soul calibur v walkthrough

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The Sega Dreamcast debuted in North America on September 9, 1999 to much fanfare. As the first entry in the 6th generation of consoles, the Dreamcast became a booming success on launch; within roughly two weeks' time, sales had topped over 500,000 units. Though it would be shortlived, the Dreamcast changed gaming and helped spur the level of online play and even the styles of games popular today. The Dreamcast launched with around 20 titles, covering all major genres of games. Soul Calibur, Sonic Adventure, and NFL 2k were just a few of the major titles. Due to EA's impending backing (and long-lived success) with Sony & the Playstation, Sega Sports was founded to fill in the sports game niche for the Dreamcast. Many other titles that would come along are also well-known, even today. Games such as Marvel vs. Capcom (2), Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver, MDK2, Jet Grind Radio, and Crazy Taxi are still well-known names even now, and were all once very much at home on the Dreamcast. Arguably though, the one to have the most impact was ChuChu Rocket!. ChuChu Rocket was the first online multiplayer game for the Dreamcast, and made use of its online network, SegaNet. The network was then bolstered with the first voice chat, introduced in Alien Front Online. MMO games such as Phantasy Star Online and Skies of Arcadia also made use of SegaNet, and even had the first downloadable-content offerings. All of this was made possible by the Dreamcast coming with a built-in 33k or 56k modem, making it the first console to support online multiplayer "from the factory." Later on, a broadband adapter would also be offered, that replaced the standard dial-up modem. Although SegaNet was a defining point of Dreamcast's legacy though, it was not the only facet. The Dreamcast also featured a unique addition called a VMU, or virtual memory unit. The VMU favored a very small, Game Boy like device that not only served as removable memory, it could even perform other functions, like serving as a hidden screen to pick plays in sports games, or displaying information pertinent to your character. Some games even supported mini-games that could be played on the VMU while not plugged into the Dreamcast's controller. Although this was a definite perk, the hardware of the system itself also played a large part in its lasting fame. Though it was short-lived success for Sega, and would prove to be their last entrance into hardware, the Dreamcast still lives on today with many gamers for a variety of reasons. The Dreamcast can still be found on eBay and used game stores for relatively low amounts of money ($25-$50). The games themselves are also cheap, and although it is generally frowned upon, it is also of note that game piracy on the Dreamcast is still very big. The diverse library still offers something for everyone, and with games like Soul Calibur, Marvel vs. Capcom, Shenmue, Phantasy Star Online, and many more, it's easy to see why gamers still flock to these systems even now. There is even a large variety of import games to choose from, which only further broadens the selection for gamers.

It's easy to see why the Dreamcast is considered one of the important forefathers of modern gaming, and easy to trace its roots and influence all the way into the current-generation consoles. If you haven't experienced a Dreamcast, you are sorely missing out, not only on gaming history, but on a whole lot of fun for very little price. You owe it to yourself to go get the system and check it out.

When not battling aliens, zombies, or small cities with a rolling ball, Colin Tilley spends a lot of his time writing reviews and articles over at, where he shares his knowledge of gaming culture past & present with visitors. For more info, check out

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