Viva Lewes interview with Barry Collins

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BARRY COLLINS Gets with the programme

Photo by James Boyes

A football programme for some people is as much part of the matchday experience as a cup of Bovril or questioning the referee’s eyesight. But having edited the Lewes FC programme myself for five seasons, I also know that they don’t write themselves. Barry Collins first began contributing programme articles in 2011, having been impressed with its readability. “I was gobsmacked by its high quality compared to the rest of the non-league clubs I’d seen,” he said. “Not only was the programme professionally designed and printed, but it was actually interesting to read – not just the ramblings of an octogenarian club chairman.” When I stood down as editor last summer, Barry and club director Stuart Fuller took over the reins but for Barry it was something of a busman’s holiday. At the time, his day job was editing PC Pro magazine; now a freelance writer and photographer, he doesn’t spend quite as much time fretting over print deadlines. “I tend to take a more ‘backstage’ role with the programme whilst Stuart researches articles and persuades one of his many football contacts to contribute. I’m more likely to rewrite the comainducing club histories of the opposition teams into 10 amazing(ish) facts, bash the copy into shape, and proof the pages. That does mean that I’m largely to blame for the errors and typos though,” he admits. “We’re attempting to create a halfway house between a professional club programme and a W W W. V I V A L E W E S . C O M

fanzine,” Barry explains. “So you’ll find all the stuff you’d expect to find in an official matchday programme – manager’s notes, results and fixtures, club news – alongside spiky opinion pieces and something that will make you laugh whilst you’re supping a pint before the game.” Barry estimates that he and Stuart spend around ten hours each working on every programme, of which there are around 30 per season, with 23 league games and four cup competitions to cover. “Stuart’s an absolute Trojan,” says Barry. “He’ll write 1,500 words before breakfast – well, maybe after a fry-up – about a goalless draw at Bognor Regis, and still make me laugh when I’m reading it. I also love writing the match reports and my column at the back of the programme. Editing is like football management – it’s not as much fun as playing, or in our case, writing.” “It’s bloody hard work,” he adds. “I used to do the programme editing on the train home from London every night; now I end up doing it when I probably should be earning money writing about something computery. But paying the mortgage is not nearly as exciting as describing the volley Luke Blewden scored at Leiston last month.” James Boyes Men’s fixtures Sat 1 – Hendon 3pm Tues 4 – AFC Hornchurch 7.30pm Sat 15 – Wingate & Finchley 3pm Women’s fixture Sun 23 – West Ham United 2pm


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