Life of the sale process

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The Nuts and Bolts of my marketing program. Answer the 5 W’s for the LIsting Who , Target Buyer — First time homebuyers (single women, DINKS) or empty nesters (pied-a-terre) What — Promote a new listing When — As soon as you have an teaser image available (of unit, building, neighborhood) and then every day until in contract. And then after it closes Where — All platforms, boost on Instagram/Facebook. Why — To promote and sell the property along with capturing potential buyer information

Check when done Pre-Listing Tasks Comments o Take invtory of property, Smoke/CO detetors, and arrange for detector updates as needed o Enter seller(s) information into Realty Juggler Listing. o Start a new eFile in DotLoop for the listing and enter seller’s info into the Loop o Draft Listing Documents. Add them to the Loop o Ask Sellers to complete “Sellers Questionnaire”. o Add - Signed -listing agreement o Add - Signed-seller disclosure o Add - Delayed MLS Entry form o Add - Signed agency disclosure o Add - Consent to Dual Agency o Add Signed & complete Lead Paint Disclosure o Seller's Attorney information: Add to Dotloop & Realty Guggler or give referrals o Begin Social Media Campain: New listing coming o Does the property need to be staged? If yes, schedule the staging Pre launch (Approximately 10 Days) o If permitted, hang a sign, Coming-Soon Rider o Set date for photos & floor plan o If Condo Get name & contact information for trustees and/or mgmt company o Get Owner's Deed (for condos also: Master Deed, R/Reg, Dec-Trust, Budget, Minutes) Assesment,floor plan,Tax Record o Add recorded docs and Association information to the Loop. o Co-ordinate: Keys, alarm code. Lockbox o Start off-line listing in MLS - LINK if a Boston/Cambridge listing o Secure Property URL with GoDaddy o Select photos. Add to off-line MLS in sequential order. LINK if applicable. o Write add copy for MLS & brochure o Draftsof brochure o Add floor plan , condo docs & disclosures to off-line MLS 5-7 days pre-launch o Order 50 brochures once layout & copy have been approved. Post cards? o Begin Social Media Life Style Posts o Schedule Posts o + Teaser Post (prior to going live on MLS) o Consult with sellers & schedule 1st public Open House Launch The Listing o Launch in Multiple Listing Service & LINK (if property is in LINK coverage area.) o Prepare inserts for brochures using Public MLS and floor plan. o Update listing to Zillow, Trulia,, Photos, Remarks. o Social Media Life Style Posts - Previously scheduled via

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+ Listing Is Live (day listing is live on MLS‌ normally Wednesday afternoon) + Breakfast Post (Thursday morning) + Dinner Post (Thursday evening) + Bedroom Post (Friday morning) + Amenities Post (Friday evening) + Bathroom Post (Saturday morning) + Neighborhood Post (Saturday afternoon) + Open House Post (Sunday) Reverse Prospect to MLS matches re OH on the Friday before the OH

Accepted Offer Tasks Seller accepts an offer and signs offer documents. Start KW Greensheet Get a pre-approval from the buyer' s lender of verification of funds. Add signed offer docs to the Loop (offer, contingencies, agenc & LP) Give deposit check and copy of offer docs to MCA Mark property as Under Agreement in MLS. Change to UA in RJ Seller should contact the attorney who will represent them for transaction. Make sure Seller Disclosure form has been signed by buyer before Inspection If Condo: Grant access to all condo documents in Loop to buyer, buyer & seller attorneys Add/monitor dates to team calendar (inspection, P&S, finance cont, closing) Coordinate home inspection with Buyer's agent, owner/trustee or mang. co Discuss findings in Inspection Report. Be ready with a response. Coordinate distribution of P&S with Buyer's agent and sellers Upload the fully executed P&S to the Loop Distribute fully executed P&S once P&S check has been received. If Condo: Buyers lender will send condo questionnaire for trustee for mang co. to sign Buyers lender will send an appraiser to view the property. Bring comps. Pre-closing Tasks If Condo: Request a 6d - Condo fee must be paid through the month of the closing. Schedule Smoke and CO inspection, enter in RJ Send Moving Reminders to sellers See if Buyers' lender has Certificate of Insurance. If not, facilitate. For a single family arrange for final water reading & bill/Estimate of Oil

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