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As June 30th approaches, Twilight fans across the world are preparing for the premier of the third installment of The Twilight Saga. "Eclipse" has been long anticipated and is expected to be one of the highest grossing movies of the year. Money will not only be made from the much anticipated release of Twilight Eclipse, but Twilight merchandise is already being swiped off of store shelves by excited fans. Movies with multiple installments have always produced a fair bit of revenue from merchandise sales. Star Wars, The Lord of the Rings, and Harry Potter all made billions off of retail sales and The Twilight Saga has already proved it's no different. With only nearly three movies released in the five movie series, the official twilight merchandise is already challenging The Lord of the Rings merchandise for the second highest grossing movie merchandise of all time. Teenage girls from ages 13 to 17 are absolutely in love with the Twilight collection. Schools are flooded with "Team Edward" and "Team Jacob" apparel, and even younger girls are proving to be huge fans. Just take a trip to your local playground if you don't believe me. It's not just teenagers who are in love with Twilight either. Middle age mothers are some of the biggest Twilight fans out there (some of you reading this probably are). With adult Twilight fan groups sprouting up all over the country, it's no wonder Twilight merchandise has become such a successful industry. From the look of the popularity of Stephanie Myers' Vampire Saga, it looks like Twilight Merchandise may be the highest grossing ever, passing Star Wars in the next few years. The popularity of Twilight and its merchandise collection prove one thing - Twilight makes a great gift. Whether a book, CD, movie, shirt, umbrella, poster, curtain, shoes or anything else, anything with Twilight on it makes a great gift for females of almost any age. One of the most popular products in the Twilight Collection is the life-size stand up poster! Get your favorite Jacob, Edward or Bella poster towering at six feet high! In light of the new movie release, Twilight dealers are lowering their prices substantially until "Eclipse" hits theatres, increasing their business even more.
If you want to join the fad, be sure to get your hands on some official twilight merchandise [http://officialtwilightmerchandise.com]. Take a look at clothing, jewelry, posters, accessories,
movies, books and more from the Twilight collection [http://officialtwilightmerchandise.com].
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Michelle_A._Thompson
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