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Wednesday, May 9, 2012
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52 pages
Sun sets on council control
CONCERNED: Barossa Council deputy mayor Richard Miller and acting Chief Executive officer Ian Baldwin discuss the Barossa Character Preservation Bill on Menglers Hill.
the council, not surprised,” he said. Mr Rau said extensive discussions had taken place with Barossa Council, and the department had paid a planning expert to work with council to address its concerns. “Despite these efforts, the council’s position in relation to this legislation has been inconsistent, with the government attempting to address every issue, only to find new concerns emerging,” he said. “The only way to interpret the council’s most recent position is that it no longer wants to protect the Barossa from urban sprawl. “Does the council want to protect the character of the Barossa for future generations, or protect its own power?” Barossa mayor Brian Hurn defended council’s position and said the state WH1817292
THE gloves are off in the fight to protect the Barossa Valley from urban sprawl, with the State Government and Barossa Council at loggerheads over how it should be achieved. Barossa Council has decided to reject the Barossa Character Preservation Bill and make a submission to have it abandoned in favour of making adjustments to council planning policy. Mayor Brian Hurn said the legislation severely dilutes council’s role and influence over planning policy, and ultimately, development control in the area. “The strategy and policy framework for development in the Barossa will no longer
be set by the Barossa community – it will be set by the state government and the bureaucrats of the day,” he said. “For something so important as the future of the Barossa, their engagement and consultative process has been found severely wanting. “Moreover, there has been a reluctance to identify or act on our concerns with many aspects of the proposed legislation – we are very frustrated by this ‘closed shop’ approach which appears to ignore local council and community views.” Planning minister John Rau said it had been clear from the start the legislation would over-ride council planning decisions contributing to urban sprawl. “I am disappointed, but on reflection having regard to my past interactions with
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government appeared to have lost its way and developed a legislation giving it “unnecessary controls” for future decision making. “I can personally assure the minister that council is on record as vehemently opposing urban sprawl and remains wholeheartedly committed to protecting the character for the Barossa, both now and for future generations,” Mr Hurn said. “Council will continue to question and raise opposition to the need for overarching legislation which effectively reduces the power of council and community to plan for the future. “To this end I will be seeking further consultation with Minister Rau in relation to his comments, which in our view do not reflect the facts at hand.”
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Provisional results show Neylon, Hockley
Editorial I
f you want something done properly then do it yourself.
Provisional first preference votes
That saying is as Australian as a kangaroo or a koala. Quite simply, no matter how eloquently or precise we are in asking someone to do a job we know it will never be done exactly as we wish. That is exactly what the Barossa Council is saying in relation to legislation about who controls the future of the Barossa Valley. It could be said that to this point in time, the Barossa Council, over the years has done a very good job of protecting the character of the Barossa but under proposed government legislation that authority will be taken away. Neither the council, or the community, will have any formal role to play in planning policy or strategy for what is best for the growth of our area. Adelaide attitudes will prevail over what is best for the growth of the Barossa Valley. Development in the Barossa will no longer be set by the Barossa community, rather by the government of the day. Urban sprawl, two words which make most country councils cringe as they seek to protect the unique character of their area. The urban sprawl is heading to Roseworthy. Under this proposed legislation, it is only a matter of time before it reaches the Barossa.
B. Neylon - 996 D. Hockley - 947 R. Symes - 744 C. Dunstan - 652 A. Paroczy - 200 CANDIDATE: Dianne Hockley BARRY Neylon and Dianne Hockley are likely to be the new elected members of Gawler Council. Votes were counted for the Gawler Council supplementary election on Monday and provisional results had Mr Neylon and Ms Hockley clearly ahead of the other three candidates. Five candidates had been running for the two councillor positions made available through the resignations of David Strauss
LADIES DAY: Kimberly Casey and Joy Klemm enjoy a drink at Tanunda Oval on Saturday for Ladies Day. For more photos of the fun off the field, see page 11 or visit barossaherald.com.au for more photos of the action on the field.
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Wednesday, May 9, 2012 - Page 2 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
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THE barossaherald.com.au website continues to lead the way in breaking local news. When a major wine producer made the announcement last Wednesday it was making job cuts, barossaherald.com.au brought the news to its readers. Then when Barossa Council decided to reject the Character Preservation Bill, barossaherald.com.au brought its readers that news too. While the printed edition of the Herald continues to be the backbone of our news, the website is showing again and again that you can get the news any day of the week, not just on Wednesday. Even more exciting is that in the coming weeks, the Herald will be promoting a new way to find out about news on the website, so keep and eye out and make sure you keep visiting barossaherald.com.au.
Original works are subject to copyright and shall not be reproduced without authority. Where no charge is made for the preparation of advertising material, The Herald will remain owner of copyright for the advertising material. Such material may be reproduced only with the consent of The Herald and upon payment of such fee as The Herald may require. In lodging an advertisement with us you agree that we may publish the advertisement on our website. The general terms and conditions that apply to publication of classified advertisements in our publications apply also to publication on our website.
and Karen Carmody. The candidates were Barry Neylon, Dianne Hockley, Robin ‘Nobby’ Symes, Craig Dunstan and Andrew Paroczy. Mr Neylon had 996 first preference votes, while Ms Hockley received 947 first preference votes. Candidates have a 72-hour window to lodge an objection on the votes before the final result is determined.
Final session PACIFIC Hydro yesterday (Tuesday) held its final information stand to discuss the proposed Keyneton wind farm. The company is seeking to build 42 wind turbines at the Sedan Ranges and has been
conducting extensive consultation, including consultation sessions, information stands, tours to operating wind farms, visits to the proposed site, meetings and ongoing one-on-one contact. The information stand was held at the Cambrai School Community Library and was the last session to be held before Pacific Hydro lodges the application to build the windfarm with the development assessment commission.
ORLANDO Wines will cut 85 employees from its workforce over the next 12 months. The company employs between 400 and 500 people at Rowland Flat, and it is expected that is where a majority of the job losses will occur. Orlando Wines’ managing director Brett McKinnon said the job cuts were a result of the company moving more towards premium wines rather than large volumes. “Our biggest concern at the moment is definitely our employees,” he said. “We realise there is a significant impact and we want to work that through with our staff as best as we can. “That is one of the reasons we have called for voluntary redundancies.” Mr McKinnon said there were no immediate job losses. “It is also something we are doing over the next year, again it is a phased approach, it is not 85 jobs going today,” he said. Mr McKinnon said the strategy to move towards more premium wines meant the company would be investing $30million over the next
three years, with much of that occurring at the Rowland Flat facility, while there would also be some investment at Richmond Grove at Tanunda and in local vineyards. “Obviously, it is not an easy piece of news to hear as an employee, we can’t shy away from that, it is not great news for a lot of people, but we think it is a solid way for the business to go forward,” he said. “We need to make those changes to adapt our facilities to deal with that change in the model, but we think we have got a really sound longterm strategy, we have got very good brands and everything is set to position ourselves in a very healthy way in the long term.” He said the Barossa was at the heart of Orlando Wines. “The Barossa is where we are from originally, it is where most of our production is done, and most of our wine is made here,” he said. “We are seeing the Barossa as key to our strategy for the long term, but we just really need to make sure it is on a solid base and on a good foot going forward.”
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HOST: Angaston’s Daniel Murray.
A LINE up of live musical acts will be dedicated to the life of one Barossa teenager in Angaston this month. The event, ‘The Same Boat’ will be hosted by Angaston’s Daniel Murray, aged 28, who lost his close friend in 2011. The night is a memorial to his family friend and to raise awareness about teen suicide. It is open to Barossa’s teenagers and young adults and raises awareness of support groups, Team Mental Health and Youth Suicide. Daniel said the show features all Barossa acts such as rap, hip-hop and DJs, and is further supported by the Barossa Council. His long list of music contacts, plus working hard behind the scenes for the past two months has meant an easy road to getting the event off the ground. Daniel explained life isn’t always easy for young people and it helps when there are things to do. “I just want to let these people know that you have your ups and downs, and to help them hide the vegetables in the good stuff,” he said.
Daniel’s musical background includes working on two albums featuring his own hip-hop numbers produced from his home studio. While he said hip-hop is presented in various forms, he described his style as “underground”. During his city performances he has managed to perform to crowds of more than 150. He also recently secured a gig with Paralowie House and will present Hip Hop workshops to young people. ‘The Same Boat’, will also feature his work as both a solo performer and alongside ‘Kritiek’. Daniel is optimistic the first show will mean solely funding future musical nights to be held every three to four months. The event will be held on Saturday, May 26 from 8pm to midnight at the Angaston Town Hall. Entry is $5, with soft drinks available, and part proceeds from the night will go towards a Barossa group. If you want more details about the event, then look up Muzza MC via Facebook.
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Wednesday, May 9, 2012 - Page 4 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Mini Olympics at Starplex By ROBERT LAIDLAW THE London Olympics are just around the corner, but even earlier will be Gawler’s ‘Mini Olympics’, to be held on Sunday, July 15, in and around Gawler’s Starplex. The future is here and now, in Gawler, with a concept that embraces much of what the Olympic spirit has meant since the first modern games in 1896. And not only will Gawler’s ‘Mini Olympics’ embrace sporting traditions, it will also recognise the importance music plays, with art themes also playing a part. “The idea stemmed from something Trinity (College) head of band ensemble Bruce Raymond proposed, which was about
organising a musical concert with an Olympic theme,” Starplex general manager Dale Martin said. “I put it to Bruce that we should look at a three-pronged approach, with sport, art and music combined to create a fun event aimed initially at primary school children. “It’s about giving youngsters a better understanding of the Olympic spirit with practical participation, while Bruce has demonstrated the value music plays in the motivation for athletes.” Olympic values include respect, excellence and friendship, under the motto ‘faster, higher, stronger’, with its vision encompassing sport, education and culture, which are the virtues Mr Martin hopes to expose Gawler Primary
schoolchildren to. Features include opening and closing ceremonies, medal presentations, and many of the familiar activities associated with an Olympic Games - even the possibility of a torch relay through the town of Gawler. Sports for the ‘Mini Olympics’ will be modified to suit, as the organising committee is looking to develop widespread participation, with primary school students the main aim, although events will cater for family and friends in the community. There will be team and individual events - including basketball, a triathlon, gymnastic, swimming and a range of competitions
incorporating the Starplex fitness centre, and will include bench pressing, with a feature ‘hover’ the world record is 66 minutes. On the outside oval there will be a focus on children running, jumping and throwing events, while an Olympic passport will be given for pre-schooler activities over a circuit. Gawler’s ‘Mini Olympics’ will be the inclusive Games, with people of all ages and abilities encouraged to take part, including some designated events for a ‘Mini Paralympics.’ “The focus will be on fun,” Mr Martin said. “And there will be something for everyone to experience. “A poster competition will see entrants work used as part of the
decorations, plus we are exploring the possibility of a drama item. “There will be a free barbecue for all participants, which will be available to spectators at reasonable prices. “We are also looking at registered people’s postcodes to be substitutes for countries, and keep a running medal list. It’s all about community.” Fundraising efforts throughout the event will be in support of the Starlight Children’s Foundation. Anyone interested in volunteering as an official to assist, can leave their contact details at Starplex reception (8522 0622). Check out the Starplex website: www.starplex.com.au/miniolym pics.html for registration details.
ON YOUR MARKS: Preparing for Starplex's 'Mini Olympics', back row, Talitha Collinson (Immanuel, Gawler) and Brooke Davis (Playford), sitting, Dale Martin, James Skelton (Trinity North) and Bruce Raymond, with Ailee Craig (St Brigids) at front.
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Wednesday, May 9, 2012 - Page 5 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Homes still selling By BEN MALLETT BAROSSA real estate agents have welcomed the interest rate cut announced by the national reserve bank last week. They say the 0.5 per cent drop in the official rate will provide a welcome boost to the local property market. David Braunack, co-principal at Homburg Real Estate in Tanunda said the rate-cut would provide impetus to the market. “Any cut to interest rates will help stimulate the market right across the board,” he said. Despite negative perceptions about the real estate environment, Mr Braunack said the situation in reality was far from a doom and gloom scenario. “The market is certainly price-sensitive, but properties are still selling,” he said.
According to David Mosley from Hambours Real Estate in Kapunda the current market conditions are "tight" but the latest interest rate cut was a definite positive for home buyers. “This is definitely good news for prospective purchasers,” he said. Mr Mosley said further rate-cuts would also help the situation, particularly for first-home buyers. “A full one to one-point-five per cent rate cut would be a real game changer,” he said. “The government could do more to assist first home-buyers enter the market.” Julie Toth of Julie Toth Real Estate in Nuriootpa was also optimistic. She said the rate cut should boost buyer confidence. “Houses are still selling if they are priced right,” she said.
“A rate cut will always improve confidence in the market. “It's just unfortunate that the banks are not passing on the full rate cut to consumers.” Christine Morris from Christine Morris Real Estate in Birdwood said the rate cut was a relief for home buyers, but it only went so far. "The latest rate cut will certainly encourage people to look to purchase," she said. Ms Morris there were several factors influencing the current market. "Confidence is a key factor in real estate, interest rates and government policy contribute to market conditions," she said. "A change in government would be a real boost to buyer confidence in the real estate sector."
SOLD: David Braunack from Homburg Real Estate in Tanunda says Barossa properties are still selling in the current market.
New market A NEW monthly market will start in Angaston in July. It will be held on the second Sunday of every month at the Angaston Town Hall. One of the market organisers, Pauline Hakala, said feedback from tourists had identified a need for shopping options on Sundays, especially for families. “(It is) imperative that the market does justice to its surrounds, as such our aim is to create an atmosphere of captivating zest and tranquil charm, innovation and creativity will definitely enhance the experience,” she said. “So come on all you funky creative creatures, grab an app and strike your stake in this very unique opportunity.” The first market will be held on Sunday, July 8. Stalls cost $30. For any enquiries, contact Pauline on 0402 073 503 or at pauline@fritzdesigns.com.au.
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Wednesday, May 9, 2012 - Page 6 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
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New carers service
Test of time will tell THERE’S plenty of weight resting on the shoulders of this five-yearold wine. Having weathered a drought and threatening severe frosts, the 2007 Grange is still expected to follow in the unbroken line of vintages from 1951, as ‘faultless’. Released on May 3, the $625 bottle of Grange is said cellar for 25 years-plus. According to Penfolds senior white winemaker, Kym Schroeter it will improve with age. Mr Schroeter (left) explained in comparison to the 1974 vintage, which was also challenged by similar weather conditions, “is drinking well now”.
For Penfolds chief winemaker Peter Gago he says the 2007 is “similar to the 1987 in its formative years, strong than the 1997”. Mr Gago describes the colour as denser vivid read, while the palate is balanced, fresh and tight. It boasts 97 per cent Shiraz and three per cent Cabernet and sat for 21 months in barrel and three years in bottle before release. Grange is arguably Australia’s most celebrated wine and is officially listed as a heritage icon of SA and is a blend of Penfolds multi-vineyard and multidistricts including the Barossa, McLaren Vale and Magill Estate.
A NEW support network hub has been announced for carers in the Gawler area. The Northern Carers Network’s Gawler support and services hub will be based in the Gawler Baptist Church on Murray Street. It will offer a range of services for carers including counselling and support, information and education, social and recreation programs and programs for young carers. Project officer Wendy Rose said the hub would be great for all carers. "Carers often have a hard job to do," she said. "We want to create a central location for the services we offer to make carers' lives easier, and make sure that they know the services are here." Member for Light Tony Piccolo said the hub is fantastic for Gawler. “Carers are some of our most important people, but they often don’t receive the recognition or support they deserve,” Mr Piccolo said. “They make significant sacrifices in their life to care for loved ones. It’s great that Northern Carers Network now has a hub in Gawler; it’s great that carers in Gawler can now access locally the many services on offer. “ The hub will be officially launched on Saturday, May 26 at the Gawler Baptist Church. There will be a free barbecue, activities for children and a range of information. For more information, call project officers Wendy Rose or Ian Harland on 8284 0388.
Celtic support DO YOU have creative ideas that would help the Kapunda Celtic Festival proposer? Then pass them on at the community workshop this Friday, May 11. The Kapunda Celtic Festival committee is seeking to revitalise and grow the festival and wants new ideas and feedback from interested individuals and groups. The committee is keen to grow the festival and its appeal to make it a key community and tourism event for Kapunda. The two-day festival, which this year falls on October 20 and 21, works to celebrate Kapunda’s Celtic heritage and involves live music and dance. On Friday, discussions will include the festival’s vision and objects, core activities, theme and target markets. The meeting will be held at 7.30pm at One White Kite, 2/94 Main Street, Kapunda and will be facilitated by Light Regional Council’s Tourism and Special Projects officer Kirsty Dudley. For more details, contact festival chairman Tristan Kerr on 0427 443 744 or Kirsty at council on 8525 3200.
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Wednesday, May 9, 2012 - Page 8 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Roundabout plans on display DRIVERS can finally see the roundabout set to solve traffic issues at a problem Willaston intersection. Displays of the new roundabout for the corner of Main North and Redbanks roads will be available for public viewing from Thursday, May 10. Final concept drawings will be available at the Evanston Gardens Community Centre, the Gawler Visitor Information Centre and the Gawler Sport and Community Centre from May 10 until June 8.
Member for Light Tony Piccolo said the $2.8 million project was running on schedule, and the roundabout should be in place by Christmas. “The roundabout will be a boon to the community once it is finished,” Mr Piccolo said. “Creating safe and active neighbourhoods is a major priority for the Weatherill Government, and this project will help to improve traffic flow through the area and also make it safer.”
Pedestrian crossing points, ramps and refuges will be installed on all three approaches, and central medians will be installed on Main North Road. Service relocation works will start this month, with initial construction works scheduled for June. “Obviously it’s a fairly major project for the intersection,” Mr Piccolo said. “However, the department has assured both me and the community that they will work to ensure there is minimal disruption.”
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Plans for Redbanks Road and Main North Road Roundabout on Display Where: Evanston Garden Community Centre, Gawler Information Centre and Gawler Sport and Community Centre Date: Monday 14 May to Friday 8 June 2012 What: Public display showing Redbanks Road and Main North Road safety improvements The department is improving safety and traffic flow by installing a roundabout at the intersection of Main North Road and Redbanks Road. Final concept designs will be on display at: • Evanston Garden Community Centre Foyer, 65 Angle Vale Road, Evanston Gardens (9am - 5pm Monday to Friday) • Gawler Information Centre, 2 Lyndoch Road, Gawler (9am - 5pm Monday to Friday) • Gawler Sport and Community Centre, Nixon Terrace, Gawler (9am - 9pm Monday to Friday; 8.30am to 8.30pm Saturday) This project is funded under the $2.8 million State Major Works program. Service relocation works are scheduled to commence late May with construction work expected to start July 2012 and the roundabout is due to be operational in December 2012 (weather permitting). The department will issue project updates through emails. If you would like to receive these updates, please register at www.infrastructure.sa.gov.au/road_projects You can also follow the Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure in Facebook (facebook.com/dptisa) and Twitter (twitter.com/ DPTI_SA) For more information contact: Community Engagement Team Telephone: 1300 728 274 Email: dpti.CommunityRelations@sa.gov.au TRANDT014137
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NEW FACES: Five new members have joined the Foundation Barossa board. They are, pictured from left: Bridey Lewis, Brian Phillips, Karl Martin and Scott Tolhurst. Lesley Anne Grimaldi was absent. Foundation Barossa executive officer Leanne Hutton said all the new board members came with a different skill base and experience. “We have got a really full strong board now to move forward with,” she said. The Foundation Barossa board held its first meeting with the new members at the Tanunda Club last Tuesday.
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Wednesday, May 9, 2012 - Page 9 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
• Genuine friendly service • Lowest possible prices • Weekly specials • Expert knowledge • Local delivery • Local family service • A er sales service unsurpassed From the niest ba ery or globe to a huge surround sound in-home theatre setup and everything in between, we have the products, price and knowledge for you. GOOD IDEA: The Buckley family (from left) Hamish, Simon, Xavier, Kirstie, Ruby and Sophie, with Poppy the dog.
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Pin initiative saluted
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BAROSSA’S Buckley family is among the many who support a new initiative being organised in recognition of defence families across Australia. The plan is for a new pin to be designed and when worn by family members, helps them to highlight the special role their family members take on when serving abroad. It would highlight the work of those who serve in the Navy, Army and Air Force. For the Buckley family from Nuriootpa they agree the idea is good. Simon Buckley, a husband and father of four children aged five to 11, said it would help the community better understand
Wednesday, May 9, 2012 - Page 10 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
families whose members defend our country. Simon’s role in the Air Force is varied. He works as a Squadron Leader with the RAAF at Edinburgh in the Department of Defence. Simon and wife Kirstie said their young family would have welcomed the pin when he spent time in East Timor from March to September 2009. Simon was part of a Joint Task Force where he managed contracts. To help her family manage, Kirstie explained how she and the children made a scarecrow of Simon during the Barossa Vintage Festival. To read more of this article, visit barossaherald.com.au and click on the story link.
Tanunda’s pink success
Calling poets Entries for the Gawler Library Poetry Competition are now open. There are three categories: junior 912 years and under), youth (13 to 18 years) and adult (18 years and older).
Tanunda turned pink on Saturday for its Ladies Day to raise money for the National Breast Cancer Foundation. While figures are yet to be finalised, estimates indicate the club raised about $5000 for charity. Pictured below is Michelle Shulz, Toni Brooks, Anree Collins, Ali Hamann and Nicola Mickan from the Ladies Day organising committee.
Entry is free and open to anyone, with cash prizes for first, second and third placegetters in each category. The competition is sponsored by the Friends of Gawler Library, and entry forms are available from both the Gawler and Evanston Gardens library sites, or from Gawler Council’s website.
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Luncheon to recognise volunteers LUTHERAN Community Care (LCC) will celebrate National Volunteer Week with a luncheon to honour its volunteers. The theme for 2012 National Volunteer Week, which runs from May 14 to May 20, is “Volunteers - Every One Counts”. LCC has more than 500 volunteers who contributed almost 20,000 hours of voluntary service to the community in the last financial year. The estimated value of this
service is more than $467,000, but the impact that volunteers make is priceless to those who experience the caring service these volunteers provide. The LCC Barossa volunteer’s luncheon will be held at Zion Lutheran Church Hall, Angaston, on Tuesday May 15 at noon. Guest speaker will be Derrick McManus, who will talk about his experiences as a member of the South Australian Police Special Task and Rescue (STAR) Group.
In 1994, while attempting to make an arrest he was severely injured when shot by the offender. He was hit 14 times in less than five seconds. Derrick survived and in doing so has demonstrated how people can defy all odds and that nothing is impossible. Enquiries are always welcome, and anyone interested in volunteering can contact LCC's Nuriootpa office on 8562 2688 for further information.
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ABOVE: Christine Robinson and Chris Snowden tuck into some sweet treats and some bubbly at Tanunda Oval on Saturday for Ladies Day.
Shop 3-1 Tod Street, Gawler
Wednesday, May 9, 2012 - Page 11 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
0412 833 694
Views expressed in the Letters to the editor are not those of the Herald. We welcome topical letters, with preference to letters of no more than 200 words. All letters are checked for authenticity. Pseudonyms are not acceptable. Mail your letters to: The editor, PO Box 43, Tanunda, SA, 5352. Fax: 8563 3655. E-mail: editor.barossaherald@ruralpress.com
Storytime WHO do I believe? A bloke has told me that when I pay my motorcycle licence tax there will be no more pot holes in roads, painted lines will not be slippery when it rains, all road shoulders will be flat, smooth and at the same level as the bitumen, Armco and wire rope so called safety barriers will be padded to avoid injuring motorcyclists and the list as you can imagine goes on and on. The future of motorcycling looks Utopian. I feel privileged to be a motorcyclist as only we are allowed to pay this tax at the rate of $150-per wheel. But why the discrimination against other road users? Just imagine the luxurious truck rest stop facilities that could be built in the name of road safety for B-double drivers and other truckies if they were allowed to participate in this tax scheme at the rate of $150-per wheel.
But another bloke told me that the motorcycle licence tax money would be put with the Murray River tax money and spent on the Adelaide oval pedestrian bridge. I told him the government would not do that. Would they ? Chris Parkes Lyndoch Where’s Colonel Light? This year marks the 175th anniversary of the first explorers coming to our region. On December 13, 1837, Colonel William Light came over the hills from Gawler and named the magnificent valley in front of him the Lynedoch Vale after his ‘esteemed friend, Lord Lynedoch’. He had been in Lynedoch’s regiment 25 years previous, just after the Battle of Barrosa. The maps drawn up soon after this first visit mis-spelt the names given as Lyndoch Valley and Barossa Ranges. This important information -
especially as it is the 175th anniversary of the naming of our area - has been completely omitted from the new Barossa region Visitors Guide. The SA Tourism Commission which now has taken control of this publication away from the local community has re-written the history of the Barossa by omission. Kim Michelmore Lyndoch Millipede menace I would like to let those poor householders know how sorry I am if they have been infested with those misbegotten millipedes. I also have had them. Every morning I get up and the first job is - out with the broom and sweep them off the back wall, and get them in a heap of about 1000 and then into the big bucket of water. “Drown you sods”, I say in doing so. But as fast as I do this they are creeping up from the back lawn
Blackmores Flexagil® pain relief cream. A new clinically proven, natural* pain relief cream Always Al ways read the label. label. Use only only as directed. If symp symptoms ptoms persist see your healthcare professional professional. *Na *Natural tural active ing ingredient redient derived derivved from comfre comfreyy root extract. Relieves acute muscle and joint pain.
FREE e-waste drop-off for regional nal householders May 1 to May 31 2012 During the month of May, unwanted computer and electrical equipment can be dropped off for recycling at the locations below, free of charge. Your e-waste can then be recycled into many components, instead of going into landfill.
Drop-off points WILLASTON Town of Gawler Waste Transfer Station, Paxton Street Open Mon 1.00pm - 3.30pm, Wed and Fri 10.00am - 12.00 noon and 1.00pm - 3.30pm, Sat and Sun 8.00am - 12.00 noon and 1.00pm - 3.30pm. Closed Tuesdays and Thursdays Ph 8523 0143 TANUNDA Tanunda Works Depot, entry off Ash Street Open 7.30am – 4.00pm on May 3, 5, 7, 15, 23 and 31 Ph 8563 8444
What you CAN drop-off* Computer equipment Any brand of desktop or laptop computer, monitors, computer mice, keyboards, computer cables, hard drives, floppy disc and CD/DVD drives, ipods, walkmans and computer-related peripherals
Home offi ce equipment/mobiles Printers, scanners, mobile handsets and chargers Entertainment equipment Televisions, video recorders, DVD players, hi-fi and stereo equipment, digital cameras and video cameras
What you CANNOT drop-off* Whitegoods, vacuum cleaners, microwaves, other kitchen and household appliances, UPS units, overhead projectors, batteries that are not an integral part of the computer system, fluorescent tubes, contaminated equipment or other hazardous waste
For more information visit zerowaste.sa.gov.au or call 1300 137 118 *Staff reserve the right to deem any item unacceptable.
CHC 52054-08/11
again. But in the last few days they are starting to be fewer. The reason is - salt. I found out that pouring salt around the bottom of the walls is starting to kill them. It’s better than using poison, which can get on the feet of pets. Getting them, and putting them in a big bucket of water is best for the ones that don’t die. I spent a lot of my time though keeping them off the outside wall. They are also attracted to light. Another cure for them is to get a little hurricane lamp, put salt all round about it at night and they kill themselves at night. So with salt and lantern we will try to rid our little towns of this horrific menace. The millipedes. Gloria Harcus Sedan Seeking history I am looking for members of the Fairbank /Excell/ Atkinson Family who settled in South Australia in the mid-1800s. A Fairbank family reunion is planned for Sunday, May 20 at Sandy Creek, near Gawler, where the original family was established. Further details can be obtained on 8645 0679 or 0438 450 679. June Phillips-Smith Whyalla
CHURCH SERVICES SUNDAY, MAY 13 LUTHERAN CHURCH PARISHES Angaston Parish: Angaston: 8.45am, 10.30am HC; Penrice: 9.30am LR; Keyneton: 10am LR; Eden Valley: 11am HC; Springton: 9am HC. Bethany-Tabor Parish: Bethany: 8.30am T, 11am M; Tabor: 9.45am Band, Family Service. Cambrai Parish: 10am Parish Service (P) informal at Sedan. Eudunda Parish: Eudunda: 10.30am HC; Neales Flat: 9am HC; Bower: 5pm tea & fellowship in Bower Hall. Freeling Parish: St Marks, Freeling: 10.45am; Trinity, Rosedale: 8.45am. Gawler: Zion, Pr G Havelberg, 8523 1929. 22B Cowan St, Gawler. 8.45am Trad M, 10.45am Cont W HC. Gawler Immanuel: Cnr Second & Seventh Sts, Gawler.Ph: 8522 6000.Sunday 8.45am, 10.45am. 1st Sunday of month 9.30am. Share-a-meal every 1st & 3rd Wed 11.45am. Greenock: Greenock: 9am Pr, 9.45am JAM; Nain: 9am LR; Gnadenfrei: 10.30am HC + ChATS. Kapunda Parish: Kapunda: 10am Parish Service, HC. Langmeil Parish: 8.45am Trad; 10.30am Cont HC. Light Pass Immanuel Parish: Light Pass: 10.30am HC; Stockwell: 9am; Dutton: No Service. Light Pass Strait Gate: Light Pass: 10.30am HC; Gruenberg: 10am R; Truro: 9am. Lyndoch Parish: Lyndoch: 10.30am MP; Rowland Flat: 9am MP. Nuriootpa: St Petri: 8.30am W, Pr A Kitson, 10.30am HC Pr A Kitson; Holy Trinity: 8.30am Mod; Ebenezer: 10am LR; Neukirch: 10am Mod. Robertstown Parish: Point Pass: 8.30am Pr; Robertstown: 10am LR; Geranium Plain: 10.30am HC. St John’s Parish: St J: 9am; Sch: 9am HC. St Paul’s Parish: St P: 10.30am C; Gdb: 8.45am C. Tanunda Lutheran Home: Worship 10.30am . Peace Evangelical Lutheran Church: 10.30am Fortnightly Services, at Nuri Senior Citizen’s Centre. Pastor M Rosenzweig. Ph: 8563 1310. ANGLICAN CHURCH Anglican Parish of Barossa: Angaston: 10am MP; Nuriootpa: 8.30am HC SdK; Tanunda: 10am HC MM; Lyndoch: 8.30am HC MM; Williamstown: 10am HC SdK. Kapunda Anglican Parish: Christ Church, Kapunda: 9.15am HC; St Mary’s, Point Pass: 11.15am HC. Mt Pleasant: 1st Sunday 8.30am, all other Sundays 9am. Enquiries to Hazel Wilton, Warden on 8568 2042. UNITING CHURCH Barossa Congregations: Nuriootpa: 9am Jean Harris; Tanunda: 11am Jean Harris; Angaston: 11am HC Chapman. Gawler Parish: Gawler: 9.30am Littleford, 5pm Littleford; Sandy Creek: 9.30am van Dyk; Williamstown: 10am Taplin. Kersbrook: 10am. Enquiries: 8389 3114. Light Parish: Kapunda: 9.15am HC Mr A Partington;
Wednesday, May 9, 2012 - Page 12 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
In agreement A million bouquets to L Lyon and Roy Villanueva for your wise words, you are so right. I prefer to define the word ‘racism’ as ‘tribal defence mechanism.’ Most people would think that their race is the best and why wouldn’t they? Why should this word be turned into an unsavoury label just because we speak out against some cultural practices that are now evident in this country? As for L B Loveday, in my opinion, you have completely missed the point of my letter. There are too many horseas being bred making them absolutely dispensable and in fact trainer Darren Egan corroborated this “there are too many trainers in Victoria”. By the way, no one forces people to enter dangerous competitions, play football or climb Mt Everest. Horses are just expendable commodities sacrificed for so-called entertainment and gambling. Finally, Graham Fischer, your caption ‘Teen Spirit has the last laugh’ is really ‘off ’ because it is fairly obvious that as horses don’t laugh, the very cruel looking bit in its mouth is causing the animal some discomfort. Ms A Hodges Birdwood Robertstown: 9.30am HC Mr G Fahlbusch. BAPTIST CHURCH Barossa Community Church: 10am Barossa Junction Motel/Conference Centre, Barossa Valley Way, Tan, Pastor Richard Ansoul. Ph: 8563 2158. Lyndoch Baptist Church: Kauffman Ave, Lyndoch: 10am. All welcome. Enquiries to Pastor Tony Edwards on 8564 3001. CATHOLIC CHURCH PARISHES Northern Light Catholic Parish: Nuri: 1st & 3rd Sat 6.30pm, 2nd & 5th Sun 10.30am, 4th Sun 9am; Kapunda: 4th Sat 6.30pm, 1st & 3rd Sun 10.30am, 2nd & 5th Sun 9am; Freeling: 1st Sun 9am, 4th Sun 10.30am, 5th Sun 5pm; Tarlee: 3rd Sun 9am. Parish Office: Ph 8566 2064. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST Barossa: 1 Old Kapunda Rd, Nuri; Sat 9.30am Family Bible Study, 11am Family Worship. ASSEMBLIES OF GOD Barossa New Life Centre: Sunday 10am at the roundabout, cnr Barossa Valley Way & Siegersdorf Road, Dorrien. 4pm at Mt Pleasant Anglican Church Hall, Melrose St. All welcome. Pastor Diane Pope, Pastor Trevor Auricht. Ph: 8562 3844. Kapunda: 10am Sunday, Light Community Church, Main St, Kapunda. Pastor Paul Smith. All welcome. Ph: 8566 2864. CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP Tanunda, McDonnell Street opp former Tanunda Primary School: Saturdays 2.30pm, Worship, Open Bible Study. CHRISTIAN FAMILY CENTRE Barossa: 10.30am Sundays. 16 Scholz Ave, Nuri. Pastor Alan Matson. Ph: 0404 846 274. Murray Flats: 5pm alternate Sundays. Pastor Alan Matson. Ph: 0404 846 274. Cambrai Uniting Church 5pm. SALT CHURCH 25 Northside Crt, Evanston Gdns: Sunday Service 10am & 5pm. Offices, b/shop open 9.30am-4pm. Ph: 8522 0000. THE CHRISTADELPHIANS Sunday school, Greenock Institute Hall, 9.30am. Memorial meetings 11am Sunday. Bible Studies 8pm Tuesday. All welcome. Phone 8524 4196. CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Main North Rd, Evanston Park. Worship Service Sunday 10.30am. All welcome. Pastor Douglas Carolisen. Ph: 8523 1706.
INTERDENOMINATIONAL CHURCH Birdwood United Church. 10am Pr Brian Teakle. Ph: 8568 5540. All welcome. HEWETT COMMUNITY CHURCH OF CHRIST Kingfisher Dr, Hewett. 10am, Sunday inspiring worship service. Young generation and creche avail.Youth, women and men’s programs. Ph: 8522 4938. GAWLER FULL GOSPEL OUTREACH MINISTRIES Family Worship Svc. 10am Sun, stone pavilion, Sport & Community Cent, Nixon Tce, Gaw. Pastor Shirley Coe. Ph: 0401 065 748. KAPUNDA EVANGELICAL CHURCH Sundays 5pm, CWA Hall. Pastor Andrew Amos. Ph: 8566 2148. LYNDOCH FULL GOSPEL FELLOWSHIP MINISTRY Lyndoch Institute each Sunday, 11.30am-1.30pm Pastor Ken East . Ph: 8524 4787. admin.barossaherald@ruralpress.com
Kapunda shed’s new makeover THE Kapunda Community Men's Shed is receiving a makeover. Work began last week on a brand new wall mural which will become a major feature of the local meeting place. Talented local graffiti artists and Kapunda High School year nine students Curtis Stock and Emile Rainsford will add their creative flair to the project which promises to transform the shed into a stunning local landmark. Bill Robertson, secretary of the Kapunda Men's Shed committee said the project was a co-ordinated effort between the men’s shed members and Kapunda High School. “We've got two talented Kapunda High School students working on the project,” he said. The mural will include the words ‘Kapunda Men’s Shed’ surrounded by a band of smurfs busily going about fixing things. “It will cover a 30 metre wall on the outside of the building,” Mr Robertson said. A year of planning has gone into the project. Mr Robertson said the aim was to show some of the vibrancy you can
feel when you walk into the shed on the outside. “We want to encourage people to drop in to the shed and feel welcome,” he said. “The new mural has the potential to be quite stunning.” The design and work plan for the project was agreed in conjunction with community stakeholders including Light Regional general manager of Development and Regulatory Services, James Miller, shed coordinator, Tim Harris, Kapunda High School art teacher, Stuart Hoerisch and school counsellor Peter Norde. Several shed members have already expressed their excitement about the finished product. The general consensus is that when it’s finished the Kapunda Men's Shed might just be ‘the best looking shed in Australia’. Work is scheduled to continue over the next few weeks. Anyone interested in checking out how the mural is progressing is welcome to drop into the Kapunda Men's Shed, located at 28-30 Hare Street.
Care home work starts CONSTRUCTION will begin on the new Southern Cross Care (SCC) home at Gawler on Friday. The new $12million residential facility will replace the current Gawler Village, which is home to 40 residents. It has been jointly designed by SCC and architect Vin Keneally, and will be built by Warburton Builders. All rooms in the new facility will be single with ensuite, while residents and their visitors will also be able to enjoy planned lounge areas and small communal dining rooms. Home to 80 residents, the new care
home will have a garden setting and has been designed to be comfortable, but efficient. Construction is expected to be completed in just over a year, with residents expected to move into their new home in winter 2013. Following completion of the residential care home, Southern Cross Care will start work on the recently approved retirement living community retirement villas, also at Bellevue Court. For further information phone 1800 180 781 or visit www.southerncrosscare.com.au.
EXCITED: Members of the team creating the new Kapunda Men's Shed Mural pictured with local graffiti artists and Kapunda High School students Curtis Stock, (at front, second from left) and Emile Rainsford (at front, second from right).
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Wednesday, May 9, 2012 - Page 13 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
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New smoke-free laws for playgrounds and covered public transport stops From 31 May 2012 (World No Tobacco Day), under new South Australian laws, smoking will not be permitted in the following areas: > Within 10 metres of children’s playground equipment in a public area, including parks, schools and food outlets. > Under all covered public transport waiting areas, including bus, tram, train and taxi shelters and other areas used to board or alight from public transport that are covered by a roof. Councils and other incorporated bodies may also apply to have an outdoor area or event declared smoke-free. Fines* can be issued if you smoke in these areas. Expiation: $75. Maximum penalty: $200.
Further information www.tobaccolaws.sa.gov.au or phone 1300 363 703. For support to quit smoking, call the Quitline on 13 7848 or visit www.quitsa.org.au
REPORTS A 36-year-old Virginia man was reported on May 1 by Gawler police for driving while under the influence of a prescribed drug and driving while disqualified. He was issued an infringement notice and his car was impounded for 28 days. A 51-year-old Evanston man was reported by Gawler police for the possession and cultivation of cannabis. A 40-year-old Reid woman was reported by Gawler police for driving under the influence and PCA with a reading of 0.260. A 14-year-old Willaston male was reported on May 4 by Gawler police for carrying a graffiti implement. A 17-year-old Gawler male was reported on May 6 for driving while unlicenced and failing to provide a sufficient sample for a breath test. A 23-year-old Elizabeth Park woman was reported on May 5 for breaching her learners licence, registering a PCA of 0.028 and driving while unregistered. SERIOUS CRIMINAL TRESPASS A break in occurred at an Evanston Park school on April 25. Laptop computers were stolen from the premises. A Gawler East business was broken into sometime on May 1 or 2. Electrical items were stolen. A front window was smashed and items stolen from a business on Murray Street Gawler sometime between May 3 and 5. A caravan at the Dalkeith Caravan Park was entered on May 3. A quantity of cash was stolen.
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PROPERTY DAMAGE A business on Calton Road Gawler had two front windows smashed on April 25. Entry was gained to a house in Gawler South on April 25. A rear door was damaged. Between April 30 and May 1 a window was smashed at a Primary School on Finch Road Gawler East. Between the April 22 and 23 a business on Hillier Road, Evanston had four windows smashed, a timer pump damaged and cables pulled from a control box. Between May 1 and 2 a Primary School on Kingfisher Dr, Hewett had a window smashed. On May 2 a window was smashed at a business on Adelaide Road, Gawler. On May 5 a brick fence was kicked over on Adelaide Road, Gawler South. Between May 5 and 6 a window of a business on Adelaide Road, Gawler South was smashed. Between May 3 and 4 graffiti was etched into a car window on Second St, Gawler South. THEFT On the April 29 a receiving area of a local supermarket was entered and items stolen. On the April 30 a camper trailer was stolen from under a carport on Deuter St Gawler East On the April 30 a duel axle trailer was stolen from a local business on Redbanks Road, Willaston. Between January 12 and April 2 14 sheep were stolen from a paddock on Hofnungsthal Road, Lyndoch. On May 5a concrete letter box was stolen from the front yard of a home on Orchard Drive, Gawler South. Theft from a motor vehicle Between May 5 and 6 a Navman was stolen from a parked, secured vehicle on Barnet Rd, Evanston. On May 4 cash and a mobile phone was stolen from a locked vehicle on Adelaide Rd, Gawler. ILLEGAL USE Between May 5 and 6 a vehicle was stolen from a driveway on Britha Avenue ,Evanston. ASSAULT On May 4 a female was assaulted by three other females on a train between Gawler and Munno Para. On May 5 a male was assaulted outside a licenses premises on Main North Road, Gawler. On May 5 a male had a rock thrown at him on Piggott Road, Kudla.
Police arrest two
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Liquor was stolen from a Gawler Business on Murray Street on May 6.
POLICE arrested a man and a woman yesterday at Davoren Park following a raid on an address at Willaston, on Sunday, April 29. During the raid police located a large quantity of methamphetamine, $12,000 in cash, stolen property and ammunition. A 25-year-old man and a 20-year-old woman from Willaston were arrested at around 9.45am on Thursday after police stopped the car they were travelling in. Both have been charged with trafficking a controlled drug, unlawful possession and having insecure ammunition. They have been refused bail and appeared in the Elizabeth Magistrates Court on Friday.
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GAWLER NEWS ARRESTS A 17-year-old Gawler South man was arrested on May 3 by Gawler police for assault and breach of bail. A 24-year-old Gawler East man was arrested on May 4 for disorderly behaviour. A 38-year-old Gawler West woman was arrested on May 5 by Gawler Police on a warrant. A 25-year-old Willaston man was arrested in Murray Street on May 6 by Gawler police for assault. A 23-year-old Gawler South man was arrested by Gawler police for assault. A 23-year-old Gawler East woman was arrested on May 6 by Gawler police for hindering police and resisting arrest. A 49-year-old Gawler West man was arrested by Gawler police for aggravated assault. A 47-year-old Blakeview man was arrested on May 5 by Gawler police for aggravated assault with a weapon and attempting to launch a missile.
ARRESTS A 40-year-old Kapunda man was arrested by Barossa CIB on April 30 for theft. A male in his 20s from Yacka was arrested on May 5 by Nuriootpa Police for disorderly behaviour. A Kapunda male in his 20s was arrested on May 6 by Kapunda police for a warrant.
REPORTS A Nuriootpa man in his 20s was reported on May 4 by Nuriootpa police for aggravated due care and PCA with a reading of 0.246. A 12 month instant loss of licence was issued and the vehicle was impounded. An 18-year-old Kapunda man was reported on May 4 for due care and fail to stop at the scene of an accident. A Truro woman in her 20s was reported on May 6 for PCA with a reading of 0.185. An instant loss of licence was issued and the vehicle seized. SERIOUS CRIMINAL TRESPASS Between April 28 and 29 an LCD TV was stolen from a home on Queen St, Williamstown. Between May 1 and 2, alcohol was stolen from a business on White St, Kapunda.
Barossa police report
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local experience insight support Wednesday, May 9, 2012 - Page 14 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Low kilometres from GM executive fleet, 4 airbags, ABS brakes, alloy wheels, remote central locking, 6 speaker stereo. GREAT VALUE. S328AGR
Save over $14,000 from new replacement RRP, only 7000kms. Has to be one of our best value vehicles. Climate ctrl, a/c, 17” alloys, 5 star ANCAP safety. WELL WORTH THE TRIP. S197ALM
Stunning 6.0L manual in popular Morpheus duco, full factory bodykit & alloys, 6 stacker CD with Holdens renowned elec stability control. WELL WORTH THE DRIVE. S176APN
WM SERIES II CAPRICE Affordable luxury with only 12,000 kms. Handpicked direct from Holdens Exec program, leather, rear camera, Bluetooth, 11 speaker stereo, dual zone climate. JUST DRIVE & SEE FOR YOURSELF WHY THEY ARE SO GOOD. S034AOK
2009 SSV UTE
Rare Tipper tray with only 114,000km, automatic, air-conditioning, great value WNG648
Popular Impulse Blue, leather bolsters, cruise control, 17” alloys. ^ disc CD stacker, tonneau cover, tow bar. XGD972
6 speed automatic, voodoo mica, leather trim, tonneau cover, one owner, factory sports body kit. S281ADA
4 speed automatic, 4cylinder turbo diesel Popular turbo diesel with hard to find dual complete with rear shelving, ready for cab tray top, 5 speed manual, 4x4, work. A must to inspect. BN01KX sidesteps and towbar. XQR327
8522 4222
Rare opp in manual with only 6,000kms, immac cond in sort after diesel performance. Family oriented with 7 seats and all the features for comfort & safety. BF04CM
3.0L turbo diesel, 1 owner with only 7,500kms. Over $5,000 worth of extras with lockup canopy, sidesteps, alloy wheels and towbar.
Popular auto at a great price. See for yourself why this car is one of Australia’s most pop cars. 6 airbags, stability ctrl, MP3 decoder, keyless entry. WELL WORTH YOUR INSPECTION. S278AIL
6 spd man in stunning Hazard duco, only 7,000kms, IQ Touchscreen, tonneau cover, still under new car warranty. S859AKY
$36,990 494 Main North Rd
Cnr Bridge & Murray St
8522 6900 GAWLER
GREAT BUDGET VEHICLES TO SUIT YOUR FAMILY TOYOTA COROLLA CSX HATCH One of Australias most pop & reliable small cars. this is a one owner vehicle with books & locally owned, a/c, pwr steering central locking make it a great 1st car for the family. WELL WORTH THE TRIP
Auto, a/c, pwr steering, electric windows, cruise control, sidesteps, factory alloys, roof rack & more
Very popular small hatch with auto trans and very low kms, air conditioning and power steering make this an attractive little car.
All the economy of the turbo deisel, 6 speed man, very popular and hard to find, a/c, pwr steering, pwr windows, cruise ctrl, remote entry, alloys and more
Perfect mid size suv presented in a stunning metallic black. 4x4 , ABS, 5speed manual all at a great price.Dual airbags & good service history.
AWD Turbo Manual Hatch. This Club Spec WRX is a fantastic and rare vehicle. It has been well maint & is in relatively stock standard cond, apart from some tastefull additions (exhaust Kit, Cheetah immobiliser). It feats the fantastic EJ20 2.0L Turbo Boxer motor
Automatic, air cond, power steering, power windows, cruise control, abs, air bags, remote entry & more Hard to find wagon.
Factory gas injected, automatic, air cond, power steer, cruise control, power windows, abs, srs and great value
1 Owner with books, 17” chrome alloys, cruise ctrl, pwr windows, finished in hothouse green with matching sports trim. WELL WORTH THE TRIP
Only 61000 kms finished in ego body work, auto, a/c, pwr steering, central locking, pwr windows, cruise control, abs, srs, remote entry & more.
IT’S WELL WORTH THE TRIP! admin.barossaherald@ruralpress.com
DISCLAIMER: Prices are exclusive of registration and stamp duty payable to road transport. *To approved purchases through St George Bank, Adelaide. Some photos for illustrational purposes only. LMVD2833.
Wednesday, May 9, 2012 - Page 15 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
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Wednesday, May 9, 2012 - Page 16 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Come see Busting Out tonight don’t need to be afraid. There’s plenty of laughs for everyone.” And now Busting Out is bringing the fun back to the Australian audiences who started it all off with an Australia-wide tour which will begin in North Queensland and finish in South Australia. Tickets are adults $49.20, concession $44.30 and a group of six or more $43.20. To see this entertaining show at 8pm at the Barossa Arts and Convention Centre, purchase your tickets by phoning 8561 4299 or visit barossaconvention.org.
THOUGHT PROVOKING: April’s Fool, a true story of love, family, strength and the choices we make, will be performed at the Barossa Arts and Convention Centre on May 30. The story centres on Kristjan Terauds. Two weeks short of his 19th birthday, Kristjan died due to illicit drug use. The show, which starts at 7.30pm, is thought provoking and ultimately an optimistic reflection on how we all live our lives. Tickets are $35 for adults, $28 for concession, $15 for young people aged under 17 and a family of two adults and two young people is $80. For more details or to purchase tickets contact the Barossa Arts and Convention Centre, Tanunda, on 8561 4299.
Say g’day to Bill Chambers BILL Chambers, father of Australian country singer Kasey Chambers, tours Australia with a stopover in Tanunda. He joins VJ Entertainment’s Candlelight Concert on Saturday, May 18, at the Barossa Regional Art Gallery, Basedow Road. He is embarking on his new tour, ‘Country Highway Tours - The Outback’, all aboard a busload of friends. Bill is described as one of those growling singers who owes a substantial debt to both Bob Dylan and John Prine. Perhaps it’s a result of those early weathered years he spent roughing it in the outback with his family. There’s much more to Bill than just being Kasey’s dad. The patriarch of the Chambers’ clan is considered by some to be Australia’s premier alt-country guitarist. Along with producing albums for the likes of Catherine Britt, Audrey Auld, Bec Willis (co-produced with Kasey) and the Dead Ringer Band, Bill has still found time to write most of the songs on his albums - the ARIA nominated ‘Sleeping With The Blues’, ‘Frozen Ground’ and his most recent, ‘Drifting South’.
Willaston Football Club
Ladies Only Night
T Bone or Scotch Fillet, Chips, Salad and your choice of sauce/gravy and a FREE schooner of draught, Coopers or Blonde or glass of house wine
Limited number of tickets so be quick! Last 2 shows were a sell out!!! SORRY NO DOOR SALES For enquiries, ticket sales & booking of tables (l0 per table) please phone:
Pool Table, Pokies, Jukebox, Beer Garden & Function Room available. Great Food and Fantastic Local Beers on Tap. WH1817743
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• DJ till late • Give aways • Door Prize • Light Supper • Raffle • Drink Specials • Topless male Bar Staff
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Roast Day
Twoway Crossword No 093
HAPPY HOUR Sun -Thurs 5 - 6pm $1.00 off wines and pints + spirits
Chicken or Beef Schnitzel, with your choice of sauce and a FREE schooner of draught, Coopers or Blonde or glass of house wine
e res t
TERMS AND CONDITIONS Family Meal Deal only available Wednesday nights. Adult’s meals must be ordered off the Family Meal Deal Menu 1 meal per child. Extra kid’s meals charged at $7.50. All Meal Deals not valid with any other food promotion or offer
Mon - Fri 11am till LATE Sunday 11am till 8
Saturday 19th May 2012 Doors open 7.00pm Tickets $25.00pp
a cut above th
Greenock Creek Tavern
presents Madáme Josephines Boys for our
Willaston Football Club - Gawler River Rd, Willaston
“What I love the best is to get out on the road and perform the songs,” Bill said. “I still play in Kasey’s band when she’s on the road and the gigs take us all over the world. “That’s where I get many of the stories for my songs,” he said. Recently Bill recorded his first DVD ‘Live At The Pub, Tamworth’, reliving the great atmosphere that his Tamworth sessions have become famous for. Showcasing Bill’s best original songs, his large collection of guitars and guest appearances by the likes of Shane Nicholson, Kevin Bennett and Kasey Chambers. Richard Jinman from The Sydney magazine describes Bill’s music as, “reminiscent of Daniel Lanois’ eerily spacious work, all elongated guitar phrases, shuffling drums and ambient rumbling, the combined effect is as seductive as hell”. On May 18 the public is encouraged to bring along a picnic supper, with tables reserved upon request. Wines can be purchased from Teusner Wines and coffee, tea and dessert by Ai Made It. Tickets are $30 and are available from Barossa Music Centre, Murray Street Tanunda or phone Vicki on 0417 084 191.
Proudly brought to you by
For your chance to win a bottle of Langmeil wine, complete the crossword only and drop the entry form into The Herald office Monday by 4.30pm. Winners need to collect their wine within the week. Last week’s winner was Pam Bielby of Kapunda.
of the leading ladies’ assets. The creator of the show, Emma Powell puts it quite simply, “What goes up must come down and when they do we show you what to do with them”. She said, “I am always pleased when women of all shapes, sizes and ages come to me at the end of each show and tell me how liberated they feel. “It’s so nice to know that they’ve had a great laugh. It’s a life-changing experience for many women who have perhaps been ashamed or embarrassed by their breasts all their life. But the blokes
THE uplifting and liberating comedy show of Busting Out comes to the Barossa tonight, Wednesday, May 9. Having already played to over 300,000 Australians and New Zealanders, with sold out runs across Australia and New Zealand, ‘Busting Out’ headed to the Northern Hemisphere where it was immediately embraced by UK and US audiences. The show is an uplifting celebration of bouncy songs, wobbly jokes, thigh-slapping sketches, and of course, practical demonstrations of the fascinating lesser-known uses
33 main north road willaston t: 08 8522 1021 f: 08 8522 1629 e: willaston.hotel@alhgroup.com.au
Name:................................................................. Town:...........................................
Wednesday, May 9, 2012 - Page 17 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
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Call the experts at Paint Supplies! We can assist you with the right advice when it comes to colour selections and product choice to get the job done right!
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and Sarah Dianne, Dallas, Mignon ns Café atio vers Con to you e welcom
OPEN 7 DAYS - FULLY LICENSED Enjoy the warmth of the potbelly heater
Corner Westlakes Boulevard & Phillips Crescent, Hendon
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Wednesday, May 9, 2012 - Page 18 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
and Conversations Cafe will have a wide assortment sure to prove popular with customers. Other dishes worth sampling are the chicken and leek pie or the lamb and rosemary pie which is served on a cheese mash drizzled with gravy. Mignon is also planning to hold wine nights plus cooking lessons with an international flavour. “We will be starting up lessons featuring a different nationality menu each night, crossing the width of the globe.” The breakfast menu is another feature and will be available all day.
onversations Cafe is the talk of Gawler. New owner Mignon is transforming the popular meeting spot into a primarily organic cafe. “We are going to keep it simple,” Mignon said. “There will be a range of gluten-free products and we intend to source all our products locally.” “Conversations Cafe is really undergoing a transformation and I’m sure customers will be pleasantly surprised.” All cooking is done on the premises. Homemade soup is always popular
sr ith Mum coffee w ! l FREE eir mea ay th n u d
homes and she can help those on a budget. Duana offers free in home quotes and to assist those clients building new homes, she will work an estimate price to dress a new home by working off house plans. She said this gets clients closer to a final costing for their house. Floor to Ceiling Interiors also boasts a huge selection of quality made fabrics to choose from. In addition, the team can create beautifully made cushions, blinds and outdoor awnings, plus reupholstery. To have Floor to Ceiling Interiors help dress and add value to your home, phone 8523 5223.
o you want good quality curtains, blinds and outdoor awnings to last a lifetime? Then look no further than Floor to Ceiling Interiors. The Gawler based company prides itself on producing top of the range products to complement your home. For business owner Duana Keital and her three qualified interior decorators, the ability to provide their clients with this service is paramount. Duana says It is better to buy quality products that last and will save you money in the long run. Her services extend to creating specialised curtains to suit all types
baby, it’s
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31 ADELAIDE RD, GAWLER SOUTH (Opposite McDonald’s - Gawler)
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The friendly team at Goddard’s Fine Meats, (left to right) Greg Wilson, Dion Bilske, Dylan Finch and Ian Goddard, are pleased to help you with your meat selections.
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One bite and you’ll be back for more... C ups’n Cakes in Gawler specialises in custom-made celebration cakes, including birthday, wedding and corporate cakes, and of course cupcakes. Business owner Gina Nitschke, formerly a school teacher, started her hobby/business five years ago at the Barossa Farmer’s Market selling cupcakes. Gina decided to branch out into business opening Cups’n Cakes at 50 Murray Street, Gawler, a year ago after extensive renovations by her husband, family and friends. “We differ to other cake shops because we don’t have a catalogue that our customers choose from,” Gina said. “Instead, a quick consultation (or email) will provide our customers with a cake baked and decorated just for them, to suit their event, budget and personality.” Gina and full-time pastry chef Susie Shuken bake all the cakes fresh on the premises with South Australian eggs, butter, flour, and milk. So drop into Cups’n Cakes and enjoy a tea or coffee and a cupcake in a beautiful setting.
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Competitive Prices on a Top Range of Products
install with any order in May*
Need new window coverings?
Wednesday, May 9, 2012 - Page 19 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Happy birthday to...
Travis Pawson, of Mt McKenzie, was 10 on May 5.
Milly Fiebiger, of Angaston, was three on April 28.
Johnny Schubert, of Nuriootpa, was one on May 2.
Holly Wohlers, of Tanunda, was four on May 1.
Bridget Wutke, of Tanunda, will be five on May 10.
Herald birthday photographs are taken inside The Co-op’s Toyworld section, Nuriootpa, each Saturday. Please line up from 10am.
NEW ARRIVAL: Riley Charles Stagg arrived at Tanunda Hospital on May 4, weighing 2.7 kilograms. He is a brother for Sienna, 4, and Bree, 2. Proud parents are Lisa and Simon Stagg of Stockwell. Riley is the 10th grandchild for Max and Cheryl Reidy of Kingston, and the seventh grandchild for Gary and Caroline Stagg of Rostrevor.
Wednesday, May 9, 2012 - Page 20 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Real Estate Liftout
Scan with your smartphone to view this property on domain.com.au
Fabulous value Location, location, location with a well-presented Evanston Park home. See Domain P3. SATURDAY 12TH MAY HOMBURG REAL ESTATE NURIOOTPA 9 Below Street......................1:15 – 1:45pm TANUNDA Lot 92 Menge Road .................1:30 – 2:00pm TANUNDA 26 College Street .....................2:15 – 2:45pm
Assoc. Aust. Inst. of Conveyancers Registered Conveyancer
Beckwith Park Commercial Precinct 30-38 Barossa Valley Way, Nuriootpa
Ph: (08) 8562 3355 | Fax: (08) 8562 3282 • House & Land Settlements • Mortgages • Leases • Business Settlements • Subdivisions Arranged • Strata Titles • Power of Attorney ALL REAL PROPERTY ACT DOCUMENTS
CONVEYANCER? MAKE THE RIGHT CHOICE www.barossaherald.com.au
TANUNDA 10 Hoffmann Avenue ...............3:45 – 4:15pm
SUNDAY 13TH MAY BAROSSA REAL ESTATE NURIOOTPA 8 New Road......................11:00 – 11:30am LYNDOCH 42 Gilbert Street...................11:30 – 12:00pm GAWLER EAST 22 McGahan Court .........12:30 – 1:00pm NURIOOTPA 38 Gothic Avenue .................2:15 – 2:45pm TANUNDA 10 Magnolia Road....................3:15 – 3:45pm HOMBURG REAL ESTATE TANUNDA 5/213 Murray Street.............12:00 – 12:30pm LIGHT PASS Lot 508 Light Pass Road....12:45 – 1:15pm ANGASTON Lot 4 Diagonal Road............12:45 – 1:15pm NURIOOTPA 8 Cabernet Court ..................1:30 – 2:00pm TANUNDA 13/1 College Street ..................1:30 – 2:00pm KAPUNDA 65 High Street .........................2:30 – 3:00pm
Wednesday, May 9, 2012 - Domain Page 1 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Get Domain’s new iPhone App Now! Searching for property on the go just got easier Domain.com.au’s iPhone App allows you to search for properties to buy, rent or share, no matter where you are.
To download the application, just open the App Store on your iPhone or access the App Store directly via iTunes on your computer and search for Domain.com.au or visit www.domain.com.au/iphoneapp
Real Estate Liftout
Quality built OUTSTANDING: The roomy Reid house is pictured above and at right part of the outside area.
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*towards the cost of selling your home – conditions apply
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MAY OPEN DAY 24 M P 30 2. -1 M A 11 NTS ESHME
PUBLIC NOTICE Re: Section 7 The Vendor’s statement relating to matters affecting the advertised properties in this publication may be inspected at the agents office three business days prior to the auction or at the place of auction thirty minutes before sale.
THIS quality-built home at Reid is situated on about 1014 square metres in a quiet cul-de-sac among other quality homes in a superb neighbourhood. Only a stone’s throw from Gawler, this beautiful location offers quick and easy access to the Northern Expressway and shops, schools and parks in the Gawler town centre. This property offers side access with total clearance of 3.1m which will accommodate most large vehicles, boats, caravans etc, plenty of parking and access to a 12m x 6m x 3m shed with ample lighting and power with a 15amp plug for welding. There are fully established native gardens surrounding the property, a great entertaining area and a large office with a separate entrance to the side of the home. This quality family home boasts the following. There are four bedrooms, the master with a bay window, walk-in robe and ensuite. Bedrooms two, three and four are all of good size and have built-in robes and tinted windows. The home features ceiling fans
throughout, a formal entry, formal lounge and formal dining, currently used as an office. The living/meals/family/kitchen area is open-plan with a breakfast bar and there is a good-size main three-way bathroom. Other features include a security system. reverse-cycle heating and cooling, surge protection for computers etc plus a large second office with separate entrance near the entertaining area. The office could be used as a fifth bedroom or a children’s retreat. Windows on the western wall have mirror tinting and outside there are two garden sheds, a vegie garden and established fruit trees plus about 7000 gallons of rainwater. For the workman there is a large 12m x 6m x 3m shed with 15amp power outlet, ample lighting and cement floor, a bitumen driveway with a clearance of 3.1m and fully insulated with R3 and R2.5 insulation. Don’t miss out on this fabulous opportunity to buy and just move in. Please call Kies Real Estate today on 8523 3777 to book your private viewing.
LYNDOCH $325K- $335K
OPEN 38 Gothic Ave Open Sat 12th 2.15-2.45 WARM AND WELCOMING With separate entry, large lounge plus a rumpus room, Three bedrooms ensuite and walk in robe, built in robes to bed 2 & 3, spacious kitchen with gas cook top, wall oven dishwasher, walk-in pantry and feature bay window, open plan dining/family area. Ducted gas heating and cooling, pitched pergola, double garage, carport, rain water tanks. Sue Schugmann 0419 850 408
SPRINGTON $216,500
OPEN 42 Gilbert St
Open Sat 12th 11.30-12
OPEN 22 McGahan Ct Open Sat 12th 12.30-1 TWO STOREY BEAUTY You couldn't build it for this price. Separate entry, formal lounge, up to the minute kitchen, stainless steel appliances, rumpus room, meals/family room, formal dining, 4 brms, ducted air and gas heat, 914m2 allotment, fantastic views, walking distance to Gawler main street. Sue Schugmann 0419 850 408
OPEN 42 Angas St
GREAT LOCATION, IDEAL FAMILY HOME Separate entry, large lounge, 3 Bedrooms, Ensuite, Walk in & BI Robes. Open plan meals & family, kitchen with walk in pantry, air conditioning, combustion heating, neutral décor. Rear veranda, double carport with roller doors, 8 solar panels, Rain water tanks. BBQ Area, Established gardens. Walking distance to local schools and shopping. Sue Schugmann 0419 850 408
GAWLER EAST $439,950
TANUNDA $335K - $350K
Open Sat 12th 4.15-4.45
10 Magnolia Rd Open Sat 12th 3.15-3.45
CEDAR COTTAGE Western red cedar cottage on a large block of over 1600m2. Stylishly presented as an open plan, 2 brm, 1 bthrm home with beautiful indoor/ outdoor flow. Combustion heat/bread oven, evap. cooling, fruit trees and veggie patch in beautiful cottage garden, rain water tanks. Very affordable living or holiday home! Sue Schugmann 0419 850 408
MAGNOLIA COTTAGE Set on approx. 1240m2 allotment, a great three bedroom family home including a separate entry, large lounge, jarrah kitchen with dishwasher, dining, computer area, rumpus or 4th bedroom, 2 toilets, & central bathroom, combustion heating & air con, 2 large garden sheds, carport, room for caravan. Close to Faith school & Tanunda primary. Sue Schugmann 0419 850 408
OPEN 8 New Rd
Open Sat 12th 11-11.30
CLASSIC, STYLISH FAMILY HOME! A delightful property offering privacy, space and convenience. A family bungalow with 2 living areas, 4 double bedrooms & 2 bathrooms on a generous block of approx. 1278m2. Fully renovated and restored. Lofty ornate ceilings, original architraves and skirtings, sash windows, fire places and polished floorboards, new wiring and roofing, solar power. Peter Fairweather 0415 825 420
Lot 53 Jemalong Crescent
11 Rushall Road
FAMILY ENTERTAINER WITH POOL OASIS! This value packed, Australian colonial style 4 brm home is everything a family could ask for. Master with ens & wir, sep lnge & dining rooms, lge country kitchen. Lge 1540m2 (approx) landscaped yard with pool, dbl c/pt, gdn shed & fruit trees. Evap cooling, split system & comb heater. Elle Moreton 0488 996 566
LOOK AT ME Elevated (approx) 1005m2 block this 3 bedroom 2 bathroom home offers plenty of room. 2 living areas. Family kitchen with plenty of cupboard space, gas cook top, electric oven & dishwasher. Gabled patio perfect for entertaining friends. Evap cooling, gas heating, a double garage under the main roof. Room for a caravan or boat. Peter Fairweather 0415 825 420
8563 3511
www.barossarealestate.com.au F: 8563 0105 E: bvrealestate@ozemail.com.au www.barossaherald.com.au
Peter Fairweather 0415 825 420
Sue Schugmann 0419 850 408
Sue Fechner 8563 3511
Elle Moreton 0488 996 566
Property Manager Anne Johansson 8563 3511
RLA 1997
Wednesday, May 9, 2012 - Domain Page 2 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Real Estate Liftout
STUNNING: The timber kitchen in the fabulous Evanston Park home.
Quality home right location
READING some of the mail at Domain.com.au, you’d think all by-laws are stupid, all executive committee members are interfering busybodies, and all owners who want to do their own things are innocent victims of oppressive “Nanny State” rules. The truth can be a bit different... Question: I need to redo my bathroom and kitchen but my strata has a special by law outlining about a million things to be done prior to the work beginning. This includes submission of plans and obtaining written consent. How much power does the EC have over my renovations? Can they refuse if I am replacing the kitchen and bathroom? The by-law also states that work must be carried out during the hours and days specified by local council however not before 8 or after 5 and no work on a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday? Can they restrict the hours if it contradicts Fair Trading regulations? - RenoMan, via Flat Chat Forum Answer: You may think the by-laws are too restrictive, but your neighbours will want to be sure you aren’t putting a bathroom over someone’s bedroom, the work is
compliant with Australian Building Standards and they get peace and quiet at weekends, early mornings and later at night. By-laws legally can’t be contradictory to existing laws and, unless they are invalid in that way, they operate on top of state and council restrictions. They are only there because owners have collectively agreed on
personal satisfaction) but professionals will get the job done quicker, more efficiently and in the permitted hours. Is this another home owners’ right you shouldn’t have to waive when you buy into strata? Is it fair for you to enhance the value of your property at the expense of your neighbours’ peace and quiet?
Ring me for an appraisal 7 days a week on
0427 233 319
Julie Thring Owner
28A Adelaide Road, Gawler 8523 3319 www.gawlerpm.brockharcourts.com.au
At a glance... RLA198199
Where: Evanston Park.
... where people matter
Features: Location, location, location. Price: $365,000. Open: By appointment. Agent: Kies Real Estate.
$360,000 SEDAN
14 Kirchner Street
37 Tamke Street
LARGE FAMILY HOME 4 brms, 2 bathrooms, study, lounge, family room, open plan kitchen, air cond, double garage, entertaining area, large shed, room for boat & caravan.
VIEWS & PEACEFUL SETTING Original stone bungalow on approx 3120m2 block, high ceilings, 3 dble brms, eatin country kitchen with large walk-in pantry. Teen retreat - 1 brm, lounge & study.
RLA61382. Contact: 8523 3777.
carport and fully landscaped gardens. This home has been well thought out and built to a high standard with all bathroom and kitchen cabinets built by locally-owned Meznar Furniture. Don’t miss out on this wonderful opportunity to buy this quality home with no more to do other than move in.
4C The Crescent
QUIET TREE LINED STREET Dble brick 3 brm home on a 780m2 cnr block. Large lounge, kitchen with pantry, heating & cooling. Dble gge, estab rear garden with fruit trees & more.
4B The Crescent
4 Collins Street
NEAR NEW HOME 3 brms, ensuite, walk-in robe, formal lounge, family/games room, large modern kitchen, double garage, quiet location, low maintenance.
THE CORRUGATED IRON COTTAGE 3 brm cottage, polished timber floors throughout, kitchen with dw, lounge with heating & cooling, timber deck with views, few minutes’ walk to all amenities.
Call for your free market appraisal
REST EASY: One of the bedrooms in the Evanston Park home.
TANUNDA 15 Coronation Avenue
Dble brick, 3 brm home, lrg lounge with French doors, kitchen with elec stove & pantry, polished flr brds t/out, htg & cooling, dble gge. 697m2 allot (approx)
them (or don’t disagree with them enough) and the reason fairly restrictive ones are in place is often because renovations in the past have made residents’ lives a misery. It raises the whole question, though, of whether DIY renovations are appropriate for apartment blocks. Sure, it’s cheaper (and there’s
8562 4650 0418 853 134
Wednesday, May 9, 2012 - Domain Page 3 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
2/7 Gawler Street, Nuriootpa www.julietothrealestate.com.au
FABULOUS value is on offer with this well-presented threebedroom Evanston Park home. It is situated in a popular location, close to local shops, schools, parks and public transport. This superbly-presented home offers a master bedroom with walk-in robe, bay window and twoway ensuite with plenty of room. Bedroom two also has a built-in robe. The home is complete with two living areas, bar, dining room and stunning timber kitchen with quality appliances. There are beautiful views of the entertaining area through the kitchen bay window. Other features are a three-way main bathroom, quality brick feature walls, gas heating, evaporative ducted cooling, double
Rules are for a reason
Real Estate Liftout
LEFT: The lovely lounge of the Gawler East home and above, the spectacular front of the four-bedroom house.
Colin Schwartz trading as RLA216875
Adelaide Rural Real Estate KAPUNDA
7 Whittaker Street - Neat 2 could be 3 bedroom cottage. Combined lounge/dining. Kitchen and bathroom with low maintenance yard. 200m from main street. Available late April
21 Hogan Street - Well maintained 3 bedroom brick veneer home. Main bedroom has ensuite and walk-inrobe. Open plan kitchen/dining/living area. Split system ait conditioner, carport. No pets. Available early May.
Executive home, 4 bedrooms, ensuite & WIR, open plan kitchen/dineing/lounge, split system air con, enclosed spa, games room, large garage, low maintenance yard, No pets.
7 Hambour Avenue – Neat 3 bedroom home, bedroom 1 & 2 have built-in robes, lounge, kitchen/dining, electrical appliances, cool a/c only, shed, neat and tidy yard. Non-smoker. No Pets. Available Now.
4 Hambour Avenue – Neat 3 bedroom home, kitchen/dining, lounge, new kitchen cupboards, electrical appliances, bathroom has shower only, oil heater, ducted evap a/c, roller shutters to every window, shed, tool shed, carport. Pets neg. Available May 25th.
Nicely presented 4yr old t/f home, large 1011m2 allot, 2 bdrms, roomy lounge/dining, kitchen has elec appiliances, dishwasher, plenty cpds, r/c a/c, front & rear v/dah, carport, short walk to river and shops. Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942
41 Wild Street Inspection by Appointment
Three bedrooms, one bathroom, formal lounge, neat kitchen and meals, rear and front verandah, shedding, carport, lots of room to move. WEB ID: 106614295 Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942
27 Clare Road Inspection by Appointment
Situated on a 1047m2 resid allot, neatly presented stone home (circa 1910) close to both schools & the main st. Roomy home consists of 4 good sized bedrooms, lounge has c/h, kitchen/dining room, nicely tiled bthrm has separate shwr, bath & toilet, also a sep 2nd toilet. A storage cellar is located under the lounge. Also features high ceilings, polished wood floors, tiled kitchen/dining room floor, ducted evap cooling, colourbond roof is near new & large verandah across the back of the house. Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942
43 High Street – Near new 3 bedroom home, walk in robe and ensuite to main bedroom, built-ins to bedroom 2 & 3, large bathroom, open plan kitchen/dining, large lounge, high ceilings, extended hallway, enclosed back yard, manageable block/garden. Available Mid May.
Lot 66 Christchurch Street Inspection by Appointment
Residential allotment of 560m in new subdivision. All services underground, water connected and CED point. Bitumen road frontage. Not far from Kapunda main street & primary school. No encumbrances, build your family or retirement home. Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942
1 Ada Street – 2 bedroom renovated cottage, dining room, study, shedding, heating/cooling, on large block. Available Mid May.
KAPUNDA/BAROSSA www.barossaherald.com.au
OPENS Wishing all mums a Happy Mother’s Day
55 Old Adelaide Road - Well maintained 3 bedroom home. Close to main street. Lounge with combustion heating, large family room or 4th bedroom. Offers large verandah with paving and concrete flooring and a 40x20 shed with power. Available late May
11 Acland Street Inspection by Appointment
All Properties available for Inspection by Appointment
13 Fuller Street Inspection by Appointment
Neat b/v home on lge 1950m2 allot with rural views. 4 brs, main ens & WIR, br 2 & 3 BIR, kitchen has gas stove, pantry, plenty cpds, dine, family, fml lnge, comb heat, ducted a/c, dble c/pt UMR, vdahs, pergola, 30x20 gge. Currently tenanted. WEB ID: 106770196 Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942
1 John Street Inspection by Appointment
Neat solid home on 11,000m2 allot, having 3 titles, possible subdiv STCC. 3 brs, office, kitchen w elec apps & d/w, fml dine, lge lounge, r/c a/c, gas htg. Paved gable pergola, 40x20 shed, caravan shed, 30x20 shed. Rear access. Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942
80A High Street Inspection by Appointment
A place to call home THIS is the home that you hope will some day be yours. Contemporary in style with all of the features that make for a relaxing lifestyle and with the feel of a luxury hotel. The spectacular entrance hall with staircase to the upstairs’ living is a fitting introduction to what lies within this Gawler East house. Thoughtfully designed to provide spacious rooms but with a welcoming feel that belies its generous proportions. The master suite is exactly that, spacious with an ensuite that not only has a beautiful vanity with granite top but also a separate shower and bidet. The second bathroom, which services the three other bedrooms, features a double vanity also with granite top, a toilet and bidet and shower. All three bedrooms are doubles with built-in robes. Upstairs there is another sitting area with fantastic views over Clonlea Park. There were no cutting corners when the current owners built this home. Apart from the four bedrooms there is a lovely formal lounge and a formal dining room, but without doubt the most eye-catching feature of this home is the fabulous kitchen, meals and casual living area, the heart of any home. The kitchen offers generous benchspace, a gas 900mm stove and rangehood plus a twin drawer stainless-steel dishwasher. Large tiles are used throughout the downstairs rooms except the formal lounge room. Off the kitchen there is a good sized laundry with stainless-steel sink and bench. There is also a third toilet plus a large rumpus room with glass doors that lead outside to the patio area. The home is light and airy throughout and has been beautifully decorated with style and flair to create a serene and calming environment. Of course a home of this calibre has ducted air conditioning and gas heating and has been maintained to the highest standards. For anyone looking for a quality built home, completed to the highest standards with exciting lifestyle features throughout, this is one not to be missed. Set on a generous 914 square metre block there is plenty of room for the children to play. Within walking distance to the main street of Gawler and great access to Clonlea Park walking trails this home is a must for inspection.
At a glance... Where: 22 McGahan Court, Gawler East.
92 MAIN ST • T: 8566 3399 sales@adelaideruralrealestate.com.au
Neat B/V Home, 3 bdrms, main has WIR, access to bathroom, formal lounge, kitchen/meals/family, r/c a/c, pergola, carport, currently tenanted, ideal family home or investment. Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942
Wednesday, May 9, 2012 - Domain Page 4 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Agent: Barossa Real Estate Pty Ltd RLA1997. Sales Person: Sue Schugmann 0419 850 408. Price: $439,950. Open: Saturday, May 12, 12.30pm-1pm.
Real Estate Liftout
Investment opportunity WORTH THOUGHT: The floor plan of the Nuriootpa house.
Lyndoch Valley Road, Williamstown (14.8ha-36.6 acres)
IDEAL LIFESTYLE PROPERTY WITH INCOME Auction 2pm, 22nd June 2012 (if not sold beforehand)
INVESTMENT: The Nuriootpa house with three double bedrooms, close to all town facilities.
Wonderful location at southern gateway to the Barossa & under 60 minutes to Adelaide
At a glance...
Daniel Schell 0415 436 379 or Geoff Schell 0418 842 421
RLA 205501
Where: 4C The Crescent, Nuriootpa.
Lot 1 Hawkers Road, Kapunda
Features: Solid home. Price range: $275,000. Open: By appointment.
Agent: Julie Toth Real Estate, RLA198199. Contact: Julie Toth, 8562 4650 or 0418 853 134.
double garage with power and concrete and easycare gardens, all on a nice size allotment of about 697 square metres. The home is within walking
distance to all facilities. This property is great for investment either to live in it or for rental purposes, currently tenanted at $250-per-week.
Steady stream to Block SOUTH Melbourne will never be the same again. On television, the couples of Channel Nine’s ‘The Block’ have only just moved into those wrecked terrace houses, but in the real world the finished homes are already attracting attention. A steady stream of visitors is arriving at the corner of Dorcas and Montague streets to take photos and, when they think no one is looking, peep over fences. A few fans have been lucky enough to cross paths with the couples as they come and go during postwww.barossaherald.com.au
Lyndoch Football Clubrooms Located approx. 3km South of Lyndoch on Williamstown Road 4/5 bedroom family home in delightful garden setting Detached fully self contained “granny flat” 3 x Implement sheds, chemical shed plus hay shed Quality vineyard (11.54 ha) comprising mainly Shiraz Excellent water supply from Bore, BILS quota & 5 Meg Water Licence
filming visits to the properties. And this is only week two for the 2012 season. Last year, residents estimated that 500 people a day were turning up at the Cameron Street, Richmond, properties when the show was in full swing. The open-for-inspections last July attracted more than 25,000 people, with some waiting four hours for entry. With The Block drawing 1.4 million viewers earlier this week, it’s going to get a lot busier on that little corner of South Melbourne.
WORTH a look is this Nuriootpa home with polished floorboards throughout. This well looked after double brick dwelling, comprises of three double bedrooms, a country kitchen with pantry and electric appliances and a large lounge room with French doors. For temperature control, there is an oil heater, overhead fan and split-system reverse-cycle air conditioning. There is a neat bathroom with a shower recess, bathtub, vanity and toilet plus there is a separate second toilet. Outdoors, there is the good condition tiled roof and guttering, a rear verandah,
• • • • • •
Vendors say “We’ve moved, property must be sold” Web ID: 109741706
Attractive modern family home on 18 acres with quality improvements 4 brms with ensuite to master brm & BIR’s in all brms. Lge paved u/c entertaining area overlooking the rural vista. Good shedding & low maintenance gdns. Well fenced, ideal for horses or other stock. Elevated position providing fantastic rural views to enjoy the country lifestyle. Peaceful, private loc mins to Kapunda and just 20 mins drive to Gawler.
$519,500 Daniel Schell 0415 436 379 or Geoff Schell 0418 842 421
Wednesday, May 9, 2012 - Domain Page 5 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
RLA 205501
homburg.com.au Kapunda
Osborne House, 65 High Street
Auction: 11.00am 25 May 2012 On the Property
A Piece of History on 1.8Ha., In The Heart of Town This amazing property, steeped in history, is being offered for genuine sale and provides the new owners with a fantastic opportunity to recreate a magnificent estate right in the heart of this pioneering country town. The imposing 10 main room residence sits proudly in its elevated position, overlooking the expansive grounds which include, stables, tennis court, and an array of established trees and shrubs, forming the foundation of what can once again become a truly remarkable property. Potential for some sub-division exists subject to council and State Heritage consent. A must to inspect. Terms: 10% Deposit on Fall of Hammer, Settlement 25th June, 2012. Inspect: Sunday 2:30 - 3pm Web: HRE505 RLA: 219152 Guy Draper: 0417 810 828
1 & 3 Fiedler Street
$165,000 Each
Build Your Dream in this Location of Character & Convenience Unheard of earth has become available in the stunning Fiedler Street, one of Tanunda´s most picturesque pockets & address to some of the town´s finest historic homes. Choose from two ideally sized 644sqm allotments in this tree-lined setting & build the home of your dreams in amongst cosmopolitan town life, coupled with the ease-of-mind in knowing essential services are so comfortably close. A wonderful spot to create life´s next chapter, whether you have young children to walk across to school or are simply looking to enjoy a well earned retirement & the best things in life. Call (08) 8563 2599
Inspect: Call Agent to View
David Braunack 0418 841 349
Web: HRE588 & HRE589 RLA: 219152
Visit www.homburg.com.au
2 Nuriootpa
26 College Street
David Braunack: 0418 841 349
1 Nuriootpa
Auction: 11.00am 18th of May 2012 On Site 9 Below Street
2 Nuriootpa
$235,000 6 Hearl Street
$370,000 - $395,000 17 Traminer Way
$349,000 - $369,000
Love this Doll´s House A teensy weensy cutie pie, this 1920´s solid rendered cottage in one of Tanunda´s finest streets is in original condition & waiting for new love & a re-decorating journey. Situated on 1048sqm & sitting prettily against a backdrop of tall gums & a creek setting, this petite abode is ideal for one or two with a dble bedroom, lounge, quaint eat-in kitchen & rosy bathroom.
Good home, great block & scope to add real value Bright, light, well presented home with spacious rooms on a fully fenced plot with garage & rear access. Large separate lounge, open-plan retro kitchen/dine, family bathroom plus 2nd toilet. Create some real "wow" factor by adding bi-fold doors & a decked verandah to connect the home to the great outdoors. Heating, cooling, R/W & native trees.
Want Style and Quality? Look no Further Fab mod. residence suit those looking for quality prop. w/minimal o/door maint., which allows you to escape w/- peace of mind. The home offers up to 4 b’rooms (main w/- ens & wir), casual, formal & enclosable o/door ent. areas. Elegant tiling & floating timber flooring t/out. Ducted gas heating & evap cooling, neutral tones, dble gge umr + more.
For Those Who Find Conventional Boring! Attractive, family home offers mod., trendy design w/- décor to match. All the features you love are here, inc. casual, formal & o/door living, functional well-appointed kit., lge b’rooms (w/spac. ens. to main), heating & cooling, dble gge umr, generous 721m2 lot & much more. Realistically priced, this is a great property that you simply must inspect.
Inspect: Saturday 2:15 - 2:45pm Web: HRE594 RLA: 219152 David Braunack: 0418 841 349
Inspect: Saturday 1:15 - 1:45pm Web: HRE592 RLA: 219152 Felicity Cock: 0411 456 266
Inspect: Call Agent to View Web: HRE604 RLA: 219152 Guy Draper: 0417 810 828
Inspect: Call Agent to View Web: HRE603 RLA: 219152 Guy Draper: 0417 810 828
2 Angaston
38 Elizabeth Street
1 Nuriootpa
$319,000 - $349,000 Lot 4 Diagonal Road
1 Tanunda
$550,000 8 Cabernet Court
$319,000 - $339,000 10 Hoffmann Avenue
$350,000 - $365,000
Solid Home, Great Location, 1400m2 Allotment Situated in a sought-after location in the heart of Tanunda, this solid older style home is ready for you to give it a makeover to create an enviable property in a great location. With high ceilings, timber floors, large north facing picture windows, and loads of room, all the basic ingredients are here, the rest is up to you. A must to inspect.
Serenity & Space Lifestyle property on almost 2 acres is the ideal sanctuary for you to relax & forget life´s pressures. Life-long memories will be created here, enjoy pool parties & indulge in festivities under the huge entertaining area. This adaptable home of comfort comprises of 3 living spaces that all open to outdoors. Enjoy hobbies & fantastic shedding in this setting of nature.
Affordable Modern Home on 763m2 Allotment This fabulous, feature -packed 4 bedroom home offers so much, at a very realistic price. Both casual and formal living, 2 bathrooms, heating and cooling, outdoor entertainment area, carport, 20´ x 30´ garage with concrete floor, power and lights, low maintenance front yard, fully enclosed rear yard and much more. Suit a wide range of purchasers. Don´t miss this one.
Space surrounds this home for family & festivities Quality built family home on a generous 1140sqm is privately surrounded by a rich & productive gourmet garden, 3-bay shed & carport. With a well equipped kitchen at its heart & sliding glass off the everyday living zone that opens the home up to the garden & paved u/c entertaining area, this home will suit peaceful pottering & fun times shared with family & friends.
Inspect: Call Agent to View Web: HRE605 RLA: 219152 Guy Draper: 0417 810 828
Inspect: Sunday 12:45 - 1:15pm Web: HRE585 RLA: 219152 David Braunack: 0418 841 349
Inspect: Sunday 1:30 - 2pm Web: HRE586 RLA: 219152 Guy Draper: 0417 810 828
Inspect: Saturday 3:45 - 4:15pm Web: HRE574 RLA: 219152 David Braunack: 0418 841 349
TANUNDA 88 MURRAY STREET 8563 2599 | NURIOOTPA 15 GAWLER STREET 8562 2600 www.barossaherald.com.au
Wednesday, May 9, 2012 - Domain Page 6 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
homburg.com.au Tanunda
1 Tanunda
5/213 Murray Street
1 Light Pass
$270,000 13/1 College Street
2 Tanunda
$230,000 Lot 508 Light Pass Road
$630,000 - $680,000 Lot 92 Menge Rd
$490,000 - $520,000
Modern, Fresh & Unique Courtyard Living Designed to connect indoor & outdoor living spaces thru sliding glass, the layout of this low maintenance courtyard Villa allows for a free & breezy open-plan casual living style, ideal for enjoying the alfresco life. Lovely tiling; timber slatted blinds; fabulous kitchen with st/steel appliances plus excellent storage thru´out. Fully enclosed courtyard & carport UMR.
Living with Ease in a Secure Community When security is important to you & you dont want to use the car, this good honest solid brick unit in leafy College Street could be just the place for you. Comprising of a secure garage, spacious lounge, open-plan kitchen/dining, excellent storage & a paved rear courtyard, this home is more generous than it first appears.
Don´t Let This Be The One That Got Away Perfectly blending character charm & mod cons, grandeur & style go hand in hand t/out this stunning home. Views through walls of glass beautifully frame main living areas. Impressive & ext renos set this prop apart from the rest, sep guest suite, sparkling ig pool, lush surrounds, every aspect has been considered. On 2000m2 (approx.) a rare & exciting offering.
Savour every day here on 6.09 acres Wake up to incredible views. A solid brick residence designed around its amazing aspect with living spaces opening onto idyllic outdoor entertaining area that overlooks the solarheated i/g pool & garden oasis. R/W tanks, solar power, dog kennels, 20x30 shed & livestock shelter. A place of inspiring beauty.
Inspect: Sunday 12 - 12:30pm Web: HRE494 RLA: 219152 David Braunack: 0418 841 349
Inspect: Sunday 1:30 - 2pm Web: HRE584 RLA: 219152 David Braunack: 0418 841 349
Inspect: Sunday 12:45 - 1:15pm Web: HRE572 RLA: 219152 Guy Draper: 0417 810 828
Inspect: Saturday 1:30 - 2pm Web: HRE 567 RLA: 219152 David Braunack: 0418 841 349
2 Nuriootpa
2 Tanunda
3 Greenock
51 Golden Way
$325,000 - $335,000 29 Zimmermann Street
$595,000 - $645,000 2 Ellen Place
$720,000 - $750,000 2 Victor Road
$339,000 - $369,000
Adaptable Living, Accessible Block Planned for practicality inside, outside & designed to fit your changing circumstances. This home´s floor plan provides 2 light & bright living zones that surround a central kitchen & north facing glass opens the home up to the rear paved verandah. Corner site with rear yard access; space for the caravan; colourbond shed; rainwater & lovely low maint cottage garden.
Simply Stunning Properties of this class & style are rarely offered. Magnificent "Rendition Home" residence, sits on 1059m2 lot, w/- loads of features to impress. Over 300m2 of amazing home w/- 10´ ceilings & ducted, zoned r/c a/c t/out, 3 living areas, 2½ bath, 4 b’rooms, offering generous proportions. Masses of storage, dble gge umr, r/water, paved ent areas and so much more.
Tanunda´s Best Address! - Ellen Place Sought-after location, so don´t miss this opportunity. Architecturally designed home, sit on ¾ acre (approx.) block, a short stroll to the heart of town. Fea. inc. lge light filled formal & casual living areas, high raked ceilings, picture windows, cellar room, 4 b/rooms (or 3 + study), main w/- ens & wir, a/c, sch, gge, c/port, masses of r.w.A must to inspect.
Escape to the Country • Prop on outskirts of town w/- rural views. •4349m2 w/- lots of room to move. •Mod. home w/- 3 b’rooms & 2 living areas. •Ducted air, comb heating & quality fittings. •Extensive outdoor patio. •Sparkling clean i.g. pool in delightful setting. •2 Dble gges, orchard, garden shed & lots more. •Great location only a minute from the local.
Inspect: Call Agent to View Web: HRE563 RLA: 219152 David Braunack: 0418 841 349
Inspect: Call Agent to View Web: HRE550 RLA: 219152 Guy Draper: 0417 810 828
Inspect: Call Agent to View Web: HRE516 RLA: 219152 Guy Draper: 0417 810 828
Inspect: Call Agent to View Web: HRE529 RLA: 219152 Guy Draper: 0417 810 828 Michael Bogan: 0416 586 897
Lot 93 Pinot Crescent
5 Tanunda
$450,000 - $470,000 18 Doering Street
2 Nuriootpa
$439,000 25 Elizabeth Avenue
$180,000 - $195,000 15 Elizabeth Street
$359,000 - $379,000
1.5 Acre Property - In Town Need space for the active family or to house a lot of vehicles then look no further. Lovely prop has a feeling of being in a semi rural setting, whilst still within town boundaries. Home has atrium separating main b’room suite from rest of home, casual & formal living, mod kit, all-weather ent. area, 2 lge sheds, one partitioned as a room & more. Complete prop ready to enjoy.
All the Boxes Are Ticked Fabulous prop has all things an active family could need. 4 B’room home w/- both casual & formal living, spac main b’room w/- ens, birs to remaining b’rooms, attrac kit w/- pantry, d/ washer & b/bar, covered ent area, dble gge umr w/- house access, great shedding, r/water, driveway access to rear for boats, van, cars & much more. A great package ready to enjoy.
Unleash the Potential Prepare to roll up your sleeves & get your hands dirty. Former church hall is an exciting opportunity for those limited only by imagination. W/- lge floor space in main room, dance groups could easily utilise the hall, community groups could meet, or recreational clubs could hone their various hobbies. You could even convert it into an interesting residence (stcc).
Amazing Position - Affordable Price Neat & affordable home close to all the town has to offer, elevated position w/- rural views. 3 B’rooms, main w/- ens., 2 living areas inside + covered outdoor living area complete w/roll down blinds, & slow combustion heater, to give you yearround relaxed casual living. Loads of sheds, over 1000m2 est lot, all just a short stroll to the main street. A must to inspect.
Inspect: Call Agent to View Web: HRE578 RLA: 219152 Guy Draper: 0417 810 828
Inspect: Call Agent to View Web: HRE579 RLA: 219152 Guy Draper: 0417 810 828 Felicity Cock: 0411 456 266
Inspect: Call Agent to View Web: HRE562 RLA: 219152 Guy Draper: 0417 810 828
Inspect: Call Agent to View Web: HRE577 RLA: 219152 Guy Draper: 0417 810 828
27 Zimmermann Street
2 Eden Valley
$315,000 - $325,000 Lot 1 Keyneton Road
7 Greenock
$750,000 8 Vintage Way
1 Greenock
$315,000 - $335,000 18 Flora Street
$235,000 - $245,000
Ready For The Good Life Set in Kalimna Estate, this fab home offers a perfect retreat from the busy lifestyle. low maint gardens front & rear, the easy life is within arm´s reach. Comp. 2 living areas as well as superb o/door ent. area, all the hard work has been done. Superbly set to maximise the use of the 456m2 block, all that´s left for you to do is kick back, relax & enjoy.
Lifestyle, Acres & Ancient Gums Picturesque 108.9ha of prime grazing land just 2kms north of Eden Valley. Income producing country lifestyle with modest 4 bed home, self contained quarters, sheds, cattle yards & crush. Approx 70% arable, most fencing & water infrastructure upgraded recently plus 2 dams.
Quiet Cul-De-Sac Affordable, feature packed mod home, sit in elevated position in popular country town, 3 b’rooms + study w/- 2 living areas & fab o/door, covered ent. area, making it an ideal family home. Generous 747m2 fully fenced lot w/- lge garage/workshop, carport, established gardens, rainwater and much more.
On the High Side of the Street With airy open-plan living & views across the tree tops of town, this brick home on an elevated 783sqm with dual driveways, rear shedding plus full length front & rear verandahs is perfectly practical. Ranch style, floating floors, ducted evaporative cooling, gas heating & quaint drought tolerant front cottage garden. Currently tenanted at $240/week.
Inspect: Call Agent to View Web: HRE568 RLA: 219152 Guy Draper: 0417 810 828
Inspect: Call Agent to View
Inspect: Call Agent to View
Web: HRER161 RLA: 219152
Web: HRE523 RLA: 219152
David Braunack: 0418 841349
Guy Draper: 0417 810 828
Inspect: Call Agent to View Web: HRE167 RLA: 219152 David Braunack: 0418 841 349
TANUNDA 88 MURRAY STREET 8563 2599 | NURIOOTPA 15 GAWLER STREET 8562 2600 www.barossaherald.com.au
Wednesday, May 9, 2012 - Domain Page 7 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Real Estate Liftout
Don’t let this be the one that got away
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WHAT an opportunity. Perfectly combined character charm and modern day conveniences, lush surrounds, serene outlooks, even a self contained guest suite - this property has it all. Originally it was the old Light Pass Manse built 1904. Grandeur and style walk hand-in-hand through every aspect of this stunning home. Framing the extensive open-plan living area in a recent extension are walls of glass offering uninterrupted views over the grounds and the vines beyond. Seamlessly combining inside with the outdoors, several glass doors across the rear of the home provide the perfect gateway to the paved patio, which is nestled under a shady walnut tree and beside the sparkling pool. An idyllic setting for entertaining family and friends; this is your own personal paradise. Character abounds throughout the main home. With four large bedrooms to choose from, all with ceiling fans, high ceilings, sash windows, fireplaces, under floor heating, heated towel rails and exposed timber floors only adding to the charm. This spaciousness is carried through to the modern extension. Two living areas can easily be transformed into one, with
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the option of opening up glass bi-fold doors which separate them to create a massive space which would cater for the largest of get-togethers and major celebrations. Separate office, extensive storage and wine room to store your collection. Entertaining friends and family will be a breeze in this sensational kitchen. Picture windows dot the splashback to inspire your evening meal by the vegies and herbs you see growing in your very own garden. With stainless-steel work surfaces, an abundance of storage and a granite island bench with breakfast bar that invites everyone to linger that little bit longer, it’s easy to imagine this is the heart of the home. Comforts inside include combustion heating and ducted air conditioning to part of the home, while outside offers plenty of off-street parking for all your vehicles as well as a double carport with roller doors. Some smaller tool sheds and a wood store keep everything in its place around the gardens. Fruit trees aplenty including figs, citrus and apples. A self-contained guest suite attached to the main home by covered walkway is ideally set overlooking the gorgeous grounds, adjacent to the main house and offering a vast range of uses.
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Wednesday, May 9, 2012 - Domain Page 8 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Extended family would appreciate the feeling of being so close without imposing on your day-to-day life. Teenagers would love to have their own space. You could set it up as a home office or, with the ensuite opening directly to the yard providing easy access from the in-ground pool with wet feet; this would make a fabulous summer house. Superbly set behind a rose-studded fence, this symmetrical cottage is a world away from its humble beginnings. Only a short drive from the commercial hubs of the Barossa Valley, the peaceful hamlet of Light Pass offers a soothing retreat. Ensure you don’t miss this rare opportunity to own a little piece of paradise.
At a glance... Where: Lot 508 Light Pass Road, Light Pass. Feature: Grandeur and style. Price: $630,000 - $680,000. Open: Sunday, May 13, 12.45pm - 1.15pm. Web ID: HRE572. Contact: Guy Draper 0417 810 828. Agent: Homburg Real Estate 8562 2600. RLA 219152.
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ABOVE LEFT: The wonderful kitchen area of the Light Pass house, and above right, the view at the front of the four-bedroom home.
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Guaranteed Risk Free Selling! Many more properties for sale, call in to inspect our full range Land Release Lot 42 Lot 43 Lot 45 Lot 46 Lot 47 Lot 48 Lot 49 Lot 50 Lot 51 Lot 52 Lot 53 Lot 54 Lot 55
$479,950 2
Price $149,950 $159,950 $134,950 $169,950 $189,950 $139,950 $189,950 $149,950 $149,950 $139,950 $159,950 $174,950 $199,950
$349,990 1
A Home with the Lot!
Seeing is Believing
Location With Views
This quality Homestead built home situated on a 1372m2 allotment offers large formal entry, formal lounge and dining with bay window, master bedroom with built-in robe, large ensuite with spa and double shower, bedrooms 2, 3 and 4 are extra large and have built-in robes and ceiling fans, all bedrooms also have Austar connected. 3-way bathroom and generous size laundry. Open plan kitchen, dining and family room leading through to the games room which has glass doors leading out onto the salt water solar heated pool. 3 car garage under the main roof, approx 32,000L rainwater storage, two 3phs reverse cycle split system air-conditioners, large entertainment area complete with bar and wood fire pizza oven, large lawn area and side access for trailers/caravans with a high clearance lean-to off the shed.
A great opportunity has arisen to purchase a lovely family home in Gawler East with stunning views. The home comprises of 4 good size bedrooms, master with built-in robes as well as bedrooms 2 and 3, formal entry with double doors through to the formal lounge/dining this is a room to view. Open plan modern kitchen with quality appliances, family/meals area with sliding doors through to spare room which leads out to a lovely entertaining area out the back of the home, reverse cycle ducted heating and cooling, double garage with entertainment area on top - imagine sitting out there on a lovely summer's night watching the sun set. This family home is located in a fabulous part of Gawler and is close to all amenities.
# 5048
# 3022
# 3002
$349,950 2
RLA 61382
$399,950 1
RLA 61382
$415,000 2
Built in 2002 this 3 bedroom Fairmont home is complete and offers many extras, beautifully landscaped front and back. The quality of this property is obvious even from the road. All bedrooms have timber floating floors, main with ensuite and walk-in robe, 2nd with built-in robe. The rest of the home is tiled including the open living area with combined living/dine and sparkling kitchen with updated appliances and dishwasher. The home is serviced by gas hot water and ducted reverse cycle heating and cooling. Other improvements include security shutters throughout, gutter-guard, monitored Centricom system, workshop and a 1.25kw solar system to ensure energy efficiency. Beautifully established and immaculately maintained this property stands out from the typical offerings, call to arrange an inspection. RLA 61382
Available 7 Days
$289,000 1
Fantastic Investment/First Home Buyer Opportunity This immaculately presented home is set in the stunning township of Lyndoch in the Barossa Valley - walking distance to schools, shops, wineries, restaurants and only a short drive to Adelaide and Gawler. The home offers 4 good size bedrooms, master with built-in robe. The home is complete with formal entry, large lounge, good size dining off of the kitchen and don't forget plenty of room outside as the home is set on just under 1/4 Acre. This beautiful property has so much potential and has been freshly painted and has new floor coverings, ducted evaporative cooling, gas heating and large shed with fully fenced yard. This is a wonderful opportunity to purchase a lovely piece of the Barossa Valley at an affordable price, so don’t miss out.
# 3009
RLA 61382
$329,950 1
Convenient & Tranquil Set on over a quarter of an acre (1104m2) this much loved family home offers 3 bedrooms, main with walk-in robe and bedrooms 2 and 3 with built-in robes, open living family, dining and kitchen together with a large formal lounge. The home is serviced by a 3.5hp split system and also slow combustion heating. Outside, the property boasts unbroken views over the Barossa Ranges and beautifully established gardens just perfect for entertaining. Also with a 20x20 shed with cement floor and power, double carport, rear access and 6500L of rainwater storage fed to the laundry and kitchen. A lovely property offering privacy and seclusion yet walking distance to all of Lyndoch’s amenities. A “must inspect” for anyone looking in the Barossa, convenience and tranquillity found. # 5020 RLA 61382
$259,950 1
Family Fortune
A Great Investment
Barossa Beauty
Stunning 4 Bedroom
Presentation Perfect
Set on a 1345m2 corner allotment sits this wonderful 2 storey home. Downstairs offers 3 of the 4 bedrooms with main bathroom, laundry, sparkling refurbished kitchen with stainless steel appliances and polished slate flooring. The downstairs living boasts timber floors in an Lshaped lounge/dine combination. Upstairs there is a second huge family area together with the master bedroom, ensuite and built-in robes. Beautifully decorated throughout in neutral tones with new floor coverings to compliment this home is sure to tick the boxes. Outside is a blank canvas for the homes new owners to complete, with ample shedding, front and rear verandahs the spacious block would accommodate may possibilities. With inspection by appointment - call to arrange a time to suit.
As rare as hens teeth! A half acre allotment with over 100 metres of road frontage. Currently on two titles with a circa 1890 Stone Cottage, originally the Headmasters residence for the Lyndoch Public School - opened in 1879. The potential of this superb opportunity is obvious, to renovate the Cottage and sub-divide the remaining land (subject to Council consent). With 3 bedrooms, formal lounge, kitchen/dine and large cellar the property is deserving of restoration and would certainly reap rewards for its lucky new owner, together with the development of the remaining land. Within walking distance to all of Lyndoch's amenities - local schools, shops, restaurants and wineries. A project worthy of the investment, inspection by appointment call to arrange a time to suit.
Looking for the WOW factor? This property definitely has it. Set on a large corner allotment (842m2) this beautiful home offers 4 bedrooms, main with ensuite and walk-in robe, remaining 3 brms all with matching built-in robes, formal lounge, open kitchen/family/dine combined plus games room. With superb fittings throughout the home oozes quality. Serviced by ducted air-conditioning, gas heating and split system reverse cycle. The gardens are fully established and easily maintained with drippers and sub-surface irrigation. Together with full length pergola, 20x20 shed/workshop, rainwater storage and side access. This wonderful home is sure to tick all the boxes without doubt a “Dream Property”.
WOW! This immaculate steel-framed home is set on over 700m2. Offering two large bedrooms each with built-in robes, an Lshaped lounge/dine with built-in bar, sparkling kitchen and enormous main bathroom. Extras are abundant with shutters throughout, two spit system providing heating and cooling, double garage, separate access for boats/caravans or trailers, great outdoor entertaining and stunning park-like grounds. A fantastic property that will accommodate the fussiest of buyers - at a very affordable price.
# 5026
# 5040
Constructed by Galaxy Homes in 2002 this spacious 4 bedroom home has all the extras that you would expect in a build of this calibre. Main bedroom features walk-in robe and ensuite with double vanity and spa. Built-in robes throughout the other bedrooms all doubles with the second being as large as the main. Sunken formal lounge/dining and a huge family with meals area off the kitchen. This home delivers quality and quantity, 30 squares of luxurious living, high ceilings throughout, Actron r/cycle ducted heating and airconditioning. Great outdoor entertaining via French doors from the family area all set on a large easy to maintain 760m2 allotment. Barossa bound? This property is a “must see” - call today to arrange a private inspection to suit you. # 5018 RLA 61382
# 5054
# 5038
RLA 61382
RLA 61382
RLA 61382 1817094
RLA 61382
We’ll get you where you want to go! 3A Adelaide Road, Gawler (08) 8523 3777 www.barossaherald.com.au
Wednesday, May 9, 2012 - Domain Page 9 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
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Wednesday, May 9, 2012 - Domain Page 10 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
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Wednesday, May 9, 2012 - Domain Page 11 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
14th - 20th May, 2012
Gawler recognises its volunteering community
VOLUNTEERS: Kellie Stewart (left), event organiser from the Gawler Volunteer Resource Centre with members of the Gawler Volunteering Advisory Committee who have planned this community event with, from left, Beth Hudman, Rita Britton, Councillor Paul Koch, Chantelle Tesselaar and Win Nicolai.
The newest vintage of the iconic Penfold’s Grange wine has been released. Read Michelle O’Rielly’s story on page 8 in this edition. For all the news as it happens check out the Herald website: www.barossaherald.com.au
NATIONAL Volunteer Week is celebrated across the country from May 14 to 20. It is the largest celebration of volunteers and volunteerism in Australia and provides an opportunity to highlight the role of volunteers in our communities and to say thank you to the more than five million Australians who volunteer. The 2012 theme is: Volunteers - Every One Counts. The Town of Gawler, through the services provided by the Gawler Volunteer Resource Centre, has planned a community event to recognise this important national celebration of volunteering and to say ‘thank you’ to all volunteers across the Gawler area who contribute so many hours to so many different programs and services for the benefit of our local community. Everyone is invited to head along and join in the fun on Sunday, May 20 at the Volunteers Big Red Picnic, to be held at Princes Park, Nixon Terrace from 11am to 3pm. This is a free community event, fun for all ages and everyone is welcome. Those coming along to this event should BYO picnic lunch and chair or picnic rug and enjoy a variety of entertainment and attractions proudly presented by the Gawler Volunteer Resource Centre. Local performers, The Gawler Town Band and Sing Australia, will feature in the program of free entertainment. Traditional picnic races, craft activities for children, jumping castle, face painting, pony rides, vintage cars on display and many other attractions will make it a fun day out for the whole family. Kellie Stewart, Volunteer Development officer for the Town of Gawler, oversees the delivery of
WHAT: Volunteers Big Red Picnic. WHEN: Sunday, May 20. WHY: A free community event to celebrate National Volunteer Week . WHERE: Princes Park, Nixon Terrace.
services and support provided by the Volunteer Resource Centre, and has been the main organiser of this event for council. “We would like to encourage all of our local volunteer organisations and community groups to come along together and share a picnic as a group and join in the celebrations with your friends, family and fellow volunteers,” Kellie said. “This event provides an opportunity for volunteers to share their volunteering experience with loved ones and others, when so often volunteers sacrifice precious family time away from the home to contribute to their volunteer role in the community. “The theme for the day will be the colour red, which is a colour symbolic to the volunteering sector around the world, so we would like everyone to come along wearing something red to show their support for volunteering - maybe wear a red shirt, a red hat, or even red shoes and join in the fun of the day.” The Gawler Volunteer Resource Centre provides a range of services which supports volunteers and volunteer organisations, as well as raising the overall profile of volunteering in our local community. The Gawler Volunteer Resource Centre is located at the Evanston Gardens Community Centre, 65 Angle Vale Road, Evanston Gardens. Phone: 8522 9207. Opening times: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 9am to 5pm (out of hours appointments available).
The 1st Nuriootpa Scout Group are looking to recruit volunteer persons who are looking for a new & rewarding experience & who are willing to dedicate some of their spare time to assist our Leaders throughout the year. All sections of Scouts including Joey Scouts aged 6 – 7 years, Cubs aged 7 ½ - 10 ½ years and Scouts aged 10 ½ - 14 years. All need new helpers. In Scouting all training is provided and is nationally recognised. So if you are up for some fun & would like to learn & teach new skills to others, then you are the person we are looking for. For all information and questions answered, please contact Ryan Semmler, Group Leader on 0468 922 714 Yesterday’s values, today’s adventures, tomorrow’s leaders
Nick Champion MP Federal Member for Wakefield
This National Volunteer's Week I'd like to extend a heartfelt:
Thank You! For all the hard work that South Australian volunteers do to help make the community a better place. Shop 89, 600 Main North Road, Smithfield 5114 Phone 8284 2422 Fax 8284 2422 Email: Nick.Champion.MP@aph.gov.au Authorised by Nick Champion MP WH1817875
Wednesday, May 9, 2012 - Domain Page 12 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
14th - 20th May, 2012
Give some time for the Salvos
The local appeal was launched in Gawler on Sunday, with some volunteers picking up their collection packs and learning more about the cause they are raising for. Gawler-based MLC John Dawkins spoke at the launch about how important volunteers are in collecting money for the Salvation Army during the Red Shield Appeal. “I am passionate about the Red Shield Appeal as it is such a remarkable cause and it has my whole hearted support,” Mr Dawkins said. “I am honoured to continue as the Gawler chairman and I look forward to building on the success of the 2011 appeal that raised over $15,000. “The Salvation Army Red Shield Appeal only collects once a year and it can’t be stressed enough how important it is. “Without this fundraising the town of Gawler and the wider district would suffer with the loss of the help and support the Salvation Army gives.” Steve Jeeves and Jackson Cole, both from Hewett are volunteering to collect for the Salvation Army and recommended people consider becoming a collector. “There is a sense of having involvement and having a positive impact in the community, and seeing people’s needs met in a tangible way,” said Steve. “One day it might be them who actually need the Salvos.” Jackson asked people to be generous in their giving when collectors came knocking. “If you can give as much money as you can, it would be appreciated,” he said. “A little bit goes a long way.” Sign up to be a volunteer by visiting www.salvationarmy.org.au or by calling 13 SALVOS.
Volunteer with Scouts IF YOU like learning new skills and teaching them to others, then the Scouts could be for you. The First Nuriootpa Scout Group is looking for volunteers to assist its leaders.
Joeys (six to seven years), Cubs (seven and a half to 10.5 years) and Scouts (10.5 to 14 years) need new helpers. All training is provided and nationally recognised,
so if you are looking to have fun and would like to learn and teach new skills, try volunteering for the Scouts. Contact group leader Ryan Semmler on 0468 922 714 for details.
"Where would we be without our volunteers?" The Barossa is privileged to have such wonderful volunteers who give so generously of their time THANK YOU TO ALL OUR VOLUNTEERS, for the commitment & service you provide to our community.
Ivan Venning MP Member for Schubert Phone: 8563 3636 Fax: 8563 0190 Email: schubert@ parliament.sa.gov.au WH1817558
Op Shop Manager (Voluntary) Are you looking for a volunteer role that provides you with a sense of community connection, an opportunity to develop your skills, and a feeling of belonging to a team that is making a difference in your local community? Then come and join our wonderful team at Carers’ Link. Carers’ Link is a unique community based organisation supporting people who are caring for a family member or friend with a disability, illness or is frail aged. Carers in the Eudunda/Robertstown communities have joined together to support carers in their local area. They are seeking an Op Shop Manager (Voluntary) to manage their Op Shop based in Eudunda for a minimum of 4 hours per week. We require an individual who has an understanding of the needs of Carers and can work within the frameworks and values of Carers’ Link. The person must demonstrate their skills or experience in managing a group of volunteers with a sound ability to interact well with others, to lead and work as part of a team. Experience in a retail setting or management experience would be highly valued. The Manager position is an honorary position reporting to the Eudunda / Robertstown Steering Committee. Full job descriptions are available by contacting 8562 4000 or can be collected from the Op Shop, 7 Bruce St, Eudunda during opening hours. All applications in writing to be posted to Ms Louise Bach, Schild House, 26 Second Street, Nuriootpa 5355 no later than 5.00 pm Wedneday 30th May 2012
Wednesday, May 9, 2012 - Page 21 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
THE Salvation Army will be collecting funds right across the region this month for the annual Red Shield Appeal. While the main drive will occur on the weekend of May 19 and 20, collectors could come knocking any time this month. Static collection points will be set up at various locations like main streets and shopping centres throughout the Barossa, Light and Gawler areas. The Salvation Army is asking people to be generous with their donations, but it is also calling on people to become collectors. Allan Daddow from the Gawler Corps of the Salvation Army said it was a great opportunity for people to get involved and maybe even get to know their neighbours a little better. “Locally, here in the Barossa and surrounding areas, we have a number of people who are supporting us with the doorknock, but we are always looking for more,” he said. “We want to encourage any groups of people that might want to come out and do something, or even individuals who might like to do their own street, or block, or immediate area around their house. “One of the slogans we have is ‘be a Salvo for the day’.” Each year the Salvation Army raises more than $80million, with $10million of that coming through the Red Shield Appeal doorknock. “The Red Shield Appeal is vital in terms of the funds that are raised for the community and social work the Salvation Army does,” Mr Daddow said. “That ranges from helping people out with emergency relief, just with food supplies, as well as being involved with families and other situations. Then there are some more traditional programs the Salvation Army runs, with drug and alcohol programs and that type of thing. “What the Salvation Army is endeavouring to do is meet people at their points of need and help them, and also speak out for those people in our society whose voice is not often heard and their plight not understood. “Without the Red Shield Appeal, the Salvation Army would be in a very serious situation as to the level of support we could offer.”
GIVING: Steve Jeeves and Jackson Cole are donating their time to collect funds for the Salvation Army’s Red Shield Appeal.
Positive Ageing All the expense and hard work done CLOSE your eyes a moment, and spend a few moments, right now, to try and imagine taking these six steps to create your ideal living retirement environment. Think about your favourite home, in the best street you ever lived in. 1. Block off both ends of the street with sturdy but welcoming security gates. 2. Spend a lot of time negotiating with all the younger families in the street in order to persuade them to sell their homes to all of your friends. 3. Put your event and party planning hat on, and organise a number of welcoming celebrations as your friends and peers gradually move into your new gated community. 4. You all realise you deserve a little more luxury, so all of your neighbours agree to build some fairly expensive shared facilities including a heated indoor swimming pool,
a library, gymnasium and a community centre. 5. You then agree to hire an experienced and friendly team of staff and grounds people to take care of the ongoing maintenance of all the gardens, paths, roadways and shared facilities. Maintaining your property is no longer your concern - pass the hard work and the administration to someone else. 6. Choose an eager and energetic village manager to look after running regular activities that are of interest to you and your neighbours. Doesn’t it sound wonderful? Hard work, but ultimately worth it? You’ve just created your own retirement village. But you know you don’t need to go through all that. Thanks to Karidis Retirement Villages, all the expense and hard work has been done for you. All you need to do is to set aside some time to start planning what you want your retirement life to look and feel like.
ENJOYMENT: A happy group of residents at a Karidis Retirement Village.
Award-winning Hayfield RETIRE in style and comfort at Hayfield Plains, an award-winning retirement village at Balaklava. In the charming town of Balaklava, there is a vibrant main-street shopping precinct, along with many sporting and recreational facilities, including a local lawn bowling club and golf club. It is also close to the delightful Clare Valley wine region and the great fishing opportunities on Yorke Peninsula as well as being just a short drive from all the major facilities in Adelaide. Life Care has developed 33 architecturally-designed two and three bedroom homes with landscaped gardens, wide streetscapes and an outstanding community centre that is
available for social, cultural, artistic and educational functions and special celebrations. Each home has private back gardens and a spacious garage. There is also an area for caravan and boat ‘parking’ along with a resident community workshop called ‘The Tinkering Shed’ and generous vegetable garden. Hayfield Plains has developed into an energetic retirement community that enjoys extensive interaction with other residents in Balaklava and surrounding districts. Located at 7 Diekman Terrace, find out about securing yourself a spot in Hayfield Plains by phoning Life Care on 8239 9800.
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Please fill out your details below and send to: Reply Paid 83075, 49 Angas Street, Adelaide SA 5000 (no stamp required)
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Walkers available from only
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Please send me a FREE DVD showing me how easy it can be to retire in style!
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At Karidis Retirement Villages, whether you want to retire by the beach, or between the city and the sea, we have accommodation options and pricing solutions to suit everyone. Just ask us how you can SETTLE IN to your new home NOW and PAY LATER! We have many straightforward options available to make your new lifestyle a reality.
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Wednesday, May 9, 2012 - Page 22 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Positive Ageing CHAP - Helping stay independent Hazel Mader CHAP client
Julie Cartwright Co-ordinator Julie has been a co-ordinator for CHAP for over five years and still gets pleasure and job satisfaction from assisting people to remain independent in their own homes. “When assessing a new client it is a conversation that often leads into many other Colleen Harris Independent Contractor COLLEEN Harris is an independent contractor working with CHAP to provide services to clients living independently in their own homes. “There are many advantages of independent contracting with CHAP,” Colleen said. “One being the flexibility of being able to choose my own working hours. “I can suit my family’s needs as well as being able to fit in with the client’s preferred time and day for service provision.” Colleen gained a Certificate III in Aged Care four years ago and it was her preference to
aspects of their lives.” Julie said. “This information gives the co-ordinator a really good overall picture of the client, their family and their interests. “It’s great if we can assist a client to reconnect with their community particularly when, with some small assistance, they are able to enjoy previous interests and passions,” Julie said. lean toward community care rather than residential care. She has found it very rewarding work to assist people wishing to remain living independently in their own home environment. “I also like to hear their stories and reminiscing of their past lives. I feel privileged to be a part of this,” said Colleen. “Services provided by CHAP assist clients to spend their free time doing the things they enjoy rather than having to struggle with day to day chores; these are the benefits I see for clients. “I often feel like I am visiting a friend rather than a client,” Colleen said. Interested in contracting? Call CHAP.
The Aged Rights Advocacy Service (ARAS) assists older people or their representatives • who have concerns about aged care services either in residential care or the community, or • whose safety and well being are at risk of being abused by family or friends.
ARAS provides • Information about rights, entitlements and responsibilities • Support to help resolve concerns or to speak on the older person’s behalf • Information and education sessions • Free, confidential, independent advocacy assistance For more information contact our office on 8232 5377 or 1800 700 600 (country callers) ARAS is funded by Department of Health & Ageing, Home and Community Care Program and Department for Communities and Social Inclusion
CHAP HAPPY: Client Hazel Mader (centre), with her daughter Jenny Beckman (left) and co-ordinator Julie Cartwright.
HAZEL Mader is a well known Barossa community identity, having conducted local choirs and sung for many years with the St Petri choir. Hazel was awarded the OAM for her services and was known for singing with the ABC for 37 years. As a CHAP client Hazel stated, “I am able to live the same lifestyle without worrying about the house being clean, particularly for the many visitors I have.” Due to severely restricted movement in her hands, Hazel is unable to perform many everyday tasks such as vacuuming, cleaning the bathroom or even changing the bed. Any visitors who pop in are used to being asked to open a jar or a milk carton before being offered a cuppa. As a CHAP client Hazel is able to give back to her community in many ways such as with the auxiliary committee for Barossa Village and Probus. She still offers vocal coaching for free which is something she would not be able to offer if she had to pay privately for home assistance. When she thinks of CHAP the word ‘help’ comes to mind. Hazel said that if she had a friend whose circumstances had changed for whatever reason, the loss of a spouse, ill health or just getting frailer she would recommend they call CHAP because they could advise them of what services are available to them to assist in maintaining their independence. Fortunately Hazel’s daughter Jenny and her husband live a few doors away and often pop in to assist with daily activities. Jenny is a CHAP fan. “The family also feel supported by CHAP as we know someone honest and reliable is coming in to help Mum,” Jenny said. Hazel’s son Ian also assists with her financial affairs and any odd jobs. Hazel comes from a family with a history of longevity so she intends to remain living independently at home for many years to come. However planning ahead will assist with this process so Hazel knows that as her needs increase so will CHAP services.
Providing support services for older people in the Barossa, Gawler & surrounding areas • Personal Care • Domestic Assistance • Social Support • Minor Home Maintenance
Independent Contractor Collen Harris with Hazel Mader (CHAP client)
8565 8100
Level 1, Chateau Building, Beckwith Park, 30-38 Barossa Valley Way, Nuriootpa admin.barossaherald@ruralpress.com
Wednesday, May 9, 2012 - Page 23 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
www.chap.org.au www.barossaherald.com.au
Positive Ageing Southern Cross Care Redevelopment under way For further information: Telephone 1800 180 781. Check the website: www.southerncrosscare.com.au
SOUTHERN Cross Care’s Gawler Village, home to 40 residents, is in the process of being redeveloped with a new, single building replacing the existing separate buildings. The new building (impression above) has been designed with Southern Cross Care’s usual quality and attention to detail with
consideration of the needs of residents foremost. All rooms are single occupancy and ensuited, and there will be sitting out areas and small communal dining rooms. The new building will cater for 80 residents in a relaxed garden setting and provide increased opportunity for residents of the
northern suburbs and Barossa region to have access to quality aged care close to home in delightful surroundings. A retirement living community comprising 40 villas on the site is also on the drawing board, but work will not commence until the residential care home has been completed.
MOBILITY: Shane Thompson, of ScooterWorld, demonstrating one of the latest mobility scooters. For more information, contact Shane at: ScooterWorld Mobility and Rehab Centre North: Ph: 8285 6199 Email: salisbury@scooterworld.com.au Web: www.scooterworld.com.au Address: Shop 18 Stanbel Plaza, corner Stanbel Road and Main North Road. Open: Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm; Saturday 10am - noon excluding public holidays.
Free trials SCOOTERWORLD is Australia’s leading dealer for the Merits brand of mobility equipment. Shane Thompson, from ScooterWorld Mobility and Rehab Centre North, says his store has many satisfied customers from Gawler and the Barossa. “People from Barossa Village, Tanunda Lutheran Homes and private clients, all have purchased mobility scooters from our store,” Shane said. “We are happy to take any scooter out to try in your own environment so if you want an at home demonstration of a mobility scooter or powerchair then give us a call. “ScooterWorld stock a good range of quality approved manual mobility equipment such as walkers, shower chairs, over the toilet aids and wheelchairs as well as the scooters and powered wheelchairs.” ScooterWorld’s technicians service and repair all major makes of mobility scooters. www.barossaherald.com.au
Wednesday, May 9, 2012 - Page 24 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Positive Ageing Barunga by the Sea offers comfort and lifestyle
CONTENTED: Sandy and Helen Carter with Jessie in their greenhouse.
FOR many Australians contemplating retirement, ‘a quiet life by the sea’ is a well-versed aspiration; as is being able to live independently, surrounded by friends and family. Barunga by the Sea in Port Broughton offers retirees the enviable lifestyle of living independently by providing spacious, self-contained homes. It is just a few hours’ drive north from the Barossa Valley on the beautiful Yorke Peninsula, making the ideal holiday destination for the family and grand kids. Port Broughton residents Helen and Sandy Carter moved to the picturesque coastal town a decade ago to live the life that many Australians dream about. But when Sandy’s health took a turn for the worse, they needed to reassess their options, knowing that they required a home with more user-friendly features, but not wanting to part ways with the fun, active and social lifestyle they’d grown to love. Their decision to move to Port Broughton’s Barunga by the Sea retirement village was an easy one, with the well designed homes meeting all of their criteria, including affordability,
and it meant they didn’t have to leave the local community. “Friends of mine lived at Barunga by the Sea and I had seen how lovely the homes were,” Helen said. “They were designed perfectly for elderly people with big doorways for wheelchairs, wide shower access, and no stairs.” Sandy and Helen took up residence in the Barunga by the Sea community in 2009, and found the transition very enjoyable. “The people here are absolutely fantastic, it’s just such a wonderful place to live,” Helen said. “For those who want to participate, there are endless amounts of activities to be involved in. “The brand new community centre is such a great benefit for all residents. We all look forward to our drinks on the deck on Friday evenings and make great use of the beautiful swimming pool, spa and gym. “I go to patchwork and quilting, play lawn bowls, volunteer at Barunga Homes and get out for coffee with friends. Sandy plays cards, and likes to watch the bowls. He’s also in the Stirrer’s Club, where each fortnight the male residents take turns in
Wednesday, May 9, 2012 - Page 25 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
cooking for each other.” Barunga by the Sea also allows residents to bring their beloved pets to live with them, which Helen and Sandy are both very thankful for, as they could not imagine life without their beautiful Border Collie cross, Jess. The nearby location of Barunga Village’s aged care facility, Barunga Homes is an added advantage and provided the ideal residential care option for the Carters when Sandy’s health further declined earlier this year. “Having access to Barunga Homes made this difficult process easier for both of us,” Helen said. “As we didn’t have to think about sending him anywhere else we were able to focus on Sandy’s care and quality of life. “The staff at Barunga Homes were incredibly supportive during this transition period, and now Sandy is able to live comfortably and receive the level of care he needs and the family and I know he is being looked after. “Because he’s just a few minutes drive away from me I am able to take him out for day trips and visit him all the time but am also able to leave him and know that he is safe. That gives me great peace of mind.”
Mother’s Day celebrations MOTHER’S Day is celebrated in several countries including Australia, the United States, United Kingdom, India, Denmark, Finland, Italy, Turkey, Mexico, Canada, China, Japan and Belgium. People take the day as an opportunity to pay tribute to their mothers and thank them for all their love and support. The day has become hugely popular and in several countries phone lines witness maximum traffic. There is also a tradition of gifting flowers, cards and other gifts to mothers on Mother’s Day.
Anna Jarvis is recognised as the founder of Mother’s Day in the United States. Though Anna Jarvis never married and never had kids, she is also known as the Mother of Mother’s Day, an apt title for the lady who worked hard to bestow honour on all mothers. Anna Jarvis got the inspiration of celebrating Mother’s Day from her own mother Mrs Anna Marie Reeves Jarvis in her childhood. An activist and social worker, Mrs Jarvis used to express her desire that someday someone must honour all mothers and pay tribute to the contributions made by them.
High Tea Breakfast
8564 3275
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BLOOMING: Kirsty Zeuner with some of the beautiful flowers on offer at Gawler Flower Gallery.
lunch & dinner
MAKE MUMS DAY WITH A GIFT SHE’LL LOVE Unique, traditional or quirky, We have the gift for your Mum!
HELLO: Megan Rossiter from Wrapped in Style shows off some handy Mother’s Day presents.
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ph 8522 2826 www.barossaherald.com.au
Wednesday, May 9, 2012 - Page 26 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
8523 0500
Gawler Flower Gallery The Clocktower, 61 Murray St, Gawler admin.barossaherald@ruralpress.com
Make Mother’s Day memorable AN EXCLUSIVE Mother's Day is very much a possibility. One way of doing so is by planning an exclusive day out for your mother and you. The whole family can also be included in this plan. Think of some exotic, yet approachable place, that can be the venue of your one day excursion. A boat house, riverside, a nature park or an amusement park. A fun outing is just the key to a unique Mother's Day festivity. Journey to a Mother’s heart Giving Mother's Day gifts is a common trend. How about you making it a journey in itself. Something that she is going to cherish for a long time, the memories associated
with getting the Mother’s Day present. Turn the whole process of exchanging gifts into a treasure hunt for your mum. Lead her on towards her gift with clues that take her from one unforgettable location to the next. Throw an outdoor Mother's Day party Bring in this Mother's Day in a grand way. Why do things on a small scale? Organise a surprise Mother’s Day celebration that includes all the people special to your mum. And even if the surprise slips out a couple of days before the party, fear not because your mother would still be as happy. The food, fun, music and games should all be centred around your special mum.
Surprise your Mum this Mothers Day with a special flower delivery.
Order now on 0431 812 962 1815758
THIRSTY: Tegan Grant from Fasta Pasta at Gawler pours a glass of wine, something any mum would enjoy this Mother’s Day.
Mothers Day Cards only $2.00 Shop 7, The Gawler Arcade, 126 Murray Street, Gawler
Phone 8523 0918
With a beautiful heart-shaped cake from
Treat Mum this Mother’s Day
11:00AM LUNCH 5:00PM DINNER BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL GAWLER Cnr Lyndoch Road & High Street admin.barossaherald@ruralpress.com
Ph 8563 0096
T 8523 2266
Wednesday, May 9, 2012 - Page 27 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Offer expires 14/05/2012.
FREE glass of bubbles or house wine for each Mum with purchase of main meal on presentation of this coupon.
181 Murray Street Tanunda
Community News MAY is celebrated by Arthritis SA as Annual Fibromyalgia Awareness Month, with Saturday May 12 designated as International Fibromyalgia Awareness Day. The May meeting of the Barossa Fibromyalgia / Arthritis Support Group was an informal Q and A discussion between members present. If anyone would like more detailed information, the Fibromyalgia Group of SA / Arthritis SA is holding an information session at 118 Richmond Road, Marleston on Sunday May 20 from 12.30pm to 3.30pm. Cathie Powell will be the guest speaker, speaking about 25 years on: History of Australian awareness
and into the future. There is a charge of $3 for Arthritis SA members and $5 for non-members. Please call 1800 011 041 if you would like to attend. Meetings of the Barossa Support Group are usually held on the first Wednesday of each month in the Holy Trinity Lutheran Church Hall, corner of Penrice Road and Park Terrace, Nuriootpa (opposite the High School) at 2pm. These meetings may be helpful to anyone who has recently been diagnosed and needs support from people who share their condition. Anyone interested is welcome to attend. Instead of a formal meeting in June, members and anyone interested plan to meet at Nosh Barossa Cafe, Murray St, Tanunda at 2pm for afternoon tea.
For further information, please phone Ros at 8562 1105.
Tanunda WAB The May meeting of Tanunda branch of Women in Agriculture and Business took the form of a discussion group with Margaret Craigie, at whose home the meeting was held, telling members of their plans for their future, and visitor Ashton Hurn giving a brief history of her life and her future ambitions. Both had the best wishes from all members present. There was only one apology. The thought was, “Be thankful for what you have and you will end up having more. But if your concentrate on what you don’t have, you’ll never ever have enough”.
Doreen Anderson offered to have the June meeting which will be the annual general meeting, at her place. Members are asked to bring and buy a gift to raise funds for branch projects. Competition winners were: bloom - Pam Schulz, Marlene Schroeter, Eileen Schultz; other - Addie Schiller, Eileen Schultz, Roma Koch.
Barossa Fibromyalgia Region 4 52nd conference of the Women’s and Children’s Hospital Auxiliaries including Greenock, Balaklava, Hamley Bridge and Tarlee/Stockport was held on a balmy autumn day at Tarlee hall on April 17. The conference was opened by Julie Butler,
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Pawpaws d Grapes, 3-10186 to 1-4-165. (A Birchard lt R Browne 13, D Preuss d G Alderslade 3-0, G Hobbs d M Langan 3-1, K Ward d R Dadds 3-0). Plums d Mangoes, 3-10230 to 1-7-191. (T Talbot lt M Rosiak 1-3, G Ward d A Blackwell 3-0, D Standish d A Smith 3-2, K Jermey d J Nagel 3-2). Oranges d Apples, 2-8188 to 2-8-177.
Bombino d Robosa, 311-238 to 1-7-203. (T Noack d S Carroll 3-2, A Cunningham lt R Harbord 2-3, W Marschall d T Kroehn 3-2, A Bryce d J Wilson 3-0). Sagrantino d Zibbobo, 310-205 to 1-6-183. (S O’Loughlin d A Grundel 3-2, S Wendt d N Falkenberg 3-1, D Altus d N Sloper 3-0, B Waters lt D Molineux 1-3).
Fiano d Dolcetto, 2-8-210 to 2-8-200. (R Lieschke lt G Nitschke 2-3, M Witcomb d N Bauer 3-1, T Sloper lt P Gerhardy 0-3, S Cook d C Zadow 3-1). Premierships Division One Team Pts Apples 230 Oranges 190 Plums 151 Pawpaws 149 Grapes 107 Mangoes 97 Division Two Team Bombino Dolcetto Fiano Sagrantino Zibbobo Robosa
Pts 202 187 166 165 116 88
An exciting r e l w a G r o f r yea Mechanical
Team TH Supers AP Dodgies Greenock Smokin Vines EV Vipers Stocky Flagons Breakers Bustarnados Springton Ballbearings Ango Valley Locals Clubhouse
P 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
W 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
L 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1
F 12 11 10 9 8 8 7 6 4 5 3 0
A 3 4 5 6 0 7 8 9 11 10 12 8
% 80 73 66 60 53 53 46 40 36 33 20 0
Pts 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0
Results: Vine Inn d Bustarnados 9-6; AP Dodgies d Springton 11-4; EV Vipers d Clubhouse 8-0; Stocky d Breakers 8-7; Greenock d Ango 10-5; TH Supers d Valley Locals 12-3.
L-R: Brad Heinrich (Apprentice of the Year), Damian Sinclair and Brett Mathew
importantly it has allowed us to shorten the wait time to get in, while not compromising our quality of service, or standards. Our specialty in all facets of general vehicle maintenance, including manufacturer’s log book servicing has not changed, along with the use of both Genuine and aftermarket parts. We still love the automotive industry and continue to pride ourselves on exceptional service. We are open Monday to Saturday by appointment. All of our staff share the same great enthusiasm and passion about the direction Gawler Mechanical is heading.
“We feel like we have taken the business to the next level, while still ensuring the personal touches remain the same!” says Amy. “Infact, we are thrilled to let the community know that last month our apprentice Bradley Heinrich, now in his third year with us, received the Burson Auto Parts “ Best 2nd year Automotive Apprentice for 2011”, an award recognised by both his lecturer’s, peers and the quality and knowledge of his workmanship on the job. This is obviously a great achievement that rewards both Bradley and Brett, for all of their hard work!” Damian our newest addition and
gawler mechanical
GAWLER 8-BALL Results from matches played on May 3. Division One: Overway WYM d Two Wells Clueless 114; Two Wells Tavern d Roseworthy Blue 8-7; Smithfield Filthy Fockers d Willaston Warriors 8-7; No Fear.Comm d Two Wells Commercial Taverners 8-7; Exchange Hotel d Soccer Club Kruisers 8-7; XChanged d Soccer Club Eagles 8-7. Premiership TEAM P W L F A S Two Wells Commercial Taverners 4 3 1 38 22 6 Smithfield Filthy Fockers 4 3 1 36 24 6 Overway WYM 4 3 1 36 24 6 Two Wells Tavern 4 3 1 35 25 6 Two Wells No Fear.Comm 4 3 1 33 27 6 Xchanged 4 3 1 26 34 6 Soccer Club Eagles 4 2 2 33 25 4 Exchange Hotel 4 2 2 24 36 4 Roseworthy Blue 4 1 3 29 31 2 Two Wells Clueless 4 1 3 20 38 2 Willaston Warriors 4 0 4 23 37 0 Soccer Club Kruisers 4 0 4 21 39 0
fully qualified mechanic brings his own experience and particularly likes the imports, while Brett still loves the old cars and Brad has a general interest in anything automotive. We are also fortunate enough to have fantastic family, friends and some very loyal customers, who helped us reinvent the new workshop in such a short time, we see this as an ideal opportunity to thank them too. If you have an enquiry, need a quote or would like to make a booking please contact us 8522 4655.
• Log book servicing • Alternators • General maintenance • Suspension • Starter motors • Brakes
Division Two played May 3.
Division One played May 1.
Not only does our bigger workshop allow us more lock up space, room for 3 hoists and another fully qualified mechanic, but an opportunity to upgrade technology (yes the rumours are true a dyno is coming soon) and a chance to focus on engine building, but most
(K Kulak d M Tully 3-1, T Noack lt D Maher 2-3, N Ridley d C Beer 3-1, E Boland lt A Darling 0-3).
continually vigilant. A minute’s silence was held in remembrance of Nollene Grigg, past Region 4 chairperson, member of Balaklava auxiliary, and a wonderful volunteer for the hospital. SA Auxiliaries fundraising amounted to the grand total of $198,683 for 2010/2011 exceeding the previous year by $28,752, of which $9960 was raised by Region 4. Equipment bought with money raised included video EEG monitoring for Paediatric Neurology, Rapid Infusor for Paediatric Emergency Department, CTG mobile machine for Rogerson Theatre/Delivery Suite. A new fragrant red rose called Child’s Love has been released as a fundraiser and is available from the Hospital Foundation.
Just for Couples
After 5 years in business Brett and Amy from Gawler Mechanical have made the move to a bigger and better location. Now located at 7 First Street Gawler, opposite Fenton’s Farm Machinery and much closer to the main street facilities, we are pleased to be able to offer all of the same services we have in the past, plus more!!!
whose topic was nursing and midwifery in the outback and she spoke about her years working at Longreach Hospital under sometimes difficult circumstances. The guest speaker was Holly Fitzgerald, Injury Prevention Officer Kidsafe at the Women’s and Children’s Hospital. Kidsafe is a not-for-profit, non-government organisation that provides information, education and resource service for parents and carers on all aspects of child safety and injury prevention. Her informative talk reminded all of the incidents of accidental injury including falls, burns and scalds, drownings, driveway run-overs and ingestion of small batteries and for everyone to be
• Performance • CV joints • Radiator repairs
7 First St, Gawler 8522 4 655
Wednesday, May 9, 2012 - Page 28 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Barossa Fibromyalgia
Division Two: Smithfield What The’s d Overway Underways 11-4; Smithfield SUS d Lyndoch 10-5; Willaston Farcues d Roseworthy Shooters 12-3. Premiership Team P W L F A Smithfield What The’s 4 4 0 44 16 Smithfield SUS 4 3 1 32 28 Lyndoch Hotel 4 2 2 33 27 Willaston Farcues 4 2 2 33 27 Roseworthy Shooters 4 1 3 21 39 Overway Underways 4 0 4 17 43
S 8 6 4 4 2 0
Kapunda & Angaston Childcare & Early Learning Centres ENROLMENTS ARE CURRENTLY BEING TAKEN FOR OUR MONTESSORI PROGRAM FOR 2012 The Montessori environment contains especially designed manipulative materials for development that are inviting to children. Montessori felt that the main objective of early childhood education should be to cultivate the child’s natural desire to learn. Children in a Montessori classroom are provided with choice in an interesting and stimulating environment that fosters curiosity and challenge. Understanding the sense of belonging to a group is also an important part of the Montessori program. Children learn to cooperate and organise themselves and develop an understanding of what it is like to belong to a cohesive group.
Limited vacancies exist for the over twos and under twos rooms. Qualified, experienced and caring staff. Higher Staff / Child ratios. Accredited at the highest level in all areas • Purpose built modern and clean facility. • Healthy, balanced and nutritious meals and nappies included in the price. • First two weeks at no cost to you (conditions apply). • Full time and part time permanent positions. • Casual full and half days available. • Flexible bookings to accommodate changing rosters. (conditions apply) • Quality programs which support children to be confident about being active participants in their learning. • Delivery to and from Angaston Kindergarten.
Lot 422 Valley Road, Angaston 5353 Phone: 8564 3387 E: angastonccc@optusnet.com.au admin.barossaherald@ruralpress.com
Wednesday, May 9, 2012 - Page 29 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Lot 94 Nash Street, Kapunda SA 5373 Phone 8566 2428 E: kapundaccc@optusnet.com.au
SCHULTZ, Marion Nieta (nee Vogelsang). Passed away April 30, 2012
Much loved mother of Katherine and Angela Mother in law of John Special gran of Piper and Holly Remembered always by Michael God has you in keeping We have you in our hearts Love does not end A private burial was held on Monday May 7, 2012 at Emmaus Cemetery, Eudunda. This was Marion's final wish. SWARBRICK, Eileen Joyce. Passed away on Friday, May 4, 2012. Aged 69 years. Loved wife of Robert Loved mum of Barb, Liz, Tom (deceased) and Bec. Much loved mother-in-law of Sid, Susan and Mick Loving Nanna of twelve grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.
TAYLOR & FORGIE Accredited Member A.F.D.A. Gawler - 85221734
IT'S A GIRL PROMNITZ (nee Goodchild) Steffani & Aaron are delighted to announce the arrival of their beautiful daughter Isla Elizabeth. Born April 28, 2012, at Tanunda Hospital weighing 6lb. 10oz. Special thanks to Dr. Goodwin and staff.
Barossa New Life Church TREASURE CHEST - FURNITURE MART 10 Murray St, Nuriootpa Tel. 85622988 Monday - Friday 9am - 4pm Saturday 9am - 12pm All donations of furniture, clothing, bric-a-brac enable us to assist our Community CASH FOR BOTTLES & CANS. Wine bottles, batteries, phone Lange's Can & Bottle Depot on 85642292 for trading hours, 20 Newcastle St, Angaston.
FUNERAL NOTICES FALLAND, IVAN LEONARD Passed away peacefully at Kapunda Homes on May 1st, 2012. Aged 86 years. and
HOLLOWAY - KELLY Ros and Kym are happy to announce the safe arrival of their little grandson, Keanu, born Monday 7th May at 1.20 a.m. weighing 5.5 lbs. Congratulations Wayne and Sharon. Lots of love Mum & Dad.
In lieu of floral tributes, a donation in memory of Eileen to Stroke S.A. 302 South Road, Hilton 5033 would be appreciated.
Loved brother of Eric, Elva and Noel (deceased). Loving Uncle to Allan, Denis, Joanne, Dianne and Noel. In God's Loving Care. Ivan's Funeral Service was conducted on Tuesday, May 8, 2012 at the St. John's Lutheran Church, Kapunda, and was followed by the commmittal prayers at the Clare Road Cemetery. Pastor Les Pfeiffer kindly officiated.
85662013 Accredited Member Australian Funeral Directors Association
IN MEMORIAM RADOVANOVIC, Ratomir (Rako) 15.8.1915 - 24.5.2008 Loving, beloved husband of Ula. Sadly missed, remembered always. www.barossaherald.com.au
HAY OATEN WHEATEN Hay from $35 roll Phone Peter & Bev Grocke 0429 694 058 or 8563 2113
80TH BIRTHDAY & DIAMOND WEDDING. Schutz - Zwar. Ross & Myra sincerely wish to thank all relatives and friends for good wishes, phone calls, cards and gifts for Myra's 80th Birthday and our 60th Wedding Anniversary. Thank you to all who joined with us on 29th April to celebrate this momentus occasion. A day we will cherish always. Many thanks Myra & Ross.
Eileen's Funeral Service will be conducted ENTIRELY in the Taylor & Forgie Funeral Chapel, 15 Cowan Street, Gawler on FRIDAY, May 11, 2012 at 12 Noon.
of August Falland.
WALKER, Rex Passed away nine years ago. Love you, miss you, wish you were here. Always loved and remembered, your wife June and sons.
Will always be with us Forever in our hearts.
Aged 58 years
CITRUS TREES available now. Also native trees.Lifetime Nursery, Judd Road, Lewiston. 85243172. Closed Wednesdays. CLOTHES LINE – HILLS Compact 54 – unused, still in box. Suit a large family – 54m of line and 5m diam, dual sheet lines and hanger hooks. Folds up and can be removed from the ground (ground socket incl.). Almost $300 new; will sell for $180 ono. Call 85623361 or 0407778996
HONEYVALE x Border Collie x Black Kelpie pups. 8 wks old. 5m 1f $200 Ph: 0402142016 JACKSON'S FIREWOOD free bag kindling with every order. Dry split redgum mallee pink gum. Weighed delivery only. 0400083852 KITCHEN CUPBOARD 1950's style, leadlight sliding doors, excellent condition. $550. Display cabinet 2.1 x 1.2 Mirror backed, glass doors, quality Meznar construction. $650 Ph: 85663954 LAYER CHICKS from $3.80 ea. Isa Browns, Whites & Blacks, Mareks & I.B. vaccinated. Day old on Friday 4/5/12. Older pullets (P.O.L.) also available. Hillier Poultry 85230950
DRUM KIT - TAMA $300 ono. Ph: 0487400762 FIREWOOD Quality seasoned. Split red. blue, sugar gum, mallee stumps sawn mallee & bags of kindling. Weighbridge docket supplied. Pickup or deliver AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY. Matthew Reimann, Firewood Supplies. 0413089743. Delivery available 7 days by appointment. Credit Cards now accepted. GOING CHEAP all in working order. Victa 2 stroke mower $60; 4 stroke mower $60; super spreader $25; ladder $25; wheelbarrow $25. 85244424 GUN SALES. Ammo, repairs, safes, accessories & service. Gawler Fishing & Outdoors, 48 Murray St, Gawler 85226200
Tandem Wheel Caravan @ 17’6”, Ex. cond, TV, D.B. Reduced to $28,500 Phone 8563 2868 Menge Road, Tanunda
TO GIVEAWAY 2 BLACK KITTENS with white. Ph: 0400387233
LEADLIGHT - Local, professional affordable leadlight. I'll come to you, or call at Gawler Glass Design studio, 58 Yettie Rd, Williamstown. Weekly classes. Bob Pirch 85247241
CLOTHES FOR SALE Suitable for young adults or teens. Mainly small sizes. Portmans, Mink Pink, Dotti and Ladakh. 62 Angast Street Tanunda Saturday 12th May.
MAINS pressure blue line poly from $37 roll. Gawler Irrigation, Lot 11, Paxton Street, Willaston. Ph: 85232350
HAVING A GARAGE SALE? Advertise in The Herald classifieds, and get results! All Garage Sale ads MUST be prepaid. You can now place your classified ad at Kapunda Newsagency, deadline is Monday 4.30 pm. Classified deadline 5.00pm Monday (Maybe subject to change) Ph: 85632041 Fax: 85633655 or email admin.barossaherald@ruralpress.com
MODULAR 5 piece J.R. Furniture black framed coral leather lounge suite with coffee table. $550. Ph: 85632208 NEED A PUMP? For all your needs, Gawler Irrigation, Lot 11, Paxton Street, WILLASTON. Ph: 85232350 PEA STRAW for sale $4 per bale delivered. Ph: 85663916 PIANO H. Lubitz. Made in Berlin. Upright piano, decorative panels, $500 0448883079 PLANTS - Natives, perennials, tube stock, water wise etc. MORNING STAR NURSERY Lot 1 Cossins St., Kapunda. Ph: 85663952. Open Thursday to Sunday 9am- 5pm. RAGDOLL KITTENTS seal point.14 weeks old. 2 males and 1 female. Vaccinated, wormed, flea treated and vet checked. Ph: 0885692021 $350 SELLING, BUYING .......? Advertise in the Herald classifieds, and get results! Giveaway ads are run for 1 week, FREE. You can now place your classified ad at Kapunda Newsagency, deadline is Monday 5.00p.m. Classified deadline 5.00pm Monday. (Maybe subject to change) Ph: 85632041, Fax: 85633655 or email admin.barossaherald@ruralpress.com TRAILING HARROWS heavy duty, 10 section, manual fold, good points. $880 Ph: 0407795867
CONNOR-SHEA Disc Seeder No rust, 3p.l., 10 row on rubbers, in good order. $3,500 ono Ph: 87623558 a.h. DOMESTIC farm, pool and spa pump repairs. Complete workshop facilities also for electric fence energisers. New units, conversions to solar, tapes and insulators. Qualified tradesman. Ag Power Williamstown Road, Cockatoo Valley. 0408820024
KAPUNDA Shannon St. 8 - 3. Ass furniture, s/bed, S/D matt, side drawers x 2, ent. unit, 7 pce din. suite, electrical, ladies size 12 clothing, shoes 6-7, handbags new & preloved, new jewellery, ladies bike. Sat 12th May. OLD FARM ITEMS from Sandleton, wooden wool press, large wooden box, tools, old car parts, Barford garden cultivator, Treadle sewing machine, Metters stove and more. Old Sturt Highay, Nuriootpa. Enquiries 85621602 SAT MAY 12 from 8am. Sandy Creek Uniting Church Williamstown Road. Carboot Sale (sites $10), Trash and Treasure, Sausage Sizzle, Food Stalls. Enquiries 85221391 John. SATURDAY 8am onwards, moving sale. Clare Road, Kapunda.
MOTOR VEHICLES 04 HOLDEN ASTRA 66,000 kms. New tyres, auto, tinted windows,. $11,500 ono XDD-511 Ph: after 6pm. 85623660 1978 FORD PANEL VAN Registered until July 2012. UDC-077. Runs well. $3,000 Ph: after 5.30 p.m. weekdays 0488560191 CASH FOR CARS and scrap metal. Ph: 0404856309
Falcon BA Sedan 4 Litre motor and auto transmission, 144,000 km, good panels. Ford Falcon BF III Stationwagon 4 Litre LPG only motor and auto transmission, 56,000 km. Ford Falcon BF Sedan 4 Litre motor and auto transmission, Injected LPG, 101,000 km. Holden Commodore VX Sedan 3.8 Litre motor and auto transmission, 115,000 km, Berlina factory mags. Holden Commodore VZ Stationwagon 3.6 Litre motor and auto transmission, roof rack. Holden Commodore VZ Crewman Utility 3.6 Litre motor and auto transmission, 47,000 km Holden Commodore VY Sedan 3.8 Litre motor and auto transmission. Holden Commodore VE 60th Anniversary Sedan 3.6 Litre motor and auto transmission, factory alloys NEW ARRIVALS: Holden Commodore VZ Sedan 3.6 Litre motor and auto transmission. Holden Commodore VT Sedan 3.8 Litre motor and auto transmission.
GAWLER MOTOR WRECKING 3 Prescott Crescent, Gawler Belt 8522 5677 or 0416 081 109
Wednesday, May 9, 2012 - Page 30 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
REGENT 18' Cruiser caravan . Single beds, air cond - heat/cool, lots of cupboards, r/o awning with walls, & lots of extras. $23,500 YGB-685 VISCOUNT 13' pop top. Dble bed & r/o awning. $6,990 YCD-741 WINDSOR 12' pop top. Rear entry, single beds & awning. $10,500 TCO-732 Gawler Caravan Centre 57 Para Road EVANSTON 8522 2707 www.gawlercaravans.com.au
FOR HIRE SLUSHIE/FROZEN Cocktail Machine HOT CHOCOLATE Cocktail Machine PUCKER POWDER . FAIRY FLOSS Slush-a-Licous Phone Pina 0434141097 www.slush-a-licous.com.au Family owned, locally operated. admin.barossaherald@ruralpress.com
ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Need Help? Contact 83463255 Meeting: Friday's - C.W.A. Building Kapunda - 8pm.
CIVIL CELEBRANT - Angela Nielsen Ceremonies designed for you. Marriages, namings, committment and renewal of vows. Ph: 0408107940 or 85642773
CASH AUCTION At Mount Pleasant Showgrounds Tuesday 15th May-Start 9.30am . Bring your unwantd goods & turn them into cash. Contact Peter 85811752 / 0412910803 MARKETS Mother's Day at Lyndoch, Kies Winery. 9.30 am - 3.00 p.m. Variety stalls. Sites $10 Glenda 85633181
Antique Fair
Gumeracha Town Hall Saturday May 26th 10am - 5pm Sunday May 27th 10am - 4pm Entry $5 Parking and catering available
KAPUNDA $230 p.w. 3 b.r. home incl. garage umr. RC/AC, neat garden, undercover entertainment area. Available early May. Ph: 0438663162
LIVESTOCK J.W. SMART WOOLBUYERS PTY LTD. Will buy all types. Flexible hours. Ph: 0417878486 - jwsmartbigpond.com POULTRY SALE - Gawler Poultry Club. Sunday May 13 8am - 12Noon Gawler Showgrounds Nixon Tce
PETS BELINDA'S PAMPERED PETS NURIOOTPA Professional dog grooming by an animal lover. EFTPOS now available. Ph: 0418810323 HOOTZ DOG GROOMING Mobile. Qualified groomer. Nuriootpa Ph: Justin 0406840020
MATHS TUTOR Many years experience. Patient & encouraging. Great results so far. Grades 3 - 9. Steve 0414965029 ZUMBA at Greenock Institute. Wednesdays 10.15am. & 6.30pm. Instructor Sue Evans. Ph: 85628184
$ DEPARTS 21 JUNE Includes RM Williams Outback Show
MALTESE SHITZU Silky Terrier Cross puppies. Vaccinated, vet checked & wormed. 3 males, 2 females, various colours, ready for new loving homes. $250 each. Ph: 0438811351 or 85811585
7 Day Canberra Floriade DEPARTS 2 OCTOBER
All Clubs to be represented and new members welcome
The Principal, Lyndoch Primary School Margaret Street, Lyndoch. S.A. 5351 principa@lyndochps.sa.edu.au Applications close: 5pm Monday 14th May 2012
Barossa Area Fundraisers for Cancer
COFFEE MORNING Bliss on Murray Angaston Friday 18th May 10am Proudly Presents
and after cancer treatment
CASH FOR SCRAP METAL I AM LOCAL. Ph: 0411165694 CASH FOR UNWANTED CARS and scrap metal. Ph: 0404856309 LOOKING FOR A SHED to rent. Must have power & be able to fit a big BW Truck. Willing to pay $150 - $200 p.w. Please phone: 0419899725
coffee and cake available $7 All Welcome!
BUSINESS SERVICES WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHER Packages available to suit your occassion Ph: 88922875
Barossa Valley Prostate Cancer support Welcome men travelling Group
ALL GAS WORK Space heaters serviced from $95. Gawler Hot Water - 75101077
with all types of cancer.
Meets 3rd Tuesday monthly 2-4pm. 1810371
Enquiries and Job & Person Specifications are available from Bec Handke on 8524 4172. Please forward all applications including three referees and a copy of qualifications to:
Maximising Nutrition during
17 Day Perh and SouthWest WA DEPARTS 12 OCTOBER $3,995
ANY SCRAP METAL Will pay cash for the removal of yours. Ph: 0412259039
Nuriootpa Sports Centre
Sharryn Yelland- Dietitian
WANTED GRAZING LAND. Eden Valley /Flaxmans Valley and Barossa Ranges. Sheep only. Hills or vineyard, agistment or lease. Payment in advance. Ph. 0418851483
FOUND Found, 1 male cat at Rowland flat air strip. Ph: 0417838970
The successful applicant must be able to start on Monday 4th June, 2012.
20 Day Cairns/Whitsunday Isl/ Outback Q
7.30pm Thursday May 24, 2012
HYDROPAWS 4pawfectpaws. Mobile nose to tail pet care. Heated hydrobath, blowdry, nails & clipping. Ph: Bridget 0488444542
Applicants are sought for the position of Director, Out of School Hours Care and Vacation Care at Lyndoch and Districts OSHC at Lyndoch Primary School. This is a 12 month contract of 28 hours per week (Before and After School Care) with Pupil Free Days and Vacation Care hours as required. There will be an opportunity to extend the contract.
Annual General Mee ng
MASSAGE Therapeutic, Aromatherapy, Pregnancy Massage, Aromatherapy Pamper Packages, Myofacial Release, Reiki. 7 years professional experience. Gift vouchers & Pensioner discounts available. Consulting in Kapunda. Liz Ronan. Ph:85663125 or 0400760010 REMEDIAL MASSAGE Trigger Point, Deep Tissue, Myo-Fascial, Lymphatic. Wed, Fri - 1A Bilyara Rd, Tanunda. Ph. 0409631553 Thurs - Petite Pear Shop 3 Gilbert St, Lyndoch. Ph. 85245156. Health Rebates.
3 Day River Cruise
Director Level 1 CSE Level 6.1- 6.3 salary range
Barossa & Light Tennis Associa on Inc
12 Day Gold Coast
Lyndoch and Districts OUT OF SCHOOL HOURS CARE
NURIOOTPA Blank canvas. 4 y.o. Suit young family or investor. 5 brm, 2 bthrm. Kitch/dine/family /sep. lnge. C/port UMR. Vineyard outlook. $280,000 neg. 0427641814 any time.
BAKERY POSITION Full time, early starts. Involves Saturday mornings, must be able to work in a team environment. Phone : Ant for more details 0408053018 or email tanya.jenke@bigpond.com Eudunda & Kapunda Bakery
LEADLIGHT STUDIO make new, repair old, traditional to contemporary. For quality & competitive prices contact Tracy 85246959 Willliamstown
Further information call Don 8562 3359
CHIMNEY CLEANING Local Barossa Service Phone: David 0407189215 CHIROPRACTOR. Dr Kana Nathan 39 Murray St, Angaston. Consulting Saturdays Ph. 85642882
Wednesday, May 9, 2012 - Page 31 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Maggie Beer Products, located in Tanunda, is a premium food producer. The success and continued growth of the business is driven by an uncompromising commitment to quality, flavour and innovation. We are seeking a full-time Storeman to coordinate the day to day warehouse activities with responsibility to carry these out in a safe and efficient manner. Key Aspects of the role: • Adequate knowledge of and adherence to relevant company O.H & S and Quality requirements with sound knowledge of warehousing and distribution practices • Experience in picking/packing production consumables and finished products for customer sales orders, in full and on time • Knowledge of freight/transport Despatch/ Receivable co-ordination, bookings, manifests, pallet transfers also associated warehouse documentation, records and labelling • Maintain accurate inventory location records, including the execution/coordination of regular stock takes • Yard, warehouse dry and chilled product requirements, consolidation and general duties • Forklift Licence and Competent Operation of same • Basic computer skills including Microsoft Outlook, Excel and Word. The successful candidate will be self-motivated, reliable, have attention to detail with good communication and customer service skills. Please make applications to: Paul Braunack Supply Chain Manager Email: PBraunack@maggiebeer.com.au For General Enquiries phone: 08 8563 0204
GARDENER HANDYMAN Required 3 days a week though more work is available if wished depending on the season. Must have a love of the garden and practical skills of a country handyman. The work is over 3 sites all within 8 minutes of each other in the heart of the Barossa. Please make applications to: Maggie Beer Email: catkinson@maggiebeer.com.au For General Enquiries phone 08 8563 0204
CONWAY COUNSELLING SERVICES. Speciality areas – Families, Couples for Grief, Depression, Anxiety, Addictions, Relationships, Stress, Work Stress, Selfesteem, Anger management. We Will Come to you. Confidentiality guaranteed Fully qualified with Masters degree in counsellng from the University of South Australia & ten years practical experience. Call: 0417087441
It’s your chance to join an award-winning team THE CAREER The Herald has an exciting opportunity for a cadet journalist to join its enthusiastic, hard-working editorial team. You will be given the chance to report on and photograph the news, views and events of the Barossa area. This is an opportunity to start your journalism career with a newspaper that has been recognised with awards by Country Press SA. By joinging Fairfax Media, you will become part of one of Australia’s biggest and most respected media organisations, providing you with seemingly endless scope to advance your career. THE PERSON Your highly-motivated and enthusiastic approach will further add to the already eager news team. You will be a talented writer who considers English to have been a strength at school and who is passionate about a career in journalism. With coaching from the editor and the senior journalist, you will develop the nose for a good story and an eye for detail. You will have a strong work ethic and an ability to work under pressure and meet deadlines. Your interest in current affairs will be evidenced through a willingness to immerse yourself in community life. You will need to hold a driver’s licence. Both school leavers and university graduates are encouraged to apply. An adult cadetship (non-graduate) may be considered for the right applicant. No formal qualifications are required training will be provided. THE REWARDS As part of a team you will have the opportunity to contribute to the newspaper’s ongoing success. This sought-after opportunity will help you establish the foundations to build a successful career as a journalist. If you feel you are the person to tackle this challenging yet rewarding position, don’t hesitate in sending your application to:
Casual Staff Required
• June through to September • Lamb Marking work Please Phone Jason 0427 812 420 WH1818263
$4000 Government Training Incen ves are available for *eligible par cipants making the course cost neutral!
Call to discuss (08) 8562 2122 WORK WANTED
BOTTLING LINE OPERATOR (12mth Full Time Contract)
Draft Animal Management Plan
Public Consultation The Dog and Cat Management Act 1995 requires each Council to prepare an Animal Management Plan relating to the management of animals within its area.
The Animal Management Plan for the period 2012-2017 will provide Council with a sound basis and direction from which it can plan, coordinate and determine future decisions relating to animal management within Light Regional Council.
At the April 2012 ordinary meeting of Council a draft Animal Management Plan was presented for consideration. Council subsequently resolved to authorise the draft Plan as being in a format appropriate for public consultation in accordance with Council’s Public Consultation Policy.
SATURDAY 19th May 10am to 12 noon Council’s Kapunda office Car Park
The draft Animal Management Plan is therefore released for a four (4) week public consultation period.
No plants given out before 10am 10 plants per person
CLEANERS needing extra work in school hours. Honest & reliable in your home. Ph: 0429007863 HOME CLEANING & IRONING - $15 off first reg. service so you try us out. Ph: Carolyn or Nat till 8pm daily incl. w/ends. 0409691576 PAINTER Local experience. Quality work. Free quote. Ph: Peter 0417805982 Lic. No. BLD48086 ROLLER shutter repairs 08 85662922
Available only to Light Regional Council Ratepayers
Copies of the draft Animal Management Plan may be viewed at Council’s Kapunda and Freeling office, Council’s libraries and the website at www.light.sa.gov.au. Those persons wishing to seek clarification on the draft Animal Management Plan are encouraged to speak to Council’s General Inspector, Mr Lloyd Mott on 8525 3200. Brian Carr Chief Executive Officer
Barossa & Gawler Businesses
Taylors Wines, a family owned and operated wine company is home to some of Australia’s most consistently awarded wine brands. With their head office located in Sydney and sales offices located around the country, Taylors Wines offer a friendly & progressive environment within which your career can flourish. The vineyards & winery is situated in the picturesque Clare Valley, South Australia & has been in operation since 1969. We are seeking applications for the contract position of Bottling Line Operator for a period of 12 months. Reporting to the Production Supervisor, the key objective of this position will be to work in a team environment and competently operate bottling line equipment. Essential qualities • Previous Bottling Line experience • Certificate III in Food Processing (BOTT) • Current Forklift License • Sound knowledge of OH&S Desirable qualities • Labelling & filling operations It is envisaged the successful applicant would be required to work Day/Afternoon shift. Please send your application to: Bottling Line Operator Taylors Wines Pty Ltd PO Box 90, Auburn SA 5451 Or email to: admin@taylorswines.com.au
Any member of the public who believes that this transmission is causing interference to services provided by other stations should contact the licensee at Locked Bag 3 Springwood Qld 4127 or phone 1800 00 777 0
Telephone enquiries can be directed to 8563 2041
Those persons wishing to lodge submissions are encouraged to apply in writing to Mr James Miller, General Manager, Development and Regulatory Services, PO Box 72 Kapunda SA 5373 by 5.00 pm on Friday, 8 June 2012.
Clayton Bester Manager The Herald PO Box 43 Tanunda SA 5352 Applications close Friday, May 18 at 5.00pm.
Barossa Council Chambers ~All welcome~ Enquiries James Rowe 0448 392 576
In accordance with the Radio Communications Licence Conditions (Broadcasting Licence) Determination No. 1 of 1998, made under the Radio Communications Act 1992, United Christian Broadcasters Australia Ltd advises that it has commenced broadcasting from Lyndoch, SA on the 87.6 MHz FM frequency.
Wednesday 9th May From 6pm
After three years of your cadetship, you will be a qualified journalist - employable anywhere in the English-speaking world, and you have done it all from home.
Vision Radio for Lyndoch
Would you like a career in journalism? ...and you don’t have to leave the Barossa.
For further details and bookings contact:
Clayton Bester - Advertising Sales Manager Phone: (08) 8563 2041 Email: manager.barossaherald@ruralpress.com www.barossaherald.com.au
Wednesday, May 9, 2012 - Page 32 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
PUBLIC NOTICES GILL PARK INC. AGM. Hamilton 22nd May, 2012 8pm.
PUBLIC NOTICE The Local Government Association of South Australia has commissioned Roy Morgan Research to conduct telephone interviews over the next few weeks with Barossa Council residents. Randomly selected residents will be asked to contribute their views on Quality of Life, Council Governance, Community Satisfaction, and Council Finance/Asset Management. Please note the interviewer will ask several demographic questions preceding the survey to make sure they are speaking with the right person in the household. All information received will be treated confidentially.
Further information can be obtained from Vincent Marsland, Manager Organisational Development, The Barossa Council. Tel: (08) 8563 8444.
The information collected will capture community perceptions of Council’s performance. Your support of this research task will be of great benefit to Council in planning for the future of our community.
Nuriootpa Library Temporary Closure from Monday 7 to Sunday 20 May 2012 (inclusive) Reopening on Monday 21 May The Nuriootpa Library and Volunteer Resource Centre will be closed for 2 weeks to upgrade the air-conditioning. We apologise to the community for any inconvenience this may cause.
Please contact the Barossa Council on 8563 444 or www.barossa.sa.gov.au for further information
Extended Library opening hours are available at Angaston Library open daily Monday to Friday 9.00 -5.00. Angaston Town Hall Washington Street, 8564 2369. Tanunda Library open Monday – Thursday 9.00-6.00, Friday 9.00-5.00, Saturday 9.00-12.00 & Sunday 12.00-3.00. 66-68 Murray Street, Tanunda 8561 1300 (combined with Barossa Visitor Centre) Nuriootpa Library children’s sessions will be held at the Angaston Library. Access to computers and wireless internet is available at Angaston, Tanunda, Lyndoch or Mt Pleasant Libraries Volunteer and Youth Services staff may be contacted through Council Customer Service on 8563 8444 Nuriootpa Library & Volunteer Resource Centre will reopen on Monday 21 May 2012
PERSONAL A RAUNCHY LADY - private, sensual. Barossa. Ph: 0468342723
Basketball Monday juniors 12 and under: Division One - Barossa d Little Lions 25-21; Trinity Green d Warriors 34-12. Division Two - T-Legends d Central Little Lions 17-12; Red Devils d Starplex Hawks 8-7; Sandy Creek d All Stars 21-17; Barossa Bulldogs d Trinity Blue 14-12; Barossa d Trinity Yellow 26-2; Brookers d Celtics 66-7. 14 and under: Ccs Flight d Undertakers 24-16; Sharks d Hawks 31-14. 16 and under: Barossa Reds d Ccs Crimson Tide 35-19; Red Dragons d Swishes 31-26; Ccs Thundering Herd d The Crusaders 44-11. Monday evening men Division One: Run & Gun d Shooting Blanks 7435; Gang Green d Flight Team 35-31; He Got Game d Wizards 54-45; Crumpet Squad d M&M’s 52-42. Division Two: Wolverines d Snakes 60-39; Turbos d Orlago Bujic 59-33; Hurricanes d Flames 3631; Kings d Shakers 32-23; Beard Of Chuck d Tune Squad 49-20. Tuesday juniors Under 8s: Trinity Green drew with Williamstown Giants 6-6; Trinity Blue d Lyndoch Dragons 2-0; Roar drew with Trinity Yellow 0-0; Trinity White drew with Junior 5 Stars 2-2. 10 and under As: Run & Gun d Sudden Impact 16-3; Brookers d New Stars 24-6; Bs: All Stars d Redbacks 8-7; Trinity Blue d Williamstown Giants B 12-2; Williamstown Giants Ad Roar 18-17; Rockstars d Barossa 6-0; Trinity Red d Lyndoch Tigers 16-0. Tuesday night men Lj Hookers d Gang Green 57-41; Red Lions d The Steelers 36-33; Spartans d Has Beens 4939; Google It d Gawler Gunners 43-40; 02 Tha Fn d Gbs 53-33; Ninjas d Jets 39-36; Hawks d Tanks 27-20; Beam Team d Swarrens 50-19; Outlaws d Stormtroopers 46-16; Donkeys d Roseworthy 23-14. Wednesday evening ladies Brookers d Roseworthy Black 56-23; Shooting Stars d Pink Panthers 35-27. Thursday night mixed Fruit Hoops d More Effort 49-40; Tba d Black Magic 60-54; 5 Stars d Ultim8’s 61-60; Steelers d Beamers 47-33; Comets d Hungry Hippos 46-33; Spurtics d Its Only Social 70-51.
INTERCEPT: Gawler Central senior one defender Sallyann Vivian cuts off a Nuriootpa attack during last Saturday’s game.
Monday night ladies Semi-Final - Group One: Wild Turkeys 23 d Barossa High 5s 23-13; Southies 32 d Checkmates 20; Jitterbugs 23 d Divas 18; The Bitties 32 d Randoms 16; Meatloaf 39 d Fumblee Beez 23; Watch Out 27 d Pythons 24. Tuesday evening mixed Falcons d Tropicals 25-17; Frilly Knickers d Watermelons 19-13; Pink Paws d Fire Breathing Rubber Duckies 35-20; Tba d Balls Of Steal 150; Black Thunder d Silent Duck 15 -13. Wednesday juniors 11 and under: Trinity Green 7 d Net Jets 2; Trinity Blue 24 d Trinity Light Orange; Trinity Orange 27 d Trinity Light Blue. 13 and under: Trinity Light Blue 8 d Trinity White 6; Trinity Blue 30 d Trinity Yellow 10; Trinity Orange 38 d Trinity Red 5. 16 and under: Inter 1 - Trinity Red 48 d Harlequin 18; Trinity Blue 76 d Trinity Light Blue 21. Inter 2 - Trinity Yellow 20 d Trinity Orange 7; Trinity Green 33 d Craigmore 5; Trinity Blue 33 d Trinity Red 6. Wednesday evening ladies Fruit Loops 36 d Zulu Warrior 11; Bits & Pieces 22 d Away T 20; Mammas Bears 34 d Tosnc Blue 27; Lollipops 23 d Trinity 2 10; Diamonds 39 d Family Affairs 27; Tba 27 d Diggidy Dogs 12; Escapees 23 d Wild Flamingos 19; Menaposie 20 d Mels Army 0.
Wednesday evening mixed Try Hards 31 d Blue Zinc 8; Muffin Slammers 22 d Gen-Y 7; Cherry Poppers 20 d Lucky Lemons 18. Friday ladies daytime Lady Birds 27 Drew With Barely There 27 Straight Up 30 Def East Side Mums 8 Mummas 22 Def Wasleys 18.
BRIDGE BAROSSA Surprisingly Bridge Barossa played a two table teams on Monday night, and all pairs scored Master Points with Rhonda Wallace and Evan Allanson winning three matches and the remainder, Joan Lee and Kevin Jones, Adelaide Abbott and Miles White,Eunice Kampman and Jim Hayes all winning one match. On Wednesday at five tables Howard Haese and Evan Allanson were first with 63.3%, followed by Annie Hatcher and Judy Fechner 54.8%, Helen Farrelly and Toni Harvey 53.6%, Elaine Kenny and Alec Harris 53%, Helen Sandow and Ziggy Mentz 50.6%, Joan Lee and Kevin Jones 44.1%, Fran Hannan and Ron Male 41.7%, Chris Stutley and Marg Long 40%. In the two table supervised play, with adjusted scores, first were Deb and Ron Baker with 50.6%, followed by Lois Wasleyand Rosemary Jenkin, Carol King and John all on 49%, Lorraine and Brian Baker 48.4%.
Wednesday, May 9, 2012 - Page 33 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Information on 85633204.
DARTS Gawler Darts results on May 4 - by ‘Pegout’ Men’s div April 30: Enigmas 14 def Raiders 1, Spot On 9 def Barflyz 6, Krackers 11 wof T & A’s, Wombats 10 def Team Rehab 5. 180 thrown by Bob Pryde. 6 peg outs - Brian Marsden. HPO 164 George Orchison. Premiership table: Krackers 12-60, Enigmas 10.59, Wombats 10.55, T&A’s 8.42, Barflyz 4-41, Spot-On 4-34, Team Rehab 2-39, Raiders 0-19. HPO 170 Gavin Cundy. Mixed April 24: B&B’s 6 def Rebels 5, Rosie’s LFD 8 def Wonderers 3, Ravens 7 won on forfeit Kookaburras 0. HPO 81 Deb Bellchambers. Premiership Table: Ravens 8-28, Rosie’s LFD 629, B&B’s 6-27, Rebels 2-22, Wonderers 2-18, Kookaburras 0-1. HPO 102 Adam Totolas/Dave Wheeler. Ladies May 2: Hepcats 10 def Saints 5, Angels Bye.- HPO 43 Leslie Longman . 6 peg outs Anita Mathews. Premiership Table: Hepcats 8-44, Angels 6-34, Saints 0-15. HPO 78 Naomi Trotter. Please note: - If you want to join a team, we have Ladies, Mixed & Men’s trying to find extra players. For further information please phone our secretary on 0418 892 905.
Bomber Blasts
Barossa Hockey
ONLY an average day for the Bombers on Saturday against Tanunda. Tanunda proved too strong in the A grade winning by 64 points. Well done to young Brad Williams who has continued his good form taking home the J T Johnson / Ahrens Engineering best player award. Other good performers were captain Brad Taylor playing his 100th game for the club, and Cam McKinnon YOUNG GUN: Joseph continues to get the job Brown in the A grade. done across half back. The Bs went down narrowly after leading for a great portion of the contest. Sam Pratt rucked tirelessly all day to win the SA Lending Services best player award, while young Sam Modra played a beauty across the full back line, joining forces with the returning Funky Prior to be the Bombers other winners. The U17s had a day coach Ryan Creber would rather forget. They ran into a very strong and well drilled Tanunda outfit. Joel Foster was easily the best for the young Bombers collecting the Foodworks award, while Tyler Matthews Brown also played well. It was good to see young Luke Karpany get among the goals. The U15s were the highlight of the day for the Bombers, getting up by 71 points. Captain Joshy Freeman led from the front collecting the Shapes Of Green best player award. Henry Smith worked well in the ruck to continue his good start to the season. Maybe Joshy can take Jayden Higgins for some goal kicking practice this week with the pair booting 9.6 between them, Joshy kicked 9.1 to Jayden’s 0.5 Just a reminder from the club - the ladies are holding their Pink day this week at home against South - so if anyone else is interested contact Kim Kerr, Annabelle Farley or Dani Ryan for details. The social calendar should be finalised soon so stay tuned for details.
7 Tod St, Gawler
A Women AM United 6 d Trinity 1; Two Wells 4 d Tanunda 0; Gawler 2 d Nuriootpa 1. B Men Nuriootpa 2 d Gawler/Trinity 0; Tanunda 2 d Two Wells 1; AM United had the bye.
L 0 0 0 1 1
D 0 0 0 0 0
F 5 1 0 0 0
A 0 0 0 1 5
GD Pts 5 3 1 3 0 0 -1 0 -5 0
A Women Team 1 AM United 2 Two Wells 3 Gawler 4 Nuriootpa 5 Tanunda 6 Trinity
P 1 1 1 1 1 1
W 1 1 1 0 0 0
L 0 0 0 1 1 1
D B F 0 6 0 4 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 1
A 1 0 1 2 4 6
GD Pts 5 3 4 3 1 3 -1 0 -4 0 -5 0
B Men Team 1 Nuriootpa 2 Tanunda 3 AM United 4 Two Wells 5 Gawler/Trinity
P 1 1 0 1 1
W 1 1 0 0 0
L 0 0 0 1 1
D 0 0 0 0 0
F 2 2 0 1 0
A 0 1 0 2 2
GD Pts 2 3 1 3 0 0 -1 0 -2 0
B Women Team 1 AM United 2 Nuriootpa 3 Gawler 4 Two Wells
P 1 1 1 1
W 1 0 0 0
L 0 0 0 1
D B F 0 6 1 0 1 0 0 0
A 0 0 0 6
GD Pts 6 3 0 1 0 1 -6 0
Under 18 Team 1 Nuriootpa 2 Two Wells 3 Tanunda 4 AM United 5 Gawler
P 1 1 1 0 1
W 1 0 0 0 0
L 0 0 0 0 1
D 0 1 1 0 0
B 0 0 0 1 0
F 3 1 1 0 1
A 1 1 1 0 3
GD Pts 2 3 0 1 0 1 0 0 -2 0
Under 15/16 Team 1 Nuriootpa 2 Gawler 3 Two Wells 4 AM United 5 Tanunda
P 1 1 1 0 1
W 1 0 0 0 0
L 0 0 0 0 1
D 0 1 1 0 0
B 0 0 0 1 0
F 9 1 1 0 2
A 2 1 1 0 9
GD Pts 7 3 0 1 0 1 0 0 -7 0
Under 13/14 Team 1 Two Wells 2 Trinity College White 3 Tanunda 4 AM United 5 Nuriootpa 6 Trinity College Red 7 Gawler
P 1 1 1 0 1 1 1
W 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
L 0 0 0 0 1 1 1
D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
B 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
F 3 1 1 0 0 0 0
A 0 0 0 0 1 1 3
GD Pts 3 3 1 3 1 3 0 0 -1 0 -1 0 -3 0
33 Main North Rd Willaston
Shopping Centre. Phone 8252 1111
The Party Starts Here
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8522 3433
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A men Nuriootpa 1 d Gawler/Trinity 0; Tanunda 5 d Two Wells 0; AM United had the bye.
B Women AM United 6 d Two Wells 0; Gawler 0 drew with Nuriootpa 0. Under 18 Tanunda 1 drew with Two Wells 1; Nuriootpa 3 d Gawler 1. Under 15/16 Nuriootpa 9 d Tanunda 2; Gawler 1 drew with Two Wells 1; AM United had the bye. Under 13/14 Tanunda 1 d Trinity College Red 0; Two Wells 3 d Gawler 0; Trinity College White 1 d Nuriootpa 0; AM United had the bye.
W 1 1 0 0 0
*Pics for illustration purposes only. Product may vary.
Barossa Hockey scores
P 1 1 0 1 1
Home Theatre Pack* from
CONTROL: Gawler/Trinity’s Daniel Wilson on the attack against Nuriootpa in A1 hockey on Saturday. Teammate Peter Rowell watches.
Premierships A Men Team 1 Tanunda 2 Nuriootpa 3 AM United 4 Gawler/Trinity 5 Two Wells
60-64 Murray St, Nuriootpa
8562 1548
8566 2922
50 Murray Street, Nuriootpa 5355 Phone: 8562 3552 Fax: 8562 3557 email: sales@auswidebadges.com.au web: www.auswidebadges.com.au
Wednesday, May 9, 2012 - Page 34 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
8568 6028
www.bridgestoneselect.com.au 1803573
Shop 7 Barossa Mall 1 Murray St, NURIOOTPA
20 Main St, Kapunda
KAPUNDA Laucke Mills sponsored last week’s Kapunda Open which attracted a good field of 60 players with several players with a handicap of two or three competing in what turned out to be perfect conditions. Many thanks go to Condor and the crew at Laucke’s for their very generous sponsorship which allows the club to host such a popular event and attract the calibre of golfer that it did. Despite the greens being cored less than two weeks ago the course was in fantastic condition and once again thanks go to the many volunteers who help to make that happen. Several past winners made up the field including last year’s winner Mark Watkins from Mt Pleasant. Mark was again in the hunt with an opening 18 hole score of 74 which was matched by multiple past winner Paul McCarthy. However both were three shots behind visitor Andrew Footner who fired an impressive two under 71 to take the lead on the first 18 holes. A magnificent lunch provided by the ladies sometimes makes the afternoon session a bit of a drag but Andrew followed up his great morning effort by shooting 37 on the last nine for a one under total of 108. A fantastic effort in anyone’s language. Mark maintained his composure with a closing 38 to finish in second place with 112. His only real blemish came at the par three 14th where he carded a double bogey. Paul finished with a closing 40 for third place on 114 with the highlight of his round being an eagle on the par 5 16th. The B grade 27 hole winner was exiting club captain Scottie Earle with his very good 128 and the C grade 27 hole event was taken out by newcomer Wayne Skinner. 27 hole handicap winners were Simon Keane, Paul O’Reilley and Mike Raymond respectively. Once again the ladies provide plenty of lunch and afternoon tea
Division One winner was Lucy Bashford with net 73. Runner-up was Chris Pfitzner with net 74. Division Two winner was Jane Teagle with net 72 and runner-up was Lorraine Cram with net 76. Sponsor for the day was Australia Wide Badges. Winner of the putts comp was Carole Molloy with 30 putts. Long drive, sponsored by Ian Devlin of Barossa Golf, for Division One was Marianne Daniel and Division Two was Marg Browne. Nearest the pin, sponsored by Barossa Clothing, for Division Two was Jane Teagle. Wednesday, May 2 was a par comp and fairways. This was sponsored by Kapunda Conveyancing. Division One winner was Jenny Menzel, one under par. Runner-up was Gail Ryan square. Division Two winner was Helen Sexton with two under par and runner-up was Jane Teagle square. Carole Molloy won the fairway comp with 14 drives finishing on fairway. Nearest the pin, sponsored by Barossa Clothing, for Division One was Chris Pfitzner and Division Two was Marg Browne. Long drive, sponsored by Ian Devlin Barossa Golf, was Division One Lucy Bashford and Division Two was Jane Teagle. On Anzac Day the ladies held a mixed Ambrose 4BBB and had over 60 players. GAWLER Wednesday - Ladies; Gloria Potter won the Kingsford Hotel monthly medal event on a countback from Lesley Jeffery while Marion Bow was two shots further back. NTPS: 6th; K Korber, 11th; G Potter. Raffle; Kath Barr. Birdies K Korber , G Potter. We are still accepting late entries for the ladies open day on Friday. It will be a shotgun start at 9am with a lunch to follow. Ring your entry through to Phil in the pro shop on 8524 4315 for what is always a fantastic day. Thursday; Dylan Butler won the Rob Flett Trophy on Thursday with a well compiled 41 pts from Cam Scott on 40 who fired 70 off the stick to beat playing partner John Martin on a countback.
Matthew Bouveng, KBL Security
Hawthorn 26 GWS Giants Geelong Sydney West Coast Collingwood North Melbourne Fremantle Carlton
Adam Hunt, Harvey World Travel
Hawthorn 44 GWS Giants Geelong Sydney Essendon Collingwood North Melbourne Fremantle Cartlton
Chris Linden, Manager, Vine Inn
Melbourne 2 GWS Giants Geelong Sydney West Coast Collingwood Nth Melbourne Fremantle Carlton
2pm this Saturday 12th May Nuriootpa v Tanunda from the Nuriootpa Oval. XVII George Heath Cup including scores from around the grounds
Hear it on Triple B, read about it in the Herald Cameron. Next Saturday’s golf is the Ken McLean stableford trophy. Sunday; Sunday’s winner was Rocco Polito with a score of 35 points. Craig Swinstead and Geoff Slade also both had 35 points. NTPS: Pro Shop 4th, D Nguyen Spencer Flooring 6th: R Polito. BAROSSA AM Draw 50th Birthday Celebrations stableford competition. A grade K Turnbull 40, r/u T Turnbull 38; B grade R Kernick 36, r/u G Johnson 34; C grade K Richards 42, r/u P Butler 33. A grade (18 players): R Nairn 38, D Wall 36, T Cowgill 34. B grade (21 players): L Hampel 34, R Harcourt 34, J Harris 32, G Maxted 32. C grade (9 players): J Ortlieb 30, R May 29. Ladies competition winner C Farley 37. J Fyfe 37, P Johnson 36, M MacGillivray 35. PM Draw 50th Birthday Celebrations stableford competition. A grade P Steele 44, r/u S Eygenraam 41; B grade J Kay 40, r/u G Mundy 40; C grade B Eneberg 35, r/u G MacGillivray 29. A grade (23 players): J Gerhardy 36, L Collins 36, P Twelftree 35, S Kurtz 35. B grade (17 players): P Graetz 37, R Harbord 34, P Frazer 34. C grade (7 players): I Cartwright 28. Ladies competition winner F Hockings 36. MT PLEASANT Saturday stroke competition: N Thompson 61, J James 67, K Vine 68, E Bishop 69, R Jackson 71, T Mitchell 71. Midweek stableford competition: A grade - R Searl 34 c/b, B Wright 34, E Bishop 33; B grade - S Davey 33, L Stephens 31, P Boucher 30. TANUNDA Saturday Peter Lehmann Wines stroke competition winner S Hallett 67. A grade F Altmann 72 c/b, r/u B Hage 72; B grade P Schultz 70, r/u S Ward 71; C grade S Hallett 67, r/u R Haynes 69; Ladies J MacPhail 72, r/u P Henschke 75. Long drives: A grade T Jenkins; B grade T Wilks; C grade D Hemsley; Ladies P Henschke. NTP 6th S Fechner (Peter Lehmann); 8th J MacPhail (TPGC); 11th J Denley (Yalumba); 16th S Blackwell (Rusden); 7th hole 2nd shot T Wilks (Langmeil). Rundown: T Schmaal 69, P Lawrie 72, P Lithgow 72, J Blechynden, P Denley, L Sauer all 73, J Phillips 74, G Kruger 75, P Stacey 75. Sunday Peter Lehmann Wines stableford competition: D Ahrens 33, A Ayres 32. Ladies Midweek Peter Lehmann Wines par competition: L Price 6, L Montfort -2, L Semmler -5 c/b. NTP: C Hongell. LD: F Blackwell.
Rob Colaruso, Harvey Norman Munno Para Hawthorn 33 Gold Coast Geelong Sydney West Coast Collingwood Bulldogs Fremantle Carlton
Ball winners; C Bartholomew, R Minett 39, J Williams, J Fowler, B Johnson, E Richardson 38, P Warburton, J Jacka, H Smits, C Swinstead, K Morse, T Byrnes, M Dawes 37. NTPS: Elders 4th; John Martin, Spencer Flooring 6th; R Minett, Elders 11th; D Nguyen. Birdie balls; D Butler, C Swinstead, H Smits, R Clarke, C Bartholomew, J Martin, M Dawes 4&6, R Minett, M Dawes, C Scott, P Pogas. Mid week end; Harry Brown shot 40 in the freezing cold to win this weeks comp. Runner up on a countback was Bob Crockart 38. Ball winners; C Swinstead, D Hurley 38.Birdie balls; W Haynes, S Jeffery, B Kite, N Orr, H Brown, C Swinstead. Saturday; The feature event was T & S Refrigeration Monthly Medal and Andrew Bettess with a 65 showed everyone how it was done following last week’s hole in one. A grade; C Thornton 68, M Yardley 70, C Coombe 71. B grade; T Korber 70, B Pogas 71, T Carter 71. C grade; A Bettess 65, P Catinari 69, D Vidakovic 70. Ladies winner sponsored by Sandy Francas; D Agar 76. NTPS and long drives - Uleybury Wines 2nd; K Morse, St Kilda Hotel 3rd long drive, K Poulton, Giannitto Hotel Group 4th; D Hubber, Kingsford Hotel 6th; D Nguyen Roseworthy Hotel 3rd shot 9th; D Shepherdson, Fasta Pasta long drive 10th; P Sellar, Hi Beam car/ dog wash 11th; C Thornton, Pizza Works Pizza 14th; G Page, Willaston Hotel 16th; P Cameron. Ball winners; M Lukat, R Malone, D Heywood, K Morse, P Cameron, S Noack 73, J Peel, S Sounes, M Klose, C Swinstead 74, G Caldwell, K McLean, D Buss, J Williams, J Van dommele, P Burge, T Pipicello 75 on c/b. Birdie balls; R Flett, M Lukat, J Agar, C Swinstead, B Marsh, B Paul, S Jeffery, I Pye, M Barlow, D Hubber, A Bettess, D Vidakovic, K Morse, T Pipicello, G Page, C Thornton, P Pogas, S Noack,P
and looked after the score cards during the day. It was fantastic to see a good contingent of visitors to support the 27 hole format which had seemed to be losing popularity over recent years. Once again a big thank you to Condor Laucke for his generous sponsorship and continued support for the club. With the open out of the way for another year it is back to normal this week for the Lower North Hire Monthly medal. It is also the first round of the Gawler Caddieshack trophy provided by another long term sponsor in Rob Reimann. For those who weren’t up to the early start last week and the cool damp conditions, don’t worry you can enjoy your sleep in this week and pop out in the afternoon when the greens have dried out and play is a little easier. Just kidding, I know you sometimes occasionally get the tougher of the weather conditions as well. A reminder this Saturday is also the bi-monthly tea night whereby members can stay around and partake in a lovely casserole tea. Happy golfing. Laucke Mills 27-hole Kapunda Open winner A Footner 108, r/u M Watkins 112, P McCarthy 114. B grade winner S Earle 128; C grade winner W Skinner. 27-hole handicap winners: A grade S Keane 119/101, M Watkins 112/103; B grade P O’Reilley 130/103, E Sangster 129/103.5; C grade M Raymond 142/100, Henry 142/109. 18-hole handicap winners: A grade M Pettigrew 78/71, R Clayton 80/71; B grade D Burgess 87/71, K Hayter 87/71; C grade M Martin 90/69, B McLean 100/71. 9-hole handicap winners: A grade T Sires 39/34, J Ryan 40/34; B grade P Carroll 40/33, D White 44/34; C grade T Moritz 48/36, M Menzel 48/36. Ladies Wednesday, April 18 saw the Kapunda ladies playing a stroke round.
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Wednesday, May 9, 2012 - Page 35 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Hawthorn 74 Gold Coast Adelaide Sydney Essendon Collingwood Nth Melbourne Fremantle Carlton www.barossaherald.com.au
Ryan ‘Byrnes’ Central the second quarter to lead by a point at the long break, with an even third stanza leaving the status quo - Central still in front by a point at lemons. Nuriootpa peppered the goals in the final quarter, with 12 scoring shots, for a return of 7-5 to sprint away from the tenacious home Tigers. “We started well and should have had the game sewn up by quarter time, but missed too many easy shots,” Nuriootpa coach Nat Salter said. “The middle quarters were tight, then we got back to how we played in the first, but with a bit more accuracy. “Everyone’s disappointed
HIGH JUMP: Nuriootpa ruckman Duncan Cragg-Sapsford jumps high over Gawler Central’s Ben Tobbitt while Nuriootpa’s Jarrad O’Riley prepares to take advantage of the knock forward. Umpire Ian Dew is in control watching the action.
ALTHOUGH trailing at three-quarter time, Nuriootpa won the battle of the Tigers when it stormed home with seven last term goals to beat Gawler Central by 37 points, in Saturday’s BL&GFA clash at Gawler Oval. Nuriootpa spearhead Ryan Byrne had a day out booting 10 goals. The game could have been all but over in the first term, as a wasteful Nuriootpa managed only three goals from 11 scoring shots, to lead by 17 points at the first break. A fired-up home side then booted five majors in
that we blew a good start, and we were beaten at the contest between the first and final terms, which is something we pride ourselves on. “I think everyone was looking forward to Tanunda the following week and thought we would win against Central, but they are always hard to beat there.” A good sign for Nuri though was the fitness level is good, because it has run both games it has played this season out well, and to pull away after being threatened is character building. Even though losing for the third consecutive
2012 BL&G premiership tables A Grade 1 Tanunda 2 Barossa District 3 Nuriootpa 4 South Gawler 5 Willaston 6 Kapunda 7 Freeling 8 Gawler Central 9 Angaston Reserves 1 South Gawler 2 Nuriootpa Rover 3 Angaston 4 Willaston 5 Gawler Central 6 Barossa District 7 Kapunda 8 Tanunda 9 Freeling
P 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 P 3 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 3
W 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 0 0 W 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
L 0 0 0 1 2 2 2 3 2 L 0 0 1 2 2 1 2 2 2
D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
B 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 B 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
For 312 208 194 286 227 200 164 188 97 For 212 162 122 169 159 94 117 138 141
Agst 133 110 118 231 255 262 271 280 216 Agst 115 51 109 190 182 110 150 187 220
% 70.11 65.41 62.18 55.32 47.10 43.29 37.70 40.17 30.99 % 64.83 76.06 52.81 47.08 46.63 46.08 43.82 42.46 39.06
Pts 6 4 4 4 2 2 2 0 0 Pts 6 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Senior Colts 1 Tanunda 2 Gawler Central 3 South Gawler 4 Nuriootpa Rover 5 Barossa District 6 Angaston 7 Willaston 8 Freeling 9 Kapunda Junior Colts 1 South Gawler 2 Nuriootpa Rover 3 Kapunda 4 Barossa District 5 Gawler Central 6 Angaston 7 Willaston 8 Freeling 9 Tanunda
P 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 P 3 3 3 2 3 2 3 3 3
W 3 3 3 1 1 1 0 0 0 W 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 0
L 0 0 0 1 1 1 3 3 3 L 0 0 1 1 2 1 2 2 3
D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
B 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 B 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0
For 411 338 307 233 157 112 150 102 31 For 311 148 155 127 114 94 129 108 84
Agst 89 107 126 103 129 171 320 219 577 Agst 74 23 129 81 133 125 227 251 227
% 82.20 75.96 70.90 69.35 54.90 39.58 31.91 31.78 5.10 % 80.78 86.55 54.58 61.06 46.15 42.92 36.24 30.08 27.01
Pts 6 6 6 2 2 2 0 0 0 Pts 6 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 0
week, Central showed enough competitiveness to signal a win isn’t too far away. With three first-gamers and six players under 18, the home side is building a strong foundation for the future. “We were great for three quarters,” Central coach Damien Herzick said. “As has been the case most of the season though, we were close for most of the game, with quality shining through. But we will be better with some more experience. “As for Byrne, we just had no one to match up with him, as Matty Gibson was unavailable and we struggled to stem his influence - he was the major difference.” For Central, Ben Tobitt worked hard in ruck against a taller opponent, while forward Paul Bova worked down the field to help lift his side. First gamers Brad Hunt, Rhys Kalic and Peter Bradtke all played important parts and will be given further opportunities. Byrne was a shining light for Nuri, kicking all five of his side’s majors in the first half on the way to double figures. Billy Nicholls and Salter led from the front at the stoppages, while defenders Cale Ellison and Aaron Modistach were miserly all game. This Saturday Central has a bye, while Nuriootpa hosts top of the table Tanunda.
Leading goalkickers Barossa, Light and Gawler Football Association - Played May 5 A GRADE Willaston Angaston
5.1 6.4 11.11 16.17(113) 1.1 3.2 4.5 6.6(42)
RESERVES Angaston Willaston
3.3 2.2
8.5 3.3
11.5 4.9
SENIOR COLTS 12.8(80) 6.10(46)
Best: Will - S Baker, S Walton, J Jones, J McDonald, D Brooks, M Brooks; Ang - B Kurtz, J Wight, N Falland, M Zimmermann.
Best: Ang - N Gloede, S Haydon, S Woodards, T Feist, N Pech, A Murphy; Will - D Borland, A Barclay, J Goodfellow, A Moss, D Matz.
Goals: Will - B Gordon 5, J McDonald 4, J Scott 2, S Baker 2, S Walton 2, J Taylor 1; Ang - L Snowden 2, A Reincke, J Wight, B Sugars, J Miles 1 ea.
Goals: Ang - N Pech 4, J Carter 2, J Rosenzweig 2, T Feist, C Nagel, M Pech, D Ryan 1 ea; Will - J Carter 2, J Rozman, A Moss, S White, D Matz 1 ea.
South Gawler 7.2 8.7 12.15 17.20(122) Freeling 2.2 6.3 6.3 7.5(47) Best: South - J Ahern, D Goulding, M Paget, H Lawry, C Musolino, M Foldesdy; Free - B Parish, S Schubert, D Francis, J Robinson, S Carmichael.
South Gawler 2.4 7.5 9.7 13.7(85) Freeling 2.0 3.2 5.4 6.7(43)
Goals: South - A Gerardis 5, J Trewren 3, C Musolino 3, M Trezeciak 2, M Paget, M Foldesdy, A Bayliss, N Bartsch 1 ea; Free - B Parish 2, D Horsnell 2, M Greenwood, T Barnes, J Robinson 1 ea.
Goals: South - A Parsons 3, J McVicar 3, L Officer 2, R Lee 2, D Musolino 2, B Barker 1; Free - T Carmichael 4, T Clancy 1, J Bernhardt 1.
Tanunda Kapunda
Tanunda Kapunda
5.1 9.4 12.10 16.10(106) 1.0 3.5 4.7 5.12(42)
Best: South - J McVicar, R Lee, L Officer, C Cameron, S Evans, R Davies; Free - J Young, T Haseldine, T Carmichael, P Leske, J Bartsch, P Erskine.
1.0 1.3
1.3 3.3
3.6 3.4
5.7(37) 4.4(28)
Angaston Willaston
3.1 1.5
5.4 3.8
8.7 5.9
12.9(81) 9.10(64)
Best: Ang - C Lowke, M Makris, T Fenton, T Saegenschnitter, J Kearon; Will - J Hurst, I Shillabeer, J Smoult, J Day, B Knox, L Elliott. Goals: Ang - M Williams 2, T Saegenschnitter 2, T Fenton 2, C Lowke, S Egert, J Hood, J Kuhn, D Schmidt, B Fairey 1 ea; Will - B Knox 3, J Hurst, M Holmes, I Shillabeer, J Smoult, J Day, C Hoppo 1 ea.
JUNIOR COLTS Angaston Willaston
2.1 4.3 8.5 12.6(78) 3.0 6.2 6.2 7.4(46)
Best: Ang - B Homes, L Cunningham, R Eberhard, B Antonie, B Sibley, J Howell; Will L Mells, L Sutton, B Parsloe, J Walsh, L Pasin, L Buley. Goals: Ang - L Cunningham 6, B Homes 2, B Storton 2, J Antonie 1, B Antonie 1; Will - J Taylor 3, C Knox, L Mells, J Walsh, B Parsloe 1 ea.
South Gawler 5.3 7.5 10.10 12.12(84) Freeling 0.1 2.3 2.4 6.6(42) Best: South - S Ireland, T Ahl, D Judd Smith, D Dankiewicz, B Lehman, J Chapman; Free - B Heinrich, B Christie, T Julyan, N Fenwick, S Maynard, J Slater. Goals: South - T Ahl 2, B Osborne 2, J Chapman 2, C Mortimer 2, D Marschall, D Judd Smith, B Dankiewicz, K Dallwitz 1 ea; Free - H Moss 3, R Schirmer, J Rosenzweig, H Kirvan 1 ea.
South Gawler 6.3 11.6 15.10 19.10(124) Freeling 0.0 0.0 0.1 1.1(7)
Tanunda Kapunda
Kapunda Tanunda
7.1 17.5 0.1 1.1
26.7 37.8(230) 2.4 2.5(17)
Best: South - B Cheer, T Panagiotou, S Trenorden, S Blundell, B Washington, J Sheridan; Free - N Staehr, L Erskine, C Coleman, S Coulthard, J Brighurst. Goals: South - T Panagiotou 5, B Washington 4, J Martin 3, D Dankiewicz 3, B Cheer, M Warner, S Blundell, J Gattermayr 1 ea; Free D Whimpress 1. 3.5 6.9 9.11 0.0 0.2 1.2
12.15(87) 2.4(16)
Best: Tan - L Wells, L Westhoff, R Bignell, N Schmidt, T Schiller, A Prior; Kap - B Williams, B Taylor, C McKinnon, C Prior, B Valentine, A Turrell. Goals: Tan - S Agars 4, D Hamon 2, R Bignell 2, C Bevan 2, S Rogasch, B Newberry, T Schiller, L Wells, A Prior, L Westhoff 1 ea; Kap - W Farley, J Zanandrea, S Ryan, A Turrell, B Taylor 1 ea.
Best: Tan - P Neldner, R Ferrett, D Goern, S Toole, D Wallace; Kap - S Pratt, S Modra, M Prior, P Tralaggan, M May, S Couch.
Best: Tan - J Marschall, T Goers, D Dutschke, M Fox, B Lockett, A Hutchinson; Kap - J Foster, T Matthews-Brown, J Williams, T McLennan, B Sinclair.
Best: Kap - J Freeman, H Smith, K Brown, Z Merkx, C Shearing; Tan - J Gosden, L Birchard, B Biagi, W Loffler, B Dalby, J McCudden.
Goals: Tan - B Grocke 2, D Wagner 2, D Abinett 1; Kap - C Browne, K Chappell, J Cobbledick, B McWaters 1 ea.
Goals: Tan - T Goers 11, M Fox 5, S Mickan 5, A Hutchinson 4, S Brooks 3, R Owen 2, J Hage 2, E Moore, D Dutschke, R Liddell, D Trotta, W Mudge 1 ea; Kap - L Karpany 1, T Matthews-Brown 1.
Goals: Kap - J Freeman 9, K Muir, S Prior, M Holthouse 1 ea; Tan - S Dunn 1, D Hunt 1.
Nuriootpa 3.8 5.10 8.13 15.18(108) Gawler Central 1.3 6.5 9.8 10.11(71)
Nuriootpa 2.6 6.8 11.13 13.13(91) Gawler Central 1.1 2.1 2.1 5.2(32)
Gawler Central 4.2 7.4 10.5 16.7(103) Nuriootpa 3.1 4.2 6.8 7.11(53)
Nuriootpa 3.5 4.6 6.8 Gawler Central 0.0 0.4 0.4
Best: Nuri - R Byrne, W Nicholls, C Ellison, A Modistach, N Salter; Cent - B Tobitt, P Bova, S Gladigau, T Lamont, J Oxenham, S Souter.
Best: Nuri - D Nietschke, A Hall, B Home, J Weedon, T John, B Lydeamore; Cent - M White, S Dawe, T Hutton, C King, C Koen.
Best: Cent - J Harvey, S Rathman, A Wolters, V Kroon, S Hutchison, M James; Nuri - J Graetz, J Furnell, Z O’Toole, Z Dahms, L Franz, L Booth-Naylor.
Best: Nuri - B Hoepner, W Hayes, S Hahn, R Haynes, S Higgs, J Gaffin; Cent - I McKenzie, B Mason, B Devries, M Stewart, H Schugmann, H Reynolds.
Goals: Nuri - R Byrne 10, A Edwards 3, W Nicholls 1, J Rodda 1; Cent - L Edwards 2, P Bradtke 2, B Hunt, A King, P Bova, T Lamont, B Tobitt, C Hill 1 ea.
Goals: Nuri - T John 3, J Smith 3, J Weedon 3, S Nitschke, L Sich, B Home, T Honner 1 ea; Cent - M Ness 2, N Freeman, D Miller, S Bayliss 1 ea.
Goals: Cent - V Kroon 6, J Needham 2, J Edwards 2, L Neville, K Wurst, A Mahoney, J Fullick, M Knight, J Neat 1 ea; Nuri - Z Dahms 2, J Graetz, S Schrapel, L Franz, T Watson, J Furnell 1 ea.
Goals: Nuri - W Byrum 2, N Lange 2, S Higgs 2, P Gutterson 1, A Laverty 1.
Wednesday, May 9, 2012 - Page 36 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
8.10(58) 0.5(5)
A grade A Gerardis (SG) 5 R Byrne (N) 10 S Agars (T) 4 H Commane (BD) 0 J Zanandrea (K) 1 T Schiller (T) 1 P Bova (GC) 1 R James (BD) 0 B Gordon (W) 5 J Trewren (SG) 3 C Musolino (SG) 3 W Farley (K) 1 B Taylor (K) 1 S Rogasch (T) 1 L Edwards (GC) 2 S Baker (W) 2 Reserves S Carmichael (F) 0 A Parsons (SG) 3 J McVicar (SG) 3 R Kalic (GC) 0 B Barker (SG) 1 S White (W) 1 T John (N) 3 T Carmichael (F) 4 N Pech (A) 4 J Smith (N) 3 D Musolino (SG) 2 C Browne (K) 1 D Abinett (T) 1 J Carter (W) 2 Senior Colts T Goers (T) 11 D Hamon (T) 0 J Edwards (GC) 2 H Moss (F) 3 B Coombs (W) 0 M Fox (T) 5 W Roberts (BD) 0 V Kroon (GC) 6 J Neat (GC) 1 R Head (SG) 0 Junior Colts J Freeman (K) 9 J Martin SG) 3 B Washington (SG) 4 T Panagiotou (SG) 5 N Lange (N) 2 L Cunningham (A) 6 J Taylor (W) 3 D Nangle (BD) 0 D Whimpress (F) 1 S Higgs (N) 2 H Hutton (GC) 0 D Dankiewicz (SG) 3
13 11 10 8 8 7 7 7 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 8 6 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 22 7 7 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 13 11 10 10 9 8 7 7 5 4 4 4
Tanunda in the pink Beware the Lions By ROBERT LAIDLAW
tiger tales THOSE in attendance courtside on Saturday will have enjoyed cheering on the Tiger gals for their third game in what is proving to be a great season already. Our little netta two girls scored their first two goals for the season while our junior two girls scored an amazing 70 goals with the highest winning margin for the day. Senior One was back in the winning circle, while the Twos notched up their third successive win and our ‘Super 7s’ also brought home their first win. Full results with coaches comments are listed below. The Kingsford Hotel club person of the week is awarded to Tracey Patrick. Tracey holds the role of club treasurer and puts in an amazing amount of effort in keeping the club’s finances all reconciled, plus pitches in and helps with anything and everything else that needs doing around the place too thanks Tracey for your endless enthusiasm and assistance. We extend congratulations to the following players on reaching milestone games with the club - 50 junior games to Renee Stewart, Shannen Penna and Annaliese Halliday; 100 junior games to Kate Burnett and Sophie Burnett and 150 junior games to Cody Heath. This week we can all enjoy the weekend off for the whole club bye, after which we’ll all be back as we venture up to Tanunda the following Saturday May 19. A big happy Mother’s Day for Sunday to all our club’s mums.
QUICK: Tanunda’s Dan Sieber prepares to kick before Kapunda’s Luke Foster can lay a tackle. to be trying to be too cute by chipping the ball to areas they would normally avoid. For Kapunda it was once again a case of skill errors which also hurt them heavily in round one against Nuriootpa. The mistakes cost them badly as they kept giving the ball back to a team that doesn’t need help from the opposition to win games. Tanunda’s failure to capitalise in the second term might not seem like much, but to this Magpie team, it will be a reminder that they can get better. Nick Schmidt’s run from half back was pivotal for the Pies, as was the performance of Daniel ‘Bergelicious’ Bergen in the back pocket who played his best game in a while. Bergen’s opponent, key Bomber recruit Freddie Agius failed to have an impact and appears to still be restricted by the hamstring injury that plagued his pre-season. Brad Williams on his wing was named best for the Bombers while captain Brad Taylor was a solid
Diary dates May 19 - Junior disco in clubrooms 7.30pm - 10pm. A ‘lock-in’ event for kids. May 26 - Players’ night “Gender Bender” with DJ till late. June 9 - Long weekend, no local netball - football only, so we’re holding ‘Tiger Gals Netballers Day’ instead. Coming soon - Net-Set-Go for children aged 5-10 - more details next week. Check the website www.gcsc.com.au for all the club news and results. Thanks to our many weekly award supporters for their generosity with the incentive awards provided :Lisa at LKFS Finance, Sportspower, Chemplus Gawler, Wasley’s Hotel, Gawler South Bakery, Fasta Pasta, Eagle Boys Pizza, Video Ezy and Supercuts. Senior One: Gawler Central 53 d Nuriootpa 32. It was great to have Alli back for the first game, defence worked really hard. It was a tough, physical game and good team effort. Congrats to Sophie Havlis on her Senior One debut too. Award recipient: Kelly Rowe. Senior Two: Gawler Central 44 d Nuriootpa 28. Great team effort over four quarters. Awesome defensive pressure by everyone. Very pleasing win. Award: Maddie Bush. Senior Three: Nuriootpa 42 d Gawler Central 37. Scrappy game. Was a good learning experience. Girls were quiet on the court. Award recipient: Renata. Senior Four: Gawler Central 46 d Nuriootpa 29. Some good patches of netball. Think we need to sort out some basics though. Award: Phillipa Coppin. Senior Five: Gawler Central 72 d Nuriootpa 21. Great confidence win girls. Let’s keep working hard. Award
performer in his 100th game for the club. Sam Agars led all scorers with four goals but according to Newberry it could easily have been an 8-10 goal haul. “Our delivery to Sam really wasn’t anywhere near what it should’ve been plus he spent a bit of time in the ruck, the four goals don’t really reflect his effort on the day,” Newberry said. Understandably Kapunda put numbers behind the ball for much of the day to try and stop the bleeding. “We started poorly,” Rodney Brown, Kapunda coach said. “I thought we lacked competitiveness around the ball. “Having said that, our defenders did a good job under pressure. Cam McKinnon at centre half back and Dan Ryan at full back were pretty good on the day. “We need to regroup and get ready for South Gawler next week.” Tanunda’s focus will now be on retaining the George Heath cup in next week’s derby with Nuriootpa.
recipient: Jody Kelsey. Senior Six: Gawler Central 53 d Nuriootpa 23. Awesome win. Sloppy start but pulled it together in the end. Consistent work by Bri was a stand out. Award: Bri Lebusque. Senior Seven: Gawler Central 34 d Nuriootpa 14. So proud of a great win. Well deserved as all girls worked hard. Great to see us really look like a team, well done girls. Award recipient: Maryann Shubin. Intermediate One: Nuriootpa 56 d Gawler Central 35. Girls are starting to work as a team. Attitudes and effort on court showed the girls have been listening and working hard. Award recipient: Chelsea Welsh. Intermediate Two: Gawler Central 44 d Nuriootpa 19. Great effort by the girls. Fought well across the whole court. Award recipient: Emma Hampel. Junior One: Nuriootpa 48 d Gawler Central 41. Outstanding second half girls. Need to settle quickly and the reward will come. Award recipient: Samara Schmid. Junior Two: Gawler Central 70 d Nuriootpa 7. Awesome game girls. Four quarter effort and played the whole game out. Keep it going. Award recipient: Ashlee Heath. Sub Junior One: Gawler Central 38 d Nuriootpa 6. An awesome win. The girls played hard right to the end. Award recipient: Angelina McDonnell. Sub Junior Two: Gawler Central 17 d Nuriootpa 9. Great win girls against a tougher team. We managed to pull it together, staying on our players and getting in front after the first quarter. 100 per cent effort by all. Award recipient: Lilly Jeffries. Sub Junior Three: Gawler
Central 13 d Nuriootpa 11. Another fantastic game by the girls. Building on the work that we are doing at training. Awesome effort girls. Award recipient: Hannah Shubin. Primary One: Gawler Central 5 d Nuriootpa 4. Great team effort by all nine players. Only stepped twice which is a massive improvement. Very happy. Award recipient: Amber Scheer. Primary Two: Gawler Central 15 d Nuriootpa 4. Amazing game by all of the girls. Great effort, they kept fighting the whole way through. Good job. Netta Two: Scored our first two goals. Great effort by all girls. We are learning lots and having fun. Award recipient: Gretal Kemsley.
MOMENTUM is building at South Gawler after the Lions beat Freeling at home on Saturday by 75 points, for the club’s first back-to-back BL&GFA victories since mid-season 2008. And if South can travel to Kapunda and come away with its third consecutive win this Saturday, it will be the first time the Lions have achieved that feat in one season since the last three minor round games of 1998 - before going out of the finals in straight sets. There is something exciting about the 2012 brand Lions, as they seem to have put a cohesive unit on the field, with tough-as-nails defenders and opportunist forwards surrounding an impressive on-ball brigade. On the back of a successful junior program over the past decade, South has been predicted as a big improver over recent years, with that promise starting to pay dividends, complemented by the acquisition of several experienced players. Beware of the Lions in 2012, the mix is now right. Freeling is an accomplished side that should fight it out for a top four berth as the season progresses, which highlights the new-found authority of the South Gawler game plan. As they did the previous week against Willaston, the Lions opening was sparkling against Freeling, with Heath Lawry’s strength in the centre square and booming kicks proving decisive, while spearhead Anton Gerardis was electric with three goals. The home side was irresistible, booting 7-2 in the first quarter, punctuated by the Redlegs’ 2-2, for a 31-point lead. Fired up Freeling coach Mark Tylor laid the ground rules down to his charges at the first break, and demanded his charges aim to be in front by half time. He identified too many individual efforts were costing his side, while they needed to ‘tidy up’ their use of the ball. The response from the Redlegs was admirable, as they became more accountable at the stoppages and worked hard to create scoring opportunities, booting four goals to one to reduce the margin to 16-points at the long break. But the effort proved costly, as the rampant Lions controlled virtually the entire third term, with 12 scoring shots to none, although blotting their copybook slightly with a return of 4-8. A highlight came 15 minutes into the period, when, after five consecutive behinds by South, Chris Musolino collected a loose ball and swung onto his left boot, to kick the goal of the game. The final stanza was similar to the previous quarter, with a dominant
MARK: South’s Jake Spicer takes the ball in front of teammate Brenton Craig and Freeling’s Hayden Robinson. South booting 5-5 to 1-2, to extend its advantage out to 75 points. “In the end the main difference was their superior work rate, as too many waited for others to do it for us,” Freeling coach Mark Tylor said. “Our improvement has to come from within. You can set game plans up, but if you are not willing to pay the price of success - hard work - you will be pushing ‘it’ up hill.” There were winners everywhere for the Lions, with Jacob Ahern out of defence a stand-out over four quarters, while youngster Daniel Golding scouted the packs superbly. Mark Paget won his ruck duel against Freeling’s Rhys Clinton, while Lawry, Musolino, Matt Foldesdy and skipper Aaron Bayliss fueled the engine room with explosive games. Freeling had few consistent fourquarter performers, with tall timber Ben Parish (forward) and Shane Schubert (defence) working hard against the tide, while Darren Francis, although having his hands full with Gerardis, defended gamely. “Our run all day was good, although Freeling had a bit of a purple patch in the second quarter,” South coach Scott Lee said. “We were hard at it but perhaps need to clean up our finishing. It was a good team performance, where everyone contributed.” The Lions travel to Kapunda this week, looking to enhance their finals prospects, while how good Freeling will be this season will be made clearer, when it hosts Angaston.
? D E V R A T S FOOTY After a 16 day break...
Wednesday, May 9, 2012 - Page 37 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
THE toughest assignment in Barossa, Light and Gawler football proved too much for Kapunda on Saturday as Tanunda cruised to an emphatic 64-point home ground victory in their pink ‘Ladies Day’ uniform. For the second week in a row Tanunda used a withering opening term burst of five goals to leave their opponents shellshocked. Leigh Westhoff continued his impressive early season form with an outstanding first half on the wing, regularly driving the ball forward for the Magpies. Tanunda first game player Darcy Hamon was another highlight for the home side finishing with two goals. “I think like most first gamers he found it a bit overwhelming at first,” said Tanunda co-captain Ben Newberry. “But the first time he got knocked over in a contest and got up okay I think that settled his nerves. “He was very good and by the end of the game he was leading up really well in the right areas which can be hard for new players to do with our structure. It was a great introduction to senior footy for him.” Newberry himself returned to the side in a defensive role adding yet more class to what is already the best back six in the league. Luke Wells was the standout for Tanunda, dominating the ruck contests and kicking a goal while resting at full forward. The second quarter saw the game degenerate into a slog as neither team could master the pink Burley football. Tanunda went away from their strengths and at times appeared
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Gawler and Kapunda Sportsperson of the week
Kate Jolly - Tanunda
with Graham Fischer and Mike Teakle
Kate Jolly plays netball for Tanunda. Where have you played your netball? CMS Crows on the Yorke Peninsula and Tanunda.
> Rugby
Who are key players at your club? Nicole Crouch in our attack line and Kate Mader in defence. What is your most important attribute? Voice and reading the play. Who is a character at the club and why? She’s not currently involved due to having a baby, but it would have to be Alisha Swincer. She has the funniest one liners. Who is the best player you have played with and against? I haven’t played a lot of netball, I predominantly played basketball, so I would have to say Naomi Davey (CMS Crows) with, Adele Keleher (Moonta) against. Major influence in your netball: My Mum. She’s over 50 and still playing A grade netball for the CMS Crows. Who are your sporting idols? Don’t really have any but if I had to name someone it would be Mo’onia Gerrard. She plays hard. Any superstitions? No. What event has inspired or amazed you? A 60 Minutes episode in 2009 about a young boy with a serious heart condition. He had the most positive outlook on life. If you were Prime Minister what issue would you address? To fix country roads but leave the speed limit at 110. Pet hates on the netball court? Cracks and negative attitudes.
Favourite actor and movie? Shemar Moore (Derek from Criminal Minds), Bad Boys. If someone had to play you in a movie who would it be? Apparently Dori, the fish in Finding Nemo. Greatest moment and disappointment? Winning the ABL grand final with Sturt in 2006, being named co-captain of the State under 20 basketball team with Erin Phillips and winning gold against NSW. Biggest disappointment was getting knocked out in the first minute and a half of playing in the ABL grand final. How would you spend a million dollars? Buy a beach house and travel. What other sport would you love to be the best in the world at and why? Tennis. They’re amazingly fit, get paid well and playing outdoors would help to brown up my pasty white pins. If you could have any four people stranded on a deserted island with you who would they be and why? Obviously Sam, Toni Martin to cook, Grant Hackett so he can swim for help and Dale (from The Castle) to dig for water.
THE Barossa Rams extended their unbeaten run to three at the weekend with a 23-5 win over Onkaparinga at Ram Park (Lyndoch Oval). Onkas are the team that has most troubled the Rams in recent times so in the context of the season this win was crucial. Rams’ captain James Warner was his usual brilliant best, running over a try, completing one of two conversions and kicking two of his three penalty attempts. Unfortunately, due to a large number of injuries incurred during the previous week’s games the Rams had no choice but to forfeit their fourth grade game. Rams coach Ray Butler is confident that numbers will improve
in coming weeks but opportunities still exist for people who want to get involved.
> BL&G WITH most clubs in the BL&G leaning towards the traditional choice of appointing local players as captain GT Sports thought it was time to pay tribute to a player who has embraced and been embraced by his adopted club. Captaining the Bombers for the past couple of seasons, Brad ‘Chuck’ Taylor, who arrived at the club as a 19 year old from BMW in the Northern areas league joined the 100 game club in Kapunda’s loss to Tanunda on Saturday. Chuck’s nickname is in honour of the legendary Converse Chuck Taylor All-Star basketball shoes.
> Netball THERE is no doubting Alli King’s love of netball. The Gawler Central
star was back playing on Saturday after giving birth to her second son Will in late March.
> SANFL FOOTBALL royalty is coming to Central District. Fans of all clubs should be lining up to listen to Kevin Sheedy when he appears in the Holden room on Friday June 8. A cost of $69-per head includes a two-and-ahalf hour beverage package accompanying a two-course lunch. Bookings are essential - ring the club on 8255 2555 to book your table. Seats are limited so get in quick. Proudly brought to you by: BAROSSA
33 Railway Tce, Nuriootpa
8562 4881
Using soft plastics
Relationship and employment status: In a relationship with Sam Agars, primary school teacher.
“It’s been a great move for me,”Taylor said. “The Barossa is a really good league to play in. I love the total club atmosphere at Kapunda where you have all the grades plus netball played at the same ground. “Being made captain of Kapunda was definitely an honour. I think it really helped me grow as a player because I can’t just think about myself, I have a responsibility to every player.” Having developed into one of the most dangerous players in the league we can expect Chuck to continue having an impact at ‘the Hangar’ for years to come.
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9 WE
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14 MO
SOFT LANDING: A plastic-caught redfin.
0023 0557 1115 1756
0.42 1.70 0.67 2.68
0047 0617 1135 1821
0.53 1.67 0.67 2.59
0104 0637 1158 1845
0.63 1.69 0.68 2.47
0120 0702 1229 1912
0.69 1.73 0.73 2.33
0142 0739 1308 1944
0.73 1.74 0.87 2.12
0217 0835 1359 2027
0.82 1.69 1.11 1.84
14 MO
MAY 2012
9 WE
0225 0645 0904 1819
0.49 0.62 0.61 1.86
0338 1847
0.56 1.79
0433 1916
0.60 1.67
0504 1945
0.64 1.53
0527 2004
0.67 1.37
0546 1923
0.71 1.22
0605 0.75 0317 0.99 1545 1.25 1040 1.63 1633 1.38 TU 2238 1.53 *Please note - Add 1 hour for daylight savings ‘Tidal predictions supplied by the National Tide Facility. The Flinders University of South Australia, Copyright Reserved’
15 TU
Wednesday, May 9, 2012 - Page 38 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
By LUBIN PFEIFFER SOFT plastics are a gun lure for use in South Australian waters. With the Murray currently in flood many local anglers are turning to the dams and creeks throughout the Barossa and surrounding districts in search of a fish. And soft plastics are a great choice of lure for targeting these. Soft plastics are not species specific and will therefore catch a wide variety of fish including redfin, golden perch, brown and rainbow trout, and smaller cod to name just but a few. Sizes and styles of plastics available at the tackle shops are endless so it pays to know which ones are for what style of fishing when you’re purchasing. For the local freshwater fishing I like to use plastics in the 50-70mm size
bracket, these could be wrigglers, stick bait or shad style. Match them to a jig head that has the appropriate hook size and head weight for your area; you may need lighter heads in smaller creeks or heavier heads in larger dams where you want to cover a bit more water with longer casts. An important thing to remember is that you want the hook point nice and exposed for when the fish decides to grab it. Standard retrieves would include the ever reliable jig jig while lifting the rod tip and then allowing the lure to sink again, repeat this until the plastic is by your feet. Or a steady constant retrieve with a medium wind speed. Change your retrieves until you find what is working best on the day. Tight lines until next week.
Senior One Willaston Kapunda Gawler Central South Gawler Angaston Freeling Tanunda Nuriootpa Barossa District Senior Two Gawler Central Willaston Kapunda Freeling South Gawler Angaston Tanunda Nuriootpa Barossa District Senior Three South Gawler Nuriootpa Gawler Central Willaston Angaston Tanunda Kapunda Freeling Barossa District Senior Four South Gawler Gawler Central Tanunda Angaston Nuriootpa Willaston Freeling Kapunda Barossa District Senior Five Willaston Gawler Central South Gawler Tanunda Angaston Freeling Kapunda Nuriootpa Barossa District Senior Six Gawler Central Willaston Angaston South Gawler Nuriootpa Freeling Tanunda Barossa District Kapunda Senior Seven Freeling Angaston Willaston Gawler Central South Gawler Barossa District Nuriootpa Intermediate One Willaston Freeling Nuriootpa Kapunda South Gawler Barossa District Gawler Central Angaston Tanunda Intermediate Two South Gawler Kapunda Willaston Gawler Central Freeling Angaston Tanunda Barossa District Nuriootpa Junior One Willaston Nuriootpa South Gawler Tanunda Angaston Gawler Central Freeling Kapunda Barossa District Junior Two Willaston Gawler Central South Gawler Tanunda Angaston Freeling Barossa District Nuriootpa Sub Junior One Gawler Central Angaston Freeling Kapunda Barossa District Willaston Tanunda Nuriootpa South Gawler Sub Junior Two Gawler Central Angaston Willaston Tanunda Barossa District Kapunda Nuriootpa South Gawler Freeling Sub Junior Three Gawler Central Nuriootpa Barossa District Angaston Kapunda
Pts 6 6 4 4 2 2 0 0 0 Pts 6 6 4 4 2 2 0 0 0 Pts 5 4 4 4 2 2 2 1 0 Pts 6 6 6 4 2 0 0 0 0 Pts 6 4 4 4 2 2 2 0 0 Pts 6 4 4 4 2 2 2 0 0 Pts 4 3 3 2 2 0 0 Pts 6 5 4 4 3 2 0 0 0 Pts 6 6 4 4 2 2 0 0 0 Pts 6 4 4 4 2 2 2 0 0 Pts 6 4 4 2 2 0 0 0 Pts 6 4 4 4 2 2 2 0 0 Pts 6 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 0 Pts 4 2 2 0 0
For 193 154 167 161 84 117 113 71 64 For 130 153 131 107 126 91 116 55 57 For 138 105 158 149 85 84 77 79 50 For 176 163 134 87 72 107 88 82 54 For 147 176 139 127 110 117 90 54 40 For 144 165 121 117 76 99 70 51 47 For 70 83 82 47 109 72 14 For 142 136 105 138 115 75 98 49 75 For 161 146 144 142 121 65 67 38 34 For 133 109 120 114 96 146 86 74 38 For 152 129 129 73 66 48 33 7 For 93 85 88 59 46 34 30 17 5 For 59 69 66 50 35 45 29 39 9 For 37 44 9 4 13
Agst 121 133 123 119 105 160 160 106 97 Agst 97 127 113 112 112 83 139 89 94 Agst 103 51 82 111 82 116 161 126 93 Agst 87 81 90 68 77 149 156 147 105 Agst 99 96 94 110 78 142 146 109 126 Agst 52 80 63 121 68 127 134 117 128 Agst 48 70 70 45 123 87 34 Agst 64 90 69 119 99 78 164 98 152 Agst 73 70 82 103 147 87 151 107 98 Agst 85 63 70 84 79 124 106 196 109 Agst 61 11 72 76 81 155 111 70 Agst 26 11 36 50 43 57 64 62 108 Agst 24 27 69 40 35 54 35 55 62 Agst 14 17 4 9 277
% 61.46 53.66 57.59 57.50 44.44 42.24 41.39 40.11 39.75 % 57.27 54.64 53.69 48.86 52.94 52.30 45.49 38.19 37.75 % 57.26 67.31 65.83 57.31 50.90 42.00 32.35 38.54 34.97 % 66.92 66.80 59.82 56.13 48.32 41.80 36.07 35.81 33.96 % 59.76 64.71 59.66 53.59 58.51 45.17 38.14 33.13 24.10 % 73.47 67.35 65.76 49.16 52.78 43.81 34.31 30.36 26.86 % 59.32 54.25 53.95 51.09 46.98 45.28 29.17 % 68.93 60.18 60.34 53.70 53.74 49.02 37.40 33.33 33.04 % 68.80 67.59 63.72 57.96 45.15 42.76 30.73 26.21 25.76 % 61.01 63.37 63.16 57.58 54.86 54.07 44.79 27.41 25.85 % 71.36 92.14 64.18 48.99 44.90 23.65 22.92 9.09 % 78.15 88.54 70.97 54.13 51.69 37.36 31.91 21.52 4.42 % 71.08 71.88 48.89 55.56 50.00 45.45 45.31 41.49 12.68 % 72.55 72.13 69.23 30.77 4.48
Barossa, Light and Gawler Netball Association results from Round 3, May 5.
Kapunda in a thriller
Senior One: Willaston 74 d Angaston 42; South Gawler 58 d Freeling 34; Kapunda 52 d Tanunda 49; Gawler Central 53 d Nuriootpa 32.
Kapunda 52 Tanunda 49
Senior Two: Willaston 52 d Angaston 47; Freeling 38 d South Gawler 36; Kapunda 49 d Tanunda 44; Gawler Central 44 d Nuriootpa 28. Senior Three: Willaston 58 d Angaston 41; South Gawler 37 drew with Freeling 37; Kapunda 33 d Tanunda 31; Nuriootpa 42 d Gawler Central 37. Senior Four: Angaston 45 d Willaston 40; South Gawler 53 d Freeling 30; Tanunda 45 d Kapunda 28; Gawler Central 46 d Nuriootpa 29. Senior Five: Willaston 55 d Angaston 41; South Gawler 54 d Freeling 34; Tanunda 52 d Kapunda 26; Gawler Central 72 d Nuriootpa 21. Senior Six: Angaston 54 d Willaston 45; South Gawler 49 d Freeling 37; Tanunda 27 d Kapunda 25; Gawler Central 53 d Nuriootpa 23. Senior Seven: Angaston 35 drew with Willaston 35; Freeling 39 d South Gawler 35; Gawler Central 34 d Nuriootpa 14. Intermediate One: Willaston 50 d Angaston 24; South Gawler 34 drew with Freeling 34; Kapunda 50 d Tanunda 32; Nuriootpa 56 d Gawler Central 35. Intermediate Two: Willaston 61 d Angaston 25; South Gawler 47 d Freeling 30; Kapunda 49 d Tanunda 25; Gawler Central 44 d Nuriootpa 19.
Willaston 74 Angaston 42
Junior One: Willaston 60 d Angaston 37; South Gawler 39 d Freeling 15; Tanunda 66 d Kapunda 21; Nuriootpa 48 d Gawler Central 41. Junior Two: Willaston 61 d Angaston 16; South Gawler 43 d Freeling 22; Gawler Central 70 d Nuriootpa 7. Sub Junior One: Angaston 42 d Willaston 4; Freeling 49 d South Gawler 1; Kapunda 25 d Tanunda 12; Gawler Central 38 d Nuriootpa 6. Sub Junior Two: Angaston 41 d Willaston 18; South Gawler 20 d Freeling 5; Kapunda 16 d Tanunda 13; Gawler Central 17 d Nuriootpa 9. Sub Junior Three: Tanunda 20 d Kapunda 6; Gawler Central 13 d Nuriootpa 11.
TANUNDA looked set to produce the upset result of the season when they led Kapunda by seven goals at threequarter time but the renowned Bomber spirit came to the fore and they ended up three-goal winners. Kapunda coach Paul McGrath said Tanunda possibly deserved to win. “While ladder positions suggested a comfortable win to us, someone forgot to tell the Tanunda girls, who matched us early, grew in confidence and outplayed us for three quarters,” Paul said. “We missed Hannah’s height at goal keeper but our defensive end was good again and worked overtime to create additional opportunities, but we lacked intensity across the whole court and failed to capitalise at our goal end. “To the girls’ credit when faced with a seven-goal deficit at three-quarter time (35 - 42) they acknowledged what had to be done, forgot the first three quarters and executed a remarkable turnaround, scoring 17 to 7. “We played our brand of instinctive netball with run, drive and voice which created pressure, causing turnovers, giving us more ball and our shots, including some long bombs from Candy (Zivic) dropped, lifting us on to do more of the same, which then provided scoreboard pressure. “Congratulations to Tanunda on their ‘pink day’ raising funds for a great cause and if they continue to play Saturday’s netball, other teams need to take note.” Stacey Burgess was Kapunda’s best leading from the front with her reading of the play and provided great on court leadership. Penny Chappell had a tough opponent and while not getting the usual intercepts and touches, finished with greater intensity when it counted. Lana Bagshaw provided a focal point up front. Tanunda coach Maria Fraser said the game had been played at a high standard with fast direct plays and there were encouraging signs with the effective ball movement. “The team functioned well with Kate Jolly working hard in the centre, linking up with Nicole Crouch at wing attack and Bec Trewel at goal shooter was finishing off the work with a good conversion rate,” Maria said. “Our defence did a great job with the applied pressure being a big contributor to getting us into a winning position. The entire team played well. “It was disappointing not to clinch the victory after leading at all breaks and being in a such a strong position at three-quarter time. A few costly turnovers and mistakes early in the last quarter saw the momentum shift and Kapunda showed why they are rated as a good team. On the positive side, strong belief in our unit was generated by producing a solid team performance. “We now have to maintain where we are and continue to improve so that victories against the strong clubs is always an achievable outcome.” Best were Kate Jolly, Bec Trewel and Nicole Crouch. WILLASTON continued on their winning ways with a comfortable win over Angaston. Michael Sobieray, Willaston’s assistant coach was in charge on Saturday with Mel Tump required in Adelaide and was pleased with the victory. “After last week’s narrow win over South we noticed a high turnover rate and difficulty clearing from the defence end,” Michael said. “We concentrated on this at training and the end result was a dynamic first half. “The game was played with control and precision with our goalies both in the high 80s shooting percentage. “Angaston never backed down which forced a lot of turnovers in the second half, but to our girls’ credit they kept the foot down and finished with a substantial win.” Standouts again were Lisa Wilson, ‘the shooting machine’ followed closely by Jess Wilson who controlled the flow into the circle exceptionally well. Angaston coach Chelsea Duval knew early on Saturday it was not to be her day. “We had players late for different reasons then goal shooter Kelly Tattoli tore her achilles in the first five minutes and Bec Roesler had to come on after having played a full game in the 2s,” Chelsea said. “Unfortunately our defensive pressure against such an experienced side as Willaston wasn’t good enough and we were down 9-23 at quarter-time. “To the girls’ credit, they won the second quarter 19-17 and showed they could lift but it was short-lived. Best were Kim Seelander, Katie Gloede and Bec Roesler.
ACROBATIC: Angaston’s Tamara Halliday goes around the post trying to keep the ball in play.
South Gawler 58 Freeling 34 SOUTH Gawler bounced back from the loss to Willaston with a predictable 24-goal win over Freeling. Coach Lynette Hutton said it had been a good game. “The girls got off to a good start and slowly built a lead each quarter,” Lynette said. “We didn’t carry that into the last quarter and Freeling were able to outscore us in that term. “Our defenders worked tirelessly once again and our forward line clicked very well and were very consistent. “Well done to Paula (Dean) for stepping into the centre.” Freeling coach Lynette Carmichael said it was “not such a good day on the park for us.” “South took the lead in the first quarter and never looked back,” Lynette said. “We didn’t cope well with the full court defensive pressure and began to doubt our decision making. “Our defence lines was caught flat footed on a number of occasions as South moved the ball down the court with speed due to a lack of pressure and made us pay - there were no second chances as South only missed a handful of shots for the match. “I swapped Ash Heinrich (centre) and Katie Clark (wing attack) at half-time and this helped the flow of the ball but the South circle defenders limited our opportunities. The last quarter was more positive as we outscored South to prove to ourselves that when we play smarter and more cohesively we can match it with the benchmarks - now to work on four quarters of this.” Freeling’s best was Katie Clark.
Gawler Central 53 Nuriootpa 32 A DOMINANT 11-4 first quarter set Gawler Central on the path to an easy 21-goal win over Nuriootpa. The game also marked the return to the court of Central’s Allison King for her first game of the season. Assistant coach Katie Ward was delighted with the win. “Early our defensive pressure was brilliant which gave the goalies the chance to give us a lead,” Katie said. “It was great to have Alli back and she played the first quarter before heading to the bench. “Our third quarter was our best and made sure we could cruise home in the last.” Wing defence Kelly Rowe was named Central’s best while circle defenders Sallyann Vivian and Brittany Waddington also had excellent games. Nuriootpa coach Robyn March said she believed Gawler Central was a challenging location for away teams. “It is a definite home team advantage,” Robyn said. “We started a little tentative this week and Central was always going to come out strong off a loss to Kapunda. Our defence line stood strong and our midcourters worked hard to deliver, but unfortunately, we weren’t able to capitalise on those intercepts. “With limited bench flexibility due to unavailable players, resulted in having to play players out of position, and of course quality sides will always capitalise on such events. “The girls held strong and fought back in the last quarter, once again winning the last quarter, a great fighting effort, but a little too late.” Best were Jodie Kurtz, Lizzie Cane and Lana Kaesler.
Barossa, Light and Gawler Association netball media awards Herald Club of the Year Votes for round 3 of the Barossa, Light and Gawler Netball Association 2012 season, the Herald Netball Club of the Year Award. Gawler Central 22; South Gawler 18; Willaston 17; Kapunda 14; Tanunda 10; Angaston 9; Freeling 8; Nuriootpa 6; Barossa District had the bye.
Nick Hambour Window Fashions Senior One
Tanunda Cellars Senior Two
Barossa Sportspower
Terry White Chemists
Intermediate One
Junior One
3: Jess Schirmer (F); Tamara Rowe (A); Jess Wilson (W).
3: Kirsten Muster (F); Maddison Kalleske (A); Jess Earle (W).
3: Louise Cummings (F); Zoe Vanstone (BD); Meara Girvan (W).
3: Maddie Maitland (T); Ebony Peel (A); Debra Petty (W).
3: Gabrial Millar (F); Mikayla Blenkiron (A); Katelen Frederick (W).
2: Nicole Crouch (T); Stacey Nelson (BD); Anna Dunn (SG).
2: Megan Samain (T); Rebecca Roesler (A); Rebecca Pierotti (W).
2: Brittany Modra (F); Kerry Mahony (BD); Kelly Dowden (SG).
2: Emma Hartnett (F); Eden Lowke (A); Lauren Haines (SG).
2: Tayla Meaney (F); Kelsey Miller (A); Beth Rodgers (SG).
1: Katie Clark (F); Katie Gloede (A); Bronwyn Heap (W).
1: Amanda Carmichael (F); Thea Duckworth (A); Sam Glenn (SG).
1: Emily Bert (T); Rebekah Dettloff (A); Jamee Seccafien (W).
1: Alex Hamlyn (F); Brittany Hoflehner (BD); Abeny Kuol (W).
1: Shanaya Sparrow (F); Hayley Carter (A); Kaitlin Viceban (W).
Wednesday, May 9, 2012 - Page 39 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Gawler Cinemas Sub Junior One
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WILLASTON cast aside the angst of back-to-back losses to deliver a 71-point annihilation of an undermanned Angaston on Saturday. After an inauspicious start to season 2012 the Donnybrooks have been the focus of much speculation, their round three clash at Angaston provided the team with an opportunity to silence a few of the critics. In perfect football conditions Willaston started with a bang, kicking five goals to one in the first term and completely dominated the play. They owned the stoppages due to their superior size in ruck and their elite on-ball division with Jarrad McDonald, Shaun Baker, Sam Walton and Joel Campbell running rampant. In fairness, Angaston wasn’t helped by the absence of gun recruit Mark Ruwoldt due to a knee complaint. But for Willaston the absence of full forward Jamie Williams (calf injury) didn’t slow them at all, it actually seemed to be a positive that allowed new recruit Ben Gordon (five goals on the day) more space to work in. Willaston captain Sam Walton spoke about what he felt was unfair criticism of his team’s new recruits. “They’ve had a lot said about them after the two losses, in
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particular Benny so it was great for him to get hold of the ball a few times and finish off the way we know he can,” Walton said. As much as Willaston would’ve adhered to the old cliché of ‘just being happy to get a win’ it was clear that the team intended to make a statement with the way they played. “Justin (coach Justin Irving) put it to us that there were a few guys down on form and today was the day to do something about that,” Walton said. “We moved Joel (Campbell) to half back just to find a bit of the footy as that’s where he played most of his footy at North Adelaide.” A much better showing from Angaston in the second quarter saw them outscore the Donnybrooks two goals to one thanks largely to the efforts of Brandon Kurtz and Phil Bennett in defence providing the rebound that allowed Luke Snowden and Jarred Rathjen to slot goals and claw the deficit back to 20 points at half time. However, it was clear that Willaston still held the momentum and Angaston would need to open the second half with a couple of quick goals to force a real contest. Two things happened early in the third to thwart the home side. First, Baker kicked the first goal of the second half, then moments later as Angaston pushed forward trying to reply;
OUT OF MY WAY: Willaston’s Shaun Baker has a determined look as he prepares to drive his side into attack. Angaston’s Phil Bennett is getting ready to stop him.
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key forward Brad Sugars was the victim of ‘friendly fire’ as Beau Byster’s knee collected the back of Sugars’ head forcing him to leave the field in a fountain of blood that required five stitches to repair. After the fortnight they had just endured, Willaston were never going to ease off with their opponent clinging to the ropes and drove home the next four goals with only Jack Miles’ late goal giving the home crowd reason to cheer. With the margin ballooning to 58 points at the final break it was party time for the Donnybrooks in the final term as they again piled on five goals to one to complete a truly cathartic victory and a much needed one ahead of next week’s highly anticipated clash with Barossa District, the first between the two clubs since last year’s first semi-final which saw the Bulldogs eliminated in bizarre fashion in the 19th man fiasco. For Angaston, they have little time to ponder the past right now. Coach Craig Hadden must work out how to get his team firing for a game at Freeling. “It definitely wasn’t our best day but our focus has now shifted to getting a win at Freeling,” Hadden said. “Our reserves had a really good win last week so I believe our depth is pretty good and we’ll be competitive with the Redlegs at their ground.”
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Wednesday, May 9, 2012 - Page 40 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Willaston rebound with annihilation