2014 Advent Devotional Guide

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National Heights Baptist Church Advent Guide 2014

This Little Light of Mine

I’m Gonna Let it Shine The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it. -John 1:5

Advent Church Opportunities Weekly Opportunities Sunday School 10am Sunday Worship 11am Wednesday Dinner and Bible Study 6pm

Youth Christmas Party Sunday, December 7, noon-2pm

Choir Christmas Musical Presentation* Sunday, December 14, 6pm Fellowship following

Blue Christmas Worship Service Wednesday, December 17, 7pm

Christmas Dinner and Concert Featuring Hugh Waddy Saturday, December 20, 6pm

Church-wide Christmas Breakfast hosted by Young Adult SS Sunday, December 21, 9:45am

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service Wednesday, December 24 6pm *see Dr. Judy Hames, Minister of Music, for more information about choir practice dates **check your weekly announcements or contact the church office for Holiday church office closures and specific details about church wide opportunities

December Ministry Opportunities International Community Donate to the December Mission Offering for the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship’s Global Mission Fund to assist families all over the world with basic needs during the holiday season and throughout the year. Checks can be made out to National Heights Baptist Church.

Church Family & Local Community Minister to your church family through Christmas Cards. “Mail” your Christmas cards to church members in the vestibule on Sunday mornings at the “Post Office” run by the youth. Give a small donation in lieu of stamps. We will use the money for Christmas missions in the community. The church office will mail any cards that are not picked up by Christmas Eve the week after Christmas.

A Word from Pastor Barrett Greetings and Happy Advent to all! Advent is a time when we prepare for the coming of Christ. Advent coincides with the celebration of the Christmas season as we remember and reflect on that Nativity scene from long ago. As Christians, we know that Christ came into this world as a tiny babe. We also know that Christ promises a return, another Advent. During this season, we, therefore, remember the humble nature of Christ’s beginnings, and we look towards the Advent of New Creation. In other words, we worship, pray, study, and believe. We go, be, do, and create. We are called to take part in the Advent of God’s new creation. John 1:5 says, “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.” This Advent season, let us, the people of National Heights Baptist Church, give an outpouring of light into our community. Let us show the people of Fayetteville and surrounding areas what it means to see Christ come into our world. This year we’ve compiled an Advent Devotional and Action Guide. As a church body, we will pray, study, worship, and GO – taking light into the world. Happy Advent and Merry Christmas to you! Pastor Barrett

Share HOPE Join us as the Body of Christ Gathers for Worship Sunday, November 30.

“Yet, O Lord, you our Father; we are the clay, and you are our potter; we are all the work of your hand.” – Isaiah 64:8 Prayer for the Week Lord, I come to you with a hopeful heart. You are steadfast in the midst in my pain and sin. I am clay in your hands, waiting to be molded to your will. When my heart is weary, you provide my strength. Help me to feel your presence and show your hope to others. In the midst of a hurting world, help me to be your light. Amen.

December 1 Study Luke 10:38-42

Reflect In Luke 10, Jesus pays a visit to old friends. He sits and spends time with Mary and Martha, sharing his life with them and enjoying their company. As we enter into the Advent season, we, too, anticipate the times that we will be spending with our family and friends during the holidays. Yet, our to-do lists are much like Martha’s, full of holiday parties, church events, gifts to purchase, things to prepare. As we begin this season, let us have hearts of anticipation and presence. Anticipation for the future as we await and prepare for the coming of our King. Presence for today and basking in the warmth of Christ’s love.

Write How am I approaching the Christmas season?

What do I need to do in order to refocus on Christ?

Shine Light Spreading God’s light begins with those closest to us. Call an old friend or family member.

December 2 Study Micah 4:6-13

Reflect In Micah 4, we read of God’s promise of restoration after the Israelites homes were taken from them and were sent to live in exile at the hands of the Babylonians. Micah offers hope to a people group who experienced deep pain and persecution. As we hear these words from the prophet Micah, we are reminded that the pain of the Israelites is not ancient. It is present in our lives, in the lives of our friends and families, and in the lives of those we meet on the streets. Yet, Micah reminds us that there is hope. God’s story does not end with pain. It continues with restoration and renewal.

Write Where am I experiencing pain?

How does God give me hope?

Shine Light Help others see some hope in the midst of their pain. Give compliments to three strangers.

December 3 Study Genesis 1 and 2

Reflect In Genesis 1 -2, we learn about the origins of our world. We learn of a powerful creator who designs an expansive world. We hear that same creator charge humankind with taking care of this world. We also know that Adam and Eve later make choices that separate them from the beauty that this creator designed for them in the Garden of Eden. This cycle of creation, sin, and rebirth continues throughout Scripture and in our lives today. As we seek to be more Christ-like, we can begin with God’s first directive to us as humans to care for the Earth that we have been given.

Write What in my life needs to be recreated?

What changes can I make to be a better steward of God’s creation?

Shine Light Even though we know that this world is not our home, God asked us to care for creation. Caring for creation gives hope that the next generation will live in a safe, sustainable Earth. Care for the environment by recycling, picking up litter, or other creation-friendly act.

December 4 Study 1 Thessalonians 1:2-10

Reflect The church of Thessalonica remained faithful to God even in the midst of persecution. Paul writes to these members in 1 Thessalonians thanking God for them. In Paul’s time, Christians risked more than embarrassment or ridicule for their beliefs. The Christians of Thessalonica (and other early church communities) faced physical harm and even death for their beliefs. Yet, these people were so alive in Christ they awaited his return with hopeful hearts. We are blessed to be in a place (country) where we may only be slightly inconvenienced by non-acceptance of our religious practices. Yet, we often still shy away from speaking out about our beliefs or sharing our faith. This Christmas season is a perfect opportunity to show others the transformative power of God.

Write What would Paul write to our church? If my life was at risk for my beliefs, how would I respond? How open am I about my faith to others outside of my church family?

Shine Light Knowing that others are praying for us is encouraging. Tell someone you are praying for them and then actually do it.

December 5 Study Jeremiah 1:4-10

Reflect Jeremiah tells us about God’s call to him when he says, “Then the Lord put out his hand and touched my mouth; and the Lord said to me, ‘Now I have put my words in your mouth.’” God used Jeremiah to speak to God’s people in the midst of their sin and pain. God also used Jeremiah to bring truth as well as hope to God’s people who had strayed away and were having a hard time being hopeful in the midst of their own sin and struggles. Our world today is not unlike that of Jeremiah’s – we still struggle, we still sin, and we still stray from God. Likewise, our call is not unlike Jeremiah’s – the Lord has ordained us to the Lord’s will. If we are not a voice to the world, then who will be?

Write What words has God put in my mouth?

Who do I need to share these words with?

Shine Light Spread hope by sharing Christmas wishes with your church family. Finish Christmas Cards for church members.

December 6 Study Romans 5:2-5

Reflect Have hope. Hope of a better tomorrow. Hope that the best is yet to come. Hope that this life is not all there is. Jesus Christ provides us with the hope that God is with us, for us, and ahead of us. God is continually doing God’s redeeming work in the world. In Christ, we have the knowledge that God’s strength will abound even in difficult times. We also have the knowledge that this life is not the end for us. Through Christ we gain an eternity. We have to remember, though, that God’s will and our desires do not always go hand-in-hand. We also have to remember that God asks for patience and perseverance. Some of us may feel hopeless as we experience loneliness, painful memories, and grief - especially when our feelings are juxtaposed against what is supposed to be a happy season. This Advent season, let hope take root in your heart, even in the midst of difficult circumstances. Show others the hope that is found in Christ through your words and actions.

Write What do I hope for? When have I experienced hope? How can I spread hope to others?

Shine Light Share hope in your own way.

Make PEACE The Body of Christ Gathering for Worship Sunday, December 7

“The the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all people shall see it together, for the mouth of the Lord has spoken.” – Isaiah 40:8 Prayer for the Week Lord, in a world that is full of unrest, let us find rest in you. Grant us peace and the ability to show peace to others. Let us be unwavering lights for you in the midst of this world. Amen.

December 8 Study Matthew 18:21-22

Reflect Peace. We know it when we feel it. We all have an image of peace – a cozy fire, a safe place in a tempest, a quiet room – yet we often do not know how to achieve peace. We long for it. We hope for it. Yet, we too often take action against it. We let the business of the day-to-day get to us. We listen to our insecurities. We let painful memories and regret take root. Matthew 18:21-22 tells us about forgiveness. As we seek to find peace, we can start with the relationships in our lives. Holding onto grudges is like refusing surgery for a cancerous tumor. The surgery may be painful, but allowing the tumor to grow is more painful and unhealthy in the long run. Forgiveness does not mean we accept someone’s actions as “okay.” Forgiveness does not mean we continue putting ourselves in harmful situations. It does not mean that we forget or excuse. Forgiveness simply means we choose to continue living our lives and seeking peace. It means we acknowledge that everyone is made in the Image of God and we rely on God’s love to remove our grudges.

Write Who do I need to forgive?

What is keeping me from forgiving?

Shine Light Holding onto negative feelings against others keep us from experiencing peace. Let go of a grudge.

December 9 Study Acts 11:1-18

Reflect In Acts 11:1-18, Peter shares of a vision in which God re-authored his thinking about the Jewish law and the lines between Jews and Gentiles. As a result of this vision, Peter shared the Gospel with the Gentiles, and they came to believe. Peter was questioned by other Jewish Christians for these actions, and he shared his testimony with them. As Christians, we are called to make peace. Just as Peter attempted to carry God’s light between Jews and Gentiles, we are called to take Christ’s light into the unlikeliest of places. We are called to share our experience and give testimony to what God is doing in our lives. .

Write How is God speaking to me this Advent season?

Where is God calling me to shine light?

Shine Light Contact three loved ones and share your Advent journey with them.

December 10 Study Malachi 2:10—3:1

Reflect Malachi reminds the people of Judah that they have not been faithful to God’s will. As sin and injustice run rampant, “faithful” followers turn a blind eye and make excuses for their unfaithfulness. Malachi promises that the Lord is coming to refine and redeem the Lord’s covenant with humanity. Jesus came into the world as a small, sweet baby. A bright star led Wise Men and Shepherds, individuals from all walks of life, to his side. As he grew, Jesus himself became that star, drawing people to his light. He taught, loved, and performed miracles. He offered a hope that was missing in the world. This hope shows us that things can change. As Christians, we have this hope. We know our world is a sinful, dark place. Through Christ, though, we are the light in that dark world. Peacemaking is not passive; rather, it is an active and vital part of faith.

Write Where am I seeing disconnect between faith and action?

How can I take responsibility as a Christian to speak truth into the world?

Shine Light Read up on and pray about a current issue. As Christians, we have a responsibility to make the world a better place which begins with knowing what issues are facing our world and taking those issues to God in prayer.

December 11 Study Philippians 1:3-11

Reflect Philippians, along with several other books of the New Testament, fall into the category known as “epistles” which means “letter.” The book of Philippians is Paul’s letter to the first-century church of Philippi. Paul begins this letter by encouraging the church members and saying that he thanks God for them. Sometimes a simple act of saying “thank you” can brighten someone’s day. As we are all made in God’s image, we all have worth. We all deserve someone to acknowledge our personhood. Shining God’s light can look like a simple gesture of gratitude.

Write What and who am I thankful for?

What keeps me from feeling thankful?

Shine Light Write a gratitude letter to someone in the community whom you appreciate such as a bank teller, doctor, teacher, or military personnel.

December 12 Study Psalm 107:28-30

Reflect Prayer is an integral part of living a life close to God. We teach our children to say their bedtime prayers. We pray as a family before meals and as a church during worship. In a tempest-tossed world, Psalm 107 reminds us that God calms the storm. The power of prayer in times of hardship is described by the Psalmist. Prayer brings peace. Prayer allows us to share our burdens with God and turn over our hardships to the one who brings us peace.

Write What is the current state of my prayer life?

How can I have a richer life of prayer?

Shine Light Allowing someone to share their prayer requests with you gives you an opportunity to show Christ’s love. Ask how you can pray for someone.

December 13 Study Psalm 23

Reflect Green pastures with soft grass. Security with a God who loves us. Comfort in the midst of hardship. Promises of goodness and mercy. Psalm 23 shows us a picture of peace. Peace is not the absence of enemies or dark times; rather, peace is being secure with a God who loves us, cares for us, and delivers us from evil. During this Advent season, we make peace. We make peace with ourselves. We make peace with others. We make peace with God. We seek peace, because although life is not perfect, we know that Christ is coming. We know that we are redeemed. We know that there is a place for us at God’s table.

Write What do I believe about peace?

What is keeping me from receiving peace?

Shine Light Make peace in your own way

Spread JOY The Body of Christ Gathering for Worship Sunday, December 21

“What has come into being in him was life, and the life was the light of all the people.” – John 1:3b-4 Prayer for the Week Lord, As we continue in the Advent season, we anticipate the joy that celebration brings. Help us to focus on your goodness and your love. Show us the true joy that is only found in you. Amen.

December 15 Study Psalm 21:5-7

Reflect Psalm 21 shares the love that we feel when we follow God’s will and the joy that God experiences when God’s people follow God. Joy is not something that we can create. True joy is not about waiting for something to happen or even striving for the American Dream. True joy is experienced only when we bask in the light of God’s love. True joy is not found in external circumstances; rather it is experienced from our innermost being no matter the circumstances. Joy cannot be bought, sold, bargained, or reasoned. When we experience true joy, we remain steadfast in the midst of struggle. When we experience true joy, the light of Christ shines from us like a beacon, drawing others to Christ

Write How am I experiencing joy?

How am I sharing joy?

Shine Light Share your inner joy with those around you. Smile at every person you see.

December 16 Study Matthew 5:41

Reflect In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus charges us to go the extra mile. When we reflect on the Advent season, what does it mean to go the extra mile? When we feel like we cannot go any further, that is when it is time to keep going. When we feel like we have done just enough, we are charged with doing a little more. As Christians, the status quo is not good enough. Spreading joy (i.e. the Light of Christ) does not mean being and doing “just enough.” It means we pick up our feet and keep walking until we know that God’s will has been done. This is what Pastor Barrett means when he says, “We make the road by walking.”

Write When have I gone the extra mile?

Who needs me to go the extra mile?

Shine Light Give someone an unexpected surprise to brighten their day. Pay for someone in the line behind you at a restaurant or store.

December 17 Study Mark 5:1-17

Reflect During Jesus time on Earth, he performed many signs and miracles. From water into wine, loaves and fishes, healing, and driving out demons, Jesus’ divinity comes through in his actions. This divinity crosses the boundaries of clean and unclean, race and culture, and societal norms. In Mark 5, Jesus heals the Gerasene demoniac – a man who was considered unclean for multiple reasons – he dirty, raving, living near graves, and Gentile. Yet, Jesus reaches across the divide of Jew and Gentile to show a hurting person love. Jesus’ love gave this man the joy of new life. To shine light into a hurting world, we must get outside of our comfort zone. We must reach out to those that are hurting. We must set aside societal norms in favor of God’s will.

Write What people groups or individuals am I biased against?

How can I show love like Christ and reach out to those who are hurting?

Shine Light Write a letter of encouragement to someone who is having a difficult time. Share the positives that you see in that person and remind them that you are praying for them.

December 18 Study Luke 19:1-10

Reflect The children’s song of Zaccheus in the tree is an endearing favorite of children’s Sunday School classes. The rest of the story of Zaccheus is much more challenging. Zaccheus, like us, is desperate for a glimpse of Jesus. Zaccheus, like us, is living a life of doing “good” only when it makes sense to him. Zaccheus, like us, is asked by Jesus to give up everything for his Lord. Jesus’ challenge to Zaccheus is countercultural. Sell everything? Give to the poor? It sounds unrealistic at best. At worst, we blatantly ignore this portion of the story and make excuses for why we cannot follow Zaccheus’ example. This Advent season, take Jesus seriously. When we take faith seriously, then our actions follow suit. Serious faith is bold, risky, generous, and impossible to ignore. Maybe this is what Jesus meant when he said, “Make my joy complete.”

Write How seriously do I take Jesus’ directives?

What can I do to be bold in my faith?

Shine Light The holidays are a time of giving and there are many in our community who are in need. Donate items to a local non-profit such as a toy drive or food bank.

December 19 Study Philippians 4:6

Reflect Philippians reminds us that genuine prayer makes a difference. Genuine prayer exposes all parts of our self to our Creator. Philippians 4 shows us that it is okay to bring our requests to God, no matter how small or large. With rates of depression and suicide higher at Christmas time, prayer can make a difference. With the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, taking time to pray individually and with others is a vital part of refocusing on Christ.

Write What do I need to take to God?

What parts of myself do I hide from God?

Shine Light Offer to pray with someone – a friend, family member, or even a stranger.

December 20 Study Luke 19:36-38

Reflect As Jesus enters Jerusalem in Luke 19, there is an out pouring of praise and worship. The people cannot contain their joy for they know Jesus Christ is worthy of worship. They know that God’s power is real in their lives and deserving of recognition. During the Advent season, we gather as a church family to worship, pray, and study. We shine Christ’s light into the world through our Advent acts. We sing hymns and Christmas songs. Yet, at times, our worship does not look quite as free as that of the people spreading their precious cloaks on a dusty road, making way for their King. This season, be challenged to approach worship with an attitude of letting go. Let go of yourself and let the joy that is found only in Christ wash over you.

Write What does worship mean to me?

When have I praised God with my whole heart?

Shine Light Invite someone to church for our 6pmChristmas Eve Candlelight service.

Give LOVE The Body of Christ Gathering for Worship Sunday, December 14

“The spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me.” – Isaiah 61:1 Prayer for the Week Lord, your spirit is upon me. Anoint me to do your will. You are a loving and caring God. I want to experience your love and show that love to others. Help me to know your will and to focus on you. Amen.

December 22 Study Luke 22:14-23

Reflect In Jesus’ last days on earth, he gathered with his disciples for a meal. In the breaking of the bread and the pouring of the wine, those who loved Jesus had no idea that this would be their last meal with their beloved brother. As they gathered around the table to share their love, their hope, their sorrows – they were in the midst of a holy moment. In our own lives, we mark special occasions over the table – Sunday potlucks, Thanksgiving turkeys, birthday cakes, Easter ham, romantic dates – experiencing holy moments when we break bread together. With any loved one, there is always a last supper often unbeknownst to us. With any shared meal, we are gathering together for physical nourishment but come away with shared fellowship. As we gather across the table this holiday season for holiday parties and family meals, let us recognize this time as sacred and holy.

Write What meals have been significant in your life?

How can we make family fellowship a significant part of our lives?

Shine Light As Christ shows us in the Last Supper, joy is shared in the breaking of bread. Invite someone to share a meal with you.

December 23 Study 1 Corinthians 13

Reflect 1 Corinthians 13 is a favorite passage for weddings. Yet, when we limit this passage only to romantic situations, we miss the point of Paul’s writing. Scripture tells us that God is love. In 1 Corinthians we see a description what love looks like – patient, kind, selfless, enduring. When we are striving to be Christ-like, these are the characteristics that we should be showing, not just to a spouse or loved one, but to all people.

Write What portions of love do I struggle with most?

How can I be more loving to the people in my life?

Shine Light Give love in your own way

December 24 Study 1 Corinthians 11:24

Reflect As Jesus shared the Last Supper with his disciples, he says, “Do this in remembrance of me.” We continue the sacrament of the Last Supper by sharing in communion in our churches today. We continue to break bread together, because we remember Christ and recognize his spirit in our lives. As we reflect on this Christmas Eve, let us remember the hope, peace, joy and now love that we have found in Christmas past. Let us open our hearts to the true love of Christ. For those whom Christmas remembrance brings painful memories of holidays past, focus on Christ’s love. Advent is a both a time of remembrance as well as a time of looking forward to the future.

Write What does communion mean to you?

How do you recognize and remember Christ on a daily basis?

Shine Light Share in Christmas traditions or start a new Christmas tradition with your loved ones.

Shine Light The Body of Christ Gathering for Worship Christmas Eve, Tuesday, December 24

“But the angel said to them, ‘Do not be afraid; for see – I am bringing you good news of great joy for all the people: to you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is the Messiah, the Lord.” – Luke 2:10-11

December 25 Study Luke 1:46-55

Reflect Mary’s song in Luke 1 is full of . . . . . . the hope of a nation waiting for redemption. . . . the peace of submitting to God’s will. . . . the joy of a new mother. . . . the love of a loyal servant. The presents are wrapped. The stockings are stuffed. The table is set. The family is gathering. The holiday we have prepared for is finally here. The baby is born. The Christ child has come. The light has exploded on the horizon. The redemption we need is coming into the world. The Christmas lights twinkle. The star shines bright in the sky. We take a breath and experience the birth of our Savior.

Write What does Advent mean to me?

Shine Light Give love, spread joy, and be light in your own way.

National Heights Baptist Church 103 Old Norton Road Fayetteville, GA (Corner of Old Norton Rd. and Highway 54)

Our Ministers and Staff Rev. Barrett Owen, Pastor Dr. Judy Hames, Minister of Music Gail Ison, Church Secretary

Our Mission Statement Grace grows here.

Contact Us Phone: 770-461-1704 E-mail: office@nhbcfayette.info Website: www.nhbcfayette.info

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