TABLE OF CONTENTS WELCOME PAGE THREE BOARD OF EDUCATION PAGE FOUR 2009 BOND ELECTION PAGE FIVE DISTRICT FINANCES PAGES SIX-SEVEN ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE INDEX PAGE EIGHT COMMUNITY OUTREACH PAGE NINE BAPS FOUNDATION PAGE TEN PERFORMING ARTS CENTER PAGE ELEVEN Broken Arrow Public Schools (BAPS) does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities. The following people at BAPS have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: The Executive Director of Human Resources should be contacted for all non-student and/or employment related issues at 918-259-5700 or at 701 South Main Street, Broken Arrow, OK 74012. The Assistant Superintendent of Instructional Services should be contacted for all student issues except those related to Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 at 918-2595700 or at 701 South Main Street, Broken Arrow, OK 74012. The Director of Special Education should be contacted for all student issues related to Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 at 918-259-5700 or at 701 South Main Street, Broken Arrow, OK 74012. Inquiries concerning non-discrimination can also be made to the United States Department of Education’s Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights.
It’s a great day
to be a
I arrived in the Broken Arrow school district in July of 2010 to find a district full of potential. I found a staff of creative, hard-working educators, striving to give students the best possible education. I found talented, intelligent students eager to face new challenges. I found supportive parents seeking the best opportunities for their children and I found a community that seized an opportunity for investing in its future leaders by passing the largest school bond issue in state history. The 2009-2010 school year was a year of tremendous accomplishments for the Broken Arrow students, staff, and community. Six BAPS students were named National Merit Semifinalists and two students were honored as Academic All-Staters. State championships were claimed in multiple sports and numerous student organizations garnered recognition at both the state and national levels. Three BAPS schools were named “Great Expectations Model Schools,” five teachers endured the grueling process required to complete their National Board Certification and 25 educators were named as Site Teacher of the Year prior to Vandever Elementary’s Leslie Jones being named the 2009-2010 BAPS District Teacher of the Year. The support of the Broken Arrow community was evident throughout the year as thousands of volunteer hours were logged at sites across the district, and our Partners in Education repeatedly showed their support by funding programs such as BizTown. I cannot list these many achievements and gains without also acknowledging the loss of longtime Haskell Middle School Principal Philip Tucker. In addition to his service as an educator, Tucker was also a City Councilor and Broken Arrow’s Vice-Mayor. He is greatly missed by those who knew him, yet his legacy lives on through the lives he touched as an educator and civic leader. I believe it takes a team to produce well-rounded students who are able to compete on a global level, and after only a few months in this district, I am encouraged by what I have found here– a team of educators, parents, and community members striving to give their children the best possible educational experience. This annual report is reflective of the 2009-2010 school year, but as you review it, I ask you to think about the 2010-2011 school year and all those that will follow. What do you hope to see our district accomplish? In Broken Arrow Public Schools, excellence is a tradition, but we must not allow excellence to be our stopping point. We must recognize the opportunities for improvement that will always exist within our district, we must have the courage to embrace positive changes, and we must work together as a team to find innovative methods for accomplishing those things that seem impossible. Thank you for supporting Broken Arrow Public Schools.
Jarod Mendenhall, Ed.D. Superintendent of Schools
BOARD OF EDUCATION The Broken Arrow Board of Education is an elected Board. School Board members tackle the enormous job of governing the school district while preserving the core of our democratic values.
The Broken Arrow Board is responsible for establishing policies under which the school system operates while acting within the framework of Oklahoma and federal laws and still being responsible for the unique needs of the community.
Broken Arrow Public Schools is a dynamic leader in public education. The sixth largest district in Oklahoma, it serves approximately 16,300 students and covers 115-square miles in the southeast portions of Tulsa County and the western portions of Wagoner County.
As citizen leaders, individual school board members face complex and demanding challenges as they contribute hundreds of hours each year leading our district. Whether it’s crafting policies pertaining to the curriculum or the budget, listening to staff and students’ concerns, or recognizing outstanding programs, Broken Arrow Board members focus on student achievement. Board members’ tireless efforts play a significant role in the continuing success of students moving to college and /or the workplace.
2009-2010 PERSONNEL
Each year, one of the Board Zones is up for election to a five year term of office.
Elementary Certified- 526 Secondary Certified- 518 Support Staff- 851 Administrators- 92 MISSION STATEMENT “To provide all members of the school community an environment that assures intellectual, social, physical and character development appropriate for citizenship in an ever-changing world.” DISTRICT MOTTO
Board of Education (as of February 2010) Zone 1 - Terry Stover (Deputy Clerk) Zone 2 - Sharon Whelpley (President) Zone 3 - Shari Wilkins (Vice President) Zone 4 - Cheryl Kelly (Clerk) Zone 5 – Jerry Denton (Member)
“Where Excellence is a Tradition.”
Historic election sets
the tone for the
Voters in the Broken Arrow School District gave their overwhelming approval of the district’s largest bond issue in history, $295-million, in December of 2009. Seventy percent of the voters said yes to Proposition I for school and district improvements totaling $285-million, while the same percent said yes to Proposition II for bus purchases totaling $10-million. The Broken Arrow PTA, Broken Arrow Area Chamber of Commerce, Broken Arrow Education Association, Broken Arrow City Council, BA Ledger and Tulsa World endorsed the bond issue for passage. The main drive behind the 2009 Bond Election was the removal of portable classrooms from elementary campuses. These removals look to transform our elementary schools to permanent structures. The successful bond issue also includes a new elementary school, a new middle school, money for early childhood accommodations and secured front entries at all sites. The maintenance department will receive funds to fix roofs, parking lots, heating and air systems and many other critical facility needs. Secondary sites will also benefit from the removal of portable classrooms and fine arts additions at several sites. Another area that will benefit immensely from the successful 2009 Broken Arrow School Bond Election will be technology, with more than $20-million in technology upgrades that will enhance technology at every school in the district as well as the school district’s technology infrastructure. The Broken Arrow Board of Education has approved the first installment of the sale of bonds in February 2010, and in May approved PBK Architects Inc., of Dallas, Texas, to serve as Project Manager for various projects that will be produced by the bond. Bond projects are ongoing over the next few years with regular updates at the board of education meetings and posted to the district website.
DISTRICT FINANCES Preparation of the Operating Budget begins in January, with the gathering of current year data and preparation of the budget calendar. The calendar includes major benchmarks and timelines for tasks, as well as responsible individuals for each step in the process. The budgeting cycle takes place during the spring and summer months, with final allocations and funding confirmed in the early fall. Once the Estimate of Needs is completed and approved by the County Excise Board, the district prepares the operating budget. Federal Sources $5,787,937 6%
2009- 2010
State Sources $14,464,908 15%
Federal Stimulus $6,378,138 7%
REVENUE State Aid (w/ Mid-Term Ajd.) $40,641,859 42%
Ad Valorem-Current $22,995,588 24%
The General Fund is used to pay teacher, support, and administrative staff salaries. Other expenses include textbooks, classroom materials, utilities, and insurance. Revenue sources for the General Fund include State Aid, Ad Valorem Taxes, and various state and federal grants. For 2009-10, the budget for the General Fund was $96,344,310. The Actual Revenue received was $95,605,723, plus Carryover of $9,410,693 equals total Revenue of $105,018,416.
Intermediate Sources $3,292,462 3% Local Sources $2,783,418 3%
2009-20 10
EXPENSES Expenditures are categorized by functional areas; such as Instruction, which includes teacher salaries, textbooks, and classroom materials. Expenditures budgeted for the 2009-10 General Fund were $100,607,127. The Actual Expenditures were $94,549,010. School Administration $5,306,224 6% General Administration $1,243,521 1% Instructional Support $3,790,267 4% Student Support $8,218,650 9%
Student Transporation $4,667,546 Other Outlays 5% $1,091,076 Plant Opps./Maintenance 1% $7,702,988 8%
Business/Technology $3,481,779 4%
Instruction $58,488,942 62%
DISTRICT FINANCES The District’s Net Assessed Valuation (NAV) refers to the local property wealth. Ad Valorem Tax revenue is apportioned to the General, Building and Sinking Funds (for payment of principal and interest on bond issues). The NAV has grown steadily over the last 10 years. $652,787,546 $614,493,128 $573,207,682 $532,146,068 $502,706,196 $467,505,986 $431,407,166 $400,572,519
$331,146,992 $298,071,762
• The Building Fund can be used for: erecting, repairing, or maintaining school buildings; purchasing furniture, equipment or computer software; paying energy or utility costs; purchasing telecommunication services; and other building-related costs. For 2009-10, the budget for the Building Fund was $3,800,00. The Actual Expenditures were $2,622,987. The Actual Revenue received was $3,095,934 plus Carryover of $1,291,353 equals total Revenue of $4,387,287.
additional INFORMATION
• The Child Nutrition Fund is used to account for the collection of all local, state, and federal monies dedicated to the District’s Child Nutrition Program. On average, the program provides lunch for about 11,065 or 67 percent of students every school day. For 2009-10, the budget for the Child Nutrition Fund was $7,537,260. The Actual Expenditures were $6,644,568. The Actual Revenue received was $6,176,726 plus Carryover of $2,327,646 equals total Revenue of $8,504,372. • Bond Funds are used to account for the spending of District bond issues, once the issue has been approved by the voters. Bond issues are used to fund new school construction, other building construction, additions, renovations, and classroom equipment.
ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE INDEX The API (The Academic Performance Index) is a numeric score created by the Oklahoma State Department of Education to indicate school performance and meet the accountability standards and requirements of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. The report contains data for the district’s 15 elementary school sites. In addition, data for the district’s five middle schools, two intermediate high schools and senior high school is also included. The contents of this report were produced by the Oklahoma State Department of Education on October 7, 2010. All school districts in Oklahoma including Broken Arrow Public Schools are required by to share this data with district parents and patrons. API scores are based on seven indicators including, Oklahoma School Testing Program, attendance, dropout rates, graduation rates, ACT performance and participation, college remediation rates and Advanced Placement participation. It is important to note that the seven indicators are grouped into three components: Oklahoma School Testing Program, school completion, and academic excellence. The API components for high schools are different from the API components for the middle and elementary schools. High School API components base 80% of the score on student performance in the Oklahoma School Testing Program (EOI test in English II and Algebra I), with 10% of the score based on school completion (dropout, graduation, and attendance rates), and 10% of the score based on academic excellence (ACT performance, advanced placement, college remediation) Elementary and Middle schools’ API components base 90% of the score on the Oklahoma School Testing Program (3rd through 8th grade student performance in reading and math) with 10% of the score based on school completion (attendance rates). Statewide API performance targets for 2009-2010 were 1074 in Math and 1060 in Reading. Performance targets for 2010-2011 will remain the same but will increase to 1216 and 1206, respectively, in 2011-2012. The District’s total API now stands at 1194 for the regular education subgroup. An explanation of the API is available at
2009-2010 API SCORES
Arrow Springs Elementary- 1267 Arrowhead Elementary- 1256 Country Lane Elementary- 1195 Country Lane 4th & 5th Grade Cetner- 1223 Indian Springs Elementary- 1221 Leisure Park Elementary- 1265 Liberty Elementary- 1267 Lynn Wood Elementary- 1124 Oak Crest Elementary- 991 Park Lane Elementary- 1255 Rhoades Elementary- 1110 Spring Creek Elementary- 1293 Vandever Elementary- 1258 Westwood Elementary- 1172 Wolf Creek Elementary- 1229 Centennial Middle School- 1224 Childers Middle School- 1250 Haskell Middle School- 1124 Oliver Middle School- 1091 Sequoyah Middle School- 1088 Senior High School- 1257 North Intermediate High School- 1223 South Intermediate High School- 1255 DISTRICT SCORE- 1194
PARTNERSIn Education
The Broken Arrow Public Schools Partners in Education (PIE) Program celebrated its 15th year of excellence during the 2009-2010 school year. This program, that is dedicated to bringing together BAPS with the business community, helps provide community support to the school system and encourages communication between the community and the schools. Business partners provided more than $180,000 worth of financial contributions and in-kind services to the school district, individual school sites and the Broken Arrow Public Schools Foundation during 2009-2010. Business Partners provided financial support for such things as field trips, classroom supplies and equipment, student school supplies, student incentive programs encouraging citizenship and leadership skills, and assistance for students to attend state and national school activities. The PIE program has provided financial
support for district items or functions, such as Adopt a Tiger, Above and Beyond, Teacher of the Year and the Broken Arrow Schools Foundation. The PIE Program has provided community pride and recognition for the districts’ teachers by sponsoring the city-wide National “Teacher Appreciation Week” project and “Celebrating the Arts.” “Community leaders have notified me that they enjoyed being a part of the projects and are looking forward to planning other projects to promote Broken Arrow Public Schools and students,” Partners in Education Coordinator Jo McCord said. Custom Services was named the 2009-2010 Partner of the Year, Church of Christ was named the Civic Organization of the Year, and FirsTitle and Abstract Company was given the Above and Beyond Award.
The final report on the Broken Arrow Public Schools Volunteers in Education program for the 2009-2010 school year is complete, and the results show the program enjoyed another successful year of supporting schools, students and a variety of district activities. During the 2009-2010 school year, volunteers ranging from 14 to 80 years of age logged 75,043 official volunteer hours. At $7.25 per hour, the dollar equivalent for their services would be more than $544,000. “Volunteers have provided valuable services to our school system as testing monitors, resource speakers, clerical help, chaperones as well as site and classroom volunteers,” said Jo McCord, Vounteers in Education coordinator. McCord said another important aspect of the volunteer program is the understanding that it brings between the school and community. “In this time when the parental role in the education of children is being emphasized, the volunteer program assumes an even greater importance. As our volunteers acquaint themselves with our school faculty and staff and gain knowledge of our programs, they become our best public relations spokesmen. Due to the insight they gain from volunteering in our schools, volunteers are instrumental in helping pass bond issues and providing positive feedback to our community.”
The Broken Arrow Public Schools Foundation delivered 56 grants worth just under $20,000 to Broken Arrow teachers in the spring of 2010. The funding for the special classroom projects that will be provided by the grants will help the students of 59 teachers (some teachers received more than one grant while some individual grants benefited more than one teacher). Country Lane 4th & 5th Grade Center teacher Eileen Warren received a grant for $97.76 for “Differentiated Instruction in the Reading Classroom.” “I want to expresss my appreciation to the Broken Arrow School Foundation for offering the grant program,” Warren said. “It is a very beneficial program that helps us provide our students with additional educational resources. Thank you so much for funding my grant for differentiated reading materials that will allow me more flexibility and variety to individualize reading instruction in my classroom. I am excited for the students to have the opportunity to progress through the materials at their level and their pace. Thank you again Foundation for your generosity.” Centennial Middle School teacher Stephanie Landreville received a grant for $411.75 for “Shining Light on the World.”
Teachers in the Broken Arrow School District submit applications for grants that will impact the education of Broken Arrow students. A subcommittee of the Foundation, plus educational personnel not involved in the grant writing or submission process, chooses those grants for projects it considers most exemplary.
“This project will successfully implement two labs in seventh grade science. The first lab allows students to discover that most objects in the solar system are in regular and predictable motion. The second lab will allow them (students) to see that winds have predictable patterns.”
Country Lane 4th and 5th Grade Center teacher Rhonda Bennett agreed. She said her grant for “Connecting Literature and Math Concepts” for $214.10 will give her the opportunity to teach mathematical concepts through picture books. She said the picture books to help students improve their understanding of different mathematical concepts would not have been possible without the grant.
The Broken Arrow Public School Foundation, started in 1992, has positively influenced education in Broken Arrow by providing funds for incentive grants to teachers. A Board of Directors, representing a variety of businesses, the PTA, the teaching and administrative staff and individual citizens, is elected annually to serve as trustees of the Foundation.
“I feel fortunate to receive this learning grant because it allows me to expand my students’ experiences. This grant integrates math and literature. I would not be able to purchase all of these books, but with this grant I can get all the books at one time to have the full impact on the students’ learning experience. Thank you so much Foundation!”
PERFORMING ARTS CENTER “Broadway, Branson and the Blues” officially kicked off the inaugural year of the Broken Arrow Performing Arts Center. The 86,000 square-foot facility would be home to many groups and performers, all with one thing in mind: making history as the first performers in the new PAC. The multi-purpose, state-of-the-art facility was completed in the summer of 2009, giving students and staff a place in which to sharpen their artistic practices and experience real-world performing arts right in their own back yards. On Sept. 29, 2009, the PAC was christened as officially open for business with a POPS Concert, a Grand Opening event that brought back special guest BAPS alumni, including Broadway and TV star Kathryn Zaremba, composer J. Barrick Griffiths and Russ McKinnon, the drummer for Barry Manilow. Students from across all grades, ages and schools were also part of the celebration as they stood alongside and performed with these special guests, including a select group of elementary girls who sang hits from Broadway’s “Annie” alongside Zaremba. And in the final show of the Grand Opening, “Old Blue Eyes” seem to come to life as Frank Sinatra, Jr., celebrated his father’s legacy and music with an unforgettable evening of music and memories, backed with a 36-piece orchestra. And for those with a little more adventure in their blood, the end of October saw the coming PAC Facts of TAP DOGS, an Australian dance troop that took the audience by storm with its unique blend of • In 2009-2010, theatre, tap dancing and a rock concert all rolled there were 43 into one. school-related concerts and shows The season closed out with a Valentine’s featuring students Day concert with crooner and crowd favorite grades kindergarten David Phelps. The tenor singer, who has toured through 12th. extensively both as a solo artist and with The Gaithers, held the audience captive with his • There were 153 multi-octave voice and phenomenal stage days of rehearsal presence. with student and professional groups. The first year of the PAC saw more than 43 school-related concerts and shows grace the • Total attendance stage, including productions from the various for the first year Instrumental Music Programs, drama and theatre of operation was groups, vocal music ensembles, talent shows, 53,577. dance troops and more. “What a great facility that the school district • With those attendance and Broken Arrowans have provided to showcase numbers, more than our fantastic programs,” said Scott Tomlinson, $1.2 million was instructional coordinator for instrumental music. brought into Broken “We now have a performance home and are Arrow. excited about all of the opportunities that it can and will provide for the music programs. The first year provided new visions for the programs that perform in the PAC. We can’t wait to see what the future of the facility brings!” The extension of the classroom into the PAC for fine arts students is just the stepping stone those students need who are interested in a future career in the performing arts.
“I will never forget the excitement on my students’ faces as they viewed for the first time the new facility,” said JoJo Nichols, director of BAHS Drama Department. “It was fun to witness their journey throughout the year as they built new traditions for BAHS Drama.” Overall, the attendance for the performance season and for school-related events was more than 53,000 patrons. Attendees came from various places throughout the country, including Texas, Kansas, Nebraska, Arkansas, Colorado and Missouri. Americans for the Arts, a national nonprofit organization, reports that arts visitors in Oklahoma spend, on average, $22.87 per person when attending an arts event, which includes meals, transportation, lodging and souvenirs. It does not include the price of admission. Based on those figures and the attendance numbers, the BAPAC is estimated to have brought in $1.2 million into the Broken Arrow area.
Broken Arrow Senior High School 1901 E. Albany 259-4310 Principal- Derek Blackburn
4th & 5th Grade Center 251 E. Omaha 449-5600 Principal- Sue Katterhenry
Wolf Creek Elementary 3000 W. New Orleans 259-4510 Principal- Ron Beckwith
North Intermediate High School 808 E. College 259-4320 Principal- Steve Nida
Indian Springs Elementary 8800 S. Fawnwood Ct. 259-4410 Principal- Larry Smith
BA Academy 637 E. College 259-4600 Principal- Debbie Renz
South Intermediate High School 301 W. New Orleans 259-4330 Principal-Dr. Richard Dale
Leisure Park Elementary 4300 S. Juniper Pl. 259-4420 Principal- Ron Rieff
Margaret Hudson Program 751 W. Knoxville 251-2647 Principal- Genell Coleman
Centennial Middle School 225 E. Omaha 259-4340 Principal- Amy Fichtner
Liberty Elementary 4300 S. 209th East Avenue 259-4470 Principal-Karyne Gates
Childers Middle School 301 E. Tucson 259-4350 Principal- Elizabeth Burns
Lynn Wood Elementary 1600 W. Quincy Ave. 259-4430 Principal- Barbara Jones
Haskell Middle School 412 S. 9th Street 259-4360 Principal- Philip Tucker
Oak Crest Elementary 405 E. Richmond 259-4450 Principal- Heather Adams
Oliver Middle School 3100 W. New Orleans 259-4590 Principal- Tom Sorrels
Park Lane Elementary 7700 S. Shelby Lane 259-4460 Principal- Jean Brassfield
Sequoyah Middle School 2701 S. Elm Pl. 259-4370 Principal- Heidi McAnulty
Rhoades Elementary 320 E. Midway 259-4440 Principal- Sherri Kindley
Arrow Springs Elementary 101 W. Twin Oaks 259-4380 Principal- Karla Dyess
Spring Creek Elementary 6801 S. Third St. 259-4480 Principal-Dorothy Pickney
Arrowhead Elementary 915 W. Norman 259-4390 Principal- Janice Blankenship
Vandever Elementary 2200 S. Lions Ave. 259-4490 Principal- Vicki Beckwith
Country Lane Elementary 301 E. Omaha 259-4400 Principal- Jamie Milligan
Westwood Elementary 1712 N. 18th St. 259-4500 Principal- Terry Carner