May 23rd Edition

Page 1

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GAWLER 8522 3222


Pre Purchase Inspections Termites • Bees • Ants Rats • Mice • Possums Millipedes Tanunda Phone 8563 0430



Wednesday, May 23, 2012

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Australian Farmer of the Year

FEATURE see page 23

FEATURE see page 18

FEATURE see page 24

48 pages

Phone: (08) 8563 2041

Make your cuppa count The Herald urges the public to dig deep during organised Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea events in the region this month. The fundraiser, hosted by the Cancer Council, works to support critical research into cancer treatment and prevention. To highlight your fundraiser event through the Herald, visit and click onto ‘community’ and ‘events’ and submit your details. Pictured during the Herald’s morning tea on Monday were cancer survivors Roxanne Mathew, from Tanunda, and Robyn Jeffery, from Nuriootpa, with Herald media consultant Jordan Stollznow.

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t must be the giving season. That is clear when you walk around anywhere in the Barossa region at the moment. The Salvation Army has begun its annual Red Shield Appeal, with the main doorknock to occur this weekend. And this week, the staff at the Herald have been indulging in some tasty treats for Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea to raise money for the Cancer Council. Then there are the numerous collectors stationed at various shopping centres to collect funds for various great cuases in our community. A young man collecting for the Salvo’s was featued in a photo in this paper a few weeks ago. He asked people to be generous because every little bit helps. And it does. It might not seem like

LIKED: The Herald’s new Facebook page.


South Australia

THE day has finally come and the Herald has joined social media through Facebook. Now you can find out when news is available by becoming a fan of the Herald. When we update, it will pop up in your news feed among all your other friends. You can then use our update to jump straight to the news you want from - it doesn’t get much easier than that. Our Facebook page is for the community, so we want you to feel free to comment on our updates and let us know what you think. The wall is open to posts, so if you have something to say, go for it. Any unsuitable or defamatory posts will be deleted. Our stories are often about members of our community, so if we do a story on you, a friend or family member, be sure to share the update with all your Facebook friends. Our Facebook site will be working hand-inhand with to bring the latest and best news right to you - so you don’t have to wait until Wednesday. For more information on what the Herald’s Facebook page can do for you, see the Find Us On Facebook feature on page 23. Next time you visit, make sure you swing by our Facebook page and join in the discussion.

Sunday May 27th Penrite Winter Cup Hillclimb - Round 2

Over 100 cars

Working for the electorate

much, but giving a couple dollars to a collector can make it worth their while. Then the effects flow on and others are more likely to give some money. You won’t miss a couple dollars, but if you hold onto it, those people who need it most will definitely miss it. My partner recently donated a few dollars to a collector from the royal Flying Doctors Service in Gawler. The shivering man was startled to see someone coming towards him, but when she gave him the money, he thanked her and showed his genuine appreciation. That few dollars can go a long way to a good cause. No matter what that cause may be, people will always appreciate your generosity. So if there is a collection box at your workplace, a collector at your local shop or a Salvo comes knocking, remember to give generously, because what may seem like a few dollars to you can mean the world to someone else.

Invitational 10 Shoot Out 5 fastest 4WD & 5 Fastest 2 wheel drive

Admission: $10 per adult - Car load $20 - Children U/16 FREE Cars on track at 9:30am Hillclimb Road, Mt McKenzie (near Angaston)

TONY Piccolo, the member for Light in state parliament, is amused that city media has raised the issue of the spending habits of our politicians. “It is interesting the media have mentioned the spending, none of my constituents have,” Mr Piccolo said. “I have a large electorate and my seat is marginal so it is important that I work hard.” The media story researched a list published on the Treasury Department website which showed 10 MPs have spent more than $34,000 so far this financial year, with Mr Piccolo, the biggest spender with $43,126.77, followed by Liberal MP for Norwood Steven Marshall, who spent $40,999.25. Altogether, state MPs have spent more than $1.2 million in the past nine months on stamps, stationery, newsletters and other office expenses. In the three months to the end of March, the 47 MPs in the Lower House spent a total of $435,699.21, which compares with $368,005 between October and December last year. The money is part of their global allowance, which is paid on top of their electorate allowances, which can be up to $45,000 for rural MPs. Among the items MPs can spend on are couriers, advertising, mobile phones, office equipment, postage, stationery and printing. Mr Piccolo said while he had used up a large part of his allowance, he had also spent a lot of his own money as well on working for the electorate. “The Lights On page which I publish in the Herald on an irregular basis is paid out of my own pocket,” he said. “To keep things in perspective, Mr Marshall who is second in the list is also in a marginal seat and it is common sense that politicians in marginal seats have to work hard to earn re-election. “And it is worth noting I have not spent any of my allowance on overseas travel,” he said.

Who’s eating at your house tonight?

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Lawyers Barristers Solicitors Footy Tipping

Criminal Law & Police Matters *Major & Minor Searches Arrest Bail Detention-Youth Court-Driving Matters Demerits

BAROSSA CHAMBERS Incorporating The Barossa News, Kapunda Herald and Eudunda Courier.

1/119 Murray Street, Tanunda Postal: PO Box 43, Tanunda, 5352

Published by The Barossa News Pty. Ltd. ABN 14 007 869 874








1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Melissa Daly Mark Wilton Evelyn Angus Gordon Williams June Tidswell Maria Norris Bob Hennig Kylee Wilton Bart Ryan Darryl Matthews Wayne Angus Alison Angus

73 71 71 71 70 70 69 69 69 69 69 69

13 Hayden Schugmann 68 14 Wayne Angus


15 Michael Angus


16 Graham Hill


“With an Ethic of Care We Focus on Your Rights Throughout the Process” Courts: Elizabeth Adelaide Tanunda Clare Berri Waikerie Kadina Pirie Murray Bridge

Legal Aid Welcome – After Hours & Evenings

17 Kayne Schugmann 66 18 Di Stock


19 Christine Lange


20 Chris Daly


21 Marianne Stokes


22 Robert Dawber


23 Darren Billinger


24 Paula Higgins



Original works are subject to copyright and shall not be reproduced without authority. Where no charge is made for the preparation of advertising material, The Herald will remain owner of copyright for the advertising material. Such material may be reproduced only with the consent of The Herald and upon payment of such fee as The Herald may require. In lodging an advertisement with us you agree that we may publish the advertisement on our website. The general terms and conditions that apply to publication of classified advertisements in our publications apply also to publication on our website.


Telephone: (08) 8563 2041 Fax: (08) 8563 3655 Advertising: Editorial: Website: Manager/Sales Manager: Clayton Bester Editor: Graham Fischer Editorial: Michelle O’Rielly, John Crawford, Mike Teakle, Ben Mallett, Robert Laidlaw, Anne Hopton. Photography: Kirsty Hosking, Shaun Kowald. Sales: Glenys Brooks, Jordan Stollznow, Jodie Coventry, Linda Goldfinch, Renee Day. Administration: Cheryl Lange, Roxanne Mathew


Karen Koerner 0429 195 585 Michael Lloyd 0408 850 680


d r a o B ip h s r e d a Le

47 Murray Street, NURIOOTPA SA 5355

Wednesday, May 23, 2012 - Page 2 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Barossa faces ‘modest’ rate rise REFRIGERATION AIR CONDITIONING

A proposed cabin replacement program at Nuriootpa Centennial Park includes a $200,000 short-term loan from internal Council cash reserves and $220,000 funding from Park reserves. “Cultural and tourism initiatives include $100,000 to update our library books, $20,000 for the restoration of the Hill and Son Grand Organ at Barossa Regional Gallery plus extended opening hours on weekends at the Visitor Information Centre in Tanunda,” added Mr Hurn. The budget also includes a comprehensive capital works program of $9.24m, with $245,000 dedicated to repairing or replacing community buildings. The draft budget and business plan incorporating the annual review of the long term financial plan is available on Council’s website, in libraries and at the front desk of the Nuriootpa office. Mr Hurn encouraged residents to read the document and have their say. Feedback can be givenvia, on Facebook, via, or in writing to PO Box 867 Nuriootpa SA 5355 by June 12, 2012.



8563 2855

Tell us on Facebook what you think of the rate rises?


RESIDENTIAL ratepayers in the Barossa are on average facing a 4.6 per cent rate rise under the 2012-13 draft budget released for public consultation this week. Based on the average house value of $300,000, residents will pay $1642 next financial year - up $69 on last year. There will be no increase to service charges for residual waste and recycling, and only a minimal increase (0.5 per cent) for wastewater management. Barossa mayor Brian Hurn said council had endeavoured to cap rate increases in response to a difficult economic climate and the need to “consolidate rather than spend”. “Council is aware of the state of the local economy, flatlining housing prices and ongoing uncertainty in the grape growing and wine sector,” he said. “We believe we have again produced a well balanced budget with a modest but necessary rate increase which will be used to improve our roads and infrastructure – a clear community priority during our Strategic Plan consultation last year.” Key initiatives proposed in this year’s budget include a Tanunda Tennis Courts upgrade ($155,000); Williamstown netball court upgrade ($99,600 subject to external grant funding); Upgrade of existing playground equipment ($100,000); and oval upgrades at Angaston, Tanunda and Lyndoch (total $96,720). Federal funding of $3 million will kick-start work on the Jack Bobridge Track, with the project scheduled for completion next financial year.


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Wednesday, May 23, 2012 - Page 3 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


21 Murray St, NURIOOTPA


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A NEW trade solution for the Barossa is here. Andrew Hili, who has been working as a plumber and gas fitter for a local company in the Barossa and surrounding areas for over seven years, has just ventured out to commence his own plumbing and gas fitting business this month. Hili Plumbing and Gas is fully qualified, licensed and insured for plumbing and gas fitting, and the business prides itself on quality, courtesy, reliability and skill. Andrew is a polite, neat and tidy tradesman who cleans up after himself and takes care when working in any persons home or workplace. Andrew has experience in domestic jobs, big and small; from blocked drains and burst pipes to kitchen and bathroom renovations. Hili Plumbing and Gas is also the business to call for a vast range of commercial and industrial solutions.

RIGHT HELP: Give Andrew Hili a call for all your plumbing or gas needs.

Being one of only few plumbers in the area holding a gas fitter’s license, Andrew’s skill set is always in need, from gas hot water services, cookers, ovens, room heaters and more. Hili Plumbing and Gas is also fully licensed to perform all types of back flow testing - a big help to any wineries and businesses alike. Hili Plumbing and Gas also offers a 24 HOUR SERVICE, great for real estate

Wednesday, May 23, 2012 - Page 4 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

property management, workplace and domestic emergencies. For more information about the conditions and rates for the after hours service, please call Andrew on 0422 293 260 or email hiliplumbingandgas@g for the fees and charges. For the month of June, Hili Plumbing and Gas is offering a complimentary hot water service check up to ensure you are not left in the cold with no hot water this winter.

Call Andrew to make a time and take advantage of this offer, conditions do apply*. For any plumbing or gas needs at reasonable rates, or even a simple enquiry, support a local company and don’t hesitate to give Andrew a call on 0422 293 260. *Complimentary hot water service check up is subject to availability and limited to the Barossa area only.

Pair’s pigeon pursuit SNIP ‘N’ SAVE













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since first meeting in 1958. Their lives went down different paths, but pigeons continued to bring them together. Leith farmed an 800 acre property outside Riverton while Jules studied pharmacy as a young man, then practiced in Broken Hill. “Jules takes the scientific approach, while with me it's more a matter of trial and error,” said Leith. “When you mix a little of both you can get some great results.” There is no doubt the humble pigeon can bring people together from all walks of life. As Jules says "It's a great interest for young and old and you can make friendships which last a lifetime."


GOOD EYE: Barossa-based pigeon fanciers Jules de Brenni and Leith Jenkins. He has even been to Frankfurt, Germany where 30,000 pigeons were on display. “Developing high-quality birds takes time, knowledge and an understanding of genetics,” said Jules. “But it's also a numbers game, there is a lot of culling involved. “You might have to breed 40 pigeons to get two really good ones.” Like Jules, Leith is an institution in the pigeon world, regularly judging on the national circuit. He is also well-known to South Australians through his longtime association with the Royal Adelaide Show Farm Yard Nursery. Together, Leith and Jules have shared their passion for pigeons


RIVERTON'S Leith Jenkins and Angaston's Jules de Brenni both know a good bird when they see one. They specialise in the feathered variety with pigeons being their particular fancy. A great pair of legs and a nice tail stand out, but it's personality that makes the perfect pigeon. “Having a calm bird is important, on the show bench we want them to show off their best assets,” Leith said. "We train them so they are easy to handle and will present themselves for judging." Careful preparation is paramount in the competitive world of exhibition pigeons with keen fanciers devoting hours to readying their finest specimens for competition. A lot of primping and preening and general beautification goes on. Birds are even bathed and blow-dried, their feathers fluffed and tails tweaked. “There are many different potions and techniques to get them ready,” said Leith. But it's not all smoke and mirrors when it comes to judging the best in pigeons. “Genetics play a huge role in determining quality,” said Jules, who was the first Australian to be paid to judge at pigeon shows in the United States. With an international reputation as a judge, pigeons have taken Jules around the world.


8568 6021

Visit to find out more. Nuriootpa: 8562 3777. *Other lens types and extra options not included. Offer ends 30th June 2012. Not to be used in conjunction with any other offer including 2 pairs for 1 low price. Frames available while stocks last. ©2012 Specsavers Optical Group. McCANN_SPE2025.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012 - Page 5 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

1 Murray St, NURIOOTPA

A grand total raised by volunteers

SUCCESS: Shearer Mark Steinborner with his children, Kayla and Jayden.


THE final fundraising tally for the recent Shear Wishes in Eudunda was $40,000; money which will now support children with a life-threatening medical condition. Neales Flat shearer Mark Steinborner shore 327 sheep in 24 hours at the town’s oval to break a fundraising record for the Barossa branch of Make-A-Wish Australia. While branch members were hoping for a good result, even they were overwhelmed at the support from the community and the final result. Make A Wish volunteer Rachael Dittrich thanked everyone who helped achieve the funds. “This amazing goal will brighten the lives of children who are going through a tough time as a result of illness,” she said. “Our sponsors, people who donated money, goods and services, stall holders, vendors, entertainers, gatekeepers, wool handlers, venue co-ordinators and spinner - we couldn’t have done it without each and every one of them. “And of course our thanks also go to our dedicated volunteers, MCs, guest speakers, Danny and his lovable dog Dunstan who starred in ‘Red Dog’ and the Wish children and their families who came out to support us in person. “Most importantly, we want to recognise Mark, whose amazing vision is the reason this event was held in the first place.” Rachael said the media had played an integral role in promoting the event, which is the most successful the branch has held since the branch was founded 12 years ago. “Our charity is all about making dreams come true and we have proved that even the most unlikely goals can be achieved with determination and a ‘can-do’ attitude,” Rachael said. “No matter what a child wishes for, we will go to extraordinary lengths to remind them that magic really is possible.”

Healthy soils and carbon farming FREE FULL DAY REGIONAL WORKSHOPS Hahndorf: Tuesday 19 June 2012 Yankalilla: Wednesday 20 June 2012 Gawler: Thursday 21 June 2012

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9.30am – 4.00pm

The Department for Agriculture Fisheries and Forestry, in partnership with the Adelaide and Mount Lofty Ranges Natural Resources Management Board presents a free full day workshop on soil health and carbon farming with expert speakers on topics such as soil carbon, biology and fertility. The workshop will also introduce the Carbon Farming Initiative, including process, methodologies and funding opportunities, and a discussion on relevant methodologies for the region.

“Our business productivity wouldn’t be the same without the NBN. For a cost on par with our previous service, we’re getting a significantly faster, more reliable service that we can do more with. We’re able now to use the latest software for our business administration, as well as expand our operation through e-commerce. The NBN opens a range of possibilities for us. We can work smarter, and spend more time with our kids.”

Facts and benefits: The NBN will deliver access to high-speed, reliable broadband to all of Australia. The NBN rollout is underway, prioritising regional Australia. The NBN will include a range of technologies: optic fibre, fixed wireless and next-generation satellite services. Connecting to the NBN is simple.

- Sarah Crabb, Small Business Owner

To learn more about the National Broadband Network, visit or call 1800 023 076

Topics include: • soil carbon, biology and health • methane reductions: research, review and methodology • Carbon Farming Initiative: methodologies and carbon trading • opportunities to increase soil carbon including biochar. For further information or to register please contact: Hahndorf: Melanie Bullers (08) 8389 5913 or email: Yankalilla: Jodie Pain (08) 8550 3405 or email: Gawler: Gail Kennedy (08) 8523 7700 or email:

Connecting Australia to a better future

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Authorised by the Australian Government, Capital Hill, Canberra

Wednesday, May 23, 2012 - Page 6 - The Herald, Barossa Valley




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Jap Pumpkin


c kg


2.5kg Washed Potatoes








Nanna’s Fruit Pies 450-600gm




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Beef Blade Bolar Roast





99 c



Blossom Margarine 500g




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c ea



Cadbury Medium Bars 30/60g







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c ea










Premium Beef Blade or Oyster Blade Steak (1kg min)




Pictures for illustration purposes only. While stocks last.


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Wednesday, May 23, 2012 - Page 7 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


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Volunteers thanked VOLUNTEERS are ordinary people doing extraordinary things, Member for Light Tony Piccolo said in an address at the Gawler Council Big Red Picnic to celebrate Volunteers Week. Mr Piccolo said every area of community life benefited from the contribution made by volunteers. “The Light electorate has over 400 community groups that make some contribution to the wellbeing of the local people,” Mr Piccolo said. “From sport, to the environment, to tourism, to graffiti removal, to the churches, the schools, the elderly and the young, to community safety and the disadvantaged in our community - all benefit from volunteers. “Volunteers contribute through formal groups like service clubs or as individuals, who in their own quiet

manner reach out to others in the community needing a helping hand.” Mr Piccolo also celebrated the efforts of volunteers in his electorate and around the state with a commemorative address to State Parliament during the week. “All told, Australian volunteers contribute more than 700 million hours per year,” Mr Piccolo said. “They are directly responsible for 8 per cent of South Australia's gross product. “As well as the economic impact perhaps more importantly than the economic impact - is the impact volunteers have on our society. Volunteers are some of the most important people in our communities. I am not exaggerating when I say that without volunteers large parts of our society just would not work.”


Grant Burge @ Krondorf Krondorf Road, Tanunda

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NEW ARRIVAL: Caidy Ann Rosenzweig, daughter of Narelle and Jason, of Angaston, was born at Tanunda Hospital on May 10 weighing 8lb 1oz (3657g). She is a sister for Koby and Jordan.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012 - Page 8 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

The Herald has honoured the Australian Year of the Farmer with a special feature in this week’s edition. It starts on page 24.

Ripe for the picking FRUITFUL VISIT: Myri Timotheou, Advantage SA Awards co-ordinator, left, takes some time out at the Tanunda Rotunda on Thursday with Charlotte Williams and Craig Grocke from Regional Development Australia (RDA) Barossa. Myri and other representatives from Advantage SA visited the Barossa Valley last week to meet with RDA Barossa and promote the Advantage SA Regional Awards. They also visited some current nominees and entries and looked at possible venues for the Barossa regional awards event. Organisers are encouraging people to nominate their friends, workmates or neighbours for the awards, which recognise the groups, individuals and organisations that have made a significant contribution to the region. Visit to enter or nominate. Nominations close on June 22 while entries close on July 13.

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Wednesday, May 23, 2012 - Page 9 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

History Wiki for Gawler By ROBERT LAIDLAW THE Gawler History Team will launch its 'Gawler Now and Then' Wiki site this Sunday, which will be a boon for family historians, general historians and lovers of local history. Formed by local identity Brian Thom, the team is made up of a group of Gawler people who have 'expertise' in various areas. They have helped build a collection of over 3000 photographs of Gawler locations and its people. “Since its formation in September last year, the team has worked diligently in gathering together old photographs,” Mr Thom said. “Now begins the painstaking process of adding articles to each photo, a task which will be greatly invigorated by people coming forward to volunteer their time to get these articles written. “While only a small percentage of photographs have so far been ‘articled’, our team feels it is time to show what nucleus of past endeavours have taken place and to launch the ‘Gawler Now and Then’ Wiki.” Once launched, the Wiki will allow any person in the world to add photographs and comments, with appropriate controls in place within the Wiki team. Individual contributors have focused on a range of sections for the internet site, including Church Hill, Murray Street, sport, events, organisations and people. The Wiki is to be launched in the Gawler Institute at 2.15pm on Sunday by Dr Bruce Eastick. Seating is limited and bookings are essential email Gawler History Team's Wiki launch will follow on from the inaugural Gawler History Lecture by Professor Dean Jaensch, which has been organised by Town of Gawler Library staff. The lecture commences at 1pm and patrons are asked to arrange their arrival by 12.30pm. Again, limited seating is available and it is essential to book via, as these are two separate events on the day.

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Wednesday, May 23, 2012 - Page 10 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

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Wednesday, May 23, 2012 - Page 11 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Boys to have a ball PEOPLE with a disability play a very active and important role in the community. None more so than Scott Milne and Kris Dell’oste, who could be the ones coming to your rescue if you are ever threatened by fire. They are volunteer firefighters and valuable members of the Nuriootpa Country Fire Service. Both Scott and Kris work for Barossa Enterprises (BE), which has been generous enough to donate a cheese board and twinpack charity wine box and wines for the auction at the 2012 Firefighter’s Ball. The cheeseboard and charity wine box were made at BE by people with a disability, and perfectly highlight the active and important role people with a disability play in society. BE is all about mutual community support - giving to worthwhile community groups and supporting people with a disability. For this reason, BE is proud to donate to the SA

Views expressed in the Letters to the editor are not those of the Herald. We welcome topical letters, with preference to letters of no more than 200 words. All letters are checked for authenticity. Pseudonyms are not acceptable. Mail your letters to: The editor, PO Box 43, Tanunda, SA, 5352. Fax: 8563 3655. E-mail:

SUITING UP: Volunteer firefighters Kris Dell’oste and Scott Milne with Kevin ‘Billy’ Boyle from the Australian Professional Firefighters Foundation, who organises the Firefighter’s Charity Ball.

Firefighter’s Ball because the CFS has recognised these men for what they can offer and not just seen them for their disability. Kris and Scott will even be donning their best suits for the ball on May 26. They will be attending the special event, which attracts up to 800 people each year, with representatives from

BE, along with Langmeil Wines, which is also a sponsor of the ball and major business partner of BE. The ball raises money for burns prevention campaigns and assisting fire victims, particularly children and those in immediate need, while also funding Camp Smokey, an annual children’s burns survivor camp.

Blackmores Flexagil® pain relief cream. A new clinically proven, natural* pain relief cream Always Al ways read the label. label. Use only only as directed. If symp symptoms ptoms persist see your healthcare professional professional. *Na *Natural tural active ing ingredient redient derived derivved from comfre comfreyy root extract. Relieves acute muscle and joint pain.


8.45am T HC. Tanunda Lutheran Home: Worship 10.30am . Peace Evangelical Lutheran Church: 10.30am Fortnightly Services, at Nuri Senior Citizen’s Centre. Pastor M Rosenzweig. Ph: 8563 1310.

ANGLICAN CHURCH Anglican Parish of Barossa: Nuriootpa: 10am HC SdK; Tanunda: 10am HC GH; Lyndoch: 8.30am HC MM; Williamstown: 10am HC MM. Kapunda Anglican Parish: Christ Church, Kapunda: LUTHERAN CHURCH PARISHES Angaston Parish: Angaston: 8.45am, 10.30am 9.15am HC; St Mary’s, Point Pass: 11.15am HC. HC; Penrice: 10.30am LR; Keyneton: 9am HC; Mt Pleasant: 1st Sunday 8.30am, all other Sundays 9am. Enquiries to Hazel Wilton, Warden Eden Valley: 10am LR; Springton: 11am HC. Bethany-Tabor Parish: Bethany: 8.30am T, 11am on 8568 2042. M; Tabor: 9.45am. Cambrai Parish: Cambrai: 11am P; Sedan: 9am UNITING CHURCH Barossa Congregations: Nuriootpa: 9am HC HC; Stonefield: 9.30am R. Eudunda Parish: Eudunda: 9am HC, 9.30am Kids Plush; Tanunda: 11am HC Plush; Angaston: 9am Chapman. Praise; Neales Flat: 10.30am HC. Freeling Parish: St Marks, Freeling: 10.45am; Gawler Parish: Gawler: 9.30am Littleford, 5pm Ecumenical Service; Sandy Creek: 9.30am HC Trinity, Rosedale: 8.45am. Gawler: Zion, Pr G Havelberg, 8523 1929. 22B van Dyk; Williamstown: 10am Edwards. Kersbrook: 10am. Enquiries: 8389 3114. Cowan St, Gawler. Gawler Immanuel: Cnr Second & Seventh Sts, Light Parish: Kapunda: 9.15am Mr P Webb; Gawler.Ph: 8522 6000.Sunday 8.45am, 10.45am. Robertstown: 9.30am Rev R Carter. 1st Sunday of month 9.30am. Share-a-meal every Tarlee: 9.15am Michael Nokes. 1st & 3rd Wed 11.45am. Greenock: Nain: 9am HC, Family Service; BAPTIST CHURCH Gnadenfrei: 9am LR; Greenock: 10.30am HC, Barossa Community Church: 10am Barossa Junction Motel/Conference Centre, Barossa Valley Family Service, 9.45am JAM. Kapunda Parish: Kapunda: 9am Pr; Bethel: Way, Tan, Pastor Richard Ansoul. Ph: 8563 2158. 10.30am HC; Allen’s Creek: No Service; Eudunda: Lyndoch Baptist Church: Kauffman Ave, Lyndoch: 10am. All welcome. Enquiries to Pastor Tony 7pm Youth Service. Langmeil Parish: 8.45am Trad HC; 10.30am Cont Edwards on 8564 3001. HC. Light Pass Immanuel Parish: Light Pass: 9am LR; CATHOLIC CHURCH PARISHES Northern Light Catholic Parish: Nuri: 1st & 3rd Sat Stockwell: 10.30am HC; Dutton: 9am HC. Light Pass Strait Gate: Light Pass: 10.30am B; 6.30pm, 2nd & 5th Sun 10.30am, 4th Sun 9am; Kapunda: 4th Sat 6.30pm, 1st & 3rd Sun 10.30am, Gruenberg: 9am Combined B. Lyndoch Parish: Lyndoch: 10.30am Family 2nd & 5th Sun 9am; Freeling: 1st Sun 9am, 4th Sun 10.30am, 5th Sun 5pm; Tarlee: 3rd Sun 9am. Service; Rowland Flat: 9am W. Nuriootpa: St Petri: 8.30am W, Pr A Kitson, Parish Office: Ph 8566 2064. 10.30am HC, Pr A Kitson; Holy Trinity: 8.30am Trad SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST Barossa: 1 Old Kapunda Rd, Nuri; Sat 9.30am HC; Ebenezer: 10am LR; Neukirch: 10am HC. Robertstown Parish: Point Pass: 8.30am HC; Family Bible Study, 11am Family Worship. ASSEMBLIES OF GOD Robertstown: 10.30am HC. Barossa New Life Centre: Sunday 10am at the St John’s Parish: St J: 10.30am; Sch: 9am HC. St Paul’s Parish: St P: 10.30am T HC; Gdb: roundabout, cnr Barossa Valley Way & Siegersdorf Road, Dorrien.

CHC 52054-08/11

4pm at Mt Pleasant Anglican Church Hall, Melrose St. All welcome. Pastor Diane Pope, Pastor Trevor Auricht. Ph: 8562 3844. Kapunda: 10am Sunday, Light Community Church, Main St, Kapunda. Pastor Paul Smith. All welcome. Ph: 8566 2864. CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP Tanunda, McDonnell Street opp former Tanunda Primary School: Saturdays 2.30pm, Worship, Open Bible Study. CHRISTIAN FAMILY CENTRE Barossa: 10.30am Sundays. 16 Scholz Ave, Nuri. Pastor Alan Matson. Ph: 0404 846 274. Murray Flats: 5pm alternate Sundays. Pastor Alan Matson. Ph: 0404 846 274. Cambrai Uniting Church 5pm. SALT CHURCH 25 Northside Crt, Evanston Gdns: Sunday Service 10am & 5pm. Offices, b/shop open 9.30am-4pm. Ph: 8522 0000. THE CHRISTADELPHIANS Sunday school, Greenock Institute Hall, 9.30am. Memorial meetings 11am Sunday. Bible Studies 8pm Tuesday. All welcome. Phone 8524 4196. CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Main North Rd, Evanston Park. Worship Service Sunday 10.30am. All welcome. Pastor Douglas Carolisen. Ph: 8523 1706.

INTERDENOMINATIONAL CHURCH Birdwood United Church. 10am Pr Brian Teakle. Ph: 8568 5540. All welcome. HEWETT COMMUNITY CHURCH OF CHRIST Kingfisher Dr, Hewett. 10am, Sunday inspiring worship service. Young generation and creche avail.Youth, women and men’s programs. Ph: 8522 4938. GAWLER FULL GOSPEL OUTREACH MINISTRIES Family Worship Svc. 10am Sun, stone pavilion, Sport & Community Cent, Nixon Tce, Gaw. Pastor Shirley Coe. Ph: 0401 065 748. KAPUNDA EVANGELICAL CHURCH Sundays 5pm, CWA Hall. Pastor Andrew Amos. Ph: 8566 2148. LYNDOCH FULL GOSPEL FELLOWSHIP MINISTRY Lyndoch Institute each Sunday, 11.30am-1.30pm Pastor Ken East . Ph: 8524 4787.

Respect the elderly WE ARE constantly being told by both state and federal governments that elderly citizens deserve respect and dignity in their twilight years. However, I have recently noticed cases of “do as I say and not as I do”. For example, many people will now be aware of the situation facing large numbers of elderly Housing SA tenants in the CBD who are being forcibly relocated from their homes of 20 to 30 years thanks to the insane “30-Year Plan for Greater Adelaide” which includes increasing the CBD population to 55,000 by building more high-rise flats. Now we have another situation affecting elderly people from Mt Pleasant, Birdwood and Gumeracha, regarding the replacement of the 23seater community bus with two smaller vans of eight and 10 seats. Previously at least 15 people would go out together, now only eight can go. This is placing carers, who have to choose who goes out, under a great deal of stress and also, people have to pay a bit more because of reduced numbers. The two buses cannot be run at the same time due to funding restraints, yet you now have two lots of registration, maintenance and insurance. Something doesn’t add up. In my opinion, the most cruel aspect of this “penny-pinching” decision is the splitting up of these elderly people who used to look forward to catching up with each other on their day out. The Men’s Group that number 15 to 20 people has been decimated, causing a great deal of upset. What sort of society have we become when day trips for elderly citizens have to be rationed? Many people would like to know how and why this insensitive decision was made. Peter Shaw Mt Pleasant Freedom of speech In reference to Babu Iyer’s letter (Herald, April 18) I thought we still had freedom of speech here, although at times it seems one-sided. Also minority seems to have a more vocal role. Do not antagonise some sections of our communities, this is not the right way. I believe certain bookshops are opening interstate where anybody can buy certain publications containing dangerous thoughts and ideas towards others. Is that another type of racism? M Williams Riverton History lesson Three cheers for Kim Michelmore (Herald, May 9) for injecting new and hopefully-growing life in attacking, as we all should, the mistaken spelling of the word “Barossa”. It is sad that complacency is so bad that many couldn’t care less that the horrible-sounding word Barossa is wrongly spelt and should be rendered as Colonel Light expected, ie two Rs and one S. Barossa has always sounded sickening, compared with the correct, smoother and romantic sounding Barrosa. Perhaps, before this region becomes a city, and since the council appears in death throes with the state government demolishing our heritage, the city of Barrosa would be a rare stroke of justice. However, Barrosa should come tomorrow, not

Wednesday, May 23, 2012 - Page 12 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

then. It takes people like Mr Michelmore to give the responsible authorities a necessary kick. Our local MP for a start. When Light came through this region, he named the spectacular ranges behind Rowland Flat, etc, the “Barrosa Ranges”. It was because, he wrote, it reminded him of the Barrosa hills near Cadiz in Spain, where he served in Lynedoch’s (a Scottish Lord serving under Wellington) regiment. Extremely minimised in the postwar years, since the name was previously only used for the ranges themselves, until the 1950s there was no such joint name as the “Barossa Valley”. The only recognition the name got was the council’s divisions of Barossa and Light. It was the wineries that created and established the name “Barossa Valley”. Complete with its incorrect spelling. It is therefore a tourist-cum-trade name, not a government established one. But with all the kerfuffle of history, we deserve one thing: the right spelling. Jeff Hansen Greenock Financial advice Recently, I was advised by my financial planner to partially withdraw some money from my (ngs) super fund. I took his advice and for this partial withdrawal I was debited with a fee of $30. I used a portion of this money to payout a line of credit held with the Adelaide Bank, which has been my bank since the Imperial Building Society days, some 50 years or so. It took my local branch less than 10 minutes to complete my request.The discharge administration fee charged was $325. When I questioned the amount, the loans consultant stated “lots of paperwork”. Funny, since it is all on a computer and was resolved in less than 10 minutes. The real explanation I believe is “a rip off ”. No wonder banks are so popular with their customers, not. I will certainly be looking to change my banking arrangements, even after 50 years. Rick Drewer Gawler East Worldly warning There should be recognition of ‘odious partnership’ so that when a government enters into a public private partnership, if the purpose of the partnership is not clearly in the best interest of the community, the community can repudiate it without compensation to the private partner. There is an international acceptance of the principle of legal rebuttal of ‘odious debt’. This means that creditors of governments or regimes that loan money for any purpose that is not for the benefit of the nation may be denied repayment. In recent times countries such as Norway, Ecuador, Peru, Egypt. and the USA have refused to pay odious debts. When the USA occupied Iraq they became responsible for Iraq’s debts. However they reasoned that the money Iraq borrowed was not used for the benefit of the Iraqi people and declared it to be an odious debt, and refused to honour it. There are a few such projects that could fall into this category. Tony Beales Gawler East

Wednesday, May 23, 2012 - Page 13 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

state’s tourism identity as being one of the world’s most outstanding food and wine destinations.” The award, supported by Food SA, acknowledges those SA businesses that are offering a quality visitor experience which has traditionally fallen outside the existing categories of tourism restaurants and catering services; tourism wineries, distilleries and breweries; and festivals and events. Nominations close on July 6 and submissions are due by August 20. The award’s Gala Dinner will be held on Friday, November 23 at the Adelaide Convention Centre. For more information visit



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A WILLIAMSTOWN man has been caught driving about six times over the legal limit of alcohol. The 45-year-old man was reported on Sunday at about 5pm by the Nuriootpa Police, who set up a driver screening test site at Murray Street, Tanunda. He was reported with a reading of 0.301 and as a result lost his licence, and his vehicle was impounded.

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BAROSSA’S high quality food tourism experiences have the chance to be recognised in this year’s South Australian Tourism Awards. That’s because a new category has been introduced - Excellent in SA Food Tourism. SA Tourism Industry Council chief executive Ward Tilbrook said, “The aim of this new category is to recognise and reward food producers, providers, food tour operators, cooking schools, food attractions, markets, trails and other food businesses in SA that offer a visitor experience and feature our magnificent produce as the core component of that experience,” he said. “The award will build on our

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Gawler weekly roundup ARRESTS • A 20-year-old Gawler East man was arrested on May 18 for cultivating cannabis, possessing equipment and for providing a false name. • A 24-year-old Evanston man was arrested on May 20 for aggravated assault. • A 29-year-old man was arrested on May 20 by the Barossa CIB for serious criminal trespass and theft. REPORTS • A 26-year-old Gawler West man was reported on May 15 by the Gawler Police for prescribed concentration of alcohol, with a reading of 0.084. The vehicle was impounded and a licence disqualification of six months was given. • A 32-year-old Roseworthy woman was reported on May 16 by the Gawler Police for PCA (0.41) and for being unlicensed, and uninsured, and contravene defect. • A 24-year-old Evanston Park man was reported on May 17 by the Gawler Police for exceeding the speed limit. SERIOUS CRIMINAL TRESPASS • A wallet was stolen after entry was gained to a house on Gawler Terrace, Gawler South between May 13 and 14. • A laptop and possibly jewellery were stolen after entry was gained to premises by jemmying the front door to a premise on Jerningham Street, Gawler on May 17. • Further enquiries are continuing to possible suspects after a television was stolen from a house at Harrison Court, Evanston on May 19. ARSON • A vehicle, parked on Palamountain Drive, Evanston Park, was found on

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fire on May 15. PROPERTY DAMAGE • Three windows were smashed to a house under construction on Barnet Road, Evanston, between May 18 and 19. At the same time in Evanston a vehicle’s windscreen and side windows were smashed while parked on roadway in front of house. THEFT • Offenders entered a construction site by cutting a fence, and stole various water chambers on Coventry Road, Evanston Gardens, between May 12 and 14. • A female was reported for theft by the Gawler Police on May 17 after she was observed placing meat and makeup in a bag. • Enquiries are continuing by the Gawler Police after a victim’s bank account was accessed and over $16,000 was transferred via internet banking. The bank has frozen the account. • Two vacuum cleaners were stolen from a shop on Main North Road, Evanston, between May 1 and 17. • A quad bike was stolen from an open hay shed on Cockatoo Lane, Cockatoo Valley, between May 4 and 6. • About 20 litres of fuel was stolen from a vehicle parked on Railway Terrace, Roseworthy on May 19. ROBBERY • Enquiries are continuing with suspects following a party at Thomas Terrace, Gawler on May 19. Four people allegedly stole a vehicle, which was involved in a high risk driving incident and later located damaged in Evanston South.

Barossa reports WH1814916

Six times over the legal limit

Award’s new category

ARREST • A 28-year-old Nuriootpa man was arrested on May 17 for stalking after failing to adhere to a stalking caution. REPORTS • A Blanchetown man in his 30s was reported on May 14 by the Barossa Highway Patrol for two counts of severe risk breach regarding load restraint. • A 17-year-old Barossa man was reported on May 19 by the Nuriootpa Police for breaching his probationary licence and for prescribed concentration of alcohol (PCA), with a reading of 0.132. An instant loss of licence was issued and the vehicle was impounded. • An 18-year old man and a 17-year-old man, both from Angaston, were reported on May 19 by the Nuriootpa Police for urinating in a public place. • A Tanunda woman in her 30s was reported on May 20 by the Nuriootpa Police for PCA with a reading of 0.169. An instant loss of licence was issued. • An Angaston youth was reported on May 20 by the Nuriootpa Police for offensive behaviour. • A Lyndoch woman in her 50s was reported by the Mt Pleasant Police for PCA with a reading of 0.114. An instant loss of licence was issued and the vehicle subsequently impounded. DANGEROUS DRIVING • An Evanston man in his 20s was given an expiation notice on May 15 by the Nuriootpa Police for speeding after he was detected for travelling 155km in a 110km zone. An instant loss of licence was issued. PROPERTY DAMAGE A watering system, located on the side of a Tanunda primary school oval was damaged, between May 16 and 17. • Unknown offenders turned the power off to the mains at a residence on Shepherd Street, Freeling, causing damage to goods kept in the fridge and freezer. The incident occurred between May 12 and 17 • A garden arch was knocked over and some rose bushes were damaged in Second Street, Nuriootpa, between May 19 and 20. 1817295


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Wednesday, May 23, 2012 - Page 14 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

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Wednesday, May 23, 2012 - Page 15 - The Herald, Barossa Valley




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Kai Schwarz, of Nuriootpa, will be two on May 25.

Lauren Mehrtens, of Nuriootpa, will be four on May 27.

Abby Whitehorn, of Penrice, was seven on May 12.

Brooke Henschke, of Tanunda, will be seven on May 26.

James Henschke, of Tanunda, was five on May 4.

Jaxon Billing, of Nuriootpa, will be three on May 27.

Indiana Linke, of Angaston, was one May 14.

Logan Parker, of Watervale, was one on April 29.

Gabriella Mercuri, of Lyndoch, was one on April 29.


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LEFT: James Rothe, of Tanunda, will be eight on May 25.

An A5 photo is available to the parents for $5.50. Phone the Herald on 8563 2041.

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Wednesday, May 23, 2012 - Page 16 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Wednesday, May 23, 2012 - Page 17 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Wednesday, May 23, 2012 - Page 18 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Aussie dollar in tune THE Global Financial Crisis has made people sit back and watch their pennies. Peter Koch from the Barossa Music Store says the media is forever pumping into our minds the economic disgrace of the world. “It’s no wonder that people are hesitant to buy,” Peter said. “With all this going on it’s very easy to forget the positive side of retail. As a result of our consistently high Aussie dollar, prices have dropped significantly over the past year or so. “It’s never been cheaper to buy quality brand name musical instruments.” Peter said a good example was the iconic electric guitar “the Fender American Standard Stratocaster” which retailed not so long ago in Barossa Music Centre for around $2500. “The ticketed price on our website or in-store is now $1399, so if you have some lazy money

that you are holding onto for a lazy day it could actually save you heaps,” he said. “Take advantage of our strong Aussie dollar and benefit before the global economy recovers and we have to pay the high prices again. If you have always wanted one now is the time to buy. “All of our musical instruments have been significantly reduced as a result of the dollar.” Peter said to either drop in to the Barossa Music Store in Murray Street, Tanunda or go online to the website: and browse around and have a look at the wide range of muscal items. “ Prices instore are the same and our range has never been better. Pop in for a great demonstration by one of our team members, or have a look online and see for yourself today.”

COMFORTABLE: Sam Harrison, floor manager furniture at Harvey Norman Munno Para tests out a Jamestown lounge made at Pooraka by Lanfranco Furniture.

Timeless investment AT HARVEY Norman Munno Para, the staff in the furniture and bedding departments are proud to promote Australian-made products. Seth Moyle, manager furniture, says Lanfranco and Antrim are two excellent Australian brands. “The three-piece Jamestown leather recliner lounge suite is on special at the moment and it was made in at Pooraka by Lanfranco Furniture,” Seth said. Lanfranco Furniture is a proved and established company started in 1974 by husband and wife Frank and Anna. The team has grown to include more than 80 people in the 38 years of operation. From individual scissor cutting of fabrics and

leather in the early days, Lanfranco Furniture uses the latest in advanced technology, highly accurate laying and cutting machinery. Every piece of Lanfranco furniture is created within a quality framework equal to the world’s best practice. And it is all done locally in Pooraka. Seth said the Jamestown was a wonderful advertisement for the company. “It offers timeless design and is upholstered in quality leather and featuring full chaise recliners plus high back support,” Seth said. “The Jamestown suite consists of a 2.5 seater sofa with twin recliner actions and two recliner armchairs.”

IN TUNE: Peter Koch with an iconic Fender American Standard Stratocaster.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012 - Page 19 - The Herald, Barossa Valley









Wednesday, May 23, 2012 - Page 20 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Fresh and local is best SHE’S Apples at Gawler has always had a focus on providing the best fruit and vegetables around, but now their commitment to quality has taken another step. The owners of She’s Apples have decided to throw their support right behind Australian farmers and stock 100 per cent fresh local fruit and veg. While some other stores might be moving more to imported produce, She’s Apples has gone the other way, sticking to all local produce for its fresh food section. Co-owner Jon Stevens said the campaign is part of the store’s commitment to keeping local farmers in business. “Everything in the fresh lines is 100 per cent local, otherwise we just don’t have it,” he said. “So there are certain times of the year when we won’t have certain things because you just can’t get it in Australia. That is a choice we have made. “If we don’t look after our growers, we haven’t got them. There are a lot of families pretty well struggling out there now to actually grow and still make it viable.” While the campaign to buy local food is aimed at giving Australian producers a fair go in the market, it also gives She’s Apples’ customers a huge benefit - more delicious fresh fruit and veg. “The best produce is grown here in Australia because it is close to the

shop,” said Mr Stevens. “That is the only way to have a business - to have the freshest. “If you have it the same as those big stores, customers are going to go there.” Customers are always commenting how the fresh produce from She’s Apples lasts longer in the fridge than that from the big chain supermarkets. “It just depends on the day, but most people will say it lasts twice as long in the fridge,” said Mr Stevens. “They might get two days out of ordinary supermarket strawberries, but ours might last a week, it just depends on the climate.” Mr Stevens said one of the big benefits She’s Apples has over the supermarket chains and grocery stores is its superior stock management. “The supermarkets generally leave most of their stock on shelves overnight, but ours all comes off,” he said. “It goes back in the cool room, gets looked after, and then comes back out the next morning. It is fair to say 85 per cent of the produce comes off overnight and goes in the coolroom. “This is probably why ours generally stays fresher for longer.” People are always talking about how tasty fresh food is from the market and the She’s Apples buyers are walking the market floor every day to find the best produce, so you know it is the best around.

AUSTRALIAN FRESH: She’s Apples co-owner Nick Williams keeps an eye on the freshness of the locally-grown stock.

IT’S NOT ALL Take Advantage of the Strong Australian Dollar Prices have never been cheaper







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Wednesday, May 23, 2012 - Page 21 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Wednesday, May 23, 2012 - Page 22 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Real Estate Liftout

Family friendly Value-packed Australian colonial-style home. See Domain P3.

SATURDAY 26TH MAY BAROSSA REAL ESTATE ROSEWORTHY Lot 53 Jemalong Cres..12:00 – 12:30pm


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Beckwith Park Commercial Precinct 30-38 Barossa Valley Way, Nuriootpa

Ph: (08) 8562 3355 | Fax: (08) 8562 3282 • House & Land Settlements • Mortgages • Leases • Business Settlements • Subdivisions Arranged • Strata Titles • Power of Attorney ALL REAL PROPERTY ACT DOCUMENTS

HOMBURG REAL ESTATE ANGASTON 6 Anton Street .....................12:30 – 1:00pm LIGHT PASS Lot 508 Light Pass Road......1:15 – 1:45pm NURIOOTPA 25 Hearl Street .....................2:00 – 2:30pm GREENOCK 64 Beven Street .....................2:45 – 3:15pm

SUNDAY 27TH MAY ADELAIDE RURAL REAL ESTATE KAPUNDA 1 John Street ........................12:00 –12:45pm BLANCHETOWN 11 Acland Street.............2:00 – 2:45pm BAROSSA REAL ESTATE LYNDOCH 11 Rushall Road...................11:00 – 11:30am NURIOOTPA 38 Gothic Avenue .................1:15 – 1:45pm LYNDOCH 42 Gilbert Street.......................1:45 – 2:15pm TANUNDA 102 Basedow Road..................2:00 – 2:30pm LYNDOCH 9B Fergusson Court .................2:30 – 3:00pm GAWLER EAST 22 McGahan Court ...........4:00 – 4:30pm


Wednesday, May 23, 2012 - Domain Page 1 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Get Domain’s new iPhone App Now! Searching for property on the go just got easier

Real Estate Liftout

Buy your own school

RIGHT: Two photos of part of the Moculta Primary School which is up for sale.


PUBLIC NOTICE Re: Section 7 The Vendor’s statement relating to matters affecting the advertised properties in this publication may be inspected at the agents office three business days prior to the auction or at the place of auction thirty minutes before sale. WH1780969

FOR around 130 years this was the site of the Moculta Primary School until its closure in 2010. Today it represents an exciting opportunity for development on four separate titles with five allotments covering an area of more than 2.5 acres (1.07 hectare). Township zoning offers potential for numerous uses subject to council consents. Your early appraisal is invited. The property has road frontages for each allotment with Truro Road, which is a sealed road and the main thoroughfare through Moculta, as the main access


road. Sarah and Jane streets are unsealed roads forming the northern and southern boundaries, while Elizabeth Street, which appears on the titles is an unmade road. There are several main buildings, the first being the original stone school building which has been well maintained and has been reroofed in more recent years. There are verandahs on three sides and a corrugated iron annex on the eastern end of the building. A large transportable building adjoins the stone schoolhouse. A red brick building on the southern side of the

schoolhouse would at some stage have been a residential property that has been used as office space A separate ablutions block is located at the rear of the schoolhouse and beyond that is a modern playground protected by an overhead sail canopy. There is a storage shed near the Sarah Street boundary. A large bitumised area adjoins the schoolhouse on the northern side. Most of the remainder of the property is grassed. The property is fenced on three sides with the eastern boundary lined with established trees. The township of Moculta has

a population of 299 (2006 census) and is about 70kms from Adelaide. It sits on the periphery of the Barossa Valley, away from other tourist activities and attractions and is zoned Township Zone in the Barossa Council.

At a glance... What: Moculta Primary School. Feature: Attention developers, community groups and investors. Agent: Barossa Real Estate. Price: Expressions of interest. Contact: Peter Fairweather 0415 825 420.




LYNDOCH $325K- $335K

OPEN 38 Gothic Ave Open Sun 20th 1.15-1.45 WARM AND WELCOMING With separate entry, large lounge plus a rumpus room, Three bedrooms ensuite and walk in robe, built in robes to bed 2 & 3, spacious kitchen with gas cook top, wall oven dishwasher, walk-in pantry and feature bay window, open plan dining/family area. Ducted gas heating and cooling, pitched pergola, double garage, carport, rain water tanks. Sue Schugmann 0419 850 408

OPEN 22 McGahan Ct

Open Sun 4-4.30

TWO STOREY BEAUTY You couldn't build it for this price. Separate entry, formal lounge, up to the minute kitchen, stainless steel appliances, rumpus room, meals/family room, formal dining, 4 brms, ducted air and gas heat, 914m2 allotment, fantastic views, walking distance to Gawler main street. Sue Schugmann 0419 850 408

ATTENTION DEVELOPERS, COMMUNITY GROUPS Open Sun 2.15-2.45pm AND INVESTORS! Today it’s an opportunity for development on 4 separate titles with 5 allotments covering an area of more than 2.5 acres (1.07 hectare). Existing buildings inc. original stone schoolhouse, a large transportable, brick dwelling. Truro Rd frntge to each allotment. Township zoning offers potential for numerous uses subject to consents. Peter Fairweather 0415 825 420

Open Sun 1.45-2.15pm

GREAT LOCATION, IDEAL FAMILY HOME Separate entry, large lounge, 3 Bedrooms, Ensuite, Walk in & BI Robes. Open plan meals & family, kitchen with walk in pantry, air conditioning, combustion heating, neutral décor. Rear veranda, double carport with roller doors, 8 solar panels, Rain water tanks. BBQ Area, Established gardens. Walking distance to local schools and shopping. Sue Schugmann 0419 850 408


GAWLER EAST $439,950


OPEN 42 Gilbert St


OPEN 9B Fergusson Ct

TANUNDA $369K - $379K


102 Basedow Rd

Open Sun 2-2.30pm


With Three Bedrooms, Study Area, Ensuite with spa bath, Built in robes, Large lounge, Family and Dining, Lots of storage, Kitchen with Dishwasher, Gas heating plus split system Air Con, Second level Balcony, Rear Veranda, Carport with Electric Roller door, 6 X 5 mtr Colourbond Garage, All this set on a property with Easy care Gardens. Sue Schugmann 0419 850 408




Open Sun 20th 2.30-3

Lot 53 Jemalong Cres Open Sat 12-12.30pm

11 Rushall Road Open Sun 11.00-11.30am

THE COMPLETE PACKAGE ON 1006M2 3 bedroom Marshall Thompson home in quiet court & walk to Lyndoch Primary. Master bed has en-suite & walk-in robe. Spacious lounge & formal dine. Ducted a/c & combustion heater. Central kitchen with walk-in pantry & large breakfast bar. Verandah, double carport, ample rainwater storage & 6 solar panels. Sue Schugmann 0419 850 408

FAMILY ENTERTAINER WITH POOL OASIS! Value packed Australian colonial style. 4 bedrooms, master with ensuite & walk-in robe, separate lounge & dining rooms, large country kitchen. Large 1540m2 (approx) landscaped yard with pool, double carport, garden shed & fruit trees. Evaporative cooling, split system & combustion heater. Elle Moreton 0488 996 566

LOOK AT ME Elevated (approx) 1005m2 block this 3 bedroom 2 bathroom home offers plenty of room. 2 living areas. Family kitchen with plenty of cupboard space, gas cook top, electric oven & dishwasher. Gabled patio perfect for entertaining friends. Evap cooling, gas heating, a double garage under the main roof. Room for a caravan or boat. Peter Fairweather 0415 825 420

8563 3511 F: 8563 0105 E:

Peter Fairweather 0415 825 420

Sue Schugmann 0419 850 408

Sue Fechner 8563 3511

Elle Moreton 0488 996 566

Property Manager Anne Johansson 8563 3511

RLA 1997

Wednesday, May 23, 2012 - Domain Page 2 - The Herald, Barossa Valley



Real Estate Liftout PROPERTY OF THE WEEK

OUTSTANDING: The family-friendly four-bedroom Roseworthy home.

Family entertainer with a pool YOU won’t want to leave when you step into this value-packed, Australian colonial-style home. In a quiet street in the growing town of Roseworthy sits a familyfriendly four-bedroom home that offers the lot. Step into the home through welcoming double French doors then onto the spacious family room. The adjacent large country kitchen is an ideal haven for the eager cook in the family, with plenty of benchspace, overhead cupboards and a good-sized pantry. A large window offers a view of the outdoor entertaining area. The combustion woodfire in the formal lounge will make this room the hub of the home this winter, providing a wonderful heat throughout the home for the whole family to enjoy. In the warmer months ducted evaporative cooling and a splitsystem reverse-cycle air conditioner keep the home beautifully cool. The master bedroom is complemented by the large ensuite and walk-in robe and bedrooms two and four are fitted with built-in robes. The main three-way bathroom is centrally located to all bedrooms. Spend your winters snuggled up on the couch near the wood fire and during summer you will be splashing and having a ball in the inground chlorinated pool which has its very own shelter providing protection from those harmful UV rays. With a landscaped yard and undercover verandah, enjoy those

At a glance... Where: Lot 53, Jemalong Crescent, Roseworthy. Features: Family entertainer with a pool. Price: $385,000 - $395,000. Open: Saturday, May 26. When: 11am - 11.30am.

Charming with character

THIS beautiful 1910 Eudunda villa (pictured) retains all the enchanting characteristics of a bygone era. This property has plenty to offer for the growing family with lots of character and the potential it can offer with the two titles. There is the option either to build another home on the second title for your parents or children or sell it and make extra money or keep it as whole. The inside features are sensitively upgraded. A beautiful modern six-yearold galley-style kitchen offers open space living with a meals and family area, serviced by a dishwasher. There is combustion heating and reverse-cycle wall air conditioning. This magnificent home

consists of 12ft-high ornate ceilings, picture rails, a formal lounge room, four large bedrooms, a renovated modern bathroom with shower cubicle, bathtub, vanity and towel warmer, and the toilet is separate with hand basin. It is situated on two large parcels of land with two titles, the house with about 1012 square metres and the adjoining block of about 1150 square metres. Outside features are the rear verandah, and from there through to the enclosed and paved entertaining area with café blind, carport for three cars, stable and garden shed, and established gardens. The property is well fenced with two double gate access for

caravan and boat, all the above on a lovely double allotment. This property is situated only a short stroll to the main street shopping, the hospital, schools, gallery, museum and hotel etc. The perfect place to escape from the noise and the hustle and bustle of the city.

At a glance... Where: 2 Michael Street, Eudunda. Features: Two titles. Price: $285,000 to $295,000. Open: By appointment. Agent: Julie Toth Real Estate. RLA198199. Contact: Julie Toth 0418 853 134 or 8562 4650.

Agent: Barossa Real Estate. RLA 219152. Contact: Elle Morton 0488 996 566. RLA198199

... where people matter FREELING


14 Kirchner Street

Elle Morton family barbecues all year. The large block of about 1540 square metres already has a small garden shed plus plenty of room for a bigger shed at the back, subject to council consent. With champagne in hand, birds chirping, kids playing outside or splashing in the pool, you’ll feel like you’re on holidays all year round.



4C The Crescent

LARGE FAMILY HOME - 1257m2 LAND 4 brms, 2 bathrooms, study, lounge, family room, open plan kitchen, air cond, double garage, entertaining area, large shed, room for boat & caravan.

Dble brick, 3 brm home, lrg lounge with French doors, kitchen with elec stove & pantry, polished flr brds t/out, htg & cooling, dble gge. 697m2 allot (approx)






4 Collins Street

4B The Crescent

THE CORRUGATED IRON COTTAGE 3 brm cottage, polished timber floors throughout, kitchen with dw, lounge with heating & cooling, timber deck with views, few minutes’ walk to all amenities.

NEAR NEW HOME 3 brms, ensuite, walk-in robe, formal lounge, family/games room, large modern kitchen, double garage, quiet location, low maintenance.




Lot 8 Angaston-Swan Reach Road


15 Coronation Avenue QUIET TREE LINED STREET Dble brick 3 brm home on a 780m2 cnr block. Large lounge, kitchen with pantry, heating & cooling. Dble gge, estab rear garden with fruit trees & more.





9 Kapunda Street WOW SO CLOSE TO TOWN! 1930 Villa in a good condition, 3 brms, lovely upgraded kitchen, sunroom, ducted A/C, double & single garage, cnr block.

Call for your free market appraisal

UNDERCOVER: The entertaining area of the Roseworthy home.

2 Michael Street TWO LARGE BLOCKS 2 titles, lovely upgraded 4 brm, 2 living area, modern timber kitchen, stone home on 1 title 1012m2, establ. gdn on other title 1150m2.

8562 4650 0418 853 134

Wednesday, May 23, 2012 - Domain Page 3 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

2/7 Gawler Street, Nuriootpa


1390m2 BLOCK – GREAT VALUE Large flat land with no encumbrances put on this property by the council with over 30m frontage and over 45m in depth you could dream up your own design (STCC.) Water and power available.

Real Estate Liftout

End of financial year sale HERE is an end of financial year sale with generous price reductions on all allotments. Magnolia Park Estate in Tanunda offers private, secluded and sheltered cul-de-sac living on the town’s rural edge yet still right within the heart of it all. A different choice to the living style offered by the larger subdivisions, here is a small protected enclave in a pretty and peaceful position, with no through traffic. Regular shaped allotments feature in this small estate. Trees frame the perimeter of the estate and the entrance with its rendered wall and generous shady reserve gives an impression of restricted access, adding to the secure and private atmosphere of this subdivision. The location is ideal for families and through to those downsizing, only steps to the new fitness centre to keep you young, walking distance for the kids to Tanunda Primary and Faith schools and just round the corner from Tanunda Bakery to collect your freshly baked bread on your morning stroll. Behind the Estate, the railway line adds

Plenty of room to move

to the charm of town edge living with an almost unnoticeable passing of the morning and afternoon train, just a quiet reminder of country life ticking along around you. There are not many privately positioned and peaceful allotments of this calibre left for sale in Tanunda currently, so this is a great opportunity to purchase at these reduced prices. This end of financial year sale offers generous reductions for all these prime allotments which will not last long on the market at these prices.

PRICED at $575,000 this is an extremely versatile property in Nuriootpa depending on what your dreams are. The lovely character home has three good-sized bedrooms, a recently refurbished kitchen and huge family room with French doors to outdoor living. The undercover outdoor area is of massive proportions - gabled with blinds to provide allyear comfort. Set on five acres, the property allows plenty of room for the ultimate growing family experience. The kids can play cricket, kick the footy or ride their motorbikes without disturbing the neighbours or running out of room. Good shedding, a small fruit orchard and plenty of scope for a self-sufficient vegie garden are further bonuses. Choose the right life for your kids and for you.

At a glance... Where: Magnolia Park Estate, Tanunda. Contact: Sandie Raggio 0407 308 855 or David Braunack 0418 841 349. WEB ID: HRE428 Price: POA - visit RLA 219152 1821384

Colin Schwartz trading as RLA216875

Adelaide Rural Real Estate RENTALS KAPUNDA



11 Acland Street OPEN Sunday 2.00-2.45pm

Where: 29 Tolley Road, Nuriootpa. Feature: Choose the right life for your kids and for you. Price: $575,000. Inspection: Call agent to view. Web ID: HRE609.



21 Hogan Street - Well maintained 3 bedroom brick

At a glance...

Agent: Homburg Real Estate 8563 2599. RLA219152. Contact: Felicity Cock 0411 456 266.

BLANCHETOWN - 11 Acland Street

veneer home. Main bedroom has ensuite and walk-in-

Sunday 2.00-2.45pm

robe. Open plan kitchen/dining/living area. Split system ait conditioner, carport. No pets. Available early May.



Executive home, 4 bedrooms, ensuite & WIR, open plan kitchen/dineing/lounge, split system air con, enclosed spa, games room, large garage, low maintenance yard, No pets.



Nicely presented 4yr old t/f home, large 1011m2 allot, 2 bdrms, roomy lounge/dining, kitchen has elec appiliances, dishwasher, plenty cpds, r/c a/c, front & rear v/dah, carport, short walk to river and shops. Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942


41 Wild Street Inspection by Appointment


KAPUNDA - 1 John Street Sunday 12-12.45pm


13 Fuller Street Inspection by Appointment


7 Hambour Avenue – Neat 3 bedroom home, bedroom 1 & 2 have built-in robes, lounge, kitchen/dining, electrical appliances, cool a/c only, shed, neat and tidy yard. Non-smoker. No Pets. Available Now.



Three bedrooms, one bathroom, formal lounge, neat kitchen and meals, rear and front verandah, shedding, carport, lots of room to move. WEB ID: 106614295 Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942

4 Hambour Avenue – Neat 3 bedroom home, kitchen/dining, lounge, new kitchen cupboards, electrical appliances, bathroom has shower only, oil heater, ducted evap a/c, roller shutters to every window, shed, tool shed, carport. Pets neg. Available May 25th.



43 High Street – Near new 3 bedroom home, walk in robe and ensuite to main bedroom, built-ins to bedroom 2 & 3, large bathroom, open plan kitchen/dining, large lounge, high ceilings, extended hallway, enclosed back yard, manageable block/garden.


27 Clare Road Inspection by Appointment


Situated on a 1047m2 resid allot, neatly presented stone home (circa 1910) close to both schools & the main st. Roomy home consists of 4 good sized bedrooms, lounge has c/h, kitchen/dining room, nicely tiled bthrm has separate shwr, bath & toilet, also a sep 2nd toilet. A storage cellar is located under the lounge. Also features high ceilings, polished wood floors, tiled kitchen/dining room floor, ducted evap cooling, colourbond roof is near new & large verandah across the back of the house. Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942

Neat b/v home on lge 1950m2 allot with rural views. 4 brs, main ens & WIR, br 2 & 3 BIR, kitchen has gas stove, pantry, plenty cpds, dine, family, fml lnge, comb heat, ducted a/c, dble c/pt UMR, vdahs, pergola, 30x20 gge. Currently tenanted. WEB ID: 106770196 Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942


1 John Street OPEN Sunday 12.00-12.45pm


Neat solid home on 11,000m2 allot, having 3 titles, possible subdiv STCC. 3 brs, office, kitchen w elec apps & d/w, fml dine, lge lounge, r/c a/c, gas htg. Paved gable pergola, 40x20 shed, caravan shed, 30x20 shed. Rear access. Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942

Available Mid May.



1 Ada Street – 2 bedroom renovated cottage, dining


Way Street Inspection by Appointment


room, study, shedding, heating/cooling, on large block.


80A High Street Inspection by Appointment

TOP: The three-bedroom Nuriootpa house. MIDDLE: Recently refurbished kitchen. ABOVE: Open-plan living area.



Available Mid May.

LARGS NORTH 17 Katoomba Tce - Charming 2 bedroom home, 2 large bedrooms, open plan living area, roomy bathroom, single carport that is concreted with power. Quiet area close to beach. Available June 22.


Residential allotment of approximately 1690m2, having 2 titles, water connected, common effluent runs past, close to sporting facilities and trotting track. Reasonably level allots provide opportunity for investor to build 2 homes or family wanting to build on large allotment. To be sold as a whole. Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942

92 MAIN ST • T: 8566 3399

Neat B/V Home, 3 bdrms, main has WIR, access to bathroom, formal lounge, kitchen/meals/family, r/c a/c, pergola, carport, currently tenanted, ideal family home or investment. Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942


Wednesday, May 23, 2012 - Domain Page 4 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Seeing is believing (DVW 5LGLQJ 3DUN 8QGHU &RQVWUXFWLRQ

WORTH A LOOK: The front of the four-bedroom Freeling home which has a host of features. THIS quality Homestead-built home in Freeling is situated on a 1372 square metre allotment. It offers large formal entry, a formal lounge and dining room with a bay window. The master bedroom has a built-in robe, stylish and large ensuite with spa and double shower. Bedrooms two, three and four are extra large and have built-in robes and ceiling fans. All bedrooms also have Austar connected. It has a lovely three-way bathroom and generous size laundry.

The home has been well thought out with lovely 10-foot ceilings throughout and a fabulous open-plan kitchen, dining and family room. The kitchen comprises quality appliances and a stunning centre bench and plenty of storage - room for everything. The family and dining is modern and stylish with double doors leading through to the games room which has glass doors leading out onto the stunning salt-water solarheated pool. There is a three-car garage

under the main roof, about 32,000l rainwater storage, two 3phs split-system air conditioners in the house for heating and cooling. Outside, a large entertainment area overlooks the pool complete with bar and woodfire pizza oven, a large lawn area and there is side access for trailers or caravans with a high clearance lean-to off the shed. Priced at $469,950, call Kies Real Estate on 8523 3777 to book your private viewing or for more information. RLA 61382.


Wednesday, May 23, 2012 - Domain Page 5 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

/RW LV 5/$ Nuriootpa







25 Hearl Street


$305,000 - $315,000 Osborne House, 65 High Street

Pack Your Bags and Move On In Situated in a cul-de-sac amongst other quality homes and offering all the conveniences sought after in modern living, this 2010 built property is sure to impress. Offering two separate living areas, bright kitchen, outdoor entertaining, and access to the fully enclosed rear yard with room to build a garage or carport to store a boat or caravan (STCC). Inspect: Sunday 2 - 2:30pm

Guy Draper: 0417 810 828


A Piece of History on 1.8Ha., In The Heart of Town This amazing property, steeped in history, is being offered for genuine sale and provides the new owners with a fantastic opportunity to recreate a magnificent estate right in the heart of this pioneering country town. The imposing 10 main room residence sits proudly in its elevated position, overlooking the expansive grounds which include, stables, tennis court, and an array of established trees and shrubs, forming the foundation of what can once again become a truly remarkable property. Potential for some sub-division exists subject to council and State Heritage consent. A must to inspect. Terms: 10% Deposit on Fall of Hammer, Settlement 25th June, 2012. If not Sold Beforehand.





64 Bevan Street

Auction: 11.00am 25 May 2012 On the Property

Inspect: Call Agent to View Web: HRE505 RLA: 219152 Guy Draper: 0417 810 828

Web: HRE628 RLA: 219152



If you need space both inside and out, then look no further. With a well-appointed large family home offering 4 bedrooms, 3 living areas, 2 bathrooms, double garage umr, heating and cooling, loads of cupboards, neutral tones, fully featured kitchen incl pantry, dishwasher, large breakfast bar and more. Massive covered and paved entertainment area along with loads of space on this 1640m2 allotment for additional sheds, pool and more. Situated at end of no thru road, close to town conveniences. A must to inspect. Inspect: Sunday 2:45 - 3:15pm Web: HRE630 RLA: 219152 Guy Draper: 0417 810 828






$395,000 - $430,000 6 Anton Street

Big House, Big Block, Small Price





$280,000 - $305,000 6/24 Elizabeth Street

$275,000 - $285,000

Recently Updated In a quiet pocket of Angaston, offering a large L shaped lounge room with slow combustion heating, split system and boasting a brand new kitchen, this property offers great value. Views stretch out from the sunny undercover entertainment area, past the separate double garage to the paddocks beyond the rear fence.

Enviable Location In a small complex of 9 this secure unit is conveniently located close to Tanunda´s main street and offers a separate lounge room, open plan kitchen dining and built in robes in both bedrooms. Drive through access from the lock up garage leads to a large private courtyard at the rear, paved for the ultimate in low maintenance living.

Inspect: Sunday 12:30 - 1pm Web: HRE629 RLA: 219152 Guy Draper: 0417 810 828

Inspect: Call Agent to View Web: HRE570 RLA: 219152 Lynne Kennedy: 0405 615 799 Guy Draper: 0417 810 828


Lots 10-27 Plush & Koncke Streets

$135,320 - $253,980

Barossa Valley Prime Land Release Greenock ´Bunawunda Hill´ Eighteen beautiful allotments of generous proportions located in the heart of Greenock ranging from 796sqm to 1492sqm, enjoying excellent views with encumbrances to protect your investment and services available making this a great address to live. For further details & to register your interest please call 8563 6510 or email your details to Call (08) 8563 2599

Inspect: Call Agent to View Web: HRE428 RLA: 219152 Sandie Raggio: 0407 308 855 David Braunack: 0418 841 349

David Braunack 0418 841 349 Visit



Wednesday, May 23, 2012 - Domain Page 6 - The Herald, Barossa Valley Nuriootpa







17 Traminer Way






$349,000 - $369,000 6 Hearl Street



Light Pass



$370,000 - $395,000 38 Elizabeth Street




$319,000 - $349,000 Lot 508 Light Pass Road

$630,000 - $680,000

For Those Who Find Conventional Boring! Attractive, family home offers mod., trendy design w/- décor to match. All the features you love are here, inc. casual, formal & o/door living, functional well-appointed kit., lge b’rooms (w/spac. ens. to main), heating & cooling, dble gge umr, generous 721m2 lot & much more. Realistically priced, this is a great property that you simply must inspect.

Want Style and Quality? Look no Further Fab mod. residence suit those looking for quality prop. w/minimal o/door maint., which allows you to escape w/- peace of mind. The home offers up to 4 b’rooms (main w/- ens & wir), casual, formal & enclosable o/door ent. areas. Elegant tiling & floating timber flooring t/out. Ducted gas heating & evap cooling, neutral tones, dble gge umr + more.

Solid Home, Great Location, 1400m2 Allotment Situated in a sought-after location in the heart of Tanunda, this solid older style home is ready for you to give it a makeover to create an enviable property in a great location. With high ceilings, timber floors, large north facing picture windows, and loads of room, all the basic ingredients are here, the rest is up to you. A must to inspect.

Don´t Let This Be The One That Got Away Perfectly blending character charm & mod cons, grandeur & style go hand in hand t/out this stunning home. Views through walls of glass beautifully frame main living areas. Impressive & ext renos set this prop apart from the rest, sep guest suite, sparkling ig pool, lush surrounds, every aspect has been considered. On 2000m2 (approx.) a rare & exciting offering.

Inspect: Call Agent to View Web: HRE603 RLA: 219152 Guy Draper: 0417 810 828

Inspect: Call Agent to View Web: HRE604 RLA: 219152 Guy Draper: 0417 810 828

Inspect: Call Agent to View Web: HRE605 RLA: 219152 Guy Draper: 0417 810 828

Inspect: Sunday 1:15 - 1:45pm Web: HRE572 RLA: 219152 Guy Draper: 0417 810 828








Lot 92 Menge Rd




$490,000 - $520,000

2 Ellen Place

$640,000 - $680,000

Savour every day here on 6.09 acres Wake up to incredible views. A solid brick residence designed around its amazing aspect with living spaces opening onto idyllic outdoor entertaining area that overlooks the solarheated i/g pool & garden oasis. R/W tanks, solar power, dog kennels, 20x30 shed & livestock shelter. A place of inspiring beauty.

Tanunda´s Best Address! - Ellen Place Situated adj to North Para river, a short stroll into heart of Tanunda township, this truly unique offering deserves your close inspection. Architecturally designed split level home offers up to 4 b’rooms, 2 generous living areas, 2 bathrooms, cellar room, beautiful elevated grounds & much more. A private retreat w/- rural feel, right in town.

Inspect: Call Agent to View Web: HRE 567 RLA: 219152 David Braunack: 0418 841 349

Inspect: Call Agent to View Web: HRE516 RLA: 219152 Guy Draper: 0417 810 828



29 Zimmermann Street




$595,000 - $645,000

Lot 93 Pinot Crescent




$450,000 - $470,000

Simply Stunning Properties of this class & style are rarely offered. Magnificent "Rendition Home" residence, sits on 1059m2 lot, w/- loads of features to impress. Over 300m2 of amazing home w/- 10´ ceilings & ducted, zoned r/c a/c t/out, 3 living areas, 2½ bath, 4 b’rooms, offering generous proportions. Masses of storage, dble gge umr, r/water, paved ent areas and so much more.

1.5 Acre Property - In Town Need space for the active family or to house a lot of vehicles then look no further. Lovely prop has a feeling of being in a semi rural setting, whilst still within town boundaries. Home has atrium separating main b’room suite from rest of home, casual & formal living, mod kit, all-weather ent. area, 2 lge sheds, one partitioned as a room & more. Complete prop ready to enjoy.

Inspect: Call Agent to View Web: HRE550 RLA: 219152 Guy Draper: 0417 810 828

Inspect: Call Agent to View Web: HRE578 RLA: 219152 Guy Draper: 0417 810 828

Eden Valley


Lot 1 Keyneton Road



Shea-oak Log

$750,000 10 Linda Street






$459,000 20 Reusch Drive





$305,000 - $315,000 11 Hart Road





Lifestyle, Acres & Ancient Gums Picturesque 108.9ha of prime grazing land just 2kms north of Eden Valley. Income producing country lifestyle with modest 4 bed home, self contained quarters, sheds, cattle yards & crush. Approx 70% arable, most fencing & water infrastructure upgraded recently plus 2 dams.

Escape from the frantic pace of life Impressive 4 bdrms, 3 living areas, 2 bthrms on 5078sqm (approx. 1¼ acres) of well maintained grounds. Ducted evap a/c & slow comb heating. Lovely outdoor areas, rainwater & good shedding. An ideal property for the family & hobbies, plenty of room for vehicles, pets & leisure activities . Well located in close commuting distance to Gawler & the Barossa Valley.

Easy to Lock Up and Leave If you are looking to downsize, but need room to store the van in between trips, this could be the very thing you are looking for. W/- dble gge umr + driveway access to rear yard, all you need to do is put in an appropriate sized shed & manageable garden to compliment the existing ent area. Generous open plan living area off kit., 9´ ceilings + more.

Inspired by the Mediterranean, for Peace & Pleasure On 5.31 acres in its magnificently elevated position with far reaching rural views, stunning native garden, olive grove, small orchard, huge shed, abundant r/w storage & swimming pool, this beautiful residence offers 3 adaptable living zones, is ideal for festive life & opens up to effortless, relaxed outdoor entertaining. Indulge in the good life in picturesque surrounds.

Inspect: Call Agent to View

Inspect: Call Agent to View Web: HRE265 RLA: 219152 Sandie Raggio: 0407 308 855 David Braunack: 0418 841 349

Inspect: Call Agent to View Web: HRE597 RLA: 219152 Guy Draper: 0417 810 828

Inspect: Call Agent to View Web: HRE533 RLA: 219152 Felicity Cock: 0411 456 266 David Braunack: 0418 841 349

Web: HRER161 RLA: 219152 David Braunack: 0418 841349



Wednesday, May 23, 2012 - Domain Page 7 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Real Estate Liftout

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TRANSPORTABLE: Pictured top is the kitchen area of the transportable home while above is the main bedroom.



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28A Adelaide Road, Gawler 8523 3319 =

Retire To The Barossa Valley

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0427 233 319

LOOKING to change your family's lifestyle then this is a terrific opportunity to purchase about two acres of prime land in Clydesdale Estate at Two Wells. Already on the block is a modest three-bedroom transportable home. Situated in close proximity to the Two Wells and Virginia townships and within easy commuting distance to the city and suburbs, let the family enjoy a healthy country lifestyle. The main bedroom has a built-in robe and ceiling fan while the kitchen/meals/lounge area is open plan. Outside, there are two massive garages and the property is fully fenced. The new owner can use their imagination with the blank canvas. For more information or to arrange an inspection contact Shari Olsson on 0413 883 920 Re/Max Living Real Estate.


THE Herald is thrilled to announce Domain’s award-winning mobile apps have been downloaded one million times. It’s safe to say that Domain is at the fingertips of more buyers, renters and investors than ever before. Domain was the first Australian real estate portal to release the iPhone and iPad apps. Since then the iPhone app has been rated 4½ stars and the apps have won numerous accolades, underpinning Fairfax Digital as an industry leader in mobile solutions. In 2012 Apple voted Domain as having one of the top 25 free Australian iPad apps of all time, and at the 2012 AIMIA awards, Domain’s iPad app won the ‘Best Classifieds’ category . Domain’s apps also won at the 2011 Australian Mobile Awards. Our success is driven by a focus on continuous innovation to ensure the delivery of the very latest in mobile

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Wednesday, May 23, 2012 - Domain Page 8 - The Herald, Barossa Valley



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Guaranteed Risk Free Selling! Many more properties for sale, call in to inspect our full range Land Release Lot 42 Lot 43 Lot 44 Lot 45 Lot 46 Lot 47 Lot 48 Lot 49 Lot 50 Lot 51 Lot 52 Lot 53 Lot 54 Lot 55








$469,950 2



Price $149,950 $159,950 SOLD $134,950 $169,950 $189,950 $139,950 $189,950 $149,950 $149,950 $139,950 $159,950 $174,950 $199,950

$319,000 1

A Home with the Lot!

Seeing is Believing

Pure Bliss—Relax in Peace

This quality Homestead built home situated on a 1372m2 allotment offers large formal entry, formal lounge and dining with bay window, master bedroom with built-in robe, large ensuite with spa and double shower, bedrooms 2, 3 and 4 are extra large and have built-in robes and ceiling fans, all bedrooms also have Austar connected. 3-way bathroom and generous size laundry. Open plan kitchen, dining and family room leading through to the games room which has glass doors leading out onto the salt water solar heated pool. 3 car garage under the main roof, approx 32,000L rainwater storage, two 3phs reverse cycle split system air-conditioners, large entertainment area complete with bar and wood fire pizza oven, large lawn area and side access for trailers/caravans with a high clearance lean-to off the shed.

# 5048

# 3022

This superbly renovated 1880's cottage is situated on a 913m2 allotment located on the fringe of the popular Barossa Valley. The cottage is currently running as a Bed and Breakfast but would make for a lovely home with all the luxuries of modern living. This little oasis offers tranquillity and convenience with shops, schools and wineries all within walking distance and it's only 10 minutes drive to Gawler or Tanunda. The house boasts the following; - 2 good size bedrooms, fully carpeted with doors to outside - Galley Style kitchen with quality appliances and glass splashbacks -Traditional country style dining with original wood stove and stunning timber floors - Lounge with open fire place - Split system heating and cooling - 1.5kw solar Established gardens with the house set well back on the block - Stylish bathroom with spa and separate toilet - Good size laundry - Plenty of parking with foundation already done for carport - Superb location. It needs to be seen to be believed, call now to book a time that's right for you. # 3025 RLA 61382


$349,950 2

RLA 61382




$399,950 1


Family Fortune

A Great Investment

Set on a 1345m2 corner allotment sits this wonderful 2 storey home. Downstairs offers 3 of the 4 bedrooms with main bathroom, laundry, sparkling refurbished kitchen with stainless steel appliances and polished slate flooring. The downstairs living boasts timber floors in an Lshaped lounge/dine combination. Upstairs there is a second huge family area together with the master bedroom, ensuite and built-in robes. Beautifully decorated throughout in neutral tones with new floor coverings to compliment this home is sure to tick the boxes. Outside is a blank canvas for the homes new owners to complete, with ample shedding, front and rear verandahs the spacious block would accommodate may possibilities. With inspection by appointment - call to arrange a time to suit.

As rare as hens teeth! A half acre allotment with over 100 metres of road frontage. Currently on two titles with a circa 1890 Stone Cottage, originally the Headmasters residence for the Lyndoch Public School - opened in 1879. The potential of this superb opportunity is obvious, to renovate the Cottage and sub-divide the remaining land (subject to Council consent). With 3 bedrooms, formal lounge, kitchen/dine and large cellar the property is deserving of restoration and would certainly reap rewards for its lucky new owner, together with the development of the remaining land. Within walking distance to all of Lyndoch's amenities - local schools, shops, restaurants and wineries. A project worthy of the investment, inspection by appointment call to arrange a time to suit.

# 5026

# 5040

RLA 61382


RLA 61382

$339,000 1



Built in 2002 this 3 bedroom Fairmont home is complete and offers many extras, beautifully landscaped front and back. The quality of this property is obvious even from the road. All bedrooms have timber floating floors, main with ensuite and walk-in robe, 2nd with built-in robe. The rest of the home is tiled including the open living area with combined living/dine and sparkling kitchen with updated appliances and dishwasher. The home is serviced by gas hot water and ducted reverse cycle heating and cooling. Other improvements include security shutters throughout, gutter-guard, monitored Centricom system, workshop and a 1.25kw solar system to ensure energy efficiency. Beautifully established and immaculately maintained this property stands out from the typical offerings, call to arrange an inspection. RLA 61382

Available 7 Days




Fantastic Investment/First Home Buyer Opportunity

$349,950 2


Family Living in a Superb Location

This immaculately presented home is set in the stunning township of Lyndoch in the Barossa Valley - walking distance to schools, shops, wineries, restaurants and only a short drive to Adelaide and Gawler. The home offers 4 good size bedrooms, master with built-in robe. The home is complete with formal entry, large lounge, good size dining off of the kitchen and don't forget plenty of room outside as the home is set on just under 1/4 Acre. This beautiful property has so much potential and has been freshly painted and has new floor coverings, ducted evaporative cooling, gas heating and large shed with fully fenced yard. This is a wonderful opportunity to purchase a lovely piece of the Barossa Valley at an affordable price, so don’t miss out.

This quality home built in 06 offers great family living on the doorstep to the Barossa Valley. The home offers 3 double bedrooms, master with walk-in robe, ensuite and stunning bay window, large 3-way bathroom and luxury spa, spacious formal living area, kitchen with quality appliances and breakfast bar overlooking the open plan family/living/meals area, family room with sliding doors to outside for that great indoor-outdoor living and entertaining, great gable roof entertaining area fully concreted. The home is complete with ducted reverse cycle heating and cooling, double garage under the main roof with panel lift door and is situated on a 585m2 allotment. Don't miss the opportunity to buy your first, second or third investment home or even your next family home. Call and book your appointment to view and buy a beautiful piece of the Barossa Valley.

# 3009

# 3027

RLA 61382



Unique and Amazing - 1880’s Cottage Truly amazing, this stunning 1880's cottage is set on a generous 850m2 allotment.Currently operating as a local Bed and Breakfast in the Barossa Valley, this cottage is a testament to the owners as the renovations are of such a high quality. What an opportunity, to own a lovely cottage with modern and quality upgrades on the inside, yet keeping great character on the outside. Situated within walking distance to local shops, schools and wineries this is truly a great location. This 1880's cottage offers the following;- 2 bedrooms fully carpeted - Lounge with floating floors and slow combustion heating - Dining room also with slow combustion heating - Modern Galley Style kitchen with quality appliances - Modern bathroom with spa - 2 toilets - Large outdoor cellar/storage room - 1.5kw solar - Front and rear parking for 4 cars - Split system heating and cooling - Fully insulated, new plumbing and wiring to whole house as well as a new roof.This gorgeous cottage has It all so don't miss out on the opportunity to have your own piece of paradise. # 3024 RLA 61382



$415,000 2

RLA 61382





$399,950 2

Barossa Beauty

Stunning 4 Bedroom

Constructed by Galaxy Homes in 2002 this spacious 4 bedroom home has all the extras that you would expect in a build of this calibre. Main bedroom features walk-in robe and ensuite with double vanity and spa. Built-in robes throughout the other bedrooms all doubles with the second being as large as the main. Sunken formal lounge/dining and a huge family with meals area off the kitchen. This home delivers quality and quantity, 30 squares of luxurious living, high ceilings throughout, Actron r/cycle ducted heating and airconditioning. Great outdoor entertaining via French doors from the family area all set on a large easy to maintain 760m2 allotment. Barossa bound? This property is a “must see” - call today to arrange a private inspection to suit you. # 5018 RLA 61382

Looking for the WOW factor? This property definitely has it. Set on a large corner allotment (842m2) this beautiful home offers 4 bedrooms, main with ensuite and walk-in robe, remaining 3 brms all with matching built-in robes, formal lounge, open kitchen/family/dine combined plus games room. With superb fittings throughout the home oozes quality. Serviced by ducted air-conditioning, gas heating and split system reverse cycle. The gardens are fully established and easily maintained with drippers and sub-surface irrigation. Together with full length pergola, 20x20 shed/workshop, rainwater storage and side access. This wonderful home is sure to tick all the boxes without doubt a “Dream Property”.

# 5054

RLA 61382

3A Adelaide Road, Gawler (08) 8523 3777

Wednesday, May 23, 2012 - Domain Page 9 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


We’ll get you where you want to go!






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Wednesday, May 23, 2012 - Domain Page 10 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

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Wednesday, May 23, 2012 - Domain Page 11 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Shop 5 & 6, centre point plaza 39 murray street nuriootpa [ ph : 8562 1777 ]

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That Mosaic Chick

beauty attractions

MOSAIC ARTIST Unique wall Hangings Sculpture & Quirky Giftware made from Recycled Products

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Shop 1, 7 Tod Street, GAWLER | Tel: 08 8522 1933

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Wednesday, May 23, 2012 - Domain Page 12 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


* Tapas * Wood Fired Gourmet Pizza

JOIN THE ONLINE PARTY The number of businesses connecting to their customers through Facebook continues to grow, and now the Herald has joined the party. As you can see from this feature, there as plenty of stores from across the region that are on Facebook and just waiting for you to get on board.

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Order up to 500 native seedlings (grown for you) or 1000 (grow your own) for just $55 materials fee (+ financial membership from $45) Orders open May 15 close August 17

Service & repairs to most makes and models • Log book Service • Gearbox and differential • 4WDs Monday-Friday 8am-5pm 쎰 8522 5820

P: 8406 0500

80 Adelaide Rd, Gawler Sth

Farmers find trees a benefit

search: trees for life

Harvey World Travel Gawler Like our page to receive exclusive weekly Facebook deals on travel and insurance

+ 8523 0055

105 Murray St, Gawler hwtgawler

Your pride and joy is safe in our hands • 24 Hour Towing Service • Crash Repairs •Mechanical Repairs & Servicing

8522 2287 84 Main North Road, Willaston

search: Willaston Auto Body

search: Les Haldane Mechanical Repairs

Lunch Wed-Sun | Dinner Wed-Sat fig22@The Wheatsheaf Inn 2 Sunnydale Ave, Gawler 8523 5588

search: fig22.Restaurant

EST. 2000

• Sales • Service • Support • Repairs Free data & email transfer on new computers/notebooks Authorised TPG internet reseller

139a Murray St, Gawler

8522 2027

search: mycomputerman

Valley Aquariums Everythying Fish & More Best Price & Advice 48B Murray St, Nuriootpa Phone 0425 826 464

search: Valley Aquariums

The Barossa Council welcomes community feedback on how we manage local assets and resources.

Like us on facebook & keep up-to-date with the latest stories in your newsfeed.

Council has released its draft Annual Budget & Business Plan for public consultation - let us know what you think. Make a written submission by June 12, visit our website or find us on Facebook thebarossacouncil

Put your health in safe hands CHIROPRACTORS Dr Nicole Quodling B.Sc.M.Chiro.M.Chiro.Sp.Sc. Dr David Priest B.Sc.Grad.D.C.(Syd) Dr Luke Raggio B.Sc. M.Chiro


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Wednesday, May 23, 2012 - Page 21 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


search: Barossa Herald

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41a Murray Street NURIOOTPA

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Third generation

FAMILY TRADITION: Matthew Neldner (left) is a third generation on his family’s Marananga property and above is part of the farm with a few of the ewes and a lamb.



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Fitted with John Deere H120 quick release front end loader. In stock and ready to go. $17,500 inc gst Numerous attachments available to spec to your requirements.

Profile: Introducing another ULTIMATE Team Member, Matt Mitchell, Machinist Contact Matt on 8562 1511 We have now increased the stock levels in our Metaland store, bringing you a bigger range of products. Call Bruce to discuss your requirements, from fencing posts to steel and wire, power tools and welding consumables. Don’t forget to check out Bruces Best Buys. Keep your eyes open for the next exciting chapter from ULTIMATE ENGINEERING & ULTIMATE TRADE SUPPLIES.




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For illustration purposes only


A demand for our services continues to grow, so we’ve moved into larger Fabrication and Machine Shop facilities. All types of Fabrication including new and custom work, also repairs using mild steel, aluminium and stainless steel. Milling and lathe work using the latest equipment, CNC lathe for repetitive jobs. Repairs to worn and broken parts, precision production line parts a speciality. The capability of The Ultimate Team is unlimited with quality a priority.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012 - Page 24 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

$17,500 1.99% Finance

*Term 36 months. 30% minimum deposit upfront for consumer buyers. Equal monthly repayments. Normal establishment fees apply. Conditions apply. Finance available through John Deere Financial Limited (Australian Credit Licence 391484) to approved applicants only.

GAWLER FARM MACHINERY PTY LTD 333 Main North Road, Roseworthy Phone 8524 8131 David Rawson - Mobile 0458 687 878


THE Neldner family has been farming at Marananga for about 80 years. Victor Neldner purchased the property in the 1930s and today, his grandson Matthew, is in the process of taking over the running of the family farm. “It is a mixed farm,” Matthew said. “We have prime lambs, a bit of cropping and some vines. “Next year I plan to increase the cropping with more barley and wheat. “We have about 270 ewes on the property and sell at the Dublin sheep markets plus we have some regular other clients.” For Matthew, farming was pretty much always going to be his way of life. “Being raised on the farm, it is something I’ve always known and liked. My dad Neil spent about 15 years as a young man to work as a mechanic - but it was always about learning skills which would be a help when he returned to take over the running of the farm from granddad.” Matthew was the same spending eight years working as a diesel mechanic before coming back to work on the farm. Now, with Neil looking to scale back his workload, Matthew is stepping up to take over to introduce his plans to keep the property viable - nothing drastic, just using common sense like his dad and granddad.

CONTENT: Some of the dairy cows on Jamie Nietschke’s farm at Koonunga and at right, Jamie with his homemade milk.

Making the most of milk JAMIE Nietschke is as content as the dairy cows which graze on his farm at Koonunga. A second generation dairy farmer Jamie was always destined to take over the property from his parents John and Neadra. “I always had a keen interest in the family business,” Jamie said. “I grew up appreciating the best use of the property and loved spending time on the farm.”

Over the past two or three years Jamie has taken over more and more responsibility which now allows his parents to live a semi-retirement lifestyle in Nuriootpa. Now Jamie and his wife Annaliese have two children of their own, Isabel, 9, and Ethan, 6. “They will be under no pressure to carry on the farm but Isabel is more than happy to spend time helping out,” he said.

The Nietschke dairy farm began in the 1960s when John and Neadra purchased the property. Jamie was born into a farm life and was more than happy to help out, before and after school. When he finished school, the now 36-year-old spent time in Sweden learning about dairy farming in that country and more recently was in Japan. Jamie has also dabbled in

apricots and sheep, but today concentrates on dairy and a vineyard. He is actively involved in promotion of the Year of the Farmer and interested people should go to the iDairy website to watch a video Jamie helped make concerning the way to run a dairy farm. Next week as part of another promotion ‘Farm Day’ Jamie and his family will host a family from the Adelaide suburb of Glenunga. “It’s part of showing city folk what it is like to spend life on a farm,” he said.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012 - Page 25 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Wednesday, May 23, 2012 - Page 26 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

HARD AT WORK: Ian Koch, pictured below, while at right, he gets to work spraying his fields ahead of planting this season’s crops.

Working with nature

Ian Koch - President of Angaston Agricultural Bureau - Broad-acre farmer from Moculta - Crops 600ha of barley, wheat, canola, peas and beans - Family has farmed in Moculta district for many years - Also runs sheep and produces hay

IAN Koch works a broad-acre property on the outskirts of Moculta. His mixed farm produces sheep and crops including, barley, canola, peas and beans plus a little bit of hay. For Ian, the priority right now is weed control in preparation for planting this year’s crop. “We'll be sewing lupins which will be kept on farm and fed out next summer,” he said. ‘They will go into our sheepfeed mix.” Before the crop can go in, weeds - which can be a problem at this time of year must be brought under control. “At the moment we are spraying for rye grass in the stubble to get ahead on it,” Ian said. Apart from weeds there are other issues to contend with before a crop can be planted. “Snails are becoming more of a problem for us,” he said. “If they are not brought under control early they can be a real problem.” “As the crop matures they go up the plant and can cause problems with machinery at harvest.” Ian said each district is a little different in terms of the

Wednesday, May 23, 2012 - Page 27 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

techniques required to produce a successful crop. The ground stubble can be burnt to prepare the ground for cropping in an effort to reduce the amount of weed seeds, as well as the dreaded snails. “We don't like burning but sometimes it's a necessity,” he said. According to Ian, burning can also make chemicals work more efficiently by reducing the amount of chemical which binds to straw. “It's a bit of a trade-off as retaining the straw has a mulching effect which is positive,” he said. “We're always trying to work with nature,” he said. “Every season is a little different to the one before.” Skilled farmers like Ian base their decisions on the season, depending on the prevailing conditions, the most important of which is when the rains arrive. “We’re looking for rain right now,” he said. “Ideally we like to get decent rain while there is still some warmth left in the soil.” “Crops can then get established before the really cold weather sets in later on,” he said. “A crop like lupins is a bit slower growing than the others, so it’s good to get it in as early as possible.”

Born and bred KEVIN Graetz has seen many a season come and go at Moculta. He's seen plenty of good years and bad and quite a few in between. The mixed-crop and sheep farmer said he was always optimistic at this time of year. "There is always the potential for a good year, " Kevin said. "It's all about rainfall. We don't need huge amounts, it's more about timing. “We need the rain at the right time, spread out across the year.” Kevin has been farming at Moculta ever since he took over the family property from his father at the start of his career, "many years ago". In fact he says he was born on the place so he knows every inch of his 300ha property like the back of his hand. "I guess farming is in the blood, you're born into it and then you just keep going," he said.

"Before you know it many seasons have gone by." At this time of the year Kevin is, like many other farmers across the district, getting ready to sow this year’s crops. Machinery is brought out of hibernation, given a good grease and oil, then planting begins. Traditionally farmers are always happier after there's been a good rain event and Kevin is no exception. "We're hoping it will rain next week," he said. "But we are already getting underway with dry-seeding anyway. "Then if we do get some decent rain the crops will be ready to go." Kevin said it was important to get crops sewn as early as possible to give them the best start and hopefully reap a successful harvest in November.

FAMILY FARMER: Kevin Graetz, left, and below, some of his trusty and wellmaintained farming equipment. "We started dry-seeding (on Thursday) at Sedan," he said. "Down there we are sewing wheat, up here at Moculta we’re putting in wheat, barley, lupins and canola." "The conditions in Sedan are quite suitable for dry-seeding with a lot of loose sand,” Kevin said. “Here in Moculta the soil can be a bit lumpy when it's dry,” Kevin said. "This is actually the first time we've tried dryseeding, so it really is an attempt to kick things off early and get a head-start." If it rains next week then all of Kevin's time and effort should pay off in the form of a good crop come harvest in November.

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Wednesday, May 23, 2012 - Page 28 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


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Twoway Crossword No 095

Name:................................................................. Town:...........................................

AN ARRAY of beautifully coloured orchids will feature in a show in the Barossa this weekend. The Orchid Show is the work of the Gawler Orchid Club. It will be hosted in the Tanunda CWA Hall, Murray Street, Tanunda, on Saturday, May 26 and Sunday, May 27. According to the club’s show marshal Brian Heddle, “About 90 per cent of people grow orchids as a hobby”. During the show the public is invited to come for a look and entrants will be judged in three divisions. There will be a chance for the public to gain cultural advice on orchids and a potting demonstration will be held over the two days at 2pm. The event involves a trading table and Devonshire tea. To date the Gawler Orchid Club boasts about 100 members, generally those older, however Brian encourages

t of Greeno of Greenock Steven Mewet the community e rv se ready to

Youneek Canvas Fr aming &

Printing Scott Goldsmith, pu tting the final tou ches on another masterpiece

Saturday from 9am to 5pm and Sunday, 9am to 4pm. To be part of the Gawler Orchid Club or for more details about the show, contact Brian on 8255 7348.

Step back in time in Angaston IF YOU enjoy items and events of past eras, then make time this week to visit Angaston. The Angaston and Penrice Society has organised a historical display to coincide with South Australia’s History celebrations. The display includes unique toys, while also highlighting a variety of hobbies and

Business Snapshot...

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people of all ages to become involved. Meetings are held once a month at Gawler’s Elderly Centre. The 2012 show will run on

pastimes enjoyed by young and old. The society invites the public to come and view the display from this Saturday, May 26 to Tuesday, May 29 at the Old Union Chapel, Penrice Road, Angaston. The chapel will be open daily from 10am to 4pm and admission is just $2.


Greenock Post Office

Annabel of the Greenock Post Office taking care of the community's mail and billing needs

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Wednesday, May 23, 2012 - Page 30 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

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Eric Heintze prepa ring to take off on another school run


For your chance to win a bottle of Langmeil wine, complete the crossword only and drop the entry form into The Herald office Monday by 4.30pm. Winners need to collect their wine within the week. Last week’s winner was Joan Schulz of Tanunda.

Come view the orchids

Relive a rare royal event ROYAL fans are encouraged to join in on Her Majesty’s Diamond Jubilee celebrations, by visiting Gawler Village Twin Cinema this week. The Gawler cinema is one of specially selected movie outlets across Australia to host the special screening of ‘A Queen is Crowned’, as part of CinemaLive. This will be the first time this lavish documentary has been seen in cinemas since its initial release almost 60 years ago. The 79-minute documentary has been carefully restored and newly re-mastered in time for this historic occasion. The New York Times have described the footage as “A masterful, dignified and cohesive tribute to Queen Elizabeth ll and an unsurpassed illustration of this historic event”. Narrated by Sir Laurence Olivier, ‘A Queen is Crowned’ is the only colour film of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II’s 1953 coronation ceremony. When originally released in 1953, the film won a BAFTA, a Golden Globe Award and was nominated for an Oscar at the 26th Annual Academy Awards. A must-see for both royal and history fans alike, this wonderful documentary conveys the sights and sounds, the pomp and pageantry, and the very spirit of that unforgettable day.

Gawler Village Twin Cinema, located at 11 Murray Street, will screen the film for one week only - May 24 to May 30, so don’t miss out. For more details, visit

Get ready for a good time

Quiz time TWO doting mums, who adopted two beautiful baby girls from China in 2010, will host a special quiz night fundraiser in September. The women, including Tracy Falting-Kallese from Kapunda, will raise funds for the Yangtze Orphanage. The orphanage is located in Western Guangdong, one of the few areas in China where the women say child abandonments are increasing. The quiz night will be held on September 22, 7.30pm at the Kapunda Soldiers Memorial Hall. To help the women with donated goods or services, then contact Tracy on 8566 3326.

33 main north road willaston t: 08 8522 1021 f: 08 8522 1629 e: e res a cut above th t


Young people, remember to keep this Saturday night free to attend ‘The Same Boat’ hosted in Angaston. The event, which involves a line up of live musical acts, has been organised by muso Daniel Murray. The Angaston man said the night is a memorial to his family friend who died in 2011 and to raise awareness of support groups - Team Mental Health and Youth Suicide. Daniel also said the show will feature all Barossa acts such as rap, hip-hop and DJs, and is further supported by the Barossa Council. The event will be held in the Angaston Town Hall from 8pm to midnight. Entry is $5, with soft drinks available, and part proceeds from the gathering will go towards a Barossa support group. If you would like more details about the event, then look up Muzza MC via Facebook.


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Wednesday, May 23, 2012 - Page 31 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

In lieu of flowers, a donation in memory of Keith to Tanunda Lutheran Home Inc, Gramp Chapel Appeal, would be appreciated by the family. Envelopes available at the Service.

HOFFMANN. THE RELATIVES and FRIENDS of the late Mr. RONALD HAROLD HOFFMANN, are respectfully invited to attend his Funeral Service which will be conducted TOMORROW MORNING THURSDAY, May 24, 2012, commencing at 10.30 a.m. in the St. Petri Lutheran Church, First Street, Nuriootpa. Following the Service, Harold's Funeral Cortege will proceed to the Nuriootpa Cemetery for the Committal Prayers. In lieu of flowers, donations posted directly to Lutheran Community Care Barossa, 16 Gawler Street, Nuriootpa 5355, would be appreciated by the family.

Barossa Valley 8562 1169 Accredited Member Australian Funeral Directors Association

AURICHT, Teresa Jane Passed away peacefully at the Angaston Hospital on May 15, 2012. Dearly loved niece of Ian & Lyn and cousin of Tanya and David, Matthew & Sharon & Luke & Jo and their families. Great niece to Aunty Erna. Life is but a stopping place, a pause in what's to be, a resting place along the road to sweet eternity. We all have different journeys, different paths along the way, we are all meant to learn some things but never meant to say .... Our destination is a place far greater than we know. For some the journey's quicker, for some the journey's slow. When the journey finally ends, we'll claim a great reward and find an everlasting peace together with the Lord. We are forever grateful that she allowed us to be part of her life and will cherish that forever. Forever Young FISHER Keith Lindsay Formerly of Kapunda. Passed away peacefully at Tanunda Lutheran Home on May 20, 2012. Aged 91 years Beloved husband of Ella (deceased). Cherished Dad of John (deceased); Rboert; Andrea and Terry; Jeffrey (deceased). Adored Grandpa Fish of Clayton and Etta. Now at Peace Reunited with Mum and the boys. HOFFMANN, Ronald Harold (Harold). Passed away peacefully at home

KAESLER. THE RELATIVES and FRIENDS of the late Mrs. WANDA AGNES KAESLER (LINDY) are respectfully invited to attend her Funeral Service which will be conducted on FRIDAY AFTERNOON, May 25, commencing at 2pm in the St. Petri Lutheran Church, First Street, Nuriootpa. Following the Service, Lindy's Funeral Cortege will proceed to the Langmeil Lutheran Cemetery, Tanunda. .

Barossa Valley 8562 1169 Accredited Member Australian Funeral Directors Association

on May 19, 2012 Aged 91 years Loved and loving husband of Nora for 66 years Loved Dad of David and Jenni, Joy and Clive Proud and loved Papa of six Grandchildren and their Partners, and six Great-Grandchildren. A special man much loved, now in God's care Dear Dad and Papa. So dearly loved, so sadly missed by David and Jenni; Bridget, Steven, Jack and Sarah; Felicity and Jeremy; Kym and Claire. A wonderful example of God's love to us all. Now resting in God's loving arms

KEEN THE RELATIVES and FRIENDS of the late Mr. JOHN MARTIN KEEN are respectfully invited to attend his Funeral Service which will be conducted TOMORROW THURSDAY May 24, in it's ENTIRETY, commencing at 1 p.m. in the Clayton Scott Funeral Home Chapel, 4 New Road, Nuriootpa. In lieu of flowers, donations posted directly to Beyond Blue Depression Research Aux. Fund Trust, PO Box 6100, Hawthorn West, Vic. 3122.

Dear Dad and Papa of Joy and Clive; Robyn, Shaun and Madison; Amanda, Nick, Neda, Marko and Maksim; Kelly and Rhys. Forever in our hearts

KAESLER, Wanda Agnes (Lindy). Peacefully promoted from Barossa Village Residency to heaven's high calling on May 18, 2012. Aged 105 years. Loved mother of 9 children, 24 grandchildren, 42 great-grandchildren, and 3 great-great-grandchildren.

Barossa Valley 8562 1169 Accredited Member Australian Funeral Directors Association

God's will is done.

DEATH NOTICES KEEN, John Martin Passed away peacefully at Royal Adelaide Hospital May 15, 2012. Aed 70 years. Dearly loved and loving husband of Kathy Loved father to Nareen and Tim Loving grandpa to Marissa. Cherished by all. Now at rest but has left behind many fond memories.

BIRTH NOTICES Wayne and Sharon would like to announce the birth of their precious little boy! Keanu John Holloway Born 7/5/2012 at 12.55am weighing 5pounds 5.5 ounces and 48cm long. We would like to say a special Thank you to all of our beautiful family and friends for your support, warm wishes and gifts! Also to the staff on the Forgie ward at the Gawler Hospital for making our stay special! Much love to you all!


Rest in peace.

IN MEMORIAM RADOVANOVIC, Ratomir (Rako) 15.8.1915 - 24.5.2008 Loving, beloved husband of Ula. Sadly missed, remembered always. Wilksch, Dennis (October 14, 1947 - May 23, 2011). My Darling Dennis, time has passed but my love for you will never fade. You will always be in our hearts, and no matter where my life's journey take me, you will be with me forever. Your Little Dove, Dianne Our darling beautiful Dad and Grandpa, there is not a day that goes by that we do not miss you. We remember you when we wake to a foggy morning, when the rain begins to fall, as we sip a glass of red or when we sit in the garden, so many things in our daily lives represents you. We wish with all our hearts it wasn't a year ago you took your last breathe and had your last smile, but we are thankful and so very blessed you were and will always be a part of us, our children and all that we believe in. We hope you are living it up in the farm in the sky. Love you always and forever, Tarn, Daniel, Tom, Buzz and Maddie xxxxx

DUELL, Joyce Edna (nee Graetz) 22.1.35 - 14.4.12 Lynley and Malcolm and their families wish to sincerely thank everyone for flowers, phone calls, cards and personal expressions of sympathy in the loss of their dear mother, granny and greatgranny. Your thoughtfulness and caring has been greatly appreciated. Special thanks to Dr. Sonya Malone and staff at Tanunda Hospital for their care and respect to mum. Also thank you to Pastor Graham Maas for officiating at the funeral.


Happy 50th Amanda From your Friends at Vinpac

We continually thank God that you were part of our lives and during your time on earth you taught us to embrace life. Dad, that legacy remains with us all. Love always, Michelle, Ed, Jordan and your little pumpkin Amelia. Our beloved Dad and Grandpa Days of sadness still come over us, Tears in silence often flow, For memory keeps you ever near us Though you died one year ago. He kept at true good humor's mark, The social flow of pleasure's tide: He never made a brow look dark, Nor caused a tear, but when he died. So much has happened in a year, Your beloved Port Power would make you frown, But thankfully Crows are keeping SA proud!. We have a new family member. You were right we had a baby girl!, We named her in honor of you. "Scarlet", for the reds you loved to drink. "Bonny" seemed so close to Bunny. Wish she had met you but we will Keep your memory alive for all the Grandkids to remember you. Keep those angels laughing up there, Dad we love you and miss you. Jo, Luke, Rhett, Elyse and Scarlet. Xxxxx

BIRTH NOTICES BIGNELL - RIEBKE Ashlee, Ashley and Charlotte welcome with love their precious daughter and sister "Willow Opal". Born May 17th 2012 at Tanunda Hospital weighing 8lb 6ozs. Special thanks to Dr Geyer and staff. Willow is the 7th grandchild for Sally Bignell of Tanunda and the 2nd grandchild for Mavis and Steve Riebke of Ebenezer.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012 - Page 32 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


FISHER The Family of KEITH LINDSAY FISHER advise Family and Friends that his Funeral Service will be held on FRIDAY, May 25, at 1.00pm in the Uniting Church, Church Street, Kapunda. Private Cremation





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Barossa New Life Church TREASURE CHEST - FURNITURE MART 10 Murray St, Nuriootpa Tel. 85622988

NEED A PUMP? For all your needs, Gawler Irrigation, Lot 11, Paxton Street, WILLASTON. Ph: 85232350 PEA STRAW for sale $4 per bale delivered. Ph: 85663916

Monday - Friday 9am - 4pm Saturday 9am - 12pm

PLANTS - Natives, perennials, tube stock, water wise etc. MORNING STAR NURSERY Lot 1 Cossins St., Kapunda. Ph: 85663952. Open Thursday to Sunday 9am- 5pm.

BELINDA'S PAMPERED PETS NURIOOTPA Professional dog grooming by an animal lover. EFTPOS now available. Ph: 0418810323 HOOTZ DOG GROOMING Mobile. Qualified groomer. Nuriootpa Ph: Justin 0406840020 HYDROPAWS 4pawfectpaws. Mobile nose to tail pet care. Heated hydrobath, blowdry, nails & clipping. Ph: Bridget 0488444542 LABRADOR PUPS P/Bred. Choc & Gold. Wrmd, vet checked, vacc. READY NOW. Parents on view. Wallaroo. Delivery Avail. $750 Ph 0439808494

All donations of furniture, clothing, bric-a-brac enable us to assist our Community CASH FOR BOTTLES & CANS. Wine bottles, batteries, phone Lange's Can & Bottle Depot on 85642292 for trading hours, 20 Newcastle St, Angaston. COMPUTER DESK Baltic pine. Good condition. $200 Ph: 85633508 COUNTRY STITCHERS fund raisers for CARERS LINK BAROSSA & DISTRICTS INC will be in the BAROSSA MALL on Wed 30th Thurs 31st June 2012. We will have plenty of winter warmers for the cold weather,eg bed socks, hats/caps, knee warmers, rugs, quilts, cot quilts, h/water bottle covers, knitwear, littlies retro PJ's, wheat heat bags, gloves, mittens, fingerless gloves, Crows and Pt Power caps, tea cosies (lined), girls retro pinnies sets, ironing board covers (standard,15"x48" large151⁄2 "x 53")crocheted top ttowels, casserole carriers & cushions. Times: Wed 30th May 10am-5.30pm. Thurs 31st, Fri 1st June 9am - 5.30pm. Browsers Welcome DISC SEEDER Connor Shea. 14 row, new pneumatic tyres, always shedded, little rust, excellent condition. $5,500 MESSMATE super spreader, broadcaster 15 cwt., with hungry box, new pins & bushes. Needs0885682084 1 chain, road wheels, operations & parts manual. Excellent condition, always shedded. $1,550 Ph: 85682084 FINE MOROCCAN leather covered Swiss 7 day jewelled mechanical alarm travel clock (60 x 80 x 20 mm approx.). Absolutely as new, mid 1900's $68. Men's wrist watch, self winding swiss jewelled mid 1900;s as new $132. If your watch/clock doesn't go, phone Ted for FREE ADVICE and FREE QUOTE. on 85622384 FIREWOOD Mallee Gum $260 tonne, split gum $280 tonne, delivered in Barossa & surrounding areas. Purchase 2 tonne & receive a discount. Ph: 0413636454 FIREWOOD Quality seasoned. Split red. blue, sugar gum, mallee stumps sawn mallee & bags of kindling. Weighbridge docket supplied. Pickup or deliver AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY. Matthew Reimann, Firewood Supplies. 0413089743. Delivery available 7 days by appointment. Credit Cards now accepted. FIREWOOD seasoned red/bluegum. Keyneton. $180 8 x 5 trailer load, heaped. Ph: Gary Justin 0414932651 GENERATORS Low Speed Diesel Super Silent Aussie Brand 10kva $4599 12kva $4699 15kva $4999 25kva $5999 8kva portable diesel $1299 0432636678 www.out

GUN SALES. Ammo, repairs, safes, accessories & service. Gawler Fishing & Outdoors, 48 Murray St, Gawler 85226200 HAY OATEN WHEATEN Hay from $35 roll Phone Peter & Bev Grocke 0429 694 058 or 8563 2113 JACKSON'S FIREWOOD free bag kindling with every order. Dry split redgum mallee pink gum. Weighed delivery only. 0400083852 LAWNMOWER white HD ride on good cond. $1,600 ono 0407907243 LEADLIGHT - Local, professional affordable leadlight. I'll come to you, or call at Gawler Glass Design studio, 58 Yettie Rd, Williamstown. Weekly classes. Bob Pirch 85247241 LOUNGE 2 seater and 2 arm chairs plus large ottoman. $250 Ph: 0427423665 MAINS pressure blue line poly from $37 roll. Gawler Irrigation, Lot 11, Paxton Street, Willaston. Ph: 85232350

SELLING, BUYING .......? Advertise in the Herald classifieds, and get results! Giveaway ads are run for 1 week, FREE. You can now place your classified ad at Kapunda Newsagency, deadline is Monday 5.00p.m. Classified deadline 5.00pm Monday. (Maybe subject to change) Ph: 85632041, Fax: 85633655 or email

J.W. SMART WOOLBUYERS PTY LTD. Will buy all types. Flexible hours. Ph: 0417878486 -

WHEATEN HAY for sheep or cattle $4 /bale. Horse hay $6/bale. Ph: 0408856092


WOODSPLITTER 40 tonne heavy duty vert /horiz split brand new $1999 0432636678

GARAGE SALES HAVING A GARAGE SALE? Advertise in The Herald classifieds, and get results! All Garage Sale ads MUST be prepaid. You can now place your classified ad at Kapunda Newsagency, deadline is Monday 4.30 pm. Classified deadline 5.00pm Monday (Maybe subject to change) Ph: 85632041 Fax: 85633655 or email MEGA GARAGE SALE 21 Rohde St, Freeling. Sunday 27th May 7.00am start. MONSTER GARAGE SALE Lots of good bargains. BAROSSA VALLEY COMMUNITY CRECHE, 15 Mill Street, Tanunda (behind the Hospital). Saturday 26th May. 8am - 1pm. PARTYLITE Clearance Sale. Retired Candle Holders, Accessories & Wax. Saturday 2nd June 8am-4pm & Sunday 3rd 8am-2pm. 77 Main North Road, Willaston. Enquiries 0408814954 SATURDAY 26th May. 26 Doering Street, Tanunda (off of Para & Hoffmann). Country Homewares, paintings, kids toys, new jewellery, PS2 games, books, beanie kids, clothing, new shoes, bikes & sundries. 8.30 a.m. - 1.00 p.m. URGENT GARAGE SALE, 9th and 10th of June, 7-11am. Moving overseas - all must go! Wide variety of items available. Come make an offer! 87A Main North Rd. Willaston. VINNIES Garage Sale. Saturday 26th May. Strictly 7.30am until 1.30 p.m. St. Vinnies Family Centre, 14 Adelaide Rd, Gawler.

CARAVANS, TRAILERS & FRANKLIN ARROW 18' reg till Dec 2012, new rims & tyres. No beds but has fridge, stove and all cupboards. There is 4 stands and a frame for an annexe TPX-761 $3,400 - 0407799558



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MASSAGE Therapeutic, Aromatherapy, Pregnancy Massage, Aromatherapy Pamper Packages, Myofacial Release, Reiki. 7 years professional experience. Gift vouchers & Pensioner discounts available. Consulting in Kapunda. Liz Ronan. Ph:85663125 or 0400760010 REMEDIAL MASSAGE Trigger Point, Deep Tissue, Myo-Fascial, Lymphatic. Wed, Fri - 1A Bilyara Rd, Tanunda. Ph. 0409631553 Thurs - Petite Pear Shop 3 Gilbert St, Lyndoch. Ph. 85245156. Health Rebates.

MATHS TUTOR Many years experience. Patient & encouraging. Great results so far. Grades 3 - 9. Steve 0414965029

COMING EVENTS ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Need Help? Contact 83463255 Meeting: Friday's - C.W.A. Building Kapunda - 8pm. KAPUNDA Indoor Market 27th May 2012 CWA Hall - Main Street 9.00 - 3.00 - FREE ENTRY Enquiries - 85662241 or 85663913 .au MARKETS - Saturday 26th. 9am - 1pm. Quilts & Craft Cottage (Angaston Road). Produce and variety stalls. Sites $10 Glenda 85633181

ZUMBA at Greenock Institute. Wednesdays 10.15am. & 6.30pm. Instructor Sue Evans. Ph: 85628184

PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ALL GAS WORK Space heaters serviced from $95. Gawler Hot Water - 75101077 CHIMNEY CLEANING Local Barossa Service Phone: David 0407189215 CHIROPRACTOR. Dr Kana Nathan 39 Murray St, Angaston. Consulting Saturdays Ph. 85642882 CIVIL CELEBRANT - Angela Nielsen Ceremonies designed for you. Marriages, namings, committment and renewal of vows. Ph: 0408107940 or 85642773 CONWAY COUNSELLING SERVICES. Speciality areas – Families, Couples for Grief, Depression, Anxiety, Addictions, Relationships, Stress, Work Stress, Selfesteem, Anger management. We Will Come to you. Confidentiality guaranteed Fully qualified with Masters degree in counsellng from the University of South Australia & ten years practical experience. Call: 0417087441

Tanunda Town Band presents

MOTORCYCLES HONDA 90 step through. Not working. Complete. Not reg $350 TEZ-688 85630608 phone after 3.00pm.

MOTOR VEHICLES 1978 FORD PANEL VAN Registered until July 2012. UDC-077. Runs well. $2,500 ono Ph: 0488560191

Friday May 25 & Saturday May 26 Tanunda Show Hall Elizabeth Street, Tanunda

CASH FOR CARS and scrap metal. Ph: 0404856309

Tickets $35 Information & Bookings Call Ann Alderslade for tickets - 0419 633 018

MITSUBISHI Magna Station Wagon. 1990 automatic, silver, new tyres, 6 months rego, 266,000Kms. VBS-577. Good condition - $850 ono. Ph: 85632128

PETS 2 ADULT SIBERIAN HUSKYS need new home together. 4yr old female, 3yr old male. Both purebred w/papers, desexed, & m/chipped. Bedding & accessories incl. $600 ono. Ph 0402229483 or 0407609158 Wednesday, May 23, 2012 - Page 33 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


Must have appropriate Licence - Driver Accredited Apply in writing to: “Driver” PO Box 54, Greenock SA 5360 or phone 8562 8092

1918 Bistro & Grill is looking for a full time qualified chef to join their kitchen team. Applicants must have previous experience in a-la-carte, be passionate & highly motivated.



J.T. Johnson & Sons – Kapunda


Repco, part of the Exego Group, is the largest reseller and supplier in the Australian and New Zealand automotive parts and accessories aftermarket. With close to 400 stores across Australia and New Zealand Repco provides quality products, expert advice and strong customer service to our trade and retail customers. Currently, we require an Account Manager to service the Yorke Peninsular / Barossa Valley area. You will be responsible for servicing existing trade customers, identifying new customers for the business and informing all customers of current promotions. • Negotiated Salary package • Fully Maintained Tool of Trade Vehicle and; To learn more about this position and to apply, please go to the Repco website ( and click on ‘Careers’. If you require any further information please contact Jarred Cole on 0478 305 580.

Barossa, Light, Gawler, Mallala working together

Johnson’s currently have an opportunity for General Mill Hands / Operators to join their Operations team. Daily work activities include but are not limited to forklift operation, premix manual additions, operating automated bagging equipment, hay/ straw equipment duties, hay/ straw receivables, daily work sheet recording and general house keeping.

08 8566 2922 WANTED ANY SCRAP METAL Will pay cash for the removal of yours. Ph: 0412259039 ANYTHING WITH METAL Cash 4 cars, free collection. HAPPY SCRAPPY recycle it! 85630213 or 0406411117 CASH FOR SCRAP METAL I AM LOCAL. Ph: 0411165694

Interested applicants should forward their resume with a cover letter and or brief e-mail outlining why they are interested in this opportunity to or post to J.T. Johnson & Sons, P.O. Box 69 Kapunda, 5373 (Att: HR Officer) by Friday 2nd June 2012.

NEGOTIATE A DEAL S.A. and interstate clock/watch collectors want to buy wind-up clocks/watches in working condition. Grandfather/Grandmother clocks, Fob(pocket) watches presently especially sought after. If you have a keepsake, family memento you want professionally restored or you wish to dispose of, please phone Ted for FREE ADVICE/FREE ESTIMATE on 85622384

CASH FOR UNWANTED CARS and scrap metal. Ph: 0404856309

WANTED GRAZING LAND. Eden Valley /Flaxmans Valley and Barossa Ranges. Sheep only. Hills or vineyard, agistment or lease. Payment in advance. Ph. 0418851483



An exciting opportunity exists for a suitably qualified and experienced applicant for the full time position of ICT SYSTEM ADMINSTRATOR at Tanunda Lutheran School. The school offers students innovative IT opportunities including personal notebook computers. The successful applicant will: • be committed to and uphold the Christian ethos of Tanunda Lutheran School • be responsible for the management and maintenance of the school’s IT system and networks. • have qualifications and sound knowledge of IT systems including Windows Server 2008R2 and Windows 7 • provide vision and innovation regarding IT in education • have the ability to work successfully as an integral part of a team • possess excellent strategic planning and time management skills. A job and person description is available from the school or TLS website. Applications are invited from suitably qualified IT professionals and should include a covering letter, resume and the names and contact details of three referees. Applications close C.O.B. Monday, June 4, 2012 Contact: Mr Darren Stevenson, Principal Tanunda Lutheran School, 16 Maria St, Tanunda, 5352 Phone 8563 2456, Email: WH1822094

A very unique and exciting opportunity has become available to join Barossa's premium catering team, Hand Made Catering. If you are passionate about amazing food, good wine and exceptional service, then we need to meet you. You must be experienced in all facets of Front of House, have great leadership skills, be available week ends and be well presented. Please email your resume and contact details to


ICT System Administrator


All inquiries to Linda or Theo on

This role would be ideal for self motivated, punctual individuals that have a current forklift license; a frontend loader license would be an advantage.


Career Coach Part-time Contract Position RDA Barossa facilitates sustainable business, economic, community, workforce and career development. With increased demand for our Career Services, RDA Barossa is seeking to employ a Career Development Coach at our office in Tanunda for 6 months. Barossa Career Service provides comprehensive career development and workforce transition support services. This position is responsible for developing individual career plans, identify training and up-skilling opportunities, and help people get “job ready”. Do you have Experience in life or career coaching? Brilliant communication skills? Fabulous relationship building skills? For information and selection criteria go to or contact Anne Moroney, CEO, on 8563 3603 or Closing date: 28th May 2012

It is expected that applicants will possess the following: • A tertiary qualification in accountancy. • Ability to work to schedules/deadlines and report accurately. • Knowledge of computer server network environments. • Computer literacy with hands on experience in Excel and Word. • Experience with Payroll systems, MYOB and /or Sybiz The position works 90 hours per month; hours are flexible to suit the successful applicant and agency’s monthly and yearly reporting schedules and requirements. To obtain a Job Description and information pack please contact Elizabeth Wilson – Administration Manager via email on Applications close Friday 1st June 2012. Barossa Enterprises ensures a safe support environment, therefore applicants will be required to undergo a National Police History Check.

JT Johnson’s are a local family owned business that have been in operation since 1923. Johnson’s specialise in the production & export of livestock feed throughout Asia and the Middle East. With modern facilities, a family orientated approach and a professional work environment, Johnson’s provides an exciting and rewarding place to work.

Estimated earnings of between $80,000.00 to $120,000 per year. The harder you work the more you earn. All training is provided. All work is supplied. Very Competitive rates. Must have own car. Roofing experience will be an advantage.

PROFESSIONAL SERVICES LEADLIGHT STUDIO make new, repair old, traditional to contemporary. For quality & competitive prices contact Tracy 85246959 Willliamstown

Wednesday, May 23, 2012 - Page 34 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


Single or double cordon barrel pruning available. Barossa area only All enquiries contact Toby on 0408 950 993 or at



(Sales Representative)

Barossa Enterprises is a not for profit charitable organisation that assists people living with disability to achieve their full potential .We are searching for an ethical, honest and respectful person to join our team. The Finance Manager is responsible to the Chief Executive Officer for reporting and sustaining the financial viability of Barossa Enterprises.

Work for yourself but not by yourself Roof Seal in Kapunda has a position available for a roof restoration trades person/ subcontractor.

General Mill Hands/ Operators

Account Manager

$4000 Government Training Incen ves are available for *eligible par cipants making the course cost neutral!

Call to discuss (08) 8562 2122

Finance Manager - Part Time Send resumes to 94 Murray Street Tanunda or email to:



URGENTLY REQUIRED Casual Coach/Bus Driver 1779418

HOUSEKEEPER - Approximately 11 hours pw over 2 days in the Lyndoch area. Mon. and Thurs. preferable, but there is some flexibility of work hours. A good eye for detail and pride in work is essential. Must be conscientious and reliable. For more details or to make an application please leave a message. Ph: 0411223899 or email:









Kapunda Sunday Market




Market to be held at the Kapunda Harness Racing Club Complex Most Sundays from 9.00am to 1.00pm Start date - Sunday, July 1, 2012


Cash out facili es will be available on site on market days


If you have fresh: • fruit • vegetables • meat • dairy • eggs • milk • bread • biscuits • cakes • owers • coee beans/tea leaves • honey • olive oil • produce • handmade products • new clothing/shoes • homewares • books • tools/hardware • leather goods • fabrics/quilts - then we would like to hear from you



Please contact Sonia Fowler on mobile 0438 185 385 or email Or write to: PO Box 555, Kapunda SA 5373


2012 JACOBS CREEK BAROSSA MARATHON Sunday 27 May 2012 Magnolia Road Tanunda, between Neldner Road and Research Road will be closed to traffic between 7.00am and 12.30pm


Participants exempt all road rules relating to pedestrian behaviour.


ERECTION & PREMATURE PROBLEMS? Help for $30. Money back g'tee. Free sample. 0424 452 329. Satisfy your Desires 1902 267 123 $2.48pm pay/mobex CC: 1300 306 117 Sexy n Seductive MILF, Ashley txt MILF to 0427 458 266 $4.25/msg pair Help1300306250

Detached Dwelling with garage under main roof and Associated Rainwater Tanks (Non-Complying) Allot 205 Cockatoo Lane, SANDY CREEK

WORK WANTED CLEANERS needing extra work in school hours. Honest & reliable in your home. Ph: 0429007863 HOME CLEANING & IRONING - $15 off first reg. service so you try us out. Ph: Carolyn or Nat till 8pm daily incl. w/ends. 0409691576 PAINTER Local experience. Quality work. Free quote. Ph: Peter 0417805982 Lic. No. BLD48086 ROLLER shutter repairs 08 85662922

Direct addressed mail distribution will be retained for Members living in some smaller towns and postcode areas. Copies of the Notice of meeting and Report will also be available from our service counters. Members retain an individual right to request privately addressed Annual Reports. This may be necessary where “NO JUNK MAIL� signs are displayed on letterboxes. Please advise our Members Office on 85 686001 by 1st June, 2012 if you wish to have a report mailed to your address.



A copy of each representation received will be forwarded to the applicant to respond.

This method of distribution avoids unnecessary duplication to Multi-member households and substantially reduces postage costs.

A RAUNCHY LADY - private, sensual. Barossa. Ph: 0468342723

Each person making a submission should indicate whether they wish to appear personally or be represented before Council’s Development Assessment Panel in support of their submission.

To Co-operative Members

The Community Co-operative Store (Nuriootpa) Ltd.

The application may be examined at The Barossa Council Office, 43-51 Tanunda Road, Nuriootpa during business hours. Any person or body affected may make relevant representations in writing concerning this application, to be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, The Barossa Council, PO Box 867, Nuriootpa SA 5355 or email, and received not later than 5:00pm, 06/06/2012.


A copy of each representation received will be forwarded to the applicant to respond.


The application may be examined at The Barossa Council Office, 43-51 Tanunda Road, Nuriootpa during business hours. Any person or body affected may make relevant representations in writing concerning this application, to be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, The Barossa Council, PO Box 867, Nuriootpa SA 5355 or email, and received not later than 5:00pm, 06/06/2012.

For enquiries please contact The Barossa Council 8563 8444

We are currently distributing our notice of Annual General Meeting, as well as our 2012 Annual Report, by unaddressed bulk mail rather than by addressed mail to most Members.


Visitor Accommodation (Non-Complying) 35 Church Road, ROWLAND FLAT

Each person making a submission should indicate whether they wish to appear personally or be represented before Council’s Development Assessment Panel in support of their submission.




DRAFT Annual Budget and Business Plan 2012-13 incorporating the annual review of the long Term Financial Plan 2012-13 to 2021-22. As part of its customary annual business planning activities, Council is currently preparing its Annual Budget and Business Plan for 2012-13. The draft Plan illustrates Council’s proposed activities and projects and how they will be funded for the 2012-13 financial year. The high-level Long Term Financial Plan expresses in financial terms, the activities that Council proposes to undertake over the medium to longer term to achieve its stated objectives, assessing the financial sustainability over the period of the plan. Accordingly, Council welcomes feedback from our community relative to the proposed activities and funding arrangements contained within the draft Plan. A copy of the draft Plan is available at the Nuriootpa principal office and Branch offices located at Lyndoch, Tanunda, Mount Pleasant, Angaston and Tanunda Library or it can be downloaded from Members of the community are invited to make submissions to Council regarding the Draft Annual Budget and Business Plan 2012-13 which incorporates the annual review of the Long Term Financial Plan 201213 to 2021-22. Submissions close at 5pm Tuesday 12 June 2012. Council will accept submissions in the following ways: • Post written submissions to: The Chief Executive Officer, PO Box 867, NURIOOTPA SA 5355. • Electronic submmissions can be made by following the link from Councils Webpage • Verbal submission can be made at the Council meeting to be held on 21 June 2012 at 10am.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012 - Page 35 - The Herald, Barossa Valley





Tanunda in a breeze By ROBERT LAIDLAW

RACE: Young stars Parker Neldner (Tanunda) and Jake Asher (Gawler Central) engage in a foot race to grab the footy during Saturday’s game.

AS EXPECTED, top team Tanunda easily accounted for winless Gawler Central on Saturday. But at half time the Tigers had taken it up to the reigning premier and were in a position to possibly cause a huge upset. While the Magpies were a bit wayward early, a lot of that was as a result of the pressure applied by Central’s hard-working midfield. But Tanunda came out in the second half and blew the game out of the water, kicking 18 goals to two, for a resounding 118-point victory to cement its

position at the head of the table. “Although we were inaccurate in the first quarter, they (Central) played well, and in the first half the game was played on their terms,” Magpie coach Ben Britton said. “Central dropped numbers behind the ball and we lacked some accountability around the stoppages, which was frustrating. “After half time we got back to basics. AJ (Prior) went in the middle and Sam (Agars) shifted to centre half forward and straightened us up.” Best for Tanunda was spearhead Barry Kaesler, who caught everything in the air, and although a

little astray with his kicking, finished with an impressive 8-5. Agars, who helped out in ruck early, brought teammates into the game when moved forward, while Leigh Westhoff used the ball well from his wing and when going through the centre. Luke Wells started slowly and got better as the game progressed, to dominate in ruck, while Matt Grocke was solid and Gareth Gann held dangerous Tiger goalsneak Paul Bova to just one major. Three young Magpie teenagers made their debuts in Will Mudge, James Marshall and Sam Brooks, who all had their

2012 BL&G premiership tables A Grade 1 Tanunda 2 Barossa District 3 South Gawler 4 Kapunda 5 Nuriootpa 6 Willaston 7 Angaston 8 Freeling 9 Gawler Central Reserves 1 South Gawler 2 Nuriootpa Rover 3 Angaston 4 Barossa District 5 Willaston 6 Gawler Central 7 Kapunda 8 Tanunda 9 Freeling

P 5 4 5 5 4 4 4 5 4 P 5 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5

W 5 3 3 3 2 2 1 1 0 W 5 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1

L 0 1 2 2 2 2 3 4 4 L 0 1 1 2 2 2 4 4 4

D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

B 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 B 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0

For 539 394 421 389 306 346 257 290 224 For 380 285 272 240 240 199 230 195 241

Agst 218 288 369 404 262 318 397 476 434 Agst 205 142 222 227 239 216 316 314 401

% 71.20 57.77 53.29 49.05 53.87 52.11 39.30 37.86 34.04 % 64.96 66.74 55.06 51.39 50.10 47.95 42.12 38.31 37.54

Pts 10 6 6 6 4 4 2 2 0 Pts 10 6 6 4 4 4 2 2 2

Senior Colts 1 Tanunda 2 South Gawler 3 Gawler Central 4 Nuriootpa Rover 5 Barossa District 6 Freeling 7 Angaston 8 Kapunda 9 Willaston Junior Colts 1 South Gawler 2 Nuriootpa Rover 3 Barossa District 4 Angaston 5 Gawler Central 6 Kapunda 7 Freeling 8 Willaston 9 Tanunda

P 5 5 4 4 4 5 4 5 4 P 5 4 4 4 4 5 5 4 5

W 5 4 3 2 2 2 1 1 0 W 5 3 3 3 2 2 1 1 0

L 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 L 0 1 1 1 2 3 4 3 5

D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

B 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 B 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0

For 588 462 404 322 305 256 175 222 189 For 495 320 313 214 174 221 163 139 146

Agst 170 276 194 237 228 300 380 723 415 Agst 128 116 122 199 189 281 365 365 420

% 77.57 62.60 67.56 57.60 57.22 46.04 31.53 23.49 31.29 % 79.45 73.39 71.95 51.82 47.93 44.02 30.87 27.58 25.80

Pts 10 8 6 4 4 4 2 2 0 Pts 10 6 6 6 4 4 2 2 0

moments and will be better for the experience. Central’s biggest problem was in the height department. While most of Tanunda’s best player list are over six foot, the Tigers only had one. “The first half was really good and I was happy with our effort,” Central coach Damien Herzick said. “Our pressure was great, we worked well at the stoppages and I don’t think I could have got anything more out of them for the period. “We have lost 14 players who played A grade last year, and we had six first choice players out, plus we have no one from outside the club, so to be with the best country footy side in the state for a half is a great credit to our young guys. “In the end their class shone through, and for us it was a little bit like shuffling the chairs on the decks of the Titanic, but if I know we can come off each week after giving 100 per cent, the scoreboard is irrelevant for now, because it’s about the future.” Best for the vanquished was Matt Gibson, who, after being freed up in the backlines, won plenty of the footy and did well as the third man up in a lot of contests, playing his role to perfection. Joel Latimer played arguably his best A grade game for the club at half back, while the ‘old heads’ in Jason Blakemore and Aaron King again backed up with good games, which they continue to do week-in and week-out.

Leading goalkickers Barossa, Light and Gawler Football Association - Played May 19 A GRADE Kapunda Angaston

1.2 7.3 13.5 18.6(114) 2.3 4.5 6.8 11.12(78)

RESERVES Angaston Kapunda

3.0 2.4

5.1 2.6

9.4 5.7

SENIOR COLTS 10.6(66) 8.11(59)

Best: Kap - T Johnson, P Anderson, W Farley, N Brady, B Taylor, C Prior; Ang - B Sugars, L Snowden, J Miles, B Henderson, L Baker, N Falland. Goals: Kap - W Farley 5, P Anderson 2, J Brown 2, F Agius 2, S Ryan 2, A Turrell 2, T Johnson, N Brady, C McKinnon 1 ea; Ang - B Sugars 6, C Hadden, N Falland, B Henderson, J Miles, J Fosdike 1 ea.

Best: Ang - S Woodards, T Feist, A Murphy, J Rosenzweig, J Humphries, L Sander; Kap - M Prior, A Nitschke, J Ward, J Cobiac, C Browne, T Kerr. Goals: Ang - J Rosenzweig 4, M Kurtz 2, N Pech, S Woodards, L Sander, M Pech 1 ea; Kap - A Bray 2, J Cobiac 2, C Browne, T Kerr, A Nitschke, D Talanskas 1 ea.

South Gawler 0.3 3.4 7.5 11.5(71) Nuriootpa 6.1 8.1 9.1 10.3(63) Best: South - D Goulding, J Dare, A Bevis, M Foldesdy, M Paget, A Bayliss; Nuri - Z Dahms, C Ellison, S Haniford, A Modistach, R Byrne, D Cragg-Sapsford.

South Gawler 3.4 5.5 8.5 10.8(68) Nuriootpa 3.2 5.4 5.5 5.6(36)

Goals: South - J Trewren 2, C Musolino 2, J Dare, M Naumann, B Scott, K Economou, M Foldesdy, A Gerardis, A Bayliss 1 ea; Nuri - R Byrne 7, S Haniford, A Fiegert, N Salter 1 ea.

Kapunda Angaston

4.1 3.1

10.6 12.1117.13(115) 3.2 4.4 5.5(35)

Best: Kap - M Good, T Williams, B Sinclair, J Brown, T McLennan; Ang - C Lowke, S Egert, L T Jones, T Walker, M Williams. Goals: Kap - M Good 5, J Williams 4, T McLennan 3, J Higgins 2, T Williams, J Brown, B Sinclair; Ang - C Lowke 3, M Williams 1, J Wheeler 1.

JUNIOR COLTS Angaston Kapunda

2.2 5.2 8.4 8.6(54) 1.0 2.1 5.2 8.2(50)

Best: Ang - B Homes, B Antonie, R Eberhard, R Kuhn, B Sibley, M Spangler; Kap - K Muir, S Prior, P Parks, Z Merkx, H Smith. Goals: Ang - B Homes 3, J Antonie 2, R Kuhn, L Cunningham, S Zimmermann 1 ea; Kap - J Freeman 4, P Parks, A Smith, K Muir, S Prior 1 ea. South Gawler 3.0 6.4 8.6 Nuriootpa 2.1 3.3 5.7

Goals: South - L Officer 4, A Parsons 4, J McVicar 1, D Green 1; Nuri - L Sich 3, J Smith 2.

Nuriootpa 4.1 6.4 7.5 11.8(74) South Gawler 3.1 4.2 6.2 7.2(44) Best: Nuri - J Furnell, T Laverty, T Watson, L Franz, P Reincke, D Douglas; South - J Lavia, K Dallwitz, B Dankiewicz, T Ahl, S Ireland, D Judd Smith. Goals: Nuri - C Heinrich 2, S Schrapel 2, J Robertson 2, J Graetz, N Doecke, T Laverty, D Douglas, J Furnell 1 ea; South - K Dallwitz 4, D Judd Smith, A Maggs, T McArthur 1 ea.

Tanunda 2.8 5.9 12.12 23.16(154) Gawler Central 1.3 3.3 4.4 5.6(36)

Gawler Central 2.2 3.4 5.5 Tanunda 1.2 3.2 4.3

Tanunda 4.1 5.2 8.4 13.9(87) Gawler Central 2.3 6.3 9.5 10.6(66)

Gawler Central 5.2 6.5 7.9 Tanunda 1.2 4.4 5.7

Best: Tan - B Kaesler, S Agars, L Westhoff, L Wells, B Newberry, N Schmidt; Cent - M Gibson, J Blakemore, J Latimer, K Heintze, A King, B Tobitt. Goals: Tan - B Kaesler 8, T Schiller 3, C Bevan 2, B Schiller 2, L Westhoff 2, S Agars 2, A Prior, L Wells, S Rogasch, T Goers 1 ea; Cent - L Edwards 2, B Hunt, P Bova, T Lamont 1 ea.

Best: Cent - S Burchell, M Neville, C King, T Phillips, S Malycha; Tan - C Gattermayr, D Wagner, L Neldner, T Smith, D Wallace, C Samain.

Best: Tan - E Moore, C Hutton, A Nankivell, R Owen, S Mickan, D Trotta; Cent - T Mercer, S Hutchison, K Wurst, A Crossley, A Wolters, J Harvey. Goals: Tan - S Mickan 6, A Hutchinson 2, B Lockett, J Marschall, P Gursansky, E Moore, K Grocke 1 ea; Cent - K Wurst 3, S McCulloch, A Wolters, S Hutchison, J Edwards, J Fullick, J Neat, V Kroon 1 ea.

Best: Cent - H Reynolds, M Stewart, J Rathman, B Devries, P Searle, J Connole; Tan - B Dalby, R Creece, J Clarke, C Wilkin, J May, W Loffler. Goals: Cent - B Devries 2, B Mason, J Rathman, C Slate, H Hutton, M Charles, B Acton 1 ea; Tan - L Birchard 5, J May, S Dunn, J Rohrlach 1 ea.

Barossa District2.6 8.9 13.11 18.15(123) Freeling 1.3 3.3 6.3 9.5(59)

Barossa District 4.3 8.4 12.7 14.13(97) Freeling 2.0 5.3 7.4 7.4(46) Best: Bar - S Roberts, A Thwaites, S Vanstone, D Rowley, B Wadley, A Stone; Free - J Bartsch, J Bernhardt, G Shaw, P Leske, N Anders, L Schuster. Goals: Bar - S Vanstone 4, B Wadley 3, S Roberts, S Robinson, H Errock, J Wicker, J Rider, J Berrett, A Thwaites 1 ea; Free - S Carmichael 2, N Anders, J Bartsch, K RossAnderson, P Leske, D McLean 1 ea

Freeling 2.2 4.3 7.6 9.6(60) Barossa District 1.5 5.7 5.8 7.11(53)

Barossa District 1.4 2.8 5.9 Freeling 1.1 3.1 4.1

Best: Free - B Christie, J Ashenden, B Haseldine, H Moss, K Johnson, J Slater; Bar R Watson, T Cameron, N Casboult, W Roberts, J Stanbury, L Watson.

Best: Bar - R Allington, D Nangle, M Quinn, J Dowse, C Robinson, T Baron; Free - C Coleman, A Byster, J Brighurst, A Haseldine, B Tilbrook, N Staehr.

Goals: Free - H Moss 4, K Johnson 3, J Salter 1, D Hamlyn 1; Bar - A Traynor 2, S Stanbury, H Irvine, W Roberts, R Rowe, N Casboult 1 ea.

Goals: Bar - B Ratcliff 2, C Robinson 2, D Nangle 1, J Brown 1; Free - J Hopkins 2, A Byster, H Loveridge 1 ea.

Best: Bar - M Taylor, M Stelzer, H Commane, J Aish, D Sharp, J Angus; Free - D Horsnell, M Greenwood, L Heinrich, J Wright, J Robinson. Goals: Bar - H Commane 8, M Stelzer 4, J Angus 2, J Aish 2, R James 1, D Sharp 1; Free - D Horsnell 7, R Clinton 1, J Robinson 1.

Best: South - L Hudson, A White, A Costa, C Cameron, L Officer, A Parsons; Nuri - D Honner, A Hall, R Skipworth, B Carter, B Lydeamore, S Wigan.

5.10(40) 5.4(34)

Goals: Cent - N Freeman 2, T Princiotto, M Neville, I Naulty 1 ea; Tan - D Morrison, K Fechner, D Cameron, J Ellis, C Samain 1 ea.

13.8(86) 5.8(38)

Best: South - B Washington, B Cheer, J Horrocks, M Warner, L Carter, S Trenorden; Nuri - N Lange, B Hoepner, H Stolz, W Byrum, A Laverty, J DeRuiter. Goals: South - B Washington 6, J Martin 4, S Blundell, J Smith, T Panagiotou 1 ea; Nuri - N Lange 4, A Duncis 1.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012 - Page 36 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

8.12(60) 8.7(55)

6.12(48) 4.7(31)

A grade H Commane (BD) 8 D Horsnell (F) 7 A Gerardis (SG) 1 W Farley (K) 5 B Sugars (A) 6 B Kaesler (T) 8 S Agars (T) 2 J Trewren (SG) 2 R James (BD) 1 T Schiller (T) 3 R Byrne (N) 7 Reserves A Parsons (SG) 4 S Carmichael (F) 2 J Rosenzweig (A) 4 J Carter (W) 0 N Pech (A) 1 J McVicar (SG) 1 J Smith (NR) 2 S Vanstone (BD) 4 L Officer (SG) 4 T Honner (NR) 0 L Sich (NR) 3 J Berrett (BD) 1 C Browne (K) 1 Senior Colts T Goers (T) 0 W Roberts (BD) 1 S Mickan (T) 6 H Moss (F) 4 K Dallwitz (SG) 4 M Good (K) 5 A Hutchinson (T) 2 J Chapman (SG) 0 B Coombs (W) 0 M Fox (T) 0 B Osborne (SG) 0 S Schrapel (NR) 2 J Williams (K) 4 T Ahl (SG) 0 J Edwards (GC) 1 A Traynor (BD) 2 Junior Colts J Martin (SG) 4 B Washington (SG) 6 N Lange (NR) 4 J Freeman (K) 4 T Panagiotou (SG) 1 L Cunningham (A) 1 R Allington (BD) 0 D Nangle (BD) 1 B Ratcliff (BD) 2 L Birchard (T) 5 B Homes (A) 3 J Taylor (W) 0

18 16 15 15 15 14 13 12 10 10 10 18 10 9 8 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 6 6 22 13 13 10 9 9 9 9 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 19 18 18 17 12 11 10 10 9 7 7 7

B a r o s s a r e g a i n s e c o n d South

step up



BAROSSA District completed an unimpressive, yet effective, 64point win over lowly ranked Freeling at Williamstown to reclaim second place on the ladder. Playing at home, Barossa took control of the game early but squandered the chance to put the game to bed by quarter time by kicking 2-6 in the first period. “We had plenty of opportunities throughout the game but didn’t take advantage as well as we should have,” Roger James, Barossa playing coach said. The Bulldogs were down a man before quarter time due to Michael Baraglia being concussed in a heavy contest. Heath Commane loomed as the major threat to the Redlegs as he slotted four goals by half time while matched up against Freeling’s best defender Shane Schubert. Despite the margin increasing to 36 points by half-time Freeling were still well within reach if they could just get some momentum and regular delivery to full forward Dan Horsnell, who finished the game with seven of his team’s nine goals. Darren Francis was swung onto Commane in the second half with Schubert heading to James who had been quiet up to that point. The move of a shorter defender onto Barossa’s, and the league’s best tall forward, was to no avail as Commane rounded out his day with eight goals. However, Freeling coach Mark Tylor’s major concern doesn’t lie with his defence. “We need other options to score goals, we’re getting nothing out of our small forwards or our second tall forward and our on ballers need to chip in a bit more up forward to spread the load,” Tylor said. Giant Freeling ruckman Rhys Clinton didn’t have things all his own way with undersized Bulldog ruckman Dane Pfeiffer battling hard all day to negate the contest, allowing the class of his midfield unit to shine through. Michael Taylor did what he does best, getting down and dirty at

SOUTH Gawler enhanced not only its finals’ chances in BL&G footy but its reputation, in a comeback eight-point home victory over fellow 2012 highflyers Nuriootpa on Saturday. The Lions have matched their full season output from the past three years of three victories, after just five games, and should be able to break that ‘benchmark’ this Saturday against Gawler Central. And for Nuriootpa, it was the one that got away, as it kicked the game’s first six goals in the first quarter for a 34-point lead and blew it. With spearhead Ryan Byrne on fire with seven first half goals - the Tigers were dictating terms, and looked like running away with the game. “In the first quarter Nuri got the numbers back and was able to go forward quickly in open spaces, which made it difficult to defend,” South coach Scott Lee said. “Down six-zip, we had to try to restructure, as we were also second to the ball and when we got it, we weren’t using it well. The only good thing was that it was just the first quarter and we had time to turn it around.” Although playing better in the second term, South was still 27 points down at half time, with the move of Heath Lawry onto Byrne crucial, as the spearhead failed to add to his tally in the second half. The Lions played more determined footy in the third quarter, but took a while to break through for their first major of the second half, although having several opportunities, with the defensive side of the game helping them to close to within eight points. Early in the final stanza the Tigers scored the first goal and looked to have broken South’s resolve. But good work from key forward Justin Trewren, who had been otherwise well held, turned the game the home side’s way. Nuriootpa defender Aaron Modistach had Trewren’s measure for most of the contest, but the Lion

STRONG HANDS: Freeling’s Dan Horsnell takes a great mark ahead of Barossa District’s Brent O’Driscoll. the bottom of the contest to feed the ball out to Matt and Paul Stelzer along with Jesse Aish who was smooth as ever in his return from injury. Matt Stelzer had an impact on returning from a hamstring injury to slot four goals. Underlining the sheer class of players at James’ disposal, James Angus also returned from a hamstring injury to form an imposing combination alongside Commane as dual centre half forwards with timeless veteran Simon Wills patrolling the goal square. For the second week in a row Freeling was unable to respond when needed in the second half with Tylor noting that the team was its own worst enemy with turnovers proving costly but preparation is an even more pressing issue for the Redlegs mentor. “Of the 21 players in our side on Saturday, only seven of them trained both nights last week, that’s not good enough if you

Bomber Blasts

ANOTHER good day for the Bombers on Saturday against the Panthers at Angaston. The As got up in a great game after finally putting in a good four-quarter effort. Kapunda don’t have the best record at Angaston but it was good to get the points and set the season up. Toby Johnson played his best game for the club in a while and was easily the best man on the ground, dominating in the ruck and around the ground taking home the JT Johnson / Ahrens Engineering best player award. Others to do well were captain Brad Taylor, full forward Wes Farley (who kicked five goals straight) and it was good to see youngsters Joey Brown and Joel Foster on debut prove they can handle the step up to A grade footy. The Bs were disappointing and coach Good believes that was one that got away. Mark Prior continues to stand up across half back and took out the Hambour’s Real Estate best player award, but the Bs had too many players down and will need to regroup to get their season back on track. The U17’s form continues to improve and had themselves their first win for the season, over running Angaston by 80 points. Matt Good played an outstanding game kicking five goals as well as picking up the Foodworks award for best player. Other good players included the Williams twins, Tom and Jacob (four goals) and Benny Sinclair also played well. A big game against Barossa next week where we can hopefully continue the good form. The U15s also threw one away that they could easily have won. After trailing by about four goals at three quarter time,

want to improve things like skills. “We burnt the ball repeatedly by hand and foot. As the old saying goes, ‘You reap what you sow’.” Preparation will be key for the Redlegs’ next challenge as they host third-ranked Willaston. “We’ve got nothing to lose, I firmly believe that I’m a chance in every game I go into, the opportunities are there, it’s what you do with those opportunities that matters.” Tylor will be looking for a lift from his entire playing group this week. For James, his team faces an upbeat Kapunda outfit coming off back-to-back wins and looking for another scalp. The possible return of ruckman Ross Christie will be vital to the outcome of this game. Christie had been sidelined by what was initially believed to be a corky but was later diagnosed as a tear in his driver.

the lads had a dip in the last and only ended up going down by less than a straight kick. Kade Muir was great all day winning the Hanson Construction award for best player. Others who played well included Sam Prior (new to the club) and Phillip Parks and young Josh Freeman kicked four goals to be our best forward. Another fantastic game of footy was played at Angaston on Friday night by the Bomber U9s. They should be very proud of their efforts. Winners of the Gary and Olivia Waldhuter Mobile Diesel Services awards were Steven Shearing for great marking goal kicking and defensive work and Cayse Dew for a fantastic mark, great handballing and good defensive work. The Litl Mo’s donut award went to Kane Incoll for a good first quarter in defending and a really great game of footy as one of our youngsters. Incentive awards went to Finn Thompson, Blake Gill, Riley Menzel and Toby Woods for great all round games. Under the guidance of debut coach Mostyn Daniel, the U11 boys kicked their highest score yet and just missed out on a win by the slimmest of margins. The Shapes of Green Landscaping awards went to Liam Helmore for his attacking footy and Lane Curtis for his clearances. Other awards went to Aaron Marshall for his great defensive work, Gage Gill for accurate kicking, Maverick Quinlan for following the coach’s instructions and Adam Cobbledick for his consistent effort and improvement. The U13 boys were beaten by a very good side at Angaston on Saturday morning. Despite the result Conor White led from the front and was consistent all day, as were Josh Rowsell and Jayden Good. Injuries are starting to show with a number of players out and no reserves on the bench. The Kapunda IGA Incentive award went to Dillon Hazel. Other awards to Jayden Good, Liam Helmore and Jacob Barron. Goal to Conor White. Angaston 9.15.69 def Kapunda 1.0.6 A big congratulations from the club for Kieren Chappell for playing his 200th club game, for Joel Foster for making his A grade debut. Also congratulations to Rod Brown for being made the coach of the Eastern Zone squad, and for Sam McKinnon and Justin Zanandrea for being selected in the training squad. Joey Brown and Joel Foster have made the U16 state football squad which is a great effort.

tiger tales BACK from last week off with the bye, it was great to get back into the 2012 season and again watch some great netball played. The results below indicate quite a few close encounters, some going our way and a couple not. These close games are lovely to win, and a bit tough to lose. Full results with coaches’ comments of games played are below. We extend congratulations this week to Chloe Schulze on reaching milestone games with the club - 50 at junior level - well done. Well done to the team who organised and assisted with the club junior disco on Saturday night - was great to see all those little ‘tigers’ enjoy their special night out. This week we again play back at home, hosting South Gawler. See you all there. Diary dates May 26 - Home playing South Gawler. Players’ night “Gender Bender” with DJ till late. June 2 - playing up at Angaston. June 9 - Long weekend, no local netball - football only playing Barossa, so we’re holding ‘Tiger Gals Netballers Day’ instead. Coming soon - Net-Set-Go for children aged 5-10 - more details and start date announced next week. Check the website for all the club news and results. Thanks to our many weekly award supporters for their generosity with the incentive awards provided :Sportspower, Chemplus Gawler, Gawler South Bakery, Fasta Pasta, Eagle

Wednesday, May 23, 2012 - Page 37 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

forward broke the shackles to take two big marks and boot two crucial goals to put South in front with about five minutes remaining. The Tigers then had a couple of forward entries without any luck, and from a ‘scrap’ in the Lions’ goal square, the ball tumbled out for Matthew Foldesdy to get a ‘slipper’ onto it for the sealer. “We stopped and they (South) grew an extra leg,” Nuriootpa mentor Nat Salter said. “They put Lawry on Byrne, and they got us in the end. “In the closing stages we had a few opportunities but we’re wasteful going into our forward 50m. It was a sloppy final five minutes.” Rookie Daniel Goulding was best for South with another eye-opening performance, while Jackson Dare continued his fine recent form and veteran Aaron Bevis is relishing his return to the ‘Den’ with another solid outing. For the Tigers, Zac Dahms did a shut-down job on Lions’ spearhead Anton Gerardis, Cale Ellison continued his good form from half back and took some great grabs, while Modistach hardly put a foot wrong in defence. The most absorbing duel was in ruck, where South’s Mark Paget and Nuri’s Duncan Cragg-Sapsford broke even on the day, as both sides fought for the ascendancy. “We must make sure we do the right thing against Angaston this week and win, otherwise we will be back in the pack. We can not afford to let another one slip,” Salter said. “The aim is to be 5-3 in the win-loss column at the half way mark, as the team comes together, to lay a platform for the second half of the season.” South travel across the river to play Gawler Central this Saturday in an important clash. “Every game is vital, but I know we have a capable team with a lot of fight and character, which will serve us well,” Lee said. “There is a lot of spirit and belief.”

Boys Pizza, Video Ezy Starplex, Brereton Jewellers and Lisa at LKFS Finance. Senior One: Gawler Central 73 d Tanunda 44. Great game by all - Tracy strong in all areas of the court, goalies worked great together, played very well as a team, used our speed to our advantage - very happy with the result. Award: Tracy Patton. Senior Two: Gawler Central 52 d Tanunda 51. Very tight game, excellent to get a win when not playing our best netball. Good effort by everyone to hang in there for a win. Award: Tyler Holbrook. Senior Three: Gawler Central 62 d Tanunda 29. Fantastic team effort, played the full game with pressure and backup. Congratulations girls. Award: Lisa Cousins. Senior Four: Tanunda 44 d Gawler Central 41. A few rushed decisions resulted in turnovers at critical times. Defence was good and some excellent end to end passage of play, but need to stop forcing the passes under pressure. Senior Five: Gawler Central 53 d Tanunda 41. Excellent win girls. Kept our heads together and it paid off. Lots of changes and it was all positive. Great win. Award recipient: Belinda Nitschke. Senior Six: Gawler Central 62 d Tanunda 24. 100 per cent effort resulted in a deserved win. All players contributed right across the court. All the best for the next three matches girls. Award recipient: Bianca Bowley. Intermediate One: Tanunda 44 d Gawler Central 43. The girls came out fighting hard for every ball. Things we have been working on at training are starting to really show on the court. If we can score off our turnovers and fight hard over four quarters I’m sure we will come out with a win.

Award recipient: Ainslee Knight. Intermediate Two: Gawler Central 41 d Tanunda 31. Really good win by the girls who fought hard especially through the second and third quarters for a great 10-goal win. Defensive pressure was great whole way down the court but especially in the ring. Award: Molly Jeffries. Junior One: Tanunda 41 d Gawler Central 32. Junior Two: Tanunda 27 d Gawler Central 25. Very average game but to only lose by two was a great effort. Need to start working hard. Great effort by girls to keep at it in a close tussle. Award: Elsey Oldman. Sub Junior One: Gawler Central 39 d Tanunda 12. An all-round great game by all the girls. The shooters played particularly well. Award: Juliet Low. Sub Junior Two: Tanunda 22 d Gawler Central 7. First loss for the season but the score board wasn’t a reflection of the game at all. All the girls put in a consistent effort and defensive pressure the whole way down the court was a stand out. It seemed our passing just let us down - aim will be a different result next time. Award recipient: Charlotte Stockdale. Sub Junior Three: Gawler Central 35 d Tanunda 5. Another fantastic win by the girls. They showed their versatility by playing different positions. Great leading and passing, together with backing each other contributed to the win. Fantastic effort by all. Award recipient: Breanna Low. Primary Two: Tanunda 14 d Gawler Central 9. Netta Two: Amazing game girls, everyone played so well. We had the ball in the circle so many times today. Massive improvement. Award: Mia Grigg.



Barossa Valley hockey results and tables A Men Team 1 Tanunda 2 AM United 3 Nuriootpa 4 Gawler/Trinity 5 Two Wells

P 3 1 2 2 2

W 3 1 1 0 0

L 0 0 1 2 2

D 0 0 0 0 0

B 0 1 1 1 1

F 8 4 1 1 0

A 1 0 1 3 9

GD 7 4 0 -2 -9

Pts 9 3 3 0 0

A Women Team 1 AM United 2 Gawler 3 Two Wells 4 Nuriootpa 5 Tanunda 6 Trinity

P 3 2 3 3 2 3

W 3 2 2 1 0 0

L 0 0 1 2 2 3

D 0 0 0 0 0 0

B 0 0 0 0 0 0

F 13 7 7 5 1 2

A 1 2 5 5 8 14

GD 12 5 2 0 -7 -12

Pts 9 6 6 3 0 0

B Men Team 1 Tanunda 2 AM United 3 Nuriootpa 4 Two Wells 5 Gawler/Trinity B Women Team 1 AM United 2 Gawler 3 Nuriootpa 4 Two Wells Under 18 Team 1 Nuriootpa 2 Two Wells 3 Tanunda 4 AM United 5 Gawler

P 2 1 2 2 1

W 2 1 1 0 0

L 0 0 1 2 1

D 0 0 0 0 0

B 0 1 0 1 1

F 4 1 3 3 0

A 2 0 2 -2 2

GD 2 1 1 0 -2

Pts 6 3 3 0 0

P 3 3 2 2

W 3 1 0 0

L 0 1 1 2

D 0 1 1 0

B 0 0 0 0

F 11 1 0 0

A 0 2 3 7

GD 11 -1 -3 -7

Pts 9 4 1 0

P 2 2 3 1 2

W 2 1 1 0 0

L 0 0 1 1 2

D 0 1 1 0 0

B 1 1 0 1 1

F 7 9 12 1 2

A 3 2 6 8 12

GD 4 7 6 -7 -10

Pts 6 4 4 0 0

Under 15/16 Team 1 Nuriootpa 2 Tanunda 3 Two Wells 4 AM United 5 Gawler

P 2 2 2 1 3

W 2 1 0 0 0

L 0 1 0 0 2

D 0 0 2 1 1

B 1 1 1 1 0

F 14 4 3 2 1

A 2 9 3 2 8

GD 12 -5 0 0 -7

Pts 6 3 2 1 1

Under 13/14 Team P 1 Two Wells 2 2 Trinity College White 2 3 Nuriootpa 3 4 AM United 2 5 Trinity College Red 3 6 Tanunda 3 7 Gawler 3

W 2 2 2 1 1 1 0

L 0 0 1 1 2 2 3

D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

B 1 1 0 1 0 0 0

F 6 2 7 4 6 1 0

A 1 0 1 1 4 8 11

GD 5 2 6 3 2 -7 -11

Pts 6 6 6 3 3 3 0

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The weather was perfect on Thursday, May 17 for the ladies to play their matches at Vine Vale Tennis Club. Results: Magnolias 5 (34)d Silky Oaks 1 (16); Blue Gums 4 (29) d Willows 2 (23); Jacarandas 6 (36) d Lilly Pillies 0 (11); Wattles 3 (29) d Golden Elms 3 (24). Premiership table: Team Pts % Jacarandas 25 59.71 Wattles 24 61.27 Golden Elms 17 48.08 Silky Oaks 16 51.44 Blue Gums 15 51.92 Magnolias 14 46.56 Willows 13 46.54 Lilly Pillies 4 34.00 Lou Feist was the most successful player on the court winning 94.74% of her games. Bec Bolton, Faith Blackwell and Jan Clarke all scored 78.26% and tied for second place.

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Results A Men Nuriootpa 4 d AM United 2; Tanunda 2 d Gawler/Trinity 1; Two Wells had the bye. A Women AM United 2 d Nuriootpa 0; Gawler 4 d Tanunda 0; Two Wells 3 d Trinity 0. B Men Tanunda v Gawler Trinity; Nuriootpa 4 d AM United 1; Two Wells had the bye. B Women AM United 2 d Gawler 0; Nuriootpa 5 d Two Wells 0. Under 18 Tanunda 9 d Gawler 1; AM United v Nuriootpa; Two Wells had the bye. Under 15/16 Nuriootpa 5 d Gawler 0; AM United v Tanunda; Two Wells had the bye. Under 13/14 Two Wells 3 d Trinity College Red 1; AM United 4 d Tanunda 0; Nuriootpa 3 d Gawler 0; Trinity College White had the bye.







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Wednesday, May 23, 2012 - Page 38 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


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Basketball Monday juniors 12 and under: Division One - Jets 40 def Barossa 17; Warriors 36 def Little Lions 18. Division Two - Red Devils 18 def Trinity Force 4; T-Legends 24 def Barossa Bulldogs 16; Starplex Hawks 14 def Trinity Wild Lions 0; Trinity Magic 6 def Celtics 2; All Stars 19 def Barossa 11; Sandy Creek 20 def Brookers 15. 14 and under: Sharks 26 def Undertakers 6; Brookers 12 def CCS Flight 4. 16 and under: Barossa Reds 39 def Lions 34; Swishes 40 def The Crusaders 15; Red Dragons 36 def CCS Crimson Tide 28. Monday evening men Division One: Wizards d M&M’s 5534; Crumpet Squad d Flight Team 6836; Run & gun d Wolverines 69-55; Shooting Blanks d Gang Green 56-32. Division Two: Shakers 50 drew with

Turbos 50; Tune Squad d Snakes 3221; Beard of Chuck d Flames 50-38; The Unknown d Orlago Bujic 35-33; Kings d Wreckless 20-0; Black Knights d Hurricanes 49-38. Tuesday daytime ladies Phantoms 36 d Rhondavues 22; Flukes 60 d Flamin Flamongos 35; Red & Blue Fairies 39 d Organized Kaos 34. Tuesday juniors Under 8s: Trinity Tigers 12 d Lyndoch Dragons 1; Junior 5 Stars 6 d Trinity Taipans 4; Williamstown Giants 3 d Roar 2; Trinity Scorpions 6 d Trinity Hornets 3; Trinity Titans 6 d Lyndoch Tigers 0. 10as: Brookers 18 d Run & Gun 14; Sudden Impact 10 d New Stars 3. 10bs - Roar 18 d Williamstown Giants b 0; Trinity Red Devils 16 d Redbacks 0; Barossa 13 d Williamstown a 8; Allstars 12 d Rockstars 6 Tuesday night men Steelers d Tanks 37-27; Roseworthy d Red Lions 45-20; Gawler Gunners d Stormtroopers 44-29; Jets d Beam Team 33-32; Google It d Clumsy

Ninjas 34-24; Donkeys d Swarrens 6415; O2 tha fn d Outlaws 54-40; Gbs d Has Beens 36-33; Hawks d Gang Green 37-23; Spartans d LJ Hookers 60-58. Thursday night mixed Black Magic drew with Tba 54-54; 5 stars d Visa 70-62; Comets d More Effort 55-31; Beamers d Ultim8s 5549.

Trinity Light Blue 2; Trinity Green 11 d Trinity Light Orange 1; Trinity Blue 25 d Trinity Orange 0. 13 and under: Trinity Orange d Trinity White; Trinity Blue 19 d Trinity Light Blue 12; Trinity Yellow 26 d Trinity Red 20. 16 and under: Inter One - Trinity Dark Red 49 d Trinity Light Blue 30; Harlequin 46 d Trinity Blue 32. Inter Two - Trinity Blue 21 d Trinity Orange 9; Trinity Green 19 d Trinity Pink 4. Wednesday evening ladies Fruit loops 26 a Away T 14; Diggidy Dogs 58 d Zulu Warriors 11; Lollipops 31 d Wild Flamingos 22; Mels Army 35 d Bits & Pieces 34; Diamonds 28 d Ttba 24; Escapees 18 d Family Affairs 17. Wednesday evening mixed Lucky Lemons 10 d Blue Zinc 7; Try Hards 30 d Cherry Poppers 21; Muffin Slammers 28 d Whatever 13. Friday ladies daytime Mummas 36 d Eastside Mums 18; Straight Up 28 d Lady Birds 25; Wasley 32 d Barely There 21.

Netball Monday night ladies Grand final: Division One - Southies 26 d Wild Turkeys 17; Division Two - Jitterbugs 27 d Divas 9; Division Three - The Bitties 41 d Meatloaf 18. Tuesday evening mixed Dirty Beaches d Falcons 24-17; Balls of Steal d Tropicals 19-15; Tba d Fire Breathing 20-0; Bright Sparks d Watermelons 13-11; Pink Paws d Silent Duck 27-23; Black Thunder d Frilly Knickers 30-12. Wednesday junior netball 11 and under: Net jets 15 d Rockabirdies 13; Evanston Tigers def

2pm this Saturday 26th May Gawler Central v South Gawler from the Gawler Oval. Tom Symes Cup, including scores from around the grounds

Hear it on Triple B, read about it in the Herald

Online sports results For the following results go to the Herald website: • Robert Laidlaw’s Central District report • Golf • Squash • Freeling football and netball club notes • Tenpin bowling • Petanque • Kegel

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Wednesday, May 23, 2012 - Page 39 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


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Open Monday to Friday 8.30am - 8.30pm Saturdays and Public Holidays 8.30am - 5.00pm

Freeling dominate Freeling 48 Barossa District 27 A FOCUSED Freeling dominated a disappointing Barossa District scoring an easy 21-goal win. Freeling dominated the second and third quarters breaking the game open scoring 24 goals to just nine by their opponents. Freeling coach Lyn Carmichael said the move of Megan Heinrich to goal shooter and Jess Schirmer to goal attack paid off. “I thought Megan was best on court while Jess was also very good,” Lyn said. “My defenders also played well shutting down the Barossa goalies who had apparently been shooting reasonably well in recent weeks. A special mention to Lisa van Leeuwen at goal keeper who had three opponents and adapted well to worry all of them. “Swapping mid courters Katie Clark and Ash Heinrich seems to be working as well, the transition doesn’t affect the flow of the ball and it gives us full speed for four quarters. “It was a rewarding confidence boosting win which is what the girls needed leading into playing top side Willaston this week. “On a negative side, we still turn the ball over too often and the top sides will make us pay for that. This is something we will continue to address at trainings.” Best players were Megan Heinrich, Lisa van Leeuwen and Jess Schirmer. Barossa coach Leanne Nelson said it had been a very disappointing display. “Freeling were slow to start the first quarter but gained momentum towards the end to lead by two goals,” Leanne said. “That is where it all stopped for us. Their goal accuracy is to be commended as is their defensive pressure within the goal circle. The height of their goal keeper (Lisa van Leeuwen) caused major headaches for our goalies. “Until we can improve on our shooting accuracy we cannot be competitive.” Barossa’s best were Laura Slade at goal defence who worked tirelessly all day and Vicki Nelson at wing attack played another solid game.

Gawler Central 73 Tanunda 44 IN A game expected to be tight, Gawler Central produced their best form in a 29-goal belting of Tanunda. Despite the ease of the win coach Leigh Waddington wasn’t completely satisfied. “The attacking line gelled together very well but we need to play a four-quarter effort. “Our third quarter let us down,” Leigh said. “But the team is working well as a whole unit and sticking to a set structure which makes such a positive difference. We used our speed to advantage. The team is now looking to a tough hit out next week (South Gawler)”. Central’s best were Tracy Patton, Jade Pfitzner and Ali King who played her first full game of the season at goal shooter. Tanunda coach Maria Fraser was critical of her side. “Our starting lineup struggled to click into gear with our poor passing, lack of team system and general poor standard of play putting us behind,” Maria said. “We moved the team around to try and find a more productive combination and still weren’t able to make any mark on the game. “The hurdles we face each week will always be the same and it is the consistency in effort and performance that we are striving to develop that was missing against Gawler Central. “The most disappointing aspect was that we seemed to drop our bundle and didn’t fight out the contest in a competitive enough manner which is something we will need to work on. When the going gets tough we need individuals who stand up and lift each other as a group if we are going to improve.” Best for Tanunda was goal attack Jess Liddiard while Kate Jolly (centre and goal defence) and Nicole Crouch (wing attack and centre) also had good moments.

South Gawler 65 Nuriootpa 29 SOUTH Gawler proved much too strong for Nuriootpa running out easy 36-goal winners. Coach Lynette Hutton was happy with the effort. “It was a good four-quarter effort by all eight girls,” Lynette said.

Barossa, Light and Gawler Netball Association results from Round 5 May 19.

Senior One: Kapunda 78 d Angaston 46; South Gawler 65 d Nuriootpa 29; Gawler Central 73 d Tanunda 44; Freeling 48 d Barossa District 27. Senior Two: Angaston 44 d Kapunda 43; South Gawler 45 d Nuriootpa 30; Gawler Central 52 d Tanunda 51; Freeling 36 d Barossa District 32. Senior Three: Angaston 63 d Kapunda 45; South Gawler 53 d Nuriootpa 42; Gawler Central 62 d Tanunda 29; Barossa District 43 d Freeling 36.

MINE: Freeling goal attack Jess Schirmer accepts a pass in front Barossa’s Laura Slade. Also in the action are Freeling’s Ash Heinrich (GS) and Katie Clark (WA) and Barossa’s Jeanette Bates (GK). “We were able to get a good lead in the first quarter, and we went on to win each quarter, which we haven’t done so. “There were great defensive turnovers from the defenders and the attackers worked hard all day. “We had a few girls playing in different positions in the second half and they were able to adapt well.” South’s best were midcourts Brooke Giorgetti and Anna Dunn. Robyn March, Nuriootpa coach said it was a disappointing loss. “South Gawler was always going to come at us hard and fast,” Robyn said. “Their ex state league, state league reserve and Adelaide metro players stood up. “ We fought hard all day, but lacked experienced depth. “We were further disadvantaged by the loss of a developing defence player Lizzie Cane to an ankle injury the week prior. Our side was further challenged by the loss of developing mid courter, Kendall Barter, who came off second best to Lana Kaesler during an intensive training session. “Jaime McGuirk was called up from the 2s and worked hard all day. Developing youngster, Kate Matthews came up from Intermediates and provided some great drives onto the circle. Inexperienced decision making coupled with a high rate of unforced errors and low conversion under the post was always a big ask against quality sides. “ This week is about regrouping and resetting our goals in preparation for next week.”

Kapunda 78 Angaston 46 THE high-flying Kapunda Bombers had a one-sided 32goal win over Angaston. Kapunda coach Paul McGrath said it was a dominant performance across the court and confirmed what the girls are capable of doing. “We won all four quarters, including scoring 46 goals in the second half,” Paul said. “It was very pleasing as we maintained our intensity, something that has lacked in previous games. “Pressure was a decisive factor in the game, Angaston was unable to apply it to us and we didn’t put ourselves under any, which led to free-flowing netball and allowed the girls to run the game at our pace. “Our on-court talk and encouragement is improving, which also contributed to this result.” Candy Zivic and Lana Bagshaw dominated the goal circle with speed and accuracy and also created pressure on Angaston’s defence, which created additional turnovers. In the last quarter they peeled off 26 goals. Coach Chelsea Duval said Angaston had been missing two of their regular side which had not helped. “It is important to try and keep a stable lineup but Saturday was unavoidable,” Chelsea said. “That said, for the first three quarters, we were competitive for about 10 minutes then fell away but we were really blown away in the last quarter. “Our skills left us down at different times and Kapunda is a side which makes you pay.” Angaston’s best were Brooke George in midcourt, Katie Gloede and Lori Antonio.

Senior Four: Angaston 53 d Kapunda 40; South Gawler 53 d Nuriootpa 34; Tanunda 44 d Gawler Central 41; Freeling 48 d Barossa District 19. Senior Five: Angaston 46 d Kapunda 22; South Gawler 58 d Nuriootpa 27; Gawler Central 53 d Tanunda 41; Freeling 57 d Barossa District 56. Senior Six: Angaston 70 d Kapunda 14; South Gawler 66 d Nuriootpa 33; Gawler Central 62 d Tanunda 24; Freeling 53 d Barossa District 43. Senior Seven: South Gawler 53 d Nuriootpa 16; Barossa District 39 d Freeling 36. Intermediate One: Kapunda 54 d Angaston 38; Nuriootpa 42 d South Gawler 36; Tanunda 44 d Gawler Central 43; Freeling 36 d Barossa District 30. Intermediate Two: Kapunda 54 d Angaston 30; South Gawler 58 d Nuriootpa 15; Gawler Central 41 d Tanunda 31; Freeling 39 d Barossa District 14. Junior One: Angaston 76 d Kapunda 16; South Gawler 35 d Nuriootpa 28; Tanunda 41 d Gawler Central 32; Freeling 37 d Barossa District 16. Junior Two: South Gawler 60 d Nuriootpa 13; Tanunda 27 d Gawler Central 25; Freeling 33 d Barossa District 23. Sub Junior One: Angaston 40 d Kapunda 11; Nuriootpa 19 d South Gawler 4; Gawler Central 39 d Tanunda 12; Freeling 40 d Barossa District 8. Sub Junior Two: Angaston 26 d Kapunda 10; Nuriootpa 12 d South Gawler 8; Tanunda 22 d Gawler Central 7; Barossa District 11 d Freeling 8. Sub Junior Three: Angaston 22 d Kapunda 5; Gawler Central 35 d Tanunda 5.

Barossa, Light and Gawler Association netball media awards Herald Club of the Year Votes for round 5 of the Barossa, Light and Gawler Netball Association 2012 season, the Herald Netball Club of the Year Award. Freeling 20; South Gawler 20; Angaston 18; Gawler Central 16; Tanunda 10; Barossa District 6; Kapunda 6; Nuriootpa 6; Willaston had the bye.

Nick Hambour Window Fashions Senior One

3: Kate Jolly (T); Penny Chappell (K); Victoria Halls (A). 2: Jodie Kurtz (N); Karina Cook (SG); Katie Clark (F). 1: Rebecca Terwel (T); Stacey Burgess (K); Katie Gloede (A).

Tanunda Cellars Senior Two

Barossa Sportspower

Terry White Chemists

Gawler Cinemas

Intermediate One

Junior One

Sub Junior One

3: Nadia Von Bertouch (N); Kirstin Brombal (W); Erin Butcher (SG), Rebecca Roesler (A). 2: Bec Walsh (T); Brooke Swaffer (BD); Sarah Kent (SG); Kirsten Muster (F). 1: Rachael Gerhardy (N); Liesel Dunstan (W); Nic Vardy (SG); Naomi Murray (A).

3: Courtney Jensen (N); Sonja Davey (SG); Meara Girvan (W); Chynna Eichner (F). 2: Tayla Helbig (N); Caitlin Arnold (SG); Riley Thompson (BD); Kayla Broadhead (F). 1: Emily Bert (T); Laura Dawes (SG); Alana Walsh (W); Sophie Ahrens (F).

3: Maddie Maitland (T);

3: Imogen Pfeiffer (N);

Hayley Jones (W); Taryn Renshaw (SG); Kirstyn Beck (F). 2: Nicola Jantke (N); Zoey Elson (W); Lauren Haines (SG); Chelsea Brook (A). 1: Lily Hoffrichter (T); Holly Verdun (W); Nikki Dowden (SG); Ebony Peel (A).

Katelen Frederick (W); Jessica Platten (K); Ella Spangler (A). 2: Sarah Wiegand (N); Meg Collins (BD); Bethany Rodgers (SG); Tayla Meaney (F). 1: Maggie Henschke (T); Chloe McLean (W); Jordi Johnson (K); Emma Keys (A).

Wednesday, May 23, 2012 - Page 40 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


$ .49

Senior One Kapunda Willaston South Gawler Gawler Central Freeling Angaston Tanunda Nuriootpa Barossa District Senior Two Gawler Central Willaston South Gawler Angaston Freeling Kapunda Nuriootpa Tanunda Barossa District Senior Three South Gawler Gawler Central Nuriootpa Willaston Angaston Barossa District Tanunda Kapunda Freeling Senior Four South Gawler Tanunda Angaston Gawler Central Willaston Freeling Nuriootpa Kapunda Barossa District Senior Five South Gawler Willaston Gawler Central Angaston Tanunda Freeling Kapunda Nuriootpa Barossa District Senior Six Gawler Central Angaston South Gawler Willaston Nuriootpa Freeling Tanunda Barossa District Kapunda Senior Seven Willaston Angaston South Gawler Freeling Gawler Central Barossa District Nuriootpa Intermediate One Freeling Willaston Nuriootpa Kapunda South Gawler Barossa District Tanunda Gawler Central Angaston Intermediate Two South Gawler Kapunda Willaston Gawler Central Freeling Tanunda Angaston Nuriootpa Barossa District Junior One Willaston South Gawler Tanunda Angaston Freeling Nuriootpa Gawler Central Barossa District Kapunda Junior Two Willaston South Gawler Tanunda Gawler Central Angaston Freeling Barossa District Nuriootpa Sub Junior One Gawler Central Angaston Freeling Kapunda Willaston Nuriootpa Barossa District Tanunda South Gawler Sub Junior Two Angaston Gawler Central Barossa District Nuriootpa Tanunda Willaston South Gawler Kapunda Freeling Sub Junior Three Gawler Central Nuriootpa Barossa District Angaston Tanunda Kapunda

Pts 9 8 7 6 4 4 2 0 0 Pts 8 8 6 6 6 4 2 0 0 Pts 9 6 6 6 6 2 2 2 1 Pts 10 10 8 6 2 2 2 0 0 Pts 8 8 6 6 6 4 2 0 0 Pts 8 8 8 6 4 4 2 0 0 Pts 5 5 4 4 2 2 0 Pts 9 8 8 6 5 2 2 0 0 Pts 10 8 6 6 6 2 2 0 0 Pts 8 8 8 5 5 4 2 0 0 Pts 8 6 6 4 4 2 0 0 Pts 8 8 6 6 4 4 2 2 0 Pts 8 6 6 6 4 4 4 2 0 Pts 6 4 2 2 2 0

For 281 263 275 240 209 180 198 136 130 For 182 187 223 173 176 205 135 205 118 For 268 220 188 197 193 127 138 136 136 For 296 229 184 204 166 171 136 146 113 For 270 223 229 204 242 210 123 112 119 For 206 264 231 247 159 173 130 120 81 For 140 126 162 136 47 147 30 For 229 184 198 215 201 132 149 141 113 For 273 222 235 183 218 143 121 77 67 For 202 230 194 201 152 166 178 70 110 For 235 189 165 154 108 109 69 43 For 132 152 152 100 52 48 69 52 19 For 135 66 58 60 85 77 61 67 22 For 72 73 9 26 30 18

Agst 228 160 197 167 237 227 269 212 215 Agst 148 156 173 159 182 209 172 241 164 Agst 159 111 129 145 148 177 219 301 214 Agst 145 155 149 125 189 219 181 267 212 Agst 132 122 137 136 194 246 265 241 259 Agst 76 98 174 106 170 243 246 252 246 Agst 106 100 139 130 45 181 87 Agst 146 91 135 207 164 156 246 208 209 Agst 110 154 97 134 187 220 199 201 237 Agst 101 118 145 124 151 137 165 215 347 Agst 72 85 124 38 111 220 227 195 Agst 38 46 71 100 72 76 101 115 157 Agst 42 46 54 56 66 81 79 94 113 Agst 19 22 4 14 70 99


Proudly Brought to you by

% 55.21 62.17 58.26 58.97 46.86 44.23 42.40 39.08 37.68 % 55.15 54.52 56.31 52.11 49.16 49.52 43.97 45.96 41.84 % 62.76 66.47 59.31 57.60 56.60 41.78 38.66 31.12 38.86 % 67.12 59.64 55.26 62.01 46.76 43.85 42.90 35.35 34.77 % 67.16 64.64 62.57 60.00 55.50 46.05 31.70 31.73 31.48 % 73.05 72.93 57.04 69.97 48.33 41.59 34.57 32.26 24.77 % 56.91 55.75 53.82 51.13 51.09 44.82 25.64 % 61.07 66.91 59.46 50.95 55.07 45.83 37.72 40.40 35.09 % 71.28 59.04 70.78 57.73 53.83 39.39 37.81 27.70 22.04 % 66.67 66.09 57.23 61.85 50.17 54.79 51.90 24.56 24.07 % 76.55 68.98 57.09 80.21 49.32 33.13 23.31 18.07 % 77.65 76.77 68.16 50.00 41.94 38.71 40.59 31.14 10.80 % 76.27 58.93 51.79 51.72 56.29 48.73 43.57 41.61 16.30 % 79.12 76.84 69.23 65.00 30.00 15.38




Coca-Cola Plate

(Apprentices can claim) 3yo & up Maiden SW $10,000

1 2333 Kangaroo Jack h (15) J Frew (a) 2 Double Virgo (3) C Lever 3 4s Emmooki’s Dash (7) S Westover (a1.5) 4 Kooda Chance (12) Ms K Bishop (a3) 5 Wicked Tycoon (6) J Potter 6 7236 Lucky Toy (9) D Tourneur 7 0440s Meadows Maid h (14) P Gatt 8 230s Meadows Storm h (13) Ms C Lindop 9 0300s Shadow Judgement h (5) A Patterson 10 Pebble Rock h (4) D Evans 11 4964s Urania Belle h (10) J Maund EMERGENCIES 12 9s Morchowie Miss (1) T Pannell 13 9s9s Amici Miei h (8) Ms L Hopwood 14 L9s Prime Contender (11) T Baker 15 00s Toby’s Statement h (2) J Maund



58 57.5 57.5 57.5 57.5 56 56 56 56 55.5 55.5

4.00 9.00 15.00 11.00 8.00 5.50 11.00 5.50 9.00 11.00 15.00

55.5 55.5 57.5 58

17.00 21.00 21.00 31.00


Betfair Plate

(Apprentices can claim) 3yo & up F&M Maiden SW $10,000

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

0s3 All That And More h (1) B Claridge 8 Clangin’ About (9) Ms L Hopwood 5 Fraanikova (4) J Kah (a3) 2335s Romantic Miss (13) W Kerford 0s Why Not You (15) Ms L Stojakovic (a1.5) Ambrosia (5) J Potter Azna (7) A Patterson s4486 Exalted Gem h (3) P Gatt 50020 La Caramba (16) D Tourneur 7s0 Smeltzie (2) Ms K Bishop (a3) Wee Beginnings (12) D Evans 0 Why You Little h (11) Ms J Frew (a4) s2485 Wuthering Heights h (10) C Lever EMERGENCIES 50 Uschrike (8) J Frew (a) 90s Crystal Gazer h (6) Ms M Tyndall (a3) 967 Danzeround The Sun (17) Ms K Bishop (a3) s6567 Estebana h (14) M Pegus

57.5 57.5 57.5 57.5 57.5 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57

8.00 21.00 13.00 5.50 21.00 7.00 11.00 5.00 17.00 21.00 13.00 51.00 7.00

57.5 57.5

17.00 51.00

57 57.5

26.00 4.60

GRAHAM FISCHER (Barossa Herald)

STEVE DAVISON (Pagemasters)











Best Bets

EMMOOKI’S DASH Kangaroo Jack Wicked Tycoon


Romantic Miss Ambrosia

BOLTIN HENRY Exalted Duke Kungka Can Run

DE VILAINE Roll of the Dice Droste

ROSE OF NIRVANA Mean Jean Angel of Hope

SLACKSMITH Crocodile Tears Fastizio

ROUGH DEAL Nehru Royal Stormy

ZERPRISE US ALL Dulcie Dee Dictatorial

COUSTELLET Limbo Queen She’s Bossy


MEADOWS STORM Kangaroo Jack Wicked Tycoon

EXALTED GEM Romantic Miss All That And More

BOLTIN’ HENRY Exalted Duke Checote

BELSYND De Vilaine Sophina

IRISH CHEER Barriers Arthurian Legend

MEADOWS POWER Penn Station Slacksmith

ROYAL STORMY The Boilermaker Canny Prevail

ZERPRISE US ALL Handsome As Bossed

DOUBLE CREAM Rescued Coustellet




THE TRACK Rail: Is out 3m from the 840m to 430m. Track: Dead (4). Weather: Fine.


12.35 Murray Bridge Gold Cup 17/10 1406m (Apprentices can claim) 2yo & up Maiden SW $10,000

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

s3s23 Boltin’ Henry (11) S Cahill 0sLs3 Do Something (16) D Tourneur 90240 Exalted Duke h (3) P Gatt 34s05 Checote (15) Ms C Lindop 68L Consider This (10) B Hoppo 7s768 Fireweed (5) A Patterson 33556 Rory’s Union (6) B Claridge 0s075 Spurparts (9) T Baker 9 Sun Cents (2) J Frew (a) What Logic (14) SCRATCHED 88P00 Doting (13) Ms M Neve (a1.5) 75s08 On The Point (7) Ms L Hopwood 5 Filiar Invictus (8) J Kah (a3) 70 Kooda Precious (12) J Potter 94048 Kungka Can Run (1) T Pannell 0 Our Belief (4) Ms L Stojakovic (a1.5)

1.10 Terminix Pest Control Handicap 1006m


(Apprentices can claim) Class 2 $10,000

Daily Double: 8, 9 Extra Double: 4, 5 Treble: 7, 8, 9 Quadrella: 6, 7, 8, 9 First Four: All Races Fixed Odds: All Races

58 58 58 57.5 57.5 57.5 57.5 57.5 57.5

3.00 13.00 6.00 6.00 17.00 13.00 6.00 11.00 17.00

56 56 55.5 55.5 55.5 55.5

51.00 17.00 13.00 51.00 11.00 15.00

GEAR CHANGES RACE 1: (1) Kangaroo Jack cross-over noseband on again; (2) Double Virgo blinkers on first time, lugging bit on first time; (3) Emmooki’s Dash, (13) Amici Miei blinkers on first time; (5) Wicked Tycoon lugging-bit on first time; (6) Lucky Toy blinkers off first time, noseroll on first time; (7) Meadows Maid cross-over noseband off first time; (8) Meadows Storm blinkers off first time, crossover noseband off first time, tongue-tie on first time; (9) Shadow Judgement tongue-tie on first time; (10) Pebble Rock tail chain on first time; (12) Morchowie Miss cross-over noseband off first time, kyneton noseband on first time RACE 2: (1) All That And More bandages on first time; (10) Smeltzie blinkers off first time; (11) Wee Beginnings bits on first time; (15) Crystal Gazer bit lifter off first time, cheekers off first time; (16) Danzeround The Sun blinkers on first time RACE 3: (3) Exalted Duke winkers on first time; (4) Checote lugging-bit on first time; (5) Consider This bandages on first time; (7) Rory’s Union winkers on again; (8) Spurparts blinkers on again, norton bit on first time, tongue-tie off first time, winkers off first time; (10) What Logic cross-over noseband on first time, tongue-control bit on first time; (13) Filiar Invictus, (14) Kooda Precious blinkers on first time RACE 4: (1) Droste blinkers on again; (2) Belsynd tongue-tie on first time; (3) De Vilaine, (4) Maxamug, (6) My Good Friend blinkers off first time; (7) Sophina bit lifter off first time, blinkers off first time, near-side bubble cheeker off again; (8) Our Belvoir blinkers off first time; (12) For My Poppa blinkers on first time, cheekers off first time, lugging bit off first time, race plates on first time RACE 5: (3) Arthurian Legend blinkers on again, winkers off first time; (6) Ramsgate blinkers on again, pacifiers on again; (11) Exocet Eddy cross-over noseband on again; (15) Get Stitched pacifiers off again, winkers on again RACE 7: (5) Nehru blinkers off first time, lugging-bit on first time, winkers on first time; (12) Sovereign Conquest bar plates off first time, hoof pads off again RACE 8: (2) Nadahka, (12) Croisade blinkers on again; (9) Brinkley Bullet lugging-bit off first time, standard bit on first time; (13) The Shinboner blinkers off first time

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

460s4 Droste dw (9) J Holder 1s55s Belsynd (4) J Potter s166s De Vilaine db (6) P Gatt 13s0s Maxamug t (13) D Tourneur 16s05 Roll Of The Dice d (8) S Cahill 14s48 My Good Friend d (10) Ms E Brooks (a4) 8080s Sophina d (1) Ms L Hopwood 25609 Our Belvoir d (7) Ms C Lindop 41376 Lord Banner (12) A Patterson 9s126 Akha Rose d (2) Ms T O’Donnell (a4) 500s0 Flower Force (5) B Claridge EMERGENCIES 12 s320s For My Poppa b (3) J Bowditch 13 42190 Kooda Dawn d (11) Ms K Bishop (a3)


(Apprentices can claim) Class 1 $10,000

59 58 58 57.5 57.5 57 54.5 54.5 54.5 54.5 54.5

7.00 2.80 3.50 15.00 8.00 31.00 4.60 13.00 21.00 17.00 21.00

54.5 54.5

31.00 31.00

1.45 Spry Earthmovers Handicap 1206m

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14


(Apprentice riders only) Rating 62 $10,000

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

424s2 Irish Cheer cdh (1) Ms D Stra (a4) s2805 Barriers dw (13) J Toeroek (a3) 0s122 Arthurian Legend (10) J Kah (a3) 2829s Bruno w (15) E Boyd (a4) 3160 Calypsian ch (5) 353s6 Ramsgate dh (12) Ms T O’Donnell (a4) 798s0 Mean Jean cw (2) Ms L Stojakovic (a1.5) s8520 Rose Of Nirvana cd (11) Ms K Bishop (a3) 0140s Dark Assassin d (14) Ms E Brooks (a4) 79134 Teen Spirit d (6) Ms M Tyndall (a3) 9s630 Exocet Eddy h (4) S Westover (a1.5) 40356 Rub Doubt th (16) J Frew (a) s5444 Angel Of Hope dw (3) Ms M Neve (a1.5) EMERGENCIES 14 3730s Little Sip wh (9) Ms J Frew (a4) 15 6s60s Get Stitched tcd (8) 16 8400s Notonmatchday (7)


59.5 59 58 58 58 57.5 56.5 56.5 56 56 55.5 55 54.5

6.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 17.00 15.00 9.00 15.00 21.00 11.00 11.00 15.00 11.00

54 56 54

11.00 17.00 31.00

2.20 Eckert Earthmoving Handicap 2206m (Apprentices can claim) Rating 68 $10,000

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

19s90 Major De (12) T Pannell 66310 Penn Station (10) Ms C Lindop 22843 Meadows Power (5) M Neilson 66646 Bell Ringer cwh (9) J Frew (a) 60835 Crocodile Tears c (3) T Baker 53532 Fastizio (4) D Tourneur 94402 Target Explorer twh (7) Ms M Tyndall (a3) s4504 Slacksmith w (6) S Westover (a1.5) 8s020 Flying First Class wh (11) A Patterson 62209 Goldstinger dw (8) Ms M Neve (a1.5) 36389 Sultan Of Speed dh (2) J Bowditch 6s868 Onya Adam (1) Ms D Stra (a4)

2.55 Carlton Draught Handicap 1406m

58.5 58.5 55.5 55 55 55 55 54.5 54 54 54 54

21.00 5.50 9.00 6.00 9.00 3.50 5.50 4.60 21.00 21.00 17.00 21.00

2s313 Royal Stormy c (6) J Holder 25s51 The Boilermaker cw (2) D Tourneur s4277 Rough Deal th (8) A Patterson s0453 Canny Prevail (1) S Cahill s1778 Nehru h (7) J Frew (a) 88045 Heuriger th (11) Ms L Hopwood s4017 Novadante (14) J Kah (a3) s165s Donna Cecilia t (9) P Gatt s8802 Lord Dunrich (13) J Bowditch 5s662 Command The Right w (10) B Claridge 50s05 Media Tart (5) Ms T O’Donnell (a4) 87s0s Sovereign Conquest t (3) Ms T Zanker 20839 Crocman (4) Ms D Stra (a4) 45745 Perfect Beau (12) Ms K Bishop (a3)

59.5 59 58.5 58 58 57 56 55.5 55.5 55 54 54 54 54

4.6 4.6 6.0 4.0 6.0 13.0 21.0 13.0 17.0 15.0 26.0 31.0 17.0 26.0

3.33 Long’s Sand & Metal Handicap 1606m (Apprentices can claim) Rating 62 $10,000

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14


56931 Bossed d (5) J Frew (a) 51s89 Nadahka h (4) C Lever 1s340 Cool Classic t (6) Ms M Tyndall (a3) 47s20 Dictatorial dwb (14) D Tootell s0250 Friendsinthefield dwh (1) T Pannell 87013 Belnova d (10) J Potter 969s1 Handsome As w (2) J Bowditch 7s653 Zerprise Us All tbh (12) P Gatt 76325 Brinkley Bullet wbh (11) M Pegus 39689 El Toro dw (3) B Claridge 15038 Dulcie Dee (9) D Tourneur 70000 Croisade h (7) J Maund 8s509 The Shinboner (13) Ms L Stojakovic (a1.5) 09297 Sir Giles (8) Ms K Bishop (a3)

58.5 58.5 58 58 57.5 56.5 56.5 56.5 55.5 55 54.5 54.5 54.5 54.5

9.0 13.0 13.0 9.0 5.5 7.0 4.6 4.0 6.0 21.0 13.0 51.0 51.0 31.0

4.10 Carlton Draught Handicap 1606m (Apprentices can claim) Rating 62 $10,000

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

838s4 French Academy dw (9) D Tourneur 30527 Rescued t (7) P Gatt 21047 Coustellet (2) M Neilson s4480 Beckenbauer b (13) M Pegus 3s662 Limbo Queen dh (6) Ms L Stojakovic (a1.5) 4s334 Double Cream d (8) Ms C Lindop P366s Miami Ink th (12) D Evans 28s07 Bellunese w (5) J Bowditch 52934 Treeovus w (11) Ms L Hopwood 55023 She’s Bossy cd (10) B Claridge 49160 Kievan Rus (4) Ms T O’Donnell (a4) 00564 Dubai Vengeance w (1) J Potter 00946 Walcourt (3) Ms K Dyson s0696 Tantara (14)

58.5 58.5 58 57.5 57.5 56.5 56.5 56 55.5 55 54.5 54.5 54.5 54.5

7.0 3.5 9.0 8.0 6.0 4.6 21.0 15.0 9.0 8.0 26.0 21.0 26.0 51.0


T – Won at track. C – Won at this distance on this course. D – Won at this distance on another course. W – Won in slow or heavy going. B – Beaten favourite at last start. H – Trained on track. N – Won at night. S – Spell of three months. F – Fell. P – Pulled up. L – Lost rider.

MURRAY BRIDGE comment Race three BOLTIN’ HENRY (Ms J Banks) 5g By Delago Brom - Estusa (5:0-1-3): Came off a long break to run 1-1/4 len 2nd (58.0) Danish Spy 1209m Gawler Mdn dead trk April 25 then stuck on well for 1-3/4 len, 1-3/4 len 3rd (58.0) Selessi, Money Bags 1210m Balaklava Mdn May 9. Beaten by a subsequent Saturday winner last time and he’ll be even fitter here. Gets his chance to break through. DO SOMETHING (P Stokes) 4g By Falbrav - Monkey Business (9:0-1-1): Hit the rail near the 1000m and was found to be injured when lost rider (57.5) War Gun 1200m Pinjarra Mdn dead trk June 2 then resumed racing with 1/2 len, 1-1/4 len 3rd (58.0) Any Destination, Rose Of Lincoln 1115m Gawler Mdn May 16. Nice effort at first run for new stable when unfancied in the betting. Fitter now but drawn off the track. Don’t dismiss. EXALTED DUKE (J W Cornell) 4g By Blevic - Exalted Connection (7:0-1-0): Followed 2-3/4 len 4th (58.0) High Value 1600m Balaklava Mdn April 11 with 5-1/2 len last (58.0) Rip Apart 1210m Balaklava Mdn May 9. Didn’t fire last time but previous two runs were OK for this. Give another chance from the good draw. CHECOTE (J G Bugg) 3g By Alannan Zyheera (4:0-0-1): Resumed racing with 6-1/2 len 10th (57.0) Danish Spy 1209m Gawler Mdn dead trk April 25 then was vetted after 4-1/2 len 5th (57.5) Selessi 1210m Balaklava Mdn May 9. Fitter now and ran into a subsequent Saturday winner last time. Draw is no help here but he comes into calculations.

CONSIDER THIS (Philip Cole) 3g By Magic Albert - Ali Gee (3:0-0-0): Jumped awkwardly before finishing 5-1/4 len 8th (57.0) Nadaka 1211m Gawler E&G Mdn Mar 7 then blundered near the 600m and was found to be injured when lost rider (57.5) Just Push On 1500m Gawler 3yo Mdn dead trk Mar 25. Ran 4th Golden Lion 1000m Morphettville Parks barrier trial (Mdn) April 16. Not much has gone right in his past two runs and he’s fresh for this. Look for a market lead. FIREWEED (G D Searle) 3g By Manton Honey Moss (7:0-0-0): Beat seven home when 8-1/4 len 6th (54.0) Proctorville 1200m Strathalbyn E&G Mdn dead trk April 18 then drew wide when 10-1/2 len 8th (54.0) Mystic Morn 1509m Gawler 2yo+ Mdn dead trk April 25. Fitter for three runs back and did pass a few in the run home last time. Perhaps a place. RORY’S UNION (Ms G Davey) 3g By Mutahassin - Rory’s Song (8:0-0-3): Far from disgraced when 4-1/2 len 5th (57.5) Aregee McLaren 1006m Murray Bridge Mdn slow trk May 2 then made some late ground when 6-1/4 len 6th (57.5) Selessi 1210m Balaklava Mdn May 9. He’s run into subsequent Saturday winners at each of his past two runs and will find this easier. Extra 200 metres should suit and he has strong claims. SPURPARTS (John Hyam) 3g By Jet Spur - Christiana (4:0-0-0): Had to be vetted after 5-1/2 len 7th (57.0) Zoom Lad 1350m Strathalbyn 2yo+ Mdn dead trk April 18 then finished 7-3/4 len 5th (57.5) Full Of Cache 1518m Gawler 2yo+ Mdn May 16. Beat seven home last time and they’ve removed the blinkers here. Don’t dismiss.

SUN CENTS (J F Macmillan) 3g By Dash For Cash - Sunturwasi (1:0-0-0): At only start ran 9-3/4 len 9th (53.0) Proctorville 1200m Strathalbyn E&G Mdn dead trk April 18. Even effort on debut and sure to have benefited from the experience. Well drawn and could be an improver. WHAT LOGIC (Ms R Day) 3g: First start. By Gallo Di Ferro - Wild Logic. Dam has made little impact at stud and he ran 7th Tommy Two 1000m Gawler barrier trial (Mdn) dead trk April 30. Will need luck from his wide alley. Looking elsewhere. DOTING (C J Graves) 4m By Howbaddouwantit - Good Thing (14:0-00): After 14-3/4 len 12th (56.0) Zoom Lad 1350m Strathalbyn 2yo+ Mdn dead trk April 18 finished 11-1/2 len 12th (53.0) Handsome As 1410m Balaklava (62) May 9. Yet to place in 14 starts and hard to get enthusiastic about her chances here. ON THE POINT (A B Beswick) 4m By Refuse To Bend - Tambalara (8:0-0-0): Following 10-3/4 len last (56.0) Raks McLaren 1050m Balaklava Mdn April 11 ran 3-1/4 len 8th (56.0) Any Destination 1115m Gawler Mdn May 16. Yet to set the world on fire and she looks safely held here. FILIAR INVICTUS (J F Macmillan) 3f By Primus - Ulterior (1:0-0-0): At only start ran 4 len 5th (52.5) Exotic Girl 1200m Gawler Mdn April 4. Finished 3/4 len, 3 len 3rd Slim Henry, Emmooki’s Dash 1000m Morphettville Parks barrier trial (Mdn) dead trk May 14. Made good late ground after getting back from a wide alley on debut. Has trialled OK since and is not the worst here.

KOODA PRECIOUS (J Dunn) 3f By Mugharreb - Kooda Polo (2:0-0-0): Hung out during the race then was vetted after 14-1/4 len 7th (53.5) Dabamirak 1100m Port Augusta 3yo Mdn April 15 then jumped awkwardly and covered ground when 17-3/4 len 13th (53.5) The Boilermaker 1406m Murray Bridge 2yo+ Mdn slow trk May 2. Blinkers go on here but she’s needs to lift her game. Cannot recommend. KUNGKA CAN RUN (D G Balfour) 3f By Real Jester - Kilanje (5:0-0-0): Beat eight home when 2-1/4 len 4th (55.0) Danish Spy 1209m Gawler Mdn dead trk April 25 then finished 4-3/4 len 8th (55.5) Rip Apart 1210m Balaklava Mdn May 9. Go on her effort two starts back when assessing her chances. Each-way chance. OUR BELIEF (J Dunn) 3f By Al Maher - Firm Belief (1:0-0-0): At only start ran 5-1/2 len 10th (53.5) Rip Apart 1210m Balaklava Mdn May 9. Better for her debut experience but needs to lift to be competitive here.

Race four DROSTE (Paul Beshara) 4g By Westbridge - Hotel Du Marc (8:2-0-0): Was vetted after 12-1/4 len last (57.0) Lightning Cross 1200m Gosford C2 dead trk Dec 8 then resumed racing with 5-1/2 len 4th (58.5) El Prado Gold 1006m Murray Bridge (68) slow trk May 2. He’ll be much better for his first run for his new trainer and the blinkers go back on here. Hard to beat.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012 - Page 41 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

BELSYND (D R Jolly) 4g By Bellotto - Miss Eucalypt (3:1-0-0): Finished 2-1/2 len 5th (55.5) Rorke’s Drift 1050m M’ville (71) dead trk Oct 29 then was spelled after 3-3/4 len 5th (53.5) Ziggy’s Crown 1000m M’ville Parks E&G (75) Nov 19. Coming off a six-month break here and they put a tongue tie on for the first time. Has shown plenty of ability in two campaigns to date and warrants respect here. DE VILAINE (D R Jolly) 4g By Marmottan - Taymah (4:1-1-0): Beat eight home when 4-1/4 len 6th (54.0) Ziggy’s Crown 1000m Morphettville Parks E&G (75) Nov 19 then was spelled after 3-1/4 len 6th (55.5) Miss Remarkable 1211m Gawler (71) Dec 7. Won well first-up in his last campaign and resumes here with the blinkers off. Market moves worth watching. MAXAMUG (P F Blanch) 5g By Mugharreb Tracerline (4:1-0-1): Finished sht 1/2 hd, 2-1/4 len 3rd (55.5) Batten The Hatches, Montana Sagrada 1050m M’ville (62) Dec 17 (2010) then was found to be lame after 24-1/4 len last (53.5) Columbus 1050m M’ville (75) slow trk Aug 6. Finished 2-3/4 len 2nd Tabulated 1000m Morphettville Parks barrier trial dead trk May 14. Interesting galloper who is having just his second run in 18 months here. Trialled quite well recently and looks a big watch on his return to the track. ROLL OF THE DICE (Jake Stephens) 5m By Face Value - Social Cyclone (7:2-0-0): Jumped awkwardly when 5-1/4 len 13th (58.0) Shot In Jest 1050m M’ville (68) April 19 then led early and held on OK to finish in the first half of the field when 6 len 5th (57.5) El Prado Gold 1006m Murray Bridge (68) slow trk May 2. Handy mare who will be fitter for two runs back. Worth consideration.

MY GOOD FRIEND (M J Whittle) 5g By Kin Of Prussia - Snowline (11:1-2-0): Only be two home when 5-1/2 len 4th (59.5) Wo The Body 1100m Pioneer Park (64) Feb 1 then finished 11-1/2 len last (56.0) Bla Johnnie 1200m Pioneer Park (64) Mar 1 Yet to set the world on fire for his curre stable and prefer to see him do something SOPHINA (D L Baylis) 5m By Bianconi - Lo (16:2-3-1): Struck interference at the start an again in the straight when 4-1/2 len 8th (52. Grand Taj 1000m Morphettville Parks C2 Au 25 then raced greenly before finishing 5-1 len 11th (52.0) Horatius 1250m Morphettvi Parks (68) Sept 21. Handy mare who gene ally goes well fresh and she’s drawn to get nice trail here. Can show up. OUR BELVOIR (K M Sweeney) 4m B Bianconi - Classy Looker (20:2-2-1 Finished 7-1/2 len 10th (54.0) Kelly Roya 1100m Oakbank F&M Hcp-75 dead trk Ap 9 then ran 8-1/4 len 9th (55.5) Teen Spi 1209m Gawler (62) dead trk April 25. Ca mix her form but her best is good enoug for this. Take on trust. LORD BANNER (M J Whittle) 4g By Mond Bleu - Unpolished (10:1-1-1): Ran 5-3/4 le 7th (54.0) Club Ha Ha 1100m Port Augus (72) April 15 before finishing 4-3/4 len 6 (55.5) Dabamirak 1100m Port Augusta (6 May 13. Needs it weaker and others loo better suited in this. AKHA ROSE (B J Dunn) 4m By Akhada - Glorose (9:1-1-0): Finished 1/2 len 2n (54.5) Clear Az Mud 1000m Penong (5 Mar 31 then was freshened after 7-1/2 le 6th (57.0) Notforgiven 1200m Port Augus (59) April 15. Only win was in very mode company. Cannot recommend.

MURRAY BRIDGE comment continued FLOWER FORCE (K M Knowles) 4m By Oamaru Force - Duteous (12:2-00): Was spelled after 6-1/2 len 10th (55.0) Uli Urs Utz 1100m Bordertown (59) Dec 11 then resumed racing with 12-1/2 len 11th (53.5) Juliet’s Princess 1209m Gawler (62) dead trk April 25. Fitter now but others look better suited. FOR MY POPPA (Lloyd Kennewell) 4m By Half Hennessy - Halloween Mist (8:1-1-1): Ran 5 len 2nd (55.0) Gregory’s Fortress 1200m Goulburn C1 Nov 5 then lost a plate and was galloped on when 13-1/4 len 13th (54.5) Universal Joker 1600m Wagga (Bm55) dead trk Dec 3. Finished 5th Saint Desir 1000m Gawler barrier trial dead trk April 30. Resumes here for new stable with blinkers on for the first time. Watch for any market moves. KOODA DAWN (J Dunn) 3f By Akhadan - Kooda Bundee (7:1-1-0): Jumped awkwardly then was found to be lame after running 45-3/4 len last (57.0) Mighty Moment 1250m Port Lincoln 3yo (64) Feb 29 then ran 8-1/4 len 11th (54.0) Dabamirak 1100m Port Augusta (61) May 13. Unlikely to trouble these on what she’s done to date.

Race five IRISH CHEER (Ms S Nolan) 6g By Happy Giggle - Linney Head (37:36-4): Went for a break after finishing 1-1/2 len 4th (59.5) Seventh Bullet 1400m Murray Bridge (62) Jan 26 then was blocked for a run when 1/2 len 2nd (56.0) Uma Wave 1206m Murray Bridge (71) slow trk May 2. He doesn’t win out of turn but is always heard to beat this track/ distance. Gets a dream run from the draw and should be right in the finish. BARRIERS (Scott Trenowden) 4g By Lonhro - Pacific Joy (15:2-3-1): Got checked at the start before finishing 11-3/4 len 11th (58.0) Clanga’s Glory 1400m Warrnambool (68) dead trk Mar 5 then only beat one home when 4-3/4 len 5th (60.0) Centuron 1200m Terang (62) slow trk Mar 24. Awkwardly drawn here and needs to show . Looking elsewhere. ARTHURIAN LEGEND (J F Macmillan) 5g By Home On The Grange Harmonic Crown (15:2-3-0): Following 1/2 hd 2nd (51.5) Auburn Tiger 1350m Strathalbyn C2 dead trk April 18 ran 1-1/4 len 2nd (55.5) Perfect Crown 1400m Port Augusta (61) May 13. Consistent of late in lower grade and has claims here with the blinkers back on. Don’t dismiss. BRUNO (Michael McClean) 6g By Hillman - Brunette (54:3-8-4): Finished sht 1/2 hd 2nd (58.0) Master Robbie 2200m Murray Bridge (62) Jan 26 then was spelled after 6-1/4 len 9th (56.0) Fresh Tell 1716m Gawler (71) Feb 8. Has shown up fresh in the past but not over this strip. Drawn in the car park and 4kg claimer faces a task. Will need luck. CALYPSIAN (Simon Casey) 3g By Mugharreb - Chavacarno (4:1-0-1): Was vetted after 4-1/2 len 6th (57.5) Twilight Dancer 1200m Strathalbyn (68) dead trk April 18 then finished 20 len last (56.0) Uma Wave 1206m Murray Bridge (71) slow trk May 2. This grade suits better and will appreciate the firmer surface. Not hopeless. RAMSGATE (Ms J Giles) 5g By Carnegie - Alluding (17:1-0-4): Was slowly away when 1-1/4 len, 1-3/4 len 3rd (58.0) Orchestral, Bian Ned 1300m Bordertown C1 slow trk June 23 then again slowly away before finishing 4-1/4 len 6th (59.0) Julia Jean 1000m Mildura (62) dead trk April 16. Should be fitter for one run back but doesn’t win out of turn. Faces a task. MEAN JEAN (F W Meuring) 7m By Bellotto - Mean Green (47:4-7-6): Was spelled after 5 len 8th (56.0) Invincible Magic 1100m Gawler (62) Nov 16 then resumed racing with 6-1/4 len 10th (53.5) Beldara 1050m M’ville (94) dead trk May 5. This grade suits better and she’s drawn to get a nice run. Not the worst.

ROSE OF NIRVANA (Alexander Justice) 6m By Gallo Di Ferro - Lady Roseland (18:3-2-1): Following sht 1/2 hd 2nd (54.0) Juliet’s Princess 1209m Gawler (62) dead trk April 25 ran 5-3/4 len 10th (53.5) Grand Zee 1310m Balaklava F&M (68) May 9. Can mix her form but goes well this track/distance and can put some value into trifectas. DARK ASSASSIN (M J Whittle) 4g By Bianconi - Zinnia (10:2-0-0): Finished 7-1/4 len 4th (54.0) Meshmaker 1800m M’ville (71) Jan 7 then was slowly away and raced erratically when 10-1/2 len last (54.5) Fast Frank 2050m Strathalbyn Cup Jan 15. Will get back from the wide alley and should be better for the outing. TEEN SPIRIT (Darren Egan) 6m By Jeune - Street Princess (44:4-4-5): After sht 1/2 hd, 1-1/4 len 3rd (53.5) Grand Zee, Ilsede 1310m Balaklava F&M (68) May 9 ran 2-3/4 len 4th (53.5) Final Command 1115m Gawler (62) May 16. Consistent in this grade and she should get a nice run here. In the mix. EXOCET EDDY (M J Seyers) 3g By West Point - Quality Control (6:10-1): Finished 3/4 len, 1/2 nk 3rd (54.5) Twilight Dancer, Magic Tigress 1200m Strathalbyn (68) dead trk April 18 then jumped awkwardly and hung out before finishing 8-3/4 len last (56.0) Kosciuszko’s Side 1210m Balaklava E&G (68) May 9. Ran last Back On Track 1000m Morphettville Parks barrier trial dead trk May 14. Down in grade here but he doesn’t often put two runs together. Take on trust. RUB DOUBT (K & H Frew) 4m By Not A Single Doubt - Ruby’s Our Hope (19:1-3-2): Beat six home when3-1/4 len 5th (54.0) Kelly Royale 1100m Oakbank F&M Hcp-75 dead trk April 9 then finished strongly for 4-1/4 len 6th (55.5) Juliet’s Princess 1209m Gawler (62) dead trk April 25. Fitter for recent racing but she’s going to get back from her horror alley. Place looks best. ANGEL OF HOPE (K M Sweeney) 5m By Choisir - Amen Ruby (44:29-3): Followed 2-1/4 len 4th (52.5) Windermere Road 1200m Balaklava C2 April 11 with 2-1/2 len 4th (53.5) Juliet’s Princess 1209m Gawler (62) dead trk April 25. She has a very poor win strike/rate but is rarely far away. Can’t be ignored from the good barrier. LITTLE SIP (K & H Frew) 5m By Success Express - Golden Apt (19:12-5): Ran lg nk, 1-3/4 len 3rd (54.0) C’mon Now, Lucky Sunday 1100m Oakbank C1 dead trk Dec 9 before finishing 5-1/2 len 10th (53.0) Strum Cha 1400m Morphettville Parks (68) Dec 24. Ran 5th Delicious Belle 1000m Morphettville Parks barrier trial dead trk May 14. Resuming here and does go best when fresh but her strike/rate doesn’t instil enthusiasm. Place is best. GET STITCHED (Ms S Hayes) 7g By Made Of Gold - New Status (32:3-35): Was slowly away when 6-3/4 len 6th (58.0) Daleo 1200m Naracoorte (59) Nov 24 then was spelled after 8-1/2 len 12th (56.0) Regal Hero 1400m Oakbank E&G (62) dead trk Dec 9. Finished 4th Stirling Grove 1000m Morphettville Parks barrier trial April 16. Resuming here and saves his best for this track (8:2-2-2). Has placed three of his six first-up runs and could be a blowout chance here. NOTONMATCHDAY (R J Moore) 5g By Hemingway - Como (28:1-4-4): Finished 22-1/4 len last (50.0) Edge Of Time 1950m Morphettville Parks C2 Aug 25 then was found to be lame after running 17-1/4 len 11th (65.0) Athena Pegasus 2200m Balaklava Hwt (68) Aug 31. Coming off a break and he’ll having trouble keeping in touch over this trip. Looking elsewhere.

Race six MAJOR DE (Ms E Hubbard) 6g By Encosta De Lago - Major Drama (17:2-3-1): Returned from a break with 6-1/2 len 9th (56.5) Our Freed Man 1406m Murray Bridge (75) slow trk May 2 then always at the rear when 12-1/2 len 10th (59.5) Moon Devil 1518m Gawler (68) May 16. He’ll be fitter for two runs back and gets out to his right distance range here. Can improve sharply in this grade.

PENN STATION (L Macdonald & A Gluyas) 5g By Pentire - Annifrid (21:2-3-2): Scored 1-1/4 len win (59.0) Murtagh, Its The Truth 2050m Strathalbyn (62) dead trk April 18 then flopped when 18-1/2 len 10th (57.5) Waratone 2210m Balaklava (75) May 9. Suited by the drop back in class here and improved run wouldn’t surprise. MEADOWS POWER (J D Smith) 5g By Blevic - Power Of Angels (19:12-3): Made good late ground for 7-3/4 len 4th (57.0) Delphere 1606m Murray Bridge (62) slow trk May 2 then ran 5 len, 7-3/4 len 3rd (55.5) Waratone, Rikbat 2210m Balaklava (75) May 9. Doesn’t win out of turn but he’s been racing consistently and warrants respect here in a modest affair. BELL RINGER (J E Hickmott) 7g By Taos - Bellawella (57:4-4-5): Finished 5-3/4 len 4th (56.5) Willego 2206m Murray Bridge (68) slow trk May 2 before running 5-1/4 len 6th (57.0) Southern Fortune 2126m Gawler (68) May 16. This is the easiest race he’s contested for a long time and he goes well this track/distance. Right in this. CROCODILE TEARS (Kirsten McGowan) 4g By Street Cry - Lady Ember (17:1-0-1): After 3 len, 4-3/4 len 3rd (55.5) Dumosa, Take Out 3600m Oakbank (94) dead trk April 7 jumped awkwardly and lost a plate when 6-1/4 len 5th (55.5) Willego 2206m Murray Bridge (68) slow trk May 2. His only win was this track/ distance and past couple of runs have been OK. Not the worst. FASTIZIO (D C Saxon) 6g By Scenic - Bessolic (47:4-6-3): Was disappointed for a run when 2-3/4 len, len 3rd (54.5) Willego, Waratone 2206m Murray Bridge (68) slow trk May 2 then again disappointed for a run before finishing 2-1/4 len 2nd (56.5) Love My World 2200m Ballarat (62) dead trk May 10. Doesn’t look far off another win and all he needs is luck in running. Key player. TARGET EXPLORER (J E Hickmott) 7g By Taos - Brightly (44:4-2-2): Finished 15-1/2 len 12th (55.5) Willego 2206m Murray Bridge (68) slow trk May 2 then improved to run 1-3/4 len 2nd (53.5) Southern Fortune 2126m Gawler (68) May 16. This grade and distance suits and he’s worth consideration. SLACKSMITH (Ms C Rose) 6g By Zabeel - Eliza Cove (18:2-2-2): Struck interference in the straight when 18-1/2 len 14th (55.5) Willego 2206m Murray Bridge (68) slow trk May 2 then beat six home when 2-1/4 len 4th (55.5) Southern Fortune 2126m Gawler (68) May 16. Hasn’t won past 1600 metres and place is best here. FLYING FIRST CLASS (D B Aldridge) 4m By Flying Spur - Tell Someone (11:1-2-0): Jumped awkwardly before finishing 3/4 len 2nd (55.5) Half Moon Rising 2000m Naracoorte (59) April 22 then ran 22-3/4 len 13th (55.5) Waratone 2210m Balaklava (75) May 9. Drop in grade suits but remains a query at the trip. Looking to others. GOLDSTINGER (K M Sweeney) 6g By Golden Snake - Golden Days (81:6-96): Only beat one home when 5-3/4 len 10th (54.0) Andronica 2109m Gawler (71) dead trk April 25 then was blocked for a run before finishing 18-1/4 len 9th (55.5) Waratone 2210m Balaklava (75) May 9. Decent drop in grade for him here and this is his right distance range. Doesn’t have a flash record around here (13:0-0-1) but worth keeping in mind. SULTAN OF SPEED (Ms K Byrnes) 6g By Dubai Destination - Noble Deed (40:2-7-5): Finished 5-1/4 len 8th (54.0) Andronica 2109m Gawler (71) dead trk April 25 then jumped awkwardly when 9-1/4 len 9th (54.0) Willego 2206m Murray Bridge (68) slow trk May 2. Plugged away last time but he’s getting ready for a jumps campaign and others look better suited. ONYA ADAM (E J Rayner) 6g By Adam - Haruspex (36:2-1-3): Finished 10-1/4 len last (54.0) Musty Springs 1850m Port Augusta (68) April 29 then ran 6-3/4 len 8th (51.5) Southern Fortune 2126m Gawler (68) May 16. Safely held last time and looks tested here.

Race seven ROYAL STORMY (D M Koch) 5g By Royal Academy - Sundiva (10:1-2-3): Scored nk win (58.0) Exalted Duke, King Roseland 1406m Murray Bridge Mdn dead trk Mar 28 then ran 2 len, 3/4 len 3rd (59.5) Cadasha, Julie Marie 1400m Penola (65) May 6. Very honest and he goes well here. Hard to beat. THE BOILERMAKER (Ms S Barr) 3g By Mugharreb - Kooda Tiara (4:1-10): Jumped awkwardly when 3-1/2 len 5th (57.0) Ready To Reel 1050m M’ville Mdn April 19 then followed up with 1/2 len win (57.5) Fine Fettle, Miss Doubtfire 1406m Murray Bridge 2yo+ Mdn slow trk May 2. Tougher here but on the up and must be included in the chances. ROUGH DEAL (J E Hickmott) 3g By Artie Schiller - Star Of Ella (12:12-1): Finished 3-3/4 len 7th (56.0) Balzeus 1400m Morphettville Parks H C Nitschke April 21 then beat two home when 5-3/4 len 7th (57.5) Riziz 1600m M’ville Adelaide Gneas dead trk May 5. Handy local 3yo who is coming off successive runs in Listed company. Should find this easier and rates highly. CANNY PREVAIL (G D Searle) 4g By Canny Lad - Shalaque (11:1-11): Ran 3-1/2 len 5th (55.5) Juliet’s Princess 1209m Gawler (62) dead trk April 25 then jumped awkwardly and was blocked for a run before finishing sht 1/2 hd, 2-1/4 len 3rd (54.5) Kosciuszko’s Side, Real Fantasy 1210m Balaklava E&G (68) May 9. Doesn’t look far off another win and should get a lovely run here. Senior jockey replaces 3kg claiming apprentice and he’ll be hard to beat. NEHRU (K & H Frew) 3g By Nadeem - She’s Discreet (5:1-0-0): After 4-1/4 len 7th (56.5) Exalted Moment 1400m Oakbank 3yo (75) dead trk Mar 17 finished 2-1/2 len 8th (58.0) Raks McLaren 1109m Gawler 3yo (75) dead trk April 25. Wasn’t far away at the finish last time after getting back from a wide draw. Fitter now and he’s not the worst here. HEURIGER (S J Dodd) 4g By Elusive Quality - Calaway Gal (15:1-4-2): Ran 2-1/4 len 4th (56.0) Windermere Road 1200m Balaklava C2 April 11 then worked home OK when 3-1/4 len 5th (57.0) Kosciuszko’s Side 1210m Balaklava E&G (68) May 9. Recent form has merit and he goes very well here (6:1-3-0). Keep safe. NOVADANTE (Ms E Hubbard) 5g By Danbird - Terra Nova (13:1-0-0): Following 1-1/2 len win (54.0) Mrs Wolfe, The Juddernaut 1100m Port Augusta Mdn April 29 ran 5-1/2 len 7th (54.5) Dabamirak 1100m Port Augusta (61) May 13. His only was in modesrate company and he faces a task from the wide alley here. Needs luck. DONNA CECILIA (P Stokes) 3f By More Than Ready - Heart Of Diamonds (6:1-0-0): Finished 4 len last (56.5) Societal 1200m M’ville 3yoF (68) dead trk Oct 2 before running 5-1/2 len 5th (55.0) Magic Milady 1600m M’ville (75) dead trk Oct 22. Finished sht 1/2 hd, 3-1/2 len 3rd Back On Track, Gonski Girl 1000m Morphettville Parks barrier trial dead trk May 14. Won first-up here in her last campaign but that was in lesser grade. Place is best in this. LORD DUNRICH (John Hyam) 3g By St Reims - Hakone (6:0-1-0): Finished 36-1/2 len last (57.5) Cornell 1800m M’ville Adelaide Gneas April 14 before running 1/2 hd 2nd (54.5) Zen 1410m Balaklava (62) May 9. Ran out of his skin last time and a repeat of that effort puts him in with a chance here. Include in trifectas. COMMAND THE RIGHT (Leslie McDonald) 5g By Danehill Dancer - Something Else (20:1-1-2): Only beat one home when 21-1/4 len 6th (54.5) He’s A Steal 1300m Ararat (68) slow trk April 29 then raced erratically before finishing 5 len 2nd (57.0) Norton Belle 1350m Donald (58) dead trk May 13. Improved effort last time but rises in grade here. Perhaps a place.

MEDIA TART (Philip Cole) 5m By Clang - In Camera (13:1-0-0): After 23-3/4 len last (56.5) Arthurian Legend 1100m Clare (59) April 7 ran 4-1/4 len 5th (53.0) Teshi Tallarah 1200m Deniliquin (Bm50) dead trk April 25. Looks out of her depth in this. SOVEREIGN CONQUEST (Ms M Ruberry) 7g By Dexter - Gulab (43:11-8): Following 5-1/2 len 7th (53.0) Countess Of Tiba 2206m Murray Bridge (71) May 12 (2010) ran 7 len 10th (53.5) Sachse 1606m Murray Bridge (62) dead trk Sept 22 (2010). Finished 8th Sea Coral 1000m Morphettville Parks barrier trial Mar 26. Has been off the scene for 20 months and he’ll have trouble staying in touch here. Looking elsewhere. CROCMAN (S P Gower) 5g By Danbird - Molly Or Me (19:1-2-3): Was slowly away and covered extra ground when 2 len, 1-1/4 len 3rd (52.5) Kooda Wonder, Regal Ruben 1100m Port Augusta (61) April 29 then was again slowly away before finishing 6-1/2 len 9th (51.5) Zen 1410m Balaklava (62) May 9. He can do a few things wrong and needs everything to fall his way to be competitive here. Looking to others. PERFECT BEAU (B J Jones) 4g By Beaufort Scale - Perfect Nature (24:1-0-2): Ran 7-1/2 len 4th (54.0) Team Lago 1500m Port Augusta (61) April 29 before finishing 6-1/2 len 5th (53.5) Team Lago 1600m Port Augusta (59) May 13. Has a very poor strike/rate and others look better suited in this.

Race eight BOSSED (B J Dunn) 3g By Bianconi - Ellexcell (9:1-0-1): Got blocked for a run when 2-1/4 len, nose 3rd (57.0) High Value, Sir Giles 1600m Balaklava Mdn April 11 then scored lg nk win (57.5) O’Jay, Puzzleman 1600m Penola 2yo+ Mdn May 6. Tougher here but he’s on the up and will run the trip out. In the mix. NADAHKA (Ms K Huxtable) 3g By Akhadan - Lady Sentosa (4:1-0-0): Finished 5-1/4 len 8th (57.5) Twilight Dancer 1200m Strathalbyn (68) dead trk April 18 then was slowly away before finishing 13-3/4 len 9th (59.0) Delphere 1606m Murray Bridge (62) slow trk May 2. Suited back on top of the ground and senior rider goes on. Can improve. COOL CLASSIC (Darryl Ryan) 5g By Akhadan - Classicalma (26:1-2-5): Ran 3-1/4 len 4th (57.5) Auburn Tiger 1350m Strathalbyn C2 dead trk April 18 then finished 9-1/4 len 10th (55.5) Zen 1410m Balaklava (62) May 9. Fitter for three runs back but doesn’t win out of turn. Perhaps a place. DICTATORIAL (J R Croucher) 7g By Commands - Nutshell (44:4-86): After nk 2nd (58.5) Granulator 1400m Balaklava (62) April 11 was vetted after 16-1/4 len last (58.5) Handsome As 1410m Balaklava (62) May 9. Flopped when favourite last time but that was too bad to be true. Goes best this trip and can improve without surprising. FRIENDSINTHEFIELD (M J Seyers) 4m By Undoubtedly - Hello Hello (16:2-4-1): Struck interference near the 1200m before finishing 4-1/2 len 5th (57.0) Auburn Tiger 1350m Strathalbyn C2 dead trk April 18 then ran 8-1/4 len 10th (54.0) Drafted 1610m Balaklava (75) May 9. Drop in grade here suits and she does go OK around here. Not the worst. BELNOVA (D R Jolly) 6m By Bel Esprit - Bondi Nova (31:3-2-4): Struck interference at the start before scoring 1-1/2 len win (54.5) She’s Bossy, Treeovus 1600m Strathalbyn (62) dead trk April 18 then safely held when 5-1/2 len, 1-1/4 len 3rd (56.0) Delphere, Cruz’n Now 1606m Murray Bridge (62) slow trk May 2. Will appreciate getting back on top of the ground and this looks a suitable assignment. Keep in mind.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012 - Page 42 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

HANDSOME AS (Will Clarken) 4g By Akhadan - It’s Raining Mares (21:2-1-3): Followed 11-1/4 len 9th (54.0) Nevele Tol 2122m Gawler C2 Feb 8 with 1/2 len win (54.0) Ottana, Arpitan 1410m Balaklava (62) May 9. Well supported to lead all the way last time at his first run for three months. Drawn to get an easy lead again here and will take some running down again. ZERPRISE US ALL (R W Huxtable) 3f By Dubai Destination - Zerprisal (9:11-2): Beat seven home when 7-1/4 len 5th (54.5) Rock Culture 1800m M’ville 3yo (75) Feb 25 then kept coming for 1/2 hd, len 3rd (56.0) Zen, Lord Dunrich 1410m Balaklava (62) May 9. Needs luck from the awkward alley here but she should be fitter. Don’t dismiss. BRINKLEY BULLET (Craig Stewart) 4g By Blevic - Brinkley Lass (24:2-11): Was disappointed for a run when 3/4 len 2nd (55.5) Regal Hero 1406m Murray Bridge (62) Mar 28 then ran on strongly for 4-3/4 len 5th (55.5) Handsome As 1410m Balaklava (62) May 9. He’s failed all three runs this trip and the last bit is the test. Perhaps a place. EL TORO (M J Whittle) 5g By Elvstroem - Gabbing Gloria (30:45-2): After 13-3/4 len 8th (55.5) Samalidan 1400m Pioneer Park (64) April 14 was tightened for room when 14 len last (59.0) Palmyra Boy 1600m Pioneer Park W F A April 21. All four wins have been over this trip but hard to line up his chances on his recent mediocre form in the NT. Take on trust. DULCIE DEE (John Hyam) 3f By Face Value - Princess Taylah (11:10-2): After 1/2 len, 1-1/2 len 3rd (54.0) Back On Track, Sister Swift 1540m M’ville 3yo (68) April 19 covered ground early when 13-1/2 len 8th (54.5) Delphere 1606m Murray Bridge (62) slow trk May 2. Wasn’t suited by the slow going last time and can improve sharply here back on a firmer surface. Blowout chance. CROISADE (Simon Casey) 4g By Lion Heart - Sweet Way (19:1-10): Finished 13-3/4 len 10th (54.5) Delphere 1606m Murray Bridge (62) slow trk May 2 then ran 12-1/2 len 11th (54.0) Drafted 1610m Balaklava (75) May 9. Blinkers go back on and he’s down in grade but it’s hard to be overly enthusiastic. Looking to others. THE SHINBONER (E J Rayner) 7g By Indian Danehill - Cool Strike (46:2-23): Ran 8-3/4 len 13th (53.5) Grand Group 1700m Clare (59) April 7 before finishing 14-3/4 len last (53.0) Gold Vintage 1600m Port Augusta (68) April 15. Three runs back have been very moderate and others look better suited in this. SIR GILES (B D Brook) 3g By Akhadan - Little Sis (11:0-1-0): Covered extra ground when 20-1/2 len last (54.5) King Roseland 2206m Murray Bridge Mdn slow trk May 2 then finished 4 len 7th (54.5) Quench The Thirst 1610m Balaklava 2yo+ Mdn May 9. Still a maiden and faces a tough ask in this. Not likely.

Race nine FRENCH ACADEMY (Scott Trenowden) 6g By Honours List - Spirit Of Paris (44:7-6-5): Was spelled after 10-1/2 len 8th (58.5) Rack It Up 2250m Morphettville Parks (75) Jan 21 then resumed racing with 2 len 4th (58.5) Zen 1410m Balaklava (62) May 9. Stuck on well after showing pace first-up. Fitter now and this is best trip. Has claims. RESCUED (K M Sweeney) 4g By Savoire Vivre - Priya (26:1-5-3): After hd 2nd (56.5) Just Push On 1709m Gawler (68) dead trk April 25 ran 6-1/2 len 7th (52.5) Drafted 1610m Balaklava (75) May 9. Dropping back in grade but he finds it hard to win. Take on trust.

COUSTELLET (P Stokes) 4m B Flying Spur - Mistrale (18:2-2-0 Got tightened for room when 3-1 len 4th (54.0) Silver Raven 1200 M’ville F&M (68) April 19 then fi ished 4-1/2 len 7th (57.0) Grand Z 1310m Balaklava F&M (68) May Fitter for two runs back and extra tr suits. Leading rider replaces claimin apprentice and she should get the ru of the race here. Hard to beat. BECKENBAUER (M A Kavanagh) 4 By Hussonet - Miss Bussell (12: 2-0): Ran 8-1/4 len 8th (56.5) Lad Lightfoot 1400m Balaklava (71) dea trk Mar 21 then finished 9-1/4 le 10th (58.0) Handsome As 1410 Balaklava (62) May 9. His only w was over 1100 metres and it’s ha to be overly confident here given h awkward alley. Faces a task. LIMBO QUEEN (S G Padman) 4m B Akhadan - At A Party (13:1-3-2): Ra 5 len 6th (55.5) Auburn Tiger 1350 Strathalbyn C2 dead trk April 1 then finished sht hd 2nd (56.5) Son Piccolo 1606m Murray Bridge (6 slow trk May 2. Finished strongly la time to just miss and gets her chan to atone here. Right in it. DOUBLE CREAM (L Macdonald A Gluyas) 4m By Savabeel - Zo (14:1-1-4): Following 2 len, lg 3rd (52.5) Silver Raven, Wyara Mi 1200m M’ville F&M (68) April 1 was slowly away when 2-3/4 len 4 (55.5) Grand Zee 1310m Balaklav F&M (68) May 9. Should be clo to her peak now after three ru back and step-up to this trip is idea Key player. MIAMI INK (J A O’Connor) 7g B Danehill Dancer - Light Wave (32:33): Ran 47-1/4 len last (65.0) Marke Danger 3200m M’ville Hrdl Sept then was spelled after 1-3/4 len 6 (57.5) Makeaton 1800m Halidon (6 Sept 18. Coming off a break he and he’s getting ready for a jum campaign. Looks safely held. BELLUNESE (D J Stone) 4g B Testa Rossa - Bella Bionda (14: 1-0): Returned from a break wi 10-3/4 len 12th (57.0) Teen Spi 1209m Gawler (62) dead trk Ap 25 then ran 5-1/4 len 7th (56.0) Ze 1410m Balaklava (62) May 9. Fitt for two runs back but he needs to li Looking to others. TREEOVUS (Kerrie Van Tijn) 6g B Fraar - Zerbinetta (46:4-3-5): Aft 1-1/2 len, hd 3rd (56.0) Belnov She’s Bossy 1600m Strathalbyn (6 dead trk April 18 ran 1-1/4 len 4 (55.5) Sono Piccolo 1606m Murr Bridge (62) slow trk May 2. Rarely f away but this trip just sees him ou Place is best. SHE’S BOSSY (W A Bogarts) 6m B Blevic - Ammaretto ‘n’ Ice (45:39): Following 1-1/2 len 2nd (54. Belnova 1600m Strathalbyn (6 dead trk April 18 ran sht hd, 1 len 3rd (54.5) Sono Piccolo, Limb Queen 1606m Murray Bridge (6 slow trk May 2. Goes best this trac distance and gets conditions to su here. Strong each-way chance. KIEVAN RUS (M J Whittle) 5g B Niello - Trials (20:1-3-1): Finished len 6th (58.5) Secret Retreat 1400 Port Augusta (59) April 15 befo running 18-1/4 len last (55.0) Tea Lago 1600m Port Augusta (59) M 13. His only win was in very mode company and this looks beyond him Not likely. DUBAI VENGEANCE (J Dunn) 4 By Dubai Destination - Vengadam (27:2-2-5): Beat half the field hom when 4-1/2 len 6th (55.0) Belnov 1600m Strathalbyn (62) dead t April 18 then ran 6-1/4 len 4th (57. Team Lago 1600m Port Augusta (5 May 13. Mixes his form and loo tested in this company. WALCOURT (D J Halliday) 5g B Centre Stalls - Walama (21:1-0-4 Ran 1-1/4 len 4th (56.5) Grand Grou 1700m Clare (59) April 7 before fi ishing 9-1/2 len 6th (56.0) Team Lag 1500m Port Augusta (61) April 2 Doesn’t win out of turn and othe look better suited in this. TANTARA (Ms L Mattschoss) 4g B Devaraja - Pontifical (5:0-0-0): W slowly away before finishing 11-1 len 9th (58.0) Mystic Morn 1509 Gawler 2yo+ Mdn dead trk April 2 then again slowly away when 7-1 len 6th (58.0) Bossed 1600m Peno 2yo+ Mdn May 6. Maiden gallop who is out of her grade here.

Central District Football Club supports


with Graham Fischer and Mike Teakle


Rugby Union

THE Barossa Rams Reserves side was the only senior team in action this week with the firsts having the bye. The Rams travelled to face Southern Suburbs but were unable to challenge one of the competition’s powerhouse clubs, going down 0-22. Charlie O’Grady, Simon Chapple and Matt Barnett were the Rams best in the loss for a team that will look


to bounce back next week against University at Lyndoch.

> Netball THE BL&G is renowned for producing footballers and netballers who excel at both state and national level. One Kapunda export is shining on the unlikeliest of big stages. Jodie Hayward is currently carving up the competition in the Abu Dhabi netball league. Proudly brought to you by: BAROSSA



33 Railway Tce, Nuriootpa

8562 4881

Fly fishing comp

> Football THE South Australian under 18 side struggled in their practice match against the South Australian National Football league Eagles on the weekend losing 17-15 to 4-4. The good news was that Central District young gun Sam Colquhoun impressed and was named best for the Croweaters. With the upcoming national championships a mecca for AFL recruiters, Colquhoun’s form is an ominous sign of things to come if his form continues.

> BL&G IT’S milestone season at Angaston. Last Saturday Craig Hadden became just the second player in the history of the BL&G to play 300 A grade games. This week, his captain (and teammate in most of those games) Matt Doecke will play game number 350 at Nuriootpa. With the Panthers losing last week’s game the importance of this Saturday’s fixture is not lost on Doecke for the team goals rather than his own. “It’s really important that we get a win this week,” Matt said. “We played two good quarters last week. “As a group we need to rectify that and perform over the whole game.”

> Netball THERE is no doubt the Freeling Netball Club is determined to return as a powerhouse of the BL&G. On Sunday, the club held a coaching seminar which enabled all coaches to gain a certificate. GT is sworn to secrecy over who took the session but the name doesn’t come much bigger in netball. WH1820152


Playing for Saracens (we think the black and red uniform must have appealed to her), Jodie was recently being voted the best and fairest player in the premier league. And Jodie plays alongside another exBL&G player - Tanya Johnston from Angaston. Apart from dominating the premier league, Hayward was also part of the Kukri AD (Abu Dhabi) Eagles team that won the 2012 I n t e r - G u l f Championship. The championship included teams from Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Kuwait, Muscat, Doha Al Ain, Tabuk, Dhahran and Bahrain.

Your Guide to the Tides brought to you by

Gawler Fishing and Outdoors Mon-Fri 9am - 5.30pm Thurs 9am - 8.00pm Sat 9.00am - 4.00pm Sun 11am - 3.00pm

8522 6200 By LUBIN PFEIFFER THE second round of the state fly fishing competition was held on the Broughton River in Spalding in the Mid-North earlier this month. The highly-contested competition was attended by anglers from SA, Victoria and Tasmania. Although the fishing was tough there were some excellent trout caught, both browns and rainbows. The competition consisted of four, three-hour sessions over the two days. Heading out of day one scores were neck and neck between the top three anglers. The fishing was much better on day two with me winning the third session with two cracking brown trout of 55 and 60centimetres. The Tasmanian Tim Strong also measured two fish for the session so it would be a nail-biting finish heading into the fourth and

final session. The last fishing session was a tough one, as always seems to be the case at the Broughton River with only one rainbow measured between the anglers. Having been lucky enough to be the one to catch it, the fish secured the win for me. An excellent presentation followed at the Spalding pub where the property owner Geoff Matters presented the winner’s trophy and also medals for second and third place. The next round of the SA championship is the ‘Ashes’ at Lake Fyans between Victoria and South Australia. For anyone who would like to attend please visit the website: Competition fishing is the fastest way to vastly improve your fishing skills. Tight lines until next week.

Craig Hadden - Angaston Craig Hadden plays football for Angaston. Where have you played your football? Angaston, and some underage at Centrals a long time ago. Relationship and employment status: Married, three children, employed by the Yalumba Wine Company. Who are key players at your club? Every player’s important at the club for different reasons. What is your most important attribute? My pace - obviously. Who is a character at the club and why? Daniel Rathjen and Josh Wight those two are always up to something and have a great sense of comic timing. Who is the best player you have played with and against? With - David Green. Against - plenty, but Ian Trimboli was always the hardest direct opponent. Major influence in your football: Ken Russell (uncle) and all my coaches, particularly Mark Seelander. Who are your sporting idols? Dermott Brereton had it all, and Mike Hussey is just a real fighter, so probably those two. Any superstitions? None really but like to get to the ground early.

Pt Adelaide

How would you spend a million dollars? I think the kids would take care of that pretty quickly.

If you were Prime Minister what issue would you address? Most politician’s behaviour in Parliament for starters, what a circus.

What other sport would you love to be the best in the world at and why? Darts - beers after each throw, what a sport.

0.39 1.95 0.66 2.69


0138 0657 1059 1823

0.54 0.88 0.77 1.81

0045 0636 1206 1831

0.43 1.93 0.70 2.62


0212 0742 1116 1850

0.56 0.86 0.80 1.76

0111 0703 1233 1858

0.47 1.90 0.75 2.54


0251 1918

0.56 1.69

0139 0735 1306 1930

0.52 1.89 0.83 2.41


0213 0818 1350 2010

0.60 1.86 0.95 2.22

28 MO

0017 0609 1139 1805


25 FR

26 SA

27 SU

28 MO

Wallaroo 0.53 0.90 0.76 1.84


MAY 2012



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$ 0338 1944

0.57 1.57

0430 2004

0.60 1.42


0520 0.66 0258 0.72 1943 1.25 0921 1.82 1.13 1459 TU TU 2109 1.94 *Please note - Add 1 hour for daylight savings ‘Tidal predictions supplied by the National Tide Facility. The Flinders University of South Australia, Copyright Reserved’


Greatest moment and disappointment? In a sports sense, greatest moment was winning the B grade cricket flag at Eden Valley CC with my brother-in-law. Biggest disappointments were the 1999, 2004 and 2009 grand finals, lost them all.

For one month only

0108 0628 1040 1756

1.97 0.64 2.73

If someone had to play you in a movie who would it be? The guy who plays Al Bundy in ‘Married With Children’ - Ed O’Neill.


23 WE

23 WE

0542 1112 1738

Favourite actor and movie? John Cleese/Life Of Brian - classic.

What event has inspired or amazed you? Beaconsfield mine rescue - the whole rescue effort and the mental toughness of those guys was incredible.

Tide Times for Port Adelaide (Outer Harbour) and Wallaroo for the week to come

MAY 2012

Pet hates on the football oval? Behind the play or unsportsmanlike incidents, but we’re pretty lucky with that in the BL&G.

Look to us for dog food specials

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WINNERS ARE GRINNERS: Lubin (right) is presented with his trophy by Geoff Matters.

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KAPUNDA gatecrashed the party Angaston were hoping to put on for playing coach Craig Hadden’s 300th A grade game. The Bombers handed the home side a 36-point loss and in the process stamped their claims to take part in the 2012 finals. The game started slowly with both teams testing each other out before Hadden marked 35 metres from goal in the pocket to convert the first goal of the game and when Brad Sugars followed shortly after the Panthers looked to have their tails up. A goal in reply from Bomber Nathan Brady stemmed the flow and narrowed the gap to just seven points at the first break. The second quarter saw Kapunda take over and they began to take advantage of Toby Johnson’s dominance in the ruck, unleashing a squadron of speedy on ballers that exposed the Panthers’ lack of speed. The result was a six goals to two quarter that gave the visitors a 16-point lead at half time. Kapunda held sway once more in the third term in similar fashion to the second, adding six majors to the home side’s two, pushing the margin out to 39 points at the final change.

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The fourth term saw Angaston prove their determination to fight the game out and a miracle comeback may have been on their minds but despite winning the last term this game was well and truly put to bed already. Kapunda coach Rodney Brown was cautious in his reaction to the win. “Anytime you come to Angaston and get a win it’s great,” Brown said. “But we’ve still got plenty to work on, we’re not where we want to be yet.” Angaston’s biggest problem was their ball movement. With Sugars in red hot form Angaston’s best chance would be to get the ball in quickly, giving him a one-on-one contest. Unfortunately Kapunda’s massive advantage in size and marking power across the ground kept the Panthers from utilising their best option effectively. When they got it right, they looked good. Sugars finished with six goals but could easily have finished with a far bigger haul. However, Kapunda had no such trouble spearing the ball towards Wes Farley (five goals) at full forward where, if he didn’t get it, his crumbing forwards were ever present. Recruit Freddie Agius (two goals) is slowly building towards his best and looked threatening whenever near the ball.

GOAL: Craig Hadden, Angaston playing coach, kicks the opening goal of the game against Kapunda but unfortunately his side went down and could not give him a win in his 300th Barossa, Light and Gawler football game.


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Paul Anderson, combined with Joe Brown (two goals each) brings a new and much needed dynamic to the Bomber midfield with their speed, agility and goal sense. This, combined with experienced talls in Brady, Johnson, Farley, Adam Turrell, and Cam McKinnon, could make Rodney Brown’s Bomber crew a very dangerous prospect as the season progresses. Evergreen Sam Ryan, soon to become the third BL&G player to reach 300 games behind Matt Doecke and Hadden, is becoming a second half specialist. His two goals in the second half both came at times that stunted Angaston’s hopes of bridging the gap. For Angaston it was a look to the future in appraising their better performers with Luke Snowden, Jack Miles and Lachie Baker all impressing. Next week Kapunda face a major test as they host Barossa District. The possible return of Jason Mackenzie could boost the Bombers’ hopes of knocking off one of the competition’s high flyers and set themselves firmly in fourth place. Angaston face a desperate clash at Nuriootpa in what is nearly a must win game for both teams where form will count for little in this traditional rivalry.

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Wednesday, May 23, 2012 - Page 44 - The Herald, Barossa Valley




Kapunda spoil Craig’s party

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