November 16th Edition

Page 1

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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

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48 pages

Map’s makeover

KAPUNDA’S famous Map the Miner statue has dug into his closet and pulled out some festive attire for Christmas. The Kapunda Christmas Street Party (KCSP) committee has organised for Map to wear a custommade red and white Christmas hat and carry an oversized Santa sack. • Continued on page 3



TOO BIG: Chloe McWaters and Riley Menzel try on Map’s new hat.


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Festive lights switched on for Christmas

The Herald is pleased to spread the magic of the festive season with the announcement of a Christmas lights competition. Cash prizes of $250 will be on offer for the houses judged to be the most impressive. Because the Herald’s circulation area is so wide we have divided the competition into two separate areas. There will be one prize for houses in the Barossa and Light region and another for Gawler and surrounding areas. So set up your Christmas light display then register your house by sending an email to with details of your name, street address and a contact phone number. Judges will be touring around regularly to inspect registered entries and the winners will be announced in our December 21 edition. Herald readers will also be able to win prizes. For more information read the November 30 edition.


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Wednesday, November 16, 2011 - Page 2 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Kapunda dresses up for the festive season • Continued from P1

PLANS to develop a new discount chemist in Gawler may be deleted following changes to location rules. Chemist Warehouse group commercial manager Damian Gance said, although Gawler was on a list of planned future sites for Australia’s largest chemist retail chain, it was now unlikely the new store would go ahead. Changes to the Location Rules, which govern where pharmacies can be located, were agreed to in a series of meetings between the Pharmacy Guild and the

Commonwealth Health Department earlier this year. Under the new rules, pharmacy owners will have to wait for a medical centre and a supermarket to be opened before they can establish a new pharmacy. According to a spokesperson for the Minister for Health and Ageing Nicola Roxon, concerns were raised that the old rules led to pharmacies closing down in regional areas and new pharmacies setting up shop in industrial areas instead of closer to people’s homes. “We don’t apologise for changing these rules that will make it easier and cheaper to set up new pharmacies where there is a genuine need,” the spokesperson said.


EXCITED: Kapunda children are keen to see Map the Miner with his new hat and Santa sack. “We have the ever popular Yellow Brick Road for the kids, chalk street art, Old McDonald’s Farm, Animals Anonymous, the GymBus, mini golf, face painting, camel rides, games, plenty of stalls, hot food, live entertainment, nativity parade and of course our old time favourite, Santa, and much more,” she said. For more information or to get involved, contact the KCSP on 8566 3965 or at




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THE promotion aims to bring more festive spirit to the town ahead of the Kapunda Christmas Street Party (KSCP) to be held on December 16. Linda Smith, chairperson of the KCSP committee, said the group had put plenty of thought into how they could make Kapunda more festive in the lead up to the street party. “We figured Sydney has the Sydney Harbour Bridge to bring in the spirit of Christmas to Sydney, so why not have Map the Miner do the same for Kapunda?” she said. “In true community spirit our helpful local Metropolitan Fire Service team measured the circumference of Map’s head in preparation for his Christmas outfit.” A Kapunda dressmaker has finished making the giant Christmas hat and a giant present sack ready to be put on the statue. This honour of fitting Map is expected to be carried out by the MFS on Monday, November 21. “Map is a true icon of Kapunda so what better way to welcome everyone entering the Kapunda township with the spirit of Christmas than with our own jolly man – Map,” said Ms Smith. The Kapunda Christmas Street Party has been held since 1980 and organisers are expecting another fun-filled program for this year’s event, to be held on Friday, December 16 at 5.30pm in Kapunda’s main street. Ms Smith said the free event would be fun for everyone.

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Wednesday, November 16, 2011 - Page 3 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


Go UGLY for a good cause IT takes a brave person to admit they are UGLY. Not that they necessarily believe they are unattractive, but they have taken the challenge to raise funds for the Leukaemia Foundation. UGLY (Understanding, Generous, Likeable, You) is running throughout November where bartenders from across Australia organise events and take donations from customers to raise money to fund blood cancer research and patient care. Brave is a word that certainly describes Lee Ratcliffe from the Overway Hotel in Gawler. While he raised more than $5500 last year through numerous events and special occasions, this year he has put himself up for sale – literally. Lee has offered his services for eight hours to the highest bidder and he fears his friends may have some sinister plans if they find themselves successful. “My mates are quite keen to get me digging out their gutters and I’m probably thinking cleaning their septic or something feral,” he said. “I just based it on the ‘World’s Most Horrendous

Jobs’ on Foxtel. I looked at that and thought ‘I reckon I could get through most of those’. “There are a few ladies who said they would get me in a little pinny (apron) doing their housework and I told them ‘I can’t stipulate what you can and can’t get me doing, as long as you are coughing up the coin, I will do it’.” Lee, who is aiming to raise $500 through the auction, said he had also been touched by the effects of cancer recently. “I have lost friends to it and I lost my best friend’s wife to cervical cancer a couple weeks ago and they are all a form of cancer so I am most definitely (touched by it),” he said. Other bartenders in Gawler who have taken the UGLY challenge are Adrian Armstrong from the Prince Albert Hotel, Dave Ireland from the Exchange, Steven Sallai from the Bushman Hotel. In the Barossa Valley, Kiara Keyzer from Sandy Creek Hotel, Shaun Redden from Tanunda Hotel and Lisa Dowling from Angaston Hotel are also taking part in UGLY.

Urban development talks A BAROSSA delegation met with Minister for Urban Development and Planning yesterday (Tuesday) afternoon to discuss the legislation to protect the region from urban sprawl. The meeting, which was initiated by the Barossa council, involved both the Barossa and Light Regional councils and Member for Schubert Ivan Venning, and was a chance for the group to outline their concerns over the draft bill of the legislation A spokesperson from Minister John Rau’s office said the meeting was to clarify the

WORRIED: Lee Ratcliffe is auctioning off eight hours of his time to the highest bidder to raise funds for UGLY.

WHAT’S COMING UP WITH DAY TRIPS - Saturday 19th November - Balaklava Christmas Fair - Wednesday 7th December - Cherries and Robern Menz - Thursday 15th December - Lobethal Lights - Sunday 1st January 2012 - New Years Day Balhannah Hotel - Wednesday 1st February - Mystery Trip. A day with a difference. - Wednesday 22nd February - Cummins House & Fresh Choice Restaurant

reasons behind the protection legislation and to listen to any issues. According to Barossa Council chief executive officer David Morcom, the minister’s office is aware that the Barossa Council fully supports the intent of the protection legislation - that is to prevent urban encroachment and inappropriate industrial development in areas of high agricultural, cultural and tourism value. “We have been very active in voicing our concerns to the minister’s office. Council has committed that we will work in close

partnership with the minister’s staff to ‘get the bill right’, so it offers protection but at the same time does not put out a ‘closed for business’ sign to potential investors and businesses,” Mr Morcom said. “Economic times are tough and council wants to ensure we get the balance right.” He hoped the meeting would also involve mapping a path “where we can improve the outcomes of both the bill and the interim development plan amendment”. The meeting occurred after the Herald went to print.


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Wednesday, November 16, 2011 - Page 4 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Piccolo promoted

In brief... A NURIOOTPA company is in the running for a national business award. Tarac Technologies is one of three finalists for the Environment and Energy Management Award through the NAB Agribusines Awards for Excellence 2011.

The awards are run by Monash University Gippsland in association with NAB Agribusiness, and recognise the achievements of individuals and businesses in key agribusiness areas. Tarac Techonologies treats and disposes of solid and liquid winemaking residuals to produce other products, overall reducing the amount of waste produced through winemaking. Award winners will be announced in Melbourne on December 1.

WOOD HEATER SALE ONE DAY ONLY! UP TO 45% OFF CHAIR SEAT: Member for light Tony Piccolo in the Chair’s seat in the House of Assembly with (left) Clerk of the House of Assembly, Malcolm Lehman and Deputy Clerk, Rick Crump. MEMBER for Light Tony Piccolo has been promoted to deputy speaker of the House of Assembly. It was a tough first couple of days in the new role, as Parliament sat until midnight and almost 1am on Tuesday and Wednesday last week. Mr Piccolo was elected to the position on Tuesday, November 8 and was required to begin his new duties just minutes after his election. The position of deputy speaker was vacated by Chloe Fox, who has been appointed Minister for transport Services, while Mr Piccolo’s previous

position as Parliamentary Secretary to the Premier will be filled by Lisa Vlahos. His new role will see him fill in for the Speaker when she is unavailable and also chair the House of Assembly when it sits as a ‘committee of the whole’ to consider Bills in detail. Mr Piccolo said his new role would give him greater responsibility in respect to the passage of Bills through Parliament, but also that he will continue with projects he had started while in his previous position of Parliamentary Secretary.

Shine a Light on planning LIGHT Regional Council has received an award for the process involved with the design of the Roseworthy Garden Town project. The honour was given in recognition of the unique arrangements during the design process including probity, critique assessment and community engagement. Titled ‘Shining a Light on Planning’ the Australian Civic Trust described the process as

“unprecedented in South Australia” as it “provides the opportunity to decide and proceed in contrast to the many previous processes, often characterised as announce and defend”. Council chief executive officer Brian Carr accepted the award from the Australian Civic Trust, which was presented by Independent Member of Parliament Dr Bob Such at Parliament House on November 10.


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Wednesday, November 16, 2011 - Page 5 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Community opportunity PROJECTS to support the community will benefit from millions of dollars through the Regional Development Australia Fund. There’s $200million available for round two for communities at Elizabeth, Gawler and Barossa and up to the Mid North. Overall, $150million was allocated in round one for 35 projects and that’s why the available funding for round two has been increased to $200million.

During round one of the fund, $4.8million went to a bike path to be established from Gawler to Tanunda. Member for Wakefield Nick Champion said, “The announcement of $200 million for round two funding is great news for our community and provides an opportunity to access funding for important projects”. “These projects are successful when all three levels of government work together in a partnership to achieve a

common goal to improve our community and make sure everyone shares in our economic prosperity,” Mr Champion said. The RDAF application process has also been revised to give RDA committees a greater role and will ensure that local expertise is applied in prioritising each region’s projects. Round two guidelines and fact sheets can be found at programs on the internet.

ON THE JACK: Jack and Brodie relive the Sydney tournament with a quick game of boccia after school.

Boccia boys have a blast TANUNDA Primary School students Jack Braunack and Brodie Healy are leading the way in the sport of boccia. The pair recently competed in Sydney for the New South Wales junior titles, which are also considered as national titles. A mix of petanque and lawn bowls, the aim of boccia is to roll coloured leather balls as close as possible to a white target ball. The balls can be rolled with the hands or feet, or if the competitor’s disability is severe, even with an assistive device such as a ramp, making the sport available for everyone. Jack, eight, and Brodie, 10, were both discovered to have a talent for the game at a Boccia Schools Day, just six months ago. The boys were among the youngest players at the Sydney tournament, but still achieved excellent results, both finishing in the top six. “We both did really well,” said Brodie. Boccia is normally a team sport, but for the titles, each player was considered on their own results. While the pair said they both enjoyed the tournament, they loved the experience and are already looking forward to upcoming boccia

camps at the start of next year. “It was awesome,” said Jack. The pair has also won a best and fairest at a combined schools competition, where they won a boccia set for their school. SA development co-ordinator for the Australian Paralympic Committee, Cathy Lambert, said Jack and Brodie had a bright future in boccia, especially if they could practice more regularly. “They have got a really good sporting brain and as young as they are, they understand strategy, they understand tactics and ballplacement, which is phenomenal for their age and they can only improve on that,” she said. “The fact they have already got what would make a good boccia player is quite exciting.” Ms Lambert said boccia was a sport anyone could get involved in. “There are so many other kids in the Barossa that would be eligible to play boccia, I really would love to see us develop a club in the Barossa…that way it would help these boys have regular play, but there are also so many opportunities for other kids.” Anyone interested in trying boccia can call Cathy Lambert on 0419 729 600.


To reduce road trauma and help you get home safely, we’ve reduced the speed limit on more rural roads.* Look out for changed road signs on rural roads within approximately 100 km of Adelaide and on the Yorke Peninsula. Remember, 100 km/h is the default speed limit on rural roads unless otherwise signed. *excluding national highways and freeways. Wednesday, November 16, 2011 - Page 6 - The Herald, Barossa Valley



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Wednesday, November 16, 2011 - Page 7 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Barossa remembers

ABOVE: Tanunda Lutheran School students lay a wreath at the Tanunda Gardens of Remembrance on Friday. BELOW: Crosses were placed to honour those involved in war.

Nuriootpa High School community joined to pay their respects.

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Wednesday, November 16, 2011 - Page 8 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

19 Carrington St, Kapunda

A path where friends meet WITH wine in hand, the organisers behind the Para Road Wine Path happily chatted about their long association under the old fig tree at Langmeil Winery on Friday. And it’s this camaraderie that gives Barossa wineries Langmeil, Peter Lehmann, Richmond Grove and Lambert Estate a good reputation for providing a popular family-friendly event for the past 16 years. This Sunday the annual event kicks off and the crew has brought back the horse-drawn carriage for people to travel between Langmeil, Peter Lehmann and Richmond Grove between 1pm and 4pm. They have recruited the services of Robert McDonald from Barossa Carriages to take on the job, and following the wine event Robert will also provide rides back to Tanunda for a fee. Those who prefer the exercise, the path between the wineries located near the Para River, offers walkers spectacular views of old vineyards, heritage buildings, lush lawns and stunning gums. The Para Road Wine Path works by allowing the public to move at their leisure between four neighbouring wineries to enjoy wines, including newly released vintages, a selection of foods, musical entertainment and activities for children. • At Lambert Estate the public can tuck into Vietnamese salad with chicken and king prawns with music by Release the Hounds. • Richmond Grove offers roasted suckling pig with a Greek salad and ciabatta roll and house made lamb burgers with salad on a Turkish roll

designs to suit your


think BGi for your next project! CHEERS: Para Road Wine Path organisers (from left) Natalie Allen, Peter Lehmann; Kirk, Jim and Pam Lambert, Lambert Estate; Paul Gaston, Richmond Grove; Linda Parbs, Peter Lehmann and Amy Heinicke, Langmeil. with sounds by Colonel Mustard. • Peter Lehmann Wines will provide sweet corn and feta fritter wit salads and leek Gruyere tarts with salads and music by Very Jane. • Langmeil Winery will supply chargrilled Tandoori chicken with salad in an Apex Bakery Turkish roll, with Max Tillage and The Erosions to perform

a mix of music. Wines at each venue are available by the glass from $5 and menu items start from $8 per serve. Soft drinks will be available. For early starters, Lambert Estate will offer pancakes and coffee from 9.30am, with the other wineries to kick off from 11am. For more information, visit

Please donate Each Christmas, Lutheran Community Care staff and volunteers work together with the community to assist those from the region doing it tough. This year, Lutheran Community Care is optimistic the community will again provide non-perishable food and toys for children to fill about 250 Christmas hampers. Donations can be left at Foodland stores at Angaston, Nuriootpa and Tanunda; The Hub Tanunda; Lutheran Community Care, 16 Gawler Street, Nuriootpa and Langmeil Lutheran Church hall where the hampers will be packed. Donations need to be made by December 9. For more details or to volunteer your time, contact 8562 2688. Pictured are (from left) Allan Catlin, Leeann Kruger, Jan Jenner and Jill Owers.



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OFFICIAL OPENING By Mr David Obst, Co-operative Director (retired)









DONATION: Willaston president Ray Cockshell and Helen Hennessy from the Gawler Library with a few of the old football documentation.

History in a suitcase By ROBERT LAIDLAW A SUITCASE full of local football history has been donated to the Gawler Library. The ‘forgotten’ treasure has come to light 25 years after the formation of the Barossa, Light & Gawler Football Association. In 1987 local football changed when the Barossa and Light Football Association and the Gawler and District Football League merged, with many of the photographs, minute books and other memorabilia of the Gawler competition stored away and forgotten. But the last surviving ‘steward’ of the GDFL, Ray Cockshell, recently donated the historic ‘stash’ to the local library, which will be of major benefit to the public, especially family historians. “Neville Joyce was the last secretary of the Gawler league, and he held all the records until his death in the early 90s, which was when it was passed onto me,” Mr Cockshell said. “I’ve been tossing it over in my head to donate it to the library for the past few years, and after mentioning what I had to the librarian, she said they would love to have such a significant collection, so I brought it in. “The best part of the collection is it will be in the public domain and will be

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Wednesday, November 16, 2011 - Page 10 - The Herald, Barossa Valley



available, while my wife (Lynda) is pleased some storage area has been freed up at home.” Mr Cockshell has been president of Willaston Football Club on three occasions for a total of 10 years, and in 1986 was made a life member. He played over 200 senior games for the Donnybrooks, mostly in B grade, where he played in two premierships. Gawler Library is always pleased to add to its comprehensive collection, especially material that can be used to help many of its members. Helen Hennessy, Manager, Library and Community Information Services, said Mr Cockshell’s donation was significant and a welcome addition to the Gawler Heritage Collection. “It will be a valuable resource for researchers and we are grateful Mr Cockshell chose the Town of Gawler through the auspices of the Gawler Public Library as a suitable repository for these records,” Ms. Hennessy said. Among the documentation and memorabilia are various team photographs, some as early as 1964. There are match and player records (1977-1979); goal cards and team sheets; a financial ledger (1975-76); various year books/budgets; minute books (1948-1958, 1967-1975, 19781980, 1981-1984; and two shields, including for the 1950 premiership.

Push for more country GPs A NEW report has been launched in an effort to attract, retain and support general practitioners to take up rural residency. Country Health SA’s (CHSA) Road to Rural General Practice Report is a key step in identifying an educational strategy to respond to rural workforce shortages in SA and to enhance the public profile of working in a country setting. Of the 423 rural GPs currently in rural SA, 105 are aged 55 or over and expected to retire in the next five to ten years. In 2010 CHSA commissioned the Rural Doctor’s Workforce Agency SA (RDWA) to undertake a study into developing a Rural Pathway for GPs in South Australia. During the past year a panel of key stakeholders has been working together with the RDWA to develop the model. The model proposed in the report recommends that CHSA become a teaching and education facility with the same status and funding as metropolitan tertiary hospitals and expand its junior medical training positions. CHSA will now work with an implementation committee in progressing the project to provide a supportive, incentive-based career pathway for doctors to pursue a vocationally registered career in rural general practice in South Australia.”

Teen’s Aussie dream Rachel has secured her spot on the squad for the qualifiers, but she said she stills needs to work hard to hold her spot so she can go to London in 2012 if they do qualify. “At the moment, I am the fourth best player for Australia and they take six, so hopefully I can keep my spot,” she said. Being the youngest member of the squad and the only South Australian to even play goalball, Rachel said she was very excited for the trip. “I’m just so glad I am on the team and get the chance to represent my country,” she said. “It is still so exciting, everyone in my team has done it a few times and been to London, but it is still a new adventure for me.” After finishing her schooling at Nuriootpa High School last year, where she had always been involved with sport, Rachel tried goalball and became

BAROSSA’S celebrity chef Callum Hann will lead this year’s Angaston Christmas Parade, organised for Friday, November 25. He will ride a 1935 Auburn Phaeton, owned by Trevor Wehr, and travel down Murray Street, Angaston. The parade, which begins at 7.15pm at the top end of town, will involve a range of floats including support from primary schools. Spectators can also join in for a street party with live entertainment, food and refreshments. Children will be able to meet with Father Christmas and receive some goodies. The event, run by the Angaston Management Group, has brought loads of festive fun to the public for about five years. If you are keen to enter a float, contact co-ordinator Di Picard on 8568 2709.

ROLLING: Rachel Henderson in action on the goalball court. hooked on it straight away. “It is a sport for the vision impaired and the ball has a bell in it so you can hear it when it is on court,” she said. “The ball goes up to 60km/h so it’s not like you can just walk around and pick it up, you have to throw yourself across the floor. “It is pretty high intensity, you have to be pretty fit to do it.”

Played in two 12minute halves, goalball sees three players from each team defend their own goal by throwing their bodies to block shots, while still trying to score themselves by rolling the ball at high speed to the opposition’s goal. Players wear knee, elbow and hip pads, while they also have martial art-style chest protectors and ski masks to protect them

from the impacts with the ground and by the high-speed ball. Australia has not had a goalball team at the Paralympics for more than 11 years, but Rachel said she is hoping the Australian team can beat New Zealand in Sydney this week. If Australia does qualify, the official Paralympic squad will be named in the middle of next year.


NURIOOTPA teenager Rachel Henderson is back on the goalball court helping Australia qualify for the 2012 Paralympics. While Rachel has only been playing the sport for a year, she has risen through the ranks and been named in the Australian women’s goalball squad. Rachel was also selected in the national squad to play in Turkey in May for another Paralympic qualifier, where Australia needed to finish second overall to qualify, but came sixth. Australia is currently playing against New Zealand in a threematch series the Olympic Park Sports Centre in Sydney, finishing Thursday, November 17. “I can’t wait to do it, I am really excited about the whole new thing to do,” Rachel said before the tournament. “It is just great to represent Australia.”

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Prices are exclusive of registration and Stamp Duty payable to Road Transport. *To approved purchases through St George Bank, Adelaide. Some Photos for illustration only. LVD2833

Wednesday, November 16, 2011 - Page 11 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


Council advice RECENTLY those residents who pay their council rates quarterly would have received a lovely magnet of a foot from the Barossa council instructing us on ways to save money. I wish the council would learn the exact same thing. I have spoken to 17 people about these magnets and each and everyone of them said they threw them in the bin. Let’s look at a few facts. It is obvious that the council perceive the Barossa residents as naive. I am sure 95 per cent of people are doing things already and have been for quite some time now to help the environment and to cut their utility costs down. Has the council got too much money that they have to waste it like this? These magnets, if thrown in the rubbish, become land fill and will take years to break down if they do at all. Residents have been asking council for many years now for better footpaths, roads, entertainment for the youth and so it goes on but yet they insist on wastage themselves, or is it to justify someone’s position. Having spoken to a lady from the council in relation to this matter I was asked for my name and phone number and she would have someone call me back. Surprise, surprise but I am still waiting for that person to call. I really wish the Barossa council would practice what they preach. Maybe the council can reduce council rates if they money to waste. Trevor Langridge Tanunda

Heartless I am a local eight-year-old girl. This year I decided I wanted to raise money for the sick children at the Women’s and Children’s Hospital. First I sold quinces for 20 cents each, then I offered grapefruit, lemons and mandarins for free, but asked for a donation. With the generosity of people I have raised over $200 for the hospital. I feel disapointed however because someone has taken my tub of fruit twice. I feel sad that someone would do this to me, but I will not be put off by them. I am going to continue to raise money. If any one has extra fruit, I am happy to pick it up from you and use it to raise more money for the Children’s Hospital. Please call my Mum Kylie on 0413 223 515. Thank you. Josie Manera Bethany Horse plea If Angaston is the crown of the Barossa, then Keyneton is the jewel in that Crown. For 30 years we have been successfully breeding, training, and showing our world class cutting bred quarter horses and paints. It has been our life’s work. We have an impressive resume of winning successes, at both halter and performance. Our horses live naturally, where they swim in the dams and live content lives. We don’t lock them up in stables, but train and show prepare them out of our paddocks. We attribute much of our success to our undisturbed,

peaceful environment. Now, sponsored by our government, Pacific Hydro proposes to erect 57, 40-story high industrial wind factories (IWF) here. We will be smack in the middle of the two clusters of monstrous, noisy machines with the closest ones within 2km on either side of us. They intend to desecrate and downgrade this gem. The quality of our lives, and those of our animals and wildlife will be in peril and degraded, just like our land values. We live in a unique area, serene and full of natural beauty. This is a breeding corridor that abounds with birds and wildlife. Neighbours have identified over 60 different species of birds here, including peregrine falcons, wedge-tailed eagles, barn and frog mouth owls and the rarelyseen crested shrike tit. This jewel was spared from early settler land clearing and more recent over grazing. It used to be called Sherwood Forest. Most of the land owners here have continued revegetating, creating even more creature habitat, and live in peace and harmony with nature, doing their part in reducing CO2 emissions. It has been well documented that IWF have caused adverse health affects in some humans, probably due to their continual, strobe effect, noise emissions and light flicker, a form of torture. They also have killed many birds, especially raptors and bats. In certain conditions their noise has been reported to travel 10km away. How will the surrounding

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community’s birds and wildlife be affected? What will they force our horses and domesticated animals to endure? What about our breeding program or those of the dairy cattle, and other animals nearby? Where is the duty of care for country SA citizens? The government is presently passing legislation that takes the rights of citizens away from them. Neighbours will no longer be able to contest or appeal any government decisions to place IWF next to them, with only a 1km standoff zone. Our jewel will not be the only one which will be degraded. In their push for so called ‘green energy’, nowhere is safe. The Barossa, Adelaide Hills, Coorong, York and Eyre Peninsula council areas, to name a few, and most of the SA coast, have all been listed as potential wind farm development sites, according to information from the Department of Planning and Local Government. I urge all South Australians to voice their disapproval to this legislation, to their local and Federal Government officials, before they are next to you. Leonie Thaller Wyandah Paint and Quarter Horse Stud Keyneton More on wind farms Finally, a win for the despairing people who have to live with wind turbine noise in their immediate surroundings and homes.

The completion of the nation’s second-biggest wind farm is in doubt after the South Australian Supreme Court gave opponents the right to appeal against development approvals because of noisy turbines. The third stage of AGL’s Hallett wind farm was challenged by Mount Bryan resident Bill Quinn, who says the existing turbines emit so much noise that they deprive residents living within 3.5km of sleep. The Supreme Court allowed the appeal on Friday after AGL admitted it had found that some of the turbines from the first two stages opened in 2008 and last year were emitting an audible tonal noise that breached government guidelines. The court made no determination on the merits of the appeal but sent the case of the wind farm 220km north of Adelaide back to the Environmental Resources and Development Court for adjudication. AGL now shuts down 16 of the 34 turbines at Hallett stage two at night. The energy company is working with manufacturer Suzlon to develop a solution to the problem. Mr Quinn said his mother and sister, who live near the existing turbines, had been in “absolute heaven” since the decision was made to shut the turbines down at night. AGL general manager of power development Scott Thomas said he was confident the court case would not affect the future of the wind farm. “The Supreme Court has not made a decision either way or

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LUTHERAN CHURCH PARISHES Angaston Parish: Angaston: 8.45am, 10.30am; Penrice: 10.30am Conf; Keyneton: 9am; Eden Valley: 10am LR; Springton: 11am HC. Bethany-Tabor Parish: Confirmation service Faith 9.30am HC. Cambrai Parish: Cambrai: 10am P; Sedan: 6pm HC; Stonefield: 9.30am R. Eudunda Parish: Eudunda: 9am HC; Neales Flat 9am HC LR; Peep Hill: 9am LR; Bower: 5pm Freeling Parish: St Marks, Freeling: 10.45am; Trinity, Rosedale: 8.45am; Wheatfields: 2pm; Gawler: Zion, Pr Geoff Havelberg, Ph 8523 1929. 22B Cowan St, Gawler. 8.45am Trad Matins,10.45am Cont. Gawler Immanuel: Cnr Second & Seventh Sts, Gawler.Ph: 8522 6000.Sunday 8.45am, 10.45am. 1st Sunday of month 9.30am. Share-a-meal every 1st & 3rd Wed 11.45am. Greenock: Nain 10.30am Pr; Gnadenfrei visiting Salisbury; Greenock 9am Pr, JAM 9.45am. Kapunda Parish: Bethel: 9am P; Kapunda: 10.30am R; Allen’s Creek: 10.30am HC. Langmeil Parish:8.45am T HC, 10.30am HC SS. Light Pass Immanuel Parish: Light Pass: 10.30am; Stockwell: 7pm P/P . Light Pass Strait Gate: Strait Gate 10am R SS; Gruenberg 9am; Truro 9am. Lyndoch Parish: Lyndoch: 9am HC; Rowland Flat: 10.30am HC. Nuriootpa: St Petri: 8.30am and 10.30am In Memorium Service; Holy Trinity: 11am M HC, Ebenezer: 10am LR; Neukirch: 9.30am HC AGM. Robertstown Parish: Point Pass: 10.30am HC; Robertstown: 10.30am HC. St John’s Parish: St J: 9am HC; Sch: 10.30am. St Paul’s Parish:St P: 10.30am C HC; Gdb:

C Connors Angaston

CHC 52054-08/11

Twoway Crossword No 0070

Pope, Pastor Trevor Auricht. Ph: 8562 3844. Kapunda: 10am Sunday, Light Community Church, Main St, Kapunda. Pastor Paul Smith. All welcome. Ph: 8566 2864. CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP Tanunda, McDonnell Street opp former Tanunda Primary School: Saturdays 2.30pm, Worship, Open Bible Study. CHRISTIAN FAMILY CENTRE Barossa: 10.30am Sundays. 16 Scholz Ave, Nuri. Pastor Alan Matson. Ph: 0404 846 274. Murray Flats: 5pm alternate Sundays. Pastor Alan Matson. Ph: 0404 846 274. Cambrai Uniting Church 5pm. SALT CHURCH 25 Northside Crt, Evanston Gdns: Sunday Service 10am & 5pm. Offices, b/shop open 9.30am-4pm. Ph: 8522 0000. THE CHRISTADELPHIANS Sunday school, Greenock Institute Hall, 9.30am. Memorial meetings 11am Sunday. Bible Studies 8pm Tuesday. All welcome. Phone 8524 4196. CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Main North Rd, Evanston Park. Worship Service Sunday 10.30am. All welcome. Pastor Douglas Carolisen. Ph: 8523 1706. INTERDENOMINATIONAL CHURCH Birdwood United Church. 10am Pr Brian Teakle. Ph: 8568 5540. All welcome. HEWETT COMMUNITY CHURCH OF CHRIST Kingfisher Dr, Hewett. 10am, Sunday inspiring worship service. Young generation and creche avail.Youth, women and men’s programs. Ph: 8522 4938. GAWLER FULL GOSPEL OUTREACH MINISTRIES Family Worship Svc. 10am Sun, stone pavilion, Sport & Community Cent, Nixon Tce, Gaw. Pastor Shirley Coe. Ph: 0401 065 748. KAPUNDA EVANGELICAL CHURCH Sundays 5pm, 1st Sunday 10.30am, CWA Hall. Pastor Andrew Amos. Ph: 8566 2148. LYNDOCH FULL GOSPEL FELLOWSHIP MINISTRY Lyndoch Institute each Sunday, 11.30am1.30pm Pastor Ken East ph: 8524 4787.

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given a determination,” he said. “They’ve made the call to refer a technical matter back to the environmental court. “At the moment, the issue with Hallett two is a technical one. Hallett three is a standalone project and is proceeding as planned.” The case follows the state government’s announcement of new planning regulations that will limit the ability of communities to challenge existing or planned wind farms. In Victoria, the Baillieu government has announced strict regulation of wind farm developments, including a minimum 2km distance from houses. In NSW, Premier Barry O’Farrell has indicated he intends to introduce similar laws. The medical director of the Waubra Foundation, which monitors the effects of turbines, Sarah Laurie, said the court decision showed state planning authorities needed to play more attention to the location of wind farms near housing areas. Bill Quinn’s argument in the ERD Court was supported by a report from the University of Adelaide’s Colin Hansen, who studied data submitted for the wind farm’s environmental statement and from Hallett Stage 2. Prof Hansen concluded that the proposed wind farm would produce excessive noise likely to annoy nearby residents and those in the Hallett township.

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10.30am HC. Tanunda Lutheran Home: Worship 10.30am. Peace Evangelical Lutheran Church: Combined service with St Matthew, Hahndorf, 10am at Mt Torrens Oval, R Seidel preaching, followed by Sunday School Picnic. ANGLICAN CHURCH Anglican Parish of Barossa: Angaston: 10am; Nuri: 9.30am MP; Tan: 8.30am HC SdK; Lyn: HC SdK; Williamstown: 10am MP. Kapunda Anglican Parish: Hamilton: 7.45am HC; Kapunda: 9.15am HC; Eudunda: 11am HC. Mt Pleasant: 1st Sunday 8.30am, all other Sundays 9am. Enquiries to Hazel Wilton, Warden on 8568 2042. UNITING CHURCH Barossa Congregations: Nuri: 11am Brookes; Tan: 9am Brookes; Ang: 9am Webb; Truro: 11am Webb. Gawler Parish: Gawler: 9.30am Argent, 5pm Argent HC; Sandy Creek: 10.30am Littleford; Williamstown: 10am Polkinghorne HC. Kersbrook: 10am. Enquiries: 8389 3114. Light Parish: Kapunda: 9.15am A Partington HC; Robertstown: 9.30am Rev R Carter HC. BAPTIST CHURCH Barossa Community Church: 10am Barossa Junction Motel/Conference Centre, Barossa Valley Way, Tan, Pastor Richard Ansoul. Ph: 8563 2158. Lyndoch Baptist Church: Kauffman Ave, Lyndoch: 10am. All welcome. Enquiries to Pastor Tony Edwards on 8564 3001. CATHOLIC CHURCH PARISHES Northern Light Catholic Parish: Nuri: 1st & 3rd Sat 6.30pm, 2nd & 5th Sun 10.30am, 4th Sun 9am; Kapunda: 4th Sat 6.30pm, 1st & 3rd Sun 10.30am, 2nd & 5th Sun 9am; Freeling: 1st Sun 9am, 4th Sun 10.30am, 5th Sun 5pm; Tarlee: 3rd Sun 9am. Parish Office: Ph 8566 2064. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST Barossa: 1 Old Kapunda Rd, Nuri; Sat 9.30am Family Bible Study, 11am Family Worship. ASSEMBLIES OF GOD Barossa New Life Centre: Sunday 10am at the roundabout, cnr Barossa Valley Way & Siegersdorf Road, Dorrien. 4pm at Mt Pleasant Anglican Church Hall, Melrose St. All welcome. Pastor Diane


Views expressed in the Letters to the editor are not those of the Herald. We welcome topical letters, with preference to letters of no more than 200 words. All letters are checked for authenticity. Pseudonyms are not acceptable. Mail your letters to: The editor, PO Box 43, Tanunda, SA, 5352. Fax: 8563 3655. E-mail:

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Wednesday, November 16, 2011 - Page 12 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Wednesday, November 16, 2011 - Page 13 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

In brief... POLICE are shaking their heads in disbelief as road users continue to break the law with Barossa Highway Patrols detecting a learner motorcyclist travelling at an excessive speed this month. At about 9.15pm on Saturday, the patrol spotted a man riding a Kawasaki 650cc on the Mallala to Gawler Road, Redbanks, and travelling at 150km/h in a 100km zone. The 19-year-old from Gilles Plains was reported for riding at a

POLICE appeal for witnesses in relation to an assault that occurred on Thursday night on Seppeltsfield Road, near Greenock. The victim, a 49-year-old woman, was allegedly assaulted in her vehicle, a silver Nissan XTrail at about 10.30pm by a man who had previously been following her along the Sturt Highway. The man was driving a red, late model, mid-sized car,


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Incorporating The Barossa News, Kapunda Herald and Eudunda Courier.

Telephone: (08) 8563 2041 Fax: (08) 8563 3655 Advertising: Editorial: Website: Manager: Tony Swan Editor: Graham Fischer Editorial: Michelle O’Rielly, John Crawford, Mike Teakle, Ben Mallett, Robert Laidlaw. Photography: Kirsty Hosking, Shaun Kowald. Sales: Clayton Bester, Glenys Brooks, Jordan Stollznow, Jodie Coventry, Linda Goldfinch. Administration: Cheryl Lange, Roxanne Mathew

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Barossa Police


ARRESTS • A Daveyston man in his 60s was arrested on November 11 by the Nuriootpa Police for act to endanger life and handle firearm while intoxicated. Three firearms were seized. • A Nuriootpa man in his 20s was arrested on November 7 by the Nuriootpa Police for basic assault and property damage. • A Greenock woman in her 30s was arrested on November 8 for being intoxicated in a public place. • A Tanunda male youth was arrested on November 13 by the Nuriootpa Police for assaulting police and resisting arrest. At the same incident a Tanunda man in his 20s was arrested for hindering and assaulting police and for prescribed concentration of alcohol with a reading of 0.110. • A Tanunda male youth was arrested on November 13 by the Nuriootpa Police for driving in a dangerous manner, property damage and assault. • A Nuriootpa man in his 20s was arrested on November 13 by the Nuriootpa Police for a first instance warrant. REPORTS • A Nuriootpa man in his early 20s was reported on November 8 for theft. • A Kersbrook man in his 40s was reported on November 13 by the Williamstown Police for possession of a firearm while intoxicated and PCA with a reading of 0.133. • A Truro male youth was reported on November 11 by the Nuriootpa Police for misuse of a motor vehicle after doing burnouts in a parking bay and along Hanckel Road, Nuriootpa.

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The Awards reward and recognise individuals and organisations that have made a noteworthy contribution during the current year, and/or give an outstanding service over a number of years, to a local community, over and above normal employment duties. Outstanding contribution and community service includes areas such as; education, health, fund-raising, charitable and voluntary services, business, sport, arts, the environment, or any other area that contributes to the advancement and well being of a community. Awards in the categories of Citizen of the Year, Young Citizen of the Year and Community Event of the Year will be presented at the Australia Day Breakfast which will be held on Thursday 26th January 2012. Individuals or organisations may submit nominations. Nomination Forms are available on Council’s website or can be collected from Council offices at Nuriootpa, Angaston, Tanunda, Lyndoch or Mt Pleasant. All nominations must be received by 5.00pm Friday 18th November 2011. Email: Post: PO Box 867, Nuriootpa SA 5355 1757423


Original works are subject to copyright and shall not be reproduced without authority. Where no charge is made for the preparation of advertising material, The Herald will remain owner of copyright for the advertising material. Such material may be reproduced only with the consent of The Herald and upon payment of such fee as The Herald may require. In lodging an advertisement with us you agree that we may publish the advertisement on our website. The general terms and conditions that apply to publication of classified advertisements in our publications apply also to publication on our website. ABN 14 007 869 874

• A Lyndoch woman was reported on November 8 by the Gawler Police for shop theft. • A 26-year-old Gawler South woman was reported on November 13 by the Gawler Police for failing to pay for a taxi. PROPERTY DAMAGE • Graffiti was marked to the side and rear walls of a business situated at Main North Road, Evanston, between November 4 and 11 SERIOUS CRIMINAL TRESPASS • A generator and a laser level were stolen after unknown offenders broke into a shipping container on Murray Street, Gawler, between November 7 and 8. About $200 damage was caused to the container. • Electronic equipment was stolen following a house and shed break at Dawkins Road, Lewiston, between November 12 and 13. THEFT • Four mag wheels and assorted tools were stolen from the rear yard on McGonigal Drive, Willaston, between November 3 and 7. • A vehicle was stolen from the driveway of a home at Dawkins Road, Lewiston, between November 12 and 13. ARSON • About $5000 damage was caused to a vehicle, parked in a driveway on Jacob Street, Gawler, after it was set alight by an accelerant on November 9.


1/119 Murray Street, Tanunda Postal: PO Box 43, Tanunda, 5352

Published by The Barossa News Pty. Ltd.

ARRESTS • A 21-year-old Evanston Park man was arrested this month by the Gawler Police for driving while unlicensed, unregistered, uninsured and for exceeding the speed limit. • A 35-year-old Evanston Park man, a 41-yearold Elizabeth South man and a 44-year-old Willaston man were arrested this month by the Gawler Police for outstanding warrants. • A 38-year-old Gawler West man was arrested on November 12 for assault. • A 22-year-old Gawler West man was arrested on November 13 for failing to truthfully answer. REPORTS • The Barossa Highway Patrol reported a 20year-old male probationary driver from Ingle Farm for speeding on the Sturt Highway, near Shea Oak Log on November 7. It is alleged that he was travelling at 146 km/h when only permitted to travel at 100 km/h. • A 56-year-old Valley View man was reported on November 13 by the Barossa Highway Patrol for travelling at 139 km/h in a 90 km/h zone at Gomersal Road, Gomersal. • A 52-year-old Lewiston man was reported for prescribed concentration of alcohol with a reading of 0.162 on November 10 by the Gawler Police. • A 26-year-old Gawler East man was reported on November 11 by the Barossa Highway Patrol for PCA with a reading of 0.156.


13 Gawler Street Nuriootpa SA 5355

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recognise the man, it is believed that this is not a random attack or road rage incident. If anyone saw either of these vehicles in the area at the time, or just prior on the Sturt Highway, or are able to provide any information about the man responsible, police ask that they contact Barossa Criminal Investigation Branch on 8522 0415 or Bank SA Crimestoppers on 1800 333 000.

Gawler police incidents

speed dangerous to the public and breaching his learners permit conditions. His bike was impounded for 28 days. This is one of two incidents to occur over the weekend and falls during South Australia Police heavy focus on Safe Motorcycles campaign this month. Police say travelling at a fast rate of speed leaves the smallest margin of error and will probably result in a fatal crash. They explained road rules apply to every road user. Roads and highways are not racetracks.

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possibly with red personalised plates ending with the number 1. Police say the man stopped behind the woman after she stopped on Seppeltsfield Road, and then assaulted her in her vehicle. The man was described as about 174 cm tall, muscular build with an Australian accent and he smelt of cigarettes. Although the victim did not

Wednesday, November 16, 2011 - Page 14 - The Herald, Barossa Valley



ll is good with the world now that Father Christmas has arrived in South Australia and taken up his place at the Magic Cave in Adelaide. The world famous Christmas Pageant is definitely the signal that it is starting to feel a lot like Christmas. The countdown is definitely on to the day the jolly gentleman arrives armed with presents. The valley now starts to get into the festive spirit and before we know it the Angaston Town parade will take place then it will be Tanunda’s turn for the Barossa Christmas parade. Truro, Gawler, Lyndoch and Williamstown all have festive events and Kapunda’s street party rounds off the pre-Christmas day celebrations. They are times when everyone can put aside the day-to-day life issues, become part of a unique experience . They are times of happiness. Even just observing the pleasure all the

Search for attacker



children get out of watching or being involved in the street parades. And of course the ultimate climax to any Christmas event is the arrival of Father Christmas. Credit to the good folk of Kapunda who are working hard to build their Christmas part after it hit a flat spot a few years back. And what a great idea to involve Map The Miner in the festivities. How eye-catching to be driving past big Map and see him in the Christmas spirit wearing a giant Father Christmas hat and having a sackful of presents. This year’s Christmas Street party is going to be sensational with a hard-working committee ensuring it will be a joyous occasion. Hopefully city media pick up on the dressing up of Map and give Kapunda some positive publicity which it richly deserves. No doubt if they do, there will be a link to the incident the town is trying to move on from. But do they have to? Why can’t the story just be a positive about a town building the spirit of Christmas?

Wednesday, November 16, 2011 - Page 15 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

LOCAL BUSINESSES CONTINUE SUCCESS TREASURED Memories Accommodation was awarded the silver medal for Category 23 - Deluxe Accommodation at the 2011 South Australian Tourism Awards. Kym and Steve Brown, owners of 14 B & Bs in the Barossa Valley are thrilled for their team. “The success is attributed to our dedicated and efficient housekeeping team, lead by Marie Swain and Pat Toolan, together with Sandra, Leisa, Lorraine, Rob and Lyn, Chandra, Penny, Elizabeth, Kylie,” Kym and Steve said. “Thanks also to Sharryn Hueppauff who assisted in writing the submission for this category. “ Treasured Memories Accommodation started in 1995, and is proud to offer a range of accommodation for heritage, modern, romantic and group bookings, providing visitors to the Barossa with the best value option for booking deluxe accommodation to experience this wonderful region. www.treasuredmemories Ph: 8563 1000

Hall of fame honour

WINNING TEAM: Back from left, Angela Butcher, Elysia Swain, Alecia Baker, Sharryn Hueppauff, Anthea Piszczuk. Front, Marie Swain, Kym and Steve Brown and Bus Atkinson at the 2011 South Australian Tourism Awards. Kym and Steve are holding the winners certificates for Getaways and Tour Barossa and Marie holding the Silver for Treasured Memories Accommodation. GETAWAYS Reservation Service has been named winner of the Category of Specialised Tourism Services at the 2011 South Australian Tourism Awards. Winning for the third consecutive year, Getaways Reservation Service has been inducted into the South Australian Tourism Hall of Fame. Privately owned by Kym and Steve Brown, the announcement is a huge accolade for the business and all the businesses the company work collaboratively

with in the Barossa Valley, throughout South Australia and nationally. Getaways Reservation Service provides travellers with an online reservation and booking service, 24 hour telephone service 8563 1000, as well as a personalised advisory service at the shop front in the Barossa Valley. With a strong and effective network, the Getaways’ team has the ability to create tailormade itineraries for their clients and can book all facets of the holiday.

Congratulations to Kym, Steve and the team on another year of outstanding service.

While Getaways does specialise in accommodation in the Barossa Valley, their portfolio includes booking products and services Australia-wide, giving choice, flexibility, quality and value for money. One hundred per cent privatelyowned and funded, client satisfaction is paramount and Getaways’ strong-vision for the future, passion and dedication are key to their continual success. Getaways’ success is driven by the passion Kym and Steve share with their team to offer the best tourism reservation service in Australia. “Our great team is committed to working to benefit our tourism industry colleagues, as we grow our own tourism accredited business which is driven by customer demand and our desire to truly “wow” our clients,” Kym and Steve said. “Our personal thanks go to our office team at 43 Murray St Tanunda of Bub Atkinson, Sharryn Hueppauff, Angela Butcher, Anthea Piszczuk, Elysia Swain, and Alecia Baker. We also thank all other operators that list their businesses with us on the internet at” Getaways Reservation Service is at 43 Murray Street, Tanunda. Ph 8563 1000 or 1300 136 970. E

The Lynas Auto Group are proud suppliers to Getaways and Tour Barossa

JUMP FOR JOY: From left Helmut Hoppman, Steve and Kym Brown, John Latta and Phil D’Giacoma in front of one of the Tour Barossa Buses.

Tour Barossa triumph TOUR Barossa was named winner of Category 12 Tour and/or Transport Operatorsat the 2011 South Australian Tourism Awards. Privately owned by Kym and Steve Brown, the announcement came as recognition and credibility to the hard work, dedication and commitment of all the company’s drivers. “It also recognises the outstanding level of service our business partners in the Barossa provide for our guests touring this wonderful region,” Kym and Steve said. “It solidifies our dedication to the Barossa, its people and the people that come to enjoy what we take for granted every day. “We have very dedicated, hard working and knowledgeable tour drivers who go that extra mile and deserve the accolades. Our heartfelt thanks to our drivers, John Latta, Helmut Hoppmann, Phil D’Giacoma, Anne Braun and Barry Gardener.” Special thanks to Seppeltsfield Winery, TeAro Wines, Grant Burge on Krondorf, Linfield Road Wines, Tanunda Chateau, Whistler Wines, Pindarie, Chateau Dorrien, Ross Estate, Peter Lehmann, Yalumba, Barossa Visitors Centre, Tanunda Caravan Park, Novotel Barossa Valley Resort, Barossa Motor Lodge, Barossa Bites, Steve and the team at Lynas Valley Ford, Weintal, Vine Inn, Vineyards Motel, Tanunda Hotel and all the fabulous Bed and Breakfast operators who have supported the Browns. “Thanks also to Sharryn Hueppauff who assisted us in writing the submission for this category. Her passion for the area is evident.”

Congratulations Getaways on being inducted into


Congratulations to Steve, Kym and the team on their marvellous achievement at the recent South Australian Tourism Awards including their induction into the Hall of Fame.



Treasured Memories

SA Tourism Hall of Fame

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Congratulations Getaways on being inducted into the SA Tourism Hall of Fame


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Wednesday, November 16, 2011 - Page 16 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

“Congratulations to everyone at Getaways, Tour Barossa and Treasured Memories on their fantastic achievements”


Golf Links Road, Rowland Flat

A Herald Advertising Feature

Don’t go up in smoke

Minimise the fire risk • Be sure to have at least two dry power extinguishers in place – one in the cabin and one accessible from the ground. • Ensure all employees and operators are trained to use fire extinguishers. • Have a supply of water whenever possible for immediate access. • Wherever possible have a person stationed in the field to alert an operator to any problems.

• All operators and employees should be familiar with the inspection and cleaning procedures for each machine. • Clean machines several times a day when in use - it runs more efficiently and is less likely to be damaged or destroyed by fire. • Scheduled maintenance should be carried out and any repairs attended to without delay. • If possible, have a fully operational and maintained farm fire fighting unit onsite, carrying at least 250 litres of water.

INSURED: Karyn Reynolds, Gawler/Kapunda Landmark branch manager, and Matt Patterson, insurance sales manager, look over some fire insurance papers for a client. receive face-to-face service and advice from the best in the business. It also offers liability, vehicle and household insurance, along with farm insurance. Matt Patterson, insurance sales manager at Landmark Gawler, said he had seen the problem of underinsurance first-hand. “I have been through two lots of fires on the Eyre Peninsula, with Black Tuesday and the 2009 Christmas Eve fires in Port Lincoln,” he said. “Having dealt with the clients affected by the fires, I have seen the suffering that occurs.” Mr Patterson said people should check they are insured for the right amount, because it can be a real headache if they are underinsured. Often the replacement cost of a building has not been reviewed since it was built and many things had changed since then. The cost of materials and labour to rebuild have increased dramatically in recent years, and many customers may not have recent improvements or unspecified buildings protection on their policy.

With 150 years experience on the land, we understand your insurance needs.

Because we live and work where you do, we know which insurance package will best suit your business. before we start suggesting solutions, we take the time to work with you to understand your business, needs and goals. Plus the whole Landmark network is behind us, that’s 150 years of experience on the land and the skills of 2,000 professionals, so you get the exact insurance you need. We’re dedicated to helping you get the right cover - to protect yourself now and in the future. For all your insurance needs look to your local Landmark team.


THE grain harvest is in full swing and farmers are being reminded to get in and insure against fire damage. Fire is dangerous at any time of the year, but the risks are even higher with harvesters reaping crops in dry paddocks. With yields looking particularly good this season and high fuel loads on the ground, the danger of fires have been enhanced even further. Fires do not just happen, they can start either in the crop near the harvesting activity or even inside the harvester, often while it is in operation. While most of the canola crop in the region has already been cut, the bulk of wheat and barley crops are still yet to be harvested, leaving a large danger of fire to wipe out property. Farmers can insure their fencing, equipment and damage caused to third-party property like a neighbour’s livestock, so it is a vital resource for the primary industry. The recent restructuring of the CGU Insurance branch at Gawler sees Landmark Gawler as the local CGU agent, where people can still

Insurance Landmark Gawler, 1 Bernard Court - 08 8522 2266 Landmark Kapunda, 3 Mildred Street - 08 8566 2865

Talk to your local Landmark Wool Area Manager Jed Puckridge on 0457 524 959


• Butts & Bag Delivery Point

Landmark Gawler 1 Bernard Court T: 08 8522 2266

Wednesday, November 16, 2011 - Page 17 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

THE Herald is giving two readers the chance to win a double pass to see Motherhood the Musical. The production will be held at the Space Theatre on Wednesday, November 30. This production involves the good, the bad and laundry and stars Amelia Christo, Jacqueline Hoy, Ziggy Clements

Gawler to Barossa Valley, South Australia. Railway Centenary Souvenir 1911-2011

DVD for purchase y on the da




OFFICIAL LAUNCH November 20th, 2011 at 2.00pm Zion Church Hall, 85 Murray Street Angaston Launched Launched by by Mayor, mayer, Brian Hurn

‘Rail to Trail is an amazing experience through time’


It features more than 2,000 animated historic photographs and video footage relating to the Barossa Valley towns and smaller settlements, dating back to the mid 1800’s through to the 1990’s. Photographs were sourced from the State Library of South Australia, Historical Societies and private collections throughout the Barossa Valley district. This 4 hour series features the exploration of the Barossa Valley, Indigenous people, Development of towns, Industries and early transport, Construction of the railway and its benefits, the effects of two world wars. See how modern transport resulted in the closure of railway stations. Footage of special train excursions and construction of the shared Trail along the Nuriootpa to Angaston railway corridor and its opening in 2010. Produced by Andrew Rosenzweig of Angaston S.A. Ph: 8564 2626

Win a SodaStream pack in time for Christmas DO YOU like the idea of having a constant stream of your favourite flavours of fizzy drink this Christmas? With SodaStream you can. Just carbonate tap water, add your favourite flavoured syrup and you have a bottle of delicious soft drink. Having a SodaStream on your kitchen bench can help the planet in more ways than one. According to makers of SodaStream, the bottles help to reduce the pollution created by transportation and disposal of millions of plastic bottles each year. One CO² canister fizzes 60 litres of your favourite soft drink, which means a lot less plastic bottles going into our landfill. It is estimated that by using SodaStream, Australians are reducing landfill by almost 20 million one-litre plastic bottles each year. Also, SodaStream provides reusable BPA-free bottles so you have no empty bottles to recycle or throw away and each bottle lasts for over 1000 uses. For further help, sign up to receive the SodaSream newsletter at to find out about offers and deals available. Win a pack To get you started, the Herald and SodaStream are giving two readers the chance to win a prize pack valued at $110.

NEW LOOK: SodaStream has launched the new Jet Titan Machine.

The pack includes the SodaStream’s newest model the Jet Titan machine, three syrups and one BPA-free bottle and CO² canister. To enter, write your name, address and day time telephone number on the back of an envelope, addressed to: The Herald’s SodaStream competition

Decorate a tree

Miracles Psychic Fair

IF YOU have a talent for decorating then be part of the Christmas Tree Festival in Kapunda. The festival seeks to showcase the talents of individuals, businesses and community groups through decorated trees. In past years about 30 uniquely-dressed trees have been shown in the town institute, off Hill Street, and also as part of the town’s street party, hosted for Friday, December 16. The festival will be held from December 9 to 17, 10.30am to 3.30pm and is organised by Kapunda Community Craft who are supported by the Kapunda Institute committee Trees need to be registered by December 4 and ready for display on December 9 between 10am to 1pm. Tree entry is free, however a gold coin donation to view the display is appreciated, with free admission for child who are accompanied by an adult.Trading tables and a raffle will also be run as part of the tree festival. For details, contact 8566 2241 or 8566 2443.


Uley Road Hall Forrestal Road, Elizabeth Downs 26th and 27th November - 10am-5pm $5 ENTRY


READERS • STALLS • FOOD FREE WORKSHOPS 0411 047 958 or 0411 250 808

Barossa Craft Fair

proudly presents

“GYPSY” In Association with Tams-Witmark Music Inc. Directed by David Underwood Book by Arthur Laurents Music by Jule Styne Lyrics by Stephen Sondheim

Saturday 26th November 2011 9.30am - 4.00pm Tanunda Show Hall Over 45 stalls of local and interstate crafts people Entry Fee: $3.00 (children under 16 free) Devonshire tea / Lunch available

Nov 17th, 18th & 19th - 8pm Chapel Street Theatre, Kapunda

Wednesday, November 16, 2011 - Page 18 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

• Scrap booking/Card Workshops 10am,11am,12pm,1pm,2pm,3pm Workshops run for 10-15 minutes For details ring 8562 4387

• Hand embroidery/quilting punch and stitch cards Demonstrations with kits available by Noni • Felting & General Craft Techniques Demonstrations by Veronica 1766271

Tickets: Adults $20, Concession $15, Children $10 Available at the door, Kapunda Visitor Information Centre & Australia Wide Badges - Nuriootpa

PO Box 43 Tanunda SA 5352. Entries need to be received by Thursday, December 1 at 5pm. Competition conditions are: only one entry per person is permitted, winners to be notified by telephone and the prize packs must be collected from the Herald office, Tanunda.


Win tickets

and Rebecca Moore. To win tickets, send an email to no later than 5pm Tuesday, November 22. Leave your name and town of residence. Only one entry per person, with winners to be notified by email and tickets must be collected from the Herald office, Tanunda. For more details about the show, visit on the internet.

Barossa Craft Fair Sponsored By BOSHC (Barossa Outside School Hours Care Service Inc)

Real Estate Liftout

Town facilities with a rural outlook Situated on northern edge of Kapunda, house on large block. See Domain Page 3. RLA150685

THURSDAY 17TH NOVEMBER BAROSSA REAL ESTATE NURIOOTPA 13 Greenock Road.....................3:00 – 3:30pm


Assoc. Aust. Inst. of Conveyancers Registered Conveyancer

Beckwith Park Commercial Precinct 30-38 Barossa Valley Way, Nuriootpa

Ph: (08) 8562 3355 | Fax: (08) 8562 3282 • House & Land Settlements • Mortgages • Leases • Business Settlements • Subdivisions Arranged • Strata Titles • Power of Attorney ALL REAL PROPERTY ACT DOCUMENTS


FRIDAY 18TH NOVEMBER BAROSSA REAL ESTATE NURIOOTPA 13 Greenock Road.....................4:30 – 5:00pm SATURDAY 19TH NOVEMBER LJ HOOKER REAL ESTATE GAWLER SOUTH 5 Fourteenth Street ............1:30 – 2:10pm HOMBURG REAL ESTATE TRURO 24 Moorundie Street .....................11:30 – 12:00pm TANUNDA 22 Fechner Place...........................1:00 – 1:30pm TANUNDA 18 Rosalie Avenue ........................1:45 – 2:15pm NURIOOTPA 28 Buna Terrace ........................2:30 – 3:00pm NURIOOTPA 22 Helene Street ........................4:15 – 4:45pm SUNDAY 20TH NOVEMBER ADELAIDE RURAL REAL ESTATE TANUNDA 48 Basedow Road .........................1:00 – 1:45pm KAPUNDA Lot 58 Ford Street.........................2:15 – 3:00pm LJ HOOKER REAL ESTATE WILLIAMSTOWN Charles Fry Court...........12:00 – 12:30pm GAWLER SOUTH 5 Fourteenth Street ............1:30 – 2:10pm REEVES PLAINS Lot 542 Woolsheds Road....2:15 – 3:00pm

BAROSSA REAL ESTATE LYNDOCH 19 Wilhelm Street......................11:00 – 11:30am NURIOOTPA 13 Greenock Road.................11:45 – 12:15pm KAPUNDA 11 Whittaker Street.....................12:45 – 1:15pm STOCKWELL 29 Stockwell Road....................1:00 – 1:30pm ANGASTON 12 Lindsay Street........................2:00 – 2:45pm ANGASTON Lot 429 Penrice Road .................3:00 – 3:30pm LYNDOCH 7 Robert Ross Drive......................3:30 – 4:00pm HOMBURG REAL ESTATE TANUNDA 9 Paradale Drive..........................12:30 – 1:00pm NURIOOTPA 36 South Terrace .....................12:30 – 1:00pm TANUNDA 8 Lehmann Road...........................1:00 – 1:30pm GREENOCK 34 Branson Road ........................1:45 – 2:15pm NURIOOTPA Lot 334 Sturt Highway ..............2:30 – 3:00pm TANUNDA 16 Homburg Street .......................2:45 – 3:15pm STOCKWELL 18 Mattner Road.......................3:15 – 3:45pm TANUNDA 15 Edinburgh Avenue....................4:15 – 4:45pm JULIE TOTH REAL ESTATE NURIOOTPA 29 First Street..........................12:30 – 1:15pm TANUNDA 3 Coronation Court........................1:30 – 2:15pm PROFESSIONALS KAPUNDA KAPUNDA 119 Old Adelaide Road .............12:00 – 12:45pm SUTHERLANDS Section 417 Railway Ave ......1:00 – 1:45pm EUDUNDA 9 Kapunda Street ..........................2:00 – 2:45pm PRIVATE SALE TANUNDA 7 Queens Ct, 3 Elizabeth St .......11:00 – 12:00pm

Wednesday, November 16, 2011 - Domain Page 1 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Real Estate Liftout

Cottage on 10 acres


SET on the Barossa Floor this impeccable symmetrical cottage with 360 degrees spectacular views over vineyards, Barossa Ranges and Light Pass is awaiting its new owners. Nestled among 10 acres of meticulously-maintained vineyards (pictured left) and tended gardens there is potential for generating additional income from vineyard produce. There are five acres of established Shiraz, Ruggiero rootstock with clone 1654 and four acres of newly-planted Shiraz vines on its own roots with clone R6WV28. Irrigation of the vines is secured under a water licence for three megalitres-perannum. Rainwater storage is 50,000 litres and is plumbed into the house. Equipment may be negotiated in the sale. To keep the appliances safe and undercover and storing multiple cars, boat or caravan, there is a large shed 18.5x7.5x3m plus a separate garage. Featuring neutral tones and nine foot ceilings throughout, the house comprises four bedrooms with an extra-large bathroom plus separate toilet. The hub is the centrallylocated, spacious country kitchen.


Our Business Owners work in the Business PROPERTY MANAGEMENT

Ring me for an appraisal 7 days a week on

0408 858 578

Julie Thring Owner

28A Adelaide Road, Gawler 8523 3319


Call Sue



42 Solar Panels, yes this is not an misprint, plus, Four Bedrooms, Ensuite and Walk in Robe,Large separate lounge, Flat screen TV & Entertainment, Large kitchen, Dishwasher, Spacious open plan family & meals, Ducted R/C Air Conditioning, Extra large double garage umr, Rear verandah, Established gardens and fruit trees, Rain water tank, Set in a great location on a 772m2 block and close to local schools and shopping.

Sue Schugmann 0419 850 408

Open Su



Call Myriam

29 Stockwell Road OUTSTANDING EXECUTIVE RESIDENCE! More than 359m2 luxury living space. Classic design with contemporary features. 4 double brms+ study, en-suite, large WIR, BIR`s, exquisite soft furnishings and décor. This home offers many extras incl great entertainment areas inside and out. 3 car gge. Beautiful landscaped gardens. Land size approx. 1156m2.To live or invest! Myriam Bultsma 0427 392 819

KAPUNDA - $275,000-$285,000


1 1.00-1

nday 20/1

Call Myriam


two paved outside entertainment areas are fabulous for hosting a big crowd. Tucked away in the seclusion of the garden is the old laundry which could easily be converted to a private studio or meditation area for those quiet, inspirational moments. This is a lovely property that offers secluded country living with the convenience of being just minutes away from the townships of Nuriootpa and Angaston.

At a glance... Where: Lot 429 Penrice Road, Light Pass. Price: $740,000.00 Inspection: By appointment. Agent: Barossa Real Estate. Contact: Myriam Bultsma on 0427 392 819.

“The best people in local real estate”

pm .30-4.00

nday 20/1

Open Su

The formal lounge has picture perfect views over Light Pass and a large combustion heater in the second living area adds that sense of homeliness, radiating warmth and atmosphere while heating up the entire house for cosy winter comfort. A large lobby area and quiet space add an airy feel to the home. The greens, all around, are lovingly cared for with established trees, shrubs and lawns. The enclosed rear garden provides a safe haven for children to play. If you aspire to grow your own vegies you will find another little gem on this property. A fully fenced vegetable garden sits ready for the next owners to home-grow their own produce. Lovely wide verandahs are the perfect spot to relax on those balmy summers’ nights and the

Home & Property Guide

REAL ESTATE PTY. LTD. LYNDOCH - $399,000-$420,000

SECLUDED: The four-bedroom Light Pass house.

3/12 Saturday

LYNDOCH - $530,000


ss sold p

1pm unle

y 20/11

nda Open Su



y 20/11

Call Peter

29 Road 12 Stockwell Lindsay Street ROMANTIC HILL HOUSE Magnificent and opulent property reflecting the wealth, prestige and European tastes of the Heggie family, owners for almost 150 years. Exquisite features include marble pillars and fireplaces, imported mirrors, etched glass, 15’ ceilings, polished timber joinery and floors and intricate wrought iron balustrades. Delightful, manicured gardens on approx. 3000m2. A 4 bedroom, 4 bathroom family home or B&B, Hill house is perfect romance, history and modern luxury, all in one.

Myriam Bultsma 0427 392 819

NURIOOTPA - $279,000

nda Open Su



19 Wilhelm Street CITY CHIC MEETS RUSTIC CHARM! Large family home with 4 bedrooms plus study. Formal lounge and separate dining room, timber kitchen with dishdraw dishwasher. Family areaith large picture window. Ducted cooling, gas and wood heating + split system aircon. Half-court tennis court on approx. 7890m2 allotment .Extensive shedding and landscaped gardens. Don’t miss out on this great home! Peter Fairweather 0415 825 420




1 12.45-1

nday 20/1

Call Sue

Open Su

Call Sue

11 Whittaker Street IMMACULATE FAMILY HOME Spacious 3 bedroom family home with separate lounge room, Kitchen overlooking Dining, walk in Pantry with lots of Cupboard space. Ducted R/C Air Conditioning. Low Maintenance gardens. Garage under main roof with access into the home. Second Driveway for Caravan and within walking distance to Main Street. Be quick for this quality home. Sue Schugmann 0419 850 408

0pm 3.00-3.3 ay 17/11 .00pm d rs u h T 0-5 Open 8/11 4.3 2.15pm Friday 1 1 11.45-1 /1 0 2 y a d Sun

13 Greenock Road GREAT INVESTMENT PROPERTY OR 1ST HOME 3 bedrooms, Solid brick home set on a generous 919m2 allotment. Built in robes, Sep entry, Sunken lounge Formal dine, kitchen with Walk in pantry, wall oven and elec cook top, family room, combustion heating and A/C. Rear veranda, Double garage, carport with elec roller door, rain water tanks, very neat grounds. Sue Schugmann 0419 850 408

Call Myriam

Call Peter Lot 562 Moculta Road “STRATHAIRLIE” Circa 1911 stone fronted return verandah Villa of 233m2(approx.) 3 large bedrooms, 2 living areas, spa bath and country kitchen. Fabulous hilltop location affords spectacular views of vineyards and rolling countryside. 14.4ha in total with 10.4ha of Shiraz, Cabernet & Riesling vineyards. Character filled home surrounded by parklike gardens and only minutes from the centre of Angaston. Peter Fairweather 0415 825 420


1 3.00-3

nday 20/1

Open Su

Lot 429 Penrice Road RENOVATED SYMMETRICAL COTTAGE ON 10 ACRES Located on the Valley Floor this attractive cottage comprising 4 bedrooms with potential income producing 9 acres of vineyard planted with premium Shiraz. Water licence for 3 mega litres. Large shed. Equipment negotiable in the sale. Myriam Bultsma 0427 392 819

“The best people in local real estate” Consultant Peter Fairweather 0415 825 420

Consultant Sue Schugmann 0419 850 408

Consultant Sue Fechner 8563 3511

Consultant Myriam Bultsma 0427 392 819

Consultant Elle Moreton 0488 996 566

Property Manager Anne Johansson 8563 3511

8563 3511

Wednesday, November 16, 2011 - Domain Page 2 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

104 Murray St, Tanunda RLA 1997


Real Estate Liftout

INVITING: Relax in the lounge in front of the combustion heater.

Mixing best of both worlds SITUATED on the edge of Kapunda’s northern boundaries is this solid brick-veneer home with a tiled roof. It is on a 2252 square metre block over two titles, circa 1984. There is bitumen road frontage, extensive gardens and it is set back from the main road. Mixing the best of both worlds the owner has town facilities with a rural outlook. The fully-established gardens lead to a very well-presented three good-sized bedroom home. The house is equipped with a combustion heater, plus a splitsystem air conditioner and evaporative cooler. Features on the inside include linen storage in hallway, fantastic lights in the fully-tiled bathroom and ceiling fans. Reasonably new carpets are also a highlight with all floor coverings in good condition. Outside, there are security doors and window screens, a walled outdoor courtyard area and extensive car parking provision.

Mains water is connected and there are 6000 gallons of rainwater with pressure pump. There is extensive shedding, a tool shed and a wood/ man’s shed. Established fruit trees are another bonus. This is a good quality house situated on the edge of town and priced to sell at $299,500. Near offers will be considered. Inspection by appointment only. Call David from Hambours on 8566 2209. RLA150685.

Old but modern THIS Austerity-style house (pictured) features the original home built in the 1900s with all the extensions to make it a family home with so many extra features. There are four bedrooms, two with open fireplaces. The main bathroom has a corner spa bath while there are two toilets. Large and open describes the kitchen with loads of cupboard while there is a modern large laundry. Heating and cooling for all year round comfort and the house is fully alarmed, even the garage. There is an entertaining area and established gardens plus roller shutters, a double garage and fully-fenced yards.

At a glance... Where: 26 Murray Hillier Court, Evanston Gardens. Agent: Fiona Smith from Remax Living. Phone:0411 733 067 or 8255 5666.




Property Management 6.6%



NO ONGOING FEES & Unique Tenant Screening QUOTE OF THE WEEK: "There is one quality which one must possess to win, and that is definiteness of purpose, the knowledge of what one wants, and a burning desire to possess it."- Napoleon Hill

THIS WEEKS NEW BUSINESS GAWLER AQUARIUMS - Establish in Gawler for 14 years this business has and excellent reputation and future All good business need a few good features This one has all you need 1. Great service Quality Fish, marine life and Accessories Good lease with long term options Excellent Cash flow and profit Potential to Expand Option of a website and other areas to increase turnover & profit.

Hambours R E A L E S TAT E




Location, location... Solid brick veneer 3 brm home circa 2004 on small manageable 325m2 block, established gardens, fully enclosed rear pergola area ideal for a summers night. Features include duct evap air cond, s/s air cond, o/plan kitchen/ dining/ lounge with sliding door to outside entertainment area, stylish entry hallway. Walk to main street, supermarket, chemist, post office etc. RLA150685

David Mosley

Asking $245,000


Colonial Style Cottage. Ideal country spot to bring up a family or simply a getaway - this tranquil spot ticks all the boxes. 3 brm home on approx. 5 acres meticulously maintained with extensive use of natural timbers, slate & timber flrs, o/p kitchen/dining area, mod kitchen & comb heat. Ample shedding, estab gdns, fenced into 4 paddocks. RLA 150685. Asking $345,000

Regrettable sale. 7 acres within one hour of the Murray River, Barossa Valley, Clare Valley and Burra. 3 bedroom home, slate floors, new kitchen, lounge with c/h, rear pergola ent area, 4 bay shed with 1 bay closed in as a workshop with power and lighting, horse stable/shelter, chook run and more. RLA 150685. Asking $285,000


Station Master’s House.

Opportunity for self sufficiency on flat manageable 2 acre well fenced block.Well maintained 3 bedroom home features lounge with built in combustion heater, kitchen with original wood stove and cellar, fully enclosed rear verandah and ample shedding.Looking for a country escape fully established and well cared for, check this one out! Contact David now! RLA 150685. Asking $225,000

Mark Hambour Lic Agents. 65 Main Street, Kapunda. RLA150685

Phone David on 8566 2209 all hours

BRIGHT: Light flows through to the dining area of the Kapunda house.


email: | | mobile: 041 491 7474

Urgently Required:

• Character stone homes • Vacant acreage (large or small) • Hobby or income producing farms

Wednesday, November 16, 2011 - Domain Page 3 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


EUDUNDA 9 Kapunda Street Open Sunday 2.00-2.45pm SUTHERLANDS Section 417,Railway Avenue $205,000 INSPECTION RECOMMENDED! AUCTION 3/12/2011 11.00AM ON PREMISES OPEN

Well presented double brick home in prime location close to school, shops and facilities. Comprising 3 spacious bedrooms, large eat-in upgraded kitchen, sitting room with c/h, ducted evap air con, spacious rear lobby, double garage with access from the house with room for trailer/caravan, tidy easy care gardens, chook shed and garden shed, plenty of character here!


Rural bush block approx 80 acres, ideal for camping, motor bikes etc, mature trees, abundant wildlife, good access, no mains water or power!

Open Sunday 1.00-1.45pm

Stone house on approx 14 acres. 2 spacious bedrooms, sitting room with combustion heating, eat in kitchen, upgraded bathroom, shedding and room for the pony! Clean and tidy throughout, well worth a look.

Stone’s throw from main street this building allotment of just over 1000 sqm is now available, approx 32m x 32m, easily accommodate a single or double dwelling subject to all necessary consents & approvals). Water and effluent on. Walk to shops, bowls, hotels etc, new residential development has taken place across the road. For more details. Steve 0417 811 348

Well maintained 14 acre olive plantation with room to build, mains water & power, full dripper system, well fenced, approx 2100 litres oil production presently 21.5% yield from these 11 year old trees.


KAPUNDA Lot 91 Smedley Street KAPUNDA Open Sunday 2.30-3.15pm $79,950 "CONVENIENCE & SPACE" $347,500

119 Old Adelaide Rd


Open Sunday 12- 12.45pm


A unique sandstone/bluestone family sized home offers 3 bedrooms, 2 x living areas, fantastic cellar/man cave, kitchen, updated wet areas, garage/workshop umr, re-newed wiring and plumbing, wide shady verandahs, over 2000 sqm of established grounds on two titles with shedding and plenty of rainwater storage. Town Centre zoning allows for certain types of business use`s (subject to consents). Steve 0417 811 348

All properties can be viewed at

Professionals Kapunda WH1766276

Liebich Estate house



Charles 0417 823 065

Real Estate Liftout

8566 2127

Real People in Real Property!

Steve 0417 811 348 RLA 163708

THIS iconic sandstone residence (pictured) at Lot 1, Barossa Valley Way, Rowland Flat is of immense proportions, is entirely original and unspoilt. Meticulously built and commissioned by Benno Liebich in the 1930s, it took over two years to complete. Each and every piece of timber and stone was hand selected to create this stunning character bungalow. A home only ever owned by the same family and with many a yarn to tell of life as it was with historic outbuildings, an old dairy, stables and a vast underground cellar all on 1.5 acres, 6224 square metres. Picturesquely positioned to savour the views and its rural perspective, the home’s extravagantly deep verandah is on three sides with carved roman columns and allows sheltered entertaining and relaxation. Enter this magnificent house and discover just how rich in character it really is with striking clear leadlight French doors and accents to windows, 3.4 metre-high ceilings, decorative cornicing, architraves, skirtings, fretwork, timber floors, open fireplaces and original lightshades throughout.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011 - Domain Page 4 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Off the spectacular entrance hall, French doors reveal the separate lounge room with its imposing original fireplace and intricate ceiling details. The scullery and farmhouse-sized walkin pantry provide a walk through link to the home’s simply enormous kitchen. The original winemaker’s family table still remains in this heart of the home, where regular family feasts were held by the fabulous cook, Mrs Liebich, and the grape-pickers would be treated to share in magnificent lunches around the family table. There are four huge main bedrooms, an amazing original terrazzo bathroom, second bathroom in the rear, large laundry, sleep-out and enclosed rear verandah. This home with two separate entrance halls plus a workman’s access to the rear will provide plenty of options for living and business purposes. The original dairy later became the site for outdoor parties and may now suit use as further accommodation or a studio. Contact Mike Bogan of Homburg Real Estate on 0416 586 897 or David Braunack on 0418 841 349 for further facts on this historic property.

Real Estate Liftout

Entertainer’s delight

OPEN Sun 20th Nov, 11am-12noon

7 Queens Court

Tucked away & secure, but a very short walk to all amenities. This low maintenance home includes open plan family, dining & kitchen with dishwasher & induction cooktop. Separate lounge, 3 bedrooms, main with walk-in-robe & ensuite. Ducted reverse cycle air conditioning, plumbed rainwater, beautiful deck & even a veggie patch $368,900.

PRIVATE SALE Call David 0416 248 082

RESTORED: Part of the excellent kitchen area of the Gawler South house. THIS restored circa 1870s colonial cottage in South Gawler is immaculately presented and a credit to the current owners. Set among other similar quality properties the home offers three bedrooms, the master with fourdoor built-in robes, a ceiling fan and bay window. Bedrooms two and three both with polished floors and ceiling fans. while bedroom three has a built-in robe. The lounge has a polished floor, a fireplace with combustion heater, ceiling rose and ornate cornice, while the dining room also has an open fireplace and a feature beam ceiling. A highlight is the new solid blackwood timber kitchen with Essa stone benchtops, double stainless steel oven, a big walk-in pantry, breakfast bar, dishwasher and quality stainlesssteel appliances. Large describes the family/meals area which has a reverse-cycle wall unit, timber French doors and a ceiling fan. The heritage-tiled bathroom has a feature claw foot bath and there is an expansive 11.5m x 5m paved, peaked, pergola area (pictured below) with the bonus of a six-person hydro spa. Outside, a 6m x 6m shed has a concrete floor and power connected while there is a double length carport which has direct access indoors. All this set on a substantial 602 square metre allotment with neat cottage-style gardens. This home will impress you from start to finish so make an appointment to arrange a viewing today. Contact Brendan Howard on 0416 054 731 or Dayna Reiamann on 0434 175 375 from LJ Hooker Gawler. RLA 1679.


on 3 Elizabeth Street, TANUNDA


Colin Schwartz trading as RLA216875

Adelaide Rural Real Estate EUDUNDA



Lge stone home, close to main st. Home comprises 4 good sized brms, roomy lnge, 2 bthrms, kitch, family/ dining room. Heating is provided by open fireplaces, bullnose vdah, dbl c/pt, shed & tool shed. Avail Early Dec, Pets Neg!



Modern decor & stylish low maint gdns. This villa is perfect for the easy life. 3 brms, main with WIR, 3-way bthrm w. huge vanity, o/plan living area w. r/c a/c, lge undercover ent area, secure gge umr. Available NOW!




11 Racecourse Road $245,000-$255,000 Inspection by Appointment


43 Mildred Street Inspection by Appointment


OPENS TANUNDA - 48 Basedow Road Sunday 1.00-1.45pm

Extremely well presented T/F home on 974m2 allotment, 4 brms, 2 bthrms, near new kitchen, electric appliances, WI pantry, dining area, fml lnge. ducted R/C A/C t/out, rainwater to house, solar panels. 30x20 shed, lge pgla/ carport, paved d/way, well fenced. walk to racetrack. Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942


4 South Terrace Inspection by Appointment


Neat 2 bedroom unit, Open plan living area, R/C A/C. Nice bthrm with sep bath and shower. Carport, rainwater tank, garden shed. Low maintenance yard. Only two in the group, in a quiet location. Available Now! FOR FURTHER DETAILS PLEASE CONTACT OUR PROPERTY MANAGER HOLLY DIEKMAN 0437 528 022 OR SAMANTHA WHILEY 0417 022 061 (OFFICE - 8566 3399)

Well maintained stone home on approx 817m2, main road frontage, close to Main Street, 3 good sized brms, roomy lounge, country style kitchen, and renovated bathroom. Features include high ceilings, ceiling rose, combustion heater, pergola, workshop and shed, nice family home. Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942


Lot 58 Ford Street Open Sunday 2.15-3.00pm


KAPUNDA - Lot 58 Ford Street Sunday 2.15-3.00pm


8 Oldham Street Inspection by Appointment


Lovely stone home (circa 1880) within walking distance to main street & schools. Large approx 1650m2 allot, having 2 allots & one title. The home comprises 2 or 3 bdrms, study, lnge with bay window & R/C A/C, kitch/dining, c/h, high ornate ceilings, polished wood flrs, vdah surrounding home. Outside improvements incl workshed, dbl car shed, both rear & front access. Opportunity to create 2nd title to build a family home or investment property. Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942


13 Fuller Street Inspection by Appointment


Who’s eating at your house tonight?

Services from $60


• Spiders • Flies & Ants

Phone: 8522 3131 Mobile: 0407 909 927

Timber frame home on spacious 2823m2 allot, close to main street and schools, 3 bdrms, open plan lounge/dining, family room, galley style kitchen. Requiring some maintenance the home provides the opportunity for a home on a large allotment, investment or possible sub-division (STCC) Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942


Fiebig Court Inspection by Appointment


Walk to main street. Well presented near new home on cnr allot approx 344m2. 3 bdrms, kitchen w elec apps, d/w, pantry, o/plan living/dine, s/s a/c, 9’ ceils, vdah, carport, lovely cottage gdn on drippers, r/w plumbed t/out home. WEB ID: 106614295 Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942


NEW Inspection by Appointment


Neat b/v home on lge 1950m2 allot with rural views. 4 brs, main ens & WIR, br 2 & 3 BIR, kitchen has gas stove, pantry, plenty cpds, dine, family, fml lnge, comb heat, ducted a/c, dble c/pt UMR, vdahs, pergola, 30x20 gge. Currently tenanted. WEB ID: 106770196 Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942


48 Basedow Road Open Sunday 1.00-1.45pm



PUBLIC NOTICE Re: Section 7 The Vendor’s statement relating to matters affecting the advertised properties in this publication may be inspected at the agents office three business days prior to the auction or at the place of auction thirty minutes before sale.


3 separately designed 3 br homes, community titled allots from 300m2-312m2. Rendered hebel walls, floor coverings, quality interior fittings r/c a/c, gas h.w.s., paved drive, landscaped front yd, fencing, Ideal first home/retirees/investors. WEB ID: 105904426 Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942


Approx 85 acres, close to highway but still private, scrub land, cleared land has olive, fig & pistachio trees, brick building, sep bath & toilet, rainwater tanks, underground creek, generated power, ideal weekender, retreat or living. Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942

92 MAIN ST • T: 8566 3399

Wednesday, November 16, 2011 - Domain Page 5 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Neat t/f home on 746m2 allot. 3 bdrms, lge lnge, spac kitchen/ dine w elec apps, plenty cpd space, WIP, cellar. Heat & cool by r/c a/c on 3 ph pwr, solar heat, polished wood flrs, plumbing & elec renewed. Front & rear vdahs & c/pt. Shed w 3 ph pwr. Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942


Wednesday, November 16, 2011 - Domain Page 6 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Wednesday, November 16, 2011 - Domain Page 7 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Real Estate Liftout

Fit for royalty

THE very sought-after address of 7 Queens Court located at 3 Elizabeth Street Tanunda, is now available for purchase. Tucked away and secure just off Murray Street the property is a very short walk to all ammenities. This comfortable house begins with a large front hall that has room for furniture allowing you to keep those items that you need to put down at the end of the day. There is a separate lounge. There are three spacious bedrooms, the master with a walk-in robe and ensuite, and the second with a floor-to-ceiling built-in wardrobe plus a large amount of storage. The open-plan family, dining and kitchen (pictured) with dishwasher, induction cooktop, and great storage, is user friendly, has downlights and plenty of power points. This family room leads out through sliding doors onto the large hardwood deck adjacent to a small lawn and garden creating a cool relaxed environment for entertaining. Around the corner there is an extended

paved area with a vegie patch currently planted with peas, and a garden shed to tuck the tools away. Reverse-cycle air conditioning will keep you warm in the winter and cool in the summer, but isn’t always needed as the house is well insulated. The front windows have been discreatly tinted for privacy and comfort, and the security screen door at the front allows you to take advantage of the breeze most of the year. It’s also easy to live in, the drippers are hooked up to an irrigation controller, the rainwater is plumbed to both the hot water and a tap in the laundry. The master shower is equiped with a folding shower seat and adjustable shower, and even the wheelie bins have a home tucked behind a gate at the driveway. This home available through private sale, will be open for inspection from 11am – noon on Sunday, November 20 where all questions can be answered efficiently by the current owners who have lived in the house since it was built or to make an appointment please call David 0416 248 082.



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Wednesday, November 16, 2011 - Domain Page 8 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

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... where people matter

Real Estate Liftout


$295,000 TANUNDA


3 Coronation Avenue

Open Sunday 20th Nov, 1.30-2.15pm

16 Railway Parade NEW

Brand new and price is right


ENERGY EFFICIENT HOME. Well looked after double brick BEAUTIFULLY RESORTED 1910 VILLA.12 ft ceilings, picture rails in home, three bedrooms with bir, kitchen with gas stove, bright every room. 3-4 bedrooms, 2 living areas, country kitchen, new bathroom lounge room, a/c, carport, large shed & backyard + 10 solar with spa, front & rear access for boat & caravan. 1000m2 allot. panels. 758m2 allot.

NURIOOTPA 29 First Street

$265,000 STOCKWELL $280,000 Property $70,000

Open Sunday 20th Nov, 12.30-1.15pm 15 Duckpond Road

Stock & imp.


GAWLER SOUTH 5 Fourteenth St

There is a drive-through carport plus front roller door with a remote. A stylish gazebo, rainwater tank and low-maintenance gardens are other features. The property is suitable for first home buyers, investors or retirees. Call us today and we’ll be more than happy to organise a time to show you through.

BRAND NEW AND THE PRICE IS RIGHT! Quality home with high ceilings, 3 large brms all with bi robes, open plan kitchen/dine/iving, r/c ducted a/c. Suitable for first home buyers, investors or retirees.





Lot 102 Belvidere Road 25 ACRES OF LAND WITH MODERN HOME. 3 brms, 2 bthrms home, huge shed plus horse stable & well fenced paddocks.

At a glance...



Call Julie for your free appraisal!

Call for your free market appraisal

2/7 Gawler Street, Nuriootpa

8562 4650 0418 853 134



View by appointment • Centrally located approximately 15 minutes from Nuriootpa, Tanunda & Gawler • 5km South of Freeling and 45 minutes from Pt Adelaide • Immaculate property nestled on 27.11 HA (67.5 acres) • 50 acres of the land is currently cropped • Truly impressive 5 year young NuSteel home with panoramic views. Contact Brendan 0416 054 731 ID: CK5G54


List your property for sale or rent with Julie Toth Real Estate this month and we will donate $300 towards your favourite charity.

Site 58 Tanunda Tourist Park LARGE ON-SITE CARAVAN & SOLID ANNEXE. Brm, kitchen, lounge, r/c air cond, shower, front & rear deck, large shed.

FREELING - Section 1610 Dee Road



Lot 12 Greenock Road NEW & SPACIOUS 3 BEDROOM HOME. Open plan living, kitchen with d/w, garage with elec r/door, on 395m2 allotment.

Where: 29 First Street, Nuriootpa. Features: Spacious, quality new home. Price: $265,000. Open: Sunday, November 20. When: 12.30pm to 1.15 pm. Agent: Julie Toth Real Estate. RLA198199. Contact: Julie Toth on 0418 853 134 or 8562 4650.

View Sat & Sun 1.30-2.10pm

W.I.W.O. Freehold Business with Residence For Sale or Lease General Store, Takeaway & Postal Agency - 2 brms, sunroom or 3rd brm, sleepout, commercial & residential kitchen, lounge, s/rm, study, 40x30 approx shed & more. Lots of potential - 3 businesses in one!

KAPUNDA - 12 Quintrell Street



View by appointment


ENTERTAINERS DELIGHT! • 3 bedrooms, master with built in robes, ceiling fan and bay window • Lounge has polished floor, fire place with combustion heater, ceiling rose & ornate cornice


• Dining room also has open fire place and feature beam ceiling

Charles Fry Court

• New solid blackwood timber kitchen with Essa stone bench tops, dishwasher and quality stainless steel appliances


$725,000 View Sun 2.15-3.00pm

• 2 ½ year young home built by David Gameau on 17.23 HA (42.5 acres) • 4 bedrooms, master with ensuite & WIR • Formal lounge, huge open plan kitchen/meals/family • Indoor/outdoor Alfresco area, games room, raked ceilings • 60 x 25 shed, est gardens, mins to Gawler


Contact Brendan 0416 054 731 ID: DF4G54



View by appointment • Master brm with ceiling fan, ensuite & WIR • Formal lounge leads through to formal dine with floating floor • Modern kitchen has dishwasher & pantry and overlooks family/meals area • Paved 6m x 6m undercover entertaining area • Approx 7 mins to Elizabeth & Munno Para shops, less than 30 mins drive to Adelaide & Port Adelaide

• 4 spacious bedrooms, plus study • Master brm w.his/hers WIR’S, huge ensuite • Brms 2, 3 & 4 all have BIRs & ceiling fans • Fml lnge w.vaulted ceiling & feature pillars • Open plan tiled kitch/meals/family • Lrg rumpus, duct cool, comb heat & 2 x S/S R/C wall units • 2 fabulous ent areas, htd i/g pool • Approx 20 x 30 shed Contact Brendan 0416 054 731 ID: D5XG54

Restored Circa 1870’s Colonial Cottage


FIRST home buyers - this is a great chance for you to get out of renting. Our asking price is $265,000. The government first home bonus buyers grant who qualify to receive of up to $7000 and an additional payment for a new home of up to $8000 would bring the price down to only $250,000. So if you love to live in the famous Barossa Valley in a beautiful brand new home (pictured), this could be it. You can save yourself from the pressures of building your own home as the job has been done for you. There is nothing else to do, just move in and put your feet up. There are three large bedrooms, all with built-in robes and the master bedroom has an ensuite. Quality carpets, fittings and appliances are part of the house while there is ducted reverse-cycle air conditioning, plenty of kitchen and laundry storage plus great open-plan living areas.

Contact Brendan 0416 054 731 ID: DG5G54




View Sun 12-12.30pm

23 Tod Street

Open By Appointment



5 Hogan Street

Open By Appointment

• Large family/meals area has reverse cycle wall unit, Timber French Doors and ceiling fan • Expansive 11.5m x 5m paved, peaked, pergola area with bonus 6 person hydro spa • 6m x 6m shed has concrete floor & pwr connected • All set on a substantial 602sqm allotment with neat cottage style gardens Contact Brendan 0416 054 731

Enjoy The Country Lifestyle!

2 Year Young Rossdale Home

Only Approximately 18 Months Old

• • • • •

• • • •

Absolutely immaculate 3 bedroom home Master with ensuite & WIR, brm 2 with BIR & ceiling fan Big kitchen/meals/family area, heat/cool, 3-way main bthrm Great undercover entertaining area, lots of rainwater, veggie garden & fruit trees • Ample secure off street parking. Not a thing to do here!

• • • • •

Contact Brendan 0416 054 731

Contact Brendan 0416 054 731

Cul-de-sac location. 3 brms, master with ensuite & WIR Large L-shaped lounge & dining with down lights Timber kitchen with pantry overlooks tiled dining room Ducted evaporative cooling & two gas heaters Big paved peaked undercover entertaining area

ID: DHZG54 Contact Brendan 0416 054 731





RLA 1679

3 bedrooms, master with ensuite and walk in robe Bedrooms two and three both with built in robes Fml lnge, o/plan kitch/meals/family area w. down lights Kitchen w. dishwasher, WIP & feature built in wine rack Garage with auto roller door, paved gabled U/C ent area, shed plus side access

Wednesday, November 16, 2011 - Domain Page 9 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Real Estate Liftout

Why worry about building? SITUATED at 5 Hogan Street, Kapunda is this house (pictured), only about 18 months old and priced at $285,000. Why go to all the trouble of building when this near-new home is all ready for you? There are three bedrooms, the master with an ensuite and walk-in robe. Bedrooms two and three both have built-in robes. Relax in the spacious formal lounge room.

To advertise, call (08) 8563 2041 / Fax (08) 8563 3655 | Email:


YOUR TRADES & SERVICES GUIDE Deadline for advertisements is 5pm Thursdays


Open-plan describes the kitchen/meals/family area with down lights. The kitchen has a dishwasher, a walk-in pantry and a feature built-in wine rack. A split-system heating and cooling wall unit ensures the inside temperature is controlled all-year-round. Floating floors are in the main living areas while there is a garage under the main roof with an automatic roller door.


Have family and frieds around as there is a great paved gabled undercover entertaining area plus a shed. Side access allows extra parking or storage for a boat or caravan. The property also has neat well-established gardens. For more information or to arrange a viewing contact Brendan Howard on 0416 054 731 or Dayna Reimann on 0434 175 375 from LJ Hooker Gawler. RLA 1679.





Call Nick on 0450 772 753





Various sizes available

of Kapunda






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Wednesday, November 16, 2011 - Domain Page 10 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

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Wednesday, November 16, 2011 - Domain Page 11 - The Herald, Barossa Valley



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• • • • •



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Friendly helpful advice available

Units Tanunda

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We stock all your materials for pergolas, shadehouses & landscaping

Stash ‘n’ Store






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•Now selling Concrete •Full range of dolomite products available •Including ballast for septic • Phone us for a free quote

Ask for Rino or Margaret Mobile 0407 601 116

• Treated pine • Oregon • Pinus • Trellis • Poly Carb Sheeting

timber is


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0400 631 631

Wednesday, November 16, 2011 - Domain Page 12 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


ALL TYPES OF BLOCKED DRAINS • Septic Tank Cleaning • Soakage Wells • Winery Waste • Electric drain cleaning equipment

All Local & Surrounding Areas Chris and Rob Falkenberg AH (08) 8564 2124, Mobile 0428 811 044 ABN 42093097315 Email:



Mitsubushi always improving - page 21.

Your guide to everything automotive - pages 22 & 23.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011 - Page 19 - The Herald, Barossa Valley



In print and on-line


Cruze along

Tiptronic Auto, air conditioning, power steering, Cruise Control,on steering wheel audio controls, low kms, stunning charcoal grey S972ADH


LVD 2515

*Price does not include stamp duty or govt. charges





PLUS FREE Rego, Stamp Duty & CTP


27,990 DRIVE AWAY^ 2008 HYUNDAI SONATA SLX • 5 speed Auto • 2.4L • CD • Air Cond •Cruise XSJ-597

•Wagon •Constantly Variable Transmission •4x4 •2.5L •Cruise S003-AIH







• Top Of Range • DVD • Sat Nav • Reverse Camera • 7 Seater

• 6 speed manual • 2.5L Turbo Diesel • 3 Tonne towing • CD Stacker





The design process was led by Holden’s Port Melbourne Design Studio. The brief was simple, but challenging: create a car that delivers a sporty and youthful look with a practical rear load space that was recognisable as an integrated member of the Cruze family. It’s striking coupe-like profile accentuated by the low roof, short front and rear overhangs, rising belt line, and sculpted rear hatch topped with an integrated spoiler provide the Cruze hatch with a particularly athletic aesthetic. The design of the front and rear fascia treatments emphasise the car’s wide, solid stance and contribute to its sharp and muscular presence. Inside, the new Cruze hatch shares the sedan’s dual cockpit design with quality finishes, soft-touch components and an integrated centre stack that flows seamlessly into the centre console. Holden’s designers have worked hard to produce a five-door hatch that is both stylish and practical with clever design delivering a rear load space that offers a 413 litre capacity from its well-finished luggage space. This expands to a large 1254 litre capacity when the standard 60/40 split rear seat backs are folded flat. With the no-cost option full-size steel spare fitted, cargo volume is still a very competitive 325 litres, with multiple storage compartments built under the boot floor to provide nine litres of handy cargo space. As with all Holdens, the new Cruze hatch is very well equipped for comfort and convenience with standard features across the range. The Holden Cruze engineering team have ensured the CD and CDX hatch models maintain the same economical fuel consumption as the equivalent Series II Cruze sedan models. This has been achieved in part thanks to the sleek aerodynamic shape of the hatch and through a number of minor adjustments and modifications to mechanical components.



Saturday 17th & Sunday 18t Semi Trailer


+ 4.9% Comparison Rate for all vehicles excluding Nissan GT-R, Patrol Cab Chassis & Navara. Finance available to approved applicants of Nissan Financial Services Australia Pty Ltd for 36 months, terms and conditions apply. Applications must be received by 31/12/2011 and vehicles must be delivered by 31/12/2011. ^Private and Business Fleet buyers only.


Sporty design and high level of standard features.




THE launch of the all-new Holden Cruze hatch (pictured) marks another milestone in Holden’s history as this Australian-designed model goes global for General Motors. As Australia’s own small car, the Cruze hatch has been designed at Holden’s Port Melbourne design studio, is built in South Australia and has undergone extensive local engineering for Australian driving conditions and tastes. Holden chairman and managing director Mike Devereux said that Holden’s world-class expertise in design, engineering and manufacturing has delivered a Cruze hatch that is not only ideally suited to Australian customers and conditions, but one that also appeals to a truly global audience. Cruze hatch has already launched to critical acclaim in the UK and Korea (where it wears a Chevrolet badge), and is destined to be sold in more than 60 countries. “Cruze sedan is already a huge success in Australia, establishing itself as one of the top five selling cars in the market in just two years. With the addition of the new Cruze hatch we can now offer small car buyers a stylish and sporty homegrown alternative,” Mr Devereux said. “The launch of this car showcases Holden’s ability to design, engineer and build a car that is world-class and a genuine global player for General Motors.” Extensive Australian testing and evaluation covered more than 140,000km and saw a number of key Australian engineering modifications made. Many of these engineering changes have now been adopted globally on both Cruze hatch and sedan. Cruze hatch is available with a choice of three engines, three transmissions and four trim levels with recommended retail pricing (excluding government, dealer and statutory charges) starting at $21,240 for the Cruze CD 1.8-litre manual, meaning customers have a range of Cruze options to suit their particular wants and needs. As part of Holden’s ongoing aim to provide great value for money and choice, the Cruze hatch is priced to match the Cruze sedan and shares the same high level of standard features and equipment.

Front End Loader & Backhoe Forklift

Ph: (08) 8562 2411

A/H Christian 0407 873 977 Mike 0417 864 607 Jon 0418 801 544

MVD 1433

Light & Heavy Truck

Wednesday, November 16, 2011 - Page 20 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


Phone Brian 0419 838 861 or Cameron 0429 838 861 (MR & HR Licenses)


178 Murray St, Tanunda


Call Matthew 0407 511 774

ALL VEHICLES ARE AVAILABLE WITH AN AUSTRALIA-WIDE WARRANTY FOR PEACE OF MIND FORD BA FALCON MKII XR6 Madarin, good tyres, a/c, TIPTRONIC auto, p/steer, immaculate XTM204 . . REDUCED $11,990* HOLDEN VIVA SEDAN. 66,000kms, manual, air conditioning, pwr steering, 1 owner, books. XOI-714 . . . . REDUCED $9,990* MITSUBISHI CH LANCER ES. Auto, A/C, pwr steering, tinted windows, spoiler, books, service history. S/N 093 REDUCED $8,990* HYUNDAI ACCENT. 3 Door update, a/c, p/steer, p/windows, manual, celadon blue, books WZO133 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8,990* HOLDEN VX ACCLAIM Auto, alloys, window tint, a/c, elec. seats, p/windows, Pioneer Sub, Very low kms. SS/N44 . . . $8,990* HOLDEN BARINA SXI. 3 door hatch, 5 speed manual, A/C, pwr steer S/N123 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8,990* HONDA CRV AWD . Auto, air cond, pwr steering, keyless entry, local car, window tint, very clean & tidy XHO909 . . . . . $8,990* TOYOTA COROLLA ASCENT Auto, a/c, very tidy local car, books, good tyres, a great first or second car. WKU482 . . . . $8,990* KIA RIO . 1.6L, current shape, 5-door hatch, manual, a/c, pwr steer, books, burnt orange. XNY-093 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8,990* FORD FALCON XH S UTE Mk II, V8, auto, a/c, pwr steer, factory alloy wheels, navy blue in colour XAX264 . . . . . . . . . . $8,990* HOLDEN COMMODORE VTII ACCLAIM SEDAN V6, Auto, low km’s, tint, cargo barrier, very tidy, gd tyres, cruise control XFI174 $7,990* MERCEDES C240 CLASSIC SEDAN Auto, white in colour, a.c, p/steer, passenger, drivers & side airbags, luxury at affordable price. WBV-880 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7,990* VT COMMODORE EXEC SEDAN Genuine 98,000kms, white, a/c, p/steer, drivers airbag, very clean & tidy car. WFC-231 $7,990* VS STATESMAN V6, a/c, p/steer, luxury at an affordable price, alloys, silver in colour. S/N 073 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7,990* HOLDEN VX COMMODORE Series 2, executive, white in colour, a/c, p/steer, alloy wheels. XAV-791 . . . . . . . REDUCED $6,990* NISSAN PULSAR PLUS Sedan, Alloys, Spoiler, A/C, pwr steer, 1 owner from new, white. WJK-977 . . . . . . REDUCED $5,990* HYUNDAI ACCENT Red, 3 door, manual, full bodykit, spoiler, alloy wheels, a/c p/steer, low km engine XCA-865 . . . . . . $5,990* BMW E34 525i . 4 Door sedan, 5 speed auto, white in colour, a/c, p/steering, very tidy for its age WPE978 . . . . . . . . . . $4,990* MAZDA 121 METRO . Manual, air con, pwr steering, low km’s for its age XHH880 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,990* HYUNDAI EXCEL LX. 5 door, automatic, air conditioning, p/steering VRH052 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,990* HYUNDAI ACCENT. 3 door, manual, 14” alloys, spoiler, Red in colour, A/C, pwr steer. WNB-314 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,990* MITSUBISHI TS MAGNA. Dual fuel, V6, automatic, a/c, p.steer, Low KMS, clean and tidy throughout BYC270 . . . . . . . $4,990* HYUNDAI LANTRA SEDAN. Manual, a/c, pwr steer, pwr windows, keyless entry, alloys, spoiler, silver in colour WPP641 . $4,990* FORD FESTIVA TRIO . Manual, a/c, very economical, great first car WLL055 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,990* DAIHATSU SIRION. 5 door, manual, pwr steer, pwr windows, 1 owner, good tyres, very economical WIT328 . . . . . . . . . . $3,990* DAEWOO LANOS. 3 door hatch, manual, air con, low km’s, with books S/N 4099 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,990* MAZDA 626 SEDAN . Auto, p/windows, p/steer, a/c, velour trim, great service history with receipts, window tint, very clean & tidy XPN562 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,990* HOLDEN JK APOLLO SL. Automatic, excellent first car, white VEM-707 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,990* VOLKSWAGON TRANSPORTER VAN Power steering, 5, speed manual, LPG, good workhorse. S227-AGP . . . . . . . . . . $2,990*

Small & Large Bus

In print and on-line

Packed for convenience audio controls, privacy glass, six speaker sound system and climate control. Powered by a 2.5L high power common rail direct injection turbo diesel engine and with the choice of five speed manual or automatic transmission, Challenger 2WD boasts fuel economy of 8.2L/100km and 9.6L/100km respectively and has a three tonne towing capacity. Reversing camera is now a

standard feature for the fourwheel drive LS and XLS models, with the camera monitor appearing automatically in the electrochromatic rear view mirror when reverse gear is engaged to enhance driver visibility and awareness. Cabin comfort and convenience has been improved through the addition of a USB port on LS and XLS models while seven seat

models receive improved rear air-conditioning. Mitsubishi provides its industry leading warranty on all Challenger vehicles, including a comprehensive five year/130,000 km whole vehicle warranty, backed up by its 10 year/160,000 km powertrain warranty and a five year/130,000 kilometre roadside assistance package. For more info contact Steve Ahrens at Lyndoch Motors.

CONVENIENT: Rod Pursche using the rear view camera in the rear vision mirror of his new Mitsubish challenger to avoid colliding with the trailer on the roadway. WH1766630

MITSUBISHI Motors Australia Limited (MMAL) versatile medium SUV, the Challenger, is now available as a twowheel drive as part of the 2012 line-up. MMAL’s President and CEO, Genichiro Nishina, said the introduction of the two-wheel drive Challenger offers customers more flexibility and caters for the growing demand for two-wheel drive vehicles. The two-wheel drive segment is becoming increasingly popular with customers wanting versatile vehicles that offer economical performance, so we are pleased to introduce the 2WD Challenger with the option of a reversing camera to enhance safety,” Nishina said. The reversing camera is available for the two-wheel drive diesel automatic Challenger through the Convenience Pack which retails for $3640 and also includes side and curtain airbags to improve vehicle safety. On the exterior, the Convenience Pack adds 17inch alloy wheels, stylish radiator grille, fog lamps, rain and light sensors and roof rails. In the cabin, the pack includes a leather steering wheel with

WRECKING Ford Falcon AU III Stationwagon 4 Litre motor and auto transmission, most parts available Ford Falcon BF XR6 Sedan 4 Litre motor, 73,000 km, most parts available Ford Falcon BF II Stationwagon 4 Litre LPG only motor and auto transmission, most parts available Ford Falcon BF III Stationwagon 4 Litre LPG only motor and auto transmission, 56,000 km, most parts available Holden Commodore VY Sedan 3.8 Litre motor and auto transmission, most parts available Holden Commodore VE 60th Anniversary Sedan 3.6 Litre motor and auto transmission, factory alloys NEW ARRIVALS: Holden Commodore VZ Lumina Sedan 3.6 Litre motor and auto transmission, 76,000 km Ford Falcon AU III Sedan 4 Litre motor and auto transmission, 94,000 km

NEW CAR: Steve Ahrens (right) of Lyndoch Motors hands over the keys of a brand new Mitsubish Challenger LS 4x4 to owner Rod Pursche from Lyndoch.

GAWLER MOTOR WRECKING 3 Prescott Crescent, Gawler Belt 8522 5677 or 0416 081 109





BARINA CLASSIC 5 DOOR COMMODORE SV6 SERIES II • Four Airbags • ABS and Alloy Wheels • iPod Connectivity • Power Windows • Air Conditioning

• Dual Zone Climate • Bluetooth Connectivity •210kW SIDI Engine with 6 Speed Auto • Sports Styled Bodykit with 18” Alloy Wheels • Improved Fuel Economy only 9.5L/100km

SAVE OV $9,500!ER

SAVE OV $3,500!ER




• Powerful 6.0L V8 • 19” Alloys and Brembo Brakes • Full Leather Trim • Satellite Navigation • The Ultimate Ute




• Automatic • Incredible Fuel Economy • 5 Star Safety • Automatic Headlights • Fully Featured

SAVE OV $3,00! ER

SAVE OV $13,500ER !



34,990* WH1766401





8562 4444

153-157 Murray Street, Nuriootpa DISCLAIMER: *Prices exclude govt stamp duty. Some images for illustrational purposes only. LMVD2833

Wednesday, November 16, 2011 - Page 21 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Keep your cool qualified professionals at the auto electrics outlet. With Christmas approaching, book in now to ensure your family holiday is stress-free and is in air conditioned comfort. But there is more on offer than service and repairs, the auto electricians can also install new airconditioning systems and carry out custom modifications. Justin’s Auto electricians use the current R134a refrigerant for all their

air-conditioning requirements. They also have a degas system which recovers refrigerant, in accordance with the Australian regulations. When servicing and checking airconditioner systems the team use all the latest technology available to them. This includes checking for gas leaks using a fluoro dye and ultraviolet light. The modern workshop also has an excellent selection of spare parts which help provide ‘same day’ repairs. But Justin and the team are not only air-conditioning specialists they are up-to-date with all the latest technology. Reverse camera systems are becoming very popular to ensure you can see what is behind you when reversing. You can’t be too safe and this reverse camera technology is brilliant. Justin said it can be installed in cars, 4WDs, caravans and trucks. Pop in and ask Justin to explain the advantages. So with summer approaching fast, now is the time to book your vehicle in to check its climate control. The last thing you need when you are on the move on a hot summer day is a faulty air-conditioner. Phone Justin’s Auto Electrics today on 8562 1166 to book your service or check up.

HEAT IS ON: Avoid losing your cool. Let Justin Roennfeldt from Justin’s Auto Electrical, Nuriootpa and his team service and check your vehicle’s air conditioning system and have it running cool ready for Christmas Holiday motoring.



Christmas Holidays are just around the corner, so make sure your car is in roadworthy condition.





Call in to get an obligation free safety check on your tyres.


Mention this ad and get

$100 off


8532 5755 16 Paxton St, WILLASTON


PH 8252 0899


Darkest legal tint in Australia. Maximum UV coverage.

23 Elizabeth Way, ELIZABETH

FARMERS KEEP COOL: A tractor can be the farmer’s office over the hot summer and Jordan Kuchel, auto electrician from Justin’s Auto Electrical, Nuriootpa, is checking the air conditioning comfort will make the harvest day easier inside this machine. To have your tractor serviced and ready, call the team at Justin’s today on 8562 1166.


We specialise in

• Passenger • Truck • 4WD • Agriculture 8563 0808 AH 8563 1352 MOB: 0429202963 178 MURRAY STREET TANUNDA


THERE is nothing worse than a car without air conditioning during the hot summer months. Don’t despair, the team at Justin’s Auto Electrics in Nuriootpa have what it takes to keep you and your vehicle cool. Whether it is your car, ute, 4x4, truck or tractor in need of airconditioning attention, now is the time to book a service. Airconditioning regas, service and repairs are all part of the job for the

Look hot this winter with...



Twilight Black /Machined Face

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‘SPEEDfactory’ is a name you can trust

175/70 R13 ........$65 175/65 R14 ........$70 185/65 R14 ........$80 205/65 R15 ........$85 215/60 R16 ......$100 235/45 R17 ......$110 235/40 R18 ......$130 245/35 R19 ......$175 LT185 R14 ..........$85 LT195 R14 ........$105

24 Murray St, Gawler Ph 8522 6333



8523 5110

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Specialists in Car & Motorcycle Detailing Get your car detailed inside & out!


- Large wheel specialists - Mickey Thompson dealer - All the top brands - Competative pricing - locally owned & operated

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HAND WASH CAR WASH FROM $20 15A Craker Drive, Nuriootpa

Call Ian 8562 3455 or 0419 032 690


Wednesday, November 16, 2011 - Page 22 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Have a tyre safe Christmas

Always in print and growing the online opportunity


SAFETY: Ivan Silvy and the team at City Discount Tyres in Elizabeth know the value of tyre safety and with the festive season approaching they urge everyone to make sure their cars have the tyres in good condition. If you have any doubt drop in and see the team at City Discount Tyres at 23 Elizabeth Way, Elizabeth. Ready to help are, (from left), manager Ivan Silvy, Ismail Aytekia, Steve Connor, Chris Allison, Franz Schubert and Daniel Moore. If you can’t get there, then give them a ring on 8252 0899. WH1767127




We Specialise in: Servicing all makes and models, Logbook Servicing, Trailer Servicing, Caravan Servicing, Licenced LPG Installer, Diagnostics, Engine Repairs, Cooling Systems, Suspension, Brakes, Clutches, Exhausts, Batteries, Tyres and we are a Castrol Oils Distributor

SPECIALISING IN INSURANCE CRASH REPAIRS WITH MINIMAL OFF ROAD TIME • Drop off & pick up service available • 24-hour towing

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16b Paxton St Willaston

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88 Murray Road, Willaston Phone 8522 2558

See our website for our Services and our Monthly Specials 1766320



Call in for a quote today.

barossaautocare “Where your vehicle is in a safe pair of hands”

Justins Auto Electrics

Servicing Cars, Boats, Caravans & Motorcycles

• Auto Electrical

We can service your new vehicle while still under warranty


3 First Street, Nuriootpa


• Air Conditioning • Dual Battery Systems Caravan / Trailer

Ph: 8562 3077

• Audio/ GPS / UHF


• Calcium Batteries


• Plug-in Testing 17 Craker Drive Nuriootpa 8562 1166 Wednesday, November 16, 2011 - Page 23 - The Herald, Barossa Valley





Automatic, CD Player, Steering Wheel Mounted Controls, Cruise Control. XPI 002

5 Speed Manual, Cruise Control, Air Conditioning, Power Steering. WEM 161




Automatic, Cruise Control, Curtain Airbags, CD Player. S794 ACO

Climate Control, Air Conditioning, Multi Disc CD, Front & Back Parking Sensors, Low Kms. XPT 287

3.0L 5 Speed Turbo Diesel Manual, CD Player, Cruise Control, Towbar, Alloy Bullbar. S781-ANK.

Automatic, CD Player, Power Windows, Air Conditioning. XPJ 009







5 speed manual, canopy, tow bar, side steps. WZZ-636

8 Seater, Leather Seats, Automatic, CD Player, Electric Windows. XNC-190





SPECIAL $53,990

Tray top, diesel, 5 speed manual, air con, CB Radio. Bullbar, towbar. XOX-565

PARTNERSHIP: Hank Kingman (left) and Bruce Maclennan.


We’ve got the feeling!


New partnership guarantees car sale


Barossa Valley Toyota 175 Murray St, Tanunda. P: 8563 2188

In print and on-line

Gordon Alderslade A/h 0418 811 019

Trevor Kruger A/h 0417 876 350

Tim Kroehn A/h 0439 702 210

Nerissa Pumpa Finance & Insurance

FAIRFAX Media owned (Drive) has partnered with Pickles Auctions (Pickles), Australia’s largest privately-owned auction house to provide an Australian first. This partnership is offering sellers a guaranteed minimum price for their vehicle, before it goes to an exclusive online only auction. Drive is the first automotive website in Australia to offer this guarantee. Hank Kingman, general manager of Drive commented, “The relationship with Pickles is a significant bonus for people who are struggling to sell their used car. Over half of car sellers purchase a new car before they sell their old one which often results in a

financial void until their old car is sold. “By listing their used car with Drive, customers are guaranteed a minimum price, which will help streamline the process of purchasing a new car. “Car sellers frequently have unrealistic price expectations when selling a car. By working with a trusted auction house they will be given a realistic price up front for their car. The hard work of selling it is then left to Drive and Pickles.” Bruce Maclennan, director of Operations at Pickles Auctions said, “The company is pleased to be linking with one of the country’s leading automotive websites.”




Only $23,999! From $115 P/WEEK Less with deposit or trade-in.

T.A.P* TBA-689


$14,999! From $60 P/WEEK Less with deposit or trade-in.

5.7Ltr, auto, low kms, books

Loans from $30, $40, $50 per week You tell us T.A.P.*


5 year warranty available



6.0Ltr, sunroof, sat nav, HSV upgrade



4.3Ltr Diesel, 38,500kms Sleeps 6 to 7, shower, toilet, 3-way fridge TBA-384



5 pack manual, 90,000km LIKE NEW

Less with deposit or trade-in.



Less with deposit or trade-in.

$14,999! From $60 P/WEEK

T.A.P* TBA-918

$25,999! From $120 P/WEEK



Wednesday, November 16, 2011 - Page 24 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

T.A.P* TBA-145

FORD 08 XR4 FIESTA S165-ALU.......... $14,999 HOLDEN VX SS 6 speed TBA-872........ $14,650 HOLDEN 04 CAPRICE V8 TBA-814 ...... $18,999 HSV 6.0LTR 05 VZ CLUBSPORT TBA-964. $27,999 MAZDA PREMACY XTJ-748................. $7,999 MITSUBISHI NIMBUS S742-AMR......... $8,950

OVER 70 VEHICLES TO CHOOSE FROM T.A.P * Payments based on no deposit over 60 months to approved purchasers. The final result to be determined. LVD 49377 Prices apply until 5pm Saturday next **Available on all cars at Govt scheduled price and excludes advertised specials. Photos for illustration purposes only.

Warm welcome



Wellbeing with STARplex Fitness Centre manager Paul Pearce

Active kids Father Christmas dropped into Tanunda this week to check out who’s kept their promise to be good. He was also in town to tell children from Tanunda Kindergarten that the Barossa Christmas Parade will be held on Friday, December 2 from 7pm in Tanunda. The parade, organised by the Tanunda Town Committee, will begin at the southern end of Murray Street and finish at the rotunda where children can pass on their secret wishes to Father Christmas. Each child will receive a bag of lollies. Also, children who take part in the parade will receive an ice-cream. Prizes will be presented to the best parade entries. As usual food and refreshments will be available through businesses and food stalls along the street. If you are still keen to enter the parade, contact Phil Hermann on 0428 847 771 (business hours) or 0407 720 799 (evenings). Pictured with Father Christmas are (clockwise from right) Brock Agars (on Father Christmas’ knee), Thomas Holmes, Flynn Caust, Lucas Sargeant, Blake McCarthy and Jacob Wood.

Who’s new? Kane Seven Davis, son of Gareth and Elsa of Nuriootpa, was born on October 26 at Gawler Health Service, weighing 7lb 14oz (3570g). He is a grandson for Trevor and Jeanette Roesler, of Tanunda, Howard and the late Susan Davis, of Mt Pleasant, and a great grandson for Doris Traeger.

Happy birthday to...

THERE are many theories as to why this generation of children are less active. Whatever the reason, the number of overweight Australian children has doubled in recent years. This sets a dangerous health precedent for our future. Keeping kids active is challenging. Technological advances means kids are becoming addicted to computer entertainment like “gaming.” While organised team sports are still popular, recreational physical activity for kids has declined. Rarely do you see groups of kids playing cricket in a street on a given day. The key to getting kids interested in exercise is making fitness fun. It is important to develop coordination and balance, as well as improving their strength and flexibility. From four-years upwards activities such as relays, camping, games and obstacle courses build confidence and keep them interested while maintaining the “fun” element. Through these programs kids find new

friends and learn through simple exercise cues to encourage cooperation and teamwork, in a circuit style class. For kids nine years and older, the emphasis should still be on fun but exercises can be more challenging. Exercise integrating movement and utilising bodyweight strength, as well as running, gets kids fitter for all sports. Beyond 12 years of age, children really need to improve all aspects of their fitness (cardiovascular and strength) as well as learn proper technique (injury prevention). Using the energy of music and lighting makes the gym a “cool” place to train where the kids come first. Make sure you select a fitness centre which has specialised programs supervised by qualified fitness trainers where no class is ever the same. Can you imagine your teen enjoying their level of fitness to the extent where they say something like “I love going to the gym and working out FUN: A group of kids being active. it’s so much fun?”

ALLCARE MEDICAL CENTRE The Doctors and staff at Allcare Medical Centre would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year . XMAS OPENING HOURS Friday 23rd December 2011 - 8am to 7pm Saturday 24th December 2011 - 8am to 3pm Sunday 25th December 2011 - Closed for Christmas day Monday 26th December 2011 - 8am to 3pm Tuesday 27th December 2011 - Closed Closed New Years holiday Monday 2nd January 2011. Wednesday 28th December we return to normal consulting hours 8am to 7pm Monday to Friday 8am to 3pm Saturday. WE ARE CURRENTLY ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS and would like to remind you that Children/ Pensioners and Health Care Card Holders are bulk billed Monday to Friday following initial consultation. Allcare also offers onsite allied services Podiatrist: Mr Daniel Claassen consults alternate Fridays Social Worker: Mr Peter Dowling consults every Tuesday General Surgeon: Mr Rimino Guerriero consults alternate Thursday afternoons. Abbotts Pathology have an onsite collection centre which is open 8am to 4pm Monday to Friday and 8.30am to 11.30am Saturday.

Bradley Dorrian, of Tanunda, will be eight on November 18.

• Family medicine • Paediatrics • Men’s health • Women’s health • Minor surgical procedures • 4yo healthy kids’ checks • Lung function tests • Child and adult immunisation • Diabetic/Chronic condition Patient Care Plans • Pre -employment medicals Now Open Monday to Friday 7.30am - 7pm Saturday 8am to 12.30pm

Pensioners/Health Care Card/ and children bulk billed Monday to Friday following initial consultation. Please telephone for details.

Jayden Schmidt, of Nuriootpa, was four on November 15.


We would like to welcome McPhee Andrewartha Psychologists and particularly Justin MacKenzie (Registered Psychologist) to our team of Allied Health onsite services. Justin will consult from our rooms in Gawler alternate Wednesday’s. For enquires or appointments please telephone 8357 1800 or to find out more about the services offered go to

49-51 Cheek Avenue, Gawler East Phone: 8523 1880 Wednesday, November 16, 2011 - Page 25 - The Herald, Barossa Valley





DSWONITZKY (nee Klingner) Sarah & Saxon are proud to annouce the arrival of Harry Stuart, born 9th November, 2011, weighing 8lb. 1oz. A beautiful brother for Zavier & Estelle. Special thanks to Dr. Myatt, Dr. Geyer, Beth & Kelly and the staff at Tanunda Hospital.

12 SPEED BIKE as new $100. Small dog box $10. Electric cement mixer $250. Cement rough casting machine $30. New front & rear car mats for Avalon or Camry $25. Strip heater never used $20. Cook master oven never used $35. Body Masseur $35. Rotisserie oven as new $25. Lots of Xmas lights, Father Xmas light up, Xmas reindeer light up all good order. Ph: 85662392 Kapunda.

LEADLIGHT - Local, professional affordable leadlight. I'll come to you, or call at Gawler Glass Design studio, 58 Yettie Rd, Williamstown. Weekly classes. Bob Pirch 85247241

HAVING A GARAGE SALE? Advertise in The Herald classifieds, and get results! All Garage Sale ads MUST be prepaid. You can now place your classified ad at Kapunda Newsagency, deadline is Monday 4.30 pm. Classified deadline 5.00pm Monday (Maybe subject to change) Ph: 85632041 Fax: 85633655 or email

70TH BIRTHDAY RATSCH, Trevor 15.11.41 Wishing you a very Happy Birthday and God's Richest Blessings. Love from Melva, Mark, Angela & Macormach, Stuart, Jodie, Lachlan, Cooper & Kaylie, Jason, Tammy, Jayden & Alexanda. Open House at Tanunda Bowling Club, Sunday 27th November 1.30 - 5.00 p.m. No presents but a small plate of afternoon tea would be appreciated.

IN MEMORIAM NITSCHKE, Brian Malcolm Born 1st Dec. 1935 - Died 16th Nov. 2009. To my Husband, It's been 2 years now since you're gone. I know you can feel my tears and you don't want me to cry. I felt lonely & heartbroken because of losing you. I pray to God to give me strength & happiness as I struggle without you. You're always my best friend & soul mate forever. Your loving wife Jean xxx SYMONS, Elsie Martha Seven years ago you left us Mum. Sad we had to part, always in our memories, forever in our hearts. Lovingly remembered by Heather, Leo; Darren, Tasha, Jack; Adam, Annette, Chloe, Charlotte; Michelle, Darren, Kyle, Jaden, Bonnie. SYMONS, Elsie Passed away November 19, 2004. SYMONS, Dudley Passed away September 25, 1983. To remember you is easy, we do it every day, it's the time we spend without you that never goes away. Loved Mum & Dad, Nanna & Pa, Great Nanna & Great Pa of Darryl, Tasma, Shane, Matthew, Timothy, Aimee, Ethan, Tyler, Liam & Austin.

AUTOMOTIVE PARTS BOXES 2, 3 & 4 compartment. $1.00 each Ph: 0408844709 Barossa New Life Church TREASURE CHEST - FURNITURE MART 10 Murray St, Nuriootpa Tel. 85622988 Monday - Friday 9am - 4pm Saturday 9am - 12pm

RETURN THANKS DUELL, Ronald Charles 16-10-2011 Joyce, Lynley, Malcolm and families sincerely thank all who sent cards, phone calls, flowers and personal condolances on the loss of our loved husband, father and poppa. Special thanks to Pastor Graham Maas and Tanunda Lutheran Homes, Dr Sonya Malone and staff at Tanunda Hospital, also Dennis and Marianne Noack. Please accept this as our personal thanks.

RIDE ON MOWER MTD Yardman 14.5hp 38" cut exc. cond. $1750. Ph. 85811083 or 0439184844

BAROSSA VALLEY Country Furniture Paint Stripping Furniture Restoration Custom Made. David Bush 0419628222 BULL NOSED sheets of iron. Secondhand, 245 cm x 66cm. 34 sheets $170 Ph: 85622714 or 0421658424

SLASHING, MOWING, whipper snipping. Backyards to acres. Truck & tractor hire. Competitive rates. Ph: Bill 0419807492 AH. 85628055 for free quote.

CASH FOR BOTTLES & CANS. Wine bottles, batteries, phone Lange's Can & Bottle Depot on 85642292 for trading hours, 20 Newcastle St, Angaston.

STORMWATER 90mm pipe $13 and fittings. Gawler Irrigation Lot 11, Paxton Street, Willaston. 85232350

All donations of furniture, clothing, bric-a-brac enable us to assist our Community

COMPLETE WORKSHOP facilities for domestic and farm pressure pumps, electric fence energisers. New units, spare parts energiser conversions to solar. Ag Power Williamstown Road, Cockatoo Valley 0408820024 COMPOSTING WORMS Ph: 85632387 COUNTRY STITCHERS fundraisers for CARERS' LINK BAROSSA & DISTRICTS INC. will be in the BAROSSA MALL, Nuriootpa on 16th, 17th and 18th November 2011. We will have cot quilts, babies rugs and knitwear, wall hangers, quilts, ironing board covers, standard 48"(122cm) extra long 53"(134.5cm) crocheted top towels, overnight bags, handbags, tea cosies, (pansies) jug covers, aprons,and small lace christmas trees. Times: Wed. 16th 10 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. Thurs. 17th and Fri. 18th 9 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. Last stall this year. Next stall at Lions Craft Fair next year on Easter Sat. at Angaston Town Hall. Thanks for your support in 2011. Seasons Greetings to all.

ELECTRIC TREADMILL 10km/hr $200.00 Ph:0413745644

Remembering you is easy, I do it every day, it’s just the pain of losing you, that never goes away. Dad.

PLANTS - Natives, perennials, tube stock, water wise etc. MORNING STAR NURSERY Lot 1 Cossins St., Kapunda. Ph: 85663952. Open Thursday to Sunday 9am- 5pm.

SELLING, BUYING .......? Advertise in the Herald classifieds, and get results! Giveaway ads are run for 1 week, FREE. You can now place your classified ad at Kapunda Newsagency, deadline is Monday 5.00p.m. Classified deadline 5.00pm Monday. (Maybe subject to change) Ph: 85632041, Fax: 85633655 or email

DINING SETTING six chairs very solid. 180cm x 100cm lovely wood exc. cond. Padded seats $450 ono Ph. 0434391708 before 5.00pm.

TRINNE, Daniel John 30.11.81 - 18.11.2008

NEED A PUMP? For all your needs, Gawler Irrigation, Lot 11, Paxton Street, WILLASTON. Ph: 85232350

ENGEL & WAECO 12/24/240 volt fridge /freezers. All models. Best prices in the State. Gawler Fishing & Outdoors 85226200 FIREWOOD Quality seasoned. Split red. blue, sugar gum, mallee stumps sawn mallee & bags of kindling. Weighbridge docket supplied. Pickup or deliver AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY. Matthew Reimann, Firewood Supplies. 0413089743. Delivery available 7 days by appointment. Credit Cards now accepted. HAY OATEN WHEATEN Hay from $35 roll Phone Peter & Bev Grocke 0429 694 058 or 8563 2113 LARGE TRAILER 7'x4'6". Excellent condition $900 ono. SUNBEAM convection oven Bake & Grill. Excellent condition. $50 ono. Ph: 0438831524


Three new homes on low main. community title blocks comprising 3 bdrms, sep lnge, dining, up to the minute kitchen and bathroom, c/pt + additional parking, fencing etc, peaceful rural setting.

Brian Daken 0418 818 613 or 8264 7666 Daken & Daken Real Estate RLA61425 1768272



PETS BELINDA'S PAMPERED PETS NURIOOTPA Professional dog clipping, heated hydrobathing, blowdrying & nails for all breeds. LARGE & SMALL by an animal lover. Ph: 0418810323 HOOTZ DOG GROOMING Mobile. Qualified groomer. Nuriootpa Ph: Justin 0406840020 HYDROPAWS 4pawfectpaws. Mobile nose to tail pet care. Heated hydrobath, blowdry, nails & clipping. Ph: Bridget 0488444542 VALLEY AQUARIUMS All Your Aquarium Needs •Tropical•Cold Water•Turtles •Axolotls•Live & Frozen Food •Filters/Pumps•Tanks & Stands Eftpos available Weekly Specials in Store 48b Murray Street Nuriootpa Open Hours Wednesday to Friday12pm til 5pm Saturdays & Sunday 11am til 3pm Ph: Richi 0425826464

Wednesday, November 16, 2011 - Page 26 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

SAT 19TH NOV 8 -12 Traminer Way, Nuriootpa. Cot and access., F & P Powerplus swing, pram, girls clothing 000 - 10, toys, books, kitchenware etc. all exc. cond. SATURDAY 19th November. Vintage Sewing items, china, lace, dollhouse & dolls, droppers. 38 Old Sturt Highway, Nuriootpa 8am - 1pm. Ph: 85621602

Community Helpers Inc DONATIONS

Of clothing & bric-a-brac For our Tanunda Shop 119 Murray Street Phone 8563 1105 Furniture Welcome Nuriootpa Warehouse 85622786 Working for Carers Link and other charities

LIVESTOCK J.W. SMART WOOLBUYERS PTY LTD. Will buy all types. Flexible hours. Ph: 0417878486 -

WANTED ANY SCRAP METAL Will pay cash for the removal of yours. Ph: 0412259039

FOR SALE $290,000 or FOR RENT $260pw

2 YOUNG SILKY 0409381083

SALE: 2 First Street Truro. Saturday 19th November 8.30am - 2.00pm. Household items, books, clothes, irrigation fittings /supplies, bbq plates + more.



7x4 TRAILER, checker plate, full gates, rego, can deliver, ex cond. $1,950 Ph 0450011952

MERINO LAMBS Young & in fresh condition from $55 Ph: 85632198

ANYTHING WITH METAL Cash 4 cars, free collection. HAPPY SCRAPPY recycle it! 85630213 or 0406411117 CASH FOR SCRAP METAL I AM LOCAL. Ph: 0411165694 WANTED GRAZING LAND. Eden Valley /Flaxmans Valley and Barossa Ranges. Sheep only. Hills or vineyard, agistment or lease. Payment in advance. Ph. 0418851483 WANTED motorcycles in any condition. Two, three or four wheelers. Road or trail to sell, repair or wreck. Anything considered. Spot cash paid. We can come to you. Call Lee's Spot On Motorcycles, on 8568 2266. Also service and repairs to all makes and models. Quality Guaranteed.


it Keepal! loc

General Towing, breakdowns, caravans, boats, farm machinery

0404 856 309


URRY David and Tina are proud to announce the birth of Zach John. Born 31/10/2011 weighing 7lb 130z. Thankyou to the staff at Kapunda Hospital.

MAINS pressure blue line poly from $37 roll. Gawler Irrigation, Lot 11, Paxton Street, Willaston. Ph: 85232350

MOTOR VEHICLES CASH FOR CARS and scrap metal. Ph: 0404856309 FORD CL Focus LS, Auto, hatch, 18,500 Kls., only. Air bags, alloy wheels, fully optioned. XMH-181 $18,750 Ph: 85623636

LOST & FOUND LOST - Dog Tenterfield Terrier "Lucy" lost between Swan Reach and Sedan. Black and white. Call Richard 0403602280. Reward if found.



2 Villa Homes (No Pets) 1 available 19/12/2011 Near new 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom, r/c air, established gardens, $300/week (includes gardening) 1 New villa available early-mid December, 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom, r/c air, gardening included $300/week

18th November 2011 9am start Eudunda Hall Main Street, Eudunda (next to medical centre)

Gold coin entry, in aid of Cancer SA Further information contact Marie Prior C- Eudunda Hospital 08 85811404

Required with good product knowledge and exceptional customer care skills. This position will best suit you if you have a desire to expand your knowledge into health insurance and agency services, approx 20hrs/week.

Pharmacy Dispensary Technician

Forward resumes to: or Att:Tania 94 Murray Street, Gawler SA 5118

An opportunity exists in Gawler for a permanent part time qualified pharmacy dispensary technician. Experience preferred. Please forward your resume to Tania 94 Murray Street, Gawler SA 5118

The Applicant must possess the following qualities;


• Be enthusiastic and self motivated


The Barossa Valley and Regions

TRURO room available, ensuite, from $175 per week 0417067737 - 0437860002

Most established and trusted Funeral Service Provider, Clayton Scott Funerals is seeking a Funeral Consultant/Arranger to join our Organisation.


TUITION SOUL 2 SOLE DANCE: GAWLER: Zumba and Belly Dance classes. First class free. TANUNDA: Belly Dance. First class bring a friend. Get 2 for the price of 1. Ph: Kate 0411384027 ZUMBA fitness classes $12 Wednesdays 10.15am & 6pm Greenock Institute. Thursdays 6pm Angaston Primary School Hall. Sue Evans Instructor 85628184

PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CHIROPRACTOR. Dr Kana Nathan 39 Murray St, Angaston. Consulting Saturdays Ph. 85642882 CIVIL CELEBRANT - Angela Nielsen Ceremonies designed for you. Marriages, namings, committment and renewal of vows. Ph: 0408107940 or 85642773 LEADLIGHT STUDIO make new, repair old, traditional to contemporary. For quality & competitive prices contact Tracy 85246959 Willliamstown


Barossa Area Fundraisers For Cancer Proudly Presents

It would be advantageous to reside within 30 minutes of our Operation Centre based at Nuriootpa.

Guest speaker

Applications close locally on WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 23, 2011

Bronwyn Griffiths NATUROPATH Speaking about nutrition and diet at



Applicants please reply in own handwriting and attach CV to CLAYTON SCOTT PO BOX 269, NURIOOTPA, S.A., 5355


From 10am-12 noon Cost $5.00 No bookings necessary Ring Robyn on 85622869 WH1766069

HANDS ON DOGS Providing services for your dogs. Grooming, massage, convalescence care. Call Jenny on 85232452 Gawler or 0423 474 287

Your responsibilities will include assisting in the arrangement and facilitating the conducting of the Funeral Service which will entail consulting with bereaved families and general duties which will include transferring of deceased persons and mortuary care. Experienced candidate preferred but not essential as training will be available.

Expressions of interest for JUNIOR COACHES FOR 2012 SEASON ALL GRADES Apply in writing to: The Secretary Nuriootpa Netball Club P.O. Box 987, NURIOOTPA 5355 Or Email: Date closing 10-12-2011

Wednesday, November 16, 2011 - Page 27 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


MASSAGE Therapeutic, Aromatherapy, Pregnancy Massage, Aromatherapy Pamper Packages, Myofacial Release, Reiki. 7 years professional experience. Gift vouchers & Pensioner discounts available. Consulting in Kapunda. Liz Ronan. Ph:85663125 or 0400760010

• Proven to have worked well within team environment

You should possess • Multifaceted • Empathetic • Team Focus Role • Time Management and Organizational skills are essential • Current SA Drivers Licence • After Hours rostered duties including WeekEnd & Public Holidays

ENERGY HEALING - Bring your mind and body back into balance. Access Bars, Quantum BioEnergetic Balancing, Reiki, Energy Healing, Pranic Healing and Spiritual Healing. Jyakin - Heart of Light Healing Kapunda 0409-131038 or 8566-2929

MECHANIC Barossa Hyundai & Mitsubishi require the services of a qualified Automotive Technician for its Barossa Service Department.

For enquiries 0409 007 180

Call to discuss (08) 8562 2122


Lifestyle EXPO




NURIOOTPA 3 b.r. home. Carport, pergola, double garage,a/c, heating, r/w, auto watering, large block. $280 p.w. Ph: Lyn 85249002 or 0403332432

Greenock Town Soccer Club AGM. Will be held at 7pm on Tuesday 29th November at the Greenock Oval Clubrooms.

$4000 Government Training Incen ves are available for *eligible par cipants making the course cost neutral!



CARETAKERLive-in single or couple for Kapunda area homestead, garden and sheds. 3 br restored cottage. 1.5 days work on weekdays. 0885662616


• Demonstrate above average vehicle service repair and diagnostic ability with both petrol and diesel vehicles • Ability to work with minimal supervision This position would suit a technician with good customer skills and a view to helping out in the service office. Please apply in confidence to, ring the Dealer Principal, Phillip Foord on 0419 031 715


FISHING CHARTERS Yorke Peninsula, from $200 p/p, ph 0417 877 016, .au


ARTISANS AT GREENOCK MARKET Greenock Town Square Friday Evenings 5.30pm - 8.30pm Live music, food, wine, unique stalls. Oct 14th, Nov.11th, Dec. 2nd, Jan.13th, Feb. 10th, March 9th.


Opera onal Cellar Manager Seppeltsfield Wines is a Barossa Valley based winery that produces premium table and for fied wines using both modern and tradi onal techniques. We are seeking applicants for the posi on of: Opera onal Cellar Manager This hands-on role, repor ng to the Senior Winemaker, will manage the cellar team and work closely with winemaking, laboratory, maintenance and administra on personnel to: - display strong, hands-on leadership to our vintage and non-vintage teams - carry out cellar du es, especially at mes of peak requirement - execute work programs & resource alloca on to effec vely and efficiently run the cellar - manage dry goods stock levels, assist with ordering - proac ve par cipa on in maintenance ac vi es - assist with site func ons – opera onal, safety, quality & environment Qualified and experienced people are encouraged to apply but especially those with team spirit, high energy levels and inspiring work ethic. Seppeltsfield is an equal opportunity employer Please forward wri en applica ons to: Senior Winemaker Seppeltsfield Wines PMB 1 Seppeltsfield via Nuriootpa SA 5355 Or email to: Applica ons close Friday November 25, 2011



ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Need Help? Contact 83463255 Meeting: Friday's - C.W.A. Building Kapunda - 8pm.


SLUSHIE/FROZEN Cocktail Machine HOT CHOCOLATE Cocktail Machine PUCKER POWDER . FAIRY FLOSS Slush-a-Licous Phone Pina 0434141097 Family owned, locally operated.





TRUCK OPERATOR We have a position available for a Truck Operator Experience in float work, side tippers, semi tippers and truck & dog preferred. The successful applicant will need to have • Current HC licence (MC an advantage) • Good truck skills • Ability to work in a team environment • Knowledge of earthmoving machinery Permanent position (after probation period) for the right person


If you have a strong work ethic and want to be part of a vibrant and enthusiastic team then send applications and resumes by post, fax or email to Papillo Earthmovers Pty Ltd PO Box 200 Smithfield SA 5114 Facsimile: 08 8284 2535 Email:

Office Assistant

WORK WANTED BV TRASHPACK SERVICE. Take the opportunity to clean up before the holidays. Call us to remove your unwanted goods/rubbish. Monthly collection also available. BV Trashpack Service - The Convenient Way to Clean Up. 85 640148 GARDEN & YARD Maintenance; General Domestic - Rubbish Removal; Small Trees Trimmed; General Tidy Up; And much more all at affordable rates Pensioner Rates from $19p/hr All Enquiries KAVERIEK ENTERPRISES Ph: 0432579347 HOME CLEANING & IRONING - $15 off first reg. service so you try us out. Ph: Carolyn or Nat till 8pm daily incl. w/ends. 0409691576 PAINTER Local experience. Quality work. Free quote. Ph: Peter 0417805982 Lic. No. BLD48086 ROLLER shutter repairs 08 85662922

PUBLIC NOTICES Rural Directions Pty Ltd is an agricultural consulting business specialising in the provision of agribusiness management, agronomy and grain marketing services.


The purpose of this role is to offer efficient and timely administration support to the Grain Marketing Team and other consultants within Rural Directions Pty Ltd at our Freeling office. This role will involve: t (FOFSBM BENJOJTUSBUJPO EVUJFT TVDI BT BOTXFSJOH phones, typing, distributing mail and filing t $POTVMUBOU TVQQPSU t .BJOUBJOJOH DPNQMJBODF SFHJTUFS t 8PSLTIPQ BENJOJTUSBUJPO BOE TVQQPSU The applicant needs to have: t &YDFMMFOU DPNNVOJDBUJPO TLJMMT t &YDFMMFOU QIPOF NBOOFS t "UUFOUJPO UP EFUBJM t &YDFMMFOU DPNQVUFS TLJMMT 8JOEPXT TVJUF PG programs t "O BCJMJUZ UP BTL RVFTUJPOT BOE MFBSO

The successful applicant must have attention to detail, a willingness to learn and good communication skills. Applications are to be forwarded in writing to: Wilf Kubisch, Commercial Accountant, Nexday Logistics / Dorrien Winemaking. Cellarmaster Wines Pty.Ltd. Dorrien Estate Winery, PO Box 442, Tanunda S.A. 5352 or email Applications close Friday 18th November 2011.

Application and resume to The Winemaker, Moppa Vintners, PO Box 887, Nuriootpa, SA 5355 or by email to

Applications close Wednesday 30th November 2011



Taylors Wines, a family owned and operated wine company is home to some of Australia’s most consistently awarded wine brands. With their head office located in Sydney and sales offices located around the country, Taylors Wines offer a friendly & progressive environment within which your career can flourish. The vineyards & winery is situated in the picturesque Clare Valley, South Australia & has been in operation since 1969. We have a wonderful opportunity for a full time Diesel Mechanic to join our vineyard team. You will partner with the Vineyard Manager and undertake a range of duties which include continuous improvement, breakdown and preventative maintenance. With a positive attitude and a passion for service excellence and safe work practices you will become a valued member of the Taylors winery team. The person we are seeking will be a qualified Diesel Mechanic with proven skills in the service and repair of vineyard/agricultural machinery.

Taylors Wines Vineyard Maintenance Person, PO Box 90, Auburn SA 5451 Or via email to: Applications received up to 4pm 18 November 2011

Wednesday, November 16, 2011 - Page 28 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


If you believe you have the essential qualities listed above, please post or email your application in the strictest confidence to:




• Prior Experience in an Accounts Payable role • Good Excel Spreadsheet skills & experience in Microsoft Word and Outlook • A highly organised personality • Ability to work in a small team environment • Knowledge in winery operations an advantage • Accurate monthly invoicing to Winery Contract Crushing customers • Compliance with all company policies, procedures and practices relating to Occupational Health, Safety, Welfare and the Environment


Reporting to the Commercial Accountant, your role will require:




We have a full time opportunity available for an experienced Accounts Payable Officer based at our winery located in the Barossa Valley. This role will be to provide accounts payable administrative services and support to the Commercial Accountant and Accounts team.

Moppa Vintners Pty Ltd (Rocland Winery Site) is a modern contract processing facility located near Nuriootpa in the Barossa Valley. We process wine for numerous premium boutique and medium size producers, as well as making a growing range of Rocland Estate wines destined for export and domestic markets. An opportunity exists to join our 2012 vintage team and practice small winery techniques on a larger scale. Moppa Vintners is seeking an enthusiastic, motivated person with a solid grounding in the wine industry to fill the position of night shift winemaker. The night shift winemaker will report to the senior winemaker and will be responsible for monitoring juices and wines, making additions in accordance with winemaking specifications, operation of the weighbridge, performance of laboratory analysis after additions and on incoming grapes, supervision of the cellar staff in conjunction with the cellar supervisor and performance of cellar operations as required. Ezy-Wine knowledge is advantageous but not essential. The position requires the ability to work in a team or autonomously, flexibility and multitasking, have good communication skills, good organizational, clerical and numerate skills. The commencement of a degree in winemaking is advantageous but not essential. The position will be a contract position for the vintage period. The successful applicant will be expected to perform all duties on a 12 hour nightshift, 5 days per week, with some evening work required during the weekends in a high-pressure and demanding environment.The vintage period is expected to run from late January until early May, is subject to seasonal conditions and will be preceded by a one week induction period. 1768292

Accounts Payable Officer

For a detailed job description contact Brenton (SFFOTMBEF PO 8SJUUFO BQQMJDBUJPOT including referees can be sent to: Brenton Greenslade, 10 #PY $MBSF 4"



Carol Elizabeth Dadds has applied to the Licensing Authority for a Special Circumstances licence in respect of the premises situated at Shop 5 and 6, 39 Murray Street, Nuriootpa 5355 and known as Sweet Blend. The following is sought in the application: • To sell or supply liquor for consumption on the licensed premises to customers attending Sweet Blend, Hair and Beauty Salon. • The hours sought in this application are Monday to Saturday 9.00am to 9.00pm. The application has been set down for hearing on 06/12/2011 at 11.30am. Any person may object to the application by lodging a Notice of Objection in the prescribed form with the Liquor and Gambling Commissioner (and serving a copy of the notice on the applicant) on or before 05/12/2011. The applicant’s address for service is: C/- Talbot Oliver Lawyers (Attention: Jarrod Ryan), GPO Box 2569, Perth WA 6000. The application and certain documents and material (including plans) relevant to the application may be inspected without fee at a place and during a period specified by the Liquor and Gambling Commissioner, Chesser House, Level 3, 91-97 Grenfell Street, Adelaide 5000. Ph: 08 8226 8655 Fax: 8226 8512 Email: DATED: 11/11/2011 APPLICANT: Carol Elizabeth Dadds




Conversion of Private Road to Public Road

Basketball Monday juniors 12 and under. Division One: Warriors 1 25 d Sandy Creek 12d1 13; Storm 21 d Little Lions 16; Barossa 12d1 26 d Jets 17. Division Two: All Stars 34 d Barossa Bulldogs 12d2 16; Undertakers 46 d Craigmore Big-Birds 12; Brookers 1 26 d Starplex Hawks 12d2 18. 14 and under: Raiders 33 d Lakers 4; Sharks 34 d Backflippers 17; Craigmore Flight 27 d Hawks 4. 16 and under: Craigmore Thunder 27 d Warriors 2 10; Smurfs 29 drew with Red Dragons 29; Barossa Bulldogs Red 26 d Green Street Elite 15. Monday evening men Division One: He Got Game d Blitzers 54-22; Flight Team d Wolverines 47-32; Run & Gun d Wizards 40-33; Shooting Blanks d Beard Of Chuck 40-25; Crumpet Squad d Black Knights 4734. Division Two: Turbos d Beam Team 55-24; Shakers d Off In The Shower 37-27; Muffin Stuffers d Orlago Bujic 41-32; Kings d Flames 3830. Tuesday daytime ladies Flukes 58 d Flamin Flamingos 36; Cheeky Chicks 47 d Rhondauves 31; Organized Kaos 39 d Phantoms 27. Tuesday juniors Under 8s: Lightning 4 d Angle Vale Foxes 0; Central Little Lions 14 d Badge Dragons 2; Williamstown Giants 8 d Tigers 7. 10 and under: Barossa 32 d Red Devils 10; Barossa 2 8 d Wild Lions 4; Central Lions 12 d Starplex Hawks 11; New Stars 16 d Celtics 4; Sudden Impact 13 d Brookers 4; Run N Gun 18 d Redbacks 4; Allstars 24 d Badge Roos 2. Tuesday night men Hawks 36 d Gbs 26; Gang Green 44 d Red Lions 12; Donkeys 38 drew with Clumsy Ninjas 38; The Boys 70 d Swarrens 14; Outlaws 51 d Tanks 6; The Was Nots 27 d Taipans 23; O2 Tha Fn 58 d The Steelers 22; Gawler Gunners 58 d Pacers 7. Thursday night mixed Comets 58 d Beamers 30; Spurtics 63 d Ultim8s 36; Chicken 70 d Its Only Social 46; Steelers 49 d Dribblers 21; More Effort 37 d Black Magic 37.

Brian Carr Chief Executive Officer


NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to Section 210 of the Local Government Act 1999, that at a future meeting of the Council, Light Regional Council intends to declare portion of Sections 1401 and 1489 Hundred of Kapunda, being the land marked A in Lands Titles Office Deposited Plan 85459, and known commonly as Gawler Street, to be public road known as Gawler Street.

Light Regional Council Next Audit Committee Meeting Re-scheduled for Monday 21 November 2011 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Light Regional Council Audit Committee meeting, formerly scheduled for Tuesday 15 November 2011, following consultation with members of the Audit Committee, is cancelled.

Richard Michael General Manager, Business & Governance


The next scheduled meeting of the Light Regional Council Audit Committee is to be held in the Kapunda Committee Room on Monday, 21 November 2011 to commence at 5.30pm.


Rocland Estate Bin Ends SALE

Monday night ladies Trinity College 40 d Wild Turkeys 15; Fumble Beez 33 d Bulldozers 21; Opposition 29 d Barossa 5’s 24; Southies 37 d Mixed Nuts 17. Wednesday evening ladies Tango d Pink Panthers 65-26; T/Birds d Roseworthy Black 61-11; Jug-O-Norks d Warriors 25-13. Wednesday evening mixed Masterclass 32 d D.T.F 14; Sparkle Motion 11 d All Blacks 10; Skalliwags 23 d Lucky Lemons 14; Rascals 32 d Wildcats 20.

Friday 18th and Saturday 19th Nov. 11am - 4pm Lot 147 Cnr Sturt Highway and Belvidere Road Nuriootpa

PETANQUE 1765349

Labelled and Unlabelled stock from $50.00 a case! - 2009 Chardonnay - Barossa Valley 2008 Cabernet - Barossa Valley 2009 GSM - NV Sparkling Shiraz Cabernet

Sunday, November 13 results played at Gawler. Game One Iris Stephenson / Ben Saunders d Lilian Ellis / Pam Moreland 13 –2; Luke Randall (junior) / Stan Wilson / Margaret Randall d Glenis Head / Les Roud 13 – 8. Game Two Glenis Head / Margaret Randall d Stan Wilson / Iris Stephenson 13 – 10; Lilian Ellis / Les Roud / Ben Saunders d Luke Randall (junior) / Pam Moreland 13 – 7. Gawler Petanque Club usually meets at 1.30pm on Sundays at Essex Park,Victoria Terrace, Gawler (next to tennis courts), unless the forecast temperature on the preceding Friday evening is for 35°C or above. The first Sunday of each month games are played at Chateau Dorrien, Tanunda. Everyone, from eight years upwards, is welcome to come along and enjoy a game of petanque. The first three visits are free. Experience is not necessary, boules and training are available. For more information contact Margaret Randall on 8563 1323 or 0427 631 323.

*Limited stock available in case lots only*

COLOUR When you place a display classified ad you can have a full colour logo or key parts of the text for only $55 on top of the price of the ad. Applicable to display: Positions Vacant, Coming Events, Public Notices and other boxed classifieds.


Stand out from the crowd!


Phone 8563 2041 or email:

Riverland Speedway Renmak is urging everyone to keep Saturday December 3 free whether you’re a motor sport follower or not. The Riverland season will get underway with the fourth round of the much anticipated Ikon Suspension Sidecar Grand Slam. This event will be the biggest bike show the Riverland has seen in more than 20 years. The club is anticipating the appearance of five times national champion, legend Darrin Treloar, dual world champions Mick Headland and Paul Waters, Victoria’s Byren Gates, South Australians Mark Plaisted and Jamie Banks, Queensland’s emerging super team of Brodie Cohen and Josh Sinnott, Glenn O’Brien and Aaron Maynard and Scott Christopher and Tyler Moon to appear at his club`s upgraded Calperum Hill complex. A lot of work has gone into the Riverland complex in readiness for December 3 including the installation of new track lights. The 2011-12 season will include five meetings.

PERSONAL I'll get you everytime 1902 228 313 $3.25pm pay/mobex CC: 1300 306 117

MT. PLEASANT area. Unrushed & personal 4 gents who prefer private. 0466964374 Petite girl w/ Beautiful Smooth skin, Attractive & Friendly txt Lexi to 0400 390 440 $4.25/msg pair Help1300 306 250

Wednesday, November 16, 2011 - Page 29 - The Herald, Barossa Valley



Ashleigh’s honour

KAPUNDA RIFLE SHOOTING Results of the November 12 R. Koehler Trophy, contested at 800 yards, by 14 shooters on a difficult and challenging afternoon of wind and mirage calculations for a good score. The day was warm with a light varying swinging breeze that tested everyone but Trevor Klose showed his experience and skill to win all three categories Handicap/Trophy winner, Top Off Rifle and Sniper along with scoring the only possible of the days contest. There was also excellent shooting by other members. Scores Fullbore: T. Klose 49.5, 50.7, 99.12, 11, 100, 19.3; B Ireland 47, 49.2, 96.2, 5, 100, 19; D Lindner 45.2, 44.3, 89.5, 4.25, 93, 18; G Davies 46.2, 39, 85.2, 9, 94.2, 16; J Hoerisch 46, 47.5, 93.5, 6.25, 99, 16; S Klose 1st rnd ret. 2nd. 45.4; L Williams 49.3, 49.3, 98.6, 3, 100, 19; S Barrie 44, 47.3, 93.3, 17, 100, 16. F Class: P Larsen.52.1, 55.1, 107.2, 16.75, 120, 18; S Larsen 46, 52.1, 98.1, n/a. 98, 18; A Kerin, 51.2, 56.3, 107.4, 9.75, 116, 17; T Otto. 56.2, 57.2, 113.4, 3.75, 116, 19; J Taylor 56.1, 54.2, 110.3, 7.5, 117, 21; S Smithson. 47, 53.1, 100.1 na 20. Next week - 900 yards N. Tamke Memorial Trophy. Please try to get to range to set up for a 1:15pm start.

GAWLER DARTS Gawler Darts results on Nov 11 - by ‘Pegout’ . Men’s div: Nov 7. T&A’s 11 d Team Rehab 4, Spot ON 11 d Raiders 4, Crackers 9 d Barflys 6, Enigmas Bye. 180’s thrown by Andrew Power x 2, Philip Porter x 1 - 6 peg outs Derick Palmer, Aaron Delvendiep, Joe Aranyos, HPO 102 Kevin Banddock. Premiership: T&A 12-64, Crackers 10-59, Enigmas 8-51, Spot On 4-33, Team Rehab 4-31, Barflys-2-33, Raiders 2-32. Ladies: Nov 9. Nashos 14 d Saints 1; Angels 10 d Hepcats 5. 6 Pegs -Angela Cornell-Griffin and Kerry O’Brien, HPO - 59 Kerry O’Brien. Premiership. Nashos 10.75, Angels 10.63, Hepcats 6.53, Saints 6.49. Mixed Division Nov 8. Wonderers 6 d Ravens 5, Rebels 7 d B & B’s 4, Kookaburras 7 by forfeit DownUnder 0. 180 Andrew Power, 171 Dee Justice. H.P.O. 100 Andrew Power. Premiership. Wonderers 10.35, Rebels 8.32, Ravens 6.32, B & B’s 4.26, Kookaburras 2.19, DownUnder 0.16. Next rounds of matches . Ladies Div. on Nov 16. Hepcats v Nashos @ Willaston Hotel, Angels v Saints @ Roseworthy Hotel.

ASHLEIGH Graetz,14, from Nuriootpa recently attended a four-day trip to Newcastle and Sydney in New South Wales with the South Australian 15 and under netball academy team. One of three players in the Lower North Netball Academy who was selected in the team, Ashleigh was the only player from the Barossa, Light and Gawler Netball Association. The SA 15 and under and 17 and under academy teams competed in Sydney against the Sydney Netball Academy (SNA) whose players ranged from 16-19 years of age. All players in the SA 15 and under squad improved their skill level and ability to contest the hard ball over the two days of competition. The 17 and under squad consolidated and refined their skills and all SA players enjoyed the challenge of the physical and demanding style of play that the Sydney Academy teams presented. On Saturday morning, all SA coaches assisted by their players, helped to conduct an Australian Diamonds clinic on the Saturday morning for junior Newcastle players and had the opportunity to meet and work alongside the Australian players and coaches which was a fantastic experience. On Sunday, the SA teams played Fastnet competition against SNA which had rolling substitutions, two-point goal opportunities and a different centre pass structure. This was great fun and allowed coaches to give more instantaneous feedback to players. In the afternoon, the SNA and SA Academy teams attended the Australian Diamonds v England match in Newcastle and had individual photo and autograph session with Australian players and coaches. On Sunday night SA players and officials had chance to relax and soak up the sights of Sydney taking in Chinatown and a ferry ride from Circular Quay to Darling Harbour. Ashleigh, who will play with city club Tango in 2012, has also been named a reserve for the SA Sparrows squad of under 16 netballers.

WINNERS: The Nuriootpa Year 8 girls basketball team. Back row, from left, Regan Lambert, Shannon Doecke, Lauren Prior and Ross Lambert (coach). Front, Courtney Jensen, Tiarna Oxer, Opal Mader, Sharni Trinnie and Kelly Linke. THE Nuriootpa High School’s Year 8 girls’ basketball team has come up trumps in a state championship. Earlier this month the girls competed in the State Basketball Championships at Port Adelaide Recreation Centre. The team earned their spot in the championship through the defeat of Renmark, Faith and Glossop high schools in earlier knockout rounds. The finals day started with a tight first round against Minlaton, going down 24-30. However, things quickly improved



Last Monday Bridge Barossa played an enjoyable two-table teams’ event and first were Adelaide Abbott and Miles White with three wins scoring 67, followed by Toni Harvey , two wins with 56, Eunice Kampman and Jim Hayes also two wins scoring 44, Joan Lee and Kevin Jones one win with 33.

Huge range of Pets & Accessories


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On Wednesday at four tables, first were Peter Robinson and Evan Allanson with 67.9%, followed by Peta Connor and Trish Page with a great 56.3%, Helen Farrelly and Toni Harvey 55.4%, Elaine Kenny and Alec Harris 46.7%, Fran Hannan and Ron Male 46.4%, Annie Hatcher and Ziggy Mentz did well to score 45.2%, Joan Lee and Kevin Jones 44.6%. Bridge is played at the Tanunda Oval RSL Hall Wednesdays at 1pm and

Mondays at 7pm. Information on 8563 3204.

KEGEL Tanunda Ladies. Great excitment with Maureen bowling a 60 with one ball, that is leaving the front pin of the diamond.. Results: M Balch 151, 135 (286); R Bell 138, 128 (266); A Vanstone 89, 113 (202); E Nicolai 94, 87 (181). 60 - M Blach; 24s - R Bell, M Blach 1 each.

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with the girls defeating Port Augusta 63-10 and St Francis 40-23. These wins saw the side make the grand final where they again faced Minlaton. This time the girls played skilfully and smartly to reverse the result winning 47-33. Coach Ross Lambert said all the girls played great basketball. “They were a pleasure to coach,” Ross said. “I would like to also say a big thank you to Pam Oxer and Mandy Mader who scored for the team every game.”

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Wednesday, November 16, 2011 - Page 30 - The Herald, Barossa Valley



Barossa and Light cricket By MIKE TEAKLE ANGASTON opening bowler Brett Woodards showed why he is regarded by some as the best bowler in A1 cricket right now by shredding Sandy Creek with his haul of 6/48 from 17.4 overs. “That’s definitely the best he’s bowled with the old ball,”said Angaston captain Brett Buyrgess. “He was bowling at the stumps to the tail which is a big factor in being successful. “Brett showed a level of control he’s been searching for and he takes a lot of pressure off our other bowlers when he’s in the zone.” Angaston is in a strong position after knocking the Cockys off for 158 and being 2/36 overnight. Gilbert Valley’s early season charge shows no sign of abating as the Bulls’ scored a dominant 244 against Kapunda. Bulls captain James Vandeleur led the way with 83 batting at number six and the Bulls will be confident of knocking the Bombers off with their strong bowling attack. Defending premier Nuri went on a run rampage against Gawler Central. Their 9/303 was largely due to Travis Jungfer’s 101, Luke Steinberner’s 46 and wicket keeper Craig Burgess’ 53 putting the Barossa Tigers in the box seat. The weekend’s best figures belong to Light Pass bowler Simon Camilleri who snared 8/23 from 16.5 overs against Truro in the A1 reserves to limit Truro to just 132 while the Light’s are 2/32 overnight. In another massive ‘shock’, Herald manager Tony Swan continued his hot form, this time with the ball. ‘Swanny’ took 6/47 against South Gawler to help Tanunda restrict the Lions to 9/172 in their A2s clash. In the A4’s clash between Tanunda and Nuri a strong knock of 87 from Mark Hoklas helped the Magpies (169) surpass Nuri’s 138 which included 58 from veteran opener Andrew Reusch. The Tigers were scuttled by Ryan Bignell’s 5/12 from eight overs. For the Tigers, Darryl Nayda’s 4/26 wasn’t enough to stop the Pies claiming victory in the battle between the arch rivals. A Grade Sandy Creek 158 (M Birchmore 84, S T Koch 25; B P Woodards 6/48, B Burgess 2/30, B J Klemm 2/32) v Angaston 2/36. Kapunda 0/17 v Gilbert Valley 244 (J M Vandeleur 83, C A Mullins 46, J Shahinger 32; M Goldsmith 4/61, M Ryan 3/17). Gawler Central v Nuriootpa 9/303 (T Jungfer 101, C Burgess 56, A Prior 53, L A Steinborner 46; A J King 4/78, J L Shephard 3/82). South Gawler 129 (D J Golder 52*; S Akkerman 2/15, D Abinett 2/23, M Boschen 2/24, C Gattermayr 2/28) v Tanunda 3/87 (M Ashmore 33*; M Sims 3/14). A1 Reserves Light Pass 2/32 (J O’Callaghan 2/10) v Truro 132 (B Smith 53, Z Giles 35*; S Camilleri 8/23, S Schmidt 2/22). Eudunda-Robertstown v Greenock. Lyndoch 162 (K Dahlitz 40, S Scally 33; B W Montgomery 5/33, J Robinson 3/33, R Gorski 2/17) v Freeling 5/94 (B M Parish 42; M J Robinson 3/23). A2 Angaston v Sandy Creek. Greenock v Light Pass 5/224 (P Braunack 67, S Davies 45, J Braunack 25; B Verne 3/28). Nuriootpa 9/92 (J Schmidt 37; M S Perry 4/22, C Ingram 4/41) v Gawler Central 99 (J Schmidt 4/55, K Siegele 2/10, S Boyle 2/23). Tanunda v South Gawler 9/172 (A Mackay 35, S O’Donoghue 28; T Swan 6/47). A3 Sandy Creek Green 184 (L G Bennie 53*, M P Cotton 42, B Nottle 33) v Nuriootpa 126 (M P Cotton 4/40, G Hinderwell 4/41). Gilbert Valley 33 and 2/22 v Lyndoch 49 (M Kooyman 4/1, J Owens 3/8, H Behn 2/0). Truro 8/192 (R Giles 75, D Hahn 55; D Goodard 4/26, J Zanandrea 2/42) v Kapunda 0/0. Freeling 5/62 (D K Jugg 2/22) v Sandy Creek Yellow 76 (C Hirst 3/13, R Schirmer 2/12, T Barnes 2/14). Tanunda 75 (S Cordwell 6/17, B Hornhardt 2/27) v Gawler Central 2/50.

FOUR: Travis Jungfer of Nuriootpa straight drives for four on his way to 101 against Gawler Central. A4 Lyndoch 42 (T Bishop 4/12, K Hampel 3/10, W Bishop 2/3) def by Greenock 3/91 (D M Nitschke 66*, G Nitschke 55, P Nitschke 52; A K Geidel 2/35). Freeling 168 (A Read 75, B F Pearce 44; K Curnow 3/2, A Buckley 3/43) def by Mallala 5/227 (N Work 58*, K Crunow 52*, A Buckley 47; G Shaw 3/42). Nuriootpa 138 (A Reusch 58, A J Lange 26; R Bignell 5/12, C Roehr 4/43) def by Tanunda 169 (M Hoklas 87; D Nayda 4/26, A Norton 2/12). Gawler Central 9/179 (J King 67, B Hughes 30; P O’Reilly 3/16, J Hodgson 2/26) def Kapunda 118 (C Ryan 43, R Dipl 29; B Skuse 4/14, B Hughes 2/23, J King 2/25). A5 South Gawler 3/243 (A Borgas 81*, N P Bartsch 62, D Schwerdt 52*; P Callery 2/30) def Gilbert Valley 242 (R McInterney 79*, G S Davis 41, C S Busch 30; D Schwerdt 3/40, A Borgas 2/19, S Rayner 2/36). Light Pass 7/157 (R Schiller 57*, M John 32, B Nitschke 26) def by EudundaRobertstown 2/214 (K Schutz 2/40). Greenock 7/154 (J Robertson 68; C M Schultz 2/24, T Richardson 2/26) def Angaston 9/151 (C M Schultz 45; T Watson 3/28, M Ferrier 2/6, T Fenton 2/44). Under 16 Angaston 3/14 v Freeling 8/71 (B P Cleghorn 3/25, D C Habermann 2/4). Gawler Central Black v Sandy Creek Gold 8/181 (C Robinson 46*, P Herd 42, B Dew 35; T Macdonald 3/20, P Atkinson 2/23). Nuriootpa/Light Pass have a bye. Mallala/Lyndoch v Gawler Central Gold 106 (V Kroon 36). Sandy Creek Green 0/0 v Greenock 9/99 (M J Kickel 3/12). South Gawler 63 (M M Good 3/4, J Connell 3/19, J T Williams 2/12, T J Williams 2/22) v Kapunda. Under 14 Freeling v Angaston 155 (S Rosenzweig 38*). Gawler Central 134 (D Coombs 36; J L Sheridan 2/9, B P Evans 2/11, E Morrow 2/15) v Sandy Creek. Kapunda 8/202 v South Gawler. Tanunda v Lyndoch 92 (C Longo 38; N Burton 2/8). Nuriootpa 4/137 (N Lange 50*, J Linden 28*) v Gilbert Valley. Eudunda-Robertstown have a bye. Under 12 Gilbert Valley Red 8/123 def Sandy Creek 40. Light Pass v Gilbert Valley Maroon. Eudunda-Robertstown 5/116 (C R Curnow 3/13) def Mallala 8/81 (A Handke 2/0, R Cluse 2/6). Nuriootpa v Tanunda Black. Gawler Central 3/99 def Angaston 6/125. Greenock 71 (L Whitelum 2/4, B Dahlitz 2/4) def by Tanunda 5/72. Lyndoch has a bye. Gilbert Valley Blue 7/137 def South Gawler 7/73. Under 10 Sandy Creek v Tanunda. Greenock Green 1/61 def by Truro 3/62. Lyndoch v Freeling. Light Pass 0/73 v Greenock Gold 0/79.

GOLF Adelaide Plains and Barossa Veteran Golfers Association On Thursday 58 players from 14 clubs played in a stableford competition at Mt Pleasant. The prizes were sponsored by Chris Bitters of Langmeil Wines. A grade winner was Brian Lee of Kapunda with 39 points from D Butler (35) and G Dawson (34), both of Penfield. Ball winners in A grade were R Grigg (Two Wells) 34, P Mc Carthy (Barossa Valley)34, W Isgar (Hamley Bridge)33, J Thornhill (Tea Tree Gully) 33, L Williams (Barossa Valley), V Zito (Hamley Bridge) and M Marcus (Penfield) all on 32 B Grade was won by Craig Sims (Barossa Valley) with 39 from R Twitchen and S Demaria, both from Penfield with 38. B grade ball winners were D Dowsett (Mt Pleasant) 37, R Hargrave (Mt Pleasant), R Staehr (Barossa Valley), B Stewart (Balaklava), T Lehmann (Police) all 36, D Mc Queen (Mt Pleasant) 33 and C Sharpe (The Palms) 31. C grade winner was Trevor Dowling (Gawler) 36, second was J Clark (Barossa Valley) 34 with B Milne (Barossa Valley) third also with 34. Ball winners in C grade were D Kaesler (Barossa Valley) 34, B Sims (Tanunda Pines) 32, G Benier (Mt Pleasant) 31, C Tonkin (Hamley Bridge) 30, P Jones (Penfield) 30, V Cozzitorto (Kapunda) and F Trimboli (Penfield) each 29. NTP winners were J Ryan (Kapunda) A grade, R Twitchen (Penfield) B grade and B Sims (Tanunda Pines) C grade. The next meeting of the AP&B Veteran Golfers will be at Barossa Valley on December 15. KAPUNDA Last Saturday’s Steve Krieg stableford multiplier round was played in near perfect conditions on a course which seems to get better week by week thanks to the many volunteers who jump on a mower to keep the growth under control. Some of the pairings were as interesting as the results themselves. None more so than that of Milton Martin and Sal Hambour. Milton normally plays in the early groups but with all of those players having seen him take a 14 on the par four fourth the previous week none was prepared to carry him in a pairs comp. It was Sal Hambour who drew the short straw to accompany him in the afternoon but as we all know a week is a long time in golf and the association prospered with a well compiled 91 points to snatch victory by the slimmest of margins. On 90 points were Ron Hill and Pete Morrison who were joined by Brian “Boo” Menzel and Craig Sutherland. Next in line were the Watson brothers, Ian and Mick with 79. There were some brilliant individual scores which contributed to the good pairs results. None better than Boo’s best round on the Kapunda course of 80 off the stick and 47 stableford points. He was just sneaking along quietly and finished with a back nine 39. Well done Boo. Mick Watson showed why he is the lowest handicapper in the club, not having played much golf of late and still able to card a one over par 74. The sponsor made a successful return to his old stamping ground parring the front nine before finishing with 41 points. In the C grade it was a countback situation with both Keith Alexander and Ron Hill amassing 43 points with the former successful on the day. Of the half dozen fillies on the course Mari-anne Daniel was the best with

33 points. Down at Sandy Creek the pennants team were taking on Clare and unfortunately the result was the same as the previous week with the Bomber lads going down 3 and 2. Jayden Higgins made a successful debut to the team winning his match. This week is another pairs comp with a 4BBB for the Menzel Meats trophy. It will be interesting to see if the early starters pick up last weeks winner again. The second week of twilight was a bit of a washout with a few showers dampening the enthusiasm of the dozen or so golfers who turned up hoping it would clear. A group of three actually played six holes before deciding enough was enough. Those who stayed around enjoyed a well cooked burger and a couple of ales to help the club out. Just another reminder that the AGM is on November 22 and there is a sheet in the clubhouse to help with numbers for catering at the presentation night on November 26. GAWLER Wednesday - Ladies 9/11; The first round of the Summer Cup saw a competitive ladies field this week, with Louise Polito winning the Stableford Competition with an outstanding 40 points. Runners up were R Sullivan with 36 and G Potter with 34. NTPS: P James on the 4th and R Sullivan on the 11th. Thursday 10/11. In form Bill Johnson won the Stroke competition and the big-bucks from his group with a fantastic nett 66. Runner up was Greg Barber with nett 68 and closely behind J Jacka with nett 69. Ball winners: D Dare, A Jeffery, J Fowler, F Hewett, G James, B Pipe, E Richardson, A Preston, C Scott, J Griffiths. NTPS: Elders 4th; T Bow, Spencer Flooring 6th, B Pipe, Elders 11th; D Funnell. Birdie balls; J Weeks, J Jacka, B Pipe, P Marsden. Mid Week end 11/11. Michael Richer took the midweek competition winnings with an outstanding 41 points, runner up was D Hurley with 39. Ball winners; H Smits, S Haynes. Saturday 12/11; Chook Fowler managed a few consecutive chip-ins to ‘fluke’ an overall win in the Stableford competition sponsored by Tony Davies. 44 points was the score to beat, well done Chook. A grade - 1: J Fowler (44) 2: D Wilson (39) 3: C Morrison (37). B grade - 1: S Morey (39), 2: P Sellar (39), 3: T Carter (39). C grade - 1: D Gregory (41), 2: C Noack (39) 3: D Hubber (39). Ladies winner: Skye Jeffery (39). Ball winners: T Dowling, M Lukat, R Clarke, A Kopania, C Campbell, P Dowling, C Commins, R Flett, S Francas. NTPS and Long Drives Uleybury wines 2nd; B Richardson, St Kilda Hotel 3rd long Drive, T O’Boyle, Giannito Hotel Group 4th; R Polito, Kingsford Hotel 6th; J Peel, Roseworthy Hotel 3rd shot 9th; M Yardley Fasta Pasta long drive 10th; M Yardley, High Beam Car/ Dog wash 11th; W Chaplin, Bushmans Hotel 14th; E Richardson, Willaston Hotel 16th; P Burge. Birdie ballls; C Campbell, T Bow, M Collier, C Decelis, G Jeffery, R Richardson, D Goodwin, K Dredge, J Agar, K McLean, R Ashton. Congratulations to the Gawler team who took out a victorious five matches to 0 win against Barossa in the Mid North pennants competition. Next week’s competition is Par, playing for the “Wack-em Hard Trophy”. Sunday 13/11: Bugsy Malone managed to jag a +6 in the Par competition this Sunday, a few lucky chips and some good 20ft putts made that one possible. Runner up was Craig Swinstead with +3. NTP 4th Cheesecake shop; P Turley, 6th Spencer Flooring; D Stewart. Ball

GAWLER 8-BALL Results from matches played on November 10. Overway Whos Ya Momma d Willaston Warriors 11-4; Willaston Farcues d Lyndoch Hotel 9-6; Smithfield What The’s d Exchange Hotel 10-5; Soccer Club Eagles d Two Wells Commercial 10-5; Smithfield Outsiders d XChanged 8-7; Two Wells No Fear.Comm d Soccer Club Kruisers 12-3; Roseworthy Blue d Roseworthy Shooters 12-3. Premiership Team P W L F A S Two Wells No Fear.Comm 3 3 0 35 10 6 Smithfield Outsiders 3 3 0 29 16 6 Roseworthy Blue 3 3 0 32 13 6 Overway Whos Ya Momma 3 2 1 29 16 4 Soccer Club Eagles 3 2 1 26 19 4 Exchange Hotel 3 2 1 25 20 4 XChanged 3 2 1 23 22 4

Wednesday, November 16, 2011 - Page 31 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

winners; P Turley, D Stewart, R Ashton, R McNamara, N Mitchell. Birdie balls; J Fowler, D Stewart MT PLEASANT Saturday - par competition. A grade - winner A Wake +3, R Elliott +3, N Wilson +3, J Richards +2, E Bishop even, M Watkins - 1. B grade - winner R Jackson +5, M Turvey +4, D McQueen +2, D Swann +2, P Guy even, M Swann - 1. Wednesday stableford/jokers. A grade - G Hutchinson 57pts, N Wilson 53, R Hargrave 52. B grade - P Flatman 66pts, T Lehmann 54, G Benier 53. BAROSSA Blue course AGM Day morning. Stableford. 57 players; 39 men; 18 women; visitors 4. Winner: M Nichols 43. A grade winner: J Kurtz 39; runner-up J O’Connell 39. B grade winner: M Nichols 43; runner-up R Doecke 39. C grade: G Maxted 41; runner-up R Kerrison 41. Ball winners. G Young 38, J Stephen 37, B Scholz 36, G Bethune 35, D Wall 35, P Temme 35. Ladies: Day winner: J Fyfe 39. B Both 36, M Fleer 36, P Siegele 35. NTP 2nd shot 10th: D Johnson, Cellarmaster Wines. Long Drive C grade: R Hampel, Regional Transport Training Services. Blue course AGM Afternoon. Stableford. 34 players; 32 men; 2 women; one visitor. Winner: N Ward 41. A grade winner: N Ward 41; runnerup S Kurtz 39. B grade winner: F Wheeler 40; runner-up P Nash 39. C grade winner: M Graetz 39; runnerup A Wigan 39. Ball winners: L Williams 39, P Graetz 37, C Buckley 36, D Geyer 36, P Twelftree 35. Ladies: Day winner: S Siviour 32. NTP 3rd G Wills (Henschke Wines); 4th 2nd shot G Wills (Laucke Mills); 6th G Wills (Ian Devlin Golf); 12th P Nash (Guy Ewing Chemplus); 10th 2nd shot D Johnson (Cellamaster Wines); 17th S Kurtz (Harbord Wines). Long Drives spinsored by Regional Transport Training Services. A grade: G Wills; B grade: A Strawbridge; C grade: R Hampel. Ladies novelty: G Potter. Thursday White Course. Stroke - 34 players; 2 visitors. Winner: C Hughes 65; runner-up M Nichols 68. Ball winners: G Patrick 69, T Wooley 70, T Turnbull 71, R Kernick 72, R Mewett 73, D Johnson 73. NTPs 6th A Bell, 15th M Newcombe. 4BBB- C Hughes 46pts G Neilson. TANUNDA Saturday - stableford. Winner: R Newstead 42, Jacob’s Creek. A grade: winner T Jenkins 40, Rockford; runner-up P Denley 39. B grade: winner T George 34, St Hallett; runner up D Lane 32. C grade: winner J Sonntag 39, Vine Inn; runner up D MacPhail 38. Ladies: winner R Newstead 42; runner-up F Blackwell 34. Long Drive. A grade B Grocke; B grade N Norman; C grade K Owens; Ladies J MacPhail. NTP: 6th A Bennet, Peter Lehmann; 8th B Grocke TPGB; 11th P Denley Langmeil; 16th B Grocke Rusden; 7th 2nd shot T Pengilly, Kalleske. Rundown: C Fechner 38, P Stacey 36, P Giersch 35, J Hongell 34, R Homburg 34, D Meijer 34. Mens Midweek - stroke. J Hill 72 c/b; C McMillan 72, R Haaren 73, J Gooden 74, R Wallace 76, P Denley 77. NTP: B Eckermann.

Willaston Farcues Smithfield What The’s Soccer Club Kruisers Willaston Warriors Two Wells Commercial Lyndoch Hotel Roseworthy Shooters

3 3 3 3 3 3 3

2 1 1 0 0 0 0

1 2 2 3 3 3 3

22 20 17 17 15 15 10

23 25 28 28 30 30 35

4 2 2 0 0 0 0

ASSOCIATION TENNIS On Sunday, November 13, 34 young tennis players travelled to Port Pirie for the annual Inter Association Challenge. Our players represented themselves and our combined associations commendably both on and off the court. A great day was had by all and there was some great tennis despite hot and blustery conditions. Barossa, Gawler and Light were neck and neck going into the mixed doubles but it was Port Pirie who came away with the win 36 sets 358 games to 33 sets 313 games.


Rangers arrive

HIT: Darren Unger hits safely against Port Adelaide in Division Seven. BELOW: Josh Mayfield, Ranger’s starting pitcher in Division Seven.

Senior results

Tanunda showed their intent to play finals by upsetting the previously undefeated Roseworthy 10 sets to 6 on Saturday. Roseworthy were missing some of their regular players but let’s not take anything away from the great victory. Tanunda have a number of younger players who are adapting well to senior tennis, including Brett Jenner and Alex Bryce. At Nuriootpa, the Tigers defeated Xavier Saints 10 sets to 6. There were many good matches played with the highlights being Xavier’s Damian McGee’s 6-2 win over the talented Alex Reincke and Robert Polito’s 6-4 victory over young Dillon Campbell. However, Nuriootpa were too strong in the ladies and the doubles matches to run out winners. In the final match Vine Vale kept its winning form going with a resounding 11 sets to 5 win over Lyndoch at Vine Vale. The Vine Vale ladies led by Megan Samain won all of their matches on day to take the points.

Division Two Willaston 12-99 d Tod Street 4-78; South Gawler Blue 12-102 d Lyndoch 4-69; Nuriootpa 16-108 d South Gawler White 0-0; Tanunda White 1295 d Tanunda Black 4-53

Webb missing a home run by inches. Gawler’s second under 14 team beat East Torrens 15-8, breaking open an 8-8 ball game with seven final inning runs to none, after big hits to Nathan Harakos, Riley Holland and Jake Jarvis. LL Majors won for the first time this season, beating Port Adelaide 14-9, with Jack Jenkins belting a long home run and pitching a shutout inning, while Cooper Amphlett and Declan Gillard-Martin also pitched well. In a close game LL Minors lost 10-13 to Golden Grove Central Districts, Cameron Keon and Cooper Wilson leading the way with two hits each, while Kale White took a sensational catch in centrefield. In Gawler Slowpitch, SA Nomads climbed into second position with doubleheader victories over Kangas and TGI Friday, while Gawler Rangers remained undefeated with a win over White Pointers, and Giants beat VB.

Division Three Gawler Rangers 4 3 0 2 0 0 2 -11 Adelaide Angels 2 0 0 1 0 4 0 -7 Hits: Ricky Clark 4, Dylan Winning 3, Ryan O’Handley 2, Sam Murphy 2, James Parker 2, Andre Benjamin. Division Five Glenelg 9 d Gawler Rangers 4. Hit: Adam Soar. Division Seven Port Adelaide 17 d Gawler Rangers 9. Hits: Trevor Norley 2, Darren Unger, James Sheekey, John Harkness, Paul Casson. Under 14 Kensington 19 d Gawler Rangers 3. Hits: Thomas Norley 2, Michael O’Connor, Dylan Allen, Callum Borchard, Hamish Nemeth-Webb. Gawler Rangers 15 d East Torrens 8. Hits: - Jake Jarvis 2, Mark Bergen, Riley Holland, Geoffrey Barraclough, Nathan Harakos, Ben Mayfield. Little League Majors Gawler Rangers 14 d Port Adelaide 9. Hits: Zakeray Heintze-Unger 2, Brodie Ewen 2, Jack Jenkins (hr), Mathew Young, Tyler Davis. Little League Minors GGCD 13 d Gawler Rangers 10. Hits: Cameron Keon 2, Cooper Wilson 2, Kale White, Hunter Powell, Jackson Pike, Trent O’Brien, Wyatt Ryan.

This week: Wednesday (tonight) - Division Seven v GGCD Dodgers at home, 6.15pm; under 14 A v GGCD away, 6.15pm; under 14 B v GGCD Dodgers away, 6.15pm. Saturday - Division Three v Sturt away, 4pm; Division Fiive v Southern Districts away, 3pm; Division Seven v GGCD at home, 3pm. Sunday - under 14 A v West Torrens away, 12.30pm; under 14 B v Kensington away, 3pm; LL Majors v Henley & Grange away, 10am; LL Minors v Woodville at home, 10am. Slowpitch results: Gawler Rangers 1.58 d White Pointers 0.42; SA Nomads 2.57 d Kangas 0.92; Giants 0.80 d VB 0.38; SA Nomads 7.30 d TGI Friday 3.00. Points: Gawler Rangers 8, SA Nomads 6, Giants 4, VB 3, TGI Friday 2, White Pointers 1, Kangas 0. This Friday’s games: 7.15pm - VB v Gawler Rangers and White Pointers v SA Nomads; 8pm - Giants v Kangas and VB v TGI Friday. Games are played at Elliott Goodger Memorial Park, and follow the tee-ball and rookie ball games, which start at 6pm. For details contact Rob on 0407 979 163.

Barossa, Light and Gawler tennis Division One Vine Vale 11-93 d Lyndoch 5-71; Nuriootpa 10-86 d Xavier Saints 6-58; Tanunda 10-78 d Roseworthy 6-77.

By ROBERT LAIDLAW GAWLER Rangers finally broke the drought for their first victory of the 2011/12 division three baseball season, with an inspiring 11-7 win over Adelaide Angels. A solid four-run first inning lay the foundation while some late insurance runs halted a challenging Adelaide fightback. With one out, hits to Ryan O’Handley, Sam Murphy, Ricky Clark, James Parker and Dylan Winning, plus a walk to Shaun Clark, saw the Rangers score four runs in the first frame, with Adelaide answering with two runs. Gawler took control of the game with a three-run second dig. Ricky Clark hitting a two-run single, to give him four runs batted in to that stage, as the Rangers led 7-2. Starting pitcher Rick Leonard shut Adelaide out in the second inning to hammer home the Rangers’ advantage, with Murphy coming on in relief to pitch the next three frames for just one run. Ricky Clark batted his fifth run home with his third hit in the fourth inning, and Parker hit a sacrifice fly, as Gawler went to what seemed a match-winning 92 lead. But then the one-inning malaise, which has been a negative factor in the Rangers’ season, seemed to hit in the bottom of the sixth frame, where three errors paved the way for four Adelaide runs. Cool head Andre Benjamin, who had come on to pitch, stayed focus on the mound and helped the Rangers navigate the stormy seas to keep afloat and lead 97. Game star Ricky Clark led off the seventh and final inning for Gawler with his fourth hit, which when combined with hits to Parker, Winning (his third of the game) and Benjamin, saw two further Rangers runs and an 11-7 lead. With a pair of strikeouts, Benjamin helped Gawler retire the Angels in order through the bottom of the seventh to preserve the Rangers first win of the season. This Saturday Gawler play its third straight away game, when it travels to Mitcham to play Sturt Saints. Gawler B grade lost 4-9 to Glenelg, a four-run first inning by the Tigers proving the difference. The Rangers only managed one hit, to Adam Soar. Although putting up a good performance, Gawler’s division seven side lost to Port Adelaide 9-17. In the final inning the Rangers came alive with the bat to score five runs, with hits from James Sheekey, John Harkness, Paul Casson and Trevor Norley. The Rangers under 14s lost 3-19 to Kensington, with Thomas Norley collecting two hits and Hamish Nemeth-


Willaston and South Gawler Blue continued their winning ways to maintain their positions at the top of the ladder. South Gawler Blue has a great blend of youth and experience with Sallyanne Lowe showing she is back to her best after a long layoff with knee injury. It is great to see a lot of younger players taking time to play Saturday senior tennis and enjoy the good competition and social aspect. Willaston are showing a great resurgence as club with a number of senior teams competing and is looming as hard to beat in Division Two.

Division Three Willaston Blue 12-86 d Willaston United 4-45; Cockatoo Valley 10-74 d Willaston Red 6-54; Vine Vale 13-89 d Keyneton 3-48 It was a hot and humid day that saw Willaston Blue defeat Willaston United in a show of strength. Willaston Blue won all four doubles and five of the eight singles with the match being decided before the mixed doubles were played. A valiant effort was made by Willaston United’s girls by winning three of the four rubbers. Willaston United’s doubles combination of Nick Chenoweth and Sean Ellery narrowly lost to Willaston Blue’s Andrew Styles and Jason Whitfield 6-7. Match star for this week was Jason Rozman from Willaston Blue who won his singles match 6-0. Barossa, Light and Gawler junior combined

Division Three Boys: Roseworthy 538 d Angaston 1-22; Freeling /Tanunda 5-41 d Freeling 1-15; Xavier Saints 6-43 d Lyndoch 0-13. Division Four Boys: Roseworthy 5-34 d Xavier Saints Black 1-13; Xavier Saints Rust 6-36 d Willaston 0-10. Note: Div 4 Boys are playing on Friday night commencing at 7pm. Division Five Boys: Trinity White 536 d Willaston 1-17; Trinity Blue 4-34 d Trinity Red 2-17. Division Three Girls: Xavier Saints 428 d Trinity 2- 24; Lutheran St Georges 5- 35 d Tod Street 1-21. Division Four Girls: Trinity Blue 3 -31 d Xavier Saints 3-26; Willaston 3- 21 d Trinity Red 3-18; Lutheran St Georges 3-23 d Trinity Gold 3-20. GDTA juniors Division Three Boys: Lutheran St Georges Black 6-36 d Trinity Blue 0-6; Lutheran St Georges 4-33 d Trinity Gold 2-24; Xavier Saints 6-36 d Willaston 0-17. Division Four Boys: Xavier Saints Black 4-29 d Willaston 2-21; Trinity Red 4-30 d Trinity Gold 2-16. Division Three Girls: Lutheran St Georges 5-33 d Trinity College 1-16; Riverton 4-30 d Tod St 2-19. Division Four Girls: Trinity Gold 3-24

STRETCH: Nuriootpa’s Nathan Pope playing a backhand. d Trinity Gold 3-21; Xavier Saints 6-37 d Willaston 0-11; Trinity Red 4-29 d Lutheran St. Georges 2-17. Inter Association matches against Port Pirie on November 13 at Port Pirie and Mildura in Gawler on December 3 and 4. Details are on Gawler Tennis Association website. NOTE: For Friday, November 11 Division Five boys are at Association courts starting at 7pm. Barossa and Light juniors Division Three: Moculta 6-37 d Tanunda Black 0-14; Nuriootpa 4-32 d Tanunda Silver 2-27; Angaston 6-36 d Tanunda White 0-9; Kapunda 5-37 d Lyndoch 1-22 Division Four: Tanunda Black 6-36 d Angaston 0-8; Kapunda 4-24 d Vine Vale 2-21; Tanunda Silver 6-36 d Tanunda White 0-21; Nuriootpa 4-32 d Lyndoch 2-18. Division Five: Angaston 4-32 d Freeling 2-22; Marananga 4-26 d Keyneton 2-21; Kapunda 4-30 d Tanunda 2-21 Division Six: Tanunda Black 5-35 d Tanunda White 1-14; Vine Vale White 3-28 d Vine Vale Green 3-27; Freeling 3-29 d Angaston 3-22; Kapunda Red 6-36 d Kapunda Black 0-21 Division Seven (green ball): Vine Vale Green 6-36 d Tanunda White 0-9; Tanunda Black 5-34 d Vine Vale White 1-13; Freeling 6-36 d Angaston Blue 0-0; Vine Vale Black 6-36 d Keyneton 0-15; Nuriootpa 5-35 d Kapunda 1-17; Angaston White 5-34 d Tanunda Silver 1-19 Reminder: Results and premiership tables can be accessed on the web tions

Night tennis

Monday Night Red/White Via Allendale 7-59 d Kapunda 5-45. All the other Monday games were cancelled due to rain. Wednesday Night Red Toyota Cruisers 10-65 d Angaston Panthers 2-25; Nuri Chasers 7-63 d Gibson Wines 5-53; Tanunda Down Under 11-70 d VVTC Bottles 1-26; Lyndoch Leftovers 11-11-72 d The Bye 1-1-38. Wednesday Night White Rebels 11-69 d Mixers 1-29; Match Fixers 10-70 d What a Racquet 2-39; Team Racket 8-59 d Hermansberg 449; Stablemates 7-47 d Loose Cannons 5-44. Wednesday Night Blue Manooknas 8-63 d Making a Racquet 4-42; Angaston Blues 6-53 d Havin a Ball 6-45; Parrots drew with Tiggers.

SERVE: Willaston’s Scott Baker in Division Two.

Barossa and Light Tennis Association premierships Division Three R Team P 1 Angaston 4 2 Nuriootpa 4 3 Kapunda 4 4 Moculta 3 5 Tanunda White 4 6 Lyndoch 3 7 Tanunda Silver 2 8 Tanunda Black 4 Division Four R Team P 1 Nuriootpa 4 2 Tanunda Black 4 3 Tanunda Silver 4 4 Lyndoch 4 5 Kapunda 4 6 Angaston 4 7 Tanunda White 4 8 Vine Vale 4 Division Five R Team P 1 Angaston 3 2 Kapunda 4 3 Freeling 4 4 Lyndoch 3 5 Marananga 3 6 Keyneton 4 7 Tanunda 3 Division Six R Team P 1 Kapunda Red 3 2 Freeling 3 3 Vine Vale Green4 4 Vine Vale White 4 5 Tanunda Black 3 6 Nuriootpa 3 7 Angaston 4 8 Tanunda White 4 9 Kapunda Black 4

Wednesday, November 16, 2011 - Page 32 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

Bye 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0

W 4 4 2 2 1 1 0 0

D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

L 0 0 2 1 3 2 2 4

SF 22 19 12 12 7 7 3 2

SA 2 5 12 6 17 11 9 22

GF 138 130 106 93 83 70 53 59

GA 59 82 109 68 118 92 66 138

Pts 38 35 20 20 11 11 3 2

W 4 3 3 3 2 1 0 0

D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

L 0 1 1 1 2 3 4 4

SF 15 19 18 12 13 9 6 4

SA 9 5 6 12 11 15 18 20

GF 117 126 122 107 98 77 85 69

GA 78 73 72 103 100 117 129 129

Pts 31 31 30 24 21 13 6 4

Bye 1 0 0 1 1 0 1

W 3 3 2 2 1 0 0

D 0 0 0 0 0 1 1

L 0 1 2 1 2 3 2

SF 14 12 12 12 8 7 7

SA 4 12 12 6 10 17 11

GF 100 109 102 82 73 83 63

GA 63 102 102 67 78 114 86

Pts 26 24 20 20 12 9 9

Bye 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0

W 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 0

D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

L 0 0 2 2 1 1 3 3 4

SF 16 12 13 12 11 7 11 8 6

SA 2 6 11 12 7 11 13 16 18

GF 101 90 102 104 87 61 97 93 92

GA 45 69 105 112 65 81 113 113 124

Pts 28 24 21 20 19 15 15 12 6

The Herald Bowls Report Barossa and Light results Division One Lyndoch 119 v Kapunda 68. T Noble 37 v I Otterspoor 12; P Uranjek 27 v G Redden 14; B Howell 24 v M Dew 23; C Rule 31 v R Rogers 19. Nuriootpa 106 v Eudunda 87 G Langley 32 v P Eva 19; R Walker 27 v G Schmidt 16; R Grope 32 v J Hanns 22; T Billing 15 v B Warner 30. Tanunda 122 v Angaston 74 B Pech 32 v B Bowden 23; R Schneider 24 v D Jaunay 20; P Rost 23 v J Standish 19; C Mahoney 43 v K Brooks 12. Freeling had the bye. Division Two Angaston White 69 v Tanunda Black 71 B Tuttle 27 v A Price 25; C Tabe 20 v D Schiller 23; D Armstrong 22 v D Meertens 23. Freeling 59 v Angaston Blue 76 J Wright 11 v L Teakle 32; B Schuster 14 v C Reardon 29; F Hines 34 v K Renshaw 15. Nuriootpa Black 60 v Nuriootpa Gold 80 T Elix 11 v P Buckley 35; S Jones 22 v I Klaebe 22; N Jaensch 27 v N Collyer 23. Tanunda White 81 v Lyndoch 53 T Ratsch 31 v R Fillsell 19; M Hurst 18 v R Allen 23; E Allanson 32 v M Launer 11. Kapunda had the bye. Division Three Angaston 66 v Tanunda 83 I Philp 27 v J Miegel 25; F Booth 16 v C Graetz 33; L Lablack 23 v D Goodwin 25. Eudunda 73 v Nuriootpa Gold 75 R Hams 18 v M Sims 32; F Schmidt 32 v N Nolan 24; G Schutz 23 v J Mattner 19. Kapunda Red 67 v Freeling 66 B Phillips 23 v L Goedecke 27; D Franks 25 v K Bettens 14; B Cummins 19 v W Pitt 25. Lyndoch 67 v Kapunda Black 65 D Turvey 23 v C Reardon 18; C Turner 27 v J Baldwin snr 23; J Allwood 17 v K Dooley 24. Nuriootpa Black had the bye.

Bowls teams EUDUNDA Division One v Freeling at Eudunda: M Geister, T Schiller, M Schutz, J Hanns; G Mitev, R Milde, P Voigt, P Eva; R Leditschke, J Willoughby, R Hnatyszyn, B Warner; G Doecke, D Kleinig, G Schmidt, W Mader. Umpire: R Milde; Duty Rink: B Warner. Division Three v Tanunda at Eudunda: G Goedecke, R Regnier, M Nietschke, G G Schutz; F Schiller, C Menz, K Laucke, R Hams; T VBranford, G Minge, G O Schutz, F Schmidt. Midweek v Kapunda Black at Eudunda: R Regnier, C Menz, B Warner; G Mitev, R Hams, F Schmidt; M Christie, W Mader, J Willoughby. Ladies v Nuriootpa at Nuriootpa, departing 8.15am: J Milde, D Leditschke, S Schutz, J Pfitzner; B Marshall, J Johnston, L Mosey, B Pfitzner; M Nietschke, D Twartz, J Beuhn, A Brook; P Dutschke, P Gordge, J Hams, M Weymouth. Reserves: D Mader, H Jenke. FREELING Division One v Eudunda at Eudunda. T Johansen, D Johansen, J Morris, G Fergusson; M Sampson, N Marslen, T Mullins, L Ryan; I McFarlane, N Lee, T Heinjus, J Bryson; K Swanson, L Mullins, T Secomb, C Kearns. Sunday: Division One v Tanunda at Freeling: T Johansen, D Johansen, J Morris, G Fergusson; M Sampson, N Marslen, T Mullins, L Ryan; I McFarlane, N Lee, T Heinjus, J Bryson; K Swanson, L Mullins, T Secomb, C Kearns. Division Two v Nuriootpa Gold at Freeling: P Fryer, S Ryan, G Maynard, J Wright; P Heinjus, L Swanson, R Ratsch, F Hines; J Gaertner, A Drury, K Price, B Schuster. Duty Rink: B Schuster. Division Three v Kapunda Red at Kapunda: Phil Waldegrave, O Howson, D Jamieson, K Bettens; P Heinjus, P Erskine, G Holmes, W Pitt; J Fidge, P Flowers, W Rivett, L Goedecke. Reserve: Pam Waldegrave. Midweek v Nuriootpa Gold at Nuriootpa: B Schuster, L Swanson, C Kearns; K Bettens, J Wright, I McFarlane; W Pitt, T Mullins, T Secomb. Reserves: P Waldegrave, J Fidge. KAPUNDA Division One v Tanunda at Kapunda. T Rae, R Gill, B O’Reilly, I Otterspoor; C Doecke, G Donovan, W Reardon, R Rogers; W Beavan, A Reinders, P Voumard, G Redden; C Otterspoor, F Hier, J Scholes, M Dew. Duty Rink: M Dew. Division Two v Lyndoch at Lyndoch. C Hamper, T Scoot, J Trotta, P Maitland; R Scoot, J Baldwin jnr, L Carter, K Matthews; T Noack, B Doecke, P Hart, T Leslie. Cars depart 12.30pm; Drivers: Leaders. Division Three Red v Kapunda Black at Kapunda: F Dobbin, B Carrick, B Goodfellow, B Cummins; B Adams, S Hart, B Brearley, B Phillips; T Leslie, B Morris, T Scholes, D Franks. Division Three Black v Kapunda Red at Kapunda. A Petch, B Sweet, E Pitman, C Reardon; P Ferns, A Wilson, J Pitman, K Dooley; D Sweet, R Perry, S Franks, J Baldwin snr. Duty Rink: K Dooley. Midweek Black v Eudunda at Eudunda. J Scholes, K Matthews, G Redden; G Campbell, W Beavan, T Rae; P Hart, A Reinders, R Rogers. Cars: A Reinders, G Campbell. Midweek Red v Lyndoch Blue at Kapunda: J Pitman, T Scoot, J Trotta; J Baldwin, W

For all the club reports go to our website: and follow the link in sport. And check out the bowls photos in sports gallery. Results for Thursday Pennants Round 6 - November 10. Angaston Blue 38 v Lyndoch Gold 66 B Teakle 10 v D Hausler 22; C Tabe 12 v K Boyle 22; K Brook 16 v J Sharrett 22. Angaston White 64 v Nuriootpa Blue 62 D Armstrong 18 v P Buckley 22; T Edwards 21 v P Rosenberg 20; F Thomas 25 v R Randall 20. Eudunda 50 v Kapunda Red 73 J Willoughby 9 v B O’Reilly 31; B Warner 22 v C Sunman 25; F Schmidt 19 v P Voumard 17. Kapunda Black 62 v Nuriootpa Black 52 T Rae 23 v T Elix 22; R Rogers 18 v T Billing 17; G Redden 21 v S Jones 13. Lyndoch Blue 55 v Freeling 70 B Howell 15 v C Kearns 26; D Moncrieff 14 v T Secomb 24; M Launer 26 v I MacFarlane 20. Nuriootpa Green 64 v Tanunda Black 66 W Williams 20 v J Garrett 16; I Klaebe 25 v D Heidenreich 19; R Mattschoss 19 v C Mahoney 31. Nuriootpa Gold 77 v Tanunda White 41. R Chapman 34 v A Price 10; G Langley 21 v R Schnieder 10; T Gibbons 22 v P Baverstock 21. Ladies Eudunda 69 v Kapunda 81 J Milde 17 v R Scoot 23; M Nietschke 16 v C Reardon 17; P Dutschke 16 v C Doecke 26; B Marshall 20 v C Holmes 15. Lyndoch 71 v Freeling 65 V Reeves 26 v L Mullins 11; P Sharrett 10 v L Woods 19; D Turvey 7 v J Gerrits 27; G McLeod 28 v D Johansen 8. Nuriootpa 96 v Tanunda 53 D Baker 26 v M Hurst 18; P Jones 22 v G Woods 14; M Elix 27 v M Meertens 8; M Nolan 21 v J Farquharson 13. Angaston had the bye.

Reardon, B O’Reilley; R Parker, F Hier, P Voumard. Duty Rink: B O’Reilly. Ladies v Lyndoch at Lyndoch: A Petch, E Pitman, S Franks, R Scoot; D Sweet, P Dobbin, T Scholes, C Holmes; M Atkins, K Rae, P Ferns, C Reardon; D Huntley, B Hier, R Perry, C Doecke. Cars: Seconds leaving at 8.15am. LYNDOCH Division One v Angaston at Angaston. Depart 12.30pm. R Vanstone, B Prime, J Sharratt, B Howell; D Moncrieff, K North, K Gavin, P Uranjek; D Wilson, T Drummond, G Ayres, C Rule; D Green, G Reeves, D Hausler, T Noble. Sunday: Division One v Nuriootpa at Lyndoch: B Day, B Prime, J Sharratt, B Howell; D Moncrieff, K North, K Gavin, P Uranjek; D Wilson, T Drummond, G Ayres, C Rule; D Green, T Teague, D Hausler, T Noble. Duty Rink: C Rule; Bar Rink: P Uranjek. Division Two v Kapunda at Lyndoch: B Day, R Plant, E Palmer, B Allan; B Koch, A Streames, T Teague, R Filsell; R Heidrich, P Handke, A Turvey, M Launer. Duty Rink: B Allan; Bar Rink: R Filsell. Division Three has a bye. Reserves: Division One - B Koch; Division Two - E Smith. Midweek Gold v Nuriootpa Green at Lyndoch: G Schumacher, G Reeves, D Hausler; B Day, B Koch, K Boyle; R Fisher, R Filsell, J Sharratt. Midweek Blue v Kapunda Red at Kapunda: Depart 12.30pm. E Palmer, T Drummond, D Moncrieff; D Lindner, A Turvey, M Launer; T Haycock, B Allan, B Howell. ANGASTON Division One v Lyndoch at Angaston: P Pech, N Smith, T Edwards, D Jaunay; J Harris, M Short, K Brook, B Bowden; J Jensen, J Argent, L Buckley, J Standish; M Renshaw, B Hurn, K Sandford, B Teakle. Manager: D Jaunay. Umpires: K Sandford and D Jaunay. Duty Rink: J Standish. Division Two Blue v Tanunda Black at Angaston: A Hall, E Bond, F Thomas, K Renshaw; M Storton, W Newell, I Langley, C Reardon; D Tye, L Bell, M Teakle, L Teakle. Manager: M Storton. Umpire: F Thomas. Division Two White v Tanunda White at Tanunda: P Gibbons, W Sibley, L Schulz, D Armstrong; M Klingner, S Heinze, B Bullock, B Tuttle; M Hurn, T Hopkins, A Booth, C Tabe. Manager: D Armstrong; Cars depart 12.45pm; Drivers: Leaders. Division Three v Nuriootpa Gold at Nuriootpa: C Le Page, P Clark, S Barnden, I Philp; A Grear, D Copperwheat, F Booth, C Vereyken; R Benjamin, J Carruthers, B Agars, H Schmied. Midweek Blue v Tanunda White at Angaston. L Schulz, M Hurn, J Standish; J Carruthers, M Teakle, B Teakle; K Woodards, A Harvey, C Tabe. Manager: C Tabe; Umpire: B Teakle. Midweek White v Tanunda Black at Tanunda: A Grear, J Rodgers, T Edwards; I Philp, P Gibbons, D Armstrong; R Benjamin, A Hall, F Thomas . Manager: A Hall. Cars depart 12.45pm; Drivers: Leaders. TANUNDA Division One v Kapunda at Kapunda: M Silvestro, C Neldner, J Garrett, C Mahoney; S Pech, D Grear, D Heidenreich, P Rost; R Ellis, D Pech, I Graetz, R Schneider; P Baverstock, I Jaensch, R Mewett, B Pech. Sunday: Division One v Freeling at Freeling: C Neldner, S Mewett, J Garrett, C Mahoney; S Pech, D Grear, D Heidenreich, P Rost; M Silvestro, R Ellis, I

Graetz, R Schneider; P Baverstock, I Jaensch, R Mewett, B Pech. Division Two Black v Angaston Blue at Angaston: J Ralston, B Woodcock, G Woods, A Price; G Farquharson, P Secker, K Wallace,D Schiller; R Bartsch, TBA, M Meertens, D Meertens. Division Two White v Angaston White at Tanunda: G Meyer, B Williams, B Wallace, E Allanson; F Altmann, K Schmaal, D Martin, M Hurst; H Rohrlach, J Farquharson, D Koch, T Ratsch. Duty Rink: M Hurst. Division Three v Lyndoch at Tanunda: TBA, C Traeger, I Frick, D Goodwin; K Schliebs, TBA, G Rainsford, TBA; TBA, M Goodwin, C Graetz, T Leech. Midweek morning v Angaston at Tanunda: W Weinmann, M Goodwin, J Ralston, G Woods; L Baverstock, B Clarke, J Stephens, M Meertens; D Semmler, L Miegel, K Wallace, M Hurst; C Altus, P Schultz, D Light, J Farquharson. Midweek Black v Angaston White at Tanunda: D Martin, B Ellis, D Heidenreich; H Rohrlach, S Mewett, C Mahoney; B Wallace, B Williams, J Garrett. Midweek White v Angaston Blue at Angaston: G Farquharson, D Goodwin, R Schneider; K Schliebs, P Baverstock, A Price; C Graetz, P Secker, T Ratsch. NURIOOTPA Division One v Lyndoch at Lyndoch: R Mattschoss, R Chapman, C Jones, G Langley; R Garrett, I Klaebe, W Williams, R Walker; P Fechner, T Gibbons, G Prior, R Grope; S Ryan, L Tscharke, S Allen, T Billing. Cars: Depart 12.30pm. Drivers: C Jones, W Williams, G Prior, S Allen. Division Two Gold v Freeling at Freeling: M Jones, Pam Jones, D Langley, P Buckley; D Bessell, L Cook, C Allen, N Collyer; L Fuss, R Warnest, N Jaensch, P Rosenberg. Cars depart 12.45pm. Drivers: Pam Jones, L Cook, P Rosenberg. Division Two Black has the bye. Division Three Gold v Angaston at Nuriootpa: R Waples, G McCormick, K Bullock, J Mattner; K Williamson, D Dalton, L Steer, M Sims; C Reuter, John McIntosh, D Quodling, N Nolan. Umpire: N Nolan; Duty Rink: M Sims. Division Three Black v Freeling at Freeling: K Steer, M Nolan, Jean McIntosh, P Collyer; R Hahn, J Reusch, A Shoesmith, Phil Jones; D Allen, A Klaebe, K Reichelt, K Harrison. Cars depart 12.45pm. Umpires: Jean McIntosh, A Shoesmith, K Reichelt. Midweek Gold v Freeling at Nuriootpa. C Forbes, A Shoesmith, T Gibbons; C Allen, S Rogers, R Chapman; J Reusch, L Cook, G Langley. Midweek Black v Nuriootpa Blue at Nuriootpa: A Jones, L Tscharke, T Elix; J Bilney, G Prior, T Billing; B Jones, C Baker, S Jones. Red stickers please. Midweek Green Lyndoch Gold at Lyndoch: K Reichelt, D Bessell, W Williams; A Fyfe, R Mattschoss, R Garrett; N Nolan, R Warnest, J Bell. Cars depart 12.30pm; Drivers: D Bessell, N Nolan. Midweek Blue v Nuriootpa Black at Nuriootpa. A Rayner, L Steer, R Randall; G Krahling, C LaNauze, P Buckley; K Harrison, J Mattner, D Wilson. Umpire: P Buckley; Duty Rink: R Randall. Ladies Midweek v Eudunda at Nuriootpa. L Wilkinson, A Shoesmith, N Chapman, M Nolan; H Roberts, J Chapman, G White, P Jones; M Waples, J Krause, J McIntosh, D Baker; L Hahn, V Bessell, U Boettger, M Elix. Reserves: D Allen, H Sandow, J Zanetic, D Dalton. Umpire: P Jones; Duty Rink: G White.

Premiership tables DIVISION ONE Team











Nuriootpa Tanunda Freeling Lyndoch Eudunda Angaston Kapunda

6 6 6 6 6 6 6

6 4 2 2 2 1 0

0 0 1 0 0 1 0

0 1 2 3 3 3 5

0 1 1 1 1 1 1

0 0 0 0 0 0 0

598 551 483 443 459 424 409

500 396 452 463 517 504 535

98 155 31 -20 -58 -80 -126

54.46 58.18 51.66 48.90 47.03 45.69 43.33

122 84 53 48 43 37 9












Tanunda Black Angaston Blue Nuriootpa Gold Nuriootpa Black Lyndoch Tanunda White Kapunda Angaston White Freeling

6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

4 3 3 4 3 3 2 1 0

0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0

1 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 5

1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

383 371 374 394 432 417 359 358 301

329 347 312 419 453 400 329 358 412

54 24 62 -25 -21 17 30 0 -111

53.79 51.67 54.52 48.46 48.81 51.04 52.18 50.00 42.22

69 63 59 59 50 49 48 39 20












Nuriootpa Gold Tanunda Kapunda Red Nuriootpa Black Eudunda Kapunda Black Lyndoch Freeling Angaston

6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

6 4 3 2 2 2 3 1 0

0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0

0 1 1 2 3 3 3 5 5

0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

490 367 374 375 343 355 370 342 286

331 328 315 346 348 306 469 424 405

159 39 59 29 -5 49 -99 -82 -119

59.68 52.77 54.28 52.01 49.64 53.71 44.11 44.67 41.39

88 66 65 59 48 46 42 24 18












Kapunda Black Tanunda Black Freeling Nuriootpa Gold Nuriootpa Green Kapunda Red Nuriootpa Black Tanunda White Lyndoch Gold Lyndoch Blue Angaston Blue Nuriootpa Blue Angaston White Eudunda

6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

6 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 1

0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0

0 2 2 3 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 5

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

386 300 278 384 338 355 376 377 286 348 337 349 303 310

298 292 273 339 312 337 322 353 302 374 362 360 380 423

88 8 5 45 26 18 54 24 -16 -26 -25 -11 -77 -113

56.43 50.68 50.45 53.11 52.00 51.30 53.87 51.64 48.64 48.20 48.21 49.22 44.36 42.29

86 56 56 54 54 52 50 49 49 48 41 29 27 21












Kapunda Nuriootpa Eudunda Angaston Tanunda Lyndoch Freeling

6 6 6 6 6 6 6

4 3 3 2 2 2 2

0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1 1 1 1 1 1 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0

391 416 385 398 359 378 422

362 346 391 372 381 405 462

29 70 -6 26 -22 -27 -40

51.91 54.59 49.61 51.69 48.51 48.28 47.75

92 84 78 66 62 60 50

1 2 2 3 3 3 4

Proudly supporting lawn bowls “a crackerjack sport” 16 Mildred St, Kapunda Phone 8566 2013

Wednesday, November 16, 2011 - Page 33 - The Herald, Barossa Valley


Results for Saturday Pennants Round 6 - November 12.

TIGER SHOWDOWN: Trevor Elix of Nuriootpa Black bowling watched by Nuriootpa Gold’s Peter Buckley in Division Two. The Gold team shone through leaving the Blacks dark on the result. And Peter Buckley’s rink also proved too good for the foursome skippered by Trevor Elix.

Central District Football Club supports


Gawler and Kapunda Sportsperson of the week


Karen Daniel - Kapunda

with Graham Fischer and Mike Teakle

Karen Daniel plays tennis for Kapunda. Where have you played your tennis? First 10 years in the Hills including Harrogate, Mt Torrens, Woodside and Mt Barker. The last 20-odd years at Kapunda.

> Cricket

Who are key players at your club? Everyone is key. Special mention to Dave and Mick Matters and Anne-Marie Brown for their durability. What do you need to win the flag? Belief in yourself and your team. What is your most important attribute? Consistency.

Pet hates on the tennis court? Bad behaviour of any kind.

Who is a character at the club and why? Dave Matters and Nick Wuttke. They really love to win.

Favourite actor and movie? Hugh Jackman and Dead Poet’s Society.

Who is the best player you have played with and against? With. All my doubles partners over the years. Against. Can’t split between Janelle Steinborner and Virginia Harvey. We have had some great battles . Major influence in your tennis: Probably my family’s traditional sporting values. Of course I did love watching John Newcombe in the 70s. Who are your sporting idols? Pat Rafter and Sam Stosur. Any superstitions? None. What event has inspired or amazed you? The Tour de France. Just that ability and desire to get back on the bike day after day. If you were Prime Minister what issue would you address? More investment in rural communities, especially for young people.

If someone had to play you in a movie who would it be? Maybe Toni Collette. Greatest moment and disappointment? Greatest sporting moment first Division One premiership with Kapunda in 2001/02. Greatest disappointment. Pat Rafter losing 9-7 in the fifth against Goran Ivanisevic in the 2001 Wimbledon final. How would you spend a million dollars? I would ugrade the Kapunda tennis courts, employ a coach and go on a very long holiday. What other sport would you love to be the best in the world at and why? Basketball. It would mean I was taller. If you could have any four people stranded on a deserted island with you who would they be and why? I would need my husband and two children of course. Rolf Harris to keep us all entertained.

Get ready for the fire season. Limited number of units available at both Gawler and Kapunda branches.

THE Barossa & Light Cricket Association’s preparations for this year’s country carnival are well underway. A 20-man squad has been named to compete in an internal trial match at Eudunda next Sunday with a 10.30am start. Team One, Red so far consists of: Ben Perkins, Nuriootpa, T Smith, Gilbert Valley, Ben Parish, Freeling, Luke Steinborner, Nuriootpa, Christian Gattermayr, Tanunda, Justin Shaninger, Gilbert Valley, David Golder, South Gawler, Mitch Boschen, Tanunda, James Lienert, Nuriootpa, and Brett Woodards, Angaston. Team Two, Yellow includes: Scott Rathjen, Angaston, Tristan Schwartzkopff,

Twin Impeller 400L also available in store.


*Photos for illustration purposes only

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IT’S MOVEMBER and time to focus on men’s health. To show his commitment Barossa senior umpires coach

BEN Madgen’s Sydney Kings improved to a 3-4 record with their thrilling 113-104 win in an overtime classic at Adelaide Arena last Friday night. Madgen was pivotal early with all of his 20 points scored in the first three quarters but his hustle and defensive play was crucial in the fourth and fifth periods. This included drawing an unsportsmanlike foul from 36ers forward Stephen Weigh in the fourth when Weigh knocked Madgen to the floor off the ball. The Kings currently sit fifth on the NBL ladder and are yet to fully hit their stride. Madgen’s scoring rate may look lower than his


> BL&G FOOTBALL hasn’t long finished but already Willaston has announced new players who will be joining them in 2012. Former junior Daniel Mills will be returning from Gawler Central and can play on ball or up forward. Port Magpies underage premiership player Adam Pepe, 24, and 6 feet 4 tall, will play as a key defender or in the ruck. From Mt Lofty come key forward Ben Gordon, 28 and 6’ 3”, and Jared McDonald, 25, who is described as an in and under player. Proudly brought to you by: BAROSSA

FISHING Callop are on

Gawler Fishing and Outdoors Mon-Fri 9am - 5.30pm Thurs 9am - 8.00pm Sat 9.00am - 4.00pm Sun 11am - 3.00pm

> Basketball

halcyon days in the second half of his rookie of the year season but his defence is much improved, particularly in terms of defensive rebounding. Keeping with the basketball theme there should be a great match this Sunday at Starplex in Gawler. A national women’s basketball game between Adelaide Lightning and Bulleen Boomers is listed. Two Olympians will be featured - Suzy Batkovic for the Lightning and Bulleen’s Liz Cambage, as well as former Olympian Jo Hill. Tip off is at 3pm.


brought to you by

33 Railway Tce, Nuriootpa

8562 4881

• Fishing • Camping • Guns • Marine 48 Murray Street, Gawler

8522 6200 Tide Times for Port Adelaide (Outer Harbour) and Wallaroo for the week to come

NOV 2011


16 WE

0647 1448

1.59 0.46


0716 1547

1.50 0.50

0742 1706

1.36 0.55

0753 1812

1.19 0.61

0323 1901

1.11 0.70

0258 1047 1529 1930

1.20 0.76 0.84 0.79

16 WE

0003 0629 1309 1858

0.60 2.42 0.42 1.75


0028 0657 1337 1931

0.67 2.31 0.51 1.69

0100 0730 1415 2020

0.78 2.14 0.64 1.60

0146 0817 1516 2156

0.96 1.88 0.83 1.51


0339 0955 1739

1.19 1.55 0.98


0059 0749 1342 1947

1.64 1.04 1.50 0.90

21 MO


18 FR


Single Impeller 400L

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Tanunda, Riley Barker, South Gawler, Craig Mullins, Gilbert Valley, Aaron King, Gawler Central, Andy Kokot, Sandy Creek, Josh Vater, Gilbert Valley, Joe Brown, Kapunda, Brett Burgess, Angaston and Matt Blenkiron, Angaston. Those named will form the bulk of the players in the trial with several players from the mid north competition are to be included in the group. Some senior B&L players may be added depending on form and availability for the tournament to be held next February 6-9.


Relationship and employment status: Married to Mostyn with twin teenage daughters. Reception at Kapunda Medical Practice.

Carl Whitaker is donating his face again to the cause by growing a moustache for the entire month of November. Two weeks in and Carl has raised $780 and is asking for support by making an online donation to this very worthy men’s cause charity fund raiser. You can help Carl’s Movember campaign by making a donation online at: http://www.movember. com/m/172731


20 SU

21 MO

NOV 2011


18 FR



0302 1.33 0220 1.95 1048 0.56 0905 0.67 1514 1.67 TU 2046 0.81 *Please note - Add 1 hour for daylight savings ‘Tidal predictions supplied by the National Tide Facility. The Flinders University of South Australia, Copyright Reserved’

22 TU


Wednesday, November 16, 2011 - Page 34 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

CAUGHT: Callop caught by Sani Pfeiffer.

By LUBIN PFEIFFER BLANCHETOWN, Morgan, Swan Reach and just about everywhere beyond and in between are firing with callop. The hot weather we’ve been having has really kicked the river fishing off with numerous reports of anglers easily obtaining their bags. The river is so full of fish at the moment. Either way I recommend grabbing the fishing rod and heading for the river. The best option has been bait, with both shrimps and worms providing good bites. I like to use 3/0 hooks with a very light running sinker on the main line. When I fish the river I will try to always fish the downstream sides of the shallow water timber.

Callop like to sit in the easiest location for an easy meal and places of little or no flow are proving best. Keep in contact with your line as callop can inhale and reject an offering in seconds. Fishing with my brother at Swan Reach at the weekend I found the larger fish would register a bite but it was only when you lifted the rod would you realise that the fish was still there. Hold the rod while you fish and keep in contact. Once we worked this out we were feeling a bite but gently lifting afterwards. Typical callop behaviour then followed the head shakes of good fish that had obviously inhaled our bait but didn’t move any further. Tight lines until next week.


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Wednesday, November 16, 2011 - Page 35 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

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Run to the vines By GRAHAM FISCHER THE inaugural ‘Run To The Vines’ race day will be held at the Gawler racecourse today (Wednesday). The innovative meeting is the idea of Paul Lynch, chief executive officer of the Gawler and Barossa Jockey Club. “I came into the job earlier this year and it struck me that even though we had the word Barossa in our club name, there was little promotion within the area,” Mr Lynch said. “After spending a day in the Barossa about six weeks ago, I was able to come away with a group of sponsors who were happy to become involved in a special Barossa day. “My thanks go to Tim Lynas, Andrew Plush, Jack Ferrett and Tony McEvoy for helping to get the initial Run To The Vines day up and running.” Mr Lynch said there had been very good acceptances for the meeting and it was the club’s intentions to develop the day into the future. “We want it to become a feature day on the club’s calendar and we invite Barossa people to come along.” Angaston trainer Tony McEvoy had hoped to be able to supply a winner at the meeting but his two runners Birdman and Secret Vintage both drew badly and have been scratched. But McEvoy was still happy with the stable’s results on Saturday. He unveiled his third twoyear-old that will head to Queensland for January’s Magic

Millions with Maximus Moonard winning at Betfair Park in Melbourne. At Morphettville, a victory by Sky Raider saw McEvoy go to the head of the South Australian trainer’s premiership on a countback from his former boss David Hayes. While the trainer’s premiership story will evolve over a further eight months of the season, McEvoy was very pleased to have had such a strong start to the 2011-12 season which sees him with 14 Adelaide metropolitan winners and the same amount of seconds. Hayes has 14 winners as well, but has had 11 seconds. The pair is six winners clear of third. But it was the debut win of Maximus Moonard which gave McEvoy a special thrill. A $16 chance, Maximus

VICTORY: Tony McEvoy (left) and Craig Williams. PIC: Slickpix.

Moonard turned in a last to first performance to score by a length and a half in the Written Tycoon Champion Sire Stakes (1000m). It is the stable’s third individual two-year-old win for the season and for McEvoy is a tick on the stable’s ability to go to the yearling sales and select winners. McEvoy paid tribute to jockey Craig Williams for his winning ride on Maximus Moonard. “I told Craig I thought the he would show a bit more speed but he allowed him to settle where the horse felt comfortable and didn’t bustle him. As a result when he was asked for an effort Maximus Moonard, he was able to sprint him strongly to claim victory.” “I’ll be taking three horses to Queensland for the Magic Millions, and could have taken four but we have decided to aim Jimando at the Blue Diamond Stakes,” McEvoy said. Maximus Moonard, Little Critter and Typhoon Tilly are the three two-year-olds with the Magic Millions in mind. Little Critter and Typhoon Tilly will be part of a three-horse team McEvoy will first take to New South Wales next month. McEvoy said Typhoon Tilly would run at Canterbury on Friday, December 9, while Little Critter will be aimed at the $200,000 Magic Million events at Wyong on Thursday, December 22. His other Sydney runner will be Swipeline which is being set for the $250,000 Inglis Nursery at Warwick Farm on Saturday, December 17.

Jack’s national award EVANSTON’S world champion Jack Bobridge has been named Mavic elite male track cyclist of the year. His award was announced in Sydney on Friday night and Jack also was a finalist for the Sir Hubert Opperman medal for the Jayco 2011 Australian cyclist of the year which was won by Cadel Evans. “I was very honoured,” Jack said. “When you see the names of previous winners it is humbling to be alongside them.” Unfortunately Bobridge was unable to in Sydney for the awards night as he in Adelaide attending a training camp for a round of the UCI track cycling Samsung World Cup in Colombia next month.

“After riding on the roads during the year then having a break I am a bit behind for the start of the track season,” Jack said. “I’ll be right by the time we head off, then it will be back to Australia for road nationals and then the Tour Down Under which I’m really looking forward to.” Bobridge, who has been riding for the Garmin Cervelo team, will switch to Australia’s first pro cycling team Green Edge next year. But for Bobridge the big event in 2012 will be the Olympic Games in London where he hopes to secure a seat in the four-man Australian Team Pursuit . As the individual pursuit world record holder, it should just be a matter of holding his form.




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Wednesday, November 16, 2011 - Page 36 - The Herald, Barossa Valley

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