Barry Bulakites

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JUNE 2022


Great Rates Equal Great Sales Opportunities! In case you haven’t noticed, we are in the middle of a rate war. Literally, a couple of times every week, we get new updates from different carriers with updates on rates, bonuses and payout percentages. Did you know that just within our core carriers there are 7 indexes options with par rates of 200% or higher? One even offers a 280% Par Rate! On some of those same products there are Premium Bonuses as high as 12-14% depending on what state the client lives in. That is 14% on the actual accumulated value…day 1! Speaking of bonuses, the income bonuses are equally exceptional. You can get a 20% income base bonus on multiple products that let you take income starting on day 1. If your client can wait for a while to turn on the income, they can get a bonus of up to 35% that starts working for them right away! Many people get into index annuities for the certainty. Two of our core carriers offer a 10% simple interest step every year prior to turning on income. This gives them a guaranteed rate of return plus a guaranteed payout that they can count on for the rest of their lives and in some instances can even increase. Speaking of payouts, the pay percentages are increasing weekly as well and depending on age and carrier, we can offer your client up to an 8% payout. This is a higher payout than I thought I would ever see in the industry. Although things look great right now, the carriers won’t battle for your business like this forever. So, give us a call to get all the details and more importantly give everyone you know a call to tell them the good news. These are tough times, filled with lots of bad news; inflation, a bear market, domestic and global unrest. Right now, all your clients and prospects are hearing is bad news. You get to be the one to call and tell them that you have great news! Let us know how we can help you tell the story to as many people as possible.

We're Heading to Vegas, and You Should Be Too! There is an old saying that what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas! We hope not, because from August 1 through August 2 attendees at the 2022 Advisors Summit will be attending what we believe to be the most powerful event of the past decade that will enable you to substantially elevate your business success as we move into a new world that offers exceptional opportunities. This 2-day Summit will provide the precise strategies and insights you need not just to make 2022 your best year ever, but set the stage for significant growth in the years to come. Advisors who are serious about their careers, and positioning their businesses for significant success in the New World will not want to miss the invaluable meeting. You will hear from world-class professional thinkers who will spell out their illuminating insights on some of the big changes likely to confront you and your clients as we all emerge from an experience few of us could have imagined just 2-years ago. In many ways, the future will be different, radically different. Innovation and growth will have an enormous impact on your life and how your clients and their family should be thinking about the future. Are you ready to turn these unprecedented times into opportunities for you, as well as your clients?

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