Outer Harbour) and Wallaroo for the week to come

MAY 2012

communities. And the severe problem of lack of recent premierships at FFC.

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HOOKED: A nice kingfish.

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Wednesday, May 16, 2012 - Page 39 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

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Tanunda’s Cup TANUNDA survived their toughest challenge of the year defeating arch rival Nuriootpa by 24 points enroute to retaining the George Heath Cup. Tanunda continued their trend of fast starts, building a 19-point lead by quarter time but the biggest blow of the first term was landed by Nuri when Daniel Bergen (known by many as ‘the portly gentleman’) had his world rocked by a monster shirtfront that forced the Tanunda defender to spend almost a quarter on the bench before returning to the fray. “Paddy (Bergen) took a really big hit but the good thing about it was that he played the ball perfectly,” Ben Britton, Tanunda playing coach said. “He put his head over it and was in control before the hit. That he came back on later says a lot about him.” A Tiger resurgence in the second term was blunted by some poor finishing with centre half forward Sam Haniford kicking three points late in the period leaving Nuriootpa 11 points adrift at half time. Barry Kaesler was the Pies leading light up forward where he finished with three goals but could easily have turned that into six or more. At the other end of the field, Gareth Gann was again solid in defence and is slowly developing into a classy stopper, holding Nuri forward Ryan Byrne to just two goals after his 10 goal effort the previous week. Nuri coach Nat Salter rated Byrne’s brother Jarrad’s game highly for his role shadowing Tanunda centre half forward Sam Agars, even when Agars went into the ruck. “Jarrad did a great job on him,” Salter said.

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“I thought Agars had no influence on the game at all, that was a key part of our plans on the day.” In the third term it was Tanunda’s turn to waste opportunities as they kicked 3-5 but as has been the case all year, when their offence stutters the Tanunda defence led by Nick Schmidt held firm allowing Nuri just a single goal. Nuri ruckman Duncan Cragg Sapsford was impressive matching Luke Wells at the centre bounce but couldn‘t compete one-on-one with Wells and the Tigers often had a third man up at the stoppages in an attempt to nullify the competition’s best player. In yet another tweaking of his role, Andrew Prior was cast in a slightly different role as a dual centre half forward with Agars but pushing further up the field to provide a link between attack and defence with Agars staying closer to goal. Tanunda wingman Leigh Westhoff was the best player on the field with his work rate separating him from other players and continues his red hot early season form. “Tanunda were very good, they know each other inside out which is something we’re still looking to achieve,” Salter said. “I learnt a lot from that game, having a number of new guys in the side I think we’ll be in for a good second half of the season we just need to make sure we’re on the better side of the win/loss ratio at the end of the first round.” Nuriootpa’s task this week will be pretty formidable as they travel to play South Gawler who will be smarting after their loss at Kapunda. Tanunda host Gawler Central in a game that should comfortably fall their way.

BEST: Tanunda’s Leigh Westhoff has his tongue sticking out while kicking into the forward lines.



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Wednesday, May 16, 2012 - Page 40 - The Herald, Barossa Valley



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