Think & Grow Rich ebook

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In the book Think and Grow Rich there is a hidden secret. The fact that there is a hidden secret is boldly proclaimed by Napoleon Hill in the forward of the book. He tells you that he has hidden this secret in plain sight, so that those who are ready for it will find it and use it. This secret that he tells over a hundred times will sweep you into a glorious future where you will not just earn a living but also experience hope, contentment, courage, peace of mind and the ability to accumulate riches as well as freedom of spirit and mind. The book Think and Grow Rich has many chapters and the secret of success is mentioned at least once in every chapter. Napoleon Hill tells us straight up that he lays out this secret in plain sight so that those who are looking for it can find it, and that the secret is so valuable that the book Think and Grow Rich gives it to you so that it is a value to you and not wasted by giving it away as so many people have learned, if you have to expend effort to get something you value it far more than if it is simply handed to you. In the forward of the book Think and Grow Rich, towards the end of the forward, he gives you a clue as to what you are looking for while you read the book. He states that if you are ready and looking you will find the secret with in the pages of the book. Maybe you will have to read the whole of Think and Grow Rich before you find this secret, maybe you will find it in the first chapter. Once you discover it for yourself you will be launched into a new and better life for which you will feel that your success is almost automatic. Napoleon Hill states that he wrote the book Think and Grow Rich to show that those who have the secret have gone on to achieve noteworthy success and accumulate riches because they know and use the secret of the book. He also states that the knowledge of this secret is more essential for self determination than any one might receive through formal education. So you must ask your self a simple question. Are looking for success in your life? If you have the desire and a bit of motivation you need to get Think and Grow Rich, and you need it now. Did you hear that? Opportunity just knocked on your door. Do not waste another second and go to the blog listed in the resource box below and download it now. In the book Napoleon Hill talks about the power of making decisions; decisions can change your life for the better. Make the right one now; the only thing you will risk is a better future. Be Blessed

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