1 minute read
17:00 rC14 aCCenT fusion
Students: Yiwen Qian, Yiheng Xu, Xuming Cai, Muskaan Mardia
Design: Roberto Bottazzi, Tasos Varoudis, Eirini Tsouknida
Theory: Provides Ng
When looking at a city, looking at people and their behaviour is imperative. Journeying through all the senses and exploring belonging in diverse cultures is essential when designing cities. With the increase in immigration, London has become super diverse. With it comes linguistic diversity.
Rapid urbanization has made London an essential part of its resident identity. These cities are a fusion of different cultures and identities, such as race, gender, religion, linguistic diversity, and age, all experiencing their sense of belonging. How to create a space in the design space that affects people’s sense of belonging to a certain extent is the main problem that ‘Accent Fusion’ tries to research and solve.