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The Barossa has a worldwide reputation for producing quality wines and food. Soon it will be known as the world’s best venue for buying classic cars. That’s the goal and passion of Tanunda businessman Carl Lindner. Last Thursday, at Seppeltsfield Winery, Mr Lindner and his team
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
received a spontaneous ovation when four classic Jaguar cars were unveiled. Put on show were Jaguar replica C Type, D Type and XJ13 along with a restored Jaguar E Type Roadster. “I love the Barossa and believe we can become known as the best producers of classic cars in the world,” Mr Lindner said. “Hopefully we can promote an event where tourists come to the
Barossa for a drive in a classic car. “Join up with some of the wineries and we could have an ultimate Barossa experience.” Mr Lindner, pictured above in the driver’s seat, has formed a business relationship with New Zealand car builders Rob Firman (left) and Matt Gill (right) from Whitestone Panel Paint and Coach based at Oamaru. “The boys are quality builders who insist on perfection and I
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believe they are the best in the business. New Zealand is recognised for having the best replica builders in the world. Rob and Matt create the chassis and body then sent them across for auto technician Jake Alcorn and engineer Stan Ward to add the mechanical, electrical and suspension components. “Steve Bartsch undertakes the restoration and detailing along
8561 2510
with other quality local tradespeople.” Mr Lindner said already he had four orders to build classic cars after last week’s unveiling. The New Zealand boys commented; “Carl and his team are perfectionists and we couldn’t believe the finished product.” Mr Lindner said he believed the classic car business could eventually create employment.
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Wednesday, May 30, 2012 - Page 2 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Wednesday, May 30, 2012 - Page 3 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Bushgardens new attractions FURTHER colour and appeal will greet visitors to the Barossa Bushgardens in August by way of creative artwork. Works by 14 regional artists will be exhibited in the bushgardens at Nuriootpa during the annual South Australian Living Artists (SALA) Festival. The unique exhibition is titled ‘At Home in the Bush’ and involves artists Malcolm Anderson, Virginia Armstrong, Moira Brennan with Che Makris, Heather Gordon with Ethan Hall-Smith, Peter Hart, Annette Herd, Kate Jenkins with Kristin Wohlers, Sabine McQueen, Trent Manning, Tracey Ritchie and Mindy Turner.
The public is also invited to the official launch of the exhibition on Sunday, August 5. The exhibition will continue to be open from dawn to dusk each day during the Festival from August 3 to 26. Barossa Bushgardens can be accessed from Coulthard Park off Penrice Road, Nuriootpa, by foot, and on Tuesdays and Thursdays the gates on Research Road, Nuriootpa, are open for vehicle access. For more details about the exhibition, contact Kate Jenkins 0478 831 422 or Heather Gordon 0414 318 829. Further details can be sourced through SALA at
Footy Tipping
Leadership Board Leadership Position
Melissa Daly Maria Norris June Tidswell Hayden Schugmann Graham Hill Darryl Matthews Gordon Williams Evelyn Angus Mark Wilton Kayne Schugmann Bart Ryan Alison Angus
79 78 78 77 76 76 76 76 76 74 74 74
13 Bob Hennig
14 Wayne Angus
15 Kylee Wilton
16 Michael Angus
17 Wayne Angus
18 Christine Lange
19 Marianne Stokes
20 Paula Higgins
21 Brenton Lange
22 Darren Billinger
23 Di Stock
24 Tim Slate
1/119 Murray Street, Tanunda Postal: PO Box 43, Tanunda, 5352 Telephone: (08) 8563 2041 Fax: (08) 8563 3655 Advertising: Editorial: Website: Manager/Sales Manager: Clayton Bester Editor: Graham Fischer Editorial: Michelle O’Rielly, John Crawford, Mike Teakle, Ben Mallett, Robert Laidlaw, Anne Hopton. Photography: Kirsty Hosking, Shaun Kowald. Sales: Glenys Brooks, Jordan Stollznow, Jodie Coventry, Linda Goldfinch, Renee Day. Administration: Cheryl Lange, Roxanne Mathew
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Incorporating The Barossa News, Kapunda Herald and Eudunda Courier.
Published by The Barossa News Pty. Ltd.
OUR Facebook page is the latest tool we are using to bring the news to you. Just visit and click the ‘Like’ button Here you can find out what is happening in the Barossa, what stories we might be working on for this week and best of all, we are looking at using our Facebook likers for competitions where you can win some great prize, so keep an eye out. This week’s paper is jam-packed with news, so much so we have had to push parts of some stories onto the website. This year The Barossa Co-op, in Nuriootpa, has jumped in early to reveal details and findings of its annual report. Turn to page 8 for part of the story and them head to to read the full story. Meanwhile, the likeable Australian country musician Troy Cassar-Daly will be in the Barossa in June. He appears at the Vine Inn and also presents a guitar workshop. See page 17 for more details. Find all the news at or find us on Facebook.
THEY’RE OFF: Runners begin the inaugural Jacobs Creek Barossa Marathon on Sunday. See the story on page 5 or read it online at PIC: Michael Slagter.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Total Points
SHOWING SOON: Artists Heather Gordon and Ethan Hall-Smith, combined their talents to create ‘Felis feralis’.
Wednesday, May 30, 2012 - Page 4 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Visit our showroom 132 Murray Street GAWLER or call 8522 4670
Eventful marathon Participation for the event was up 40 per cent on 2011 and organisers hoping to reach 2000 next year. “We didn’t really try and market the marathon interstate or internationally this year because we really just wanted to prove the concept worked,” Mr Leach said. “Next year we will be marketing interstate much stronger and we think we can attract a lot of people from interstate. “From the runners’ perspective everything went beautifully, the weather was perfect, the course was much appreciated. “I would really like to acknowledge support from local groups including Barossa Council, SAPOL, Little Athletics, Nuriootpa Scouts and Tanunda Football Club.” Mark Bloomfield won the men’s marathon in 2hr 40min 51sec, while Julianne Schliebs won the women’s marathon in 3hr 15min 30secs.
WINNERS: Mark Bloomfield, left, wins the inaugural Jacobs Creek Barossa Marathon, while right, Julianne Schliebs claims victory in the women’s division of the marathon. PICS: Michael Slagter.
Mine on the market PENRICE’S Angaston mine is up for sale. Last week Penrice released its first Mineral Resource and Ore Reserves statement for the Angaston mine, showing a current mine life of more than 23 years and a value on what the mine can produce. Penrice Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer Guy Roberts said Penrice wants to reduce its debt and it now has a very valuable asset which could help alleviate that debt. “On the one hand, what we have proven is that we have a very valuable asset - that being a proven long-life mine - and on the other hand, the mine is within a group which is determined it has got to get it debt down and get its overall group in better shape,” he said.
“Those two positions - a wonderful asset and a difficult financial situation- are hard to reconcile on the surface, but from Penrice’s point of view, the link between those two is that we are evaluating options to sell the asset, but continue to buy limestone forever.” Mr Roberts said job security for the 60 to 70 mine employees was a priority in finding a buyer. “The employees’ perspective is important, and I have talked to our employees about that, if the mine is sold - and no decision has been made - it is our job to ensure the purchaser is a substantial entity with financial and operational capability,” he said. Mr Roberts said there has already been interest from possible buyers.
8563 2855
A RUNNER in the inaugural Jacobs Creek Barossa Marathon is in hospital after collapsing just 400 metres short of the finish line. The woman was one of 1400 runners in the Barossa on Sunday to take part in the marathon, half marathon, 10km and 5km road races. She was leading the women’s marathon group when she collapsed outside Faith Lutheran College. The woman was taken to Tanunda Hospital before later being taken by helicopter to the Flinders Medical Centre, where she is in a stable condition. Terry Leach, president of South Australian Road Runners Club said the woman was treated immediately by advanced first aid personnel with defibrillation equipment. “At this stage, given the fact she was given expert medical treatment immediately, we are hopeful she will make a full recovery,” he said.
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Wednesday, May 30, 2012 - Page 5 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Get graffiti licked
HARD AT WORK: Gawler Volunteer Graffiti Removal Team members Peter Bailey, left, and Barry Hill make short work of some fresh graffiti in Gawler.
PEOPLE are often commenting on how unsightly graffiti is, and if you are one of those people, this is your chance to make a difference. The hunt is on for new members to join the Gawler Volunteer Graffiti Removal Team. Equipped with paints, brushes, cleaning chemicals and sprayers, team members patrol the Gawler area and clean up all the graffiti they can find. Graffiti removal officer Sheila Willox said she was looking for about 10 more volunteers to join. “It’s a lovely way to help the community with a healthy outdoor lifestyle,” she said. “It is also a nice way to meet and work with mates. It is also a known fact that volunteering is a healthy lifestyle and keeps you feeling young.” Those who volunteer for the group are given full training and Ms Willox said it is a task the community really appreciates. “The community really thanks this team tremendously,” she said. “Everyone likes the clean environment.” Peter Bailey, of Gawler East, has been involved Advertisement
with the program for eight years and said it was a very worthwhile experience. “It is really a case of keeping on top of it so the place doesn’t look like there had been any graffiti happening in the town,” he said. “It is predominantly about keeping the town looking nice. “I have a lot of satisfaction from people coming up to us and saying ‘you’re doing a good job’. That acknowledgement is extremely good, it is better than any other thing, recognising what you are doing.” Mr Bailey said there used to be a large group of volunteers, but numbers had dwindled over the years and they were again on the hunt for some new recruits. “We were keeping on top of it and we used to have to go looking for the graffiti, now the graffiti is everywhere,” he said. “More people means it is easier on all those involved.” The sooner graffiti is removed, the easier it is to do, and Mr Bailey said it would be ideal to have a team available every day to clean up fresh markings. “I am sure there are people who if they knew what was available, would like to get involved,” he said. Anyone interested in becoming a member of the Volunteer Graffiti Removal Team can contact Sheila Willox on 8522 9204. How important are these volunteers? Let us know on Facebook
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Wednesday, May 30, 2012 - Page 6 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
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Wednesday, May 30, 2012 - Page 7 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Kennedy Georgia Geister, daughter of Emily and Jason, of Eudunda, was born on April 22 at Lyell McEwin Hospital, weighing 8lb 8oz (3856g). She is a granddaughter for Lindy, Kevin, Val, Jayne and Trevor. For birthdays and another new arrival, turn to page 16.
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Election Results
Supplementary Election for Area Councillor Conducted on Monday 7 May 2012 Formal Ballot Papers – 3539
Quota – 1180
Informal Ballot Papers – 62
HOCKLEY, Dianne SYMES, Nobby DUNSTAN, Craig NEYLON, Barry PAROCZY, Andrew K Mousley Returning Officer
Wednesday, May 30, 2012 - Page 8 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
First Preference Votes
Result after Distribution of Preferences
947 744 652 996 200
Elected Excluded Elected Excluded 3122464
Community continues to back retail THE main success behind the growth of one Barossa company is its continuing loyal customers, the annual business report reveals. The Co-op report, to be distributed to its 15,000 members this week, shows for 2011-2012 an increased trading of 3.8 per cent to $62.3million compared with $60million in 2010-2011.
According to the Co-op chairman of the board Cameron Ashmead, it’s a welcomed result considering the current difficult trading conditions. “We are also delighted that despite a flat bottom line, returns to members - including rebates and interest on share capital - have increased from $884,670 in 2010-2011 to $931,502 this year,”
Mr Ashmead said. He also explained $647,000 in instant rebates, since late 2011 and the expanded community donation scheme of about $90,000 is allowing the Co-op to live up to its philosophy - ‘Heart of the Barossa’. To continue reading more of the Co-op’s annual report result, visit the Herald website,
Traffic lights for Tiver Road THE Tiver and Main North Roads intersection at Evanston South will undergo a $13.7million upgrade. It will connect to a new road and become a four-way junction with traffic lights. The speed limit on Main North Road will be dropped to 80kph, while a service road will be built to gain better access to businesses on the intersection’s south-eastern corner. Bikes lanes and upgraded street lighting are also included in the rejuvenation of the junction. Member for Light Tony Piccolo said he had been lobbying for the upgrade since he was the Gawler mayor. “The upgraded intersection and the new section of Gordon Road will provide invaluable
infrastructure to the southern urban areas of Gawler that are opening up as a result of a Gawler council rezoning last year,” Mr Piccolo said. He acknowledged that some drivers may not welcome another set of traffic lights on main North Road, but he said the benefit to community safety and reduced traffic in adjacent residential areas outweighed the inconvenience caused by an additional set of traffic lights. The upgrade will be jointly funded by the State Government and nearby developers, including Devine Communities and Lanser Communities, who will contribute $4.5 million to the project. Service relocations will start later this year, while construction will occur in 2013.
2.9%* on 2011 build Camry Atara and Al se
Disability News NDIS Rally JUNE 2012
On May 30th 2012 BE attended a nationwide rally to support the introduction of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). Thousands of people rallied to tell our politicians and the country, that the NDIS is necessary and now is the time to act. The SA rally was held at Hindmarsh square. As CEO of Barossa Enterprises I was proud to be along side of people I work with, people I support, friends and complete strangers to fight for such an important cause. A National Disability Insurance Scheme will be the catalyst that brings a fundamental change to how we deliver disability care and support. Individuals and their families living with disabilities have a fundamental right to choose the care they receive. They also have the right to choose their support networks and how those networks respond in the provision of that support. This is regardless of how they acquired their disability and/or where they choose to live.
Recently The Every Australian Counts Campaign for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) campaign Director Mr John Della Bosca, said: “We now have for the first, in a very long time both the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition championing major social reform. This is our democracy at its best”. He went on to add “I can’t name too many other national issues where this level of consensus exists.” Barossa Enterprises Incorporated is a signatory and supporter of the NDIS. Like so many other organisations, and individuals, within the disability sector, BE wants legislation to pass through the Parliament. This would then create the statutory body to run the NDIS this year. If you would like to show your support on this issue please sign the red postcards that come in your letterbox or visit Barossa Enterprises at 27 Samuel Road, Nuriootpa.
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*2.9% comparison rate available to approved personal applicants & a 2.9% annual percentage rate is available to approved Bronze Fleet & Primary Producer applicants of Toyota Finance for the fi nancing of 2011 build new genera on Camry Atara and Al se grades only. Excludes demos. Finance applica ons must be received and approved between 1/5/2012 and 30/6/2012 and vehicles registered and delivered by 30/6/2012 (subject to dealer stock availability). Maximum fi nance term of 48 months applies. Condi ons, fees & charges apply. Comparison rate based on a 5 year secured consumer fi xed rate loan of $30,000. WARNING: This comparison rate is true only for the examples given and may not include all fees and charges. Diff erent terms, fees or other loan amounts might result in a diff erent comparison rate. Toyota Finance is a division of Toyota Finance Australia Limited ABN 48 002 435 181, Australian Credit Licence 392536. #A free 1 year Toyota Insurance Comprehensive motor vehicle policy will be off ered to all Private & Bronze Fleet customers who purchase and take delivery of any new 2011 build New Genera on Camry Atara or Al se model at par cipa ng Toyota Dealers between 1 May -30 June 2012. Excludes Demos. Terms & condi ons apply. Please refer to the Product Disclosure Statement at or call 137 200 before making a decision about this product. The saving of $883 is based on the na onal average premium price for Toyota Comprehensive Car Insurance on 2011 Camry between March 2011 and March 2012. Toyota Insurance is a division of Aioi Nissay Dowa Insurance Co. Ltd; ABN 39 096 302 466, AFSL no. 254489 (Andia). The Insurer is Andia. ^Maximum payable for Camry (post Nov 11 produc on) for standard scheduled servicing (normal opera ng condi ons) un l fi rst of 4 years or 75,000kms (up to the fi rst 5 services). Excludes Government & Rental vehicles. Contact your Toyota Dealer or go to for other exclusions and eligibility. Valid X3403 TOY09571/CS
Ben Chopping, Matt Watkins, Myles Clarke and Geoff Blackwood at the NDIS rally.
2010 Toyota Kluger 4x2 KX-R 2005 Holden Commodore VZ Ute 3.5L Auto in brilliant burgundy, A/C, airbags, alloys, towbar, rear nted windows, 39,000kms. S586AKK
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We care about the success of your business and the success of our staff. Barossa Enterprises is the leading employer of people with a disability in the Barossa Valley, Clare Valley and Gawler regions. telephone (08) 8562 4855
Wednesday, May 30, 2012 - Page 9 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
‘Working for Successful Futures’
Ella crowned best female triathlete ELLA Holmes has been crowned South Australia’s best female triathlete of 2012. The award caps off an outstanding return to competition for the 22-year-old after she had an 18-month absence from the sport to complete university studies. Ella said she was ecstatic to win the award and was looking forward to further
success in season 2012/13. “Qualifying for the Australian team to race in the World Championships in New Zealand in October was one of our objectives this season, and we achieved that,” she said. “I'm pretty excited to have the opportunity to represent Australia again.” The 2012 World Championship event will be
CELEBRATION TIME: Ella Holmes takes a few minutes out of her hectic training schedule to enjoy a coffee and slice of cake.
Ella's second appearance at a World Championships after winning the 2009 World AG Championship in the U19 agegroup category. Ella and her fellow Fuse Multisport Racing Team athletes, including Sam Tebeck of Williamstown, are now undertaking a hectic preparation schedule for the World Championships event.
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Wednesday, May 30, 2012 - Page 10 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Come and see who’s new at Specsavers
ALL HANDS ON DECK: From left: Ashley Read, livestock manager; Garry Davies, merchandising manager; Aaron Nitchscke, agronomist; and Karyn Reynolds, branch manager, get to work loading up another delivery at Landmark Gawler.
Save your time and money at Landmark HAVE you seen Nuriootpa Specsavers’ new optometrist? It's Stephen Mulcock (above left) and he hails from New Zealand. “Stephen joined the team in February,” Specsavers owner and optometrist Paul Brown (right) said. “This is Stephen’s first career appointment after completing a Bachelor of Optometry at the Auckland University. His recent education allows Stephen to provide therapeutic services much like a GP, where medicines can be prescribed for eye problems, including red eyes,” Paul said. In the past Paul has been supported by locums but this is the first time he has branched out to welcome a permanent optometrist. Paul explained it means he can still provide the same expert care he has to his clients for the past 30 years but he now has the flexibility to spend more time with his family - wife Kathryn and their two young adopted children Steven and Mathew. He has served the Barossa community since 2000 after moving from Port Pirie. Paul, who has been an independent optometrist for 27 years,changed to the Specsavers franchise four years ago with the aim of passing on eye care savings to his
clients. “Specsavers’ mission is to provide both quality and affordable spectacles and this is very much my philosophy. We now provide a great combination of high quality professional optometric services with great value spectacles and contact lenses.” Meanwhile, Stephen's position at Nuriootpa will allow the practice to keep up with the growing population but maintain the vision and values. For Stephen, who now resides at Blakeview, the transition from Auckland to Nuriootpa has been easy. He said, Nuriootpa’s demographic is very much similar to his hometown. “I enjoy the half hour drive up here as I came from a rural area and I like the community vibe,” Stephen said. Stephen said Paul is a good mentor and has enjoyed his time with the business. And with winter approaching, Stephen said he is working on permanent ways to help the community overcome some common problems such as dry eyes. To make an appointment with Paul or Stephen, contact Nuriootpa Specsavers on 8562 3777 or visit the friendly team at Shop 2, 39 Murray Street, Nuriootpa.
A R E N A F O g D n i r N i E et
LIFE can be hard and time can be precious when working full-time and still trying to run a farm. That is why Landmark Gawler is making changes to make things easier for its customers. The store is now open until 6pm on Friday so you can make sure you have everything you need for work on the farm at the weekend. There is nothing worse than gearing up for a full weekend of work, only to wind up spending half of it getting organised. Now you can get everything you need on Friday afternoon and start fresh on Saturday to make the most of your weekend. Even better, the team at Landmark Gawler can pack up your goods ready for you to pick up, or pack an order and deliver it to your door. And to top it off, they have all the knowledge, experience and skills to point you in the right direction.
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Whether you need some assistance with weed control, working out how much fencing you need or how to get the most out of your paddocks, there is a professional at Landmark who can help you get the most out of your farm. Even better, if you don’t have the time to drop by, you can still get quotes and the best advice on cropping, animal health or anything else via email. Just send an email through to on the internet. To make things even easier for farmers, Landmark Gawler is also open from 7.30am Mondays, so you can get cracking and buy everything you need right at the start of the week. Landmark will no longer be open on Saturday mornings. Call Landmark Gawler today on 8522 2266 to have a chat and see what they can do for you.
Wednesday, May 30, 2012 - Page 11 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
PETER VIVIAN FINANCIAL SERVICES Insurance Advice Investment Advice Superannuation Retirement Advice Allocated Pensions Financial Planning
The region was known as the Barossa District for many years. True the term Barossa Valley only came into use in about 1950. More recently the term The Barossa is preferred by many. Donald A Ross Secretary Barossa Valley Archives & Historical Trust Inc Wind farm issue After reading the Eastern Mount Lofty Ranges Landscape Guardians flyer and Lane Crockett of Pacific Hydro’s letter (Herald, May 16) I congratulate the EMLRLG for their continued efforts in informing their local community about what the industrial wind turbine power station developers neglect to mention. In addressing apparent inaccuracies Mr Crockett claims EMLRLG have made in the flyer, he in fact supports them. The Clean Energy Council is a lobby group promoting the interests of wind energy. No independent scientific studies have been completed to prove the safety or efficiency of industrial wind turbines. A mere “lack of evidence” is not sufficient Mr Crockett. Mr Crockett states in his letter that Pacific Hydro provides “information to our communities”. I strongly object to the assumption that we are Pacific Hydro’s community. We are not
yours Pacific Hydro, you are based in Melbourne and we live here. Pacific Hydro provide information, but in my experience, not all of it. For example Pacific Hydro are not prepared to inform community about how people living with their Cape Bridgewater and Clements Gap developments suffer due to industrial wind turbines. I accept that Pacific Hydro does not like objections to their industrial wind turbine developments and that they like to call them “wind farms” and I accept Mr Crockett’s right to choose the job he is paid to do. I respect the EMLRLG, knowing them to be ethical, honest, and truthful and that they act with integrity on behalf of “their” community with nothing to gain but a great deal to protect. Mr Crockett pushes on with the same old tiresome mantra that infrasound levels are “lower than that found at the beach or the city centre” makes it “sound” okay doesn’t it? Rural areas where industrial turbines are developed are rarely near the beach and will never be in a city centre. The Adelaide metropolitan area made exempt by Minister John Rau’s Ministerial Development Plan Amendment immediately effective last October, allowing industrial wind turbines within 1km of existing homes, removing rights of appeal and paving the
Blackmores Flexagil® pain relief cream. A new clinically proven, natural* pain relief cream Always Al ways read the label. label. Use only only as directed. If symp symptoms ptoms persist see your healthcare professional professional. *Na *Natural tural active ing ingredient redient derived derivved from comfre comfreyy root extract. Relieves acute muscle and joint pain.
CHURCH SERVICES SUNDAY, JUNE 3 LUTHERAN CHURCH PARISHES Angaston Parish: Angaston: 8.45am HC, 10.30am; Penrice: 9am HC; Keyneton: 10am LR; Eden Valley: 11am; Springton: 9am HC. Bethany-Tabor Parish: Not supplied. Cambrai Parish: Cambrai: 9.30am R; Sedan: 11am P; Stonefield: 9am HC. Eudunda Parish: Eudunda: 10am LR; Neales Flat: 9am LR; Peep Hill: 9am LR. Freeling Parish: St Marks, Freeling: 8.45am; Trinity, Rosedale: 10.45am; Wheatfields: 1.45pm. Gawler: Zion, Pr G Havelberg, 8523 1929. 22B Cowan St, Gawler. 8.45am Worship Today with HC 10.45am Cont Worship. Gawler Immanuel: Cnr Second & Seventh Sts, Gawler.Ph: 8522 6000.Sunday 8.45am, 10.45am. 1st Sunday of month 9.30am. Share-a-meal every 1st & 3rd Wed 11.45am. Greenock: Greenock: 9am Pastor Wayne George, 9.45am JAM; Nain: 9am LR; Gnadenfrei: 10.30am HC, Confirmation, Pastor Wayne George. Kapunda Parish: Allen’s Creek: 9am Pr; Bethel: 10.30am LR; Kapunda: 10.30am HC. Langmeil Parish: 8.45am Trad HC; 10.30am Cont Light Pass Immanuel Parish: 9am Parish Vineyard Service at Strait Gate Church + Morning Tea. Light Pass Strait Gate: Light Pass: 9am Vineyard Blessing; Gruenberg: 10.30am HC; Truro: 10am R. Lyndoch Parish: Rowland Flat: 10.30am Parish Worship. Nuriootpa: St Petri: 8.30am HC, 10.30am W; Holy Trinity: 11am Trad; Ebenezer/Neukirch: 10am Redeemer Visit. Robertstown Parish: Robertstown: 8.30am Pr; Point Pass: 10.30am Pr. St John’s Parish: St J: 10.30am; Sch: 9am HC. St Paul’s Parish: St P: 10.30am T HC; Gdb: 8.45am T HC. Tanunda Lutheran Home: Worship 10.30am .
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way for developers, in rural areas. Pacific Hydro staff has said there is no way to know how infrasound will affect the area near the development as the information is based on computer generated models alone. The reality of the impacts will only be known if the development is allowed to go ahead. A risk I am not prepared to take with my family. We enjoy the peaceful, intermittent background sounds where we live, of country “infrasound” and not only do we wish not to have this destroyed by the development of 42 industrial wind turbines, taller than the tallest building in Adelaide and moving, we also do not want our health impacted upon negatively by the industrial infrasound that is not necessarily as Pacific Hydro suggest based on computer generated models they develop, there may well be inaccuracies. Hiedi Smith Keyneton Public issues I congratulate “Big” Tom Zorich on his pre-selection as Liberal Party candidate. If elected, I hope he will endeavour to purge the public purse of the cost of the seemingly unlimited funding of the food and exercise “police”, their advertising and other activities, and allow adults to make up their own minds and make their own lifestyle choices as Tom obviously does. Aside from the inference that the rest of us are simpletons who need the government to nanny us, the public health cost used to justify the barrage is tenuous - the government claims people with what they deem unhealthy lifestyles die earlier; does this not save a poultice in age-related welfare? We all die eventually, no matter how healthy or otherwise our lifestyles, usually preceded by a period in
hospital or taxpayer subsidised care. There is more to life than being alive. Further, Police News (May 23) indicates police have been busy charging people for “urinating in a public place”. I wonder how long it will be before I’m nabbed and hauled before court. The government spends our taxes encouraging us to regularly exercise cardiovascularly, and I do, but not because of their urgings - I’ve done it all my life, long before the nanny state started treating us all as simpletons. Similarly we are advised to drink water before undertaking strenuous or prolonged exercise, and I do. But that, combined with cold, sometimes wet, weather and benign prostatic hyperplasia, which affects most men my age, means I often can’t last the hour or so without having to urinate, and where can I do that but in public? Must I restrict my exercising to at home? Wet my pants? I’m talking about a serious excretion not a dribble. So I duck behind trees or fences, where my back may sometimes be seen, but not my activity, which can only be surmised. Yet I still cower in fear of the heavy hand of the law descending because despite the fact noone can see what I am doing, I am still offending, and would have to admit my guilt to the police if they pounced. There are adequate other provisions under the Summary Offences Act Part 5 (Offences against decency and morality) to charge someone who wilfully exposes himself by urinating in view of others, and the general offence “Urinating etc in a public place” should be deleted. After all urinating is natural, we all do it, and sometimes the only practical place is a public place, and whether we are charged or not should not be left to police discretion. L B Loveday Gawler South
CHC 52054-08/11
Peace Evangelical Lutheran Church: 10.30am 4pm at Mt Pleasant Anglican Church Hall, Melrose Fortnightly Services, at Nuri Senior Citizen’s St. All welcome. Pastor Diane Pope, Pastor Trevor Auricht. Ph: 8562 3844. Centre. Pastor M Rosenzweig. Ph: 8563 1310. Kapunda: 10am Sunday, Light Community ANGLICAN CHURCH Church, Main St, Kapunda. Pastor Paul Smith. All Anglican Parish of Barossa: 10.30am Service welcome. Ph: 8566 2864. CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP at Trinity Lutheran Church, Rowland Flat. Kapunda Anglican Parish:St Hilda’s, Eudunda: 9am Tanunda, McDonnell Street opp former Tanunda HC; Christ Church, Kapunda: 9.15am HC; St Primary School: Saturdays 2.30pm, Worship, Open Bible Study. Matthew’s, Hamilton: 11am HC. Mt Pleasant: 1st Sunday 8.30am, all other CHRISTIAN FAMILY CENTRE Sundays 9am. Enquiries to Hazel Wilton, Warden Barossa: 10.30am Sundays. 16 Scholz Ave, Nuri. Pastor Alan Matson. Ph: 0404 846 274. on 8568 2042. Murray Flats: 5pm alternate Sundays. Pastor Alan Matson. Ph: 0404 846 274. Cambrai Uniting UNITING CHURCH Barossa Congregations: Nuriootpa: 11am Church 5pm. Phillips; Tanunda: 9am Phillips; Angaston: 9am HC SALT CHURCH Plush. 25 Northside Crt, Evanston Gdns: Sunday Service Gawler Parish: Gawler: 9.30am HC Littleford, 10am & 5pm. Offices, b/shop open 9.30am-4pm. 5pm Littleford; Sandy Creek: 9.30am van Dyk; Ph: 8522 0000. Williamstown: 10am Graetz. THE CHRISTADELPHIANS Kersbrook: 10am. Enquiries: 8389 3114. Sunday school, Greenock Institute Hall, 9.30am. Light Parish: Kapunda: 9.15am Mr Andrew Memorial meetings 11am Sunday. Bible Studies Partington; Eudunda: 9.30am Rev Richard Carter. 8pm Tuesday. All welcome. Phone 8524 4196. Tarlee: 9.15am Jan Trengrove/Peter Lane. CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Main North Rd, Evanston Park. Worship Service BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday 10.30am. All welcome. Pastor Douglas Barossa Community Church: 10am Barossa Carolisen. Ph: 8523 1706. Junction Motel/Conference Centre, Barossa Valley Way, Tan, Pastor Richard Ansoul. Ph: 8563 2158. INTERDENOMINATIONAL CHURCH Lyndoch Baptist Church: Kauffman Ave, Lyndoch: Birdwood United Church. 10am Pr Brian Teakle. 10am. All welcome. Enquiries to Pastor Tony Ph: 8568 5540. All welcome. Edwards on 8564 3001. HEWETT COMMUNITY CHURCH OF CHRIST CATHOLIC CHURCH PARISHES Kingfisher Dr, Hewett. 10am, Sunday inspiring Northern Light Catholic Parish: Nuri: 1st & 3rd Sat worship service. Young generation and creche 6.30pm, 2nd & 5th Sun 10.30am, 4th Sun 9am; avail.Youth, women and men’s programs. Ph: Kapunda: 4th Sat 6.30pm, 1st & 3rd Sun 10.30am, 8522 4938. 2nd & 5th Sun 9am; Freeling: 1st Sun 9am, 4th Sun GAWLER FULL GOSPEL OUTREACH 10.30am, 5th Sun 5pm; Tarlee: 3rd Sun 9am. MINISTRIES Parish Office: Ph 8566 2064. Family Worship Svc. 10am Sun, stone pavilion, Sport & Community Cent, Nixon Tce, Gaw. Pastor SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST Shirley Coe. Ph: 0401 065 748. Barossa: 1 Old Kapunda Rd, Nuri; Sat 9.30am KAPUNDA EVANGELICAL CHURCH Sundays 5pm, CWA Hall. Pastor Andrew Amos. Family Bible Study, 11am Family Worship. Ph: 8566 2148. ASSEMBLIES OF GOD LYNDOCH FULL GOSPEL FELLOWSHIP Barossa New Life Centre: Sunday 10am at the MINISTRY roundabout, cnr Barossa Valley Way & Siegersdorf Lyndoch Institute each Sunday, 11.30am-1.30pm Road, Dorrien. Pastor Ken East . Ph: 8524 4787.
Twoway Crossword No 096
Proudly brought to you by
For your chance to win a bottle of Langmeil wine, complete the crossword only and drop the entry form into The Herald office Monday by 4.30pm. Winners need to collect their wine within the week. Last week’s winner was Paddy Carter of Tanunda.
Barossa Barrosa THE letter (Herald, May 23) by Jeff Hansen of Greenock in which he wrote “When Light came through the region, he named the spectacular ranges hehind Rowland Flat, etc the Barrosa Ranges. It was he who wrote, it reminded him of the Barrosa hills near Cadiz in Spain.” Mr Hansen does not tell us where he read this statement of Colonel William Light, hopefully he will share this information with the rest of us. The fact remains that while it is 99 per cent sure that Light did in fact name the range, historians have not yet found documented evidence that this is so. Mr Hansen’s claim that the Barossa should return to its original intended spelling is absurd. The spelling Barossa has been in use since the early 1840s, imagine the confusion that would occur if this change was made. Would Mr Hansen then also return Rowland Flat to its original spelling Rowlands Flat, named after Edward Rowlands, or Jacobs Creek to Jacob Creek, named after William Jacob. What about Lyndoch should it not be Lynedoch. The name Barossa has been in use for more than the ranges since earliest times. There is the Hundred of Barossa, which was served by two district councils, Barossa East and Barossa West. Later these two amalgamated to form the District Council of Barossa.
To make an appointment for your free consultation please phone WH1823531
Views expressed in the Letters to the editor are not those of the Herald. We welcome topical letters, with preference to letters of no more than 200 words. All letters are checked for authenticity. Pseudonyms are not acceptable. Mail your letters to: The editor, PO Box 43, Tanunda, SA, 5352. Fax: 8563 3655. E-mail:
Name:................................................................. Town:...........................................
Wednesday, May 30, 2012 - Page 12 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Word of warning Mr Morgan is coming to Barossa and Gawler to present his thoughts in a series of seminars called, “Towards 2020, The Future of Small Business Marketing”. He is at the Gawler Arms in Gawler on June 6 and The Clubhouse, Tanunda the following night. The seminars will cover changing mediums like internet marketing and social media as well as timeless tactics for driving profitability in a slow market. Damian Morgan has consulted to many of Australia’s leading corporations and government departments but small business is his passion. He is a commentator in the media on business and societal trends, holds an MBA, business degree, and post graduate qualifications from the Australian Film, Television and Radio School.
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“CHANGE or go broke,” that’s the sobering message to Barossa and Gawler business owners from respected consultant and business commentator, Damian Morgan, pictured. The business-marketing expert says, “The way the world does business is changing faster than ever before. In the past 12 months we’ve seen billionaires made from social media while at the same time iconic businesses like Kodak and Wedgewood have failed and Encyclopedia Britannica has stopped printing after 244 years.” His message is a positive one for businesses that are “forward thinking, pro-active, and passionate about what they do” but comes with a warning that only those businesses that respond to change will thrive.
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Wednesday, May 30, 2012 - Page 13 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
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ONCE, or even twice is nice be presented a wine accolade, yet five times for the same wine is an honour. That’s how it feels for Grant Burge after claiming the regional trophy for ‘best in show’ for his 20-yearold Tawny at the Decanter World Wine Awards this month. This outstanding achievement makes him a winner 16 times over for his wines since
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the prestigious competition began in 2004. Known as ‘King of the Fortifieds’, Grant Burge was beaming from ear-to-ear about this latest accolade. “Our 20-year-old Tawny has always done very well at the Decanter World Wine Awards. We saw gold medal wins in 2006 and 2009, and the International Trophy in 2004, 2007 and 2010,” he said. “If we’re lucky enough to pick up the International Trophy again later this year, that’ll be the fourth time.” “There’s a lot of love that goes into making
our fortifieds, and to receive credit for our efforts again is fantastic. We couldn’t be happier.” “It’s always been a time-honoured tradition in the Burge family to share a port together. Now we’re noticing its popularity increase among today’s food and wine savvy generation - it’s pretty exciting to see it embraced by a broader demographic,” Mr Burge added. The world’s single biggest wine competition, the Decanter World Wine Awards receives more than 10,000 entries from 50 wine producing countries.
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The Department for Agriculture Fisheries and Forestry, in partnership with the Adelaide and Mount Lofty Ranges Natural Resources Management Board presents a free full day workshop on soil health and carbon farming with expert speakers on topics such as soil carbon, biology and fertility.
vehicle crash on Sunday. The incident occurred at the intersection of Roseworthy Road and Thiele Highway, She-oak
BAROSSA REPORTS Arrests • A Kilburn man in his 40s was arrested on May 25 by the Mt Pleasant Police for two first instance warrants. He was also reported for a breach of his bail conditions. • A Stockwell man in his 30s was arrested by the Nuriootpa Police on May 26 for carrying an offensive weapon, resisting arrest and aggravated assault. Reports • A Williamstown man in his 40s was reported on May 21 by the Williamstown Police for prescribed concentration of alcohol with a reading of 0.235. • A Kapunda woman in her 50s was reported on May 21 by the Kapunda Police for cultivating cannabis. • A Tanunda man in his 30s was reported by the Nuriootpa Police this month for cultivating cannabis and possession of equipment. • A Tanunda woman in her 30s was reported on May 25 by the Nuriootpa Police for PCA with a reading of 0.149. An instant loss of licence was issued for six months and the vehicle was seized. • A Kapunda man in his 20s was reported on May 25 by the Kapunda Police for PCA with a reading of 0.105. • A Tanunda man in his 40s was reported on May 27 by the Nuriootpa Police for PCA with a reading of 0.080. An instant loss of licence was issued for six months. Serious Criminal Trespass • Access was gained to the Angaston Football Club via smashing a window on May 21. • Items, including jewellery, were stolen after entry was gained to a residential property on Pentloes Road, Mt Pleasant on May 22. GAWLER REPORTS Arrests • A 41-year-old Gawler West man was arrested on May 19 by the Gawler Police for serious criminal trespass, theft, breach of his bail and for proving false information. • A Willaston male youth was arrested on May 24 by the Gawler Police for serious criminal trespass, theft and property damage. • A 22-year-old Gawler South man was arrested on May 24 by the Gawler Police for a warrant. • A 39-year-old Evanston woman was arrested on May 25 by the Gawler Police for a warrant.
Log. South Australia Police said two people were taken to hospital by helicopter and three by the SAAS.
• An 18-year-old Gawler West man was arrested on May 25 by the Gawler Police for driving while disqualified. The vehicle was impounded for 28 days. Reports • A 41-year-old Hewett man was reported on May 24 by the Barossa CIB for cultivating cannabis, possession of prescribed equipment and theft of electricity. • A 28-year-old Gawler East man was reported on May 25 by the Barossa CIB for cultivating cannabis and for possession of prescribed equipment. • A 20-year-old Gawler West man was reported on May 26 by Gawler Police for driving while disqualified. • A 47-year-old Williamstown man was reported on May 26 by the Gawler Police for exceeding the speed limit and for prescribed concentration of alcohol, with a reading of 0.102. Serious Criminal Trespass • Two lap tops, two Ipads, a gaming console, cash and jewellery were stolen from a house at Cowan Street, Gawler, after unknown persons entered a side bathroom window on May 23. • Possible items were stolen after a window to a Gawler school was smashed and entry was gained on May 26. Property damage • About $200 worth of damage was caused to a Gawler school after unknown persons smashed a window between May 22 and 23. • Unknown persons etched four windows on train carriage when in transit from Gawler to Adelaide train station on May 22. • A driver’s side vehicle door was keyed while parked on Adelaide Road, Gawler South, on May 25 Theft • An unknown person filled their vehicle with about $50 worth of fuel and drove off without paying at a Gawler service station on May 23. • Also, another person put $82 worth of unleaded fuel in their vehicle and drove off without payment at a Gawler service station on May 24 • Two Engel brand fridge/freezers were stolen from the front of a caravan parked on Main North Road, Gawler, between May 23 and 24. Arson •Investigations continue after a vehicle, parked on Palamountain Drive, Evanston Park was set alight on May 25.
Topics include: • soil carbon, biology and health • methane reductions: research, review and methodology • Carbon Farming Initiative: methodologies and carbon trading • opportunities to increase soil carbon including biochar.
A Select Committee of the Legislative Council has been established to investigate wind farm developments in South Australia, with the following terms of reference: (a) Separation distances between wind turbines and residences or communities; (b) The social, health and economic impacts of wind generators on individual landholders, communities and the State; (c) The need for a peer-reviewed, independent academic study on the social, health and economic impacts of wind generators; (d) The capacity of existing infrastructure to cope with increased wind power; (e) The costs and benefits of wind power in South Australia; (f) The environmental impacts of wind generators and wind power generally; (g) The siting of wind generators in South Australia; (h) The approval process of wind farms in South Australia; (i) The preparation of the State Wind Farm DPA; and (j) Any other matter the Committee deems relevant.
For further information or to register please contact: Hahndorf: Melanie Bullers (08) 8389 5913 or email: Yankalilla: Jodie Pain (08) 8550 3405 or email: Gawler: Gail Kennedy (08) 8523 7700 or email:
Supported by
Any person or organisation wishing to make a written submission to the Committee, or register an interest in presenting oral evidence to the Committee, is invited to do so by 9 July 2012. Written submissions and expressions of interest should be addressed to the Secretary to the Committee, C/- Parliament House, GPO Box 572, Adelaide 5001, by telephone on (08) 8237 9490, by fax on (08) 8231 8901 or email at Leslie Guy Secretary to the Committee
FIVE people were treated in the Royal Adelaide Hospital with non-life threatening injuries after they were involved in a
The workshop will also introduce the Carbon Farming Initiative, including process, methodologies and funding opportunities, and a discussion on relevant methodologies for the region.
Five treated in hospital
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Wednesday, May 30, 2012 - Page 14 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
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Wednesday, May 30, 2012 - Page 15 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
View all our stock at
Who’s new?
Barossa & Gawler Businesses
Samuel Reilly Scanlon, son of Anna and Paul of Angaston, was born on May 21 at Tanunda Hospital, weighing 7lb 9oz (3420g). He is a brother for Michael and Luke.
Steavee ShortChapman, of Tanunda, will be one on May 31.
Ruby Hurst, of Gawler East, will be nine on June 3.
Lexi Schmidt, of Light Pass, was one on May 26.
Daniel Eastham, of Nuriootpa, was two on May 26.
Courtney Mardle, of Nuriootpa, will be nine on June 5.
Noah Muster, of Freeling, was 8 on May 27.
Happy birthday to...
For further details and bookings contact:
Clayton Bester - Advertising Sales Manager
Adam Hall, of Freeling, was five on May 20.
Phone: (08) 8563 2041 Email:
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2266 DAYS DAYS FROM FROM $12,995* $12,995* per per person, person, twin twin share share
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Barossa B arossa Valley Valley B er r i Berri B r ig h t on Brighton C astle Plaza P la z a Castle EElizabeth lizabeth
Guaranteed nteed 9 Smaller Groups – Guaran 9 maximum of 40 Guests pe er tour per 9 9 Over 20 years experience in Canada & Alaska Al k with ith 99% satisfac ti f ction ti rating ti satisfaction Tour our o Directors & local guides 9 9 Canadian T airport ort welcome, 9 9 All gratuities, personal airpo airport transfers & port cha rges charges Fairmont & luxury 9 9 Stay at iconic Fairmont properties throughout Can nada Canada GoldLeaf eaf Service aboard the t Rocky 9 9 GoldL Train Mountaineer T rain Verandah erandah Sta Stateroom ateroom 9 Guaranteed V 9 & all meals on Holland Am merica Line America &P rincess Cruises Princess Freedom reedom of Choice Sightse Sightseeing eeing 9 9 F & Dining Inclusions
“Everything was wonderful. won nderful. We had a choice of different diffe erent tours We lo ocal area with guides from the local & the food was fan tastic. fantastic. a Everything was looked after for us. I wouldn ’t travel with anyone anyone else.” wouldn’t J. Sanders J.
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8562 8562 3411 3411 8582 1655 1655 8582 8296 1288 1288 8296 8276 99545 545 8276 88252 252 9999
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88723 723 26 11 2611 88332 332 99933 933 8274 8274 11222 222 8265 3355 3355 8265 8235 2181 2181 8235
*Agents may charge service fees and/or fees for card payments wwhich hich vary. Conditions apply. PPrices rices are per person twin share. PPrices rices aree correct as at 15 May 12 but may fluctuate if surcharges, fees, taxes or o currency change. Book by 15 Oct. 12. Offers are not combinable, available avaailable on new bookings only and subject to availability. Offers may bee withdrawn at any time. Fly Free offers are subject to availability surcharges APT.. Non-Refundable deposit of $3,000 taxes of airline and booking class. Once booking class sold out surcharg ges apply. Flights must be booked by APT $ per person is due within seven days. Final PPayment ayment is due 1000 days prior to departure. FLY FREE INCLUDING TAXES: TAXES: Includes air tax xes to the value of up to $820 per person. Fly Free offer valid April 2013 2013 departures of UT18VEIS. Flights are in economy class with Air to itinerary applies). Flights are in economy class Cannada (or an airline of APT’s Canada (or an airline of APT’s APT ’s choosing if unavailable). FLY FREE PAY PAY OWN TAXES: TAXES: Not inclusive of air taxes to the value of approximately approximateely $820 per person. Offer valid on a range of tours departing in Apr. Apr. 2013, 2 and on May to Sept. 2013 departures of the UT18VEIS (slight variation v class with Air Canada APT ’s choosing if unavailable). COMPANION COMPANION remium, Ascent, Choices or Blue Sky. Membership Rewards REWARDS: Ascent FLY FREE PAY PAY OWN TAXES: TAXES: Not inclusive of air taxes to the value of up to $850 per person. Offer valid on a range of tours departing May M to Sept. 22013. 013. Flights are in economy class with Air Canada (or an an airline of APT’s APT ’s choosing if unavailable).^MEMBERSHIP REWARDS S: Only available to Cardmembers enrolled in Membership Rewards As cent PPremium, enrolment required (an annual fee may apply). Subject to the TTerms erms and Conditions of the Membership Rewards program. American Exp press International, Inc. (ABN 15 000 618 208). Incorporated with lim mited liability in Delaware, USA vailable at participating Harvey Worl ravel shops. Each Harvey World TTravel ravel shop has its own travel agen t’s licence number. Stella Travel Travel Services (Australia) (Australia) Pty Limited ACN Express limited USA.. AAvailable Worldd TTravel agent’s 003 237 296 LLicence icence NNoo SSAA TTTA108 TA108 MKT10458_BarossaLightHera MKT10458_BarossaLightHerald ald
Wednesday, May 30, 2012 - Page 16 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Spend time with Troy Show Gawler your talents TO VISIT: Make time to meet country musician Troy Cassar-Daley.
“I have a huge passion for small towns, and how they operate is really important when I write a song,” Troy said. “It’s also my audiences who keep me inspired”. He also makes no excuses for his beautiful songs, which often evoke emotions in his music fans. Troy said during his concerts it’s a chance for people to escape and have a good time, especially in this current economic climate. And he said, “I love your wines”. He explained while recording in Nashville he found America had
DOES the chance to have your artwork on display and a cash prize excite you? Then be part of the Gawler Community Gallery’s sixth annual ‘Art Award’. The gallery committee have organised a host of art awards perfect for the budding artist. This year the major award involves a prize of $2000 thanks to the Town of Gawler. A new feature is the ‘Briant Mahoney Memorial Art Award’, valued at $500, and sponsored by Member of Light Tony Piccolo with the Mahoney family. The community will remember Gawler identity Briant and his dog and their daily walks throughout the town. The award will be given to the artwork that most represents the spirit of Gawler. Other category awards include best work with a flora/nature theme, open theme, best
a better selection of Barossa wines at his fingertips than in Brisbane. Troy will perform at the Vine Inn from 8pm and will be supported by special guest Amber Joy Poulton. He looks forward to signing albums with his loyal fans. To pre-purchase tickets to the workshop, visit Barossa Music Centre, Murray Street, Tanunda or to purchase tickets to his performance, phone the Vine Inn on 8562 2133. Read more of Troy’s story online by visiting
watercolour, Best 3D work, best hanging textile and two youth awards for the best artwork age 10-14 and best artwork age 15-18. The gallery committee are also supported by Adelaide Road Clinic, Vadoulis Garden Centre, textile artist Jelina Haines and Gawler Books Willaston. Awards will be presented at the official opening of the exhibition on Sunday, August 19 at 2pm. Entry forms are available from the gallery or can be downloaded from the gallery’s website Entries close August 10. The Gawler Art Award exhibition will be on display at the Gawler Community Gallery, The Station Master’s House, Twenty Third Street, Gawler South, from August 16 to September 23. Gallery opening hours are Thursday to Sunday from 10am 4pm.
health & fitness
AVOID preven
illness & injury
otivat ion, energy & vitality
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HE WRITES songs from the heart, he knows how to draw large crowds and he loves our wines, so why wouldn’t we embrace Troy Cassar-Daley in the Barossa. The easygoing country musician again heads to the Vine Inn, Nuriootpa, next month, and this time will spend two days in the region. “I performed in the Barossa 18 months ago, at the Vine Inn, while on tour of my last album and I have been nagged through Facebook to come back,” he said. “This time I am doing something different by putting on a workshop”. Troy will perform to the public at the Vine Inn on Friday, June 15 and on Thursday, June 14 at Bibu in Murray Street, Tanunda, he will host a guitar song writing workshop, sponsored by and featuring Takemine guitars. The workshop is open to 60 people, with tickets sold through Barossa Music Centre for $20. Meanwhile Troy says home is where the heart is and this is evident in his latest album ‘Home’. The eighth studio album was recorded in Nashville.
International fiddle and piano duo to perform Gaelic airs, to the foot-stomping passion of dance tunes, these intelligent and educated musicians take audiences on a journey that is far beyond the mere notes. “This duo make a powerful team,” says the UK’s Living Tradition Magazine of Fraser and Smith’s music, while Strings Magazine USA explains, “(their music) grabs you from the first long note and never lets go; beautiful music and played magnificently”. To see the duo in action at the Langmeil Lutheran Church on Sunday, June 17 at 2pm, book tickets by phoning 0433 413 996 or email Further information can be found at
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• • • • • •
IF YOU enjoy vibrant compelling music of the Scottish fiddle idiom - then read on. Fiddle and piano duo Catherine Fraser and Duncan Smith will visit the mid north region to present three concerts for the public, including a stop at Tanunda. Fraser and Smith are highly regarded as consummate performers, displaying both technical mastery and emotional sensibility. In demand internationally for recitals and workshops, these musicians present the music of Fraser’s heritage with finesse and integrity, breathing fresh life into a repertoire that spans over three hundred years. From the raw vulnerability of
Aluminium - Flats, Angles & Tube Pipe & RHS Fencing - Rural & Residential Stock Handling Building Products (Gutters & Flashings) Abrasives
Open Mon - Fri 7:30am - 5pm | Sat 7:30am - 12 Noon PHONE ORDERS WELCOME 278 Penrice Road, Angaston (Next to Penrice Quarry) Wednesday, May 30, 2012 - Page 17 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Wednesday, May 30, 2012 - Page 18 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Real Estate Liftout
Scan with your smartphone to view this property on
Picturesque views forever Charm, serenity and a setting of nature with an overload of potential. See Domain P3. SUNDAY 3RD JUNE
Assoc. Aust. Inst. of Conveyancers Registered Conveyancer
Beckwith Park Commercial Precinct 30-38 Barossa Valley Way, Nuriootpa
Ph: (08) 8562 3355 | Fax: (08) 8562 3282 • House & Land Settlements • Mortgages • Leases • Business Settlements • Subdivisions Arranged • Strata Titles • Power of Attorney ALL REAL PROPERTY ACT DOCUMENTS
BAROSSA REAL ESTATE LYNDOCH 9B Fegusson Court ..............12:00 – 12:30pm LYNDOCH 42 Gilbert Street.....................12:45 – 1:15pm NURIOOTPA 38 Gothic Avenue .................2:30 – 3:00pm GAWLER EAST 22 McGahan Court ...........3:45 – 4:15pm ROSEWORTHY Lot 53 Jemalong Cres......3:15 – 3:45pm
PROFESSIONALS KAPUNDA KAPUNDA 14 Bagot Street........................1:00 – 1:45pm
HOMBURG REAL ESTATE ANGASTON 6 Anton Street ...................11:30 – 12:00pm NURIOOTPA Lot 93 Pinot Crescent.......12:15 – 12:45pm TANUNDA 9 Arrawarra Place ....................1:00 – 1:30pm NURIOOTPA 6 Hearl Street .......................1:00 – 1:30pm NURIOOTPA 25 Hearl Street .....................1:30 – 2:00pm NURIOOTPA 19 Traminer Way ..................1:30 – 2:00pm GREENOCK 64 Bevan Street .....................2:15 – 2:45pm TANUNDA Lot 201 Smyth Road................3:00 – 3:30pm ANGASTON Lot 4 Diagonal Road..............3:15 – 3:45pm TANUNDA 38 Elizabeth Street ...................3:40 – 4:20pm TANUNDA 15 Elizabeth Street ...................4:20 – 4:50pm
Wednesday, May 30, 2012 - Domain Page 1 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Get Domain’s new iPhone App Now! Searching for property on the go just got easier
Who’s eating at your house tonight?
Services from $60
• Spiders • Flies & Ants
Feel of a luxury hotel
Phone: 8522 3131 Mobile: 0407 909 927
LUXURY: The spectacular Gawler East home is pictured left while at right is the lovely formal lounge.
8523 3319 0427 233 319 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT
28A Adelaide Road GAWLER
PUBLIC NOTICE Re: Section 7 The Vendor’s statement relating to matters affecting the advertised properties in this publication may be inspected at the agents office three business days prior to the auction or at the place of auction thirty minutes before sale. WH1780969
THIS is the home that you hope will some day be yours. Contemporary in style with all of the features that make for a relaxing lifestyle and with the feel of a luxury hotel. The spectacular entrance hall with staircase to the upstairs’ living is a fitting introduction to what lies within this Gawler East house. Thoughtfully designed to provide spacious rooms but with a welcoming feel that belies its generous proportions. The master suite is exactly that, spacious with an ensuite that not only has a beautiful vanity with granite top but also a separate shower and bidet. The second bathroom, which services the three other bedrooms, features a double vanity also with granite top, a toilet and bidet and shower. All three bedrooms are doubles with built-in robes. Upstairs there is another sitting area with fantastic views over Clonlea Park.
There were no cutting corners when the current owners built this home. Apart from the four bedrooms there is a lovely formal lounge and a formal dining room, but without doubt the most eyecatching feature of this home is the fabulous kitchen, meals and casual living area, the heart of any home. The kitchen offers generous benchspace, a gas 900mm stove and rangehood plus a twin drawer stainlesssteel dishwasher. Large tiles are used throughout the downstairs rooms except the formal lounge room. Off the kitchen there is a good sized laundry with stainless-steel sink and bench. There is also a third toilet plus a large rumpus room with glass doors that lead outside to the patio area. The home is light and airy throughout and has been beautifully decorated with style and flair to create a serene and calming environment.
Of course a home of this calibre has ducted air conditioning and gas heating and has been maintained to the highest standards. For anyone looking for a quality built home, completed to the highest standards with exciting lifestyle features throughout, this is one not to be missed. Set on a generous 914 square metre block there is plenty of room for the children to play. Within walking distance to the main street of Gawler and great access to Clonlea Park walking trails this home is a must for inspection.
At a glance... Where: 22 McGahan Court, Gawler East. Agent: Barossa Real Estate Pty Ltd RLA1997. Salesperson: Sue Schugmann 0419 850 408. Price: $439,950. Open: Sunday, June 3, 3.45pm-4.15pm.
LYNDOCH $325K- $335K
OPEN 38 Gothic Ave
Open Sun 2.30-3pm
WARM AND WELCOMING With separate entry, large lounge plus a rumpus room, Three bedrooms ensuite and walk in robe, built in robes to bed 2 & 3, spacious kitchen with gas cook top, wall oven dishwasher, walk-in pantry and feature bay window, open plan dining/family area. Ducted gas heating and cooling, pitched pergola, double garage, carport, rain water tanks. Sue Schugmann 0419 850 408
OPEN 22 McGahan Ct Open Sun 3.45-4.15pm TWO STOREY BEAUTY You couldn't build it for this price. Separate entry, formal lounge, up to the minute kitchen, stainless steel appliances, rumpus room, meals/family room, formal dining, 4 brms, ducted air and gas heat, 914m2 allotment, fantastic views, walking distance to Gawler main street. Sue Schugmann 0419 850 408
ATTENTION DEVELOPERS, COMMUNITY GROUPS Open Sun 2.15-2.45pm AND INVESTORS! Today it’s an opportunity for development on 4 separate titles with 5 allotments covering an area of more than 2.5 acres (1.07 hectare). Existing buildings inc. original stone schoolhouse, a large transportable, brick dwelling. Truro Rd frntge to each allotment. Township zoning offers potential for numerous uses subject to consents.
Open Sun 12.45-1.15pm
GREAT LOCATION, IDEAL FAMILY HOME Separate entry, large lounge, 3 Bedrooms, Ensuite, Walk in & BI Robes. Open plan meals & family, kitchen with walk in pantry, air conditioning, combustion heating, neutral décor. Rear veranda, double carport with roller doors, 8 solar panels, Rain water tanks. BBQ Area, Established gardens. Walking distance to local schools and shopping. Sue Schugmann 0419 850 408
GAWLER EAST $439,950
OPEN 42 Gilbert St
Peter Fairweather 0415 825 420
NEW 694 Eden Valley Rd 157 ACRES AND TWO HOMES, TO BE SOLD AS A WHOLE OR CAN BE SEPARATED. Originally part of the renown land holding known as Collingrove’ on 63.3 hectares has been held by 1 owner for many years. Magnificent 4 bedroom home, architecturally designed to harmonise with the landscape, stunning formal and informal living areas. Also stone settler’s cottage on separate title. Expressions of interest to be received by 5pm on Monday 15th July, 2012. Peter Fairweather 0415 825 420
9B Fergusson Ct Open Sun 12-12.30pm
Lot 53 Jemalong Cres Open Sun 3.15-3.45pm
9 Charles Fry Crt
THE COMPLETE PACKAGE ON 1006M2 3 bedroom Marshall Thompson home in quiet court & walk to Lyndoch Primary. Master bed has en-suite & walk-in robe. Spacious lounge & formal dine. Ducted a/c & combustion heater. Central kitchen with walk-in pantry & large breakfast bar. Verandah, double carport, ample rainwater storage & 6 solar panels. Sue Schugmann 0419 850 408
FAMILY ENTERTAINER WITH POOL OASIS! Value packed Australian colonial style. 4 bedrooms, master with ensuite & walk-in robe, separate lounge & dining rooms, large country kitchen. Large 1540m2 (approx) landscaped yard with pool, double carport, garden shed & fruit trees. Evaporative cooling, split system & combustion heater. Elle Moreton 0488 996 566
SPACIOUS INTERIOR! TIMBER FLOORS, CATHEDRAL CEILINGS. Set on a 682m2 allotment in a quiet court, this 3 bedroom home has a light filled interior with lovely polished timber floors. Open plan lounge, family and dining. Ensuite, built-in robes, three-way bathroom. Appealing timber kitchen with electric appliances and lots of cupboard space. Splitsystem air-conditioning. Carport, double garage & double attached carport. Sue Schugmann 0419 850 408
8563 3511 F: 8563 0105 E:
Peter Fairweather 0415 825 420
Sue Schugmann 0419 850 408
Sue Fechner 8563 3511
Elle Moreton 0488 996 566
Property Manager Anne Johansson 8563 3511
RLA 1997
Wednesday, May 30, 2012 - Domain Page 2 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Real Estate Liftout PROPERTY OF THE WEEK
Cute cottage of bygone era
OPEN-PLAN: Part of the beautiful interior of the Angaston villa.
A charmed hillside life
At a glance...
opens onto the comfortable lounge room with combustion heating and reverse-cycle splitsystem air conditioning. There are two double bedrooms and one single bedroom that can be used as an office. The view from the timberdecked verandah is magnificent with the old Angaston church and the rolling hills. This property would be ideal for a bed and breakfast, subject to council consent.
At a glance... Where: 4 Collins Street, Angaston. Features: Views and position. Price: $235,000. Inspection: By appointment. Agent: Julie Toth Real Estate. RLA: 198199. Contact: Julie Toth 0418 853 134 or 8562 4650.
Where: 11 Yalumba Terrace, Angaston. Features: Relaxed rustic living and luxury of space.
Price: $385,000 - $395,000.
... where people matter
Open: Call agent to view. Web ID: HRE636. Agent: Homburg Real Estate ph: 8563 2599.
73 Greenock Road
15 Coronation Avenue
RLA 219152. Contact: David Braunack 0418 841 349.
doors would add a natural connection to invite entertaining outside. Luxury of space means that your family can enjoy the rewards of tending to raised vegie plots, nurturing the fruit trees, collecting the hen’s eggs and perhaps keeping a sheep or two. There’s a chicken coop, storage sheds, shedding for two vehicles, two paddocks and a wood-lot on the high side of the hill. The kids can hunt for timber to fuel a slow combustion fire and a chimney awaits its installation in the open-plan living space. This historic home has benefited from re-roofing and re-wiring in recent years. At the front of the home, the elevated porch is secretly screened by the property’s immense hedge, allowing the owner to enjoy views, drinks, a heavenly sunset and a sheltered outlook onto life passing by. This rural nook on Angaston’s town edge is located within a short stroll of the cosmopolitan main street shops, primary schools, kindergarten and day-care services for idyllic ease of living style, and a charmed life on this scenic hillside. Contact David Braunack of Homburg Real Estate on 0418 841 349 to arrange a viewing of this lifestyle enriching property.
SOLD MODERN STYLISH LIVING Brand new 3 Brms with carpet, master with ensuite & walk-in robe, spacious kitchen with dw, open plan living with timber floors.
QUIET TREE LINED STREET Dble brick 3 brm home on a 780m2 cnr block. Large lounge, kitchen with pantry, heating & cooling. Dble gge, estab rear garden with fruit trees & more.
4 Collins Street
14 Kirchner Street REDUCED PRICE
CUTE COTTAGE OF BYGONE ERA Great for B&B. 2/3 brms , polished timber floors throughout, kitchen with dw, lounge with heating & cooling, timber deck with views, few minutes’ walk to all amenities.
LARGE FAMILY HOME - 1257m2 LAND 4 brms, 2 bathrooms, study, lounge, family room, open plan kitchen, air cond, double garage, entertaining area, large shed, room for boat & caravan.
$275,000 DUTTON
4C The Crescent
2 John Road NEW
Dble brick, 3 brm home, lrg lounge with French doors, kitchen with elec stove & pantry, polished flr brds t/out, htg & cooling, dble gge. 697m2 allot (approx)
On 2 ½ acres, this secluded 2 brm t/f home has a decked returned verandah, attached single garage & carport, dble garage with power & concrete, & r/water tanks.
Call for your free market appraisal
8562 4650 0418 853 134
Wednesday, May 30, 2012 - Domain Page 3 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
2/7 Gawler Street, Nuriootpa
ON ONE and a half acres (6070 square metres) of picturesque country hillside and relishing in the never-to-be-built-out views across tall old trees and the ancient vineyards of Yalumba, is this circa 1910 Angaston stone villa. It offers charm, serenity, a setting of nature and plenty of space inside and out for satisfying family living. With so much scope to add easy value and increase the lifestyle factor here, this property is overloaded with promise and potential beyond its already appealing arrangement. Rich in original character features, this home will delight with its wide central hallway, Baltic pine floorboards, pressed tinned ceilings, open fireplaces, sash windows and original cornices, skirtings and architraves. Four huge old-fashioned bedrooms will allow the children to create their own individual living spaces within and there’s potential for a fifth bedroom in the study wing at the rear of the residence. A feast of timber features in the open-plan living space, a recent extension to the rear of the home. Tin, glass, exposed beams, miniorb ceilings and clever use of lighting collaborate to accentuate the vast, adaptable and very liveable layout. A ‘Zanussi’ commercial cooking station with overhead canopy, giant gas burners and super-sized oven sets the mood for lovers of celebration and gastronomic gatherings, where the immense kitchen is set up to cater for the masses and entertaining relaxes easily around this rustic and welcoming central hub. An elevated landing outside is the perfect platform for a Mediterranean courtyard, secluded by rendered walls on three of its sides and north facing for year-round alfresco enjoyment. Sandstone tiling, a little adaptation to the rear of the home plus the addition of glass sliding
THIS cute cottage (pictured) is so conveniently located close to the beautiful main street of Angaston, you do not even need to have a car to go shopping or just to enjoy a coffee with friends either in the main street or seated on the decked verandah taking in the peaceful views of the surrounding hills. Inside features are the high ceilings and polished timber floors throughout. The kitchen, with electric appliances and a dishwasher,
Real Estate Liftout QUALITY: The open-plan kitchen area of the Lyndoch home is pictured above right and below one of the huge sheds on the property.
Powerline Road, LONG PLAINS
“Bushmin Farm”
Attractive 3 bedroom home 47 acres of easily managed farming land with good stock fencing Watered by bore and mains water Excellent shedding & improvements including eco shelter, slaughter house, workshop, large sheds & cool rooms • Well located in private rural surrounds & still under 60 mins to Adelaide This property has endless possibilities for the purchaser to take advantage of the quality improvements that exist and create a business opportunity & income (STCC). WH1823495
• • • •
NEW PRICE RELEASE $495,000 Geoff Schell 0418 842 421 or Daniel Schell 0415 436 379
RLA 205501
6 Lucas Street, Kapunda
“Quality modern home in the best location” • Four bedrooms, 2 with BIR’s • Main bedroom with BIR, WIR & ensuite • Bright open plan kitchen, meals & living area • Formal dining and second living area • Undercover entertaining area • Neat low maintenance gardens • Prime location only stone’s throw to main town facilities WH1823492
Absolutely nothing to do but move in!! Auction 11am Saturday 7th July (if not sold prior) Geoff Schell 0418 842 421 or Daniel Schell 0415 436 379
RLA 205501
“Eden Flat”
IDEAL LIFESTYLE PROPERTY WITH INCOME Auction 2pm, 22nd June 2012 (if not sold prior) Lyndoch Football Clubrooms • • • •
4/5 bedroom family home in delightful garden setting Detached fully self contained “granny flat” 3 x Implement sheds, chemical shed plus hay shed Quality vineyard (11.54 ha) comprising mainly Shiraz – contractors available to completely manage vineyard • Excellent water supply from Bore, BILS quota & 5 Meg Water Licence. • Located approx. 3km South of Lyndoch on Williamstown Road • Great location to quality schools , shopping & recreation facilities
Vendors advise.... “Urgent sale, new opportunity awaits”
Daniel Schell 0415 436 379 or Geoff Schell 0418 842 421
RLA 205501
Lyndoch Valley Road, Williamstown (14.8ha-36.6 acres)
Ideal lifestyle with income PERFECT for a great family lifestyle is this newly listed property at Lyndoch in the southern Barossa Valley. Its location, being within 60 minutes to Adelaide and only 15 minutes from Gawler, makes it a perfect rural lifestyle property with an income stream. The property comprises 14.8 hectares (about 36 acres) of land with a quality vineyard of 11.54 ha comprising mainly Shiraz vines with all fruit supplied to a highly regarded winemaker in the Clare Valley for the past 12 years. For those with limited knowledge of vineyard management, the vineyard can be completely operated by contractors. You may wish however to sample the product. The family home offers four or five bedrooms with a large walkin robe and ensuite to the master bedroom and built-in robes in bedrooms two, three and four.
There is a bright open-plan meals/living and kitchen area with quality new appliances, two living areas, separate office, family bathroom and large laundry. A real bonus with the property is a detached fully self contained one bedroom “granny flat”. The additional accommodation would be ideal for a teenager’s retreat or perhaps an elderly family member or regular guests to have their own independence but be close at hand. There are three implement sheds, a chemical shed plus a hay shed and the whole property has an excellent water supply from a bore and Barossa Valley infrastructure(BILS) water with a five meg water licence The offering of “Eden Flat” offers a unique opportunity to purchase a wonderfully presented property offering lifestyle, location and income. The home and additional
Wednesday, May 30, 2012 - Domain Page 4 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
accommodation would make an ideal private residence for a larger family and the well managed vineyard and excellent water supply have provided quality fruit with consistent demand over the past 12 years. Nestled in private surrounds in a five-star location and within a tightly held area of the Barossa Valley, “Eden Flat” provides that highly sought after peaceful country lifestyle with all services, an excellent selection of both private and public schools very close by and great shopping facilities still at your fingertips. “Eden Flat” is being offered for sale by auction in the Lyndoch Football Clubrooms on June 22. The vendors have shown an urgency to sell and instructed that all offers prior to the auction be submitted. For more information contact Geoff Schell on 0418 842 421 or Daniel Schell on 0415 436 379.
Real Estate Liftout
Courtyard lifestyle AS NEAT as a pin from the moment you walk in. This lovely Nuriootpa home is cleverly planned to give you great quality of lifestyle inside and out with timeless neutral decor, generous open living, a pretty rear courtyard setting, super sized garage and excellent security features to make this a residence that you will be right at home in. In impeccable condition and positioned on a manageable and neat low-maintenance allotment with mature screening plants promoting privacy from all angles, this property is ideal in its lay-out for the downsizer, for singles and couples. It’s a great first home, last home or terrific no hassle investment property with a current rental appraisal at between $220 and $230per-week. A tiled entrance foyer is a nice introduction to the great floor plan. The open living plan is spacious, light filled and north facing, the Lshape allowing good delineation between lounging and dining areas. Sliding glass takes life out to the paved courtyard setting, planted out to attractive hardy natives such as kangaroo paws, palms, a shade giving bottle brush and native grasses. There’s enough room for a barbecue setting and not too much to become difficult to maintain. A mature mandarin tree is situated in another pocket of yard to the side, an ideal spot for a vegie patch. There is lockable access to the rear from the double garage and depending on your needs, plenty of room to create a workshop or storage areas within.
A handy second set of sliding glass doors off the laundry offers a choice of access and gives this large utility room adaptability, there’s space to store a fridge-freezer pair, create an office nook or sewing area. The kitchen is light and bright with clean lines, walk-in pantry, abundant bench and cupboard space, double sink, gas cooktop and wall oven. A meal bench area is ideal for conversations and there is room for a breakfast table as an easy everyday dining option. The two queen-size bedrooms, the master with floor to ceiling built-in robes, are located off a separate hallway with linen storage and a beautiful three-way bathroom privately divides them. The home is equipped with valuable roller shutters all around providing excellent security and summer insulation, there are ceiling fans and gas heating. Beautifully presented, private, secure and an easy one to maintain, this property will provide you with the lifestyle you’ve been seeking.
TOP LEFT: Privacy in the pleasant courtyard setting of the Nuriootpa home. TOP: The Nuriootpa home in impeccable condition with two queen-sized bedrooms. ABOVE: Bright and fresh describes the open kitchen area of the home.
EUDUNDA 54 Barwell St AUCTION THIS WEEKEND KAPUNDA 14 Bagot Street SAT 2 June 3pm on property REDUCED $250,000
B/V home built 1991 on approx 820m2 corner allot, 3 good sized bedrooms, master with bi robe, spacious sitting room with split system air with tiled floor, family room/dine, bathroom with sep shower, bath, sep w.c. estab gardens.
KAPUNDA 7 Branson Crescent REDUCED $240,000 Offers Encouraged!
APPROX 75 acres near level arable land with mains water and power running across, Ideal for new home site with room for the horses, sheep and lifestyle.
At a glance... Where: 41 Chardonnay Drive, Nuriootpa. Feature: Re-released. Price: $230,000.
DOUBLE BRICK home on near level corner allotment approx 1200m2, 3 spacious bdrms, eat in kitchen, bathroom with shower and vanity, timber floors, shedding.
BROWNLOW Lot 3 Foote Rd GREAT PRICE $79,950
HERE IS YOUR CHANCE! Beautifully presented 2 bedroom stone villa approx 650m2 manageable allot, polished floors, high ceilings, spa bathroom, modern eat in kitchen close to all facils, entertainment area and garage/carport.
All properties can be viewed at
Professionals Kapunda
Open: Call agent to view. Web ID: HRE365.
Charles 0417 823 065
Agent: Homburg Real Estate 8563 2599 RLA219152. Contact: David Braunack 0418 841 349.
8566 2127
Real People in Real Property!
Wednesday, May 30, 2012 - Domain Page 5 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Steve 0417 811 348 RLA 163708
Wednesday, May 30, 2012 - Domain Page 6 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Wednesday, May 30, 2012 - Domain Page 7 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Real Estate Liftout
Family living in superb location THIS quality Lyndoch home, built in 2006, offers great family living on the doorstep to the Barossa Valley. It offers three double bedrooms, the master with a walk-in robe, ensuite and stunning bay window. There is a large three-way bathroom and luxury spa, a spacious formal living area, a kitchen with quality appliances and a breakfast bar overlooking the open-plan family / living / meals area. The family room has sliding doors to the outside for that great indoor-outdoor living and entertaining and a great gable roof entertaining area which is fully concreted. The home is complete with ducted reverse-cycle heating and cooling. There is a double garage under the main roof with panel lift door and the house is situated on a 585 square metre allotment. Don’t miss the opportunity to buy your first, second or third investment home or even your next family home. Call Kies Real Estate on 8523 3777 and book your appointment to view and buy a beautiful piece of the Barossa Valley. RLA61382.
8563 2855
PGE 233178
710 424
Lic. Tec. ABN 746 180 50 866
Your local antenna specialist
Phone Rob on 04 888 25653
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We fix leaking showers!
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Wednesday, May 30, 2012 - Domain Page 8- The Herald, Barossa Valley
Mobile: 0402 554 594
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EFTPOS & Credit facilities available
Dave Williams 0411 278 173
WillMar Maintenance
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Phone Andy on 0430
Ph: 0419 821 923 BLD 233177
IMPRESSIVE: The Lyndoch home with three double bedrooms is pictured above, and below, the entertaining area.
Domestic & Industrial bins 4, 6 & 9 cubic metre bins Perfect for tidying up around the yard
Guaranteed Risk Free Selling! Many more properties for sale, call in to inspect our full range Land Release Lot 42 Lot 43 Lot 44 Lot 45 Lot 46 Lot 47 Lot 48 Lot 49 Lot 50 Lot 51 Lot 52 Lot 53 Lot 54 Lot 55
$469,950 2
Price $149,950 $159,950 SOLD $134,950 $169,950 $189,950 $139,950 $189,950 $149,950 $149,950 $139,950 $159,950 $174,950 $199,950
$279,950 1
Available 7 Days
$349,950 2
A Home with the Lot!
Seeing is Believing
Great Location and Value
Family Living in a Superb Location
This quality Homestead built home situated on a 1372m2 allotment offers large formal entry, formal lounge and dining with bay window, master bedroom with built-in robe, large ensuite with spa and double shower, bedrooms 2, 3 and 4 are extra large and have built-in robes and ceiling fans, all bedrooms also have Austar connected. 3-way bathroom and generous size laundry. Open plan kitchen, dining and family room leading through to the games room which has glass doors leading out onto the salt water solar heated pool. 3 car garage under the main roof, approx 32,000L rainwater storage, two 3phs reverse cycle split system air-conditioners, large entertainment area complete with bar and wood fire pizza oven, large lawn area and side access for trailers/caravans with a high clearance lean-to off the shed.
Set on 610m2 this 3 bedroom home is wonderfully located in the heart of Gawler East with unbroken rural views from the rear of the property. Offering 3 bedrooms with built in robes to bedrooms 2 & 3, spacious formal lounge and combined kitchen/ dining room. The home and block is neat and easily maintained. Serviced by gas hot water together with gas heating and ducted evaporative air conditioning, with single carport and second driveway. The residence would suit a young family or professional couple. Set amongst quality homes in a great area close to amenities but still retaining a rural outlook - Well worth an inspection.
This quality home built in 06 offers great family living on the doorstep to the Barossa Valley. The home offers 3 double bedrooms, master with walk-in robe, ensuite and stunning bay window, large 3-way bathroom and luxury spa, spacious formal living area, kitchen with quality appliances and breakfast bar overlooking the open plan family/living/meals area, family room with sliding doors to outside for that great indoor-outdoor living and entertaining, great gable roof entertaining area fully concreted. The home is complete with ducted reverse cycle heating and cooling, double garage under the main roof with panel lift door and is situated on a 585m2 allotment. Don't miss the opportunity to buy your first, second or third investment home or even your next family home. Call and book your appointment to view and buy a beautiful piece of the Barossa Valley.
# 5048
# 3022
# 5001
$349,950 2
Family Fortune Set on a 1345m2 corner allotment sits this wonderful 2 storey home. Downstairs offers 3 of the 4 bedrooms with main bathroom, laundry, sparkling refurbished kitchen with stainless steel appliances and polished slate flooring. The downstairs living boasts timber floors in an Lshaped lounge/dine combination. Upstairs there is a second huge family area together with the master bedroom, ensuite and built-in robes. Beautifully decorated throughout in neutral tones with new floor coverings to compliment this home is sure to tick the boxes. Outside is a blank canvas for the homes new owners to complete, with ample shedding, front and rear verandahs the spacious block would accommodate may possibilities. With inspection by appointment - call to arrange a time to suit.
# 5026
RLA 61382
RLA 61382
$319,000 1
RLA 61382
$415,000 2
# 3027
Pure Bliss—Relax in Peace
Barossa Beauty
This superbly renovated 1880's cottage is situated on a 913m2 allotment located on the fringe of the popular Barossa Valley. The cottage is currently running as a Bed and Breakfast but would make for a lovely home with all the luxuries of modern living. This little oasis offers tranquillity and convenience with shops, schools and wineries all within walking distance and it's only 10 minutes drive to Gawler or Tanunda. The house boasts the following; - 2 good size bedrooms, fully carpeted with doors to outside - Galley Style kitchen with quality appliances and glass splashbacks -Traditional country style dining with original wood stove and stunning timber floors - Lounge with open fire place - Split system heating and cooling - 1.5kw solar Established gardens with the house set well back on the block - Stylish bathroom with spa and separate toilet - Good size laundry - Plenty of parking with foundation already done for carport - Superb location. It needs to be seen to be believed, call now to book a time that's right for you. # 3025 RLA 61382
Constructed by Galaxy Homes in 2002 this spacious 4 bedroom home has all the extras that you would expect in a build of this calibre. Main bedroom features walk-in robe and ensuite with double vanity and spa. Built-in robes throughout the other bedrooms all doubles with the second being as large as the main. Sunken formal lounge/dining and a huge family with meals area off the kitchen. This home delivers quality and quantity, 30 squares of luxurious living, high ceilings throughout, Actron r/cycle ducted heating and airconditioning. Great outdoor entertaining via French doors from the family area all set on a large easy to maintain 760m2 allotment. Barossa bound? This property is a “must see” - call today to arrange a private inspection to suit you. # 5018 RLA 61382
RLA 61382
RLA 61382
Unique and Amazing - 1880’s Cottage Truly amazing, this stunning 1880's cottage is set on a generous 850m2 allotment.Currently operating as a local Bed and Breakfast in the Barossa Valley, this cottage is a testament to the owners as the renovations are of such a high quality. What an opportunity, to own a lovely cottage with modern and quality upgrades on the inside, yet keeping great character on the outside. Situated within walking distance to local shops, schools and wineries this is truly a great location. This 1880's cottage offers the following;- 2 bedrooms fully carpeted - Lounge with floating floors and slow combustion heating - Dining room also with slow combustion heating - Modern Galley Style kitchen with quality appliances - Modern bathroom with spa - 2 toilets - Large outdoor cellar/storage room - 1.5kw solar - Front and rear parking for 4 cars - Split system heating and cooling - Fully insulated, new plumbing and wiring to whole house as well as a new roof.This gorgeous cottage has It all so don't miss out on the opportunity to have your own piece of paradise. # 3024 RLA 61382
This quality built home is situated on approximately 1014m2 in a quiet cul-de-sac amongst other quality homes in a superb neighbourhood. Close Gawler, location offers quick access to Northern Expressway & shops, schools and parks in the Gawler town centre. This property offers side access with total clearance of 3.1m which will accommodate most large vehicles, boats, caravans etc, plenty of parking. There are fully established native gardens surrounding the property, a great entertaining area & a large office with a separate entrance to the side of the home.This quality family home boasts the following;4 bdrms – master with bay window, walk-in robe & ensuite. Bdrms 2, 3 & 4 all of good size & have B/I robes and tinted windows. Ceiling fans throughout, Formal entry, lounge & dining, Open plan living/meals/family/kitchen with breakfast bar, Good size mn 3-way bthrm, Security system, R/C heating & cooling, Lrg second office with separate entrance near entertaining area, 2 garden sheds, vegie grdn & est. fruit trees, Approximately 7000 gallons of rain water, Large shed with 15Amp power outlet, ample lighting and cement floor, Bitumen driveway with a clearance of 3.1m, Fully insulated with R3 and R2.5 insulation. Move straight in. Please call today to book your private viewing.
# 3014
Built in 2002 this 3 bedroom Fairmont home is complete and offers many extras, beautifully landscaped front and back. The quality of this property is obvious even from the road. All bedrooms have timber floating floors, main with ensuite and walk-in robe, 2nd with built-in robe. The rest of the home is tiled including the open living area with combined living/dine and sparkling kitchen with updated appliances and dishwasher. The home is serviced by gas hot water and ducted reverse cycle heating and cooling. Other improvements include security shutters throughout, gutter-guard, monitored Centricom system, workshop and a 1.25kw solar system to ensure energy efficiency. Beautifully established and immaculately maintained this property stands out from the typical offerings, call to arrange an inspection. RLA 61382
$259,950 1
Presentation Perfect WOW! This immaculate steel-framed home is set on over 700m2. Offering two large bedrooms each with built-in robes, an L-shaped lounge/dine with built-in bar, sparkling kitchen and enormous main bathroom. Extras are abundant with shutters throughout, two spit system providing heating and cooling, double garage, separate access for boats/caravans or trailers, great outdoor entertaining and stunning park-like grounds. A fantastic property that will accommodate the fussiest of buyers - at a very affordable price.
# 5038
RLA 61382
3A Adelaide Road, Gawler (08) 8523 3777
Wednesday, May 30, 2012 - Domain Page 9 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
We’ll get you where you want to go!
Nuriootpa House & Grounds Maintenance
Various sizes available
• Masonry & Paving Work Carpentry & Gyprock • Renovations & Maintenance • Gates & Welding
8563 2855
For Prompt Reliable Service
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Wednesday, May 30, 2012 - Domain Page 10 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
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023 206
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AH (08) 8564 2124, Mobile 0428 811 044 ABN 42093097315 Email:
See where advertising can take YOUR business!
Wednesday, May 30, 2012 - Domain Page 11 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Recycling water Today, tomorrow and the future RECYCLING water is fast becoming one of the most important ways we can preserve and protect our most important resource. We watch water being wasted every day by everybody and this is largely due to a lack of information of what is already available, plus the lack of government understanding. According to Kenton Foody the managing director of Pete’s Treat Waste Water Solutions the market leader in servicing home sewage treatment plants, South Australia is lagging behind every other state in its legislation allowing the use of recycled water. Water fits into three main categories: • Black (sewage). • Grey (washing, bath etc) • Potable (drinking). Although the technology exists to convert black water to drinking water not many of us want to do this. However, we should be recycling our grey water back into our houses for non potable use like flushing toilets, doing the washing, washing the car and many other uses. “This technology exists today and is affordable but in South Australia grey water can only be used for irrigation. Only rainwater and mains water can be used inside a house,” Kenton said. “Hopefully as the government becomes more aware that we live in the driest state on the driest continent in the world they will progress with technology. If we all start talking about it we can change it.” Kenton says the water industry is one of the most exciting industries he has ever been involved with as it is preserving our most important asset. Pete’s Treat offers their clients a range of services from servicing all types of waste water treatment plants, black - grey - potable, commercial and residential to supplying, designing and installing systems. It is a one-stop recycled water shop. They are up to date with current legislation and the direction it is going. When Pete’s Treat designs a system for a client they take into consideration what the client will need tomorrow and design the system so it can grow and be adjusted to the changing environment and legislation. Kenton said today in regional areas most clients are looking for a septic treatment plant that will treat the black water for safe use in
m at Northern
e Scott Wilson and the tea Northern Tyre Servic when it comes to wheel alignments and you p e Service can hel Mobile Service . Tyr icles, trucks and tractors 2 2347 tyres for passenger veh t Ph: 852 Bel ler Gaw , Crt tt sco available. Lot 7 Pre
Steve Boyd Refinishes When it comes to crash repairs, Steve
Boyd and the team are experts in their field. Steve shows us the pride they take in making sure your car is safe and ready for the road. 16 Prescott Cres, Gawler Ph: 8522 4776
Industrial Park
Custom When it comes to specialist joinery, Jus Sloan and Alan Norswo tin rthy (Company Directo rs) really raise the bar. Here they are pict ured with one of their beautiful custom creations. Lot 35, Sm ith Road, Gawler Belt Ph: 8523 3077
Premix Concrete SA
ercial or residential. For concrete jobs big or small comm you covered. have ix Prem s need your Whatever 2600 8281 e: phon rs orde For GAWLER
ng full, moving interstate Gawler Store-U-Own Shed getti Give Steve Redden a call ? or looking for storage solutions on your storage needs. for a very competitive quote , Gawler Belt Ph: 8522 4443 2 Bernard Crt, Industrial Park
Gawler Motor Wreck ing
Looking for parts for a late model Commo dore or Falcon? Give Phil Ivanov a call today. 3 Prescott Crescent, Gawler Belt Phone: 8522 5677
Wednesday, May 30, 2012 - Domain Page 12 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Business Snapshot...
irrigation that also protects the ground water from contamination. “It has been our experience that the Taylex Home Sewage Treatment Plant (HSTP) is the best and most economical system available in Australia,” Kenton said. “The Taylex system is the most developed and the only concrete system that has been continually developed since its inception.” Kenton is amazed at the lack of quality control and information available for people who want to harvest rainwater. “This is vital in many regional areas as it is their only water supply but is also very important in suburban areas. “It appears everybody who can make a rainwater tank is in the business. When choosing a rainwater tank it is extremely important to buy a high quality tank that is suitable for the purpose you want to use the water for. “There is a standard for water tanks and you should only consider purchasing tanks that meet Australian standards.” Kenton said there are several brands that meet this requirement but most do not, and a failed rainwater tank can cause considerable damage. To buy a tank that does not meet these standards is dangerous, it means it may not be suitable for drinking or it may split or crack and release a huge amount of water that is extremely damaging to the surrounding area. The low cost tank usually ends up the most expensive over a five to 10-year period. “We have also talked a great deal about irrigation during this interview. “It is an area that most people overlook and underestimate the importance of having the system professionally designed and installed. “To ensure you have an extremely reliable irrigation system that is making the most of the water you have available the design is vital.” Kenton also recommends professional installation as then the system is guaranteed. If the system is connected to a HSTP then it will require inspection at least every three months and this is included with standard servicing by professional servicing companies. Kenton invites anyone who has a question about home sewage treatment plants and recycling water to give him a call on 8556 4111.
Support Carer’s Link and have a ball
Share Roll up, roll up to Tanunda your words with many of the components being constructed from scrapped machinery and recycled materials. David’s works are wry vehicles for ideas and narrations in the tradition of mechanical representations found on Victorian and Edwardian seaside piers. They provide audiences with an escape into fantasy or give humorous insights into the human condition. The Barossa Regional Gallery is located at Basedow Road, Tanunda, and is open from 11am - 4pm Tuesday to Sunday. A donation admits entry to the gallery. For more details about the exhibition, contact Barossa Council’s manager for community and culture Maz McGann on 0438 807 973.
The sword swallower.
33 main north road willaston t: 08 8522 1021 f: 08 8522 1629 e:
See new solo exhibition A NEW talent in the visual arts, Jacquline Pomery, is currently hosting her first solo exhibition at Kapunda Community Gallery Inc from now until June 24. Jacquline worked at the Festival Centre as a costume finisher and buyer and a dresser. From costume design in the performing arts - she went on to work
with fashion designers including George Gross and Harry Who. After her children were born she discovered a love for painting. She attended a painting course with artist Alan Bruse until 2008. From here she started work with the Department of Correctional Services and a year later became the Custodial
Specialist, giving vocational training to prisoners in Adelaide Women’s Prison in the textile unit. During her Kapunda exhibition, Jacquline presents a range of subjects in acrylic, charcoal and textile sculpture. The gallery is open daily from 10am to 4pm and is located above the town library. a cut above th
ACOUSTIC Music and Spoken Words at Sandy Creek Hotel has taken off. Convener and popular Gawler poet Martin Johnson is now geared up to run the next gathering on Sunday, June 3 from 2pm to 5pm. Special guest is poet Heather Taylor Johnson (above). Heather moved from America to Australia in 1999 to pursue her PhD in Creative Writing, which she was awarded through the University of Adelaide. Along the way she also became a poetry editor for magazine Wet Ink and a reviewer of poetry literary journals in Australia. She is also the author of two poetry collections ‘Exit Wounds’, and her latest publication ‘Letters to my Lover from a small Mountain Town’. On June 3, Heather will read from her new book to add to the charm of the afternoon event. Acoustic Music and Spoken Words is a free event open to the public. Martin said, “The afternoon is relaxed and friendly”. For performer’s convenience, amps, a PA system and microphones are provided. For more details, contact Martin on 8522 4268.
JUST like a traditional travelling show, Archer’s art circus rolls up to the Barossa Regional Gallery, Tanunda, during May and June. This exhibition, which creates an atmosphere of carnival excitement, is guaranteed to appeal to all ages. Why not come along and turn the handles, push the buttons and look through the lenses into working dioramas? The man behind the show is David Archer -a contemporary automata artist living in South Australia. “My work is nostalgic and investigates art, science and mechanics on several levels,” David said. He handcrafts all of his works
ONCE again Carer’s Link in the Barossa will benefit from funds passed on by a unique fundraiser. The establishment, based at Nuriootpa, has been selected by the Beer family, who will again host their popular Gamekeeper’s Ball at the Farm Barossa Function Centre, Samuel Road, near Nuriootpa. The ball involves the public’s support to be dressed formal, while enjoying a fabulous four-course meal and superb wines by Artisans of Barossa. Entertainment is by the 16-piece KGB Big Band. Tickets are $150 per person with all proceeds donated to Carer’s Link, which works to provide professional caring staff to assist people with personal, social and practical care solutions on a short term, long term or emergency basis. To reserve a space or for more details, contact Elli Beer on 0438 867 063 or Ticket sales close June 15.
e res t
Kids Eat Free Lunch & dinner FROM
Schnitzel Night
Family $ Meal Night *2 adults & 3 kids
Steak Night
Kids’ Entertainment FROM
Roast Day
TERMS AND CONDITIONS Family Meal Deal only available Wednesday nights. Adult’s meals must be ordered off the Family Meal Deal Menu 1 meal per child. Extra kid’s meals charged at $7.50. All Meal Deals not valid with any other food promotion or offer
85614299 Faith Lutheran College Magnolia Rd Tanunda
Up Coming events... Men In Pink Tights - Tues, 3rd July 8pm WH1823122
Leigh Warren Dancers - Fri, 27th July DeepBlue Orchestra – Mon, 6th August 8pm
‘Shifting Sand’ is a powerful evocation of the ocean’s many faces. TaikOz’s ethereal sounds, thunderous taiko drumming, dynamic movement and dance seeks to capture the beauty, majesty and force of the ocean. From the delicate play of light on the surface of the sea to the raging fury of winter storms.
A smash-hit fusion of comedy, drama, romance and ballroom dancing set in the exciting, electric rush of New York City in 1912. A beautiful story of Anna and Henry, as they embark on a journey that will transform their lives. Amazing ballroom routines to jazzy rhythms and haunting melodies of Gershwin, Joplin and Berlin.
Saturday, 2nd June 7.30pm Adult: $55.00 Concession: $49.00 YP(U17): $17.00 Family(2+2): $130
Tuesday, 12th June 7.30pm A: $49.90 C: $44.90 G(8+): $39.90
Wednesday, May 30, 2012 - Page 19 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
ERTH’S I, BUNYIP From the creators of the “Dinosaur Petting Zoo” From the creators of “Dinosaur Petting Zoo”, “I Bunyip” is a rare chance for you to meet very real characters from Australia’s oldest stories, brought alive by life-like puppets. Get ready to meet new friends from oceans and rivers, bushland and deserts. You won’t believe the kinds of friends that Bunyips have!
Friday, 3rd August 6.00pm All Tickets: $22.00
WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY 2 12 Eco-friendly briquettes
Meznar Furniture story STARTING out in 1984, Meznar Furniture, a family business, has not only become a successful furniture retailer, but an outstanding furniture manufacturer. Meznar Furniture produce unique, high quality furniture from solid timber using traditional construction methods, which is backed by a dedicated factory team. Peter Meznar started 28 years ago restoring antique furniture in a small shed in Gawler. Today the business is a thriving South Australian manufacturer/retailer employing over 30 staff. The furniture is manufactured by 23
locals including apprentices at the company’s new purpose-built factory facility in Willaston which was completed February, 2011. Meznar Furniture employ two highly skilled factory managers who run that side of the business. This allows the product range to be diverse, creative and extremely high quality of which they are proud. The showroom is on Murray Street, Gawler and has become an icon in the area, doubling in size about five years ago. It is run by business owners Peter and Carolyn Meznar and five committed sales people, including their son Joe.
ECO-FRIENDLY: Above is the new briquette machine and below a finished product.
MANY sustainable principles were implemented with the construction of Meznar Furniture’s new factory in Willaston. The most significant by far is the new state of the art dust extractor combining with a briquette machine. Prior to this Meznar Furniture’s wood shavings and sawdust was simply binned and sent to landfill sites. The company’s briquette machine compresses the by-products to 10 per cent of their original volume using only the natural moisture content of the timber to bind it together and there are no additives required. The end result is a natural eco-friendly recycled firewood product. The team at Meznar are also researching the possibility of other uses for the briquettes such as carbonisation and garden mulch. Business owner Peter Meznar said there are many benefits associated with adopting new and improving existing sustainability measures. “Manufacturing our furniture from scratch in Gawler from locally sourced plantation timbers greatly reduces our carbon footprint due to minimum associated transport,” Peter said. “We are active members of Trees For Life and to date have planted over 7000 native seedlings on our rural property. “The importance of the sustainability aspect of our business has been promoted in our advertising campaigns. “With an increasing demand on firewood, due to escalating power costs, we are supplementing this limited natural resource.” Having just completed a mammoth growth phase with the manufacturing aspect of the Meznar Furniture business, the company is now focusing on improving its efficiencies and achieving full potential of the new facility. “We have many new capabilities we need to explore and expand,” Peter said. “Currently the briquettes are being distributed for firewood and we are very excited with outside interest shown for other potential uses.”
Employment Opportunity Aerobic System Technician North/North East Round This is a career opportunity for the right person; everybody in this company has started as a technician as you must understand our key business. The role involves travelling from property to property servicing Aerobic Treatment Systems and associated products. • You must be self motivated as you will work alone most of the time. • You must be well organised as you will be responsible for organising yourself • You must be able to work to targets • You must be able to solve problems that arise • You will be away from home approximately 1-2 weeks every 3 months • You must be willing to undertake training to become qualified to fill the role Salary Range and Perks; the position pays a base rate commencing with $19.00 per hour plus penalties during training period , then up to $23.00 per hour plus
penalties once training has been completed, plus the use of a fully maintained company vehicle for business and private use. Pete’s Treat Waste Water Solutions; is the only total waste water solutions company in South Australia, we are only 4 years old and have doubled every year since commencement of business. Our head office is located in Seaford, South Australia and we have technicians working from home basis scattered around the state. We are committed to ISO standards and procedures and developing training systems for our industry. Essential Requirements; the applicant must be fit and capable of lifting and bending have an aptitude for problem solving. A driver’s licence is essential and a basic awareness of computing would be an advantage.
Email for job description: Or Phone John Atkinson on 8556 4111 Wednesday, May 30, 2012 - Page 20 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Get in before it gets cold NOW is the perfect time to call David and Sibohn Strawbridge from Barossa Gawler Maintenance to book in a time and get your chimney or flue cleaned. Servicing the Barossa, Gawler, northern metropolitan suburbs, Kapunda, Freeling, Angle Vale, Two Wells, Mallala, Balaklava and the Mid-North regions, Gawler Barossa Maintenance can help
keep you and your family warm and safe this winter. With prompt, reliable and friendly service, David and Sibohn pride themselves on the reputation of their business. You can call and book in a service, or to make it easier, you can arrange for ongoing scheduled maintenance at no extra cost. This is where David and Sibohn
will contact their customers and arrange a visit when their chimney is due for servicing. David has all the skills and experience to help you get the most out of your fire or combustion heater, and make sure you are safe and cozy all winter. So for peace of mind, to improve efficiency and protect your family’s health, contact Barossa Gawler Maintenance on 0407 189 215.
DON’T GET BURNT THIS WINTER! Clean your flue or Chimney today SAVE MONEY
EVERYONE loves snuggling up around a lovely warm fire in the cold winter months, but not everyone thinks about how to get the most out of their fireplace. Keeping your flue and chimney clean is essential to keeping warm. A clean chimney is not only about safety, but also about saving you money.
By getting a clean out before each winter, you can prevent chimney fires, while keeping it clean also maximises burning efficiency. A fire or wood combustion heater that is dull or smokey is likely to be suffering from poor air flow and smoke escape. This can be easily solved with a simple clean.
BE SAFE Reduces the chance of a chimney fire CONTACT DAVID TODAY
0407 189 215
Keep warm for less
Improve efficiency and save on firewood costs
KEEP WARM THIS WINTER WITH ADELAIDE NORTHERN AIR Reverse cycle ducted Reverse cycle hi wall splits Ducted evaporative cooling Ducted gas heating
1300 424 726 Fully Licenced
1300 4 AIRCON 0413 248 590 Email: 86 Main North Road, Blakeview SA 5114 Wednesday, May 30, 2012 - Page 21 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
BLD225082 Refrigeration mechanics Reg: L062424 Electrical license: PGE163738
8523 1043
Ph 8523 5755
0448 195 524
16 Paxton Street WILLASTON
Lot 10A Kelly Rd WILLASTON
P/F 8564 8325 0428 648 325 Eden Valley Rd Keyneton
8523 3833
90 Murray Street Gawler Techme Gawler 8463 1603
Lot 7 Paxton St WILLASTON 8522 2585
8522 2614
Ph 8523 2299 44A Adelaide Rd GAWLER
16a Paxton Street WILLASTON
WIN AA $100 $100 FUEL FUEL VOUCHER VOUCHER WIN Just spot one of the above vehicles, write down their number plate/rego number, fill in the coupon and post it or drop it into the Herald in Tanunda. The first correct entry drawn will win a $100 Fuel Voucher. Entries must be received by Wednesday June 6th
M. 0433 641 422 Lot 10A Kelly Road WILLASTON
8522 2000
80 Adelaide Rd GAWLER
8523 3319 0427 233 319 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT
28A Adelaide Road GAWLER
PO Box 43 Tanunda 5352, Shop 1/119 Murray St
Name ......................................................................................................................................................................................... Address ...................................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................. Phone ...................................................................... Name of Business .................................................................................... Rego Number ...........................................................
Wednesday, May 30, 2012 - Page 22 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Safety commendable
Wheels & Tyres $65
235/45 R17
175/65 R14
235/40 R18
185/65 R14
245/45 R18
195/50 R15
245/35 R19
205/65 R15
L/T185 R14
215/60 R16
L/T195 R14
8523 51 10 Lot 17 Little Paxton St WILLASTON
N15 NISSAN PULSAR PLUS SEDAN Manual, alloys, great tyres, spoiler, 1 owner, very clean & tidy car WJK977
ALL VEHICLES ARE AVAILABLE WITH AN AUSTRALIA-WIDE WARRANTY FOR PEACE OF MIND LAND ROVER DISCOVERY TD5 SERIES II Auto, A/C, Pwr Steer, 4WD, Downhill Assist, ABS Brakes, tinted windows, alloy wheels, tow bar, service books, white in colour, very tidy inside & out AA941N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $12,990* PJ FORD RANGER 4x2 Turbo diesel, 5 spd man, A/C, pwr steer, CD player, bench seat, dual airbags, alloy tray, 1 owner, books, t/bar, very clean & tidy, good tyres XDY045 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $12,990* 2001 VOLKSWAGEN BEETLE ICON Auto, A/c, pwr steering, in stunning black, alloy wheels, lady owner, keyless entry XKX792 $12,990* BA FORD FALCON XR6 MKII Madarin, good tyres, a/c, TIPTRONIC auto, p/steer, immaculate XTM204 . . . . . . . . REDUCED $10,990* BA FORD FALCON XT MKII Navy blue in colour, dual fuel, A/C, pwr steering, tiptronic auto XGH162 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9,990* BA FORD FAIRMONT Navy Blue, A/C, pwr seats, pwr windows, cruise control, vol control, and alloy wheels XIG129. . . . . . . . . $9,990* HYUNDAI TUCSON CITY 4x2 Automatic, A/C, pwr steer, alloy wheels, keyless entry, cruise control, good high driving position, easy to get in and out, books, good service history XPP022 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9,990* MITSUBISHI COLT ES First reg 2007, manual, A/c, pwr steering, keyless entry, in stunning silver, very economical XME419 $9,990* HOLDEN JACKAROO 3.0L Turbo Diesel, Bull bar, tow bar, man, A/C, p/steer, roof bars, tinted windows, good tyres, white WJJ043$7,990* VT COMMODORE EXEC SEDAN Genuine 98,000kms, white, a/c, p/steer, drivers airbag, very clean & tidy car. WFC231. . . . . . . $6,990* VS STATESMAN V6, a/c, p/steer, luxury at an affordable price, alloys, silver in colour. S/N 073 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . REDUCED $6,990* HYUNDAI ACCENT 3 Door update, a/c, p/steer, p/windows, manual, celadon blue, books WZO133 . . . . . . . . . . . . . REDUCED $6,990* HOLDEN BARINA SXI 3 door hatch, 5 speed manual, A/C, pwr steer S/N123 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . REDUCED $6,990* MERCEDES C240 CLASSIC SEDAN Auto, white, a.c, p/steer, passenger, drivers & side airbags, luxury. WBV-880 . . . . . . . . $6,990* SUBARU LIBERTY GX AWD Manual, A/C, pwr steer, pwr windows, tidy interior, excellent tyres, very tidy car WBE316 . . . . . . $6,990* SUBARU LIBERTY GX AWD Auto, A/C, pwr steer, pwr windows, tidy interior & tidy car, burgundy in colour WFK386 . . . . . . . . $6,990* VX HOLDEN COMMODORE Series 2, executive, white in colour, a/c, p/steer, SS factory alloys. XAV791 . . . . . . . . . . REDUCED $5,990* HYUNDAI ACCENT 3 Door, factory bodykit, spoiler, alloys, CD player with aux, 5 spd man, window tint, red XCA865 . . . . . . . . $5,490* BMW E34 525i 4 Door sedan, 5 speed auto, white in colour, a/c, p/steering, very tidy for its age WPE978 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,990* HYUNDAI ACCENT 3 door, manual, 14” alloys, spoiler, Red in colour, A/C, pwr steer. WNB314 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,990* HYUNDAI LANTRA SEDAN Manual, a/c, pwr steer, pwr windows, keyless entry, alloys, spoiler, silver in colour WPP641 . . . . . . . $4,990* HYUNDAI EXCEL LX 5 door, automatic, air conditioning, p/steering VRH052 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . REDUCED $3,990* XG FORD UTE Column auto, benchseat, dual fuel, A/C, fibreglass canopy, alloy bulbar WDX358 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,990* FORD FESTIVA TRIO Manual, a/c, very economical, great first car WLL055 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . REDUCED $2,990* DAEWOO LANOS 3 door hatch, manual, air con, low km’s, with books S/N 4099 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,990* JK HOLDEN APOLLO SL Automatic, excellent first car, white VEM707 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,990* N13 NISSAN PULSAR SEDAN Automatic, a/c, pwr steering, cloth trim, great first car VAK609 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,990* HVT ELANTRA HATCH Manual, Spoiler, Alloys, Low kms, electric blue. XBF376 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AU FALCON UTE Auto, 17” alloys, canopy, towbar, white in colour S755ALC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . KIA CARNIVAL LS PEOPLE MOVER Auto, A/C, pwr steer, tinted windows, dark green S659ANI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . STEJCRAFT CUDDY CABIN (BOAT) 40hp Evinrude, on trailer CR244S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Call Matthew 0407 511 774
178 Murray St, Tanunda
175/70 R13
Great Value From $65
TEMPTING: A Mercedes Benz B Class which might prove within your budget.
THE new Mercedes-Benz B-Class is a difficult car to compartmentalise. It’s a hatchback or perhaps a crossover, but tall and MPV-like despite being five centimetres lower than before. Officially, it falls into the “premium hatchback” category but it will be fighting for sales against the BMW X1 and Audi Q3, although they are more SUV-like than the B-Class. Nissan’s Dualis is probably closest in concept but doesn’t have anywhere near the same image. The Volvo V50 wagon, Audi A3 or even Mini are less versatile, as is Mitsubishi’s ASX. Motive power for the B-Class includes both petrol and diesel versions. Notably, the B200 diesel model is equipped to the same specification and priced identically to the B200 petrol model (most manufacturers charge a premium for diesel versions). The petrol engines are new, both 1.6litres but in different states of tune: the B 180 produces 90kW and 200Nm, the B 200 115kW and 250Nm. The B 200 CDI is the diesel variant. The 1.8-litre engine produces 100kW and 300Nm. Fuel consumption has been improved by up to 21 per cent. The B 200 CDI returns 4.7 litres/100km (122g CO2/km). The B 180 petrol model achieves 6.1 litres/100km (141g CO2/km). The only transmission is the sevenspeed dual clutch automatic with integrated stop/start technology. While the diesel variant outshines the petrol versions, there is a strong argument for buying the entry-level B 180 petrol version. At $38,950, the B 180 is $5000 less
than the B 200 petrol or diesel. In normal driving, the slightly lower power and torque are hardly noticeable. The fuel savings are impressive but will take quite some time to offset the higher purchase price (although if your preference is for the B 200, the diesel at the same price - $43,950 - is the clever buy). There’s more interior space and more luxury. The driving position is excellent and the ambience enhanced by a large TFT colour screen, simple but stylish instruments, new-design air vents, redesigned dashboard and instrument binnacle. The B 200 models gain interior leather, 17-inch twin-spoke alloy wheels and black ash wood trim, all of which are pleasant but not greatly missed in the B 180. Safety is commendable. Pre-Safe is a system of preventive occupant protection first introduced in the S-Class in 2002 and has now found its way down through the range to the BClass. When an impending collision is detected, Pre-Safe tensions the seat belts, closes the side windows and sunroof and adjusts the front passenger seat to the best position to deal with the situation. The radar-based collision warning system and adaptive brake assist are claimed to reduce rear-end collisions by 20 per cent by giving an acoustic and visual warning to alert a possibly distracted driver to identified obstacles. It is standard across the range. There is a full complement of more usual safety systems, plus an extensive list of optional safety features.
*Price does not include stamp duty or govt. charges
Wednesday, May 30, 2012 - Page 23 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
LVD 2515
COUNTRY STITCHERS fund raisers for CARERS LINK BAROSSA & DISTRICTS INC will be in the BAROSSA MALL on Wed 30th Thurs 31st June 2012. We will have plenty of winter warmers for the cold weather,eg bed socks, hats/caps, knee warmers, rugs, quilts, cot quilts, h/water bottle covers, knitwear, littlies retro PJ's, wheat heat bags, gloves, mittens, fingerless gloves, Crows and Pt Power caps, tea cosies (lined), girls retro pinnies sets, ironing board covers (standard,15"x48" large151⁄2 "x 53")crocheted top ttowels, casserole carriers & cushions. Times: Wed 30th May 10am-5.30pm. Thurs 31st, Fri 1st June 9am - 5.30pm. Browsers Welcome
SELLING, BUYING .......? Advertise in the Herald classifieds, and get results! Giveaway ads are run for 1 week, FREE. You can now place your classified ad at Kapunda Newsagency, deadline is Monday 5.00p.m. Classified deadline 5.00pm Monday. (Maybe subject to change) Ph: 85632041, Fax: 85633655 or email
HAVING A GARAGE SALE? Advertise in The Herald classifieds, and get results! All Garage Sale ads MUST be prepaid. You can now place your classified ad at Kapunda Newsagency, deadline is Monday 4.30 pm. Classified deadline 5.00pm Monday (Maybe subject to change) Ph: 85632041 Fax: 85633655 or email
TAMINGA mirror backed display cabinet. Height 2.2 metres, width 1 metre, depth 40 cm. $100 ono Ph: 85663955
NURIOOTPA 4 Robin Ave. Saturday 2nd June. 8.30 a.m. - 12.30 p.m. MOVING SALE: Fridge, chairs, double bed, washing machine, odds & ends.
WHITE, Sandra In loving memory of a Wife, Mum & Nanna. You passed away 19 years ago. Resting where no shadows fell. In perfect peace she awaits us all. Loved always Daryl, Megan and Michael, Renee and Jason, Kane, Sara, Haylen, Simone, Byran, Jonah and Jett. IN MEMORIAM
HARRIS, Dulcie May Passed away May 31st, 2005. Jesus turned and saw her, take heart daughter, he said your faith has healed you. Jesus said, I am the resurrection and the life, he who believed in me though he die, yet shall he live. I miss you, but sweet is the hope that again we shall meet, kneeling together at Jesus feet. Sadly missed. Your ever loving husband Graham “Red”.
FOR SALE 2008 HARDIE two row Covermax sprayer 2300 Litre Poly Tank Hydrolic lift with individual fold & tilt Includes Spray Controller $27,500 Ph: 0407721517 3.7 METRE fibre glass run-about $3,200. 6 x 4 trailer $450 ono. Enquiries 0430538190 ALL ITEMS in very good condition. Sofa Bed $200, Pine Unit $30, Silver metal single bed with mattress $100 Phone enquiries after 6pm please 85622364 Barossa New Life Church TREASURE CHEST - FURNITURE MART 10 Murray St, Nuriootpa Tel. 85622988 Monday - Friday 9am - 4pm Saturday 9am - 12pm All donations of furniture, clothing, bric-a-brac enable us to assist our Community BAROSSA VALLEY Country Furniture Paint Stripping Furniture Restoration Custom Made. David Bush 0419628222 BED single white with innerspring mattress, as new $120 ono; tallboy solid timber white 6 drawers $150 as new, bargain. Gill 85632223 BOAT aluminium tinny. 3.65m. 15 h.p. Yamaha motor. Registered. New trailer, registered. Extras. $3,500 Ph: 0428235402 CASH FOR BOTTLES & CANS. Wine bottles, batteries, phone Lange's Can & Bottle Depot on 85642292 for trading hours, 20 Newcastle St, Angaston.
CURTAINS 3 x 7' drop, 51⁄2' wide, pinch pleated, pretty plum colour with backing and rings. $45 the lot. Nearly new, "gorgeous". Ph: 85652111 ENGEL & WAECO 12/24/240 volt fridge /freezers. All models. Best prices in the State. Gawler Fishing & Outdoors 85226200 FIREWOOD Mallee Gum $260 tonne, split gum $280 tonne, delivered in Barossa & surrounding areas. Purchase 2 tonne & receive a discount. Ph: 0413636454 FIREWOOD Quality seasoned. Split red. blue, sugar gum, mallee stumps sawn mallee & bags of kindling. Weighbridge docket supplied. Pickup or deliver AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY. Matthew Reimann, Firewood Supplies. 0413089743. Delivery available 7 days by appointment. Credit Cards now accepted. FORKLIFT. HYSTER - 250xl. 2,500kg. Recent history. Engine had been overhauled by a local garage just before I purchased it. Recent radiator recore. (possibly at the same time). Checked brake linings and fitted 2 new handbrake cables. High rise air cleaner fitted. 4 new tryes fitted, (pneu). Steering cylinder and all linkages overhauled. New starter fitted. New battery. New seat. New paint. Full service, incl filters. Hydraulics are all great. Lift chain and tynes are good. Capacity is 2500kg. Lift height is 3800mm. Side shift. Since putting it into service, (2 months ago) we have used only 3 cylinders of gas .Genuine reason for selling. $5700 Mobile: 0427825287. Hay Shed. 9m x 18m x 5m (30' x 60' x 16'8) $9,600 or make an offer. Ph. 1300 553 779.
HAY OATEN WHEATEN Hay from $35 roll Phone Peter & Bev Grocke 0429 694 058 or 8563 2113 JACKSON'S FIREWOOD free bag kindling with every order. Dry split redgum mallee pink gum. Weighed delivery only. 0400083852 KINDLING - OAK Hot, clean fire starter for large logs. 10 Kg. bag $8 Tubbies Australia, 45 - 63 Mt. Crawfrod Road, Williamstown. LEADLIGHT - Local, professional affordable leadlight. I'll come to you, or call at Gawler Glass Design studio, 58 Yettie Rd, Williamstown. Weekly classes. Bob Pirch 85247241 MAINS pressure blue line poly from $37 roll. Gawler Irrigation, Lot 11, Paxton Street, Willaston. Ph: 85232350 NEED A PUMP? For all your needs, Gawler Irrigation, Lot 11, Paxton Street, WILLASTON. Ph: 85232350 PEA STRAW for sale $4 per bale delivered. Ph: 85663916 PLANTS - Natives, perennials, tube stock, water wise etc. MORNING STAR NURSERY Lot 1 Cossins St., Kapunda. Ph: 85663952. Open Thursday to Sunday 9am- 5pm. QUEEN SIZE ensemble. Excellent condition. $400. Ph: 85662987
UTE CANOPY to suit Holden Commodore ute. $200 Ph: 0432587994 WHEATEN HAY for sheep or cattle $4 /bale. Horse hay $6/bale. Ph: 0408856092 WINE TANKS. (Stainless Steel) (Suit many other liquids) Surplus to our ongoing needs, 1 x 1,800ltr, 1 x 3,500ltr, (new with cooling) 1 x 4,500ltr, (new with cooling) 1 x 5,250ltr (transport unit) 2 x 6,000ltr, (insulated) 2 x 7,000ltr 1 x 9,000ltr (insulated) 1 x 10,500ltr, 2 x 10,000ltr, 2 x 14,000ltr, (insulated) 1 x 12,200ltr, Vertical fermenter/storage. (used 2 seasons)
PENRICE ROAD, ANGASTON Next to Penrice Quarry Phone Michael 8564 3578 For prices WH1823752
FISHER, Doug Congratulations DAD, Grandpa, Great Grandpa on your 80th Birthday, 29/05 /2012. Lots of love from Beverley, Gary, Graham and Annette and families.
Falcon BA Sedan 4 Litre motor and auto transmission, 164,000 km, good panels. Ford Falcon BF III Stationwagon 4 Litre LPG only motor and auto transmission, 56,000 km. Ford Falcon BF Sedan 4 Litre motor and auto transmission, Injected LPG, 101,000 km. Holden Commodore VZ Sedan 3.6 Litre motor and auto transmission. Holden Commodore VZ Stationwagon 3.6 Litre motor and auto transmission, roof rack. Holden Commodore VZ Crewman Utility 3.6 Litre motor and auto transmission, 47,000 km Holden Commodore VY Sedan 3.8 Litre motor and auto transmission. Holden Commodore VE 60th Anniversary Sedan 3.6 Litre motor and auto transmission, factory alloys
GAWLER MOTOR WRECKING 3 Prescott Crescent, Gawler Belt 8522 5677 or 0416 081 109
FOR HIRE SLUSHIE/FROZEN Cocktail Machine HOT CHOCOLATE Cocktail Machine PUCKER POWDER . FAIRY FLOSS Slush-a-Licous Phone Pina 0434141097 Family owned, locally operated.
Wednesday, May 30, 2012 - Page 24 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
SATURDAY 2/6 & Sunday 3/6. 9am 4pm. 5 Schilling Estate, Lot 10 Maxwell Street, Kapunda. Clothing, crockery, pots, pans, etc. SATURDAY 2nd June. 5 Madiera Street, Nuriootpa. 9am - 1pm. Furniture, baby goods and bric-a-brac.
WANTED ANY SCRAP METAL Will pay cash for the removal of yours. Ph: 0412259039 ANYTHING WITH METAL Cash 4 cars, free collection. HAPPY SCRAPPY recycle it! 85630213 or 0406411117 CASH FOR SCRAP METAL I AM LOCAL. Ph: 0411165694 CASH FOR UNWANTED CARS and scrap metal. Ph: 0404856309 WANTED GRAZING LAND. Eden Valley /Flaxmans Valley and Barossa Ranges. Sheep only. Hills or vineyard, agistment or lease. Payment in advance. Ph. 0418851483
MOTOR VEHICLES CASH FOR CARS and scrap metal. Ph: 0404856309 FALCON XF Ute. 1990. White duco, 3 seater, a/c, fibre glass canopy, alloy bull bar, 15" mags, tow bar & alarm. Regretfull sale. $3,450 firm. VGC-845 Ph: 0419858997
GARDEN ROCKS medium Kapunda 0458 896 888
PARTYLITE Clearance Sale. Retired Candle Holders, Accessories & Wax. Saturday 2nd June 8am-4pm & Sunday 3rd 8am-2pm. 77 Main North Road, Willaston. Enquiries 0408814954
FORD panel van. 1988 VFD-631 $4,000 ono. Ph: 0409300354 HOLDEN Baina Hatchback. 1996. Dark blue, manual, good condition. VXS-651. $2,000 ono. Ph: 04076112378 after hours only. HOLDEN COMMODORE 1994 VR SS, 5 litre, 5 speed manual, exc. cond. only 90,000kms, S443AFM, $11,500 ono 0430906434 HOLDEN COMMODORE 1996 VS S pack, 3.8 litre, auto, great body, motor needs rebuild, $800 ono XFL-401 0430906434 HOLDEN COMMODORE VN Berlina 1990, 5 litre, V8, auto, great condition, 3 months rego. VN5000 $2,500 ono 0430906434 MAZDA TRIBUTE SPORTS, 4WD, auto, station wagon, airbags, radio/CD, c /control, A/C, P/S, electric mirrors & windows, tinted windows, alloy wheels, cargo barrier, reg, low kms, XKL-459 $26,500 (08) 85623636 MITSUBISHI EXPRESS VAN 1997 155k, exc. cond., good a/c, roof racks, shelving, ready to work, WCU-494, $3995 ono 0458 896 888 SUZUKI LIANA auto, sed., A/C, P/S, radio /CD, electric windows & mirrors, alloy wheels, spoiler, twin airbags, reg., 44,200kms, only XJW-648, $10,990 Ph. 0408 844 709
CRAFT LESSONS Thursdays: 1:00-3:30pm at Lutheran Community Care 16 Gawler St Nuriootpa
Needs a Finance Co-ordinator. This is a volunteer posi on, with 6 short mee ngs per year, and some monthly bookkeeping.
For more information or to register: Tel: 08 8562 2688 Gold Coin Donation
If you are interested, please contact Kym Haebich at 0408 811 392, or email to
(An Outreach of the Uniting Church in Nuriootpa) (Corner of Memorial Avenue and Murray Street)
Saturday Market
2nd of June 2012
J.W. SMART WOOLBUYERS PTY LTD. Will buy all types. Flexible hours. Ph: 0417878486 -
• Furniture • Manchester • Men’s, Ladies’, Children’s Clothing • Shoes • Crockery • Records • Toys • Books • Assorted Bric-a-Brac
HOOTZ DOG GROOMING Mobile. Qualified groomer. Nuriootpa Ph: Justin 0406840020 HYDROPAWS 4pawfectpaws. Mobile nose to tail pet care. Heated hydrobath, blowdry, nails & clipping. Ph: Bridget 0488444542
HEALTH & BEAUTY REMEDIAL MASSAGE Trigger Point, Deep Tissue, Myo-Fascial, Lymphatic. Wed, Fri - 1A Bilyara Rd, Tanunda. Ph. 0409631553 Thurs - Petite Pear Shop 3 Gilbert St, Lyndoch. Lynnette Roesler Ph. 85245156. Health Rebates.
8566 3125 or 0400 7600 10
Therapeutic Massage Aromatherapy Massage Aromatherapy Pamper Packages Pregnancy Massage Myofascial Release Reiki & Energy Healing Seven Years Professional Experience Gift Vouchers Available Pensional Discounts Available
TUITION MATHS TUTOR Many years experience. Patient & encouraging. Great results so far. Grades 3 - 9. Steve 0414965029 ZUMBA at Greenock Institute. Wednesdays 10.15am. & 6.30pm. Instructor Sue Evans. Ph: 85628184
COMING EVENTS ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Need Help? Contact 83463255 Meeting: Friday's - C.W.A. Building Kapunda - 8pm.
Applicable to display: Positions Vacant, Coming Events, Public Notices and other boxed classifieds.
• Hinged & Sliding Security Doors • Security Window Screens • Safe-S-Cape Keyless Fire Exits • Patio Enclosures • Commercial Security Screening • Cyclone Screening • Tamper Resistant Fasteners
Stand out from the crowd!
ROMAN SHADES We e Aust xceed standralian ards
Phone 8563 2041 or email:
Vertical screening ideal for outdoor restaurants, patios, verandahs, corporate signage. For sun and UV protection choose the fabric that suitsyour needs from hi-tech solar fabrics from France - PVC tinted or clear, blackout fabrics or stylish acrylic. The Ziptrak guide system has no ropes, no zips, no straps, no buckles.
Barossa Window Fashions
1800 447 499 Box 46, Tanunda SA 5352
Come and hear
Pastor Len Hawes Barossa New Life Centre
CORRECTION to 23 May 2012 Public Notice
Cnr Barossa Valley Way & Siegersdorf Rd
Sunday 3rd June at 10am & 6.30pm Monday 4th & Tuesday 5th at 7.30pm and at Mt Pleasant Anglican Hall Sunday 4pm
Please be advised that the date for verbal submissions printed in the 23 May 2012 edition of this paper was incorrect.
Prayer for Healing Enquiries 8562 3844
The correct date for which verbal submissions can be made is 19 June 2012 at 10am at the ordinary meeting of Council.
PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ALL GAS FITTING Space serviced from $95. Gasglow - 0425148969
DRAFT Annual Budget and Business Plan 2012-13 incorporating the annual review of the Long Term Financial Plan 2012-13 to 2021-22.
For any further clarification, please contact Mark Lague, Manager, Financial Services on 8563 8444.
CHIMNEY CLEANING Local Barossa Service Phone: David 0407189215 CHIROPRACTOR. Dr Kana Nathan 39 Murray St, Angaston. Consulting Saturdays Ph. 85642882 CIVIL CELEBRANT - Angela Nielsen Ceremonies designed for you. Marriages, namings, committment and renewal of vows. Ph: 0408107940 or 85642773 LEADLIGHT STUDIO make new, repair old, traditional to contemporary. For quality & competitive prices contact Tracy 85246959 Willliamstown
Light Regional Council DRAFT ANNUAL BUSINESS PLAN and BUDGET 2012/2013
Public Consultation Council has prepared its Draft Annual Business Plan and Budget for the 2012/2013 financial year. An invitation is extended to all members of the Light region community to have their say on Council’s draft Annual Business Plan/ Budget proposals for the year ahead. Document copies can be downloaded from Council’s website, or viewed at Council’s offices and libraries from Wednesday, 30 May 2012. Written submissions can also be submitted using Council’s on-line form via its website. Community feedback is important and Council will be pleased to receive written/online submissions up to 5:00pm on Wednesday, 20 June 2012. The Public Meeting for Consultation will be held at the Kapunda Council Chambers, 93 Main Road Kapunda on Wednesday, 20 June 2012 at 6:00pm to receive verbal submissions on the proposals for the 2012/2013 financial year. Please contact Mrs Valda Baker-Wells on telephone 08 8525 3200 by 5:00pm 20 June 2012 if you wish to make a verbal submission at the meeting.
Brian Carr Chief Executive Officer WH1815553
MARKETS Sat 2nd June. Junction Motel, Tanunda 9.30 - 2.30. Craig's fruit/veg. Variety stalls. Sunday 3rd June, Truro Weighbridge Motel 10.00 - 3.00. Sites $10. Glenda 85633181
• Bacon & Egg Sandwiches • Sausage Sizzle • Coffee or Tea 8.30am START
BELINDA'S PAMPERED PETS NURIOOTPA Professional dog grooming by an animal lover. EFTPOS now available. Ph: 0418810323
When you place a display classified ad you can have a full colour logo or key parts of the text for only $55 on top of the price of the ad. WH1823871
LARGE 30Square Family Home for RENT /LEASE in Nurioopta- 4 Double Bedrooms Sunken Formal Lounge/Dining $350 per week. Call Mobile 0409693650
Can you help?
JAYCO camper dble bed, lounge & annex. New canvas. Tidy van $6,500 TUY-036 SPACELINE 11'6 pop top single beds, air cond & awning. Priced to clear $4,990 TVZ-720 VISCOUNT 12'10 pop top dble bed, club dinette & r/o awning. Good cond. $6,500 YCD-741 WINDSOR 12' pop top rear entry, single beds & awning. Well pres. $9,500 TCO-732 Gawler Caravan Centre 57 Para Road EVANSTON 8522 2707
HANDS ON DOGS Providing services for your dogs. Grooming, massage, convalescence care. Call Jenny on 85232452 Gawler or 0423 474 287
Wednesday, May 30, 2012 - Page 25 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
J.T. Johnson & Sons – Kapunda
We are looking for vibrant, enthusiastic staff who will work well in a team environment and who have the desire to exceed customer expectations. Ideally you will have experience in a similar fine dining role with wine knowledge also an advantage. You would be well presented and be available to work weekends and nights. Please forward your applications to
$4000 Government Training Incen ves are available for *eligible par cipants making the course cost neutral!
Call to discuss (08) 8562 2122
Sales and Marketing Position An opportunity now exists to join one of South Australia’s leading producers and supplier of Free Range Eggs, based at Tarlee. If you, • have an Innovative Outlook on Sales and Marketing, • are Self Driven, • work well in a Small team • both create but also participate in the entire sales function • are a sales focussed individual with values consistent with a family business structure this role will give you that opportunity. While a Tertiary education is desirable, experience in sales and marketing, particularly to the food or beverage industries will be equally considered. If this role is of interest to you, please provide a written application, no later than COB Friday 15th June. If you require further information, contact Ange Rohde on 0417 834636, or at A very unique and exciting opportunity has become available to join Barossa's premium catering team, Hand Made Catering. If you are passionate about amazing food, good wine and exceptional service, then we need to meet you. You must be experienced in all facets of Front of House, have great leadership skills, be available week ends and be well presented. 1822519
– committed to excellence in Local Government
ICT HELPDESK OFFICER Fixed Term Contract (2 Years) Our ICT Department is currently seeking an entry level Helpdesk Officer to join their team. The role reports to the Manager ICT and is responsible for providing hands on administrative support for the daily operation of the ICT department and to all ICT users. To be successful within this role you will require; • Knowledge of ICT service and support practices. • Good communication, decision making and problem solving skills. • Ability to prioritise tasks. • Ability to work well within a team environment. Whilst not essential, applicants currently undertaking relevant training to certificate II level will be highly regarded. For further information please refer to or contact Human Resources on 8563 8444. To apply please forward your application addressing the qualifications, specialist knowledge and skills required to The Barossa Council, PO Box 867, Nuriootpa SA 5355 or email, by Wednesday 13th June 2012. The Barossa Council is committed to EEO principles, workplace diversity and professional development.
GARDENING/LANDSCAPING lawnmowing, edging/hedging, weed spraying, rubbish removal, bobcat hire, design, irrigation, mulching, planting, large rocks available. Paul 0417 130 601 HOME CLEANING & IRONING - $15 off first reg. service so you try us out. Ph: Carolyn or Nat till 8pm daily incl. w/ends. 0409691576 PAINTER Local experience. Quality work. Free quote. Ph: Peter 0417805982 Lic. No. BLD48086 ROLLER shutter repairs 08 85662922
Interested applicants should forward their resume with a cover letter and or brief e-mail outlining why they are interested in this opportunity to: or post to J.T. Johnson & Sons, P.O. Box 69 Kapunda, 5373 (Att: HR Officer) by Friday 2nd June 2012.
The Barossa – committed to excellence in Local Government
ICT APPLICATIONS TECHNICAL SPECIALIST Fixed Term Contract (3 Years) We currently have an opportunity for a dynamic and highly motivated ICT Applications Technical Specialist to join our ICT Department. This role reports to the Manager ICT and plays a vital role in assisting with the management of our corporate application systems to ensure full functionality, capability and organisational efficiency is achieved.
• Advanced ICT capabilities and experience • Competent problem solving and trouble shooting skills
Applications are invited for the position of Accommodation Support Worker to work as part of the Community Lifestyle Connexions team, a division of Barossa Enterprises. The Position provides Accommodation, Lifestyle and Tenancy support to adults with a broad range of disabilities. The Accommodation Support Worker is responsible to the Manager of Community Support Services. Desirable: • Previous experience working with people who have a disability • Knowledge of Social Inclusion Model • Effective communication and time-management skills • Medication Training • Working in a Child Safe Environment Essential: • Qualification in, or working towards Certificate lll or lV in Community Services • Current Senior First Aid • Current Police Check
• Excellent communication skills and ability to negotiate and correspond with various stakeholders • Knowledge of strategic management practices and principles relevant to ICT • Relevant qualifications to Associate Diploma level or lesser qualifications with substantial experience Previous experience in Local Government will be highly regarded, as will previous exposure to applications such as Pathway, FinanceOne, SharePoint, MapInfo and TRIM. For further information please refer to or contact Human Resources on 8563 8444. To apply please forward your application addressing the qualifications, specialist knowledge and skills required to The Barossa Council, PO Box 867, Nuriootpa SA 5355 or email, by Wednesday 13th June 2012. The Barossa Council is committed to EEO principles, workplace diversity and professional development.
The Barossa
JT Johnson’s are a local family owned business that have been in operation since 1923. Johnson’s specialise in the production & export of livestock feed throughout Asia and the Middle East. With modern facilities, a family orientated approach and a professional work environment, Johnson’s provides an exciting and rewarding place to work. Johnson’s currently have an opportunity for General Mill Hands/ Operators to join their Operations team. Daily work activities include but are not limited to forklift operation, premix manual additions, operating automated bagging equipment, hay/ straw equipment duties, hay/ straw receivables, daily work sheet recording and general house keeping. This role would be ideal for self motivated, punctual individuals that have a current forklift license; a frontend loader license would be an advantage.
To be successful within this role you will require;
Accommodation Support Worker (Casual Position) WH1823250
Please email your resume and contact details to
CLEANERS needing extra work in school hours. Honest & reliable in your home. Ph: 0429007863
General Mill Hands/ Operators
WORK SCHOOL HOURS Earn $19 - $40 P/H,. Helping busy families with their housework. No weekends or evenings. Own car essential. Call 83525400. Absolute Domestics.
DENTAL RECEPTIONIST / NURSE Casual position available at a busy Dental Practise located in Tanunda, Barossa Valley. Please forward your resumes to or post to NMDC,52 Ellen Street, Port Pirie SA 5540
For further information, contact Sue Day on (08)85624855 or Written applications can be forwarded to: Sue Day Community Lifestyle Connexions PO Box 955 NURIOOTPA SA 5355 Applications close: 6th June 2012
Wednesday, May 30, 2012 - Page 26 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
ERECTION & PREMATURE PROBLEMS? Help for $30. Money back g'tee. Free sample. 0424 452 329.
Sport STARPLEX Basketball Monday juniors 12 and under: Division One - Jets 50 def Little Lions 6; Barossa 22 def Trinity Triumph 21. Division Two - All Stars 22 def Trinity Magic 2; Barossa Bulldogs 12 def Trinity Wild Lions 6; T Legends 48 def Trinity Force 0; Sandy Creek 29 def Barossa 7; Centrals Little Lions 34 def Starplex Hawks 4; Red Devils 22 def Celtics 8. 14 and under: Brookers 21 def Undertakers 10; Hawks 20 def CCS Flight 10. 16 and under: CCS Crimson Tide 26 def Swishes 19; Barossa Red 29 drew with CCS Thundering Herd 29; Red Dragons 32 def The Crusaders 19. Monday evening men Division One: Wolverines def M&m’s 48-36; Crumpet Squad def Gang Green 50-38; He Got Game def Shooting Blanks 60-46; Run & Gun def Flight Team 74-46. Division Two: Black Knights def Flames 4638; Turbos def Wreckless 75-54; Kings def Beard of Chuck 32-26; Shakers def The Unknown 43-36; Orlago Bujic def Tune Squad 44-29; Hurricanes def Snakes 4626. Tuesday daytime ladies Cheeky Chicks 36 def Phantoms 27; Flukes 39 def Red & Blue Fairies 28; Flamin Flamingos 41 def Rhondavues 31. Tuesday juniors under 8s: Roar 13 def Lyndoch Dragons 0; Trinity Taipans 1 def Trinity Titans 0; Trinity Hornets 4 def Trinity Tigers 1; Williamstown Giants 16 def Lyndoch Tigers 0; Trinity Scorpions 4 def Junior 5 Stars 2. 10as: Sudden Impact 14 def Run & Gun 5. 10bs: Williamstown B 10 def Williamstown A 4; All Stars 24 def Trinity Red Devils 0; Rockstars 14 def Trinity Avatars 0; Roar 9 def Redbacks 4. Netball Monday night ladies
Harlis def Ladybirds 40-16; Divas def Krazy Kats 32-6; Trinity Red def Barossa High 5 34-10; Purple def by Trinity Yellow 16-32; Trinity Blue def Lutheran 34-27; Gotacks def Dash 40-20; The Bitties def Yummy Mummys 30-12; Fumblee Beez def by Pretzel Ninjas 12-18; Jitterbugs def The Collage 39-21. Tuesday evening mixed Pink Paws def Tropicals 39-14; Bright Sparks def by Balls of Steal 8-23; Falcons def by Black Thunder 28-32; TBA def Frilly Knickers 23-6; Silent Duck def Watermelons 42-5; Dirty Beaches def Fire Breathing Rubber Duckies 22-19 Wednesday juniors Netta 1: Trinity Yellow def by Trinity Blue 225; Starplex def by Trinity White 0-11. Netta 2: Trinity Yellow def by Trinity Orange 1-7; Trinity White def by Playford Primary 2-9. 11 and under: Trinity Light Orange def Trinity Light Blue 14-0; Trinity Green def by Evanston Tigers 9-13; Net Jets def by Trinity Blue 9-20; Rockabirdies def Trinity Orange 18-9. 13 and under: Trinity Orange def Trinity Yellow 16-8; Trinity White def by Trinity Blue 3-20; Trinity Light Blue def Trinity Red 16-20. 16 & under: - Inter 1 - Trinity Red def Trinity Green 82-9; Trinity Blue def Trinity Dark Red 51-21. Inter 2 - Trinity Orange def by Trinity Light Blue 13-39; Craigmore def by Trinity Blue 10-30; Trinity Pink def by Trinity Yellow 8-20. Wednesday evening ladies Family Affairs def Wild Flamingos 27-25; Fruit Loops def Trinity 2 37-19; Diggidy Dogs def by Mamma Bears 15-25; Zulu Warriors def by Away T 15-22; Tosnc Blue def Trinity 1 27-25; Mels Army def by TBA 24-30; Menaposie def Bits & Pieces 40-16; Escapees def by Lollipops 14-28. Wednesday evening mixed Muffin Slammers 22 def Blue Zinc 16; Lucky Lemons 31 def Gen-y 9; Try Hards 23 def Whatever 13. Friday ladies daytime Mummas 34 def Straight Up 16; Wasleys 28 def Lady Birds 20.
Gawler 8-ball results Results from matches played on May 24. Division One: Overway WYM d Xchanged 10-5; Two Wells Tavern d Willaston Warriors 14-1; No Fear.Comm d Smithfield Filthy Fockers 10-5; Commercial Taverners d Exchange Hotel 11-4; Soccer Club Eagles d Roseworthy Blue d 8-7; Soccer Club Kruisers d Two Wells Clueless 8-7. Premiership Team PW L F A S Two Wells Tavern 7 6 1 77 28 11 Two Wells Commercial Taverners 7 6 1 70 35 11 Two Wells No Fear.Comm 7 6 1 65 40 11 Overway WYM 7 6 1 64 41 11 Smithfield Filthy Fockers 7 4 3 58 47 8 Xchanged 7 4 3 45 60 8 Soccer Club Eagles 7 3 4 46 57 6 Roseworthy Blue 7 2 5 49 56 4
Exchange Hotel Soccer Club Kruisers Willaston Warriors Two Wells Clueless
7 7 7 7
2 1 1 1
5 6 6 6
39 49 39 34
66 56 66 69
4 2 2 2
Division Two: Smithfield What The’s d Roseworthy Shooters 13-2; Smithfield SUS d Overway Underways 8-7; Lyndoch d Willaston Farcues 11-4. Premiership Team PW L F A S Smithfield What The’s 7 7 0 81 24 14 Smithfield SUS 7 6 1 60 45 12 Lyndoch Hotel 7 4 3 57 48 8 Willaston Farcues 7 2 5 41 64 4 Roseworthy Shooters 7 1 6 36 69 2 Overway Underways 7 1 6 40 65 2
BALANCE: Katie Gloede from Angaston displaying excellent control.
Wednesday, May 30, 2012 - Page 27 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Lions’ record splurge injury, South’s 28-12 is the highest score by a visiting side to Gawler Oval since Willaston’s 29-13 in 1988. “I was happy that we went into a game we were expected to win and everything seemed to go well, with everyone doing their job,” South coach Scott Lee said. “Everyone contributed, we used the ball well, which was an improvement on past games, as we had more composure in looking for targets and making the right decisions.” The Lions’ first quarter against the Tigers was awesome, with Justin Trewren kicking the game’s opening goal in the
MARK: South Gawler ruckman Mark Paget takes a strong grab during Saturday’s rout of Gawler Central.
ON THE back of a 10-goal first quarter, South Gawler beat Gawler Central at Gawler Oval by 120 points. The win saw the Lions leap into second spot on the BL&GFA table - its highest position at this stage of the season for more than a decade. Since the Barossa, Light & Gawler Football Association was formed in 1987, the Tigers have never lost their opening five games of a season, until now, and the Lions’ score on Saturday is their highest against Central in the same period. And to add insult to
first minute, which sent a clear signal that South meant business. A 10-minute patch midterm, where mercurial spearhead Anton Gerardis booted four majors - and five in the first quarter - saw South grab a 31-point lead, which by the end of the period had stretched to 56-points, 10-3 to 1-2. With a functioning forward line of Trewren, Gerardis and Brady Scott giving the Lions a threepronged attack, South looked capable of absolutely destroying the under-manned and under-sized Tigers. But although already behind the eightball in
2012 BL&G premiership tables A Grade 1 Tanunda 2 South Gawler 3 Barossa District 4 Nuriootpa 5 Kapunda 6 Willaston 7 Freeling 8 Angaston 9 Gawler Central Reserves 1 South Gawler 2 Angaston 3 Nuriootpa Rover 4 Willaston 5 Barossa District 6 Gawler Central 7 Kapunda 8 Tanunda 9 Freeling
P 5 6 4 5 5 5 6 5 5 P 6 5 5 5 4 5 5 5 6
W 5 4 3 3 3 2 2 1 0 W 6 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 1
L 0 2 1 2 2 3 4 4 5 L 0 1 2 2 2 3 4 4 5
D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
B 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 B 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0
For 539 601 394 403 389 438 390 336 284 For 489 332 331 309 240 219 230 195 268
Agst 218 429 288 341 404 418 568 494 614 Agst 225 268 202 266 227 325 316 314 470
% 71.20 58.35 57.77 54.17 49.05 51.17 40.71 40.48 31.63 % 68.49 55.33 62.10 53.74 51.39 40.26 42.12 38.31 36.31
Pts 10 8 6 6 6 4 4 2 0 Pts 12 8 6 6 4 4 2 2 2
Senior Colts 1 Tanunda 2 Gawler Central 3 South Gawler 4 Barossa District 5 Nuriootpa Rover 6 Freeling 7 Angaston 8 Kapunda 9 Willaston Junior Colts 1 South Gawler 2 Nuriootpa Rover 3 Barossa District 4 Angaston 5 Gawler Central 6 Kapunda 7 Freeling 8 Willaston 9 Tanunda
P 5 5 6 5 5 6 5 6 5 P 6 5 5 5 5 6 6 5 5
W 5 4 4 3 3 3 1 1 0 W 6 4 4 3 2 2 2 1 0
L 0 1 2 2 2 3 4 5 5 L 0 1 1 2 3 4 4 4 5
D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
B 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 B 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1
For 588 473 510 405 424 347 210 242 221 For 545 361 371 234 223 261 221 170 146
Agst 170 242 345 248 272 332 482 823 506 Agst 177 136 162 240 239 339 396 423 420
% 77.57 66.15 59.65 62.02 60.92 51.10 30.35 22.72 30.40 % 75.48 72.64 69.61 49.37 48.27 43.50 35.82 28.67 25.80
Pts 10 8 8 6 6 6 2 2 0 Pts 12 8 8 6 4 4 4 2 0
trying to win the game, Central fought back courageously in the second term and played with pride. And even in the third quarter Central was still fighting hard, with a three-goal burst from Lion Matt Foldesdy and Trewren booting two late majors, after two spectacular marks, blowing the margin out to 92 points at lemons. While Mark Paget and co were winning the majority of the hit outs for South, especially in the centre of the ground, it was Central that was winning the clearances but without a structured forward area, the Lions rebounded it out of defence quickly. “Most times the players were giving everything, which is frustrating, as they are not getting the rewards for effort,” Central coach Damien Herzick said. “We are working on our structures and there is no mention of the scoreboard, which may have been a problem in recent seasons. “We have to change our focus and get the right plan in place. “Yes I would love to win, which will help the players gain some confidence and self-belief, but at this stage we have to work on what we are doing and let the scoreboard take care of itself.”
Leading goalkickers Barossa, Light and Gawler Football Association - Played May 26 A GRADE Nuriootpa Angaston
3.4 6.6 8.9 14.13(97) 4.6 7.8 7.11 11.13(79)
Angaston Nuriootpa
2.1 3.1
6.1 3.2
7.3 5.3
SENIOR COLTS 9.6(60) 7.4(46)
Best: Nuri - W Nicholls, C Ellison, S Haniford, B Home, N Salter, C Gogoll; Ang - P Bennett, A Reincke, B Henderson, J Fosdike, N Falland, M Ruwoldt. Goals: Nuri - N Salter 5, R Byrne 3, R Salter 2, S Haniford, J Rodda, B Home, W Nicholls 1 ea; Ang - J Fosdike 4, B Sugars 3, A Chambers 2, B Kurtz 1, M Doecke 1.
Best: Ang - B Brook, A Murphy, N Pech, L Sander, S Woodards, J Carter; Nuri - B Carter, R Skipworth, B Lydeamore, L Sich, J Weedon, D O’Neil. Goals: Ang - J Rosenzweig 4, S Haydon, J Carter, C Jasper, S Woodards, M Pech 1 ea; Nuri - L Cook 2, J Smith 2, T Jungfer, B Carter, C Edwards 1 ea.
South Gawler 10.3 14.6 21.10 28.12(180) Gawler Central 1.2 4.6 6.8 8.12(60) Best: South - J Trewren, M Foldesdy, A Bevis, M Trezeciak, B Scott, A Gerardis; Cent - C Hill, K Heintze, J Blakemore, A King, B Hunt, P Bova. Goals: South - J Trewren 8, A Gerardis 7, B Scott 3, M Foldesdy 3, C Musolino 3, A Bevis 2, M Paget 1, A Bayliss 1; Cent - P Bova 2, K Heintze 2, T Lamont, A Cox, J Blakemore, L Edwards 1 ea.
South Gawler 4.1 10.3 14.5 17.7(109) Gawler Central 2.0 2.0 2.0 3.2(20)
Nuriootpa Angaston
5.2 1.0
10.3 14.3 16.6(102) 1.1 3.6 4.11(35)
Best: Nuri - S Schrapel, J Furnell, C Ireland, D Douglas, J Robertson, J Braunack; Ang - S Egert, C Lowke, M Makris, B Fairey, M Verner. Goals: Nuri - S Schrapel 5, J Furnell 4, D Douglas 3, J Graetz, A Linden, J Braunack, J Robertson 1 ea; Ang - C Lowke 2, M Williams 1, T Saegenschnitter 1.
JUNIOR COLTS Nuriootpa Angaston
1.2 3.6 3.10 5.11(41) 1.0 2.0 2.4 2.8(20)
Best: Nuri - M Kitson, N Lange, H Stolz, A Laverty, R Haynes, J Moore; Ang - R Eberhard, B Homes, J Falkenberg, B Antonie, J Ireland-Nielsen, C Relquyst. Goals: Nuri - N Lange, R Haynes, H Stolz, S Hahn, A Laverty 1 ea; Ang - R Kuhn 1, J Antonie 1. South Gawler 1.1 3.1 Gawler Central3.2 5.5
Goals: South - A Parsons 4, J McVicar 4, N O’Reilly 3, J Dare 3, R Coad, F Moore, B Barker 1 ea; Cent - B Ward, C Koen, J Drew 1 ea.
Gawler Central 2.5 7.6 9.6 10.9(69) South Gawler 2.0 3.1 6.5 7.6(48) Best: Cent - A Crossley, D Bell, K Wurst, J Neat, C Reynolds, A Wolters; South - J Greatorex, D Judd Smith, B Torkington, J Reynolds, S Van Poorten, A Maggs. Goals: Cent - J Neat 5, A Mahoney 2, S McCulloch, K Wurst, J Edwards 1 ea; South B Torkington 2, K Dallwitz 2, S Van Poorten, B O’Reilly, J Reynolds 1 ea.
Kapunda 5.2 8.3 11.5 13.7(85) Barossa District 3.2 5.5 8.7 11.12(78)
Kapunda 2.2 6.2 8.5 11.5(71) Barossa District 2.1 5.3 10.7 13.9(87)
Barossa District 5.2 11.5 12.8 16.14(110) Kapunda 0.4 1.6 1.6 2.8(20)
Barossa District 1.1 3.2 6.2 9.4(58) Kapunda 3.0 5.1 5.3 6.4(40)
Best: Kap - S McKinnon, P Anderson, F Agius, B Taylor, C Smith, T Johnson; Bar - M Taylor, S Jenkins, T Stelzer, J Aish, H Commane, M Baraglia. Goals: Kap - W Farley 3, P Anderson 3, N Brady 2, J Mackenzie 2, J Brown 2, F Agius 1; Bar - H Commane 5, S Wills 2, A McAlpine 2, P Stelzer 1, J Aish 1.
Best: Kap - T McKinnon, C Browne, C Ryan, R Zivic, M May, T Kerr; Bar - A Thwaites, S Roberts, S Scally, D Rowley, R Hayman, D Curtis. Goals: Kap - C Browne 4, J Cobbledick 3, R Zivic 2, A May 1, S Modra 1; Bar - J Berrett 3, B Wadley 2, G Koch 2, J Wicker 2, S Roberts, S Vanstone, D Rowley, A Thwaites 1 ea.
Best: Bar - R Watson, W Roberts, N Casboult, J Stanbury, L Dobbs, J Charles; Kap - M Good, B Sinclair, T Williams, J Foster, L Karpany. Goals: Bar - W Roberts 7, N Casboult 2, R Watson 2, T Gant, H Irvine, J Charles, J Rogers, J Flitter 1 ea; Kap - T MatthewsBrown 2.
Best: Bar - D Nangle, R Allington, S Baron, C Robinson, R Weyerhauser-Maher, R Hage; Kap - Z Merkx, J Freeman, J Higgins, M Holthouse, H Smith, K Sharpe. Goals: Bar - R Hage 4, B Ratcliff, C Robinson, R Weyerhauser-Maher, D Nangle, J Brown 1 ea; Kap - J Freeman 4, K Sharpe 1, J Higgins 1.
Freeling Willaston
Willaston 2.2 5.4 7.6 10.9(69) Freeling 2.1 3.1 3.2 4.3(27) Best: Will - Joshua Carter, J Goodfellow, Z Cavanagh, B Case, A Mewett, M Bornholdt; Free - S Carmichael, B Copperwheat, P Leske, J Wagner, T Haseldine, G Shaw. Goals: Will - A Moss 3, M Hollis 2, D Matz 2, Jason Carter, Joshua Carter, J Goodfellow 1 ea; Free - S Carmichael 2, B Copperwheat 1, P Leske 1.
Freeling 4.4 Willaston 2.0
Freeling Willaston
5.1 8.4 12.6 7.0 10.3 12.4
15.10(100) 14.8(92)
Best: Free - R Clinton, J Robinson, L Heinrich, M Greenwood, D Horsnell; Will - S Walton, J Taylor, J Jones, A Jones, M Brooks, S Baker. Goals: Free - D Horsnell 5, R Clinton 4, M Greenwood 2, B Parish 2, K Wright 1, J Robinson 1; Will - J Williams 4, J Scott 2, S Baker 2, S Walton 2, G Taylor, J McDonald, T Rozman, R Rosewall 1 ea.
Best: South - J McVicar, A Costa, L Makris, B Barker, J Dare, A White; Cent - M White, T Hutton, S Bayliss.
6.7 3.0
10.11 4.1
13.13(91) 5.2(32)
5.5 6.6
7.8(50) 7.7(49)
Best: South - M Warner, B Washington, D Dankiewicz, T Panagiotou, J Sheridan, J Arnold; Cent - P Barns-Tripp, I McKenzie, M Stewart, B Mason, L Hill, B Mathews. Goals: South - B Washington 3, J Martin 3, T Panagiotou 1; Cent - I McKenzie 2, N Chandler 2, J Connole, H Reynolds, M Brooks 1 ea.
1.0 3.4 6.7 2.0 2.0 4.0
8.10(58) 5.1(31)
Best: Free - K Johnson, M Ortlepp, J Ashenden, J Slater, B Jericho, T Barnes; Will M McAllister, T Stansborough, B Pasin, J Smoult, J Boswell, E Fryar.
Best: Free - A Haseldine, B Tilbrook, A Pelonio, J Hopkins, L Erskine, N Staehr; Will M Spirritt, L Pasin, K Ackland, K Hammill, J Taylor, T Balacco.
Goals: Free - K Johnson 4, M Ortlepp 2, H Moss 2, B Haseldine, T Barnes, R Schirmer, T Julyan, B Christie 1 ea; Will - T Stansborough 2, J Smoult, B Coombs, C Rawlinson 1 ea.
Goals: Free - J Hopkins 2, D Whimpress 2, A Byster 2, A Haseldine 1, S Coulthard 1; Will A Wilson, J Taylor, K Ackland, B Baldock, L Downing 1 ea.
Wednesday, May 30, 2012 - Page 28 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
A grade R Byrne (N) 3 A Gerardis (SG) 7 D Horsnell (F) 5 J Trewren (SG) 8 H Commane (BD) 5 B Sugars (A) 3 W Farley (K) 3 B Kaesler (T) 0 S Agars (T) 0 P Bova (GC) 2 S Baker (W) 2 R James (BD) 0 C Musolino (SG) 3 T Schiller (T) 0 Reserves A Parsons (SG) 4 J Rosenzweig (A) 4 S Carmichael (F) 2 J McVicar (SG) 4 J Smith (N) 2 J Carter (W) 1 N Pech (A) 0 L Officer (SG) 0 A Moss (W) 3 T Honner (N) 0 L Sich (N) 0 J Berrett (BD) 3 J Carter (A) 1 C Browne (K) 4 S Vanstone (BD) 1 Senior Colts T Goers (T) 0 W Roberts (BD) 7 J Neat (GC) 5 S Mickan (T) 0 S Schrapel (N) 5 H Moss (F) 2 K Dallwitz (SG) 2 V Kroon (GC) 0 B Coombs (W) 1 K Johnson (F) 4 M Good (K) 0 A Hutchinson (T) 0 J Chapman (SG) 0 J Edwards (GC) 1 Junior Colts J Martin (SG) 3 J Freeman (K) 4 B Washington (SG) 3 N Lange (N) 1 T Panagiotou (SG) 1 D Nangle (BD) 1 L Cunningham (A) 0 R Allington (BD) 0 B Ratcliff (BD) 1 J Taylor (W) 1 H Stolz (N) 1
23 22 21 20 18 18 15 14 13 10 10 10 10 10 22 13 12 11 9 9 7 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 22 20 14 13 13 12 11 10 9 9 9 9 9 9 22 21 21 19 13 11 11 10 10 8 8
Nuri upset Matt’s record games Freeling’s shock win By MIKE TEAKLE
FOR the second week in a row Angaston’s milestone celebrations have been dampened by a quality showing from a traditional rival. It was Nuriootpa’s turn this week as the Tigers won a seesawing battle by 18 points. After 16 years as captain of the Panthers A grade side, Matt Doecke became the first player in the history of Barossa and Light and/or BL&G football to play 350 games and early it looked as though the emotion created by the event could spur his team to victory as they hit Nuri with all the intensity they could muster in the opening term. Unfortunately poor kicking, at one stage it was 1-6 to 2-0, kept Nuri in the contest as Angaston kept surging forward with Adam Chambers’ dynamic play earning him plenty of touches. A Nuri fight back saw the Tigers claw back to within eight points at quarter time. The second term saw the Tigers regather and the strong work by Cale Ellison in defence prevented Angaston from pulling away despite the Panther midfield moving the ball well as Mark Ruwoldt, Jack Fosdike, Nic Falland and Doecke all got busy. Conversely, Nuri captain Billy Nicholls and playing coach Nat Salter both stepped up when needed. The third quarter saw things really heat up, with the game being played at a frenetic pace. Angaston lost Brandon Kurtz who later returned but the impact of being off the field had already been felt. He was the second member of his family to receive a heavy knock on the day as Jack Miles was the recipient of a bone jarring, old fashioned shirtfront from Nuri veteran Shayne Collins. After the Panther teenager was carried off on a stretcher the Tigers resumed play as the more settled side. Salter showed all of his experience to kick two goals in the third, followed by another pair in the fourth to propel his
FREELING delivered the biggest upset of the season on Saturday by knocking off a now shaky premiership hopeful Willaston by eight points. The game started in a flurry with both teams scoring freely. Willaston's accuracy gave them a slight edge, kicking seven straight goals in the first term to lead by 11 points. The Donnybrooks continued to surge early in the second term, pushing the margin out to 30 points at one stage before a Redleg fight back late in the quarter narrowed the margin to just 11 points. The scoreline meant Willaston hadn't been able to pull away from the home side despite throwing everything at them. “We weathered their surge when they tried to pull away from us and kept ourselves in a position to challenge them in the second half,” Mark Tylor, Freeling coach said. “It was a solid and well-structured performance, it’s definitely our best showing so far.” Tylor changed things up a notch this week to try and stretch the Donnybrook defence by pushing giant ruckman Rhys Clinton (four goals) forward for extended periods with the shorter Andrew Kemp taking on Willaston's twin towers of James Jones and Richard Rosewall. In essence this gave Freeling another on-baller while Clinton's freakish combination of size and speed created havoc for an already under siege Donnybrook back six. “Rhys is like most big guys, he’s just starting to grow into his body and realise what he's got,” Tylor said. “I believe he still has plenty in the tank yet.” The second half saw plenty go wrong for the visitors, with tall defender Ross Whiston, already on the bench with a back injury and full back Shaun Childs went down with what looked like a serious ankle injury to compound a day that was already a nightmare for the classy defender after having five goals
ACROBATIC: Nuriootpa’s Sam Haniford. PIC: Kirsty Hosking. team to victory. The Tigers four-point advantage at the final change wasn't enough to rest on as Fosdike, then Brad Sugars both goaled to start the fourth quarter. Nuri managed to regain the lead midway through the term before a magnificent crumbing goal by Doecke gave his team the edge. The Tigers managed to dig deep and won the next clearance to a contest at centre half forward where Angaston defender Daniel Rathjen came off second best in a contest with Sam Haniford whose physicality was pivotal. The ball spilled clear for Nicholls who hit Salter for a goal sparking a Nuri dominance of the final five minutes against the visitors who were out on their feet.
Bomber Blasts
THE good start to the year continued for Brown’s boys as the As got the points over the highly-fancied Bulldog outfit 13.7 (85) to 11.12 (78). The return of Buckets Mackenzie from injury and emergence of two 16-year-old kids with plenty of pace (Joey Brown and Joel Foster) were the highlights, as was Sam McKinnon’s form as he continues to stamp his name on the competition this year. Sam took home the JT Johnson/Ahrens Engineering award for best player and was well supported by recruits Paul Anderson (SA Lending Centre) and the mercurial Fred Agius (Sir John Franklin award). The Bs season continued as it started, playing some great footy in patches and going to sleep in others. The highlights included kicking 11 goals in slippery conditions and Tom McKinnon’s best game for the season - where he picked up the Hambours Real Estate best player award. Connor Browne mustn’t be far away from a senior call up kicking another four goals in a good display from him as well. The under 17s continued to struggle, but with another couple of players nearly ready to resume the team should improve over the coming weeks. Matt Good played a cracker and can’t be far away from an A grade berth, he was easily the best player and received the Landmark award for best player. Ben Sinclair and Tom Williams were also good. The U15s got off to a flyer and jumped a pretty good Barossa side. However the Barossa boys regrouped and ended 18 points up. Zyden Merkx continued his great form taking home the Gawler Landscaping Supplies award to be the best player.
“I don't think it’s going to really sink in to the players for a day or two just how important this win was,” Nat Salter, Nuriootpa coach said. “Yes, any win over Angaston is fantastic because they play so hard but this really sets up for a shot at playing finals. “If we dropped this one we'd be back in the pack.” Credit must go to the Nuri crowd who all stood to clap Doecke off the field after the presentation of the Centenary Cup had concluded. Salter's Tigers face a massive challenge this week as they travel to play Barossa District who will be feisty after losing to Kapunda. Angaston host the struggling Gawler Central Tiger in a game they need to win in order not to lose touch with the competition.
A cold Friday night saw many of the U9s play their frist game on a wet ground. The rain held out and although we don’t keep score, coach Nick Wuttke was pretty confident the Bomber U9s kicked more between the big sticks than the opposition. Gary and Olivia Waldhuter Mobile Diesel Services awards went to Heather Chapman for her great handballs and giving it a go and to Harry Wuttke for an excellent game of footy. Other award winners were Sam Menzel who won the Litl Mo’s donut award for impressing at training and showing great improvement and playing a good game of footy, James Waldhuter was back after a couple of weeks out and showed great enthusiasm, Declan Quinlan played well at all ends of the ground, Connor Hemsworth got his hands on the ball and showed good promising skills and Corey Brook played some awesome footy. Well done baby Bombers. Coach Mostyn Daniel was impressed with the way the U11 boys applied themselves druring the training sessions he’s taken and during the game on Friday night. They tried everything the coach asked but went down against a quicker and more mobile opposition. Shapes of Green Landscaping awards went to Nathan Ely for a wonderful effort all round and Cameron Schmidt who impressed as he kept going in hard for the ball all night. Other awards to Hunter Hemsworth who really passed with his effort, Liam Helmore for once again playing good hard footy, Ewan Blacker and Xavier Wilson-Hall who listened to the coach and stayed put on the wing which game them both a chance to show off some quality skills when the ball came their way. Good work boys. Difficult conditions proved too much for the U13s against a quality oppposition. Kapunda had a lot of play but couldn’t push past centre half forward. The score would have been a lot worse if not for Jayden Good, Kyal Sharpe and Luke Quinlan. These boys stopped numerous attacks and drove the footy out of defence. All players need to attend training and practice wet weather footy because there will be more to come. Still a good effort and unlucky not to score. Barossa Districts 13.9.87 def Kapunda 0.0.0. Incentive awards to Kyal Sharpe, Jayden Good (Kapunda IGA Team Player award), Luke Quinlan, Cooper White and Jordan Harris. A reminder for supporters to venture to Willaston this Saturday to support the boys and hope we can get the seven wins required. Also note that the sponsors and life members day will be held in a couple of weeks against Freeling.
tiger tales IT WAS good to again play at our home courts on Saturday, hosting South. Our littlest of Tiger gals scored four fab goals this week - more than they'd scored all season so far, so there were smiles all around. The win/loss ratio between South and us across the games was about 50/50 so there will be 'stuff' from that for the coaches and teams to work on this week. Full results with coaches comments of games played are listed below. We extend congratulations this week to Laura Harris on reaching milestone games with the club - 50 at senior level - well done . Well done to the team who organised and assisted with the club 'Gender Bender' event on Saturday night - was a good night by all accounts. Also well done and a big thanks to both Cheryl and Craig Lebusque who have been awarded this week's Kingsford Hotel club person(s) of the week. Cheryl, ably assisted by Craig, put in countless hours as the club's uniform / equipment officer and with the arrival of the club’s new 'Club of the Year - 3 in a Row' hoodies and polos this week needed an extra big effort. Thanks to you both for organising all of this and for filling in and covering everything else that you pick up and do too - awesome effort. This week we venture up to Angaston to play. Diary dates: June 9 - Long weekend, no local netball - football only playing Barossa, so we're holding 'Tiger Gals netballers day' instead. Talk to your coach for all the details. June 16 - hosting Willaston. June 17 -start of Net-Set-Go eight week introductory netball program for children aged 510. Starts 10am, registrations taken that day Phone Chanelle on 0401 870 452 or Leanne on 0410 495 745 with any queries. Thanks to our many weekly award supporters for their generosity with the incentive awards: Supercuts, Chemplus, Eagle Boys Pizza, Fasta Pasta, Starplex, Bushmans Hotel, Sportspower, Lisa at LKFS Finance, Wasleys Hotel.
Senior One: South Gawler 56 d Gawler Central 47. Was a tough contest, all players tried hard, but too many ball handling errors. Didn't adjust to South's style of play. Award recipient: Ali King. Senior Two: South Gawler 65 d Gawler Central 36. There was some good passages of play however our consistency let us down. Plenty to learn from the game and to put into practice.
Wednesday, May 30, 2012 - Page 29 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
kicked on him by Freeling spearhead Dan Horsnell. With Freeling full of confidence, Willaston were scrambling just to stay in touch as they were being solidly beaten through the midfield. “We got smashed in the middle all day,” Justin Irving, Willaston coach said. “Injuries cost us, but that’s an excuse I won't use. The biggest problem is that I don't know which team is going to show up each week.” Irving now has to contend with injuries to four key players with Jamie Williams (four goals) tweaking an existing knee complaint during the warm up and key utility Josh Taylor leaving the game early in the fourth quarter with a hamstring injury. A bigger concern may be the ‘vanishing act’ again performed by key recruit Ben Gordon who was kept goalless for the second time in five games. Of Gordon's nine goals for the season, eight came in blowout wins over Angaston and Barossa District. “As a recruited centre half forward Benny’s got to find the ball more, he needs to adapt to this competition's style of play.” With Freeling leading by two points at the final change, Taylor's injury early in the fourth quarter was the last straw for Willaston as he, along with Sam Walton, were the only players keeping Willaston in touch. Mal Greenwood enjoyed a rampant last term. Matched up against Shaun Baker, Greenwood was pivotal in Freeling pulling out to an 18-point lead midway through the term before a couple of mistakes allowed the visitors to grab late goals and close the margin. Willaston (sixth) have no time to relax with this week’s game against a fifth-placed Kapunda side brimming with confidence after a crucial win over Barossa District. For Freeling the bye comes as a mixed blessing. While important in helping players rest their bodies, it prevents them being able to back up after a morale-lifting win. Awards: Brittney Waddington and Tania Knott. Senior Three: Gawler Central 41 d South Gawler 36. Great win. Need to ignore umpiring decisions and comments from other team. Great defensive effort. Award: Brittny Connaughton. Senior Four: Gawler Central 50 d South Gawler 43. Great game girls. Worked well together, positive talk and backed each other up. Awards: Mandy Vivian and Elise Hillerbrand. Senior Five: South Gawler 47 d Gawler Central 37. Got some things to work on girls, but nothing a good training won’t fix. Award recipient: Sandee Gollagher. Senior Six: Gawler Central 43 d South Gawler 36. Good win girls. Award: Tina Pratt. Senior Seven: South Gawler 37 d Gawler Central 23. Fantastic game played by all girls. After having a few games off the girls really put in 100 per cent effort and stepped up to the challenge. Award recipients: Tiarn Bell and Kristy Thompson. Intermediate One: South Gawler 59 d Gawler Central 24. Great individual improvements all over the court. Girls need to work as a team and support each other. More confidence and belief in each other is needed. Award: Bri Searle. Intermediate Two: South Gawler 69 d Gawler Central 30. Great effort, score really doesn't depict the girls trying. Award recipients: Chloe Dyker and Cody Heath. Junior One: South Gawler 48 d Gawler Central 31. Very tough game girls but you kept your heads up. Keep up the good work. Award recipient: Kate Burnett. Junior Two: South Gawler 37 d Gawler Central 28. Tough game, girls played under very difficult circumstances and can hold their heads high. Well done. Award recipient: Katie O'Hennessy. Sub Junior One: Gawler Central 65 d South Gawler 1. All the girls played amazing and to score 65 goals in a 40 minute game is a great achievement. Award: Danielle Bowden. Sub Junior Two: Gawler Central 20 d South Gawler 7. Fantastic win by the girls, a great improvement from last game. Our defence pressure and arms up over the ball the whole way down the court was awesome. Well done Tiger gals. Award: Danielle Downie. Sub Junior Three: No game. Primary One: Gawler Central 16 d South Gawler 13. Awesome game played by all seven players. No stepping and all cut front well as practiced at training. Very happy coach. Award: Molly Hutton. Primary Two: Gawler Central 9 d South Gawler 1. A good win girls. Netta One: Well done girls. Awesome game. Did very well as a team and got a wicked two goals. Award: Mia Grigg. Netta Two: Well done our first win. Excellent job by all. Scored more goals than the whole season, good work girls. Award: Kate Grady.
SPORTS Barossa and Light Table Tennis Association results from May 23. A grade: Birdwood/Mt Pleasant 1654 def Tanunda 5-19; Kapunda 1551 def Eden Valley 6-28; Ebenezer bye. B-C grade: Ebenezer Maroon 9-28 def Ebenezer Blue 2-9; Light Pass Green 9-28 def Ebenezer White 2-7; Light Pass Gold 6-23 def Ebenezer Gold 5-21. Premiership Tables Team P Pts % A grade Kapunda 4 8 75 Birdwood/Mt Pleasant 3 4 57.1 Ebenezer 3 2 55.6 Eden Valley 3 2 36.5 Tanunda 3 0 14.2 B-C grade Light Pass Gold 4 8 75.0 Light Pass Green 4 6 72.2
Ebenezer Gold Ebenezer Maroon Ebenezer White Ebenezer Blue
4 4 4 4
4 4 2 0
59.1 50.0 29.5 9.1
TENPIN BOWLING Barossa Bowland League results, points to date. Morning Stars: Bowled Out 78, C D Players 77, Two Of Us 75, Lucky Ducks 56. Star bowler: Sue Roehr 25 POA (pins over average). Valleyites: Zodiac 209, Tripod 199.5, Ten Pinners 185.5, WAFWOTEAM 170, The Drifters 161.5, W.M.D. 141. Star bowlers: Karen Norton 59 POA, Shane Rossack 42 POA. Grapevines: Pinsetters 56, Strike Outs 51, Strikers 44, What Evers 49, Double Trouble 42, Pin Killers 38, Pin Magic 36, Go Getters 36, Pinheads 34, Two Wonders 24. Star bowlers: Sarah Mibus POA, Graeme
Heinrich 32 POA. Have A Ball: Creep Show 84, Old Farts 83, Speed Demons 72, Gutter Trash 68, Balls Of Fury 66, Tripple XXXX 64, Here4dabeer 39, Aint No Turkey 38. Star bowlers: Kenneth White 62 POA, Sue Roehr 47 POA. Barossa Juniors: Annihilators 48, Little Devils 46, Pinkillers 44, The Strikers 42, The Triple M’s 38, Pinheads 34. Star bowlers: Danika King 30 POA, Josh Hensleigh 45 POA.
BRIDGE BAROSSA Last Monday Bridge Barossa played a four table Howell movement and first were Eunice Kampman and Jim Hayes with 61.3%, followed by Joan and Howard Haese 58.3%, Rhonda Wallace and Jill Allanson 58%, Adelaide Abbott and Miles White 50.3%, Joan Lee and Kevin Jones 49.1%, Toni Harvey and Hans Haan
47.6%, Mary Clerk and Evan Allanson 41.7%, Annie Hatcher and Judy Fechner 40%. On Wednesday at seven tables first North South were Helen Farrelly and Toni Harvey 61.5%, followed by Joan Lee and Kevin Jones 51.2%, Annie Hatcher and Judy Fechner 51.1%, Lorraine and Brian Kahl 48.4%, Eunice Handke and Mary Clerk 46.5%, Debra and Ron Baker 42.4%. East West first were Joan and Howard Haese 62%, then Elaine Kenny and Alec Harris, Marg Long and Trish Page all on 56.1%, Hans Haan and Evan Allanson 55.2%, Chris Stutley and Peter Burge 44.4%, Carol King and Lois Wasley 40.1%, Lois Wasley and Rosemary Jenkin 40%. Unfortunately there will be no Bridge on Monday and Wednesday because the RSL Hall is being renovated. Play will recommence on Monday June 11. Information on 8563 3204.
Hockey results
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A Men Team 1 Tanunda 2 Nuriootpa 3 AM United 4 Gawler/Trinity 5 Two Wells A Women Team 1 AM United 2 Gawler 3 Two Wells 4 Nuriootpa 5 Tanunda 6 Trinity B Men Team 1 Tanunda 2 Nuriootpa 3 Gawler/Trinity 4 AM United 5 Two Wells B Women Team 1 AM United 2 Nuriootpa 3 Gawler 4 Two Wells Under 18 Team 1 Nuriootpa 2 Tanunda 3 Two Wells 4 AM United 5 Gawler Under 15/16 Team 1 Nuriootpa 2 Two Wells 3 AM United 4 Tanunda 5 Gawler Under 13/14 1 Two Wells 2 Trinity College White 3 AM United 4 Nuriootpa 5 Trinity College Red 6 Tanunda 7 Gawler
Shopping Centre. Phone 8252 1111
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L 0 1 2 2 3
D 0 0 0 0 0
B 1 0 1 1 1
F 8 17 8 4 10
A 1 3 7 5 21
GD 7 14 1 -1 -11
Pts 9 9 3 3 0
P 4 4 4 4 4 4
W 3 3 2 1 1 0
L 0 0 1 2 3 4
D 1 1 1 1 0 0
B 0 0 0 0 0 0
F 14 12 8 6 3 2
A 2 3 6 6 12 16
GD 12 9 2 0 -9 -14
Pts 10 10 7 4 3 0
P 3 4 3 3 3
W 3 3 1 1 0
L 0 1 2 2 3
D 0 0 0 0 0
B 1 0 1 1 1
F 8 10 4 2 2
A 3 4 6 7 6
GD 5 6 -2 -5 -4
Pts 9 9 3 3 0
P 4 4 4 4
W 4 2 1 0
L 0 1 2 4
D 0 1 1 0
B 0 0 0 0
F 16 7 1 0
A 0 3 4 17
GD 16 4 -3 -17
Pts 12 7 4 0
P 4 3 3 3 3
W 4 1 1 1 0
L 0 1 1 2 3
D 0 1 1 0 0
B 0 1 1 1 1
F 18 12 9 4 4
A 3 6 7 16 15
GD 15 6 2 -12 -11
Pts 12 4 4 3 0
P 2 3 2 4 3
W 2 1 1 1 0
L 0 0 0 3 2
D 0 2 1 0 1
B 1 1 1 0 1
F 14 6 7 8 1
A 2 4 5 17 8
GD 12 2 2 -9 -7
Pts 6 5 4 3 1
3 2 3 4 3 3 4
3 2 2 2 1 1 0
0 0 1 2 2 2 4
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 0 1 1 0
12 2 12 8 6 1 0
2 0 1 7 4 8 19
10 2 11 1 2 -7 -19
9 6 6 6 3 3 0
8523 3000
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A Men Gawler/Trinity 3 d AM United 2; Nuriootpa 12 d Two Wells 0; Tanunda had the bye. A Women Tanunda 2 d Trinity 0; Nuriootpa 1 drew with Two Wells 1; Gawler 1 drew with AM United 1. B Men Nuriootpa 3 d Two Wells 1; Gawler/Trinity 3 d AM United 0; Tanunda had the bye. B Women AM United 5 d Two Wells 0; Nuriootpa 2 d Gawler 0. Under 18 AM United 3 d Gawler 2; Nuriootpa 5 d Two Wells 0; Tanunda had the bye. Under 15/16 Two Wells 3 d Tanunda 1; Nuriootpa v AM United; Gawler had the bye. Under 13/14 Two Wells v Nuriootpa; Tanunda v Trinity College White; AM United 8 d Gawler 0; Trinity College Red had the bye.
Barossa Valley hockey
60-64 Murray St, Nuriootpa
8562 1548
8566 2922
50 Murray Street, Nuriootpa 5355 Phone: 8562 3552 Fax: 8562 3557 email: web:
Wednesday, May 30, 2012 - Page 30 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
8568 6028
Shop 7 Barossa Mall 1 Murray St, NURIOOTPA
20 Main St, Kapunda
The damp weather seemed to have had an effect on the scoring at last Thursday night’s game on May 24 with no bowler able to get up to 400 points. Adam had the highest score at the end of the first game with the other players not that far behind. Corey and Adam were the only two to drop back in the second game with Dragan bowling the highest frame score of the night with a 66 which would have helped him win the night’s game. Results: G1 G2 T D Radocaj 137 247 384 R Loan 177 202 379 M Orvad 166 211 377 J Lindner 168 186 354 A McLean 197 137 334 C Chaplin 176 141 317 15s; D Radocaj 1.
DUSTY: Shane Beckmann and Matt Neldner in the sidecar event. PIC: Ian Harris.
KMCC's own Tristan Throup (Nick’s brother). Max and Sam Hutchesson topped the sidecar field and placed well in the outright standings. The Keyneton MCC would like to thank all those involved in helping the event, from control keepers to medical staff, and especially to the land owners, as without them there would be nowhere to ride. The event again proved to be a great community event with many people turning out to watch. The next major event for the club will be Round 3 of the SA Moto Trials Rider of the Year which this year will be known as Christine Redway Day with the support of the McGrath Foundation. The club is also hosting a noncompetitve Ride Day near Angaston this Sunday, June 3, specifically aimed for those who want to just get out there and ride on a track that caters for all skill levels and machine types. Catering will be available on the day. Entry forms can be found online but need to be submitted today, May 30. For more information, visit
Matthew Bouveng, KBL Security
Richmond 26 Geelong Hawthorn Adelaide Essendon Carlton West Coast Sydney Collingwood
Adam Hunt, Harvey World Travel
St Kilda 12 Geelong Hawthorn Adelaide Essendon Carlton West Coast Sydney Collingwood
Chris Linden, Manager, Vine Inn
St Kilda 19 Geelong Hawthorn Adelaide Essendon Carlton West Coast Sydney Collingwood
254 191 445
Buyers Marketers Exporters Now paying top cash prices for wool, plus all selling options available with competitive rates Port Adelaide, 25 Brock Street - Open 5 Days Tailem Bend, Princes Hwy, Opposite the grain silos - Open every Wednesday from 9am - 3pm Kapunda, Hancock Road, at the monthly market Open every last Thursday of the month Cleve, Rudall Road, behind Story Engineering Open every 2nd Thursday of the month
Adrian Hackworth: 0417 084 489
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Fri, June 1
v Richmond
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Address: ________________ ________________________ Phone: __________________ proudly sponsored by: 1823116
Results; T Malone
G Nicolai 168 170 338 15s; G Nicolai 1. 24s; T Malone 8, G Nicolai 1.
Rob Colaruso, Harvey Norman Munno Para St Kilda 19 Geelong Hawthorn Adelaide Essendon Pt Adelaide West Coast Sydney Collingwood
The final round of the Kaesler Wines Trophy was played on Friday, May 25. Rob, who was currently in the lead was unable to attend the nigh’ts play along with Ben also unable to attend which left it open for Terry to come up and win not only the final round but also win the trophy. Terry did very well by bowling the highest frame score of the night with 52 points. Coincidentally he started off the night with his first bowl scoring a 24 and also his last bowl for the night also being a 24 which helped get a personal best of eight 24s for the night and best of all no
Pudels were bowled.
KEYNETON Motorcycle Club (KMCC) member Nick Throup was the overall winner of the Mike Connors Six Hour Reliability Trial earlier this month. Hosted by the KMCC, the trial was Round 2 of the South Australian Reliability Trials championship series and is named in memory of Keyneton club champion Mike Connors. The trial was run in its traditional home in the Barossa hills, starting from the Keyneton Club rooms on Flaxman Valley Road and taking in the areas surrounding Angaston, Moculta, Keyneton, and Eden Valley. While there was a morning shower, it did little to dampen the dust, however competitors reported minimal issues with the dust. The introduction of a few new paddocks compared to previous years were a highlight for many competitors, who enjoyed a good mix of technical and flowing terrain as they raced against the clock for six hours. Nick Throup, who was also the 2011 series champion, was the overall winner of the event, closely followed by multiple state enduro champion Rowan Pumpa and
24s; D Radocaj 4, R Loan 3, M Orvad 2, C Chaplin 2, A McLean 2. 30s; J Lindner 1, D Radocaj 1. Pudels; A McLean 3, D Radocaj 2, C Chaplin 2, R Loan 1.
Bike trials success
Sun, June 3
v West Coast
v Bulldog
v Gold Coast
Mike Teakle, Herald Sports Writer
5.1 Home Theatre System & TV
$1000 CASH $500 CASH
Plus $50 weekly for the person who selects all 9 winners and is closest to the margin* *Prize jackpots if not won
Wednesday, May 30, 2012 - Page 31 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Richmond 56 Geelong Hawthorn Adelaide Essendon Pt Adelaide West Coast Sydney Collingwood
eek Special of the W
94 Murray St, GAWLER
Patch ‘n’ Go St John First Aid Kit
Ph 8522 1077
Open Monday to Friday 8.30am - 8.30pm Saturdays and Public Holidays 8.30am - 5.00pm
South too strong South Gawler 56 Gawler Central 47 CROSSTOWN rivals South Gawler and Gawler Central had an absorbing contest before the former drew away in the last quarter to win by nine goals. For the first three quarters South by two, one and two goals in a tight battle. South coach Lynette Hutton was relieved to win. “We were very fortunate to come away from this game with a win,” Lynette said. “Central’s goalies were very accurate and kept the scoreboard pressure on us all day. It was a tough game for four quarters. “We just tried to stay focused on our game and kept applying pressure all over the court. “We were able to get hands to balls and turn them over and capitalise enough times to win the game. “Anna Dunn was her usual best in the centre, with great backup from the rest of the players over four quarters.” Central coach Leigh Waddington said her side was very disappointed with the loss. “They were definitely the better team on the day,’ Leigh said. “We made far too many ball handling errors and didn’t get enough turn overs. “We are looking forward to correcting these the next time we play them.” Best for Central were midcourt Kelly Rowe who never gave up and put in a gutsy effort and Ali King who also had a solid game.
Willaston 65 Freeling 36 DEFENDING premier Willaston scored a strong 29-goal win over a gallant Freeling. Coach Mel Tump said the Willaston girls were well rested after the bye and were ready for another tough game against Freeling. “We had a good start but allowed Freeling to move the ball easily into their attack end,” Mel said. “We tightened up our defence in the second quarter and with accurate shooting we were able to convert our turnovers and pull out to a handy lead by half time. “Freeling continued to apply pressure through the mid court which saw some tough battles play out and make our players work hard for every ball. All nine players were able to take the court this week so it was a fantastic team effort.” Willaston’s best were Jess Wilson (wing attack), Lisa Wilson (goal shooter) and Danica Earle (goal defence). Freeling coach Lyn Carmichael summed up the major difference. “When the opposition goalie only misses one goal for the match and the team only miss five in total you really don’t have much of a chance do you?” Lyn said. “Lisa Wilson played the second half at goal attack for Willaston and did not miss a goal, she shot 40 of the team’s 65 goals, and there lies the difference really. “We had 10 less scoring shots than Willaston but their pressure under the post really rattled my goalies and their conversion rate was not as good. “I thought we showed some good patches against their quality but we just didn’t do it often enough. It was a good netball lesson and we will learn some valuable tips. “I thought Katie Clark had a good game on Hayley Norris while Megan Heinrich had a good second half where she shot at 80 per cent, but that does not compare to 97 per cent.”
Kapunda 75 Barossa District 44 KAPUNDA ran away with a predictable 29-goal win over Barossa District. Coach Paul McGrath said the Bombers had started dominantly. “We had a lot of the ball in the first quarter putting up 29 shots, for a 21 to nine lead,” Paul said. “Barossa had one advantage over us and that was a bench, which they used to good effect, changing their defensive circle, which put the brakes on us resulting in only 18 shots, our shooting accuracy improved and we won the second quarter 15 to 13. The girls again wanted a big win to ensure our percentage improved and as was the case last week we outscored the first half, with another 21 goals coming in the last. “Once again we reduced our error rate, which is pleasing, however, the pressure your opposition applies is most relative.”
INTERCEPT: South defender Stacy Dunn takes a ball ahead of Central’s Ali King. Kapunda’s best were Lana Bagshaw who had a great shooting game, capped off with 12/13 in the last and Kerry Giles (wing attack) who once again gave her side first use of the ball, then delivered to and supported the goalies well. Barossa coach Leanne Nelson said her side always knew it would be a tough match. “We knew after our disappointing performance against Freeling we needed to refocus on our team goals,” Leanne said. “Our first quarter wasn’t the best but a positive was Kelly Gerschwitz shooting at 100 per cent for the first for the season. “Changes in the second quarter moving Taryn Wills to goal defence and a switch in the midcourt of Stacey Nelson to wing attack and Vicki Nelson to centre changed the momentum of the game. The second and third quarters showed we can certainly be competitive, however, our last quarter let us down with Kapunda scoring freely and hence the end result. “Even though we lost this week I was not disappointed, the girls regrouped and proved to themselves they can match tough opposition. “Kelly Gerschwitz was really impressive at goal attack being our best and Taryn Wills at goal defence playing out of her position was fantastic.”
Angaston 57 Nuriootpa 29 ANGASTON, with nearly a full complement of players, bounced back to form with an easy 28-goal win over Nuriootpa. Katie Gloede, Angaston captain and acting coach, said the side suffered an early setback when midcourt Brooke George had to miss the game after her car broke down and she couldn’t get to the courts. “It wasn’t the best start and Nuriootpa was very competitive in the first quarter,” Katie said. “But the girls got going in the second and we were able to come away with a good win.Tamara Rowe in defence was excellent while Kim Seelander at goal attack shot very well. Senior twos player Maddie Kalleske came up to play her first senior one game at goal keeper and did a top job.” Lori Antonio and Katie Gloede in midcourt also had good games. Robyn March, Nuriootpa coach, could see positives. “The end result doesn’t accurately reflect the events on court,” Robyn said. “We regrouped and employed some “left of field” activities this week, which really worked well for inexperienced home grown players. “Charlotte Williams (wing defence) provided four quarters of defensive pressure and closed down Katie Gloedes’ usual quick drive on style of play while providing quick turnaround drives out of defence. “Jaime McQuirk (senior 2s) really showed some on court maturity this week. It would seem the late Michael Jackson style of movements practiced this week, worked well for her. She combined well with Jodie Kurtz. “Lana Kaesler really stepped up this week, reduced the unforced errors and provided explosive drives on court. “Unforced errors, inexperienced decision making and low conversion rate remains a challenge for us, despite the regrouping and practice this week. It’s unfortunate that we are just starting to find four quarter consistency when we lose a few players to overseas holidays.”
Barossa, Light and Gawler Netball Association results from Round 6 May 26. Senior One: Angaston 57 d Nuriootpa 29; South Gawler 56 d Gawler Central 47; Kapunda 75 d Barossa District 44; Willaston 65 d Freeling 36. Senior Two: Nuriootpa 53 d Angaston 30; South Gawler 65 d Gawler Central 36; Kapunda 45 d Barossa District 38; Freeling 38 d Willaston 35. Senior Three: Angaston 51 d Nuriootpa 35; Gawler Central 41 d South Gawler 36; Barossa District 54 d Kapunda 41; Willaston 54 d Freeling 28. Senior Four: Angaston 55 d Nuriootpa 37; Gawler Central 50 d South Gawler 43; Kapunda 41 d Barossa District 36; Willaston 46 d Freeling 34. Senior Five: Angaston 75 d Nuriootpa 33; South Gawler 47 d Gawler Central 37; Barossa District 42 d Kapunda 34; Willaston 58 d Freeling 45. Senior Six: Angaston 74 d Nuriootpa 26; Gawler Central 43 d South Gawler 36; Barossa District 47 d Kapunda 45; Willaston 65 d Freeling 36. Senior Seven: Angaston 60 d Nuriootpa 9; South Gawler 37 d Gawler Central 23; Freeling 45 d Willaston 35. Intermediate One: Nuriootpa 50 d Angaston 19; South Gawler 59 d Gawler Central 24; Barossa District 41 d Kapunda 40; Willaston 36 d Freeling 32. Intermediate Two: Angaston 50 d Nuriootpa 38; South Gawler 69 d Gawler Central 30; Kapunda 56 d Barossa District 13; Willaston 45 d Freeling 25. Junior One: Nuriootpa 47 d Angaston 41; South Gawler 48 d Gawler Central 31; Barossa District 41 d Kapunda 24; Willaston 43 d Freeling 24. Junior Two: Angaston 73 d Nuriootpa 14; South Gawler 37 d Gawler Central 28; Willaston 57 d Freeling 13. Sub Junior One: Angaston 33 d Nuriootpa 7; Gawler Central 65 d South Gawler 1; Kapunda 29 d Barossa District 18; Freeling 32 d Willaston 6.
Sub Junior Two: Angaston 21 d Nuriootpa 6; Gawler Central 20 d South Gawler 7; Barossa District 14 d Kapunda 8; Willaston 20 d Freeling 10. Sub Junior Three: Nuriootpa 24 d Angaston 10; Barossa District 13 d Kapunda 11.
Barossa, Light and Gawler Association netball media awards Herald Club of the Year
Nick Hambour Window Fashions Senior One
Tanunda Cellars Senior Two
Barossa Sportspower
Terry White Chemists
Gawler Cinemas
Intermediate One
Junior One
Sub Junior One
Votes for round 6 of the Barossa, Light and Gawler Netball Association 2012 season, the Herald Netball Club of the Year Award. Angaston 20; Willaston 20; South Gawler 16; Barossa District 14; Gawler Central 10; Kapunda 10; Nuriootpa 8; Freeling 6; Tanunda had the bye.
3: Tracy Patton (GC); Lana Bagshaw (K); Anna Dunn (SG); Megan Heinrich (F). 2: Jade Pfitzner (GC); Candy Zivic (K); Karina Cook (SG); Lisa Van Leeuwen (F). 1: Jess Liddiard (T); Penny Chappell (K); Jodie Kurtz (N); Vicki Nelson (BD).
3: Megan Samain (T); Katherine Mott (A); Erin Butcher (SG); Tamara Schrapel (F). 2: Sophie Harlis (GC); Nikki Trallagan (K); Jo Jenkins (N); Amy Drumm (BD). 1: Tyler Holbrook (GC); Naomi Murray (A); Paula Dean (SG); Laura Schirmer (F).
3: Sophie Alderslade (T); Jess Read (K); Tayla Helbig (N); Sophie Ahrens (F). 2: Ainslee Knight (GC); Caitlin Kelly (K); Brianna Falland (N); Beccy Mahony (BD 1: Jacqui Bayha (T); Emma Grieger (A); Kate Matthews (N); Brittany Modra (F).
3: Lahni Smith (T); Chelsea Brooks (A); Nikki Dowden (SG); Alex Hamlyn (F). 2: Maddie Maitland (T); Eden Lowke (A); Laura Falland (N); Shaye-Lee Toet (F). 1: Skye Brook (GC); Ebony Peel (A); Lauren Haynes (SG); Brittany Hoflehner
3: Angelina McDonnell (GC); Kiara Watson (N); Georgia Buxton (F). 2: Chelsea Hogarth (GC); Chelsea Mickan (N); Bree Robinson (F). 1: Stella Fraser (T); Beth Rodger (SG); Tayla Meaney (F).
Wednesday, May 30, 2012 - Page 32- The Herald, Barossa Valley
$ .95
Senior One Kapunda Willaston South Gawler Gawler Central Angaston Freeling Tanunda Nuriootpa Barossa District Senior Two South Gawler Willaston Gawler Central Freeling Kapunda Angaston Nuriootpa Tanunda Barossa District Senior Three South Gawler Gawler Central Willaston Angaston Nuriootpa Barossa District Tanunda Kapunda Freeling Senior Four South Gawler Tanunda Angaston Gawler Central Willaston Freeling Nuriootpa Kapunda Barossa District Senior Five South Gawler Willaston Angaston Gawler Central Tanunda Freeling Barossa District Kapunda Nuriootpa Senior Six Angaston Gawler Central Willaston South Gawler Nuriootpa Freeling Barossa District Tanunda Kapunda Senior Seven Angaston Freeling Willaston South Gawler Gawler Central Barossa District Nuriootpa Intermediate One Willaston Nuriootpa Freeling South Gawler Kapunda Barossa District Tanunda Gawler Central Angaston Intermediate Two South Gawler Kapunda Willaston Gawler Central Freeling Angaston Tanunda Nuriootpa Barossa District Junior One Willaston South Gawler Tanunda Nuriootpa Angaston Freeling Gawler Central Barossa District Kapunda Junior Two Willaston South Gawler Angaston Tanunda Gawler Central Freeling Barossa District Nuriootpa Sub Junior One Gawler Central Angaston Freeling Kapunda Willaston Nuriootpa Barossa District Tanunda South Gawler Sub Junior Two Angaston Gawler Central Barossa District Willaston Nuriootpa Tanunda South Gawler Kapunda Freeling Sub Junior Three Gawler Central Nuriootpa Barossa District Angaston Tanunda Kapunda
Pts 11 10 9 6 6 4 2 0 0 Pts 8 8 8 8 6 6 4 0 0 Pts 9 8 8 8 6 4 2 2 1 Pts 10 10 10 8 4 2 2 2 0 Pts 10 10 8 6 6 4 2 2 0 Pts 10 10 8 8 4 4 2 2 0 Pts 7 6 5 4 2 2 0 Pts 10 10 9 7 6 4 2 0 0 Pts 12 10 8 6 6 4 2 0 0 Pts 10 10 8 6 5 5 2 2 0 Pts 10 8 6 6 4 2 0 0 Pts 10 10 8 8 4 4 2 2 0 Pts 10 8 8 6 6 4 4 2 0 Pts 6 6 4 2 2 0
For 356 328 331 287 237 245 198 165 174 For 288 222 218 214 250 203 188 205 156 For 304 261 251 244 223 181 138 177 164 For 339 229 239 254 212 205 173 187 149 For 317 281 279 266 242 255 161 157 145 For 338 249 312 267 185 209 167 130 126 For 186 181 175 199 70 147 39 For 220 248 261 260 255 173 149 165 132 For 342 278 280 213 243 171 143 115 80 For 245 278 194 213 242 176 209 111 134 For 292 226 181 165 182 122 69 57 For 197 185 184 129 58 55 87 52 20 For 156 86 72 97 66 85 68 75 32 For 72 97 22 36 30 29
Agst 272 196 244 223 256 302 269 269 290 Agst 209 194 213 217 247 212 202 241 209 Agst 200 147 173 183 180 218 219 355 268 Agst 195 155 186 168 223 265 236 303 253 Agst 169 167 169 184 194 304 293 307 316 Agst 124 112 142 217 244 308 297 246 293 Agst 109 165 151 162 82 181 147 Agst 123 154 182 188 248 196 246 267 259 Agst 140 167 122 203 232 237 220 251 293 Agst 125 149 145 178 171 194 213 239 388 Agst 85 113 125 124 75 277 227 268 Agst 39 53 77 118 104 109 130 115 222 Agst 48 53 62 91 77 66 99 108 133 Agst 19 32 15 38 70 112
Proudly Brought to you by
% 56.69 62.60 57.57 56.27 48.07 44.79 42.40 38.02 37.50 % 57.95 53.37 50.58 49.65 50.30 48.92 48.21 45.96 42.74 % 60.32 63.97 59.20 57.14 55.33 45.36 38.66 33.27 37.96 % 63.48 59.64 56.24 60.19 48.74 43.62 42.30 38.16 37.06 % 65.23 62.72 62.28 59.11 55.50 45.62 35.46 33.84 31.45 % 73.16 68.98 68.72 55.17 43.12 40.43 35.99 34.57 30.07 % 63.05 52.31 53.68 55.12 46.05 44.82 20.97 % 64.14 61.69 58.92 58.04 50.70 46.88 37.72 38.19 33.76 % 70.95 62.47 69.65 51.20 51.16 41.91 39.39 31.42 21.45 % 66.22 65.11 57.23 54.48 58.60 47.57 49.53 31.71 25.67 % 77.45 66.67 59.15 57.09 70.82 30.58 23.31 17.54 % 83.47 77.73 70.50 52.23 35.80 33.54 40.09 31.14 8.26 % 76.47 61.87 53.73 51.60 46.15 56.29 40.72 40.98 19.39 % 79.12 75.19 59.46 48.65 30.00 20.57
BALAKLAVA gallops WEDNESDAY SA TAB MULTIPLES Daily Double: 7, 8 Extra Double: 3, 4 Treble: 6, 7, 8 Quadrella: 5, 6, 7, 8 First Four: All Races Fixed Odds: All Races
GRAHAM FISCHER (Barossa Herald)
11.55 Malaysia Airlines Plate
(Apprentices can claim) 2yo Maiden SW $10,000
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
84 Akahadoo (1) P Gatt Dundevy (6) B Claridge Ustinov’s Fury (2) J Potter Agresto (4) J Holder 3s Ashalia (8) J Toeroek (a3) Brimarvi Due Face (7) D Evans Excell Shoes (3) B Hoppo 3 Leahone (5) Ms K Bishop (a3)
57.5 57.5 57.5 55.5 55.5 55.5 55.5 55.5
6.00 5.00 11.00 3.50 4.60 9.00 9.00 4.60
12.30 Before The Bounce On 5AA 1215m 57.5 57.5 57.5 57.5 57.5 57.5 57.5 55.5 55.5 55.5
8.00 9.00 6.00 6.00 8.00 3.20 8.00 8.00 8.00 11.00
Best Bets
ASHALIA Agresto Leahone
MORE DREAMS Two Bees Tommy Two
RESLENDA Our Lago Morchowie Miss
The Pearly Gates Lady Phoenix
CHILLI DEVA Our Blue Ribbon Attitude Problem
Sono Piccolo Hong Kong Missy
CROCODILE TEARS Spirit Line The Catcher
REAL FANTASY Katunga Lady Akatak
AGRESTO Ashalia Akahadoo
MR SCHILLER Social Assassin The Pearly Gates
CHILLI DEVA Julie Marie Donna Cecilia
DO SOMETHING Tommy Two Day Diva
CARINYA LODGE Reslenda The Juddernaut
LITTLE MISS BOURKE Sono Piccolo Hong Kong Missy
SPIRIT LINE The Catcher Doc Hennessy
KATUNGA For My Poppa Real Fantasy
Tattsbet Handicap
(Apprentices can claim) F&M Rating 68 $10,000
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
(Apprentices can claim) 3yo Maiden SW $10,000
1 0s He’s Distinctive (9) J Potter 2 85s Izides (1) C Lever 3 Jimmy’s Eye (3) D Tootell 4 Mr Schiller (6) T Pannell 5 4s8s Slim Henry (4) J Maund 6 9s Social Assassin (10) J Bowditch 7 s4468 The Pearly Gates (7) P Gatt 8 06s45 Lady Phoenix (8) Ms K Bishop (a3) 9 2 Pierremont Rocks (5) A Patterson 10 44s Pretty Blonde (2) Ms L Stojakovic (a1.5)
s4432 109s9 52172 66176 165s0 70s80 78068
Chilli Deva b (5) J Toeroek (a3) Resenda d (4) Ms K Bishop (a3) Julie Marie (7) J Potter Our Blue Ribbon w (1) D Tourneur Donna Cecilia (2) J Kah (a3) Attitude Problem d (3) T Pannell Lucenup w (6) Ms M Neve (a1.5)
David Wildy For Tattsbet
0sLs3 2763s s7686 564s7 s68s9 5s036 40s 00200 s47s8 08
Do Something (10) Two Bees (3) Fireweed (4) Marlborough (8) Tommy Two (7) Day Diva (1) Coogee Coozifa (9) La Caramba (6) More Dreams (2) Our Belief (5)
D Tourneur J Bowditch C Lever M Pegus Ms L Hopwood P Gatt J Holder SCRATCHED J Toeroek (a3) Ms K Bishop (a3)
Bytecraft Plate
(Apprentices can claim) 3yo & up Maiden SW $10,000
59 56 55.5 54.5 54 54 54
2.25 5.00 4.00 9.00 7.00 7.00 9.00
(Apprentices can claim) 2yo & up Maiden SW $10,000
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
58 58 57.5 57.5 57.5 56 55.5
9.00 6.00 11.00 6.00 3.50 6.00 5.00
55.5 55.5
5.50 16.00
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
5869 6s 59s37 s6567 7376s 9s9s 46 9s 037s
Pop The Bubble (4) Ms T Zanker Reslenda (6) J Potter The Juddernaut (9) D Tourneur Estebana (3) M Pegus Happy Pink (7) J Frew (a) Amici Miei (1) Ms C Lindop Carinya Lodge (5) S Cahill Morchowie Miss (10) J Holder Our Lago (8) J Maund Rulesofengagement (2) J Bowditch 6s Silent Stash (12) P Gatt EMERGENCY 9 Kooda Chance (11) Ms K Bishop (a3)
11.00 7.00 5.50 4.00 21.00 16.00 5.50 11.00 7.00 11.00 5.50
2.50 SATAB Up & Coming Apprentices 1615m
Rail: Is out 5m from the 850m to 400m. Track: Dead (5). Weather: Overcast.
3.28 Sunday Mail Mug Punters 2215m (Apprentices can claim) Rating 68 $10,000
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
49s69 31359 s4441 08356 s8428 34083 03349 s7600 60885 75s08 43243
Doc Hennessy (1) Bracken Blue (2) Spirit Line (9) Crocodile Tears d (3) Cruz’n Now w (10) Curaca Hill (6) The Catcher b (7) Kelly’s Gold w (8) Goodnight Joss (5) Bitofadreamer (4) Haraka Zulu (11)
S Cahill W Kerford A Patterson D Tourneur P Gatt B Claridge J Toeroek (a3) E Boyd (a4) J Bowditch Ms L Hopwood T Baker
59 55.5 55.5 54.5 54.5 54 54 54 54 54 54
4.60 21.00 2.80 11.00 8.00 7.00 6.00 11.00 8.00 21.00 17.00
(Apprentice riders only) Rating 62 $10,000
1 2 3 4
22313 258s0 s2087 6s867
5 98517
RACE 1: (3) Ustinov’s Fury, (4) Agresto, (8) Leahone lugging bit on first time RACE 2: (2) Izides blinkers on first time; (5) Slim Henry cheekers off first time; (7) The Pearly Gates blinkers on first time, winkers off first time RACE 3: (4) Our Blue Ribbon tongue-tie off again; (6) Attitude Problem winkers off first time RACE 4: (7) Coogee Coozifa blinkers on first time RACE 5: (5) Happy Pink nasal strip on first time, tongue-tie on first time, winkers off first time; (6) Amici Miei, (7) Carinya Lodge blinkers on first time; (8) Morchowie Miss cross-over noseband off first time, kyneton noseband on first time; (9) Our Lago nasal strip off first time RACE 6: (5) Hong Kong Missy blinkers on first time; (7) Quick ‘n’ Slick blinkers off again RACE 7: (2) Bracken Blue blinkers off again RACE 8: (5) For My Poppa blinkers on first time, cheekers off first time, lugging bit off first time, race plates on first time; (10) Bar Room Belle bit lifter off first time, lugging bit off first time, tongue-control bit on first time
58 57.5 57.5 56 56 55.5 55.5 55.5 55.5 55.5 55.5
6 7 8 9 10 11
80793 98067 03557 1s096 6s582 00
Sono Piccolo dw (1) Ms M Tyndall (a3) Athena Pegasus tw (4) J Kah (a3) Little Miss Bourke t (10) J Frew (a) Environment Patron dw (7) Ms K Bishop (a3) Hong Kong Missy (6) Ms L Stojakovic (a1.5) Jaen (9) J Toeroek (a3) Quick ‘n’ Slick (3) Ms T O’Donnell (a3) Toni’s Connection (2) Ms M Neve (a1.5) Pick The Tribe d (8) E Boyd (a4) Leven’s Lane (5) Ms J Frew (a4) Lady Geegee (11) Ms D Stra (a4)
59 57 57
2.80 8.00 2.25
55 54 54 54 54 54 54
15.00 17.00 17.00 17.00 17.00 15.00 26.00
4.08 Cornsey & Rowey Sports Show 1215m (Apprentices can claim) Class 1 $10,000
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
520s2 34s42 15820 42030 s320s 780s8 42190 57s49 49s96 7879s
Real Fantasy b (10) D Tourneur Katunga d (7) J Bowditch Lady Akatak d (5) Ms C Lindop Alice Longing b (8) Ms T Zanker For My Poppa b (9) P Gatt See Sparky t (1) Ms L Hopwood Kooda Dawn (4) Ms K Bishop (a3) Mountain Climber d (3) W Kerford Blue Manner h (2) B Claridge Bar Room Belle (6) Ms T O’Donnell (a3)
58 56.5 56 54.5 54.5 54.5 54 54 54 54
2.50 4.00 5.50 4.60 13.00 11.00 21.00 21.00 13.00 21.00
This publication takes all care in compiling the TAB details but cannot accept any responsibility for any errors. Readers are urged to check TAB information with the officia lists before placing their bets.
BALAKLAVA comment Race one
Race two
AKAHADOO (G V Richards) 2g By Akhadan Delane (2:0-0-0): Debuted with 7-3/4 len 8th (56.5) Star Of Zena 1050m M’ville 2yo Hcp dead trk May 5 then started long odds when 5-3/4 len 4th (55.5) Psychic Mick 1000m M’ville 2yo Hcp dead trk May 19. Hasn’t been disgraced in much stronger company at two runs to date and gets P.Gatt from the inside barrier here. Don’t dismiss. DUNDEVY (B J Dunn) 2g: First start. By Danbird - Deva Rock. Dam won six races and this is her first foal to the races. Finished sht 1/2 hd, len 3rd Swipeline, Anodoubt 1000m Morphettville Parks barrier trial dead trk May 14. Trialled OK a fortnight ago and he’s bred to show early toe. Market will be a guide but he’s worth consideration. USTINOV’S FURY (T T Oxlade) 2g: First start. By Ustinov - Furia. Brought $13,000 as a yearling and dam has had just moderate success at stud. Not seen publicly and would need a strong market lead to consider. AGRESTO (Tony McEvoy) 2f: First start. By Hussonet - Vestey. Dam’s six previous foals have all won races including the Listed winner Rutherford Eagle (5 wins) and smart mare Jolie Brise. From top stable and looks a big watch on debut. ASHALIA (Tony McEvoy) 2f By Testafiable - Magic Benbara (1:0-0-1): At only start ran 3 len, 1-1/4 len 3rd (55.5) Princess Royale, Flying Skipper 900m Murray Bridge 2yo Mdn Jan 26. Sure to have benefited from her debut run and this is a thin race. Keep safe. BRIMARVI DUE FACE (P L Seater) 2f: First start. By Face Value - We’re Due. Out of a good-producing mare who has had four winners from five to the races including Hong Kong winner Brothers In Arms (5 wins) and Brimarvi Magic (4 wins). Hasn’t trialled but look for any confidence in the ring. EXCELL SHOES (S P Gower) 2f: First start. By Excellent Art - Sunday Shoes. Out of a smart racemare who won six races and she’s already produced a winner in I Need To Fly (2 wins). Won’t have to be a superstar to figure here and any betting moves could be significant. LEAHONE (T R Saltmarsh) 2f By Barely A Moment - Swing Embrace (1:0-0-1): Jumped awkwardly on debut before finishing 2-1/4 len, sht 1/2 hd 3rd (53.5) Indubious, Danzing 1115m Gawler 2yo Mdn May 16. Trialled OK before her debut and she may have gone close with a clean getaway. The experience will have done her the world of good and she will be right in this.
HE’S DISTINCTIVE (T T Oxlade) 3g By Nickelmine - Hingis (1:0-0-0): Jumped awkwardly and raced greenly before finishing 8-1/4 len 10th (57.0) Elldami 1400m Balaklava Mdn Feb 26. Ran 1/2 len 2nd Social Assassin 1000m Morphettville Parks barrier trial (Mdn) dead trk May 14. Did a few things wrong on debut and has trialled OK leading into this. Can improve without surprising. IZIDES (Ms C Gellard) 3g By Mugharreb Give All (2:0-0-0): Debuted with 4-3/4 len 8th (55.5) Independent Air 1200m Gawler E&G Mdn Nov 16 then was spelled after 6-1/4 len 5th (56.5) Jimmy The Butch 1211m Gawler 3yo Mdn Dec 7. There was merit in both of his runs in his first campaign and he resumes here with the blinkers on. Worth consideration. JIMMY’S EYE (L A Jarvis) 3c: First start. By Bianconi - China Spice. First foal of a daughter of Perugino which ran last at its only start. Ran 5th Back On Track 1000m Strathalbyn barrier trial (Mdn) Nov 21. Would need a good lead from the ring to consider here. MR SCHILLER (W E Smart) 3g: First start. By Artie Schiller - Imagine Harmony. First foal of an unraced daughter of Zabeel. Finished 4 len 2nd Selessi 1000m Gawler barrier trial (Mdn) dead trk April 30. Interesting debutant who was placed behind a subsequent multiple-winner in a trial last month. Sire to starting to throw some winners and he could show up here. SLIM HENRY (Will Clarken) 3g By Red Dazzler - Zaylani (2:0-0-0): Debuted with 4-1/2 len 4th (56.5) Harry High Pants 1350m Strathalbyn 3yo Mdn heavy trk Oct 1 then was spelled after 6-1/4 len 8th (57.5) Lady Akatak 1200m Murray Bridge 3yo Mdn Jan 26. Scored 3/4 len win Emmooki’s Dash, Filiar Invictus 1000m Morphettville Parks barrier trial (Mdn) dead trk May 14. Both the 2nd and 4th horses who finished behind him in a recent trial have raced well since and he can be competitive here. Keep in mind. SOCIAL ASSASSIN (Lloyd Kennewell) 3g By Starcraft - Sunday Whisper (1:0-0-0): Was slowly away then vetted after 7-1/4 len 9th (57.5) Lady Akatak 1200m Murray Bridge 3yo Mdn Jan 26. Scored 1/2 len win He’s Distinctive, Wicked Tycoon 1000m Morphettville Parks barrier trial (Mdn) dead trk May 14. Resuming here after a moderate debut back in the summer. Went OK in a recent trial win and the third horse has since won at Murray Bridge. Has claims.
THE PEARLY GATES (D G Balfour) 3g By Dubai Destination - Heavenscent (9:0-0-0): Beat nine home when 5-1/4 len 6th (57.5) The Boilermaker 1406m Murray Bridge 2yo+ Mdn slow trk May 2 then finished in front of seven rivals when 4-1/2 len 8th (57.5) Quench The Thirst 1610m Balaklava 2yo+ Mdn May 9. Last few runs have been OK but he drops back in distance here. Blinkers go on and P.Gatt sticks with him so don’t ignore. LADY PHOENIX (F W Meuring) 3f By Bellotto - Jazzijo (4:0-0-0): Made good late ground when 3-1/2 len 4th (54.0) Aregee McLaren 1006m Murray Bridge Mdn slow trk May 2 then struck interference near the 800m before finishing 3-1/2 len 5th (53.5) Serbian Crown 1215m Gawler 3yo Mdn May 16. Both runs this time in have been excellent for this and she goes close with luck in running. PIERREMONT ROCKS (G D Searle) 3f By Grandera - Candy Dane (1:0-1-0): At only start ran 2-3/4 len 2nd (55.5) Serbian Crown 1215m Gawler 3yo Mdn May 16. Unwanted on debut but ran super race and can only have improved from that run. Looks the testing material. PRETTY BLONDE (Kym Healy) 3f By High Rolling - Elladior (2:0-0-0): Debuted with 3-1/2 len 4th (54.5) Sparkling Bella 1100m Strathalbyn F&M Mdn dead trk Jan 15 then was spelled after 4-3/4 len 4th (53.5) Tortosa 1200m Strathalbyn Mdn dead trk Feb 1. Trained locally and showed good ability in her first campaign. Should get a nice trail here and will be finishing hard.
Race three CHILLI DEVA (D M Koch) 5m By Akhadan Twisted Dream (18:2-6-3): Ran on strongly from well back to finish 1/2 len, lg nk 3rd (56.0) Uma Wave, Irish Cheer 1206m Murray Bridge (71) slow trk May 2 then no macth for the winner when 5 len 2nd (57.5) Moon Devil 1518m Gawler (68) May 16. Working up to another win and looks well placed here after the claim. Take tossing. RESENDA (Ms C Rose) 5m By Mugharreb Icy Gaze (22:2-0-2): Was found to be lame after finishing 16-3/4 len last (55.5) Merlot Now 1600m Murray Bridge (68) Nov 9 then was slowly away before running 5-1/4 len 9th (56.0) Final Command 1115m Gawler (62) May 16. Will appreciate the step-up in trip but may still be a run short. Perhaps a place.
JULIE MARIE (T T Oxlade) 4m By Dubai Destination - Kiseki Angel (19:2-7-0): Beat six home when 7-1/2 len 7th (56.5) Teen Spirit 1209m Gawler (62) dead trk April 25 then ran 2 len 2nd (55.5) Cadasha 1400m Penola (65) May 6. She’s placed at both runs here and looks a strong each-way chance in this. OUR BLUE RIBBON (P Stokes) 5m By Hussonet - Marblue (17:3-0-0): Got tightened for room when 5-3/4 len 7th (56.0) Round Saturn 1000m Pioneer Park (64) Mar 25 then finished 4-3/4 len 6th (58.0) Mr Butterscotch 1200m Pioneer Park (58) April 14. Coming off an NT campaign but this is a modest affair and he should get a soft run. Don’t dismiss. DONNA CECILIA (P Stokes) 3f By More Than Ready - Heart Of Diamonds (7:1-00): Was spelled after 5-1/2 len 5th (55.0) Magic Milady 1600m M’ville (75) dead trk Oct 22 then always well back when 14-1/2 len 12th (55.5) Rough Deal 1406m Murray Bridge C1 May 23. She didn’t get warm when resuming and needs to lift to be competitive here. ATTITUDE PROBLEM (Ryan Balfour) 5m By Jetball - Polychrest (21:1-0-3): Returned from a break with 4-1/2 len 8th (56.0) Juliet’s Princess 1209m Gawler (62) dead trk April 25 then got back from a wide draw and didn’t come on when 5-3/4 len 10th (55.5) Final Command 1115m Gawler (62) May 16. Hard to be overly confident given her overall record. Looking elsewhere. LUCENUP (C J Graves) 8m By Magic Of Money - Luce Royale (63:3-4-2): Beat three home when 2-1/2 len 6th (52.0) Fraacharm 1700m Clare (59) Mar 11 then passed a couple of stragglers in the run home when 6-1/4 len 8th (54.0) Jewel Of Johar 1500m Gawler M (68) dead trk Mar 25. Yet to place in nine runs over this trip and others preferred.
Race four DO SOMETHING (P Stokes) 4g By Falbrav - Monkey Business (9:0-1-1): Hit the rail near the 1000m and was injured during the run when lost rider (57.5) War Gun 1200m Pinjarra Mdn dead trk June 2 then resumed racing with 1/2 len, 1-1/4 len 3rd (58.0) Any Destination, Rose Of Lincoln 1115m Gawler Mdn May 16. Unwanted when resuming but stuck on well and will be fitter here. In the mix.
TWO BEES (Ms G Henderson) 6g By Dolphin Street - Silent Annie (13:0-2-3): Beat eight home when 6-1/4 len 6th (57.0) American Trilogy 1211m Gawler Mdn Dec 7 then struck interference near the 400m before finishing 3/4 len, hd 3rd (53.0) El Mazel, Lottalago 1511m Gawler C1 Dec 21. Ran 3/4 len 2nd Uschrike 1000m Morphettville Parks barrier trial (Mdn) dead trk May 14. Wasn’t far away in a recent trial in preparation for this although worth noting he has missed a place at both previous first-up runs. Well drawn here and market should provide a good lead. FIREWEED (G D Searle) 3g By Manton Honey Moss (8:0-0-0): Made some late ground when 10-1/2 len 8th (54.0) Mystic Morn 1509m Gawler 2yo+ Mdn dead trk April 25 then finished in the first half of the field when 8-3/4 len 6th (57.5) Filiar Invictus 1406m Murray Bridge 2yo+ Mdn May 23. Hasn’t been disgraced of late and drawn to get a nice trail here. Worth consideration. MARLBOROUGH (M A Kavanagh) 3g By Savabeel - Trisha’s Belle (6:0-0-0): Was spelled after 6-1/2 len 4th (56.5) Well Spent 2069m Moe Mdn heavy trk Nov 8 then resumed racing with 4-1/4 len 7th (57.5) Rip Apart 1210m Balaklava Mdn May 9. Had some support first-up and he’ll appreciate the step-up in distance here. Stable commands respect and he must go in. TOMMY TWO (J D Smith) 3g By Snippetson - Kaapriesto (6:0-0-0): Went for a break after 5-3/4 len 8th (54.0) Play Again 1850m Kyneton (58) slow trk Jan 8 then resumed racing with 3-1/4 len 9th (54.0) Sea Tryst 1200m M’ville 3yo Hcp dead trk May 19. He’ll find this easier than his first-up run and can be a big improver. DAY DIVA (W J Smart) 4m By Undoubtedly - Midnight Diva (6:0-0-1): Beat ten home when 6-1/2 len, 1/2 len 3rd (57.5) Ilsede, La Caramba 1200m Strathalbyn F&M Mdn dead trk April 18 then not disgraced from the outside barrier when 2-1/2 len 6th (56.0) Rip Apart 1210m Balaklava Mdn May 9. Gets the gun draw here and P.Gatt goes on. Peaking after three runs back and will go close. COOGEE COOZIFA (Tony McEvoy) 3f By Danzero - Mer Du Sud (2:0-0-0): Debuted with 6-1/2 len 4th (53.0) Dark Brown Sugar 1300m R’wick 3yoF Mdn Plate Nov 1 then was spelled after 11-1/2 len last (54.5) Ziprossa 1550m C’bury Mdn Plate Nov 16. Resuming here for new stable with blinkers on for the first time. Beat eight home at Randwick on debut so clearly has ability and this is not a deep race. Big watch.
LA CARAMBA (K M McAnulty & C Binni 3f By Niello - Flying Foxtrot (9:0-1-1): D little when 8-3/4 len last (55.0) Danish Sp 1209m Gawler Mdn dead trk April 25 the finished 11-1/2 len 11th (57.0) Ambros 1206m Murray Bridge F&M Mdn May 2 Form has tapered right off since runnin second here last month. Chance if she ca find that form again. MORE DREAMS (Tony McEvoy) 3f B Stratum - Croisette (5:0-1-0): Was spelle after 10 len 7th (53.5) Moving Mone 1250m Morphettville Parks 3yo (75) De 24 then slightly disappointing first-up whe 4-1/4 len 8th (55.5) Serbian Crown 1215 Gawler 3yo Mdn May 16. Should be fitt now and drawn nicely in this. Has claims. OUR BELIEF (J Dunn) 3f By Al Maher - Fir Belief (2:0-0-0): Debuted with 5-1/2 le 10th (53.5) Rip Apart 1210m Balaklava Md May 9 then passed some stragglers in th run home when 9-1/2 len 8th (54.5) Filia Invictus 1406m Murray Bridge 2yo+ Md May 23. Needs to lift to be competitive her
Race five POP THE BUBBLE (Ms S Salvemini) 4g B Wiganthorpe - Merci M’daam (4:0-0-0): Be three home when 5-3/4 len 6th (59.0) Strik McLaren 1100m Clare Mdn April 7 the never threatened when 8-1/4 len 9th (55.0 Secret Retreat 1400m Port Augusta (59 April 15. Has been freshened for this an they’ve put the blinkers on. This is a mode affair and he’s not the worst. RESLENDA (D R Jolly) 3g By Reset Leyenda (1:0-0-0): At only start beat eig home when 3-1/4 len 6th (55.5) Independe Air 1200m Gawler E&G Mdn Nov 16. Mad some late ground on debut when easy the betting. Fresh for this and look for market lead. THE JUDDERNAUT (M A White) 3g By Niel - Danelight (6:0-0-2): Returned from a brea with 1-1/2 len, lg nk 3rd (57.0) Novadant Mrs Wolfe 1100m Port Augusta Mdn Ap 29 then beat half the field home when 4-1/ len 7th (57.5) Serbian Crown 1215m Gawl 3yo Mdn May 16. Speedy type who wasn disgraced in a stronger race last time. Wort consideration here. ESTEBANA (Ms S Nolan) 4m By Univers Prince - She’s In Control (9:0-0-1): Aft 3-1/2 len 6th (56.0) Raks McLaren 1050 Balaklava Mdn April 11 ran 3 len 7th (56.0 Any Destination 1115m Gawler Mdn May 1 Hasn’t been far away of late and should get nice trail here. Perhaps a place.
Wednesday, May 30, 2012 - Page 33 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
BALAKLAVA comment continued HAPPY PINK (Ms A Morrison) 4m By Happy Giggle - Ultimate Pink (7:0-0-2): Finished 4-1/4 len 7th (53.5) Kooda Wonder 1000m Port Lincoln 3yo (61) Jan 9 (2011) then was spelled after 5-1/2 len 6th (53.5) Barannan 1200m Port Lincoln Mdn Jan 21 (2011). Scored 5 len win Romantic Miss, Bit O’ Me 1100m Port Augusta barrier trial May 13. Pacy type coming off a strong trial win on her home track a fortnight ago. Gets a tongue tie on for the first time here and can give some cheek. AMICI MIEI (Simon Casey) 3f By Bellotto - Swepton (2:0-0-0): Jumped awkwardly on debut before running 21-1/4 len last (54.5) Jaipur Gem 1100m Port Augusta 2yo Mdn June 19 then finished 13-1/4 len 9th (55.5) Our Snippy 1000m Murray Bridge 3yo Mdn Jan 1. Ran 8th Slim Henry 1000m Morphettville Parks barrier trial (Mdn) dead trk May 14. She hasn’t set the world on fire in two short campaigns to date and while the blinkers go on here, she needs to lift considerably to be competitive in this. CARINYA LODGE (S Burford) 3f By Fastnet Rock - Quillionaire (2:0-0-0): Debuted with 3-3/4 len 4th (55.0) Out Of Orbit 1000m Murray Bridge Mdn dead trk Mar 4 then ran 4-1/4 len 6th (55.5) Calypsian 1206m Murray Bridge 3yo Mdn dead trk Mar 28. Fair effort last time and blinkers go on here. Can improve. MORCHOWIE MISS (D M Koch) 3f By Niello - Regal Lagoon (1:0-0-0): At only start ran 4 len 9th (54.5) Just Diamond 1100m Strathalbyn F&M Mdn Oct 19. Trained here but did little on debut back in the spring. Would need a positive lead from the ring. OUR LAGO (G D Searle) 3f By Lago Delight - Our St. Covet (3:0-0-1): Beat three home when 3/4 len, 2 len 3rd (55.0) Kargil, Constant Momentum 1300m Pakenham 3yo Mdn heavy trk Nov 11 then was spelled after 12-1/2 len 7th (54.5) Esprit Rossa 1100m Sale Mdn heavy trk Nov 16. Having first start for new stable and market moves could be significant. Don’t dismiss. RULESOFENGAGEMENT (P L Seater) 3f: First start. By Kurt - She Rules. Dam is yet to have a major impact at stud and this filly hasn’t been seen publicly. Market will be the only guide. SILENT STASH (W E Smart) 3f By Dash For Cash - Fiery Dee (1:0-0-0): At only start beat eight home when 3-1/2 len 6th (55.0) Californian Devil 1200m Gawler F&M Mdn Nov 16. Had some support on debut and was far from disgraced when finishing in the front half of the field. Fresh for this and worth consideration.
KOODA CHANCE (J Dunn) 3g By Mugharreb - Some Surprise (1:0-0-0): Debuted with 6-1/2 len 9th (54.5) Wicked Tycoon 1006m Murray Bridge Mdn May 23. His debut run was nothing to write home about but he will have benefited from the race experience. Must lift.
Race six SONO PICCOLO (J E Hickmott) 6g By Genuine - Unhook (51:6-6-7): Scored sht hd win (54.0) Limbo Queen, She’s Bossy 1606m Murray Bridge (62) slow trk May 2 before running 5 len, len 3rd (54.5) Moon Devil, Chilli Deva 1518m Gawler (68) May 16. Back up to his best trip here and should have little trouble racing forward from his good draw. Will take some running down. ATHENA PEGASUS (G D Searle) 5m By Fusaichi Pegasus - Aldarch (22:3-2-3): Struck interference near the turn then was vetted after 9-3/4 len last (57.0) Faineant 2100m Gawler (68) Nov 16 then resumed racing with 12-3/4 len 11th (56.5) Moon Devil 1518m Gawler (68) May 16. Her best form is over more ground and she will need this run. LITTLE MISS BOURKE (M A Kavanagh) 3f By Flying Spur - Fairessa (5:1-1-0): Finished 4 len 8th (54.0) Balzeus 1400m Morphettville Parks H C Nitschke April 21 then finished in the front half of the field when 5-3/4 len 7th (54.5) Lucky Penny 1600m M’ville Laelia Stakes May 12. Comming off successive runs in Listed class so should appreciate the massive drop in grade here. Hard to beat. ENVIRONMENT PATRON (Kirsten McGowan) 7g By Montjeu - Nikki’s Bride (34:3-4-6): Ran 5-1/4 len 6th (56.5) Just Push On 1709m Gawler (68) dead trk April 25 then finished 10-1/4 len 7th (56.0) Moon Devil 1518m Gawler (68) May 16. Doesn’t win out of turn but should be fitter for three runs back. Perhaps a place here. HONG KONG MISSY (Jon O’Connor) 4m By Citizen Kane - Hands Full (11:1-0-0): Scored 1-1/2 len win (55.0) Miss Practicality, Masked Invader 1800m Clare 2yo+ Mdn April 7 then ran 7-1/4 len last (54.5) Penn Station 2050m Strathalbyn (62) dead trk April 18. Back in distance and they’ve put blinkers on her for this. Place is best.
JAEN (Kylie McKerlie) 4m By Devaraja - Apa Khabar (18:1-4-1): Only beat three home when 10-3/4 len 9th (54.5) Team Lago 1500m Port Augusta (61) April 29 then finished 2-3/4 len, len 3rd (54.5) Team Lago, Leven’s Lane 1600m Port Augusta (59) May 13. Up in grade here and rough place hope is best. QUICK ‘N’ SLICK (Kym Healy) 5m By Blevic - Caddy’s Star (35:1-0-2): Safely held when 17-1/4 len 6th (54.0) Waratone 2210m Balaklava (75) May 9 then finished 6-1/2 len 7th (54.5) Southern Fortune 2126m Gawler (68) May 16. Back sharply in distance here and they’ve removed the blinkers. Needs to lift. TONI’S CONNECTION (Ms S Stott) 5g By Antonius Pius - Rapid Angel (23:1-0-3): Beat seven rivals home when 8-3/4 len 5th (57.0) Team Lago 1500m Port Augusta (61) April 29 then ran 9-1/2 len 5th (54.0) Musty Springs 1850m Port Augusta (68) May 13. Needs it weak and looks safely held here. PICK THE TRIBE (B Morgan) 7g By Diatribe Pick Of The Crop (41:5-5-1): After 14-3/4 len 9th (57.0) Out Do Me 1500m Port Augusta (61) April 29 finished 15-1/2 len 6th (57.0) Team Lago 1600m Port Augusta (59) May 13. Hasn’t got warm in three runs this time in and cannot recommend in this. LEVEN’S LANE (B Morgan) 5g By Reenact - Mahnala (24:1-2-0): Got blocked for a run when 10-1/2 len 8th (50.0) Team Lago 1500m Port Augusta (61) April 29 then dropped in grade when 2-3/4 len 2nd (50.0) Team Lago 1600m Port Augusta (59) May 13. Improved effort last time but this is harder. Place only. LADY GEEGEE (Kirsten McGowan) 3f By Al Samer - Condor Lady (2:0-0-0): Jumped awkwardly on debut before finishing 22-1/4 len last (55.5) The Boilermaker 1406m Murray Bridge 2yo+ Mdn slow trk May 2 then ran 15-3/4 len 11th (55.5) Full Of Cache 1518m Gawler 2yo+ Mdn May 16. Done little in two runs to date and others are better suited here.
Race seven DOC HENNESSY (J R Croucher) 6g By Half Hennessy - Special Occasion (26:4-3-1): Jumped awkwardly and lost a plate when 5-1/2 len 6th (57.0) Our Freed Man 1406m Murray Bridge (75) slow trk May 2 then ran 8-1/4 len 9th (54.0) Our Freed Man 1600m M’ville (86) dead trk May 19. Much fitter for two run back and drops considerably in grade here. Extra trip suits and he can improve sharply.
BRACKEN BLUE (Angela Forster) 7g By Brackenbury - Mist Limit (62:6-3-9): Was slowly away before finishing 5-1/4 len 5th (57.0) Musty Springs 1850m Port Augusta (68) April 29 then again slowly away before running 14-1/2 len 9th (56.5) Musty Springs 1850m Port Augusta (68) May 13. Needs it weaker and he’s a query at the trip. Looking to others. SPIRIT LINE (P Stokes) 3f By Artie Schiller Umaline (8:1-0-0): Was slowly away before finishing 2-1/4 len 4th (55.5) Quench The Thirst 1610m Balaklava 2yo+ Mdn May 9 then again slowly away before scoring 3/4 len win (55.5) Cable Bay, Wagen 2126m Gawler Mdn May 16. Broke through for overdue win when stepped up in trip last time out and the runner-up from that race won by 12 lengths at Strathalbyn on Sunday. Looks a threat. CROCODILE TEARS (Kirsten McGowan) 4g By Street Cry - Lady Ember (18:1-0-1): Jumped awkwardly and lost a plate when 6-1/4 len 5th (55.5) Willego 2206m Murray Bridge (68) slow trk May 2 then beat half the field home when 4-3/4 len 6th (55.0) Bell Ringer 2206m Murray Bridge (68) May 23. Doesn’t win out of turn but recent efforts make him competitive here. Perhaps a place. CRUZ’N NOW (D L Hewitt) 4g By Street Cry - Just Do It Now (33:2-1-3): After 5-1/2 len 2nd (55.5) Delphere 1606m Murray Bridge (62) slow trk May 2 was slowly away before finishing 3 len 8th (58.5) Golden Ella 1800m Mildura (58) May 19. Up in grade and distance here. Rough place at best. CURACA HILL (Ms G Davey) 5g By Danbird - Ashtareema (27:1-3-5): Beaten out of sight when 17-3/4 len 8th (55.5) Waratone 2210m Balaklava (75) May 9 then improved effort for 1-3/4 len, 1/2 nk 3rd (52.0) Southern Fortune, Target Explorer 2126m Gawler (68) May 16. Can find one better but worth a place ticket on his latest effort. THE CATCHER (Lisa Ryan) 4g By Falvelon - Chasing Butterflys (25:2-2-6): Followed 13-1/4 len 4th (52.5) Waratone 2210m Balaklava (75) May 9 with 7 len 9th (52.0) Southern Fortune 2126m Gawler (68) May 16. Flopped last time when heavily supported. Previous form was consistent and he’s worth another chance against a moderate lot. KELLY’S GOLD (Ms P Trenwith) 6g By Danehill Dancer - Full Of Glory (20:3-0-0): Always well back when 7-1/2 len 13th (55.5) Sono Piccolo 1606m Murray Bridge (62) slow trk May 2 then finished 3-1/2 len 10th (57.0) Golden Ella 1800m Mildura (58) May 19. Jumping steeply in distance here and his recent efforts leave a bit to be desired. Looking to others.
GOODNIGHT JOSS (J D Smith) 4g By Encosta De Lago - Bonasera (12:1-0-2): Had to be vetted after running 8-3/4 len 8th (55.0) Handsome As 1410m Balaklava (62) May 9 then jumped awkwardly before finishing 3-1/4 len 5th (52.0) Southern Fortune 2126m Gawler (68) May 16. Should be improved by his last run when stepped up in distance and beat half the field home. Blowout chance here. BITOFADREAMER (P J White) 7m By Blevic - Dreamsome (32:1-4-2): Followed 24 len last (57.5) Pictorella 1200m Lock (59) Feb 19 with 6-1/4 len 8th (54.0) Zen 1410m Balaklava (62) May 9. Jumping steeply in distance here and others look better suited. HARAKA ZULU (D K Carrison) 4g By Mugharreb - Icy Gaze (12:0-2-2): After 4-1/4 len 4th (58.0) Spirit Line 2126m Gawler Mdn May 16 finished 12-1/2 len, 2-1/4 len 3rd (58.0) Cable Bay, Bux The Trend 2050m Strathalbyn Mdn slow trk May 27. Backing up from Sunday when beaten out of sight. Not likely in this grade.
Race eight REAL FANTASY (P A Jones) 3g By Real Jester - Blazing Fantasy (10:1-3-0): Was spelled after 6-3/4 len 13th (55.5) Zaeimus 1400m Morphettville Parks (75) Dec 3 then jumped awkwardly when sht 1/2 hd 2nd (56.5) Kosciuszko’s Side 1210m Balaklava E&G (68) May 9. Fitter here and drops in grade for this. Hard to beat. KATUNGA (S Burford) 5m By Gallo Di Ferro - Marscaville (17:1-4-2): Got tightened for room before finishing 1-1/4 len 4th (53.0) Julia Jean 1000m Mildura (62) dead trk April 16 then was vetted after nk 2nd (55.5) Final Command 1115m Gawler (62) May 16. Fitter for two runs back and this looks a suitable assignment. Right in it. LADY AKATAK (Ms K Brynes) 3f By Akhadan - Dangerous Mission (8:1-2-1): Safely held when 8-1/4 len 2nd (55.0) Classy Chloe 1206m Murray Bridge F&M (68) Mar 28 then was vetted after 45-3/4 len last (54.0) Classy Chloe 1100m M’ville 3yo Hcp dead trk May 5. Forget she went around last time in much tougher company. This suits better and she looks a key player. ALICE LONGING (Ms S Stott) 4m By Star Cross - River Alice (17:1-3-1): Finished sht 1/2 hd, 1-3/4 len 3rd (54.5) Juliet’s Princess, Rose Of Nirvana 1209m Gawler (62) dead trk April 25 before 12-1/2 len 10th (56) Lord of the Castle 1100m Hawker (64) May 26. Form before last-start flop was good enough for this. Give her another chance.
FOR MY POPPA (Lloyd Kennewell) 4m B Half Hennessy - Halloween Mist (8:1-1-1 Ran 5 len 2nd (55.0) Gregory’s Fortres 1200m Goulburn C1 Nov 5 then lost a pla and was galloped on before finishing 13-1/ len 13th (54.5) Universal Joker 1600 Wagga (Bm55) dead trk Dec 3. Ran 5t Saint Desir 1000m Gawler barrier trial dea trk April 30. Having first start for new stab here and resumes with the blinkers on. Loo for a lead from the betting ring. SEE SPARKY (W A Bogarts) 4m By Gallo D Ferro - Festival Parade (9:1-1-1): Had to b vetted after 9 len last (56.0) Nothin Leic Flash 1430m Naracoorte C1 Nov 24 the ran 6-3/4 len 8th (57.5) Arthurian Legen 1100m Clare (59) April 7. She’s a second-u winner on this track and will be improved b her return run. Gets a gun draw and could b the value runner in this. KOODA DAWN (J Dunn) 3f By Akhada - Kooda Bundee (7:1-1-0): Jumped aw wardly and was found to be lame after run ning 45-3/4 len last (57.0) Mighty Mome 1250m Port Lincoln 3yo (64) Feb 29 the resumed racing with 8-1/4 len 11th (54.0 Dabamirak 1100m Port Augusta (61) Ma 13. Her only win was in very modest com pany and others look better suited here. MOUNTAIN CLIMBER (B D Hatch) 4g B Don Eduardo - Hill Of Dreams (8:1-0-0 Resumed from a decent break with 4-1/2 le 4th (54.0) Miss Eliza 1200m Port Augus (74) April 29 then ran 12-1/2 len 9th (52 Lord of the Castle 1100m Hawker (64) Ma 26. Fitter here but better suited in somethin easier. Looking elsewhere. BLUE MANNER (D J Halliday) 5g B Manner Hill - Blue Witness (27:1-0-3 Jumped awkwardly when 4 len 9th (55.0 Riviera Queen 1050m Balaklava C1 dead t Mar 21 then finished 3-1/4 len 6th (55.5 Where’s My Wagon 1200m Clare (76) Ap 7. Doesn’t win out of turn but he can bo up at odds in this grade. Could add valu to trifectas. BAR ROOM BELLE (Ms S Ratsch) 6m B Mutahassin - Taqabar (45:1-3-4): Covere extra ground when 6-1/2 len 7th (53.5) Cu To Boot 1215m Gawler C1 Dec 28 then wa spelled after 20-1/2 len last (55.0) Dante Best 1400m Ceduna (59) Jan 14. Her recor tells the story and it’s hard to recommen her with confidence here.
Sport GOLF KAPUNDA Steve Wall dragged out the golf sticks and dusted them off for a rare round when he sponsored last weeks’s par comp for the Perfection Car Detailing trophy. After brief couple of showers in the morning the day turned out to be pretty good for golf. A couple of early starters set the pace for the rest of the field to chase. John Sheppard turned around his form in a major way when he carded an impressive +7. It was all the more amazing knowing that it was all done on the back nine where he shot a three-under 34 for all of the seven plusses. He certainly took any of the guess work out of any countback should it have eventuated. John also picked up the jackpot hole with a birdie three on the 12th. A couple of other A graders were hot on his heels with Daniel Arch and Bazz Williams having their best rounds for some time, both finishing with an equally impressive +6 and both having opportunities for the extra plus needed to match John. In the end it was Archie who won the A grade in the countback. Tom Ryan has settled back into the game quickly and after a revised provisional handicap he came in with +4 just the one shot ahead of Graham Black. Greg Tilbrook also made a rare appearance and shot a more than respectable +2. The B grade turned out to be a pretty good win for Shane Fiddes with his +4 three ahead of Bob Lambert and Martin Dew. Newcomer Michael Pratt had a pretty good day also finishing up with +4 which was
good enough for the C grade but not quite enough to beat Damian Burgess in his “Top Dog” matchplay game. Tony Moritz and Bob McLean were next best with +2. Of the eight fillies it was once again Jenny Menzel who took home the bacon after winning the countback with Janet Morrison. A couple of other matchplay matches were also decided with Bob Lambert breaking the deadlock with Greg Jones over the final two holes for a 2-up win and Mark Pettigrew making the most of Pete Morrison’s terrible luck in the trees to move into the next round. On Sunday some 54 players ventured back out for the J T Johnson Cup 4-ball ambrose event which is a fundraiser for the local kindy. Another successful day saw over $1000 raised which will be put into developing the playground and gardens. Some great scores of 8 and 9 under were recorded and the Damien Burgess team had the better of the handicap result. Well done lads on a great game. The kindy mums did a great job on the bacon and eggs as did Boo and Macca on the snag barbecue. A big thank you was extended to Johnson’s for their sponsorship of the day and also to Boo Menzel for providing the bacon and snags. This week is the June monthly medal round sponsored by Lower North Hire and Gawler Caddieshack. Just a reminder the week after on the long weekend will be the annual Mick & Mick Classic 2-ball ambrose event so grab a partner and prepare for this popular event. Saturday par competition. A grade: J Shephard +7, D Arch +6, B Williams +6, T Ryan +4, G Black +3, G Tilbrook +2. B grade: S Fiddes +4, M Dew +1, R Lambert
+1, L Bagshaw -1, D Burgess -1, G Jones 2. C grade: M Pratt +4, T Moritz +2, R McLean +2, G Akkerman 0, M Menzel 0, M Martin -1, I Gawley -2. Ladies winner J Menzel -4. Kapunda Ladies played a Aggregate Stableford sponsored by Dr Parasuramar of Kapunda. The Aggregate winners were Jane Teagle and Lucy Bashford with 63 aggregate points. Jane Teagle won the day with 35 points. Long drive sponsored by Ian Devlin Barossa Golf was Div 1 Lucy Bashford and Div 2 Jan Owen. Nearest the Pin 2nd shot on No.18 sponsored by Barossa Clothing was Div 1 Lucy Bashford and Div 2 Helen Sexton. MT PLEASANT Saturday stroke competition: T Mitchell 63, K Vine 71, E Bishop 73, P Boucher 74, S Tregenza 74, N Thompson, M Watkins, J James all 75. BAROSSA Saturday stroke competition. A grade J Alderson 70, r/u D McDonnell 71; B grade G Young 67, r/u P Twelftree 73; C grade J Harris 69, r/u G Dungey 71. A grade (26 players): D Geyer 71, T Turnbull 71, Z Fuller 72, T Cowgill 73, I Baldwin 74. B grade (31 players): P Frazer 73, M Wilson, R Hampel, S Richards, B Weedon all 74. C grade (28 players): B Scholz 71, G Maxted 72, D Virgin, G Neilson, K Obst all 76. Ladies winner M MacGillivray 70. B Baird 71, T Ross 74. NTP 3rd G Ewing; 4th 2nd shot P Graetz; 6th D Brook; 10th 2nd shot T Turnbull; 12th J Biggins; 17th G Maxted. Long drives: A grade Z Fuller; B grade M
P f O ASA n d io ss ire e u pr eq Ex t R es er t In
Siv; C grade G McDonald. Putting competition: P Homburg. TANUNDA St Hallett Wines Saturday stroke competition - 1st Round Qualifying Men’s Club Championships. Overall winner N Day 74. A grade S Coombs 74, r/u D Goers 75; B grade G Lamshed 76, r/u P Jeffries 77; C grade N Day 74, r/u F Contestabile 77; Ladies J Jeffries 78, r/u P Henschke 81. Long drives: A grade M Patton; B grade J Farley; C grade R Casey; Ladies J Jeffries. NTP 6th S Coombs (Peter Lehmann); 8th N Giles (TPGC); 11th D Goers (Yalumba); 16th P Stacey (Rusden); 7th hole 2nd shot D Cock (Langmeil). Rundown: B Veevers 76, P Stacey 77, M Patton 77, F Altmann 78, D MacPhail 78, J Sonntag 78. Sunday St Hallett Winery stableford competition: C Swinstead 32, C Othams 30. Barry Veevers Black Tee Trophy Men’s Midweek stableford competition winner Dennis Cock. A grade: T George 33, F Altmann 25, C McMillan 24 c/b, T Jenkins 24 c/b. NTP: N Giles. LD: C McMillan. B grade: D Dock 36, J Gooden 34, B Andrews 28, R Haynes 26. NTP: P Othams. LD: D Tuk. St Hallett Winery Ladies Midweek stableford competition: D Ahrens 36, L Montfort 35 c/b, C Hongell 35. NTP: C Hongell. LD: L Montfort. GAWLER Wednesday - Ladies; The gale force winds didn’t stop the hardy from venturing out even though it was a slog. Brereton Jewellers sponsored the ladies competition and
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Lorraine Pearson picked up the winnings with 32 points. Runner up was L Polito, followed by D Agar, with 31 and 30 pts respectively. K Korber won NTP on the 4th, L Pearson had a Gobbler on the 15th and L Polito and B White managed a birdie ball each. Mid Week end; A large midweek competition this week made the scoring tough. Jason ‘Pieman’ Assender managed to win the overall competition with 37points. Runner up was John Dahl with 36. Ball winners; D Hurley, H Brown, A Yule. Birdie balls; R Polito, D Nugyen. Saturday : The rain held off all day and Dung Nguyen and Rocco Polito snuck off early in the morning in the feature foursomes event. It was a masterstroke too as their 73 off the stick was good enough to see them win by 7 shots from Chris Thornton and Russell Minett with a pair of 78s.The nett championship was a close affair with Ken McLean and Brian Pipe getting up by 1 shot from John Wozniak and Ian Monro. Brian was faltering at the end as he had to keep pumping up his flat tyre, fortunately the wheels didn’t quite fall off. The stableford event was won by Jerry Peel with 39pts followed by Barry Portlock and Chas Decelis 37 on c/b. Ntps and long drives Uleybury Wines 2nd; R Roy St Kilda Hotel 3rd long drive, K Jarvis, Giannitto Hotel Group 4th; G Long, Kingsford Hotel 6th; R Hartwell Roseworthy Hotel 3rd shot 9th; C Decelis Hi Beam car/ dog wash 11th; G Chillingworth, Pizza Works Pizza 14th; L Jeffery Ball winners; S Jeffery, A Sota 37, C.Noack, D Vidakovic 35. Birdie balls; G Gray, S Jeffery, G Chillingworth, H Smits. Next Saturday will be the T & S Refrigeration monthly medal.
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> Rugby Union THE Barossa Rams express kept rolling on the weekend as they
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Catch a squid
University 8-51 despite Matt Barnett displaying plenty of leadership among the young group.
> Football KAPUNDA’S Zac Diekman headed to Melbourne on the weekend to watch his favourite team Hawthorn play but he got a lot more than he had expected. On Thursday his Mum Lisa received a phone call from Hawthorn Football Club telling her that Zac had been named No 1 supporter of Round 9. Zac received a Hawks guernsey with No 1 on the back, attended the final training session, ran water among the players and coaches and listened to Alistair Clarkson address the players. He had a one-on-one kick with Sam Mitchell and Isaac Smith and best of all Lance “Buddy” Franklin presented Zac with a signed football. Zac and his Dad Adam
were also invited down into the training rooms before the game on Saturday to watch the players warm up prematch. He was interviewed by Aaron McNaughton from Hawthorn Football Club and his interview can be viewed on the Hawthorn FC website: au Shame about the game result with the Hawks going down to Richmond but Zac can’t stop talking about his trip.
> BL&G A PAIR of BL&G based footballers have been named in the final squad of 40 for the state under 18 side. Travis Schiller (Nuriootpa) and Sam Colquhoun (Angaston) join Central District teammate Troy Menzel in the group that will contest the national championships over a six-week period.
Gawler and Kapunda Sportsperson of the week
Corey Ryan - Kapunda Corey Ryan plays football for Kapunda. Where have you played your football? Kapunda Bombers and Osaka Dingoes, Japan ( Relationship and employment status: Married to Danielle. Employed at J T Johnson & Sons, Kapunda. Who are key players at your club? We have many and like every club, you’re only as good as your last five blokes picked each week. I say that as I’m in that bottom five. What is your most important attribute? Hard to say, but most of them would be “off field” that’s for sure. Who is a character at the club and why? Sam “Pratypus” Pratt - B grade ruckman, future Prime Minister of the republic of Pratt, drives around in the pratt-mobile and reigning football trip rookie of the year. Gotta love him.
just paying for some politician’s taxi and escort service?
Who is the best player you have played with and against? With would have to be Mick “super coach” McCarthy, who is now working his magic coaching Riverton. Against, I really applaud the way Darren Leske has gone about his business. In good times and bad he’s stuck with Freeling.
Favourite actor and movie? Love Will Ferrell and Anchorman.
Major influence in your football: Father, family and friends. My family have played thousands of games for Kapunda. Who are your sporting idols? As a kid mainly basketballers and Gary Ablett.
HAPPY: Zac Diekman with the Hawthorn players.
Your Guide to the Tides
What event has inspired or amazed you? Sam Ryan’s ability to play every game, every year. People would think he must really look after his body, but I’ll guarantee you, he doesn’t. If you were Prime Minister what issue would you address? Correctly address dishonest politicians. Why do I have to be so honest in declaring my tax, when it’s
brought to you by
Gawler Fishing and Outdoors Mon-Fri 9am - 5.30pm Thurs 9am - 8.00pm Sat 9.00am - 4.00pm Sun 11am - 3.00pm
Any superstitions? Don’t fill out player profiles.
Pet hates on the football oval? Umpires who talk back and try to explain their rubbish decisions. Leave the mouthing off to the players, they do it best.
If someone had to play you in a movie who would it be? I think I’d cover the role well. Greatest moment and disappointment? Back to back grand finals were pretty good, no disappointments in my life. How would you spend a million dollars? I wouldn’t. The minister of fun and finances (my dear wife) would. What other sport would you love to be the best in the world at and why? I don’t aspire to be the best in the world at any sport, but I would like to get more than five kicks on a Saturday at some stage this year. If you could have any four people stranded on a deserted island with you who would they be and why? Russell Coight the outback adventurer, Brad “wild bushman” Valentine, to hunt and gather, Brenton Walker for entertainment and my wife Danielle to keep me inline.
• Fishing • Camping • Guns • Marine 48 Murray Street, Gawler
8522 6200 SUCCESS: An EGI style jag.
By LUBIN PFEIFFER SQUID are one of the most popular targets for anglers in the Barossa Valley. Squid taste great and are really fun and easy to catch. There are a few things you can do to improve your squid captures. The latest and greatest piece of angling equipment to hit the market for increased squid success is the range of EGI gear. These come in the form of rods, reels, line and lures. The two most important pieces we should take notice of is the rods and lures. EGI rods are longer and more flexible than the usual spin sticks. This helps to keep the squid attached while you wind it in. Squid have soft tentacles and it is quite easy to pull the jag free when bringing the squid in, especially if it is lightly hooked. The longer rod will also cast further and this means you cover far more water when
searching out those squid. EGI jags are also different to the standard jags we’ve all come to know. One factor that has proven its weight in gold to me lately is in the form of a noise maker within the jag. Whether it is internal rattles or a weight on the outside of the lure hitting the jag as it is jigged they both have the same desired effect of imitating the clicking sound of a prawn. When things get slow these new generation jags have really out fished the cheaper bargain bin squid jags. There will still be many times when any old jag will do but it is very important to have a few tricks up your sleeve for when things start to get hard. Most tackle shops now stock EGI gear and if you’re looking to improve your squid captures next time you hit the water, try it and I’m sure success won’t be far away. Tight lines until next week.
Tide Times for Port Adelaide (Outer Harbour) and Wallaroo for the week to come
Pt Adelaide MAY 2012
30 WE 31 TH
JUNE 2012
4 MO 5 TU
0406 1101 1726 2308
0.89 1.82 1.26 1.66
0601 1306 2008
1.01 1.97 1.04
0153 0744 1425 2123
1.63 1.00 2.22 0.73
0325 0847 1516 2213
1.73 0.96 2.44 0.51
0417 0928 1554 2252
1.78 0.96 2.59 0.40
0453 0958 1625 2326
1.76 0.91 2.68 0.38
Wallaroo MAY 2012
30 WE
0555 1457
0.74 1.29
0607 1456
0.83 1.41
0010 1510 2344
0.80 1.55 0.63
0004 1604
0.48 1.83
0037 1638
0.40 1.93
JUNE 2012
4 MO 5
0115 0.37 0518 1.72 1712 1.96 1023 0.87 1654 2.72 TU 2355 0.41 *Please note - Add 1 hour for daylight savings ‘Tidal predictions supplied by the National Tide Facility. The Flinders University of South Australia, Copyright Reserved’
Wednesday, May 30, 2012 - Page 35 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
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Bombers fly KAPUNDA continued to surprise with another unlikely victory in BL&G football, with a seven-point win over Barossa District at Kapunda last Saturday. Since losing to Tanunda a month ago, the Bombers have put three consecutive wins on the board - for the first time since 2008 - two against finals contenders in South and now the Bulldogs. And it was a fighting win, with the Bombers having to survive a tense final quarter, where Barossa threw everything at them. “It was a really good effort from our guys, to beat a side above us, which we were unable to do last year, and we are moving forward as a group,” Kapunda coach Rod Brown said. “A big part of the game was our hardness and pressure around the stoppages, with the likes of Sam McKinnon and Paul Anderson, plus it was good to have ‘Buckets’ (Jason Mackenzie) back, whose leadership was crucial.” The Bombers opened well to grab a lead by two goals at quarter time, and managed to hold that advantage through most of the game. Late in the match, with Kapunda leading by seven points, Anderson sealed the result with a good goal from the scoreboard pocket, although Aaron McAlpine
G COMIN N O O S in the
managed the final major of the game for Barossa to bring the scores closer. Both teams suffered injuries through the game, with the Bombers losing Matt Holding with an ankle injury in the game’s first 10 minutes. He was assigned to minding the resting Stelzer (Matt and Paul) brothers in the back pocket. His replacement, Aaron Nitschke, who was promoted from the B grade, filled the breech without missing a beat. But Barossa was hit harder, losing James Angus in the second quarter with a hamstring injury and, in what may prove a critical loss, ruckman Ross Christie with a suspected corked thigh in the third term. Without Christie the Bulldogs’ ruck stocks are depleted, with his absence leaving Barossa vulnerable in coming weeks. “I was disappointed with the way we played the first three quarters, but there were some good signs with the way we fought the game out,” Barossa mentor Roger James said. “We trailed all day but had a fair crack in the last quarter, although we missed some opportunities late in the game. “(Fred) Agius got them going early, with his evasive skills and ability to use the ball well, while (Joey) Brown on the wing can run, and (Brad) Taylor and (Sam) McKinnon were pretty handy.”
Two absorbing tussles were between the Bulldogs key forwards Heath Commane and Simon Wills, against Kapunda’s defenders Cam McKinnon and Brad Valentine, with honours shared. And in ruck, Christie worked hard against Kapunda’s Toby Johnson and Mackenzie, until injured, in a lone hand. And for the third consecutive week, Michael Taylor was the Bulldogs best player. This week both sides face crucial games, with the Bombers going to Willaston and Barossa hosting Nuri. The Bulldogs will likely be without Christie and Angus, while Josh Moore is still away for another week in Sydney and Jenkins will be missing through work commitments. They hope to welcome back Cooper Pinch and Nathan Emes from injury. “It is frustrating as a coach to have so many players missing, but if we play like we did in the last quarter, I’m confident we can win,” James said. Over the next few weeks Kapunda will welcome back a number of players, including David Leslie, Brad Williams, Justin Zanandrea and David Giles, and will hopefully have at least a couple return for the Willaston game. “I expect Willaston to bounce back, but we will be prepared,” Brown said. “We will probably be missing Matt (Holding) but I was pleased ‘Buckets’ got through okay.”
SPECTACULAR: Aaron McAlpine of Barossa District takes a one-handed mark against Kapunda. PIC: Kirsty Hosking.
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SUNDAY BUFFET BREAKFAST 7.00am-10.00am Every Sunday All you can Eat Cooked and Continental Buffet Bookings preferred! “Don’t chase your losses. Walk Away. Gamble Responsibly”
LIVE AT THE VINE INN BAROSSA Friday, 15 June 2012 Tickets $35.00pp + $3.00 Booking Fee (Tickets are show only) Doors Open 6.00pm Show from 8.00pm Meals Available from 6.00pm No Reserve Seating - Tickets are Non Refundable - No Concessions
elodies &M MemoriesChristmas in July with Nicky Ross Tuesday 17th July 2012 from 11.00am
3 Course Christmas Luncheon & Show
$28 per person ~ BOOK TODAY!
Wednesday, May 30, 2012 - Page 36 - The Herald, Barossa Valley