Calendar of Events July 4th of July Hours
July August September 2015
(continued) BHN certified holistic nutrition consultant. Free, please pre-register. 6–7pm Wednesday, July 22
Wellness Wednesdays: Basic Skills for Raw Food (Un)cooking
Essential Oils 101 at the Rock County 4H Fair
Shopping the Co-op on a Budget
Are you trying to add more fresh, raw foods to your diet? This class will cover Shopping the Co-op on a Budget some of the basic skills and tools you may Are you a penny-pincher, a bargain want to use. Learn about sprouting, juicJuly Super Tuesday Sale hunter, or just looking to serve up healthy ing, low temperature dehydrating and 15% OFF Regular-Priced Items Storewide, food on a tight budget? Co-op shopping more. Get a basic understanding of how the first Tuesday of every month! Enjoy can meet your need to eat for cheap! Join to maximize raw food nutrition and recifree samples and product demos. Basics us for a store tour with a focus on saving pes to get you started. Wellness WednesCo-op Owners save 5+15%, Senior Ownmoney at your Co-op. Also pick up sim- days is a free monthly class in the Basics ers save 10+10%! Excludes Shizen Sushi, ple recipes, coupons and pointers to help Community Room with Stephanie AegerLoon Lake Deli, consignment, party platyou start saving right away! Please preter, health coach and Janesville Farmers ters & gift boxes/baskets, alcohol. register for this free class + store tour. Market manager. Free, please pre6am-8pm Tuesday, July 7 Meets in front Lounge. register. 6-7pm Tuesday, July 28 6–7pm Wednesday, August 19 Open 6am-6pm Saturday, July 4. Lucy’s Loon Lake Coffee & Deli closed.
Wellness Wednesdays: Preserving the Harvest with Fermentation Learn to make your own live, fermented vegetables. We’ll cover sauerkraut and its variations, along with some fermented veggies that may be new to you. Wellness Wednesdays is a free monthly class in the Basics Community Room with Stephanie Aegerter, health coach and Janesville Farmers Market manager. Please preregister. 6–7pm Wednesday, July 15
Basics Health & Beauty guru Jane Stamm is taking her show on the road! Learn everything a beginner needs to know to start using pure essential oils for home and wellness. Make your own cooling essential oil mist. Free, sponsored by Aura Cacia Essential Oils. 12pm Wednesday, July 29th at Rock County 4H Fair Craig Ave. Pavilion
Co-op Owner Appreciation Sale Basics Co-op Owners save 5+15% on August Regular-Priced Items Storewide! Senior Owners save 10+10%. Excludes Shizen Sushi, Loon Lake Deli, consignment, party August Super Tuesday Sale 15% OFF Regular-Priced Items Storewide, platters & gift boxes/baskets, alcohol. the first Tuesday of every month! Enjoy 8am–8pm Sunday, July 19 free samples and product demos. Basics Co-op Owners save 5+15%, Senior OwnCauliflower Carb Substitutions Use cauliflower to replace starchy carbo- ers save 10+10%! Excludes Shizen Sushi, hydrates in a variety of dishes! Learn how Loon Lake Deli, consignment, party platters & gift boxes/baskets, alcohol. to make cauliflower “potato” salad, mashed cauliflower and cauliflower pizza 6am-8pm Tuesday, August 4 crust with instructor Deb Cyrel, CNC
Are you a penny-pincher, a bargain hunter, or just looking to serve up healthy food on a tight budget? Co-op shopping can meet your need to eat for cheap! Join us for a store tour with a focus on saving money at your Co-op. Also pick up simple recipes, coupons and pointers to help you start saving right away! Please preregister for this free class + store tour. Meets in front Lounge. 6-7pm Tuesday, August 25
What’s in My Vitamins? Surveys have found that roughly half of all Americans take vitamin supplements. Do you know how to assess the purity, potency and overall quality of a vitamin based on its ingredients and labeling? Join Deb Cyrel, CNC BHN holistic nutrition consultant, for a primer on what to look for in your vitamins. Free, please preregister. 6-7pm Wednesday, August 26 (continued)
Please register for classes at least 24 hours in advance. Call (608)754-3925 or sign up at Customer Service.
Calendar of Events (continued) sweet vegetables. You will learn simple recipes and ideas to help you incorporate local carotene-rich veggies September Super Tuesday Sale into your diet. Wellness Wednesdays is a 15% OFF Regular-Priced Items Storewide, free monthly class in the Basics Commuthe first Tuesday of every month! Enjoy nity Room with Stephanie Aegerter, free samples and product demos. Basics health coach and Janesville Farmers MarCo-op Owners save 5+15%, Senior Ownket manager. Free, please pre-register. ers save 10+10%! Excludes Shizen Sushi, 6-7pm Wednesday, September 16 Loon Lake Deli, consignment, party platters & gift boxes/baskets, alcohol. Co-op Owner Appreciation Sale 6am-8pm Tuesday, September 1 Basics Co-op Owners save 5+15% on Regular-Priced Items Storewide! Senior Labor Day Hours Owners save 10+10%. Excludes Shizen Open 6am-6pm Labor Day Monday, SepSushi, Loon Lake Deli, consignment, party tember 7. Lucy’s Loon Lake Coffee & Deli platters & gift boxes/baskets, alcohol. closed. 8am–8pm Sunday, September 20
Wellness Wednesdays: Curb your Sugar Cravings with Orange Veggies Do you struggle with sugar cravings? Make peace with your body’s need for sweetness. We will deconstruct the cravings and explore ways to curb your appetite in a healthy way with naturally
July August September 2015
(continued) Get tips on supporting your immune system through diet and supplements with instructor Deb Cyrel, CNC BHN, certified holistic nutrition consultant. Free, please pre-register. 6-7pm Wednesday, September 23
Shopping the Co-op on a Budget
Are you a penny-pincher, a bargain hunter, or just looking to serve up healthy food on a tight budget? Co-op shopping can meet your need to eat for cheap! Join us for a store tour with a focus on saving money at your Co-op. Also pick up simple recipes, coupons and pointers to help you start saving right away! Please preregister for this free class + store tour. Meets in front Lounge. Autoimmune Disease Nutritional 6-7pm Tuesday, September 29
Support Rheumatoid Arthritis, Psoriasis and Type 1 Diabetes are examples of autoimmune disease, when the acquired immune system targets healthy tissues by mistake.
Please register for classes at least 24 hours in advance. Call (608) 754-3925 or sign up at Customer Service.
10% OFF Reg. priced Basics Brand Vitamins 20% OFF for Basics Co-op Owners!
Only at Basics!
Janesville Athletic Club Member Day 10% OFF Reg. priced items
MONDAYS 10% OFF Reg. priced Fresh Produce 20% OFF for Basics Co-op Owners!
TUESDAYS Senior Day - 5% OFF Reg. priced items 65 & Wiser, excludes Super Tuesday 10+5% OFF for Basics Co-op Owners!
Located Inside Basics Co-op Traditional raw, cooked and vegetarian sushi options made fresh daily. Sushi party trays can be made-to-order for pickup.
EVERY DAY Basics Co-op Owners save 5% every day! Senior Owners 65 & Wiser save 10%!
Located Inside Basics Co-op Open 6am-2pm Mon-Sat, 8am-2pm Sun Featuring homemade pastries and soup from scratch Ask about Gluten Free made-to-order cakes