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Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT
The Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) is an exam created by the College Board to measure a high school student's readiness for college. This measure was adopted by the state of Illinois as the high school assessment and accountability measure administered to students in eleventh grade in 2017. Scores on the SAT are divided into four broad categorical levels used to report overall student performance on the mathematics and evidence-based reading and writing portions of the exam that were recommended by Illinois teachers and adopted by the Illinois State Board of Education to reflect student mastery of the Illinois Learning Standards. The figures below represent snapshots of performance on the Scholastic Aptitude Test over time for Barrington School District 220 and the state of Illinois over the last two testing cycles in Evidence Based Reading and Writing (EBRW) and Mathematics.
Student performance on the College Board’s SAT

The data represented in the figure above demonstrate that a substantially greater proportion of students in Barrington Meet and Exceed Standards than across the State of Illinois, are ready for the next level and are on track for college and careers. Despite the effects of the pandemic, the percentage of students obtaining scores in Levels 3 (Meeting) and 4 (Exceeding) in 2021 in Barrington remains well over one and a half times higher than the pre-pandemic achievement of students across the state of Illinois in both English Language Arts and Mathematics.