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Pink Pies EDDIE McGuire has vowed Collingwood will never stray from their black and white stripes, but the Tanunda Magpies have done exactly that - and for a good cause. The A grade Tanunda footballers and netballers will don pink this weekend to raise money for the National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF). Footballers will wear specially-made pink jumpers, while the netballers will wear pink bibs, and even the balls in both sports will be pink. Ladies Day co-ordinator Toni Brooks said all the money raised would be going to the NBCF. “The last three years we have held a Ladies Day, which we usually run in conjunction with Mothers Day, but because we don’t have a home game, we are having it a week early,” she said. “It is $40 and the ladies can come in and have drinks all afternoon, and finger food. ‘There will be raffles, and after the game we are auctioning off one of the pink jumpers fully signed. We have also a Crows guernsey signed by Patrick Dangerfield, and the ball will be signed and auctioned, and a few other things.” The pink guernseys have been donated by Elders, the Burley balls by Sam Parkinson Marketing and the Adelaide Crows jumper has been donated by Rick Vidovich from Sportscentre. “It’s a worthy cause, because we all know someone who has been affected by breast cancer,” said Toni. “We have to say the Barossa, Light and Gawler Football Association were on board from the start, they thought it was a great idea and were enthusiastic for the boys to be wearing pink. “Thanks also to Kapunda who have supported the initiative and will be wearing their home strip.” Tanunda playing coach Ben Britton said his players were right behind the initiative to play in pink. “I think a few of them are a bit too excited - a couple of them have already asked if they can keep the guernseys,” he laughed. “Hopefully it will raise a bit more awareness, not just for the event but also so that it can raise a few funds and it can grow each year and become an annual event for a good cause.”
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s V T L L A F F O 20 LY
N 4 DAYS O rday Ends this Satu
GOOD CAUSE: Tanunda’s football playing coach Ben Britton and netball captain Kate Jolly have a laugh while testing out their pink gear.
Barossa bark features in exhibit Council, approval has been given by the council to proceed with the project as requested”. Mr Lange said it is proposed this watercraft will be used to show other indigenous and non-indigenous members of the community of how this was undertaken in the past. The elder is also working closely with John Gawen of the Adelaide and Mt Lofty Ranges Natural Resource Management, David New of South East Natural Resources Management, Peter Farmer from Native Vegetation
BARK from two Barossa gum trees will feature in a display at the National Maritime Museum in Sydney. An application was made by an elder of the Ngarrindjeri tribal group seeking to remove a portion of bark from trees at Manser Road and Springton Road, near Williamstown, for the construction of indigenous watercrafts. According to Barossa Council’s director of works Michael Lange, “As written approval/endorsement has now been given by both the Natural Resources Management and Native Vegetation
and Biodiversity Management, and Liz Tregenza of the Ananguku Arts and Cultural Aboriginal Corporation. Once the bark is removed it will be taken to Kalangadoo to be carefully dried and shaped and then transported to the museum in Sydney. Following the bark removal, council said the health of the trees will be monitored and a report will be prepared and provided to the Native Vegetation and Biodiversity Unit after 12 months.
Footy Tipping
d r a o B p i h s r Le a d e Leadership Position
GIVE IT A GO: Jump online and have a look around at Use the navigation bar to choose ‘Opinion’ then ‘Letters To The Editor’ to send us your thoughts.
THE Herald’s website has been busy this week, with readers heading online to express their views on stories. A story and photo about the spectacular fall at Gawler races on ANZAC Day has attracted particular attention, with both jumps protesters and supporters taking to the website to give their views on jumps racing. Putting your opinion forward doesn’t take long. All you have to do is read the story and post a comment at the bottom of the page, supplying a name and email address. Join the jumps racing debate, or have your say on any other story, at Even if it isn’t about a story, online readers can submit letters to the editor and news tips via Winter means plenty of sports start up and 2012 is no exception. This year, you can even read all about your club’s news well before the paper comes out on Wednesday. Sports results and club news are often uploaded to the website on Monday evenings. Magpie Chatter, Freeling club notes, Barossa squash, Barossa ten pin bowling, Kapunda rifle shooting, bridge Barossa, Barossa winter tennis, Gawler darts, kegel, Starplex, and of course Robert Laidlaw’s weekly Central District article were all available on Monday.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Total Points
Melissa Daly Mark Wilton June Tidswell Gordon William Evelyn Angus Di Stock Maria Norris Kylee Wilton Wayne Angus Alison Angus Bart Ryan Kayne Schugmann
Hayden Schugmann 40
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Darryl Matthews Michael Angus Christine Lange Sue Lewis Bill Boxall Bob Hennig Dawn Couzner Bryce Norton Marianne Stokes Graham Hill Brenton Lange
40 40 39 39 39 39 38 36 38 38 37
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Telephone: (08) 8563 2041 Fax: (08) 8563 3655 Advertising: Editorial: Website: Manager/Sales Manager: Clayton Bester Editor: Graham Fischer Editorial: Michelle O’Rielly, John Crawford, Mike Teakle, Ben Mallett, Robert Laidlaw, Anne Hopton. Photography: Kirsty Hosking, Shaun Kowald. Sales: Glenys Brooks, Jordan Stollznow, Jodie Coventry, Linda Goldfinch, Renee Day. Administration: Cheryl Lange, Roxanne Mathew
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The Barossa and Light Legacy Widow’s Club received a donation of more than $200 thanks to funds raised through the Herald’s Anzac Day Remembrance feature. On Tuesday, the Herald’s senior media consultant Renee Day (middle) met with Legacy president Eileen Schultz (left) and Joyce Oliver to hand over the funds.
Incorporating The Barossa News, Kapunda Herald and Eudunda Courier.
Published by The Barossa News Pty. Ltd.
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Wednesday, May 2, 2012 - Page 2 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Visit our showroom 132 Murray Street GAWLER or call 8522 4670
GOING, GOING, GONE: Luke Miller and Lord de Veer tumble to the turf at Gawler.
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CROSS-country jockey Luke Miller will be sidelined for about three months following a spectacular fall at the ANZAC Day race meeting at Gawler on Wednesday. Miller spent two nights in the Lyell McEwin Hospital after crashing from Lord de Veer in the Returned Services League Hurdle (3358m). “I suffered ligament damage in my neck and a knee,” Miller said. “There was a bit of bruising and I’m still sore but I’ll be okay in a month or so.” Miller fared worse than his mount Lord De Veer which cotrainer Kevin Frew said had
taken no harm from the fall at the last hurdle. “He could have run later in the week had there been a suitable race,” Frew said. The trainer also put forward a different view on why Lord de Veer had been motionless after the accident. “There have been people saying he was winded or knocked unconscious but I’m not so sure. Horses are very intelligent and I believe another possibility was that the horse was aware of Luke being partly trapped under him. “Rather than thrash about trying to get to his feet and possibly causing more damage he chose to stay still.
“As soon as Luke was moved from under Lord de Veer the horse got straight to his feet. The Herald’s exclusive photos tell the tale of the accident. Miller became unbalanced after Lord De Veer jumped the hurdle and slipped off around the five-year-old's neck and as he crashed to the ground, held on effectively bringing the horse down with him. Fortunately, Lord De Veer landed only partially on Miller rather than completely on top of the jockey. The race was won by Lord De Veer's stablemate Fraughtwith Danger who unfortunately pulled up lame and may be retired.
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Wednesday, May 2, 2012 - Page 3 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Both surviving on a day
ON TRACK: Lauren Main (left) and Eliza McEvoy.
TRY living on $2 a day for food and water for a week. It’s not easy according to Barossa girls Eliza McEvoy, of Angaston, and Lauren Main, of Tanunda. The good friends have joined forces with the Oak Tree Foundation Australia’s largest youth run organisation, which gets people under the age of 25-years working together to help end global poverty. Eliza, 19, said, “Each year in May young people take part in the ‘Live Below The Line’ fundraiser campaign”. “Two dollars a day is the equivalent of the international extreme poverty line,” Eliza said. The initiative means raising critical needed funds to provide education in poor communities throughout the world. The girls’ week challenge began on Monday and finishes midnight this Friday. Both became a part of the fundraiser because they wanted to challenge themselves and support others. Lauren, almost 21, said “Oak Tree is a creditable foundation and allows you to get involved and motivated and make a real difference”. For Eliza, it’s about thinking of others rather her own needs. Eliza explained that she enjoys a variety of foods but does not consider herself a cook. “I did some research earlier on to find out what foods I could buy and what I could make”.
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Signs and symptoms begin between 10 to 21 days after being infected and include: o Low grade fever, runny nose, headache, cough and general unwell feeling. (This usually occurs 1-2 days before rash, and is when the contagious phase starts) o Rash (small red spots that can appear all over the body) which quickly turn into very itchy blisters o Blisters burst and develop crusts (usually day 5 of rash. Once the last blister has crusted over, the contagious phase has ended)
Chickenpox is more severe in adults, newborns, pregnant women and people who have a depressed immunity therefore if you have chickenpox, it is best that you stay away from people in this group. I recommend that you speak to your doctor or pharmacist about the vaccination if you have not been immunised or have not ever had chickenpox and fall into the high risk group including health care workers, teachers or childcare workers.(Once you have chickenpox, your body generally develops a resistance to it). nb. Pregnant women can not be vaccinated, and need to be vaccinated at least 1 month prior to pregnancy.
Treatment options for chickenpox mainly focuses on relieving itching, fever and general unwellness. Treatment options include: o Cool baths with baking soda or oatmeal added to the water o Cool wet compresses applied on blisters o Hydrating and healing gels which act to relieve itch and minimise scab and scar formation o Antihistamine tablets and syrups to reduce itch o Paracetamol to reduce fever and pain (Check to see if this is suitable for you) o Bed rest o Drinking plenty of fluid to avoid dehydration o Mittens for babies and young children to prevent scratching 1815444
for the community
Chickenpox is a highly contagious viral infection that is normally considered a childhood illness. Chickenpox is spread by either air borne droplets (via coughing or sneezing) or by the fluid in the chickenpox (or Shingles) blisters. The prevalence of chickenpox has been reduced due to the introduction of a chicken pox vaccine (my son has just received his free immunisation at the doctor, falling in the 12 to 18 months of age category).
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The foundation also provides a list of guidelines to keep them on track and also provides support for food ideas and limits for exercise. Their weekly menu choices includes oats and water for breakfast and a medley of fresh vegetables rice or pasta for lunch and dinner. They will go without their morning coffees and stick to rainwater. So far the hardest part of the challenge for Eliza was Monday when she had organised to move all her gear to Adelaide to return to university studies, while Lauren said just catching up with friends meant they drank coffee as she sipped water. With a set fundraising goal of $400, the girls have already exceeded this amount. They are part of ‘Team Babes’ and you can find out more about them through the internet. The girls said while the challenge may mean mixed emotions of tired, hungry and frustrated by the end of the week, they say they are still fortunate to be able to sleep in a comfortable bed and return to their normal food after the week. Fortunately, the girls had earlier planned to head to Melbourne on a road trip this Friday. Together they will support each other through their hunger pains but will reward themselves come midnight. You can support the girls by visiting Eliza’s page e/elizamcevoy. To find Lauren click on “My Team - team of Babes’.
Health - E - Advice Chemist Woolworths Complex, Shop 1 Commercial Lane Gawler Phone 8522 1932
Wednesday, May 2, 2012 - Page 4 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Tanunda roadworks WORK will begin this week to improve stormwater systems in Tanunda’s main street. The $300,000 upgrade will see underground infrastructure installed to redirect stormwater and prevent sheeting across Murray Street. Barossa mayor Brian Hurn said the commercial centre of the town currently experiences wide gutter flows, even in small storms. “The completed works will be able to cater for a one in 20 storm event, which will alleviate the flash flooding issues we’ve experienced particularly in the
past two years,” Mr Hurn said. He said the project was timely as the department of transport was preparing to re-seal Murray Street. “It’s best that council can complete the stormwater drainage works beforehand, to eliminate unnecessary rework associated with ripping up newly laid bitumen pavement,” he said. Camco has been awarded the contract and ‘rolling stoppages’ will occur in Murray Street from Young Street to Bushman Street over the next three weeks. Speed restrictions will apply.
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we will notify you of the application date as soon as possible and once lodged, our application will be available to view on our website.” Pacific Hydro’s consultation to date has included three consultation sessions, follow-up information stands, tours to the operating Clements Gap wind farm, visits to the proposed site, and several meetings and on-going one-on-one contact. “We have made significant design changes and reduced the number of turbines proposed by 30 per cent since our initial layout that was discussed with immediate neighbours in 2009,” he said. “Even though this will be the last information stand, our community engagement co-ordinator is always available to discuss the proposal over the phone.” If you are unable to make this date due to work or other commitments, Wednesday, May 9 is free for individual meetings. If you would like to meet individually or have any questions about the proposal or the information session, please feel free to contact community engagement co-ordinator Chloe Carpenter on 03 8621 6428.
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WINE CLEARANCE Siegersdorf Road, Tanunda BAROSSA VALLEY Saturday, May 12th 9am – 4pm Cases of Wine from $30 Stock up your Wine Cellar for the festive season. Please note that the sale will now be held at the rear of the site, Entry via walk way along front right side of Warehouse.
(08) 8561 2200 1814111
DEVELOPER Pacific Hydro invites the community to attend the final information stand to discuss the proposed Keyneton wind farm next Tuesday, May 8. The Victorian-based company is seeking to develop 42 wind turbines at the Sedan Hill ranges. The company’s general manager Lane Crockett said, “Pacific Hydro is committed to ensuring the community is fully informed about the proposal and this will be our final information stand before we lodge our application to the Development Assessment Commission”. The drop-in style gathering will be held at the Cambrai School community library, 1 Main Street, Cambrai from 10am to 3pm. Mr Crockett said, “Feel free to drop in at any time to discuss any questions you have. At this session, the community engagement team will have visual amenity maps, traffic maps and other information relating to the proposal,” he said. This session will be the last public information session before the company lodges their application to the DAC. “If we have your contact details
Who’s eating at your house tonight?
Retire To The Barossa Valley
Final say over Keyneton wind farm development
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Wednesday, May 2, 2012 - Page 5 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Picnic for history THE 2012 History Festival kicks off this month, but the Gawler History Network isn’t losing sight of the future in technology. A community picnic at Pioneer Park will mark the start of the history festival, and picnic-goers will have a chance to win an iPad in the free raffle.
All you have to do is turn up and fill out your free ticket. The picnic will start at noon on May 6, and will feature the Gawler Town Band and Trinity College Band, with Ralph Hatcher singing the National Anthem and the Song of Australia. There will be a barbecue, coffee and ice-cream stalls, the Gawler Guides will hold a cake stall and the Gawler Scouts a drink stall, while there will be games for the children throughout the day.
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Culinary mark left BAROSSA chef Mark McNamara is leaving his familiar surroundings to explore the world. The executive chef (right) at Appellation restaurant, Marananga, said the change makes way for a young talented team he has trained to step in as his successors. After more than 30 years at the helm of several restaurants including his own - Pear Tree Cottage in Greenock, Mark plans to write and consult during his travels. Mark took on the role at Appellation in 2005 and guided this leading culinary destination to become recognised as SA’s top-rated dining establishment. According to Appellation restaurant owner Jim Carreker, “It goes without saying that the entire team at The Louise and Appellation will miss Mark’s high standards, continuous teaching of innovative cooking skills, outstanding appreciation for pairing food and wine, and unrelenting demand for perfection. His departure from the Appellation kitchen will be filled by the talented protégés he has developed across many seasons, and the restaurant’s approach to casually elegant dining where guests experience the freshest of ingredients sourced from local suppliers will remain a key focus.”
Mark passes on the mantle to a trusted team developed under his leadership over the past several years. When Appellation at The Louise reopens on July 28, after its annual four week closure, the restaurant will be led by food and beverage director Peter Little along with executive chef Ryan Edwards, head chef Alicia Stiesch and assistant restaurant manager/sommelier Cassaly Fitzgerald.
You don’t need super powers to be a hero.
BAROSSA ON SHOW: Celebrity chefs Mark Hix (UK), Richard Fox (UK) and Martin Bosley (New Zealand) in the Barrell Hall at Seppeltsfield Winery. They were in the Barossa as part of Tasting Australia’s media familiarisation event. Their group visited the Barossa yesterday, starting the day at Seppeltsfield Winery, where they toured the facility, including the gravity vintage cellar. They stayed overnight and will be continuing their tour today.
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TOUR HIGHLIGHTS Travel form Adelaide aboard the Ghan travelling Gold Kangaroo Class all the way to Alice Springs, tour ‘The Alice’, visit John Fynn’s grave, Twin Ghost Gums, Simpsons’s Gap, Tenent Creek via Ti Tree, Renner Springs’ Dunmarra to Daly Waters, then to Mataranka Homestead. See the Christchurch Cathedral, Jumping Crocs Cruise, Territory Wildlife Park, special tour of the Bombing’s of Darwin, Aust. Aviation Heritage Centre, Aquascene and Mindil Beach Sunset Market. Visit Kakadu National Park, Humpty Doo Pub, Cruise the Yellow Waters Billabong. Visit the Jurassic Cycad Gardens in Catherine, and Gorge cruise in Katherine Gorge National Park. Across the border to WA to see Timber Creek, Kununurra, Ord River Scheme, and a cruise on Lake Argyle. See the Bungle Bungles Ranges in a fly over by plane, Argyle Diamond Mine and the Beehive Domes. Guided tour of Geikie Gorge. On to Broome with a visit to China Town, Streeters Jetty, Shell House, Anastasia’s Pool and the Dinosaur Prints and much more… tour the Willie Creek Pearl Farm. Flying home via Perth.
Burra Friday 4 May 10:30am – 12:30pm and 5:00pm – 6:30pm Tuesday 8 February 12.30pm - 2.30pm and 6.30pm - 8.30pm Uniting Church, Chapel Street, Street Burra Whyalla Centacare Central, 25 Forsythe Eudunda Tuesday 8 May 10:30am – 12:30pm and 5:00pm – 6:30pm Eudunda District Hall, 29 Bruce Street, Eudunda
8562 8092
Wednesday, May 2, 2012 - Page 6 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
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Wednesday, May 2, 2012 - Page 7 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
NEW RELEASE: Kapunda author Rosanne Hawke (left) looks forward to meeting the public this month to highlight her new book aimed at 14-year-olds and up.
FREE e-waste drop-off for regional nal householders May 1 to May 31 2012 During the month of May, unwanted computer and electrical equipment can be dropped off for recycling at the locations below, free of charge. Your e-waste can then be recycled into many components, instead of going into landfill.
Drop-off points WILLASTON Town of Gawler Waste Transfer Station, Paxton Street Open Mon 1.00pm - 3.30pm, Wed and Fri 10.00am - 12.00 noon and 1.00pm - 3.30pm, Sat and Sun 8.00am - 12.00 noon and 1.00pm - 3.30pm. Closed Tuesdays and Thursdays Ph 8523 0143 TANUNDA Tanunda Works Depot, entry off Ash Street Open 7.30am – 4.00pm on May 3, 5, 7, 15, 23 and 31 Ph 8563 8444
What you CAN drop-off* Computer equipment Any brand of desktop or laptop computer, monitors, computer mice, keyboards, computer cables, hard drives, floppy disc and CD/DVD drives, ipods, walkmans and computer-related peripherals
Home offi ce equipment/mobiles Printers, scanners, mobile handsets and chargers Entertainment equipment Televisions, video recorders, DVD players, hi-fi and stereo equipment, digital cameras and video cameras
Book proceeds support children ROSANNE Hawke’s latest book Mountain Wolf is much more than a good read. The Kapunda author has also used her creative writing skills to show awareness of trafficking of children overseas, with proceeds of the book to help children whose lives have been traded. Released on Monday into bookstores including the Barossa, this book is a companion to Rosanne’s earlier book Marrying Ameera. It also follows just two months after the release of her Australia based book, The Messenger Bird. “I felt the need to write this book after following research into red light areas in Pakistan,” Rosanne said. She explained many parents of young children are tricked into a situation where they are given money as their child is given a job. However, when the parents realise what is going on they cannot afford to pay for the return of their child. Mountain Wolf is a fictitious story of a boy who lives in the Pakistani tribal area of Kala Dhaka, Black Mountain. After an earthquake destroys the boy’s family home, his dying father tells him to go to his uncle. A man who preys on orphans lures the boy to the city with the promise of finding his uncle. But he soon realises he has been sold into slavery. Rosanne said the book was tricky to write in the sense that sometimes it made her feel upset about the facts of reality. Her research led her to find only two per cent of young people escape slavery out of millions of children. She said the story involves friendship and sacrifice, and the ability of the human spirit to overcome even the most harrowing of circumstances. The book is available for $15.
Meet the author The public can meet with Rosanne this month as she officially launches both Mountain Wolf and The Messenger Bird at the Kapunda Institute on May 6 at 2pm. SA author Phil Cummings and winner of the 2012 SA Festival Young Adult Award Vikki Wakefield will highlight the books during the launch. In true Rosanne fashion, the author has organised for Celtic music to complement the release of The Messenger Bird. This performance involves fiddler Jeri Foreman who will be supported by Kapunda group The Celtic Daughters - featuring Rosanne on piano, Dearne Prior on violin, and Liz Fahlbusch on recorder. Books will be available for purchase thanks to Raven’s Parlour Bookstore in Tanunda and for signings by Rosanne.
What you CANNOT drop-off* Whitegoods, vacuum cleaners, microwaves, other kitchen and household appliances, UPS units, overhead projectors, batteries that are not an integral part of the computer system, fluorescent tubes, contaminated equipment or other hazardous waste
For more information visit or call 1300 137 118 *Staff reserve the right to deem any item unacceptable.
Wednesday, May 2, 2012 - Page 8 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Teacher’s lesson in war history
ON TOUR: Teacher Giles Bartram at the Pill Box on Hill 60.
FUTURE lessons in war history are set to engage and enlighten students at Nuriootpa High School. That’s because the school’s history teacher Giles Bartram has returned from an overseas trip, which included being part of the ANZAC dawn service at Villers Brettoneux, France. Mr Bartram was among a group, which included two teachers and 10 students from the state, who won positions as part of the Premier’s Anzac Spirit Prize awarded annually. He said, “Although our official duties at Menin Gate, Dernancourt and Villers Brettoneux as representatives of SA were exciting and very important, the real highlights for me were the student presentations at cemeteries and other locations where the soldiers they studied fought, and in many cases, died.” Students were involved in highlighting letters including one student reading a letter from a chaplain to a family telling them of the loss of their son. “We sat very close to the front which was a real honour and the presentations were truly heartfelt, and sharing those special moments with such a select group was a real privilege,” he said. Mr Bartram said the trip enabled him to gain a greater appreciation of the country’s history. “It’s one thing to study World War 1 and know the facts, but quite another to actually feel it all around you. “There are so many cemeteries, so many headstones for unknown
soldiers, you can’t help but be overwhelmed by the sheer scale of loss,” he said. He now plans to share with his students over 1000 photos of his account and show shrapnel found on the Somme and souvenirs including books. “The trip, which went for two-andhalf-weeks, involved visiting London, Belgium, and France. “We had a whirlwind tour of several sites in London, including the Imperial War Museum and Australian War Memorial in Hyde Park before taking the train to Belgium. “Our main stop there was the town of Ypres, which we used as a base to visit a number of the battlefields such as Passchendaele and Hill 60. One of the highlights was a wreath laying at Menin Gate. “After that we went to the Somme, which was the other main area where Australians fought, and we visited places like Fromelles, Dernancourt and Pozieres and culminating in the Anzac Day dawn service at Villers Brettoneux,” he said. The group was also given a day in Paris before flying home. Mr Bartram said, while two students from Nuriootpa High missed out on the final selection for the tour, “the standard and number of entries this year were very high so there was no shame in missing out.” “I think every Year 9 and 10 student in the state should consider applying. It’s difficult but well worth it,” Mr Bartram said.
Which BL&G football players have made state squads? See page 29
FLYING HIGH: Tom Sheldon has crossed flying a microlight aircraft off his bucket list. The 79-year-old ventured into the sky with Rob Hatswell from Gawler Microlights on Sunday morning. The trip came about through a Gawler Rotary Club initiative, offering senior citizens the opportunity to take part in exciting adventures, including riding motorbikes and flying in microlights. The club says its next trip will be for a 94year-old and involve a jet ski.
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Wednesday, May 2, 2012 - Page 9 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Schools continue the ANZAC spirit
ABOVE: Kapunda High School prefects Felyka Gauci and Sam Modra rose early to be part of the Kapunda ANZAC Day Dawn Service.
HISTORIC DEDICATION: On Friday morning Nuriootpa High hosted an ANZAC service and also rededicated the school’s memorial wall, which highlights those former students who lost their lives during World War II. Pictured is Nuriootpa RSL president Peter Schultz and some students replanting 10 Cyprus Pines, grown at the Barossa Bushgardens.
SIGNIFICANT: Nuriootpa High chairperson Kristin Wohlers and representing Redeemer Lutheran School Ella Rothe, Year 4, officially unveil the high school’s new plaque.
Wednesday, May 2, 2012 - Page 10 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
GENEROUS: Leanne Hutton presents Graeme Longmuir with a certificate of appreciation.
Co-op backs foundation THE Barossa Co-op has donated a whopping $12,000 to Foundation Barossa. It is one of the largest donations The Co-op has made and will contribute to the costs associated with running the foundation. This frees up other funds to be made available through the Foundation’s funding programs, and its Thomas and Stump Jump Scholarships. Graeme Longmuir, chief executive officer of The Co-op, said the organisation’s vision is to be the heart of the Barossa. “The way we deliver that and the way we want to appear, is that we want to work with our customers, our members and our community, and this is a key part of us working with the community as part of our sponsorships and donation program,” he said. “It fits into the total positioning of The Co-op overall and where we sit in the community and where we sit within the whole region.” He said The Co-op gives to various groups, organisations, clubs and associations, yet Foundation
Barossa was particularly well organised and beneficial to the broader community. “By giving to the foundation enables us to really broaden our giving program,” Mr Longmuir said. “At the same time, we have found the foundation to be an excellent partner to the Co-op over the years.” Leanne Hutton from Foundation Barossa said the Co-op’s donation would keep more money free to be invested and grown to go towards other funding opportunities. “That goes into the open fund and that goes into the administration costs of running the foundation,” Ms Hutton said. “The Co-op has actually been one of the long term supporters as well. We rely quite heavily on their support and assistance.” Donations to Foundation Barossa are tax deductible and with the financial year ending soon, now is the ideal time to consider donating. Anyone who would like to contribute or discuss opportunities with Foundation Barossa can contact Leanne on 0400 121 656 or
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Wednesday, May 2, 2012 - Page 11 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
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ANZAC Support I TOTALLY agree with A Hodges (Herald, April 11). How dare they. Indeed, the government is getting soft and bowing down to those cultural minorities, watering down our traditions, which is totally out of order. I’m an ex-nasho. Think of the disgrace with the diggers in overseas conflict. I salute them. And as for those young blokes on those boats that come here for asylum, put them in uniform and send them home to fight for their freedom instead of sending our young blokes to fight and die for them. Dave Mount Pleasant Dance delight Last Friday evening, my husband and I enjoyed learning ballroom dancing in the Lyndoch hall. The music was wonderful. The coffee break was welcoming. The teacher patient and quietly spoken. The water was guzzled, our jackets came off, we laughed at our mistakes and our achievements, the locals were friendly and the time went quickly. Alison Nesci Lyndoch
Wanted: Your memories TNT Magazine in London is putting together a special issue on May 28 to mark its 1500th edition - an incredible milestone to reach. And we want your help. We’re calling on our readers past and present - to send us their stories about the role TNT Magazine has played in their lives. Launching in 1983, TNT Magazine was considered the traveller’s bible for Australians and Kiwis visiting or living in London. As well as collating stories from new arrivals - and those who have made the capital city their home - we want to get in touch with our readers who have now gone back to Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. Maybe you picked up the first copy of TNT? Or maybe you met through our Desperately Seeking pages? Perhaps you attended one of our events? We’d love to hear your anecdotes - big and small - and feature them in our special issue on May 28. After all, it’s the loyalty of our readers we have to thank for our incredible longevity. Email your stories to with ‘1500th issue’ in the subject by May 11, 2012. We look forward to reading them. Carol Driver Group Editor, TNT Magazine London
Helping hand I would like to try to help young lads who look everywhere to find a job. Have any of the petrol stations thought of this idea? A lot of old folks would love to have service in this field. Just to serve petrol, clean the windshield and check tyres. What a good idea it would be. I know when the weather is bad I would love to have car service. Another thing would be to have the groceries delivered. There are times when a person can’t go shopping through illness and wish they could get someone to deliver the groceries. It only needs one person to start this idea and give a lad a job. Gloria Harcus Sedan Jumping to defence What arrant nonsense A Hodges: “this so-called sport is the only one that can legally put its athletes in danger of injury and death”. Did you miss the recent deaths in surf life saving competitions? Do you know how many die attempting to climb Mt Everest? Seen the injury list for AFL/NRL clubs? Watched boxing, or at least heard of it? There are more people in
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CHURCH SERVICES SUNDAY, MAY 6 LUTHERAN CHURCH PARISHES Angaston Parish: Angaston: 8.45am HC; Keyneton: 9am HC; Eden Valley: 11am. 10.30am at The Shepherd’s Hub, 50th Anniversary of Good Shepherd Lutheran School. Bethany-Tabor Parish: 11am Parish Picnic at Bethany Reserve. Cambrai Parish: Cambrai: 9.30am R; Sedan: 11am HC; Stonefield: 9am HC. Eudunda Parish: Eudunda: 9am HC; Peep Hill: 10.30am HC. Freeling Parish: 10am Parish Service at N & K Schuster’s. Gawler: Zion, Pr G Havelberg, 8523 1929. 22B Cowan St, Gawler. 8.45am Trad W HC, 10.45am Cont W. Gawler Immanuel: Cnr Second & Seventh Sts, Gawler.Ph: 8522 6000.Sunday 8.45am, 10.45am. 1st Sunday of month 9.30am. Share-a-meal every 1st & 3rd Wed 11.45am. Greenock: Nain: 9am HC; Gnadenfrei: 9am LR; Greenock: 10.30am HC, 9.45am JAM. Kapunda Parish: Allen’s Creek: 9am Pr; Bethel: 10.30am R; Kapunda: 10.30am HC. Langmeil Parish: 8.45am T HC; 10.30am Family Service. Light Pass Immanuel Parish: Light Pass: 9am LR; Stockwell: 10.30am HC; Dutton: 9am. Light Pass Strait Gate: Light Pass: 9am; Gruenberg: 10.30am HC; Truro: 10am R. Lyndoch Parish: Lyndoch: 9am Trad HC; Rowland Flat: 10.30am Trad HC. Nuriootpa: St Petri: 8.30am HC, Pr A Kitson, 10.30am W, Pr A Kitson; Holy Trinity: 11am Trad; Ebenezer/Neukirch: 9.30am Modern Combined at Ebenezer. Robertstown Parish: Robertstown: 8.30am HC; Point Pass: 10.30am HC. St John’s Parish: St J: 9am HC; Sch: 9am LR.
St Paul’s Parish: St P: 8.45am T; Gdb: 10.30am T. Tanunda Lutheran Home: Worship 10.30am . Peace Evangelical Lutheran Church: 10.30am Fortnightly Services, at Nuri Senior Citizen’s Centre. Pastor M Rosenzweig. Ph: 8563 1310. ANGLICAN CHURCH Anglican Parish of Barossa: Angaston: 10am HC SdK, SS; Nuriootpa: 10am HC LB; Tanunda: 8.30am HC MM; Lyndoch: 10am HC MM; Williamstown: 8.30am HC SdK. Kapunda Anglican Parish:St Hilda’s, Eudunda: 9am HC; Christ Church, Kapunda: 9.15am HC; St Matthew’s, Hamilton: 11am HC. Mt Pleasant: 1st Sunday 8.30am, all other Sundays 9am. Enquiries to Hazel Wilton, Warden on 8568 2042. UNITING CHURCH Barossa Congregations: Nuriootpa: 11am Phillips; Tanunda: 9am Phillips; Angaston: 9am Mickan. Gawler Parish: Gawler: 9.30am HC Littleford, 5pm Littleford; Sandy Creek: 9.30am Edwards; Williamstown: 10am Graetz. Kersbrook: 10am. Enquiries: 8389 3114. Light Parish: Kapunda: 9.15am KC Mr G Hawke; Eudunda: 9.30am Mr G Fahlbusch. BAPTIST CHURCH Barossa Community Church: 10am Barossa Junction Motel/Conference Centre, Barossa Valley Way, Tan, Pastor Richard Ansoul. Ph: 8563 2158. Lyndoch Baptist Church: Kauffman Ave, Lyndoch: 10am. All welcome. Enquiries to Pastor Tony Edwards on 8564 3001. CATHOLIC CHURCH PARISHES Northern Light Catholic Parish: Nuri: 1st & 3rd Sat 6.30pm, 2nd & 5th Sun 10.30am, 4th Sun 9am; Kapunda: 4th Sat 6.30pm, 1st & 3rd Sun 10.30am, 2nd & 5th Sun 9am; Freeling: 1st Sun 9am, 4th Sun 10.30am, 5th Sun 5pm; Tarlee: 3rd Sun 9am. Parish Office: Ph 8566 2064. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST Barossa: 1 Old Kapunda Rd, Nuri; Sat 9.30am Family Bible Study, 11am Family Worship. ASSEMBLIES OF GOD Barossa New Life Centre: Sunday 10am at the roundabout, cnr Barossa Valley Way & Siegersdorf Road, Dorrien. 4pm at Mt Pleasant Anglican Church Hall, Melrose St. All welcome. Pastor Diane Pope, Pastor Trevor
CHC 52054-08/11
Auricht. Ph: 8562 3844. Kapunda: 10am Sunday, Light Community Church, Main St, Kapunda. Pastor Paul Smith. All welcome. Ph: 8566 2864. CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP Tanunda, McDonnell Street opp former Tanunda Primary School: Saturdays 2.30pm, Worship, Open Bible Study. CHRISTIAN FAMILY CENTRE Barossa: 10.30am Sundays. 16 Scholz Ave, Nuri. Pastor Alan Matson. Ph: 0404 846 274. Murray Flats: 5pm alternate Sundays. Pastor Alan Matson. Ph: 0404 846 274. Cambrai Uniting Church 5pm. SALT CHURCH 25 Northside Crt, Evanston Gdns: Sunday Service 10am & 5pm. Offices, b/shop open 9.30am-4pm. Ph: 8522 0000. THE CHRISTADELPHIANS Sunday school, Greenock Institute Hall, 9.30am. Memorial meetings 11am Sunday. Bible Studies 8pm Tuesday. All welcome. Phone 8524 4196. CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Main North Rd, Evanston Park. Worship Service Sunday 10.30am. All welcome. Pastor Douglas Carolisen. Ph: 8523 1706. INTERDENOMINATIONAL CHURCH Birdwood United Church. 10am Pr Brian Teakle. Ph: 8568 5540. All welcome. HEWETT COMMUNITY CHURCH OF CHRIST Kingfisher Dr, Hewett. 10am, Sunday inspiring worship service. Young generation and creche avail.Youth, women and men’s programs. Ph: 8522 4938. GAWLER FULL GOSPEL OUTREACH MINISTRIES Family Worship Svc. 10am Sun, stone pavilion, Sport & Community Cent, Nixon Tce, Gaw. Pastor Shirley Coe. Ph: 0401 065 748. KAPUNDA EVANGELICAL CHURCH Sundays 5pm, CWA Hall. Pastor Andrew Amos. Ph: 8566 2148. LYNDOCH FULL GOSPEL FELLOWSHIP MINISTRY Lyndoch Institute each Sunday, 11.30am-1.30pm Pastor Ken East . Ph: 8524 4787.
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hospital emergency departments on Saturday evening with football (and, yes, netball) injuries than as a result of drug overdoses, car accidents, assaults or drunken fights. As to the horses that “end up as dog food”, what would you have done with them? Sold off while young to the secretive “game meat” markets of Europe and Japan to which Australia has exported over 9000 tonnes of horse meat in a year? Released into the wild where an injury can lead to a terribly painful, lingering death rather than the quick dispatch afforded the few race horses severely injured in falls? Or maybe you will pay the cost to enable them all (1600 horses have run in Australian jumping races in the past eight years) to graze aimlessly in paddocks until they die of old age preceded by prolonged suffering? What would you have the jockeys do instead? Some menial, low-paid job that they hate? Or if they can’t do that, go on the dole? No-one forces them to ride anymore than others are forced to work in other, even more hazardous, occupations, for example the military. L B Loveday Gawler South Pavement problems The uneven pavements on Murray Street, Tanunda, cause many falls to young and old. On February 22, at about 12.40pm, near the pedestrian crossing, I too had a nasty fall and I would like to thank all the good Samaritans for their help. In particular, a young grandmother from Gawler who stayed with me until my wife arrived. Also a young man, a complete stranger to the Barossa, who went to the Regional Gallery to inform my wife. And to the lady from the Herald, the gentleman from the council, and many others. The area around my right eye was cut in two places, each needing two stitches. I also sustained bruising and abrasions. My thanks also go to the caring staff at the Nuriootpa Medical Clinic for their rapid attention - stitching, the tetanus shot and generally ‘cleaning me up’. It has been extremely surprising to hear of the numerous falls and nearfalls on pavements in the Barossa. It seems not only the elderly, but also the younger people, have shared my experience. One of the ABC radio station reports, I believe, has brought up this subject recently. It is to be hoped that with all these mishaps occurring over so many years that something will be done. Falls, especially for the elderly, are serious both psychologically and for the pain and on-going suffering, apart from the damage to clothing and spectacles. A serious fracture to the skull cannot be ruled out. Resulting publicity certainly wouldn’t encourage visitors, either from interstate or overseas, while legal action could result in considerable expense. Please Barossa Council, act now, nobody wants a fatality. Ted Hoffmann Nuriootpa Multi-cultural I am writing in reply to Babu Iyer (Herald, April 18). Nothing was mentioned regarding colour, just one reference to a turban. Let’s be honest here, racism isn’t
Wednesday, May 2, 2012 - Page 12 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Views expressed in the Letters to the editor are not those of the Herald. We welcome topical letters, with preference to letters of no more than 200 words. All letters are checked for authenticity. Pseudonyms are not acceptable. Mail your letters to: The editor, PO Box 43, Tanunda, SA, 5352. Fax: 8563 3655. E-mail:
solely a caucasian affliction. This country stands as a testament to the people who pioneered, worked, fought and died for it against insurmountable odds. It’s a “democracy”, freedom of speech is part and parcel of it, and Australians reserve their right to gob off with reckless abandon. If you are offended by us and our rights, perhaps you should look inside yourself for an answer. Did you flee your country because there wasn’t democratic rule, no freedom of speech, no publications with the courage to print everyone’s opinion, be they right or wrong? Correct me if I’m wrong, but aren’t these nasty conflicts in foreign lands started with witch-hunts to weed out certain elements that don’t toe imaginary lines. You’re stuck with us Babu. I suggest you start developing a sense of humour or better yet, quit while you’re ahead. L Lyons Greenock Freedom of speech It would indeed be irresponsible for the hard-working, tax-paying people of this country to not speak up and protest about issues affecting this great nation, a nation which has and continues to suffer at the hands of egotistical, selfish and power hungry ‘leaders’ who seem to be doing their best to turn Australia into a thirdworld country. Those of us who came here from a foreign country (and I am one of those people) should and must respect Australia and its people, its laws, religion, customs, culture and values. The twisted ideology that requires Australians to accept and embrace racial and cultural diversity without question at their own detriment must be condemned by all. Infringing on an individual’s right to freedom of speech must be opposed, labelling a person racist for expressing their views is in itself a liberal tool used to suppress freedom of speech. Is it not the complete lack of freedom of speech (as well as other human rights) in the countries where the ‘asylum seekers’ come from which leads to persecution, prosecution and even death the chief reason for their arrival on Australian shores? It is the migrants who must assimilate not the Australian people. Those who demand respect must first show respect, starting with Anzac Day. Roy Villanueva Eudunda Thank you After spending an enjoyable time at the Kapunda Farm Fair on Friday, April 20 with friends, we returned home. At this time we discovered, due to an unfortunate mistake, my handbag was lost, of course, containing everything. After many phone calls, on returning to Kapunda, we learned the bag had been handed in at the secretary’s office by a very kind, honest gentleman. No name left. I wish to say a huge ‘thank you’ through the Herald to the person. There are still some honest people in this country. I have made a donation to Variety SA as a thank you for the kind act of an anonymous person. Val M Willaston
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Free local delivery (including Gawler) Pensioner Discounts Medicine Alliance, with full access to the most up to date travel health information and medicines. “At present a lot of people travel to Adelaide to attend a dedicated Travel Medicine clinic prior to overseas travel,” she said. “By offering a comprehensive and expert service in travel medicine in Tanunda, the Tanunda Medical Centre is hoping to make it easier for people in the Barossa to get the assistance they need before heading overseas.”
Council’s award winners BAROSSA Council employee Joanne Thomas has won a state award for excellence. The director of corporate and community services took out the Leadership and Management Excellence Award for rural councils in SA/NT on April 20 at the industry’s annual excellence awards, run by Local Government Management Australia (LGMA). Joanne won the award for overseeing the construction of The
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AWARDED: Dr Diana Gillet with her MASTA Medal certificate.
TANUNDA GP Diana Gillet has been awarded a prestigious medal for scoring the highest mark in the final exam of her postgraduate certificate in travel medicine. The MASTA (Medical Advisory Service for Travellers Abroad) Medal is awarded by the James Cook University and gives further credit to Dr Gillet’s commitment to travel medicine. Dr Gillet has led the way in bringing travel medicine to the Barossa, personally ensuring the Tanunda Medical Centre stocks a range of travel vaccines and emergency travel kits, and has access to exotic vaccines and other important travel needs like mosquito bite prevention equipment. “I have travelled fairly extensively in the past for my own interest,” said Dr Gillet. “The reason for studying travel medicine was a perceived need for improving our service to people living in the Barossa.” Dr Gillet is in Singapore this week attending the 9th Asia-Pacific Travel Health Conference. Her passion and expertise for travel medicine has also allowed the Tanunda Medical Centre to become a member of the National Travel
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Wednesday, May 2, 2012 - Page 13 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
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EUDUNDA and Barossa police arrested two men and a woman early on Sunday morning following the theft of a motor vehicle from Eudunda. Acting on information from a member of the public, who witnessed the theft of the motor vehicle, police visited Dutton, near Truro, where they located the allegedly stolen vehicle.
The vehicle was a classic Valiant, one of three, which had allegedly been stolen over the past few days from the same address in Eudunda. One of these vehicles had been recovered by the owner the previous day as it appeared to have broken down while being stolen. Further enquiries made at a number of addresses in Evanston, Gawler and Angaston later that morning, led to the recovery of the remaining classic Valiant vehicle, which is believed to be the last of its kind in Australia.
Police arrested a 34year-old Evanston man, a 35-year-old Angaston man and a 32-year-old Willaston woman at the scene. All three have been charged with illegal use of a motor vehicle and theft offences. They have been bailed to appear in the Clare Magistrates Court later next month. If anyone has any information about this incident or any previous thefts, they are asked to contact BankSA Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or online at
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ARRESTS • A 19-year-old Belair woman was arrested on April 23 by the Nuriootpa Police for the theft of goods from a business in Nuriootpa on April 22. • A Kapunda man in his 30s was arrested on April 27 by the Kapunda Police for threaten to kill and endanger life. • Two men in their 30s from Evanston and Angaston were arrested on April 29 by the Nuriootpa Police for illegal use. REPORTS • A Williamstown man in his
20s was reported on April 25 by the Williamstown Police for misuse of a motor vehicle and for breach of ‘L’ licence. The vehicle was seized and impounded. • A Springton man in his 50s was reported on April 26 by the Mt Pleasant Police for possession of cannabis. • A Pennington man in his 40s was reported on April 28 by the Nuriootpa Police on the Thiele Highway, Freeling, for driving while suspended and crossing the barrier lines. His vehicle was impounded.
Gawler incident roundup ARRESTS • A 40-year-old Gawler East man was arrested on April 23 by the Gawler Police for property damage. • A 13-year-old Gawler girl was arrested on April 26 by the Gawler Police for property damage in Gawler. • A 19-year-old Gawler West man was arrested on April 27 by the Gawler Police for a warrant. • A 31-year-old Gawler West man was arrested on April 28 for driving while disqualified and for carrying an offensive weapon. • A 17-year-old Evanston Gardens man and a 17-yearold Evanston man were arrested on April 29 by the Gawler Police for marked graffiti and carrying a graffiti implement. • A 34-year-old Evanston man was arrested on April 29 for illegal use of a motor vehicle. REPORTS • A 36-year-old Evanston Park man was reported in April for cultivate cannabis and possession of prescribed equipment. • A 28-year-old Gawler man was reported on April 27 for driving while unlicensed and for exceeding the speed limit. • A 59-year-old Hewett man was reported on April 28 for cultivating a commercial quantity of cannabis and theft of electricity.
• A 42-year-old Davoren Park man was reported on April 29 in Gawler for assault. • A 19-year-old Gawler West man was reported on April 29 by the Gawler Police for driving while unregistered, uninsured, disqualified and for displaying false number plates. TRESPASS • Tools were stolen after a house under construction on Haines Road, Willaston, was broken into between April 24 and 25. • Electrical items were stolen from a house on Theodore Street, Evanston on April 27. • Electrical items were also stolen from a house on Potts Road, Evanston Park, on April 27.
THEFT • Two men left a business on Murray Street, Gawler, without payment of $1200 worth of stock on April 23. • A bicycle was stolen from the Woolworths car park on April 20. • A man left a service station without paying for fuel at Main North Road, Evanston on April 23. • A redevelopment site on Barnett Road, Evanston was broken into and numerous tools were stolen and diesel syphoned from machinery, between April 20 and 21 • A dual axle car trailer was stolen from a property on Balmoral Road, Kalbeeba, between April 24 and 25. • Items were stolen from the receiving area of a Gawler supermarket on April 27. • A man and a woman entered an Evanston electrical store on April 26 and stole an item before running from the store. • Items were stolen from an unlocked shed on Fergusson Terrace, Evanston Gardens, between April 10 and 27. ASSAULT • A person was assaulted outside a licensed premise on Cowan Street, Gawler, on April 21. ARSON • Tyres were stacked around the base of a stobie pole and set on fire at a school lane, Gawler on April 29.
PROPERTY DAMAGE • A rock was thrown through the rear window of a parked vehicle on Murray Road, Hewett, between April 21 and 22. • A brick was thrown through a glass door of a house on Holness Avenue, Gawler East on April 23. •Many letterboxes were damaged in Gawler Terrace, Gawler South and Hayward Drive, Evanston Park, between April 24 and 25 • Graffiti was marked on the walls of a business on Main North Road, Evanston, between April 23 and 24
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Strathlyn Skin & Health Clinic Located at Strathlyn B&B - Angaston Rd, Angaston (Next to Saltram Winery) GIFT VOUCHERS AVAILABLE *Valid until August 31
Private Appointments 8564 2430
Wednesday, May 2, 2012 - Page 14 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Police catch car thieves at Dutton
For police assistance, phone 131 44. To report a crime, contact 1800 333 000.
8524 4217
Limited edition, very low kms with full leather trim, 18” series II factory alloys, Bluetooth and rear park assist. Great Value S307AJA
Handpicked direct from GMH executive fleet, very low kms, full luxury feats with stunning 20” alloys. Well worth your inspection. S160AOT
Stunning red hot duco, factory sports pack, low kms, dual zone climate ctrl, Bluetooth, 6 airbags, Holden’s IQ tech, all with 210Kw of exhilarating pwr. S553AIP
Auto, low kms, chilli red duco, 4 airbags, ABS brakes, alloy wheels, still under new + free 3 year certified wrrnty. S152AGM
Stunning silver rally edition swift with low kms, sports alloy wheels, full factory body kit, ipgone connectivity. XSY140
I lady owner, fuel efficient 1.8L engine, 5 spd manual, Moroccan blue duco, 5 Star ANCAP safety rating, alloy wheels, cruise ctrl, tinted windows. S610AGY
1 owner car in stunning white duco, lots of extras, tinted windows, 2.4L, 6 spd CVT, proximity keys, rain sensing wipers, climate control. U000617
Low kms, limited edtion factory sunroof, pewter grey duco, GMH executive driven, heated leather seats, fog lamps and many more extras. S691ALE
Fuel eff yet powerful 2.0L Diesel Turbo, 5 spd man, heated leather seats, GMH exec driven, velvet red duco, save 000’s, still under new + free 3 year cert wrrnty. S790AJH
Ex Holden 5 star quality, current model, with rear camera, rear park assist, GMH tow pack, cargo barrier and Bluetooth. Well worth a test drive. S098ALM
Top of the range AWD Diesel wagon complete with satnav, factory sunroof, reverse camera, side steps, nudge bar & tow pack. Ready for any adventure. S725AKX
The right combination 6 speed manual in stunning phantom mica, very low kms, with Holden’s latest IQ technology & engineering. Well worth the trip. S859AMY
8522 4222
29 Murray Street
Cnr Bridge & Murray St
8522 1222 GAWLER
Perfect mid size suv presented in a stunning metallic black. 4x4 , ABS, 5speed manual all at a great price.Dual airbags & good service history.
2007 model, automatic, air cond, power steering, cruise ctrl, pwr windows, abs, srs , remote central locking & finished in ego
Auto, a/c, pwr steering, electric windows, cruise control, sidesteps, factory alloys, roof rack & more
2.3L engine, semi-auto, cruise control, grey duco, curtain airbags, 6 stack CD, climate control, fog lamps + lot's more, be quick.
1 Owner with books, 17” chrome alloys, cruise ctrl, pwr windows, finished in hothouse green with matching sports trim. WELL WORTH THE TRIP
2005 Model, presented in stunning Graphite Pearl. Feats of the euro include: Climate ctrl, 6 stack in dash CD player, lixury leather trim, 16" Alloy wheels & an econ 2.4l 4cyl engine, 5 spd auto
2.4 lt 4 cyl motor & 4 speed auto sports transmission with combination leather trim, cruise ctrl, pwr windows, a/c, pwr steering and more. A must see.
Factory vapour injected gas, cruise ctrl, pwr windows, 8 airbags, air cond, pwr windows, factory security, only 52000 kms WELL WORTH THE TRIP
Black duco & tinted windows. Automatic, a/c, pwr steering, and cruise ctrl, only 55000 kms & plenty of safety features. WELL WORTH THE TRIP
Finished in morpheous paint work with 6 ltr v8, 6 spd manual, air cond, pwr steering, cruise ctrl, front & side airbags, pwr windows, only 66,000km and WELL WORTH THE TRIP.
DISCLAIMER: Prices are exclusive of registration and stamp duty payable to road transport. *To approved purchases through St George Bank, Adelaide. Some photos for illustrational purposes only. LMVD2833.
Wednesday, May 2, 2012 - Page 15 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Camping out for One Direction ONE DIRECTION’S Adelaide gigs might not be until 2013, but it did not stop these die-hard fans camping out overnight to secure tickets. Cousins Kahli Gifford, of Williamstown, and Katrina Gifford, of Adelaide, have shown they are possibly the biggest One Direction fans in the region. The pair set up camp outside Terry White Chemists in Gawler at 9am on Friday to be at the front of the line when tickets went on sale at 10am on Saturday. They even skipped school to make sure they were at the front of the queue. “It is hard to explain, but it is just to see them in front of us, we want to get as close as possible,” Kahli said. Staff at Terry White Chemists said overnight line-ups for tickets were rare, with the last time being for AC/DC. “We are going to be playing One Direction inside the store – they won’t be here though,” staff member Fiona laughed. Tickets for the tour went on sale at 10am on Saturday. The Adelaide performances are not until September 2013.
Happy birthday to... Noah Lewcock, of Nuriootpa, was one on April 28.
Yanah Geisler, of Williamstown, was eight on April 5.
Emily Geisler, of Williamstown, will be six on May 24.
Scott Noack, of Tanunda, was two on April 29.
Malachi Hull, of Tanunda, was two on April 23.
Raise funds by purchasing a rose ADD to your mum’s garden this Mother’s Day with the latest release, the ‘Child’s Love’ rose. The rose is currently being sold as a special fundraiser for the Women’s and Children’s Hospital Foundation. Funds will help the hospital foundation continue to make a difference to sick children and their families. The rose features masses of petal-filled, luminous deep salmon pink blooms. The rose is $19.95 and will be available for delivery in June. Roses can be ordered through the Women’s and Children’s Hospital Foundation by phoning 8464 7900 or visit
Herald birthday photographs are taken inside The Co-op’s Toyworld section, Nuriootpa, each Saturday. Parents are asked to line up from 10am.
Alexander Lucas Kraft, son of Elizabeth and Darren, of Tanunda, was born on March 20 at the Gawler Heath Service, weighing 9lb (4010g). He is a brother for James and William and a grandson of Dianne Lamb and Denis Young of Grange and Malcolm and Mavis Kraft of Tanunda.
Wednesday, May 2, 2012 - Page 16 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
An A5 copy of the photo is available to the parents for $5.50. To order your photo contact the Herald office on 8563 2041 or visit Shop 1, 119 Murray Street, Tanunda.
Real Estate Liftout
Scan with your smartphone to view this property on
Mixing best of both worlds Situated on Kapunda’s northern edge, a property priced to sell. See Domain P3. THURSDAY 3RD MAY HOMBURG REAL ESTATE TANUNDA Lot 201 Smyth Road................5:30 – 6:00pm
SATURDAY 5TH MAY HOMBURG REAL ESTATE ANGASTON Lot 4 Diagonal Road..............1:00 – 1:30pm
richard miller CONVEYANCING
Assoc. Aust. Inst. of Conveyancers Registered Conveyancer
Beckwith Park Commercial Precinct 30-38 Barossa Valley Way, Nuriootpa
Ph: (08) 8562 3355 | Fax: (08) 8562 3282 • House & Land Settlements • Mortgages • Leases • Business Settlements • Subdivisions Arranged • Strata Titles • Power of Attorney ALL REAL PROPERTY ACT DOCUMENTS
ADELAIDE RURAL REAL ESTATE KAPUNDA 80A High Street .......................1:30 – 2:15pm
BAROSSA REAL ESTATE TANUNDA 49 Langmeil Road................11:45 – 12:15pm NURIOOTPA 16 Maple Avenue................12:30 – 1:00pm TANUNDA 28 Rosalie Avenue .................12:30 – 1:00pm NURIOOTPA 38 Gothic Avenue .................1:45 – 2:15pm SPRINGTON 42 Angas Street ...................2:45 – 3:15pm LYNDOCH 42 Gilbert Street.......................3:45 – 4:15pm
Wednesday, May 2, 2012 - Domain Page 1 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
HOMBURG REAL ESTATE TANUNDA 26 College Street .................11:30 – 12:00pm TANUNDA 38 Elizabeth Street ...............12:00 – 12:30pm TANUNDA 9 Arrawarra Place ................12:15 – 12:45pm TANUNDA 15 Elizabeth Street .................12:30 – 1:00pm NURIOOTPA 27 Zimmermann Street ........1:15 – 1:45pm NURIOOTPA 17 Traminer Way ..................1:50 – 2:20pm NURIOOTPA 6 Hearl Street .......................2:30 – 3:00pm GREENOCK 8 Vintage Way .......................3:15 – 3:45pm LYNDOCH 58 Rushall Road ......................3:45 – 4:15pm KAPUNDA 65 High Street .........................4:00 – 5:00pm
Australia’s fastest growing property website List your property with an agent who uploads to Domain
Real Estate Liftout
Location with views
RIGHT: The Gawler East house is pictured above and below, the view from the entertainment area.
A GREAT opportunity has arisen to purchase a lovely family home in Gawler East with stunning views. The house offers four good-size bedrooms, the master with built-in robes as well as bedrooms two and three, formal entry with double doors through to the formal lounge/ dining area, this is a room to view. There is an open-plan modern kitchen with quality appliances, a family/meals area with sliding doors through to the spare room which leads out to a lovely entertaining area at the back of the home. Reverse-cycle ducted heating and cooling ensures year-round temperature control. The double garage has an entertainment area on top - imagine sitting out on a lovely summer’s night watching the sun set. This family home, priced at $359,000, is located in a fabulous part of Gawler and is close to all amenities. Call Kies Real Estate on 8523 3777 to arrange a private inspection to suit.
With access to over 20 lenders, including HomeStart Finance, we work hard to find you a better deal!
Call us today... Kerrie Dellar 0408 845 154 Australian Credit Licence #389548
PUBLIC NOTICE Re: Section 7 The Vendor’s statement relating to matters affecting the advertised properties in this publication may be inspected at the agents office three business days prior to the auction or at the place of auction thirty minutes before sale. WH1780969
LYNDOCH $325K- $335K
OPEN 38 Gothic Ave
Open Sun 1.45-2.15
WARM AND WELCOMING With separate entry, large lounge plus a rumpus room, Three bedrooms ensuite and walk in robe, built in robes to bed 2& 3, spacious kitchen with gas cook top, wall oven dishwasher, walk-in pantry and feature bay window, open plan dining/family area. Ducted gas heating and cooling, pitched pergola, double garage, carport, rain water tanks. Sue Schugmann 0419 850 408
GAWLER EAST $439,950
SPRINGTON $216,500
OPEN 42 Gilbert St
Open Sun 3.45-4.15
42 Angas St
GREAT LOCATION, IDEAL FAMILY HOME Separate entry, large lounge, 3 Bedrooms, Ensuite, Walk in & BI Robes. Open plan meals & family, kitchen with walk in pantry, air conditioning, combustion heating, neutral décor. Rear veranda, double carport with roller doors, 8 solar panels, Rain water tanks. BBQ Area, Established gardens. Walking distance to local schools and shopping. Sue Schugmann 0419 850 408
TANUNDA $278K-$295K
Open Sun 2.45 to 3.15
CEDAR COTTAGE Separate entry, large lounge, 3 Bedrooms, Ensuite, Walk in & BI Robes. Open plan meals & family, kitchen with walk in pantry, air conditioning, combustion heating, neutral décor. Rear veranda, double carport with roller doors, 8 solar panels, Rain water tanks. BBQ Area, Established gardens. Walking distance to local schools and shopping! Sue Schugmann 0419 850 408
OPEN 22 McGahan Ct
28 Rosalie Av
TWO STOREY BEAUTY You couldn't build it for this price. Separate entry, formal lounge, up to the minute kitchen, stainless steel appliances, rumpus room, meals/family room, formal dining, 4 brms, ducted air and gas heat, 914m2 allotment, fantastic views, walking distance to Gawler main street. Sue Schugmann 0419 850 408
ROOM FOR A CARAVAN! Cul-de-sac location on a 737m2 allotment with lots of bonuses that a unit doesn’t have. 3 bed, 1 bath & separate L-shaped lounge with r/c a/c. Functional kitchen with open plan dining. Exceptionally well maintained. Single carport, a double shed and plenty of room for a caravan. Peter Fairweather 0415 825 420
Open Sun 12.30-1.00
OPEN 16 Maple Ave
Open Sun 12.30-1.00
IT’S GOT THE LOT Spacious living both casual and formal, 3 entertaining areas, private study or office area, 5 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, neutral décor throughout. Very manageable outdoor space with in-ground pool,veggie garden, shed and double garage. Peter Fairweather 0415 825 420
OPEN 49 Langmeil Rd Open Sun 11.45-12.15
11 Rushall Road
CONTEMPORY FUTURE! Value packed 70’s style solid brick home offers lots of extras. Quality construction, 4 bedrooms, very spacious lounge, wine cellar or office. Garage and workshop for at least 6 vehicles, established gardens, fruit trees & shaded areas. A contemporary touch of furniture & colors will do wonders to this excellent home. Peter Fairweather 0415 825 420
LOOK AT ME Elevated (approx) 1005m2 block this 3 bedroom 2 bathroom home offers plenty of room. 2 living areas. Family kitchen with plenty of cupboard space, gas cook top, electric oven and dishwasher. Gabled patio perfect for entertaining friends. Evaporative cooling, gas heating, a double garage under the main roof. Room for a caravan or boat. Peter Fairweather 0415 825 420
8563 3511 F: 8563 0105 E:
Peter Fairweather 0415 825 420
Sue Schugmann 0419 850 408
Sue Fechner 8563 3511
Elle Moreton 0488 996 566
Property Manager Anne Johansson 8563 3511
RLA 1997
Wednesday, May 2, 2012 - Domain Page 2 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Real Estate Liftout PROPERTY OF THE WEEK
INVITING: Relax in the lounge in front of the combustion heater.
Mixing best of both worlds SITUATED on the edge of Kapunda’s northern boundaries is this solid circa 1984 brick-veneer home with a tiled roof. It is on a 2252 square metre block over two titles. There is bitumen road frontage, extensive gardens and it is set back from the main road. Mixing the best of both worlds, the home is near town facilities with a rural outlook. The fully-established gardens lead to a well-presented three good-sized bedroom home. The house is equipped with a combustion heater, plus a splitsystem air-conditioner and evaporative cooler. Features on the inside include linen storage in the hallway, fantastic lights in the fully-tiled bathroom, and ceiling fans. Reasonably new carpets are also a highlight, with all floor coverings in good condition. Outside, there are security doors and window screens, a walled
Lifestyle, location and income A GREAT lifestyle change with income potential is available through Ray White Clare Valley, with the listing of ‘Bushmin Farm’ located in the Long Plains area. The property comprises an attractive three-bedroom home , excellent shedding and improvements on 18.6 hectares of good farming land. Set in a ideal location under 60 minutes to Adelaide and only 10 minutes’ drive into Mallala, ‘Bushmin Farm’ has been a successful meat processing business with full accreditation as a slaughter processing operation. The home has three good-size bedrooms, large family kitchen with adjoining family/dine area and a spacious living room. Slow combustion heating and ducted evaporative cooling throughout provide for yearround comfort. There is an outdoor entertaining area, all in a delightful setting of low maintenance, easy maintained gardens, which include neat lawn areas, native trees and shrubs. The property has the security of mains water plus it is also watered by bore with electric submersible pump. The shedding and improvements open the door to a number of business opportunities, subject to appropriate consents.
AUCTION: Bushmin Farm at Long Plains could be an investment. The meat processing facilities include the slaughter housecomprising smokehouse with cool room, boning room with two cool rooms plus freezer, small goods room, cool freezers and undercover livestock holding areas. There is an ‘eco-shelter’ about 20m x 10m with cool rooms, effluent drains and evaporative air conditioning. This facility has previously been a rabbit breeder/grower enterprise, however there are multiple options for future development or facility use. Additional shedding includes three large sheds; two about 15m x 6m with power, one about 18m x 6m with power, one about 7m x 7m, workshop with back up generator (three-phase). This property has endless possibilities for the purchaser to take advantage of the quality improvements that exist and create a business opportunity
and income, subject to council consent. Ray White listing agent Geoff Schell says that to appreciate the full benefits and features this property offers, an inspection is a must. The vendors have purchased another property and have given clear instructions to the agent, “We’ve purchased another property, ready to move and need to sell now”. The property will be auctioned on site at 11am on May 11, with all offers considered prior to the auction. A clearing sale of all equipment including meat processing items, rabbit husbandry equipment, a forklift, furniture and sundries will follow the property auction at about 1pm. Full details can be found on the Ray White Clare Valley website. Contact Geoff Schell 0418 842 421 or Daniel Schell 0415 436 379.
At a glance... Where: 93 Milldred Street, Kapunda. Features: Set on two titles.
Price: $289,500. Open: By appointment.
Agent: Hambours Real Estate. RLA150685. Contact: David Mosley on mobile 0414 917 474 or 8566 2209.
outdoor courtyard area and extensive car parking provision. Mains water is connected and there are 6000 gallons of rainwater, with a pressure pump. There is extensive shedding, a tool shed and a wood/man’s shed. Established fruit trees are another bonus. This is a good quality house situated on the edge of town and priced to sell at $289,500. Near offers will be considered.
NEW RELEASE ORIGINAL SOLID BRICK FAMILY HOME - 2.5 acres, is fully est. with country outlook but close for an easy drive to the town of Eudunda. Features 3 good-sized bdrms, main with builtin robes, large OP lounge/dining/kitchen area, spacious sunroom, fully enclosed to the rear of the home. Outside is a dbl grg and 60'x40' galvanised iron shed with concrete floor and 3-phase power plus a pit. Also garden/tool shed and good-size vegie patch. Extensive rainwater strge plus mains wtr & 1.5kw solar panels. RLA 150685 Asking $320,00
WONDERFUL RURAL VIEWS. 3 brm timber-framed home on a large 1858m2 block. Inside features lounge, kitchen/meals area with floating floorboards, WI pantry, lrg laundry, 2 toilets & updated bathroom. Large front & rear v/dah, entertainment area, gdn shed, mature trees, on low maintenance block. New Colourbond fence is to be put up on the south-west boundary before settlement. RLA 150685 Asking $220,000
NEW RELEASE 10 ACRE BLOCK Recently subdivided 10 acre block with brilliant outlook back all the way to Kaiser Stuhl Hill Barossa ranges. Excellent house site with existing ruins/out buildings. Power available on adjacent block. Public road on 2 boundaries (St Kitts & Wendish Rd), level and undulating areas. Brand new fencing to be installed on 2 boundaries. RLA 150685. Asking $245,000
HORSE FRIENDLY PROPERTY- On 18 acres (7.28Ha) with 3 bedroom timber framed home and good shedding, just 7kms from Eudunda. Home features kitchen/dining, good sized lounge, combustion heater and ducted evap air con. Outside features include front and rear verandah, 40x25 shed with concrete floor, 60x30 machinery shed, 3 rainwater tanks, mains water connected. Needs TLC but has possibilities.
Asking $180,000
RLA 150685
Mark Hambour Lic Agents. 65 Main Street, Kapunda. RLA150685
Phone David on 8566 2209 all hours
BRIGHT: Light flows through to the dining area of the house.
email: | | mobile: 041 491 7474
Urgently Required:
• Character stone homes • Vacant acreage (large or small) • Hobby or income producing farms
Wednesday, May 2, 2012 - Domain Page 3 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Real Estate Liftout
Location of character and convenience
Allotment 12 St Kitts Road, St Kitts
FARM BUILD-UP OPPORTUNITY Gently undulating farming & grazing land 490mm rainfall area plus 2 dams Mature trees and planted shelter belts Sound stock fencing Sown pastures of Sceptre lucerne Power passes over property Excellent location just 5kms from Truro & 15km Barossa Valley
42.3ha- 104.5 acres
• • • • • • •
Geoff Schell 0418 842 421 or Daniel Schell 0415 436 379
RLA 205501
UNHEARD of earth has become available in stunning Fiedler Street, one of Tanunda’s most picturesque streets of character and address to some of the town’s finest historic homes. In this tree-lined setting, a choice of two ideally sized 644 square metre allotments positioned within a short stroll of medical services, shops and restaurants will allow one to build the home of their dreams among cosmopolitan town life, coupled with the ease-of-mind in knowing those essential services are comfortably close. A wonderful spot to create life’s next chapter, whether you have young children to walk across to school and day-care or are simply looking to enjoy a well earned retirement and the best
things in life, this address meets the needs of life’s every stage, surrounded by architectural character and natural beauty. Investment in this location is assured as Fiedler Street always has, and always will, remain one of the Barossa’s most sought after town centre addresses. This rare land is to be sold by public auction on May 4 at 11am on site, unless sold prior, so ensure you are well prepared and don’t miss this opportunity, quite possibly your last chance to ever acquire a parcel of land in this street. For site plans, further information and to register interest, contact David Braunack of Homburg Real Estate on 0418 841 349.
At a glance... Where: 1 and 3 Fiedler Street, Tanunda. Feature: Prime land in prime position. Price: Auction, on site, May 4. When: 11am, unless sold prior. Open: Call agent to view. Web ID: HRE588. Agent: Homburg Real Estate, ph: 8563 2599. RLA219152. Contact: David Braunack on mobile 0418 841 349.
Powerline Road, LONG PLAINS
“Bushmin Farm”
Attractive 3 bedroom home 47 acres of easily managed farming land with good stock fencing Watered by bore and mains water Excellent shedding & improvements including eco shelter, slaughter house, workshop, large sheds & cool rooms • Well located in private rural surrounds & still under 60 mins to Adelaide This property has endless possibilities for the purchaser to take advantage of the quality improvements that exist and create a business opportunity & income (STCC).
AUCTION 11am 11th May 2012 on site (insp) (Bidders guide - mid $500,000’s) Geoff Schell 0418 842 421 or Daniel Schell 0415 436 379
• • • •
RLA 205501
PUT YOUR BUSINESS IN THE BEST PLACE • Professional office building with excellent exposure situated on the Barossa Valleyʼs main arterial road. • Office building consisting of 4 seperate offices plus a large reception area with display window (previously used as a Real Estate office)
• Reverse cycles air conditioning • Staff amenities including kitchen and staff lunch room facility
• Long term lease available
• Large attached undercover car parking • Situated on large corner allotment of 1335 square metres with provision for adequate car parking. These premises are well suited to the continued use of real estate offices, insurance, legal, medical or other professional offices.
For further details and to arrange an inspection contact: Ian Mader Mob 0419 623 510 • Email
TOP: The Tanunda site of the land to be auctioned on Friday at 11am. Above, the land.
Wednesday, May 2, 2012 - Domain Page 4 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Real Estate Liftout
ROOMY: The entertainment area of the Freeling home on a large block. At right, is the floorplan of the four-bedroom house.
Value for money LARGE home, large shed, large corner block with plenty of room to store a caravan and boat. This great property is situated in the thriving town of Freeling, only a 10-minute drive to Gawler or the Barossa Valley. This nicely-established family home boasts four good-size bedrooms, all with timber floating floors. The master has an ensuite and walk-in robe, while bedrooms one, two and three have built-in robes plus there is a cloak room for extra storage. Comfortable describes the formal lounge with timber floorboards, plus there is a large office or fifth bedroom and a neat three-way bathroom with a linen cupboard. A large near-new beautiful Blackwood timber kitchen with bay window, a breakfast bar, walk-in pantry, dishwasher, wall oven and electric cooktop overlooks the meals/family room and is perfect for the chef/s of the family. All beautifully tiled with an openplan feeling, the chef can cook up a storm and still be involved with family and friends. Ducted evaporative air conditioning for those hot summer days and combustion heating for those cold wintry days. Outside improvements include a large enclosed backyard with room for another large shed, a double carport under the main roof with roller doors, roller shutters on the windows, a large gabled roof entertaining area with fernery, and a garden shed with concrete floor. There is a 30x20 Colorbond shed, and two double-gate access to the
At a glance... Where: 14 Kirchner Street, Freeling. Features: Large home, large shed, large block. Open: By appointment. Price: $360,000. Agent: Julie Toth Real Estate. Contact: Julie Toth on 0418 853 134 or 8562 4650. RLA: 198199.
... where people matter GREENOCK
$525,000 EUDUNDA
12 Victor Road
$175-$190,000 FREELING
9 Kapunda Street
14 Kirchner St
Julie Toth backyard for the boat, caravan and cars. Beautifully manicured, the front garden is easycare designed. The property is situated in a nice modern street and is on a large corner allotment of about 1257 square metres.
ESCAPE TO AN AMAZING LIFESTYLE! Magnificent home, 3 brms & 3 bthrms, renovated inside & out. 16.3kW solar panels, 88,000L rainwater plus mains. Over 1 ac of land, fruit trees & veggie gdn.
LARGE FAMILY HOME WOW SO CLOSE TO TOWN! 1930 Villa in a good condition, 3 brms, 4 brms, 2 bathrooms, study, lounge, family room, open lovely upgraded kitchen, sunroom, ducted plan kitchen, air cond, double garage, entertaining area, large shed, room for boat & caravan. A/C, double & single garage, cnr block.
$235,000 NURIOOTPA $310-$330,000 NURIOOTPA 4B The Crescent
4 Collins St
4C The Crescent
We offer weekend opens for your properties PROPERTY MANAGEMENT
LANDLORDS NEAR NEW HOME THE CORRUGATED IRON COTTAGE 3 brm cottage, polished timber floors throughout, 3 brms, ensuite, walk-in robe, formal lounge, kitchen with dw, lounge with heating & cooling, timber family/games room, large modern kitchen, deck with views, few minutes’ walk to all amenities. double garage, quiet location, low maintenance.
$73,000 TANUNDA
Lot 8 Angaston-Swan Reach Road
15 Coronation Avenue
1390m2 BLOCK – GREAT VALUE Large flat land with no encumbrances put on this property by the council with over 30m frontage and over 45m in depth you could dream up your own design (STCC.) Water and power available.
3/28 Frederick Street QUIET TREE LINED STREET 2 large brms with bi-robes, spacious Dble brick 3 brm home on a 780m2 cnr block. Large lounge, large modern kitchen, laundry lounge, kitchen with pantry, heating & cooling. Dble with bi, heating & cooling. Available now. Pets negotiable. gge, estab rear garden with fruit trees & more.
Call for your free market appraisal
8562 4650 0418 853 134
Wednesday, May 2, 2012 - Domain Page 5 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
2/7 Gawler Street, Nuriootpa
Julie Thring Owner
28A Adelaide Road, Gawler 8523 3319
RENTALS 35a Drinkwater Crescent Neat & tidy, 3 brms with bi-robes, separate lounge, large updated kitchen, heating & cooling. Available now. No pet.
Ring me for an appraisal 7 days a week on
0427 233 319
GREAT INVESTMENT Dble brick, 3 brm home, lrg lounge with French doors, kitchen with elec stove & pantry, polished flr brds t/out, htg & cooling, dble gge. 697m2 allot (approx)
Wednesday, May 2, 2012 - Domain Page 6 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Wednesday, May 2, 2012 - Domain Page 7 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Real Estate Liftout
Colin Schwartz trading as RLA216875
Adelaide Rural Real Estate RENTALS KAPUNDA
7 Whittaker Street - Neat 2 could be 3 bedroom cottage. Combined lounge/dining. Kitchen and bathroom with low maintenance yard. 200m from main street. Available late April
21 Hogan Street - Well maintained 3 bedroom brick veneer home. Main bedroom has ensuite and walk-inrobe. Open plan kitchen/dining/living area. Split system ait conditioner, carport. No pets. Available early May.
Executive home, 4 bedrooms, ensuite & WIR, open plan kitchen/dineing/lounge, split system air con, enclosed spa, games room, large garage, low maintenance yard, No pets.
7 Hambour Avenue – Neat 3 bedroom home, bedroom 1 & 2 have built-in robes, lounge, kitchen/dining, electrical appliances, cool a/c only, shed, neat and tidy yard. Non-smoker. No Pets. Available Now.
4 Hambour Avenue – Neat 3 bedroom home, kitchen/dining, lounge, new kitchen cupboards, electrical appliances, bathroom has shower only, oil heater, ducted evap a/c, roller shutters to every window, shed, tool shed, carport. Pets neg. Available May 25th.
KAPUNDA - 80A High Street Sunday 1.30 - 2.15pm Nicely presented 4yr old t/f home, large 1011m2 allot, 2 bdrms, roomy lounge/dining, kitchen has elec appiliances, dishwasher, plenty cpds, r/c a/c, front & rear v/dah, carport, short walk to river and shops. Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942
41 Wild Street Inspection by Appointment
Three bedrooms, one bathroom, formal lounge, neat kitchen and meals, rear and front verandah, shedding, carport, lots of room to move. WEB ID: 106614295 Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942
8 Oldham Street Inspection by Appointment
Lovely stone home (circa 1880) within walking distance to main st & schools. Lge approx 1650m2 allot, having 2 allots & one title. The home comprises 2 or 3 bdrms, study, lnge with bay window & R/C A/C, kitch/dining, c/h, high ornate ceilings, polished wood flrs, vdah surrounding home. Outside improvements incl workshed, dbl car shed, both rear & front access. Opportunity to create 2nd title to build a family home or investment property. Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942
43 High Street – Near new 3 bedroom home, walk in robe and ensuite to main bedroom, built-ins to bedroom 2 & 3, large bathroom, open plan kitchen/dining, large lounge, high ceilings, extended hallway, enclosed back yard, manageable block/garden. Available Mid May.
Lot 66 Christchurch Street Inspection by Appointment
Residential allotment of 560m in new subdivision. All services underground, water connected and CED point. Bitumen road frontage. Not far from Kapunda main street & primary school. No encumbrances, build your family or retirement home. Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942
1 Ada Street – 2 bedroom renovated cottage, dining room, study, shedding, heating/cooling, on large block. Available Mid May.
55 Old Adelaide Road - Well maintained 3 bedroom home. Close to main street. Lounge with combustion heating, large family room or 4th bedroom. Offers large verandah with paving and concrete flooring and a 40x20 shed with power. Available late May
11 Acland Street Inspection by Appointment
All Properties available for Inspection by Appointment
13 Fuller Street Inspection by Appointment
Neat b/v home on lge 1950m2 allot with rural views. 4 brs, main ens & WIR, br 2 & 3 BIR, kitchen has gas stove, pantry, plenty cpds, dine, family, fml lnge, comb heat, ducted a/c, dble c/pt UMR, vdahs, pergola, 30x20 gge. Currently tenanted. WEB ID: 106770196 Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942
1 John Street Inspection by Appointment
Neat solid home on 11,000m2 allot, having 3 titles, possible subdiv STCC. 3 brs, office, kitchen w elec apps & d/w, fml dine, lge lounge, r/c a/c, gas htg. Paved gable pergola, 40x20 shed, caravan shed, 30x20 shed. Rear access. Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942
80A High Street OPEN - Sunday 1.30 - 2.15pm
ABOVE LEFT: The three-bedroom house in Nuriootpa. Above, the casual living area.
Warm and welcoming IF YOU have been searching for that perfect family home then don’t look past this great property in Nuriootpa. Not only is there plenty of indoor space, the home is also set on a generous sized allotment of about 870 square metres. The house is currently laid out as three bedrooms. All of the bedrooms are doubles with built-in robes and the main bedroom has ensuite facilities and a walk-in robe. A three-stage bathroom with a spa bath services the other bedrooms and allows for multiple users. For easy cleaning all the bedrooms have the added bonus of floating floors, ideal for those who suffer from allergies. As you would expect in a home of this size, there are both formal and casual living areas as well as a games room. Family members can have their own space but there is also plenty of room for times when the family wants to spend time together. The well planned kitchen functions comfortably as a family zone with lots of cupboard and bench space as well as a generous walk-in pantry, room for more than one cook at a time in this kitchen. A gas cooktop plus a wall oven and dishwasher complete the package. Apart from the three bedrooms that have the floating flooring, the generous lounge and rumpus room also having floating floors, while the rest of the home is tiled throughout making it easy to cleananother low maintenance feature. Evaporative air conditioning and gas heating are ducted through the home. The outside spaces are equally generous and family friendly with a large undercover pitched entertaining area, a great place to entertain family and friends no matter what the weather brings. There are two large rainwater tanks for keeping the water bills down. A watering system and clever planning ensures that the gardens are easily maintained. As well as a double garage and a garden shed to the rear of the property you also have room for two cars under the carport, plus another driveway, ample room for the family cars. All of these features as well as a location close to schools and shopping make this home a wonderful family package.
At a glance...
Address: 38 Gothic Avenue, Nuriootpa. 2
92 MAIN ST • T: 8566 3399
Neat B/V Home, 3 bdrms, main has WIR, access to bathroom, formal lounge, kitchen/meals/family, r/c a/c, pergola, carport, currently tenanted, ideal family home or investment. Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942
Wednesday, May 2, 2012 - Domain Page 8 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Feature: Immaculate family home. Price: $370,000 - $380,000. Open: Sunday, May 6. When: 1.45pm - 2.15pm. Agent: Barossa Real Estate 8563 3511. RLA1997. . Contact: Sue Schugmann 0419 850 408.
Guaranteed Risk Free Selling! Many more properties for sale, call in to inspect our full range
Price $149,950 $159,950 $134,950 $169,950 $189,950 $139,950 $189,950 $149,950 $149,950 $139,950 $159,950 $174,950 $199,950
$490,000 2
$349,990 1
Absolute Beauty
1920 Cottage on 1/2 Acre
Seeing is Believing
Location With Views
This stunning home built in 2006 is set on an approximately 480m2 low maint allot. This is an exceptionally well-presented 4 brm home comprising of a total 222m2 of living. This beautiful modern home offers everything you need with large fml entrance, home theatre room, spacious master brm with ensuite & WIR, BIRs to brms 2 and 3, 3-way main bthrm with floor to ceiling tiles (ensuite also features floor to ceiling tiles), a fantastic o/plan kitchen, dining & family room, quality appliances t/out & a sliding door from the dining room onto the undercover ent area which extends onto a small raised lawn area. The home has king size dbl gge with 2 remote doors & r/c ducted heating & cooling. All of this situated close to Trinity College, a retirement village and all amenities. Not only would this make a lovely home, it would also make a great investment. # 3028 RLA 61382
Opportunity knocks with potential plus! With over a 30m frontage this half acre allotment offers a whole array of possibilities. Together with a 1910 original cottage, which although requiring considerable work, has been partially restored. As a project this property would certainly reap rewards for anyone willing to put in the hard yards. Invest and prosper with this wonderful package.
This quality Homestead built home situated on a 1372m2 allotment offers large formal entry, formal lounge and dining with bay window, master bedroom with built-in robe, large ensuite with spa and double shower, bedrooms 2, 3 and 4 are extra large and have built-in robes and ceiling fans, all bedrooms also have Austar connected. 3-way bathroom and generous size laundry. Open plan kitchen, dining and family room leading through to the games room which has glass doors leading out onto the salt water solar heated pool. 3 car garage under the main roof, approx 32,000L rainwater storage, two 3phs reverse cycle split system air-conditioners, large entertainment area complete with bar and wood fire pizza oven, large lawn area and side access for trailers/caravans with a high clearance lean-to off the shed.
A great opportunity has arisen to purchase a lovely family home in Gawler East with stunning views. The home comprises of 4 good size bedrooms, master with built-in robes as well as bedrooms 2 and 3, formal entry with double doors through to the formal lounge/dining this is a room to view. Open plan modern kitchen with quality appliances, family/meals area with sliding doors through to spare room which leads out to a lovely entertaining area out the back of the home, reverse cycle ducted heating and cooling, double garage with entertainment area on top - imagine sitting out there on a lovely summer's night watching the sun set. This family home is located in a fabulous part of Gawler and is close to all amenities.
# 5044
# 3022
# 3002
$399,950 1
RLA 61382
$329,950 1
A Great Investment
Convenient & Tranquil Set on over a quarter of an acre (1104m2) this much loved family home offers 3 bedrooms, main with walk-in robe and bedrooms 2 and 3 with built-in robes, open living family, dining and kitchen together with a large formal lounge. The home is serviced by a 3.5hp split system and also slow combustion heating. Outside, the property boasts unbroken views over the Barossa Ranges and beautifully established gardens just perfect for entertaining. Also with a 20x20 shed with cement floor and power, double carport, rear access and 6500L of rainwater storage fed to the laundry and kitchen. A lovely property offering privacy and seclusion yet walking distance to all of Lyndoch’s amenities. A “must inspect” for anyone looking in the Barossa, convenience and tranquillity found. # 5020 RLA 61382
# 5040
RLA 61382
As rare as hens teeth! A half acre allotment with over 100 metres of road frontage. Currently on two titles with a circa 1890 Stone Cottage, originally the Headmasters residence for the Lyndoch Public School - opened in 1879. The potential of this superb opportunity is obvious, to renovate the Cottage and sub-divide the remaining land (subject to Council consent). With 3 bedrooms, formal lounge, kitchen/dine and large cellar the property is deserving of restoration and would certainly reap rewards for its lucky new owner, together with the development of the remaining land. Within walking distance to all of Lyndoch's amenities - local schools, shops, restaurants and wineries. A project worthy of the investment, inspection by appointment call to arrange a time to suit.
RLA 61382
$255,000 1
This stunning 1890 stone home is the original Bank House Building. This stunning beauty is set on approximately 1185m2 and offers the charm of the old but the convenience of the new with 10 foot ceilings and the renovating done. This home is ready to move into and offers 3 very spacious bedrooms with original ceilings, lounge with open fire place and original mantel piece, country style kitchen and dining with new stylish bathroom, new carpets, floating floors with the original timber floor waiting to be brought to life. Outside improvements include double garage, lean-to for a boat or trailer, small shed, fish pond, rainwater tank, bird aviaries, lovely grape vines, veggie patch and a stunning verandah overlooking the backyard.
# 3019
RLA 61382
RLA 61382
$289,000 1
Fantastic Investment/First Home Buyer Opportunity This immaculately presented home is set in the stunning township of Lyndoch in the Barossa Valley - walking distance to schools, shops, wineries, restaurants and only a short drive to Adelaide and Gawler. The home offers 4 good size bedrooms, master with built-in robe. The home is complete with formal entry, large lounge, good size dining off of the kitchen and don't forget plenty of room outside as the home is set on just under 1/4 Acre. This beautiful property has so much potential and has been freshly painted and has new floor coverings, ducted evaporative cooling, gas heating and large shed with fully fenced yard. This is a wonderful opportunity to purchase a lovely piece of the Barossa Valley at an affordable price, so don’t miss out.
# 3009
RLA 61382
$259,950 1
Stunning 4 Bedroom
Presentation Perfect
Looking for the WOW factor? This property definitely has it. Set on a large corner allotment (842m2) this beautiful home offers 4 bedrooms, main with ensuite and walk-in robe, remaining 3 brms all with matching built-in robes, formal lounge, open kitchen/family/dine combined plus games room. With superb fittings throughout the home oozes quality. Serviced by ducted air-conditioning, gas heating and split system reverse cycle. The gardens are fully established and easily maintained with drippers and sub-surface irrigation. Together with full length pergola, 20x20 shed/workshop, rainwater storage and side access. This wonderful home is sure to tick all the boxes without doubt a “Dream Property”.
WOW! This immaculate steel-framed home is set on over 700m2. Offering two large bedrooms each with built-in robes, an Lshaped lounge/dine with built-in bar, sparkling kitchen and enormous main bathroom. Extras are abundant with shutters throughout, two spit system providing heating and cooling, double garage, separate access for boats/caravans or trailers, great outdoor entertaining and stunning park-like grounds. A fantastic property that will accommodate the fussiest of buyers - at a very affordable price.
# 5054
# 5038
RLA 61382
RLA 61382 1814892
Land Release Lot 42 Lot 43 Lot 45 Lot 46 Lot 47 Lot 48 Lot 49 Lot 50 Lot 51 Lot 52 Lot 53 Lot 54 Lot 55
Available 7 Days
We’ll get you where you want to go! 3A Adelaide Road, Gawler (08) 8523 3777
Wednesday, May 2, 2012 - Domain Page 9 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Real Estate Liftout
Love this doll’s house
Where: 26 College Street,Tanunda. Feature: A petite abode for one or two in this ‘walk-everywhere’ location. Price: Auction, May 18, at 11am on site unless sold prior. Open: Sunday, May 6, 11.30am - noon. Web ID: HRE594. Agent: Homburg Real Estate 8563 2599. RLA219152. Contact: David Braunack 0418 841 349.
WAITING: The 1920s solid-brick Tanunda home close to the town centre, ready for a ‘new love’.
Shower Surgeon
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toilet, the layout of the cottage will suit just one or two and may make the most adorable ‘B&B’ in history, subject to council consent. Virtually untouched for many decades the kitchen will be a delight to refurbish; its original wood fire alcove and mantle still remain as does a pint size kitchen dresser. The original floorboards could be revealed and polished throughout, there’s a fireplace to the lounge room, original sash windows, their screens and light shades of the era. This sweetheart of a home evokes storybook memories and with a tender touch and some loving care will again embark on an enchanting new chapter.
A TEENSY weensy cutie pie, this 1920s little solid-brick rendered cottage in one of Tanunda’s finest character streets is in original condition and just waiting for its new love to come along, nurture it and take it on a re-decorating journey. A compact symmetrical classic of its era, this little cottage features a full length front verandah to sit and watch the world stroll by. This petite abode is situated on a good sized block of about 1048 square metres, with an existing iron garage, garden shed, original outdoor loo for storage, rainwater tank and space for vegies and a cottage garden in its sundrenched north facing backyard. An old apple tree is a fitting natural feature for the magical garden that will again be created here, sitting prettily against the backdrop of tall gums & creek setting to the rear. Comprising of a central hallway with a double bedroom on one side and a living room to the other; a quaint little separate eat-in country kitchen that connects with the living room through a servery window; an original rosy pink tiled bathroom; laundry and a separate
Blitzin the Gawler & Barossa Valley 2, 4, & 6 Cubic Metre Mini Skips
0406 665 158
Wednesday, May 2, 2012 - Domain Page 10 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
BLD 171252
of Kapunda
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Wednesday, May 2, 2012 - Domain Page 11 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
PRESSURE CLEANING Barossa Pressure Cleaning Ken Rosenzweig (08) 8563 3268
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Wednesday, May 2, 2012 - Domain Page 12 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
See where advertising can take YOUR business!
Ready for adventure
All reasonable offers considered
3 seater, 1500cc, supercharged, 250HP, on Dunbier trailer, only 45 hrs use, one owner from new, huge front storage, one of the last red jetskis sold in SA, includes cover, owners manual. XS194S
Crosstourer is ready for any weather. Designed with style and practicality the heated grips are slim and offer variable heating levels and smart heat allocation that focuses on the area of the hands most sensitive to cold. The heated grips must be combined with heated grip attachment and special heat-resistant glue is also available. A myriad of other accessories have been designed to help riders get the most out of Honda’s new Crosstourer. Other accessories include a front LED fog lamp kit, cowl ornament kit, a quarted harness, averto alarm kit, outdoor cycle cover, side deflector kit, 12V DC socket kit and more. For the ultimate adventure experience, Honda has released the VFR1200X Deluxe Adventure Kit which includes panniers and top box, mainstand, foglights, cowl ornament, quartet harness and windscreen. Offering flexibility like no other motorcycle, the Crosstourer signifies an important expansion of Honda’s state-of-the-art V4 model line-up and boasts features such as Honda’s Traction Control System (TCS) and Combined ABS braking system.
We lovvee w whhaatt w wee ddoo
Call Matthew 0407 511 774
LVD 2515
*Price does not include stamp duty or govt. charges
BRAND NEW MURANO ST ONLY $46,990 Driveaway* And 2.7% Finance Available! Metallic Paint $495 extra
• • • • • •
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.. . . . and and so so will will you! you!
Smart Key Dual zone air Xenon headlights Reversing camera Bluetooth Leather Interior
For your Friendly, Reliable Automotive Needs
178 Murray St, Tanunda
GET ready for adventure with Honda’s new VFR1200X. Aptly named the Crosstourer, Honda has announced a huge variety of available accessories to help you get the most out of your adventure tourer. Available in Honda dealerships nationally, the Crosstourer delivers all of the fun and excitement of a sports tourer with the comfortable upright riding position and manoeuvrability of an adventure machine. Every adventure tourer needs a solid set of panniers and Honda has released a pannier set that has been specially designed for the Crosstourer. The panniers fit directly onto the motorcycle and are operated with the ignition key. With the left pannier able to contain most full-face helmets these panniers are the perfect adventure partner. Fashioned in a similar square style is the top box. Featuring a locking, quick-detach mounting system, the top box is expandable and boasts space enough for a full-face helmet and more. The top box must be combined with a rear carrier. For maximum rider comfort heated grips are available to ensure the
ALL VEHICLES ARE AVAILABLE WITH AN AUSTRALIA-WIDE WARRANTY FOR PEACE OF MIND TOYOTA HILUX DUAL CAB 3.0l diesel, manual, A/C, pwr steering, diff-locker, air compressor, dual batteries, steel bull bar, spotlights, electric winch, UHF, centre roof console, alloy fully lockable canopy, reverse camera, towbar, Sunraysia steel wheels, jerry can holder WJM464 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . REDUCED $16,990* LAND ROVER DISCOVERY TD5 SERIES II Auto, A/C, Pwr Steer, 4WD, Downhill Assist, ABS Brakes, tinted windows, alloy wheels, tow bar, service books, white in colour, very tidy inside & out AA941N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $12,990* HOLDEN ASTRA TS CONVERTIBLE auto, power steer, ivory leather interior, stunning blue, dual front & curtain airbags, full electric roof, Enjoy topless driving this autumn. XOE238. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $12,990* SUBARU FORRESTER XS AWD, man, a/c, pwr steer, pwr windws, alloy wheels, in stunning silver XHJ135 REDUCED $11,990* TOYOTA LANDCRUISER PRADO 4x4, V6, Auto, 8 seater, A/C, pwr steer, pwr windows, alloy bullbar, towbar, sidesteps, silver over grey, new chrome wheels, very affordable XRF888 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . REDUCED $10,990* FORD BA FALCON XR6 MKII Madarin, good tyres, a/c, TIPTRONIC auto, p/steer, immaculate XTM204 . . REDUCED $10,990* HYUNDAI TUCSON CITY 4x2 Automatic, A/C, pwr steer, alloy wheels, keyless entry, cruise control, good high driving position, easy to get in and out, books, good service history XPP022 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10,990* FORD BA FALCON XT MKII Navy vlue in colour, dual fuel, A/C, pwr steering, tiptronic auto XGH162 . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9,990* FORD FALCON XH S UTE Mk II, V8, auto, a/c, pwr steer, factory alloy wheels, navy blue in colour XAX264 . REDUCED $7,990* VT COMMODORE EXEC SEDAN Genuine 98,000kms, white, a/c, p/steer, drivers airbag, very clean & tidy car. WFC231 $7,990* VS STATESMAN V6, a/c, p/steer, luxury at an affordable price, alloys, silver in colour. S/N 073 . . . . . . . . . . . REDUCED $6,990* HYUNDAI ACCENT 3 Door update, a/c, p/steer, p/windows, manual, celadon blue, books WZO133 . . . . . . . REDUCED $6,990* HOLDEN BARINA SXI 3 door hatch, 5 speed manual, A/C, pwr steer S/N123 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . REDUCED $6,990* MERCEDES C240 CLASSIC SEDAN Auto, white in colour, a.c, p/steer, passenger, drivers & side airbags, luxury at affordable price. WBV-880 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . REDUCED $6,990* HOLDEN VX COMMODORE Series 2, executive, white in colour, a/c, p/steer, alloy wheels. XAV791 . . . . . . . . REDUCED $6,990* SUBARU LIBERTY GX AWD Manual, A/C, pwr steer, pwr windows, tidy interior, excellent tyres, very tidy car WBE316 . $6,990* TOYOTA CAMRY CSI SEDAN Auto, burgundy in colour, a/c, pwr steering, keyless entry WSA132 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,990* HYUNDAI ACCENT 3 Door, factory bodykit, spoiler, alloys, CD player with aux, 5 spd man, window tint, red XCA865 . . $5,990* MITSUBISHI TS MAGNA. Dual fuel, V6, automatic, a/c, p.steer, Low KMS, clean and tidy throughout BYC270 . . . . . . . $4,990* BMW E34 525i 4 Door sedan, 5 speed auto, white in colour, a/c, p/steering, very tidy for its age WPE978 . . . . . . . . . . . $4,990* HYUNDAI ACCENT 3 door, manual, 14” alloys, spoiler, Red in colour, A/C, pwr steer. WNB314 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,990* HYUNDAI LANTRA SEDAN Manual, a/c, pwr steer, pwr windows, keyless entry, alloys, spoiler, silver in colour WPP641 . $4,990* HYUNDAI EXCEL LX 5 door, automatic, air conditioning, p/steering VRH052 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . REDUCED $3,990* VOLVO 360 GLT A/C, velour trim, 5 speed manual, alloy wheels, genuine 90,000kms, very tidy car for age. VOX703. . . $3,990* FORD XG UTE Column auto, benchseat, dual fuel, A/C, fibreglass canopy, alloy bulbar WDX358 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,990* FORD FESTIVA TRIO Manual, a/c, very economical, great first car WLL055 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . REDUCED $2,990* DAEWOO LANOS 3 door hatch, manual, air con, low km’s, with books S/N 4099 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,990* HOLDEN JK APOLLO SL Automatic, excellent first car, white VEM707 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,990* NISSAN PULSAR N13 SEDAN Automatic, a/c, pwr steering, cloth trim, great first car VAK609 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,990*
Tiida Ti
Navara ST-X550
$24,990 Driveawayt
• Leather Interior • Climate control • Sunroof
• 170kW 550Nm S194-AOD • Remote Lock Hard Lid Metallic Paint $495 extra • V6 Turbo Diesel
• Automotive Repairs • Servicing • Crash Repairs • Paint & Panel
3 Grey Street, Kapunda 8566 2435
Metallic Paint $495 extra
Dualis ST
Navara RX Dual $22,990 Cab Chassis $35,990 Driveawayt
• Standard or Custom Designed Systems • Shock Absorbers • Extractors • Catalytic Converters
Metallic Paint $495 extra
• Bluetooth • Front, side & curtain airbags • 16” alloys
• 2.5L Turbo Diesel • 126kW 403Nm • 3000kg braked towing
Metallic Paint $495 extra
*Driveaway price includes 12 months rego, CTP insurance, stamp duty and dealer delivery. tDriveaway price includes remaining rego, stamp duty and Dealer Delivery. Pictures for illustration purposes only.
for ABN holders ONLY
Wednesday, May 2, 2012 - Page 17 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Ph: 1300 859 736
A/H Christian 0407 873 977 Mike 0417 864 607 Jon 0418 801 544
MVD 1433
Meet the author at Gawler Library SATURDAYS in the Reading Room, at Gawler, begins with ‘Meet the Author’ - Wendy Altschwager. The creative writer features as part of the 2012 the National Year of Reading at Gawler Public Library on Saturday, May 12 at 11am. Wendy Altschwager, is a Gawler resident and author of two popular books - Runaway and Edwina Downs. She will speak about her exciting and busy journey as a reader and a writer, and her third book, which is soon to be published. Wendy will also be available to
answer questions from the audience in what is planned to be a friendly discussion in the historic Reading Room. Saturday in the Reading Room Meet the Author events will be scheduled each month during the winter to give people the chance to interact with published authors and illustrators. Recommendations for future presenters are welcomed, so please contact the library on 8522 9213. For further information on other 2012 the National Year of Reading at Gawler Public Library events, check the library’s website at
Twoway Crossword No 092
Proudly brought to you by
Be seen and survive BAROSSA residents are urged to make themselves seen while walking, running or cycling in the region. The push comes from the Barossa Regional Road Safety committee who say it can be risky if you’re not easily seen by motorists. The committee encourages people to wear brightly coloured or luminous clothing, while cyclists should have lights fitted to the front and rear of their bikes. Committee chairman Dr Bill Geyer said, while the committee supports efforts to keep fit it’s also important to be seen. “When people are out for that early morning jog or ride they need to remember to make themselves visible to motorists.” Another way the public can be seen is by wearing luminous slap bands provided by the committee. “Worn on wrists or ankles they can make pedestrians and cyclists easier to see,” Dr Geyer said.
LOOK AT US: Members of Tanunda’s Rex running group show off their luminous slap bands.
matching shoes and boots. Ruth Croser of Eden Valley displays her range of fashion shoes in sheep, calf and kidskin, with a variety of heel shapes, heights and styles that show off her preference of coloured shoes.
The exhibition is open from now until May 6 from 10am to 4pm and is located in Lillefield Gallery, at Matthews Road, Eden Valley. For more details, contact Rose- Anne on 8568 1756 or Ruth on 8564 1154.
Greenock Creek Tavern
Mon - Fri 11am till LATE Sunday 11am till 8 HAPPY HOUR Sun -Thurs 5 - 6pm $1.00 off wines and pints + spirits
Proudly Presents
Chicken or Beef Schnitzel, with your choice of sauce and a FREE schooner of draught, Coopers or blonde or glass of house wine
In Association with HAL Leonard Sydney Directed by David Underwood, Play by Mary Morris, Adapted from the bestselling novel by Morris Gleitzman
T Bone or Scotch Fillet, Chips, Salad and your choice of sauce/gravy and a FREE schooner of draught, Coopers or blonde or glass of house wine
Pool Table, Pokies, Jukebox, Beer Garden & Function Room available. Great Food and Fantastic Local Beers on Tap.
May 4th & 5th 8pm Chapel Street Theatre, Kapunda
Phone 8562 8136 2 Murray Street, Greenock
Tickets: Adults $20, Concession $15, Children $12, Members $10 Available from Kapunda Visitor Information Centre & Australia Wide Badges – Nuriootpa WH1815753
Name:................................................................. Town:...........................................
THE public has until this Sunday, May 6, to view Lillefield Gallery’s latest exhibition, ‘Hide and Sleek’. Rose-Anne Russell, from Springton, features her love of rustic craft in her range of appliquéd bags and
For your chance to win a bottle of Langmeil wine, complete the crossword only and drop the entry form into The Herald office Monday by 4.30pm. Winners need to collect their wine within the week. Last week’s winner was Neil Thiele of Tanunda.
View works at Eden Valley
JERSEY BOYS are coming to Adelaide in OctoberNovember this year, we have no date or price but, if you are interested in going let us know.
Wednesday 23rd May “A Big Celebration” Celebrate what? Come and See. Sunday 3rd June Barmera Markets. Monday 25th June Winter Christmas Luncheon Cruise. Sunday 8th July Mystery Trip A - This is new to us, But it’s not. Tuesday 31st July Mystery Trip B - Two different kinds of nature. Thursday 16th August Mystery Trip C. Sunday 26th August Hofbrauhaus at the Old Hahndorf Mill.
SNOW DROP AND THE PIXIES Saturday 20th October, 2pm lunch at Williamstown Hotel. CIRQUE DU SOLEIL’S New Show OVO Thursday 3rd January, 4pm matinee, must book by May 16th.
8562 8092
TOURS 2012 VICTORIA’S MORNINGTON PENINSULAR September 2th to October 2nd Look for advert on page 6 for some of the itinerary Calling for expression of interest for a 20 day Top End Tour Adelaide to Darwin to Broome June-July 2013 For more information & tour highlights, see our weekly advert on Page 6
OR CHECK OUT Triple R Travel Lic # 31486 G.C.C. ABN 43 056 104 187
Wednesday, May 2, 2012 - Page 18 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Jersey Boys return FANS of the Jersey Boys can give a sigh of relief as Adelaide presents this show in October. The story of Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons focuses on four blue-collar boys, from the wrong side of the tracks, who became one of the biggest American pop sensations. This performance features Dion Bilios as Frankie Valli, Declan Egan as Bob Gaudio, Anthony Harkin as Tommy DeVito, and Glaston Toft as Nick Massi, who make up The Four Seasons. Producer Rodney Rigby said, “We are thrilled that New Zealand and Australia continue to embrace the great
story of four guys from the wrong side of the tracks.” “The 1000th show of Jersey Boys not only marks the great success of the production in New Zealand and Australia, but, of equal importance, recognises the outstanding contribution of everybody associated with the production worldwide,” he said. Jersey Boys features 20 Four Seasons’ hit songs including Sherry, Big Girls Don’t Cry, Rag Doll, Oh What a Night and Can’t Take My Eyes Off You. The show opened in Melbourne in July 2009 and played for 13 months before
transferring to Sydney in September 2010. More than one million people saw the show in Melbourne and Sydney by the close of run in December 2011. Also, the show has been seen by more than 14 million around the world. Following the season in Auckland, Jersey Boys will play in Brisbane and Adelaide. Opening night for the Adelaide show is October 26 at the Festival Theatre. Tickets for the show are now available through BASS outlets and online or for more information, visit
THE CAST: Jersey Boys will perform in Adelaide in October. PIC: Jeff Busby.
33 main north road willaston t: 08 8522 1021 f: 08 8522 1629 e:
Get your tickets to Faith College musical MON TUE WED THU SAT SUN
TICKETS are still available to Aladdin Junior the musical. The Disney adaptation is being presented by Faith Lutheran College and will be performed by talented students from today (Wednesday) at the Barossa Arts and Convention Centre, Tanunda. Aladdin is the story of a young man, described as a street rat, who captures the heart of a beautiful princess with a little help from a magical genie. Faith Lutheran College will spread that magic during their own version of the tale with
audiences guaranteed to recall all the wonderful songs from the classical Disney version. It involves rollicking adventure, plenty of laughter, romance and danger. Aladdin Junior is a timeless tale for all ages. The production dates are Wednesday, May 2 at 10.30am and 8pm; Thursday, May 3 at 10.30am; Friday May 4 at 8pm and Saturday, May 5 at 8pm. Tickets are $29.50 for adults; under 17, $17; concession, $24.50 and a family of two adults and two children is $85. For more information or to book, phone 8561 4299 or visit
Are you passionate about the Barossa? Would you like to be an ambassador? How about the opportunity for international travel?
The Barossa Young Ambassador Program is seeking a dozen young people (aged 18-25) to be Barossa Young Ambassadors at the 2013 Vintage Festival. Successful applicants will need to be available for regular sessions from June this year until the festival concludes in 2013.
Schnitzel Night Family Meal Night *2 adults & 3 kids Steak Night
Kids’ Entertainment
Roast Day
TERMS AND CONDITIONS Family Meal Deal only available Wednesday nights. Adult’s meals must be ordered off the Family Meal Deal Menu 1 meal per child. Extra kid’s meals charged at $7.50. All Meal Deals not valid with any other food promotion or offer
If you are young Barossa person interested in extending your professional networks and learning more about the region you love, please visit to access the application forms. Employers, friends and family are encouraged to nominate young people. For more information please contact Sarah (2011 Barossa Young Ambassador) on
Kids Eat Free Lunch & dinner
85614299 Faith Lutheran College Magnolia Rd Tanunda
Up Coming events... April’s Fool – Wed 30th May 7.30pm
TaikOz Shifting Sand – Sat 2nd June 7.30pm Syncopation – Tues, 12th June 7.30pm
With more front than Myer, our bosom-buddies return in their own laugh-out-loud and totally liberating show as they unleash their playful puppies and walk abreast down mammary lane. It's an uplifting celebration.
Andrew Horabin uses comedy, song and storytelling to explore some of the issues of masculinity – sex, work, marriage, mateship, intimacy, fathering, feelings, booze, homophobia and attachments to motor vehicles. At the end of the night, women will want him over for dinner and men will want to have a beer with him. Cabaret Style.
Wednesday, 9th May 8pm Adult: $49.20, Conc: $44.30 Group (6+): $43.20
Friday, 11th May 8pm Adult: $25.00, Conc: 20.00
Wednesday, May 2, 2012 - Page 19 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
PUTTIN’ ON THE RITZ Matinee Following the success of “Almost Anything Goes” and “Best of Broadway” John Lidgerwood, introduces another young cast performing some of the greatest composers of the 30’s and 40’s, when songs were memorable and romantic, and the dancing infectious. Includes music of Irving Berlin, Cole Porter, Gershwin Bros and Jerome Kern.
Tuesday 29th May 11am Tickets: $25.00 Member: $22.50 Includes morning tea at 10.30 am.
Spoil mum at Brereton Jewellers
CAN I HELP?: The team at Brereton Jewellers in Gawler can help with gifts for Mother’s Day or for any occasion. Pictured from left, Kathryn Matthews, Sandra Jacob, Catherine Folland, Margaret Brereton and Linda Watson.
K BRERETON Jewellers is the perfect place to find a special gift to spoil your mum this Mother’s Day. The friendly staff are happy to help with your gift selection and also provide a complimentary giftwrapping service. As members of the national franchise group Showcase, the store offers many popular jewellery brands including Pandora, Georgini,Tuskc and Khloe, as well as exclusive product ranges sourced from Europe, Asia and America. The newly-released Mother’s Day catalogue offers an extensive range of gold and precious stone rings and jewellery at reduced prices, including some ‘super special’ clearance items. All ladies’ watches are on offer at special prices so customers have the opportunity to save 20 per cent on quality brands, including Citizen, Lorus, Olympic, Jag, Fossil and Ice Watches. For ladies who love Pandora there is an exciting gift with purchase offer. Spend $150 or more and receive a sterling silver 5-clip bracelet valued at $99 as a gift. This represents exceptional value and is only available until Mother’s Day or while stocks last. The store is stocked to the brim with a colourful array of gift items to suit all tastes and budgets. Customers can choose from jewel boxes, coffee mugs, candles, photo frames, coloured glass vases and collectable figurines, including the ever popular Willow Tree. A range of John Beswick figures and Tuskers elephants have been reduced especially for Mother’s Day. Brereton Jewellers is located at 74-76 Murray Street, Gawler and is open until 7pm on Thursdays and 2pm on Saturdays.
Special Prices on special gifts for a
m u M l Specia RRP $139 Sale $119
RRP $319 Sale $279
RRP $439 Sale $369
RRP $229 Sale $199
RRP $289 Sale $249
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RRP $199 Sale $169
Sale $299
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UP TO $100
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RRP $239 Sale $199
RRP $99.95 Sale $89.95
RRP $199 Sale $169
RRP $239 Sale $159
RRP $99.95 Sale $89.95
RRP $189 Sale $159
K. BRERETON JEWELLERS Your personal Jeweller
RRP $289 Sale $189
RRP $199 Sale $179
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RRP $189 Sale $129
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RRP $299 RRP $299 Sale $259 Sale $259
! l a i c Spe
RRP $199 Sale $139
RRP $259 Sale $169
RRP $99.95 Sale $79.95
RRP $39.95 Sale $29.95
RRP $149 Sale $99.95
RRP $499 Sale $439
RRP $199 Sale $169
RRP $319 RRP $299 Sale $279 Sale $269
RRP $339 Sale $299
RRP $119 Sale $99.95
phone 8522 1586 74-76 murray street, gawler
Wednesday, May 2, 2012 - Page 20 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Flowers - the first Mother’s Day gift ON Sunday, May 13 Australians everywhere will be showering their mum with flowers and affection to celebrate the traditional and iconic Mother’s Day that is reserved on our calendars. Children of all ages treat their mothers to something truly special and from the heart – whether it is the traditional
breakfast in bed, or a day of pampering, flowers always make an appearance on the day. When words aren’t enough, fresh and beautifully presented Mother’s Day flowers from Miss Maggies say it all. Observed all over the world, this humble day was created by Americans Anna Jarvis and Julia Ward Howe in 1912.
While campaigning for 40 years to have a day recognised for mothers, Jarvis gave out white carnations, because she believed they represented motherhood – their simplicity, beauty and purity of a flower best represents the love of a mother for her child. Mother’s Day flowers let your mother know that you are returning her love.
Surprise your Mum this Mothers Day with a special flower delivery.
IDEAL GIFT: Maggie and Millie are getting ready to deliver all the Mother’s Day flowers.
Order now on 0431 812 962
SPECIAL OFFER: Faye Bagnall-Stevens of Jewellery Journey in the Gawler Arcade wants to help customers with their Mother’s Day shopping. So if you pop in and purchase one from wide range of handbags in stock, the opportunity is available to obtain a matching purse at half price. Other special offers include Mother’s Day cards for $2 and winter scraves from $15. Jewellery Journey has recently expanded to sell a wide range of excellent footwear. Pop in and have a look what is on offer or take a look on Facebook.
With a beautiful heart-shaped cake from
181 Murray Street Tanunda
Ph 8563 0096
Phone 8523 0918
Wednesday, May 2, 2012 - Page 21 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Mothers Day Cards only $2.00 Shop 7, The Gawler Arcade, 126 Murray Street, Gawler
IT'S A GIRL PROMNITZ (nee Goodchild) Staffani & Aaron are delighted to announce the arrival of their beautiful daughter Isla Elizabeth. Born April 28, 2012, at Tanunda Hospital weighing 6lb. 10oz. Special thanks to Dr. Goodwin and staff.
CUCKOO CLOCKS A number of genuine BLACK FOREST (GERMANY) cuckoo clocks professionally restored to excellent working order are offered for sale from $185 to $325. Please phone Ted on 85622384. Unwanted clocks/watches traded/bought for recycling. If your clock or watch wants restoring get a FREE quote!
25 GOLDFINCH WAY Hewett. 5th May. 8.30am. Clothes, household goods.
MENZEL (nee Kernich) Scott and Paula welcome with love their second son, Tyson Jeffrey. Born April 24 at Tanunda Hospital, weighing 8lb 1oz. A little brother for Lachlan. Another grandchild for Keith and Sandra, Jeff and Erica. Great-grandchild for Priscilla Kernich.
DOMESTIC farm, pool and spa pump repairs. Complete workshop facilities also for electric fence energisers. New units, conversions to solar, tapes and insulators. Qualified tradesman. Ag Power Williamstown Road, Cockatoo Valley. 0408820024
WATCHES/CLOCKS recycled & professionally restored by senior clockmaker. Wind ups, electrics & electronics - Omega, Seiko, Ansonia, Waterbury, Junghans, Citizens etc etc. The unique & the unusual as well as the familiar. Are you one of the seniors no longer able to wind up your watch/clock? Get a free quote to have a battery driven movement professionaly installed. Ring Ted on 85622384 for free information.
STUART-WARNER Brett, Helen, Kim, Grant, Jed & Kate are delighted to welcome Amanda to the family. Ben & Amanda announced their Engagement on 24th April 2012. May your every tomorrow be filled with good health, love, laughter & happiness
DEATH NOTICES SONNTAG - Lorraine Passed away April 26, 2012. Dearly loved sister-in-law of Glenda & Keith. Loved Aunty of Jenny & Russell, Stephen & Tracy, Trevor & Paula, Sharyn & Dean. Going to her heavenly home. No more pain & suffering. - In God's care. SONNTAG - Lorraine Passed away peacefully 26.4.12 Loved sister-in-law of Wilfred (dec.), Margaret & family. - In God's care. -
IN MEMORIAM GROSSER, Erwin Erhardt. Passed away 3/5/2007 Five years have passed since you left me. But you still remain in my thoughts and dreams forever. Sadly missed by your loving wife, Ismay.
FOR SALE 240V CONCRETE MIXER, 240V generator, Davey sump pump, 1.5hp air compressor. 85244131 ANTIQUE Spinning Wheel $350, Wood lathe $130, Fridge $50, Portable evaporative cooler/heater $35. Alroh petrol lawn edger $110. Ph: 85244926 or 0417876878 A VAN ALINER 2B 2 - 3 berth. Excellent condition. $14,990 ono. Ph: 85364204 Barossa New Life Church TREASURE CHEST - FURNITURE MART 10 Murray St, Nuriootpa Tel. 85622988 Monday - Friday 9am - 4pm Saturday 9am - 12pm All donations of furniture, clothing, bric-a-brac enable us to assist our Community BAROSSA VALLEY Country Furniture Paint Stripping Furniture Restoration Custom Made. David Bush 0419628222 CASH FOR BOTTLES & CANS. Wine bottles, batteries, phone Lange's Can & Bottle Depot on 85642292 for trading hours, 20 Newcastle St, Angaston. CITRUS TREES available now. Also native trees.Lifetime Nursery, Judd Road, Lewiston. 85243172. Closed Wednesdays.
ENGEL & WAECO 12/24/240 volt fridge /freezers. All models. Best prices in the State. Gawler Fishing & Outdoors 85226200 FIREWOOD Mallee Gum $260 tonne, split redgum $280 tonne, delivered in Barossa & surrounding areas. 0413636454 FIREWOOD Quality seasoned. Split red. blue, sugar gum, mallee stumps sawn mallee & bags of kindling. Weighbridge docket supplied. Pickup or deliver AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY. Matthew Reimann, Firewood Supplies. 0413089743. Delivery available 7 days by appointment. Credit Cards now accepted. HAY OATEN WHEATEN Hay from $35 roll Phone Peter & Bev Grocke 0429 694 058 or 8563 2113 JACKSON'S FIREWOOD free bag kindling with every order. Dry split redgum mallee pink gum. Weighed delivery only. 0400083852 LAYER CHICKS from $3.80 ea. Isa Browns, Whites & Blacks, Mareks & I.B. vaccinated. Day old on Friday 4/5/12. Older pullets (P.O.L.) also available. Hillier Poultry 85230950
Falcon BA Sedan 4 Litre motor and auto transmission, 144,000 km, good panels, most parts available. Ford Falcon BF III Stationwagon 4 Litre LPG only motor and auto transmission, 56,000 km, most parts available. Holden Commodore VX Sedan 3.8 Litre motor and auto transmission, 115,000 km, Berlina factory mags. Holden Commodore VZ Stationwagon 3.6 Litre motor and auto transmission, roof rack, most parts available. Holden Commodore VY Sedan 3.8 Litre motor and auto transmission, most parts available Holden Commodore VE 60th Anniversary Sedan 3.6 Litre motor and auto transmission, factory alloys NEW ARRIVALS: Ford Falcon BF Sedan 4 Litre motor and auto transmission, Injected LPG, 101,000 km. Holden Commodore VZ Crewman Utility 3.6 Litre motor and auto transmission, 47,000 km
LEADLIGHT - Local, professional affordable leadlight. I'll come to you, or call at Gawler Glass Design studio, 58 Yettie Rd, Williamstown. Weekly classes. Bob Pirch 85247241
GAWLER MOTOR WRECKING 3 Prescott Crescent, Gawler Belt 8522 5677 or 0416 081 109
MAINS pressure blue line poly from $37 roll. Gawler Irrigation, Lot 11, Paxton Street, Willaston. Ph: 85232350
MALTESE SHITZU Silky Terrier Cross puppies. Vaccinated, vet checked & wormed. 3 males, 3 females, various colours, ready for new loving homes. $250 each. Ph: 0438811351 or 85811585 NEED A PUMP? For all your needs, Gawler Irrigation, Lot 11, Paxton Street, WILLASTON. Ph: 85232350 PLANTS - Natives, perennials, tube stock, water wise etc. MORNING STAR NURSERY Lot 1 Cossins St., Kapunda. Ph: 85663952. Open Thursday to Sunday 9am- 5pm. POULTRY & WATERFOWL all breeds, 100's to choose from at Mount Pleasant Showgrounds Sunday 6th May. T/C & S /Sizzle available. Buy & sell. Sellers from 7am. Fee $1 per bird. Buyers 8am until 1.30pm. Info. Ian 82641889 Ron 83887487 SELLING, BUYING .......? Advertise in the Herald classifieds, and get results! Giveaway ads are run for 1 week, FREE. You can now place your classified ad at Kapunda Newsagency, deadline is Monday 5.00p.m. Classified deadline 5.00pm Monday. (Maybe subject to change) Ph: 85632041, Fax: 85633655 or email TANDEM WHEEL CARAVAN 17'6" Ex. cond. T.V., D.B. Reduced to $28,500 Ph: 85632868
KAPUNDA $230 p.w. 3 b.r. home incl. garage umr. RC/AC, neat garden, undercover entertainment area. Available early May. Ph: 0438663162 ROOM for rent at Nuriootpa, quiet location. Furnished or unfurnished, 20 - 35 y/o, non smoker to share with two other. $130 p.w. + exp. Call 0407398481 TANUNDA modern 3 bedroom home with shed, heating, and air conditioning. Bond and references required $320 p.w. 85633037 - 0411790513
TO GIVEAWAY 13mm BLACK POLY PIPE with drippers. Ph: 85662247 ADORABLE BLUE AUSTRALIAN cattle dog X. "Zac" needs a large property to enjoy his freedom. Gets on well with other dogs. Microchipped, vaccinated, desexed. Ph: 85244451 or 0421011253 COOPERS beer kit & accessories. 7.5' Christmas Tree. Ph: 85244424 SOLID WOOD dining table, good condition. 170 x 110. Table tennis top (solid wood) Kapunda. Ph: 85663420
MOTOR VEHICLES 1989 TOYOTA Corolla. 5 spd. manual, air & power steer. Great first car. Reg. VWK-411 $1,200 ono. Ph: 0478699891 CASH FOR CARS and scrap metal. Ph: 0404856309 FORD EA SEDAN registered, good tyres, good condition, mechanically A1, VKD923 $750 ono 85663954
MOTORCYCLES SUZUKI 125 Quad runner 4 wheeler. Good condition. Ph: 0400116039 Wednesday, May 2, 2012 - Page 22 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
SAT MAY 12 from 8am. Sandy Creek Uniting Church Williamstown Road. Carboot Sale (sites $10), Trash and Treasure, Sausage Sizzle, Food Stalls. Enquiries 85221391 John. SATURDAY 5th and Sunday 6th. Lot 2 Burns Road, Mt. Pleasant. 4.9 Kms. down Burns Road. SATURDAY 5TH April 8-1. 85 Langmeil Road, Tanunda. Clothing, sundries and building materials.
Community Helpers Inc DONATIONS
Of clothing & bric-a-brac For our Tanunda Shop 121 Murray Street Phone 8563 1105 Furniture Welcome Nuriootpa Warehouse 8562 2786
QUALITY GARAGE SALE - Moving house. Recliner, shoes, craft items, linen, household goods & more. 8.30am-2.30pm. Saturday 5th May. 14 Whittaker Street, Kapunda.
SANDOW (nee Mosey) Ben and Michelle are thrilled to announce the safe arrival of Claire Bethany on 25th April at 2:32pm in Burnie, Tasmania, weighing 8lb 4oz. A precious little sister for Lucy, William and Alice.
HAVING A GARAGE SALE? Advertise in The Herald classifieds, and get results! All Garage Sale ads MUST be prepaid. You can now place your classified ad at Kapunda Newsagency, deadline is Monday 4.30 pm. Classified deadline 5.00pm Monday (Maybe subject to change) Ph: 85632041 Fax: 85633655 or email
Working for Carers Link and other charities
FOR HIRE SLUSHIE/FROZEN Cocktail Machine HOT CHOCOLATE Cocktail Machine PUCKER POWDER . FAIRY FLOSS Slush-a-Licous Phone Pina 0434141097 Family owned, locally operated.
LIVESTOCK J.W. SMART WOOLBUYERS PTY LTD. Will buy all types. Flexible hours. Ph: 0417878486 -
PETS BELINDA'S PAMPERED PETS NURIOOTPA Professional dog grooming by an animal lover. EFTPOS now available. Ph: 0418810323 HOOTZ DOG GROOMING Mobile. Qualified groomer. Nuriootpa Ph: Justin 0406840020 HYDROPAWS 4pawfectpaws. Mobile nose to tail pet care. Heated hydrobath, blowdry, nails & clipping. Ph: Bridget 0488444542
WANTED ANY SCRAP METAL Will pay cash for the removal of yours. Ph: 0412259039 CASH FOR SCRAP METAL I AM LOCAL. Ph: 0411165694 CASH FOR UNWANTED CARS and scrap metal. Ph: 0404856309
WANTED TO BUY 1954 CHEV 1500 TRUCK PARTS or whole. Phone 85653266 CLOCKS/WATCHES for recycling/parts. If you have a clock or watch that is no longer going why not call Ted on 85622384 for a free quote to have it professionally restored. The IMPOSSIBLE NOW - MIRACLES TAKE A LITTLE LONGER!
WANTED GRAZING LAND. Eden Valley /Flaxmans Valley and Barossa Ranges. Sheep only. Hills or vineyard, agistment or lease. Payment in advance. Ph. 0418851483
ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Need Help? Contact 83463255 Meeting: Friday's - C.W.A. Building Kapunda - 8pm.
COMING SOON - Jack & Betty Mills from Queensland. Preachers. Teachers. Sunday 13th May, 11.30am, Lyndoch Town Hall. Lunch to follow. Contact Pastor Ken East 85244787
MARKETS Barossa Junction Motel. Sat. 5th May. 9.30 - 2.30 Craig's Fruit Ute & variety stalls. Sites $10. Glenda 85633181
CARPENTER / HANDYMAN Renovations & new work to properties Para Hills & Gawler River for private owner. Experienced carpenter only required with multi skills as handyman. Suit exp. ex tradie, retiree. 1/2 days p.w. But long term. Must be fit, honest, reliable & experienced. Cash paid to genuine Pensioner 0421026922
Barossa Area Fundraisers for Cancer present
ALL GAS WORK Space heaters serviced from $95. Gawler Hot Water - 75101077
Peter Horan Piano Favourites classics to country
Community Home Care Contractors
CHIROPRACTOR. Dr Kana Nathan 39 Murray St, Angaston. Consulting Saturdays Ph. 85642882
Time: 8pm-sharp Price: $20 per person
Barossa Village Community & Retirement Services is seeking Expressions of Interest from Certificate III qualified carers to provide contracted in-home care to elderly clients. Independent Contractors will need to have or obtain their own ABN, have a current National Police Clearance, senior first aid certificate, driver’s license and their own insured vehicle. For further information please contact: Annette Gilbert, Team Leader, Telephone: 8562 0300 Barossa Village Inc., PO Box 531, NURIOOTPA SA 5355
Venue: Vine Inn Hotel-Nuriootpa
LEADLIGHT STUDIO make new, repair old, traditional to contemporary. For quality & competitive prices contact Tracy 85246959 Willliamstown
9am - 5pm Monday to Friday
For tickets contact: Margit on: 08 8562 4807 or 0438 628 418
proudly sponsored by
Lyndoch and Districts OUT OF SCHOOL HOURS CARE
Director Level 1 CSE Level 6.1- 6.3 salary range Applicants are sought for the position of Director, Out of School Hours Care and Vacation Care at Lyndoch and Districts OSHC at Lyndoch Primary School. This is a 12 month contract of 28 hours per week (Before and After School Care) with Pupil Free Days and Vacation Care hours as required. There will be an opportunity to extend the contract. The successful applicant must be able to start on Monday 4th June, 2012.
Please forward all applications including three referees and a copy of qualifications to:
Date: Friday 1st June 2012
(non refundable) No concession
Call to discuss (08) 8562 2122
Enquiries and Job & Person Specifications are available from Bec Handke on 8524 4172.
CHIMNEY CLEANING Local Barossa Service Phone: David 0407189215
CIVIL CELEBRANT - Angela Nielsen Ceremonies designed for you. Marriages, namings, committment and renewal of vows. Ph: 0408107940 or 85642773
$4000 Government Training Incen ves are available for *eligible par cipants making the course cost neutral!
The Principal, Lyndoch Primary School Margaret Street, Lyndoch. S.A. 5351 Applications close: 5pm Monday 14th May 2012
Tenders/Expressions of Interest
BAKERY POSITION Full time, early starts. Involves Saturday mornings, must be able to work in a team environment. Phone : Ant for more details 0408053018 or email Eudunda & Kapunda Bakery
WORK WANTED CLEANERS needing extra work in school hours. Honest & reliable in your home. Ph: 0429007863
REMEDIAL MASSAGE Trigger Point, Deep Tissue, Myo-Fascial, Lymphatic. Wed, Fri - 1A Bilyara Rd, Tanunda. Ph. 0409631553 Thurs - Petite Pear Shop 3 Gilbert St, Lyndoch. Ph. 85245156. Health Rebates.
MASSAGE Therapeutic, Aromatherapy, Pregnancy Massage, Aromatherapy Pamper Packages, Myofacial Release, Reiki. 7 years professional experience. Gift vouchers & Pensioner discounts available. Consulting in Kapunda. Liz Ronan. Ph:85663125 or 0400760010
‘Actively engaged in ageing’
HOME CLEANING & IRONING - $15 off first reg. service so you try us out. Ph: Carolyn or Nat till 8pm daily incl. w/ends. 0409691576 PAINTER Local experience. Quality work. Free quote. Ph: Peter 0417805982 Lic. No. BLD48086
ROLLER shutter repairs 08 85662922
HANDS ON DOGS Providing services for your dogs. Grooming, massage, convalescence care. Call Jenny on 85232452 Gawler or 0423 474 287
Busy local restaurant requires a casual food and beverage attendant to join their front of house team. Must be an ethusiastic, self motivated individual with a bubbly, outgoing personality.
Applicants must either have experience in A la’carte table service or a passion for high quality customer service.
ZUMBA at Greenock Institute. Wednesdays 10.15am. & 6.30pm. Instructor Sue Evans. Ph: 85628184
MISCELLANEOUS BIBLEHELP What must we do to be saved? 85623945
Applicants must be over 18 years of age and have own transport. Successful applicant would be required to work 2-4 nights a week, including some weekends. Please drop resumes to: 94 Murray Street, Tanunda or email to:
Wednesday, May 2, 2012 - Page 23 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
MATHS TUTOR Many years experience. Patient & encouraging. Great results so far. Grades 3 - 9. Steve 0414965029
GILL PARK INC. AGM. Hamilton 22nd May, 2012 8pm.
When you place a display classified ad you can have a full colour logo or key parts of the text for only $55 on top of the price of the ad.
Change of Use (Cafe)
DEVELOPMENT NO. 960/545/2012
41 Queen Street, WILLIAMSTOWN
Detached Dwelling (Non-Complying)
Allot 202 Corryton Park Road, PEWSEY VALE
Extended Library opening hours are available at Angaston Library open daily Monday to Friday 9.00 -5.00. Angaston Town Hall Washington Street, 8564 2369. Tanunda Library open Monday – Thursday 9.00-6.00, Friday 9.00-5.00, Saturday 9.00-12.00 & Sunday 12.00-3.00. 66-68 Murray Street, Tanunda 8561 1300 (combined with Barossa Visitor Centre) Nuriootpa Library children’s sessions will be held at the Angaston Library. Access to computers and wireless internet is available at Angaston, Tanunda, Lyndoch or Mt Pleasant Libraries Volunteer and Youth Services staff may be contacted through Council Customer Service on 8563 8444 Nuriootpa Library & Volunteer Resource Centre will reopen on Monday 21 May 2012
The application may be examined at The Barossa Council Office, 43-51 Tanunda Road, Nuriootpa during business hours. Any person or body affected may make relevant representations in writing concerning this application, to be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, The Barossa Council, PO Box 867, Nuriootpa SA 5355 or email, and received not later than 5:00pm, 16/05/2012.
Each person making a submission should indicate whether they wish to appear personally or be represented before Council’s Development Assessment Panel in support of their submission.
Each person making a submission should indicate whether they wish to appear personally or be represented before Council’s Development Assessment Panel in support of their submission.
A copy of each representation received will be forwarded to the applicant to respond. 1816927
• Hinged & Sliding Security Doors • Security Window Screens • Safe-S-Cape Keyless Fire Exits • Patio Enclosures • Commercial Security Screening • Cyclone Screening • Tamper Resistant Fasteners
Vertical screening ideal for outdoor restaurants, patios, verandahs, corporate signage. For sun and UV protection choose the fabric that suitsyour needs from hi-tech solar fabrics from France - PVC tinted or clear, blackout fabrics or stylish acrylic. The Ziptrak guide system has no ropes, no zips, no straps, no buckles.
Barossa Window Fashions
1800 447 499 Box 46, Tanunda SA 5352
A copy of each representation received will be forwarded to the applicant to respond. 1816950
Passionate about the Environment?
The Adelaide and Mount Lofty Ranges Natural Resources Management (NRM) Board is seeking people with an active interest in natural resources management and an understanding of their local area to become a Northern NRM Group member.
That this House establish a Select Committee to investigate and report upon land arrangements for primary production (agriculture, viticulture and horticulture), mineral resources and regional development focussing on planning for farming sustainability and improving farming practices that promote the sustainable use of our State’s natural resources, a clean, green food supply for South Australia and report on advantages that this promotion may bring to the South Australian economy.
We want to hear from you if you have a passion for environmental management with strong links into your local community and knowledge of NRM issues.
SUBMISSIONS Submissions, in writing, are invited and should be received no later than 25 May 2012. Submissions received after this date will only be accepted at the discretion of the Committee.
Two vacancies currently exist within the Northern NRM Group which covers the Northern Adelaide Plains and Barossa Valley, including the local government areas of Mallala, Gawler, Light, Barossa, Salisbury and Playford.
Submissions to be sent to: The Secretary Select Committee on Sustainable Farming Practices Parliament House North Terrace ADELAIDE SA 5000
Further information, a map of the Northern NRM Group area and an application form is available from the Board’s website: or by contacting the Board’s office on (08) 8273 9100.
Inquiries to: Ms Lauren Tester (Secretary), ph (08) 8237 9220, fax (08) 8237 9213 or email: Terms of reference, Membership of the Committee and other details are available on the Parliamentary Website under ‘Committees’ – ‘Select Committees’ at
Applications close 5pm Monday 14 May 2012
A RAUNCHY LADY - private, sensual. Barossa. Ph: 0468342723
ROMAN SHADES We e Aust xceed standralian ards
Phone 8563 2041 or email:
Nominations for membership sought.
Applicable to display: Positions Vacant, Coming Events, Public Notices and other boxed classifieds. Stand out from the crowd!
The application may be examined at The Barossa Council Office, 43-51 Tanunda Road, Nuriootpa during business hours. Any person or body affected may make relevant representations in writing concerning this application, to be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, The Barossa Council, PO Box 867, Nuriootpa SA 5355 or email, and received not later than 5:00pm, 16/05/2012.
Nuriootpa Library Temporary Closure from Monday 7 to Sunday 20 May 2012 (inclusive) Reopening on Monday 21 May The Nuriootpa Library and Volunteer Resource Centre will be closed for 2 weeks to upgrade the air-conditioning. We apologise to the community for any inconvenience this may cause.
Please contact the Barossa Council on 8563 444 or for further information
DEVELOPMENT NO. 960/617/2012
Barossa Council Chambers ~All welcome~ Enquiries James Rowe 0448 392 576
While all submissions will be considered, the Committee reserves the right to determine which witnesses will be invited to give oral evidence.
Wednesday, May 2, 2012 - Page 24 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Troy Cassar-Daley returns THE loveable country musician Troy Cassar-Daley heads to the Barossa in June. He’s been hanging out to be back on the road doing what he loves best, playing live and promoting his latest albums. Troy kicked off what is going to be a huge year touring wise with a mighty sell-out show at the Tamworth Country Music Festival. Since then he has been on the road playing to sell out crowds through Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland and now heads to SA. ‘Home’ is Troy’s eighth studio album. He recorded it in Nashville and for the first time ever took on the role as album producer. Troy fulfilled one of his lifelong dreams when he hired his dream team of Nashville musicians to record with him. Those remarkable players included: Biff Watson - MD, acoustic guitar and mandolin; Brent Mason - electric guitar; Eddie Bayers - drums; Michael Rhodes - bass; Steve Nathan keys; Bryan Sutton - banjo and acoustic guitar; Stuart Duncan - fiddle; Paul Franklin - steel guitar; and John Wesley Ryles background vocals. Ed Seay was the engineer on Home. Together with Troy, they have created a superb album that country music fans everywhere will thoroughly enjoy.
Off-road motorbike trials start Saturday GAWLER Motorcycle Club will hold the 35th edition of the Phillip Haydon Reliability Trial this Saturday. This year’s event will return to the Marrabel district, with the trial to commence from the rodeo grounds. Spectators will be in for a special treat this year, with a timed offroad test being run through the grounds of the Marrabel rodeo complex. Jumps will be constructed for the circuit to bring some high flying action, and this event is sure to offer some spills and thrills as riders try to beat the clock and put on a show for those watching. The Phillip Haydon Reliability Trial is shaping up to host one of
TO VISIT: Troy Cassar-Daley to visit the Vine Inn this June. Troy’s career has spanned eight albums over 20 years. Throughout this time he has been awarded numerous accolades including four ARIA’s, 21 Golden Guitars, two APRA Country Song of the year awards, seven Deadlys (Australian Indigenous artist awards) and four CMAA Entertainer of the Year awards, plus the 2008 Country Music Association of America Country Music Global Artist Award. “I am very proud of this album
and hope that Australian country music fans enjoy listening to it as much as I enjoyed writing, recording and producing it. It’s been great to get out on the road to play and let the fans hear the new songs live on the ‘Home’ tour.” Troy will be at The Vine Inn, Nuriootpa on Friday, June 15. Special guest is Amber Joy Poulton. For more details visit and for tickets, phone the Vine Inn on 8562 2133.
the largest fields of riders ever and will include many of South Australia’s top off-road motorcycle riders. The first rider will leave the rodeo grounds at 1pm on Saturday, May 5. Riders will continue racing and the event will run into the evening, making for some spectacular crosscountry night racing. The organisers said they would like to thank Mick’s Motorcycles, Marrabel Hotel, City Discount Tyres and Mitre 10 Gawler who are sponsoring the event. Food and drinks will be available at the rodeo grounds and organisers are expecting the partylike atmosphere to continue well into the night.
Police ping p-plater A 20-YEAR-OLD Lyndoch woman has lost her licence after she was caught speeding on the Sturt Highway on Monday. The probationary driver was detected by highway patrols for travelling at 164km in 110km zone about 2pm on Monday at Kingsford, near Gawler. The woman was issued an expiation notice and her licence was suspended for six months.
Think to next year
TOUCH OF CLASS: Celebrity chef Pete Evans and Jacob's Creek Winemaker Beck Richardson hosted a Tasting Australia event at the award winning Jacob's Creek Visitor Centre on Saturday night. Pictured is Pete Evans (third from right), with (from left) Sean Lindley, Dean Zammit, Lisa French, Donna Dimasi, Veronica Zahra, Melissa Kerin and Marty Comini.
THE fire danger season officially ended on Monday night, and authorities are urging people to already start preparing for next summer. CFS acting chief officer Andrew Lawson said seasonal weather conditions throughout South Australia are now more favourable, thereby reducing the bushfire risk, particularly in high risk areas. He said planning for the next fire danger season, which is scheduled to begin in some areas on November 1, should start now. “I encourage South Australians not to become complacent about bushfire prevention as we head towards the winter months,” Mr Lawson said. “Now is a good time to consider planning ahead for the next fire danger season by thinking about general fire safety maintenance around the home and updating Bushfire Survival Plans.”
Community News Royal Society for the Blind THE Royal Society for the Blind Gawler fundraising auxiliary quiz day will be on Tuesday, May 15, in the Zion Hall, Cowan Street, Gawler from 11.30am. Raffles, door prizes, trading tables. $10 per person, which includes light lunch. Bookings to Grace on 8523 0256 or Margaret on 85221350. Womens and Children’s Hospital, Greenock The Womens and Childrens Hospital-Greenock Auxiliary has experienced a busy and exciting year, with 19 members, after welcoming seven new members. Fundraising in the past 12 months included rote grutze stalls at the Vintage Festival, hamburger stalls at the Greenock Artisan Markets and 24 Hour Motor Cycle Trial sign pick up. A spectacular pull up banner has been generously donated and will be used at fundraising activities. There was $4000 sent to the W&C Hospital, which will be used to buy much needed equipment for the hospital. As a Christmas gift, members donated $102.50 of toys for Rose Ward, which were gratefully received. A warm thank you to members and the many supporters, who have made this a successful year. Meetings are held on the third Wednesday of each month at 1.30pm in the Greenock Institute supper room, followed by a cup of tea or coffee at the “Connections” coffee shop.
plus postage and handling
“Through our Eyes” 100 years of Country Press SA Inc 1912-2012 and the history of SA Country Newspapers Now available from: Country Press SA Inc 198 Greenhill Road, Eastwood SA 5063 Enquiries: 8373 6533 or
Wednesday, May 2, 2012 - Page 25 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
GAWLER Wednesday - Ladies; Beth White won the ANZAC Day Ladies comp with 36 pts from Marion Bow on 34 pts. Kath Barr won the NTP on the 4th. ANZAC Day- Dane Vidakovic turned up early for a dawn raid with a superb 44pts. Next in line was Paul Burge with 38 on a c/b from B Marsh then came D Butler and R Malone on 35. Birdie balls; G DeBais, D Vidakovic, I Goddard. Thursday; Rob Fraser joined the big boys on Thursday and his game lifted accordingly with a great round of 67 to get home from Bob Barltrop on 69 and Paul Pogas on 70.
7 Tod St, Gawler
Saturday Jacob's Creek stableford competition winner T Jenkins 38. A grade T Jenkins 38, r/u M Patton 37; B grade S Ward 36, r/u D Lane 35; C grade D MacPhail 37, r/u B Lees 36; Ladies J Jeffries 33, r/u P Henschke 29. Long drives: A grade T Jenkins; B grade P Lawrie; C grade J Cannon. NTP 6th D Goers (Peter Lehmann); 8th P Jeffries (TPGC); 11th N Harris (Yalumba); 16th M Schultz (Rusden); 7th hole 2nd shot D Goers (Langmeil). Rundown: S Blackwell 35, R Langford 35, M Eaton, D Goers, J Denley all 34, T Pengilly, D Hemsley, N Day, B Grocke, C Crichton all 33. Sunday Jacob's Creek stableford competition: C Othams 35 c/b, R Casey 35. Anzac Day Pro Shop stableford competition: S Rawlinson 37, P Jeffries 36 c/b, M Patton 35, S Ward 34 c/b. Ladies Midweek Jacob's Creek stableford competition: J MacPhail 34, D Reichelt 29. NTP: H Peter. LD: L Montfort. BAROSSA Saturday Blue Course stableford competition. A grade R Whisson 41, r/u A Tagg 40; B grade C Campbell 38, r/u G Neilson 37; C grade K Obst 41, r/u B Scholz 35. A grade (42 players): S Kurtz 38, P Steele 37, A Oats 36, P Hefferan, T Cowgill, G Wills, J Biggins, P Alderson all 35. B grade (36 players): A Smith 37, P Pavlovich 37, C Hamper 36, M Wilson 35, K Farley 35, B
Saturday Stableford Jokers competition: P Sando 65, T Lehmann 60, A Wake 59, J Richards 57, C Noble 56, N Thompson 54, D McQueen 54. Midweek stableford competition: A grade - P Turvey 39, C Noble 38, D McQueen 34; B grade - B Pyke 34, R Hargrave 33, J Mills 35. Ladies Captain's Trophy stableford competition: B Wright 35, D Watkins 34, K Franklin, G Ludlow, L Stephens all 33.
“Your Security is our Profession”
Murray Street. Phone 8522 6768
Shopping Centre. Phone 8252 1111
The Party Starts Here
Quilt Supplies
‘For all your Decorating needs’
8523 3000
31 Adelaide Road, Gawler (opp. McDonald’s)
32 Main North Rd, WILLASTON Ph 8523 5458 Mon-Fri 10am-5pm
8522 3433
55a Murray St,GAWLER
CYCLEeS & E R A W D stor TON HAR ware
ANGASthan just a hard
55 ) 8564 20 8 0 ( : h P | Angaston Y- LDIWNAK 5 Sturt St, T F RE I R TH HAR
Air Conditioning Systems 1801906
50 Adelaide Rd, Gawler South
Ph 8523 3800
Results from matches played on April 26. Division One: Overway WYM d Two Wells Tavern 8-7; Smithfield Filthy Fockers d Soccer Club Kruisers 12-3; Two Wells Commercial Taverners d Roseworthy Blue 9-6; Exchange Hotel d Two Wells Clueless 10-5; Soccer Club Eagles d d Willaston Warriors 10-5; XChanged d No Fear.Comm 8-7. Premiership Team P W L F A S Two Wells Commercial Taverners 3 3 0 31 14 6 Smithfield Filthy Fockers 3 2 1 28 17 4 Two Wells Tavern 3 2 1 27 18 4 Soccer Club Eagles 3 2 1 26 17 4 Two Wells No Fear.Comm 3 2 1 25 20 4 Overway WYM 3 2 1 25 20 4 XChanged 3 2 1 18 27 4 Roseworthy Blue 3 1 2 22 23 2 Two Wells Clueless 3 1 2 16 27 2 Exchange Hotel 3 1 2 16 29 2 Willaston Warriors 3 0 3 16 29 0 Soccer Club Kruisers 3 0 3 14 31 0 Division Two: Smithfield What The’s d Smithfield SUS 13-2; Willaston Farcues d Overway Underways 14-1; Lyndoch d Roseworthy Shooters 9-6. Premiership Team P W L F A S Smithfield What The’s 3 3 0 33 12 6 Lyndoch Hotel 3 2 1 28 17 4 Smithfield SUS 3 2 1 22 23 4 Willaston Farcues 3 1 2 21 24 2 Roseworthy Shooters 3 1 2 18 27 2 Overway Underways 3 0 3 13 32 0
33 Main North Rd Willaston
Ph 8522 1911
(next to the car wash)
Prior 35, G Burgess 35. NTP 6th D Raethel; 15th D Brook. 4BBB: T Turnbull, Z Fuller 47.
Ph: 8522 1021
Ask for your loyalty card
Lythgoe 34, D Venning 34. C grade (16 players): A Steinert 34, I Cartwright 31, C Sonntag 31. Ladies competition winner G Aberg 40, S Turnbull 40, P May 38, P Homburg 36, J Fyfe 36. NTP 3rd J Stephen; 4th 2nd shot F Wheeler; 6th N Ward; 10th 2nd shot L Collins; 12th K Winton; 17th B Lythgoe. Long drives: A grade S Kurtz; B grade P Nash; C grade K Obst. Ladies novelty: P May. Don Reid Memorial Trophy White Course stableford competition winner Z Fuller 42, r/u A Edwards 39. Ball winners: K Bockmann 38, T Turnbull, D Johnson, A Bell all 37, D Brook 36, P Nash 36, A
*Pics for illustration purposes only. Product may vary.
McKerney, K Jarvis, J Ashdown, A Whittaker, M Hoffman, G Caldwell, C Bartholomew, P Cameron. Next Saturday’s golf is The T &S Refrigeration monthly medal.
Home Theatre Pack* from
Ball winners; P Roach, M Dawes 70, D Nguyen, P Robinson, 71, R Hall, J Martin, D Rogers 72, D Butler, R Malone, J Baum, B Moreau, R Sawyer 73. NTPS: Elders 4th; John Martin (Hole in one), Spencer Flooring 6th; D Nguyen, Elders 11th; D Nguyen. Birdie balls; K Morse, P Trenorden, D Nguyen 4 and11, J Martin, R Malone, R Sawyer, C Scott, J Wozniak. Par 3 specialist John Martin holed out on the 4th for an ace. Mid week end; Henke Smits 40 was far too good in the midweek comp and he won by three from Alan Yule on 37. Ball winners; I George, D Hurley, R McNamara 36. Birdies: N Orr, R Malone, H Smits, I George. D Nguyen eagled the 9th. Saturday; The feature event was The Gordon Jeffery Perpetual Trophy and Keith Poulton with 44 pts blitzed the field. A grade; R Polito 41, A Sota 41, A Whittaker 41. B grade; J Pogas 40, H McKerney , D Edwards 38. C grade; K Poulton 44, J Baadenhorst 42, J Ashdown 40. NTPS and Long Drives Uleybury Wines 2nd; L Chiappetta, St Kilda Hotel 3rd long drive, C McKenzie, Giannitto Hotel Group 4th; A Bettess (hole in one), Kingsford Hotel 6th; C Fowler, Roseworthy Hotel 3rd shot 9th; M Dawes, Fasta Pasta long drive 10th; A Sota, Hi Beam Car/ Dog Wash 11th; S Noack, Pizza Works Pizza 14th; R Hartwell, Willaston Hotel 16th; R Minett. Ball winners; CMorrison, P Cameron 40, K Jarvis, C Coombe 39, R Ashton, S Purdie, P Baker, K Morse, J Baum, T Dowling 38, D Gregory, M Lukat, R Hartwell, C Swinstead 37 Birdie balls; S Francas, S Purdie, R Flett, D Sobey, H Smits, P.Baker 4 and11, J Fowler, J Reaney, H
KAPUNDA Perfect conditions prevailed for last Saturday’s Tony “Geezer” Stevens stableford round. It was also “volunteer’s” day where the golf club acknowledges the work of so many helpers around the course and clubhouse by way of free game, food and drinks. It is just a small token of appreciation and enjoyed by those concerned. With another fantastic field of 70 players it is a good thing that almost half of that number teed off before 8.30 despite heavy dew and tough putting conditions. The best score of the day was had by Troy Sires whose 42 points got him just a little closer to that elusive single figure handicap. Another drop of just 0.1 of a shot will have him there. Great effort Troy and all of that practice is obviously paying off. Another couple of players were just the one shot behind and Michael Orvad and Adam Menzel had to settle for A and B grade wins respectively. Joe Ryan found some form and was next in A grade with 38 followed by Ian Clarke and Tony Holding on 37. The latter hit seven of the front nine greens in regulation but couldn’t quite repeat it on the back. Ex-captain Scottie Earle had 40 points with a couple of wipes to be close behind in the B grade ahead of Gary Brusche, Damian Burgess, Danny Menzel and veteran Jim Wilson all on 37. The C grade was down to a countback between Michael Pratt and Graeme Smith who both ended up on 39 points. Although beaten in the countback, “Smithie” was ecstatic to have broken 100 again. George Akermann and Bob McLean both carded 37. The best of the eight fillies was
Jenny Menzel on 35 ahead of Carol Molloy on 30. On ANZAC Day last week the ladies hosted a four-person ambrose event and were thrilled with the 60-plus players who turned up to support the event. The winning team had a fantastic score of 61 off the stick which included eight birdies and two “chip-in” eagles. Well done to the lads from now defunct Edinburgh Golf Club who have made Kapunda their new home club and have fitted in very well over the past 18 months. The mixed team of the Hayters and the Earles also had a great day and I have heard the ladies are seriously thinking of taking up the game if prizes are so easy to come by. This Saturday is the annual Kapunda Men’s Open to be played over 27 holes with an 8am tee off. The ladies will provide lunch and afternoon tea for players and no-one will be left hungry. If the weather behaves it will be a great day of golf. The course will be closed to players other than those in the open field so just keep that in mind if you are planning a normal Saturday hit.
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Wednesday, May 2, 2012 - Page 26 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
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20 Main St, Kapunda
Teen Spirit Shaun’s state selection has the last laugh FORMER Victorian racehorse trainer Darren Egan landed his first South Australian winner when Teen Spirit scored at last Wednesday’s Gawler ANZAC Day meeting. Teen Spirit had the laugh on punters scoring at the big odds of $41 and paying $40.90 on TattsBet. “I had to admit I thought the track might have been a bit soft for her,” Egan said. “She is not happy on rainaffected going but obviously when the track rating was upgraded from slow to dead her chances improved. “Also we were a bit worried about her wide draw but Mel (jockey Melanie Tyndall) was able to get her across quickly and rode her beautifully. “Teen Spirit has not had much luck at her last two runs but the win was a pleasant surprise. And because my fiancée Kylie and myself are the owners it was even better.” Formerly based at Cranbourne in Victoria, Egan made the move to South Australia about two months ago. “I’ve always worked in the racing industry and actually was a jockey manager for a few years before taking on training full-time,” Egan said.
“There are too many trainers in Victoria and I felt there would be more opportunities in South Australia and the chance came up to lease Darren Magro’s property next to the Gawler racecourse.” Egan, who also does pre-training, now has eight horses in work and is delighted he made the move. The trainer believes Teen Spirit’s win was no fluke and thinks she can possibly measure up in a suitable fillies and mares race in Adelaide. But his tip from the stable was for six-year-old gelding Drifting Spirit. “He’s had more than a year away from racing and is still about a month away from starting but I think he has the ability to win in town,” Egan said.
READY: Teen Spirit, outside the leader Our Belvoir, ready to sprint.
Matthew Bouveng, KBL Security
Collingwood 26 Essendon Geelong Fremantle Hawthorn Sydney Carlton Pt Adelaide West Coast
Adam Hunt, Harvey World Travel
Collingwood 46 Essendon Geelong Fremantle Hawthorn Sydney Carlton Pt Adelaide West Coast
Chris Linden, Manager, Vine Inn
Collingwood 60 Essendon Melbourne Fremantle Hawthorn Sydney Carlton Pt Adelaide West Coast
• Barossa squash results • Barossa tenpin bowling • Kapunda rifle shooting • Tanunda’s Magpie chatter • Freeling netball • Freeling football • Kegel • Angaston bowls • Bridge Barossa • STARplex • Barossa winter tennis • Gawler darts • Nuriootpa Bowls
Cycles Specialised Triathlon Series 2011/12 held at West Lakes where he won the series in the Tinman Male 13-15 age group and won the Franklin Island Triathlon Sprint Distance 14-15 years male at Victor Harbor. His goal after the National Triathlon Championships is to gain qualifying times for selection to attend the National Junior Development Camp and entry into the Australian Junior Triathlon Series which he will be eligible for on turning 16.
Rob Colaruso, Harvey Norman Munno Para Collingwood 12 Essendon Geelong Fremantle St Kilda Sydney Carlton Pt Adelaide West Coast
The Herald now is listing more sport results and stories online. Apart from the regular sport gallery photographs online readers will see: • Robert Laidlaw’s match report of Central District and Woodville - West Torrens Eagles on ANZAC Day.
Fri, May 4
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v Fremantle
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v Hawthorn
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West Bulldogs Sat, May 5
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NURIOOTPA High School student Shaun Hahn, 14, was named state champion in the under 17 Intermediate Male category at the 2012 Secondary School Sports of South Australia (SSSSA) Triathlon Championships. Shaun crossed the line first in a finish time of 0:59:43. He was selected to represent South Australia at the 2012 Triathlon Championships in Busselton, Western Australia in April. The Intermediate boy’s triathlon involved a 600metre swim, a 17-kilometre bike ride and 4.5 kilometres run. At Bunbury, Shaun finished 28th overall with his best leg of the triathlon being the swim leg where he came 13th overall. Shaun started swimming at the STARplex Swim School Gawler when he was six-years-old. He progressed through the swim school to squads and was invited in 2011 to be part of the High Performance Squad under head coach Steve Garner. He competes for the STARplex Swim Club at state level. The talented schoolboy has trained and competed in Little Athletics since he was sixyears-old and is registered with the Barossa Valley Little Athletics Club coached by Ross and Cathy Lambert and Jim Ireland. Now he is also currently working with Brian Gillies of the Trikings Triathlon Club to further develop specific skills in triathlon. Shaun first participated in a triathlon at the 2009 Weet-Bix kids TRY-athlon when he was 11 years old and competed again in 2010. He represented Nuriootpa High School at the 2011 Secondary School Sports of South Australia (SSSSA) Triathlon Championships placing third in the under 15 Junior Male category and went on to be selected to represent South Australia at the 2011 Triathlon Championships in Redcliffe, Qld where he was the first South Australian junior male across the line. Shaun has competed over the summer at the JT
Sunday, May 6
v GWS Giants
Port Adelaide
v Richmond
West Coast
v Nth Melbourne
Mike Teakle, Herald Sports Writer
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Wednesday, May 2, 2012 - Page 27 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Collingwood 27 Essendon Geelong Fremantle Hawthorn Sydney Carlton Pt Adelaide West Coast
Hard-fought win By MIKE TEAKLE
LEFT FOOTER: Tanunda’s Andrew (AJ) Prior sends his side into attack watched by teammate Tom Schiller and Freeling’s James Young and Shane Schubert.
TANUNDA was forced to scrap for a workmanlike 46-point win over Freeling at Freeling on Saturday. That was despite almost blowing the Redlegs away with a five-goal burst before the home side could even register a score. The Legs were left to rue allowing Tanunda such a fast start as they managed to stay close to the league’s benchmark team for the rest of the match. Both teams went into the game missing key personnel. Tanunda had Nick Schmidt (hamstring
tightness) and Ryan Bignell (groin) on the sidelines which is a luxury afforded by having Ben Newberry and Matt Godfrey returning. For the home side the absence of Ben Parish (soreness), Mal Greenwood (concussion), Brendan Moon (broken collarbone) and Josh Robinson left a big dent in coach Mark Tylor’s plans. Tanunda’s opening assault stunned the Legs with Ben Schiller’s two first quarter goals signalling he would be in for a big day. To Freeling’s credit, after being 33 points down
at quarter time they fought hard to prevent Tanunda from kicking them off the park. In what became a scrappy contest it was Tanunda wingman Leigh Westhoff who shone as the best player giving his team plenty of drive. For the second week in a row Magpie coach Ben Britton played in defence and his extra height helped when Freeling tried to stretch the Pies defence with ruckmen Rhys Clinton and Andrew Kemp resting deep in the forward line. Freeling caused Tanunda some concerns in the
2012 BL&G premiership tables A Grade 1 Tanunda 2 Barossa District 3 Nuriootpa 4 Kapunda 5 South Gawler 6 Freeling 7 Gawler Central 8 Willaston 9 Angaston Reserves 1 South Gawler 2 Nuriootpa Rover 3 Gawler Central 4 Willaston 5 Barossa District 6 Kapunda 7 Freeling 8 Angaston 9 Tanunda
P 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 P 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2
W 2 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 W 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0
L 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 1 L 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 2
D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
B 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 B 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
For 206 208 86 158 164 117 117 114 55 For 127 71 127 123 94 89 98 42 101
Agst 91 110 47 156 184 149 172 213 103 Agst 72 19 91 110 110 113 135 63 159
% 69.36 65.41 64.66 50.32 47.13 43.98 40.48 34.86 34.81 % 63.82 78.89 58.26 52.79 46.08 44.06 42.06 40.00 38.85
Pts 4 4 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 Pts 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 0
Senior Colts 1 Gawler Central 2 South Gawler 3 Tanunda 4 Nuriootpa Rover 5 Barossa District 6 Freeling 7 Willaston 8 Angaston 9 Kapunda Junior Colts 1 South Gawler 2 Nuriootpa Rover 3 Barossa District 4 Gawler Central 5 Freeling 6 Kapunda 7 Willaston 8 Tanunda 9 Angaston
P 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 P 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1
W 2 2 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 W 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0
L 0 0 0 0 1 2 2 1 2 L 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 2 1
D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
B 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 B 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
For 235 223 181 180 157 60 86 31 14 For 187 90 127 110 101 68 83 68 16
Agst 54 84 72 0 129 135 239 107 347 Agst 67 18 81 75 127 114 149 140 79
% 81.31 72.64 71.54 100.00 54.90 30.77 26.46 22.46 3.88 % 73.62 83.33 61.06 59.46 44.30 37.36 35.78 32.69 16.84
Pts 4 4 4 2 2 0 0 0 0 Pts 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 0
Leading goalkickers
Barossa, Light and Gawler Football Association - Played April 28 A GRADE
JUNIOR COLTS Barossa District 4.2 7.4 10.6 12.7(79) Angaston 0.0 0.0 0.2 2.4(16)
Barossa District 3.5 7.8 12.1215.13(103) Angaston 3.1 5.3 8.4 8.7(55)
Barossa District 1.1 2.4 7.6 9.9(63) Angaston 1.4 3.4 3.5 6.6(42)
Barossa District 5.1 9.4 14.1315.17(107) Angaston 1.2 2.4 2.6 4.7(31)
Best: Bar - J Aish, D Sharp, M Taylor, C McAlpine, H Commane, S Wills; Ang - J Fosdike, J Miles, J Rathjen, D Fisher, M Ruwoldt.
Best: Bar - B Bussell, B Traynor, D Curtis, S Roberts, J Rider, P Hanton; Ang - J Ryan, T Talbot, B Brook, C Jasper, J Schultz, M Kurtz.
Best: Bar - T Cameron, T Gant, M Slade, R Watson, J Rogers, J Stanbury; Ang - J Hood, M Williams, A Linke, T Saegenschnitter, M Makris.
Goals: Bar - S Roberts 2, S Robinson 2, J Berrett, G Koch, D Curtis, M Van Dommele, L Plowman 1 ea; Ang - T Talbot 3, W Hughes, S Woodards, J Rosenzweig 1 ea.
Goals: Bar - W Roberts 4, T Cameron 3, A Traynor 3, H Irvine 2, T Gant, M Slade, J Flitter 1 ea; Ang - M Williams 2, A Linke 1, T Saegenschnitter 1.
Goals: Bar - D Nangle 6, B Ratcliff 2, R Allington 2, H Tuck 1, L Stansborough 1; Ang - L Cunningham 2.
South Gawler 5.1 7.9 12.11 16.13(109) Willaston 2.2 4.7 6.10 11.13(79) Best: South - M Foldesdy, K Economou, N Bartsch, P Wharton, D Goulding, J Ahern; Will - J McDonald, J Farrow, J Taylor, J Jones, R Whiston, S Childs. Goals: South - A Gerardis 4, B Scott 2, C Musolino 2, A Bevis 2, N Bartsch 2, B Craig, M Naumann, D Goulding, A Bayliss 1 ea; Will - S Baker 2, S Walton 2, J Taylor 2, C McLean, A Jones, Z Hentschke, J Cole, J Campbell 1 ea.
South Gawler 3.3 4.6 7.8 8.11(59) Willaston 1.2 3.2 5.3 6.5(41)
South Gawler 1.7 7.11 12.1518.17(125) Willaston 2.1 4.3 4.3 5.4(34)
South Gawler 5.4 8.9 12.14 18.14(122) Willaston 0.0 1.1 1.1 3.1(19)
Best: South - R Lee, B Rolton, J McVicar, L McCracken, D Green, T Gordon; Will - D Brooks, A Barclay, J Oldfield, J Carter, R Boswell, D Matz.
Best: South - J Lavia, S Ireland, B Lehman, A Maggs, R Head, K Dallwitz; Will - J Boswell, B Coombs, C Hammill, J Hurst, L Leverink. Goals: South - D Marschall 4, R Head 4, B Osborne 3, K Dallwitz 2, J Greatorex, T Ahl, A Maggs, A Connelly, J Lavia 1 ea; Will - J Smoult, B Coombs, B Knox, L Elliott, J Boswell 1 ea.
Best: South - B Washington, M Warner, D Dankiewicz, B Cheer, J Sheridan, S Blundell; Will - R Tyrrell, K Ackland, B Stirling, D Moulsdale, B Parsloe, L Sutton.
Tanunda Freeling
Freeling Tanunda
Tanunda Freeling
Freeling Tanunda
Goals: Bar - H Commane 4, S Wills 3, P Stelzer 2, J Aish 2, B O’Driscoll, R James, J Cameron, J Osborne 1 ea; Ang - J Miles 3, J Fosdike 2, A Reincke, B Sugars, B Byster 1 ea.
5.3 7.8 9.13 0.0 2.3 3.5
14.18(102) 8.8(56)
Goals: South - S O’Donoghue 2, J Dare, R Lee, A Parsons, B Rolton, P Clancy, J McVicar 1 ea; Will - J Oldfield 2, M Hollis, J Carter, D Brooks, D Matz 1 ea. 1.2 3.4
4.5 5.6
7.7 6.8
11.11(77) 7.8(50)
3.3 6.6 8.11 9.13(67) 0.4 2.4 2.5 2.8(20)
Best: Bar - D Nangle, C Robinson, R Allington, S Baron, O Watson, T Baron; Ang - B Homes, R Eberhard, J Antonie, B Antonie, L Cunningham, C Relquyst.
Goals: South - B Washington 6, J Martin 4, T Panagiotou 3, S Blundell 2, S Trenorden, M Warner, A Veale 1 ea; Will - L Mells, T Macdonald, B Baldock 1 ea. 1.1 2.2 10.2 12.4(76) 0.2 1.3 1.4 6.5(41)
Best: Free - S Carmichael, P Leske, T Carmichael, B Copperwheat, K Wright, J Kerin; Tan - J Chapman, R Ferrett, D Abinett, D Wallace, D Wagner, T Melton.
Best: Tan - N Geue, C Hutton, J Marshall, T Goers, K Grocke, A Hutchinson; Free - S Maynard, N Fenwick, B Heinrich, H Kirvan, M Ortlepp, B Jericho.
Best: Free - P Byrne, J Hopkins, A Haseldine, A Pelonio, N Staehr, D Whimpress; Tan - E Laucke, J Page, S Dunn, L Birchard, J Gosden, B Dalby.
Goals: Free - S Carmichael 8, K Wright, P Leske, T Haseldine 1 ea; Tan - D Abinett 2, J Ellis 2, D Goern, T Melton, D Wagner 1 ea.
Goals: Tan - T Goers 5, D Hamon 2, J Marschall 1, R Liddell 1; Free - B Jericho 1, H Moss 1.
Goals: Free - D Whimpress 4, J Burgess 2, J Hopkins 2, M Haylock, P Byrne, L Erskine, A Byster 1 ea; Tan - B Biagi 2, W Loffler, L Birchard, J Rohrlach, B Dalby 1 ea.
Kapunda 3.2 7.7 10.12 16.15(111) Gawler Central 2.4 5.6 7.7 10.10(70)
Kapunda 4.2 5.3 7.3 Gawler Central 0.0 2.4 4.5
Gawler Central 9.4 16.7 20.12 25.17(167) Kapunda 0.2 1.2 2.2 2.2(14)
Kapunda 3.4 5.6 5.7 Gawler Central 0.1 1.2 2.2
Best: Kap - J Zanandrea, P Anderson, N Brady, C Prior, D Leslie, S McKinnon; Cent - M Gibson, B Tobitt, S Gladigau, A King.
Best: Kap - D Ryan, J Ward, C Browne, A Nitschke, S Pratt, M Prior; Cent - G Meulendyks, S Dawe, A Fox, M Davis, R Kalic, L Stockdale.
Best: Cent - M James, J Edwards, K Wurst, B Connole, J Needham, D McKenzie; Kap - T McLennan, B Sinclair, D Collins, J Williams, T Matthews-Brown.
Best: Kap - H Smith, K Brown, D Richardson, Z Merkx, A Dempsey; Cent - B Devries, B Mathews, P Barns-Tripp, M Stewart, P Searle, B Hope.
Goals: Cent - J Neat 5, J Edwards 5, S Hutchison 3, A Wolters 2, J Needham 2, M Knight 2, J Ashton, J Hope, J Fullick, C Reynolds, A Mahoney, M James 1 ea; Kap - T McLennan 1, J Werner 1.
Goals: Kap - J Freeman 3, J Higgins 2, K Sharpe 1, Z Merkx 1; Cent - B Mathews, B Devries, B Clark 1 ea.
Best: Tan - L Westhoff, T Schiller, L Wells, A Prior, G Gann, B Newberry; Free - A Selleck, T Muster, D Francis, S Schubert, K Johnson. Goals: Tan - T Schiller 4, A Prior 2, L Wells 2, S Rogasch 2, B Schiller, M Godfrey, S Agars, B Kaesler 1 ea; Free - A Kemp 2, K Johnson 2, D Francis 2, D Horsnell 2.
Goals: Kap - W Farley 4, J Zanandrea 3, B Taylor 3, N Brady 2, P Anderson 2, Andrew Turrell 1, Adam Turrell 1; Cent - P Bova 4, D Sands, A King, A Cox, L Edwards, C Hill, J Latimer 1 ea.
11.4(70) 6.6(42)
Goals: Kap - J Ward 3, C Browne 2, K Chappell 2, M Ryan, J Cobbledick, K Pfitzner, D Talanskas 1 ea; Cent - R Kalic 3, M Ness, A Fox, M Mercer 1 ea.
Wednesday, May 2, 2012 - Page 28 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
second and third quarters by moving the ball quickly from the kick in and were able to clear Tanunda’s zone on several occasions. As a spectacle the game never reached great heights but Britton was happy to get the win. “It was a very scrappy game and I’m happy to get through it with a win and no injuries,” Britton said. “Freeling made us work pretty hard over the last three quarters and I was happy with the work rate of our guys.” Magpie defender Gareth Gann was impressive in his role negating Redleg full forward Dan Horsnell, keeping the big forward scoreless until the final term when Horsnell kicked two goals after being challenged by Tylor at three quarter time. “I put it to Dan that he needed to give us a target and he responded well,” Tylor said. “Tanunda are a very good side, they have a mental edge over everyone else, and a belief in each other that makes them very strong as a group. “We competed well but let ourselves down with skill errors. We chased hard and tackled hard but couldn’t finish off our work. The first round is going to be a learning process as I see each team for the first time. Hopefully we can snatch a few wins and set ourselves up for a good run home.” Tylor is hopeful of regaining most of his injured players for next week’s trip to South Gawler.
7.8(50) 3.6(24)
A grade H Commane (BD) A Gerardis (SG) J Zanandrea (K) R James (BD) S Agars (T) P Bova (GC) T Schiller (T) S Rogasch (T) S Wills (BD) W Farley (K) B Taylor (K) Reserves S Carmichael (F) R Kalic (GC) A Parsons (SG) S White (W) C Browne (K) D Brooks (W) D Abinett (T) T Talbot (A) J Ward (K) K Falkenberg (T) B Barker (SG) J Hallion (GC) Senior Colts T Goers (T) D Hamon (T) R Head (SG) B Coombs (W) W Roberts (BD) J Neat (GC) J Edwards (GC) S Schrapel (N) A Traynor (BD) D Marschall (SG) Junior Colts J Martin (SG) D Nangle (BD) N Lange (N) B Washington (SG) T Panagiotou (SG) J Freeman (K) D Whimpress (F) J Taylor (W) H Hutton (GC) B Biagi (T) J Hopkins (F) A Byster (F) R Hage (BD) P Searle (GC) B Ratcliff (BD)
4 4 3 1 1 4 4 2 3 4 3
8 8 7 7 6 6 6 4 4 4 4
8 3 1 0 2 1 2 3 3 0 0 0
8 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
5 2 4 1 4 5 5 0 3 4
11 7 6 6 6 5 5 4 4 4
4 6 0 6 3 3 4 0 0 2 2 1 0 0 2
8 7 7 6 5 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3
Kapunda open account
B u l l d o g s c o nv i n c i n g By MIKE TEAKLE
By ROBERT LAIDLAW IT WASN’T pretty, and wasn’t as convincing as it would like, but Kapunda managed to win its first BL&G football game of the season, with a 41-point victory over Gawler Central at Dutton Park. A mouth-watering tall-timber clash in ruck did not eventuate, as the Tigers’ Luke Howard is absent for a month, while the home side’s big recruit, Jason “Buckets” Mackenzie also did not make an appearance, after suffering a stained hamstring at training - the first of his career. Thrown into the fray was makeshift ruckman Ben Tobitt for Central, who at 6’ 2” was the tallest Tiger on the field. He played his first game in five years for the club’s Bs the previous week. Kapunda ruckman Toby Johnson had height and experience on his side, and managed to give the Bombers a slight edge, but it was the Bombers depth in their midfield options that made the difference. “Without Luke (Howard) we struggled with our game plan, as it is set up around him to a certain degree, and we just struggle with our tall man depth,” Central coach Damien Herzick said. “We also struggle with our rotations on ball, and we are not quite there yet, although with the up and coming youth at the club, there is light at the end of the tunnel, which may not be far too away.” The first term was an arm-wrestle, as both teams on-baller brigades were working hard, with the home side holding a four-point lead at the first change. With Jason Blakemore and veteran Aaron King getting plenty of hard balls out from the stoppages, Central was winning its share of the 50-50 contests. But Kapunda was already starting to grab a slight initiative, with the likes of Paul Anderson, Sam McKinnon, David Leslie and Brad Taylor giving it an advantage in the numbers game, because when the Tigers main on-ballers rested, the Bombers picked up. This advantage was more pronounced as the game went further, Kapunda working to a 13-point lead by half time, which was extended to 23 points by lemons, before skipping away in the final stanza.
HANDBALL: Kapunda’s Luke Foster prepares to handball ahead of Central’s Todd Lamont. “We were really disappointed as a group with the previous week, and the boys were pretty determined to give a good account of themselves,” Brown said. “We are going into this season with high expectations. “I wasn’t overly happy with our first half, but we stuck to our structures and it came together as the game progressed. “We were winning the clearances early but weren’t getting the rewards. But then things started to open up, creating more space for Nathan Brady at centre half forward, who supplied a good focal point for us.” Brad Williams led the Bombers with a great fourquarter effort from the wing, while Justin Zanandrea is showing the benefits of a solid pre-season at Central District with another consistent game. For the Tigers, Matthew Gibson earned his side’s main award after a solid game in defence, while Paul Bova booted four goals, and had a good tussle with Kapunda backman Brad Valentine. This Saturday the Bombers travel to Tanunda to take on the four-time reigning premiers. Although Mackenzie is probably still a couple of weeks away, another important recruit should make his debut with the club in former Central District reserves premiership player Fred Agius.
State squad honours By ROBERT LAIDLAW FIVE budding young Barossa, Light and Gawler footballers have been rewarded for their good work with Central District, and named in various SANFL state squads. Brothers Jarrod and Travis Schiller, originally from Nuriootpa, and Angaston’s Sam Colquhoun have given the local league a trifecta of success stories on the same day. Travis and Sam were announced as members of the 36-man squad for the under 18s, which commence the championships on June 4 at Bellerive Oval against Tasmania. And Jarrod has gained selection in an initial squad of 30 for the senior side, which will play Western Australia under lights at Glenelg Oval on May 26. On Monday, Jake Martin (Freeling) and Josh Waldhuter (Willaston) were selected in the State under 20 squad. “It’s a privilege to be chosen to represent your state, and is something all young footballers aspire to,” Jarrod said. “In 2010 I made the under 18 state side, but did not realise there was a senior team as well, so when I was told it was a bit of a shock - a pleasant shock.” Two years ago the 32-game league footballer with the Bulldogs was a member of the same under 18 team that Travis and Sam are trying to make, where he played all five games and made the best player list several times. Jarrod, like Travis, is a product of Nuriootpa’s junior program, progressing through minis and modies to the under 15s before joining Central District. He played in a Tigers under 15 premiership with his brother in 2007, and another with the senior colts in 2008. The physiotherapy uni student is looking to play regular league footy with the Bulldogs and be the
BAROSSA District made it back-toback convincing wins to open the season with a 48-point demolition of Angaston at Lyndoch. Entering the game with five first choice A graders missing Barossa coach Roger James admitted his goals were simple going into the contest. “I told the team that I’d be happy to get away with a win and didn’t mind how we played as we’d made a lot of changes,” James said. His mindset was understandable with his injury list including Ross Christie (corky), Matt Stelzer (hamstring), Adam Spencer (strained medial ligament), James Angus (hamstring) and Scott Jenkins. The Bulldogs coach’s concerns proved well founded when Angaston kicked the first two goals of the game through Brad Sugars and Jack Miles despite there being no open flowing ball movement as both teams were tackling hard in close at the stoppages forcing field umpires Sarah Jameson and Mark Herrmann to repeatedly throw the ball up to restart play. With neither team fielding a recognised ruckman it was almost impossible to win clearances and Nathan Emes was often employed as the third man up for the Bulldogs. As the first quarter evolved Barossa began to show the main difference between the two sides, the ability to take marks inside their forward 50 metre arc as James and Heath Commane started to assert themselves. Late goals to Brent O’Driscoll, James and acting Captain Paul Stelzer allowed Barossa to claim a four-point lead at quarter time which could have been more had Commane kicked straight. The second quarter was played out in a similar congested fashion to the first. New recruit Jesse Aish was busy around the middle of the ground, his precision and ability to put the ball to
tiger tales
SELECTED: Barossa youngsters from left, Sam Colquhoun, and brothers Travis and Jarrod Schiller. best he can, with the door still open on a possible AFL drafting. Besides playing in an under 15 Nuri flag with his brother, Travis followed up with a best-on-ground performance in another Tigers junior colt premiership two years later, before joining Central District. When Jarrod was in the state under 18s, Travis also gained selection for the South Australian under 16 team. “I’m honoured to be in the squad, which was a bit of a surprise as I have been injured through the early part of the season, and have only played the last two games with Central’s reserves,” Travis said. “Something that has helped my game is training with the seniors, as it is a better standard, and my aim is to stay fit, avoid injuries and have a good season. “Jarrod and I play a similar game but we are different, as he is more aggressive with his tackling and runs hard, while I’m not as strong but but use my pace a bit more. He sets a standard I try to follow.” The boys’ parents both come from sporting backgrounds, dad John played footy and mum
Sheree was a good runner at school. The third Barossa youngster to earn a state squad berth is Travis’ reserve’s team-mate Sam. The pair have been on similar paths at the Bulldogs for the past few seasons. After playing with the league team through the trial games, Sam has been consistent with Central’s reserves, and at training has led the 1500m runs, clocking 4 minutes 40 seconds. A year 12 Faith student, Sam is also an impressive cricketer with Northern Jets and has represented the state in under 15s and 17s, and now could be a twosport representative for South Australia. “It’s a good opportunity to train and perhaps play at that level,” the hard-running sportsman said. “Playing league trials was a good learning experience. It’s a different pace and the physicality is much higher, which I’m starting to get used to. “I’ve played football as long as I can remember, starting at Birdwood before I went to Angaston. “My dream has always been to play in the AFL.”
ROUND two saw the Tiger Gals venture up to Kapunda on Saturday to play - was nice and dry this week. Well done to all of our teams who continued on their winning way some pretty convincing results were again seen across the grades. Full results with coaches comments of games played are listed below. The Kingsford Hotel club person of the week is awarded to Tony Stockdale - Nido Media marketing. Tony very kindly prints our fab player handbooks and is behind all our other fab club posters and graphics seen around (including our new Club of the Year (3 in a row) soon to be seen out and about) - we certainly appreciate your efforts with all of this Tony - thanks heaps. This week we are back home hosting Nuriootpa - hope to see you there. This week’s club sponsor of the week is longtime sponsor the Kingsford Hotel. Look out for their special voucher in your Tiger News when you go through the gate. Diary Dates May 19 - Junior disco in clubrooms. May 26 - Players night “gender bender” with DJ till late. June 9 - Long weekend, no local netball football only so we’re holding ‘Tiger gals netballers day’. Check the website for all the club news and results. Thanks to our many weekly award supporters for their generosity with the incentive awards provided :Lisa at LKFS Finance, Sportspower, Chemplus - Gawler, PA Hotel, Gawler South Bakery, Fasta Pasta Eagle Boys Pizza and Video Ezy. Senior One: Kapunda 49 to Gawler Central 45. Hard body contest throughout the whole game. The girls fought it out until the end but their fitness and decision making let them down in the last quarter. Congrats to Tyler Holbrook and Brittney Waddington on their Sen One debut. Award recipient: Renee Schumacher, Senior Two: Gawler Central 42 defeated Kapunda 37. Good hard four-quarter effort great to get another win on the board. Award recipient: Sophie Havlis.
Wednesday, May 2, 2012 - Page 29 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
his teammates advantage was a cut above while young gun Jock Cameron, moved into centre to cover for Spencer, was impressive with his physicality and tackling and teamed with the irrepressible Michael Taylor and Stelzer as the Dogs midfield began to get on top. Darren Sharp was his ever reliable self when in defence and strong in the pack when switching with Aish on the ball but the Bulldogs best defender was Craig McAlpine, who not only handled the kick in duties with aplomb but made life difficult for his opponents. For the Panthers, Miles was prolific in the first half and new Panther Jack Fosdike had his team buzzing after two consecutive goals to start the third term. Despite Angaston being competitive in patches it was clear that Barossa was more cohesive with Angaston having seven new players from their round 18 game last season. That combined with just one trial game and the bye in round one made it hard for Angaston to find their groove against one of the competition’s premier sides. “It was pretty disappointing to lose the way we did but I’m confident we’ll get better,” Angaston coach Craig Hadden said. “A couple of the new guys were really good. Fosdike was our best and won the Bob Christie medal (awarded to Angaston’s best player in the match played nearest to ANZAC day) and Mark Ruwoldt showed his class and I’m expecting big things from them as the season goes on.” For Barossa it was the big forwards that did the damage with Commane kicking four goals and Simon Wills three. On top of the existing injuries Barossa suffered another blow with Launce Kent suffering a hamstring injury. “We’ve got the bye this week and the timing couldn’t be better as it gives our guys a break to recover,” James said. Senior Three: Gawler Central 67 defeated Kapunda 30. Great team effort. Girls dominated all over the court and worked together to get the results. Defensive pressure down the court was impressive. Award recipient: Chanelle Pogas. Senior Four: Gawler Central 59 defeated Kapunda 23. Good win but wasn’t pretty. Bit of work to do. Award recipient: Jo Vlascco. Senior Five: Gawler Central 61 defeated Kapunda 27. Excellent win. Worked together, defence was all down the court and lots of encouraging talk. Award recipient: Amy Songer. Senior Six: Gawler Central 48 defeated Kapunda 7. Perfect start to the season girls 2-0. All played well and at times made it look easy. Award recipient: Jess Patrick. Intermediate One: Kapunda 54 to Gawler Central 38. Great second game to the season. Proud of the team effort, just need to work on playing a full four quarters. Awards: Emily Patrick and Chelsea Welsh. Intermediate Two: Kapunda 43 to Gawler Central 30. Great effort girls. Fought really hard all game. Award recipient: Ellen O’Hennessey. Junior One: Gawler Central 69 defeated Kapunda 31. The girls played a tight game. Well done girls. Award recipient: Courtney Young. Sub Junior One: Gawler Central 27 defeated Kapunda 10. Another great game by the girls which resulted in another good win. Our defence was particularly strong which showed on the score board. Award: Shantelle. Sub Junior Two: Gawler Central 21 defeated Kapunda 11. Another awesome game by all girls. Our defence pressure the whole way day the court was great. After a massive change at half time the girls pulled together for a great win. Award recipient: Tayla Drew. Sub Junior Three: Gawler Central 24 defeated Kapunda 3. A fantastic first game by the girls. The movement of the ball helped our goalies score well, while the defensive pressure restricted Kapunda’s scoring. Award recipient: Holly Thompson. Primary One: The girls put in a lot of effort all game and fought really hard to stay in the game. Award recipient: Kiara Lane. Primary Two: 15 awesome goals - well done everyone. Netta One: Top effort girls. Worked great together and had lots of fun. Award recipient: Paige Leighton. NettaTwo: All tried really hard and there was heaps of smiles. Great effort girls. Award: Sienna Hooper.
Central District Football Club supports
Win a Central prize
Gawler and Kapunda Sportsperson of the week
Trevor Hongell- Tanunda
with Graham Fischer and Mike Teakle
Trevor Hongell plays hockey for Tanunda. Where have you played your hockey? Member of Tanunda since I started playing, when I was eight.
Who are key players at your club? Josh Hancock and Steven Draper. What is your most important attribute? My beard, it scares the young kids. Who is a character at the club and why? Daniel Southern. He always has a great story to tell. Who is the best player you have played with and against? Evan Boland with, Brad Fairey against. Major influence in your hockey: My first coaches Ken Johnson and Dave Smith. Who are your sporting idols? Boonie. Any superstitions? None. What event has inspired or amazed you? When Marco Cirrillo moved out of his parents’ place last year. If you were Prime Minister what issue would you address? Lack of Australian produce on our supermarket shelves. Pet hates on the hockey pitch? People who criticise umpires but are not willing to umpire themselves. Favourite actor and movie? The Spanish Buzz Lightyear, Slumdog Millionaire. If someone had to play you in a movie who would it be? Spanish Buzz Lightyear.
THE Barossa Rams’ strong start to the 2012 season continued on Saturday with a 33-7 win over North Torrens at Dry Creek. The Rams’ second team went down to traditional power club Port Adelaide 32-7. But the performance was better than the score implies due to Port fielding a number of first grade players.
stood up in the back lines to be named third best. The boys’ sister Amanda had her first stint of coaching/ playing and also won and she was in the best players. Mum Lynette topped off the day having a win coaching the senior 1s. Husband and father Ian did not know who to congratulate first. But he had been at the oval since 7.30am, as he does every week, so he was just a very proud Freeling supporter.
> Rugby Union
Greatest moment and disappointment? Winning a hockey carnival in a penalty shoot out, while playing goalkeeper. Losing a few grand finals. How would you spend a million dollars? I wouldn’t. What other sport would you love to be the best in the world at and why? Not sure what it’s called, but where they roll the cheese down the hill. Why? Who wouldn’t want a big wheel of cheese? If you could have any four people stranded on a deserted island with you who would they be and why? I only need one. Aladdin. As long as he brings his lamp I can invite anyone I like.
THE Carmichael family from Freeling had a big day on Saturday with the whole family having a win. Tom and Sam began in B grade footy at Freeling where the Redlegs beat Tanunda for the first time in many years. Sam kicked eight goals to be best on ground and his twin brother Tom
W I L L A S T O N ’ S spectator viewing area looks a treat at Elliott Goodger Memorial Park, with the seats from the Chappell Stands at Adelaide Oval now in the club’s ‘grandstand.’ The former seats from the ‘grandstand’ are now along the fence, increasing comfort levels for supporters.
Q:Who was the Bulldogs league best and fairest in 2011? Write your answer on the back of envelope along with your name and a daytime telephone number and send to: Central District competition c/- Herald PO Box 43 TANUNDA SA 5352. Entries close at 5pm on Wednesay, May 9 and the winner will be advised on Thursday, May 10. Prize must be collected from the Herald office, Shop 1, 119 Murray Street, Tanunda.
Proudly brought to you by: BAROSSA
33 Railway Tce, Nuriootpa
8562 4881
Relationship and employment status: Married with three kids, vineyard manager.
CENTRAL District Football Club is offering Herald readers the chance to secure a Bulldog special pack. The prize is a $25 merchandise voucher plus two tickets to see Centrals take on Glenelg under lights at Playford Alive oval on Saturday, May 12. The league match starts at 6.30pm and it will be a crucial game for both sides in the quest to establish a position in the top five. Centrals are making it a family night with a bouncy castle, face painting and slippery slide for the children. To win the Central prize pack answer the following question.
Your Guide to the Tides brought to you by
Look to us for dog food specials
Gawler Fishing and Outdoors Mon-Fri 9am - 5.30pm Thurs 9am - 8.00pm Sat 9.00am - 4.00pm Sun 11am - 3.00pm 48 Murray Street, Gawler
8522 6200
For one month only
• Fishing • Camping • Guns • Marine
Tide Times for Port Adelaide (Outer Harbour) and Wallaroo for the week to come
Pt Adelaide MAY 2012
2 x bags of DIGGER 20kg
0300 0902 1528 2149
1.85 0.73 2.19 0.63
0350 0938 1554 2224
1.99 0.66 2.41 0.42
0425 1002 1618 2256
2.00 0.65 2.57 0.31
0453 1021 1639 2326
1.94 0.67 2.67 0.29
0515 1039 1703 2355
1.85 0.67 2.73 0.33
Only available at Landmark Gawler and Kapunda
3 FR
1.65 0.90 1.89 0.96
0111 0808 1455 2105
Landmark Gawler Landmark Kapunda
2 WE
1 Bernard Court 3 Mildred Street
T: 08 8522 2266 T: 08 8566 2865
7 MO
ROADWORK: Speed limit, fishy.
Wallaroo MAY 2012
2 WE
0902 1628 2231
0.69 1.26 0.94
0315 0926 1612 2254
1.05 0.75 1.37 0.74
0421 0944 1620 2326
1.03 0.79 1.52 0.57
0509 0954 1638
0.99 0.81 1.68
0002 0551 0955 1701
0.46 0.91 0.80 1.81
0043 0627 0949 1727
0.41 0.80 0.75 1.88
4 FR
5 SA
6 SU
7 MO
0128 0.43 0652 0.69 0936 0.68 1753 1.90 *Please note - Add 1 hour for daylight savings ‘Tidal predictions supplied by the National Tide Facility. The Flinders University of South Australia, Copyright Reserved’
8 TU
0536 1056 1730
1.76 0.67 2.74
8 TU
Wednesday, May 2, 2012 - Page 30 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
THERE is a new technique on the Murray River at the moment and it is called, Roadworks. This method involves targeting the fish that are following the flood water along many of the Riverland’s public roads. Be sure to use a road that is no longer used by traffic. Species include carp, big and small, redfin and the odd callop. Yabbies have also made their presence known in the form of a toe or ankle grab. The best method has definitely been fly fishing as this versatile way of fishing allows for numerous quick presentations. Fish following the flood water require the offering to be placed right in front of their noses and the fly is without a doubt the best suited for this.
Fly rods in the 6-7wt are well-matched and some anglers have gone for 4 or 5wts to get the best of the fight out of the smaller fish. One important aspect overlooked when fly fishing is to watch your tippet for takes. Fish like carp and callop are quick to suck the fly in and out and sometimes the only way you will detect this is by seeing your tippet move slightly. When you notice this, strike and hang on. The most effective fly for me has been a Goober fly in white with a hot orange marabou tail or a chartreuse body and a white tail. Tie these with a little less weight than normal; the water over the roads is rarely very deep. How easy to pull up the car, stand on the road and catch a fish. Tight lines until next week.
Senior One Willaston Kapunda Angaston Gawler Central South Gawler Freeling Nuriootpa Barossa District Tanunda Senior Two Willaston Gawler Central Angaston South Gawler Kapunda Freeling Tanunda Barossa District Nuriootpa Senior Three Gawler Central South Gawler Nuriootpa Angaston Willaston Tanunda Barossa District Kapunda Freeling Senior Four Gawler Central South Gawler Tanunda Angaston Nuriootpa Willaston Freeling Kapunda Barossa District Senior Five Willaston Angaston South Gawler Gawler Central Freeling Tanunda Kapunda Nuriootpa Barossa District Senior Six Willaston Gawler Central Angaston Nuriootpa South Gawler Freeling Barossa District Tanunda Kapunda Senior Seven Freeling Angaston Willaston South Gawler Barossa District Gawler Central Nuriootpa Intermediate One Willaston Freeling Nuriootpa South Gawler Kapunda Barossa District Gawler Central Angaston Tanunda Intermediate Two South Gawler Kapunda Angaston Willaston Gawler Central Freeling Tanunda Barossa District Nuriootpa Junior One Willaston Angaston Nuriootpa South Gawler Gawler Central Freeling Tanunda Kapunda Barossa District Junior Two Willaston Gawler Central Angaston South Gawler Tanunda Barossa District Freeling Nuriootpa Sub Junior One Gawler Central Angaston Willaston Freeling Barossa District Kapunda Tanunda Nuriootpa South Gawler Sub Junior Two Gawler Central Willaston Angaston Tanunda Nuriootpa Barossa District Kapunda South Gawler Freeling Sub Junior Three Nuriootpa Gawler Central Barossa District Angaston Kapunda
Pts 4 4 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 Pts 4 4 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 Pts 4 4 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 Pts 4 4 4 2 2 0 0 0 0 Pts 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 Pts 4 4 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 Pts 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 Pts 4 4 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 Pts 4 4 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 Pts 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 Pts 4 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 Pts 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 Pts 4 4 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 Pts 2 2 2 0 0
For 119 102 42 114 103 83 39 64 64 For 101 86 44 90 82 69 72 57 27 For 121 101 63 44 91 53 50 44 42 For 117 123 89 42 43 67 58 54 54 For 92 69 85 104 83 75 64 33 40 For 120 91 67 53 68 62 51 43 22 For 31 48 47 74 72 13 0 For 92 102 49 81 88 75 63 25 43 For 114 97 40 83 98 91 42 38 15 For 73 59 61 81 105 71 48 53 38 For 91 59 50 86 73 33 26 0 For 55 43 30 39 46 34 18 11 4 For 42 48 28 37 20 35 29 19 4 For 33 24 9 4 7
Agst 79 84 31 91 85 102 53 97 108 Agst 80 69 31 74 69 76 90 94 45 Agst 40 66 14 24 70 83 93 130 89 Agst 52 57 62 28 31 104 103 102 105 Agst 58 23 60 75 88 84 94 37 126 Agst 26 29 18 15 84 78 117 109 101 Agst 13 35 35 84 87 31 0 Agst 40 56 34 65 87 78 108 48 102 Agst 43 45 26 57 84 100 102 107 54 Agst 48 19 22 55 76 67 63 130 109 Agst 45 4 20 50 76 111 112 0 Agst 20 7 15 35 43 38 39 24 59 Agst 15 28 9 24 18 35 41 50 42 Agst 4 3 4 9 57
% 60.10 54.84 57.53 55.61 54.79 44.86 42.39 39.75 37.21 % 55.80 55.48 58.67 54.88 54.30 47.59 44.44 37.75 37.50 % 75.16 60.48 81.82 64.71 56.52 38.97 34.97 25.29 32.06 % 69.23 68.33 58.94 60.00 58.11 39.18 36.02 34.62 33.96 % 61.33 75.00 58.62 58.10 48.54 47.17 40.51 47.14 24.10 % 82.19 75.83 78.82 77.94 44.74 44.29 30.36 28.29 17.89 % 70.45 57.83 57.32 46.84 45.28 29.55 0 % 69.70 64.56 59.04 55.48 50.29 49.02 36.84 34.25 29.66 % 72.61 68.31 60.61 59.29 53.85 47.64 29.17 26.21 21.74 % 60.33 75.64 73.49 59.56 58.01 51.45 43.24 28.96 25.85 % 66.91 93.65 71.43 63.24 48.99 22.92 18.84 0 % 73.33 86.00 66.67 52.70 51.69 47.22 31.58 31.43 6.35 % 73.68 63.16 75.68 60.66 52.63 50.00 41.43 27.54 8.70 % 89.19 88.89 69.23 30.77 10.94
Barossa, Light and Gawler Netball Association results from Round 2, April 28.
New-look Angaston’s victory
Senior One: Angaston 42 d Barossa District 31; Willaston 52 d South Gawler 48; Freeling 41 d Tanunda 33; Kapunda 49 d Gawler Central 45. Senior Two: Angaston 44 d Barossa District 31; Willaston 48 d South Gawler 40; Freeling 37 d Tanunda 32; Gawler Central 42 d Kapunda 37. Senior Three: Angaston 44 d Barossa District 24; South Gawler 52 d Willaston 40; Tanunda 35 d Freeling 32; Gawler Central 67 d Kapunda 30. Senior Four: Angaston 42 d Barossa District 28; South Gawler 60 d Willaston 34; Tanunda 45 d Freeling 29; Gawler Central 59 d Kapunda 23. Senior Five: Angaston 69 d Barossa District 23; Willaston 43 d South Gawler 28; Tanunda 45 d Freeling 35; Gawler Central 61 d Kapunda 27. Senior Six: Angaston 67 d Barossa District 18; Willaston 51 d South Gawler 18; Freeling 40 d Tanunda 35; Gawler Central 48 d Kapunda 7.
Angaston 42 Barossa District 31 A NEW-look Angaston kicked off 2012 with an impressive 11-goal win over Barossa District. Coach Chelsea Duval said with players leaving and pregnancies it had been necessary to find some players to keep the senior one squad competitive. “It was good to have a first-up win and hopefully with more game time together the girls will improve as the season goes on but Willaston will be a big test next week,” Chelsea said. “We got away to a good start but fell away a bit in the second quarter. But we regrouped to finish strongly and come away with a good win.” Tamara Rowe at goal defence was Angaston’s best and won the ANZAC medal. Katie Bell was her normal hardworking self at centre and Kim Seelander was the standout goalie for the Panthers. Barossa coach Leanne Nelson remained positive. “Once again I can only reiterate on the positives that I am seeing and our improvement from last year,” Leanne said. “We banded together well and had the score down to a three goal difference, then with outstanding defence from Angaston our shooting percentage dropped and the deficit increased to the end score. “Our defence end, Jeanette Bates, Courtney Worsley and Laura Slade worked tirelessly and pulled in many rebounds and put fantastic pressure on the Angaston goalies. “Taryn Wills returned at wing defence playing her first game for the season. Stacey Nelson, our best player yesterday continued with her fantastic on court presence and with her sister Vicki, were a driving force in the mid court delivering some great balls into the goal circle.”
Willaston 52 South Gawler 48
Senior Seven: Angaston 48 d Barossa District 35; Willaston 47 d South Gawler 35. Intermediate One: Barossa District 48 d Angaston 25; Willaston 38 d South Gawler 28; Freeling 48 d Tanunda 31; Kapunda 54 d Gawler Central 38. Intermediate Two: Angaston 40 d Barossa District 26; South Gawler 47 d Willaston 31; Freeling 50 d Tanunda 32; Kapunda 43 d Gawler Central 30. Junior One: Angaston 59 d Barossa District 19; Willaston 36 d South Gawler 31; Tanunda 31 d Freeling 26; Gawler Central 69 d Kapunda 31. Junior Two: Angaston 50 d Barossa District 20; Willaston 37 d South Gawler 25; Tanunda 53 d Freeling 22. Sub Junior One: Angaston 43 d Barossa District 7; Willaston 20 d South Gawler 4; Freeling 29 d Tanunda 7; Gawler Central 27 d Kapunda 10. Sub Junior Two: Angaston 28 d Barossa District 9; Willaston 24 d South Gawler 12; Tanunda 21 d Freeling 0; Gawler Central 21 d Kapunda 11. Sub Junior Three: Barossa District 9 d Angaston 4; Gawler Central 24 d Kapunda 3.
WILLASTON reversed the Wohlers Cup pre-season result with a solid four-goal win over South Gawler. Coach Mel Tump said Willaston had approached the game with a definite plan. “This week our focus was to play steady netball but to keep the ball moving to create options,” Mel said. “We knew that South would be a tough opponent as always and as expected they applied a lot of pressure through the mid court which forced us into a high rate of turnovers in the first half. “We were able to get some flow happening in the third quarter, reduce our turnovers and capitalise on our defensive efforts which took us out to a small but handy lead at the final break. “South came back at us hard in the last quarter but steady hands and accurate shooting allowed us to hold them off and win the two points.” Best: Jessica Wilson (wing attack) Jasmine Hoffrichter (goal keeper) Bronwyn Heap (goal attack). South coach Lynette Hutton noted room for improvement with her side. “It was a tight contest for four quarters,” Lynette said. “All players worked extremely hard over the four quarters and I was pleased with their endeavour. “Passing errors and missed goals would be all we could improve on for the upcoming games. “It was a pleasing performance overall from all seven girls. Good leadership from Anna Dunn and Karina Cook, and strong defence from Bec Brading once again.”
Kapunda 49 Gawler Central 45 KAPUNDA coach Paul McGrath was delighted with his side’s win over arch rival Gawler Central. “There was no doubt the girls were really set for this game, determination was written all over their faces,” Paul said. “The first quarter again proved to be our best as Kristy (Humble) was super in providing great ball to Candy (Zivic) and Lana (Bagshaw) who took full advantage giving us a 16 to 11 lead at the break. “We had to pressurise their midcourt for turnovers and intercepts, and halftime saw our advantage reduced to three. “Our decision making and reading of the play had to step up in the third and it did. Pick offs became very important, with Stacka (Stacey Burgess), Kim (Creber) and Penny (Chappell) getting their share and we still led by three at three quarter time. “The fourth proved to be a tight tussle and goal keeper Hannah Thomas came into her own gaining six
BEST: Wing attack Kristy Humble was named among Kapunda’s best players. rebounds/intercepts in the last five minutes to eventually win by four. “A great game played by all girls on court and we came away with the points extending our mini run over our main rival of the last decade.” Kapunda’s best were Kristy Humble (wing attack) unstoppable at centre passes and provided quality delivery into the circle. Stacey Burgess (goal defence) looked right at home in their circle, picking off a number of intercepts then providing great drive turning defence into attack and was a worthy ANZAC medallist, demonstrating determination and courage when faced with adversity, mateship via support for her team, sportsmanship by how she plays the game and humility when being presented with the award by local WW II veteran Mr Leslie Gawler Central coach Leigh Waddington said a combination of items had let her side down. “The girls had a tough battle for all four quarters,” Leigh said. “We let ourselves down in the first quarter so we were chasing for the rest of the game. “With a couple of players away our line-up was a little different from the previous week, but it gave a few players from the 2s an opportunity. Brittney Waddington and Tyler Holbrook stepped up and played well. Renee (Schumacher) was once again very solid and Jade (Pfitzner) had a strong game. The defenders gave us plenty of opportunities to win, getting lots of intercepts but our general ball skills let us down.”
Freeling 41 Tanunda 33 FREELING scored less goals (41) in defeating Tanunda at home on Saturday than when they lost (42) to Gawler Central in the opening round. Freeling spokesperson Shelley Schuster was delighted with her side’s start. “We got off to a great start compared to the week before and played consistent netball to have a handy six-goal lead by quarter time,” Shelley said. “Jess Schirmer, at goal shooter, continued from last week and shot brilliantly in the first quarter. “Tanunda rallied in the second and it was a good battle but we held the edge at each end with Lisa van Leeuwen starting to make an impact and creating turnovers for us to grab an eight goal lead at half time. “We made a change at half-time to rotate players as young college lass Annie Cadzow came off for a rest to be replaced by Jacinta Ahrens who completely shut down the Tanunda goal attack in a positive move and our lead was out to 10 at the last change.” Freeling ran out the final quarter to win by eight. Best players were Jess Schirmer (GS), Lisa van Leeuwen (GK) and Katie Clark (WA) while Ashleigh Heinrich won the ANZAC medal displaying the true ANZAC spirit. Tanunda coach Maria Fraser rued a slow start. “We had a very slow start to the game with Freeling out scoring us by six goals,” Maria said. “So it was catch up netball with some poor decisions made all over the court costing us in the end. We outscored Freeling in the last quarter but it was too late. “It was a disappointing loss on paper. Our side is good, we just have come together and play hard attacking netball. Our goalies percentage was higher this week which was a good.” Kate Jolly (goal defence) and Nicole Crouch (centre) were best running hard all day.
Barossa, Light and Gawler Association netball media awards Herald Club of the Year Votes for round 2 of the Barossa, Light and Gawler Netball Association 2012 season, the Herald Netball Club of the Year Award. Angaston 24; Willaston 20; Gawler Central 18; Freeling 12; Tanunda 12; Kapunda 6; South Gawler 6; Barossa District 4; Nuriootpa had the bye.
Nick Hambour Window Fashions Senior One
Tanunda Cellars Senior Two
Barossa Sportspower
Terry White Chemists
Intermediate One
Junior One
3: Lisa Wilson (W); Hannah Thomas (K); Bec Brading (SG); Renee Schumacher (GC).
3: Kristin Brombal (W); Meagan Menzel (K); Sarah Kent (SG); Tegan Couzner (GC).
3: Meara Girvan (W); Tayla Helbig (N); Phoebe Schmidt (SG); Brittany Modra (F).
2: Jess Wilson (W); Lizzie Cane (N); Stacey Nelson (BD); Jade Waddington (GC). 1: Bec Terwel (T); Kristy Humble (K); Karina Cook (SG); Krystal Butler (GC).
2: Megan Samain (T); Nikia Tralaggan (K); Paula Dean (SG); Karla Robinson (F). 1: Shay Middlemiss (W); Lain Whisson (N); Brooke Swaffer (BD); Tania Knott (GC).
2: Emily Bert (T); Hayley Higgins (K); Laura Dawes (SG); Louise Cummings (F). 1: Jamee Secafien (W); Brianna Falland (N); Hannah Robinson (BD); Kayla Broadhead (F).
Wednesday, May 2, 2012 - Page 31 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Gawler Cinemas Sub Junior One
3: Holly Verdun (W); Marissa Graham (N); Taryn Renshaw (SG); Alex Hamlyn (F). 2: Abeny Kuol (W); Regan Lambert (N); Lauren Haynes (SG); Skye Brooke (GC). 1: Elisa Trotta (T); Lacy Mellors (K); Chelsea Flitter (BD); Emma Hertnett (F).
3: Maggie Henschke (T); Morghan Prior (K); Teegahn Rattley (BD). 2: Morgan Petty (W); Miranda Milton (N); Jessica Appelby (BD). 1: Sarah Fabrici (W); Alicia Werner (K); Meg Collins (BD). Gawler Central v Freeling: No votes supplied.
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8523 1940
Lions send message
INCIDENT: Action from the passage of play which upset South Gawler officials. At left, Willaston ruckman Jim Jones crashes on top of South’s Chris Musolino who had tackled Willaston captain Sam Walton. The middle photo shows Jones with his arm around Musolino’s neck. At right, Musolino and Walton get up after the incident. PICS: Robert Laidlaw.
THE big message to come from the South Gawler versus Willaston clash at Willaston last Saturday was that the Lions are going to be a force to be reckoned with in BL&G football this season. With a functioning rotating on-ball department, a multiple choice forward structure, and a cohesive defence, the ingredients for a successful 2012 is more than a possibility for the much-maligned Lions, who have not tasted finals action in a decade. “I was happy with our midfield rotations, as they worked hard to get their hands on the ball and used it well,” South coach Scott Lee said. On Saturday Willaston may have had the more talented group at the stoppages, but South’s ability to put defensive pressure on the ball-carrier allowed the Lions to curb their
opponents’ influence in gaining an edge. And in attack the visitors had multiple options going forward, with strong marking big men, opportunist crumbers and running goalkickers, whereas the Donnybrooks too often relied on bombing the ball into numbers, which too often was repelled. Kicking four of the game’s first five goals, South laid the foundation of its victory, as it made good use of a handy breeze. Anton Gerardis was looking dangerous at the goalfront for the Lions, kicking two majors while Nathan Bartsch was giving the Donnybrooks headaches with his run from the wing, as he cut through the lines to create plenty of forward incursions. There was early hope for Willaston late in the first term though, when Jarryd Cole booted a magnificent curling ‘goal of the game’ to close the
gap to 17 points at the first change. But an expected revival by the home side was squashed through the second term, as South booted the first major as both teams kicked truly twice in the first five minutes of the period, before the ‘yips’ set inbut still saw the Lions lead by 19 points at half time. With the first four majors of the second half, South went 44 points ahead and coasted the rest of the way, with four ‘junk time’ goals in the time on period of the final stanza giving Willaston’s scoreline some respectability. “We showed we are good enough one-on-one, and I am confident we will push most teams,” Lee said. South captain Aaron Bayliss was presented with the Scott Medal after the game, for his efforts in marshalling his troops at the stoppages. Matthew Foldesdy again was
a dynamo out of the middle, while Kristian Economou did some good work in defence. Bartsch is an exciting youngster and was solid all game on the wing, while Daniel Golding continues to grow in stature. For Willaston, Jarrad McDonald worked hard around the packs to be his side’s most dangerous option pushing the ball forward, Jared Farrow and Josh Taylor had their moments, while Jimmy Jones had a good tussle in ruck. “We were caught out because we turned the ball over too much all over the field,” Willaston mentor Justin Irving said. “I think we were on top at the clearances but our skills let us down. Losing Jamie Williams in the first five minutes hurt our forward structure as well. “It’s a new week now and we need to rebuild our confidence and play some decent footy.”
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SEVERAL spiteful incidents marred Saturday’s football derby clash between Willaston and South Gawler at Willaston. One on the changeroom wing in the second quarter sparked concern in the South camp. The Herald’s exclusive photos, at left, show Lions recruit Chris Musolino laying a tackle on Willaston captain Sam Walton, who had possession of the footy, taking him to ground. After the ball was cleared, several Willaston teammates came in to remonstrate, with a behind-thescenes melee developing. The major concern from the Lions’ perspective was the clumsy attempts by Willaston ruckman Jimmy Jones, who came in from 30 metres away and ‘fell’ on top of Musolino, and appeared to have him in a head lock. “We are mostly disappointed with the lack of action from the umpires, as in this day and age incidents like this should not still be happening,” South football director Daniel Kiryk said. “When we recruited Chris to the club, one of the things we told him was that our league was not one where players are targeted like that, yet this happens in the second match. “It’s not in the spirit of the game, and we (South) are trying to help make this a stronger comp for everyone by recruiting quality players. If this stuff goes on, it will make it tougher to attract those types of player.” Mr Kiryk added that first and foremost his concerns were for the protection of the players, and that he has a duty of care. The club will write a letter of its concerns over the incidents to Willaston Football Club, the BL&GFA and the umpires association. “I don’t think the umpires controlled the game as well as they could in these situations, and if it happens again, where they do not take appropriate action, we as a footy club will,” Mr Kiryk said. “South look at a player’s personality and ability when recruiting, and if these types of incidents remain in our competition, what type of message are we sending?” As a result of the incident, Musolino left the field to have cuts on his ear and head attended to, before returning and playing a serviceable game. - Robert Laidlaw
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Wednesday, May 2, 2012 - Page 32 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
South not happy