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Do you require the latest business news on a daily basis? Are you curious about what business insiders and industry opinion makers think about the story behind the business news? If so, then the Wall Street Journal online is the answer to all your needs. Not only is it a great business paper with a hallowed tradition and proven standards of integrity, it is also a terribly good read. It's more than just a paper about stocks, corporations and the bottomline. The Wall Street Journal contains some of the best Op Ed pieces around, for information that goes behind the headline and dissects the true significance of business news. The Wall Street Journal is probably unmatched in terms of objective and unbiased reportage, bar none. I've noticed that objective writing, which is one of the tenets of good journalism, has been thrown by the wayside by an increasing number of publications. There seems to be a faint liberal bias in quite a number of newspapers these days, even among the most popular publications. Mostly, there is a tinge of liberalism which has grown even more obvious under the current Republican government under which we function. And although I am not a huge fan of Mr. George W. Bush, when I read a newspaper, I want only the facts because they are what will allow me to decide things for myself. And I don't want these facts embellished. I am bothered by the slant that some major newspapers take, which is evident in what they choose to publish and in what they choose to ignore. I sometimes suspect that there is a hidden motive or agenda behind some of the news stories I've read. This kind of reportage falls more in the realm of propaganda or black public relations, if you will. That's why I am a staunch supporter of the Wall Street Journal, because they are objective in every sense of the word. In my experience, the Wall Street Journal delivers the news in a relatively unfiltered version, and at a discounted price and a convenient manner to boot. Ordering the Wall Street Journal online can cost as little as four dollars a month. In return, you get access to the same articles published in the printed version right on your computer. Most people, myself included, do most of their news reading online anyway, so why not just add the Wall Street Journal to your list. Admittedly, there's still nothing like having an actual paper in your hands as you drink coffee and eat breakfast in the morning. That's the main reason why I subscribe to both the online and printed versions of the Wall Street Journal. And here's a tip: if you order them together, you get a favorable discount. The Wall Street Journal may be a tad more expensive than most publications, but that's a small price to pay for quality journalism.
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Philip_Culver
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