Oceanarium project

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Development of world class of oceanarium at Mamallapuram (chennai), lndia on PPP Mode Request for Expression of lnterest (REOI) )n )g )n

Department of Fisheries (DoF) intends to develop a world-class Oceanarium with state of the art facilitv on Public Private Partnership (PPP) basis in Mamallapuram, Chennai. Oceanarium in India is First-of-its (ind: the project is envisaged to be implemented on PPP Mode in an environmentally sustainable manner. The land identified is sea racing and measures about 15 Acres. Longer 'Lease Period' would be provided for the developers. The proposed project should enhance the beauty and ecology of abutting 'Beach Front,wilhout

changing the basic nature and ecology of the area. All concepts and activities proposed should be in

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accordance with Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) Rules of Ministry of Environment & Forests, Government ot India and any otner relevant rules framed by Governmenl of Tamilnadu from time to time. The State Government shali provide 20% of Project cost as Viability Gap Funding (VGF) and other concesstons as deemed necessary for the project


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Department of Fisheries (DoF) invites Request for Expression of Interest (REOI) from interested developers as individual entityi consortium who have experience in developing, operating and maintaining projects such


as Aquarium

Oceanarium Park6. Science City/Convention Centre. Urbin InfrastructurJ bevelopment

Projects. Am usen ent parks etc. The Capital cost of each project shouici be more than Rs.2S Crores. The EOI should inc_fudelellolu[S loe4pnlsj

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Organ ization Protile, Management structure, Details of currents proiects / investments. Details ol similar proiects implemented with details ot implementation period, cost etc.

Annual Reportsforthe lastthree (3)financial years. Selection of Develooer: Selection ot developer will be on the basis ot competitive bidding process in response to Request for Qualification (RFQ) and Request for proposat (RFp) to be invited by DoF subsequenfly. DoF reserves the right without any obligation or liability to accept ot reject any or ail the 'EOt's at any stage ol the process, to cancel or modify the process or any part thereof or to vary aiy of the terms and conditions at

any time, without assigning any reason.

The REol document can be downloaded lrom www.tenders.tn.gov.in www.tistririesrngo,/.in In case of queries/clarifications on the proiect, please conlactthe contact details mentioned below Proposals|lbmlsslon


The flllgd in proposal should reach The Commissioner of Fisherios,

Dsparlment ot Fisherios, Government ol Tamlt Nadu at the address specitied on or before mlh october at 10i00 Hrs. Proposal lileetino


A meeling v{ill be conducted with the interested developers to ctarity

lhe queries / suggsstion on 6th oclobgl at 11.30 Hrs, OeDartment ot Fisheriss at the address sDecllied.

Ottice Address : The Commissioner of Fisheries ; Department of Fisheries, DMS complex! Teynampet, Chennai - 600 006. Web : www,fisheries.tn.gov.ln Ph : +91.44.243363'1

| F ax: 2433559s E-Mail tnoceanarium@gmail.com 1, 24321927



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Commissioner of Fisheries

Development of World Class of Oceanarium at Mamallapuram (Chennai), India on PPP Mode Request for Expression of Interest (REOI) Depanment of Fisheries (DoF) intends to develop a world-class Oceanarium with state of the art facility on Public Private Partnership lPPP) basis in Mamallapurarn. Chennai. Oceanarium in India is First-of-its Kind; the project is envisaged to 3e impiemented on PPP N4ode in an environmentally sustainable manner. The land identified is sea facing ar d measures aboui 15 Acres. Longer'Lease Period would be provided for the developers. The proposec'project should enhance the beauty and ecology of abutting'Beach Front'withoui

changing the basic nature and ecology of the area. All concepts and activities proposed should be in accordance with Coasta Fegulation Zone (CRZ) Rules of M jnistry cf Environment & Forests, Government of India and any other rele ,ant rules f ramed by Government of Tamilnaou f rom time to time. The State Government shall provrde 20".6 of Prolect cost as Viabrlity Gap Funding (VGF) and other concessions as deemed necessary f or the rroject

Department of Fisheries (DoF) invites Request for Expression of Interest (REOI) from interested developers as individual entity/ conso.trum who have experience in developrng. operat ng and maintaining projects such as Aquarium / Oceanarir,m Parks. Science Cityloonvention Centre Urban Infrastructure Development Projects, Amusement pa rt s etc. The Capital cost of each proiect should be more than Rs.25 Crores.

TteE_QlEhg(Ildtnglr{le fo[alqjng lecux0enlej - Organization Profile, Managemenl structure. Details of currents projects / investments. - Details of similar proiects implemented with details of implementation period, cost etc.


Annual Reportstorthelastthree(3)financialyears.

Selection of Develooer: Selection of developer will be on the basis of competitive bidding process in response to Request for Qualification (RFQ) and Request tor Proposal (RFP) to be invited by DoF subsequently. DoF reserves the ight without any obligation or liability to accept or reject any or all the EOl s at any stage of the process, to cancel or nodify the prccess or any part thereof or to vary any of the terms and conditions at any time, without assigntnll any reason. www.f isheries.tn.gov.in queries/clarifications on the proiect, please contact the contact details mentioned below

The REOI document caf be downloaded f rom www.tenders.tn.gov.in In case of Protrssa-!



Oftice Address


filled in proposal should reach The Commissioner ol Fisheries, Deparlment ol Fisheries, Government ot Tamil Nadu al the address sDecilied on or betore 20th october at 16r00 Hrs.

The Commissioner ot Fisheries r Department of Fisheries, DMS complex, Teynampet, Chennai - 600 006.

Proposal Meeling

Web : w.lisheries.tn.gov.in Ph : +91.44.2433631 1. 24321927 |



A meeting will be conducted with lhe inlerested developers lo clarily lhe queries i slggestion on 6th october at 11.30 Hrs, Deparlment of

Fisheries at lhe address specilied


E-Mail lnoceanarium@gmail.com



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