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w w w. b a r o s s a h e r a l d . c o m . a u Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Phone: (08) 8563 2041
52 pages
Barossa’s boost IMPROVED public transport, a retail strategy, an adventure playground and a 200-room five-star resort have been identified to help boost Barossa’s tourism. These improvements come from a long list that forms part of an extensive Barossa Product Gap Audit, which was officially released at the National Wine Centre in Adelaide on Saturday. The study highlights potential tourism opportunities and development needs of the Barossa region and comes after the region has experienced a decline in visitors in recent years. It forecasts growth of up to 30 per cent in tourism spending in the Barossa region by 2030. Member for Wakefield Nick Champion who attended the audit’s release said, “There is potential for tourism in the Barossa Valley to grow by more than $100million and for 670 jobs to be created by targeting the luxury visitor market”.
“Along with the recent announcement of $4.8million in federal money to help build the Gawler to Tanunda bike path, there are exciting possibilities for the tourism industry in the Barossa.” He added, “This is good news not just for tourism operators, its good news for the Barossa Valley economy”. The study has also identified many opportunities with a potential work program to improve the tourism product over the next 20 years. These improvements include: • Immediate: improvements to public transport; Barossa familiarisation training for employees; an event strategy; a development application and licencing guide for investors, electronic guides and applications; a retail strategy; Barossa Convention Bureau to attract more business visitors, a signage and entry statement strategy; extending cellar door tasting and restaurant hours;
and a trail documentation and guide. • Short-term (one to five years): a Chinese ready plan; an environmental strategy, more wine bars, cooking schools and restaurants, a cycle path to Gawler; an adventure playground; and a heritage steam train. • Medium-term (five to 10 years): an Artisan and Craft Knowledge Centre; a wildlife park/native zoo; a 200-room five-star resort, more luxury lodges; a health and wellness spa; and a culinary Institute. The various visitor markets that make up the tourism visitation to the Barossa and their individual forecast growth was analysed to 2030, with the results presenting some very interesting findings. The largest lifestyle group visiting the Barossa is older non-working married persons (25.7 per cent) followed by parents with their youngest children aged 15 plus still living at home (17.3 per cent).
Also, the study revealed both wine regions of Franschhoek (South Africa) and Napa (America) are 10 to 20 years ahead of the Barossa in terms of product, however the Barossa is said to possess the unique selling points to be competitive. For now the community can get involved by working with state and local government authorities, private investors and the regional tourism industry to realise the investment opportunities identified in the report. The project cost $105,032 and was jointly funded by the Tourism Ministers’ Council / ASCOT projects budget through the Investment and Regulatory Working Group and the South Australian Tourism Commission. The report is now publicly available through the Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism website www.ret.gov.au/tourism/.
Herald’s festive delights
PERRY Trade Services of Nuriootpa is the major sponsor of the 2011 Christmas Lights competition being hosted by the Herald. Wayne Perry said his company was delighted to be involved in a promotion which recognises the festive season. “Christmas is about families and the magnificent light displays are a wonderful way of promoting this special time of year,” Wayne said. For more competition details, turn to page 23.
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Your Fashion Page Ten reasons why you should be kind to yourself and take time to shop for fashion just for you at LamiSaru: 1. You lament ’I have nothing to wear’ 2. You can see a lot of the back of your wardrobe 3. Those 5 year old 3/4 pants really should be binned 4. You no longer know what colour looks good 5. You cry “I can’t find anything that suits me” 6. That special occasion is looming and you haven't organised an outfit 7. There are so many Christmas and new year functions happening and you can’t be seen wearing the same outfit to them all
8. That fabulous skirt you bought on impulse doesn't match anything else in your wardrobe 9. Your husband is out of town 10. Just because you should How many times have you entered a fashion boutique, scanned it, and decided that it’s not for you? Or you have probably had the ‘I really don't want to know you’ experience from fashion boutique staff. We guarantee that you will not have these experiences in LamiSaru. Big guarantee isn't
it but we pride ourselves on taking time to make every customer our centre of attention and because we listen to our customers our buying is not influenced solely by ‘the next fashion trend’ but by their needs. And we have developed expertise in styling so we show our customers what they want even before they know! LamiSaru staff love and understand fashion and intimately know what is in store, how it fits, looks on and how to coordinate it. And we
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Wednesday, November 30, 2011 - Page 2 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
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Morcom makes a move home BAROSSA Council chief executive officer (CEO) David Morcom has resigned to take an interstate job. Mr Morcom has accepted a position as CEO of the Wellington Shire Council in regional Victoria, the region he grew up in. “It is a hard decision to leave It is a beautiful spot here, just gorgeous,”
Mr Morcom said. He said he has been particularly proud of projects like The Rex and the Angaston-Nuriootpa bike path. “When I look back, they initially had quite a bit of community opposition, but we held the line and went through and those two, and others, are now assets the community has
embraced,” Mr Morcom said. He said finding the appropriate level of development has been and will always be the biggest issue for the Barossa Valley. Mr Morcom will finish with Barossa Council in January when he will be moving to Victoria with his partner Kelly and his three young children.
SUMMER’S COMING PROGRESS: David Morcom takes a moment to reflect on his time as Barossa Council CEO.
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have today,” he said. “We have embarked on a threeyear mission of understanding and putting that information into our current master plan.” Prices at Springwood range from approximately $71,000 for a 128 square metre block to $200,000 for 600 square metres. “The community will offer South Australians the best of town and country with affordable housing options giving first home buyers an opportunity to break into the housing market while still having easy access to Adelaide’s CBD,” Mr Jansen said. “It is nice to be able to present to the market our vision for the place and receive a positive endorsement from the town, saying ‘we love what you’re doing’ - it is good to get that validation.” Mr Jansen said the market determine when new releases would be announced and what they would feature. “If everybody wants to buy large blocks, we will give them large blocks - that is what we do - we respond to the market,” he said.
WHAT’S COMING UP WITH Departs Sunday February 12th - Returns Thursday February 16th Travel in a comfortable video/toilet equipped coach, professional tour guide for 3 days & Twilight Dinner Cruise ITINERARY HIGHLIGHTS Day 1 – Home to Mt Gambier - Lake Albert at Meningie, stopping at Kingston SE for lunch, through Millicent and onto Mt Gambier. Day 2 – Mt Gambier - Beautiful gardens of Val & David Laughton, see the famous Blue Lake, Aquifer Tour, Cave Gardens and a Twilight Dinner Cruise on the Glenelg River. Day 3 – Mt Gambier & Penola - Visit to the Nangwarry Forestry & Logging Museum, visit Yallum Park - ‘the best preserved Victorian house in Australia’, see the sculptures of the Mary Mackillop History trail, see taxidermist Jack Bourne’s huge collection of mounted birds, birds nests & mammals, visit ‘The Fantasy Model Railway & Rose’s Tearooms Day 4 – Scenic Coastal Drive - We take a drive taking in the coastal scenes and attractions along the way, including Port MacDonnell and Cape Northumberland. Day 5 – Return Home
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THE successful first land release at the new Gawler East development is the result of a three-year ‘mission’ by Lend Lease. Springwood, adjacent Calton Road, was officially opened on November 19 and the initial land release of 18 blocks is already attracting strong interest from buyers. The development is expected to see up to 2500 homes built over 219 hectares of land over the next ten years, with a total development value of $1billion. Springwood project director Anthony Jansen (pictured above) said the extensive community consultation process had played an important role in ensuring the development integrates with Gawler perfectly, with a strong focus on retail and shopping convenience for residents. “I think how we have actually gone through the master planning is really a testament to that integration we are committed to and particularly the community engagement - we met with over 150 community groups in that three year period… to get the plan we
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Wednesday, November 30, 2011 - Page 3 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
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War of words continues
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THE unfair dismissal claim launched by former Gawler Council town planner Michael Wohlstadt (pictured) has been settled out of court. The decision has again prompted a war of words between Mr Wohlstadt and the state member for Light, Tony Piccolo. Details of the settlement are private but the former council employee released a statement. From his farm at Lyndoch, Mr Wohlstadt said he had settled his unfair dismissal claim close to the maximum under State legislation. “2011 had been a gruelling year. An end to the matter without fighting over a small financial difference was good,” Mr Wohlstadt said. “I am proud that my advocacy for better community outcomes for Gawler has not gone unnoticed. There were big changes in the State and local government town planning environment this year. Premier Weatherill and Minister Rau have tapped into the community disquiet and responded well. I am proud that my advocacy for better community outcomes for Gawler has not gone unnoticed. “Former Minister Holloway and local member Piccolo had unwisely used parliamentary privilege, and its shield, for political motives to criticise public officers who work diligently for the community, and at a high personal cost.” Mr Wohlstadt now spends more time with his small dairy herd used for specialist meat production, and with town planning consultancy work through Planning Advisory Services to private and public clients together with his son Kristian, also a planner. Mr Piccolo said the statement was disappointing. “There is not one ounce of contrition regarding how his behaviour cost the ratepayers of Gawler around a half million dollars, the general community much more,” Mr Piccolo said. “While he milks his cows, I hope he takes the opportunity to reflect upon the cost to the Gawler community his actions over the past two years. “His claim his advocacy led to changes in Government Policy are just way off the mark. “Given that Michael did not have a working relationship with anybody in Government I know of, I am at a loss to understand that he can now claim to have influenced Government policy,” Mr Piccolo said. “The fact his statement does not mention the legal debacle he embroiled the council in to fight the rezoning of the racecourse shows, in my opinion, a lack of concern for the welfare of Gawler residents. “The feedback I have received from the community regarding Mr Wohlstadt’s departure from the Gawler Council is not consistent with his own views.” Stephen Kerrigan, Gawler Council CEO confirmed the settlement. “ Michael Wohlstadt was employed by the Town of Gawler from June 25, 2008 until May 23, 2011,” Mr Kerrigan said. “Mr Wohlstadt’s employment was summarily terminated by the council following an internal investigation into his actions and advice relating to the council’s challenge to the Gawler Racecourse Development Plan Assessment. “While the council denies that its decision to terminate Mr Wohlstadt’s employment was contrary to the Fair Work Act 1994 (SA), the council made a commercial decision to settle his claim.”
To reduce road trauma and help you get home safely, we’ve reduced the speed limit on more rural roads.* Look out for changed road signs on rural roads within approximately 100 km of Adelaide and on the Yorke Peninsula. Remember, 100 km/h is the default speed limit on rural roads unless otherwise signed. *excluding national highways and freeways.
sa.gov.au/roadsafety Wednesday, November 30, 2011 - Page 4 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Rare release WHEN you purchase a bottle of Penfolds newly-released 2008 Bin 620 Cabernet Shiraz you are purchasing a time capsule, according to chief winemaker Peter Gago. That’s because the first make of the wine hasn’t been released to the public since 1966. The small volume made Bin 620 Cabernet Shiraz, sourced from Penfolds grapes in Coonawarra, was released this month in Shanghai. Mr Gago said the wine was released globally at a trade fair to fly the South Australian flag for wines. He said Penfolds only released extremely limited batches of rare special bin wines from exceptional vintages, and only then when the quality of the flagship Grange and Bin 707 are not in any way compromised.
BAROSSA MADE: Penfolds red wine making team (from left) Steve Lienert, Peter Gago, who holds the first bottle of special Bin 620 wine and Andrew Baldwin.
In 2008, Coonawarra, enjoyed a near-perfect vintage affording the Penfolds winemaking team the opportunity to hand-select parcels of exquisite fruit for this Bin 620. The fruit was then brought to the Barossa with predominantly most of the wine made in the Barossa and a small amount fermented at Magill. The wine retails for $1000 and the Penfolds red wine making team of Peter Gago and Barossa boys Steve Lienert and Andrew Baldwin say the price is justified. They say the wine is rare, it’s a benchmark wine and there is supply and demand. “It’s certainly a wine that’s going to follow us to the grave,” Mr Gago said. Enquires for purchase of the wine can be made at Penfolds Cellar Door, Nuriootpa.
Grape growers mix THESE Barossa characters and mates for life enjoy chatting among fellow vignerons. Dudley Boehm (left) and Colin Kurtz (right), both Light Pass growers, on Friday attended the Peter Lehmann’s grower’s luncheon in Tanunda. The annual event was joined by more than 300 people, and according to Dudley, “These days it’s a lot harder to catch up with other growers”. He explained the system at Peter Lehmann’s Winery is more efficient leaving little time to chat. That’s why the friends have made an effort each year since 1979 to join with other
growers. “We both missed out last year because we each had the flu, and I have missed one or two for operations, but we pretty much come here every year,” Colin said. The gathering also gives them a chance to talk about the past year and what the new year will bring. Colin said Friday and Saturday’s rain would mean good sub-moisture for the vines, however “we had problems early this year when we received nine inches in five days.” “The biggest problem was no breath of wind for five days which meant we only ended up picking a third of our grapes,” Colin said.
Both the Barossa growers’ grapes mainly go into the Clancy label and Semillons produced at Peter Lehmann Wines. While both men haven’t chosen a date for their retirement, their time spent at the winery has also meant they’ve accumulated a library of yarns. But in true Barossa gentleman style, the friends agreed to keep their stories among themselves. They did reveal their connection with Peter Lehmann, as children, and say they will always appreciate his loyalty to growers and the fact this has kept the name strong in the Barossa.
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Wednesday, November 30, 2011 - Page 5 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
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See Father Christmas this Friday in Tanunda COSTUMES are almost complete and final touches are being made to floats for this year’s Barossa Christmas Parade in Tanunda. The parade will feature Father Christmas, and later he will be available to chat with Barossa children. While children wait, organisers, the Tanunda Town Committee, encourage them to try out the inflatable squash court to be located on Basedow Road. The court caters for two children at a time and allows them to learn the sport in a fun and safe environment, with the use of a foam ball. It will be set up from about 5pm to 6.50pm, just before the parade kicks off. Promoter Des Panizza from Squash SA has been hosting clinics at The Rex Centre’s new squash courts for young people. On Friday Des will be giving out wristbands and said he looks forward to seeing the children try their hand at the sport. Meanwhile, the parade will begin at about 7pm at the southern end of the town and finish at the rotunda. Each child who enters the parade will receive an ice cream and children who visit Father Christmas will receive a bag of lollies.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011 - Page 6 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
PSSST: Tanunda Primary School students Lilly Neldner, seven and Angie Couzner, eight, share their Christmas wishes in anticipation of this Friday’s parade. Generous donors have again supported the event including Tanunda Foodland. Prizes will be presented to best parade entries with Tanunda Primary School in for a chance of winning. Parent of the school Tanya Couzner and her small team have been busily preparing about 70
costumes of snowmen and Santa sleighs for children eager to enter the parade. In addition, the festive event will feature food and refreshments dotted along Murray Street. The event is targeted at the family, young and old, who are encouraged to bring their own seating.
S A pm Y A D 7 -8 7am
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Safcol Tuna 95gm
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Yummy Nuts Cashews 500gm (excl. natural)
Marinated Chicken Wingettes
Cherry Punnet or 1kg Pre-packed Tomatoes
8563 2005
HERALD OFFICE 8563 2041 admin.barossaherald@ruralpress.com
Wednesday, November 30, 2011 - Page 7 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Mental health THOSE living with mental health, their carers and community members from the Barossa and Gawler area are invited to join to network and share their views on the topic. Mental Health Country SA executive director Rebecca Graham said, it’s important these people are listened to, to improve mental health services in regional and rural areas.
The opportunity is open to people living in the Barossa, Gawler, Yorke Peninsula and Clare regions. There is no cost to visitors and they will be treated to a café-style event, with a light lunch and tea and coffee provided. The gathering will be held this Friday, December 2 at the Gawler Sport and Community Centre, 1 Nixon Street, Gawler, from 10am to 3pm. To register your interest, phone 8209 9225 or email
Photographic pride
expertsbyexperience@health.sa.gov.au on the internet.
Fantastic Christmas Presents Hurry - Only limited stock available
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EYE FOR DETAIL: Shannon Rogers holds the 2012 South Australian Almanac which his photo, Pelican’s Pride, now appears on. Picture courtesy of Shannon. CHANCES are the public is going to see more of this Nuriootpa man’s work. Shannon Rogers, a modest and amateur photographer has had his photo chosen from 6000 entries to make the cover of the annual South Australian Almanac. The photo, he has named Pelican’s Pride, was taken during a trip to Port Adelaide while wanting a part for his 4WD. Shannon, who has never had any photographic training, said he saw a storm approaching while near the jetty at the Squadron Club and also noticed a pelican resting on a post close by.
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Thinking this would mean a good photo opportunity, Shannon seized the moment. “It was starting to rain and I managed to get three shots in,” he said. The photo proved more than good when having a look at home. He said after pressure from his partner and family he entered the photo in the almanac competition and was soon contacted by Channel 9’s Brenton Ragless to let him know he’d won the front cover shot. The win means a trip on The Ghan with gold service treatment and tours of the Katherine Gorge and Alice Springs; places which Shannon can’t wait to capture on camera.
Shannon, who has only taken photos for the past three years for fun and occasional work, is now considering becoming a professional photographer. Fittingly, Shannon’s initials are SLR, and in photographic terms this means single lense reflex. And like thrill seekers, each Wednesday evening Shannon and a few friends, with cameras and equipment in tow, travel the region in search of areas to create their ideal photos. The almanac also features another photo by Jaron Dywonitzski, also of Nuriootpa, which appears inside the 2012 edition, which was recently released to the public for $9.95.
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Terry White Chemists Gawler 94 Murray Street, GAWLER. Phone: 8522 1077
Wednesday, November 30, 2011 - Page 8 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
New names in rural project ROAD name changes on two main roads in Light Regional Council (LRC) are in line with the rural addressing project. Main North Road from Gawler towards Tarlee will be known as Horrocks Highway, while Murray Street between Greenock and Nuriootpa will be known as Sir Condor Laucke Way. The new road names are only from a state government view and are applicable to state roads outside of townships. A spokesperson from the department of planning, transport and infrastructure (DPTI) said the Local Government Act allowed councils to apply another name to state roads inside townships, for instance, the name Murray Street (pictured left) would be retained for addressing purposes in Greenock. “The extent of the usage of Murray Street will be the prerogative of the Council and may change if residential or business expansion of the town occurs in this area,” the spokesperson said.
“The purpose of the rural addressing project is to provide a unique address for all residents and businesses that live and operate in rural areas, a benefit that was not available previously. “The resultant addresses will enable better provision of emergency services to the rural areas, and provide the ability of businesses to be found using standard GPS navigation systems, resulting in a net benefit to residents and businesses.” Richard Dodson, infrastructure and works general manager with LRC said he expected council to begin installing the new address plates on roadsides in February next year. “We have done all the administrative work we can on this project and we will be waiting on Australia Post (which) has to do a range of administrative tasks,” he said. “Once it is done, I think it will really help out those people in rural areas.”
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Wednesday, November 30, 2011 - Page 9 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
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Specials available Friday, 2nd December 2011, while stocks last. Photographs for illustration purposes only. Personal shoppers only.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011 - Page 10 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
5 kg Washed White Potatoes
Short Cut Bacon
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Heat Beads BBQ Briquettes 7kg
$ 00 ea.
99 kg.
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SAVE $ 50 49 ea. $
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Blueberry Punnets 125g
Imported Raw Prawn Meat
Crystal Spring Water 10lt
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$ 00 kg.
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Specials available Friday, 2nd December 2011, while stocks last. Photographs for illustration purposes only. Personal shoppers only.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011 - Page 11 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
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Company reply I AM writing to clarify statements made recently in letters to the Herald regarding wind energy. In a recent letter, there was reference to “the detrimental impacts on health that are known to be caused by turbines.” Australia’s National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC), Victorian Chief Medical Officer and South Australia EPA have all concluded that there is no scientific or medical evidence that wind farms cause adverse health impacts and have made statements to that effect. However Pacific Hydro takes this matter very seriously and to better inform itself conducted measurements of infrasound (lowfrequency noise) at its wind farms. The measurements indicate that infrasound is not unique to wind farms. The levels of infrasound produced by wind turbines is well below established perception thresholds and, importantly, is also below levels produced by other natural and man-made sources. In contrast, the known and proven health effects of coal as an energy source include a range of noxious chemicals (including arsenic, lead, nitrogen and mercury) and small particulates. A 2009 United States report titled Coal’s Assault on Human Health by the Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR) states that coal pollutants contributes to four of the five leading causes in death in the USA: heart disease, cancer, stroke and chronic respiratory diseases. Wind energy is not experimental. Wind farms are tried and tested having been in
existence for decades in Europe and the USA. Government-owned turbines have existed in Australia for many decades and privately built wind farms have been operating for over a decade. Denmark has recently expanded their wind energy target to 50 per cent of all electricity production. Pacific Hydro does pay a fair price to landholders for the use of their land, but this is in accordance with normal commercial practices and enables on-going lease and use of land for its primary agricultural purpose. We would like to refute the misleading statement that coalfired energy is required to sustain wind turbines. This is not accurate. Every megawatt of wind energy supplied reduces the need to source power from fossil fuel power stations. The Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) exists to ensure the supply of electricity meets the constantly fluctuating demand. AEMO manages a wind forecasting system and balancing support is supplied by other power stations. South Australian’s greenhouse emissions have dropped in recent years and this is directly attributable to the fact that over 20 per cent of the state’s electricity now comes from wind energy. We hope you will ensure that the above issues are clarified to ensure that the Barossa Valley readers are well informed. Lane Crockett General Manager, Australia Pacific Hydro
The other side A type of technology is being promoted before its effectiveness and consequences have been properly assessed. Ecologically and economically useless wind turbines are not only destroying the characteristic landscape of our most valuable countryside and holiday areas, but also having an equally radical and alienating effect on the historical appearance of our towns. More and more people are subjected to living unbearably close to machines of oppressive dimensions. These unprecedented, visually dominant wind turbines are distorting all natural features in the landscape, taking the landscape out of the land and industrialising it. Wind energy companies are very good at selling their concept to ill informed landowners. However, wind energy companies never tell the landowners of all the negative impacts of their installations in regard to the enormous environmental damage incurred with the construction and installation of these giant, inefficient monsters which negate any supposed benefit to the environment by destroying large portions of land in the process. How can this possibly be called ‘green energy’, while it destroys natural environments at the same time? Facts: Bulldozers and other earth moving equipment are required to clear and flatten the turbine sites, roadways, other ancillary building sites, and to dig
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CHURCH SERVICES SUNDAY, DECEMBER 4 LUTHERAN CHURCH PARISHES Angaston Parish: Angaston: 8.45am HC, 10.30am; Penrice: 9am HC; Keyneton: 11am HC; Eden Valley: 9am HC. Bethany-Tabor Parish: 8.30am T HC, 11am M HC; Tabor: 9.45am HC. Cambrai Parish: Cambrai: 11am HC; Sedan: 9.30am R; Stonefield: 9am HC. Eudunda Parish: Eudunda: 10am HC Confirm Svc; Neales Flat: 9am LR; Peep Hill: 9am LR. Freeling Parish: Freeling: 8.45am; Rosedale: 10.45am; Wheatfields: 2pm. Gawler: Zion, Pr Geoff Havelberg, Ph 8523 1929. 22B Cowan St, Gawler. 8.45am Trad W HC, 10.45am Cont W. Gawler Immanuel: Cnr Second & Seventh Sts, Gawler.Ph: 8522 6000.Sunday 8.45am, 10.45am. 1st Sunday of month 9.30am. Share-a-meal every 1st & 3rd Wed 11.45am. Greenock:Nain: 9am HC; Gnadenfrei: 9am LR; Greenock: 10.30am HC. Kapunda Parish: Kap: 7pm Parish Advent Svc. Langmeil Parish:8.45am T HC, 10.30am Cont. Light Pass Immanuel Parish: L/Pass: 9am LR; Stockwell/Dutton: 9am HC at S/well, 10am AGM. Light Pass Strait Gate: Light Pass: 9am; Gruenberg: 10.30am HC B; Truro: 10am R. Lyndoch Parish: Lyn: 9am Trad HC, Rev Hartwich; R/Flat: 10.30am Trad HC Rev Hartwich. Nuriootpa: St Petri: 8.30am HC, Pr R Voigt, 10.30am W, Pr R Voigt; Holy Trinity: 11am Trad; Ebenezer/Neukirch: 9.30am HC at Neukirch. Robertstown Parish: Point Pass: 8.30am Pr; Geranium Plain: 10am LR; Robertstown: 10.30am Pr. St John’s Parish: St J: 9am HC; Sch: 9am LR. St Paul’s Parish:St P: 8.45am T; Gdb: 10.30am HC.
Tanunda Lutheran Home: Worship 10.30am. Peace Evangelical Lutheran Church: Worship service 10am at the Nuriootpa Senior Citizen’s Centre. Pastor M Rosenzweig 8563 1310. ANGLICAN CHURCH Anglican Parish of Barossa: Angaston: 10.30am HC SdK; Nuri: 8.30am HC SdK; Tanunda: 10am HC LB; Lyndoch: 10am MP; Williamstown: 10am MP, P Bond. Kapunda Anglican Parish: Eudunda: 9am HC; Kapunda: 9.15am HC; Hamilton: 11am HC. Mt Pleasant: 1st Sunday 8.30am, all other Sundays 9am. Enquiries to Hazel Wilton, Warden on 8568 2042. UNITING CHURCH Barossa Congregations: Nuri: 11am HC Chapman; Tan: 9am HC Chapman; Ang: 10.30am at Anglican Church; Truro: 11am Harris. Gawler Parish: Gawler: 9.30am HC Littleford, 5pm Littleford; Sandy Creek: 9.30am Taplin; Williamstown: 10am Polkinghorne. Kersbrook: 10am. Enquiries: 8389 3114. Light Parish: Kapunda: 9.15am G Hawke; Eudunda: 9.30am R Olafsen. BAPTIST CHURCH Barossa Community Church: 10am Barossa Junction Motel/Conference Centre, Barossa Valley Way, Tan, Pastor Richard Ansoul. Ph: 8563 2158. Lyndoch Baptist Church: Kauffman Ave, Lyndoch: 10am. All welcome. Enquiries to Pastor Tony Edwards on 8564 3001. CATHOLIC CHURCH PARISHES Northern Light Catholic Parish: Nuri: 1st & 3rd Sat 6.30pm, 2nd & 5th Sun 10.30am, 4th Sun 9am; Kapunda: 4th Sat 6.30pm, 1st & 3rd Sun 10.30am, 2nd & 5th Sun 9am; Freeling: 1st Sun 9am, 4th Sun 10.30am, 5th Sun 5pm; Tarlee: 3rd Sun 9am. Parish Office: Ph 8566 2064. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST Barossa: 1 Old Kapunda Rd, Nuri; Sat 9.30am Family Bible Study, 11am Family Worship. ASSEMBLIES OF GOD Barossa New Life Centre: Sunday 10am at the roundabout, cnr Barossa Valley Way & Siegersdorf Road, Dorrien. 4pm at Mt Pleasant Anglican Church Hall, Melrose St. All welcome. Pastor Diane
CHC 52054-08/11
Pope, Pastor Trevor Auricht. Ph: 8562 3844. Kapunda: 10am Sunday, Light Community Church, Main St, Kapunda. Pastor Paul Smith. All welcome. Ph: 8566 2864. CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP Tanunda, McDonnell Street opp former Tanunda Primary School: Saturdays 2.30pm, Worship, Open Bible Study. CHRISTIAN FAMILY CENTRE Barossa: 10.30am Sundays. 16 Scholz Ave, Nuri. Pastor Alan Matson. Ph: 0404 846 274. Murray Flats: 5pm alternate Sundays. Pastor Alan Matson. Ph: 0404 846 274. Cambrai Uniting Church 5pm. SALT CHURCH 25 Northside Crt, Evanston Gdns: Sunday Service 10am & 5pm. Offices, b/shop open 9.30am-4pm. Ph: 8522 0000. THE CHRISTADELPHIANS Sunday school, Greenock Institute Hall, 9.30am. Memorial meetings 11am Sunday. Bible Studies 8pm Tuesday. All welcome. Phone 8524 4196. CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Main North Rd, Evanston Park. Worship Service Sunday 10.30am. All welcome. Pastor Douglas Carolisen. Ph: 8523 1706. INTERDENOMINATIONAL CHURCH Birdwood United Church. 10am Pr Brian Teakle. Ph: 8568 5540. All welcome. HEWETT COMMUNITY CHURCH OF CHRIST Kingfisher Dr, Hewett. 10am, Sunday inspiring worship service. Young generation and creche avail.Youth, women and men’s programs. Ph: 8522 4938. GAWLER FULL GOSPEL OUTREACH MINISTRIES Family Worship Svc. 10am Sun, stone pavilion, Sport & Community Cent, Nixon Tce, Gaw. Pastor Shirley Coe. Ph: 0401 065 748. KAPUNDA EVANGELICAL CHURCH Sundays 5pm, 1st Sunday 10.30am, CWA Hall. Pastor Andrew Amos. Ph: 8566 2148. LYNDOCH FULL GOSPEL FELLOWSHIP MINISTRY Lyndoch Institute each Sunday, 11.30am1.30pm Pastor Ken East ph: 8524 4787.
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trenches for cables. Explosives are required to blast through rocky ridges or sub-structure. Soil, rocks and vegetation are pushed into gullies and used to alter gradients on tracks. Erosion is amplified and water runoff altered. Each tower must be secured in a base (pad) requiring at least 450 cubic metres of concrete and hundreds of tonnes of reinforcing rods. In addition, each pad requires anchoring and three very deep holes must be drilled for this purpose and have the potential to interfere with precious underground aquifers. Engineering on this scale permanently alters the form of ridges. Nine thousand truckloads were required to cart the materials for construction of 37 turbines for the Waterloo turbine installation. Pacific Hydro proposes 57 turbines for our hills. And their proposed turbines are nearly double the size of the 90m turbines at Waterloo at just under 150m. I do not have space to even begin to talk about the impact on native flora and fauna and people’s health. Prince Charles who is notoriously known as a serious and committed conservationist was quoted in saying: “I believe that wind farms are a “horrendous blot on the landscape”. He also said that their spread must be halted before they irreparably ruin some of Britain’s most beautiful countryside. If we have to go down the path of experimenting with this already outdated wind technology then why can’t they go in the outback, where there is plenty of wind, plenty of space, where they can be in actual farms instead of all over our pretty hills, and not in communities, with a 20km exclusion zone? Because clearly it should be a case of not in anyone’s backyard. Every one of us who really cares about our environment, our right to visual amenity and our children’s future must surely start informing ourselves of the true impact of this highly questionable industry by asking our own questions, instead of just sitting back and believing everything we are fed in the mainstream media. Please, everyone, if you want to make a difference, inform yourselves. It is of the utmost importance that you arm yourselves with knowledge, before having an opinion. Write to your state and local
Views expressed in the Letters to the editor are not those of the Herald. We welcome topical letters, with preference to letters of no more than 200 words. All letters are checked for authenticity. Pseudonyms are not acceptable. Mail your letters to: The editor, PO Box 43, Tanunda, SA, 5352. Fax: 8563 3655. E-mail: editor.barossaherald@ruralpress.com
representatives and voice your concerns. Google ‘Wind Watch’ on the internet. C Connors Angaston Words of wisdom I commend the state government for its attempts to overcome the tragedies of road accidents Over the last few years I have witnessed the tragic passing of a number of young people who I watched grow up alongside my own children. There is no logic or reasoning that can ease the intense burning pain that families and loved ones endure after such a tragedy. I am of the strong opinion that anything that we can do to save one life is worth the effort. I notice that there are a number of roads in this region that will be directly affected by the speed zone changes. I sincerely hope that any extra revenue collected from these speed zone changes are not lost in general revenue but are directly attributed to assisting in curbing these tragedies. Funding for necessary road maintenance has been left behind by this government to the tune of more than $200 million. This is obvious to most drivers using these local roads as there are a number of roads in this region that are in desperate need of repair and improvement. Also, I believe investing in an innovative and comprehensive sporting car district is a necessity for South Australia. A district where motor sports enthusiasts can explore and expand their motoring passions, but more importantly where a structured driver education and defensive driving program can be implemented. Cars and motorbikes have to be treated as a potentially dangerous and lethal part of our every day life. We have to ensure that every single new driver/rider has as much training and skill as is possible to deliver. To merely do a number of hours driving with other people in the car with them is in my view, inadequate. I sincerely hope that the current government does not simply rest on this one action as its full attempt to help restrict these tragedies to a minimum. Cosie Costa Evanston Park
Cut for cancer - mission completed
JOB DONE: Michael Chapman before the hair cut and afterwards with partner Kathy Romeo. I WOULD like to let the people who donated to my fundraising cause know that a cheque for $1430.90 has been given to Barossa Area Fundraisers for Cancer. I had long hair for 20 years and shaved it off on October 29, not long after my 50th birthday. The Nuriootpa Footy Club donated the mound bar venue and Linke’s
Wednesday, November 30, 2011 - Page 12 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Bakery donated the bread for a sausage sizzle which Tony Hausler kindly cooked. Lisa Linke donated her time to shave my hair. I presented the cheque to Eljse and Jimmy who are committee members/volunteers of BAFFC. Michael Chapman Nuriootpa admin.barossaherald@ruralpress.com
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Wednesday, November 30, 2011 - Page 13 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
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Regional police incidents
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Natural resources management (NRM) is about caring for our land, water, plants and animals balancing people´s needs with those of nature. The Sustainable Industry Grant Scheme offers support to primary-industry managed projects which address issues affecting sustainable use of natural resources within the Adelaide and Mount Lofty Ranges NRM Board region. Consideration will be made for proposals that address emerging and/or ongoing issues.
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BAROSSA POLICE Arrests • A Greenock man in his 30s was arrested on November 23 by the Nuriootpa Police for aggravated assault and for a first instant warrant. • A Tanunda man in his 40s and a Tanunda woman in her 20s twenties were arrested in the early hours of November 24 by the Nuriootpa Police for aggravated serious criminal trespass, theft and carrying breaking in equipment. The couple were found in a vehicle on Barossa Valley Way with items from a break-in on an office in Nuriootpa. Later that day the female was further charged by the Barossa Crime Investigation Branch with theft and for making a false statement to a second hand dealer. • A Nuriootpa woman in her 20s was arrested on November 24 for two counts of assault. Reports • A Williamstown man in his 40s was reported on November 18 by the Williamstown Police for driving while disqualified. The vehicle was subsequently impounded. • A 19-year-old Freeling man was reported on November 23 by the Williamstown Police at Mt Crawford for driving without due care. • A Nuriootpa woman in her 20s was reported on November 24 by the Nuriootpa Police for breach of bail conditions.
• A Nuriootpa man in his late 20s was reported on November 27 by Nuriootpa Police for prescribed concentration of alcohol with a reading of 0.103 per cent. • A Hewett woman in her early 40s was reported on November 27 by Nuriootpa Police for pca with a reading of 0.194. Property Damage • A window to a Murray Street, Tanunda premises was damaged between November 18 and 19. • A window was smashed to a business on Adelaide Road, Greenock between November 25 and 26. During the same evening, equipment parked on the corner of George Street and Murray Street also sustained some damage. Theft • A female stole some liquor from a business on Murray Street, Nuriootpa on November 25. The offence was captured on CCTV and enquiries are being made to identify the suspect. GAWLER POLICE Arrests • A Lyndoch woman was arrested on November 24 by the Gawler Police for aggravated assault. A 17-year-old female from Lyndoch was arrested this month for aggravated assault following an incident, which occurred at Gawler West in October. • A 46-year-old Evanston Park woman was arrested this month for disorderly behaviour by the Gawler Police. Reports • A 39-year-old Williamstown man was
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Telephone: (08) 8563 2041 Fax: (08) 8563 3655 Advertising: sales.barossaherald@ruralpress.com Editorial: editor.barossaherald@ruralpress.com Website: www.barossaherald.com.au Manager: Tony Swan Editor: Graham Fischer Editorial: Michelle O’Rielly, John Crawford, Mike Teakle, Ben Mallett, Robert Laidlaw. Photography: Kirsty Hosking, Shaun Kowald. Sales: Clayton Bester, Glenys Brooks, Jordan Stollznow, Jodie Coventry, Linda Goldfinch. Administration: Cheryl Lange, Roxanne Mathew
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Gawler - Barossa
Food For Thought A workshop for people wanting to improve their health by reducing weight, cholesterol and blood pressure. The local Country Health SA Dietitian regularly runs the FREE Food For Thought workshop in Tanunda and Kapunda. You may bring your partner or friend along. Two sessions are available: 1. Food For Thought – explore the ideal eating pattern, learn healthy eating tips and tricks, and deal with non-hungry eating 2. Supermarket Safari – learn to read food labels in the supermarket To attend one or both of these sessions: Register with Healthlink on 1800 003 307. You will then be contacted with the dates and details of upcoming sessions. HEALTH012369
reported on November 25 by the Gawler Police for threaten/intimidate. • A 45-year-old Hewett woman was reported on November 27 by the Gawler Police for hindering police. • A 34-year-old Hewett woman was reported on November 28 for pca with a reading of 0.204 and for drive disqualified. Serious Criminal Trespass • Unknown offenders stole a gas bottle from a residence on Marsh Avenue, Gawler West on November 25 after gaining entry via an unlocked window. • A vehicle was later located at Murbko after unknown offenders ransacked a house on Greening Drive, Evanston Park and also stole the vehicle, between November 25 and 27. Theft and Illegal Use • A vehicle was stolen while parked in driveway at East Terrace, Windsor, between November 23 and 24. Another vehicle was stolen from Thirteenth Street, Gawler South. • A vehicle on Carmody Close, Willaston, was stolen between November 25 and 26 and was discovered nearby burnt. Another vehicle from Seventh Street, Gawler was also stolen at the same time. • Offenders stole an angle grinder after gaining entry to a shed on Rhonda Avenue, Roseworthy on November 22. • A trailer was stolen from front yard of a property on Hannon Court, Gawler East, between November 24 and 27.
Heavy vehicle stop TWO heavy vehicles were grounded during Operation Warren Run, held near Williamstown on Monday. The truck stop was run for six hours at Warren Reservoir, involved support from the Department of
Transport, Energy and Infrastructure, the Barossa Highway Patrol and regional police. Police say while numbers of incidents were down on previous occasions more grounding of trucks were recorded. WH1768314
1/119 Murray Street, Tanunda Postal: PO Box 43, Tanunda, 5352
Published by The Barossa News Pty. Ltd.
GREEN: Xavier College has opened its new Sustainable Science Centre. The centre provides practical science activity areas, teacher focus areas, store rooms, shared spaces and a large atrium which can be used for experimental work and hands on activities. It is located in the college’s sustainable futures area and integrates with the permaculture program. Pictured at the opening (from left) is Member for Light Tony Piccolo, Vicar General Philip Marshall, science co-ordinator Deryck Pinchbeck, principal Lynn Martin, college council chair Alex Houthuysen and Dr Vin Thomas from the Catholic Education Office.
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Wednesday, November 30, 2011 - Page 14 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
This time 16 defect notices were issued, nine infringements were given out and two drivers were reported for breaching loads. In addition, police also checked 34 vehicles with 22 breath tests performed and six drug swipes made.
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word of warning, the subject matter mentioned in the rest of the article is something which for a long time would never be recorded in a newspaper. For many years it was the proverbial elephant in the room suicide. People says that no matter who you are someone in your family or close to you will be struck down with the horror disease cancer. Sadly, that is also the case with people choosing to take their own life and tragically it seems the list is ever-growing.
the person was about to terminate a gift that I believe to be precious - life. Obviously, in their own world, and for whatever reason, they believed that to end their life was the best option for them. For us who never consider that course of action, we can only see the positives which surround the people who do, and really struggle to come to the terms of why they act in such a way. Unfortunately, there never appears to be a warning sign that a friend or relative is about to embark on a path of no return. For information about depression, anxiety and how to help someone visit the website www.beyondblue.org.au or call 1300 224 636.
On Monday night, the case came to light of a soccer star in England, Gary Speed, who chose to end his life. Speed, 42, was the manager of national Wales soccer side and very popular in the community. He did a television interview, joked with the people around him and the day before had talked or organising games of golf and getting together with his mates. Less than 12 hours after the interview he was found dead in his home. It was a sober warning of how precious I value life and made me think about friends, and even family, who I have known to choose that course of action. In every case I could recollect there was no warning at all that
13 Gawler Street Nuriootpa SA 5355
8562 1100
Wednesday, November 30, 2011 - Page 15 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
An occasional newsletter published by the Member for Light Mr Tony Piccolo MP
Wed Nov 30, 2011
(08) 85 222 878
Protection concerns to be addressed LOCAL Member of Parliament, Tony Piccolo has asked the Minister for Planning, the Hon John Rau to review the proposed Barossa Protection Zone legislation in view of concerns he has received from the community.
CONCERN: Tony Light, Member for Light, wants the best outcome for Barossa Protection Zone.
Mr Piccolo has written to the Minister outlining concerns raised by farmers in the Concordia area.
Edition 19, December 2011
Mrs Trotter’s home and contents sustained extensive damage from flooding due to her verandah not being built to appropriate standards.
A number of times she tried to resolve the problems with the company personally, to no avail.
After lengthy discussion and negotiation with the company, it
Mr Piccolo said getting the balance right was important to weigh the protection of the iconic Barossa Valley region with productive land use in close proximity.
Under the Bill no new residential development will be allowed outside town boundaries in the Barossa.
“I have worked closely with farmer constituents at Concordia who own land proposed to be included within the Barossa Protection District,” Mr Piccolo said.
“Industrial development will only be allowed if it fits with the character of the districts, wine and tourism,” he said. “The legislation also aims to provide certainty for future investment in the district.”
“The Concordia area is substantially different in terms of primary industry to the rest of the proposed Barossa Protection District viticulture and agriculture is very different and have different needs and impact on surrounding localities.
Mr Piccolo said for farming land to remain viable we need to ensure that opportunities for value adding exist. Mr Piccolo said he was hopeful that a practical and sustainable compromise will be found.
Telstra tower trauma THE FIGHT to improve consultation between the community and telecommunication providers regarding the sitting of phone towers is moving to Canberra.
Janis Trotter pointing to her verandah which will be repaired after a six year fight with building and insurance companies. agreed to undertake the repairs repairs undertaken by the building recommended by the building company were still faulty, and in staff at Light Regional Council. serious need of further repair.
insurance to cover her in the event the building work was faulty or the company did not honour its agreement.
The company also agreed to In the meantime, the building extend the warranty on the company ceased operations and verandah from the day the repairs Mrs Trotter was left in the lurch. were finalised in January 2009. Because of the value of the verandah, According to Mrs Trotter, the Mrs Trotter was required to take out
Mrs Trotter then corresponded with her insurance company and lodged a claim with them due to considerable frustration at the state of the renovations. Continued page 2
Mr Piccolo has been working closely with the residents and went on to say he was very proud of the efforts of the Hillier residents and the Gawler Council who attempted bravely and persistently, over a long period of time, to act with reason and responsibility in an imposed environment of hostility, belligerence and arrogance. “Unfortunately we lost the fight.”
148 Murray Street GAWLER SA 5118 p. (08) 8522 2878 f. (08) 8523 1392 e. light@parliament.sa.gov.au
Out next week - Check your letterbox See the special feature about volunteers in the community P8-13 P6-7 P20148 Murray Street, Gawler Advance copies available fromP5the Light Electorate Office at LOCALS LOBBY
“It is noted that the new arrangements will allow appropriate developments for the wine industry. However, it will not allow similar improvements to make the non-viticulture Concordia land more workable and viable.”
Mr Piccolo said Hillier residents went out of their way to achieve a workable solution which would meet the needs of the wider Australian community, the commercial needs of Telstra, and, importantly, reduce the visual impact of the tower for all the Hillier residents, but to no avail.
Mrs Trotter had been advised to commence legal proceedings against her building company, however due to financial circumstances this was not an option for her.
Mr Piccolo said Mrs Trotter sought help from his office in September 2007 regarding the very poor workmanship undertaken by the building company.
“Land in the Concordia area between the Town of Gawler and the Barossa Valley is substantial enough to balance protection of the Barossa’s character with current development processes being maintained in Concordia.
Local state member of parliament, Mr Tony Piccolo who was concerned and disappointed by Telstra’s actions in relation to the construction of the telecommunication tower at Hillier has lodged a formal submission to a Federal Parliament inquiry.
SIX years of ‘tears and frustration’ with building and insurance companies has finally come to an end for Roseworthy resident Janis Trotter.
At her wit’s end, Mrs Trotter approached her local State Member of Parliament Tony Piccolo for assistance due to her long ordeal with the building company, who had ceased returning her calls.
Mr Piccolo said while he generally supports the proposal to end urban sprawl and improve opportunities for appropriate development supporting the character of the area, the legislation may have some unintended consequences which need to be addressed.
“The landowners do not dispute the need to protect the Barossa from urban sprawl and inappropriate industrial development.
Local resident, Mr Barry Neylon (pictured) said similar problems have been experienced in a range of communities across Australia and several MPs had raised the issue in Federal Parliament. Mr Piccolo said as a consequence the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Infrastructure and Communications is now conducting
an enquiry into the construction of telecommunication towers. Fifty five submissions have been received by the Standing Committee for their consideration. ”My detailed report argues for a fairer process and includes essential changes which will ensure communities and councils have a better opportunity to influence the tower construction process,” Mr Piccolo said. “I am determined to continue this campaign. I want to see a future where telcos work with communities and not against them. If that requires me to also set up a state based enquiry then I will do so,” he concluded.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011 - Page 16 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Shining up for the job employers are looking for when hiring people. “I have looked at thousands of applications and resumes and interviewed hundreds and hundreds of people, so I am probably in a good position to help people with their resumes, job application and interview skills from an employer’s perspective,” Mr Birch said. In addition to helping people secure work, the service offers career planning and can also help people get further education in their chosen field. “Last year for instance, we had 16 people undertake Certificate III in Aged Care, I think 14 of those passed and to my knowledge they have all got work,” Mr Birch said. “One of the things we are doing too now is our outreach services, trying to go where people need us. “On a Wednesday morning we are at Kapunda, on Wednesday afternoon we are at Two Wells at the library there, then on a Thursday afternoon we go out to Gawler operating out of the TAFE. Gawler, particularly, has been really busy, but that is good because it has the highest rate of unemployment out of the four council regions.” Among the success stories at Barossa Career Service is Rachel Tscharke, who works in administration at the service.
MAGGIE Beer was one of several of SA’s finest food business people to be recognised at the Premier’s Food Industry Awards on the weekend. The Barossa chef was highlighted for her commitment and leadership to the industry, by receiving the prestigious Visionary Leader award. Maggie was instrumental 15 years ago in shifting the focus of the state government to recognise the importance of supporting the food industry within the state. For more details about the food industry, visit www.safoodawards.com.au
Ron Kendall local henagritnhge i Audiology ThperoonvildyesrssaeVrvalyleeyarfosr o Bar ver 14 o
THE Barossa Career Service has been putting the final polish on jobseekers for more than two years and continues to help people get jobs. More than 120 people have secured work after utilising the service, where they can get help with their resume, learn interview skills and develop skills for work and life in general. The service’s main role is to assist people from the Barossa, Gawler, Light or Mallala Council areas who are unemployed, underemployed or facing redundancy, secure work. “We have assisted more than 400 people, and more than 120 people have had employment outcomes, so that is good,” career coach Stephen Birch said. “Our role isn’t to place people in jobs, places like Employment Directions (do that) – we are here to valueadd to them. “We are polishing people up so when they go for their job, they are in a better position to get that role. “Basically I am looking at empowering people, giving them the skills and abilities so that they can go on, that is my vision.” Mr Birch has human resources experience at a leading South Australia university and in local government, and said he knows exactly what
Maggie’s award
Digital Hearing Aids for eligible pensioners and DVA clients in the OHS Scheme Comprehensive range of the latest digital hearing aid technology ADVICE: Career coach Stephen Birch looks over Rachel Tscharke as she works on her TAFE studies. Ms Tscharke applied for a job at the service and was overlooked, only to then utilise the service, improve her resume and get offered the original role. “I have just finished Certificate III in Business and now I am doing Certificate IV, so it has been really, really helpful,” she said.
“It wasn’t something I was initially going to do, I was just looking for jobs, but now that I have all the experience it is much better. “The people here are so friendly and helpful - it is really good to do training here.” Anyone interested in the Barossa Career Service can call 8563 3603.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011 - Page 17 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
• supporting local medical practices and specialists • full range of audiology services for children & adults • tinnitus management • pre-employment and work related hearing assessments approved provider to OHS • Private hearing aid sales with the latest digital technology
135 Murray Street, Tanunda
PHONE 8563 2149
Cruise on in
Gawler Dial a Ride Flexible Route Service
Night Time Service Thursday & Friday* 7pm to 10pm
BAD weather may have kept some cars away but nothing could put a dampener on the 2011 Cruise for a Cause. The cruise started in Angaston at 10am on Saturday and then travelled to Mt Pleasant, Birdwood, Kersbrook and rolled back into Tanunda around 2pm. While 300 cars had been expected for the event, bad weather drove some away, with 130 cars taking part. “It went well,” said organiser Alex Whitford. ‘We lost a lot to the drags and then the weather, but we still raised $5000 for the cause.” He said everyone drove responsibly on the cruise and police had commended drivers. “Everyone was well behaved on the cruise, there were no defects or instances like that,” Mr Whitford said. “It was all good all round besides the numbers being down a bit, but it can’t be helped with the bad weather - it rained until lunchtime.” Organisers are still yet to decide if the Cruise for a Cause will become a yearly tradition or be held every second year.
Daytime Service Monday to Sunday* 9am to 3pm
Adults Only $6.00 per trip All concessions half price Pre Booked service Minimum 1 hrs notice appreciated Please contact our office for all bookings & enquiries
PROCESSION: Above, the line of cars driving into Murray Street, Tanunda, on Saturday afternoon where the street was closed to display the vehicles taking part. POLES APART: Right, the cruise featured a wide variety of cars including these two very different vehicles.
Phone: 1300 642 604 www.linksa.com.au
* Please check our web site for further information
Dream of getting a degree at UniSA? If you are a rural student then here’s your chance to make it a reality. The John and Johan Høj Rural Reconnect Scholarships were established via a personal gift from Professor Peter Høj, Vice Chancellor and President of UniSA, to honour his father and grandfather who lived in rural Denmark and did not get the opportunity to educate themselves to express their full potential. The scholarships are valued at $6,000 and will assist financially disadvantaged students from rural and isolated areas to fund the relocation costs associated with moving to Adelaide in order to pursue full-time undergraduate study. For information about the scholarships and application process please visit unisa.edu.au/scholarship Julia, scholarship recipient from Geranium
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Wednesday, November 30, 2011 - Page 18 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Enjoy an evening of open air cinema with fun, themed menu delicious wines every Friday night in Januar y and February, s and 2012.
6th JAN 13th JAN 20th JAN 27th JAN 3rd FEB 10th FEB 17th FEB 24th FEB
Entry including a glass of wine $15. Meals available from $15. No BYO food or drink. Doors open 7pm. Movies commence after sunset. Please bring deck chairs or picnic rugs. In the event of inclement weather movies will be cancelled.
True Character drinks responsibly.
Jacob’s Creek Visitor Centre Barossa Valley Way, Rowland Flat Open 10am - 5pm daily. Lunch served from 12 noon. P: (08) 8521 3000 www.jacobscreek.com admin.barossaherald@ruralpress.com
Wednesday, November 30, 2011 - Page 19 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
for Christmas shopping CONFECTIONERY
Buy a handbag & get a purse for 1 /2 price*
OPENING SUNDAYS 11am-3pm Latest brands in street/urban wear
58 Murray St, Gawler 8523 4500
70 Murray Street, Gawler | T: 8523 4464
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Catering to make everyone feel good! Let us cater for your next function
OPEN SUNDAYS 11am - 5pm Craft • Gifts • Partyware • Homewares Come in and “Getta Bargain”
Shop 7, The Gawler Arcade, 126 Murray St, Gawler 8523 0918
7 Tod Street, Gawler 8522 1911
GAWLER 8522 6222
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MUNNO PARA 8284 2725
OPEN SUNDAYS 11.30-4.30pm
ELIZABETH 8252 1111
GAWLER 8522 6768
124 Murray St, Gawler 8522 2955
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Open Sundays 0 10.30am - 8.30pm
Open Sundays 11-4pm
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*See in store for details. Terms and conditions apply.
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OPEN 7 DAYS 9am - 8pm
open 8am - 2pm everyday
OPEN Saturdays 9.00am - 4.00pm Sundays 11.00am - 3.00pm
Have a Super Christmas
5 Murray St, GAWLER | Ph 8522 5088
HOTEL WH1768331
112 Murray Street, Gawler Phone: 08 8523 4161 Email: lesleysboutique@hotmail.com
Elizabeth Shopping Centre T: 8255 4288 www.rivalry.com.au
114 Murray St, Gawler 8522 1712
Send the below coupon to:
OPEN SUNDAYS PO Box 43 Tanunda SA 5352 Simply fill in your details and the name of one of the businesses on this page that you would like to spend your $50 with and you are in the draw. Entries must be received by December 15th, 2011
Name: ................................................................................................................................................................................... Address: ................................................................................................................................................................................
Phone: ................................................................................................................................................................................... Business you would like to spend $50 with: ............................................................................................................................. www.barossaherald.com.au
Wednesday, November 30, 2011 - Page 20 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Real Estate Liftout
Time to downsize? New carpets and paint in well-presented home. See Domain Page 3. RLA163708.
THURSDAY 1ST DECEMBER HOMBURG REAL ESTATE NURIOOTPA 43 Fifth Street..................................5:00 – 5:30pm TANUNDA 11 Edinburgh Avenue..........................5:45 – 6:15pm
Assoc. Aust. Inst. of Conveyancers Registered Conveyancer
Beckwith Park Commercial Precinct 30-38 Barossa Valley Way, Nuriootpa
Ph: (08) 8562 3355 | Fax: (08) 8562 3282 • House & Land Settlements • Mortgages • Leases • Business Settlements • Subdivisions Arranged • Strata Titles • Power of Attorney ALL REAL PROPERTY ACT DOCUMENTS
CONVEYANCER? MAKE THE RIGHT CHOICE admin.barossaherald@ruralpress.com
FRIDAY 2ND DECEMBER BAROSSA REAL ESTATE ANGASTON 12 Lindsay Street .............................4:15 – 5:00pm SATURDAY 3RD DECEMBER BAROSSA REAL ESTATE ANGASTON 12 Lindsay Street ...........................12:15 – 1:00pm HOMBURG REAL ESTATE TANUNDA 9 Paradale Drive..................................1:00 – 1:30pm TANUNDA 8 Lehmann Road ..................................1:30 -2:00pm LJ HOOKER REAL ESTATE WILLASTON 15 Jarvis Street .............................12:30 – 1:00pm GAWLER SOUTH 5 Fourteenth Street ..................1:30 – 2:00pm SUNDAY 4TH DECEMBER ADELAIDE RURAL REAL ESTATE TANUNDA Unit 1/10 Kook Street......................12:00 – 12:45pm GREENOCK 4 Barons Court .................................1:15 – 2:00pm KAPUNDA 43 Mildred Street................................2:30 – 3:15pm BAROSSA REAL ESTATE KAPUNDA 11 Whittaker Street.............................1:15 – 1:45pm LYNDOCH 19 Wilhelm Street ...............................1:30 – 2:00pm LYNDOCH 7 Robert Ross Drive............................4:15 – 4:45pm
HOMBURG REAL ESTATE GREENOCK 34 Branson Road..........................12:00 – 12:30pm NURIOOTPA 11 Schaedel Street ........................12:45 – 1:15pm NURIOOTPA Lot 8 Atze Parade ............................1:00 – 1:30pm NURIOOTPA 47 John Harris Drive .......................1:20 – 1:50pm NURIOOTPA 28 Buna Terrace ..............................1:45 – 2:15pm TANUNDA 5 Carl Drive .........................................2:00 – 2:30pm NURIOOTPA 26 Staehr Street ..............................2:00 – 2:30pm TANUNDA 16 Homburg Street .............................2:30 – 3:00pm TANUNDA 18 Rosalie Avenue ..............................2:30 – 3:00pm NURIOOTPA 79A Murray Street ...........................2:40 – 3:20pm TANUNDA 2 Rothe Way .......................................2:45 – 3:15pm MARANANGA Lot 203 Neldner Road ...................3:15 – 3:45pm NURIOOTPA 35 Jacobs Street .............................3:30 – 4:00pm PEWSEY VALE Lot 2 Brownes Rd “Piers Hill”......4:00 – 5:00pm NURIOOTPA Lot 334 Sturt Highway ....................4:10 – 4:40pm JULIE TOTH REAL ESTATE ANGASTON 21 Jubilee Avenue ..........................12:30 – 1:15pm NURIOOTPA Lot 12 Greenock Road.....................1:45 – 2:30pm LJ HOOKER REAL ESTATE WILLASTON 15 Jarvis Street .............................12:30 – 1:00pm WILLASTON 11/25 Holmes Street .......................1:10 – 1:40pm GAWLER SOUTH 5 Fourteenth Street ..................1:30 – 2:00pm PROFESSIONALS KAPUNDA KAPUNDA 5 Jordan Street ...............................12:00 – 12:45pm KAPUNDA 15 Robe Street....................................1:00 – 1:45pm KAPUNDA 5 Quintrell Court .................................2:00 – 2:45pm EUDUNDA 5 Allen Street......................................3:15 – 4:00pm
Wednesday, November 30, 2011 - Domain Page 1 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Real Estate Liftout
Escape to the country SPACIOUS: Room to move in Hamilton.
Who’s eating at your house tonight?
Services from $60
• Spiders • Flies & Ants
Phone: 8522 3131 Mobile: 0407 909 927
PUBLIC NOTICE Re: Section 7 The Vendor’s statement relating to matters affecting the advertised properties in this publication may be inspected at the agents office three business days prior to the auction or at the place of auction thirty minutes before sale.
CHARMING: The master bedroom with an open fireplace in the 1890s cottage at Hamilton, near Kapunda. THIS stunning 200 square metres 1890s-cottage is set on 2.109 hectares at Hamilton, via Kapunda. It offers an idyllic lifestyle with 360 degrees of majestic rural views - rolling hills and grazing land. Merriwood Farm offers three bedrooms, the master with an open fireplace. Reverse-cycle heating and cooling controls the temperature. A slow combustion heater is a feature of the dining room as
BAROSSA ay 4/12 en Sund
Call Myriam
0pm & 4.15-5.0 day 2/12 m - Auction 1pm Open Fri p 5-1 3/12 12.1 Saturday
42 Solar Panels, yes this is not an misprint, plus, Four Bedrooms, Ensuite and Walk in Robe, large separate lounge, Flat screen TV & Entertainment, Large kitchen, Dishwasher, Spacious open plan family & meals, Ducted R/C Air Conditioning, Extra large double garage umr, Rear veranda, Established gardens and fruit trees, Rain water tank, Set in a great location on a 772m2 block and close to local schools and shopping.
Magnificent property reflecting the wealth and prestige of bygone era. Exquisite features incl. marble pillars and fireplaces, imported mirrors, etched glass, 15’ ceilings, polished timber joinery and floors and intricate wrought iron balustrades. Delightful, manicured gardens on 1 acre. A family home or B&B, Hill House is perfect romance, history and modern luxury, all in one.
Sue Schugmann 0419 850 408
Myriam Bultsma 0427 392 819
KAPUNDA - $275-$285,000
Large aviaries, a kangaroo enclosure, a shared bore (salinity 200/300ppm), about 55,000l of rainwater storage, stunning cottage gardens with fishpond are other highlights. Mature trees are throughout the property. All this about 10km out of Kapunda and only a 30-40min drive to the Barossa Valley or 25-30min drive to Gawler. Priced at $415,000, for more information or to arrange a viewing contact Kies Real Estate on 8523 3777.
“The best people in local real estate”
ANGASTON - AUCTION (unless sold prior)
The property also has a studio or guest house. This offers open-plan living with slow combustion heating in the lounge. There is a good-size bedroom, a self-contained kitchen and bathroom, and it also has double French doors leading onto the verandah to take in the views. The property has four paddocks, some with shelters, a 9.3x10.3 shed for parking with a workshop and 15amp power points.
Home & Property Guide
is the lovely feature stainedglass window. The family/lounge area also has slow combustion heating. Take a look at the new modern country-style kitchen made from American Oak and lovely double timber doors leading outside. This cottage also has a lovely tiled hallway leading to a stylish bathroom that offers a large corner spa, shower, free standing timber vanity, separate toilet and a very large laundry.
TRURO - $249,750
LYNDOCH - $530,000
Call Myriam
Call Peter
297Stockwell Road James Street “COTTAGE WITH ROOM TO MOVE” Excellent opportunity to invest for retirement or rental. Attractive cottage style 3 bedroom home with well established gardens, shedding & carport. Modest and very comfortable family living. Spacious outdoor living area with pergola. Well priced, and ready to be lived in…Extremely well presented. Myriam Bultsma 0427 392 8190
ANGASTON - $340,000
2 1.30-2
nday 4/1
Open Su
Large family home with formal lounge, separate dining room, timber kitchen. Ducted cooling, gas wood heating + split system a/c. Half-court tennis court on approx. 7890m2 allotment. Extensive shedding & landscaped gardens. Peter Fairweather 0415 825 420
TANUNDA - $400,000
2 1.15-1
nday 4/1
Open Su
Call Sue
Call Peter
11 Whittaker Street IMMACULATE FAMILY HOME Spacious 3 bedroom family home with separate lounge room, Kitchen overlooking Dining, walk in Pantry with lots of Cupboard space. Ducted R/C Air Conditioning. Low maintenance gardens. Garage under main roof with access into the home. Second Driveway for Caravan and within walking distance to Main Street. Be quick for this quality home.
Sue Schugmann 0419 850 408
Call Peter
Call Peter
9 Cross Street THEY DON’T COME UP VERY OFTEN! Symmetrical style cottage with bull nosed verandah & high lofty ceilings is presented for sale. Master with BIR & beds 3 & 4 share a small ens, two living areas, eat in kitchen and an updated bathroom. Set on an (approx) 607m2 block, it also inc. 2 carports, & a dbl gge. Close to all the towns’ amenities; with a few minor restorations and a coat of paint this home will be brought back to its former glory and make a fantastic family home. Peter Fairweather 0415 825 420
Lot 562 Moculta Road
49 Langmeil Road
1911 stone fronted return verandah Villa of 233m2(approx.) 4 large bedrooms, 2 living areas, spa bath and country kitchen. Fabulous hilltop location affords spectacular views of vineyards and rolling countryside. 14.4ha in total with 10.4ha of Shiraz, Cabernet & Riesling vineyards. Character filled home surrounded by parklike gardens and only minutes from the centre of Angaston. Peter Fairweather 0415 825 420
This value packed 70’s style sold brick home offers lots of extras that cab easily over looked from the road, closer inspection reveals quality construction, 4 bedrooms, very spacious lounge, wine cellar or office. Garage and workshop for at least 6 vehicles, established gardens, fruit trees & shaded areas. A contemporary touch of furniture & colors will do wonders to this excellent home. Peter Fairweather 0415 825 420
“The best people in local real estate” Consultant Peter Fairweather 0415 825 420
Consultant Sue Schugmann 0419 850 408
Consultant Sue Fechner 8563 3511
Consultant Myriam Bultsma 0427 392 819
Consultant Elle Moreton 0488 996 566
Property Manager Anne Johansson 8563 3511
8563 3511
Wednesday, November 30, 2011 - Domain Page 2 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
104 Murray St, Tanunda www.barossarealestate.com.au RLA 1997
Real Estate Liftout PROPERTY OF THE WEEK
Put this on your list
SECURE: The three-bedroom Kapunda house with secure undercover parking.
COVERED: Park the car undercover, safe from the elements.
Time to downsize? Take a look
IN KAPUNDA is this solid brick-veneer three-bedroom home circa 2004 in excellent condition. It features a Colorbond roof with a bullnose front verandah and secure undercover parking. The house is on a small manageable 325 square metre block with established gardens and a fully enclosed rear pergola area ideal for a summer night. If you are looking to downsize into town within easy reach of all key facilities – put this one on the list. Only one owner /occupier has enjoyed this house since it was built so it has been well cared for. Features include ducted
evaporative air conditioning plus a brand new Kelvinator split-system air conditioner not one season old. All bedrooms are carpeted while the rest of the floors have quality tiles. There is a two-way bathroom from the main bedroom, a separate vanity area with fullsized mirrors; tastic lights are fitted to the bathroom and there is a separate toilet. The kitchen/dining/lounge area is open-plan with a sliding door to the outside entertainment area. The kitchen has ample storage, a double sink and flick meter tap.
A security front door, stylish entry hallway plus linen storage in hallway are other features. Outside, is a well-established front garden complete with an irrigation system. Leave the car at home and walk to the main street, supermarket, chemist, post office etc and pick up a bottle at the public hotel on the corner before a short stroll home. Over the years many people have enquired about the availability of this house, priced at $249,500 now is your chance. To arrange an inspection at a time that suits, call David at Hambours Real Estate Kapunda on 8566 2209.
Hambours R E A L E S TAT E
HERE is a well-presented compact home on a manageable 378 square metre corner allotment in Kapunda. This new release comprises two spacious bedrooms with built-in robes and ceiling fans. The third bedroom/craft room has separate access.
At a glance... Where: 15 Robe Street, Kapunda. Highlight: New release. Price: $209,000 - offers welcome. Inspection: By appointment. Agent: Professionals Kapunda. Contact: Charlie Goulder on 0417 823 065.
A new Feltus kitchen with plenty of built-in cupboards and preparation areas and electric range is a highlight. Open-plan describes the lounge/dine area with ceiling fans while a reverse-cycle air conditioner controls the temperature. New carpets and paint throughout give this house that ‘new’ feeling. The laundry is spacious with built-in cupboards. Outside, there are fullyestablished easycare gardens, a carport and garden shed. Another feature is security doors while the house is within walking distance to all facilities. Inspection is highly recommended. RLA163708.
Station Master’s House.
Opportunity for self sufficiency on flat manageable 2 acre well fenced block.Well maintained 3 bedroom home features lounge with built in combustion heater, kitchen with original wood stove and cellar, fully enclosed rear verandah and ample shedding.Looking for a country escape fully established and well cared for, check this one out! Contact David now! RLA 150685. Asking $225,000
Colonial Style Cottage. Ideal country spot to bring up a family or simply a getaway - this tranquil spot ticks all the boxes. 3 brm home on approx. 5 acres meticulously maintained with extensive use of natural timbers, slate & timber flrs, o/p kitchen/dining area, mod kitchen & comb heat. Ample shedding, estab gdns, fenced into 4 paddocks. RLA 150685. Asking $345,000
Walk to main street. 4 bedrm, 2 bathrm t/f home on 10 acres; excellent shedding & substantial improvements. Main bedroom ens/walk through wardrobe between 2 way bathroom, open plan lounge/dining, full length rear verandah. 40x25x10 garage with wet areas, new 60x40x14 shed with conc floor power & lighting. RLA 150685. Asking $485,000
Horse Friendly Property. Looking for a property on a few acres (7.28 Ha/18ac) w. 3 brms, timber framed home & good shedding, at an affordable price? Loc just 7 km from Eudunda on the Morgan Rd, turn onto Peep Hill Rd, less than 300m to the bitumen hwy - from the front gate. Fully carpeted 3 brm home, kitchen/dining area w. elec appliances, pantry, gd sized lnge w. comb heat, duct evap a/c. Outside features incl front & rear vdah w fenced in gdns, 40 x 25 Galv. iron shed w conc flr, 60 x 30 machinery shed, 3 r/water tanks (press pump x2 to house), mains connected. Needs a little TLC but the price has possibilities. Talk to David for your personal inspection.
Asking $210,000
RLA 150685.
Mark Hambour Lic Agents. 65 Main Street, Kapunda. RLA150685
Phone David on 8566 2209 all hours
EASYCARE: The backyard area of the Kapunda house. admin.barossaherald@ruralpress.com
email: hambours@bigpond.com | www.hamboursrealestate.com.au | mobile: 041 491 7474
Urgently Required:
• Character stone homes • Vacant acreage (large or small) • Hobby or income producing farms
Wednesday, November 30, 2011 - Domain Page 3 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Real Estate Liftout
Auction close for Hill House
ABOVE: The historic Hill House in Angaston. Below, the magnificent dining area.
Check out our properties on the Net! www.kapundaprofessionals.com.au NATIONAL BREAST CANCER FOUNDATION PLATINUM SPONSOR
A SLICE of Barossa Valley heritage, built in 1851 as a two-roomed poor man’s cottage, ‘Hill House’ was created from modest beginnings by district grazier James Heggie, who purchased the property around 1860 and transformed it into a glorious icon of the Barossa Valley. Hill House is an impressive and elaborate display of wealth and opulence, with an abundance of exquisite detail and extensive imported character features under imposing lofty ceilings exceeding 15 feet. The property and grounds reflect the European tastes of the Heggie family, evident in the original marble entry with its feature pillars and acid etched glass. The richly-appointed lounge (pictured below) and dining rooms have marvellous timber flooring, imported period mirrors and fireplace all highlighted by the streaming light from the north-facing bay window. Adding to the Italian aesthetic Hill House received a ‘Widows Walk’ or tower, a particular feature of the era reflecting the wealth enjoyed by the house and its inhabitants at that time. Descendants of the family of Hill House’s well known first owner have been in residence at different periods over the years since 1860; the last family member to reside here was Miss Mary Heggie. Hill House is situated on about one acre. In the original garden set out in the 1880s you will find the old Atlantic cedars and Bunyah pines, hedges, ivy chains, some stone walls and pathways. The home comprises four bedrooms and four bathrooms and has enjoyed the past decade as a luxurious B&B. The current owners purchased the property in 2001 and their influence can be seen in the renovation of two rooms in the upper level of the house to
At a glance... Where: Hill House, 12 Lindsay Street, Angaston. Price: Auction unless sold prior. When: Saturday, December 3. Time: 1pm. Open times: Friday, December 2. Time: 4 -4.45pm. Saturday, December 3. Time: 12.15-1 pm. Agent: Barossa Real Estate. Contact: Myriam Bultsma on 0427 392 819.
provide further hosted B&B accommodation. Named the ‘Heggie Suite’ in honour of the Heggie family this area of the house has its own private entry, balcony area, bed/sitting room and ensuite bathroom with a luxurious spa bath. In keeping with the historical nature of Hill House, both B&B suites are furnished with antiques and heritage décor. Recent additions to Hill House’s free flowing configuration include a 2006 French provincial kitchen, underground cellar and family room, all presenting a variety of uses. Hill House today is an absolutely magnificent mix of modern convenience with two-car garaging, ducted reverse-cycle air-conditioning and automatic watering system for the lawns and gardens yet has been lovingly maintained in grand style from the long elegant verandahs, vintage look and feel, right down to the claw- foot bath. A home, a tourism business, a place of spiritual congregation: Hill House is perfect romance, history and modern luxury, all in one.
NEW RELEASE SUTHERLANDS Section 417,Railway Avenue KAPUNDA 15 Robe Street First Open Sunday 1.00-1.45pm AUCTION THIS SATURDAY 11.00AM ON PROPERTY $209,000 SEE TODAYS FEATURE: Ideal first Home or Downsize- Compact home, 2 bedrooms with bi’s, 3rd br/craftroom with sep access, new paint and carpets t/out, Feltus kitchen, r/c air cond, close to reserve and walking distance to all facilities
KAPUNDA 5 Quintrell Court REDUCED $170,000 OPEN
Open Sunday 2.00-2.45 pm
Stone house on approx 14 acres. 2 spacious bedrooms, sitting room with combustion heating, eat in kitchen, upgraded bathroom, shedding and room for the pony! Clean and tidy throughout, well worth a look.
Historic Stone Miner's Cottage c1866. After 53 years, Vendor is downsizing! Old stone house comprises 3 double bdrooms, 2 with ofp, eat in kitchen, separate dining room, bathroom with bath & vanity, separate shower, dry cellar, situated on approx 750m2 with new single garage, carport, established gardens! Well worth a look at this price!
5 Allan Street
Open Sunday 2.30-3.15pm First Open Sunday 3.15-4.00pm
STONE VILLA ON 2 TITLES APPROX ½ ACRE 3 spacious bedrooms, 2 with timber floors, country eat in kitchen, bathroom with shower, bath & vanity, sitting room with combustion heating, new roof, garage plenty of space here!
22 South Tce, Kapunda
Virtually brand new and all established. 500m2 allot, 3 bdrms, master with wir, 3 way bathroom, sep shower, o/plan kitchen/dine/lounge with Daiken split system, kitchen with all elec appliances, fully fenced, insulated, why rent at this price?
KAPUNDA $129,950
5 Jordan Street
Open Sunday 12- 12.45pm Live Large! It’s very rare these days to come across such a large centrally located residential building allotment! Comprising just over 1500sqm with water and effluent connected, there’s definitely room here to do your own thing. Situated at the end of a quiet cul-de-sac on the high side of the well serviced Kapunda township. We do not expect this one to last long. For more details, Steve 0417 811 348. The kids and dog will love you for it!
All properties can be viewed at www.realestate.com.au
Charles 0417 823 065 WH1770841
Real People in Real Property!
This could be something really special… • Character freestone home with attractive return bull nose verandah • Four spacious bedrooms, two with BIR’s • Stylish renovated open plan kitchen/meals area all modern appliances
Professionals Kapunda 8566 2127
Price Guide: $239,500
• Two good sized living areas • Large residential block of 2600sqm • HIA Order applies
Steve 0417 811 348 RLA 163708
Daniel Schell 0415 436 379 Geoff Schell 0418 842 421
Wednesday, November 30, 2011 - Domain Page 4 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
RLA 205501
Real Estate Liftout
Parkland paradise IN NURIOOTPA’S most picturesque pocket and looking out across the majestic gums of Linear Park, this very fine solid brick family home is privately screened by its luxuriantly leafy surrounds. It offers a living and entertaining style that spills out to enjoy life under the trees and all around on its position perfect 1070 square metres. Set deeply back and with a stunning front garden, this property makes great use of its outlook onto nature and almost unnoticeable neighbours with alfresco areas in both front and rear yards, each offering a different ‘outdoor room’ experience. Built in the 1950s and a grand design in its day, this lovely house has the high ceilings, solid timber floorboards and stylish stone accents of its era that are now desired designer features in upmarket modern architecture today. The home’s lounge room features an exposed stone chimney with built-in slow combustion wood fire and through a pair of glass doors, the more recently added games room incorporates an original low stone garden wall within to create indoor seating that frames the rumpus space. Double doors slide to open life up to the rear undercover gabled verandah. The huge timber kitchen is a haven for passionate cooks and foodies, a four-metre-long antique timber bank counter is positioned to take a line-up of a dozen bar stools, creating a fantastic atmosphere and gathering point for friends and family. The kitchen features a 900mm stainless-steel commercial gas cooker, rangehood, dishwasher and corner pantry. French doors off this space also connect with the rear verandah and beyond, a study and family living room are adaptable open spaces to adjust to your living plan needs. The home further comprises of four bedrooms and two bathrooms. Step down from the elevated verandah in the rear and tucked neatly around the side, the rainwater storage tank and handy garden shed are situated. A 5.5m x 5.5m garage and attached carport provide undercover storage for three vehicles with plenty of room for further shedding if required. A fabulous blend of tasteful and quality features from the retro era mixed with modern upgrades, this home offers a unique living experience where the glorious setting is as important as the home. For a private viewing of this residence and its parklike grounds, contact David Braunack of Homburg Real Estate on 0418 841 349 or Mike Bogan on 0416 586 897.
MORGAN (Idyll Acres)
Lot 34 Echidna Ave 2 storey home, double block 100m to river and boat ramp, lovely river views, 3 bedroom, updated kitchen and dine, lounge with combustion stove, 2 bathrooms, front stairway inside rear outside, large decking’s front and rear, large games room 1771722
View on realestate.com.au - ID18085671
ROOM TO MOVE: The area at the rear of the Nuriootpa house which looks out to the Linear Park. 1770847
Colin Schwartz trading as RLA216875
Adelaide Rural Real Estate
YOUR LOCAL LENDER With access to over 20 lenders, we work hard to find you a better deal!
Fiebig Court Inspection by Appointment
Large stone home, close to main street. This home comprises of 4 Good sized bedrooms, Roomy lounge, 2 bathrooms, Kitchen, family/ dining room. Heating is provided by open fire places, Bullnose verandah, double carport, shed and tool shed. Avail Early Dec, Pets Neg !!
Neat two could be three-bedroom cottage. Combined lounge/dining. Kitchen and bathroom with a low maintenance yard. 200 Metres from the main street. Available Mid-December 2011
Newly renovated large 3 bedroom home on a big block. This home has Built in robes to bedroom 2. Open kitchen area with formal lounge and dining area. Single carport, shedding and chock pen. Pets Neg. Avail Now! FOR FURTHER DETAILS CONTACT OFFICE
8566 3399 SAMANTHA 0417 022 061 HOLLY 0437 528 022
domain.com.au realestate.com.au
OPENS TANUNDA - Unit 1/10 Kook St Sunday 12.00-12.45pm
GREENOCK - 4 Barons Crt Sunday 1:15-2:00pm 3 separately designed 3 br homes, community titled allots from 300m2-312m2. Rendered hebel walls, floor coverings, quality interior fittings r/c a/c, gas h.w.s., paved drive, landscaped front yd, fencing, Ideal first home/retirees/investors. Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942
KAPUNDA - 43 Mildred St Sunday 2:30-3:15pm
4 South Terrace Inspection by Appointment
42 Weigall Street Inspection by Appointment
Well maintained stone home on approx 817m2, main road frontage, close to Main Street, 3 good sized brms, roomy lounge, country style kitchen, and renovated bathroom. Features include high ceilings, ceiling rose, combustion heater, pergola, workshop and shed, nice family home. Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942
Ideal family home/tradesperson. Roomy T/F home on 2240m2, 2 titles, short drive to main st, 3 brs, office, fml lounge, spac kitchen/dine, family rm, elec apps, w.i. pantry, s/s a/c, front & rear verandahs, 2 sheds, r/w tanks, 3 phase power. Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942
BALAKLAVA $525 - $555,000
11 Racecourse Road $245,000-$255,000 Inspection by Appointment
Timber frame home on spacious 2823m2 allot, close to main street and schools, 3 bdrms, open plan lounge/dining, family room, galley style kitchen. Requiring some maintenance the home provides the opportunity for a home on a large allotment, investment or possible sub-division (STCC)
Lge 5 br modern environmentally friendly family home on 2029m2. Ens & WIR to br 1, BIR brs 2,3 & 5, refurb kitchen, split level fam/mls, s/s r/c a/c, 40x20 gge w 3 ph power, a/c bathrm & kitch, 2 store sheds, paved ent area, 2 r/w tanks.
Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942
Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942
Extremely well presented T/F home on 974m2 allotment, 4 brms, 2 bthrms, near new kitchen, electric appliances, WI pantry, dining area, fml lnge. ducted R/C A/C t/out, rainwater to house, solar panels. 30x20 shed, lge pgla/ carport, paved d/way, well fenced. walk to racetrack. Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942
43 Mildred Street Open Sunday 2:30-3:15pm
Phone 85404017 to inspect
SANDELTON NEW Inspection by Appointment
4 Barons Court Open Sunday 1:15-2:00pm
LAND Inspection by Appointment
TANUNDA $57,000
1/10 Kook Street Open Sunday 12:00-12:45pm
Call us today... Kerrie Dellar 0408 845 154 1761787
Approx 85 acres, close to highway but still private, scrub land, cleared land has olive, fig & pistachio trees, brick building, sep bath & toilet, rainwater tanks, underground creek, generated power, ideal weekender, retreat or living. Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942
Acre allotment with bitumen road frontage & amongst other similar sized properties. Mains water & power run past the allotment, ready for connection. Lovely views over surrounding rural countryside, not far from Eudunda or the River Murray. Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942
92 MAIN ST • T: 8566 3399 sales@adelaideruralrealestate.com.au
Wednesday, November 30, 2011 - Domain Page 5 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Close to main street, doctors surgery & hospital. Nice unit amongst group of 4, 2 bedrooms, kitchen/dining, electric appliances, reverse cycle air conditioning separate garage and store room, manageable garden, Strata title. Colin Schwartz 0409 934 942
GAWLER/TWO WELLS www.barossaherald.com.au
homburg.com.au Pewsey Vale
Lot 2 Brownes Road "Piers Hill"
Less than $1,500,000
´Piers Hill´- Stunning & Unique 53.94Ha High in the Barossa Ranges adjoining the Heysen Trail, ´Piers Hill´ is an earthly paradise a harmony of hills & valleys, with a remarkable bluestone homestead positioned to take in extraordinary views across the property´s own lake, stunning garden & tall gum surrounds. A property offering a cool climate & higher rainfall with 10 paddocks, renovated pastures, cattle yards, quality stock fencing, 3 dams, abundant rainwater & extensive shedding in this stunning refuge. Inspect: Sunday 4 - 5:00pm Web: HRER463 RLA: 219152 David Braunack: 0418 841 349
79a Murray Street
$229,000 - $249,000
Location and Affordability! This brand new home, situated adjacent to the High School, and close to the main street shopping, is tucked away on a very manageable, low maintenance allotment, making it ideal for those wanting a central location with privacy. Home features spacious open plan kitchen and living, 3 bedrooms (2 with birs), 3 way bath, neutral tones, split sys r/c a/c, decking area, 3 bay garage and much more. Suit investors, first home owners, retirees or small family. A must to see! Inspect: Sunday 2:40-3:20pm Web: HRE473 RLA: 219152 Guy Draper:
47 John Harris Drive
$195,000 - $210,000 Lot 722 John Harris Drive
"Taj Mahal"............Not! If you are looking for an affordable challenge, then you´d better come for a look ! This 3 bedroom brick veneer home has the makings of a good first home or rental. With a generous 900m2 allotment, offering vineyard and Barossa Ranges views, a dbl garage and loads of scope to create a great little property. The basic elements are here, just bring your imagination and elbow grease. Inspect: Sunday 1:20-1:50pm Web: HRE476 RLA: 219152
4 Stockwell
$170,000 66 Basedow Road
Retro Cottage for Revival One for the imaginative renovator, this quirky ´cottage´ on 666sqm could be the project for you! Needing creativity & loads of commitment this well positioned property awaits reinvention, every square inch needs your tender touch. Outdoors, a double garage & r/w tank provide valuable features in this so-close-to-main-street location.
Inspect: Call Agent to View
Inspect: Call Agent to View Web: HRE474 RLA: 219152 David Braunack: 0418 841 349
2 Nuriootpa
$385,000 - $395,000 18 Mattner Road
Large Building Allotment Tucked away in John Harris Drive is a large residential allotment of 943m2 with near new homes lining the street that show quality and pride in the area. Mains Water & Power Connected. Ideally positioned for those wanting easy access to town conveniences.
David Braunack: 0418 841 349
Web: HRE454 RLA: 219152
Guy Draper: 0417 810 828
5 Carl Drive
5 Nuriootpa
$395,000 - $415,000 Lot 334 Sturt Highway
$290,000 - $310,000 43 Fifth Street
$199,000 - $217,000
Summer Fun for Families Spend time in your own resort with sparkling pool, spa bath & fabulous u/c entertaining area surrounded by tall palms. A lovely home has natural accents of stone, slate & timber, openplan layout, abundant storage, ducted cooling & fabulously equipped kitchen. Featuring caravan & car storage, situated perfectly, opposite the Langmeil Reserve.
Impressive Home, Just Finish The Outside - Your Way ! If a lge mod home on big lot excites you, but the thought of waiting an eternity for it to be built haunts you, then this fab prop could be the answer. 3 Massive living areas, inc theatre room, family room & games room, 4 generous b’rooms, fully featured kit., dble gge umr + more. Outside the prep work for paving, driveway & ent. area has been done.
Affordable, Feature Packed 2 Acre Property Semi- rural prop situated on edge of town. Lge 3 b’room solid brick home w/- 2 living areas, 3 bathrooms, 9´ ceilings, gge umr, neutral tones, 2 x 20x30´ sheds, c/ports for 3 vehicles, r/ water & loads of room outside for variety of pursuits. Home could easily be split in 2 as dual rental opp (sub to consents). Will suit a wide range of purchasers, don´t wait!
Excellent Value Home, Plus a Great Shed Affordable & comfortable 3 bdrm home is situated just around the cornerfrom the 7 day supermarket, & a short stroll to the main street shops & local schools. A fabulous 40’ x 20’ shed occupies the back section o the generous 840m2 allotment. 3 bedrooms, open plan ktichen lounge dining, separate toilet, laundry and bathrooms, plus a partially enclosed rear verandah.
Inspect: Sunday 2 - 2:30pm Web: HRE471 RLA: 219152 David Braunack: 0418 841 349
Inspect: Call Agent to View Web: HRE461 RLA: 219152 Guy Draper: 0417 810 828
Inspect: Sunday 4:10-4:40pm Web: HRE455 RLA: 219152 Guy Draper: 0417 810 828
Inspect: Thursday 5-5:30pm Web: HRE468 RLA: 219152 Guy Draper: 0417 810 828
David Braunack 0418 841 349
Guy Draper 0417 810 828
Felicity Cock 0411 456 266
Mike Bogan 0416 586 897
Cindy Taylor 0408 086 119
Wednesday, November 30, 2011 - Domain Page 6 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Ann Braunack 0438 633 582 Commercial Leasing Manager
TANUNDA 8563 2599 NURIOOTPA 8562 2600
homburg.com.au Tanunda
11 Edinburgh Avenue
2 Nuriootpa
$225,000 - $240,000 35 Jacobs Street
2 Tanunda
$329,000 Lot 8 Atze Parade
$315,000 - $325,000 9 Paradale Drive
$455,000 - $475,000
Great starter/Investment opportunity This comfortable & affordable 3 bedroom home is situated on an allotment of some 724 m2, and offers loads of potential for those starting out. With a renovated kitchen, cosy lounge, sep bathroom inc bath and shwr, polished floorboards, neutral décor and more. Lge fully fenced rear yard with scope for ent. area, garaging etc.
Affordable 4 Bedroom Modern Home 4 bedrooms, main incl. ens. and wir, which is situated in the centre of the home, (ideal for shift workers) remaining 3 bedrooms have birs. 2 living areas, with North facing family room at the rear. Ducted r/c a/c, rainwater plumbed t/out, neutral décor, dbl garage umr, fully paved and landscaped, garden shed, irrigation and much more.
A Brand New Classic Clean contemporary lines, high ceilings, timeless tones & layout to suit today´s life style. Three bedrooms, two bathrooms, separate lounge & open plan tiled casual living with well equipped kitchen & sliding glass to take life outdoors. Ducted heating & cooling, double carport with auto door & secure internal access. Carefree living on 459sqm.
Features to Impress Executive prop., sit in Langmeil Est. Wide front of this prop easily caters for dble gge umr, + additional d/way w/- access to rear yard & 6m x 6m shed, suit vans, boats & trailers. Quality home offers up to 4 b’rooms, or 3 & study, lge main w/- ens & wir. 3 Spac living areas, feature packed kit. w/- huge pantry, ducted r/c a/c, covered outdoor ent area & more.
Inspect: Thursday 5:45-6:15pm Web: HRE467 RLA: 219152 Guy Draper: 0417 810 828
Inspect: Sunday 3:30-4pm Web: HRE466 RLA: 219152 Guy Draper: 0417 810 828
Inspect: Sunday 1 - 1:30pm Web: HRE347 RLA: 219152 David Braunack: 0418 841 349
Inspect: Saturday 1-1:30pm Web: HRE460 RLA: 219152 Guy Draper: 0417 810 828
2 Nuriootpa
34 Branson Road
1 Nuriootpa
$349,000 - $369,000 26 Staehr Street
2 Marananga
$395,000 - $430,000 28 Buna Terrace
$235,000 - $240,000 Lot 203 Neldner Road
$320,000 - $340,000
Modern Home with Rural Outlook Sit. on edge town, w/- views across undulating farmland, mod 4 b’room home has loads of appeal for a variety of buyers. Beautifully presented w/- both formal & casual living, open plan kit. meals & family area, o/looks covered o/door ent. area & est rear yard. Main b’room w/- ens & wir, dble c/port, lge garden shed, room for van/trailer/boat + more. A must to inspect.
Character, charm and desirability C1890 home oozes character, charm & desirability. Stunning entrance with polished timber floors, ornate plaster ceilings, formal dining with French doors leading into spacious lge. Renovated bthrm & lndry. 3 bedrooms (2 dbl) all with built-in robes Country kitchen, dishwasher and cellar. Lined dbl gge with sep. office, c/port, paved o/door area, landscaped grounds.
Parkside Site Along Nuriootpa´s parkside circuit & continuing around from the leafy dress circle of Kokoda Road, this 711sqm allotment with wide stretch of street frontage & existing 1950’s solid brick home is position perfect & may suit the keen renovator or developer with an eye for a location of desire. Surrounded by quality residences in the town´s most picturesque pocket.
Step Back in Time On just over an acre (4421sqm), this Bungalow is almost secluded by the old tall trees in its sleepy village setting. The large rooms, floorboards, leadlight, fretwork, high ceilings, sash windows, original doors, skirtings & architraves will steal the heart of the period home decorator. Peace & space accompanied by birdsong & the laughter of kookaburras.
Inspect: Sunday 12-12:30pm Web: HRE459 RLA: 219152 Guy Draper: 0417 810 828
Inspect: Sunday 2-2:30pm Web: HRE465 RLA: 219152 Guy Draper: 0417 810 828
Inspect: Sunday 1:45 - 2:15pm Web: HRE363 RLA: 219152 David Braunack: 0418 841 349
Inspect: Sunday 3:15 - 3:45pm Web: HRE399 RLA: 219152 David Braunack: 0418 841 349
1 Tanunda
11 Schaedel Street
2 Tanunda
$229,000 - $249,000 8 Lehmann Road
3 Tanunda
$395,000 - $430,000 16 Homburg Street
$324,950 18 Rosalie Avenue
Affordable First Home/Investment This comfortable 4 bedroom home situated on a 729m2 allotment is conveniently located close to a primary school and 7 day shopping. Generously sized lounge, kitchen/meals, bathroom with spa bath, fully enclosed rear yard, entertainment area and much more. Will suit first home owners, investors, small family, retirees and more.
Situated in Langmeil Estate. 4 B’rooms, main w/- ens & wir. Formal & casual living areas. Great kitchen w/- d/washer, b/bar + pantry. Fully ducted r/c a/c + neutral tones t/out. Covered & paved outdoor ent area. Lge, fenced yard w/- well est. garden + shed. Dble c/port w/- elec. panel lift door + side access for van etc. R/water plumbed.........& much more. Beautifully presented & ready for the new owners to move in and enjoy, don´t wait!
There´s No Place Like Home A lovely balance of indoors & out on this 750sqm allotment with pretty perimeter gardens & screening trees that promote privacy. Spacious bedrooms with built-ins & the 2 living areas connect with the outdoors thru floor-to-ceiling glass. Outside a full length verandah sees dining spill out under cover plus double garage, carport & space to add a caravan shelter (stcc).
Resort on Rosalie Packed with holiday features & resort style living at home with extensive u/c entertaining areas, fabulous fully equipped outdoor kitchen with pizza oven & teppanyaki bar, solar heated pool, pool-house & outdoor games room. Immaculate & stylishly updated thru´out. Space for 6 vehicles. For lovers of celebration & outdoor life.
Inspect: Sunday 12:45-1:15pm Web: HRE441 RLA: 219152 Guy Draper: 0417 810 828
Inspect: Saturday 1:30-2pm Web: HRE433 RLA: 219152 Guy Draper: 0417 810 828
Inspect: Sunday 2:30 - 3pm Web: HRE443 RLA: 219152 David Braunack: 0418 841 349
Inspect: Sunday 2:30 - 3pm Web: HRE448 RLA: 219152 David Braunack: 0418 841 349
2 Krondorf
1 Stockwell
2 Tanunda
2 Rothe Way
$450,000 Pieces 95 & 96 Krondorf Road
$379,000 - $399,000 Lot 393 Stockwell Road
$295,000 - $310,000 15 Edinburgh Avenue
A Haven for Easy Living & Entertaining Linen & parchment tones feature in this elegant home of space & light, a crisp white kitchen with wide island bar & scullery at its centre. A trio of living spaces provides ease of lifestyle plus floating floors & a mix of lighting effects add to the atmosphere of this air conditioned home. Immense paved verandah surrounded by luxury of space on 806sqm.
Versatile 1.5 Ha Property on "Krondorf Road" Just the address will be enough to spark interest. 1.5 Ha (approx 3.5 acres) inc a small v/yard planted 1994 of approx 2000m2 (1/2 acre), 2 b’room home, 20 x 30 gge + winter creek w/- lge gums & loads more room for a variety of pursuits. Whether cellar door, small winery, B&B or weekender, the choice is yours (sub to Council consents). Genuine sale, so be quick!
Affordable & Versatile Offering almost an acre of land, a neat, practical 3 bedroom home, with fabulous outdoor entertainment area, a 6 x 9m garage, double carport, fully fenced rear yard plus extra land for a variety of pursuits, all situated in the small country township of Stockwell, only a short stroll to the general store, town ovals and Hotel. A must to inspect.
Subdivision Mission Healthy 936sqm corner allotment with dual street frontage is ideal for subdivision (stcc), offering potential for 2x ´Torrens Title´ allotments or 3x semi-detached dwellings within a ´Community Title´ development (stcc). Existing 1950´s home may suit yourselves in the short term or provide you with a rental income as you work thru the approval process.
Inspect: Sunday 2:45 - 3:15pm Web: HRE339 RLA: 219152 David Braunack: 0418 841 349
Inspect: Call Agent to View Web: HRE438 RLA: 219152 Guy Draper: 0417 810 828
Inspect: Call Agent to View Web: HRE376 RLA: 219152 Guy Draper: 0417 810 828
Inspect: Call Agent to View Web: HRE298 RLA: 219152 David Braunack: 0418 841 349
TANUNDA 88 MURRAY STREET 8563 2599 | NURIOOTPA 15 GAWLER STREET 8562 2600 admin.barossaherald@ruralpress.com
Wednesday, November 30, 2011 - Domain Page 7 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Real Estate Liftout
Large home on nearly five acres THIS large family house at Gawler Belt is set on nearly five acres of land at the end of a no-through road. Features of the house include a total of about 239 square metres of living area. The master bedroom has a walk-in robe and ensuite with spa and separate toilet. Bedrooms two and three both have built-in robes while there is a fourth bedroom which could be used as a study. There is a spacious formal lounge room and formal dining while the open-plan kitchen is tiled and the family/meals area has a feature atrium. Big describes the rumpus room with arched French doors.
ABOVE: The Gawler Belt house which features a living area of about 239 square metres. BELOW: The open-plan kitchen, living and dining areas with plenty of light.
Ducted evaporative cooling and combustion heating takes care of the indoor comfort level. Other highlights include a threeway main bathroom and four-door linen press in the hallway. A double garage is under the main roof with automatic roller doors. Outside, there is a hay shed, stables with a day yard plus a shed. The property has easy access to the Northern Expressway and Xavier College. Priced at $595,000. For more information or to arrange an inspection call Brendan Howard from LJHooker on 0416 054 731. RLA1679.
COMFORTABLE: The living area of the Gawler Belt house.
WILLASTON 15 Jarvis Street
KAPUNDA - 12 Quintrell Street
Onsite, Sat 10th Dec 11am
View by appointment
GAWLER SOUTH - 5 Fourteenth Street
ENTERTAINERS DELIGHT! Restored Circa 1870’s Colonial Cottage Sat & Sun 1:30-2pm
POSSIBILITIES ARE ENDLESS! Owners Have Already Purchased Their New Home And Are Awaiting Your Offer! • 3 bedroom home set on an approximately 1005sqm corner allotment • All bedrooms are big, one with ceiling fan and one with built in robe • Huge lounge room leads through to good size dining room with views to the gardens • Feature tiled Atrium with peaked ceiling and direct access outdoors • Functional kitchw. many cupboards, servery & dbl sink • Study has built in linen press and spiral staircase down to dry cellar • Ducted cooling and mains gas heating • Cement paved verandah plus undercover entertaining area • Approx 9m x 6m shed has concrete floor, power and street access • Great renovator, first home or possible development opportunity with two street frontages (stcc) For Sale By Auction on the 10th of December But Offers Will Be Considered Prior To Auction Day
23 Tod Street
View by appointment
View by appointment
4 bedrooms, master with big ensuite & wir Other bedrooms all with built in robes Formal lnge, family room big dining area R/C ducted heating & cooling, dbl gge UMR Peaceful rural views, neat easy care block
Contact Brendan 0416 054 731 ID: DFV654
WILLASTON - 36 Paxton Street
KAPUNDA 5 Hogan Street
View by appointment • Set on an approx 633sqm corner block with 11’6 ceilings • 4 main rooms off central hallway + kitchen/meals with slate floor • Heating and cooling, open fire places, ornate cornice & ceiling roses • Large paved u/cover ent area, neat est gardens, approx 6m x 3m shed
Contact Brendan 0416 054 731 ID: DENG54
11/25 Holmes Street
View by appointment
Sunday 1:10-1:40pm
2 Year Young Rossdale Home
Only Approximately 18 Months Old
2 or 3 Bedroom Unit
• • • •
Absolutely immaculate 3 bedroom home Master with ensuite & WIR, brm 2 with BIR & ceiling fan Big kitchen/meals/family area, heat/cool, 3-way main bthrm Great undercover entertaining area, lots of rainwater, veggie garden & fruit trees • Ample secure off street parking. Not a thing to do here!
• • • • •
• • • • •
Contact Brendan 0416 054 731
Contact Brendan 0416 054 731
3 bedrooms, master with ensuite and walk in robe Bedrooms two and three both with built in robes Fml lnge, o/plan kitch/meals/family area w. down lights Kitchen w. dishwasher, WIP & feature built in wine rack Garage with auto roller door, paved gabled U/C ent area, shed plus side access ID: DHPG54
Master bedroom with built in robe Huge third bedroom or possible rumpus room Spacious lounge leads into dining area Reverse cycle heating and cooling wall unit U/C paved patio area, gdn shed, neat well established gdns
Contact Brendan 0416 054 731
ID: DKC654 RLA 1679
ID: DJH654
• • • • •
• 3 brms, master with BIRs, ceiling fan, bay window • Lnge w. polished floor, fireplace w. combustion heater, ceiling rose & ornate cornice • Dining room w. open fireplace & feature beams • New solid blackwood timber kitchen with Essa stone benchtops, dwshr & quality s/steel apps • Lge family/meals area has r/c wall unit, timber french doors and ceiling fan • Expansive 11.5m x 5m paved, peaked, pgla area with bonus 6 person hydro spa • 6m x 6m shed w. concrete flr & pwr connected Contact Brendan 0416 054 731 ID: DHZG54
OPEN Saturday & Sunday 2:30-1.00pm
• 4 spacious bedrooms, plus study • Master brm w.his/hers WIR’S, huge ensuite • Brms 2, 3 & 4 all have BIRs & ceiling fans • Fml lnge w.vaulted ceiling & feature pillars • Open plan tiled kitch/meals/family • Lrg rumpus, duct cool, comb heat & 2 x S/S R/C wall units • 2 fabulous ent areas, htd i/g pool • Approx 20 x 30 shed Contact Brendan 0416 054 731 ID: D5XG54
Contact Brendan 0416 054 731
HEWETT - 24 Providence Boulevard
Wednesday, November 30, 2011 - Domain Page 8 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Real Estate Liftout
Very affordable
HERE is a modest threebedroom duplex/semi-detached home for sale in the beautiful town of Angaston. Located within walking distance of hospital, schools and main street shopping, this solidbrick constructed home is ideal for the budget conscious home owner who likes tinkering in the shed or the astute investor. All the rooms have ceiling fans and window roller shutters to protect the house from harsh weather or simply to sleep easy. The home comprises three bedrooms, a lounge room with a gas heater, kitchen with gas stove and pantry, neat and tidy updated bathroom, separate toilet. Outside features include a full
ABOVE: A shed for the handyman. Right: The Angaston house.
Penfield perfection WORTH a look is this 10 acres of fertile land at Penfield Gardens. The property has a five-bedroom family house which could easily be a four-bedroom plus a study with 261 square metres of living. There is a formal lounge and formal dining room. A walk-in pantry is in the kitchen which has a gas stainlesssteel cooktop. There is secure parking for two cars under the main roof. Outside is a 7.5m x 15m garage with concrete and power plus five big shadehouses currently growing cucumbers. For more details or to arrange a viewing contact Shari Olsson from RE/MAX Living on 0413 883 920 or 8255 5666.
length rear verandah with enclosed entertaining area, and to house your vehicle from the elements there is a generous carport with auto roller door behind protected gates, and from there drive through to the large 30x20 shed with concrete floor and power and a lined room with ceiling fan. There is also another carport and then there is another large shed 20x20 also with concrete floor and power, plus a large garden shed and tool shed. 25,000 litres of rainwater tank is pumped to the house, and the property is securely fenced all around. The established front garden features a lovely new fence. This home is sitting on a
generous allotment of 568 square metres and makes this an outstanding opportunity for the astute investor.
At a glance... Where: 21 Jubilee Avenue, Angaston. Features: Sheds and security. Price: $195,000 to $210,000. Open: Sunday, December 4. Time: 12.30 to 1.15pm. Agent: Julie Toth Real Estate. RLA198199. Contact: Julie Toth on 0418 853 134 or office at 8562 4650.
Shari Olsson
... where people matter NURIOOTPA
$280,000 ANGASTON
Lot 12 Greenock Road OPEN Sunday 4th Dec, 1.45-2.30pm 21 Jubilee Avenue
OPEN Sunday 4th Dec, 12.30-1.15pm
Brand New Home - Finish to your Style Just built in a convenient location, walking distance to shops and the main street. Choose your floor coverings and landscaping to finish off this modern 3 bedroom residence and create your perfect lifestyle.
VERY AFFORDABLE PROSPECT! 3 brm duplex/sem-detached solid double brick home, c/port with elec r/door, sheds 20x30 and 20x20. Lots of features.
STOCKWELL $280,000 Property EUDUNDA
IMPRESSIVE: The five-bedroom Penfield Gardens house.
15 Duckpond Road
Stock & imp. 16 Railway Parade
Looking for a change? Ask us How, Call us Now! PROPERTY MANAGEMENT
LANDLORDS W.I.W.O. Freehold Business with Residence For Sale or Lease General Store, Takeaway & Postal Agency - 2 brms, sunroom or 3rd BEAUTIFULLY RESORTED 1910 VILLA.12 ft ceilings, picture rails in brm, sleepout, commercial & residential kitchen, lounge, s/rm, study, every room. 3-4 bedrooms, 2 living areas, country kitchen, new bathroom 40x30 approx shed & more. Lots of potential - 3 businesses in one! with spa, front & rear access for boat & caravan. 1000m2 allot.
Lot 102 Belvidere Road
$680,000 TANUNDA
Site 58 Tanunda Tourist Park
Ring me for an appraisal 7 days a week on Julie Thring Owner
28A Adelaide Road, Gawler 8523 3319
GOOD SHEDDING – LARGE LAND 50x50 shed, suit earth moving business, mechanics or carpenters. 3 brms, 2 bthrms, brick home. All this & more on 25 acres.
Call for your free market appraisal
www.gawlerpm.brockharcourts.com.au admin.barossaherald@ruralpress.com
(NEW) CHEAP COMFORTABLE LIVING Large on site caravan & solid annexe, bedroom, neat kitchen, lounge, shower cubicle, r/c air cond, front & rear deck, g/shed. Access to pool, bbq, etc.
8562 4650 0418 853 134
Wednesday, November 30, 2011 - Domain Page 9 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
2/7 Gawler Street, Nuriootpa www.julietothrealestate.com.au
0427 233 319
Stunning and unique
Set on approx 60 acres of prime fertile land, this 3 b/r home has been set up as an idyllic farmlet. Well fenced and with ample shedding, renovated kitchen & separate rumpus room. Great location, quality improvements. Easy commute to Adelaide via NEXY.
Where: Lot 2 Brownes Road, Pewsey Vale. Price: Less than $1.5m.
AUCTION 10/12/11 at 10.30am
Open: Sunday, December 4.
Time: 4–5pm. Agent: Homburg. Salesperson: David Braunack on 0418 841 349.
Gawler Office 8522 4443 Steve Redden 0408 836 914
10% deposit, balance at settlement 3/2/12.
Lot 1 Victoria Road, HAMILTON Via Kapunda
Bedrooms: 3
Garages: 2
Bathrooms: 1
“MERRIWOOD FARM AND GUEST HOUSE” Set on over 5 acres this stunning circa 1890 cottage offers 360° panoramic views, offering 3 bedrooms, master with open fire place, family/dining and formal lounge. Together with country style Oak kitchen and stylish bathroom with spa, the Farmhouse is complete with slow combustion heating and reverse cycle airconditioning. The separate guest house features open plan living with master bedroom, kitchen, lounge/dining and bathroom. The property has 4 paddocks, some with horse shelters, 9.3x10.3 shed for parking with workshop, large aviaries, kangaroo enclosure, shared bore, 55000L approx rainwater storage and stunning cottage gardens. All this situated approximately 10km out of Kapunda and only a 30-40minute drive to the Barossa Valley or 25-30minutes to Gawler. Property ID: 3027
(RLA 61382)
3A Adelaide Road, Gawler (08) 8523 3777
HIGH in the Barossa Ranges adjoining the Heysen Trail, ‘Piers Hill’ is an earthly paradise of 53.94 hectares, a harmony of hills and valleys with a remarkable bluestone homestead positioned to take in extraordinary views across the property’s own lake, stunning garden and tall gum surrounds. A property offering a cool climate and higher rainfall with ten paddocks, renovated pastures, quality stock fencing, three dams, abundant rainwater and extensive shedding in this sacred stunning refuge. Nearly 600m above sea level, this sublimely picturesque property savours views that stretch to distant Mount Lofty, St Vincent’s Gulf and beyond, with its native gullies of ancient gums, black boys and moss rocks, the terrain is undulating to hilly. Currently running Angus Cattle and equipped with as-new cattle yards, the property has mostly hotwired well maintained stock fencing.
Constructed of local bluestone and very much a part of the rural landscape, the outstanding Ushaped homestead is a timeless design created around a central sundrenched courtyard and uniting the polished natural elements of timber, stone, slate and glass. With dramatic raked ceilings, western red cedar windows, French doors and huge airy rooms, every aspect of the home looks onto glorious pockets of surrounding layered gardens. Comprising four generously proportioned bedrooms, two bathrooms, three living rooms, immense modern eat-in country kitchen and plentiful storage throughout, the layout is hugely adaptable for family life, multigenerational living, entertaining and beyond. Lifestyle spills out to the endless verandah, brick paved and draped in glory vines to further filter light in the high summer and frame the open-air courtyard space with its breathtaking views across the
Wednesday, November 30, 2011 - Domain Page 10 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
lake, its gum-studded banks and unfolding diverse garden. Adjoining the courtyard, a wall of glass off the casual living room opens the home up to a superbly elevated and decked lakeside stage with gabled pergola. A tall tree woodland stands to the garden’s edge and a little bridge crosses over the natural watercourse that feeds into the property’s lake, enjoy watching ducks and the occasional pelican visit, canoe and fish for rainbow trout in the dawn. Deer, kangaroos and echidnas are regular visitors. The property features a freestanding two-room ‘cottage’ or artist’s studio, cellar, two fabulous sheds with storage rooms, multiple roller door accesses with height to suit machinery and caravan storage plus a third toilet. ‘Piers Hill’ is an idyllic hidden land, secluded from the outside world, yet within easy commuting reach of Adelaide and nearby Barossa towns.
Real Estate Liftout
Home buyers to benefit from bank battles
Air Conditioning & Electrical
Have your air conditioner serviced BEFORE the hot weather hits. $140 service for all bookings made
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occurred in the 1990s and 2000s will not be repeated. The drivers of those conditions including deregulation of the financial sector, widespread fundraising via mortgagebacked securities and high levels of borrowing by households - would not happen again. And lenders now face a global environment in which the cost of raising funds is
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0488 906 559 =
Troy Hutchinson
Fencing Post rail & Good Neighbour Security chainwire fencing Trench digging Stormwater & electrical Post hole boring 200, 300 & 450mm Retaining walls - concrete sleeper Light earthworks & Laser leveling 3 tonne Tip truck available Bobcat Hire available
DAIKIN, FUJITSU, MITSUBISHI, MIDEA We know air conditioning
Locally Owned & Operated
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high due to uncertainty further disadvantaging small lenders who lost market share following the global financial crisis. The Deloitte report summarises the findings of a roundtable discussion with key mortgage sector players from AMP, ANZ, NAB's AdvantEdge loan wholesaler, Westpac, Commonwealth Bank, ME Bank, Aussie and Mortgage Choice.
• Asbestos removal & collection • Demolition of anything • Asbestos consultancy
Ph: 0419 821 923 HS1001
Mr Hickey said lenders would be looking for more “touch points” with customers, such as crossselling of other financial products, and so would be aiming for a “customercentric” service. “That has to be a good outcome for the consumers in the marketplace,” he said. The report said boom levels of mortgage growth of 15 to 20 per cent a year that
Wednesday, November 30, 2011 - Domain Page 11 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
BLD 157495
Phone 8562 2629
41 Tanunda Road, Nuriootpa
To advertise, call (08) 8563 2041 / Fax (08) 8563 3655 | Email: admin2.barossaherald@ruralpress.com
will be the “new normal” for the forseeable future, said Mr Hickey. “Banks will have to strike a balance between attracting borrowers with discounts and delivering shareholder returns, but consumers can expect to benefit,” Mr Hickey said. “The price war will continue in the short term,” he said. “Consumers are still getting a very good deal.”
maintain revenue by selling customers additional products, such as financial advice and insurance, according to the Deloitte Australian Mortgage Report. New mortgages are at their lowest level of growth in 20 years, Deloitte partner and report co-author James Hickey says. Growth in the $1.2 trillion Australian mortgage market of less than 6 per cent a year
YOUR TRADES & SERVICES GUIDE Deadline for advertisements is 5pm Thursdays
HOME buyers can continue to expect mortgage discounts next year as big banks battle each other for a bigger share of a sluggish lending market, a new report says. The risk of a continuing pricing war between major banks, however, will see further squeezing of nonbank lenders and ultimately less competition in the market. Lenders will also try to
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Office : 8524 7074 Andrea : 0405195739 Garry : 0405195738 admin.barossaherald@ruralpress.com
Mobile 0411 234 175 • Home 8523 2886
Wednesday, November 30, 2011 - Domain Page 12 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Trenching - Elec/Water Post Holes (200/300/450) Site Preps - sheds & tanks Retaining Walls With operator or DIY
Tristan Kerr Lic No. GL/SGL218100 Email: blueykerr@hotmail.com Fax: 08 8566 3828 Web: www.kerrstructions.com.au
Gawler Irriga on
Trenching Service Servicing Gawler & Barossa Area
Call 0450 217 439 for a Quote =
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f All plumbing maintenance f Gas appliance maintenance f Renovations f Hot water systems f Emergencies f Solar & heat pump f Blocked drains f Competitive rates f Servicing Lyndoch, Gawler and surrounding districts
Tom the Tiler & Son lists Bathroom Renovation Specia
Mark: 0418 840 635 or Tom: 0418 829 736 Ph/fax: 8523 3263 Lic No’s: 4844/182449
Matt 0404 730 101 Lic No. BLD 41536
info@iqpaintinganddecorating.com.au www.iqpaintinganddecorating.com.au *conditions apply
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Phone 0403 007 863 or 8563 0217 (Tanunda)
Finn’s Paving F O R A L L YO U R N E E D S
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GRAY’S PEST CONTROL SPECIALISING IN Prior to purchase inspections Termites - Bees - Ants - Rats - Mice Possums - Spiders, etc. 50 yea combin rs Pest Co ed experie ntrol nce
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Contact Greg 8563 3631
0400 631 631
See where advertising can take YOUR business!
Wednesday, November 30, 2011 - Page 21 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Happy birthday to...
Tessie Kennedy, of Stockwell, was three on November 28.
Charli Zivic, of Kapunda, was two on November 25.
Jessica Both, of Freeling, was seven on November 25.
Sophie Renee Mezzatesta, daughter of Melissa and Andrew of Nuriootpa, was born on November 6 at Gawler Health Service, weighing 8lb 131/2oz (3998g). A sister for Jarrad, and a grandchild for Wendy and the late Richard Dorrington of Marrabel and Peter and Doreen Mezzatesta.
An A5 copy of the birthday photograph is available to the parents for of $5.50. For more details, please contact the Herald office on 8563 2041.
Adele Marcie Jones, daughter of Matt and Shannon, of Stockwell, was born on October 15 at Lyell McEwin Hospital, weighing 5lb 3oz (2355g). She is a sister for Chelsea and a grandchild for Kym and Sue Ferres of Eden Valley and Graham and Angela Jones of Tanunda.
ARE YOU A HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT LOOKING FOR PART TIME EMPLOYMENT??? APM HAVE A NUMBER OF VACANCIES WITH LOCAL EMPLOYERS IN FAST FOOD AND RETAIL INDUSTRY!! If you are having difficulties finding a job then we may be able to help. APM can assist students, who may have a health condition, learning difficulty, or other barrier, to find and maintain employment. Best of all we are a FREE service For more information please ring Brendan Livingston 0421 379 200
Lachie Johnson, of Kapunda, was one on November 30.
Strata and Community Title Owners Have your complex professionally managed We are here to assist, call
Bond & references required
Pauline R Murray Body Corporate Managers 17 Cowan Street, Gawler SA 5118 Ph: 85223800
PHONE 8563 3400 Barossa Valley Way, Tanunda
Weekly serviced rooms including use of indoor POOL & SPA and TENNIS COURT from $190 per week
A Williamstown woman is hoping the public can identify the man pictured on the right to assist with family records. The photo was taken at the Mewett family reunion on the Easter weekend of 1976. The unknown man attended the unveiling of a memorial stone and plaque laid at the gravesite of Samuel and Martha Mewett at the Kersbrook cemetery. The man may have resided in Eudunda. If you can identify him, please contact Carol Bain on 8524 6374.
POPS PETS Huge range of Pets & Accessories
Wheels & Tyres Great Value From $65
on presentation this advert
Crash Repairs - 24 Hour Towing Service Mechanical Repairs and Servicing
Free local delivery (including Gawler) Pensioner Discounts
Shop 68 Munno Para Shopping City www.barossaherald.com.au
235/45 R17
175/65 R14
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195/50 R15
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Serving you for over 45 years! E: wabr@bigpond.net.au GAWLER AUTO RESCUE http://willastonautobodyrepairs.websyte.com.au
8523 51 10 Lot 17 Little Paxton St WILLASTON
Wednesday, November 30, 2011 - Page 22 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
*Excludes pets & pet food
Join in the festive fun THE magic of the festive season is back with the Herald’s Christmas lights competition, sponsored by Perry Trade Services, Nuriootpa.. Cash prizes of $250 will be on offer for the houses judged to be the most impressive. Because the Herald’s circulation area is so wide we have divided the competition into two separate areas. There will be one prize for houses in the Barossa and Light region and another for Gawler and surrounding areas. A total of 20 houses have been nominated for the the Herald’s Christmas Lights competition sponsored by Perry Trade Services. Judges will be touring around regularly to inspect registered entries and the winners will be announced in our December 21 edition. Herald readers will also be able to win prizes by joining in the fun. To take part, log onto www.barossaherald.com.au and click on the voting link at the top of the webpage. Here you will find the voting form, print it off and take it with you as you visit the houses entered in the competition. The addresses of the registered houses are on the form. Simply rate each house from 1 (poor) to 10 (outstanding) and send back to the Herald. Votes must received by Thursday, December 15 and the winners will be announced on Wednesday, December 21. Please send your votes to: Christmas Lights competition PO Box 43 TANUNDA SA 5352 or drop them into our office at Shop 1, 199 Murray Street, Tanunda.
Open everyday over the Holiday Season Except Sundays and Public Holidays
CLOSED: Christmas Day Dec 25th Boxing Day December 26th New Year’s Day January 1st
Proud to Support the Barossa and Light Herald Christmas Lights Competition
9 Railway Tce, Nuriootpa 8562 1200 sales@onbarossa.com.au www.officenationalbarossa.com.au
Christmas Pamper Package
$120 (value $200)
• Begin with a Spa Manicure • Followed by an Aromatic Summer Hydration Facial • Eyelash tint , brow wax and tint follow
BRIGHT: Houses in Gawler, above and below, in the Christmas spirit.
• Leave with a light application of make-up, skin care advice and a Christmas Gift
• Individualised Re-hab Classes
Available for appointments until 16th Dec 2011 and Gift Vouchers to March 1st 2012
Only at
Ph 8564 2430 | Located at Strathlyn B&B (next to Saltram Winery), Angaston
GIFT VOUCHERS AVAILABLE Private Appointments 8564 2430
Wednesday, November 30, 2011 - Page 23 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
PHONE 8562 3441 www.barossaherald.com.au
Festive walk A COMMUNITY walk to involve Christmas and fellowship has been planned by Eden Valley’s community groups. Now the members of the groups encourage residents and the wider community to be part of the event hosted for Sunday, December 11 from 3.30pm. The walk will begin at the beer garden of the Eden Valley Hotel and will move to the town’s historic Lutheran church where a short Christmas recital on the pipe organ will be played. Visitors will then travel to the Community Centre, Lillefield Gallery, where everybody can be involved in creating a piece of community art. Art works will then be taken to the 100-year-old institute to be displayed near the large Christmas star, which will be lit up on the day.
A group of singers from the town will add to the festive atmosphere by presenting Australian Christmas carols, and a group photo will be taken for generations to come to appreciate. The event is free and is organised jointly by members of the institute, hotel social club, tourism and promotion group, Lillefield Gallery, the Lutheran church and the CFS. In addition, transport will be provided for those who cannot walk and donations are asked for the sausage sizzle and soft drinks, supplied by the Eden Valley Social Club, at the end of the walk. Donations will be forwarded to the Salvation Army Christmas Appeal. For more details, contact the Herring family on 8564 1024, Nathan Burley on 0412 162 110 or Gil Rogers on 0488 524 770.
Proudly brought to you by
For your chance to win a bottle of Langmeil wine, complete the crossword only and drop the entry form into The Herald office Monday by 4.30pm. Winners need to collect their wine within the week. Last week’s winner was Jessica Thorndike of Nuriootpa.
Twoway Crossword No 0072
A little taste of luxury THOSE looking for a thoughtful chocolate gift with a luxurious taste of creamy fillings this festive season should try Fardoulis Chocolates. Celebrating their first Christmas in Big W stores nationally, Fardoulis will be showcasing their gift-boxed range of melt in the mouth chocolates. Made with velvety pure coverture chocolate and filled with creamy smooth centres, these delectable chocolate pieces of heaven are ready to be handed out as a gift or for under the Christmas tree. The beautifully designed quality Christmas themed gift boxes also take out the cost and hassle of wrapping. Anna Fardoulis of Fardoulis Chocolates said, “We absolutely love chocolate and pride ourselves on quality for our customers with the finest in pure chocolate. Gifting is a joy and taken into consideration when designing the exquisite packaging.” With an unrivalled reputation for crafting superior tasting chocolates and variety of flavours to choose from, the gift boxes are designed as collectable items. The boxes are also great for travel and posting.
ENTER: Win one of 10 boxes of Fardoulis Chocolates in time for Christmas. To win The Herald, with Fardoulis Chocolates, is giving away 10 boxes of chocolates. For your chance to win, place your name, address and daytime telephone number on the back of an envelope addressed to: Herald’s Christmas Chocolate Competition, PO Box 43, Tanunda SA 5352. Only one entry person, with the winner to be announced by telephone. Prizes must be collected from the Herald office in Tanunda. Entries close, Thursday, December 15.
Jon to deliver a night of rock music JON English is back in South Australia by popular demand and his visit means a stopover in the Barossa. The Aussie rock icon will appear in ‘The Rock Show’ at the Barossa Arts and Convention Centre on Saturday, January 21 from 8pm. Join the star of Jesus Christ Superstar, Against the Wind, The Pirates of Penzance, and Altogether Now, along with a nine-piece troupe of multi-
talented young musicians and singers, on a spectacular journey of the 60s and 70s. Covering two decades of classic rock music in one night of amazing rock theatre, the show features songs from acts such as The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, The Who, Led Zeppelin, Queen, The Kinks, Cream, Bob Dylan, Joe Cocker, Deep Purple, Pink Floyd, David Bowie, Janis Joplin, Elton John, Mamas and The Papas, AC/DC, and of course
Jon English. With his brilliant sense of comic timing, English delivers the history of rock in a show that has had Australian audiences everywhere raving. “I’m amazingly proud to be a part of this show,” Jon said. “People come along to see me, not really knowing what to expect, but they invariably leave saying they are just blown away by the world class young talent on stage.” For bookings, contact 8225 8888 or visit www.venuetix.com.au
BUSY: Christmas shoppers took advantage of the annual Barossa Outside School Hours Care Craft Fair on Saturday.The event was hosted inside the Tanunda Show Hall and gave visitors a chance to purchase plenty of festive gifts and learn craft methods during workshops. Money raised will benefit children who attend the BOSHC centres.
Name:................................................................. Town:...........................................
Wednesday, November 30, 2011 - Page 24 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Roseworthy delay APPROVAL for the Roseworthy development has been delayed to allow councillors more time to consider public submissions. At the November 22 council meeting, Light Regional Council (LRC) elected members were expected to approve the Roseworthy Garden Town Vision, but councillors decided to hold off on making a decision until the December meeting. LRC mayor Bill O’Brien said making a decision while elected members still had queries and questions was not an option, especially considering council had just been given a civic award for its planning process. “We got some submissions that came it probably a little late - they didn’t miss the deadline - but we as council members didn’t see them and council members were uncomfortable that these were tabled,” he said. “We didn’t really get time to look at them properly and we are trying to do this process in the right and proper manner, so we decided we would leave it on the
table, because there is only three weeks between council meetings anyway. “We are going to have a workshop, which will allow us to have a look at these submissions carefully and test them against the plan … then hopefully by the (next) council meeting we are all of a better understanding of where people are coming from.” Council will hold a workshop on Tuesday, December 6 and then formally consider the plan at the December 13 council meeting. “It just shows the intent of the council to try and get it right,” Mr O’Brien said. “No one is being ignored in what comment they have made. “We need to keep in mind that this is one of the biggest decisions in the region’s history and that this decision will have an influence over the area for a period of 30 years, so another three weeks to enable the Council to further contemplate on the matter is miniscule in the overall scheme of things.”
Top Barossa wine A BAROSSA Shiraz has been named among a list of 100 best wines in the world for 2011. The wine, Chateau Tanunda’s 2008 Grand Barossa Shiraz, was included in Wine Spectator’s list and was ranked at number 33. The list of 100 is selected from more than 16,000 newly released wines and is based on criteria of quality, value, availability and what Wine Spectator calls the X-factor. The X-factor is defined as the excitement generated by a rising-star producer, a benchmark wine or a significant milestone for a wine region. Wine Spectator gave the $18 wine
92 points and special recognition by naming it a ‘smart buy wine’. According to owner of Chateau Tanunda John Gerber, “It has been a very hard journey to re-generate interest with our USA distributors, at a time when Australia is facing some challenging times.” Wine Spectator is a leading authority on wine and is complemented by Wine Spectator magazine. It examines the world of wine from the vineyard to the table, exploring wine’s role in contemporary culture and delivering expert reviews of more than 15,000 wines each year. Wine Spectator’s Top 100 wines have been compiled every year since 1988.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011 - Page 25 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Munno Para joy when
Are you travelling over Christmas? Nobody wants to think about it but unfortunately accidents happen.
It’s beginning to look at lot like Christmas at Munno Para Shopping City. The inclement weather wasn’t enough to prevent the annual Christmas parade on Saturday and the arrival of Father Christmas.
Have you got your will in place? What about power of attorney & guardianship?
Pictured on these two pages are just some of the fun and fanfare from the parade with the obvious highlight of the arrival of the genial gent in the big red suit.
Get prepared before Christmas or before it’s too late. Talk to an expert today
LEWIS&SHANE Wills • Estates • Powers of Attorney & Guardianship Family Law • Commercial & Corporate • Liquor Business Succession Planning • Leasing • Property Pensioner Discounts • Legal Aid • After Hours Appts t: (08) 8523 4205 Shop 3A, 1-3 Kingfisher Drive Hewett w: www.lewisandshane.com.au
local experience insight support
Grant a few
this Christmas
$399 $39
$39 $99
$99 $5999
$499 $499
$315 $99.95
K. BRERETON JEWELLERS Your personal Jeweller
$1299 $149
$315 $139
phone 8552 1586 74-76 murray street, gawler
Wednesday, November 30, 2011 - Page 26 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Father Christmas lands What a special gift to give! You’ve captured those special moments over the year, now choose your frame to bring it to life, so your loved ones can share the memories with you forever.
From the weird to the wonderful - we can frame it!
Computer Mat Cutting - Accurate - Fast Allows for a great range of shapes & letters
Got a budding artist in the family? Here’s the perfect gift!
Or just want to relax & dabble with a bit of painting over the holidays?
Ph 8523 2299 44A Adelaide Road, Gawler
With the latest range of oils and watercolours from Art Spectrum. Come in & checkout our new range now in store. Also stocking a range of affordable, quality brushes including sable & watercolour paper.
E: hangabout@adam.com.au www.totallyframed.com.au Off street parking at rear, Easy parking out front.
(Just before McDonalds coming into Gawler)
Wednesday, November 30, 2011 - Page 27 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Community News Barossa Museum
FREE in-home Quotes
THE Barossa Valley Archives and Historical Trust which manages the Barossa Museum at 47 Murray Street, Tanunda has been fortunate in obtaining a single seater buggy formerly displayed at the Sandleton Museum. This vehicle was built at Truro by Hermann F Merten who was in business there from 1885 until his death in 1941. The vehicles built by this firm were known for their quality and were sold far and wide. The Trust is thankful that it is able to preserve another piece of local history in the region in which it was built. Many of the Trust’s photographic collection have been used by Andrew Rosenzweig for his set of four DVDs “Rail to Trail, Gawler to Barossa Railway centenary souvenir 1911-2011”. These DVDs were officially launched at the Zion Lutheran Hall Angaston on Sunday, November 20. The Trust is always interested in obtaining photos as well as Barossa movies to add to its collection. These can be copied so that their present owners can retain theirs. For more details phone 8563 2108.
• Curtains
Blinds • Tracking • Wallpapers • Home Decor • On site machinist • Outdoor awnings • Re-upholstery •
Ph Duana 8523 5223
Gawler Garden Club WH1770639
1 Main North Road, Willaston Open 9-5 Weekdays, 9-1 Saturdays A/H by appointment
Joy Maxwell and Trish Langdon from the South Australian Iris Society were the guest presenters at the November meeting of Gawler Garden Club.
The show was of their tour taken in Victoria to primarily participate at the 2010 Iris Society convention. Their group also toured Tempo Two at Pearcedale, the largest iris garden in Australia; the nursery of iris hybridiser Barry Blyth; Oasis seedling producers, the Geelong Botanic (dry) Garden, Werribee Victorian state rose garden and private gardens. The show of iris from their experience was a delight, with many a wish list composed from the individually photographed and named specimens. The hybridising of iris has developed highly ruffled, large blooms of almost every colour and bi-colour. Commercial hybridisation seems to be on the decline due to time costs but the local Iris Society members have produced named varieties of their own hybrids. The bearded or flat iris grows in well-drained soil from alkaline to mildly acid. Plant the rhizomes at the soils surface as they like the sun, a surface mulch over the rest of the soil is okay and they are low water users. Pacific coast iris are spectacular but require an acid, organic rich soil, plenty of water in summer; even a bog pond; then lifted out in winter to have a dry period while dormant. Sun is an important element to get your plants to flower well. The next Gawler Garden Club meeting is the Christmas barbecue which starts at 6.30pm on December 6 at the Zion Lutheran Church hall. Please bring a salad or savoury plate or sweet to share. Donations of non-perishable food items or children’s new toys for the Christmas tree
collection will be gifted to Gawler U-care where they will be greatly appreciated.
Nuriootpa Senior Citizens On November 15, a lovely, pre-summer day, 30 members of the Nuriootpa Senior Citizens Friendship Club gathered for their monthly meeting, welcomed by president Ingeborg Fimmel, followed by the singing of Happy Birthday to celebrate the birthdays of Werner Hoffmann, Peter Williams and Daphne Koch. A pleasant interlude was provided by the arrival of the proprietors of Gully Gardens. They displayed a great variety of their products and were able to make the effort worthwhile by the look of the line-up of members. They do produce such a variety and excellent quality of goods, it is a pleasure to buy from them, besides it is handy to have the goods brought here, because after all there are a number of senior citizens who have no cars perhaps because of illness or because they simply never drove. This gives everyone the opportunity to “go shopping”. Next month is the Christmas Lunch at the club for members and friends at noon on December 6. It will be the last get-together for 2011 with cost of $12 for members, the rest pays the club. The first meeting in the new year is the management committee meeting, the first club day takes place on January 17. The Opportunity Shop closes on December 24 and re-opens on December 28.
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Make your party a stand out event. It’s easier than you think to have your party professionally decorated. Don’t have a clue where to start? We have heaps of ideas & can turn your dream party or function into reality. • Christmas • New Years Parties • Social Groups • 21st Birthdays • Corporate events • Office Parties • Work Functions • Engagements • Weddings
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The Party Starts Here 55a Murray Street, GAWLER Phone 8523 3800 E: parties@heliumhouse.com.au Web: www.heliumhouse.com.au www.barossaherald.com.au
Wednesday, November 30, 2011 - Page 28 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Gawler 7.30am Pet Wash to 9pm
YOUR NEXT SELF-SERVE PET WASH on presentation of this voucher
Includes Shampoo, Flea Rinse, Conditioner & Blow Dry One voucher per wash. Not valid with any other offer
s cuum a V 4 and ce gran 2 Fra uums Vac
Normally $12 only $8 with a voucher
48 Adelaide Rd, Gawler
South of McDonald’s
Ph 0413 813 177
Saturday 3 December
Saturday 17 December
3 Course Meal & Show $65 per person
3 Course Meal & Show $65 per person
Let It Be Beatles perform a musical tribute to the greatest band ever, The Beatles. All the hits are there from “Love Me Do”, “Please, Please Me”, “Twist and Shout”, through to “Revolu on” and “Let It Be”. No backing tapes, no gimmicks, just rock and roll music the way The Beatles created it.
Adelaide’s newest party band, “FEVER”, provide and energe c performance to get any crowd dancing. Playing the best songs from the 70’s, 80’s, soul and dance songs, through to today’s hits, there is something for everyone to get the party started!
102 Murray St, GAWLER T: 8522 1856
23 Murray St, GAWLER T: 8522 1065
302 Main North Rd, CLARE T: 8842 2808
www.gfamilyhotels.com.au admin.barossaherald@ruralpress.com
Wednesday, November 30, 2011 - Page 29 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
; IT’S A GIRL< MEZZATESTA (nee Dorrington) Melissa & Andrew are proud to announce the safe arrival of their second child, Sophie Renee, born on 6/11/2011 weighing 8lb 131/2oz at the Gawler Health Service. She is a sister for Jarrad 21/2 years old, she is the first granddaughter for Richard (dec’d) and Wendy Dorrington of Marrabel and grandchild for Peter and Doreen Mezzatesta. Great grandchild for Audrey Lange of Nuriootpa and niece for Peter Dorrington of Marrabel. A special thanks to Lisa and all the staff at the Gawler Health Service.
MATTHEWS.THE RELATIVES and FRIENDS of the late Mrs. LINDA ELFRIDA MATTHEWS are respectfully invited to attend her Funeral Service which will be conducted in its ENTIRETY today, WEDNESDAY, November 30, commencing at 2.00pm in the St. John's Lutheran Church, South Tce, Kapunda.
85662013 Accredited Member Australian Funeral Directors Association
ENGAGEMENTS BURGEMEISTER - DSWONITZKY, Shelley, Trevor, Donna and Eddy, of Nuriootpa, are thrilled to announce the engagement of Courtney and Shannon on Nov 26th 2011. God bless, and love always. HOGEVONDER, HARVIE Rosie and Richard of Mt. Gambier and Lyn and Lyall of Tanunda are thrilled to announce the engagement of Sarah and Mark. With our love and best wishes.
ANNIVERSARIES 50TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY REICHELT (nee Valladares) Ken & Shirley Married at Manoora Methodist Church on December 2nd, 1961. Congratulations & best wishes on your 50th Anniversary. With all our love Helen, Mark, Marlene, Ian & our families.
FUNERAL NOTICES JAENSCH The FAMILY and FRIENDS of the late MRS. RHONDA VIOLA JAENSCH are respectfully invited to attend her Funeral Service which will be conducted on MONDAY MORNING December 5, 2011, with a commencement time of 10.30 a.m. in the Immanuel Lutheran Church, Point Pass, to be followed by the Committal in the St. Peter's Cemetery, Point Pass.
85662013 Accredited Member Australian Funeral Directors Association
OYSTERS fresh from Cowell. Next delivery 9th/10th December. Orders by Wed. 7th. For more information contact Clarrie 0428272432 or Fax 86272504
Barossa New Life Church TREASURE CHEST - FURNITURE MART 10 Murray St, Nuriootpa Tel. 85622988
All donations of furniture, clothing, bric-a-brac enable us to assist our Community BAROSSA VALLEY Country Furniture Paint Stripping Furniture Restoration Custom Made. David Bush 0419628222
Passed away peacefully on Monday, November 21, 2011 at Tanunda Lutheran Home Aged 91 years.
Dad and Gaye
My darling, the days come & go & I know I have to carry on, but it is so hard without you. "All The Way" was our's & that will never change. Your loving wife Brenda, our very special Howard & Kathryn & our two lovely boys Joel & Trent. You would be so proud of them. Ours to treasure forever.
GLASTONBURY, Jessie Mildred
We thought of you on your birthday Dan But that is nothing new, For no day dawns and no day ends Without a thought of you
NEED A PUMP? For all your needs, Gawler Irrigation, Lot 11, Paxton Street, WILLASTON. Ph: 85232350
Monday - Friday 9am - 4pm Saturday 9am - 12pm
TRINNE - Daniel John 30/11/81-18/11/08
NOBLE, David Neil 20/6/36 - 3/12/08
Dearly loved wife of Dudley Haines Arnie Horstmann and Hugh Glastonbury (all deceased). Dearly loved and loving mother and mother-in-law of Patricia & Jack Mary & Ron John & Jan Peter & Sue Allen & Tania. Loved Gran of 13 grandchildren and 18 great grandchildren. The family wish to sincerely thank the Nursing Staff and carers of Tanunda Lutheran Home for their care, love and attention of Mum. JAENSCH, Schmeiss)
Aged 81 years Died Kara House, Clare on Sunday November 27, 2011, formerly of Robertstown and Nettica via Bower. Daughter of Albert and Rita Schmeiss (both deceased). Loved and loving wife of Perc. Dearly loved sister, sister-in-law and Aunt of Gordon and Allan Schmeiss and famililes. In God's loving care. MATTHEWS, Linda Elfrida.Passed away peacefully at Riverton DSM Hospital on November 19, 2011 Aged 97 years. Beloved wife of the late Hector. Dearly loved mother of Margaret (deceased), Robert, Barry (deceased), Dawn, Judith and their partners. Loving Nanna of Jaquelyn, Charmayne; Lizal, Marelin; Cheryl,Wendy, Kerry, Sharyn; and lovingly remembered by all her great-grandchildren. Now in God's care
CASH FOR BOTTLES & CANS. Wine bottles, batteries, phone Lange's Can & Bottle Depot on 85642292 for trading hours, 20 Newcastle St, Angaston. DOMESTIC farm, pool and spa pump repairs. Complete workshop facilities also for electric fence energisers. New units, conversions to solar, tapes and insulators. Qualified tradesman. Ag Power Williamstown Road, Cockatoo Valley. 0408820024 ENGEL & WAECO 12/24/240 volt fridge /freezers. All models. Best prices in the State. Gawler Fishing & Outdoors 85226200 FIREWOOD Quality seasoned. Split red. blue, sugar gum, mallee stumps sawn mallee & bags of kindling. Weighbridge docket supplied. Pickup or deliver AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY. Matthew Reimann, Firewood Supplies. 0413089743. Delivery available 7 days by appointment. Credit Cards now accepted. FORDSON Major petrol/kero, BP, RPTO $2,000 ono. Ph: 85663273 FORDSON Power Major Robot FEL, external pump, P/S, 3PL, BP, hay prongs and stone bucket. $6,500 ono. Kapunda 85663273 GENERATORS Aussie Brand Low speed diesel Super Silenced Canopy XMAS EX DEMO SALE ON NOW!!LIMITED STOCK 10kva $4500 15kva $4700 19kva $5000 also Available Portable 10kva Petrol/LPG sets and 8kva Diesel from $1400 0432636678 www.outbackgenerator s.com.au
HANDMADE porcelain dolls, hand painted, handmade individual clothes. Price on enquiries 85234483 HAY OATEN WHEATEN Hay from $35 roll Phone Peter & Bev Grocke 0429 694 058 or 8563 2113 LEADLIGHT - Local, professional affordable leadlight. I'll come to you, or call at Gawler Glass Design studio, 58 Yettie Rd, Williamstown. Weekly classes. Bob Pirch 85247241 LOUNGE 4 seater apple green micro suede Australian custom made $1500 ono; Jamie Durie BBQ almost new $200 ono. Contact Phone 85633325 LUCERNE MULCH $5/bale. Lyndoch. Ph: 0438676245 MAINS pressure blue line poly from $37 roll. Gawler Irrigation, Lot 11, Paxton Street, Willaston. Ph: 85232350 MUCK TRUCK 4WD Motorised Wheelbarrow save your BACK!! these buggers even go up stairs. Perfect for tradies or retirees 250kg capacity Brand New 4 stroke 5hp Honda $2399 0410250407 www.outbackmachinery.com.au
Wednesday, November 30, 2011 - Page 30 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
PLANTS - Natives, perennials, tube stock, water wise etc. MORNING STAR NURSERY Lot 1 Cossins St., Kapunda. Ph: 85663952. Open Thursday to Sunday 9am- 5pm. ROUND extending Dutch oak dining suite & 4 high back chairs, moss green velour. $250 ono. Unusual display unit $80 ono. Large dog kennel $80 Ph: 0405766489 SELLING, BUYING .......? Advertise in the Herald classifieds, and get results! Giveaway ads are run for 1 week, FREE. You can now place your classified ad at Kapunda Newsagency, deadline is Monday 5.00p.m. Classified deadline 5.00pm Monday. (Maybe subject to change) Ph: 85632041, Fax: 85633655 or email admin.barossaherald@ruralpress.com STORMWATER 90mm pipe $13 and fittings. Gawler Irrigation Lot 11, Paxton Street, Willaston. 85232350 WESTINGHOUSE upright freezer, 6 drawers. As new. Cost $649 sell for $350. Owners manual incl. Antique desk - 7 lockable drawers $100 Ph: 85633136
SALVAGE YARD 702 Stockwell Road, Angaston Open:Mon-Fri 9am-5pm Sat 9am - 12 noon Timber, steel, bricks, stone, s/w pipes, gates, windows, louvre glass, doors, reo, formply, iron, galv & colorbond. Always buying and selling quality second hand building materials. PHONE 8564 2900
MOTOR VEHICLES CASH FOR CARS and scrap metal. Ph: 0404856309
CARAVANS, TRAILERS & LA VISTA 18 FOOT TANDEM AXLE DELUXE 2011 AS NEW Air conditioning, Wineguard TV Ariel, 150Lt 3 way fridge, 3.5kg f/loader w/s machine, Queen bed, lead light cupboard doors, shower, toilet, outside fold down table, gas/electric hot water service, TV/DVD player and radio, roll out awning, 2x9kg Gas cylinders, S791TBK - Only $47,500 0429 665583
GARAGE SALES ANGASTON RD, Nuriootpa 9.00am 1.00pm Saturday December 3rd. GARAGE SALE Saturday December 3rd. 44 Paradale Drive, Tanunda, from 8am. Moving house. Good quality furniture, bedding, prints, household items & much more. HAVING A GARAGE SALE? Advertise in The Herald classifieds, and get results! All Garage Sale ads MUST be prepaid. You can now place your classified ad at Kapunda Newsagency, deadline is Monday 4.30 pm. Classified deadline 5.00pm Monday (Maybe subject to change) Ph: 85632041 Fax: 85633655 or email admin.barossaherald@ruralpress.com MOVING SALE Saturday 3rd Dec. 7:30am - 12noon 2 Harper Street, Nuriootpa. Quality items, bargain prices. EVERYTHING MUST GO! SAT/SUN Dec. 3 & 4. 8am - Noon. 7A Third Street, Nuriootpa - opposite Mitre 10. Plants, hand made plaques, framed pictures, 3D art, custom made creative digital scrap books. admin.barossaherald@ruralpress.com
ANY SCRAP METAL Will pay cash for the removal of yours. Ph: 0412259039 ANYTHING WITH METAL Cash 4 cars, free collection. HAPPY SCRAPPY recycle it! 85630213 or 0406411117 CASH FOR SCRAP METAL I AM LOCAL. Ph: 0411165694 WANTED GRAZING LAND. Eden Valley /Flaxmans Valley and Barossa Ranges. Sheep only. Hills or vineyard, agistment or lease. Payment in advance. Ph. 0418851483
5 Day Mystery Flight 1195
4 Day Kangaroo Island Tour $
DEPARTS 30 APRIL General Towing, breakdowns, caravans, boats, farm machinery
10 Day Vanuatu Trip 1763025
Fully Escorted
FOR RENT TANUNDA - Large 1 b.r. unit, b.i.r., undercover parking, rainwater, airconditioned, centrally located, quiet area. NO PETS. Please phone 0413 308 563 after 5.00 p.m. to arrange for interview and inspection.
ENTERTAINMENT FISHING CHARTERS Yorke Peninsula, from $200 p/p, ph 0417 877 016, charterfishing.com .au
2 Villa Homes (No Pets) 1 available 19/12/2011
NAILS, makeup & spray tanning. FULL SET ACRYLIC NAILS $45 Phone Lisa 0417658188 Williamstown
1 New villa available early-mid December, 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom, r/c air, gardening included $300/week
For enquiries 0409 007 180 LIVESTOCK
ENERGY HEALING - Bring your mind and body back into balance. Access Bars, Quantum BioEnergetic Balancing, Reiki, Energy Healing, Pranic Healing and Spiritual Healing. Jyakin - Heart of Light Healing Kapunda 0409-131038 or 8566-2929
8566 3125 or 0400 7600 10 Therapeutic Massage Aromatherapy Massage Aromatherapy Pamper Packages Pregnancy Massage Myofascial Release Reiki & Energy Healing
J.W. SMART WOOLBUYERS PTY LTD. Will buy all types. Flexible hours. Ph: 0417878486 - jwsmartbigpond.com
PETS 1761335
BELINDA'S PAMPERED PETS NURIOOTPA Professional dog clipping, heated hydrobathing, blowdrying & nails for all breeds. LARGE & SMALL by an animal lover. Ph: 0418810323
Seven Years Professional Experience Gift Vouchers Available Pensioner Discounts Available
COMING EVENTS ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Need Help? Contact 83463255 Meeting: Friday's - C.W.A. Building Kapunda - 8pm. ARTISANS AT GREENOCK MARKET Greenock Town Square Friday Evenings 5.30pm - 8.30pm Live music, food, wine, unique stalls. Oct 14th, Nov.11th, Dec. 9th, Jan.13th, Feb. 10th, March 9th. KAPUNDA Christmas Tree Festival Kapunda Institutre Hill Street 9th to 17th December Open Daily 10.30 am - 3.30 pm *16th December to 9.00 pm* *Main Street Party Night* - 17th December - (Final day until midday) Gold Coin Entry appreciated Enquiries 85662241 or 85662443 www.kapundacommunitycraftshop.org.au MARKETS Barossa Junction Motel. Thursday 1st and Saturday 3rd December. 9.30 a.m. to 2.30 p.m. Fresh fruit / veg. Variety stalls. Sites $10 Glenda 85633181 MEDITATION CLASSES KAPUNDA Starting 17 January 2012 Register your interest now! 0409-131038 jjyakin@bigpond.net.au
POSITIONS VACANT CASUAL CLEANER required for afternoon work. Ph: 0439828937 LOCAL CLEANER wanted for Barossa B&B apartments. Casual weekday /weekend work. ABN required. Call 85633511 for enquiries.
Tanunda Caravan & Tourist Park Front of house - Casual Position This position requires a person with a friendly, cheerful manner to join our team taking enquiries, processing bookins using RMS (a computerised reservation system), providing tourist info & assisting our guests. Applicants must be self-motivated, have strong problem solving and communication skills as well as good computer skills. RMS knowledge would be an advantage. Some cleaning is also a requirement of this position. This position will be for approx. 20 hours a week and requires regular weekend work. Please address applications to: The Manager Tanunda Caravan & Tourist Park Barossa Valley Way Tanunda, SA 5352 Applications close Friday 9/12/11
Roof Seal Rural Email: sales@roofsealrural.com.au www.roofseal.com.au
Is this you?
HYDROPAWS 4pawfectpaws. Mobile nose to tail pet care. Heated hydrobath, blowdry, nails & clipping. Ph: Bridget 0488444542
ZUMBA fitness classes $12 Wednesdays 10.15am & 6pm Greenock Institute. Thursdays 6pm Angaston Primary School Hall. Sue Evans Instructor 85628184
ABN 57 008 156 769 Startech Pty Ltd
HOOTZ DOG GROOMING Mobile. Qualified groomer. Nuriootpa Ph: Justin 0406840020
SALON FOR SALE Well established for 10 years Very loyal clientelle 17 Commercial Street, Burra
$25,000 o.n.o. 1772785
VALLEY AQUARIUMS All Your Aquarium Needs •Tropical•Cold Water•Turtles •Axolotls•Live & Frozen Food •Filters/Pumps•Tanks & Stands Eftpos available Weekly Specials in Store 48b Murray Street Nuriootpa Open Hours Wednesday to Friday12pm til 5pm Saturdays & Sunday 11am til 3pm Ph: Richi 0425826464
Call now for our 2012 Tour Program
HANDS ON DOGS Providing services for your dogs. Grooming, massage, convalescence care. Call Jenny on 85232452 Gawler or 0423 474 287
Phone 0439 830 518 Wednesday, November 30, 2011 - Page 31 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
• you have an interest in sales • you take pride in your work • you can work unsupervised • you are happy to travel and get paid for it • you have your own tools • you have a reliable car • you would like to work your own hours and be in control of you own income
IMMEDIATE CASH for any unwanted clocks, watches and all things small and mechanical, going or not (or parts thereof) as urgently needed for spare parts. COMMITTED TO RECYCLING - FREE ESTIMATES - FREE ADVICE for restorations and/or repairs of any of the above. Please phone Ted on 85622384
DEPARTS 2 SEPT Fully Escorted Includes Las Vegas, Grand Canyon, Yosemite, Yellowstone and Zion Parks, San Francisco & much more
20 - 23 LITRE WINE BARREL Does not need to hold liquid. Will be painted for promotional event. Ph: 0419899725
Near new 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom, r/c air, established gardens, $300/week (includes gardening)
CHIROPRACTOR. Dr Kana Nathan 39 Murray St, Angaston. Consulting Saturdays Ph. 85642882 CIVIL CELEBRANT - Angela Nielsen Ceremonies designed for you. Marriages, namings, committment and renewal of vows. Ph: 0408107940 or 85642773 LEADLIGHT STUDIO make new, repair old, traditional to contemporary. For quality & competitive prices contact Tracy 85246959 Willliamstown
23 Day USA Tour - West Coast
0404 856 309
Anne Hamilton R.N. Professional Counsellor Ph 85235235 : Mobile 0416060835 Confidential Personal Counselling and relationship therapist for adults. All ages. Home visits can be arranged for up to 50 Km radius. Small call-out fee. Gawler, Barossa and Northern suburbs etc Health fund accredited.
SLUSHIE/FROZEN Cocktail Machine HOT CHOCOLATE Cocktail Machine PUCKER POWDER . FAIRY FLOSS Slush-a-Licous Phone Pina 0434141097 www.slush-a-licous.com.au Family owned, locally operated.
$ DEPARTS 19 MARCH Includes airfares, sightseeing & accommodation at one place
it Keepal! loc
You need to call us now! Roof seal Kapunda has an excellent opportunity for and exceptional sales/trades person. This position is to sell and install Roller shutters, awnings, café and pvc blinds. Building experience would be an advantage but not essential as full training can be provided. If you are interested please contact Roof Seal Rural
20 Main Street Kapunda SA 5373 08 8566 2922 www.barossaherald.com.au
Full or Part-Time position available. Award rates apply. Contact Tarnya 0439 830 518
$4000 Government Training Incen ves are available for *eligible par cipants making the course cost neutral!
Call to discuss (08) 8562 2122
Truck Operator We have a position available for a Truck Operator. Experience in float work, side tippers, semi tippers and truck & dog preferred. The successful applicant will need to have • Current HC licence (MC an advantage) • Good truck skills • Ability to work in a team environment • Knowledge of earthmoving machinery
Roof Seal Rural
Permanent position (after probation period) for the right person
20 Main Street Kapunda SA 5373
Tel: (08) 8566 2922 Fax: (08) 8566 2321
Facsimile: (08) 8284 2535 Email: admin@papillo.com.au
Fantastic opportunity to join the lucrative home improvement industry. Roof Seal Rural has a position available for the right person to join the well established roofing company operating from Kapunda.
GARDEN & YARD Maintenance; General Domestic - Rubbish Removal; Small Trees Trimmed; General Tidy Up; And much more all at affordable rates Pensioner Rates from $19p/hr All Enquiries KAVERIEK ENTERPRISES Ph: 0432579347
This is to purchase a franchise to do the roof restoration. All work is supplied in the purchase price. You receive training, all the equipment you require to perform the work, including trailer, high pressure cleaner, spray machine and hand tools. All you need is a reliable car. The purchase price is $35K with the potential to earn $1,000 to $3,000 per week. Roof Seal Rural has been established in the rural area for the past 23 years. We service from Gawler to Whyalla, Yorke Peninsula and the Riverland.
The right person would be fit, enthusiastic with a good work ethic. If this sounds like you contact our office on 8566 2922.
Taylors Wines, a family owned and operated wine company is home to some of Australia’s most consistently awarded wine brands. With their head office located in Sydney and sales offices located around the country, Taylors Wines offer a friendly & progressive environment within which your career can flourish. The vineyards & winery is situated in the picturesque Clare Valley, South Australia & has been in operation since 1969. We have a wonderful opportunity for a Logistics Coordinator to join our winery team. You will partner with the Manufacturing Manager and logistics team to undertake a range of duties including production planning/scheduling, stock and warehouse management and dry good ordering and logistics. The person we are seeking may have previous industry experience however your planning and communication skills will be pivotal to your success, as will your ability to use a PC based reporting and record keeping system. With a positive attitude and a passion for service excellence you will become a valued member of the Taylors winery team. If you believe you have the essential qualities listed above, please post or email your application in the strictest confidence to: Logistics Coordinator Position Taylors Wines, PO Box 90, Auburn SA 5451 Or via email to: admin@taylorswines.com.au
Dorrien Estate Winery
Production Administration (12 month contract) We have an opportunity available for an experienced Production Administrator based at our Winery located in the Barossa Valley. The role will be for a fixed term of 12 months. The role will provide administrative and inventory assistance and also support the production team.
ROLLER shutter repairs 08 85662922
COLOUR When you place a display classified ad you can have a full colour logo or key parts of the text for only $55 on top of the price of the ad.
Dianne Fraser 0421 759 300
Applicable to display: Positions Vacant, Coming Events, Public Notices and other boxed classifieds. Stand out from the crowd!
Light Regional Council
Reschedule of Meetings
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Tuesday 27 December 2011 ordinary meeting of the Light Regional Council, following consultation with members of Council, has been rescheduled to be held on Tuesday 13 December 2011 commencing at 5.00pm.
Phone 8563 2041 or email:
Further, that the Light Regional Council Strategy & Projects Committee meetings scheduled for Tuesday 6 December 2011 and Tuesday 3 January 2012 and Infrastructure & Regulatory Services Committee meetings scheduled for Wednesday 7 December 2011 and Wednesday 4 January 2012 have been, following consultation with Council and members of the Committees, cancelled. Brian Carr Chief Executive Officer
Wednesday, November 30, 2011 - Page 32 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Applications close Friday 3rd December 2011
PAINTER Local experience. Quality work. Free quote. Ph: Peter 0417805982 Lic. No. BLD48086
ROAD CLOSURES Main Street Kapunda, from Clare Road to Coghill Street and all junctions abutting Main Street between Clare Road and Coghill Street will be closed on Friday, 16 December 2011, between 4.00pm and 10.00pm for the Kapunda Christmas Street Party. Stephenson Street Freeling, between Peake Street and Hanson Street, Hanson Street Freeling, between Gray Street and Clarke Street, Gray Street Freeling, between Hanson Street and Coulls Street and the intersection of Stephenson Street and Gray Street Freeling will be closed on Friday, 16 December 2011, between 3.00pm and 11.30pm for the Freeling Christmas Street Party. For enquiries and further details, contact Light Regional Council on (08) 85253200. Brian Carr Chief Executive Officer
Applications received up to 4pm 9th December 2011
Applications are to be forwarded in writing to: Amanda Tielen Production Manager Dorrien Estate, Cellarmaster Wines PO Box 442, Tanunda S.A. 5352 or email amanda.tielen@cellarmasters.com.au
HOME CLEANING & IRONING - $15 off first reg. service so you try us out. Ph: Carolyn or Nat till 8pm daily incl. w/ends. 0409691576
Reporting to the Production Manager, your role will require: • High attention to detail • General administration duties • Good knowledge of MS Office including Excel & Outlook • Good communication skills • A highly organised personality • Accurate Data Entry for order processing • Relief reception duties • Comply with all company policies, procedures and practices relating to Occupational Health, Safety, Welfare and the Environment
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Email: sales@roofsealrural.com.au www.roofseal.com.au
Taste the future
Clearing Sale Sect 242B Stonewell Road TANUNDA Vintage Tractors, Truck & Farm Machinery, Collectables & Household Goods Under the instructions from Mr & Mrs John Pfeiffer a clearing sale will be held at Section 242B Stonewell Road Tanunda (1km south from Seppeltsfield/Stonewell Rd Intersection) on Saturday the 3rd December 2011 at 9:00am. Inspection times Friday 2nd December from 12 noon – 4pm and on auction day from 8:00am Photo ID required, Cash or cheque on day of Sale, GST to apply to applicable items in bold
LIGHT REFRESHMENTS AVAILABLE For photos and directions please refer to our web listing under rural properties or farmclearingsales.com.au Further enquiries contact David Braunack 0418 841 349 /85636 510
Vehicles & Farm Machinery: Dodge truck 6 cylinder – mid 1950’s. Model no: 3-59AD Hanomag K55 crawler – mid 1950’s with original books McCormick International 0S6 tractor – running Massey Harris 20K (1948) tractor – running Massey Ferguson 65 Mark 2 tractor, Registration no: BSV987 Massey Ferguson 6130 Dynashift tractor. 6100 hrs, Year 1998, Registration no: BVS417 Massey Ferguson 6130 Dynashift tractor with Burder loader (7 foot self levelling quick release bucket & forks). 5000 hrs, Year 1996, Registration no: BSV926 Dozer blade 8’6” (260cm) to fit a Burder loader tractor Early Fabroweld vine dodger – (fits Massey Ferguson 65 Mark 2 tractor) 18 tyne bridal draft cultivator & harrows 20 tyne bridal draft cultivator Old wooden rollers Michigan 110-11 elevating scraper, re-powered Detroit 8.2lt 4 stroke diesel motor 5000hrs. Reconditioned transmission 3000hrs. Radial tyres 80%, Registration no: UWD724 Set of new chains & sprockets for Michigan 110-11 elevating scraper Various bearings, tips & cutting edges for Michigan 110-11 elevating scraper Digz-all Mark 30 trench digger New trench digger chain, sprockets & spares for Digz-all Mark 30 Massey sunshine series 20 row combine & harrows 14 row vineyard disc seeder Silvan 10 row power harrows with seedbox Daker King Hitter post knocker Year 2001 Massey Ferguson 9 tyne tiller 6’ Krone Optima manure spreader 3 ton 2 row envelope under vine weed sprayer, 1000lt, fully hydraulic, new pump & shaft Cropland 100lt spray tank with pump Cropland 30lt sprayer Silvan 100lt rackpac sprayer with pump for A.T.V. 1600lt airblast sprayer 18’Grain auger, electric 6’carry all (homemade) 6’grader blade (homemade) 7’x 12’ stock crate (homemade) Homemade post auger Peg Harrows 3’ Trailing Harrows (8) Southern Cross, 30 acre travelling irrigator TS3/3 cl air cooled Lister 30HP engine with Southern Cross pump 10,000 gph (matches Southern Cross travelling irrigator) 12’ Savage Ski boat 28 HP Johnson motor 9668 TX10R – SN 1294 Miscellaneous farm machinery & shed equipment. Tools & Sundries: 2000lt overhead fuel tank 1000lt fuel tank Geotec M10 measuring wheel Dalgety AFT meat saw, serial 550 + blades Port Implements circular saw bench with 30” tungsten blade (1) & 32” new tungsten blade (1) Jet wave 100 pressure cleaner, 2.2KW Honda-Clisby G200 air compressor Fabroweld air pruning machine with snips 3 ton steel grape bins (3) 5 ton hydraulic gantry winch 12” Steel roller Large quantity heavy gauge 2’ high wire netting New & second hand pine posts Electrical conduit Quantity second hand motors and pumps Electric fencing equipment – 2 units, 2 rolls of electrical tape & insulators Pipe Threader Hydraulic Gear Puller 8 tonne Pacific Vibrating Rib Roller 6’6” x 4’6” diameter, 3 cylinder Deutz Motor Model no: 450VPM Range of new & used vineyard irrigation pipe, fittings & filters. Antiques & Collectables: Early 1900 wicker pram and cot Food safe Fire surround Rabbit traps Milk cans 6’6”x 3’ old flat steel gate Hand rake with wooden spokes Hand shovel Earthenware stone jars Metal bath Ladies hats Wagon jack Wooden boxes Old Leather flat drive belt. Household Goods: 5 seater corner lounge suite + 1 arm chair 1970 dining suite – wooden extension table with 6 chairs 2 - 1200 x 1900 cupboards with glass doors and shelving 1 bar with 2, 900 x 1900 mirror backed shelving 6 seater laminex kitchen table with 6 wooden chairs Cot & mattress Large solid timber chest of drawers (12 drawers), painted Household furniture & General Household goods Other Accounts: 1925 Dodge sedan
DISCLAIMER The information presented at www.homburg.com.au in full and extract form has been furnished to Homburg Real Estate by the vendor(s) of the items. Homburg Real Estate has not verified whether or not that information is accurate and do not have any belief one way or another in its accuracy. Homburg Real Estate does not accept any responsibility to any person for the accuracy of the information and do no more than make it available. All persons and interested parties should make and rely upon their own enquiries in order to determine whether or not this information is accurate.
NOTICE UNDER INDUSTRY CODE C564: 2004 FOR DEPLOYMENT OF MOBILE PHONE NETWORK INFRASTRUCTURE As part of a national upgrade of its mobile phone network, Optus proposes to undertake works at the following existing mobile telecommunications facility. Monopole (A0374): Lot 808, Craker Drive, Nuriootpa, SA 5355. CT 5810/79
No. 608SQN Australian Air Force Cadets has been granted
Proposed Works: The installation of 1 new panel antenna to the existing monopole at a height of 40.00 metres to the centreline of the antenna, the installation of 3 new MHAs, and associated equipment.
Optus regards the proposed upgrade as Low-impact under the Telecommunications (Low-Impact Facilities) Determination 1997 (“The Determination”) based on the descriptions above.
Further information can be obtained from Adam Pfitzner at Aurecon (on behalf of Optus) on 8237 9989 or pfitznera@ap.aurecongroup.com Written submissions should be sent to: Aurecon, 55 Grenfell Street, Adelaide SA 5000 by Monday 12th December 2011
THE RIGHT OF ENTRY & THE FREEDOM OF THE CITY OF THE TOWN OF GAWLER. A march through Murray St. Gawler will exercise that freedom at 2.00pm, Sunday 4th December 2011 This day also celebrates the 60th Birthday of the Squadron. A Birthday BBQ will be held at the Squadron following the march. All ex-members, staff, cadets and the public are cordially invited to help us celebrate this historic achievement. For more information contact FLTOFF(AAFC) L. Murphy 0403 180 426 Cnr Gawler River and Two Wells Rds, Willaston 5118 AG56341
PERSONAL MT. PLEASANT area. Unrushed & personal 4 gents who prefer private. 0466964374
THOSE who appreciate rare wines have an opportunity to sample something unique. Wine consumers can taste Barossa wines grown at temperatures predicted in the year 2050. The tasting will be held on Thursday, December 5 at Jacob’s Creek Visitor Centre. The South Australian Research and Development Institute (SARDI), with the support of Grape and Wine Research and Development Corporation, the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry and Treasury Wine Estates, established a research and development program to investigate the effect of elevated temperature on grapevine physiology and wine attributes. Associate Professor Victor Sadras said, “We established a fully replicated trial with four varieties grown under current conditions versus two to four degree increase in daytime temperature. “A second trial includes Shiraz grown
under current conditions versus elevated temperature, in combination with frequent irrigation versus water deficit.” He said, “Unlike comparisons between wines from hot versus cool regions or between hotter and cooler vintages in the same region, these trials allow for a direct, unequivocal assessment of temperature effects. The wines from the 2011 vintage are ready for tasting”. At the event, interested people will have an opportunity to taste wines produced under current climate side-byside with wines produced from fruit grown under elevated temperature. The free informal tasting will be held between 1 to 4pm at Jacob’s Creek Visitor Centre, Barossa Valley Way, Rowland Flat. To register, contact Martin Moran at: martin.moran@sa.gov.au or 0448 928 513 to register your interest in the workshop as wine availability constraints the number of participants.
Sport RIFLE SHOOTING KAPUNDA RIFLE CLUB Details and results for the Les Williams 1000 yards trophy shot on Saturday, November 26. Results of the L Williams 1000 yards Trophy shot at maximum range. There were eight shooters who braved the challenging conditions to test their skills on a day that was very threatening with the forecast of heavy overcast and rain and strengthening winds. Fortunately the rain did not eventuate and all competitors completed their two rounds each, all with a ‘missed by that much’ tale. The 1000 yard mound is elevated and prone to the elements which meant the shooters were being buffeted by the right side SW wind that was gusting and gaining strength. This made for some interesting comments when their calculated shot at the target was displayed to their dismay with a very ordinary score value. The scores reflected the less than ideal conditions with each shooter scoring a minimum of a “bird”(score of 2) each but again experience showed the way with D Lindner winning Top Off Rifle’ with 89.4. None of the shooters reached their handicap limit so there was not a Handicap/Trophy winner. B Ireland won the Sniper badge with 15. It was a difficult, challenging day but also a good learning experience for target rifle shooters at maximum range. Scores Fullbore - D. Lindner 44.2, 45.2, 89.4, 6.75. D. Pumpa 39.1, 43.3, 82.4, 5.75. B. Ireland 42.3, 40, 82.3, 4.5. J. Hoerisch 43.1, 38, 81.1, 6. L. Williams 39, 41, 80, 11.5. G. Davies 36.1, 38.1, 74.2, 11.5. S. Barrie 32, 40.1, 72.1, 14.5. F Class - S. Smithson 39, 42, 81. Next week: 600 yards - Second Stage of A. Helbig trophy. Please arrive in time to help to set up range for 1:15pm start.
BRIDGE BAROSSA Last week on Monday Bridge Barossa played a four table Howell movement and a good first were Peter Clerk and Jim Hayes with 64.35, followed by Adelaide Abbott and Miles White 57.8%, Joan Lee and Kevin Jones 53.7%, Rhonda Wallace and Jill Allanson 53%, Houng Burgermeister and David Barnett 46.4%, Toni Harvey and Hans Haan 45.2%, Mary Clerk and Evan Allanson 43.5%, Joan and Howard Haese 41.7%. On Wednesday,with a lesson prior, first were Peter Robinson and Evan Allanson with 62.2%, followed by Joan and Howard Haese 58.1%, Toni
Harvey and Hans Haan 57.9%, Annie Hatcher and Judy Fechner 48%, Elaine Kenny and Alec Harris 46.6%. Joan Lee and Kevin Jones 45.5%, Fran Hannan and Jill Allanson 44.9%, Peta Connor and Ziggy Mentz 44.5%, Marg Long and Trish Page 40%. The usual fortnightly lesson will precede bridge today, on the subject of bidding unbalanced
PETANQUE hands. Information on 8563 3204. Gawler Petanque Club Sunday, November 27 results played at Gawler. Game 1. John Gejas / Alan Collinson d Lilian Ellis / Iris Stephenson / Margaret Randall 13 -6. Game 2. Iris Stephenson / Shauna Gejas / Alan Collinson d Margaret Randall / Lilian Ellis / John Gejas 13 - 10. Please note next Sunday, December 4 we will be playing at Gawler atr 1.30pm, not at Dorrien. Gawler Petanque Club usually meets at 1.30pm on Sundays at Essex Park,Victoria Terrace, Gawler (next to tennis courts), unless the forecast temperature on the preceding Friday evening is for 35°C or above. Everyone, from eight years upwards, is welcome to come along and enjoy a game of petanque. The first three visits are free. Experience is not necessary, boules and training are available. For more information contact Margaret Randall on 8563 1323 or 0427 631 323.
GAWLER DARTS Gawler Darts results on November 25 - by ‘Pegout’ Men’s div, November 21. Enigmas 11 def Spot ON 4, T & A’s 11 def Barflyz 4, Crackers 11 def Raiders 4, Team Rehab Bye. 180s thrown by Phil Rowland, Aaron Delvendiep, Kevin Bandtock - 6 peg outs Joe Aranyos. HPO 108 John Thorpe. Premiership Table - T&A 16-86, Enigmas 12-75, Crackers 12-69, Team Rehab 6.41, Spot On 441, Barflys-2-42, Raiders 2-38. Ladies , November 23. Nashos 10 def Angels 5, Saints 8 def Hepcats 7, HPO -92 Tiffany Brooks. PremiershipTable: Nashos 14-93, Angels 10-75, Saints 10-65, Hepcats 6.67. 6 peg outs Jean Stutley. Mixed Division, November 22. B & B’s 6 def DownUnder 5, Wonderers 6 def Rebels 5, Ravens 10 def Kookaburra’s 1. Premiership Table Wonderers 12-41, Ravens 8.42, Rebels 8.37, B& B’s 6.32, Kookaburras 2.19, DownUnder 0.21.
GAWLER 8-BALL Results from matches played on November 24. Overway Whos Ya Momma d Two Wells No Fear.Comm 9-6; Smithfield Outsiders d Willaston Warriors 11-4; Roseworthy Shooters d Exchange Hotel 10-5; Roseworthy Blue d XChanged 10-5; Smithfield What The’s d Lyndoch Hotel 12-3; Willaston Farcues d Two Wells Commercial 10-5; Soccer Club Kruisers d Soccer Club Eagles 10-5. Premiership Team P W L F A S Roseworthy Blue 5 5 0 50 25 10 Two Wells No Fear.Comm 5 4 1 50 25 8 Smithfield Outsiders 5 4 1 47 28 8 Overway Whos Ya Momma 5 4 1 46 29 8 Smithfield What The’s 5 3 2 47 28 6 Soccer Club Eagles 5 3 2 42 33 6 Willaston Farcues 5 3 2 32 43 6 Exchange Hotel 5 2 3 36 39 4 XChanged 5 2 3 34 41 4 Soccer Club Kruisers 5 2 3 34 41 4 Two Wells Commercial 5 1 4 29 46 2 Lyndoch Hotel 5 1 4 27 48 2 Roseworthy Shooters 5 1 4 24 51 2 Willaston Warriors 5 0 5 2 48 0
Wednesday, November 30, 2011 - Page 33 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Ryan’s icy experience Starplex appoint high performance coach
By ROBERT LAIDLAW IN THE land of cricket and Aussie Rules the sport of ice hockey is little known, but a local man has taken up the challenge of coaching a national team at the world championships. Lewiston’s Ryan O’Handley has a background in ice hockey from Canada, his birthplace, with young Australians now benefiting from his knowledge. “I came to Australia as part of my research for my PHD and met my future wife Diane here, which is why we settled in Australia after initially working in America,” O’Handley said. “From the age of six I played ice hockey for around 20 years for Saskatchewan, so it was only natural for me to be involved with the sport over here. “In Perth I played ice hockey for two seasons for Cockburn, then realised there was a bunch of young Aussies playing, so I decided to get into coaching.” From four seasons with Cockburn, O’Handley snared two flags, then in 2009 coached the Western Australian men’s team, which was runner-up in the national competition. Early in 2010 the ‘new’ Aussie moved to Adelaide and immediately started as an assistant coach with the Adelaide Adrenaline, then became the coaching director for Ice Hockey SA and the national player development director for Ice Hockey Australia. After coaching the state under 18s to a bronze medal, the 38year-old was appointed the coach of the national under 20 team, which will travel to Estonia for the world championships next week. “We’ll be in division two, against Serbia, Romania, Belgium, Mexico and Estonia, and we will be a good chance to medal,” he said. “This weekend we will leave for Finland, where we will have a training camp to prepare us. Most of the players in the squad are from the eastern states, although there is one South Australian.” After gaining his PHD, the
STARPLEX Basketball Monday juniors 12 and under: Division One - Little Lions d Warriors 1 34-18; Storm d Barossa 22-18; Jets d Sandy Creek 33-13. Division Two - All Stars d Starplex Hawks 18-12; Craigmore Big-Birds d Barossa Bulldogs 20-1; Undertakers d Brookers 1 26-6. 14 and under: Backflippers d Brookers 2 34-16; Craigmore Flight d Lakers 46-8; Raiders d Hawks 22-4. 16 and under: Craigmore Thunder d Smurfs 34-5; Barossa Blue d Warriors 2 26-13; Barossa Red d Red Dragons 22-21. Monday evening men Division One: He Got Game d By The Beard Of Chuck 49-38; Run & Gun d Wolverines 58-35; Crumpet Squad d Flight Team 58-29; Wizards d M&M’s 47-32; Blitzers d Shooting Blanks 48-41. Division Two: Shakers d Turbos 4134; Black Knights d Hurricanes 3936; Muffin Stuffers d Off In The Shower 45-26; Wreckless d Kings 39-25; Dilligaf d Orlago Bujic 51-50. Tuesday daytime ladies Flamin Flamingos 35 d Rhondauves 25; Flukes 43 d Phantoms 38; Organized Kaos 38 d Cheeky Chicks 27. Tuesday juniors Angle Vale Foxes 4 d Dragons 2; Lightning 4 d Tigers 0; Central Little Lions 21 d Williamstown Giants 4; Allstars 10 d Barossa 2 6; New www.barossaherald.com.au
COACH: Ryan O’Handley is travelling overseas as Australia’s under 20 ice hockey coach. skating sportsman worked for the US Department of Agriculture as a micro biologist, before teaching parasitology at a Canadian university, then Murdoch Uni in Perth and now at Roseworthy College. O’Handley enjoys the age group he coaches because it is the same as his students at university. “I’m a teacher and the skills in
the classroom can relate to those on the ice and vice-versa, with both beneficial to the other,” he said. “For me it’s a buzz teaching and coaching young people, and it gives me a lot of satisfaction watching them reach their full potential. People have different abilities and talents. My job is to help them become the best they can be.”
Stars 19 d Rockstars 2; Barossa 18 d Brookers 13; Central Lions 30 d Sudden Impact 7; Wild Lions 12 d Redbacks 0; Run & Gun 12 d Badge Kangaroos 4; Red Devils 20 d Starplex Hawks 6. Tuesday night men Steelers 43 d Swarrens 32; Has Beens 35 d Gang Green 31; Tanks 24 d Pacers 20; Outlaws 81 d Beam Team 31; Donkeys 46 d The Boys 39; Clumsy Ninjas 38 d Taipans 28; James 44 d Gbs 38; The Was Nots 30 d Gawler Gunners 24. Wednesday evening ladies Grand final: T/Birds d Tangos 34-12. Thursday night mixed Comets 51 d Hungry Hippos 38; Its Only Social 49 d Beamers 33; Black Magic 53 d 5 Stars 49; 69ers 48 d Ultim8’s 37; Steelers 42 d Chicken 41.
Won on forfeit 20 d Hot Spuds 0; Balls Of Steal 16 d Vagaboiis 12. Wednesday junior 11 and under: Trinity 2 9 d Trinity 1 9; Trinity 7 17 d Trinity 5 5; Trinity 3 27 d Trinity 1 4. 13 and under: Trinity 7 29 d Trinity 5 3; Trinity 1 15 d Trinity 6 9; Trinity 2 d Trinity 3. 16 and under: Inter 1 - Trinity 3 30 drew with Trinity 4 30; Trinity 2 24 d Trinity 1 16. Inter 2 - Trinity 1 31 d Trinity 5 8; Trinity 4 43 d Trinity 2 6; Trinity 6 11 d Trinity 3 7. Wednesday evening ladies Diamonds 35 d Inxs 27; Donnybrooks 35 d Two Wells Roosters 29; Kmp d Trinity 2; Triple S d Nite Flyers; Pink Bits 28 d Mels Army 21; Mallala 32 d Trinity 1 19; Mamma Bears 21 drew with Ecapees 21; Dirt Diamonds 20 d Friut Loops 16; Lollie Pops 25 d Trinity 5 17; Bits & Pieces 33 d Mixed Nuts 17; Tigers 28 d Trinity 6 15; Kmp d Trinity 2; Trinity 4 29 d Tosnc Blue 16. Wednesday evening mixed Rascals 31 d All Blacks 10; Skalliwags 33 d Sparkle Motion 18; Wildcats 20 d DTF 17; The Fat Pack 16 d Lucky Lemons 10 Friday ladies daytime Lady Birds 48 d Skittles 14; Wasleys 36 d Teals 26; Straight Up 29 drew with Mummas 29.
Netball Monday night ladies Jitterbugs 22 d South 18; Checkmate Masters 24 d Purple 21; South Gawler 17 d Trinity College 16; Gotacks 34 d Krazy Kats 9; Bulldozers 30 d Alysia’s Team 20; Pythons 34 d Meatloaf 18; Watch Out 36 d The Bitties 17; Wild Turkeys 34 d Southies 32; Don’t Care 33 d Fumble Beez 12. Tuesday evening mixed Falcons 34 d Pink Paws 28; Dirty Beaches 32 d Team Phat 9; Black Thunder 21 d S Club 7 19; Whateva Treva 52 d The Destroyers 1; Can’t Touch Me 37 d Bitty 7’s 13; Lol 23 d Demdem 19; That’s What She Said
Futsual Soccer Under 8s Superstars 2 drew with Lil Stars 2. Under 10s The Strikers 2 drew with Break
STARPLEX has appointed Stephen Garner as STARsquad Co-ordinator and High Performance Swim Coach. Stephen brings a wealth of knowledge and experience, including coaching Samantha Marshall to a silver medal in the 100m breaststroke at the 2010 Commonwealth Games. In May 2012 he will become one of only two gold licence coaches in South Australia. Stephen’s appointment is a coup for and will significantly raise the profile of northern region swimming. Leigh Nugent, head coach Swimming Australia, commented, “Coach Steve Garner will not only bring knowledge and experience to the aspiring swimmers at Starplex but most importantly guidance and inspiration to those he will be coaching”. Currently head coach at the top New South Wales swim club, Cranbrook Eastern Edge, Stephen will start his new job on December 19. “There is already a high standard at the centre and with some intelligently placed hard work I am positive we can achieve our goals,” Stephen said. He has coached numerous national and state age champions as well as coaching his swimmers to 15 Gold medals at the 2010 World Masters Championships. He has coached Australian representatives in triathlon and surf swimming, long distance swims such as the English Channel and Straits of Gibraltar. Liz Simms, member of the Australian Women’s Water Polo team was also coached by Stephen. Stephen’s coaching history over the last few years impressively includes: • Coach of a Commonwealth Games Silver Medal Delhi 2010 • Australian team coach, Senior Pan Pacs Irvine 2010
Stephen Garner • Australian team coach, Junior Pan Pacs Guam 2009 • Australian team coach World Youth Championships, Mexico 2008 • NSW team coach NZ 2008 • NSWIS satellite coach from 2008 - 2011. The STARsquad program at Starplex provides an innovative pathway for competitive swimming, enabling swimmers of all abilities and aspirations to reach their individual fitness and performance goals in a fun, supportive environment.
Barossa fishing club THE Barossa Valley Fishing Club has been running for nearly 14 years. John Stephenson, club secretary, said the club was started in March, 1998. “It is still going and monthly trips are still ongoing,” John said. Meetings are held at the secretary’s house in Lyndoch each month on
the third Monday at 7pm. “For many years the meetings were held at the Tanunda Club but due to fewer members we moved. The club is not into competitions as such and we fish for the fun of it,” John said. The members run from novices to people with 50-plus years of experience.
Aways 2; Black Magic 3 d Red Eagles 1. Under 12s Mighty Reds 6 d Big Warriors 3; Mp Strikers 8 d Bazingas 0; South Lions 7 d Pink Panthers 4. Under 16s Team America 4 d Wildcats 2; Spekkies 8 d Just For Kicks 2; Pondi Rangers 6 d Blazing Blues 0.
Volleyball Drunken Chuggen Clowns d Rogue Crew 3-2; Multiple Scoregasms d Khs Cobras 3-2.
TENPIN BOWLING Barossa Bowland League results, points to date. Morning Stars: C D Players 99, Lucky Strikes 96, Two Of Us 94, Bowled Out 94, Luckey Ducks 90. Star bowler Sharon Leske 52 POA (pins over average). Valleyites: The Drifters 252, Tripod 219.5, WAFWOTEAM 219.5, Ten Pinners 217, Zodiac 188.5. Star bowlers Ken White 58 POA, Hannah Rossack 44 POA. Grapevines: Shane Waechter 146,
Wednesday, November 30, 2011 - Page 34 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
The club fishes the sea rocks, surf, and boats. They also fish the rivers and lakes. “As can be seen we are here to stay for a good time yet,” he said. More information can be obtained from the club secretary: PO Box 73, Lyndoch 5351 or ring John on 8524 5205 after 5.30pm.
Jeanette Georg 129, David Leske 121, Wade Aslin 120, Stephen McIntyre 119, Sarah Mibus 119, Karl Solly 118, Graeme Heinrich 117, Debra Loffler 112, Alison Munzberg 106, Ben Chopping 97, Simon Paine 93, Rex Parmiter 87, Lee Parmiter 84, Leslie Walsh 81, Justin Bootsma 76, Craig LeCornu 67. Star bowlers David Leske 28 POA, Debra Loffler 38 POA. Have A Ball: Creepshow 113, Triple XXX 83, Lighting 70, Pinheads 62, Aint No Turkey 51, Balls Of Fury 42. Star bowlers Daniel Roberts 55 POA, Christy Nordin 31 POA. Barossa Juniors: The Triple M’s 62, The Strikers 60, Pinkillers 55, Triple Threat 52, Chinese Fireballs 51, Pinheads 45, Annihilators 37. Star bowlers David Roehr 57 POA, Danika King 36 POA.
KEGEL Ladies Maureen won the Perpetual Trophy. Results of play: M Balch 104/133 247, E Nicolai 116/112 228, R Bell 114/83 197, A Vanstone 95/93 188. 24s: M Balch 1. Overall score: M Balch 212/286/181/247 926, R Bell 212/266/200/197 875, E Nicolai 229/181/250/228 888, A Vanstone 216/202/257/188 863. admin.barossaherald@ruralpress.com
Barossa and Light cricket By MIKE TEAKLE ON A day where the prospect of any cricket action seemed unlikely, Angaston (by virtue of having a hard wicket pitch) were able to take control of their clash with ladder leader Gilbert Valley. Angaston made a competitive 177 thanks to 32 from Brandon Kurtz and a high quality 53 to Kym Vivian an innings which saw Bulls fielder Dylan Busch discover a painful way of stopping a six. He attempted a catch just inside the boundary only to have it sail through his hands and slam straight into his mouth leaving the young fella bloodied and suffering a broken tooth. Justin Schahinger carried the Bulls attack with figures of 6/60 from 19 overs. As it has all season the Blues bowling attack then put them in a position of strength, rattling through the Bulls top order leaving them at 3/37 after the first day with danger men Craig Mullins and Kym Vandeleur for ducks and Jamie Molineux for two. The outcome now rests on the partnership of Tom Smith and Ryan Vandeleur (8* and 23* respectively) or the bowling of Angaston’s double barrelled Bretts (Burgess and Woodards). At South Gawler the battle of the competition’s two winless teams is already over with Sandy Creek breaking through for their first points of the season after they knocked the Lions over for 93 with Launce Kent snaring 4/23 from eight overs before the Cockys came out to make 6/115 thanks to opener Steve Hogan’s knock of 42 and contributions from Bill Fuller 20 and Gavin Werner 22. In the A2s Nuri is in command of their match with Greenock thanks to a strong total of 8/209 declared with Jon Gerhardy topping the runs with 72 and Jamie Schmidt backing up last week’s stellar form with 54 not out. Luke McCracken has put South Gawler in with a shot of winning their game against Gawler Central, his 6/41 from 16 overs helped restrict the Tigers to
just 129 with the Lions 2/24 in reply overnight. In the A4’ Peter Nitschke dominated proceedings in Greenock’s 61-run win over Gawler Central. First Nitschke made 54 not out opening the batting for the Schlungers, and then he tore the heart out of the Tigers batting line up with figures of 7/17 from eight overs to complete his all-round effort. A1 Angaston 177 (K J Vivian 53, B D Kurtz 32; J Shahinger 6/60, R Vandeleur 2/9) v Gilbert Valley 3/37 (B P Woodards 2/13). Kapunda 0/0 v Gawler Central. Nuriootpa 0/0 v Tanunda. South Gawler 93 (L Kent 4/23, N A Gum 2/11, C Roberts 2/22) v Sandy Creek 6/115 (S L Hogan 42; D J Golder 4/25, L T Mitchell 2/23). A1 Reserves Truro 105 (S Donovan 36, J J Krzoska 26*; J Robinson 3/17, A Papas 3/22, R J Montgomery 3/39) v Freeling 0/24. Light Pass 0/0 v Eudunda Robertstown. Greenock v Lyndoch. A2 Sandy Creek 0/0 v Light Pass. Greenock 2/33 (S Boyle 2/8) v Nuriootpa 8/209 dec (J Gerhardy 72, J Schmidt 54*, M Milne 34; D Cameron 3/54, B Loffler 3/59, D Schilling 2/27). Gawler Central 129 (M B Ness 41; L McCracken 6/41, J Dare 2/24) v South Gawler 2/24. Tanunda 0/0 v Angaston. A3 Freeling 7/99 (J Brennan 45; S W Lord 2/8, J Lewis 2/21, S Murphy 2/22) v Truro. Gilbert Valley v Kapunda. Lyndoch 115 (A Melville 65; M P Cotton 3/13, J Power 3/14, G Hindewell 2/9, D R Ireland 2/22) v Sandy Creek Green 1/19. Sandy Creek Yellow v Tanunda. Gawler Central v Nuriootpa. A4 Tanunda 147 (D Hean 41, S Leske 27; G Shaw 3/6, J Watts 3/15) def by Freeling 3/150 (C Eichner 85, G
Shaw 41*; C Hart 2/30). Nuriootpa 8/199 (R Worrall 68, J Heinze 54, D Nayda 32; S Muir 4/47, P Brown 2/40) def Kapunda 80 (D Hornsey 26; D Nayda 3/24, D James 2/5, B Atherton 2/26). Greenock 6/158 (P Nitschke 56; J King 3/18, J Crewdson 2/32) def Gawler Central 90 (J King 46*; P Nitschke 7/17, B Verne 3/22). Lyndoch 8/80 (B E Work 2/4, D Cawrse 2/5) def by Mallala 107 (D Cawrse 37; D Boyle 4/16, P Brook 2/17, A Daken 2/26). A5 Light Pass 67 (M Sparks 29; C M Schultz 3/24, D Carnelly 2/1, T Hermann 2/25) def by Angaston 7/169 (D Carnelly 59*, A F Plush 41; N Koop 3/324, K Nitschke 2/16). Eudunda - Robertstown def by South Gawler. Gilbert Valley 0/74 (M Busch 37*, P Callery 36*) def Greenock 61 (A McCabe 2/5, M Busch 2/8, J Tucker 2/15). Under 16 Angaston v Gawler Central Black. Gawler Central Gold v Freeling. Sandy Creek Gold has a bye. Greenock v Nuriootpa/Light Pass. Sandy Creek Green v Kapunda. South Gawler v Mallala/Lyndoch. Under 14 Freeling v Gawler Central. Eudunda-Robertstown v Angaston. Kapunda v Sandy Creek. Lyndoch v South Gawler. Tanunda v Gilbert Valley. Nuriootpa has the bye. Under 12 Angaston v Gilbert Valley Blue. Tanunda Black v Mallala. Eudunda-Robertstown 0/44 drew with Light Pass 0/0. South Gawler v Gilbert Valley Red. Sandy Creek v Lyndoch. Gawler Central v Greenock. Tanunda White had the bye. Gilbert Valley Maroon v Nuriootpa. Under 10. Freeling v Tanunda. Light Pass v Greenock Green. Sandy Creek v Truro. Greenock Gold v Lyndoch.
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Wednesday, November 30, 2011 - Page 35 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
KAPUNDA For the second consecutive week the early starters copped the rough end of the stick with the “few light clearing showers” hanging around all morning heavier than expected. The majority of the early scores indicated players struggled to get on top of their game under trying conditions. Not so the afternoon players, although even then there were only two players who managed to get their scores into the black in the Bolt’s Electrical Par comp. Shane Fiddes has gained strength after being laid up and he shot a personal best round of 82 off the stick to easily smash the field with an impressive +7 par result. It was a great effort from Shane who is grateful to be able to play with the assistance of the club golf cart. It must have been a great moment for Dad Mick to watch the lad (presumably) beat him off the stick for a change. All of the grade winners finished up with a very creditable score of +3. None more so than Paul McCarthy jnr who played in the morning with his siblings and gave them a golfing lesson. One couldn’t argue with the make up of the sporting genes in that family that’s for sure. Kallan Pfitzner and new “Pres” Craig Sutherland were next best with minus 1s. The B grade went to Greg “Sal” Hambour who also had his second best round at Royal Kapunda and he had a comfortable threeshot lead ahead of Gary Brusche who was the only other player not in the red with his square result. A further shot back were veterans John Owen and Jim Wilson. The C grade was secured by late starter Kym Menzel who also had breathing space back to Graeme Smith who battled the early rain and Davy Crockett also on minus 1. I think there were around three fillies who braved the weather but we seem to have run out of ink and their results didn’t quite make it through. The midweek twilight comp was again well supported with around 40 players, including a dozen fillies, and once again it was an incredible score of 26 points that won the night. I think Mr McKluskey (I hope I have got that right) will incur the wrath of the handicapper for tonight’s comp. There were also a host of 20-plus points scores over the nine holes. The pennant team finally had a win with a 3/2 result over Clare at the Barossa Valley course. Skipper Ian Clarke led the team from the front with three wins from three matches. With the other rounds just going against us 3/2 both times, the team wasn’t far from a finals berth. Congratulations to the other players in the team and especially our “young guns” Jayden and Kyle who I am sure would have benefited from the experience. We look forward to hosting a final of the comp in the coming weeks. The AGM was held last week and it is my pleasure to announce the new president is Craig Sutherland who stepped up to the top spot with the temporary retirement of Tony Holding. Congratulations Craig and I am sure the excellent work of the committee will continue under your guidance. The highlight of the night was the proposal from Joe Ryan for the latest inductee into the ranks of Life Members at the Kapunda Golf Club. One could not argue that Brett “Bart” Cummins wasn’t a worthy recipient of this prestigious honour after the many (probably) thousands of hours he has spent at the course in a number of different committee positions and with his butt parked in the seat of a mower or hands on a whipper snipper. Such is his commitment he was out last Saturday in the pouring rain with no cover mowing the greens so that the rest of us mugs had perfect greens to putt on. I must say I think that was the wettest I had ever seen Bart. The accolades continued into the annual presentation night last Saturday where once again the praise for the work put in by Bart was free flowing and humbly accepted. A standing ovation was a fitting acknowledgement of his ongoing dedication to the club. The culmination of the night was the presentation of the “Gus Higgins Cup” to Paul McCarthy (snr) as the Club Champion for the 24th time. A magnificent effort from a quiet man who just goes about his business on the course with a minimum of fuss. I know there are a lot of players who would like to take over the top position but we have our work cut out for us to say the least. This week we are back to the Lower North Hire Monthly Medal stroke round. The Christmas dinner as advertised in the program has been cancelled due to a busy schedule. Bolt Electrical Trophy par competition winner S Fiddes +7. A grade: P McCarthy (jnr) +3, K Pfitzner -1, C Sutherland -1, A Hayter, T Holding, G Higgins, J Lindeblad all -2. B grade: G Hambour +3, G Brushe 0, J Owen -1, J Wilson -1, C Menz -2, B Lambert -2. C grade: K Menzel +3, D Crocket -1, G Smith 1, D Kaesler -4. GAWLER Wednesday - Ladies 23/11; The stableford event was sponsored by the Gawler GC ladies. Winner was Lesley Pyke with 38pts followed by Kay Korber on 36 and third was
Gloria Potter on 33. NTPS: 2nd; L Pyke. Thursday 24/11 Keith Smith showed the young blokes how to do it with a fine 67.R/up was Rob Roy with 69 on c/b from Jeremy Griffiths. Ball Winners: P Pogas 69, P Heffernan, M Dawes, H McKerney 70, G James, R Minett 71, R Sawyer, T Dowling 72. NTPS: Elders 4th; D Funnell, Spencer Flooring 6th, P Heffernan, Elders 11th; B Johnson. Birdie balls; P Marsden, P Robinson, R Sawyer, J Jacka, P Trenorden, P Heffernan, M Dawes. Midweek end 25/11. Brian Kite shot 40pts to win midweek from Henke Smits on 39. Ball winners; L Jeffery, Skye Jeffery, D Hurley, Saturday 26/11: The weather made some difficult conditions for the morning players this Saturday, Gavin Page managed to win the stableford competition on a countback from Glen Donaldson, both with 40 points. Ben Verhoef was the trophy sponsor for the day. A grade - 1: G Page (40) 2: G Donaldson (40) 3: S Porter (39). B grade - 1: T Clarkson (38), 2: R Hall (37), 3: P Burge (36). C grade - 1: I Laurence (39), 2: A Whitaker (37) 3: C Matcham (37). Ladies winner: D Agar (36). Ball winners: J Fowler, P Cameron, R Grey, J Vandommele, S Voigt, D Terrell, R Sawyer, B Marsh, P Smith, M Lukat. NTPS and Long Drives - Uleybury Wines 2nd; S Voigt , St Kilda Hotel 3rd long drive, A Jeffery, Giannito Hotel Group 4th; T Clarkson, Kingsford Hotel 6th; S Porter, Roseworthy Hotel 3rd shot 9th; S Noack, Fasta Pasta long drive 10th; D Harper, High Beam Car/ Dog wash 11th; R Kilmier, Bushmans Hotel 14th; S Spencer, Willaston Hotel 16th; C Campbell. Birdie ballls; J Agar, B Paul, D Goodwin, A Jeffery, J Ashdown, I Laurence, G Page, J Fowler, B Santini. Next week’s competition is the Dale Wood Monthly medal. Sheet is now out for the Xmas ambrose, and visitors are welcome. Sunday 27/11: Brilliant weather saw some cracking scores. Doug Stewart taking the winnings with a nett 65. Bugsy Malone followed closely behind with nett 67. NTP 4th Cheesecake shop; P Heffernan, 6th Spencer Flooring; S Brown. Ball winners; C Swinstead, T Adams (TTG GC), B Santini, P Turley, R McNamara. Birdies; P Heffernan. A reminder the sheet is out for the Ham and Turkey Day on Sunday, December 4 with a stableford event open to members and visitors with a 12 o’clock shotgun start. MT PLEASANT Wednesday - Irish stableford. A grade: K Reichstein 75; S McNeil 74; D Searl 73. B grade: B Kneebone 88; R Hargrave 69; D Dowsett 67. Thursday - Canadian foursome. R Vincent and K Franklin 64.5; S King and C Zerk 66; F Henschke and L Hills 68. Stableford competition: S Tregenza 39, P Turvey 38, J Zerk 35, N Wilson 34, E Bishop 33, T Mitchell 33. BAROSSA Blue Course stableford competition: A grade C Berndt 41; B grade T Slavin 39; C grade J Harris 38. A grade (33 players): G Bethune 41, N Ward 39, D McDonnell 38, A Tagg 37, G Wellman 37, M George 36. B grade (29 players): A Maynard 36, D Oats, G Young, L Hampel, B Lythgoe all 35. C grade (19 players): K Richards 38, B Griffiths 38, T Bartlett 37, S Blackmore 36. Ladies competition winner B Baird 38, P May 36, P Siegele 34. NTP 3rd I Baldwin; 4th second shot I Baldwin; 6th G Bethune; 12th M Wilson; 10th second shot A Tagg; Chicken Nest R Staehr; 17th D Trinne. Long drives: A grade A Oats; B grade G Laucke; C Grade J Harris. Ladies novelty, best back nine: B Baird. Midweek White Course stableford competition winner R Thiele 42, r/u P Steele 41. Ball winners: M Bogan 41, A Bell 40, A Prior 39, C Campbell 38, J Ortlieb 38, M Reynolds, T Turnbull, D Jaensch, J Raynor all 37. NTP 6th J Ortlieb; 15th T Turnbull. 4BBB: R Thiele, M Bogan 50. TANUNDA Saturday stableford competition winner T George 39 c/b. A grade C Othams 38, r/u M Campbell 33; B grade T George 39, r/u D Lane 38; C grade D MacPhail 38, r/u D Newstead 38; Ladies J Jeffries 37, r/u F Blackwell 33. Long drives: A grade P Stacey; B grade D Lane; C grade I Hongell; Ladies C Hongell. NTP 6th P Jeffries (Peter Lehmann); 8th P Denley (TPGB); 11th D Lane (Langmeil); 16th T George (Rusden); 7th hole 2nd shot T George (Kalleske). Rundown: J Hongell, B Hage, D Hemsley all 36, R Homburg 35, J Denley, L Hein, J Gooden all 34. Sunday Proshop Competition stableford event winners: 1st C Othams 35 c/b; 2nd B Ronan 35. Men’s Midweek stableford competition: J Blechynden 37, D Forrest 35, J Hill 34 c/b, D Cock 34 c/b, R Wallace 34. NTP B Andrews. Ladies Midweek stableford competition: F Blackwell 35, C Hongell 34, S Othams 32, J MacPhail 31 c/b. Thursday Twilight stableford 9 holes competition: J Jeffries 10, R Humphris 7, D Newstead 5, P Othams 4.
178 Murray St, Tanunda
LVD 2515
Rangers win
Barossa, Light and Gawler tennis Senior results
Division One: Round 7 - Vine Vale 7-7-70 def by 9-9-75 Xavier Saints; Lyndoch 7-7-70 def by 9-9-77 Nuriootpa; Roseworthy 0-0-0 def by 16-16-108 Kapunda; Tanunda had the bye. Xavier Saints recorded its first win for the season with a tight victory, 9 sets to 7 against Vine Vale at Vine Vale. Xavier’s men won all of their matches and Heidi Molloy’s great win in her singles paved the way for the victory. In other matches Nuriootpa kept its finals chances alive with an equally close result against Lyndoch at Lyndoch.
Division Two: Round 7 - Tod Street 44-60 def by 12-12-92 Tanunda White; South Gawler Blue 13-13-97 def 3-354 South Gawler White; Lyndoch 1111-96 def 5-5-55 Nuriootpa; Tanunda Black v Willaston. Division Three: Willaston United 6-657 def by 10-10-79 Virginia Green; Keyneton 9-9-59 def 7-7-56 Willaston Red; Cockatoo Valley v Vine Vale; Virginia White v Willaston Blue.
BUNT: Dean Richards from Gawler Rangers bunts during Saturday’s Division Three win over Glenelg at Willaston.
By ROBERT LAIDLAW GAWLER Rangers beat Glenelg Tigers 7-3 in Division Three baseball last Saturday to stay in touch with the top four. It was an important victory and one the team can build on over the next few weeks, as it attempts to climb up the ladder after a poor start to the season. With Andre Benjamin in command on the mound, the Rangers held Glenelg to one run over the first four innings, which set up the win. The Rangers took an early lead in the second frame with four runs, after back-to-back hits from Ricky Clark and Rick Leonard, and a tworun error, for a 4-1 lead. A three-run hit from Ricky Clark in the fourth frame gave Gawler a 7-1 advantage, with the Tigers scoring twice in the fifth inning. Relief pitcher Leonard came on to the mound in the sixth and final dig, and shut Glenelg out. Benjamin gave up five hits and three walks for four strikeouts from his five innings of work to lead the Rangers from the front. Gawler need to beat Golden Grove Central Districts at home this Saturday to keep alive its finals hopes. Giving up three runs in the first inning cost the Rangers B grade last Wednesday, when they lost 2-4 to East Torrens. But on Saturday, against top team Henley & Grange, Gawler fought
hard to finish with a 2-2 draw, both the Rangers runs scoring from a Paul Skelton ground-out in the fourth dig. Liam Holland threw the complete game. Gawler’s under 14 team continued to push up the premiership table with a 9-4 victory over GGCD Dodgers, a four-run final inning sealing the victory. Michael Brain batted 1000 with three hits, while Jake Jarvis and Ben Mayfield pitched well. The other under 14 team went down 2-21 to Southern Districts, Sebastian Benn picking up the Rangers’ sole hit. With a good batting effort, Gawler’s Little League minors kept up their good form with a 15-8 victory over top team East Torrens. Wyatt Ryan belted another long home run - with bases loaded, while Cooper Wilson batted 1000 with two hits and as a pitcher struck out three batters to finish the game. In Gawler Slow Pitch, Gawler Rangers and SA Nomads have qualified for the grand final after winning their games last Friday against Giants and VB respectively, while Kangas won both games of a double-header to climb off the bottom. This Friday’s games will include the premiership decider, which will be played at 8pm. Another series of Gawler Slow Pitch will commence in the first week of February.
Division Three Glenelg Tigers 1 0 0 0 2 0 -3 Gawler Rangers 0 4 0 3 0 0 -7 Hits: Rick Leonard 2, Ricky Clark 2, Andre Benjamin. Division Five Gawler Rangers 2 lost to East Torrens 4. Hits: Steven Van Poorten, Mark Amphlett. Gawler Rangers 2 drew with Henley & Grange 2. Hits: James Sheekey, Mark Amphlett, Dean Richards, Steve Van Poorten. Under 14 Gawler Rangers 2 lost to Southern Districts 21. Hit: Sebastian Benn. Gawler Rangers 9 d GGCD Dodgers 4. Hits: Michael Brain 3, Ben Mayfield 2, Jake Jarvis 2, Ethan Ly, Chris Mayfield. LL Minor Gawler Rangers 15 d East Torrens 8. Hits: - Wyatt Ryan 2 (hr), Cooper Wilson 2, Trent O’Brien, Cameron Keon, Kale White.
This week: Saturday - Division Three v GGCD at home, 3pm; Division Five v GGCD away, 1pm; Division Seven v Northern Districts at home, 12.30pm. Sunday - Under 14 A v Under 14 B at home, 12.30pm; Under 14 B v Under 14 A at home, 12.30pm; LL Majors v LL Minors at home, 10am; LL Minors v LL Majors at home, 10am. Slowpitch results: Gawler Rangers 1.25 d Giants 0.44; Kangas 1.80 d White Pointers 1.00; SA Nomads 1.88 d VB 1.16; Kangas 0.83 d TGI Friday 1.00. Points: Gawler Rangers 10, SA Nomads 10, Giants 6, VB 5, Kangas 4, TGI Friday 4, White Pointers 1. This Friday’s games: 7.15pm - Giants v VB and Kangas v TGI Friday; 8pm Gawler Rangers v SA Nomads (grand final) and Giants v White Pointers. Games are played at Elliott Goodger Memorial Park, and follow the tee-ball and rookie ball games, which start at 6pm. For details on Slow Pitch, contact Rob on 0407 979 163. www.barossaherald.com.au
On a day that was threatening rain all day Virginia Green defeated Willaston United 10 sets 79 games to 6 sets 57 games. The day started off with the playing of the mixed doubles, which was a welcome change in format. Virginia Green won all four of the mixed doubles. Willaston United managed to then mount a small fight back winning four of the eight singles matches played. This left Virginia Green to only have to win one of the remaining doubles matches to win the day. Virginia Green managed to win two of the four doubles giving them a comfortable win for the day. Match stars for this week were Zac Gupta from Virginia Green winning his singles 6-0 and the doubles combination of Natalie Couzner and Claire Mitchell winning their ladies doubles 6-0. NOTE: All senior teams listed in program to play at the association courts this week have been shifted as per the following. Division Two: Willaston v South Gawler White to South Gawler. Division Three: Willaston Red v Willaston United to Hewett. Division Three: Virginia v Vine Vale to Virginia. Barossa, Light and Gawler junior combined
Division One Boys: Roseworthy 4-28 def Freeling 0-7; Freeling/Tanunda 5-37 def Lyndoch 1-18. Division Two Boys: Vine Vale 3-32 def Lyndoch Blue 3-26. Division One Girls: Lyndoch 5-41 def Xavier Saints 1-10; Willaston United 4-38 def Kapunda 2-24. Division Two Girls: Lyndoch 5-41 def Xavier Saints 1-25; Tanunda 4-38 def Kapunda 2-24; Freeling/Tod Street 5-37 def Angaston 1-24. Barossa and Light juniors
Division Three: Tanunda Black 0-0 drew Kapunda 0-0; Angaston 6-36 def Lyndoch 0-13; Nuriootpa 4-38 def Moculta 2-32. Division Four: Tanunda Black 0-0 drew Lyndoch 0-0; Nuriootpa 0-0 drew Tanunda White 0-0; Angaston 6-36 def Vine Vale 0-15; Kapunda 00 drew Tanunda Silver 0-0. Division Five: Freeling 1-17 drew Kapunda 1-14; Marananga 0-0 drew Tanunda 0-0; Angaston 5-34 def Lyndoch 1-14. Division Six: Tanunda Black 0-0 drew Kapunda Red 0-0; Vine Vale Green 5-33 def Angaston 1-11; Freeling 5-32 def Nuriootpa 0-8; Kapunda Black 0-0 drew Tanunda White 0-0. Division Seven (Green Ball): Tanunda White 0-0 drew Angaston Blue 0-0; Vine Vale Green 5-33 def Keyneton 1-24; Tanunda Black 5-35 def Angaston White 1-20; Kapunda 0-0 drew Tanunda Silver 0-0; Nuriootpa 0-0 drew Vine Vale White 0-0; Freeling 5-31 def Vine Vale Black 1-9. Note: Many matches abandoned due to rain.
CONCENTRATION: Samantha Chisholm of Xavier Saints plays a backhand during her singles match at Vine Vale on Saturday. Reminder: Results and premiership tables can be accessed on the web http://www.tennis.com.au/sa/competi tions GDTA juniors Next weekend the Mildura Challenge will take place, therefore there are no Saturday morning matches scheduled. Boys Division Three: Round 6 Willaston 4-27 def Trinity College Gold 2-21; Xavier Saints 5-34 def Trinity College Blue 1-15. Girls Division Three: Round 6 - Tod Street 5-37 def Trinity College 1-20; Xavier Saints 6-36 def Riverton 0-0. Boys Division Four: Round 6 Willaston 3-35 def Xavier Saints Black 3-34; Roseworthy 4-33 def Xavier Saints Rust 2-22. Girls Division Four: Round 6 - Trinity College Red 4-36 def Trinity College Gold 2-31; Trinity College Blue 6-37 def Willaston 0-12; Xavier Saints 4-33 def Lutheran St Georges 2-19. Boys Division Five: Round 6 - Trinity College Gold 4-31 def Willaston 2-18.
Night tennis Monday Night Red/White: Cana’balls 12-72 def Via Allendale 0-17; Woodies 9-63 def Barossa Blues 330; Peckers 10-63 def Maranock 236; Freeling Outsiders 9-58 def Kapunda 3-28; Gully Breezes 8-53 def Angaston All Stars 4-33.
Monday Night Blue: Freeling Extras 11-70 def Nuts 4 Tennis 1-32; Kick Ace 8-53 def Keyneton 4-41; Whose Fault 8-60 def Jacobs Creek 4-43. Wednesday Night Red: The Bye 7-60 def Toyota Cruisers 5-50; Lyndoch Leftovers 7-58 def VVTC Bottles 550; Gibson Wines 8-62 def Tanunda Down Under 4-43. Wednesday Night White: Team Racket 6-6-51 drew Match Fixers 6-651; Mixers 7-54 def Loose Cannons 5-33; Rebels 11-70 def What a Racquet 1-27. Wednesday Night Blue: Havin a Ball 7-54 def Parrots 5-39; Tiggers 11-69 def Making a Racquet 1-21; Angaston Blues 6-56 def Manooknas 6-51.
Barossa and Light Tennis Association premierships Division Three R Team 1 Angaston 2 Nuriootpa 3 Moculta 4 Kapunda 5 Tanunda White 6 Tanunda Silver 7 Lyndoch 8 Tanunda Black Division Four R Team 1 Nuriootpa 2 Tanunda Black 3 Tanunda Silver 4 Lyndoch 5 Kapunda 6 Angaston 7 Tanunda White 8 Vine Vale Division Five R Team 1 Angaston 2 Kapunda 3 Freeling 4 Lyndoch 5 Marananga 6 Tanunda 7 Keyneton Division Six R Team 1 Freeling 2 Kapunda Red 3 Vine Vale Green 4 Vine Vale White 5 Tanunda Black 6 Angaston 7 Nuriootpa 8 Tanunda White 9 Kapunda Black
Wednesday, November 30, 2011 - Page 36 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
P 6 6 5 6 5 4 5 7
Bye 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0
W 5 5 3 2 2 1 1 0
D 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 2
L 0 0 2 3 3 2 4 5
P 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
W 5 4 3 3 2 2 0 0
D 1 1 1 2 2 0 2 1
L 0 1 2 1 2 4 4 5
P 5 5 6 5 5 5 5
Bye 1 1 0 1 1 1 1
W 5 3 2 2 2 0 0
P 5 5 6 5 5 6 5 6 5
Bye 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1
W 5 4 3 3 2 1 2 1 0
SF 31.5 25.5 19 15.5 11.5 11.5 8 9.5
SA 31.5 25.5 11 17 18 9 22 26
GF 187 177 160 120 115 84 98 73
GA 81 127 121 140 132 80 163 170
Pts 52 46 31 22 19 14 12 7
SF SA 23 10 26 6 23 9 19 12 18 13 16 20 13 19 6 29
GF 150 153 139 130 116 136 111 103
GA 101 90 99 121 123 165 148 191
Pts 42 40 33 30 25 24 13 7
D 0 1 2 0 1 2 2
L 0 1 2 3 2 3 3
SF 22 15 17 15 15 13 11
SA 8 13 16 15 12 14 18
GF 159 123 140 118 101 86 114
GA 100 119 147 129 100 111 135
Pts 42 27 26 23 22 14 14
D 0 1 0 0 2 0 1 1 1
L 0 0 3 2 1 5 2 4 4
SF 21.5 25 20 15 18 15 9.5 11 9
SA 8 2 16 14 7 20 18 22 18
GF 148 137 153 126 102 129 81 93 92
GA 95 45 142 133 77 168 128 149 124
Pts 41 40 32 26 25 18 17 14 8
The Herald Bowls Report
Visitors grab Nuri skins The Nuriootpa Bowling Club held its prestigious Skins tournament on Sunday. Once again the event was sponsored by the Vine Inn Hotel Motel. As with recent Skins, the event drew a formidable array of bowling talent from far and near with all competitors having an eye on the rich purse on offer. After Saturday’s downpour green keeper Geoff Langley was relieved to be greeted
by blue skies in the morning along with a friendly weather report. By noon the greens were running nicely and were appreciated by one and all. The boys from the Somerton Bowling Club stole the show by winning all eight skins for a grand total of $1000 in prize money. Next best was the team from Lockleys, headed by Ian “Buddha” Miller. Ian’s crew
won five skins to pocket a very tidy $625. Third best performers were Ashley Klose’s team who won three skins to score $375 for their efforts. Hard working tournament director, Roger Mattschoss, was very pleased with the event which showcased the Nuriootpa club and what it has to offer to the wider bowling community and the response was fantastic.
TOP RIGHT:Vine Inn Skins top money earners Paul Higgs, Jason Hallows, Ron Gebert and Don Edwards with Vine Inn manager Chris Lindon. BOTTOM RIGHT:Vine Inn manager Chris Lindon with runners up Ian Miller, Steve Trowse, Andrew Mair and Neil Miller.
Barossa and Light results Premiership tables Midweek results for Thursday Round 8 - November 24. Angaston White 48 v Lyndoch Gold 67. D Armstrong 17 v T Sharrett 18; T Edwards 16 v K Boyle 24; F Thomas 15 v D Hausler 25. Eudunda 49 v Nuriootpa Green 64. J Willoughby 20 v I Klaebe 17; K Laucke 11 v W Williams 29; F Schmidt 18 v R Garrett 18. Freeling 51 v Nuriootpa Black 48. T Secomb 13 v T Elix 22; C Kearns 16 v T Billing 14; T Mullins 22 v S Jones 12. Kapunda Red 52 v Tanunda White 58. C Sunman 9 v R Schnieder 30; P Voumard 25 v P Baverstock 16; B O’Reilly 18 v P Secker 12. Nuriootpa Blue 57 v Lyndoch Blue 63. B Randall 21 v G Ayres 25; P Rosenberg 15 v B Howell 24; P Buckley 21 v M Launer 14. Nuriootpa Gold 82 v Angaston Blue 41. R Chapman 23 v B Teakle 14; T Gibbons 26 v M Hurn 16; P
Bowls teams EUDUNDA Division One v Lyndoch at Lyndoch (cars to leave at noon): R Hnatyszyn, J Willoughby, A Pfitzner, B Warner; M Geister, T Schiller, W Mader, J Hanns; G Mitev, R Milde, P Voigt, P Eva; R Leditschke, G Doecke, D Kleinig, M Schutz. Division Three v Kapunda Black at Kapunda (cars to leave at 12.30pm): T Branford, C Menz, M Nietschke, G G Schutz; G Zerner, G Minge, F Schiller, R Hams; G O Schutz, M Christie, R Regnier, F Schmidt. Reserves: G Goedecke, K Hines, K Heinrich. Midweek Men v Lyndoch Blue at Lyndoch (depart 11.45am): T Bronford, G O Schutz, J Willoughby; G Mitev, C Menz, R Hams; M Christie, R Regnier, F Schmidt. Midweek Ladies v Angaston at Eudunda: J Pfitzner, H Jenke, D Leditschke, J Milde; B Pfitzner, J Johnston, K Hickey, B Marshall; D Mader, M Weymouth, D Twartz, M Nietschke; J Bruhn, J Hams, P Gordge, P Dutschke. Reserve: L Mosey. Hostesses: M Nietschke, P Dutschke. FREELING Division One v Nuriootpa at Nuriootpa: T Johansen, L Mullins, J Morris, G Fergusson; I McFarlane, N Marslen, T Mullins, L Ryan; J Bryson, N Lee, J Grantham, H Sykes; K Swanson, T Secomb, T Heinjus, C Kearns. Division Two v Angaston White at Freeling: D Johansen, S Ryan, G Maynard, J Wright; L Swanson, P Fryer, R Ratsch, F Hines; J Gaertner, A Drury, K Price, B Schuster. Division Three v Angaston at Angaston: O Howson, C Testrail, D Jamieson, K Bettens; G Thomson, P Erskine, W Pitt, G Holmes; J Fidge, P Flowers, W Rivett, L Goedecke. Reserves: Phil Waldegrave, P Heinjus. Midweek v Angaston White at Freeling: B Schuster, L Swanson, C Kearns; W Pitt, J Grantham, T Mullins; K Bettens, J Wright, T Secomb. KAPUNDA Division One v Angaston at Angaston: T Rae, R Gill, B O’Reilly, I Otterspoor; C Doecke, T Leslie, W Reardon, R Rogers; W Beavan, A Reinders, P Voumard, G Redden; C Otterspoor, F Hier, J Scholes, M Dew. Cars: W Beavan, M Dew, G Donovan. Division Two v Angaston Blue at Kapunda: C Hamper, T Scoot, J Trotta, P Maitland; R Scoot, B Cummins, L Carter, K Matthews; T Noack, R Doecke, C Sunman, P Hart. Duty Rink: P Maitland. Division Three Red v Lyndoch at Kapunda: R Matschoss, P Dobbin, B Goodfellow, B Carrick; G Campbell, S Hart, B Brearley, B Phillips; P Sando, B Morris, T Scholes, D Franks. Duty Rink: D Franks. Division Three Black v Eudunda at Kapunda: S Franks, R Perry, J Pitman, C Reardon; P Ferns, D Parish, K Dooley, J Baldwin jnr; B van Gasteren, T Waterman, E Pitman, J Baldwin snr. Duty Rink: J Baldwin snr. Midweek Black v Tanunda White at
For all the club reports go to our website:
www.barossaherald.com.au and follow the link in sport. And check out the bowls photos in sports gallery. Fechner 33 v C Tabe 11. Tanunda Black 94 v Kapunda Black 41. C Mahoney 24 v G Redden 11; D Heidenreich 38 v T Rae 13; J Garrett 32 v R Rogers 17. Ladies Freeling 68 v Angaston 80. L Mullins 22 v L Lablack 16; D Johansen 19 v L Teakle 21; J Gerrits 10 v G Armstrong 25; J Dunbar 17 v E Bond 18. Nuriootpa 79 v Kapunda 79. D Baker 17 v C Holmes 21; P Jones 18 v C Reardon 19; M Elix 13 v R Scoot 24; M Nolan 31 v C Doecke 15. Tanunda 80 v Eudunda 71. M Hurst 21 v P Dutschke 17; M Meertens 16 v B Marshall 19; J Farquharson 23 v M Nietschke 19; G Woods 20 v J Milde 16. Lyndoch - Bye
Tanunda: J Scholes, K Matthews, G Redden; C Hamper, W Beavan, T Rae; P Hart, A Reinders, R Rogers. Cars: C Hamper, P Hart. Midweek Red v Lyndoch Gold at Kapunda: B van Gasteren, T Scoot, C Sunman; J Baldwin snr, W Reardon, B O’Reilley; R Parker, F Hier, P Voumard. Duty Rink: C Sunman. Ladies have a bye. LYNDOCH Division One v Eudunda at Lyndoch: R Vanstone, K Boyle, W Southern, J Sharratt; Di Jones, G Reeves, K Gavin, P Uranjek; D Wilson, T Drummond, G Ayres, C Rule; D Green, T Teague, D Hausler, T Noble. Duty rink: P Uranjek. Bar rink: C Rule. Division Two - bye. Division Three v Kapunda Red at Kapunda (depart 12.30pm): S Drummond, M Magee, P Handke, J Allwood; R Idel, J Emerson, I Turner, D Turvey; K Brown, B Fisher, A Gerrard, C Turner. Reserves: Division One - B Prime; Division Three - T Fisher. Midweek Gold v Kapunda Red at Kapunda (depart 12.30pm): G Schumacher, G Reeves, D Hausler; B Day, B Koch, K Boyle; A Gerrard, R Filsell, J Sharratt. Reserves: B Fisher. Midweek Blue v Eudunda at Lyndoch: D Lindner, A Turvey, M Launer; D Moncrieff, T Drummond, G Ayres; R Idel, T Haycock, B Allan. Duty rink: B Allan. ANGASTON Division One v Kapunda at Angaston: F Thomas, N Smith, T Edwards, D Jaunay; M Short, M Hurn, K Brook, B Bowden; J Jensen, J Argent, L Buckley, J Standish; M Renshaw, B Hurn, K Sandford, B Teakle. Manager: D Jaunay. Duty Rink: B Teakle; Umpires: J Standish, B Teakle. Division Two Blue v Kapunda at Kapunda: A Hall, B Copperwheat, E Bond, K Renshaw; M Storton, W Newell, I Langley, C Reardon; D Tye, L Bell, M Teakle, L Teakle. Manager: M Storton. Cars depart 12.40pm; Drivers: Seconds. Division Two White v Freeling at Freeling: P Gibbons, W Sibley, L Schulz, D Armstrong; M Klingner, S Heinze, B Bullock, B Tuttle; P Pech, T Hopkins, A Booth, C Tabe. Manager: D Armstrong; Cars depart 12.40pm; Drivers: Skippers. Division Three v Freeling at Angaston: K Woodards, A Harvey, S Barnden, I Philp; A Grear, D Copperwheat, F Booth, C Vereyken; R Benjamin, J Carruthers, B Agars, H Schmied. Midweek Blue v Tanunda Black at Angaston: C Vereyken, K Renshaw, M Hurn; J Carruthers, M Teakle, B Teakle; K Woodards, A Harvey, C Tabe. Manager: C Tabe; Umpire: B Teakle. Midweek White v Freeling at Freeling: A Grear, J Rodgers, T Edwards; I Philp, P Gibbons, D Armstrong; R Benjamin, A Hall, F Thomas. Manager: A Hall. Cars depart 12.40pm; Cars: Skippers. TANUNDA Division One has a bye. Division Two Black v Nuriootpa Black at Tanunda: J Ralston, K Schmaal, G Woods, A Price; G Farquharson, P Secker, K Wallace,D Schiller; R Bartsch, D Pech, M Meertens, D Meertens. Duty Rink: D Schiller. Division Two White v Nuriootpa Gold at
Nuriootpa: M Silvestro, S Mewett, B Wallace, E Allanson; F Altmann, W Noack, D Martin, M Hurst; H Rohrlach, D Grear, D Koch, T Ratsch. Division Three v Nuriootpa Black at Nuriootpa: D Ralston, K Schliebs, I Frick, D Goodwin; G Meyer, M Goodwin, G Rainsford, J Miegel; C Neldner, D Light, C Graetz, T Leech. Midweek morning v Freeling at Freeling: W Weinmann, M Goodwin, J Ralston, G Woods; E Kampman, B Clarke, J Stephens, M Meertens; D Semmler, L Miegel, K Wallace, M Hurst; J Schultz, J Thompson, J Farquharson, D Light. Midweek Black v Angaston Blue at Angaston: D Martin, B Ellis, B Wallace; H Rohrlach, D Goodwin, S Mewett; K Schliebs, B Williams, J Garrett. Midweek White v Kapunda Black at Tanunda: G Farquharson, P Secker, R Schneider; C Graetz, C Neldner, T Ratsch; C Traeger, P Baverstock, A Price. Duty Rink: R Schneider. NURIOOTPA Division One v Freeling at Nuriootpa. R Mattschoss, R Chapman, C Jones, G Langley; R Garrett, D Wilson, W Williams, R Walker; L Fuss, P Fechner, G Prior, R Grope; S Ryan, R Randall, S Allen, T Billing. Umpire: R Matschoss; Duty Rink: G Langley. Division Two Gold v Tanunda White at Nuriootpa: M Jones, Pam Jones, D Langley, P Buckley; N Nolan, L Cook, N Christopherson, T Gibbons; C Allen, R Warnest, P Rosenberg, I Klaebe. Umpire: R Warnest. Division Two Black v Tanunda Black at Tanunda: C La Nauze, M Simpkin, L Tscharke, T Elix; C Hughes, S Rogers, C Baker, S Jones; A Jones, M Boehm, D Baker, N Jaensch. Cars depart 12.45pm; Drivers: T Elix, S Jones, N Jaensch. Division Three Gold has a bye. Division Three Black v Tanunda at Nuriootpa: K Steer, B Jones, J Reusch, Aird Shoesmith; M Graetz, R Hahn, A Shoesmith, Phil Jones; M Medlow, A Klaebe, K Reichelt, D Quodling. Duty Rink: Aird Shoesmith. Midweek Gold v Nuriootpa Black at Nuriootpa: C Forbes, C Allen, T Gibbons; John McIntosh, S Rogers, R Chapman; Aird Shoesmith, L Cook, G Langley. Red stickers please. Midweek Black v Nuriootpa Gold at Nuriootpa: A Jones, L Tscharke, T Elix; J Bilney, P Fechner, T Billing; B Jones, M Sims, S Jones. Duty Rink: S Jones. Midweek Green v Nuriootpa Blue at Nuriootpa: P White, J Bell, W Williams; K Reichelt, R Mattschoss, R Garrett; N Nolan, R Warnest, I Klaebe. Umpires: R Warnest, R Matschoss. Duty Rink: W Williams. Midweek Blue v Nuriootpa Green at Nuriootpa: A Rayner, C Hughes, R Randall; B Klaebe, J Mattner, P Rosenberg; G Krahling, C La Nauze, D Wilson. Red stickers please. Ladies Midweek v Lyndoch at Lyndoch: L Hahn, L Wilkinson, N Chapman, M Nolan; H Roberts, J Chapman, G White, P Jones; J Zanetic, M Waples, J McIntosh, D Baker; D Allen, W Sandow, U Boettger, M Elix. Reserves: J Krause, V Bessell, A Shoesmith, D Dalton. Car pick up: 8.15am; Drivers: L Hahn, G White, J McIntosh, M Elix.
DIVISION ONE Team Nuriootpa Tanunda Freeling Lyndoch Angaston Eudunda Kapunda DIVISION TWO Team Angaston Blue Nuriootpa Gold Tanunda Black Nuriootpa Black Tanunda White Kapunda Lyndoch Angaston White Freeling DIVISION THREE Team
P 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
W 6 4 4 4 2 2 1
D 0 0 1 0 1 0 0
L 1 3 2 3 4 5 5
B 1 1 1 1 1 2 2
C 1 1 1 1 1 0 1
F 675 733 661 645 594 612 512
A 599 595 627 623 680 686 622
S 76 138 34 22 -86 -74 -110
% 52.98 55.20 51.32 50.87 46.62 47.15 45.15
Pts 137 103 98 96 71 49 40
P 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
W 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 1 0
D 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
L 1 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 6
B 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1
C 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1
F 463 444 439 399 493 441 491 411 358
A 403 369 421 419 453 388 535 429 482
S 60 75 18 -20 40 53 -44 -18 -124
% 53.46 54.61 51.05 48.78 52.11 53.20 47.86 48.93 42.62
Pts 85 81 79 79 75 72 58 49 30
Nuriootpa Gold Kapunda Red Tanunda Eudunda Nuriootpa Black Lyndoch Kapunda Black Freeling Angaston
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
7 4 4 3 2 3 2 2 0
0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1
572 450 425 422 427 375 418 421 342
387 378 407 406 420 469 382 476 487
185 72 18 16 7 -94 36 -55 -145
59.65 54.35 51.05 50.97 50.41 44.44 52.25 46.95 41.25
112 87 76 70 67 62 56 52 26
Kapunda Black Tanunda Black Nuriootpa Gold Nuriootpa Green Tanunda White Freeling Kapunda Red Nuriootpa Black Lyndoch Gold Lyndoch Blue Angaston Blue Nuriootpa Blue Angaston White Eudunda
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
7 6 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 2 1 1 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
501 487 526 471 493 384 468 492 398 465 429 461 386 393
426 368 435 406 456 381 449 428 419 492 502 491 540 561
75 119 91 65 37 3 19 64 -21 -27 -73 -30 -154 -168
54.05 56.96 54.73 53.71 51.95 50.20 51.04 53.48 48.71 48.59 46.08 48.42 41.68 41.19
102 88 84 83 75 72 70 65 65 64 43 34 27 24
Nuriootpa Kapunda Tanunda Lyndoch Angaston Eudunda Freeling
8 8 8 8 8 8 8
4 4 4 3 3 3 2
1 1 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 2 1 1 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
587 530 532 473 545 517 495
486 531 519 465 533 564 542
101 -1 13 8 12 -47 -47
54.71 49.94 50.62 50.43 50.56 47.83 47.75
113 107 102 96 88 82 68
0 1 2 3 3 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 6 6 7 2 2 3 3 4 4 5
Proudly supporting lawn bowls “a crackerjack sport” 16 Mildred St, Kapunda Phone 8566 2013
Wednesday, November 30, 2011 - Page 37 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
Results for Saturday Pennants - November 26. Division One - Round 9, Division Two and Three - Round 8 all cancelled due to weather.
Central District Football Club supports
Gawler and Kapunda Sportsperson of the week Craig Schwartz - Keyneton
Sports with Graham Fischer and Mike Teakle
Craig Schwartz plays tennis for Keyneton. Where have you played your tennis? Maitland Tennis Club and now Keyneton.
> Basketball
Who are key players at your club? Kym Graetz, Therese Feibiger, Tim Saegenschnitter. What is your most important attribute? Good drinker, oh, you mean tennis - ability to fill the court. Who is a character at the club and why? We’re all characters at Keyneton. Who is the best player you have played with and against? Tim Saegy with, and against, most seem better than me. Major influence in your tennis: Tim Saegenschnitter. Who are your sporting idols? Nathan Buckley. Any superstitions? No. What event has amazed you? Michael Pengelly calling Julia ‘a dog’. If you were Prime Minister what issue would you address? World peace. I want to be Landmark princess of the week. Pet hates on the tennis court? Unsportsmanlike behaviour. Favourite actor and movie? Movie Happy Gilmore. Actor - Adam Sandler. If someone had to play you in a movie who would it be? Arnold Schwarzenegger Greatest moment and disappointment? I’ve had a great life with no disappointments. Birth of my kids my great moment.
How would you spend a million dollars? On me. What other sport would you love to be the best in the world at and why? Golf. Great walk. If you could have any four people stranded on a deserted island with you who would they be and why? If I didn’t say my wife and kids I would be in trouble plus they do mean the most to me.
BEN Madgen’s best game of the current NBL season came on Friday night as the Williamstown guard scored 26 points, collected four rebounds and dished out four assists in the Sydney Kings’ 89-80 win over the Melbourne Tigers. Madgen also continued his defensive improvement as he helped contain the Tigers’ backcourt trio of Ayinde Ubaka, Ron Dorsey and Daniel Dillon who have more chance to flourish offensively with the departure of Patrick Mills, first to China, now back to Portland in the NBA. Unfortunately the Kings were stopped in their tracks by Perth on Sunday night as the Wildcats recorded a 103-92 win with
Limited number of units available at both Gawler and Kapunda branches.
DEFENCE: Angaston’s Ben Burgess plays a straight bat during Saturday’s A1 cricket.
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8522 6200 Tide Times for Port Adelaide (Outer Harbour) and Wallaroo for the week to come
NOV 2011 DEC 2011
30 WE
2.39 0.46 1.76
NOV 2011
0017 0648 1316 1918
0.62 2.27 0.48 1.81
DEC 2011
0055 0718 1342 2001
0.70 2.12 0.52 1.82
0142 0755 1420 2100
0.83 1.92 0.62 1.78
0250 0845 1512 2235
1.02 1.65 0.79 1.73
0520 1039 1657
1.16 1.38 0.98
2 FR
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0620 1255 1845
Single Impeller 400L
ALL SATURDAY pennants games in the Barossa and Light Bowling Association were cancelled on Saturday. Greens at four of the seven clubs were closed after receiving more than an inch of rain on Friday night/Saturday morning. The timing proved unfortunate for teams such as Nuri’s Division One who were keen to bounce back after their first loss of the season . They were set to host an underperforming Angaston side with the prospect of a good haul of points now gone but the Tigers still are title favourites.
Your Guide to the Tides
Pt Adelaide • Units come with a Davey Firefighter Centrifugal Pump & Honda GX160 Engine • 3 way vale for quick suction change over • 6m of suction hose and foot valve • 5 year pro rata warranty (tank only)
Landmark Gawler Landmark Kapunda
> Lawn Bowls
brought to you by
Get ready for the fire season.
Madgen having a horror shooting night, hitting just 20 per cent from the field on his way to seven points on the night.
Relationship and employment status: Married with two children. Own fencing contracting business - Schwartz Fencing.
4 5 MO
30 WE
0634 1436 2015 2315
1.56 0.52 0.76 0.74
0702 1453 2249
1.42 0.54 0.87
0000 0725 1512
0.87 1.26 0.56
0723 1531
1.10 0.59
0106 1539
1.14 0.64
0142 1304
1.26 0.67
2 SA
4 SU
5 MO
0213 1.36 0050 1.83 1139 0.56 0824 0.94 1402 1.40 TU 1932 0.98 *Please note - Add 1 hour for daylight savings ‘Tidal predictions supplied by the National Tide Facility. The Flinders University of South Australia, Copyright Reserved’
6 TU
Wednesday, November 30, 2011 - Page 38 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
HAPPY: Birthday angler Coan Linke.
By LUBIN PFEIFFER LAST Sunday I had the pleasure of taking seven-yearold Coan Linke out for a fish for his birthday. Unusually I was early and while waiting for the birthday boy to arrive clouds were starting to fill the sky and there was a hint of rain in the air, perfect fishing conditions. Lunches packed, rods ready and young Coan had a very keen shy smile as he jumped into the 4WD. Arriving at the river, we donned the gum boots and headed for the water. Our chosen lures for the day were a white spinnerbait on one rod and a pink hard body diving lure on the other. I must say how impressed I was when I handed Coan the rod and he cast it out into the pool like a pro. On Coan’s second cast a thumper of a redfin roared out to the lure at our feet but failed
to meet the hooks. What a start. After moving along the river we found a patch of fish that were wary to the larger lures we were using, so I changed to a soft plastic and shortly after we had our first fish, a beautifully marked redfin perch. Further up the river on the edge of a high bank and we could see a couple of good fish mooching around in the water below. Making a difficult cast for Coan I handed him the rod as a large redfin turned and nailed the lure and we were on again. A great morning on the river was followed by a session on Coan’s dam, where Coan found out just how successful blade lures are on dam dwelling redfin. With almost 20 fish in the bag we called it a day, and what a great birthday fish it had been. Tight lines until next week.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011 - Page 39 - The Herald, Barossa Valley
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Stunning return
Win Adelaide Bite tickets THE Herald has two double passes to give away to Saturday night’s 7pm Australian Baseball League match between the Adelaide Bite and the Melbourne Aces at Norwood Oval. Just answer the following question: What is the name of Gawler’s baseball team? Email your answers to: sales1.barossaherald@ruralpress.com Post answers to: Adelaide Bite tickets PO Box 43 TANUNDA SA 5352 Drop in to the Herald office at 1/119 Murray Street, Tanunda with the answers and your contact details on the back of an envelope. Entries close at 10am, Friday, December 2 and winners will be immediately notified by phone.
Bite ready to strike
finish closely behind Maria Kosztovits in the Franklin Island sprint distance triathlon looking comfortable throughout the 5km run leg. Holmes said she was excited to be back racing after stepping out of the sport last season to complete university studies. “I’m really happy to get the first race out of the way,” she said. Holmes is preparing for events in February and March 2012 to qualify for the ITU World Triathlon Championship in New Zealand in 2012. Her next race is the State Aquathlon Championships on December 27.
FORMER under 19 AG World Olympic Distance Triathlon champion Ella Holmes (pictured) had a sensational return to competition on the weekend. Holmes, 20, of Gawler, marked her return to elite level triathlon with a second place in the female open category of Race Two of Triathlon South Australia’s 2011/2012 State Series, held in perfect conditions at Victor Harbor. Competing in her first triathlon in more than 18 months, Holmes exited the 750m swim leg in third place, before moving into second place on the 20km bike leg. Holmes then ran strongly to
ADELAIDE Bite turned their season around in the Australian Baseball League with a series win over Sydney Blue Sox last weekend, and starting from tomorrow (Thursday), will be looking to climb up the ladder when it takes on Melbourne Aces. Against Sydney, the Bite left supporters in awe of their performance, when they twice came from behind to win games one and two. Last Thursday Adelaide trailed 3-6 with two out in the bottom of the ninth when it rallied with five runs to win 8-6, as Calvin Anderson smashed a three-run home run for the game-winner. Calvin is the son of Fred Anderson, a former defensive lineman, who won a Superbowl ring with the Pittsburgh Steelers. On Friday night the Bite trailed 0-3 before scoring 11 runs midgame, Hawaiian Carlton Tanabe’s three-run home run in the fifth inning putting Adelaide in front to stay. Sydney won the first game of Saturday’s double-header 5-0, while the Bite won the night-cap 4-2, Anderson’s two-run blast crucial.
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