Community volunteer awards
Childrens East Square competition
Christmas events and opening times
GREEN LIGHTED The ongoing improvement of Pitsea has taken another major step forward after Cabinet Members approved the development of plans for the next phase of regeneration.
In the past three years, Pitsea centre has already seen the arrival of a new market square, improved public spaces and a new Aldi store. The town’s flagship retail site was also taken by The Range, which opened this year. The plans would see the council work with partners to maximise the potential benefits of the next phase of regeneration in Pitsea. The proposals are in the early stages – there are other service reviews happening, the results of which will have to be taken into account when com-
plete. All proposals would then be subject to consultation so that local people can share their views once plans are developed.
“There’s still a lot of discussion to be had with residents but we think we have a really strong starting point.” Basildon Council Leader, Cllr Phil Turner, said: “It’s great to see the next phase of Pitsea improvement moving forward. There’s still a lot of discussion to be had with residents but we think we have a really strong starting point. “The Place, whether we like it or not, is hugely underused,
and costs taxpayers almost half a million in subsidy every year. Retaining enough space for the things that people use it most for, such as local clubs, while providing a new home for the library and really modern new community spaces would seem sensible.
“At the same time, we want to explore investment into significantly improved facilities at Eversley Leisure Centre, including new gymnastics facilities. So although leisure services may look different locally, they would improve. “Coupled with the redevelopment of the council’s housing office, this could provide the modern new housing the area so badly needs, as well as a new GP surgery. We got it right at Pitsea last time – I’m sure we will do so again.”
Opportunities that will be considered include:
1. The development of proposals to provide new homes on the site of the old area housing office, which has been closed for some time. 2. Replacing the under-used facility, The Place with a ground floor community facility – including at least 300sq/m of space for local community groups, clubs and fitness activities and a new library.
3. There could also be significant expansion to Eversley Leisure Centre to ensure the same level of sports facilities remain available locally. Opportunities to provide further facilities for the successful South Essex Gym Club as well as an all-weather pitch will be developed. 4. Working with the NHS and CCG as well as the owners and GPs of Dipple Medical Centre to explore opportunities to improve the health facility. Thousands gathered to see the Christmas lights switch on Saturday 19 November
Mayor’s Column
What a privilege it is to be the Mayor of Basildon Being Mayor is enabling me to meet so many people of all ages and walks of life, both in the borough and further afield. From welcoming our Olympic heroes Max Whitlock, Brinn Bevan and coach Scott Hann back to the Sporting Village to meeting students in our schools and the many unsung heroes in our area who are volunteers and give up their time to help others. I have visited quite a few organisations across the borough, including seeing the good work done by Air, Army and Sea Cadets as well as many others. As Wagtail Children’s Ward is one of my charities for the year, it was good to be able to spend a morning visiting the ward and the rest of the children’s department at Basildon Hospital to see the good work that is done. I am hopeful that before Christmas I will have sufficient funds to get the Ward some of the new equipment they require for the oncology treatment room. I have asked the senior schools in the borough if they can help me with fundraising. I am pleased with the support that some have offered, which has already added nearly £2,000 for my charities fund – with more promised. But of course much more is needed and next March I am organising a charity dinner and dance, for which I am hoping that some of the borough’s big businesses will kindly donate some items for auction at the event. This will all help Wagtail Children’s Ward and “Luke’s” at St Luke’s Hospice. As Christmas approaches, I asked Year 7 & 8 students at Beauchamps High School in Wickford to design a Christmas card for me. I have had hundreds to choose from, making it a very difficult choice. The lucky winner was Year 7 pupil, Oscar Johnson, congratulations Oscar! And a big thank you to all the children who took part.
New ground maintenance contract saves £850,000
Basildon Council has awarded a new multiyear grounds maintenance contract that will save local taxpayers £850,000 to landscaping specialist, The Landscape Group idverde.
equivalent to 770 football pitches and enough hedgerow to stretch nearly two and half times around the M25, so this contract is a big undertaking.”
The contract, which runs for an initial period of seven years, will see the contractor take on responsibility for the cutting and trimming of all council owned grass and hedges in a deal worth nearly £10m.
Martin Packman, The Landscape Group idverde Regional Operations Director, commented: “The Landscape Group idverde has provided grounds maintenance services to Basildon Council since 2010 and is delighted that this relationship will continue for a further seven years. We look forward to continuing our partnership with Basildon Council and delivering the high standards of maintenance that the people of Basildon have come to expect.”
Cllr Kevin Blake, Deputy Leader of Basildon Council said: “We are delighted to announce this contract with The Landscape Group idverde, which will see us continue to work together over the next seven years and achieve savings of £122,000 a year. “The council is responsible for an area of grass
After a period of mobilisation by The Landscape Group idverde, the contract will begin on 1 April 2017.
Your new-look Community Hub is now open The recent transformation of the Basildon Centre’s ground floor has given residents access to a more comprehensive range of services under one roof. The vibrant new space has brought together several partner organisations to create a ‘Community Hub’ offering a number of public services. As well as council services such as housing, council tax advice, benefits support, planning, environmental services and many more, the Community Hub will also host the Department Work and Pensions’ (DWP) Jobcentre Plus and employment advice as well as the new Citizens Advice Bureau. This is in addition to Basildon Library with many community events and services offered within it, which continues to operate from the building and is run by Essex County Council. The Council’s partnership with the DWP is the largest of its kind in the country between the DWP and a borough council. Some of the biggest changes to the ground floor include: • A modernised self-service area where residents can pay bills, look for jobs,
complete online applications and access help with their job search, with the offer of assistance and support if and when needed • A community and enterprise section displaying local opportunities and celebrating the many achievements taking place around the borough. • A new layout with colour coded zones designed to bring local services closer together • An enhanced and modernised library space The Community Hub has also enabled the Council to develop a closer working relationship with key partners, whilst being able to offer residents a more enhanced, efficient and joinedup customer service experience. Additionally, by leasing parts of the Basildon Centre to partner organisations, the council has been able to both generate extra income and share overhead costs, resulting in significant savings for the taxpayer and borough.
The Benefit Cap is here – what does it mean for you? The government recently lowered the benefit cap, which is the total amount household can get in benefits. By household we mean you, your partner and any dependent children that live with you. Between November 2016 and January 2017, your housing benefit or universal credit will be checked and recalculated. The benefits team will write to you and let you know the new amount of your housing benefit and when it will change. If you have a question about the benefits that have been taken into account to decide your level of cap, please call the helpline on 0345 6057064 or textphone 0345 6088551 for people with hearing or speech impairments. The helpline is open Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm. How can I find out more about the benefit cap? Further information about the benefit cap can be found online at How can I get help and support to return to work?
The awards come nearly a year after being granted £1800 to help them enhance the visitor experience with amazing surround sound and improved blackout blinds. Now celebrating its first birthday, the community cinema has shown 24 films to over 1,000 residents of Billericay and surrounding areas with two films a month for families and adults. The awards showcase the very best of Community Cinema, our equivalent of The Oscars. This recognises the hard work of the volunteers who bring film to communities across the length and breadth of the UK.
Cllr David Harrison, Mayor of Basildon
Leader’s View
You can also find help online at: overview The current benefit cap is: • £500 per week for couples, with or without children • £500 per week for single parent families • £350 per week for single adults. From 7 November 2016 the benefit cap will change to: • £384.62 per week for couples, with or without children • £384.62 per week for single parent families • £257.69 per week for single adults.
Adam Adshead, Chairman said: “I’m so proud of what the team has achieved in the past year. We’ve built up a wonderful reputation in Billericay and people really seem to enjoy our very different, very local and community focussed offering. This is a huge honour for us to have been recognised in not just one but two categories, competing with some amazing groups around the country” . Cllr Richard Moore, Basildon Cllr for Billericay said: “A great initiative that the team have delivered for the residents of Billericay... well done for being shortlisted for the two awards.” For more information on films and timings visit www. or
An official celebration to mark the partnerships and the opening of the Community Hub is being planned for early 2017.
I am already aware – and looking forward to the many Christmas events that I have been invited to as Mayor during the festive period.
Mayor’s Charities Wagtail Children’s Ward and Luke’s (at St Luke’s Hospice)
For help in preparing and looking for work contact the helpline number on 0345 605 7064 to make an appointment to see a work coach.
Billericay Community Cinema is going to the Oscars! Billericay community cinema has been shortlisted in two categories at the ‘Film Society Of The Year’ awards in November.
Planning for Christmas futures
Because we have to set the council’s budget early in the New Year, we are often making the decisions about what we can – and can’t afford – in the run up to Christmas. It’s enough to make any council leader feel like Scrooge! This year, we have been planning for the Christmas future that will make Basildon Council a self financing when general government grants to local councils are fully withdrawn in March 2020. I am optimistic about our plan to become a self-financing council. The plan balances growth, income and investment to protect the services the community values most now and into the future. Believe me, we will be using the finest toothcomb to look through every service we provide to find ways of saving money or increasing income. We are also instilling a more commercial attitude into the way we run things and considering if we can sell what we do to other councils and bodies and share, or buy goods and services more competitively. We will also be making sure we are getting value for money from the assets we own. We are also taking a longer-term view of increasing income for the council by supporting growth of new businesses that will bring in more business rates and housing development, in line with the Local Plan. The council’s housing company, Sempra Homes, will start to generate income for the council as its building programme develops over the next few years. We will use council reserves carefully to help us save money in the long-run. We will face some tough decisions, but adversity will always breed innovation. We have already opened our new look community hub in the Basildon Centre that brings together services from a range of partners, giving residents a much more joined-up customer service experience, whilst keeping the council’s costs down. This is just one example of how services can be changed to save money and get better, there have been others in the past and there will be many others to follow. We don’t have all the answers yet and no doubt there will be further changes to deal with as the national picture shifts.
I wish each and every one of the people of the borough, Christmas greetings, and may 2017 be a good year for all of us!
We’re entering uncharted waters, but our track record of prudent and sound financial management means the council and its community remains in control of its own destiny. I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a very happy New Year.
New ground floor layout
Billericay Community Cinema staff at a recent showing of Beetlejuice.
Cllr Phil Turner, Leader of Basildon Council
LOCAL PLAN CONSULTATION Following the launch of a major public consultation early in 2016, the draft local plan continues to be developed to meet the future needs of local residents with several new site specific consultations now being undertaken. A special edition of the Borough Diary in January 2016 launched a major public consultation on the Draft Local Plan, which is tasked with looking for ways of accommodating the borough’s diverse social, economic and environmental needs by 2034. It set out proposals for where 1,860 new homes in Billericay, 3,300 in Wickford, 8,800 in Basildon (including Laindon & Pitsea) and 900 in some of the borough’s rural areas and Plotlands could
go in the future, alongside new business land and various proposals for upgrades to infrastructure. The public interest in the proposals was huge, with over 2,500 people attending one of 10 exhibitions round the borough and over 21,600 comments submitted during the 8 week consultation. Since March 2016, the Council has been busy reviewing and digesting what people have said and has compiled a report, required by town planning legislation called a Statement of Consultation. It sets out the main findings some of which were:
• The level and type of housing growth proposed, many people called for it to
New and Alternative Site Consultation 2016 During the early 2016 consultation, the council received proposals for land which it had not considered before as part of the Local Plan. In the interests of openness, the council is consulting on the proposals it has received so that local people can be given the opportunity to have their say on these specific proposals, prior to the council considering whether they should feature in the Local Plan. In addition, the Council received alternative proposals to change the development proposed for sites it had either already considered and proposed to designate, or ruled out. These are also being consulted on where they are substantially different
• The impact on the Green Belt and environment from releasing land for development purposes • The distribution of development in different parts of the borough, with many living in Billericay and Wickford calling for Basildon to take more growth and vice versa •
Concern about the impact of new housing development on local roads, railways, health, education and community infrastructure
• The condition of the borough’s town centres and their ability to
serve their visitors, with specific references about the regeneration of Basildon, the condition of Laindon, the capacity of Wickford to grow and the parking constraints in Billericay
Various comments on precise new housing and business development sites in respects of wildlife, flooding, highways, open space, density and delivery of infrastructure, etc
The Statement of Consultation and its recommendations were approved by the council’s Cabinet on 29 September. This included the endorsement of 52 Key Actions which the council must now work on before it draws up the final plan to submit to the Government in Spring 2017.
• New Site 1 – Land South of Outwood Common Road (Brooklands Farm), Billericay
• New Site 5 – Additional land at Greanleas Farm, London Road, Billericay
• New Site 2 – Land West of Southend Road (Foot Farm), Billericay
• New Site 6 – Land between London Road and A13, Pitsea, Basildon
from the proposals previously tested by the Local Plan process.
• New Site 3 – Land West of Southend Road (Maitland Lodge), Billericay
• New Site 7 – Hovefields and Honiley Neighbourhood Area, Wickford
These are at Alpha Garden Centre, Wickford; Bradfields Farm, Basildon; Hall Farm, North Benfleet; Outwood Farm, Billericay; Wash Road, Noak Bridge; Tompkins Farm and Brickfield Road, Vange; London Road, Wickford; Frithwood Lane, Billericay and Windmill Heights, Billericay.
• New Site 4 – Dale Farm, Oak Lane, Crays Hill
This consultation launched on 3 November for six weeks, running until 15 December 2016. For further information, copies of documents and comment forms are available in the Borough’s libraries or people can access the consultation online at
March 2017 Final version of Local Plan approval by councillors before submission to Government June 2017 Public consultation on Final Local Plan and submission to Government June 2017 to December 2017 Examination in Public by independent Planning Inspector March 2018 Inspector’s report and recommended modifications March 2018 Consultation on the recommended changes June 2018 Adoption by council
be reduced, whilst some suggested it was too low
THE COMMUNITY! To advertise, or get involved please email or call 01268 833978
Billericay Child Contact Centre celebrates 20 years of success Family breakdowns are tough in the best circumstances, but when those circumstances are not good, outcomes for parents and children can be devastating. Twenty years ago, Sue Ball, a local resident, saw how traumatising it was for her colleague to have no access to their children, and no safe place to meet to allow that contact to take place. This personal experience prompted her to make enquiries about how they could be supported. What followed was a personal mission to help families in this difficult situation. The Billericay Methodist Church was agreed as the location and volunteers were found to start a centre where estranged parents could meet their children in a safe and welcoming environment. The centre is still going strong, support-
ed by many volunteers from around the borough – including eight of the original volunteers who started 20 years ago. The fully accredited centre runs twice a month on a Sunday afternoon and has supported many local families over the past two decades. Ruth Stevenson, leader of the centre said: “There have been too many success stories to mention and even the cases where contact has broken down after the children leave us, those children still will have memories of having seen their non-resident parent in a safe environment without having to hear the parents arguing or even worse, fighting. Some children in the past may have only seen their non-resident parent drunk or high on drugs, this contact centre has
Have a property to let? We have the solution...
Following on from the success of the last two events, Basildon Council is holding another Landlord Forum on 15 December 2016 at Wat Tyler Country Park. The forum provides landlords with a wealth of information on tenancy management and lettings as well as the business of being a landlord with presentations from the National Landlord Association and a qualified accountant, expert in private landlord tax issues. Landlords will also receive information on the council’s Property Solutions Scheme which offers landlords up to £1,500 cash incentive in exchange for an assured shorthold tenancy being offered to a tenant referred by the council’s Housing Options Team. As well as a cash incentive, landlords will also benefit from rent in advance, a damage deposit bond, support and expert advice and assistance from the Council’s Lettings Negotiator throughout the life of the tenancy. The scheme aims to mitigate some of the risks associated with renting properties privately and facilitate the letting of quality accommodation.
given them the chance to see them in a new light. It is lovely to see parents put aside their differences for the sake of their children. We estimate we have enabled over 1,000 families to receive contact with their children and have never cancelled a single contact session. The most heart-breaking thing for me is when the child or children turn up to see their non-resident parent and that parent for whatever reason does not turn up. Thankfully this happens very rarely. The excitement of a child or children running to see their parent that they may not have seen for three years or more is just lovely and makes all the hard work worthwhile.” To find out more about the centre and their work visit www.billericaycontact or email
Cllr Anthony Hedley, Cabinet Member for Housing and Community Safety, said: “The Property Solutions initiative is a fantastic scheme. It not only helps private landlords rent out their properties and receive the support and experience of the Council’s housing teams, but also helps to find homes for people who might otherwise be living in temporary accommodation. “I would encourage any current or potential landlords to come to our forum in December to learn about the many benefits the scheme has to offer.” To find out more or to book a place at the forum please visit solutions
Celebrations at Billericay Child Contact Centre
Keeping Christmas shoppers safer Businesses, shoppers, visitors and those who live and work in and around Wickford High Street have been benefitting from improved CCTV protection since October. Existing cameras were being replaced with upgraded models that are easier to manage and maintain and provide much better images. There will also be three additional cameras. The upgrade forms part of the programme of the developing and improving the borough’s CCTV network and is the next project to be delivered in Wickford as part of the town’s regeneration. Cllr Anthony Hedley, Cabinet Member for Housing and Community Safety, said: “We have
made great progress in regenerating Wickford High Street and this latest investment is a further boost. These new CCTV cameras will provide reassurance and protection for those who live, work and trade in the High Street.” CCTV makes an important contribution to community safety across the borough. This upgrade is a vital part of our plans to improve the quality of life for residents and visitors to Wickford.” The first phase of the rejuvenation of Wickford town centre is now nearing completion and councillors recently gave the green light to the development of new proposals to complement the work already undertaken.
Waste Not, Want Not How you can help cut the waste of NHS medicines Every year, £2.5 million worth of medication is never used in the Basildon and Thurrock areas. This could pay for 3,125 cataract operations, 395 hip replacements or 100 more community nurses. To cut down medication waste in our areas, Basildon and Brentwood Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) and Thurrock CCG have teamed up to run
the Waste Not, Want Not - Medicines Waste campaign. This aims to help save the NHS in south west Essex millions of pounds. The campaign is looking at the different issues patients, GPs, pharmacists, care homes and carers face when trying to make the best use of medicines. Few patients realise that once medication has been returned to a pharmacy,
even if the package has never been opened, it must be destroyed. Therefore, people are being asked to check their medicines bag at the pharmacy and only take home what they need. To help understand the causes of medicine waste, the CCGs are asking people to take part in an online survey on their prescription re-ordering habits. Patients and carers with responsibility
for managing and administering medication can complete this on our website at www.basildonandbrentwoodccg. The Medicines Waste campaign pages on our website also has more information on arranging a ‘Medicines Use Review’ with a local pharmacist in order to discuss your medication.
Free flu jabs in Basildon – are you eligible? Winter can be seriously bad for our health and a challenging time for the NHS, particularly urgent and emergency care services.
Basildon and Brentwood Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) is supporting the annual Stay Well this winter campaign to help those people in our local communities who are most vulnerable to falling seriously ill with winter ailments. We don’t want to prevent those who need urgent care from going to hospital but we hope that by providing simple advice for people considered most at risk during the winter months, our residents can avoid the need for hospital treatment. One of the best protections for people who are at increased risk of flu is to make sure they have their free flu vaccination. People who are recommended to have the flu vaccine are: • everyone aged 65 and over • all pregnant women, at any stage of pregnancy • all two, three and four-year-old children
• all children in school years 1,2 and 3
• diabetes
• everyone living in a residential or nursing home
• a neurological condition e.g. multiple sclerosis (MS), cerebral palsy or a learning disability
• everyone who cares for an older or disabled person • household contacts or anyone who is immunosuppressed • all frontline health and social care workers
• a problem with your spleen e.g. sickle cell disease or you have your spleen removed • are seriously overweight.
• a heart problem
Flu can be a very unpleasant illness in children. This year all two, three and four-year-olds and children in school years 1, 2 and 3 are being offered the free flu vaccination. As well as protecting children, the infection is then less able to spread to other family members and friends including their parents and grandparents. For most children, the vaccine is given as a nasal spray so it is painless and easy to have.
• a chest complaint or breathing difficulties including emphysema or severe asthma
Please ask at your GP practice or local pharmacy about having your flu vaccination.
Flu can affect anyone, but for someone with a long term health condition the effects of flu can make it worse even if the condition is well managed. You should have the free flu vaccine if you have any of the following medical conditions (this includes children and babies over six months of age):
• a kidney disease
You can find more information and download flu vaccination informa• lowered immunity due to disease or tion leaflets on the Basildon and treatment (such as steroid Brentwood CCG website at www. medication or cancer treatment) • liver disease your-health/stay-well-this-winter • had a stroke or transient ischaemic attack (TIA)
Friends of Lake Meadows, Billericay Friends of Lake Meadows is a registered charity and is a friendly, volunteer-run group of local people. We work with Basildon Council to help care for the park and we also hold events throughout the year. We have a growing membership, but we always appreciate new people becoming involved at committee level or in any of our groups, bringing new ideas, practical skills and areas of expertise. Date for your diary: On Saturday 17 December from 4pm, we shall be holding our annual Carols in the Park. There will be free refreshments and we will be singing traditional carols around our Christmas tree by the boathouse in Lake Meadows. This is a truly family event so do come and join us! We are thrilled to have been chosen as one of three local charities by the Co-op to take part in their Local Community Fund. We intend to use any contribution we receive from the Co-op towards our project to refurbish the lake, encourage wildlife and provide information. The more local support we get, the more funding we could receive. We would really encourage local residents to join the Co-op as a member (if you haven’t already done so) and choose us as your cause. You will personally receive 5% discounts on all Co-op branded products and we will receive 1% of what you spend. This is a very exciting opportunity for a committed, local charity such as ourselves.
Do you know how you’re getting home from your Christmas night out? Partygoers are being urged to stay safe this Christmas and New Year when making their way home from their festive nights out and only use official licensed taxis and private hire vehicles booked through a licensed operator. Often at this time of year, bogus unlicensed vehicles claim to be legitimate taxis and private hire services and operate in and around Basildon and surrounding areas. The council is therefore urging passengers to always look for the official licence plate on the back of a vehicle before getting inside. A driver will also wear and display an identity badge with their licence number, photograph and Basildon Council logo (throughout the borough). Licensed taxis can only be hired from a rank or by hailing and these are identifiable by their white colour with orange bonnet and boot and ‘taxi’ roof sign. Private hire
vehicles must be pre-booked through a licensed operator. Cllr Allan Bennett, Chairman of the Council’s Licensing Committee, said: “Although we want everyone to enjoy themselves over the Christmas and New Year period, it is vitally important that people remain safe when on a night out. Always ensure that you are using a licensed vehicle driven by a licensed driver and follow our top safety tips.”
• If you are travelling home after the street lights have gone out, make sure that you know where you are going and that the driver drops you as near to your destination as possible;
• Taxi or private hire vehicle licence number (shown on the council’s licence • Ask how much the journey will cost and plate); make sure you have enough money to • The driver’s badge number pay the fare – it’s a good idea to keep this in a safe place away from the • The taxi/private hire vehicle operating rest of your night’s spending money. firm name (if applicable)” It is an offence not to pay the fare You can discuss your concerns initially The council’s top safety tips are: All licensed drivers and vehicles are with Licensing Officers by calling 01268 required to meet a number of stringent 206925 but all complaints will need to be • Always plan how you are going to get checks. These include a criminal records made in writing and you can do this by home after a night out; check for drivers and regular testing of either emailing • Keep your mobile phone at hand; vehicles. If you have any doubts about uk or writing to: The Licensing team, a driver’s behaviour, or if you believe a Basildon Borough Council, St. Martins • When you get to your destination ask vehicle to be unlicensed, do not get into Square, Basildon, Essex SS14 1DL. You the driver to wait until you get inside; the vehicle. Report it immediately to the will need to include as much detail as • If you feel unsafe ask to be dropped off Council’s Licensing team. Always remem- possible so that a full investigation can be in a well-lit area where there are plenty ber, when making a complaint to take note undertaken. of people; of the following four things:
Don’t serve up food poisoning this Christmas! The Environmental Health team at Basildon Council are taking the opportunity to remind all local residents to follow these top ten turkey tips from the Food Standards Agency to keep Christmas free from food poisoning. Whilst many people still enjoy eating turkey at Christmas, these top tips apply all year and to any meat being cooked:
• The vehicle registration number of the taxi or private hire vehicle (shown on the number plate);
before reheating. Defrost them in the fridge overnight or in the microwave if you are going to cook and eat them straight away. Eat defrosted leftovers within 24-hours and do not refreeze. The only exception is if you are defrosting raw food, which can be refrozen after it’s been cooked.
5. Use your leftovers creatively. ‘ Love Food Hate Waste’ has some 1. Don’t wash your turkey. Washing great suggestions to make the most raw turkey is unnecessary. Harmful of your leftovers. Visit them at: germs can easily splash from raw meat and poultry onto worktops, chopping 6. Keep it clean. Always wash and dry boards, dishes and utensils. Germs your hands thoroughly before that cause food poisoning can also preparing food and after handling linger for days in the sink. Up to 80% raw meat or poultry. Make sure your of people significantly increase the worktops and utensils are clean and risk of food poisoning by washing disinfected. their turkeys before cooking them. 7. Be fridge friendly. Check your fridge 2. Make sure your turkey is cooked is at the right temperature – below thoroughly. Check your turkey is 5°C – to stop germs from growing. steaming hot all the way through. Cut Don’t pack the food too tightly as the into the thickest part of the bird to cold air needs to circulate to cool your check that none of the meat is pink food. and ensure that the juices which run 8. Defrost fully. If you buy a frozen out are clear. turkey, make sure that the turkey 3. Use your leftovers safely. We all is fully defrosted before cooking it. hate to waste food, so if you’ve stored It can take as long as 48-hours for cooked turkey in the fridge, eat it a large turkey to thaw. When you within two days. If you want to make start defrosting, put the turkey in a your turkey leftovers last longer, put large covered dish at the bottom of them in the freezer within one to two the fridge. Avoid touching other foods hours of cooking. Portion up the food and ensure the dish is large enough to aid cooling, and then store in the to collect any liquid, so it doesn’t drip freezer. onto or come into contact with other 4. Defrost your leftovers foods. thoroughly. If you have frozen your 9. Avoid cross-contamination. Use leftovers to make them last even different chopping boards and knives longer, defrost them thoroughly for raw meat and foods that are
ready-to-eat, like cooked meats, salads and raw vegetables. Ensure they are cleaned between each use as this will help to stop germs spreading. Keep your raw turkey and other raw meats on the bottom shelf of the fridge, separate from other foods.
10. Food safety at Christmas is not just about turkeys. Most people are aware of the importance of handling poultry safely, but many don’t consider the risk of food poisoning from vegetables. Remember that it’s important to peel your vegetables as necessary, because soil can sometimes carry harmful germs. Although many food producers have good systems in place to clean vegetables, the risk can never be entirely eliminated. Washing with rubbing and scrubbing will help to remove bacteria from the surface of fruit and vegetables. Try to wash the least spoiled items first and give each of them a final rinse. Brushing off dry soil before washing may help reduce the amount of washing required to clean the vegetables thoroughly.
Waste consultation
Basildon Council has recently completed a public consultation on changes to its waste and recycling services. The council is now looking through responses to the online survey as well as comments gathered from focus groups. Views will be reported to councillors before they decide how to change services to make them more efficient, increase recycling and reduce waste. The council’s cabinet will meet in January 2017 to decide how to proceed.
Swan gets approval for regeneration of Craylands Estate in Basildon Swan Housing Association has received planning approval for its hybrid planning application for the remaining phases of the regeneration of Craylands in Basildon. The project is being developed in partnership with Basildon Borough Council and the Homes and Communities Agency. This approval gives the green light for over 560 new homes and will result in the completion of the estate’s regeneration. This has been ongoing for more than ten years and will see over 970 new homes delivered once completed. The first phase of the new homes to be delivered, known as Beechwood West,
will see 251 homes designed to resident’s individual specification and constructed as a modular housing system and then delivered to site for assembly. Following extensive resident consultation, Swan’s plans for Beechwood have been adapted to include a new park to provide a safe space for children to play as well as traffic calming measures. Work will also begin in the autumn to upgrade the areas of the estate which are not subject to demolition. This major project will include investment in pavements, streetlights and enhanced open spaces and will be delivered in partnership with Basildon Borough Council and Essex County Council.
A drawing competition for children at the latest Love Your Borough event in Basildon Town Centre produced some creative ideas for what young people would like to see in East Square.
Officially opened by Cllr Phil Turner, Leader of Basildon Borough Council, the Beech Community Centre is a new community facility in Beechwood, built by Swan Housing Association, in partnership with Basildon Borough Council and the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA). The Community Centre is a fantastic facility with a large multi-purpose space and a modern kitchen. The new centre is a fundamental part of the regeneration project which, when complete, will transform the Craylands estate and demonstrates Swan’s commitment to building communities.
Cherry Tree Primary and Larnie-Rae Rouse, aged eight from Greensted Juniors. Each of the winners have received a voucher to spend at Toys R Us. Cllr David Dadds, who chose the overall winner of each category said: “It is great to see so many youngsters getting involved with our future plans for Basildon. The ideas they all came up with were really creative and showed a lot of imagination, well done to all the winners. Who knows, we may have found some town planners of the future.” Whilst the youngsters got creative, council officers spoke to parents about what they would like to see in East Square, children’s activities, varied retail, new restaurants and a cinema were all suggested. These ideas will be taken into consideration as plans for Freedom House and East Square develop.
L-R Cody Bacon, Jessica Muir, Cllr David Dadds, Alaina Robinson, Abi Williams, Larne-Rae Robinson
Hundreds View Laindon Shopping Centre Plans Across two exhibitions held on 29 and 30 September, 555 people viewed exhibition boards and a 3D model showing Swan Housing’s plans to bring about the long awaited regeneration of Laindon Shopping Centre. The Masterplan revealed builds on feedback received from local stakeholders over the past year at various consultation events and meetings. The exciting plans include a new high street, shops, health centre, a new Swan Of-
fice and a new memorial garden including the existing war memorial, as well as new homes,public space and highways improvements. The overwhelming response from the majority of attendees was support for the proposals. Swan’s project team would like to thank all the attendees for their support and feedback throughout the consultation process. The planning application was submitted in November 2016.
Abi Williams, Over 7s First Prize
Alaina Robinson, Over 7s Second Prize
Larne-Rae Rouse, Over 7s Third Prize
Cody Bacon, Under 7s First Prize
Jessica Muir, Under 7s Second Prize
Ruqiya Sheikh Bobo, Under 7s Third Prize
The centre will be managed by the Community Development team at Swan, but activities and hiring of the hall has been developed around local needs. Initial projects due to be delivered from the site include a community art project, youth activities, residents meetings, healthy eating sessions, employment and training programmes and exercise sessions.
Artist impression of Laindon Shopping Centre
Local apprentice starts work on Wickford Health Facility Apex, the contractor building the new Wickford Health Facility on behalf of Basildon Council has put local labour at the heart of the project by adding a new apprentice to its team. Basildon resident, Billy Bannon, began work on the site in Market Road, Wickford through an agency as a general labourer, and has now been taken on full time by Apex. During his time on the project, Billy will be an apprentice Site Foreman and will learn about the construction industry from Apex Project Manager, Steve Shaw. On his appointment Steve said: “It’s great to have Billy on board, we are dedicated to inspiring enthusiastic individu-
als towards careers in the construction industry. Employing Billy on site also fulfils a promise made by Apex to Basildon Council to employ a local apprentice on the project. “Billy will learn what it takes to become a Site Foreman and as part of this will undertake a number of site specific qualifications to enable him to get the most from his role.” Leader of Basildon Council, Cllr Phil Turner, added: “We are delighted to see local residents being given the opportunity to work on an important project for the borough. This is a great opportunity for Billy that will see him learn key industry qualifications and transferable skills that will develop his future career. I would like to wish him every
success on the project and in his future career.” Billy added: “I’ve been on site for 18 weeks and I’m really enjoying it. I am learning so much from Steve and the team that I’m looking forward to using on site and more importantly in the future. “I’m really grateful to Apex and Basildon Council for this opportunity.” Once complete in spring 2017, the £2million regeneration of the Wickford Health Facility in Market Road will include 11 examination and consultation rooms and will see an increase in the number of GPs. The facility will also serve as a training centre for the next generation of doctors.
Local Service Directory Forget Me Not Memory Café
Every Friday 2pm–3.30pm The Memory café is a free service for anyone who has concerns about their memory or the memory of a loved one or friend. The Café is run by trained volunteers with the support of health professionals. You can come along and discuss your concerns in confidence. We have a programme of events for both carers and the cared for. We look to provide support and information within a relaxed, friendly and stigma free environment. The Forget Me Not Memory Café is an opportunity to take a break from your caring role. EVERYONE IS WELCOME. The George Hurd Centre, Audley Way, Basildon Essex SS14 2AB (01268) 465854.
Imagining East Square
Well done to Cody Bacon, aged 4 from Willows Primary, Jessica Muir, aged 5 from Millhouse Infants, Rugiya Sheikh Bobo aged four from Maple Grove, Alaina Moulsdale, aged nine from Willows Primary, Abi Williams aged ten from
Artist impression of Craylands
Youngsters from across the borough stopped by and drew what they would like to see in East Square. The ideas, which included a funfair, waterpark and a dinosaur were judged by staff and Cllr David Dadds, Cabinet member for Regeneration, Policy Overview & Organisational Delivery. Prizes were awarded to the three best drawings in each category, under 7 and over 7.
Partners celebrate the opening of The Beech Community Centre
Cllr Phil Turner, Leader of Basildon Council and Cllr David Harrison, Mayor of Basildon
Training obedience techniques with play as the reward, used by Police Forces, The British Institute of Professional Dog Trainers and taught at Writtle College, Essex. Training 121 Day Care Obedience - from basic commands to advanced working/gun dogs Puppy socialisation, training and feeding programmes Walking/excercise with mental stimulation to make for happy dogs Behaviour problems
Celebrating our community heroes Nearly 300 people attended the annual Basildon Council Volunteer Awards 2016, celebrating the selfless help and support provided by the borough’s volunteers. The sparkling award ceremony was held at Basildon’s Towngate Theatre on Monday, 10 October. This year, a record breaking 123 nominations were received across the eight categories. All nominees and their special guests were invited to this prestigious gala event, which was generously sponsored by a number of Basildon-based businesses. Entertainment was provided by the RCCG Spring of Hope Church Choir, The Big Sing Basildon Council Choir, street-dance trio “Rhythmotyze” and spoken word artist Jacques Bottjer. In a change from previous years, new categories this year included Voluntary Group of the Year, the Personal Challenge award and the Lifetime Achievement award. This award is reserved for those who have made an outstanding contribution to the community during their lifetime. Beaming as they collected their awards, the winners of each category were presented with a trophy, certificate of appreciation and a prize voucher by the Mayor, Cllr Da-
vid Harrison and Cllr Terri Sargent, Cabinet Member for Environment and Community. All winners were entered into the running for the Volunteer of the Year Award, who receive the Tony Guyon Memorial Cup. Tony Guyon gave many years of dedication to supporting the community in Basildon and this trophy was established in his honour to recognise his contributions to the community. Mayor of Basildon, Cllr David Harrison said: “These awards are an excellent chance to recognise the time and effort that volunteers across the borough pour into helping and supporting their local community. The fact that there are so many individuals and groups in our borough, dedicated to improving the lives of others, is something to be proud of.” Tony Guyon ‘Volunteer of the Year’ Memorial Cup – sponsored by West and Coe Funeral directors and Long Service Award, sponsored by Morgan Sindall Property Services Winner: Kevin Abbott Kevin has volunteered for over 30 years for the Basildon Saturday Club for people with special needs. He has taken club members away on holiday and organised many discos and events. In addition,
he has volunteered at after school clubs for two evenings a week and amongst all this, he works full time. Lifetime Achievement Award, sponsored by Redrow PLC Winner: John McKay For his dedicated service to volunteering. John is the drive and inspiration for activities held at the Lee Chapel North Community Centre in Ballards Walk, Basildon. This includes the Foodbank, which supports hundreds of people each year, the Diamond Club, supporting older people and the Kids Club which is run during school holidays. John’s positive attitude of ‘getting the job done’ galvanises others to lend a hand. A true inspiration. Young Volunteer Award for 10-15 year olds, sponsored by Konica Minolta Business Solutions (UK) Ltd Winner: Christopher Hawkins For his volunteering on Basildon Borough Youth Council and the Young Essex Assembly. Young Volunteer 16-21 year olds, sponsored by International Financial Data Services Winner: Nathan Garrity For his devotion to Gateway Youth Club
for young people with additional needs. The Sunshine Award 8-21 year olds, sponsored by Leonardo-Finmeccanica Winner: Daisy Rouse A young carer and a long standing volunteer with Basildon Youth Council. The Personal Challenge Award, sponsored by Swan Housing Group Winner: Ann Parsons In recognition of her valiant efforts supporting Essex Police, whilst also caring for her two sons both who have special needs. Inspirational Role Model Award, sponsored by Palmers Solicitors Winner: Carol Franklin For her tireless efforts supporting the Steeple View Community Association in running a wide range of activities, including the Community Kitchen, coaching sessions for young people and the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme. Voluntary Group of the Year Award, sponsored by Vinci Facilities Winner: Kingston Ridge Campsite Service Crew 12 volunteers who put in around 6,000 hours throughout the year to maintain the campsite, so that it can be used safely by young people.
Council and charity team up to tackle rough sleeping in borough Rough sleepers in Basildon are being offered help in getting a roof over their heads thanks to a partnership between the council and a leading homelessness charity. As part of its commitment to prevent homelessness and rough sleeping, Basildon Council is working in partnership with homelessness charity, St Mungos, to deliver an outreach service to rough sleepers. The service, which is part-funded by the council, works by providing rough sleepers with essential services and supporting them into safe, secure and affordable accommodation. Members of the public who see people sleeping on the streets and want to be able to help but don’t know what to do can now refer rough sleepers through the StreetLink service. By going to the StreetLink website or using the app you can now make referrals which experienced outreach workers follow up on their shifts. Shifts are undertaken either early in the morning or late at night and are focussed around known rough sleeping hotspots. Cllr Anthony Hedley, Cabinet Member for Housing and Community Safety, said: “It is essential we continue to work with partner organisations and embrace innovative new ways of connecting with people as we strive towards tackling homelessness in the borough. “It’s important we help people who sleep rough to get a roof over their heads and the support they need. I think it’s wonderful that SteetLink is making it so easy for the public to provide vital intelligence that
could help a rough sleeper get the help and support they need.” Petra Salva, St Mungo’s Director of Street Outreach Services, added: “The starting point for our work is that rough sleeping is harmful and dangerous, and that no one should have to sleep rough in this day and age. We work with people to find out why they became homeless and to connect them with services to get them back on track, as needed, into housing, into health services and into work opportunities.” If members of the public are concerned about anyone sleeping rough, they can contact the national 24 hour rough sleeping referral line StreetLink on 0300 500 0914 or online at FURTHER INFORMATION: • StreetLink was launched in 2012 with funding from central and London governments • 57,000 reports to date, 1,900 per month in last year • 75% of all reports come via digital channels (website and apps) • Supporter base of over 15,000 members of the public • Usage increasing by over 40% per annum We talked to one of Streetlink’s outreach workers to find out more... Q. How long have you been working with people sleeping rough? A. I have been working with homeless people for two years now, and started
working with people sleeping rough in June 2016. I started as a locum, joining more experienced outreach workers and then I started full time in September 2016. Q. What does a typical shift look like? A. My typical shift involves responding to StreetLink referrals, which means where the public have helped us to learn where people are sleeping. The website and app are a vital resource for us to learn a bit more about where vulnerable people need our help. I also meet up with new clients and work closely with current clients to find housing and to link in with other support around health and employment. Q. How do you approach and practically support people? A. During our shifts, which are either very early in the morning or very late at night, we will respond to any new referrals and attend rough sleeper hotspots which means an area where more than a couple of people are sleeping. When we find people who are sleeping rough, we politely introduce ourselves and explain what our service can offer them. I start by taking down information and arrange to meet over the following days to complete a full assessment to gauge what level of support they will need. Q. How do you know where to find them? A. There are several ways we find rough sleepers. Members of the public can make referrals at, and people who are rough sleeping can also use the website to let us know that they
need help. I use my own local knowledge to identify possible sleep sites and check them regularly, and work closely in partnership with local Faith Groups, Citizens Advice Bureau and Park/Town Wardens who help with identifying and locating rough sleepers. Q. Why do people sleep rough? A. There are many different reasons why people sleep rough, ranging from landlord evictions all the way to relationship breakdowns. It really could happen to any of us. Q. What sort of support do people need? What works? A. Support needs differ greatly from person to person, but generally my client’s need support with gaining access to benefits, getting registered with a GP, registering as homeless with the council and signposting to other support agencies. I have found that simple things like taking my clients for a cup of tea can really help build up rapport, making it easier for me to identify their support needs. Q. What issues are people tackling? A. People sleeping rough face a wide range of issues. A lot suffer from Mental Health Issues which are generally exacerbated by not having a place to call home. I have also seen a lot of people suffering from Drug and Alcohol dependency and some are fleeing violence and bullying. Recent St Mungo’s research shed light on the dangers of sleeping on the streets for those who experience it on a daily basis, including violence, assault, suicide and abuse.
Karate Hanshi receives Alf Dove honour Winner Kevin Abbott
Winner John McKay
Winner Christopher Hawkins
Winner Nathan Garrity
Karate instructor Marc Grayston was given Basildon Council’s Alf Dove Award in a ceremony held at the Basildon Centre on Thursday 6 October. The award recognises significant contributions to the wellbeing of the local community. Marc holds the international rank of Hanshi, one of the highest ranks available in martial arts. Masters can only gain the title of Hanshi if they are elected by a recognised authority within the martial arts community. Aptly meaning “model example” the Hanshi rank was awarded to him by Kodo Butoku Renmei, a worldwide organisation, in recognition of his work teaching children and adults in the local community.
Winner Daisy Rouse
Winner Ann Parsons
Winner Carol Franklin
Winners Kingston Ridge Campsite Service Crew
As a teacher with Shindo-Ryu Karate-Do, Marc has taught a new generation of children martial arts after becoming a karate teacher at the age of 16. Part of
a successful team which offers free selfdefence classes to women, Marc began learning karate at the age of four and this year celebrates his 27th year of training.
Mayor, Cllr David Harrison said: “For the past 15 years, Marc has dedicated himself to teaching karate to people of all ages and abilities. Resolute in his commitment to this beloved martial art form, he has guided students of all levels and focuses on the importance of inclusion in the martial arts community. This is reflected in his work offering free self-defence classes to women and teaching specialised defence sessions for the disabled. In addition to this, he actively takes part in community initiatives to improve child safety. Marc is the definition of a ‘model example’ and I am proud to present him with this award.” On receiving the Alf Dove Award Marc said: “I’m honoured to receive this
award. Every day I get to teach karate to children and adults from all walks of life and their genuine enthusiasm is contagious. Thanks to Cllr Danny Lawrence for the nomination, the council’s group leaders for their support and special thanks to every single one of my
students, I’m excited to keep teaching and training, as well as promoting karate in local schools.” Shindo-Ryu Karate-Do, the karate school where Marc teaches, will celebrate its 32nd anniversary this year. The Alf Dove Award was established to mark the 43 years of service of Alf Dove and his significant contribution as a cllr, when he retired in 1999. The award seeks to recognise significant contributions made by individuals to the wellbeing of the local community.
Stephen Metcalfe, MP for South Basildon and East Thurrock, Marc Grayston, Alf Dove Award winner, Cllr David Harrison Mayor of Basildon
Events Community this Christmas Wat Tyler Country Park will be holding a ‘Community at Christmas’ event on Sunday 18 December from 11am-4pm. The event promises to be a great way to kick off your Christmas celebrations with carols from the Living World Community Choir, storytelling, face painting and crafts, rounded off with a lantern procession at 4pm. The event is free (although there will be a small charge for some activities). For further details contact
Holocaust Memorial Day to be honoured in Basildon Basildon Council in partnership with members of the Jewish community, will help mark Holocaust Memorial Day on Sunday 29 January 2017 with a special event at the Towngate Theatre. The event will include a question and answer session from Leslie Kleinman, a survivor of Auschwitz and two death marches to Oranienburg and Dachau who was liberated by American soldiers in 1944. As well as the insight from Leslie, the event will feature music from a local choir, a time for prayer and poem readings as well as a light lunch.
A one minute silence will also be held by council staff and visitors on Friday 27 January 2017 to mark Holocaust Memorial Day, held every year on the date of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau, the largest Nazi death camp. Cllr Terri Sargent, Cabinet Member for Environment and Community, said: “It is vitally important for us all to remember those that lost their lives as a result of these horrific acts. By taking part in Holocaust Memorial Day, we hope to highlight the horrors that occurred during the war and that are unfortunately still happening in parts of the world. We
as a country must take a stand and help stop this unnecessary violence.” Holocaust Memorial Day is a time for everyone to pause to remember the millions of people who have lost or had their lives changed beyond recognition during the Holocaust, Nazi Persecution and in subsequent genocides in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Darfur. Tickets to the event are limited and are available from the Towngate Theatre box office. For more information please visit or call 01268 465 465.
Christmas and New Year opening times Basildon Council Town Centre Offices
Towngate Theatre
Friday 23 December 2016 Open 8:30am to 4pm (for face The Towngate Theatre will be closed on Christmas Day and New Year’s Day. to face services and telephony Other Box Office opening times are as follows: services) Saturday 24 December 2016, Christmas Eve Open 9am - 8pm (approx.) Saturday 24 December 2016, Christmas Eve Open 9am to 1pm (for Sunday 25 December 2016, Christmas Day Closed payments and assisted Monday 26 December 2016, Boxing Day Open 9am - 8pm (approx.) self-service) Tuesday 27 December 2016 Normal opening hours Sunday 25 December 2016, Christmas Day Closed Wednesday 28 December 2016 Normal opening hours Monday 26 December 2016, Boxing Day Closed Thursday 29 December 2016 Normal opening hours Tuesday 27 December 2016, Bank holiday Closed Friday 30 December 2016 Normal opening hours Wednesday 28 December 2016 Open 8:30am to 5:30pm (5pm Open 9am - 7pm (approx.) for face to face services, 5:30pm Saturday 31 December 2016, New Year’s Eve for telephony services) Closed Thursday 29 December 2016 Open 8:30am to 5:30pm (5pm Sunday 1 January 2017, New Year’s Day Monday 2 January 2017 Open 9am - 8pm (approx.) for face to face services, 5:30pm for telephony services) Tuesday 3 January 2017 Return to normal opening hours Friday 30 December 2016 Open 8:30am to 4pm (for face Box Office 01268 465 465. to face services and telephony services) Towngate Theatre productions: Eat in restaurant run by Basil, Sybil and Manuel where the characters Saturday 31 December 2016 Open 9am to 1pm (for Sleeping Beauty serve their guests a hilarious three payments and assisted Running until Tuesday 3 January course dinner. Fawlty style! self-service) 2017 *This is a tribute show. The perforSunday 1 January 2017, New Year’s Day Closed IT’S PANTO TIME….OH NO IT mances are impersonations only Monday 2 January 2017, Bank holiday Closed ISN’T…….OH YES IT IS! and the show is in no way connectTuesday 3 January 2017 Return to normal opening times Beyond The Barricade ed to John Cleese, Connie Booth or 8:30am to 5:30pm (5pm for face Thursday 12 January @ 7.30pm the BBC. We do not use scripts by to face services, 5:30pm for John Cleese or Connie Booth. telephony services) The Faulty Comedy Dinner Show Visit Friday 3 Febuary @ 7.30pm
The Place, Multi-purpose Leisure Centre
Saturday 24 December 2016, Christmas Eve Open 9am - 4pm Sunday 25 December 2016, Christmas Day Closed Monday 26 December 2016, Boxing Day Closed Tuesday 27 December 2016, Bank holiday Closed Wednesday 28 December 2016 Open 9am - 10pm Thursday 29 December 2016 Open 9am - 10pm Friday 30 December 2016 Open 9am - 10pm Saturday 31 December 2016, New Year’s Eve Open 9am - 4pm Sunday 1 January 2017, New Year’s Day Closed Monday 2 January 2017, Bank holiday Closed Tuesday 3 January 2017 Return to normal opening hours
A must for Fawlty Towers fans!
Wat Tyler Country Park Wat Tyler Country Park is open daily, including Christmas Day and Boxing Day, from 9am to 5pm. The centre is closed between Sunday 25 December and Tuesday 27 December, and Sunday 1 January and Monday 2 January 2017. Normal opening times from Tuesday 3 January 2017.
13-17 February Half term events at Norsey Wood and Wat Tyler Country Park A range activities will be taking place at the parks, please check www. for further details.
Essex Police – Darker Nights Campaign As the festive season approaches, Essex Police have launched the ‘darker nights’ campaign, providing you with important winter home crime prevention advice and tips to follow to deter thieves from targeting your property. If you leave your home in complete darkness, your curtains are not drawn, and no car is on the drive, it’s an obvious sign to an opportunist burglar that noone is in. At this time of the year more than any other, it pays to secure your home. There are a number of simple ways to do this, all of which will help reduce the chance of your home becoming the next target: • Visit a local retailer to pick up a 24-hour segment timer for under £5. The timer can be used with a lamp, radio or TV to give the impression that someone’s home. Remember to use an energy efficient light bulb • Register your valuables on www. It is free and takes just a few minutes and, if you valuables are stolen, it will allow you to tell the police, your insurer, and the second-hand trade to assist recovering your property and catch the thief • Keep valuables out of sight • Lock your doors and windows. If you have a UPVC door make sure you have double-locked it. Neighbourhood officers will be patrolling in your neighbourhood and if they believe your house is at risk of being burgled, you may receive a ‘here’s a bright idea’ card through your door. You can then contact the officer and ask for further crime prevention advice. For a more visual representation, watch our ‘Lift it, Lock it, Lose it’ video at
Walk Online Roadshows For the second consecutive year, Basildon organised the delivery of Walk Online Roadshows to be delivered to Year 5 pupils across the borough. All local primary schools were invited to attend one of six roadshows delivered over the course of three days in November at Woodlands Secondary School. The roadshows devised and delivered by EST E-Safety Training provide important messages to young people about how
to stay safe online. The delivery is interactive and fun whilst giving pupils the messages they need to hear about the potential dangers online and to reduce their chances of becoming a victim of sexual exploitation and grooming. Around 900 pupils attended the roadshows and feedback received was very positive, highlighting that nearly all those young people who attended learnt something about how to keep themselves safer online.
Domestic Abuse Awareness Wednesday 23 November marked the start of Essex Domestic Abuse Awareness week with various events and activities delivered across the county. There are a number of organisations and services available in Basildon to help support victims of Domestic Abuse.
Safer Places Safer Places is an independent charity which provides a comprehensive range of services to adults and children affected by domestic and sexual abuse who live in west Essex, mid Essex, north and east Hertfordshire and Southend. They provide support to people living in their own home or in one of the charity’s refuges. They also offer legal advice, specialist programmes for people who have experienced domestic violence, counselling, individual and group support, support with accessing housing and benefits and a wide range of activities for adults and young people. They also offer excellent training and employability within a safe and nurturing environment where learners can develop new skills, gain qualifications and get the support and help they need to be able to go on to further education or employment. Call today on 03301 025811. Experts are available 24/7 and will be happy to help you. Or email info@saferplaces.
Changing Pathways Changing Pathways (formerly known as Basildon Women’s Aid) is a domestic abuse charity working across the areas
Community Safety of Basildon, Brentwood, Castle Point, Rochford and Thurrock. They provide free and confidential services to support people who are currently experiencing, or have previously experienced domestic abuse. They offer a range of needs led services including refuge accommodation, outreach/community based support, advocacy services for high risk victims, including those experiencing stalking and harassment, therapeutic/ counselling services and a range of group programmes. They focus on listening to service users and decide together the support required to take the first step on a pathway to a new life journey. Website: Advice Line: 01268 729 707 Email: Remember everyone has arguments, and everyone disagrees with their partners, family members and others close to them from time to time. And we all do things at times that we regret and which cause unhappiness to those we care about. But if this begins to form a consistent pattern, then it is an indication of domestic violence and abuse.
Operation Raptor South – Essex Police
Operation Raptor is a small dedicated team made up of local officers with specialist knowledge of Basildon and a passion for the community. The unit, which was launched in response to a rising trend in gang related crime and drug dealing perpetrated by offenders travelling into the district, has been operational since the turn of the year. In that time they have had a significant impact making over 70 arrests, seizing drugs and assets worth up to a million pounds, charging over 40 people with offences and assisting with the closure of a known ‘crack house’. As well as this enforcement activity, Operation Raptor is about working with partner agencies to offer support to those affected by gang criminality. Drug-dealing gangs exploit and prey on the vulnerable in our communities, persuading them to carry drugs on their behalf and taking over their homes as a base from which to deal.
They also target young people who are amongst the most vulnerable in our communities. We recognise that and are working to educate young people about the harsh realities of gang life. Much of the work of the Operation Raptor team is intelligence led. Please tell us about gang activity or drug dealing in your community by calling Essex Police on 101. If you would rather not speak to police, you can call the independent crime-fighting charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.
Child Abuse The word abuse covers many different forms, including child sexual exploitation, domestic abuse, honour based abuse, forced marriage and female genital mutilation. Abuse can happen to any child or young person. This is regardless of their age, gender, race or ability. Abusers are usually known to (and trusted by) the child and family. They can be adults, male or female, or another young person. The abuser may be a family member, or they may be someone the child encounters in a residential setting or in the community, including during sports and leisure activities. An individual may abuse or neglect a child directly, or may be responsible for abuse because they fail to prevent another person harming that child. If you are concerned that a child or young person is being harmed, neglected or is at risk, you should contact Essex Social Care on 0845 603 7627. In an emergency always call the Police on 999. Other services available are:
Children and young people: Call ChildLine for advice and support 24 hours a day for free on 0800 1111
Support for adults and professionals: Anyone who has concerns about a child or wants advice can contact the NSPCC for free, 24 hours a day. Those getting in touch can choose to remain anonymous if they wish. Call 0808 800 5000, text 88858 or email:
Cllr Surgeries
Billericay East Cllr Dadds - Last Saturday of the month (except December) between 10.30am and 12 noon in the Library, High Street, Billericay - no appointment necessary. Cllr Schrader - Last Saturday of the month (except December) between 10.30am and 12 noon in the Library, High Street, Billericay - no appointment necessary. Cllr Sullivan - Last Saturday of the month (except December) between 10.30am and 12 noon in the Library, High Street, Billericay - no appointment necessary. Billericay West Cllr Turner - Last Saturday of the month (except December) between 10.30am and 12 noon in the Library, High Street, Billericay - no appointment necessary. The Leader of the Council is also supported by the Member Support Office: Louise Bresch, Member Support Officer (01268) 206736 Kristina Hart, Member Support Assistant (01268) 207934 Cllr Lawrence - Last Saturday of the month (except December) between 10.30am and 12 noon in the Library, High Street, Billericay - no appointment necessary. Cllr Hedley - Last Saturday of the month (except December) between 10.30am and 12 noon in the Library, High Street, Billericay - no appointment necessary. Burstead Cllr Blake - Street Surgery will be held on the last Saturday of the
month 10am-12 noon The Cabinet Member for Leisure and Arts is also supported by the Member Support Office:
Cllr Sheppard - Every fourth Saturday of the month from 1.30pm - 3.30pm at the Fryerns Library, Whitmore Way, Basildon.
Louise Bresch, Member Support Officer (01268) 206736
Laindon Park Cllr Ellis - please call 07712 706892
Kristina Hart, Member Support Assistant (01268) 207934
Cllr Green - The first Saturday of every month from 9am until 11am at Laindon Library, 5-7 New Century Road, Laindon SS15 6AG.
Cllr Baggot - Last Saturday of the month 10am-12 noon in different streets in Billericay. Cllr Moore - Street Surgery will be held on the last Saturday of the month 10am-12 noon. The Cabinet Member for Planning is supported by the Member Support Office: Louise Bresch, Member Support Officer (01268) 206736 Kristina Hart, Member Support Assistant (01268) 207934 Crouch Cllr Sargent - First Saturday of the month between 9.30am and 10.30am at Noak Bridge Village Hall, Coppice Lane, and the third Saturday of the month between 9.00am and 10.00am at Steepleview Hall, Willowfield (off Osier Drive) Laindon SS15 4EQ. Cllr Allen - First Saturday of the month between 9.30am and 10.30am at Noak Bridge Village Hall, Coppice Lane, and the third Saturday of the month between 9.00am and 10.00am at Steepleview Hall, Willowfield (off Osier Drive) Laindon SS15 4EQ. Fryerns Cllr Brown - Call for details: 07791 109436 Cllr Davies - Contact for details: 01268 459285
Crunch Times
The crunch service is a mobile waste disposal facility that tours the borough. Residents can use it to dispose of bulkier items of rubbish. Locations marked with a G can also be used for the disposal of green waste. The crunch service is not suitable for paints, oils or other waste liquids. The crunch is from 9am to 12 noon at each site, unless otherwise stated. Further details are available at
10 December
Billericay - Little Burstead Car Park CM12 9SY Chalvedon - Mill Green Layby near car park SS13 3PB 9.00-10.30 Chalvedon - Travers Way (Middle) SS13 3LX 10.30-12pm Craylands - Jordan Way SS14 3QL 9-10.30 Fryerns - Downey Close SS14 2NF 9-10.30 Langdon Hills - Triangle Shops SS16 6HF 10.30-12
17 December
Billericay - Radford Crescent Car Park CM12 0BW Ramsden Bellhouse - Village Hall
Saturday 21 January 2017 Saturday 18 March 2017 Saturday 20 May 2017 Cllr Buxton- George Hurd Centre: 12noon - 1.00pm Saturday 17 December 2016 Saturday 18 February 2017
Langdon Hills Cllr Allport-Hodge - Every first Saturday of the month from 12 noon until 1pm at the Langdon Hills Women’s Institute Hall, Samuel Road, Langdon Hills, Basildon, Essex SS16 6EZ.
Barstable Community Centre: 11am-12noon
Cllr Hillier - Call for details: 01268 490201 Lee Chapel North Cllr Ferguson - If you wish to speak to Cllr Ferguson, he can be contacted on 07817 311373, or write c/o Basildon Borough Council. Cllr Bennett - call for details: 01277 626236 Cllr Gordon - call for details: 07817 865202 Nethermayne Cllr Smith - The third Saturday of the month from midday until 1pm at the Kingswood Playgroup Centre, Clay Hill Road, Kingswood, Basildon SS16 5AD. Cllr Fellowes - call for details: 07788 298007 St Martin’s Cllr Burton-Sampson - George Hurd Centre: 12noon - 1.00pm Saturday 17 December 2016 Saturday 18 February 2017
4 February 2017
Billericay - Hannikins Farm CM12 0EZ Wickford - Kershaws Close SS12 0LJ Laindon - Little Oxcroft Service Road SS15 6NP 9.00-10.30 Laindon Five Links – Somercotes Next to Shops SS15 5UD 10.30-12.00 Fryerns - Ghyllgrove -Opposite the Upway SS14 2JU 9.00-10.30 Fryerns - Frypa Hall SS14 3RQ 10.30-12.00 Noak Bridge - Coppice Lane SS15 4JS Laindon - King Edward Community Centre Car park SS15 6JG Pitsea - Northlands Park SS13 3LW 9.00-10.30 Pitsea - Felmores End SS13 1PN 10.30-12.00 Vange - Barge PH SS16 4SY
Cllr Clancy - The first Saturday of every month from 12.30pm-1.30pm, The Place, Pitsea Leisure Centre. No surgery in January.
Barstable Community Centre: 11am-12noon
Cllr Barnes - call for details: 07427 356812
CM11 1RH Crays Hill Recreation Ground CM11 2YA Kingswood - Playgroup Centre opposite shops SS16 5AD 9.00-10.30 Barstable Club Long Riding SS14 1PD 10.30-12pm
11 February 2017
Saturday 15 April 2017
Saturday 21 January 2017
Wickford Castledon Cllr Ball - The first Saturday in every month (except January) at the Wickford Community Centre, Market Road, Wickford from 10am to 12 noon.
Saturday 18 March 2017 Saturday 20 May 2017 Pitsea South East Cllr Arnold - call for details: 07510 385744
Cllr D Morris - If you wish to speak to Cllr Morris, he can be contacted on 01268 457488.
Cllr Carrion - call for details: 07908 439441 Cllr Ward - call for details: 07908 439441 Pitsea North West Cllr Callaghan - Cllr Callaghan invites residents to contact him directly on 07908 698743 to make an appointment that is suitable for them. He will undertake home visits and meet with residents at any place in Pitsea. He is also available before and after Pitsea Community Panel meetings. Cllr Canham - Chalvedon Community Social Club, 1 Chalvedon Square Pitsea Essex SS13 3QX To be held on the last Saturday of every month with the exception of Christmas where date and time will be advised nearer the time.
18 February 2017
Wickford - Keats Way opp. No. 3 Garage area SS12 0BP Laindon West - Thornton Way/ Sparkbridge Parking Area S S15 6QQ Pitsea - Kenneth Road - Layby SS13 2AT 9.00-10.30 Chalvedon - Plumleys SS13 1NQ 10.30-12.00 Laindon Link - Monastery Drive SS15 5FD
25 February 2017
Wickford - The Wick Country Park SS12 9GP Pitsea - Chevers Pawen 9.00-10.30 Pitsea - Steeplehall SS13 3HP 10.30-12.00 Laindon West - Dunton Caravan Park CM13 3SX 9-10.30 Steeple View - Kings Crescent SS15 4AW 10.30-12.00 Crays Hill Recreation Ground CM11 2YA
4 March 2017
Wickford - Rettendon View 9.00-11.00 SS11 8HU
Vange Cllr Block- From Saturday, 9 July 2016 at 11am, at Vange Library (Southview Road, Basildon SS16 4ET) and every 2nd Saturday of the month thereafter. Cllr McGeorge - From Saturday, 9 July 2016 at 11am, at Vange Library (Southview Road, Basildon SS16 4ET) and every 2nd Saturday of the month thereafter.
Saturday 15 April 2017
9.00-11.00 Ryedene SS16 4ND 11.00-12.00
Wickford North Cllr Holliman - The last Saturday of the month (excluding December and January) - 10.00am-12.00noon at Wickford Community Centre, Market Road, Wickford. Cllr C Morris - Call for details: 01268 457488 Cllr Mowe - Contact for details: 01268 463564 Wickford Park Cllr Harrison - The first Saturday in every month (except January) at the Wickford Community Centre, Market Road, Wickford from 10am to 12 noon Cllr Jackman - Call for details: 07762 888775
Pippin Court 11-12 SS11 8JW Billericay - David’s Walk CM11 2EZ Vange - Redgrave Road SS16 4DB 9.00- 10.30 Vange - Southview Road Opp. Dentist SS13 3RQ 10.30-12.00 Luncies - Stagden Cross SS14 1SE 9.00-10.30 Beech Road SS14 1SU 10.30-12.00
11 March 2017
Lee Chapel North - Rear of Plough and Tractor Pub SS15 5HG Pitsea Mount - Brackendale Avenue SS13 3JX Vange - Gordon Road layby near Helpeston SS14 1PR
18 March 2017
Billericay - Little Burstead Car Park CM12 9SY Wickford - Keats Way opp. No. 3 Garage area SS12 0BP Langdon Hills - Valence Way junction with Debden Green SS16 6LF
25 March 2017
Billericay - Radford Crescent – Car Park CM12 0BW Wickford - Alderney Gardens rear of shops SS11 7JP Ramsden Bellhouse - Village Hall CM11 1RH
Saving money by going green at Burnt Mills Proposed plans to transform Burnt Mills Industrial Estate in Basildon, into South Essex’s first Eco-Park, were at the forefront of a summer event to demonstrate the financial and environmental benefits for local businesses of going green. The concept, launched in partnership with Essex County Council, will mean that under the new Eco-Park model, businesses will collaborate to reduce waste and pollution. They will also share or reuse resources including raw materials, water, energy and infrastructure to generate a circular economy. It is projected the savings for businesses could collectively amount to £2million and significantly reduce waste and carbon emissions. The event, hosted at Ford Dunton’s Technical Centre, attracted over 50 local companies eager to learn more aboutthe vision for Burnt Mills, and available funding opportunities. The Eco-Showcase also provided a platform for a new funding initiative - Low Carbon Across the South East (LoCASE). The programme can deliver match-funded grants from between £1,000 and £10,000 to help businesses cover the cost of implementing a wide range of energy efficiency measures. Cllr David Dadds, Cabinet Member for
Regeneration said “I am confident that the interest shown in this event is a signal that the council and businesses can bring about this exciting project which could yield significant benefits in developing and creating a sustainable future. The event also showed that there are grant funding programmes in place that are open to businesses and I would urge local companies to take action and seize the opportunity that could have a positive impact on the bottom line and support business growth”. Future plans The initial plans have attracted wide spread support, but still requires greater engagement with businesses on the Burnt Mills Estate to achieve buy-in. This is critical to the success of delivering the Eco-Park vision. To unlock these cost-saving opportunities, a specialist interactive workshop will be held later this year. It will include a ‘match-making’ opportunity between businesses to promote cooperation across the estate in waste and resource management. If you are interested in the project, or would like to become a local business champion, please contact the Economic Development team at Basildon Council on 01268 207979 or email businessassist@ for further information.
Supporting Basildon’s exporters In November, a group of businesses from sectors including manufacturing and engineering, information technology and cyber security, transportation and aviation, business and consultancy, eco-systems and technology were supported to go on a trade mission to Bengaluru by Basildon Council’s International Development team. Bengaluru in southern India, is referred to as the “Silicon Valley of India” because of its role as the nation’s leading information technology exporter. It is an advanced manufacturing hub and home to many global and leading technological companies. During the course of the trade mission, businesses were helped to expand their international business through a series of meetings, introductions and round table discussions. India is one of the UK’s largest trading partners. Indian companies account for a significant percentage of the
UK’s foreign investment. The trading and cultural relationship between both countries is stronger than ever before and the timing is perfect for UK SMEs to explore and exploit the business opportunities presented by the Indian market.
INDIA’S BUSINESS GROWTH The IMF projects a 7.3% GDP growth rate for India in 2015-16 and this is expected to grow over 8% in 2016-17. “The Indian economy has the potential to become the world’s third largest economy by 2030”. Source: IMF 2016
For further information on our International Trade offer please contact: Karthik Durgaprasad on 01268 206688 or email karthik.
ECO PARK SAVINGS IN FIGURES It has been projected that over a five year implementation plan, the following long-term economic and environmental benefits could be achieved:
£2.2 million of cost savings for businesses in Burnt Mills industrial park £142 million of new private investment 187 new jobs 381,200 tonnes of CO2 reduction 131,700 tonnes of landfill diversion Source:
Their Futures More than 150 young people attended September’s annual career and education fair, at the Towngate Theatre, Basildon. The ‘Your Future’ 16 evening welcomed 15-19 year-olds and helped them gain valuable advice and guidance for future careers. Hosted by Basildon Council, the event displayed over 40 exhibitors representing Basildon’s local employers including International Financial Data Services, Case New Holland, Ford and Konica Minolta as well as colleges, sixth forms and training providers. The aim was to inspire school leavers and those who currently find themselves not in work or education. Many exhibitors
were on hand to provide expert advice, networking opportunities and the evening saw a high number of prospective future apprentices signed up for interview. Cllr Terri Sargent, Cabinet Member for Community, said: “It was wonderful to see such a large turnout of young people who want to find out about career options for their future. With such a wide range of organisations exhibiting, a lot of people will have been given information to start them on whichever path they choose.” The event was sponsored by Redrow Homes, ADSI, Adult Community College and Essex County Council’s Apprenticeship Promotion and Brokerage Hub.
Planning Basildon among Business Growing your business 24 January 2017 - 9am to 12 the Best in show Tuesday midday The Basildon Centre (Room 2) Basildon will be represented at the upcoming BEST Essex business show, taking place on 18 January 2017 between 10am-3pm.
The show, at Hylands House Chelmsford, will offer advice on all stages of business, from taking your first steps as a start-up, to specialist workshops and funding opportunities for established businesses. For more information and to book your visitors pass to the event visit best-essex-business-show
Those with a clear plan are more likely to succeed! The objectives of this business briefing are to help you understand: • Why you need a business plan • Who your plan is intended for • What you need to include in your plan and why • How often you should review and update your plan Whether you been running a business for a while or you are just starting this event is essential for your continued success, to book contact
Economic Development Team here to help Are you considering starting a business, expanding or developing new products and services, or seeking to explore new and international markets? Basildon Council’s Economic Development Team has a wealth of experience and expertise to support and advise businesses both small and large across the borough. The team is here to work with your business at every stage of the busi-
ness life cycle and provide free information and support. For further details, simply contact us, we will be delighted to hear from you. Telephone: 01268 207979 Email: Get social follow us on twitter for regular updates: @basbizassist @BasildonCouncil
To comment on stories in this edition of the Borough Diary, or to make suggestions, please write to: Marketing and Communications, Borough Diary, Basildon Borough Council, The Basildon Centre, St. Martin’s Square, Basildon, Essex SS14 1DL, or email
About the Borough Diary: This newspaper is produced by the Corporate Communications Team at Basildon Borough Council. It is published four times a year and delivered free to almost 80,000 homes in Basildon, Billericay and Wickford.
Basildon Council’s Economic Development Team L-R (Back row) Kevin Wright, Domenico Cirillo, Karthik Durgaprasad, (front)Alicia Hammond and Sam Terrell
Basildon takes businesses on buses Forty one influential potential investors and business leaders took a tour of the borough early in November, and left suitably impressed. The dignitaries were taken to prominent points of interest in the orough such as regeneration projects, several business parks, global businesses, economic development projects and skills centres. Council Leader, Cllr Phil Turner, said “These tours are an important aspect of the work we are doing to regenerate the area and bring jobs, leisure opportunities and housing to the borough. I
am delighted with the calibre of attendees and by the feedback we got, which was unanimously positive. We have already had several firm approaches from people on the tours who are interested in working with us further.” The three-hour tours were arranged by the economic development team and attendees included property investors, architects and developers, to wealth management advisors and consultants. For further information economic development please contact
Advertise in the Borough Diary: To advertise or enquire about rates and deadlines, call 01268 208198. Basildon Council accepts no responsibility for the content of any advertisement published in the Borough Diary and the inclusion of any advertisement does not imply approval or recommendation by the council of either the terms of any offer or service contained in it or of the advertiser. Other formats: To receive or download the electronic version of this newspaper via email, or to download the spoken word version, please visit For translations, or to receive the Borough Diary in an alternative format, please call 01268 208198. Printed on recycled paper. Please recycle your Borough Diary after reading. Basildon Borough Council, The Basildon Centre, St Martin’s Square, Basildon, Essex, SS14 1DL. Website: Telephone: 01268 533333 Email: Chief Executive: Bala Mahendran Leader: Councillor Phil Turner