Clarion Winter 2020

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Sports Reports—Girls’ Round—up By Mr s Nuttall Sports is a big part of the BCGS community. Here, Mrs Nuttall describes some of the latest achievements. Congratulations to everyone who took part in these games! GIRLS’ SPORT It has been a busy start to the year for girls’ sport with action across netball, football, basketball and indoor athletics. The netball season saw teams from year 7 through to 10 competing on a local level. Established squads in year 8, 9 and 10 have worked hard in training, with excellent attendance. This has helped them have a positive start to the year with a number of wins. Numbers of netballers in year 7 have been fantastic, enabling us to field two teams on a number of occasions. The girls are developing into a strong team and we are looking forward to the second half of the season. All year groups will be competing in district tournaments when netball commences in term 4.

Year 7 have been the top performers so far in girls football. The year 7 girls performed exceptionally well in the district tournament which was hosted at Barton Court. They took on schools from all across the district and finished in a respectable 3rd place. There were some excellent performances which showed great promise for future seasons. Unfortunately many of the girls under 14 and under 16 football fixtures fell foul of the weather. However, they showed great commitment and enthusiasm for training and they are looking forward to commencing games in February.

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