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1 Exploring fluidity in space design to achieve inclusivity and safety
Originality Statement
I hereby declare that this submission is my own work and it contains no full or substantial copy of previously published material, or does not even contain substantial proportions of material which has been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma of any other educational institution, except where due acknowledgement is made in this Capstone Project.
Moreover, I also declare that none of the concepts are borrowed or copied without due acknowledgement. I further declare that the intellectual content of this Capstone project is the product of my own work, except to the extent that assistance from others in the project’s design and conception or in style, presentation and linguistic expression is acknowledged. This Capstone project (or part of it) was not and will not be submitted as assessed work in any other academic course.
Student Name: Kushang Barot
Signature: _________
Date: _________
2 Kushang Barot | Space design | Anant National University, Ahmedabad
Copyright Statment
I hereby grant Anant National University the right to archive and to make available my Capstone Project Report in whole or in part in the University Library in all forms of media, now or hereafter known, subject to the provisions of the Copyright Act. I have either used no substantial portions of the copyrighted material in my document or I have obtained permission to use copyright material.
Student Name: Kushang Barot
Signature: _________
Date: _________
3 Exploring fluidity in space design to achieve inclusivity and safety
Student Name: Kushang Barot
Enrolment Number: U19035
Dissertation Title: Exploring fluidity in space design to achieve inclusivity and safety
The following study is hereby approved as a creditable work on the approved subject carried out and presented in the manner, sufficiently satisfactory to warrant its acceptance as a prerequisite to the degree of Bachelor of Design (Space Design) for which it has been submitted.
It is to be understood that by this approval, the undersigned does not endorse or approve the statements made, opinions expressed or conclusions drawn therein, but approves the study only for the purpose for which it has been submitted and satisfies him/her to the requirements laid down in the academic program.
The institute does not validate this document's authenticity and takes no responsibility for any acts of intentional or accidental plagiarism that may be found to be associated with this document or its author.
Space Design, School of Design
Anant National University
Guide: Sangramsinh Parmar
Space Design, Anant National University
4 Kushang Barot | Space design | Anant National University, Ahmedabad
I would like to express my deepest gratitude and appreciation to all the individuals who have supported and contributed to the successful completion of my final year thesis project. Without their invaluable assistance, this endeavor would not have been possible.
First and foremost, I am profoundly grateful to my Mentor, Sangramsinh Parmar, for their unwavering guidance, patience, and expertise throughout the entire research process. Their insightful feedback, constructive criticism, and constant encouragement have been instrumental in shaping and refining this thesis. I am indebted to them for their invaluable mentorship.
I would also like to extend my sincere thanks to the faculty members of the Space Design at Anant national University for their encouragement, support, and intellectual stimulation. Their dedication to teaching and research has been a constant source of inspiration for me.
I am deeply appreciative of the assistance provided by the Ashima Sood and librarians at the begining stage of the Thesis project. Their invaluable support in accessing research materials, databases, and resources has been instrumental in the completion of this project. Their commitment to ensuring a conducive learning environment is commendable.
I would like to express my gratitude to my friends and classmates for their continuous support and motivation throughout this journey. Their insightful discussions, feedback, and willingness to lend a helping hand have been invaluable.
Furthermore, I extend my heartfelt appreciation to my family for their unconditional love, encouragement, and understanding. Their unwavering belief in my abilities has been the driving force behind my perseverance and determination to complete this project.
In conclusion, I am humbled and privileged to have had the opportunity to undertake this final year thesis project. The collective support, guidance, and encouragement I received have played an indispensable role in its completion. I express my deepest appreciation to everyone who has contributed to this endeavor.
5 Exploring fluidity in space design to achieve inclusivity and safety
About University
Anant National University, the pioneering DesignX university in India, strives to empower designers with the necessary tools of the digital age and a multidisciplinary approach to address the pressing challenges of our modern world sustainably. Today, industries spanning various sectors are actively seeking designers who possess a comprehensive understanding of multiple domains and can leverage their interdisciplinary expertise to create innovative solutions for a brighter future. At AnantU, our mission is to shape such designers by nurturing their technical skills, fostering a holistic comprehension of contextual factors, and cultivating effective communication, collaboration, and critical thinking abilities.
6 Kushang Barot | Space design | Anant National University,
About Space Design
This practical design course is studio-based and research-led, with the primary objective of fostering space designers who possess critical thinking skills, empathy, and a penchant for innovation. The program provides a diverse range of courses aimed at equipping designers with the ability to deliver straightforward, functional, and visually captivating solutions to space design challenges.
7 Exploring fluidity in space design to achieve inclusivity and safety
The proposed architecture project aims to design and develop a Fluid Space, a versatile and adaptable community hub that will have a positive and lasting impact on the local community. By repurposing an underutilized site in the heart of the city, this project seeks to transform a neglected space into a thriving center for community events and activities.
The architecture project “City Connects” aims to establish a dynamic and engaging hub within the city that promotes the significance of architecture and urban planning in shaping our world. By bringing together educationists, experts, enthusiasts, and the general public, this project seeks to foster a deeper understanding and appreciation of the urban built environment.
The central focus of City Connects is to create an exhibition space that offers a range of interactive exhibits, a Future Lab, and Debating Areas. These components will serve as platforms for connecting individuals to the various aspects of architecture and urban planning. Visitors will have the opportunity to explore architectural models, artifacts, and tools, and gain insights into different architectural styles, techniques, and materials.
By establishing City Connects as a vibrant and interactive hub, this architecture project seeks to bridge the gap between the public and the world of architecture and urban planning. It envisions a space that empowers and enlightens individuals, showcasing the transformative power of the built environment in shaping our cities and societies. City Connects aims to be a beacon of inspiration, connecting people and ideas to create a positive impact on the way we design and experience our urban spaces.
8 Kushang Barot | Space design | Anant National University, Ahmedabad
9 Exploring fluidity in space design to achieve inclusivity and safety Project Title Copyright Information Originality Statement Copyright Statement Certificate Page Acknowledgement About University About Space Design Synopsis Table of Contents 01 03 04 02 Statement of Intent Site Analysis Design Program Case Study 11 Aims/Objectives/Methodology/ Scope and Limitations 29 Site Selection 31 Design Language 33 Exterior Space Analysis 35 Interior Space Analysis 37 Sound Analysis 38 About the Architect 39 City Connects 40 Intial Layout 17 Kolumba Museum, Germany Table of Contents 12 Introduction to the Project 13 Research 23 St. Ann’s Warehouse, Brooklyn, United States
10 Kushang Barot | Space design | Anant National University, Ahmedabad 05 06 07 08 Conceptual Design Development Design Implementation Reflection/ Critics Bibliography 41 The Passage Of Time And The Fluidity Of Water 43 Experience of Massing 44 Concept of Massing 61 Reflection of the project 63 Biblography of Images Document, Illustration and Books 45 Plan and Section 49 Massing Study 51 How Is Fluidity And Inclusivity is achieved in the project ?
1.1 Area of interest
Repurposing an abandoned public space
1.2 Keywords
Fluidity, Inclusivity, Empowerment, Community and Safety
1.3 Aim
To create a fluid space which empowers the community towards Inclusiveness and safety in both interior and exterior environment
1.3 Objectives
• To empower the community and create a safe space for all
• To challenge the conventional lifestyle and move towards more Inclusive and Safe ecosystem.
• To understand how Fluid space can empower the communities.
• To understand the effect of Fluid spaces into the Interior environment and what will be possible future of it.
1.4 Methodology
• Visual observation and participant observation- These methods will allow me to directly observe and interact with the community
• Interview research- This will involve conducting structured or semi-structured interviews with key stakeholders, such as community leaders, to gather more in-depth information about their experiences and perspectives.
1.5 Scope
The scope of current project is needed to understand the full potential of fluid spaces and how they can be designed and implemented effectively.
Exploring how fluid spaces can support and facilitate different types of activities and uses. Additionally, more research is needed on the practical challenges and opportunities associated with creating fluid spaces, such as issues related to zoning and accessibility.
1.6 Limitations
• No Prior Data Collection and Research Done
• Measuring and Quantify Data
• Limited to small amount of people
• Idea level of intervention on rest of the site
11 Exploring fluidity in space design to achieve inclusivity and safety
The three tentative design objectives for my capstone project are focused on empowering the community and creating a safe space for all, challenging the conventional lifestyle and moving towards a more inclusive, innovative, and growing ecosystem, and understanding how fluid spaces can empower communities.
Creating a fluid space, or a space that is multifunctional and adaptable to different uses can also be a key strategy for promoting community well-being, growth, and innovation. This type of space can provide opportunities for people to come together and engage in a range of activities, such as socializing, learning, and creativity. It can also be more sustainable, as it can be adapted to changing needs and uses over time, reducing the need for constant redevelopment.
Finally, transforming old structures or left-out spaces into fluid spaces can be a way to revitalize communities and create inclusive, sustainable spaces. This can involve repurposing abandoned buildings or underused spaces, such as old factories or warehouses, into multi-functional community centres or co-working spaces. By doing so, these spaces can be transformed into vibrant hubs of activity and engagement. providing opportunities for people to come together and thrive.
Overall, my goal is to create a capstone project that empowers the community and creates a safe, inclusive, and innovative space for all to enjoy. By incorporating elements of sustainable, participatory, human-centred and universal design, I hope to achieve my design objectives and create a space that truly reflects the needs and wants of the community.
12 Kushang Barot | Space design | Anant National University, Ahmedabad
Fig. 1 Main Keywords of the project
• Shared
• Adaptable
• Flexible
• Transparency
• Multi-Functional
• To accommodate different preferences, public spaces should have varying levels of engagement, providing a range of interaction options.
• The spaces should be versatile, serving multiple purposes during the day and night to maintain their dynamic nature.
• Public spaces should have a natural feel and allow for personal interpretation and customization by users.
• They should feel free to use the space according to their needs.
• Enhancing public spaces with programming and activations can help, but it should not be the only solution for inclusiveness.
• A space should inherently be inclusive without the need for excessive design changes. Small, unique, and user-friendly features are more effective in promoting inclusiveness.
• Public spaces should permit diverse interactions and interpretations.
• Community-led decision-making should be prioritized over academic or professional knowledge. People are the essence of public spaces and their lived experiences are invaluable.
• It is important to know that who manages the place, is it a government, community leader or a people? The management should be both in the hands of public and Government Entity.
• Rules and regulation and the policies should be clarified to all.
•Transparency between the indoor and outdoor spaces will also reduce the exclusiveness of the space.
13 Exploring
to achieve inclusivity and safety
space design
Fig. 2 Spatial Analysis showing Transparency and Flexibilty
14 Kushang Barot | Space design | Anant National University, Ahmedabad
Fig. 3 Diagram showcasing factors which creates fluidity and Inclusivity in the space
• Space that Provides Equal opportunity For all to be empowered and Safe.
• Ease in access and Linked to the city
• Promotes Socialization
• Interactive zones which ensure activity engagement for all age groups.
Exploring fluidity in space design to achieve inclusivity and safety
Fig. 4 Diagram showcasing importance of inclusive public space
Fig. 6 Diagram showcasing limitation of inclusive space
Fig. 5 Diagram showcasing Factors of Inclusive design
16 Kushang Barot | Space design | Anant National University, Ahmedabad
Fig. 7 Diagram showcasing how indoor and outdoor space can be connected Edited by Kushang Barot
• Zumthor’s design delicately rises from the ruins of a late-Gothic church, respecting the site’s history and preserving its essence.
• “They believe in the inner values of art, its ability to make us think and feel, its spiritual values. This project emerged from the inside out, and from the place,” explained Zumthor at the museum’s opening.
• The Kolumba was indeed intended to be an ode to peace and life (in Latin, columba means dove, a traditional Christian symbol of peace)
Architects: Peter Zumthor
Year : 2007
Cologne, a city in Germany, has a haunting history marked by the Nazi regime’s takeover. During this dark period, the city witnessed the forced emigration of Jews and endured a devastating airstrike that reduced it to ruins. However, in the aftermath of the war, the resilient survivors came together to gather the remains of the city’s significant buildings and construct memorials as symbols of remembrance. Among these structures, the St. Kolumba Church held a special place, originally being one of the oldest Romanesque churches. Subsequently, as part of expansion efforts, it was replaced by a Gothic church.
17 Exploring fluidity in space design to achieve inclusivity and safety
Fig. 8 kolumba-musuem-peter-zumthor
Fig. 9 St. Kolumba Church
Fig. 10 Kolumba, floor plans © Atelier Peter Zumthor & Partner
Externally, the building is characterized by its massiveness, a simple and severe composition of warm-colored volumes and thus integrates both to its urban context as well as the historic site where is located.
Fluidity Through Volume
The sense of openness and unobstructed movement is enhanced by the Volume of space which initially increases the fluidity
These lead to Increase in the Inclusiveness of the space as it is easily accessible, has a strong sense of emotion attached to it and the exhibition space actually connects people with their city.
The interior volume is 2x the human height (Approx. 4 meter)
18 Kushang Barot | Space design | Anant National University, Ahmedabad
Fig. 11 and 12 View of kolumba museum from roadside
Fig. 13 Top View of Kolumba Museum
Fig. 14 Section of Kolumba Museum
Fig. 15,16,17 and 18 Different Interior volumes
The round conical pendant light emitting direct- daylight white (4000k)colour temperature light direct the light of luminaires
The central gallery uses a grid of adjustable COB spotlight
The track light allows flexibility in terms of displaying the items in exhibition, it is adjustable therefore gives focus lighting
The round downlight fitting flushed in the ceiling of Staircase area which increase fluidity
The spaces which exhibit the artwork are kept dark and are dimly lighted to enhance the artwork.
The exhibition spaces are kept dark warm, and the circulation spaces are lit. The circulation space with the exhibits is kept such that the diffused lighting falls on it and enhances the art.
19 Exploring fluidity in space design to achieve inclusivity and safety
Fig. 19 and 20 Pendant Light
Fig 21 COB spotlight
Fig 22 Track light used in exhibition space
Fig 23 Downlight in staircase
Fig 24 Dark Space
Fig 25 Natural light in circlation space
Zumthor, consistently mindful of the use of the materials, and specifically their construction details, has used grey brick to unite the destroyed fragments of the site.
Handcrafted by Petersen Tegl of Denmark, the bricks were specifically developed for this project, as they were fired with charcoal to imbue a warm hue by hand-pressing wet clay in a wooden mould.
The facade of grey brick integrates the remnants of the church’s facade into a new face for the contemporary museum.
The Limestone cladding on wall from top to bottom with polished concrete flooring and concrete texture on the ceiling gives the seamless look which create fluidity in the space, helps in making the exhibits an eye-catching moment.
The walls also have a contrast between the old and new, to merge with the ruins, and to stand out,These bricks gave a very organic and elegant touch to the museum.
The interior walls are made up of concrete, holding the staircase leads to the exhibit displaying the Archdiocese artefacts and antiques, placed in the dark, dimly lit rooms with limestone floors matching with the walls.
20 Kushang Barot | Space design | Anant National University, Ahmedabad
Fig 26 Retaining existing Structure
Fig 27 Brick to merge with Retaining Structure
Fig 28 Facade view of grey brick
Fig 29 Seamless limestone cladding
Fig 30 Contrast between new and old structure
Fig 31and 32 Staircase dark and dimly lit
The perforated facade brings a diffused light inside the Museum, creating antique and warm lighting, with patterns formed on the ceiling.
A perforated facade creates a play of light, a contrast from the exterior, the exterior being bright and the interior spaces being dark.
The scattered light enter from the large openings due to curtains which controls the direct sunlight
The fluidity gets enhanced further with the silk curtains hand-sown which brings the diffused light inside.
The Diffused light enter into the space which enhances the depth and texture of displayed items.
The light fades transitionally due to refraction by wall length and thickness creating shaded spaces, which enhances fluidity
21 Exploring fluidity in space design to achieve inclusivity and safety
Fig 33 and 34 Diffused light from Perforated facade Fig 35 and 36 Play of light ( Exterior Facade) Fig 37 Curtains scattering light
Fig 37 Silk Curtains Fig 38 and 39 Increases Depth and Texture
Fig 40 Refraction of light on wall
An elevated pathway running across the ruins walks the visitors through the ruins, showcasing the tragedy that took place in Cologne.
To avoid any disruption in the interiors, a steel staircase was added to the exteriors
22 Kushang Barot | Space design | Anant National University, Ahmedabad
Fig 41,42 and 43 Movement/ Circulation in Plan View
Fig 44 Elevated pathway on the Ruins
Fig 45 Steel Staircase
• There are three primary materials used in addition to the existing brick: plywood, concrete, and blackened steel.
• An overall steel frame is inserted snugly into the historic untouched walls, allowing the arched doors and varied windows to remain untouched.
• Support spaces, community amenities, offices, and mechanicals open onto an intimate outdoor triangular park within the warehouse’s walls.
St. Ann's Warehouse, Brooklyn, United States
• Architects: Marvel Architects
• Year : 2015
• Area : 25500 ft.square
St. Ann’s Warehouse built its new theater in an 1860 Tobacco Warehouse along Brooklyn Bridge Park in DUMBO. The facility includes a main flexible presenting theater space, a control booth, and seating rake, a small studio theater space, a public lobby and foyer, administrative offices, dressing rooms, and public restrooms.The state-of-the-art theater has gained international recognition for its ability to adapt in multiple configurations allowing for complete flexibility.
23 Exploring
to achieve inclusivity and safety
space design
Fig 46 St. Ann Warehouse Courtyard
Fig 47 St. Ann Warehouse Plan
The site will be just the first of many projects to reuse seven abandoned buildings and vacant lots along the DUMBO waterfront.
It was important for the design team was to minimize the impact of any potential future flooding while ensuring that the theater space remained highly flexible
The site was important as it was near brooklyn bridge
The site is less height compared to surrounding context but merged perfectly due to exterior brick wall in relation to context
24 Kushang Barot | Space design | Anant National University, Ahmedabad
Fig 48 Located near Dumbo waterfront
Fig 50 Brooklyn Bridge
Fig 51 Image of Empire Stores Surrounding Building Bridge
Fig 49 Abonded Spaces near waterfront
A design was to create a clerestory window, topping off two whole elevations and wrapping onto the other two elevations.
• The goal was a light penetrating surface that was functional and durable.
• The final design was a 4" x 8" x 3" unit laid in a running bond which became the largest glass brick running bond project, with no visible mullions or tiebacks.
The ability of the glass brick to allow light to penetrate during either the day or night, creates the luminous and welcoming appearance Marvel designed.
Light spills into the theater space through the Arched window and Door which are throughout the building which provides more flexibility
25 Exploring fluidity in space design to achieve inclusivity and safety
Fig 52 Bright Elevated Clerestory window
Fig 53 Clerestory window in construction
Fig 54 Natural penetration of light
Fig 55 Arched Windows and Gateways
All program other than the theater was placed in a volume along the center wall separating the rectangle from the triangle. This allows for all of the perimeter walls to remain exposed.
- Main flexible presenting theater space
- Control booth and seating rake
- Small studio theater space
- Public lobby and foyer
- Public restrooms
- Dressing rooms
- Administrative offices
26 Kushang Barot | Space design | Anant National University, Ahmedabad
Fig 56 Exploded Isometric view of Flexible spaces
Fig 57 Flexible Performance Area
Fig 58 Flexible Theatre Spaces
The open warehouse space provides flexibility for different performance configurations
A catwalk was hung from the new steel structure that defined the theater space. The continuous catwalk provides complete flexibility for the new performance space
Electrical and mechanical equipment were moved to the mezzanine and roof levels of the building, leaving only essential plumbing and utilities at ground level.
The ductwork is fully integrated into the network of catwalks and theater rigging to protect the maximum height available
The front half of the seating risers are removable, which allows for increased floor space and elevated viewing
27 Exploring fluidity in space design to achieve inclusivity and safety
Fig 59 Exploded Isometric view of Steel Structure
Fig 62 Section showcasing the height of the Theatre space
Fig 63 Adjustable Seating of Theatre space
Fig 60 and 61 Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing System in Steel structure
Project Kolumba Museum St. Ann's Warehouse
Location Germany
Brooklyn, United States
Existing Function Museum Theatre Space
Original Function oldest Romanesque church Tobacco Warehouse
Environment Building and Complex with Urban Fabric
Fluidity and Inclusivity
Abandoned Buildings near DUMBO waterfront
Inclusiveness - easily accessible, Rich cultural value and emotional bonding Fluid - Composition and color palette merge with Urban context
Inclusiveness - Reactivate 7 Abandoned building at Dumbo waterfront near brooklyn Bridge
Fluid - exterior brick walls merge with the context also the possibility of future flooding is cater
Entrance Main Entrance is grand but feels quite exclusive as there is sudden wall in front
Vertical transport - Staircase and Lift
Horizontal transport - Restricted Movement ( less Fluid)
Volume Fluidity - Gives sense of openness and unobstructed movement
Artificial Lighting Fluidity - Pendant, COB and track Lights are used in accordance with the Display requirement
Natural Lighting Fluidity - The light fades transitionally due to refraction by wall length and thickness creating shaded spaces, which enhances fluidity
The entry vestibule is accessed through the public Triangle Garden; which makes it Inclusive
Vertical Transport - Staircase
Horizontal transport - Free Flow Movement (More Fluid)
Fluidity - Grandness and openness consistent throughout the building
Fluidity - Stage, Hanging and Tubelight is evenly Spread also handmade Installation lights were used
Fluidity - Clerestory window made of Glass brick was used also light was scattering through arched windows and door increases fluidity Inclusivity - At night time clerestory window and doorways glow up to make space more vibrant and attractive
Materiality Fluidity - Grey Brick Unite with the Existing facade, Limestone cladding was used on walls and polished concrete flooring gives seamless look
Inclusivity - general sensation of quietness and timeless permanence .
Various System Fluidity - Micropile system helped to increase in volume
Fluidity - Plywood and Steel Cladding wall was full heighted done alternatively dividing the volume and giving the seamless look
Fluidity - MEP System spread throughout the building
Kushang Barot I U19035
Mentor: Sangramsinh Parmar
Barot | Space design | Anant National University, Ahmedabad
Design Capstone project Spring 2023
Repurposing an abandoned public space Space
Fig 64 Comparitive Table of Fluidity and Inclusivity
Name: Navrangpura Bus Stand
Architect: Charles Correa
Location: Navrangpura Road
Area: 1385 m²
The design site is a public bus stopw, the Navrangpura Bus Stand in Ahmedabad, India can be a possible site to work on. The design problem at this site is the lack of amenities and inclusivity for passengers, particularly for those with Immediate Built Fabric disabilities or special needs. The existing bus stand is outdated and does not adequately serve the needs of the community it serves.
29 Exploring fluidity in space design to achieve inclusivity and safety
Fig 65 View of bus Stand from roadside
Fig 66 and 67 Navrangpura Bus Stand with Surrounding Context (100 meter radius)
Fig 68 Sun and Wind direction with understanding of surrounding context
• The Site is abandoned so it can be used in various ways
• Site need to regain its functionality and add more Activities to it.
• Interesting Activities can make space more Vibrant and lively.
• The residual Space surrounding the building can be efficiently used
• Additional Structure and maintenance of old structure can be done.
30 Kushang Barot | Space design | Anant National University, Ahmedabad
Old Structure is deteriorating Residual Space First Floor is completely closed (Not Managed)
Fig 69 Diagram showcasing routes towards the sites
Fig 71 Side view of Navrangpura bus stand
Fig 72 Residual Space along roadside
Fig 73 Abonded Building
Fig 70 Main road
The columns comes out of the slab and form a interesting linear element on top
Concrete / RCC
Mild Steel Frame
Mild Steel Grid
The Mild Steel Railing is used to control the movement and direct it toward the Seating space. The railing are visually thin which doesn't obstruct the surrounding view. People nowadays usually sit on it while waiting for bus to arrive.
31 Exploring fluidity in space design to achieve inclusivity and safety
On the first floor, beams are exposed and gives the feeling of waffle slab
The Framed glass windows and steel jaalis are used in the building
The Image shows the existing condition of the facades
The ground floor level, the slab is flat as it make focus on surrounding rather than structure itself
The first floor level, the direct and indirect sunlight enter into the space through these apertures
The Structure is a set of vertical and horizontal planes combined. The Ground floor walls create a volume but still look quite lifted up due to series of columns. The Thresholds also adds up to the volume having pockets in between for ventilation and sunlight. The first floor look enclosed space due to walls and the metal facade.
The Side Elevation shown that the vertical and horizontal planes plays a major role in highlighting element. The window has a major emphasis than rest of the structure. It is interesting to see how light enter through these planes and outcast shadows on the building structures
32 Kushang Barot | Space design | Anant National University, Ahmedabad
Fig 81 Front Elevation of Navrangpura Bus Stand
Fig 82 Side Elevation of Navrangpura Bus Stand
Fig 83 Exploded view of the structure
The exterior Spatial and Volumetric relationships (relationship of space with open spaces, setback, road, neighbourhood. Focusing on possibility of access to View, Daylight, Cross Ventilation, etc.
33 Exploring fluidity in space design to achieve inclusivity and safety
Fig 84 Section showing Exterior Spatial and Volumetric relationship
The exterior Spatial and Volumetric relationships (relationship of space with open spaces, setback, road, neighbourhood. Focusing on possibility of access to View, Daylight, Cross Ventilation, etc.
34 Kushang Barot | Space design | Anant National University, Ahmedabad
Fig 85 Section showing Exterior Spatial and Volumetric relationship
Fig 86 Views taken from different time of the day showcasing affect of Natural Light
35 Exploring fluidity in space design to achieve inclusivity and safety
The Images showcase Interiors space with daylight entering into the space at different intervals of the day
Interior views with the human in comparison to Interior Space, Volumetric understanding.
The maximum space is circulation space which allows flexibility in movement
Staircase is ⅓ part of the elevation which can be broaden
36 Kushang Barot | Space design | Anant National University, Ahmedabad
The building has 12 columns on which the whole building is resting. It vertically divide the spaces and expands till the roof.
Two halls are divided by the staircase in the center with 2 rooms and the circulation space
• The main building has comparatively low penetration of sound but still you can hear vehicular traffic and people chit- chatting.
• There are various sources of sound but majority of the sound comes from the vehicular traffic and honking
• The traffic is maximum at a morning and evening time, so the sound penetration increases.
• The surrounding building has very low penetration of sound
37 Exploring fluidity in space design to achieve inclusivity and safety
Fig 98 Sound Source throughout the Site
Fig 99 Top view of roadside
Fig 100 Chart comparing different Decibals of sound
Combining Traditional Values with Modernist Design Correa's early work combined traditional architectural values - such as the bungalow with its veranda and the open-air courtyard - with the Modernist use of materials that were popularized by figures like Le Corbusier. He was highly renowned for his thoughtful urban planning, as he was particularly sensitive to the needs of the urban poor and for his utilization of traditional methods and materials.
He was especially adept at blending traditional architecture with modern design, as he was able to create a unique style that incorporated the best of both worlds.
• Incrementality- To give each units its own site for the expansion
• Identity
• Pluralism
• Income generation - Employment Generation for Local workers
• Equity- Fairness to the community
• Open to sky space- Courtyard and terraces
• The terrace and open to sky space is provided to every unit
• Each Unit has its own identity still its functionality remains the same
• Open to Sky Space Relationship between architecture, everyday life, family, coming of age and the memory of ‘home’
• Understanding ContextMaterial usage and Control Heat
• Enclosed, semi enclosed and open to sky space used to get privacy with ventilation and daylight.
• Disaggregation - series of 6x6m Module unit
• Free Flow plans - Increase Flexibility and usage
38 Kushang Barot | Space design | Anant National University, Ahmedabad
Charles Correa’s Principle
• Disaggregation - A division or breaking up the things
Lovely Villa, Charles correa Foundation
The Mahatma Gandhi memorial in Ahmedabad
Fig 101 Charles Correa
Fig 102 and 103 Lovely Vila Section and Image
Fig 104 and 105 Mahatma Gandhi Memorial plan and Image
"City Connects" will be a hub for promoting architecture, urban planning through exhibition in the city. It will bring together educationist, experts, enthusiasts, and the general public to explore the significance of Urban built environment in shaping the world we live in.
The City connects would offer a range of interactive exhibits, Future Lab, and Debating Areas, connecting the dots between people and urban built environment. Visitors would be able to see architectural models, artifacts, and tools, and learn about different architectural styles, techniques, and materials.
• Raising Awareness: The program would raise awareness about the importance of good architecture and its impact on our lives.
• Education: Visitors would be able to learn about different architectural styles, techniques, and materials, and explore the evolution of architecture over time.
• Innovation: The program would encourage innovation in architecture and urban planning. By showcasing the latest trends and technologies, the program would inspire architects and urban planners to think creatively and push the boundaries of what is possible.
• Collaboration: The program would bring together experts, enthusiasts, and the general public, fostering collaboration and the exchange of ideas. This could lead to new partnerships and initiatives aimed at improving the quality of architecture and urban planning.
• Future-Focused: By connecting the dots between past, present, and future architecture, the program would help to create a more future-focused and forward-thinking society.
39 Exploring fluidity in space design to achieve inclusivity and safety
Fig 106 Diagram showing different activities of the program
• Visual connectivity of the main building
• Free Flow (Circulation)
• Can access site from multiple points
• Temporary exhibition space is directly connected to back entrance ( Direct entry )
• Main building is highlighted
• Visual connectivity and transparency
• Sky deck view from the second floor ( Cafe)
40 Kushang Barot | Space design | Anant National University, Ahmedabad
Fig 107 Intial Layout (Locating positions)
Fig 108 Intial Layout (Connectivity)
Fig 109 Final Layout (Positioning)
The design could explore the way water and time interact with each other, and how they affect the built environment., the exhibition space could be divided into three distinct areas: Permanent Exhibition space, Present Pavilion, and Future Lab. Each area would have its own unique lighting and shadow effects to convey different moods and emotions associated with each time period.
For example, the Permanent Exhibition could have dim lighting, deep shadows and organic form to create a sense of mystery and nostalgia, while the Present Pavilion could have bright lighting, clear shadows and linear forms to evoke a feeling of clarity and awareness. The future lab could have futuristic lighting and abstract shadows to represent the unknown and the possibilities that lie ahead. Water will be used as a unifying element throughout the exhibit to represent the flow of time.
Transparency and Fluidity will be incorporated into the design to highlight the interconnectedness of the different layers.
Overall, the "The Passage of Time and the Fluidity of Water" concept would provide visitors with a unique and immersive experience that encourages contemplation and reflection on the nature of time and the human experience.
• Multifunctional Area will allow series of activities and connectivity the space.
• It will connect Ground floor to first floor through step sitting.
• Water body will reflect the whole structure and people can sit over there and experience the beauty of structure.
• The pillars will signify as the pillars of Architecture.
• Water body will be seasonal and can be used as a platform for various activity and Movement.
41 Exploring fluidity in space design to achieve inclusivity and safety
Fig 110 Sketch of Multifunctional Area having waterbody and sitting space
The future area could have futuristic lighting and abstract shadows to represent the unknown and the possibilities that lie ahead.
Experience levitating city, transition from dark to bright layout, Virtual Experience, Touch screen display to engage and Future lighting.
42 Kushang Barot | Space design | Anant National University, Ahmedabad
Fig 111 Sketch of Present Area having flexibile exhibitions
Fig 112 Sketch of Future Area ( DIfferent Experiences )
Fig 113 Sketch of Future Area (Inside of building)
43 Exploring fluidity in space design to achieve inclusivity and safety
Fig 114 Different experience of Massing
44 Kushang Barot | Space design | Anant National University, Ahmedabad
Fig 115 Building Structure using Charles Correa’s principle