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rC9 arChiTeCTure for The augMenTed age
Design: Alvaro lopez Rodriguez & Igor Pantic technical: Hanjun Kim theory: Daria Ricchi
As we immerse ourselves into rapidly developing Extended Realities (XR), the barriers between humans and machines are becoming increasingly blurred, with portable devices augmenting our perception of the environment. XR have the capability to assist manufacturing processes, enhancing human labour with data previously exclusive to machines while enabling seamless inclusion of intuitive decision-making and experience, often absent from automated construction processes. XR technologies can also radically change how we interact and experience the built environment by enhancing, altering or adding a new layer of information to our surroundings. Research Cluster 9 explores how the XR technologies can change the ways in which we design, build, and interact with the environment. Ideas like augmented manufacturing, gig economy or digital platforms for multi-player design and distributed manufacturing, as well as immersive experience and interaction with the built environment and the metaverse, will therefore act as the central core for all the research streams.