Together we stay stronger "It's ok not to be ok" Tragically in 2018 there were 6,507 suicides registered in the UK alone. That is one death from suicide approximately every 45 minutes. The highest suicide rate is in men aged between 45 and 50, and every day 2 construction workers will take their own life. Yet suicide is still a taboo subject and this needs to change. We want to help reduce the stigma surrounding suicide and help prevent any further unnecessary deaths, which is why we are actively supporting World Suicide Prevention Day on Thursday 10 September 2020. World Suicide Prevention Day aims to improve education and start the conversation about suicide and to show that suicide is preventable and recovery is possible. We can all help make a difference.
Take a minute for others Talking about the fact that we all have mental health, sometimes it's good and sometimes it's poor, and recognising that this is part of who we are, can help to normalise the conversation around the topic. Take a minute to reach out to someone in your community, maybe a family member, friend, colleague or even a stranger. It could change the course of another’s life. Take a minute to notice what is going on with your family, your friends and your colleagues. Do they seem their usual self? Take a minute to reach out and start a conversation if you notice something is different. Ask the question 'How are you?' Take a minute to find out what help is available for both you and others. You can also take part in the Light a Candle event in which participants Light a Candle near a window at 8pm on World Suicide Prevention Day as a symbol of support for suicide prevention, and for many it is a means of remembering a loved one. For more information, please visit the International Association for Suicide Prevention's website.
Things you can do to improve your own mental health If you are feeling less in control of your mental health, it is important to take care of all areas of your body and mind as this in turn will assist you in having good mental health. Eat healthier: Our brain needs a mix of nutrients to stay healthy and function well, just like the other organs in your body. Sleep: You need about seven to eight hours of sleep a night, but most of us get about five to six. So go to bed an hour earlier if you can. Those extra minutes can help improve your health. Alcohol: We often drink alcohol to change our mood. Some people drink to deal with fear or loneliness, but the effect is only temporary. When the drink wears off, you feel worse because of the way alcohol withdrawal symptoms affect your brain and the rest of your body. Drinking is not a good way to manage difficult feelings. Drugs: Many people use drugs or other substances to change how they feel. But, again, the effects are short-lived. Just like alcohol, the more you use, the more you crave. Exercise: Moderate exercise can do wonders for your mental health and self-esteem. If you are feeling low, go for a 20 minute brisk walk. It’s been proven that 20 minutes of walking can change your mood. Tell someone - this is the most important and impactful thing you can do. Talking to someone about how you are feeling is the biggest thing you can do to improve your mental health. A friend, family member or counselor if needed. You don’t need to feel the way you do and there are lots of people willing to listen. The NHS also promote '5 steps to your mental wellbeing'. Click here for further information.
Together we stay stronger Remember, you are not alone and there is always someone to help you Start the conversation - If you find it difficult to talk to someone you know, you could: • call your GP and ask for an emergency appointment. • call 111 out of hours who will help you find the support and help you need • call a professional confidential helpline (see below). Samaritans: The charity provides emotional support for people 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. They allow people to talk about feelings of distress and despair and are confidential and offer non-judgemental support. Call for free on 116 123 for 24/7 confidential support or visit their website CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably): CALM is a charity which exists to prevent male suicide in the UK. They run a dedicated support line and online web chat for men who are experiencing emotional distress or who are in crisis. Phone 0800 58 58 58 (helpline available 5pm – midnight 7 days a week). Website: Shout: The UK’s first 24/7 text service, free on all major mobile networks, for anyone in crisis at any time. It’s a place to go if you are struggling and need immediate help. Text ‘SHOUT’ to 85258 and you will be put in touch with a trained Crisis Volunteer (CV) who will support via text. Website:
Young Minds: The charity are leading the fight for a future where all young minds are supported and empowered, whatever the challenges. Their mission is to make sure all young people get the best possible mental health support and have the resilience to overcome life's challenges. For a young person in crisis who needs urgent help, text YM to 85258. For a parent that is worried about a child, speak to their experts at the Parents Helpline and call 0808 802 5544. Website: NHS Every Mind Matters: Access expert advice and practical tips to help you look after your mental health and wellbeing. Website:
Mental Health First Aiders As part of our ongoing committment to support our employees with their mental health, we would like to introduce our newly qualified Mental Health First Aiders throughout the business. Their role as Mental Health First Aiders is to assist individuals, help to make their life at work easier, listen non-judgementally, offer and encourage support, signpost people to professional help and to assist in a crisis. If you are concerned about yours or another employees mental health then please contact any of the below Mental Health First Aiders to discuss your concerns, we are here to help and assist you confidentially.
Together we stay stronger
Workshops to help improve mental health Lighthouse is a charity that provides physical, mental and financial wellbeing support to construction company workers and their families. Over the last few months, Lighthouse have provided us with online construction-focused health and wellbeing related training. Please see below their ‘learn over lunch’ training sessions available in the next few weeks. Use the relevant link below to register and you'll then be sent a confirmation email with your own unique link to log in to the session.
Together we stay stronger Monday 28 September 12-1pm: Managing Stress Covers pressure and stress, causes, coping mechanisms, and how we can build our resilience to stress. To register click here. Tuesday 29 September 12-1pm: Balancing Life and Work Covers what is good work/life balance and how to achieve it. To register click here. Wednesday 30 September 12-1pm: Meditation A straightforward introduction to meditation from a construction professional explaining how a consistent practice can benefit your mental health every day. To register click here. Thursday 1 October 12-1pm: Bang on Budget Covers an introduction to budgeting, hints and tips for money management, asking for help and where and when to get help. To register click here.
Our health partner, Vitality Health, are running weekly Mindful Monday sessions focusing on a different topic each week. Mindfulness can help us to increase our ability to regulate emotions, decrease stress, anxiety and depression. It can also help us to focus our attention, as well as to observe our thoughts and feelings without judgment. To join their sessions, simply click on the date below to join via Teams:
Monday 14 September 12.30-1pm: This week we will be talking about abundance and how you might experience it more than you believe. Monday 21 September 12.30-1pm: This week’s focus is on how happiness is the easiest and closest thing for us to experience. Monday 28 September 12.30-1pm: This week’s focus is on motivation and why it is less important than you think.
In addition the Group Learning and Development Team provide regular Mindfulness Practice sessions. The 30 minute virtual sessions explore our tendency to operate on ‘auto pilot’ and provide an opportunity to practice mindfulness through a 15 minute guided meditation. Visit MyLearning to book on your preferred session.
Building Mental Health Charter As a Company, we have recently signed up to be a supporter of the Building Mental Health charter. Building Mental Health is an initiative led by industry experts, providing support and advice to increase awareness of mental health across the sector. Their goals are to: Encourage the industry to engage with and embrace the mental health agenda. Make best practice and information readily and, wherever possible, freely available. Enable the industry to take a leap forward to reduce the stigma surrounding mental health, by getting the conversation started while educating as many as possible about where and when to seek help.
The Building Mental Health Charter is a way for construction organisations to demonstrate their commitment to promoting awareness and understanding of mental health, lowering stigma and supporting employees. We have signed this charter and pledge to: Provide awareness and understanding of the impact of poor mental ill health to our workforce and promote positive mental health through facilitated workshops, with the aims of: - Reducing stigma and discrimination. - Encouraging conversation in the workplace. Educate and enable champions from across the workforce to support keeping our people safe. Provide access to accredited Mental Health First Aid training and provide assistance to signpost workers to support in their communities. Recognise and accept education and training provided by peers and Building Mental Health partners.
For further infomation please visit