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Briefing Room
Schedulers & Dispatchers Conference (SDC2020) March 10 - 13 Charlotte, North Carolina, USA
AERO Friedrichshafen April 1 - 4 Friedrichshafen, Germany
EBACE May 26 - 28 Palexpo, Geneva, Switzerland
Farnborough Int’l Airshow July 20-24 Farnborough, UK.
RUBAE 2020 September 9-11 Moscow, Russia
Spread of the virus has escalated since midJanuary 2020. On Jan. 30, 2020 the World Health Organization declared the coronavirus a global emergency. Special quarantine and health inspection procedures have been enforced in China and other locations in Asia and around the world in an attempt to prevent the spread of the virus. Extra planning and precaution is required if you are planning a trip to China and Asia. Below is a list of precautions authorities are taking to limit the spread that will have an impact on business aviation.
MAINLAND CHINA As of 0200Z/1000LT on 23 January 2020, all public transportation including flights have been suspended in Wuhan and Wuhan Airport (ZHHH) was subsequently closed. New health inspections are also being enforced at Beijing Capital International Airport (ZBAA), Shanghai Pudong International Airport (ZSPD), Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport (ZSSS) and Shenzhen International airport (ZGSZ) airports. For all arrivals/ departures, crew and passengers are subjected to temperature checks. Health Declaration Forms are also required for international arrivals in ZBAA and ZGSZ.
HONG KONG Immigration officers/ Port Health officers will take necessary actions, which includes banning the individual from entering Hong Kong if they have been to Hubei Province 14 days prior to arriving Hong Kong. In addition, as requested by the Department of Health of Hong Kong SAR Government, all travelers (including crews and passengers) of flights arriving from Mainland China are required to submit health declaration forms upon arrival in Hong Kong International Airport (VHHH) effective 0100Z/0900LT on 29 January 2020. Hong Kong SAR Government announced that all cross-border rail routes and ferries between China and Hong Kong will be suspended starting at 0000LT 30 January 2020.
JAPAN Effective Feb 1, 2020, Japan is not permitting the following individuals from entering the country: Foreigners who have travelled to Hubei Province in the People’s Republic of China within 14 days before arriving Japan. Foreigners who have Chinese passports issued by Hubei Province in the People’s Republic of China.
UNITED STATES Non-US citizens who have been in China within 14 days of their planned travel will not be permitted to fly to the United States. This direction considers a person to have recently traveled from the People’s Republic of China if that person departed from, or was otherwise present within, the People’s Republic of China (excluding the special autonomous regions of Hong Kong and Macau) within 14 days of the date of the person’s entry or attempted entry into the United States. Also, for purposes of this document, crew, and flights carrying only cargo (i.e., no passengers or noncrew), are excluded from the measures herein. This direction is subject to any changes to the airport landing destination that may be required for aircraft and/or airspace safety as directed by the Federal Aviation Administration. Per the U.S. Customs and Border Protection, the U.S. is still accepting flights from China, however, if a person on a flight (Commercial or GA) has been in China within the last 14 days they will be routed to one major airport for screening, regardless of their final destination.
QUESTIONS? If you have any questions about this article, or would like assistance for your future planning, please call Alan Pong Operations Manager for Universal’s Asia Pacific Operations Center +852 2109 277.