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rC2 softroboTiC arChiTeCTure
Design: Valentina Soana technical: Shahram Minooee Saber y theory: Provides ng
RC2 explores emerging design possibilities of lightweight robotic structures at architectural scale.
For a long time now, designers have envisioned building systems that can respond and adapt to multiple human, environmental and structural conditions. Recent technological advancements in robotics enable machines to be self-aware, plan and react to undetermined circumstances. The integration of robotic solutions into lightweight elastic material systems can create novel intelligent structures that are able to self-form, reconfigure and achieve multiple states, leveraging material behaviours. RC2 questions the role of robotics in architecture beyond their use as fabrication and construction tools, moving towards a novel concept of architectural robots.
The cluster focuses on the development of novel material-machine-kinetic systems where robotic operations are embedded within material systems and controlled in real-time by a cyber-physical network. Behaviours emerge, in turn, through negotiation between human, designer, material and machine interaction.