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Referendum Projects


Early Learning Center

Arnett C. Lines Elementary

Barbara B. Rose Elementary

Countryside Elementary

Grove Avenue Elementary

Hough Street Elementary

North Barrington Elementary

Roslyn Road Elementary

Sunny Hill Elementary

Barrington Middle School - Prairie Campus

Barrington Middle School - Station Campus

Barrington High School Projects Included in Referendum

Improve temperature control in building, phone system replacement, safety & security upgrades Renovation of upstairs level to include STEM space, new sensory space, infrastructure & building envelope upgrades, phone system replacement, safety & security upgrades Addition in courtyard to include STEM space, new sensory space, infrastructure & building envelope upgrades, phone system replacement, safety & security upgrades Addition to include support space, renovation of library to create STEM space, upgrade existing sensory room, infrastructure & building envelope upgrades, phone system replacement, safety & security upgrades Addition to replace mobile classrooms, renovation of classroom to create sensory room, renovation of current STEM space, create secure vestibule at main entrance, renovate front office, infrastructure & building envelope upgrades, phone system replacement, safety & security upgrades Addition to include sensory and support space, renovation of library to include STEM space, installation of handicap accessible ramp at front entrance, infrastructure & building envelope upgrades, phone system replacement, safety & security upgrades Addition in courtyard to include STEM space, new sensory space in the library, infrastructure & building envelope upgrades, phone system replacement, safety & security upgrades Renovation of library to include STEM space, new sensory room, infrastructure & building envelope upgrades, phone system replacement, safety & security upgrades Renovation to create sensory room, renovation of current STEM space, addition of security entrance vestibule, new playground, infrastructure & building envelope upgrades, phone system replacement, safety & security upgrades New classroom addition to replace mobile classrooms, infrastructure & building envelope upgrades, phone system replacement, safety & security upgrades New classroom addition to replace mobile classrooms, infrastructure & building envelope upgrades, phone system replacement, safety & security upgrades New front atrium addition, student services area renovation, PE/wellness interior renovation, two new culinary arts labs, parking lot reconfiguration, renovation Fields of Dreams and varsity baseball field, new turf installation on multi-purpose field, replacement of tennis courts, fine arts design, infrastructure & building envelope upgrades, phone system replacement, safety & security upgrades

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