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rC3 liVing arChiTeCTure lab
Design: tyson Hosmer, octavian Gheorghiu and Philipp Siedler technical: Ziming He, Baris Erdincer, Panagiotis tigas theory: Jordi Vivaldi Piera
Research Cluster 3 interrogates the notion of ‘living architecture’ as a coupling of living systems with the continuous [re]assembly and [re]formation of architecture. The lab holistically reappraises the unsustainable linear life cycles of buildings, learning from living systems extraordinary scalable efficiencies of adaptive construction with simple flexible parts. The research focuses on developing autonomously reconfigurable buildings integrating AI-driven generative spatial design platforms, novel robotic material systems, and cyber-physical simulation, sensing, and control. Each project develops the three subsystems in relation to each other, considering both the constraints of the design algorithms and the robotic material systems, enabling intelligent spatial adaptation with a continuous feedback chain. Experimental design models are embedded with the ability to self-organize, self-assess, and self-improve using deep reinforcement learning to train both the adaptive design algorithms and adaptive robotic assembly behaviour in the simulator.
Projects operate across several scales and topologies, from small-scale collaborative robotics for assembly, to adaptive robotic tensegrity and hybrid systems, to larger scale robotic spatial embodiment. Projects develop new socio-economic models and scalable platforms for distributed living, working, and production. The research this year has largely evolved around collective robotic construction (CRC) systems as ecologies of varied modular robots working collaboratively.